Can I Own A Monkey In The Uk? Here's What You Need To Know (2024)

Can I Own A Monkey In The Uk? Here's What You Need To Know (1)

Have you ever wondered if it's legal to own a monkey in the UK? Well, you're not alone! Many people are intrigued by the idea of having a monkey as a pet, but the laws surrounding this topic can be quite complex. From the adorable miniature marmosets to the intelligent capuchins, there are a variety of monkey species that captivate our hearts. However, before you start dreaming about your very own primate companion swinging from the chandeliers, let's delve into the fascinating world of monkey ownership in the UK.

Ownership restrictionsYes
License requiredYes
Age requirement16 years or older
Species restrictionsCertain species
Health and safety checksYes
Housing requirementsAppropriate enclosure
Veterinary careYes
Responsible ownershipYes
Prohibition on sellingYes
Animal welfare concernsYes

What You'll Learn

  • Is it legal to own a monkey as a pet in the UK?
  • Are there any specific requirements or restrictions for owning a monkey in the UK?
  • What types of monkeys are allowed to be owned as pets in the UK?
  • Are there any permits or licenses required to own a monkey in the UK?
  • What are the potential consequences or penalties for illegally owning a monkey in the UK?

Can I Own A Monkey In The Uk? Here's What You Need To Know (2)

Is it legal to own a monkey as a pet in the UK?

Owning a monkey as a pet may seem like an exotic and exciting idea, but it is important to consider the legality of owning such a creature before making any decisions. In the UK, the regulations surrounding the ownership of monkeys as pets are quite strict.

Firstly, it is important to understand that not all species of monkeys are legal to own as pets in the UK. The Endangered Species (Import and Export) Act 1976 and the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 regulate the importation and possession of certain species of animals, including monkeys. Some species, such as the Barbary macaque and the Java macaque, are listed under these acts and are therefore protected, making it illegal to own them as pets.

Secondly, even if a species of monkey is not protected under these acts, there are still regulations in place that govern their ownership. The Animal Welfare Act 2006 requires that any person responsible for an animal must meet its welfare needs. Monkeys are highly intelligent and social animals that require specialized care, such as a large enclosure, appropriate diet, and enrichment activities. Meeting these requirements can be challenging and expensive for the average pet owner.

Furthermore, obtaining a monkey as a pet can be a complex and lengthy process. The Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018 require anyone who breeds, sells, imports, or exhibits animals to have a license. This includes those who wish to own a monkey. This licensing process involves meeting certain criteria and inspections to ensure that the owner is capable of providing suitable care for the animal.

In addition to these legal and regulatory considerations, it is important to think about the ethical implications of owning a monkey as a pet. Wild animals, such as monkeys, are not meant to be kept in captivity. They have complex social structures and behaviors that cannot be adequately met in a domestic setting. Keeping a monkey as a pet can lead to significant distress and suffering for the animal.

It is worth noting that there are some organizations and individuals in the UK who are licensed and qualified to care for monkeys in a sanctuary or conservation center setting. These facilities work towards providing appropriate care and rehabilitation for monkeys that cannot be released into the wild. Supporting these organizations can be a more ethical and responsible way to interact with monkeys.

In conclusion, owning a monkey as a pet in the UK is subject to strict regulations and ethical considerations. It is important to remember that monkeys are wild animals with complex needs that cannot be adequately met in a domestic setting. Choosing to support a reputable sanctuary or conservation center that works towards the welfare and conservation of monkeys is a more responsible and compassionate choice.

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Can I Own A Monkey In The Uk? Here's What You Need To Know (3)

Are there any specific requirements or restrictions for owning a monkey in the UK?

Monkeys are fascinating and intelligent creatures that have captured the imagination of humans for centuries. Many people are drawn to the idea of owning a monkey as a pet, but in the UK, there are specific requirements and restrictions that must be adhered to.

First and foremost, it is essential to consider the ethical implications of owning a monkey as a pet. Monkeys are highly social animals and require specialized care to ensure their physical and mental well-being. They have complex needs and require a large amount of time, attention, and stimulation. Keeping a monkey as a pet is a significant responsibility that should not be taken lightly.

In the UK, it is illegal to own certain species of monkeys as pets. The Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976 prohibits the ownership of certain exotic species without a license. This includes all species of primates, except for the common marmoset and the common squirrel monkey, which can be legally owned without a license. However, even for these two species, there are certain restrictions and conditions that must be met.

To legally own a common marmoset or common squirrel monkey in the UK, you must obtain a license from your local council. This license is not granted easily and requires you to demonstrate that you can provide suitable accommodation, diet, and veterinary care for the monkey. You will also need to prove that you have the necessary knowledge and experience to care for the animal properly.

The requirements for housing a monkey can be quite demanding. Monkeys need plenty of space to climb, swing, and explore. They also require a secure and stimulating environment to prevent boredom and to encourage natural behaviors. It is crucial to provide an outdoor enclosure with access to fresh air, natural sunlight, and protection from extreme weather conditions.

In terms of diet, monkeys have specific nutritional needs that must be met. A balanced diet for a monkey typically consists of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and a source of protein. It is also important to provide access to clean and fresh drinking water at all times.

Regular veterinary care is essential to ensure the health and well-being of your monkey. Monkeys can be susceptible to various health issues, including dental problems, parasitic infections, and diseases such as diabetes and obesity. It is recommended to find a veterinarian with experience in primate care and schedule regular check-ups and vaccinations.

Owning a monkey also requires a considerable amount of time and effort. Monkeys are intelligent and social animals that need mental stimulation and social interaction. They should not be kept alone and will benefit from living with a compatible companion. It is also important to provide daily enrichment activities and to spend quality time bonding and playing with your monkey.

In conclusion, owning a monkey in the UK comes with specific requirements and restrictions. It is vital to consider the ethical implications and the specialized care that monkeys require before deciding to bring one into your home. If you are interested in owning a common marmoset or common squirrel monkey, you must obtain a license from your local council and meet the necessary conditions. By providing suitable housing, a balanced diet, regular veterinary care, and plenty of mental stimulation and social interaction, you can ensure the well-being of your monkey and provide a fulfilling life for them.

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Can I Own A Monkey In The Uk? Here's What You Need To Know (4)

What types of monkeys are allowed to be owned as pets in the UK?

Monkeys are fascinating creatures that are often associated with being smart, curious, and playful. It's no wonder that some people are interested in owning a monkey as a pet. However, in the UK, there are restrictions on the types of monkeys that are allowed to be owned as pets. In this article, we will explore what types of monkeys are permitted as pets in the UK.

Before diving into the specific types of monkeys that are allowed as pets, it's important to note that owning a monkey is a big responsibility. Monkeys are highly intelligent animals that require specialized care, a large amount of space, and an understanding of their particular needs. It's crucial to thoroughly research and educate yourself about monkeys before considering bringing one into your home.

In the UK, the two main authorities that regulate the ownership of monkeys as pets are the Animal Welfare Act 2006 and the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976. These laws are in place to ensure the welfare and safety of both the monkeys and the public. Under these regulations, only certain types of monkeys are allowed to be owned as pets.

Capuchin monkeys and marmosets are examples of monkeys that are permitted as pets in the UK. Capuchin monkeys are small to medium-sized monkeys known for their intelligence and dexterity. They require a large enclosure with plenty of enrichment activities to keep them mentally stimulated. Marmosets, on the other hand, are tiny monkeys that are highly social and thrive in pairs or groups. They also need a spacious enclosure with plenty of climbing opportunities.

It's important to note that even though these monkey species are allowed as pets, there are still strict rules and guidelines that must be followed. For instance, a person wishing to own a monkey must obtain a license from their local council. This license ensures that the owner is capable of providing the necessary care and facilities for the monkey. Additionally, regular inspections may be carried out to ensure the welfare of the monkeys.

It's crucial to recognize that monkeys are not suitable pets for everyone. They require a significant commitment of time, effort, and resources. Monkeys have complex social structures, dietary needs, and enriched environments that must be catered to. It's essential to consult with experts such as primate veterinarians or experienced monkey owners to understand the level of commitment involved in owning a monkey.

In conclusion, owning a monkey as a pet in the UK is a regulated practice. Only certain types of monkeys, such as capuchins and marmosets, are allowed to be owned as pets. However, even though these monkeys are permitted, potential owners must meet strict requirements and obtain a license from their local council. It's crucial to research extensively and consult with experts before considering owning a monkey to ensure their well-being and the safety of the public.

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Can I Own A Monkey In The Uk? Here's What You Need To Know (5)

Are there any permits or licenses required to own a monkey in the UK?

Monkeys are fascinating creatures, and some people may wonder if it is possible to own one as a pet in the UK. However, it is important to note that owning a monkey is not as simple as bringing home a new puppy or kitten. There are strict regulations in place when it comes to keeping exotic animals as pets, and monkeys fall into this category.

In the UK, monkeys are considered to be exotic animals, and therefore, they are subject to certain permits and licenses. These regulations are in place to ensure the welfare and safety of both the animals and the general public.

The first step in owning a monkey in the UK is to obtain a Dangerous Wild Animals (DWA) license. This license is required for anyone who wishes to keep certain types of exotic animals, including monkeys. The DWA license is issued by the local council, and the requirements may vary from one council to another.

To obtain a DWA license, potential monkey owners must demonstrate that they have the necessary experience, knowledge, and facilities to care for the animal properly. This includes providing suitable housing, nutrition, and veterinary care. The council will also assess the applicant's ability to prevent escape and control the monkey in public settings.

In addition to the DWA license, it may also be necessary to obtain a CITES permit. CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) is an international agreement that regulates the trade of certain species, including some types of monkeys. The CITES permit is required if the monkey being obtained is listed under the convention.

It is important to note that owning a monkey is a long-term commitment and requires a significant amount of time, effort, and financial resources. Monkeys are highly intelligent and social animals that require specialized care and attention. They need mental stimulation, social interaction, and plenty of space to move and explore.

It is also crucial to consider the ethical considerations of keeping a monkey as a pet. Monkeys are wild animals, and their instinctual behaviors may not be suitable for a domestic setting. They may become stressed, frustrated, and even exhibit aggressive behaviors if they are not provided with an appropriate environment.

In conclusion, owning a monkey in the UK requires obtaining a Dangerous Wild Animals license and, in some cases, a CITES permit. However, it is crucial to consider the ethical implications and the commitment required before deciding to bring a monkey into your home. It is advisable to do thorough research and consult with experts to ensure that you can provide a suitable and enriching environment for the monkey.

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Can I Own A Monkey In The Uk? Here's What You Need To Know (6)

What are the potential consequences or penalties for illegally owning a monkey in the UK?


Owning exotic pets, such as monkeys, can be appealing to some individuals. However, it is important to understand that there are laws and regulations in place to protect both the animals and society as a whole. In the United Kingdom, owning a monkey as a pet is illegal unless certain conditions are met. In this article, we will explore the potential consequences and penalties for illegally owning a monkey in the UK.

The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981:

Under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, it is illegal to release or allow the escape of any non-native species into the wild. Monkeys fall under this category as they are not native to the UK. Therefore, anyone found to be in possession of a monkey without the appropriate licenses can face serious consequences.

Potential Consequences:

If caught illegally owning a monkey in the UK, the consequences can be severe. The authorities may confiscate the animal and place it in a suitable animal sanctuary or rehabilitation center. This is done to ensure the welfare and proper care of the monkey, as these animals have specific needs that may not be met in a domestic setting.

Legal Penalties:

In addition to the confiscation of the monkey, individuals found guilty of illegally owning a monkey in the UK can face legal penalties. Depending on the severity of the offense, these penalties can range from fines to imprisonment. The fines can vary greatly, but they can be substantial, potentially reaching thousands of pounds. Imprisonment can also be a possibility, especially in cases where there is evidence of cruelty or neglect towards the animal.

Ethical Considerations:

Aside from the legal consequences, there are ethical considerations that should dissuade anyone from attempting to illegally own a monkey. Primates, including monkeys, have complex social and emotional needs that cannot be adequately met in a domestic environment. They require specialized care, a suitable habitat, and social interactions with their own species.

Illegally owning a monkey in the UK can have serious consequences. The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 ensures the protection of non-native species and their welfare. Individuals caught with a monkey without the appropriate licenses are likely to face confiscation of the animal, legal penalties such as fines and imprisonment, and the loss of the enjoyment of having a pet monkey. It is important to respect the laws and regulations in place to ensure the welfare of animals and the conservation of native species.

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Frequently asked questions

Can I Own A Monkey In The Uk? Here's What You Need To Know (2024)


Can I Own A Monkey In The Uk? Here's What You Need To Know? ›

Can you keep a primate as a pet in the UK? In the UK, there's a rule called the Animal Welfare Act. It means that people can't keep animals as pets unless they give them a safe place to live and look after them. Primates like monkeys and lemurs were included in this.

Can you legally own a monkey in the UK? ›

The government has been told that new regulations on keeping primates as pets in England falls short of a full ban. The new rules make it illegal to keep monkeys, lemurs, and other primates without a licence from April 2026.

What pets can you own in the UK? ›

Sadly, it is currently legal to keep almost any animal as a pet in the UK unless there is legislation in place which specifically bans the keeping of that breed or species.

What type of monkey is legal to have as a pet? ›

Legality. Currently, it is legal to own a pet capuchin monkey in North Carolina, Florida, Nevada, Ohio, Texas, Mississippi, Tennessee, Alabama, West Virginia, Indiana, Arkansas, Wyoming, North Dakota, Nebraska, and Kansas.

Does the UK test on monkeys? ›

Each year, around 2,000 – 3,000 primates are involved in experiments in Great Britain. This makes up 0.1% of the animals used in research. Because Old-World monkeys are anatomically, physiologically, and genetically so similar to humans, they can be useful models for human disease.

How much does a pet monkey cost? ›

How Much Does a Pet Monkey Cost? In addition to the high costs of keeping a money as a pet, these animals are also expensive to purchase from reputable sources. Costs will vary based on the type of monkey. For example, capuchin monkeys might cost $5,000 to $7,000, while a chimpanzee might cost $50,000.

What is the best monkey to have as a pet? ›

They're full of energy and curiosity. With their enchanting eyes and playful nature, finger monkeys make delightful companions, always ready for an adventure or a cuddle. The number one spot goes to the capuchin monkey. Famous for their intelligence and often seen in movies, capuchins are highly trainable.

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Dogs sit at the top of the chain, with a population of 12 million, with 31% of British households having at least one pooch.

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Under the Pet Abduction Act 2024 – which was a Private Members' Bill sponsored by Anna Firth MP and Lord Black of Brentwood and supported by the Government – anyone found guilty of stealing a pet in England or Northern Ireland will face up to five years in prison, a fine, or both.

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Your Guide to the Smartest Pet Breeds
  • Border Collie.
  • Poodle.
  • German Shepherd.
  • Golden Retriever.
  • Doberman Pinscher.
  • Shetland Sheepdog.
  • Labrador Retriever.
  • Papillon.
Jan 30, 2017

What is the least vicious monkey? ›

Northern Muriqui Monkeys are the most peaceful primates in the world, living in uniquely egalitarian societies where relationships between males and females are free of conflict, and instead full of hugs.

What is the best monkey type to have as a pet? ›

Marmoset monkeys are the most commonly kept and traded species of primate as pets.

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Marmoset Monkey pets for sale

Often called the finger monkey, these tiny monkeys grow the size of a barbie doll and weigh less than a pound as adults. Don't let their adorable size and facial expressions fool you, they are very curious and highly intelligent.

Do you need a permit to have a monkey in the UK? ›

The government has announced new rules for people wanting to keep primates - that's animals like orangutans, chimpanzees, lemurs and monkeys. From 2026, you won't be able to own animals like these without a license.

Does the UK have wild monkeys? ›

Trentham Monkey Forest is a sanctuary for endangered Barbary monkeys. The natural behaviours of the monkeys can be seen right in front of your very eyes, making it one of the most fascinating and special attractions in the UK.

Could monkeys survive in the UK? ›

Monkeys prefer warm temperatures and high levels of precipitation, in general. Most can't survive in a place that's too cold or too dry. There is evidence in the fossil record of macaques and other monkeys all over Western Europe, as far east as Greece and even in Britain.

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It is illegal to keep a pet tiger or any wild animal in the UK as a pet without a license. Under The Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976 'no person shall keep any dangerous wild animal except under the authority of a licence granted in accordance with the provisions of this Act by a local authority.

How to get a baby monkey as a pet? ›

In the wild, baby monkeys are obtained by killing the mother monkey. In captivity, the baby monkeys are stolen right off the mothers' backs. The babies are "pulled" as early as three days old to a few weeks old to be sold as "pets".

Can you own a capybara in the UK? ›

Can you have a Capybara as a pet in the UK? At present, there is no law in the UK stopping you from having a Capybara as a pet in the UK although due to their size and nature, you will require a special license from your local authority for you to be able to keep one.

Can I keep a chimpanzee as a pet? ›

Legality. Even though they are quite endearing, pet chimps still behave like wild animals. It's illegal to own one in most parts of the U.S. Still, some states—including Texas, Kansas, Idaho, and Alabama—allow pet chimps. You will likely need a permit to keep a chimp.

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