Encyclopedia of Spectroscopy and Spectrometry (3-Volume Set with Online Version) - PDF Free Download (2024)







This encyclopedia provides, we believe, a comprehensive and up-to-date explanation of the most important spectroscopic and related techniques together with their applications. The Encyclopedia of Spectroscopy and Spectrometry is a cumbersome title but is necessary to avoid misleading readers who would comment that a simplified title such as the "Encyclopedia of Spectroscopy" was a misnomer because it included articles on subjects other than spectroscopy. Early in the planning stage, the editors realized that the boundaries of spectroscopy are blurred. Even the expanded title is not strictly accurate because we have also deliberately included other articles which broaden the content by being concerned with techniques which provide localized information and images. Consequently, we have tried to take a wider ranging view on what to include by thinking about the topics that a professional spectroscopist would conveniently expect to find in such a work as this. For example, many professionals use spectroscopic techniques, such as nuclear magnetic resonance, in conjunction with chromatographic separations and also make use of mass spectrometry as a key method for molecular structure determination. Thus, to have an encyclopedia of spectroscopy without mass spectrometry would leave a large gap. Therefore, mass spectrometry has been included. Likewise, the thought of excluding magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) seemed decidedly odd. The technique has much overlap with magnetic resonance spectroscopy, it uses very similar equipment and the experimental techniques and theory have much in common. Indeed, today, there are a number of experiments which produce multidimensional data sets of which one dimension might be spectroscopic and the others are image planes. Again the subject has been included. This led to the general principle that we should include a number of so-called spatially-resolved methods. Some of these, like MRI, are very closely allied to spectroscopy but others such as diffraction experiments or scanning probe microscopy are less so, but have features in common and are frequently used in close conjunction with spectroscopy. The more peripheral subjects have, by design, not been treated in the same level of detail as the core topics. We have tried to provide an overview of as many as possible techniques and applications which are allied to spectroscopy and spectrometry or are used in association with them. We have endeavoured to ensure that the core subjects have been treated in substantial depth. No doubt there are omissions and if the reader feels we got it wrong, the editors take the blame. The encyclopedia is organized conventionally in alphabetic order of the articles but we recognize that many readers would like to see articles grouped by spectroscopic area. We have achieved this by providing separate contents lists, one listing the articles in an intuitive alphabetical form, and the other grouping the articles within specialities such as mass spectrometry, atomic spectroscopy, magnetic resonance, etc. In addition each article is flagged as either a "Theory", "Methods and Instrumentation" or "Applications" article. However, inevitably, there will be some overlap of all of these categories in some articles. In order to emphasize the substantial overlap which exists among the spectroscopic and spectrometric approaches, a list has been included at the end of each article suggesting other articles in this encyclopedia which are related and which may provide relevant information for the reader. Each article also comes with a "Further Reading" section which provides a source of books and major reviews on the topic of the article and in some cases also provides details of seminal research papers. There are a number of colour plates in each volume as we consider that the use of colour can add greatly to the information content in many cases, for example for imaging studies. We have also included extensive Appendices of tables of useful reference data and a contact list of manufacturers of relevant equipment. We have attracted a wide range of authors for these articles and many are world recognized authorities in their fields. Some of the subjects covered are relatively static, and their articles provide a distillation of the established knowledge, whilst others are very fast moving areas and for these we have aimed at presenting up-to-date summaries. In addition, we have included a number of entries which are retrospective in nature, being historical reviews of particular types of spectroscopy. As with any work of this magnitude some of the articles which we desired and commissioned to include did not make it for various reasons. A selection of these will appear in a separate section in the on-line version of the encyclopedia, which will be available to all purchasers of the print version and will have extensive hypertext links and advanced search tools. In this print version there are 281 articles contributed by more than 500 authors from 24 countries. We have persuaded authors from Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, India,


Israel, Italy, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, the UK and the USA to contribute. The encyclopedia is aimed at a professional scientific readership, for both spectroscopists and non-spectroscopists. We intend that the articles provide authoritative information for experts within a field, enable spectroscopists working in one particular field to understand the scope and limitations of other spectroscopic areas and allow scientists who may not primarily be spectroscopists to grasp what the various techniques comprise in considering whether they would be applicable in their own research. In other words we tried to provide something for everone, but hope that in doing so, we have not made it too simple for the expert or too obscure for the non-specialist. We leave the reader to judge. John Lindon John Holmes George Tranter

Editor-in-Chief John C. Lindon, Biological Chemistry, Division of Biomedical Sciences, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, Sir Alexander Fleming Building, South Kensington, London SW7 2AZ UK

Editors George E. Tranter, Glaxo Wellcome Medicines Research, Physical Sciences Research Unit, Gunnells Wood Road, Stevenage, Hertfordshire SG1 2NY, UK John L. Holmes, University of Ottawa, Department of Chemistry, PO Box 450, Stn 4, Ottawa, Canada KIN 6N5

Editorial Advisory Board Laurence D. Barron, Department of Chemistry, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK Andries P. Bruins, University Centre for Pharmacy, State University, A Deusinglaan 1, Groningen 9713 AV, Netherlands C.L. Chakrabarti, Chemistry Department, Carlton University, Ottawa, Ontario K1S 5B6, Canada J. Corset, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Laboratoire de Spectrochimie Infrarouge et Raman, 2 Rue Henri-Dunant, 94320 Thiais, France David J. Craik, Centre for Drug Design & Development, University of Queensland, Brisbane 4072, Queensland, Australia James W. Emsley, Department of Chemistry, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton SO17 1BJ UK A.S. Gilbert, 19 West Oak, Beckenham, Kent BR3 5EZ, UK P.J. Hendra, Department of Chemistry, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton SO9 5NH, UK James A. Holcombe, Department of Chemistry, University of Texas, Austin, Texas 7871-1167, USA Harry Kroto, Department of Chemistry, University of Sussex, Falmer, East Sussex BN1 9QJ, UK Reiko Kuroda, Department of Life Sciences, Graduate School of Arts and Science, The University of Tokyo, Komaba, Tokyo 153, Japan N.M.M. Nibbering, Institute of Mass Spectrometry, University of Amsterdam, Nieuwe Achtergracht 129, 1018 WS Amsterdam, The Netherlands Ian C.P. Smith, National Research Council of Canada, Institute of Biodiagnostics, Winnipeg, Manitoba MB R3B 1Y6, Canada

S.J.B. Tendler, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Nottingham, University Park, Notttingham NG7 2RD, UK Georges H. Wagnie" re, Physikalisch-Chemisches Institut, der Universitat Winterhurerstrasse 190 CH-8057 . Zarich, . Zarich, Switzerland . D.J. Watkin, Chemical Crystallography Laboratory, University of Oxford, 9 Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PD, UK



Without a whole host of dedicated people, this encyclopedia would never have come to completion. In these few words I, on behalf of my co-editors, can hope to mention the contributions of only some of those hard working individuals. Without the active co-operation of the hundreds of scientists who acted as authors for the articles, this encyclopedia would not have been born. We are very grateful to them for endeavouring to write material suitable for an encyclopedia rather than a research paper, which has produced such high-quality entries. We know that all of the people who contributed articles are very busy scientists, many being leaders in their fields, and we thank them. We, as editors, have been ably supported by the members of the Editorial Advisory Board. They made many valuable suggestions for content and authorship in the early planning stages and provided a strong first line of scientific review after the completed articles were received. This encyclopedia covers such a wide range of scientific topics and types of technology that the very varied expertise of the Editorial Advisory Board was particularly necessary. Next, this work would not have been possible without the vision of Carey Chapman at Academic Press who approached me about 4 years ago with the excellent idea for such an encyclopedia. Four years later, am I still so sure of the usefulness of the encyclopedia? Of course I am, despite the hard work and I am further bolstered by the thought that I might not ever have to see another e-mail from Academic Press. For their work during the commissioning stage and for handling the receipt of manuscripts and dealing with all the authorship problems, we are truly indebted to Lorraine Parry, Colin McNeil and Laura O'Neill who never failed to be considerate, courteous and helpful even under the strongest pressure. I suspect that they are now probably quite expert in spectroscopy. In addition we need to thank Sutapas Bhattacharya who oversaw the project through the production stages and we acknowledge the hard work put in by the copy-editors, the picture researcher and all the other production staff coping with very tight deadlines. Finally, on a personal note, I should like to acknowledge the close co-operation I have received from my co-editors George Tranter and John Holmes. I think that we made a good team, even if I say it myself. John Lindon Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine London 22 April 1999

Article Titles

Authors, Pages

A Art Works Studied Using IR and Raman Spectroscopy

Howell G M Edwards, Pages 2-17

Atmospheric Pressure Ionization in Mass Spectrometry

W. M. A. Niessen, Pages 18-24

Atomic Absorption, Methods and Instrumentation Atomic Absorption, Theory Atomic Emission, Methods and Instrumentation Atomic Fluorescence, Methods and Instrumentation Atomic Spectroscopy, Historical Perspective ATR and Reflectance IR Spectroscopy, Applications

Steve J Hill and Andy S Fisher, Pages 24-32 Albert Kh Gilmutdinov, Pages 33-42 Sandra L Bonchin, Grace K Zoorob and Joseph A Caruso, Pages 42-50 Steve J Hill and Andy S Fisher, Pages 50-55 C L Chakrabarti, Pages 56-58 U P Fringeli, Pages 58-75

B Biochemical Applications of Fluorescence Spectroscopy Biochemical Applications of Mass Spectrometry Biochemical Applications of Raman Spectroscopy Biofluids Studied By NMR Biomacromolecular Applications of Circular Dichroism and ORD Biomacromolecular Applications of UVVisible Absorption Spectroscopy Biomedical Applications of Atomic Spectroscopy

Jason B Shear, Pages 77-84 Victor E Vandell and Patrick A Limbach, Pages 84-87 Peter Hildebrandt and Sophie Lecomte, Pages 88-97 John C Lindon and Jeremy K Nicholson, Pages 98-116 Norma J Greenfield, Pages 117-130 Alison Rodger and Karen Sanders, Pages 130-139 Andrew Taylor, Pages 139-147

C 13

C NMR, Methods


C NMR, Parameter Survey

Calibration and Reference Systems (Regulatory Authorities) Carbohydrates Studied By NMR Cells Studied By NMR Chemical Applications of EPR Chemical Exchange Effects in NMR

Cecil Dybowski, Alicia Glatfelter and H N Cheng, Pages 149-158 R Duncan Farrant and John C Lindon, Pages 159-165 C Burgess, Pages 166-171 Charles T Weller, Pages 172-180 Fátima Cruz and Sebastián Cerdán, Pages 180-189 Christopher C Rowlands and Damien M Murphy, Pages 190-198 Alex D Bain, Pages 198-207

Chemical Ionization in Mass Spectrometry

Alex G Harrison, Pages 207-215

Chemical Reactions Studied By Electronic Spectroscopy

Salman R Salman, Pages 216-222

Chemical Shift and Relaxation Reagents in NMR

Silvio Aime, Mauro Botta, Mauro Fasano and Enzo Terreno, Pages 223-231

Chemical Structure Information from Mass Spectrometry

Kurt Varmuza, Pages 232-243

Chiroptical Spectroscopy, Emission Theory

James P Riehl, Pages 243-249

Chiroptical Spectroscopy, General Theory Chiroptical Spectroscopy, Oriented Molecules and Anisotropic Systems

Hans-Georg Kuball, Tatiana Höfer and Stefan Kiesewalter, Pages 250-266 Hans-Georg Kuball and Tatiana Höfer, Pages 267-281

Chromatography-IR, Applications

George Jalsovszky, Pages 282-287

Chromatography-IR, Methods and Instrumentation

Robert L White, Pages 288-293

Chromatography-MS, Methods

W W A Niessen, Pages 293-300

Chromatography-NMR, Applications CIDNP Applications

J P Shockcor, Pages 301-310 Tatyana V Leshina, Alexander I Kruppa and Marc B Taraban, Pages 311-318

Circularly Polarized Luminescence and Fluorescence Detected Circular Dichroism Cluster Ions Measured Using Mass Spectrometry Colorimetry, Theory Computational Methods and Chemometrics in Near-IR Spectroscopy Contrast Mechanisms in MRI Cosmochemical Applications Using Mass Spectrometry

Christine L Maupin and James P Riehl, Pages 319-326 O Echt and T D Märk, Pages 327-336 Alison Gilchrist and Jim Nobbs, Pages 337-343 Paul Geladi and Eigil Dåbakk, Pages 343-349 I R Young, Pages 349-358 J R De Laeter, Pages 359-367

D Diffusion Studied Using NMR Spectroscopy

Peter Stilbs, Pages 369-375

Drug Metabolism Studied Using NMR Spectroscopy

Myriam Malet-Martino and Robert Martino, Pages 375-388

Dyes and Indicators, Use of UV-Visible Absorption Spectroscopy

Volker Buss and Lutz Eggers, Pages 388-396

E Electromagnetic Radiation

David L Andrews, Pages 397-401

Electronic Components, Applications of Atomic Spectroscopy

John C Lindon, Pages 401-402


G E Jellison, Jr, Pages 402-411

Enantiomeric Purity Studied Using NMR Environmental and Agricultural Applications of Atomic Spectroscopy Environmental Applications of Electronic Spectroscopy EPR Imaging

Thomas J Wenzel, Pages 411-421 Michael Thompson and Michael H Ramsey, Pages 422-429 John W Farley, William C Brumley and DeLyle Eastwood, Pages 430-437 L H Sutcliffe, Pages 437-445

EPR Spectroscopy, Theory EPR, Methods Exciton Coupling

Christopher C Rowlands and Damien M Murphy, Pages 445-456 Richard Cammack, Pages 457-469 Nina Berova, Nobuyuki Harada and Koji Nakanishi, Pages 470-488

F 19

F NMR, Applications, Solution State

Far-IR Spectroscopy, Applications Fast Atom Bombardment Ionization in Mass Spectrometry Fibre Optic Probes in Optical Spectroscopy, Clinical Applications Fibres and Films Studied Using X-Ray Diffraction Field Ionization Kinetics in Mass Spectrometry Flame and Temperature Measurement Using Vibrational Spectroscopy Fluorescence and Emission Spectroscopy, Theory Fluorescence Microscopy, Applications Fluorescence Polarization and Anisotropy Fluorescent Molecular Probes Food and Dairy Products, Applications of Atomic Spectroscopy

Claudio Pettinari and Giovanni Rafaiani, Pages 489-498 James R Durig, Pages 498-504 Magda Claeys and Jan Claereboudt, Pages 505-512 Urs Utzinger and Rebecca R Richards-Kortum, Pages 512-528 Watson Fuller and Arumugam Mahendrasingam, Pages 529-539 Nico M M Nibbering, Pages 539-548 Kevin L McNesby, Pages 548-559 James A Holcombe, Pages 560-565 Fred Rost, Pages 565-570 G E Tranter, Pages 571-573 F Braut-Boucher and M Aubery, Pages 573-582 N J Miller-Ihli and S A Baker, Pages 583-592

Food Science, Applications of Mass Spectrometry

John P G Wilkins, Pages 592-593

Food Science, Applications of NMR Spectroscopy

Brian Hills, Pages 593-601

Forensic Science, Applications of Atomic Spectroscopy

John C Lindon, Pages 602-603

Forensic Science, Applications of IR Spectroscopy Forensic Science, Applications of Mass Spectrometry

Núria Ferrer, Pages 603-615 Rodger L Foltz, Dennis J Crouch and David M Andrenyak, Pages 615-621

Forestry and Wood Products, Applications of Atomic Spectroscopy

Cathy Hayes, Pages 621-631

Fourier Transformation and Sampling Theory

Raúl Curbelo, Pages 632-636

Fragmentation in Mass Spectrometry

Hans-Friedrich Grützmacher, Pages 637-648

FT-Raman Spectroscopy, Applications

R H Brody, E A Carter, H. G. M. Edwards and A M Pollard, Pages 649-657

G Gas Phase Applications of NMR Spectroscopy Geology and Mineralogy, Applications of Atomic Spectroscopy Glow Discharge Mass Spectrometry, Methods

Nancy S True, Pages 660-667 John C Lindon, Page 668 Annemie Bogaerts, Pages 669-676

H Halogen NMR Spectroscopy (Excluding F)


Heteronuclear NMR Applications (As, Sb, Bi) Heteronuclear NMR Applications (B, Al, Ga, In, Tl)

Frank G Riddell, Pages 677-684 Claudio Pettinari, Fabio Marchetti and Giovanni Rafaiani, Pages 685-690 Janusz Lewiski, Pages 691-703

Heteronuclear NMR Applications (Ge, Sn, Pb)

Claudio Pettinari, Pages 704-717

Heteronuclear NMR Applications (La–Hg)

Trevor G Appleton, Pages 718-722

Heteronuclear NMR Applications (O, S, Se and Te)

Ioannis P Gerothanassis, Pages 722-729

Heteronuclear NMR Applications (Sc–Zn)

Dieter Rehder, Pages 731-740

Heteronuclear NMR Applications (Y–Cd) High Energy Ion Beam Analysis High Pressure Studies Using NMR Spectroscopy

Erkki Kolehmainen, Pages 740-750 Geoff W Grime, Pages 750-760 Jiri Jonas, Pages 760-771

High Resolution Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy, Applications

Horst Conrad and Martin E Kordesch, Pages 772-783

High Resolution IR Spectroscopy (Gas Phase) Instrumentation

Jyrki K Kauppinen and Jari O Partanen, Pages 784-794

High Resolution IR Spectroscopy (Gas Phase), Applications

E Canè and A Trombetti, Pages 794-801

High Resolution Solid State NMR, 13C

Etsuko Katoh and Isao Ando, Pages 802-813

High Resolution Solid State NMR, 1H, 19F

Anne S Ulrich, Pages 813-825

Hole Burning Spectroscopy, Methods

Josef Friedrich, Pages 826-836

Hydrogen Bonding and Other Physicochemical Interactions Studied By IR and Raman Spectroscopy Hyphenated Techniques, Applications of in Mass Spectrometry

A S Gilbert, Pages 837-843 W M A Niessen, Pages 843-849

I In Vivo NMR, Applications, 31P In Vivo NMR, Applications, Other Nuclei In Vivo NMR, Methods Induced Circular Dichroism Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry, Methods Industrial Applications of IR and Raman Spectroscopy Inelastic Neutron Scattering, Applications

Ruth M Dixon and Peter Styles, Pages 851-857 Jimmy D Bell, E Louise Thomas and K Kumar Changani, Pages 857-865 John C Lindon, Pages 866-868 Kymberley Vickery and Bengt Nordén, Pages 869-874 Diane Beauchemin, Pages 875-880 A S Gilbert and R W Lancaster, Pages 881-893 Stewart F Parker, Pages 894-905

Inelastic Neutron Scattering, Instrumentation Inorganic Chemistry, Applications of Mass Spectrometry

Stewart F Parker, Pages 905-915 Lev N Sidorov, Pages 915-923

Inorganic Compounds and Minerals Studied Using X-ray Diffraction

Gilberto Artioli, Pages 924-933

Inorganic Condensed Matter, Applications of Luminescence Spectroscopy

Keith Holliday, Pages 933-943

Interstellar Molecules, Spectroscopy of

A G G M Tielens, Pages 943-953

Ion Collision Theory

Anil K Shukla and Jean H Futrell, Pages 954-963

Ion Dissociation Kinetics, Mass Spectrometry

Bernard Leyh, Pages 963-971

Ion Energetics in Mass Spectrometry

John Holmes, Pages 971-976

Ion Imaging Using Mass Spectrometry Ion Molecule Reactions in Mass Spectrometry

Albert J R Heck, Pages 976-983 Diethard K Böhme, Pages 984-990

Ion Structures in Mass Spectrometry

Peter C Burgers and Johan K Terlouw, Pages 990-1000

Ion Trap Mass Spectrometers

Raymond E March, Pages 1000-1009

Ionization Theory IR and Raman Spectroscopy of Inorganic, Coordination and Organometallic Compounds IR Spectral Group Frequencies of Organic Compounds

C Lifsh*tz and T D Märk, Pages 1010-1021 Claudio Pettinari and Carlo Santini, Pages 1021-1034 A S Gilbert, Pages 1035-1048

IR Spectrometers

R A Spragg, Pages 1048-1057

IR Spectroscopy Sample Preparation Methods

R A Spragg, Pages 1058-1066

IR Spectroscopy, Theory Isotope Ratio Studies Using Mass Spectrometry Isotopic Labelling in Mass Spectrometry

Derek Steele, Pages 1066-1071 Michael E Wieser and Willi A Brand, Pages 1072-1086 Thomas Hellman Morton, Pages 1086-1096

L Labelling Studies in Biochemistry Using NMR Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) Laser Applications in Electronic Spectroscopy Laser Induced Optoacoustic Spectroscopy

Timothy R Fennell and Susan C J Sumner, Pages 1097-1105 David R McLaughlin and Antony J Williams, Pages 1105-1113 Wolfgang Demtröder, Pages 1113-1123 Thomas Gensch, Cristiano Viappiani and Silvia E Braslavsky, Pages 1124-1132

Laser Magnetic Resonance

A I Chichinin, Pages 1133-1140

Laser Spectroscopy Theory

Luc Van Vaeck and Freddy Adams, Pages 1141-1152

Laser Spectroscopy Theory

David L Andrews, Pages 1153-1158

Light Sources and Optics Linear Dichroism, Applications

R Magnusson, Pages 1158-1168 Erik W Thulstrup, Jacek Waluk and Jens Spanget-Larsen, Pages 1169-1175

Linear Dichroism, Instrumentation

Erik W Thulstrup, Jens Spanget-Larsen and Jacek Waluk, Pages 1176-1178

Liquid Crystals and Liquid Crystal Solutions Studied By NMR

Lucia Calucci and Carlo Alberto Veracini, Pages 1179-1186

Luminescence Theory

Mohammad A Omary and Howard H Patterson, Pages 1186-1207

M Macromolecule–Ligand Interactions Studied By NMR Magnetic Circular Dichroism, Theory Magnetic Field Gradients in HighResolution NMR Magnetic Resonance, Historical Perspective Mass Spectrometry, Historical Perspective

J Feeney, Pages 1209-1216 Laura A Andersson, Pages 1217-1224 Ralph E Hurd, Pages 1224-1232 J W Emsley and J Feeney, Pages 1232-1240 Allan Maccoll†, Pages 1241-1248

Materials Science Applications of X-ray Diffraction

Åke Kvick, Pages 1248-1257

Matrix Isolation Studies By IR and Raman Spectroscopies

Lester Andrews, Pages 1257-1261

Medical Applications of Mass Spectrometry

Orval A Mamer, Pages 1262-1271

Medical Science Applications of IR Membranes Studied By NMR Spectroscopy Metastable Ions Microwave and Radiowave Spectroscopy, Applications

Michael Jackson and Henry H Mantsch, Pages 1271-1281 A Watts and S J Opella, Pages 1281-1291 John L Holmes, Pages 1291-1297 G Wlodarczak, Pages 1297-1307

Microwave Spectrometers

Marlin D Harmony, Pages 1308-1314

Mössbauer Spectrometers

Guennadi N Belozerski, Pages 1315-1323

Mössbauer Spectroscopy, Applications

Guennadi N Belozerski, Pages 1324-1334

Mössbauer Spectroscopy, Theory

Guennadi N Belozerski, Pages 1335-1343

MRI Applications, Biological MRI Applications, Clinical MRI Applications, Clinical Flow Studies MRI Instrumentation MRI of Oil/Water in Rocks MRI Theory MRI Using Stray Fields MS-MS and MSn Multiphoton Excitation in Mass Spectrometry

David G Reid, Paul D Hockings and Paul G M Mullins, Pages 1344-1354 Martin O Leach, Pages 1354-1364 Y Berthezène, Pages 1365-1372 Paul D Hockings, John F Hare and David G Reid, Pages 1372-1380 Geneviève Guillot, Pages 1380-1387 Ian R Young, Pages 1388-1396 Edward W Randall, Pages 1396-1403 W. M. A. Niessen, Pages 1404-1410 Ulrich Boesl, Pages 1411-1424

Multiphoton Spectroscopy, Applications Multivariate Statistical Methods Muon Spin Resonance Spectroscopy, Applications

Michael N R Ashfold and Colin M Western, Pages 1424-1433 R L Somorjai, Pages 1433-1439 Ivan D Reid and Emil Roduner, Pages 1439-1450

N Near-IR Spectrometers Negative Ion Mass Spectrometry, Methods Neutralization–Reionization in Mass Spectrometry Neutron Diffraction, Instrumentation Neutron Diffraction, Theory Nitrogen NMR NMR Data Processing NMR in Anisotropic Systems, Theory NMR Microscopy NMR of Solids NMR Principles NMR Pulse Sequences NMR Relaxation Rates NMR Spectrometers NMR Spectroscopy of Alkali Metal Nuclei in Solution

R Anthony Shaw and Henry H Mantsch, Pages 1451-1461 Suresh Dua and John H Bowie, Pages 1461-1469 Chrys Wesdemiotis, Pages 1469-1479 A C Hannon, Pages 1479-1492 Alex C Hannon, Pages 1493-1503 G A Webb, Pages 1504-1514 Gareth A Morris, Pages 1514-1521 J W Emsley, Pages 1521-1527 Paul T Callaghan, Pages 1528-1537 Jacek Klinowski, Pages 1537-1544 P J Hore, Pages 1545-1553 William F Reynolds, Pages 1554-1567 Ronald Y Dong, Pages 1568-1575 John C Lindon, Pages 1576-1583 Frank G Riddell, Pages 1584-1593

Nonlinear Optical Properties

Georges H Wagnière and Stanisaw Wozniak, Pages 1594-1608

Nonlinear Raman Spectroscopy, Applications

W Kiefer, Pages 1609-1623

Nonlinear Raman Spectroscopy, Instruments

Peter C Chen, Pages 1624-1631

Nonlinear Raman Spectroscopy, Theory Nuclear Overhauser Effect

J Santos Gómez, Pages 1631-1642 Anil Kumar and R Christy Rani Grace, Pages 1643-1653

Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance, Applications

Oleg Kh Poleshchuk and Jolanta N Latosiska, Pages 1653-1662

Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance, Instrumentation

Taras N Rudakov, Pages 1663-1671

Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance, Theory Nucleic Acids and Nucleotides Studied Using Mass Spectrometry Nucleic Acids Studied Using NMR

Janez Seliger, Pages 1672-1680 Tracey A Simmons, Kari B Green-Church and Patrick A Limbach, Pages 1681-1688 John C Lindon, Pages 1688-1689

O Optical Frequency Conversion Optical Spectroscopy, Linear Polarization Theory

Christos Flytzanis, Pages 1691-1701 Josef Michl, Pages 1701-1712

ORD and Polarimetry Instruments

Harry G Brittain, Pages 1712-1718

Organic Chemistry Applications of Fluorescence Spectroscopy

Stephen G Schulman, Qiao Qing Di and John Juchum, Pages 1718-1725

Organometallics Studied Using Mass Spectrometry

Dmitri V Zagorevskii, Pages 1726-1733

P 31


David G Gorenstein and Bruce A Luxon, Pages 1735-1744

Parameters in NMR Spectroscopy, Theory of

G A Webb, Pages 1745-1753

Peptides and Proteins Studied Using Mass Spectrometry

Michael A Baldwin, Pages 1753-1763

Perfused Organs Studied Using NMR Spectroscopy

John C Docherty, Pages 1763-1770

PET, Methods and Instrumentation

T J Spinks, Pages 1771-1782

PET, Theory

T J Spinks, Pages 1782-1791

Pharmaceutical Applications of Atomic Spectroscopy

Nancy S Lewen and Martha M Schenkenberger, Pages 1791-1800

Photoacoustic Spectroscopy, Applications

Markus W Sigrist, Pages 1800-1809

Photoacoustic Spectroscopy, Methods and Instrumentation

Markus W Sigrist, Pages 1810-1814

Photoacoustic Spectroscopy, Theory Photoelectron Spectrometers Photoelectron Spectroscopy Photoelectron–Photoion Coincidence Methods in Mass Spectrometry (PEPICO)

András Miklós, Stefan Schäfer and Peter Hess, Pages 1815-1822 László Szepes and György Tarczay, Pages 1822-1830 John Holmes, Page 1831 Tomas Baer, Pages 1831-1839

Photoionization and Photodissociation Methods in Mass Spectrometry

John C Traeger, Pages 1840-1847

Plasma Desorption Ionization in Mass Spectrometry

Ronald D Macfarlane, Pages 1848-1857

Polymer Applications of IR and Raman Spectroscopy

C M Snively and J L Koenig, Pages 1858-1864

Powder X-Ray Diffraction, Applications

Daniel Louër, Pages 1865-1875

Product Operator Formalism in NMR Proteins Studied Using NMR Spectroscopy

Timothy J Norwood, Pages 1875-1884 Paul N Sanderson, Pages 1885-1893

Proton Affinities Proton Microprobe (Method and Background) Pyrolysis Mass Spectrometry, Methods

Edward P L Hunter and Sharon G Lias, Pages 1893-1901 Geoff W Grime, Pages 1901-1905 Jacek P Dworzanski and Henk L C Meuzelaar, Pages 1906-1919

Q Quadrupoles, Use of in Mass Spectrometry Quantitative Analysis

P H Dawson and D J Douglas, Pages 1921-1930 T Frost, Pages 1931-1936

R Radiofrequency Field Gradients in NMR, Theory Raman and Infrared Microspectroscopy Raman Optical Activity, Applications Raman Optical Activity, Spectrometers Raman Optical Activity, Theory Raman Spectrometers Rayleigh Scattering and Raman Spectroscopy, Theory Relaxometers

Daniel Canet, Pages 1937-1944 Pina Colarusso, Linda H Kidder, Ira W Levin and E Neil Lewis, Pages 1945-1954 Günter Georg Hoffmann, Pages 1955-1965 Werner Hug, Pages 1966-1976 Laurence A Nafie, Pages 1976-1985 Bernhard Schrader, Pages 1986-1992 David L Andrews, Pages 1993-2000 Ralf-Oliver Seitter and Rainer Kimmich, Pages 2000-2008

Rigid Solids Studied Using MRI

David G Cory, Pages 2009-2017

Rotational Spectroscopy, Theory

Iain R McNab, Pages 2017-2028

S Scanning Probe Microscopes Scanning Probe Microscopy, Applications Scanning Probe Microscopy, Theory Scattering and Particle Sizing, Applications Scattering Theory Sector Mass Spectrometers 29


SIFT Applications in Mass Spectrometry Small Molecule Applications of X-Ray Diffraction Solid State NMR, Methods Solid-State NMR Using Quadrupolar Nuclei Solid-State NMR, Rotational Resonance Solvent Suppression Methods in NMR Spectroscopy Sonically Induced NMR Methods

J G Kushmerick and P S Weiss, Pages 2043-2051 C J Roberts, M C Davies, S J B Tendler and P M Williams, Pages 2051-2059 A J Fisher, Pages 2060-2066 F Ross Hallett, Pages 2067-2074 Michael Kotlarchyk, Pages 2074-2084 R Bateman, Pages 2085-2092 Heinrich C Marsmann, Pages 2031-2042 David Smith and Patrik panl, Pages 2092-2105 Andrei S Batsanov, Pages 2106-2115 J W Zwanziger and H W Spiess, Pages 2128-2136 Alejandro C Olivieri, Pages 2116-2127 David L Bryce and Roderick E Wasylishen, Pages 2136-2144 Maili Liu and Xi-an Mao, Pages 2145-2152 John Homer, Pages 2152-2159

SPECT, Methods and Instrumentation

John C Lindon, Pages 2159-2161

Spectroelectrochemistry, Applications

R J Mortimer, Pages 2161-2174

Spectroelectrochemistry, Methods and Instrumentation

Roger J Mortimer, Pages 2174-2181

Spectroscopy of Ions Spin Trapping and Spin Labelling Studied Using EPR Spectroscopy

John P Maier, Pages 2182-2189 Carmen M Arroyo, Pages 2189-2198

Stars, Spectroscopy of Statistical Theory of Mass Spectra Stereochemistry Studied Using Mass Spectrometry Structural Chemistry Using NMR Spectroscopy, Inorganic Molecules

A G G M Tielens, Pages 2199-2204 J C Lorquet, Pages 2204-2211 Asher Mandelbaum, Pages 2211-2223 G E Hawkes, Pages 2224-2233

Structural Chemistry Using NMR Spectroscopy, Organic Molecules

Cynthia K McClure, Pages 2234-2245

Structural Chemistry Using NMR Spectroscopy, Peptides

Martin Huenges and Horst Kessler, Pages 2246-2260

Structural Chemistry Using NMR Spectroscopy, Pharmaceuticals

Alexandros Makriyannis and Spiro Pavlopoulos, Pages 2261-2271

Structure Refinement (Solid State Diffraction)

Dieter Schwarzenbach and Howard D Flack, Pages 2271-2278

Surface Induced Dissociation in Mass Spectrometry Surface Plasmon Resonance, Applications Surface Plasmon Resonance, Instrumentation

S A Miller and S L Bernasek, Pages 2279-2294 Zdzislaw Salamon and Gordon Tollin, Pages 2294-2302 R P H Kooyman, Pages 2302-2310

Surface Plasmon Resonance, Theory

Zdzislaw Salamon and Gordon Tollin, Pages 2311-2319

Surface Studies By IR Spectroscopy

Norman Sheppard, Pages 2320-2328

Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS), Applications

W E Smith and C Rodger, Pages 2329-2334

Symmetry in Spectroscopy, Effects of

S F A Kettle, Pages 2335-2339

T Tensor Representations Thermospray Ionization in Mass Spectrometry Time of Flight Mass Spectrometers

Peter Herzig and Rainer Dirl, Pages 2342-2353 W M A Niessen, Pages 2353-2360 K G Standing and W Ens, Pages 2360-2365

Tritium NMR, Applications Two-Dimensional NMR, Methods

John R Jones, Pages 2366-2369 Peter L Rinaldi, Pages 2370-2381

U UV-Visible Absorption and Fluorescence Spectrometers

G E Tranter, Pages 2383-2389

V Vibrational CD Spectrometers Vibrational CD, Applications Vibrational CD, Theory Vibrational, Rotational and Raman Spectroscopy, Historical Perspective

Laurence A Nafie, Pages 2391-2402 Günter Georg Hoffmann, Pages 2403-2414 Philip J Stephens, Pages 2415-2421 A S Gilbert, Pages 2422-2432

X X-ray Absorption Spectrometers

Grant Bunker, Pages 2447-2453

X-ray Emission Spectroscopy, Applications

George N Dolenko, Oleg Kh Poleshchuk and Jolanta N Latoiska, Pages 2455-2462

X-ray Emission Spectroscopy, Methods

George N Dolenko, Oleg Kh Poleshchuk and Jolanta N Latoiska, Pages 2463-2467

X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometers

Utz Kramar, Pages 2467-2477

X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Applications

Christina Streli, P Wobrauschek and P Kregsamer, Pages 2478-2487

X-ray Spectroscopy, Theory Xenon NMR Spectroscopy

Prasad A Naik, Pages 2487-2498 Jukka Jokisaari, Pages 2435-2446

Z Zeeman and Stark Methods in Spectroscopy, Applications

Ichita Endo and Masataka Linuma, Pages 2501-2504

Zeeman and Stark Methods in Spectroscopy, Instrumentation

Ichita Endo and Masataka Linuma, Pages 2505-2509

Zero Kinetic Energy Photoelectron Spectroscopy, Applications

K Müller-Dethlefs and Mark Ford, Pages 2509-2519

Zero Kinetic Energy Photoelectron Spectroscopy, Theory

K Müller-Dethlefs and Mark Ford, Pages 2519-2526

APPENDICES Appendix 1. Periodic Table of Elements Appendix 2. Tables of SI and Related Units Appendix 3. Wavelength Scale Appendix 4. Colour, Wave Length, Frequency, Wave Number and Energy of Light Appendix 5. Magnetic Susceptibilities at 25°C

Page 2528 Pages 2529-2530 Page 2531 Page 2532 Page 2532

Appendix 6. Electronic Configuration of Elements

Pages 2533-2534

Appendix 7. Properties of some Important Solvents

Pages 2535-2536

Appendix 8. Important Acronyms in Organic Chemistry

Pages 2537-2538

Appendix 9. Equilibrium Constants at 25°c/concentration Units for Solutions

Page 2539

Appendix 10. Acronyms and Abbreviations in Quantum Chemistry and Related Fields

Page 2540

Appendix 11. Standard Potentials in Aqueous Solutions

Pages 2541-2544

Appendix 12. Typical UV Absorptions of Unconjugated Chromophores

Page 2545

Appendix 13. Typical UV Absorption Maxima of Substituted Benzenes

Page 2546

Appendix 14. Typical UV Absorption Maxima of Aromatic and Heteroaromatic Compounds Appendix 15. Common Isotopes for Mössbauer Spectroscopy Appendix 16. NMR Frequency Table

Page 2546 Page 2547 Pages 2548-2551

Appendix 17. 19F and 31P NMR Chemical Shifts

Page 2552

Appendix 18. Chemical Shift Ranges and Standards for Selected Nuclei

Pages 2552-2553

Appendix 19. Abbreviations and Acronyms used in Magnetic Resonance

Pages 2553-2556

Appendix 20. Symbols Used in Magnetic Resonance

Pages 2556-2557

Appendix 21. EPR/ENDOR Frequency Table

Pages 2557-2560

Appendix 22. Some Useful Conversion Factors in EPR

Page 2560

Appendix 23. Mass Spectrometry: Atomic Weights. Appendix 24. Conversion Table of Transmittance and Absorbanceunits

Pages 2561-2563 Page 2564

Appendix 25. Conversion Table of Energy and Wavelength Units

Pages 2565-2566

Appendix 26. Optical Components used in FT-IR-Spectroscopy

Page 2567

Appendix 27. Infrared and Raman Tables

Pages 2568-2571

Appendix 28. Selected Force Constants and Bond Orders (According To Siebert) of Organic and Inorganic Compounds Appendix 29. Fundamental Physical Constants Appendix 30. List Of Suppliers

Pages 2572-2573 Page 2574 Pages 2575-2581

Subject Classification

Atomic Spectroscopy Historical Overview Atomic Spectroscopy, Historical Perspective

C L Chakrabarti

Pages 56-58

Theory Atomic Absorption, Theory Fluorescence and Emission Spectroscopy, Theory

Albert Kh Gilmutdinov

Pages 33-42

James A Holcombe

Pages 560-565

Methods and Instrumentation Atomic Absorption, Methods and Instrumentation

Steve J Hill and Andy S Fisher

Sandra L Bonchin, Atomic Emission, Methods Grace K Zoorob and and Instrumentation Joseph A Caruso Atomic Fluorescence, Steve J Hill and Andy S Methods and Fisher Instrumentation

Pages 24-32

Pages 42-50

Pages 50-55

Applications Biomedical Applications of Atomic Spectroscopy Electronic Components, Applications of Atomic Spectroscopy Environmental and Agricultural Applications of Atomic Spectroscopy

Andrew Taylor

Pages 139-147

John C Lindon

Pages 401-402

Michael Thompson and Michael H Ramsey

Pages 422-429

Food and Dairy Products, Applications of Atomic Spectroscopy Forensic Science, Applications of Atomic Spectroscopy Forestry and Wood Products, Applications of Atomic Spectroscopy Geology and Mineralogy, Applications of Atomic Spectroscopy Pharmaceutical Applications of Atomic Spectroscopy

N J Miller-Ihli and S A Baker

Pages 583-592

John C Lindon

Pages 602-603

Cathy Hayes

Pages 621-631

John C Lindon

Page 668

Nancy S Lewen and Martha M Schenkenberger

Pages 1791-1800

Electronic Spectroscopy Theory Chiroptical Spectroscopy, Emission Theory

James P Riehl

Pages 243-249

Chiroptical Spectroscopy, General Theory

Hans-Georg Kuball, Tatiana Höfer and Stefan Kiesewalter

Pages 250-266

Chiroptical Spectroscopy, Oriented Molecules and Anisotropic Systems

Hans-Georg Kuball and Tatiana Höfer

Pages 267-281

Colorimetry, Theory

Alison Gilchrist and Jim Nobbs

Pages 337-343

G E Tranter

Pages 571-573

David L Andrews

Pages 1153-1158

Mohammad A Omary and Howard H Patterson

Pages 1186-1207

Fluorescence Polarization and Anisotropy Laser Spectroscopy Theory Luminescence Theory

Magnetic Circular Dichroism, Theory Nonlinear Optical Properties Optical Spectroscopy, Linear Polarization Theory Photoacoustic Spectroscopy, Theory Scattering Theory

Laura A Andersson

Pages 1217-1224

Georges H Wagnière and Stanisaw Wozniak

Pages 1594-1608

Josef Michl

Pages 1701-1712

András Miklós, Stefan Schäfer and Peter Hess

Pages 1815-1822

Michael Kotlarchyk

Pages 2074-2084

Theory and Applications Exciton Coupling

Nina Berova, Nobuyuki Harada and Koji Nakanishi

Pages 470-488

Methods and Instrumentation Fluorescent Molecular Probes Linear Dichroism, Instrumentation Optical Frequency Conversion ORD and Polarimetry Instruments Photoacoustic Spectroscopy, Methods and Instrumentation Spectroelectrochemistry, Methods and Instrumentation UV-Visible Absorption and Fluorescence Spectrometers Zeeman and Stark Methods in Spectroscopy, Instrumentation

F Braut-Boucher and M Aubery Erik W Thulstrup, Jens Spanget-Larsen and Jacek Waluk

Pages 573-582 Pages 1176-1178

Christos Flytzanis

Pages 1691-1701

Harry G Brittain

Pages 1712-1718

Markus W Sigrist

Pages 1810-1814

Roger J Mortimer

Pages 2174-2181

G E Tranter

Pages 2383-2389

Ichita Endo and Masataka Linuma

Pages 2505-2509

Applications Biochemical Applications of Fluorescence Spectroscopy Biomacromolecular Applications of Circular Dichroism and ORD Biomacromolecular Applications of UV-Visible Absorption Spectroscopy Chemical Reactions Studied By Electronic Spectroscopy Circularly Polarized Luminescence and Fluorescence Detected Circular Dichroism Dyes and Indicators, Use of UV-Visible Absorption Spectroscopy

Jason B Shear

Pages 77-84

Norma J Greenfield

Pages 117-130

Alison Rodger and Karen Sanders

Pages 130-139

Salman R Salman

Pages 216-222

Christine L Maupin and James P Riehl

Pages 319-326

Volker Buss and Lutz Eggers

Pages 388-396


G E Jellison, Jr

Pages 402-411

Environmental Applications of Electronic Spectroscopy Fibre Optic Probes in Optical Spectroscopy, Clinical Applications Fluorescence Microscopy, Applications Induced Circular Dichroism Inorganic Condensed Matter, Applications of Luminescence Spectroscopy Interstellar Molecules, Spectroscopy of

John W Farley, William C Brumley and DeLyle Eastwood Urs Utzinger and Rebecca R RichardsKortum

Pages 430-437

Pages 512-528

Fred Rost

Pages 565-570

Kymberley Vickery and Bengt Nordén

Pages 869-874

Keith Holliday

Pages 933-943

A G G M Tielens

Pages 943-953

Laser Applications in Electronic Spectroscopy

Wolfgang Demtröder

Thomas Gensch, Laser Induced Cristiano Viappiani and Optoacoustic Spectroscopy Silvia E Braslavsky Erik W Thulstrup, Jacek Linear Dichroism, Waluk and Jens Applications Spanget-Larsen Multiphoton Michael N R Ashfold Spectroscopy, and Colin M Western Applications Stephen G Schulman, Organic Chemistry Qiao Qing Di and John Applications of Fluorescence Spectroscopy Juchum Photoacoustic Markus W Sigrist Spectroscopy, Applications Scattering and Particle F Ross Hallett Sizing, Applications Spectroelectrochemistry, R J Mortimer Applications

Pages 1113-1123 Pages 1124-1132

Pages 1169-1175

Pages 1424-1433

Pages 1718-1725

Pages 1800-1809 Pages 2067-2074 Pages 2161-2174

Stars, Spectroscopy of

A G G M Tielens

Pages 2199-2204

Zeeman and Stark Methods in Spectroscopy, Applications

Ichita Endo and Masataka Linuma

Pages 2501-2504

Fundamentals of Spectroscopy Theory Electromagnetic Radiation David L Andrews Fourier Transformation and Sampling Theory Symmetry in Spectroscopy, Effects of

Pages 397-401

Raúl Curbelo

Pages 632-636

S F A Kettle

Pages 2335-2339

Peter Herzig and Rainer Dirl

Tensor Representations

Pages 2342-2353

Methods and Instrumentation Calibration and Reference C Burgess Systems (Regulatory Authorities) Laboratory Information David R McLaughlin Management Systems and Antony J Williams (LIMS)

Pages 166-171

Pages 1105-1113

Light Sources and Optics

R Magnusson

Pages 1158-1168

Multivariate Statistical Methods

R L Somorjai

Pages 1433-1439

Quantitative Analysis

T Frost

Pages 1931-1936

High Energy Spectroscopy Theory Mössbauer Spectroscopy, Theory Neutron Diffraction, Theory Photoelectron Spectroscopy X-ray Spectroscopy, Theory Zero Kinetic Energy Photoelectron Spectroscopy, Theory

Guennadi N Belozerski

Pages 1335-1343

Alex C Hannon

Pages 1493-1503

John Holmes

Page 1831

Prasad A Naik

Pages 2487-2498

K Müller-Dethlefs and Mark Ford

Pages 2519-2526

Methods and Instrumentation High Energy Ion Beam Analysis

Geoff W Grime

Pages 750-760

Hole Burning Spectroscopy, Methods Inelastic Neutron Scattering, Instrumentation

Josef Friedrich

Pages 826-836

Stewart F Parker

Pages 905-915

Guennadi N Belozerski

Pages 1315-1323

A C Hannon

Pages 1479-1492

László Szepes and György Tarczay

Pages 1822-1830

Geoff W Grime

Pages 1901-1905

Dieter Schwarzenbach and Howard D Flack

Pages 2271-2278

Grant Bunker

Pages 2447-2453

X-ray Emission Spectroscopy, Methods

George N Dolenko, Oleg Kh Poleshchuk and Jolanta N Latoiska

Pages 2463-2467

X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometers

Utz Kramar

Pages 2467-2477

Mössbauer Spectrometers Neutron Diffraction, Instrumentation Photoelectron Spectrometers Proton Microprobe (Method and Background) Structure Refinement (Solid State Diffraction) X-ray Absorption Spectrometers

Applications Fibres and Films Studied Using X-Ray Diffraction Inelastic Neutron Scattering, Applications Inorganic Compounds and Minerals Studied Using Xray Diffraction Materials Science Applications of X-ray Diffraction Mössbauer Spectroscopy, Applications

Watson Fuller and Arumugam Mahendrasingam

Pages 529-539

Stewart F Parker

Pages 894-905

Gilberto Artioli

Pages 924-933

Åke Kvick

Pages 1248-1257

Guennadi N Belozerski

Pages 1324-1334

Powder X-Ray Diffraction, Applications Small Molecule Applications of X-Ray Diffraction X-ray Emission Spectroscopy, Applications X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Applications Zero Kinetic Energy Photoelectron Spectroscopy, Applications

Daniel Louër

Pages 1865-1875

Andrei S Batsanov

Pages 2106-2115

George N Dolenko, Oleg Kh Poleshchuk and Jolanta N Latoiska Christina Streli, P Wobrauschek and P Kregsamer K Müller-Dethlefs and Mark Ford

Pages 2455-2462

Pages 2478-2487

Pages 2509-2519

Magnetic Resonance Historical Overview Magnetic Resonance, Historical Perspective

J W Emsley and J Feeney

Pages 1232-1240

Theory Chemical Exchange Effects in NMR Contrast Mechanisms in MRI

Alex D Bain

Pages 198-207

I R Young

Pages 349-358

EPR Spectroscopy, Theory

Christopher C Rowlands and Damien M Murphy

Pages 445-456

Magnetic Field Gradients in High-Resolution NMR

Ralph E Hurd

Pages 1224-1232

MRI Theory

Ian R Young

Pages 1388-1396

NMR in Anisotropic Systems, Theory

J W Emsley

Pages 1521-1527

NMR Principles

P J Hore

Pages 1545-1553

NMR Pulse Sequences

William F Reynolds

Pages 1554-1567

NMR Relaxation Rates

Ronald Y Dong

Pages 1568-1575

Nuclear Overhauser Effect

Anil Kumar and R Christy Rani Grace

Pages 1643-1653

Janez Seliger

Pages 1672-1680

G A Webb

Pages 1745-1753

Timothy J Norwood

Pages 1875-1884

Daniel Canet

Pages 1937-1944

Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance, Theory Parameters in NMR Spectroscopy, Theory of Product Operator Formalism in NMR Radiofrequency Field Gradients in NMR, Theory

Methods and Instrumentation Cecil Dybowski, Alicia Glatfelter and H N Cheng

Pages 149-158

EPR, Methods

Richard Cammack

Pages 457-469

In Vivo NMR, Methods

John C Lindon

Pages 866-868


C NMR, Methods

Laser Magnetic Resonance A I Chichinin

Pages 1133-1140

MRI Instrumentation

Paul D Hockings, John F Hare and David G Reid

Pages 1372-1380

NMR Data Processing

Gareth A Morris

Pages 1514-1521

NMR Microscopy

Paul T Callaghan

Pages 1528-1537

NMR Spectrometers

John C Lindon

Pages 1576-1583

Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance, Instrumentation

Taras N Rudakov

Pages 1663-1671

Ralf-Oliver Seitter and Rainer Kimmich J W Zwanziger and H W Solid State NMR, Methods Spiess Solvent Suppression Maili Liu and Xi-an Mao Methods in NMR Spectroscopy Sonically Induced NMR John Homer Methods Two-Dimensional NMR, Peter L Rinaldi Methods Relaxometers

Pages 2000-2008 Pages 2128-2136 Pages 2145-2152 Pages 2152-2159 Pages 2370-2381

Applications Biofluids Studied By NMR 13

C NMR, Parameter Survey

Carbohydrates Studied By NMR Cells Studied By NMR Chemical Applications of EPR Chemical Shift and Relaxation Reagents in NMR

John C Lindon and Jeremy K Nicholson R Duncan Farrant and John C Lindon Charles T Weller Fátima Cruz and Sebastián Cerdán Christopher C Rowlands and Damien M Murphy Silvio Aime, Mauro Botta, Mauro Fasano and Enzo Terreno

Pages 98-116 Pages 159-165 Pages 172-180 Pages 180-189 Pages 190-198

Pages 223-231

Chromatography-NMR, Applications

J P Shockcor

Pages 301-310

CIDNP Applications

Tatyana V Leshina, Alexander I Kruppa and Marc B Taraban

Pages 311-318

Peter Stilbs

Pages 369-375

Myriam Malet-Martino and Robert Martino

Pages 375-388

Thomas J Wenzel

Pages 411-421

Diffusion Studied Using NMR Spectroscopy Drug Metabolism Studied Using NMR Spectroscopy Enantiomeric Purity Studied Using NMR

EPR Imaging

L H Sutcliffe

Pages 437-445


Claudio Pettinari and Giovanni Rafaiani

Pages 489-498

Brian Hills

Pages 593-601

Nancy S True

Pages 660-667

Frank G Riddell

Pages 677-684

Claudio Pettinari, Fabio Marchetti and Giovanni Rafaiani

Pages 685-690

Janusz Lewiski

Pages 691-703

Claudio Pettinari

Pages 704-717

Trevor G Appleton

Pages 718-722

Ioannis P Gerothanassis

Pages 722-729

Dieter Rehder

Pages 731-740

Erkki Kolehmainen

Pages 740-750

Jiri Jonas

Pages 760-771

Etsuko Katoh and Isao Ando

Pages 802-813

Anne S Ulrich

Pages 813-825

F NMR, Applications, Solution State Food Science, Applications of NMR Spectroscopy Gas Phase Applications of NMR Spectroscopy Halogen NMR Spectroscopy (Excluding 19F) Heteronuclear NMR Applications (As, Sb, Bi) Heteronuclear NMR Applications (B, Al, Ga, In, Tl) Heteronuclear NMR Applications (Ge, Sn, Pb) Heteronuclear NMR Applications (La–Hg) Heteronuclear NMR Applications (O, S, Se and Te) Heteronuclear NMR Applications (Sc–Zn) Heteronuclear NMR Applications (Y–Cd) High Pressure Studies Using NMR Spectroscopy High Resolution Solid State NMR, 13C High Resolution Solid State NMR, 1H, 19F In Vivo NMR, Applications, 31P In Vivo NMR, Applications, Other Nuclei Labelling Studies in Biochemistry Using NMR

Ruth M Dixon and Peter Styles Jimmy D Bell, E Louise Thomas and K Kumar Changani Timothy R Fennell and Susan C J Sumner

Pages 851-857 Pages 857-865 Pages 1097-1105

Liquid Crystals and Liquid Crystal Solutions Studied By NMR Macromolecule–Ligand Interactions Studied By NMR Membranes Studied By NMR Spectroscopy

Lucia Calucci and Carlo Alberto Veracini

Pages 1179-1186

J Feeney

Pages 1209-1216

A Watts and S J Opella

Pages 1281-1291

MRI Applications, Biological

David G Reid, Paul D Hockings and Paul G M Mullins

Pages 1344-1354

MRI Applications, Clinical

Martin O Leach

Pages 1354-1364

MRI Applications, Clinical Flow Y Berthezène Studies

Pages 1365-1372

MRI of Oil/Water in Rocks

Geneviève Guillot

Pages 1380-1387

MRI Using Stray Fields

Edward W Randall

Pages 1396-1403

Muon Spin Resonance Spectroscopy, Applications

Ivan D Reid and Emil Roduner

Pages 1439-1450

Nitrogen NMR

G A Webb

Pages 1504-1514

NMR of Solids

Jacek Klinowski

Pages 1537-1544

NMR Spectroscopy of Alkali Metal Nuclei in Solution

Frank G Riddell

Pages 1584-1593

Oleg Kh Poleshchuk Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance, and Jolanta N Applications Latosiska Nucleic Acids Studied Using John C Lindon NMR David G Gorenstein 31 P NMR and Bruce A Luxon Perfused Organs Studied Using John C Docherty NMR Spectroscopy Proteins Studied Using NMR Paul N Sanderson Spectroscopy

Pages 1653-1662 Pages 1688-1689 Pages 1735-1744 Pages 1763-1770 Pages 1885-1893

Rigid Solids Studied Using MRI

David G Cory

Pages 2009-2017


Heinrich C Marsmann

Pages 2031-2042

Alejandro C Olivieri

Pages 2116-2127

David L Bryce and Roderick E Wasylishen

Pages 2136-2144

Carmen M Arroyo

Pages 2189-2198

G E Hawkes

Pages 2224-2233

Cynthia K McClure

Pages 2234-2245


Solid-State NMR Using Quadrupolar Nuclei Solid-State NMR, Rotational Resonance Spin Trapping and Spin Labelling Studied Using EPR Spectroscopy Structural Chemistry Using NMR Spectroscopy, Inorganic Molecules Structural Chemistry Using NMR Spectroscopy, Organic Molecules Structural Chemistry Using NMR Spectroscopy, Peptides Structural Chemistry Using NMR Spectroscopy, Pharmaceuticals

Martin Huenges and Horst Kessler Alexandros Makriyannis and Spiro Pavlopoulos

Pages 2246-2260 Pages 2261-2271

Tritium NMR, Applications

John R Jones

Pages 2366-2369

Xenon NMR Spectroscopy

Jukka Jokisaari

Pages 2435-2446

Mass Spectrometry Historical Overview Mass Spectrometry, Historical Perspective

Allan Maccoll†

Pages 1241-1248

Theory Fragmentation in Mass Spectrometry

Hans-Friedrich Grützmacher

Pages 637-648

Ion Collision Theory Ion Dissociation Kinetics, Mass Spectrometry Ion Energetics in Mass Spectrometry Ion Structures in Mass Spectrometry Ionization Theory

Anil K Shukla and Jean H Futrell

Pages 954-963

Bernard Leyh

Pages 963-971

John Holmes

Pages 971-976

Peter C Burgers and Johan K Terlouw C Lifsh*tz and T D Märk

Pages 990-1000 Pages 1010-1021

Metastable Ions

John L Holmes

Pages 1291-1297

Proton Affinities

Edward P L Hunter and Sharon G Lias

Pages 1893-1901

Statistical Theory of Mass Spectra

J C Lorquet

Pages 2204-2211

Methods and Instrumentation Atmospheric Pressure Ionization in Mass Spectrometry Chemical Ionization in Mass Spectrometry Chemical Structure Information from Mass Spectrometry Chromatography-MS, Methods Fast Atom Bombardment Ionization in Mass Spectrometry Field Ionization Kinetics in Mass Spectrometry Glow Discharge Mass Spectrometry, Methods

W. M. A. Niessen

Pages 18-24

Alex G Harrison

Pages 207-215

Kurt Varmuza

Pages 232-243

W W A Niessen

Pages 293-300

Magda Claeys and Jan Claereboudt

Pages 505-512

Nico M M Nibbering

Pages 539-548

Annemie Bogaerts

Pages 669-676

Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry, Methods Ion Molecule Reactions in Mass Spectrometry Ion Trap Mass Spectrometers Laser Spectroscopy Theory MS-MS and MSn Multiphoton Excitation in Mass Spectrometry Negative Ion Mass Spectrometry, Methods Neutralization– Reionization in Mass Spectrometry Photoelectron–Photoion Coincidence Methods in Mass Spectrometry (PEPICO) Photoionization and Photodissociation Methods in Mass Spectrometry Plasma Desorption Ionization in Mass Spectrometry Pyrolysis Mass Spectrometry, Methods Quadrupoles, Use of in Mass Spectrometry Sector Mass Spectrometers

Diane Beauchemin

Pages 875-880

Diethard K Böhme

Pages 984-990

Raymond E March

Pages 1000-1009

Luc Van Vaeck and Freddy Adams

Pages 1141-1152

W. M. A. Niessen

Pages 1404-1410

Ulrich Boesl

Pages 1411-1424

Suresh Dua and John H Bowie

Pages 1461-1469

Chrys Wesdemiotis

Pages 1469-1479

Tomas Baer

Pages 1831-1839

John C Traeger

Pages 1840-1847

Ronald D Macfarlane

Pages 1848-1857

Jacek P Dworzanski and Henk L C Meuzelaar P H Dawson and D J Douglas

Pages 1906-1919 Pages 1921-1930

R Bateman

Pages 2085-2092

Spectroscopy of Ions

John P Maier

Pages 2182-2189

Surface Induced Dissociation in Mass Spectrometry

S A Miller and S L Bernasek

Pages 2279-2294

Thermospray Ionization in W M A Niessen Mass Spectrometry K G Standing and W Time of Flight Mass Ens Spectrometers

Pages 2353-2360 Pages 2360-2365

Applications Biochemical Applications of Mass Spectrometry Cluster Ions Measured Using Mass Spectrometry Cosmochemical Applications Using Mass Spectrometry Food Science, Applications of Mass Spectrometry Forensic Science, Applications of Mass Spectrometry Hyphenated Techniques, Applications of in Mass Spectrometry Inorganic Chemistry, Applications of Mass Spectrometry Ion Imaging Using Mass Spectrometry Isotope Ratio Studies Using Mass Spectrometry Isotopic Labelling in Mass Spectrometry Medical Applications of Mass Spectrometry Nucleic Acids and Nucleotides Studied Using Mass Spectrometry

Victor E Vandell and Patrick A Limbach

Pages 84-87

O Echt and T D Märk

Pages 327-336

J R De Laeter

Pages 359-367

John P G Wilkins

Pages 592-593

Rodger L Foltz, Dennis J Crouch and David M Andrenyak

Pages 615-621

W M A Niessen

Pages 843-849

Lev N Sidorov

Pages 915-923

Albert J R Heck

Pages 976-983

Michael E Wieser and Willi A Brand Thomas Hellman Morton

Pages 1072-1086 Pages 1086-1096

Orval A Mamer

Pages 1262-1271

Tracey A Simmons, Kari B Green-Church and Patrick A Limbach

Pages 1681-1688

Organometallics Studied Using Mass Spectrometry Peptides and Proteins Studied Using Mass Spectrometry SIFT Applications in Mass Spectrometry Stereochemistry Studied Using Mass Spectrometry

Dmitri V Zagorevskii

Pages 1726-1733

Michael A Baldwin

Pages 1753-1763

David Smith and Patrik panl

Pages 2092-2105

Asher Mandelbaum

Pages 2211-2223

Spatially Resolved Spectroscopic Analysis Theory Neutron Diffraction, Theory

Alex C Hannon

Pages 1493-1503

PET, Theory

T J Spinks

Pages 1782-1791

A J Fisher

Pages 2060-2066

Zdzislaw Salamon and Gordon Tollin

Pages 2311-2319

Scanning Probe Microscopy, Theory Surface Plasmon Resonance, Theory

Methods and Instrumentation Neutron Diffraction, Instrumentation PET, Methods and Instrumentation Scanning Probe Microscopes SPECT, Methods and Instrumentation Structure Refinement (Solid State Diffraction) Surface Plasmon Resonance, Instrumentation

A C Hannon

Pages 1479-1492

T J Spinks

Pages 1771-1782

J G Kushmerick and P S Weiss

Pages 2043-2051

John C Lindon

Pages 2159-2161

Dieter Schwarzenbach and Howard D Flack

Pages 2271-2278

R P H Kooyman

Pages 2302-2310

Applications Fibres and Films Studied Using X-Ray Diffraction Inelastic Neutron Scattering, Applications Inorganic Compounds and Minerals Studied Using Xray Diffraction Materials Science Applications of X-ray Diffraction Mössbauer Spectroscopy, Applications Scanning Probe Microscopy, Applications Surface Plasmon Resonance, Applications

Watson Fuller and Arumugam Mahendrasingam

Pages 529-539

Stewart F Parker

Pages 894-905

Gilberto Artioli

Pages 924-933

Åke Kvick

Pages 1248-1257

Guennadi N Belozerski

Pages 1324-1334

C J Roberts, M C Davies, S J B Tendler and P M Williams Zdzislaw Salamon and Gordon Tollin

Pages 2051-2059 Pages 2294-2302

Vibrational, Rotational and Raman Spectroscopies Historical Overview Vibrational, Rotational and Raman Spectroscopy, Historical Perspective

A S Gilbert

Pages 2422-2432

Theory IR Spectroscopy, Theory Nonlinear Raman Spectroscopy, Theory Photoacoustic Spectroscopy, Theory

Derek Steele

Pages 1066-1071

J Santos Gómez

Pages 1631-1642

András Miklós, Stefan Schäfer and Peter Hess

Pages 1815-1822

Raman Optical Activity, Theory Rayleigh Scattering and Raman Spectroscopy, Theory Rotational Spectroscopy, Theory

Laurence A Nafie

Pages 1976-1985

David L Andrews

Pages 1993-2000

Iain R McNab

Pages 2017-2028

Vibrational CD, Theory

Philip J Stephens

Pages 2415-2421

Methods and Instrumentation Chromatography-IR, Methods and Instrumentation Computational Methods and Chemometrics in Near-IR Spectroscopy High Resolution IR Spectroscopy (Gas Phase) Instrumentation

Robert L White

Pages 288-293

Paul Geladi and Eigil Dåbakk

Pages 343-349

Jyrki K Kauppinen and Jari O Partanen

Pages 784-794

IR Spectrometers

R A Spragg

Pages 1048-1057

IR Spectroscopy Sample Preparation Methods

R A Spragg

Pages 1058-1066

Microwave Spectrometers

Marlin D Harmony

Pages 1308-1314

Near-IR Spectrometers

R Anthony Shaw and Henry H Mantsch

Pages 1451-1461

Nonlinear Raman Peter C Chen Spectroscopy, Instruments Pina Colarusso, Linda Raman and Infrared H Kidder, Ira W Levin Microspectroscopy and E Neil Lewis Raman Optical Activity, Werner Hug Spectrometers Raman Spectrometers

Bernhard Schrader

Pages 1624-1631 Pages 1945-1954 Pages 1966-1976 Pages 1986-1992

Vibrational CD Spectrometers

Laurence A Nafie

Pages 2391-2402

Applications Art Works Studied Using IR and Raman Spectroscopy ATR and Reflectance IR Spectroscopy, Applications Biochemical Applications of Raman Spectroscopy Chromatography-IR, Applications Far-IR Spectroscopy, Applications Flame and Temperature Measurement Using Vibrational Spectroscopy Forensic Science, Applications of IR Spectroscopy FT-Raman Spectroscopy, Applications High Resolution Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy, Applications High Resolution IR Spectroscopy (Gas Phase) Instrumentation Hydrogen Bonding and Other Physicochemical Interactions Studied By IR and Raman Spectroscopy Industrial Applications of IR and Raman Spectroscopy

Howell G M Edwards

Pages 2-17

U P Fringeli

Pages 58-75

Peter Hildebrandt and Sophie Lecomte

Pages 88-97

George Jalsovszky

Pages 282-287

James R Durig

Pages 498-504

Kevin L McNesby

Pages 548-559

Núria Ferrer

Pages 603-615

R H Brody, E A Carter, H. G. M. Edwards and A M Pollard

Pages 649-657

Horst Conrad and Martin E Kordesch

Pages 772-783

Jyrki K Kauppinen and Jari O Partanen

Pages 784-794

A S Gilbert

Pages 837-843

A S Gilbert and R W Lancaster

Pages 881-893

IR and Raman Spectroscopy of Inorganic, Coordination and Organometallic Compounds IR Spectral Group Frequencies of Organic Compounds Matrix Isolation Studies By IR and Raman Spectroscopies Medical Science Applications of IR Microwave and Radiowave Spectroscopy, Applications Nonlinear Raman Spectroscopy, Applications Photoacoustic Spectroscopy, Applications Polymer Applications of IR and Raman Spectroscopy Raman Optical Activity, Applications Surface Studies By IR Spectroscopy Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS), Applications Vibrational CD, Applications

Claudio Pettinari and Carlo Santini

Pages 1021-1034

A S Gilbert

Pages 1035-1048

Lester Andrews

Pages 1257-1261

Michael Jackson and Henry H Mantsch

Pages 1271-1281

G Wlodarczak

Pages 1297-1307

W Kiefer

Pages 1609-1623

Markus W Sigrist

Pages 1800-1809

C M Snively and J L Koenig

Pages 1858-1864

Günter Georg Hoffmann

Pages 1955-1965

Norman Sheppard

Pages 2320-2328

W E Smith and C Rodger

Pages 2329-2334

Günter Georg Hoffmann

Pages 2403-2414

Plate 1

Plate 1 Roman die, ca. AD 300, from archaeological excavations at Frocester Villa, Gloucester, UK. Raman spectroscopy has suggested the origin of the die as sperm whale ivory. See Art Works Studied using IR and Raman Spectroscopy.

Plate 2

Plate 2 Selection of ornamental jewellery consisting of three bangles assumed to be ivory but which were shown spectroscopically to be composed of modern resins, and a genuine ivory necklace.See Art Works Studied using IR and Raman Spectroscopy.

Plate 3

Plate 3 ‘Ivory’ cat, which was identified spectroscopically as a modern limitation composed of poly(methyl methacrylate) and polystyrene resins with added calcite to give the texture and density of ivory. Reproduced with permission from Edwards HGM and Farwell DW, Ivory and simulated ivory artefacts: Fourier-transform Raman diagnostic study, Spectrochimica Acta, Part A, 51: 2073–2081 r 1995, Elsevier Science B. V. See Art Works Studied using IR and Raman Spectroscopy.

Plate 4

! with the Raman spectra of pigments contained therein. The combination of vermilion Plate 4 The historiated initials (a) ‘P’ and (b) ‘S’ from the Icelandic Jok and red ochre in the ‘P’ should be noted. The spectrum of bone white has been obtained from the letter ‘H’(not shown). Reproduced with permission from Bent SP, Clark RH, Daniels MAM, Proter CA and Withnay R. Identification by Raman microscopy and visible reflectance spectroscopy of pigments on an Icelandic manuscript, (1995) Studies in Conservation 40: 31–40. See Art Works Studied using IR and Raman Spectroscopy.

Plate 5a

Plate 5a Elaborately historiated initial ‘R’ in sixteenth-century German choir book, with Raman microscopy spectra of selected pigmented regions. See Art Works Studied using IR and Raman Spectroscopy.

Plate 5b

Plate 5b Portion of top of column of historiated initial ‘R’ shown in 5a the individual pigment-grains can be clearly seen under the x100 magnification and can be separately identified using Raman microscopy. 5a and b, reproduced with permission from Clark RJH (1995) Raman microscopy: application to the identification of pigments on medieval manuscripts. Chemical Society Reviews 187-196. r The Royal Society of Chemistry. See Art Works Studied using IR and Raman Spectroscopy.

Plate 6

Plate 6 Holy Sepulchre Chapel, Winchester Cathedral. Wall painting of ca. 1175–85 on the east well depicting the Deposition, Entombment, Maries at the Sepulchre and the Harrowing of Hell. Reproduced with permission from Edwards HGM, Brooke C and Tait JKF, An FT-Raman spectroscopic study of pigments of medieval English wall paintings, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 28: 95–98, r 1997 John Wiley and Sons Ltd. See Art Works Studied using IR and Raman Spectroscopy.

Plate 7

Plate 7 A two-dimensional 1H-NMR spectrum of human urine, demonstrating the complexity of such mixtures. This was measured using the J-resolved pulse sequence and results in contour plot of spectrum intensity as a function of two frequency axes. The horizontal axis represents the usual 1H NMR chemical shift range and the vertical axis cover the 1H1H spin coupling range. Each 1H NMR spin-coupled multiplet is rotated such that the overlap between closely spaced signals is minimised, thus aiding interpretation. See Biofluids Studied by NMR. Reproduced with permission from John Lindon.

Plate 8

Plates 8 a and b Polarised light micrograph of liquid crystals. See Chiroptical Spectroscopy, Oriented Molecules and Anisotropic Systems; Liquid Crystals and Liquid Crystal Solutions Studied by NMR. Reproduced with permission from Science Photo Library.

Plate 9

Plate 9 Light micrograph of a liquid crystal display (LCD) of the type used to represent numerical figures. Although a liquid crystal (LC) can flow like a fluid its molecular arrangement exhibits some order. A LCD has a film of LC sandwiched between crossed polarizers & set on top of a mirror. In the ‘off’ state light is able to traverse both polarizers to reach the mirror because it gets rotated through 90 degrees by the LC. In the ‘on’ state an electric field applied across the LC alters its molecular alignment & hence its polarizing properties; light cannot traverse both polarizers to reach the mirror & the display appears black. See Chiroptical Spectroscopy, Oriented Molecules and Anisotropic Systems; Liquid Crystals and Liquid Crystal Solutions Studied by NMR. Reproduced with permission from Science Photo Library.

Plate 10

Plate 10 Polarised light micrograph of nematic liquid crystals.See Chiroptical Spectroscopy, Oriented Molecules and Anisotropic Systems; Liquid Crystals and Liquid Crystal Solutions Studied by NMR. Reproduced with permission from Science Photo Library.

Plate 11

Plate 11 The molecular composition of massive star-forming region in the galaxy. The false color background shows the heart of a massive star-forming region in the constellation of Orion obtained by the Hubble Space Telescope. The red colour is the emission of the molecular hydrogen excited by shocks driven by the powerful wind of a newly formed star in the center of the image. The bluish color is scattered light from this young star reflected in surrounding dust in its stellar nursery. The white spectrum shows the results of ground-based line survey of its region and reveals the presence of molecules such as methanol, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, sulphur monoxide, and sulphur dioxide. See Cosmochemical Applications Using Mass Spectrometry; Interstellar Molecules, Spectroscopy of. Reproduced with permision from A.G.G.M. Tielens.

Plate 12

Plate 12 The composition of ices in low-mass star forming regions. This is a false color image of an infrared image obtained by the European ISO satelite (Infrared Space Observatory). The colors indicate emission by warm dust and gas heated by nearby stars in the star-forming molecular cloud Rho Ophiucus. Two bright objects just below the center are newly formed solar-type stars. The spectrum displayed on top was taken by a spectrograph on board ISO towards the indicated source. This spectrum reveals the presence of various simple molecules such as water, carbon monoxide in ice-form in these regions. The composition of these ices is very similar to those of comets in the solar system and eventually, these ices are expected to coagulate together forming comets in the budding planetary system around this newly formed star. See Cosmochemical Applications Using Mass Spectrometry; Interstellar Molecules, Spectroscopy of. Reproduced with permission from A.G.G.M. Tielens.

Plate 13

Plate 13 Large molecules in the ejecta from a dying star. When solar-type stars grow old they shed much of their mass in the form of a wind much of that in the form of complex molecules. Eventually, the star becomes very hot and sets this ejected material aglow, forming so-called planetary nebulae. The material ejected during this stage will mix with other material present in space and eventually new stars and planetary systems like our own will form these stellar ashes. The false color image shows the emission of molecular hydrogen (red) and atomic hydrogen (white) in the planetary nebula NGC 7027 obtained by the ISO satelite (Infrared Space Observatory). This spectrum reveals the presence of large complex molecules called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. These molecules are formed in a process akin to that of sooting flames in terrestrial envirnoments such as car engines. See Cosmochemical Applications Using Mass Spectrometry; Interstellar Molecules, Spectroscopy of. Reproduced with permission from A.G.G.M. Tielens.

Plate 14

Plate 14 A molecule of the pigment quinacridone. The coloured surfaces represent key molecular properties predicated using computational chemistry. See Dyes and Indicators, Use of UV-Visible Absorption Spectroscopy. Reproduced with permission from Molecular Simulations (www.msi.com).

Plate 15

Plate 15 Sir Frederick William Herschel (1738–1822) German-British astronomer, and disocerer of Uranus, 1781. Reproduced with permission from Mary Evans Picture Library.

Plate 16

Plate 16 Sir Chandrasehara Venkata Raman. Indian (1888–1970) physcicist, Nobel Laureate in physics 1930 and discoverer of the Raman effect, a scattering of light by a sample which results in a small fraction of the light being of a different frequency. This phenomenon has applications in analytical chemistry and molecular structure. See Electromagnetic Radiation; Vibrational, Rotational and Raman Spectroscopy, Historical Perspective. Reproduced with permission from Mary Evans Picture Library.

Plate 17

Plate 17 Imaging of a rat kidney perfused with 0.5mM triayl-methyl (TAM) radical. A few representative slices (2424 mm2), obtained from the 3D spatial image are shown. A1-A6 are vertucak slices (0.75 mm apart), B1-B3 are traverse slices (0.75 mm apart). The images show the structure of cannula (a), renal artery (b), cortex (c), and calysis (d). See EPR Imaging. Reproduced with permission from Peraiannan Kuppusamy/EPR Laboratories Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

Plate 18

Plate 59 Three-dimensional images (25 25 25 mm3) of an ischaemic rat heart infused with a glucose char suspension. (A) Full view of the heart. (B) A longitudinal cut out showing the internal structure of the heart. C is the cannula; Ao the aorta; PA the pulmonary artery; LM the left main coronary artery; LAD the left anterior descending artery; and LV the left ventricular cavity. See EPR Imaging. Reproduced with permission from Periannan Kuppusamy/ERP Laboratories Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

Plate 19

Plate 19 Small angle X-ray fibre diffraction pattern recorded from Plaice fish muscle. See Fibres and Films Studied Using X-Ray Diffraction. Reproduced with permission from W. Fuller and A. Mahendrasingam.

Plate 20

Plate 20 An example of a fluorescent molecular probe, Endogenous alkaline phosphatase activity in the zebrafish brain was localized with an endogenous phosphatase detection kit. Enzymatic cleavage of the phosphatase substrate yields a bright yellow-green fluorescent precipitate at the site of enzyme activity. See Fluorescent Molecular Probes. Reproduced with permission from Greg Cox, Molecular Probes, Inc.

Plate 21

Plate 21 A fluorescent molecular probe. Fixed and permeabilized osteosarcoma cells were simultaneously stained with the fluorescent lectins, Alexa 488 concanavalin A (Con A) and Alexa 594 wheat germ agglutinin (WGA). Con A selectively binds a-mannopyranosyl and a-glucopyranosyl residues, whereas WGA selectively binds sialic acid counterstained with blue-fluorescent Hoechst 33342 nucleic acid stain. See Fluorescent Molecular Probes, Inc.

Plate 22

Plate 22 Radiocarbon dating. View of a linear accelerator used as part of an accelerator mass spectrometer (AMS). This device is capable of counting the relatively few carbon-14 atoms in a radioactive sample. The proportion of carbon-14 to carbon-12 atoms in the sample may be used to determine the radiocarbon age of an organic object. This is then adjusted by various corrections to give the true age. See Isotope Ratio Studies Using Mass Spectrometry. Reproduced with permission from Science Photo Library.

Plate 23

Plate 23 Raman microscope image of a pharmaceutical powder showing the relative importance of three compound, A, B and C. See Industrial Application of IR and Raman Spectroscopy. Courtesy of A.S. Gilbert and R.W. Lancaster.

Plate 24

Plate 24 3-D reconstruction of a plant cell undergoing meiotic cell division, created from two-photon cross-sectioned images. See Laser Spectroscopy Theory; Light sources and Optics. Reproduced with permission from Spectra-Physics r W. Zipfel and C. Conley/Cornell University.

Plate 25

Plate 25 Thorax and abdomen. Coloured Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scan of the thorax and abdomen of a woman aged 58 years, seen in posterior view. The arms are seen on either side, with the waist and hips at lower frame. The thorax contains the blue lung fields (upper frame) with bones of the thoracic spines at upper centre. In the abdomen are lobes of the liver (green, below the lungs) and a pair of kidneys (green, below the liver lobes). Bands of muscle can be seen around the lumbar spine (lower centre) and the shoulder (at top, magenta). MRI uses probes of radiowave energy in the presence of a magnetic field to create slices. See MRI Applications, Clinical; MRI Instrumentation; MRI Theory; Contrast mechanisms in MRI. Reproduced with permission from Science Photo Library.

Plate 26

Plate 26 False-colour magnetic resonance image (MRI) of a whole human body, a woman, taken in coronal (frontal) section. Various parts of the body are prominent: bone appears in black, wiht the hip and shoulder joints clearly defined. The lungs are also black. Vertebrae forming the spinal column are also obvious (in yellow and white). Part of the spinal cord is visible (in gold) beneath the base of the brain, the hemispherical structure of which is revealed in the section. This whole body image is the product of a number of MRI scans made along the length of the body. The complete image was rendered from data relating to the various sections stored on the scanner’s computer. See MRI Applications, Clinical; MRI Instrumentation; MRI Theory; Contrast mechanisms in MRI. Reproduced with permission from Science Photo Library.

Plate 27

Plate 27 Portrait of Francis Aston (1877–1945) British physicist and Nobel Laureate. After WW1, Aston helped Thompson in his studies of the deflection of ions in magnetic fields. He went on to improve Thompson’s apparatus, designing it so as to make all atoms of a given mass fall on the same part of a photographic plate. Working with neon, he found that two lines were isotopes. He repeated this with chlorine with similar results. The device, called the mass spectrometer, showed that most stable elements had isotopes. His work earned him the 1922 Nobel Prize for Chemistry, and introduced a powerful new analytical tool to science. See Mass Spectrometry, Historical Perspective. Reproduced with permision from Science Photo Library.

Plate 28

Plate 28 Magnetic Resonance Image of Human female brain. See MRI Applications, Clinical. Reproduced with permission from r Medipics/Dan McCoy/ Rainbow.

Plate 29

Plate 29 Structure of membrane proteins. Membrane peptides often self assemble into controlled oligomeric forms to make molecular selective channels whose structure can be very difficult to resolve at the molecular level by most methods, although solid state NMR methods can make a contribution to their functional and structural description. Here the pentameric funnel-like bundle of the M2-peptide from the nicotinic acetly choline receptor has been resolved from 15N NMR studies of oriented M2 peptides in lipid bilayers. The funnel has a wide mouth at the N-terminal, intracellular side of the pore. The pore lining residues has also been modelled and distances between residues in the channel estimated. The a-carbon backbone is in cyan, acidic residues in red and basic residues in blue, polar residues in yellow and lipophilic residues in purple. (Figure adapted from Opella et al., (1999) Nature St. Biology, 6: 374–379). See Membranes Studied by NMR Spectroscopy.

Plate 30

Plate 30 Biological membranes which enclose all living cells, and are also present within the cells of higher life forms, are very complex and heterogeneous in their chemical make-up. Between 20 and 40% of components encoded by the genome in any one living cell eventually end up in the membranes of the cell. Any one typical membrane may be composed of over 100 different bilayer lipids and sterols, several hundreds of different proteins, some of which have polysaccharides attached to them, and the whole assembly may be supported by a protein scaffold underlying the membrane on the cytoplasmic side. The whole molecular complex is in dynamic equilibrium, with lipids and sterols rotating fast (about 109 times per second) around their long axis, and diffusing laterally (covering about 108 cm2 in one second), whilst at the same time maintaining a regular and relatively ordered structure, on average. Such dynamic information has come from a range of spectroscopic methods, including NMR, in which it is usual to study just one, or a limited number of such components in a simplified model system, and try and understand them and their interactions with a limited number of other components. (Figure by Ove Broo Sorensen of the Technical University of Copenhagen, Denmark). See Membranes Studied by NMR Spectroscopy.

Plate 31

Plate 31 Richard Ernst, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry 1991. Notes for this contribution to NMR spectroscopy and MRI. See Magnetic Resonance, Historical Perspective. Reproduced with permission from The Nobel Foundation.

Plate 32

Plate 32 Felix Bloch who was awarded the Nobel prize for physics in 1952 jointly with Edward Purcell. They led two independent research groups which, in 1945, first detected the nuclear magnetic resonance phenomenon in bulk matter. See Magnetic Resonance, Historical Perspective. Reproduced with permission from The Nobel Foundation.

Plate 33

Plate 33 The first fully functioning electrospray mass spectrometer built at Yale by Masamichi Yamash*ta in 1983. Reproduced with permission from John B. Fen.

Plate 34

Plate 34 A schematic representation of a typical electrospray mass spectrometer in which the mass analyser is a quadrupole mass filter. Reproduced with permission from John B. Fen.

Plate 35

Plate 35 A Bell Lab ZAB high field mass spectrometer. Reproduced with permission from r Medipics/Dan McCoy/Rainbow.

Plate 36

( The insert is the actualpattern which can be Plate 36 The left-hand picture illustrates a powder diffraction pattern of S2N2 at a wavelength of 0.325 A. integrated and displayed as a function of d[ d* = 2 sin q/l]. The right-hand picture shows the result if one single S2N2 crystal is rotated in the X-ray beam. The size of the spots illustrates the difference in diffracted intensities from the separated Bragg reflections. See Material Science Applications of X-ray Diffraction. Courtesy of Svensson and Kvick, 1998.

Plate 37

Plate 37 Schematic cross-section through a typical superconducting clinical MR scanner. Within the cryostat (light blue) are the superconducting coils of the primary magnet (red) and active shield (green). In the bore of the magnet there are passive shim rods (grey), active shim coils (orange), gradient set (blue), whole body RF coil (black) and patient bed. The tractable diameter is generally half the magnet bore diameter. See MRI Instrumentation. Courtesy of P.D. Hockings, J.F. Hare and D.G. Reid.

Plate 38

Plate 38 a and b Black and white & colourscale diffusion weighted spin echo magnetic resonance images of postmortem human cervical spinal cord using a micro-imaging probe at 600 MHz observation frequency. See NMR Microscopy. Reproduced with permission from Doty Scientific Inc.

Plate 39

Plate 39 Small angle X-ray fibre diffraction pattern recorded form of the DNA double-helix. See Nucleic Acids and Nucleotides Studied Using Mass Spectroscopy; Nucleic Acids Studied by NMR. Courtesy of A. Mahendrasigam and W. Fuller.

Plate 40

Plate 40 The anisotrophy of chemical shift, dipolar and quadrupolar coupling usually broadens NMR spectra of very large, slowly tumbling complexes making a detailed structural analysis a difficult task. If however the sample is set spinning at an angle of 54.7 (MASS = magic angle sample spinning) with respect to the applied magnetic field, all anisotropies are scaled down and eventually collapse at sufficiently high speeds resulting in isotropic spectra. In a special version of MASS called MAOSS, oriented membranes are set spinning at moderate speeds (1–4 kHz) at the magic angle, and now the narrow spinning side bands, which arise from not-averaged anisotropic interactions, give information about the orientation of the group being observed (here a CD3 group in deuterium NMR of a prosthetic group in a large protein embedded in membrane) at much higher sensitivity and resolution than could be obtained from a conventional spectrum of a statically positioned sample. Similar experimental condition for other nuclei (13C, 15N), permit both the magnitude and direction of the dipolar couplings to be extracted, to give high resolution structural details within a large membrane complex, (courtesy of Dr C. Glaubitz; adapted from Glaubitz and Watts, (1998) J. Mag. Res. 130; 305–316). See NMR in Anisotropic Systems, Theory; Solid State NMR, Methods.

Plate 41a

Plate 41a A superconducting NMR magnet operating at 18.8T for 1H NMR observation at 800 MHz demonstrating the size of these state-of-the-art magnets. Reproduced with permission from Bruker Instruments Inc., Billerica, MA, USA.

Plate 41b

Plate 41b A modern high-resolution NMR spectrometer. A superconducting magnet is shown at the rear, in this case providing a field of 18.8T corresponding to a 1H observation frequency of 800 MHz. Behind the operator is the single console containing the RF and other electronics and the temperature-control unit. The whole instrument is computer controlled by the workstation shown at the right. Reproduced with permission from Bruker Instruments Inc., Billerica, MA, USA. See NMR Spectrometers.

Plate 42

Plate 42 PET functional images of glucose metabolic rate (MRGl) (right), MRI images (magnetic resonance images, left) showing anatomical detail, and coregistered (overlaid) PET/MRI (centre). See PET, Methods and Instrumentation.

Plate 43

Plate 43 X-ray photoelectron spectrometer. This is an analytical instrument, used mainly in metallurgy. It consists of an electron source, a sample stage and Xray detectors. A steam of electrons is accelerated toward and focussed on the sample. When an electron strikes an atom in the target, it may cause the ejection of an electron in the atomic shell. If this is replaced from an electron in a higher-energy shell, a photon of a specific wavelength is emitted, normally in the X-ray region. This may be detected and analysed, giving an indication of the identity and quantity of given elements in the sample. See Photoelectron Spectrometers. Reproduced with permission from Science Photo Library.

Plate 44

Plate 44 Common cold virus protein: computer graphics representation of protein comprising 1 of the 60 faces of the icosahe-dral capsid (casing) of rhinovirus14, a virus causing the common cold. This image is of the atomic backbone of the protein. Rhinovirus belongs to the picornavirus (small RNA viruses) group, which also includes the enteroviruses and the agent of foot and mouth disease in cattle. They are all relatively small (24–35 nanometres diameter), nonenveloped, with their genetic information held in the form of RNA. Rhinovirus infects the nose and throat, and is spread in droplets from talking, coughing and sneezing. See Proteins Studied Using NMR Spectroscopy. Reproduced with permission from Science Photo Library.

Plate 45

Plate 45 A researcher at the BOC Group Technical Centre, Murray Hill, New Jersey, USA, using an advanced Electron Spectroscopy For Chemical Analysis (ESCA) unit. ESCA provides qualitative and quantitative analysis of the chemistry of elements present in the outermost layers of solid materials. The unit is used in the development of thin-film coatings, medical sensors, molecular sieves and catalysts. See Photoelectron Spectrometers; Photoelectron Spectroscopy. Reproduced with permission from Science Photo Library.

Plate 46

Plate 46 Photoacoustic Multi-gas Monitor. See Photoacoustic Spectroscopy, Methods and Instrumentation. Reproduced with permission from INNOVA AirTech Instruments.

Plate 47

Plate 47 The molecular structure of Bovine Seminal Ribonuclease, as determined using X-ray diffraction. The disulphide bridges are shown in yellow. The structure was drawn form the protein database entry drawn. See Proteinss Studied Using NMR Spectroscopy. Supplied by Dr G.G. Hoffmann.

Plate 48

Plate 48 A photoacoustic spectroscopy (PAS) measuring cell, shown with the germanium window half removed. The gas analysis is based on the same principle as conventional infra-red (IR) monitoring except that here the amount of IR light absorbed is measured directly by determining the amount of sound energy emitted upon the absorption. See Photoacoustic Spectroscopy, Methods and Instrumentation. Reproduced with permission from INNOVA AirTech Instruments.

Plate 49

Plate 49 Transaxial planes through the brains of three subjects representing glucose utilisation obtained by application of the radiotracer fluoro-deoxy-glucose (FDG) PET tomography. The top of the images are the front of the brain and the person is looked upon from below. The values of the images are colour coded according to a linear scale red being the highest value. The middle panel shows the distribution in a healthy person. The left panel is from a person with Huntington’s disease illustrating a loss of tracer uptake at the centre as a consequence of local nervous tissue loss. The right panel is from a person who had similar features of disordered movement (cholera), but based on different brain pathology. The image in this person shows however a clear increase in tracer uptake in the central regions (called: the striatum) of the brain. See PET, Methods and Instrumentation. Reproduced with permission from Prof. Leenders.

Plate 50

Plate 50 3-D computerized reconstruction of FDG uptake measured by PET in a healthy volunteer. Part of the right upper and frontal brain is ‘‘cut out’’. The left panel shows the tracer uptake in a rest condition. The right panel shows the uptake in the same person but now during intake of a hallucinogen. It can be seen that the frontal cortex region in the brain has a higher (more red) glucose uptake in the activated condition. See PET, Methods and Instrumentation. Reproduced with permission from Prof. Leenders.

Plate 51

Plate 51 Transaxial planes through the human brain after administration of the of the radiotracer fluoro-dopa indicating dopa decarboxylase capacity as measured by PET. The left panel shows a healthy volunteer whilst right panel shows a patient with Parkinson’s disease. It can be seen that the tracer uptake measured with PET in the patient is markedly reduced within the regions of the basal ganglia. See PET, Methods and Instrumentation. Reproduced with permission from Prof. Leenders.

Plate 52

Plate 52 Laser optical bench system used as an excitation source for a Raman spectrometer. Raman spectroscopy provides essentially the same sort of information about molecular structure and dimensions as do infrared and microwave spectroscopy. The laser is an ideal Raman source: it provides a narrow, highly mono-chromatic bearn of radiation which may be focused accurately into small smaple. See Raman Spectrometers; FT-Raman Spectroscopy, Applications; Industrial Applications of IR and Raman Spectroscopy; Polymer Application of IR and Raman Spectroscopy; IR and Raman Spectroscopy of Inorganic, Coordination and Organometallic Compounds. Reproduced with permission from Science Photo Library.

Plate 53

Plate 53 Direct Raman imaging, using the b-carotene line at 1552cm 1, of live corpus luteum cells. This provides a rapid insight into the distribution of different molecules within the cell (old cell below, young above). See Raman and IR Microspectroscopy. Reproduced with permission from Renishaw pic/Prof. D. N. Batchelder et al, Dept. Physics and Astronomy, University of Leeds.

Plate 54

Plate 54 Gallium Nitride Impurity Doping Images. See Raman and IR Microspectroscopy. Reproduced with permission from Renishaw pic.

Plate 55

Plate 55 A computer generated molecular model of the cardiac drug digoxin showing the molecular structure as derived by different techniques. The green structure is that determined in the solid state using X-ray diffraction. The red structure is calculated using a molecular dynamics approach. The cyan and magenta structures are the two possible structures determined in solution using NMR spectroscopy. See Structural Chemistry Using NMR Spectroscopy, Pharmaceuticals. Reproduced with permission from John Lindon.

Plate 56

Plate 56 A composite of two images of the GaAs(110) surface. The orange features obtained at positive sample bias are the Ga atoms, while green features obtained at a negative sample bias are the As atoms. Feenstra RM, unpublished results. See Scanning Probe Microscopes.

Plate 57

( area and are plotted as three-dimensional Plate 57 Three STM images of a Ni3 cluster adsorbed on a MoS2 basal plane at 4 K. All three images show a 60A representations with the same aspect ratio and with the same angle of view. The images were acquired with sample biases of: +2 V (upper), +1.4 V (middle), and 2 V (lower). Reproduced with the permission of the American Chemical Society from Kushmerick JG and Weiss PS (1998) Journal of Physical Chemistry B102: 10094–10097. See Scanning Probe Microscopes.

Plate 58

Plate 58 Vibrational spectroscopic imaging of C2H2 and C2D2. (A) Constant current STM image of a C2H2 molecule (left) and C2D2 molecule (right). The d2/d ( with 1 nA V2 images of the same area recorded with a bias voltage of (B) 358 mV, (C) 266 mV, and (D) 311 mV, with a 10 mV modulation. All images are 48 A DC tunnelling current. Reproduced with the permission of the American Association for the Advancement of Science from Stipe BC et al. (1998) Science 280: 1732–1735. See Scanning Probe Microscopes.

Plate 59

Plate 59 Fluorescence emission near-field scanning optical microscope image (1.3 mm 1.3 mm) of a photosynthetic membrane fragment. Reproduced with permission of the American Chemical Society from Dunn RC et al. (1994) Journal of Physical Chemistry 98: 30943098. See Scanning Probe Microscopes.

Plate 60

Plate 60 Sir Isaac Newton. He is shown using a prism to decompose light. See Electromagnetic Radiation. Reproduced with permission from Mary Evans Picture Library.


A Antimony NMR, Applications See Heteronuclear NMR Applications (As, Sb, Bi).

Arsenic NMR, Applications See Heteronuclear NMR Applications (As, Sb, Bi).

Art Works Studied Using IR and Raman Spectroscopy Howell GM Edwards, University of Bradford, UK Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction The scientific study of works of art and the materials that have been used in their creation has received impetus with the development of nondestructive, microsampling analytical techniques and an increasing awareness on the part of art historians, museum conservators and scientists of the importance of characterization for the attribution of the historical period and genuiness of an artefact. Useful information about ancient technologies and methods used in the construction of works of art is now forthcoming; in particular, spectroscopists are realizing the challenge that is being provided by the analytical characterization of ancient materials. In this article, the applications of vibrational spectroscopic techniques to art are addressed and examples are taken to illustrate the following: • identification of pigments, nondestructively, in preserved illuminated manuscripts, paintings and watercolours; • characterization of genuine and fake artefacts, e.g. ivories; • rock art and frescoes – effects of environmental and climatic degradation on exposed artwork; • provision of information about archaeological and historical trade routes from the spectroscopic analysis of dyes, pigments and resins;

VIBRATIONAL ROTATIONAL & RAMAN SPECTROSCOPIES Applications • identification of biomaterials in carved artwork, e.g. horn, hoof and tortoiseshell; • information of critical importance to art restorers and museum conservation scientists – ill-restored items and the preservation of deteriorating material.

Comparison of infrared and Raman spectroscopies Although both Fourier transform-infrared (FT-IR) and Raman spectroscopies have been applied to the study of art and museum artefacts, it is possible to identify several indicators that will dictate the preferential use of either technique. Infrared studies have been reported from a much earlier date than Raman studies; hence there now exists much more comprehensive infrared database for pigments and natural or synthetic materials. Specific points also need to be considered relating to the sampling and composition of the specimens being studied. The presence of highly fluorescent coatings or impurities in ancient specimens dictated the use of infrared spectroscopy when the alternative was visible excitation for Raman spectroscopic studies; fluorescence often swamped the lower-intensity Raman signals from such samples.


However, the smaller scattering intensity of water and hydroxyl groups in the Raman effect, and their strong absorption in the infrared, generally favours the use of the Raman technique for the characterization of ancient, hydrated biomaterials such as linens and cottons. In the area of paintings and manuscripts, Raman spectroscopy has had extensive application in recent years because of the accessibility of the low-wavenumber regions of the vibrational spectrum (< 500 cm–1), which are vitally important for the characterization of inorganic and mineral pigments. This region is observed only with difficulty in the infrared, and then with the use of special instruments with far-infrared capability. The shape and reflectivity of surfaces are also important for specimens that cannot be subjected to mechanical or chemical pretreatment – the taking of small samples by drilling, scraping or excision is often prohibited. Curved surfaces are notoriously poor for infrared examination and specimens are better analysed after being subjected to a flattening or crushing process. The use of fibreoptic probes for ‘remote’ analysis is now advocated for many infrared and Raman applications, and art objects are no exception. However, the interpretation of the spectral data from remote-probe scanning experiments is dependent on accurate subtraction of probe background; this is particularly relevant for features below 1000 cm –1, e.g. artists’ pigments. However, the obvious advantage of having the capability of taking the Raman or infrared spectrometer into a museum environment for in situ examination of an artefact or painting has dictated the construction of several portable units that might well provide a new dimension to these applications. Finally, the advent of FT-Raman spectroscopy with near-infrared excitation from a Nd3+/YAG laser at 1064 nm has given a new dimension to art applications, especially for the study of naturally fluorescent biomaterials such as horn, hoof, tortoiseshell and ivory. Improvements in the generation of Raman spectra and their detection using CCD-visible Raman spectroscopy are now also providing valuable new ways of analysing often difficult museum specimens. The role of Raman microscopy (and also infrared microscopy) in the characterization of micro-sized specimens will be illustrated in this article. Generally, it is now possible to achieve goodquality Raman microscopy spectra from sample areas as small as 1–2 µm using visible excitation (~ 0.5 mm has been claimed in some instances) and about 5–15 µm using infrared and Raman FT techniques. The latest advances in confocal microscopy using visible excitation and CCD detection now

means that it is possible to depth-profile suitable specimens with a resolution of about 1 µm or better; this is important for the analysis of coatings applied by artists to paintings.

Applications of IR and Raman spectroscopies Plastics

Since the first commercial plastic, parkesine, in 1862, a huge range of functional articles have been produced in these media; many advantages were appreciated, including the ability to incorporate pigments and to mould large objects. Museums now have exhibitions devoted to plastic articles, but in recent years the problems in their conservation and storage and the control of degradation in damaged plastic exhibits has become acute. In particular, the acid ester plastics such as cellulose nitrate and cellulose acetate are prone to degradation, which has often resulted in major destruction of the articles concerned. Examples include early motion picture films, Victorian substitute ‘tortoiseshell’ articles, Bakelite and children’s toys, such as dolls. FT-IR and Raman spectroscopy have been instrumental in discovering the methods of degradation and the source of possible ‘triggers’; suggestions have thus been made for the proper storage and conservation of plastic articles for future generations, such as dolls from the 1940s, space suits from the 1960s and ‘art nouveau’ objects from the 1920s. Glass

Degradation processes in medieval stained glass windows have been studied using FT-IR spectroscopy and the pigments applied to early specimens have been characterized using the FT-Raman technique. Similar methods have been used to study early enamels and cloisonné specimens. Faience

Faience was produced in Egypt over 5000 years ago and may truly be considered as the first ‘hightechnology ceramic’. The faience body, formed from sand with additives such as lime and natron (a hydrated sodium carbonate found naturally as a mineral in dried lake beds), was shaped and modelled, and a glaze was applied and fired. Sixteen pieces of Egyptian faience from Tell-elAmarna have been analysed using Raman microscopy and the red and yellow pigments identified as red ochre and lead antimonate yellow, respectively.


The preservation and restoration of objects made from biomaterials is particularly challenging as their degradation products are complex and diverse. Examples of problems facing museum conservators include art objects made from ivory, horn, natural resins and textiles; these objects have often become fragile and restoration is of the utmost significance and importance. Often, earlier restorative procedures, which may have been incompletely documented, are no longer satisfactory and the results of chemical deterioration of applied restoratives under the influence of solar radiation and humidity changes in storage are sadly too often plain to see. There are several good examples in the recent literature of the successful application of vibrational infrared and Raman spectroscopy to the characterization of art objects composed of biomaterials. Ivory, a generic name for the exoskeletal dental growths of certain mammalian species, has been appreciated as an art medium for thousands of years; it is soft enough to be carved and polished, yet hard enough to resist superficial weathering damage. However, the identification and attribution of archaeological ivories to species of elephant, sperm whale, narwhal, hog and hippopotamus, for example, is often fraught with difficulty, particularly where the ivory object is small and may only be a

part of a larger specimen. The observation of Schreger lines and surface morphology is extremely difficult in such cases. Very recently, Raman spectroscopy has been used to provide a suggested protocol for ivory identification and characterization and has been used successfully to determine the animal origin (sperm whale) of a Roman die excavated at Frocester Roman villa (third century AD) in the UK (Figure 1). There have also been several examples of the use of Raman spectroscopy to identify genuine and fake ivory articles. Figures 2 and 3 shows some bangles, an Egyptian necklace and a carved cat, all of which were assumed to be genuine ivory dating from the seventeenth century or later; in some cases, the articles were found to be modern imitations. The case of the carved cat is very significant, as the Raman spectra show the presence of calcite that has been added to a polymer composite of poly(methyl methacrylate) and polystyrene to simulate the density of true elephant ivory. This specimen could not therefore be three hundred years old as these polymers have only been known in the last fifty years! The FT-Raman spectra of true ivories from different mammal sources are shown in Figure 4 and of the fake specimens in Figure 5; the spectroscopic differences are clearly discernible and provide a means of identification between fake and real specimens. ‘Scrimshaw’ is a special name for carved whalebone and teeth of the sperm whale; many objects in museum collections date from the eighteenth-century production of carved decorative artwork in this material by whaling sailors for their families ashore. Genuine scrimshaw is now extremely valuable and items have been created to deceive the unwary.

Figure 1 Roman die, ca. AD 300, from archaeological excavations at Frocester Villa, Gloucester, UK. Raman spectroscopy has suggested the origin of the die as sperm whale ivory. (See Colour Plate 1).

Figure 2 Selection of ornamental jewellery consisting of three bangles assumed to be ivory but which were shown spectroscopically to be composed of modern resins, and a genuine ivory necklace. (See Colour Plate 2).

A major problem in the characterization of the blue, white and green pigments resulted from a swamping of the pigment Raman signals by the silica in the intact glazes. Results for the red and yellow specimens were obtained from fractured samples. Biomaterials


Figure 3 ‘Ivory’ cat, which was identified spectroscopically as a modern limitation composed of poly(methyl methacrylate) and polystyrene resins with added calcite to give the texture and density of ivory. Reproduced with permission from Edwards HGM and Farwell DW, Ivory and simulated ivory artefacts: Fourier-transform Raman diagnostic study, Spectrochimica Acta, Part A, 51: 2073–2081 © 1995, Elsevier Science B. V. (See Colour Plate 3).

Spectroscopy has played a role in the characterization of genuine scrimshaw. Figure 6 shows a stackplot of Raman spectra of carved solid and hollow sperm whale-tooth scrimshaw specimens, a staybusk,

and a spill vase/quill pen holder; from these spectra the whale teeth and staybusk are confirmed to be genuine, but the spill vase/quill pen holder is identified as a modern fake made from polymer resin. Similarly, infrared and Raman spectroscopic studies of ancient textiles are being undertaken to derive information about the possible processes of their degradation under various burial environments, e.g. Egyptian mummy wrappings, silk battle banners, Roman woollen clothing and artistic linens from funerary depositions. A classic, topical and ongoing controversy covers the spectroscopic studies associated with the Shroud of Turin and the nature of the pigmented areas on the ancient linen. Ancient technologies and cultures often used naturally occurring biomaterials as decorative pigments and as functional repairing agents on pottery and glass. Recent studies have centred on the provision of a Raman spectroscopic database for native waxes and resins, which has been used for the nondestructive evaluation of archaeological items, e.g. ‘Dragon’s blood’, and it is possible to identify different sources of this material from the spectra. FT-IR spectroscopy, too, has been successful in the characterization of conifer resins used in ancient amphorae and has been particularly useful for attribution of the Baltic geographical origins of amber jewellery through its succinic acid content and for the detection of modern fakes made from phenol– formaldehyde resins that are often passed off as examples of ancient ethnic jewellery. The identification of dammar and mastic resins that have been used as spirit-soluble varnishes on

Figure 4 FT-Raman spectra of true ivory; 1064 nm excitation, 500 spectral scans accumulated, 4 cm–1 spectral resolution: (a) sperm whale ivory, (b) elephant ivory, (c) walrus ivory.


Figure 5 FT-Raman spectra of fake ivory specimens; conditions as for Figure 4: (a) carved Victorian bangle, (b) large bangle, (c) small bangle, (d) cat. The absence of the characteristic proteinaceous features in true ivory near 1650 and 1450 cm–1 and the strong phosphate mode near 960 cm–1 should be noted. Also, the presence of the aromatic ring bands at 3060, 1600 and 1000 cm–1 in (b) and (d) indicate a polystyrene resin content, while the carbonyl stretching band at 1725 cm–1 in all fake specimens indicates the presence of poly(methyl methacrylate). In the cat specimen, the band at 1086 cm–1 uniquely identifies a calcite additive in the specimens of imitation ivory studied. Reproduced with permission from Edwards HGM and Farwell DW, Ivory and simulated ivory artefacts: Fourier-transform Raman diagnostic study, Spectrochimica Acta, Part A, 51: 2073–2081 © 1995, Elsevier Science B.V.

Figure 6 FT-Raman stack-plot spectra of scrimshaw specimens: (a) hollow sperm whale tooth, (b) solid sperm whale tooth, (c) whalebone staybusk and (d) spill vase/quill pen holder. Minor spectroscopic differences confirm the whalebone origin of the staybusk. The modern resin composition of the spill vase/quill pen holder is also unambiguously identified from the aromatic ring stretching bands at 3060 cm−1 and 1600 cm−1. Reproduced with permission from Edwards HGM, Farwell DW, Sedder T and Tait JKF, Scrimshaw: real or fake? An FT-Raman diagnostic study, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 26: 623–628 © 1995, John Wiley and Sons Ltd.

paintings and on early photographic prints, and the conservation of the latter, in particular, is very important because of the embrittlement of the substrate due to exposure to light and humidity changes.

Raman spectroscopy has been used to identify wax coatings on early photographs from the American Civil War (ca. 1865) that are showing evidence of deterioration in museum collections.



The use of infrared and Raman spectroscopies for the characterization of paint pigments depends on two critical factors: first, the ability to record goodquality spectra nondestructively from small paint flakes or chips, and, second, the provision of a database of mineral, natural and synthetic pigments on which the basis of a comparison and attribution can be made. Some examples of the success of vibrational spectroscopic methods will now be given to illustrate the potential of these techniques for pigment analysis, and the conservation of degraded media. Several databases now exist for the comparison of unknown pigments with contemporary specimens. A most useful basis for the attribution of specimens is provided by synthetic pigments, for which the dates of first manufacture or use are well established. For example, titanium(IV) oxide (TiO2) is the most important white pigment in use today; its two major naturally occurring forms are rutile and anatase, which have been in use as paint media since 1923 and 1947, respectively. Their identification by vibrational spectroscopy is unambiguous; hence, if either is found on a disputed Renaissance painting, it could indicate a forgery or at least a recently restored work. It is interesting that the distinction between these two forms of TiO2 is not achievable with X-ray fluorescence techniques normally used for pigment analysis in art. A rather different example is provided by the work of Guys, who painted social life in France between 1843 and 1860. Seventy samples taken from 43 of Guys’ works revealed a heavy dependence on newly synthesized and experimental pigments at that time, including Prussian blue, Cobalt blue and French ultramarine, sometimes in admixture and unique to an artist of his time. Restoration, therefore, needs careful attention to unusual combinations of experimental pigments. A similar study emerges from the FT-IR study of Morisot's work, Bois de Boulogne; this also showed the presence of novel combinations of pigments, but ones that were more stable than others that were in use at that time. Analysis of paint flakes from the Virgin and Child, a suspected fifteenth-century work, revealed the presence of expected organic binders and varnishes but also suggested that a very heavy reworking had taken place more recently, and that the work could be a forgery. On the ‘Jónsbók’ Icelandic manuscript, six pigments were identified by Raman microscopy, only bone white being indigenous to Iceland; the others, vermilion, orpiment, realgar, red ochre and azurite would all have been imported.

The most important naturally occurring and synthetic inorganic pigments used over periods of time and which feature in paintings from medieval to contemporary ages are given in Tables 1 to 7 along with the year of manufacture or documented use; the tables are constructed according to colour or type, viz. blue, black, brown/orange, green, red, white and yellow. These tables form the basis of dating of paintings and manuscripts by vibrational spectroscopy. The stability of inorganic mineral pigments relative to ‘fugative’ organic dyes was realized in mediaeval times. The principal dyes used by medieval dyers were indigo from woad for blue, alizarin and purpurin from madder for red, and luteolin from weld or crocetin from saffron for yellow; some had been used long before the Middle Ages and weld was known in the Stone Age. Organic pigments have also been used on manuscripts, notably saffron, weld, indigo, woad, Tyrian purple, madder and carmine. Many natural products were extracted from lichens in the past and used to dye textiles. Notable among these were orchil for purple and crottle for brown. Other dye plants can yield greens, browns and blacks (in the last case, for example, marble gall from oak Quercus trees with added iron sulfate). Organic pigments are prone to both fluorescence and photochemical degradation. Moreover, they often scatter only very weakly, perhaps owing to the fact that they may have been made into Colourfast lakes with a mordant such as alum; hence they are difficult to identify uniquely on a manuscript owing to the lack of concentration of pigment at the sampling point. The better known organic dyes and pigments are listed in Table 8. The Raman and infrared spectra of organic pigments and dyes of relevance to artwork have now been recorded, including those of modern dyes such as methyl blue (a synthetic triarylmethane dye), methyl violet and perylene reds. Perhaps the greatest advances in recent years in the field of nondestructive pigment identification in art works have come from historiated manuscripts that have been studied using Raman microscopy. In situ analyses of the brightly coloured initials and borders of the fourteenth-century Icelandic ‘Jónsbók’, Chinese manuscripts, illuminated Latin texts and early medieval Bibles have demonstrated the power of the technique. From samples that often represented only a 20 µm fragment that had fallen into the bindings of early manuscripts, FT-IR and Raman microscopy have made considerable advances in the knowledge of colour hue technology in medieval times; for example, the different blues in an historiated initial could be attributed to a finer particle size


Table 1

Blue inorganic pigments

Pigment Azurite Cerulean blue Cobalt blue Egyptian blue Lazurite (from lapis lazuli) Manganese blue Phthalocyanine blue (Winsor blue) Posnjakite Prussian blue Smalt Verdigris a

Formula 2CuCO3⋅Cu(OH)2 CoO⋅nSnO2 CoO⋅Al2O3 CaCuSi4O10 Na8[Al6Si6O24]Sn

Date / Sourcea Mineral 1821 1775 3rd millennium BC/Mineral Mineral/1828

Ba(MnO4)2+BaSO4 Cu(C32H16N6) CuSO4·3Cu(OH)2·H2O Fe4[Fe(CN)6]3·14–16H2O CoO·nSiO2(+K2O+Al2O3) Cu(O2CCH3)2·2Cu(OH)2

1907 1936 Mineral 1704 ca. 1500 Mineral

The pigment is either specified to be a mineral and/or the date of its manufacture is listed.

Table 2

Black inorganic pigments

Pigment Ivory black a Lamp black Magnetite Mineral black Vine black a

Chemical name Basic copper(II) carbonate Cobalt(II) stannate Cobalt(II)-doped alumina glass Calcium copper(II) silicate Sulfur radical anions in a sodium aluminosilicate matrix Barium manganate(VII) sulfate Copper(II) phthalocyanine Basic copper(II) sulfate Iron(III) hexacyanoferrate(II) Cobalt(II) silicate Basic copper(II)

Chemical name Calcium phosphate + carbon Amorphous carbon Iron(II,III) oxide Aluminium silicate + carbon (30%) Carbon

Formula Ca3(PO4)2 + C + MgSo4 C Fe3O4 Al2O3·nSiO2 + C C

Date / Source 4th century BC ? ~ 3000 BC Mineral Mineral Roman

Bone black is similar to ivory black.

Table 3

Brown/orange inorganic pigments

Pigment Cadmium orange Ochre (goethite) Sienna (burnt) a Bone black is similar to ivory black. Table 4

Chemical name Cadmium selenosulfide Iron(III) oxide hydrate Iron(III) oxide


Date / Source

Cd(S,Se) or CdS (>5 µm) Fe2O3·H2O + clay, etc. Fe2O3 + clay, etc.

Late 19th century Mineral Antiquity?

Green inorganic pigments

Pigment Atacamite Chromium oxide Cobalt green Emerald green Green earth – a mix of celadonite and glauconite

Chemical name Basic copper(II) chloride Chromium(III) oxide Cobalt(II) zincate Copper(II) arsenoacetate Hydrous aluminosilicate of magnesium, iron and potassium

Malachite Permanent green deep Phthalocyanine green Pseudo-malachite Verdigris (basic)

Basic copper(II) carbonate Hydrated chromium(III) oxide + barium sulfate Copper(II) chlorophthalocyanine Basic copper(II) phosphate Basic copper(II) acetate

Cu(C32H15ClN8) Cu3(PO)4)2·2Cu(OH)2 Cu(C2(C2H3O2)2·2Cu(OH)2


Hydrated chromium(III) oxide


Table 5

Date / Source Mineral Early 19th century 1780 1814 Mineral

Mineral Latter half of 19th century 1938 Mineral Mineral and synthetic (BC) 1838 (?1850)

Red inorganic pigments

Pigment Cadmium red Chrome red Litharge Realgar Red lead (minimum) Red ochre Vermilion (cinnabar)a a

Formula CuCl2·3Cu(OH)2 Cr2O3 CoO·nZnO Cu(C2H3O2)2·3Cu(AsO2)2 Variations on K[(AlIII⋅FeIII)(FeII⋅MgII)] (AlSi3⋅Si4)O10(OH)2 CuCO3·Cu(OH) Cr2O3·2H2O+BaSO4

Chemical name Cadmium selenide Basic lead(II) chromate Lead(II) oxide Arsenic(Ii) sulfide Lead(II,IV) oxide Iron(III) oxide + clay + silica Mercury(II) sulfide

Limited lightfastness (→ black form).

Formula CdSe PbCrO4·Pb(OH)2 PbO As2S2 Pb3O4 Fe2O3·H2O + clay + silica HgS

Date / Source ca. 1910 Early 19th century Antiquity Mineral Antiquity Mineral Mineral and synthetic (13th century)


Table 6

White inorganic pigments


Chemical name


Date / Source

Anatase Barytes Bone white Chalk (whiting) Gypsum Kaolin Lead white Lithopone Rutile Zinc white

Titanium(IV) oxide Barium sulfate Calcium phosphate Calcium carbonate Calcium sulfate Layer aluminosilicate Lead(II) carbonate (basic) Zinc sulfide and barium sulfate Titanium(I) oxide Zinc oxide

TiO2 BaSO4 Ca3(PO4)2 CaCO3 CaSO4·2H2O Al2(OH)4Si2O5 2PbCO3·Pb(OH)2 ZnS + BaSO4 TiO2 ZnO

1923 Mineral Antiquity Mineral Mineral Mineral Mineral and synthetic (500–1500 BC) 1874 1947 1834

Table 7

Yellow inorganic pigments


Chemical name


Date / Source

Barium yellow Cadmium yellow

Barium chromate Cadmium sulfide

BaCrO4 CdS

Chrome yellow Cobalt yellow (aureolin) Lead antimonate yellow Lead tin yellow

Lead(II) chromate Potassium cobaltinitrite Lead(II) antimonate Lead(II) stannate

Massicot Ochre Orpiment Strontium yellow Zinc yellow

Lead(II) oxide Geothite + clay + silica Arsenic(II) sulfide Strontium chromate Zinc chromate

PbCrO4 or PbCrO4·2PbSO4 K3[Co(NO2)6] Pb2Sb2O7 or Pb3(SbO4)2 [1] Pb2SnO4 [1] PbSn0.76Si0.24O3 PbO Fe2O3·H2O + clay + silica As2S3 SrCrO4 ZnCrO4

Early 19th century Mineral (greenockite) + synthetic ca. 1845 1809 1861 Antiquity Antiquity ? Antiquity ? Antiquity Mineral (and synthetic) Mineral Early 19th century Early 19th century

Table 8

Organic pigments and dyes



Formula / Composition

Origin (Date)

Blue Black Brown

Indigo Bitumen Sepia Van Dyck brown

Indigotin C16H10N2O2 Mixture of hydrocarbons Melanin Humic acids

Plant leaf (BC), synthetic (1878) (BC) Ink of cuttlefish (ca. 1880) Lignite containing manganese (16th century?)


Sap green

Allomelanins Organic dye


Tyrian purple


Carmine Madder


Permanent red Gamboge Hansa yellow Indian yellow

Quercitron Saffron Weld

6,6′-Dibromoindigotin, C16H8Br2N2O2 Carminic acid, C22H20O13 Kermesic acid, C16H10O8 Alizarin, C14H8O4 Purpurin, C14H8O5 Various azo dyes α- and β-Gambogic acids C38H44O8 and C29H36O6 Various azo dyes Magnesium salt of euxanthic acid MgC19H16O11·5H2O Quercitrin C21H20O11 Crocetin C20H24O4 Luteolin C15H10O6

Buckthorn berry (14th century?), coaltar dye Marine mollusc (1400 BC), synthetic (1903) Scale insect, cochineal (Aztec) Scale insect, kermes (antiquity) Madder root (3000 BC) Synthetic alizarin (1868) Synthetic (after 1856) Gum-resin (before 1640) Synthetic (1900) Cow urine (15th century)

Inner bark of Quercus oak Crocus flower stigma (antiquity) Plant foliage (Stone Age)

Tables 1–8 are reproduced with some modifications from Clark RJH, Raman microscopy: application to the identification of pigments on medieval manuscripts, Chemical Reviews, 187–196. 1995 © The Royal Society of Chemistry.


and not to a dilution with other materials or colours. Useful information has also been provided about additives and binding media. On some paintings and manuscripts, an inappropriate blend of adjacent colours or mixtures of pigments and binders was achieved; Raman microscopy has identified two examples of these in cadmium sulfide and copper arsenoacetate (which yields black copper sulfide) and egg tempera with lead white (which yields black lead sulfide). The term ‘inappropriate’ here refers to the instability of pigments and pigment mixtures resulting in a chemical reaction over periods of time and through aerial or substratal influences. Where the pigment is coloured, the choice of exciting line for Raman spectroscopy is extremely important because absorption of the scattered light by the sample may affect the spectrum. In such cases, the exciting line is chosen to fall outside the contour of the electronic absorption bands of the pigment. Vermilion (HgS) and red ochre (Fe2O3) give poor-quality Raman spectra using green excitation but give strong Raman spectra when excited with red radiation. An interesting example of the effects due to absorption of laser radiation is provided by the Raman spectra of red lead (Pb3O4) obtained using 514.5 and 632.8 nm excitation (Figure 7). In each case, well-defined Raman spectra are obtained, but only with 632.8 nm excitation is the spectrum that of the genuine material; that obtained with 514.5 nm excitation matches that of massicot (PbO). These observations may be explained because red lead can be converted into massicot by heat. Red lead absorbs 514.5 nm radiation strongly, leading to localized heating that results in conversion of the irradiated particle or particles into massicot. Since 632.8 nm radiation is not absorbed by the red lead, there is minimal local heating with this exciting line and thus no decomposition. For coloured pigments, the absorption of exciting radiation can be used to advantage to produce enhanced Raman scattering through the resonance Raman effect. This is particularly useful for weakly scattering species, and selection of excitation within the contour of an electronic absorption band of a chromophore can produce a spectral intensity several orders of magnitude larger than that obtained in conventional Raman spectra. A classic example of this is provided by the deep blue mineral lapis lazuli, Na8[Al6Si6O24]Sn, where the species S2− and S3− are responsible for the colour. The species S3−, although present to an extent of < 1% in the pigment, gives such an intense Raman spectrum with green-red excitation that no bands due to the host lattice are observed. Other techniques fail to discriminate the presence of S3− in the aluminosilicate lattice.

Figure 7 Illustration of the effect of wavelength of laser excitation on the Raman spectra of a pigment, red lead (Pb3O4), excited with (a) 514.5nm and (b) 632.8nm radiation. The genuine spectrum is (b); the spectrum excited by green radiation in (a) corresponds to massicot (PbO), converted from Pb3O4 by localized heating in the laser beam. Reproduced with permission from Bert SP, Clark RJH and Withnall R, Non-destructive pigment analysis of artefacts by Raman microscopy, Endeavour, New Series, 16: 66–73 © 1992, Elsevier Science.

The Raman spectrum is sensitive to both composition and crystal form, as is demonstrated by titanium(IV) dioxide, the most important white pigment in use today. White pigments normally present considerable problems in pigment identification, comprising sulfates, carbonates and phosphates, which are easily distinguished in Raman spectroscopy (Figure 8). The symmetric vibration of the anion gives rise to an intense band at ~1000 cm–1 for sulfates, ~1050 cm–1 for carbonates and ~960 cm–1 for phosphates. The exact wavenumbers of these bands are also sensitive to the cation (1050 cm–1 for PbCO3 and 1085 cm–1 for CaCO3). This factor becomes extremely important in database construction since artistic vocabulary generally describes the colour rather than a precise mineral origin, e.g. cadmium yellow, although strictly CdS has also been designated for organic substitutes of similar hue. Old recipes for obtaining pigment colours are often vague and employ unidentifiable materials; the same chemical compound or mixture can even have different names according to geographical locality or historical period. For example, three contemporary samples designated Naples Yellow, assumed to be


Table 9 Bible

The Raman bands of inorganic pigments in the Lucka


Raman bands (cm−1)


248w, 404vw, 770m, 838vw, 1098m, 1424w, 1578w

Lapis lazuli 259w, 549vw, 807w, 1096m, 1355vw, 1641w White lead 1054s Malachite

225w, 274w, 355w, 437m, 516vw, 540w, 724w, 757vw, 1064w, 110w, 1372w, 1498m


136m, 154m, 179w, 203m, 293s, 311s, 355s, 384m, 587vw


124vw, 143m, 166w, 172w, 183s, 193s, 214w, 222s, 329w, 345m, 355s, 370w, 376w

Red lead

121vs, 152m, 223w, 232w, 313w, 391w, 477w, 549s


254s, 281w, 344m

Reproduced with permission from Best SP, Clark RJH, Daniels MAM and Withnall R, A bible laid open, Chemistry in Britain, 2: 118–122 © 1993, The Royal Society of Chemistry.

Figure 8 Raman spectra of white pigments; differentiation between (a) lead white (PbCO3) (b) chalk (CaCO3) and (c) bone white (Ca3(PO4)2). Reproduced with permission from Best SP, Clark RJH and Withnall R. Nondestructive pigment analysis of artefacts by Raman microscopy, Endeavour, New Series 16: 66–73 © 1992, Elsevier Science.

Pb2 (SbO4)2 – a lead antimonate – have been shown by Raman spectroscopy to be a lead antimony oxide, Pb2Sb2O6, another oxide, Pb2Sb2O3, and the third sample mainly Pb2(CrO4)2, but also containing PbCO3. None of the samples tested actually proved to be Naples Yellow of the assumed formula!

Medieval manuscripts Most pigments in medieval manuscript illuminations are inorganic. They are coated with a small quantity of binding material and deposited on parchment that has previously been rubbed with pumice. The small size of the illuminations limits the number of spectroscopic samplings. The blue colour in a set of six French manuscripts from the twelfth century was studied in different kinds of initial – historiated (with a descriptive scene), decorated, or simply coloured – which showed variable hues of pure blue, grey and sometimes violaceous. Raman microspectra obtained from all of the samples show common features: they are dominated by a strong band at 548 cm −1, with

weaker bands at 260, 585 and 1098 cm −1. This group of four bands is characteristic of ultramarine blue and reveals the presence of only this pigment. In the blue-grey samples, microscopic observation showed tiny black particles that were identified by their Raman spectra as graphite. Ultramarine has been identified in a manuscript commentary on Ezekiel, ca. AD 1000, in the abbey of St Germain, Auxerre, France. The pigment ultramarine is first mentioned in written sources in the thirteenth century. This discovery established for the first time that the pigment was in fact introduced into Europe almost two centuries earlier. The manuscript was to reveal more fascinating details. Part of the dedication image at the beginning of the manuscript is a figure representing the Abbot, Heldric, kneeling before St Germain, who died about 448 and is buried in the abbey. From the spectrum of the pigments, it was established that the Abbot's blue garments were painted with indigo (woad) while only the patron saint's more glorious garment was covered with the rare and expensive lapis lazuli, thus emphasizing his importance. The letter ‘I’ in the Lucka Bible at the beginning of the Book of Genesis displays seven scenes representing the seven days of Creation. The varied palette (Table 9) has been well characterized using Raman microscopy (Figure 9). The Skard copy of the Jónsbók Icelandic Law Code dates from ca. 1360 and is one of the most outstanding examples of an Icelandic medieval manuscript. The pigments have been analysed by Raman microscopy; three historiated initials and about 15 illuminated initials with associated background paintings and embellishments have been examined. Six pigments were identified unambiguously by


Figure 9 Raman spectra of the historiated letter ‘I’ from the Book of Genesis, Lucka Bible, from which the data and identification of the mineral pigments in Table 9 have been derived. Reproduced with permission of Clark RJH, Raman microscopy: application to the identification of pigments on medieval manuscripts, Chemical Reviews, 187–196 © 1995, The Royal Society of Chemistry.


Figure 10 The historiated initials (A) ‘P’ and (B) ‘S’ from the Icelandic Jónsbók with the Raman spectra of pigments contained therein. The combination of vermilion and red ochre in the ‘P’ should be noted. The spectrum of bone white has been obtained from the letter ‘H’ (not shown). Reproduced with permission from Best SP, Clark RJH, Daniels MAM, Porter CA and Withnall R (1995). Identification by Raman microscopy and visible reflectance spectroscopy of pigments on an Icelandic manuscript. Studies in Conservation 40: 31–40. (See Colour Plate 4.)


Figure 11 Elaborately historiated initial ‘R’ in sixteenth-century German choir book, with Raman microscopy spectra of selected pigmented regions. Reproduced with permission of Clark RJH (1995) Raman microscopy: application to the identification of pigments on medieval manuscripts. Chemical Society Reviews 187–196 © The Royal Society of Chemistry. (See Colour Plate 5a).

Raman microscopy: vermilion, orpiment, realgar, red ochre, azurite and bone white. Neither red lead nor lead white, pigments commonly used in Northern Europe, was identified on the manuscript: this raises questions as to the availability of these pigments in Iceland, to which they are not native, and of the effectiveness of the trading routes. Examples of two historiated initials and the Raman spectra of the pigments used are shown in Figure 10. An elaborately historiated initial ‘R’ on a sixteenth-century German choir book has been studied by Raman microscopy and no fewer than eight pigments have been identified, namely, azurite, lead tin yellow, malachite, vermilion, white lead, red lead, carbon and massicot (Figure 11). Raman microscopy demonstrated that in this case the two shades of blue on the garments of the right-hand figure, although appearing to be due to different pigments, arise from the same pigment, azurite, the illuminator having used less azurite and proportionately more binder to produce the lighter

shade without choosing to add any white pigment, such as lead white, to gain the same effect. The azurite used in the deeper blue robe arises from coarse grains of pigment (~30 µm diameter) whereas the lighter blue used in the undergarment arises from fine grains (~3 µm diameter). The effect of the particle size on the depth of colour of a powder is a common feature of powdered materials, whose colour is determined by diffuse reflectance. As the particle size is reduced, the average depth to which radiation penetrates before being scattered is also reduced and hence the depth of colour is reduced. The angel’s wing and podium are painted in malachite, which is a basic copper carbonate similar to azurite. Both azurite and malachite have a similar provenance in that they are both associated with secondary copper ore deposits, but their spectra are very different. It is of particular interest that the dark grey colour of the pillar top is not obtained via a single pigment but by colour subtraction of a mixture of at least


seven pigments: white lead, carbon, azurite, as well as small amounts of vermilion, red lead, massicot and lead tin yellow type I. The mixture is evident at ×100 magnification by Raman microscopy, whereby each individual pigment grain may be identified (Figure 12).

Wall paintings The application of FT-Raman spectroscopy to the study of red pigments from English early medieval wall paintings in the Chapter House of Sherborne Abbey and the Holy Sepulchre Chapel in Winchester Cathedral (Figure 13) has been reported. The complexity of the spectra can be observed in Figure 14, where the pigment and substratal features are clearly differentiated. The operations of the two monastic houses were very different, as the Sherborne Abbey pigment consisted of pure vermilion, whereas that of Winchester Abbey was a 3:1 mixture of red ochre and vermilion. In both cases, spectral features due to sandstone and marble could be seen, but no identifying feature could be ascribed to a plaster substrate. The biodeterioration of the Renaissance frescoes in the Palazzo Farnese, Caprarola, Italy, arising from aggressive colonization by the lichen Dirina massiliensis forma sorediata has been studied using Raman microscopy. Over 80% of the masterpieces painted by Zuccari in 1560 have now been destroyed. The role of the lichen metabolic products and the ability

Figure 12 Portion of top of column of historiated initial ‘R’ shown in Figure 11; the individual pigment grains can be clearly seen under the ×100 magnification and can be separately identified using Raman microscopy. Reproduced with permission of Clark RJH (1995) Raman microscopy: application to the identification of pigments on medieval manuscripts. Chemical Society Reviews 187–196 © The Royal Society of Chemistry. (See Colour Plate 5b).

Figure 13 Holy Sepulchre Chapel, Winchester Cathedral. Wall painting of ca. 1175–85 on the east well depicting the Deposition, Entombment, Maries at the Sepulchre and the Harrowing of Hell. Reproduced with permission from Edwards HGM, Brooke C and Tait JKF, An FT-Raman spectroscopic study of pigments or medieval English wall paintings, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 28: 95–98, © 1997 John Wiley and Sons Ltd. (See Colour Plate 6).

of primitive organisms to survive hostile environments generated by large concentrations of heavy metals such as mercury, lead and antimony are now being understood as a result of these studies, which will assist conservators in future projects. The red pigment on the Carlovingian frescoes in the crypt of the Abbey of St Germain at Auxerre shows up to 13 layers of paint identified by Raman microscopy, and vermilion and iron(II) oxide have both been found. The North American palaeo-Indian shelters at Seminole Canyon, at the confluence of the Rio Grande and Devils Rivers, have provided the Raman spectra of the oldest cave paintings yet studied. From a limited palette, these 3500-year-old pictographs have yielded red, white and black colours identified


Figure 14 FT-Raman spectra of twelfth-century wall paintings in (A) Sherborne Abbey ((a) red pigment, (b) vermilion, (c) unpainted stone, (d) calcite) and (B) Winchester Cathedral ((a) red pigment, (b) vermilion, (c) red ochre). Reproduced with permission from Edwards HGM, Brooke C and Tait JKF, An FTRaman spectroscopic study of pigments on medieval English wall paintings, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 28: 95–98, © 1997 John Wiley and Sons Ltd.

as red ochre, calcium oxalate monohydrate (whewellite) and manganese(IV) oxide, respectively. In addition, the black pigment showed traces of an organic additive recently identified from DNA profiling as bison or deer bone marrow, presumably added in a symbolic ritual. FT-IR spectroscopy, too, has had considerable success in the identification of pigments and associated materials in paintings and manuscripts. In particular, the use of infrared microspectroscopy has proved to be an essential prerequisite for the scientific examination of complex pigment mixtures. Generally, however, inorganic mineral pigments are not well characterized in the infrared because of their low band wavenumbers; hydroxyl groups in hydrated minerals cause problems in absorption and

the substrates themselves, e.g. cellulose, linen or starch, often give rise to broad backgrounds. IR spectroscopy, therefore, is much more applicable to organic pigments, binders and mixtures. One project dealing with medieval manuscripts has had as its objective the application of smallparticle-analysis techniques to the study of pigments in medieval Armenian and Byzantine manuscripts. At the University of Chicago, 10 decorated manuscripts were sampled (Table 10). These manuscripts represent a broad chronological span ranging from the tenth century to the post-Byzantine era (sixteenth century or later). Interpretation of IR spectra was complicated by the fact that the pigment samples often contained several components in addition to the pigment. These additives often served as binding media – thickening agents or extenders, for example. Because the amount of pigment is small relative to the amounts of these nonpigment components, the spectral bands of the pigment are often difficult to distinguish from interfering spectral bands of nonpigment components. Chromatographic separation prior to spectroscopic analysis was not feasible because of the insolubility and limited quantity of the samples. Spectral subtraction has been used in many cases as a means to ‘separate’ the components. The infrared spectrum of a yellow pigment sample from manuscript (MS) 46 (Haskell gospels) shows several bands that can be attributed to egg yolk, a typical medium used in mediaeval times, as well as calcium carbonate and kaolin. The absorption bands at 3382, 3298 and 1600 cm –1 suggested that a primary amine is present. Putrescine (1,4-diaminobutane), an amine found in decaying proteinaceous matter, has similar spectral features. Because parchment (being of animal skin origin) would be subject to putrefaction if not properly preserved, this amine could be a product of bacteriological degradation.

Table 10 University of Chicago Special Collections manuscripts analysed by FT-IR spectroscopy

Manuscript number 972 1054

Name Archaic Mark Elfleda Bond Goodspeed Gospels


Rockefeller-McCormick New Testament


Chrysanthus gospels


Greek gospels


Haskell gospels


Nicolaus gospels


Georgius gospels


Lectionary of Constantine the reader


Lectionary of St Menas the wonder worker


Although the pigment was not identified in this case, the information that egg tempera is present as the binding medium is valuable; the binding medium in MS 965 is hide glue. Pigment components have also been identified from their IR spectra. The infrared spectrum obtained from a purple pigment removed from MS 965 showed bands due to ultramarine blue and white lead. A red pigment (cochineal?) must also be present with the blue to produce the purple colour. In MS 972 (Archaic Mark), the presence of Prussian blue from the infrared spectrum indicates possible restoration because Prussian blue, a synthetic dye, was not available until 500 years later. Another example of the use of FT-IR spectroscopy in the authentication of paintings is provided by the analysis of the Virgin and Child, a fifteenth-century Italian painting on panel. There were already stylistic doubts and, although IR spectroscopy confirmed the presence of egg tempera as a binding medium, the blue pigment was not azurite or lapis lazuli. A prominent infrared absorption at 2091 cm–1 identified the blue pigment on the Virgin's robe as Prussian blue, unknown before 1704. Hence, the painting has either been very heavily reworked or is possibly a nineteenth-century copy of an earlier work. See also: Colorimetry, Theory; Dyes and Indicators, Use of UV-Visible Absorption Spectroscopy; Fourier Transformation and Sampling Theory; Rayleigh Scattering and Raman Spectroscopy, Theory; Vibrational

CD Spectrometers; Vibrational CD, Applications; Vibrational CD, Theory.

Further reading Adelantado JVG, Carbo MTD, Martinez VP and Reig BF (1996) FTIR spectroscopy and the analytical study of works of art for purposes of diagnosis and conservation. Analytica Chimica Acta 330: 207–215. Best SP, Clark RJH and Withnall R (1992) Non-destructive pigment analysis of artefacts by Raman microscopy. Endeavour 16: 66–73. Clark RJH (1995) Raman microscopy: application to the identification of pigments on mediaeval manuscripts. Chemical Society Reviews 187–196. Coupry C and Brissaud D (1996) Applications in art, jewellery and forensic science. In Corset J and Turrel G. (eds) Raman Microscopy: Developments and Applications, pp 421–453. London: Academic Press. Edwards HGM and Farwell DW (1995) FT-Raman spectroscopic study of ivory: a nondestructive diagnostic technique. Spectrochimica Acta Part A 51: 2073–2079. Hoepfner G, Newton T, Peters DC and Shearer JC (1983) FTIR in the service of art conservation. Analytical Chemistry 55: 874A–880A. Katon JE, Lang PI, Mathews TF, Nelson RS and Orna MV (1989) Applications of IR microspectroscopy to art historical questions about mediaeval manuscripts. Advances in Chemistry Series 220: 265–288. Learner T (1996) The use of FTIR in the conservation of 12th century paintings. Spectroscopy Europe 14–19. Mills JS and White R (1994) The Organic Chemistry of Museum Objects, 2nd edn. London: ButterworthHeinemann.

Astronomy, Applications of Spectroscopy See Interstellar Molecules, Spectroscopy of; Stars, Spectroscopy of.


Atmospheric Pressure Ionization in Mass Spectrometry WMA Niessen, hyphen MassSpec Consultancy, Leiden, The Netherlands Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction Ion sources for atmospheric-pressure ionization (API) in mass spectrometry (MS) were first described in 1958 by Knewstubb and Sugden. The work of the research group of Horning and Carroll in the late 1960s and early 1970s resulted in a system commercially available from Franklin GNO Corp. These types of instruments were mainly used in the study of ion–molecule reactions in gases in the atmosphere. Furthermore, in 1974 this type of instrument was applied with an atmospheric-pressure corona discharge ion source in the coupling of liquid chromatography to MS (LC-MS). Despite the promising results, the technique did not attract much attention at that time. Subsequently, several other API instruments were described and built. The most successful commercial instrument was the Sciex TAGA (trace atmospheric gas analyser), while API systems were also available from Extranuclear and Hitachi. In the late 1980s, the TAGA API-MS system was reengineered by Sciex for online LC-MS and was called the API-III. This system was applied by a growing group of scientists, especially within pharmaceutical industries. In the early 1980s, Yamash*ta and Fenn fundamentally investigated the potential of electrospray ionization in an API source. This research led to another approach to LC-MS using an API system. In 1988, Fenn and co-workers demonstrated that with this electrospray system it was possible to perform the MS analysis of high molecular-mass proteins via multiple charging. As a result of this observation, API-MS went through a period of tremendous growth, the end of which is certainly not yet here. In the mid 1980s, similar API technology was also applied in the coupling of inductively coupled plasmas (ICP) to MS. At present, there are three major application areas of API-MS: • air or gas analysis, • online LC-MS, and • ICP-MS. In this paper, technical and instrumental aspects of

MASS SPECTROMETRY Methods & Instrumentation API-MS are discussed and a number of typical applications are briefly reviewed.

API ion source design An API ion source generally consists of four parts: 1. the sample introduction device, the design of which is highly dependent on the type of application, 2. the actual ion source region, i.e. the region where the ions are generated, 3. an ion sampling aperture, where the ions are sampled from atmospheric pressure into the vacuum system of the MS, and 4. an ion transfer system, where the pressure difference between the atmospheric-pressure source and the high-vacuum mass analyser is bridged and the ions entering through the ion sampling aperture are preferentially transferred and focused into the mass analyser region. The proper design of parts 3 and 4 is of utmost importance, as it determines to what extent the very high ionization efficiency that can be achieved in an API source actually becomes available to the analytical applications. The inevitable ion losses in the sampling and transfer regions should be kept to a minimum.

Ion sampling aperture and ion transfer system An API source system consists of a region where the ions are generated. This region can have a relatively large volume of several litres, although in practice only the ions that come close to the ion sampling aperture are efficiently sampled into the MS. Therefore, in many systems the ions are generated just in front of the ion sampling aperture. A general scheme of an API source is shown in Figure 1. In the early API systems, the ion sampling aperture consisted of a 25–200 µm i.d. pinhole in a metal plate. The size of the pinhole is limited by the pumping capacity of the vacuum system of the MS.


Figure 1 Schematic diagram of a typical API source, as for instance used in LC-MS.

In the first prototypes, the pinhole inner diameter was only 25 µm, while in the Sciex TAGA a larger pinhole could be applied, because of the high pumping efficiency of the cryogenic vacuum-pumping system available in this instrument. The sampling of ions through an orifice in a plate or in the tip of a cone is used in many commercial API systems. However, two alternative ion sampling devices based on the transport of ions through capillary tubes have been developed and commercialized. The first, designed by Fenn and co-workers and subsequently commercialized by Analytica of Branford, incorporates a 100–150 mm × 0.5 mm ID glass capillary. Both ends of the glass capillary are coated with metal, e.g. silver, gold or platinum, in order to define the potential at both tips. The use of an insulating glass capillary enables independent control over the potentials applied in the atmospheric-pressure ion source region and in the ion acceleration region inside the vacuum. The second alternative to the ion sampling orifice is a heated stainless steel capillary, initially proposed by the group of Chait and subsequently commercialized by Finnigan. In the strong cooling that takes place upon the expansion of a gas into a vacuum chamber, as is taking place in an electrospray source, the ions act as condensation nuclei for water and solvent molecules. As a result, clusters of analyte ions and numerous solvent molecules are formed. This cluster formation can be counteracted or avoided in two ways: either by preventing the solvent ions from reaching the ion sampling orifice, or by increasing the temperature of the gas, vapour and ion mixture entering the vacuum. By flushing the area just in front of the sampling orifice with a stream of dry nitrogen, the

solvent vapour can be swept away, while the ions are forced to pass through this nitrogen ‘curtain’ by the application of an electric field between the curtain plate and the orifice plate in Figure 1. An additional benefit of a curtain gas is the prevention of other neutral contaminants, such as particulate material, from entering the ion sampling orifice or capillary. This is important for the ruggedness required for day-to-day use of LC-MS, e.g. in the analysis of large series of biological samples. A curtain or countercurrent gas is applied in the sources built by Sciex, Analytica of Branford and Hewlett-Packard. Alternatively, the temperature of (part of) the ion source or of the ion sampling capillary can be increased to avoid the formation of clusters between analyte ions and solvent molecules. This obviates the need for a curtain gas, but also leaves the ion sampling device unprotected from contamination by particulate material. Ions are sampled from the atmospheric-pressure region and together with nitrogen, which is applied as nebulizing gas as well as curtain gas, entering the vacuum system. The low-pressure side of the ion sampling pinhole or the low-pressure end of the ion sampling capillary acts as a nozzle, where the mixture of gas, solvent vapour and ions expands. The expanding jet is subsequently sampled by means of a skimmer into a second vacuum stage. In most systems, the region between the nozzle and the skimmer, which is pumped by a high-capacity rotary pump, contains an additional lens, e.g. a ring or tube electrode, to preferentially have the ions sampled by the skimmer. From a gas dynamics point of view, it might be important to position the skimmer just in front of the Mach disk of the expansion. However, because ions are preferentially sampled, the positioning of the skimmer relative to the Mach disk does not appear to be very important. In some systems, nozzle and skimmer are actually not precisely aligned in order to reduce the number of neutral molecules in the highly directed flow from the nozzle entering the region with higher vacuum. Optimum ion transfer is achieved by means of a tube lens between nozzle and skimmer. At the lower pressure side of the skimmer a second expansion step takes place. In older systems, the ions entering through the skimmer were extracted, transferred and focused into the mass analyser region by means of a set of conventional flat lenses. Later, it was determined that a more efficient ion transfer and focusing can be achieved by means of an RF-only quadrupole, hexapole or octapole device (cf. Figure 1). These types of ion transfer and focusing devices are especially in use in systems for LC-MS. In other systems, as used for ICP-MS for instance, ion


Figure 2

Schematic diagram of a typical API source for ICP-MS.

focusing is achieved by means of a combination of Einzel lenses and a Bessel box (cf. Figure 2). The source designs described so far are used in combination with a (triple) quadrupole instrument. Modifications of this design are required in the coupling to other types of mass analysers, e.g. the implementation of a gate or ion pulse electrode for use in combination with ion-trap and time-of-flight mass analysers.

Sample introduction devices A wide variety of sample introduction devices are available for gas analysis by API-MS. In the study of atmospheric processes, direct sampling of ionic species and clusters in various atmospheric layers may be performed. For these in situ studies, air is directly sampled into the system, eventually through specially designed sampling tubes. Alternatively, gases may be sampled and mass analysed after ionization by electrons from a corona discharge (similar to APCI). For use in combination with LC-MS and other liquid-introduction techniques, two main types of sample introduction devices are available, i.e. one for electrospray ionization and one for APCI. The devices for APCI consist of a heated nebulizer, which is a combination of a concentric pneumatic nebulizer and a heated quartz tube for droplet evaporation. Additional auxiliary gas is used to flush the evaporating droplets through the vaporizer into the actual ionization region. A schematic diagram of such a device is shown in Figure 3. Reactant ions for APCI are generated in a point-to-plane corona discharge in the atmospheric-pressure ion source. The discharge needle is operated at 3–5 kV and provides a corona emission current of a few µA.

For electrospray ionization, initially, 100 µm i.d. stainless-steel capillaries, i.e. hypodermic needles, were used for sample introduction. With such a device, the flow-rate is limited to ∼10 µL min−1, which is too high for many biochemical applications and too low for effective LC-MS coupling. Therefore, the initial system was modified. For biochemical applications, the dimensions of the introduction capillary were decreased to a few µm i.d. capillaries, mostly a glass or fused silica. This approach is called nanoelectrospray as it allows the continuous introduction of between 5 and 100 nLmin−1 of a liquid into the API source. Nano-electrospray is especially useful for applications where the sample amount is limited. In this way, it is possible to perform a series of MS experiments with a minute amount of sample, e.g. 30 min of various MS experiments with only 1 µL of sample. For LC-MS applications, the electrospray nebulization process was assisted by pneumatic nebulization, i.e. a nebulization gas at a high linear velocity is forced around the electrospray needle. This approach, introduced by Sciex as ionspray in 1986, was subsequently adopted by other instrument manufacturers and is now the most widely applied

Figure 3 Schematic diagram of a sample introduction device for APCI: a heated nebulizer.


approach to LC-MS via electrospray interfacing. A schematic diagram of a typical sample introduction device for LC-MS via pneumatically-assisted electrospray is shown in Figure 4. Significant research has taken place in the past few years concerning the optimum geometry of the spray device in the atmospheric-pressure ion source. While initially the spray device was positioned axially relative to the ion sampling orifice, an approach which is still in use, other instrument manufacturers use a different setup, e.g. the spray device positioned orthogonally to the ion sampling orifice, or at an angle of 45°, eventually with a perpendicular heated gas probe to assist in droplet evaporation. The two main perspectives in this type of research are the ability to introduce higher liquid flow-rate while still avoiding the risk of clogging the ion sampling orifice, and the ability to introduce samples containing significant amounts of nonvolatile material, e.g. samples from biological fluids after minimum sample pretreatment, or LC mobile phases containing phosphate buffers. While the advantages of the alternative positioning of the spray device is well documented for biological fluids, the evidence for the possibilities of the use of phosphate buffers is less convincingly demonstrated. For use in ICP-MS, ions are sampled directly from the inductively coupled plasma. Special precautions are required related to the high temperatures in the plasma. A schematic diagram of an ICP-MS system is shown in Figure 2. In most cases, the liquid sample, which can be introduced directly from a vial, of a liquid-phase separation technique such as LC is nebulized into a separate spray chamber. The aerosol, containing the smaller droplets, is transported by argon to the torch, where the ICP is generated and sustained. In this so-called ICP flame, the analytes are atomized and ionized. The ions are directly sampled from the flame by the ion sampling aperture for mass analysis.

Figure 4 Schematic diagram of a pneumatically-assisted electrospray sample introduction device.

Ionization in API conditions Ionization in an API source can take place in a variety of ways, depending on the type of applications. The various way are briefly reviewed here. Gas-phase ionization

In initial applications of API sources for gas analysis and monitoring of atmospheric ionic processes, either direct sampling of the ions present in flames or in the atmosphere was applied, or ions were generated by means of electrons from an electron-emitting 63Ni foil or by means of a corona discharge. Currently, the corona discharge is the most widely applied approach for generating ions, in both gas analysis and APCI in LC-MS applications. In an API source equipped with a 63Ni foil, energetic electrons ionize the nitrogen present in a series of consecutive steps:

Similarly, other gases may be ionized. In the presence of traces of water in the ion source, these ionic species react with the water molecules:

The main ionic species generated, i.e. and H3O+.(H2O)n, may enter in ion–molecule reactions, leading to charge exchange of proton transfer reactions, respectively. This is valid for positive-ion acquisition, while negative ions may be generated either by electron-capture processes with electrons or via proton-transfer ion-molecule reactions starting from OH−.(H2O)n for instance. The same reactant ions are formed in positive-ion mode in a point-to-plane corona discharge. Approximately 3–9 kV is applied at the corona discharge, creating a corona current of 1–5 µA, depending on the point-to-plane distance and the composition of the vapours in the ion source. Corona discharges are very complicated processes that involve avalanches of ionization reactions by ion–molecule and electron–molecule collisions together with quenching


processes, as discussed in detail by Meek and Craggs. In the positive-ion mode, the ionization of analyte molecules follows the general rules of chemical ionization, i.e. proton transfer may take place when the proton affinity of the analyte molecule exceeds that of the reagent gas, leading to protonated molecules:

while, in addition, various adduct ions and cluster ions with solvent molecules may be generated. In the negative-ion mode, either electron-capture products M− • or deprotonated molecules [M–H]− may be generated, although the electron-capture products may further react in ion–molecule reactions to form different ionic species. The positive-ion mass spectra obtained from APCI and conventional medium-pressure CI might show differences due to the fact that the mass spectrum in medium-pressure CI is more determined by the reaction kinetics, while in APCI, due to the longer residences times of ions in the sources as well as the more frequent ion–molecule collisions, the mass spectrum more reflects the thermodynamic equilibrium conditions. Liquid-based ionization

The liquid-based ionization technique in API-MS is applicable in electrospray interfacing as well as with a heated nebulizer introduction under certain conditions, i.e. without switching the corona discharge electrode on, and for certain compounds. Here, the discussion is restricted to electrospray interfacing. In electrospray ionization and interfacing, a high potential, typically 3 kV, is applied to a liquid emerging from a capillary. This causes the liquid to break into fine threads emerging from the so-called Taylor cone formed at the capillary tip. The threads subsequently disintegrate into small droplets. The electrohydrodynamic or Rayleigh disintegration results from autorepulsion of the electrostatically charged surface which exceeds the cohesive forces of surface tension (the Rayleigh limit). In this electrospray nebulization process uniform droplets in the 1-µm diameter range are formed. These charged droplets shrink by solvent evaporation, whereas electrohydrodynamic droplet disintegration again takes place as soon as the Coulomb repulsion of the surface charges exceeds the surface tension forces. The offspring droplets generated in the field-induced droplet disintegration process carry only 2% of the mass of the parent droplet and 15% of its charge.

Analyte ions in these offspring droplets, present as preformed ions, desorb or evaporate into the gas phase and become available for mass analysis. The ion evaporation process, described first by Iribarne and Thomson and generally considered as the most important ionization mechanism in electrospray ionization, is a process which thermodynamically corresponds to bringing a solvated ion from the surface of a charged droplet to infinity. Below a certain size/ charge ratio for a droplet, the Gibbs free energy of solvation of an ionic species present in the droplet will exceed the energy required to bring this species as a solvated ion from infinity to the surface of the droplet. Under these conditions, ion evaporation is possible. According to Iribarne and Thomson, ion evaporation will take place instead of electrohydrodynamic disintegration when the critical ion evaporation droplet radius exceeds the Rayleigh limit. Electrospray ionization is especially effective for analytes that are present as preformed ions in solution, e.g. organic acids or bases that are present as deprotonated or protonated molecules, respectively, at suitable pH values, quaternary ammonium compounds, etc. For biomacromolecules like proteins, which exist in solution as a distribution of ionic species carrying different numbers of charge, electrospray ionization results in a spectrum containing an ion envelope of multiply charged ions (see Figure 5). To a first approximation, this mass spectrum reflects the charge-state distribution of the protein in solution. As the ion separation in a mass analyser is based on mass-to-charge ratio, the multiple charging allows the mass analysis of large molecules within the limited m/z-range of, for instance, a quadrupole mass spectrometer. The observation of multiple charging of proteins in electrospray ionization attracted much attention: all major instrument manufacturers introduced an API system to be used in combination with an electrospray interface. At the same time, it was found that electrospray ionization is not only suitable for the mass analysis of large molecules, but is also a very efficient ionization technique of small polar or ionic molecules, e.g. drugs and their metabolites. In the past few years, hundreds of dedicated API-MS systems equipped with electrospray and APCI interfaces have found their way into many different laboratories, especially within pharmaceutical companies and biochemistry/biotechnology laboratories. Plasma-based ionization

A plasma is an ionized gas that is macroscopically neutral, i.e. an equal number of positive and negative particles are present. In ICP-MS, the gas used to


Figure 5 Ion envelope of multiply charged ions, obtained in the electrospray ionization of haemoglobin. In the spectrum, the m/z and charge state of the ions are indicated. The spectrum consists of two series: one due to a Hb-α chain (Mr 15126 Da) and one due to a Hb-βA chain (Mr 15 867 Da).

generate the plasma is argon, which has a high ionization energy (15.76 eV). The hot argon plasma has the capability to atomize most samples, and excite and ionize most elements of the periodic table. The plasma is generated in a torch. A high-frequency generator, typically operated at 27 or 40 MHz and with a power of 1–2 kW, is used to produce a highfrequency field through an induction coil, which is positioned at the outside of the torch. In this way, the argon plasma is produced, i.e. the argon is ionized and the plasma is sustained. Liquid samples are nebulized and the aerosol is injected into the plasma for atomization and ionization. The ionized atoms generated in this way are sampled by the ion sampling aperture and mass analysed.

Applications Gas analysis

There are a number of applications of API-MS in gas analysis, e.g. the study of environmental air contamination, human breath analysis, the study of (ionic) processes in the atmosphere, the detection of trace impurities in gases that are important in microelectronic manufacturing processes, or the identification of ions in flames. The power of this technique is perhaps best illustrated by the ability to achieve detection limits in the ppt range for oxygen, water, methane and carbon dioxide in high-purity gases like hydrogen, nitrogen, argon and helium. A proper characterization of the trace impurities in these gases is of utmost importance in semiconductor processing. Using a mobile API-MS system, such as the Sciex TAGA, real-time environmental monitoring of TNT, industrial emissions, PCBs and other environmental contaminants in the ground-level troposphere is possible.


The use of API-MS for the online LC-MS coupling is the largest commercial field of application of API-MS. From the early 1990s, when the potential of API-MS for LC-MS, and especially its robustness and ‘user-friendliness’, were substantially demonstrated, an astonishingly large number of API-MS systems for LC-MS were purchased. Particularly in various stages of drug development within pharmaceutical industries, the use of API-based LC-MS is preferred over the more conventional LC-UV system. In general, better reliability, confirmation, selectivity and sensitivity are achieved in LC-MS systems. In this way, high-throughput quantitative bioanalysis is possible. In addition, API-based LC-MS systems using electrospray or atmospheric-pressure chemical ionization (APCI) interfacing and ionization are applied for the quantitative and qualitative analysis of a wide variety of polar compounds in numerous matrices in a number of other fields, e.g. pesticides, herbicides and their metabolites and degradation products in environmental samples, natural products in plant extracts and cell cultures, peptides, proteins and other biomacromolecules in biochemical and biotechnological applications. ICP-MS

ICP-MS is used in practically every discipline where inorganic analytical support is required. This includes environmental, geological, biological, medical, nuclear, metallurgical (semiconductor industry) and nutritional studies. An important advantage of ICPMS in quantitative analysis, required in many fields of application, is the substantial gain in precision and accuracy that can be achieved by the use of isotopedilution mass spectrometry, where stable isotopes or


long-lived radio-isotopes of the elements to be analysed are added as internal standards, e.g. the use of 111Cd in the analysis of 114Cd. In addition, ICP-MS can be extremely useful in speciation. In this respect, there is a growing interest in the use of ICP-MS directly coupled to LC or capillary electrophoresis for speciation and analysis of elements of toxicological interest, like As, Se, Pb and Hg. See also: Chemical Ionization in Mass Spectrometry; Chromatography-MS, Methods; Cosmochemical Applications Using Mass Spectrometry; Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry, Methods; Inorganic Chemistry, Applications of Mass Spectrometry.

Further reading Bruins AP, Covey TR and Henion JD (1987) Ion spray interface for combined liquid chromatography/atmospheric pressure ionization mass spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry 59: 2642–2646. Carroll DI, Dzidic I, Horning EC and Stillwell RN (1981) Atmospheric pressure ionization mass spectrometry. Applied Spectroscopic Review 17: 337–406. Chowdhury SK, Katta V and Chait BT (1990) An electrospray-ionization mass spectrometer with new features. Rapid Communications of Mass Spectrometry 4: 81–87. Cole RB (ed) (1997) Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry. Chichester, UK: Wiley. Fenn JB, Mann M, Meng CK, Wong SF and Whitehouse CM (1989) Electrospray ionization for mass spectrometry of large biomolecules. Science 246: 64–71.

Hieftje GM and Norman LA (1992) Plasma source mass spectrometry. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes 118/119: 519–573. Iribarne JV and Thomson BA (1976) On the evaporation of small ions from charged droplets. Journal of Chemical Physics 64: 2287 and (1979) Field induced ion evaporation from liquid surfaces at atmospheric pressure. Journal of Chemical Physics 71: 4451. Knewstubb PF and Sugden TM (1958) Mass-spectrometric observation of ions in flames. Nature 181: 474–475. Knewstubb PF and Sugden TM (1958) Mass-spectrometric observation of ions in hydrocarbon flames. Nature 181: 1261. Meek JM and Craggs JD (1978) Electrical Breakdown of Gases. Chichester: Wiley. Meng CK, Mann M and Fenn JB (1988) Proceedings of the 36th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, June 5–10, San Francisco, CA, pp. 771–772. Niessen WMA (1998) Liquid Chromatography – Mass Specctrometry, 2nd edn. New York: Marcel Dekker. Niessen WMA (1998) Advances in instrumentation in liquid chromatography – mass spectrometry and related liquid-introduction techniques. Journal of Chromatography A 794: 407–435. Vela NP, Olson LK and Caruso JA, Elemental speciation with plasma mass spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry 65: 585A–597A. Yamash*ta M and Fenn JB (1984) Electrospray ion source. Another variation on the free-jet theme. Journal of Physical Chemistry 88: 4451–4459. Yamash*ta M and Fenn JB (1984) Negative ion production with the electrospray ion source. Journal of Physical Chemistry 88: 4671–4675.

Atomic Absorption, Methods and Instrumentation Steve J Hill and Andy S Fisher, University of Plymouth, UK Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction Atomic absorption spectroscopy has become one of the most frequently used tools in analytical chemistry. This is because for the determination of most metals and metalloids the technique offers sufficient sensitivity for many applications and is relatively interference free. There are two basic atom cells (a means of turning the sample, usually a liquid, into free atoms) used in atomic absorption spectroscopy:

ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY Methods & Instrumentation (i) the flame and (ii) electrothermal heating of a sample cell. It is generally acknowledged that if sufficient analyte is present in the sample, then it should be determined using a flame technique because this has the added advantages of being rapid (assuming only a few elements need be determined) and, in comparison with alternative techniques, very simple to use. Electrothermal atomic absorption spectroscopy (ETAAS) requires more operator skill and is less rapid, but yields substantially superior limits of


detection when compared with flame atomic absorption spectroscopy (FAAS). This section describes some of the methods and instrumentation that have been developed for both flame and electrothermal techniques of atomic absorption spectroscopy.

Instrumentation The basic principle of both FAAS and ETAAS is that sample is introduced into the atom cell, where it is desolvated and then atomized. The analyte atoms so formed then quantitatively absorb light in a way that is proportional to the concentration of the atoms of the analyte in the cell. The light, which is at a specific wavelength, is then isolated from other wavelengths that may be emitted by the atom cell and then detected. Thus, much of the instrumentation used for electrothermal and flame absorption spectroscopy is identical. Both techniques require a similar light source, background correction system, line isolation device (monochromator or polychromator), detector (photomultiplier or charge coupled device) and readout system. Each of these components is discussed below, together with details of the individual atom cells (flame and the electrothermal atomizer) and sample introduction systems.

Light source The fundamental requirement of the light source is to provide a narrow line profile with little background. It should also have a stable and reproducible output with sufficient intensity to ensure that a high signal-to-noise ratio is obtained. Two basic types of light source are used for atomic absorption, of which the hollow-cathode lamp (HCL) is the more commonly used. This is a lamp in which the cathode is coated with the analyte metal of interest. Within the lamp, inert filler gas (neon or argon) is ionized by an electric current and these ions are then attracted by the cathode. The inert gas ions bombard the cathode and in so doing excite the metal ions coated on it. It is this excitation of the metal that produces the emission of radiation with wavelengths characteristic of the analyte. Hollow-cathode lamps are available for most metallic elements. A schematic diagram of a hollow-cathode lamp is shown in Figure 1. Electrodeless discharge lamps are used less frequently than the hollow-cathode lamps except for analytes such as arsenic and selenium. These lamps may be excited using either microwave energy (although these tend to be less stable) or radiofrequency energy. The radiofrequency-excited lamps are less

Figure 1 Schematic representation of a hollow-cathode lamp. From Ebdon L (1998) Introduction to Analytical Atomic Spectrometry. Reproduced by permission of John Wiley & Sons Limited.

intense than the microwave-excited ones, but are still 5–100 times more intense than a standard hollowcathode lamp. In the electrodeless discharge lamp, a bulb contains the element of interest (or one of its salts) in an argon atmosphere. The radiofrequency energy ionizes the argon and this in turn excites the analyte element, causing it to produce its characteristic spectrum. For analytes such as arsenic and selenium, these lamps give a better signal-to-noise ratio than hollow-cathode lamps and have a longer useful lifetime. A schematic diagram of an electrodeless discharge lamp is shown in Figure 2.

Background correction systems There are basically three types of automatic background correction system available for atomic absorption, although manual methods such as the use of nearby non-atomic absorbing lines to estimate background absorbance may also be used. The three main automatic methods are the deuterium or hydrogen lamp, the Zeeman effect, and Smith–Hieftje background correction. The deuterium lamp produces a continuum of radiation, some of which will be absorbed by molecular species within the atom cell. The amount of atomic absorption observed using the deuterium lamp is negligible and hence the atomic absorption signal is obtained by subtracting the absorbance from the continuum lamp from the total analyte absorbance from the hollow cathode lamp. The deuterium or hydrogen lamp is of most value at wavelengths in the UV region (< 350 nm). The Zeeman effect background correction system is more versatile. It relies on a strong magnetic field operating at approximately


Figure 2 Electrodeless discharge lamp. From Ebdon L (1998) Introduction to Analytical Atomic Spectrometry. Reproduced by permission of John Wiley & Sons Limited.

1 T and 50–60 Hz, placed either around the light source or, more commonly, around the atom cell to split the signal into a number of components. The π component is at the normal analyte wavelength; the σ components are typically 0.01 nm (depending on the strength of the magnetic field) either side of the π component and hence lie outside the atomic absorption profile. Background can be corrected by subtracting the absorbance with the magnetic field ‘on’, from the signal with the magnet ‘off’. It should be noted that this is a simplified description of the process, as different elements have different splitting patterns and the magnetic field may be applied longitudinally or transversely, which may also produce different splitting patterns. When utilizing the Smith–Hieftje system, the hollow-cathode lamp is boosted periodically to a much higher current, causing the lamp to ‘self-absorb’. In this state no atomic absorption occurs in the atom cell but the molecular absorption still remains. Background correction is achieved automatically by subtracting the signal obtained at high current from that obtained using the normal current. The process is particularly efficient at removing interferences such as that caused by phosphate or selenium determinations, although the high currents used may shorten the lifetime of the lamp. In modern instruments, modulation of the source is achieved electronically. This enables discrimination between absorption and emission signals. Previously, a rotating sector, often referred to as a ‘chopper’, placed between the source and the atom cell was used.

more complex and offers far fewer advantages for atomic absorption when compared with doublebeam spectrometers in molecular spectroscopy. This is because the reference beam does not pass through the atom cell. Despite this, double-beam instruments can compensate for source drift and for warm-up and source noise.

Line isolation devices To ensure that only light of a wavelength specific to the analyte of interest is being measured, a line isolation device is required. Until recently, the line isolation device used for atomic absorption was a

Single-beam and double-beam instruments The vast majority of instruments used for atomic absorption measurements have a single-beam configuration, using the optical layout shown in Figure 3A. The double-beam arrangement (Figure 3B) is far

Figure 3 Schematics of (A) single-beam and (B) double-beam spectrometers. From Ebdon L (1998) Introduction to Analytical Atomic Spectrometry. Reproduced by permission of John Wiley & Sons Limited.


monochromator. There are numerous types of monochromator, but modern instruments typically use one of three designs: Ebert, Czerny–Turner or Littrow configuration. These are shown schematically in Figure 4. Light of all wavelengths enters the monochromator through an entrance slit and is then split into specific wavelengths using either a prism, or more commonly, a diffraction grating. By altering the position of this dispersing element, light of only the desired wavelength passes through the exit slit to the detector. Since the method of atomic absorption is so specific, very highly resolving monochromators are not required. Thus, the focal length of an atomic absorption monochromator is often 0.25 or 0.5 m compared with a minimum of 0.75 m required for conventional optical emission spectroscopy.

A monochromator enables only one wavelength to be interrogated at any instant; this was something of a weakness of atomic absorption spectroscopy. New technology, however, has enabled the development of multielement spectrometers that use a bank of between 4 and 6 hollow-cathode lamps and an echelle-style polychromator employing orders of 100 or more and are thus capable of considerable dispersion. In addition, such instruments have no exit slit and so a huge number of wavelengths may be focused onto an array detector such as a charge-coupled device. A schematic diagram of such an instrument is shown in Figure 5. Research continues into producing a continuum light source that would enable 30– 40 analytes to be determined simultaneously.

Detection systems Traditionally, detection of the light isolated by the monochromator has been accomplished using a photomultiplier tube (PMT). Several configurations exist, e.g. end-on and side-on, and the construction may be of different materials, to increase the efficiency at different wavelengths; but basically they all work in a similar way. Light enters the multiplier through a quartz window and impacts with a photocathode that is usually made from one of a number of alloys (e.g. Cs–Sb, Na–K–Sb–Cs or Ga–As), which then emits electrons. These electrons are then accelerated down a series of dynodes, each being at a more positive potential than the previous one. As the electrons impact with successive dynodes, further electrons are ejected and hence a cascade effect occurs. In this way a single photon may cause the ejection of 106 electrons. The number of electrons is

Figure 4 Schematics of different monochromator types: (A) Ebert, (B) Czerny–Turner, (C) Littrow. From Ebdon L (1998) Introduction to Analytical Atomic Spectrometry. Reproduced by permission of John Wiley & Sons Limited.

Figure 5

Echelle-based polychromator.


then measured at the anode and the resulting current is proportional to the radiation reaching the PMT. As described previously, a number of different materials may be used to coat the photocathode in the PMT, and each has a different response curve. Some, for example the Cs–Sb tube, have very little sensitivity above 600 nm, but others, for example Ga–As, may be used up to almost 900 nm. The response profiles of some commonly used photomultipliers are shown in Figure 6. Conventional spectrometers use a detector that is capable of measuring only one signal. Multielement instruments use state-of-the-art diode arrays or charge-coupled devices that can measure numerous spatially separated signals and can therefore simultaneously determine the signals arising from a bank of hollow-cathode lamps. A charge-coupled device may be considered to be similar to an electronic photographic plate. The device consists of several hundred linear photodetector arrays on a silicon chip with dimensions of typically 13 × 18 mm. The line isolation device (often an echelle grating) separates the analytical wavelengths and these may then be detected on different regions of the array. A detailed description of how the array works is beyond the scope of this text.

Figure 6 Response curves for several commercial photomultiplier tubes. From Ebdon L (1998) Introduction to Analytical Atomic Spectrometry. Reproduced by permission of John Wiley & Sons Limited.

Instrument control and output devices Manual controls and dials have slowly disappeared, with the large majority of modern instruments being controlled by computer. In addition to controlling the instrumental parameters, the computer may be used to program autosamplers, save experimental parameters and data, calibrate with known standards, plot calibration curves, use scale expansion facilities (if necessary) and produce statistical data from the results. A continuous graphics mode enables the signal to be monitored over a period of time. This is especially useful when flow injection, chromatography or hydride-generation transients are to be detected and integrated. Older instrumentation relied on a chart recorder for the same purpose.

Sample introduction and atom cells For flame systems, the sample is introduced via a nebulizer and spray chamber assembly. Sample is drawn up the intake capillary by the Venturi effect. The liquid sample column comes into contact with the fast moving flame gases and is shattered into small droplets. In many systems it is further smashed into still smaller droplets by an impact bead. The flame gases then carry the aerosol (the nebular) through a spray chamber containing a series of baffles or flow spoilers. These act as a droplet size filter, passing the larger droplets to waste (85–90% of the sample) and allowing the finer droplets to be transported to the flame. For electrothermal atomizers, the sample is placed into the atom cell either using a hand-held micropipette or by an autosampler. Since most instruments are supplied with an autosampler and the precision associated with their use is superior to that of the micropipette, most laboratories make use of this method of sample introduction. As described previously, there are two basic types of atom cell; flame and electrothermal tube, but both can have numerous modifications. The flame cell most commonly used is the 10 cm length air–acetylene burner. This provides a flame that is at approximately 2300°C (although the actual temperature will depend on the fuel/air ratio). The flame may be used in a fuel-lean mode, which produces a hot, oxidizing blue flame; in a fuel-rich mode, which produces a cooler, reducing yellow flame; or in a stoichiometric mode whose properties are between the two. Different analytes give different sensitivities depending on the flame type. Chromium, for instance, gives better sensitivity in a reducing flame, whereas for magnesium it is better to use a lean, oxidizing flame. Different areas of the flame have different temperatures and different chemical properties. The


efficiency of atomization of analytes will therefore depend critically on the area within the flame. Hence, it is important that the light beam from the HCL passes through the region of the flame where atomization is optimal. Optimization of the burner height is therefore necessary to ensure that maximum sensitivity is achieved. Although an air–acetylene flame is sufficient for the atomization of the majority of analytes, it is not sufficiently hot or reducing to atomize analytes that form refractory oxides (e.g. Al, Mo, Si and Ti). For analytes such as these a nitrous oxide–acetylene flame of length 5 cm is used. This flame is hotter (2900°C) and contains typically 2.5–3 times as much fuel as the air– acetylene flame. Other flame types, e.g. air–propane and air–hydrogen also exist, although they are less commonly used. The air–hydrogen flame (2200°C) is almost invisible and has the advantage of being transparent at lower wavelengths offering improved noise characteristics for elements such as lead or tin at around 220 nm. The inhom*ogeneity of flame chemistry and the need for burner height optimization hold true for all flame types. One common modification to a flame cell is to place a quartz tube on the burner head so that the light beam passes through the length of the tube. This method is especially useful when using sample introduction by hydride generation or by gas chromatography. The tube is heated either by a flame or electrically using a wire winding. The analyte, which enters the tube via a hole or slit cut into the side, is atomized within the tube. The atoms then leave the tube but, because of their retention in the tube, spend longer in the light beam than in normal flame systems. An increase in sensitivity is therefore obtained. Another small modification of this system is that, instead of a quartz tube, a quartz T-piece may be used. However, the function is the same. Electrothermal atom cells have changed radically since their inception in the late 1950s. The majority of electrothermal devices have been based on graphite tubes that are heated electrically (resistively) from either end. Modifications such as the West Rod Atomizer (a carbon filament) were also devised but were later abandoned. Tubes and filaments made from highly refractory metals such as tungsten and tantalum have also been made, but they tend to become brittle and distorted after extended use and have poor resistance to some acids. Their use continues, however, in some laboratories that need to determine carbide-forming elements. For example, silicon reacts with the graphite tube to form silicon carbide, which is both very refractory and very stable. The silicon is therefore not atomized and is lost analytically. Use of a metal vaporizer prevents this.

In electrothermal atomization the sample is introduced into the tube, which is then heated in a series of steps at increasing temperature. The sample is dried at a temperature just above the boiling point of the solvent (but not so hot as to cause frothing and spitting of the sample); ashed (charred at an intermediate temperature to remove as much of the concomitant matrix and potential interferences as possible without losing any analyte); and then atomized at a high temperature. During the atomization stage, the atoms leave the graphite surface and enter the light beam, where they absorb the incident radiation. The ashing and atomizing temperatures used will depend on the analyte of interest; for example, some analytes such as lead are relatively volatile and so cannot be ashed at temperatures above 450°C, otherwise volatile salts such as chlorides will be lost. Other analytes, for example, magnesium, are less volatile and can be ashed at temperatures close to 1000°C without analyte loss. Such elements require a much higher atomization temperature. The sensitivity of electrothermal atomization AAS is greater than for flame AAS because the atoms are formed within the confines of a tube and hence spend longer in the light beam. Also, since the sample is placed within the atom cell, 100% of it is available for analysis compared with the 10–15% available in flame systems. A comparison of characteristic concentrations (concentration that gives an absorbance of 0.0044) obtained for flame and electrothermal techniques for many analytes is shown in Table 1. It must be stressed that the figures for ETAAS will depend critically on the injection volume and so values tend to be given in absolute terms (i.e. a weight). Overall, the Massmann design of electrothermal atomizer in which the tube is heated from either end is still the most common (Figure 7B), but more recently transversely heated tubes have been developed (Figure 7A). The longitudinally heated tubes have a temperature gradient along the tube, with the central portion being several hundred degrees hotter than the ends. This can lead to condensation of analyte at the cooler ends and subsequent reatomization from the hot graphite surface. Several atomization peaks may therefore result. The transversely heated tubes do not have a temperature gradient and therefore do not suffer from this problem.

Interferences Flame techniques are regarded as being relatively free from interferences, but some distinct classes of interference do exist. These include a few spectral interferences (e.g. Eu at 324.753 nm on Cu at 324.754 nm), ionization interferences and chemical


Table 1 Comparison of characteristic concentrations for flame and electrothermal AAS








800 a,5b





8 500
































1 300


2 200a,0.1b



25 220




48 000

7 400


























Electrothermal AAS (pg)




Flame AAS (µg L–1)


1 500












1 400






110 000

40 000










Under normal flame conditions. With vapour generation.

interferences. Ionization interference is a vapourphase interference (in the past often termed cation enhancement) that occurs when the sample contains large amounts of an easily ionized element. The presence of large concentrations of easily ionized elements will lead to a large concentration of electrons in the flame. These electrons prevent the ionization of the analyte and hence lead to higher atomic absorption signals. If the easily ionized element is not present in the standards, the analyte may be partially

Figure 7 Electrothermal tubes available commercially: (A) transversely heated graphite atomizer (THGA), (B) longitudinally heated Massmann atomizer. From Ebdon L (1998) Introduction to Analytical Atomic Spectrometry. Reproduced by permission of John Wiley & Sons Limited.

ionized (and lost analytically) and hence serious overestimates of the true concentration will be obtained. This type of interference may be overcome by adding an excess of easily ionized element to all standards and samples. Chemical interferences may exist in several different forms: • Formation of less volatile compounds, e.g. when phosphate is present during the determination of calcium. Calcium phosphate is refractory and hence atomization will be retarded in comparison with calcium in the standards. • Formation of more volatile compounds, e.g. chlorides. • Occlusion into refractory compounds. Small amounts of analyte may become trapped in a refractory substance and hence not be atomized efficiently. • Occlusion into volatile compounds. Some compounds sublime explosively and hence atomization may be enhanced.


Most of these interferences may be overcome by using a hotter flame (e.g. nitrous oxide–acetylene); by adding a chelating reagent, e.g. EDTA, to complex preferentially with the analyte; by adding a releasing agent, e.g. lanthanum, that will combine preferentially with phosphate; or by optimizing the flame conditions and viewing height. Electrothermal AAS was renowned for being highly prone to interferences. However, modern methods and instrumentation have decreased this problem substantially. Interferences include memory effects, chemical interferences (loss of analyte as a volatile salt, carbide formation, condensation and recombination), background absorption (smoke), and physical interferences such as those resulting from placing the sample on a different part of the tube. The stabilized temperature platform furnace (STPF) concept has gone a long way to eliminating the problem. The concept is that a ‘matrix modifier’ is required for interference-free determinations. This is a material that either decreases the volatility of the analyte, enabling higher ash temperatures to be achieved and hence boiling away more interference (a common example is a mix of palladium and magnesium nitrates) or increases the volatility of the matrix (for example, the introduction of air ‘burns away’ many interferences leaving the analytes in the atomizer). The matrix modifier may be placed in the autosampler, and added to all samples and standards. Other requirements for the STPF concept include a rapid heating rate during atomization, integrated signals (rather than peak height), a powerful background correction system (e.g. Zeeman), fast electronics to measure the transient signal, and isothermal operation. Isothermal operation means that the analyte is vaporized from the graphite surface into hot gas. In normal electrothermal AAS, the analyte leaves the hot tube wall and enters the cooler gas phase. Under these circ*mstances it may recombine with some other species to form a compound and thus be lost analytically. To overcome this, platforms that are only loosely in contact with the tube walls have been developed. The analytes in this case are atomized not by the resistively heated graphite tube but by the surrounding gas. The transversely heated tubes described earlier have a platform as an integral part of the tube. A modification to this technique, called probe atomization, has also been developed. Here the sample is placed on a probe and is then dried and ashed in the normal way. The probe is then removed from the tube, which is heated to the atomization temperature. The probe is then re-introduced into the hot environment. Most analytical techniques for use with furnace work now utilize the advantages of the STPF

concept. Other interferences, e.g. formation of carbides, may be partially overcome by treating the atomizer with a carbide-forming element, for example by soaking in tantalum solution. The principle is that the tantalum occupies the active sites on the surface, thereby preventing the analyte from forming a carbide.

Methods Numerous methods have been described for use with AAS, but the majority require the sample to be in a liquid form. Some ETAAS systems allow the analysis of solids directly (e.g. by weighing small amounts onto sampling boats that may be slotted into specialized tubes), but usually, if solids are to be analysed, acid decomposition methods are required. An alternative is the analysis of slurries, using finely ground material (< 10 µm) dispersed in a solvent. Manual agitation of the slurry ensures hom*ogeneity of the sample, enabling a representative aliquot to be introduced. Some autosamplers come equipped with an ultrasonic agitator that will perform the same task. This method of analysis is frequently used in ETAAS. If samples containing high dissolved (or suspended) solids are to be analysed by FAAS, a flow injection technique (in which discrete aliquots of sample are introduced) may be used. This has also been referred to as ‘gulp sampling’. This prevents salting up of the nebulizer and blockage of the burner slot, which are obviously undesirable effects that have an adverse effect on sensitivity and signal stability. Flow injection techniques may also be used to preconcentrate analytes. If the sample flows through a column containing an ion-exchange resin, the analytes will be retained. Elution with a small volume of acid may yield very high preconcentration factors. This technique has been used for both FAAS and, more recently, for ETAAS, yielding limits of detection far superior to those achieved under normal conditions. A typical flow injection manifold suitable for this type of application is shown in Figure 8. A more traditional method of preconcentration is solvent extraction. Flame AAS may be used as a detector for analytes in organic solvents (sensitivity

Figure 8 Typical flow injection manifold for matrix analyte preconcentration or matrix elimination.


may even be improved because of improved nebulization efficiency), but occasional blocking of the burner slot by carbon may occur. This may be removed by gentle rubbing with a noncombustible material (such as a spatula). Organic solvents may also be introduced to ETAAS, but the ‘dry’-stage temperature has to be modified to prevent sample loss by spitting. Hydride generation is a common method for the detection of metalloids such as As, Bi, Ge, Pb, Sb, Se, Sn and Te, although other vapours, e.g. Hg or alkylated Cd, may also be determined. This technique improves the sensitivity of the analysis substantially. Since the sample is in the gas phase, the sample transport efficiency is close to 100%. The hydrides atomize readily in the flame, although this approach is usually used in conjunction with a quartz T-piece in the atom cell. Methods have been developed that trap the hydrides on the surface of a graphite tube for use with ETAAS. This leads to preconcentration and further improvements in detection limit. Chromatography has been coupled to AAS to effect speciation analysis. Here different chemical forms of an analyte are separated (either by highperformance liquid chromatography or, if they are sufficiently volatile, by gas chromatography) prior to introduction to the atomic absorption instrument. Gas chromatography is usually coupled directly with a T-piece interface arrangement, but HPLC couplings introduce the sample through the conventional nebulizer/spray chamber assembly. A small postcolumn air bleed may be necessary to compensate for the differences in flow rate between the chromatograph (1–2 mL min−1) and the uptake rate of the nebulizer (5–10 mL min−1). Chromatography is not frequently coupled with ETAAS because the atom cell is not well suited to continuous monitoring. The limited linear range offered by the AAS technique may be partially overcome by using alternative, less sensitive lines. This is a useful technique that avoids the requirement to dilute samples. Care must be taken, however, to ensure that viscosity effects do not cause a difference in nebulization efficiency between samples and standards. Alternatively, burner head rotation may be used. This shortens the path in the flame through which the light beam travels and hence decreases sensitivity. However, there is often an increase in noise as a result of using this approach.

Conclusions The sensitivity offered by the various techniques utilizing AAS for the determination of metals and

metalloids is often sufficient for many applications. Direct aspiration of samples in solution into a flame atomic absorption instrument provides the analyst with rapid acquisition of data with good precision. The technique is remarkably free from interferences and those that do exist may usually be overcome by judicious choice of operating conditions. The instrumentation involved is relatively simple and, for flame work, analyses may easily be performed by nonexpert operators. If increased sensitivity is required, the analyst has the option of preconcentrating the analyte using one of a number of methods prior to introduction to flame AAS, or alternatively may use electrothermal AAS. The latter technique, however, does require more experience if reliable results are to be obtained. A potential disadvantage of using atomic absorption is that in the past instruments have been capable of determining only one analyte at a time. Modern instrumentation has improved this number to as many as six, although it must be stressed that compromise conditions (e.g. in ETAAS temperature programs) must be used. This may lead to a decrease in overall sensitivity compared with single-element determinations. However, the ongoing development of multielement AAS will certainly boost the use of this already popular and versatile technique. See also: Atomic Absorption, Theory; Atomic Fluorescence, Methods and Instrumentation; Atomic Spectroscopy, Historical Perspective; Light Sources and Optics.

Further reading Dedina J and Tsalev DL (1995) Hydride Generation Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. Chichester: Wiley. Ebdon L, Evans EH, Fisher A and Hill SJ (1998) An Introduction to Analytical Atomic Spectrometry. Chichester: Wiley. Harnly JM (1996) Instrumentation for simultaneous multielement atomic absorption spectrometry with graphite furnace atomization. Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry 355: 501–509. Haswell SJ (ed) (1991) Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, Theory, Design and Applications, Analytical Spectroscopy Library. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Hill SJ, Dawson JB, Price WJ, Shuttler IL, Smith CMM and Tyson JF (1998) Atomic spectrometry update — advances in atomic absorption and fluorescence spectrometry and related techniques. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 13: 131R–170R. Vandecasteele C and Block CB (1993) Modern Methods for Trace Element Determination. Chichester: Wiley.


Atomic Absorption, Theory Albert Kh Gilmutdinov, Kazan State University, Russia


Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) is a technique for quantitative determination of metals and metalloids by conversion of a sample to atomic vapour and measurement of absorption at a wavelength specific to the element of interest. Owing to high sensitivity and selectivity, the technique is widely used for fundamental studies in physics and physical chemistry: measurements of oscillator strengths, diffusion coefficients of gas phase species, partial pressure of vapours, rate constants of hom*ogeneous and heterogeneous reactions, etc. The widest application of AAS, however, is in analytical chemistry. Nowadays it is one of the most popular techniques for trace analysis of over 65 elements in practically all types of samples (environmental, biological, industrial, etc.). The vast majority of substances to be analysed by AAS are in the condensed phase. At the same time, atomic absorption, like any other atomic spectrometry technique, can only detect free atoms that are in the gas phase. Thus, as analyte initially present in solution at a concentration c(liq) must first be transferred into the gas phase via the atomization process to produce N(g) free atoms in an atomizer volume. The analyte atoms are then detected by absorption of radiation from a primary source at a wavelength characteristic of the element resulting in an absorption signal, A. Thus, the general scheme of AAS can be presented as follows:

The primary goal of the theory of AAS is to establish the relationship between the measured analytical signal, atomic absorbance, A, and the analyte concentration, c, in the sample. Theoretical description of the two stages involves entirely different sciences: theory of atomization is based on thermodynamics, kinetics and molecular physics, while description of absorbances is based on optics and spectroscopy. Below, the two stages will be considered separately.

Atom production In the first step of an AA determination the element of interest must be atomized. The ideal atomizer would

provide complete atomization of the element irrespective of the sample matrix producing a well-defined and reproducible absorption layer of the analyte atoms. Excitation processes, however, should be minimal so that analyte and background emission noise is small. For achieving the best detection limits, the analyte vapour should not be highly diluted by the atomizer gas. Various types of electric discharges, laser radiation, electron bombardment and inductively coupled plasmas were tested as atomizers. Although not ideal, high-temperature flames and electrothermal atomizers have gained acceptance as the most common technique of atom production in AAS. Flame atomization

The longest practiced technique for converting a sample into atoms is the spraying of a sample solution into a combustion flame. The most popular flames used in AAS are the air–C2H2 flame providing a maximum temperature of about 2500 K and the N2O–C2H2 flame with a maximum temperature exceeding 3000 K. Atomization occurs because of the high enthalpy and temperature of the flame, and through chemical effects. Owing the generation of cyanogen radicals, which are known to be an efficient scavenger for oxygen, the nitrous oxide-acetylene flame provides not only a hotter but also a more reducing environment for atom production: the lack of oxygen moves equilibria such as MeO o Me + O to the right. Therefore a N2O–C2H2 flame provides greater atomization efficiencies and thus better detection limits for refractory elements, such as Al, Ta Ti, Zr, Si, V and the rare earths. Atom production in flames is an extremely complex process consisting of many stages and involving numerous sides processes. A quantitative theory of analyte atomization in flames is absent. Qualitatively, the process can be described as follows: the solution droplets sprayed into the flame are first dried, the resulting solid microparticles become molten and vaporize or thermally decompose to produce gaseous molecules that are finally dissociated into free atoms. The atoms may further be excited and ionized and form new compounds. These processes are dependent upon the temperature and the reducing power of the flame and occur within a few milliseconds – the time required by the sample to pass through the


flame. The processes taking place in flames are shown in more detail in Figure 1. Electrothermal atomization

In the majority of cases this occurs in a small graphite tube where the sample to be analysed is introduced via a small aperture in the upper tube wall. Metals such as tantalum or tungsten are also used to construct electrothermal atomizers as well as nontubular geometry for the atomizer (graphite cups, rods, filaments, etc.). After a 5–50 µL droplet of the sample solution has been deposited into the graphite furnace, it is heated resistively through a series of preprogrammed temperature stages to provide: (i) drying of the droplet to evaporate the solvent (∼ 370 K for about 30 s); (ii) thermal pretreatment (pyrolysis) to remove volatiles without loss of analyte (600–1500 K for 45 s) (this allows selective

volatilization of matrix components that are purged from the atomizer by a flow of inert gas); (iii) analyte atomization (1500–3000 K achieved rapidly at a heating rate of about 2000 K s–1). A major difference of electrothermal atomization from atomization in flames is that some matrix components are removed at the pyrolysis step and the atomization takes place within a confined geometry in an inert gas atmosphere. During atomization, the purge gas flow is shut off so that analyte atoms remain in the probing beam as long as possible. The number of analyte atoms in the atomizer volume N(t), generated during the atomization stage is described by the convolution:

Figure 1 Schematic representation of the processes taking place in a flame. The bold arrows show the pathways for analyte atom production and thin arrows show side processes. Reproduced with permission from Welz B (1985) Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, 2nd edn, p. 167. Weinheim: VCH.


Here the supply function S(t′ ), gives the rate (atoms s−1) of the primary generation of analyte atoms from the deposited sample, whereas the removal function, R(t,t′ ) characterizes the subsequent transfer of the vaporized atoms in the atomizer volume. In the simplest case of vaporization of a monolayer of atoms from the atomizer surface the supply function is given as:

where N0 is the total number of atoms in the deposited sample, ν and E are the frequency factor and the activation energy of the vaporization process, respectively, R is the gas constant and T(t) is the timedependent atomizer temperature. A typical example of the supply function in electrothermal AAS is given in Figure 2. The removal function R(t,t′) gives the probability of an analyte atom, vaporized at the time, t′, to be present in the atomizer volume at a later instant, t > t′. Early in time, the probability is equal to unity and decreases with increasing time because of loss processes. Generally, the loss processes include concentration and thermodiffusion, and convection. The knowledge of the removal function allows calculation of the mean residence time, W, of analyte in the atomizer volume. This parameter is defined as W = R(t) dt and gives the life-time of evaporated atoms in the atomizer volume. When the analyte loss is governed only by concentration diffusion through the tube ends, the residence time can be estimated by the following relationship:

where L is the tube length, a is the linear dimension of the area occupied by the sample on the atomizer surface, D is the analyte diffusion coefficient. Typically, the analyte residence time in tube graphite atomizers is a few tenths of a second, which is about 100 times longer than in a flame. The long residence time, along with the high degree of analyte atomization caused by the reducing environment, leads to a 10- to 1000-fold increase in graphite furnace sensitivity compared with flame AAS. The typical change in the total number of analyte atoms, N(t), in the tube electrothermal atomizer obtained by convolution [1] of the supply function

Figure 2 Supply function S(t ) of silver atoms computed for the change in the atomizer temperature T(t ) (E = 280 kJ mol−1, Q = 1013 s−1); the change in the total number of silver atoms within the atomizer volume N(t ).

with the diffusion removal function is given in Figure 2. The actual atom production and dissipation processes in electrothermal atomizer are much more complex than that described above. In many cases the analyte is atomized as a result of a set of multistage processes taking place simultaneously. The basic processes that occur with analyte in a graphite furnace are shown schematically in Figure 3 and listed in Table 1. The last column of the Table shows the elements for which the respective processes have been documented. In addition to the above widely used atomization techniques, mention must also be made of ‘the hydride generation technique’. The method is based on conversion of a hydride forming element (As, Bi, Ge, Sb, Se, Sn, Te) in an acidified sample to volatile hydride and transport of the released hydride to an atomizer (hydrogen diffuse flame, graphite furnace, heated quartz tube) where they are atomized to give free analyte atoms. Sodium borohydride is almost exclusively used as an agent for conversion of analyte to hydride:

where El, is the element of interest and m may or may not equal n. The advantage of sample volatilization as a gaseous hydride lies in the analyte’s preconcentration and separation from the sample matrix. This results in an enhanced sensitivity and in a significant


Table 1 Selection of processes involving analyte in graphite tube atomizers

Ref. in Figure 3

Process a



Me (s,l) → Me (g)


MeO (s,l) → Me (g) MeO (s,l) + C(s) → Me (g) Me C (s,l) → Me (g)

1 1 1

MeOH (s,l) → Me (g) MeO (s,l) → MeO (g) Me (s,l) → Me2 (g) Me (ad) → Me (g) Me (g) → Me (s,l)

1 1′ 1′ 3 4

Me (g) + O (g) → MeO (g) MeO (g) → Me (g)

5 5′

MeO (g) + C(s) → Me (g) + CO Me (g) + C(s) → MeC (g)


Ag, Au, Co, Cu, Ni, Pb, Pd Al, Cd, In, Pb Mn, Mg Al, Ba, Ca, Cu, Mo, Sr, V Rb Al, As, Ga, In, Tl Se, Co As, Cu Ag, Au, Cu, Mg, Mn, Pd Al, Si, Sn Al, As, Cd, Ga, In, Mn, Pb, Zn Al, Ga, In, Tl



s, l, g, ad stand for solid, liquid, gaseous and adsorbed species, respectively.

reduction of interferences during atomization. The main disadvantages of the method are interferences

Table 2

Element Ag






Be Bi


Flame AA 45


by substances in the solution that reduce the efficiency of hydride generation. Relative detection limits achieved by the described atomization techniques are presented in Table 2.

Selected relative detection limits (µg L–1) for different atomization techniquesa



Figure 3 Schematic representation of the basic physical and chemical processes taking place in a tube electrothermal atomizer. Solid arrows denote pathways of free analyte atoms, dotted arrows show the pathways of the analytes that are bound into molecules. Primary generation of the analyte vapour from the site of sample deposition as an atomic (1) or a molecular (1′) species. Irreversible loss of analyte from the furnace through its ends (2) and through the sample dosing hole (2′) by diffusion and convection. Physical adsorption/desorption at the graphite surface (3). Gas phase condensation (4) at the cooler parts of the atomizer. Gas phase reactions (5) that bind free analyte atoms into stable molecules or those (5′) that increase the free atom density. Heterogeneous reactions of analyte vapour with the atomizer walls: includes both production (6) and loss (6′) of free atoms at the furnace wall.

1000 15 1.5 30


Hydride AA



0.1 0.2

Element Mo


0.15 20

Flame AA 1.5 45






75 000

GF AA 0.08 0.02 0.3 130






































Hydride AA



2 0.03 1












Ge Hg

300 300

10 0.6

Te Ti

30 75

0.4 0.35



















1 0.009



0.1 0.1

Detection limits are based on 98% confidence level (3 standard deviations). The values for the graphite furnace technique are referred to sample aliquots of 50 µL. Adapted with permission from The Guide to Techniques and Applications of Atomic Spectroscopy (1997) p 5. Norwalk, CT, USA: Perkin-Elmer.


Atomic absorption AAS is based on the interaction of the probing radiation beam from a primary source with gas phase analyte atoms. Two different types of primary source are used in AAS: line sources emitting narrow spectral lines of the element to be analysed and a continuum source (normally high-pressure xenon arc lamp) that produces radiation from below 180 nm to over 800 nm. In principle, the continuum source is best suited for AAS. It has a unique capability for multielement determinations, and provides extended analytical range and inherent background correction. However, the lack of intensity found below 280 nm still limits the use of the source in research laboratories. In conventional AAS, the line radiation of the element of interest is generated in a hollow cathode lamp (HCL) or an electrodeless discharge lamp (EDL). The spectral profile, J(O), of the analytical line emitted by the source interacts with the absorption profile, k(O), of the analyte atoms in the atomizer (Figure 4). It is seen that radiation absorption is strongly dependent on the shape and relative position of the two spectral profiles. In order to describe quantitatively absorption, both emission and absorption profiles must first be well defined.

effect, interatomic collisions and hyperfine splitting. Other types of broadening (natural broadening, Stark broadening, etc.) are negligible. The Doppler broadening originates from the thermal agitation of emitting and absorbing atoms that results in a Gaussian-shaped spectral line (curve G in Figure 5). The full width, ∆νD, at one-half of the maximum intensity (FWHM) of the Doppler-broadened atomic line is given by:

Three major broadening mechanisms determine emission and absorption profiles in AAS: the Doppler

where ∆νD is in cm−1, λ in nm, T in K and M in g mol−1. The width is inversely proportional to the wavelength of the transition, to the square root of the absolute temperature, T, and to the reciprocal of the square root of the molecular weight of the analyte, M. The absorption line widths predicted from this equation range from 1 pm to 10 pm for flame and electrothermal atomizers. The Doppler widths of the lines emitted by HCLs and EDLs are 2–3 times lower than those for absorption profiles in atomizers. The second major broadening mechanism in AAS is collision or pressure broadening which originates from deactivation of the excited state due to interatomic collisions. There are two types of collisions. Collisions between two analyte atoms lead to resonance broadening which is negligible in analytical

Figure 4 Schematic diagram of the emission J(O) and absorption k(O) spectral profiles typical in AAS.

Figure 5 Normalized theoretical Gaussian (G), Lorentzian (L) and Voigt (V) line profiles versus dimensionless frequency. The FWHMs and areas of the Gaussian and Lorentzian peaks are equal; the Voigt profile is the convolution of the (G) and (L) profiles.

Emission and absorption line profiles


AAS because the analyte concentration is small. However, Lorentz broadening, which involves collisions between analyte atoms and foreign species (Ar atoms in electrothermal atomizers) called perturbers, are significant. Compared to a Doppler spectral profile, the Lorentzian profile is broader, has a lower peak height and is described by a Lorentzian function f(curve L in Figure 5) with the FWHM given by:

Here Np is the number density of perturbers (cm−3), V is the collisional cross-section (cm2), MA and Mp is the molecular weight (g mol−1) of the analyte and the perturbers, respectively. The collision width predicted by Equation [5] for absorption profiles is about the same order of magnitude as the Doppler line width (1–10 pm). The ∆QL values for lines emitted by the HCLs and EDLs are much lower than those for the absorption profiles in atomizers because of low pressure in the primary sources. Therefore this part of the broadening is normally neglected in the sources. However, at high optical densities of an absorbing layer when the wings of the emission line play an important role, the Lorentzian component in the broadening of the emission line is also becoming important. In addition to broadening the lines, collisions also cause a small shift in the line centre (towards the longer wavelengths in an Ar environment) and an asymmetry in the far line wings. The shift is proportional to the collision width and theory predicts a value of 2.76 for the width-to-shift ratio (it is shown schematically in Figure 4). The total spectral profile of an atomic line is given by the convolution of the Gaussian profile (due to Doppler broadening) and the Lorentzian profile (due to pressure broadening). The result is the Voigt function (curve V in Figure 5), H(ω,a):

(∆νL/∆νD) is the damping constant where a = determining the shape of the Voigt profile: as the damping constant increases, the profile broadens and its peak height decreases. In the extreme cases of a = 0 and a = ∞, the Voigt function goes to the purely Gaussian function and purely Lorentzian function, respectively. Normally, a dimensionless frequency, Z, normalized by the Doppler width ∆νD

of the absorption profile is used for computations: Z = (ν/∆νD)2 . Within about 1% accuracy, the FWHM of the Voigt profile can be estimated from the following empirical equation:

Finally, the third broadening mechanism is hyperfine splitting which is caused by isotope shifts and nuclear spin splitting. Generally a spectral line consists of n hyperfine components with relative intensities, bj, (Σ bi = 1) that are located at a distance ∆ωi from the component with the minimum frequency. Each component is Doppler and collision broadened and described by the Voigt function [6]. Thus in the general case the emission J(ω) and absorption k(ω) profiles are presented as follows:

where α is the ratio of the Doppler width of the emission line to the Doppler width of the absorption line. The equation takes into account that the emission profile, J(ω), is approximately 1/ α times narrower than the absorption profile, k(ω), in the scale of dimensionless frequency ω and that the absorption profile, is pressure-shifted relative to the emission profile to a value ∆ωS. For many analytical lines used in AAS the hyperfine splitting is greater than Doppler and pressure broadening and determines the total FWHM. In graphite furnace AAS, the damping constant, a, varies from 0.17 (Be resonance line, 234.9 nm) to 3.27 (Cs, 852.1 nm) for absorption lines and its value for emission lines, ae, in the primary sources varies from 0.01 to 0.05. A relatively small value of the a-parameter means that the emission profile is primarily determined by the Doppler broadening. Figure 6 shows the emission and absorption spectral profiles of the lead 283.3 nm resonance line computed for the conditions of graphite furnace AAS using Equation [8]. The line consists of five hyperfine components that are clearly seen in the emission profile. Because of higher temperature and much higher pressure, the absorption profile is wider and shifted towards the longer wavelengths.


Calibration curve shapes

It has been demonstrated that in AAS the atomization efficiency is close to 100% for the majority of elements in aqueous solutions. Assuming complete atomization, the shape of calibration curves in AAS is determined by the dependence of detected atomic absorbance on the number of absorbing atoms. The

relationship A = f(N) is called the concentration curve and its description is one of the primary goals of theoretical AAS. The phenomenon of radiation absorption had already been studied quantitatively early in the 18th century, mainly on liquids and crystals. The investigations resulted in the Beer–Lambert law relating the radiant flux, )tr, transmitted through an absorbing layer to the optical properties of the layer. In modern formulation, the law applied to a spatially uniform absorbing layer of length l and a uniform parallel probing beam is written as follows:

Absorbance, A, which is the analytical signal in AAS, is defined as the logarithm of the ratio of the incident radiant flux, Φ0, to the radiant flux, Φtr, that is transmitted through the absorbing layer of the analyte atoms. Using the Beer–Lambert law [9] for expressing the transmitted radiant flux, the general relationship for the absorbance recorded by an AA spectrometer can be expressed as follows:

Here, b and h are the width and the height of the monochromator entrance slit, l is the length of the absorbing layer; the limits of −O* to O* are the spectral bandwidth isolated by the monochromator. It was assumed that radiation attenuation occurs only because of atomic absorption, i.e. H(O) = 0. The absorption coefficient, k(O;x,y,z), depends on the number density of absorbing atoms in the ground state, no (cm−3), and the spectral profile, k(O), of the absorption line, and is presented as:

where )0(O) is the incident radiant flux incident at a wavelength O, P(O) is a wavelength-dependent attenuation coefficient which is the sum of absorption, k(O), and scattering, H(O), coefficients: P(O) = k(O) + H(O). Curve Jtr(O) in Figure 6 shows the spectral profile of the lead 283.3 nm resonance line that is transmitted through a uniform layer of 3 × 1012 cm−2 lead atoms. It was assumed that the spatially uniform incident radiation with the spectral profile J(O) is absorbed by the absorption profile k(O), without scattering, following Equation [9]. Generally, a non-uniform radiation with intensity distribution J(x,y) over the beam cross section is used to probe a non-uniform layer of absorbing species with the number density n(x,y,z). With non-uniform probing beams, a radiant flux passing through a surface S within a spectral bandwidth {−O*, O*} is expressed in terms of intensities as follows:

where J(O) is a function describing the spectral composition of the radiation.

Figure 6 Emission J(O ) and absorption k(O) spectral profiles of the 283.3 nm lead resonance line computed for the conditions of graphite furnace AAS (ae = 0.01, a = 1.24; T = 2100 K). Jtr(O) is the emission profile that is transmitted through a uniform layer of 3 × 1012 cm−2 lead atoms.


Here e and m are the charge and mass of the electron, respectively, c is the velocity of light, f is the oscillator strength of the spectral transition, ∆νD is the Doppler width of the absorption line. The coefficient c(O, T) denotes the combination of values that depend only on the spectral features of the analysis lines. The general relationship [10] is simplified significantly if the following assumptions are made: (i) radial distributions of the probing beam and the analyte atoms are uniform, i.e. J(x,y) = const, n(x,y,z) = n(z); (ii) the atomizer is spatially isothermal, i.e. T(x,y,z) = const and (iii) the emission line is a single and infinitely narrow line at O0 so that it is described by Dirac’s delta-function: J(O) = J0 δ(O−O0). Substitution of these simplifications into Equation [10] gives:

where c(O0,T) is a constant for given transition and for a given temperature, N(cm–2) = n(z)dz is the number of absorbing atoms per unit cross-sectional area along the radiation beam; in the case of uniform analyte distributions, this value is proportional to the total number of analyte atoms in the atomizer. Thus, if the above assumptions are valid, the recorded absorbance is proportional to the total number of absorbing atoms in the atomizer and the concentration curve A = f(N) is a straight line. This is a basis for AAS to be an analytical technique, because the recorded signal, A, is directly proportional to the unknown number, N, of analyte atoms. Such a concentration curve computed for the case of a lead resonance line is presented by curve 1 in Figure 7. The actual situation, however, differs substantially from that presented by simple Equation [12]. It follows from general relationship [10] that absorbance is dependent on three groups of factors: (1) the spectral characteristics of the analysis line (dependence of J and k on O); (2) the cross-sectional distribution of intensity in the incident beam, J(x,y); and (3) spatial distribution of the analyte and temperature within the atomizer (dependence of k on x,y,z). Thus detected absorbance, A, depends not only on the number, N, of absorbing atoms but also on the spectral features of the analysis lines used to probe the absorbing layer and the spatial distribution of analyte atoms and radiation intensity in the probing beam:

Figure 7 The evolution of the 283.3 nm lead concentration curve as the spectral and spatial features are successively taken into account. Emission line is: single and infinitely narrow (1), single and broadened (2); all the spectral features of the line are taken into account including hyperfine splitting and the pressure shift (3); (4) as (3) plus absorbing layer is assumed to be nonuniform in the radial cross section with the analyte number density at the atomizer bottom 4 times greater than that in the upper part of the absorbing layer.

The effect of spectral features of the analysis line and spatial nonuniformities of the absorbing layer is illustrated in Figure 7. Curve 2 is the lead concentration curve when the resonance line is assumed to be a single but broadened one; accounting for all the spectral features of the emission and absorption profiles, including hyperfine structure and pressure shift, results in curve 3. It can be seen that broadening of the analysis line lead to a bending of the concentration curve and decreasing of its slope, the major effect being the hyperfine broadening. Additional accounting for the fact that the analyte is distributed nonuniformly in the atomizer cross section leads to further curvature and a decrease in the slope of concentration curve (curve 4). Figure 7 illustrates clearly the importance of the spectral and spatial features in relationship [10]. Recent research shows, however, that these undesirable dependencies can be avoided if transmitted intensities are measured with spectral, spatial and temporal resolutions. The multidimensional absorbance detected in such a way is dependent only on the number of absorbing atoms irrespective of their spatial distribution and spectral features of the primary source.



An interference effect is a change of the analytical signal by the sample matrix as compared to the reference standard, typically an acidified aqueous solution. There are two types of interference in spectrochemical analysis, spectral and nonspectral. Spectral interference originates from incomplete isolation of the radiation emitted or absorbed by the analyte from other radiation detected by the spectrometer. Any reasons other than specific atomic absorption that cause radiation attenuation in equation [9] result in spectral interferences. They arise from: absorption of radiation by overlapping molecular bands or atomic lines of concomitants; scattering of source radiation by nonvolatilized microparticles (smoke, salt particles, condensed microdrops); foreign line absorption if the corresponding radiation happens to be emitted by the radiation source, in addition to the analysis line, within the spectral bandwidth of the monochromator. The first two sources of spectral interferences are most common and described as background attenuation or background absorption. In general, they are more pronounced at shorter wavelengths. Most background attenuation can be distinguished from the analyte absorption because the element only absorbs in the very narrow spectral region while the background attenuation is less specific and extends over a considerably broader wavelength band. Instrumental methods of correction for background attenuation effects include compensation using a continuum source and the Zeeman effect. For interferences other than spectral, the analyte itself is directly affected. The nonspectral interferences are best classified according to the stage at which the particular interference occurs, i.e. solute-volatilization and vapour-phase interferences. A nonspectral interference is found when the analyte exhibits a different sensitivity in the presence of sample concomitants as compared to the analyte in a reference solution. The difference in the signal may be due to: analyte loss during the thermal pretreatment stage in the electrothermal atomizer: analyte reaction with concomitants in the condensed phase to form compounds that are atomized to a lesser extent, analyte ionization or change the degree of ionization caused by concomitants. Reactions of the analyte with the tube material (graphite) or the purge gas are not normally considered to be interferences because they influence the analyte in the sample and in the standard to the same degree. A nonspectral interference is in many instances best detected by the use of the analyte addition technique. An interference exists if the slope of

the additions curve is different from that of the calibration curve. For most systems, nonspectral interferences in electrothermal AAS can be effectively eliminated by adding a proper matrix modifier (Pd-Mg(NO3)2 is the most common modifier) that delays analyte volatilization until the atomizer temperature is sufficiently high and steady for efficient atomization, and buffers the gas phase composition.

List of symbols a = damping constant; ae = damping constant for emission lines; a = the linear dimension of the area occupied by the sample on the atomizer surface; A = absorbance; b = width of monochromator entrance slit; c(liq) = concentration of analyte in solution; c = velocity of light; D = analyte diffusion coefficient; e = charge of electron; E = activation energy; f = oscillator strength; h = height of monochromator entrance slit; J(λ) = spectral profile; k(λ) = absorption profile; l = length of absorbing layer; L = tube length; m = mass of electron; M = molecular weight of the analyte; MA = molecular weight of analyte; Mp = molecular weight of perturbers; no = number density of absorbing atoms in the ground state; N = number of analyte atoms; N(g) = number of free atoms in an atomizer volume; N0 = total number of atoms in the deposited sample; NP = number density of perturbers; N(t) = number of analyte atoms in the atomizer volume; R = gas constant; R(t,t ′) = removal function; S(t ′) = supply function; t = time analyte atom present in atomizer volume; t′ = time of vaporization; T = absolute temperature; T(t) = time-dependent atomizer temperature; D = ratio of the Doppler width of the emission to the absorption line; ∆νD = width of Doppler-broadened atomic line; ∆νL = width of Lorentzian-broadened atomic line; H(O) = scattering coefficient; O = wavelength; O = wavelength; µ(O) = wavelengthdependent attenuation coefficient; ν = frequency factor; V = collisional cross section; W = mean residence time; Φ = transmitted radiant flux; Φ0 = incident radiant flux; Z = frequency (dimensionless). See also: Atomic Absorption, Methods and Instrumentation; Atomic Fluorescence, Methods and Instrumentation; Fluorescence and Emission Spectroscopy, Theory.

Further reading Alkemade CThJ, Hollander T, Snelleman W and Zeegers PJTh (1982) Metal Vapours in Flames. Oxford: Pergamon Press.


Chang SB and Chakrabarti CL (1985) Factors affecting atomization in graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. Progress in Analytical Atomic Spectroscopy 8: 83–191. Ebdon L (1982) An Introduction to Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. London: Heyden. Haswell SJ (Ed.) (1991) Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Holcombe JA and Rayson GD (1983) Analyte distribution and reactions within a graphite furnace atomizer. Progress in Analytical Atomic Spectroscopy 6: 225–251. L’vov BV (1970) Atomic Absorption Spectrochemical Analysis. London: Adam Hilger.

Mitchell ACG and Zemansky MW (1961) Resonance Radiation and Excited Atoms. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Slavin W (1991) Graphite Furnace AAS – A Source Book, 2nd edn. Norwalk, CT: Perkin-Elmer Corporation. Styris DL and Redfield DA (1993) Perspectives on mechanisms of electrothermal atomization. Spectrochimica Acta Reviews 15: 71–123. Welz B (1985) Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, 2nd edn. Weinheim: VCH. Winefordner JD (ed) (1976) Spectroscopic Methods for Elements. New York: Wiley-Interscience.

Atomic Emission, Methods and Instrumentation Sandra L Bonchin, Los Alamos National Laboratory, NM, USA Grace K Zoorob, Biosouth Research Laboratories, Inc., Harahan, LA, USA Joseph A Caruso, University of Cincinnati, OH, USA

ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY Methods & Instrumentation

Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Atomic emission spectroscopy is one of the most useful and commonly used techniques for analyses of metals and nonmetals providing rapid, sensitive results for analytes in a wide variety of sample matrices. Elements in a sample are excited during their residence in an analytical plasma, and the light emitted from these excited atoms and ions is then collected, separated and detected to produce an emission spectrum. The instrumental components which comprise an atomic emission system include (1) an excitation source, (2) a spectrometer, (3) a detector, and (4) some form of signal and data processing. The methods discussed will include (1) sample introduction, (2) line selection, and (3) spectral interferences and correction techniques.

Atomic emission sources The atomic emission source provides for sample vaporization, dissociation, and excitation. The ideal excitation source will allow the excitation of all lines of interest for the elements in the sample, and do this reproducibly over enough time to encompass full elemental excitation. Excitation sources include but are not limited to (1) inductively coupled plasma (ICP), (2) direct current plasmas (DCP), (3) microwave induced plasmas (MIP), and (4) capacitively coupled

microwave plasmas (CMP). Glow discharges are utilized for direct solids analyses, but will not be discussed here. An analytical plasma is a high-energy, slightly ionized gas (about 0.01 to 0.1% ionized). Inductively coupled plasmas

The most commonly used ion source for plasma spectrometry, the ICP, is produced by flowing an inert gas, typically argon, through a water-cooled induction coil which has a high-frequency field (typically 27 MHz) running through it (Figure 1). The alternating current in the coil has associated with it a changing magnetic field, which induces a changing electric field. The flowing gas is seeded with electrons by means of a Tesla coil. These electrons undergo acceleration by the electric field, and gain the energy necessary to excite and ionize the gaseous atoms by collision. This produces the plasma, self-sustaining as long as the RF and gas flows continue. Sample particles entering the plasma undergo desolvation, dissociation, atomization, and excitation. The ICP has sufficiently long residence times and high enough temperatures so that the sample solvent is completely vaporized, and the analyte reduced to free atoms, which undergo excitation. This excitation results in the emission of light at specific frequencies for elements in the sample, which is


Figure 1

Inductively coupled plasma and torch schematic.

proportional to their concentration. An emission spectrometer separates the frequencies of light into discrete wavelengths, which are unique to given elements in the sample. Direct current plasmas

In a direct current plasma, a dc current passing between two electrodes heats the plasma gas, again typically argon, and produces a discharge. The most common version is the 3-electrode system (Figure 2). This system has argon flowing around two graphite anodes and a tungsten cathode to produce the plasma. The sample is introduced between the anodes. Vaporization, atomization, ionization, and excitation occur. This technique is more tolerant of samples containing a high proportion of solids than the ICP method. However, it is less efficient due to lower plasma temperatures, and the electrodes need to be replaced frequently.

can be produced at atmospheric pressure, if the design of the cavity allows. Helium plasmas typically require reduced pressure unless a ‘Beenakker cavity’ is employed (Figure 3). MIPs use lower power levels (hundreds of watts) than those required by the DCP and ICP. However, due to the decreased size of the MIP, the power densities produced are comparable. Argon has an ionization potential of 15.75 eV, which is not sufficient in the argon ICP to produce the excitation ionization energy needed to ionize some elements efficiently, such as the nonmetals. Helium plasmas are more efficient for these problem elements, as the ionization potential of helium is 24.6 eV. The MIP is not very adept at handling liquid samples, due to the low powers employed. However, at higher powers above 500 watts similar performance to the ICP may be obtained. The general lack of availability of these sources as part of commercially available instrumentation, has limited their application and use. Capacitively coupled microwave plasmas

A capacitively coupled microwave plasma is formed using a magnetron to produce microwave energy at 2.45 GHz. This is brought to a hollow coaxial electrode via coaxial waveguides. The microwave power is capacitively coupled into the plasma gas, usually argon or nitrogen, via the electrode. This is an atmospheric pressure source with a small plasma volume. Power levels can range from 10 to 1000

Microwave induced plasmas

A microwave induced plasma (MIP) is an electrodeless discharge generated in a glass or quartz capillary discharge tube, often in a resonant cavity. These tubes generally have an inner diameter of the order of a few millimetres, and the plasma gas is an inert gas, such as helium or argon. The resonant cavity, which is hollow and of the order of a few centimetres diameter, allows coupling of the microwave power into the plasma gas flowing through the capillary discharge tube. The microwave power supply operates at a frequency of 2.45 GHz. Microwave plasmas

Figure 2

Direct current plasma schematic.


Figure 3 Microwave induced plasma schematic illustrating the ‘Beenakker Cavity’ design.

watts, with frequencies from 200 kHz to 30 MHz. Unlike other MIPs, the CMP is able to handle greater amounts of solvent. However, the CMP has been found to be easily contaminated due to the microwave energy being conducted through a coaxial waveguide to the electrode, which must be replaced regularly.

Spectrometers The atomic emission source will produce unstable, excited atoms or ions, which spontaneously return to a lower energy state. The emission spectrum is produced when a photon of energy is generated during this transition. The basic assumption is that the emitted energy is proportional to the concentration of atoms or ions in the sample. The measurement of this energy is performed using the optics of the spectrometer to isolate the characteristic elemental emission wavelengths, and to separate this radiation from the plasma background. The spectrometer will need a high resolving power to be able to separate the lines of interest from adjacent spectral lines (at least 0.1 nm). The spectrometer consists of (1) a dispersive element, such as a grating, and (2) an image transfer assembly, which contains the entrance and exit slits, and mirrors or lenses. The grating provides dispersion of the wavelength range of interest over a given angular range. Some commonly used grating spectrometers include (1) the Paschen–Runge spectrometer, which is used in both sequential and simultaneous instruments and has the advantage of extensive wavelength coverage, (2) the echelle grating spectrometer, with excellent dispersion and resolution with a small footprint, and (3) the Ebert and Czerny–Turner spectrometers, which are

similar except that the latter has two mirrors to the Ebert’s one. The slit allows a narrow line of light to be isolated. The number of lines will represent the various wavelengths emitted by the plasma, with each line corresponding to the image produced by the spectrometer slit, and each wavelength corresponding to a specific element. There are two slits used: (1) the primary slit, which is where light enters the spectrometer, and (2) the secondary slit, where light exits, producing a line isolated from the rest of the spectrum. The imaging system consists either of lenses or of concave mirrors. One of the most useful aspects of atomic emission spectrometry is its capability for multi-element analysis. This can be achieved using either the sequential monochromator, where elements in a sample are quickly read one at a time, or the polychromator, which allows the simultaneous measurement of the elements of interest. Monochromators

Multi-element determinations using a monochromator must be sequential, as the monochromator can only observe one line at a time due to it only having one secondary slit. The slit can be set to scan the wavelengths, which is slower than in a simultaneous instrument, but allows for the selection of a wider range of wavelengths. A scanning monochromator user a movable grating to find known individual spectral lines at fixed positions, typically a Czerny– Turner configuration. Although this allows the observance of only one individual wavelength at a time, it also allows all wavelengths in the range of the spectrometer to be observed. Polychromators

Polychromators have a permanently fixed secondary slit for certain individual wavelengths (individual elements). Each slit will have its own detector. This allows for truly simultaneous analyses of selected elements, resulting in much quicker analyses than the monochromator for elements that have a slit installed. However, the selection of possible analysis lines is limited. A simplified diagram of the beam path in a polychromator is shown in Figure 4. A polychromator can focus the emission lines on the circumference of the Rowland circle by using concave gratings; typically the Paschen–Runge configuration is used. In summary, the polychromator has a throughput advantage while the sequential scanning monochromator has flexibility as its advantage.


charge from a full pixel to an adjacent one. CCDs are best used in very sensitive, low light level applications. The CID does not suffer from ‘blooming’ due to its method of nondestructively measuring the photon-generated charge. The CID allows the monitoring of any wavelength between 165 and 800 nm, whereas the range of the CCD is between 170 and 780 nm.

Methods Sample introduction

Figure 4

Beam path through a polychromator.

Detectors Photomultiplier tubes

A photomultiplier tube (PMT) consists of a photosensitive cathode, several dynodes and a collection anode. The dynodes are responsible for the increase in signal by electron multiplication. PMTs see the elemental line intensity per unit time proportionally with current and have wide dynamic ranges. A PMT, housed in a suitable mechanical movement, can scan the range of wavelengths in a spectrum sequentially, which involves longer analysis times. Alternatively, there can be a series of PMTs, each collecting the signal at discrete wavelengths at its assigned exit slit. Unfortunately, it always takes one PMT for each wavelength of light observed, whether or not the PMT is fixed or roving. Modern instruments have taken advantage of the advent of multichannel solidstate detectors to provide more flexibility in multielement analyses. Charge-coupled and charge-injection devices

The charge-coupled and charge-injection devices are solid-state sensors with integrated silicon circuits. They are similar in that they both collect and store charge generated by the light from the emissions in metal-oxide semiconductor (MOS) capacitors. The amount of charge generated in a charge transfer detector is measured either by moving the charge from the detector element where it is collected to a charge-sensing amplifier (CCD), or by moving it within the detector element and measuring the voltage change induced by this movement (CID). The CCD is susceptible to ‘blooming’ in the presence of too much light, since there can be an overflow of

Sample introduction into the plasma is a critical part of the analytical process in atomic emission spectroscopy (AES). Since the ICP is the most commonly used source, the sample introduction schemes described below will focus more on it than the other sources mentioned previously. Sample is carried into the plasma at the head of a torch by an inert gas, typically argon, flowing in the centre tube at 0.3–1.5 L min−1. The sample may be an aerosol, a thermally or spark generated vapour, or a fine powder. Other approaches may also be taken to facilitate the way the analyte reaches the plasma. These procedures include hydride generation and electrothermal vaporization. Torches One of the torch configurations more commonly used with the ICP is shown in Figure 1. The plasma torch consists of three concentric quartz tubes through which streams of argon flow. The nebulizer gas, which carries the analyte into the plasma, flows in the centre tube. The auxiliary gas flows around the centre tube and adjusts the position of the plasma relative to the torch. The coolant gas streams tangentially through the outer tube, serving to cool the inside walls and centre of the torch, and stabilize the plasma. Nebulizers The great majority of analyses in ICP AES are carried out on liquid samples. The most convenient method for liquids to be introduced into the gas stream is as an aerosol from a nebulizer. The aerosol may be formed by the action of a high-speed jet across the tip of a small orifice or by the use of an ultrasonic transducer. A spray chamber is usually placed after the nebulizer to remove some of the larger droplets produced, and thereby improves the stability of the spectral emission. The most commonly used nebulizer designs are pneumatic and ultrasonic, although other types (electrostatic, jet impact, and mono-dispersive generators) have been described. The selection of the appropriate nebulizer depends upon the characteristics of the


sample: mainly density, viscosity, organic content, total dissolved solids, and total sample volume. Additionally, the performance of a particular nebulizer can be described using several attributes such as droplet size distribution, efficiency, stability, response time, tendency to clog, and memory effects. Concentric nebulizers Solution sample introduction has been associated with pneumatic nebulizers (concentric and cross-flow) almost universally for routine analysis, due to their simplicity and low cost. However, they provide low analyte transport efficiency (< 5%) to the plasma, and may be prone to clogging. The most widely used ICP nebulizer is the onepiece Meinhard concentric nebulizer (Figure 5A). It is a general-purpose nebulizer with low tolerance for total dissolved solids, used for applications requiring low nebulizer gas flows. It operates in the free running mode whereby the solutions are drawn up by the pressure drop generated as the nebulizer gas passes through the orifice. The viscosity of the solution and the vertical distance through which the liquid is lifted affect the rate of liquid transfer. Although the concentric nebulizer is easy to use, the transport efficiency is low, owing to the wide range of droplet sizes produced. In addition, nebulizer blockage may occur due to the presence of suspended solids becoming lodged in the narrow, central sample uptake capillary. Filtering or centrifuging the sample may minimize the risk of blockage. If a sample with a high dissolved-solids content dries in the nebulizer, it may also cause nebulizer blockage or interfere with the operation of the nebulizer by decreasing the signal. Frequent cleaning of the nebulizer solves this problem. Cross-flow nebulizers The cross-flow nebulizer shows much of the same general behaviour of the concentric nebulizers. The cross-flow nebulizer is less prone to blockage and salting effects, although they may still occur as the sample solution passes through a capillary. The cross-flow nebulizer operates when a horizontal jet of gas passes across the top of a vertical tube (Figure 5B). The reduced pressure that is generated draws the liquid up the tube, where, at the top, it is disrupted into a cloud of fine droplets. Babington type nebulizer The Babington nebulizer is designed to allow a film of liquid containing sample to flow over the surface of a sphere (Figure 5C). A gas, which is forced through an aperture beneath the film, produces the aerosol. This design features the liquid sample flowing freely over a small aperture, rather than passing through a fine capillary, and is

Figure 5 Schematic of the (A) concentric nebulizer, (B) crossflow nebulizer and (C) Babington nebulizer.

therefore more tolerant of high dissolved-solids. This kind of nebulizer can be used to introduce slurries into the system since the delivery of the sample is not constrained by a capillary. However, the Babington-type nebulizer shows extensive memory effects since the solution is allowed to wet the entire face of the sphere. A modification of the design is also in use, whereby the liquid sample passes through a V-groove and a gas is introduced from a small hole in the bottom of the groove. The main advantage of the Vgroove nebulizer is its resistance to blockage. However, the design produces aerosol less efficiently, and it is of coarser size distribution than that produced by other concentric nebulizers. Frit-type nebulizer The concentric and cross-flow nebulizers are inefficient at the 1 mL min−1 flow rate at which they usually operate, producing only about 1% of droplets of the correct size to pass into the plasma. An alternative design is the frit nebulizer, which produces droplets with a mean size of 1 µm. The glass frit nebulizer is depicted schematically in Figure 6. The sample flows over the fritted glass disc as the nebulizing gas is passed through the frit. This


Figure 7 Ultrasonic nebulizer schematic. Reprint permission from Ingle JD and Crouch SR (1988) Spectrochemical Analysis. p. 194, Figure 7-6. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Figure 6 Glass frit nebulizer schematic. Reprint permission from Ingle JD and Crouch SR (1988) Spectrochemical Analysis. p. 193, Figure 7-5. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

design provides an excellent fine aerosol, but at the expense of the fritted disc clogging over time. The transport efficiency is very high compared to the pneumatic-type nebulizers but the operation is at flows of 100 µL min−1 or less. Ultrasonic nebulizer The ultrasonic nebulizer also produces fine aerosol and has a high sample-transport efficiency (Figure 7). The aerosol is generated when the solution is fed to the surface of a piezoelectric transducer which operates at a frequency between 0.2 and 10 MHz. Vibrations of the transducer cause the solution to break into small droplets which are then transported to the plasma. The ultrasonic nebulizer offers highly efficient aerosol production independent of the carrier-gas flow rate. With this nebulizer, more analyte can be transported into the plasma at a lower nebulizer gas flow rate than that seen with pneumatic nebulizers. This increases the sensitivity and improves detection limits since samples have a longer residence time in the plasma. However, the high efficiency also allows more water to enter the plasma, producing a cooling effect, which may decrease analyte ionization. Hence these nebulizers require desolvation to be realistically utilized. Apart from the analytical shortcomings of the ultrasonic nebulizer, the high cost of the commercial systems may be prohibitive.

Electrothermal vaporization Electrothermal vaporization can introduce liquid, solid, and gaseous (by trapping) samples to the plasma with high analyte transport efficiency (20–80%) and improved sensitivity over pneumatic nebulization. A small amount (5–100 µL) of sample is deposited into an electrically conductive vaporization cell (Figure 8). Initially, a low current is applied to the cell, which causes resistive heating to occur and dries the sample. A high current is then passed for a short time (typically 5 s) to completely vaporize the sample. An optional ‘ashing’ stage may be used to remove some of the matrix prior to the analyte vaporization stage. A stream of argon gas is passed through the unit and carries the sample vapour to the plasma. A variable current supply is required for controlling cell heating, and the sequence of heating steps is carried out using an electronic control system. Electrothermal vaporization allows sample matrix components, including the solvent, to be separated from the analytes of interest through judicious selection of temperature programming steps. This may reduce oxide formation and the number of spectroscopic interferences. Additionally, samples with high salt content and limited volume can be analysed with electrothermal vaporization. Hydride generation The problems associated with liquid sample introduction, and the inefficiencies in analyte transport can be overcome by presenting the sample in a gaseous form to the plasma. Introducing the analyte in a gaseous form eliminates the use of a nebulizer and a spray chamber. It also provides nearly 100% analyte transport efficiency, which subsequently improves the detection limits. Additional


Figure 9 Hydride generation apparatus. Reprint permission from Ingle JD and Crouch SR (1988) Spectrochemical Analysis. p. 280, Figure 10-6. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Figure 8 furnace.

Illustration of electrothermal vaporization graphite

benefits include no blockage problems, the possibility of matrix separation and analyte preconcentration, and the absence of water, which reduces the levels of many polyatomic ion species. The hydrides of the elements arsenic, bismuth, germanium, lead, antimony, selenium, and tin are easily formed in acidic solutions and are gaseous at room temperature. The most frequently used reaction is:

where E is the hydride forming element of interest. Figure 9 shows an apparatus for hydride generation. It allows the mixing of the sample and the reducing agent, followed by the transport of the volatile analyte species (hydride) by the carrier gas to the plasma. The gaseous sample introduction line is connected directly to the central tube of the plasma torch, eliminating the need for the conventional nebulizer and spray chamber. Additional equipment to handle gas mixing and dilution at controlled flow rates may be required. Direct solids introduction Direct insertion of solid samples into the ICP can be used for metal powders, salts, and geological samples. The sample is placed on a wire loop or cup made from graphite,

molybdenum, tantalum, or tungsten. The probe is then moved along the axis of the torch and closer to the plasma where drying takes place. At the completion of this stage, the device is propelled rapidly into the core of the plasma and measurements of the analytes can be taken. Line selection

The choice of which line to use for a given sample type is a difficult one, as most elements have many lines available for analysis. Not only should the intensity of the line be considered, but also whether the line is free of spectral interferences from both the plasma and other sample constituents. Additionally, the nature of the emission, atomic or ionic, should be considered. The emission could originate from an excited neutral atom, which is termed an atomic transition, or an excited ionized form of the element, which is called an ionic transition. While analysis of elements undergoing transitions of the ionic type tend to experience fewer consequences due to changes in the plasma operating conditions, there are elements that produce no ionic lines, such as aluminium and boron. There are very good reference books which list tables of spectral lines and are included in the Further reading section. Often modern instrumentation has sufficiently ‘intelligent’ software to assist the operator with line selection. Spectral interferences and correction techniques

A spectrometer with good resolution will help greatly in the separation of adjacent lines from the


Figure 10 Interelement effects of plutonium on calcium (top) and aluminium (bottom).

spectral line of interest. The effect of partial overlap can be minimized in some cases with a high-resolution spectrometer, and in other cases, can be overcome using correction techniques. When the interference is from the plasma emission background, there are background correction options available with most commercial instrumentation. The region adjacent to the line of interest can be monitored and subtracted from the overall intensity of the line. If direct spectral overlap is present, and there are no alternative suitable lines, the interelement equivalent concentration (IEC) correction technique can be employed. This is the intensity observed at an analyte wavelength in the presence of 1000 mg L−1 of an interfering species. It is expressed mathematically as:

Figure 11 Interelement equivalent concentration correction factors for several interfering elements on calcium (top) and aluminium (bottom) as calculated by a program written in-house by Gerth DJ.

some instrument manufacturers’ software will automatically perform the necessary corrections. Examples of the effect of 1000 ppm plutonium as the interfering element on calcium and aluminium are shown in Figure 10. This shows the subarrays obtained for separate solutions of plutonium, calcium, and aluminium. Graphical representations of interfering elements on calcium and aluminium are shown in Figure 11. These graphs are produced by a program written at Los Alamos National Laboratory by DJ Gerth, and illustrate which interfering elements have the strongest effect on the analytes. Those elements with the strongest deviation from the average are those needing the interelement correction.

List of symbols where the correction is in milligrams of analyte per litre of solution, and Iinit is the intensity read at the analyte wavelength in the presence of 1000 mg L−1 of the interfering species, Ia is the intensity the instrument will produce for a certain analyte concentration at the analyte wavelength, and Ca is the concentration in mg L−1 used to give Ia. This correction can be applied to all the analytes in a method and

Ca = analyte concentration used to give Ia; Ia = intensity at certain analyte concentration and Iinit = intensity in presence of wavelength; 1000 mg L−1 of the interfering species. See also: Electronic Components, Applications of Atomic Spectroscopy; Fluorescence and Emission Spectroscopy, Theory; Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry, Methods.


Further reading Boumans PWJM (1987) Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectroscopy – Part 1, Chemical Analysis Series, Vol. 90. Chichester: Wiley. Edelson MC, DeKalb EL, Winge RK and Fassel VA (1986) Atlas of Atomic Spectral Lines of Plutonium Emitted by an Inductively Coupled Plasma. Ames Laboratory, US Department of Energy. Ingle JD and Crouch SR (1988) Spectrochemical Analysis. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Montaser A and Golightly DW (eds) (1992) Inductively Coupled Plasmas in Analytical Atomic Spectrometry Weinheim: VCH. Slickers K (1993) Automatic Atomic Emission Spectroscopy. Brühlsche Universitätsdruckerei.

Sneddon J (ed) (1990) Sample Introduction in Atomic Spectroscopy, Analytical Spectroscopy Library, #4. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Sweedler JV, Ratzlaff KL and Denton MB (eds) (1994) Charge-Transfer Devices in Spectroscopy. Weinheim: VCH. Thompson M and Walsh JN (1989) Handbook of Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometry. Glasgow: Blackie. Varma A (1991) Handbook of Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. Winge RK, Fassel VA, Peterson VJ and Floyd MA (1985) Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectroscopy, An Atlas of Spectral Information. Amsterdam: Elsevier.

Atomic Fluorescence, Methods and Instrumentation Steve J Hill and Andy S Fisher, University of Plymouth, UK

ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY Methods & Instrumentation

Copyright © 1999 Academic Press


Light sources

Atomic fluorescence spectroscopy (AFS) has been used for elemental analysis for several decades. It has better sensitivity than many atomic absorption techniques and offers a substantially longer linear range. However, despite these advantages, it has not gained the widespread usage of atomic absorption or emission techniques. In recent years, the use of AFS has been boosted by the production of specialist equipment that is capable of determining individual analytes at very low concentrations (at the ng L −1 level). The analytes have tended to be introduced in a gaseous form and hence sample transport efficiency to the atom cell is very high. This article describes the instrumentation and methods available for atomic fluorescence spectroscopy, although it should be emphasized that much of the instrumentation associated with this technique is often very similar to that used for atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS). A schematic diagram of the different parts of an AFS instrumentation is shown in Figure 1. It can be seen that the light source, atom cell, line isolation device, detector and readout system used for AFS are very similar to those used in AAS, although there may be subtle differences and the components may be less sophisticated, as described below.

As can be seen from Figure 1, light sources for AFS are placed at right angles to the detector. This is to ensure that incidental radiation from the source is not detected. Since a more intense source will lead to greater sensitivity, in AFS a standard hollow-cathode lamp (HCL) is often insufficient for the majority of applications. A range of alternatives has therefore been developed. An electrodeless discharge lamp (EDL) is suitable because it has an intensity 200–2000 times greater than that of a hollow-cathode lamp. Boosted-discharge hollow-cathode lamps (BDHCL)

Figure 1

A schematic representation of an AFS instrument.


are similar to standard hollow-cathode lamps but can be operated at greatly increased current. The light output is consequently several times more intense. A similar effect may be obtained by pulsing a standard hollow-cathode lamp to 100–1000 mA, although this will reduce the lifetime of the lamp. Continuum sources such as 150–500 W xenon lamps have also been used, but there are several problems associated with their use. The most obvious drawback is the relatively poor intensity offered at each individual wavelength by the black body irradiator. The problem is particularly bad in the ultraviolet region of the spectrum. Scatter has also been reported as being problematic. Vapour discharge lamps have been available for some elements (e.g. Cd, Ga, Hg, In, K, Na and Tl) since the inception of commercial instrumentation, although such devices are limited to the volatile elements and are therefore not universal. Lasers have the greatest output intensity and would therefore be expected to yield the highest sensitivity. Unfortunately, they are expensive and have, in the past, been produced to give light of very specific wavelengths, which may not correspond to the frequency required to excite the analyte atoms. The development of the tunable dye laser has helped to overcome this problem. Frequency doubling (i.e., halving the wavelength of the light output) has enabled wavelengths well into the ultraviolet region to be obtained. A nitrogen laser pump can be used to obtain a wavelength of 220 nm while a Nd:YAG (neodymium:yttrium aluminium garnet) laser allows 180 nm to be reached. An added advantage of highintensity lasers is that they may cause saturation fluorescence (population inversion), which nullifies the effects of quenching and self-absorption. Another source that has been used to initiate fluorescence is an inductively coupled plasma. This may be used either as a continuum source (if the actual fireball is used), or as a line source (if the tail-flame is used). The use of an ICP as a light source to initiate fluorescence is not yet a routine technique. As with AAS, modulation of the light source enables an optimal signal-to-noise ratio to be obtained. The frequency of modulation depends on the light source, but may be up to 10 kHz for an EDL.

Atom cell Several atom cells have been used for AFS. The majority of applications have used a circular flame atom cell (sometimes with a mirror placed to collect as much light as possible), but more recently inductively coupled plasmas and electrothermal atomizers

have also been used. There is a risk of self-absorption at high analyte concentrations, i.e. light fluoresced by some atoms will be absorbed by others in different parts of the flame. A circular flame has a smaller path length compared with a slot burner, hence its popularity. A variety of fuels have been used for the flames. Air–acetylene, nitrous oxide– acetylene and argon–hydrogen diffusion flames have all been used successfully. Quenching (the nonradiative loss of energy) increases with increasing flame temperature and so the cooler air–acetylene and hydrogen flames are often used. Conversely, the hot nitrous oxide–acetylene flame aids the atomization of refractory compounds, The quenching crosssection of the colliding particles also effects the amount of quenching. The relative quenching cross-section of the different flame gases increases in the order argon (negligible) < hydrogen (low) < oxygen (high). It can therefore be seen that for easily atomized analytes an argon–hydrogen diffusion flame offers at the best properties for atomic fluorescence. Inductively coupled plasmas atomize refractory analytes very efficiently because of their high temperature (8000 K) and therefore have a very high fluorescent yield. Care must be taken, however, to ensure that ionization of the analyte species does not occur. An added advantage is that the plasma is made up of argon and is therefore optically thin (i.e. it has a low quenching cross-section). The disadvantages of using a plasma as the atom cell are that it is more expensive and the instrumentation is more complex. When a plasma is used as an atom cell, the light source may be placed in one of two orientations. It may pass light through the side of the plasma although more recently it has been used axially, i.e. the source passes light through the entire length of the plasma. Since the second configuration has a longer path length, more analyte atoms may be excited and hence improved detection limits are obtained. The disadvantage with this configuration is that the light source must be protected in some way from the extreme temperatures of the plasma. This may be achieved by using either a water-cooled condenser containing a quartz window or by using a protective gas flow to protect the lens from the plasma tail flame. If mirrors or some other collection device are placed around the plasma, then all fluoresced light may be collected and directed to the detector. It has been noted that the optimum viewing height for fluorescence measurements using an ICP as the atom cell occurs substantially higher above the load coil than for emission measurements. Observation above 3 cm is routine and making measurements from the tail flame is common to ensure that a signal above the background and analyte emission noise is obtained.


Similarly, a decrease in plasma power has also been found to be beneficial. Electrothermal atomizers for AFS share many of the advantages associated with their use for AAS. The argon inert gas that prevents oxidation of the graphite tube ensures that minimal quenching occurs, although a number of other interferences may occur. By and large, the interferences are very similar to those experienced in traditional electrothermal AAS, such as carbide formation (for some analytes), scatter by particulate matter, and losses during thermal pretreatment. A more comprehensive overview of interferences may be found in the sections on AAS. The use of matrix modifiers to assist in the separation of the analyte from the matrix is still often necessary. Where a laser is used as light source, a technique termed laser-induced fluorescence electrothermal atomization (LIF-ETA) is possible. A schematic diagram of a typical LIF-ETA system is shown in Figure 2A. The light source passes through a pierced mirror and into the atomizer. Light fluoresced from the analytes within the atomizer then reflect off the mirror and onto the detector. An alternative configuration is shown in Figure 2B, in which the laser irradiates the sample through the injection port. The two configurations are known as longitudinal and transverse geometries, respectively. The technique is

capable of extremely low detection limits (below 1 pg g−1) and has therefore found use in the nuclear, biomedical, electronics and semiconductor industries. A heated atom cell in not required in the case of mercury determinations. Mercury produces an atomic vapour at room temperature and therefore does not require a flame to cause atomization. Instead, the mercury vapour may simply be transported to an atom cell at room temperature. The radiation from the light source excites the mercury atoms in the normal way.

Line isolation devices A conventional monochromator (either Ebert, Czerny–Turner, Littrow or Echelle) may be used (see AAS sections for details), but some of the more basic instrumentation uses interference filters. These are optical filters that remove large bands of radiation in a nondispersive way. A dispersion element such as a prism or a grating is therefore not required. Only a relatively narrow band of radiation is allowed to pass to the detector. The disadvantage with such devices is that they are not particularly efficient and hence much of the fluoresced light is lost. An alternative development is the multi-reflectance filter. This is shown diagramatically in Figure 3, and has the

Figure 2 (A) Schematic diagram of longitudinal laser-induced fluorescence with electrothermal atomization. (B) Transverse laserinduced fluorescence. From Ebdon L (1998) Introduction to Analytical Atomic Spectrometry. Reproduced by permission of John Wiley & Sons Limited.


advantages of being 80% efficient at transmitting the wavelengths of interest while virtually eliminating background noise. Such a device therefore has a superior performance to other wavelength filters. Interference and multi-reflectance filters may be used when the analyte of interest has been separated from the matrix and all the concomitant elements. In such a case the analyte atoms are the only elements that will fluoresce when light from a monochromatic light source is used to excite them. Powerful dispersion gratings are therefore not required because, theoretically, light specific to only one element is produced. A schematic diagram of a very basic instrument that uses a multi-reflectance filter is shown in Figure 4. If other analytes are present in the atom cell, then either a monochromator is required to separate the other wavelengths (produced by emission), or, the source must be modulated so that distinction between emission and fluorescence signals may be made.

Detectors The light isolated by the line isolation device (monochromator, interference filter or multi-reflectance filter) is normally detected using a photomultiplier tube (PMT). A description of how these devices work may be found in the sections on AAS. It should be noted that some basic instruments (e.g. as shown in Figure 4), often use a solar-blind photomultiplier tube. This is a PMT that detects radiation in the UV region but does not detect light in the visible region of the spectrum.

Readout systems and data handling The readout and data-handling systems used for AFS are similar to those found for AAS instrumentation. The signal from the photomultiplier tube passes through an amplifier and then on to the readout device. This may be a digital display, a chart recorder, an integrator, or a computer with software dedicated to the instrument. The last alternative is the most commonly used in modern instrumentation. The software is likely to be able to control calibration, plot graphs, perform quality assurance tests and calculate means and standard deviations of the results. One advantage of using a computer to control the analysis is that the use of an autosampler becomes a possibility. This enables unattended operation of the instrumentation.


Figure 3

A multi-reflectance filter.

Figure 4 Schematic of a very basic nondispersive AF spectrometer.

As described previously, although techniques to utilize AFS were developed several decades ago, until recently they were not widely used. However, a new generation of simple AFS instruments have been developed to specifically detect the vapour-forming elements, such as those that form hydrides (As and Se) and mercury, which forms an atomic vapour. All of these analytes have a primary line below 260 nm and, since the analytes may be readily separated from the bulk matrix and concomitant elements, dispersion is not necessary. Instead these basic instruments originally used a simple interference filter, although these have now been superseded by the more efficient multi-reflectance filter. The theory behind hydride generation is beyond the scope of this text, but in brief, if a sample is mixed with a reducing agent, such as sodium tetrahydroborate, then some elements, e.g. As, Bi, Ge, Pb, Se, Sb, Sn and Te, will form hydrides. It must be noted that the efficiency of hydride formation depends on the oxidation state of the analyte. Arsenic(III)


forms a hydride more efficiently than As(V), and Se(IV) forms a hydride whereas Se(VI) does not. It is therefore necessary to ensure that all the analyte atoms are in the same oxidation state; this is normally achieved using one of a variety of reducing agents. Once formed, the hydride leaves the reaction cell and is flushed towards the AFS instrument using an inert gas (usually argon). During this process, hydrogen is formed as a breakdown product of tetrahydroborate, and can be swept along with the hydride in the argon to the atom cell, where it can be used as the fuel for the hydrogen–argon diffusion flame. More hydrogen may be added as necessary from an external source. Since a hydrogen–argon diffusion flame is used, the amount of water entering the flame must be minimal (otherwise quenching and flame instability result). The hydride and water vapour are therefore separated, often by passing through a membrane drier tube. This is a tube containing a semi-permeable hydroscopic membrane surrounded by a counterflow of dry gas. Water vapour in the hydride passes through the membrane and is removed by the countergas flow. The dry hydride continues through the tube to be flushed toward the AFS instrument by the flow of argon. Mercury may be determined using very similar instrumentation, but it may also be introduced in a number of other ways. Since mercury is volatile, solid samples may be placed on a small platform and then heated. The sample is thus vaporized and the vapours are passed through a trap (sand coated with gold). The mercury is trapped onto the gold while the smoke and matrix constituents pass through and are hence separated from the analyte. Heating of the gold trap to 900°C releases the mercury, which may then be swept in a flow of argon to the AFS instrument. This technique has the advantage that the mercury may be preconcentrated on the trap, since several repeat samples may be vaporized and the mercury collected before it is subsequently removed from the trap. The use of the gold trap preconcentrator is equally applicable to the analysis of liquid samples. When a gold trap preconcentrator is used, the limit of detection for mercury is substantially below 1 ng L−1, which is superior to that obtained using atomic absorption, emission or inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometric (ICP-MS) techniques. The instrumentation described above may also be used for speciation studies. In such cases a separation technique such as high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) or gas chromatography (GC) is coupled with the AFS instrument. The chromatography is used to separate different analyte species and some on-line chemistry is subsequently required to convert the species into a chemical form suitable for

vapour generation. Although the chemistry behind these methods of speciation is beyond the scope of this text, it should be emphasized that the method used should be powerful enough to convert even very stable species, such as arsenobetaine or selenomethionine into atomic arsenic and selenium. The additional use of photolysis may therefore be necessary. Similarly, pyrolysis may be necessary to convert different mercury species into atomic mercury since this is the only species that will fluoresce. As described previously, vapour introduction approaches are by far the most common application of atomic fluorescence. Despite this, mention of other methods should be made. If a conventional nebulizer and spray chamber assembly (see AAS section) is used, it is possible to introduce liquid samples directly to the atom cell. In circ*mstances such as these, it is necessary to use more robust air–acetylene or nitrous oxide–acetylene flame, or perhaps an ICP. The use of an ICP as an atom cell for AFS measurements has led to the development of a number of different techniques, e.g. ASIA, an acronym for atomiser, source, inductively coupled plasmas in AFS. This technique uses a high-powered ICP as a source and a lowpowered ICP for the atom cell. It has been found that ICP-AFS yields linear calibrations over 4–6 orders of magnitude and is more sensitive than ICP-AES. Several techniques have been developed that use an electrothermal atomizer as an atom cell. Laserinduced fluorescence (LIF) has been discussed previously, but other techniques such as laser-excited atomic fluorescence spectroscopy (LEAFS) also exist, although not used routinely.

Interferences Atomic fluorescence has the advantage of being less prone to spectral interferences than either AES or AAS. Molecular fluorescence is less of a problem than molecular absorption is in AAS. Scatter from the light source and quenching from the gaseous species in the atom cell are often the major sources of interference. For many applications where the analyte is separated from the matrix (e.g. vapour generation) chemical interferences may exist; for example, the presence of high concentrations of some transition metals may interfere in the hydride formation process. This will inevitably lead to errors in the measurement unless preventative steps are taken.

Detection limits A discussion of the detection limits for the different approaches utilizing atomic fluorescence is difficult


because they depend so heavily on the type of source used. Similarly, samples introduced in the vapour phase tend to yield substantially improved limits of detection (LODs) when compared with those introduced as a liquid. In general, if an EDL is used as a source and a circular flame as an atom cell, LODs at the µg L−1 level are obtainable. Improvement will be made if a laser is used as a source. If the sample is introduced as a vapour, LODs at the ng L−1 level are obtained. The use of an ICP as an atom cell leads to LODs at the µg L−1 level if a normal HCL is used as the source, improving by approximately an order of magnitude if a boosted discharge HCL is used. If an electrothermal atomizer is used in conjunction with a laser, the best LODs of all are obtained.

Conclusions Atomic fluorescence spectroscopy is a popular technique for those analytes that readily form vapours, and specialized instrumentation is now available for individual elements. Such instruments are simple to operate, easily automated, and offer good sensitivity and freedom from interferences. The use of other flame-based fluorescence techniques has waned considerably over the years, but research continues

into the use of electrothermal atomizers and inductively coupled plasmas as atom cells, reflecting the superior limits of detection that are potentially available. The availability of tuneable lasers may also encourage the resurgence of AFS as a routine analytical tool. See also: Atomic Absorption, Methods and Instrumentation; Light Sources and Optics; UV-Visible Absorption and Fluorescence Spectrometers.

Further reading Greenfield S (1994) Inductively coupled plasmas in atomic fluorescence spectrometry. A review. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 9: 565–592. Greenfield S (1995) Atomic fluorescence spectrometry — progress and future prospects. Trends in Analytical Chemistry 14: 435–442. Hill SJ, Dawson JB, Price WJ, Shuttler IL, Smith CMM and Tyson JF (1998) Advances in atomic absorption and fluorescence spectrometry and related techniques. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 13: 131R– 170R. Kirkbright GF and Sargent M (1974) Atomic Absorption and Fluorescence Spectroscopy. London: Academic Press.

Atomic Force Microscopes See

Scanning Probe Microscopes.

Atomic Force Microscopy, Theory See

Scanning Probe Microscopy, Theory.


Atomic Spectroscopy, Historical Perspective CL Chakrabarti, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Professor B. V. L’vov, the inventor of the very powerful analytical technique graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy, has rightly pointed out in the Introduction of his definitive book entitled Atomic Absorption Spectrochemical Analysis that, ‘The discovery of atomic absorption and the history of research into it are integral parts of the entire history of spectroscopy and spectrochemical analysis’. Indeed, the early history of atomic spectroscopy, as far as spectrochemical analysis was concerned, consisted of the development of emission spectrochemical analysis, which was usually dependent on Fraunhofer lines (which are atomic absorption lines) for wavelength calibration. Following Newton’s study of the spectrum of the sun in 1666, there was a period of almost 136 years entirely concerned with emission spectroscopy. Only in 1802 did Wollaston report the presence of dark bands in the continuum emission spectrum of the sun and, after a more detailed study by Fraunhofer (1814), Brewster (1820) was able to ascribe them to absorption of radiation within the sun’s atmosphere. Another 40 years passed before Kirchhoff and Bunsen showed that one of these dark bands in the emission spectrum of the sun corresponded exactly to the yellow emission band obtained when sodium vapour is heated in a flame. This led Kirchhoff to deduce that the Fraunhofer lines in the solar spectrum are absorption lines of elements whose flame emission spectra would contain lines at exactly the same position in the spectrum. Their work enabled Kirchhoff to develop the fundamental relationship between emission and absorption spectra: any species that can be excited to emit radiation at a particular wavelength will also absorb radiation at that wavelength. Thus Kirchhoff not only laid the foundations of atomic absorption methods of chemical analysis but also gave a striking example of their power. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine a more convincing and dramatic demonstration. Bunsen and Kirchhoff are thus rightfully considered to be founders of spectrochemical analysis. However, it is surprising that almost a century after the work of Bunsen and Kirchhoff the potentialities of atomic absorption measurements remained unexplored and unsuspected. Why?

ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY Historical Overview As Alan Walsh has presented in his perceptive analysis of the reasons, it seems likely that one reason for neglecting atomic absorption methods was that Bunsen and Kirchhoff’s work was restricted to visual observation of the spectra. In such visual methods the sensitivity of emission methods was probably better than that of absorption. Not only was the photographic recording of the spectra more tedious, but also the theory seemed to indicate they would only prove useful for quantitative analysis if observed under very high resolution. But possibly a more fundamental reason for neglecting atomic absorption is related to Kirchhoff’s law (1859), which states that the ratio of the emissive power E and absorptive power A of a body depends only on the temperature of the body and not on its nature. Otherwise radiative equilibrium could not exist within a cavity containing substances of different kinds. The law is usually expressed as

where K(λT) is a function of wavelength and temperature. This law is perfectly correct but unfortunately much and possibly most of the subsequent teaching concerning it has been misleading. In most textbooks and lessons on this subject the enunciation of the law is followed by a statement to the effect that ‘this means good radiators are good absorbers, poor radiators are poor absorbers’. This statement is patently absurd without any reference to temperature or wavelength. This erroneous conclusion has been made, presumably, because Kirchhoff’s constant, K, as he so clearly pointed out, is a function of wavelength and temperature. He was unable to find an analytical expression for it and it was not deduced until 1900 by Kirchhoff’s successor at the University of Berlin, Max Planck, as Planck’s distribution function. Many spectroscopists were misled by the widely held but misleading assumptions regarding the implications of Kirchhoff’s law. What is even more surprising is that numerous spectroscopists wrote papers on atomic


emission methods and referred to the problems caused by the effects of self-absorption and self-reversal, and yet failed to make the small-step connection between atomic emission and atomic absorption! It was left to Alan Walsh, whose research experience in atomic emission spectroscopy and molecular absorption spectroscopy virtually compelled him to see the obvious connection. Walsh expressed this experience in his inimitable way in the following words: ‘It appears to be true that “having an idea” is not necessarily the result of some mental leap: it is often the result of merely being able, for one sublime moment, to avoid being stupid!’. Walsh in 1953 and Alkemade and Milatz in 1955 independently published papers indicating the substantial advantage of atomic absorption methods over emission methods for quantitative spectrochemical analysis. Alkemade and Milatz considered only the selectivity in atomic absorption methods, but Walsh discussed general problems of development of absolute methods of analysis. During his early experiments with flame atomizer–burners, Walsh encountered the problems which arise when measuring atomic absorption using a continuum source, which might have been responsible for the neglect of atomic absorption methods. The use of a sharp-line source such as a hollow-cathode lamp not only solved this problem, it also provided the atomic absorption method with one of its important advantages, that is, the ease and certainty with which one can isolate the analysis line. The concept of ‘putting the resolution in the source’ also permitted the use of a simple monochromator since the function of the monochromator, in such a case, is only to isolate the analysis line from the neighbouring lines and the background. Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy (GFAAS) has been widely used as a spectrochemical trace-analytical technique during the last 30 years. L’vov pioneered most of the theoretical and experimental developments in GFAAS and provided a masterly treatment of the possibilities of GFAAS in a paper entitled ‘Electrothermal atomization—the way towards absolute methods of atomic absorption analysis’. RE Sturgeon, who has been responsible for much of the development of GFAAS, presented a critical analysis of what it does and what it cannot do. AKh Gilmutdinov, who did much of the theoretical development of GFAAS in the 1990s, also elucidated the complex processes and reactions that occur in an electrothermal atomizer by digital imaging of atomization processes using a charge-coupled device camera in my research laboratories. Atomic spectroscopy in the three variations that are most commonly used in spectrochemical analysis, atomic absorption, atomic emission and atomic

fluorescence, are all mature techniques, with their particular areas of strengths and weaknesses now well recognized. Many a battle has been fought and won to establish the superiority of one or the other technique over the rival techniques. It is sometimes claimed that Inductively Coupled Plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), which has the winning combination of high-temperature ionization of elements in a plasma with the detection of the ions by mass spectrometry, is the ultimate trace-analytical technique that will triumph over the rival techniques. However, such claims are based on the limited applications of these techniques by practitioners whose allegiance to their own techniques gives more credit to their loyalty than to their scientific objectivity, as elaborated in the following paragraph. Some have also predicted the imminent demise of graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy as a traceanalytical technique. Such a prediction, based as it is on inadequate comprehension of the enormous complexities and extreme diversities of real-life situations requiring a variety of trace-analytical techniques which possesses some special capabilities not possessed by many analytical techniques, is destined to be false, as is shown below. In my research laboratories in recent years, my 10 PhD students and three adjunct research professors have been doing research on the chemical speciation of potentially toxic elements in the aquatic, the atmospheric and the terrestrial environment. Because freshwaters and soils are systems that are usually far removed from equilibrium, our research is mostly directed to the development of kinetic schemes of chemical speciation which require routine use of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy to measure the kinetics of metal uptake from aqueous environmental samples. As such, we routinely make hundreds of determinations of trace and ultratrace elements every week. For these determinations, we have in our research laboratories the latest models of two ICP-MS and several GFAAS systems. We have made objective studies of the performance characteristics of ICP-MS and GFAAS for kinetic studies of real-life, aqueous, environmental samples over a period covering 6 years from 1993 to 1998, and have come to the following inescapable conclusions. The analytical sensitivities of both ICP-MS and GFAAS for toxic metals are comparable. For kinetic runs on aqueous, environmental samples, ICP-MS has the great advantage of providing continuous sampling with numerous data points having adequate time resolution, whereas GFAAS provides discrete sampling with fewer data points having inadequate time resolution. However, in the most important and decisive


criterion of sample compatibility with the technique, ICP-MS fails completely on account of its inability to handle any solutions containing significant amounts of solute materials and/or corrosive chemicals such as hydrofluoric acid and strong inorganic acids and bases, whereas GFAAS can readily handle such samples. Since the aqueous, environmental samples for kinetic runs are always pretreated with solutes in the form of acid–base buffers, and since such solutions cannot be diluted in order to make them acceptable to ICP-MS, it is not possible to use ICP-MS for such kinetic studies without fouling the interior of the ICP-MS equipment with encrustations of the solute materials, which do serious damage. The alternative then is GFAAS, in spite of all its limitations. Because of the easy compatibility of GFAAS with the difficult sample type described above, GFAAS will continue to be used, as it is used now, until another new analytical technique which has all the advantages of ICP-MS without its fatal deficiencies mentioned above, is invented, developed and tested using real-life samples, i.e. for a long time.

See also: Atomic Absorption, Theory; Atomic Emission, Methods and Instrumentation; Atomic Fluorescence, Methods and Instrumentation; Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry, Methods.

Further reading Chakrabarti CL, Gilmutdinov AKh and Hutton JC (1993). Digital imaging of atomization processes in electrothermal atomizer for atomic absorption spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry 65: 716–723. L’vov BV (1970) Atomic Absorption Spectrochemical Analysis. London: Adam Hilger. L’vov BV (1978) Electrothermal atomization—the way toward absolute methods of atomic absorption analysis. Spectrochimica Acta, Part B 33: 153–193. Sturgeon R (1986) Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry: fact and fiction. Fresenius’ Zeitschrift für Analytische Chemie 324: 807–818. Walsh A (1980) Atomic absorption spectroscopy—some personal reflections and speculations. Spectrochimica Actya, Part B 35: 639–642.

ATR and Reflectance IR Spectroscopy, Applications UP Fringeli, University of Vienna, Austria Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

In Memory of N Jim Harrick.

Introduction Chemical reactions that occur at gas–solid and liquid–solid interfaces are of central importance to a variety of research and technological areas, including biomembranes, drug design, drug–membrane interaction, biosensors, chemical sensors, heterogeneous catalysis, thin film growth, semiconductor processing, corrosion and lubrication. Many methods are used for interface studies, ranging from most simple ones like the octanol–water two-phase system for mimicking the partition of a drug between a biomembrane and the surrounding water, to most specialized and expensive techniques such as low-energy electron diffraction (LEED), Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS/ ESCA) and ion scattering spectroscopy (ISS). Among this palette of techniques, optical reflection spectroscopy in the mid- and near-IR range

VIBRATIONAL, ROTATIONAL & RAMAN SPECTROSCOPIES Applications occupies an important complementary position. The basic equipment consists of a commercial IR spectrometer and a suitable reflection accessory that usually fits into the sample compartment of the spectrometer. Many reflection techniques permit in situ applications, and if applied in the mid IR, result in quantitative and structural information on a molecular level. Moreover, IR reflection spectroscopy features a very high performance-to-price ratio. There is a wide range of different spectroscopic reflection techniques. First one should distinguish between internal (total) and external reflection. Attenuated total reflection (ATR) belongs to the first group. It makes use of the evanescent wave existing at the interface of the IR waveguide and the sample. Commercial ATR attachments differ mainly in shape and mounting of the internal reflection element (IRE) in the light path. Most IREs enable multiple internal reflections, a prerequisite for monolayer and


sub-monolayer spectroscopy, and a referred to as MIRE. A variety of external reflection techniques are in use. In specular reflection (SR) the radiation reflected from the front surface of a bulk sample is collected. SR is often measured at or near normal incidence. Reflected spectral energy depends on the absorption behaviour of the sample. In regions of strong absorption the reflected energy is enhanced with respect to non-absorbing spectral regions, moreover, the reflection spectrum is usually very different from a corresponding absorption (AB) spectrum obtained by a transmission experiment. AB spectra may, however, be calculated from SR spectra by means of the Kramers–Kronig transformation (KKT). Corresponding software for SR data processing is supplied with most commercial IR instruments. While specular reflectance is measured at or near normal incidence, IR reflection–absorption spectroscopy (IRRAS) works from about 10° to grazing incidence. In this case the sample is placed on a reflecting substrate, usually a metal. The portion of reflected light from the sample surface is generally small compared with the energy reflected off the metal surface. Therefore, IRRAS data and transmission (T) data are analogous. From Fresnel’s equations (see below), it follows that parallel (||) and perpendicular (A) polarized electromagnetic waves undergo different phase shifts upon reflection. This phase shift is 180° for A-polarized light at non-absorbing interfaces. As a consequence, incoming and reflected beams cancel at the interface (node). On the other hand, at large angles of incidence ||-polarized incident light results in an enhanced electric field component perpendicular to the reflecting interface (z-axis). For thin samples, i.e. sample thickness (d) much smaller than the quarter wavelength (O/ 4) of the reflected light, RA spectra report only partial information on orientation. It should be noted, however, that for a complete orientation analysis spectra obtained with light polarized in the plane of the interface (x,y-plane) is also necessary. ATR fulfils this requirement, in contrast to RA. Diffuse reflectance (DR) is successfully applied to obtain IR spectra of rough (scattering) or dull surfaces, i.e. of media intractable by other reflection techniques. The interpretation of DR spectra, however, is sometimes handicapped by the fact that they may be a mixture of AB and SR spectra. DR spectroscopy is a sensitive tool, especially when used with an IR Fourier transform (FT) spectrometer (DRIFT). Elucidation of structure–activity relationships is the aim of many applications of reflection spectroscopy to thin layers at interfaces. In this context, polarization measurements are of considerable

importance, since molecules at interfaces exhibit often induced ordering. Low signal intensities are common in different kinds of interface spectroscopy, especially when the sample consists of a monolayer or even submonolayer as usual in heterogeneous catalysis and substrate– biomembrane interaction. Although modern FTIR spectrometers exhibit very high stability, signal-tonoise (S/N) ratio enhancement by data accumulation is limited by environmental and instrumental instabilities. The fact that most commercial FT instruments are operated in a single-beam mode is disadvantageous in this respect, because the longer an experiment lasts, the greater is the time lag between sample and reference data, which facilitates the intrusion of instabilities. Several optional extras are available in order to reduce the time lag between acquisition of sample and reference spectra. One possibility is the conversion of the single-beam instrument into a pseudo-double-beam instrument by means of a shuttle which moves alternately the sample and reference into the IR beam. Such attachments were first developed for transmission experiments, and were later adapted for ATR measurements. In the latter case the sample and the reference are placed on top of one another on the same trapezoidal MIRE. A parallel beam of half the height of the MIRE is directed alternately through the upper and lower half of the MIRE by computer-controlled vertical displacement of the ATR cuvette. This method is referred to as single-beam sample reference (SBSR) technique and is described in more detail below. Polarization modulation (PM) in combination with IRRAS is a further possibility to enhance instrumental stability and background compensation when working at grazing incidence to a thin sample on a metal substrate. PM at about 50 kHz is achieved by means of a photoelastic modulator (PEM). Since under these experimental conditions the sample will only absorb light in the ||-polarized half-wave, the Apolarized half-wave of the signal is representative of the background, i.e. of the reference. Subtraction is performed by lock-in technique within each PM cycle, i.e. 50 000 times per second. As a consequence, environmental and instrumental contributions are largely compensated. Finally, it should be noted that a more general application of modulation spectroscopy can be used to obtain selective information on an excitable sample. Modulated excitation (ME) spectroscopy can always be applied with samples allowing periodic stimulation via a periodic variation of any external thermodynamic parameter, e.g. temperature, pressure, concentration, electric field, light flux. ME causes a


periodic variation of the absorbance at those wavelengths that are typical for the molecules involved in the stimulated process. Phase-sensitive detection (PSD) by digital lock-in technique adapted for FTIR instruments permits spectral registration of the modulated, i.e. affected, part of the sample. A typical feature of ME with PSD is the comparison of sample and reference within each period of stimulation. Within this time interval environmental and instrumental parameters are usually stable so that a very good baseline is achieved. Moreover, if one or more relaxation times Wi of the kinetic response of the stimulated sample fulfil the condition 0.1 < ZWi < 10, where Z denotes the angular frequency of stimulation, significant phase lags Ii between stimulation and sample responses will occur which are related to the reaction scheme and the rate constants of the stimulated process.

Theory of reflectance spectroscopy

resulting in

As concluded from Equation [3], perpendicular polarized incident light undergoes a phase shift of 180° upon reflection, i.e. there is a node at the reflecting interface resulting in zero electric field strength at this point. On the other hand, parallel polarized components remain in-phase. However, this conclusion holds no longer in the case of absorbing media. The corresponding equations for the ratio t between transmitted and incident electric fields are

For a comprehensive description of the theory of reflectance the reader is referred to the Further reading section. In this article, theory will only be presented when necessary for a general understanding. Fresnel’s equations

The theory of reflection and transmission of an electromagnetic wave by a plane boundary was first derived by Fresnel. The geometry of specular reflection and transmission is depicted in Figure 1. The incident (i) plane wave consists of the parallel (i) and perpendicular polarized (A) electric field components Ei i and EiA, respectively. The corresponding components of the reflected (r) and refracted (transmitted t) field components are denoted by Eri, Er⊥, Et i, and EtA. Fresnel’s equations relate the reflected and transmitted components to the corresponding incident components. For a nonabsorbing medium, i.e. the absorption indices N1 and N2 equal to zero, one obtains for the ratio r between reflected and incident electric field

where i and A denote parallel and perpendicular polarization, according to Figure 1. Equation [1] may be modified by introducing Snell’s law of refraction:

Figure 1 Specular reflection and transmission. The angles of incidence (i ), reflection (r ) and refraction (t ) are denoted by Ti, Tr and Tt, respectively. The corresponding electric field components are denoted by E. They are split into orthogonal portions, one parallel to the plane of incidence (x,z-plane) and the other perpendicular to this plane (parallel to y-axis). Accordingly, electric fields are referred to as parallel (i) and perpendicular (A) polarized, n1, n2, N1 and N2 denote the refractive and absorption indices in the two media.


In order to modify Equations [1], [3] and [4] for absorbing media one has to introduce the complex refractive index. For an incoming plane-wave it is given by

where n is the refractive index and N is the absorption index. As a consequence, r and t become complex and the resulting phase shifts differ from 0° and 180° as mentioned above.

The factor , which reduces to n21 for nonabsorbing media, results from the change of dielectrica (see Equation [8]), and cos Tt/ cos Ti takes account of the different cross-sections of the beam in media 1 and 2, respectively. rr* and tt*, become r2 and t2 for nonabsorbing media. In this case, Equations [1], [2] and [8] result in

Energy flux density

The flux density of an electromagnetic wave is described by the Poynting vector. For the case of the plane wave field one obtains for the time average in the direction of propagation where n21 denotes the ratio of refractive indices of media 2 and 1, respectively (see Figure 1). For normal incidence, i.e. Ti 0, Equation [10] reduces to where P is the permeability, i.e. the product of the permeability of vacuum P0 and the relative permeability Pr which is unity for nonconductive materials, and H denotes the permittivity which is the product of the permittivity of vacuum H0 and the relative permittivity (dielectric constant) Hr which is complex for absorbing media, according to

Introducing the absolute value of Equation [7] into Equation [6] results in, for nonconducting media,

Reflectance U and transmittance W are defined as the ratios of the corresponding energy fluxes J. According to Equation [8] they are proportional to the square of the electric field, i.e.

In order to obtain the reflectance of an absorbing medium one may introduce Equation [5] into Equation [10] or [11]. The result for normal incidence is

It should be noted that in many applications medium 1 is air or a nonabsorbing crystal, i.e. N1 0. It follows from Equation [12] that the reflectance increases with increasing absorption index of medium 2 ( N2). In the limiting case of N2 → f one obtains U → 1, i.e. a perfect mirror. Expressions for the more complicated case of oblique incidence to absorbing media have been derived (see Further reading). The Kramers–Kronig relations

For normal incidence (Ti = 0) and nonabsorbing medium 1 (N1 = 0, see Figure 1), one obtains from Equations [1] and [5] the following expression for the complex ratio (Ti = 0) between reflected and


incident electric fields:

where K and I are the amplitude and phase of (Ti = 0). They are functions of the wavenumber and related to each other by the Kramers–Kronig equations:

Experimentally, K( ) can be determined, since it is related to the reflectance at normal incidence by , i.e. ; see Equation [12]. The Drude model may be used to extrapolate the measurement to = 0 and = f. From K( ) and I( ) the components of the refractive index can be calculated according to

It follows from Equations [2] and [16] for Ti > Tc that sin Tt = sin Ti /sin Tc > 1, resulting in a complex value for the corresponding cosine:

The ratio r between internally reflected and incident electric field components is then obtained by introducing Equation [17] into Equation [1], resulting in

The corresponding equations for medium 2 are obtained by introducing Equation [17] into Equation [4], resulting in

Finally, it should be noted that incident electric fields undergo phase shifts in the ATR mode even if medium 2 is nonabsorbing. It follows from Equation [18] that For a detailed discussion, see the Further reading section. Internal reflection spectroscopy (ATR)

Internal reflection can only occur when the angle of the refracted beam Tt is larger than the angle of incidence Ti. This means, according to Snell’s law (Equation [2]), that the refractive index of medium 2 must be smaller than that of medium 1 (n2 < n1). This is contrary to the situation in Figure 1 where n2 > n1 was assumed. The region of total reflection begins when Tt reaches 90°, i.e. at the critical angle of incidence Tc. It follows from Equation [2] that

where Gi and GA are the phase shifts per internal reflection (no absorption) of i-polarized and Apolarized incident light. Since the phase shifts and amplitudes are polarization dependent, linearly polarized incident light is elliptically polarized after an internal reflection. This phenomenon, however, does not hinder polarization measurement in the ATR mode.


Applications Diffuse reflectance

The geometry of a diffuse reflection experiment is shown in Figure 2. The incident beam (I) is collimated to the sample S by means of the ellipsoidal mirror Mi. Two reflection mechanisms must be considered, specular reflection, Rs, and diffuse reflection, Rd. The former occurs at the surface and is governed by the Fresnel equations (Equations [1], [3] and [10–12]). As a consequence of anomalous dispersion, specular reflected light exhibits S-shaped intensity changes at the wavelengths of sample absorption. In contrast, diffuse reflected light exhibits absorption bands at frequencies observed also with transmitted light, but with intensities deviating significantly from those measured in a transmission experiment. The intensity of the diffuse reflection spectrum may be described by the Bouguer–Lambert law (Eqn [21]), the analogous expression to the Lambert–Beer law in transmission spectroscopy.

where d is the mean penetrated layer thickness, i.e. the depth of light penetration into the surface layer which results in an intensity decrease by a factor of 1/e, and D denotes the napierian absorption coefficient. Diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFT) has become a frequently used technique to obtain IR spectra from materials intractable by transmission spectroscopy. A number of high-performance reflection accessories are available from different manufacturers (see below), allowing

Figure 2 Diffuse reflection experiment. Mi, Mr ellipsoidal mirrors for incident and reflected light; S sample; I, Rd, Rs incident diffuse, and specular reflected beams, respectively. In the magnified circle a possible ray tracing through a surface particle is shown, demonstrating the formation of mixed diffuse and specular reflected light. d is the mean penetrated layer thickness according to the Bouguer–Lambert law (Equation [21]).

the detection of quantities down to the nanogram region. Nevertheless, DRIFT spectroscopy is confronted with two intrinsic problems: (i) the superposition of diffuse and specular reflected light (see Figure 2), which may lead to distorted line shapes, and (ii) the dependence of the mean penetration depth d on the absorption coefficient. d is found to be inversely proportional to the absorption coefficient D, thus leading to a certain leveling of the band intensities. The disturbance by specular reflection may be reduced considerably by technical means (trapping) on the reflection attachment. The resulting diffuse reflection spectrum then has to be corrected in order to correspond to the absorbance of a transmission spectrum. This mathematical procedure is generally performed according to the Kubelka–Munk theory. For a comprehensive and critical discussion of this theory the reader is referred to the Further reading section. Specular reflection spectroscopy (SRS)

In specular reflectance, only light reflected off the front surface is collected (see Figure 2). The reflected energy is generally small ( n2. The segmental order parameter Sseg is frequently used to characterize molecular ordering, e.g. To


describe the fluctuation of a functional group in a molecule via the polarized absorption bands of a typical group vibration. For uniaxial orientation the order parameter is defined according to

Thus, if the ATR geometry and the optical constants of the system are known, then Sseg may be determined measuring the dichroic ratio R of a given absorption band, followed by the calculation of the mean square cosine ¢cos2 D² and inserting this value into Equation [34]. A typical example is discussed later. For more details and examples of application the reader is referred to the Further reading section.

single-beam (SB) mode. As a consequence a singlechannel reference spectrum has to be stored for later conversion of single-channel sample spectra into transmittance and absorbance spectra. This technique suffers inaccuracy owing to drifts resulting from the instrument, the sample or atmospheric absorption. In order to eliminate these unwanted effects to a great extent, a new ATR attachment has been constructed, converting a single-beam instrument into a pseudo-double-beam instrument. The principle features of this attachment are depicted in Figure 7. As usual, a convergent IR beam enters the sample compartment. However, the focal point is now displaced from the centre of the sample compartment by means of the planar mirrors M1 and M2 to the new position F. The off-axis

Determination of surface concentration The effective thickness as indicated by Equations [26]–[28] holds for isotropic samples. Modification for oriented samples results

From Equation [25] and the relation dei = dex + dez and deA = dey one obtains for the surface concentration *.

where Ai and AA denote the absorbance measured with parallel and perpendicular polarized incident light, respectively, H is the molar absorption coefficient, Q denotes the number of equal functional groups per molecule and N is the number of active internal reflections. It should be noted that Equation [36] holds for peak absorbance and integrated absorbance, provided that the corresponding molar absorption coefficients are used. Special experimental ATR techniques

Single-beam sample reference (SBSR) technique Most FTIR spectrometers are working in the

Figure 7 Single-beam sample reference (SBSR) ATR attachment. (A) The focus in the sample compartment is displaced to the position F by the planar mirrors M1 and M2. The off-axis parabolic mirror M3 produces a parallel beam with a diameter of 1 cm, i.e. half of the height of the MIRE. The cylindrical mirror M4 focuses the light to the entrance face of the MIRE. M5, which has the same shape as M4, reconverts to parallel light directing it via the planar mirror M6 through the polarizer POL and it is then being focused to the detector DET by the off-axis parabolic mirror M7. (B) Alternating change from sample to reference is performed by computer-controlled lifting and lowering of the ATR cell body. Reproduced with permission of the American Institute of Physics from Fringeli UP et al. (1998) AIP Conference Proceedings 430: 729–747.


parabolic mirror M3 performs a conversion of the divergent beam into a parallel beam with fourfold reduced cross-section. This beam is focused to the entrance face of a trapezoidal MIRE by a cylindrical mirror M4. Therefore, the ray propagation in the MIRE is still parallel to the direction of light propagation (x-axis), enabling subdivision of the two reflective faces (x,y-planes) of the MIRE alongside at half-height. One half of the MIRE is then used for the sample (S) and the other one for the reference (R). Both S and R were encapsulated by flowthrough cuvettes, independently accessible by liquids or gases. This principle is referred to as the Single beam sample reference (SBSR) technique. SBSR absorbance spectra are calculated from sample and reference single-channel spectra which have been measured with very short mutual time delay. A most favourable benefit of SBSR technique is that no waisted time for purging is required before starting a measurement after closing the sample compartment. Moreover, the whole sequence of single-channel spectra in the S and R channels is also available, allowing reconstruction of the history of each channel at any time by conventional data handling. Modulated excitation (ME) spectroscopy and 2D IR spectroscopy Change of any external thermodynamic parameter generally exerts a specific influence on the state of a chemical system. The system response will be relaxation from the initial state (e.g. an equilibrium) to the final state (a new equilibrium state or a stationary state). In the case of a periodic change (modulation) of the parameter, the system response will also be periodic with angular frequency Z, relaxing from the initial state to a stationary state. All absorption bands of the spectrum which result from stimulated molecules or parts of them will be labelled by the frequency Z. As a consequence, it is possible to separate the modulated response of a system from the stationary response, resulting from parts of the system that were not affected by modulated excitation (ME) as well as from the background. Moreover, if the kinetics of the stimulated process is in the same time range as the period of external excitation, phase lags and damped amplitudes will result. Both depend characteristically on the stimulation frequency, and therefore one can derive relevant information on the reaction scheme and the kinetics of the stimulated process (see also caption to Figure 8). A variety of ME experiments have been reported. (i) Temperature ME of poly-L-lysine was used to study induced periodic secondary structural changes as well as the sequence of transients. (ii) The classical ATR setup (see Figure 6) facilitates the application of electric fields to immobilized thin films, such as

biomembrane assemblies or to bulk materials such as liquid crystals, since a Ge ATR plate, supporting the membrane, may be used as one electrode, and the back-wall of the cuvette as counter electrode. (iii) Hydration modulation was used to detect hydration sites of model membranes, and (iv) ME by UV radiation permitted kinetic studies of photoinduced chemical reactions. (v) ME by chemical substrates is a further versatile method to study chemically induced conformational changes of a sample immobilized to the MIRE. For that purpose, two computer-controlled pumps are used for periodic exchange the liquid (water) environment of the sample in a flow-through cell. An example demonstrating the sensitivity and high quality of background compensation of ME techniques is presented later. The principles of ME spectroscopy are depicted schematically in Figure 8. 2D FTIR spectroscopy Absorption bands in a set of modulation spectra that exhibit equal phase shifts with respect to the external stimulation are considered to be correlated. 2D correlation analysis is a statistical graphical means to visualize such a correlation in a 2D plot. Consequently, phase-resolved modulation spectra are data of a higher level and unambiguously allow a more direct and accurate evaluation. 2D plots look attractive, but, one should be aware that the information content is lower than that of the underlying modulation spectra, first because band overlapping may result in inadequate phase information, and second because 2D spectra are affected much more by baseline errors than the original modulation spectra. A comprehensive discussion can be found in the Further reading section. Sensitivity of ATR spectroscopy

Sensitivity of stationary ATR measurements Commercial multiple internal reflection elements MIRE permit up to 50 internal reflections. This is generally enough for thin-layer spectroscopy in the nanometre or even subnanometre region. As an example, Figure 9 shows a dipalmitoylphosphatidic acid monolayer, i.e. a lipid monolayer of about 2 nm thickness, which has been transferred from the air–water interface to a germanium MIRE by means of the Langmuir–Blodgett technique. The dominant bands in Figure 9 result from the stretching vibrations of 28 CH2 groups of the two saturated hydrocarbon chains of the DPPA molecule. Looking at three resolved weaker bands gives an impression of the absorbance to be expected from a monomolecular coverage by functional groups of medium or weak molar absorption. The first is the terminal methyl group of the hydrocarbon chains. The


Figure 8 Schematic setup for modulated excitation (ME) experiments. A periodic excitation is exerted on the sample with frequency Z. The sample response S(t), as sensed by IR radiation, contains the frequency Z and higher harmonics at wavelengths that are significant for those parts of the sample that have been affected by the stimulation. Selective detection of the periodic sample responses is performed by phase-sensitive detection (PSD), resulting in the DC output and An of fundamental Z(n 1) and their harmonics nZ (n = 2, 3, }.), as well as the phase shifts In between the nth harmonic and the stimulation. This phase shift is indicative of the kinetics of the stimulated process and of the underlying chemical reaction scheme. Since the PSD output An(n = 1, 2, },n; frequency nZ) is proportional to cos(InIn.PSD), absorption bands featuring the same phase shift In are considered to be correlated, i.e. to be representative of a population consisting of distinct molecules or molecular parts. In.PSD is the operator-controlled PSD phase setting. Because of the cosine dependence, different populations will have their absorbance maxima at different In.PSD settings, thus allowing selective detection. Moreover, since in the case that 0.1 < ZWi < 10 (Wi denotes the i th relaxation time of the system), In becomes Z dependent, In In(Z). The spectral information can then be spread in the In.PSD– Z plane, resulting in a significant enhancement of resolution with respect to standard difference spectroscopy and time-resolved spectroscopy.

Figure 9 Parallel (i) and perpendicular (A) polarized ATR absorbance spectra of a dipalmitoylphosphatidic acid (DPPA) monolayer transferred at 30 mN m1 from the aqueous subphase (104 M CaCl2) to a germanium multiple internal reflection element (MIRE). Spectra were obtained from the dry monolayer in contact with dry air. A surface concentration of * 3.93 u 1010 mol cm2 was calculated by means of Equation [36] using the dichroic ratio of the symmetric CH2 stretching vibration at 2850 cm1 with respect to a linear baseline (B), resulting in R ATR [Qs(CH2)] 0.923. Angle of incidence Ti = 45°; number of equal functional groups Q = 28; number of active internal reflections N 39.

antisymmetric stretching vibration, Qas(CH3) absorbs at ∼2960 cm–1. As concluded from Figure 9, this monolayer results in a peak absorbance of about 6 mAU. A weaker band is observed near 1420 cm –1 and may be assigned to the bending vibration of the D-methylene groups of the hydrocarbon chains,

G(D-CH2). Thus an approximate monolayer of D-CH2 groups results in an absorbance of only about 1 mAU. Third, a monolayer of phosphate head groups results in more intense absorption bands because of the larger transition dipolemoment of the polar group. The corresponding absorbances of PO3 stretching


vibrations in the range 1000–1250 cm–1 are within 5 and 10 mAU. It is concluded that conventional ATR measurements may allow significant access to bands of about 0.2–0.5 mAU, which corresponds to 20– 50% of a monolayer of weak absorbers. Quantitative analysis of stationary ATR spectra The DPPA monolayer spectra shown in Figure 9 are now used to demonstrate the ease of application of the formalism for quantitative analysis of ATR spectra presented earlier. Dichroic ratio of symmetric CH2 stretching The dichroic Ratio according to Equation [32] was calculated from the integrated absorbances of the symmetric CH2 stretching bands, Qs(CH2), using linear baselines as marked in Figure 9 with lower and upper limits at 2828 and 2871 cm–1, respectively. The corresponding integrals were found to be = 0.381 cm–1, and = 0.413 cm–1 ATR resulting in R = 0.923. This is the relevant experimental quantity. Mean orientation of hydrocarbon chains Uniaxial orientation, i.e. isotropic distribution of DPPA around the z-axis, is assumed. The mean square cosine of the angle between the transition dipole moments of Qs(CH2) of the whole population of CH2 groups of the molecule (28 groups in hydrocarbon chains, 1 in the glycerol part, slightly shifted in frequency) can be calculated from Equation [32], resulting in Equation [37].

The squares of relative electric field components at the interface (z = 0) in medium 2 as calculated from Equation [29] for Ti = 45°, n1 = 4.0 (germanium), n2 = 1.5 (DPPA monolayer) and n3 = 1.0 (dry air) result in E = 1.991, E = 2.133, and E = 0.450. It follows that E = E + E = 2.441 and E = E = 2.133. The dichroic ratio for an isotropic film under these conditions would result in, according to Equation [33], R = 1.144. Explicit equations for relative electric components calculated by means of Harrick’s weak absorber approximation can be found in the Further reading section. Introducing the experimental value of RATR and the calculated squares of relative electric field components into Equation [37], one obtains for the mean square cosine of the angle between the transition moment of Qs(CH2) and the z-axis 〈cos2 D〉 = 0.025. This value should not be negative because its minimum is zero; however, since it is

small, we consider it to be within experimental and predominately systematic errors. Therefore, we set 〈cos2 D〉 = 0, resulting in D = 90°. This result requires that all methylene groups of the hydrocarbon chains assume an all-trans conformation and, moreover, all hydrocarbon chains are aligned normal to the MIRE, i.e. parallel to the z-axis (tilt angle 0°). The exact wavenumber of the symmetric stretching vibration of the CH2 group in glycerol is not known. However, overlapping with Qs(CH2) of the hydrocarbon chains is probable. Consequently, the bisectrice of the glycerol CH2 group may also be concluded to be predominately parallel to the x,y-plane. Mean order parameter of CH2 groups The mean segmental order parameter resulting from Equation [34] is found to be Sseg>Qs(CH2)] = – . This value is representative of a perfectly ordered molecular entity with isotropic arrangement of transition dipole moments around the z-axis and perfect parallel alignment to the interface (x,y-plane). It should be noted that for 〈cos2 D〉 = 1, i.e. transition moments perfectly aligned normal to the interface (z-axis), Equation [34] results in the upper limit Sseg = 1. Lipids in natural biomembranes consist of a considerable amount of unsaturated hydrocarbon chains. Since double bonds cause unavoidably gauche defects in elongated hydrocarbon chains, which leads to a reduced chain ordering, Sseg>Qs(CH2)] is increased, reaching zero for an isotropic chain arrangement, since 〈cos2 D〉 = 1/3 in this case. It should be noted that the determination of order parameters of individual methylene groups in the hydrocarbon chains requires generally selective deuteration. In this respect, comprehensive deuterium NMR work should be mentioned (see Further reading section). A more general case of sample geometry is that of a transition moment being inclined by an angle 4 with respect to the molecular axis a and isotropically distributed around a. Furthermore, the molecular axis a forms an angle J with respect to the tilt axis t, and is isotropically distributed around it, and finally, the axis t forming a tilt angle G with the z-axis and is isotropically distributed around it. In this case, the segmental order parameter, e.g. Sseg[Qs(CH2)], may be expressed as superposition of three uniaxial orientations according to


The angles G, J and 4 may be distinct or fluctuating (partly or all), describing a microcrystalline ultrastructure (MCU) and a liquid crystalline ultrastructure (LCU), respectively. S J is referred to as the molecular order parameter Smol. Applying Equation [38] to the DPPA monolayer under discussion, one obtains: SG = 1, SJ = 1, S4 = , meaning no tilt (G = 0), molecular axis (hydrocarbon chain) normal to the interface (J = 0), and transition dipole moment normal to the molecular axis (4 = 90). Surface concentration and area per molecule The surface concentration may be calculated using Equation [36]. The following additional information is required: (i) the integrated molar absorption coefficient related to a linear baseline from 2828 to 2871 cm–1 (see Figure 9) was = 5.7 × 105 cm mol–1, (ii) the real thickness of the layer was assumed to be d = 2.5 nm, (iii) the number of equal functional groups Q = 28, and (iv) the effective thicknesses de for parallel or perpendicular polarized incident light, which were calculated from Equations [27] and [35], resulted in de,i = 3.97 nm and de,A = 4.30 nm. The mean surface concentration was found to be 3.93 × 10–10 mol cm–2, corresponding to a molecular cross-section of 0.427 nm2 per molecule (42.3 Å2 per molecule). This value leads to the conclusion that the two hydrocarbon chains of a DPPA molecule predominantly determine the area per molecule, since the cross-section of an elongated hydrocarbon chain is 20–21 Å 2. Conclusions Quantitative analysis, including orientation measurements, has been shown to be straightforward when the formalism based on Harrick’s weak absorber approximation is applied. For thin adsorbed layers, such as the DPPA monolayer under discussion, the results are fairly good. Application to bulk materials may introduce systematic errors as discussed above. If the weak absorber approximation is still to be applied, one should take care to work with an angle of incidence which is at least 15° larger than the critical angle, in order to avoid significant band distortions. In many cases it is possible to use quantitative data from transmission experiments to check the validity of the formalism applied to ATR data. A general critical aspect concerning the baseline selection should be mentioned. A linear tangential baseline has been used for quantitative analysis of the symmetric CH2 stretching vibration of DPPA (see Figure 9). Obviously the correct baseline is lower, i.e. the integrated absorbances used for analysis are systematically too small. The reason for this procedure is

only to permit good reproducibility. While the determination of the dichroic ratio is indifferent with respect to the choice of the baseline, it is mandatory to use integrated or peak molar absorption coefficients which have been determined under the same conditions. Even then deviations in the range of several per cent may occur among different operators. Finally, it should be noted that ATR spectroscopy allows very good background compensation, when adequate equipment is used. Sensitivity of modulated excitation (ME) ATR spectroscopy An impression of the sensitivity of stationary measurements was given the last but one section. A limit of 0.2 mAU is suggested. This limit is beaten by one order or magnitude when the ME technique is applied. As mentioned above, the sample must fulfil the condition of a reversible stimulation by a periodically altered external thermodynamic parameter. Here, the excellent sensitivity and instrumental stability will be demonstrated, for example, with a chemical modulation experiment performed in liquid water, a very strong absorber in the 3400 and 1640 cm–1 region. In order to study the influence of immobilized charges on a lipid model membrane, an arachidic acid (ArAc) bilayer was prepared on a germanium MIRE by means of the Langmuir–Blodgett (LB) technique. The MIRE was transferred in the hydrated state from the LB trough into a flow-through cell and kept in permanent contact with an aqueous buffer solution. Since the carboxylic acid groups of the second monolayer were facing the aqueous phase, the degree of protonation could be controlled via the environmental pH. A periodic pH modulation between pH 3 and 10 induced a periodic protonation and deprotonation of the carboxylic acid group. It should be noted that the first ArAc LB layer was attached by head to the Ge MIRE. Obviously, this binding was so special that typical absorption bands of the carboxylic acid groups were not visible in the spectrum. Therefore, one may assume that the head group signals shown in Figure 10 result predominately from the outer monolayer of ArAc. The stationary spectral intensity is comparable to that of the DPPA monolayer shown in Figure 9. Moreover, one should note that the experiments were performed in H2O, where in the 1640 and 3400 cm–1 regions there is very low spectral energy available, favouring perturbations by incomplete background compensation. In this context, only the sensitivity and selectivity of ME techniques will be discussed. A comprehensive presentation and analysis of polarized pH modulation spectra will be given elsewhere.


Sensitivity of ME-spectroscopy Taking the pHmodulated spectrum shown in Figure 10 as a typical example, one may estimate the sensitivity by comparing the most intense ME spectra (IPSD = 60°/IPSD = 90°, the maximum is expected at IPSD ≈ 75°, consequently, IPSD ≈ 165° should result intensity zero) with the lowest intensity ME spectrum at IPSD = 0°. In order to check the S/N ratio, the IPSD = 0° spectrum was expanded 25 times in the CH2 wagging region and is plotted as a dashed inset in Figure 10. The ordinate scaling factor for the zoomed spectrum is 4.0 × 105. Comparing it with the other ME spectra (scaling factor 1.0 × 103) one can conclude that bands as weak as 1.0 × 105 AU are still detectable. Selectivity of pH ME The highest selectivity of ME spectroscopy is achieved if the stimulation frequency Z and the kinetics of the stimulated process are matched, i.e. if 0.1 < ZWi < 10, where Wi denotes the ith relaxation time of the system. Wi is a function of the rate constants involved in the stimulated process. Under these conditions, significant Z-dependent phase shifts are expected, resulting in Ii = arctan(–ZWi) for a linear system. Consequently, a molecular or confor-

mational population represented by the relaxation time Wi exhibits maximum absorbance in the ME spectrum at a PSD phase setting Ii = IPSD, thus allowing selective detection and kinetic analysis by means of phase-resolved ME spectra. Moreover, Z acts as an additional experimental degree of freedom in this context, since information on selectivity and kinetics can be spread in the Z/IPSD plane which is more selective than the unidirectional information resulting from conventional relaxation measurements. In the actual case of pH modulation exerted on a monolayer of ArAc, there is no phase resolution observed, owing to the long modulation period of Wm = 16 min, i.e. no kinetic information is available. However, unambiguous discrimination between the protonated and deprotonated populations is possible. Only one characteristic example will be given here. The most prominent band from the protonated state is the C=O stretching vibration Q(COOH) of the carboxylic acid group near 1700 cm–1. All other bands in the ME spectrum that have the same phase belong to the protonated population, whereas the remaining bands featuring opposite sign are members of the deprotonated population. Consequently, if no

Figure 10 pH-modulated excitation (ME) of an arachidic acid (ArAc) bilayer attached to a germanium multiple internal reflection element (MIRE). ME was performed by pumping alternatively two buffer solutions (100 mM NaCl, pH 3 and 100 mM NaCl, pH 10) through the ATR cuvette with a modulation period of W = 16 min. T 10°C. Upper trace A0; stationary spectrum of a protonated ArAc layer for comparison with modulation spectra. Traces A1; modulation spectra at PSD phase settings IPSD 0, 30,}, 180°. The 180° spectrum corresponds to the 0° spectrum with opposite sign, because the PSD output is proportional to cos (IIPSD), see also Figure 8. I denotes the phase difference between a given band and the stimulation. Owing to the long period of Wm 16 min, the observed bands in the modulation spectra exhibit only two resolved I values, which are 180° apart, as a consequence of the fact that the chemical relaxation time of protonation/deprotonation of ArAc is much shorter than the stimulation period. In order to demonstrate the excellent S/N ratio, the ordinate of the weakest modulation spectrum has been expanded in the CH2 wagging region by a factor of 25, i.e. the ordinate scaling factor for the dashed spectrum results in 4.0 u 105 (see text).


phase resolution is achieved, ME spectra reduce to difference spectra, which, however, have a considerably better background and instability compensation than conventional difference spectra, since corresponding sample and reference spectra are measured and evaluated/accumulated within each period of stimulation. Consider now the wagging region γw(CH2) of the spectra shown in Figure 10. The wagging motion γw(CH2) is described as in-phase displacement of both H atoms through the H–C–H plane of a methylene group, where the C atom remains predominately in place. In an all-trans hydrocarbon chain the transition dipole moment of γw(CH2) is expected to be parallel to the chain direction. Deviations may occur, however, from coupling with a polar end group. In the stationary absorbance spectrum A0, one can observe nine weak bands between about 1180 and 1320 cm –1. This sequence results from concerted wagging vibrations of all methylene groups in a hydrocarbon chain with an all-trans conformation. According to IR selection rules one has to expect n/2 IR-active vibrations for an even number n of CH2 groups in an all-trans conformation. ArAc has 18 CH2 groups per chain, resulting in the above-mentioned sequence of nine bands in accordance with theory. Since these bands are found to be in phase with ν(COOH), one can conclude that deprotonation of COOH is paralleled by reversible disordering of the chain structure, most probably by introducing gauche defects. Finally, it should be mentioned that γw(CH2) belongs to the group of weak absorption bands. One can conclude, therefore, that ME IR ATR spectroscopy allows significant quantitative studies on a molecular level with submonolayer quantities of weak absorbers.

Manufacturers of reflection accessories Standard equipment for reflection spectroscopy

ASI Sense IR Technologies, 15 Great Pasture Road, Danbury, CT 06810, USA. Bruker Optics, Wikingerstrasse 13, D-76189 Karlsruhe, Germany. Graseby Specac Inc., 301 Commerce Drive, Fairfield, CT 06432, USA. Harrick Scientific Corporation, 88 Broadway, Ossining, NY 10562, USA. International Crystal Laboratories, 11 Erie Street, Garfield, NJ 07026, USA. Spectra-Tech, Inc., Warrington WA3 7BH, UK.

Special equipment for SBSR-ATR and ME-ATR spectroscopy

Optispec, Rigistrasse 5, CH-8173 Neerach, Switzerland.

List of symbols A = absorbance (decadic); d = sample thickness; de = effective thickness (Harrick); dp = penetration depth; d = mean penetrated layer thickness; E = electric field; Ex = electric field component in xdirection; Ey = electric field component in y-direction; Ez = electric field component in z-direction; J = energy flux (time average); mx = x-component of the unit vector in the direction of M; my = ycomponent of the unit vector in the direction of M; mz = z-component of the unit vector in the direction of M; M = transition dipole moment; n = refractive index; = complex refractive index; N = number of active internal reflections; r = ratio of reflected to incident field; RATR = dichroic ratio related to ATR R = dichroic R = reflectance; spectra; ratio; SJ = Smol = molecular order parameter; ST = tilt order parameter; ST = order parameter with respect to the molecular axis; Sseg = segmental order parameter; S = Poynting vector (time average); t = ratio of transmitted to incident field; T = transmittance; z = distance from surface; i, ⊥ = parallel and perpendicular polarized light, respectively;

= conjugate complex; D = absorption coefficient; D = angle between transition dipole moment and zaxis; G = phase shift; H = permittivity; H = molar absorption coefficient; H0 = permittivity of vacuum; Hr = relative permittivity (dielectric constant); K = amplitude; Tc= critical angle; Ti = angle of incidence; Tr = angle of reflection; Tt = angle of refraction (transmission); N = absorption index; O= wavelength; P = permeability; P0 = permeability of vacuum; Pr = relative permeability; Q = number of equal functional groups per molecule; = wavenumber; U = reflectance; W = transmittance; W = relaxation time; * = surface concentration; I = phase lag; Z = angular frequency. See also: Electromagnetic Radiation; Industrial Applications of IR and Raman Spectroscopy; Polymer Applications of IR and Raman Spectroscopy; Raman and IR Microspectroscopy; Surface Studies by IR spectroscopy.

Further reading Baurecht D and Fringeli UP (2000) Surface charge induced conformational changes in an arachidic acid LangmuirBlodgett bilayer observed by pH-modulated excitation FTIR ATR spectroscopy. Langmuir (in preparation).


Beccard B and Hapanowicz R (1995) Polarization Modulation FT-IR spectroscopy. Nicolet Application Note AN-9592. Madison, WI: Nicolet. Blaudez D, Turlet J-M, Dufourcq D, Bard D, Buffeteau T and Desbat B (1996) Investigation at the air-water interface using polarization modulation IR spectroscopy. Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 92: 525–530. Born M and Wolf E (1983) Principles of Optics, Chapter I. Oxford: Pergamon Press. Fringeli UP (1992) In situ infrared attenuated total reflection membrane spectroscopy. In: Mirabella FM (ed.) Internal Reflection Spectroscopy, Theory and Applications, Chapter 10, pp 255–324. New York: Marcel Dekker. Fringeli UP (1997) Simulatneous phase-sensitive digital detection process for time-resolved, quasi-simultaneously captured data arrays of a periodically stimulated system. PCT International Patent Application, WO97/ 08598. Fringeli UP, Goette J, Reiter G, Siam M and Baurecht D (1998) Structural investigation of oriented membrane assemblies by FTIR-ATR spectroscopy. In: deHaseth JA (ed.) Fourier Transform Spectroscopy; 11th International Conference, AIP Conference Proceedings 430, pp. 729–747. Woodbury, New York: American Institute of Physics. Galant J, Desbat B, Vaknin D and Salesse Ch (1998) Polarization-modulated infrared spectroscopy and X-ray reflectivity of photosystem II core complex at the gaswater interface. Biophysical Journal 75: 2888–2899. Greenler RG (1966) Infrared study of adsorbed molecules on metal surfaces by reflection techniques. Journal of Chemical Physics 44: 310–315. Hansen WH (1973) Internal reflection spectroscopy in electrochemistry. In: Delahay P and Tobias ChW (eds) Advances in Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering, Vol 9, Muller RH (ed.) Optical Techniques in Electrochemistry, pp 1–60. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Hapke B (1993) Theory of Reflectance and Emittance Spectroscopy. New York: Cambridge Univeristy Press. Harrick NJ (1967) Internal Reflection Spectroscopy, New York: Interscience; 2nd edn (1979) Ossining, NY: Harrick, Scientific.

Hoffmann FM (1983) Infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopy of adsorbed molecules. Surface Science Reports 3: 107–192. Kortüm G (1969) Reflectance Spectroscopy. New York: Springer. Mendelsohn R, Brauner JW and Gericke A (1995) External infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy of monolayer films at the air-water interface. Annual Review of Physical Chemistry 46: 305–334. Mirabella FM (ed) (1992) Internal Reflection Spectroscopy, Theory and Application. New York: Marcel Dekker. Müller M, Buchet R and Fringeli UP (1996). 2D-FTIR ATR spectroscopy of thermo-induced periodic secondary structural changes of poly-(L)-lysine: A crosscorrelation analysis of phase-resolved temperature modulation spectra. Journal of Physical Chemistry 100: 10810–10825. Picard F, Buffeteau T, Desbat B, Auger M and Pézolet M (1999) Quantitative orientation measurements in thin films by attenuated total reflection spectroscopy. Biophysical Journal 76: 539–551. Seelig J and Seelig A (1980) Lipid confromation in model membranes and biological membranes. Quarterly Review of Biophysics 13: 19–61. Tamm L and Tatulian S (1997) Infrared spectroscopy of proteins and peptides in lipid bilayers. Quarterly Review of Biophysics 30: 365–429. Urban MW (1996) Attenuated Total Reflectance Spectroscopy of Polymers. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society. Wendlandt WWM and Hecht HG (1996) Reflectance Spectroscopy, New York: Interscience. Wenzl P, Fringeli M, Goette J and Fringeli UP (1994) Supported phospholipid bilayers prepared by the “LB/Vesicle Method”: A Fourier transform infrared attenuated total reflection spectroscopic study on structure and stability. Langmuir 10: 4253–4264. Wooten F (1972) Optical Properties of Solids. New York: Academic Press. Zachman G (1995) A rapid and dependable identification system for black polymeric materials. Journal of Molecular Structure 348: 453–456. Zbinden R (1964) Infrared Spectroscopy of High Polymers, New York: Academic Press.


B Biochemical Applications of Fluorescence Spectroscopy Jason B Shear, University of Texas at Austin, TX, USA Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction A remarkable range of fluorescence spectroscopy techniques has been developed in the last forty years to characterize fundamental properties of biological systems. The rapid progress over this period has led to strategies for monitoring events that transpire on the femtosecond time scale, for discerning features smaller than the Rayleigh resolution limit of light, and for detecting individual molecules. More routinely, fluorescence spectroscopy has provided invaluable insights into the structure, function, and concentrations of macromolecules, small molecules, lipids, and inorganic ions. Moreover, fluorescence analysis of living systems has begun to reveal directly how these biochemicals function and interact in situ. The initial section of this article presents an overview of the measurement formats used in fluorescence studies of biochemical systems. In the sections that follow, the application of diverse spectroscopic techniques to the study of biomolecular systems is examined, considering both the properties and uses of intrinsic biological fluorophores and also of fluorescent probes that have been designed to report on the presence or condition of biochemicals. In the Conclusion, several fluorescence approaches that may offer new capabilities in future biochemical studies are discussed. A fully comprehensive treatment of the diverse applications of fluorescence in biological studies is not possible in this article. For example, fluorescence studies of biological porphyrins – a vast field of spectroscopy – is mentioned in the most cursory fashion. Readers are encouraged to refer to other articles as listed later, for additional information, as well as to the sources in the Further reading list at the end of this article.


Overview of measurement formats In situ measurements

In general, when information is sought regarding the spatial distribution of chemicals within cells or tissue, some variant of fluorescence microscopy is used – often in combination with transmission or Nomarski imaging. From an optical standpoint, fluorescence microscopy measurements either use a wide-field geometry, in which an entire field-of-view is illuminated simultaneously, or rely on raster scanning of a small resolution element to sequentially generate a fluorescence image. In the first approach, an arc lamp is commonly used as the excitation source, and large-format images can be acquired at video rate using an array detector. In scanning fluorescence microscopy, a laser typically provides the excitation light, which is focused critically to diffraction spot sizes as small as ∼ 0.2 µm using a high numerical aperture (NA) microscope objective. The sequential nature of image formation in scanning microscopy makes this procedure relatively slow. Although large format two-dimensional (2D) images typically require half a second or more to acquire, small 2D images or line scans can be produced much more rapidly. A fundamental advantage of the two scanning techniques most commonly used – confocal and multiphoton microscopies – is an ability to acquire 3D images of various biological specimens by scanning the laser focal spot in a given plane, then shifting the fine focus of the microscope to repeat the process in a new plane. In confocal microscopy, outof-plane fluorescence is prevented from reaching a single-element detector by placing a small aperture in a plane conjugate to the focal spot; multiphoton


microscopy achieves a similar degree of axial resolution through an inherent 3D localization of the excitation focal volume. Measurements with chemical separations

Though microscopy can be used to quantify simultaneously up to several chemical species by acquiring detailed spectroscopic information, when analysis of many, potentially unidentified, cellular components is desired, a separation procedure typically is used in combination with fluorescence detection. Commonly used techniques include high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC), capillary electrophoresis (CE) and related capillary chromatography techniques, and gel electrophoresis. In HPLC and CE, trace analysis frequently is performed by labelling nonfluorescent components either pre- or post-separation using fluorogenic reagents. Capillary techniques frequently offer several advantages over HPLC, including faster and more efficient separations, lower sample volume requirements, and alleviation of the need for highpressure equipment. In DNA gel electrophoresis, fluorescent intercalating dyes can be used to stain oligonucleotide bands in gels after electrophoresis. For DNA sequencing in agarose gels, the Sanger method can be used to generate fluorescent fragments by labelling primers with fluorophores whose emission spectra encode a specific terminating dideoxyribo-nucleotide. Analysis of proteins using SDSpolyacrylamide slab gel electrophoresis or various capillary techniques can be accomplished by fluorescently labelling analytes before separation. Cuvette, flow, and ‘chip’ measurements

A large number of studies on isolated biochemical systems can be performed in cuvettes or deep-well slides. In particular, characterizations of macromolecular structure frequently are conducted using thermostatted cells with capabilities for stoppedflow exchange of various solution modifiers (e.g. ligands, denaturants) on a millisecond time scale. In many cases, instruments used for such studies also can perform nanosecond or microsecond timeresolved measurements of emission intensity or polarization in addition to standard steady-state detection after polarization. In many instances, it is desirable to rapidly count or isolate a subpopulation of cells exhibiting a particular chemical characteristic. In flow cytometry, this property is linked to a corresponding difference in cellular fluorescence (e.g. by selectively labelling a relevant gene product), which provides a means for measuring relatively large numbers of cells in a flowing stream using automated instrumentation.

Fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) uses a flow cytometer in combination with a shunting system to isolate cells exhibiting characteristic fluorescence. The presence of various oligonucleotides, peptides, and small molecules in solution can be analysed using solid state ‘chip’ based devices, in which receptor molecules (often antibodies or complementary oligonucleotides) immobilized on the chip surface bind the analyte(s) of interest. As a result of analyte binding, a characteristic fluorescence signal is generated from the receptor, analyte, or some other interacting species. In ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay), the binding of analyte is ultimately linked to the enzymatic production of a fluorescent solutionphase molecule.

Analyses based on intrinsic biological fluorescence Ideally, all biological chemicals would carry highly specific spectroscopic signatures that define not only their identities but also every aspect of their physical states and environments, and they would yield optical signals intense enough to reveal the smallest changes relevant to a particular experiment. Biological analyses, of course, are not so straightforward, and generally provide very limited information in the absence of exogenous ‘probe’ chemicals. Nevertheless, there are several classes of intrinsically fluorescent biological molecules, and a host of elegant spectroscopic techniques are used to investigate the properties of these species. The aromatic amino acids – tryptophan (Trp), tyrosine (Tyr) and phenylalanine (Phe) – have strong deep-UV absorption bands (Oex < 230 nm) corresponding to S0 → S2 transitions, but commonly are excited to the S1 state in fluorescence studies (Oex ≈ 260–280 nm) to minimize photoreaction and enhance fluorescence quantum yields (Φf). At these longer wavelengths, Trp has the largest molar extinction coefficient (Hmax ≈ 5600) and quantum yield (Φf ≈ 0.2) of the three amino acids; for Phe, the values of H and Φf are so poor that this species is rarely useful in fluorescence studies. When subjected to UV irradiation, proteins with both Trp and Tyr (Figure 1) typically exhibit emission spectra whose shape is characteristic of Trp residues (Omax ≈ 350 nm) because of nonradiative energy transfer from Tyr to Trp. Despite the fact that Trp and Tyr are not highly fluorescent, and undergo intersystem crossing and myriad photoreactions with large quantum yields, these species can be useful probes of protein structure. Emission from both Trp and Tyr is


Figure 1

Fluorescent amino acids.

quenched to different extents by a variety of intramolecular polar moieties (including carboxylic acids, amino groups, and imidazole groups), bound cofactors (e.g. NAD+), prosthetic groups (e.g. heme) and small molecules in solution, making determination of protein structural changes possible through measurement of excited-state lifetimes or steadystate fluorescence intensities. Unlike Tyr, Trp fluorescence often is found to be higher in proteins than in free solution. In molecules containing multiple fluorescent residues, the overall modulation of fluorescence associated with protein conformational changes can be small due to an averaging of advantageous and deleterious quantum yield changes. For this reason, time-resolved measurements of multiexponential excited state decay times sometimes can provide information unavailable from steady-state intensity measurements. The Stokes shift for Trp also can depend significantly on environment. When Trp is sequestered in the hydrophobic core of a protein, little or no reorientation of solvent takes place after excitation of the chromophore, and emission is blue-shifted relative to a Trp residue on the exterior of a protein. Extreme examples include azurin, in which Trp appears to be completely isolated from H2O (Omax < 310 nm), and denatured parvalbumin, in which the Trp emission spectrum is essentially identical to free Trp. For proteins that contain Tyr but not Trp, the shapes of the emission spectra closely match free Tyr (Omax ≈ 305 nm), regardless of local chemical environment. A number of macromolecular diffusion and conformational properties can be studied using fluorescence anisotropy, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS), and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP). These techniques most commonly are applied to proteins labelled with highly fluorescent probes, but can exploit intrinsic fluorescence in some instances. In fluorescence anisotropy studies, polarized light is used to selectively excite molecules whose transition dipole moments are aligned with the electric field vector. Steady-state

measurements of fluorescence anisotropy can be accomplished using a continuous excitation source; provided that anisotropy decays monoexponentially after excitation, information can be obtained on properties such as rotational diffusion times in membranes and the existence of ligand–host interactions. Time-resolved measurements, in which anisotropy is measured as a function of time following pulsed excitation, can provide more detailed information on phenomena such as anisotropic rotational diffusion, and can be used to study complex processes such as electron transfer in light-harvesting chlorophyll complexes. FCS is a steady-state technique for measuring the concentration and diffusion coefficient of a fluorescent molecule based on the magnitude of signal fluctuations as molecules diffuse through a finite probe volume. Diffusion coefficients can also be determined with FRAP, a technique in which fluorescent molecules within the probe volume are photobleached with a high-intensity pulse of light. After the bleaching event, the kinetics of fluorescence recovery (representing the diffusion of ‘fresh’ molecules into the probe volume) are monitored with low-intensity irradiation. Depending on the circ*mstances, FCS or FRAP can be useful for measuring the local viscosity of cellular or isolated biochemical environments, for monitoring ligand/host interactions, and for determining changes in diffusion coefficients associated with macromolecular conformational changes. Identification and measurement of UV fluorescent proteins in complex biological samples requires mixtures to be fractionated into individual components, often with CE or HPLC. CE with on-column UV fluorescence detection has been shown to be useful in measuring attomole quantities of protein in individual red blood cells. Peptide mapping can be accomplished using HPLC with post-column UV fluorescence detection by purifying individual proteins, then subjecting various fractions to proteolytic digests before separating the resulting peptide segments with chromatography. Metabolic derivatives of Trp and Tyr also produce significant UV fluorescence. In some secretory cells, Trp is converted to the indolamine neurotransmitter, serotonin, which in turn can be processed into the pineal hormone, melatonin. Metabolic conversion of Tyr yields the catecholamines (dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine). Although the cellular concentration of transmitters is typically low, their concentrations within secretory granules can approach 1 molar. The fluorescence properties of these neurotransmitters are analogous to the parent amino acids, with indolamines exhibiting stronger emission and at longer excitation and emission wavelengths than the catecholamines.


Intrinsic UV fluorescence has been used to perform in situ measurements of serotonin. Loss of serotonin from astrocytes can be monitored using wide-field UV fluorescence microscopy after various chemical treatments. In addition, three-photon scanning fluorescence microscopy has been shown to be useful for tracking secretion of serotonin from granules in cultured cells in response to cross-linking of cell surface IgE receptors. Fluorescence from indolamines and catecholamines separated with CE has provided a means to measure these species in the low- to mid-attomole range. In some instances, protein fluorescence does not derive directly from the aromatic amino acids. Two such proteins native to the jellyfish genus Aequorea – aequorin and the green fluorescent protein (GFP) – have been particularly useful tools in biochemical studies. Aequorin emits light (Omax ≈ 470 nm) from the bound luminophore coelenterazine as the result of a Ca2+-promoted oxidation reaction, and hence has been useful as an intracellular Ca2+ probe both through microinjection and recombinant gene expression. The discovery and cloning of GFP has attracted much attention recently in part because of its utility as a reporter for various gene products when incorporated into fusion proteins. In GFP, the chromophoric unit has been identified as an imidazolone anion formed by cyclization and oxidation of tripeptide sequence (-Ser-Tyr-Gly-); fluorescence of this species is characterized by excitation maxima at ∼ 400 and ∼ 475 nm and peak emission at ∼ 510 nm. The fluorescence from GFP is intense enough to detect individual molecules of this species immobilized in aqueous gels. Both aequorin and GFP can be genetically targetted to accumulate in specific organelles to measure localized properties, such as [Ca2+] and protein diffusion coefficients in mitochondria. A variety of protein cofactors have significant intrinsic fluorescence, including the reduced nicotinamide nucleotides (NADH and NADPH) and the oxidized flavins (Figure 2). The nicotinamides are excited in the near-UV and emit maximally at ∼ 470 nm; flavins exhibit both near-UV and visible excitation maxima, and have a peak emission at ∼ 515 nm. In both groups of cofactors, the adenine group partially quench fluorescence through collisions; in flavins, adenine also can quench fluorescence by forming an intramolecular complex with the fluorescent ring system. The significance of adenine quenching is underscored by the fact that flavin mononucleotide (FMN), a highly fluorescent cofactor that lacks adenine, has a fluorescence quantum yield tenfold greater than that of flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD). Flavins that are covalently or non-

Figure 2

Three fluorescent cofactors.

covalently bound to proteins display widely varying differences in fluorescence quantum yields, although flavoproteins often are relatively nonfluorescent. In contrast, NADH bound to proteins sometimes has substantially greater fluorescence than free NADH because of a decreased ability of adenine to quench the nicotinamide group. In dehydrogenases, for example, crystallographic studies indicate that nicotinamide cofactors are bound in an extended fashion, with the adenine and nicotinamide groups bound to different pairs of β-sheets. Moreover, conformational changes in lactate dehydrogenase induced by effector molecules can be monitored as changes in NADH fluorescence. As a rule, the redox cofactors – like the fluorescent amino acids – have spectroscopic properties that are sensitive to environment, and can be used to probe conformational changes in proteins. NADH and oxidized flavin (flavoprotein) fluorescence can be used as an indicator of the redox states of cells challenged with a variety of chemical effectors, and has been used to correlate the oxidative status of cells in situ and in vivo to functions such as electrical activity in brain tissue. The fluorescence of NADH also has been used to characterize the in vitro activity of individual lactate dehydrogenase molecules, which reduce the nonfluorescent NAD+


during oxidative production of pyruvate. This general strategy, in which single-enzyme molecules are characterized through the generation of a fluorescent product, also can be applied to reactions using engineered (nonbiological) fluorogenic substrates. Most nucleic acids have poor fluorescence properties because of extremely short excited state lifetimes, and are most often studied using nonbiological intercalating or groove-binding dyes. One notable exception is the Y base, which has been used as an indicator of tRNA folding induced by divalent cation binding. In addition, some nucleotides exhibit moderate fluorescence under highly acidic conditions, and can be measured in attomole to femtomole amounts using capillary electrophoresis.

Analyses using nonbiological probes Although fluorimetric analysis of biological systems is experimentally simpler and less disruptive to inherent chemical properties when the use of synthetic fluorescent molecules can be avoided, in many instances the intrinsic properties of biological chemicals do not provide sufficient means for characterizing or quantifying desired properties. In the case of protein analysis, for example, many species lack Trp or Tyr residues altogether; in protein molecules that do contain these amino acids, the fluorescence characteristics may be inadequate to yield the needed information. Numerous probes have been developed for investigating biological molecules in vitro and in living cells, with greatly differing strategies for uncovering desired information. No common photophysical or photochemical characteristics can be ascribed to this entire assortment of nonbiological fluorophores. Many probes have been engineered to have very large absorption cross sections and fluorescence quantum yields, and to be resistant to photoreaction. The probes based on laser dyes such as fluorescein (Hmax > 50 000; Φf > 0.9) or one of the rhodamines are good examples of this class of molecules, and often are incorporated in a number of the calcium probes, fluorescent antibodies (see below) and reagents used to label proteins for conformational studies involving fluorescence anisotropy, FCS and FRAP. In addition, by conjugating two spectroscopically distinct probes to different sites on a molecule, Förster energy transfer between the fluorophores can be used to measure intramolecular distances. Despite the advantages of these highly fluorescent molecules, probes having less optimal fluorescence properties are deliberately selected for some applications – often as a compromise to achieve a greater change in optical characteristics under different chemical

environments, or to avoid toxicity to living cells. For example, a dye whose fluorescence properties depend sensitively on the polarity and rigidity of its local environment may be more useful in many instances than a rhodamine for characterizing protein conformation. One such compound is NBD chloride, an amine-reactive reagent whose product has a markedly greater Φf value when occupying a hydrophobic site. Reactive fluorogenic reagents (e.g. NBD chloride, fluorescamine and CBQCA) are essentially nonfluorescent until they react with analyte molecules, and are commonly used to tag biological species that share a particular reactive group (e.g. a thiol or amine). This low-specificity labelling approach is extremely useful for identification and measurement of many low-concentration species in a mixture when some means exist for fractionating the multiple components (e.g. HPLC). Because of the low level of reagent fluorescence, a large excess of these species typically can be present in the reaction mixture without interfering with analysis. When characterizing samples containing many biomolecules, a probe that reacts with a particular chemical moiety sometimes does not provide adequate specificity, even when used with a highly efficient separation procedure. Analysis of the protein distribution in cellular specimens is perhaps the quintessential high-specificity requirement. Because of the value of such measurements in characterizing cellular composition, immunohistochemistry is one of the most ubiquitous biological applications of fluorescence. In routine determinations of gene products, cultured cellular samples or sectioned tissue are chemically fixed and subjected to sequential application of primary and secondary antibodies, followed by imaging with fluorescence microscopy. Primary antibodies can be raised against a tremendous diversity of cellular species, ranging from membrane proteins to small diffusable species such as neurotransmitters. Several species can be analysed in a single specimen by covalently attaching dyes with different excitation/emission spectra to different secondary antibodies. Most commonly, fixed and labelled samples are analysed using either wide-field or confocal laser scanning microscopy. When one seeks to analyse a solution sample for the presence of a known antigen, ELISA can be used. In one format, an immobilized antibody binds the antigen, removing it from solution. A second antibody which is conjugated to an enzyme capable of converting a nonfluorescent substrate into a fluorescent product then is applied, and binds to the immobilized antigen. After a washing step, the enzymatic reaction is initiated. In this way, large signal amplifications


provide extremely sensitive assays for analytes such as hormones and drug metabolites. Although immunological techniques can be useful for measuring analyte concentrations, uncertainties in cross-reactivity and matrix effects on the antibody-antigen conjugation efficiency often limit this approach to semiquantitative determinations. Diffusable cytosolic species (e.g. second messengers) can be measured in living cells using highly specific fluorescent probes. The calcium-sensitive dyes, a broad class of molecules whose excitation or emission properties are dependent on chelation of Ca2+, are ubiquitous in cellular biology studies. For such compounds, it is important that affinity for Ca2+ is much greater than for other cationic species that may be present in the cytosol at much higher concentrations (e.g. Mg2+). In general, cytosolic free Ca2+ concentrations vary over the approximate range 100 to 1000 nM, although much higher levels are sometimes reached transiently. Common examples of Ca2+-sensitive dyes include fluo-3 (100-fold intensity increase when bound to Ca2+), fura-2 (excitation Omax changes when bound to Ca2+), and indo-1 (emission Omax changes when bound to Ca2+) (Figure 3). For these species, the Ca2+ dissociation constant has been designed to approximately match free cytosolic levels, thus maximizing the modulation in fluorescence for a given change in [Ca2+]. Like tryptophan, indo-1 has an indole-based chromophore, but in this case the S-system is further delocalized to electronically interact with carboxylate groups responsible for Ca2+ chelation. In many instances, fura-2 and indo-1 may offer advantages over fluo-3, as ratiometric measurements of excitation or emission intensities at two different wavelengths can help avoid errors associated with uncertainties in intracellular dye concentrations. Calcium probes have played an invaluable role in identifying a range of cytosolic phenomena, such as [Ca2+] spiking after hormone binding to cell surface receptors and Ca2+ waves in oocytes following a fertilization event. Probes exist for other important cytosolic effectors, such as cyclic AMP (cAMP), which is monitored by the level of Förster energy transfer between fluorescein and rhodamine attached to a cAMP-binding enzyme. Although it is possible to microinject dyes for probing cytosolic milieus through patch or intracellular pipettes, it is more common to incubate many cultured cells in a medium containing low molecular mass dyes in an esterified form (e.g. acetoxymethyl, or ‘AM’, ester). This parent species is hydrophobic, and thus can diffuse freely through cell membranes. Once the compound is localized to the cytosol, nonspecific esterases hydrolyse the hydrophobic group, generating a charged form of the probe that

Figure 3

Two common calcium probes.

can no longer diffuse through the membrane. Large numbers of cells also can be loaded rapidly using electroporation. Structures in living cells often can be characterized using probes with specificity for classes of molecules rather than for particular target analytes. Hydrophobic or amphipathic dyes, for example, can be used to gauge cell membrane fluidity and diffusion, as well as exocytosis of secretory vesicles and subsequent membrane recycling. Examples of this class of dyes are 8-anilinonaphathalene sulfonate (ANS), which displays significant fluorescence only when bound to membranes (or protected hydrophobic regions of proteins), and FM-143, a compound used extensively to study regulated secretion from neurons. Some membrane dyes have been engineered (or serendipitously found) to alter their fluorescence properties based on the electric field across the phospholipid bilayer of cell or organelle membranes. Typically, such potentiometric dyes either respond with fast kinetics to electric field changes but display small modulations in fluorescence (e.g. the styrylpyridinium


probes), or undergo large fluorescence changes but only very slowly. Because large, rapid changes in fluorescence generally are not obtained with existing probes, it is difficult to perform voltage measurements on individual neurons and other excitable cells. Other fluorogenic dyes, such as DAPI, ethidium bromide and the cyanine dyes, bind to DNA and/or RNA and undergo changes in fluorescence intensity of up to 1000-fold. Depending on the probe, these compounds can be used to image fixed cells or track mitotic events. Combinations of probes with different specificities for single-stranded, double-stranded and ribosomal RNA have been used to characterize the quantity and conformation of nucleic acids throughout the cell cycle.

Conclusion In the forty years since the intrinsic fluorescence of amino acids was first characterized, fluorescence spectroscopy has developed into one of the most versatile and powerful tools for investigating biochemical systems. In addition to the enormous range of applications that now exist, a variety of emerging analysis strategies provide evidence of a continued phase of rapid growth for fluorescence applications. Developments in instrumentation – laser sources, optics, and detectors – have made possible the characterization of individual enzyme molecules and highly fluorescent proteins such as GFP and β-phycoerythrin, a light-harvesting protein. Solid-state femtosecond sources recently have made it feasible to generate multiphoton-excited fluorescence of biological molecules in solution using relatively low integrated irradiation, and have provided reproducibility necessary for experiments involving living specimens. Various technologies that rely on fluorescence for high sensitivity analysis have been made possible through advances in microfabrication and robotics. Examples include chip-based microarray sensors for detecting a multitude of ligands simultaneously, and chips containing arrays of microscopic electrophoresis channels for performing high-throughput, rapid separations of DNA fragments. Other fluorescence techniques exploit the evanescent, or near-field, properties of light to excite fluorescence in highly restricted regions of space, thereby improving measurement sensitivity or the spatial resolution of fluorescence imaging. Near-field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM) can image structures smaller than the diffraction limit of light using fluorescence generated by an evanescent field that escapes from the aperture at the end of a drawn,

metallized fibre. The resolution obtained with this approach is determined by the dimensions of the aperture, which is usually limited by losses in throughput as the fibre tip diameter is reduced. Thus far, only a few biological applications of this powerful technique have been reported. New developments in the chemistry of fluorescent probes undoubtedly will open new applications for fluorescence in biochemistry. A growing number of companies and academic researchers are devising new biological probes, and in some cases are using nontraditional strategies – such as combinatorial chemistry – to generate hosts with high specificity and large binding constants for desired ligands. Genetic manipulation of cultured cells offers particularly exciting opportunities for in situ biochemical measurements. Technology now exists for using an enzyme as a reporter for neurotransmitter-activated transcription in individual mammalian cells, with sensitivities capable of measuring fewer than 50 gene product molecules. In an initial demonstration of this strategy, large amplifications of gene product expression were obtained by localizing an engineered substrate to the cytosol whose fluorescence properties change when it is degraded by the reporter enzyme. Through the judicious use of molecular and cellular biology, chemistry, and fluorescence spectroscopy, eventually it may be feasible to track the production and breakdown of individual molecules in living cells.

List of symbols H = molar extinction coefficient; O = wavelength; ) = quantum yield. See also: Fluorescence Microscopy, Applications; Fluorescence Polarization and Anisotropy; Fluorescent Molecular Probes; Inorganic Condensed Matter, Applications of Luminescence Spectroscopy; Luminescence, Theory; Organic Chemistry Applications of Fluorescence Spectroscopy; UV-Visible Absorption and Fluorescence Spectrometers; X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometers; X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Applications.

Further reading Cantor CR and Schimmel PR (1980) Biophysical Chemistry, Parts I–III. New York: Freeman. Chalfie M, Tu Y, Euskirchen G, Ward WW and Prasher DC (1994) Green fluorescent protein as a marker for gene expression. Science 263: 802–805.


Cobbold PH and Rink TJ (1987) Fluorescence and bioluminescence measurement of cytoplasmic free calcium. Biochemical Journal 248: 313–328. Craig DB, Arriaga E, Wong JCY, Lu H and Dovichi NJ (1998) Life and death of a single enzyme molecule. Analytical Chemistry 70: 39A–43A. Creed D (1984) The photophysics and photochemistry of the near-UV absorbing amino acids – I. Tryptophan and its simple derivatives. Photochem. Photobiol. 39: 537–562. Creed D (1984) The photophysics and photochemistry of the near-UV absorbing amino acids – II. Tyrosine and its simple derivatives. Photochem. Photobiol. 39: 563– 575. Everse J, Anderson B and You K-S (1982) The Pyridine Nucleotide Coenzymes. New York: Academic Press. Freifelder D (1982) Physical Biochemistry, 2nd edn. New York: W.H. Freeman. Hoagland RP (1996) Handbook of Fluorescent Probes and Research Chemicals, 6th edn. Eugene, OR: Molecular Probes. Lakowicz JR (ed) (1991) Topics in Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Vol 1, Techniques. New York: Plenum Press. Lakowicz JR (ed) (1992) Topics in Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Vol 3, Biochemical Applications. New York: Plenum Press.

Lakowicz JR (1983) Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy. New York: Plenum Press. Lillard SJ, Yeung ES, Lautamo RMA and Mao DT (1995) Separation of hemoglobin variants in single human erythrocytes by capillary electrophoresis with laserinduced native fluorescence detection. J. Chromatogr. A 718: 397–404. Permyakov EA (1993) Luminescent Spectroscopy of Proteins. Boca Raton, FA: CRC Press. Rutter GA, Burnett P, Rizzuto R et al (1996) Subcellular imaging of intramitochondrial Ca2+ with recombinant targeted aequorin: significance for the regulation of pyruvate dehydrogenase activity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, USA 93: 5489–5494. Stryer L (1995) Biochemistry, 4th edn. New York: W.H. Freeman. Teale FWJ and Weber G (1957) Ultraviolet fluorescence of the aromatic amino acids. Biochemical Journal 65: 476–482. Tsien RY (1994) Fluorescence imaging creates a window on the cell. Chemical Engineering News 72: 34–44. Zlokarnik G, Negulescu PA, Knapp TE et al (1998) Quantitation of transcription and clonal selection of single living cells with beta-lactamase as reporter. Science 279: 84–88.

Biochemical Applications of Mass Spectrometry Victor E Vandell and Patrick A Limbach, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Mass spectrometry is a powerful tool for the characterization of various biomolecules including proteins, nucleic acids and carbohydrates. The advantages of mass spectrometry are high sensitivity, high mass accuracy, and more importantly, structural information. Historically, biomolecules have proven difficult to characterize using mass spectrometry. Problems often arise with impure samples, low ion abundance for analysis due to inefficient ionization processes, and low mass accuracy for higher molecular weight compounds. Recent advances in the development of electrospray ionization (ESI) and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) now permit the analysis of biomolecules with high sensitivity and good mass accuracy. These improvements now allow the use of mass spectrometry for the identification of unknown structures and are sui for applications focused on acquiring sequence information on the samples of interest.

MASS SPECTROMETRY Applications This article provides a brief introduction to the various applications of mass spectrometry to biomolecule analysis. More detailed discussions of particular applications of mass spectrometry to such analyses can be found in other articles in this encyclopedia.

Ionization and mass analysis Mass spectrometric measurements of biomolecules involve the determination of molecular mass, or of the masses of various components of the original molecule, which can then be related to various structural properties, such as sequence. In either case, the crucial step lies in the conversion of liquid- or solid-phase solutions of the analytes into gaseous ions. Common ionization sources used in mass spectrometry for biomolecule analysis experiments are: fast-atom bombardment (FAB), ESI and MALDI. FAB was


historically the ionization method of choice, but has been largely replaced by ESI or MALDI at the present time. ESI- and MALDI-based methods have particularly benefited the analysis of biomolecules because these techniques accomplish the otherwise experimentally difficult task of producing gas-phase ions from solution species that are both thermally labile and polar. Table 1 summarizes the different instrument configurations used in the analysis of various classes of biomolecules. MALDI has extremely high sensitivities with reports of detection limits at the sub-femtomolar level. A higher efficiency for protonated molecular ion production with MALDI has been observed relative to FAB. MALDI typically yields intact protonated molecular ions with minimal fragmentation and is therefore commonly referred to as a ‘soft’ ionization process. MALDI sources are generally coupled to time-of-flight (TOF) mass analysers. TOF mass analysers are characterized by high upper mass limits with reduced resolution at the higher masses. The production of high molecular weight ions and subsequent analysis of these ions makes the MALDITOF combination a powerful tool for biomolecule analysis. ESI can be considered a complementary method to MALDI. As with MALDI, electrospray ionization of biomolecules yields protonated or cationized molecular ions with little or no fragmentation, and it is also referred to as a ‘soft’ ionization source. A particular advantage of ESI compared to MALDI is that the analyte is sampled from the solution phase. Under these conditions, ESI is readily coupled to high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) or capillary electrophoresis (CE) separation systems. Such combinations permit online LC-MS or CE-MS experiments. Table 1 Summary of mass spectrometry techniques used in biomolecule analysis


Ionization source







Mass analyser Quadrupole, sector TOF, FTICR Quadrupole, sector, FTICR, TOF Quadrupole, sector TOF, FTICR Sector, FTICR, TOF Quadrupole, sector TOF Quadrupole, sector, TOF Quadrupole TOF Quadrupole, FTICR, TOF

The overriding feature of an ESI-generated mass spectrum is the appearance of multiply charged ions. Multiple charging results from the loss or addition of multiple hydrogen ions or metal ions (e.g. potassium or sodium) to the biomolecule. The multiple charging effect is advantageous because it allows for the analysis of high molecular weight biomolecules using mass analysers with low m/z limits. The disadvantage of multiple charging is that a spectrum has to be deconvoluted and thus spectral interpretation can be complicated, especially during the analysis of mixtures.

Molecular weight determinations of biomolecules Relative mass is an intrinsic molecular property which, when measured with high accuracy, becomes a unique and unusually effective parameter for characterization of synthetic or natural biomolecules. Mass spectrometry based methods can be broadly applied not only to unmodified synthetic biomolecules, but also to modified synthetic and natural biomolecules (e.g. glycosylated proteins). The level of mass accuracy one obtains during the measurement will depend on the capabilities of the mass analyser used. Quadrupole and TOF instruments yield lower mass accuracies than sector or Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FTICR) instruments. High mass accuracy is not only necessary for qualitative analysis of biomolecules present in a sample, but is necessary to provide unambiguous peak identification in a mass spectrum. The primary challenge to accurate molecular weight measurements of biomolecules is reduction or complete removal of salt adducts. In the majority of situations, the buffers used to prepare or isolate the analyte of interest contains Group 1 or Group 2 metal salts. These metal salts can potentially interfere with the accurate mass analysis of the analyte due to the gas-phase adduction of one to several metal cations to the analyte. Optimal results are obtained only after substantive (and in some cases, exhaustive) removal of these contaminants. Recent developments for sample purification involve the use of solution additives or online purification cartridges which reduce the presence of interfering salts while retaining the ability to characterize minimal amounts of analyte. Measurement of molecular mass of biomolecules is now a suitable replacement for prior methods based on the use of gel electrophoresis. Molecular weight measurement for all classes of biomolecules is a relatively routine procedure, and the results obtained are typically of greater accuracy than those previously


obtained by gel electrophoresis. A common application of mass spectrometry and molecular weight measurement is for the identification of unknown proteins. The experimentally obtained molecular weight value can be searched against the available protein databases (e.g. Swiss–Prot or PIR) to potentially identify the protein. This application becomes particularly useful for the identification of unknown proteins when used in conjunction with enzymatically generated peptide fragments (see below).

Determination of the primary sequence of biomolecules One of the most popular and productive uses of mass spectrometry for biomolecule analysis is the sequence or structure determination through analysis of smaller constituents of the original molecule. Two different approaches for generating the smaller, sequence informative constituents from the original molecule are available. An indirect approach is to generate sequence-specific information by solution-based chemical or enzymatic reactions. Chemical or enzymatic digestion of an intact biomolecule results in a number of smaller constituents that are amenable to mass spectrometric analysis. The so-called direct approach involves fragmentation of the analyte in the gas phase. Fragmentation can be induced by the desorption or ionization process, or can be induced by collisions with neutral target molecules or by collisions with surfaces. The analysis of fragment ions initiated by gas-phase dissociation resulting from collisions with neutral molecules or surfaces are broadly referred to as tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) experiments. With both approaches, the sequence of the original molecule is obtained by interpreting the resulting fragments. Enzymatic approaches

Enzymatic digestion followed by mass spectrometric analysis of the resulting products is a popular and powerful approach to sequence determination. A number of enzymes are available which either are specific for a particular substituent of the biomolecule or are nonspecific but sequentially hydrolyse the analyte of interest. Trypsin is an enzyme commonly used to digest proteins into smaller peptides. Trypsin selectively cleaves proteins at the C-terminal side of lysine and arginine amino acid residues. Digestion of a protein using trypsin will generate a tryptic digest whose components are amenable to mass spectrometric analysis. In many cases, the masses of the tryptic fragments can be measured more accurately than the mass of the original molecule, thereby

improving the identification of unknown proteins. As mentioned earlier, the masses of tryptic peptides, used in conjunction with molecular weight measurements of intact proteins, can be used to search known protein databases for efficient and accurate identification of unknown proteins. Sequential digestion of biomolecules is an alternative approach to determining sequence information. The utility of any mass spectrometric sequencing method that relies on consecutive backbone cleavages depends on the formation of a mass ladder. The sequence information is obtained by determining the mass difference between successive peaks in the mass spectrum. For example, phosphodiesterases are enzymes which sequentially hydrolyse the phosphodiester linkage between oligonucleotides and nucleic acids. In the case of oligodeoxynucleotides, the expected mass differences between successive peaks will correspond to the loss of: dC = 289.5, dT = 304.26, dA = 313.27, and dG = 329.27 Da. Mass ladder methods have a distinct advantage for sequence determination, because it is the difference in two mass measurements that results in the desired information. A drawback to this approach is the limited size of the analyte that is amenable to sequential digestion. Tandem mass spectrometry approaches

The gas-phase approach to determining structural information about biomolecules is through tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS). Tandem mass spectrometry involves isolation of the ion of interest (commonly referred to as the parent ion in MS/MS) and then dissociating this ion via collisions with neutrals or surfaces to produce fragment ions (commonly referred to as product ions in MS/MS) from which the primary sequence of the molecular ion of interest can be determined. Generally, the fragmentation process in MS/MS experiments generates product ions which contain sequence specific information from throughout the molecular ion of interest. Tandem mass spectrometry is applicable to all types of biomolecules but typically requires specialized mass spectrometry instrumentation for implementation. The most common tandem mass spectrometer is a triple quadrupole instrument, wherein the first and third quadrupoles are used as mass analysers and the middle quadrupole is used as a collision chamber. MS/MS can be performed with double focusing sector instruments and in some cases with specialized TOF mass analysers. Quadrupole ion traps and FTICR mass spectrometers are ideally suited for MS/MS experiments, and due to the operational characteristics of these mass analysers


additional MS/MS experiments can be performed, allowing for MSn studies of biomolecules.

Higher order gas-phase structure and non-covalent interactions studied using mass spectrometry Similar to studies performed using NMR, hydrogen/ deuterium (H/D) exchange experiments on biomolecules are feasible with mass spectrometry. Labile hydrogens can be exchanged in solution prior to mass spectrometric analysis, or alternatively H/D exchange experiments can be performed in the gas phase. The former studies have been used to localize sites of H/D exchange on biomolecules of interest and are used for mechanistic studies of biomolecule function. The latter studies typically involve ESI-MS and permit investigations into the gas-phase conformation of biomolecules in the absence of the solvent. The majority of H/D exchange experiments have focused on peptide and protein analysis, although the method is amenable to other classes of biomolecules. A particular advantage of ESI-MS for biomolecule analysis is realized by generating the analyte ions from solution conditions that retain the secondary, tertiary and even quaternary structure of the biomolecules. Noncovalent binding of biomolecules has been observed in the ESI mass spectrum and, when operated under the appropriate conditions, the mass spectral data are a direct probe of the solution-phase biomolecule assembly. Protein assemblies, proteinnucleic acid complexes, duplex DNA and other noncovalently bound biomolecule assemblies have been studied using mass spectrometry.

See also: Chemical Structure Information from Mass Spectrometry; Chromatography–MS, Methods; Fast Atom Bombardment Ionization in Mass Spectrometry; Fragmentation in Mass Spectrometry; Hyphenated Techniques, Applications of in Mass Spectrometry; Medical Applications of Mass Spectrometry; MS-MS and MSn; Nucleic Acids and Nucleotides Studied Using Mass Spectrometry; Peptides and Proteins Studied Using Mass Spectrometry; Quadrupoles, Use of in Mass Spectrometry; Sector Mass Spectrometers; Surface Induced Dissociation in Mass Spectrometry; Time of Flight Mass Spectrometers.

Further reading Fenn JB, Mann M, Meng CK, Wong SF and Whitehouse CM (1989) Electrospray ionization for mass spectrometry of large biomolecules. Science 246: 64–70. Karas M, Bahr U and Hillenkamp F (1989) UV laser matrix desorption/ionization mass spectrometry of proteins in the 100,000 Dalton range. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes 92: 231–242. Loo JA (1995) Bioanalytical mass spectrometry: many flavors to choose. Bioconjugate Chemistry 6: 644–665. McCloskey JA (ed) (1990) Methods in Enzymology, Vol. 193 San Diego: Academic Press, Inc. Senko MW and McLafferty FW (1994) Mass spectrometry of macromolecules: Has its time now come? Annual Review of Biophysics and Biomolecular Structure 23: 763–785. Smith RD, Loo JA, Edmonds CG, Barinaga CJ and Udseth HR (1990) New developments in biochemical mass spectrometry: Electrospray ionization. Analytical Chemistry 62: 882–899.


Biochemical Applications of Raman Spectroscopy Peter Hildebrandt, Max-Planck-Institut für Strahlenchemie, Mülheim, Germany Sophie Lecomte, CNRS-Université Paris VI, Thiais, France


Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Until the late 1960s, Raman spectroscopy was largely restricted to small inorganic and organic molecules. Concomitant to the substantial improvement of excitation sources and detection systems beginning in the early 1970s, biological molecules, which in most cases are weak Raman scatterers, became more and more accessible to this technique. Now, Raman spectroscopy has been developed to a versatile tool for studying biological systems on various levels of complexity, i.e. ranging from small amino acids to biopolymers and even to living cells. Raman spectra – like IR spectra – include detailed information about the molecular structure and, hence, may provide a key for elucidating structure– function relationships. Unfortunately, the ability to extract structural data from the spectra is much less advanced than, for example, in NMR spectroscopy, since a sound vibrational analysis based on normal mode calculations is not straightforward. Empirical force fields only provide meaningful results in the case of small and/or symmetric molecules for which a large set of isotopomers are available. Alternatively, quantum chemical methods can be employed to calculate the force constants. Despite the recent progress in hard- and software development, this approach is as yet restricted to prosthetic groups and building blocks of biopolymers. Thus, in most cases the interpretation of the Raman spectra of biomolecules is based on empirical relationships derived from comparative studies of model compounds. The large number of normal modes of biomolecules is also associated with an experimental difficulty inasmuch as individual Raman-active modes may be closely spaced so that the observed peaks include several unresolved bands. This is particularly true for those modes which originate from chemically identical building blocks of the biopolymers such as the amide vibrations of proteins. In these cases, however, the analysis of these bands provides valuable information about the structure of the ensemble of these building blocks, e.g. the secondary structure of proteins. The selectivity of Raman spectroscopy can be substantially increased by the choice of an appropriate excitation wavelength. When the excitation energy

approaches that of an electronic transition of a molecule, exclusively the Raman intensities of the modes originating from this chromophore are enhanced by several orders of magnitude (resonance Raman, RR). In this way, it is possible to probe the vibrational band pattern of this specific part of the macromolecule regardless of the size of the remaining optically transparent matrix.

Specific experimental considerations Under non-resonant conditions, quantum yields for the Raman effect are in the order of 10–9, implying that sample concentrations in the millimolar range are required for obtaining Raman spectra of satisfactory quality. Resonance enhancement substantially improves the sensitivity, but even RR intensities are too weak to obtain spectra of samples which exhibit a strong fluorescence or which contain strongly fluorescent impurities. In those cases, Fourier-transform near-infrared Raman spectroscopy may be a useful alternative approach. Possible thermal denaturation or photochemical processes which may be induced by laser irradiation may impose serious constraints on Raman (RR) spectroscopic experiments of biomolecules. Such effects can be reduced by using appropriate sample arrangements such as flowing or rotating devices, or by lowering the temperature. In any case, the photon flux through a volume element of a sample should be kept as small as possible to ensure the integrity of the biomolecule during the Raman experiment. These requirements are best fulfilled using CW-lasers as excitation sources. A second parameter which is essential for measuring the spectra of sensitive biomaterial is a short duration of the Raman experiment. Scanning monochromatic detection systems (photon counting devices) may require several hours to obtain Raman spectra of sufficient quality. Polychromatic detection systems can strongly reduce the total signal accumulation time and, in the case of CCD detectors, yield a spectral resolution and signal-to-noise ratio comparable to scanning systems.


Structure of biomolecules Raman spectroscopic studies which are directed to gain information about the structure of biomolecules are generally performed in the stationary mode. Such experiments have been carried out with all kinds of biopolymers and their building blocks. However, up to now, the level of spectral analysis and interpretation is such that reliable structural information can be extracted from the spectra only for proteins, nucleic acids and membranes. Proteins and amino acids

Non-resonant Raman spectra of proteins display bands originating from the protein backbone, i.e. the amide modes and the amino acid side chains, in particular, the aromatic amino acids tryptophan (Trp), tyrosine (Tyr) and phenylalanine (Phe). The strongest amide band in the non-resonant Raman spectra originates from the amide I mode which is essentially a pure C=O stretching of the peptide bond. Its frequency depends on the type of hydrogen bonding and dipole–dipole interactions associated with the peptide bond. As these interactions are different for the various elements of secondary structure of proteins, systematic Raman and IR spectroscopic studies of peptides and proteins with known three-dimensional structure allow the determination of amide I frequencies which are characteristic not only for the main secondary structure elements α-helix (1657 cm–1) and β-sheet (1626 and 1635 cm–1) but also for turns (1666 cm–1) and β-sheet/turns (1679 cm–1). For irregular or random coil peptide bonds the amide I is found at 1644 cm–1. These findings constitute the basis for the secondary structure determination of proteins and peptides of unknown structure. In the most general way, the measured amide I envelope is fitted by a set of these bands with constant frequencies and half widths. The relative intensities, which are the only adjustable parameters, represent a measure for the relative contributions of the various secondary structure elements. This approach is also frequently used in IR spectroscopy which offers the advantage of a better signal-to-noise ratio but is restricted to measurements in D2O due to the strong absorption of water. With an increased set of reference proteins, the method has gained a considerable accuracy which can well compete with CD measurements. Complementary information about the secondary structure can be obtained by using RR spectroscopy. Upon excitation in resonance with the π → π* transitions of the peptide bonds at ∼ 190 nm, the amide modes II, III and IIc, which include the C–N stretching

vibrations, are preferentially enhanced so that they appear with substantially higher intensity than the amide I mode (C=O stretching) which in turn gains intensity only via a higher lying electronic transition at ~160 nm. Like the amide I mode, the amide modes II, III and IIc are at different frequencies in the various structural elements. More important for secondary structure determination, however, are the RR intensities of these modes. The qualitatively different dipole– dipole interactions in α-helical and β-sheet structures lead to a respective decrease (hypochromic effect) and increase (hyperchromic effect) of the oscillator strength which in turn affects the Raman cross-sections of these amide modes. Thus, it was possible to derive (linear) relations between the RR intensities of these modes (determined relative to an internal standard) and the secondary structure. Due to the high energy of the deep UV laser pulses required as the excitation source, special attention has to be paid to avoiding photodegradation processes of the biomolecule. Such effects are also a restriction on probing the aromatic amino acid side chains of proteins using excitation lines between 200 and 240 nm. Under these conditions, several ring vibrational modes are selectively enhanced via the La (Phe, Tyr) and Ba,b transitions (Trp). The frequencies and relative intensities of these modes can be used to study the local environment of these amino acids, i.e. to obtain information about this specific part of the tertiary structure. In particular, the modes of Tyr and Trp may provide more detailed information about the local protein structure. The p-hydroxy substituent of Tyr is generally involved in hydrogen bonding interactions with hydrogen bond acceptors or donors. These interactions are sensitively reflected by the modes ν7a, ν7a′ and ν9a since their frequencies show linear relations with the solvent donor number. Monitoring these modes in proteins allows conclusions about the kind and the strength of hydrogen bonding interactions of Tyr. In the extreme case, when Tyr is deprotonated, the entire vibrational band pattern drastically changes and, due to the redshift of the electronic transition, the resonance enhancement is altered. Also Trp can undergo hydrogen bonding interactions via the indole N–H group. In that case, a band at ∼ 880 cm–1 (ν10a, W17) is an appropriate marker in the RR spectra of proteins. The second important spectral marker of Trp, a Fermi doublet at ∼ 1345 cm–1, exhibits a moderate resonance enhancement and can only be identified in the spectra of relatively small proteins. This band is an indicator for the hydrophobicity of the local environment of the indole ring. Based on systematic studies of Trp and model compounds, an empirical


relationship has been derived between the torsional angle of the C2–C3–Cβ–Cα entity and the frequency of the band at ∼ 1550 cm–1 (W3). This marker band, however, does not appear to be applicable for analysing the Trp structure in proteins inasmuch as it appears in a spectrally crowded region. Although a priori the size of the protein is not a limitation for UV RR spectroscopic analysis of aromatic amino acids, increasing numbers of Phe, Tyr and Trp residues strongly complicate the interpretation of the spectra. Nevertheless, working with high quality spectra it is possible to probe subtle structural changes of a single amino acid even in relatively large proteins as demonstrated in the studies on haemoglobin by Spiro and co-workers. This protein consists of two (αβ dimers, each of them including 15 Phe, 6 Tyr and 3 Trp residues. It had been assumed that the T → R transition of haemoglobin was associated with a change of hydrogen bonding interactions of one Tyr (out of 12) which in fact could be confirmed by UV RR (difference) spectra. The application of Raman spectroscopy for probing amino acid side-chain structures in proteins is not restricted to excitation in the deep UV. Some ring vibrations of the aromatic amino acid side chains can also be identified in the non-resonance Raman spectra. These are, for instance, the Fermi doublet of Trp at ∼ 1345 cm –1 and a band pair of Tyr at 850 and 830 cm –1, assigned to the fundamental mode ν1 and the overtone 2ν16a, which together form a Fermi doublet as well. This doublet, which is only weakly resonance enhanced upon UV excitation, appears with considerable intensity under non-resonance conditions and is known to be a sensitive marker for hydrogen bonding interactions as derived from systematic studies on model compounds. In fact, the intensity distribution of this doublet can be used to monitor changes of hydrogen bonding interactions of Tyr in proteins. Among the aliphatic amino acid side chains, cysteine (Cys) and methionine (Met) give rise to particular strong Raman bands which appear in less cogent spectral regions. The C–S stretching is found between 620 and 750 cm –1 depending on the conformation of the side chain, e.g. trans or gauche conformation of Met. In addition, the C–S stretching vibrations of disulfide bridges, which constitute an important stabilizing factor for the tertiary structure of proteins, are observed at 630–650, 700 and 720 cm –1 when the trans substituent X of the X–Cα– Cβ–S–S entity is a hydrogen, nitrogen and carbon atom, respectively. However, the most characteristic feature of disulfide bridges is the S–S stretching (500– 525 cm –1). There is a large body of experimental data for proteins and model compounds and evidence has

been provided for a linear correlation between the frequency and the C–S–S–C dihedral angle. Chromoproteins

Chromoproteins are characterized by an electronic absorption band in the near-UV, visible or near-IR spectral range. These bands may arise from π → π* transitions of prosthetic groups or from charge-transfer transitions of specifically bound transition metal ions. Thus, chromoproteins which may serve as electron transferring proteins, enzymes or photoreceptors, are particularly attractive systems to be studied by RR spectroscopy since an appropriate choice of the excitation wavelength readily leads to a selective enhancement of the Raman bands of the chromophoric site. Moreover, these chromophores generally constitute the active sites of these biomolecules so that RR spectroscopic studies are of utmost importance for elucidating structure–function relationships. Photoreceptors may use light either for energy conversion (photosynthetic pigments, bacterial rhodopsins) or as a source of information to trigger a physiological response (rhodopsins, phytochromes). Typical chromophores are retinal Schiff bases which are covalently attached to the apoprotein [(bacterial) rhodopsins] and cyclic or linear tetrapyrroles (photosynthetic pigments, phytochromes). In the case of (bacterial) rhodopsins and phytochromes, light absorption initiates a photochemical reaction which is followed by a series of thermal relaxation processes. Thus, RR spectroscopic studies of these biomolecules encounter the difficulty that the exciting laser beam induces the reaction sequence. In order to avoid accumulation of various intermediate states, low temperature spectroscopy is frequently employed so that thermally activated reaction steps can be blocked. Alternatively, time-resolved RR spectroscopy may be an appropriate approach (e.g. bacteriorhodopsin) which, in addition, provides information about the chromophore–protein dynamics. Primary interest of RR spectroscopic investigations of the visual pigment rhodopsin was directed to the analysis of the photochemical reaction. Singlebeam experiments carried out at 77 K yielded a photostationary equilibrium of the parent state and the primary photoproduct. Using an additional laser beam of a wavelength in resonance with the electronic transition of the product, it was possible to shift the equilibrium largely to the parent state. Thus, subtracting the dual-beam- from the singlebeam-excited spectrum yielded a pure spectrum of the parent state. The interpretation of these spectra was greatly facilitated by the large body of


experimental data of retinal model compounds including a variety of isotopomers as well as of the detailed investigations of bacteriorhodopsin (see below). Moreover, normal mode analyses based on empirical force field calculations support a reliable vibrational assignment allowing for the determination of the configurational and conformational state of the retinal chromophore. In this way, it could be shown that the primary photoprocess of the parent state in which the retinal is in the 11-cis configuration leads to a distorted all-trans configuration. Unusually strong intensities of the C–H out-of-plane vibrations of the retinal chain were taken as a measure of the torsion of the C–C single bonds of the chain. These intensities decrease in the intermediates formed during the subsequent thermal reactions indicating a relaxation of the chromophore geometry and the immediate protein environment. In the final step, the Schiff base, i.e. the covalent linkage to the apoprotein, was deprotonated as indicated by the shift of the C–N stretching vibration and its insensitivity towards H/D exchange. Furthermore, analysis of the RR spectra in terms of retinal–protein interactions contributed essentially to the understanding of colour regulation mechanism in vision. In addition to its photolability, the plant photoreceptor phytochrome, whose chromophore is a linear tetrapyrrole, exhibits a relatively strong fluorescence which severely hinders RR spectroscopic studies under rigorous resonance conditions. Thus, Mathies and co-workers employed shifted-excitation Raman difference spectroscopy in which two spectra, measured with excitation lines separated by 10 cm–1, were subtracted from each other. In this way, the fluorescence background was removed yielding only difference signals which were used to calculate the absolute RR spectrum. Similar spectra were obtained by an alternative approach using Fourier-transform Raman spectroscopy at low temperature (77 K). In that case, the excitation line in the near-infrared is shifted from the electronic transition of the chromophore to circumvent fluorescence (and unwanted photochemical processes) but yields a sufficient preresonance enhancement so that the spectra are dominated by the RR bands of the tetrapyrrole. In addition to the spectra of the parent states, those of the intermediates of the photoinduced reaction cycle were obtained by controlled illumination and increase of the temperature. As shown in Figure 1, the spectra of the various states of phytochrome (of the Pr → Pfr transformation) reveal substantial differences reflecting the changes of the chromophore configuration, conformation and interactions with the surrounding protein. In contrast to retinal proteins, however, analysis of the vibrational spectra of linear

tetrapyrroles is much less advanced so that up to now only a little structural information can be extracted from the spectra. Progress in spectral interpretation can be expected by extending the studies to recombinant phytochromes including chemically modified and isotopically labelled chromophores as well as by normal analyses based on quantum chemical force field calculations. For RR spectroscopic studies of photosynthetic pigments, the intrinsic chromophore fluorescence is again an annoyance. In addition to the techniques employed in phytochrome studies, chlorophyll-containing biomolecules allow excitation in resonance with the second (non-fluorescing) electronically excited state (∼ 350–400 nm). In the RR spectra of chlorophylls several bands have been identified which are known to be sensitive markers for the coordination state of the central Mg ion. These bands as well as those originating from the C=O stretchings of the formyl and keto substituents provide information about chlorophyll–chlorophyll and chlorophyll–protein interactions. This information was particularly helpful for elucidating the structural motifs of the chromophore assemblies in light-harvesting pigments. RR spectroscopic studies of genetically engineered protein variants of reaction centres have contributed to the understanding of those parameters controlling redox potentials and electrontransfer processes. In contrast to photoreceptors, haem proteins are readily accessible for RR spectroscopy inasmuch as they exhibit strong electronic transitions in the visible and near UV. Moreover, they are photostable and do not reveal any interfering fluorescence. There are numerous review articles on the RR spectroscopic results obtained for various representatives of this versatile class of chromoproteins which includes redox enzymes, electron transferring proteins and oxygen transport proteins. Interpretation of the RR spectra is backed by extensive empirical material accumulated from studies on metalloporphyrins in which spectral and structural properties were correlated. Thus, the RR spectra of haem proteins can be interpreted in terms of the kind of the porphyrin, the coordination sphere of the central iron, distortions of the haem geometry, and haem–protein interactions via the porphyrin substituents and the axial ligands. As an example, Figure 2 shows the RR spectra of cytochrome c552 in the oxidized and reduced state, displaying the RR bands in the region of those marker bands whose frequencies are characteristic for the oxidation, spin and coordination state of the haem iron. In addition to those investigations which aim to characterize the structure of the haem pocket, many


Figure 1 Fourier-transform RR spectra (1064 nm) of various states of phytochrome trapped at low temperature. (A) Pr; (B) Lumi-R; (C) Meta-Ra; (D) Meta-Rc; (E) Pfr.


Figure 2 RR spectra (413 nm) of cytochrome c552 of Thermus thermophilus in the reduced state (A) and the oxidized state (B).

studies were directed to solve specific problems related to the function of the haem protein under consideration. Detailed studies were carried out on the cytochrome c–cytochrome c oxidase redox couple to understand the interprotein electron transfer mechanism. Specific emphasis was laid on the analysis of the protein complexes formed prior to the electron transfer in order to assess the effect of protein–protein interaction on the structure of the individual haem sites. In these experiments, dual channel Raman spectroscopy, which permits the quasi-simultaneous measurement of two spectra, is particularly useful for the detection of subtle spectral changes. In this way, RR spectroscopy provided evidence for a considerable conformational flexibility of both proteins which may be of functional relevance. Many studies of haem enzymes (e.g. cytochrome P-450)

were directed to elucidate substrate-binding and substrate-specificity on a molecular level. An interesting approach for probing molecular details of the haem pocket is the use of carbon monoxide which may occupy a vacant coordination site of the haem. The vibrations of the Fe–CO entity can be analysed in terms of the orientation of the CO ligand with respect to the haem plane, which, in turn, depends on the molecular interactions in the haem pocket. Such studies are particularly relevant for oxygen binding proteins inasmuch as CO is an appropriate analogue for molecular oxygen. Whereas those chromoproteins discussed so far include prosthetic groups with delocalized π-electron systems, the chromophoric site in metalloproteins is constituted by a transition metal ion coordinated by various amino acid side chains. Excitation in resonance with charge-transfer transitions leads to a predominant enhancement of the metal–ligand vibrations and, to some extent, of internal ligand vibrations. Thus, the corresponding RR spectra are less complex although the interpretation is not necessarily unambiguous and straightforward in each case. Among these proteins, iron–sulfur proteins, blue-copper proteins and non-haem iron proteins have been studied extensively by RR spectroscopy. Iron–sulfur proteins reveal a characteristic vibrational band pattern in the low frequency region which, in many cases, can be used to identify the type of the iron–sulfur cluster based on a comparison with the spectra of model compounds and related proteins of known structure. However, such studies are restricted to the oxidized form since the reduced complexes do not exhibit a charge-transfer transition in the visible region. This is also true for the blue-copper proteins for which the RR spectrum is dominated by modes including the Cu–S(Cys) stretching coordinate as well as internal modes of the Cys ligand. A substantial improvement of the understanding of these spectra was achieved by using protein variants with isotopically labelled amino acids. The key issue for RR spectroscopists dealing with non-haem iron proteins is to determine the geometry of the oxygen-bridged binuclear complexes as well as to identify the nature of the ligands. In these studies, the RR spectra of 18O-labelled samples significantly supports the interpretation. Nucleic acids

Raman bands of nucleic acids originate from inplane vibrations of the nucleic acid bases (adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine and uracil) and from the furanose-phosphate backbone. In general, Raman spectra of DNA or RNA reveal structural


information about base stacking and interbase hydrogen bonding interactions. Whereas base stacking is reflected solely by intensity variations of purine and pyrimidine bands, changes of interbase hydrogen interactions, for instance, due to helix formation or conformational transitions of the helix, are indicated by both intensity changes and frequency shifts. Raman spectroscopy offers the possibility to determine the conformation of the nucleic acid inasmuch as there are marker bands indicative for the A-, Band Z-forms of DNA. The most characteristic marker bands originate from the backbone since the various helical structures differ with respect to the sugar–phosphate conformation. Based on the comparison of various DNAs of known crystal structure, it was found that the phosphodiester symmetric stretching vibration is at 811 ± 3 cm–1 in A-DNA whereas it is upshifted to 835 ± 5 cm–1 in the B-form. Furthermore, some ring vibrations of nucleic acid bases, particularly of guanine and cytosine, also serve to distinguish between the various DNA structures (Table 1). For quantitative analysis of the DNA structure, the relative intensities of these specific marker bands can be used to assess the percentage of A-, B- and Z-conformation using the conformation-insensitive band at 1100 cm–1 (symmetric stretching of the PO2 group) as a reference. In general, structural changes of DNA in biological processes such as transcription, replication or DNA packaging, are not global but are restricted only to a few nucleotides along the chain. Such changes can induce local melting of the secondary structure, reorientations and/or disruptions of the base stacking. Melting of RNA and DNA double helices always leads to the disappearance of the 814 cm–1 and 835 cm–1 bands, indicating a decrease in furanose conformational order and an increase of the backbone chain flexibility. Precise thermal melting profiles of both RNA and DNA double helical complexes have been determined based on the intensity variations of these bands. A careful analysis of the Raman spectra of nucleic acids allows the detection of subtle alterations of the helical organization. This has been demonstrated in studies of DNA packaging, which involves formation of DNA–protein complexes with a series of histone and non-histone proteins. A backbone conformation of the B-type family was consistently observed for the nucleosome DNA complexes irrespective of the histone and nonhistone content. Furthermore, complex formation is reflected by the intensity decrease of the adenine and guanine ring modes at 1490 and 1580 cm–1, respectively. Whereas the intensity attenuation of the 1580 cm–1 band was attributed to the binding of histone proteins in the small grooves of double helical

Table 1 Conformation-sensitive non-resonant Raman bands of nucleic acid

Frequency (cm–1)



phosphodiester symmetric stretching: C-3′-endo conformation (A-DNA)

835 (weak)

phosphodiester symmetric stretching: C-2′-endo conformation (B-DNA)


phosphodiester symmetric stretching: C-DNA


guanine ring breathing: C-2′-endo-anti (B-DNA)


guanine ring breathing: C-3′ endo-anti (A-DNA)


guanine ring breathing: C-3′ endo-syn (Z-DNA)

1260 (weak)

cytosine band: B-DNA

1265 (strong)

cytosine band: Z-DNA

1318 (moderate)

guanine band: B-DNA

1318 (very strong)

cytosine band: Z-DNA

1334 (moderate)

guanine band: B-DNA

1355 (moderate)

guanine band: Z-DNA

1362 (moderate)

guanine band: B-DNA

1418 (weak)

guanine band: Z-DNA

1420 (moderate)

guanine band: B-DNA

1426 (weak)

guanine band: Z-DNA

B-form DNA, the spectral changes of the 1490 cm–1 band is related to the binding of non-histone proteins in the large grooves. Raman spectroscopy has also been applied to the analysis of the B–Z transformation in synthetic polymers induced by drug binding. For example, it was shown that binding of trans-dichlorodiamine platinium to poly(dG-dC)·poly(dG-dC) appeared to inhibit the right-to-left handed transition whereas the antitumour drug cis-dichlorodiamine platinium was found to reduce the salt requirement for adopting a left-handed modified Z-like conformation and rendered the transition essentially non-cooperative. A Raman spectroscopic method to obtain information about dynamic aspects of nucleic acid secondary structure monitors the deuterium exchange of the C-8 purine hydrogen. The exchange


rates can be determined from the time-dependent intensity increase of the bands characteristic for the deuterated bases. As the exchange process depends on the chemical environment and the solvent accessibility for the individual bases, these data allow differentiation of helical structures. Pyrimidine and purine bases of nucleic acids have electronic absorptions in the range between 200 and 280 nm. Using excitation lines in this spectral region, RR spectra of nucleic acids exclusively display bands of in-plane ring modes of the bases without any interference of bands from the backbone. However, a selective enhancement of modes originating from purine or pyrimidine bases is not possible so that the practical use of UV RR spectroscopy for structural investigations of nucleic acids is limited. On the other hand, RR spectroscopy can be employed to probe drug–DNA interactions if the electronic transition of the drug is shifted towards the near-UV and visible region. In this way, intercalation of adriamycin by DNA was studied using different excitation lines to probe either the DNA Raman spectrum (364 nm) or the RR spectrum of the bound drug (457 nm). Membranes

Natural biological membranes represent multicomponent systems as they include a large variety of different lipids, proteins and carbohydrates. This heterogeneity is a serious obstacle to the interpretation of Raman spectra. Thus, the majority of spectroscopic studies have focused on liposomes which are taken as models for biological membranes. Studying the fluidity and phase transition of the lipid hydrocarbon chain, a sensitive marker band originates from the longitudinal acoustic mode (LAM) at 100–200 cm–1, which corresponds to an accordionlike stretching of the entire molecule along its long axis. The frequency of this mode depends on the all-trans chain length and is sensitive to gauche rotations of the chain. The LAM is quite strong in pure hydrocarbons. However, it is difficult to observe due to its proximity to the laser line so that in the Raman spectra of phospholipid dispersions, it could be detected only in a few cases, i.e. at low water content and low temperature. The skeletal optical modes between 1050 and 1150 cm–1 and the ratio of the C–H stretching bands at 2850 and 2885 cm–1, were used to quantify membrane in order to detect membrane order perturbations induced by the incorporation of small hydrophobic molecules in the bilayer. The intensity at 1130 cm–1 is thought to be a measure for the number of all-trans sections involving more than three carbon atoms. For phosphatidylcholine vesicles, it was found that the intensity of this band

relative to either the 1660 cm–1 band or the C–N choline stretching at 718 cm–1 could be used to monitor both phase transitions and gradual melting of the lipids. Changes of a stiffening of hydrocarbon chains, e.g. by binding of divalent cations to the phosphate head groups of phosphatidylcholines, is inferred from alterations of the intensity ratio of the 1064 and 1089 cm–1 bands. Interactions of membranes with larger molecules are difficult to probe by Raman spectroscopy unless selectivity can be increased by taking advantage of the RR effect. This has been demonstrated in studies on drug–membrane interactions by tuning the excitation line in resonance with the electronic transition of the drug molecule, e.g. amphotericin.

Dynamics of biomolecules Operating in the time-resolved domain, RR spectroscopy can be employed to probe the dynamics of biological systems. Hence, such studies can provide simultaneously kinetic and structural data. In many cases, time-resolved RR spectroscopy, albeit technically demanding, may represent the method of choice for elucidating the molecular mechanisms of biological reactions. Photoinduced processes

Bacterial retinal proteins such as bacteriorhodopsin and halorhodopsin act as light-driven ion pumps. The ion gradient that is generated across the membrane is then converted into chemical energy (i.e. synthesis of adenosine triphosphate). The ion translocation is linked to a photoinduced reaction cycle of the retinal chromophore. The photophysical and kinetic properties as well as the stability of this class of proteins make them an ideal system for timeresolved RR spectroscopic studies. Moreover, these proteins represent suitable objects for developing and optimizing time-resolved spectroscopic techniques. The main advantage is the reversibility of the photoinduced reaction cycle, i.e. the system comes back to the parent state in a few ms after the primary photochemical event. Thus, time-resolved RR spectra can be accumulated continuously since the ‘fresh sample’ condition is readily established. This condition ensures that the protein is always in the same state when irradiated by the exciting laser beam. There are two approaches for time-resolved RR spectroscopy of these retinal proteins. Using cw-excitation a time-resolution down to 100 ns can be achieved by rapidly moving the sample through the laser focus (rotating cell, capillar flow system). Pulsed laser excitation can provide a time-resolution even in the subpicosecond range depending on the


pulse width of the laser. In both methods, intermediate states are probed in dual-beam experiments with the probe beam irradiating the sample after a delay time Gwith respect to the photolysis beam which initiates the reaction cycle. The systematic variation of G allows the determination of the photocycle kinetics which, along with the structural data derived from the RR spectra, can provide a comprehensive picture of the dynamics of the protein. Figure 3 shows a selection of time-resolved RR of halorhodopsin. The bands displayed in these spectra are diagnostic for the retinal configuration (C=C stretching) and confirm that the photoreaction includes the isomerization from the all-trans to the 13-cis configuration. Redox processes

Cytochrome c oxidase, a membrane-bound enzyme in the respiratory chain of aerobic organisms, reduc-

es oxygen to water. This process which takes place at the binuclear metal centre constituted by a haem a3 and a Cu ion runs via several intermediate states with life times in the micro- and millisecond range. Technical improvements now make it possible to monitor this reaction sequence by time-resolved RR spectroscopy using rapid flow systems. The starting point of the experiments is the thermally stable carbon monoxide complex of the reduced enzyme in oxygen-saturated solution. This complex is photodecomposed by a laser beam so that oxygen can bind to the catalytic centre constituting the time ‘zero’ of the reaction sequence. The various intermediates are probed by a second laser beam irradiating the (photolysed) sample volume after a delay time. The oxygen-sensitive vibrational modes which can readily be identified based on the 18O/16O isotopic shifts give insight into the nature of the various intermediates and, hence, into the molecular mechanism of the oxygen reduction. A particularly interesting technical approach for these studies is based on an artificial cardiovascular device designed to maintain a continuous enzymatic reaction. Thus, it is possible to accumulate the RR signals during a sufficiently long period of time using a minimum amount of sample.

Living cells and biomedical applications

Figure 3 Time-resolved RR spectra of halorhodopsin from Natronobacterium pharaonis obtained in single (probe only, 514 nm) and dual beam experiments with variable delay times δ of the probe laser (514 nm) relative to the pump laser (600 nm).

Recent progress in laser technology and signal detection has substantially increased the sensitivity of Raman spectroscopy. This is a prerequisite for the development of Raman microspectroscopy and Raman imaging which has opened a new field for the application of Raman spectroscopy in biological and medical research. A particularly powerful method has been introduced by Greve and co-workers who combined Raman spectroscopy with confocal microscopy which allows the measurement of spatially resolved Raman spectra with a lateral resolution of less than 0.5 µm. The technique makes use of sensitive CCD detection systems by probing either the intensity of a marker band in two (spatial) dimensions (global imaging) or a complete spectrum in one dimension (linescan imaging). In these experiments, low energy excitation (> 600 nm) has to be employed and the power of the tightly focused laser beam must be reduced as far as possible to avoid photoinduced degradation of the biological objects. In this way, it is possible to study single living cells and to obtain Raman spectra of the cytoplasm and the nucleus separately. The spectral information allows determination of the DNA conformation, the relative content of the individual nucleic acid bases and the


DNA/protein ratio. Furthermore, less abundant biomolecules such as carotenoids or haem enzymes or non-fluorescent drugs (e.g. cobalt octacarboxyphthalocyanine) can be detected by taking advantage of the RR effect. These studies are particularly promising for elucidating metabolic processes in cells. This method has also been applied to medical problems related to disease diagnosis (e.g. artherosclerotic plaque) or optimization of medical treatment (e.g. bone implants). However, medical applications of Raman spectroscopy do not necessarily require the combination with microscopy. Numerous studies have indicated that based on the analysis of Raman spectra by statistical methods it is possible to differentiate between normal and pathological tissues. Despite the substantial technical improvements, the intrinsically low sensitivity of Raman spectroscopy constitutes a limit for general applicability. Fluorescent samples may impose an additional constraint, which, however, can be overcome by near-infrared (1064 nm) Fourier-transform Raman spectroscopy and microscopy. In summary, it appears that for special medical applications Raman spectroscopic techniques may become a powerful diagnostic tool in clinical situations. See also: Biofluids Studied By NMR; Chiroptical Spectroscopy, General Theory; Forensic Science, Applications of IR Spectroscopy; Industrial Applications of lR and Raman Spectroscopy; IR Spectrometers; Medical Science Applications of IR; Membranes Studied By NMR Spectroscopy; Nucleic Acids and Nucleotides Studied Using Mass Spectrometry; Nucleic Acids Studied By NMR; Peptides and Proteins Studied Using Mass Spectrometry; Raman Spectrometers; Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS), Applications.

Further reading Althaus T, Eisfeld W, Lohrmann R and Stockburger M (1995) Application of Raman spectroscopy to retinal proteins. Israel Journal of Chemistry 35: 227–251. Andel F, Lagarias JC and Mathies RA (1996) Resonance Raman analysis of chromophore structure in the lumiR photoproduct of phytochrome. Biochemistry 35: 15997–16008. Andrew CR, Han J, den Blaauwen T et al (1997) Cysteine ligand vibrations are responsible for the complex resonance Raman spectrum of azurin. Journal of Bioinorganic Chemistry 2: 98–107. Callender R, Deng H and Gilmanshin R (1998) Raman difference studies of protein structure and folding, enzymatic catalysis and ligand binding. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 29: 15–21. Carey PR (1998) Raman spectroscopy in enzymology: the first 25 years. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 29:7–14.

Clark RJH and Hester RE (eds) (1986) Spectroscopy of biological systems. Advances in Spectroscopy 13. Clark RJH and Hester RE (eds) (1993) Biomolecular spectroscopy, part A. Advances in Spectroscopy 20. Clark RJH and Hester RE (eds) (1993) Biomolecular spectroscopy, part B. Advances in Spectroscopy 21. Hildebrandt P (1992) Resonance Raman spectroscopy of cytochrome P-450. In: Ruckpaul K and Rein H (eds) Frontiers in Biotransformation, Vol. 7, pp 166–215. Berlin/Weinheim: Akademie-Verlag/VCH. Hildebrandt P (1995) Resonance Raman spectroscopy of cytochrome c. In: Scott RA and Mauk AG (eds) Cytochrome c. A Multidisciplinary Approach, pp 285–314. Mill Valley: University Science. Kneip C, Mozley D, Hildebrandt P, Gärtner W, Braslavsky SE and Schaffner K (1997) Effect of chromophore exchange on the resonance Raman spectra of recombinant phytochromes. FEBS Letters 414: 23–26. Kochendoerfer GG, Wang Z, Oprian DD and Mathies RA (1997) Resonance Raman examination of wavelength regulation mechanism in human visual pigments. Biochemistry 36: 6577–6587. Manoharan R, Wang Y and Feld MS (1996) Histochemical analysis of biological tissues using Raman spectroscopy. Spectrochimica Acta A 52: 215–249. Otto C, de Grauw CJ, Duindam JJ, Sijtsema NM and Greve J (1997) Applications of micro-Raman imaging in biomedical research. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 28: 143–150. Spiro TG (ed) (1987) Biological Application of Raman Spectroscopy, Vol 1: Raman spectra and the conformations of biological macromolecules. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Spiro TG (ed) (1987) Biological Application of Raman Spectroscopy, Vol 2: Resonance Raman spectra of polyenes and aromatics. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Spiro TG (ed) (1988) Biological Application of Raman Spectroscopy, Vol 3: Resonance Raman spectra of haem and metalloproteins. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Tensmeyer LG and Kauffmann EW (1996) Protein structure as revealed by nonresonance Raman spectroscopy. In: Havel HA (ed) Spectroscopic Methods for Determining Protein Structure in Solution, pp 69–95. New York: VCH. Thamann TJ (1996) Probing local protein structure with ultraviolet resonance Raman spectroscopy. In: Havel HA (ed) Spectroscopic Methods for Determining Protein Structure in Solution, pp 96–134. New York: VCH. Twardowski J and Anzenbacher P (1994) Raman and IR Spectroscopy in Biology and Biochemistry. New York: Ellis Horwood. Verma SP and Wallach DFH (1984) Raman spectroscopy of lipids and biomembranes. In: Chapman D (ed) Biomembrane Structure and Function, pp 167–198. Weinheim: Verlag Chemie. Zhao X and Spiro TG (1998) Ultraviolet resonance Raman spectroscopy of hemoglobin with 200 and 212 nm excitation: H-bonds of tyrosines and prolines. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 29: 49–55.


Biofluids Studied By NMR John C Lindon and Jeremy K Nicholson, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, UK


Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction Investigation of biofluid composition provides insight into the status of a living organism in that the composition of a particular fluid carries biochemical information on many of the modes and severity of organ dysfunction. One of the most successful approaches to biofluid analysis has been the application of NMR spectroscopy. The complete assignment of the 1H NMR spectrum of most biofluids is not possible (even by use of 900 MHz NMR spectroscopy) owing to the enormous complexity of the matrix. However, the assignment problems vary considerably between biofluid types. For instance, seminal fluid and blood plasma are highly regulated with respect to metabolite composition and concentrations and the majority of the NMR signals have been assigned at 600 and 750 MHz for normal human individuals. Urine composition is much more variable because its composition is normally adjusted by the body in order to maintain hom*oeostasis and hence complete analysis is much more difficult. There is also enormous variation in the concentration range of NMR-detectable metabolites in urine samples. With every new increase in available spectrometer frequency the number of resonances that can be resolved in a biofluid increases and although this has the effect of solving some assignment problems, it also poses new ones. Furthermore, problems of spectral interpretation arise due to compartmentation and binding of small molecules in the organized macromolecular domains that exist in some biofluids such as blood plasma and bile. All biological fluids have their own characteristic physicochemical properties and a summary of some of these is given in Table 1 for normal biofluids. These partly dictate the types of NMR experiment that may be employed to extract the biochemical information from each fluid type. An illustration of the complexity of biofluid spectra, and hence the need for ultrahigh field measurements, is given in Figure 1 which shows 800 MHz 1H NMR spectra of normal human urine, bile and blood plasma. It is clear that at even the present level of technology in NMR, it is not yet possible to detect many

important biochemical substances, e.g. hormones, in body fluids because of problems with sensitivity, dispersion and dynamic range and this area of research will continue to be technology limited. With this in mind, it would seem prudent to interpret quantitative 1H NMR measurements of intact biological materials and assignment of resonances in 1D spectra with considerable caution even when measured at ultrahigh field.

Resonance assignment in NMR spectra of biofluids Usually in order to assign 1H NMR spectra of biofluids, comparison is made with spectra of authentic materials and by standard addition to the biofluid sample. Additional confirmation of assignments is usually sought from the application of 2-dimensional (2D) NMR methods, particularly COSY and TOCSY and, increasingly, inverse-detected heteronuclear correlation methods such as HMQC and HSQC. In addition, the application of the 2D J-resolved (JRES) pulse sequence is useful for spreading out the coupling patterns from the multitude of small molecules in a biofluid. Even 2D correlation NMR spectra of complex biofluids can show much overlap of crosspeaks and further editing is often desirable. Thus simplification of 1D and 2D NMR spectra of biofluids can also be achieved using (i) spin–echo methods particularly for fluids containing high levels of macromolecules (T2 editing), (ii) editing based on T1 relaxation time differences, (iii) editing based on diffusion coefficient differences, (iv) multiple quantum filtering. One major advantage of using NMR spectroscopy to study complex biomixtures is that measurements can often be made with minimal sample preparation (usually with only the addition of 5–10% D 2O) and a detailed analytical profile can be obtained on the whole biological sample. This in turn requires good methods for suppressing solvent resonances. Detailed 1H NMR spectroscopic data for a wide range of low molecular weight metabolites found in biofluids are given in Table 2.


Table 1

Normal biofluids and their physicochemical properties



Water content a


Protein content b Lipid content b

Peak overlap c


Excretion hom*oeostasis







Excretion Digestion






Blood plasma

Transport hom*oeostasis Mechanical






Whole blood d

Transport Oxygenation






Cerebrospinal fluid

Transport hom*oeostasis Mechanical














Excretion Digestion






Gastric juice







Pancreatic juice







Seminal fluid

Support for spermatozoa






Prostatic fluid

Support for spermatozoa






Seminal vesicle fluid

Support for spermatozoa






Amniotic fluid

Protection of fetus






Follicular fluid







Synovial fluid

Joint protection






Aqueous humour

Eye function






+++, ++, + indicate high, medium, low degree of constraint for NMR studies a Relative water intensity when compared with concentrations of metabolities of interest. b In biofluids with high protein or lipid contents, spin-echo spectra must normally be employed to eliminate broad resonances. c A subjective indication of spectral crowding (at 600 MHz) due to abundance of endogenous metabolites with a wide range of shifts. d Presence of cells and process of cell sedimentation gives rise to magnetic field inhom*ogeneity problems. e Not a limiting factor.

NMR studies of dynamic interactions Although NMR spectroscopy of biofluids is now well established for probing a wide range of biochemical problems, there are still many poorly understood physicochemical phenomena occurring in biofluids, particularly the subtle interactions occurring between small molecules and macromolecules or between organized multiphasic compartments. The understanding of these dynamic processes is of considerable importance if the full diagnostic potential of biofluid NMR spectroscopy is to be realized. Typically, it is now possible to study enzymatic reactions, chemical reactions and biofluid instability, microbiological activity in biofluids, macromolecular binding of small molecules, membrane-based compartmentation, metal complexation and chemical exchange processes.

NMR spectroscopy of blood plasma and whole blood NMR peak assignments

The physicochemical complexity of plasma shows up in its 1H NMR spectra by the range of linewidths of the signals. This means that a number of different multiple pulse NMR experiments and/or physicochemical interventions must be applied to extract useful biochemical information. Numerous high resolution 1H NMR studies have been performed on the biochemistry of blood and its various cellular components and plasma. The physical properties of whole blood pose serious limitations on direct NMR investigations, but packed erythrocytes yield more useful information on cell biochemistry. Well resolved spectra are given by plasma, and 1H NMR


Figure 1 800 MHz 1H NMR spectra of control human biofluids; (A) urine; (B) gall bladder bile and (C) blood plasma. Reproduced with permission of Academic Press from Lindon JC, Nicholson JK and Everett JR (1999) NMR spectroscopy of biofluids. Annual Reports on NMR Spectroscopy 38: in the press.

measurements on blood serum and plasma can provide much useful biochemical information on both low molecular weight metabolites and macromolecular structure and organization. In blood plasma, the 1H NMR peaks of metabolites, proteins, lipids and lipoproteins are heavily overlapped even at 800 MHz (Figure 1). Most blood plasma samples are quite viscous and this gives rise to relatively short T1 relaxation times for small molecules and this allows relatively short pulse repetition cycles without signal saturation. The spectral profile can be simplified by use of spin–echo experiments with an appropriate T2 relaxation delay to allow signals from broad macromolecular components and compounds bound to proteins to be attenuated. By the early 1980s many metabolites had been detected in normal blood plasma although assignments were, in general, based on the observation of only one or two resonances for each metabolite. In addition, peaks from certain macromolecules

such as D1-acid glycoprotein (N-acetyl neuraminic acid and related sialic acid fragments) have been assigned and used diagnostically, in particular their N-acetyl groups which give rise to relatively sharp resonances presumably due to less restricted molecular motion. The signals from some lipid and lipoprotein components, e.g. very low density lipoprotein (VLDL), low density lipoprotein (LDL), high density lipoprotein (HDL) and chylomicrons, have also been partially characterized. For normal plasma at pH 7, the largest peak in the spectral region to high frequency of water is that of the D-anomeric H1 resonance of glucose at G5.223 (which provides a useful internal chemical shift reference). In spectra of normal human and animal plasma, there are few resonances in the chemical shift range to high frequency of G5.3 when measured in the pH range 3 to 8.5. However, on acidification of the plasma to pH < 2.5, resonances from histidine and phenylalanine become detectable. Experiments


with model solutions suggested that serum albumin has a high capacity for binding aromatic amino acids and histidine at neutral pH and this is responsible for their NMR-invisibility in normal human blood plasma. Serum albumin also binds a large number of other species of both endogenous and xenobiotic origin. Even commercial ‘purified’ bovine serum albumin (BSA) can be shown to contain a significant amount of bound citrate and acetate which become NMR-detectable in BSA solutions at pH 2. Acidification of human plasma also renders citrate NMR-detectable in spin–echo spectra as it becomes mobilized from the protein binding sites. Through the increased spectral dispersion available from the use of 600, 750 and 800 MHz 1H NMR measurements and through the use of a variety of 2D methods, the assignment of resonances in blood plasma spectra in normal individuals is now extensive (see Table 2). Blood plasma also has intrinsic enzymatic activities although many of these are not stable (particularly if the sample is not frozen immediately on collection). It has been noted that under certain pathological conditions, such as those following liver or kidney damage, enzymes that are present at elevated levels in the plasma because of leakage from the damaged tissue can cause NMR-detectable alterations to spin–echo spectra of plasma. Molecular diffusion coefficients are parameters that are not related directly to NMR spectral intensities under normal conditions. However, molecular diffusion can cause NMR signal intensity changes when pulsed field gradients are applied during the NMR experiment. A number of pulse sequence developments have meant that measurement of diffusion coefficients is relatively routine. The editing of 1H NMR spectra of biofluids based on diffusion alone or on a combination of spin relaxation and diffusion has been demonstrated recently. This approach is complementary to the editing of 1H NMR spectra based on differences in T1 and T2. New methods for editing TOCSY NMR spectra of biofluids have been proposed based on differences in molecular diffusion coefficients and this has been termed Diffusion Edited TOCSY (DETOCSY). Much study has been devoted to the problem of lipoprotein analysis in blood plasma using 1H NMR spectroscopy. This has been comprehensively reviewed recently by Ala-Korpela. Lipoproteins are complex particles that transport molecules normally insoluble in water. They are spherical with a core region of triglyceride and cholesterol ester lipids surrounded by phospholipids in which are embedded various proteins known as apolipoproteins. In addition, free cholesterol is found in both the core and surface regions. The lipoproteins are in a dynamic

equilibrium with metabolic changes going on in vivo. Lipoproteins are usually classified into five main groups, chylomicrons, very low density lipoprotein (VLDL), low density lipoprotein (LDL), intermediate density lipoprotein (IDL) and high density lipoprotein (HDL) based on physical separation using centrifugation. Based on the measurement of 1H NMR spectra of the individual fractions and using lineshape fitting programs, it has been possible to identify the chemical shifts of the CH2 and CH3 groups of the fatty acyl side chains. Quantification can be carried out using either time-domain or frequencydomain NMR data. The usefulness of 1H NMR spectra for lipoprotein analysis and 31P NMR spectroscopy for phospholipid analysis in blood plasma has been explored. More recently a neural network software approach has been used to provide rapid lipoprotein analyses. NMR spectra of blood plasma in pathological states

A good deal of excitement was generated by a publication which reported that 1H NMR spectroscopy of human blood plasma could be used to discriminate between patients with malignant tumours and other groups, namely normals, patients with non-tumour disease and a group of patients with certain benign tumours. This paper stimulated many other research groups around the world to investigate this approach to cancer detection. The test as originally published involved the measurement of the averaged line width at half height of the two composite signals at G1.2 and G0.8 in the single pulse 1H NMR spectrum of human blood plasma. On comparing the averaged signal width, W, for normal subjects with those for patients with a variety of diseases and with those for pregnant women, it was reported that several statistically significant differences existed between the groups. It was proposed that the lowering of W observed in the malignant group was due to an increase in the T2* of the lipoproteins. A mass of literature now exists on this subject and it was immediately apparent that the perfect 100% sensitivity and specificity reported in the early publications has never been repeated by any group. In addition to the presence of cancer, a number of other factors have been found to cause changes in the linewidth index, W. These include diet, age and sex, pregnancy and trauma as well as hyperlipidaemia. In all cases the observed changes in W are caused by alterations in the plasma lipoprotein composition, especially the VLDL/HDL ratio. The success of heart transplantation has improved recently with the chronic use of cyclosporin A to


Table 2


H NMR assignments and chemical shifts for metabolities found in biofluids





































































































































































































Biofluid a


P 20.9






















N-Acetyl groups(glycoproteins)








U 23.0



Table 2
















N-Acetyl groups(glycoproteins)





Biofluid a C,U

















2.10 b





































U 30.1




























































































































































Table 2


























































































































































70.6 70.6

Biofluid a

C 40.3


C,P,S,U 55.0


C,P,S,U 41.3













































































Table 2

















Fructose (E-furanose)





Fructose (E-furanose)





Fructose (E-pyranose)


















Biofluid a

C,P,S,U 64.2







Fructose (E-pyranose)





Fructose (E-pyranose)
















Fructose (E-furanose)





Fructose (E-furanose)






























































C,P,S,U 55.4



























Fructose (E-furanose)





Fructose (E-pyranose)

















Fructose (E-furanose)























Fructose (E-pyranose)

























A,C,P,S,U 61.6



Table 2

continued Assignment






























































Fructose (E-pyranose)








Biofluid a






Fructose (E-pyranose)


































Fructose (E-furanose)






























































H2 O



all fluids


























































Table 2

continued Assignment













cyclic H





cyclic H









cyclic H













Biofluid a






















Indoxyl sulphate





Indoxyl sulphate









































cyclic H























































cyclic C-H3










cyclic H










cyclic H










cyclic H















b c d e

Main biofluid in which compounds are found or have been observed; A, C, P, S and U refer to observation in amniotic fluid, CSF, Serum, Seminal fluid and urine, respectively. Varies according to the presence of divalent metal ions (especially Ca, Mg and Zn). Highly variable over physiological pH range. Significant shift differences due to the formation of fast exchanging complexes with divalent metal ions in biofluids. Not normally observed in biofluids because of low stability.


suppress rejection, and the better treatment of acute rejection episodes when they do occur. However, the early detection of acute cardiac graft rejection still relies on invasive and iterative right ventricular endomyocardial biopsies. This led to a new application of the measurement of the linewidth index, W, for the assessment of heart graft rejection after transplantation. Patients in moderate and severe rejection showed W values that were significantly different from those of the light rejection patients. However, as occurred in the test for cancer, the wide overlap between the values observed for each group meant that the W value alone could not be used to classify the patients into the four rejection grades. It has also been reported that the areas of two glycoprotein signals in the spin–echo 1H NMR spectra of blood plasma from heart transplant patients correlated with a standard echocardiography parameter used to monitor rejection. Although a good correlation was found in 5 patients and an acceptable correlation in 3, only a poor correlation was seen in 5 further patients. It was thought that infections and inflammatory states unrelated to rejection interfered with the correlation. In human beings, diabetes is a relatively common condition which can have serious, complex and farreaching effects if not treated. It is characterized by polyuria, weight loss in spite of increased appetite, high plasma and urinary levels of glucose, metabolic acidosis, ketosis and coma. The muscles and other tissues become starved of glucose, whilst highly elevated levels of glucose are found in the urine and plasma. Based on NMR spectra, there are marked elevations in the plasma levels of the ketone bodies and glucose, post-insulin withdrawal. In general, the NMR results were in good agreement with conventional assay results. The CH3 and CH2 resonances of the lipoproteins VLDL and chylomicrons also decreased significantly in intensity relative to the CH3 signal of HDL and LDL, indicating the rapid metabolism of the mobile pool of triglycerides in VLDL and chylomicrons. The 1H NMR spectra of the blood plasma from patients with chronic renal failure during dialysis, patients in the early stages of renal failure and normals have also been analysed. For patients on acetate dialysis, the method clearly showed how the acetate was accumulated and metabolized during the course of the dialysis, as well as allowing changes in the relative concentrations of endogenous plasma components to be monitored. A subsequent 1H, 13C and 14N NMR study of the plasma and urine from chronic renal failure patients showed that the plasma levels of trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO) correlated with those of urea and creatinine, suggesting

that the presence of TMAO is closely related to the degree of renal failure. The uraemic syndrome is associated with a complex set of biochemical and pathophysiological changes that remain poorly understood. The first application of 750 MHz NMR for studying the biochemical composition of plasma has been reported from patients on haemodialysis (HD) and peritoneal dialysis (PD). Increased plasma levels of low MW metabolites including methylhistidine, glycerol, choline, TMAO, dimethylamine and formic acid were found. The concentrations of these metabolites, and ratios to others, varied with the type of dialysis therapy. For example, the biochemical composition of plasma from patients on PD was remarkably consistent whereas pre- and post-HD significant fluctuations in the levels of TMAO, glucose, lactate, glycerol, formate and lipoproteins (VLDL, LDL and HDL) were observed. Elevated concentrations of glycoprotein fragments were also observed and may relate to the presence of high levels of N-acetyl glucosaminidase (NAG), and other glycoprotein cleaving enzymes, in the plasma originating from damaged kidney cells. 1H NMR spectroscopy of whole blood and red blood cells

Single pulse 1H NMR measurements on whole blood give very little biochemical information owing to the presence of a broad envelope of resonances from haemoglobin and plasma proteins. Spin–echo spectroscopy of whole blood can give rise to moderately well resolved signals from plasma metabolites and those present inside erythrocytes, notably glutathione, but whole blood spectra are not easily reproducible because of erythrocyte sedimentation which progressively (within a few minutes) degrades the sample field hom*ogeneity during the course of data collection. Furthermore, there are substantial intracellular/extracellular field gradients, which give a major contribution to the T2 relaxation processes for the nuclei of molecules diffusing through those gradients, and very weak spectra are obtained. Spin– echo NMR measurements on packed erythrocyte samples do give rise to well resolved signals from intracellular metabolites and a variety of transport and cellular biochemical functions can be followed by this method. One major parameter that can be obtained from NMR is the intracellular pH, and this has been measured for erythrocytes by 1H NMR spectroscopy using a suitable 1H NMR pH indicator that has an NMR chemical shift which varies with pH in the


range desired. Candidates include the C2-H protons from histidines in haemoglobin, but an exogenous compound can be added as an indicator. The transport of substances between the inside and outside of red cells can be monitored using NMR if the resonances from the two environments have different chemical shifts or intensities. Also, resonances outside the cell can be selectively broadened by the addition of paramagnetic species that do not cross the red cell membrane. Those used include the ferric complex of desferrioxamine, dysprosium-DTPA and the copper-cyclohexanediaminetetraacetic acid complex. To measure the rate of influx of a compound into red cells, the compound is added with the paramagnetic agent to a red cell suspension and the intensity of the resonance from the intracellular component is monitored as a function of time. This approach has been used to study the transport of glycerol, alanine lactate, choline and glycylglycine. The time scale that can be addressed covers the range of ms to hours. Disease processes studied include the use of NMR spectroscopy of erythrocytes to investigate the effect of lithium treatment in manic depressive patients showing an increase in choline. In heavy metal poisoning a considerable proportion of the metal is found in the blood and the binding of heavy metals inside erythrocytes has received much attention. Rabenstein has reviewed much of the work in the area of red blood cell NMR spectroscopy. More recently, diffusion coefficient measurement has been used to study the binding between diphosphoglycerate and haemoglobin inside intact red blood cells.

NMR spectroscopy of human and animal urine Sample preparation and NMR assignments

The composition and physical chemistry of urine is highly variable both between species and within species according to lifestyle. A wide range of organic acids and bases, simple sugars and polysaccharides, heterocycles, polyols, low molecular weight proteins and polypeptides are present together with inorganic species. Many of these moieties also interact, forming complexes some of which are amenable to NMR study, that may undergo chemical exchange reactions on a variety of different time scales. The ionic strength of urine varies considerably and may be high enough to adversely affect the tuning and matching of the RF circuits of a spectrometer probe, particularly at high field strengths. The presence of high concentrations of protein in the urine, e.g. due

to renal glomerular or tubular damage, can result in the broadening of resonances from low MW compounds that may bind to these urinary proteins. Urinary pH values may vary from 5 to 8, according to the physiological condition in the individual, but usually lie between 6.5 and 7.5. Urine samples should, therefore, be frozen as soon as possible after collection if NMR measurements cannot be made immediately. When experiments involve collections from laboratory animals housed in metabolic cages, urine samples should be collected into receptacles that are either cooled with dry ice or have a small amount of sodium azide present as a bacteriocide. However, both these procedures may inhibit or destroy urinary enzymes that may frequently be assayed by conventional biochemical methods for assessment of kidney tubular integrity in toxicological experiments. Urinary pH values are unstable because of the progressive and variable precipitation of calcium phosphates which may be present in the urine close to their solubility limits. One solution to this problem is the addition of 100–200 mM phosphate buffer in the D2O added for the lock signal followed by centrifugation to remove precipitated salts. This has the effect of normalizing the pH to a range of 6.7–7.6 which is stable for many hours during which NMR measurements can be made. Few metabolites (except for histidine and citrate) show major chemical shift variations over this pH range. The vast majority of urinary metabolites have 1H T1 relaxation times of 1 to 4 s. Thus, the general rule of applying a 5 × T1 relaxation delay between successive 90° transients to obtain > 99% relaxation and hence quantitative accuracy cannot be applied routinely. Instead, by using 30–45° pulse angles and leaving a total T1 relaxation delay of 5 s between successive pulses, spectra with good signal-to-noise ratios can usually be obtained for most metabolites in 5–10 minutes at high field with a generally low level of quantitative signal distortion. It has become standard practice to replace simple solvent resonance presaturation with pulse methods, which either induce such saturation or which leave the solvent water resonance unexcited, and one popular method involves using simply the first increment of the 2dimensional NOESY pulse sequence. A vast number of metabolites may appear in urine samples and problems due to signal overlap can occur in single pulse experiments. The magnitude of the signal assignment problem in urine is also apparent at ultrahigh field. There are probably >5000 resolved lines in single pulse 750 or 800 MHz 1H NMR spectra of normal human urine (Figure 1), but there is still extensive peak overlap in certain chemical shift ranges and even at


800 MHz many signals remain to be assigned. The dispersion gain at 800 MHz even over 600 MHz spectra is particularly apparent in 2- (or 3-) dimensional experiments that can be used to aid signal assignment and simplify overlapped spectra. Many of the endogenous compounds that have been detected in NMR spectra of human and animal urines are shown in Table 2. The biochemical composition of urine varies considerably from species to species and also with age as almost all species have age-related changes in renal function. Rats and other rodents have much higher levels of taurine, citrate, succinate, 2-oxoglutarate and allantoin than humans. Rat urine (and that of other rodents) is generally much more concentrated than human urine, and so NMR signal-to-noise ratios may be better for many metabolites. All animals have physiological processes that are modulated by biological rhythms. These include excretory processes and the urinary composition of an animal may vary considerably according to the time it is collected. Given these types of variation it is obviously of paramount importance to have closely matched (and in many cases timed) control samples where toxicological or disease processes are being studied. Dietary composition also affects the urinary metabolite profiles of man and animals, and it is important to distinguish these from disease-related processes in clinical or toxicological studies. For example, persons consuming large quantities of meat/poultry before urine collection may have NMR detectable levels of carnosine and anserine in their urine, consumption of cherries is associated with elevated urinary fructose and consumption of shellfish and fish are associated with high levels of betaine and trimethylamine in the urine. The 500 MHz and 600 MHz 1H NMR spectra of neonate urines are characterized by strong signals from amino acids, organic acids, amines, sugars and polyols. In particular, high concentrations of myo-inositol have been detected in both pre- and full-term urines. This is an important intracellular organic osmolyte in renal cells, present in high concentrations in the renal inner medulla. NMR spectra of urine in disease

Given the serious outcome of many inborn errors of metabolism, if not diagnosed and treated at an early stage, there has been a search for a rapid, sensitive and general method for the detection and diagnosis of inborn errors of metabolism in neonates. Conventional methods including specific enzyme assays and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry are sensitive but time consuming, involve considerable sample preparation and are not general. However, NMR

spectroscopy of biofluids has been shown to be a very powerful and general method for the detection of inborn errors of metabolism and many disorders have been studied by the use of biofluid NMR. A good example is provided by the spectra from individuals with a deficiency in methylacetoacetyl CoA thiolase (MACT). The conversion of 2-methylacetoacetyl CoA into acetyl-CoA and propionyl-CoA is inhibited and an accumulation of abnormal catabolic products is observed in the urine. Both 1D and 2D 1H NMR spectroscopy have been used to investigate the urinary metabolites of patients with this disorder. The urine spectra from the patients clearly showed the presence of both 2-methyl-3-hydroxybutyrate and tiglylglycine, which is characteristic for MACT deficiency due to the build up of metabolites close to the position of enzyme deficiency. A similar success was observed for studies of branched chain ketoaciduria in which the second stage of the catabolism of leucine, valine and isoleucine involves an oxidative decarboxylation. In patients with branched chain ketoaciduria, this step is blocked for all three of these amino acids. The urine of these patients takes on the odour of maple syrup and hence this condition is also known as maple syrup urine disease. 1H NMR spectroscopy was used to study the urines of patients with such branched chain ketoaciduria. The spectra showed several abnormal metabolites including the amino acids leucine, isoleucine and valine and their corresponding transamination products. It was noted that 2-hydroxyisovalerate levels were very high in the urines of all the patients studied and that, as in other inborn errors of metabolism, the levels of urinary glycine were elevated. High field 1H NMR spectroscopy has shown itself to be a very powerful tool with which to diagnose inborn errors of metabolism and to monitor the clinical response of patients to therapeutic interventions. Characteristic patterns of abnormal metabolites are observed in the patient’s urine for each disease. The main advantages of using 1H NMR spectroscopy in this area are its speed, lack of sample preparation and the provision of non-selective detection for all the abnormal metabolites in the biofluid regardless of their structural type, providing only that they are present above the detection limit of the NMR experiment. There are a number of studies of other disease processes using NMR spectroscopy of urine. These include glomerularnephritis, kidney transplant patients over a period of 14 days post-operation to investigate the biochemical effects of rejection, phenol poisoning and metabolic acidoses caused by alcohol ingestion.


Evaluation of toxic effects of xenobiotics using NMR spectroscopy of urine

The successful application of 1H NMR spectroscopy of biofluids to study a variety of metabolic diseases and toxic processes has now been well established and many novel metabolic markers of organ-specific toxicity have been discovered. The method is based on the fact that the biochemical composition of a biofluid is altered when organ damage occurs. This is particularly true for NMR spectra of urine in situations where damage has occurred to the kidney or liver. It has been shown that specific and identifiable changes can be observed which distinguish the organ that is the site of a toxic lesion. Also it is possible to focus in on particular parts of an organ such as the cortex of the kidney and even in favourable cases to very localized parts of the cortex. Finally it is possible to deduce the biochemical mechanism of the xenobiotic toxicity, based on a biochemical interpretation of the changes in the urine. A wide range of toxins has now been investigated including the kidney cortical toxins mercury chloride, p-aminophenol, ifosfamide, the kidney medullary toxins propylene imine and 2-bromoethanamine hydrochloride and the liver toxins hydrazine, allyl alcohol, thioacetamide and carbon tetrachloride. The testicular toxin cadmium chloride has been investigated in detail and the aldose reductase inhibitor HOE-843 has also been studied. Use of combined NMR spectroscopy–pattern recognition (PR) to evaluate biochemical changes in urine

The first studies using PR to classify biofluid samples used a simple scoring system to describe the levels of 18 endogenous metabolites measured by 1H NMR spectroscopy of urine from rats which were either in a control group or had received a specific organ toxin which affected the liver, the testes, the renal cortex or the renal medulla. The data were used to construct non-linear maps and various types of principal components (PC) scores plots in 2 or 3 dimensions. The samples were divided into two subsets, a training set and a test set. This study showed that samples corresponding to different organ toxins mapped into distinctly different regions and that in particular the renal cortical and renal medullary toxins showed good separation (Figure 2). In addition, the NMR-PR approach has been used to investigate the time course of metabolic urinary changes induced by two renal toxins. In this case, toxic lesions were induced in rats by a single acute dose of the renal cortical toxin mercury(II) chloride and the medullary toxin 2-bromoethanamine. The

Figure 2 A plot of PC1 versus PC2 for a set of rat urine samples using simple scored levels of 16 metabolites as the descriptor set. A cluster of renal cortical toxins is seen at the left, whilst the testicular and liver toxins are to the right. At the bottom the two renal papillary toxins (BEA and PI) appear to cluster with liver toxins (ALY and ANIT) but are well separated in the third principal component. Reproduced with permission of Academic Press from Lindon JC, Nicholson JK and Everett JR (1999) NMR spectroscopy of biofluids. Annual Reports on NMR Spectroscopy 38: 1–88.

onset, progression and recovery of the lesions were also followed using histopathology to provide a definitive classification of the toxic state relating to each urine sample. The concentrations of 20 endogenous urinary metabolites were measured at eight time points after dosing. A number of ways of presenting the data were investigated and it was possible to construct PC scores plots which showed metabolic trajectories which were quite distinct for the two toxins. These showed that the points on the plot can be related to the development of, and recovery from, the lesions. These trajectories allowed the time points at which there were maximal metabolic differences to be determined and provided visualization of the treated groups of animals. A toxicological assessment approach based on neural network software has been tested by analysing the toxin-induced changes in endogenous biochemicals in urine as measured using 1H NMR spectroscopy to ascertain whether the methods provide a robust approach which could lead to automatic toxin classification. The neural network approach to sample classification was in general predictive of the sample class and once the network is trained, the prediction of new samples is rapid and automatic. The principal disadvantage, common to most neural network studies, in that it is difficult to ascertain from the network which of the original sample descriptors are responsible for the classification.


Recently, studies have been published using pattern recognition to predict and classify drug toxicity effects including lesions in the liver and kidney and using supervized methods as an approach to an expert system. In this case the NMR spectra were segmented into integrated regions automatically, thereby providing standard intensity descriptors for input to the PR. The usefulness of the NMR-PR approach to the classification of urine samples from patients with inborn errors of metabolism has also been attempted. Urine samples from adult patients with inborn errors of metabolism comprising cystinuria, oxalic aciduria, Fanconi syndrome, porphyria and 5oxoprolinuria were studied. PCA mapping produced a reasonable separation of control urines from the clusters derived from the different types of inborn error. The rapid and unambiguous distinction of the various clinical situations that can occur following a kidney transplant remains a problem. For example, it is necessary to distinguish rejection, which requires increased immunosuppressive therapy such as cyclosporin A (CyA), from tubular necrosis, which can be caused by too high levels of CyA. At present, kidney function is generally characterized using the level of blood plasma creatinine as a monitor. However the balance between rejection and tubular necrosis remains a difficult distinction and the only clear diagnosis is an invasive kidney biopsy. A study of patients after renal transplantation has shown that NMR can reveal new markers of abnormality and in particular that high levels of trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO) in the urine are correlated with rejection episodes. However, the use of TMAO as a single diagnostic marker of rejection is probably not sufficiently discriminatory for clinical use because of interpatient variability. It is likely that TMAO is only one of a number of potential markers of rejection and that a combination of other metabolites present in urine will provide a new differential diagnosis of rejection and CyA toxicity. A combination of high field 1H NMR urinalysis, automatic data reduction and PR methods has been applied to investigate this. NMR-PR was seen to separate the samples into three distinct groups with the greatest separation being between the CyA toxicity group and the rejection group. It was also notable that, in general, the greater the degree of allograft dysfunction (as assessed by conventional means) the further the samples plotted away from the control group. Identification of the compounds that gave rise to the significant descriptors has not been conclusively proven. However, close examination of spectra from samples from the various classes using both 600 MHz and

750 MHz 1H NMR spectroscopy suggested that these were 3-hydroxyisovaleric acid, N-acetylated glycoproteins, TMAO, hippuric acid and a molecule related to N-methylnicotinamide.

NMR spectroscopy of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) Because of the low protein content of normal human CSF, it is possible to use single pulse 1H NMR experiments to obtain biochemical information without recourse to the spin–echo techniques often required for studies on blood and plasma. However, where serious cerebral damage has occurred, or in the presence of an acute infection, spectra may become dominated by broad resonances from proteins. Problems may also arise from protein binding and metal binding of some metabolites, with a consequential broadening of their proton resonances. There are a number of 1H NMR studies of CSF in the literature. Also, it has been shown that high quality 2D 1H NMR spectra can be obtained from human CSF, and that changes in NMR patterns can be roughly related to disease states in the donor. Examination of a number of ex vivo control samples showed high consistency in the aliphatic region of the 1D 1H NMR spectra of CSF and many assignments could be made by inspection. Diseases studied using NMR spectra of CSF include lumbar disk herniations, cerebral tumours, drug overdose, diabetes, hepatic encephalitis, multiple sclerosis, AIDS dementia complex, Parkinson’s disease, Creutzfeld–Jakob disease, Guillain–Barre syndrome and vitamin B12 deficiency. One study has reported 500 and 600 MHz 1H NMR data on the post mortem CSF from Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients and controls. The main differences between the spectra of the two groups were found to be in the region G 2.4–2.9, and principal components analysis showed that separation of the two groups was possible based mainly on lower citrate levels in the AD patients. Non-matching in patient age and the time interval between death and autopsy caused a reduction in the inter-group differences but they were still significant (p < 0.05).

NMR spectroscopy of seminal fluids The 750 MHz 1H NMR spectra of seminal fluid obtained from a healthy individual is complex but many of the signals have been assigned (see Table 2). Fresh undiluted seminal fluid gives rise to NMR spectra with very broad and poorly resolved signals due to the presence of high concentrations of peptides (which are cleaved to amino acids by


endogenous peptidase activity) and the high viscosity of the matrix. The complexity of the biochemical composition of seminal fluids together with their reactivity poses a number of assignment and quantitation problems. Some metabolite signals in seminal fluids also appear to have anomalous chemical shifts when compared to simple standard solutions measured at the same pH or even when compared to other body fluids. The application of 2D NMR methods has been shown be very useful in the case of seminal fluids. An investigation of dynamic molecular processes that occur in seminal fluid has been undertaken using 1H NMR spectroscopy. Reactions that could be followed included hydrolysis of phosphorylcholine and nucleotides and zinc complexation. In view of the importance of artificial insemination in farming, it is somewhat surprising that so few studies of animal seminal fluid have been reported. However there are studies on boar seminal plasma giving details of resonance assignments. The comparison of 1H NMR spectra of seminal fluid from normal controls with those from patients with vasal aplasia (obstruction of the vas deferens leading to blockage of the seminal vesicles) and those with non-obstructive infertility has been reported. The 1H NMR spectra of the seminal fluid from patients with non-obstructive infertility were similar to those of normal subjects. However, the 1H NMR spectra of the seminal fluid from patients with vasal aplasia were grossly different from those of normal subjects and corresponded closely to those of prostatic secretions from normals, owing to the lack of seminal vesicle secretion into the fluid. In the 1H NMR spectra of the vasal aplasia patients, signals from amino acids were either absent or present at very low levels. Similarly, choline is at a low level or absent in the seminal fluid from vasal aplasia patients, as it derives (indirectly) from the seminal vesicle component. Significant differences were observed between the normal and vasal aplasia patient groups for the molar ratios of citratecholine and sperminecholine. Other studies of infertility include a procedure providing automatic diagnosis based on NMR spectroscopy and work on azoospermic subjects and prostate cancer. In addition 31P NMR spectroscopy has also been used to distinguish sem*n from healthy and infertile men.

are present in mixed micelles with phospholipids and cholesterol (Figure 1). They are broad as a result of short spin–spin (T2) relaxation times reflecting constrained molecular motions within micellar particles. On lyophilization and reconstitution with water, the molecular mobility of a number of biliary metabolites changes significantly because of disruption of the micellar compartments. In particular the T2 relaxation times of the aliphatic side chains of lipid moieties are increased in lyophilized bile suggesting greater mobility of these molecules. Increases in signal intensities that occur on lyophilization reflect changes in compartmentation of molecules, which is related to the disruption/reorganization of the biliary micellar compartments. Signals from E-hydroxybutyrate, valine and other branched chain amino acids do not contribute significantly to the 1H NMR spectra of non-lyophilized bile, but resonances from these components are clearly resolved after lyophilization. The sharper signals in bile give rise to well resolved 2D COSY spectra that allow a comprehensive assignment of the bile salt signals. Variable temperature 1H NMR studies of human bile show that considerable dynamic structural information is available, particularly at high fields. The micellar cholesteryl esters that are abundant in bile appear to show liquid crystal behaviour, and it is possible to use NMR measurements to map the phase diagram for the complex biliary matrix. A number of studies have used both 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy of bile to aid characterization of its composition and structure. Thus, 13C spectra of bile from fish exposed to petroleum have been studied. 31P NMR spectra of human bile have also been investigated. 1H NMR spectroscopy of bile has been used to investigate the micellar cholesterol content and lipids, and both 1H and 31P NMR have been used to study the distribution of lecithin and cholesterol. The use of 1H NMR spectroscopy of bile as a means of monitoring liver function has been proposed. The 31P NMR spectra of the bile from patients with primary biliary cirrhosis of the liver and from clinically healthy men have been compared. Also the level of lactate in bile from patients with hepatobiliary diseases including cancer has been investigated using 1H NMR spectroscopy.

NMR spectroscopy of bile

NMR spectroscopy of miscellaneous body fluids

NMR spectroscopy of bile and dynamic interactions of metabolites

The single pulse NMR spectra of bile are dominated by broad resonances that arise from bile acids that

Amniotic and follicular fluids

The first study of human amniotic fluid using 1H NMR spectroscopy detected 18 small molecule


metabolites including glucose, leucine, isoleucine, lactate and creatinine. Following this, other studies used a combination of 1D and 2D COSY spectroscopy to assign resonances, assess NMR methods of quantitation and investigate the effects of freezing and thawing. In addition NMR results have been correlated with other clinical chemical analyses. A total of 70 samples were measured using 1H NMR at 600 MHz at different stages of gestation and with different clinical complications and significant correlations between the NMR spectral changes and maternal pre-eclampsia and foetal open spina bifida were observed. The effects of various pathological conditions in pregnancy have been investigated using 1H NMR spectroscopy of human amniotic fluid. Several studies of amniotic fluid using 31P NMR spectroscopy have also been carried out, principally to analyse the phospholipid content. One study of the metabolic profiling of ovarian follicular fluids from sheep, pigs and cows has been reported. Milk

Surprisingly, very little has been published on the NMR spectroscopy of milk given that it is both a biofluid and a food substance. The studies generally focus on milk as a food and Belton has also reviewed the information content of NMR spectra of milk. Very recently, 19F NMR spectroscopy has been used to detect trifluoroacetic acid in milk. Synovial fluid 1H

NMR has been used to measure the levels of a variety of endogenous components in the synovial fluid (SF) aspirated from the knees of patients with osteoarthritis (OA), rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and traumatic effusions (TE). The spin–echo NMR spectrum of synovial fluid shows signals from a large number of endogenous components. Many potential markers of inflammation could not be monitored because of their low concentrations or because of their slow tumbling (e.g. hyaluronic acid, a linear polysaccharide that imparts a high viscosity to synovial fluid). The low molecular weight endogenous components showed a wide patient-to-patient variability and showed no statistically significant correlation with disease state. However, correlations were reported between the disease states and the synovial fluid levels of the N-acetyl signals from acute phase glycoproteins. Correlations between the disease state and the levels and type of triglyceride in the synovial fluid have also been reported. The 1H NMR spectra of the SF of a female patient with seronegative erosive RA and of another

female patient with sarcoidosis and independent inflammatory OA were followed over the course of several months and standard clinical tests were performed on paired blood serum samples taken at the same time. It was found that the SF levels of triglyceride CH3, CH2 and CH, glycoprotein N-acetyl signals and creatinine all correlated well with one another, and with standard clinical measures of inflammation. The correlation of disease state with creatinine level is of particular interest, and the altered triglyceride composition and concentration in OA was suggested as a potential marker for the disease in SF. Spin-echo 1H NMR spectroscopy has been used to detect the production of formate and a low molecular weight, N-acetyl-containing oligosaccharide, derived from the oxygen radical-mediated depolymerization of hyaluronate, in the SF of patients with RA, during exercise of the inflamed joint. Gamma radiolysis of rheumatoid SF and of aqueous hyaluronate solutions was also shown to produce formate and the oligosaccharide species. It has been proposed that the hyaluronate-derived oligosaccharide and formate could be novel markers of reactive oxygen radical injury during hypoxic reperfusion injury in the inflamed rheumatoid joint. 13C NMR can be used to monitor the synovial fluids from patients with arthritis. In contrast to 1H NMR studies, signals are seen from hyaluronic acid, the main determinant of the viscoelasticity of the synovial fluid, even though the molecular weight is in the region 500 to 1600 kD. 13C NMR spectra of synovial fluids from patients with RA, OA, TE and cadaver controls have been compared with one another and with spectra of authentic hyaluronic acid, both before and after the incubation of the latter with hyaluronidase, an enzyme which depolymerizes the hyaluronic acid. Depolymerization of the hyaluronic acid was accompanied by a decrease in the half-band widths of its 13C resonances. The synovial fluid NMR spectra from the patients with rheumatoid arthritis had sharper signals for the C-1 and C-1 ′ carbons of hyaluronic acid than those from the osteoarthritic patients, which in turn exhibited sharper signals than those from the cadavers or the joint trauma patients. Thus the degree of polymerization of hyaluronic acid was deduced to decrease in the order: controls/joint trauma patients > osteoarthritic patients > rheumatoid arthritis patients. Since it is known that the consequence of hyaluronate depolymerization may be articular cartilage damage, it was concluded that 13C NMR spectroscopy may be a valuable method for studying these clinical relevant biophysical changes in synovial fluid.


Aqueous humour and vitreous humour

The first study by NMR spectroscopy on aqueous humour was on 9 samples taken during surgery for other conditions, and NMR spectra were measured at 400 MHz. A number of metabolites were detected, including acetate, acetoacetate, alanine, ascorbate, citrate, creatine, formate, glucose, glutamine or glutamate, E-hydroxybutyrate, lactate, threonine and valine. Following this, there have been a number of other studies. These include 1H NMR spectra from aqueous humour of rabbits and cod fish, 31P NMR spectra of aqueous and vitreous humour from pigs and 23Na NMR spectra of vitreous humour. Finally, the penetration of dexamethasone phosphate into the aqueous humour has been followed using 1H and 19F NMR spectroscopy. Saliva

Only limited studies using NMR spectroscopy of saliva have been reported. 1H NMR spectroscopy of human saliva was used in a forensic study and following this another group reported that only parotid gland saliva gave a well resolved 1H NMR spectrum showing significant circadian effects. No age- or sexrelated differences were observed for saliva from healthy subjects but marked differences were observed in cases of sialodentitis. Finally, the biochemical effects of an oral mouthwash preparation have been studied using 1H NMR spectroscopy. Digestive fluids

The analysis of pancreatic juice and small bowel secretions using 1H NMR spectroscopy has been reported. Pathological cyst fluid

A 1H NMR study of the fluid from the cysts of 6 patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) has been reported. ADPKD in adults is characterized by the slow progressive growth of cysts in the kidney, and when these cysts reach a large size they can significantly distort the kidney and disrupt both the blood supply and renal function. ADPKD is one of the commonest causes for renal transplantation in adults. The 1H NMR spectra revealed a number of unusual features and showed the cyst fluids to be distinct from both blood plasma and urine. Unusually, the fluids from all patients contained high levels of ethanol, which was not related to consumption of alcoholic beverages or drug preparations. In general there was little variation in the composition of the cyst fluids as revealed by 1H NMR, although the protein signal intensity

did vary somewhat. It was hypothesized that this constancy of composition reflected the chronic nature of the accumulation of the cyst fluid and a long turnover time of the cyst components, which thus has the effect of averaging the compositions. The unique biochemical composition of the cyst fluids was ascribed to abnormal transport processes occurring across the cyst epithelial wall.

Drug metabolites in biofluids Several studies have used NMR spectroscopy to determine the number and identity of drug metabolites in bile. These include the use of 19F NMR spectroscopy to study doxifluridine catabolites in human bile, 19F and 13C NMR spectroscopy of perfluorinated fatty acids in rat bile and 13C NMR for monitoring the formation of formaldehyde from demethylation of antipyrine. 1H NMR spectroscopy of rat bile has been used to monitor the excretion of paracetamol metabolites. A combination of 1H and 1H–13C 2D NMR methods has allowed identification of 4cyano-N,N-dimethylaniline, cefoperazone and benzyl chloride in rat bile. NMR spectroscopy of urine combined with labelling with stable isotopes such as 13C and 2H has been used to monitor the silent process of deaceteylation and subsequent reacetylation (futile deacteylation) in the rat as this has implications for the toxicity of paracetamol and phenacetin. The metabolites of 5fluorouracil in plasma and urine have been analysed using 19F NMR spectroscopy in patients receiving chemotherapy. 2H NMR has been employed to study the pharmaco*kinetics of benzoic acid in relation to liver function. The metabolism of hydrazine in rats has been probed using 15N NMR spectroscopy of urine. Often it is advantageous to carry out a partial extraction of metabolites using a solid phase separation cartridge. In this case, the urine containing the drug metabolites is loaded on to a C18 cartridge that is then washed with acidified water to remove very polar endogenous components. The metabolites of interest can be then be selectively washed off using methanol or water/methanol mixtures. The direct coupling of HPLC with NMR spectroscopy has required a number of technological developments to make it a feasible routine technique and now on-line NMR detection of HPLC fractions is a useful adjunct to the armoury of analytical methods. To date, HPLC-NMR spectroscopy has been applied to the profiling and identification of the metabolites of a number of drugs and xenobiotics present in biofluids such as plasma and urine and in bile samples from rats and humans. In general the


simple stop-flow approach has predominated in these studies. The HPLC-NMR method is most useful for compounds, and their metabolites, with suitable NMR reporter groups. This includes the use of 19F NMR spectroscopy for molecules containing fluorine and diagnostic 1H NMR resonances in regions of the NMR spectrum where solvent signals do not cause interference. For example, the pattern of NMR resonances from glucuronide conjugates is particularly diagnostic. HPLC-NMR of biofluids has been employed to identify the unusual endogenous metabolites found in rat urine after administration of compounds that induce liver enzymes leading to elevated urinary levels of a number of carbohydrates and related molecules. A wide range of 1H and 19F HPLC-NMR studies has been carried out on human and animal biofluids, predominantly urine and bile, to characterize the metabolites of exploratory drugs and marketed pharmaceuticals. In some cases, the biofluid has been subjected to solid phase extraction to remove many of the very polar materials, which facilitates the HPLC separation by avoiding overloading the column. These studies include the identification and structuring of metabolites of antipyrine, ibuprofen, flurbiprofen, paracetamol, the anti-HIV compound GW524W91, iloperidone and tolfenamic acid. Other studies using HPLC-NMR on bile include the identification of a metabolite of 7-(4-chlorobenzyl)7,8,13,13a-tetrahydroberberine chloride in rat bile and metabolites of a drug LY335979, under development to prevent multidrug resistance to cancer chemotherapy. In addition, 31P HPLC-NMR has been used to study metabolites of ifosfamide, and 2H HPLC-NMR has been employed to detect metabolites of dimethylformamide-d7. The further coupling of HPLC-NMR with mass spectroscopy has also been used to analyse drug metabolites in urine for the human excretion of paracetamol metabolites. This approach has also been used to identify metabolites of substituted anilines in rat urine. Capillary electrophoresis (CE), and related techniques, is a relatively new technique which uses a length of fused silica capillary with an optical window to enable detection, a detector (UV, fluorescence or mass spectrometry), a high voltage source, two electrode assemblies and buffer solutions in suitable reservoirs. The technique has been shown to provide very high separation efficiencies, with hundreds of thousands of theoretical plates achievable.

However, the small injection volume available to CE (a few nl) means that high sensitivity can only be achieved if concentrations of the analyte in the sample are high. Nevertheless, some results have been reported using CE-NMR and the method has been applied to the identification of paracetamol metabolites in human urine. Finally the application of capillary electrochromatography (CEC) directly coupled to NMR has been explored using the same paracetamol metabolite samples. See also: Cells Studied By NMR; Chromatography– NMR, Applications; Diffusion Studied Using NMR Spectroscopy; Drug Metabolism Studied Using NMR Spectroscopy; In vivo NMR, Applications, Other Nuclei; In vivo NMR, Applications, 31P; In vivo NMR, Methods; Perfused Organs Studied Using NMR Spectroscopy; Proteins Studied Using NMR Spectroscopy; Solvent Suppression Methods in NMR Spectroscopy; Structural Chemistry Using NMR Spectroscopy, Pharmaceuticals.

Further reading Ala-Korpela M (1997) 1H NMR spectroscopy of human blood plasma. Progress in NMR Spectroscopy 27: 475–554. Gartland KPR, Beddell CR, Lindon JC and Nicholson JK (1991) The application of pattern recognition methods to the analysis and classification of toxicological data derived from proton NMR spectroscopy of urine. Molecular Pharmacology 39: 629–642. Lindon JC, Nicholson JK and Everett JR (1999) NMR spectroscopy of biofluids. In Webb GA (ed) Annual Reports on NMR Spectroscopy. Vol 38, in press. London, Academic Press. Lindon JC, Nicholson JK, Sidelman UG and Wilson ID (1997) Directly-coupled HPLC–NMR and its application to drug metabolism. Drug Metabolism Reviews 29: 705–746. Lindon JC, Nicholson JK and Wilson ID (1996) Direct coupling of chromatographic separations to NMR spectroscopy. Progress in NMR Spectroscopy 29: 1–49. Nicholson JK and Wilson ID (1989) High resolution proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of biofluids. Progress in NMR Spectroscopy 21: 449–501. Nicholson JK, Foxall PJD, Spraul M, Farrant RD and Lindon JC (1995) 750 MHz 1H and 1H–13C NMR spectroscopy of human blood plasma. Analytical Chemistry 67: 793–811. Rabenstein DL (1984) 1H NMR methods for the non-invasive study of metabolism and other processes involving small molecules in intact erythrocytes. Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods 9: 277–306.


Biomacromolecular Applications of Circular Dichroism and ORD Norma J Greenfield, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Piscataway, NJ, USA Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Most biological macromolecules, including proteins, nucleic acids and carbohydrates, are built of repeating units that are assembled into highly asymmetric structures. The specific conformations of the macromolecules cause the optical transitions of the chromophores in their repeating units (e.g. peptides, nucleotides, glycosides) to align with each other so that their electronic and magnetic transitions interact. The interactions may result in hypo or hyperchromism and in splitting of the transitions into multiple transitions. In addition the aligned transitions may exhibit a high degree of circular dichroism (CD) and optical rotatory dispersion (ORD). Because the ORD and CD spectra of macromolecules depend on their conformation, they are excellent probes for following changes in structure as a function of temperature, denaturants or ligand binding. In addition, non-optically active chromophores sometimes bind to macromolecules in highly asymmetric fashions, and generate large extrinsic CD and ORD bands in the region of absorption. These extrinsic bands can be used to follow interactions of the macromolecules with the chromophores, or to probe structural transitions of the macromolecules. The following article discusses how ORD and CD are used to study the conformation, folding and interactions of proteins, nucleic acids and carbohydrates. Specific examples are given to illustrate each application.

ELECTRONIC SPECTROSCOPY Applications asymmetric environments, leading to characteristic CD spectra in the near-UV, which may serve as useful probes of the tertiary structure of proteins. Analysis of the secondary structure of proteins

Many methods have been developed to extract the conformation of proteins in solution from CD and ORD data. In early studies, the ORD spectra of proteins were analysed to yield structural data, but when commercial CD spectrometers became available in the late 1960s, CD became the method of choice because CD spectra have better resolution

Proteins and polypeptides Proteins and polypeptides have two major classes of chromophores, the amide groups of the peptide backbone, which absorb light in the far UV (below 250 nm) and the aromatic amino acid side chains and disulfide bonds, which absorb light in both the near (320–250 nm) and far-UV. Far-UV ORD and CD are useful for studying protein structure and folding because many conformations that are common in proteins, including D-helixes, E-pleated sheets, poly-L-proline II-like helices and turns, have characteristic spectra. Figure 1 illustrates representative CD spectra of model polypeptides with different secondary structures. In addition, the chromophores of the aromatic amino acids of proteins are often in

Figure 1 The circular dichroism of polypeptides with different conformations. (—) D-helix, poly-L-lysine in water, pH 11.1, 22°C; (---) E-sheet, poly(Lys-Leu-Lys-Leu) in 0.5 M NaF at pH 7; (·····) E-turn (Type III), N-acetyl-Pro-Gly-Leu-OH in trifluoroethanol at –60°C; ( ) random coil, Glu-Lys-Lys-Leu-Glu-Glu-Ala in 20 mM sodium phosphate, pH 2, 0°C; ( ) PE, poly-L-proline in trifluoroethanol. Reprinted from data in Greenfield NJ and Fasman GD (1969) Biochemistry 8: 4108–4116, Brahms S and Brahms J (1980) J. Mol. Biol. 138: 149–178, by permission of Academic Press, Venyaminov SY, Baikalov IA, Shen ZM, Wu C-SC and Yang JT (1993) Anal. Biochem. 214: 17–24, and Bovey FA and Hood FP (1967) Biopolymers 5: 325–326 by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


than ORD spectra. Basically, all of the analysis methods assume that the spectrum of a protein can be represented by a linear combination of the spectra of the secondary structural elements and a noise term. In constrained fits the sum of all the fractional weights of each structure must be equal to one. In the first attempts to elucidate protein conformation from CD spectra, the spectra of proteins were fitted by a combination of the spectra of polypeptides with known conformations using the method of least squares (multilinear regression). Once the conformation of many proteins had been determined from X-ray crystallographic analysis, the CD spectra of several well-characterized proteins were deconvoluted into reference (basis) spectra for the D-helix, antiparallel and parallel E-pleated sheets, E-turn and random conformations using multilinear-regression analysis. These extracted curves were then used in place of the polypeptide standard curves. Later, singular-value decomposition (SVD) and convex-constraint analysis (CCA) were used to extract the basis curves. The basis curves obtained from deconvoluting a set of protein CD spectra may vary greatly depending on the choice of reference proteins. This occurs because some proteins have unusual CD spectra in the far UV, due to aromatic amino acids, disulfide bridges, or rare conformations. To overcome these difficulties, some methods use selection procedures so that only proteins with spectral characteristics that are similar to those of the protein to be evaluated are used as standards. Methods that use selected reference data include ridge-regression, variable-selection and neural-network procedures. The following computer programs for analysing CD data to yield the secondary structures of proteins and polypeptides are widely available: MLR is a non-constrained and G&F, LINCOMB and ESTIMATE are constrained least-squares-analysis programs; CONTIN uses the ridge-regression technique; VARSLC and SELCON use singular-value decomposition combined with variable selection to compare the structure of unknown proteins with standard; CCA uses the convex-constraint algorithm to deconvolute sets of CD spectra into a minimum number of basis curves and K2D is a neural-network recall program. Table 1 compares the agreement between the secondary structures of 16 proteins and poly-L-glutamate, determined by analysis of the CD spectra using these computer programs, with the structures determined by X-ray crystallography. Determination of the thermodynamics of protein folding

The change in the CD spectra as a function of temperature can be used to determine the thermodynamics

of unfolding or folding of a protein because the observed change in ellipticity, Tobs, is directly proportional to the change in concentration of native and denatured forms. When the protein is fully folded Tobs = TF and when it is fully unfolded Tobs = TU. For a monomeric protein, the equilibrium constant of folding, K = folded/unfolded. If we define D as the fraction folded at a given temperature, T, then

where 'G is the free energy of folding, R is the gas constant and n is the number of molecules.

where 'H is the Van’t Hoff enthalpy of folding, 'S is the entropy of folding, TM is the observed midpoint of the thermal transition and 'Cp is the change in heat capacity for the transition. At TM, K = 1; therefore 'G = 0 and 'S = 'H/TM. Rearranging these equations, we obtain:

To calculate the values of 'H and TM that best describe the folding curve, initial values of 'H, 'Cp, TM, TF and TU are estimated, and Equation [6] is fitted to the experimentally observed values of the change in ellipticity as a function of temperature, by a nonlinear least-squares curve-fitting routine such as the Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm. Similar equations can be used to estimate the thermodynamics of folding of proteins and peptides that undergo folded multimer to unfolded monomer transitions. Figure 2 illustrates how changes in ellipticity as a function of temperature and concentration have been used to determine the enthalpy of folding of a peptide derived from the coiled-coil domain of the yeast GCN4 transcription factor, which undergoes


using Equation [2] and is plotted as a function of denaturant. The curve is extrapolated to zero denaturant to obtain the free energy of folding of the native material. Figure 3 depicts the determination of the free energy of folding of a coiled-coil DNA binding protein from a urea-denaturation study. The peptide forms a two-stranded coiled-coil D-helix when folded and is a single-stranded unordered peptide when dissociated. The association constant and free energy of folding, determined from the denaturation data (Figures 3B and 3C), agree with those determined from the change in ellipticity as a function of peptide concentration (Figure 3A).

Figure 2 The change in fraction folded of a coiled-coil leucine zipper peptide, GCN4-P1, as a function of temperature and peptide concentration. The concentrations range from 1 µM with the lowest TM to 20 µM with the highest TM. The enthalpy of unfolding was 35.0 ± 1.1 kcal mol–1 (monomer) which compared to that of 34.7 ± 0.3 kcal mol–1 measured by calorimetry. Abstracted with permission from data in Thompson KS, Vinson CR and Freire E (1993) Biochemistry 32: 5491–5496. Copyright 1993 American Chemical Society.

a two-state transition between a folded two-stranded D-helical coiled coil and a monomeric disordered state. The values for the enthalpy of the folding transition, determined from the changes in ellipticity as a function of temperature, agree with the values obtained from scanning calorimetry. In some cases thermal folding and unfolding studies are impractical. The protein may have a very high TM, or may aggregate and precipitate upon heating. In these cases, denaturants, such as urea or guanidine-HCl, may be added to a protein or peptide to induce unfolding. K, the equilibrium constant of folding, is determined from the ellipticity observed at each concentration of denaturant. It is assumed that the protein is native in the absence of denaturant, and fully unfolded when there is no further change in ellipticity upon addition of higher concentrations of perturbant. At each concentration of denaturant,

D, TF and TU have the same definitions as in thermal unfolding above and n is the number of identical subunits. [C] is the total concentration of protein monomers. The free energy of folding is evaluated at every concentration of denaturant

Analysis of conformational transitions

Some native proteins undergo conformational transitions that do not result in formation of a denatured state. Such transitions may involve changes from an D-helical to a E-pleated sheet conformation (or vice versa). Conformational changes of proteins are sometimes followed by oligomerization and/or aggregation and precipitation reactions that may have important clinical consequences. For example, transitions from a random or D-helical form to a Esheet may be involved in the pathology of diseases such as scrapie, ‘mad cow disease’ and Alzheimer’s disease. Figure 4 illustrates how CD has been used to follow the thermal stability and conformational transitions of the scrapie amyloid (prion) protein, PrP27-30. The CD spectra of the solvent-exposed (Figure 4A) and rehydrated solid state PrP27-30, obtained under various conditions, were deconvoluted using the CCA algorithm and five common spectral components were identified (Figure 4B). Infectivity quantitatively correlated with an increasing proportion of a native, E-sheet-like secondarystructure component (Figure 4C), a decreasing amount of an D-helical component, and an increasingly ordered tertiary structure. Detection of folding intermediates

Often when a protein or peptide folds or unfolds, the process is not a two-state transition between the native and totally disordered forms; intermediate states exist. These states may be transient, and may be observed during kinetic measurements of folding or unfolding. Alternatively, they may be stable intermediates, seen when the peptide is subject to denaturing conditions, such as high temperatures, or exposure to urea, guanidine or detergents. These states may be partially folded, with well-defined tertiary structures, or may be so called ‘molten


Table 1

Comparisons of methods of analysing protein conformation from circular dichroism dataa

Computer program





Wavelength range, nm







Linear regression – unconstrained fit MLR (1)

4 peptides (1)








MLR (1)

4 peptides (1)








Linear regression – constrained fit G&F (2)

Poly-L-lysine (2)









4 peptides (1)









4 peptides (1)









17 proteins (4)









17 proteins (4)








Singular-value decomposition SVD (4)

17 proteins (4)








SVD (4)

17 proteinsb (4)








Convex-constraint algorithm CCA (5)

17 proteins (4)








CCA (5)

17 proteins (4)









17 proteins (4)









17 proteins (4)








17 proteins (4)








Ridge regression

Variable selection VARSLC (7)

Variable selection – self consistent method SELCON (8)

17 proteins (4)









17 proteins (4)









17 proteins (4)









33 proteins (9)









33 proteins (9)








Neural-network analysis K2D (10)



18 proteins (10)




















The secondary structures of 16 proteins plus poly-L-glutamate were analysed using each computer program as described by Sreerama and Woody (8). P is the correlation coefficient between the CD-estimated and X-ray conformations and V is the meansquare error between the CD-estimated and X-ray conformations. The secondary structures were assigned by the method of Kabsch and Sander (11). When protein databases were used as standards, each protein analysed was excluded from the data set used as the references. When the V value is higher than the standard deviation (STD) of the mean value of each conformation found in the 17 samples which were analysed, the program does a relatively poor job of analysing that conformation. PGA was excluded from the calculation of P and V because the fit was obviously impossible. (1) Brahms S and Brahms J (1980) Determination of protein secondary structure in solution by vacuum ultraviolet circular dichroism. Journal of Molecular Biology 138: 149–178. Continued


Table 1


(2) Greenfield N and Fasman GD (1969) Computed circular dichroism spectra for the evaluation of protein conformation. Biochemistry 8: 4108–4116. (3) Perczel A, Park K and Fasman GD (1992) Analysis of the circular dichroism spectrum of proteins using the convex constraint algorithm: a practical guide. Analytical Biochemistry 203: 83–93. (4) Hennessey JP and Johnson WC Jr (1981) Information content in the circular dichroism of proteins. Biochemistry 20: 1085–1094. (5) Perczel A, Hollósi M, Tusnady G and Fasman GD (1991) Convex constraint analysis: a natural deconvolution of circular dichroism curves of proteins. Protein Engineering 4: 669–679. (6) Provencher SW and Glöckner J (1981) Estimation of globular protein secondary structure from circular dichroism. Biochemistry 20: 33–37. (7) Manavalan P and Johnson WC Jr (1987) Variable selection method improves the prediction of protein secondary structure from circular dichroism spectra. Analytical Biochemistry 167: 76–85. (8) Sreerama N and Woody RW (1994) Poly(pro)II helices in globular proteins: identification and circular dichroic analysis. Biochemistry 33: 10022–10025. (9) Toumadje A, Alcorn SW and Johnson WC Jr (1992) Extending CD spectra of proteins to 168 nm improves the analysis for secondary structures. Analytical Biochemistry 200: 321–331. (10) Andrade MA, Chacón P, Merelo JJ and Morán F (1993) Evaluation of secondary structure of proteins from UV circular dichroism spectra using an unsupervised learning neural network. Protein Engineering 6: 383–390. (11) Kabsch W and Sander C (1983) Dictionary of protein secondary structure: pattern recognition of hydrogen-bonded and geometrical features. Biopolymers 22: 2577–2637.

Figure 3 The effects of concentration and urea on the folding of the helix-loop-helix DNA binding domains of the muscle-regulatory DNA transcription factors, MyoD. (A) The change in ellipticity at 222 nm of Myo D as a function of concentration. The data were used to calculate the constant of dimerization K dimer = 9.4 µM. (B) The change in fraction folded of MyoD as a function of urea concentration. (C) 'G of folding calculated from the data in (B). The extrapolated free energy of folding calculated from the value at 0 urea was similar to those calculated from the dimerization constant. Redrawn with permission from data in Wendt H, Thomas RM and Ellenberger T (1998) J. Biol. Chem. 273: 5735–5743. Copyright 1998. The American Society for Biochemistry & Molecular Biology.


Figure 4 (A) Solvent-induced conformational transition of PrP27-30 scrapie amyloid (prion) protein in the solid state on quartz glass. Films were exposed for 20 to 30 min to: SDS, sodium dodecyl sulfate, TFE, trifluorethanol; HFIP, hexafluorisopropanol; TFA, trifluoroacetic acid; FA, 99% formic acid. “f” is the spectrum with no treatment at 23°C. (B) Data on PrP27-30 obtained under various conditions, deconvoluted into five basis curves using the convex-constraint algorithm. (—) E-turn type I or III and/or 310-type helix; (·····) alpha helix; (----) E-sheet; (– – –) E-turn type II; ( ) additional chiral contribution. (C) Correlation of the solvent-induced changes in the Esheet component with infectivity. The data for dehydrated films are open circles and rehydrated films are closed circles. The data obtained with TFA and FA, where the proteins were highly helical and the infectivity was very low, are excluded from the fits. (o) dehydrated films (▲) rehydrated films. Redrawn with permission from data in Safar J, Roller PP, Gajdusek DC and Gibbs CJ Jr (1993) Protein Sci. 2: 2206–2216. Copyright 1993 The Protein Society.

globules’. ‘Molten globule’ is a term describing a compact state with native-like secondary structure but slowly fluctuating tertiary structure. For example, methanol induces the formation of a moltenglobule state in the globular protein, cytochrome C. Figure 5 illustrates the effect of increasing quantities of methanol on the CD spectra of cytochrome C in the near and far UV. A loss of ellipticity occurs in the near UV, that is present in the native state arising from the tertiary interactions of the aromatic chromophores (Figure 5A). The far-UV spectra (Figure 5B), however, show that the helical content of cytochrome C actually increases upon the addition of methanol, as shown by the increasing ellipticity at 222 and 208 nm.

Determination of the kinetics of protein folding

Besides the study of protein folding under equilibrium conditions, CD can be used to measure rapid events in protein folding and unfolding by attaching a rapid mixing device to a CD spectropolarimeter. Stopped-flow CD can be used both to obtain the kinetic constants of folding reactions and to define the conformation of folding intermediates. Data can be collected in the far and near UV. The far-UV data give information about the secondary structure of the protein, while the near-UV data are windows that monitor the formation of tertiary structure. Stopped-flow CD studies of highly helical twostranded coiled coils and four-helix bundle proteins


Figure 5 (A) Near-UV CD and (B) Far-UV CD spectra of cytochrome c (pH 4.0 in 0.5 M NaCl, 24°C) at methanol concentrations shown near the curves. The negative bands in the near-UV spectrum are attributed to the side chain of the single Trp59. They decrease and almost vanish at methanol concentration ! 40%. Abstracted with permission from data in Bychkova VE, Dujsekina AE, Klenin SI, Elisaveta IT, Uversky VN and Ptit*yn OB (1996) Biochemistry 35: 6058–6063. Copyright 1996 American Chemical Society.

have shown them to fold in essentially two-state transitions. The kinetics of folding of globular proteins, however, can be very complex. For example, the kinetics of the unfolding and refolding of bovine beta-lactoglobulin, a predominantly E-sheet protein in the native state, are illustrated in Figure 6. The kinetics of unfolding (Figure 6A, B) show a singlephase transition between the folded and denatured form, with the loss of secondary structure (Figure 6A) and tertiary structure (Figure 6B) being simultaneous. The refolding reaction, in contrast, is a complex process composed of different kinetic phases

(Figure 6C). In particular, a burst-phase intermediate is formed during the dead time of stopped-flow measurements that shows more intense ellipticity signals in the far UV than does the native state. This moreintense CD is due to the transient formation of a nonnative alpha-helical structure (Figure 6D). The CD spectrum suggests the folding intermediate exists in a molten globule state, since there are no near-UV CD bands indicative of tertiary structure. Similarly, intermediate states have been shown to exist in the refolding of diverse proteins including cytochrome C, ribonuclease HI from E. coli, dihydrofolate


Figure 6 (A) Unfolding curve of E-lactoglobulin ( E-LGA) measured by the CD changes at 293 nm at pH 3.2 at 4.5°C. The change was initiated by jumping the guanidine HCl (GdnHCl) concentration from 0 to 4.0 M. The vertical arrows show the change in ellipticity in deg.cm2.dmol–1 (B) Same, measured at 220 nm. (C) Kinetic refolding curve of E-LGA measured by the CD change at 221 nm. Refolding was initiating by dropping the concentration of GdnHCl from 4 to 0.4 M. (D) CD spectrum of E-LGA in the far UV at pH 3.2 and 4.5°C. (—) native state; (---) unfolded state in 4 M GdnHCl; ( ) disulfide-cleaved and carboxymethylated material in 4 M GdnHCl; (o) ellipticity of E-LGA at 0 time after refolding; (•) ellipticity of E-LGA at 255 min after refolding. Reprinted from data in Kuwajima K, Yamaya H and Sugai S (1996) J. Mol. Biol. 264: 806–822, by permission of Academic Press.

reductase, alcohol dehydrogenase, carbonic anhydrase, retinoic acid-binding protein and staphylococcal nuclease. Analysis of protein–ligand interactions

Circular dichroism can be used to follow the binding of ligands to proteins, peptides, nucleic acids and carbohydrates provided one of two criteria is fulfilled. Either the ligand must bind in an asymmetric fashion that induces extrinsic optical activity in the chromophores of the bound ligand, or the binding must result in a conformational change in the macromolecule that results in a change in its intrinsic CD spectrum. In the case of equivalent binding sites, the change in ellipticity due to complex formation is directly proportional to how much ligand is bound. Thus, the change in ellipticity as a function of substrate concentration can be used to estimate the binding constants.

Extrinsic ellipticity bands (called Cotton effects), developed when chromophores bind to proteins, have been used to study protein–ligand interactions in many diverse systems. Figure 7A illustrates the induction of extrinsic CD bands when retinol binds to interphotoreceptor retinol-binding protein, and Figure 7B shows the change in the ellipticity at the wavelength of maximal ellipticity as a function of ligand concentration. Extrinsic Cotton effects have been used to study the binding of many other cofactors to proteins, including the binding of nucleotides to lactic dehydrogenase, folates and antimetabolites to dihydrofolate reductase, ATP to GroEL and pyridoxal phosphate to tryptophan synthase. They have also been used to study the interactions of substrates with enzymes including tryptophan synthase and N-acetylglucosamyl transferase, to study the interactions of drugs with bovine serum albumin, and to examine the interactions of DNA binding proteins with DNA.


dimerization domains, and a relatively unstructured basic region which binds to the DNA. Upon DNA binding the basic region assumes a helical conformation.

Nucleic acids Nucleic acids are polymers of nucleotides that consist of purine or pyrimidine bases attached to a phosphorylated sugar. Monomeric sugars are asymmetric and they induce a small amount of ellipticity in the attached planar-symmetric base. Polymerized nucleic acids, however, are rigid and highly asymmetric. In the polymerized nucleic acids, the bases stack with one another in precise orientations depending on the conformational state. Base stacking leads to characteristic splittings of the transitions of chromophores of the bases into multiple transitions, and the rigidity leads to CD bands with high rotational strength. CD spectra of polynucleotides are sensitive both to their sequence and conformation, and can provide a good deal of structural information. Analysis of the secondary structure of polynucleotides

Figure 7 (A) Near-UV mean-residue circular-dichroism ellipticity, [T], in deg.cm2.dmol–1, of interphotoreceptor retinol-binding protein (IRBP), 0.4–0.8 mg ml–1, with and without bound retinol. (B) Circular-dichroism titration curve of apo-IRBP, 0.4 mg ml–1, with retinol. The height of the extrinsic Cotton effect at 330 nm is calculated in ellipticity per mole of IRBP. Redrawn with permission from data in Adler AJ, Evans CD and Stafford WF (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260: 4850–4855. Copyright 1985 The American Society for Biochemistry & Molecular Biology.

The binding of ligands to proteins often results in conformational transitions. The resultant change in the intrinsic ellipticity of the backbone amides caused by the conformational change can be used to obtain the ligand-binding constants. For example, divalent cations are effectors in many biological systems, and their binding often induces large conformational changes in the target protein. Calcium-ion binding to calmodulin and troponin C induces an increase in the ellipticity of the proteins due to stabilization of D-helical regions. Many other broad classes of protein-ligand interactions result in conformational changes. For example, DNA binding to many different DNA transcription factors results in increases in the helical content of the factors. These DNA binding proteins often contain D-helicalcoiled-coil or helix-loop-helix motifs, which serve as

hom*opolynucleotides Even very simple polynucleotides show multiple conformational states and complex CD and ORD spectra. Compounds as small as hom*odimers of ribo and deoxyribonucleotides show evidence of base stacking in solution from measurements of optical activity. For example, Figure 8A illustrates the circular dichroism properties of several riboadenylate compounds. AMP shows a single absorption band and a single negative CD band at 260 nm. Diadenylic acid has a single UV band at 260 nm, but a split CD spectrum with a positive band at 270 nm and a negative band at 250 nm. Theoretical calculations of the CD spectrum agree with a model where the bases are stacked in a parallel fashion in the dinucleotide. The stacking leads to hypochromicity in the absorption spectrum, and splitting of the transitions into two transitions, one perpendicular and one parallel to the helix axis with equal strength and opposite rotatory strength. Poly(rA) has a spectrum similar to that of diadenylate but higher in magnitude. The CD spectrum of poly(rA) changes with pH, chain length and temperature. At neutral pH, poly(rA) is unprotonated and forms a single-stranded helix. At acidic pH, poly(rA) forms dimers. Depending on the pH there are two conformational forms, one where poly(rA) is fully protonated, and one where it is half-protonated. Figure 8B shows the


Figure 8 (A) Circular dichroism of adenylate compounds at pH 8.5 in unbuffered 0.1 M NaF at 22°C. (—) poly (rA); ( ) rA-2’Omethyl-prAp; (-----) rA(3cp5)rA; (·····) rAMP-5'. Abstracted with permission from data in Adler AJ, Grossman L and Fasman GD (1969) Biochemistry 8: 3846–3859. Copyright 1969 American Chemical Society. (B) Rotational strength of the positive band of adenylate oligomers at 0°C as a function of the chain length, N. (u) pH 7.0; (s) pH 4.5. (C) Rotational strength of the positive band of poly(rA) as a function of temperature at ( u) pH 7.4 and (s) pH 4.5. (B) and (C) are reprinted from data in Brahms J, Michelson AM and Van Holde KE (1966) J. Mol. Biol. 15: 457–488, by permission of Academic Press.

chain-length dependence, and Figure 8C the temperature dependence, of the rotational strength of the positive-ellipticity band of the single-stranded form at pH 7.4 and the double-stranded half-protonated form at pH 4.5. Both the chain-length dependence and the unfolding of the double-stranded forms as a function of temperature, are more cooperative than that of the single-stranded form. Heteropolynucleotides Circular dichroism spectra of nucleic acids are complex, compared to those of hom*opolynucleotides because four different bases contribute to the CD spectra, and the spectra are sequence dependent. In addition, nucleic acids display great conformational diversity and may form single-, double- or triple-stranded helices. For example, the spectra of poly(rA), poly(rU), the dimer poly(rA)·poly(rU) and the trimer poly(rU)· poly(rA)·poly(rU) are illustrated in Figure 9.

Complex formation results in shifts in wavelength and intensity of the bands, compared to the addition of the spectra of the unmixed components. The various oligomerization states of the polynucleotides, moreover, can exist in multiple conformations. For example the A, B and Z forms of double-stranded nucleic acids have distinct CD spectra. Figure 10A illustrates the CD spectra of poly (dAdC)·poly(dGdT) in the A, B and Z conformations and Figure 10B illustrates CD spectra of a double-helical polynucleotide, poly(dGdC)· poly(dGdC) in the B form, the Z form and in a form in which the bases assume the Hoogsteen base-pairing conformation. Analysis of conformational transitions of nucleic acids

Conformational transitions of nucleic acids can be followed by examining CD and ORD spectra as a


whether there are folding intermediates, as in the case of proteins. Analysis of ligand binding to nucleic acids

Figure 9 The CD spectra of (——) Poly(rA); (·····) Poly(rU); (----) poly(rU)·poly(rA); ( ) poly (rU)·poly (rA)·poly (rU) at pH 7 in sodium phosphate buffer. Redrawn with permission from data in Steely T, Gray DM and Ratiff RL (1986) Nucleic Acid Research 14: 10 071–10 090. Copyright 1986 Oxford University Press.

function of temperature and denaturants, and the thermodynamic parameters of the transitions can be determined using the same equations used to determine the thermodynamics of folding of proteins. In addition, the spectra of nucleic acids, obtained under varying conditions, can be deconvoluted using the CCA and SVD methods, to determine

Circular dichroism and ORD are excellent methods to follow the binding of ligands to nucleic acids. The same equations that are used to analyse protein– ligand interactions may be applied to the study of DNA–ligand interactions. For example, CD and ORD have been used to examine the binding of DNA to proteins, drugs and amines. Figure 11 illustrates the effect of binding of spermidine to poly(dT)·poly(dA)·poly(dT). The addition of the amine has dramatic stabilizing effects. The conformation of the polynucleotide complex undergoes sequential changes from B-DNA to triplex DNA as the concentration of spermidine is increased from 0 to 50 µM. At 60 µM spermidine, the CD spectrum of triplex DNA is comparable to that of \-DNA, with a strong positive band centred around 260 nm. A negative band is also found at 295 nm. At higher concentrations of spermidine, however, the intensity of the positive band progressively decreases. The peak intensity is found at a 1:0.3 molar ratio of DNA phosphate-spermidine. Figure 12 illustrates an example of DNA-protein binding study. The gene 32 coded protein of bacteriophage T4 is necessary for genetic recombination and DNA replication. It denatures poly(dAdT)·poly(dAdT)] and T4 DNA at temperatures far below their regular melting temperatures. The protein interacts with native DNA and a variety of synthetic polynucleotides. Illustrated here is the interaction of the protein with poly(dA). The CD spectra suggest that the protein keeps poly(dA) in a conformation that is equivalent to that of a singlestranded form in high salt. Similar results were

Figure 10 (A) The CD spectra of poly (dAdC)·poly(dGdT) in the (·····) A, (—) B and (---) Z conformations. Redrawn from data in Riazance-Lawrence JH and Johnson WC Jr (1992) Biopolymers 32: 271–276 by permission of John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (B) CD spectra of poly(dGdC)·poly(dGdC) in the (—) B-form, (- - -) Z-form and (····) in a form in which the bases assume the Hoogsteen basepairing conformation. Abstracted with permission from data of Seger-Nolten GMJ, Sijtsema NM and Otto C (1997) Biochemistry 36: 13 241–13 247. Copyright 1997 American Chemical Society.


Figure 11 CD spectra of poly(dT)·poly(dA)·poly(dT) in the presence of (s) 0; (●) 60; (,) 70; (j) 80; (.) 90 and ( u) 100 µM spermidine. The insert shows the effects of (s) 0, (●) 5, (.) 10, and (i 25 µM spermidine. Data were recorded at 25°C in 10 mM sodium cacodylate and 0.5 mM EDTA at pH 7.2. Redrawn with permission from data in Thomas TJ, Kulkarni GD, Greenfield NJ, Shirahata A and Thomas T. (1996) Biochem J. 319: 591–599. Copyright (1996) Portland Press.

obtained with other dimeric DNA analogues including poly(dA)·poly(dT) and poly(dT).

Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are much more difficult to study using ORD and CD than proteins and nucleic acids and much less literature is available. First, carbohydrates mainly absorb below 190 nm, a region difficult to examine using commercial CD spectrometers. Second, unlike proteins and nucleic acids, there are no common sets of spectral characteristics which easily define the conformation of carbohydrates. However, ORD and CD have been used to obtain useful information about the structure of carbohydrates. In favourable circ*mstances they can give information about the structure and linkages in carbohydrates. In addition, they can distinguish helical from disordered conformations and be used to monitor conformational transitions induced by salts, solvents and temperature.

spectra of monomeric sugars, researchers have been able to assign the CD bands to specific transitions, and to determine quadrant rules for the effect of structure on the sign of the transitions. For example, the CD spectra of methyl-E-galactopyranoside, carrageenan and agarose are shown in Figure 13. X-ray films of carrageenan show that the conformation is a double helix. The CD spectrum of carrageenan is consistent with the conformation seen in the X-ray analysis. There are conflicting models for the structure of agarose in gels. In one model the chains are extended and in the other they are helical. The geometry-dependent linkage contributions to the CD of agarose were determined by subtracting the monomeric CD from the CD of the polymer. Application of the quadrant rules indicated that agarose was also helical. The difference in CD sign between carrageenan and agarose arises from a translocation of the beta-D-galactose O-2 atom from one quadrant to the neighbouring quadrant of the C-5-O-5-C-1 ether chromophore of the preceding anhydro sugar residue.

Determination of carbohydrate structure and linkages

Analysing conformational transitions of carbohydrates using CD and ORD

While no simple basis spectra exist that can be used to determine the conformation of carbohydrates, analysis of the CD spectra of monomeric carbohydrates has provided empirical rules for extracting some conformational information. By comparing the

While the analysis of the CD spectrum of carbohydrates to obtain detailed structural information is complex, CD and ORD serve as simple methods for following order–disorder transitions in carbohydrates. Because the absorption bands of


Figure 12 CD spectra of poly(dA) complexed with the gene 32 coded protein of bacteriophage T4 at (—) 1.0, (----) 29.9 and (·····) 47.7°C. The nucleotide to protein ratio is 8.5. Also illustrated ( ) is the spectrum of free poly(dA) at 1°C. Redrawn with permission from Greve J, Maestre MF, Moise H and Hosoda J (1978) Biochemistry 17: 887–893 Copyright (1978) American Chemical Society.

carbohydrates are at very low wavelength, many of the studies of conformational transitions have been done using ORD, since ORD bands extend even into the visible region and are more easily accessible. For example, Figure 14 shows how the effects of potassium-ion concentration and temperature on the order– disorder transition of xanthan, an extracellular polysaccharide produced by Xanthom*onas campestris, have been followed by measuring the optical rotation at 365 nm. The data were used to find the enthalpy of folding of the polymer. The data could also be fitted by Zimm–Bragg helix-coil transition analysis. Similar studies of conformational transitions have been performed on other carbohydrates including acetan, carrageenan, succinoglycan and hyaluronate. In addition to monitoring the folding of carbohydrates by examining changes in the intrinsic

Figure 13 CD spectrum of (—) methyl E-D-galactopyranoside, (···) carrageenan and ( ) agarose. Redrawn with permission from data in Arndt ER and Stevens ES (1993) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 115: 7849–7853, Copyright (1993) American Chemical Society, Arndt ER and Stevens ES (1994) Biopolymers 34: 1527–1534 and Stevens ES and Morris ER (1990) Carbohydr. Polym. 12: 219–224.

optical activity of the carbohydrate, structural information has been obtained by examining the CD and ORD spectra of bound dyes. For example when methylene blue binds to carrageenan, the binding induces optical activity in the dye which changes as a function of temperature. There is a progressive loss of ellipticity as a function of temperature, suggesting that the dye binds to the double-helical form of the polysaccharide, but not the coil form.

List of symbols K = equillibrium folding constant; n = number of molecules; N = chain length; P = correlation coefficient; R = gas constant; T = temperature; 'Cp = change in heat capacity; 'G = free energy of folding; 'H = Van’t Hoff enthalpy of folding 'S = entropy of folding; T ellipticityV mean-square error See also: Biomacromolecular Applications of UVVisible Absorption Spectroscopy; Carbohydrates Studied By NMR; Chiroptical Spectroscopy, General


Spectrometry; Vibrational CD Spectrometers; Vibrational CD, Applications; Vibrational CD, Theory.

Further reading

Figure 14 The unfolding of xanthan as a function of potassium ion concentration. (') 4.3, (s) 15, (h) 30 and (d) 500 mM. Redrawn with permission from data in Norton IT, Goodall DM, Frangou SA, Morris ER and Rees DA (1984) J. Mol. Biol. 175: 371–394 Copyright (1984) Academic Press.

Theory; Induced Circular Dichroism; Macromolecule– Ligand Interactions Studied By NMR; Magnetic Circular Dichroism, Theory; Nucleic Acids and Nucleotides Studied Using Mass Spectrometry; Nucleic Acids Studied Using NMR; ORD and Polarimetry Instruments; Proteins Studied Using NMR Spectroscopy; Peptides and Proteins Studied Using Mass

Adler AJ, Greenfield NJ and Fasman GD (1973) Circular dichroism and optical rotatory dispersion of proteins and polypeptides. Methods in Enzymology 27 part D: 675–735. Breslauer KJ (1987) Extracting thermodynamic data from equilibrium melting curves for oligonucleotide orderdisorder transitions. Methods in Enzymology 259: 221–245. Eftink MR (1995) Use of multiple spectroscopic methods to monitor equilibrium unfolding of proteins. Methods in Enzymology 259: 487–512. Greenfield NJ (1996) Methods to estimate the conformation of proteins and polypeptides from circular dichroism data. Analytical Biochemistry 235: 1–10. Johnson WC Jr (1996) Determination of the conformation of nucleic acids by electronic CD. In: Fasman GD (ed) Circular Dichroism and the Conformational Analysis of Biomolecules, pp 433–468. New York and London: Plenum Press. Perrin JH and Hart PA (1970) Small molecule-macromolecule interactions as studied by optical rotatory dispersion-circular dichroism. Journal of Pharmaceutical Science 59: 431–448. Stevens ES (1996) Carbohydrates. In: Fasman GD (ed) Circular Dichroism and the Conformational Analysis of Biomolecules, pp 501–530. New York and London: Plenum Press. Woody RW (1995) Circular dichroism. Methods in Enzymology 246: 34–71.

Biomacromolecular Applications of UV-Visible Absorption Spectroscopy Alison Rodger and Karen Sanders, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction Ultraviolet (UV) or visible radiation is absorbed by a molecule when the frequency of the light is at the


correct energy to cause the electrons of the molecule to rearrange (or become excited) to another, higherenergy, state of the system. Frequency, Q (measured in V –1), wavelength, O (usually measured in nm) and


energy, E (measured in J) are related by

where h = 6.626 196 × 10–34 J s is the Planck constant and c = 2.997 925 × 1017 nm s–1 is the speed of light in units to match the choice of nm for O. Absorption can be pictorially viewed as either the electric field or the magnetic field (or both) of the radiation pushing the electron density from a starting arrangement to a higher-energy final one. The direction of net linear displacement of charge is known as the polarization of the transition. The polarization and intensity of a transition are characterized by the so-called transition moment, which is a vectorial property having a well-defined direction (the transition polarization) within each molecule and a welldefined length (which is proportional to the square root of the absorbance). The transition moment may be regarded as an antenna by which the molecule absorbs light. Each transition thus has its own antenna and the maximum probability of absorbing light is obtained when the antenna and the electric field of the light are parallel. Absorbance is defined in terms of the intensity of incident, I0, and transmitted, I, light:

In most experiments we use the Beer–Lambert law to relate the absorption of light, A, to the sample concentration, C:

where l is the length of the sample through which the light passes and H is the molar absorption coefficient (extinction coefficient); if l is measured in cm and C in M = mol dm–3, then H has units of mol–1 dm3 cm–1. The Beer–Lambert law breaks down when the sample absorbs too high a percentage of the incident photons for the instrument to measure the emitted photons. An absorbance of 2, for example, means that 99% of the photons are absorbed. Biological samples present additional challenges to the Beer– Lambert law: if there are local high concentrations of sample (as in vesicles for example) or if molecules interact and perturb the spectroscopy of the isolated molecule, then the Beer–Lambert law becomes invalid.

The most common application of UV-visible absorption spectroscopy is to determine the concentration of a species in solution using the Beer–Lambert law. Other applications follow because the energy of UV-visible light is usually sufficient only to excite valence electrons which are the ones involved in bonding. Thus any UV-visible absorption spectrum is directly related to bonds and hence the structure of a molecule. The challenge is then to relate the plot of absorbance versus wavelength, which the spectrometer produces, to the structure of the molecules in the cuvette. With complicated systems, such as biological macromolecules and their complexes with small molecules, we usually interpret UV-visible spectra by considering changes in the spectrum as a function of a variable such as temperature, ionic strength, solvent, concentration, etc. Alternatively the absorption spectra data are used as input for interpreting other spectra such as fluorescence, circular dichroism (CD) or linear dichroism (LD).

Biological macromolecule structure and UV spectroscopy Proteins and DNAs are linear polymers where a limited set of residues are joined together by, respectively, the amide or phosphodiester bonds. The situation is similar for carbohydrates though the linking options are more varied. To a first approximation the absorbance spectrum expected for a biomolecule is therefore the sum of the spectra for the component parts. In the case of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) the UV absorbance from 200–300 nm is due exclusively to transitions of the planar purine and pyrimidine bases (Figure 1). (The backbone begins to contribute at about 190 nm.) The accessible region of the spectrum (nitrogen purging is required below ~200 nm as oxygen absorption interferes with the spectrum) is therefore dominated by π → π* transitions of the bases. The UV spectra of the bases (Figure 2) look as if there are two simple bands; however, each ‘simple’ band observed is a composite of more than one transition. This makes detailed analysis of DNA absorption difficult, but usually ensures that the absorption spectrum changes when the system is perturbed. Thus absorption spectroscopy is a useful qualitative or empirical probe of structural changes. Typical DNA UV absorption spectra are illustrated in Figure 3. The base transitions are significantly perturbed by the so-called π–π stacking interactions and so both wavelength maxima and transition intensities vary depending on the base sequence and structure adopted (cf. Table 1).


Figure 1

Structural formula of DNA.

Figure 3 Absorbance spectra in 1 cm pathlength cuvettes of 190 µM poly[d(G-C)]2 (dotted line) and 240 µM poly[d(A-T)2] (dashed line).

Table 1 Long-wavelength absorbance maxima and extinction coefficients for some DNAs. Calf thymus DNA is ~60% A-T


Wavelength of Amax(nm) Hmax (mol–1 dm3 cm–1)

Calf thymus


6 600



6 600



6 000



8 400



7 400

(A = adenine, T = thymine, G = guanine and C = cytosine)

Figure 2 UV spectra of the DNA nucleotides: deoxyadenosine 5′-monophosphate (A), deoxyguanosine 5′-monophosphate (G), deoxycytidine 5′-monophosphate (C) and thymidine 5′-monophosphate (T). The spectrum of uracil is almost indistinguishable from that of thymine.

In the case of peptides and proteins the spectroscopy of the amide bonds, the side chains and any prosthetic groups (such as haems) determines the observed UV-visible absorption spectrum. However, as with DNA, intensities and wavelengths can be perturbed by the local environment of the groups. UV spectra of proteins are usually divided into the ‘near’ and ‘far’ UV regions. The near-UV in this context means 250–300 nm and is also described as the aromatic region, though transitions of disulfide bonds (cystines) also contribute to the total absorption intensity in this region. The far-UV (< 250 nm) is dominated by transitions of the peptide backbone of the protein, but transitions from some side chains also contribute to the spectrum below 250 nm.

The aromatic side chains, phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan all have transitions in the near-UV region (Figure 4). At neutral pH, the indole of tryptophan has two or more transitions in the 240–290 nm region with total maximum extinction coefficient Hmax(279 nm) ~5000 mol–1 dm3 cm–1; tyrosine has one transition with Hmax(274 nm) ~1400 mol –1 dm3 cm–1; phenylalanine also has one transition with Hmax ~190 mol –1 dm3 cm–1; and a cystine disulfide bond absorbs from 250–270 nm with Hmax ~300 mol–1 dm3 cm–1. Although tryptophans have by far the most intense transitions, many proteins have few tryptophans compared with the other aromatic groups, so the near UV is not necessarily dominated by tryptophan transitions. The peptide chromophore (Figure 5) which gives rise to the transitions observed in the far-UV region (180–240 nm) has non-bonding electrons on the oxygen and also on the nitrogen atoms, π-electrons which are delocalized to some extent over the carbon, oxygen and nitrogen atoms, and σ bonding electrons. The lowest energy transition of the peptide


Figure 4 Aromatic absorption spectra of tryptophan, tyrosine and phenylalanine. Note the different concentrations required to ensure absorbance maxima of 1 absorbance unit.

In an α-helix, the coupling of the π → π* transition moments in each amide chromophore results in a component at about 208 nm which contributes to the characteristic α-helix CD spectrum. For UV-visible spectroscopy, however, the far-UV spectroscopy is usually of little use either for concentration determination or structural analysis as the accessible region (above 200 nm) is almost a linear plot of increasing intensity with decreasing wavelength. Carbohydrate UV-visible spectroscopy is essentially that of any substituents that have spectroscopy; a simple sugar system such as starch has no spectroscopy above 200 nm. Carbohydrates are typically derivatized with thiols or aromatic chromophores for UV spectroscopy. The spectroscopy of these compounds is largely determined by that of the derivatives. These data may be found in UV-visible spectroscopy atlases.

Wavelength scanning chromophore is an n → π* transition analogous to that in ketones, and the next transition is π → π*. As in the carbonyl case, the n → π* transition is predominantly of magnetic transition dipole character and is thus of low intensity (H ~100 mol–1 dm3 cm–1), though it is not as low as for a simple ketone; it occurs at about 210–230 nm (depending mainly upon the extent of hydrogen bonding of the oxygen lone pairs) and its small electric character is polarized more or less along the carbonyl bond. The π → π* transition (H ~7000 mol–1 dm3 cm–1) is dominated by the carbonyl π-bond and is also affected by the involvement of the nitrogen in the π orbitals; its electric dipole transition moment is polarized somewhere near the line between the oxygen and nitrogen atoms, and it is centred at 190 nm.

Figure 5

Simple wavelength scans of biological macromolecules

Nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), proteins and peptides absorb very little light above 300 nm in the absence of ligands or prosthetic groups with chromophores (absorbing units). However, it is usually wise to collect a simple UV scan of a sample from about 350 nm. If the spectrum is not flat between 350 and 310 nm then the sample has condensed into particles whose size is of the order of the wavelength of light; therefore what is being observed is scattering of the incident light rather than absorption. UV absorbance is most commonly used to determine the concentration of a sample and also to give an indication of its purity.

Schematic illustrations of (A) n → π* and (B) π → π* transitions of peptides.


To perform a wavelength scan proceeds as follows: 1. First choose the parameters. The wavelength range will usually be 350–200 nm, unless the buffer cuts out the low-wavelength end (see below). A data interval of 0.5–1 nm is adequate as the bands are all broad. Shorter data intervals will not improve the spectrum you plot but will fill up the computer memory. (If data is being collected to aid interpretation of LD spectra, ensure that the data interval is the same in both cases.) The bandwidth is the wavelength range of the radiation at any specified wavelength. If data is being collected every 0.5 nm, then a bandwidth of 0.5 nm is appropriate. A larger value will lead to a greater averaging of data than the data interval suggests. Do not choose a much smaller bandwidth as the incident light intensity will be reduced and the spectral noise will increase without improving the quality of your data. The data averaging time determines the signalto-noise ratio and affects the scan speed required to produce undistorted spectra. 0.033–0.1 s is usually a good choice; longer times are required if the absorbance is very small (less than 0.1 absorbance units) or small differences in absorbance are being determined (as for DNA melting curves; see below). 2. Choose the solvent or buffer for your experiment and fill a pair of matched cuvettes of the desired pathlength with it. Either switch off the baseline correction or use an air/air baseline in the instrument. Place one cuvette in the sample holder (usually the front position) and leave the reference holder empty. Run a spectrum over the desired wavelength range to check that the solvent/buffer spectrum is not significant over the wavelength range of interest. If it is then you need to change the solvent/buffer. In choosing your buffer note phosphate buffers are essentially spectroscopically invisible over the wavelength range usually used; however, you need to ensure that phosphate does not interact in any way with your sample. Cacodylate and ammonium acetate have a window down to ~210 nm and have the added advantage of preventing bacterial growth (whereas phosphate promotes it). Chloride ions begin absorbing just above 200 nm so high salt spectra cannot be collected at the lower-wavelength end of the spectrum. Higher buffer concentrations can be accommodated in shorter pathlength cuvettes (see

Beer–Lambert law discussion above), so if it is not possible to dilute or change the buffer try a smaller pathlength cuvette. (5 mm cuvettes will stand in a normal sample holder, 1 mm cuvettes will need spacers to hold them vertical – if they are not held vertical then you will be working with a variable pathlength. Smaller pathlength cuvettes will need special holders.) UV cut-off wavelengths for solvents are readily available in liquid chromatography texts. 3. Place the matched solvent/buffer cuvettes in both the reference holder (usually the rear position) and the sample holder and perform a baseline accumulation. An alternative to having the solvent/ buffer in the reference beam is to use a reference cell of water and collect a spectrum of the solvent/ buffer which is subsequently subtracted from all spectra. This method may be preferable if the solvent/buffer has a significant absorbance as it is easier to determine whether an apparent peak or dip in the spectrum is due to the buffer in some way. 4. Place the sample in the sample cuvette in the sample holder and record the spectrum. The absorbance at ~260 nm (or wherever the maximum is for a particular molecule) is generally used to determine nucleic acid concentrations using the Beer–Lambert law. As noted above, for DNA samples the linear relationship between concentration and absorbance seems to break down when the absorbance of a 1 cm pathlength solution exceeds ~1.5–2 absorbance units. Some DNA extinction coefficients are given in Table 1. Protein absorbances will be dominated by tryptophan residues (if there are any) and will have a maximum at 280 nm. The other aromatic residues also absorb at 280 nm. Absorbance at 280 nm may therefore be used to give an estimate of protein concentrations. At 280 nm a 1 mg cm–3 protein solution in a 1 cm pathlength cell often has an absorbance of ~1 absorbance unit. This is because many proteins have a similar percentage of ‘aromatic’ amino acid residues. However, the A280 (1 mg cm–3) can vary from 0.3 to 1.8. For example, the A280 (1 mg cm–3) for bovine serum albumin is ~0.66. In cases where the protein amino acid content and molecular weight are known then a reasonably accurate estimate of H can be made using the above H values for the residues (instead of assuming A280 = 1 for 1 mg cm–3) and then the Beer–Lambert law applied. The Beer–Lambert method for concentration determination of nucleic acids and proteins is based on the assumption that the samples are pure. Nucleic


acids, if present, will interfere with the protein concentration determination because they also absorb at 280 nm, and conversely. In these cases the following formula permits a rough estimate of protein concentration in the presence of nucleic acids (for a 1 cm pathlength cuvette):

It is also common practice to report the A280/A260 ratio as an indication of purity for a given sample. Wavelength scans of derivatized protein samples for concentration determination

Although proteins have different percentages of the different amino acids, each residue has an amide bond linking it to the next residue in the chain. A number of concentration-determination methods have thus been developed that involve derivatizing the amides and spectroscopically determining the concentration of the derivatives. The three methods mentioned below all rely on a standard of known concentration to enable a calibration curve to be plotted. The calibration is not necessarily linear. Biuret method This method is simple and reasonably specific as it depends on the reaction of copper(II) with four N atoms in the peptide bonds of proteins. Compounds containing peptide bonds give a characteristic purple colour when treated in alkaline solution with copper sulfate. This is termed the ‘biuret’ reaction because it is also given by the substance biuret NH2CONHCONH2. For a wide variety of proteins, 1.0 mg of protein in 2 cm3 of solution results in an absorbance at 540 nm of 0.1. Many haemoproteins, for example, give spurious results due to their intrinsic absorption at 540 nm, but modifications which overcome this difficulty are known (either removal of the haem before protein estimation or destruction of the haem by hydrogen peroxide treatment). The protein content of cell fractions such as nuclei and microsomes can be estimated by this method after solubilization by detergents such as deoxycholate or sodium dodecyl sulfate. The biuret reagent may be made by placing CuSO4.5H2O (1.5 g) and sodium potassium tartrate.4H2O (6.0 g) into a dry 1 dm 3 volumetric flask and adding about 500 cm3 of water. With constant swirling, NaOH solution (300 cm 3, 10% w/v) is added and the solution made to volume (1 dm3) with water. The reagent prepared in this manner is a deep blue colour. It may be stored indefinitely if KI

(1 g) is also added and the reagent is kept in a plastic container. The protein solution (x cm3, where x < 1.5) is then mixed with water [(1.5 – x) cm3] to make a total volume of 1.5 cm3 to which 1.5 cm3 of biuret reagent is added. The purple colour is developed by incubating for 20 min at 37°C. The tubes must then be cooled rapidly to room temperature and the absorbance at 540 nm determined. The colour of the solution is stable for hours. Folin–Ciocalteau or Lowry method While the biuret method is sensitive in the range 0.5 to 2.5 mg protein per assay, the Lowry method is 1 to 2 orders of magnitude more sensitive (5 to 150 µg). The main disadvantage of the Lowry method is the number of interfering substances; these include ammonium sulfate, thiol reagents, sucrose, EDTA, Tris, and Triton X-100. The final colour in the Lowry method is a result of two reactions. The first is a small contribution from the biuret reaction of protein with copper ions in alkali solution. The second results from peptide-bound copper ions facilitating the reduction of the phosphom*olybdic-tungstic acid (the Folin reagent) which gives rise to a number of reduced species with a characteristic blue colour. The amino acid residues which are involved in the reaction are tryptophan and tyrosine as well as cysteine, cystine and histidine. The amount of colour produced varies slightly with different proteins. In this respect it is a less-reliable assay than the biuret method, but it is more reliable than the absorbance method since A280 may include contribution from other species, and also the absorption of a given residue is dependent on its environment within the protein. Two solutions are required for the Lowry method. For the alkaline copper solution, mix 50 cm3 Na2CO3 (2% w/v) in NaOH (0.1 M) with 1 cm3 of CuSO4.5H2O (0.5% w/v) and 1 cm3 of sodium potassium tartrate (1% w/v). This solution must be discarded after 1 day. The Folin reagent (phosphom*olybdic-tungstic acid) may be made by diluting the concentrated Folin reagent obtained from e.g. Sigma with an equal volume of water so that it is 1 N (i.e. 1 M H+). To perform an assay add x cm3 of sample (where x < 0.6) containing 5–100 µg of protein as required to (0.6 – x) cm3 of water. Then add 3 cm 3 of the alkaline copper solution. The solutions must then be mixed well and allowed to stand for 10 min at room temperature. 3.0 cm 3 of Folin reagent is then added and after 30 min the absorbance at 600 nm is determined. Coomassie blue dye binding assay This proteindetermination method involves the binding of


Coomassie brilliant blue G-250 to protein. The protonated form of Coomassie blue is a pale orange-red colour whereas the unprotonated form (Figure 6) is blue. When proteins bind to Coomassie blue in acid solution their positive charges suppress the protonation and a blue colour results. The binding of the dye to a protein causes a shift in the absorption maximum of the dye from 465 to 595 nm and it is the increase in absorbance at 595 nm that is monitored. The assay is very reproducible and rapid with the dye binding process virtually complete in ∼ 2 min with good colour stability. The reagent is prepared as follows. Coomassie brilliant blue G-250 (100 mg) is dissolved in 50 cm3 95% ethanol. To this solution phosphoric acid (100 cm3, 85% w/v) is added and the solution diluted to 1 dm3. To perform the assay, x cm3 of the sample containing 5–100 µg of protein is placed in a clean, dry test tube. (0.5 – x) cm3 water and 5.0 cm3 of diluted dye reagent are added and the solution mixed well. After a period of from 5–60 min, A595 is determined. The only compounds found to give excess interfering colour in the assay are relatively large amounts of detergents such as sodium dodecyl sulfate, Triton X-100 and commercial glassware detergents. Interference by small amounts of detergent may be eliminated by the use of proper controls. The assay is non-linear and requires a standard curve.

binds to the DNA then the spectrum of the complex will be different from the sum spectrum. One should note that the observed spectrum is probably a complicated mixture of that due to bound and unbound ligand and free and complexed DNA. When a planar aromatic molecule binds intercalatively (sandwiched between two base pairs) to DNA there is usually a characteristic decrease in the ligand-absorbance signal (this can be up to 50%) and a shift to the red (bathochromic shift) of between ∼ 2 nm and 20 nm as illustrated in Figure 7. The DNA spectrum is also affected by any molecule such as an intercalator that causes a structural change. This makes such spectra a useful probe of DNA/drug interactions but renders absorbance useless for concentration determinations unless the perturbed extinction coefficients are known.

Simple wavelength scans of macromolecules with bound ligands

When a ligand is added to, for example, a DNA solution, if it does not bind to the DNA then the UVvisible spectrum will simply be the sum of the DNA spectrum and the ligand spectrum. If the ligand

Figure 6

Coomassie blue.

Figure 7 (A) 5 µM anthracene-9-carbonyl-N 1-spermine in water. (B) 2 µM, 4 µM, 5 µM, 7 µM, 10 µM and 13 µM anthracene-9-carbonyl-N 1-spermine in water with 200 µM calf thymus DNA. Note broadening and magnitude decrease of 250 nm band absorbance; this molecule intercalates between DNA base pairs.



The label ‘titration’ is used to cover experiments where spectra are collected as a function of concentration, ionic strength, pH, etc. To minimize macromolecule consumption and also (perhaps surprisingly) to minimize concentration errors, the best method is often to add solution to the cuvette. A simple way to avoid dilution effects is to proceed as follows. Consider a starting sample that has concentration x M of species X. Each time y cm3 of Y is added, also add y cm3 of a 2x M solution of X. The concentration of X remains constant at x M. Many variants on this theme may be derived. If a titration series where ligand concentration is held constant while the macromolecule varies has a constant absorbance at a wavelength, Oi, where the ligand absorbs this is called an isosbestic point. Isosbestic points only occur if two species are present in solution and those species have the same absorbance at Oi.

case Stot = n′[M] where n′ is the number of binding sites per protein.) Then

where cb is the concentration of the bound ligand and cf is the concentration of the free ligand. There are a number of methods for determining K using absorbance data. The simplest is the enhancement method. This method is commonly used for fluorescence spectroscopy and may also be used to interpret absorbance data. We write

Binding constants

If the spectral shape of a ligand spectrum remains unchanged during a titration experiment, but the magnitude changes in a manner that is proportional to the concentration of bound ligand then the spectral data can be used to determine the equilibrium binding constant, K. This is because in such a case the ligands are binding in one binding mode or in constant proportions in more than one mode (meaning site, orientation, sequence, etc). The data must be of very high quality for absorbance (or any other spectroscopic data) to be used to determine K. A simple plot of change in absorbance versus either macromolecule or ligand concentration (whichever is being varied) will probably enable the quality of the data set to be determined. It should be a smooth curve. Consider the equilibrium

where Lf is a free ligand, Lb is a bound ligand and Sf is a free site. In the simple case where the macromolecule can be treated as a series of binding sites of n residues in size, then the total site concentration Stot = [M]/n, where [M] is the residue concentration of the macromolecule. (For proteins it is sometimes preferable to think in terms of the concentration of molecules rather than residues. In this

Application of this equation requires knowledge of the absorbance of free and bound ligand. Determining the latter requires measuring an absorbance spectrum under conditions where it is known that all the ligand is bound to the macromolecules. K may then be determined directly. A more accurate value of K will be achieved if the data is used to perform a Scatchard plot. The Scatchard plot is based on rewriting the equation for the equilibrium constant as:


So, a plot of r/cf versus r has slope –K and y-intercept K/n. The x-intercept occurs where r = n. Other methods more commonly used with CD or LD data may be used with normal absorption data if the change in absorbance (the absorbance of the DNA/ligand system minus the absorbance of a freeligand solution of the same ligand concentration) is used in the analysis.


Macromolecule condensation

A UV spectrum may be used to follow the condensation of a macromolecule sample into particles, though, as discussed above, what is being probed is really scattering of the light rather than its absorbance. A monotonic increase in absorbance is observed above 300 nm as condensation takes place. In the case of DNA, the addition of a highly charged DNA binding ligand (such as spermine or [Co(NH3)6]3+) will effect this change. Concomitantly with the increase in absorbance signal above 300 nm, a decrease in the 260 nm DNA absorbance is observed.

DNA melting curves: absorption as a function of temperature If there were no residue–residue interactions in a biomolecule then the UV spectrum would be independent of its geometry and the absorption spectrum would simply be the sum of the contributions from the residues are discussed above. This is particularly true for DNA, where π–π stacking interactions lower the magnitude of the absorbance at 260 nm (the hypochromic effect) and change it at most other wavelengths. The extent of this change depends on the DNA structure. In principle if the DNA is heated enough to disrupt all base structure then the spectrum would become the sum of the base spectra in appropriate proportions. A high enough temperature to achieve this cannot usually be reached in water; however, we can use the change in the UV absorbance signal at a chosen wavelength (usually 260 nm, though at ∼ 280 nm A-T base pairs show very little change in absorbance so this wavelength may be used to probe the role of G-C relative to A-T base pairs) to follow the disruption of base stacking and hence also base-pair hydrogen bonding. The data from such an experiment is usually illustrated as a melting curve or a derivative melting curve and summarized by the so-called melting temperature, Tm (e.g. Figure 8). Tm is the temperature where the absorbance is the average of the duplex and single-stranded DNA absorbances where 50% of the DNA has melted. Thermodynamic data relating to the stability of the duplex may also be extracted from melting curves.

List of symbols A = absorbance; cb,f = ligand transmitted light intensity;

concentration; I = Io = incident light

Figure 8 UV melting curves for 200 µM calf thymus DNA in 10 mM salt (denoted DNA), and also with 20 µM spermine and 20 µM anthracene-9-carbonyl-N 1-spermine (denoted anthsp). Note the premelting transition with anthracene-9-carbonyl-N 1spermine.

intensity; l = sample light path length; H = molar absorption coefficient; O = wavelength of radiation (usually in nm); Q = frequency of radiation (s–1). See also: Biomacromolecular Applications of Circular Dichroism and ORD; Dyes and Indicators, Uses of UV-Visible Absorption Spectroscopy; Macromolecule–Ligand Interactions Studied By NMR; Nucleic Acids and Nucleotides Studied Using Mass Spectrometry; Nucleic Acids Studied Using NMR; Peptides and Proteins Studied Using Mass Spectrometry; Proteins Studied Using NMR Spectroscopy.

Further reading Atkins PW (1983) Molecular Quantum Mechanics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Atkins PW (1991) Physical Chemistry, 4th edn. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Bradford MM (1976) Analytical Biochemistry 72: 248. Craig DP and Thirunamachandran T (1984) Molecular Quantum Electrodynamics: An Introduction to Radiation-Molecule Interaction. London: Academic Press. Eriksson S, Kim SK, Kubista M and Nordén B (1993) Biochemistry 32: 2987. Gornall AG, Bardawils CJ and David MM (1949) Determination of serum proteins by means of the biuret reagent. Journal of Biological Chemistry 177: 751–766. Hiort C, Nordén B and Rodger A (1990) Enantioselective DNA binding of [Ru(1,10-phenanthroline) 3]2+ studied with linear dichroism. Journal of the American Chemical Society 112: 1971. Hollas JM (1992) Modern Spectroscopy, 2nd edn. Chichester: John Wiley and Sons. Legler G et al (1985) Analytical Biochemistry 150: 278.


Marky LA and Breslauer KJ (1987) Calculating thermodynamic data for transitions of any molecularity from equilibrium melting curves. Biopolymers 26: 1601–1620. Michl J and Thulstrup EW (1986) Spectroscopy with Polarized Light. New York: VCH. Newbury SF, McClellan JA and Rodger A (1996) Spectroscopic and thermodynamic studies of conformational changes in long, natural mRNA molecules. Analytical Communications 33: 117–122. Puglisi JD and Tinoco IJ (1989) Absorbance melting curves of RNA. Methods in Enzymology 180: 304– 325. Read SM and Northcliffe DH (1981) Analytical Biochemistry 96: 53.

Rodger A (1993) Linear dichroism. Methods in Enzymology 226: 232–258. Rodger A and Nordén B (1997) Circular Dichroism and Linear Dichroism. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Rodger A, Blagbrough IS, Adlam G and Carpenter ML (1994) DNA binding of a spermine derivative: spectroscopic studies of anthracene-9-carbonyl-N1-spermine with poly(dG-dC)2 and poly(dA-dT)2. Biopolymers 34: 1583–1593. Rodger A, Taylor S, Adlam G, Blagbrough IS and Haworth IS (1995) Multiple DNA binding modes of anthracene-9-carbonyl-N1-spermine. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry 3: 861–872. UV-VIS Atlas of Organic Compounds (1992) 2nd edn. Weinheim: VCH.

Biomedical Applications of Atomic Spectroscopy Andrew Taylor, Royal Surrrey County Hospital and University of Surrey, Guildford, UK Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

The techniques of flame, electrothermal and vapour generation atomic absorption, flame and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for the measurement of minerals and trace elements in biological specimens are described. Situations in which each of the techniques might be employed for the analysis of biomedical samples are reviewed. Interferences associated with the types of samples typically examined are mentioned with accounts of how these are removed in regular practice, either during the sample preparation or by features of the instrumentation. The advantages and disadvantages of these techniques are given with particular reference to sensitivity, single to multielement measurements and special applications such as the determination of stable isotopes. While total analyte concentrations are typically determined, examples of how speciation may be of interest are included. It is seen that for biomedical measurements, atomic spectroscopic techniques are complementary and that each may be appropriate for particular sample types or applications. Except for a few very special purposes these are the techniques of choice for measurement of minerals and trace elements in biomedical specimens. Quantitative analytical techniques included under the general heading of atomic spectroscopy are almost always employed for the direct determination of inorganic elements. For a few biomedical applications the specimen preparation gives indirect

ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY Applications measurements of molecular compounds, generally by using a metal-based reagent in a separation or extraction step and measurement of the metal as a surrogate for the analyte of interest. The few examples of indirect measurements are included in the extensive reviews of atomic spectrometry published annually as the Atomic Spectrometry Updates (ASU). As described in the articles on ‘Theory’ and ‘Methods & Instrumentation’ in this Encyclopedia, analytical atomic spectroscopy concerns measurements of about 60 elements, generally metals, although consideration of mass spectrometry extends the range to most other elements. Biomedical applications require the measurement of almost all these elements, which are often loosely termed the minerals and trace elements. As given in Table 1, biological specimens contain various bulk elements which fulfill essential structural and functional roles. The trace elements, which individually account for less than 0.01% of the dry weight of the organism, are represented by a series of elements essential to health, development and well-being (Table 2) and others such as lead, present as contaminants from the environment. With sufficiently sensitive analytical techniques almost all elements of the periodic table can be found and are included among the trace elements. Figure 1 demonstrates that minerals and trace elements are relevant to a large number of disciplines which may be regarded as ‘biomedical’. Some of


Figure 1 The relevance of minerals and trace elements to biomedical sciences.

these are described in detail in related articles and are not considered further here. From the preceding discussion it is evident that measurements of minerals and trace elements in biomedical samples are appropriate to investigations related to:  the biological importance of essential trace and bulk elements;  undue effects, i.e. the harmful consequences of a sufficiently large exposure to any element, whether essential or nonessential;  the pharmacology of certain metals which are administered as the active principal of a pharmacological agent. Measurements are vital to situations such as understanding mechanisms of action at cellular or molecular levels, assessing the status of, e.g. zinc, within an individual subject and monitoring the effects of exposure. Table 1

Bulk elements found in biological specimens












Oxygen Phosphorus Sulfur

Table 2 Essential trace elements (not all are proven to have essential roles in man)


Chromium, cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, selenium, silicon, vanadium, zinc


Fluorine, iodine

Many analytical techniques have been applied to the determination of minerals and trace elements but the most successful are those based on atomic spectroscopy. The techniques included in the subsequent sections afford the sensitivity required to measure concentrations below 1 ppm in specimens of just a few µL or mg with almost total specificity and relatively few interferences. As situations of deficiency and toxicity are investigated, analytes may be present at very low or very high concentrations within the same specimen type. Therefore, techniques with differing sensitivities may be used, as appropriate, for the same application. Many biomedical investigations require the measurement of just one or two metals. Consequently, multi-element techniques are not necessarily as important as in some other application areas. Nevertheless, there are situations in which this facility does become important.

Flame atomic absorption spectroscopy (FAAS) Biomedical samples and analytes

Flame AAS is suitable for measurement of a limited range of elements present at concentrations greater than about 1 µg mL–1 in biological fluids, and for the analysis of solutions obtained from biological tissues at the completion of the sample preparation steps. Typical biological fluids include blood and blood serum, blood plasma, urine and saliva. Measurement of calcium in serum was the first analysis to which the technique of AAS was applied and is an obvious example of how FAAS is useful for biomedical analysis. Other specimens e.g. dialysis fluids, intestinal contents, total parenteral nutrition solutions, may be analysed on rare occasions. Elements present at a sufficiently high concentration are lithium and gold when used to treat depression and rheumatoid arthritis respectively, and calcium, magnesium, iron, copper and zinc. Sodium and potassium can be determined by FAAS but are more usually measured by flame atomic emission spectroscopy or with ion selective electrodes. Other elements are present in fluids at too low a concentration to be measured by conventional FAAS with pneumatic nebulization. With other fluids, e.g. seminal plasma, cerebrospinal fluid, analysis may just be possible for a very few elements. The concentrations of many metals in plant, animal or human tissues are usually much higher than in biological fluids and very often the weight of an available specimen is such that a relatively large mass of analyte is recovered into a small volume of solution, thus enhancing the concentration still


Chemical interferences The only example of any consequence pertains to the measurement of calcium. The Ca2 + ion forms a refractory phosphate molecule and atomization is thereby impaired. Diluents containing La3+ or Sr2+, preferentially bind to the phosphate and release the Ca2+, or EDTA to complex the Ca2+ in solution allowing its release in the flame, effectively eliminate this interference. An alternative strategy is to use the hotter nitrous oxide– acetylene flame. A few other chemical interferences have been recorded in atypical settings and are not relevant to biomedical samples.

tions. The viscosity may reduce the aspiration rate through the narrow capillary tubing of the pneumatic nebulizer and absorbance signals will be attenuated compared with aqueous calibration solutions, giving falsely low results. Techniques to eliminate these effects include:  Dilution of the sample with water (Table 4). A fivefold dilution is usually sufficient but some nebulizers may require a larger sample dilution to equalize the aspiration rates. Dilution may, however, reduce the analyte concentration to below the useful working range. If so, a lower dilution can be tolerated by matching the viscosity of the calibration and sample solutions by either addition of dilute glycerol to the calibrants or addition of agents such as butanol, propanol or Triton X-100 to the sample. Whatever measure is adopted it is important to determine the aspiration rates of calibration and test solutions to demonstrate that the corrective action has been effective.  Precipitation of the protein with concentrated acid and removal by centrifugation. Trichloroacetic acid or nitric acid are used for this purpose.  Use of matrix-matched calibration solutions. Either protein is added to the solutions or certified reference materials are used (if available).  Standard additions for calibration. (b) Samples with a high content of dissolved solids are liable to produce falsely high results because of nonatomic absorption or light scattering. If this occurs the analyte can be removed from the matrix by extraction into an organic solvent, or a background correction technique can be employed.

Matrix interferences Two examples occur with biomedical specimens.

Flame composition

further. For the analysis of tissues (these include specimens such as hair and the cellular fractions of blood) following sample dissolution steps, FAAS may be suitable for measurement of most of the biologically important elements. Interferences and sample preparation

FAAS is subject to certain interferences associated with the nature of biological specimens. Mechanisms of the more important ionization, chemical and matrix interferences (Table 3) are discussed elsewhere. Ionization interferences Falsely high results may be obtained because of the high concentrations of sodium and potassium, which are among the more easily ionized elements. As with matrix interferences, they may not be evident with all nebulizer–burner systems and the presence of possible interferences should be investigated with any new instrument. If ionization interference is observed the calibration solutions should be prepared with sodium and potassium at approximately the same concentration as in the test specimens. This applies to biological fluids and to solutions prepared from tissues.

(a) Typical biological fluids contain protein and other macromolecules which increase the sample viscosity compared with simple aqueous solu-

Elements in biomedical specimens which may be measured by FAAS are determined using the air–acetylene flame. The more refractory metals, requiring a higher temperature nitrous oxide–acetylene flame for

Table 3

Table 4 Typical dilution factors for measurements of minerals in serum or urine


Interferences in FAAS







La, Sr, EDTA

Copper, zinc

1+1 >>1+4

Higher temperature (greater energy)



TCA precipitation



Dilution with water



Dilution with detergent, alcohol


1+50 >>1+100

Add glycerol to standards



Na, K, Fe, Ionization Li, Cu, Zn

Add ionization suppressant (Cs, Na, K)

Ca Fe, Au, Cu, Zn

Chemical Matrix


atomization are at concentrations too low to be determined by flame atomization (except in a few tissue specimens or in indirect methods). Other flames which have historically been used for special applications now have no real place in the analysis of biomedical samples. For most elements the proportion of acetylene to air in the flame has little influence on formation of the ground state atomic vapour and a large variation in flow rates can be tolerated. The important exception is calcium which, as shown in Figure 2A, is more efficiently atomized in a reducing, fuel-rich flame. The position of the light path in the flame is also more critical for calcium than for other elements (Figure 2B). Modern computer-controlled instruments are preprogrammed by the manufacturers to operate under optimal conditions.

Nebulization and sensitivity enhancement

Pneumatic nebulizers were the original devices to introduce the sample as an aerosol into the flame gases. Despite the inefficiency of these nebulizers, coupled with depletion of the atom population in the flame, there are advantages of speed, precision and simplicity, and they have never been replaced by other devices. In practice there can be blockages associated with particulate matter in biological materials, precipitation of protein on the inner wall of the capillary tube and the viscosity effects referred to previously. However, daily cleaning and maintenance will usually obviate these difficulties. Techniques to improve sensitivity so as to allow the positive features of flame atomization to be retained, are widely applied to the analysis of biomedical specimens. These involve atom trapping, preventing dispersal of the atoms, preconcentration by liquid–liquid extraction and preconcentration using solid-phase traps. Atom trapping Ground state atoms condense onto the surface of a water-cooled tube placed above the burner head and below the light path. Dilute solutions are nebulized for periods of up to several minutes to trap the analyte. Then the water is displaced by air with a rapid rise in temperature of the trap so that all the atoms are released together into the light path to give a strong atomic absorption signal. The technique has been applied to the measurement of cadmium and lead in urine.

Figure 2 (A) The effect of increasing the proportion of fuel in an air–acetylene flame on the absorbance given by a solution of calcium. (B) The effect of raising the light path above the burner head on the absorbance given by a solution of calcium.

Preventing dispersion of the atoms A hollow tube is mounted on the burner and the light path passes along the length of the tube. Samples are nebulized and atoms enter the tube where they are prevented from dispersing throughout and beyond the flame by the physical presence of the tube. Consequently, a more concentrated atom population is favoured with an improved atomization signal. Such devices were employed for the Delves’ microcup technique for solid sample introduction directly into the flame – a procedure which is still used in a few laboratories for the measurement of lead in blood. More use is made of the slotted quartz tube and a number of different designs have been used. The tube is best suited for more volatile elements (e.g. Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, etc.) and sensitivity enhancements of 3–10-fold are obtained. Furthermore, with the greater sensitivity, larger specimen dilutions can be made so that matrix interferences are eliminated or specimens of small size can be analysed. Preconcentration methods are employed to enhance sensitivity for FAAS and for other atomic spectrometric techniques. These are described in a later section.


Electrothermal atomization atomic absorption spectroscopy (ETAAS) Electrothermal heating for sample vaporization has proven to be an extremely powerful tool for atomic absorption, atomic emission and for introduction of atoms into the sampling torch for inductively coupled plasma (ICP) mass spectrometry (MS). With the exception of a few designs modelled on the graphite rod, all commercial systems are developments of the Massman furnace, and are constructed from graphite. As explained elsewhere, ETAAS affords considerable improvements in sensitivity compared with FAAS and the higher temperatures attained permit the measurement of elements such as Al, Cr and V which do not form an appreciable population of ground state atoms within the air–acetylene flame. Because of the small sample volumes required, less than 50 µL, the technique is ideal for biomedical applications which are often characterized by limited material (as in paediatric investigations, for example). Biomedical specimens and analytes

A glimpse at any of the ASU reviews immediately shows that ETAAS is used for the analysis of all specimen types within the biomedical field and for the determination of virtually all applicable elements. With special furnace materials and/or linings, even the very refractory elements such as boron and the rare earths can be measured with useful sensitivity. Although not extensively exploited, nonliquid samples can be accommodated. Tissue samples may be loaded into the furnace but this is a cumbersome procedure and because only a few mg of material can be taken it is essential that the original specimen is hom*ogeneous – which rarely applies to biological tissues. However, it is possible to prepare suspensions of finely powdered solid samples in a thixotropic medium and the resultant slurry may then be handled as if it were a liquid and be injected into the furnace. Analyses of tissue specimens as slurries are regularly reported. Interferences

As explained by L’Vov, who first introduced the technique of ETAAS, electrothermal atomization is ideally accomplished under stable, isothermal conditions. However, the essential design of the Massman furnace imposes dynamic conditions with complex temperature profiles both temporally and spatially within the furnace. While this allows for simplified operational designs it does however lead to more interferences. The topic of interferences is dealt with in more detail in other articles. Of special

significance to biomedical specimens, which typically contain large amounts of sodium, chloride and carbon-based biomolecules, are the following. Drying Protein-rich viscous specimens may dry unevenly with ‘explosive sputtering’ at the start of the ash phase, causing poor reproducibility. Ashing Volatile halides, e.g. AlCl3 may form, causing preatomization loss of the analyte. Atomization Stable compounds such as carbides can be produced, giving low atomization rates (e.g. Mo); vapour phase reactions, especially molecular condensation at the cooler ends of the furnace (e.g. Pb(g) + 2NaCl(g) → PbCl2(g) + 2Na(g)), can result in nonatomic absorption of incident radiation and scattering of incident radiation by particulates (carbon, smoke, salts). The majority of developments since the introduction of ETAAS are concerned with the elimination of these interferences. Furnace materials and design

Commercially available furnaces are all made from electrographite, electrographite with a pyrolytic coating or total pyrolytic graphite. Devices that delay atomization until the temperature of the gas in the furnace has reached a plateau are described elsewhere. The L’Vov platform is widely used with biomedical specimens, especially in larger furnaces, which are slow to heat to the atomization temperature. A second device, the graphite probe, produces a less sensitive analytical arrangement and is not often used. Transverse heating causes less of a temperature difference between the centre and ends of the furnace compared with longitudinal heating of the conventional Massman design and, therefore, vapour phase condensation is reduced. An authorative review of materials suitable for use in furnace construction, and of recent developments in design, has been prepared by Frech (see Further reading). Chemical modifiers

Effective analysis of most biomedical materials requires addition of reagents that modify the behaviour of the specimen during the heating program so as to reduce the interferences described above. The chemical modifiers most commonly employed with these specimens are given in Table 5. Triton X-100 is used at a concentration of around 0.1% and is included in with the sample diluent. Gaseous oxygen or air are effective ashing aids but will cause rapid deterioration of the graphite furnace unless a desorption step is included before the temperature is increased for atomization. Other modifier solutions


Table 5 Chemical modifiers used in the analysis of biomedical specimens by ETAAS



Triton X-100

To ensure smooth, even drying of proteinrich specimens and avoid the formation of a dried crust around a liquid core To promote destruction of the organic matrix and reduce formation of smoke and other particulates which give nonatomic absorption To stabilize volatile elements, e.g. Se, As, during the dry and ash phases Stabilizes Hg up to a temperature of 200qC To stabilize analyte atoms by removal of halides as HCl or NH4Cl during the ash phase Becomes reduced to MgO which traps the metals to reduce volatilization losses and also to delay atomization and separate the analyte signal from the background absorption Usually used together with magnesium nitrate; reduces volatilization losses and also delays atomization to separate the analyte signal from the background absorption

Gaseous oxygen

Ni, Cu, Pd Potassium dichromate HNO3 or NH4NO3


NH3H2PO4 or (NH3)2HPO4

can be included with the sample diluent or separately added by the autosampler to the specimen inside the furnace. The choice of modifier often depends on the availability of a source material which is free from contamination. Background correction

Background correction is essential for almost all biomedical applications in order to correct for nonatomic absorption of the incident radiation. Nonatomic absorption is much reduced at wavelengths above 300 nm but this is relevant to just a few elements. Each of the techniques for background correction (Table 6) have their advantages and disadvantages. The three systems used in commercial instruments are effective although the Smith Hieftje variation is included by very few manufacturers. The Zeeman-effect technique is ideal for dealing with structured background which is of particular significance in the measurement of cadmium in urine Table 6

Background correction (BC) techniques

Measure absorbance at a nearby nonabsorbing line Deuterium BC Smith-Hieftje BC Zeeman-effect BC;

(i) applied to the light source (ii) applied to the furnace

and elements such as arsenic and selenium in ironrich samples, i.e. blood. Without Zeeman-effect background correction these applications are difficult to carry out successfully by ETAAS. Novel atomizers

Several research groups have designed atomizers with the purpose of separating the analyte from interfering species, to permit simple atomic absorption. While some appear to be effective, none are commercially available. It was shown some years ago that a 150 W tungsten filament from a light bulb could be used as an electrothermal atomizer. More recently, this concept has been used to develop very small portable instruments for onsite measurement of lead in blood. Excellent results have been reported but a commercial model is still awaited.

Other techniques for atomic absorption spectroscopy Biomedical samples and analytes

The technical and instrumental features of cold vapour and hydride generation are described elsewhere. Mercury is used extensively in industry and there may be situations of environmental use, but the typical sources of exposure are from the diet, especially fish, and from dental amalgam. Depending on the nature of the exposure, e.g. inorganic salts, organomercury compounds, the metal or its vapour, it may be necessary to analyse specimens of urine, blood or tissues and foods. Many of the elements which form volatile hydrides have important biomedical properties. Selenium is an essential micronutrient, arsenic is especially recognized as toxic, while bismuth and antimony have valuable pharmacological properties. As with mercury, all types of biological specimens may require to be analysed. Mercury: cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometry

The concentration of mercury in urine is an excellent indicator of recent exposure to mercury vapour or inorganic compounds, and the measurement is very simple following digestion with KMnO4–H2SO4 to ensure that all carbon–mercury bonds are broken. With other samples a more aggressive approach is required to not only release the mercury but to also destroy the organic matrix which inhibits vaporization of elemental mercury. These more powerful reducing conditions and heating are necessary for analysis of blood and tissues. To prevent loss of


volatile mercury either a closed digestion system or heating with a reflux condenser must be used. Because the clinical and toxicological effects of alkylmercurials are so different from those of inorganic species it is useful to separately measure organomercury compounds. The essential reaction to the cold vapour technique is the reduction of Hg2+ to Hg0. Thus, total mercury concentration in a specimen will be determined after the disruption of carbon– mercury bonds, as described above, while if this step is omitted only the inorganic mercury is measured. Hydride forming elements

Considerable interest in methods to measure arsenic and other hydride forming elements has been evident in recent years. The basic procedure involves careful digestion of the specimens to convert all the different species to a single valency form, reduction with BH4–, and vaporization to the hydride, followed by atomization in a quartz tube heated in an air–acetylene flame or with electrical thermal wire. However, measurement of total arsenic is not always entirely helpful. Fish contain large amounts of organoarsenic species, which are absorbed and excreted without further metabolism and with no adverse health effects. These species will be included in a total arsenic determination and can mask attempts to measure toxic As3+ and metabolites. Thus, methods to measure the individual species, or related groups of compounds in urine or other samples, have been described to provide more meaningful results. These methods include separation by chromatography or solvent extraction, and pretreatment steps which transform only the species of interest into the reducible form. Accessories from instrument manufacturers for hydride generation allow for either a ‘total consumption’ measurement when all the sample is reacted at once with the BH4– and the gaseous hydride taken to the heated cell as a single pulse, or by flow injection to give a continuous, steady-state signal. The former gives a lower detection limit but the latter is easier to automate. The chemical hydride reaction is impaired by other hydride-forming elements and by transition metals so that careful calibration is essential. It has been shown that the hydride may be taken to a graphite furnace where the gas is trapped onto the surface. Rapid electrothermal heating then gives a very sensitive signal. Trapping is more efficient when the graphite is coated with a metal salt, e.g. Ag, Pd, Ir. Electrolysis releases nascent hydrogen and this reaction has been employed as an alternative to chemical hydride generation. With this arrangement the interferences are much less.

With careful sample preparation hydride generation is an extremely valuable analytical technique appropriate to ICP-AES and ICP-MS as well as atomic absorption spectrometry. Within the context of biomedical analysis, measurements of arsenic and selenium are currently the more important.

Atomic emission spectroscopy Flame atomic emission spectroscopy (FAES)

Of the different techniques for atomic emission spectroscopy (AES) only those which use a flame or an ICP are of any interest for analysis of biomedical specimens. Flame AES, also called flame photometry, has been an essential technique within clinical laboratories for measuring the major cations, sodium and potassium. This technique, usually with an air– propane flame, was also used to determine lithium in specimens from patients who were given this element to treat depression, and was employed by virtually all clinical laboratories throughout the world until the recent development of reliable, rapid-response ion selective electrodes. Biological fluids need only to be diluted with water and in modern equipment the diluter is an integral part of the instrument so that a specimen of plasma or urine can be introduced without any preliminary treatment. Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES)

At the temperature of the flame there is no useful emission of other biologically important elements. However, with the greater energy of the ICP, much lower detection limits, typically around 1 µg mL–1, are obtained and many elements may be determined in solutions prepared from biological tissues. Recent developments with the optical systems and array detectors offer improvements in sensitivity and data collection. In consequence, elements such as copper, zinc and aluminium may be measured in blood plasma, while the expanded information caught by detectors is making it possible for powerful chemometric manipulation of individual signals to be undertaken. The most valuable features of ICP-AES is the multi-element capability. In most clinical situations this is not an important requirement but for some research work and in other biomedical applications the comprehensive information derived can be of considerable interest. There are few interferences associated with ICP-AES but, as with FAAS, matrix interferences associated with uptake of sample via the nebulizer may be encountered with some systems.


Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) Other instrumental approaches to inorganic MS are available which, together with X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, are mainly applied to the analysis of very thin solid specimens such as tissue sections. For more general application, the ICP as the ion source has provided enormous improvements to inorganic MS. These improvements are: convenience to operate, low detection limits (µg L–1 or below), multielement analyses, and the ability to measure isotopes, thus allowing stable isotopes to be used as tracers for metabolic and other studies. However, there are important disadvantages associated with ICP-MS. Sampling times of several minutes at a nebulization rate of approximately 3 mL min 1 are required to ensure a sufficient number of counts at each mass number and, therefore, the volume of undiluted specimen necessary to give a result can be large. As a consequence of the long sampling times and the frequent measurement of blanks, calibration specimens and quality control samples, the total number of real specimens analysed in a working day is not high. With a slow rate of analysis, the requirement for experienced staff and the very high capital and servicing expenditure, the measurement costs are extremely high. Interferences and sample preparation

Matrix interferences affecting the nebulizer are similar to those of FAAS and ICP-AES, and sample preparation generally involves dilution or acid digestion of liquid specimens and digestion or solubilization of tissues. In addition, some suppression of analyte signals may be caused by sodium and other dissolved inorganic components. To overcome this the salts may be removed by chelating resins or by using reference materials with a composition similar to the test specimens as calibrants. Of greater importance, ICP-MS is subject to a number of spectral interferences due to the formation of polyatomic species with the same mass number as the element being measured. For example, in the determination of zinc there are interferences due to sulfur (32S16O2, 33S16O 1H and 32S16O18O), and chlorine (35Cl16O ) 2 2 on 64Zn, 66Zn and 67Zn. Various techniques to reduce spectral interferences include the use of ionexchange, either off-line or on-line (usually an HPLC column), or liquid–liquid extraction, to separate the analyte from the interferants or to count an isotope which is relatively free from interferences. The more recent generation of high-resolution mass spectrometers is reported to give good discrimination of analyte isotopes from other species but at a cost of

higher detection limits. To improve the signal associated with isotopes of low abundance, techniques for sample introduction that avoid the use of nebulizer have been developed. These include mercury vapour and hydride generation, electrothermal vaporization and laser ablation techniques. Biomedical applications

The technique of ICP-MS is rarely appropriate for measurement of a single element. Exceptions are where sensitivity is unmatched by other techniques, and for isotope work. The very low detection limits for rare earth elements and the actinides have permitted a number of studies relating to the biochemistry and unusual sources of exposure to these elements. Similarly, low levels of occupational and environmental exposure to platinum and other noble metals are now being investigated. Isotope work includes: fundamental biochemical studies using isotopes of elements such as H, C, N and O; absorption and distribution of essential trace minerals, e.g. Fe, Zn, Se in situations such as childhood, pregnancy and dietary deficiencies; and the identification of sources of exposure to lead and other nonessential elements by comparisons of isotopic compositions, i.e. a ‘fingerprinting’ approach. More complex investigations require a combination of these features: e.g. determination of intestinal absorption rates of different dietary selenium species involves feeding subjects with foods previously enriched with stable isotopes, and separation of the selenium species in specimens such as blood by HPLC coupled directly to the ICPMS, which affords both very sensitive analysis and differentiation of the selenium isotopes. Indeed, speciation work such as this represents a major area of biomedical interest to which the technique of ICPMS is applied. A further activity involves the characterization and certification of biomedical reference materials where the high degree of accuracy required is achieved by inclusion of isotope dilution analysis into the multielement measurement.

Sample preparation The objectives for preparation of biomedical specimens are to (i) remove interfering components from the matrix and (ii) adjust the concentration of analyte to facilitate the actual measurement. These objectives may be realized by a number of approaches (Table 7) which in general are appropriate to all the techniques described in this article. Methods for destruction of the organic matrix by simple heating or by acid digestion have been used extensively and are thoroughly validated. Microwave


Table 7

Approaches to sample preparation



Dilution, protein precipitation

Using simple off-line arrangements or flow-injection manifold

Dry ashing

Using a muffle furnace or a lowtemperature asher

Acid digestion

(i) In open vessels with convection or microwave heating (ii) In sealed vessels to increase the reaction pressure

Base dissolution

Using quaternary ammonium hydroxides

Chelation and solvent extraction

For analyte enhancement and removal of interferences

Trapping onto solidphase media

For analyte enhancement and removal of interferences

heating is now well established for this purpose with specifically constructed apparatus to avoid dangers of excessive pressure within reaction vessels. Although the number of specimens which can be processed is not large, microwave heating affords rapid digestion and low reagent blanks. More recent developments include continuous flow systems for automated digestion linked directly to the instrument for measurement of the analyte(s). Preconcentration by liquid–liquid partitioning is a widely used procedure. Analyte atoms in a large volume of aqueous specimen are complexed with an appropriate agent and then extracted into a smaller volume of organic solvent. This leads to enhancement of concentration and also removes the analyte from potential/real interferences in the original matrix. It is used to measure lead in blood and metals in urine and for other applications. Preconcentration by trapping onto solid-phase media represents the area where much of the recent interest in FAAS has been focussed but is relevant to all sample-preparation work. The original work involved adsorption onto material such as charcoal or alumina but newer phases include ion-exchange resins and novel support systems to which functional groups are added to confer increased selectivity and capacity. While trapping of an analyte from a dilute sample, and elution into a small volume of release solution may be

accomplished off-line, developments in flow-injection analysis provide for the assembly of simple online manifolds so that complete measurements may be carried through automatically. Developments in these applications involving a wide range of biomedical sample types and elements are regularly described in the ASU reviews. Biological reference materials with and without certified values are readily available and several interlaboratory comparison programmes are established for analysts to determine the accuracy of their methods. See also: Atomic Absorption, Methods and Instrumentation; Atomic Absorption, Theory; Atomic Emission, Methods and Instrumentation; Fluorescence and Emission Spectroscopy, Theory; Food and Dairy Products, Applications of Atomic Spectroscopy; Forensic Science, Applications of Atomic Spectroscopy; Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry, Methods; Pharmaceutical Applications of Atomic Spectroscopy; X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometers; X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Applications.

Further reading Bacon J, Crain J, McMahon A and Williams J (1998) Atomic spectrometry update – Atomic mass spectrometry. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 13: 171R–208R. Ellis A, Holmes M, Kregsamer P, Potts P, Streli C, West M and Wobrauschek P (1998) Atomic spectroscopy update – X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 13: 209R–232R. Frech W (1996) Recent developments in atomizers for electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry 355: 475–486. Roelandts I (1997) Biological and environmental reference materials: update 1996. Spectrochimica Acta, Part B 52B: 1073–1086. Taylor A (1997) Applications of recent developments for trace element analysis. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 11: 185–187. Taylor A (1998) Atomic absorption and emission spectrometry. In: Crocker J and Burnett D (eds) The Science of Laboratory Diagnosis. Oxford: Isis Medical Media. Taylor A, Branch S, Halls DJ, Owen L and White M (1999) Atomic spectrometry update – Clinical and biological materials, foods and beverages. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 14: 717–781.


C 13C

NMR, Methods

Cecil Dybowski, Alicia Glatfelter and HN Cheng, University of Delaware Newark, DE, USA


Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

The analysis of carbonaceous materials with spectroscopy takes on special importance because, without doubt, the study of the chemistry of carbon is more extensive than that of any other element. The strong sensitivity of NMR parameters to chemical state has long made NMR spectroscopy a favourite tool for analysis of organic materials. Early on, proton NMR spectroscopy was used to analyse materials, but with the development of ever-more-sensitive instrumentation, the NMR analysis of carbon in organic molecules has become the essential tool for identification of carbon-containing materials. Several isotopes of carbon occur naturally. The most abundant isotope of naturally occurring carbon is 12C, which comprises 98.90% of all carbon. It has no magnetic moment and therefore is not active in NMR spectroscopy. Most people are familiar with the existence of 14C, a minute percentage of naturally occurring carbon, because, through measurement of its radioactive emissions, one can define the age of certain ancient objects. It is not NMR active because its spin is also zero. 13C, comprising only 1.10% of naturally occurring carbon, is the carbon isotope on which NMR spectroscopists focus strongly because it has a spin of like the proton or the 19F nucleus.

Properties of the



The NMR properties of 13C (Table 1) give an indication of both the strengths and the weaknesses of analysis using it. The gyromagnetic ratio of 13C is approximately one-fourth that of the proton and, as a result, the resonance condition for 13C at a given magnetic field strength occurs at a radiofrequency approximately one-fourth that of the proton resonance. For a sample with equal numbers of spins and equal spin–lattice relaxation rates, the predicted signal-to-noise ratio of the 13C spectrum at a particular

Table 1


C NMR properties




Gyromagnetic ratio (HzT1)

1.0705 × 107

Typical shift range (ppm)


Receptivity relative to 1H

1.59 × 102

magnetic field strength would be over an order of magnitude lower than that of a proton spectrum. Additionally accounting for the concentration difference due to the natural abundance, one finds that typically the absolute receptivity of 13C relative to the proton is only 1.76 × 10 −4. Thus, there are difficulties with obtaining 13C NMR spectra compared to 1H NMR spectra. However, the utility of carbon NMR in studies of organic molecules guarantees 13C will be one of the nuclei more heavily investigated by NMR spectroscopists.

Single-pulse Fourier transform NMR The analysis of carbonaceous materials would indeed be difficult if it were not for the fact that Fourier transform NMR spectroscopy allows one to increase the signal-to-noise ratio by coadding experiments. The simplest experiment is the gathering of the response to a single pulse. The length of the pulse for maximum signal, the S/2 pulse, on most modern spectrometers is typically in the range of 5 to 20 µs. Data acquisition goes on for a time that depends on the spectrum width and resolution desired, often for times greater than a second. In the single-pulse experiment, an important parameter is the rate at which the experiment can be repeated, determined by the time it takes to repolarize the system after the magnetization has been destroyed in the excitation and acquisition. This is a


function of the spin–lattice relaxation time, T1, of the carbons in the sample. For typical small organic molecules, T1 can be of the order 10 to 60 s or more at room temperature. A rule of thumb for quantitative evaluation of NMR spectra is that the repolarization time is five times the longest T1 in the sample. For some samples, particularly those containing quaternary carbon atoms or carbonyl groups, this time can be substantially longer than a few minutes. Thus, a compromise is often struck, in which the repolarization time is shortened to some few tens of seconds, with the knowledge that certain resonances may be attenuated, making the resultant spectrum nonquantitative. Another compromise involved to obtain data faster is to use a pulse width different from S/2 and a repolarization time shorter than 5T1. For a resonance with a relaxation time, T1, and a repolarization time, TR, one may calculate the angle, DE (the Ernst angle), that gives the largest signal-to-noise by coaddition in a given time:

The variation of the Ernst angle with TR/T1 is shown in Figure 1. The optimal pulse angle may be substantially less than S/2 for typical conditions encountered for carbon NMR spectroscopy where the repolarization time is short compared to T1. For a fixed repetition time, the Ernst angles of carbons in a sample will not be identical because T1 varies from carbon to carbon. Thus, even in defining the pulse angle, some compromise must be made, depending on the range of T1 values in the sample.

Heteronuclear decoupling Detection of the 13C NMR spectrum of an organic compound in solution with the single pulse experiment, as described above, is quite feasible. However, were the spectrum acquired in this manner, one would notice that the number of peaks in it exceeds the number of unique carbon environments. Most organics contain protons as well as carbon atoms. These protons are coupled to the carbons through the indirect (or scalar) J coupling, resulting in splitting of the carbon resonances of any carbon with attached protons. Generally, carbons are coupled to one (AX), two (AX2), or three (AX3) protons. In these cases, one sees the appearance of a doublet (AX) a triplet (AX2), or a quartet (AX3). If the carbon is coupled to several chemically distinct protons, one may see patterns that arise from spin systems labelled AXY,

Figure 1 The Ernst angle as a function of the ratio of the repolarization time to the spin–lattice relaxation time.

AX2Y, etc. These splittings contain information on the coupling constants between carbons and protons that can be of value in structure elucidation, but frequently the study of carbon NMR spectra focusses mainly on the unique carbon environments in a sample, and the splitting that the coupling brings only confuses the analysis. Thus, carbon NMR spectra are often obtained with simultaneous irradiation of the offending protons which suppresses the effects of coupling – the heteronuclear decoupled NMR experiment. One question sometimes asked is why it is not necessary also to decouple the carbons from one another. Because of the low natural abundance of 13C, it is not very likely that a 13C will be near another spin-active 13C. Coupling requires relatively close proximity of the spins that are coupled, and it is simply quite unlikely that the spectrum has contributions from molecules containing two or more 13C atoms in a sample with the natural abundance of 13C. For sample containing substantial enrichment of the carbon in 13C (e.g. to increase signal in a single scan), such couplings may affect the spectrum, and consideration of them is an important point to keep in mind. Another important feature of carbon spectroscopy is the fact that the spectrum in natural abundance is really a superposition of spectra from different molecules, each with substitution of 13C at different sites in the molecule. The spectrum is not that of a single molecule with 13C at each position. This fact is sometimes


Figure 2 (A) Ethanol: the coupled with an asterisk.


C NMR spectrum; (B) the decoupled 13C NMR spectrum. The solvent resonance is indicated

forgotten because the analysis of the spectrum is often presented as if one were analysing a single molecule. Heteronuclear decoupling is effected by irradiation of the protons during the acquisition of the carbon signal. While this may sound simple, the process can be quite complex. For example, exposing the protons to a single-frequency excitation will only decouple protons whose resonances are at that frequency; others will be more or less affected, depending on how close their resonances are to the irradiation frequency. Thus, NMR spectroscopists have developed ways to irradiate over a band of frequencies that encompasses all of the protons coupled to the carbons. One means to spread the irradiation over the various protons is noise modulation of the proton excitation. This random modulation can be shown to result in excitation in a band that will excite all of the protons coupled to carbons. Such a technique is known as ‘noise decoupling’ or ‘broadband decoupling’. The use of decoupling with pure-frequency sources has been important in assigning resonances, since the observation of collapse of a coupling pattern indicates the existence of coupling between the carbon and the particular proton resonance irradiated. Experiments providing similar information are ‘off-resonance decoupling’ and ‘spin ticklings’. In these cases, the centre frequency of the noise irradiation or the field strength is varied to observe the effects on the resonance lines of coupling partners. From these, one gathers information on the coupling partners, the sizes of couplings, and the resonance frequencies of the coupling partners. In former times, such experiments were frequently the method of choice to assign resonances; however, the current use of two-dimensional NMR methods (see below) to determine coupling

partners probably presages the decline of the use of selective-decoupling techniques in the future. Truly random noise decoupling deposits energy in the sample over a range of frequencies near the centre irradiation frequency. Unfortunately, most of this energy falls at frequencies where there are no proton resonances. This portion of the energy does no useful work in suppressing the coupling of protons to carbons, but it does affect the sample. The energy deposited ultimately results in heating of the sample. To limit heating and to extend the range of useful decoupling, in the early 1980s, spectroscopists focussed on the possibility of using coherent pulse sequences to produce the same effect as noise decoupling – the suppression of effects due to coupling of carbons to protons. The techniques go by various acronyms such as MLEV-16 and WALTZ-16, and the concept behind them is quite simple. Coherent fast switching of a proton spin between its two spin states produces a kind of short-term cancellation of evolution due to the J coupling, as observed by the detected carbon magnetization. Importantly, because of the coherent nature of the process, the energy deposited in the sample goes to spin inversion, which limits heating of the sample. Most modern spectrometers implement some version of this technique when the spectrometer is performing an experiment with broadband decoupling. The importance of heteronuclear decoupling can be seen in Figure 2, where the carbon spectra of ethanol obtained with and without decoupling are shown. The decoupled spectrum in Figure 2B shows only lines for the various unique carbons sites. The simplicity of the spectrum in Figure 2B indicates the power of decoupling in unravelling the spectrum of a complex material.


Nuclear Overhauser enhancement

Table 2

In the heteronuclear decoupling experiment, it has proved convenient to have noise decoupling active not just during acquisition, but also during the repolarization time between experiments. If the experiment is performed in this manner, the spectrum is modified by another effect, the nuclear Overhauser effect enhancement (NOE). The presence of the perturbing field during the repolarization period affects the return to equilibrium of the spin system by saturating the proton resonance. This saturation directly impacts the cross-relaxation between the carbons and protons, increasing the signal in the case of 13C. If the system is allowed to reach equilibrium under the perturbation during repolarization, one predicts an enhancement of the signal, Ieq, over the signal without the NOE, I0:

Irradiation Irradiation during during repolarization time acquisition

Character of the spectrum



Coupled, no enhancement



Coupled, with enhancement

This increase is about 2.998, making the detection of the carbon resonance easier. Of course, for a particular repolarization time, not all 13C spins in a sample may have reached an equilibrium. The NOE is maximal if the relaxation mechanism solely originates in the direct dipole–dipole coupling between protons and carbons. This mechanism seems to be dominant for carbons directly bonded to protons, but for quaternary carbons and carbonyl carbons, such is not the case, and reduced enhancements are observed for these carbons. For this reason, a spectrum obtained with the NOE present should not be considered quantitative. The presence of the NOE can be avoided by turning proton irradiation off during the repolarization time between experiments. If the experiment includes the activation of the proton irradiation for decoupling during acquisition, one obtains a spectrum with no enhancement and with coupling suppressed. On the other hand, if the proton irradiation is off during acquisition and the repolarization time, the spectrum has no enhancement and displays all couplings. There are four possible kinds of experiment, depending on when proton irradiation is on, as indicated in Table 2. Spectroscopists often use the NOE in obtaining carbon spectra as it gives a significantly larger signal for many of the carbons in a sample.

Effects of decoupling and NOE in carbon spectra



Decoupled, no enhancement



Decoupled, with enhancement

there are questions and ambiguities that cannot be unravelled with this simple experiment alone. Some may be addressed with selective-decoupling techniques. However, the use of spectral-editing sequences, and ultimately 2D NMR, has aided assignment of resonances in carbon spectroscopy. As an example, knowing the number of protons to which a carbon is coupled brings additional information to the process of identifying the structure of some unknown carbon-containing material. Generally, the sequences for carrying out these investigations involve pulse excitation of the carbons and the protons in such a way that the magnetization from a particular carbon centre behaves in a predictable manner. The techniques are often referred to by spectroscopists in the acronymical shorthand so prevalent in many spectroscopies: DEPT, INEPT, APT, and many, many more. The techniques involve modulation of the spin evolution or outright transfer of polarization from one species to the other. As an example, we discuss the so-called attachedproton test (APT). It involves the use of a spin echo, which is produced by a sequence of two pulses, as shown in Figure 3.

Pulse techniques for analysis The single-pulse NMR experiment is a powerful tool for analysing materials, especially carbon. However,

Figure 3 (A) The single π pluse. (B) The gated-decoupling attached-proton test, showing the sequence applied to the carbons (top) and the sequence applied to the protons (bottom).


First, we discuss the simple spin echo produced by a single π pulse (Figure 3A). Consider a magnetic moment, subject only to the chemical-shift interaction, that lies initially along the x axis of the rotating frame. After a time t, it will have moved ahead of the x axis of the rotating frame by an angle determined by the time t and the chemical shift. The S pulse inverts this magnetic moment so that immediately after the pulse it sits at that angle behind the x axis. During the subsequent period, however, it catches up to the x axis, so that at a time t after the S pulse it is aligned with the x axis as it was at the beginning. In effect, at that time, the position of the magnetic moment is as if it were not subject to a chemical shift. On the other hand, consider a spin that has no chemical shift (i.e. it sits at the frequency of the excitation) but is subject to a J coupling to another spin. During the first period, the magnetic moment begins to deviate from the x axis of the rotating frame, depending on its spin state and that of its coupling partner. Let us now apply a S pulse only to the spin under observation. Once again, the magnetic moment returns to alignment with the x axis in the second period. In a third experiment, we propose to carry out the experiment of Figure 3B on the spins. Once again, we assume that the chemical shift is zero, but the J coupling is not. During the first period, there is no evolution of the spin because the decoupling suppresses this interaction, so the magnetic moment remains along the x axis in the rotating frame. The S pulse does not change the direction of the spin, since it is along the x direction. However, in the second period, the J coupling causes the magnetic moment to deviate from the x axis, so that a time t after the S pulse, the magnetization is moved away from the x axis by an amount determined by the time t and the J coupling. Were we to carry out the same experiment with a nonzero chemical shift and a nonzero J coupling, we would discover that the evolution due to chemical shift would be cancelled but the evolution due to J coupling would not. Thus it is possible with this experiment to label magnetic moments at time t after the S pulse according to the effects of J coupling. If, at that point, an acquisition is started, the peaks in the resulting spectrum will have magnitudes corresponding to the amplitude at that time, which will be determined by the J coupling. Consider an AX system subject to this experiment. The spectrum will show no splittings, for it is taken with decoupling. The amplitude of the line will oscillate with t. In particular, for t = 1/JCH, this signal will appear totally inverted. On the other hand, a

carbon not coupled to an X spin (such as carbonyl or quaternary carbon) experiences no deviation and gives a positive signal under the same set of circ*mstances. A careful examination of the evolution of the components of the AX2 and AX3 species shows that, under this same experiment, the signal of the carbon in an AX2 environment experiences no net deviation of the magnetic moment at a time t after the pulse, whereas the AX3 system experiences a net inversion. Thus, the response to such an experiment is a spectrum with the signals from AX and AX3 inverted relative to those of A and AX2. From such a spectrum, one can easily discriminate these kinds of environment, as one can see from the spectrum of Figure 4. The utility of the APT sequence hinges on the fact that one may choose a time t that is equal to S/JCH for all carbons in the sample. This will only be true if the coupling constant is similar for carbons in various environments. As it turns out, the coupling constants are frequently in the range of 120 to 150 Hz, which is a sufficiently narrow range to allow the technique to work relatively well. A typical value of t that is used in these experiments is 7 ms. However, it must be emphasized that there are systems for which the coupling constants are very different from this nominal range, and lines from these carbons will not necessarily appear to be of the ‘right phase’; such deviations should always be checked by additional experiments with different values of t. The other commonly seen spectral editing techniques used in carbon NMR involve the transfer of polarization from protons to carbons in particular ways. A good example of this type of experiment is the so-called DEPT (distortionless enhancement by polarization transfer) sequence (Figure 5). By careful choice of experimental parameters, one can obtain spectra that represent only the quaternary, only the methines, only the methylenes and only the methyl groups in the sample. This is done in this case by use of the sequence shown in Figure 5. Four spectra are obtained with G = S/4, S/2, and 3 S/4 in the sequence

Figure 4 The APT spectrum of ethyl isobutyrate in deuterochloroform. The solvent resonance is indicated with an asterisk.


and a single-pulse experiment. Figure 6 shows these spectra for ethyl isobutyrate. In Figure 6A all the lines appear. In Figure 6B all the lines except the quaternary carbons appear positive. In Figure 6C only resonances from CH groups appear. In Figure 6D the CH and CH3 appear positive and the CH2 groups appear negative. With these spectra, one can identify the various species present. The INEPT (insensitive nuclei enhanced by polarization transfer) experiment is similar to the DEPT experiment, except that it uses an evolution period to produce the appropriate condition for spectral selection that depends critically on the size of the coupling constant. The technique is therefore somewhat more susceptible to artefacts resulting from the variability of coupling constants than is DEPT.

Figure 5 The DEPT experiment. The top line is the sequence applied to the carbons and bottom is applied to the protons. The time t is fixed as 1/(2JCH).

Figure 6 DEPT spectra of ethyl isobutyrate: (A) the singlepulse spectrum; (B) DEPT-π/4; (C) DEPT-π/2; (D) DEPT-3π/4. The triplet arises from the carbon of the solvent, deuterochloroform.

Two-dimensional carbon NMR spectroscopy Two-dimensional (2D) NMR spectroscopy is now used routinely for many analytical problems. A convenient way to conceptualize 2D NMR spectroscopic studies is to divide the time of a 2D pulse experiment into four periods:

During the preparation period the spin system is ‘prepared’ for the 2D experiment. This may entail a simple S/2 pulse or a complex series of pulses and delay times. These preparation pulses and delays are applied in such a way, depending on the experiment, as to produce a particular behaviour of the spins during the evolution period (time = t1). The mixing period is needed in some 2D experiments to permit transfer of magnetization from one spin to another. The signal is finally detected in the detection period (time = t2). In a typical 2D experiment the evolution time t1 is varied systematically. For every value of t1, the signal as a function of t2 is collected in the detection period. The complete set of these signals (as a function of t1 and t2) constitutes the 2D data set, S(t1, t2). Suitable Fourier transformation of S(t1, t2) with respect to both t1 and t2 then produces the 2D spectrum, S(f 1, f 2), where fi denotes the frequency. A large number of 2D experiments have been devised. A list of some simpler 2D experiments is shown in Table 3. These experiments can be broadly classified as either J-resolved or shift-correlated. In J-resolved experiments, the chemical shift G and the coupling constant J are plotted to form a 2D representation with G and J axes. In this way, the scalar coupling pattern for spins with different chemical shifts can be visualized clearly. In shift-correlated experiments, 2D plots with different chemical shifts can be obtained. These experiments are found to be very useful in resolving different spectral assignment problems. An example is shown of the C–H HETCOR (heteronuclear shift correlations) experiment. The pulse sequence is given in Figure 7. In the preparation period, a S/2 pulse is applied to the 1H nuclei (a), causing the 1H magnetization to evolve with time t1. Midway in the evolution period, a S pulse is applied to the 13C nuclei (b). The S pulse produces refocussing of the 13C–1H coupling at the start of the mixing period (c). The mixing time ∆1 is set to 1/(2JCH) to polarize the 1H magnetization. At (d), S/2 pulses at


Table 3

Some simple 2D experiments




hom*onuclear Heteronuclear Shift-correlated COSY (HH-COSY) NOESY HETCOR (CH-COSY) HMQC RELAY CH COLOC HMBC 2D INADEQUATE

Function Shows 1H1H coupling patterns; permits precise J HH measurements Shows 13C1H coupling patterns; permits precise J CH measurements Permits correlation of 1H signals through 1H1H couplings Permits correlation of 1H signals through NOE interactions Permits correlation of 1H and 13C signals through 1JCH Gives similar information as HETCOR; indirectly detects the less receptive 13C through the more receptive 1H Permits correlation of 1H signals through relayed coherence; 1H1H or 13C1H Permits correlation of 13C–1H signals through long-range 13C–1H coupling Gives similar information as COLOC; indirectly detects the less receptive 13C through the more receptive 1H Gives correlation of 13C signals through direct 13C13C coupling

COSY = hom*onuclear chemical shift correlation spectroscopy; NOESY = 2D nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) spectroscopy; HMQC = heteronuclear mulltiple-quantum coherence; RELAY = relayed coherence transfer; COLOC = correlation via long-range coupling; HMBC = heteronuclear long-range coupling; INADEQUATE = incredible natural abundance double quantum transfer experiment.

Figure 7

The C–H HETCOR pulse sequence. Figure 8


and 13C are simultaneously applied, prompting transfer of the 1H polarization to 13C, which is then detected with simultaneous 1H decoupling to obtain the decoupled 13C spectrum. A C−H HETCOR plot for polypropylene is given in Figure 8. The projection along one axis gives the 13C spectrum, and the projection along the other axis gives the 1H spectrum. Thus, if the 1H and the 13C spectra are both partially assigned, this experiment sometimes permits the information to be combined in order to derive improved assignments of both spectra.

Spectral assignments 13C

NMR spectroscopy is ideally suited for organic structure determination. As noted above, it is a rare spin (only 1.1% in natural abundance), which means 13C–13C couplings are not usually seen. Secondly, the 13C shift range is large (220 ppm), and neighbouring atoms (as far as H position away) affect the chemical shift of a given carbon. Thirdly, the chemical shift is less sensitive than 1H to inter- and intramolecular

The C–H HETCOR spectrum of polypropylene.

interactions, such as hydrogen bonding and selfassociation. As a result, in most cases a one-to-one correspondence can be made between an organic structure and the 13C NMR spectrum. The 13C chemical shift is diagnostic of different functional groups. An abbreviated shift scale is shown in Figure 9. This shift scale is useful for spectral interpretation and is reminiscent of similar structure–spectral correlation charts used in infrared (IR) spectroscopy. Yet 13C NMR provides much more detailed structural information than IR. It has been known since the 1960s that the 13C shifts of alkanes are approximately additive with increasing number of substituents. Similar empirical additivity rules have been found for alkyl carbons with different functional groups and other additivity rules have been proposed for olefinic, aromatic, and carbonyl carbons. These linear additivity rules are a distinct feature of 13C NMR, and they simplify spectral interpretation. There are literally thousands of papers using 13C NMR for structure determination of organic materials. To many NMR users, spectral assignment is an


Table 4 Substitutent chemical shift parameters (in ppm) for 13C NMR (k0 = −2.3 for tetramethylsilane reference)























–7.2 –1.4

Thioether, thiola −S−



–3.0 –0.5

Ether, alcohola


Table 4 Continued











54.5 (1,2,3)




Substituent Ester

62.5 (4) −CONH−











C =C






C ≡C














70.1 (1,2)




69.0 (3)


66.0 (4) Chloro



31.1 (1,2) 10.0

–5.1 –0.5

Steric correction parameters (Table 5) apply to these substitutents. Number(s) in parentheses denotes(s) the number of nonhydrogen substituents on the carbon in question.

35.0 (3) 43.0 (4) Bromo




18.9 (1,2) 11.0

–3.8 –0.7

Table 5

Steric correction parameters, S(i , j )a

27.9 (3)




36.9 (4)

















–7.2 (1,2)


–1.5 –0.9

3.8 (3) 20.8 (4)




–4.6 –0.1








–3.3 –0.5







Peroxy, hyd roperoxy






Oxime, syn













15 25

Designation i = the carbon in question, and j = number of nonhydrogen substituents directly attached to the D-substituent (applicable only to D-substituents marked with footnote a in Table 4).

A sample calculation for 2-ethyl-1-butanol is as follows: Oxime, anti













































Acyl chloride
































S(2,3) S(3,2)













art that depends on experience and good memory. The shift scale in Figure 9, coupled with spectral intensities and other chemical information, often permits simple structures to be deciphered. For more complex molecules, one common method involves looking up in spectral libraries for either the compound in question or, if not available, compounds with similar structures. This process has been automated, and many computer-assisted structure-determination methods have been developed. Several research groups have been very active in advancing this important area. Another commonly used method involves the empirical shift rules described earlier. For alkyl carbons, the 13C shifts can be approximated by a linear combination of additive terms related to the neighbouring functionalities:

where ni refers to the number of i neighbouring carbons (i = D, E, J, G, and H), Si is a constant characteristic of the ith carbon, and Sc represents steric corrective terms to be used for contiguous secondary, tertiary, and quaternary carbons. One set of additive parameters is shown in Table 4. The term nHSH is often neglected because it is usually insignificantly small. The steric correction parameters Sc are given in Table 5. Computer programs have been written that automate the rather tedious arithmetic involved. A recent program provides predicted 13C shifts and spectra of organic compounds containing common functional groups by incorporating most of the reported activity rules. In practice, spectral assignment of more complex structures or unknown compounds often requires a combination of assignment methodologies, with or without computer assistance and experimental tech-

niques. Thus, for a given problem it is not unusual to obtain the single-pulse spectrum, the APT, INEPT, and/or DEPT spectrum of a sample. If needed, 2D spectra are also obtained. The information gathered is used, together with shift-prediction or spectralsearch methods, to determine the structure of the sample in question.

Summary Carbon NMR is a valuable tool for the study of organic materials. The NMR parameters are directly correlated with the structural properties of the various carbon sites. Modern spectrometers make carbon spectroscopy on samples containing 13C feasible at natural abundance. With the development of modern NMR technology, a host of techniques may be applied to obtain a wide variety of information about the molecule under study. In particular, spectral-editing experiments can provide information on carbon–proton connectivity that aid in the assignment of resonances and the elucidation of structure.

List of symbols fi = frequency; I0 =signal intensity without NOE; Ieq = signal enhancement; J = coupling constant; k0 = base chemical shift; n = number of neighbouring carbon atoms; S = signal; t = time; T1 = spin–lattice relaxation time; TR = repolarization time; DE = Ernst angle; J = magnetogyric ratio; G = chemical shift. See also: 13C NMR, Parameter Survey; NMR Pulse Sequences; NMR Relaxation Rates; NMR Spectrometers; NQR, Applications; Nuclear Overhauser Effect; Structural Chemistry Using NMR Spectroscopy, Organic Molecules; Structural Chemistry Using NMR Spectroscopy, Pharmaceuticals; Two-Dimensional NMR, Methods.

Further reading

Figure 9

A simplified chemical-shift scale for carbon.

Bax A (1982) Two-Dimensional Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Liquids. Dordrecht: Delft University Press. Becker ED (1980) High-Resolution NMR. Theory and Chemical Applications, 2nd edn. New York: Academic Press. Carabedian M, Dagane I, Dubois J-E (1988) Elucidation of progressive intersection of ordered substructures for carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance. Analytical Chemistry 60: 2186–2192, and references therein.


Carbon-13 Database, Bio-Rad Sadtler Division, 3316 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA. Cheng HN and Bennett MA (1991) Trends in shift rules in carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and computer-aided shift prediction. Analytica Chimica Acta 242: 43–53. Cheng HN and Ellingsen SJ (1983) Carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance spectral interpretation by a computerized substituent chemical shift method. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Science 23: 197. Cheng HN and Kasehagen LJ (1994) Integrated approach for 13C nuclear magnetic resonance shift prediction, spectral simulation and library search. Analytica Chimica Acta 285: 223–235. Clerc JT and Sommerauer H (1977) A minicomputer program based on additivity rules for the estimation of 13C NMR chemical shifts. Analytica Chimica Acta 95: 33–40. Clerc JT, Pretsch E and Sternhell S (1973) 13C-Kernresonanz-spektroskopie. Frankfurt: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft. Dodrell DM, Pegg DT and Bendall MR (1983) Correspondence between INEPT and DEPT pulse sequences for coupled spin-half nuclei. Journal of Magnetic Resonance 51: 264–269. Ernst RR (1966) Nuclear magnetic double resonance with an incoherent radio-frequency field. Journal of Chemical Physics 45: 3845. Ernst RR, Bodenhausen G and Wokaun A (1987) Principles of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in One and Two Dimensions. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Fürst A and Pretsch E (1990) A computer program for the prediction of 13C-NMR chemical shifts of organic compounds. Analytica Chimica Acta 229: 17–25. Hearmon RA (1986) Microcomputer-based 13C NMR spectral simulation of substituted alkanes. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry 24: 995–998. INKA Database, Scientific Information Service, Larchmont, NY.

Levitt M, Freeman R and Frenkiel T (1983) Broadband decoupling in high-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. In: Waugh JS (ed) Advances in Magnetic Resonance, Vol 11, pp 48–110. New York: Academic Press. Lindley MR, Gray NAB, Smith DH, Djerassi C (1982) Applications of artificial intelligence for chemical inference. 40. Computerized approach to the verification of carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance spectral assignments. Journal of Organic Chemistry 47: 1027– 1035. Martin GE and Zektzer AS (1988) Two-Dimensional NMR Methods for Establishing Molecular Connectivity. New York: VCH. Morris GA and Freeman R (1979) Enhancement of nuclear magnetic resonance signals by polarization transfer. Journal of the American Chemical Society 101: 760–762. Munk ME and Christie BD (1989) The characterization of structure by computer. Analytica Chimica Acta 216: 57–75, and references therein. Nakanishi K (ed) (1990) One-Dimensional and Two-Dimensional NMR Spectra by Modern Pulse Techniques. Tokyo: Kodansha. Noggle JH and Schirmer RS (1971) The Nuclear Overhauser Effect. New York: Academic Press. Paul EG and Grant DM (1964) Carbon-13 magnetic resonance II. Chemical shift data for the alkanes. Journal of the American Chemical Society 86: 2984–2990. Pretsch E, Clerc JT, Seibl J and Simon W (1989) Tables of Spectral Data for Structure Elucidation of Organic Compounds, 2nd edn. Berlin: Springer. SPECINFO Database, STN International, 2540 Olentangy River Rd., Columbus, OH 43210, USA. Takahashi Y, Maeda S and Sasaki S (1987) Automated recognition of common geometrical patterns among a variety of three-dimensional molecular structures. Analytica Chimica Acta 200: 363–377, and references therein.



NMR, Parameter Survey

R Duncan Farrant, GlaxoWellcome R&D, Stevenage, UK John C Lindon, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, UK


Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction High-resolution 13C NMR spectroscopy is in widespread and routine use in many laboratories as a tool for the identification of organic compounds. This article is intended to provide a compilation of the chemical shifts and coupling constants available from 13C NMR spectra and to show how these are

Table 1

Estimation of the 13C chemical shifts in aliphatic compounds

Substituent –H –C=C–∗ –C≡C– –Ph –F –Cl –Br –I –O–∗ –O–CO– –O–NO–

related to molecular structures. 13C NMR of organic molecules in solution is particularly powerful because 13C chemical shifts, and spin–spin coupling involving 13C nuclei generally fall into well defined ranges. Comprehensive tabulations of such values have been compiled (see Further reading) and more recently a number of computer-based predictive schemes have become available.

Increment Zi for substituents in position α β γ δ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.1 19.5 4.4 22.1 70.1 31.0 18.9 –7.2 49.0 56.5 54.3

9.4 6.9 5.6 9.3 7.8 10.0 11.0 10.9 10.1 6.5 6.1

–2.5 –2.1 –3.4 –2.6 –6.8 –5.1 –3.8 –1.5 –6.2 –6.0 –6.5

0.3 0.4 –0.6 0.3 0.0 –0.5 –0.7 –0.9 0.3 0.0 –0.5





30.7 5.4 –7.2 –NH3+ 26.0 7.5 –4.6 –NO2 61.6 3.1 –4.6 –NC 31.5 7.6 –3.0 –S–∗ 10.6 11.4 –3.6 –S–CO– 17.0 6.5 –3.1 –SO–∗ 31.1 7.0 –3.5 –SO2–∗ 30.3 7.0 –3.7 –SO2Cl 54.5 3.4 –3.0 –SCN 23.0 9.7 –3.0 –CHO 29.9 –0.6 –2.7 –CO– 22.5 3.0 –3.0 –COOH 20.1 2.0 –2.8 –COO– 24.5 3.5 –2.5 –COO– 22.6 2.0 –2.8 –CO 22.0 2.6 –3.2 –COCl 33.1 2.3 –3.6 –CS– 33.1 7.7 –2.5 –C=NOH syn, 11.7 0.6 –1.8 –C=NOH anti 16.1 4.3 –1.5 –CN 3.1 2.4 –3.3 From Pretsch E, Simon W, Seibl J and Clerc T (1989) Reproduced with permission from Springer-Verlag.

Steric corrections S:

Number of substituents other than H at the α–atom a Observed 13C centre 1 2 3 4 Primary (CH3) 0.0 0.0 –1.1 –3.4 0.0 0.0 –2.5 –6.0 Secondary (CH2) Tertiary (CH) 0.0 –3.7 –8.5 –10.0 Quaternary (C) –1.5 –8.0 –10.0 –12.5 a For D-substituents marked with asterisks above. Conformation corrections K for J-substitutents: Conformation




–1.4 0.0 –1.0 0.0 1.0 Synclinal –0.4 0.0 0.5 0.3 0.0 0.0 Anticlinal 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 –0.4 Antiperiplanar 2.0 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.0 Not fixed – –0.5 0.0 Spectral Data for Structure Determination of Organic Compounds, 2nd edn.


Table 2


C Chemical shifts for methyl groups

Substituent X –H –CH3 –CH2CH3 –CH(CH3)2 –C(CH3)3 –(CH2)6CH3 –CH2Ph –CH2F –CH2Cl –CH2Br –CH2I –CHCl2 –CHBr2 –CCl3 –CBr3 –CH2OH –CH2OCH3 –CH2OCH2CH3 –CH2OCH=CH2 –CH2OPh –CH2OCOCH3

G –2.3 7.3 15.4 24.1 31.3 14.1 15.7 15.8 18.7 19.1 20.4 31.6 31.8 46.3 49.4 18.2 14.7 15.4 14.6 14.9

Substituent X –cyclopentyl –cy –CH=CH2 –C{CH –phenyl – α–naphthyl –β –naphthyl –2–pyridyl –3–pyridyl –4–pyridyl –2–furyl –2–thienyl –2–pyrrolyl –2–indolyl –3–indolyl –4–indolyl –5–indolyl –6–indolyl –7–indolyl –F

G 20.5 23.1 18.7 3.7 21.4 19.1 21.5 24.2 18.0 20.6 13.7 14.7 11.8 13.4 9.8 21.6 21.5 21.7 16.6 71.6

Substituent X –CH2COCH3 –CH2COOH –OPh –OCOOCH3 –OCOCH3 –OCOcy –OCOCH=CH2 –OCOPh –OSO2OCH3 –NH2 –NH3+ –NHCH3 –NHcy –NHPh –N(CH3)2 –N–pyrrolidinyl –N–piperidinyl –N(CH3)Ph –1–pyrrolyl –1–imidazolyl –1–pyrazolyl

G 7.0 9.6 54.8 54.9 51.5 51.2 51.5 51.8 59.1 28.3 26.5 38.2 33.5 30.2 47.5 42.7 47.7 39.9 35.9 32.2 38.4

Substituent X



55.1 52.5 39.3 52.6 39.6 41.1 31.2 30.7 27.5 21.1 25.7 27.6 25.7 21.7 24.4 20.6 21.8 22.3 21.5 32.6 30.2

14.4 –Cl 25.6 –CH2NH2 19.0 –Br 9.6 –1–indolyl 32.1 –COCOCH3 23.2 14.3 –I –24.0 –NHCOCH3 26.1 –COCl 33.6 –CH2NHCH3 12.8 –OH 50.2 –N(CH3)CHO 36.5; 31.5 –CN 1.7 –CH2N(CH3)2 12.3 –OCH3 60.9 –NC 26.8 –SC8H17 15.5 –CH2NO2 19.7 –OCH2CH3 57.6 –NCS 29.1 –SPh 15.6 –CH2SH 6.7 –OCH(CH3)2 54.9 –NO2 61.2 –SSCH3 22.0 –CH2SO2CH3 8.0 –OC(CH3)3 49.4 –SH 6.5 –SOCH3 40.1 –CH2SO3H 5.2 –OCH2CH CH2 57.4 –SCH3 19.3 –SO2CH3 42.6 –CH2CHO From Pretsch E, Simon W, Seibl J and Clerc T (1989) Spectral Data for Structure Determination of Organic Compounds, 2nd edn. Reproduced with permission from Springer-Verlag.

Table 3

Effect of a substituent on the 13C chemical shifts in vinyl compounds

Substituent X



–H 0.0 0.0 –CH3 12.9 –7.4 –CH2CH3 17.2 –9.8 –CH2CH2CH3 15.7 –8.8 –C(CH3)2 22.7 –12.0 –CH2CH2CH2CH3 14.6 –8.9 −14.8 –C(CH3)3 26.0 –CH2Cl 10.2 –6.0 –CH2Br 10.9 –4.5 –CH2I 14.2 –4.0 –CH2OH 14.2 –8.4 –CH2OCH2CH3 12.3 –8.8 –CH=CH2 13.6 –7.0 –C=CH –6.0 5.9 –Ph 12.5 –11.0 –F 24.9 –34.3 –Cl 2.8 –6.1 –Br –8.6 –0.9 –I –38.1 7.0 From Pretsch E, Simon W, Seibl J and Clerc T (1989) Spectral Reproduced with permission from Springer-Verlag.

Substituent X



–OCH3 29.4 –38.9 –OCH2CH3 28.8 –37.1 –OCH2CH2CH2CH3 28.1 –40.4 –OCOCH3 18.4 –26.7 –N(CH3)2 28.0∗ –32.0∗ + –N (CH3)3 19.8 –10.6 –N–pyrrolidonyl 6.5 –29.2 –NO2 22.3 –0.9 –NC –3.9 –2.7 –SCH2Ph 18.5 –16.4 –SO2CH=CH2 14.3 7.9 –CHO 15.3 14.5 –COCH3 13.8 4.7 –COOH 5.0 9.8 –COOCH2CH3 6.3 7.0 –COCl 8.1 14.0 –CN –15.1 14.2 –Si(CH3)3 16.9 6.7 –SiCl3 8.7 16.1 Data for Structure Determination of Organic Compounds, 2nd edn.


Chemical shifts Alkanes 13C

NMR chemical shifts are referenced to that of tetramethylsilane (TMS) added as an internal standard and taken as 0.0 ppm. Often secondary standards are used and one common approach is to use the 13C NMR resonance of the organic solvent. For the two commonest NMR solvents, these have values relative to TMS of CDCl3 at 77.5 ppm and dimethyl sulfoxide-d6 at 39.5 ppm. The 13C chemical shift of methane is at −2.3 ppm relative to TMS and from this base value it is possible to calculate shifts for other alkanes (and even substituted alkanes provided that the appropriate base shifts for the substituted methane are available) using the increment data given in Table 1 together with the equation

Carbons involved in keto–enol tautomerism can experience large chemical shift differences according to the tautomer present. For example, for acetylacetone the carbonyl carbon resonates at 201.1 ppm in the keto form but is at 190.5 ppm in the enol form. Similarly, the carbon which is a methylene group in the keto form with a shift of 56.6 ppm moves to 99.0 ppm as an olefinic carbon in the enol form. Ring strain can induce significant effects on 13C shifts. For example, the olefine carbons in cyclopropene are at 108.7 ppm, in cyclobutene they are at 137.2 ppm, in cyclopentene they appear at 130.8 ppm and in cyclohexene at 127.4 ppm. Conjugation can also have large effects. The inner olefine carbon in butadiene is at 136.9 ppm, whilst the central carbon in allene is at 213.5 ppm with the outer carbon at 74.8 ppm. Alkynes

Acetylene has a 13C shift of 71.9 ppm and the effects of substituents have been evaluated. These are given in Table 4. where Z denotes the substituent effects, s values are included to take into account steric effects and K allows for conformations of γ-substituents. Methyl groups can have a fairly large range of shift values and these can also be predicted using substituent effects as shown in Table 2. Rules have been given by Grant and co-workers for calculating 13C chemical shifts of methyl and ring carbons in cyclohexanes. The 13C NMR chemical shifts for cyclohexanes can be calculated using similar parameters to those for the aliphatic compounds above. Much study has been devoted to halogenated alkanes including fluorinated compounds and predictive rules have been derived. Alkenes

The 13C shifts for carbons of double bonds generally range from 80 to 160 ppm and they can again be estimated from empirical rules based on substituent effects. Thus the shifts of double bond carbons can be estimated from the equation

where z1 is an increment for substitution on the ipso carbon and z2 is the effect of a substituent on the vicinal carbon. The substituent effects are given in Table 3.

Aromatic hydrocarbons

Benzene has a chemical shift of 128.5 ppm and the 1-, 2- and 4a-positions of naphthalene have shifts of 128.0, 126.0 and 133.7 ppm, respectively. Well

Table 4

C Chemical shifts in alkynes (H–Cb≡Ca–X)



























































From Pretsch E, Simon W, Seibl J and Clerc T (1989) Spectral Data for Structure Determination of Organic Compounds, 2nd edn. Reproduced with permission from Springer-Verlag.


Table 5

Effect of substituents on the 13C chemical shifts in monosubstituted benzenes

Substituent X





Substituent X
























–N N–Ph

































































































































































































































































































–OSi (CH3)3



































































From Pretsch E, Simon W, Seibl J and Clerc T (1989) Spectral Data for Structure Determination of Organic Compounds, 2nd edn. Reproduced with permission from Springer-Verlag.

defined substituent effects on aromatic carbon shifts in benzene derivatives have been derived. These are calculated according to the equation

and the substituent effects for ortho, meta and para positions are listed in Table 5. Similar data compilations are available for naphthalene derivatives and

for pyridines. The naphthalene substituent parameters can be used with a reasonable degree of success in other condensed ring hydrocarbons provided that the base values for a particular ring system are available. These have been given for a number of ring systems, including benzofuran, benzthiophen, benzimidazole, quinoline, isoquinoline and many others (see Further reading). The 13C shifts for purine and pyrimidine bases have also been measured and these form useful base values for studies of nucleosides, nucleotides and nucleic acids.


Oxygen-containing compounds

Alcohols show large chemical shifts according to the proximity of the oxygen to the measured carbon. Thus n-propanol has shifts of 64.2, 25.9 and 10.3 ppm for the carbons α, β and γ to the OH, respectively. Ethylene glycol has a shift of 63.4 ppm, whilst glycerol has shifts of 64.5 and 73.7 ppm for the CH2 and CH carbons, respectively. Trifluoroethanol, often used in protein and peptide NMR studies, has carbon shifts of 61.4 and 125.1 ppm for the CH2 and CF3 carbons, respectively, with 1J 2 CF = 278 Hz and JCCF = 35 Hz (see later). Ethers show similar substituent effects to alcohols. For cyclic ethers, ring strain again induces large chemical shift changes. Thus for ethylene oxide the CH2 shift is 39.5 ppm whereas for the four-membered ring analogue the shift is 72.6 ppm. Extensive data compilations are available for monosaccharides and other sugars, including the tabulation by Bock. Amines

The protonation of amines causes a shielding of carbons adjacent to the nitrogen except for branched systems, where some deshielding is often seen. The effect of protonation can be about −2 ppm at an αcarbon, −3 ppm at a β-carbon and up to −1 ppm at a γ-carbon. For example, the 13C shifts of ethylamine are 36.9 ppm (CH2) and 19.0 (CH3) and these are shifted by −0.2 and −5.0 ppm, respectively, on protonation. Again, ring strain effects in cyclic amines are mirrored by large 13C shift effects. Amino acids 13C

NMR data for amino acids have been tabulated extensively as these provide base values for studies of NMR spectra of peptides and proteins. The data compilation by Pretsch and co-workers is comprehensive, as are the results shown in the book by Wuthrich. Values are very pH dependent.

Other functional groups

Nitrile carbon shifts are in the range of 115–125 ppm whereas in isonitriles the shifts are around 155– 165 ppm. In oximes, the carbon in the C=N bond appears around 150–160 ppm and in isocyanates the carbon shift is in the region of 120–125 ppm. For hydrazones with the functionality C=N–N, the 13C shifts are usually around 165 ppm. Methylene carbons adjacent to nitro groups generally appear near 70–80 ppm, and for methylene groups in nitrosoamines these appear around 45–55 ppm.

The SH group induces much smaller shift changes. The CH2 resonance of carbons adjacent to a thiol group appear around 24–35 ppm according to the presence of other substituents and chain branching. Similar effects are seen in thioethers. Sulfoxides of the type RR′SO are chiral because of the pyramidal structure of the sulfoxide group and hence nonequivalence can be seen in the NMR spectra. Methylene carbons adjacent to sulfone groups appear around 55–65 ppm. Carbonyl carbons

For the fragment, Cβ–Cα–CO–Cα–Cβ, it is possible to estimate the carbonyl carbon chemical shift from the substituent effects given in Table 6A using the equation

For carboxylic acids and esters, Equation [4] and Table 6B apply with a base shift of 166.0 ppm. For amides, the base shift is 165.0 ppm and the substituent effects in Table 6C are used.

Table 6 Additivity rules for estimating the chemical shift for carbonyl groups

(A) Aldehydes and ketones: Substituent i

–CH=CH2 –CH=CH–CH3 –Ph











(B) Carboxylic acids and esters: Substituent i
























–9.0 –8.0

(C) Amides: Substituent i






From Pretsch E, Simon W, Seibl J and Clerc T (1989) Spectral data for Structure Determination of Organic Compounds, 2nd edn. Reproduced with permission from Springer-Verlag.


Aldehyde carbons have a similar range of chemical shifts as ketones; for example, the shift for cyclohexane-1-aldehyde is 204.7 ppm. Cyclic ketones tend to be more deshielded than alicyclic ketones. For example, methyl ethyl ketone has a carbonyl shift of 207.6 ppm but cyclohexanone is at 209.7 ppm. The carbonyl group of lactones is highly shielded relative to other carbonyl carbons, with an upfield shift of around 20 ppm. Similarly, amide and lactam carbons are in the region of 165–175 ppm. The carbonyl carbons of anhydrides are also similarly shielded.

Table 7 Additivity rule for estimating the constants in aliphatic compounds

Substituent –H –CH3 –C(CH3)3 –CH2Cl

0.0 1.0 –3.0 3.0











One-bond JCH



Two-bond JCH

These couplings can be small and vary considerably. For example, for the fragment 13C–C–H, JCH is 1–6 Hz, for 13C=C–H it is 0–16 Hz and for 13C– (C=O)–H it is 20–50 Hz. Three-bond JCH

These generally lie in the range 0–10 Hz but they depend on the dihedral angle in similar fashion to proton–proton coupling constants. Thus, when the 13C and 1H are in bonds which are eclipsed, the coupling is around 6 Hz, when they are antiperiplanar, the coupling is about 9 Hz and when the bonds are at right-angles, the coupling drops to close to zero. In alkenes, the three-bond trans coupling is always larger than the cis coupling for a pair of cis–trans isomers. Typical values are 7–10 Hz for a cis coupling and 8–13 Hz for a trans coupling. Three-bond couplings in aromatic molecules are generally around 7–10 Hz. Other couplings involving 13C

One-bond 13C–13C couplings have a typical value of around 30–40 Hz in unstrained, unsubstituted




























C–1H coupling

Increments zi

Coupling constants

An extensive review of these is now available (see Further reading). In general, these lie in the range 125–170 Hz but there are a number of values beyond this upper figure. The value can be estimated in substituted methanes of the type CHZ1Z2Z3 using Equation [5] and the substituent effects in Table 7.



From Pretsch E, Simon W, Seibl J and Clerc T (1989) Spectral Data for Structure Determination of Organic Compounds, 2nd edn. Reproduced with permission from Springer-Verlag.

systems. Ring strain causes a reduction in coupling constant, the value in cyclopropane, for example, being only 12.4 Hz. Couplings in conjugated systems tend to be higher, an extreme example being acetylene with a value of 171.5 Hz. 13C–13C coupling through two or three bonds can also be measured. Values are typically 1–5 Hz. 13C–19F coupling constants can also often be measured. The one-bond coupling is around 280–300 Hz depending on substituents, with the two-bond coupling also being of considerable magnitude, around 20 Hz. Longer range 13C–19F couplings are also observed, especially in aromatic and conjugated molecules. In fluorobenzene 1JCH is 245.1 Hz, 2JCH is 21.0 Hz, 3JCH is 7.8 Hz and 4JCH is 3.2 Hz. In addition, a number of studies have made use of 13C–15N and 13C–31P coupling constants.


List of symbols J = coupling constant; K = conformations of γ-substituents; s = steric effects; Z = substituent effects; δ = chemical shift. See also: Parameters in NMR Spectroscopy, Theory of; Structural Chemistry Using NMR Spectroscopy, Organic Molecules; Structural Chemistry Using NMR Spectroscopy, Peptides; Structural Chemistry Using NMR Spectroscopy, Pharmaceuticals.

Further reading Bock K and Pedersen C (1983) 13C NMR spectroscopy of monosaccharides. Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry 41: 27–66. Bock K, Pedersen C and Pedersen H (1984) 13C NMR spectroscopy of oligosaccharides. Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry 42: 193–225. Bruhl TS, Heilmann D and Kleinpeter E (1997) 13C NMR chemical shift calculations for some substituted pyridines. A comparative consideration. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Science 37: 726–730. Dalling DK and Grant DM (1972) Carbon-13 magnetic resonance. XXI. Steric interactions in the methylcy-

clohexanes. Journal of the American Chemical Society 94: 5318–5324. Grant DM and Paul EG (1964) Carbon-13 magnetic resonance: chemical shift data for the alkanes. Journal of the American Chemical Society 86: 2984–2995. Hansen PE (1981) Carbon-hydrogen spin–spin coupling constants. Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Spectroscopy 14: 175–296. Kalinowski H-O, Berger S and Braun S (1988) Carbon-13 NMR Spectroscopy. New York: Wiley. Ovenall DW and Chang JJ (1977) Carbon-13 NMR of fluorinated compounds using wide-band fluorine decoupling. Journal of Magnetic Resonance 25: 361–372. Pathre S (1996) Drawing structures and calculating 13C NMR spectra-ACD/CNMR. Analytical Chemistry 68: A740–A741. Pretsch E, Simon W, Seibl J and Clerc T (1989) Spectral Data for Structure Determination of Organic Compounds, 2nd edn. Berlin: Springer. Sarneski JE, Surprenant HL, Molen FK and Reilley CN (1975) Chemical shifts and protonation shifts in carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance studies of aqueous amines. Analytical Chemistry 47: 2116–2124. Van Bramer S (1997) ACD/CMR and ACD/HNMR spectrum prediction software. Concepts in Magnetic Resonance 9: 271–273. Wuthrich K (1986) NMR of Proteins and Nucleic Acids. New York: Wiley.

Cadmium NMR, Applications See

Heteronuclear NMR Applications (Y–Cd).

Caesium NMR Spectroscopy See

NMR Spectroscopy of Alkali Metal Nuclei in Solution.


Calibration and Reference Systems (Regulatory Authorities) C Burgess, Burgess Consultancy, Barnard Castle, Co Durham, UK Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Overview Spectroscopic measurements are at the heart of many analytical procedures and processes. Proper and adequate calibration and qualification of spectrometers is an essential part of the process for ensuring data integrity. Wherever practicable, the standards used should be traceable to a recognized national or international standard. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9000 series of guides are the international standard for quality systems. Quality of measurement is central to compliance: for example ISO 9001 Section 4.11 requires that: …the user shall identify, calibrate and adjust all inspection, measuring and test equipment and devices that can affect product quality at prescribed intervals, or prior to use, against certified equipment having a known valid relationship to nationally recognised standards.

More detailed information on the compliance requirements for the competence of calibration and testing laboratories is contained in ISO Guide 25. This guide has been interpreted to meet national requirements in some countries: for example the UK Accreditation Service refers to it as UKAS M10. Many laboratories seek accreditation to ISO Guide 25 and operate quality and testing systems which meet the requirements. The ISO Guide 25 approach heavily focuses on good analytical practices and adequate calibration of instruments with nationally or internationally traceable standards wherever possible. In addition to the ISO approach, environmental measurements (for example by the US Environmental Protection Agency) and the pharmaceutical industry are subject to rigorous regulatory requirements. The pharmaceutical industry has placed great emphasis on method validation in, for example, HPLC (see Further Reading section for details). However, until recently, there has been little specific regulatory requirement for assuring that the analytical instruments are working properly. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) specifically requires that: Laboratory controls shall include: …

FUNDAMENTALS OF SPECTROSCOPY Methods & Instrumentation The calibration of instruments, apparatus, gauges, and recording devices at suitable intervals in accordance with an established written program containing specific directions, schedules, limits for accuracy and precision, and provisions for remedial action in the event accuracy and/or precision limits are not met. Instruments, apparatus, gauges, and recording devices not meeting established specifications shall not be used.

The major regulatory guidelines for Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) are similarly vague. ‘Fitness for purpose’ is the phrase that is commonly used, but what does this mean in practice? Only the Pharmacopoeias (for example the US Pharmacopoeia (1995) and the British Pharmacopoeia (1998)), and the Australian Regulatory Authority have been sufficiently worried by instrumental factors to give written requirements for instrument performance. Whilst these guidelines are not entirely consistent at least they are attempting to ensure consistency of calibration practices between laboratories. However, there has been a resurgence of interest in the underlying data quality by regulatory authorities particularly the FDA following a major legal ruling involving Barr Laboratories, Inc. in 1993. This legal case has changed the regulatory focus and put the laboratory firmly in the spotlight in terms of the assurance of the quality of the data it produces. Up to this point we have focused on the spectrometer and the underlying data quality. However from an analytical science perspective, process is important as illustrated in Figure 1. Scientific knowledge is founded upon relevant and robust information generated from reliable data. The overall analytical process is illustrated in Figure 2. Quality has to be built in at all stages of the process, for failure to ensure integrity at any level invalidates results from further processing. One of the key areas not covered by this article is the validation of the software and systems involved in instrument control and data transformation. Clearly this must be addressed as part of the overall assessment for the ‘fitness for purpose’ of any computerized spectrometer.

Table 1

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards relating to spectrometry and spectrometer performance


E 131-95

Standard Terminology Relating to Molecular Spectroscopy

E 168-92

Standard Practices for General Techniques of Infrared Quantitative Analysis

E 169-93

Standard Practices for General Techniques of Ultraviolet-Visible Quantitative Analysis

E 275-93

Standard Practice for Describing and Measuring Performance of Ultraviolet, Visible and Near-Infrared Spectrophotometers

E 386-90

Standard Practice for Data Presentation Relating to High Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy

E 387-84

Standard Test Method for Estimating Stray Radiant Power Ratio of Spectrophotometers by the Opaque Filter Method

E 573-96

Standard Practices for Internal Reflection Spectroscopy

E 578-83

Standard Test Method for Linearity of Fluorescence Measuring Systems

E 579-84

Standard Test Method for Limit of Detection of Fluorescence of Quinine Sulphate

E 925-94

Standard Practice for the Periodic Calibration of Narrow Band-pass Spectrophotometers

E 932-93

Standard Practice for Describing and Measuring Performance of Dispersive Infrared Spectrometers

E 958-93

Standard Practice for Measuring Practical Spectral Bandwidth of Ultraviolet-Visible Spectrophotometers

E 1252-94

Standard Practice for General Techniques of Qualitative Infrared Analysis

E 1421-94

Standard Practice for Describing and Measuring Performance of Fourier Transform-Infrared Spectrometers; Level Zero and Level One Tests

E 1642-94

Standard Practices for General Techniques of Gas Chromatography Infrared (GC-IR) Analysis

E 1655-94

Standard Practices for Infrared, Multivariate Quantitative Analysis

E 1683-95a

Standard Practice for Testing the Performance of Scanning Raman Spectrometers

E 1790-96

Standard Practice for Near Infrared Qualitative Analysis

E 1791-96

Standard Practice for Transfer Standards for Reflectance Factor for Near-Infrared Instruments Using Hemispherical Geometry

E 1840-96

Standard Guide for Raman Shift Standards for Spectrometer Calibration

E 1865-97

Standard Guide for Open-path Fourier Transform Infrared (OP/FT-IR) Monitoring of Gases and Vapours in Air

E 1866-97

Standard Guide for Establishing Spectrophotometer Performance Tests

Note: These standards are available from ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428, USA


ASTM Standard

Summary of pharmacopoeial requirements for the calibration of IR and NIR spectrometers

Monograph Authority



Measurement process

Acceptance criteria


Ph. Eur. 1997 Method 2.2.24 BP 1998 IIA


0.05 mm polystyrene film 0.038 mm polystyrene film

% transmittance differences at 2870 and 2871 cm–1 and at 1589 and 1583 cm–1

Greater than 18 and 12 respectively

Ph. Eur 1997. Method 2.2.24

Wavenumber accuracy 0.05 mm polystyrene film

Location of transmittance minima

Not specified. The uncertainties quoted in the table reflect the uncertainities in the quoted values and not the acceptance criteria for the spectrometer



(± 0.3)


(± 0.3)


(± 2)


(± 0.3)


(± 0.3)


(± 0.3)


(± 1)


(± 0.3)


(± 0.3)


(± 0.3)


(± 0.3)


(± 0.3)


(± 0.3)


(± 0.5)

USP 23 (851) 1995 Wavenumber accuracy Polystyrene, water vapour, carbon dioxide, ammonia gas

Location of transmittance minima

Not specifed

Ph. Eur. 1997 Method 2.2.40

Wavelength scale accuracy

Polystyrene or rare earth oxides

Location of absorbance or reflectance minima

Not specified

Wavelength scale repeatability

Polystyrene or rare earth oxides

Location of absorbance or reflectance minima

Standard deviation is consistent with spectrometer specification

Response scale repeatability

Reflective thermoplastic resins doped with carbon black

Measurement of reflectance values

Standard deviation is consistent with spectrometer specification

Photometric noise

Reflective thermoplastic resins doped with carbon black or reflective ceramic tile

Peak to peak or at a given wavelength The photometric noise is consistent with spectrometer specification


Table 2

Table 3

Summary of pharmacopoeial requirements for the calibration of UV-visible spectrometers and polarimeters





Measurement process

Acceptance criteria


Ph. Eur. 1997 Method 2.2.25

Wavelength scale accuracy

4 % holmium oxide in 1.4 M perchloric acid (Ho) or atomic lines from deuterium (D), hydrogen (H) or mercury vapour arc (Hg)

Location of absorbance maxima

±1 nm 200 to 400 nm ± 3 nm 401 to 700 nm

USP 23 〈851〉

Absorbance scale accuracy

Absorbance scale accuracy Resolution Stray light

BP 1998 IIB



Second derivative

NIST SRMa 2034, holmlum oxide solution 57.0 to 63.0 mg of potassium dichromate per litre of 0.005 M sulfuric acid solution

NIST SRM 931 liquid filters NIST SRM 930 glass filters 0.02 % v/v toluene in hexane

±1 nm

Wavelength nm

Wavelength nm

A (1%, 1 cm)

235 124.0 257 144.0 313 48.6 350 106.6 As required by certificate

Absorbance ratio at the maximum at 269 nm to the minimum at 266 nm 1.2 % w/v potassium chloride in water Absorbance of 10 mm pathlength at 200 ± 2 nm 0.020% solution of toluene in Record the second derivative spectrum methanol between 255 nm and 275 nm for a 10 mm path length

Ph. Eur. 1997 Accuracy of rotation Quartz plate Method 2.2.7 NIST traceable quartz plate USP 23 〈 781〉 1995 Linearity of scale Succrose solutions Ph. Eur. 1997 Method 2.2.7 USP 23 〈781〉 1995 USP 23 〈781〉 NIST SRM 17 sucrose 1995 NIST SRM 41 dextrose National Institute for Science and Technology, Standard Reference Material (USA).

Not specified Not specified Not specified

Not specified


235 122.9 to 126.2 257 142.4 to 145.7 313 47.0 to 50.3 350 104.9 to 109.2 Not specified but implied within NIST range of values Greater than 1.5 Greater than 2 A small negative extremum located between two large negative extrema at about 261 and 268 nm should be clearly visible Not specified Not specified but implied within NIST range of values Not specified

Not specified but implied within NIST range of values


USP 23 〈851〉 1995 Ph. Eur. 1997 Method 2.2.25

241.15 nm (Ho) 404.66 nm (Hg) 253.7 nm (Hg) 435.83 nm (Hg) 287.15 nm (Ho) 486.0 nm (Dβ) 302.25 nm (Hg) 486.1 nm (Hβ) 313.16 nm (Hg) 536.3 nm (Ho) 334.15 nm (Hg) 546.07 nm (Hg) 316.5 nm (Ho) 576.96 nm (Hg) 365.48 nm (Hg) 579.07 nm (Hg) As required by certificate

Summary of pharmacopoeial requirements for the calibration of NMR and CD spectrometer





Measurement process

Acceptance criteria


Ph. Eur. 1997 Method 2.2.33


20% v/v 1,2 dichlorobenzene in deuterated acetone or 5% v/v tetramethylsilane in deuterochloroform

Peak width at half height of the band at δ7.33 ppm or δ7.51 ppm of the symmetrical multiplet for dichlorobenzene or

Less than or equal to 0.5 Hz

Peak width at half height of the band at δ 0.00 ppm for tetramethylsilane. Signal to noise ratio

1% v/v ethylbenzene in carbon tetrachloride

Measure the spectrum over range δ2 to 5 ppm. Measure the peak amplitude, A, of the largest peak of the methylene quartet centred at δ 2.65 ppm and the peak to peak amplitude of the baseline noise between δ 4 and δ 5 ppm. The amplitude is measured from a baseline constructed from the centre of the noise on either side of the quartet and at a distance of at least 1 ppm from its centre.

Side band amplitude


Ph. Eur. 1997 Method 2.2.41

The S/N ratio is given by 2.5 (A/H) which has to be greater than 25:1 for a mean of five measurements

Amplitude of spining side bands is not greater than 2% of the sample amplitude at the rotational speed used

Integrator response repeatability

5% v/v ethylbenzene in carbon tetrachloride

For quantitative measurements, carry out five successive scans of the protons of the phenyl and ethyl groups and determine the mean values.

No Individual value shall differ by more than 2.5% from the mean

Absorbance accuracy

1.0 mg ml–1 isoandrosterone

Record the spectrum between 280 and 360 nm and determine the minimum at 304 nm

∆ε is +3.3

Linearity of modulation

1.0 mg ml–1 (1S)-(+)camphorsulfonic acid

Record the spectrum between 185 and 340 nm and determine the minima at 192.5 and 290.5 nm

At 192.5 nm, ∆ε is –4.3 to –5 At 290.5 nm, ∆ε is +2.2 to +2.5


Table 4


Pharmacopoeia but do not specify calibration requirements other than that they are to be operated in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. A series of ASTM standards are available and are listed in Table 1. Whilst primarily intended for use by instrument vendors and for instrumental fitness for purpose for ASTM analytical procedures, they are sometimes useful in supplementing pharmacopoeial guidance. Tables 2–4 summarize the current requirements of the European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.), the British Pharmacopoeia (BP) and the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP).

Figure 1

Data, information and knowledge triangle.

See also: Food and Dairy Products, Applications of Atomic Spectroscopy; Food Science, Applications of Mass Spectrometry; Food Science, Applications of NMR Spectroscopy; Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS); Pharmaceutical Applications of Atomic Spectroscopy.

Further reading

Figure 2

Analytical process integrity.

This article is restricted to the calibration requirements for spectrometers within the regulatory context which from a practical standpoint means the major pharmacopoeias.

Spectroscopic coverage Current spectrometric monographs include calibration requirements for: infrared (IR), near infrared (NIR), ultraviolet and visible (UV-visible), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), circular dichroism and polarimetry. Monographs for atomic spectrophotometry, emission and absorption, fluorescence and X-ray fluorescence are available in the European

NIS 45, Edition 2, May 1996, Accreditation for Chemical Laboratories. Environmental Protection Agency, 2185-Good Automated Laboratory Practices, 1995. International Conference on Harmonisation Note for guidance on validation of analytical procedures: methodology, 1995, CPMP/ICH/281/95. FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, Reviewer Guidance; Validation of Chromatographic Methods, November 1994. 21 CFR 211 SUBPART I LABORATORY CONTROLS §211.160 (b) (4). e.g. United States Pharmacopoeia 23, 1995, chromatography, dissolution testing, Refractive index, spectrophotometry and light scattering. e.g. BP 1998, Appendix II; Infrared spectrophotometry, Ultraviolet and Visible spectrophotometry and Pharm. Eur. V.6.19 Absorption Spectrophotometry. Australian Code of GMP for Therapeutic Goods—Medicinal Products; Appendix D, November 1991; Guidelines for Laboratory Instrumentation. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Food and Drug Administration [Docket No. 93N0184] Barr Laboratories, Inc.; Refusal to Approve Certain Abbreviated Applications; Opportunity for a Hearing, Vol. 58 No. 102 Friday, May 28, 1993 p 31035 (Notice) 1/1061.


Carbohydrates Studied By NMR Charles T Weller, School of Biomedical Sciences, University of St Andrews, UK Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction Carbohydrates, the most widely abundant biological molecules, are key components within a wide variety of biological phenomena. Polysaccharides such as glycogen, cellulose and starch have important structural or nutritional roles, but it is the mediation of specific recognition events by carbohydrates that has sparked detailed analyses of structure, conformation and function. The non-invasive, non-destructive nature of the technique is commonly mentioned as the most important reason for analysing carbohydrates by NMR, and is of considerable advantage when dealing with small amounts of precious material. This advantage is, however, offset by the relative insensitivity of the technique when compared with other methods such as mass spectrometry or enzymatic approaches that may be more appropriate for specific problems of sequence determination or compositional analysis. The value of NMR analysis is apparent in the additional data obtainable regarding composition, structure, conformation and mobility necessary for understanding recognition processes. The analysis of carbohydrates by NMR is characterized by a modification of existing techniques to address the particular problems of oligosaccharide spectra, namely poor dispersion, heterogeneity, a relatively high degree of interresidue mobility and a lack of conformational restraints. This article will attempt to provide an introduction to a large field of study, and readers are encouraged to look to the Further reading section for additional information.

Sample preparation In high-field NMR, the use of high quality sample tubes can have a significant impact upon the quality of the spectra; 5 mm tubes are suitable for most work, with 10 mm sample tubes often being used for 13C analysis. For biologically relevant NMR analysis, experiments are generally carried out in aqueous solution. A strong water signal prevents direct analysis of proton signals lying beneath it and, owing to

MAGNETIC RESONANCE Applications the problems of dynamic range, would reduce the sensitivity with which weak solute signals are detected. If, as is often the case, the exchangeable OH or NH protons are not of interest, then experiments are usually carried out in 2H2O. Repeated dissolution and evaporation or lyophilization is recommended to reduce the proportion of residual protons remaining. In most cases, two dissolutions into > 99.8% 2H2O followed by a final dissolution into > 99.95% 2H2O, preferably from a sealed ampoule, should be sufficient. Other precautions, such as pre-wetting pipettes, further rounds of dissolution and drying, or the use of a dry box may be used for greater sensitivity or quality. Although extremes of pH or pD (outside the range δ 5–8) are to be avoided, buffer solutions are only necessary in two cases: if the molecule is charged, and the charge state is relevant to the study; and in the study of acid-labile carbohydrates, such as sialylated oligosaccharides. The use of 1H2O as solvent is necessary in some cases, and requires appropriate water suppression techniques. Care must be taken to ensure that the water is free from impurities, as well as dissolved gases or paramagnetic species. A deuterated solvent to provide an appropriate lock signal should be added, usually 5–10% 2H2O. Oligosaccharides are not normally soluble in nonaqueous solvents, except for dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). Despite the biologically irrelevant environment, this permits the observation of exchangeable protons, and there is also some increase in the proton spectral dispersion. Similar precautions to those noted for the use of 2H2O should be observed, such as the use of high isotopic purity (> 99.96%) solvent, and repeated dissolution to remove exchangeable protons. To approach optimal line widths, it is often advisable to remove soluble paramagnetic components by passage through a suitable chelator. Degassing to remove dissolved oxygen is also recommended. For acceptable spectra within a reasonable time using a 500 MHz spectrometer, 10 nmol is an approximate lower limit for 1D 1H spectra; for 2D 1H spectra, amounts of 1 µmol are preferable, although spectra with as little as 100 nmol are possible with care.


Sample volumes vary between 0.4–0.7 mL, depending on the size of the spectrometer RF coils. Temperature should be maintained at a constant level, preferably one or two degrees above room temperature for stability. Sample spinning is not necessary, except in cases where resolution is a particular problem. T1 for protons in carbohydrates is of the order of 0.1 to 0.5 s, and recycle delays of 1–1.5 s are usually sufficient. Referencing of samples is commonly to acetone at δ 2.225 relative to DSS (5,5-dimethylsilapentanesulfonate) at 25°C, or DMSO at 2.5 ppm.

Analysis of carbohydrate structure by NMR The problems of carbohydrate structure addressed by NMR can be divided into four parts: 1. What is the composition of the molecule: what monosaccharides are present, are they in furanose or pyranose configurations, and α or β anomeric forms? 2. What is the nature of the linkages between the monosaccharides: at what positions do the substituents occur, and in what sequence? 3. What is the conformation of the molecule: what conformation or family of conformations are populated about the O-glycosidic bonds and hydroxymethyl rotamers? 4. What are the dynamic properties of the molecule? Whilst the first and second questions can be satisfactorily answered by NMR, they are perhaps better approached in tandem with chemical or enzymatic methods, such as hydrolysis, followed by reduction and analysis of alditol acetates by GC-MS, or digestion with specific glycosidases. Such a concerted approach has been used to successfully determine the composition and configuration of many oligosaccharides and glycans. The unique advantages of NMR in the analysis of carbohydrate structure are only fully apparent in consideration of points 3 and 4. In contrast to the unbranched polymeric nature of polypeptide and nucleic acid chains, carbohydrates may be branched structures, capable of substitution at several points. The monosaccharide constituents are polymerized in nature by a non-template directed, enzymatic process; the resulting oligosaccharides are often heterogeneous, differing in detail from a consensus structure. NMR is particularly efficient at investigating the solution conformations, and the dynamic properties of such molecules.


NMR of carbohydrates

Primary analysis and assignment: 1H 1D spectra

The 1H NMR spectrum of the disaccharide galactopyranose β 1–4 linked to glucopyranose (Galpβ1-4Glcp, lactose, shown in Figure 1) is shown in Figure 2. Despite the relative simplicity of the molecule, with only 14 proton signals observable, the spectrum is surprisingly complex. This is due to the relatively small chemical shift dispersion of the non-exchangeable ring protons, resonating between δ 3–4. The small chemical shift dispersal combined with hom*onuclear spin–spin coupling gives rise in many cases to non-first-order spectra, complicating the measurement of spin-coupling values. This makes the assignment and analysis of even quite small saccharides quite difficult, and as a consequence the use of spectrometers of field strength 400 MHz or above is recommended. Primarily owing to the electron-withdrawing effect of the ring oxygen, the anomeric (H1) protons give rise to signals lying outside this envelope of ring protons, between δ 4.25–5.5. Since equatorial protons experience a shift of approximately δ –0.5 relative to axial proton signals, α anomeric protons of D-sugars tend to be found between δ 4.9–5.5, and β protons between δ 4.3–4.7. The ring protons of each monosaccharide type give rise to characteristic patterns within the envelope of overlapping ring proton resonances. However, incorporation of a monosaccharide residue into an oligosaccharide will cause changes in these chemical shift patterns. For example, substitution at a given carbon causes the signal arising from the attached proton to change by δ 0.2–0.5. The glucose residue of the sample shown in Figure 2 is free to mutarotate between α and β forms. The signals arising from these are easily distinguished from those owing to the galactose H1 by the difference in area. The two glucose resonances have a combined area approximately equal to that of the galactose H1 resonance.

Figure 1 Structure of the disaccharide Galpβ1-4Glcp, showing the numbering of protons within the sugar rings.


Figure 2 1H 1D spectrum of the disaccharide galactopyranose β1-4glucopyranose at 500 MHz and 303 K in 2 H2O. Peak assignments are given for well-resolved peaks, following the numbering of Figure 1. The unresolved proton ‘envelope’ consists of the remaining ring proton resonances. The peak marked ‘HOD’ arises from residual water within the sample.

Anomeric signals typically exhibit characteristic doublets, arising from the 3JH–H H1–H2 coupling, whereas ring protons show more complex multiplet patterns. These couplings are proportional to the dihedral angle between the two protons. Typical values for 3JH–H in carbohydrates are: axial–axial 7–8 Hz, axial–equatorial and equatorial–equatorial 3–4 Hz. During the early 1980s, Vliegenthart and coworkers identified a number of ‘structural reporter groups’, outlined in Table 1. Measurement of the chemical shift values, coupling patterns and line widths of signals arising from these elements can be interpreted to aid in the assignment and interpretation of 1D 1H NMR spectra. Sugar composition can thus be identified, and signals assigned on the basis of chemical shift and characteristic coupling values. The type and number of each can be established by consideration of chemical shifts, coupling patterns and relative integrals. Owing to the poor dispersion of the majority of resonances, this is usually limited to resolved anomeric protons or other structural reporter groups. Despite the development of highly efficient experiments based upon the use of selective excitation to produce edited one-dimensional spectra with more manageable information content, full proton assignment usually

relies upon two- or, in some cases, three-dimensional techniques. Two-dimensional hom*onuclear analysis

The poor dispersion and strong coupling present in carbohydrate proton spectra present particular problems for the assignment process. In addition, the

Table 1 Structural reporter Vliegenthart and co-workers




Sugar type



Information content



δ, J


H2, H3


Sialic acid




H5, CH3



H4, H4


Amino sugars

N-acetyl CH3


Residue and linkage type Substitution within core region of branched glycan Type and configuration of linkage Type and configuration of linkage: structural environment Type and configuration of linkage Sensitive to small structural variations



characteristics of a given spin system differ for each oligosaccharide and are highly dependant on structure. The use of two-dimensional experiments alleviates these problems. Coherence transfer methods The correlated spectroscopy (COSY) experiment reduces the degree of resonance overlap by separating resonances into two orthogonal proton dimensions. The 1D spectrum lies along the diagonal, with cross-peaks joining pairs of J-coupled spins. For carbohydrates, assignment can then start with the well-resolved anomeric protons, and continue by stepwise J-correlation to the remaining nuclei. This simple process is complicated in many cases by overlap and strong coupling between signals, even in two dimensions. To reduce these difficulties, high quality spectra are needed, with optimal digital resolution. Sometimes absolute value mode, as opposed to pure phase spectra, can be preferable for easy assignment, despite the theoretical disadvantages of a phase-twist line shape. Carbohydrate line widths are generally narrower than those of proteins and nucleic acids, and the use of absolute value spectra

does not significantly diminish the quality of spectra, as seen in Figure 3. The COSY spectrum requires a pseudo- echo weighting function to remove dispersive line shapes, reducing the sensitivity of the experiment. If sensitivity is an issue, then an inherently more sensitive experiment, such as the absorption mode DQ-COSY (see below) should be used. If necessary, linkage positions can be identified using a COSY spectrum of a sample dissolved in DMSO-d6. The hydroxyl protons do not exchange with solvent, and give rise to observable signals within the spectrum. Substitution removes the hydroxyl proton at that position, which can then be identified by the absence of a hydroxyl proton signal. The COSY experiment may fail to generate the expected cross-peaks, for several reasons: 1. For strongly coupled neighbours, the cross-peak lies close to the diagonal, and may not be seen. 2. Pairs of nuclei with small scalar coupling values (3JH–H) will produce low intensity cross-peaks. Since the active coupling is antiphase in COSY cross-peaks, they will cancel if the value of J is less than the line width. This is particularly

Figure 3 1H–1H 2D COSY spectrum of galactopyranose β 1-4glucopyranose at 500 MHz and 303 K in 2 H2O. A full proton assignment is usually possible from a spectrum like this, and peak identities are shown where space permits. The well-resolved anomeric protons provide a useful starting point for assignment, and subsequent pairs of spin-coupled nuclei are correlated through off-diagonal peaks.


noticeable in larger molecules. Common examples are: D-mannopyranose β H1–H2 (J < 1 Hz) and D-galactopyranose H4–H5 (J < 1 Hz). 3. Unrelated resonances may simply occur at the same position, and cannot be distinguished. Experiments incorporating isotropic mixing sequences The hom*onuclear Hartmann–Hahn (HOHAHA) and the closely related total correlation spectroscopy (TOCSY) experiments are used to overcome problems of overlap and strong coupling. These experiments give correlations to all other spins within the same coupling network. The second pulse in the COSY sequence is replaced by an isotropic mixing period, such as a spin–lock sequence (TOCSY) or an efficient decoupling sequence, such as MLEV-17 (HOHAHA). The spin system becomes strongly coupled and coherence transfer occurs between all nuclei within the coupling network. This illustrates an advantage over experiments such as RELAY-COSY: values of 3JH–H between adjacent nuclei vary, and the use of an isotropic mixing period produces an increased efficiency of transfer. The presence of small couplings between nuclei, reducing the efficiency of transfer, still presents a problem. Resolution in this type of experiment is better than for a COSY spectrum; however, more cross-peaks are generated, producing a more complicated spectrum. This is at first sight hard to interpret; however, proton assignments in each ring can be determined by inspection of a line lying through the frequency of the anomeric proton of the sugar residue. The cross-peaks found along this line can be distinguished by reference to the COSY spectrum, and by consideration of the multiplet structure. Pyranose rings have an effectively rigid ring geometry, and it is possible to estimate the couplings between adjacent protons based upon the dihedral angle between them. Judicious variation of the length of the isotropic mixing period can also be used to give stepwise correlations along the spinsystem, since shorter periods correlate proportionately smaller fragments. One-dimensional analogues of this experiment, using selective pulses to specifically excite anomeric protons, may be quicker and more efficient, especially when the anomeric protons are well resolved. Multiple-quantum hom*onuclear experiment Incorporation of a multiple-quantum filter into a COSYtype sequence reduces the complexity of the spectrum, and aids in the assignment process. A DQF-COSY, incorporating a double-quantum filter transparent to two or more coupled spins, therefore passes all signals except singlets. Such a

sequence has a slightly reduced sensitivity (crosspeak intensity is approximately half that of a comparable COSY), but there is no need for the sensitivityreducing weighting functions that are necessary with COSY. One noticeable feature is the absence of a diagonal, thus cross-peaks lying close to the diagonal can be more easily identified. Incorporation of a triple-quantum filter produces a spectrum with signals due only to three or more coupled spins with two resolvable couplings. There are no singlets or doublets, including anomeric resonances, although suppression is not absolute, due to the presence of small couplings along four or more bonds. Under ideal conditions, one would expect to see resonances from only H5 and H6 protons, and this experiment is best used in conjunction with HOHAHA for full assignment. Sensitivity is much reduced relative to COSY spectra. Through-space dipolar interaction methods Although primarily used for conformational analysis, the nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy (NOESY) experiment is also helpful in the assignment process. The resulting spectra show correlations between protons coupled by through-space dipolar interactions. Both inter- and intraresidue NOEs help to confirm the consistency of assignments made by the techniques described above. Long-range NOEs are not often seen in carbohydrates, and the observation of NOEs between protons on adjacent residues is often evidence of the linkage positions between the two sugars. Through-space dipolar interactions are of most use in the conformational analysis of biomolecules, as described in the section on conformational analysis below. At 500 MHz, moderate-sized (more than six residues) oligosaccharides lie within the spin-diffusion limit. However, for smaller molecules, as the value of the function Z0Wc (where Z0 is the Larmor frequency of protons, and Wc is the correlation time of the molecule) approaches 1 then the value of the NOE tends towards 0. Cross-peak intensities of NOESY spectra of smaller oligosaccharides (2–5 residues) may thus become too small to measure accurately. In such cases, the rotating frame Overhauser effect spectroscopy (ROESY, originally referred to as CAMELSPIN) experiment is commonly used to measure NOE values. To reduce the appearance of HOHAHA-like cross-peaks, a low power spin–lock field should be used, and the transmitter carrier offset to the low-field end of spectrum. The offset dependency of cross-peak intensities should also be removed by 90° pulses at either end of spin–lock period.


Three-dimensional experiments, often essentially hybrids of simpler sequences such as HOHAHACOSY, have been used successfully to resolve cases of particularly difficult resonance overlap. Hydroxyl protons

The quest for additional conformational information has led to the investigation of hydroxyl protons in aqueous solution. Samples are dissolved in mixed methanol–water or acetone–water solvents, and analysed in capillary NMR tubes at low (–5 to –15°C) temperatures. Chemical exchange of hydroxyl protons is reduced to the point that it is possible to use them as probes of hydration and hydrogen bonding. Distance information can also be extracted from NOESY or ROESY spectra under these conditions. 13C

NMR of carbohydrates

Primary analysis and assignment

Initial investigations of the 13C spectra of carbohydrates were of natural abundance samples, although spectra of isotopically-enriched samples have become more common in recent years. 13C spectra are usually acquired with broad band proton decoupling. The resulting spectra are not very complex with, at natural abundance, a single sharp peak for each nucleus, there being no visible carbon– carbon coupling. The value of the carbon–proton coupling is approximately 150–180 Hz, and without proton decoupling this splitting, along with further two- and three-bond couplings, can render the spectrum quite complex. Monosaccharides exhibit characteristic carbon chemical shift patterns. Anomeric carbons typically occur between δ 90–110 in pyranose rings, C6 (hydroxymethyl) signals between δ 60–75, and the remaining carbons resonate between δ 65–110. Substitution at a given carbon causes an approximate shift of up to δ + 10. The usefulness of this shift in identifying the position of substitution is complicated by an additional δ –1 to –2 shift of the surrounding carbon signals. In addition, the local structure of the saccharide can have a considerable effect upon the chemical shift values. Residue type and substitution patterns can thus be discovered, with care, from measurements of the carbon chemical shifts of a simple sugar. Databases of 13C chemical shift information for large numbers of simple carbohydrates are available for comparison in the literature. Carbon–proton and carbon–carbon spin couplings A consistent estimate of the anomeric configuration

is given by the value of the one-bond 1JC–H coupling; β anomers show a value of ∼ 160 Hz, and α anomers ∼ 170 Hz. Three-bond carbon–proton scalar coupling values, such as 3JCCCH, or 3JCOCH, provide useful indicators of conformation. These couplings can be used to confirm the internal conformation of a saccharide residue, using appropriate Karplus curves. Across the glycosidic link, values of the couplings H1–C1–O–Cx (where x is the aglyconic carbon) and C1–O–Cx–Hx are proportional to the glycosidic dihedral angles I and \ respectively (see section on conformational analysis below). Selective incorporation of 13C has been successfully used to simplify and enhance the measurement of these parameters. Linkage positions can be unambiguously determined by the identification of these couplings using experiments such as the 2D 13C–1H multiple-bond correlation experiment (HMBC). This experiment correlates carbon and proton resonances by means of 3JC–H couplings; 1JC–H correlations are suppressed, leaving only long-range couplings. Those couplings that span the glycosidic bond can thus be identified and measured. Multidimensional, heteronuclear analysis

Enrichment with 13C allows the use of a wide range of useful experiments that greatly facilitate the investigation of carbohydrate structure. Proton detected versions of carbon–proton correlation experiments, such as that shown in Figure 4, overcome the sensitivity limitations of observing carbon signals. If the proton assignments are known, assignment of carbon resonances from such spectra is a relatively simple process. The use of carbon nuclei to edit spectra into an orthogonal frequency dimension to overcome overlap has led to the development of a series of useful hybrid 3D or pseudo-3D experiments, such as HCCH-COSY or HMQC-NOESY. Editing spectra in this way has helped to assign the spectra not only of complex glycans in free solution, but also of the attached carbohydrate chains of glycoproteins, both at natural abundance as well as enriched with 13C and 15N. The use of these heteronuclei allows the carbohydrate resonances to be observed separately from those due to the protein portion of the molecule.

Conformational analysis Measurement of 3JH–H couplings shows that pyranose rings do not show any large degree of internal flexibility, except for pendant groups such as the hydroxymethyl in hexopyranoses. Interpretation of these uses the Haasnoot parametrization of the Karplus equation for 3JH–H couplings in HCCH


Figure 4 HSQC 1H–13C correlation spectrum of galactopyranose β1-4glucopyranose at 500 MHz and 303 K in 2H2O. Resonances are labelled with the appropriate assignment for each correlation. In practice, these can be relatively easily identified by comparison with previously assigned proton or carbon chemical shifts. Reproduced by courtesy of Homans SW and Kiddle GR, University of St. Andrews.

portions of the saccharide ring:

where T is the HCCHc torsion angle, 'FL are the Huggins’ electronegativities of the substituents relative to protons, and [ is either +1 or –1 depending upon the orientation of the substituent. If stereo-specific assignments have been made, orientation about hydroxymethyl rotamers can be determined by similar parametrizations. Conformational variability in pyranoside oligosaccharides is mostly owing to variations about the glycosidic torsion angles I and \ and, for 1 → 6 linkages, the Z angle (Figure 5). NMR analysis of carbohydrate conformation thus concentrates upon determining the orientations about these dihedral angles. This is made difficult by the lack of conformational information available: even in the most favourable conditions, a maximum of around three NOEs are seen between each pair of residues in oligosaccharides, and observation of long-range correlations between different parts of the molecule is extremely unlikely. Interresidue correlations in NOESY or ROESY spectra can be used to determine distance information by making use of the fact that the intensity of the cross-peak is proportional to the inverse sixth

power of the distance between the two nuclei. The relatively inflexible ring geometry of pyranose rings allows intraresidue NOEs to be used to calibrate adjacent intraresidue correlations. When implementing such experiments it is important to ensure that the initial rate approximation holds. The motion of the molecule, both internal and overall, also affects the intensity of the NOE; thus interpretation of NOE values must take into account the motional model

Figure 5 A 1 → 6 linked disaccharide showing the dihedral angles I, \ and Z, about which conformational variation is greatest.


used. Since it is now clear that the majority of carbohydrate structures are flexible to some degree, oscillating through an ensemble of related conformations, this can be a problem. Flexibility is understood to be particularly marked about 1 → 6 linkages owing to rotation about the additional dihedral angle, Z. The use of three-bond 3JC–H couplings as conformational probes has been described, using the Tvaroska parametrization of the Karplus relationship:

where T is the HCOC torsion angle. However, in a similar situation to that described for NOE restraints, these analyses have been hampered by the extent to which these values are subject to conformational averaging. Because of these problems, angular information derived from 3JC–H values is perhaps better used for evaluating the quality of conformational ensembles. Recent work has addressed the use of 13C within isotopically enriched compounds to derive additional conformational parameters, such as 13C– 13C scalar couplings, and 13C– 1H or 13C– 13C NOEs. These approaches have yielded useful results, but have been hampered by the lack of a well-established Karplustype relationship for 13C– 13C scalar coupling. Investigators have thus made considerable use of theoretical methods such as molecular mechanics to complement the limited experimental data available. Dynamics

The time-averaged nature of many NMR derived parameters, and the degree to which it affects oligosaccharide conformations has made it necessary to attempt to measure the degree of mobility within oligosaccharides. Since the relaxation of protonated carbons is almost entirely due to the directly attached proton it is possible to measure relaxation parameters from them that are not affected by variations in internuclear distance. Investigation of carbohydrate dynamics has been approached by molecular modelling in combination with the measurement of relaxation rates, including the T1, T2 of 13C and 1H, as well as 1H– 1H and 13C– 1H NOE values, to define the spectral density, given by

where Wc denotes the rotational correlation time.

These measurements have been interpreted by the Lipari–Szabo model-free approach, in which molecular motion is separated into overall and internal motions, related to the overall and internal correlation times WO and Wi:

where 1/W = 1/WO + 1/WO. S2 is a measure of the degree of internal reorientation, varying in value from 0 for isotropic reorientation to 1 for no internal motion. These measurements can then be used to derive dynamic models of carbohydrates and oligosaccharides. It is now generally accepted that carbohydrates are dynamic molecules with internal motions that occur on a time-scale faster than the overall motion of the molecules.

List of symbols J = coupling constant; J(Z) = spectral density function; T1, T2 = relaxation constants; 'FL = Huggins electronegativities; T = torsion angle; Wc, Wi and WO = rotational, internal and overall correlation times respectively; I, \ and Z = glycosidic torsion angles. See also: 13C NMR, Methods; Labelling Studies in Biochemistry Using NMR; Nuclear Overhauser Effect; Nucleic Acids Studied By NMR; Proteins Studied Using NMR Spectroscopy; Two-Dimensional NMR, Methods.

Further reading Bush CA (1996) Polysaccharides and complex oligosaccharides. In: Grant DM and Harris RK (eds) Encyclopaedia of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Vol 6, pp 3746–3750. Chichester: Wiley. Homans SW (1993) 1H NMR studies of oligosaccharides. In: Roberts GCK (ed) NMR of Macromolecules: a Practical Approach, pp 289–314. Vol 134 of Rickwood D and Hames BD (series eds) Practical Approach Series. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Homans SW (1993) Conformation and dynamics of oligosaccharides in solution. Glycobiology, 3: 551– 555. Hounsell EF (1995) 1H NMR in the structural and conformational analysis of oligosaccharides and glycoconjugates. Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 27: 445–474. Serianni AS (1992) Nuclear magnetic resonance approaches to oligosaccharide structure elucidation. In: Allen HJ


and Kisalius EC (eds) Glycoconjugates: Composition, Structure and Function, pp 71–102. New York: Marcel Dekker. Tvaroska I (1990) Dependence on saccharide conformation of the one-bond and three-bond coupling constants. Carbohydrate Research, 206: 55–64. van Halbeek H (1994) NMR developments in structural studies of carbohydrates and their complexes. Current Opinion in Structural Biology 4: 697–709.

van Halbeek H (1996) Carbohydrates and glycoconjugates. In: Grant DM and Harris RK (eds) Encyclopaedia of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Vol 2, pp 1107– 1137. Chichester: Wiley. Vleigenthart JFG, Dorland L and van Halbeek H (1983) High resolution spectroscopy as a tool in the structural analysis of carbohydrates related to glycoproteins. Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry 41: 209–374.

CD Spectroscopy of Biomacromolecules See

Biomacromolecular Applications of Circular Dichroism and ORD.

Cells Studied By NMR Fátima Cruz and Sebastián Cerdán, Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas, Madrid, Spain Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) methods have become available recently to study metabolism and morphology at the cellular level. The NMR methods may be classified as magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and combinations of both, magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRSI). MRS provides information on the chemical composition of cells and its changes under specific circ*mstances, MRI yields X-ray like images of cellular anatomy and physiology and MRSI can study the spatial distribution of some metabolites within large cells or cellular aggregates. Notably, most of the nuclei participating in cellular reactions or some of their isotopes are NMR active. This allows a large variety of cellular functions to be monitored by different NMR methods. Table 1 summarizes the magnetic properties of the nuclei most commonly used in NMR studies of cells as well as the biological information which can be obtained.


NMR studies of cells probably started in the mid 1950s analysing the dynamics of water in blood using 1H NMR. However, modern NMR studies of cellular metabolism began later with the introduction of commercially available high-field spectrometers and Fourier transform NMR techniques. Improve-ments in signal-to-noise ratios allowed, in the early 1970s, a study by 13C NMR of the metabolism of glucose in a suspension of yeast and to determine by 31P NMR the intracellular pH in erythrocyte suspensions. Since then studies of cellular metabolism by NMR methods have been used routinely in many laboratories. The development of cellular NMR is supported by some inherent advantages of the NMR method with respect to more classical approaches. First, the noninvasive character of NMR allows repetitive, noninvasive measurements of metabolic processes as they occur in their own intracellular environment. Second, the magnetic properties of nuclei like the relaxation times T1 and T2 or the hom*onuclear and


Table 1

Nuclei 1




NMR properties and type of biological information provided by various nuclei

Frequency (MHz)






Natural Relative abundance (%) sensitivity

5.1 × 10–4


2.9 × 10–2

Water transport and metabolism


1.0 × 10–3

Nitrogen metabolism


1.0 × 10–3

Nitrogen metabolism



6.6 × 10–2

1.6 × 10–2









9.3 × 10–2




















5/2 1/2









Information Metabolite concentration. Cell fingerprinting. Flow through some pathways. Intra and extracellular pH. Cellular volume. Microscopic imaging. MRI Concentration of phosphorylated metabolities. Bioenergetic status. Intra- and extracellular pH. Cellular volume. Phospholipid metabolism Quantitative measurements of metabolic flow through specific pathways Membrance potential. Cellular volume. Na+/H exchange Intra- and extracellular pH. Oxygenation state. Divalent metal ion concentration Lipid structure. Rates of hydration–dehydration reactions. Water flow and perfusion Membrane potential

0.016 93.1

9.7 × 10–3

heteronuclear spin coupling patterns, contain unique information on the physiological or pathological status of the cells and on the flux through specific metabolic pathways. Third, NMR methods allow the acquisition of images of the spatial distribution of water in sufficiently large single cells or in cellular aggregates, and it seems likely that this approach will be extended to other metabolites in the near future. Despite these advantages, the NMR method is not devoid of drawbacks. In particular, NMR is a relatively insensitive technique with a metabolite detection threshold of around 10–1 mM for in situ cells and 50 µM in extracts for moderate-field spectrometers. Thus, to be able to obtain useful NMR spectra with an adequate signal-to-noise ratio, the cell cultures need to be grown to densities similar to those found in tissues. Even if cell extracts are used, these must be prepared from a sufficiently large number of cells to generate, in the NMR tube, metabolite concentrations in excess of the lower threshold for detection. These demanding conditions require the use of specialized perifusion systems for in situ NMR studies or facilities for large-scale cell culture in work with cell extracts. In this article, we describe general procedures for cell culture compatible with NMR studies and illustrate the information that NMR methods can provide on cellular metabolism and morphology, with examples involving mainly the use of 31P, 13C and 1H NMR. Several reviews, some of them quoted in the Further reading section, have covered this topic previously.

Large-scale and high-density cell culture procedures compatible with NMR studies The use of cell cultures provides a powerful tool to understand the cellular and molecular mechanisms occurring in vivo. Different types of cell culture exist depending on the origin of the cells used in the preparation. Primary cultures are obtained after enzymatic, chemical or mechanical disaggregation of the original tissue. Cell lines, transformed cells or cell strains are obtained from primary cultures after several passages from transplantable tumours or by cellular cloning. The in vivo behaviour is more closely resembled by primary cultures, but these usually require complex preparation resulting in relatively small cellular yields. Cellular lines or strains, and cellular clones have the advantage of being hom*ogenous cell populations that are easy to grow and maintain in large scale, but their behaviour is not as comparable to the in vivo situation. Figure 1 illustrates the general procedure used to obtain a primary culture. The tissue of interest is dissected from the appropriate organ obtained from embryonic, newborn or adult donors. The dissected tissue is then chopped and disaggregated, digested enzymatically and the resulting cells are washed and collected by sedimentation. Cell counting and assessment of viability are easily accomplished later by optical microscopy, using a haemocytometer for cell counting and the dye exclusion criteria for viability assessment. The next step consists of cell seeding.


Figure 1

General steps in the preparation of primary cell cultures.

Figure 2 High density cell culture devices compatible with in situ NMR spectroscopy. The tubes containing the entrapped cells can normally be accommodated in commercial high-resolution probes and placed inside the magnet (indicated by N and S).


Cells seeded normally attach to flat surfaces, grow, proliferate and differentiate until reaching confluence. Usually, NMR studies demand cell numbers in the range 107–108 cells, a quantity requiring a large number of culture dishes or flasks. To further increase the surface of the culture it is possible to use rollers. These devices allow cells to grow in the inner surface of a rolling cylinder which contains a moderate amount of culture medium. Several cylinders can be maintained rolling simultaneously in a rack, increasing enormously the surface area of the culture and thus the number of confluent cells. The excellent monograph of Freshney provides a more detailed description of every cell culture procedure and optimized techniques for particular cells. There are two different kinds of experimental design in NMR studies of cells: (i) the study can be performed inside the magnet in real time, monitoring the metabolism of cells under in situ conditions; or (ii) extracts can be prepared from the cells after different incubation times and examined by NMR under high-resolution conditions (Figure 2). In the first case special precautions need to be taken to guarantee adequate nutrient supply, good oxygenation conditions and efficient removal of waste products from the NMR tube containing the cells. Different methods have been developed to fulfil these requirements. All of them involve a perifusion system adapted to the NMR tube which contains the cells immobilized or grown in different matrices. The perifusion system consists basically of a peristaltic pump, a thermostatically stabilized gas-exchange chamber or oxygenator and the NMR tube containing the cells. The peristaltic pump delivers fresh medium to the oxygenator and NMR tube and removes the used medium to a waste reservoir. The oxygenator is constructed of gas-permeable Silastic tubing equilibrated with an atmosphere of 95% O2 /5% CO2. The NMR tube contains the entrapped cell suspension. There are basically three types of cell entrapment protocol compatible with NMR studies: (i) polymer threads, (ii) microcarrier beads or (iii) hollow fibre bioreactors. Cells are entrapped in polymer threads (agarose or alginate) by mixing the cell suspension with a solution of the liquid polymer (above the gelling temperature) and extruding the mixture through a Teflon tube immersed in ice. The polymer solidifies at low temperature entrapping the cells in filaments which can be easily perifused. The advantage of this method lies in its simplicity, but on the other hand, cells are placed in a nonphysiological environment. Alternatively, anchorage dependent cells can be grown on the surface of solid or porous microcarrier beads of approximately 100 µM diameter. The beads can be made of different materials and these include

Figure 3 31P NMR spectrum (161.1 MHz) of C6 glioma cells grown in a hollow fibre bioreactor. Note the important contribution of the GPC and GPE resonances. Inset: intra- (in) and extracellular (ex) resonances of DMMP. From Gillies RJ, Galons JP, McGovern KA, Scherer PG, Lien YH, Job C, Ratcliff R et al. NMR in Biomedicine 6: 95–104. Copyright 1993 John Wiley & Sons Limited. Reproduced with permission.

collagen, polystyrene, polyacrylamide, gelatine, and Sephadex. This method has the advantage that cells can be treated as a suspension. However the density of cells may not be sufficiently high since most of the volume in the NMR tube is filled by the beads. The hollow fibre bioreactor approach consists of growing cells on the surface of capillary fibres which are gas and nutrient permeable. Cells are grown directly in a bioreactor adapted to the NMR tube where the experiment is performed, reaching higher density than with other methods. However, there are some technical difficulties in setting up this model properly and it is relatively expensive. For a detailed description of the bioreactor approach see the literature given in the Further reading section.

Applications 31P


NMR of cells

NMR spectra of cells show a small number of resonances but contain crucial information on cellular biochemistry and physiology. Figure 3 depicts a representative 31P NMR spectrum obtained in situ from a culture of C6 glioma cells grown in a bioreactor. It is possible to distinguish clearly resonances from the β, α and γ phosphates of nucleotide triphosphates, phosphocreatine (PCr), phosphodiesters (glycerolphosphorylcholine, GPC, and glycerolphosphorylethanolamine, GPE), inorganic phosphate (Pi) and phosphom*onoesters (PME). The resonances from the nucleotide triphosphates contain primarily (> 90%) the contribution of MgATP and are


normally referred to as ATP resonances. The PME peak is a composite resonance containing mainly contributions from phosphocholine (PCho) and phosphoethanolamine (PE), as well as from sugar phosphates in a smaller proportion. 31P NMR spectra provide quantitative information on the relative concentrations of phosphorylated metabolites. For spectra acquired under fully relaxed conditions, the area of the 31P NMR resonance is proportional to the concentration of the metabolite. Absolute quantifications are more difficult to perform but can also be obtained if the concentration of one of the phosphorylated metabolites in the sample (normally ATP) is measured by an independent method, such as enzymatic analysis. Unfortunately, the resonances from the α and β phosphates of ADP overlap under in situ conditions with those from the α and γ phosphates of ATP, thus precluding direct quantification of ADP in situ. The concentration of ADP in situ can be estimated indirectly from the difference in area between the α ATP or γ ATP peaks and the area of the β ATP peak, which is almost exclusively derived from ATP. Probably, the main interest in 31P NMR spectroscopy lies in its ability to assess the bioenergetic status of the cell. This is determined by the relative rates of ATP-producing and -consuming processes according to Equation [1]

In most mammalian cells, ATP is produced aerobically by oxidative phosphorylation and hydrolysed to provide the energy needed to support biosynthetic activities, maintain transmembrane ion gradients and perform cellular work. The balance between production and consumption of ATP determines its steady-state level and therefore the net availability for energy. If oxygen and nutrients become limiting, ATP synthesis may proceed for a short time using PCr as a phosphate donor in reaction [2]

intracellular and extracellular pH (in Pi-containing media) from the chemical shift of the Pi resonance. This is because Pi has an apparent pKa of 6.7 and its chemical shift is pH-dependent in the physiological range. Normally the chemical shift of the Pi resonance is measured with respect to internal references like PCr or α-ATP, which are nontitratable in the physiological pH range, (pKa ≈ 4.5). The following expression can be used to measure intracellular pH from the chemical shift of Pi(δ ) measured with respect to the α-ATP resonance:

The values 11.26 and 13.38 represent the acidic and alkaline limits of the Pi titration curve chemical shifts with respect to the α-ATP resonance. Phosphonic acid derivatives, like methylene diphosphonic acid (MDPA) or dimethyl methylphosphonate (DMMP), resonating far from physiological phosphates (ca. 20–30 ppm) can be used as an external reference for chemical shift and concentration calibrations. Sometimes these references cross the cell membrane and two different resonances are observed for the intracellular and extracellular compounds. In these cases it is possible to determine the relative cellular volume from the relative areas of the intra- and extracellular resonances (Figure 3 inset). 31P NMR spectra also contain resonances from crucial phospholipid metabolites. These include the phosphodiesters, glycerolphosphocholine and glycerolphosphoethanolamine and the phosphom*onoesters, PCho and PE. Tumoural cells and in vivo tumours show increased PME resonances, often caused by increased PCho content. This characteristic of tumour cells has been proposed to contain diagnostic or even prognostic information on tumours. The metabolic reasons underlying the increase in PCho in tumour cells are not completely understood but seem to be caused by an increase in its synthesis rather than to an increase in the degradation of phosphatidylcholine. 13C

Under these conditions no significant change occurs in the ATP resonances but a net decrease in the intensity of PCr is observed. When the ATP-buffering capacity of the PCr-creatine system is exceeded, net ATP hydrolysis occurs, resulting in a net increase in Pi and acidification, as described by Equation [1]. Another important aspect of 31P NMR spectroscopy is that it allows the determination of


NMR of cells

NMR spectroscopy allows the detection of resonances from 13C, the stable isotope of carbon with a magnetic moment. The natural abundance for 13C is only 1.1% of the total carbon and its magnetogyric ratio is approximately one-fourth of that of the proton. These two circ*mstances make 13C NMR a relatively insensitive technique. However, this sensitivity problem can be improved by using 13C–enriched substrates. The combination of 13C NMR detection


and substrates selectively enriched in 13C have made it possible to follow in vivo and in vitro the activity of a large variety of metabolic pathways in cells and subcellular organelles. These include glycolysis and the pentose phosphate pathway, glycogen synthesis and degradation, gluconeogenesis, the tricarboxylic acid cycle, ketogenesis, ureogenesis and the glutamate, glutamine, γ-aminobutyric acid cycle in the brain among others. The design of 13C NMR experiments with selectively 13C–enriched substrates is similar to the classical radiolabelling experiments using radioactive 14C. A relevant difference is that 13C precursors are used in substrate amounts, while 14C substrates are normally used in tracer amounts. However, 13C NMR presents important advantages over 14C. First, the metabolism of the 13C-labelled substrate can be followed in real time, in situ and noninvasively. Second, even if tissue extracts are prepared, the detection of 13C labelling in the different carbon atoms of a metabolite does not require separation and carbonby-carbon degradation of the compound, two normal requirements in experiments with 14C. Finally, the analysis by 13C NMR of hom*onuclear spincoupling patterns and isotope effects allows the determination of whether two or more 13C atoms occupy contiguous positions in the same metabolite molecule, a possibility only available to 13C NMR methods. As a counterpart to these advantages, 13C NMR is significantly less sensitive than other conventional metabolic techniques like radioactive counting, mass spectrometry or optical methods. In particular, 13C NMR studies with cells in situ are difficult to find and most of the 13C NMR work has been performed with cell extracts. This allows operation under high-resolution conditions and increases significantly both the sensitivity and the resolution. Figures 4 and 5 illustrates the use of 13C NMR spectroscopy to study the metabolism of (1- 13C)glucose in primary cultures of neurons and astrocytes. A simplified scheme of the metabolism of (1- 13C)glucose in neural cells is given in Figure 4. Briefly, (113C)glucose is metabolized to (3- 13C)pyruvate through the Embden Meyerhoff glycolytic pathway. The (3- 13C)pyruvate produced can be transaminated to (3- 13C)alanine, reduced to (3- 13C)lactate or enter the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle through the pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) or pyruvate carboxylase (PC) activities. A net increase in (3- 13C)lactate reveals increased aerobic glycolysis and is normally observed under hypoxic conditions in normal cells. If (313C)pyruvate enters the TCA cycle though PDH it produces (2-13C)acetyl-coenzyme A first, and subsequently (4- 13C)α-ketoglutarate. In contrast, if (313C)pyruvate is carboxylated to (3- 13C)oxalacetate by

PC, it will produce (2-13C)α-ketoglutarate in the next turn of the cycle. The α-ketoglutarate–glutamate exchange is many times faster than the TCA cycle flux and therefore, 13C labelling in the glutamate carbon atoms reflects accurately the labelling in the α-ketoglutarate precursor. Thus, (4- 13C)glutamate or (2-13C)glutamate are produced from (1- 13C)glucose depending on the route of entry of the (3- 13C) pyruvate into the TCA cycle. Therefore, a comparison of intensities from the C4 and C2 glutamate resonances provides a qualitative estimation of the relative contribution of PDH and PC to the TCA cycle. Figure 5 shows proton decoupled 13C NMR spectra of perchloric acid extracts obtained from primary cultures of neurons (upper panel) and astrocytes (lower panel) incubated for 24 h with 5 mM (1- 13C)glucose. The most relevant resonances are the ones derived from the C3, C4 and C2 carbons of glutamate; C3, C4 and C2 carbons of glutamine (or glutathione); C3 carbon of alanine; C3 carbon of lactate; C6 carbon of N-acetylaspartic acid and C2 carbon of acetate (see Figure 5 legend for resonance assignments). The spectra of Figure 5 reveal important differences in the metabolism of (1- 13C)glucose by neurons and astrocytes. Briefly, the lactate C3 resonance is higher in the spectrum of astrocytes than in that of the neurons. The glutamate C4 resonance is significantly larger in neurons than in astrocytes, while the C2 glutamine resonance in astrocytes is higher than in neurons. Taken together these results suggest that astrocytes metabolize glucose mainly through aerobic glycolysis having an important contribution from PC, while neurons metabolize glucose mainly through the TCA cycle, using PDH as the main route. It is possible to obtain in cells quantitative determinations of flux through specific metabolic pathways or through specific steps of a pathway using 13C NMR. There are two possible strategies, both based on the principles of isotopic dilution and both requiring the use of mathematical models of metabolism. The first strategy allows the determination of fluxes by solving linear systems of equations relating flux to fractional 13C enrichments in specific carbons of precursors and products. The second strategy involves the determination of relative isotopomer populations from an analysis of the 13C–13C spin coupling patterns. For a more precise description of both methods the reader is referred to the article of Portais and co-workers and Künnecke and co-workers in the Further reading section. 1H

NMR of cells


NMR has an inherently higher sensitivity than 31P NMR and thus a larger number of metabolites or 13C


Figure 4 Metabolism of (1-13C) glucose in neural cells. HMP: hexose monophosphate shunt. TCA: tricarboxylic acid cycle; OAA: oxalacetate; α-KG: 2-oxoglutarate; GABA: γ−aminobutyric acid; Ac CoA: acetyl coenzyme A. Only one turn of the TCA is considered for clarity. Filled or open circles in TCA cycle intermediates indicate labelling from PDH or PC, respectively.

is potentially detectable. However, two limitations need to be considered: (i) the water signals from the cells need to be eliminated and (ii) the complex

hom*onuclear spin coupling patterns due to overlapping proton resonances have to be resolved. Both drawbacks have been overcome in part by the


Figure 5 Proton decoupled 13C NMR spectrum (125.7 MHz) of neutralized perchloric acid extracts obtained after the incubation of primary cultures of neurons (upper trace) or astrocytes (lower trace) with 5 mM (1-13C) glucose during 24 h. 1: alanine C3, 2: lactate C3, 3: N-acetylaspartic C6, 4: acetate C2, 5: glutamine C3, 6: glutamate C3, 7: glutamine C4, 8: glutamate C4, 9: glutamine C2, 10: glutamate C2. An artificial line broadening of 1 Hz was used in both cases.

development of water suppression techniques and different one-, two- or n-dimensional editing methods. The information provided by 1H NMR spectra of cell suspensions is illustrated in Figure 6 which shows a representative 1H NMR spectrum of a suspension of rat erythrocytes acquired using a simple one-pulse sequence (Figure 6B). The most prominent resonances derive from the H3 proton of lactate, the choline protons of ergothioneine and the glutamate and glutamine resonances from glutathione. All these resonances are located on top of a much broader resonance arising from low-mobility lipids. Therefore 1H NMR spectroscopy allows lactate production to be followed easily. This is normally done using spin echo sequences which eliminate the broad lipid component because of its short T2 (Figure 6A). In addition to lactate, 1H NMR normally allows the direct quantification of creatine singlets, singlets from choline-containing compounds and many other metabolites. Sometimes, quantification of these compounds requires very high resolution conditions, high spectrometer observation frequencies and computerized deconvolution

algorithms. Indeed the 1H NMR spectrum provides a true fingerprint of the metabolites present in the cell and it appears to be characteristic for every cell type. This has been clearly shown in studies of cell typing with neural cells. Furthermore, it has been shown recently that fully transformed cells present an increase in the 1H resonance of the PCho peak, and that the ratio PCho to GPC may serve as an indicator of multiple oncogene lesions. A more recently developed application of 1H NMR to cellular studies relies on the noninvasive determination of intra- and extracellular pH. The procedure is based in the use of a probe containing a reporter proton with a chemical shift sensitive to pH in the physiological range. This method is inherently more sensitive than previous 31P NMR approaches. Figure 6A illustrates more clearly this procedure, by showing the spectrum of an erythrocyte suspension after the addition of the extrinsic pH probe imidazol1-yl acetic acid methyl ester. The imidazole protons, H2 (ca. 8.2 ppm) and H4, H5 (ca. 7.25 ppm) are clearly observed in the aromatic region of the spectrum between 6 and 9 ppm (inset to Figure 6A). Two


Figure 7 T2-weighted spin echo microscopic 1H NMR images (360.13 MHz) of an isolated neuron from Aplysia californica before (A) and after (B) hypotonic shock. Resolution (x,y,z) is 20 µm × 20 µm × 150 µm. Artificial sea water appears as a bright background surrounding the cell. T2 differences between nucleus and cytoplasm cause these structures to appear as bright and dark, respectively. Reproduced with permission of the American Physiological Society from Hsu EW, Aiken NR, Blackband SJ (1996) American Journal of Physiology 271: C1895–C1900.

Figure 6 1H NMR spectra (360.13 MHz) of a rat erythrocyte suspension in the presence of a 1H NMR pH probe. The water resonance (not shown) was attenuated with a 2 s presaturating pulse. (A) Spin echo acquisition with 5 ms interpulse delay. Inset: expansion of the aromatic region. (B) Conventional one-pulse acquisition. Inset: Chemical structure of imidazole-1-yl acetic acid methyl ester, the pH probe used. a: TSP, b: lactate H3, c: glutamate H3,H3′ in glutathione, d: aspartate H3,H3′, e: creatine (methyl), f: trimethyl groups in choline, carnitine and ergothioneine, g: methanol, h: H2 of amino acids, i: lactate H2, k: H4 and H5 of the pH probe, l: H2 of the pH probe. H2i: intracellular probe, H2o: extracellular probe. Methanol is produced by endogenous esterases immediately after the addition of the probe.

signals for the imidazole H2 proton (H2 i and H2 o) with different chemical shifts are observed. These signals have been shown to be derived from molecules of the probe located in the intra- (H2 i) and extracellular (H2 o) space. Thus the different chemical shift of intra- and extracellular probes allows the determination of the intra- and extracellular pH values as well as the transmembrane pH gradient. Finally, impressive progress in NMR microscopy methods has allowed the acquisition of 1H NMR images of single cells. T2-weighted NMR images from single cells normally show a dark cytoplasm and relatively bright nucleus. Figure 7 provides an illustrative example of cellular NMR imaging, showing the morphology of a neuron from Aplysia californica before (Figure 7A) and after (Figure 7B) hypotonic shock. The hypotonic shock increased the relaxation times T1 and T2 of cytoplasm and nucleus,

but did not change the apparent diffusion coefficient of water. In conclusion, 1H NMR methods provide information on glycolysis, fingerprint cell typing, state of proliferation, intra- and extracellular pH and cellular micromorphology. Representative articles describing these 1H NMR applications are given in the Further reading section. Other nuclei

In addition to the most commonly used nuclei, such as 31P, 13C and 1H, other nuclei can be used in NMR studies of cellular metabolism (Table 1). The 19F nucleus has a magnetic moment slightly smaller than 1H, whereas its chemical shift range is larger by a factor of approximately 20. No contributions from tissue background signals are observed, which makes 19F a useful magnetic label for metabolic studies. Using difluoromethylalanine or fluorinated derivatives of BAPTA, 19F NMR spectroscopy has been extensively used to measure intracellular pH as well as cytosolic free Ca2+ and free Mg2+ in peripheral blood lymphocytes and other cells. The 23Na nucleus is a quadrupolar spin 3/2 nucleus with approximately 100% natural abundance. Because of its quadrupolar nature, some of the 23Na is invisible to the NMR experiment. However, it has been possible to resolve intra- and extracellular 23Na resonances in yeast cells and erythrocytes and to monitor Na+–H+ exchange in the latter cells. The 17O nucleus has an unfavourable gyromagnetic ratio but a large chemical shift range, close to 1000 ppm. 17O NMR has been used extensively to study water metabolism in erythrocytes and subcellular organelles.


Finally, 2H is one of the most recent additions to the repertoire of cellular NMR methods. 2H has a natural abundance of only 0.02% and therefore the use of 2H NMR requires the use of selectively enriched substrates. 2H has been mainly used in cells to investigate the structure in situ of choline lipids in the cell membrane.

List of symbols ADP = adenosine 5′-diphosphate; ATP = adenosine 5′-triphosphate; BAPTA = 1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy) ethane-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetic acid; CoA = coenzymeA; CDP = cytidine 5′-diphosphate; DMMP = dimethyl methylphosphonate; GPC = glycerolphosphocholine; GPE = glycerolphosphoethanolamine; MDPA = methylene diphosphonic acid; MRI = magnetic resonance imaging; MRS = magnetic resonance spectroscopy; MRSI = magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging; PCho = phosphocholine; PE = phosphoethanolamine; PC = pyruvate carboxylase; PCr = phosphocreatine, PDH = pyruvate dehydrogenase; Pi = inorganic phosphate; PME = phosphom*onoesters; TCA = tricarboxylic acid cycle; TSP = 2,2 ′,3,3 ′-tetradeutero trimethylsilyl propionate; T1 and T2 = relaxation times. See also: Biofluids Studied By NMR; Carbohydrates Studied By NMR; In Vivo NMR, Applications, 31P; In Vivo NMR, Methods; NMR Microscopy; Nucleic Acids Studied Using NMR; Perfused Organs Studied Using NMR Spectroscopy; Solvent Supression Methods in NMR Spectroscopy; Two-Dimensional NMR Methods.

Further reading Bhakoo KK, Williams SR, Florian CL, Land H and Noble MD (1996) Immortalization and transformation are associated with specific alterations in choline metabolism. Cancer Research 56: 4630–4635.

Freshney RI (1994) In: Freshney RI (ed) Culture of Animal Cells: a Manual of Basic Technique. New York: WileyLiss. Gil S, Zaderenko P, Cruz F, Cerdan S and Ballesteros P (1994) Imidazol-1-ylalkanoic acids as extrinsic 1H NMR probes for the determination of intracellular pH, extracellular pH and cell volume. BioOrganic and Medicinal Chemistry 2: 305–314. Gillies RJ, Galons JP, McGovern KA, Scherer PG, Lien YH, Job C, Ratcliff R, Chapa F, Cerdan S, Dale BE (1993) Design and application of NMR-compatible bioreactor circuits for extended perifusion of high-density mammalian cell cultures. NMR in Biomedicine 6: 95–104. Hsu EW, Aiken NR, Blackband SJ (1996) Nuclear magnetic resonance microscopy of single neurons under hypotonic perturbation. American Journal of Physiology 271 (Cell Physiol 40): C1895–C1900. King GF and Kuchel PW (1994) Theoretical and practical aspects of NMR studies of cells. Immunomethods 4: 85–97. Künnecke B, Cerdan S and Seelig J (1993) Cerebral metabolism of (1,2-13C2)glucose and (U-13C4)3-hydroxybutyrate in rat brain, as detected by 13C spectroscopy. NMR in Biomedicine 6: 264–277. Lundberg P, Harmsen E, Ho C, and Vogel HJ (1990) Nuclear magnetic resonance studies of cellular metabolism. Analytical Biochemistry 191: 193–222. Portais JC, Schuster R, Merle R, Canioni P (1993) Metabolic flux determination in C6 glioma cells using carbon-13 distribution upon (1-13C)glucose incubation. European Journal of Biochemistry 217: 457–468. Szwergold BS (1992) NMR spectroscopy of cells. Annual Review of Physiology 54: 775–798. Urenjak J, Williams SR, Gadian DG and Noble M (1993) Proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy unambiguously identifies different neural cell types. Journal of Neuroscience 13: 981–989. Vogel HJ, Brodelius P, Lilja H and Lohmeier-Vogel EM (1987) Nuclear magnetic resonance studies of immobilized cells. In Mosbach K (eds.), Methods in Enzymology, vol. 135, B: pp. 512–536. New York: Academic Press.


Chemical Applications of EPR Christopher C Rowlands and Damien M Murphy, Cardiff University, UK Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction EPR spectroscopy is a technique that affords a means for the detection and quantification of paramagnetism, i.e. the presence of unpaired electrons. It is applicable to solids, liquids or even gases. A compound or molecular fragment containing an odd number of electrons is paramagnetic. In this article we give examples to show the power and breadth of the technique. The reader is advised, however, to read the Encyclopedia article on the theoretical aspects of EPR to appreciate fully the strength of the technique and also the excellent series Specialist Periodical Reports on Electron Spin Resonance, published by the Royal Society of Chemistry, which has now reached volume 16. The technique can be applied to obtain information on the following four areas. 1. How atoms are bonded together in molecules (structure). 2. The route by which compounds are transformed from one to another, i.e. which bonds break and which are formed (mechanism). 3. The rate at which these processes occur (kinetics). 4. The molecular interactions that exist, for example, between solvent and solute (environment). Knowledge of the g values and the detailed hyperfine interactions (A values) allow us to help identify radical species, and these parameters contain information about the electron distribution within the molecule. Radicals are often present as intermediates during a reaction; consequently their identification will give information concerning the reaction mechanism and measurement of how their concentration changes with time will give kinetic data. Let us now look in greater detail at several major applications of the technique.

Organic and organometallic free radicals; structure, kinetics and mechanism There are many many examples of the power of the technique in this area and space does not permit us

MAGNETIC RESONANCE Applications to cover fully all examples. Articles by Tabner and by Rhodes fully cover the basic principles and practical aspects for the detection and evaluation of radical anions and cations (see Further reading) while more recently Davies and Gescheidt have reviewed the literature up to 1996 in the Specialist Reports referred to earlier. In the same publication, Alberti and Hudson cover the topics of organic and organometallic free radicals up to 1995. Consequently we will select just one or two examples from these areas. An early method, widely used for radical generation is based on the redox system Ti3+–H2O2. This was first used by Dixon and Norman to generate HO• and HOO• radicals obtained by rapid mixing of aqueous solutions of TiCl3 and H2O2 with a substrate immediately before the EPR cavity. It has been suggested that the main reacting species in such a system is Ti–O–O•3+. The EPR signals obtained from such a system depend upon such factors as flow rate, temperature, pH and the ratio of the two components. Flow systems such as this have been used quite successfully to study polymerization reactions that are initiated by redox reactions. Analysis of the hyperfine interactions of the reacting species enabled the structure of the radicals to be determined. The use of such flow and/or stopped flow systems has been used quite extensively to investigate the kinetics of radical reactions. These include the use of a stopped flow EPR system to investigate the oneelectron oxidation of a range of phenols by a dimeric manganese(IV/IV) triazacyclononane complex with and without hydrogen peroxide. Another use has been the development of a technique of photolytic time-resolved EPR that allows kinetic data to be obtained with relative ease. The method involves flowing oxygen-free solutions of the materials under investigation through a flat reaction cell placed within the EPR cavity. The flow rates of the solutions could be adjusted so that signal intensities were not dependent on their cavity dwell time. The solutions could be irradiated either continuously or intermittently and thermostatted by the use of a stream of dinitrogen. Signal averaging is used to overcome signal-to-noise difficulties.


Spin trapping, spin labels and spin probes in polymers and biological systems The role of free radicals in biological and medicinal systems is of considerable interest as they have been implicated in a wide range of diseases such as cancer. In such systems, the direct detection of free radicals is often not possible because of their low steady-state concentration arising from their high reactivity and transient nature. In this instance, the technique of spin trapping is used. Spin trapping involves the addition of a diamagnetic molecule, usually a nitrone or nitroso compound, which reacts with a free radical to give a stable paramagnetic spin adduct that accumulates until it becomes observable by EPR (Eqn [1]).

By determination of the parameters of the spin adduct spectrum it is often possible to identify the nature of the primary trapped radical, or at least to determine the type of radical trapped. Table 1 gives examples of the range of hyperfine coupling constants obtained for a variety of trapped species for the two most commonly used spin traps DMPO (dimethylpyridine N-oxide) and PBN (α-phenyl-N-t-butyl nitrone). Care has to be taken, however, because the coupling constants vary with solvent polarity (for example, in water the DMPO adduct of the t-butoxy radical has a(N) = 1.48 and a(H) = 1.60 mT while in toluene a(N) = 1.3 and a(H) = 0.75 mT). The spin trap must react at relatively fast trapping rates and the radical adduct must have a reasonable half-life; for example, DMPO has a ktrapping for OH• of 2 × 10 9 M–1 s–1 and half-life of about 15 min, whereas for O2–, ktrapping is 1 × 101 M–1 s–1 and the half-life is about 90 s. Consequently the DMPO–O 2adduct is rarely seen. This difficulty has been overcome by the use of phosphorus-substituted DMPO, in particular where one of the methyl groups in the 5 position has been replaced by a diethoxyphosphoryl group. This increases the half-life of the OOH adduct considerably in both organic and aqueous solvents, with the difference being more pronounced in aqueous solvents. One other advantage of the use of phosphorus-substituted DMPO spin traps is that the β-31P hyperfine coupling constant has a much larger variation (2.5–5.5 mT) than the β-H hyperfine

Table 1 Hyperfine coupling constants (mT) for a variety of spin-trapped adducts

PBN Free radical

·H · Phenyl · CCl · OH O2–























But O












coupling constant (0.6–2.5 mT), thus allowing an easier identification of the trapped radical. Table 2 gives a range of bimolecular rate constants with both PBN and DMPO for a variety of radical species. In a study of heterogeneous catalysis, the spin trapping technique has been used to prove the presence of radical species on a catalyst surface. In a study of a palladium metal catalyst supported on alumina, it was shown that hydrogen is dissociatively chemisorbed by trapping hydrogen atoms with PBN. Alkyl and aromatic free radicals were also shown to be present when other feed stocks were used. In a separate study of the photodecomposition of acetaldehyde, it was shown that high-power irradiation (600 W mercury/xenon lamp) generated a different PBN adduct from that given with irradiation under direct sunlight and that the presence of oxygen played a major role in the photochemistry. Table 2 Second-order rate constants for radical spin trapping for the traps PBN and DMPO

Spin trap PBN



T( qC)

· · Ph· HO· Me


4 × 106



1.3 × 105


2 × 10 7


2 × 10 9


1 × 10 2


2 × 10 9


1 × 101


2.6 × 106


Rate constant (M –1s –1)








Since the first reported study on nitroxide spin labelling in 1965, the technique has found widespread application to biological and chemical problems. The introduction of a small free radical, the spin label, onto the molecule of interest gives environmental information at that point. It has the ability to measure very rapid molecular motion and is usually free from interference, thus making it a very powerful technique that gives useful details about dynamic processes at the molecular level. The types of free radical mostly used as spin probes or spin labels are based on nitroxides, such as the label known as TEMPOL (4-hydroxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidinooxy). Figure 1 shows the change in the EPR spectrum of a spin-labelled system going from a fully mobile isotropic system (Figure 1C) to a fully immobilized glass type spectrum (Figure 1A). Measurement of the hyperfine parameters enables information to be obtained about the mobility or rigidity of the system under study. The spin probe technique has been used to investigate the interactions of the anionic surfactant SDS and gelatin. It was found that for simple SDS solutions the rotational correlation time of the spin probe, 16-doxylstearic acid methyl ester, increased slightly with increased surfactant concentration. In

contrast, in the presence of gelatin these properties varied markedly as a function of the stoichiometric ratio of the surfactant to gelatin concentration, with the correlation time decreasing as the hyperfine coupling constant increased with increasing surfactant concentration. Such behaviour was attributed to the characteristics of the various amino acids present in the gelatin. The use of spin labelling in polymer systems has enabled information to be obtained about polymer chain size and also their conformational state, with three main states being distinguished. The ability of some nitroxide radicals to diffuse easily into various polymer systems, coupled with the fact that their EPR spectra showing three lines caused by coupling to 14N show a high degree of rotational motion in the amorphous parts of the polymer, means that studies varying the temperature through the glass transition temperature Tg will enable changes to be measured in the rotational correlation time. Since the rotational correlation time obeys the Arrhenius law (Eqn [2]),

which is valid for T > Tg, values for the rotational activation energy of the nitroxide free radical can be measured. Since this does not depend on radical size but only on the polymer matrix, a measure of polymer mobility is obtained. There are several excellent reviews on the application of the method to studies in polymer systems and also to investigations of biological membranes. These are listed in the ‘Further reading’ section.

Study of transition metal compounds

Figure 1 EPR spectra arising from a 14N (I = 1) showing (A) randomly and rigidly oriented in a frozen matrix; (B) antisotropic motion in a randomly oriented environment; (C) isotropic spectrum with no restriction on movement.

EPR spectroscopy is widely used to study the structure and geometry of d-transition metal ions (TMI) in inorganic complexes, in biological systems and in catalysts. Information obtained through analysis of the spectrum varies from simple identification of the metal centre to a thorough description on the electronic structure of the complex. At a simple level, the main interactions experienced by the TMI that consequently influence the EPR spectrum are (i) the electronic Zeeman effect and (ii) interaction between the electron and the nuclear spin. In the first case, the interaction is expressed via the g tensor which carries information on electronic structure; in the second case, the metal hyperfine interaction is expressed via the A tensor. Although the information regarding the transition metal compound can be comprehensive, we shall


confine ourselves here to a simple illustration on the power of EPR for investigating the symmetry of the metal centre in the solid state. The simplest case arises for TMI with one d electron. For a metal in a tetragonally distorted octahedral field experiencing compression along the 4-fold axis (D4h), the five d orbitals have the splittings shown in Figure 2 with the nondegenerate dyz state lowest in energy. For a slight distortion, the low-lying 2-fold degenerate excited states (dxy, dxz) are close to the ground state, as depicted in Figure 2A. The small energy separation '1 results in a short relaxation time with the result that the EPR signal can only be observed at low temperatures. Greater distortions lead to longer relaxation times, so that the EPR signals become observable at increasingly higher temperatures with gA > g|| as shown in Figure 2A. In the case of elongation along the 4-fold axis, the unpaired electron now

Figure 2

occupies a doubly degenerate ground state (dxz, dyz) and no EPR signal is observed. However, if the ion experiences a trigonal distortion with a resulting point symmetry of D3d as shown in Figure 2B, then the single electron occupies the dz orbital so the order of the g-values changes or becomes ‘inverted’ (i.e. g|| > gA) as depicted in Figure 2B. This simple example illustrates the effects of the ground state of the TMI on the resulting EPR spectrum. As shown above, the point symmetry at the metal can therefore be reflected in the g values, but the A values can also be influenced in a similar manner. Furthermore, depending on the point symmetry, the principal axes of g and A may or may not be coincident. The relationship between these tensors, the EPR spectral characteristics and the point symmetry of the metal are shown in Table 3. The importance of these relationships is that each type of EPR 2

Orbitals and corresponding EPR spectrum for an octahedral complex with (A) tetragonal and (B) trigonal distortion.


Table 3 Relationship between g and A tensor, EPR symmetry and the point symmetry of the paramagnets

EPR symmetry

Coincidence g and A tensors of tensor axis


gxx = gyy = gzz Axx = Ayy = Azz


gxx = gyy ≠ gzz Axx = Ayy ≠ Azz


Molecular point symmetry

All coincident

Oh Td O, Th, T

All coincident

D4h, C4v, D4, D2d, D6h,C6v, D6, D3h, D3d, C3v, D3

gxx ≠ gyy ≠ gzz Axx ≠ Ayy ≠ Azz

All coincident

D2h, C2v, D2

Monoclinic gxx ≠ gyy ≠ gzz Axx ≠ Ayy ≠ Azz

One axis of g and A coincident

C2h, Cs, C2


gxx ≠ gyy ≠ gzz Axx ≠ Ayy ≠ Azz

Complete non- C1, C1 coincidence

Axial noncollinear

gxx ≠ gyy ≠ gzz Axx = Ayy ≠ Azz

Only gzz and Azz coincident

C3, S6, C4, S4, C4h, C6, C3h, C6h

behaviour is associated with a restricted number of point symmetries, which places constraints upon the geometrical structures of the paramagnet. For example, if the paramagnet is known to have, say, rhombic symmetry, then the associated geometry must belong to one of the point groups D2h, C2v or D2 (Table 3). It would be incorrect to assign a structure that belongs to a more symmetric arrangement, e.g. D4h which is strictly axial. Therefore, for a system with unknown structure, if the EPR symmetry can be determined (Table 3) we have invaluable structural information since the paramagnet can only belong to a restricted range of point symmetries. As an example, consider the EPR spectrum of H2[V(R,RHIDPA)2] diluted in the corresponding zirconium compound (Figure 3B). At first glance the spectrum appears to have axial symmetry, since the features associated with the x and y directions are not split. Simulation of a spectrum based purely on axial symmetry is not entirely satisfactory (Figure 3A). The introduction of a small anisotropy in both gxx, gyy and Axx, Ayy, however, produces an improved simulation (Figure 3C). Although the rhombicity is small, it is consistent with the known structure of the compound. From the crystallographic data, the highest possible point symmetry at the vanadium is C2. In more complex cases, other techniques such as variable-frequency CW-EPR, ENDOR and ESEEM are required to provide a more detailed description on the electronic structure of transition metal complexes. Nevertheless, one can start to appreciate the power of CW-EPR for studies of paramagnetic transition metal complexes.

Figure 3 Experimental and simulated X-band powder EPR spectra of H2[V(R,R-HIDPA)2] diluted in the corresponding zirconium compound, where HIDPA = hydroxyiminodipropionate. (A) Simulated spectrum with axial symmetry and g|| = 1.9195, gA = 1.9839, A|| = 17.5 mT and AA = 4.9 mT; (B) experimental spectrum; and (C) simulated spectrum with rhombic symmetry gzz = 1.9195, gxx = 1.9848, gyy = 1.9829, Azz = 17.15 mT, Axx = 4.6 mT and Ayy = 5.2 mT. Reproduced with permission of the Royal Society of Chemistry from Mabbs FE (1993) Some aspects of the electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy of d-transition metal compounds. Chemical Society Reviews 22: 313–324.

Surface chemistry and catalysis EPR has been widely applied to surface science and catalysis in order to examine a variety of surface paramagnetic species important in catalytic processes including adsorbed atoms, ions or molecules that may be intermediates in chemical reactions, intrinsic surface defects, transition metal ions supported on an oxide and spin labels interacting with a surface. Information regarding the important physicochemical characteristics of the surface can be gained


through analysis of the EPR spectrum. Properties such as surface crystal field, surface redox properties, surface group morphology, mobility of adsorbed species, coordination of surface metal ions and identification of the active site have been studied on a variety of surfaces. In many cases, the surface itself is diamagnetic and investigations by EPR rely on indirect methods. A large amount of information regarding the state of a surface can be gained by adsorption of probe molecules (i.e. a molecule whose properties in the adsorbed state can be monitored and evaluated by EPR). These molecules may be divided roughly into two classes. The first is paramagnetic probes (or probes that become paramagnetic upon adsorption). The spectroscopic features of simple paramagnetic probes such as NO and O2– can provide detailed information on surface electrostatic fields. For example, the C values of the adsorbed superoxide anion (O2–) are known to depend not only on the nominal charge of the surface cation where adsorption occurs but also on the coordination environment of the cation itself, as shown in Figure 4. Paramagnetic probes such as VCl4 or MoCl5 retain their paramagnetism during reaction with surface hydroxyl groups, allowing one to study the distribution of the surface groups themselves. The other type are diamagnetic probes that remain diamagnetic upon adsorption. These probes allow one to investigate the properties of a paramagnetic adsorption site, such as the changes in the coordination sphere of a surface transition metal ion. Metal oxides are frequently involved in catalysis, either directly or indirectly as supports. By studying the charge transfer reactions at the gas–solid or liquid–solid interface, the nature, number and strength of the acidic or basic catalyst can be investigated. The oxidizing properties of the oxide can be studied by formation of the radical cations of aromatic molecules such as anthracene and perylene, while the reducing properties of the surface can be monitored through the formation of the radical anions of molecules with large electron affinity such as tetracyanoethylene (TCNE) or nitroaromatic compounds. The EPR spectra of the corresponding radical cations and anions yield both qualitative and quantitative information on the redox nature of the surface and the subject has been reviewed. Finally, a molecular approach to catalysis requires a deep understanding of the coordination processes occurring at the catalyst surface. The use of EPR to investigate the various types of coordination chemistry that occur on catalytic systems involving transition metal ions and oxide matrices have been

Figure 4 Simulated EPR spectra of the superoxide (O2–) anion adsorbed on differently charged cationic sites. The gzz values of the radical have the form gzz = ge 2λ/∆ where λ is the spin–orbit coupling constant for oxygen and ∆ is the extent of the energy splitting between the two π* orbitals, caused by the local electrostatic field of the cation. As the charge varies, ∆ will vary and different gzz values are observed (A–D). The anion is also sensitive enough to distinguish between cations with the same nominal charge which, because of different coordinative environments (e.g. 5-coordinated, 4C or 3C surface cations), exert slightly different electrostatic fields (E).

reviewed. It has been shown that the reactivity and properties of the central transition metal ion in the heterogeneous system are heavily influenced by the coordinating ligands (much more than in the hom*ogeneous counterparts) so that a variety of TMI complexes can be created and stabilized at the surface. Changes to the EPR spectroscopic features as a function of variation in the coordination sphere of a surface-supported TMI can easily be followed. An example of this is shown in Figure 5 for a Ni+ supported catalyst. Changes in the spectroscopic features of the signal as a function of differing CO pressures illustrate the sensitivity of the technique to perturbations in the local environment. This coordination chemistry approach to EPR studies of the mechanism of catalytic reactions is illustrated in the dimerization of olefins and the oxidation of methanol on the surface of oxide catalysts.


Figure 5 X-band EPR spectra of Ni+ complexes formed upon CO adsorption on reduced Ni/SiO2 catalysts under a pressure of (A) 10 torr CO followed by evacuation at 340 K, (B) 10 torr, (C) 100 torr, (D) 400 torr. Subscript a represents axial and subscript e represents equitorial positions. Reprinted with permission from Dyrek K and Che M (1997) EPR as a tool to investigate the transition metal chemistry on oxide surfaces. Chemical Reviews 97: 303–331 Copyright 1997 American Chemical Society.

Applications of pulsed techniques and high-frequency EPR The applications discussed above were performed using conventional CW (continuous wave) methods, predominantly at X-band (∼ 9 GHz) frequency. However, in recent years EPR spectroscopy has experienced an extraordinarily rapid development in two noted areas, namely pulsed techniques and highfrequency EPR. Already both developments have proved to be invaluable tools in important areas of physics, chemistry and biology, and no article on the applications of EPR spectroscopy is complete without an explanation of the powerful attributes of these techniques. The difference between high-frequency and lowfrequency EPR is usually defined by the magnet system. Superconducting or Bitter magnets are employed for high-frequency EPR (such as those operating at 94 GHz), whereas traditional electromagnets are used for lower frequencies (e.g. Q-band

(∼35 GHz) to L-band (∼1 GHz)). High-frequency EPR offers numerous advantages over the low-frequency spectrometers, including increased resolution of g factors (which is particularly important in complex or disordered systems where spectral lines are not resolved at lower fields) and increased absolute sensitivity (which is important in studies of small single crystals or any system where the number of spins is inherently low). High-frequency EPR also allows measurement of a number of integer-spin systems (such as Ni(II) species) which often have very high zero-field splittings. These systems only start to become resolved at high frequency where the energy of the photon is above the zero-field energy. The number of applications is growing rapidly, but the most compelling areas of development are in complex disordered systems prevalent in structural biology, including new insights into the detailed mechanisms associated with photosynthesis and many metalloproteins. Because EPR is only sensitive to the sites with unpaired spins, it targets only the most


important bonds that largely determine the chemical and physical properties of the metalloprotein. Highfrequency EPR is also particularly appropriate for studying these complex enzymes since the active sites often involve metal ions or metal clusters with high zero-field splittings, which are EPR-silent at low frequency. Furthermore, most disordered systems are better studied at high frequencies because the improved spectral resolution allows the local structure to be inferred, especially in conjunction with other techniques such as ENDOR. Exploitation of pulsed techniques in chemical research has been hampered in the past by expensive instrumentation and the lack of sufficiently fast digital electronics. The situation has undoubtedly changed in recent years, and the various pulsed EPR methods have found increased or exclusive use in areas such as time-resolved EPR, as tools for studying molecular motion, in electron–nuclear double resonance spectroscopy and in EPR imaging. Fourier transform EPR has proved particularly useful for studying the various spin polarization mechanisms involved in free radical chemistry, while the very high time resolution involved in echo-detected EPR makes it an ideal technique for measuring rates of chemical reactions and determining relaxation times. The underlying basis of pulsed EPR, like NMR, requires the generation of a spin echo by a short intense microwave pulse. However, in some cases the coupling between the electron spin and the nuclear spins can cause a modulation of the echo intensity. As this electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) can only occur if anisotropic interactions are present, it is only found in the solid state. Analysis of the ESEEM spectra allows determination of very small hyperfine couplings which are too small to be measured by CW-EPR, so that information on the number, identity and distance of weakly inter-acting nuclei may be obtained. A wide variety of applications of the nuclear modulation effect have been demonstrated, including determination of ligand structure in metalloproteins, magnetic properties of triplet states and location and coordination of surface complexes. In fact, the ESEEM method ranks with EXAFS as one of the most important tools for determining the structures of active centres in metalloproteins.

Conclusions It is intended in this article to demonstrate the diversity of applications in which CW-EPR is traditionally used, while briefly describing some current uses of more advanced EPR techniques. However, with recent technological developments in FT-EPR, pulsed

ENDOR, EPR imaging and high-frequency EPR, new and previously undreamed of prospects are likely to emerge. In many cases the spectroscopic data of interest cannot be obtained by any other method. This fact alone will ensure EPR a place as a dominant spectroscopic technique of major importance well into the future.

List of symbols a = hyperfine splitting constant, units are mTesla; a0 = isotropic hyperfine coupling constant, units are mTesla; A|| = hyperfine coupling constant parallel to a unique symmetry axis, units are mTesla; AA = hyperfine coupling constant perpendicular to a unique symmetry axis, units are mTesla; Ea = rotational activation energy, in kJ mol–1; g = g factor; g|| = parallel to a unique symmetry axis; gA = perpendicular to a unique symmetry axis; W = free radical tumbling correlational time (in seconds). See also: EPR Imaging; EPR, Methods; EPR Spectroscopy, Theory; Inorganic Chemistry, Applications of Mass Spectrometry; Spin Trapping and Spin Labelling Studied Using EPR Spectroscopy; Surface Studies By IR Spectroscopy.

Further reading Bales B, Griffiths PC, Goyffon P, Howe AM and Rowlands CC (1997) EPR insights into aqueous solutions of gelatin and sodium dodecylsulphate. Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2 2473– 2477. Berliner LJ and Reubens J (eds) (1989) Biological Magnetic Resonance, vol. 8, Spin Labelling Theory and Applications. New York: Plenum Press. Carley AF, Edwards HA, Hanco*ck FE, et al (1994) Application of ESR to study the hydrogenation of alkenes and benzene over a supported Pd catalyst. Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions, 90: 3341– 3346. Che M and Giamello E (1987) In: Fierro JLG (ed) ‘Spectroscopic Characterisation of Heterogeneous Catalysts’, vol. 57, Part B, p B265. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers. Dixon WT and Norman ROC (1962) Free radicals formed during the oxidation and reduction of peroxides. Nature, 196, 891. Dyrek K and Che M. (1997) Chemical Review 97: 305– 331. Egerton TA, Murphy DM, Jenkins CA and Rowlands CC (1997) An EPR study of spin trapped free radical intermediates formed in the heterogeneously assisted photodecomposition of acetaldehyde. Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2 2479–2485.


Marsh D (1994) Spin labelling in biological systems. Specialist Periodical Reports, Electron Spin Resonance 14: 166–202. Möbius K (1994) EPR studies of photosynthesis. Specialist Periodical Reports, Electron Spin Resonance 14: 203–245. Ranby B and Rabek JF (1977) ESR Spectroscopy in Polymer Research. Berlin: Springer-Verlag (and references therein). Rhodes CJ (1991) Organic radicals in solid matrices. Specialist Periodical Reports, Electron Spin Resonance 13a: 56–103.

Schweiger A (1991) Pulsed electron spin resonance spectroscopy: basic principles, techniques and examples of applications. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition, English 30: 265–292. Tabner BJ (1991) Organic radicals in solution. Specialist Periodical Reports, Electron Spin Resonance 13a: 1–55. Wasserman AM (1996) Spin labels and spin probes in polymers. Specialist Periodical Reports, Electron Spin Resonance 15: 112–151.

Chemical Exchange Effects in NMR Alex D Bain, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada Copyright © 1999 Academic Press


Introduction Chemical exchange, in NMR terms, means that a nucleus moves among a set of magnetic environments. The sample is macroscopically at equilibrium, but an individual nucleus exchanges among a number of sites, so the magnetic properties of the nucleus are modulated by the exchange. Chemical exchange effects were recognized early in the development of NMR: at about the same time (and in the same laboratory) as the scalar coupling. In N,Nc-dimethyl formamide and many other molecules with N,Nc-dimethyl groups (Figure 1), the two methyl groups have different chemical shifts if the molecule is rigid. At low temperature this is effectively the case, because of restricted rotation about the C–N bond. However, as the sample is warmed, the two signals broaden, coalesce, and eventually start to sharpen up to a single line at the average chemical shift, as shown in Figure 1. This behaviour is usually interpreted in terms of an ‘NMR timescale’. For rotation about the C–N bond, which is slow on this timescale at low temperature, the two signals are distinct and relatively sharp. At higher temperature, the rotation is faster and all that we can detect is the average resonance frequency. The broad coalescence line shape is characteristic of the intermediate timescale, and is perhaps the most familiar and obvious manifestation of chemical exchange. In this article we will concentrate on intermediate exchange, because a thorough

Figure 1 1H NMR spectra of the two N-methyl groups in 3dimethylamino-7-methyl-1,2,4-benzotriazine, as a function of temperature.


understanding of this case clarifies most other aspects of chemical exchange. Chemical exchange in all three regimes – slow, intermediate and fast – has an effect on the NMR spectrum. Typical values of the parameters mean that processes with rates in the range of 1–104 s−1 can be studied most easily. In other words, this means activation energies for the reaction in the range of approximately 40–80 kJ mol −1 (10–20 kcal mol−1). This includes conformational changes in ring structures, restricted rotations about chemical bonds, ligand rearrangements in coordination complexes, and some intermolecular transfer processes. Molecules are dynamic entities, so the effects of chemical exchange are apparent in many NMR spectra. The theory of chemical exchange in simple; uncoupled spin systems have often been couched in terms of the Bloch equations, and this is the approach used in most of the literature. However, we feel that it is simpler and easier to consider the time domain. This time-domain method allows us to treat all exchanging systems – slow, intermediate or fast, coupled or uncoupled – in a consistent and simple way. There is also a simple physical picture of the spectroscopic transition probability that helps in this interpretation of the theory.

In chemical exchange, the two exchanging sites, A and B will have different Larmor frequencies, ZA and ZB. The exchange will carry magnetization from A to B and vice versa. If we assume equal populations in the two sites, and the rate of exchange to be k, then we can set up two coupled Bloch equations for the two sites, as in Equation [4].

The observable NMR signal is the imaginary part of the sum of the two steady-state magnetizations, MA and MB. The steady state implies that the time derivatives are zero, and a little further calculation (and neglect of T2 terms) gives the NMR spectrum of an exchanging system as in Equation [5].

The Bloch equations approach The Bloch equations for the motion of the x and y magnetizations (usually called the u- and v-mode signals), in the presence of a weak radiofrequency field, B1, are given in Equation [1].

This equation can be further extended to systems with unequal populations and more sites, using the same techniques.

Chemical exchange in the time domain In this equation, Z1 is the frequency of the RF irradiation, Z0 is the Larmor frequency of the spin, T2 is the spin–spin relaxation time and Mz is the z magnetization of the spin system. We can simplify the notation somewhat by defining a complex magnetization, M, as in Equation [2].

With this definition, the Bloch equations can be written as in Equation [3].

If we create (by a pulse) the magnetization, MA and MB, at time zero, and then turn off the B1 magnetic field, Equation [4] can be simplified as in Equation [6].


In this equation, the matrix L is given by Equation [7], where we have made Z1 = (ZA + ZB)/2 and δ = (ZA − ZB)/2.

Equation [6] is a set of first-order differential equations, so its formal solution is given by Equation [8], in which exp( ) means the exponential of the matrix. In practice, we diagonalize the matrix L with a matrix of eigenvectors, U, as in Equation [9] to give a diagonal matrix, Λ, with the eigenvalues of L down the diagonal.

Equation [8] becomes Equation [10]. The exponential of a diagonal matrix is again a diagonal matrix with exponentials of the diagonal elements, as in Equation [11].

The eigenvalues of Equation [7] are given in Equation [13]

These eigenvalues are the (complex) frequencies of the lines in the spectrum, as in Equation [11]: the imaginary part gives the oscillation frequency and the real part gives the rate of decay. If k < G (slow exchange) then there are two different imaginary frequencies, which become ± G in the limit of small k (see Figure 2). In fast exchange, when k exceeds the shift difference, G, the quantity in the square root in [13] becomes positive, so the roots are pure real. This means that the spectrum is still two lines, but they are both at the average chemical shift, and have different widths. The full expressions for these line shapes are given in the Appendix. Because of the role of the eigenvectors in Equation [11], the factor (amplitude) multiplying the complex exponential is itself complex. The magnitude of the complex amplitude gives the intensity of the line and its phase gives the phase of the line (the mixture of absorption and dispersion). In slow exchange, the

As was mentioned above, the observed signal is the imaginary part of the sum of MA and MB, so Equation [11] predicts that the observed signal will be the sum of two exponentials, evolving at the frequencies λ1 and λ2. This is the free induction decay (FID). In the limit of no exchange, the two frequencies are simply ZA and ZB, as we would expect. When k is nonzero, the mathematics becomes slightly more complicated. If we ignore relaxation and exchange, then L is a Hermitian matrix with real eigenvalues and eigenvectors. However, when the exchange is important, the Hermitian character is lost and the eigenvalues and eigenvectors have both real and imaginary parts. The eigenvalues are given by the roots of the characteristic equation (Eqn [12]). Figure 2 Decomposition of the coalescence line shape into individual lines. Top: experimental spectrum from Figure 1; middle: calculated line shape to match experimental spectrum; bottom: individual lines calculated as in the Appendix.


two lines have the same real part, but the imaginary parts have opposite signs, so the phase distortion is opposite. The sum of these distorted line shapes gives the familiar coalescence spectrum, as in Figure 2. In fast exchange, the two lines are both in phase, but one line is negative. This negative line is very broad, and decreases in absolute intensity as the rate increases, leaving only the single, positive, inphase line for fast exchange. Therefore, the real and imaginary parts of the frequency, and the real and imaginary parts of the amplitude, provide the four parameters that define a line in an NMR spectrum: its intensity, its phase, its position, and its width. This gives us a time-domain picture of the chemical exchange, which can easily be converted to a spectrum by using the Fourier transform.

Systems with scalar coupling Scalar coupled systems are more complicated, but fundamentally no different from the uncoupled systems described in the time domain. If there is scalar coupling in the spectrum, the line shape becomes more complex. For instance, Figure 3 shows the line shape of the diacylpyridine ligand as part of a rhenium complex. The rhenium bonds to the pyridine nitrogen and to only one of the carbonyls, lifting the symmetry of protons 3 and 5. However, the rhenium can break this latter coordination and bond to the other carbonyl, which effectively interchanges protons 3 and 5 on the pyridine ring. During this exchange, they retain their coupling to the central proton 4, and the shift of 4 does not change. Therefore, proton 4 remains as a sharp triplet even when protons 3 and 5 are very broad. In any strongly coupled spin system, each line in the spectrum is a mixture of transitions of various nuclei, which depends on the chemical shifts and coupling constants. When a chemical exchange happens, all the spectral parameters change with it. Therefore, a magnetization (or a coherence) that was associated with a single spectral line in one site may be spread among several lines in the other site. In order to deal with these complexities, we must use the density matrix. One way of thinking of the density matrix is that it is a list of all the observables of a spin system. For example, the magnetizations of the two exchanging sites form part of the density matrix for that system. At equilibrium, the density matrix is just the z magnetization created by the static magnetic field. In a pulse Fourier transform NMR experiment, this z magnetization is flipped into the xy plane, and

Figure 3 Example of chemical exchange in a coupled spin system. The rhenium can bond to one or other of the carbonyl oxygen atoms, so that the symmetry of the molecule is lifted. Exchange of the rhenium between carbonyl groups broadens the signals of protons 3 and 5 (at 8.46 ppm and 7.82 ppm), but leaves 4 (8.38 ppm) unaffected.

divided among the individual lines in the spectrum, which then precess around the z axis. In order to calculate the spectrum of the system (or any other observable), we need to be able to follow the density matrix as a function of time. The equation of motion of the density matrix (ρ) is given in Equation [14], where H is the Hamiltonian of the spin system.

Some manipulation allows us to reformulate Equation [14] as Equation [15]. Mathematically, this means using superoperators in Liouville space L, but the details need not concern us here. The important point is that the density matrix becomes a vector of all possible observables of the system – in this case we only deal with the xy magnetizations. Anything


we do to the system, pulses, free precession, relaxation, exchange, is represented by a matrix.

If we use frequency units (h/2π = 1), then the solution to Equation [15] is given in Equation [16], which is identical to Equation [8].

Relaxation or chemical exchange can be easily added in Liouville space, by including a Redfield matrix, Rso (so = superoperator), for relaxation, or a kinetic matrix, Kso, to describe exchange. Both relaxation and exchange are described very conveniently by superoperators. The complete equation of motion becomes Equation [17]. Note the similarity to the equations for two uncoupled sites, but now we derived them rigorously from the equations of motion of the density matrix.

The details of what the density matrix is at time zero, what we observe in the receiver, and how we construct the superoperators for a general spin system are all beyond the scope of this article. However, the basic idea remains: even the most complex exchange line shape is a sum of individual lines, with complex frequencies and complex intensities, as in Equation [17]. Each of those lines has a transition probability.

Physical interpretation of the transition probability The standard expression for the probability of a transition from an initial state, \, to a final state, I, induced by a perturbation Ix (the RF field along x), is given in Equation [18].

We can write the matrix element in Equation [18] in a rather more complicated way, as in Equation [19].

The reason for rewriting the equation is that the right hand side can be interpreted as the dot product of the operator Ix with the operator |I² ¢\|. We have moved to Liouville space, in which all the operators are vectors. The dot product in Liouville space is defined as the trace of the product of the operators in the original spin space. One important point is that Equation [19] is independent of basis set. The matrix element in Equation [18] becomes a simple dot product of two Liouville space vectors, as in Equation [20].

A dot product of two vectors gives the projection of one vector on the other, so Equation [20] defines the projection of |I² ¢\| onto Ix. In other words, this is the projection of the transition onto the total xy magnetization. The standard transition probability is the square of this projection. This leads to a physical interpretation of the transition probability. The spin system at equilibrium is represented by the total z magnetization, Fz. This is the sum of the z magnetizations of the sites, weighted by the equilibrium populations of each site. To distinguish the weighted sum, we give this spin operator a symbol different from Iz. A pulse flips this into the xy plane, so that immediately after the pulse, the spin system is represented by Fx. Now each transition receives a share of the total x magnetization. Its share is given by the projection of the transition (as an operator) onto the operator Fx. The transitions evolve independently as a function of time. However, we do not observe the transition directly, but rather the total xy magnetization. The detector is simply a coil of wire, and we measure the xy magnetization as a function of time to give us an FID. Fourier transforming the FID gives us a spectrum. Therefore, each transition contributes to the total signal according to its projection along Ix. The intensity of a transition is the product of how much


coherence it received from Fx at the start, times how visible it is to the receiver. Note that the Liouville matrix, iL+R+K may not be Hermitian, but it can still be diagonalized. Its eigenvalues and eigenvectors are not necessarily real, however, and the inverse of U may not be its complex-conjugate transpose. If we allow complex numbers in it, Equation [17] is a general result. Since Λ is a diagonal matrix we can expand in terms of the individual eigenvalues, Oj. We can also apply U (‘backwards’) to Ix, and obtain Equation [21].

Each of the terms in the sum is a transition. The NMR signal is always a sum of decaying sine waves, whose frequency and decay rate are given by the imaginary and the real parts of Oj. The intensity is governed by the coefficients in Equation [21] of this term. This coefficient is the product of two terms. The first, (UIx)j, tells us how much the coherence overlaps with the receiver. The second term, (U−1 Fx)j tells us how much the coherence received from the equilibrium z magnetization. The product of these terms is the generalization of the transition probability. If we do not have relaxation, the two terms are complex conjugates, and we recover the

normal transition probability. However, the transition probability for a general system may have an imaginary part. If we cling to idea that each term in Equation [21] represents a transition, then an individual transition may be out of phase at t = 0. Immediately after the excitation pulse, the total magnetization will lie on the y axis, but the individual components may not. However, our true observable is still only the FID. Whether we want to decompose it into individual transitions of individual spins depends very much on the system we are studying.

Example of exchange of coupled spins Provided we can construct the matrices, the description of exchange is quite simple. Again, the details are beyond our scope, but an example of the Liouvillian (no exchange) for a coupled spin system is given in Equation [22] for an AB spin system, with coupling constant J. The eigenvalues of this matrix are the familiar line positions of an AB system.

If there is an exchange between A and B given by a rate k, then we set up the two blocks, as we set up the two exchanging spins in the Bloch equations. Note that we have made spin A in one block, exchange with spin B in the other. The full Liouvillian, including exchange, is given by Equation [23], in which dots replace zeroes to emphasize the form of the matrix. In this particular case, called mutual exchange, the spins simply permute themselves. We can simplify this matrix to half its original size, as in Equation [24], but

for nonmutual exchange we must retain Equation [23].

Except for its size, this is exactly the same form as in our previous cases. The spectrum can therefore be expressed as a sum of four lines, as in Figure 4.


Equation [25].

If we have two sites, A and B, then we can write the analogous equation for two sites as in Equation [26].

If the two sites exchange with rate k during the relaxation, then a spin can relax either through normal spin–lattice relaxation processes, or by exchanging with the other site. Equation [26] becomes Equation [27].

Figure 4 Calculated spectra for mutual exchange in an AB spin system, as a function of exchange rate. The heavy traces are the total line shape and the lighter lines show the individual components. The bottom spectrum shows the typical static AB spectrum, which broadens and coalesces at higher rates of exchange.

Slow chemical exchange The term ‘slow’ in this case means that the exchange rate is much smaller than the frequency differences in the spectrum, so the lines in the spectrum are not significantly broadened. However, the exchange rate is still comparable with the spin– lattice relaxation times in the system. In this case, we can measure the rates by doing a modified spin–lattice relaxation experiment, pioneered by Hoffman and Forsen. In the absence of exchange (and let us ignore dipolar relaxation), each z magnetization will relax back to equilibrium at a rate governed by its own T1 as in

This equation is very similar to Equations [6] and [7]. The basic situation is just as in intermediate exchange, except that now we are dealing with z magnetizations rather than xy. The frequencies are zero, and the matrix now has pure real eigenvalues, but the approach is the same. We also stay in the time domain, since a relaxation experiment follows the z magnetizations as a function of time. As before, the time dependence is obtained by diagonalizing the relaxation–exchange matrix, and calculating the magnetizations for each time at which they are sampled. There are two main applications of slow chemical exchange: one is to determine the qualitative mechanism, and the other is to measure the rates of the processes as accurately as possible. For the first case, in which we have a spectrum in slow exchange, we need to establish the mechanism: which site is


exchanging with which. For this purpose, the hom*onuclear two-dimensional (2D) experiment EXSY (exchange spectroscopy) (the same pulse sequence as NOESY (2D nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy), but involving exchange) is by far the best technique to use. If there is no exchange, then the spectrum lies along the diagonal and there are no cross-peaks. Exchange between sites leads to a pair of symmetrical cross-peaks joining the diagonal peaks of the same site, so the mechanism is very obvious. The EXSY pulse sequence starts with two π/2 pulses separated by the incrementable delay, t1. This modulates the z magnetizations, so that the relaxation that occurs during the mixing time which follows, tm, is frequency-labelled. Finally the z magnetizations are sampled with a third π/2 pulse. Magnetization from a different site that enters via exchange will have a different frequency label. A two-dimensional Fourier transform then produces the spectrum. However, care must be taken in choosing the mixing time if there are multiple exchange processes. If the mixing time is too long, there is a substantial probability that a spin may have exchanged twice in that time, leading to spurious cross-peaks. For careful rate measurements, once the mechanism is established, it is our opinion that onedimensional (1D) methods are superior to quantitative 2D ones. Apart from the fact that 1D spectra can be integrated more easily, we also have more control over the experiment. Modern spectrometers can create almost any type of selective excitation, so that we can control the conditions at the start of the relaxa-

tion. For two sites, a nonselective inversion that inverts both sites equally will mask most of the exchange effects and the relaxation will be dominated by T1. However, if one site is inverted selectively, then that site can regain equilibrium by either T1 processes or by exchanging with the other site that was left at equilibrium. The inverted signal will relax at roughly the sum of the exchange and spin–lattice relaxation rate, while the signal that was unperturbed at the start of the experiment shows a characteristic transient, as in Figure 5. For multiple sites, a wide range of initial conditions is available. Standard nonlinear least-squares methods allow us to fit these curves and derive values for the rates involved.

Fast exchange In fast exchange the spectrum has coalesced, usually to a single line, so the information in the spectrum is not so rich. For two equally-populated sites, for instance, we get a single Lorentzian line with a width proportional to G2/k. We can measure the line width (or better, T2) via a CPMG (Carr–Purcell pulse sequence, Meiboom–Gill modification) experiment or a T1ρ measurement. However, if we do not know the frequency difference, G, we cannot obtain the rate. If the exchange rate is not too fast (< 10 4 roughly) modifications of the T2 experiments can help. Both experiments have an inherent timescale: in CPMG, it is the timing of the refocussing pulse; in T1ρ, it is the precession frequency about the spin-locking field. If the exchange is fast with respect to the experiment,

Figure 5 Inversion–recovery curves for slow exchange between two sites. Lines A and B are the results from one experiment. They show the recovery after a nonselective inversion of both sites, showing that the two sites have slightly different T1 values. C and D are obtained from a different experiment. Line C shows the recovery of a site that has been selectively inverted, and line D shows the behaviour of the line that was not perturbed in this experiment. The inverted line relaxes faster, due to a combination of spin–lattice, relaxation and exchange, and the unperturbed line shows the characteristic transient.


we measure a T2 appropriate to the coalesced spectrum. If, however, the exchange is slower than the experimental timescale (but still fast with respect to the frequency difference), the apparent T2 reflects the individual sites. As we change the timescale of the experiment, the apparent T2 changes, and so we can obtain a value for the rate itself.

Regardless of whether U is unitary, its inverse is given by Equation [30], where ∆ is the determinant of Equation [29].

Conclusions All of the effects of chemical exchange can be calculated by following the appropriate magnetizations as a function of time. For slow exchange, this is the complex coupling of relaxation and exchange that leads to transient behaviour in modified spin–lattice relaxation experiments. For intermediate exchange, the rather complex line shapes can always be decomposed into a sum of individual transitions, even though the transitions are distorted in phase, intensity, position, and width by the dynamics of the system. For two uncoupled sites, this can be calculated quite easily, but for larger coupled systems the construction of the matrices may get complicated. However, the resulting lines are always governed by a transition probability, provided we extend our definition to allow probabilities with both real and imaginary parts. Working in the time domain is already familiar from Fourier transform spectroscopy, and it provides a complete and simple approach to chemical exchange.

Equation [28] then says that the signal is given by the following, regardless of slow or fast exchange.

The values of the eigenvectors have two forms, depending on whether G > k (slow exchange), or G < k (after coalescence). In the first case, the eigenvalues are given as:

and a convenient matrix of eigenvectors is given by:

Appendix Eigenvalues and eigenvectors for two-site exchange

For two-site equally populated chemical exchange, the two magnetizations at time zero are equal, so that Equation [11] can be written as in Equation [28], where the eigenvalues are complex numbers.

Since we are dealing with nonHermitian matrices, the matrix formed by the eigenvectors will not be unitary, and will have four independent complex elements. Let us simply call them a, b, c, and d, so that U is given by:

After coalescence, when the rate is greater than the frequency difference, the two transitions are both at zero frequency (i.e. the average chemical shift), but have different widths and intensities. The eigenvalues are pure real, as in Equation [34],

and the eigenvectors are similar, but reflect the fact that k2 − δ2 is now positive.


List of symbols B1 = radiofrequency field; Fz = total z magnetization; h = Planck’s constant; Ix = perturbation RF field ; k = rate of exchange; Kso = kinetic along x ; i = superoperator matrix; L = Liouville superoperator; Lso = superoperator matrix; Mz = z magnetization of the spin system;Rso = Redfield superoperator matrix; T2 = spin–spin relaxation time; T1ρ = T1 in rotating frame; u = x magnetization of spin system; ν = y magnetization of spin system; γ = magnetogyric ratio; G = chemical shift difference; λ = eigenvalue; Λ = diagonal matrix; I = final state;\ = initial state; Z1 = frequency of RF irradiation; Z0 = Larmor frequency of the spin. See also: NMR Principles; NMR Pulse Sequences; NMR Relaxation Rates; Two-Dimensional NMR, Methods.

Further reading Bain AD (1988) The superspin formalism for pulse NMR. Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 20: 295–315. Bain AD and Duns GJ (1996) A unified approach to dynamic nmr based on a physical interpretation of the transition probability. Canadian Journal of Chemistry 74: 819–824.

Binsch G (1969) A unified theory of exchange effects on nuclear magnetic resonance lineshapes. Journal of the American Chemical Society 91: 1304–1309. Binsch G and Kessler H (1980) The kinetic and mechanistic evaluation of NMR spectra. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English 19: 411–494. Gutowsky HS and Holm CH (1956) Rate processes and nuclear magnetic resonance spectra. II. Hindered internal rotation of amides. Journal of Chemical Physics 25: 1228–1234. Jackman LM and Cotton FA (1975) Dynamic Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy . New York: Academic Press. Johnson CS (1965) Chemical rate processes and magnetic resonance. Advances in Magnetic Resonance 1: 33–102. Kaplan JI and Fraenkel G (1980) NMR of Chemically Exchanging Systems. New York: Academic Press. Orrell KG, Sik V and Stephenson D (1990) Quantitative investigation of molecular stereodynamics by 1D and 2D NMR methods. Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 22: 141–208. Perrin CL and Dwyer T (1990) Application of two-dimensional NMR to kinetics of chemical exchange. Chemical Review 90: 935–967. Sandstrom J (1982) Dynamic NMR Spectroscopy . London: Academic Press. Sorensen OW, Eich GW, Levitt MH, Bodenhausen G and Ernst RR (1983) Product operator formalism for the description of NMR pulse experiments. Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 20: 163– 192.

Chemical Ionization in Mass Spectrometry Alex G Harrison, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction In chemical ionization mass spectrometry (CIMS), ionization of the gaseous analyte occurs via gas-phase ion–molecule reactions rather than by direct electron impact (EI), photon impact or field ionization. EI ionization of a reagent gas (present in large excess) is usually followed by ion–molecule reactions involving the initially formed ions and the reagent gas neutrals to produce the chemical ionization (CI) reagent ion or reagent ion array. Collision of the reagent ion(s) with the analyte (usually present at ∼ 1% of the reagent gas

MASS SPECTROMETRY Methods & Instrumentation pressure) produces one or more ions characteristic of the analyte. These initial analyte ions may undergo fragmentation or, infrequently, react further with the reagent gas to produce a final array of ions representing the CI mass spectrum of the analyte as produced by the specific reagent gas. To a considerable extent, the usefulness of CIMS arises from the fact that a wide variety of reagent gases and, hence, reagent ions can be used to ionize the analyte; often the reagent system can be tailored to the problem to be solved. Problems amenable to solution by CI approaches include (a) molecular


mass determination, (b) structure elucidation and (c) identification and quantification. In many instances, CI provides information that is complementary rather than supplementary to that obtained by EI, and often both approaches are used. After a brief discussion of instrumentation, the major approaches, in both positive ion and negative ion CI, to the solution of the above problems are discussed. The focus is primarily on the use of medium-pressure mass spectrometry; CI at atmospheric pressure or at much lower pressures in ion trapping instruments are discussed elsewhere.

Instrumentation Most commonly, CI studies have been performed at total ion source pressures of 0.1 to 1 torr using conventional sector, quadrupole or time-of-flight mass spectrometers with ion sources only slightly modified from those used for EI ionization. The essential change is that the ion source is made more gas-tight by using smaller electron beam entrance and ion beam exit slits; the latter is accomplished by having either exchangeable source volumes or a moveable ion exit slit assembly to change from EI to CI. Most manufacturers now supply instruments capable of both EI and CI and incorporating enhanced pumping to maintain adequately low pressures in the remainder of the instrument when the source is operated at elevated pressures. Provision is made for introduction of the reagent gas and for introduction of the analyte by a heated inlet system, by a solids probe, by a direct exposure probe or by interfacing a gas chromatograph to the ion source. Capillary gas chromatography–CI mass spectrometry is a particularly powerful and sensitive approach to identification and quantification of the components of complex mixtures.

The enthalpy change for Equation [1] is given by

where the proton affinity of X, PA(X), is given by

If PA(M) > PA(B), the reaction is exothermic and normally occurs at the ion–neutral collision rate determined by ion-induced dipole and ion–dipole interactions. Conversely, if the reaction is endothermic, the rate decreases exponentially by the enthalpy of activation and the sensitivity of the ionization process decreases. Most of the exothermicity of Equation [1] resides in MH+ and is available as internal energy to promote fragmentation of MH+. To maximize the probability of MH+ formation, which provides molecular mass information, one uses the least exothermic reaction possible. On the other hand, structural information is derived from the fragment ions observed in the CI mass spectrum and more exothermic protonation may be desirable to promote such fragmentation. The fragmentation of the even-electron MH+ ions usually involves elimination of even-electron stable molecules to form an even-electron fragment ion. Thus if the molecule contains a functional group Y, the fragmentation of MH+ frequently involves elimination of the stable molecule HY. For RYH+, the tendency to eliminate HY is roughly inversely related to the PA of HY, with the result that the ease of loss of Y as HY is approximately

Brønsted acid chemical ionization Gaseous Brønsted acids, BH+, react with the analyte M primarily by the proton transfer reaction

Other, usually minor, reactions that are possible include hydride ion abstraction (Eqn [2]) and charge exchange (Eqn [3])

although the stability of the resulting ion also plays a role in competing loss of different functional groups from a common MH+. Obviously, the more readily fragmentation occurs, the less likely it is that MH+ ions, giving molecular mass information, will be observed, although with suitable choice of reagent ions, MH+ ions are frequently formed when no M+• ions are observed in the EI mass spectrum. In other cases, such as hydroxylic compounds, the use of Brønsted base CI (see below) may prove useful in obtaining molecular mass information. Table 1 lists Brønsted acid reagent systems which have seen significant use, along with the major reactant ions and the proton affinities of the conjugate bases. Most organic molecules have PAs in the range


760–1000 kJ mol−1. Thus protonation by H3+ will be strongly exothermic, while protonation in i-butane or ammonia CI will only be mildly exothermic or even endothermic. CH4 as a reagent gas is unique in that it forms two reactant species, CH5+ and C2H5+, in almost equal abundance; the polar reagent gases H2O, CH3OH and NH3 produce solvated protons with the extent of solvation depending on the partial pressure of the reagent gas. The usefulness of Brønsted acid CI in establishing molecular masses is illustrated by the comparison of the EI, CH4 CI and NH3 CI mass spectra of ephedrine in Figure 1. No molecular ion is observed in the EI mass spectra. By contrast, both the CH4 CI and NH3 CI mass spectra show abundant MH+ (m/z 166) ions, clearly establishing the molecular mass. In line with the relative PAs of Table 1, the less exothermic protonation in NH3 CI leads to less extensive fragmentation of the MH+ ion. As is often the case, CH4 CI provides not only molecular mass information (MH+) but also structurally informative fragment ions; the fragmentation of protonated ephedrine is rationalized in Scheme 1 and is seen to involve the formation of even-electron fragment ions by the elimination of small, stable, even-electron neutral molecules (the numbers in Scheme 1 indicate the m/z of the ionic fragment). In this case the CH4 CI mass spectrum provides more structural information than the EI mass spectrum. The effect of protonation exothermicity on the extent of fragmentation is shown more dramatically by the Brønsted acid CI mass spectra of the tripeptide H-Val-Pro-Leu-OH shown in Figure 2 and obtained using mass-selected reactant ions. With NH4+ as the reactant ion [PA(NH3) = 853.5 kJ mol −1] only MH+ is observed, while the more exothermic protonation by C2H5+ [PA(C2H4) = 680.3 kJ mol −1] leads to significant fragmentation of MH+, and the very exothermic protonation by N2OH+ [PA(N2O) = 580.7 kJ mol −1] leads to essentially complete fragmentation of MH+. Table 1

Brønsted acid reagent systems

PA(B) Reactant ion (BH+) (kJ mol−1) + H2 H3 423.4 N2O–H2 N2OH+ 580.7 CH5+ 550.6 CH4 C2H5+ 680.3 H+(H2O)na 696.0 H2O H+(CH3OH)na 773.6 CH3OH C4H9+ 819.6 i-C4H10 NH3 H+(NH3)na 853.5 a Degree of solvation depends on partial pressure of reagent gas; proton affinity given for monosolvated proton. Reagent gas

Figure 1 EI, CH4 CI and NH3 CI mass spectra of ephedrine (relative intensity as a function of m/z).


exchange to produce, initially, the odd-electron molecular ion (Eqn [6]), which may undergo further fragmentation (Eqn [7]).

Since the M+• ion formed initially is the same as that formed initially in EI ionization, the fragmentation reactions observed will be similar to those observed in EI mass spectra. The essential difference is that, while the M+• ions formed by electron ionization have a wide range of internal energies, the M+• ions formed by charge exchange have an internal energy, E(M+•), given approximately by

where RE(R+•), the recombination of R+•, is defined by

Figure 2 Brønsted acid CI mass spectra of H-Val-Pro-Leu-OH using (A) NH4+, (B) C2H5+ and (C) N2OH+ as reagent ions. Reprinted with permission from Speir JP, Gorman GS, Cornett DS and Amster IJ (1991) Controlling the dissociation of peptide ions using laser desorption/chemical ionization Fourier transform mass spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry 63: 65–69. Copyright (1991) American Chemical Society.

Ammonia has a very high PA, with the result that NH4+ (and solvated forms thereof) will efficiently protonate only those analytes with a PA greater than about 860 kJ mol−1; in effect, this means that only nitrogen-containing analytes (such as Figures 1 and 2) are efficiently protonated. Analytes with lower PAs, which contain a lone pair of electrons, frequently give M•NH4+ adducts.

and IE(M) is the adiabatic ionization energy of M. Reagent systems have been developed (Table 2) giving reactant ions with recombination energies over the range 9.3–16 eV. By comparison, most organic molecules have ionization energies in the range 8– 12 eV, so that, by suitable choice of the charge exchange reagent, a wide range of internal energies can be imparted to the molecular ion in Equation [6]. A potential use of charge exchange ionization is to enhance differences in the mass spectra of isomeric molecules compared to EI ionization; the use of charge exchange has the advantage, compared to low-energy EI, that the sensitivity of ionization is maintained. This use of charge exchange is illustrated in Figure 3 Table 2

Charge exchange reagent systems

Reagent gas

Reactant ion (R +·) +•

RE(R ·)(eV)









Charge exchange chemical ionization





In charge exchange CI, the reagent gas is chosen to produce an odd-electron species R+• on EI ionization. This ion reacts with the analyte M by charge








15.8, 15.9

9.3 ∼10.0 10.2 11.2 12.1, 13.4 13.8 14.0, 14.7


Figure 3 EI and C6F6+• charge exchange (CE) mass spectra of cis- and trans-4-methylcyclohexanol. Harrison AG and Lin MS, (1984) Stereochemical applications of mass spectrometry. 3. Energy dependence of the fragmentation of stereoisomeric methyl cyclohexanols. Organic Mass Spectrometry 19: 67–71. Copyright John Wiley & Sons Limited. Reproduced with permission.

which compares the C6F6+• charge exchange mass spectra of cis- and trans-4-methylcyclohexanol with 70 eV mass spectra. The low-energy charge exchange spectra are much simpler; more importantly, the differences in the spectra of the two isomers are much enhanced following charge exchange ionization. A particularly useful application of charge exchange ionization is for the selective ionization of specific components of mixtures. The principle of the method is illustrated in Figure 4 which shows the ionization energies of alkanes, cycloalkanes, alkylbenzenes and alkylnaphthalenes (components of petroleum products) plotted as a function of molecular mass. Also shown, as horizontal lines, are recombination energies of c-C6H12+•, C6H5Cl+• and (CH3)3C6H3+•. These species should ionize only those hydrocarbons with ionization below the appropriate line. Clearly, C6H5Cl+• will ionize only the benzene and naphthalene components, while (CH3)3C6H3+• will be even more selective for the naphthalenes and higher molecular mass benzenes.

Brønsted base chemical ionization Gaseous Brønsted bases, B−, usually react with organic analytes M by proton abstraction to produce

Figure 4 Ionization potentials of hydrocarbons as a function of molecular mass. Reprinted with permission from Sieck LW (1983) Determination of molecular weight distributions of aromatic components in petroleum products with chlorobenzene as reagent gas. Analytical Chemistry 55: 38–41. Copyright (1983) American Chemical Society.

[M−H]− as the initial product.

Equation [10] is normally rapid provided it is exothermic, i.e. provided ∆H (BH) > ∆H (M) or, alternatively, provided PA(B−) > PA([M − H]−), where

In general, little fragmentation of [M − H]− is observed, with the result that Brønsted base CI often provides molecular mass information through formation of the [M − H]− ion that is 1 amu lower than the molecular mass. Table 3 lists possible Brønsted base reagents along with the ∆H of the conjugate acid BH. For comparison, phenols have gas-phase acidities in the range of 1370–1465 kJ mol −1, carboxylic acids have acidities in the range of 1350–1422 kJ mol −1, alkynes in the range of 1520–1580 kJ mol −1 and alkylbenzenes about 1590 kJ mol −1. Also listed in the Table are the electron affinities of the neutral species


B; these are relevant to the tendency of B− to react by electron transfer to form M−•. These electron affinities are quite high with the exception of O2−• which is the only reactant likely to react by electron transfer to M. Of the bases listed OH− has seen by far the greatest use. It can be prepared by electron bombardment of a CH4–N2O (∼ 90:10) mixture (at usual CI source pressures) through the reaction sequence

where the CH4 also serves to thermalize the electrons. Alternatively, the addition of CH3ONO to the methane bath gas leads to formation of CH3O−. The Cl− and Br− ions can be prepared by dissociative electron capture by halogen-containing compounds such as CH2Cl2 or CH2Br2. The F− ion is usually prepared by dissociative electron capture by NF3. The OH− ion is a strong base and will abstract a proton from most organic analytes to form [M − H]− Thus, OH− CI can be usefully employed to obtain molecular mass information. For example, the OH− CI mass spectra of ephedrine shows [M − H]− (m/z 164) as the dominant ion, and OH− CI could be used as readily as CH4 CI or NH3 CI (Figure 1) to establish the molecular mass. More importantly, Brønsted base CI can often be used to provide molecular mass information in cases where Brønsted acid CI fails. This is illustrated in Figure 5 which compares the CH4 CI and OH− CI mass spectra of 2,3-cyclopropyl-1,4-undecanediol. While the CH4 CI mass spectrum is quite uninformative (as is the EI mass spectrum), the OH− CI mass spectrum shows an abundant [M − H]− (m/z 199) ion, as well as fragmentation by sequential loss of two water molecules from [M − H]−. The hydroxyl ion can react with some RX molecules by an SN2 reaction to give X− and does react with esters, R′ COOR, in part, by addition/elimination to give R′COO− Table 3

Brønsted base reagents


H (BH) (kJ mol−1)





EA(B) (kJ mol−1)





















Figure 5 CH4 CI and OH− CI mass spectra of 2,3-cyclopropyl1,4-undecanediol (relative intensity as a function of m/z).

+ ROH. The reactions of CH3O− have not been extensively studied; since it has a similar PA to that of OH− one would expect the reactions to be similar. The F− ion is a somewhat weaker base than OH− or CH3O− and thus is somewhat more selective in its proton abstraction reactions. Cl− is quite a weak base and will abstract only very acidic protons; in other cases [M + Cl]− adducts have been observed, which has proven useful in providing molecular mass information. The O−• ion, which can be produced by electron bombardment of a N2–N2O (∼ 9:1) mixture, is unique in that it is both a strong Brønsted base and a radical. As a result, it reacts with many organic analytes not only by proton abstraction but also by H-atom abstraction, H2+•-abstraction and H-atom and alkyl group displacement. This variety of reactions is illustrated in Figure 6 for C5 ketones. The [M − H2]− · in ketones results to a significant extent by H +• 2 abstraction from one α-carbon; the resultant ion undergoes further fragmentation by loss of the opposite alkyl group (see m/z 41, Figure 6, for example). Alkyl group displacement results in formation of carboxylate ions for ketones. Clearly O−• Cl provides


Figure 6 O–• CI mass spectra of C5 ketones (Mr 86). Data from Marshall A, Tkaczyk M and Harrison AG (1991) O –• chemical ionization of carbonyl compounds. Journal of the American Society of Mass Spectrometry 2: 292–298.

a greater possibility of isomer distinction than OH− CI which produces only [M − H]−. However, O−• CI usually has a considerably lower sensitivity than OH− CI or Brønsted acid CI.

Electron capture chemical ionization In electron capture CI, ionization of the analyte M occurs by electron capture (Eqn [14]) or by dissociative electron capture (Eqn [15]).

Both reactions are resonance processes that require electrons of near-thermal energy to occur efficiently.

Typically, a high-pressure (0.1–1.0 torr) buffer gas is used to ‘thermalize’ the electrons (emitted from a heated filament) by inelastic scattering and positive ion ionization processes. Ideally, the buffer gas should not form stable anions, and buffer gases that have been used include He, H2, N2, CH4, NH3, CO2 and i-C4H10. Polyatomic gases such as CH4, NH3 iC4H10 or CO2 have proven to be most efficient in promoting electron capture. The first three have seen the most use, in part because they are often used in Brønsted acid CI and are readily available. The major attraction of electron capture chemical ionization (ECCI) is the prospect of enhanced sensitivity compared to other forms of CI or electron ionization. Whereas the maximum rate constants for the ion–molecule reactions involved in Brønsted acid or Brønsted base CI are in the range (2–4) × 10−9 cm3 molecule−1 s−1, electron capture rate constants can be as high as 10−7 cm3 molecule−1 s−1 because of the high mobility of the electron. Since the sensitivity of the ionization process depends, in part, on the rates of the ionization processes, in favourable circ*mstances ECCI can be up to 100 times more sensitive than other forms of ionization; this increase can be important when detection and quantification at trace levels is desired. At the same time the rate constants for electron capture are very compound-sensitive and can be very low, with the result that ECCI does show variable and, sometimes, very low sensitivity. It appears that only analytes with appreciable electron affinities (perhaps 0.5 eV) provide reasonable sensitivity in ECCI. The presence of halogen or nitro groups (particularly when attached to S-bonded systems), a conjugated carbonyl system or highly conjugated carbon systems leads to reasonably high electron affinities. Thus, as examples, dinitrophenols, dinitroanilines and polychlorinated aromatic compounds show good sensitivity in ECCI. Analytes that are not suitable candidates for electron capture can often be made so by suitable derivatization. Perfluoracyl, pentafluorobenzyl, pentafluorobenzoyl and nitrobenzyl derivatives are often used not only to increase the electron capture rate constants but also to enhance chromatographic properties. However, in contrast to electron capture gas chromatography, it is not sufficient that electron capture be facile; in addition, ions characteristic of the analyte must be formed since ions characteristic only of the derivatizing agent leaves the identity of the analyte in question. This is illustrated by the data in Table 4 for derivatization of phenols, where it can be seen that the perfluoroacyl derivatives yield ions characteristic only of the derivatizing agent, whereas the pentafluorobenzyl and pentafluorobenzoyl derivatives yield ions characteristic of the analyte. Also


Table 4

Derivatization of phenolsa

Relative intensity Derivative –COCF3 –COC2F5 –COC3F7 –CH2C6F5 (1)b

Other ions (relative intensity)


ArO −

0 0

0.2 0

CF3COO− (100)

C3F7CO− (100), C3F6CO− (6)

100 5

–COC6F5 (0.4)b


–COC6H3(CF3)2 (0.08)b


C2F5COO−(100), C2F4CO− (23)




Data from Trainor TM and Vouros P (1987) Electron capture negative ion chemical ionization mass spectrometry of derivatized chlorophenols and chloroanilines. Analytical Chemistry 59: 601–610.


Relative molar response.

included in the Table are the relative sensitivities (relative molar response) for the three derivatives which give ions identifying the analyte; clearly, the pentafluorobenzyl or pentafluorobenzoyl derivatives are to be preferred in this case. In addition to variable sensitivity, two further problems that can be encountered in ECCI are nonreproducibility of the spectra and the observation of artifact peaks, i.e. ions that are not explainable simply on the basis of electron capture by the analyte. ECCI mass spectra tend to depend rather strongly on experimental conditions such as buffer gas identity and pressure, source temperature, purity of the buffer gas, amount of analyte introduced, instrument used and instrument focusing conditions. The variability of the spectra obtained is illustrated by the example in Figure 7. At 100ºC source temperature with CH4 buffer gas, nordiazepam shows M−• (m/z 170) as the only significant ion, while at 150ºC source temperature Cl− is the dominant ion, and with 1 part in 2000 of oxygen in the methane, predominant formation of [M − H]− (m/z 169) is observed. This amount of oxygen could easily be in the system if there is a small air leak. The occurrence of artifact peaks is illustrated in Figure 8 which shows the ECCI spectra of tetracyanoquinodimethane with CH4 and CO2 as buffer gases. The major peaks in the spectrum with CH4 buffer gas represent artifact peaks arising from reaction of the analyte with free radicals produced on electron bombardment of methane; these altered species are subsequently ionized by electron capture. By contrast, the spectrum with CO2 buffer gas shows only M−•. CO2 clearly is preferred in this case although when oxidation of the analyte occurs (such as formation of fluorenone from fluorene) the use of CO2 as a buffer gas leads to substantial artifact peaks. It appears that the most

Figure 7 Electron capture CI mass spectra of nordiazepam under different conditions (relative intensity as a function of m/z). Data from Garland WA and Miwa BJ (1983) Biomedical and Environmental Mass Spectrometry 10: 126–129.

prevalent pathway to these artifacts involves a surface-catalysed reaction of the analyte with some component of the reagent gas plasma, which produces one or more species with a higher cross section for electron capture than the original analyte. Alteration of the analyte presumably occurs when other ionization methods are used; the difference is that in other modes of CI all species are ionized with similar efficiencies, while in ECCI the altered species may be preferentially ionized. Despite these difficulties with ECCI it is often the method of choice when identification and quantification at very low concentrations and/or involving complex mixtures is necessary. In such work it is necessary to control the experimental parameters carefully since they can affect both spectra and sensitivity.


Figure 8 Electron capture CI mass spectra of tetracyanoethylene and tetracyanoquinodimethane using CH4 and CO2 as buffer gases. Reprinted with permission from Sears LJ and Grimsrud EP (1989) Elimination of unexpected ions in electron capture mass spectrometry using carbon dioxide buffer gas. Analytical Chemistry, 61: 2523–2528. Copyright (1989) American Chemical Society.

List of symbols etherm = electron of near-thermal energy; E = energy; m/z = mass to charge ratio ; ∆Hº = enthalpy change. See also: Ion Energetics in Mass Spectrometry; Ion Molecule Reactions in Mass Spectrometry.

Further reading Budzikiewicz H (1986) Negative chemical ionization (NCI) of organic compounds. Mass Spectrometry Reviews 5: 345–380. Burrows EP (1995) Dimethyl ether chemical ionization mass spectrometry. Mass Spectrometry Reviews 14: 107–115. Chapman JS (1993) Practical Organic Mass Spectrometry, 2nd edn, Chapters 3 and 4. Chichester, UK: Wiley. Creaser CS (1995) Chemical ionization in ion trap mass spectrometry. In: March RE and Todd JFJ (eds)

Practical Aspects of Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry, Vol III, Chapter 7. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. Harrison AG (1992) Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry, 2nd edn. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. Munson MSB and Field FH (1996) Chemical ionization mass spectrometry I. General introduction. Journal of the American Chemical Society 88: 2621–2630. Vairamani M, Mirza UA and Srinivas R (1990) Unusual positive ion reagents in chemical ionization mass spectrometry. Mass Spectrometry Reviews 9: 235– 258. Westmore JB and Alauddin MM (1986) Ammonia chemical ionization mass spectrometry. Mass Spectrometry Reviews 5: 381–465. Winkler FJ and Splitter JS (1994) Sterochemical effects in the positive- and negative-ion chemical ionization mass spectra of stereoisomeric molecules. In: Splitter JS and Ture ek F (eds) Applications of Mass Spectrometry to Organic Stereochemistry, Chapter 16. New York: VCH.


Chemical Reactions Studied By Electronic Spectroscopy Salman R Salman, University of Qatar, Doha, Qatar Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction This article covers applications of UV and visible electronic spectroscopy to studies of chemical reactivity. This encompasses both studies of reaction kinetics and of equilibria and chemical exchange phenomena. Chemical reactions can occur in different phases. Many of the reactions occur in the gas phase and the reactions which take place in this phase will be covered in the section on reaction kinetics. In solution, the volume occupied by the molecules will be larger than that in the gas phase, thus the molecules will come close together and the freedom for translational motion is restricted. There is another important difference between the solution and the gas phase, which is the great proximity between the solvent molecules and the solute molecules. The solvent can act as a heat sink and energy can pass from the solvent to the solute and this affects the vibrational modes and causes the reactants to overcome activation barriers. Solvent polarity will affect reactions in solutions containing ions. Polar solvents lower the energy required for the formation of ions. In solution many processes and reactions will take place such as diffusion-controlled reactions, reactions of hydrogen and hydroxyl ions, the formation of solvated molecules and electron transfer reactions. The rate coefficients depend on many factors such as the solvent and the formation of a solvent cage, the pressure and the ionic strength of the solution. Many reactions take place on solid surfaces, and solid materials catalyse such reactions. Surface catalysis is very important in industry, and makes important contributions to some atmospheric reactions. Molecules will be adsorbed on solid surfaces through physicosorption in which the attractive force between the reactant molecules and the surface is of the van der Waals type. Enthalpy of adsorption, ∆Had, of physicosorption is relatively small, about −40 kJ mol–1. With chemical sorption the value for the enthalpy of adsorption is large because a strong bond is formed between the chemical molecule and the surface. Catalytic reactions can be classified as hom*ogeneous catalysis or heterogeneous catalysis.


UV-visible spectroscopy for kinetics studies The problem of variable response factors

UV-visible spectroscopy has proved useful in biochemical analysis, environmental studies, in forensic science, drug kinetics, food quality, identification and quantification of chemical and biological substances but is limited as a tool for the investigation of molecular structure compared with infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance. However, it is quite useful for the study of reaction kinetics and equilibrium. There is a problem facing the use of a UV-visible spectrum for the calculation of the concentration of different species if two species absorb at the same region, and in this case there is a need to change the reagents to obtain different colours for different species. Also, it is important to carry out a close inspection for the two bands which have the same wavelength. An example of such a system is the absorption of potassium permanganate along with the absorption of a soluble azo dye, which appears as if it is absorbing at the same region, this being near 530 nm. A close inspection and calculations show that Omax of KMnO4 and the dye are 533 and 542 nm, respectively, while the extinction coefficients for KMnO4 and the dye are 1.01 and 1.88 u 10 14 dm3 mol−1 cm−1, respectively. Theory of UV spectroscopy

In UV-visible spectroscopy we are interested in studying the electronic energy. This energy can be calculated from the observed bands in the UV-visible region of the spectrum (195–750 nm). The observed bands in this region are due to the excitation of the electrons by light of a certain wavelength, from the ground state to the excited state. This excitation of the energy of electrons between energy states is in accord with the Frank–Condon principle which states that an electronic transition in a molecule takes place so rapidly compared with the vibrational motion of the nuclei that the internuclear distance can be regarded as fixed during the transition.


The types of electronic transitions are given in Table 1. In organometallic compounds a very intense colour can arise due to the d → d, π → π* and n → π* transitions. This is true especially in transition metals connected to an organic molecule. Several factors, such as substitution (electronic and steric effect), solvent, temperature, and pH will affect electronic transitions and band intensity and shape. In the following paragraphs a brief discussion is given. Sample preparation

To obtain useful and accurate information from the UV-visible spectrum it is important to fix appropriate conditions for recording the spectrum. The studied material must be stable and not undergo decomposition by itself under the experimental conditions, which include concentration, solvent and temperature. The solute must dissolve completely in the solvent. It must not be colloidal, because this will given an error in the calculation of the different species present in solution. Also, the solution must not undergo hydrolysis or decomposition in this solvent, otherwise a new species will form which may not be soluble in the solvent. Cells for the UV region below 330 nm are made of fused silica. In the case of the visible region glass cells may be used. Cells for special measurements can be used and they are classified as sampling cells, flow cells and rectangular cells. In all measurements it is important to work with concentrations which are within the Beer–Lambert law. There is a need to carry out calibration so that by preparing different concentrations of the sample in the solvent and plotting the concentration against the recorded absorbance we have a straight line. It is necessary to use a concentration of the sample within this calibrated curve. The usual concentration, which is used in recording a UVvisible spectrum, is 10−3–10−5 M. The solute must not change its concentration due to decomposition or precipitation.

Table 1

UV-visible absorption of some chromophores



Electronic transition

λmax (nm)

C6 H6


π → π*

200, 255

εa (m2 mol–1) 800

Solvent effects

It is very important to choose the appropriate solvent. The best solvent is that which is able to solubilize the solute completely, which is inert and will not interact with the solute and thus cause a perturbation of its electronic structure, and which will not absorb in the region where the sample will absorb. Table 2 gives the cutoff wavelength for a selective range of solvents. Sometimes it is important to use a solvent with a high solubilizing ability like water, ethanol, etc. Solvents must be of high purity because of the presence of impurities will affect the spectrum and some of those impurities have absorptions in the same region as that of the solute, while others will interact with the solute and this will change its structure. It is important to take into consideration the solvent effect on the solute. So if we take a solute dissolved in an inert solvent such as cyclohexane as our reference absorption, then some solvents will cause the absorption of the solute to shift more to the red region and this shift is denoted as bathochromic or redshift. Other solvents may cause the band to shift to the blue region and this is called blue-shift or hypsochromic. This phenomenon is important in UV-visible spectroscopy because it is possible to study the solute–solvent interactions and hydrogen bond strength. Some solute molecules can be used as a probe for measuring the solvent properties.

Table 2

Omax for different solvents


Omax (nm)



Acetonitrile (spectroscopic grade)








Diethyl ether










Acetonitrile (chemical grade)














π → π*





π → π*



Dimethyl sulfoxide


n → π*







n → π*






Nitrosobutane n → π*








Molar absorptivity.


Light absorption and colour

Specialized techniques

Colour change is very important for the determination of different species present in the media whether they are the reacting species or the species formed during the reaction. From the spectra it is easy to calculate the concentration of all species and therefore to study the kinetics of the reaction.

Stopped flow method This method can be applied for the study of gases and liquids. The usual detection techniques are absorption spectrometry. High flow rates are required, to promote mixing for fast reactions.

Solution conditions and analysis

To obtain accurate data and concentrations for the different species present in solutions at specific times, it is important to obtain correct conditions for monitoring the species by the change of the absorbance of those species. It is important to determine the following conditions and their variation. Temperature and its variation It is possible to change the temperature and this will lead to a change of absorbance, thus, it is possible to calculate the activation energy of the reaction. pH This is very important for aqueous solutions. The pH can have a large affect on the UV-visible spectrum, rates of complexation or change in reaction kinetics. pH can have a pronounced effect on shifting the equilibrium in enol–keto tautomerism. A good example is the effect of pH on the equilibrium in the system dichromate/chromate. Ionic strength The ionic strength of the solution is important for some reactions, especially for solutions which contain ions other than the neutral reactant molecules; interaction will occur between ions other than the reactants and this will affect the rate constant. Effect of pressure For the majority of chemical reactions it is difficult to study the pressure effect. The reaction rate is insensitive to changes in pressure and a large pressure must be applied before we observe any important change. Sometimes we need to study the effect of pressure because it provides a useful insight into the mechanism of the reaction. Solvent polarity In general, one should use solvents with low polarity so there will be no interference in the formation and decomposition of different species. On occasions, however, it is necessary to use solvents with high polarity to increase the solubility of the solutes or to affect the activation energy of a certain reaction. Other factors that are important are the order of addition of different reagents, mixing and stirring to obtain solution hom*ogeneity and choice of the proper wavelength which will be used to monitor the change of concentration during the reaction.

Flash photolysis and pulse radiolysis In the flash photolysis technique a reactant is irradiated with an intense flash of visible or ultraviolet light. The intensity must be sufficient to produce a measurable change in chemical composition, but of short duration compared with that of the ensuing reactions, which are to be studied. Multidimensional spectroscopy and derivative spectroscopy When bands of reactants and reaction products overlap in the fundamental UV-visible absorption spectra the reaction kinetics cannot be followed by the classic UV method. In many cases, the second derivative UV-visible spectrophotometry (D-2) provides an alternative method to solve the problem. Even-order derivatives are suitable to follow kinetics because the maxima in the UV-visible derivative spectrum can be associated with the minima and a low-noise online spectra is obtained which can be computed up to the 6th order derivative and even up to the 10th order with the newly developed computers. On the other hand, the first derivative does not provide the above association; and other higher odd-order derivatives are less precise, though in practice it has proved valuable to work with spectra of the 3rd and 5th order.

Applications to chemical reactions Many applications of UV-visible spectroscopy to the study of chemical reactions have been published and some illustrative examples which have been reported in the literature during the last two years will be covered. Complex formation

The kinetics of transformation of complexes in organic media can be studied. Such studies will indicate whether the complexes will form in a one-step reaction mechanism or a multistep reaction mechanism. It is possible to determine the rate constants and the stability constant of the complex. UV-visible spectroscopy can be used to study the protonation of certain complexes and it is possible to obtain information on the position of protonation. Reduction of complexes can be studied by UV-visible spectroscopy. Reduction of trans-[Pt(CN)4X2]2−


(X = Cl or Br) [as model compounds for antitumouractive platinum(IV) pro-drugs] to [Pt(CN)4]2− by Lmethionine, MeSR, has been studied at 25°C in the range 0 < pH < 12 (X = Cl) and 0 < pH < 6 (X = Br) by use of stopped-flow spectrophotometry. It was concluded that methionine-containing biomolecules may compete with thiol compounds for reduction of platinum pro-drugs under acidic conditions, and also in neutral solutions with low concentrations of thiolcontaining biomolecules. The formation kinetics and the thermodynamic stability of iron(III) complexes with a new tetradentate ligand, N(alpha)-salicyl-L-alaninehydroxamic acid (H-2slalh), have been investigated by the use of UV-visible and stopped-flow spectrophotometric methods. By comparing the pH-dependent absorbance change, the mechanism of the complex formation was explained. Photochemical reactions

Photochemical behaviour of full-aromatic E-carbolines, nor-harmane, harmane and harmine in chloroform medium and the corresponding UV absorption and fluorescence emission spectra have been discussed. Irreversible electron transfer from the singlet excited E-carboline molecule to the chloroform molecule in the transient excited charge transfer complex has been proposed as the primary photochemical process initiating the mechanism of secondary reactions in this system. In deoxygenated water, methanol, and ethanol, 4hydroxybenzonitrile (4-HBN) is photoisomerized into 4-hydroxybenzoisonitrile (4-HBIN), which is then hydrolysed into 4-hydroxyformanilide in acidic medium. The triplet–triplet absorption of 4-HBN (Omax = 300 nm) is detected by transient absorption spectroscopy. The triplet is converted into long-lived transients absorbing in the far-UV. The analysis of the kinetics of 4-HBIN formation as a function of irradiating photon flux shows that the photoisomerization of 4-HBN is a two-stage photoprocess. According to triplet-quenching studies, the first stage proceeds via the 4-HBN triplet to yield an intermediate capable of absorbing a second UV photon, which then gives 4-HBIN in the second stage. Mechanistic considerations indicate that this intermediate is likely to be an arizine. Tautomerism and isomerization

Tautomerism is an important phenomenon and an example of this process is the equilibrium in Schiff bases. These bases can exist as an equilibrium between two species, keto enol [Scheme 1]. This process is affected by a number of factors such as

solvent polarity, temperature and pH. The kinetics of tautomerism can be studied by UV-visible spectroscopy and we will deal with a few examples.

The tautomerism between a hydroxy Schiff base and the corresponding ring-closed oxazolidine was kinetically studied in chloroform. This method indicated that this reaction is pseudo-first-order. UV examination was used to deduce the molecular species in various pH buffers. In an acid solution (e.g. pH 3.0) the Schiff base existed as the protonated Schiff base at the imine nitrogen atom, and in the alkaline region (e.g. pH 9.0) as the oxazolidine form. The keto–enol equilibrium constants of acetylacetone, ethyl acetoacetate and ethyl benzoylacetate in water at 25°C were determined by studying the influence of surfactants on their UV-visible spectra. These measured equilibrium constants were used to obtain the reactivity of the ketones towards several nitrosating agents. Atmospheric, environmental reactions, gas phase and free radical kinetics

The UV absorption cross-sections of peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN), CH3C(O)O2NO2, have been measured as a function of temperature (298, 273 and 250 K) between 195 and 345 nm. Photolysis becomes the most important atmospheric loss process for PAN, and the OH reaction is found to unimportant throughout the troposphere. The atmospheric chemistry of benzene oxide/oxepin, a possible intermediate in the atmospheric oxidation of aromatic hydrocarbons, has been investigated by visible and UV photolysis. The results indicated that the major atmospheric sinks of benzene oxide/oxepin are the reaction with OH radicals and photolysis and under smog chamber conditions, with high NO2 concentrations, also reaction with NO3. A flash photolysis-resonance fluorescence technique was used to study the rate constant for the reaction of OH radicals dimethyl carbonate over the temperature range 252–370 K. Pulse radiolysis/ transient UV absorption techniques were used to


study the ultraviolet absorption spectra and kinetics of CH3OC(O)OCH2 and CH3OC(O)CH2O2 radicals at 296 K. The codisposal of trace metals (e.g. Co), synthetic chelates (e.g. ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, H(4) EDTA) and water-miscible organic solvents has occurred at some contamination sites. The reactions of Co(II)-EDTA with a redox reactive naturally occurring solid, goethite, in aqueous and semiaqueous (methanol–water, acetone–water) suspensions was studied. UV-visible spectroscopy indicated that goethite catalysed oxidation of Co(II)-EDTA to Co(III)-EDTA by dissolved O2. These reactions have important implications on the fate of the redox-sensitive metal in complex, mixed waste environments. Photocatalytic degradation

A number of organic pollutants present in industrial and domestic wastewater resist biodegradation and they are poisonous even at low concentrations. A new method for removing toxicants from wastewater is based on the use of photocatalysis. It was found that titanium dioxide (TiO2) is the best photocatalyst for the detoxification of water because it is cheap, nontoxic and easy to use and handle. The energy gap in TiO2 is 3.2 eV and thus it can be activated at >400 nm. The primary oxidant responsible for most advanced oxidation processes, i.e. the use of photochemical methods, is the hydroxyl radical, which is formed by the reduction reactions of electrophiles with water or hydroxide ions. The mechanism of the formation of the hydroxyl radical is well discussed in the literature. Heterogeneous photocatalytic oxidation of organic compounds in aqueous solution is achieved by the reactive hydroxyl radical. The photocatalytic process can remove a large number of organic hazardous compounds in water. Phenols, carboxylic acids and herbicides are among a large number of pollutants, which are destroyed in air and in water using photocatalysis. Photodegradation of 1,2,3,4-tetrachlorodibenzop-dioxin (1,2,3,4-TCDD) in hexane solution was studied under controlled near-UV light exposure in the spectral region from 325 to 269 nm. Irradiation experiments carried out at a constant light energy (700 mJ) showed that the percentage of 1,2,3,4TCDD left in the solution after irradiation changed from about 55 to 75%, with a minimum of 55% at 310 nm. Further irradiation experiments carried out at two wavelengths, namely 310 and 269 nm, and light energy ranging from 0 to 4000 mJ, showed that the photodegradation reaction of the TCDD always followed pseudo-first-order kinetics.

A semitransparent TiO2 film with extraordinarily high photocatalytic activity was prepared on a glass substrate by sintering a TiO2 sol at 450°C. The photocatalytic properties of the film were investigated by measuring the photodegradative oxidation of gaseous acetaldehyde at various concentrations under strong and weak UV light irradiation conditions. The kinetics of acetaldehyde degradation as catalysed by the TiO2 film as well as by P-25 powder were analysed in terms of the Langmuir–Hinshelwood model. It is shown that the number of adsorption sites per unit true surface area is larger with the TiO2 film, as analysed in powder form, than with P-25 powder. Meanwhile, the first-order reaction rate constant is also much larger with the film than with P-25 powder. Moreover, under most experimental conditions, particularly with high concentrations of acetaldehyde and weak UV illumination intensity, the quantum efficiency was found to exceed 100% on an absorbedphoton basis, assuming that only photogenerated holes play a major role in the reaction. This leads to the conclusion that the photodegradative oxidation of acetaldehyde is not mediated solely by hydroxyl radicals, generated via hole capture by surface hydroxyl ions or water molecules, but also by photocatalytically generated superoxide ion, which can be generated by the reduction of adsorbed oxygen with photogenerated electrons. Solvents effects and solvolysis

Oxidations of arylalkanes by (Bu4NMnO4)-Bun have been studied, e.g. toluene, ethylbenzene, diphenylmethane, triphenylmethane, 9,10-dihydroanthracene, xanthene and fluorene. Toluene is oxidized to benzoic acid and a small amount of benzaldehyde; other substrates give oxygenated and/or dehydrogenated products. The manganese product of all of the reactions is colloidal MnO2. The kinetics of the reactions, monitored by UV-visible spectrometry, show that the initial reactions are first order in the concentrations of both (Bu4NMnO4)-Bun and substrate. No induction periods are observed. The same rate constants for toluene oxidation are observed in neat toluene and in o-dichlorobenzene solvent, within experimental errors. The presence of O2 increases the rate of (Bu4NMnO4)-Bun disappearance. The reactions of toluand dihydroanthracene exhibit primary isotope effects: The rates of oxidation of substituted toluenes show only small substituent effects. In the reactions of dihydroanthracene and fluorene, the MnO2 product is consumed in a subsequent reaction that appears to form a charge-transfer complex. The rate-limiting step in all of the reactions is hydrogen atom transfer from the substrate to a


permanganate oxo group. The enthalpies of activation for the different substrates are directly proportional to the 'H for the hydrogen atom transfer step, as is typical of organic radical reactions. The ability of permanganate to abstract a hydrogen atom is explained on the basis of its ability to form an 80 ± 3 kcalmol−1 bond to H–, as calculated from a thermochemical cycle. Polymerization

The kinetics of oxidation of a macromolecule, poly(ethylene glycol) [PEG] by ceric sulfate in sulfuric acid medium has been studied by means of UVvisible spectrophotometry. The observed difference in rates of oxidation has been explained in terms of cage formation. The oxidation of PEG proceeded without the formation of a stable intermediate complex. The order with respect to the concentrations of PEG and ceric sulfate has been found to be one and the overall order is two. The effects of acid concentration, sulfate ion concentration, ionic strength and temperature on the rate of the oxidation reaction have been studied. The thermodynamic parameters for the oxidation reaction have also been presented. Based on the experimental results, a suitable kinetic expression and a plausible mechanism have been proposed for the oxidation reaction. Reaction of trans-1,3-diphenyl-1-butene (D), the trans ethylenic dimer of styrene, with trifluoromethanesulfonic acid in dichloromethane has been performed at temperatures lower than room temperature using a stopped-flow technique with real time UV-visible spectroscopic detection. The main product of the reaction was the dimer of D. A transient absorption at 340 nm has been assigned to 1,3diphenylbutylium, a model for the polystyryl cation. Other absorptions at 349 nm and 505 nm have also been observed and were assigned to an allylic cation, 1,3-diphenyl-1-buten-3-ylium, resulting from hydride abstraction from D. This species was very stable at temperatures lower than −30°C. A general mechanism was proposed based on a kinetic study of the reactions involved. Determination of metals and molecules at low concentration

A new and simple method for measuring peroxides in a single living cell has been developed, and the generation of peroxides upon ultraviolet (UV) irradiation was measured in human and pig pidermal keratinocytes. The method was based on the fact that the nonfluorescent dye dihydrorhodamine 123 reacts in the presence of peroxides, such as H2O2, and changes into fluorescent rhodamine 123, and hence

the fluorescence intensity is proportional to the amount of reacted peroxide. The epidermal kerationcytes were loaded with the dihydrorhodamine under a fluorescence microscope and exposed to UV radiation. Taking C as the content of peroxides generated within the cell and I as the increase influence (radiation intensity × time = photons cm−2), the following empirical relationship was established: C = Cs (1 − exp−kI), where Cs is the content of peroxides at the saturation state, and k is a kinetic parameter. The dependence of the two parameters on wavelength in the range 280–400 nm was studied. In human keratinocytes Cs had a peak at 310 nm and a small peak (shoulder) at 380 nm, while k increased gradually toward shorter wavelengths. In pig keratinocytes, on the other hand, k had a peak around 380 nm and a shoulder at 330 nm, while Cs remained unchanged. Aminotriazole, an inhibitor of catalase, and low temperatures increased the stationary levels of peroxide generation in pig keratinocytes upon UV irradiation, indicating that the reaction used for measuring intracellular peroxides is competitive with the intrinsic reactions in scavenging peroxides. A first simultaneous EPR and visible spectrophotometric study is reported on the interaction of the stable free radical 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) dissolved in ethanol with thioglycolic acid (HSCH2CO2H, TGA). The results of the kinetic studies at room temperature allow us to assume 1:1 stoichiometry of the reaction between DPPH and TGA giving 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazine (DPPH) and thioglycolic disulfide. The linear plots of EPR and UV-visible responses versus the quantity of added TGA are used to find the DPPH molar absorptivity at 520 nm to be 12350 ±3% 1mol −1 cm−1 which may be used as a criterion for the purity of the material itself. It was also found that the paramagnetic and optical properties of a 30-year old sample gave results suggesting that in the solid state DPPH is a fairly stable material. Reaction kinetics, substitution effects, structure–reactivity relationships

The kinetics of the addition of arenesulfinic acids to 4-substituted 2-nitroethenylarenes was studied by means of UV spectrophotometry. The effect of 4-substituting groups in benzenesulfinic acids, and the change in reactivity of the nitroethylene system due to typical electron-donating and electron-withdrawing groups were investigated. The substituent effect on benzenesulfinic acid fits Hammett’s equation, p-value at 298 K being −1.12. Kinetic studies were carried out at 288–308 K, and the activating energy and the enthalpy of activation were determined.


The kinetics of the addition of unsubstituted and substituted benzenesulfinic acids to various 2-halogenonitroethenylarenes was studied by means of UV spectroscopy. The effect of 4-substituents in benzenesulfinic acids and the change in reactivity of the nitroethylene system in 2-halogeno-2-nitroethenyl-arenes in the presence of various substituents in the benzene ring and various halogens at the double bond were investigated. Kinetic studies were made at 288–308 K, and the activating energy and enthalpy of activation were determined. Effect of pH, pressure, temperature and ionic strength on reaction kinetics

The degradation kinetics of xanthate in hom*ogeneous solution as a function of pH at 5°C, 20°C and 40°C was systematically studied by UV-visible spectrophotometric measurements. The results indicate that the degradation of ethyl xanthate is rapidly increased with decreasing pH at pH < 7. At pH 7–8, the maximum half-life of the xanthate appears. The degradation was faster at pH 9–10, but at pH > 10 the half-lives of xanthate once again increase. The investigations were also extended to different media other than pure water, such as, 0.1 M NaClO4, 0.1 M NaNO3, 0.1 M NaCl as well as in the supernatants of flotation tailings of sulfide minerals. The rate constants of xanthate degradation were calculated and presented together with half-lives and activation energies of xanthate degradation. The degradation products and reaction mechanisms are discussed based on experimental results. The kinetics of the association reaction of the phenoxy radical with NO were investigated using a flash photolysis technique coupled to UV absorption spectrometry. Experiments were performed at atmospheric pressure, and theoretical calculations showed that the rate constant is at the high-pressure limit above 50 torr (6.7 × 103 Pa) for temperatures below 400 K. Upon increasing the temperature, the reaction was found to be reversible, and the equilibrium kinetics have been studied at seven temperatures between 310 and 423 K. Validation of molecular orbital calculations

The suitability of Gaussian distribution functions to describe the shape and temperature dependence of the UV absorption continua of peroxy radicals has been investigated. The ethylperoxy radical was used as a test case. Its 298 K absorption continuum was found to be best described by a semilogarithmic Gaussian distribution function. A linear Gaussian distribution function performed less well but still

adequately described the continuous absorption. The temperature dependence of the ethylperoxy radical UV absorption continuum was also well predicted. Analogous results obtained for the methylperoxy radical support these conclusions. A theoretical comparison of the semilogarithmic and linear Gaussian distribution functions is given and a potential energy diagram of the ethylperoxy radical derived. The experimentally determined absorption cross-sections of HO2 have been reanalysed. It is shown that either the measurements at short wavelengths are in error or an unidentified electronic transition of HO2 exists. Enzymatic reactions

A one-step spectrophotometric method for monitoring nucleic acid cleavage by ribonuclease. H from E. coli and type II restriction endonucleases has been proposed. It is based on recording the increase in the UV absorbance at 260 nm during the course of enzymatic reaction. Duplexes stable under the reaction conditions were chosen as substrates for the enzymes being studied. In order to obtain duplex dissociation following their cleavage by the enzyme appropriate temperature conditions were selected. The spectrophotometric method may be applied for rapid testing of the nuclease activity in protein preparations as well as for precise quantitative analysis of nucleic acid degradation by enzymes. This method may be successfully employed in kinetic studies of nucleic acid–protein interactions. See also: Biomacromolecular Applications of UV-Visible Absorption Spectroscopy; Colorimetry, Theory; Dyes and Indicators, Use of UV-Visible Absorption Spectroscopy.

Further reading Atkins PW (1998) Physical Chemistry, 6th edn. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Barrow GM (1986) Introduction to Molecular Spectroscopy, 17th edn. London: McGraw-Hill Book Company. Denney RC and Sinclair R (1991) Visible and Ultra Violet Spectroscopy. New York: Wiley. Kempt W (1989) Organic Spectroscopy, 2nd edn. London: Macmillan Education. Ladd M (1998) Introduction to Physical Chemistry, 3rd edn. London: Cambridge University Press. Pilling MJ and Seakins PW (1996) Reaction Kinetics, 1st edn. London: Oxford Science Publication. Pérez-Bendito D and Silva M (1988) Kinetics Methods in Analytical Chemistry, 1st edn. Chichester: Ellis Horwood. Vemulapalli K (1993) Physical Chemistry. New York: Prentice-Hall International.


Chemical Shift and Relaxation Reagents in NMR Silvio Aime, Mauro Botta, Mauro Fasano and Enzo Terreno, University of Torino, Italy Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction Chemical shift and relaxation reagents are substances that, when added to the systems under study, enable the spectroscopist to tackle a specific problem of spectral assignment, stereochemical determination or quantitative measurement. They are usually represented by paramagnetic compounds, and their effects may exploited by the solute and the solvent, manifested as large shifts and/or pronounced relaxation enhancement of the lines. Both effects reflect the response of the nuclear dipole to the local magnetic field of an unpaired electron in the reagent, whose magnetic moment is 658.21 times higher than that of the proton. A knowledge of the basic theory of the paramagnetic interaction is useful to pursue a better exploitation of the effects induced by the paramagnetic perturbation. In principle, the interaction of a nucleus with an unpaired electron (hyperfine interaction) has the same nature as a nucleus–nucleus interaction, i.e. it is determined by a direct, through-space dipole– dipole coupling (HD) and an indirect, through-bonds contact (scalar) coupling (HS):

The hyperfine shift arises from components present in both terms which are invariant with time in the external magnetic field; these contributions are indicated as ‘dipolar’ or ‘pseudocontact’ shifts when resulting from dipolar interactions and ‘Fermi’ or ‘contact’ shifts when resulting from scalar interactions, respectively. The time-dependent fluctuations in either term will result in nuclear relaxation (‘dipolar’ and ‘scalar’ relaxation, respectively). Although, in theory, correct expressions for HD and HS can be derived, the elusive nature of the orbiting electrons and the number of their interactions make it very difficult to develop an accurate theory for shift and relaxation promoted by paramagnetic substances. In general one may conclude that, while measurements of the effects promoted by paramagnetic species are easy, interpretation of data is difficult.


According to their dominant effect on the NMR spectra of surrounding nuclei, paramagnetic reagents can be classified as chemical shift or relaxation reagents. Organic free radicals and metal ions with isotropic electron density, such as Mn2+ (five electrons in five d orbitals) or Gd3+ (seven electrons in seven f orbitals) do not give rise to pseudocontact shifts and are commonly regarded as relaxation probes. On the other hand, anisotropic ions with short electron relaxation times, such as all other lanthanide ions, can be referred to as chemical shift probes. Species such as Ni2+, Fe3+ and Cr3+ give rise to both effects and defy classification.

Chemical shift reagents In 1969, Hinckley suggested that the use of paramagnetic lanthanide complexes might be very useful to simplify unresolved 1H, NMR resonances, thus allowing otherwise intractable spectra to be easily interpreted (Figure 1). Although the introduction of high-field magnets and two-dimensional methods have largely reduced the need for such qualitative use of ‘lanthanide induced shift’ (LIS) measurements, the exploitation of the large local fields generated by some lanthanide ions is still an item of strong interest in several areas of NMR applications. When a substrate interacts with the lanthanide complex, it magnetically active nuclei feel the presence of the unpaired f electrons; their LIS is basically determined by two properties of the lanthanide complex, namely (i) its Lewis acid behaviour and (ii) the number of unpaired electrons. The commercially available lanthanide shift reagents (LSRs) are mainly tris(β-diketonate) complexes, having the 2,4-pentanedione chelate structure (Table 1). These neutral complexes are soluble in organic solvents and they promptly form acid–base adducts with substrates endowed with Lewis base behaviour. In fact alcohols, ethers, amines and nitriles reversibly interact with the LSR to form paramagnetic adducts whose 1H NMR shifts may be far away from the diamagnetic values. As the substrate B in fast exchange between the LSR-bound and free forms, the effect will be averaged on all the molecules of the substrate. The


Table 1

Lanthanide diketonate chelates used as NMR shift re-






t - C4H9 t -C4H9

CF3 n -C3F7

n -C3F7 C2F5 CF3

n-C3F7 C2F5 n -C3F7



Pr Eu Dy Ho Yb Eu Eu Pr Eu Eu Eu

Ln(thd)3 or Ln(dpm)3

Eu(pta)3 Eu(fod)3 Eu(tfn)3 Eu(fhd)3 Eu(dfhd)3

thd = tris(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-3,5-heptanedionato); dpm = tris(dipivaloylmethanato); pta = tris(1,1,1-trifluoro-5,5-dimethyl-2,4-hexanedionato); tfn = tris(1,1,1,2,2,3,3,7,7,8,8,9,9,9-tetradecafluoro-4,6-nonanedionato); fhd =tris(1,1,1,2,2,6,6,7,7,7-decafluoro-3,5-heptanedionato); dfhd = tris(1,1,1,2,2,3,3,7,7,7-decafluoro-4,6-heptanedionato); fod = tris(1,1,1,2,2,3,3-heptafluoro-7,7-dimethyl-4,6-octanedionato). Figure 1 Simplification of the low-field 1H NMR spectrum of 1pentanol by Eu(thd)3. The clustered signals of the methylene chain are totally separated into clearly defined multiplets. (A) normal spectrum; (B) after addition of Eu(thd)3

resulting shifts will depend upon the strength of the interaction, the geometry of the adduct and the LSR to substrate ratio. The acid character of the lanthanide chelate and the donor and steric properties of the substrate define the strength of the acid–base adduct. Usually more stable complexes are found as the ionic radius of the metal decreases. Fluorinated diketonates increase the Lewis acidity of the lanthanide ion with respect to the protonated derivatives. This explains why Eu(fod)3 (see Table 1) is the mostly commonly used LSR.

substrate nuclei, and has then been related to the value of the hyperfine coupling constant. • The dipolar or pseudocontact term, which depends on the spatial proximity of a given nucleus to the paramagnetic centre and on the anisotropy of the magnetic susceptibility tensor. In order to extract structural information from LIS data there has to be an accurate determination of the latter term. The first step in the procedure consists of the determination of the all-bound shifts ∆iLSR–S. In the presence of the equilibrium between the substrate (S) and the lanthanide shift reagent (LSR)

Contributions to the lanthanide-induced shift

The shift induced by the lanthanide ion on the resonances of the organic substrate results from three contributions. • A diamagnetic term corresponding to the coordination shift. On the 1H resonances it is usually upfield and rather small. • The contact or Fermi term, which depends on the delocalization of unpaired electron density on the

the observed ∆Gi are proportional to the term ([LSR– S]/[S])∆iLSR–S. Thus ∆Gi are measured for various LSR to S ratios (U) and graphs are obtained by plotting the observed shifts ∆Gi = Giobs − Giο(where Giο is the chemical shift measured in the absence of the LSR or, better, in the presence of diamagnetic La or Lu analogue) as a function of U.


If an axial symmetry of the dipolar magnetic field in the LSR–S adduct is assumed, the dipolar shifts are proportional to the term (3 cos2I – 1)/ri3. In this case, the principal magnetic axis of the lanthanide is taken as collinear with the lanthanide–ligand bond. ri is the distance between a given nucleus and the paramagnetic ion and I is the angle between the ri vector and the Ln–ligand bond. Many systems have been successfully investigated on the basis of this simplifying assumption. The occurrence of axial symmetry is justified as a result of time averaging effects. This means that the fast rotation of the substrate along the coordination axis introduces an effective axial symmetry, where I now refers to the angles between ri and the rotation axis rather than the actual symmetry axis. In the more general case of a rhombic, nonaxial symmetry, the dipolar contribution to the (allbound) LIS is described as follows:

where ri, Ti and :i are the usual spherical coordinates of the i nucleus i the reference frame of the principal magnetic susceptibility tensor. K1 and K2 are coefficients related to the anisotropy of the magnetic susceptibility tensor. Several computer programs have been written to find the molecular geometry that best fits the set of experimental ∆i values. A decrease in temperature causes an increase in the lanthanide-induced chemical shifts, which usually provides an enhanced resolving power of the LSR. This behaviour results (i) from an increase of the concentration of the adduct and (ii) from the temperature dependence of the paramagnetic shift (the dipolar shift shows a 1/T2 dependence, whereas the contact term displays a 1/T dependence). Diketonates are insoluble in water. Diglycolates have been proposed as substitutes for studies in aqueous solutions. Another possibility deals with the use of lanthanide aquo-ions, and perchlorates and nitrates have been used in several cases: they are soluble at pH < 6 and provide good shifts for a number of anionic functions. Eventually, good results in aqueous solutions have been obtained by using EDTA chelates which work at pH values as high as 10. Chiral shift reagents

It is well established that a method to distinguish enantiomers by NMR is to convert them into

diastereoisomers by means of appropriate optically active reactants. Thus it was suggested that the use of chiral LSR (LSR*) can induce shift differences in the spectra of enantiomers:

R and S give the same NMR spectrum as they are mirror images, whereas LSR*–R and LSR*–S are diastereoisomers and then are characterized by different NMR properties. In the presence of fast exchange between free and bound forms, R and S will give rise to different signals as they represent average values between the free and the bound forms. The enantiomeric shift difference between the ∆G LIS for the R and S configuration is usually indicated as ∆∆G. The observed ∆∆G values depend on the equilibrium constants for the formation of the labile complexes between the enantiomers and the chiral reagent, and on the shift differences between the diastereomeric complexes. The first chiral LSR was reported by Whitesides and consisted of a camphor-based Eu3+ complex. Since then, several chiral LSR* have been proposed and many of them are commercially available (Figure 2 and Table 2). In some cases, it has been found that enantiomeric resolution has been obtained also with the use of an achiral reagent such as Eu(fod)3. This behaviour has been explained in terms of the formation of ternary 1:2 adducts which are no longer mirror images (such as LSR–R–R and LSR–R–S). In principle, another explanation may be possible on the grounds that Eu(fod)3 may be considered as a racemic mixture of enantiomers. Lanthanide shift reagents for alkali metal ions

An interesting extension of the use of LSR deals with the separation of the resonances of 7Li+, 23Na+ and 39K+ present in different biological compartments. Such NMR-active metal cations are of clinical importance, but from their routine NMR spectra it is not possible to distinguish whether they are in the intra- or the extracellular compartments. The addition of a paramagnetic complex that selectively distributes in one compartment only, can remove such signal degeneracy. In fact, the interaction with the paramagnetic species induces a shift in other resonances of the alkaline ions present in the same compartment as the LSR (Figure 3). Up to now in laboratory practice, four complexes have been


Table 2

Chiral shift reagents of the β-diketonato type

studied in detail and applied to answer several questions of biomedical interest: the Dy(III) complexes of PPP5- (triphosphate) and TTHA6– (triethylenetetraaminehexaacetate) and the Dy(III) and Tm(III) complexes of DOTP5– (tetraazacyclododecaneN, N′, N″, N″′ tetrakis (methylenephosphonate)). The most effective reagent so far reported is the chelate Dy(PPP)27–, first introduced by Gupta and Gupta in 1982. However, this metal complex has been proved to present several disadvantages that prevent its use in living animals or humans. First of all it is rather toxic, probably due to irreversible ligand dissociation promoted in vivo, with subsequent release of the metal ion. Furthermore, the complex is involved in several protonation equilibria and shows competition with endogenous divalent cations (Mg2+, Ca2+) which reduces its resolution ability. The Dy(TTHA)3− complex is much less toxic, as a consequence, probably, of the high stability constant of Dy3+ with this multidentate ligand. However, the reduced value of the negative charge on the complex and the fact that it is mainly localized on unbound carboxylic groups, away from the paramagnetic centre, makes this metal chelate less effective in removing the signal degeneracy. This implies that higher doses of the LSR are needed for an optimum resolution. The Dy(III) and Tm(III) complexes of DOTP represent an important

Figure 2 1H NMR spectra of α-phenylethylamine in CCI4 after addition of tris[(3-tert-butylhydroxymethylene)-D-camphorato]europiumIII. Molar ratio LSR* to substrate 0.5: (A) S-form; (B) racemic mixture.

Figure 3 23Na NMR spectra at 2.1 T and 39°C of whole human blood before (A) and after (B) the addition of Dy(DOTP)5- (5 mM). Intra- and extracellular sodium resonances are resolved.


improvement in the search for safe and effective LSRs for metal cations of biological relevance. In fact, these metal chelates are extremely resistant to dissociation processes over a wide range of pH and present in axial symmetry and interaction sites for the cations very close to their 4-fold axis of symmetry, which ensures a maximum shifting efficiency. Indeed Dy(DOTP)5– produces a magnitude of shift analogous to that observed for Dy(PPP)27– at the same concentration. However, the efficiency of the Dy(III) chelate has been shown to be markedly quenched by stoichiometric amounts of Ca2+, and thus the Tm(III) complex, less sensitive to these effects, has found wider applications. In conclusion, it is worth commenting that, although several studies have been possible by the use of the available LSRs, much remains to be done in terms of synthetic strategy and ligand design in the search for safer and more effective compounds.

Relaxation reagents An alternative exploitation of paramagnetic complexes as auxiliary NMR reagents deals with their effect on the relaxation of substrate nuclei. Indeed, in the presence of a relaxation reagent the electron– nucleus relaxation may easily become so efficient that it predominates over the intrinsic relaxation processes of a given nucleus. Such effects may be exploited either on the solute or on the solvent resonances. A number of applications based on the use of relaxation reagents have been reported, ranging from structural assignments to nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) quenchers for correct intensity measurements, from the assessment of the binding to proteins to the separation of resonances from different compartments. A particularly important class of relaxation reagents is represented by the contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The first example dealing with the use of paramagnetic species to shorten the relaxation time of the solvent nuclei deals with the very first detection of the NMR phenomenon, as Bloch used iron(III) nitrate to avoid saturation of the water proton signal. Then in the 1970s it was rather common, in organic and organometallic chemistry, to add to the substrate solution a reagent such as Cr(acetylacetonate)3 (Cr(acac)3) or Fe(acac)3 in order to shorten the T1 of 13C and 15N resonances without introducing broadening of the signal. In Figure 4 the 13C intensities of the Fe(CO)5 signal, measured at 2.1 T, in the presence of variable amounts of Cr(acac)3, are reported. At this field the T1 value of the 13CO groups is very long as it is determined by the chemical shift anisotropy term; by

Figure 4 13C NMR spectra (A) and integrated intensities (B) of a Fe(CO)5 sample with different added concentrations of Cr(acac)3. Different symbols refer to independent measurements.

increasing the magnetic field strength it becomes markedly shorter. Thus, the availability of high magnetic fields has limited to some extent the use of relaxation reagents for the purpose of an overall shortening of the relaxation times. The presence of a relaxation reagent induces a dominant relaxation path for all the resonances of a given substrate present in solution and this may be exploited for quantitative NMR determinations. In fact, this method eliminates the problems associated with a correct intensity measurement when the various resonances are endowed with different relaxation times and different NOE enhancements. Another application of relaxation reagents deals with the selective removal of a given spin-coupling pattern, i.e. the interaction with a paramagnetic reagent produces a so-called chemical decoupling mechanism. In fact, in an AX coupled system the multiplicity of each resonance may be removed when the mean lifetime of the coupled nucleus in a given state (α or β) becomes shorter than the inverse of the coupling constant JAX. Therefore, the occurrence of efficient relaxation induced by the paramagnetic reagent causes the removal of the effective coupling. Theory of paramagnetic relaxation

The quantitative description of relaxation effects induced by paramagnetic species presents theoretical problems that are far from trivial. However, it is customary to resort to the simplified approach developed earlier by Solomon and Blombergen to


account for the relaxation enhancement of solvent nuclei of aqueous solutions of paramagnetic metal ions. On the basis of this approach the observed solvent relaxation rate is given by the sum of three contributions:

where R is the relaxation rate in the absence of the paramagnetic compound, R represents the paramagnetic contribution due to the exchange of water molecules in the inner coordination sphere with water molecules in the bulk, and R is the diffusioncontrolled contribution from water molecules in the outer coordination sphere of the paramagnetic centre. In the absence of a coordinative interaction between the paramagnetic metal ion and the substrate–solvent molecules, only the latter term contributes to the observed paramagnetic relaxation enhancement. In this case the relaxation enhancement is exclusively due to the electron–nucleus dipolar interaction between the metal ion and the solvent molecules diffusing in the outer coordination sphere of the complex. This interaction is modulated by the translational diffusive motion of solute and solvent and by the electronic relaxation time. An analytical expression for this contribution has been derived by Freed and co-workers in a study of the relaxation enhancement of solvent molecules in solutions containing stable nitroxide radicals.

In the expression above, Cos is constant for a given observed nucleus, a is the distance of closest approach between the paramagnetic centre and the diffusing solvent molecules and D is the relative solute–solvent diffusion coefficient. The dependence on the electronic relaxation time is expressed by the nonLorentzian spectral density functions J(Z). As far as the inner sphere contribution is concerned, R is determined by the relaxation time T1M of the nuclei of the substrate–solvent complex and by its lifetime τM, weighted by the molar ratio of the bound substrate–solvent:

where [C] is the molar concentration of the paramagnetic reagent, q is the number of interacting

sites, and [S] is the concentration of the substrate– solvent complex. In the case of dilute water solutions, when the relaxation enhancement is observed on the solvent nuclei, [S] = 55.54 M. The T1M value in the paramagnetic reagent–substrate adduct is determined by (i) the dipolar interaction between the observed nucleus and the unpaired electron(s) and (ii) the contact interaction between the magnetically active nucleus and the unpaired electron density localized in the position of the nucleus itself. An analytical form is given by the Solomon–Bloembergen equation (here for T1; an analogous expression is derived for T2):

where S is the electron spin quantum number, JH and JS are proton and electron magnetogyric ratios, respectively, r is the distance between the metal ion and the given nucleus of the coordinated substrate, ZH and ZS are the proton and electron Larmor frequencies, respectively. τc1,2 and τe are the relevant correlation times for the time-dependent dipolar and contact interactions, respectively:

where τR is the reorientational correlation time and τS1 and τS2 are the longitudinal and transverse electron spin relaxation times. The contact term is often negligible, especially when dealing with a paramagnetic ion bound to a macromolecule because the hyperfine coupling constant A/ is in the MHz range, whereas the coefficient of the dipolar term is one order of magnitude larger. The protons relaxation enhancement (PRE) method

Upon interacting with a macromolecule the relaxation induced by paramagnetic species usually displays remarkable changes, primarily related to the increase of the molecular reorientational time τR on going from the free to the bound form. This may


result in a strong increase of the R term, from which it is possible to assess the affinity (and the number of binding sites) between the interacting partners. Quantitatively, in the presence of a reversible interaction between the paramagnetic species and the macromolecule, the observed enhancement depends on both the molar fraction of the macromolecular adduct χb and the solvent–water relaxation in the all-bound limit R . The increase in the relaxation rate is expressed by the enhancement factor H∗:

The asterisk indicates the presence of the macromolecule in solution. The enhancement factor ranges from 1 (no interaction) to Hb= R /R1p in the allbound limit (strong excess of macromolecule).

The determination of the binding parameter KA (association constant) and n (number of independent sites characterized by a given KA value) from the mass action law is straightforward. Given the association equilibrium between the metal complex

M and the protein (enzyme) E,

where n time [E] gives the concentration of each class of sites on the macromolecule. Superscript b and subscripts f and t indicate bound, free and total, respectively. The experimental procedure consists of the determination of the enhancement factor H∗ through two distinct titrations. In the first titration, a rectangular hyperbola describing the change of H∗ as the [E]t to [M]t ratio increases is reported (Figure 5). The treatment of the obtained binding isotherm yields the value of Hb and the product nKA. In the second titration, the behaviour of H∗is monitored at fixed macromolecule concentration by changing the metal complex concentration. Results are conveniently expressed under the form of a Scatchard’s plot:

The value of r may easily be calculated once the all-bound enhancement Hb is known. In the same way, the free [M]f concentration is obtained from the total [M]t complex concentration.

By plotting r/[M]f vs. r a straight line is obtained whose x-axis intercept gives the n value and whose slope is equal to –KA. Contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging Figure 5 Direct (A) and inverse (B) PRE titrations: by plotting H* vs. macromolecule concentration a rectangular hyperbola is obtained, whose analysis yields the Hb value together with the nKA product. The Scatchard's plot obtained from the inverse titration allows the determination of n and KA separately.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), one of the most powerful tools in modern clinical diagnosis, is based on the topological representation of NMR parameters such as proton density and transverse and


longitudinal relaxation times. Differences in these parameters allow impressive anatomical discrimination to be made, and make it possible to distinguish pathological from healthy tissues. The potential of MRI is further strengthened by the use of suitable contrast agents (CAS), compounds that are able to alter markedly the magnetic properties of the region where they are distributed. Among them, paramagnetic Gd3+ complexes (seven unpaired electrons) are under intense scrutiny because of their ability to enhance the proton relaxation rates of solvent water molecules (Figure 6). Their use provides the physicians with further physiological information to be added to the impressive anatomical resolution commonly obtained in the uncontrasted images. Thus, administration of Gd-based contrast agents has entered into the pool of diagnostic protocols and is particularly useful to assess organ perfusion and any abnormalities in the blood–brain barrier or in kidney clearance. Several other applications, primarily in the field of angiography and tumour targeting, will soon be available in clinical practice. Nowadays about 35% of MRI examinations make use of contrast agents, but this percentage is predicted to increase further following the development of more effective and specific contrast media than those currently available. In order to be used as a CA for MRI a Gd3+ complex must fulfil two basic requirements: (i) it must have at least one coordinated water molecule in fast exchange (on the NMR relaxation timescale) with the solvent bulk, and (ii) the Gd3+ ion must be tightly chelated to avoid the release of the metal ion and the ligand which are both potentially harmful. Figure 7 reports the schematic structures of four ligands whose Gd3+ chelates are currently used as CAs for MRI. The overall PRE of water protons (R + R , see ‘Theory of paramagnetic relaxation’ section above) referred to a 1 mM concentration of Gd3+ chelate is called millimolar relaxivity (hereafter relaxivity). At the magnetic field strength currently employed in MRI applications, the relaxivity of a Gd3+ complex is roughly proportional to its molecular weight, i.e. it is determined by the value of the molecular reorientational time τR. It follows that the search for high relaxivities has been addressed to systems endowed with slow tumbling motion in solution. This condition may be met either (i) by linking a Gd3+ chelate to high molecular weight substrates like carboxymethylcellulose, polylysine or dendrimers, etc. or (ii) by forming noncovalent adducts with serum albumin. In the latter case the Gd3+ chelates are designed in order to introduce on the surface of the ligand suitable functionalities able to strongly interact with the serum protein. In addition to providing high relaxivities (which, in turn, allows

Figure 6 Male patient, 54 year old, 67 kg with multiple hepatic metastases from a neuroendocrine tumour of the pancreas: images are taken before (A) and 90 minutes after (B) intravenous administration of 0.1 mmol kg–1 of a liver-specific Gd3+ chelate.

the administered doses of CA to be reduced) the formation of adducts between Gd3+ complexes and albumin are of interest for the design of novel angiographic experiments for which a reduced clearance time and a better compartmentalization in the circulating blood is required.

List of symbols a = distance of closest approach between the paramagnetic centre and the diffusing solvent molecules; D = relative solute–solvent diffusion coefficient; H = hyperfine shift; HS = hyperfine shift scalar coupling; HD = hyperfine shift dipole coupling; Ki = interaction constant between LSR and S ; K1 and K2 = coefficients related to anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility tensor; KA = association constant; n = number of independent sites characterized by a given KA value; q = number of interacting sites; ri = distance between nucleus and paramagnetic ion; ri, Ti and :ι = spherical coordinates of i nucleus in the reference frame of the principal magnetic


Figure 7 Schematic structure of the Gd3+ chelates used in clinical practice. DOTA = 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-N,N′,N′′,N′′′tetraacetic acid; DTPA = diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid; HPDO3A = N″′-(2-(1-hydroxypropyl))-1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecaneN,N′N″-triacetic acid; DTPABMA = N,N″-bis(N-methylcarbamoylmethyl)-diethylenetriamine-N,N′,N″-triacetic acid.

susceptibility tensor; R = relaxation rate in absence of paramagnetic compound; R = diffusion-controlled contribution to relaxation rate from water molecules in the outer coordination sphere of the paramagnetic centre; R = paramagnetic contribution to relaxation rate due to exchange of water molecules in the inner coordination sphere with those in the bulk; R = solvent–water relaxation in the allbound limit; S = substrate; T1M = relaxation time of the protons of the water molecule in the first coordination sphere of the complex; T1 = relaxation time; χb = molar fraction of macromolecular adduct; ∆iLSR–S = all-bound shift of the LSR-S complex; ∆δi = observed LSR-induced shifts; ∆∆G = enantiomeric shift difference between the ∆G LIS for R and S configuration; H* = enhancement factor; I = angle between ri vector and Ln–ligand bond or rotation axis; JH and JS = electron and proton magnetogyric ratios; U = LSR to S ratio; Wc1,2 and We = relevant correlation times for time-dependent dipolar and contact interactions; WM = residence lifetime of the water molecule in the first coordination sphere of the complex; τR = reorientational correlation time; WS1 and WS2 = longitudinal and transverse electron spin relaxation times; ωH and ωS = proton and electron Larmor frequencies. See also: Contrast Mechanisms in MRI; EPR Spectroscopy, Theory; MRI Applications, Biological; MRI

Applications, Clinical; MRI Applications, Clinical Flow Studies; MRI Theory; NMR Relaxation Rates; NMR Spectroscopy of Alkali Metal Nuclei in Solution; Nuclear Overhauser Effect.

Further reading Aime S, Botta M, Fasano M and Terreno E (1998) Lanthanide (III) chelates for NMR biomedical applications. Chemical Society Reviews 27: 19–29. Bertini I and Luchiant C (1986) NMR of Paramagnetic Molecules in Biological Systems. Menlo Park: Benjamin/Cummings. co*ckerill AF, Davies GLO, Harden RC and Rackham DM (1973) Lanthanide shift reagents for nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Chemical Reviews 73: 553– 588. Martin ML, Delpuech J-J and Martin GJ (1980) Practical NMR Spectroscopy, pp 377–409. London: Heyden. Peters JA, Huskens J and Raber DJ (1996) Lanthanide induced shifts and relaxation rate enhancements. Progress in NMR Spectroscopy 28: 283–350. Sherry AD and Geraldes CFGC (1989) Shift reagents in NMR spectroscopy. In: Bünzli J-CG and Choppin GR (eds) Lanthanide Probes in Life, Chemical and Earth Science. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Von Ammon R and Fisher RD (1972) Shift reagents in NMR spectroscopy. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English 11: 675–692.


Chemical Structure Information from Mass Spectrometry Kurt Varmuza, Laboratory of Chemometrics, Vienna University of Technology, Austria Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Mass spectra of chemical compounds have a high information content. This article describes computerassisted methods for extracting information about chemical structures from low-resolution mass spectra. Comparison of the measured spectrum with the spectra of a database (library search) is the most used approach for the identification of unknowns. Different similarity criteria of mass spectra as well as strategies for the evaluation of hitlists are discussed. Mass spectra interpretation based on characteristic peaks (key ions) is critically reported. The method of mass spectra classification (recognition of substructures) has interesting capabilities for a systematic structure elucidation. This article is restricted to electron impact mass spectra of organic compounds and focuses on methods rather than on currently available software products or databases.

Introduction Mass spectrometry (MS) is the most widely used method for the identification of organic compounds in complex mixtures at the nanogram level and below. NMR and, sometimes, also infrared spectroscopy provide better structural information than MS data but these spectroscopic methods cannot (or only with a substantial loss of sensitivity) be coupled with chromatographic separation techniques. Despite the great amount of information contained in mass spectra it is difficult to extract structural data because of the complicated relationships between MS data and chemical structures. The fragmentation processes which finally result in the measured data characterize MS as a chemical method, in contrast with NMR and IR. Chemical effects are, in general, more difficult to describe and to predict than physical ones. The occurrence of rearrangement reactions means that structure identification from mass spectra is often difficult or impossible; furthermore functional groups do not always produce the same peaks. This background explains why structure elucidation in organic chemistry is mainly based on 13C NMR data, while H

MASS SPECTROMETRY Methods & Instrumentation

NMR, IR, UV–VIS and MS data are considered only to a much lesser extent. The aim of spectra evaluation can be either the identification of a compound (assuming the spectrum is already known and available) or interpretation of spectral data in terms of the unknown chemical structure (when the spectrum of the unknown is not available). Identification is performed best by library search methods based on spectral similarities; a number of MS databases and software products are offered for this purpose and are routinely used. The more challenging problem is the interpretation of a mass spectrum, which is still a topic of research projects in chemometrics and computer chemistry. No comprehensive solutions are yet available and these methods are only rarely used in routine work. Four groups of different strategies have been applied to the complex problem of substructure recognition (or the recognition of more general structural properties) from spectral data. (1) Knowledge-based methods try to implement spectroscopic knowledge about spectra–structure relationships into computer programs. Because of the lack of generally applicable rules this approach was not successful in MS. However, spectroscopic knowledge has been extensively applied in other methods to guide the construction of mathematical models, and for optimizing model parameters. (2) Appropriate interpretive library search techniques can be used to obtain structural information if the unknown is not contained in the library. (3) Correlation tables containing characteristic spectral data (key ions) together with corresponding substructures have met with only limited success because a specific structural property does not always give the same spectral signals. (4) Spectral classifiers are algorithms based on multivariate classification methods or neural networks; they are constructed for an automatic recognition of structural properties from spectral data. In principle, mass spectral data are fully determined by the chemical structure of the investigated


compound and the experimental spectroscopic conditions:

For problems of practical interest, however, the relationship F can neither be formulated as a mathematical equation nor as an algorithm. Consequently, methods for the prediction of the mass spectrum from the chemical structure have had only very limited success. A similar difficult situation arises for the inverse problem, spectra interpretation, Figure 1. Only for selected cases can the relationship

be established and applied to mass spectra of unknowns. Some relationships f for different structural properties have been developed by the use of statistical methods or neural networks rather than by the influence of spectroscopic knowledge. Because of the above-mentioned difficulties the intervention of the human expert is still required in mass spectra interpretation. However, this situation causes a number of drawbacks. Human experts are not sufficiently available and are expensive; furthermore their success rate can hardly be quantified. Automated instruments with high throughput are able to produce huge amounts of data, and analytical interest in complex mixtures (environmental chemistry, food chemistry, combinatorial synthesis) is rapidly increasing. Thus the extensive use of computer-assisted methods for data interpretation is highly desired.

Figure 1

Characteristic mass spectra signals A number of masses in the low mass region (key ions) are considered to be characteristic for certain substructures or classes of compounds. In addition, mass differences (key differences) between the molecular ion and abundant fragment ions or between abundant fragment ions are often related to functional groups. Correlation tables containing such spectral data and the corresponding chemical structures are contained in several textbooks on MS. The use of these tables is widespread and often helpful in MS; however, the capability of this approach must not be overestimated. The following example demonstrates the potentials and drawbacks. From the NIST Mass Spectra Library a random sample containing 5000 compounds with a phenyl group (class 1) and 5000 compounds without a phenyl group (class 2) have been selected; from these data it was estimated whether the signal at m/z 77 (corresponding to the ion C6H5+) can be used to predict the presence or absence of a phenyl group in the molecule. Let n1 be the number of compounds from class 1 exhibiting a peak at m/z 77 in a given intensity interval, and n2 be the corresponding number for compounds from class 2. Assuming for an unknown compound that the a priori probability for belonging to class 1 is 0.5 the probability p(phenyl | I77) can be calculated from the signal at m/z 77 as

Table 1 shows results for this example using four intensity intervals. Depending on the intensity of the peak at m/z 77, the probability for the presence of a phenyl group decreases or increases. If a peak at m/z

Relationships between mass spectrum and chemical structure.


Table 1 Significance of a peak at m/z 77 for the presence of a phenyl group in a molecule

absence of a key ion in general does not indicate the absence of the corresponding compound class.

Intensity interval (%B)



p(phenyl | I77)





Mass spectra similarity search

1 90%B and peak height at m/z 105 > 30%B”. The result is a notordered hitlist containing all spectra that exactly match the search profile. (2) A numerical similarity between two spectra is used to find the reference spectra most similar to the spectrum of the unknown (Figure 2). In this case the resulting hitlist is ordered according to the value of the similarity criterion. Of course any type of search can be combined with additional search criteria (relative molecular mass range, restrictions to the molecular formula, name fragments, etc.). Unfortunately, the capabilities for chemical structure searches are still very limited in commercially available MS databases. The performance and effectiveness of a spectral library search depends on the quality of the given spectrum, the content of the spectral library, the

The terms n1 and n2 are the number of spectra (compounds) with a peak at m/z 77 in the given intensity interval for compounds that contain a phenyl group and those that do not, respectively; p(phenyl | I77) is the a posteriori probability for the presence of a phenyl group (assuming an a priori probability of 0.5)

77 is absent or has an intensity not higher than 1% of the base peak (%B) the probability for the presence of a phenyl group is still 17%. Intensities above 60%B strongly indicate a phenyl group (91% correct assignments to class 1). However, most spectra have peak intensities between these limits and therefore do not allow a reliable answer about the presence or absence of a phenyl group. A systematic examination of about 40 key ions between m/z 30 and 105 can be summarized as follows: (1) only a small number of key ions provide significant structural information, and (2) the

Figure 2

Spectral library search.


Table 2 bases

Common quality problems with mass spectra in data-

Spectrum reduced to a small number of (large) peaks Limited mass range (start mass too high) Peaks present far above the relative molecular mass Poor dynamics of peak intensities Wrong isotope peak intensities Tilted peak intensities Additional peaks from impurities or instrument background Small peaks missing Wrong mass assignment Illogical mass differences Spectrum does not match with given compound Missing experimental data Missing structure data Too many replicate spectra

used similarity criterion and the implemented software technique. A fundamental restriction is given by the limited structural information present in mass spectra, for instance isomers can often not be distinguished by their mass spectra. Libraries

Any spectroscopic retrieval system in chemistry depends on an appropriate structural diversity of the reference data. Commercially available MS databases today contain about 40 000 up to almost 300 000 spectra. Some libraries contain a number of replicate spectra (collected from different sources), especially for common compounds. The compositions of existing libraries (except a few dedicated small spectra collections) are not systematic. Some compound classes are very well represented (for instance hydrocarbons) while others are not but may be of major interest to a particular user. Good software support for building user-libraries is therefore essential. Table 2 lists common problems of quality deficiencies in MS reference data.

no reference spectrum fulfills all restrictions it is possible to go back one step). The resulting list of spectra can be ordered by applying an additional similarity criterion. The method allows (and requires) the interaction of the user; consequently spectroscopic knowledge (for instance about the background peaks) can be easily considered; however, automated processing of spectra is not possible. The use of appropriate sorted index files avoids time-consuming sequential searches and makes the method very fast. An example for this method is presented in Figure 3. Spectra similarity criteria

An infinite number of different similarity measures for matching two mass spectra is possible. In reality, about a dozen similarity criteria have been described and tested; however, full details of the algorithms that are actually implemented in commercial software are seldom described. Some similarity criteria are purely mathematically oriented, others are influenced by spectroscopic ideas. A single criterion cannot fit all requirements: on the one hand, a compound which is contained in the library should be retrieved even if the spectrum deviates in some parts from the reference spectrum; on the other hand, the user expects hits with chemical structures similar to the unknown even though they exhibit different spectra. In the ideal case the similarity criterion has a practicable sensitivity to chemical structures: identical compounds measured under different spectroscopic conditions appear more

Peak search

A simple and evident method for library search of mass spectra applies user-selected restrictions for the presence of peaks. Initially, a characteristic peak in the spectrum of the unknown is selected (typically one at a high or unusual mass number and with a not too small intensity) and an intensity interval for reference spectra is defined. The peak search software answers with the number of reference spectra containing a peak at the given mass and in the given intensity interval. This procedure is continued until a reasonable number of hits is reached (in cases where

Figure 3 Peak search example using the NIST mass spectral database. The mass spectrum of a hypothetical unknown is from caffeine contaminated with a phthalate. Manual selection of relevant peaks easily allows the spectroscopist to consider probable contaminations (peaks at m/z 149, 167). The correct solution is found after the input of four peaks by excluding the typical phthalate peaks. Note the wide intensity intervals applied. Should a peak at m/z 149 be required the correct compound is not found.


similar than two compounds that are slightly different in their structure. The two main types of mass spectral data, peak heights and masses, have different reliability. While the presence of a peak at a certain mass number is well reproducible the peak height often varies greatly under slightly different experimental conditions. Spectra similarity criteria have to consider this aspect. For similarity searches an efficient ordering of the spectra in the library is not possible and, therefore, a rather time-consuming sequential search is necessary. Some speed-up is possible by a pre-search in which, for instance, reference spectra are quickly eliminated that do not have a minimum number of peaks in common with the spectrum of the unknown. Before calculating the spectra similarity the spectrum of the unknown is treated by cleaning procedures, for instance peaks at m/z 28, 32 and 40 (probably from N2, O2 and Ar respectively) and peaks from column bleeding are removed, and the peak heights are normalized to percents of the base peak. The selection of relevant peaks and weighting of peak heights is described below. Let UAm and RAm be the (weighted) abundances at mass m in the spectrum of the unknown (U) and the reference spectrum (R), respectively. Summation in Equations [2] to [4] is over all selected masses m. The most used similarity criterion for mass spectra is based on the correlation coefficient:

Figure 4 explains this similarity criterion: each mass is considered as a point in a coordinate system with one axis for the abundances of the unknown and the other for the reference. For identical spectra all points are located on a straight line that passes through the origin (S1 = 1). If the two spectra are different the correlation coefficient for the regression line – as given in Equation [2] – is a measure of the similarity of the spectra. The value of S1 ranges from 0 to 1 because the regression line is forced to pass through the origin and all abundances are 0 or positive. The important range of S1 between 0.9 and 1 can be widened by calculating S ; for practical reasons S1 or S are often multiplied by 100. A peak list with nominal (integer) masses can be considered as a point in a q-dimensional space, with q equal to the maximum relevant mass number. The coordinates of the point are given by the abundances (weighted peak heights). Because the value of q is high the q-dimensional space cannot be visualized

directly but can be handled by rather simple mathematics. A two-dimensional simplification is used in Figure 5 to demonstrate this view of MS data. Masses 43 and 58 have been selected for the coordinates; each spectrum (from the example in Figure 4) can be represented by a point or by a vector (starting at the origin). Similarity criterion S1 is equal to the cosine of the angle between two spectral vectors. Alternative similarity measures are the Euclidean distance S2:

and the city block distance S3:

The similarity criterion used in the PBM (Probability Based Matching System) software is based on socalled uniqueness values for masses and abundances. The uniqueness of a signal is equivalent to the information content (as defined in information theory) and is given by the negative logarithm of the probability of the occurrence of this signal; this means that a low probability corresponds to a high uniqueness. Probabilities for masses and intensity intervals have been estimated from the database used. Matching of spectra is performed by using selected peaks that exhibit highest uniqueness values for mass and intensity. The MS database system MassLib uses a composite similarity criterion containing the similarity criterion S1 together with measures for the number and intensity sums of peaks that are common or not in both spectra. The algorithm has been optimized to give good results for identification as well as for interpretation. In the STIRS (Self-training Interpretive and Retrieval System) system for 26 data classes, specific similarity criteria are defined using characteristic masses or mass differences. For each of these criteria the most similar reference spectra are searched with the aim of obtaining information about the presence of substructures. Weighting

Intensity scaling and mass weighting is used to consider the different significances of mass numbers and peak heights. In general, peaks in the higher mass range are more important than peaks in the lower mass range; because large peaks dominate the values of most similarity criteria, peak heights are often scaled to enhance the influence of small peaks. A


Figure 4 Comparison of the mass spectrum from an unknown with two reference spectra using the similarity measure S1 (based on the correlation coefficient). Axes in the two plots at the bottom: horizontal, peak height %B of unknown; vertical, peak height %B of reference. Each point corresponds to a mass number with a peak in at least one of the two compared spectra.

general transformation of intensities Im at mass m is given by Equation [5]

been obtained with ν = 2 and w = 0.5 [see Stein (1994) in the Further reading section]. Selection of revelant masses

Optimum values for v and w depend on the used similarity citerion; for S1 (Eqn [1]) good results have

The selection of masses used to calculate a spectral similarity may greatly influence the result. The user


Figure 6 Different selection of masses for the calculation of spectral similarity (schematic). The fit search considers only masses with peaks in the reference spectrum and therefore is insensitive to impurities in the unknown. Figure 5 Mass spectra can be considered as points or vectors in a multidimensional spectral space. For simplicity only two mass numbers (43, 58) have been selected in this example. Am, abundance (peak height in %B) at mass m; U, spectrum from unknown; R1, reference spectrum of propanal; R2, reference spectrum of acetone. Measures for spectral similarity are the Euclidean distance (d), the city block distance (∆43 + ∆58) or the cosine of angle α (equivalent to S1 in Eqn [2]).

often can decide between three modes for mass selection (Figure 6). (a) All masses for which at least one of the compared spectra has a peak with an intensity above a defined threshold are considered. High similarity values are obtained only if the spectra are almost identical; this approach therefore is suited for identity searches (sometimes also called purity searches). (b) Only masses with a peak in the reference spectrum are considered. High similarity values are obtained if the reference spectrum is almost completely contained in the spectrum of the unknown. Non-matching peaks in the unknown do not influence the result; therefore this approach is routinely applied if the unknown may contain impurities or is a mixture of compounds (fit search, reverse search). (c) Only masses with a peak in the spectrum of the unknown are considered. This method is not tolerant of additional peaks in the reference spectrum. From a high similarity value one may conclude that parts of the chemical structure of the reference compound are present in the unknown (interpretive search, forward search). Simple selection methods of peaks such as ‘k highest peaks in the spectrum (or in given mass intervals)’ have been applied to save data storage and computation time but are no longer important. A special selection of masses is used in the MassLib system: a

peak at mass m is considered to be significant if its intensity is higher than the average intensities at masses m − 14 and m + 14. Figure 7 presents an example of an MS library search in which the unknown was contained in the library.

Mass spectra classification Overview

When the unknown compound is not contained in the spectral library then pure identification methods are less useful. For ‘unknown unknowns’ interpretive search systems or classification methods are required to obtain structural information that can be used for constructing molecular structure candidates. Such candidates are usually created manually by applying spectroscopic–chemical knowledge and intuition. A serious drawback of this strategy is that the solution is rarely complete and the procedure hardly can be documented or verified. The most important systematic approach for structure elucidation of organic compounds is still based on the DENDRAL project, in which, for the first time, artificial intelligence principles have been applied to complex chemistry problems (Table 3). The central tool is an isomer generator software capable of generating an exhaustive set of isomers from a given molecular formula. The generator also has to consider structural restrictions, which are usually obtained from spectral data. Substructures which have to be present in the unknown molecular structure are collected in the so-called goodlist while forbidden substructures are put into the badlist. Mass spectrometry can contribute to this approach in various aspects: the molecular formula can be determined from high resolution data, and structural information can be derived even from low resolution data.


Figure 7 Example of a library search by MassLib. A mass spectrum from testosterone has been considered as unknown and searched in a library consisting of 130 000 spectra (including duplicates). A mass spectrum from testosterone is contained in this library and has been found as the first hit (most similar spectrum). The other hits are from the same compound class and demonstrate the interpretive capabilities of this system.

The two most important computer-assisted strategies for the recognition of structural information from mass spectral data are: (a) the structures in the hitlist from a spectra similarity search are used to estimate the probability of substructures in the unknown. (b) Random samples of mass spectra are first characterized by a set of variables and then methods from multivariate statistics or neural networks are applied to develop spectral classifiers. Substructure recognition by library search

Library search systems have been developed or adjusted for the purpose of obtaining structurally similar compounds in the hitlist. In such methods an evaluation of the molecular structures of the hitlist

compounds can provide useful information about the presence or absence of certain substructures in the unknown. It is not trivial to define or select substructures that should be considered for this purpose. For the STIRS system, considerable effort has gone into the search for substructures that can be successfully classified by the implemented spectral similarity search. The MassLib system uses a predefined set of 180 binary molecular descriptors to characterize the similarity of structures. In most investigations a more or less arbitrary set of substructures, functional groups or more general structural properties (compound classes) has been considered. Self-adapting methods that automatically analyse the molecular structures in the hitlist (for instance by searching for frequent and large substructures) have not been used up to now in MS.


Table 3

Scheme for systematic structure elucidation

(1) Determine the molecular formula of the unknown (2) Derive structural restrictions as substructures from spectral and other experimental data and from pre-knowledge about the unknown (3) Make consistency checks of the structural restrictions (4) Add all substructures that are considered to be present in the unknown to the goodlist. Add all substructures that are considered to be absent in the unknown to the badlist (5) Generate all isomers for the given molecular formula that contain all substructures from the goodlist but none from the badlist (6) Test the generated molecular candidate structures: (a) by a comparison of predicted spectra with measured spectra (b) by a comparison of predicted properties with measured properties (c) by considering more complicated structural restrictions that could not be handled by the isomer generator (7) If the number of survived molecular candidates is too large try to create additional structural restrictions and continue at step 3

The number of occurrences of a certain substructure in the hitlist is compared with the corresponding number for the library and a probability is derived for the presence of that substructure in the unknown. This classification method is a variant of the wellknown ‘k-nearest neighbour classification’. Each mass spectrum is considered as a point in a multidimensional space; the neighbours nearest to the spectrum of the unknown correspond to the most similar reference spectra in library search. If the majority of k neighbours (k is typically between 1 and 10) contain a certain substructure then this substructure is predicted to be present in the unknown. A drawback of this approach is the high computational effort necessary for classifying an unknown because a full library search is required. The performance has been described by Stein (1995, see Further reading section) as ‘sufficient to recommend it for routine use as a first step in structure elucidation’. Multivariate classification

A mass spectral classifier is a part of a computer program that uses the peak list of a low resolution mass spectrum as input and produces information about the chemical structure as output. For such a classification procedure a number of methods are available in multivariate statistics. Many of them have already been applied to various problems in chemistry; classification of mass spectra (with the aim of recognizing chemical compound classes) was one of the pioneering works in chemometrics.

Application of most multivariate classification methods first requires a transformation of the data to be classified (the mass spectrum) into a fixed number of variables (so-called features). Besides the simple use of the peak intensities for these variables more sophisticated transformations have been applied. Problem-relevant numerical spectral features xj are defined as linear or nonlinear functions of the peak intensities; the definitions are based on spectroscopic and/or mathematical concepts. Table 4 contains a list of frequently used spectral features for mass spectra. It has been shown that such features are more closely related to chemical structures than the original peak data; an example will illustrate this. A characteristic fragment in a hom*ologous series of compounds may not appear at the same mass but may be shifted by a multiple of 14 mass units, corresponding to (CH2)n. The often used modulo-14 summation features (also called mass periodicity spectra) consider this fact by an intensity summation in mass intervals of 14. Other spectral features are based on intensity ratios and reflect competing fragmentation pathways; autocorrelation features contain information about mass differences between abundant peaks. The stability of molecular ions and some functional groups can be characterized by features that describe the distribution of peaks across the mass range. The appropriate generation and selection of spectral features is considered to be the most essential part in the development of spectral classifiers. The development of a classifier (Figure 8) for a particular substructure requires a random sample of spectra which is selected from a spectral library. Typically some 100 spectra from compounds containing the substructure (class 1) and some 100 spectra from compounds not containing the substructure (class 2) are necessary. One part of the Table 4 Types of numerical spectral features; a set of spectral features can be used to classify a mass spectrum as to whether a certain substructure or a more general structural property is present or absent in the molecule Modulo-14 intensity sums

xj = ∑ Im + 14n

Logarithmic inten- xj = In Im /Im + ∆m sity ratios

n : 0, 1, 2,…, j, m : = 1, 2,…, 14 Im = max (Im, 1)


xj = ∑ ImIm + ∆m /∑ ImIm j, ∆m : 1, 2,…, 50 m : a defined mass range

Distribution of peaks

xj = ∑ Ieven / ∑ Im

even : all even masses m : all masses

xj = 100 / ∑ Im m : all masses Relative base peak intensity xj, spectral feature; Im, intensity in %base peak at mass m; ∆m, mass difference


applications of the classifier to unknowns by the scheme:

Figure 8 Classification scheme for mass spectra. The mass spectrum is transformed into a set of typically 5 to 20 variables (spectral features). A linear or nonlinear mathematical combination of the features results in a discriminant variable. The value of the discriminant variable together with the required maximum statistical risk for wrong answers determines which of the three possible answers is given: ‘class 1’ (substructure present), ‘class 2’ (substructure absent) or ‘answer not possible because error risk is too high’.

random sample is used for a training of the classifier, the other part for testing it. Classification is based on the value of a discriminant variable z which is defined either as a linear function of the q selected spectral features xj:

Simple yes/no classifiers without the possibility to refuse the classification answer are not adequate for the recognition of substructures from mass spectra. Today’s performance of mass spectra classification by multivariate methods can be summarized as follows: (1) only a rather small number of substructures can be recognized with a low error rate. (2) Predictions of the absence of a substructure are usually more accurate than predictions of its presence. (3) Erroneous classifications cannot be avoided completely; therefore the intervention of a human expert and the parallel use of other spectra interpretation methods are advisable. (4) For small molecules a systematic and almost complete structure elucidation is sometimes possible by mass spectra classification and by application of the obtained structural restrictions in automatic isomer generation. An example for this approach of structure elucidation is presented in Figure 9, where ethyl 2-(2-hydroxyphenyl)acetate has been considered as unknown. The molecular formula and the mass spectrum are given. Application of software MSclass resulted in substructures that are assumed to be present (goodlist) and others that are assumed to be absent (badlist); only substructures relevant to the molecular formula are shown. Considering these structural restriction, six isomers are possible, including the correct solution. The isomer generator used was MOLGEN. The computation time on a Pentium 233 MHz is more than 20 hours for the generation of all isomers, but only 4 s when the structural restrictions of the goodlist and badlist are considered.

Conclusions or as a nonlinear function which is usually implemented as a neural network. During the training process the parameters of the classifier can be directly calculated (as for instance by multiple linear regression or partial least-squares regression) or they have to be adjusted iteratively (if a neural network is used). The aim of the training is to obtain values for z as defined by target values (for instance +1 for class 1 and −1 for class 2). The test set (which has not been used for the training) serves to estimate optimum classification thresholds z1 and z2 for

The best worldwide performance has been claimed for more than one commercial MS database system. However, more neutral observers state that automated spectra interpretation systems have a rather limited scope. Spectra library search systems are now widely used in MS laboratories and do a good job with routine problems. They are not so useful with complex problems or if the unknown is not contained in the library; however, current research promises considerable improvements of these methods in the future. The routine application of library


Figure 9 Systematic structure elucidation using the molecular formula of the unknown, structural restrictions from automatic mass spectra classification and exhaustive isomer generation. Ethyl 2-(2-hydroxyphenyl)acetate is the ‘unknown’.

search methods and spectra classification liberate the human spectroscopist from time-consuming, simple work or at least provides valuable preliminary suggestions for the expert.

List of symbols Am = abundance at mass m (weighted peak intensity); b = parameter of discriminant function; d = distance; Im = intensity (peak height) at mass m in %base peak; m = mass number; n = number of compounds or spectra; p = probability; q = number of variables (masses, spectral features); R = reference spectrum; S = similarity between two mass spectra; U = spectrum from unknown; x = spectral feature; z = discriminant variable.

See also: Chromatography-MS, Methods; Forensic Science, Applications of Mass Spectrometry; Fragmentation in Mass Spectrometry; Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS); Medical Applications of Mass Spectrometry; Pyrolysis Mass Spectrometry, Methods.

Further reading Adams MJ (1995) Chemometrics in Analytical Spectroscopy. Cambridge: The Royal Society of Chemistry. Clerc JT (1987) Automated spectra interpretation and library search systems. In Meuzelaar HLC and Isenhour TL (eds) Computer Enhanced Analytical Spectroscopy, Vol 1, pp 145–162. New York: Plenum Press. Davis R and Frearson M (1987) Mass Spectrometry (Analytical Chemistry by Open Learning). Chichester: Wiley.


Drablos F (1987) Symmetric distance measures for mass spectra. Analytica Chimica Acta 201: 225–239. Gasteiger J, Hanebeck W, Schulz KP, Bauerschmidt S and Höllering R (1993) Automatic analysis and simulation of mass spectra. In Wilkins CL (ed) Computer-Enhanced Analytical Spectroscopy, Vol 4 pp 97–133. New York: Plenum Press. Gray NAB (1986) Computer-Assisted Structure Elucidation. NewYork: John Wiley. Massart DL, Vandeginste BGM, Buydens LMC, DeJong S, Lewi PJ and Smeyers-Verbeke J (1997) Handbook of Chemometrics and Qualimetrics: Part A. Amsterdam: Elsevier. McLafferty FW, Loh SY, and Stauffer DB (1990) Computer identification of mass spectra. In Meuzelaar HLC (ed) Computer-Enhanced Analytical Spectroscopy, Vol 2 pp 163–181. New York: Plenum Press.

McLafferty FW and Turecek F (1990) Interpretation of Mass Spectra, 4th edn. Mill Valley: University Science Books. Owens KG (1992) Application of correlation analysis techniques to mass spectral data. Applied Spectroscopy Reviews 27: 1–49. Stein SE and Scott DR (1994) Optimization and testing of mass spectral library search algorithms for compound identification. Journal of the American Society of Mass Spectrometry 5: 859–866. Varmuza K and Werther W (1996) Mass spectral classifiers for supporting systematic structure elucidation. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Science 36: 323–333.

Chemically Induced Dynamic Nuclear Polarization See CIDNP, Applications.

Chemometrics Applied to Near-IR Spectra See Computational Methods and Chemometrics in Near-IR Spectroscopy.

Chiroptical Spectroscopy, Emission Theory James P Riehl, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI, USA Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

All interactions involving light with chiral molecules discriminate between the two possible circular polarizations (left = L and right = R). In the absence of a perturbing static electric or magnetic field, the light emitted by a molecular chromophore will be partially circularly polarized if the emitting species is chiral or optically active. In this context these two terms have identical meaning, and describe a molecular structure in which the mirror image isomers (enantiomers) are not superimposable. The experimental

ELECTRONIC SPECTROSCOPY Theory technique of analysing the extent of circular polarization in the light emitted from chiral molecules has been variously referred to as circularly polarized emission (CPE), emission circular intensity differentials (ECID), or circularly polarized luminescence (CPL). In this article we will use the acronym CPL to describe this spectroscopic technique. In addition, it will not be necessary in the discussion presented here, to use the more specific terms of circularly polarized fluorescence or circularly polarized


phosphorescence. Although CPL and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy, i.e. the difference in absorption of left versus right circular polarization, share many common characteristics, they differ from one another in two main ways. First, due to the Franck– Condon principle, CPL probes the chiral geometry of the excited state in the same way that CD probes the ground state structure, and secondly, CPL measurements reflect molecular motions and energetics that take place between the excitation (absorption) and emission. Both of these effects have been exploited in CPL measurements, and will be a major focus of what is presented here.

Circularly polarized luminescence transition probabilities In CPL spectroscopy one is interested in measuring the difference in the emission intensity ('I) of left circularly polarized light (IL) versus right circularly polarized light (IR). By convention this difference is defined as follows

Just as in ordinary luminescence measurements, the determination of absolute emission intensities is quite difficult, so it is customary to report CPL measurements in terms of the ratio of the difference in intensity, divided by the average total luminescence intensity.

glum is referred to as the luminescence dissymmetry ratio (or factor). The extra factor of in Equation [2] is included to make the definition of glum consistent with the previous definition of the related quantity in CD, namely, gabs.

where in this equation HL and εR denote, respectively, the extinction coefficients for left and right circularly polarized light. The time dependence of the intensity of emitted light of polarization V, at a particular wavelength, O, for a specific transition n → g of a molecule with orientation : (in the laboratory frame) may be expressed

in terms of the transition probability, W as follows

where Nn (:,t) denotes the number of molecules in the emitting state | n 〉 with orientation : at time t, and fσ(O) is a normalized lineshape function. The number of molecules in the emitting state with orientation : depends on the orientation at the time of excitation (t = 0) with respect to the polarization S and direction of the exciting beam.

Kn denotes the fraction of molecules that end up in state | n 〉 that were initially prepared in the intermediate state | e 〉 by the excitation beam. This quantity is assumed to be independent of orientation. In the most general case we would also need to describe the time dependence of any conformational changes that take place between the time of excitation and emission, but for simplicity this will not be considered in the treatment presented here. The differential intensity of left minus right circularly polarized light may now be expressed as follows

where we have introduced the differential transition probability 'Wgn

The probability of emitting a right or left circularly polarized photon may be related in the usual way to molecular transition matrix elements through Fermi’s Golden Rule. Under the assumption that the emitted light is being detected in the laboratory 3 direction (see Figure 1), and allowing for electric dipole and magnetic dipoles in the expansion of the molecule–radiation interaction Hamiltonian we obtain the following expressions


Figure 1

Laboratory (1, 2, 3) and molecular (x, y, z) coordinate systems, and the Euler rotation matrix, (R).

where K(O3) is a proportionality constant, 1 and 2 refer to laboratory axes and the electric dipole transition moment Pgn and the imaginary magnetic dipole transition moment mgn are defined as follows.

(isotropic), the emitting state may not be, due to the photoselection of the emitting sample by the excitation beam. We will denote an orientational distribution by brackets 〈…〉. Substitution of Equations [5] and [11] into Equation [6], and allowing for an ensemble of orientations we obtain the following

The differential transition rate is, therefore,

The final connection between molecular properties and experimental observables requires knowledge of the orientational distribution of the emitting molecules with respect to the direction and polarization of the excitation light and the direction of detection, and the time dependence of this distribution.

Circularly polarized luminescence from solutions There have been very few attempts at measuring CPL from oriented samples due to the inherent problems associated with measurement of circular polarization in the presence of linear polarization. For this reason we restrict the discussion of the orientation dependence of CPL to randomly oriented molecular samples such as occur in liquid solutions. Of course, even if the ground state distribution is randomly oriented

We may formally separate the time dependence of the orientational distribution, K(:,t), from the number of molecules excited at time t = 0 by an excitation pulse as follows

N (: 0) may be calculated from knowledge of the initial distribution, and direction and polarization of the excitation beam.

where Peg is the absorption transition vector. Final expressions for the formal relationship between the time-dependent circularly polarized luminescence intensity or glum require knowledge of experimental geometry, and K(:,t).


For purposes of illustration, we examine here the most common situation of random (isotropic) ground state distributions, and 90° excitation/emission geometry with unpolarized excitation. If the emission is detected in the laboratory 3 direction, then the excitation is polarized in the 13 plane. Equation [13] may then be written as

development of the formal expression for I(t) parallels that presented above. The final result for glum(t) is obtained by evaluating all of the integrals implied in Equation [16], and the related expression for I(t). In this particular simple model, the time-dependence is only in the decay of the emitting state, and is identical for 'I and I, so that glum is time independent. This resulting general expression for the ‘frozen’ limit is

and the final formal expression (in the laboratory coordinate system) is obtained by substituting this result into Equation [12].

where we have explicitly labelled the square brackets to indicate that the absorption takes place at time 0 and the emission at time t. The ensemble average over molecular orientations implied in Equation [16] may be performed if K(:, t) is known. We first examine the case in which the emitting sample is ‘frozen’, i.e. the orientational distribution of emitting molecules is identical to that prepared by the excitation beam. In this case K(:, t) = exp(−t/τ), where W denotes the emission lifetime, and, since the orientations are fixed, the subscripts on the square brackets may be eliminated. The orientational average may be performed by relating the transition moments in the molecular coordinate system to the laboratory system using the appropriate elements of the Euler matrix (see Figure 1). If one assumes, for example, that the absorption transition moment defines the molecular z-axis, then one must evaluate terms such as the following

This photoselection of emitting distributions also affects the measurement of total luminescence, and the

where we have allowed for different lineshapes for CPL and TL, and an arbitrary absorption transition direction. This result simplifies under conditions in which the absorption and emission transition directions are parallel. Furthermore, the reader is referred to the ‘Further reading’ section concerning the results expected for other excitation/emission geometries. It should be noted that if the luminescence is partially linearly polarized, the measurement of CPL is problematic due to experimental artifacts. For this reason it is usually the case that the excitation/emission geometry and incident polarization are chosen so as to eliminate the possibility of linear polarization in the luminescence. The other useful limiting case is the situation in which the orientation of emitting molecules is isotropic (random). This limiting case is appropriate for small molecular systems with relatively long emission lifetimes. If the distribution prepared by the excitation beam has been completely randomized by the time of emission, then Equation [16] reduces to the following

where we have assimilated the absorption strength and other parameters associated with the excitation into the constants. The orientational averaging in this equation involves the product of only two elements of the Euler matrix. Just as in the previous discussion, the time dependence of the total luminescence and the CPL for this model are identical. The final formal


relationship for this ‘isotropic’ limit is

The major difference between this result and the frozen result is the fact that, in Equation [18], the different components of the emission transition vectors contribute unequally to the observable. In principle, this would allow one to investigate the chirality of molecular transitions along specific molecular directions, but to date this has not been exploited. Equation [20] illustrates one of the operational principles of CPL (and CD) spectroscopy. In most situations one is interested in studying transitions that are formally forbidden. If the transition is allowed, the dipole strength, which is proportional to the denominator of Equation [20], is large. Since the rotatory strength represented by the numerator of Equation [20] is generally quite small, because of the magnitude of the magnetic dipole transition moment, glum (or gabs) for allowed transitions is usually very small. In CPL spectroscopy this leads to the practical result that one does not generally study highly luminescent dyes, or other strongly allowed transitions, but rather, the most interesting molecular structural information comes from the study of weakly or mildly luminescent transitions in which the inherent molecular chirality is closely connected with the emissive chromophore.

The number of R enantiomers that absorb left circularly polarized light, NL(R) is proportional to HL(R), and similarly for HR(R). Thus, we may make the following substitution

since all of the proportionality constants cancel. The number of R enantiomers that would absorb right circularly polarized light is exactly equal to the number of S enantiomers that would absorb left circularly polarized light, i.e. NR(R) = NL(S). This substitution yields the following

'NL is the differential population (R − S) of excited enantiomers that would result from left circularly polarized excitation. In general, an exact description of CPL from racemic mixtures requires consideration of the competition between racemization and emission. Under the assumption that racemization is much slower than emission, we may write the following expression for CPL from a racemic mixture under left circularly polarized excitation as follows

Circularly polarized luminescence from racemic mixtures One of the most useful applications of CPL spectroscopy has been in the study of racemic mixtures. This experiment is possible, because, even though the ground state is racemic, the emitting state can sometimes be photoprepared in an enantiomerically enriched state by use of circularly polarized excitation. If the racemization rate of the excited state is less than the emission rate, then the emission will be circularly polarized. We consider a racemic sample containing equal concentrations of R and S enantiomers. The preferential absorption of circularly polarized light is related to the CD through the absorption dissymmetry ratio gabs which was defined in Equation [3]. Rewriting this equation for the CD of the R enantiomer we obtain the following

Substituting from above we obtain the following expression

where we have explicitly labelled the excitation wavelength as O′. Examination of Equation [25] shows that the measurement of CPL from racemic mixtures depends on the product of the CD and CPL. Since the measurement of glum is generally limited to magnitudes greater than 10−4, the magnitude of the intrinsic dissymmetry ratios must usually be greater than 10−2 for this unique measurement to be feasible. This restriction has limited applications of this technique to racemic lanthanide complexes, since intraconfigurational f ↔ f transitions that obey magnetic dipole


transition rules (i.e. ∆J = 0, ±1) often are associated with dissymmetry ratios greater than 0.1.

Time-resolved circularly polarized luminescence For the simple model enantiopure systems described above, it was concluded that the time dependence of the CPL and total luminescence were identical, and, therefore, the dissymmetry ratio contained no dynamic molecular information. This, of course, would not be the case if intramolecular geometry changes, that would effect the chirality of the molecular transitions, were occurring on the same time scale as emission. However, no such examples of this type of study have yet appeared. Time-resolved CPL measurements have been useful in the study of racemic mixtures of lanthanide complexes in which racemization or excited state quenching is occurring on the same time scale as emission. It was assumed in the previous section, that the enantioenriched excited state population, which was prepared from a racemic ground state distribution by a circularly polarized excitation beam, was maintained until the time of emission. If this is not the case, then the differential excited state population is time-dependent. Neglecting orientational effects, we may derive the following expression for the time-dependence of the excited state population following an excitation pulse of left circularly polarized light

It is also possible to extract dynamic information concerning racemization rates through measurement of steady-state CPL. Again neglecting time-dependent orientational effects, one may integrate Equations [26] and [27] over long times (0 → ∞) and obtain the following result

This equation has the expected limiting behaviour. If krac > k0 then the magnitude of glum becomes negligibly small. The second application of time-resolved CPL is in the study of enantioselective (or more properly, diastereomer-selective) quenching. In these experiments an enantiopure quencher molecule is added to a racemic solution. The interaction of the chiral quencher with the individual enantiomers is such that the excited state of one of the enantiomers is quenched more rapidly than the other. This process is depicted schematically in Figure 2, where we have assumed the quencher is an R enantiomer, and kRS and kRR denote the quenching rate constants. This process may be described using the following simple kinetic model

where krac is the racemization rate and k0 is the excited state decay rate. Since the total number of emitting molecules decays as

one can express the time-dependence of the luminescence dissymmetry as follows

This technique has been used in a number of studies in which the decay of glum has been analysed to extract the racemization rate constant.

Figure 2 Schematic energy level diagram for measurement of CPL from a racemic mixture.


These reactions are modelled in terms of a diffusional step (k or k ), resulting in the formation of a bimolecular encounter complex. This is followed by competing pathways for dissociation of the complex (k or k ) or energy transfer (k or k ). Deactivation of the excited quencher is described by kP. The observed CPL is directly proportional to the difference in excited state concentrations of the two enantiomers, and this may be related to the specific rate constants introduced above. If, for example, we make the reasonable assumption that the diffusion and deactivation are independent of chirality, one can derive the following expression for 'N(t)


experimental observables. These are, of course, of primary importance in interpreting CPL measurements in terms of inter- and intramolecular processes, including molecular reorientation, racemization and chemical reactions which affect the net molecular chirality. These processes are all well understood, and specific information is most often obtained within an appropriate model system. The more fundamental aspects of molecular chirality associated with the molecular transition matrix elements is less well developed. Although there have been a few successes in interpreting the sign and magnitude of a CPL spectrum in terms of the identity and structure of a specific enantiomer, in this regard, it is certainly not the case that the technique is as well developed as CD spectroscopy. Even in the case of fairly highly symmetric chiral lanthanide complexes, the level of computation and development of f-f intensity theory is not yet at the stage where one can associate a priori the sign of an individual transition with the identity of the enantiomer.

List of symbols and

If the quenching reactions are far from diffusion control (i.e. kET 2). An inherently dissymmetric chromophore possesses no symmetry element of the second kind and thus is chiral by itself. In an inherently symmetric chromophore a symmetry element of the second kind exists and thus it is achiral by itself. In Figure 4 the enone chromophore is shown as inherently symmetric and inherently dissymmetric. The local symmetry of a


Figure 3 Term scheme for an absorption and the corresponding CD band with contributions of one allowed and one forbidden vibrational progression. 00 is the 0–0 transition band. 1 and x are a totally symmetric and a non-totally symmetric vibration, respectively. n = 1,2, ....

chromophore cannot be sharply defined because the chromophore itself is only a qualitative quantity. For CD bands a characterization by the size of the dissymmetry factor g is possible. For an inherently dissymmetric chromophore the dissymmetry factor g is about or larger than 10–2, for an inherently symmetric chromophore g < 10–2 (mostly ≈ 10–4) if the transition is electrically allowed and magnetically forbidden. g > 10–2 (mostly 5 × 10–3 to 10–1) if the transition is magnetically allowed and electrically forbidden, also for an inherently symmetric chromophore. What is a chromophore?

A chromophore is that part of the molecule where the absorption proceeds and where the main change of the geometry or electron density, etc. appears after

the excitation process. The area of the chromophore is not very well demarcated from the residual parts of the molecule which are not involved in the absorption process. The shading in Figure 5 demonstrates the continuous variation from the centre of the excitation to the undisturbed residue of the molecule. A carbonyl chromophore with an nS*-transition and an olefin chromophore with a SS*-transition are regarded as two distinct chromophores (Figure 5). If the two chromophores are located in a molecule next to each other, an influence on the position of the band and on the intensity of the absorption results. If the interaction is strong enough, the two chromophores have to be considered as one new chromophore. The number of chromophores in a molecule is very large because of the large number of transitions


Figure 4

The inherently symmetric (left) and inherently dissymmetric (right) enone chromophore.

Figure 5

The enone chromophore as an example for the interaction of two chromophores, i.e. the ‘en’ and ‘one’ chromophore.

localized in different parts of the molecule. Also in a group, like the carbonyl group, there is an infinite number of chromophores. One important chromophore for CD spectroscopy besides the nS*-transition is a SS*-transition, located in the carbonyl area and at wavelength lower than 150 nm. According to Snatzke a molecule can be divided into several spheres (Figure 6). The first sphere is the chromophore itself which can be either chiral or achiral. The second sphere is the neighbourhood to the chromophore, the third sphere the area following the second sphere, and so on. The criteria by which the spheres are differentiated are the distance and the interaction between the parts of the molecules like conjugation etc. Usually changes in the second sphere can affect the sign and size of the CE whereas substitutions in spheres farther away lead to smaller effects.

The quantitative description of the rotational strength Methods for the description of the optical activity are either based on an estimation of the sum over the rotational strengths of all transitions weighted by a dispersion term as in the case of frequency-dependent optical rotation (ORD; denoted as I or [M]) or of the rotational strength of one transition in the case of circular dichroism, denoted as 'H or TEqn [32]). Numerical quantum-mechanical calculations of the rotational strength RNK for a few transitions | N〉 → | K〉 of a molecule lead nowadays to results of

Figure 6 Two examples for a decomposition of a molecule into spheres according to Snatzke.

increasing reliability and thus a determination of the absolute configuration becomes possible with a CD measurement over the spectral region to which the analysed transitions belong. But this is only a development in the right direction, and further advances in computational abilities and resources are necessary. The possibility for numerical calculation is not always available in the chemist’s daily work today. From this point of view there is no way to renounce the qualitative concepts and semi-qualitative methods used up to now to correlate sign and absolute configuration. Therefore, the following techniques will be discussed in more detail: 1. the quantum-mechanical calculation of the rotational strength, 2. the polarizability theory, 3. the one-electron mechanism,


4. the model of independent groups (MIG) of Tinoco, 5. the exciton model (exciton chirality method). Quantum mechanical calculation of the rotational strength

In order to calculate the rotational strength, reasonably good wavefunctions for all electronic states should be available. Calculation with a number of semiempirical and ab initio techniques have been performed with more or less success. A review of used techniques has been given by Woody in Nakanishi et al. As discussed there, for the calculation of the rotational strength, the electric transition moments can be either evaluated with the dipole-velocity method ¢N | pi | K² with the linear momentum operator pi which leads to an originindependent rotational strength RNK but overestimates errors from inaccurate wavefunctions far away from the atomic centre, or with the dipolelength method ¢N | Pi | K² which leads to an origindependent rotational strength RNK and is not so sensitive to other errors of the wavefunctions. Up to now the dipole-velocity method has been the method of choice for numerical quantum-mechanical calculations. More recent analyses and calculations by Grimme do not support this choice, in contrast to the leading opinion. It seems to us that one may choose the dipole-velocity method or the dipolelength method depending on the kind of molecule and the quality of the calculated wavefunctions. Furthermore, the extent of taking into account singly and doubly excited configurations is a problem when trying to achieve good results for the direction of the electric and magnetic dipole transition moments and thus for the rotational strength. A new development can also be found in the use of the density functional theory for the calculation of RNK by Grimme. The polarizability theory

Kirkwood expressed the rotatory power in terms of the polarizabilities and anisotropies of the polarizabilities of groups in the molecule. First-order perturbation theory leads in this case to a perturbation potential expressing the interaction of two transition moment dipoles i, j at a distance Rij, where this distance is large compared to the separation of charge in the dipoles. Such terms are important if the molecule contains two or more strong absorption bands near the frequency region where the rotatory dispersion is calculated originating from allowed electric dipole transitions. But even the strongest absorption bands may contribute little to the optical activity by this mechanism if the chromophoric groups are

unfavourably disposed relative to each other. In the last few years there has been an improvement in the calculation of the optical rotation with Kirkwood’s polarizability theory by using chirality functions as a possibility to find symmetry-adapted functions as shown by Haase and Ruch for asymmetric methane or allene derivatives. The thus obtained electric dipole transition moments are grouped together to polarizabilities or to polarizability tensor coordinates, respectively. The basis for the description is a second-order perturbation theory of the optical rotation. The one-electron mechanism

Historically, the one-electron mechanism was introduced by Condon and co-workers as an optical activity which originates from the excitation of a single electron in a field of suitable dissymmetry. In the MO concept, the one-electron mechanism is an excitation of one electron to a singly-excited electronic configuration of an inherently symmetric chromophore perturbed by chiral surroundings. Depending on the symmetry of the chromophore the transition is either electrically and/or magnetically dipole allowed and without the perturbation fulfills the condition that the dot product of the electric and magnetic dipole transition moments of this transition is zero. By the perturbation with groups/atoms in chiral surroundings a magnetically and/or electrically allowed dipole is induced by borrowing intensity from other transitions of the same chromophore. Often the language ‘intensity is stolen from other transitions’ has been used in the literature, e.g. ‘contributions to the rotational strength of the n → S* transitions are stolen by this mechanism from electric-dipole-allowed V → V* or S → S* transitions’. There are two possibilities for a perturbation: On the one hand electronic interactions are responsible for the intensity borrowing which is often called the dynamic coupling model. On the other hand vibrational processes change the geometry and, by taking into account the dependence of 〈 〉0n and/or 〈 〉n0 on nuclear coordinates, intensity is borrowed by the transition N → K via nuclear vibrations from other allowed transitions of the chromophore. Then different vibrational progressions contribute to the UV and CD spectra as shown in Figure 3. This mechanism is often called the static coupling or vibronic coupling model. Depending on the type of transitions, a nomenclature system has been introduced by Moscowitz and co-workers and Weigang where the CD of a transition (a) without intensity borrowing is called a case I CD, (b) with intensity borrowing via one forbidden electronic dipole transition is called a case II CD, and (c) with intensity borrowing via


electrically and magnetically forbidden transitions is called a case III CD. Whereas in the first case only progressions with totally symmetric vibrations contribute to the CD, in cases II and III progressions with non-totally symmetric vibrations and vibrational CD bands of the same or different sign can also contribute to an electronic CD band as shown by Weigang and in Snatzke by Moscowitz. The model of independent groups for the calculation of the rotational strength of large molecules or polymers

Tinoco’s aim with the model of independent groups (MIG method) was to calculate the total rotational strength RNK for a transition |NÒ → |KÒ for a large molecule or a polymer possessing a large number of equal and different groups, i.e. chromophores for which the circular dichroism is given by

The excited state may or may not be degenerate or accidentally degenerate. In the case of an n-fold degeneracy of the state |AÒ, the excited states |LÒ, linear combinations of the degenerate states |AÒ, contribute to the rotational strength (Eqn [39]):

For the evaluation of the rotational strength the molecule is decomposed into different groups i which are at a distance ⎜ ij ⎜ = ⎜ i – j ⎜ and oriented differently with respect to each other. The operator of the interaction between two groups i, j is given by the potential ij. Depending on the assumption for the interaction between the groups, different approximations for the wavefunctions of the groups are necessary. In the simplest case of completely isolated groups the wave function of the molecule can then be expressed as a product of the wavefunctions of the groups. It is assumed that the group electronic wavefunctions do not overlap, which means that there is no electron exchange between groups. Only the interaction between two groups at a time is considered. Furthermore, it is assumed that singly and doubly excited states on different groups are possible. To calculate the total rotational strength for a transition it is necessary to describe the electric and magnetic dipole transition moment operator in an adequate way. Whereas the electric moment operator is the sum of the moments of the different groups, for the magnetic moment operator two contributions have to be taken into account. Analogously to the electric moments, there is a contribution from the magnetic moment of every group. The second contribution comes from the interaction of groups. In a simplified picture a ‘moving electron’ in one group leads to a magnetic moment in the other group and gives rise to a large contribution to the rotational strength, which resembles the exciton coupling and the coupled oscillator model as discussed in a later section. The rotational strength of a non-degenerate system with the assumptions given above is obtained as follows:


The coupling Visr, jtv between the groups i, j with their singly- or doubly-excited configurations r, s and t, v is given by the matrix elements

The potential energy operator ij of Equation [41] stands for the electrostatic interaction between the groups i and j. Mir, Mis, …… etc. are group wavefunctions, where the first index represents the group and the second index the electronic state of the group r, s, ... in i and t, v, ... in j. 〈 〉i0a and 〈 〉ia0 are the electric and the magnetic dipole transition moments of an excitation of a group i for a transition from the ground state | 0〉 to the excited state | a〉 (| 0〉 → | a〉). a0 and b0 are the energies given in wavenumbers of the transitions | 0〉 → | a〉 and | 0〉 → | b〉, respectively. The first term of Equation [40] contributes to the optical activity of a molecule if the transition | N〉 → | K〉 is electrically and magnetically allowed and the chromophore is inherently dissymmetric. This term represents the optical activity of isolated groups. In the second term the electric and magnetic dipole transition moments on different groups contribute by coupling the groups in their excited states by electrostatic interaction. The interaction of electric and magnetic dipole transition moments of different transitions of one isolated group are described with the third and the fourth term of Equation [40]. The fifth term shows the dependence on the difference of the electric dipole moment of the ground and excited state. This term is – as the fourth term – very small because of the division by a0 instead of a difference like – . The coupling of the electric dipole transition moments of two different groups in the sixth term represents the exciton model of two groups if their excited states are non-degenerate. This is the term which is the origin for the exciton chirality method of Harada and Nakanishi if the two excited states of the coupled electric transition moments are obtained by absorption in different spectral regions. This term corresponds to the theory of coupled oscillators. The interaction between degenerate groups does not contribute to the rotational strength of a polymer here. This effect is discussed in the last section for a system of two chromophores.

decomposed into an achiral skeleton and achiral groups, so-called ligands, chirality functions have been developed which allow a quantitative description of chiral phenomena as a function of phenomenological parameters of the ligand. Additionally these functions allow the correlation of the sign of the chirality phenomenon and the absolute configuration of the molecule. A systematic analysis of such chirality functions, taking advantage of the symmetry properties of the skeleton, has been given by Ruch and Schönhofer. The ligands, the number of which is determined by the chosen binding sites and the symmetry of the skeleton, are at positions where symmetry operations applied to the skeleton permute the ligands on the different possible binding sites and in this way create new distinguishable molecules. The binding site of a ligand is correlated with an argument for the ligands in the function, i.e. the arguments O(l1), O(l2), etc. correspond to the positions 1, 2, etc. in Figure 7. In the approximation of the so-called ‘qualitative completeness’, the chirality function F(l1,l2,l3,l4) for allene derivatives with a skeleton of D2d symmetry and with four binding sites for the ligands which depend on two phenomenological parameters O(li), P(li) for each ligand li can be given by

K1 and K2 are two additional phenomenological parameters. For the optical rotation the phenomenological parameters for a large number of ligands have been determined. Ligand parameters of one and the same ligand are different if they are bound to achiral skeletons of different symmetry and different sites, i.e. a determined parameter for one special ligand can only be taken for compounds with identical skeletons. There are further restrictions for the

Rules for the determination of the absolute configuration Chirality functions

For molecules with an inherently symmetric chromophore or molecules which can be formally

Figure 7 Achiral skeleton with D2d symmetry and the four substitution positions 1 to 4 for an allene.


description of the optical rotation by chirality functions because of some experimental and theoretical reasons. One restriction is the assumption that the ligands at a binding site of the skeleton have to be invariant under the symmetry operation of the site group. This means that a ligand at a binding site must possess sufficient symmetry to make all properties invariant under the symmetry operation of the skeleton. In spite of this restriction, the chirality function allows us in an excellent way to prove whether molecular theories are suitable to describe chirality phenomena or they allow us to write these theories in a way that we can see immediately that they describe a chirality phenomenon. An example of such an application is the rewriting of Kirkwood's polarizability theory of the optical rotation of methane and allene derivatives by Haase and Ruch. Sector rules

In order to correlate the absolute configuration of a molecule with the sign of the Cotton effect of a transition, empirical or theoretical rules are needed. One form of rules are the so-called sector rules which are applicable to inherently symmetric skeletons/ chromophores. In this case the molecules have to be decomposed into a symmetric skeleton/chromophore and perturbing atoms. The potential V of the perturbing atoms is expressed as shown in Schellman's general theory for sector rules by symmetry-adapted functions as

where the V belong to the ith row of the Qthrepresentation of the symmetry group of the inherently symmetric skeleton. The circular dichroism in the chromophore is then induced by the term V of Equation [43] which belongs to the pseudoscalar representation of the symmetry point group of the chromophore. With this perturbation within the one-electron theory of Condon, Altar, and Erying the induced CD can be evaluated as a function of the positions of the perturbing atoms or groups. A plausible derivation according to Schellman’s description for a chromophore of C2v D2h symmetry represented by the plane shown in Figure 8 can be done as follows: A perturbing atom at the position P(x, y, z) (right) makes the entire system chiral with a certain handedness. The molecule is chiral as long as the perturbing atom is not positioned in one of the symmetry planes of the achiral chromophore, e.g. in P(0, y, z) (middle). When the perturbing atom is shifted to the position P(–x, y, z) (left), the mirror image of

Figure 8

Scheme for developing a sector rule.

the system in the right part of the figure is obtained. For the resulting molecule a sign change in the Cotton effect has to be measured because this molecule is the enantiomer of the initial molecule. If the existence of chiral zero points can be excluded the sign of the CE can only be changed when the perturbing atom crosses one of the symmetry planes of the model molecule (Figure 8). All atoms – except fluorine – induce the same sign for the Cotton effect. This means, however, that a sector rule for this model exists which is a quadrant rule for C2v and an octant rule for D2h symmetry. The quadrant rule can change to an octant rule if it is taken into account that, e.g. a new apparent symmetry plane can be introduced into the molecule by the nodal plane of the S* orbital of the carbonyl group. The question whether experimentally a quadrant or an octant rule has to be used for the carbonyl chromophore has been discussed in the literature for a very long time. Figure 9 shows six examples of inherently symmetric chromophores in which the region where atoms induce a Cotton effect of different sign are indicated as black or white. The higher the symmetry the larger is the number of sign changes when moving a perturbing atom in space. As a consequence, rules for chromophores with high symmetry are not very reliable. For the most popular rule, the octant rule for the carbonyl chromophore, an application is

Figure 9 Schematic representation of the sector rules for the skeletons or chromophores of Cs, C2v, D2h, C3v,D6h, and Td symmetry according to Schellman.


Figure 10 Octant projection of a compound with a carbonyl group showing a CE induced by the second sphere. Each atom outside the symmetry planes contributes to the CD. The contributions of atoms which are in mirror image positions compensate.

demonstrated in Figure 10 for a cyclic ketone. To perform a sector rule the region around the chromophore is divided into sectors by symmetry or nodal planes: Atoms in a symmetry or a nodal plane do not contribute to the CD, the contributions of atoms in neighbouring sectors are always opposite in sign. Spectra of an aromatic system where a sector rule can be applied to the third sphere are given as further examples in Figure 11. Helicity rules

Sector rules fail if a chromophore is inherently dissymmetric and the rotational strength is only determined by its internal structure. From the definition of a chromophore given above it is easy to imagine that the delimitation of an inherently dissymmetric from an inherently symmetric chromophore is not straightforward. Furthermore, it is difficult to choose atoms in a molecule with which a helical arrangement can be approximately defined. If there is at least one full turn of a helix constituted by a dissymmetric arrangement of groups or atoms that are positioned exactly on a helical line, then the sense of helicity can be assigned unequivocally and a correlation of the sign of the CE can be experimentally or theoretically determined to derive a general rule. Otherwise only a helicity with atoms which are approximately positioned on a helical line can be determined. It has been pointed out in Janoschek by Snatzke that such an approximately determined helicity of a molecule – for which a helicity rule can be applied – depends on the viewing angle. In general this means, in order to find a helical order in a molecule, one has to select a direction in a chromophore and then has to choose atoms within the chromophore which lay approximately on a helical line with respect to the chosen viewing angle. But the question is which viewing

angle has to be chosen, because there are many directions for the selection of an approximate helical order for which one can try to develop a helicity rule. In most cases chemical intuition from experimental experience can help to solve this problem. In some cases the CD of an oriented chromophore in an anisotropic sample (ACD) can help to decide whether there is a helical structure along a special direction or not as discussed by Kuball and Höfer. Helicity rules have been developed which can be applied to inherently dissymmetric chromophores, such as, e.g. the enone chromophore shown in Figures 12 and 13, where the chosen atoms are only approximately on a helical line. Many papers have been published concerning the enone chromophore as summarized in Patai and Rappoport by Gawronski.

Figure 11 The benzene chromophore as an example for the application of sector rules for the third sphere. On the right the schematic representation of the sector rules for the long wavelength 1Lb transitions (A) and for the short wavelength 1La transitions (B) are given. The plane of the aromatic system is a nodal plane.


Figure 14 Davidov splitting 2Vij of the two degenerate excited states of two interacting identical chromophores in a compound of C2 symmetry for ϑ < ϑ0.

Figure 12 The enone chromophore as an example for the application of helicity rules.

Figure 13

moment directions as shown for ER EcR-dimethylmesobilirubin-XIIID (Figure 15) which gives rise to a frequency-dependent degree of anisotropy R (Figure 16). In the case of a molecule of C2 symmetry the transitions are polarized perpendicular to each other, one transition parallel to the C2 symmetry axis and the other one in the plane perpendicular to this symmetry axis. For both of these transitions, using the shape of the UV band of the transition of the dipyrrinone fragment, the absorptions HD and HE (Figure 17) for ER, EcR-dimethylmesobilirubin-XIIIDare given by

Helicity of the enone chromophore.

In the simple cases the torsional angle of the enone chromophore determines the sign of the Cotton effect where for a P helix (Z > 0) and for an M helix (Z < a positive and a negative CE for the nS* transition result, respectively. Substitution at the chromophore may have dramatic effects and can be responsible for the requirement of a modification of the rule. The exciton chirality method

Two or more chromophores located nearby in space can constitute a chiral system. An electric dipole– electric dipole interaction between the chromophores shifts and splits the energy levels of their excited states with respect to the interaction-free states. In the case of two identical chromophores, e.g. in a molecule with at least, or even approximately, the point symmetry group C2, the degeneracy is removed (Figure 14). As a consequence the UV spectrum is built up from two transitions with different transition

where - is the angle between the dipole transition moments of the fragments and FNK is a factor which takes into account a change of intensity of the monomer band by the interaction in the molecule (Figure 17 left) built up of the two fragments. In the spectral regions of the absorption bands belonging to the exciton transitions, a positive and a negative CE appears as shown in Figure 17 (right). Both CEs superpose to a couplet which can be described by bands possessing the shape of the UV spectra as follows

where RNKD is the rotational strength of the transition D (Figure 14) and DNKD the corresponding


Figure 16 The UV spectrum (◆) (T = 80°C) and the temperature dependent degree of anisotropy of βR,βcR-dimethylmesobilirubin-XIIIα in ZLI-1695 (T = 28°C (▲), 43°C(●), and 65°C (■)).

Figure 15 Linear and folded structure of ER, EcR-dimethylmesobilirubin-XIIIα of M helicity and the dipyrrinone ester as the building unit (fragment). Θ is the angle between the mean molecular planes of the dipyrrinone units. The arrows indicate the transition moment directions within the dipyrrinone units which enclose the angle ϑ. The axis is chosen to be parallel to the C2 symmetry axis which is the angle bisector through C10 between the mean molecular planes of the dipyrrinone units. In the solution there is M. an excess of the P conformer in P

dipole strength. The fitting of the CD and UV bands of ER, EcR-dimethylmesobilirubin-XIIID (Figure 15) according to Equations [44] and [45] allows to determine the angle - between the dipole transition moments of the fragments. Using a simple version of the exciton theory, the exciton couplet built up by the CD curves of two identical chromophores i and j of different signs can be described assuming spectral functions of Gaussian form by

Figure 17 Exciton coupling of the two chromophores of ER,EcRdimethylmesobilirubin-XIIIα dissolved in ZLI-1695 in the CD and UV spectrum. The dotted and the dashed lines are the calculated contributions of the two exciton bands. The dashed–dotted lines are the calculated CD and UV spectra.

Here, Q0 is the centre of the exciton bands and 'Qthe half band width of the single exciton bands Dand E. The transition moment of the transition D or E can be expressed by

where the upper sign belongs to the D and the lower sign to the E band. The pseudoscalar product ·(〈 〉iNK × 〈 〉jNK in Equation [46] determines the sign of the couplet. The Davidov splitting 2Vij


(Figure 14) between the energy states N, K of the groups i and j is given by

suitable values for | | and taking care that the dipole strength of the absorption band of the exciton

where is a vector pointing from group i to group j and the Davidov splitting is smaller than the halfband width. For derivation of the exciton theory it is assumed that the interacting groups are far away from each other and thus the distance of the chromophores = | | can be chosen independently from the extension of the chromophores. This is a presupposition not fulfilled in most cases of application of the theory. Furthermore, one has to take into account an effect given above but often not realized in the literature: A change of sign of the couplet appears without a change of the helicity if the sequence of the states resulting from the Davidov splitting 2Vij (Eqn [48]) is interchanged (Figure 14; sign change of Vij). The sign change depends on the angle -between the transition moment directions. For Vij = 0 there is a chiral zero of the ‘chirality function 'H ’ Eqn [46]) i.e. 'H = 0, in spite of the fact that the system is chiral. Vij is zero when - = -0 and cos -0 = |〈 〉iNK|–1·|〈 〉jNK|–1(〈 〉iNK· )(〈 〉jNK· ). If is about 90° and thus near a chiral-zero position only an experimental assignment of the Dand Etransitions can help to avoid an incorrect conclusion. This is also of importance because the vector is strongly dependent on the origin not only in its length but also in its orientation with respect to the molecular skeleton. This fact makes it difficult to estimate the sign of the couplet because of the chiral zero (Vij = 0) given by the uncertainty of the chosen -. This problem has to be considered from the point of view that in most applications of the exciton chirality method the theoretical condition that the distance between the chromophores is large compared to their extension is not well fulfilled. Taking these discussed problems into account, the following rule holds: Positive (P) and negative (N) helicities lead always to positive (positive CE at the longer wavelength side and negative CE at the shorter wavelength side) and negative couplets of the CD as long as the angle -between the transition moment direction is smaller than -0with 0 d - d -0. Here the helicity of the structure is defined as positive, when the geometrical arrangement gives rise to a clockwise rotation of the electric dipole transition moment in the foreground if looking along the axis about which the rotation is performed and vice versa. Choosing

couplet is approximately twice the dipole strength of the monomer’s absorption which build up the inherently dissymmetric molecule, reliable conclusions for the absolute configuration can be obtained. So far, the exciton chirality method is a useful method for establishing absolute configurations and conformations of organic compounds in solution. In order to improve the reliability of the conclusion from the CD and UV measurements of isotropic solutions, the assignment of the exciton transitions should be determined experimentally. For the evaluation of the correct dihedral angle, polarized spectroscopy can be used as a very suitable additional information for the assignment. Since, in most cases, this information has not been taken into account, the value of such an analysis is demonstrated in the following with ER, EcR-dimethylmesobilirubin-XIIID and its constituting unit dipyrrinone (Figure 15) according to Bauman and co-workers. Due to the assumed C2 symmetry of ER EcR-dimethylmesobilirubin-XIIID the transition moments either lie parallel to the C2 symmetry axis or in a plane perpendicular to it. From the degree of anisotropy R in Figure 14 it follows that the Eand the D transitions are of A → A and A → B symmetry, respectively, for - -0. From the temperature dependence of the degree of anisotropy (Figure 16) with the help of a computational simulation the tensor coordinates of the absorption tensor and the dipole strength tensor with respect to the principal axes of the order tensor can be obtained. Furthermore, information about the orientational order of the molecule in the used anisotropic system as stretched polymers or ordered liquid crystal phases can be obtained too. To determine the transition moment directions in the dipyrrinone units and of the D-transition of ER EcR-dimethylmesobilirubin-XIIID which are not determined by symmetry, the ratio V (Eqn [49], derived from a simple version of the exciton theory) was used as further information to select possible mathematical solutions for the transition moment direction of the dipyrrinone unit.


Figure 18 The tensor coordinates H (······■······), H ● ( ), H (······▲······) of the absorption tensor and the sum ▼ H +H ( ) of ER,EcR-dimethylmesobilirubin-XIIIα in ZLI1695. H + H is the long wavelength (D band: A → B) and H is the short wavelength (E band: A → A) exciton band.

This ratio determined from the HD( ) and HE curves of Figure 17 and the H and H11 H33 curves from Figure 18 allows to check the reliability of the experimental results obtained from UV and CD spectroscopy in isotropic media and from polarized UV spectra. In the example given here, the ratio V from both results is equal within 30%, which is in fair agreement with the expected accuracy of the determined reduced spectra. In Figure 18 the reduced UV spectra for the exciton coupling are given. The analysis for this special example demonstrates how useful it can be to determine and analyse polarized spectroscopy for the use of the exciton chirality method. In particular, the angle of the chiral zero can be estimated to avoid errors resulting from interchanging the position of the D and E states in the term scheme (Figure 14).

List of symbols c = velocity of light; c = concentration in mol L−1; d = optical path length; DNnKk = dipole strength for the transition ⎪Nn 〉 → ⎪Kk 〉; D = transition moment tensor for the transition ⎪Nn 〉 → ⎪Kk 〉; –e = charge of the electron; En = energy of the state ⎪n〉; f = orientational distribution function; FNK = factor taking into account a change of intensity of the monomer bands; FNnKk = spectral function for the absorption band of the transition ⎪Nn 〉 → ⎪Kk 〉; g = dissymmetry factor; GNnKk = spectral function of the vibronic transition ⎪Nn 〉 → ⎪Kk 〉; = Planck’s constant; = matrix element; li = ligand; 〈mr〉n0 = coordinate of the magnetic dipole transition

moment for the transition ⎪0〉 → ⎪n〉; m = mass of the electron; 〈 ia0〉 = magnetic dipole transition moment of group i for the transition ⎪0〉 → ⎪a〉; 〈 〉NnKk = magnetic dipole transition moment for the transition ⎪Nn 〉 → ⎪Kk 〉; Mii = optical rotation tensor; [Μ] = molar rotation; n, k = vibrational states; n1,2, L,R = refractive indices for linearly or circularly polarized light; N = number of molecules in a volume V; NA = Avogadro’s number; N,K = electronic states; pi = operator of the linear momentum; 〈Qsj〉n0 = electric quadrupole transition moment for the transition ⎪0〉 → ⎪n〉; R = degree of anisotropy; R0A = rotational strength for the transition ⎪0〉 → ⎪A〉; RNnKk = rotational strength for the electronic transition ⎢Nn 〉 → ⎢Kk 〉; 〈 〉 = distance vector of group i from the origin of the coordinate system; = distance vector between two groups i, j; R = rotational strength tensor for the transition ⎪Nn 〉 → ⎪Kk 〉; Virs, jtv = interaction potential between groups i, j; V = potential of the perturbing atoms; ij = potential energy operator; 2Vij = Davidov split= axes of the molecule fixed or space ting; xi, fixed coordinate system; α, β, γ = Eulerian angles; Gij = Kronecker symbol; ∆H CD of an isotropic system;∆Hii(i = 1, 2, 3) = coordinates of the CD tensor; ∆Hij = circular dichroism tensor; Hij = absorption tensor; Hijk = Levi Civita tensor; H molar decadic absorption coefficient;H1,2, L,R absorption coefficients for linearly or circularly polarized light; K1,K2 = phenomenological parameters; K = positive damping parameter representing the natural line shape; T = ellipticity; TLB,CD ellipticity related to linear birefringence or circular dichroism; - = angle between the electric dipole transition moments of two fragments; O = wavelength; ONnOKk = librational states; O(li), P(li) = phenomenological parameters for ligand li; 〈 Pr〉0n = coordinate of the electric dipole transition moment for the transition ⎪0〉 → ⎪n〉; 〈 〉NnKk = electric dipole transition moment for the transition ⎪Nn 〉 → ⎪Kk 〉; 〈 〉i0a = electric dipole transition moment of group i for the transition ⎪0〉 → ⎪a〉; = wavenumber; x = wavenumber for the (kth+1) band of a progression; 00 = wavenumber for the origin of a progression; 0 = centre of the exciton bands; I = optical rotation; ILD,CB = rotation related to linear dichroism or circular birefringence; = complex optical rotation; ϕij = group wave functions; χ(l1, l2, l3, l4) = chirality function; Z = 2πc = frequency. See also: Biochemical Applications of Raman Spectroscopy; Biomacromolecular Applications of Circular Dichroism and ORD; Chiroptical Spectroscopy, Emission Theory; Chiroptical Spectroscopy, Oriented Molecules and Anisotropic Systems;


Circularly Polarized Luminescence and Fluorescence Detected Circular Dichroism; Induced Circular Dichroism; Magnetic Circular Dichroism, Theory; ORD and Polarimetry Instruments; Rotational Spectroscopy, Theory; Vibrational CD Spectrometers; Vibrational CD, Applications; Vibrational CD, Theory.

Further reading Barron LD (1982) Molecular Light Scattering and Optical Activity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Bauman D, Killet C, Boiadjiev SE, Lightner DA, Schönhofer A and Kuball H-G (1996) Linear and circular dichroism spectroscopic study of E Ecdimethylmesobilirubin-XIIID oriented in a nematic liquid crystal. Journal of Physical Chemistry 100: 11546–11558. Charney E (1979) The Molecular Basis of Optical Activity – Optical Rotatory Dispersion and Circular Dichroism. New York: Wiley. Condon EU, Altar W and Eyring H (1937) One-electron rotatory power. The Journal of Chemical Physics 5: 753–775. Grimme S (1996) Density functional calculations with configuration interaction for the excited states of molecules. Chemical Physics Letters 259: 128–137. G N (1965) Optical activity of anisotropic solutions I. Journal of Chemical Physics 43: 1275–1289. Haase D and Ruch E (1973) Quantenmechanische Theorie der optischen Aktivität der Methanderivate im Transparenzgebiet. Theoretica Chimica Acta 29: 189–234. Harada N and Nakanishi K (1983) Circular Dichroic Spectroscopy – Exciton Coupling in Organic Stereochemistry. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Janoschek R (ed) (1991) Chirality – From Weak Bosons to the D-Helix. Berlin: Springer Verlag. Kuball H-G and Höfer T (1999) Chiroptical spectroscopy, oriented molecules and anisotropic systems. In Lindon J, Tranter G and Holmes JL (eds) Encyclopedia of Spectroscopy and Spectrometry. London: Academic Press. Kuball H-G, Karstens T and Schönhofer A (1976) Optical activity of oriented molecules II. Theoretical

description of the optical activity. Chemical Physics 12: 1–13. Kuball H-G, Altschuh J and Schönhofer A (1979) Optical Activity of Oriented Molecules ,,,. The absorption process and the vibrational coupling effects for the tensor of rotation. Chemical Physics 43: 67–80. Kuball H-G, Neubrech S and Schönhofer A (1992) Optical activity of oriented molecules. D, E-unsaturated steroid ketones and their sector rules. Chemical Physics 163: 115–132. Loxsom FM (1969) Optical rotation of helical polymers: periodic boundary conditions. Journal of Chemical Physics 51: 4899–4905. Moffit W and Moscowitz A (1959) Optical activity in absorbing media. The Journal of Chemical Physics 30: 648–660. Nakanishi K, Berova N and Woody RW (eds) (1994) Circular Dichroism–Principles and Applications. New York: VCH Publishers. Patai S and Rappoport Z (eds) (1989) The Chemistry of Enones. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Rodger A and Norden B (1997) Circular Dichroism & Linear Dichroism. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Ruch E and Schönhofer A (1970) Theorie der Chiralitätsfunktionen. Theoretica Chimica Acta 19: 225–287. Schellman JA (1966) Symmetry rules for optical rotation. Journal of Chemical Physics 44: 55–63. Snatzke G (ed) (1967) Optical Rotatory Dispersion and Circular Dichroism in Organic Chemistry. London: Heyden and Son. Snatzke G (1968) Circulardichroismus und optische Rotationsdispersion – Grundlagen und Anwendung auf die Untersuchung der Stereochemie von Naturstoffen. Angewandte Chemie 80: 15–26. Snatzke G (1979) Circulardichroismus und absolute Konformation: Anwendung der qualitativen MO-Theorie auf die chiroptischen Phänomene. Angewandte Chemie 91: 380–393. Tinoco I (1962) Theoretical aspects of optical activity part two: polymers. Advances in Chemical Physics 4: 113– 160. Weigang OE (1965) Vibrational structuring in optical activity II. “Forbidden” character in circular dichroism. Journal of Chemical Physics 43: 3609–3618.


Chiroptical Spectroscopy, Oriented Molecules and Anisotropic Systems Hans-Georg Kuball and Tatiana Höfer, Fachbereich Chemie der Universität Kaiserslautern, Germany Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction hom*ochirality, such as the dominance of the lefthanded α-amino acids owing to symmetry breaking arising from the nuclear weak interaction and/or other mechanisms, is the basis of biomolecular enantioselection. The ‘wrong’ chiral form can, for example as a compound in a drug, lead to unwanted and even dangerous effects. Thus, the phenomenon of ‘chirality’ itself as well as new ideas for exploiting it are of current interest. Nowadays, chirality is often discussed from the point of view of such basic phenomena as charge conjugation, parity and time reversal (CPT symmetry). But for a ‘way in’ to chirality in chemistry and physics, the different occupation of space by two enantiomers, inherent in the definition of Kelvin, and its extension to statistical systems by Avnir covers most of the problems. Kelvin’s definition provides a background for a hierarchy of chiral objects or structures through four levels: atoms, molecules, phases with long-range orientational and positional order, and the shape of objects. Long-range orientational and positional order in a phase can lead to a microscopic chiral structure of particles in the phase. The shape of a phase is its macroscopic appearance, e.g. the crystal habit. Chirality that is caused by long-range orientational and positional order will be called ‘suprastructural phase chirality’ in the following. Methods are required to detect chirality. A socalled ‘chirality observation’ answers the question whether the system is chiral or not with yes or no. Then, a ‘chirality measurement’ yields a value and a sign for a quantity that gives information about the chirality of the molecules or the phases but, in general, gives no measure for chirality itself. One of the most popular methods for detecting chirality is the measurement of the optical activity. A chiral object rotates the plane of polarization of linearly polarized light and generates ellipticity in the region of absorption bands because of the different refractive indices and absorption coefficients for left- and right-circularly polarized light – circular


birefringence and dichroism. The main interest in circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy is based on three applications. First, CD spectroscopy can be applied as a very specific and sensitive fingerprint method in analytical chemistry; CD spectrometer units have even been developed as detection devices in chromatography. Secondly, the determination of the absolute configuration of a molecule is of great interest in spite of the fact that the CD method is not an absolute method in contrast to Bijvoet’s method. Thus, many rules, so-called sector and helicity rules, for different classes of compounds have been developed for electronic transitions in the visible and UV spectral region to correlate the CD with the absolute configuration. For vibrational transitions in the IR spectral region, the existence of such correlation is the exception, not the rule. The circular dichroism, ∆H, of an isotropic system is one third of the trace of a pseudotensor of second rank:

To increase the quantity of information available for a molecule, the three coordinates ∆Hii (i = 1,2,3) of ∆H in Equation [1], i.e. the CD of oriented molecules in anisotropic samples (ACD), can be measured. There is a third problem for which chirality information is of current interest: anisotropic phases are often stabilized by chiral structures. Apart from chiral structures with enantiomorphic crystals of chiral compounds, suprastructural chirality exists in liquid crystal phases built up by chiral molecules as in the cholesteric phases and the smectic C* phases. Even liquid crystalline phases with suprastructural chirality originating in achiral, so-called banana-shaped molecules, seem to be possible. Anisotropic polymer films with chiral structures have been found. It can be anticipated that chiroptical spectroscopy with anisotropic chiral systems will lead to new questions and answers.


Birefringence and dichroism of chiral isotropic and chiral anisotropic phases

Because there are two independent waves propagating through the sample (Figure 2), the Lambert– Beer law does not hold,

Optical rotatory dispersion and circular dichroism in isotropic dissymmetric phases

The interaction of light with an isotropic dissymmetric solution leads to a left- and a right-circularly polarized light beam for which distinct refractive indices nL and nR as well as absorption coefficients HL and HR exist owing to the diastereomeric interaction between light and the chiral system. The plane of polarization of the incident linearly polarized light is rotated by an angle I (optical rotation in rad) that is proportional to the circular birefringence nL − nR,

where d is the path length of the sample in cm and is the wavenumber of the incident light in cm–1. The specific rotation [D] for a fluid or solid compound is defined with respect to the density U (g cm–3) or for a solution with respect to a concentration q in g/(100 cm3 solution) and the angle α in degree:

The molar rotation [M] can be expressed by

but the deviation is in most cases negligible. average absorption of the sample:

is the

The chirality measurements (Figure 1) circular dichroism (CD) and optical rotatory dispersion (ORD), the wavenumber dependence of the molar rotation, are designated together as the Cotton effect (CE). CD and ORD are quantitatively correlated by a Kramers– Kronig transformation. The Kramers–Kronig transformation can be used to check CD measurements by ORD measurements and vice versa by comparing calculated and experimental results. Anisotropic samples

The anisotropy of systems is a widespread phenomenon in nature. The description as anisotropic means that a material has different properties along different directions in space. This anisotropy, caused by long-range orientational and positional order, can be hom*ogeneous, statistically hom*ogeneous or periodically hom*ogeneous. These microscopic structures, e.g. the screw axis of a NaClO3 crystal or the pitch of the helical structure in a cholesteric or smectic C* phase, have to be taken into consideration when, for

where M is the molecular mass in g mol–1 and c (mol L–1) the concentration. In the region of an absorption band, both circularly polarized waves superpose and the light becomes elliptically polarized with an ellipticity tan T given by

Instead of the circular dichroism ∆H = HL−HR, often the molar ellipticity [T] is used: Figure 1 A positive Cotton effect (CE), i.e. the CD (– – –) and ORD (•••), and a UV absorption band ( ).


example, an internal periodicity yields internal reflection of circularly polarized light in the visible or infrared spectral region. The concept of eigenstates of light

The interaction of light with a material, described by the Jones or Mueller calculus, leads to the concept of eigenstates. These states are determined by the symmetry of the material that is penetrated by the light (Table 1). An eigenstate of light refers to light that propagates through a material without changing its state of polarization. For isotropic materials, all states of polarization, and hence also unpolarized light, are eigenstates. Inherently dissymmetric isotropic solutions possess left- and right-circularly polarized light as the two orthogonal eigenstates. For anisotropic uniaxial and biaxial materials, the eigenstates are two orthogonal linearly polarized light beams, whereas in complex systems, e.g. in chiral anisotropic systems, the eigenstates are two orthogonal elliptically polarized light beams (Figure 2). The linearly, elliptically or circularly polarized eigenstates propagate with different velocities because of the different refractive indices. Different absorption of the two independent light beams leads to dichroism. Thus, each of the eigenstates has its own and distinct refractive index and molar decadic absorption coefficient (Table 1). The plane light waves of the two eigenstates interfere after passing the sample to form an elliptically polarized light beam with an ellipticity and an azimuth different from that of the incident light (Figure 2), in general. Its intensity may be less than that of the incident light beam. Linear and circular eigenstates and thus linear and circular birefringence and dichroism of a sample can be seen as two limiting cases of elliptical birefringence and elliptical dichroism.

Table 1

Material constants for birefringence and dichroism

Refractive indices (n) Two orthogo- and absorpnal eigenstates tion coeffiof light cients (ε) Linearly polarized light Elliptically polarized light Circularly polarized light



Mean absorption

n1,H1; n2,H2

n1− n2







nL,HL; nR,HR




Chiral anisotropic systems

A chiral system is a system that is not superposable on its mirror image. The number of independent measurements of different kinds needed to identify the sample as chiral depends on the knowledge of the system. If it is known, for example, that the system is an isotropic dissymmetric phase, one optical measurement is sufficient, whereas for an anisotropic uniaxial system more than one measurement is demanded. For the latter case the wavenumber dependence of the ellipticity and the rotation of the plane of polarization can be measured. Here the dispersion of the circular birefringence and dichroism can be, but needs not be, different from that of the linear birefringence and dichroism (Figure 3). Another possibility is the measurement of the rotation of the plane of polarization and the ellipticity for different azimuth orientations of the sample about the axis of propagation of the light beam.

Figure 2 Schematic representation of the two eigenstates of light (see Table 1) propagating through an anisotropic phase of chiral molecules with or without suprastructural chirality.


Figure 3 Dispersion of linear and circular birefringence and dichroism, ILD, TLD, ICD, TCD (∆H) within an absorption band of a chiral molecule.

The circular dichroism of oriented molecules: ACD spectroscopy

particles in a unit volume. I is the identity matrix. It is convenient to rewrite the Mueller matrix in the form

Phenomenology of the CD of anisotropic phases (ACD) without suprastructural chirality

The two eigenstates of light emerging from a hom*ogeneous sample superpose in accordance with their different optical path lengths. The azimuth and the ellipticity are then given by the Stokes vector sd,

As shown by Schönhofer and co-workers Λ can be rewritten as a matrix polynomial of third degree:

where F is the Mueller matrix and s0 the Stokes vector of the incident light. In s = {s0,s1,s2,s3}, s0 is the intensity whereas = {s1,s2,s3} describes the state of polarization (the notation { } indicates a column vector). For a nondepolarizing medium,

is obtained. d is the pathlength and n the number of

with = { {(( 2 – 2 + 4( ⋅ 2)1/2 ± ( 2 – 2)]}1/2 ≥ 0. For a hom*ogeneous medium with large linear and circular birefringence and dichroism effects, all elements of the differential Mueller matrix A′ (for the


birefringence = {a1, a2, a3} and for the dichroism = {b1, b2, b3} in Equation [12]) have to be taken to evaluate the azimuth and ellipticity of the emerging light. The elements a2 and b2 are responsible for the optical rotation and for the circular dichroism, respectively, and a1 and a3 represent the anisotropy of the refractive index of linear polarized light whereas b1 and b3 belong to the corresponding linear dichroism. Because there are six unknown parameters for the anisotropy (Eqn [12]), six different measurements made by rotating the sample and/or measuring with a light beam propagating in different directions within the sample are needed to determine the optical constants. Measuring the dispersion of the ACD or the optical rotatory power of an oriented ensemble (AORD) does not yield new and independent information (Figure 3). The ACD measurement ∆HA with light propagating parallel to the optical axis of a uniaxial phase is a chirality measurement, but one has to take care to avoid artefacts. A check on the reliability of such a measurement can be obtained by measuring the CD with different sample azimuths rotated around the direction of propagation of light. The CD signal has to be independent of the orientation of the azimuth of the sample. Measurements of the optical effects with a light beam propagating perpendicularly to the optical axis are very difficult to perform because of the artefacts that may be caused by interference with the linear birefringence and dichroism. At present it does not seem possible to overcome the experimental problems with instruments working on the basis of polarization modulation. These experimental problems can be solved using other techniques, e.g. by measuring the state of polarization of the light, but solving the experimental problem does not solve the whole problem. A measurement with a light beam propagating perpendicularly to the optical axis is not a chirality measurement; that is, measuring two anisotropic phases of enantiomers with a light beam propagating perpendicularly to the optical axis does not yield values that are equal in their absolute value and different in sign, because of the interference with linear effects. The question is whether the measured quantity can be decomposed into an achiral and a chiral part (∆H ), i.e. whether chirality information can be extracted from the data obtained. For a uniaxial system, the following relation can be derived from b2:

For light polarized parallel and perpendicular to the optical axis and propagating perpendicularly to this

axis, with the molar decadic absorption coefficients H1 and H2 for a uniaxial system, an equation analogous to Equation [14] is obtained:

A measurable macroscopic property of the anisotropic phase is then given by the tensor coordinates Ykl as given by Kuball and colleagues

(Three tensors are of particular importance for ACD spectroscopy: the transition moment or the absorption tensor (D or Hij), the rotation or the circular dichroism tensor (R or ∆Hij), and the order tensor (gij33). For molecules without any symmetry, the principal axes of the three tensors do not coincide: x for D or Hij, x for R or ∆Hij, and x for gij33.) In Equation [16] Xij is a tensor of rank 2 that describes a molecular property. With the orientational distribution function of the molecules in the anisotropic sample f(D, E, J), where D, E, J are the Eulerian angles, the orientational distribution coefficients gijkl (Eqn [17]) define a set of two different tensors of rank 2 with respect to the transformation of the molecule-fixed (gijkl: indices ij for each pair of kl) as well as the space-fixed (gijkl: indices kl for each pair of ij) coordinate system:

aij is an element of the transformation matrix from the space-fixed xi' to the molecule-fixed xi coordinate system. For a sample possessing at least a C3 symmetry axis (uniaxial system) and a light beam propagating along this direction, the circular dichroism of the anisotropic sample Y33 = ∆HA is obtained:

Xij = ∆Hij is the circular dichroism tensor of the molecules. According to Equation [14], the CD value ∆H for light propagating perpendicularly to this axis, the optical axis, can be evaluated. Because of the interference with linear birefringence and dichroism, the present authors have not yet been able to measure ∆H .


For light polarized parallel to the optical axis and propagating perpendicularly to it follows,

Xij = Hij is the absorption tensor of the molecules. The correlation between the second pair of indices of the orientational distribution coefficient and the numbering of the tensor coordinates of the measurable quantity gives rise to an interesting phenomenon. For the ACD (∆HA, Eqn [18]) the indices of the coordinates gijkl are determined by the direction of propagation of light with respect to the molecular frame kl = 33. This is due to the fact that the CD effect for molecules is given by the projection of the molecular properties on the propagation direction of the light. For polarized absorption spectroscopy, the projection of the molecular properties onto the direction of polarization of the light beam is decisive, i.e. kl = 11, 22. This means that the numbering of the absorption tensor is obtained from the polarization direction of the light with respect to the molecular frame, whereas for the ACD the direction of propagation of the light wave is decisive.

They refer to the optical axis of the sample, which is chosen as the space-fixed x axis, and to the molecule-fixed x coordinate system. Whereas S* characterizes the order of the orientation of the moleculefixed x axis – the orientation axis – with respect to the optical axis of the uniaxial phase, the parameter D* is a measure of the deviation from a rotational symmetric distribution function for the molecules about their x axis. The principal axes of gij33 are fixed by symmetry for molecules with a point symmetry group different from C1, C2, Ci, Cs and C2h. For the latter point groups, the orientations of the x axes with respect to the molecular skeleton have to be determined experimentally; the orientations of the x axes vary, in general, with temperature. The two order parameters S* and D* can be measured, albeit with the use of some approximations, for example by IR, VIS, UV, or NMR spectroscopy. If the temperature dependence of the orientation of the x axes can be neglected, or if these axes are fixed by symmetry, ∆HA can be conveniently described as

The experimental determination of the molecular tensors ∆0ij and 0ij

The equations for the ACD The result of a CD measurement of an anisotropic sample is a weighted sum of the three quantities ∆Hii (Eqns [18] and [20]). The weighting factors are the orientational distribution coefficients. For a light beam propagating along a direction of at least a C3 symmetry axis of a sample, the circular dichroism ∆HA (Eqn [18]) is a chirality measurement; this condition is fulfilled for a chiral nematic phase unwound by an electric field when the light beam propagates along the optical axis (x ), the nematic director. If the orientation of the principal axes of the order tensor gij33 relative to the molecular frame is temperature-dependent, one may use for the ACD:

The eigenvalues ∆H describe the molecular property ∆Hij in its system of principal axes. The terms aij are the elements of the matrix that transforms the x coordinates into the x coordinates. For uniaxial systems the order parameters S* and D* may be introduced instead of gij33

From ∆HA − ∆H and S* and D* measured as functions of temperature, the quantities 3(∆H − ∆H) = 2∆H − ∆H − ∆H and ∆H − ∆H can be obtained. Because ∆H is not available experimentally at present ∆H (Eqn [1]) can be used to calculate the tensor coordinates ∆H . To account for the contributions of the different vibrational transitions, the anisotropic rotational strength RA for the electronic transition |N〉 → |K〉 is obtained by integrating over the spectral region of an absorption band:

For an isotropic solution, gij33 = Gij and RA becomes the rotational strength for the transition |N〉 → |K〉:


δij is the Kronecker symbol. The tensor coordinates for the rotational strength tensor (tensor of rotation) can be evaluated experimentally as

For allowed electric dipole transitions, the contributions from vibrational coupling can be neglected. In the case of a forbidden electric or a magnetic dipole transition there should be contributions from the vibronic coupling and intensity-borrowing from other transitions via vibrations of the molecules. The magnitude of the dissymmetry factor g = 4RNK/D NK can be 10−1, 10−3, 10−4 for an inherently dissymmetric chromophore, an nπ* transition and a ππ* transition, where D NK is the dipole strength (see Eqn [31]). The equations for the polarized absorption For an anisotropic sample, the molar decadic absorption coefficient for light polarized parallel (H1) and perpendicular (H2) to the optical axis of a uniaxial sample follows from Equations [19] and [15]:

H are the absorption coefficients of a completely oriented system of molecules for light beams linearly polarized parallel to the x axes (principal axes of Hij). The aij in Equation [27] are the elements of the matrix that transforms the x coordinates into the x coordinates. The orientational distribution coefficients gij33 have to be used in the following instead of gij11 because, compared to the experimental situation of the CD measurement, the sample is rotated about an axis perpendicular to the propagation direction of the light beam by 90º. The H terms are related to the absorption coefficient of the isotropic solution, analogously to ∆H, by Equation [28]:

If there is no temperature dependence of the x axes, an appropriate description of the anisotropic absorption is given by

Furthermore, for the degree of anisotropy follows,

where the qij are the squares of the direction cosines of the transition moment direction with respect to the xi axes in the case of a pure polarized transition. For mixed absorption bands the qij are a measure of mixing. If the molecule-fixed coordinate system is arbitrarily chosen, nondiagonal elements occur in Equation [30]. The dipole strength is given by

k = 1, 2 and with gij33 = Gij follows D NK = Σi D for an isotropic solution. The transition moment tensor

can be calculated from the coordinates of the absorption tensor (Eqn [32]). The tensor coordinates of the circular dichroism tensor ∆0 The meaning of the diagonal elements of the tensor (Eqns [18] and [36]) can be visualized according to Figure 4. ∆H can be obtained either by calculating a mean value of three CD measurements for completely oriented molecules with light beams polarized parallel to the three planes, schematically represented in Figure 4, or one CD measurement with an ensemble of molecules in a uniaxial system with S* = 1 or a system with at least a C3 symmetry axis with a light beam propagating parallel to the optical axis or the C3 symmetry axis. The coordinates ∆H and ∆H have to be evaluated from the temperaturedependent ∆HA(T) and ∆H. For a direct measurement analogous to that of ∆H a new orientational distribution is needed in which there is a symmetric rotational distribution about either the x or x axis. However, this procedure is nothing more than changing the numbering of the axes, because only that coordinate ∆H can be measured directly about which the orientational distribution function possesses a rotationally symmetric distribution. The ∆H can also be different in sign and thus one may say that by ‘looking’ at the molecule from different directions one ‘sees’ ∆H with different sign. Changing the line of sight, the now observed ∆H varies strongly and can also change its sign. One might


the sum over all electrons. Operators depending on the dynamic variables of the nuclei are omitted because they do not contribute to the effect in the approximation used. Hijk is the Levi–Civita tensor. H123 = H312 = H231 = 1, H132 = H213 = H321 = −1; all other tensor coordinates Hijk are equal to zero. With the rotational strength tensor R (Eqn [33]) and the spectral function GNnKk( ) of the vibronic transition ⏐Nn〉 → ⏐Kk〉, the circular dichroism tensor ∆Hij for an oriented molecule can be expressed as Figure 4 ∆H .

Schematic representation of the measurement of

loosely interpret this as ‘seeing’ the chirality of the molecule from different directions. This measurement must be done under conditions given in Figure 4. The molecular description of the circular dichroism and the absorption tensor

The equations for molecules in an orientated state From semiclassical or quantum field theory, the rotational strength R for a transition from the electronic ground state N with the vibrational state n to the electronic excited state K with the vibrational state k, i.e. ⏐Nn〉 → ⏐Kk〉, follows from the development of Kuball and co-workers:

The tensor 〈Csj〉KkNn can be decomposed into a symmetric and antisymmetric part, the magnetic dipole and the electric quadrupole moment:

NA is the Avogadro constant and c is the velocity of light. The absorption of light by an oriented molecule requires knowledge of the electric dipole transition moment tensor (dipole strength)

and the corresponding absorption tensor Hij

FNnKk( ) is the spectral function for the absorption band of the vibronic transition |Nn 〉 → |Kk 〉 which, in the approximation that is used here, is equal to GNnKk( ). The ∆Hij term can be decomposed into an electric dipole/magnetic dipole and an electric dipole/electric quadrupole contribution:

The decomposition is, except for special circ*mstances, origin dependent. From the diagonal elements ∆Hii the quantities ∆i( ) defined by

〈µr〉NnKk and 〈mr〉KkNn represent the electric and the magnetic dipole transition moment, respectively, 〈Qsj〉KkNnis the electric quadrupole transition moment. −e is the charge, m the mass of the electron. 6Q means

and cyclic permutation of the indices 1, 2, 3 can be calculated. The ∆i( ) terms yield information about the electric dipole (〈µi〉NnKk), magnetic dipole (〈mi〉KkNn), and electric quadrupole (〈Qij〉KkNn)


directions. This can be demonstrated experimentally by measuring a frequency-dependent degree of anisotropy (Eqn [30]). With the Herzberg–Teller method the intensification of ∆HA (Eqn [46]) follows from Kuball and co-workers

transition moments:

The decomposition Equation [39] yields





by integration over the absorption band. R and R can be obtained by cyclic permutation of the indices. The terms 〈Pi〉NK, 〈mi〉KN, and 〈Qij〉KN are the electric dipole magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole transition moments for the 0–0 electronic transition ⏐N 〉 → ⏐K 〉. By integration of Equations [40 and 41], wavenumber-independent quantities ∆i can be obtained with the tensors of rotation given by Equations [44] and [45] and cyclic permutation of the indices 1, 2, 3:

Vibronic coupling in ACD spectroscopy Forbidden electric dipole transitions or allowed magnetic dipole transitions possess no or nearly no intensity of absorption in a spectrum. There are a number of different mechanisms by which a transition can gain intensity. One mechanism is the coupling of an electronic transition to the nuclear motions. By the weak dependence of the state functions ⏐Nn 〉, ⏐Kk 〉 on the nuclear coordinates, electronic states within the molecules are coupled. The transition moment of the forbidden transition ⏐N 〉 → ⏐K 〉 increases, as normally described, by borrowing intensity from other allowed electronic transitions via normal vibrations, i.e. the variation of the normal coordinates. Within the adiabatic approximation, the coordinates of the absorption tensor H are intensified by the Herzberg– Teller mechanism via different normal vibrations which – depending on the irreducible representation to which the normal coordinate belongs – couple transitions with different transition moment

R gives the contribution of the 0–0 transition to the CD band. The coefficients R , R(1) and R(2) determine the size of the intensity borrowing via the Pth and Qth vibrations from other electric dipole-allowed transitions with a corresponding transition moment direction. The frequency dependence of the progressions GNK( ), GNK, P( ), G ( ), and G ( ) are described by

This means analogously to the UV absorption, each CD tensor coordinate ∆H is intensified by normal modes of different irreducible representations by a different amount, i.e. each ∆H (i = 1,2,3) borrows intensity from other electronic transitions of suitable symmetry (Eqns [47] to [50]). Because of the importance of intensity borrowing, a forbidden electric and magnetic dipole transition of a compound of symmetry D2 will be analysed as an example. For the transition ⏐N 〉 → ⏐K 〉 between an electronic and vibrational ground and an electronic and vibrational excited state A → A, only the coefficient R(2) in Equation [46] is different from zero. With Equation [50], the frequency dependence of the CD and ACD is determined by a progression starting on false origins of one vibration P = Q = 1,2… of an


irreducible representation bi (i = 1,2,3):

nk = 0,1,2… are the quantum numbers for the kth excited state of the involved totally symmetric vibration with the wavenumber 0(a). k is the wavenumber for the (k + 1)th band of the progression. The false origin is 00 + 0P(bi) and every vibration of the irreducible representation bi can cause intensity borrowing from an allowed electric dipole transition A → Bi. The coupling scheme (Figure 5) for an A → Bi transition contributes with four terms. The intensity borrowing for the corresponding UV band is achieved by the same progressions (Eqn [51]). The transition moment direction of the progressions is determined by the transition moment direction of the coupled electronic transitions A → Bi. For the A → A transition ∆H11, H33 and H22 borrow intensity via vibrations of irreducible representation b1 and b2. ∆H22, H11 and H33 borrow the intensity via vibrations of symmetry b3 and b1 whereas ∆H33, H11 and H22 gain the intensity from the coupling with b3 and b2. For each chromophore, the reduced CD spectra, the tensor coordinates ∆Hii, and the reduced UV spectra, the tensor coordinates Hii gain intensity (Figure 6A and 6B) by a special amount of coupling. By substituting the molecule in the neighbourhood of this chromophore, another coupling is achieved and the reduced spectra ∆H11, ∆H22, ∆H33 as well as H11, H22, H33 change. Thus, in both cases, ∆H ∆HA H, and R are different. With this simple model a sign change in ∆H and possibly also in ∆HA can be obtained without changing the absolute configuration, thus the sector or helicity rules for this chromophore break down, because the sector rule is now applied to the CD of vibrational progression for which the rule was not developed. Applying the rule to measurements in isotropic solution, one has to presuppose that the same progression determines ∆H for both compounds.

From ACD spectroscopy each tensor coordinate ∆Hii is obtained directly. This means that the sector rules or helicity rules can always be applied to that ∆Hii for which the rule has been developed.

Application of ACD and polarized UV spectroscopy In addition to the analytical application of the ACD spectroscopy as a fingerprint technique, structural differences far from the chromophore can also be detected. A complete analysis of the ACD, the CD, the UV and the polarized UV spectra requires the order tensor or at least an estimation of the order parameters. The variation of ∆HA with temperature for an nπ* transition of androst-4,17-dien-3-one ([1]; Figure 7) and the knowledge of g from 2H NMR allows the calculation of ∆H with respect to the principal axis of the order tensor. The tensor coordinates ∆H have different signs and are shifted with respect to each other, which indicates the vibronic effect of intensity borrowing. The UV spectrum of [1] as well as the coordinates ∆H have a low spectral resolution in comparison to the CD spectrum ∆H. The different signs of ∆H ( ) and their shifts against each other ‘burn holes’ into the spectrum calculated from Eqn [1]. Thus as often found in CD spectroscopy, an apparent high spectral resolution of the CD spectrum is obtained in contrast to the UV spectrum. As a second example, ∆HΑ for a uniformly polarized charge transfer transition of 1,4-bis(R)-1-phenylethylamino)-9,10-anthraquinone [2] is shown in Figure 8. There is no vibronic coupling and therefore no difference in the frequency dependence of the tensor coordinates. Furthermore, the tensor coordinate ∆H ≈ 0 because the transition is polarized parallel to the x direction (long axis of the anthraquinone skeleton). This indicates that for [2] the x axis is approximately a principal axis of the circular dichroism tensor. Of interest, but not shown for [2], is the large

Figure 5 Coupling scheme for intensity borrowing of the circular dichroism and absorption tensor coordinates of a forbidden A → A with one vibration b1 from an allowed electric ( ) and magnetic (•••) dipole transition of transition via the coefficient R(2) A → B1. Quadrupole contributions are neglected for this discussion.


contribution of the electric dipole/electric quadrupole term (Eqn [39]) to ∆H in the wavenumber region below 25000 cm−1. With the steroid 3-methyl-3 α-5α-3,3 ′,4′,5′-tetrahydrobenzo[2,3]cholest-2-en-1-one [3] and its diastereomer [4] the breakdown of a helicity rule was demonstrated by Frelek and co-workers (Figure 9). From X-ray analysis it is known that the helicity of the enone chromophore is opposite in sign in [3] and

[4] and thus the fact that ∆H < 0 in both cases contradicts the helicity rule for cisoid enones either for [3] or [4]. From ACD spectroscopy follows that the enhancement of the ∆H by vibronic coupling for [4] yields a sign change of ∆H without change of the absolute configuration of [4]. This is the first example where this effect has been proven. At the end of the section on applications one must point out that it is impossible, at present, to obtain

Figure 6 Calculated UV (left) and CD (right) spectra of the A → A transition for a molecule of symmetry D2 for two different strength of vibronic coupling. The intensity of the vibrational progressions is changed from H11 : H22 : H33 = 3 : 1 : 1 (A left) to ), ∆H22( ), H22( ) (----), and ∆H33( ), H33( ) ( ). The UV spectra H ( ) and the degree H11 : H22 : H33 = 1 : 2 : 2 (B): (∆H11( ), H11( ) ( ) and ACD spectra ∆HA (---) (C, right) are given for the cases shown in (A) and of anisotropy R (----), (C, left), the CD spectra ∆H ( (B). ((●) intensity ratio H11 : H22 : H33 = 3 : 1 : 1; (■) intensity ratio H11 : H22 : H33 = 1 : 2 : 2.) R and ∆HA have been calculated for the order parameter S* = 0.460 and D* = 0.121 where D* is calculated from Luckhurst’s relation D* = F (S*, G) with G = 0.5. According to Eqn [51] the assumed 0–0 transition and false origins are 00 = 37100 cm−1; 01(b1) = 1100 cm−1 02 (b2) = 560 cm−1; 03(b3) = 430 cm−1; −1 0(a) = 1200 cm ; the intensity ratio within the progressions is chosen equally for b1, b2, b3: 1 : 6 : 10 : 8 : 6 : 4 : 1.


Figure 7 ∆H ( ) (T = 75°C) and temperature-dependent ∆HA (from above T/°C = 31.2 to 64.0) (left) and the tensor coordinates ∆H (■), ∆H (●), ∆H (▲) and ∆H + ∆H (▼) (right) of androst-4,17-dien-3-one [1] in the ‘nematic’ liquid crystal phase ZLI-1695 (Merck).

experimentally the circular dichroism ∆Hij or the rotational strength tensor R with respect to their own principal axes. For a molecule of D2 symmetry, the orientation of the principal axes of R is symmetry determined.

Isotropic phases with suprastructural phase chirality With ACD and CD spectroscopy, information can be obtained about suprastructural chirality of isotropic phases, e.g. cubic phases with suprastructural chirality. There is no interference with linear effects and thus ∆H and ∆H A can easily be measured. A wellknown example is crystalline NaClO3. Another known example is that of liquid crystalline blue phases (O2, O8). Both with light in the region where O is of the order of the periodicity within the phase and with wavelengths very different from the periodicity, a CD spectrum is obtained from which a detailed analysis of the phase structure has been derived, e.g. by Hornreich and colleagues.

Anisotropic phases with suprastructural phase chirality Chiral anisotropic phases of chiral molecules

Anisotropic phases are often stabilized by chiral structures. Before discussing phenomena presented by such structures, the question must be answered of how chirality information about molecular chirality and suprastructural phase chirality is to be obtained from chirality measurements of anisotropic phases. Ruch and Schönhofer defined the notion of chirality measurement for an isotropic system: ‘a chirality measurement of a property is a measurement with an ensemble of non-oriented molecules and this measurement leads for enantiomers to a result of the same value but with an opposite sign’. Extending this definition to anisotropic systems one might say that ‘a chirality measurement of a property with an ensemble of oriented molecules, i.e. the anisotropic phase, is a measurement with an ensemble of non-oriented supermolecules – i.e. an ensemble of “anisotropic phases” – and this measurement leads for an enantiomer of such an ensemble of supermolecules to a


Figure 8 ∆H (Ο)(T = 75°C) and temperature-dependent ∆HA (from above T/°C = 28 to 68) of 1,4-bis(R)-1-phenylethylamino)-9,10-anthraquinone [2] (left) and the tensor coordinates ∆H (–•–) ∆H (•••), ∆H ( ) (right) of the charge transfer transition in the ‘nematic’ liquid crystal phase ZLI-1695 (Merck).

result of the same value but with an opposite sign.’ Furthermore, for oriented molecules the anisotropy of chirality measurements has been demonstrated with ACD spectroscopy. In analogy to molecular properties, one must expect to find an anisotropy for any chirality measurement of a chiral anisotropic phase. Considering the chiral anisotropic phase as a supermolecule, as done before, a chirality measurement with CD spectroscopy is a measurement with the phase rotated about the direction of the propagating light beam analogously to Figure 4. Do such definitions hold in general? One question arises immediately from the knowledge that, for oriented achiral molecules of symmetry Cs, C2v, D2d and S4 with suitable achiral positional and orientational order, nondiagonal elements of the rotational strength tensor R can lead to a CD effect. This effect has been shown by Hobden using optical rotation measurements with crystals (42m or 4, for example) without enantiomorphism. Is this an effect of chirality? Not really, because the CD is zero if the above definition of a chirality measurement/observation is applied.

For a hom*ogeneous sample, the phenomenological constants a2 and b2 are responsible for the circular effects (Eqns [9] to [13]). But what does ‘hom*ogeneous’ mean in a sample possessing positional and orientational order? Whether a phase represents a hom*ogeneous or an inhom*ogeneous sample depends on the method used for the analysis. For an optical measurement, as for example with a cholesteric phase or a smectic C* phase, this depends on the chosen wavelength of the light, i.e. on whether the wavelength is close to or far from the dimension of the periodicity of the phase. In the first case Equations [9] to [13] are not valid because no ‘internal reflection’, originating from a periodicity of the inhom*ogeneity, has been taken into account. Berreman’s theory and its extension for samples with very small pitch are discussed by Oldano and colleagues. The optical constants a1, a3, b1 and b3 that are responsible for local linear birefringence and dichroism are then according to the de Vries model the main origin for optical effects caused by the chirality of the sample. Equations [9] to [13] integrated over the periodicity of a helical phase can also be applied to describe a


Figure 9 UV spectra (T = 75°C), temperature dependent degree of anisotropy (T/°C = 28 to 67.5) (left), ∆H (T = 75°C) and temperature dependent ∆HA (T/°C = 28 to 67.5) (right) of the cisoid enones 3-methyl-3α,5α,3,3′,4′,5′-tetrahydrobenzo[2,3]cholest-2-en-1-one [3] (above) and its 3β-diastereomer [4] (below) in the ‘nematic’ liquid crystal phase ZLI-1695 (Merck).

circular dichroism often termed ‘liquid crystal induced circular dichroism’ (LCICD) in cases where the pitch p >> O or p > hyperfine interaction constant) magnetic fields.

Figure 3 Distribution of chemical polarization between geminate (‘in-cage’) and hom*ogeneous products of radical reaction.


parameters of the suggested radical in the above expressions for the rules. Another possibility is the definition of the multiplicity of the reacting state for known compositions of the radical pair. The enhancement coefficient serves as a basic quantitative feature of CIDNP. One usually distinguishes between the observed enhancement coefficient and the absolute one. The observed enhancement coefficient is defined as the ratio of the intensities of the polarized NMR signal to the equilibrium one recorded after the completion of the reaction. The time dependence of observed polarization on time (dI*/dt) has two components, (dI*/dt)react and (dI*/dt)relax, reflecting the contributions from chemical reaction and relaxation of CIDNP. As a first approximation, the relaxation of CIDNP occurs through spin–lattice relaxation, which suggests the following expression for the observed polarization:

where I* and I0 are the intensities of polarized and equilibrium signal, respectively; (dI*/dt)react = dI0/dt⋅m, where m is the absolute enhancement factor of the product polarization. This expression implies that the observed polarization depends on the magnetic resonance parameters of the radical pair (hyperfine coupling, g-factors) through m, radical relaxation times in the diamagnetic state, and the kinetics of the buildup of polarized products. The absolute enhancement coefficient of CIDNP differs from the observed one in that the former is dependent only on the radical pair parameters. At present, the absolute enhancement coefficient can be reliably measured only for the case of photochemical reactions with the employment of specially elaborated time-resolved CIDNP techniques. From the viewpoint of experimental techniques, the major potentialities are now realized for research into CIDNP in photochemical reactions. In this case, time-resolved techniques (so-called flash-CIDNP) are widely used. These techniques utilize laser-pulse photoexcitation with pulse detection of CIDNP effects. The solution of the sensitivity versus time-resolution dilemma stipulates the following restrictions of the attainable time resolution: the duration of the detecting radiofrequency pulse should not be shorter than 100 ns, otherwise the sensitivity of the NMR method is lost. Shorter pulses can be employed only to study the processes demonstrating an extreme absolute enhancement coefficient of CIDNP. The latter are characteristic only for a limited number of model

reactions, for example the photolysis of cyclic ketones. The improvement of time resolution is possible when using both a standard NMR spectrometer and modified equipment. These techniques differ by the methods of mathematical processing of the experimental data when estimating the kinetic parameters. Even in the simplest case of a microsecond time range, the time-resolved techniques allow one to observe hom*ogeneous and geminate processes separately. The hom*ogeneous processes include bimolecular recombination in the bulk, degenerate electron exchange reactions, proton exchange, and various rearrangement reactions which also occur in the bulk.

CIDNP effects in low magnetic fields A low magnetic field is defined as one in which the energy of the Zeeman interaction is of the same order of magnitude as the hyperfine interaction (see Figure 2). Therefore, a nonequilibrium population of nuclear states may arise not only via S–T0 transitions, but also through S–T− and S–T+ transitions between energy levels of a radical pair. The observed sign of CIDNP will predominantly depend on the difference in efficiencies of S–T+,− transitions. As Figure 2 suggests, the efficiency of S–T− and S–T+ transitions also depends essentially on the magnitude and sign of the electron exchange interaction ( Je) in the radical pair. However, experimental studies on CIDNP in low magnetic fields show that for a radical pair comprising neutral radicals in nonviscous solutions, Je does not contribute significantly to the resulting polarization. The exceptions are radical ion pairs and biradicals. To unravel the mechanisms of the elementary stages of radical reactions by means of the CIDNP method in low magnetic fields, one usually analyses the dependencies of CIDNP efficiencies on the magnetic field strength (field dependence of CIDNP). In this case, the data on radical pair composition are obtained on the basis of comparison of experimentally measured and theoretically calculated CIDNP field dependencies.

Comparison of CIDNP techniques in high and low magnetic fields for investigation of elementary mechanisms of radical reactions The basic distinction in the potential of application of these two techniques of CIDNP observation is stipulated by the difference in the mechanisms of their formation. Thus, formation of CIDNP effects


in high magnetic field is not accompanied by flips of either electron or nuclear spin (for S and T0 states the projection onto the magnetic field direction is equal to zero). Here, the radical reaction actually plays the role of dispatcher, directing radicals with α and β projection of nuclear spin to different products (see Figure 3). Thus, the formation of at least two products is a key element for CIDNP manifestation. This condition essentially narrows the range of processes open for investigation. Thus, so-called crypto-radical reactions, which are rather widespread in chemical practice, fall outside of the consideration range. To study these processes it is recommended CIDNP in a low magnetic field is used. In the case of CIDNP in low magnetic field, the true nonequilibrium population of nuclear sublevels results from simultaneous flips of both electron and nuclear spins (see Figure 2). Therefore, in this case, the formation of the single product does not preclude the observation of CIDNP. A number of other reasons also stipulate the greater versatility of chemical polarization in low magnetic fields, namely, the greater observed enhancement coefficients as compared to those in a high magnetic field and the potential and to detect net polarization formed in the radical pair with identical radicals.

Examples of CIDNP applications to the structure determination and properties of paramagnetic species (free radicals, radical ions, biradicals, carbenes, macromolecules) CIDNP in structural chemistry

By now the analysis of CIDNP effects has produced a large set of useful structural data on the signs of Table 2

paraffin constants, g-factor values of the radicals, and the energies of electron exchange interaction in the radical pairs. Of special value is the information on the so-called magnetic resonance parameters (paraffin interactions and g-factors) that cannot be estimated easily by other magnetic resonance techniques in the case of short-lived radicals. The data obtained allow inferences to be made on the electronic structure of paramagnetic species (σ- or π-radical) and hence about their reactivity. Among the main sources of such data are photolysis and thermoses reactions of various organic peroxides, demonstrating 1H, 19F and 13C CIDNP effects. As a rule, the mechanisms of these processes have been determined previously, and the multiplicity of the reacting state is also known. Thus, employing the rules for the analysis of multiple and net CIDNP effects in high magnetic fields (see above) one can sequential determine either the signs of the paraffin constants for the radical pairs or the sign of ∆g. To define the values of the paraffin constants and the g-factors of the radical pairs the entire polarized spectrum is stimulated and compared with the experimental one. This approach has been employed to obtain the values of the paraffin constants and g-factors listed in Table 2. For example, it follows from Table 2 that the bonds in the cyclopropyl free radical are flexed, and the proton in position 1 protrudes out of the plane of the three-membered ring, since the hyperfine constant of this proton is much lower than that observed in a methyl radical (2.3 mT). Aside from hyperfine constants and g-factors, the analysis of the multiplet effect in the photolysis products of cyclopropyl peroxide and, cyclopropene has defined the sign of the vicinal proton–proton

Magnetic properties of free radicals defined by means of CIDNP


Hyperfine interaction constant F: 13 C:

a4 > 0 a2 > 0


a2 > 0 a3 > 0 a4 < 0




a < 0 (–2.3 mT)


a1 < 0 (–0.65 mT) a2 > 0 (2.34 mT)


Spin density, ρπ


ρ1 > 0 ρ2 < 0 ρ3 < 0 ρ4 > 0



exchange interaction between the spins of unpaired electrons (see the CIDNP effects in low magnetic fields section above). If the processes taking place in a biradical allow the possibility of the selection from nuclear spin states, the S–T0 transitions can also manifest themselves.

Figure 4 Alternative structures of the 1,2-diphenylcyclopropane radical cation with the expected signs of the hyperfine interaction constants, a.

spin–spin coupling constant ( JH-H > 0) which was unknown earlier. The analysis of CIDNP effects has also made possible the determination of the structures of a number of radical ions of cyclic compounds (benzonorbornadiene, trialkylcyclopropanes, syn- and anti-paracyclophanes, etc.). For example, the structure of the radical cation of 1,2-diphenylcyclopropane has been assigned on the basis of the analysis of 1H CIDNP data formed in the act of photoinduced reversible electron transfer from cyclopropane to chloranil. The choice has been made between ‘closed’ and ‘open’ structures of the radical cation of 1,2-diphenylcyclopropane (Figure 4). The observed CIDNP effects of 1,2-diphenylcyclopropane (absorption of aromatic ortho-, para-, and Hα, and the emission of Hβ) comply only with the ‘open’ structure. CIDNP is also a method of determining nuclear spin–lattice relaxation times of free radicals and radical ions (T1R). This approach was used to determine the T1R values of the CH2-protons of benzyl (3.5 × 10−4 s), dichloromethyl (4.5 × 10−4 s), and t-butyl (2.4 × 10−4 s) free radicals. CIDNP effects in reactions involving carbenes and biradicals

Paramagnetic species possessing two unpaired electrons (biradicals, carbenes, and their analogues) have been intensively studied using CIDNP techniques in high and low magnetic fields. The involvement of biradicals in organic and biochemical reactions is postulated in a number of cases, but the physical methods (EPR, laser spectroscopy) have allowed the detection of their formation predominantly in the photolysis of cyclic ketones. These species have also served as models for detailed studies of CIDNP peculiarities for biradicals, as well as the distinction of these effects from the case of free radicals. A major peculiarity is the contribution of S–T+, − transitions to CIDNP, which is due to the electron

Reference data on biradicals of cyclic ketones point to the appearance of CIDNP effects in a wide range of magnetic field strengths. The manifestations of various mechanisms of CIDNP formation depend on the structure of the biradical. As a rule, the field dependence of CIDNP shows up as curves with extremum, which are located in the magnetic field with the strength of about Je. Comparatively low values of Je (< 0.1 T) are characteristic of flexible biradicals with a long carbon chain (C8 and more) separating the radical centres. Therefore, one might expect the manifestation of an S–T− mechanism (for Je > 0, S–T+ mechanism) in low magnetic fields, while in a high magnetic field the S–T0 mechanism will manifest itself. Large Je values are typical of short biradicals (C7 and shorter). In this case the extremum will appear in a magnetic field similar to that of conventional NMR spectrometers, Je > 1 T. Therefore, in this case only the S–T+ , − mechanism of CIDNP formation will appear. There are also so-called rigid biradicals whose structure does not possess a flexible carbon chain. In this case, Je may be either very large or negligibly small, the latter case reflecting the orthogonality of the orbitals of unpaired electrons. In both cases, it is reasonable to expect the manifestation of the S–T0 mechanism of CIDNP formation. In the former case, the S–T0 mixing results from the existence of well-known nonradiative transitions.


Here, the energy of Je is counterbalanced by a pool of vibrational degrees of freedom. The manifestation of an S–T0 mechanism of CIDNP formation in high magnetic fields has been observed recently for biradicals containing Group 14 elements (Si, Ge).

At present, the investigation of CIDNP field dependencies for products of transformation of biradicals is the most reliable indirect method of demonstrating the involvement of biradicals in chemical reactions. The structure of the biradical can be inferred by comparison of observed with calculated field dependences. For this purpose, one might employ various approximations of the radical pair described in a number of specialized monographs. Reference data show the examples of CIDNP manifestations of triplet (ground) and singlet (excited) states of carbenes. The triplet state is observed in the reactions of diphenylcarbene and methylene, while the singlet state has also been detected in the case of methylene. The analysis of CIDNP effects has led to the following conclusions. In contrast to the generally accepted viewpoint expressed in the chemical literature, not only the triplet but also the singlet state of carbenes reacts via hydrogen or halogen atom abstraction from the partner rather than insertion into the corresponding bond. Recently, 1H CIDNP effects have also been observed in the reactions of carbenes containing silicon and germanium with various scavengers. In this case, the radical stages have been detected in the reaction of singlet (ground) and triplet (excited) states of dimethylsilylene and -germylene.

CIDNP as a method of investigation of spin and molecular dynamics in radical pairs

Research into spin dynamics is presented in numerous papers devoted to the definition of the range of values of Je in biradicals. This approach also allows an estimate to be made of the range of Je values in radical ion pairs.

A prominent example of the potential of the method for investigating molecular dynamics is the recent research into the process of protein folding by means of photo-CIDNP observed in stopped flow experiments. It has been shown that the use of the CIDNP technique in stopped flow experiments has certain advantages over the conventional NMR studies using flow systems. The sensitivity gain due to the CIDNP enhancement coefficient allows the folding processes to be studied on a time range two orders of magnitude shorter than those observable by mean of conventional NMR methods. In the process under study, CIDNP results from photoinduced electron transfer between a flavin additive and tyrosine and other amino acids of the protein (hen egg lysozyme). After the refolding, the CIDNP disappears, since after the conformational changes in protein structure amino acids become inaccessible to the flavin species. At present, CIDNP is virtually a unique technique for the detection of so-called weak interactions (with the energy lower than several kT) between the reagents in chemical reactions. This includes charge transfer complexes, exciplexes and donor–acceptor complexes. As a rule, the involvement of these complexes is confirmed by the data on multiplicity of the reacting state obtained on the basis of CIDNP analysis (see corresponding sections in this article on the analysis of CIDNP effects). For example, the inconsistency between the multiplicity estimated on the basis of CIDNP data and that expected for the known set of photochemical parameters has justified the suggestion of a triplet exciplex in the photooxidation of Hantzsch ester by quinones. The alteration of the multiplicity in the reaction of silylene wit CCl4 observed in the 7,7-dimethyl-7silanorbornadiene derivative in the presence of triphenylphosphine has served as proof of the complexation between dimethylsilylene and Ph3P. CIDNP in reactions involving biologically relevant molecules

The CIDNP technique has made a decisive contribution to the widely discussed question of the role of single electron transfer stages in biochemical processes. These are primarily the oxidation of organic substrates which occur under the action of UV irradiation and electron acceptors, as well as the enzymatic processes involving oxygenases. The CIDNP technique has been used to unravel the elementary mechanisms of the oxidation of NADH coenzymes and their synthetic analogues, and substituted 1,4-dihydropyridines, in the presence of electron acceptors. The underlying mechanism of NADH transformation is the transition from the


dihydropyridine ring to pyridine.

In this case, the basic question is whether this process occurs via the single act of hydride transfer, or the redox reaction includes the sequence of several elementary stages involving paramagnetic species. Application of 1H and 15N CIDNP techniques has allowed the demonstration that the process under study indeed includes the sequence of radical stages. For unsubstituted dihydropyridines, this is a chain of ‘e–H+–H•’ transformations, while for substituted species and NADH, the sequence ‘e–H•’ has been observed. The CIDNP technique has also been used to reveal the role of radical species in the processes of phototransformations of coenzyme B12 model compounds and all-trans-retinal.

List of symbols a = hyperfine interaction constant; A = absorption; E = emission; I* and I0 = intensities of the polarized and equilibrium signal; J = spin–spin coupling constant; Je = electron exchange interaction; m = absolute enhancement factor of product polarization; M = multiplet effect; N = net CIDNP effect; S = singlet state; t = time; T0 = triplet zero state; T1N = nuclear relaxation time; T1R = nuclear spin– lattice relaxation time in a radical; J = parameter for location of the magnetic nuclei in the radicals; 'g = difference in the g-factors of the radical with polarized nucleus and the radical partner; H = parameter for ‘in-cage’ or escape recombination; O = parameter for recombination from S- or T-state; P = multiplicity. See also: Chemical Applications of EPR; Chemical Exchange Effects in NMR; EPR, Methods; Heteronuclear NMR Applications (Ge, Sn, Pb); NMR Pulse Sequences.

Further reading Closs GL and Miller RJ (1978) Photoreduction and photodecarboxylation of pyruvic acid. Application of CIDNP

to mechanistic photochemistry. Journal of the American Chemical Society 100: 3483–3494. Egorov MP, Ezhova MB, Kolesnikov SP, Nefedov OM, Taraban MB, Kruppa AI and Leshina TV (1991) 1H CIDNP study of the addition reaction of Me2E (E = Si, Ge) to a carbon–carbon triple bond. Mendeleev Communications 4: 143–145. Goez M (1996) Optimization of flash CIDNP experiments. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Series A 123: 161– 176. Hore PJ, Winder SL, Roberts CH and Dobson CM (1997) Stopped-flow photo CIDNP observation of protein folding. Journal of the American Chemical Society 119: 5049–5050. Kruppa AI, Taraban MB, Leshina TV, Natarajan E and Grissom CB (1997) CIDNP in the photolysis of coenzyme B12 model compounds suggesting that C–Co bond hom*olysis occurs from the singlet state. Inorganic Chemistry 36: 758–759. Kruppa AI, Taraban MB, Polyakov NE, Leshina TV, Lusis V, Muceniece D and Duburs G (1993) The mechanism of the oxidation of NADH analogues. 2. N-Methyl substituted 1,4-dihydropyridines. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 73: 159– 63. Kruppa AI, Taraban MB, Shokhirev NV, Svarovsky SA and Leshina TV (1996) 119Sn CIDNP: Calculation and experiment. Chemical Physics Letters 258: 316–322. Kruppa AI, Taraban MB, Svarovsky SA and Leshina TV (1996) Paramagnetic intermediates in the photolysis of 2-methylpropanoyltripropylstannane studied by means of multinuclear CIDNP. Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2 10: 2151–2156. Lawler RG and Halfon MA (1974) A flow reactor for use with an unmodified high resolution NMR spectrometer. Application to CIDNP. Review of Scientific Instruments 45: 84–86. Lepley AR and Closs GL (1973) In: Closs GL (ed) Chemically Induced Magnetic Polarization. New York: Wiley. Muus LT, Atkins PW, McLauchlan KA and Pedersen JB (1977) In: Pedersen JB (ed) Chemically Induced Magnetic Polarization. Dordrecht: Reidel. Polyakov NE and Leshina TV (1990) Study of CIDNP field dependencies in the photoreduction of quinones by amines. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 55: 43–51. Richard C and Granger P (1974) Chemically Induced Dynamic Nuclear and Electron Polarization—CIDNP and CIDEP. Berlin: Springer Verlag. Roth HD and Herbertz T (1993) The structure of simple vinylcyclopropane radical cations. Evidence for conjugation between alkene and cyclopropane group. Journal of the American Chemical Society 115: 9804– 9805. Salikhov KM, Molin YuN, Sagdeev RZ and Buchachenko AL (1984) In: Molin YuN (ed) Spin Polarization and Magnetic Effects in Radical Reactions. Amsterdam: Elsevier.


Circularly Polarized Luminescence and Fluorescence Detected Circular Dichroism Christine L Maupin and James P. Riehl, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI, USA


Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

The measurement of the usually small net circular polarization in the luminescence from chiral molecules began with the pioneering studies of Professor L.J. Oosterhof at the University of Leiden in the late 1960s. In recent years this technique has developed into a reliable and useful spectroscopic tool for the study of a wide variety of chemical systems. The phenomenon has been referred to as circularly polarized luminescence (CPL), circularly polarized emission (CPE), and by other names. Here the most common acronym, CPL, is used to describe this experimental technique. The measurement of the differential emission intensity due to differences in the absorption of left versus right circularly polarized light is also discussed. This is commonly referred to as fluorescencedetected circular dichroism (FDCD). Whereas FDCD spectroscopy (like conventional circular dichroism (CD)) probes the chiral structure of the ground state, CPL is a probe of the chirality of the excited state. These types of experiments are not redundant, since changes of geometry do occur on electronic excitation. Furthermore, both of these experimental techniques provide information concerning molecular dynamics and energetics that occur between the time of excitation and emission.

Instrumentation for measurement of circularly polarized luminescence Circularly polarized luminescence spectroscopy (CPL) has been used for more than 30 years as a probe of the molecular stereochemistry of chiral luminescent molecules and complexes. Unlike CD, CPL measurements have not, as yet, become routine. This is primarily due to the lack of a commercially available instrument. The measurement of the generally small net circularly polarized luminescence, relative to the total luminescence, is difficult owing mainly to the presence of optical artefacts from various sources, and to electronic problems associated with the measurement of weak differential signals. The first CPL measurements were made using analogue phasesensitive detection systems. Measuring the generally small CPL signal in this way is particularly difficult

because of electronic problems associated with lockin amplifiers. All of the current instruments use photomultipliers operating in photon-counting mode, and some type of gated photon counting system to determine the circular polarization. This is the type of system that will be described here. Steady-state CPL

Since no commercial instrumentation is available, all CPL measurements that have been published have been measured on instruments that were designed and constructed in individual laboratories. The basic configuration of a system designed to measure CPL is given in Figure 1. A laser system or a UV lamp used in combination with an excitation monochromator or a combination of filters can be used as the excitating source. Care should be taken in ensuring that the polarization of the excitation light is such that there will be no linear polarization in the emission since this is known to cause artefacts in the detection of circular polarization. In most luminescence experiments the emission is collected at an angle of 90.0° from the direction of the excitation beam to avoid detecting light from the excitation source. In some applications of CPL spectroscopy, it is necessary to control the excitation polarization. Figure 1, for example, shows the optics necessary to produce circularly polarized excitation. The luminescence from the chiral sample is first directed through a photoelastic polarization modulator (PEM) and then a linear polarizer before it passes through any focusing lenses or filters because these optical components may be birefringent. The linear polarizer ensures that the detected light entering the monochromator will always be polarized in the same direction. This prevents artefacts associated with the emission monochromator being polarization sensitive. The PEM is composed of an isotropic, clear optical material that produces an oscillating birefringence at a fixed frequency. In CPL measurements, the PEM is operated as an electrically controlled advancing-retarding quarter-wave plate at a predetermined frequency (f ). This introduces a periodic phase shift at frequency f, such that either right or


Figure 1

Schematic diagram of an instrument designed to measure circularly polarized luminescence.

left circularly polarized emitted light is converted to linearly polarized light oriented at 45° to the PEM crystal axis. Therefore, the PEM and linear polarizer allow the passage of alternately left then right circularly polarized light. The emitted linearly polarized light is then focused onto the entrance slits of an emission monochromator. Background signal from stray excitation and room light can be reduced by placement of a long pass filter in front of the monochromator. The light exiting the monochromator is detected by a photomultiplier tube operating in photon-counting mode. The signal from the photomultiplier tube is sent into an amplifier-discriminator. These devices are capable of providing simultaneous dual output for TTL pulses that are generated for photon spikes, as well as a voltage proportional to the total emission intensity. The TTL pulses are analysed by a photon counter using the reference signal at frequency f to direct the pulses into two separate counters. The time dependence of the phase shift imparted by the PEM is such that it is exactly quarter-wave retarding or advancing only at the maximum or minimum of the periodic oscillation. For this reason, it is common to select finite time-windows centred at the peak of the modulation cycle for the counting of photon pulses, and not to count the pulses in the ‘dark’ interval. Even

when these windows are set to collect 50% of the incoming TTL pulses, only a slight error (< 5%) in the accuracy of this measurement is introduced. On alternate half-cycles of the modulation cycle, the TTL pulses are directed into two separate counters corresponding to the transmission of left (IL) or right (IR) circularly polarized light through the PEM. In CPL spectroscopy one commonly reports the ratio of the differential emission intensity at wavelength, O.

to the total emission intensity

We thus define the luminescence dissymmetry ratio, glum, as follows:

I, ∆I, and glum may all be calculated from the values of the two counters. Because of the difficulty in


determining absolute emission intensities, it is most common to report CPL results in terms of glum. Calibration and standards

The determination of the precise state of polarization of the circularly polarized emission, and of the accuracy of a gated photon-counting system, may be accomplished by a number of methods. The simplest and most convenient approach for calibration is to use a standard to measure glum. For example, several groups have used the chiral and commercially available NMR chiral shift reagent tris(3-[trifluoromethyl(Eu(facam)3; Aldrich) in dry dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). This calibration can be performed by exciting the solution of Eu(facam)3 in the visible or ultraviolet, and measuring glum at several different wavelengths. This complex has known glum values of +0.072 at 612.8nm for the strong emissive transition 5D → 7F , and −0.78 for the 5D → 7F transition at 0 2 0 1 a wavelength maximum of 595nm. Calibration of the gated photon counting system could also be accomplished by passing completely left and right circularly polarized light through the PEM. This should in theory yield glum values of +2 and −2, respectively. However, the value of exactly 2 (or −2) is never obtained owing to imperfect circular polarization and the inaccuracies associated with the finite time-window for the gated photon counter, as described above. One of the main advantages of the photon-counting system over lock-in detection is the fact that, if the instrument is working properly, i.e. obeying Poisson photon statistics, then it can be shown that the distribution of measured glum values should obey a Gaussian distribution. It can also be shown that the standard deviation in glum is equal to the inverse square root of the total number of photon counts:

Measuring a large number of glum values and seeing whether the distribution is Gaussian is another convenient way of checking whether the instrument is working properly. The intensity of luminescence will obviously vary greatly from one sample to the next. Some samples will be highly luminescent (i.e. give high count rate) while others will be weakly luminescent (i.e. give low count rate). For samples that are highly luminescent, accurate glum measurements can be achieved in a

short time. For example, if a sample is emitting 106 photons s−1, then using Equation [4], glum with a standard deviation of 10−4 requires 100s to be measured. Weakly luminescent samples require much longer collection times to achieve the same standard deviation. If the count rate is only 104 photons s−1, then more than 5 h of data collection are required. Time-resolved CPL

Advances in digital counting technology and highspeed computers have allowed several research groups to expand the measurement of CPL into the time domain. These advances have been led by the research groups of Professor H.P.J.M. Dekkers at the University of Leiden and Professor F.S. Richardson at the University of Virginia. The instruments used are based on modifications of steady-state instruments such as the system described above, with the major instrumental change being that the excitation source must be pulsed. The principal problem in time-resolved CPL is how to measure the decay of the polarization with an instrument based on a polarization modulator that may be oscillating much more rapidly than the lifetime of the decay. Two approaches to this problem have been successful. If the precise phase of the polarization modulator is known, then an excitation pulse can be coordinated with the periodic oscillation in such a way that the flashes occur at precise times in both halves of the modulation cycle. To ensure that the device is analysing for circular polarization at each decay point, the time between the excitation and the decay measurements is varied. Just as described above, for each finite time interval centred at time t in the decay, photon pulses corresponding to IL(t) and IR(t) are accumulated, and by simple calculation, glum(t) is determined. Alternatively, it is possible to completely decouple the excitation flashes from the modulation cycle and accumulate enough flash events that the complete modulation cycle is sampled for every finite time channel. This latter method has the advantage that the complete time decay for each excitation pulse contributes to the measurement.

Applications for circularly polarized luminescence Since, as described, there are no commercial sources of CPL instrumentation, the applications of this spectroscopic technique have been limited to the study of specific research goals of those groups who have built the instrumentation. Nevertheless, the applications have covered a fairly wide area of chemistry, including organic, inorganic, polymer and


biochemical systems. It should be mentioned that most applications of CPL have involved forbidden spectroscopic transitions. This is because, in these experiments, one is always measuring small differences in luminescence intensity. These differences are obviously easier to detect if the individual intensities themselves are not very large, i.e. if they are not associated with allowed transitions. This section highlights examples of different kinds of applications, and the reader is referred to one of the review articles listed at the end of this article for a more detailed discussion of specific chemical systems in which CPL has been used. Applications to organic chromophores

Many of the early applications of CPL involved analysis of the circular polarization from 1nπ* states of chiral ketones. Pyramidal distortion of the >C=O group upon going from the ground state to the excited/emitting state in CD spectroscopy is well known, and comparative CD and CPL studies have been used to probe these excited state geometry changes. As an example, Figure 2 shows the CPL spectrum (upper curve) and total luminescence spectrum (lower curve) for an α-diketone, d-camphorquinone dissolved in ethanol. Note that the form of presentation of CPL results parallels that usually seen for CD studies. In this example, the luminescence dissymmetry ratio, glum, at the peak maximum for this n ← π* transition is approximately −0.01. gabs measured from the CD spectrum of this compound for the n → π* transition is approximately −0.009, and the differences between these measurements reflects geometry changes within the dicarbonyl moiety upon electronic excitation. In bichromophoric molecules one may use the well-known exciton coupling model to interpret CPL results in exactly the same way that this model is applied to CD measurements. In a very few cases, for example, β,γ-enones, chirality rules have been developed that relate the sign and magnitude of the CPL signal for closely related compounds to specific aspects of chiral structure. These attempts at spectra–structure correlations are clearly not as well developed as they are for CD spectroscopy. Inorganic applications

As described above, CPL spectroscopy is particularly suited for the study of forbidden transitions, so the potential for applying this technique to intraconfigurational transitions in metal complexes is very high. In the case of transition metals, however, applications of CPL have been quite limited. The reasons for this are many. Certainly, the preparation of resolved chiral transition metal complexes is quite difficult,

Figure 2 CPL spectrum (upper curve) and total luminescence spectrum (lower curve) for d-camphorquinone in ethanol.

and often the racemization under UV or visible illumination may not be neglected. In addition, not many transition metal complexes are luminescent in liquid solution. The luminescence from ‘frozen’ samples can be quite high, but measurement of CPL under conditions where the sample is highly scattering and nonisotropic are fraught with experimental difficulties. There have been a number of interesting applications of CPL to chiral transition metal complexes. For example, Ru(1,10-phenanthroline) may easily be prepared and resolved. This compound possesses D3 symmetry and, as such, exists as ∆ and Λ enantiomers. The broad luminescence from this complex centred at 600nm under UV excitation is fairly intense with a measured glum value of approximately 0.0007. glum varies significantly in the lowwavelength shoulder of the emissive transition, indicating that the precise nature of the metal–ligand states involved are quite complicated. There have also been a few examples of CPL measurements from crystalline samples; however, the requirements here are that the sample be chiral and luminescent, and occur in a space group that is uniaxial. This combination is very restrictive. By far the most common class of inorganic compounds that have been studied by CPL spectroscopy are luminescent lanthanide complexes. There are several reasons for this special interest. Complexes of


Tb(III), Eu(III), and to lesser extent, Dy(III), are luminescent in the visible region of the spectrum, particularly if water molecules can be excluded from the first coordination sphere. The transitions involved are isolated f ↔ f transitions, and even though the absorptions are very weak, all three of these ions have absorptions in the visible, which overlap convenient strong laser lines. In many cases it is also possible to excite allowed transitions in the ligand orbitals, and populate the lanthanide ion energy levels through efficient energy transfer. Lastly, and most importantly, the states derived from the various f-electron configurations are well characterized by the total angular momentum quantum number J, and transitions that obey magnetic dipole selection rules, that is ∆J = 0, ±1, are often associated with very large dissymmetry ratios. An example of CPL from a chiral lanthanide complex is given in Figure 3. This spectrum was obtained by exciting the sample of the macrocyclic Tb(III) complex with 488nm excitation from an argon-ion laser. The spectral region displayed corresponds to a transition from the 5D4 excited state to the 7F5 state in the ground-state manifold. This transition satisfies the magnetic dipole selection rules introduced above. The ground state for Tb(III) is the 7F state. The various peaks shown in the spectrum 6 correspond to different crystal field transitions within the term-to-term transition. The chiral pendant amines in the macrocyclic ligand are chiral, and this results in only one of the possible C4 orientations around the central metal ion being formed. Confirmation of this latter conclusion may be obtained by varying the incident polarization from left to right circularly polarized, and the result for this system is that no effect is seen in the CPL spectrum. As can be seen in Figure 3 ⏐glum⏐ for magnetic dipole-allowed transitions may be very large. The values seen in Figure 3 approach 0.4; this should be compared to the results presented in Figure 2 (0.01), which represents approximately the maximum value that has been measured for organic chromophores. Unlike transition metal compounds such as Ru(phen) , which are composed of achiral ligands but can be resolved into chiral enantiomers, no such examples of the resolution of chiral lanthanide compounds with achiral ligands have appeared in the literature. This is because lanthanide complexes are generally more labile than transition metal complexes. Just like transition metal complexes, however, it is possible in some cases to perturb the ground-state equilibrium concentration through the addition of a chiral environment compound. This is sometimes referred to as the Pfeiffer effect. An example of such an experiment is presented in Figure 4. In this

Figure 3 CPL spectrum (upper curve) and total luminescence spectrum (lower curve) for an aqueous solution of a chiral macrocyclic Tb(III) complex.

experiment, D- and L-enantiomers of glucose have been added to aqueous solutions of Tb(2,6-pyridinedicarboxylate) (Tb(DPA) ). This complex is known to possess D3 symmetry, so it occurs in solution as a mixture of ∆ and Λ enantiomers. Racemic mixtures

Even though the ground-state distribution of a mixture of chiral molecules is racemic, in some cases it is still possible to measure the CPL if the excited state can be enriched in one of the enantiomers. If, for example, the excitation beam is circularly polarized, one of the enantiomers with be excited preferentially over the other, and the excited state will not be racemic. This experiment, which has been referred to as CPE/CPL, relies on discrimination in absorption and emission. Obviously, it is also important that the nonracemic excited-state distribution created by the excitation beam is maintained during the excited state’s lifetime. An example of such an experiment is given in Figure 5. The CPL spectrum given in Figure 5 was collected while exciting an aqueous solution of Eu(DPA) with circularly polarized 472.8 nm light from an argon-ion laser. These complexes do not racemize on the emission timescale, so one may write down the following equation relating the measured luminescence dissymmetry ratio for


Figure 4 CPL spectra and total luminescence (lower curve) for an aqueous solution of Tb(DPA) containing 0.01M D-glucose (upper curve) and L-glucose (middle curve).

left circularly polarized excitation to the intrinsic absorption and emission dissymmetry ratio for one of the enantiomers as follows:

In this equation we have been careful to denote that the wavelength of excitation (O′) is different from the wavelength of emission detection. Measurement of CPL from racemic mixtures is not a technique that can be applied to all racemic solutions. For moderately luminescence systems glum values of approximately 10−4 are measurable. This means that the intrinsic absorption and emission dissymmetry ratios need to be on the order of 10−2 for this experiment to be successful. Although there have been a couple of examples using this technique in organic systems, by far the most widely studied systems are racemic lanthanide complexes, such as given in Figure 5, because of the large glum and gabs values that may exist for certain f ↔ f transitions. It is also useful to perform these experiments in a timeresolved mode and as a function of temperature to determine racemization rate constants. There are other ways to generate enriched excited states from racemic ground states. If, for example, a

Figure 5 CPL spectrum (upper curve) and total luminescence (lower curve) for an aqueous solution of Eu(DPA) using circularly polarized 472.8 nm excitation.

chiral excited state quencher molecule is added to a racemic solution, the rate of quenching of the two enantiomers may be different. This kind of experiment has been performed both in the steady-state and time-resolved modes. At time t = 0 following an unpolarized excitation pulse directed at a racemic mixture, the concentration of excited enantiomers will be equal. The diastereomeric selective quenching results in a time-dependent population that becomes increasingly richer in one of the enantiomers. Results from a typical experiment of this type are given in Figure 6. Here glum is plotted as a function of time for an aqueous solution of Tb(DPA) into which a small amount of ∆-Ru(phen) has been added. The different quenching rates for the diastereomeric pairs depend in a complicated way on mutual diffusion, reorientation, electronic overlap and diastereomer structure. These types of experiments may be performed with varying donor–quencher pairs, in different solvents, and as a function of temperature and pressure to probe intimate details of this excitedstate chiral discrimination. Biological and polymer systems

Almost all biological systems are chiral, so it is natural to expect that CPL studies involving luminescent biological material will be important. Unlike CD, where all of the absorbing chromophores contribute


Figure 6 Time dependence of g lum at 544nm following excitation at 330nm for an aqueous solution of Tb(DPA) into which a small amount of ∆-Ru(phen) has been added.

to the resultant CD spectrum, luminescence from protein and other biological systems is generally only seen from a very small number of emitting chromophores. Thus, CPL studies involving biological systems generally only provide specific structural information localized around the emitting chromophore, and not the longer-range information on secondary and tertiary structure that is routinely obtained from CD studies. This is true both for intrinsic protein fluorescence and in studies in which metal ion or organic fluorescence probes are used. Some of the very early applications of CPL spectroscopy involved chiral polymeric systems. In particular, the CPL from achiral dye molecules dissolved in cholesteric liquid crystals has been used to probe chirality changes. CPL from chromophores attached to a chiral poly-amino acid may also be used to study exciton coupling between aromatic chromophores. In these polymeric systems, it is often observed that glum is quite large. In some cases it is so large, in fact, that detection using static quarterwave plates is possible.

Berkeley. In the simplest application of FDCD a photomultiplier tube is placed at 90° to the direction of emission detection in a modified commercial or custom-built CD instrument and the luminescence intensity in phase with the oscillating left and right circularly polarized absorption beam is monitored. For many applications, including recent uses of FDCD as detectors in HPLC, this type of experimental setup is sufficient. The major technical challenge in the construction of an FDCD instrument is associated with the fact that it is very difficult to produce pure circularly polarized excitation without any residual polarization. Furthermore, if this linear polarization varies in phase with the incident circular polarization, serious artefacts may result. To reduce this problem, a somewhat more complicated experimental setup is required. A schematic diagram of an FDCD instrument designed to deal with the linear polarization problem is shown in Figure 7. The incident (absorption) beam is wavelengthselected by an excitation monochromator and then converted to alternately left and right circular polarization by use of a linear polarizer and quarter-wave modulator. The quarter-wave modulator may be a PEM as described above for CPL measurement, or a Pockels cell. This luminescence in phase with the incident polarization modulation is collected by two photomultiplier tubes (PMT1 and PMT2) oriented at right angles to each other and the incident beam. If the excitation is linearly polarized, then the sum of

Instrumentation for measurement of fluorescence-detected circular dichroism In fluorescence-detected circular dichroism (FDCD) the difference in total emission intensity is used to monitor differences in circularly polarized absorption. This spectroscopic technique was developed in the early 1970s in the laboratory of Professor I. Tinoco at the University of California,

Figure 7

Schematic diagram of FDCD instrument.


the fluorescence intensities from the two detectors due to this artefact gives a signal (V1 + V2) that is independent of the linear polarization. So even if this polarization changes as the incident polarization varies from left to right, the resultant artefact signal subtracts out of the difference in fluorescence intensity, FL − FR. The artefact signal does not subtract out of the total luminescence intensity, FL + FR, but, if present, it may be reduced by rotation of the PEM (or adjustment of the Pockels cell). The signals from the photomultiplier tubes are added and either these are input to a lock-in detector (as shown) or, if digital counting techniques are employed, the TTL pulses are analysed by a gated photon-counting system as described previously. To relate the measurement of FDCD to conventional CD, it is necessary to take into account that, if differential absorption of the circularly polarized excitation beam is taking place, then the intensity of the absorption beam as a function of distance into the sample may be different for the two circular polarizations. The relationship between CD and FDCD measurements for isotropic systems containing only one optically active fluorophore may be expressed as

where A denotes the absorbance of the sample, c is the concentration, and d is the path length. Processing of FDCD signals under conditions where there are more than one chiral chromophore is more complicated. Calibration of an FDCD instrument may be accomplished by measuring the signal for an achiral fluorescent molecule to ensure that a value of zero is obtained, and then by measuring a standard compound with a known CD such as d-camphorsulfonic acid.

Applications of fluorescencedetected circular dichroism FDCD measurements have the potential for providing valuable spectroscopic and structural information for systems in which conventional CD measurements are problematic. Of particular interest are complex systems containing multiple absorption chromophores but only one fluorescent chromophore. It is also possible to use the intrinsically higher sensitivity of luminescence detection to determine

the CD of samples for which only very small quantities are available. FDCD has also shown promise in high-pressure liquid chromatographic detection of luminescent chiral molecules, although no commercial applications of this technology are yet available. Although interesting and important applications for the FDCD technique have been undertaken, the technical problems associated with the generation of exactly equal intensities of circularly polarized exciting light, and the artefacts associated with residual linear polarization, have severely limited the widespread use of this technique. These problems are not insurmountable, and it is anticipated that modification by the manufacturers of commercial CD instruments to include FDCD attachments should result in considerably more applications of this technique to interesting and important chemical problems.

List of symbols A = absorbance; c = concentration; d = path length; f = frequency; gabs = absorption dissymmetry ratio; glum = luminescence dissymmetry ratio; I = light intensity; J = total angular quantum number; t = time; H = extinction coefficient; O = wavelength; V = standard deviation. See also: Biochemical Applications of Fluorescence Spectroscopy; Biomacromolecular Applications of Circular Dichroism and ORD; Chiroptical Spectroscopy, Emission Theory; Induced Circular Dichroism; Luminescence, Theory; ORD and Polarimetry Instruments; Vibrational CD Spectrometers; Vibrational CD, Applications; Vibrational CD, Theory.

Further reading Richardson FS and Riehl JP (1977) Circularly polarized luminescence spectroscopy. Chemical Reviews 77: 773–792. Riehl JP (1994) Excited state optical activity. In: Purdy N and Brittain HG (eds) Analytical Applications of Circular Dichroism. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Riehl JP and Richardson FS (1986) Circularly polarized luminescence spectroscopy. Chemical Reviews 86: 1–15. Riehl JP and Richardson FS (1993) Circularly polarized luminescence. Methods in Enzymology 226: 539–553. Steinberg I (1975) Circular polarization of fluorescence. In: Chen RF and Edelhoch H (eds) Biochemical Fluorescence: Concepts. New York: Marcel Dekker.


Cluster Ions Measured Using Mass Spectrometry O Echt, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, USA TD Märk, Leopold Franzens Universität, Innsbruck, Austria Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction Clusters are defined as hom*ogeneous aggregates of atoms (An) or molecules (Mn), although mixed (heterogeneous) aggregates (XnYm or XnY+) are also considered as clusters. The size range of interest starts at the dimer (n = 2) and reaches up to 106 to 108 constituents per cluster. Depending on the nature of the building blocks, the binding energy between the constituents can be rather weak, as in the case of van der Waals bound rare gas clusters (10–100 meV), or rather large, as in the case of covalently bonded carbon clusters (several eV). Gas-phase clusters can be produced either by fragmentation of solid material (laser desorption or sputtering into vacuum) or by aggregation of single particles (supersonic jet expansions, gas aggregation); the clusters may be either neutral or ionized. Owing to the statistical nature of these methods, the cluster sample (beam) usually comprises a broad distribution of different cluster sizes (a notable exception being the formation of C60). Thus virtually all experiments – in particular those concerned with the properties of a single cluster size, or with the evolution of cluster properties as a function of size – rely on mass spectrometry as a

Figure 1 Section of high resolution C60 mass spectrum obtained by multistep electron impact ionization. The black peaks are calculated isotopomers ofthe septuply charged C ion normalized to the first isotopomer of the experimental run. After Scheier P and Märk TD (1994) Physical Review Letters 73: 54.


major tool for investigating this unique form of matter. Besides high mass resolution for the proper identification of a specific cluster ion (Figure 1), one of the most important requirements for cluster studies is a large mass range (see Figure 2 which shows a photoionization time-of-flight mass spectrum of caesium oxide clusters). This has led to the sophisticated and improved use of established techniques and to the innovative development of new concepts in mass spectrometry (electrospray ion sources, reflection type mass spectrometers, etc.), which nowadays are also of great use in other fields such as medicine and biology for the investigation of large biomolecules. Besides identification of cluster ions and cluster ion distributions, the other major use of mass spectrometry in cluster science is the selection of mass-analysed monodisperse cluster ions in order to allow the

Figure 2 Section of mass spectra for Cs/O2 clusters using photoionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry shown on three different mass scales. After Martin TP, Bergmann T, Näher U, Schaber H and Zimmermann U (1994) Nuclear Instruments and Methods B88: 1.


investigation of cluster ion properties such as the structure, energetics, stability and reactivity. While size-selected neutral cluster targets are usually unavailable, mass spectrometry plays a crucial role in their investigation as well. For example, the information gained from photoelectron spectroscopy of mass-selected metal cluster anions pertains to the neutral species. Likewise, the sizes of neutral clusters that are interrogated by charge transfer reactions or resonance-enhanced ionization can be determined in a mass spectrometer, provided fragmentation does not occur.

Atomic structure The geometric arrangement of atoms is of paramount interest in cluster science. Mass spectrometry has provided essential clues to cluster structure and morphology, even though the approach is indirect. In short, one attempts to relate anomalies in the size distribution of clusters to anomalies in their properties, such as stability, reactivity or ionization energy. Figure 3 shows a mass spectrum of krypton clusters. Neutral clusters are grown by expansion of the gas through a nozzle into vacuum. Several abundance anomalies, often called ‘magic numbers’, are observed. Two questions arise: (1) Assuming the numbers indicate enhanced stability, is there a growth sequence that can consistently explain them? (2) Do the anomalies exist before ionization, or are they caused by dissociation following ionization? Atoms in rare gas solids arrange in a close-packed structure, each atom being surrounded by 12 nearest neighbours. Clusters of rare gases are expected to

Figure 3 Mass spectrum of krypton clusters, grown in a supersonic expansion and ionized by electron impact. The cluster size and assumed cluster structure of particularly prominent mass peaks is indicated.

assume compact shapes. Hence, it is reasonable to assume that clusters grow layer by layer around a core comprising 13 atoms, and that closed shells are particularly stable. The abundance of these clusters will be enhanced if clusters are warm enough to evaporate atoms. However, the 13-atom core may be either a cuboctahedron cut out of the fcc crystalline solid, or an icosahedron (Figure 4). Either way, the total number of atoms in complete-shell clusters would be 13, 55, 147, 309, 561; these cluster sizes are, indeed, particularly abundant in the mass spectra. Figure 3 reveals several additional magic numbers. They indicate closure of subshells that occurs whenever a facet of the cluster is covered by a layer of atoms. A cuboctahedral cluster has 14 facets, the icosahedral one has 20, leading to distinct subshell closures. For argon through xenon in this size range, only the

Figure 4 Schematic view of a 13-atom icosahedron and a 13atom cuboctahedron.


icosahedral growth sequence can explain the observed anomalies. Concerning ionization, theory and a large number of experiments indicate that it is essentially impossible to ‘softly’ ionize a rare gas cluster or, in fact, any cluster with van der Waals bonding. Dissociation will lead to enhanced intensities for particularly stable charged clusters; metastable decay will cause the relative intensities to become time dependent (Figure 5). Likewise, mass spectra of small clusters formed in the charged state, e.g. by sputtering, may deviate considerably from spectra of clusters formed in the neutral state. For larger clusters, however, neither the system (Ar, Kr, Xe) nor the cluster formation/ionization process affects the anomalies. Magic numbers in spectra of calcium and strontium clusters also indicate icosahedral growth, while aluminium clusters appear to adopt an fcc structure with octahedral morphology. Magic numbers observed when metal atoms are grown around a cluster

Figure 5 Section of a Ne cluster ion mass spectrum in the vicinity of the magic number size n = 55 measured approximately 68 µs (upper trace) and 118 µs (lower trace) after the primary ionization event. After Märk TD and Scheier P (1987) Chemical Physics Letters, 137: 245.

of known geometry, C60, nicely confirm the power of the closed-shell or closed-subshell concept. Mass spectra of transition metal clusters do not exhibit any abundance anomalies. However, if they are mixed with reactive gases prior to expansion into vacuum, the number of molecules being absorbed exhibits pronounced size effects. Mass spectra may directly reveal the number of reactive sites on the cluster surface; Co19, for example, offers six highly reactive sites towards ammonia. This number tends to increase with cluster size, but local minima are observed at certain cluster sizes, indicating closed shells or subshells in agreement with an icosahedral growth sequence. The stoichiometry of NaCl cluster cations is (NaCl)nNa+. A pronounced sequence of magic numbers is observed if n = 13, 22, 37, 62, 87,…. Assuming the ionic arrangement in the cluster is that of the crystal (rock salt, fcc lattice), compact shapes can be obtained by cutting cuboids out of the crystal. The number of ions in such a cuboid is odd only if the number of ions along each edge is odd. The numbers n listed above correspond to cuboids with 3×3×3, 3×3×5, 3×5×5, 5×5×5 and 5×5×7 ions. Several other alkali halide clusters show the same pattern. A magic number in mass spectra of carbon clusters has ultimately led to the discovery of a new form of crystalline carbon. Figure 6 displays spectra of carbon clusters formed by laser vaporization into helium gas with subsequent expansion into vacuum. Only even-sized clusters are observed above n = 30. Smaller clusters, which are known to form chains and rings, occur for odd and even sizes. A structural transition takes place near n = 30. Ion chromatography has revealed that various structural isomers may co-exist. The abundance anomalies at n = 60 and 70 become more pronounced if the helium gas density is raised (Figure 6, upper spectrum). The structure of carbon clusters in this size range can be described as that of a graphitic sheet which is curved and closed upon itself by replacing 12 hexagons with pentagons. C60 is the smallest of these so-called fullerenes in which all pentagons can be separated by hexagons; it has icosahedral symmetry. C70 would be the next larger fullerene with no adjacent pentagons. The unusually large enhancements of C60 and C70 in Figure 6 reflect their inertness towards growth. Later research has led to the synthesis of macroscopic amounts of C60 and larger fullerenes. They are stable in air and, unlike other clusters, do not react with each other. Fullerenes are hollow; C60 can cage atoms as large as xenon. The ‘endohedral’ nature of a complex may be demonstrated by its stability. (HeC60)+, formed by collisions of C with helium gas, survives


Figure 7 Mass spectrum of sodium clusters, ‘softly’ ionized by low-intensity light from a UV lamp. After Knight WD, Clemenger K, deHeer WA, Saunders WA, Chou MY and Cohen ML (1984) Physical Review Letters 52: 2141.

Figure 6 Mass spectrum of carbon clusters formed by laser vaporization into helium gas of high pressure (upper spectrum) and low pressure (lower spectrum). Reproduced with permission of Macmillan Magazines Ltd from Kroto HW, Heath JR, O’Brien SC, Curl RF and Smalley RE (1985) Nature 318: 162.

neutralization and re-ionization. The number of carbon atoms required to cage an atom depends on the size of the latter: photoexcited (CnK)+ will lose C2 units until, below n = 44, potassium escapes. (CnCs)+, however, requires at least 48 carbon atoms. Abundance anomalies as discussed above relate to unique atomic structures. Molten clusters will not exhibit magic numbers. This has been utilized to determine melting temperatures of clusters in the gas phase. If sodium clusters are thermalized in warm helium and then allowed to effuse into vacuum, no magic numbers related to atomic structure are observed. If the gas is cooled to 307 K (83% of the bulk melting temperature), magic numbers appear for clusters of size n ≥ 6000. They extend to smaller clusters if the temperature is lowered further. Smaller clusters melt at lower temperatures. Molten sodium clusters show a different sequence of magic numbers as explained in the following section.

Electronic structure Key features of the electronic structure of some nontransition metal clusters were first revealed through mass spectrometry. Figure 7 shows a mass spectrum of sodium clusters, grown from vapour in cold

helium gas and ionized by light from a UV lamp. Abundance anomalies are observed at n = 8, 20, 40, 58. If, instead, alkali clusters are ionized by an intense pulsed laser in the visible or near UV, abundance anomalies are observed at n = 9, 21, 41, 59. It appears that cluster stability is enhanced whenever the number of valence electrons, n e, is 8, 20, 40, 58, …. The mass spectrum in Figure 7 is believed to reflect the abundance and, indirectly, the stability distribution of neutral clusters. On the other hand, multiphoton excitation leads to excessive dissociation of charged cluster ions, thus revealing the stability of cluster cations. Copper and silver clusters directly formed in the charged state by sputtering do indeed show the same magic numbers 9, 21, 41,…. Experiments involving other mono-, di- and trivalent metals provide further support for this hypothesis. For example, Cu and Ag and Al (also see Figure 8) form local abundance maxima in their respective distributions. The observed ‘magic numbers’ find an explanation in the ‘jellium model’, which assumes the valence electrons to move freely throughout the cluster, only confined by an effective potential that is, thanks to the shielding by the other free electrons, approximately constant throughout the cluster. This quasifree electron approximation may seem naive, but it successfully explains basic properties of many metallic solids. Making the approximation that the effective potential is spherically symmetric, one immediately predicts electronic shell structure: spherical symmetry gives rise to a degeneracy of the singleelectron quantum states, the energy does not depend on the magnetic quantum number. Whenever a ‘shell’ of electrons is filled, addition of a monovalent atom


Figure 8 Mass spectrum of aluminium cluster anions before (upper) and after (lower) reaction with oxygen. Al is least reactive. After Leuchtner RE, Harms AC and Castleman Jr. AW (1989) Journal of Chemical Physics 91: 2753.

implies that its valence electron has to occupy a higher state, making this extra atom less tightly bound. The energetic order of the first few shell closures is consistently predicted to occur at n e = 2 (1s state), 8 (1p, in the notation used in nuclear physics), 18 (1d), 20 (2s), 34 (1f), 40 (2p), 58 (1g), etc. for the simple square-well potential as well as for more sophisticated potentials calculated self-consistently. Some of these gaps, like that between the 1d and 2s states, may be quite small, explaining the absence of an abundance anomaly at n e = 18. Many related effects have been studied in detail. Dissociation energies have been derived from metastable decay rates of alkali cluster ions. The gaps between electronic shells have been probed by measuring the size dependence of the ionization energy. Reduced ionization energies are, indeed, found for systems with 9, 21, 41, etc. valence electrons. The anomalies are much less than predicted, but refined effective (spherically nonsymmetric) potentials can explain this trend as well as the observation of some additional fine structure in the size distribution and in the ionization energy. Additional information

has been obtained from photoelectron spectroscopy of neutral and negatively charged clusters. Again, the basic features of these spectra and their size dependence can be rationalized within the jellium model. Classically, the ionization energy Eion(R) of a metallic sphere of radius R is expected to converge to the bulk value W (the work function) as Eion(R) = W + const R−1 (for a compact cluster of size n, the radius will scale as n 1/3). This behaviour is indeed observed for most metal clusters, except for the local anomalies mentioned above. Mercury, however, behaves differently (Figure 9). For small sizes, the ionization energies are significantly larger than expected, but a transition to the expected asymptotic behaviour occurs between n ≅ 20 and 70 (R ≅ 5–8 Å). This phenomenon has been assigned to a transition from an insulator to a metallic system. The jellium model also provided a motivation to develop high-resolution mass spectrometry of very large clusters. Although the gaps between electronic states will gradually disappear with increasing level density, i.e. with increasing cluster size, they were predicted to decrease in a non-monotonic fashion owing to interference effects between different types of semiclassical orbits of the quasi-free electrons in the clusters. These ‘supershells’, originally predicted for nucleonic systems much larger than naturally occurring nuclei, have been confirmed for clusters of sodium, lithium and gallium containing thousands of valence electrons.

Figure 9 Ionization energy of mercury clusters (solid circles, crosses) versus (estimated) reciprocal cluster radius. The slow convergence to the behaviour expected classically for a metallic sphere (dashed line) is attributed to the occurrence of an insulator-to-metal transition in the size range between 20 and 70 atoms. After Rademann K, Kaiser B, Even U, and Hensel F (1987) Physical Review Letters 59: 2319.


Cluster ion reactivity Two categories of reactions have been studied that require the temporal evolution of the cluster ion composition to be known. The first comprises reactions of (neutral or ionized) clusters with neutral or ionized atoms, molecules, clusters or surfaces (not to mention reactions of photons or electrons with the clusters which, however, are usually discussed in the context of ionization and dissociation reactions); the second deals with reactions inside (excited) cluster ions. In the first case the mass spectrometer in various combinations serves as the chemical reactor, whereas in the second the cluster itself may be considered to be the chemical laboratory.

hydrocarbon always give, besides typical fragmentation patterns expected for weakly interacting van der Waals cluster ions, the protonated acetone ion as the major secondary ion. Using deuterated acetone it is possible to distinguish two completely different reaction routes leading to this major product ion, one involving an H abstraction (pick-up) reaction with the surface adsorbates and one involving an ion molecule reaction within the cluster ion (intracluster reactions). The branching ratio for these two reactions depends strongly on the cluster size. Again, the ultimate goal is to study new reactions in the novel nonequilibrium environment present under the ‘nanoshock’ conditions shortly after cluster impact on the surface.

Cluster ion reactions

Reactions in cluster ions

One of the interesting questions addressed in this field is the influence that solvation, the degree of aggregation and the proximity of solute complexes have on the reactions and properties of reactive species. Huge changes (by many orders of magnitude) of the corresponding reaction rate constants may occur when going from the gas phase to the cluster environment; or very specific selectivity may be observed in reaction channels for metal cluster ions reacting with ligands (see Figure 8). Moreover, research on the reactivity of naked metal cluster ions is of special interest as these systems are considered to be potential catalysts since, in general, they are highly unsaturated. Fe4+ ions, produced by sputtering, thermalized and trapped in the storage cell of a FT-ICR mass spectrometer, were shown to react sequentially with ethylene, forming benzene precursors. The existence of these precursors and the occurrence of a complete catalytic cycle has been shown in a MS5 experiment, where the various intermediates are successively identified. Reactions between clusters may lead to fusion-like reactions, such as C + C60 → C , where fusion occurs only for collision energies exceeding a barrier of about 70 eV. On the other hand, they may cause fragmentation and even multifragmentation reactions, the latter showing an activation energy of about 70 eV for C 60. Studies involving various types of tandem mass spectrometer combinations have, in addition, dealt with the rapidly growing topic of cluster ion/surface reactions. Besides reflection, surfaceinduced dissociation, charge exchange and surface-induced reactions have been observed, thus allowing study of the reactivity and, in addition, the structure of these ions. For instance, collisions of size-selected stoichiometric and nonstoichiometric acetone ions with a stainless steel surface covered by

One of the most fascinating aspects of cluster reactivity is given by those unimolecular reactions that occur inside of an energized cluster (ion) after excitation/ionization by, for example, electrons or photons. Whereas inelastic interactions of free electrons with gas-phase atoms or molecules result in changes of the electronic configuration and/or nuclear motion, interactions of electrons with clusters may, in addition, (i) comprise multiple collisions of the incoming (scattered) electron(s) and (ii) involve subsequent intra- and intermolecular reactions within the ‘cluster reactor’. This sequence of events leads to the formation of excited cluster ions (which may differ in composition and stoichiometry from the initial neutral precursor), involving the deposition of excess energy into various degrees of freedom. Energy and charge exchange between different sites in the cluster may, in turn, cause additional spontaneous reactions not present in ordinary gas-phase molecules. These spontaneous reactions, occurring on time scales ranging from a few vibrational oscillations up to the millisecond time regime, will contribute strongly to the final fragmentation pattern observed in mass spectrometry. They are also responsible for the fact that measured cluster mass spectral distributions are often quite different from the distribution of clusters in the probed neutral beam and are usually only snapshots of the changing ion compositions after a primary ionization or excitation event (see Figure 5). Here, from the large number of different types of reactions, only four examples will be discussed, namely two internal ion molecule reactions and two unimolecular cluster decay reactions. Reactions in the cluster may lead to the production of ions not produced in the case of the monomer, and vice versa. For instance, electron impact ionization of CO2 does not give O fragment ions,


whereas electron impact ionization of CO2 clusters yields (CO2)mO ions by the following reaction sequence: via dissociative ionization of a single CO2 molecule within the cluster, the incoming electron produces an O+ fragment ion. In a second step, this fragment ion, via an ion molecule reaction with a neighbouring CO2 molecule, forms O plus CO. In contrast, for polyatomic molecules, fragment ion abundances are usually much smaller if the ionization and subsequent fragmentation occur within a cluster. For instance, for a propane cluster, the relative abundance of the parent molecular ion C3H and the abundances of the first-generation fragment ions C3H , C3H , C2H , C2H , are significantly enhanced; those of the second-generation fragment ions C3H , C3H , C2H , C2H are diminished in comparison to the situation with the monomer. This is due to energy transfer from the originally excited propane molecular ion, via quenching reactions, to the cluster constituents. The common unimolecular (spontaneous) decay in the metastable time regime for (excited) cluster ions is monomer evaporation, although in certain cases dimer and trimer ejection have also been observed. Whereas electronic predissociation and barrier penetration are likely mechanisms for the decay of small cluster ions, vibrational predissociation is the dominant metastable dissociation mechanism for larger cluster ions, leading in some cases — owing to the large amount of energy stored — to sequential decay series. Moreover, because cluster ions of a specific size produced in the ion source of a mass spectrometer by electron impact of a neutral cluster beam will comprise a broad range of internal energies (owing to the statistical nature of the complicated ionization process and the possibility of cascading from different neutral precursors), the decay of such an ion ensemble will not be governed by a single decay constant k as predicted by RRKM theory for a polyatomic ion excited to a specific energy. The experimental results show, in accordance with predictions using the concept of an evaporative ensemble (EEM), a nonexponential function for the time dependence of the apparent metastable decay rate (Figure 10). Moreover, this EEM model can be also used to describe the experimentally observed increase of the apparent decay rate with cluster size. Deviations observed from the prediction are due to the special nature of ‘magic number’ cluster sizes. It is thus not surprising that these anomalously small or large decay rates agree in a mirror-like fashion with enhanced or depleted ion abundances in the mass spectrum. In addition to the single monomer evaporation based on the statistical predissociation mechanism,

Figure 10 Measured and predicted (solid line) apparent metastable decay rates (metastable fraction divided by the experimental time window) for three different cluster ion sizes and two different rare gases (open symbols, argon; filled symbols, krypton) versus time since electron ionization. After Ji Y, Foltin M, Liao CH and Märk TD (1992) Journal of Chemical Physics 96: 3624.

several unusual metastable fragmentation reactions involving the ejection of more than one monomer have been observed. It has been demonstrated by mass spectrometric techniques that these decay reactions are due to the decay of isolated excited states within the cluster ion, including vibrational states, excimers and isomers. Hot surfaces may ‘boil off’ electrons if the corresponding activation energy is not much higher than that for the competing reaction, evaporation of atoms. For energetic reasons, this ‘thermionic emission’ process is not observed for ordinary molecules unless they are negatively charged (autodetachment). The cohesive energy per building block tends to increase with increasing cluster size, while the ionization energy decreases. Also, a large system can store excitation energy more effectively than a small molecule; the cluster can serve as its own heat bath. Hence, delayed electron emission from neutral clusters excited by photons or by collisions is a viable reaction. This process produces asymmetric peaks in conventional time-of-flight (TOF) mass spectra, because the arrival time of an ion is usually measured with respect to the time at which the parent molecule was excited. Figure 11 (top) shows a TOF mass spectrum of a C60/C70 mixture, using multiphoton excitation at 266 nm. To select the time of ionization separately from the time of flight through the instrument, the extraction field is modulated in time such that only ions formed within a certain time interval (4–5 µs in this case) reach the detector, thus giving rise to narrow mass peaks that reflect the rate of formation within the chosen time interval (Figure 11, lower). It


Figure 11 Time-of-flight mass spectrum of multiphoton-ionized fullerenes. Upper spectrum: static extraction, delayed ions give rise to asymmetric peaks. Lower spectrum: pulsed extraction, delayed ions formed within a chosen time window are bunched into narrow peaks.

becomes apparent that C and other fragment ions also have delayed components. C may form hundreds of microseconds after excitation. Delayed ionization has been observed for neutral refractory metal clusters containing as few as five atoms, for some metal oxides and for metallocarbohedrenes such as Ti8C12. The phenomenon is ubiquitous for negatively charged clusters owing to their reduced activation energy for electron emission.

Multiply charged clusters Systems with a high charge density become unstable with respect to dissociation into charged fragments (fission). This effect limits the net charge of molecules, small clusters, and droplets of a given size, as well as the size of natural and man-made atomic nuclei. Multiply charged cluster ions are easily identified by their non-integer size-to-charge ratios (Figures 1 and 12). However, for each charge state z there is a characteristic appearance size n z below which the species becomes undetectable, as shown in Figure 12 for argon. For more tightly bound metal clusters, n z=2 may be as small as 2, but the concept of an appearance size is still meaningful for higher charge states.

Figure 12 Mass spectrum of argon clusters ionized by electron impact. Doubly and triply charged clusters are observed above characteristic appearance sizes.

The effect has been observed for various atomic and molecular van der Waals clusters, hydrogenbonded clusters and metal clusters. Seven-fold sodium clusters, for example, are not observed below n 7 ≅ 445. Under typical experimental conditions, multiply charged clusters are, like their singly charged counterparts, thermally excited; they are found to evaporate atoms or molecules in a statistical, unimolecular process if their size is well above the appearance size. In the vicinity of the latter, however, fission competes with evaporation. Below the appearance size, the rate of fission greatly exceeds the time needed for mass spectrometric detection. The appearance size can be somewhat reduced if colder multiply charged clusters are generated. Ultimately, however, the clusters become unstable and the fission barrier vanishes. The size distribution of fission fragments can be determined mass spectrometrically. Distributions tend to be asymmetric, but there are considerable variations in the details. Several studies have been devoted to fullerenes. C is observed with charge states up to z = 9. Spontaneous (unimolecular) dissociation of C , as well as producing C and


Figure 13 MIKE scan of C in a double focusing sector field mass spectrometer, showing in addition to the parent ion spontaneous fission into different fragment ions. The broadening and splitting for the charge separation reactions arises from the large kinetic energy release in these reactions. Reproduced with permission of Taylor & Francis from Scheier P, Dünser B, Wörgötter R et al (1996) International Review of Physical Chemistry 15: 93.

smaller fragments, produces C , C and C via a ‘charge separation’ reaction (Figure 13). These MIKE spectra (scan of the electric sector field voltage) reveal the energy released upon fissioning. C shows the greatest broadening because it is related to the heaviest fission partner, C . Detection of the light fission fragments is difficult because of their large recoil velocity, but C has been directly identified.

Cluster anions Often a single molecule cannot bind an excess electron, although it is quite possible to trap

Figure 14 Mass spectrum of negatively charged (NH3)n clusters showing a sharp onset around the minimum appearance size nmin = 35. After Haberland H, Schindler HG and Worsnop PR (1984) Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie 88: 270.

Figure 15 Measured (full line) and calculated (broken line) O anion signal produced by electron attachment to an oxygen cluster beam as a function of electron energy. Inset: Same data on a log–log scale demonstrating the E−1 dependence predicted by swave scattering theory (dashed line). After Matejcik S, Kiendler A, Stampfli P, Stamatovic A and Märk TD (1996) Physical Review Letters 77: 3771.

electrons in liquids and solids of these molecules. Negatively charged clusters of these substances are of particular interest since it is possible to study details of this trapping as a function of aggregation. It has been shown by mass spectrometry that three mechanisms are responsible for the occurrence of negatively charged stoichiometric cluster anions in these cases: (i) stabilization by collision if accommodation of the electron affinity leads to autodetachment for a single isolated molecule (e.g. O2); (ii) stabilization by solvation if Franck–Condon problems lead to dissociation (e.g. CO2); and (iii) generation of a solvated electron (polaron) if the electron affinity of the monomer is zero (e.g. H2O). Whereas in the first two cases attachment of an electron to the cluster leads to the production of monomer anions and higher analogues, in the last case only cluster anions above a certain minimum size n min can be observed (see Figure 14 showing n min = 35 for ammonia clusters). It turns out that this minimum size in the observed mass spectrum may depend on the method of anion production. Cluster anions of volatile compounds can be formed in the gas phase either by injection of free electrons into the expansion zone of a supersonic jet or by attachment of electrons to a beam of pre-existing neutral clusters. For water clusters one obtains n min = 2 in the former and n min ≅ 11 in the latter mode. Calculations show that the electron is localized in a


‘surface state’ for the very small water cluster anions (n = 2–8); vertical detachment energies measured by photodetachment methods are, in fact, very low. Thus long-lived anions below n ≅ 11 can only be produced in the special (cold) environment of the expanding jet. As well as production of stoichiometric cluster anions, nonstoichiometric fragment cluster anions have also been observed (e.g. (O2)mO− for oxygen). Whereas these fragment anions can usually be produced by attaching electrons to pre-existing clusters at energies similar to the known resonances for the monomer (e.g. at around 6 eV and higher for (O−/O2), the stoichiometric anions are, in addition, often produced with very high probability at energies close to zero. Figure 15 shows the region of the ‘zero-energy’ resonance of oxygen clusters as measured with a highresolution spectrometer. In addition to the zeroenergy peak ascribed to s-wave capture by the entire cluster, further peaks are observed; these are attributed to vertical attachment of the incident electron to a single molecule within the cluster, thus allowing probing of the vibrational levels of a single oxygen anion within the cluster. See also: Ionization Theory; Thermospray Ionization in Mass Spectrometry.

Further reading Andersen HH (1997) Small Particles and Inorganic Clusters. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. Bernstein ER (1990) Atomic and Molecular Clusters. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Bréchignac C and Cahuzac Ph (eds) (1995) Comments on Atomic and Molecular Physics 31: 137–477.

Castleman Jr. AW and Bowen KH (1996) Clusters: structure, energetics, and dynamics of intermediate states of matter. Journal of Physical Chemistry 100: 12911– 12944. de Heer WA (1993) The physics of simple metal clusters: experimental aspects and simple models. Review of Modern Physics 65: 611–676. Deng R and Echt O (1998) Efficiency of thermionic emission from C60. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 102: 2533–2539. Dresselhaus MS, Dresselhaus G and Eklund PC (1996) Science of Fullerenes and Carbon Nanotubes. San Diego: Academic Press. Haberland H (1994) Clusters of Atoms and Molecules: Theory, Experiments, and Clusters of Atoms . Springer Series in Chemical Physics 52. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. Haberland H (1994) Clusters of Atoms and Molecules II: Solvation and Chemistry of Free Clusters, and Embedded, Supported and Compressed Clusters. Springer Series in Chemical Physics 56. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. Ingólfsson O, Weik F and Illenberger E (1996) The reactivity of slow electrons with molecules at different degrees of aggregation: gas phase, clusters and condensed phase. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes 155: 1–68. Jortner J (1992) Cluster size effects. Zeitschrift für Physik D 24: 247–275. Märk TD (1995) Mass spectrometry of clusters. In: Cornides I, Horváth G and Vékey K (eds) Advances in Mass Spectrometry, Vol 13, pp 71–94. Chichester: Wiley. Martin TP (1996) Shells of atoms. Physics Reports 273: 199–241. Näher U, Bjørnholm S, Frauendorf S, Garcias F and Guet C (1997) Fission of metal clusters. Physics Reports 285: 245–320. Ng CY, Baer T and Powis I (1993) Cluster Ions. Chichester: Wiley.

Cobalt NMR, Applications See Heteronuclear NMR Applications (Sc–Zn).


Colorimetry, Theory Alison Gilchrist and Jim Nobbs, University of Leeds, UK Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Colorimetry is the science of the measurement of colour. It involves the replacement of subjective responses, such as ‘light blue’, ‘rich dark purple’, ‘bright gold’, with an objective numerical system. This study began with the work of Young, Helmholtz and Maxwell in the early nineteenth century, who recognized the principles of additive and subtractive colour mixing, and proposed the trichromatic nature of human colour vision. The science began to be formalized in 1931, when the Commission International de l’Eclairage (CIE) recommended a system of colour specification based on the three tristimulus values X, Y and Z. The current CIE reference document relating to colorimetry is CIE Publication 15.2-1986 (Edition 3 is in preparation); for more practical information on colorimetric measurement, ASTM document E308-96 should be consulted.

Illumination, object, observer Three things contribute to our perception of the colour of an object: the nature of the illumination, the optical properties of the object itself and the response of the human eye (Figure 1). The nature of the illumination can be characterized by the spectral power distribution S(O) of the light source, the relative intensity of the illumination at each wavelength in the visible spectrum. The object reflects a certain fraction of the incident light and this can be characterized by the reflectance spectrum R(O). The intensity of light entering the eye, I(O), is the product of these terms. Thus in order to measure colour, and to specify

ELECTRONIC SPECTROSCOPY Theory colour by numbers, it is necessary to specify each of these three components of the colour trio. In 1931, the CIE recommended standard illuminants for use in colorimetry, published data representing the standard observer and recommended standard optical geometries for use in colour-measuring instruments.

Standard illuminants (A, C, D65, F) In 1931 the CIE recommended three standard sources and Illuminants (A, B and C) where a source is a physically realizable light source and an illuminant is a table of data (spectral power distribution) representing a source. A is intended to represent an incandescent tungsten filament lamp (colour temperature 2856 K); B and C may be produced by filtering the light from source A to produce a representation of noon sunlight (B) or average daylight (C). More recently, the CIE has recommended the D series as illuminants only, representing daylight in various phases. D75 (colour temperature 7500 K) represents north sky daylight, D65 (colour temperature 6500 K) represents average daylight and D55 (colour temperature 5500 K) represents sunlight plus skylight. D65 is now the reference illuminant for use in colorimetry (although the graphic arts industry tends to prefer D55) and so should be included in any colour specification. Unfortunately, illuminant D65 is not realizable in practice, and so colour-matching cabinets generally contain a daylight simulator (a filtered fluorescent lamp). A further series of florescent lamps, the F series, were also defined, although none is specified as a standard illuminant. There are three types: normal, broad-band and three-band. The most important are F2 (normal, known as ‘cool white’), F7 (broad-band, known as ‘artificial daylight’ and commonly used for colour matching) and F12 (threeband, with high energy efficiency, and so often used in shops). Figure 2 shows the relative spectral power distribution of the more commonly used illuminants.

Standard observers (2-degree, 10-degree) Figure 1

How colour reaches the eye.

The experiments that established the basis of colorimetry were carried out separately by J. Guild at the


Figure 2

Relative spectral power distributions of common CIE illuminants.

National Physical Laboratory (UK) and W.D. Wright at Imperial College London in a famous series of experiments in the late 1920s. These experiments were dedicated to characterizing the response of the human eye to different wavelengths of light, and were carried out by colour matching using red, green and blue lights. A set of red, green and blue light sources are often called primary sources since the appearance of any one of the sources cannot be matched by blending together light from the other two. A possible experimental arrangement is illustrated in Figure 3. Each worker used several observers (Guild 7 and Wright 10) who adjusted the mixture of light from three primaries until it matched the appearance of the monochromatic light. These early experiments were carried out using the central area of the retina, the fovea. This region contains the highest concentration of colour-sensitive cells, and occupies the central 2° field (based on the

Figure 3 Possible arrangements of Guild’s and Wright’s experiments.

angle to the line of sight, drawn from the centre of the lens to the foveal pit). The standard observer derived from Guild’s and Wright’s experiments is therefore known as the 2q standard observer (1931). The colour matching functions (O), (O) and (O) represent the amounts of light from the red, green and blue primaries, in tristimulus units, needed to match unit intensity of light with a narrow band of wavelengths centred on O. Tristimulus units are defined such that a mixture of equal units of the red, green and blue primaries will match an equal-energy white. The values of the colour-matching functions are normalized so that there is an equal area under each of the spectral curves. The values are plotted against wavelength in Figure 4. It was found that not all the colours produced by monochromatic light could be matched by a simple additive mixture of light from three primaries. For some wavelengths it was necessary to add light from one of the primaries to the monochromatic light, reducing the colour saturation of the monochromatic light. The appearance of the desaturated mixture could then be matched by a combination of the other two primaries. When this occurs, the amount of the primary added to the monochromatic light appears as a negative number in the colour specification. Later workers observed that although the fovea is the region most sensitive to colour, most everyday objects occupy a larger area of the retina. The 10° standard observer (1964) was thus derived in a similar manner and is now the preferred observer function. The true cone sensitivities were not measured directly until 1979, but correspond very well to those expected from the colour-matching functions found by Guild and Wright.


conditions, for practical reasons these values are rarely used. For a significant proportion of colours one of the three values is negative, and this was considered a distinct disadvantage.

XYZ specification (1931) The XYZ system of colour specification was recommended by the CIE in 1931 and was closely based on the RGB system. The difference lies in the fact that R, G and B were real light sources of known specifications. X, Y and Z are theoretical sources which are more saturated than any real light source, and allow matching of any real colour using positive amounts of the three primary sources. The X, Y and Z stimuli are defined so that:

Figure 4

Guild’s and Wright’s colour-matching functions.

RGB specification The RGB system of colour specification was based on the trichromatic theory of colour vision and the colour-matching experiments carried out by Guild and Wright. It had been suggested by Maxwell in 1860 that if the specifications of the red, green and blue lamps used in such experiments were known, then the amounts of each light required to match a sample colour would provide a numerical specification of that colour. These amounts may be found either by passing the light from the sample through filters matching the RGB primaries, or by calculation from the reflectance values of the sample at a series of wavelengths through the visible spectrum:

Although RGB values are a valid representation of the colour of an object viewed under specified

• The XYZ tristimulus values of all real colours are positive. • The Y tristimulus value is proportional to the luminance. • A mixture of equal amounts of X,Y and Z has the same colour appearance as an equal-energy white. • The X, Y, Z values of the visible colours have the widest possible range of values. • The X stimulus represents a red more saturated than any spectral red. • The Y stimulus represents a green more saturated than any spectral green. • The Z stimulus represents a blue more saturated than any spectral blue. X, Y, Z values for the 2° observer may be calculated from RGB values using the equations

Alternatively, XYZ values may be calculated from reflectance values using similar equations to those for RGB, but using weighting functions (O, O and (O) in place of (O), (O) and (O). The CIE nomenclature is to denote the 10° observer function with a subscripted ‘10’ (Eqn (3)). The XYZ system is an improvement over the RGB system in that it eliminates negative numbers in colour specification. However, it is still based on the mixing of coloured lights and not on the visual appreciation of colour. In particular, the visual colour difference between two samples is not linearly related to the difference in XYZ values:


L*a*b* colour space (1976) CIE L*a*b* colour space is based on the opponent theory of colour vision, which arose from the ideas of Hering. Hering pointed out that of the thousands of words used to describe hue, only four are unique; red, green, yellow and blue. They are unique because they cannot be described without using their own colour name, yet any other hue can be described using one or more words from this set. When taken together with white and black, they form a group of six basic colour properties that can be grouped into three opponent pairs, white/black, red/green and yellow/blue. The concept of opponency arises from the observation that no colour could be described as having attributes of both redness and greenness, or of both yellowness and blueness. A red shade of green just does not exist. It seems sensible to associate these three opponent pairs with the three axes of a three dimensional colour space. On a colour chart, the amount of redness or greenness of a colour sensation could be represented by the distance along a single axis, with pure red lying at one extremity and pure green lying at the other. In a similar way yellow and blue are opposite extremities of a second axis that could be placed perpendicular to the red/green direction. The third axis would go from white to black and lie in the plane normal to the other two. CIE L*a*b* (1976) space uses three terms L*, a* and b* to represent colour, as shown in Figure 5 and described below. L* The vertical axis represents lightness; 100 represents a perfect white sample and 0 a perfect black. a* The axis in the plane normal to L* represents the redness–greenness quality of the colour. Positive values denote redness and negative values denote greenness. b* The axis normal to both L* and a* represents the yellowness–blueness quality of the colour.

Figure 5

CIE L*a*b* colour space.

Positive values denote yellowness and negative values denote blueness. L*a*b* values are calculated from XYZ values using the following equations:



where X0 is the X tristimulus value of a perfect white sample under the chosen illuminant. Values of FY and FZ are calculated in a similar manner. Then:

Since L*a*b* values for a sample may change for a different illuminant and observer combination, any colour specification must always include the illuminant and observer for which the values were calculated.


CIE L*C*h° coordinates The coordinates of the points representing the colour of a sample can also be expressed in cylindrical coordinates of lightness L*, chroma C* and hue h°, as illustrated in Figure 6. This system corresponds more closely to the natural description of colour.

standard sample. The total colour difference is the distance between the two points representing those colours in the colour space, as shown in Figure 7. The distance, expressed as 'E , is determined using the laws of right-angle triangles:

L* Lightness (see above) C* Chroma: where

h° Hue angle:

Neutral grey samples would have C* values between 0 and about 5 units. The hue angle is always measured anticlockwise from the positive a* axis. It is traditional to associate one of the psychological primary hues with each axis direction, as shown in the diagram, although in reality the angles of the pure hues do not lie exactly along the axis directions.

Colour difference As the CIE L*a*b* system was designed to be visually uniform, it is fairly simple to devise an equation for the total colour difference between a trial and

Figure 6

CIE L*C*h° colour coordinates.

The overall colour difference may also be split into lightness, chroma and hue terms, which again correspond more closely to the natural description of colour:

It is worth remembering that the scaling of the colour space was set so that a value of 'E = 1 between the colour of two samples should be just visually perceptible. This means that if a large

Figure 7

The CIE L*a*b* colour difference calculation.


number of people were asked to judge the colour difference between the two samples, about 50% of observers would say that there was a difference in colour, the other 50% would say the two colours matched. This is the point of maximum argument. Comparisons between the majority visual decision and a numerical assessment, based on the condition that 'E must be less that 1 for a match, show that the instrument decision will disagree with the majority visual decision about 19% of the time. On average, an individual colourist will disagree with the majority decision about 17% of the time when judging pairs of panels with fairly small colour differences. Pass/fail decisions based on the CIE L*a*b* (1976) equation with a limit of 'E = 1 are, on average, slightly less reliable than visual judgements made by a single colourist. However, a colourmeasuring instrument has the great advantage of giving much more repeatable decisions. A number of scientists have devised more reliable or optimized colour difference equations. The simplest method of improvement is to assign individual tolerances to 'L*, 'a* and 'b*. Alternatively, individual tolerances can be assigned to 'L*, 'C* and 'H* (differences in lightness, chroma and hue). The most successful equations are based on the 'L*, 'C*, 'H* system of colour splitting and the CMC (l, c) and CIE 94 equations are of this type. The CMC equation was developed by the Colour Measurement Committee of the Society of Dyers and Colourists (Bradford, UK) and has been adopted as the ISO standard for small colour difference assessment of textile materials. In 1994 the CIE suggested the simpler CIE 94 equation for evaluation. The published evidence collected so far by the CIE suggests that pass/fail decisions made using either of the optimized colour difference equations are considerably more reliable than those based on 'E or on the judgement of a single human colourist. Comparison with decisions made by panels of observers show that the equations disagree with the majority decision about 13% of the time. Neither equation has yet been adopted as a CIE standard as it has been shown that further improvements can still be made.

Colour and appearance The systems of colorimetry described above can only specify the colour of an isolated sample viewed against a neutral grey background. However, almost all colours are viewed against different backgrounds, with different fields of view, viewing environments, and states of adaptation to that environment. The surrounding colours or patterns will affect the perceived colour of the sample in ways which cannot

be predicted using the CIE L*a*b* system. More complicated models have been developed that take these factors into account; the CIE have recently recommended the CIECAM97s model for further testing. Colour appearance models are becoming increasingly important in these days of digital images and global communication. The faithful reproduction of an image from computer screen to printed hard copy requires an effective colour appearance model at the heart of the colour management system.

Summary The use of colour-measuring instruments allows specification and communication of colour by means of international standard terms such as CIE L*a*b*C*h°. Colour difference values can also be determined instrumentally and, if optimized colour difference equations are used, can out-perform a single trained colourist. However, the visual appreciation of colour and colour difference is still a subjective response, affected by many factors. Care must be taken to include measurement conditions in the interpretation of colour measurement data. The gold standard answer must always be that which agrees with the majority of a group of human observers. Whether this can be achieved by optimized equations based on CIE L*a*b* colour space or by colour appearance models remains to be established.

List of symbols b* = yellowness/blueness; a* = redness/greenness; c* = chroma; FXFYFZ = functions of XYZ values used in deriving L*a*b* values; h° = line angle; I(λ) = intensity of light entering the eye; k = normalization constant; L* = lightness; L*, a*, b* = values in the CIE L*a*b* system; L*, C*, h° = values in the CIE L*C*h° system; r(λ), g(λ), b(λ) = Guild/Wright colour-matching functions; R(λ) = reflectance; R,G,B = values in the RGB system; S(λ) = spectral power distribution of light source; (λ), (λ), (λ) = weighting functions replacing (λ), (λ), (λ) in the XYZ system; X,Y,Z = tristimulus values in the XYZ system; ∆E = distance function in the CIE L*a*b* system. See also: Art Works Studied Using IR and Raman Spectroscopy; Colorimetry Theory; Dyes and Indicators, Use of UV-Visible Absorption Spectroscopy.

Further reading Billmeyer FW Jr and Saltzman M (1981) Principles of Colour Technology, 2nd edn. New York: Wiley.


CIE Publication 15.2 (1986) Colorimetry. Vienna: CIE. Hunt RWG (1987) Measuring Colour. Chichester: Ellis Horwood. Hunter RS (1975) The Measurement of Appearance. New York: Wiley-Interscience. Judd DB and Wyszecki G (1975) Colour in Business, Science and Industry, 3rd edn. New York: Wiley. Kuehni RG (1997) Color: An Introduction to Practice and Principles. New York: Wiley-Interscience.

McDonald R (ed) (1997) Colour Physics for Industry, 2nd edn. Bradford: Society of Dyers and Colourists. Nassau K (ed) (1998) Color for Science, Art and Technology. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Wright WD (1969) The Measurement of Colour, 4th edn. London: Hilger. Wyszecki G and Stiles WS (1982) Color Science Concepts and Methods, Quantitative Data and Formulae, 2nd edn. New York: Wiley.

Computational Methods and Chemometrics in Near-IR Spectroscopy Paul Geladi, Umeå University, Sweden Eigil Dåbakk, Foss Sverige, Sollentuna, Sweden Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction In near-infrared and related spectroscopic methods, spectra consisting of spectroscopic measures (absorbance, transmittance, reflectance) at a large number of wavelengths, frequencies, energies or wavenumbers (also called by the general term ‘variables’) are produced. A few hundred to a few thousand variables are not uncommon, even with fairly simple, medium-priced instruments. For most uses it is not the study of the spectra itself (spectroscopy) but extracting information about the samples (spectrometry) that is important. This requires a multivariate treatment. Some of the multivariate techniques used for this are presented here. Much of the explanation in this text will be based on figures showing spectra or plots visualizing analysis parameters and results. Since space is limited, equations are avoided in most instances and the reader is referred to the quoted literature. Some lesser used multivariate techniques will be given just as literature references. Literature on the near-infrared technique and the related infrared, Raman and Fourier transform techniques is easily found in this Encyclopedia.

Raw spectra Near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy/spectrometry is the study of spectra recorded on instruments in the region 780–2500 nm. Many instruments add the visual region of 400–780 nm to this, so that colour information in the spectra can also be studied. Other

VIBRATIONAL, ROTATIONAL & RAMAN SPECTROSCOPIES Methods & Instrumentation instruments are more restrictive, e.g. between 850 and 1050 nm. Technical details about instrumentation can be found elsewhere. It is important to obtain a visual impression of the measured spectra and this is done in line plots. In these plots the horizontal axis is wavelength or wavenumber and the vertical axis can be transmission, reflectance or some type of calculated absorbance. Sometimes it may be useful to study a scatter plot of two raw spectra. Many researchers and industries prefer to work with transformed spectra and smoothing and derivation are used for that purpose (see Figure 1). Although raw spectra can show a great deal about classes of samples and outliers, some of the finer details cannot be found in them. Therefore, a more thorough, often multivariate analysis is needed. Figure 2 shows a typical data matrix obtained from NIR measurement. Some instruments only use 19 well selected wavelength bands and filters to give only 19 (or even fewer) variables. At the other extreme, some instruments give several thousands of wavelength variables.

Exploration and classification The first multivariate operation to be done on a data matrix (see Figure 2) is exploration of the data. Exploration of multivariate space is done by factor analysis methods, of which principal component analysis (PCA) is the easiest choice. The data are projected to a matrix with less and more meaningful variables called scores (latent variables) (see


Figure 2 A typical data matrix from an NIR study. The number of objects / may be a few tens to a few hundreds; K may be a few tens to several thousand.

Figure 3 Principal component analysis (PCA) projects the K variables into A principal component scores containing all meaningful information about the samples.

Figure 4 PCA produces a score matrix and a loading matrix for A components and a residual matrix containing mainly noise. This is a data reduction.

Figure 1 (A) A typical NIR spectrum and its (B) first and (C) second derivatives. The raw spectrum is in absorbance units.

Figure 3). In Figure 4, a more complete view of PCA is given. Scatter plots of the scores are called score plots. Score plots are 2D windows in multivariate space. The points in the plots are the objects. In this way, outliers may be detected and groupings of objects may be found. The loadings explain how the original variables contribute to the scores. They can be used to study spectral properties, or to select wavelengths. Loadings are usually shown as line

plots of one loading vector or as scatter plots of two loading vectors. Any analysis of NIR data should start with the detection of outliers in score plots. The outliers should be identified and removed. After this, grouping of objects may be observed. Distinct groups, overlapping groups and gradients between groups may be found. Grouping may be supervised, meaning known in advance, or it may be unsupervised i.e. found only after the analysis. With supervised grouping, one uses the score plot to check whether the expected (a priori known) groups really occur in the NIR spectra. Two different types of coffee are expected to have different spectra and if no difference can be found, the spectroscopic technique chosen may not be appropriate. Unsupervised grouping may show storage or sample treatment differences. A single type of coffee may give grouped spectra because different storage conditions have resulted in different humidity or because the grinding was performed in different machines. Studies of score plots may be used for studying grouping, ageing, deterioration, erroneous processing


or counterfeiting of all kinds of organic products, e.g. food and feed products, cellulose, paper and textiles, wood products, fossil fuels and biofuels, seeds and growing crops, pharmaceuticals, packaging materials and environmental samples. An industrial application is to keep the spectra of satisfactory batches or products in a file and to compare new spectra to see if they still fit the ‘satisfactory’ group. A large collection of classification methods (sometimes called ‘pattern recognition’) is found in the literature, but many of these methods are less useful for NIR data because of the huge number of variables compared with objects. Also in this respect, a data reduction to scores is useful, allowing the use of the classical clustering and pattern recognition techniques on a limited number of score vectors. Statistical tests can be applied to the residual matrix.

Calibration One of the main purposes of measuring NIR data is the determination of chemical composition or physical properties in a quantitative way. It was found very early that NIR spectra contain information on the water, protein, carbohydrate and fat content of food products. Measuring a NIR spectrum is quick and cheap (30–60 samples per hour for solids) while the wet chemical methods for measuring water, fat, protein, and carbohydrates are slow and expensive. Hence if a function y = f (x) can be found where x is the NIR spectrum and y is the desired chemical concentration, then time and money are saved. As an extra advantage, the NIR spectral measurement can be automated to function continuously on a process stream. Constructing and testing the functions y = f (x) is calibration. Using the function f( ) to find a value of y with only x known is prediction. Many methods are available for finding f( ) and many diagnostics are available for checking its quality. Generally, for the calibration step, accurate and precise measures of y and x are required. However, noise can never be avoided. Therefore, it is impossible to find an exact function f( ) and approximations have to be found. Linear approximations are easy to calculate, more easily interpreted and robust. Therefore, a linear model y = xb + f is often adequate. One important aspect to point out is that in the equation y = xb + f both x (the spectra) and y (the response) have systematic and random noise. There are many different techniques for building transfer functions between spectra and quantities (responses) measured by a reference method. Several techniques are found in the literature, but not all of them are frequently applied. The equation given above can be extended to y = Xb + f or even to

Y = XB + F (see Figure 5), with y (I × 1) a vector of response values for many samples, Y (I × M) a matrix of response values for many responses, X (I × K) the spectral data for the samples, b (K × 1) a vector of regression coefficients, B (K × M) a matrix of regression coefficients for the M responses, f (I × 1) a vector of residuals and F (I × M) a vector of residuals for many responses. One may consider percentages of fat, water and protein as three different responses (M = 3). The traditional least-squares solution for b (B) is called multiple linear regression or ordinary least squares. The method was used in the pioneering days of NIR, when there were only few wavelength bands available. The selected linear regression methods differ in the way the regression coefficients are estimated. They also have different properties for outlier detection and other diagnostics. In the early days it was found that wavelengths produced by spectrophotometers caused problems in a regression situation because of collinearity between the variables. There is also the problem of finding a least-squares solution to the equation above when the number of samples is less than the number of variables. Some selected methods are outlined below. Stepwise multiple linear regressions (SMLR)

SMLR is a way of cleverly reducing the number of wavelengths in order to find a least-squares solution, based on the meaningful assumption that repeated and useless information may be present in some wavelengths. In stepwise multiple linear regression, one starts with selecting the wavelength amongst all available ones, that correlates the best to the measured response. When the first wavelength is found, another wavelength is selected that increases the degree of explanation maximally and so on, until a stop criterion is fulfilled.

Figure 5 A regression model is built between the matrix X with NIR spectra and the responses Y. The regression coefficients B have to be calculated by MLR, SMLR, PCR, PLS, RR, ANN, etc. F is the residual containing the noise.


Principal component regression (PCR)

PCR uses the scores from a principal component analysis to avoid the problems of many variables and collinear variables described earlier. The PCA part also gets rid of some of the noise in the spectral data as an extra advantage. The regression solution becomes easier to calculate and more stable, and one obtains predictions that are more reliable. In addition, the PCA scores give the possibility of outlier detection, both for samples in the calibration data and for later samples for prediction.

In addition to the building of regression models, testing them is also important. Therefore, the data are split into a training set (size I) on which the model is built and a test set (size J) that is used for testing the model in a simulated ‘real’ situation (see Figure 7). Checking how well this works is called

Partial least-squares regression (PLS)

PLS is similar to PCR, in that regression is done on scores. The difference is that the responses y (Y) are used to find scores that have a large covariance between X and y (Y). One advantage of PLS over PCR is that the number of required components is reduced. Since PLS is used on scores, these can be used for the detection of outliers and groupings, as was explained for PCA. In this way, PLS automatically gives access to a number of diagnostic tools for outlier detection (in X and y). PCR and PLS add an important parameter to the regression model: the number of components used in the model, A. This is an extra choice to be made. Too few components give a bad model and too many components give a model that is sensitive to noise. PLS, PCR and MLR variants are the most commonly used regression methods for quantification of multivariate spectral data. Other methods are ridge regression (RR) and continuum regression (CR).

Figure 6 Non-linear relationship between the variables x and y. However, when the range is narrowed, local linear models can be used.

Artificial neural networks (ANNs)

The use of ANNs is increasing. ANNs are especially used for pattern recognition and nonlinear calibration. There are many types of ANN. However, it seems that the back-propagation ANNs are the most useful for calibration purposes. In linear calibrations, the traditional linear regression techniques will more often give stable and robust results as compared with ANNs. However, in nonlinear situations and with large heterogeneous data sets, ANNs work very well. Locally weighted regression (LWR)

LWR is based on the idea that even in a nonlinear situation there exist regions where a local model is close to linear. In LWR the neighbours of a spectrum to be used for prediction are used to build a local regression model. This model can be determined by PCR or PLS. There are different techniques for selecting appropriate neighbours, using different distance criteria and weighting (see Figure 6).

Figure 7 The training set (I objects is used to find the regression coefficients vector b. With a test set ( J objects), the predicted responses can be calculated using the same b. Usually the responses for the test set are kept in the background for diagnostic checking.


validation and is explained in its own section below. Calibration is very important for NIR data since the classical interpretation of the spectra (as is done for IR and UV spectra) is nearly impossible. Because of this, one may state that there is a very close relationship between an NIR instrument and the calibration model, making an instrument useless if no calibration model is available. A complete flow chart for NIR data analysis is given in Figure 8.

Validation It is very important to test the quality of a regression model constructed by PCR, PLS or any other regression method. The model for the training set (see Figure 7) can be improved by using more PCR or PLS components, but some of these will only describe noise. With an appropriate test set, a check can be made whether the model also has predictive properties. A revealing test is to plot the predicted values for the test set against the measured values in a scatter plot. In this plot, all points should ideally fall on the diagonal. Outliers, systematic errors, groupings and noisy behaviour are all detected easily. Sometimes numbers are needed. The predicted responses; for the test set can be compared with the measured values yt. This is done by constructing a sum of squares PRESS = (yt − ) (yt − ) and the corresponding standard deviation RMSEP = [PRESS /J]1/2. A useful plot is that of PRESS (prediction residual sum of squares) or RMSEP (root mean square error of prediction) against the number of components in the model (see Figure 9). When I and J are very small because of lack of samples, cross validation may be used advantageously. Figure 10 shows a typical predicted versus observed plot.

Calibration transfer The building of a good, robust calibration model with excellent prediction properties is extremely important and sometimes very expensive and time consuming. In many uses of NIR instruments and calibration models, long series of measurements are required and one has to be sure that the calibration model works well over long periods of time. This is not easy since instrument ageing, parts replacement and repairs may create the need for a new calibration model. Another situation arises when different instruments are used to do the same task in parallel. In order to avoid repeating the calibration, the techniques of calibration transfer have been developed. Some calibration transfer techniques are based on keeping individual instrument differences small or

Figure 8

A flow chart for a complete NIR data analysis.


compensating in the instrument hardware itself. Others work by calculations for making the spectra from one instrument (the field instrument) look like those of another one (the master instrument). In this way, the calibration model from the master instrument can still be used successfully.

Pretreatment of the spectra Several pretreatments are used in the processing of spectral data. The usual mean centring, scaling and nonlinear transformations are part of normal proce-

Figure 9 A plot of RMSEP against the number of components used in the model gives a minimum (arrow) indicating how many components should be in the model and how low the prediction error can be made.

dure related to classification and regression. Some other techniques were developed specifically with the nature of the NIR measurement in mind. The main purpose is always to improve the performance of a classification or calibration. Pretreatments can also be used to compress spectral information and ease computation on large sets of data, as is the case with Fourier and wavelet transforms. Multiplicative signal correction (MSC) was originally developed for NIR reflectance data in order to correct for different pathlengths and scatter arising from different particle sizes in the samples. This is done by adjusting baselines and slopes. The basis for MSC is simple. Each spectrum is compared with a reference spectrum, usually the mean spectrum of all good calibration samples. The sample spectrum is assigned the same offset and average slope as the reference spectrum. Orthogonal signal correction (OSC) works in a similar way to MSC but uses the responses for orthogonalization, thus ensuring that all information related to the responses stays in the transformed spectra. Derivatives (see Figure 1) encompass basically the same thing as MSC. A second derivative of a spectrum removes baseline offsets and linear slopes. Derivation (or differentiation) is a widely used, simple and intuitive data pretreatment. For digitized spectra, different smoothing algorithms can also be applied, e.g. using different widths of derivation.

List of symbols b = vector of regression coefficients; B = matrix of regression coefficients for many responses; f = vector of residuals; F = vector of residuals for many responses; PRESS = prediction residual sum of squares; RMSEP = root mean square error of prediction; X = spectral data for samples; y = vector of response values for many samples; Y = matrix of response values for many responses; yt = measured value; = predicted response. See also: Calibration and Reference Systems (Regulatory Authorities); FT-Raman Spectroscopy, Applications; IR Spectrometers; IR Spectroscopy, Theory; Near-IR Spectrometers; Raman Spectrometers.

Further reading

Figure 10 Plotting predicted values of the response against observed values give an idea of prediction quality. All points should fall close to the diagonal. Individual outliers or deviating groups can easily be detected.

Beale R and Jackson T (1990) Neural Computing: an Introduction. Bristol: Institute of Physics Publishing. Beebe K, Pell R and Seasholtz M-B (1998) Chemometrics. A Practical Guide. New York: Wiley. Brown P (1993) Measurement, Regression and Calibration. Oxford: Clarendon Press.


Davies A and Williams P (eds) (1996) Near Infrared Spectroscopy: The Future Waves. Chichester: NIR Publications. Geladi P and Dåbakk E (1995) An overview of chemometrics applications in NIR spectrometry. Journal of NearInfrared Spectroscopy 3: 119–132. Johnson R and Wichern D (1982) Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. Jackson J (1991) A User’s Guide to Principal Components. New York: Wiley.

Joliffe J (1986) Principal Component Analysis. Berlin: Springer. Malinowski E (1991) Factor Analysis in Chemistry, 2nd edn. New York: Wiley. Mardia K, Kent J and Bibby J (1979) Multivariate Analysis. London: Academic Press. Martens H and Naes T (1989) Multivariate Calibration. Chichester: Wiley. Wold S, Esbensen K and Geladi P (1987) Principal component analysis. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 2: 37–52.

Contrast Mechanisms in MRI IR Young, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, UK Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction The key factor which has led to the huge growth and clinical acceptance of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is really quite fortuitous. This is that tissues have quite different values of T1 and T2, and that, more importantly, the relaxation time constants of a great many diseased tissues are quite markedly different from those of the normal structures surrounding them. Clinical MRI seeks to highlight these differences at the expense of all other considerations. As a result, all the methods used in traditional NMR have been investigated to find out if they can deliver maximal differentiation between normal and abnormal tissue. The manipulations are performed through complex sets of instructions issued to the various components of a machine at the correct times which are known as ‘sequences’. In the following sections we discuss the most important of these, and their variants. Thereafter a number of phenomena are described which are both artefacts of images if care is not taken, and sources of desirable contrast under other circ*mstances. Included among these are such things as the effect of flow, a matter of great concern in medical imaging where data about the cardiovascular system is of substantial importance in many clinical conditions. Some of the implications of apparently recherché observations such as that of diffusion are very significant in the diagnosis of unexpected disease situations.


An important, though unfortunately brief, note discusses the single most significant artefact in MRI, arising from the physiological measurements of the patient. The problem of controlling the effect of respiratory motion in particular has delayed the application of MRI to the imaging of much of the thorax and abdomen very substantially.

Standard sequences Most clinical MRI revolves around the contrast generated by three very standard sequences, partial saturation, spin echo and inversion recovery, which are familiar to those working on traditional high-resolution spectroscopy, but having a resonance and significance in clinical MRI not found elsewhere. The notation used in this article for times and other sequence features is that proposed by the American College of Radiology, and generally used in human MR studies. (Partial) saturation recovery sequence

This is the classic D–TR–D sequence of NMR in imaging form. The sequence form, showing how the various gradients and RF pulses are manipulated for a spin-warp data acquisition, is sketched in Figure 1A. The dotted lines indicate that the phase encoding gradient is varied from one acquisition to the next. The theoretical relationship for the sequence is:


Figure 1 (Partial) saturation recovery sequence. (A) Sequence configuration. A flip angle of D is assumed in this diagram. (B) Calculated signal characterization for the tissues, the parameters for which are given in Table 1. D in this case is 90q. (TE 20 ms for the purposes of this plot.) (C) The same characteristics as in Figure 1B, but with D 30q. (TE 20 ms for the purposes of this plot.) (D) Blipped echo planar sequence. An echo is formed during each excursion of the readout gradient, with a line of k-space being acquired at the same time. The bias pulse in the phase encoded waveform is used to control the starting point in k-space of the image acquisition.

Table 1 Tissues, and their parameters, used in the description of the main sequences

where S is the observed signal, and So is that which is available after full relaxation and immediately prior to excitation. In this sequence TR is the time between successive excitations, while TE is the time from the centre of the excitation to the centre of the echo formed by the refocusing effects of the gradients. D is the actual flip angle. Note that this relationship is much simplified from that derived by solution (see below) of the Bloch equations, by assuming T1 !! T2 and that off-resonance effects and spatial selection effects are ignored. What this means in practice in terms of signal differences and behaviour is shown in Figure 1B. This


T1 (ms)

T2 (ms)

Relative available proton density

White matter




Grey matter




















The relative available proton density column indicates the relative peak signal observable from the tissue. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) which has a signal near to that of pure water in normal subjects is taken as unity.


(and other similar figures to follow) uses the values in Table 1 for typical normal and abnormal brain tissue. It is the differences between these components that decide the efficacy of MRI. The values in Table 1 are typical of those at 1.0 T. The coefficient, Q, relating

echo time (TE) can result in very little contrast indeed in normal organs (as Figure 2B suggests). Figure 2A shows a typical sequence structure for a spin-echo acquisition. The simplified relationship governing the sequence is:

field and relaxation time constant variation for grey matter and white matter can be taken to be ∼ 0.3, for blood and oedema as ∼ 0.2, for tumour as ∼ 0.1 and for cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) as being ∼ 0.0. Note that this implies a tendency for relative contrast levels to fall as the main field (Bo) increases. (Note: Q is the coefficient in the term (T1DB ).) Figure 1C shows how the contrasts obtained are radically affected by reducing D from 90° (the value in Figure 1B). Echo planar imaging is an extreme example of this sequence. In this procedure, after a single excitation, one of the gradients (the readout gradient) is switched to form a series of echoes during each of which one line of k-space is acquired, while the equivalent of the phase encoding gradient is incremental in some way. Though the original form of the sequence was rather different, the sequence form in current use (‘blipped’ echo planar) is shown in Figure 1D.


Spin-echo sequence

The partial-saturation sequence is typically used with short values of TE (except in special circ*mstances) and is thus primarily dependent for its contrast on differences in T1 (i.e. it has ‘T1- weighting’). The spin-echo sequence, though it is poor from the point-of view of discriminating between normal anatomical structures, has proved to be extraordinarily effective in identifying a very wide range of pathological conditions, once it had been successfully implemented using relatively long TR and TE to give ‘T2-weighting’. Initially applied to normal anatomy by the current author more than 2 years before its successful application clinically, it had seemed more or less completely uninteresting for MRI. Unlike inversion recovery, which generated spectacular contrast between normal tissues such as grey and white matter (see below), an inappropriate choice of the

where D and E are respectively the excitation and refocusing pulse flip angles. When these angles are respectively 90° and 180° (and α in Equation [1] is 90°) the relationships for the partial saturation and spinecho sequences look misleadingly similar, with the difference between T2* and T2 being the only apparent change. Spin echo was very popular in the early days of clinical MRI because it was robust, and tolerant of many machine defects. In practice, while still regarded as an essential screening tool, it is now seen as being a relatively blunt instrument in terms of the subtlety of contrast that can be obtained with it. Figures 2C and 2D show contrast characteristics for a value of TR less than that of typical normal tissue, and a value of TR substantially longer, respectively. The characteristics suggest how choice of sequence parameters can emphasize, or eliminate, contrast between any two tissues. The fast spin-echo (rapid acquisition relaxation enhanced (RARE)) sequence is the spin-echo equivalent of echo planar imaging, and its structure is shown in Figure 2E. Contrast is manipulated by choosing at which point in the echo train the central point of k-space is acquired. Inversion recovery sequence

Although two of the very early developers of MRI placed substantial weight on it, the inversion recovery sequence was regarded through much of the development of MRI in the 1980s as being a difficult sequence to operate, and saddled with long acquisition times. The sequence is shown schematically in Figure 3A, and is governed by the relationship:


Figure 2 Spin echo sequence. (A) Sequence configuration. Both 90 and 180q pulses are shown as being selective. The splitting of the phase encoding gradient (one half being in the opposite sense to the other) is quite normal, as is the placing of the warping gradient before the 180q pulse. These help a little with artefact generation. (B) Spin-echo image taken with TR 860 ms and TE 20 ms, showing how small the contrast between normal tissues can become if an inappropriate choice of parameters is made. (Slice 4 mm; matrix 256 u 192; field of view 22 cm.) (C) Signal characteristics for the spin-echo sequence, for the tissues given in Table 1. D = 90q and E = 180q; in this case TR (800 ms) was about half that of the mean of the T1 values of white and grey matter. (D) Signal characteristics as in (C), but with TR being three times that of the mean of the T1 values of grey and white matter at 2400 ms. (E) Schematic drawing of the RARE sequence (shown in this case for an echo train of 8: the letters ‘ETL’ in a sequence description refer to this value). Actual sequences are much more complex and subtle.


(where TI is inversion time) which simplifies to the familiar form:

when D 90° and E 180°. A gradient-recalled echo data acquisition is assumed for simplicity (as the equation, in its spin-echo form, becomes very cumbersome). Tissue characteristics for the sequence, with a TR assumed to be long compared with the T1 of both grey and white matter, are shown in Figure 3B for the same tissues as before, but with the addition of fat. This sequence is unique in having both positive and negative signals and exploitation of this leads to its versatility. Figure 3C shows an image acquired with a typical TI in the brain using real reconstruction (i.e. retaining the sense of the signal signs). Figure 3D shows the same data reconstructed as a magnitude map. The TI was such that grey and white matter on the one hand, and CSF on the other, have signals of alternate sign. Regions where two tissues with alternate magnetization overlap show reduced intensities as their signals oppose each other. The black rims round the ventricles are very obvious, but the unwary investigator can readily mistake more subtle differences, due to this effect, as having clinical significance. The special property of inversion recovery, that a value of TI can be chosen which results in no signal from anything with the appropriate T1, has turned out to be a surprisingly powerful tool. From Equation [4], when TR ! 3T1 (or thereabouts), in effect the null point is obtained when TI / T1 | ln 0.5. The use of this form of cancellation was first applied to fat (in the short tau inversion recovery (STIR) sequence). Because, generally speaking, tissues with long T1 times also have substantial T2 times (practically all of which are longer than that of fat), in practice this means that tissue contrasts dependent on T1 and T2 are cumulative for practically all components, giving the approach additional diagnostic power. At the other extreme, cancellation of CSF might not seem to be as obviously beneficial. However, CSF behaves not unlike pure water, and its T1 and T2 are very long. Artefacts from its very large signals (due to tissue pulsatility, in the main) contaminate very many of the spin-echo acquisitions, particularly those with longer TEs, and elimination

of the CSF signals has turned out to have substantial diagnostic benefits, particularly in the cervical spine. Two inversions (with the cancellation of signals from two tissues) have also been studied using the sequence shown in Figure 3E, which results in the relationship:

For simplicity all flip angles are assumed to be either 90º or 180º as appropriate. The sequence has had limited clinical application. An example of its use, to cancel the signals for white matter and CSF while using a long TE data acquisition to attenuate the fat signal, is shown in Figure 3F. The residual tissue is predominantly grey matter. Attempts to extend the method to use more inversions still are unproductive as the signal-to-noise ratio of the images becomes unacceptable.

Artefacts Radiologists are trained to be suspicious of even slightly unusual results, and to examine them very carefully for the possibility that they are artefacts. Spectroscopists (and other more traditional investigators using NMR) are less aware of the possibility, though more conscious that there may be problems in multidimensional Fourier transform NMR. Nevertheless, such terms as ‘F1 noise’ used to describe something which is actually artefact is indicative of users’ perceptions. The utility of the majority of clinical MRI scans is, however, not limited at all by signal-to-noise ratio concerns, even in quite low fields, but by artefact. Since this is a function of signal, arising, in most instances, from any instability at all in the data set, in effect the value of MRI images obtained from a study is quite substantially independent of field level, but dictated by the performance of the machine in use, and the skill of the operators in positioning the patient, choosing the sequences to use, and in persuading the patient to remain still. Artefact analysis is a huge topic in its own right, and no more than a very cursory glance at it is possible here. Two different forms of artefact will be considered in very broad outline, to illustrate two quite different errors that can occur. These are those arising from slice selection problems, and those due to


Figure 3 The inversion recovery sequence. (A) The form of the inversion recovery sequence. The initial inverting 180q pulse is normally selective (as shown) but in some situations this is omitted. The data acquisition shown is a gradient recalled echo, but, very frequently, a spin echo is used. (B) Characteristics of the inversion recovery for different values of T1 at fixed, relatively long, TR (greater than twice the mean value of the T1 values of grey and white matter). Because of its importance in some inversion recovery sequences the fat characteristic is also included. (C) Inversion recovery image using real reconstruction (TR 2720 ms, T1 600 ms, TE 30 ms) (128 u 256 matrix, 25 cm field of view; 2 acquisitions; 6 mm slice). (D) Magnitude reconstruction of the same inversion recovery image data as in (C). The sequence was designed so that grey and white matter and CSF have opposite signs. (E) Sequence for a double inversion recovery acquisition. The terms on the figure are those used in Equation [5]. A gradient-recalled echo data recovery is shown, though spin echoes are very frequently used. (F) Double inversion recovery image of the brain of a volunteer with long TE (80 ms), leaving the cortex of the brain as the sole remaining tissue with substantial signal. (TR 6000 ms; TA 2300 ms; TB 245 ms; 3 mm slice; 128 u 256 matrix.)


motion artefact (which, ranging from the gross to the microscopic, is the most pervasive of all). To illustrate slice selection problems, it is useful to begin with the fuller expression for selective excitation [2] for a partial saturation sequence:

Note that this ignores effects due to the spatial localization process. Assuming the rather benign shape for the RF spectrum shown in Figure 4A (which has relatively sharp edges and little overshoot) Figures 4B and 4C show, respectively, the predicted slice shapes for two tissues, one with TR = 2T1, the other with TR = 0.2T1. In a typical head image in which the range of T1 values is ∼12 (from fat at 250 ms to CSF at 3000 ms), the slice shape changes quite markedly from place to place across the image. Regions in which partial volume effects mean that a single voxel can include two tissues with dramatically different T1 values result in very different shapes at either side of a single slice. It should be borne in mind that in slice selective MRI, the slice thickness dimension is usually the largest one in a voxel by a substantial margin (at least a factor of 2, and more usually 5–10). Measurements of tissue parameters made from such data must be treated with great care, and the appreciation that the signals may well be badly contaminated by unwanted material. Motion artefact has proved to be one of MRI’s greatest challenges, and the most intractable of problems. It is generally associated with abdominal motion, but can occur anywhere due to either voluntary or involuntary motion of the patient, or regular physiological effects such as blood pulsatility. Motion can be very large, or very small. The periodicity of the effects is given by (for motion in the phase encoding direction; other directions have similar forms of relationship):

where ∆y is the spacing in the y (phase encoding) direction, yf is the size of the field of view in that direction, F is the frequency of the motion, N the number of averages of each phase encoding step which is acquired and TR is the repetition time.

Their amplitude is given by:

for the mth ghost. F is the Fourier transform function, Jm the mth-order Bessel function of the first kind, ∆Gy, is the gradient movement, Gy max the maximum value of the gradient, A the amplitude of the motion and yv the length of a voxel in the y-direction. This assumes regular motion, which holds only to a limited extent. Irregular behaviour is largely unmodellable and probably not productively so in general. A variety of methods are used to attempt to control the effects, ranging from rapid imaging with breathholding, to the relatively sophisticated probability assessments used in the respiratory ordered phase encoding method, or attempts to use internal markers to detect motion (as in the Navigator methods). These techniques are aimed primarily at controlling effects in the phase encoding direction(s). In the read-out or slice selection directions, methods such as motion artefact suppression techniques, which rely on the use of multiple gradient pulses to

Figure 4 Slice selection artefact. (A) Target slice shape in a partial saturation data recovery (equivalent to the spectral distribution of the RF pulse). This is rather more rounded than is achieved in the best formulations, but has less in the way of undershoot and oscillation at the edges, than is typically achieved. (B) Predicted slice shape for a tissue with TR 2T1. Note that T2 effects are ignored. The pulses in (A) and (B) are scaled in the same way. (C) Predicted slice shape for a tissue with TR 0.2T1. This pulse is scaled at twice that of those above.


refocus tissues moving with first, second, third and potentially more motion orders, are quite effective.

Susceptibility effects Susceptibility effects have a significance for MRI that goes far beyond the concerns high-resolution spectrosocpists have about them as a potential source of line broadening and loss of resolution in their spectra. This is because, as with so many things in MRI, they are also a means of generating contrast, and of recognizing disease patterns. Apart from effects in tissue adjacent to air (as in the sinuses) and, to some extent, trabecular bone, both components having significantly different susceptibilities to that of tissue, the important applications of susceptibility relate to the presence of blood. While oxygenated blood is diamagnetic (possibly more so than normal tissue), deoxygenated blood is mildly paramagnetic, while the degradation products of blood (found in haemorrhagic deposits) become increasingly strongly paramagnetic as they change from methaemoglobin, through haemosiderin to ferritin. Susceptibility effects cause changes to both expected signal intensities and their phases, both of which can be observed in clinical MRI. The phase changes given by the mean field deviations in voxels with sides xm, ym, zm and field deviation 'B0xyz at a point x, y, z inside them are:

while the amplitude differences are:

where T JGssTE, with Gs being the erroneous gradient in the slice selection direction and To is the value of T at the voxel boundary. Susceptibility effects have recently taken on a great significance in MRI, in the form of the suggested basis of the blood oxygen level-dependent approach to the observation of brain function. The experiment is modelled as arising from the diffusion of water molecules in regions with changing concentrations of paramagnetic deoxyhaemoglobin.

Flow effects Apart from its tendency to generate artefacts, flow is very well visualized by MRI. The approaches used to measure flow are variants of the gradient method and have been developed as a quantitative method by Bryant et al. who used the flow sequence shown in Figure 5. Using the parameters shown in the figure the velocity of flow (v) is measured as a phase difference (M) and given by

Flow velocity is then linearly related to phase, though care has to been taken with the choice of sequence parameters to ensure that the velocities being measured do not exceed the available range (as the unrestrained signal pattern is a repetitive sawtooth, with consequent ‘wrap round’, and potential ambiguity). Flow is used in a wide range of applications in MRI of which the most important is angiography. Basically there are two strategies used for this. One is ‘phase contrast’ based on a strategy derivative from Equation [12] but using very short echo partial saturation (or gradient recalled echo) sequences. The alternative method is the ‘time of flight’ approach, in which spins outside a region to be studied are tagged in some way, and their future progress monitored.

Diffusion effects where Sxyz is the available signal from location dz, dy, dx and 'B0xyz is the local field deviation. TE is the echo time as usual. Relaxation effects have been assumed to be constant over the whole voxel. For a linear gradient in the slice selection direction, for example, which is, as noted before, the largest dimension of typical voxels, the result is:

Diffusion effects have long been studied in NMR. The pulse sequence used is identical to that of Figure 5, though the gradient amplitudes are much larger. The relationship for the signal appropriate for an experiment involving tissue diffusion is:


which can be reformulated as:


D* (the apparent diffusion coefficient) can be calculated from the results of two experiments which are identical except for the values of b. (Note: the qualification by which this experiment is assumed to measure D* and not D, the true diffusion coefficient, is a reflection of the uncertainty about the real diffusion process in tissue, as is further suggested in the next paragraph.) However, the model for diffusion on which this theory is based assumes a uniform isotropic medium. In actuality, as evaluated in human subjects, diffusion in tissue is anything but isotropic. The coefficient can appear to be quite different depending on the direction of sensitization. This topic is much too large to be covered adequately here, but the anisotropy is of surprising clinical importance, particularly in the study of stroke and the development of myelination in the infant brain.

Figure 5 Sequence for flow measurement. The parameters used in Equation [12] are marked on the figure. Note that the sensitizing pair of gradient pulses can be included in any of the gradients (or any combination of them).

Magnetization transfer contrast (MTC) Another method which MRI has adopted from traditional NMR is MTC. This seeks to investigate chemical and magnetization exchange between what are typically NMR visible and invisible spin pools. Normally the system is modelled as having two pools (A, visible, and B, invisible in the experiment being performed), though three or more might be necessary to explain what really happens. This concept was applied to MRI, and it is possible to map the different behaviours of various tissues. The model is shown in Figure 6A, and the form of sequence used to implement the technique in Figure 6B. The prolonged irradiation that is used is applied off-resonance, and in the traditional experiment the amplitudes of the residual signal are plotted against the offset frequencies (at constant RF amplitude). In MRI, useful contrast improvements are achieved by MTC in angiography and in haemorrhage studies. The time needed to achieve saturation of the pool with the broad-line has to be minimized in MRI (for thermal deposition reasons), and the effective time constant which applies is that appropriate to the

Figure 6 Magnetization transfer technique. (A) Two-pool model used for the evaluation. This is certainly a simplification of reality, although imaging data quality does not justify further elaboration. (B) MTC imaging sequence. A gradient-recalled echo data acquisition is used once more. The spoiler shown is used to dephase residual transverse magnetization after the end of the off-resonance irradiation period (of length t ). Practical sequences of all types use pulses like this to eliminate the unwanted signals from spins pursuing complex patterns of excitation and recovery.


signal relationship:

St is the signal after a period of irradiation t, S0ASAT is the residual signal after prolonged irradiation, and T1ASAT the time constant which defines the development of saturation. T1A the time constant of the free pool of spins (in the absence of any exchange) is given by:

where T1OBS is the value of T1 measured in the absence of any RF irradiation. The experiment needed to derive the data is one in which the signals are measured after various durations of irradiation and the effects in tissue can be substantial. A common factor of both diffusion weighting and MTC can on the one hand be a highly desirable effect but can on the other hand be an artefact of other measurements, affecting, for example, the accuracy of measured time constants if not carefully monitored.

Conclusion This has been a very brief review of a large, complex and still quite fast growing area. Contrast is a matter of obsessive importance to radiologists and as a result will continue to be investigated as long as new possibilities for its generation can be found. For anything outside the scope of this article, readers seeking more information are referred to the burgeoning literature. Useful major sources are given in the Further reading section, and there are a great many more books discussing clinical contrast for particular tissue systems and structures.

List of symbols A amplitude of motion; Bo main electromagnetic field; D time diffusion coefficient; D* apparent diffusion coefficient; F frequency of motion or Fourier transform function; Gs gradient in the slice selection direction; Gymax maximum gradient value; Jm mth-order Bessel function of the first kind; S observed signal; Sm signal of the mth order artefact; So signal after full relaxation; S0ASAT residual T1A signal after prolonged irradiation; St signal after irradiation period t; T1 longitudinal relaxation time; T21 spin–spin relaxation time; TA first inversion period in a double inversion recovery

sequence; T1A = time constant of free pool of spins; T1ASAT time constant that defines development of saturation; T1OBS T1 in the absence of any RF irradiation; TB second inversion period in a double inversion recovery sequence; yf field-of-view size in f-direction; yv voxel length in y-direction; D excitation pulse flip angle; E refocussing pulse flip angle; J gyromagnetic ratio; G pulse duration; gradient movement;∆y spacing in y-direc∆Gy tion; T spin phase angle; To value of T at the voxel boundary; Q velocity of flow; M phase change. See also: Diffusion Studied Using NMR Spectroscopy; MRI Applications, Biological; MRI Applications, Clinical; MRI Applications, Clinical Flow Studies; MRI Instrumentation; MRI of Oil/Water in Rocks; MRI Theory; MRI Using Stray Fields.

Further reading American College of Radiology (ACR) (1983) American College of Radiology Glossary of NMR Terms . Chicago: ACR. Bryant DJ, Payne JA, Firmin DN and Longmore DB (1984) Measurement of flow with NMR imaging using a gradient pulse and phase difference technique. Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography 8: 588–593. Collins AG, Bryant DJ, Young IR, Gill SS, Thomas DGT and Bydder GM (1988) Analysis of the magnitude of susceptibility effects in diseases of the brain. Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography 12: 775–777. Foster MA and Hutchinson JMS (eds) (1987) Practical NMR Imaging. Oxford: IRL Press. Grant DM and Harris RK (eds) (1996) Encyclopedia of NMR. Chichester, UK: Wiley. Hajnal JV, Doran M, Hall AS, Collins AG, Oatridge A, Pennock JM, Young IR and Bydder GM (1991) Magnetic resonance imaging of anisotropically restricted diffusion of water in the nervous system: technical, anatomic and pathologic considerations. Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography 15: 1–18. Le Bihan D (1995) Diffusion and Perfusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging. New York: Raven Press. Mansfield M (1977) Multiplanar image formation using NMR spin echoes. Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics 10: L55–58. Ogawa S, Lee T-M, Nayak AS and Glynn P (1990) Oxygenation-sensitive contrast in magnetic resonance image of rodent brain at high magnetic fields. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 14: 68–78. Partain CL, Price RR, Patten JA, Kulkarni MV and James AE (eds) (1988) Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2nd edn. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders. Pattany PM, Philips JJ, Chiu LC, Lipcamon JD, Duerk JL, McNally JM and Mohapatra SN (1987) Motion artifact suppression technique (MAST) for MR imaging. Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography 11: 369–377. Stark DD and Bradley W (1992) Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2nd edn. St. Louis MO: Mosby Year Book (two volumes).


Copper NMR, Applications See Heteronuclear NMR Applications (Sc–Zn).

Cosmochemical Applications Using Mass Spectrometry JR De Laeter, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Cosmochemistry is the field of science which investigates the composition and evolution of material in the universe, and in particular in the Solar System. Cosmochemistry is intimately related to nuclear astrophysics, because almost all the chemical elements were synthesized by nuclear reactions in the interior of stars. The distribution of the abundances of the elements provides the basis for an understanding of the chemical and nuclear processes which determined their formation and evolution. The discipline of cosmochemistry therefore embraces the universe both in space and time. Cosmochemistry requires a diverse range of observations and measurements of the elements, and in particular their isotopes, in order to understand the processes and events that shaped their past. Variations in isotope abundances are a vast information source, and their retrieval from mass spectra are of fundamental importance to cosmochemistry because of their unique isotopic signatures. Mass spectrometric isotopic abundance measurements are therefore crucial to unravelling our cosmochemical history. The role of mass spectrometry in providing isotopic information in areas such as ‘cosmic’ abundances, isotopic anomalies, cosmochronology and planetary science, which are essential to our understanding of cosmochemistry, is the subject of this article.

Cosmic abundances Cosmic abundance tables of the chemical elements provide the basic data for theories of cosmochemistry and nuclear astrophysics. The abundances are based on a variety of terrestrial, meteoritic, solar, stellar and cosmic ray data. Figure 1 shows a

MASS SPECTROMETRY Applications schematic curve of the elemental abundances (normalized to Si equal to 106 atoms) as a function of mass number A. This curve is often referred to as the ‘cosmic’ abundance curve, but in reality the data is primarily of Solar System origin, and the curve is therefore representative of main sequence stars of similar age and mass as the Sun. However, since the overwhelming majority of stars have essentially solar compositions, the term ‘cosmic’ is of some relevance. Thus, first we need to determine the distribution of the elements and then proceed to an understanding of the processes which produced the relative abundances of these elements in the Solar System – and by inference in other parts of the universe. So the task of cosmochemistry, and its associated discipline nuclear astrophysics, is one of immense scope and importance. Since the 1950s, when the elemental abundance distribution depicted in Figure 1 became available, significant improvements have occurred in the accuracy with which the Solar System abundances are known. In part this is owing to the realization that Type I carbonaceous chondrites – made up of low-temperature condensates that escaped the many alteration processes which affected other classes of meteorites – closely approximate the condensable fraction of primordial Solar System material, and so represent our best opportunity of obtaining an abundance distribution which approximates reality. Isotope dilution mass spectrometry (IDMS) is an effective analytical method for determining trace element concentrations, because of the excellent sensitivity, accuracy and precision of the technique, and because a quantitative recovery of the element concerned is not required. The abundance of the


the remaining elements were synthesized in the interior of stars by a combination of thermonuclear reactions (for the ‘light’ elements with Z 20), nuclear statistical equilibrium processes (for the iron peak group of elements), and the slow (s) and rapid (r) neutron capture processes (for the ‘heavy’ elements with Z ! 31). The products of nucleosynthesis are returned to the interstellar medium by supernovae and by mass loss from red giants and novae. The processed and expelled material, isotopically enriched to varying degrees, is then incorporated in later generations of stars, where further nuclear processing takes place. Thus the Solar System was formed from material that has been processed by a number of nuclear processes in a variety of stellar environments over the lifetime of the galaxy.

Isotopic anomalies

Figure 1 A schematic curve of atomic aboundance (relative to Si = 106) versus mass number A for the Sun and similar main sequence stars. The symbols s, r and p stand for the slow and rapid neutron capture processes and the proton capture process, respectively.

element is determined from the change produced in its isotopic composition by the addition of a known quantity of a tracer of that element whose isotopic composition is different from that of the naturally occurring element. IDMS has been used extensively in refining the Solar System abundance curve because it is ideally suited to analysing small samples – such as the Type C-I carbonaceous chondrites. Meteoritical elemental abundances can now be determined by IDMS at the 3% uncertainty level, although most of the Solar System abundances have an uncertainty of 10% or greater. The canonical model of nucleosynthesis, which was developed to explain the elemental abundance distribution, is based on the assumption that presently constituted matter is derived from a mixture of numerous components synthesized by a number of processes with a variety of nuclear histories. The chemical elements are synthesized through a continuous process in which a fraction of the material is cycled through successive generations of stars. Apart from hydrogen, most of the helium and some lithium and boron, which were produced during the high temperature, high density stage of the universe which is referred to as the ‘big bang’,

The conventional wisdom of the late 1960s, based on the apparent isotopic hom*ogeneity of Solar System materials, was that the memory of interstellar chemistry had been erased by a hot gaseous hom*ogenization of pre-existing material from which the Solar System condensed. Technological advances in mass spectrometry, particularly in ion microprobe analysis, have enabled the isotopic composition of extremely small meteoritic samples to be measured with high precision in relation to ‘standard’ samples, and these analyses have revealed the presence of isotopic anomalies, some of which can be correlated with nucleosynthetic mechanisms occurring in stellar sites. Isotopically anomalous material provides compelling evidence that the Solar System is derived from compositionally different and imperfectly mixed nucleosynthetic reservoirs. Whilst considerable isotopic hom*ogenization undoubtedly took place during the formation of the solar nebula and in planetary formation, some remnants of primordial material have been preserved in refractory inclusions and prestellar grains found in primitive meteorites. Isotopic abundances are said to be anomalous if the measured isotopic ratios cannot be related to the terrestrial (and by inference solar) isotopic composition of elements through a mass fractionation relationship resulting from a natural physiochemical process, and/or the mass spectrometer measurement itself. The only variations in the isotope abundances in terrestrial materials occur by radioactive decay and by the physiochemical processes mentioned above. Thus terrestrial samples serve as a good example of hom*ogenized Solar System material against which anomalous isotopic material can be compared.


The first isotopic anomaly was discovered in 1960 in the noble gas Xe. The anomalies were of a dual nature – the so-called ‘special’ anomaly in 129Xe which was shown to be caused by the presence of the extinct radionuclide 129I, and the ‘general’ anomalies which occurred in most of the other isotopes (Figure 2). The pattern of enrichment in the heavy isotopes 136,134,132,131,130Xe, which is particularly pronounced in carbonaceous chondrites, became known as carbonaceous chondrite fission xenon, because it was hypothesized that these anomalies were produced by the spontaneous fission of a super-heavy element. Isotopic anomalies in Xe, and also Ne, made little impression on the cosmochemical community because the systematics of the noble gases were poorly understood and other explanations for the anomalies were forthcoming. It was not until isotopic variations were found in the abundant element oxygen in 1973 that the reality of isotopically anomalous material in meteorites was fully accepted. Refractory inclusions

The fall of the carbonaceous meteorite Allende in 1969 was fortuitous in that it contained refractory

Figure 2 The mass spectrum of Xe extracted from the Richardton meterorite. The horizontal lines show the comparison spectrum of terrestrial Xe. The isotopes 124, 126 and 128 have been measured at 10 times the sensitivity of the remaining Xe isotopes.

inclusions – a logical location for the survival of presolar material – in sufficient quantity to enable extensive mass spectrometric investigations to be carried out on a wide range of elements. These inclusions condensed from the cooling gas of solar composition and comprise refractory oxides such as spinel, perovskite, pyroxene and melilite and may contain isotopically anomalous material since they probably condensed before isotopic hom*ogenization was complete. Oxygen consists of three isotopes, and thus in principle it is possible to distinguish between physiochemical and nuclear effects. The former produces fractionation that is linearly proportional to the relative mass difference 'm/m and thus the measured G17O values would be approximately half the G18O values. Terrestrial samples fall on this fractionation line of slope 0.5 (Figure 3), whereas meteoritic materials yield values that define a line of slope unity. This unexpected result was explained by arguing that a component of almost pure 16O, produced by nucleosynthesis, was incorporated in meteorites. The δ notation is extensively used in mass spectrometric measurements to distinguish isotopic variations in a sample from a terrestrial standard. In the case of oxygen the terrestrial standard is called ‘standard mean ocean water’ or SMOW. The G values are customarily given as per mil deviations from the standard. The elements of the iron peak group provide information on the late evolution of massive stars by nuclear statistical equilibrium processes. Any isotopic anomalies found in these elements would reflect variations in the quasi-equilibrium conditions of stellar interiors, provided that the isotopic

Figure 3 The isotopic composition of O in inclusions from carbonaceous chondrities which define a line of slope approximately unity in contrast to terrestrial samples which fall on a fractionation line of slope 0.5. SMOW is a terrestrial standard against which the per mil deviation δ of the oxygen isotopes is measured.


abundances were not affected during their injection into the solar nebula. High-precision thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS) has revealed correlated anomalies in the neutron-rich isotopes of Ca, Ti, Cr, Ni and Zn from refractory element-rich inclusions in carbonaceous chondrites. The magnitudes of these anomalies in Ca–Al-rich inclusions from the Allende meteorite are of the order of ≥ 1‰. No single set of nuclear statistical equilibrium conditions can be found to explain the relative excesses in all the elements in these inclusions. However, a multi-zone mixing model has been proposed in which material from a number of stellar zones, with a variety of neutron enrichments, is mixed during the ejection of that material from a star. The magnitudes of the anomalies are affected by dilution with normal Solar System material, and by chemical fractionation processes that occur after nucleosynthesis has terminated. Figure 4 shows the isotopic anomalies of the iron peak elements predicted by the multi-zone mixing model as compared with the average excesses as observed in Ca–Al-rich inclusions. The match between the two data sets is impressive, except for Fe and Zn. In the case of Fe no significant anomalies have been measured, but the multi-zone mixing model only predicts a 58Fe excess of approximately 1 part in 104, which is at the limit of present mass spectrometric capability. In the case of Zn, the excess in 66Zn is approximately an order of magnitude less than that expected. This can be explained in terms of the volatility of Zn with respect to the other iron peak elements, as it would be the last of these elements to condense from the expelled stellar material. The correlation between anomalies in neutron-rich isotopes in the iron peak elements can therefore be explained in terms of the nuclear statistical equilibrium processes, which took place at a late stage in the evolution of massive stars. The isotopic anomalies detected in the iron peak elements are extremely small (Figure 4), since the anomalous material is diluted with material with a terrestrial isotopic composition. This contamination results from the fact that the meteorite inclusion is taken into solution before chemically extracting the relevant element in a form suitable for conventional TIMS analysis. However, ion microprobe mass spectrometry can be used to analyse small meteoritic inclusions in situ without the need of chemical processing. This enables single inclusions to be analysed for a variety of elements, whilst maintaining the petrographic context of the sample. The carbonaceous chondrites Murchison and Murray also contain refractory inclusions such as corundum and hibonite, but they are invariably small and difficult

Figure 4 (A) Isotopic excesses of several iron peak elements as predicted by the multi-zone mixing model. They are given as ε units (parts in 104) relative to normal terrestrial isotopic composition. (B) Average excesses observed in normal Allende inclusions are displayed.

to analyse by TIMS. Ion microprobe mass spectrometry revealed that Ti anomalies in these hibonite inclusions were an order of magnitude greater than those found in Allende, presumably because hibonite has a higher condensation temperature than the assemblages of the Allende inclusions. Both excesses and deficits were measured in 50Ti and these anomalies were correlated with anomalies in 48Ca (Figure 5). A number of morphological, chemical and isotopic features show marked correlations in Murchison refractory inclusions, which provides strong evidence that nucleosynthetic anomalies have survived through discrete inclusion-forming events in the early Solar System. Presolar grains

The discovery of presolar grains was made possible by the development of chemical procedures in which carbonaceous meteorites were subjected to a stringent acid digestion regime. Carbon compounds such as diamonds, SiC and graphite were isolated in this manner and identified through their distinctive G13C pattern and anomalous noble gas component. These carbonaceous phases are samples of interstellar matter which provide a window into the prehistory of the Solar System.


Figure 5 Ca and Ti isotopic compositions in hibonite (Ca[AlMgTi]12O19) inclusions displayed a large range from excesses in the most neutron-rich isotopes to deficits, while the other isotopes are close to solar proportions (defined as deviations, δ i-Ca or δ i-Ti, in ‰). The most anomalous grains are both from the Murchison meteorite, 13-13 and BB-5 which have large excesses and large depletions respectively in 48Ca and 50Ti (insets). The 48Ca and 50Ti anomalies are clearly correlated and are inferred to come from neutron-rich supernova ejecta.

Although diamonds have the highest abundance of prestellar grains (400 ppm by weight of the bulk meteorite), their average size is only 2 nm, which is currently too small for microanalysis. The diamonds exhibit a characteristic enrichment in the heavy and light isotopes of Xe (Xe-HL) as shown in Figure 6. The diamonds may have been produced by supernova shock waves passing through molecular clouds or from chemical vapour deposition. Individual grains of SiC may be up to 20 nm in size, which enables ion microprobe analysis of individual grains. These presolar grains contain measurable concentrations of a number of trace elements which has enabled isotopic anomalies in Si, C, N, Mg, Ti, Ba, Nd and Sm to be identified. Most of the heavy elements show evidence of s-process nucleosynthesis (Figure 6), whilst 12C and 15N enrichments show evidence of a mixture of CNO-cycle material with isotopically normal C and N. A minor fraction of the SiC grains have excesses in the decay products of short-lived radionuclides, indicating that they may represent C-rich zone material from the outer layers of a supernova. The third carbonaceous presolar grain material, graphite, represents less than 2 ppm by weight of these primitive meteorites, and only a fraction is isotopically anomalous. Graphite spherules show a large range in anomalous C, and also contain small inclusions of refractory carbides of Si, Ti, Zr, Mo and W. Some s-process anomalies occur in Zr, suggesting that some of the graphite grains were produced in Asymptotic Giant Branch stars.

Figure 6 Progressive enrichment of isotopically exotic Xe components led to the discovery of interstellar diamond and SiC. The light and heavy components of Xe-HL cannot be produced in the same nucleosynthetic event and are probably the result of mixing. The Xe-S component from SiC reflects a mixture between the composition produced in s-process nucleosynthesis and a near-normal component of Xe.

It was fortuitous that the resistance to acid digestion of presolar carbonaceous material led to their discovery. In the digestive procedures adopted, silicates and oxides are destroyed. It is hypothesized that most interstellar grains in the solar nebula are oxides, but apart from corundum (Al2O3) grains it has not been possible to isolate interstellar oxides. Furthermore the abundance of corundum grains is very small, although they do show isotopic anomalies in 26Mg, 17O and s-process Ti.

Cosmochronology One of the most challenging tasks in cosmochemistry is to place a time scale on the events that have occurred in the formation and evolution of the Solar


System and for the nucleosynthesis of the chemical elements. Figure 7 is a schematic diagram of the major epochs in the history of the cosmos, as described in the figure caption. The dating of terrestrial materials (geochronology) does not provide any significant information on cosmochronology, but as early as 1953 an estimate for the age of formation of the Solar System was obtained from U–Pb isotopic analyses on meteoritic lead. Subsequently meteorites were dated by the U–Pb technique to give an age of 4.551±0.004 × 109 y, and the fine-scale separation of events that took place during planetary formation can be resolved down to a few million years. Numerous chronological investigations of lunar materials were carried out in the 1970s resulting in the chronology depicted in Figure 8. Crystallization ages of ~4.6 × 109 y have been obtained from lunar rocks, so that there is a good correspondence between the meteoritic and lunar data for the time of planetary formation. The melt rocks derived from impact metamorphism gave ages of 3.85– 4.05 u 109 y. This is interpreted as the result of a major bombardment of the Moon by small planetary bodies, which created the lunar basins and implies widespread bombardment of the Solar System during this time. After the termination of this bombardment phase there was decreasing activity until approximately 3 u 109 y ago, after which the lunar surface appears quiescent. To obtain accurate dating it is necessary to select a decay scheme whose half-life is of similar magnitude as the age of the event to be measured. Fortunately nature has provided a number of radionuclides with half-lives from 105 to 108 y which have given us the

Figure 8 Schematic diagram showing the chronology of major lunar events.

ability to place tight radiometric constraints on the chronology of nebular and planetary events in the early Solar System, and even on nucleosynthetic events that influenced the presolar molecular cloud before its collapse (Table 1). The radionuclides listed in Table 1 are extinct in that they cannot be directly observed at the present time. Their prior presence must be inferred from an excess in their daughter product linked to the magnitude of the parent:daughter ratio. The first mass spectrometric evidence of the presence of an extinct radionuclide in meteorites was 129I, which, with a half-life of 16 u 106 y, produced Table 1

10 – 6 Half- Early solar system abundance life (y)

Parent isotope

Daughter isotope





































Xe fission




Figure 7 Schematic diagram of the history of the universe. The first epoch T represents the time period from the ‘big bang’ to the isolation of the solar nebula from galactic nucleosynthesis and the solidification of Solar System bodies, while the third epoch Tss represents the age of the Solar System. The shape of the production rate for nucleosynthesis is for illustrative purposes only.

Short-lived radionuclides























Al:27Al |5 u 10–5

Mn:55Mn |0.1–6.7u10–5 Fe:56Fe |4 u 10–9 Pd:108Pd|2u10–5 I | 1 u 10–4

129 127


146 Sm:144Sm |0.005–0.015 244

Pu:238U |0.004–0.007







Cl:35Cl |1.4 u 10–6


Nb:93Nb | 2 u 10–5


Tc:99Ru |1 u 10–4

35 0.21 15



Hf:180Hf |2 u10–4



an excess of 129Xe (Figure 2). In the 1970s a study of refractory inclusions from Allende gave an excess in 26Mg, the magnitude of which was correlated with the abundance of Al in the samples (as shown in Figure 9). A plausible explanation is that 26Al, with a half-life of 0.74 u 10 6 y, was present in these minerals and that the decay was in situ. Figure 9 is a typical isochron diagram, so useful in geochronology, and the slope of the linear array enables a formation age ' of ~10 6 y to be calculated. Another important discovery was that of excess 107Pd in iron meteorites, resulting from the decay of 107Pd (with a half-life of 6.5 u 10 6 y), which gave a value for ' of ~10 7 y. Table 1 lists the extensive isotopic evidence for these extinct radionuclides, which demonstrates that the time between the cessation of nucleosynthesis and the formation of meteorites was so short that it supports the hypothesis that a ‘last minute’ injection of nucleosynthetic products may have accompanied a supernova shock wave which triggered the collapse of the solar nebula. In this case it is likely that some of the nucleosynthetic products may not have been well mixed in the molecular cloud from which the Solar System evolved. Unlike the situation with extinct radionuclides, there are few long-lived radionuclides which are appropriate to measure the period of nucleosynthesis in that part of the interstellar medium from which our Solar System formed about 4.6 u 10 9 y ago. Various models have been developed to measure the mean age of nucleosynthesis T, and 232Th, 235U, 238U and 187Re have been used to calculate T, but the

Figure 9 An 'isochron' diagram of 26Mg:24Mg versus 27Al:24Mg for minerals from an Allende inclusion. The linear dependence of the magnitude of the anomalous 26Mg on the Al:Mg ratio can be interpreted as resulting from the decay of the radioactive nuclide 26 Al.

estimation of nuclear production rates is a difficult undertaking for each of these r-process nuclides. If one adds the age of the Solar System Tss to estimates of the mean age of nucleosynthesis T, taking into account big bang nucleosynthesis and stellar and galactic evolution, an age of the universe of ~14 r 4 u 10 9 y can be obtained.

Planetary science Mass spectrometry is ideally suited to the investigation of planetary atmospheres and cometary material in terms of both elemental and isotopic abundances. Mass spectrometers have been an integral component of space probe instrumentation because they are mechanically robust, have a low power consumption, yet are sensitive and versatile. Dust particle impact mass spectrometers were carried on space probes that approached close to Halley’s comet in 1986. These are time-of-flight mass spectrometers of the design shown in Figure 10. The data confirm that the dust from the comet is essentially solar in both elemental and isotopic composition. A double focussing mass spectrometer was also used to determine the composition, density and velocity of the neutral gases and of low-energy cometary ions. This mass spectrometer showed that the neutral gas composition of the coma of Halley’s comet was dominated by water vapour and other light element constituents. The third mass spectrometer carried on the Halley space probes was designed to determine the composition, density, energy and angular distribution of ions in

Figure 10 Schematic diagram of the time-of-flight dust-particle impact mass spectrometer which was mounted in a space probe to examine the mass spectra of dust particles from Halley’s comet.


the solar wind and cometary plasma. This ion mass spectrometer consists of two independent sensors – a high-energy range spectrometer and a high-intensity spectrometer. As the space probe Giotto approached comet Halley, H+, C+, H2O+, CO+ and S+ were found in a diffuse shell-like distribution out to 3 u 105 km from the comet. As Giotto penetrated the atmosphere to within 1300 km to the nucleus of the comet, the main ion species were H+, H2+, C+, OH+, H2O+, H3O+, CO+ and S+. The gas and dust stream emitted from comet Halley contains a higher proportion of volatiles than is found in meteorites, which is consistent with the comet’s original location in the cooler regions of the Solar System. Isotopic measurements show that O, S, C, Mg, Si and Fe in cometary and stratospheric dust particles are typical of those found in other Solar System material, implying that the dust has the same nucleosynthetic reservoir as the rest of the Solar System. On the other hand, isotopic anomalies in H and Mg confirm meteoritic evidence that some solid particles survived the hom*ogenization processes that occurred in the early history of the Solar System. The particle flux that is part of the expanding corona of the Sun is known as the solar wind. The elemental and isotopic composition of the solar wind was studied by various space craft in the period 1965–1975, all of which carried electrostatic positive ion analysers. An ideal opportunity for further study was afforded by the Apollo mission to the Moon, in that aluminium foil collectors were exposed on the lunar surface in the Apollo 11–16 missions which were then analysed for the noble gases by gas source mass spectrometry on the returned Al foil. The lunar soil is an ideal repository for implanted solar wind elements, as are certain gas-rich meteorites. Deuterium is depleted relative to the terrestrial standard in these materials, the D:H ratio of < 3 × l0–6 being consistent with the hypothesis that D is converted into 3He in the proto-Sun. Ion probe mass spectrometry has been used to study Mg, P, Ti, Cr and Fe which are present to enhanced levels in lunar minerals, indicating an exposure age of approximately 6 × 104 y. The isotopic data indicate that the light isotopes of a number of elements have been preferentially lost from lunar material because of volatilization by micrometeorites or solar wind bombardment. There is some indication, from a study of Ne in gas-rich meteorites, of a large solar flare irradiation during the early history of the Solar System, perhaps related to the T-Tauri phase of the Sun. Isotopic studies of Gd, Sm and Cd from lunar samples show depletions in those isotopes which possess large thermal neutron capture cross sections.

This has not only enabled the integrated neutron flux and neutron energy spectrum in the lunar samples to be determined, but has provided information on the stability of the lunar surface by analysing these elements and the noble gases in lunar core material. Interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) can be collected on adhesive surfaces by U-2 aircraft at altitudes of 20 km, and a fraction of these have been identified as of non-terrestrial origin. Some of these IDPs have been analysed by gas source mass spectrometry using a double focussing instrument employing the Mattauch–Herzog geometry (Figure 11). The measured 3He:4He and 20Ne:22Ne ratios are lower than those observed in the solar wind. The sensitivity of static gas source mass spectrometry is such that stepwise heating of these IDPs has the potential to elucidate the thermal history of the stratospheric particles, which enables cometary and asteroidal origins to be differentiated. Mass spectrometers were an integral component in the scientific payload of Viking Landers 1 and 2 and were designed to measure the composition and structure of Mars’ upper atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is the major constituent of the atmosphere, whilst the isotopic composition of C and O in the Martian atmosphere is similar to that of the terrestrial atmosphere. However, 15N is enriched in Mars’ atmosphere by approximately a factor of 1.6. Certain meteorites have been identified as samples from the Martian crust. These SNC meteorites, including the orthopyroxenite ALH84001, on which claims for the evidence of life on Mars have been based, have produced a large quantity of isotopic evidence which has been used in conjunction with the Viking Lander data. Since meteorites are delivered to our doorstep,

Figure 11 Schematic diagram of the high-performance, double focussing mass spectrometer used to measure the isotopic composition of the noble gases on IDPs.


free of charge as it were, it is important to acquire and classify new samples because of their potential value to planetary science. Meteorites have provided the bulk of the data on which the ‘cosmic’ abundance distribution has been established, which led directly to the canonical theory of nucleosynthesis. A range of nucleosynthetic sites is now available for laboratory study and nucleosynthetic models can be compared with measured isotopic compositions. Isotopic data on refractory inclusions and prestellar grains from primitive meteorites are a new source of astrophysical data, giving fresh insights into nuclear processes in stars. Isotope abundance measurements have also been invaluable in giving a cosmochronological time scale to the major events in the history of the universe. Mass spectrometers have been an essential component of the payload of space probes to the planets and Halley's comet, and technological advances have even enabled the noble gases in IDPs to be measured isotopically.

List of symbols H high; L low; m mass; p proton capture process; r rapid neutron capture process; s slow neutron capture process; T time period from big bang to isolation of the solar nebula; Tss the age of the Solar System; δ deviation from terrestrial composition(‰); ' time period from isolation of solar nebula to solidification of Solar System bodies; 'm difference in mass; ε 1 part of 104. See also: Fluorescent Molecular Probes; Geology and Mineralogy, Applications of Atomic Spectroscopy; Inorganic Compounds and Minerals Studied

Using X-Ray Diffraction; Interstellar Molecules, Spectroscopy of; Isotope Ratio Studies Using Mass Spectrometry; Isotopic Labelling in Mass Spectrometry; Labelling Studies in Biochemistry Using NMR; MRI of Oil/Water in Rocks; Time of Flight Mass Spectrometers.

Further reading Anders E and Grevesse N (1989) Abundances of the elements: meteoritic and solar. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 53: 197–214. Anders E and Zinner E (1993) Interstellar grains in primitive meteorites: diamond, silicon carbide and graphite. Meteoritics 28: 490–514. Bernatowicz TJ and Zinner E (eds) (1996) Astrophysical Implications of the Laboratory Study of Presolar Materials, Proceedings no. 402. New York: American Institute of Physics. Cowley CR (1995) An Introduction to Cosmochemistry. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. De Laeter JR (1990) Mass spectrometry in cosmochemistry. Mass Spectrometry Reviews 9: 453–497. De Laeter JR (1994) Role of isotope mass spectrometry in cosmic abundance studies. Mass Spectrometry Reviews 13: 3–22. Ireland TR (1995) Ion microprobe mass spectrometry. In Hyman M and Rowe M (eds) Techniques and Applications in Cosmochemistry, Geochemistry and Geochronology in Advances in Analytical Chemistry, Volume II, pp 51–118. Greenwich (UK): JAI Press. Krankowsky D and Eberhardt P (1990). In: Mason JW and Horwood E (eds) Comet Halley Investigations, Results and Interpretations, Volume 1, pp. 273–296. New York: Simon and Schuster. Nier AO (1996) Planetary atmospheres with mass spectrometers carried on high speed probes or satellites. Rarefied gas dynamics. Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics 51: 1255–1275.


D Dairy Products, Applications of Atomic Spectroscopy See

Food and Dairy Products, Applications of Atomic Spectroscopy.

Data Sampling Theory See

Fourier Transformation and Sampling Theory.

Diffusion Studied Using NMR Spectroscopy Peter Stilbs, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden


Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

The magnetic field gradient spin-echo method Under the influence of a non-uniform magnetic field, otherwise equivalent nuclei at different locations give rise to different NMR frequencies. A linear magnetic field gradient along one sample axis will thus quantitatively map NMR frequency with a location along this axis. This is the basic tool used for NMR imaging and microscopy. However, it can also be used for the detection of transport phenomena such as diffusion and flow. The traditional and most widespread NMR method for measuring diffusion is based on the Hahn spin-echo experiment in such a field gradient. Under its influence a phase dispersion results in the rotating frame after application of the initial 90° RF pulse. However, if the NMR frequency

remains the same during the whole experiment sequence a second RF pulse refocuses the spin dispersion and leads to the formation of a spin-echo. Normally a 180° pulse is used (applied at time t after the first RF pulse), and the spin-echo will thus appear at a time 2t (Figure 1). The effect of diffusion on this experiment is easy to work out – the random molecular movement from self-diffusion will partially change the location and NMR frequency of all nuclei in the sample in a random fashion, leading to an incomplete refocusing of the echo. Originally these concepts and experiments were developed and performed in static magnetic field gradients (hence the notation SGSE – static gradient spin-echo). For SGSE experiments the echo attenuation is given by


Figure 1 The basic 90°x–180°x spin-echo experiment. In the case of diffusion measurements the cause of ‘fast’ and ‘slow’ spin vectors is that nuclei in different locations precess at different frequencies under the influence of the imposed magnetic field gradient. A useful supplementary picture of the phenomenon is to visualize a formation of a helical magnetization pattern in the sample along the gradient direction during the first gradient pulse, and the unwinding of this magnetization helix during the second gradient pulse. At the time of the echo peak, the net transverse magnetization is sampled and becomes the NMR signal.

where T2 represents the irreversible spin–spin relaxation time, g the strength of the applied gradient, D the self-diffusion coefficient of the molecule in question and γ the magnetogyric ratio of the monitored nucleus. It is evident that the echo attenuation effect is greatest for protons, but experiments on other nuclei are feasible. Numerous developments of these procedures have been made since their initial discovery by Hahn in the early 1950s. Around 1965 the pulsed-gradient spin-echo (PGSE) experiment was suggested and tested. In its basic form it relies on the use of two linear magnetic field gradient pulses (of amplitude ‘g’, duration ‘δ’ and separation ‘∆’; Figure 2A. Under these conditions the amplitude of the spin-echo attenuates from its full value according to the so-called Stejskal–Tanner relation:

The experiment is always made at a fixed value of τ, so as to keep the T2-attenuation effects constant. The main reasons for using pulsed gradients at the time were primarily to allow a variation of the observation timescale of the experiment [here = (D − δ/3)], to provide more experimental flexibility (in that ∆, δ and g can readily be varied over a large range of

Figure 2 The pulsed-gradient spin-echo (PGSE) experiment (A), and its stimulated echo analogue (B). Radiofrequency pulse phase cycling is required to isolate the stimulated echo from four other echo peaks that occur as a result of three RF pulses (at times 2τ1, 2τ2 – 2τ1, 2τ2 – 2τ1 and 2τ2).

values), and to detect the echo in a relatively hom*ogeneous magnetic field, thereby avoiding the necessity of using the (noisy) broadband spectrometer electronics needed for the detection of very sharp echoes. Fourier transform techniques in NMR that were developed some years later made it possible to make a frequency separation of the components of the echo (FT-PGSE), so as to provide a direct pathway to multicomponent self-diffusion measurements (Figure 3A). Of course, the hom*ogeneous magnetic field during the PGSE detection period is an essential component in this context. The T2 relaxation is the main limiting factor of the magnetic field gradient experiment, especially when studying slow diffusion. Unfortunately there is an intrinsic correlation between short T2 values and low D values in a given system. For this reason, the PGSE technique is not normally applicable to solids, and it is often also inapplicable to most heteronuclei. The overwhelming majority of studies are made on protons in solution. In macromolecular systems in solution (where T1 is often much longer than T2) one can often lessen the effects of T2 relaxation by instead applying the three RF-pulse stimulated echo (STE) experiment (normally performed with three 90° pulses, at times 0, τ1 and τ2 – the stimulated echo appears at time τ1 + τ2; Figure 2B. Here the echo attenuation is given by


Figure 3 (A) A typical proton FT-PGSE data set from a complex solution sample (gelatin and two surfactants in D2O, at 300 MHz). The experiment was based on a stimulated-echo PGSE sequence and made at fixed values of τ, ∆ and δ, while varying the gradient current. The residual proton water peak is suppressed already at the lowest gradient setting. Figures (B)–(D) illustrate the application of a CORE analysis of this data set. CORE stands for COmponent REsolved spectroscopy. It is a computational approach that applies a global least-squares analysis to the whole data set, using the prior knowledge that component band shapes remain constant (see text). Band shape regions that are below 2% of the maximum intensity were omitted from the analysis. Two band shape components (gelatin and a common surfactant one) are found, which suggests that both surfactants diffuse at the same rate in this system and indicates the formation of a common aggregate.

One should note that T2 relaxation can be effectively suppressed, since it only occurs between the two first RF pulses (the spacing of which only needs to be slightly longer than the duration of the gradient pulse) and after the third. However, there are further advantages in using the STE experiment, especially in hom*onuclearly coupled spin systems. By using a short first RF pulse interval one will also suppress effects of J-modulation. This is most often very signalenhancing since for complex spin systems J-modulation has effectively the same attenuation effect as very efficient T2 relaxation. In addition, short- τ1 FTPGSTE spectra resemble normal absorption spectra, since the period during which J-modulation evolves is made small compared with 1/J, where J represents the magnitude of the hom*onuclear spin coupling. PGSE methods are the overwhelmingly dominant modes for measuring self-diffusion by NMR. It should be mentioned, however, that an RF field gradient analogue of the magnetic field gradient experiment has also been developed, but its use has not yet become widespread.

Other NMR techniques may be useful in certain situations, but are normally less powerful, or suffer from problems with regard to interpretation. Relaxation by paramagnetic species and intermolecular spin relaxation of protons, for example, are significantly dependent on translational diffusion rates. Separating these effects from other relaxation paths and translating them into self-diffusion data of the components is never straightforward. Direct imaging of relaxation of the diffusional profile of a concentration gradient by NMR microscopy methods is sometimes a useful alternative approach to PGSE. This is especially true in heterogeneous systems, where basic PGSE techniques may fail owing to rapid T2 relaxation. One should note, however, that only one component can normally be imaged in a single experiment and that the quantity measured is mutual diffusion, rather than self-diffusion. The mutual diffusion coefficient is not directly translatable into a molecular displacement in space – rather it relates to the relative motions of the different components in the system.


Recent methodological developments In just a decade or so, the performance level of PGSE instrumentation has increased by roughly two orders of magnitude with regard to most aspects, and the actual hardware has become commercially available almost to the level of a standard spectrometer option. Consequently, PGSE methodological development and experimental application have greatly increased. To a large extent this is coupled to parallel developments with regard to field gradient equipment in NMR microscopy and imaging, and to the development of pulsed field gradient methods for coherence selection and solvent suppression in highresolution NMR. Required equipment for high-performance PGSE on modern pulsed NMR spectrometers is a probe with self-shielded field gradient coils (i.e. having an auxiliary coil of opposite polarity – wound in such a way so as to cancel out the pulsed field gradients outside the actual sample volume) and a high-performance current-regulated gradient driver that can produce subsequent gradient pulses that match at the ppm level with regard to area/shape. Present-day PGSE instrumentation is often capable of producing high-resolution FT-PGSE spectra at maximum gradient settings of 100–1000 Gauss cm –1 (1–10 T m–1). This is typically made at maximum gradient current levels of 10– 40 A, applied during 1–10 ms. A general problem with PGSE measurements is that rapid switching of high gradient currents create eddy currents in surrounding metal (probe housing, wires, supercon magnet bore) near the gradient coils. These effects, which last of the order of milliseconds, create disruptive time-dependent magnetic field gradients shortly after gradient switching. They can greatly disturb the experiment, but are dramatically suppressed by the above mentioned use of self-shielded gradient coils. Further suppression can be achieved by selecting a larger-bore supercon magnet type, or probe housing metals other than aluminium (e.g. nonmagnetic stainless steel). Notably, eddy current problems are almost completely absent in PGSE measurements made in resistive iron magnet geometries. Eddy current suppression can also be achieved by using shaped (ramped) gradient pulse shapes (i.e. with much lower rise/fall times than for ‘rectangular’ pulses). One should then note that the functional form of the Equations [2] and [3] assumes the use of rectangular gradient pulses and that the appropriate actual analytical expressions may be considerably more complicated if this is not the case. However, when the separation of the gradient pulses (∆) is very large compared with their duration (δ) the expressions converge to a situation where only the

pulse area matters. It can then merely be substituted as a ‘corrected’ quantity into, for example, Equations [2] and [3]. Two other remedies for the eddy current problem have also been suggested and used: (i) the so-called LED (longitudinal eddy delay) pulse sequence, where a further 90° pulse is appended to the experiment, so as to ‘store away’ the magnetization in the z direction (where it is unaffected by magnetic field gradients) until the magnetic field gradients from eddy currents have decayed. A further 90° pulse then reads back the longitudinal magnetization to create the echo in the transverse plane (ii) the ‘bipolar pulse pair’, where two gradient pulses of equal strength, but of opposite polarity, are sandwiched closely around a 180° degree RF pulse. For large gradient pulse separations this pair (for which eddy current effects cancel out to first approximation) effectively corresponds to a single (monopolar) gradient pulse of twice the length. Both approaches require appropriate RF phase cycling to work. For the LED pulse appendix to the stimulated echo sequence, no less than 32 cycling steps are needed. In the author’s experience neither of these two latter methods are normally even needed nor recommendable if one uses a properly designed shielded gradient coil probe in a wide-bore magnet. Considerable progress has also recently been made with regard to adequate data evaluation in the FTPGSE experiment. The key point is that the entire band shape of a given component attenuates exactly the same amount with regard to the pertinent field gradient parameters in Equations [2] and [3], provided the experiment is made under conditions of a constant RF pulse interval setting. Consequently, a global minimization approach using this prior knowledge will result in direct extraction of the respective band shapes of components in the composite FT-PGSE data set [Figure 4A–4D]. The main advantages of this approach is that all the information in the data set is accounted for. Therefore the effective signal-to-noise ratio of the experiment increases an order of magnitude as compared with an evaluation based on peak heights alone. It also allows confident application of the FT-PGSE method to multicomponent systems with extensive NMR signal overlap and closely similar component self-diffusion rates. Within the powerful computing environment of present-day NMR spectrometers this appears to be the natural way to proceed, even for routine work. It has recently become popular to present results in a 2D manner, with spectral information on the x and z axes (frequency and intensity, respectively) and diffusion information on the y axis. This display mode for FT-PGSE results has been named DOSY (diffusion-ordered spectroscopy). Its introduction


Figure 4 (A) A synthetic FT-PGSE data set from a sample with two components that diffuse at rates of 2.0×10–10 and 2.0×10–11 m2 s-1 and (B,C) its CORE analysis. (D) The corresponding DOSY display, as based on the CORE analysis. In the diffusion direction, the width of the DOSY peak will reflect either or both of the error limits of the D value and the width of the D value distribution, as a result of, for example, the polydispersity of the component in question.

has, unfortunately, caused considerable confusion in the literature and the unjustified implication of new types of experiments. One should note that a ‘DOSYdisplay’ is most often just based on interpolated individual single-frequency FT-PGSE data (or variants thereof) that are evaluated without taking account of prior knowledge about constant component band shapes with echo attenuation level. Nonetheless, although the DOSY display mode does not add any new information, it is appealing to the eye and has therefore undoubtedly stimulated the use and development of FT-PGSE-based techniques. Finally one should note that two new variants of the original (static gradient) spin-echo experiment have recently been found to be quite useful, especially for systems where very slow diffusion and very short spin–spin relaxation rates prevail. One is based on the fact that commonly available superconducting magnets produce a dipolar-like stray field that has a very strong, stable and linear field gradient (at a lower than nominal, but still quite strong, magnetic

field) a few 10 cm above or below the normal sample position. Thus, by pulling the probe out to the appropriate location one can monitor diffusion through the echo attenuation. In principle, this is possible on most modern supercon spectrometers. The notation STRAFI is often used for this type of stray field setup. The second variant is still quite unusual, and is based on sandwiching two supercon magnets in an ‘antiHelmholz’ fashion. A preferred notation for both experimental setups is supercon-fringe field steadygradient spin-echo (SFF-SGSE). One should note that this technique is not limited to protons–multinuclear measurements (e.g. protons and 7Li) are straightforward in the same multinuclear probe. The intrinsic problems with SGSE experiments are (a) under the influence of a strong magnetic field gradient the RF pulses only excite a thin slice of the sample – the echo will therefore be quite weak and (b) actual echo detection is made in an inhom*ogeneous magnetic field, therefore the signal is very sharp and Fourier transformation to separate its different components


is not possible. In addition, the spectrometer must have broadband detection electronics, data acquisition filters disabled and a fast ADC to properly detect and sample the echo spike.

‘Large’, in this context, has a different meaning for small molecules and macromolecules. Uhlenbeck and Ornstein derived a generalized relation, in their classical treatment of the subject back in the 1930s:

Applications of NMR self-diffusion measurements Self-diffusion data is intrinsically a very direct source of information. For unrestricted diffusion during a selected time span, the characteristic selfdiffusion coefficient (D) simply translates into a mean square displacement in space (〈∆r2〉) during the observation time (∆t) through the Einstein relation: 〈∆r2〉 = 6D∆t. One should note that under normal measurement conditions of PGSE techniques the mean square displacement of even large macromolecules during the characteristic time span of the experiment is generally very much larger than the average macromolecular diameter. Therefore the quantity (〈∆r2〉) normally requires no further modelling and D values thus become very easy to interpret.

where the correlation time τc = m/f, f being the coefficient of friction and m the mass of the Brownian particle. For small molecules in liquids the correlation time is of the order of a nanosecond, while the shortest imaginable NMR spin-echo experiments will exceed a fraction of a millisecond, but are more typically tens or hundreds of milliseconds. For macromolecules, however, this correlation time may be such that it affects (and thus becomes measurable by) the typical NMR PGSE experiment, when using appropriately selected measurement parameters (strength, duration and separation of gradient pulses). Only a few studies along these lines have appeared to date.

Diffusion in simple liquids

Non-Gaussian diffusion in heterogeneous systems

The NMR FT-PGSE approach is the only method that can provide quantitative information on multicomponent self-diffusion. Such data are central as a reference for, for example, theories of simple liquids.

In porous and heterogeneous systems, penetrant diffusion is not necessarily isotropic or Gaussian on a given timescale. PGSE techniques have been used since the early 1960s for characterizing such aspects of system morphology through the effects of nonGaussian diffusion on the echo attenuation in the PGSE experiment. Restricted diffusion manifests itself in a variation of the apparent diffusion coefficient with the observation time (i.e. ∆ − δ/3 in the PGSE experiment). A large number of system geometries and experimental conditions have been considered and analysed. Several complex pulse sequences have also been suggested for eliminating the effect of local magnetic field gradients that arise from susceptibility variations in the sample. Another important recent development of experimental PGSE techniques applied to heterogeneous systems has been the discovery and utilization of socalled diffraction effects with regard to the attenuation of the echo, i.e. weak echo level maxima and minima that occur at high attenuation levels. In a system of spherical pores, for example, the system geometry manifests itself in a first echo maximum when the inverse of the pore diameter matches the gradient setting γgδ/2π. Mainly methodological work has been presented so far. Notably, the technique has also found use for the investigation of cell suspensions such as, for example, erythrocytes.

Binding studies

In binding studies the self-diffusion approach typically relies on a relative comparison of time-averaged self-diffusion rates between a ‘bound’ and ‘free’ state, meaning that in the (simplest two-state situation the effective self-diffusion coefficient D(obs) will be given by D(obs) = p D(bound) + (1 – p) D(free) where the degree of binding (p) may assume values in the range 0 < p < 1. This equation can be rewritten into the form p = [D(free) – D(obs)]/[D(free) – D(bound)]. Hence, such experiments do provide the information needed to obtain binding isotherm information, for example, by a simple comparison of experimentally available self-diffusion coefficients. It is evident that the method is most suited for binding/aggregation of small molecules to larger entities and is most accurate at intermediate p values. Numerous such studies have been presented. Non-Gaussian diffusion in macromolecular systems

One should note that the Einstein relation 〈∆r2〉 = 6D∆t only holds in the limit of large ∆t.


List of symbols D = self-diffusion coefficient; g = applied gradient strength, amplitude; J = magnitude of hom*onuclear spin coupling; T1 = longitudinal relaxation time; T2 = irreversible spin–spin relaxation time, transverse relaxation time; δ = duration of magnetic field gradient pulse; ∆ = separation of magnetic field gradient pulses; γ = magnetogyric ratio; τ = time delay between RF pulses. See also: Magnetic Field Gradients in High Resolution NMR; MRI Applications, Biological; MRI Applications, Clinical; MRI Theory; MRI Using Stray Fields; NMR Microscopy; NMR Pulse Sequences.

Further reading Callaghan PT (1991) Principles of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Microscopy. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Callaghan PT and Coy A (1994) PGSE and molecular translational motion in porous media. In: Tycko P (ed) NMR Probes of Molecular Dynamics, pp 489–523. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic. Canet D (1997) Radiofrequency field gradient experiments. Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 30: 101–135. Hahn EL (1950) Spin echoes. Physics Review 80: 580–594. Johnson CS (Jr) (1994) Transport ordered 2D-NMR spectroscopy. In: Tycko R (ed) NMR Probes of Molecular Dynamics, pp 455–488. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic.

Kärger J, Pfeifer H and Heink W (1988) Principles and application of self-diffusion measurements by nuclear magnetic. In: Waugh JS (ed) Advances in Magnetic Resonance, pp 2–89. San Diego: Academic Press. Kimmich R (1997) NMR Tomography Diffusometry Relaxometry. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer. Lindblom G and Orädd G (1994) NMR studies of translational diffusion in lyotropic liquid crystals and lipid membranes. Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 26: 483–515. Norwood NJ (1994) Magnetic field gradients in NMR – friend or foe. Chemical Society Reviews 23: 59–66. Price WS (1996) Gradient NMR. In: Annual Reports on NMR Spectroscopy, pp 51–142. New York: Academic Press. Price WS (1997) Pulsed-field gradient nuclear magnetic resonance as a tool for studying translational diffusion. Part 1. Basic theory. Concepts in Magnetic Resonance 9: 299–336, and Part 2 Experimental aspects. Concepts in Magnetic Resonance 10: 197–237. Söderman O and Stilbs P (1994) NMR studies of complex surfactant systems. Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 26: 445–482. Stilbs P (1987) Fourier transform pulsed-gradient spinecho studies of molecular diffusion. Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 19: 1–45. Waldeck AR, Kuchel PW, Lennon AJ and Chapman BE (1997) NMR diffusion measurements to characterize membrane transport and solute binding. Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 30: 39–68.

Drug Metabolism Studied Using NMR Spectroscopy Myriam Malet-Martino and Robert Martino, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

The purpose of this article is to briefly review the scope and potential of NMR as a non-invasive technique for studying drug metabolism. NMR has been used for the study of drug metabolism in vitro (biofluids, tissue extracts, biopsies, intact cells, perfused organs) and in vivo (animal models and human subjects). NMR spectroscopy is unique in its ability to permit both these kinds of studies. We shall see that the advantages and limitations of NMR as a tool for

MAGNETIC RESONANCE Applications drug metabolism and disposition studies are different depending on the approach chosen (in vitro or in vivo studies). The first part of this article deals with the various isotopes used in such studies. The second part is a general discussion of the value and difficulties encountered with NMR in investigations on drug metabolism. In the third part, we have chosen some specific examples to emphasize the interest of NMR.


Isotopes used in the study of the metabolism of drugs by NMR There are several NMR active nuclei (Table 1) that can be routinely used in drug metabolism and disposition. The merits and disadvantages of some of these nuclei are discussed below. Fluorine-19 (19F)

The majority of studies in the literature concern 19F NMR mainly because of the favourable NMR characteristics of this nucleus, including a nuclear spin of , relatively narrow lines, 100% natural abundance, high sensitivity (83% that of proton), large chemical shift range and short longitudinal relaxation times (T1) which permit rapid pulsing with a corresponding improvement in the signal-to-noise ratio per unit time. Moreover, the negligible level of endogenous fluorine eliminates interfering background signals and dynamic range problems. As a number of fluorinated drugs are currently in clinical use, 19F NMR offers a powerful method of monitoring their pharmaco*kinetics and metabolism either in vitro or in vivo. The main requirement is that drugs and metabolites should be present in minimal concentrations, near 10–3 mM, for studies in biofluids or 5 × 10–2 mM for in vivo studies.

Presaturation and spin-echo sequences can also be combined. Despite these drawbacks, several studies have shown that this nucleus can be exploited for the detection and measurement of drugs and metabolites in biofluids, i.e. for in vitro studies. The main requirements are that metabolites should have suitable protons and be present at concentrations 0.01–0.1 mM. As 1H is a poor nucleus for the in vivo monitoring of drugs and metabolites, in vivo 1H NMR spectroscopy has so far had little application. The reasons for this are manifold. Because of factors such as tissue heterogeneity, restricted molecular mobility, magnetic field inhom*ogeneity over the relatively large sample volume and the use of lower magnetic field strength spectrometers, in vivo signals linewidths are substantially broader than those obtained in vitro, in biofluids for example. There is thus excessive signal overlap due to the very large number of signals that occupy a small chemical shift range and the signals from endogenous metabolites may obscure the detection and quantification of the drug and/or its metabolites. Moreover, the replacement of H2O by D2O becomes impractical for studies carried out on whole animals or humans since high concentrations of D2O are toxic and D2O is very expensive. More elaborate NMR techniques than those reported above are thus required for solvent suppression and spectral editing. Carbon-13 (13C)

Proton (1H) 1

The H nucleus is present in all drugs, and has the highest NMR sensitivity of any stable nucleus. Moreover, it is the most abundant (99.98% natural abundance) of the two natural isotopes (1H and 2H or deuterium) of the hydrogen atom. However, the small chemical shift range and the extensive multiplicity due to hom*onuclear J-coupling sometimes make the observation and quantification of drug metabolites difficult. Moreover, 1H NMR spectra of biofluids or tissues contain many intense resonances from water, proteins and lipids that must be reduced or eliminated. A simple method for water suppression (which nevertheless implies a treatment of the biological sample) consists in freeze-drying the sample and redissolving it in D2O. Several NMR techniques are used to achieve the suppression of water and macromolecule resonances. The form of water suppression most commonly used is presaturation of the H2O resonance using a secondary irradiation field at the solvent resonance frequency. A second approach takes advantage of the short T2 (transverse relaxation time) of tissue water, proteins and some fats, and consists in applying a spin-echo sequence that will suppress the broad resonances of water and macromolecules.

One advantage of 13C NMR is that its large chemical shift range enables reliable structural identification. However, although the carbon nucleus is found in all drugs, the magnetically active isotope (13C) is neither abundant nor particularly sensitive. These drawbacks combined with the low concentrations of drugs and their metabolites in biological systems make this nucleus in its natural abundance rather hard to detect. Improved sensitivity can be attained with polarization transfer experiments which partly transfer the favourable properties of the proton to 13C. Furthermore, 13C-enriched drugs can be synthesized to increase the NMR sensitivity. However, to obtain a full picture of the chemical changes taking place, several key positions usually need to be labelled. This may be chemically difficult, presupposes an a priori knowledge of the metabolism of the particular drug and is rather expensive in practice. It should be stressed that the label still needs to be present at millimolar concentrations, rather than the trace quantities that are typically required for radiolabelling studies. Because of these difficulties, the use of 13C for in vitro or in vivo NMR studies of drug metabolism and disposition has been very limited.


Table 1

NMR isotopes for drug metabolism studies

Natural abundance (%)

NMR receptivity a

Chemical shift range (ppm)

Minimum concentration (mM) for in vitro studiesb




H H 7 Li 10 B 11 B

1/2 1 3/2 3 3/2

99.98 0.016 92.58 19.58 80.42

100 0.00015 27 0.389 13.3

15 15 12 200 200

0.01 1.2


1/2 1

1.11 99.63

0.018 0.1

250 350

0.1–1d 1e












1/2 1/2 1/2





F 31 P 195 Pt a

b c d e f g

0.037 100 100 33.8

83.3 6.6 0.34

500f 800 (30)g 10 000

0.001–0.005 0.01 10

Minimum concentration (µmol g–1) for in vivo studies 0.1 1.5 0.1 2C 5–10 50d

0.05–5 0.2–1

Receptivity (D ) relative to proton (H) is a relative sensitivity figure used to compare signal areas theoretically obtainable at a given magnetic field strength: DX = [γX 3 N X I X (I X +1) / [ γH 3 N HI H ( I H +1)]×100 where γ is the magnetogyric ratio, N the natural abundance and I the spin quantum number. In biofluids. With an enriched drug and if an indirect method of observing protons coupled to the 10 B nuclei is employed. With an enriched drug. Only nitrogen centres with relatively symmetrical electron distributions can be studied. For organofluorine compounds. Chemical shift range of endogenous phosphorus compounds.

Phosphorous-31 (31P)

The 31P nucleus is readily detected as it has a 100% natural abundance and is relatively sensitive. The presence of endogenous phosphates and derivatives (phosphom*onoesters, phosphodiesters, etc.) may interfere with signals from phosphorated drugs and their metabolites. In practice, this is not a large obstacle as there are relatively few endogenous compounds that produce detectable signals. In the studies carried out to date, no interference in NMR signals between phosphorus-containing drugs or metabolites with endogenous compounds, apart from inorganic phosphate, have been described. As phosphorus-containing drugs are fairly rare, only a few 31 P NMR drug studies have so far been carried out. Lithium-7 (7Li)

The major lithium isotope, 7Li, has a high NMR sensitivity. Since 7Li is not a spin I = but a spin I = nucleus, it possesses a quadrupole moment, which gives rise to broad spectral lines. 7Li NMR is not hampered by interference with endogenous signals. The only studies to date involve the in vivo determination of the pharmaco*kinetic profile of lithium salts. Boron-10 and boron-11 (10B,



NMR is a potentially valuable technique for evaluation of boron neutron capture therapy (BCNT)

agents since both boron isotopes are magnetically active. The 11B isotope has better sensitivity (16.5 versus 2% relative to 1H) and higher natural abundance (80.4 versus 19.6%) than 10B. Even though 10B is the active nucleus for neutron capture in BCNT, 11B is more appropriate for NMR studies except if an indirect method of observing protons coupled to the 10B nuclei is employed. Other nuclei

Deuterium (2H), tritium (3H), 17O, 15N, 14N and 195Pt suffer from several problems which cannot be overcome easily, including low sensitivity (17O, 15N, 14N, 2 H, 195Pt), poor resolution and broad signals (17O, 14 N, 2H), and the radioactivity (3H) associated with the relatively high concentrations required for NMR studies. The sensitivity of detection can be improved by isotopic enrichment combined with enhancement by polarization transfer from proton. Nevertheless, all these problems are reflected in the limited use of these nuclei in NMR studies both in vitro or in vivo.

Advantages and limitations of NMR for drug metabolism studies In vitro studies

Many analytical techniques, especially chromatographic methods, are in routine use for the analysis


of biofluids. The reasons for the additional use of NMR spectroscopy are manifold and lie in the unique properties of NMR spectroscopy (Table 2). NMR is non-destructive and enables the direct study of any intact biofluid without resort to treatment. Problems of extraction recovery and chemical derivatization, and those that may be encountered with pH-sensitive metabolites, are consequently avoided. NMR spectroscopy is thus particularly suited to the study of delicate samples. The method is non-specific and unexpected substances are not overlooked during the investigation, since all metabolites (provided they bear the nucleus under observation and they are present at sufficient concentrations) are detected simultaneously in a single analysis. This contrasts with chromatography which usually requires some prior knowledge of the structures of metabolites to optimize sample preparation and/or detection. Novel metabolites may therefore be missed. NMR also avoids the use of a number of different chromatographic techniques, which is sometimes necessary when metabolites have different chemical structures. This is an important attribute of NMR in the search for novel metabolites when, often, the analyst will have no idea of the type of molecule to look for. The NMR spectrum contains much structural information, and the observed chemical shifts and spin–spin coupling patterns can provide valuable clues about the structure of novel metabolites. Even though metabolites must still be extracted and purified for unequivocal elucidation of the structure, the NMR ‘behaviour’ nevertheless can give a good estimate of the structures of unknown compounds. Although optimization of the quantification of drugs and metabolites in biofluids by NMR is somewhat tedious [choice of a suitable standard, determination of the T1, checking that excitation is uniform over the whole frequency range when a large spectral width is observed (often the case in 19F and 13C Table 2

NMR), taking into account the heteronuclear nuclear Overhauser effect when proton decoupling is applied, validation of the assay, etc.] it is nevertheless fairly easy to obtain quantitative data, and NMR can be used routinely in the same way as HPLC. Moreover, given a good signal-to-noise ratio, NMR can quantify substances accurately and reproducibly. Quantification in plasma and bile may nevertheless be affected by the binding of drugs or metabolites to macromolecules. This results in substantial signal broadening and gives a reduced signal-to-noise ratio or even leads to NMR-invisibility. Some sample pretreatment may be required in such cases. Set against these advantages, however, are a number of disadvantages which need to be taken into account. NMR spectrometers are expensive instruments, with the cost rising steeply with the field strength of the magnet used; higher field strengths provide greater spectral dispersion and yield better sensitivity. However, the magnets have long useful lifetimes (~ 15 years) and the electronic components may be upgraded continuously at reasonable cost. Although there is little or no spectral interference from endogenous molecules using 19F, 31P, 7Li and 13 C (since 13C-enriched drugs are required) NMR, the problem of peak overlap is critical in 1H NMR since the signals of a large number of endogenous compounds are present in a relatively narrow chemical shift range. Moreover, suppression of the intense signal from water is a prerequisite for 1H NMR spectroscopy of biofluids. Resonances of the drug and metabolites must occur in spectral regions which are free of signals from endogenous metabolites. With a spectrometer operating at a field ≥ 9.4 T, and taking the necessary precautions, drug metabolite resonances may be measured on the entire spectrum, except between 3.5 and 4.1 ppm as this range contains many overlapped resonances from endogenous molecules. In most biofluids, the region of the

Advantages and drawbacks of in vitro NMR for drug metabolism studies



No destruction of the sample

NMR spectrometers are expensive instruments

No sample pretreatment necessary

Critical problem of peak overlap in 1H NMR. Resonances of the drug and metabolites must occur in spectral regions which are free of signals from endogeneous metabolites

No degradation of unstable metabolites due to sample treatment All metabolites are detected simultaneously in a single analysis Does not require preselection of conditions based on a knowledge of the compound to be analysed

The volume of biofluid needed for NMR analysis may be large

An analytical technique does not have to be designed for each newapplication

NMR is relatively insensitive; this limits its use to the observation of drugs that are present at relatively high concentrations

NMR gives both structural and quantitative information Little or no spectral interference from endogenous molecules in 19F, 31 P, 7Li and 13C NMR


spectrum deshielded from the water signal is relatively low in interfering resonances, so that aromatic or heterocyclic drugs can often be studied with relative ease. The positive aspect of this limitation is that information can be obtained on alterations in composition of the biofluid after drug administration since the 1H NMR spectrum of a biofluid gives a characteristic pattern of resonances for a range of important endogenous metabolites. The volume of biofluid needed for NMR analysis ranges between 0.3 to 0.4 or 1.5 to 2.5 mL with 5 or 10 mm tubes respectively. This can be a hindrance for pharmaco*kinetic studies which require numerous plasma samples or for difficult-to-obtain biofluids such as bile, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) or those from neonates. Recent progress in the use of flow-injection NMR probes will alleviate this disadvantage. Compared with most chromatographic and other spectroscopic techniques, NMR is relatively insensitive, which represents the principal drawback of the technique and limits its use to the observation of those drugs that are present at relatively high concentrations. It is difficult to give a precise figure for the minimum concentration requirement because there are many factors that influence the signal-tonoise ratio. The theoretical detection limit for 1H NMR is around 10–3 mM for 600 MHz spectrometers using a 5 mm probe, but in practice it is often difficult to accurately quantify substances found at concentrations below 0.1 mM. With one currently available spectrometer (7 T, corresponding to a proton resonance frequency of 300 MHz) the detection threshold in a 10 mm diameter tube is 5 ×10–3 mM and 10–2 mM for 10 to 15 h of 19F NMR or 31P NMR recording. With a 11.7 T spectrometer (corresponding to a proton resonance frequency of 500 MHz) a detection threshold of 1 to 2 ×10–3 mM has been achieved in 12 h of 19F NMR data acquisition in 10 mm tubes. However, the accuracy and reproducibility of the NMR concentration determinations are generally ≤10% for concentrations ≥5 × 10–2 mM for 19 F and 31P NMR. For lower concentrations, the accuracy and reproducibility decrease and depend on the measurement time and the resulting signal-tonoise ratio in the spectra. However, in spite of these difficulties, NMR spectroscopy has now become a technique of demonstrated utility and of unique ability in the analysis of biofluids. Moreover, the recent development of using separation methods in conjunction with NMR spectroscopy has given rise to a radical new approach in biofluid metabolite analysis. The coupling of HPLC to NMR in 1992 in the form of a commercially available instrument has been shown to be of great use in separating and determining the structure of drug

metabolites in biofluids. The sensitivity of conventional HPLC-NMR provides a detection limit of about 150 ng of analyte for an overnight data accumulation. This technique has been extended to other chromatographic techniques such as supercritical fluid chromatography and to the use of nuclei other than 1H or 19F which form the basis of most studies so far because of their high NMR sensitivity. Another major recent development has been the combination of both NMR and mass spectrometry to an HPLC system, which will be of great help to elucidate the structures of drug metabolites in biofluids. The advantages and limitations of NMR for biofluids also apply to the analysis of excised tissue samples or intact cells packed in NMR tubes. For quantitative studies, the metabolites of interest should not be degraded by enzymes even at 4 °C. For the analysis of cells, one must make sure that the density of the cellular suspension does not change with time, i.e. that there is no sedimentation in the NMR tube. This can be checked by acquisition of successive data blocks. The spectra are then examined individually, and if there is little or no change in metabolite levels, spectra can be added together to improve the signal-to-noise ratio. In such samples, there is often considerable signal broadening owing to inhom*ogeneities in the medium analysed and signals from compounds with similar chemical shifts may merge into a single peak. The 19F NMR detection threshold at 470 MHz was found to be about 5 nmol g–1 of tissue or cellular suspension for 1–2 h measurement on 0.5–1 g samples. Recently, it has been shown that it is possible to obtain high-resolution 1H NMR spectra of biopsy tissues simply by spinning at the magic angle (θ = 54.7°) at modest speeds (around 3 kHz). This could open up new routes of monitoring drug metabolism. In vivo studies (Table 3)

The main interest of in vivo NMR is obvious. Measuring drug levels in plasma does not always reflect the drug concentration at the receptor sites, which are generally located in the tissue cells of the target organ. Consequently, a method that allows one to measure the concentration of drugs and their metabolites in situ may be extremely useful. In vivo NMR spectroscopy can be used repetitively on the same patient since it is noninvasive. The ability to monitor the pharmaco*kinetic of a drug and to evaluate the potential modifications in drug metabolism could prove extremely valuable in patient management. However, there are three main obstacles to the use of NMR in vivo. The first and major limitation is


Table 3 Advantages and drawbacks of in vivo NMR for drug metabolism studies

Advantages Measurement of drug and /or metabolites levels in target organ Can be used repetitively on the same patient

Drawbacks Low sensitivity. Tissue concentration necessary for in vivo detection of a drug is 1–10 times that necessary in vitro Only molecules with unrestricted mobility are visible Prolonged data acquisition may be required The observed signals may have various anatomical origins Poor resolution. Chemically similar compounds may not be readily distinguished Difficult in making accurate quantitative measurements

the lack of sensitivity. The minimum detectable concentration (Table 1) depends on many factors, including magnetic field strength, intrinsic sensitivity, presence of background signal, data collection time and sample size. Tissue concentration necessary for in vivo detection of a drug is typically 1–10 times that necessary in vitro. Order-of-magnitude detection limits for endogeneous metabolites are 0.2 µmol g–1 for 31P and 0.1 µmol g–1 for 1H. The in vivo 19F NMR detection limit of 5-fluorouracil (FU) and its metabolites has been estimated at around 0.05 µmol g–1 with a 7 T vertical bore magnet for a 1 h measurement and 0.1 µmol g–1 with a 1.5 T whole-body spectrometer for total measurement time that is tolerable (30 min) for patients. It should not be forgotten that these detection limits are for molecules with unrestricted mobility, which is not always the case since drug and/or metabolites are often strongly bound to macromolecules or cell membranes. The insensitivity of NMR has two consequences. First, prolonged data acquisition may be required to obtain satisfactory spectra. This is because the confident detection of resonances requires a good signal-to-noise ratio, which is proportional to the square root of the number of scans performed. The kinetics of drug metabolism or elimination must therefore not be too rapid. Second, the surface coils used for the detection of drugs and metabolites in situ are relatively large, particularly in humans. The observed signals may thus have various anatomical origins (e.g tumour tissue and normal tissue). To get a specific pharmaco*kinetic profile from one tissue, spatially localized spectroscopy using field gradients to define the volume of interest is useful. However, the relatively low concentrations of metabolites encountered have so far limited the use of this method for drug metabolism studies.

The second limitation is the lack of resolution. NMR signals observed in vivo are broad, and chemically similar compounds may not be readily distinguished. The third limitation of in vivo NMR is the difficulty in making accurate quantitative measurements. The only quantitative studies of drug metabolism carried out so far have concerned fluorine- or lithium-containing compounds with 19F or 7Li NMR. For quantitative determinations, signal areas are normalized relative to that of an external reference – a capillary or a sphere filled with a standard of known concentration and volume. Within a particular experiment this method can estimate the relative concentrations of metabolites with an accuracy of about 10%, rising to around 40% for the estimation of absolute concentrations. The absolute concentration in human brain of fluorinated neuroleptics or lithium salts has been determined by performing an additional separate calibration experiment (immediately before and after each experiment) with a phantom of known concentration and volume placed in the position of the tissue. However, since the tissue volume is not readily measured and since the loading on the coil and hence the nutation angle are assumed to be the same for the phantom as for the tissue, the method tends to be rather inaccurate. Another method consists in using a calibrated internal standard such as tissue water.

Some recent applications of NMR in drug metabolism studies Most of the 19F NMR studies are related to anaesthetic, psychoactive and antineoplastic drugs. The distribution of anaesthetics in the brain and the pharmaco*kinetics of their elimination are still a subject of controversy. The feasibility of in vivo 19F NMR studies of halothane in humans has been recently demonstrated. Resonances attributable to this compound were observed up to 90 min after withdrawal of the anaesthetic agent in eight patients. Fluoxetine (Prozac®) is a widely used antidepressant drug. In patients receiving daily doses of 20 or 40 mg, brain concentration continued to increase well after the clinical effects were evident (2 weeks), seemed to level off after about 6 to 10 months of treatment and was about 20 times the concentration in plasma. It thus appears that there is no correlation between brain concentration and clinical response. A combined in vivo and in vitro study on several patients showed that the single 19F resonance observed in vivo contains, in roughly equal proportion, both the drug and its active metabolite


(norfluoxetine) (Figure 1). The comparison of in vivo and in vitro quantifications (1–11 µg of fluoxetine + norfluoxetine per mL of tissue in vivo versus 12–19 µg mL–1 of tissue in extracts) suggested that a substantial fraction of the drug and its metabolite is not visible in vivo. Most of the 19F NMR studies on fluorinated drugs have concerned FU. This drug is an ideal case for 19F NMR studies for three reasons. High doses are administered to patients. The fluorine atom remains intact during biotransformation. Its metabolism, and more especially its catabolic pathway, leads to compounds that are structurally different from the parent compound. The 19F NMR signals are therefore displayed over a large spectral width with no peak overlap (except for fluoronucleotides in vivo). The number of in vitro and in vivo 19F NMR studies published reflects the contribution of the technique to the knowledge of FU metabolism. The following two examples emphasize the interests in 19F NMR. FU injected at high doses by continuous intravenous perfusion during 4 to 5 days provoked a cardiac toxicity. For commercial purposes, FU is solubilized in a solution of sodium hydroxide at two different pH (8.6 or 9.2). The 19F NMR analysis of these solutions revealed the presence of about a hundred signals of fluorinated ‘impurities’, among which fluoroacetaldehyde and fluoromalonic acid semialdehyde were identified (Figure 2). These products come from the degradation of FU and are formed with time in the basic medium which is indispensable to the solubilization of this antitumour agent. These two compounds are highly cardiotoxic on the isolated perfused rabbit heart model since fluoroacetaldehyde is metabolized into fluoroacetate which is a violent cardiotoxic and neurotoxic poison. The intensity of the cardiotoxicity of FU commercial solutions, tested on the isolated perfused rabbit heart model, is a function of the pH of the solution, and the preparations at pH 9.2 are less cardiotoxic than the preparations at pH 8.6. Nevertheless, the non-negligible frequency of cardiotoxic accidents observed after injection of the commercial solutions at pH 9.2 was too significant to be explained by the levels of fluoroacetaldehyde and fluoromalonic acid semi-aldehyde found in these preparations. The possibility of an eventual metabolism of FU itself into fluoroacetate has thus been explored. It has long been postulated, without ever being demonstrated, that the main catabolite of FU, α-fluoro-β-alanine, could be transformed into fluoroacetate. Using in vitro 19F NMR and the isolated perfused rat liver model, it was found that the last catabolite of FU is not α-fluoro-β-alanine. The metabolism continues and leads to two new catabolites, fluoroacetate and

fluoromalonic acid semi-alcohol (Figure 3). The conclusion of this study was twofold. To limit the cardiotoxicity of FU, it would be better to use in clinical treatments a new dosing form of FU which is devoid of degradation products (lyophilized material for example). However, to suppress this toxicity it would be necessary to act on the degradation pathway of FU by blocking it before the formation of α-fluoro-β-alanine. In vivo 19F NMR has been used to monitor FU metabolism in the liver metastases of colorectal cancer patients. The patients were treated with a continuous low dose intravenous infusion of FU until the point of refractory disease, at which time interferon-α was added with the objective of modulating FU activity. Figure 4 shows the spectra obtained in a 1.5 T whole body spectrometer with a 16 cm diameter surface coil positioned over hepatic metastases of a patient treated with 300 mg of FU m–2 day–1. The first NMR scan (Figure 4A) was performed after 1 week of FU infusion. A large signal of catabolite (α-fluoro-β-alanine) and a small resonance from FU were observed. The patient went on to have an objective partial response but later developed progressive disease. At this time (Figure 4B), the FU peak had disappeared and the catabolite signal had reduced. The next scan (Figure 4C), after a week on interferon-α, showed a new anabolite peak. A week later, the last scan (Figure 4D) showed FU and catabolite signals. At this stage the patient had a symptom and tumour marker response and stabilization of tumour size. The 1H NMR spectrum of a human urine sample from a volunteer who had ingested the anti-inflammatory drug flurbiprofen is shown in Figure 5A. The complexity of the spectrum precluded any detailed structural or quantitative analysis. For example, the ability to discern resonances from the aromatic protons of flurbiprofen metabolites is severely limited. However, a stopped-flow HPLC-NMR experiment at 30.5 min afforded the 1H spectrum shown in Figure 5B which corresponds to the two diasteromeric forms of the β-D-glucuronic acid conjugate of 4'-hydroxyflurbiprofen. The resonances of the para substituted phenyl ring appear at 6.91 and 7.42 ppm and the other three aromatic resonances as a complex multiplet at 7.19 ppm. The β-D-glucuronic acid H1 proton appears as two resonances at 5.49 and 5.52 ppm. The remaining β-D-glucuronic acid resonances are located between 3.4 and 3.6 ppm. The methyl resonances of the propionic acid sidechain of flurbiprofen are two doublets at 1.49 and 1.51 ppm. The two methine signals are observed at about 3.94 ppm as overlapped multiplets. This example emphasizes the interest in HPLC coupled to NMR spectroscopy for the identification of drug metabolites.


Figure 1 The 19F NMR spectra (A) from the head of a patient on 20 mg per day of fluoxetine for 1 month, (B) of the extract of a small section of temporal cortex from a deceased patient on 40 mg per day of fluoxetine for 19 weeks. F = fluoxetine, NF = norfluoxetine. Adapted with permission of Williams and Wilkins from Komoroski et al (1994) In vivo 19F spin relaxation and localized spectroscopy of fluoxetine in human brain. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 31: 204–211.

Figure 2 The 19F NMR spectrum of a commercial solution of 5-fluorouracil (pH 9.2). F–, fluoride ion; FU, 5-fluorouracil; FMASAld, fluoromalonic acid semi-aldehyde; Facet, fluoroacetaldehyde.


Figure 3 The 19F NMR spectrum of a perfusate (concentrated 20-fold by lyophilization) from an isolated perfused rat liver treated with 5-fluorouracil at a dose of 45 mg per kg b.w. for 3 h. F–, fluoride ion; FUR, 5-fluorouridine; FU, 5-fluorouracil; FBAL, α-fluoro-βalanine; CFBAL, N-carboxy-α-fluoro-β-alanine; FBAL[R]-glucα, FBAL[R]-glucβ, adducts of α-fluoro-β-alanine with α-glucose or βglucose; FMASAlc, fluoromalonic acid semi-alcohol; FAC, fluoroacetate.

Figure 4 A series of 19F NMR spectra of liver metastases from a colorectal cancer patient treated with 5-fluorouracil at a dose of 300 mg m–2 day–1 (A, B) and 5-fluorouracil + interferon-α (C, D). 5FU, 5-fluorouracil. mV: millivolts (arbitrary values). Reproduced with permission of Kluwer Academic from Findlay et al (1993) The non-invasive monitoring of low dose, infusional 5-fluorouracil and its modulation by interferon α using in vivo 19F MRS in patients with colorectal cancer. Annals of Oncology, 4: 597–602.


Figure 5 The 600 MHz 1H NMR spectra of (A) a sample of human urine collected after the oral ingestion of 200 mg flurbiprofen, (B) the 30.5 min retention time species corresponding to the β-D-glucuronic acid conjugate of 4'-hydroxyflurbiprofen. Reprinted from (A) Spraul et al (1993). Coupling of HPLC with 19F and 1H NMR spectroscopy to investigate the human urinary extraction of flurbiprofen metabolites. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 11 (10), 1009–1015; (B) Lindon et al (1996) Direct coupling of chromatographic separations to NMR spectroscopy. Progress in NMR Spectroscopy, 29, 1–49, with kind permission from Elsevier Science-NL, Sara Burgerhartstraat 25, 1055 KV Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


Figure 6 The 13C NMR spectra of human urine taken 1 h after oral administration of ([1-13C]ethoxy)phenacetin to a healthy subject (A) and to a patient with acute hepatitis (B). TSP, 3-(trimethylsilyl)propionate (internal standard). Adapted with permission of The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan from Kajiwara et al (1996) Studies on 13C phenacetin metabolism II. A combination of breath test and urine test of in vivo metabolites in the diagnosis of liver disease. Chemical Pharmaceutical Bulletin 44: 1258–1260. 13

C-labelled phenacetin has been used for the diagnosis of liver disease. In the urine of healthy subjects, the –OCH2– signal of phenacetin was higher than that of its metabolite, phenetidine, whereas in patients with acute hepatitis the situation was the reverse (Figure 6). A return to the normal profile was observed during convalescence. The anticancer agent temozolomide labelled with 13C was noninvasively detected in mice tumours by a selective cross-polarization transfer 13C NMR method which has the advantage of higher sensitivity with lower power deposition. The resonance of temozolomide was observed but not the signal of its active metabolite, 5-(3-methyltriazen-1-yl)imidazole-4-carboxamide (Figure 7). 31 P NMR spectroscopy has been used to analyse biofluids from patients treated with the antineoplastic drug ifosfamide, widely used in the treatment of soft-tissue sarcomas and paediatric malignancies. Its metabolism is complex (Figure 8). The spectrum in Figure 9 emphasizes the wealth of information on drug metabolism that can be gained from in vitro studies. About 20 phosphorus-containing compounds were detected. In addition to the already known metabolites (unchanged ifosfamide, carboxyifosfamide, 2-dechloroethylifosfamide, 3-dechloroethylifosfamide, isophosphoramide mustard,

Figure 7 In vivo 13C NMR spectra of a RIF-1 tumour before and after an intraperitoneal injection of 13C-temozolomide (TMZ). Adapted with permission of Williams and Wilkins from Artemov et al (1995) Pharmaco*kinetics of the 13C-labelled anticancer agent temozolomide detected in vivo by selective cross polarization transfer. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 34: 338–342.


Figure 8 NMR.

Metabolic pathways of ifosfamide. Compounds ringed are phosphorated metabolites that have been identified using 31P

ketoifosfamide) eight other compounds were identified. Furthermore 31P NMR spectroscopy has been used to detect and quantify ifosfamide in vivo in rat tumours. In addition to the resonances of the phosphorus-containing endogenous metabolites, only one broad signal could be detected for ifosfamide and, probably, also some of its metabolites. Carbogen breathing increased the amount of ifosfamide taken up by the tumour by 50% (Figure 10). The concentration of Li in serum is not an adequate measure of Li efficacy. Localized spectroscopy that permits the measurement of Li in the brain may be a better approach of efficacy and/or neurotoxicity. Lithium was detected noninvasively in vivo in the

brain and in the calf muscle of normal volunteers and of psychiatric patients. The lithium levels in both muscle and the brain rose more slowly than in serum. The concentration of Li in the brain is typically 0.1– 0.6 mM. Therapeutic serum levels (ranging between 0.4–1.0 mM) are typically reached after 1 or 2 days of lithium treatment whereas clinical efficacy is not observed for several more days. The 7Li NMR data strongly suggested that this delay may be due to the relatively slow accumulation of lithium in the brain (after 3–7 days of treatment). After the lithium treatment was stopped, the elimination half-time was slower in the brain (32–48 h) than in the serum or muscle (~24 h).


Figure 9 The 31P NMR spectrum of a urine sample from a patient treated with ifosfamide (3 g m–2 injected intravenously over 3 h). The urine sample was collected 8–16 h after the start of the infusion, frozen immediately after collection and concentrated 17-fold by lyophilization. Chemical shifts are related to external 85% H3PO4. ALCOIF, alcoifosfamide; CARBOXYIF, carboxyifosfamide; 2DEC1IF, 2-dechloroethylifosfamide; IF, ifosfamide; 3DEC1IF, 3-dechloroethylifosfamide; IPM, isophosphoramide mustard; KETOIF, ketoifosfamide. Compounds ringed are phosphorated metabolites that have been identified using 31P NMR.

Figure 10 The 31P NMR spectra of a GH3 prolactinoma. (A) Ifosfamide administered after 10 min breathing air. (B) Ifosfamide administered during tenth minute of breathing carbogen (CB). The spectra were acquired 15 min after intravenous ifosfamide. Peak assignments: 1, ifosfamide; 2, phosphom*onoesters; 3, Pi; 4, phosphodiesters; 5, phosphocreatine; 6, γ-phosphate of NTP; 7, α-phosphate of NTP; 8, β-phosphate of NTP. Reproduced with permission of Churchill Livingstone from Rodrigues et al (1997) In vivo detection of ifosfamide by 31P MRS in rat tumours: increased uptake and cytoxicity induced by carbogen breathing in GH3 prolactinoma. British Journal of Cancer 75: 62–68.


Conclusion The increasing number of NMR studies of drug metabolism and pharmaco*kinetics testifies to the growing interest of the method. For in vitro studies (biofluids in particular), NMR can now be considered as complementary to, and even in some cases replacing, other analytical techniques such as chromatography. In vivo experimental and clinical applications of NMR are still at an early stage of development, and the techniques will need to be improved before localized spectra and accurate absolute quantification are routinely available. See also: Biofluids Studied by NMR; Cells Studied by NMR; Chromatography-NMR, Applications; In vivo NMR, Applications, 31P; In vivo NMR, Applications, Other Nuclei; 31P NMR; Perfused Organs Studied Using NMR Spectroscopy; Solvent Suppression Methods in NMR Spectroscopy.

Further reading Bell JD, Gadian DG and Preece NE (1990) NMR studies of drug metabolism and disposition. European Journal of Drug Metabolism and Pharmaco*kinetics 15: 127–133.

Everett JR (1991) High-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of biofluids and applications in drug metabolism. Analytical Proceedings 28: 181–183. Findlay MPN and Leach MO (1994) In vivo monitoring of fluoropyrimidine metabolites: magnetic resonance spectroscopy in the evaluation of 5-fluorouracil. AntiCancer Drugs 5: 260–280. Heimberg C, Komoroski RA, Newton JEO and Karson C (1995) 19F-MRS: a new tool for psychopharmacology. Progress in Psychiatry 47: 213–234. Komoroski RA (1994) In vivo NMR of drugs. Analytical Chemistry 66: 1024A–1033A. Kuesel AC, Kroft T and Smith ICP (1991) Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Analytical Chemistry 63: 237R–246R. Lindon JC and Nicholson JK (1997) Recent advances in high-resolution NMR spectroscopic methods in bioanalytical chemistry. Trends in Analytical Chemistry 16: 190–200. Lindon JC, Nicholson JK and Wilson ID (1996) Direct coupling of chromatographic separations to NMR spectroscopy. Progress in NMR Spectroscopy 29: 1–49. Malet-Martino MC and Martino R (1992) Magnetic resonance spectroscopy: a powerful tool for drug metabolism studies. Biochimie 74: 785–800. Preece NE and Timbrell JA (1990) Use of NMR spectroscopy in drug metabolism studies: recent advances. Progress in Drug Metabolism 12: 147–203.

Dyes and Indicators, Use of UV-Visible Absorption Spectroscopy Volker Buss, University of Duisberg, Duisberg, Germany Lutz Eggers, Gerhard-Mercator-Universität, Duisburg, Germany


Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

It seems appropriate to start an article on UV-visible absorption spectroscopy and dyes with a consideration of the fundamental processes underlying vision, for reasons which will presently become evident. When electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths between 800 and 400 nm hits the human retina, a chain of events is initiated which eventually results in the excitation of the visual nerve and the perception of light or colour in the brain. The molecular basis for this process is the photoreceptor protein rhodopsin, which forms part of the membrane layers inside the cone and rod cells of the retina. The

chromophore of rhodopsin, i.e. the coloured part of an otherwise colourless protein, is a highly unsaturated entity, 11-cis-retinal protonated Schiff base (Scheme 1). Through the action of light the Schiff base is transformed into an electronically excited state from which it returns, in a very fast reaction, to the ground state with the chromophore in the alltrans configuration (Scheme 2). Though there are many different visual pigments found in vertebrate eyes, with absorption maxima ranging from 415 nm in chicken to 575 in humans, nature uses the same chromophore, protonated retinal Schiff base,


form complexes with other species or with themselves, i.e. when they aggregate. Spectral change, which is what we perceive as the colour change of a dye, always has a molecular basis. It provides yet another window for studying molecular structure and molecular interactions.

Spectral characteristics of dye molecules When light travels through a hom*ogenous isotropic solution of an absorbing species, the fraction of light that is absorbed is proportional to the number of molecules in the light path according to the Beer– Lambert equation

throughout. In addition, different pigments are found in the same species, a structural prerequisite for colour vision much like the light-sensitive layers of a colour film coated with different dyes. How these spectral changes are brought about is not completely understood. The chromophore without the attached protein absorbs at 440 nm in ethanol. Embedding the chromophore in the protein changes the position of the absorption maximum, a consequence of the different environment. This environment consists of the amino acid residues of the protein, differing from species to species, which may be charged or uncharged. There are other counterions and water molecules which might induce solvatochromic effects. An amino acid placed in a particular position might induce deprotonation. For nature, this presents a perfect example of tuning the spectral characteristics of the visual pigment according to its needs. Conversely, one might consider the chromophore an extremely sensitive indicator of its molecular environment. All molecular properties are a function of the environment. Often these changes are subtle and hidden to the human eye. Sometimes, especially when dyes are involved, they are striking. Thus, dyes may be used as indicators of solvent polarity, of the pH or of the redox potential. Dyes will change their colours when they are adsorbed on surfaces or when they

in which I0 is the intensity of the incident and I of the emergent radiation. With the concentration c in moles per litre and the path length l in cm, the proportionality constant ε is the molar absorptivity or molar extinction coefficient. While ε is a measure of the intensity of the absorption, the wavelength λ at which the absorption occurs, or better its inverse, the wavenumber , is a measure of the energy which is absorbed, according to the well-known relation

in which h is Planck’s constant and c the speed of light. The range of UV-visible absorption extends from 800 to 200 nm (12 500 to 50 000 cm−1) which corresponds to energies from ca. 35 to 145 kcal mol−1 (1 kcal = 4.184 kJ). In molecules absorbing in this wavelength range these energies are sufficient to create short-lived electronically excited states. In such a state the electronic wavefunction does not correspond to the most stable arrangement of the electrons in the field of the nuclei; as a consequence the molecule returns, within 10−7 to 10−9 seconds, to the electronic ground state. Factors that affect the two states differently, e.g. chemical substitution, protonation or change of the solvent, will induce spectral shifts either to longer (‘bathochromic shift’) or shorter (‘hypsochromic shift’) wavelengths. Empirical rules are widely employed to correlate chemical structure changes with spectral shifts. The spectra of short conjugated double bond systems can be predicted based on the topology and the presence of substituents (Woodward rules); linear free-energy relationships have been developed to correlate


substituent and spectral changes in closely related dye molecules. Other rules originate from basic quantummechanical principles, e.g. the linear relation between the absorption maxima of cyanine dyes and the length of the conjugated chain; the perturbation of a conjugated carbon chain by substituents of different electronegativity (perturbational molecular orbital theory); or the effects of steric crowding and, as a consequence, non-planar distortion of the molecule. For a more quantitative description, theories may be applied which range from the purely π−electron, but highly successful PPP-theory and the semi-empirical all-valence electron theories such as CNDO/S and AM1 to ab initio methods. Only the latter allow the calculation of the energies without requiring recourse to experimental data. While it is possible today to calculate molecular ground state energies with an accuracy of a few kilocalories, depending on the size of the molecule and the computational effort expended, the uncertainty is much larger in the excited state. The ab initio calculation of absorption wavelengths which come within 50 nm of the experimental value must still be considered successful. Calculated energies refer to the isolated molecule in the (dilute) gas phase. Every solvent will change these data to a degree. Solvent shifts can be striking when there is significant charge rearrangement between the ground and excited state. For computing these effects, one may allow specific interactions, e.g. through hydrogen bonds, of the dye with the solvent, though this approach is limited in the number of the solvent molecules that can be considered. In other approaches the dye molecule is specifically solvated and then embedded into a solvent continuum which in its response to the solute is treated as a polarizable dielectric. A measure of the absorption intensity is the oscillator strength f, a dimensionless quantity which is

obtained by integrating over the absorption band:

f can also be calculated from a theoretical quantity, the transition dipole moment M,

where me and e are, respectively, the mass and charge of the electron and is the absorption wavenumber. M, a vector quantity, is a measure of the charge displacement caused by the electronic excitation. When the absorption can be attributed to the excitation of an electron from one molecular orbital to another with an energy sufficiently different from all other excitations of the molecule the magnitude and direction of M can be estimated from multiplying the two orbitals which are involved in the excitation (Figure 1). This procedure gives atom-centered transition charge densities which are used to calculate the transition dipole moment. These ‘back-ofan-envelope’ calculations readily explain why the oscillator strength increases with the size of the chromophore, or why it is larger in the stretched conformation of a molecule than when it is coiled. The fixed orientation of M with respect to the molecular frame is also the physical basis for dichroism, i.e. the orientation dependence of the extinction coefficient of an ordered ensemble of dye molecules. Electronic excitation in the UV-visible range is accompanied by changes in the vibrational and rotational state of the molecule as well. Since the spacing between rotational and vibrational levels is small relative to the spacing between electronic

Figure 1 Highest occupied and lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals of azobenzene (schematic, left), their product, giving the transition density (middle) and the resulting transition moment vector (right).


states, a typical UV-visual spectrum will appear as a band, or an envelope curve, of close-lying ‘rovibronic states’, the band shape being determined by the relative intensities of those states. Strong vibrations of the excited state may give rise to ‘vibrational fine structure’ of an absorption band, which may change as a function of the solvent and temperature.

Dyes as indicators of solvent polarity Any solvent will change the wavelength, intensity and shape of an absorption band compared to the spectrum in the gas phase to a degree, a consequence of the different perturbation of the electronic ground and excited states of the solute by the solvent. The term ‘Solvatochromism’ has been coined to describe the change in position of an UV-visible absorption band due to a change in the polarity of the medium. A hypsochromic or blue shift with increasing solvent polarity is called negative solvatochromism, whereas a bathochromic or red shift is called positive solvatochromism. It is unreasonable to expect any macroscopic parameter, such as the dipole moment of a solvent or its refractive index, to correlate quantitatively with solvent effects which depend in addition on interactions at the molecular level. Therefore, empirical scales have been devised to correlate solvent polarity and spectral shifts. One of the most popular and successful scales has been developed by Dimroth and Reichardt. It is based on the pyridinium-N-phenoxide betaine [3], which exhibits one of the largest solvatochromic effects ever observed. The solvatochromism of this dye is negative since its ground state is considerably more polar than the excited state and is stabilized by polar solvents. Thus, in diphenylether the dye absorbs at 810 nm and appears blue-green, whereas in water the absorption is centred at 453 nm, giving an orange impression. The transition energy, expressed in kcal mol −1, is the so-called ET(30) value of the solvent. ET(30) values have been determined and tabulated for more than 270 pure solvents and many different solvent mixtures. Protonation converts the dye (Scheme 3) into a phenol; as a consequence, ET(30) values cannot be measured for acidic solvents, such as carboxylic acids. Another solvent polarity scale, Kosower’s Z-scale, is based on the highly solvent-dependent charge transfer absorption of the para-substituted pyridinium salt (Scheme 4). The ground state of this dye is best described as a highly polar tight ion-pair, whereas the less polar charge-transfer form is more important in the excited state. Thus, the solvatochromism of the pyridinium salt is negative, like Reichardt’s dye. In fact, the ET(30)- and the Z-scale

show a very good correlation, and similar anomalies with respect to theoretical polarity functions, which is not surprising because both use similar molecular models to ‘measure’ solvent polarity. For converting experimental transition energies (in cm−1) into ET(30) and Z-values, the following equation may be used:

in which NA is Avogadro’s constant and both ET(30) and Z have the dimensions kcal mol−1. The use of normalized, dimensionless values ‘E ’ has been recommended in order to avoid the non-SI unit. In this scale, water and trimethylsilane (TMS) are taken as reference solvents, with assigned values of E of 1.00 and 0.00, respectively. ET(30) values show a good, often linear, correlation with a large number of other solvent sensitive processes, such as reaction rates and shifts of chemical equilibria. The betaine dye (Scheme 3) and specially designed derivatives are useful molecular probes in the study of micellar interfaces, microemulsions and phospholipid bilayers, of rigid rod-like isocyanide polymers, and the retention behaviour in reversed-phase chromatography. In addition to its solvatochromic behaviour, the dye is sensitive to temperature (‘thermosolvatochromism’) and pressure changes (‘piezosolvatochromism’) and also to the presence of electrolytes (‘halosolvatochromism’).


Dyes as indicators of chemical equilibria For a dye to act as indicator of a chemical equilibrium, it has to meet two requirements; first, it must be able to participate in the reaction. That is, in an acid/base equilibrium the dye itself must have acidic or basic properties; in a redox reaction, the dye must exist in different oxidation states; in a complexation reaction involving e.g. metal ions, the dye must have complexing properties. Second, the different forms of the dye involved must absorb at different wavelengths, i.e. they must have different colours. Applications of dyes as indicators are of enormous importance in analytical chemistry. One of the oldest applications of UV-visible spectroscopy is found in acid–base titrations and the determination of pK values. Several types of organic dyes are very sensitive to changes in the concentration of H3O+ (or OH−) ions, e.g. azo dyes, phthaleines or triphenylmethane dyes. As a typical example, consider the protonation of methyl orange (Scheme 5), which occurs at a position on the aza bridge which allows the delocalization of the positive charge into the p-dimethylamino group. As a consequence, one of the aromatic rings becomes part of a cyanine type chromophore (eight π-electrons delocalized over seven atomic centres), with a concomitant bathochromic shift of the absorption spectrum and a colour change from yellow to red. The intense red, dianionic form of phenolphthalein (Scheme 6), which is stable in weakly basic solution, can be formulated as a resonance hybrid but is really another example of a cyanine-type chromophore, with oxygen instead of nitrogen. In acidic or strongly basic solutions, the negative charges are localized and the compound is colourless. During titration, the sharp change of the pH near the end point is indicated by the visible colour change

as the added indicator dye is converted from the basic into the acidic form (or vice versa). Since the end point of the titration does not necessarily coincide with neutrality of the solution, an indicator should be employed with a pK value that corresponds most closely to the pH of the end point. The concentrations (or better activities) of both the acidic and the basic form of the indicator are then the same and true mixed colour is observed. For a determination of the indicator pK, the extinction coefficient ε of the dye is measured in buffered solutions at different pH values. According to the relationship

the pK can be calculated from ε and the extinction coefficients of the indicator in strongly alkaline (εbase) and strongly acidic solutions (εacid). All measurements should be performed in dilute solutions, and at wavelengths sufficiently distant from the isosbestic point where εbase = εacid and the extinction does not change with the pH. Similar considerations apply to redox titrations, where the indicator dye should possess differently coloured oxidation states and a redox potential which is appropriate for the reaction to be studied. A large number of dyes are known which are suitable for this purpose. Ferroin (Scheme 7), a complex between iron(II) and phenanthrolin with a deeply red colour, upon oxidation forms a pale blue iron(III) complex. Another redox indicator is diphenylamine (Scheme 8), which is colourless in the reduced state. It is oxidized in acidic solution irreversibly to diphenylbenzidine (Scheme 9) which can be further oxidized reversibly to the intensely coloured diphenylbenzidine violet (Scheme 10). Comparable to an acid/base titration the end point of a redox titration is reached when the concentrations of the reduced and the oxidized form of the dye are the same. The latter situation is somewhat more complex, however, because most redox reactions involve the exchange of protons, i.e. the equilibria are pH dependent. In the determination of metal ions by ligand binding with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, EDTA, which has become known as complexometric or chelatometric titration, the end point may be indicated by so-called metal indicators. For this method to work, the metal to be titrated must form a less stable complex with the dye than with the complexing agent. Titration with the complexing agent binds all free metal in solution, until finally the dye is demetallated, too, which is manifest in the colour change.


A very popular indicator is Eriochrome Black T (Scheme 11), which forms complexes with many different metals (the chromium complex is also used to dye protein and polyamide fibres). Between pH values of 7 and 11, the dye changes its colour from blue in the uncomplexed to red in the complexed form. The end point of a titration may be indicated, besides the chemical transformation of a dye indicator, by physical processes, such as the adsorption of eosin from solution on the surface of a silver halide precipitate.

Dyes as indicators of molecular environment Any medium other than the vacuum will affect the absorption spectrum of a dye, through its bulk properties as a dielectric, which does not imply a fixed geometry or stochiometry, and through specific interactions, such as electrostatic interaction, π–π stacking, or hydrogen bonding. The combination of any of these between a dye and an organic substrate

may lead to the formation of an entity with a more or less well-defined supramolecular geometry, which exhibits characteristic spectral changes. As an example, consider the complex formed between p-nitrophenol and α-cyclodextrin (Figure 2). Cyclodextrins are water-soluble cyclic oligomers of amylose with a torus-like structure and a strongly hydrophobic inner lining. While they form complexes with many different guests, the complexation of dyes can be quantitatively followed by absorption spectroscopy. Usually, the low resolution of the spectra is not sufficient to develop a detailed structural model of these complexes, and other methods have to be used to implement the UV-visual spectroscopic data. The most accurate information is obtained from an analysis of X-ray data (Figure 2) which displays the orientation of the dye inside the cyclodextrin host. In contrast to the solid state the condition in solution is dynamic and more complex, since more species are involved, including the water molecules which are equilibrating between the solvent, the solute and the pore. However, the formation of a


structured host–guest complex is supported by other spectroscopic methods, such as 2-dimensional NMR spectroscopy. The situation depicted above is typical for many cases where the complex formation between dyes and organic substrates is studied as a model for intermolecular interaction, the dye functioning at the same time as the complexed ligand and the indicator of this interaction. The literature dealing with this topic is vast and ranges from histochemistry, where tissue is stained for diagnostic purposes, and biochemistry, where the complexation with dyes is used to model enzyme–ligand interactions and study possible binding sites, to organic polymers where dyes act as indicators of macromolecular conformations or of phase transitions. Dyes, and their absorption changes, can be used to sense chirality and differentiate between two enantiomers ‘with the naked eye’, i.e. without the use of a polarimeter or any other device that measures optical activity. In principle every diastereomeric interaction between a chiral medium and the two enantiomers of a chiral dye must lead to different spectral characteristics. In practice, however, the effects are

Figure 2 Spectral change, A to B, upon addition of α-cyclodextrin to an aquous solution of p-nitrophenolate (left; after Saenger W (1980). Angewandte Chemie 92: 343). X-ray structure of the α-cyclodextrin-p-nitrophenol complex (right: after Harata K (1977) Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 50: 1416).

usually too small to be observed. The situation is different when diastereomeric supramolecular structures are involved. Thus, the colour of a phenol based bowl shaped agent (a ‘calixarene’) with two indophenol chromophores and a chiral binaphthyl subunit (Figure 3) turns blue-violet when it forms a 1:1 complex with (R)-phenyl-glycinol, while the corresponding complex with the (S)-isomer has a much smaller

Figure 3 Possible structures of diastereomeric complexes formed between the bowl-shaped chiral calixarene and an (S )(left) and an (R )-configurated aminoalcohol. The shaded entities at the bottom represent the indophenol chromophores, the ones on top the binaphthyl unit. R is a phenyl group of the chiral amine (Reproduced with permission from Kubo Y, Hirota N, Maeda S, Tokita S (1998) Analytical Sciences: the International Journal of the Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry 14: 183).


association constant and exhibits mainly the spectrum of the uncomplexed chiral sensor, which is red. As a consequence, it is possible to detect chirality by simple visible inspection. Similarly, supramolecular structures involving different kinds of non-bonded interactions have been invoked to account for the ability of chiral phases to discriminate between enantiomers in chromatographic separation techniques. For a study of the molecular microenvironment, but also as promising new optical materials in solar energy conversion, for dye lasers, as optical switches or in non-linear optics, silicate glasses doped with dye molecules have been prepared by the sol–gel method. The formation of the porous solid from the initially liquid organic solution has been followed by UV-visible spectroscopy, and the acid/base reaction of the dyes with the inorganic matrix has been studied. Solvatochromic dyes have been used to determine the ET(30) values of different sol–gel materials. One advantage of these so-called xerogels is the immobilization of the embedded dye in a rigid cage, which prevents aggregation processes which are typical for concentrated dye solutions (see next section). Another aspect is the increased photochemical stability and fluorescence efficiency of the dyes. For the development of biochemical sensors, whole enzymes have been encapsulated in xerogels and their activity shown by the formation of dyes inside the glass from coupled enzyme reactions.

Dyes as indicators of aggregation and molecular order Dyes have a natural tendency to aggregate, a consequence of their typically flat geometries which allows for maximum contact when the aggregation takes place side by side, in a sandwich manner. The aggregation is effected by non-bonding interactions, including π–π stacking, and is supported by hydrophobic effects when the solvent-accessable molecular surface is reduced as a consequence of aggregation. Aggregation is promoted by increasing the dye concentration in a solution or lowering the temperature. It is one of the most common causes for deviation of a solution from the Beer–Lambert law. Often a change of the solvent from polar to less polar or vice versa will be sufficient to effect dye aggregation or deaggregation. Aggregates may form spontaneously in solution or in the presence of polyelectrolytes, such as polyphosphates, or biological macromolecules, which may influence or even control the formation of the aggregate. Aggregates may form on solid surfaces, such as mica, or they may be assembled as monomolecular layers on glassy surfaces. Dye aggregates grown on the surface of silver halide

grains absorb light of suitable wavelength leading to latent images in the halide; this so-called spectral sensitization is the basis for photography. Dyes tend to concentrate at liquid interfaces and interact with surfactants leading to distinct spectral changes. Finally, dyes may adjust to the highly ordered environment present in liquid crystals, an area of huge technical importance. Conspicuous colour changes take place when dyes aggregate. The spectral shifts caused by aggregation can be to longer or to shorter wavelengths relative to the monomeric dye absorption. When dyes dimerize, a splitting of the absorption band may be observed. Formation of trimers, tetramers or larger oligomers is accompanied by increasing spectral shifts. The limiting value corresponding to an aggregate of ‘infinite’ size is called a ‘J-band’ characteristic of a J-aggregate when lying on the long wavelength side of the monometer; if it appears on the high-energy side, it is called an ‘H-band’ (Figure 4). These spectral changes are the result of the individual dye molecules interacting with each other in the close contact of the aggregate. Theoretical models based on the Coulomb interaction of the transition moments have been put forward to correlate the spectral shifts with certain geometrical parameters of the aggregate. Thus the hypsochromic shift observed in H-aggregates results when the dye contacts are mainly side by side. A lateral shift of the dye molecules against each other or a stacking into a brickstone work arrangement will lead to the bathochromic shift of a J-aggregate. While the Hband is usually sharp and intense due to the high order of the aggregate, the J-band may appear broad and featureless due to the loose and more irregular structure, but exceptions are well documented. For studying dyes adsorbed on solids by UV-visible spectroscopy transparent solutions are necessary.

Figure 4 Stacking of dye molecules (with transition moment vectors) which leads to a J-aggregate with red-shifted absorption relative to the monomer (left) and to an H-aggregate with blueshifted absorption (right).


There are many inorganic colloids suitable for this purpose, such as silicas, charcoal, clays, zeolites or metal oxides, but also inorganic and organic polymers and even aggregates, such as micelles. Flocculation or aggregation of smaller particles may occur due to the adsorption of a charged organic dye on a polyelectrolyte which reduces the elecrostatic repulsion by charge compensation. The number of publications dealing with this topic is increasing rapidly. For studying the interaction of dyes with an enzyme the adsorption on solid surfaces with different binding characteristics may serve as a model. In this case the dyes are used in their classical role as indicators. Dyes are well suited for this purpose because of their strong tendency towards chemi- and physisorption. When the UV-visible properties of the adsorbed species change sufficiently the immediate comparison with dye molecules dissolved in a hom*ogeneous solution is possible. Also, dynamic aspects of the adsorption of molecules on these surfaces can be examined by electronic absorption techniques. The colour change accompanying the self-aggregation of dyes on solid surfaces is called metachromasy. Other properties of adsorbed dyes can also change allowing new or improved applications, such as enhanced stability against environmental effects such as oxygen or water or higher quantum yields for a photochemical conversion. New technologies are developing based on such processes. Solar energy conversion in photovoltaic cells, where charge carriers are generated by photoexcitation of dyes deposited on titanium dioxide surfaces, is a good example. Complex equilibria between the dye and its surroundings may take place in heterogenous liquid mixtures, involving self-association, binding with ionic surfactants, micellar aggregation and micellar solubilization. These equilibria are concentration and temperature dependent, and involve entities with sometimes unspecific spectroscopic properties which leave plenty of room for discussion. Still, much can be learned from studying how dyes distribute in heterogenous systems since this can serve as models for the biodistribution of drugs in tissues and membranes and their behaviour at the lipophilic barrier. Also, the photosensitizing properties of a dye may increase when brought into a lipophilic environment. H-aggregation of methyl orange has been postulated to account for the hypsochromic shift of the dye in a water-in-oil microemulsion, with the dye molecules in a parallel orientation at the interface beween the water and the oil phase. The observation of salt-induced strongly red-shifted J-bands in aqueous solutions of Rose Bengal, an anionic xanthene dye, in the presence of zwitterionic surfactants was

explained on the basis of head-to-tail aggregates of the dye molecules in novel premicellar aggregates. Highly ordered phases, so-called liquid crystals, are formed by a variety of rod-like, rigid dipolar organic molecules. Liquid crystals are also called the fourth state of matter since they combine the longrange order of a crystalline solid with the fluidity of a liquid. When a dye is dissolved in a liquid crystal the molecules will form ordered aggregates, with their long axes preferentially aligned with the liquid crystal molecules. These crystals are dichroic, i.e. they have different absorptivites for light polarized parallel and perpendicular to that axis, from which the orientation of the transition moment vector relative to the molecular framework can be determined. The dichroism is the physical basis for the use of dyes in LCDs or liquid crystal displays: a small amount (0.1–1%) of the dichroic dye (the ‘guest’) is dissolved in a nematic or cholesteric liquid crystal (the ‘host’). Different orientations of the dye aggregates are achieved by application of an electric field through transparent electrodes. The dye will for example align with its long axis parallel to the long axis of a nematic liquid crystal. If this solution is aligned in a parallel mode of the electrodes and has a positive dielectric anisotropy, the cell will be coloured in the off position, when the dye absorbs strongly, and become colourless upon application of an electric field, when the alignment is changed.

List of symbols c = molar concentration; ee = charge of electron; ET(30) = solvent transition energy; f = oscillator strength; I = intensity; l = path length; me = mass of electron; M = transition dipole moment; ε = molar extinction coefficient. See also: Biomacromolecular Applications of UVVisible Absorption Spectroscopy; Biomacromolecular Applications of Circular Dichroism and ORD; Colorimetry, Theory; ORD and Polarimetry Instruments.

Further reading Fabian J and Hartmann H (1980) Light Absorption of Organic Colorants. Berlin: Springer. Rao CNR (1975) Ultraviolet and Visible Spectroscopy. London: Butterworth. Reichardt C (1995) Solvatochromic dyes as solvent polarity indicators. Chemical Reviews 94: 2319–2358. Sommer L (1989) Analytical Absorption Spectrophotometry in the Visible and Ultraviolet. Oxford: Elsevier. Suppan P and Ghoneim N (1997) Solvatochromism. Cambridge: The Royal Society of Chemistry. Zollinger H (1991) Color Chemistry. Weinheim: VCH.


E EELS, Applications See

High Resolution Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy, Applications.

Electromagnetic Radiation David L Andrews, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Electromagnetic radiation is the technical term for light; not just visible light, but any light, ranging right through from radio frequencies to gamma rays. As the name suggests, light of all kinds is radiated through conjoined electric and magnetic fields, as shown by Maxwell in the mid-nineteenth century. To fully appreciate the nature of electromagnetic radiation, however, we first have to consider both its wavelike and photonic aspects.

Waves and photons In the case of monochromatic (single-frequency) radiation, light propagates as a wave with a welldefined repeat or wavelength λ (Figure 1). Travelling at the speed of light, c, these waves oscillate at a characteristic frequency ν given by c/λ. The electric field, the magnetic field and the direction of propagation are mutually perpendicular, and for convenience may be chosen to define a set of Cartesian axes (x, y, z), respectively. With propagation in the z direction, the electric field vector points in the x direction and oscillates in the xz plane:

where E0 is the field amplitude and where also for conciseness we introduce k = 2π/λ and ω = ck = 2πν.

FUNDAMENTALS OF SPECTROSCOPY Theory The magnetic field vector accordingly points in the y direction and oscillates in the yz plane:

with amplitude B0. Given that the electric and magnetic fields oscillate in phase and in mutually perpendicular planes, equations [1] and [2] together satisfy Maxwell’s equations provided the amplitudes are related by E0 = cB0. In fact most spectroscopy involves the interaction of matter with the electric rather than the magnetic field of the radiation, because of its stronger coupling – usually by a factor of a thousand or more – with atomic and molecular charge distributions. The speed of travel of an electromagnetic wave as described above can be understood in terms of the motion of any part of the waveform, such as the crest. The interval ∆t between the arrival of two successive crests at any given point is given by ω∆t = 2π, while at any time their spatial separation ∆z also satisfies k∆z = 2π. So the speed of propagation ∆z/∆t = ω/k = c, which in vacuo takes the value c0 = 2.9979 × 108 m s–1. On the radiation travelling through any substance, the electronic influence of the atoms or molecules traversed by the light reduces the propagation speed to a value less than c0; then we have c = c0/nλ where


Figure 1

Oscillating electric field E and magnetic field B associated with mononchromatic radiation.

nλ is the refractive index of the medium for wavelength λ; accordingly, k = 2πnλ/λ. The significance of the refractive correction is greatest in the solid or liquid phase, especially at wavelengths close to an optical absorption band of the medium. A fundamental paradox in the nature of electromagnetic radiation, to some extent apparent even in the earliest scientific studies by Newton and others, is that it exhibits not just wave-like but also particle-like (corpuscular) properties, and both prove to be of key importance in spectroscopy. In particular, it is only through the association of discrete units of energy with electromagnetic radiation of any given frequency that we can properly understand atomic and molecular transitions and the appearance of spectra. In the modern quantum representation of light developed by Planck, Einstein, Dirac and others, we now understand the twin wave and particle attributes through a description in terms of photons (a term in fact first introduced by the thermodynamicist Lewis). As such, electromagnetic radiation of a given frequency ν is seen to propagate as discrete units of energy E = hν, where h is the Planck constant. With the key concepts in place, we can now take a look at some of the more detailed aspects of electromagnetic radiation in two stages — first by more fully enumerating the properties of photons in general terms, and then by examining those more specific features that relate to particular wavelength or frequency regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Photon properties Mass Photons are elementary particles with zero rest mass – necessarily so, since, from special relativity theory, no particle with a finite mass can move at the speed of light. Velocity The speed of light is normally quoted as speed in vacuo, c0, with refractive corrections applied as appropriate; the free propagation of any

photon also has a well-defined direction, usually denoted by the unit vector . Energy Photon energy is linked to optical frequency ν through the relation E = hν (where h = 6.6261 × 10–34 J s). Each photon essentially conveys an energy E from one piece of matter to another, for example from a television screen to a human retina. Frequency The optical frequency ν expresses the number of wave cycles per unit time. Also commonly used in quantum mechanics is the circular frequency ω = 2πν (radians per unit time), in terms of which the photon energy is E = ω where = h/2π. The lower the optical frequency, the more photons we have for a given amount of energy; and the larger the number of photons, the more their behaviour approaches that of a classical wave (this is one instance of the ‘large numbers’ hypothesis of quantum mechanics). It is for this reason that electromagnetic radiation becomes increasingly wave-like at low frequencies, and why we tend to think of radiofrequency and microwave radiation primarily in terms of waves rather than particles. Wavelength The wavelength λ of the electric and magnetic waves is given by λ = c/ν. In spectroscopy, common reference is made to its inverse, the wavenumber = 1/λ, usually expressed in cm–1. Momentum Each photon carries a linear momentum p, a vector quantity of magnitude h/λ = k pointing in the direction of propagation. It is then convenient to define a wave vector or propagation vector k = k such that p = k. Since the photon momentum is proportional to frequency, photons of high frequency have high momenta and so exhibit the most particle-like behaviour. X-rays and gamma rays, for example, have many clearly ballistic properties not evident in electromagnetic radiation of lower frequencies.


Electromagnetic fields The electric and magnetic fields, E and B respectively, associated with a photon are vector quantities oriented such that the unit vectors ( , , ) form a right-handed orthogonal set. Polarization For plane-polarized (also called linearly polarized) photons, the plane within which the electric field vector oscillates can sit at any angle to a reference plane containing the wave vector, as shown in Figures 2A and 2B. Other polarization states are also possible: in the right- and left-handed circular polarizations depicted in Figures 2C and 2D, the electric field vector sweeps out a helix about the direction of propagation. Elliptical polarization states are of an intermediate nature, between linear and circular. Together, the wave vector and polarization of a photon determine its mode. Spin Many of the key properties of photons as elementary particles relate to the fact that they have an intrinsic spin S = 1, and so are classified as bosons

(particles with integer spin as opposed to half-integer spin particles of matter such as electrons). As such, photons collectively display a behaviour properly described by a Bose–Einstein distribution. At simplest, this means that it is possible for their oscillating electromagnetic fields to keep in step as they propagate. Through this, coherent beams of highly monochromatic and unidirectional light can be produced; this is of course the basis for laser action. Angular momentum The intrinsic spin of each photon is associated with an angular momentum, a feature that plays an important role in the selection rules for many spectroscopic processes. Circularly polarized photons have the special property of quantum angular momentum: the two circular polarization states, left- and right-handed, respectively carry +1 or −1 unit of angular momentum, .

Regions of the spectrum We can now delineate the properties of the various spectral regions shown in Figure 3. Looking across the electromagnetic spectrum, it is immediately apparent that there is enormous difference in scale between the extremes of wavelength (or frequency), and it is not surprising to find that they encompass an enormous range of characteristics. Gamma-rays This is a region of highly penetrating radiation with the highest optical frequencies (exceeding 3 × 1019 Hz), and an upper bound of 10 pm on the wavelength. Spectroscopy in this region primarily relates to nuclear decay process, as in the Mössbauer effect. X-rays This region encompasses both ‘hard’ X-rays (wavelengths down to 10 pm) and less penetrating ‘soft’ X-rays (wavelengths up to 10 nm) with optical frequencies lying between 3 × 1019 and 3 × 1016 Hz. With the capacity to produce ionization by electron detachment, photon energies in this region are often reported in electronvolts (eV), and run from around 105 eV down to 100 eV (1 eV = 1.602 × 10–19 J). Xray absorption and fluorescence spectra as such mostly relate to atomic core electronic transitions.

Figure 2 circular.

Polarization states: (A) and (B) plane; (C) and (D)

Ultraviolet With UV wavelengths running from 10 nm up to the violet end of the visible range at around 380 nm, this region is commonly divided at a wavelength of 200 nm into the ‘far-UV’ region (wavelengths below 200 nm, often referred to as ‘vacuum UV’ because oxygen absorbs here) and the near-UV (200–380 nm). With photon energies from 100 eV down to less than 10 eV – the latter being typical of the lowest atomic or molecular ionization


Figure 3

The electromagnetic spectrum.

energy – photoionization processes are associated with many of the techniques of ultraviolet spectroscopy. At the lower end of this region, photon energies are comparable with valence bond energies. As such they are commonly scaled by Avogadro’s number and reported in units of kJ mol–1; for example, the wavelength of 240 nm corresponds to 500 kJ mol–1, a typical bond energy. One other form of division often applied to the near-UV region relates to its photobiological effects and applies principally to solar radiation; UV-A (320–380 nm) is the relatively safe region closest to the visible range; UV-B (280– 320 nm) signifies radiation that can produce extensive tissue damage; UV-C radiation with wavelengths below 280 nm is potentially more damaging but is mostly filtered out by atmospheric gases that absorb here, the most important being ozone. Visible The visible range extends from approximately 380 nm (violet) to 780 nm (red) (Table 1). The precise divisions are a little arbitrary and depend on individual perceptions, but the wavelengths given in Table 1 are a reasonable guide. Note that the link with perceived colour is not 1:1 – for example, light containing an equal mixture of red and green wavelengths appears yellow, although no yellow wavelengths are present. The visible range spans near enough an octave of frequencies and is a region in which photon energies are comparable with the bond energies of some of the weaker chemical bonds, running up from around 150 kJ mol–1 at the red end to over 300 kJ mol–1 at the other. Most of the spectroscopy in this range of wavelengths relates to electronic transitions unaccompanied by chemical change, and of course all absorption or fluorescence processes responsible for colour.

Table 1

The visible spectrum


Wavelengths (nm)













Infrared This is another region commonly subdivided, in this case into the near IR (wavelengths running from the red end of the visible spectrum at 780 nm out to 2.5 µm), the mid-IR (from 2.5 to 50 µm) and the far IR (50 µm to 1 mm). The absorption of near-IR radiation is commonly associated with the excitation of low-lying electronic excited states and overtones or combinations of molecular vibrations. In spectroscopic connections, the unqualified term ‘infrared’ generally refers to the mid-range, where spectral positions are usually cited by reference to wave-numbers = 1/λ. In the mid-IR range between 200 and 4000 cm–1, it is principally vibrational transitions that accompany the absorption of radiation, with the corresponding nuclear motions less localized at the lower-wavenumber end of the scale. The far-IR region beyond relates mostly to low-frequency molecular vibrations and inversions, or rotations in small molecules. Microwave With wavelengths in the 1–100 mm range and frequencies on the GHz (109 Hz) scale, spectroscopy in the microwave region relates


primarily to transitions involving molecular rotation, or others involving states of different electron spin orientation (electron spin resonance). Radio With radiation of wavelengths exceeding 100 mm we finally run into the radio wave region, where frequencies are commonly reported in MHz (106 Hz). Photon energies here are too small to lead to transitions associated with electronic or nuclear movement, but they can produce transitions between spin states (nuclear magnetic resonance). As a caveat by way of conclusion, it should be pointed out that the nature of transitions studied by a particular spectroscopic technique is not always so obviously linked with a particular optical frequency or wavelength region if the elementary interaction involved in the spectroscopy entails more than one photon. For example, Raman spectroscopy allows molecular vibrational transitions to be studied with visible or ultraviolet light, while multiphoton absorption of IR radiation can lead to electronic excitations.

List of symbols B = magnetic field vector; B0 = magnetic field amplitude; c = speed of light; c0 = speed of light in

vacuo; E = photon energy; E = electric field vector; E0 = electric field amplitude; h = Planck constant; = Planck constant/2π; k = wave vector; nλ = refractive index at wavelength λ; p = photon momentum; S = spin; t = time; λ = wavelength; ν = frequency; = wavenumber; ω = circular frequency. See also:

Light Sources and Optics.

Further reading Ditchburn RW (1976) Light, pp 631–640. London: Academic Press. Fishbane PM, Gasiorowicz S and Thornton ST (1993) Physics for Scientists and Engineers, extended version, pp 1009–1047. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. Goldin E (1982) Waves and Photons, pp 117–134. New York: Wiley. Hakfoort C (1988) Newton’s optics: the changing spectrum of science. In: Fauvel P, Flood R, Shortland M and Wilson R (eds) Let Newton Be!, pp 81–99. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Sheppard N (1990) Chemical applications of molecular spectroscopy – a developing perspective. In: Andrews DL (ed) Perspectives in Modern Chemical Spectroscopy, pp 1–41. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.

Electron Magnetic Resonance Imaging See EPR Imaging.

Electronic Components, Applications of Atomic Spectroscopy John C Lindon, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, UK Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Atomic absorption spectroscopy and atomic emission spectroscopy have found application in many areas of materials science. The electronics industry requires materials of high purity and hence there is a need to monitor trace impurity levels in materials used for electronic components. As a consequence, various techniques of atomic spectroscopy have been applied to the analysis of materials used in the manufacture of electronic components. A number of

ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY Applications recent studies are listed in the Further reading section and these therefore provide an entry point to the scientific literature. The reader should also consult other articles in this encyclopedia for related topics. For example, the analysis of electronic grade silicon has been studied using atomic emission spectroscopy from inductively coupled plasma and the level of aluminium and phosphorus in such material has also been determined using an indirect atomic


absorption method. The growth of europium on palladium surfaces has also been investigated using atomic emission spectroscopy. The use of inductively coupled plasma–atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES) has been applied to the analysis of traces of certain rare earth metals in highly pure rare earth matrices and to the levels of approximately 25 impurities in sintered electronic ceramics. The impurity levels and profiles from the surface into the bulk sample have been probed using a combination of secondary-ion mass spectrometry and electrothermal atomic absorption spectroscopy in composite materials such as CdZnTe. See also: Atomic Absorption, Methods and Instrumentation; Atomic Absorption, Theory; Atomic Emission, Methods and Instrumentation; Atomic Spectroscopy, Historical Perspective; Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry, Methods; Materials Science Applications of X-Ray Diffraction; X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Applications.

Further reading Bertran F, Gourieux T, Krill G, Alnot M, Ehrhardt JJ and Felsch W (1991) Growth of Eu on Pd(111) – AES,

photoemission and RHEED studies. Surface Science 245: L163–L169. Daskalova N, Velichkov S, Krasnobaeva N and Slavova P (1992) Spectral interferences in the determination of traces of scandium, yttrium and rare earth elements in pure rare earth matrices by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry. Spectrochimica Acta B47: E1595–E1620. Gerardi C, Milella E, Campanella F and Bernadi S (1996) SIMS-ETAAS characterization of background impurities in CdZnTe bulk samples. Material Science Forum 203: 273–278. Gupta PK and Ramchandran R (1991) Indirect atomic absorption spectrometric determination of phosphorus in high purity electronic grade silicon using bismuth phosphom*olybdate complex. Microchemical Journal 44: 34–38. Morvan D, Amouroux J and Claraz P (1984) Analysis of electronic and solar grade silicon by atomic emission spectroscopy from inductively coupled plasma. Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization 8: 175–180. Uwamino Y, Morikawa H, Tsuge A, Nakane K, lida Y and Ishizuka T (1994) Determination of impurities in sintered electronic ceramics by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry. Microchemical Journal 49: 173–182.

Ellipsometry GE Jellison Jr, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA


Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Ellipsometry is a technique often used to measure the thickness of a thin film. Generally speaking, the measurement is performed by polarizing the incident light beam, reflecting it off a smooth sample surface at a large oblique angle and then re-polarizing the light beam before the intensity of the light beam is measured. Since the process of reflecting light off a smooth sample surface generally changes linearly polarized light into elliptically polarized light, the technique has been called ‘ellipsometry’. The earliest ellipsometry measurements (ca 1890) were used to determine the optical functions (refractive index n and extinction coefficient k, or equivalently, absorption coefficient α) for several materials. In the 1940s it was discovered that a single-wavelength nulling ellipsometry measurement could be used to determine the thickness of certain thin films very accurately. Since that time, single-wavelength

ellipsometry has evolved to be the standard of thickness measurement for several industries, including the semiconductor industry. Ellipsometry experiments produce values that are not useful by themselves: computers must be used to obtain useful quantities such as thin-film thickness or the optical functions of materials. The advent of modern computers has resulted in the invention of several spectroscopic ellipsometers and the creation of more realistic analysis programs required to understand spectroscopic ellipsometry data. Any ellipsometer (see Figure 1) consists of five elements: (1) a light source, (2) a polarization state generator (PSG), (3) a sample, (4) a polarization state detector (PSD), and (5) a light detector. The light source can be a monochromatic source, such as from a laser, or a white light source, such as from a xenon or mercury arc lamp. The PSG and


PSD are optical instruments that change the polarization state of a light beam passing through them and they contain optical elements such as polarizers, retarders and photoelastic modulators. In most ellipsometry experiments, light from the PSG is reflected from the sample surface at a large angle of incidence φ. Spectroscopic ellipsometers use a white light source and a monochromator (either before the PSG or after the PSD) to select out specific wavelengths. Some spectroscopic ellipsometers image the white light from the PSD onto a detector array, thereby allowing the whole spectrum to be collected simultaneously. Any ellipsometer will only measure characteristics of the light reflected from or light transmitted through the sample. Ellipsometers do not measure film thicknesses or optical functions of materials, although these parameters can often be inferred very accurately from the ellipsometry measurements. Data analysis is an essential part of any ellipsometry experiment.

retarder can produce circularly or elliptically polarized light if the direction of the linear polarization is not parallel to a major axis in the retarder. Static retarders, such as quarter-wave or half-wave plates produces a fixed amount of retardation at a fixed wavelength. Circularly polarized light can be produced from a polarizer–quarter-wave retarder pair if the light polarization is ± 45º with respect to the fast axis of a retarder. Another common retarding element used in spectroscopic ellipsometers is the photoelastic modulator (PEM), shown schematically in Figure 2C. The drive element is a crystal quartz bar, which is cut so that an a.c. voltage V applied to the front and back faces causes the bar to vibrate along its long axis at the frequency of V. The optical element is a bar made of fused quartz that is placed in intimate contact with the crystal quartz bar so that it vibrates at the same frequency. Both bars are sized so that the vibrations are resonant, making the frequency of the PEM extremely stable. A polarizer–PEM pair produces dynamically elliptically polarized light if the polarizer

Polarization optics Several optical elements will change the polarization state of a light beam interacting with them. Linear polarizers (see Figure 2A) transmit only one polarization of the light beam; the azimuthal angle of the polarizer will determine the azimuthal angle of the light polarization. The best linear polarizers in the visible part of the spectrum are prism polarizers made from birefringent crystals such as calcite, magnesium fluoride or quartz, which have refractive indices that depend upon the direction in the material. Retarders or compensators (see Figure 2B) are another common type of optical element used in ellipsometers. In combination with a polarizer, a

Figure 1 Schematic diagram of an ellipsometer. The PSG is the polarization state generator and the PSD is the polarization state detector.

Figure 2 Several optical elements used in ellipsometers that alter the polarization state of a light beam passing through them. (A) A linear polarizer, which transforms any light beam (polarized or unpolarized) to linearly polarized light. (B) A retarder, which transforms linearly polarized light to elliptically polarized light. In certain cases, the light can be circularly polarized. (C) A photoelastic modulator, which changes linearly polarized light into dynamically elliptically polarized light.


is not lined up with the vibration axis of the PEM; generally, the polarization state of the emergent light beam will cycle through linearly polarized, circularly polarized and elliptically polarized states. The Stokes vector representation of light polarization has often been used for ellipsometry measurements. (Another representation is the Jones vector representation, of which details can be found in the book by Azzam and Bashara listed under Further reading). In the Stokes representation, the polarization state of a light beam is given by its four-element Stokes vector,

All the elements of the Stokes vector are intensities and therefore are real. The total intensity is I0, while I0, I90, I45, and I–45, are the intensities of linearly polarized light at 0º, 90º, 45º, and –45º, respectively. The fourth element of the Stokes vector V is the difference between the intensities of right circularly polarized light Irc, and left circularly polarized light Ilc. A linear polarizer can only transform a light beam into a linear polarization state; therefore the fourth element of the Stokes vector for linearly polarized light will be V = 0. Generally, a retarding optical element is needed to transform the polarization state of a light beam to one where V ≠ 0. The Stokes representation can also represent partially polarized light. In general,

where the equality holds when the light beam is totally polarized. Each optical element must transform the polarization state from one four-element vector to another four-element vector; therefore, optical elements are represented by 4 × 4 Mueller matrices, where all the elements are real. The intensity of the light beam passing through an ellipsometer can therefore be written using matrix notation as

where SPSG is the Stokes vector representing the polarization state for light coming from the PSG, M

is the Mueller matrix for the light interaction with the sample, and S is the transpose of the Stokes vector representing the effect of the PSD. In the most general case, 16 elements are required to describe the light interaction with a sample. Fortunately, many of these elements are normally 0 or equal to another element in M. Since detectors can only measure the light intensity coming from an instrument, Equation [3] emphasizes the fact that ellipsometers can only measure elements of M.

Ellipsometry data analysis Ellipsometry measurements are not useful by themselves but can be extremely useful if the measurements are interpreted with an appropriate model. Ultimately, ellipsometry results are always model dependent. Fortunately, the physics of light reflection from surfaces is well understood, and very detailed and accurate models can be made using classical electromagnetic theory based on the Maxwell equations. Figure 3 shows a schematic of light reflection from a sample surface. The light beam is incident upon the sample surface at an angle of incidence φ. The specularly reflected beam comes from the sample surface, also at angle φ. The incident and reflected beams define a plane, called the plane of incidence. This in turn defines two polarization directions: p for the light polarization parallel to the plane of incidence (in the plane of the paper), and s for the light polarization perpendicular to the plane of incidence (perpendicular to the plane of the paper). All azimuthal angles are defined with respect to the plane of incidence, where positive rotations are defined as clockwise rotations looking from the light source to the detector. If the sample surface is isotropic and has no film or other overlayer (d = 0 in Figure 3), then one can use the Maxwell equations to calculate the complex reflection coefficients:

In Equations [4], N0 and Ns (= ns + iks, where ns is the refractive index and ks is the extinction coefficient) are the complex indices of refraction for the ambient (usually air, where N0 = 1) and the


substrate, respectively. The quantities φ0 and φs are complex angles, determined from the Snell law [N0 sin (φ0) = Ns sin (φs)]. The reflection ratios rp and rs are complex, indicating that light reflected from a surface will generally undergo a phase shift. If the sample near-surface region consists of a single film (see Figure 3), the composite reflection coefficients can be calculated from the Airy formula:

where d is the thickness of the film, Nf is the complex refractive index of the film, and φf is the complex angle within the film defined by the Snell law. The quantities r1s,p and r2s,p are the complex reflection coefficients calculated using Equations [4a] and [4b] for the air–film interface and the film–substrate interface, respectively. Reflections from more complicated layer structures can be calculated using matrix methods. If all the media in the calculation are isotropic, the matrix formulation of Abelés (using 2 × 2 complex matrices) can be used to calculate the composite rs and rp. If any of the media are birefringent, many of the implicit assumptions made above are no longer valid. For example, for isotropic media the s and p polarization states represent eigenmodes of the reflection; that is, if the incoming light is pure s or p polarized, then the reflected light will be pure s or p polarized. If any of the media in the sample are birefringent, this assumption is no longer generally valid. As a result, one must also calculate the cross-polarization coefficients rsp and rps as well as rss ≡ rs and rpp ≡ rp. If rsp ≠ 0 or rps ≠ 0, the 2 × 2 matrix methods must be replaced by more complicated 4 × 4 matrix methods.

Up to this point, a clear distinction has been drawn between the parameters measured by an ellipsometer (the sample Mueller matrix M) and the calculated parameters obtained from classical electromagnetic theory, which can be expressed as elements of the sample Jones matrix:

Fortunately, the two representations are related, so long as it can be assumed that the sample does not depolarize the incident light beam. In this case, a Mueller–Jones matrix MMJ can be calculated from the elements of the Jones matrix (Eqn [6]),


For isotropic samples (rsp = rps = 0), the normalized sample Mueller–Jones matrix is given by


Figure 3 A schematic diagram of light reflecting from a sample surface. The s and p vectors indicate the direction of s and p polarized light, as defined by the plane of incidence. The angle of incidence is φ, and N0, Nf and Ns are the complex refractive indices of the ambient, film and substrate, respectively.

The angles ψ and ∆ are the traditional ellipsometry angles, and are the naturally measured parameters for nulling ellipsometers (see below). The matrix M simplifies considerably when the sample is isotropic: M is block-diagonal, with eight elements equal to 0, and


only two parameters (such as ρ = ρr + i ρi or ψ and ∆) are needed to specify M, since N2 + S2 + C2 = 1. For birefringent samples, rsp ≠ rps ≠ 0, and the offblock diagonal elements of M are no longer 0, nor are the on-block diagonal elements of M so simply defined. However, Equation [7a] is still valid as long as the sample is nondepolarizing. In this case, six parameters are required to specify all 16 elements of the normalized sample Mueller matrix, given by Equation [8e] and

Up to now, we have assumed that no optical element depolarizes the light. Usually, this is true, but there are some cases where depolarization must be considered. (1) If the input light beam illuminates an area of the sample where the film thickness(es) is (are) not uniform, quasi-depolarization can occur. (2) If the sample substrate is transparent, then light reflecting from the back surface will contribute an intensity component to the light beam entering the PSD that is not phase-related to the light reflected from the front face and the light beam will be quasidepolarized. (3) If the sample is very rough, then some of the light reaching the PSD will not have an identifiable polarization state or cross-polarization can occur in nominally isotropic systems. All of these effects invalidate the Mueller–Jones matrix representation of the sample surface shown in Equation [7a].

Types of ellipsometers There are many different kinds of ellipsometers, some of which are shown schematically in Figure 4. All ellipsometers measure one or more quantities that can be related to the complex reflection coefficient ratio ρ shown in Equations [8]. Nulling ellipsometer

The oldest and most common type of ellipsometer is the nulling ellipsometer, shown schematically in Figure 4A. The light source for a modern nulling ellipsometer is usually a small laser, but other monochromatic sources can also be used. The PSG is a polarizer–retarder pair, and the PSD is a linear

polarizer, historically called the analyser. If the quarter-wave plate is oriented at 45º with respect to the plane of incidence, the intensity of the light beam incident upon the detector is given by

where θp and θa are the azimuthal angles of the polarizer and analyser, respectively, and N, S and C are the quantities given in Equations [8]. The intensity given in Equation [9] has a null at two sets of angles: (2θp, θa) = (270º – ∆, ψ), (90º – ∆, 180º – ψ). Therefore, nulling ellipsometry measurements are made by rotating the PSG polarizer and the PSD polarizer (analyser) until the light intensity reaching the detector is a minimum. The angles ψ and ∆ are determined from the azimuthal angles of the PSG and PSD polarizers. The nulling ellipsometer is one of the simplest ellipsometers and it is capable of very accurate measurements with proper calibration. However, it normally uses a single-wavelength source and it is not easily made spectroscopic. Moreover, measurement times are slow, so this type of instrument is not useful for spectroscopic ellipsometry or for fast timeresolved measurements. Rotating analyser ellipsometer (RAE)

The most common type of spectroscopic ellipsometer is the rotating analyser (or rotating polarizer) ellipsometer, shown schematically in Figure 4B. The PSG is a linear polarizer, as is the PSD, and one of the optical elements (the analyser in Figure 4B) is physically rotated, making the light intensity at the detector a periodic function of time. For an analyser (PSD) rotating at an angular frequency of ω and with the polarizer (PSG) set at an azimuthal angle of θp, the intensity is given by



The quantity δc is a constant phase shift. The coefficients α and β can be determined using demodulation techniques or Fourier analysis. Normally, θp = 45º, where α = –N, and β = C. In its normal form, the RAE includes only polarizers, although a retarder can be added to either the PSG or the PSD. If only polarizers are used, this instrument is very easy to make spectroscopic, since no optical component other than the sample is wavelength dependent. Furthermore, the measurement time depends principally on the rotation speed of the rotating element. For a rotation speed of 100 Hz, measurements can be completed in 40 ms. In some configurations of the rotating polarizer ellipsometer, a spectrograph is placed after the PSD and the light is detected by a photodiode array. This ellipsometer can collect an entire spectrum with a single series of

measurements, typically taking about 1s to collect and analyse each spectrum. The RAE measures two quantities, N and a linear combination of C and S. If there is no retarder, the RAE measures N and C, and will therefore be subject to large errors in ∆ if ∆ is near 0º or 180º and an uncertainty of the sign of ∆. The use of a quarterwave retarder shifts the inaccuracy in ∆ to the regions near ±90º. Photoelastic modulator ellipsometer (PME)

Another common spectroscopic ellipsometer is based on the photoelastic modulator (PEM), shown in Figure 4C. Normally, the PSG consists of a polarizer–PEM pair, where the polarizer is oriented at 45º with respect to the vibration axis of the PEM (see Figure 2C). The intensity of the light arriving at the detector is a function of time given by


The quantity A is the Bessel angle of the PEM modulation, and is proportional to the amplitude of modulation; normally, this is set at 2.4048 radians. The frequency of the PEM is denoted by 2πω, and is normally ∼50 kHz. The quantities θm and θa are the azimuthal angles of the modulator and the PSD polarizer, respectively. The time dependence of the light intensity from the PME is considerably more complicated than that from the RAE, since the basis functions are sin(Asin(ωt)) and cos(Asin(ωt)), rather than sin(ωt) and cos(ωt) as for the RAE. However, these functions can be expressed in terms of a Fourier–Bessel infinite series: Figure 4 Schematic diagrams of three ellipsometers in common use. (A) The nulling ellipsometer, which normally uses monochromatic light. (B) The rotating analyser ellipsometer. (C) The polarization modulation ellipsometer.


Therefore, a demodulation or Fourier analysis of the waveform of Equation [11a] can also be used to get the coefficients IX and IY. The PME is more complicated than the RAE, since the modulation amplitude of the PEM must be calibrated and its small but significant static retardation measured at all wavelengths used. Furthermore, the frequency of the PEM is about 500 times faster than the rotation speed of the RAE; this improves the time resolution to ∼1ms, but requires faster electronics for data collection. In its normal configuration discussed above, the PME can measure S and either N or C. However, if the PSD polarizer is replaced with a Wollaston prism polarizer and both channels are detected (measuring a total of four quantities), then it is possible to measure N, S, and C simultaneously. This implementation is called the two-channel spectroscopic polarization modulation ellipsometer (2C-SPME). Other configurations

The ellipsometer configurations discussed above are particularly useful if the sample is isotropic. If the sample is anisotropic, then many of the simplifications used above are not valid, and many more measurements must usually be made, since the normalized sample Mueller matrix contains six independent quantities. One such implementation is the twomodulator generalized ellipsometer (2-MGE) which uses two PEMs operating at different frequencies. The 2-MGE is spectroscopic and is capable of measuring all six independent elements of the sample Mueller matrix simultaneously. Other configurations are discussed in the review article by Hauge.

Application: Silicon dioxide films on silicon One of the most useful applications of ellipsometry has been the routine measurement of silicon dioxide (SiO2) film thicknesses grown on silicon. Since the refractive index of SiO2 is well known, and does not depend significantly on film deposition technique, nulling ellipsometry measurements are usually sufficient to determine film thickness. Figure 5 shows a plot of ψ versus ∆ for thin-film SiO2 grown on silicon for a wavelength of 633 nm (the wavelength of a HeNe laser). The angle of incidence used for the calculation was 70º, the film

Figure 5 The ψ–∆ trajectory for a thin film of SiO2 on silicon. The angle of incidence φ = 70°, nf = 1.46, Ns = 3.86 + i0.018, and the wavelength λ = 633nm (HeNe laser).

refractive index nf = 1.46, and the complex refractive index of silicon Ns = ns + iks = 3.86 + i 0.018. This plot shows the trajectory that ψ–∆ follows as the film thickness increases from zero to ∼280 nm, where the position along the trajectory for several thicknesses is noted in the figure. For zero film thickness, the value of ∆ is very close to 0º or 180º, owing to the very small value of ks. If other film refractive indices were included in this plot, it would be seen that they would converge to this point. It is therefore very difficult to determine the refractive index and the thickness of a very thin film from ellipsometry measurements. Note that the curve comes around on itself near 283 nm. Therefore, any ellipsometry measurement of SiO2/Si can only be used to determine the film thickness modulo the repeat thickness (283 nm). For film thicknesses from 140 to 160 nm, the measurements are very sensitive to film thickness, crossing the ∆ = 180º point for a thickness of 141.5 nm (half the repeat thickness). The same data are plotted in a different manner in Figure 6. Here, the complex ρ (= tan(ψ) ei∆, see Equation [8e]) is plotted versus film thickness. Near zero thickness, Im( ρ) (which is proportional to sin(∆)) is very small. As the thickness approaches 140 nm, –Re( ρ) gets very large and Im(ρ) changes sign (Im(ρ) = 0 at half the repeat thickness); this corresponds to the region of large ψ in Figure 5, with the change in the sign of Im(ρ) corresponding to ∆ going through 180º. Again, the value of ρ repeats itself after 283 nm. Figures 7A–C show the measured values of of ρ for three thicknesses of SiO2 films grown on silicon


Table 1 The results of the fitting procedure on the spectroscopic ellipsometry data taken on several thin-film SiO2/Si samples, shown in Figures 7A–C. Τhe refractive index is calculated from Equation [13] assuming λ0 = 92.3 nm

Film thickness Sample (nm) a

(66 nm, 190 nm and 321 nm) at an angle of incidence of 65°. There are several points where Im( ρ) = 0 and where –Re( ρ) is a maximum: ∼335 nm for the 66 nm film; ~305 nm for the 190 nm film; and ∼315 nm and ∼505 nm for the 321 nm film. Using spectroscopic ellipsometry for this system is similar to sampling several points along the ψ–∆ trajectory shown in Figure 5, although the precise values of the null points of Im( ρ) will not scale, since Nf and Ns are both functions of wavelength.

Spectroscopic ellipsometry data analysis It is easy to see that there are more than 100 data points in each of Figures 7A–C, but only a few parameters to be determined from the data; the problem is overdetermined. Therefore, fitting procedures must be used to determine film thicknesses and other properties of thin films from spectroscopic ellipsometry. This process has three steps: (1) model the nearsurface region of the sample; (2) parametrize or determine the optical functions of each layer; (3) fit the data using a realistic figure of merit to measure the ‘goodness of fit’. For the case of SiO2 grown on silicon, a four-media model is used, consisting of air/ SiO2/interface/silicon. The optical functions of the SiO2 layer are assumed to follow the Sellmeier approximation:

1.149 ± 0.002 1.475


0.0 ± 0.2 0.18


188.9 ± 0.3 1.115 ± 0.003 1.464

1.4 ± 0.2 1.21


321.5 ± 0.4 1.139 ± 0.003 1.472

1.0 ± 0.2 0.84

Fused silica

Figure 6 The complex reflection ratio ρ for the system described in Figure 5.

66.4 ± 0.1


Refractive Interface index thickness (600 nm) (nm)



where the two possible fitting parameters are the amplitude A and the resonance wavelength λ0. The interface is assumed to be a thin layer whose optical functions are those of a Bruggeman effective medium, consisting of 50% SiO2 and 50% Si, and the optical functions of silicon are taken from the literature. Using this model, three parameters are determined in the fitting procedure (listed in Table 1): the film thickness df, A from Equation [12] and the thickness of the interface dinterface; the resonant wavelength λ0 = 92.3 nm. The third step of the analysis involves the actual fitting of the calculated values of ρ with the measured values of ρ. This can be done using a Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm to solve for the fitted parameters dinterface, df and A using the reduced χ2 as the figure of merit:

The sum in Equation [13] is taken over N wavelength points (λi), z is a vector of the fitted parameters (in this case, dinterface, df and A), and m is the dimensionality of z (i.e. 3). The quantities in the denominator (δρ (λi)) are the errors in the experimental data. The χ2 is a good metric for the ‘goodness of fit’ to ellipsometry data. If χ2 is near 1 the fit is a good fit, but if it is much greater than 1 the model does not fit the data. After the parameters are determined, it is also necessary to calculate the error limits as well as the correlation coefficients of all the fitted parameters. The results of the fits to the data presented in Figures 7A–C are shown in Table 1, as well as the errors of each of the fitted parameters and the final χ2 of the fit. All χ2 values are near 1, indicating that the model fits the data. The errors listed for the thickness are all small, showing that the film thickness is a very well determined parameter for these data sets. The parameter A is a measure of the SiO2 refractive index,


Figure 7 The spectroscopic values of the complex reflection ratio ρ for three samples of SiO2 films grown on silicon as measured by spectroscopic ellipsometry. The three different thicknesses are (A) 66nm, (B) 190nm, and (C) 321nm.


showing that thin-film SiO2 can have a slightly larger refractive index than bulk fused silica.

List of symbols A = Bessel angle of PEM modulation, amplitude; C = sin(2ψ)cos(∆); d = film thickness; I0 = total intensity element of Stokes vector; In = element of Stokes vector, intensity of light linearly polarized at n degrees; Jn = Bessel functions; J = Jones matrix; k = extinction coefficient; m = dimensionality of z; M = Mueller matrix, normalized Mueller–Jones matrix; MMJ = Mueller–Jones matrix; n = refractive index; N0, Nf, Ns = complex refractive indices; rp, rs, etc. = complex reflection coefficients; S = sin(2ψ)sin(∆); S = Stokes vector; V = voltage, Irc– Ilc element of Stokes vector; z = vector of fitted parameters (Eqn [14]); α = absorption coefficient; δc = constant phase shift; ∆ = ellipsometry angle; θ = azimuthal angle; λ = wavelength; ρ = complex reflection ratio; φ = angle of incidence; φf, φs = complex angles; χ2 = figure of merit; ψ = ellipsometry angle; ω = angular frequency. See also: Chiroptical Spectroscopy, Oriented Molecules and Anisotropic Systems; Fibres and Films Studied Using X-Ray Diffraction; Fluorescence Polarization and Anisotropy; Light Sources and Optics; Linear Dichroism Theory.

Further reading Azzam RMA (1995) Ellipsometry, In: Bass M (ed) Handbook of Optics II, Chapter 27. New York: McGrawHill. Azzam RMA and Bashara NM (1987) Ellipsometry and Polarized Light. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science. Chipman RA (1995) Polarimetry. In: Bass M (ed) Handbook of Optics II, Chapter 22. New York: McGrawHill. Collins RW (1990) Automatic rotating element ellipsometers: calibration, operation, and real-time applications. Review of Scientific Instruments 61: 2029–2062. Drévillon B (1993) Phase modulated ellipsometry from the ultraviolet to the infrared: in-situ application to the growth of semiconductors. Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials 27: 1–87. Hauge PS (1980) Recent developments in instrumentation in ellipsometry. Surface Science 96: 108–140. Jellison GE Jr (1993) Characterization of the near-surface region using polarization-sensitive optical techniques. In: Exharos GJ (ed) Characterization of Optical Materials, pp 27–47. Stoneham, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann. Jellison GE (1998) Spectroscopic ellipsometry data analysis: measured vs. calculated quantities. Thin Solid Films 313–314: 33–39. Kliger DS, Lewis JW and Randall CE (1990) Polarized Light in Optics and Spectroscopy. New York: Academic Press. Tompkins HG (1993) A User’s Guide to Ellipsometry. New York: Academic Press.

Enantiomeric Purity Studied Using NMR Thomas J Wenzel, Bates College, Lewiston, ME, USA Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction Living organisms have a remarkable ability to distinguish enantiomers. Enzymes and cell surface receptors are handed, such that enantiomers often exhibit different properties in living systems. In extreme cases one enantiomer might be beneficial to a living organism, whereas the other might be harmful. Therefore, it is critical that methods exist to determine the enantiomeric purity and assign absolute configurations of chemical compounds. Various types of chiroptical spectroscopy are used for this. NMR spectroscopy is one of the most common

MAGNETIC RESONANCE Applications and powerful methods for the determination of enantiomeric excess (typically to 1% of the minor enantiomer) and absolute configurations. There are generally considered to be three broad categories of reagents suitable for chiral resolution in NMR spectroscopy: chiral derivatizing agents, chiral solvating agents, and lanthanide shift reagents. Chiral derivatizing agents are optically pure compounds that undergo reactions with the enantiomers being analysed. Most derivatization reactions involve the formation of covalent bonds; however, some examples, most notably with carboxylic acids and amines, rely on the formation of soluble salts.


The resulting complexes are diastereoisomers, which may then exhibit different chemical shifts in their NMR spectra. Derivatization agents must react qu antitatively with both enantiomers, with complete retention of configuration of both the substrate and resolving agent or with complete stereospecificity of any perturbations that occur. Useful chiral derivatizing agents usually have a discrete and specific NMR signal (e.g. a methyl group, fluorine, or phosphorus singlet in the 1H, 19F, or 31P NMR spectrum) that is conveniently monitored for enantiomeric resolution. Most chiral derivatizing agents function with compounds that are readily modified, such as amines, alcohols, and carboxylic acids. In many instances it is possible to assign absolute configurations either by observing trends in the data on similar families of compounds, or through a detailed analysis of the geometric differences that lead to distinctions in the chemical shift values of the diastereoisomers. Chiral solvating agents are additives that react in situ with the compound being analysed. Rather than forming covalent bonds or ion pairs, chiral solvating agents associate with the substrate through combinations of van der Waals forces. Hydrogen bonding, charge-transfer complexation of electron-rich and electron-deficient aromatic rings, and steric effects are important interactions. The change in chemical shifts that occur in the spectrum of a compound in the presence of a chiral solvating agent are denoted as ∆δ. The extent of enantiomeric resolution that might then be observed for a shifted resonance is denoted as ∆∆δ. Chiral solvating agents function by two possible mechanisms: Equations [1] and [2] represent the association of a pair of enantiomers with a chiral solvating agent (CSA), in which KR and KS denote the association constants for the R and S enantiomers

respectively. These reactions should occur rapidly on the NMR time scale such that the spectrum of the substrate is a time average of the bound and unbound form. A typical observation is that KR and KS are not equal, so that one enantiomer spends more time free in the bulk solvent than the other. The different timeaveraged solvation environments may result in differences in the NMR spectrum. In addition, the two complexes (R-CSA and S-CSA) are diastereoisomers and therefore can have different chemical shifts irrespective of the relative magnitude of the association constants. In many cases, it is reasonable to assume

that both mechanisms partially contribute to the enantiomeric resolution. It is sometimes possible to determine which of the two mechanisms predominates. With certain chiral solvating agents, the mechanism that leads to the enantiodiscrimination is well understood and absolute configurations can be assigned on the basis of the relative shifts. Enantiomeric resolution with chiral solvating agents is dependent on the relative concentrations of the reagents. Usually, enantiomeric resolution is best when the concentration of solvating agent is greater than or equal to that of the enantiomers. Temperature is also an important variable. Lowering the temperature usually, but not always, increases the association of solvating agent and substrate, thereby increasing the enantiomeric resolution. Lanthanide shift reagents are in actuality chiral solvating agents; however, their behaviour is in some ways unique and they are typically considered a separate category of chiral resolving agents. Chirality is achieved by complexing the lanthanide ion with a chiral ligand. Electron-rich hard Lewis bases (typically oxygen- and nitrogen-containing compounds) interact through a donor–acceptor process with the positive lanthanide ion. Binuclear lanthanide–silver complexes have been developed for use with soft Lewis bases such as olefins, aromatics, phosphines, and halogenated compounds. With the binuclear reagents, the soft Lewis base associates with the silver ion. Paramagnetic lanthanide ions induce substantially larger shifts, and often larger enantiomeric resolution, than is observed with other chiral derivatizing or solvating agents. Enantiodiscrimination can occur because of differences in association constants and/or because the resulting complexes are diastereoisomers. An advantage of lanthanide shift reagents is the broad range of compounds for which they are potentially effective. A disadvantage is that the chiral ligands in the lanthanide complexes are not geometrically rigid but instead are conformationally mobile. As a substrate binds, the chiral ligands alter their spatial position to accommodate the additional ligand. This effectively eliminates the ability to understand the basis of the enantiodiscrimination at the molecular level, so that assigning absolute configurations is difficult and only accomplished by observing trends on similar compounds with known configurations.

Chiral derivatizing agents Perhaps no reagent for enantiomeric resolution is more widely known than α-methoxy-α-trifluoromethylphenylacetic acid (MTPA), otherwise known as Mosher’s reagent [1]. Either the acid or acid


chloride form is suitable for derivation of alcohols into esters and amines into amides. MTPA possesses all the classical features of an effective chiral derivatizing agent. The methoxy singlet in the 1H NMR spectrum and the trifluoromethyl singlet in the 19 F NMR spectrum often show enantiomeric resolution. Enantiomeric distinction is usually observed only when the site of chirality is near the hydroxy or amine group at which derivatization occurs. In addition, by analysing the geometry of the resulting derivatives, it is often possible to explain the order of shifts in the 1H NMR spectrum. An example is shown in Figure 1 for the MTPA derivatives of secondary carbinols and primary amines. A variety of chiral resolving reagents that are structurally similar to Mosher’s reagent have been reported. These include examples in which the phenyl group of [1] has been replaced with naphthyl or anthryl groups; the methoxy group with acetoxy, methyl, ethyl, or hydroxy groups or a fluorine atom; or the trifluoromethyl group with a cyano group or a hydrogen atom. Collectively, these reagents are effective for amines, alcohols, β-amino alcohols, and thiols. Several have been used to resolve the spectra of amines through the formation of diastereoisomeric salts. The compounds α-methoxy-α-(1-naphthyl) acetic acid and α-methoxy-α-(9-anthryl) acetic acid, which possess a more sterically hindered group than [1], often provide a larger degree of enantiomeric resolution in the NMR spectra and can be used to analyse compounds with more remotely disposed chiral centres. The 19F NMR spectrum of derivatives of α-cyano-α-fluoro-phenylacetic acid, in which the fluorine atom is closer to the chiral centre than in MTPA, show enantiodiscrimination in compounds with remotely disposed chiral centres. Enantiomeric excesses of primary alcohols that are highly hindered or have the asymmetric centre at the β carbon have been determined using a sterically hindered compound such as α-methoxy-α-(9-anthryl)-acetic acid. The choice of solvent is critical when diastereoisomeric salts are formed. Polar solvents solvate the ions, thereby inhibiting ion pair formation and reducing enantiomeric resolution. Non-polar solvents such as chloroform or benzene are preferable. A similar observation occurs as well with many chiral

solvating agents and lanthanide shift reagents, and non-polar solvents are preferred. Axially chiral carboxylic acids such as [2] and [3] can be used to prepare diastereoisomers of secondary alcohols. The NMR spectra of the diastereoisomers show enantiomeric resolution and it is possible to assign absolute configurations. Monocyclic, chiral carboxylic acid compounds such as tetrahydro-5oxo-2-furancarboxylic acid and 2,2-diphenylcyclopropane-carboxylic acid have been used to derivatize secondary alcohols for the purpose of enantiomeric resolution. Similarly, bicyclic derivatizing agents such as camphanic acid, camphanic acid chloride, or camphor sulfonyl chloride have been used to derivatize amines or alcohols to their respective amides or esters for the purpose of enantiomeric resolution. By using optically pure alcohols such as methylmandelate, α-phenylethanol, 2-(trifluoromethyl)benzhydrol, 1,1′-binaphthalene-8,8′-diol, or ethyl 2-(9-anthryl)-2-hydroxyacetate, or optically pure amines such as methylbenzylamine, (1naphthyl)ethylamine, 9-(1-aminoethyl)anthracene,

Figure 1 Configurational correlation model for (R)-MTPA and (S)-MTPA derivatives of secondary carbinols and amines. Reprinted with permission from Dale JA and Mosher HS (1973) Nuclear magnetic resonance enantiomer reagents. Configuration correlations via nuclear magnetic resonance chemical shifts of diastereomeric mandelate, O-methylmandelate, and α-methyl-αtrifluoromethylphenylacetate (MTPA) esters. Journal of the American Chemical Society 95: 512–519. Copyright (1973) American Chemical Society.


2-(diphenylmethyl)pyrrolidine, 1,2-diphenyl-1,2-diaminoethane, or 9-(1-amino-2,2-dimethylpropyl)9,10-dihydroanthracene as the chiral derivatizing agent, it is possible to assess the enantiomeric purity of chiral carboxylic acids. Amine derivatives of the naturally occurring monoterpene (+)-3-carene have been used for this purpose as well. In certain cases it is possible to assign absolute configurations with these reagents. Whereas there are a wide variety of effective chiral derivitizing agents for amines, alcohols, and carboxylic acids, there are considerably fewer options for ketones. The absolute configuration of six-membered cyclic ketones can be determined using butane-2,3-diol or the related 1,4-dimethoxybutane2,3-diol. Enantiomeric resolution is observed in the 13 C or 1H NMR spectra of the resulting butane-2,3diol acetal. Absolute configurations can be assigned according to the model in Figure 2, provided the cyclohexane ring of the acetal has a preference for the chair form. The model does not work for acyclic ketones, cyclopentanones, or cycloheptanones. The 31P nucleus is especially well suited for observing enantiodiscrimination in diastereoisomers and a variety of phosphorus-containing chiral reagents (Figure 3) have been developed [4]–[11]. Certain of these reagents [5, 6, 8] function with chiral primary alcohols. A particularly interesting example is the use of [8] to resolve the 2H and 31P spectra of derivatives of [1-2H] ethanol (CH3CHDOH). Other of the phosphorus-containing reagents function with amines, secondary or tertiary alcohols, and thiols. The phosphoric acid derivative [7] can be used to resolve amines through the formation of diastereomeric salts. The 77Se nucleus has a spin of , reasonable natural abundance (7.5%), adequate sensitivity (6.98 × 10−3 compared with 1H), a large chemical shift range, and is extremely sensitive to its electronic environment. Compound [12] is an effective chiral derivatizing agent for chiral carboxylic acids. Compounds such as 5-methylheptanoic acid and lipoic

Figure 2 (A) The model, (B) both enantiomers of 3-methylcyclohexanone acetalysed with (2R, 3R)-butane-2,3-diol and fitted in the model, and (C) both enantiomers of 2-methylcyclohexanone acetalysed with (2R, 3R)-butane-2,3-diol and fitted in the model. Reprinted with permission from Lemiere GL, Dommisse RA, Lepoivre JA et al (1987) Determination of the absolute configuration of six-membered-ring ketones by 13C NMR. Journal of the American Chemical Society 109: 1363–1370. Copyright (1987) American Chemical Society.

acid, which have remotely disposed chiral centres, and α-deuterophenylacetic acid, which is enantiomeric by virtue of replacement of a hydrogen atom with deuterium, show enantiomeric resolution in the 77 Se NMR spectrum upon derivatization with [12]. Metal complexes other than the lanthanides can sometimes be used to effect chiral resolution in the NMR spectra of enantiomers. Zinc porphyrins with chiral ligands have been used to distinguish N-substituted, anionic amino acids and amino acid esters. Techniques such as NOESY and ROESY can be used to determine relative interatomic distances. In metal


complexes containing a chiral ligand of fixed geometry, such techniques can be used to definitively establish the absolute configuration of the ligand. Chiral metal cations such as [Ru(bipy)3]2+ and [Ru(phen)3]2+ can be enantiomerically resolved through the formation of diastereoisomeric salts with [13]. Both the metal complex and [13] possess D3 symmetry, which presumably accounts for the discriminating interactions.

Chiral solvating agents The first application of a chiral solvating agent involved the observation of distinct 19F NMR resonances for 2,2,2-trifluoro-1-phenyl ethanol [14] dissolved in (R)-α-phenylethylamine. Optically pure [14] has since been applied more widely as a chiral solvating agent for a range of compounds, including oxaziridines, N,N-dialkyl arylamine oxides, and sulfoxides. (R)-(1)-(9-Anthryl)-2,2,2-trifluoroethanol [15], which is similar to [14], is often a better chiral solvating agent than [14]. Compound [15] is also effective with γ-lactones. Figure 4 shows the association of racemic sulfoxides and lactones with [14] and [15]. Shielding of the aryl group causes the group cis to it to occur at higher field than the enantiomer with the same group in the trans position. Similar structural considerations explain the relative shift orders in the spectra of oxiridines and N,N-dialkylarylamine oxides in the presence of [14] and [15]. 3,5-Dinitrobenzoyl derivatives of leucine [16] and phenylglycine, and 1-(1-naphthyl)ethylurea

Figure 4 Association of racemic sulfoxides and lactones with 2,2,2-trifluoro-1-phenyl ethanol [14] and 1-(9-anthryl)-2,2,2-trifluoroethanol [15].


Figure 5 shows the interactions of aromatic rings and hydrogen bonding groups that occur between [16] and [18]. Aromatic diols such as [19] and [20] are axially chiral. Compound [20] is an especially effective chiral solvating agent for sulfoxides, phosphine oxides, alcohols, lactams, and amines. With sulfoxides, it is possible to assign absolute configurations. Quinine has been used as a chiral solvating agent for hemiacetals and β-hydroxyesters. The compound t-butylphenylphosphinothioic acid [21] is a useful chiral solvating agent for a broad range of compounds, including tertiary amine oxides, alcohols, thiols, and amines. Other classes of chiral solvating agents function through the formation of host–guest complexes. Most notable among these are chiral crown ethers and cyclodextrins, although host–guest chemistry is an active area of research and reports describing the synthesis of specialized hosts designed to effect specific molecular recognition are increasingly common. Compounds [22]–[25] are examples of chiral crown ethers that induce enantiodiscrimination in the NMR spectra of chiral substrates. Substituents on the crown are responsible for the chirality. The 18-crown-6 unit in [22] and [23] is especially well suited for inclusion complexation of protonated primary amine functionalities. The chirality in [22] is imparted by the axial chirality of the binaphthyl group; however, steric hindrance from the substituent phenyl groups promotes a greater degree of enantiomeric selectivity. The

derivatives of amino acids such as valine, leucine, and t-leucine [17] were originally developed and exploited in the liquid chromatographic separation of enantiomers. The chromatographic phases are potentially suitable for separating thousands of different enantiomers. Organic-soluble analogues, achieved by the conversion of the acid functionality into an ester, are useful NMR chiral solvating agents for a wide range of substrates. The related 3,5-dinitrobenzoyl derivative of phenylethylamine is also useful as a chiral solvating agent. The dinitrobenzoyl ring is especially suited to charge-transfer complexation with aromatic residues of the substrate, the amide functionalities provide sites of partial negative and positive charges, and the R group of the amino acid provides a site for steric hindrance. The naphthyl ring of [17] and the aromatic moiety of the proline-containing reagent [18] will form chargetransfer associations with compounds that have been converted into their dinitrobenzoyl derivatives.

Figure 5 Interactions proposed to account for the retention of the more highly associating enantiomer in [16] and [18]. Reprinted with permission from Pirkle WH, Murray PG, Rausch DJ and McKenna ST (1996) Intermolecular 1H–1H two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancements in the characterization of a rationally designed chiral recognition system. Journal of Organic Chemistry 61: 4769–4774. Copyright (1996) American Chemical Society.


mannitol unit is responsible for the chirality of [23]; however, enantiomeric discrimination is promoted through steric effects of the t-butyl group. Crown ethers can be used as chiral solvating agents in a variety of solvents, including chloroform, acetonitrile, and methanol. Unlike many other chiral solvating agents, enantiodiscrimination with crown

ethers is often enhanced in more polar solvents. The phenolic crown ethers [24] and [25], which each have two sites of chirality from cis-cyclohexane-1,2diol or 1-phenylethane-1,2-diol units, are effective chiral hosts for neutral amines or aminoethanols. Cyclodextrins are cyclic oligomers, the most common of which contain six (α), seven (β), and eight (γ) D-glucose units (Figure 6). The molecules have a tapered cavity with the secondary hydroxyl groups positioned at the larger opening and the primary hydroxyl groups at the smaller. Chiral discrimination most often occurs through differences in hydrogen bonding of the substrate at the secondary opening. Underivatized cyclodextrins are water soluble. Organic-soluble cyclodextrins can be obtained by alkylation of the hydroxyl groups. The underivatized cyclodextrins are rather unusual in their ability to function as water soluble chiral solvating agents. Enantiomeric resolution is observed in the NMR spectra of a wide range of water-soluble cationic and anionic substrates. Organic-soluble cyclodextrins are one of only a few reagents that can be used to enantiomerically resolve the spectra of hydrocarbons such as trisubstituted allenes, α-pinene, and aromatic hydrocarbons. Amines, alcohols, and carboxylic acids can also be resolved with organic-soluble cyclodextrins. A set of host compounds of considerable current interest are calix(n)arenes [26] and the related resorcarenes [27]. Both sets of compounds form cone-shaped molecules. Calixarenes contain para substituted phenol units connected by methylene bridges. The most common have four, six, or eight phenolic units, and by varying the nature of the substituent group or derivatizing the hydroxyl groups

Figure 6 Structure of β-cyclodextrin. Reprinted with permission from Li S and Purdy WC (1992). Cyclodextrins and their applications in analytical chemistry. Chemical Reviews 92: 1457–1470. Copyright (1992) American Chemical Society.


an endless variety of calixarenes can be prepared. Chirality can be achieved by one of two means. Inherently chiral calixarenes can be obtained by replacing one of the ring hydrogens on one of the phenol units with a substituent group or by synthesizing a compound in which each of the phenol rings has a different R group. Alternatively, one can attach optically pure R groups or derivatize the hydroxyl groups with an optically pure reagent. The calix resorcarene [27], in which chirality is achieved by attaching optically pure proline units to the aromatic ring, is suitable for enantiomeric resolution of certain water-soluble aromatic alcohols, amino acid esters, and carboxylic acids in water. Given the current interest in this family of compounds, further developments in this area can be expected. Chiral liquid crystals consisting of poly-γ-benzyl-Lglutamate have been used in various organic solvents to enantiomerically resolve the NMR spectra of alcohols, amines, carboxylic acids, esters, ethers, epoxides, tosylates, halides, and hydrocarbons. Enantiomeric pairs exhibit different ordering properties in the liquid crystal, leading to different

chemical shifts in the 1H NMR spectra. A more sensitive way to probe distinctions among enantiomers in these systems is to examine deuterium quadrupolar splittings. The disadvantage is that deuterium labelling of the compound under study is then required, although procedures are available for conveniently incorporating deuterium-containing substituents into amines, amino acids, and alcohols.

Lanthanide shift reagents Chiral lanthanide shift reagents are noteworthy because they are effective at inducing enantiomeric resolution in the NMR spectra of such a wide range of compounds. Organic soluble lanthanide shift reagents for hard Lewis bases (primarily oxygen- and nitrogen-containing compounds) consist of tris-βdiketonate complexes in which the ligands are chiral. The most common metals used in such studies are Eu(III), Pr(III), and Yb(III). The lanthanide complex with 3-(t-butylhydroxymethylene)-D-camphor was the first one to be studied. A large number of chiral lanthanide shift reagents have since been evaluated,


alcohols, ketones, esters, lactones, aldehydes, carboxylic acids, ethers, amines, nitrogen heterocycles, amides, lactams, sulfoxides, sulfines, sulfones, sulfoximes, sulfilimines, sulfenamides, thiocarbonyls, phosphorus oxides, and chiral metal complexes that contain ligands with functional groups suitable for direct association with the lanthanide ions. Chiral lanthanide shift reagents for soft Lewis bases have been prepared by mixing a chiral lanthanide tris-β-diketonate such as Ln(facam)3 or Ln(hfbc)3 with a silver β-diketonate such as Ag(fod) (fod = 2,2dimethyl-6,6,7,7,8,8,8-heptafluorooctane-3,5dione). Addition of the two reagents leads to the formation of a binuclear reagent as illustrated in Equation [3]. The binuclear reagent consists of an ion pair between a lanthanide tetrakis chelate anion and a silver cation.

and those that are generally most effective and commercially available include complexes with 3-trifluoroacetyl)-D-camphor (facam or tfc), 3-heptafluorobutyryl-D-camphor (hfbc or hfc), and D,D-dicampholylmethane (dcm) [28]. The shifts in the spectra of substrates are usually larger with chelates of hfbc than with facam; however, the degree of enantiomeric resolution exhibits no consistent pattern. Chelates with dcm are particularly effective at causing enantiomeric resolution. This may be owing, in part, to the steric bulk of the ligand which results in enhanced enantiodistinction of binding substrates. Lanthanide tris-β-diketonates rely on association of a lone pair of electrons with the tripositive lanthanide ion, and substantially larger enantiomeric resolution is observed in non-coordinating solvents. In addition, the reagents are hygroscopic and so the presence of water will significantly reduce the binding of substrates. Examples of the classes of compounds for which lanthanide tris-β-diketonates have been utilized for enantiomeric resolution include

The silver ion coordinates with the soft Lewis base and the lanthanide induces the shifts. Chiral binuclear reagents have been applied to chiral olefins and aromatics. Binuclear reagents formed using the dcm ligand are not effective for chiral resolution, presumably because this ligand is too sterically hindered to permit formation of the tetrakis chelate anion. Experimentation is often needed to find the correct combination of lanthanide and silver β-diketonate to cause enantiomeric resolution. Tetrakis chelate anions formed when either a silver or potassium β-diketonate is mixed with a lanthanide tris β-diketonate are effective shift reagents for organic-soluble salts. Adding an organo-halide or fluoroborate salt leads to precipitation of silver halide or potassium fluoroborate, resulting in an organic-soluble ion pair. These reagents have been used to enantiomerically resolve the spectra of chiral isothiouronium and sulfonium ions.


Water-soluble, chiral lanthanide shift reagents with ligands such as (S)-[(carboxymethyl)oxy]succinic acid, (R)-propylene-1,2-diaminetetraacetic acid, (S,S)-ethylenediamine-N,N′-disuccinic acid, N, N, N″,N′-tetrakis-(2-pyridylmethyl)-(R)-propylenediamine, and (S,S)-((1S,2S)-diaminophenylethylene)-N,N′-disuccinic acid have been developed. These are especially effective for resolving underivatized α-amino or carboxylic acids. In some cases, consistent trends in relative shift magnitudes are observed which allows the assignment of absolute configurations. Achiral lanthanide shift reagents such as Eu(fod)3 have been used in a variety of instances, including with MTPA esters, to enhance the resolution in the spectra of diastereoisomers formed from derivitization with an optically pure reagent. The relative shifts in the spectra of the diastereoisomers often show characteristic trends, enabling the assignment of absolute configurations. Achiral lanthanide shift reagents can also be added to solutions of chiral solvating agents and substrates to enhance enantiomeric resolution. Two mechanisms can explain the enhancement. The first is observed when the chiral solvating agent has a high association with the achiral lanthanide complex. Bonding of the CSA to the lanthanide (Ln) effectively creates a chiral lanthanide shift reagent (Ln–CSA) (Eqn [4]). This species then interacts

with the chiral substrate (S) to cause enantiomeric resolution (Eqns [5] and [6]). The chiral substrate can directly associate with either the lanthanide ion (Eqn [5]), or, as observed with certain optically pure chiral carboxylate species, the lanthanide-bonded chiral solvating agent (Eqn [6]).

The second mechanism is favoured when the substrate has a much stronger association with the lanthanide complex than the chiral solvating agent. If the enantiomers have different association constants with the chiral solvating agent, the enantiomer less favourably associated with the solvating agent is more available for complexation with the lanthanide and exhibits larger lanthanide-induced shifts (Eqns [7] and [8]).


This mechanism has been observed with perfluoroalkyl carbinols [14] and [15], dinitrobenzoyl derivatives of amino acids [16], 1-(1-naphthyl)-ethylurea derivatives of amino acids [17], and chiral crown ethers [22] and [23]. The lanthanide shift reagent is usually Ln(fod)3. With crown ether–ammonium salt combinations, lanthanide tetrakis chelate anions of the formula Ln(fod) are used. Lanthanide ions have been covalently attached to either the primary or secondary side of cyclodextrins through a diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) ligand [29]. Adding Dy(III) to the cyclodextrinDTPA derivatives can enhance the enantiomeric resolution in the spectra of substrates that form host– guest complexes with the cyclodextrin. Enhancements in enantiomeric resolution are larger with the secondary derivative, which is consistent with the observation that enantiodiscrimination with cyclodextrins usually involves interactions with the hydroxyl groups on the secondary opening of the cavity.

Conclusions The number of available chiral derivatizing agents, solvating agents, and lanthanide shift reagents provides the possibility of enantiomerically resolving the NMR spectra of a wide variety of compound classes. Furthermore, in many instances the mechanism that leads to the enantiomeric resolution is well enough understood that it is possible to assign absolute configurations based on the relative shift order. Since none of the reagents is ever 100% effective, experimentation with several resolving agents may be necessary. Given the increasing interest in knowing and controlling the optical purity of chemicals, a better

understanding of existing systems and the development of additional reagents for enantiomeric discrimination in NMR spectroscopy seems to be assured. See also: Chemical Shift and Relaxation Reagents in NMR; Chiroptical Spectroscopy, General Theory; Heteronuclear NMR Applications (O, S, Se, Te); Liquid Crystals and Liquid Crystal Solutions Studied By NMR; NMR Relaxation Rates; Nuclear Overhauser Effect; 31P NMR; Parameters in NMR Spectroscopy, Theory of; Vibrational CD, Applications.

Further reading Lehn JM (1995) Supramolecular Chemistry. Weinheim: VCH Verlagsgesellschaft. Morrison JD (ed) (1983) Asymmetric Synthesis, Volume 1. New York: Academic Press. Parker D (1991) NMR determination of enantiomeric purity. Chemical Reviews 91: 1441–1457. Pirkle WH and Hoover DJ (1982). In Eliel EL and Wilen SH (eds) NMR Chiral Solvating Agents, Topics in Stereochemistry, Volume 1, pp 263–331. New York: Wiley-Interscience. Stoddart JF (1988). In Allinger NL, Eliel EL and Wilen SH (eds), Chiral Crown Ethers, Topics in Stereochemistry, Volume 17, pp 207–288. New York: Wiley-Interscience. Sullivan GR (1978) In Elien EL and Wilen SH (eds) Chiral Lanthanide Shift Reagents. Topics in Stereochemistry, Volume 10, pp 287–329. New York: Wiley-Interscience. Webb TH and Wilcox CS (1993) Enantioselective and diastereoselective molecular recognition of neutral molecules. Chemical Society Reviews 22: 383–395. Wenzel TJ (1987) NMR Shift Reagents. Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press.


Environmental and Agricultural Applications of Atomic Spectroscopy Michael Thompson, Birkbeck College, London, UK Michael H Ramsey, Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine, London, UK


Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

We consider the determination of the concentration of elements in various materials studied in agricultural and environmental applications, by the use of the following methods: atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) using a flame (FAAS) or a graphite furnace (GFAAS) as an atom cell; inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICPAES); inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS) and Xray fluorescence (XRF). The analytical characteristics of the methods as normally practised are compared with the requirements of fitness for purpose in the examination of soils and sediments, waters, dusts and air particulates, and animal and plant tissue. However, there are numerous specialized techniques that cannot be included here.

Introduction Environmental and agricultural studies involve a number of different materials that need to be analysed. The principal test materials encountered by the analyst in this sector are soils, sediments, air, dusts, water, plant material and animal tissue. For completely practical reasons, we need to know the composition of these media over wide concentration ranges, from major constituents to elements at ultratrace levels. One is especially interested in the way elements are transferred between media, their biological role and metabolic pathways, and their ultimate fate. Almost invariably in these applications we can be satisfied if the analytical result obtained is within a range of 90–110% of the true result. This modest fitness-for-purpose requirement is an outcome of the high uncertainties in sampling of environmental materials. In these circ*mstances, the total uncertainty (sampling plus analytical) is not improved by the use of high-accuracy analytical methods. Overall, therefore, it is a more effective use of resources to analyse a larger number of samples with only moderate accuracy. Atomic spectroscopy is almost exclusively the method of choice in the determination of concentrations of elements in agricultural and environmental studies. There are several reasons for this: (a) for the

most part no separations are needed before the measurement, only a straightforward dissolution procedure; (b) test materials can be analysed in rapid succession; (c) elements can be determined at suitably low concentrations; (d) apart from atomic absorption, atomic spectroscopy methods are suitable for determining many elements simultaneously; (e) modern atomic spectroscopy methods can easily fulfil the accuracy requirement specified above. No other methods can match this range of performance. Where speciation studies require a preliminary separation of the analytes, atomic spectroscopy is often the method used in ‘hyphenated’ methods to provide a very sensitive and virtually specific detector for almost any element. In the following sections we consider the key features of the atomic spectroscopy methods, how they relate to user requirements, and how they are applied to specific types of test materials. Although only laboratory-based methods are considered here, it must be recalled that field methods sometimes find worthwhile applications: XRF is one atomic spectroscopy method that is available as a truly portable instrument. Detection limits

The detection limit is (informally) the lowest concentration of the analyte that can be reliably detected, and is a reflection of the precision of the instrumental response obtained by the method when the concentration of the analyte is zero. Obviously, if the uncertainty range of the measurement (at some specified level of probability) includes zero, we are not sure that the analyte has been detected. However, detection limits as supplied in the literature and manufacturers’ brochures can be misleading to the unwary. Their magnitude depends critically on the conditions under which the precision was estimated. Manufacturers and method developers usually quote ‘instrumental detection limits’, where the precision is estimated on the pure solvent (or other matrix) in the shortest possible time, with no adjustments at all to the instrument.


Such detection limits usually need to be adjusted before they can be applied to the analysis of real materials, inter alia to allow for the ‘dilution’ of the analytes. For instance, in the analysis of a soil, a 0.1 g test portion may be treated with reagents and the analytes liberated into solution may be made up to a volume of 10.00 mL for presentation to the instrument. The analytes have been diluted by a factor of 100, in that an element at a concentration of 100 ppm in the soil will be presented to the instrument at a concentration of 1 ppm in the test solution. In addition, in ‘real analysis’, many features other than short-term instrumental variation play a part in the variability of results. Thus, detection limits estimated under repeatability or reproducibility conditions may be considerably higher than simple dilution-adjusted instrumental detection limits, by as much as an order of magnitude. We here consider instrumental detection limits, adjusted for dilution and with an extra factor of 5 to convert them roughly to repeatability detection limits. The detection limit also depends critically on details of the instrumentation. For example, magnetic sector ICPMS provides detection limits lower than those of quadrupole instruments by between one and two orders of magnitude. Among the atomic spectroscopy methods, flame and furnace methods have very variable detection limits, because they are affected by variations among the elements in terms of efficiency of atomization and efficiency of ionization. ICPAES and ICPMS show a smaller range of detection limits, because atomization is uniformly close to 100% efficient, and the efficiency of ionization accounts for much of the remaining differences. Thus, in ICPMS, elements more difficult to ionize (e.g. nonmetals) have higher detection limits. The outcome is that FAAS, being fast, cheap and robust, is used for a limited range of more abundant elements. GFAAS, being slow and requiring much care, but with much lower detection limits for some elements, is used on a much more restricted scale, typically for low trace elements such as lead and cadmium in food and drink. ICPAES is fast and robust and moderately priced, and is widely used as the workhorse method for major and trace elements, with instrumental detection limits typically 1–50 ppb (parts per 109). ICPMS is unique in the very low detection limits obtainable in simultaneous analysis, typically 0.1–10 ppt (parts per 1012), but it requires a high dilution factor (typically 500–1000), is more expensive, and is more prone to downtime. In XRF methods, the detection limit is poor for light elements but roughly constant at a few ppm for elements heavier than iron, and the method usually requires only small dilution factors.

Figure 1 Relationship between precision of measurement (as relative standard deviation) and concentration of analyte (expressed in units of multiples of detection limit). The graph shows the sharp fall in relative standard deviation just above the detection limit, and the comparatively steady values in the preferred working range.

Asymptotic precision

The other aspect of precision that affects the judgement of instrumental analysis can be called ‘asymptotic precision’, which is precision estimated at a concentration orders of magnitude above the detection limit. Under that condition we usually find that relative precision is concentration invariant, i.e. the relative standard deviation (RSD) is constant. Thus, in general, with increasing concentration the asymptotic precision always increases, but the relative standard deviation falls sharply, from about 30% at the detection limit, to close to the asymptotic level at 20–100 times the detection limit (Figure 1). Usually we try to arrange matters so that we make measurements at these near-asymptotic precisions. Asymptotic precisions for atomic spectrometry methods depend on the type of instrumentation, but also on other factors such as the protocols used for calibration and measurement, and whether internal standardization has been used. Typical between-run values as RSDs are: FAAS, 1.5%; GFAAS, 5%; ICPAES, 1%; ICPMS, 3%; XRF, 0.5–1%. Abundance–detection limit (ADL) diagrams

A convenient way of summarizing the applicability of the various methods to various types of test materials, over the range of relevant elements, is the use of abundance–detection limit (ADL) diagrams. For each element in these diagrams, the detection limit of the method (d), is plotted against the median concentration found in the sampling medium in question (the abundance, a). (The detection limit is adjusted


Interference effects

Figure 2 The layout of an ADL (abundance–detection limit) diagram, showing the for interpretation for elements that plot in the various regions of the diagram. The concentration units used for both axes are mass fractions.

for a likely dilution factor and with an extra allowance to convert instrumental detection limits into between-run detection limits.) Both variables are expressed as mass fractions (e.g., 1 ppm ≡ 10−6) and plotted on log10 scales. (Frequency distributions of concentrations of trace elements in randomly selected agricultural and environmental media are usually strongly skewed to the positive tail, so lower concentrations are well represented by the median. In any event, information on percentiles other than the median is difficult to compile.) ADL diagrams are divided into four zones (Figure 2) by three lines: (i) d = a/10; (ii) d = a; and (iii) d = 10a. Elements plotting to the right of and below line (ii) can be determined with at least moderately good precision at normal concentrations. Line (i) represents concentrations at 10× the detection limit, at which the elements can be determined with a relative precision of about 5%. Elements plotting to the right of and below this line can therefore be determined with completely acceptable precision, and those plotting between lines (i) and (ii) with moderate precision. Elements between lines (ii) and (iii) can be determined with moderate precision only after a 10× preconcentration, while elements above or to the left of line (iii) can be determined only if preconcentrated to a degree greater than tenfold. These diagrams will be used to compare the capabilities of the various methods.

Another figure of merit that describes the quality of the data produced in atomic spectroscopy is ‘trueness’, which, in the absence of analytical blunders, is synonymous with lack of interference. Interference is defined as the influence on the analytical signal relating to an analyte caused by constituents of the test materials other than the analyte (the concomitants). Broadly, atomic spectroscopy is affected by interference to a remarkably low extent. However, interference is not absent and usually has to be taken seriously. Fortunately, there are well-established analytical techniques for obviating the effects of interference that are eminently applicable to atomic spectroscopy. Interference effects are often spectral in origin. In atomic emission and absorption they result when a concomitant gives rise either to photons close to the same wavelength as the analyte (spectral overlap) or to photons of another wavelength that inadvertently arrive at the detector (stray light). Methods for overcoming such spectral problems usually involve either a separate estimation of the background to a spectral line, or estimation of the concomitant concentration at another region of the spectrum and the calculation therefrom of an appropriate correction term. These features are built into modern instruments and their software, but the correction procedure may degrade other aspects of performance such as the detection limit. Comparable problems occur in mass spectrometry. Nonspectral interferences are called matrix effects. In free-atom methods, matrix effects often reflect changes in the efficiency of atomization of the analyte or of excitation of the separate atoms produced in the atom cell. In FAAS and ICPAES, changes in the physical characteristics of the test solutions (e.g., surface tension, viscosity, density) may additionally affect the efficiency of the nebulizer. However, matrix effects seldom cause errors of greater than ±5% and can often be ignored in agricultural and environmental studies. In GFAAS, by contrast, the composition of the matrix is crucial in determining the atomization efficiency, and needs to be carefully controlled. Likewise, in XRF the gross composition of the pellet or bead may affect the intensity of fluorescent X-rays. There are a number of convenient and effective ways of handling matrix effects. Where the gross composition of the test materials is effectively constant, it is sufficient to calibrate the instrument with matrix-matched calibrators. Even when test materials are also variable, they may sometimes be matched with calibrators by swamping the native


matrix with a much larger quantity of a matrix modifier. This technique is commonly used in FAAS, GFAAS and XRF methods. If matrix matching is not possible, the method of analyte additions is always applicable, if somewhat laborious, to methods with linear calibration functions. In XRF a set of complex correction equations based on the major composition is used to correct for matrix effects. Performance enhancement by chemical pretreatment

The detecting power of all of these methods can be improved by preconcentration after the initial decomposition of the test material. This procedure, effected by methods such as ion-exchange, solvent extraction or solid-phase extraction, is very effective. It often has the additional advantage of removing the analytes from their original matrix and thereby considerably reducing matrix effects. Concentration by a factor of 10 is straightforward, and by 100 is usually feasible. For the atomization methods it is convenient, after the initial separation, to return the analytes to a small volume of aqueous medium. Trace elements can also be analysed directly in organic solvents. This is not a popular option, although there are no inordinate difficulties about the procedure. Different options for presenting the separated analytes exist in XRF, for instance trace analytes can be concentrated by passing the test solution through an ion-exchange membrane and analysing the membrane in a specially designed holder. Another widely used method of improving detection limits is the injection of certain elements in the gas phase. The elements Ge, Sn, Pb, As, Sb, Bi, Se and Te all readily form hydrides in acidic aqueous media on reduction with sodium tetrahydroborate. As the hydrides are not very soluble in water, they can be readily transferred into the gas phase and thus completely separated from the matrix. The efficiency of hydride formation is high (often approaching 100%), so that detection limits for these elements can be improved by a factor of 100 without problems. Speed of analysis

Speed of analysis is one of the attractive features of the atomic spectroscopy methods described here. An important discrimination can be made, however, between methods that determine elements sequentially and those, clearly much faster overall, that can determine a whole suite of elements simultaneously. In methods involving nebulization, the critical determinant is the time taken for the system to ‘wash out’, so that material from one test solution is completely

replaced by its successor in the analytical system and a new stable signal established. It usually takes only a few seconds subsequently to make a measurement of the signal intensity. Such sample changeovers can be as short as 15 s, but are usually longer (1–2 min) because of poor attention to design in this aspect of commercial instrumentation. In GFAAS the speed of analysis is largely controlled by the time needed for the furnace to cool sufficiently before introduction of the next sample. XRF exhibits different properties. It may require a substantial time for the signal to be collected (minutes), whereas the exchange of one test material for the next takes only seconds (because only solids in special holders are moved). The question of speed is related to the reliability of the instrumentation. Reliable methods with low operating costs can readily be automated and can left unattended, e.g. overnight. In those circ*mstances, speed may be a secondary consideration. XRF methods come into this category. For methods that are more prone to problems during running (and so cannot be left unattended) or that use expensive consumables (e.g. argon for ICP methods), speed is usually of the essence. Instrumental reliability and stability

Reliability is also a key feature in the comparison of methods. Some methods are inherently reliable and stable, e.g. XRF. The signal obtained from an analyte in a particular material will vary only slightly from run to run, so that calibrations have to be updated only infrequently. The situation is quite different in methods requiring nebulization and/or atomization, because there the stability of the signal depends on such variables as power input, gas flows, etc. In ICP methods particularly, the efficiency of atomization can occasionally vary suddenly due to partial blockages in the nebulizer or in the injector tip of the plasma torch. Vigilance is required for early detection of such problems. In addition, in ICPMS, drift may be caused by gradual occlusion of the orifice in the sampling cone (part of the plasma– MS interface) by material passing through the plasma. This problem must be minimized by the use of high dilutions (i.e. at least 1:500) or by the use of flow injection to deliver the test solutions in short slugs, or its effects may be alleviated by the employment of an internal standard. Ease of calibration

Two features contribute to ease of calibration in analytical methods, (a) linearity over a wide concentration range, and (b) use of solutions (rather than solids) to present the analyte to the instrument.


Linearity makes calibration simple by limiting to two the number of calibrators necessary to estimate the calibration function for a single analyte. A nearly (but not necessarily completely) linear calibration over a considerable concentration range (e.g. more than four orders of magnitude) is also essential in multielement calibration, where major and trace constituents are determined simultaneously. Preparation of calibrators in solution can be effected by simple mixing of the correct amounts of the constituents in an appropriate matrix. There is little problem with either hom*ogeneity or speciation of the analytes in that instance. This consideration applies directly to conventional ways of operating AAS, ICPAES and ICPMS. It also applies to XRF methods that employ fused beads, where the test material is hom*ogenized in a flux. (The end-product is, of course, a solid solution). Where solid calibrators are used, more problems are usually encountered. The most common of such are problems of creating a sufficiently hom*ogeneous mixture of the analytes in a realistic matrix, and problems of speciation of the analyte. Fortunately, neither of these is a serious problem in routine XRF, although they may be in specialist applications of ICPAES and ICPMS, such as laser ablation work. There are special problems associated with multielement calibration when more than a few elements are required. First, it is necessary to provide a set of calibrators that span the range of the test materials adequately. This is simple if there are no constraints on the design of the calibrator set. Often there are such constraints. For instance, for major constituents, it is not realistic (and sometimes not even possible) to have all of the major constituents at their maximum concentration in a single calibrator. In consequence, methods such as serial dilution of a single concentrated solution cannot be undertaken, and more complex designs are required. Constraints due to minor interferences apply to methods such as ICPAES. In some styles of calibration for major and trace elements simultaneously, there are minor deviations from linearity and small interference effects from major constituents that have to be taken into account. Finally, the calibration set must be designed to avoid major matrix mismatches with the test materials. In XRF it is common for practitioners to calibrate with reference materials. As these are natural materials, designs cannot be made optimal. It would in fact be easier and more accurate to use pure stoichiometric compounds to synthesize calibrators, just as in liquid solution work, and this strategy would allow optimal designs.

Soils and sediments Soil is the key medium in environmental and agricultural studies of the distribution of the elements. Soils and sediments are the main repositories of trace metals. For conventional analysis by AAS and ICP methods, it is necessary to bring the analytes into solution. This is usually effected by treatment of the test material with strong mineral acid mixtures. In many instances a complete dissolution of the soil is not required. Most elements of agricultural or environmental import can be sufficiently solubilized by evaporation with nitric and perchloric acids, followed by a dissolution with hydrochloric acid. Any elements remaining undissolved after this type of treatment will hardly be of significance to living organisms. An attempt at studying the bioavailability of significant metals can be made by the use of ‘selective extractants’. These are designed to enable experimenters to distinguish between categories such as ‘readily exchangeable’, ‘organic bound’, etc. By making some reasonable assumptions about dilution factors and the relationship between instrumental and repeatability detection limits, it is possible to construct ADL diagrams for soils analysed by the various atomic spectroscopy methods. These are shown in Figures 3–6 for a selection of key elements. A surprisingly uniform picture emerges, with only ICPMS being suitable for the direct determination of elements such as As, Cd, Hg, Mo, Se and U, a range of important essential or toxic elements of low abundance. However, preconcentration or other sensitivity-enhancing methods can usually render these elements capable of determination by AES or AAS methods. Of the methods considered here, perhaps the least applicable is FAAS, which is also probably the most laborious, being a single-element method.

Water Fresh water is in many ways an ideal medium for analysis by the atomization methods. It is ready for direct analysis with virtually no pretreatment, and no dilution is required. Matrix effects are usually negligible or easily handled. The method par excellence for water analysis is ICPMS (Figure 7), which can be used to determine most of the elements directly. Another important method here is GFAAS which, although undoubtedly slow, can be used very effectively for a range of useful trace elements. The main problem with the remaining methods (Figure 8) is that many important elements are present in fresh waters at very low concentrations, below the


Figure 3 ADL diagram for soil analysed by flame atomic absorption spectroscopy. (For explanation see Figure 2.)

Figure 5 ADL diagram for soil analysed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. (For explanation see Figure 2.)

Figure 4 ADL diagram for soil analysed by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy. (For explanation see Figure 2.)

Figure 6 ADL diagram for soil analysed by X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy. (For explanation see Figure 2.)

detection limits for direct determination by most AAS and AES methods. For most elements this drawback can readily be overcome by preconcentration. Simple evaporation is effective for 10–20-fold preconcentration, without causing serious matrix effects. Matrix separations are also simple and useful. For example, elements such as Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb and Zn can be determined by FAAS or ICPAES after solvent extraction or ion exchange.

Sea water and other saline waters pose some problems for the atomization methods. Nebulizers for the ICP tend to become blocked with salt encrustations with a disastrous effect on sensitivity. This can be overcome in direct analysis by flow injection techniques, or by the use of ‘high-solids’ nebulizers. Dilution also helps here but, of course, degrades the detection limits. The sampling cone in ICPMS equipment is also prone to be gradually occluded when


Figure 7 ADL diagram for water analysed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. (For explanation see Figure 2.)

Figure 9 ADL diagram for plant material analysed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. (For explanation see Figure 2.)

preliminary process such as chemical separation or chromatography.

Air and dust

Figure 8 ADL diagram for water analysed by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy. (For explanation see Figure 2.)

high-solids solutions are sprayed. Again, preconcentration techniques that provide a separation of the analytes from the matrix are very useful in this context. The speciation of certain elements in water is important, as it throws light on the transport of the elements between other media, e.g. the soil–plant interface. In this context, atomic spectrometry has the role of providing a sensitive and virtually specific detector for the individual elements, after some

Metallic elements are present in air mostly as particulate material, which can be removed inter alia by filtration. Dusts are simply air particulates that have collected naturally by gravitation. Atomic spectrometry methods are well adapted to the analysis of used air filters. For instance, filters of the cellulose acetate type can conveniently be destroyed by oxidation with nitric/perchloric acid while the metallic elements are thereby solubilized. The resulting aqueous solution, of small volume, can be analysed simultaneously for many elements by ICPAES or ICPMS. The former is quite capable of determining most elements at their threshold concentration after the filtration of (say) 10 litres of air. Alternatively, air filters have a suitable form for direct analysis by XRF in special filter holders.

Biological tissues Animal and plant tissues are usually prepared for elemental analysis by destruction of the organic matrix by oxidation, either in a furnace (dry ashing) or by the use of oxidizing acids (wet ashing). The two methods have similar outcomes in most respects, except that there is a tendency for volatile elements


rial. Concentrations of elements in animal tissues are broadly similar, although there are contrasts in certain cases. See also: Atomic Absorption, Methods and Instrumentation; Atomic Absorption, Theory; Atomic Emission, Methods and Instrumentation; Atomic Spectroscopy, Historical Perspective; Calibration and Reference Systems (Regulatory Authorities); Environmental Applications of Electronic Spectroscopy; Food & Dairy Products, Applications of Atomic Spectroscopy; Food Science, Applications of Mass Spectrometry; Food Science, Applications of NMR Spectroscopy; Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry, Methods; X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometers; X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Applications.

Figure 10 ADL diagram for plant material analysed by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy. (For explanation see Figure 2.)

such as As and Se and even Cd to be lost during dry ashing, especially if the temperature is allowed to rise above 500°C. The normal outcome is for the elements to be nebulized from a dilute solution of hydrochloric acid. Matrix effects are not usually troublesome in this sector, although some materials high in calcium, potassium or phosphorus may require special attention. Figures 9 and 10 show the applicabilities of ICPMS and ICPAES for plant mate-

Further reading Alloway BJ and Ayres DC (1997) Chemical Principles of Environmental Pollution, 2nd edn. London: Blackie. Boumans PWJM (ed) (1987) Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectrometry. New York: Wiley. Fifield FW and Haines PJ (1995) Environmental Analytical Chemistry. London: Blackie. Gill R (ed) (1997) Modern Analytical Geochemistry. Harlow: Longman. Haswell SJ (ed) (1991) Atomic Absorption Spectrometry: Theory, Design and Applications. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Thompson M and Walsh JN (1989) Handbook of Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometry, 2nd edn. Glasgow: Blackie.


Environmental Applications of Electronic Spectroscopy John W Farley, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV, USA William C Brumley, National Exposure Research Laboratory, US EPA, Las Vegas, NV, USA DeLyle Eastwood, Air Force Institute of Technology, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, USA


Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction Electronic spectroscopy is widely used to detect environmental contamination. Environmental applications of electronic spectroscopy involve challenging analytical problems. Both qualitative identification and quantitative determination are performed for analytes which may occur at concentrations ranging from parts per hundred to parts per quadrillion. The analytes occur in a very wide range of matrices. Electronic spectroscopy consists of monitoring the absorption of light by the sample or monitoring the emission of light, often after excitation of the sample by an appropriate light source or laser beam. Both inorganic and organic analytes can be detected. Realworld samples are often complex mixtures, and therefore environmental applications may involve coupling a separation technique with electronic spectroscopy. Separation techniques include liquid chromatography (LC), gas chromatography (GC), high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), capillary electrophoresis (CE), and immu-nochemical analysis. Emerging techniques include the increasing use of hybrid techniques and the development of highly parallel detection instruments.

The analytical problem The environmental analytical problem generally presents two questions: what substances are present in an environmental sample and how much of each of the substances is there? Sometimes these questions can be answered by spectroscopic techniques in a direct manner with little sample handling. However, the range of needs encompasses a vast array of matrices and levels of determination. To indicate some scope to the problem consider a list of potential matrices: soil, sediment, water, plants, animals, fly ash, sludge, waste water, leachates, food, blood, urine, hair (fur), drinking water, commercial pesticide formulations, air, dust, automobile and truck

exhaust, and rain. The various matrices require extraction techniques, cleanup techniques, and often a final separation or detection technique. Contaminant levels range from percent levels (part per hundred) to parts per quadrillion (pg kg−1). To give some realism to these numbers, for example, pesticides in formulations may be present at percentage levels. In another context, contaminants at Superfund sites are often found in the parts per million (µg g−1) level. (A Superfund site is an identified site under the authorities of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act where releases of hazardous substances had already occurred or might occur and posed a serious threat to human, health, welfare or the environment.) Near the other extreme, the European Union regulates phenoxyacid herbicides at the 100 parts per trillion (pg g−1) level in drinking water. The applications, therefore, fall into two broad categories: qualitative identification and quantitative determination of substances or classes of compounds in environmental matrices. The qualitative identification is usually accomplished by acquiring a full UVvisible absorption or emission spectrum of the compound of interest. This spectrum is then compared with libraries of spectra for potential matches. Usually, the specificity of this match does not produce the same level of certainty as could be obtained from a mass spectrum that has been properly matched to a library spectrum. Nevertheless, within the context of a limited number of compounds and a particular analysis, some degree of certainty is obtained. In some favourable cases (e.g. fluorescence of oils), UV-visible identification has prevailed in legal proceedings and shown similar degrees of certainty to GC-MS. In UV-visible identifications, comparison is often made to site-specific standards, rather than against a library. The certainty of identification by UV-visible can be enhanced by the association of a retention time or migration time achieved by employing one or more separation techniques in


combination with the spectroscopic data obtained on-the-fly. The identification problem or the specificity of the determination can be a complicated matter because of the large number of analytes, matrix components, and the variability of environmental matrices depending upon location. There are now over 11 million organic compounds recognized by the Chemical Abstracts Registry, with over 30000 compounds considered as chemicals of commerce, and perhaps 500 to 1000 routinely measured as members of industrial solvents, disinfection by-products, insecticides, PNAs, herbicides, organochlorine pesticides, PCBs, phenols, anilines, benzidines, and potential endocrine-disrupting compounds. The quantitative determination is usually based on the absorption of light at some fixed wavelength or wavelengths, the selection of a wavelength for quantitation from the diode array detection (DAD) data, or, in fluorescence detection, the emission of light at some fixed wavelength (or band) while exciting at a fixed wavelength. For even better quantitation, one monitors the area under a peak or area of the whole spectrum. Thus one may monitor absorption at 214 nm for the sensitive detection of many compounds. Alternatively, one may monitor emission at 520 nm with excitation at 488 nm for the sensitive fluorescence detection of fluorescein and fluoresceinrelated compounds.

Inorganic compounds Electronic fluorescence techniques may be used to detect inorganic compounds, which exist as ions in solution, using one of several methods. Photoluminescence (or simply luminescence) refers to the photoexcitation of an analyte in solution, caused by absorption of visible or ultraviolet radiation, followed by emission at a longer wavelength. Luminescence is classified as either fluorescence or phosphorescence. Fluorescence is an allowed radiative transition from the first excited singlet state, while phosphorescence is a spin-forbidden transition from the first excited triplet state. Typical fluorescence lifetimes are nanoseconds to sub-microseconds, while typical phosphorescence lifetimes are microseconds to seconds. For many inorganic substances, fluorimetric methods are the best analytical methods. (1) If the inorganic ion luminesces in solution it may be detected simply by placing the ion in an appropriate solution. This technique works primarily for rare earths and uranyl (UO2+)

compounds. When combined with an inorganic reagent (e.g. HCl, HBr, etc.), the technique works for some group 3–5 elements. Since the rare earths and uranyl compounds luminesce in solution, these ions may be detected by ‘native fluorescence’. Even though the bare ion fluoresces in these cases, the luminescence intensities can be greatly enhanced by appropriate complexation. The spectrum may be broad or narrow, depending upon the element and the nature of the electronic transition involved: the fluorescence spectrum is broad for Ce(III), Pr(III), and Nd(III), because they result from electron transitions from the 5d to the 4f shell. For example, cerium salts fluoresce in a broad band from 330 to 402 nm. In contrast, the luminescence spectra of Sm(III), Eu(III), Td(III), and Dy(III) are narrow, consisting of a few characteristic bands because they result from transitions of the 4f electron, and the f electron is little perturbed by its environment. For example, Gd has a single bright, narrow band at 311 nm. Sensitive fluorimetric methods have been developed for Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Er, and Tm. Detection limits range from 50 picograms to a microgram depending on the rare earth. Uranyl (UO2+) ions phosphoresce in several bands in the 460–620 nm range. The uranyl ion is typically detected in acid solution. The fluorescence efficiency depends on pH and on impurities. Many organic compounds can quench the luminescence from uranyl. In phosphoric acid or phosphate solutions uranyl can be detected at 5 parts per trillion. (2) If the inorganic ion does not luminesce in solution, the ion may be combined with an organic ligand to yield a metal chelate. In favourable cases, the isolated ligand does not fluoresce, but the metal chelate does fluoresce, allowing for sensitive detection of the ion. In other cases where the complexing agent luminesces, the metal complex is still shifted enough in peak position to be detected even in the presence of the free agent. Over 40 different metals have been determined by this technique. When this method is applicable it is very sensitive and specific. For example, gold may be detected by its formation of a complex with Rhodamine B in 0.4 M HCl. Using excitation and detection wavelengths of 550 and 575 nm, respectively, as little as 20 ppb of Au can be detected, a level 25 times more sensitive than atomic absorption. In another example, cyanide (CN−) can be detected at levels of 0.2 µg by complexing with pbenzoquinone to yield an intense green


fluorescence. Sulfide, thiosulfate, thiocyanate, ferrocyanide, and 26 other ions had no effect. Several kinds of reaction between inorganic analyte and the organic reagent are possible: binary or ternary complex formation, substitution, redox, catalytic, and enzymatic. This technique can sometimes be applied to both cations and anions. Examples of commonly used reagents are 8-hydroxyquinoline, azo reagents, Schiff’s bases, hydrozones, hydroxyflavones and chromone derivatives, and anthraquinones. (3) If neither of the above approaches works, ‘indirect detection’ may be employed. The inorganic ion may quench the fluorescence of a second compound, in which case the analyte is detected as a decrease in the fluorescence of the second compound. For example, most assays for fluoride (F−) are based on the decrease in fluorescence of an Al or Zr chelate due to subsequent fluoride complex formation (AlF6− or ZrF6−). Quenching is generally less sensitive and less selective than fluorescence. Alternatively, the analyte may cause the release of a ligand which then reacts to form a fluorescent product. Most fluorimetric determinations of inorganic species are equilibrium methods in which the reaction goes to completion. However, in some cases kinetic methods are used, in which the initial reaction rate is linearly related to the initial analyte concentration. For example, platinum(IV) can be detected at 0.2–0.6 ppm levels using a reaction with di-2-pyridylketone hydrozone, yielding a blue autooxidation product, whose rate of appearance is measured at 435 nm with an excitation wavelength of 359 nm.

Organic compounds Organic compounds are often of major concern in environmental applications. In this section we discuss the detection of organic compounds by electronic absorption and luminescence spectroscopy. The technique of UV-visible absorption spectroscopy is a mature technology which is widely used for detection. A beam of light whose wavelength is in the visible or ultraviolet range traverses a sample containing the sample. The signal is detected as a decrease in the intensity of the light. UV-visible absorption spectroscopy has a moderate sensitivity and a low to moderate specificity. The specificity is low because many compounds absorb in the same general wavelength range. Because of the low specificity, this technique can be used for real-world samples of low to moderate complexity. The technique works best for unsaturated compounds (aromatic,

polycyclic aromatic or heterocyclic). In these cases, often there is enough vibrational structure for relatively good specificity. It works for dyes and for colorimetric reaction products. The second technique is UV-visible luminescence, meaning either fluorescence or phosphorescence. When this technique is applicable it can be very sensitive, especially with laser excitation. In aqueous solution, the sensitivity can be parts per billion to parts per trillion. Luminescence is more sensitive than absorption because in the former case one is detecting an increase from a very small background, while in the latter case one is detecting a decrease from a large background. The technique is applicable to aromatics, most polycyclic aromatics and their derivatives, and some heterocycles. For many polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, the vibrational structure is sufficient to greatly enhance specificity. It can be applied to many other analytes, using fluorimetric reagents. The selectivity can be enhanced by varying the wavelength of excitation and the wavelength of detection, or by using time or phase resolution. One of the problems that arises in luminescence studies of large molecules is that the spectrum may be relatively broad and unstructured. Accordingly, in a real-world sample there can be interferences caused by other compounds. One technique to improve the specificity is ‘synchronous luminescence’, in which both the excitation wavelength and detection are scanned, usually with a fixed difference between the two wavelengths. This tends to sharpen the spectra, reducing the problem of interferences and thereby improving the specificity of the technique. On theoretical grounds, it makes more sense to scan the two wavelengths with a fixed difference in the photon energy, rather than a fixed difference in the wavelength. Luminescence is applicable to polyaromatic compounds, fluorescent dyes, fluorimetric reaction products, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), phenols, 50% of pesticides, many semivolatiles, many nonvolatiles, and petroleum oils. For luminescence to work, the compound must fluoresce. However, many large molecules absorb but do not fluoresce in the visible or UV. For such non-fluorescing compounds, absorption spectroscopy must be used instead (with much less sensitivity) or, alternatively, the organics can sometimes be complexed. In practical applications, these spectroscopic techniques are often used for field screening, in which samples are screened in the field rather than being transported to the laboratory for traditional analysis, which can mean a delay of up to a month in obtaining the results of analysis. Recent technical advances include: more compact lasers, miniaturized optical hardware, new types of detectors, increased


use of fibre optics, and better computer software for spectral data processing and pattern recognition.

The problem of spectral congestion Many real-world samples consist of a large number of substances whose spectra are relatively broad and relatively featureless. This limits the ability to discriminate between compounds with similar or substantially overlapping spectra. There are two techniques that can be used to discriminate between compounds that are spectrally overlapping. One technique is discrimination based on fluorescent lifetime. Two compounds that spectrally overlap can be distinguished by their fluorescence lifetimes, provided that their fluorescent lifetimes are sufficiently different. The second technique is chromatographic discrimination; i.e. the use of a separation technique.

Separations coupled with electronic spectroscopy In some cases, e.g. forensic oil identification, the spectra of mixtures of fluorescent compounds may themselves be of interest for fingerprinting purposes, especially when combined with chemometric or pattern recognition techniques. Many real-world environmental problems involve large numbers of compounds, and the spectra of individual compounds are needed for identification and quantitation. Detection techniques are often preceded by a separation step. Historically, the workhorse separation technique of environmental analysis has been capillary GC combined with MS or with specialized GC detectors such as the flame ionization detector and the electron capture detector, or more recently combined with the liquid chromatography or capillary electrophoresis (LC-MS or CE-MS). In recent decades, the introduction into commerce and the environment of increasingly polar and nonvolatile compounds has resulted in new interest in liquid separations for environmental problems, resulting in the growth of liquid separation methods of analysis, and it is especially useful for polar or thermally labile compounds or for nonvolatile high relative molecular mass compounds. The following discussion is organized by type of separation technique or other analytical technique rather than by compound type. The most common application of electronic spectroscopy has been as the detection technique for liquid separations where absorption spectroscopy is the workhorse technique. Absorption spectroscopy is well suited for liquid separations because most of the solvents of choice exhibit large UV transparent

regions that enable the sensitive detection of compounds of interest. This is in contrast to other types of detectors that might universally detect both the solvent and the analyte of interest. For example, infrared detection is often compromised by either the presence of water or other solvents because of strong absorptions that obscure key portions of the useful wavelength range. Even mass spectrometry requires special interfaces to remove the solvent preferentially before introduction into the ion source even though solvent molecular masses are generally below 100 Da. The detection limits for absorption spectroscopy are approximately 1 × 10−5 absorption units (AU), varying with the extinction coefficient as a function of wavelength. (The absorption measured in AU is defined as the common logarithm of the initial to the final light intensity.) This results in detection limits in the ppm to low ppb range in favourable cases, providing sensitivity adequate for environmental analysis. In fluorescence detection, the possibility of detecting a single molecule exists. For environmental samples, often fluorescing interferences limit the sensitivity and in these cases pretreatments or liquid separations remove these interferences. In practical terms, fluorescence detection for appropriate molecules can be 100 to 1000 times more sensitive than absorption detection. As a result, detection limits in the low parts per trillion range can be achieved for selected analytes, limited only by excitation source intensities or fluorescence from capillary or solvent background fluorescence.

HPLC The most widely used detection technique for HPLC involves absorption at either a fixed wavelength or using a DAD that allows for wavelength selection and continuous or selected scans. In the filter photometric format, a wavelength such as 220 nm is selected by means of a filter placed in front of the deuterium lamp. Figure 1 illustrates the detection of a series of polynuclear aromatic (PNA) compounds using their absorption at 220 nm. Common solvents used in reversed-phase separations (i.e. a hydrophobic adsorbent with water/organic solvent as mobile phase) have UV transparence from ∼200 nm on up. A similar situation holds for normal phase separation (i.e. a polar adsorbent with hexane/polar solvent as mobile phase) where UV transparency is counted on. When the solvent choice includes toluene or some other absorber then a different wavelength or different detection technique must be chosen.


fluorescence lifetime detection with phase or frequency modulation can also be used to separate peaks that would otherwise appear to overlap.

Capillary electrophoresis (CE)

Figure 1 HPLC separation of PNAs with detection by absorption spectroscopy at 220 nm.

When the DAD is used, a selection of wavelengths may be available for individual monitoring as well as the selection of the best wavelength for quantitation in consideration of background noise that may be largely chemical noise or interferences from the matrix. In the case of PNAs, the full absorption spectrum for benzo[a]pyrene is given in Figure 2. Molecules that do not possess the appropriate chromophore may be detected when derivatized with a chromophore with high extinction coefficients at peaks in the visible spectrum to facilitate detection. For example, carboxylic acids can be derivatized with 7-methoxy-4-bromomethylcoumarin to give them a chromophore. Specialized books may be consulted for further information concerning derivatization. Other techniques include resorting to wavelengths below 200 nm under special conditions. In some cases, indirect detection can be used based on the presence of a background UV absorber in the mobile phase. The analyte displaces some of this absorber under certain conditions, resulting in a decrease in the absorption level in the detector cell which can be measured in the same manner as an increase in absorption. Further information on this technique can be obtained from specialized references on the subject. When the analyte of interest possesses fluorescence character then an extremely sensitive detection can be designed based on the absorption/emission properties of the molecule. In Figure 3, the fluorescence detection of benzo[a]pyrene is illustrated using a excitation of 325 nm with an emission at 425 nm. In this manner, low pg quantities of compound can be detected, making this one of the most sensitive detections in analytical chemistry. Increasingly, charged coupled devices (CCDs) are being utilized to give even higher sensitivity especially with laser excitation, and whole spectra rather than single wavelengths are being recorded. Techniques such as

CE has emerged as a pre-eminent separation technique for ionic analytes based on free zone electrophoresis. The separation is based on differing mobilities among the ions. In analogy to HPLC, an absorption detection is a fairly universal detector. The DAD response for a group of phenols is illustrated in Figure 4. The influence of ionization on the absorption spectrum of phenols is evident in the shift to longer wavelengths that results from the anionic character. One of the chief drawbacks of CE applications using absorption detection has been the relatively high concentration detection limit (i.e. ppm range rather than ppb range of HPLC). This is a direct result of the capillary format of the separation. In capillary separations, normally tens of nanolitres of sample are injected on-column. This is a 1000fold smaller volume than in HPLC. In addition, the capillary format usually demands on-column detection to avoid band broadening from post-column detection approaches. The diameter of the capillary is about 75 µm, resulting in a very short optical path. There are specialized techniques for overcoming these limitations and more specialized references should be consulted. The concentration detection limit problem can be overcome for molecules possessing fluorescence. In the case of phenols, illustrated in Figure 5, a frequency-doubled laser operating at 244 nm will enable sensitive detection using laser-induced fluorescence (LIF). In this case, a filter arrangement allows detection of emission light in the 355 to 425 nm range. The use of lasers in this context improves detection limits because of the light intensity as well as the intrinsic narrow beam which allows efficient focussing of the light onto the capillary bore carrying the sample.

Immunochemical analysis Immunochemical analysis is a convenient approach for environmental analysis provided appropriate antibodies and format have been developed. Often, the assay depends on a colorimetric determination for its quantitative result. The advantage of immunochemical analysis is its specificity as well as its speed. Specific references should be consulted on applications.


Figure 2 HPLC separation of selected pesticides with DAD with a full absorption spectrum (200 to 600 nm) illustrated for each in a three-dimensional format.


Figure 3 HPLC separation of selected PNAs using fluorescence detection with excitation at 325 nm (xenon lamp) and emission at 425 nm.

Figure 6 CE-LIF detection of probe peak (fluorescein-labelled 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) in an immunoassay format of herbicide analysis. Excitation at 488 nm and emission at 510– 530 nm.

Figure 4 DAD detection of phenols in capillary electrophoresis. The arrow indicates the wavelength position of 298 nm.

An emerging format for the assay depends on CE-LIF determination of a fluorophore-labelled analyte (probe) in either a competitive or noncompetitive assay with the unlabelled analyte as they find binding sites with the antibody. Figure 6 illustrates the concept for a fluorescein-labelled analogue of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) where the change in the amount of the probe peak indicates whether unlabelled 2,4-D was present in the sample.

Gas chromatography One detection technique for GC, called atomic emission detector (AED), is of fairly common occurrence and makes use of spectroscopic properties for detection. The elements of a compound that elutes from the column are determined in a He plasma based on the emission spectra of the individual elements (e.g. C, H, O, N, S, Cl, etc.). Reference to more specialized works should be made. The AED technique is mentioned for the sake of completeness, although since AED relies on atomic spectroscopy emission, it is outside the scope of this article, which is mostly restricted to molecular electronic spectroscopy.

Thin-layer chromatography

Figure 5 CE-LIF detection of phenols using a frequency-doubled laser. Excitation at 244 nm and emission at 355–425 nm. The arrow indicates the migration time position of 12.257 min.

Thin-layer chromatography (TLC) is usually coupled to either absorption or fluorescent detection of complexed species and is common in many fields of analysis. The applications of TLC to environmental analysis have been less frequent than with other


forms of separation. It has recently been demonstrated that UV-visible absorption, near-IR absorption, fluorescence, and phosphorescence can be accomplished for hundreds of spots on a single TLC plate by using CCD detection.

Emerging techniques The application of molecular electronic spectroscopy as a detector for separations is expected to continue to grow. Optical techniques are a primary detection approach for the hybrid technique of capillary electrochromatography which combines aspects of CE and HPLC, especially capillary LC. To increase throughput of sample handling, arrays of capillaries have been built with optical detection via CCD cameras. Using CE-LIF approaches, hundreds of capillaries can operate simultaneously on samples with simultaneous detection. Further advances are expected in the areas of remote sensing, immunochemical assays, capillary arrays, and detector sensitivity. See also: Chromatography-NMR, Applications; Chromatography-MS, Methods; Environmental and Agricultural Applications of Atomic Spectroscopy; Luminescence, Theory.

Further reading Acree Jr WE, Tucker SA and Fetzer JC (1991) Fluorescence emission properties of polycyclic aromatic compounds in review. In: Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, Vol 2, 75– 105. Lausanne, Switzerland: Gordon and Breach.

Analytical Chemistry. This journal is generally useful as a survey of the field. In odd years, they review applications, while on even years they review fundamentals (i.e. techniques). Camalleri P (ed) (1993) Capillary Electrophoresis: Theory and Practice. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. Fernandez-Gutierrez A and Munoz de la Pena (1985) Determination of inorganic substances by luminescence methods. In: Schulman SG (ed) Molecular Luminescence Spectroscopy Methods and Applications, Vol I, Chapter 4. New York: Wiley Interscience. Later volumes in the series include Vol II (1987) and Vol III (1993). Grosser ZA, Ryan JF and Dong MW (1993) Environmental chromatography methods and regulations in the United States of America. Journal of Chromatography. 642: 75– 87. Guilbault GG (1990) Inorganic substances. In: Guilbault GG (ed) Practical Fluorescence, Chapter 5. New York: Marcel Dekker. Karcher W, Devilliers J, Garrigues Ph and Jacob J Spectral Atlas of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds. Vol I (1983), II (1988), and III (1991). Boston: Kluwer Academic. Lakowicz JR (1991) Topics in Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Vol I. Plenum Press. Later volumes include Vol II Principles (1992), Vol II Biochemical Applications (1993), and Vol IV Probe Design and Chemical Sensing (1994). Lawrence JF (ed) (1984) Liquid Chromatography in Environmental Analysis. Clifton, NJ: Humana Press. Sweedler JV, Ratzlaff KL and Bonner Denton M (1994) Charge Transfer Devices and Spectroscopy. New York: VCH Press. Vo-Dinh T and Eastwood D (ed) (1990) Laser Techniques in Luminescence Spectroscopy. ASTM STP 1066. Philadelphia: American Society for Testing and Materials. Wehry EL (ed) (1981) Modern Fluorescence Spectroscopy. New York: Plenum Press.

EPR Imaging LH Sutcliffe, Institute of Food Research, Norwich, UK Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction The basic requirement for an EMRI experiment is that a species having unpaired electrons be present. Although free radicals and some transition metal compounds fulfil this requirement, there are not many circ*mstances in which these are present naturally in sufficient concentration to give a suitable

MAGNETIC RESONANCE Applications signal; this is in contrast to MRI where the ubiquitous proton can be used to study most materials. Fortunately, the high sensitivity of EPR compared with NMR (arising from the difference in electron and nuclear magnetogyric ratios) enables paramagnetic material to be introduced in low concentrations into systems under investigation with minimum interference. However, NMR has an advantage over


EPR in that pulse techniques can be used to boost the signal-to-noise ratio: both the irradiating frequency and the applied magnetic field gradients can be pulsed. The main reason why most EPR experiments are carried out in the continuous-wave (CW) mode is because spin– lattice relaxation times for paramagnetic materials are of the order of microseconds (compared with hundreds of milliseconds for proton NMR) and this causes considerable difficulties in achieving the short times required for the pulse experiment. A further difficulty is the spectral bandwidth of an EPR spectrum: this, coupled with a large line width (three orders of magnitude greater than in NMR) means that very large magnetic field gradients (100– 1000 times greater than in MRI) have to be applied. However, for the few systems not presenting these difficulties, FT-EMRI will become the method of choice. The ability to employ pulse techniques for both the irradiating frequency and for the field gradients also allows a much wider variety of experiments to be carried out with MRI compared with EMRI.

Spin probe The paramagnetic materials added to systems to obtain signals in EMRI are referred to as spin probes. These can be transition metal compounds such as those of manganese(II) or vanadium(IV) but they are more likely to be organic free radicals. In addition to having high thermal, chemical and metabolic stability (for biological applications), these radicals should preferably have spectra with very narrow line widths in order to maximize the signalto-noise ratio. The peak-to-peak line width of a firstderivative spectral line can be represented by the equation:

where A, B and C are constants and mI is the magnetic quantum number of a given line. The constant A is dependent on the g factor anisotropy and experimental factors, B upon the g factor and the nuclear hyperfine interaction anisotropies and C upon the nuclear hyperfine interaction anisotropy. EPR spectra are normally recorded in the first-derivative mode but, obviously, the absorption mode is more convenient for EMRI. The most common stable free radicals used as spin probes are nitroxyls and there is both g factor and hyperfine interaction anisotropy of the 14N nucleus. A typical set of values at X-band for a nitroxyl radical having unresolved proton

hyperfine structure is A = 0.116, B = −0.010 and C = 0.006 mT. Thus the observed line width is of the order of 0.1 mT and there is little scope for reducing the line width further for imaging at X-band: a nitroxyl radical in a nitrogen-purged low-viscosity solvent can show a resolution of proton hyperfine couplings with observed line widths smaller than 0.02 mT. The three lines of a nitroxyl radical, in addition to having a large bandwidth, also represent a ‘waste’ of signal since it is more practical to image a single line. Some improvement can be made by substituting 14N with 15N and/or by reducing the proton hyperfine interaction by deuteration. However, there is a soluble commercial single-line free radical based upon the • C(Ar)3 structure which has a line width of only 0.006 mT in a deoxygenated solvent: the sharp line is observed because of the small g factor and hyperfine anisotropies for a carbon-centred radical. One of the main aims in biological studies is to spin-label drugs and to image their organ compartmentation, and hence there are some difficult chemical problems to be solved. For some studies, it is possible to use solid particles as spin probes in which case very narrow single lines are attainable. An example is lithium phthalocyanine which has a line width of 0.002 mT in a deoxygenated system. Other single-line solids are special forms of coal, such as fusinite, and carbohydrate chars.

Theory Resonance imaging depends on the application of magnetic field gradients to a sample. If two samples are placed at different positions of the spectrometer magnetic field then only one of them will be at resonance, the second one can be brought to resonance by changing the spectrometer field or by applying a magnetic field gradient. Since field gradients can be applied in three dimensions, it is possible to determine the relative positions of both the samples, i.e. to produce an image. Mathematical methods are of central importance in any type of image reconstruction and they were developed some time ago for radiographic tomography. The necessity of using CW techniques in EMRI limits the number of imaging strategies that can be employed. Spatial imaging

Two-dimensional images of spin density in the xz or yz planes (z axis is parallel to the main magnetic field) can be obtained: for a n × n image, nπ/4 projections are required. Most spatial images of paramagnetic centres with multiline spectra have been constructed by selecting a single line, using a limited


field gradient to avoid overlap with other lines. The resolution can be enhanced by deconvolution of the line shape. Spectral-spatial imaging

The advantages of spectroscopic imaging compared with spatial imaging methods are: (i) the problems of resolution and gradient magnitudes owing to the presence of hyperfine lines can be overcome; (ii) separating spectral and spatial components by assigning them to different imaging axes reduces the resolution degradation arising from the finite width of the spectral lines; (iii) asymmetric and multiline spectra can be imaged whereas only symmetric line shapes should be used for spatial imaging Images are obtained as a function of sample position by recording spectra at a series of magnetic field gradients which correspond to projections in the spectral-spatial plane. A pseudo-object of length B is examined in the spectral dimension and length L in the spatial dimension. An angle (α) defines the orientation of a projection relative to the spectral axis. The maximum field gradient, Gmax, is related to B and L by

The maximum magnetic field swept for each projection is given by

For given values of Gmax and B the ratio tan(αmax)/L is fixed. Most image reconstruction algorithms require projections over 180° with equal angular increments. If a complete set of projections is used for spectralspatial imaging, the number of projections determines the values of αmax and Gmax. Thus for 64 projections, L = 0.8 cm and B = 3.2 mT, αmax = 88.59° , Gmax = 162.5 mT and the sweep width required is 183.9 mT. Spectral-spatial images can be reconstructed from incomplete sets of projections and this has the advantage of reducing both the maximum field and sweep width requirements. Assuming experimental data were obtained for 60 out of 64 projections and estimates were made for the ‘missing’ projections, then Gmax and the sweep width requirements are reduced to 32.4 and 37.0 mT, respectively.

Projection reconstruction methods

Important image reconstruction procedures are: (i) back projection; (ii) simultaneous, algebraic and iterative leastsquares; (iii) two-dimensional and filtered back projection; (iv) use of incomplete data sets from which it is also possible to obtain slices from the image. Modulated magnetic field gradients

These gradients, BGM, provide fields in addition to the main magnetic field that have both time- and space-dependent amplitudes. The time-independent spectrum can only be recorded in the z plane where the amplitude of BGM is zero. Images can be obtained without the use of difficult mathematical deconvolution by scanning the plane of the field gradient across the sample.

X-Band imaging Imaging at about 9 GHz very convenient since most commercial EPR spectrometers operate at this frequency and the imaging system can be fitted as an accessory. Gradient coils can be fitted to the outside or to the inside of a standard resonant cavity. Figure 1 shows the arrangement for the former: to generate sufficiently large gradients, ∼1 kW of power is needed and hence provision for water cooling has to be made. Figure 2 shows how small coils, used for microscopy, can be placed inside the cavity. XBand frequencies can be used for non-polar samples up to 10 mm in diameter but polar samples are restricted to 1.5 mm diameter because of the absorption of the microwave energy. An estimate of the achievable resolution is a pixel of 10 × 10 × 10 µm that contains 1 mM spins. Note that the latter concentration cannot be increased appreciably without causing line broadening from spin– spin interactions. An example of two-dimensional spectral-spatial imaging is shown in Figure 3. This depicts the projection– reconstruction image obtained from four different-sized specks of DPPH (diphenylpicrylhydrazyl), each of which gives an exchange-narrowed single spectral line. Figure 4 is an example of a twodimensional spectral-spatial image, showing a phantom that contains solutions of three types of free radicals which each have some hyperfine structure. X -Band EMRI has been applied to the study of the diffusion and distribution of oxygen in models of biological systems with the aim of studying diffusion


Figure 1 The arrangement of figure-of-eight (A) and anti-Helmholtz (B) coils fitted to the outside of a rectangular resonant cavity, to provide gradients δBz /δx and δBz /δz respectively.

and metabolism in vivo. The method is based on the fact that oxygen causes paramagnetic broadening of the spin probe lines. Other applications have been (i) for the determination of depth profiles of E' defects in X-irradiated silica, (ii) for radiation chemistry, where a dosimeter has been designed using crystalline L -α-alanine which can be used to check the spatial variation of the radiation, (iii) a variation of this theme to study the distribution of alkyl and alkoxy radicals in γ-irradiated polypropylene, (iv) to study diffusion and transport of nitroxyl radicals, for example into zeolites, into solid polymers and into the caryopsis of wheat seeds and (v) to study paramagnetic humic substances found in soil. Figure 5 shows an image obtained from the soaking of these into a wheat grain. There are several strategies for EMRI microscopy, and an example is shown in Figure 2. Arrangements of this type are capable of giving a resolution of 50 µm. EMRI microscopy can be used for (i) smallscale dosimetry of materials exposed to high-energy radiation, (ii) ceramic and semiconductor technology

Figure 2 (A) A cylindrical EPR cavity fitted with anti-Helmholtz coils and a PTFE sample holder. The test sample comprises two portions of DPPH powder separated by a 50 µm mylar film. (B) EPR spectra of DPPH for currents ranging from zero to 5 A in the gradient coils. The signal separation of about 1 mT corresponds to a field gradient of 20 T m–1. Reproduced with permission from lkeya M and Miki T (1987). Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 26: L929.


Figure 3 A 2D spatial X-band image of four specks of solid DPPH. Sixty EPR spectra were obtained with maximum field gradients δBz/δz = 10 mT cm–1 and δBz/δy = 6 mT cm–1. The spectra constitute a full set of projections over 180°. Reproduced with permission from Eaton GR and Eaton SS (1995) Introduction to EPR imaging using magnetic-field gradients. Concepts in Magnetic Resonance 7: 49.

and (iii) the distribution of nitrogen centres in diamonds.

L-Band imaging Most current biological imaging systems operate at L-band frequencies (~1 GHz) which allows larger and more ‘lossy’ samples to be studied (microwaves of this energy can penetrate about 6 mm into a biological specimen) than is possible at X-band. A fairly standard spectrometer can be adapted for this work but loop-gap resonators, external surface coils and re-entrant cavities are more useful than a standard resonant cavity. A non-biological application of L-band EMRI has been the study of the oxidation of cylindrical coal samples at 150° C where it was found that there is a hom*ogeneous distribution of radicals across the samples. An important biological application is the study of oxygen concentrations (‘oximetry’) in a perfused rat heart using implanted solid paramagnetic particles: this rapid (1– 5 min) multisite in vivo spectroscopy can be applied to a wide range of problems in experimental physiology and medicine. Other biological applications involve the imaging of soluble free-radical distribution: some examples include (i) a three-dimensional image of the head of a living rat,

Figure 4 Spectral-spatial X-band image of a composite sample of the tetracyanoethylene (TCNE) radical in tube A, the galvinoxyl radical tube C, and 15N-labelled tempone in region B. The maximum magnetic field gradient was 30 mT cm–1. The image was reconstructed iteratively from 60 experimental projections and four missing projections. Reproduced with permission from Eaton GR and Eaton SS (1995) Introduction to EPR imaging using magnetic-field gradients. Concepts in Magnetic Resonance 7: 49.

showing that the nitroxyl-deficient part corresponds to the brain, and (ii) accurate images of the vessel lumen and wall of a perfused rabbit aorta. When a glucose char (having a single EPR line) is introduced into an isolated biological organ, the resolution obtainable is 0.2 mm (Figure 6) whereas a soluble nitroxyl spin probe allows a resolution of only 1– 2 mm. The single-line soluble probe • C(Ar3) has allowed images of a rat kidney to be visualized with a resolution of 100 µm for samples up to 25 mm. As in MRI, data acquisition can be gated to overcome the problems associated with rapidly-moving organs such as a beating heart. A biologically important naturally occurring free radical is nitric oxide but, unfortunately, it has very broad EPR lines and thus cannot be imaged. However, its generation in rat hearts subjected to global ischaemia has been mapped by using the spin trap bis(N-methyl-D-glucamine dithiocarbamate)iron(II). The latter forms a stable nitroxyl free-radical with nitric oxide that can be imaged.


to obtain spectral information for a biological structure such as a rat heart.

High-field imaging

Figure 5 (A) The schematic structure of a wheat grain (1 is the vascular bundle and 2 is the germ). (B) The spatial distribution of the humic substance signal in the wheat grain. (C) The relief surface of the spin density distribution in the wheat grain. Reproduced with permission of Academic Press from Smimov Al, Yakimchenko, Golovina OE, Bekova SK and Lebedev YS (1991) Journal of Magnetic Resonance 91: 386.

Four-dimensional spectral-spatial EMRI has been developed (1000 projections were used to construct 32 × 32 × 32 × 32 pixel images) and, while considerable data acquisition times are needed, it is feasible

A high-field imager using a superconducting magnet operating at 5 T (140 GHz) has been constructed that derives its very large field gradients from ferromagnetic discs and wedges. This type of instrument is aimed at studying processes that have spatial ranges of less than 10 µm such as diffusion, defect formation in irradiated samples and polymer fracture under stretching and loading. High spectral resolution can be achieved because of the high absolute point sensitivity. A commercial EPR spectrometer is available for W-band (95 GHz) that can be adapted for high-field EMRI.

Radiofrequency imaging It has been stated above that it is difficult to obtain images at L-band frequencies of lossy objects larger than 25 mm. Thus to image large samples, such as live animals, lower frequencies have to be used. There is also an added incentive to work at radiofrequencies because of the low cost of components compared with those used at microwave frequencies.

Figure 6 Three-dimensional images (25 × 25 × 25 mm3) of an ischaemic rat heart infused with a glucose char suspension. (A) Full view of the heart. (B) A longitudinal cut out showing the internal structure of the heart. C is the cannula; Ao the aorta; PA the pulmonary artery; LM the left main coronary artery; LAD the left anterior descending artery; and LV the left ventricular cavity. Reproduced with permission from Kuppusamy P, Wang P and Zweir JL (1995). Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 34: 99. (See Colour Plate 18)


Figure 7 Set of proton Overhauser images from the abdomen of a supine, 350 g, anaesthetized rat, following the administration of a solution of hydrogencarbonate-buffered 3-carboxy-2,2,5,5-tetramethylpyrrolidine-I-oxyl (PCA). Image matrix size 64 × 64; field-ofview, 10 × 10 cm; slice thickness, 2 cm; field strength, 10 mT; EPR Irradiation frequency, 238.7 MHz. Image no. 1 was collected 1 min after administration of PCA and the remaining images were collected at 6, 11 and 16 min post-injection respectively. The labels are (a) liver; (b) right kidney (c) left kidney. Reproduce with permission of Wiley from Lurie DJ (1995). In Grant DM and Harris RK (eds) The Encyclopedia of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.

The consensus of opinion is that the most suitable frequency is about 300 MHz, which has a penetration depth of about 7 cm in systems of high relative permittivity. Theory suggests that the signal-to-noise ratio and resolution of EMRI are very much worse than they are for MRI. However, the high point sensitivity of EMRI compared with MRI provides advantages for probe experiments and thus EMRI

should include, at some level, a spectral dimension. At radiofrequencies the line widths of nitroxyl spin probes are similar to those at X- and L-bands since the dominant factor for these probes is the anisotropic hyperfine interaction which is field independent. It should be noted that, for nitroxyls, account has to be taken of the Breit– Rabi effect. As might be expected, the experimental approach has features in


common with MRI; for example, ‘bird-cage’ resonators can be used. Other useful types of resonators are surface coils, re-entrant cavities and loop-gap resonators. The main magnetic field required for 300 MHz is about 11 mT, which can be obtained from a simple air-cored Helmholtz design. Because a non-ferrous magnet is used, the main field windings can also be used for modulation at a frequency of about 4 kHz. The x, y and z gradient coils can be wound on concentric cylinders and an advantage of the bird-cage resonator is that it can be mounted concentrically inside the cylinder, whereas a loopgap resonator would have to be mounted across the cylinder making sample access more difficult. A birdcage resonator has been used to implement longitudinally detected EPR, which has the advantage of giving less noise from animal motion. The latter can also be minimized by automatic frequency control of the radiofrequency. A multipole magnet has been constructed which allows the main field and two of the gradient fields to be generated; the third gradient is obtained by inserting an air-cored coil into the magnet. In another design, two Helmholtz loops are splayed to produce the z direction field gradient. A variety of studies using RF EMRI have been carried out on living mice. These include (i) oximetry in tumour tissues and the response to perfluorocarbons for their potential use in radiotherapy, (ii) the detection of hydroxyl radicals (by spin trapping) in γirradiated tumours, (iii) the distribution of nitroxyl radicals with distinct pharmacological abdominal compartment affinities and (iv) quantitative measurement of the viscosity of a non-vascular compartment.

Overhauser imaging The broad lines encountered in EPR lead to poor spatial resolution compared with MRI and hence it is unlikely that a whole-body human-size imager is possible using the techniques described above. There is, however, an imaging strategy that could lead to a large-sample imager by taking advantage of the Overhauser Effect – techniques using the effect are also known as PEDRI (proton– electron double resonance imaging) and DNP (dynamic nuclear polarization) imaging. This is done by using a double resonance technique in which low-field proton MRI is combined with EPR. The EPR spectrum of a free radical is irradiated during the collection of a proton NMR image. The Overhauser effect produces an enhancement (by a factor of about 100) of the NMR signal in the parts of the sample that contain free radicals. The big advantage is that MRI resolution is achieved without having to use large field gradients but the disadvantage is that spectral information cannot be

obtained. To overcome this drawback, an instrument has been constructed that combines Overhauser imaging with EMRI. In Overhauser imaging, an EPR frequency lower than 300 MHz has to be used to avoid heating of a biological sample. When nitroxyl spin probes are being used it is possible to irradiate each of the three 14N manifolds simultaneously to achieve a maximum Overhauser enhancement. Resonators are similar to those used in radiofrequency imaging, namely loop-gap or bird-cage structures. Normally, a MRI image is obtained and subtracted from an Overhauser MRI image for the slice under study. This is done by using an interleaved pulse sequence, each alternate NMR excitation being preceded by EPR irradiation. An example of images obtained in this way is shown in Figure 7. By cycling the main magnetic field, large samples can be imaged by reducing the EPR frequency required to about 60 MHz without impairing the NMR signal-to-noise ratio. Most of the applications of Overhauser imaging are similar to those given above for radiofrequency imaging except that it is possible to study much larger samples. Oximetry, however, is carried out differently since it is possible to measure quantitatively the reduced Overhauser enhancement caused by the oxygen. An interesting aspect of Overhauser imaging is that it can be carried out at fields as low as that of the earth, i.e. 0.06 mT. The reason is that the enhancement is still high for magnetic fields lower than the hyperfine coupling of the spin probe, ∼1.5 mT (70 MHz) for nitroxyl radicals. Thus it is possible to build an imager having a main field of about 0.3 mT that is regarded as biologically safe, is protected against magnetic perturbations and is of low cost. See also: EPR, Methods; Magnetic Field Gradients in High Resolution NMR; MRI Instrumentation; MRI Theory; Nuclear Overhauser Effect; Radio Frequency Field Gradients in NMR, Theory.

Further reading Eaton GR, Eaton SS and Ohno K (eds) (1991) EPR Imaging and In Vivo EPR. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. Eaton GR and Eaton SS (1995) Introduction to EPR imaging using magnetic-field gradients. Concepts in Magnetic Resonance 7: 49. Fairhurst SA, Gillies DG and Sutcliffe LH (1990) Electron spin resonance imaging. Spectroscopy World 2: 14. Ikeya M and Miki T (1987) Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 26: L929. Kuppusamy P, Wang P and Zweier JL (1995) Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 34: 99. Lurie DJ (1995) Imaging using the electronic Overhauser effect. In: Grant DM and Harris RK (eds) The


Encyclopedia of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Chichester: Wiley. Lurie DJ (1996) Commentary: electron spin resonance imaging studies of biological systems. British Journal of Radiology 69: 983.

Smirnov AI, Yakimchenko OE, Golovina HA, Bekova SK and Lebedev YS (1991) Journal of Magnetic Resonance 91: 386. Sutcliffe LH (in the press) Physics and Medicine and Biology.

EPR Spectroscopy, Theory Christopher C Rowlands and Damien M Murphy, Cardiff University, UK Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

This article will discuss the concept and outline the theory of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), sometimes known as electron spin resonance (ESR), spectroscopy. Paramagnetism arises as a consequence of unpaired electrons present within an atom or molecule. It can be said that EPR is the most direct and sensitive technique to investigate paramagnetic materials. It will not be possible within this article to fully expound on all the theoretical aspects of EPR and so the reader is encouraged to refer to the excellent texts listed in the Further reading section. Consequently this work is aimed at the professional scientists who would like to expand their knowledge of spectroscopic techniques and also at undergraduates with the intention of allowing them to fully appreciate the scope, versatility and power of the technique.

MAGNETIC RESONANCE Theory angular momentum can only assume two values and consequently Sz = MS h/2π. The term MS can have (2S + 1) different values of +S, (S – 1), (S – 2)…(–S). If the possible values of MS differ by one and range from –S to +S then the only two possible values for MS are and – . Associated with the electron spin angular momentum is a magnetic moment µ and it is related to the spin as follows

where me = mass of electron, e = electron charge, S = spin quantum number and ge is the spectroscopic factor known as the g factor (which has a value of 2.0023 for a free electron). The above equation can be rewritten as

Basic principles of the EPR experiment The electron is a negatively charged particle that moves in an orbital around the nucleus and so consequently has orbital angular momentum. It also spins about its own axis and therefore has a spin angular momentum given by

where S is called the spin quantum number, with a value of , and h = Planck’s constant (6.626 × 10–34 Js). If we restrict ourselves to one specified direction, the z direction, then the component of the spin

where µB = eh/2me and h = h/2π. The z axis component µz will then be

µB is the Bohr magneton and has the value 9.2740 × 10–24 J T–1. The negative sign arises because of the negative charge on the electron which results in the magnetic dipole being in the opposite direction to the angular momentum vector. The electron is restricted to certain fixed angular positions that correspond to the z component of the spin


Figure 1 Allowed values of the magnitude of the spin angular momentum along the z axis for S = .

angular moment, Sz is a half integral number (MS) of h/2π, units. Since S = then [S(S + 1)]1/2 cannot be and consequently the spin angular momentum vector can never be S and the magnetic moment vector aligned exactly in the field direction and they maintain a constant angle θ with the z axis and hence the applied field (Figure 1). Hence, for a single unpaired electron, where S = , the magnitude of the spin angular momentum along the z axis will be given by +/2 and –/2. For a free electron the spin angular momentum can have two possible orientations and these give rise to two magnetic moments or spin states of opposite polarity. In the absence of an external magnetic field the two spin states are degenerate. However, if an external magnetic field is applied then the degeneracy is lifted, resulting in two states of different energy. The energy of the interaction between the electron magnetic moment and the external magnetic field is given by

where B = the strength of external magnetic field and µz = magnetic dipole along the z axis. In quantum mechanics the µ vector is replaced by the corresponding operator leading to the following Hamiltonian

so that the energy is given by E = –ge ΒMSΒ. For a single unpaired electron MS = ± and this gives rise to two energy levels known as Zeeman levels. The

Figure 2 The Zeeman energy levels of an electron (S = ) in an applied magnetic field for a fixed microwave frequency.

difference between these two energy levels is known as the Zeeman splitting (see Figure 2):

Since ∆E ∝ B, the difference between the two energy levels is directly proportional to the external applied magnetic field. Transitions between the two Zeeman levels can be induced by the absorption of a photon of energy, hν, equal to the energy difference between the two levels:

where h = Planck's constant and ν = frequency of electromagnetic radiation. The existence of two Zeeman levels, and the possibility of inducing transitions from the lower energy level to the higher energy level, is the very basis of EPR spectroscopy. We can see, therefore, that the position of absorption varies directly with the applied magnetic field. EPR spectrometers may operate at different fields and frequencies (two common frequencies being ∼9.5


Figure 3 Two allowed electron spin orientations and the corresponding Larmor precession for S = .

and ∼35 GHz, known as X and Q band respectively). It is therefore far more convenient to refer to the absorption in terms of its g value:

Larmor precession, spin populations and relaxation effects It was noted above that the two spin states were at a constant angle to the z axis. However, in the presence of a magnetic field, the magnetic moment of the electron cannot align with the applied field and a turning couple is set up which results in a precession of the spin states around the z axis (Figure 3). This gives a physical mechanism by which spins can interact with electromagnetic radiation. When the magnetic component of the microwave radiation, which is orthogonal to the applied field, is at a frequency equal to that of the Larmor precession then the two are said to be in resonance, and energy can be transferred to the electron, inducing ∆MS = ± transitions. The incident radiation induces transitions not only from the lower to the higher energy states but can also induce emission with equal probability. Consequently the extent of absorption will be proportional to the population difference between the two states. At thermal equilibrium the relative spin populations of the two Zeeman levels is given by a Boltzmann equation:

where k = Boltzmann constant, T = absolute temperature (K), NL = number of electrons in the lower level, NU = number of electrons in the higher level and

∆E = difference in energy between the two energy levels. At room temperature (300 K) and in a magnetic field of 300 mT the populations of the two Zeeman levels are almost equal, but a slight excess exists in the lower level and it is this that gives rise to a net absorption. However, this would very quickly lead to the disappearance of the EPR signal as the absorption of energy would equalize these two states. For the experiment to proceed there has to be a process by which energy is lost from the system. Such processes are known as relaxation processes. To maintain a population excess, electrons in the upper level must be able to return to their low energy state. Therefore they must be able to transfer their excess spin energy either to other species or to the surrounding lattice as thermal energy. The time taken for the spin system to lose 1/e of its excess energy is called the relaxation time. Two such relaxation processes are: (a) spin–lattice relaxation (T1e): this process is due to lattice motions such as molecular tumblings in solids, liquids and gases which have a frequency comparable to that of the Larmor precession and this provides a pathway which allows the electron’s excess energy to be transferred to the surroundings. (b) spin–spin relaxation (T2e): the excess spin energy is transferred between paramagnetic centres either through dipolar or exchange coupling, from one molecule to another. This mode of relaxation is important when the concentration of paramagnetic species is high (spins are close together). If the relaxation time is too fast then the electrons will only remain in the upper state for a very short period of time and give rise to a broadening of the spectral line width as a consequence of Heinsenberg’s uncertainty principle. In general T1e > T2e and the line width depends only on the spin–spin interactions (T2e). However, if, in certain circ*mstances, both spin–spin and spin– lattice relaxations contribute to the EPR line width (∆H), then the resonance line width can be simply written as

When T1e becomes very short, below ∼10–7 s, its effects on the lifetime of the species in a given energy level makes an important contribution to the linewidth. In some cases the EPR lines are broadened beyond detection. The term T1e may also be inversely proportional to the absolute temperature (T1e ∝ T–n) with n depending on the precise relaxation


mechanism. In such cases, cooling the sample increases T1e and usually leads to detectable lines. For this reason, EPR experiments are frequently recorded at liquid nitrogen (77 K) or helium (4 K) temperatures.

Table 1 Isotropic g value variations for a series S = paramagnetic species. For organic radicals the g value deviations (from ge) are usually small, less than 1%, but for systems that contain heavier atoms, such as transition metal ions, the variations can be much larger

Species –

Basic interaction of the electron with its environment An expression for the spin state energies of an electron whose only interaction was with an applied magnetic field (a free electron) was derived above (Eqn [6]). This represents an idealized model as in the real situation the electron suffers a variety of electrostatic and magnetic interactions which complicate the resonances. Consequently we must be able to account for these deviations. Magnetic resonance spectroscopists seek to characterize and interpret EPR spectra and these deviations quantitatively using a device known as a spin Hamiltonian. The EPR spectrum is essentially interpreted as the allowed transitions between the eigenvalues of this spin Hamiltonian. The Hamiltonian contains terms which reflect the interactions of the spins of electrons and nuclei with the applied magnetic field and with each other, e.g.

Analysis of a spectrum amounts to identifying which interactions are involved. The origin of the various terms in this spin Hamiltonian will be examined below. For example, changes in the g factor are shown for a variety of paramagnetic species in Table 1. The g tensor: significance and origin

The main reason for the deviation in g values comes from a spin–orbit coupling that results in an orbital contribution to the magnetic moment. This arises from the effect of the orbital angular momentum L which is non-zero in the case of orbitals exhibiting p, d or f character. In this case the spin is no longer exactly quantized along the direction of the external field and the g value cannot be expressed by a scalar quantity but becomes a tensor. The orbital angular momentum L is associated with a magnetic momentum given by

g value





Anthracene radical cation


Anthracene radical anion


1,4-Benzoquinone radical anion




• 2





Copper(acetonyl acetate)


VO(acetonyl acetate)


Cyclopentadienyl TiCl2AlCl2


For a system with a doublet (S = ) non-degenerate electronic ground state, the interaction with the external magnetic field can be expressed in terms of a perturbation of the general Hamiltonian by the following three terms

The first and second terms correspond, respectively, to the electron Zeeman and orbital Zeeman energies. The third one represents the energy of the spin– orbit coupling where λ is the spin–orbit coupling constant which mixes the ground state wavefunctions with the excited states. The extent of the interaction between L and S mainly depends on the nature of the system considered and in many instances this interaction is stronger than that between the magnetic field and the orbital angular momentum. Depending on the strength of the molecular electric field, two limiting cases can be distinguished: (a) Strong fields: L must align itself along the field so that only S can orient itself with respect to the external magnetic field and contribute to the paramagnetism. In this case g = ge. Many organic radicals or systems in which the unpaired electron is in a molecular orbital delocalized over a large molecule experience this situation. (b) Weak fields: L is no longer under the constraint of this weak field and the spin–orbit coupling L + S can take place, giving a resultant total angular momentum:


associated with the magnetic moment:

gJ is called the Landé g factor. This situation occurs in the rare earth elements When intermediate fields are present in the paramagnetic centre, L is only partially blocked by the molecular field (transition metal ions, inorganic radicals). The system must be treated in terms of the perturbation Hamiltonian in Equation [6] which can be written as

The ge scalar value reported in Equation [6] is now replaced by g, a second rank tensor which represents the anisotropy of the interaction between the unpaired electron and the external magnetic field and also outlines the fact that the orbital contribution to the electronic magnetic momentum may be different along different molecular axes. The g tensor may be depicted as an ellipsoid whose characteristic (principal) values (gxx, gyy, gzz) depend upon the orientation of the symmetry axes of the paramagnetic entity with respect to the applied magnetic field (Figure 4). The most general consequence of the anisotropy of g, from an experimental point of view, is therefore that the resonance field of a paramagnetic species, for a given frequency, depends on the orientation of the paramagnetic centre in the field itself. The g value for a given orientation depends on φ and θ values according to the relation g2 = gxx2 cos2 φsin2 θ + gyy2sin2 φ cos2θ + gzz2 cos2 θ. Accordingly, the Zeeman resonance will occur at field values given by

In the most general case, the resonance observed for a paramagnetic centre in a single crystal is obtained at distinct field values of Bx, By and Bz when the magnetic field is parallel to the x, y or z crystal

Figure 4 Orientation of the magnetic field B with respect to the g tensor ellipsoid in the crystallographic frame x, y, z. The characteristic angles θ and φ define the orientation of B which leads to the g (θ,φ).

axis respectively. The g values corresponding to these three orientations (gxx, gyy and gzz) are the principal (diagonal) elements of the g tensor. When the principal axes of the crystal are not known, the g tensors can be labelled g1, g2 and g3. Absolute determination of the g values may in principle be carried out by independent and simultaneous measurement of B and ν using a gaussmeter and a frequency meter, respectively, following the equation

The A tensor: significance and origin

The source of this splitting is the magnetic interaction between the electron spin and neighbouring nuclear spins, which gives rise to hyperfine structure in the spectra. It arises because a nearby magnetic nucleus gives rise to a local field, Blocal, which must be compounded with the applied magnetic field B to satisfy the EPR condition hν = ge µBB. We must now rewrite this equation as


and clearly the value of B required to achieve resonance will depend on Blocal (i.e. the magnetic moments of the nuclei). Several nuclei possess spin and corresponding magnetic moments. The nuclear spin quantum number (I) of a given nucleus can assume integral or half-integral values in the range 0–6. The magnetic moment µn associated to a nucleus is collinear with the spin vector I according to the relation

The selection rules for the allowed transitions between the energy levels are which is similar to Equation [4]; gn is the nuclear g factor and µN the nuclear magneton which is smaller than the Bohr magneton by a factor of 1838, i.e. the ratio of the mass of a proton to that of an electron. When the paramagnetic centre contains one or more nuclei with non-zero nuclear spin (I ≠ 0), the interaction between the unpaired electron and the nucleus with I ≠ 0 produces further splittings of the Zeeman energies and consequently there are new transitions, which are responsible for the so-called hyperfine structure of the EPR spectrum. Let us consider the proton as a case in point; it is a spinning positive charge and has its own associated magnetic field and consequently can interact with both the external magnetic field (cf. NMR) and that of the electron, i.e. it has a nuclear spin I = and MI = ± . This leads to a situation whereby the energy of the system can either be lowered or raised depending on whether the two spins are parallel or antiparallel. The energy of an electron with spin quantum number MS and a nucleus with spin quantum number MI is given by

where A0 is the isotropic coupling constant. The first term in the equation gives the contribution due to the interaction of an electron with an applied field, giving rise to two electron Zeeman levels. The second term is the contribution due to the interaction of the nucleus with the applied magnetic field, the nuclear Zeeman levels (Figure 5). The final term is the energy of interaction between the unpaired electron and the magnetic nucleus. If we now substitute the values for MS and MI then the interaction, between an unpaired electron (S = ) and a single proton (I = ), gives rise to four energy levels, E1 to E4. These are calculated to be

Thus two resonance transitions can occur at

These two possible transitions give rise to two absorption peaks which, at constant applied microwave frequency, occur at magnetic fields of values

where a = hA0 /ge µΒ and is the hyperfine space coupling constant (HFCC) given in mT. The spectrum obtained for such a system would be a doublet centred at the g value and separated by the hyperfine coupling constant (hfc) a. If we extend the number of equivalent nuclei then the complexity of the spectrum increases in a manner described in Table 2. A further example is given in Figure 6 for the radical anion of naphthalene. It is now necessary to examine the mechanisms by which the hyperfine interactions arise. Two types of electron-spin–nuclear-spin interactions must be considered, of isotropic and anisotropic nature. The isotropic interaction This concerns exclusively s-type orbitals or orbitals with partial s character (such as hybrid orbitals constructed from s-type


Figure 5 Energy level manifold in a high magnetic field, resulting from the interaction of an unpaired electron (S = ) with a nucleus of I = . Note that a > 0. a /2< Vn.

Table 2 Line intensities for a series of nuclei with different values of I. For the case of I = the line intensities can be described by the expansion of (x + 1)2 and hence follow Pascal’s triangle


Intensity of lines

I = , e.g. H 1

orbitals) because only these orbitals have a finite probability density at the nucleus. This mechanism is a quantum interaction related to the finite probability of the unpaired electron at the nucleus and is termed the Fermi contact interaction. The corresponding isotropic coupling constant aiso is given by

Number of equivalent nuclei 1






























I = 1, e.g. 14N Number of equivalent nuclei








10 16 19 16 10 4











I = , e.g.




Number of equivalent nuclei





where gn and µN are the nuclear analogues of ge and µB, respectively, and ψ(0)2 is the square of the absolute value of the wavefunction of the unpaired electron evaluated at the nucleus. Since s orbitals have a high electron density at the nucleus, the hyperfine coupling constant will be large and since s orbitals are also symmetrical it will be independent of direction. The spherical symmetry of s orbitals accounts for the isotropic nature of the contact interaction. Thus in the case of the hydrogen atom (MI = ) with 100% spin density in the 1s orbital, the EPR spectrum is composed of two resonance lines


is then obtained by replacing µs and µn by their expressions given in Equations [4] and [22]:

Equation [35] must be averaged over the entire probability of the spin distribution. Haniso is averaged out to zero when the electron cloud is spherical (s orbital) and comes to a finite value in the case of axially symmetric orbitals (p orbitals, for instance). In addition, in the case of very rapid tumbling of the paramagnetic species (as occurs in a low viscosity solution) the anisotropic term of the hyperfine interaction is averaged to zero and the isotropic term is the only one observed. Figure 6 EPR spectrum of the radical anion of naphthalene in tetrahydrofuran as solvent. The radical was formed by dissolving naphthalene in sodium-dried tetrahydrofuran under vacuum and passing the resultant solution over a sodium metal film, again under vacuum conditions. The number of lines is given by 2nI + I where I equals the nuclear spin and n the number of nuclei. HFCC for 1,4,5,8 = 0.483 mT and for 2,3,6,7 = 0.185 mT.

separated by approximately 50.8 mT. In the case of naphthalene, the smaller spin density associated with the 1H s orbital results in a smaller isotropic coupling. The anisotropic interaction In non-spherically symmetric orbitals (p, d or f) there is no electron density at the nucleus and the electron is to be found some distance away. The interaction between it and the nucleus will be as two magnetic dipoles and consequently the interaction will be small and dependent on the direction of the orbital with respect to the applied magnetic field as well as to their separation. The coupling then arises from the classical dipolar interaction between magnetic momenta whose energy is given by

where r is the vector relating the electron and nuclear moments and r is the distance between the two spins. The above equation gives the energy of interaction of two bar magnets if their size is small compared with the distance between them. Moving to quantum mechanics we construct the Hamiltonian by replacing the magnetic moments by the appropriate operators. The quantum mechanics analogue of Equation [34]

Combination of isotropy and anisotropy Since any orbital may be considered as a hybrid of suitable combinations of s, p or d orbitals, so also may a hyperfine coupling be divided into a contribution arising from p or d orbitals (anisotropic) and s orbitals (isotropic). In general both isotropic and anisotropic hyperfine couplings occur when one or more nuclei with I ≠ 0 are present in the system. The whole interaction is therefore dependent on orientation and must be expressed by the second rank A tensor as given in Equation [13]. The A tensor may be split into an anisotropic and isotropic part as follows

with aiso = (A1 + A2 + A3)/3. In a number of cases, the second term matrix of Equation [36] is a traceless tensor (T1 + T2 + T3 = 0) and has the form (–T, –T, +2T). The anisotropic part of the A tensor corresponds to the dipolar interaction as expressed by the Hamiltonian in Equation [13]. The s and p character of the orbital hosting the unpaired electrons are given by the following relations:

where a0 and b0 are the theoretical hyperfine coupling constants (assuming pure s and p orbitals for the elements under consideration). The terms aiso and b are the experimental isotropic and anisotropic coupling constants respectively.


The D tensor: significance and origin

The spin Hamiltonian described in Equation [13] applies to the case where a single electron (S = ) interacts with the applied magnetic field and with surrounding nuclei. However, if two or more electrons are present in the system (S > ), a new term must be added to the spin Hamiltonian (Eqn [13]) to account for the interaction between the electrons. At small distances, two unpaired electrons will experience a strong dipole–dipole interaction, analogous to the interaction between electron and magnetic dipoles, which gives rise to anisotropic hyperfine interactions. The electron–electron interaction is described by the spin–spin Hamiltonian given in Equation [38]:

where D is a second rank tensor (the zero-field parameter) with a trace of zero. As with the g and A tensors, the D tensor can also be diagonalized so that Dxx + Dyy + Dzz = 0. Equation [38] can be added to Equation [18] to obtain the correct spin Hamiltonian for an S > system (in the absence of any interacting nucleus):

Since the trace of D is zero, calculation of the energy state for a system with S = 1 requires only two independent parameters which are designated D and E. The spin coupling is direct in the case of organic molecules in the triplet state and biradicals, but occurs through the orbital angular momentum in the case of transition metal ions. In the latter case, the D and E terms depend on the symmetry of the crystal field acting on the ions:

Figure 7 Theoretical absorption and first derivative spectra of the ∆MS = 1 region of a randomly oriented triplet. (A) S = 1 for a given value of D (E = 0) and isotropic g. (B) S = 1 where D is 6.5 times larger than E and g is isotropic.

again 2D′ whereas that of the intermediate and inner pairs is D′ + 3E′/2 and D′ − 3E′/2 respectively. As the zero-field interactions become comparable to, and larger than, the microwave energy, the line shape exhibits severe distortions from the simulated case in Figure 7. Well known examples of S = 1 include the excited triplet state of naphthalene with D/hc = 0.1003 cm–1, E/hc = –0.0137 cm–1 and g = 2.0030.

Line shapes and symmetry considerations in EPR spectra

For axially symmetric molecules, the calculated shape of the ∆MS = 1 lines are given in Figure 7A. The separation of the outer lines is 2D' (where D′ = D/gµB) while that of the inner lines is D (E is zero in this case). The theoretical line shape for a randomly oriented triplet system with E ≠ 0 is shown in Figure 7B. The separation of the outermost lines is

An important consideration in EPR is the effect of symmetry on the line shapes. In many cases the samples investigated by EPR are polycrystalline materials, composed of numerous small crystallites that are randomly oriented in space. The resultant powder EPR spectrum is the envelope of spectra corresponding to all possible orientations of the paramagnetic species with respect to the magnetic field; provided the resolution is adequate, the magnitude of the g and A tensor components can be extracted from the


powder spectra whereas no information can be obtained on the orientation of the tensor principal axes. The profile of the powder spectrum is determined by several parameters, including the symmetry of the g tensor, the actual values of its components, and the line shape and the line width of the resonance. Concerning the symmetry of the g tensor, three possible cases can be identified. Isotropy of g

In this case, the g tensor is characterized by gxx = gyy = gzz = giso and a single symmetrical line is observed. This simple situation is not very often encountered in powders except for some solid state defects and transition metal ions in highly symmetric environments such as Oh or Td. Axial symmetry of g

Paramagnetic species isolated in single crystals exhibit resonances at typical magnetic fields which depend on their orientation and are given by Equation [19]. In the particular case of axial symmetry of the system, e.g. (C4ν, D4h), if z is the principal symmetry axis of the species and θ the angle between z and the magnetic field, the x and y directions are equivalent and the angle φ becomes meaningless (Figure 4). Equation [19] reduces to

where g|| = gzz and g⊥ = gyy = gxx are the g values measured when the axis of the paramagnetic species is, respectively, parallel and perpendicular to the applied magnetic field. The powder spectrum is the envelope of the individual lines corresponding to all possible orientations in the whole range of φ. Assuming the microcrystals are randomly distributed, simple considerations show, however, that the absorption intensity, which is proportional to the number of microcrystals at resonance for a given θ value, is at a maximum when θ = π/2 (B⊥) and a minimum for θ = 0 (B||); this allows the extraction of the g|| and g⊥ values, which correspond to the turning points of the spectrum. Figure 8 gives a schematic representation of the absorption curve and of its first derivative for a polycrystalline sample containing a paramagnetic centre in axial symmetry. The variation in the spectral profile for the same species as MI varies is also shown in Figure 9.

Figure 8 Powder EPR spectrum of a paramagnetic species with I = 0 in axial symmetry. (A) absorption profile, (B) first derivative profile. The dotted lines have been calculated by assuming a zero line width whereas the solid lines correspond to a finite line width.

Orthorhombic symmetry of g

Three distinct principal components are expected in the case of a system with orthorhombic symmetry, e.g. (D2h, C2ν). For polycrystalline samples, the absorption curve and its first derivative exhibit three singular points, corresponding to g1, g2 and g3 (Figure 10). For powder spectra the assignments of g1, g2 and g3 to the components gxx, gyy and gzz related to the molecular axes of the paramagnetic centre is not straightforward and must be based on


Figure 9 Effects of nuclear spin on the calculated powder EPR spectra for axial symmetry. The value of I varies from 0 to . Note that the g values remain constant (illustrated by dotted lines). g is split by A and g⊥ is split by A⊥. The A and A⊥ values remain constant.

theoretical grounds or deduced from measurements of the same paramagnetic species in a single crystal. The situation becomes much more complicated in the presence of nuclei with I ≠ 0. In several cases an initial interpretation of the experimental data can be achieved by using a simple analysis for the g tensor and neglecting second-order effects since the A tensor has the same type of angular dependence as the g tensor. Provided the principal axes are the same, then each of the three possible lines of the g tensor (g1, g2 and g3) will be split into a number of lines that depend on the nuclear spin with the spacing corresponding to the appropriate component of the A tensor (A1, A2 or A3); g1 is split by A1, g2 is split by A2 and g3 is split by A3 (Figure 11).

Summary The basic principles of EPR spectroscopy have been outlined. Although far from being an exhaustive treatment of the subject, it provides the reader with

Figure 10 Powder EPR spectrum of a paramagnetic species in orthorhombic symmetry. (A) Absorption profile, (B) first derivative profile. The dotted and solid lines have the same significance as described in Figure 7.

essential knowledge of the technique and is a useful stepping stone for the articles on methods and instrumentation and applications.

List of symbols a = hyperfine coupling constant; A0 = theorectical isotropic hyperfine coupling constant; A = hyperfine tensor; g = g factor; ge = g factor of the free electron; gJ = Landé g factor; gN = nuclear g factor; g|| and g⊥ = refer to the parallel and perpendicular values


h = Planck’s constant; = h/2π; I = nuclear spin quantum number; J = total angular momentum; k = Boltzman constant; L = orbital angular momentum vector; me = mass of the electron; NL and NU = electron populations in the lower and upper energy levels respectively; r = distance between the spins; r = vector relating electron and nuclear moments; S = electron spin quantum number; Sz = vector of the electron spin quantum number in the z direction; T1e and T2e = spin–lattice and spin– spin relaxation times, respectively; α and β = refer to electron spin; µ = magnetic moment; µB = Bohr magneton; µN = nuclear magneton; ν = frequency. See also: Chemical Applications of EPR; EPR Imaging; EPR, Methods; NMR in Anisotropic Systems, Theory; NMR Principles; NMR Relaxation Rates.

Further reading

Figure 11 Effects of nuclear spin on the calculated powder EPR spectrum of a species with orthorhombic symmetry. The spectrum is anisotropic both in g and A (g1 is split by A1, g2 is split by A2 and g3 by A3). The value of I varies from 0 to . It should be noted that when I assumes an integer value (as in C), the features of the original I = 0 spectrum (A) are maintained in the centre of the spectrum. When I has half-integer values the hyperfine values are symmetrically disposed about the centre.

with respect to axis of symmetry; gxx, gyy, gzz = refer to values in the respective crystallographic directions;

Abragam A and Bleaney B (1970) Electron Paramagnetic Resonance of Transition Ions Oxford: Oxford University Press. Atherton NM (1993) Principles of Electron Spin Resonance, PTR Prentice Hall Physical Chemistry Series. Englewood Cliff, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Bolton JR, Weil JA and Wertz JE (1994) Electron Paramagnetic Resonance: Elementary Theory and Practical Applications. New York: Wiley-Interscience. Che M and Giamello E (1987) In: Fieno JLG (ed) Spectroscopic Characterization of Heterogeneous Catalysts. Part B: Electron Paramagnetic Resonance, Vol 57. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers. Mabbs FE and Collison D (1992) Electron Paramagnetic Resonance of d-Transition Metal Compounds, Vol 16 in Studies in Inorganic Chemistry. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Pilbrow JR (1993) Transition Ion Electron Paramagnetic Resonance. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Symons MRC (1978) Chemical and biological aspects of electron spin resonance spectroscopy. Chemical Aspects of Physical Techniques. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.


EPR, Methods Richard Cammack, King’s College, London, UK

MAGNETIC RESONANCE Methods & Instrumentation

Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) is also known as electron spin resonance (ESR) or electron magnetic resonance (EMR) spectroscopy; no single name has become generally accepted. It is a means of investigating materials that are paramagnetic, i.e. having unpaired electrons. These include organic free radicals, compounds of transition metal ions and defects in solids. Since the development of the X-band continuous-wave spectrometer in the 1950s and 1960s, the basic design of the EPR spectrometer has remained relatively unchanged, while a wide variety of applications in physics, chemistry and biochemistry have been devised. Examples are the observation of radical intermediates in chemical reactions; the determination of electron density distributions on radicals; the observation of rapid motion of spin labels in solution; and the determination of coordination geometry of metal ion sites. Recent advances in solid-state microwave electronics have led to instrument extensions in many different ways, for specialist applications. Examples are ENDOR and TRIPLE and ESEEM, to measure hyperfine interactions, and low-frequency EPR imaging. The principles of typical applications will be described, with reference to the relevant equipment and sample requirements.

Characteristics of the EPR spectrum EPR involves the interaction of electromagnetic radiation, usually in the microwave region, with the paramagnetic material in a magnetic field. Because paramagnetic centres are less common than nuclear spins, the method is more selective than the analogous technique of NMR. There are some differences in practice between NMR and EPR that result from the much greater magnetic moment of the electron compared with the nuclear spins. The bandwidth of the spectrum is much greater than the parts-per-million scale of NMR. It is impossible to adjust the frequency over such a wide range, owing to the geometry of microwave waveguides, so it is the usual practice to observe the EPR spectrum at fixed frequency by sweeping the magnetic field. The relaxation rates of electron spins are faster than for nuclear

spins, so that in some cases (particularly transition metals such as iron) it is necessary to cool the sample to cryogenic temperatures to observe the spectrum. The spectrum is characterized by a number of parameters which give information about the nature of the paramagnetic centres and their surroundings. Zeeman interaction

The g factor defines the energy of the Zeeman interaction. This splits the energy levels of the paramagnet (Figure 1). At the resonance condition the energy ∆E required to reverse the direction of the electron spin in a magnetic field B0 is equal to the energy of the microwave quantum hν, given by

where h is Planck’s constant and µB the Bohr magneton. In an EPR spectrum the signals are obtained by increasing the B0 field. The g factor is inversely proportional to B0. For a free electron in a vacuum, g is a constant that is very precisely known (ge = 2.002 319 3044…). In a paramagnetic molecule, g varies from this, under the influence of spin–orbit interactions. These increase considerably with atomic number, and are particularly important for lanthanides. In the spin Hamiltonian formalism the effects of spin–orbit coupling are described by treating g as a spectroscopic variable, the ‘spectroscopic splitting factor’, which is characteristic of the paramagnetic centre. Therefore the EPR spectrum may be considered as a spectrum of g factors. Hyperfine interaction

The interaction between the magnetic moment of the electron and nuclear spins is a valuable feature of EPR spectra. It introduces splittings of the electron energy levels (Figure 1B). Each nuclear spin I induces a splitting into [2I + 1] levels. The magnitude of the splitting is defined by the hyperfine coupling constant, A, which is expressed in energy units (usually MHz). Where there are several nuclei, for example protons in a radical, each level is further split by each nuclear hyperfine interaction. The


Table 1


Figure 1 (A) Principle of electron paramagnetic resonance. (B) Effect of hyperfine splitting with a nucleus, l = .

hyperfine coupling can be observed as splitting of the EPR spectrum, if the coupling is greater than the line width. The magnitude of the splitting is given the symbol a, expressed in magnetic field units. The value of A depends on the nuclear moment, and the extent of interaction of the unpaired electron spin density with the nucleus; A has a sign as well as magnitude. If A > 0, the state in which electron and nuclear spins align antiparallel is of lower energy. Measurements of the magnitude and sign of hyperfine couplings provide some of the most detailed experimental evidence for electronic structures of molecules. They have been used to verify the results of molecular orbital calculations. In EPR spectra of transition ions, the hyperfine interaction gives rise to characteristic splittings, for example for copper (I = , 4 lines) and manganese (I = , 6 lines) (Figure 2B). It can be used to identify paramagnetic centres and determine the electron density distribution over radicals. Isotopic substitution can be used (Table 1) to identify specific metals, for example 57Fe for natural iron.

Some nuclei with magnetic moments

% Natural abundance

Nuclear spin, I





+ 2.793





+ 0.857



















































100 2.19 100

−0.283 −1.89

+0.090 +4.649

Interactions with nuclei of ligands, sometimes called superhyperfine splittings, allow the determination of the electron density distribution in transition metal complexes. Nuclei with spins greater than S = have a quadrupole moment and this gives rise to further splitting of the energy levels. Interactions between electrons (fine structure interactions)

The magnetic moment of the electron is 658 times that of the proton, so that interactions between electrons are of greater energy than those between nuclear spins, and are detectable over greater distances. This has a number of consequences. For example, when two or more electron spins are present in a paramagnetic centre such as a transition ion with spin S > or an organic triplet state (S = 1), coupling of the electron spins gives rise to fine structure splittings (known as zero-field splittings) which strongly influence the apparent g factor. If the spin is an integral value, the splitting between the energy levels may be larger than the X-band microwave quantum, and no EPR signal is detected. However, for an odd number of electron spins there are always energy levels that can only be split by the magnetic field. As a consequence paramagnets with halfintegral spin, such as high-spin FeIII and CoII, are


Figure 2 EPR spectra of transition ions (A) manganese ions in aqueous solution; note the six-line hyperfine splitting owing to the 55 Mn nucleus (I = ); (B) high-spin FeIII in metmyoglobin, frozen at 77 K; note the g factors at 6.0 and 2.0.

EPR-detectable. For the latter ions, with S = , g factors may extend from 10 to 0. EPR spectra of transition ions are often measured in the solid state, so that the spectrum is broadened by anisotropy of the g factor. Electron spin–spin interactions occur between paramagnetic centres in solution and in the solid state. This causes splitting or broadening of the EPR signal. For solid paramagnetic materials the broadening may be so great as to render the X-band EPR spectrum undetectable. For EPR spectra in the solid state, the material must usually be magnetically dilute, for example doped into a diamagnetic host material. Paramagnets in biological materials such as proteins are usually fixed within the protein matrix and are thus detectable. Spin–spin interactions give rise to characteristic changes in line shape, and enhancement of the electron-spin relaxation rate, from which it is possible to estimate distances between the paramagnetic centres.

field. In solution spectra of small molecules, the anisotropy is averaged, and spectral lines are narrow. Note, however, that the isotropic hyperfine interaction does not average to zero and so there is still hyperfine splitting (e.g. Figure 2A and Figure 3A). For randomly oriented samples in the solid state, (socalled powder spectra) the distribution of molecules in different orientations gives rise to characteristic broadening of the line shape (Figure 2B and Figure 3C). Effects of temperature, electron-spin relaxation and spectral linewidths

Temperature has a number of effects on the EPR spectrum. The populations of the electron energy levels, N– and N+ (Figure 1A) differ by a small amount because of the Boltzmann distribution:


The Zeeman, dipolar hyperfine and fine structure interactions are all anisotropic, meaning that the energy of interaction depends on the angle between the paramagnetic centre and the applied magnetic

where kB is the Boltzmann constant and T the absolute temperature. At room temperature and a magnetic field of 0.32 T, the difference is about 0.07% of the unpaired electrons. It increases at


Figure 3 EPR spectra of radicals (A) benzoquinone anion radical in solution; (B) the nitroxide TEMPOL in solution of photosynthetic reaction centres.

higher microwave frequencies (hence higher fields), and at lower temperatures. The spin–lattice relaxation, with a characteristic time T1, is responsible for maintaining the population difference between levels, N– and N+. The spin– spin relaxation time T2 reflects the lifetime of the excited state and its effect on the line width. If the electron-spin relaxation rate is too rapid, the lifetime of the excited state is short and the EPR spectrum becomes broadened. At high temperatures the spectrum may become too broad for detection, hence the use of cryogenic temperatures for some transition ions. However, if the spin–lattice relaxation is too slow, the population difference N– – N+ cannot be maintained, and the amplitude of the signal is attenuated, a situation known as microwave power saturation. Electron-spin relaxation times may be estimated by measuring the amplitude of the signal as a function of applied microwave power.

Operation of the spectrometer The outline of a conventional continuous-wave EPR spectrometer is shown in Figure 4. The term ‘continuous-wave (CW)’ refers to the fact that microwaves are applied throughout the measurement. It is designed to optimize the weak EPR signals originating from the sample, against a background of noise from the source. The microwave source is a reflex klystron (a type of thermionic valve) or a Gunn diode (a semiconductor device). The detector is a micro-

wave diode. The operating frequency is typically in the X-band (∼ 9.5 GHz). This frequency is a compromise; higher frequencies increase the ratio N–:N+ (and hence sensitivity) but require smaller cavities and thus smaller sample size (and hence number of spins being measured). A typical sample volume is of the order of 0.1 cm3. The microwave circuit is known as the microwave bridge, to emphasize that it is a balanced circuit. The source is tuned to the resonant frequency of the cavity. Microwaves pass through waveguides to the cavity via a circulator, which ensures that signal arising from the sample in the cavity passes to the detector. The reference arm serves to balance the signal with the input microwave power. The circuit is optimally tuned by matching its impedance with the cavity using the iris, to a condition known as critical coupling. In this situation the intensity of the microwave field B1 at the sample is enhanced by the Q-factor of the cavity, typically several thousand-fold. When electron paramagnetic resonance occurs in the sample, a small amount of power is transmitted to the detector and is amplified and recorded. The hom*ogeneous B0 field is provided by an electromagnet. EPR spectra are obtained by modulation of the field by a small amount, at a frequency of 100 kHz. A lock-in amplifier detects the EPR signal in phase with the modulation. Modulation and phase-sensitive detection is a standard method of noise rejection and enhances the signal-to-noise ratio, and hence the sensitivity of the technique, by as much as 105. It gives rise to the characteristic firstharmonic (first-derivative) line shape. Although the absorption spectrum could be derived from this by integration, spectra are usually retained as the derivative form as it emphasizes narrow hyperfine splittings and other features. Temperature control

The form of the paramagnetic material may be solid, liquid or gas, and so appropriate temperature control of the sample is needed. The temperature of the sample may be controlled by flowing gas through a quartz vacuum jacket. For low temperatures, helium is used. The sample may be held in a Dewar of liquid nitrogen or helium. For smaller resonator designs such as loop-gaps, the whole resonator is immersed in a cryostat containing helium or nitrogen. Resonators

The quality, or Q factor, of the microwave cavity or resonator is a measure of its efficiency at concentrating microwave energy. For a resonant a.c. circuit it is given by


Figure 4

Outline of a typical continuous-wave EPR spectrometer.

The filling factor η is the fraction of the microwave magnetic field Bl which bisects the sample. Two examples of resonators used in EPR are illustrated in Figure 5. Rectangular cavities [Figure 5(A)] are of metal which is coated with silver and gold for high conductivity. The sample is positioned at the maximum of the microwave magnetic field, Bl. It may be irradiated with ultraviolet or visible light, in this example through a waveguide of length λ which prevents microwave leakage. The applied magnetic field B0 is modulated with Helmholtz coils in the walls of the cavity. The B0 and Bl fields are oriented at right angles, which gives a maximum magnetic resonance interactions for S = paramagnets. For paramagnets with an integer spin, the resonant transition is forbidden in this geometry. Parallel mode cavities are used for this situation, in which Bl is parallel to B0. In the loop-gap resonator (Figure 5B), the coupling loop acts as an antenna to transmit microwave power to and from the bridge to the split-ring resonator element. The number of gaps is variable, depending on the sample size. The microwave magnetic field Bl circulates in the ring, while the electric component is mostly confined to the gaps. Magnetic field

modulation is also by external coils (not shown). Loop-gap resonators have better filling factors than rectangular cavities, so that the resonator can be smaller and the sample tube larger. They are particularly effective for lossy samples such as aquesous solutions. Other designs of cavity are possible, including cylindrical resonators constructed of an inert dielectric material such as sapphire (alumina). Computer control and data acquisition

Most operations of the instrument are under computer control. The spectrum is recorded as a series of data points, along a linear axis of magnetic field. The signal-to-noise ratio can be improved by repetitive scanning and signal averaging. Fourier transform techniques are normally only used for analysis of pulsed EPR experiments. There is a range of different software for analysis of the spectroscopic data, in particular for simulation. Sample holders and sample preparation

The holders for EPR samples are constructed of a diamagnetic, nonconductive material such as quartz. Electrically conductive materials such as metals cannot be used as they reflect microwaves and prevent penetration of microwaves into the sample. It is not possible to measure EPR spectra of large aqueous samples at frequencies above 1 GHz


Figure 5

Resonators for EPR spectroscopy. (A) Rectangular cavity; (B) loop-gap resonator.

because of microwave power losses. For measurements in an X-band rectangular cavity, specially constructed flat cells are used, with a thickness of about 0.3 mm (Figure 6). They are placed in the centre of the cavity, which is a nodal plane of the electric vector, hence minimizing dielectric losses. Oxidation–reduction reactions are used to generate organic or inorganic compounds in their paramagnetic oxidation states, for example quinones in their semiquinone states, or transition metal ions in their paramagnetic states (Table 2). Electrolytically generated radicals may be obtained by means of electrodes placed in the cell above and below the cavity.

Table 2

Examples of paramagnetic transition ions

Metal ion

Paramagnetic oxidation states

Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Molybdenum


Other states V V,V III MnIII FeII CoI, CoIII NiII CuI MoIV, MoVI

Note – other oxidation states and isotopes exist for these elements.

For kinetic measurements, paramagnets may be generated by mixing solutions and flowing them into a cell inside the cavity (Figure 6B). For short-lived states of transition metals in solution, samples may be obtained by rapid freezing, in which samples are mixed and squirted into a bath of isopentane at 140 K.

Multifrequency EPR

Figure 6

Sample holders for aqueous samples.

Although the majority of EPR spectra are still taken at X-band frequency, there are advantages for some applications to use lower or higher microwave frequencies, or a range of frequencies. To operate at each frequency it is usually necessary to use a different microwave bridge and cavity. These frequencies are identified by their frequency bands, as listed in Table 3. In high-frequency spectrometers, superconducting magnets are used. Up to 100 GHz, the microwaves


Table 3

Microwave wavebands and frequencies

Band Radiofrequency

Frequency (GHz) (app.) 0.25

λ (mm) 1200

Field for g = 2 (mT) 8.93 35.7

Typical applications EPR imaging








Hyperfine splittings





Routine spectroscopy













Aqueous sample EPR

Electron spin-spin interactions





g Factor anisotropy in radicals





Large zero-field splittings





Even spin system

The definitions of bands follow EPR convention and the frequencies are approximate.

may be obtained by mixing with lower-frequency radiation in a heterodyne arrangement. For higher frequencies, the radiation may be regarded as far infrared, and Fabry–Pérot resonators are used which consist of two parabolic mirrors to concentrate the radiation. In low-frequency spectrometers the magnetic field is produced by Helmholtz coils and the resonator is a coil similar to that used in NMR. Some features of the EPR spectrum increase with magnetic field, such as the separation between g factors. Others, such as the separation between hyperfine splittings, do not change, to first order. By altering the microwave frequency it is possible to resolve the effects of multiple electron–nuclear and electron–electron interactions. The EPR spectra of organic radicals at X-band (9 GHz) are dominated by hyperfine splittings by protons and other nuclei. At W-band (96 GHz) the spectra are dominated by the anisotropy of the g factor.

Electron–nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) and TRIPLE resonance The hyperfine interactions with nuclei adjacent to the paramagnetic centre are often too small to be observed because they are smaller than the EPR line width. Electron–nuclear double resonance is a technique which detects these interactions. In addition to the microwave field Bl a radiofrequency field, B2, is applied at right angles. A commercial design uses a coil wound around the sample tube in a special cavity. The energy levels and transitions relevant to the ENDOR measurement are illustrated in Figure 7. The microwave field, at the EPR resonant frequency, partially saturates the signal, equalizing the populations of the mS = ± levels. The radiofrequency is swept, and when the latter is at the resonant frequency of the interacting nuclear spins this provides further pathways for electron spin relaxation

and the EPR signal is enhanced. The resulting spectrum consists of a pair of lines. The positions of the lines depend on the relative magnitudes of the hyperfine coupling, A, and the nuclear Zeeman frequency, νn (the NMR frequency of the nucleus) (Figure 7). In the case where νn > A/2, as for protons, which have a large nuclear moment, the lines will be centred at νn and separated by A. When A/2 > νn, as in the case of strong couplings to other nuclei, the ENDOR spectrum consists of two lines centred at A/2 and separated by 2νn. Hyperfine interactions of the order of a few megahertz can be resolved and provide information about nuclei at distances up to 0.5 nm. An additional advantage of ENDOR is that the number of lines is additive, rather than multiplicative. If there are numerous nuclear spins in the paramagnetic molecule, each type of hyperfine splitting will give just one pair of lines and so the ENDOR spectrum is simpler than the EPR spectrum. This feature is particularly useful in the interpretation of the complex spectra of radicals. TRIPLE resonance is another method which resolves further a spectrum containing multiple hyperfine couplings. It is analogous to the Overhauser effect in NMR. By continuously applying radiofrequency radiation at the resonant frequency of one line in the spectrum, other lines in the ENDOR spectrum are suppressed or enhanced if they are connected to the same transition. This method makes it possible to determine the sign of A, which is used in molecular orbital calculations.

Pulsed EPR Pulsed EPR spectrometers are now commercially available and have some of the same electronic features as NMR spectrometers. The layout of the microwave bridge is similar to that of Figure 4, but in addition a pulse programmer controls the


Figure 7 Energy levels for an electron interacting with an l = nucleus, showing the transitions relevant to ENDOR and electron-spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM).

microwave supply through diode switches. The microwave pulses, of duration 5–50 ns, are amplified by a travelling-wave tube amplifier, to a power up to 1 kW. The cavity has a lower Q-factor than for CW EPR to allow the microwave field to build up more quickly. The main differences between pulsed EPR and pulsed NMR arise from the broad bandwidth of the EPR spectrum. Flash photolysis

For the spectra of radicals that are dispersed over a narrow range of frequency, it is possible to detect a free-induction decay (FID). This makes it possible to derive a spectrum by Fourier transformation and observe the spectrum of a transient species induced, for example, by a laser flash which is synchronized with the microwave pulse programmer (Figure 8A). Normally, however, the spectrum is too broad, or the FID decays too rapidly. In this case it is possible to detect an electron-spin echo after a two-pulse (π/2–π–echo) sequence. The spectrum of the flashinduced species is derived by repeating the measurement over a range of magnetic field strength. The

lifetime (which should be a minimum of about 100 ns) is measured by repeating the electron-spin echo sequence, while the interval between the flash and the pulses is systematically incremented. Electron-spin relaxation rates

The values of T1 and T2 are measured in different experiments which observe the decay of the electronspin echo with time; T1 is measured with an inversion-recovery experiment as in NMR, while T2 is observed by a two-pulse echo sequence, as in Figure 8A. The amplitude of the echo decreases with increasing delay time τ, owing to loss of ‘phase memory’. The spin–spin relaxation is affected by various factors, including molecular motion and spin–spin interactions between paramagnets. Hyperfine couplings

Electron-spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) spectroscopy is a pulsed technique that detects weak hyperfine and quadrupolar couplings in the solid state. It is complementary to ENDOR in that it gives


Figure 8

Pulsed EPR experiments. (A) flash photolysis, (B)–(D) ESEEM.


Figure 9

Principle of Mims pulsed ENDOR.

the best results in the intermediate regime of hyperfine couplings where A ≈ ν N; in addition, it is particularly sensitive to couplings with quadrupolar nuclei such as 2H and 14N. The Mims three-pulse echo sequence is similar to the two-pulse sequence (Figure 8B) except that the π pulse is split into two π/2 pulses separated by time T. The decay of the echo is now determined by the slower spin–lattice relaxation time T1 allowing echoes to be detected over a longer period of time. During the evolution of the spin echo, hyperfine coupling frequencies cause dephasing of the electron spins, and so the echo amplitude is modulated with time (Figure 8C). This can be considered as being due to an interference between the frequencies of the allowed transitions, ∆mS = ±1, with the ‘semi-forbidden’ transitions, ∆mS = ±1, ∆mI = ±1, which are allowed owing to quadrupolar interactions and anisotropy of the hyperfine interaction. Fourier transformation of the time-domain spectrum yields the spectrum of hyperfine frequencies (Figure 8D). Two-dimensional pulsed EPR experiments are also possible, such as HYSCORE (hyperfine sublevel correlation) spectroscopy. This uses a pulse sequence as in Figure 8B, separated by an inversion pulse into two variable time intervals. Fourier transformation in the two time-domains gives a 2D spectrum, in which the effects of multiple hyperfine couplings can be resolved. Pulsed ENDOR is an alternative technique, in which radiofrequency pulses at NMR frequencies are used to perturb the spin-echo sequence (Figure 9). Hyperfine interactions lead to loss of coherence of the electron spins during the mixing period, so the amplitude of the echo is decreased. A plot of echo amplitude against RF frequency yields a spectrum analogous to that of a CW ENDOR spectrometer.

Types of material studied Free radicals

Organic free radicals can be produced by oneelectron oxidation or reduction reactions, by irradiation processes or by hom*olytic cleavage of a chemical bond. They may occur in the solid, liquid or gaseous states. Organic radicals in solution give complex EPR spectra. The hyperfine structure of their spectra provides information about the type of radical and the distribution of the unpaired electron in it. Free radicals tend to be unstable and to decay by recombination processes. However, some radicals, particularly those in the solid state, are stable. If they have a half-life of at least a few seconds they can readily be examined by conventional EPR spectroscopy, using rapid-scan coils to sweep the B0 field. If they are more short-lived, the radical may be stabilized by cooling to low temperatures, or chemically trapped with a spin trap which reacts with the unstable species to produce a more stable radical. Spin traps

Ideally, a spin trap is a diamagnetic compound, which is introduced into a biological system without perturbing it and which reacts rapidly and specifically with a transient free radical to form a stable radical that can be identified from its EPR signal. These requirements are somewhat contradictory. The two most commonly-used spin traps for organic radicals are nitroso compounds and nitrones (Table 4). These react with radicals to form nitroxides. The nitroso compounds give an adduct in which the radical added is bonded directly to the nitroxide nitrogen, so that the hyperfine splittings in the EPR signal are more diagnostic of the original radical; however,


the adducts are less stable and may decay within minutes. Nitrones tend to give more stable adducts which are more difficult to identify.

Information from EPR spectroscopy

Spin labels

Spin labels are stable paramagnetic molecules that are introduced into a biological sample, and extend the use of EPR to situations where no endogenous radicals exist. The commonest type of spin labels are nitroxides (aminoxyl) radicals, though other types of radicals and transition metal ions have been used. The advantage of the specific labelling approach is that it makes it possible, through judicious labelling, to investigate the local environment and motion of defined parts of the system under study. Transition metals

Transition metals are paramagnetic in certain oxidation states (Table 2). Although this paramagnetism is stable, the sample may have to be cooled to low temperatures for the EPR signal to be observed. Defects in solids

Examples of defects are cation vacancies (V centres), anion vacancies (F centres) and impurities in crystals. Defects can be generated in various ways, such as irradiation with ultraviolet or ionizing radiation, or by imperfect crystallization. An example is a defect (latent image) generated in photographic emulsion by light irradiation. In addition, finely divided solid Table 4

materials commonly show radical centres due to hom*olytic cleavage of chemical bonds.

Identification of the paramagnet

The type of paramagnetic species may be recognized from the characteristic features of its spectrum such as g factors and hyperfine splittings. For free radicals in solution, examination of the pattern of hyperfine splittings can provide information about the number of interacting nuclei and hence the structure of the radical. For example, in the benzoquinone radical (Figure 3A), the splitting by four equivalent protons gives rise to five lines with amplitudes in the ratio 1:4:6:4:1. A powerful technique is to substitute atoms in the molecule with nuclei having different nuclear spins, for example deuterium 2H (I = 1) for 1H or 13C (I = ) for 12C. Examples of nuclear spins and moments are given in Table 1. The observed change in the hyperfine splitting pattern is conclusive evidence of interaction with the nucleus. Quantification

The concentration of unpaired electrons can be determined from the integrated intensity of the EPR spectrum by double integration or by numerical simulation of the spectrum. For paramagnets with S = , measured under non-saturating conditions, the

Types of spin traps

Type / spin trap


Suitable application

2-Methyl-2-nitrosopropane (MNP)

C,S-centred radicals

5,5-Dimethyl-1-pyrroline-N-oxide (DMPO)

C,S,O-centred radicals

N-tert-Butyl-α-phenylnitrone (PBN)

C,S,O-centred radicals


Nitric oxide


integrated intensity for a given concentration is the same, regardless of the nature of the paramagnetic species. Hence the concentration can be referred to a standard material such as CuII. Spin Hamiltonian parameters

The parameters of the EPR spectrum are described formally by a spin Hamiltonian equation, which summarizes the energies of the different types of interaction. For example, the Hamiltonian for a spin S interacting with a nuclear spin I is

where the operators g and A are shorthand notation for 3 × 3 matrices or tensors. The EPR spectrum may be interpreted by computer simulation of the energy of interaction with the magnetic field B0. This provides information about the electronic state of the paramagnet. For radicals, the information can be used in detailed molecular orbital calculations of electronic structure. For transition metal ions, EPR provides information about the coordination geometry, spin state and types of ligands. Redox and spin states

Changes in oxidation states of paramagnets, by adding or removing unpaired electrons, cause the EPR signals to appear and disappear. This can be used to monitor oxidation–reduction reactions, and to measure reduction potentials. Generally the EPR spectrum is a useful indication of the oxidation– reduction state of the species observed. Often the presence of an EPR signal is conclusive, though in the case of semiquinones they may be anion radicals (formed by electron addition) or cation radicals (formed by removal of an electron). The EPR spectra of NiI and NiIII are similar. In these cases further oxidation–reduction experiments are needed to distinguish them. For transition ions such as FeIII, the EPR spectrum is a good indicator of spin state, in this case high spin (S = ) or low spin (S = ). The spectra of the highspin states are influenced by zero-field splittings, in this case giving g factors of up to 10. Distances

The hyperfine coupling between an electron spin and a nucleus or between electron spins consists of two components: an exchange interaction (acting through chemical bonds, and generally isotropic), and a dipolar interaction. The dipolar component is

anisotropic and its magnitude is inversely proportional to the (distance)3, and this can be used to estimate distances. In favourable cases, hyperfine couplings from ENDOR can be used to determine distances of protons up to 0.5 nm. Electron spin– spin interactions can be observed as splittings in the EPR spectrum over distances up to 1.5 nm, and relaxation effects at distances up to 4 nm. Orientation

If the molecules of a paramagnet are orientated, as in a single crystal, the EPR signal consists of narrow lines, which shift as the crystal is rotated in the magnetic field. The angular dependence can be measured precisely using a goniometer. Some ordering is seen in fibres and layered materials, though less precisely than in crystals. From this orientation dependence it is possible to estimate the spin Hamiltonian parameters, yielding detailed information about the axes of the g and A matrices, and hence the orbital states. Motion

The line width of the EPR spectrum of a radical such as a nitroxide in solution is sensitive to motion in the range of correlation times 10–7–10–11 s. This is due to the anisotropy of the 14N hyperfine splitting. If the motion is rapid enough to average this anisotropy, the spectrum shows narrow lines. For slower motion the spectrum broadens out. The rate of motion is determined by simulation, or by comparison with labelled molecules of known correlation time. By means of an experimental technique known as saturation-transfer EPR the spectra may be made to be sensitive to correlation times up to 10–3 s, as found, for example, in membrane-bound proteins. EPR dosimetry

The build-up of radicals in irradiated solids forms a method of estimating the absorbed dose of ionizing radiation. A standard used in EPR dosimeters is the amino acid alanine, in pellet form, which gives a linear relationship between radical signal amplitude and absorbed dose over several orders of magnitude. Where there has been accidental radiation exposure, the EPR of radicals in hydroxyapatite in tooth enamel has been used to estimate the absorbed dose. Irradiation of foods such as meat may be detected by radicals formed in bone. EPR dating

Buried archaeological samples that contain crystalline materials show radical EPR signals due to the effects of the radiation in the soil. The time of burial


can be estimated by taking measurements of the radioactive isotopes in the surrounding soil and observing the signal amplitude after applying an equivalent dose of radiation to the sample. The decay of the radical signal over time depends on the stability of the defects in the material. Dating works best for crystalline material such as silica; bone is unreliable because of recrystallization. The technique has been used for samples dated between 105 and 106 years, which is between the ranges possible for radiocarbon and potassium dating.

Systems; EPR Imaging; EPR Spectroscopy, Theory; Fluorescence Polarization and Anisotropy; Fourier Transformation and Sampling Theory; Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS); NMR in Anisotropic Systems, Theory; NMR Pulse Sequences; NMR Relaxation Rates; Nuclear Overhauser Effect; Spin Trapping and Spin Labelling Studied Using EPR Spectroscopy.

Further reading

Medical applications

Oxygen radicals have been widely investigated in biomedical systems and are of great interest because of their cytotoxic effects and involvement in processes such as inflammation. They may be observed by spin traps (Table 4). Nitric oxide is also generated in conditions such as inflammation, and can be trapped by iron complexes such as iron diethyldithiocarbamate. Oximetry exploits another feature of the spectra of radicals in solution: that they are broadened by paramagnetic interactions with oxygen in solution. With narrow-line radicals it is possible to measure oxygen in human tissues at concentrations below 10–5 mol dm–3.

List of symbols A = hyperfine B0 = static coupling constant; magnetic field; B1 = microwave magnetic field; B2 = radiofrequency magnetic field; g = electron g factor; h = Planck’s constant; H = Hamiltonian operator; I = nuclear spin operator; k = Boltzmann constant; mI = nuclear spin angular momentum; mS = electron spin angular momentum; N–, N+ = populations of electron energy levels separated by a magnetic field; Q = quality factor of a resonator; S = electron spin operator; T = absolute temperature; Tl = longitudinal (spin–lattice) relaxation time; T2 = transverse (spin–spin) relaxation time; η = filling factor of a resonator; λ = microwave wavelength; µB = Bohr magneton. In an EPR spectrum the signals are obtained by increasing the B0 field at fixed frequency; ν = microwave frequency; νn = nuclear Larmor frequency; τ = delay in pulse sequence. See also: Chemical Application of EPR; Chiroptical Spectroscopy, Oriented Molecules and Anisotropic

Abragam A and Bleaney B (1970) Electron Paramagnetic Resonance of Transition Ions. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Atherton NM (1993) Principles of Electron Spin Resonance. Chichester: Ellis Horwood. Bencini A and Gatteschi D (1989) EPR of Exchange Coupled Systems. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. Berliner LJ and Reuben J (1993) EMR of Paramagnetic Molecules: Biological Magnetic Resonance, Vol 13. New York: Plenum. Czoch R and Francik A (1989) Instrumental Effects in hom*odyne Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrometers. Chichester: Ellis Horwood. Dikanov SA and Tsvetkov YD (1992) Electron Spin Echo Envelope Modulation (ESEEM) Spectroscopy. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. Eaton GR, Eaton SS and Salikhov KM (1997) Foundations of Modern ESR. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing. Eaton GR, Eaton SS and Ohno K (1991) ESR Imaging and In Vivo ESR. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. Hoff AJ (ed) (1989) Advanced ESR: Applications in Biology and Biochemistry. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Keijzers CP, Reijerse EJ and Schmidt J (1989) Pulsed ESR – A New Field of Applications. Amsterdam: North Holland. Kurreck H, Kirste B and Lubitz W (1988) Electron Nuclear Double Resonance Spectroscopy of Radicals in Solution. Weinheim: VCH Publishers. Lowe DJ (1995) ENDOR and ESR of Metalloproteins. Berlin: Springer. Mabbs FE and Collison D (1992) Electron Paramagnetic Resonance of d Transition Metal Compounds. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Pilbrow JR (1990) Transition Ion Electron Paramagnetic Resonance. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Poole CPJ (1983) Electron Spin Resonance, 2nd edn. New York: Wiley. Specialist Periodical Reports on ESR Spectroscopy. Cambridge: Royal Society of Chemistry. Weil JA, Bolton JR and Wertz JE (1994) Electron Paramagnetic Resonance: Elementary Theory and Practical Applications. New York: Wiley.


ESR Imaging See

EPR Imaging.

ESR Methods See

EPR, Methods.

ESR Spectroscopy, Applications in Chemistry See

Chemical Applications of EPR.

ESR Spectroscopy, Theory See

EPR Spectroscopy, Theory.

Exciton Coupling Nina Berova, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA Nobuyuki Harada, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan Koji Nakanishi, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA


Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Circular dichroic spectroscopy (CD) is a powerful method for determining the absolute configurations and confirmations of chiral molecules. In particular, the exciton-coupled circular dichroism arising from through-space chromophore– chromophore interactions, called exciton coupling, is one of the most

sensitive spectroscopic tools for determining the molecular chirality or molecules in solution. The theoretical analysis of the exciton coupling phenomena is based on the coupled oscillator theory and molecular exciton theory. Since exciton-coupled CD is basically a nonempirical method, the derived conclusions are


nonambiguous. It is a microscale technique of great versatility applicable to compounds ranging from small molecules to various types of ligand– receptor complexes. However, the extent of its potential has yet to be explored. Here the theory and applications of exciton-coupled CD are outlined. When two chromophores with an identical or similar excitation energy are in close spatial proximity to one another and chirally disposed, the individuality of a monomer chromophore transition is lost. The chromophore excited state can delocalize over all chromophores within the system and becomes an exciton. The excitons interact and couple, thus giving rise to a characteristic pair of intense CD bands with opposite signs and comparable band areas, called a CD exciton couplet. The coupling of two identical chromophores is illustrated in Figure 1 by a steroidal 2,3-bis-para-substituted benzoate. The intense intramolecular charge-transfer (CT) bands stemming from the 1La transition of para-substituted benzoates give rise to the main electronic absorption band; it is the through-space coupling between these CT bands which is used for determining the absolute configuration between two hydroxyl groups. Although there is some free rotation around the C– O bonds, ester bonds are known to adopt the s-trans confirmation.

Furthermore, X-ray crystallographic data, energy calculations, etc., show that the ester C=O is syn with respect to the methine hydrogens. Thus, the intramolecular CT transition polarized along the long axis of the benzoate chromophore is almost parallel to the alcoholic C– O bond. Hence the exciton CD data which represent the absolute chirality between the transition moments also represent the chirality between any two hydroxyl groups, provided that their spatial distance permits the two chromophores to couple. When the absolute sense of chirality between the C(2)– O and C(3)– O bonds constitute a clockwise twist as shown by the Newman projection in Figure 1, it is defined as positive, and vice versa. The outline of exciton-coupled CD in a system consisting of two identical chromophores (a degenerate case) is as follows: Chromophores exhibit intense π– π* absorptions. (ii) The excited state of the system is split into two energy levels, α and β, by exciton interaction between the two chromophores, and the energy gap 2Vij is called the Davydov splitting. (iii) In the UV-visible spectra, this coupling gives rise to two-component spectra of the same sign (i)

Figure 1 Exciton coupling of two identical chromophores of steroidal 2,3-bisbenzoate with positive chirality; the carbinyl hydrogens are represented syn to the ester carbonyl and the ester groups is in an s-trans conformation. Also shown are the splitting of the excited states of isolated chromophores i and j into α and β states with the Davydov splitting 2Vij, summation CD and UV curves (solid line) of two component curves (dotted line).


Table 1

Definition of exciton chirality for a binary system

Qualitative definition

Quantitative definition

Cotton effects

Positive exciton chirality

Rij⋅(µioa × µjoa) Vij>0

Positive first and negative second Cotton effects

Negative exciton chirality

Rij⋅(µioa × µjoa) Vij ∆EVIB > ∆EROT. For molecular species, changes in EEL generally are accompanied by changes in EVIB and


Figure 1 Potential energy diagram for a diatomic anharmonic oscillator. Electronic (A) and vibrational (B) absorption transitions are illustrated. Values for interatomic distance, energy (E ), and term symbols are for the radical flame species CN.

EROT, and changes in EVIB may be (and almost are) accompanied by changes in EROT. These general trends are illustrated in Figure 1. The band structure observed in the visible and ultraviolet spectra of molecular species in flames, in emission and absorption, is therefore understood to be the result of combined changes in electronic, vibrational, and rotational energies. The visible and ultraviolet radiation from most flames usually accounts for less then 1% of the total emitted energy, with most of the energy emitted by a flame occurring in the infrared region of the spectrum. To see why this is not unexpected, it is useful to compare the radiation emitted by a flame with the radiation emitted by a blackbody. In a system at thermodynamic equilibrium (which, on a macroscopic scale, a flame is not), the distribution of radiation is given by Planck’s blackbody radiation law:

Here, Iλ is the wavelength-dependent radiant intensity normal to the surface of the radiator, Eλ is the emissivity at wavelength λ, c1 and c2 are the first and

second radiation constants and have the values 0.588 × 10−8 Wm−2 and 1.438 × 10−2 m K−1, respectively, T is temperature in kelvin (K) and A is the area of the surface in square metres (m2). Figure 2 is a plot of Equation [2] at several temperatures. Figure 2 shows that for a blackbody radiator, at temperatures up to 2300 K, the peak spectral radiancy always occurs in the infrared region of the spectrum. As the temperature increases above 2300 K, the peak of spectral radiancy moves to shorter wavelengths (towards the visible region of the spectrum). It is important to note that for a blackbody, the value of Eλ is equal to 1 at all wavelengths. In flames, the value of Eλ varies (and may approach 1) with wavelength, but is near zero for most wavelengths, indicating that a flame is not a blackbody, and that flame gases may not be in thermodynamic equilibrium. Nevertheless, in some cases where the emissivity of a flame species is known, measurements of spectral radiancy of flames may be used to calculate flame temperatures to within an accuracy of several kelvin. When the regions of non-zero emissivity (Eλ > 0) in the flame emission spectrum are expanded along the wavelength scale, these regions exhibit detailed


Figure 2 Radiation from an ideal blackbody at several temperatures.

Figure 3 The infrared emission spectrum measured using an FT-IR spectrometer from an 18 torr CH4/O2 flame and the blackbody radiation (1173 K) emitted over the same region. The infrared emission spectrum has not been corrected for the responsivity of the detector.

fine structure. In the visible and ultraviolet regions of the flame emission spectrum (in general, radiation with a wavelength between 1 µm and 200 nm), this fine structure represents changes in rotational and vibrational energy which accompany changes in electronic energy. In the more intense infrared region of the flame emission spectrum (in general, radiation with a wavelength between 1 and 30 µm), the observed fine structure is caused by transitions between rotational energy levels which occur with a change in vibrational energy, but with no change in electronic energy. The amount by which the vibrational and rotational energies may change during a transition is governed by selection rules, which are largely dependent upon the symmetry of the species involved in the transition. Figure 3 shows the raw emission spectrum from a premixed, reduced pressure (18 torr) stoichiometric CH4/O2 flame measured using a Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectrometer and the calculated emission from a blackbody at 1173 K over the same spectral region. The peak temperature in this flame was measured (using a fine wire Pt-Pt/10%Rh thermocouple) to be near 2150 K. Comparison of flame emission spectra to calculated blackbody radiance must take into account the emissivity of the different species within the flame, reabsorption of emitted radiation by cold gases outside of the flame region, emission from species at different temperatures along the line of sight of the measurement, chemiluminescence, and the variation in sensitivity of the instrument detector with wavelength. Figure 3 illustrates that care must be taken when estimating flame temperatures from measured spectra, since results from simple fits of a blackbody radiation curve to a measured spectrum may be inaccurate.

Background Emission and absorption spectra of flames may be continuous or banded. Continuous emission spectra may be modelled using the Planck blackbody equation (Eqn [2]). Modelling of banded spectra requires an understanding of the statistics that govern the way the population of a species is distributed among available energy levels. It is the dependence of population of molecular energy levels upon temperature, and the influence of this population upon band shape and spectral emissivity and absorption, which makes vibrational spectroscopy a useful tool for flame diagnostics. The necessary mathematics for species and temperature measurements from infrared spectra of flames are outlined below. The example given is for a diatomic molecule, such as CO. It is assumed that the spectra are measured in absorption at low pressure, where the amount of light absorbed is less than approximately 5% of the incident intensity (often referred to as absorption in an optically thin medium). For extension to more complicated molecules (including more complicated diatomic molecules, such as NO), and to higher pressures, the reader should consult the ‘Further reading’ section for details. Population distribution among available energy levels

The classical Maxwell Boltzmann distribution law may be used to approximate the distribution of population among the quantized energy levels of a gas-phase diatomic molecule. For most diatomic molecules (such as CO, but not NO), each separate line shape observed in the infrared spectrum corresponds to a simultaneous change in vibrational


and rotational energy. For this reason, the spectral lines that make up the band structure observed in most infrared spectra are often called rovibrational transitions. For purposes here, it is convenient to describe the initial and final energy levels of the transition as rovibrational energy levels. When describing two energy levels of a given species, the superscript ′ denotes the state of higher energy, and the superscript ″ denotes the state of lower energy. At thermodynamic equilibrium, the ratio of the number of molecules in the rovibrational energy level with vibrational quantum number ν′ and rotational quantum number J′ to the number of molecules in the rovibrational energy level with vibrational quantum number ν″ and rotational quantum number J″ is given by:

where NJ′ ,ν′ is the population of the higher rovibrational energy level, NJ″ ,ν″ is the population of the lower rovibrational energy level, ∆Eν is the change in vibrational energy (units of cm−1) and ∆EJ is the change in rotational energy (units of cm−1) which occurs during the transition, h is Planck’s constant, k is Boltzmann’s constant, and c is the speed of light. The quantity [(2J′+1)/(2J″+1)] accounts for the degeneracy of rotational levels for a given value of J, providing a statistical weight to the levels with a given rotational energy. For interpretation of measured spectra, it is useful to know the fraction of the total population (NT) in the energy level from which the transition originates. For absorption (where the transition originates from the level of lower energy), this may be given by:

The first rotational constant, B, is inversely proportional to the moment of inertia of the rotating molecule, and determines the rotational energy level spacing. This means that, in general, the larger the mass of the rotating molecule, the closer is the spacing of the rotational energy levels. The right-hand side of Equation [5] may be factored into rotational and vibrational components:

where QR and QV are, respectively, the rotational partition function and the vibrational partition function:

The summations in Equations [7] and [8] are over all J and all ν, respectively. Substituting Equations [3], [7], and [8] into Equation [4] gives:

Equation [9] shows how the fraction of total population in a given rovibrational energy level varies with temperature and rotational and vibrational quantum numbers. For most gas-phase diatomic molecules, if the population in a known rovibrational level is measured, Equation [9] allows the total population (and hence total pressure) of the gas to be calculated. Absorption of radiation

where the summation is over all values of J″ and ν″ and NJ=0,ν=0 is the population in the rovibrational energy level with rotational quantum number J and vibrational quantum number ν both equal to 0. The denominator on the right side of Equation [4] may be written to a first approximation as:

The Einstein transition probability of absorption, Bmn (not to be confused with the first rotational constant B), predicts the energy removed (IR) from an incident beam of radiation by an optically thin layer of absorbers for a transition from a lower state m to an upper state n as:

where Nm is the number of molecules per unit volume in the energy level from which absorptions


occur, I0 is the energy crossing unit area of absorbers per second, ∆x is the absorber thickness, and νmn is the energy (in cm−1) of the monochromatic radiation exciting the transition. In Equation [10], I0NmBmn is proportional to the number of transitions per second per unit volume produced by the radiation and hνmn is proportional to the energy removed from the incident beam per transition. In an absorption experiment, the intensity of radiation exiting the absorbing medium, I, is described according to the Bouguer–Lambert Law (later restated by Beer for solutions):

full line width gives:

where x is the path length travelled by the light through the absorbing medium, and σ(λ) is called the cross section for absorption. This cross section represents the ‘effective area’ that a molecule presents to the incident photons. When σ(λ)Nm x is small (optically thin medium), Equation [11] may be rewritten:

The number of molecules in the initial state, Nm, is related to the total number of molecules, NT, through the vibrational (QV) and rotational (QR) partition functions:

Substituting Equation [15] into Equation [10], and solving for the peak absorbance, A0, gives

Substituting Equation [17] into Equation [16] gives: Integrating Equation [12] over the wavelength range for which the absorption may occur gives:

The way in which the cross section for absorption (σ(λ)) varies with wavelength depends mainly upon the total pressure of the gas. For gas pressures above approximately 100 torr, the absorption is observed to occur with a Lorentzian line shape given by:

where A0 is the peak spectral absorbance (−log(I(λ)/ I0(λ))) at the wavelength of maximum light attenuation by the gas, and γ is the half width at half height (HWHH) of the spectral line. Substituting Equation [14] into Equation [13], assuming that Ι0 is invariant with wavelength over the absorption line width, and integrating over the

Equation [18] is useful for extracting temperature and concentration information from measured values of peak absorbance (A0) for individual transitions in a rovibrational band. By simultaneously fitting T and NT to A0 measured over a rovibrational band, temperature and gas pressure may be obtained. Equation [18] shows that it is necessary to know the half width at half height (HWHH) of each line in the spectrum used in the calculation, and the value of Bmn. This is not always trivial, since this value may be temperature and J-value dependent. Additionally, it is important to recognize peak absorbances must be corrected when measured with an instrument of moderate spectral resolution. The method for extracting true peak absorbance from peak absorbance measured at moderate resolution has been treated in detail by Anderson and Griffiths. Substituting Equation [18] into Equation [16], and expressing the result in the


form of the Bouguer–Lambert Law gives:

Equation [19] allows direct comparison between high resolution measurements of transmittance (I(λ)/ I0(λ)) and transmittance calculated from spectral parameters, pressure of the absorbing gas, and the temperature. It should be noted that knowledge of the spectral line HWHH (γ) is required, as well as an instrument capable of measuring the transmittance at high resolution. In practice, values of Bmn (usually converted to line strengths) for different rovibrational transitions are taken from the literature or estimated from measurements of total band strength. Also, the Voight line shape profile, which describes the convolution of a Gaussian line shape function (applicable to gases at low pressure) and a Lorentzian line shape function, is usually used to model spectral lines in flames at reduced pressure. As with fits to data based upon Equation [18], when spectra are measured on an instrument of moderate resolution (in general, an instrument resolution > 0.1γ), the instrument line shape function is convoluted with the true line shape (Eqn [19]). When this is the case, this convolution must be included in the model. Equation [19] describes the fully resolved band structure observed in high resolution infrared spectra of many gas-phase diatomic molecules, such as CO. Figure 4 shows the transmittance (I(λ)/I0(λ)) spectrum of CO, calculated using Equation [19], for a constant number of molecules at the temperatures shown in Figure 2. Figure 4 shows that as the temperature increases, and more rotational energy levels becomes populated, the overall shape of the absorption band broadens to cover a wider spectral range. Additionally, because the total number of molecules is divided between a greater number of initial energy levels as temperature is increased, the intensity of individual rovibrational transitions changes with increasing temperature.

Experimental methods narrative By the 1950s, the mathematical and instrumental methods for determination of temperatures and species concentration from measurements of infrared spectra had been established, in large part spurred by electronics developed during the Second World War, by perfection of the method of commercial

Figure 4 Calculated transmittance of light through a fixed pressure of CO gas at different temperatures. Spectra are offset for clarity (each baseline corresponds to 100% transmission).

replication of diffraction gratings, and by publication in 1945 of Hertberg’s book ‘Infrared and Raman Spectra of Polyatomic Molecules’. During the 1950s, comparison of infrared emission spectra from high temperature sources in different laboratories was complicated by temperature gradients along the measurement line of sight, and by incomplete spectral parameters for gas absorption at high temperatures. To obtain spectral parameters for gases under study, several efforts were made to study gases in closed cells at controlled temperatures. Most of these efforts at studying gases at high temperature under static conditions employed absorption spectroscopy, in part to minimize self absorption along the line of sight, and also to enable using modulation of the source radiation (allowing discrimination of the high intensity, unmodulated background infrared emission). The success in fundamental studies of band structure and in predicting emissivities and changes in absorption at high temperatures and pressures led to an increase, by the early 1960s, in studies of radiation transfer for systems ranging from jet and rocket motors to high efficiency oil burners. A particular success which resulted from the study of gas-phase emissivities was the determination of thermal stress on NASA rocket motors from exhaust gas radiation. With the development in the early 1970s of the Fourier transform spectrometer and the computer based fast Fourier transform (FFT), it became possible to achieve high resolution coupled with high energy throughput and phase-sensitive detection. However, the development of laser-based techniques (particularly laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) for measurement of flame radical species, such as OH, HCO, H, O, CH, and C2) enabling direct measurement of species participating in flame propagation reactions caused a shift in focus of fundamental spectroscopic investigations of flame systems. This shift


led to a decrease in the late 1960s and early 1970s in the number of publications describing basic research that applied the techniques of dispersive infrared absorption and emission spectroscopy to flames. This decrease was offset by a considerable body of work on emission studies of hot gas sources, particularly smokestack and waste gas plumes from industrial sources. By the late 1970s, laser-based techniques employing tunable infrared lasers began to be used for species measurements in flames. The majority of this work used tunable diode lasers (TDLs), semiconductor devices in which the output laser radiation wavelength is tuned by varying the temperature and diode injection current. Initial experiments used TDLs emitting narrow-line width (typically < 10−4 cm−1)radiation in the mid-infrared spectral region. The narrow line width usually enables species specificity, even in congested spectral regions. Since the laser line width is typically several orders of magnitude less than the absorption line width, measurements of the fully-resolved absorption transition may be made, enabling the determination of line shape dependence upon pressure and temperature. An additional advantage to using tunable diode lasers, besides very narrows line widths, is the ability to tune the lasers, rapidly (kHz to MHz) over their output wavelength range. This enables phase-sensitive detection that minimizes the effect of the laser output noise, and also enables time-resolved measurements of dynamic systems. Recently, tunable diode lasers operating in the near-infrared spectral region have begun to see application to the spectroscopy of flames and to flame gases. At this time, commercial availability of TDLs in the mid-infrared spectral range is greater than for the near-infrared spectral range. TDLs operating in the mid-infrared spectral range must be cooled to cryogenic temperatures. TDLs operating in the near-infrared spectral range operate near room temperature, and unlike mid-infrared radiation, the near-infrared radiation may be transmitted over long distances through optical fibres. However, since absorption in the near-infrared spectral region corresponds to a change in vibrational quantum number greater than unity (referred to as an overtone transition), the sensitivity to a given molecule is much less than for mid-infrared spectroscopy, which is usually used to measure rovibrational transitions in the fundamental vibrational band. Typically, mid-infrared TDLs are used when extreme sensitivity is required (ppb range). For many field based techniques which require transportability in rugged environments, near-infrared TDLs are more appropriate (ppm range).

Experimental methods – dispersive and Fourier transform spectroscopy Emission measurements

Since the mid-1970s, most measurements of emission spectra of steady flames have used Fourier transform techniques. Figure 5 shows the emission spectrum measured from a premixed, stoichiometric CH4/O2 flame (total pressure equal to 18 torr) to which 3% CF3Br has been added as a flame suppressant. When appropriate, reduced-pressure flames are often studied because at reduced pressure the flame region is expanded, allowing more detailed study. The emission spectrum shown in Figure 5 was measured using a Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectrometer at a resolution of 1 cm−1. In Figure 5, spectral features from several flame species are identified, but the spectrum is dominated by emission from CO2 and gaseous H2O. This is because higher temperatures allow emission over a wide range of rovibrational transitions (see Figure 4), from combinations of different vibrational states, and the geometry of the emitting species (specifically in this case H2O) causes the spectrum to be complicated (relative to that for a diatomic molecule). The measured spectrum in Figure 5 reports emission from species over a wide range of temperatures, because the line of sight from the flame centre to the detector includes gases at many different temperatures. Also, because many flame species are products of an ongoing chemical reaction (combustion), these species may be produced with vibrational and rotational population distributions which are not in equilibrium with translational

Figure 5 The infrared emission spectrum measured from a premixed, stoichiometric CH4/O2 flame (total pressure 17 torr) to which 3% CF3Br has been added.


temperatures. Because of this, temperatures calculated from emission spectra using expressions similar to Equations [18] or [19] may give misleading results. When these factors are taken into account, temperature and partial pressures of gas species may be extracted from high resolution measurements of infrared emission spectra. Absorption measurements

Figure 6 shows an absorption spectrum measured through an opposed-flow CH4/air flame (total pressure 50 torr) using a FT-IR spectrometer at 1 cm−1 resolution. It should be noted that this spectrum is less congested and has a slightly more regular appearance than that shown in Figure 5. Absorption features from several species are evident in the spectrum. For flame diagnostics using infrared absorption spectroscopy, CO is probably the most widely studied molecule. The fundamental rovibrational absorption band of CO (ν = 0−1, centred at 2170 cm−1) is well approximately by Equation [19], and has a spacing between rotational lines (2B) of approximately 3.6 cm−1. Modelling of measured spectra is relatively straightforward and fully-resolved rovibrational lines may be measured at moderate instrument resolution (although the reported line shape may be just the instrument line shape function. In addition, since CO is a major product of hydrocarbon combustion, it is present in most flame systems. Figure 7 shows the spectrum of the first overtone (ν = 0–2) of CO, measured using a dispersive system, and the fit to the measured spectrum using an equation similar to Equation [19]. Since the resolution of the spectrometer used to measure the spectrum in Figure 7 was insufficient to fully resolve the line shapes of the individual rovibrational transitions, it was necessary to convolute the instrument function with the true line shape function (Eqn [19]) to obtain an accurate fit of the measured to the calculated spectrum. A major difficulty in obtaining quantitative absorption measurements of flame species is that absorption of radiation by cold gases in the probe beam line of sight may lead to errors. Currently, several methods of excluding contributions to absorptions by cold gases in the line of sight are used, with most methods employing some type of computer averaged tomography (CAT). Using these method (often referred to as inversion methods), multiple line of sight measurements at different relative orientations are made within a plane, or slice, through the flame. Using these multiple line of sight measurements, numerical methods are used to calculate species concentration at a given point within the plane. Applying this technique to multiple planes, or slices through the flame, can yield a three-dimensional reconstruction of species

Figure 6 The infrared absorption spectrum measured through a 50 torr opposed-flow CH4/air flame. The inset shows the burner configuration used to produce the flame.

concentration within the flame. This technique has been used to measure CO in reduced- and atmospher ic-pressure flames. A summation of inversion methods used to measure temperatures and species in flames has been given by Limbaugh. It should be noted that when measuring flame absorption spectra using a FT-IR spectrometer, care must be exercised so that flame emission is not reflected through the interferometer and reported as an absorption signal. To minimize the emitted radiation which reaches the interferometer, the collimated probe infrared beam is brought to a focus at an iris prior to entering the flame region. After passing through the iris, the probe radiation is re-collimated prior to entering the flame. While useful for identification of species within the flame, FT-IR spectroscopy will not yield high spatial resolution unless the infrared probe beam is reduced in cross section (usually by being passed through a set of apertures) prior

Figure 7 The transmittance spectrum of the first overtone (ν = 0–2) of CO. The gas was contained in a static cell at 1 atmosphere total pressure and a temperature of 423 K. The dotted line is the measured spectrum, the solid line represents the least-squares fit to the data.


to entering the flame region. This reduction in power of the infrared probe beam energy reduces the signal to noise ratio in the measured spectrum. A typical experimental setup for measuring infrared absorption spectra through a flame using an FT-IR spectrometer is shown in Figure 8. Most commercial spectrometer systems employing broadband sources (typically FT-IR systems) are not capable of resolving the true line shape of an absorbing gas phase species because of limitations to instrument resolution. The instrument yield the convolution of the true absorbing gas line shape and the instrument response function. Computer-based programs used to retrieve species concentration and temperature must either take into account this convolution, or use for calculations the instrument response-corrected peak intensity of the rovibrational transition.

Experimental methods – applications of tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS) Tunable diode lasers (TDLs) are semiconductor devices (typically GaAs) which are essentially light emitting diodes constructed with an optical resonator. Lasing is achieved by delivering a small current to the photodiode. Tuning is achieved by changing

Figure 8 Experimental apparatus for measurement of FT-IR absorption spectra through flames. The system is designed to minimize the amount of flame emission which reaches the interferometer. The burner is mounted on a translating stage (X and Z axes) to allow for tomographic analysis.

the temperature, and hence the Fermi level, of the device. The tuning range varies by type, but is usually between 2 cm−1 and 30 cm−1. The useful tuning range (that is, the range over which the device may be rapidly tuned without encountering changes in laser modes, which can mask absorption features) is usually less than 1 cm−1. This restricted tuning range means that the devices are not used in a survey mode. In general, a TDL laser spectrometer system is designed to detect a single gas using a single, specially-fabricated, dedicated, laser diode. Occasionally, absorption transitions from different gases of interest may occur within the useful tuning range of a single laser, but such occurrences are usually fortuitous. Additionally, because of the limited tuning range, calculation of temperature and species concentration may be difficult when only one line is measured. There are, however, several advantages to using TDLs for measurement of gas-phase flame species. These include high resolution (typically better than 1 × 10−4 cm−1), good spatial resolution (200 to 1 mm), reasonable output power (∼1 mW), and the ability to scan over their spectral range on a millisecond or better timescale. Probably the most widely studied molecular flame species by tunable diode laser spectroscopy is CO. In addition to the reasons for study outlined above in the discussion of broadband source methods, CO possesses several fundamental (ν = 0−1) and hot-band transitions (ν = 1–2, ν = 2–3) which occur within several line widths (approximately 0.05 cm−1) of each other. At room temperature, populations of states from which hot-band transitions occur are very low. However, at flame temperatures, populations of vibrational states other than the ν = 0 state may become appreciable. When temperatures (and also species concentrations) are calculated from simultaneous measurement of a fundamental and a hot-band transition, the technique is referred to as two-line thermometry. Figure 9 shows several spectra of CO measured in a low-pressure (20 torr), stoichiometric CH4/O2 flame using mid-infrared tunable diode laser spectroscopy. Because the wavelength of the diode laser radiation corresponds to single quantum number changes in CO (in this case a ν = 0−1 and a ν = 1−2 transition) simple absorption spectroscopy may be employed. Each spectrum is measured at a different height above the burner surface. For these experiments, the probe laser beam location was fixed, and the burner location was translated vertically. The infrared laser beam diameter through the flame region was 0.5 millimetres. As the diode laser radiation passes through different portions of the flame, the relative areas under the two peaks corresponding


phase-sensitive detection. The principal advantage to using modulation spectroscopy results from minimization of laser output noise by shifting detection to high frequencies. When phase-sensitive detection is employed using tunable diode lasers, the second derivative of the diode laser probe beam intensity with respect to wavelength is usually measured, since the wavelength at which the second derivative is a maximum coincides with the wavelength of maximum light absorption. The second-derivative signal peak height may be shown to be proportional to absorbance, A: Figure 9 Mid-infrared tunable diode laser spectra of CO, measured through a premixed CH4/O2 flame, at a total pressure of 20 torr, as a function of height above the burner surface. The maximum temperature calculated using two-line thermometry was 2150 K.

to absorption from different rovibrational levels changes. Figure 10 shows the results of fitting an equation similar to Equation [19] to an absorption spectrum from Figure 9. Using this method, the CO vibrational temperature was calculated as a function of height above the burner surface (Tmax = 2150 K ±50 K). Additionally, tomographic analysis of the data showed that the error from cold gas absorption, for these experiments, was always less than 10% of calculated temperatures and partial pressures. Tunable diode laser spectroscopy is also used for detection of many trace gas species in flames and in flame environments. The method used for measurements of small amounts of gases (often to the ppb range) relies on modulation spectroscopy using

Figure 10 A transmission spectrum measured through a lowpressure, premixed, CH4/O2 flame at 20 torr. The main absorption features are the two CO lines used to calculate temperature using the method of two-line thermometry. Calculated temperature was 2150 K.

Here, X″ is the peak height of the second-derivative signal (volts), V is the DC voltage measured by the detector in the absence of any molecular absorbance, and k is a constant which includes the measuring instrument and optics function. Letting S, denoted as the 2f signal peak to trough height (the distance between the maximum and minimum points on the 2f signal – see Figure 11C, equal X″/V, yields:

The slope of a plot of LP versus S provides the value of kα. A calibration of the system using known concentrations of the absorbing gas must be performed to determine the value of kα. Once this value is known, gas pressure (P) may be obtained directly from Equation [21]. Care must be exercised so that changes in optical surfaces during measurement (as when measuring corrosive gases such as HF) do not affect the value of kα, since this value is instrumentfunction dependent. For this reason, calibration should be performed at the beginning and end of each measurement set. Additionally, for gas concentrations which attenuate more than 5% of the incident light, the linear relationship between gas pressure and 2f signal peak height may no longer hold. Modulation spectroscopy using tunable diode lasers (often referred to as 2f spectroscopy) has been extensively discussed in the literature. Figure 11 gives a generic description of the signal processing employed in these experiments. Briefly, the laser output wavelength is scanned (10 Hz–10 kHz) through a spectral region where the gas being measured absorbs. The output at the detector during the laser scan (with the high-frequency modulation turned off) may be seen in the upper trace of


Figure 11 Simulated signal versus wavelength of laser radiation after passing through a gas with an absorption feature near 7665.5 cm−1. Graphs for (A) unmodulated laser radiation; (B) laser radiation with a small-amplitude, high frequency modulation; (C) demodulation at twice the high-frequency modulation in (B).

Figure 11. A high-frequency (10 KHz to MHz) wavelength modulation with an amplitude approximately equal to line width under investigation is superimposed on the laser drive current (middle trace in Figure 11). Demodulation at twice the frequency of the high-frequency laser drive modulation yields the second-derivative signal shown in the lower trace in Figure 11. It should be noted that the upper trace in Figure 11 shows that the laser diode output power has a non-linear dependence on laser drive current. While this is non-ideal behaviour, this is a common trait of commercially available laser diodes. The nonlinear power output dependence on laser drive current (exaggerated here for illustration) causes the sloping baseline for the second-derivative signal in Figure 11. For measurements at extremely low concentrations or for gases with small absorption cross sections, the non-linearity of laser diode output power with laser drive current may affect limits of detection. Modulation spectroscopy enables discrimination against contributions to light attenuation by scattering from particulate matter using a single laser beam. Attenuation of laser radiation by a ro-vibrational transition of a small gas molecule is detected because the wavelength range of the scan is several times the width of the spectral absorption feature (typically on the order of 0.1 cm−1 at atmospheric pressure). Because light scattering by particulate matter is nearly constant over the very small wavelength range of the laser scan, the change in detector signal intensity with the change in wavelength is effectively zero in the absence of any absorbing gas. However, because the 2f signal is also proportional to the background

signal intensity, the second-derivative signal is divided by the DC signal to account for light scattering by particles. While modulation techniques enable trace gas detection, special care must be exercised when making measurements in flames, especially when using nearinfrared laser radiation. Significant errors in measured concentrations may arise because of beam steering as the laser radiation passes through the flame. In some cases, the beam steering may be severe enough to cause loss of signal at the detector. Secondly, great care must be exercised when measuring 2f spectra through regions of differing temperature and pressure, since the 2f signal is extremely sensitive to changes in line width of the absorbing species.

Conclusion Infrared spectroscopy continues to be a valuable tool for measuring species concentrations and temperatures in flames and combustion gases, especially in field-based studies. The advent of compact, fibrecoupled, tunable diode lasers operating at room temperatures is expanding the use of vibrational spectroscopy beyond the laboratory, and providing a useful complement to broadband methods currently in place.

List of symbols A = area of radiator surface; A0 = peak spectral B = first absorbance; rotational constant; Bmn = Einstein transition probability of absorption for states m, n; c = speed of light; c1, c2 = radiation constants; E = internal energy of gas-phase molecule; Eλ = emissivity; h = Planck’s constant; HWHH = half width at half height; I0 = energy crossing unit area of absorbers/second; IR = energy removed from incident beam by absorbers; Iλ = radiant intensity at wavelength λ; J = rotational quantum number; k = constant; k = Boltzmann’s constant; N = energy-level population; QR = rotational partition function; QV = vibrational partition function; S = signal peaktrough height; T = temperature (K); V = DC voltage from detector for no absorbance; x = path length through absorbing medium; X″ = peak height of second-derivative signal; ∆x = absorber thickness; γ = half width at half height of spectral line; ν = vibrational quantum number; νmn = energy of exciting radiation; σ(λ) = absorption cross-section. See also: Laser Spectroscopy Theory; Rotational, Spectroscopy Theory; Solid State NMR, Rotational Resonance; Vibrational, Rotational and Raman Spectroscopy, Historical Perspective.


Further reading Anderson RJ and Griffiths PR (1975) Errors in absorbance measurements in infrared Fourier transform spectrometry because of limited instrument resolution. Analytical Chemistry 47: 2339–2347. Anderson RJ and Griffiths PR (1977) Determination of rotational temperatures of diatomic molecules from absorption spectra measured at moderate resolution. J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Trans. 17: 393–401. Barnes AJ and Orville-Thomas WJ (eds) (1977) Vibrational Spectroscopy – Modern Trends. Amsterdam: Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company. Bomse DS, Hovde DC, Oh DB, Silver JA and Stanton AC (1992) Diode laser spectroscopy for on-line chemical analysis. In: Bomse DS, Brittain H, Farquharson S, Lerner JM, Rein AJ, Sohl C, Todd TR and Weyer L (eds) Optically Based Methods for Process Analysis. Proc. SPIE 1681: 138–148. Daily JW (1997) Laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy in flames. Prog. Energy Combust. Sci. 23: 133–199. Daniel RG, McNesby KL and Miziolek AW (1996) The application of tunable diode laser diagnostics for temperature and species concentration profiles of inhibited low pressure flames. Applied Optics 35. Dasch (1994) Applied Optics 33. Fried A, Henry B, Wert B, Sewell S and Drummond JR (1998) Laboratory, ground-based and airborne tunable diode laser systems: performance characteristics and applications in atmospheric studies. Applied Phys. B 67: 317–330. Gaydon AG (1948) Spectroscopy and Combustion Theory, p 129. London: Chapman & Hall Ltd. Gaydon AG (1974) The Spectroscopy of Flames, 2nd edn. London: Chapman & Hall Ltd. Gaydon AG and Wolfhard HG (1953), Flames: Their Structure, Radiation and Temperature. London: Chapman & Hall Ltd. Griffiths PR and de Haseth JA (1986) Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy. New York: Wiley. Hanson RK, Varghese PL, Schoenung SM, and Falcone PK (1980) Absorption spectroscopy of combustion gases using a tunable IR diode laser. Laser Probes for Combustion Chemistry. ACS Symposium Series 134. Washington DC: American Chemical Society. Hertzberg G (1950) Spectra of Diatomic Molecules. New York: Van Nostrand & Co. Hertzberg G (1950) Electronic Spectra of polyatomic molecules. New York: Van Nostrand & Co. Limbaugh CC (1985) The infrared emission-absorption method for temperature and species partial pressure determination in flames and plumes. In: Wormhoudt

Joda (ed) Infrared Methods for Gaseous Measurements. New York: Marcel Dekker Inc. McNesby KL (1998) Informal survey of Proceedings of the International Symposia (International) on Combustion from 1948 to 1996. New York: Academic Press. McNesby KL, Daniel RG and Miziolek AW (1995) Tomographic analysis of CO absorption in a low-pressure flame. Applied Optics 34: 3318–3324. McNesby KL, Daniel RG, Widder JM and Miziolek AW (1996) Spectroscopic investigation of atmospheric diffusion flames inhibited by halons and their alternatives. Applied Spectroscopy 50: 126. Miller JH, Elreedy S, Ahvazi B, Woldu F and Hassanzadeh P (1993) Tunable diode-laser measurement of carbon monoxide concentration and temperature in a laminar methane-air diffusion flame. Applied Optics 32: 6082– 6089. Moore Walter J (1972) Physical Chemistry, 4th edn. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc. Oppenheim UP (1963) Spectral emissivity of the 4.3µ CO2 band at 1200 K. Ninth Symposium (International) on Combustion, pp 96–101. New York: Academic Press. Penner SS (1959) Quantitative Molecular Spectroscopy and Gas Emissivities. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Pub. Co. Reid (1981) Second harmonic detection with tunable diode lasers – comparison of experiment and theory. Applied Physics B 26: 203–210. Silver JA (1992) Frequency modulation spectroscopy for trace species detection: theory and comparison among experimental methods. Applied Optics 31: 707–717. Steinfeld JI (1974) Molecules and Radiation. New York: Harper & Row. Townes CH and Schawlow AL (1955) Microwave Spectroscopy. New York: McGraw-Hill. Vanderhoff JA, Modiano SH, Homan BE and Teague MW (1997) Overtone absorption spectroscopy of solid propellant flames: CO and N2O concentrations. In Kuo KK (ed) Challenges in Propellants and Combustion 100 Years after Nobel, pp 876–884. New York: Begell House Inc. Varghese PL and Hanson RK (1980) Tunable infrared diode laser measurements of line strengths and collision widths of 12C16O at room temperature. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 24: 279. Wilson EB, Jr., Decius JC and Cross PC (1955) Molecular Vibrations. New York: McGraw-Hill Co. Wormhoudt JA and Conant JA (1985) High resolution infrared emission studies from gaseous sources. In: Wormhoudt Joda (ed) Infrared Methods for Gaseous Measurements, pp 1–45. New York: Marcel Dekker Inc.


Fluorescence and Emission Spectroscopy, Theory James A Holcombe, University of Texas at Austin, TX, USA


Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Like all atomic spectroscopic techniques, emission and fluorescence spectrometry require the production of free atoms (or ions) in the gaseous phase for detection. These two techniques require the population of a particular excited electronic state and determine concentration by monitoring the radiative relaxation process, i.e. by detection of the photon produced. In general, the intensity of the light emitted should be proportional to the gas-phase atom density and, ultimately, to the concentration of the analyte atoms in the sample being introduced to the atomization source. Likewise, it follows that increasing the excited-state population will enhance the sensitivity of the method. The difference between the two spectroscopic approaches stems from the means by which the excited state is populated. In fluorescence, absorption of radiation at the proper frequency is used for excitation; in emission spectroscopy, collisional energy transfer with other atoms, molecules, ions or electrons produces the excited-state population.

Atomic emission Excited-state population

Since excited-state populations are achieved by collisions with other charged or neutral particles within the source, the population of any given excited state can be calculated if local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) can be assumed to exist within the source. Under LTE, the fractional population of any given excited electronic state, Nj, is given by

where gj and Ej are the statistical weight and excitation energy of the jth state, respectively; kB is the Boltzmann constant and T is the temperature (in kelvin). The partition function Z(T) is the ‘sum-overstates’, or simply represents the relative population of all other states in the atom:

For relatively cool sources (e.g. T < 5000 K), Z(T) can be approximated by the value for the statistical weight of the ground state, g0, which implies that a majority of the atoms are present in the ground state (E0 = 0). While an elevated population of the excited state is a necessary condition to realize a strong emission signal and good analytical sensitivity, it is not a sufficient condition. It is also necessary that there exists a high probability that, once populated, the excited state will radiatively relax to a lower energy state. In many instances the transition used terminates in the ground state of the atom or ion, and the line emitted is termed the resonance line. The probability that radiative relaxation will occur is indicated by the magnitude of the oscillator strength (f ) or Einstein A coefficient for spontaneous emission. Both of these parameters are indicators of the strength of the emission, with smaller values indicative of low probability or even ‘forbidden’ transitions. Examples where such transitions might have a low probability include transitions in which an apparent change in electron spin state is needed to accomplish the relaxation, i.e. a ‘spin forbidden’ transition. As a result of selection rules that dictate transitions with a high probability, not all possible transitions from an excited state to a lower-lying state occur with equal probabilities. In spite of this, the emission spectrum of elements with d or f electrons can exhibit hundreds to thousands of lines in the UV and visible region of the spectrum. Line widths

While radiative relaxation can produce relatively narrow spectral lines (e.g. 0.0001 nm or less, depending on the source and line), the lines are not truly monochromatic. At the very least each spectral line exhibits a ‘natural line width’ that is governed by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle

where ∆E is the uncertainty in the position of the state, τr is the excited-state lifetime (typically 1–10 ns) and h is the Plank constant. With rearrangement and


substitution of the Plank relationship (E = hν), the natural line width in hertz can be expressed as

where Aji is the Einstein A coefficient for spontaneous emission from the jth to the ith state. With typical excited-state lifetimes of approximately 10 ns, the natural line widths are of the order of 0.00001 nm. Line widths in most sources are generally broader than the neutral line widths as a result of collisional and Doppler broadening. Collisional broadening is a result of collisions or near collisions between the excited-state atom or ion and other particles in the system that result in a perturbation of the relative location of the energy states of the atom at the time of emission. As a result, elevated pressures and temperatures in the source enhance the impact of collisional broadening on the line width. Doppler broadening is a consequence of phenomena similar to the familiar Doppler effect for sound, which results in change in pitch or frequency as a sound emitting source approaches and then passes an observer, for example for a passing train that is blowing its whistle. In a similar fashion, an emitting atom that is moving towards or away from the observer exhibits a frequency shift in the emitted radiation that is related to the relative direction and velocity of the emitter. Taken over an ensemble of atoms moving in random directions, this produces a broadened spectral line. Like collisional broadening, this is accentuated with increasing temperatures since the average molecular velocities increase with temperature. For sources at atmospheric pressure and temperatures of a few thousand degrees, these broadening events are similar in magnitude and produce spectral line widths in the range of 0.001–0.01 nm. Other effects that can produce broadening or splitting of the spectral lines include Stark broadening and Zeeman splitting. Stark broadening results from local electric fields from neighbouring ions and electrons or from externally applied, strong electric fields. Zeeman splitting results from the interaction of a magnetic field with the particles or ions. From Equation [1] it is apparent that elevated temperatures promote population of electronic excited states. However, competing with this enhanced excited state population is ionization:

This is an equilibrium condition and can be expressed by the Saha equation:

where n represents the number density of the respective species. This equilibrium is quantitatively described by

where Z represents the partition functions for the respective species and Eion is the ionization potential in eV. In brief, the equation predicts that reduced ionization potentials, low partial pressures of the neutrals in the source and elevated temperatures will enhance the fraction of the neutrals that are ionized. It is for this reason that in some high-temperature sources, such as inductively coupled plasmas, the resonance transitions of the ions produce more intense emission lines (and improved analytical detection limits) than neutral atom lines for the same element. While the above discussion applies to many analytical atomic spectroscopic sources, much of the discussion and quantitative treatment requires the existence of local thermodynamic equilibrium, LTE. Some sources do not exist at LTE. Typically, sources that are at reduced pressure, which limits the rate of collisional distribution of energy, or those where energy is being input at a rapidly changing rate, may not exhibit LTE. As an example, glow discharge sources such as hollow-cathode lamps used in atomic absorption are operated in a low-pressure noble gas environment and exhibit extremely high ionization temperatures but very low kinetic gas temperatures; that is, the temperatures are not equal and, as a result, the system is not considered at LTE. This source, in spite of its kinetic gas temperature of only a few hundred degrees, exhibits an extremely high degree of ionization and population of some very high transition energy excited states. Calibration curves

In general, the intensity of light emitted from the excitation source should be proportional to the concentration of analyte atoms or ions within the source. This linear relationship should be valid as long as equilibrium processes within the source govern the


fraction of the total analyte population. An example where this may not be true can be seen in Equations [5]–[7], where ionization can be dependent on the partial pressure of the free atomic species. In the case of a flame source, low concentrations of the easily ionized elements (e.g. alkali metals) show measurably higher degrees of ionization. As a result, there can be curvature at the low concentration end of the calibration curve. Interestingly, the much hotter inductively coupled plasma does not exhibit the same nonlinearity at low concentrations. This is a result of the nearly constant electron density (ne), which keeps the degree of ionization nearly independent of concentration. Since resonance lines are often used for spectrochemical analysis, radiation emitted from the centre of an excitation source may pass through a substantial concentration of atoms in the ground state in the outer regions of the source. As a consequence, some of this light may be absorbed by the analyte atoms in this region. This is referred to as self-absorption. In the extreme, the absorbing atoms can reduce the intensity at the central wavelength of the emitting line to near zero (self-reversal). Figure 1 shows intensity profiles with increasing analyte concentrations for an atomic emission line subject to self-absorption. Consider light emitted from the hot centre region of a source (e.g. a flame) at an intensity of I . The intensity is a function of both the analyte concentration and the wavelength, with maximum intensity emitted at the line centre. Since the intensity is proportional to the concentration c of the analyte element in the sample,

Figure 2 Wavelength dependences of k ′ and k ″. Note that the vertical axis for k has been inverted to aid presentation.

where k is a constant that is wavelength dependent. The resonance emission also passes through the cooler outer regions of the source that also contain analyte atoms. However, they are emitting a negligible amount of light because of the cooler temperatures and the very strong temperature dependence of emission (Eqn [1]). Thus, these cooler atoms can absorb the resonance radiation without contributing significantly to the emission intensity. The absorption of this resonance radiation exhibits a Beer’s law type of behaviour, where the intensity passing through this layer is related to the concentration c and the incident intensity I .

where k is indicative of the strength of the absorption at any given λ. A graphical representation of the wavelength dependence of k′ and k″ is shown in Figure 2. (Note: The scale for k″ has been reversed for clearer presentation.) Since I is dependent on c (Eqn [8]), the intensity emitted from the source after passing through this absorbing layer can be described as

Figure 1 Intensity profiles with increasing analyte concentration (bottom to top) for an emission line subject to self-absorption.

From this expression two things become apparent: (a) the intensity detected (Ic) is not linearly dependent on c unless 0 ≤ k λexc.

the oscillator strength. Hence there is justification for the axiom that ‘a strong emitter is a strong absorber’ often cited in atomic spectroscopy. Since sensitivity is dependent on the excitation source intensity, it would seem that one should be able to increase the source intensity and thereby improve the sensitivity of the fluorescence technique for analysis. This is valid with low radiative fluxes. However, there is one more interaction between radiation and matter that must be introduced into this discussion to explain the limitation of this assumption: stimulated emission. Stimulated emission is the process that occurs when an atom or ion (or molecule, for that matter) is in an excited state and a photon interacts with this atom to stimulate the relaxation to a lower energy state (where ∆ E = hν). The stimulated photon is emitted at the same wavelength as the incident photon, travels in the same direction as the incident


photon and is in phase with the incident photon. As a result of this process, the excited state has been diminished by this interaction with light. Since this is a stimulated process (like absorption), the number of particles that will participate in this interaction will depend on the incident flux and the number of atoms or ions located in the proper excited state. In short, as the excitation source intensity continues to increase, the population of the excited state increases from stimulated absorption, and the number of stimulated emission events also increases as the excited state population increases. Eventually a point is reached where the rate of the stimulated absorption process equals the rate of the stimulated emission and no net increase (or decrease) in population of the excited state occurs. The system is said to be ‘saturated’. Additional increases in the incident radiation source intensity will have little impact on either the fraction of atoms or ions in the excited state or the spontaneous emission, i.e. fluorescence signal. As a result, small fluctuations in the source light intensity will not alter the detected signal for a given concentration of atoms in the atomization cell. Usually, source intensities comparable to that produced by lasers are needed to reach saturation. Since the excitation process is dependent not only on the photon flux of the source but also on the number of atoms or ions in a state capable of absorbing the photon, most absorption/excitation steps involve transitions that originate in the ground electronic state where a majority of the analyte atoms or ions reside. Two-colour (or multiphoton) experiments can also be conducted in which multiple-step excitation is the objective. Similarly to nonresonance fluorescence discussed previously, multiphoton excitation also makes the fluorescent transition energy distinctively different from the excitation energy, and minimizes self-absorption if the terminating levels of the fluorescent wavelength is not the ground state. (See calibration curve discussion below.) Multicolour experiments are almost always restricted to highintensity sources such as lasers. Once a photon is absorbed, there is a finite possibility that it will relax radiatively. The fraction of the atoms or ions that fluoresce after they absorb radiation is referred to as the quantum yield, Φ. Line widths

Parameters discussed previously for line broadening in emission spectrometry are also applicable for fluorescence spectrometry, especially since many of the same atom producers (flames, inductively coupled plasmas, etc.) are used for both techniques. In fluorescence, the width of the absorption profile can be

as critical as that of the fluorescent line profile. This is particularly true when narrow-band excitation sources (e.g. lasers or low-pressure discharge lamps) are employed. At the atomic cloud becomes less transparent, the intensity of the excitation beam that reaches the ‘analytical volume’ in the source centre also decreases, since it is being attenuated by passing though absorbing atoms in the outer regions of the atomization source. The intensity distribution of this exciting beam is, of course, moderated by k . Narrow absorption line profiles and narrow excitation line widths (e.g. from laser and low-pressure discharge lamps) accentuate the impact that this absorption will have on the fluorescent intensity. Calibration curves

As in emission spectrometry, the intensity of the detected radiation should be proportional to concentration in the original sample, and this is generally true at low concentrations. As with emission, curvature at low concentrations can occur as a result of ionization interferences in some sources for the more easily ionized elements. Also similarly to emission spectrometry, selfabsorption (and self-reversal) of the fluorescent spectral lines can take place within the sample ‘cell’ if a resonance line is the line being monitored and detected and the atom density is sufficiently large. This alone can lead to a flattening of the calibration curve at elevated concentrations similar to that observed with emission spectroscopy. In addition, if the excitation beam is also a narrow line source used at a resonance wavelength of the analyte, the excitation beam intensity can be attenuated. This leads to lower populations of the excited state and decreased fluorescence signals when the beam attenuation becomes significant. In fact, with a line source (in contrast to use of a continuum excitation source) at elevated analyte concentrations, the calibration curve can actually roll over, i.e. exhibit a negative slope at higher concentrations.

List of symbols Aij = Einstein A coefficient for spontaneous emission from jth to ith state; c = analyte concentration; Ej = excitation energy of the jth state; f = oscillator strength; gj = statistical weight of the jth state; h = Planck constant; I = intensity of emitted/absorbed radiation; kB = Boltzmann constant; k = proportionality constant (I = k c); k = constant expressing strength of absorption at λ; Ki = equilibrium constant in Saha equation; nX = number density of species X; T = temperature;


Z(T) = partition function; ∆E = uncertainty in energy of a state; ∆νN = natural line width; λ = wavelength; ν = line/transition frequency; τr = lifetime of excited state; Φ = quantum yield. See also: Atomic Absorption, Theory; Atomic Absorption, Methods and Instrumentation; Atomic Emission, Methods and Instrumentation; Atomic Fluorescence, Methods and Instrumentation; UV-Visible Absorption and Fluorescence Spectrometers.

Further reading Barnes RM (1976) Emission Spectroscopy. Stroudsburg PA: Dowden, Hutchinson and Ross. Boumans PWJM (1966) Theory of Spectrochemical Excitation. Bristol: Adam Hilger.

Bower NW and Ingle JD Jr (1981) Experimental and theoretical comparison of the precision of atomic absorption, fluorescence, and emission measurements. Applied Spectroscopy, 35: 317. Ingle JD Jr and Crouch SR (1988) Spectrochemical Analysis. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall. Kuhn HG (1962) Atomic Spectra. New York: Academic Press. Mitchell ACG and Zemansky MW (1961) Resonance Radiation and Excited Atoms. New York: Cambridge University Press. Vickers TJ and Winefordner JD (1972) Flame spectrometry. In: Grove EL (ed) Analytical Emission Spectroscopy, Vol 1, Part II. New York: Marcel Dekker. Winefordner JD, Schulman SG and O’Haver TC (1972) Luminescence Spectrometry in Analytical Chemistry. New York: Wiley-Interscience.

Fluorescence Microscopy, Applications Fred Rost, Ashfield, NSW, Australia Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

This article gives an overview of the current applications of the technique of fluorescence microscopy. The four sections describe, respectively, (1) the basic principles of fluorescence microscopy, (2) the types of information which can be obtained by fluorescence microscopy, (3) the technical ways in which fluorescence microscopy can be adapted to study various chemical species and (4) some examples of the range of biological, mineralogical and artificial specimens that can be studied.

Principles of fluorescence microscopy Fluorescence microscopy is a technique whereby fluorescent substances are examined in a microscope. It has a number of advantages over other forms of microscopy, offering high sensitivity and specificity. In fluorescence microscopy, the specimen is illuminated (excited) with light of a relatively short wavelength, usually blue or ultraviolet (UV). The specimen is examined through a barrier filter that absorbs the short-wavelength light used for illumination and transmits the fluorescence, which is therefore seen as bright against a dark background

ELECTRONIC SPECTROSCOPY Applications (Figure 1). Because fluorescence is observed as luminosity on a dark background, fluorescent constituents of the specimen can be seen even in extremely small amounts. There are several different modes of fluorescence microscopy, of which the most important is confocal fluorescence microscopy. In most modern fluorescence microscopes, epi-illumination is employed. This means that the light used for excitation is reflected onto the specimen through the objective, which acts as a condenser. Opaque or very thick objects can be examined using epi-illumination, even the skin of living people. The position of fluorescence microscopy in relation to other techniques is summarized in Table 1. Conventional, transmitted-light, absorption microscopy is appropriate for coloured objects of resolvable size, and instrumentally is the simplest form of microscopy. Colourless, transparent objects can be studied only by retardation techniques (polarization, phasecontrast, interference); these techniques depend upon conversion of phase retardation into changes in intensity that can be seen by the eye. An exception is darkground illumination, which may reveal colourless transparent objects by reflection or refraction at interfaces of differing refractive indices. Darkground microscopy is otherwise suitable mainly for


Figure 1 Fluorescence photomicrographs of a section of a plant stem, cut longitudinally (main picture) and transversely (inset, at higher magnification). The tissue was stained with a fluorochrome, Aniline blue, to show the sugar-conducting tissue (phloem). Aniline blue stains specialized regions of the cell walls. Intense fluorescence is most obvious on the transverse (end) walls of elongated cells. The end walls have pores so that there is continuity from cell to cell, forming a continuous tube in which sugars may be moved down the plant from the leaves. A face view of one of the end walls is shown in the inset. There is a ring of fluorescence around each pore. There is also fluorescent staining, to a much lesser degree, on the longitudinal walls. This surrounds pores that allow sugar transport between adjacent tubes. Aniline blue stains 1→3β–glucans. Here it is staining callose, a glucan which is deposited to occlude the pores should the tubes become damaged, as when tissue is cut. This presumably blocks the cut part of the tubes, minimizing loss of sugars from the cut ends of the tubes, and may well also minimize entry of microorganisms that would be attracted by leaking sugars. The tubes shown in the main picture are 70 µm in diameter. Field size of main picture approximately 500 × 1000 µm (0·5 × 1 mm), of inset approximately 100 × 100 µm. Pictures courtesy of Professor AE Ashford, University of New South Wales.

particulate matter, and (like fluorescence microscopy) can reveal the positions of particles too small to be resolved. Fluorescence microscopy is closely allied to transmission (absorption) microscopy in its range of application, but possesses particular advantages: great sensitivity for detection and quantification of small amounts of fluorescent substances or small particles, and the possibility of application to opaque

Table 1

objects. Since fluorescence involves two wavelength bands (excitation and emission), optical specificity can be substantially increased by careful selection of filter combinations to favour the excitation and emission of some particular fluorophore, and modern developments also permit time-resolution of the fluorescence lifetime. Fluorescence microscopy, because of its complexity, gives more difficulty than usual in interpretation of the image. Factors which may affect the appearance of the image in a fluorescence microscope are related to the specimen, to the microscope optical system (particularly the filter combination) and to the observer's own optical and neurological characteristics. In particular, the use of a narrow-band barrier filter can be misleading, since it makes everything appear its specific colour, whereas a wide-band or long(wavelength)-pass filter allows differentiation of different colours. Even photography, apparently objective, may be misleading if not interpreted correctly. The current definitive texts on fluorescence microscopy are those of Rost (see Further reading). There also exists several introductory works, such as that of Abramowicz, and a vast specialized literature. The major texts on confocal fluorescence microscopy are those of Pawley and of Wilson.

Types of information to be obtained Because many substances are fluorescent, or can be made so, fluorescence microscopy is widely applicable. It has a number of advantages over other forms of microscopy, offering high sensitivity and specificity. Because fluorescence is observed as luminosity on a dark background, specific constituents of the specimen can be seen even in minute amounts. Therefore, fluorescence microscopy is used mainly to detect and localize very small amounts of substances in specimens. The chemical substance being studied is either fluorescent of itself, made so by a chemical process or attached to a fluorescent label.

Applicability of fluorescence microscopy, compared with other techniques

Type of microscopy Specimen


Absorption (transmission)

Retardation (DIC, Pol, etc.)





Reflection (incl. darkground) Suitable
















Particles below limit of Suitable resolution




Absorption microscopy is the conventional transmitted-light type. Retardation microscopy includes Nomarski interference-contrast (DIC), phase-contrast and polarization. Reflection microscopy includes darkground.


Fluorescence microscopy offers three significant capabilities. First, its high sensitivity allows very low concentrations of specific substances to be localized. Secondly, specific substances can be localized in structures smaller than the resolution of the microscope. Thirdly, fluorescence is particularly suitable for confocal microscopy, which offers optical sectioning, giving very clear imaging and the possibility of building up 3D reconstructions. As in other forms of microscopy, there are three basic kinds of fluorescence microscopy: qualitative, quantitative and analytical. Qualitative fluorescence microscopy is concerned with morphology, or with whether something (e.g. an immunological reaction) is present. Quantitative fluorescence microscopy is concerned with finding out how much of a specific substance is present in a specified region of the specimen. Analytical fluorescence microscopy is the characterization of a fluorophore by measurement of excitation and emission spectra or other characteristics such as polarization or decay time. Kinetic studies essentially involve studying the fluorescence parameters described above over a period of time; examples include the study of fading rates, enzyme kinetics, time-resolved fluorescence and phosphorescence.

importantly, the confocal microscope has sharp depth discrimination, and therefore produces optical sections in the plane of focus. This is because the detector does not accept all the light from out-offocus planes and so these are imaged less strongly than the in-focus plane. Background fluorescence is thereby sharply reduced. Three-dimensional data can be obtained by computer reconstruction of a series of optical sections. Confocal fluorescence microscopy offers greatly increased discrimination against background and some increase in resolution, and gives the possibility of optical sectioning and three-dimensional reconstruction. For detailed information, see the books by Gu, Matsumoto, Pawley, and Wilson listed under Further reading. Other modes

Several other modes of fluorescence microscopy have been developed, including automated fluorescence image cytometry (AFIC), fluorescence resonance energy transfer microscopy (FRETM), two-photon fluorescence microscopy, total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy, and standing-wave fluorescence microscopy. Combination with other techniques


Images may be captured by photographic or digital means. Photography is best achieved by fast colourpositive (transparency) film in a small (35 mm) format. Film is certain to be largely replaced by solidstate electronic devices (CCDs) in the near future because these have a higher quantum efficiency, enabling the recording of fluorescence which is weaker and/or the use of a shorter exposure time. Confocal microscopy produces a digital image directly. Video intensification microscopy (analogue and digitized)

Attachment of a video camera to a fluorescence microscope facilitates viewing of the image, which is normally rather dim. A video camera, particularly one using a CCD, can readily be interfaced to a computer for image analysis. For details of video microscopy, see the book by Inoué and Spring and for an introduction to technique see the book by Herman, both listed under Further reading. Confocal fluorescence microscopy and 3D imaging

If both the illumination and detection systems are simultaneously focused onto a spot which is scanned over the specimen, this is called confocal fluorescence microscopy, and has several advantages. Most

Because the image seen in the microscope may consist of only a few small fluorescent areas in an otherwise black field, fluorescence microscopy is sometimes supplemented with other forms of microscopy to enable the specimen as a whole to be visualized and to show the position of fluorescent areas in relation to the rest of the specimen. Fluorescence microscopy is easily combined simultaneously or alternately with other methods for increasing object contrast, such as darkground illumination, interference-contrast (DIC) or phase-contrast microscopy. Combined electron microscopy and fluorescence microscopy of the same stain is possible with a small number of stains which contain heavy atoms. Quantification by microfluorometry

For quantification, microfluorometry has four advantages as compared with microdensitometric methods: distributional error does not occur, so that scanning or two-wavelength techniques are not required; optical specificity can be obtained by selection of appropriate wavelengths both for excitation and for measurement of emission; great sensitivity can be obtained; and thick or opaque objects can be examined. Disadvantages of microfluorometry include the necessity for artificial standards, and (usually) relatively rapid fading of the specimen. It is


important to ensure that the background fluorescence is kept to a minimum and that an adequate standard is available. Microspectrofluorometry

Excitation and/or emission spectra are measured from a specified area of the specimen using a microspectrofluorometer. Such instruments usually have to be assembled by addition of an appropriate light source and monochromators to a microfluorometer. This can be applied either for the identification of unknown fluorophores or to the investigation of the conditions of fluorescence of known fluorophores. The main application to date has been the identification of neurotransmitter amines in situ using formaldehyde-induced fluorescence.

Kinetic studies: time-related and video fluorescence microscopy Kinetic studies essentially involve studying the fluorescence parameters described above over a period of time; examples include the study of fading rates, enzyme kinetics, time-resolved fluorescence and phosphorescence. Scanning of the image with a television camera, with the televised image shown on a video monitor, enables an otherwise dim image to be seen more conveniently. Time-lapse video recording can be used to study movements of fluorescent probes in living cells. The specimen often photobleaches (fades) under irradiation. Photobleaching is put to good use in modern studies of molecular kinetics using video recording and subsequent measurements of fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP), which gives information about rates of diffusion of fluorescent species back into a bleached area. Fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM)

In this technique, the instrumentation provides time resolution of the fluorescence process, enabling spatial resolution of changes in fluorescence lifetime caused by environmental changes. This is useful for monitoring intracellular processes which cannot be studied by other means.

Types of fluorescence Autofluorescence

Autofluorescence (primary fluorescence) is the fluorescence of naturally occurring substances, such as

chlorophyll, collagen and fluorite. Most plant and animal tissues show some autofluorescence when excited with ultraviolet light (e.g. light of wavelength around 365 nm). Sometimes this autofluorescence is a nuisance as it may conceal or be confused with a specific fluorescence. The term autofluorescence is sometimes extended to cover the fluorescence of drugs and other exogenous substances which may be present in tissues, e.g. tetracycline antibiotics which accumulate in growing bone. In biology, autofluorescence is often regarded as a nuisance, masking the specific fluorescence of introduced substances, but it usually provides a guide to the morphology of the tissue, and is also worthy of study in its own right. In geology, fluorescence microscopy is widely used to study coal. In minerals, autofluorescence is most commonly due to the presence of trace amounts of activator substances, generally regarded as ‘impurities’. Induced fluorescence

This is observed following a chemical reaction to convert some non-fluorescent substance, already present in tissue, into a fluorescent substance. The most important example is the demonstration of neurotransmitter amines such as noradrenaline, which can be converted into fluorescent substances by treatment with formaldehyde or glutaraldehyde. Fluorochromy

This is the process in which specimens are stained with fluorescent dyes, as compared with diachromy in which tissues are stained with coloured dyes. An example is shown in Figure 1, in which structures in a botanical specimen are stained with a fluorescent dye, Aniline blue. Many dyes which are used as coloured stains are also fluorescent, and can be used as either diachromes or fluorochromes. Hence, many conventionally stained preparations can be examined with either a conventional microscope or a fluorescence microscope. However, the use of fluorescence microscopy extends the range of dyes which can be used, because of the additional possibility of using dyes which are colourless or nearly so but fluoresce in the visible region after excitation with ultraviolet light. Fluorescence also gives increased sensitivity. Staining can also be carried out after chemical treatment, as in the Schiff reaction for carbohydrates and in the Feulgen reaction for nucleic acids. Some staining procedures commonly applied to biological material are listed in Table 2. For data and references on fluorochromes and fluorescent probes, see the Molecular Probes catalogue and the books by Kasten, Mason and Rost.


Table 2

Some examples of fluorochromes (fluorescent stains)





Acid-fast bacteria

Auramine O


Plant cell walls

Calcofluor White

Cell biology

Chromosome banding

Quinacrine, Quinacrine mustard

Cell biology

Labels for affinity reactions

FITC, Texas Red isothiocyanate

Cell biology

Membrane lipids


Cell biology

Nucleic acids

Acridine Orange, bisbenzimide


Nerve cell tracing




Thioflavine T

Immunofluorescence This is a special form of fluorochromy, in which the site of an antigen– antibody reaction is revealed by labelling one of the components of the reaction (the antigen, the antibody or complement) with a fluorescent dye. Such reactions allow specific proteins to be localized rapidly, reasonably accurately and with great sensitivity. Similar techniques are used for the demonstration of other cytochemical affinity reactions, such as in nucleic acid hybridization and in the binding of lectins, hormones and other substances. I refer to these techniques as indirect fluorochromy, since the fluorochrome is bound indirectly (through at least one intermediate molecule) to the substrate (the substance intended to be stained). Immunofluorescence, nucleic acid hybridization and similar affinity reactions have made an enormous contribution to cell biology. Double- and triple-staining techniques enable visualization of two or more affinity reactions in the same preparation, using differently coloured fluorochromes for each reaction. Special filter combinations are available to facilitate simultaneous visualization of the different colours, and wedge-free filters allow sequential photography of images in each colour without image shift. Enzymatically induced fluorescence

In general, enzyme activity is demonstrated by fluorescence microscopy as follows. A substrate is offered to the enzyme, which is allowed to act on the substrate to obtain a reaction product which is localized at the site of enzyme activity and is either fluorescent or easily rendered so. The technique is usually used for qualitative purposes only, to demonstrate the location of enzyme activity, but quantification of enzymatic activity and estimation of Michaelis– Menten constants (Km) are possible. It is usually

easier to demonstrate the presence of the enzyme protein using immunofluorescence, but of course this does not guarantee that the enzyme system is active.

Applications Fluorescence microscopy is widely used in biology and medicine, as well as in other fields. The literature is vast, and only a very brief outline of actual or potential applications can be presented here. Fluorescence techniques can be applied to all kinds of material. Because fluorescence microscopy requires more complex and expensive instrumentation than conventional transmitted-light microscopy, fluorescence microscopy is usually reserved for those applications in which its high sensitivity is of importance: i.e., to examine substances present in low concentrations. Fluorescence microscopy can also be applied to detect particles below the resolution of a light microscope, and in histochemistry to visualize substances which cannot be seen by conventional microscopy – e.g. neurotransmitter amines. Biological material is commonly stained in some manner with a fluorescent stain. Biological applications

Probably the most important applications of fluorescence microscopy are to the study of living cells and tissues, to protein tracing by the Coons fluorescent antibody technique and to the study of nucleic acids by in situ hybridization. Fluorescence microscopy has long been used in the study of living tissues (Table 3). This is possible because fluorescence microscopy reveals the position of very tiny amounts of fluorescent substances, which Table 3 tissues

Some examples of fluorescent probes used in living



Bone growth

Tetracycline, chlortetracycline

Calcium ions

Fura-2, Indo-1, Calcium Green

Magnesium ions


Membrane lipids

ANS, SITS, Nile Red


Rhodamine 123, DASPI, DASPMI


Haematoporphryin derivative

Neuronal tracing

Fast Blue, Lucifer Yellow


Acridine Orange, bisbenzimide, ethidium bromide

pH Indication

BCECF, carboxyfluorescein, dicarbocyanines

Streaming (plant cells)

Ethidium bromide


6-Carboxyfluorescein diacetate


can be introduced into living tissues or cells. Information about the environment of fluorescent probes in the tissues can be obtained by measuring changes in fluorescence spectrum or other characteristics. This technique is now widely applied to the intravital study of the concentration of various inorganic ions. The measurement of pH and of calcium ion concentration are particularly important. The viability of cells is testable by using fluorescent esters, such as 6-carboxyfluorescein diacetate, which are non-fluorescent and which (being non-polar) can pass through the cell membrane. Inside the cell, the ester is hydrolysed to release the free fluorescent anion (6-carboxyfluorescein), which, if the membrane is intact, accumulates inside the cell. Fluorescence is also widely used to demonstrate the ramifications of nerve cells, by injection or takeup of fluorochromes into or by living cells. Mineralogical applications

Fluorescence microscopy is widely and routinely used for the study of coal. Technological applications

Fluorescence microscopy is ideal for studies of porosity in ceramics, using a fluorescent dye. It is also applicable to studies of semiconductors.

List of symbols Km = Michaelis– Menten constant. See also: NMR Microscopy; Rotational Spectroscopy, Theory; Scanning Probe Microscopy, Applications; Scanning Probe Microscopy, Theory.

Further reading Abramowitz M (1993) Fluorescence Microscopy – the Essentials. New York: Olympus-America.

Bollinger A and fa*grell B (1990) Clinical Capillaroscopy. Toronto: Hogrefe & Huber. Conn PM (ed) (1990) Methods in Neurosciences, Vol III, Quantitative and Qualitative Microscopy. San Diego: Academic Press. Coulton GR and de Belleroche J (eds) (1992) In situ Hybridization: Medical Applications. Lancaster: Kluwer Academic. Gu M (1996) Principles of Three-dimensional Imaging in Confocal Microscopes. Singapore: World Scientific. Haugland RP (1996) In: Spence MTZ (ed) Handbook of Fluorescent Probes and Research Chemicals, 6th edn. Eugene, OR: Molecular Probes. Herman B (1998) Fluorescence Microscopy, 2nd edn. Oxford: Bios Scientifica Publishers / The Royal Microscopical Society. Inoué S and Spring KR (1997) Video Microscopy, 2nd edn. New York and London: Plenum Press. Kasten F (1981) In: Clark, G. (ed) Staining Procedures, 4th edn, Chapter 3. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins. Kawamura A and Aoyama Y (eds) (1983) Immunofluorescence in Medical Science. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press; Berlin/Heidelberg/New York: Springer Verlag. Kotyk A and Slavick J (1989) Intracellular pH and its Measurement. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. Mason WT (1993) Fluorescent and Luminescent Probes for Biological Activity. London: Academic Press. Matsumoto B (ed) (1993) Cell Biological Applications of Confocal Microscopy. New York: Academic Press. Pawley JB (ed) (1995) Handbook of Biological Confocal Microscopy, 2nd edn. New York: Plenum Press. Polak JM and Van Noorden S (eds) (1983) Immunocytochemistry. Bristol: Wright. Rost FWD (1991) Quantitative Fluorescence Microscopy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Rost FWD (1992) Fluorescence Microscopy, Vol I. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Reprinted with update, 1996.) Rost FWD (1995) Fluorescence Microscopy, Vol II. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Rost FWD and Oldfield RJ (1999) Photography with a Microscope. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Wilkinson DG (1994) In situ Hybridization. A Practical Approach. Oxford: IRL Press. Wilson T (ed) (1990) Confocal Microscopy. San Diego: Academic Press.


Fluorescence Polarization and Anisotropy GE Tranter, Glaxo Wellcome Medicines Research Centre, Stevenage, Herts, UK


Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Fluorescence polarization techniques have proved to be a very useful method of investigating the environment and motion of fluorescent molecules and fluorophores within larger macromolecules. When molecules are illuminated by plane-polarized light, those with their transition electric dipole moment parallel with the plane of polarization will preferentially absorb the light (‘photoselection’). Subsequent emission of light from this excited electronic state, as the molecule returns to the original electronic ground state, will be similarly polarized parallel to the transition moment of each molecule. If the molecules are unable to rotate during the lifetime of the excited state, then the plane of polarization of the emitted light will be consistent and directly related to that of the exciting light (their electric vectors will be parallel). However, if the molecules are able to rotate within this time period, then the degree of polarization will be diminished. A similar description can be envisaged for fluorophoric groups within larger molecules; in this case the rotational relaxation involves the tumbling of the complete molecule together with the localized motion of the fluorophore with respect to the molecular environment. Although rotational relaxation is the main mechanism for loss of polarization, other phenomena can also contribute to depolarization, not least radiationless transfer among fluorophores. Furthermore, if the emission occurs between a different pair of electronic states from that of the original absorption, with differently oriented transition moments with respect to the molecular axes, then a change in polarization may be observed.

Steady-state anisotropy In a typical fluorescence spectrometer, the excitation beam illuminating the sample and the optical path employed to detect the emission are orthogonal to each other and define a ‘horizontal’ plane. By employing linear polarizers before and after the sample, the plane of polarization of the excitation beam can be controlled and the polarization components of the emitted light determined. Specifically, by orientating

the polarizers as either parallel or perpendicular to the horizontal plane, the plane of polarization of the excitation or detected emission can be described as either parallel to the plane (H, for horizontal) or perpendicular to it (V, for vertical). Four emission spectra can then be acquired: VV = intensity of vertical emission from vertical excitation HV = intensity of horizontal emission from vertical excitation VH = intensity of vertical emission from horizontal excitation HH = intensity of horizontal emission from horizontal excitation In these circ*mstances, for an ideal instrument, the fluorescence polarization, p(λ) for a sample at a given wavelength λ is

and the corresponding fluorescence anisotropy, r(λ), as

In principle, this would allow the fluorescence polarization or anisotropy to be determined with just two spectral acquisitions: VV and HV. However, in practice, it is vital to correct for the differing efficiencies of the emission monochromator and detector towards vertically and horizontally polarized light, which may be substantial. Consequently, for isotropic samples, Equation [1] can be amended to



As a convenient rule of thumb, the rotational relaxation time (in nanoseconds) for a spherical molecule of mass M (g mol−1) in a medium of viscosity η (g cm−1 s−1) is

and similarly for the fluorescence anisotropy,

The basis for the correction ratio κ is that, for horizontally polarized excitation of isotropic samples, the resulting vertically and horizontally polarized fluorescences detected should be of equal intensity; any difference may be attributed to the polarization dependence of the emission monochromator and detector. The fluorescence polarization p(λ) and anisotropy r(λ) both take the value of unity for the limit of complete preservation of polarization during the excited state lifetime (e.g. if the molecules are immobile). Likewise, they both take the value of zero if there is a complete loss of polarization (i.e. a randomization of orientation). However, their values differ for states between these extremes. In principle −1 < p < 1 and −0.5 < r < 1, although the limits are rarely encountered; negative values may be indicative of processes beyond depolarization through rotational relaxation, such as transitions to other excited states. If the only significant process for depolarization is rotational relaxation, then the fluorescence anisotropy, for a single molecule or fluorophore, may be given by a form of the Perrin equation:

where τ is the fluorescence lifetime, φ is the rotational correlation or relaxation time for the fluorophore’s tumbling and r0 is the intrinsic anisotropy in the absence of rotational relaxation. Small molecules (less than 1000 Da molecular mass) with fluorescence lifetimes of the order of τ = 10 ns are able to tumble with relative ease in low-viscosity solvents (e.g. water), typically φ = 0.1 ns and thus τ >> φ and there is almost complete depolarization during the fluorescence lifetime (r → 0). In contrast, a fixed fluorophore in a large protein may have the same fluorescence lifetime, but a rotational relaxation time of φ = 10 ns, so that τ ∼ φ and there is significant preservation of the polarization.

with, for example, η = 0.01 g cm−1 s−1 for water. In the case of a small fluorescent molecule binding to a large macromolecule, the bound form should be distinguishable from the unbound form by having a substantially greater fluorescence anisotropy. Likewise, fluorophores rigidly held within a macromolecule would show significantly greater anisotropies than those exposed to the solvent and possessing some degree of motional freedom. Thus, one can employ fluorescence anisotropy to locate groups within a structure. This can prove particularly powerful if an environmental change (including perhaps the binding of a compound) induces a change in rigidity about observable fluorophores. Finally, if the variation of fluorescence anisotropy is plotted against wavelength, spectroscopic bands originating from distinct transitions or fluorophores may be distinguished by their differing anisotropies.

Fluorescence lifetime anisotropy By the use of fluorescence lifetime instrumentation, one can further determine the evolution of the fluorescence anisotropy with time during and beyond the lifetime of the excited state. In the simplest case of a fluorophore in solution, with a single fluorescence lifetime and depolarization through rotational relaxation alone, the fluorescence anisotropy will decay according to

whereas the total emission intensity, IT(t) will decay as

Thus the rotational relaxation and fluorescence lifetime may be directly distinguished. In more complex cases, perhaps involving binding kinetics or multiple environments, it is possible to deduce characteristic half-lives for the various processes. For example, one may identify subpopulations


of molecules that are bound in different modes and even characterize the residual motion of a molecule while it is bound to a site that is itself tumbling. Nonetheless, these complex applications all require a sufficiently robust hypothesis regarding the phenomena being modelled if the interpretations are to be valid.

vertical excitation; η = viscosity; κ(λ) = VH/HH; τ = fluorescence lifetime; φ = rotational correlation time. See also: Chiroptical Spectroscopy, Oriented Molecules and Anisotropic Systems; NMR in Anisotropic Systems, Theory.

Further reading List of symbols HH = intensity of horizontal emission from horizontal excitation; HV = intensity of horizontal emission from vertical excitation; IT = total emission intensity; M = molar mass; p(λ) = fluorescence polarization at wavelength λ; r, r(λ) = fluorescence anisotropy (at wavelength λ); r0 = intrinsic anisotropy; t = time; VH = intensity of vertical emission from horizontal excitation; VV = intensity of vertical emission from

Clark BJ, Frost T and Russell MA (eds) (1993) Techniques in Visible and Ultraviolet Spectrometry, Vol 4, UV Spectroscopy. London: Chapman and Hall. Harris DA and Bashford CL (eds) (1987) Spectrophotometry and Spectrofluorimetry, a Practical Approach. Oxford: IRL Press. Ingle JD and Crouch SR (1988) Spectrochemical Analysis. Prentice Hall International. Miller JN (ed) (1981) Techniques in Visible and Ultraviolet Spectrometry, Vol 2, Standards in Fluorescence Spectrometry. London: Chapman and Hall.

Fluorescence Spectroscopy in Biochemistry See

Biochemical Applications of Fluorescence Spectroscopy.

Fluorescent Molecular Probes F Braut-Boucher and M Aubery, Université, Paris V, France Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction Fluorescent methods have been extensively developed for analytical purposes. Due to their specificity and sensitivity, fluorescent molecular probes (FMP) are presently largely used for the labelling of living cells. Numerous applications in biomedical research, including pharmacology and toxicology, are in progress. Initially, only flow cytometry was capable of quantifying fluorescent signals in cell biology and obtaining information such as cell type characterization, antigen expression, cell receptor localization, etc. More recently the most important advances have resulted from the combination of probe development for exploring specific cellular functions in situ and the use of performing instrumentation. Spectrofluorimetry associates the high sensitivity of fluorescence with the

ELECTRONIC SPECTROSCOPY Methods & Instrumentation reproducibility of microplate reading. Moreover, new probes are expected in the near future and attempts are being made to develop automatic procedures for monitoring analysis and producing a variety of tests used in cell biology, microbiology, toxicology and oncology. Several reviews and monographs on molecular fluorescent probes are available in the bibliography and are listed in the Further reading section. Micromethods are one of the most recent applications of fluorescence and efforts are devoted to the adaptation of apparatus capable of direct measurement on cell culture microplates that can be automatically scanned. In basic research, as well as in pharmaceutical drug development, this advanced technology represents a significant gain in productivity and cost control. This article deals first with probe labelling strategy, choice of suitable devices for microplate


reading and data analysis. Secondly, selected applications are discussed.

Fluorescent molecular probes and practical considerations Fluorescence theory and applications have been documented by Guilbault. According to this author, a fluorescent probe could be defined as ‘a chromophore that undergoes changes in absorption characteristics as a function of environmental disturbance’. The molecule absorbs energy, rises to an excited state, and then returns to its normal state, concomitantly emitting energy as photons. This light emission is named fluorescence. The optimum difference between excitation and emission wavelengths (the Stokes shift) lies between 20 and 50 nm. Several cellular functions are revealed by probes which react stoichiometrically and thus lead to a quantitative relationship between probe and target. In fact, fluorescent probes are versatile tools that can be used to reveal specific cell properties, such as information about cell structure, function, viability, proliferation or differentiation. Probes include fluorescent dyes, antibodies coupled with fluorochromes or fluorogenic substrates, and oligonucleotides. New fluorescent probes are being constantly developed, and additional fluorescent indicators can be found in catalogues or Web pages of a few specialized companies; among them are Molecular Probes and Fluka Biochemicals. A probe is generally selected because of its specific spectroscopic properties: fluorescence lifetime, fluorescence intensity, or functional characteristics: cellular incorporation, behaviour under pH variation. To minimize cellular probe disturbance, i.e. possible chemical interactions between probe and the tested xenobiotic, low probe concentrations (micro- to nanomolar) must be used. Moreover, to avoid photochemically induced reactive oxygen species production, all experiments have to be carried out with as little light present as possible. It is also necessary to consider quenching which results in fluorescence reduction by absorption of emitted light by a fluorophore or other substances present in the medium, such as phenol red. Currently, there are a wide variety of highly fluorescent extrinsic dyes that may be grouped in two classes: • fluorescent exclusion probes, which do not penetrate into the cell and so maintain its integrity; • vital fluorescent probes, which are incorporated into living cells. The latter are more frequently used and can be divided into four sub-classes:

• • • •

probes related to membrane integrity; probes related to membrane potential; probes related to DNA content; probes related to ion content.

Fluorescent probes and their derivatives commonly used in microspectrofluorimetry are listed in Table 1 with their specific spectra in UV, visible and near IR areas. The structures of some of the probes mentioned later are given in Figure 1.

Concerning cells Adherent or non-adherent cells could be obtained from either primary cultures or immortalized cell lines. While better reproducibility is generally obtained with cell lines, with careful monitoring very good results have also been obtained with primary cell cultures (see below). Concerning adherent cells, for better reproducibility, the cell monolayer should be used only when subconfluent. In such controlled condition, the cell outline is clearly visible (Figure 2A). Non-adherent cells in suspension must be carefully isolated before distribution into each well (Figure 2B). In both cases, monolayer variability or cell clusters should be avoided. Moreover, cellular autofluorescence has to be precisely measured before experiment, although there is a generally low fluorescence background when the labelling procedure is well adapted. The morphology and integrity of the Table 1 Fluorescent probes commonly used in microspectrofluorimetry

Fluorochrome Acridine orange / RNA

Excitation wave- Emission wavelength (nm) length (nm) 460 620

Acridine orange / DNA









DIOC (3) / RNA



Ethidium bromide / DNA



Ethidium bromide / RNA



Hoechst 33258



Hoechst 33342



Propidium iodide



Alamar blue



Rhodamine 123









Neutral red










Figure 1

Structure of some fluorescent probes used in microspectrofluorimetry.


the fluorescent signal. Toxic effects of probes related to their concentration are easily controlled, as is non-release of the probe, when experiments are carried out in dilute samples. Higher concentration could induce leakage or quenching. The probe stability in the storage solvent and the culture medium has to be controlled. As deleterious effects and structural damage have been observed in loaded cells exposed to high light energy, potential phototoxic effects, i.e. peroxidative damages or necrosis, must be considered. Moreover, probes may be photolabile, and thus it is necessary to expose the sample in the wells for a short time, at the lowest possible light energy. In these experimental conditions, phototoxic interferences are minimized. In most apparatus, the microplate is scanned at a defined wavelength for 0.3 s, which results in limited fading.

General labelling procedure

Figure 2 (A) Endothelial cells (magnification × 200) in a portion of monolayer labelled with calcein-AM (5 µM for 30 min); (B) HL 60 (magnification × 200) in suspension labelled with calcein-AM (10 µM for 30 min) adhering onto an endothelial cell monolayer.

cells and their distribution on the bottom of the microplate have to be monitored to see if they are correctly reproduced from one set to another, paying particular attention to optimization of the culture support. The best optical design is represented by plates with a transparent flat bottom and black edges, but accepting some cross contamination between wells, and standard culture supports can be used in most apparatus. An optimal distribution of microplated cells is shown on Figure 3. The cell population could vary in terms of staining levels due, in part, to the state of the type of cells. In any case, the methodology has to be adapted to each cell type and controlled by fluorescence microscopy. Besides validating a new procedure, a comparison could also be made by using fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS). Choosing a fluorescent probe

The choice of a probe depends on the function or the major target to be explored. The first step of the labelling procedure is the determination of the concentration– response relationship between the probe and

In all cases, whatever the probe used, concentration– response and kinetics curves should be established. These studies will indicate the optimal concentration and incubation time for the probe, depending on the cell type. As an example, calceinAM is used at 20 µM for lymphocytes and 5 µM for keratinocytes, at 37°C, for a 30min incubation period. Before loading, the cells are washed three times with PBS and then incubated with the appropriate concentration of the probe in PBS-BSA (0.2%) for 30 min. After elimination of the nonincorporated probe by centrifugation, labelled cells are distributed over the plate, in accordance with the scheme presented in Figure 3. The fluorescence

Figure 3 Experimental setup with configuration of the 96-well microtitre plate. BG, background fluorescence; B, blank (solvent and xenobiotic); C, control (cells loaded with probe without any treatment); S, samples (cells loaded with probe, treatment applied in quadruplicate; five concentrations of xenobiototic could be tested S1 to S5).


is then rapidly monitored using a cytofluorimeter. All manipulations concerning the loading of cells with fluorophores are carried out avoiding exposure to direct light. Generally, probes are aliquoted in a concentrated stock solution (0.1 to 1 mM), and diluted before use of the required final concentration. At low concentrations (below 50 µM), probes have little deleterious effect on cells. The efficiency of probe incorporation is temperature-dependent, with an optimum at 37°C. The excess probe is eliminated by gentle centrifugation and the cell pellet is

resuspended in the medium and examined under an inverted microscope. Finally, the fluorescence is measured using a microplate reader. Selecting a microplate reader

The instrumentation for microspectrofluorimetry consists of two essential units: a source of radiation and a system for measuring the intensity of the fluorescence emission. The basic components of this apparatus are shown on Figure 4. The different

Figure 4 (A) Diagram of an epiillumination pathway in a fluorimetric plate reader. (Reproduced by permission of EG & G WALLAC.) (B) Schematic overview of the main components of the Fluostar. (Reproduced by permission of BMG Labtechnologies, France.)


appliances available from various companies are compared in Table 2. As an energy source, the xenon lamp has a better continuum than that of the tungsten lamp in the ultraviolet spectrum. For this reason the xenon lamp is the most widely used source of radiation in spectrofluorimetry. For quantitative measurements, excitation and emission monochromator can be set at the optimum wavelength for the probe. Difficulties are encountered with apparatus according to the chosen plate reading method above or below the plastic support of the microplate; to counter this, most manufacturers equip their instruments with two types of plate reader. To diminish interference with other biological molecules, longer wavelengths are preferred to shorter ones. Environmental factors also have to be considered. The main inconvenience using fluorimetry comes from parameters such as (i) temperature: the decrease of fluorescence with temperature is estimated to be 1% per °C, consequently automated temperature control is of the upmost importance, (ii) light bleaching: it is necessary to operate out of direct light, (iii) pH. All appliances should serve as routine instruments and provide a wide range of excitation wavelengths. Most of them are provided with many accessories, such as automatic sample distributor, temperature regulator, shaking system, etc., as listed in Table 2. Collecting data (interpretation)

Each test must be repeated at least three times and each microplate has it own control with quadruple wells for each concentration. The intra-assay Table 2

variability among quadruple concentrations must be less than 5%. The mean and standard deviation should be used in standard tests. Data could be exported into other programs and dealt with statistically. Plate-reader software, however, does possess graphical functions and data analysis capabilities. A wide range of graphical functions, such as linear regression and statistical tests, are included in most apparatus.

Microspectrofluorimetry: biological applications In the following section, selected applications of fluorescence are briefly discussed, and experimental results given. Our aim will be restricted to the presentation of some specific probes which target different mechanisms of cytotoxicity, oxidative stress, detoxification potential or cellular adhesive capacities. We demonstrate here that the selection of the most appropriate method for early detection of the cytotoxicity of xenobiotics is directly related to the mechanism of the toxic agent. Fluorescent probes for studying cell viability

To study cell viability, several probes are proposed, as indicated in Table 3. Two examples will be given in this section. They correspond to either membrane damage (calcein-AM) or disturbance of mitochondrial potential (Alamar blue). Cell viability is often estimated by the Neutral red assay which is widely used in classical spectrometry and, more recently, in fluorimetry because of its increased sensitivity. More often than not, the fluorogenic dye calcein

Some manufacturers of fluorescent microtitreplate readers: apparatus and specifications

Manufacturers and instruments

Sensitivity (lowest detectable fluorescein concentration)

Fluorescence reading

Light source and power

Temperature control / plate shaking

BMG Fluostar II

340–700 nm

Xenon 75 W

yes / yes

10 fmol/well

EG & G Instruments

340–850 nm Xenon flash

Xenon flash

yes / yes

10 fmol/well


340–750 nm

Quartz–halogen 75 W

yes / yes

10 fmol/well


320–670 nm

Quartz–halogen 30 W

yes / yes

75 fmol/mL (4–MU)


320–670 nm

Xenon 75 W

yes / yes

10 fmol/mL

PACKARD Fluorocount

340–670 nm

Quartz–halogen 150 W

yes / yes

5 fmol/well


340–650 nm


yes / yes

10 fmol/mL

DYNEX (Fluorolite 1000)

300–880 nm Cold light fluorimetry

Tungsten/ halogen/xenon

no / yes

10 fmol/mL (Hoechst 33258)


Table 3

Biological applications of fluorescent probes in microspectrofluorimetry


Fluorescent probes Targets


Cell proliferation

Hoechst 33258 Propidium iodide

DNA / apoptosis

Papadimitriou E and Lelkes P (1993) Journal of Immunological Methods 162: 41–45

Cellular viability


Cytoplasmic membrane

Braut-Boucher F et al. (1995) Journal of Immunological Methods 178:41–51

Cellular viability

Neutral red


Noel-Hudson MS et al. (1997) Toxicology in Vitro 11: 645–651

Energetic metabolism

Alamar blue Rhodamine 123

Mitochondrial system

Shanan TA et al. (1994) Journal of Immunological Methods 175: 181–187 Lilius H et al. (1996) Toxicology in Vitro 10: 341–348. Le Bel CP et al. (1992) Chemical Research and Toxicology 5: 227 Braut-Boucher F et al. (1998) Veterinary and Human Toxicology 40: 178

Oxidative stress


Reactive oxygen species



Cytochrome P450 Rat P et al. (1997) In van Zutphen LFM and Balls M, (eds), Animal Alternatives, Welfare and Ethics, pp 813–825. Amsterdam: activity Elsevier.

Enzymatic systems


Glutathione trans- Lilius H et al. (1996) Toxicology in Vitro 10: 341–348 ferases Rat P et al. (1995) Cold light fluorimetry: a microtitration technology for cell culture to evaluate anethole dithiolethione and other thiols. Methods in Enzymology 252: 331–341




Cytosolic enzymes

acetoxymethylester (calcein-AM) can be used to provide a rapid and sensitive method for measuring cell viability as well as cell– cell and cell– substratum adhesion interactions. Calcein-AM is cleaved by intracellular esterases to produce highly fluorescent and well retained calcein, independently of pH. The mitochondrial membrane potential can be monitored using several fluorescent probes. These probes are often cationic and accumulate in active mitochondria with a high membrane potential. A review on the use of rhodamine 123 has been published by Slavik. It is stated that the fluorescence intensity of rhodamine 123 in mitochondria of living cells could be quantified by various techniques such as fluorescence microscopy or FACS, and can also be used in microspectrofluorimetry. A new fluorimetric metabolic indicator for detecting mitochondrial activity (which reflects the viability of target cells) is Alamar blue. Alamar blue is a redox indicator that gives fluorescence and visible colour changes in response to cellular metabolic activity. It acts as an intermediate electron acceptor in the electron transport system between the final reduction of O2 and cytochrome oxidase. Alamar blue spectra are shown in Figure 5. Performing calcein-AM assay in practice To perform the assay, the probe is added at the concentration determined in preliminary experiments to each well

Braut-Boucher F et al. (1995) A non-isotopic, highly sensitive, fluorimetric, cell-cell adhesion assay using calcein AM-labeled lymphocytes. Journal of Immunological Methods 178: 41–51

before or after cell treatment with the xenobiotic, be it sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) (Figure 6A) dinitrophenol (DNP) (Figure 6B) or doxorubicin (Figure 6C). After incubation for 30 min, all wells are gently rinsed before scanning the microplate using an excitation wavelength of 490 nm and an emission wavelength of 530 nm. The calcein fluorescence in treated samples is compared to that of control cells and the relative fluorescence intensity is used to calculate the viability percentage. Performing Alamar blue assay in practice After treatment with the studied xenobiotic, cells are carefully washed to eliminate proteins which decrease the rate of dye reduction. Alamar blue solution (10% final concentration in PBS) is added to each well and after two hours, supernatants are transferred to a separate 96-well culture plate and the fluorescence is monitored using an excitation wavelength of 560 nm and an emission wavelength of 590 nm. The cytotoxicities of both DNP and SDS are presented in Figure 6A and B. For each compound, one can determine the cytotoxic concentration exerting 50% cell damage, i.e. 50% decrease of the fluorescent signal of control cells. Depending on the target, membrane or mitochondrial damage, the best test for SDS is the calcein-AM assay, whereas the Alamar blue assay is the most sensitive one for DNP.


monolayer of endothelial cells. Cells treated with 20 µg/mL of doxorubicin for three hours revealed a 50% increase in ROS measured by the DCFDA assay (Figure 6D) which correlates to the cell viability estimated by the calcein-AM assay (Figure 6C), as aforementioned. The study of the cytotoxicity of doxorubicin, a red coloured molecule for which cytotoxic effects involve at least three mechanisms (necrosis/apoptosis, mitochondrial activity and oxidative stress) connected in some way or another, is a prime example to demonstrate the relevance of fluorimetric methods. Probes for assessing intracellular sulfhydryl levels

Figure 5 Fluorescence and absorbance spectra of Alamar blue (oxidized or reduced) reprinted from Interchim, France.

Probes for assessing oxidative stress

Intracellular peroxide levels were assessed using 2′,7′dihydrodichlorofluorescein diacetate (H2DCFDA), an oxidation sensitive fluorescent probe. Once inside the cell, the probe is deacetylated by intracellular esterases forming 2′,7′-dichlorofluorescin (H2DCF), which is oxidized in the presence of a variety of peroxides, to a highly fluorescent compound, namely 2′,7′-dichlorofluorescein (DCF). Performing H2DCFDA assay in practice Cells are loaded with 10 µM, H2DCFDA for microplate fluorescent analysis for 30 min. The fluorescence is quantified with the microtitreplate reader using an excitation wavelength of 480 nm and an emission wavelength of 538 nm, with three separate assays per treatment. This protocol was validated using well-known peroxide inducers, such as: H2O2, cumen hydroperoxide and the t-butylhydroperoxide (t-BHP). For each compound, a concentration– response relationship is observed. The sensitivity of the assay allows the early detection of the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) induced by doxorubicin, when applied to a

An easy and sensitive method to evaluate the function of the cellular detoxification mechanisms, which could possibly be linked to stress conditions, is valuable. Glutathione (GSH), a tripeptide (Glu-Cys-Gly) which plays a key role in numerous metabolic processes, is a major intracellular reducing agent involved in detoxification of reactive species. A number of flow cytometric methods for measuring cellular GSH have been described using probes that form adducts with GSH. Cellular thiol levels could be analysed using either the monobromobimane (mBBr), which forms a fluorescent adduct with sulfhydryl groups, or 5-chloromethylfluorescein diacetate (CMFDA). CMFDA, a non-fluorescent molecule capable of permeating cells, becomes fluorescent after cleavage by cellular esterases. The glutathione transferase catalyses the reaction between CMF and the intracellular thiols retained inside the cell, whereas the unconjugated probe is released in the medium and eliminated. A decrease of fluorescence reveals a decrease of GSH content. Performing CMFDA assay in practice In order to validate the CMFDA assay, intracellular sulfhydryl groups of the cells were depleted either by using Nethylmaleimide (NEM), a thiol depleting agent, or by inhibiting GSH synthesis with buthionine sulfoximine (BSO). An overnight incubation with 2 mM BSO reduces the fluorescent signal intensity by 30%, compared to control cultures, whereas a 2 min incubation with 100 µM NEM induces a more acute depletion of 50%. Cell–cell adhesion assay

We have previously described a non-isotopic, highly sensitive, fluorimetric, cell– cell adhesion microplate assay using calcein-AM-labelled lymphocytes. To successfully perform the lymphocyte/keratinocyte adhesion assay, the following conditions are recommended:


Figure 6 (A) Cytotoxicity of SDS, Calcein-AM and Alamar blue assays; (B) Cytotoxicity of DNP, Calcein-AM and Alamar blue assays; (C) Cytotoxicity of doxorubicin, Calcein-AM assay; (D) Cytotoxicity of doxorubicin, H2DCFDA assay.


• the confluence of the keratinocyte monolayer should be checked in each well; • the lymphocytes should be labelled with 20 µM calcein AM and incubated for 30 min; • a defined lymphocyte density per well should be plated onto the monolayer; • fluorescence should be monitored immediately using the fluorimetric microtitreplate reader to avoid probe release.

analytical tools for both research and development projects, as well as rapid and accurate assays for quality control. Recently, cytofluorimetric microtitration was recommended by the European Centre for Validation of Alternative Methods (see Further reading). These methods, based on the selection of appropriate test systems, could give strong evidence for possible molecular mechanisms involved in cellular functions.

The percentage of lymphocytes adhering to the keratinocyte monolayer was calculated as follows:

See also: Cells Studied By NMR; Colorimetry, Theory; Dyes and Indicators, Use of UV-Visible Absorption Spectroscopy; Fluorescence Microscopy, Applications.

Further reading where FA is the fluorescence of adherent lymphocytes, FT the fluorescence of total lymphocytes deposited, and FR the released fluorescence. This equation takes into account the background fluorescence emitted by contol wells in the spectrum considered. This method can be easily applied to any cells whose adhesive capacities have to be investigated and can also be used to manage cell– extracellular matrix adhesion.

Concluding remarks The aim of this article was to introduce microspectrofluorimetry, using fluorescence probes, as a new technology in analytical fluorescent applications and provide practical guidelines to the use of this powerful technique. When compared with conventional methods, its main advantages are: • high sensitivity and specificity; • simultaneous monitoring of different cellular functions; • combining two or more probes, if the probes emit at different wavelengths; • use of coloured molecules without interference; • easy handling, low cost and possibility of batch studies; • increasing number of available fluorescent probes and kits; • avoiding the use of radiolabelled molecules. Successful applications require the appropriate choice of model system and probes with the aim of defining the target cell functions. Under these conditions, microspectrofluorimetry offers innovative

Brand L and Johnson M (1997) Methods in Enzymology. London: Academic Press. Guibault GG (1996) Practical Fluorescence, 2nd edn. New York: Marcel Dekker. Haugland RP (1996) In: Larrison KD (ed) Handbook of Fluorescent Probes and Research Chemicals, 6th edn. Molecular Probes, Eugene, Oregon. Metezeau P, Ratinaud MH and Carayon P (1994) Cytometrie par fluorescence. Apports comparatifs de techniques flux, image et confocale. Paris: Editions INSERM. Rat P, Chisten MO, Thevenin M, Warnet JM and Adolphe M (1995) Cold light fluorimetry: a microtitration technology for cell culture to evaluate anethole dithiolethione and other biothiols. Methods in Enzymology, 40: 252– 331. Rat P, Osseni R, Christen MO, Thevenin M, Warnet JM and Adolphe M (1997) Microtitration fluorimetric assays on living cells: new tools for screening in cell pharmacotoxicology. In: van Zutphen LFM and Balls M (eds) Animal Alternatives, Welfare and Ethics, pp 813– 825. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Ronot X, Paillasson S and Muirhead, KA (1996) Assessment of cell viability in mammalian cell lines. In: AlRubeai M and Emery AN (eds) Flow Cytometry Applications in Cell Culture, pp 177– 192. New York: Marcel Dekker. Slavik J (1994) Fluorescent Probes in Cellular and Molecular Biology. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. Wang YL and Taylor LD (1989) Methods in Cell Biology part A: Fluorescent analogs, labeling cells and basic microscopy. 29 and part B: quantitative fluorescence microscopy-imaging and spectroscopy 30 Fluorescence microscopy of living cells in culture, Part A and B, (Eds), Academic Press, Inc., San Diego, New York, Berkely, 498 pp. White CE and Argauer RJ (1970) Fluorescence Analysis. A Practical Approach. New York: Marcel Dekker.


Food and Dairy Products, Applications of Atomic Spectroscopy NJ Miller-Ihli and SA Baker, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Beltsville, MD, USA

Food composition data are critical for consumers and health care professionals to make choices and recommendations based on the nutrient content of foods. Trace elements contribute significantly to human health with 25 elements identified as being of interest. A review of the nutrients for which recommended daily allowances (RDAs) exist shows that 7 of 19 are minerals (Ca, Fe, I, Mg, P, Se, and Zn). In addition, the National Research Council has established estimated safe and adequate daily dietary intakes (ESADDIs) rather than RDAs for an additional five elements (Cr, Cu, F, Mn, and Mo) and three electrolytes (Cl, K, and Na) have been identified as essential. Ten additional trace elements are considered essential but no human requirement level has been set for them: As, Ni, Si, B, Cd, Pb, Li, Sn, V, and Co. The status of fluorine as an essential nutrient has been debated and conflicting data exist but its valuable effects on dental health certainly make it of potential interest. Recent reviews of the state of knowledge of food composition data shows that there is a significant lack of data for specific food groups and for several of the elements of interest, including the seven for which RDAs have been identified. This is owing, in large part, to the lack of suitable analytical methodology, which is why rugged, accurate methods are needed that use modern analytical methodology and instrumentation. Health professionals and the public are increasingly interested in the maintenance or promotion of good health and disease prevention, rather than the diagnosis and cure of diseases. Clearly good nutrition is an important part of good health so nutritionists need high quality food composition data so that they can assess the nutrient content of foods consumed. Recent reviews of food composition data still suggest the mineral composition of foods is not well characterized despite the extensive data found in U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Nutrient Data Base for Standard Reference SR-12 (the former USDA Handbook 8). In addition, there is now interest in knowing the exact chemical form of the trace elements in foods since not all forms are biologically active. Another issue which highlights the importance of continued research for methods for trace elements in foods and beverages is related to the Nutrition

ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY Applications Labelling and Education Act of 1990 (NLEA); this is now law in the United States and provides nutritional information to the consumer. Fifteen mandatory nutrients must be listed on the labels, including three trace elements (Ca, Fe, and Na). Thirty-four additional ‘voluntary’ nutrients which affect human health may be required in the future and 12 of those are trace elements (K, P, Mg, Zn, I, Se, Cu, Mn, F, Cr, Mo and Cl). Typically, essential elements have been at sufficiently high concentrations that, with the introduction of graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy (GFAAS) more than two decades ago, detectability is not an issue. At present, researchers are interested in ‘new’ low-level trace elements with known or potential nutritional impact, which are present at lower concentrations and, because of potential interferences in GFAAS, it has been found that inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) coupled with graphite furnace/electrothermal vaporization (ETV-ICP-MS) provides superior detectability. The most often utilized instrumentation for generation of food composition data includes: atomic absorption spectroscopy [flame (FAAS) and graphite furnace (GFAAS)]; flame atomic emission spectroscopy (Na, K); inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICPAES) and ICP-MS. In this article, the description of applications will highlight the selection of the instrumentation used as well as the sample preparation methods (often the most critical part of a complete analytical method). Calibration strategies will be discussed and any specialized interference effects will be highlighted. Strategies for validating and facilitating technology transfer of the methods will also be discussed and the need for commercial as well as in-house reference materials will be featured.

Sampling (sample collection and processing) One of the most overlooked aspects of analytical determinations relates to the suitability of the sample


provided for analyses. If food composition data are being generated it is very important to know if interest lies with the specific sample at hand or if that sample is supposed to be representative of a larger bulk sample (e.g. 1 jar from a lot totalling 100 000 jars). Work completed in the Food Composition Laboratory (USDA, Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center, Beltsville, MD) is often in support of the Nutrient Data Laboratory which is responsible for the publication of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Nutrient Data Base for Standard Reference SR-12 (formerly known as Handbook 8) which is the primary US database for food composition data. As such, the goal is to include data representative of the national US food supply. Because large-scale national sampling is too expensive, samples are often obtained nationwide (if possible) and brands are selected on the basis of popularity (consumption) to try to gain representative samples for analysis. Samples are typically brought into the laboratory and, depending on the form of the sample, a decision is made to either analyse multiple samples or to composite and hom*ogenize the whole of the material (if possible) and to remove separate sample aliquots. Most often, a preliminary evaluation of the hom*ogeneity of a selected number of analytes in the material, serves as a basis to select the sample size and number of replicate samples to be analysed. Tools are available which facilitate sample hom*ogenization without trace element contamination and equipment that is not available commercially can often be custom made. To dissect meat, titanium blade knives or high purity glass knives may be appropriate. Large-scale mixers (e.g. Robot-Coupe, Jackson, MS) equipped with a plastic-lined bowl and titanium blades to avoid possible contamination from the stainless steel apparatus have been used successfully to blend both common samples and a diet reference material (RM8431) sold by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST, Gaithersburg, MD). Polythene trays and polypropylene storage containers are most often used without risk of contamination. An assessment of contamination risk is summarized in Tables 1 and 2. Table 1 lists those elements prone to contamination while highlighting common sources of contamination. Table 2 contains a list of materials (from most preferable to least) for use during sample preparation for trace element determinations. To further minimize the likelihood of contamination [particularly for low temperature (≤ 85–95°C) wet ash preparations] glassware can be silanized; the coating will be retained on the surface of the glassware up to temperatures of approxim-

Table 1

Trace element determinations – risk assessment

Contamination potential High potential Medium potential Low potential

Al, Ca, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Sn, Zn Co, K, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, V Mg, Se

Sources of contamination Glass Al, Ca, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Na Porcelain Al, Cu, K, Na, V Rubber Co, Cu, Fe, Zn, Sn Building materials Al, Ca, Mg Stainless steel Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Zn Cosmetics Fe, Pb, Zn, Cu Skin K, Na, Ni, Cu, Fe Smoke Fe, Pb, K, Ni Haemolysis Ca, Co, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Zn

Table 2

Sample container materials

Material Teflon PFA FEP Tefzel Polyethylene Polypropylene Quartz Platinum Borosilicate glass

Most desirable (least trace element contamination)

Least desirable

ately 350°C, providing excellent protection from contaminants leached from the glassware owing to matrix interaction with the glass. In addition, silanization prevents loss of analyte due to adsorption on the container walls. Contamination control, in a general sense, is not difficult and common sense can often provide protection from sample contamination, especially during the early sample handling stage. In an ideal world, samples are processed in clean rooms (e.g. class 100 clean room) designed to have minimal contamination because the air is filtered through hepa filters. Clean hoods and laminar air flow units can also prove useful, as well as wearing clothing that minimizes particulate generation, selecting powderfree gloves, taking care in cleaning glassware and plasticware with dilute, high purity acid, and covering gas cylinders which may be delivered coated with rust and peeling paint.

Sample preparation (reagents and ashing methods) One of the most important means of avoiding unnecessary risk for trace element contamination is


the judicious selection of reagents for sample preparation. Sub-boiling distilled or double-distilled acid is a good choice for sample treatment. As an example, Pb contaminant concentrations found in nitric acid (65–70% v/v) ranged from < 1 part per trillion (ppt) for sub-boiling distilled to 0.3 ppb for commercial ‘high’ purity acid. Although ppb levels may be suitable in many instances, sub-boiling distilled nitric acid (Seastar Chemicals, Sidney, British Columbia) provides even lower blanks with levels of < 50 ppt for Ca; < 20 ppt Fe and K; < 10 ppt Cr, Cu, Na, Mg, Ni, Sn, Zn; and < 1 ppt for Cd, Mn, and V, and is therefore highly recommended for ultratrace analyses. Of course all reagents used throughout the course of any analyses provide potential sources of contamination and must be evaluated. Hydrogen peroxide comes in different levels of purity and some types prove to be particularly problematic for only a select number of elements. In the past, unacceptably high Cr levels have often been found. A peroxide called Perone (DuPont, Wilmington, DE), made for the semiconductor industry, has been evaluated in several laboratories and proved suitable for any number of elements (including Mn, Cu, Zn, Fe, Cr, and Co). Unfortunately this is not sold in small enough quantities to be suitable for the typical analytical laboratory. For analysts using matrix modifiers for GFAAS, the modifier can provide a significant level of contamination, indicating that very high purity materials should be used. In all instances, environmental considerations are equally as important as reagent purity, when selecting a sample preparation method. In an ideal situation, samples can be handled under clean air conditions under laminar flow to prevent contamination. Potential sources of environmental contamination include the analyst (particles from skin or clothing), sample container material, air, gloves, heating block, muffle furnace, etc. The two most common ashing procedures for food analyses are wet ashing and dry ashing procedures. Wet ashing may be done using a typical hot plate or heating blocks or it may be done using microwaves under increased pressure. Many modern microwave systems are now under temperature and pressure control and various methods are available in the literature. In a laboratory which processes many samples with one matrix type, microwave digestion can be quite useful. If, however, the matrices are variable, experiment design requires that samples of similar type be put in the microwave together. Otherwise, depending on the carbohydrate content, pressure will build up in the samples at different rates, requiring venting which can be problematic if

the microwave system does not have temperature and pressure monitoring control for each vessel. Another great benefit is the use of microwave digestion as a reference to compare with wet ashing results. The microwave system provides the benefit of increased pressure, ensuring almost complete digestion (depending on the sample matrix). When used under optimum conditions, microwave digests provide a reliable dissolution of samples and minimize the risk of sample contamination while saving significant time. Microwave sample digestion is very much a growing field and the number of analysts using this sample preparation tool probably increased 10-fold between 1993 and 1998.

Method selection and method validation Several factors should be considered in selecting the appropriate sample preparation and instrumental detection method for a particular set of analyses. Factors include detection capability, ease of use, availability of instrumentation, time, cost, etc. One must consider the relative importance of the factors for their application but, most often, detection capability is the top priority. A good general rule is to use the simplest method possible that meets your analysis requirements. For example, if asked to determine Mn, Cu, and Zn in soft drinks, analysts should check to see if it could be carried out with a simple dilution directly using FAAS or simultaneous multielement ICP-AES (for greater speed). Once a method is selected it should be validated using one or more of the following strategies: (1) analysis of one or more standard reference materials; (2) comparison of results using an alternative method; (3) comparison of results with those from another laboratory; and (4) thorough evaluation of possible matrix interference effects (compare direct calibration with the method of additions). Table 3 contains a list of commercial reference materials with matrices suitable for food and beverages analyses. One unfortunate aspect of solid commercial materials is that they are almost all freeze-dried and this is not a realistic representation of typical samples (e.g. meats, vegetables, fruits, etc.); analysts prefer to analyse ‘as received’. Because these primary controls are so expensive, analysts should consider developing secondary, in-house controls that represent the food type/matrices most often analysed in their laboratory. These materials can be characterized using all the validation strategies listed above, with the assistance of colleagues and by using alternative methods.

Commercial reference materials


Reference material (µg/g dry weight)

R - 0010





Rice Flour SRM 1568



140 ± 20

0.029 ± 0.004

0.02 ± 0.01

R - 0011

Rice Flour SRM 1568a



118 ± 6

0.022 ± 0.002


R - 0020

Wheat Flour SRM 1567



190 ± 10

0.032 ± 0.007

R - 0021

Wheat Flour SRM 1567a



191 ± 4

0.026 ± 0.002

R - 0030

Total Diet SRM 1548



1740 ± 70

0.028 ± 0.004 0.0686 ± 0.0031

R - 0040

Carrot Powder


1700 ± 45

R - 0050

Skim Milk Powder


13040 ± 260

( Ei0) the rate constant ki approaches the limiting value of ν. The frequency factor ν reflects the frequency of that vibration of the reactant ion which is transformed into translation along the reaction coordinate of the fragmentation. The frequency factor ν is large if the transition corresponds simply to the elongation of the bond to be broken. The situation is more complicated in the case of a fragmentation by a rearrangement of the reactant radical cation which requires the making of new chemical bonds in a particular conformation as well as bond cleavage. As a consequence of the required conformation of the transition state the frequency factors ν of fragmentations by rearrangement are smaller than those of direct bond cleavages, and a rearrangement can compete successfully for the decomposition of the excited reactant ion only if the activation energy E0 is small. Generally, a small activation energy is expected for an energetically favourable fragmentation that yields stable ionized and neutral fragments, if any extra reverse activation energy can be neglected. Applying these general considerations to the fragmentation of organic molecules in a mass spectrometer one expects three types of fragmentation reactions. Fragmentations of type I correspond to the direct cleavage of a weak bond of the reactant ion. Since this reaction has a large frequency factor and needs only a small activation energy, the rate constant will be large for any energy regime of the parent ion and the parent ion will always decompose preferably by this pathway. The result is a ‘one-peak mass spectrum’ that exhibits only the intense signal of the respective fragment ion in addition to a weak peak of the parent ion. Examples of type I fragmentations are found in the mass spectra of many organo-element compounds, which decompose by cleavage of the weak element–carbon bond, and compounds such as N,N-dimethyl-β-phenethyl amine (Scheme 2), which fragments into a stable ion (CH3)2N+ =CH2 and a stable benzyl radical C6H5CH2• on electron impact ionization, or β-amino ethanol, which fragments into a stable ion H2N+=CH2 and a stable •CH2OH radical. A type II fragmentation corresponds to decomposition of the parent ion via a rearrangement into a stable fragment ion and a stable neutral fragment. Because of the stable products the reaction enthalpy of this process is usually small, as in the case of the

type I fragmentation. However, the small frequency factor causes a slow rise of the rate constant with the excitation energy of the parent ion. Thus, this rearrangement process is the favoured decomposition pathway for parent ions of low excitation energy. A typical type II fragmentation process is the elimination of H2O from the molecular ions of n-butanol and its higher hom*ologues. Specific studies have shown that this process is mainly a 1,4-elimination and most likely proceeds as a two step process (Scheme 3) with a slow initial H-atom transfer to the hydroxy group. A type III fragmentation corresponds to the cleavage of covalent bond compounds, e.g. a C–H or a C– C bond. Since these bonds are rather strong the activation energy of this process (comparable to the reaction enthalpy) is relatively large, but the cleavage is entropically favoured by a large frequency factor. Hence, reactant ions with plenty of excess energy follow this fragmentation pathway. In principle there could be a fourth type of fragmentation, an energetically unfavourable rearrangement process that exhibits a large activation barrier and a small frequency factor. Such a fragmentation will be slow for all energy regimes of the reactant ions and cannot compete with the other types of fragmentation. If a process of this type appears in the mass spectrum, there is either no other fragmentation path or a ‘hidden’ rearrangement of the reactant ion to another isomer precedes the fragmentation. Examples of the first situation are the mass spectra of benzene and polycyclic arenes, which show a distinct signal for the loss of a methyl radical from the parent ion. The only ‘simple’ fragmentation of these radical ions is the loss of an H atom, which, however, requires about 3– 4 eV activation energy because of the strong Carene–H bond. Therefore, the deep-seated rearrangement necessary for the elimination of a methyl radical is possible but most molecular ions of the arene do not fragment at all during their residence time within a


mass spectrometer. An example of the second situation is the loss of a methyl substituent from the molecular ions of xylene which would require cleavage of a strong Carene–C bond and which should not compete effectively with loss of H to generate a stable methyl-benzyl cation (Scheme 4). An investigation of the fragmentation mechanism by Grotemeyer and Grützmacher showed (see the Further reading section) that a direct loss of the methyl substituent occurs only for highly excited molecular ions whereas most of the molecular ions rearrange either by H-migration or by a skeletal rearrangement into a methyl cycloheptatriene radical cation before elimination of the methyl group. The peak pattern of the EI mass spectrum of a standard organic compound arises from competition between type II and type III fragmentations. This will be illustrated below by a few examples to familiarize the reader with the concepts used for the interpretation of the fragmentations of radical ions in a mass spectrometer. However, it has to be remembered that the peak pattern in the mass spectrum of a compound depends very much on the method used for the ionization and on the type of mass spectrometer and scan mode used to acquire the spectrum. The former determines the energy content of the parent ions created in the ion source of the instrument and the latter influences the reaction time allowed for the ions to decompose. If the ionization method chosen supplies only a relatively small amount of excess energy to the molecular ion, the rates of most fragmentations (apart from those of type I) are small and the mass spectrum will consist mainly of the peak for intact parent ions. At long reaction times (> 10 µs) peaks of the product ions of type II fragmentation will appear because of the small activation energies of such processes. ‘Soft’ ionization

methods that produce this category of spectra are field ionization (FI), charge exchange (CE) ionization with a primary ion of low ionization energy (C6F6, CS2), and multiphoton ionization (MUPI) as described by Grotemeyer and Schlag. In particular, MUPI can be used to steer the ionization into a ‘soft’ or a ‘hard’ mode by adjusting the number and energy of the photons absorbed by the molecules of the sample. Ionization of molecules is most often achieved by electron impact (EI) with electrons of 70 eV kinetic energy and is a ‘hard’ ionization process that produces parent ions having a broad distribution of excess energy up to several eV. The type of instrument, ion source and scan mode used to obtain the mass spectrum define the reaction time during which the fragment ions that appear in the mass spectrum are generated. A routine sector field mass spectrometer with several kV ion accelerating voltage has a residence time for the ions within the ion source of < 1 µs; this time is extended slightly for a quadrupole mass spectrometer using lower accelerating voltages. All ions appearing in the mass spectrum recorded under standard conditions have to be formed within the ion source, and a short residence time is favourable for the observation of fragmentations with a large frequency factor, i.e. type I and type III fragmentations which originate from highly excited parent ions. However, with tandemmass spectrometry the reaction time can be extended by more than an order of magnitude. At a reaction time of 10 µs or longer the highly excited parent ions have decomposed already and only ions with small amounts of excess energy remain. Since the only fragmentation pathways open to these gently excited ions are those with small activation energies, the decomposition of these so called metastable ions occurs predominantly by type I and type II processes. Sometimes this is not very useful for analytical applications of mass spectrometry because the rearrangement and isomerization may obscure the original structure of the molecules analysed, but these low energy processes of the radical cations within a mass spectrometer are more closely related to chemical reactions under thermal conditions and are of eminent importance for an understanding of radical ion chemistry.


Fragmentation mechanisms and fragmentation/structure relationship

Table 1 Ionization energy (IE) and relative intensity (rel. int.) in the 70 eV mass spectra of some neopentyl derivatives (CH3 ) 3C– CR2 –Y and β -phenethyl derivatives C6H5–CH2–CH2–Y

The fragmentation reactions observed in an EI mass spectrometer are usually discussed with respect to their reaction mechanisms and the effect of structural parameters of the compound studied on these mechanisms. The types of arguments used in this discussion follow closely the practice used in mechanistic organic chemistry, considering in particular the stability of individual fragmentation products, intermediates and transition states. Some of the more general fragmentation mechanisms observed in the EI mass spectra of organic compounds are discussed in the following examples.


Fragment (CH3 )3C


IE (eV)









(CH3)3CCH(CH3)OH 6.7




(CH3)3CC(CH3)2OH 6.7


< 6.7


rel. int. (%)

Fragment C6H5CH2

Fragment CH2 –Y IE (eV) 6.1

rel. int. (%) 100

Fragment CH2–Y









100 3

Example 1: type I fragmentation and charge distribution on the fragments

For a compound of structure X–CH2–CH2–Y where X and Y correspond to functional groups, one expects an easy cleavage of the central C–C bond in the radical cation, generating the fragments X–CH2 and Y–CH2. Only one of these fragments will carry the positive charge while the other one remains as a neutral radical. Stephenson’s rule states that in a fragmentation the positive charge appears predominantly with the fragment of lowest ionization energy (IE). This rule is explained easily by the (relative) reaction enthalpy ∆Hr of the competing fragmentations (Scheme 5). Starting from the neutral molecule the ∆Hr for the fragmentation routes a and b are given by Equations [a] and [b], and since the dissociation energy of the central bond is the same for both processes, that with the lowest IE will exhibit the lowest ∆Hr and will be preferred. Examples of this effect are given in Table 1 for neopentyl derivatives (CH3)3 C–CR2–Y and β-phenethyl derivatives for the

competition between a t-butyl or benzyl group and the fragment CH2–Y. Example 2: competing bond cleavages and fragmentation by rearrangement

A similar example of the effect of the relative reaction enthalpy ∆Hr on the relative abundance of competing fragmentations is obtained by an estimation of ∆Hr for the (hypothetical) C–C and C–O bond cleavages within the molecular ion of n-butanol and for the loss of a H2O molecule. From the data given in Scheme 6 it is seen that C–C bond cleavage next to the α-C atom carrying the OH group (‘α-cleavage’) is the energetically most favoured but that a fragmentation of the molecular ion by loss of H2O is even more favoured. The EI mass spectrum of n-butanol indeed exhibits large peaks due to α-cleavage by formation of the +CH2OH (100% rel. int.) and to loss of H2O (∼ 50% rel. int.) from the molecular ion as the only abundant primary fragmentation process. However, loss of H2O requires a rearrangement by hydrogen migration and is hindered by a small frequency factor (type II fragmentation). By investigat-


ing specifically isotopically labelled n-butanols it was shown that loss of H2O occurs by a 1,4-elimination and is most likely a two-step process, in which the transfer of the hydrogen atom to the OH group in the first step has an additional activation barrier. Hence α-cleavage (a type III fragmentation) is predominant. However, the long-lived metastable molecular ions of n-butanol, which have more time for reactions and which are less excited, decompose only by loss of H2O. If a similar estimation is made for nbutylamine it turns out that elimination of NH3 is not energetically favoured over the α-cleavage of the molecular ion, resulting in the very stable ion + CH2NH2 (m/z 30). This latter process corresponds to a type I fragmentation, and the 70 eV mass spectrum of n-butylamine (as most other n-alkyl amines) is a ‘one-peak’ mass spectrum, exhibiting only one intense signal at m/z 30. Example 3: the McLafferty rearrangement

An example related to Example 2 is the fragmentation of the molecular ions of hexan-2-one by αcleavage at the carbonyl group and by a McLafferty rearrangement, as shown in Scheme 7. α-cleavage at a carbonyl group bond gives rise to a stable acetyl cation CH3CO+, m/z 43, and a •C3H7 radical while transfer of a H atom from the γ–CH2 group to the C=O group accompanied by cleavage of the C(α)– C(β) bond produces the radical cation of the acetone enol and a propene molecule. The latter process exhibits a smaller reaction enthalpy and probably also a smaller activation energy than the α-cleavage, but because of the larger frequency factor ν of this simple bond cleavage the acetyl cation is normally the base peak in the mass spectrum at m/z 43. The fragmentation of the radical cation of a carbonyl compound by a rearrangement corresponding to H atom transfer from a γ position to the carbonyl group and cleavage of the bond between the atoms

at the α and β positions (Scheme 7) is known as the McLafferty rearrangement and is a general reaction of excited radical cations of aldehydes, ketones, esters and amides. Because of this the McLafferty rearrangement is one of the most widespread and reliable fragmentations for mass spectrometric structure analysis. Its mechanism is related to the wellknown Norrish type II photoreaction of carbonyl compounds and has been studied in much detail. Normally the McLafferty rearrangement is a twostep process composed of a 1,4-hydrogen migration to the carbonyl-O atom followed by bond cleavage in the intermediate. This intermediate corresponds to a unique class of radical cations named distonic ions, which are characterized by the positive charge and the radical cation residing in separate molecular orbitals, in contrast to ‘normal’ radical ions (or molecular ions) in which the positive charge (the ‘electron hole’) and the radical electron are located in the same molecular orbital. Distonic ions and their characteristics have been reviewed by Hammerum and by Kenttämaa (see the Further reading section). The properties of distonic ions will be discussed in more detail in Example 7 below. In the case of the McLafferty rearrangement the distonic intermediate is composed of an oxonium ion (the protonated carbonyl group) and an alkyl radical. The rate of its formation is favoured sterically by the six-membered transition state and depends on the bond energy of the H–X bond (X = C,O,N,S) at the γ position which is cleaved during the process. Any structural feature which lowers the dissociation energy of this bond (for example tertiary C–H bond versus primary C–H bond) enhances the intensity of the product ion of the McLafferty rearrangement in the mass spectrum. The charge may remain with either of the two fragments of the McLafferty rearrangement according to Stevenson’s rule; usually this is the oxygencontaining species. Another interesting detail of the mechanism is the possibility that the two fragments stay bound to each other in the gas phase, forming an intermediate ion–neutral complex. (The properties of these intermediate ion–neutral complexes will be discussed in Example 7 and have been reviewed by Morton and others; see the Further reading section). During the lifetime of this complex the components may undergo intermolecular reactions, usually H atom transfers that give rise to the ‘McLafferty + 1’ fragment ion seen in the mass spectra of many esters of long chain alcohols. Fragmentations related to the McLafferty rearrangement, and often denoted also as a McLafferty rearrangement, are observed in the mass spectra of other organic compounds with a γ-H atom available to a suitable H acceptor group. An important


example of this type of fragmentation is radical cations of long-chain alkyl arenes, which contain the ionized arene systems as the H acceptor group (Scheme 8). The 1,4-migration of the H atom from the γ position of the sidechain creates a distonic ion composed of a protonated arene (an arenium ion) and an alkyl radical. Subsequent bond cleavage within the sidechain gives rise to an alkene fragment and the tautomer of a methyl arene (‘isotoluene’), which usually carries the positive charge. An interesting feature of this fragmentation is proton migration within the arenium ion by successive 1,2-shifts (a ‘ring walk’) which may initiate further reactions. Example 4: the ortho effect and steric effects on fragmentations

While the EI mass spectra of the positional isomers of many di- and polysubstituted aromatic compounds are almost identical, the mass spectra of isomers carrying certain substituents in the ortho positions are clearly different from the meta and para isomers. A typical example is the mass spectra of para-, meta-, and ortho-hydroxybenzoic acid. The mass spectrum of the para isomer is easily analysed; the main fragment ions arise from a series of simple bond cleavages starting with the loss of an •OH radical by αcleavage within the carboxy group (Scheme 9). Analogous reactions are observed in the mass spectrum of the meta isomer. In contrast the mass spectrum of the ortho isomer (salicylic acid) is dominated by a signal of the fragment ions [M−H2O]•+. An investigation by McLafferty in 1959, of the mechanism of this ortho effect showed that the H2O molecule lost from the molecular ion is generated by a specific transfer of the H atom of the hydroxy group to the neighbouring carboxy group. The loss of H2O is energetically very favourable, and the frequency factor for the H rearrangement is large because the H donor (the hydroxy group) and the H acceptor (the carboxy group) are fixed in a sterically favourable arrangement of the ortho disubstituted benzene ring. Similar intense

fragmentations by this ortho effect are observed in the mass spectra of many ortho substituted arenes, the prerequisites being the presence of a H donor group H–Y– (H–CR2–, H–O–, H–NR–, H–S–) and the possibility to eliminate a thermodynamically stable molecule H–X (H–Cl, H–OH, H–OR, H–NH2, etc.) after H transfer to the acceptor group in the ortho position. Thus, fragmentation by the ortho effect is a very reliable and useful reaction for mass spectrometric structure analysis. A special aspect of the ortho effect, in addition to the ‘driving force’ of the reaction by elimination of a stable molecule, is the fixed arrangement of the two groups, allowing their intramolecular interaction. This proximity effect or neighbouring group effect, which guarantees a favourable frequency factor ν of the fragmentation by rearrangement, is present in many other semi-rigid organic molecules and can be used to differentiate mass spectrometrically between stereoisomers. An early example of this type of effect is the mass spectra of cis- and trans-cyclohexanediols and their di-O-methyl ethers, which can be easily distinguished by their EI mass spectra because of the stereospecific fragmentations shown in Scheme 10. However, it should be noted that this type of effect requires that the molecular ions of the stereoisomers do not interconvert before fragmentation. Example 5: fragmentations by intramolecular substitution

The generation of the principal fragment ions in the EI mass spectrum of benzalacetone is depicted in Scheme 11. These fragment ions can be pictured as arising, at least formally, by a series of simple bond cleavages, with the exception of the formation of the ions [M−H]+. The mass spectra of deuterated derivatives demonstrate that the H atom is lost from the aromatic ring. This is explained by an intramolecular attack of the (nucleophilic) carbonyl group on the ionized benzene ring, eventually giving rise to


a very stable benzopyrylium ion via an intermediate related to the σ-complex of aromatic substitution. This type of fragmentation by an intramolecular substitution has been studied in detail by the author and is a rather common reaction of unsaturated or aromatic radical cations of a suitable structure. The substitution occurs by attack of a nucleophilic group on an ionized C=C double bond or an ionized aromatic ring and is driven by the generation of a stable cyclic fragment ion. By this process a substituent at the attacked position is lost, and the process is particularly abundant in the mass spectra if a weak bond is cleaved, for instance during the loss of a Cl

or Br substituent, but methyl or alkyl groups are also easily eliminated. Interestingly, two definitively different intermediates are generated by the intramolecular substitution of an aromatic ring which exhibit different reactivities depending on whether the positive charge is fixed at the attacking group. In the case of the intermediate created from cinnamic aldehyde, however, both the radical electron and the positive charge are delocalized over the total π-electron system (Scheme 12). As a consequence the positive charge may also appear at the (formerly) aromatic ring, giving it the properties of a true σ-complex. In these σcomplexes a proton migrates by successive 1,2-shifts around the ring (‘ring walk’) before further fragmentation. Consequently, substituents which are good ‘mass spectrometric leaving groups’ because of a small bond energy (such as Cl or Br) are lost not only from the attacked position but also from all other positions after H migration by protolytic bond cleavage (a well-known process of substituted arenes in acidic solutions). The other type of intermediate is represented by the intramolecular substitution within the molecular ion of 2-stilbazole or other related heteroaromatic analogues of stilbene. In this case the positive charge of the intermediate is localized outside of the attacked aromatic ring in a quaternary ammonium ion and only the radical electron is delocalized in the π-electron system. This type of intermediate is therefore a distonic radical cation. The migration of H in radicals by a 1,2-shift is forbidden by the Woodward–Hoffman rules. Hence, from this


type of intermediate, substituents (or a H atom) are lost specifically from the attacked position of the aromatic ring. Example 6: the toluene–cycloheptatriene radical cation rearrangement

The examples of fragmentation reactions of radical cations discussed so far correspond either to direct bond cleavages or to bond cleavages preceded by H migration or intramolecular bond formation. These rearrangements do not alter the connectivity of C and other atoms of the original molecules. However, fragmentations of radical cations by ‘skeletal rearrangements’ are also known. The most familiar example is the interconversion of the radical cations of toluene and cycloheptatriene, which interchanges C atoms within the C skeleton and which gives rise to stable tropylium ions (Scheme 13) after H loss. The rearrangement of C7H8 radical cations has been studied in detail both by experimental methods and by theoretical calculations and the mechanism is well understood. The crucial feature is the initial generation of a distonic ion by a 1,2-H shift from the methyl substituent to the aromatic ring. This is followed by cyclization to a bicyclic norcarane-like structure which eventually ring opens to the cycloheptatriene radical cation. This last step exhibits the highest activation barrier of the rearrangement and makes it a high energy process. However, a fragmentation of the toluene radical cation by a direct C–H bond cleavage also needs a large activation energy. Hence, the rearrangement competes successfully with this fragmentation, and a C7H8 molecular ion may undergo several reversible toluene–cycloheptatriene rearrangements before the final fragmentation. It often is assumed that this type of toluene– cycloheptatriene rearrangement applies to other polysubstituted alkylbenzenes, alkylarenes and even alkyl heteroarenes. Indeed, this rearrangement explains the abundant loss of a whole substituent from an arene molecular ion in spite of the normally strong bond to a C(sp2) atom of the arene, which has to be cleaved to detach the substituent. Rearrangement into a substituted cycloheptatriene radical

cation and proton migrations within the ionized seven-membered ring can place any substituent at the C(sp3) atom of the cycloheptatriene, facilitating the loss of the substituent X from a >CH–X group. Nonetheless, one must realize that the toluene–cycloheptatriene rearrangement is a high energy process of excited ions, and other, less energy demanding, fragmentation mechanisms of polysubstituted arenes into substituted derivatives of the C7H7+ ion may override this rearrangement. Thus, the loss of a methyl radical from t-butylbenzene radical cations occurs by a direct ‘benzylic’ cleavage, producing the stable cumyl cations, and the loss of a methyl radical from the radical cations of p-xylene is preceded by the toluene–cycloheptatriene rearrangement only for highly excited ions that fragment in the ion source of a mass spectrometer, while the only gently excited metastable p-xylene radical cations decompose by H transfer to the aromatic ring, a proton ring walk to the position of the second methyl group and protolytic bond cleavage (Scheme 4). Example 7: distonic radical cations and intermediate ion–neutral complexes

The examples of mass spectrometric fragmentations of radical cations presented above show that in many cases a process which formally appears to be a simple bond cleavage corresponds to a multistep mechanism and includes several intermediates. The reason for this detour in the fragmentation route is usually the lower activation energy of the multistep process, which converts the original radical cation into an isomer more suitable for fragmentation into thermodynamically stable products. This is especially true if decompositions of metastable ions in a mass spectrometer are investigated, since these ions have long lifetimes and hence do not rely only on fragmentations with a large frequency factor. However, it is always essential that the intermediate ions of the multistep mechanism correspond to energetically favourable structures compared with the original radical cation. Two types of such intermediate ions have gained importance in explaining mass spectrometric fragmentations and will be discussed in this last example: distonic ions and intermediate ion–neutral complexes. As mentioned before, distonic ions are distinguished from normal molecular ions by the occurrence of the positive charge and the radical cation in separate molecular orbitals. Several examples of intermediate distonic ions have been discussed above, and these distonic ions arise usually by hydrogen migration, for example during the initial step of the McLafferty rearrangement. Other modes for the


generation of distonic ions are the ring cleavage of cyclic molecular ions or the addition of a radical cation to a C=C double bond. Depending on the minimum number of atoms between the positive charge and the radical site, α-, β-, γ- or even more distant distonic ions are known. A hydrogen shift within an aliphatic molecular ion to a heteroatom generates distonic ions composed of an onium structure and a radical. The stability of these distonic ions relative to the original molecular ion is important for their role as reaction intermediates, and this can be estimated from the thermochemical cycle (Scheme 14) generated from the energy needed for hom*olytic cleavage of the C–H bond, the ionization energy of hydrogen, and of the proton affinity at the heteroatom. For a series of isomeric distonic ions with different distances between the positive charge and the radical site the proton affinity of the heteroatom and ionization energy of the H atom are identical. Hence, the essential feature for the relative stability within this series is the dissociation energy of the C–H bond. It can be shown that this is more or less constant, with exception of the smaller C–H bond energy adjacent to the heteroatom. It follows that in this series of isomeric distonic ions the α-distonic ion should always be the most stable. However, the 1,2-H shift necessary to convert the conventional molecular ion into the α-

distonic isomer is usually associated with a high activation energy and a direct isomerization does not take place. Instead, other distonic ions are formed by less energy demanding 1,4-, 1,5-, 1,6- or even more distant hydrogen shifts, and these distonic ions are eventually transformed into the stable α-distonic isomer by further H shifts. It is of interest to note that distonic ions also isomerize by shifts of the protonated group that contains the heteroatom. A typical example is the 1,2NH3 shift in the α-distonic ion of an n-alkyl amine. This shift converts the molecular ion of the n-alkyl amine into the molecular ion of an s-alkylamine and is responsible for the small but distinct signals at m/z 44 that are found in addition to the expected base peak at m/z 30 in the mass spectra of these amines (Scheme 15). Originally it was supposed that the ions were generated by ‘β-cleavage’ and formation of protonated ethylene imine. The main factors that determine the relative stability of a distonic ion with respect to molecular ions containing different heteroatoms are, on the one hand, the ionization energy of the molecule and, on the other hand, the proton affinity of the heteroatom at the basic centre of the molecule. Considering these quantities for different heteroatoms it can shown that distonic ions containing an oxonium structure


should be especially stable because alcohols and ethers exhibit rather high ionization energies and also large proton affinities. In n-alkylamines the amino group also exhibits a large proton affinity, but the ionization energy of amines is also quite low, favouring the stability of the conventional molecular ion. These expectations are confirmed by high level ab initio calculations by Radom (see the Further reading section). Of particular stability is the distonic isomer of the molecular ion of methanol, and it has been shown that the methanol molecular ions may isomerize (catalytically!) into the α-distonic isomer during a biomolecular collision with a neutral methanol molecule (Scheme 16). It is possible that a similar isomerization of molecular ions into distonic isomers by collision with a neutral molecule may occur in different systems. Because parent ions, fragment ions and the neutral fragments travel through the mass spectrometer at the very high speed resulting from the acceleration by the high electric field of the ion source, the relative velocities of a fragment ion and the corresponding neutral fragment after a fragmentation are usually quite small and the fragmentation products drift only slowly apart. Since ions and neutrals attract each other by ion–dipole and ion–induced-dipole forces, the fragment ion and neutral fragment may be held by electrostatic attraction during the first stages of the dissociation in an ion–neutral complex. This gives the components of the intermediate ion–neutral complex of a mass spectrometric fragmentation a chance to undergo an exothermic bimolecular reaction within the complex. After the dissociation, the result of this reaction mimics the fragmentation mechanism of a rearrangement process. However, since the components within the intermediate ion–neutral complex are more or less free to rotate with respect to each other, this fragmentation route by intermediate ion– neutral complexes avoids the small frequency factor of a rearrangement with a sterically strained transition state. Since the bimolecular reaction within the complex has to be fast to compete with the direct dissociation of the ion–neutral complex, only rather simple reactions (without a large additional activation energy) are observed, i.e. exothermic hydrogen or proton transfer or nucleophilic addition of carbenium ions to electron lone pairs or π-electrons.

The first fragmentation of this type was described by Longevialle and Botter (see the Further reading section) in the mass spectra of certain amino steroids, in which a fragment ion generated at the right hand side of the steroid molecule transported a proton over a very large intramolecular distance to a functional group at the left hand side of the steroid. Probably the most ubiquitous fragmentation via intermediate ion–neutral complexes is the loss of alkane molecules that originate from H abstractions by an alkyl radical in an ion–neutral complex generated by a simple C–C bond cleavage of an alkyl chain. Traeger and coworkers (see the Further reading section) have shown that this fragmentation is especially abundant in the mass spectra of cycloalkanes carrying alkyl sidechains. Indeed, the EI mass spectra of these compounds are distinguished by a series of peaks at even m/z values which arise by this mechanism. Other interesting examples for this fragmentation mechanism are the migration of onium ions (and other stable carbenium ions) over long molecular distances within ion–neutral complexes before the terminating ion– molecule reaction. This corresponds to a reactive interaction between two functional groups which are far apart in the original molecule. Thus, this type of fragmentation provides an explanation for a formal rearrangement by migration of functional groups within the original molecular ion.

Secondary fragmentation As discussed in the introduction and shown in Scheme 1, the fragmentations of organic molecular ions, which are induced by electron impact in a mass spectrometer and which give rise to the peak pattern of the EI mass spectrum, correspond to a kinetic scheme of parallel and consecutive unimolecular reactions. Any fragment ion that still contains sufficient energy for further fragmentation will do so, and these fragmentations correspond to the reactions of an isolated and energetically excited species described by QET or RRKM theory. However, the radical cations (molecular ions) generated by EI from the neutral molecules may decompose either by elimination of small neutral molecules (loss of H2O, see Example 2; loss of alkene, see Example 3) or by loss of radicals. In the former case the newly generated secondary fragment ions correspond to radical cations, while in the latter case the fragmentations give rise to secondary even-electron cations. The different electronic nature of the fragment ions has an effect on the preferred pathways for further fragmentations. The types of fragmentation reactions observed for secondary radical ions are more or less those


discussed in the previous section. Thus, the fragmentations of the [M•+−H2O] fragment ions in the mass spectra of aliphatic alcohols concur with those of the radical cations of the corresponding alkenes (or alkylcyclobutanes), and because of these further fragmentations of secondary fragment ions the mass spectra of long chain alcohols and alkenes are very similar. In comparing the fragmentations of secondary radical cations with radical cations produced directly by EI from stable neutral molecules one has to account for the different excess energy present in radical cations originating from EI and from fragmentation, and, more importantly, for the possibility that fragment ions may correspond to distonic isomers or tautomers of the molecular ions.

Thus, the secondary C3H6O•+ radical cations created by the McLafferty rearrangement of the molecular ions of hexan-2-one (Scheme 7) correspond to the ionized enols of acetone and not acetone radical cations, and further fragmentation may require ‘re-ketonization’. Similarly, elimination of an alkene fragment from the molecular ions of alkylbenzenes gives rise primarily to an isotoluene radical cation (Scheme 8) which differs in reactivity from the toluene molecular ion. In most cases these differences alter the details of the fragmentation mechanisms, but not the principal routes of a further fragmentation. Secondary fragment ions which are even-electron cations prefer the elimination of neutral molecules in


their further decompositions. This has inspired the formulation of the so-called ‘odd–even-electron’ rule which states that odd-electron radical cations may yield either odd-electron or even-electron secondary ions on decomposition while even-electron cations produce only smaller even-electron cations as products. However, many exceptions to this rule are known, in particular for the mass spectra of large polyalkylated arenes and of organo-element compounds. In individual cases it is clearly the stability of the product ions which directs further fragmentations. Nevertheless, the rule can still be used as a first guide for the interpretation of mass spectra of organic compounds. The elimination of a small molecule from an even-electron cation is achieved by a shift of an electron pair only or by hydrogen migration. A typical example for the former mechanism is the fragmentation cascade observed for the [M–CH3]+ ion in the mass spectrum of benzalacetone while the latter fragmentation is typical of alkene eliminations from the onium ions produced by α-cleavage (Scheme 17). Even-electron cations are known to rearrange easily by ‘electron-sextet rearrangements’ of the Wagner–Meerwein type. In particular, alkyl cations and other hydrocarbon cations rearrange easily by this mechanism. Thus, 1,2-hydrogen shifts and 1,2-alkyl shifts in an alkyl cation compete successfully with a direct fragmentation by alkene loss as depicted in Scheme 18. The formation of an unstable primary alkyl cation by direct bond cleavage within a molecular ion is very likely associated with a concerted 1,2-H shift to create a more stable secondary fragment ion. As a consequence of these rearrangements the abundant C3H7+ and C4H9+ ions observed in the mass spectra of n-alkanes at m/z 43 and m/z 57 correspond to stable isopropyl cations and tbutyl cations.

List of symbols E = excess energy; Ei0 = activation energy; ki = rate constant; νi = frequency factor; ∆Hr = reaction enthalpy. See also: Ion Energetics in Mass Spectrometry; Ion Imaging Using Mass Spectrometry; Ion Structures in Mass Spectrometry; Isotopic Labelling in Mass Spectrometry; Metastable Ions; Photoionization and Photodissociation Methods in Mass Spectrometry; Stereochemistry Studied Using Mass Spectrometry.

Further reading Barkow A, Pilotek S and Grützmacher H-F (1995) European Mass Spectrometry 1: 525–537. Bowen RD (1991) Accounts of Chemical Research 24: 364–371. Budzikiewicz H, Djerassi C and Williams DH (1967) Mass Spectrometry of Organic Compounds. San Francisco: Holden-Day. Dunbar RC (1992) Mass Spectrometry Reviews 11: 309– 339. Fax MA and Channon M (1988) Photoinduced Electron Transfer. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Gauld JW and Radom L (1997) Journal of the American Chemical Society 119: 9831–9839. Grotemeyer J and Grützmacher H-F (1982) In: Maccoll A (ed) Current Topics in Mass Spectrometry and Chemical Kinetics. London: Heyden. Grotemeyer J and Grützmacher H-F (1982) Organic Mass Spectrometry 17: 353–359. Grotemeyer J and Schlag EW (1988) Angewandt Chemie, International Edition English 27: 447–460. Grützmacher H-F (1993) Organic Mass Spectrometry 28: 1375–1387. Hammerum S (1988) Mass Spectrometry Reviews 7: 123– 202. Levsen K (1968) Fundamental Aspects of Organic Mass Spectrometry. Weinheim: Verlag Chemie. Lifsh*tz C (1997) International Review of Physical Chemistry 16: 113–139. Longevialle P and Botter R (1983) Organic Mass Spectrometry 18: 1–8. Marcus RA (1952) Journal of Chemical Physics 20: 359– 364. Mattay J (ed) (1992) In: Photoinduced Electron Transfer V, Topics in Current Chemistry, Vol 168. McAdoo DJ and Morton TH (1993) Accounts of Chemical Research 26: 295–302. McLafferty FW (1966) Chemical Communications 78: 80. McLafferty FW and Gohlke RS (1959) Analytical Chemistry 31: 2076–2082. Morton TH (1983) Tetrahedron 38: 3195–3243. Rosenstock HB and Krauss M (1968) Adv. Mass Spectrometry 4: 523–545. Schwarz H (1981) Topics in Current Chemistry 76: 1–31. Splitter JS and Turecek F (eds) (1994) Applications of Mass Spectrometry to Organic Stereochemistry. Weinheim: VCH. Stirk KM, Kiminkinen LKM and Kenttämaa HI (1992) Chemical Reviews 92: 1649–1665. Traeger JC, McAdoo DJ, Hudson CE and Giam CS (1998) Journal of American Society Mass Spectrometry 9: 21– 28. Wurster C and Sendtner R (1879) Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft 12: 1803–1813. Yoshida K (1984) Electrooxidation in Organic Chemistry. New York: Wiley.


FT-Raman Spectroscopy, Applications RH Brody, EA Carter, HGM Edwards and AM Pollard, University of Bradford, UK Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction A major advantage proposed for the application of Raman spectroscopy to many problems is the minimal sample preparation required for presentation of the specimen to the spectrometer. Unlike most other analytical techniques, no chemical or mechanical pretreatment is necessary; of particular relevance to biological and biomedical studies is the ability to obtain Raman spectra from specimens which are in their state of natural hydration without further desiccation. The weak Raman scattering of hydroxyl groups and silica means that water and glass will not strongly affect the observation of Raman spectra. In other cases, specimens which have been prepared for optical microscopy and protected using standard glass cuvettes or slide cover-slips can also be studied using a Raman microscope without any changes being effected. The swamping of weaker Raman spectra by strong fluorescence emission in the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum is an occupational hazard of Raman spectroscopy using laser excitation, particularly in the blue and green regions (400– 520 nm). This arises from the high latent energy of excitation at these wavelengths. In some cases sample fluorescence arises from impurities in the specimen, and in these cases sample treatment may be indicated. This may be a trivial or difficult task, depending on the particular specimen being studied. For example, the swabbing of biological tissue, which is common practice to remove surface contaminants, is neither effective nor admissible when archaeological biomaterials are being studied, which may have involved the absorption and concentration of fluorescent materials over a long period of time. It has often been reported that prolonged exposure of a specimen to a laser beam will produce a Raman spectrum with enhanced signal-to-noise (the littleunderstood physical phenomenon of ‘fluorescence burnout’ which is illustrated in Figure 1); by this means, good quality Raman spectra can be recorded in the presence of fluorescent material. However, the removal of the fluorescence emission is only temporary and the method is not always appropriate. Some biomaterials, such as skin and wool, exhibit strong

VIBRATIONAL, ROTATIONAL & RAMAN SPECTROSCOPIES Applications fluorescence in the blue region of the spectrum and their Raman spectra generally cannot be recorded using laser radiation around 4880 nm. The choice of exciting line wavelength is therefore of critical importance for the observation of Raman spectra of biomaterials without attendant fluorescence emission. A particular advantage of the move towards red excitation (600–800 nm) and particularly the near-infrared (1064 nm) is the minimization of fluorescence from biological tissues and organs, such as skin, because of lower excitation energies. Other methods of combatting fluorescence have involved the use of pulsed laser excitation and d.c.-chopping or synchronization of the scattered radiation to electronically filter out the background emission. When coupled to a microscope a Raman instrument with a high spatial resolution (approximately 5 µm) is then available which can produce spectra that are largely fluorescent-free. The Raman microscope exhibits a high signal-to-noise ratio and is ideal for the characterization of weak scattering samples and analysis of specific regions within a sample. Another attachment that can be effected to a Raman spectrometer is a remote probe. This consists of a fibre optic cable that passes the laser beam to a sample outside the conventional sampling chamber. This can be of use in many different applications, the most obvious of which is where the sample is too large or complex to fit into the instrument. In vivo biological studies utilize a fibre optic probe for the investigation of human tissue. Industrial process monitoring uses a Raman spectroscopic probe for online quality control during manufacture. The linear dependence between intensity of scattering and species concentration means Raman spectroscopy is not considered to be a sensitive technique for trace quantities of material, unless these are localized, can be identified microscopically and have a large molecular scattering cross-section factor. However, the linearity of dependence between concentration and observed band intensities can be used to good effect in quantitative Raman spectrometry, especially for solution equilibria, for which important physicochemical data can be obtained, such as rate constants, equilibrium constants and enthalpies of chemical bond formation or breakage. Hence,


Figure 1 Dissipation of fluorescence in wool on extended exposure to laser irradiation. (A) 0, (B) 30 and (C) 210 s. (633 nm, 5 s acquisition time).

whereas in absorption spectrometry weak bands can be enhanced using larger path lengths, this is not practicable in Raman spectroscopy. The effect of the input of high energy visible laser radiation into samples with consequent possible increase fluorescence emission may also be marked in local sample heating. This is particularly important for valuable samples that must not suffer damage during analysis; also, coloured materials may absorb the laser radiation particularly effectively and literally burn in the process. For this reason, high laser powers focused onto stable mineral or geological materials are not acceptable for sensitive biomaterials and an experienced Raman spectroscopist would always attempt to use low laser powers initially on samples whose reaction to laser radiation is not known. Even when sample degradation or damage does not occur through laser absorption, for this reason, special devices based on a spinning sample illumination system exist where the species is permitted to have only low residence times in the laser focus, so reducing the localized heating.

With 1064 nm infrared excitation, generally used in FT-Raman studies, the effect of sample heating is noted first in emission at higher wavenumber shifts (> 2000 cm−1), but the problem is exacerbated when the sample itself is being thermally investigated. For this reason, the ‘background’ emission of infrared radiation at higher wavenumbers with 1064 nm excitation varies with sample temperature until near 200 °C it becomes effectively unworkable, e.g. the Raman spectrum of S8 at elevated temperatures.

Biological materials Fluorescence and the inherent weakness of the Raman effect seriously hampered the use of Raman spectroscopy for the routine analysis and investigation of biological samples. Until the commercial development of the FT-Raman technique in 1986 some researchers went to quite extreme lengths to overcome these problems. This is well demonstrated by workers who found it necessary to ‘burn out’


fluorescence in wool for up to 20 hours before being able to acquire an acceptable Raman spectrum. The keratins are a specialized group of structural fibrous proteins that are characterized by their high cystine content and can be classified according to the amount of sulfur present in the protein. Structures such as wool, hair, hooves, horns, claws, beaks and feathers are classified as ‘hard’ keratins because the sulfur concentration in these proteins is greater than 3%. Keratin proteins containing less than 3% sulfur, such as the stratum corneum (the outermost layer of skin), are classified as ‘soft’ keratins. Although these keratin proteins have a similar molecular composition major spectral differences have been observed in: the intensities of the C–S and S–S stretching vibrations; the conformation of the disulfide bond; and the position, line shape and bandwidth of vibrations associated with the proteins secondary structure. Figure 2 shows the FT-Raman spectra of wool (Figure 2A) and hydrated stratum corneum (Figure 2B) over the wavenumber regions 2600– 3600 cm–1 and 400–1800 cm–1. The presence of water near the ν(CH) stretching region can be clearly

Figure 2

seen; the characteristic amide I, ν(CONH), δ(NH2) and δ(CH2) modes are seen in the region 1200– 1700 cm–1. Lipid modes are near 1000–1200 cm–1 and the prominent ν(SS) band in wool near 500 cm–1 is also noteworthy. To date, Raman spectroscopy has been used for the characterization of stratum corneum, epidermal membrane and dermal tissue. Of current interest is the administration of therapeutic agents across the skin barrier (transdermal drug delivery); however, there are a number of difficulties which involve the supply, storage and use of biohazardous human material.

Medical/pharmaceutical The use of Raman spectroscopy in medical diagnostics is an ever-expanding field of application. Again, features such as the nondestructive and noninvasive nature of the technique mean that the technique is well suited to this type of application. Raman spectra have often been masked by fluorescence from some of the naturally occurring constituents of animal tissues. Raman spectra of cells and tissues are

FT-Raman spectra of (A) untreated Merino wool, and (B) hydrated stratum corneum.


usually excited in the near infrared with radiation at 780, 830 or 1064 nm as the probability of exciting fluorescence is reduced at these longer wavelengths. Raman spectroscopy has been used for the compositional analysis of gallstones and kidney stones; the distribution of the mineral and organic components of a human tooth have been mapped by FT-Raman microspectroscopy; the characterization of normal and pathological tissues including breast, liver, colon and brain. Furthermore, analysis can be performed in vitro, on biopsy samples, or in vivo whereby spectra are recorded using a fibre optic cable. Examination of complex Raman spectra that contain a large number of bands as in biological tissues can be somewhat subjective, and it is often difficult to detect subtle changes or differentiate between similar spectra. To overcome this problem it is necessary to automate the interpretation of spectra by developing a non-subjective technique for analysis, such as a neural network. To date, neural networking has been successfully used to differentiate between Raman spectra of basal cell carcinoma and healthy skin. Interactions between hydroxyapatite crystallites, inorganic ions, cellular components and the organic matrix in living tissues form part of the complex process known as biomineralization. An example of biomineralization is the production of calcified tissues such as bone and teeth. The Raman spectrum of bone is dominated by a very intense vibration at 960 cm–1, which is attributed to the phosphate stretch of the hydroxyapatite component. Bone implants are commonly made of metal coated in a similar material to bone, i.e. synthetic hydroxyapatite, to improve the biocompatility and to aid bonding between the natural bone and the implant. Raman studies of bone implants utilize the spectral difference between bone and that of synthetic hydroxyapatite. The synthetic material lacks many of the characteristic Raman vibrations of bone and those of phosphate have significantly reduced bandwidths. Thus, it is possible to study the interface between the implant and the recipient’s bone. Biomineralization of implants coated with materials other than hydroxyapatite can be followed by monitoring the intensity of the phosphate vibration related to those produced by the coating material.

Art and archaeology The identification of materials that make up an object is important to art historians and archaeologists for a variety of reasons. Information can be provided on trade routes that existed at the time, the development of artistic styles and techniques and the

understanding of chemical technology. This information may help to authenticate and date an object, and aid in the process of restoration and conservation. Identification of the products of degradation will help in devising a regime for treatment to arrest or reverse the deterioration, thus aiding the conservator in the preservation of the object. In many cases previous conservation treatments are a problem as the materials used breakdown and damage the object. Often treatment records have not been kept, or are lost, and analysis is required to identify the materials previously employed so they can be successfully removed. Some problems have been found in analysing archaeological materials from certain burial environments where absorption of coloured and/or fluorescent impurities has taken place. Special care has also to be taken when handling rare or very fragile samples. Often very low laser powers are necessary in order to prevent thermal damage from occurring. These problems are being overcome and Raman spectroscopy is now being applied to the identification of a diverse range of material types including pigments, resins, waxes, gums, ivory and ancient skin. Pigments

Pigments can be found on a wide range of objects such as paintings, frescoes, manuscripts and china. Often only a very small section of the pigment will remain perhaps only several grains. It is important to be able to identify the pigment (often in situ) without harming the object in anyway. Raman microscopy has been found to be one of the best techniques for identifying pigments. It is sufficiently sensitive to analyse pigment grains, generally does not suffer from interference (from surrounding media such as binders) and most importantly it is nondestructive. It is also possible to identify components in a pigment mixture, as the spatial resolution of the technique is about ≤ 2–10 µm. A wide range of pigments have been identified using Raman spectroscopy; for example, it is possible to differentiate between the red pigments: red lead, red ochre and vermilion used in antiquity and to determine the mixture composition quantitatively and nondestructively (see Figures 3B, 3C and 3E). Pigments used in the wall paintings in Winchester Cathedral and Sherborne Abbey have been analysed using FT-Raman spectroscopy. Wall paintings from circa 1175–1185 are found in the Holy Sepulchre Chapel, North Transept of Winchester Cathedral. They illustrate several scenes around the Crucifixion and are amongst the most important paintings of


Figure 3 FT-Raman spectra of (A) pigment from wall painting in Winchester Cathedral (baseline corrected) (B) red ochre, (C) vermilion, (D) pigment from wall painting in Sherborne Abbey, and (E) red lead pigment.

their period in the UK. Those found at the Chapter House at Sherborne Abbey are much more fragmentary and date to the late 12th/early 13th Century. The Raman spectra shown in Figure 3 demonstrate that the pigment from Sherborne Abbey (Figure 3D) is pure vermilion (Figure 3C) whereas that from Winchester Cathedral (Figure 3A) is a mixture of red ochre (Figure 3B) and vermilion (Figure 3C). Adulteration of pigments was practiced for economic reasons even though it was recognized that the resulting pigment mixture stability could be adversely affected. Also, variation in pigment composition over a painting could indicate to a conservator that some more recent renovation has been undertaken. Analysis of frescoes at the palazzo Farnese, a mansion at Caprarola, Italy, helped to characterize chemically the biodeterioration that had occurred. A circular courtyard at the mansion has inner walls at ground and first floor levels bearing frescoes painted by Zuccari in the 1560s. In recent years serious biodeterioration through lichen invasion has affected the frescoes. D. massiliensis forma sorediata, which produces oxalate encrustations which are almost 2 mm thick in some places is responsible for the disfigurement and the chemicals involved in this process have been identified by Raman spectroscopy. Archaeological resins

Raman spectroscopy can be used to identify different natural resins. By comparing spectra from ancient

resins with a database of modern materials it is sometimes possible to identify the source of the ancient sample. An example of this use is the identification of the different forms of the resin ‘dragon’s blood’. Since ancient times this resin has been used for a diversity of medical and artistic purposes. This rich red resin has been used to make varnishes for a variety of objects including reputedly 16–18th century Italian violins such as those made by Stradivarius. Many cultures have at least one indigenous natural resin which they call ‘dragon’s blood’ but the botanical sources are not necessarily the same. Today, the primary commercial supply of dragon’s blood is the resin from the fruit of the Southeast Asian rattan, or cane-palm, Daemonorops draco (Palmae). In Western antiquity, in the Roman Empire, one of the main sources was Dracaena cinnabari L., which was once prevalent around the Mediterranean coast, but now endemically localized to Socotra Island, off the Horn of Africa. Figure 4 presents the FT-Raman spectra of these two resins. Clearly the spectra are very different and provide a means of identification of a botanical source of ‘dragon’s blood’ resin. Elsewhere, other trees have been tapped for their ‘dragon’s blood’ such as Eucalyptus resinifera (actually a gum) in Australia. The FT-Raman technique is capable of distinguishing between fresh resins from these three sources mentioned. Identification of the resin can play a deciding role in the cleaning or stabilization of an object coated in resin and with the provenancing of the artefact.


Figure 4

FT-Raman spectra of (A) Daemonorops draco (Palmae), and (B) Dracaena cinnabari.

Forensic science The field of forensic science, scientific analysis used within the legal system, is very wide-ranging; narcotics and explosives are amongst the areas of analysis covered. Many different techniques are used within the field to identify samples found at a crime scene or seized by police. Techniques used must fulfil certain requirements: sensitive enough to deal with often very small or trace samples, provide clear, characteristic results which easily distinguish different materials and minimal sample size and preparation. The latter point is one which Raman spectroscopy can easily fulfil, as the technique is both nondestructive and noninvasive. No sampling is required, which means that further analysis is possible should it be necessary, for example in the case of an appeal. Raman spectroscopy fulfils the other requirements as it is both sensitive and provides characteristic spectra for different substances. Raman spectroscopy has been applied to a range of different materials of interest to the forensic scientist. A wide range of narcotics can be identified including heroin, cocaine and amphetamines. The

wavelength of excitation has to be varied, as some samples are highly fluorescent under certain conditions. For example, heroin fluoresces when excited at 633 nm but a clear, characteristic spectrum can be obtained with resonance Raman using 244 nm excitation. Fluorescence can also be a problem if a narcotic has been ‘cut’ (mixed) with a fluorescent material. The spectra of these ‘street’ drugs require baseline correction in order to be successfully compared with a database of ‘pure’ standards or again a lower wavenumber excitation can be employed. Narcotics often enter the laboratory in a crime scene bag and may also still be in their original packaging – often wrapped in plastic. It has been found that it is possible to take a Raman spectrum of the sample through the packaging (including black plastic), subtracting the spectrum of the packaging to get a spectrum of the sample alone. This is very useful in forensic science as this minimizes any contamination that could occur to the sample during preparation for analysis. Along with the lack of any sample preparation required and with provision of a suitable database, a computerized analytical instrument means that relatively unskilled users


could potentially use Raman spectroscopy to analyse any seizure more quickly. Raman spectroscopy has also been applied to the identification of different explosives. Most explosives, both nitro-containing (i.e. 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT)) and non-nitro-containing (i.e. TATP), produce high quality, low fluorescence Raman spectra. Some plastic explosives (i.e. Semtex) have some fluorescence originating from the binder materials but this can be overcome by use of anti-Stokes bands and Boltzmann correction of the data. Raman microscopy has been used for the analysis of gunshot residues. Chemical analysis of the materials that leave the barrel of a gun on firing can give information about the gun, the ammunition, the shooting distance and direction. All of this information is important for investigators of any shooting incident. The residues that leave a gun on firing are deposited on the victim, user, weapon and within the immediate vicinity. Gunshot residues are composed of the metallic components of the bullet, partly burnt propellant particles and particles of elements originating from the primer, the bullet, the propellant and the propellant additives. Raman microspectroscopy has illustrated that different metal anions contained in gunshot residue such as carbon, barium carbonate, lead sulfate, lead oxide and mixtures of these compounds are easily identified. Real or fake?

An area that combines the interests of historians and forensic scientists is whether an object has been constructed from the material from which it is purported to have been made. Rare or valued materials are often replaced by cheaper, more easily available imitations, some of which are of such good quality that they deceive even expert examination. Examples of these materials are ivory and amber, both having been simulated using a wide range of materials, including modern polymers. In some instances great effort is given by the forger to copy the weight and texture of the original material. Ivory is much heavier than many modern plastics so fillers such as calcite (calcium carbonate) may be added so that the weight then more closely matches that of ivory. On highly carved objects it can be very difficult to identify the material as genuine ivory, for example, or an imitation. The ‘hot pin’ test has been used to identify modern plastics, over ivory. Plastic materials will tend to melt or burn when a hot pin is applied but it will have no effect on genuine ivory. This rather crude method has one quite obvious drawback in that a plastic object will be marked. Even though the item is not made of ivory it may still be of some

value, which would be affected by any marking. FTRaman spectroscopy provides a good alternative; a result can be obtained almost as quickly and the object is not damaged. The spectra of ivory and amber are clearly different to polymeric imitations, so a definitive identification can be given where previously it has proved difficult, or impossible, to do so visually. This is illustrated in Figure 5 which presents the FT-Raman spectra of African elephant tusk, micarta (phenolic thermoset resin), an imitation ivory and calcite. It can be seen that the spectrum of the imitation ivory contains vibrational features which are characteristic of polymer mixtures, in this case polystyrene and polymethylacrylate. The spectrum of micarta indicates that it probably contains either polyethylene or polybutylene terephthalate.

Gemmology Analytical techniques commonly used in gemmology include X-ray and neutron diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and, more recently, FT-Raman microspectroscopy. Traditional identification is based on the gems’ unique physical, chemical and optical properties. These include specific gravity, cleavage, hardness, toughness, fracture, refraction, transparency, lustre and sheen. However, some gemstones have similar properties for example taaffeite (BeMgAl4O8) and musgravite (Mg2Al6BeO12) have essentially identical chemical composition and gemmological properties. The advantage of utilizing Raman spectroscopy for analysis lies in the non-destructive nature of the technique, rapid identification and the ability to analyse both carved and rough surfaces. Other applications include the detection of synthetics and imitations, the detection of composite or assembled stones and the investigation of inclusions to assist in the identification of the origin of the gemstone. In order to hide surface cracks, improve colour or provide protection for soft stones, gemstones may undergo certain enhancement treatments. For example, they may be treated with oil, artificial resins or waxes to fill any fissures or fractures thus improving their clarity. These foreign substances produce distinctive Raman spectra from which their presence may be identified.

Polymers and plastics Characterization of polymers and their reaction processes can be carried out using Raman spectroscopy. Both qualitative and quantitative information can be provided about stereoregularity, chemical nature,


Figure 5

FT-Raman spectra of (A) African elephant ivory, (B) micarta, (C) an imitation ivory and (D) calcite.

orientation, conformation and three-dimensional state of order in a polymer. The polymerization process may also be monitored, allowing the effect of different parameters on the course of the reaction to be analysed. Many different polymers and polymer reactions have been studied using Raman spectroscopy in recent years. For example, epoxysilanes that are used to obtain hybrid polymers via a sol-gel process. Process control and remote Raman sensing are now possible through the application of fibre optics. Remote measurements can now be taken directly in the reaction vessel. The real-time monitoring of chemical reactions can aid in the streamlining of the process and thus produce cost savings. The minimal fluorescence produced using near-infrared excitation means that FT-Raman spectroscopy is becoming widely accepted as an industrial tool. An example is the analysis of waterborne polymer emulsions, i.e. styrene/butadiene copolymers, which are used as binders in coated paper and carpet manufacture. Raman spectroscopy is useful in this case due to little interference being caused by the aqueous phase or the scattering effects from the emulsion particles,

which can be a problem with other spectroscopic techniques. Assessment of the mechanical properties and engineering applications of polymers is made by consideration of orientation, conformation and three-dimensional state of order of the polymer during the deformation processes. FT-Raman spectroscopy is also applied to the analysis of transient structural changes induced by polymer deformation. For a clear understanding of a deformation mechanism, characterization of structural changes is required online. Studies have been performed on a wide variety of polymers during elongation and recovery, to monitor phase transitions and alterations in crystallinity and anisotropy. Particularly useful for this purpose has been the simultaneous analysis of mechanical and spectroscopic properties, called rheooptical measurements.

Inorganic/organometallic materials A typical FT-Raman spectrum covers the wavenumber range 100–3500 cm–1, which encompasses the


skeletal vibrational modes of organic molecules normally occurring in the functionality region (1000–2000 cm–1) and the bonds between heavy metals and carbon, oxygen and sulfur which all occur below 500 cm–1. This ability to record the spectra of ‘inorganic’ and ‘organic’ components within a sample is a valuable attribute of Raman spectroscopy. For example, the Raman spectrum of mercury (II) sulfide (commonly known as vermillion), shown in Figure 3C, exhibits a strong Raman band due to ν(HgS) at 257 cm–1 which is not normally seen in infrared spectrometry unless special instrumentation is used. The ability of Raman spectroscopy to detect coordinate bands in inorganic and organometallic compounds lends itself particularly well to the observation of metal–metal, metal–halogen and metal–phosphorus clusters such as Ag4I4(PMe3)4, metals–oxygen bonds in corrosion studies involving zirconium(IV) oxide and iron(III) oxide in nuclear fuel claddings and steels, and metal–carbon bonds in organometallic compounds used in catalysis. Studies of metal ion coordination with anion ligands in mixed organic/aqueous solvent systems have provided novel information about the metal ion coordination numbers and mechanism of crystallization processes from Raman spectroscopy. Also, thermodynamic parameters such as enthalpy of band formation or breakage have been evaluated from Raman spectra of solution studied over a range of temperatures.

Geological materials/solid states Access to the low-wavenumber regions of the vibrational Raman spectra of minerals and solids of geological relevance have yielded information on crystal lattice symmetries and on the effect of ionic impurities. Databases of geological materials now rival those of organic compounds and affiliations to solidstate physics, crystal engineering and to substrate characterization for thin-film devices are numerous. Some of the most recent affiliations in this area include the analysis of extraterrestrial material in the form of Martian meteorites (Shergotty–Nakhla– Chassigny classification) and in the characterization of simulated soils for planetary exploration. See also: Art Works Studied Using IR and Raman Spectroscopy; Astronomy, Applications of Spectroscopy; Biochemical Applications of Raman Spectroscopy; Dyes and Indicators, Use of UV-Visible Absorption Spectroscopy; Forensic Science, Applications of Atomic Spectroscopy; Forensic Science, Applications of IR Spectroscopy; Forensic Science,

Applications of Mass Spectrometry; Forestry and Wood Products, Applications of Atomic Spectroscopy; Hydrogen Bonding and other Physicochemical Interactions Studied By IR and Raman Spectroscopy; Inorganic Compounds and Minerals Studied Using X-Ray Diffraction; IR and Raman Spectroscopy of Inorganic, Coordination and Organometallic Compounds; IR Spectral Group Frequencies of Organic Compounds; Matrix Isolation Studies By IR and Raman Spectroscopies; MRI of Oil/Water in Rocks; Nonlinear Raman Spectroscopy, Applications; Nonlinear Raman Spectroscopy, Instruments; Nonlinear Raman Spectroscopy, Theory; Polymer Applications of IR and Raman Spectroscopy; Rayleigh Scattering and Raman Spectroscopy, Theory; Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS), Applications; Vibrational, Rotational and Raman Spectroscopy, Historical Perspective.

Further reading Carmona P, Navarro R and Hernanz A (eds) (1997) Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules: Modern Trends. Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Chase DB and Rebelled JF (eds) (1994) Fourier Transform Spectroscopy from Concept to Experiment. Cambridge: Academic Press. Edwards HGM (1996) Raman Spectroscopy Instrumentation. In: Encyclopedia of Applied Physics, Vol 16, pp 1–43. New York: American Institute of Physics, VCH Publishers. Hendra PJ (ed) (1997) Special issue – applications of Fourier transform Raman spectroscopy VI. Spectrochimica Acta 53A: 1–128. Hendra PJ (ed) (1997) Special issue – applications of Fourier transform Raman spectroscopy VII. Spectrochimica Acta 53A: 2245–2422. Hendra PJ and Agbenyega JK (1993) Raman Spectra of Polymers. Chichester: Wiley. Hendra PJ, Jones C and Warnes G (1990) Fourier Transform Raman Spectroscopy: Instrumentation and Chemical Applications. New York: Ellis Horwood. Heyns AM (ed) (1998) Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons. Lawson EE, Barry BW, Williams AC and Edwards HGM (1997) Biomedical applications of Raman spectroscopy. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 28: 111–117. Special Issue – Raman Spectroscopy in Art, Medicine and Archaeology. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 28: 77– 197. Special Issue – Raman Spectroscopy (Commemorative Issue). Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 26: 587–927. Turrell G and Corset J (eds) (1996) Raman Microscopy: Developments and Applications. London: Academic Press Limited.


Gas Phase Applications of NMR Spectroscopy Nancy S True, University of California, Davis, CA, USA


Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

NMR spectroscopy has been used to study many aspects of the physics and chemistry of molecules in the gas phase for more than 50 years. The third report of the observation of the magnetic resonance phenomenon, which was published in 1946, described a study of H2 gas. The signal/noise ratio obtained from a 10 atm H2 sample (line width 600 ppm at 0.68 T) was ∼15/1 in that study. Nuclei in larger molecules have longer relaxation times and in many cases produce NMR spectra with natural line widths of less than 1 Hz. Currently, it is possible to obtain 1H and 19 F spectra with good signal/noise ratios from gases present at partial pressures of less than 1 torr. With this sensitivity, NMR spectroscopy can be used to address many questions about molecular interactions and dynamics in the gas phase. Experimentally measured chemical shifts and spin–spin coupling constants of gas-phase molecules are a benchmark for theoretical calculations of NMR parameters. Temperature- and pressure-dependent relaxation rate constants, T1, T2, and T1ρ, have been measured for several different nuclei in diatomic and small polyatomic molecules in the gas phase. These data provide information about relaxation mechanisms, rotationally inelastic collision cross sections, coupling constants and intermolecular forces. NMR spectroscopy is an important tool for studying hydrogen bonding in the gas phase. Thermodynamic parameters for keto–enol tautomeric equilibria and conformational equilibria of gases have been determined from measurements of temperature-dependent relative intensity ratios. Temperature- and pressure-dependent rate constants for low-energy intramolecular chemical exchange processes of gases including conformational interconversion, ring inversion and Berry pseudorotation have been measured using NMR spectroscopy. The motion of xenon atoms diffusing in zeolite matrices and the motion of gas-phase molecules in protein cavities can be studied using NMR spectroscopy. Gas-phase NMR spectroscopy can be used to study chemical reactions involving volatile species. Densitydependent chemical shielding and gas-phase spin– lattice relaxation were reviewed a few years ago. The application of gas-phase NMR spectroscopy to chemical exchange processes was reviewed more recently.

Principles Gas-phase chemical shifts and coupling constants

The general features of high-resolution NMR spectra of gases resemble those of liquids, but the actual resonance frequencies in the gas phase and in solution are different owing to differences in the local environment. A gas sample has a smaller bulk magnetic susceptibility and weaker intermolecular interactions than a liquid. The bulk magnetic susceptibility difference causes the entire gas-phase NMR spectrum to be offset a few ppm from that of the corresponding liquid. The direction and magnitude of the offset depend on the magnetic field strength, the shape of the sample, its orientation in the magnetic field and its chemical composition. The magnetic field experienced by the sample, B0(s), is B0(s) = B0[1+(4π/3 – α)κs], where B0 is the permanent magnetic field, κs is the volume susceptibility, a negative quantity which is much smaller for a gas than for a liquid owing to density differences, and α is a shape factor that is zero for a cylinder aligned along the magnetic field axis and 2π for a cylinder aligned perpendicular to the field axis. For the parallel arrangement of a cylindrical sample in a 7.2 T superconducting magnet, the gas-phase spectrum is shifted a few ppm to higher frequency from the spectrum of the corresponding liquid. In the gas phase, intramolecular factors primarily determine the relative resonance frequencies of the nuclei in a molecule. In a liquid, intermolecular interactions are also an important factor and the relative resonance frequencies of nuclei located at different sites within a molecule can be phase dependent. The largest phase-dependent shifts in relative resonance frequencies occur for nuclei in positions near the molecule’s exterior and for nuclei capable of strong intermolecular interactions such as hydrogen bonding. Figure 1 shows gas-phase NMR spectra of a series of alcohols obtained at 421 K. The major difference between these spectra and those of the corresponding liquid alcohols is the position of the hydroxyl proton resonance which, in each case, is near 0 ppm relative to gaseous TMS. The hydroxyl proton resonances of the corresponding alcohols in


Figure 1 1H NMR spectra of gaseous t-butanol (A), isopropanol (B), ethanol (C), and methanol (D) at their respective vapour pressures at 421.8 K. Reprinted from Chauvel JP Jr and True NS (1985) Gas-phase NMR studies of alcohols. Intrinsic acidities. Chemical Physics 95: 435–441, © 1985, with permission from Elsevier Science.

the liquid phase are several ppm lower than that of liquid TMS owing to participation in intermolecular hydrogen bonding. In contrast, the position of the resonances of the protons attached to the carbon atoms relative to TMS is similar for both gas-phase and liquid alcohols. For cases where intermolecular interactions are weaker, gas and solution spectra are more similar, but small relative changes are often observed. For example, the limiting 1H methyl chemical shift differences for dimethylacetamide and dimethylformamide are slightly smaller in the gas phase than in solution. The temperature and density dependences of the chemical shifts of nuclei of gas-phase molecules have received significant theoretical and experimental

attention. The chemical shifts of most nuclei at a constant temperature exhibit a linear density dependence for moderate densities up to ∼50 atm. Intermolecular effects are deshielding for almost all gas-phase molecules, except for molecules with π* electronically excited states. The temperature dependence of the chemical shift of nuclei of gas-phase molecules at constant gas density can be used to probe the effects of ro-vibrational shielding. Deshielding occurs with increasing temperature as the population of rotationally and vibrationally excited states increases and the average internuclear distances in the molecule increase. The phase dependence of spin–spin coupling constants is usually small since spin–spin coupling mechanisms are primarily intramolecular in nature. However, changes in conformational equilibria and molecular geometry can result from intermolecular interactions and can affect the magnitude of spin– spin coupling constants. For example, the magnitude of the spin–spin coupling between two nuclei separated by three bonds is dependent on the effective torsional angle and will be phase dependent if the conformational equilibrium established in the gas phase differs from that in solution. For substituted ethanes such as dimethoxyethane, the average 3JHH coupling constants in the gas phase have been measured as a function of temperature and used to determine conformational equilibria and barriers to internal rotation using models based on the Karplus equation. Solvent effects are determined by comparison with results of similar experiments performed on condensed-phase samples. Small phase-dependent differences in the 1JNH and 2JNH coupling constants of formamide have been observed and can be attributed to changes in bond lengths that occur upon solvation. For molecules that do not exhibit conformational isomerism or form strong intermolecular interactions, gas-phase and solution-phase spin–spin coupling constants are very similar. Relaxation

Nuclear spin–lattice relaxation of gas-phase molecules occurs primarily via the spin–rotation (SR) mechanism. The magnitude of the magnetic field generated by the rotational motion of the molecule changes at a rate that is dependent on the rotationally inelastic collision frequency. Scalar coupling of the nuclear spin angular momentum to this timedependent field provides an efficient relaxation pathway that is generally not available in condensed phases where rotational motion is hindered. For medium-sized molecules, 1H and 13C T1 values are typically on the order of a few hundred milliseconds


Figure 2 The density dependence of the proton T1 of ammonia gas at 300 K. The density of an ideal gas at STP is defined as 1 amagat. The solid line is the best fit of a theoretical model that allowed for multiple relaxation times to the data. Reproduced with permission of the American Physical Society from Lemaire C and Armstrong RL (1984) Proton spin longitudinal relaxation time in gaseous ammonia and hydrogen chloride. Journal of Chemical Physics 81: 1626–1631.

and 19F T1 values are typically on the order of 10 to 100 ms at a gas pressure of 1 atm. Figure 2 shows the characteristic nonlinear density dependence of T1 in the gas phase. Most NMR relaxation studies of gases report gas densities in units of amagats where 1 amagat is the density of an ideal gas at 1 atm and 273 K, i.e. 2.687 × 1019 molecules cm–3, or 44.612 moles m–3. At the T1 minimum, the collision frequency is approximately equal to the Larmor precession frequency of the nucleus. The T1 minimum can be used to determine the rotationally inelastic cross section, σNMR, and the average spin–rotation (SR) coupling constant. The density-dependent T1 data for the 1H resonance of NH3, shown in Figure 2, is consistent with a σNMR of 105(8) Å2. This value is almost twice as large as the geometric cross section of the molecule, 60 Å2, indicating that long-range interactions are important in the relaxation process. The effective 1H SR coupling constant of NH3 is 20.3(0.1) kHz, considerably larger than the 1H–1H dipole–dipole coupling constant in this molecule. Relaxation via dipole–dipole interactions and quadrupolar interactions has also been observed for

nuclear spins of molecular gases. Dipole–dipole relaxation is competitive with spin–rotation relaxation of H2 in the gas phase. For H2, the SR coupling constant is ∼110 kHz and the dipole–dipole coupling constant is 143 kHz. This mechanism has not been found to contribute significantly to spin– lattice relaxation of larger molecules, where dipole– dipole distances are greater. The lack of observable nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE) in gaseous benzene indicated that relaxation via dipole–dipole interactions is not significant at densities between 7 and 81 mol m–3 at 381 K. For 14N in nitrogen gas, the dominant relaxation mechanism is through intramolecular quadrupolar interactions. Experiments on ClF established that there is a significant contribution to T1ρF from modulation through quadrupolar relaxation of 35Cl and 37Cl of J(35Cl–F) and J(37Cl–F). The dependence of T1ρF on the spin-lock field strength allowed values of these two spin–spin couplings to be obtained. Dipole–dipole interactions occurring during collisions provide a relaxation mechanism for atoms in the gas phase. Xenon-129 atoms in the gas phase have spin–lattice relaxation times on the order of minutes which are dependent on gas density, temperature and the amount of other gases in the sample. For xenon-129 adsorbed in cavities inside zeolite matrices relaxation occurs via dipole–dipole interactions with hydrogen atoms that are bound to the sides of the cavities.

Methods Sample preparation

For many applications, gas-phase samples can be prepared using a routine vacuum line consisting of mechanical and diffusion pumps, a cold trap, thermocouple and capacitance manometer gauges and a manifold with attachments for sample tubes and gas inlets. NMR sample tubes are either sealed with a glass torch or constructed with self-sealing top assemblies. Preparation of samples at elevated pressures requires quantitative transfer operations. With few exceptions, gas-phase NMR samples used to study conformational processes contained a volatile bath gas in addition to the sample molecule, which usually has a low vapour pressure. Molecules with low vapour pressures tend to behave nonideally even at very low pressures and this factor must be taken into consideration when converting measured gas pressures into densities. Sample diffusion and convection are significant problems in temperature-dependent studies and in relaxation experiments using gases. In most NMR


probes the heater is positioned below the bottom of the sample and the top of the sample protrudes above the spinner. With this arrangement a significant temperature gradient occurs along the length of a standard NMR tube when working at elevated temperatures. This causes convection in the sample and makes it impossible to establish, maintain and measure the temperature. Diffusion can cause significant line broadening at low pressures and can result in large systematic errors in relaxation measurements. To minimize these problems, short NMR tubes are frequently used for gas-phase studies. They provide better temperature control and minimize diffusion of magnetized molecules from the active volume region of the receiver during monitoring of the free induction decay. For relaxation studies of gases, the sample must be confined to the active volume of the receiver for accurate measurements of relaxation times and the tube length cannot exceed the receiver coil dimensions. Short tubes can be placed directly inside a standard size coaxial outer tubing to facilitate sample spinning or they can be attached to a spinner via a stem. For samples containing total gas pressures of 3 atm and below, sample cells constructed from standard thickness 12, 10, or 5 mm o.d. NMR-quality glass tubing have been employed. Sample cells constructed from heavy-wall NMR-quality glass tubing, single-crystal sapphire and vespel can be used for studies of gases at pressures above 1 atm. Special precautions are necessary at all stages of assembling, testing and using any kind of high-pressure NMR apparatus because of the hazards involved. Samples in the 5–50 atm range can be prepared in small-diameter tubes with 2 mm thick walls that can withstand pressures of 50 atm. The maximum pressure is limited by the ratio of the outer diameter to the inner diameter of the tube. Pyrex and borosilicate glasses have been used. Xenon gas has been studied at pressures up to 200 atm in borosilicate glass (3.9 mm o.d./1.2 mm i.d.) Methane and ethane have been studied at pressures up to 300 atm in Pyrex tubes (5 mm o.d./0.5 mm i.d.) Sample cells constructed from single-crystal sapphire epoxied to titanium flanges that attach to vacuum lines have been used to prepare samples containing gases at pressures up to about 130 atm. A newer design allows use with 5 or 10 mm tubes, is light enough to allow spinning in most spectrometers and allows attainment of proton line widths of 0.5 Hz in 300 MHz spectrometers. Heavy-walled Vespel tubes have been used to study reactive systems at elevated pressures. This polyimide material is resistant to chemical attack but heavy walls are required and after several pressurizations the tubes tend to deform.

Specially designed NMR probes capable of withstanding high internal pressures have been described. Improved sensitivity and resolution have been obtained with toroidal probes. They consist of a toroidal-shaped RF detector inside a pressure vessel with RF and gas connectors mounted on the top and bottom, respectively, and are useful for studying pressurized reactor effluent. Spectral acquisition

Gas-phase NMR spectra can be acquired using procedures similar to those employed for liquid samples. Most gas-phase NMR spectra are obtained without use of a frequency lock. The field drift of most superconducting magnets is only a few hertz per day and does not contribute significantly to observed line widths of spectra acquired in a few hours or less. The absence of a lock necessitates that shimming must be done by observing the magnitude and shape of the free induction decay. Inclusion of several torr of TMS gas ensures a free induction decay of adequate magnitude for shimming. For very high-resolution work or long runs, a deuterated bath gas such as neopentane-d12 or isobutane-d10 can be used, but the low sensitivity in the lock channel on most spectrometers requires the presence of a partial pressure of at least 0.5 atm of these molecules to achieve a stable lock. Acquisition of gas-phase NMR spectra is facilitated by rapid spin–lattice relaxation. This is especially true for 13C studies of gases where T1 values can be hundreds of times shorter than in condensed phases and transients can be acquired much faster. However, relaxation times and mechanisms in the gas phase preclude many experiments involving intermolecular and intramolecular polarization transfer that are routinely performed on solution samples.

Applications Specific applications of gas-phase NMR spectroscopy to research in heterogeneous catalysis, conformational dynamics and absorption processes in zeolites are described below. The application of gas-phase NMR spectroscopy to many other research areas is described in the Further reading section at the end of this article. Heterogeneous catalysis

Gas-phase NMR can be used to study the kinetics of reactions that consume or generate volatile species. In a recent study, gas-phase NMR spectroscopy was used to follow the kinetics of the hydrogenation of cis/trans mixtures of perfluoro-2-butenes (R=CF3) and perfluoro-2-pentenes (R=C2F5) over palladium


supported on alumina (Eqns [1] and [2]).

Samples were prepared in 12 mm NMR tubes and contained a total gas pressure of ∼3.1 atm at 333 or 338 K. The time dependence of the composition of the sample was determined from 19F NMR spectra. Since the T1 values of all the 19F nuclei present are short, it was possible to obtain spectra, the result of 16 transients, with a signal/noise ratio of 1000 in 2.9 s. The data obtained in these experiments would be very labour intensive to obtain by conventional chemical techniques. Figure 3 shows typical data obtained in this experiment. The erythro/threo product ratio was the same as the starting cis/trans reactant ratio, indicating that the olefins did not isomerize during the reaction and hydrogenation of the cis olefins produces the corresponding erythro hydrofluorocarbons while hydrogenation of the trans olefins produces the corresponding threo hydrofluorocarbons. The rate of hydrogenation was faster for the trans isomer of both perfluoro-2butene and perfluoro-2-pentene, with the rate constant ratio, ktrans /kcis , ranging from 2 to 3.4. It was also found that the cis isomers are preferentially absorbed on the catalyst, a fact that may account for their lower relative reactivity.

Figure 3 Time dependence of the concentrations of reactants and products of the Pd/Al2O3-catalysed hydrogenation of a 24.8/ 75.2% cis/trans mixture of perfluoro-2-pentene at 65°C obtained by 19F gas-phase NMR. Reprinted with permission from Kating PM, Krusic PJ, Roe DC and Smart BE (1996) Hydrogenation of fluoroolefins studied by gas phase NMR: a new technique for heterogeneous catalysis. Journal of the American Chemical Society 118: 10 000–10 001. © 1996 American Chemical Society.

and kinetic parameters can be compared with similarly obtained parameters in condensed phases to determine the direction and magnitude of solvent effects on these processes. Gas-phase results also provide a critical test for theoretical calculations. The pressure dependence of rate constants for chemical exchange processes in the gas phase provides information on the microscopic dynamics of these processes in isolated systems. Rate constants for the chemical exchange processes that occur in alkyl nitrites, cyclohexane, substituted cyclohexanes, sulfur tetrafluoride and formamide are pressure dependent. The mechanism for these thermally initiated, unimolecular gas-phase processes, reported by Lindemann in 1922, involves competition between the reaction and collisional deactivation of the critically energized molecule, A* (Eqn [3]).

Conformational kinetics

For many gas-phase molecular processes with activation energies in the 5–20 kcal mol–1 range, temperature- and pressure-dependent rate constants can be obtained from analysis of exchange-broadened NMR line shapes. Frequently, rate constants can be obtained with accuracy comparable to that obtained in the best liquid-phase studies. This technique can be applied successfully to gases that have at least 1 torr of vapour pressure at temperatures at which slow or intermediate exchange can be observed. Temperature-dependent gas-phase rate constants

where ka, kd and k(E) are the rate constants for activation, deactivation and reaction. The rate constant for reaction, k(E), is energy dependent. The solution of this mechanism yields the macroscopic


pseudounimolecular rate constant, kuni (Eqn [4]).

At large [M] the integrand reduces to k(E)ka/kd and kuni is a constant. At small [M] the integrand reduces to ka[M] and kuni is a linear function of the gas density. The zero of energy is taken at the energy at threshold. The details of the fall-off curve, i.e. the rate constant kuni as a function of gas density, provides information about intramolecular energy transfer in the critically energized molecule. If this is ergodic and rapid on a timescale that is short compared to the reaction rate constant, statistical theories such as RRKM theory can be used to calculate k(E). The molecular conditions that favour statistical behaviour are high densities of states in the reactant and efficient coupling mechanisms. Reactions of large molecules at high internal energies can generally be modelled adequately with statistical theories. The processes that can be studied by gas-phase NMR spectroscopy occur at much lower energies where state densities are sparse and coupling mechanisms are inefficient. The shape and location of the experimental fall-off curves of chemical exchange processes provide a test of the applicability of statistical kinetic theories to these low-energy processes. Figure 4 shows exchange-broadened gas-phase 1H NMR spectra of n-propyl nitrite obtained at 240.6 K as a function of CO2 bath gas pressures. Each sample contained 2 torr of n-propyl nitrite. Rate constants for the syn–anti conformational exchange process, obtained from the spectral simulations, range from 315 s–1 at 720 torr to 112 s–1 at 11.8 torr. The pressure dependence of these rate constants was compared with predictions using RRKM theory. The agreement obtained indicated that vibrational redistribution in n-propyl nitrite is statistical or nearly so at the average internal energy required for the syn– anti conformational interconversion process, which is ~12 kcal mol–1. The observed fall-off curve is dependent on the bath gas used in the study and relative collision efficiencies for activation of the conformational process can be obtained from studies that vary the bath gas. Smaller nitrites, SF4 and formamide have lower state densities and are currently the subjects of detailed analysis. Absorption processes in zeolites

Several factors make xenon a very useful probe nucleus for studying absorption processes in

Figure 4 Gas-phase 1H NMR spectra of n-propyl nitrite at 240.6 K. The spectral region shown corresponds to the methylene protons attached to the carbon bonded to the oxygen. Samples contained 2 torr of n-propyl nitrite and various pressures of CO2. Spectral labels refer to the total sample pressure in torr. In each plot the top trace is the simulated spectrum, the middle trace is the experimental spectrum and the lower trace is the difference between the two. Reprinted with permission from Moreno PO, True NS and LeMaster CB (1990) Pressuredependent gas-phase 1H NMR studies of conformational kinetics in a hom*ologous series of alkyl nitrites. Journal of Physical Chemistry 94: 8780–8787. © 1990 American Chemical Society.


microporous materials such as zeolites. It is chemically inert, monatomic and of a convenient size, and its chemical shift is very sensitive to environmental factors and is amenable to theoretical modelling. Two of the stable isotopic species of xenon, 131Xe and 129 Xe have magnetic moments. 129Xe, which has a spin of , a natural abundance of 26.44%, a receptivity 31.8 times greater than 13C and T1 values on the order of seconds, is the most extensively used. The effects of environmental interactions on the chemical shift of xenon have been modelled using grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations, allowing the determination of the cluster size of xenon in cavities in a zeolite from chemical shift measurements. A recent study of xenon adsorbed in AgA zeolite, which is a system of silicoaluminate cages containing charged Ag clusters separated by 8-membered Si–O–Si rings,

demonstrated that up to 10 different cluster sizes could be distinguished by their differences in chemical shifts. Figure 5 shows static NMR spectra of 129Xe in AgA zeolite. Spectral labels refer to the zeolite composition, dehydration temperature, and average number of xenon atoms per cage. Chemical shifts are referenced to xenon gas present in spaces between the crystallites. Exchange between cages is slow and the 129 Xe NMR spectrum consists of a series of lines corresponding to cages with different numbers of xenon atoms. The 129Xe resonances from high field to low have chemical shifts that range over 200 ppm and are assigned to cages containing from 2 to 8 xenon atoms. Xenon intercage exchange dynamics can be studied using 2D-EXSY experiments. If chemical exchange occurs on the order of the mixing time, off-diagonal cross peaks appear in the 2D spectrum between the

Figure 5 NMR spectra of xenon in AgA zeolite. The axis in each spectrum is labelled in ppm with 0.00 ppm corresponding to the chemical shift of xenon gas in the space between the crystallites in the sample. Spectral labels refer to the zeolite composition, sample preparation temperature, and the average number of xenon atoms per α cage. The progression of lines to lower field corresponds to resonances from 1 xenon atom per α cage to 8 xenon atoms per α cage, respectively. Reprinted with permission from Moudrakovski IL, Ratcliffe CI and Ripmeester JA (1998) 129Xe NMR study of adsorption and dynamics of xenon in AgA zeolite. Journal of the American Chemical Society 120: 3123–3132. © 1998 American Chemical Society.


sites involved in the exchange. The cross peaks provide information about the exchange pathways and their intensities are a function of the exchange rate constant. Rate constants for exchange between cages indicate that sorption energies decrease at higher loading.

List of symbols B0(s) = magnetic field experienced by sample; ka, kd, k(E) = rate constants for activation, deactivation, reaction; kuni = macroscopic pseudo-unimolecular rate constant; α = shape factor; κs = (sample) volume susceptibility; σNMR = rotationally inelastic cross section.

See also: High Resolution IR Spectroscopy (Gas Phase) Applications; High Resolution IR Spectroscopy (Gas Phase) Instrumentation; NMR Relaxation

Rates; Parameters in NMR Spectroscopy, Theory of; Xenon NMR Spectroscopy.

Further reading Armstrong RL (1987) Nuclear magnetic relaxation effects in polyatomic gases. Magnetic Resonance Review 12: 91–135. Dybowski C and Bansal N (1991) NMR spectroscopy of xenon in confined spaces: clathrates, intercalates, and zeolites. Annual Reviews of Physical Chemistry 42: 433–464. Jameson CJ (1991) Gas-phase NMR spectroscopy. Chemical Reviews 91: 1375–1395. True NS (1996) Gas phase studies of chemical exchange processes. In: Grant DM and Harris RK (eds) Encyclopedia of NMR, pp 2173–2178. New York: Wiley. True NS and Suarez C (1995) Gas-phase NMR studies of conformational processes. In: Hargittai M and Hargittai I (eds) Advances in Molecular Structure Research, Vol 1, pp 115–155. Stanford, CT: JAI Press.

GC–IR Applications See Chromatography-IR, Applications.

GC–MS Methods See Chromatography-MS, Methods; Hyphenated Techniques, Applications of in Mass Spectrometry.


Geology and Mineralogy, Applications of Atomic Spectroscopy John C Lindon, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, UK


Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction With their high level of sensitivity and specificity, atomic absorption and atomic emission spectroscopy methods have been applied to the analysis of elemental metal content in samples of geological, mineral and metal ore relevance. This article highlights some recent studies in the scientific literature and should serve to direct the reader to appropriate articles for further investigation.

Review A recent review by Balaram gives an account of the various instrumental techniques used in geological analysis. These include atomic absorption spectroscopy and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy as well as X-ray fluorescence, isotope dilution mass spectrometry and neutron activation analysis in addition to recent developments in inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry especially in rare earth element analysis.

Atomic absorption spectroscopy A background to this technique is given elsewhere in this Encyclopedia. Tungsten has been determined in ores as its thiocyanate complex after separation using an Amberlite resin. Arsenic has been measured by pre-reduction of As(V) to As(III) using L-cysteine. Much study has been devoted to the quantitation of gold in rocks and ores. This has been achieved using a chelate-forming resin for preconcentration or a two-stage solvent extraction process or by treatment with MnO2 or KMnO4 and HCl. Additionally, bismuth, indium and lead have been quantified using electrothermal atomic absorption spectroscopy.

Atomic emission spectroscopy The theory of, and the instrumental methods used in, atomic emission spectroscopy are given elsewhere in

this Encyclopedia. The simultaneous determination of hafnium, scandium and yttrium in rare earth element geological materials has been described using separation and concentration stages. See also: Atomic Absorption, Methods and Instrumentation; Atomic Absorption, Theory; Atomic Spectroscopy, Historical Perspective; Fluorescence and Emission Spectroscopy, Theory; Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry, Methods; X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometers; X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Applications.

Further reading Acar O, Turker AR and Kilic Z (1997) Determination of bismuth and lead in geological samples by electrothermal AAS. Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry 357: 656–660, 360: 645–649. Balaram V (1996) Recent trends in the instrumental analysis of rare earth elements in geological and industrial materials. Trends in Analytical Chemistry 25: 475–486. Celkova A, Kubova J and Stresko V (1996) Determination of arsenic in geological samples by Hg AAS. Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry 355: 150–153. Lihareva N and Delaloye M (1997) Determination of Hf, Sc and Y in geological samples together with the rare earth elements. Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry 357: 314–316. Singh AK (1996) Rapid procedure for the determination of gold at sub ppm levels in geological samples by atomic absorption spectrometry. Talanta 43: 1843–1846. Soylak M, Elci L and Dogan M (1995) Spectrophotometric determination of trace amounts of tungsten in geological samples after preconcentration on an Amberlite XAD-1180. Talanta 42: 1513–1517. Yokoyama T, Yokota T, Hayashi S and Izawa E (1996) Determination of trace gold in rock samples by a combination of 2-stage solvent extraction and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry—the problem of iron interference and its solution. Geochemical Journal 30: 175–181.


Germanium NMR, Applications See Heteronuclear NMR Applications (Ge, Sn, Pb).

Glow Discharge Mass Spectrometry, Methods Annemie Bogaerts, University of Antwerp, Belgium Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction (synopsis) This article describes the basic characteristics and methodology of glow discharge mass spectrometry (GDMS). First, the working principles of the glow discharge source will be explained, and its use for mass spectrometry will be clarified, followed by a short historical background of GDMS. Further, the various glow discharge source configurations and mass spectrometers used in GDMS will be outlined. GDMS can be operated in three different electrical operation modes, with either a direct current, radiofrequency powered or pulsed-glow discharge system. The glow discharge can also be ‘boosted’, by combining it either with a laser, a graphite furnace, a microwave discharge, magnetic fields or external gas jets, in order to improve the analytical results. The three electrical operation modes and the boosting methods will be briefly discussed. Moreover, the quantification methods in GDMS will be described, as well as possible solutions to overcome spectral interferences. Finally, although GDMS is particularly suitable for the analysis of conducting materials, considerable effort has been undertaken also to analyse nonconductors, and three commonly used methods to achieve this will be briefly discussed.

Principle of the glow discharge and its use for mass spectrometry A glow discharge is a kind of plasma, i.e. a partially ionized gas, consisting of positive ions and electrons, and a large number of neutral atoms. It is formed when a cell, consisting of an anode and a cathode, is filled with a gas at low pressure (e.g. 1 torr; 1 torr = 133.3 Pa). In glow discharges used for mass spectrometry, argon is most frequently used as the filling gas. A potential difference (of the order of 1 kV) is applied between the two electrodes, and

MASS SPECTROMETRY Methods & Instrumentation creates gas breakdown (i.e. the splitting of the gas into positive ions and electrons). The ions are accelerated towards the cathode and cause the emission of electrons upon bombardment at the cathode. The electrons arrive in the plasma, and give rise to excitation and ionization collisions with the argon gas atoms. The excitation collisions (and the subsequent decay, with emission of light) are responsible for the characteristic name of the ‘glow’ discharge. The ionization collisions create new ion– electron pairs. The ions are again accelerated towards the cathode, giving rise to new electrons. The electrons can again produce ionization collisions, creating new electron– ion pairs. Hence, the latter processes make the glow discharge a self-sustaining plasma. The use of the glow discharge as an ion source for mass spectrometry is based on the phenomenon of sputtering. The material to be analysed serves as the cathode of the glow discharge. The argon ions from the plasma (and also fast argon atoms) that bombard the cathode can also release atoms of the cathode material, which is called sputtering. The sputtered atoms arrive in the plasma where they can be ionized. Thus formed ions of the material to be analysed can be detected with a mass spectrometer, giving rise to GDMS. Figure 1 illustrates the basic principles of the glow discharge and its coupling to mass spectrometry. Typical discharge conditions used for GDMS are about 1 kV discharge voltage, an argon gas pressure in the order of 1 torr, and a d.c. discharge current in the mA range. The detection limits of this technique are generally in the ppb range.

Short history of GDMS The glow discharge has been known as an ion source for mass spectrometry for more than 60 years. Gas discharges were indeed already used in the 1920s and 1930s as ion sources in the first mass spectrographs of


Aston and Thompson. However, the early popularity was followed by a decline into relative obscurity during the next 30 years, due to the development of the simple electron impact ion source. There was indeed more interest at that time for the analysis of organic samples with relatively high vapour pressure; hence simple ionization in the gas phase by an electron beam was largely sufficient. When the interest also shifted to the analysis of inorganic materials with lower vapour pressure, there was again need for other sources, with sufficient energy for atomization and ionization. Since spark and arc discharges were already widely used as excitation sources for atomic emission spectrometry, it was obvious that these sources could also be applied for mass spectrometry. These sources exhibit a high sensitivity, large applicability and only a few spectral interferences, but they do not yield a stable ion population. This led to the reexamination of the glow discharge as a stable, low energy ion source. The first come-back of GDMS was due to Coburn and coworkers; but later, Harrison and co-workers in particular were pioneers in the development of modern GDMS.

Glow discharge source configurations As mentioned above, the glow discharge is formed in a cell consisting of two electrodes. These two electrodes can be mounted in five different geometries (see Figure 2). The coaxial cathode (Figure 2A) is the most widely used source configuration in GDMS applications. Samples can be made in pin-form (with a few millimetres exposed to the discharge) or in disk-form (partly shielded so that only the top part is exposed to the discharge). The sample acts as cathode whereas the anode is formed by the cell body itself. The planar diode (Figure 2B) is the simplest analytical source. It is used for analysing samples in disk-form. The cathode (sample) and anode are in parallel configuration and are placed inside a tube.

Figure 1 Schematic of the basic processes in a glow discharge.

Figure 2 Different glow discharge source configurations: (A) coaxial cathode; (B) planar diode; (C) hollow cathode lamp; (D) hollow cathode plume; (E) Grimm source. Reprinted from Bogaerts A and Gijbels R (1998) Fundamental aspects and applications of glow discharge spectrometric techniques (Review). Spectrochimica Acta Part B 53: 1–42, with permission from Elsevier Science.

In the hollow cathode lamp (Figure 2C) the cathode forms a cavity rather than a pin or disk. It can be considered as three planar cathodes placed so close to each other that their negative glow regions coalesce into a single negative glow. This results in increased sputtering and ionization/excitation, yielding much better analytical sensitivity. A disadvantage of this source is the extensive machining required to make hollow cathodes from metal samples. Because most of the sputtering occurs at the cathode base, studies have been performed using a disk sample as the base of the cathode. In the hollow cathode plume (Figure 2D) the sample is mounted in the base of the hollow cathode, in which an orifice is also made. A highly energetic flamelike plume, where excitation and ionization processes occur, is ejected through this hole. Due to the high atom population, this geometry is also characterized by a high sensitivity. Nevertheless, it is rarely used for practical analyses. In the Grimm configuration (Figure 2E) the cell body (anode) approaches the cathode very closely (at a distance smaller than the thickness of the cathode dark space), so that the discharge is constricted to a well-defined part of the sample surface. It is therefore called an ‘obstructed discharge’. A similar concept is also used in the standard cells for analysing flat samples in commercial mass spectrometers (e.g. the VG9000 instrument, see below). Moreover, the Grimm source possesses an additional pumping canal close to the cathode, which reduces the pressure near


the cathode, thereby minimizing redeposition. This geometry can, however, only be used for flat samples. Although this source is extensively used in glow discharge optical emission spectrometry (GD-OES; particularly for in-depth analysis), and forms the basic design for all commercial optical emission instruments, it is not so frequently used in GDMS.

Mass spectrometers coupled to the glow discharge To date, all common mass analysers have been explored for use in GDMS. The first commercial GDMS instruments used a double-focusing mass analyser, permitting the acquisition of high-resolution spectra with high sensitivity. Figure 3 shows a schematic of the ‘VG9000’ GDMS instrument, with first a magnetic and then an electrostatic sector (VG Elemental, Thermo Group). This instrument was made commercially available in 1985. About 60 instruments of this type are currently being used worldwide. Beside this VG9000 instrument, two other double-focusing GDMS instruments are used nowadays: the Kratos ‘Concept’, from which only two instruments have been manufactured, and the ‘Element’ from Finnigan MAT, which is essentially an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) that also became recently available with a glow discharge source. Figure 4 shows a typical

Figure 3 Schematic of the VG9000 glow discharge mass spectrometer (VG Elemental, Thermo Group).

GDMS mass spectrum obtained with the VG9000 glow discharge mass spectrometer. The wide expansion of modern GDMS began, however, with the quadrupole-based mass analysers, which are mainly being employed for fundamental and development research of GDMS. Nevertheless, this research resulted also in the commercial availability of quadrupole GDMS systems, e.g. the ‘VG Gloquad’ (VG Elemental, Thermo Group). Moreover, glow discharges have also been coupled to ion trap mass spectrometers, double and triple

Figure 4 Typical GDMS mass spectrum obtained with the VG9000 glow discharge mass spectrometer (VG Elemental, Thermo), for specific elements in a copper sample, using an argon glow discharge. The VG9000 software provides a separate window for each of the isotopes to be measured, instead of showing the complete mass spectrum. The values shown at the top of each window give the isotopic-corrected concentrations of the elements, in ppm.


Figure 5 Formation of a d.c. bias voltage in an RF-powered glow discharge with a nonconducting sample.

quadrupole instruments, time-of-flight mass spectrometers, and Fourier-transform mass spectrometers, but these investigations can rather be considered as research topics. Indeed, the commercial GDMS systems available at present employ only doublefocusing and quadrupole-based mass spectrometers.

Glow discharge electrical operation modes The simplest and cheapest operation mode is the direct current (d.c.) mode. Voltages are typically 500– 1500 V, yielding electrical currents in the order of mA. This type of discharge mode is the oldest and the most widely used in glow discharge applications. However, it has the serious drawback of not being able to analyse nonconducting samples directly. Indeed, since in a glow discharge the sample to be analysed acts as the cathode, which is sputter bombarded by positive ions, it must be conducting. If not, the surface will be charged, preventing the positive ions from bombarding further. Due to this drawback of the d.c. mode, attention has been drawn during the 1990s to the radiofrequency (RF) operation mode. The radiofrequency mode is indeed able to analyse nonconductors directly, since the positive charge accumulated during one half-cycle will be neutralized by negative charge accumulation during the next half-cycle, so that no charging occurs. Operation with RF-power of a glow discharge using a nonconducting sample yields a negative d.c. bias voltage on the sample surface (see Figure 5). Indeed, during the half-cycles in which the nonconducting electrode is positive, surface charging will occur much faster than in the half-cycles in which the electrode is

negative, due to the much higher mobility of the electrons compared to the positive ions. The self-bias phenomenon permits the establishing of a time-averaged cathode and anode in the glow discharge, so that sputter-bombardment of positive ions on the cathode is still possible. Since the electrons try to follow the RF electric field, they oscillate between the two electrodes and spend more time in the plasma before they are lost, which results in a higher ionization efficiency. This leads to the second advantage of RF discharges, i.e. they can be operated at much lower pressures for the same current than d.c. discharges, which is interesting for reducing redeposition and spectral interferences. The capability of RF-powered GDMS for direct analysis of nonconductors was demonstrated already in the 1970s by Coburn and Kay and by Harrison and co-workers. However, it took until the late 1980s before RFGDMS was revisited by Marcus and collaborators. Since then, extensive work has been done in this field. RF-discharges used for GDMS have been combined with quadrupole mass spectrometers, a Fourier-transform mass spectrometer, an ion trap mass spectrometer, a time-of-flight system and two sectorbased mass spectrometers, but up to now there is no commercial RF-GDMS instrument available. The third mode of operation of a glow discharge is the pulsed mode, which can be employed in combination with a conventional d.c. or with an RF glow discharge. Voltage and current are applied only during short periods of time (generally the millisecond range). Hence, compared to a normal d.c. discharge, higher peak voltages and peak currents can be obtained for the same average power. Therefore, more highly energetic gaseous ions can be produced, yielding more sputtering, a higher concentration of analyte atoms in the plasma and hence better analytical sensitivity. In addition to the better sensitivity, the pulsed mode has a second advantage for mass spectrometry, i.e. the analytically important ions and the interfering ions are formed during a different time in the pulse. By coupling this ‘time-resolved’ production of ions to a time-resolved detection (time-of-flight mass spectrometer), spectral interferences in the mass spectrum can be reduced. Moreover, the construction of a pulsed dual discharge system allows for simultaneous analyses with two electrodes, rendering possible the in situ calibration of an unknown sample against a reference standard. Recently, Harrison and co-workers introduced the microsecond-pulsed glow discharge. Due to the still higher peak currents and voltages that can be obtained during the short pulses, this source exhibits an even better analytical sensitivity. As shown in Figure 6, the microsecondpulsed copper signals are one order of magnitude


higher than those in the d.c. glow discharge, and they can still be further enhanced, when the pulse power is increased.

Boosting of the simple GDMS systems Beside these three electrical operation modes, which make use of the glow discharge in its simple form as a spectroscopic source, the glow discharge can also be employed in a hybrid construction, in combination with lasers, graphite furnaces, microwave discharges or magnetic fields. The common purpose of these constructions is to increase the sputtering (atomization) and/or ionization (or excitation), and hence to improve the analytical sensitivity of the glow discharge. Laser-based methods

The development of cost-effective laser systems has generated a variety of laser techniques that can be coupled to a glow discharge. The atomization and the ionization/excitation steps occur independently of each other in the glow discharge, and a laser can be employed to enhance either of these two steps.

First, the laser can be utilized to ablate material from the sample cathode, enhancing the atomization step. The laser can also ablate material from a secondary sample (not the cathode) into the glow discharge. In the latter case, the sample must not be conductive, expanding the analytical applications of glow discharges to the analysis of nonconductors without the need to apply RF powers (see above). Beside the enhanced atomization, the possibility of performing spatially resolved measurements is an additional advantage of this method. Second, the laser can also be used to enhance the excitation/ionization processes in the discharge. The usefulness of this laser enhancement has been demonstrated in a variety of application areas, such as optogalvanic effect spectroscopy (i.e. the laser results in alternations in the ionization rate of the discharge, which are electrically detected by the resulting changes in voltage or current), laser enhanced ionization (i.e. directly measuring the electrons released when the ionization in the discharge is enhanced due to laser photons) and resonance ionization mass spectrometry (i.e. the laser is used for selectively ionization enhancement of sputtered species in the discharge, increasing both the sensitivity and selectivity in GDMS). Furnace atomization nonthermal excitation spectrometry (FANES)

By analogy to the laser ablation glow discharge technique, FANES also makes use of an external atomization source (i.e. thermal vaporization from a graphite furnace) whereas the atoms created are excited and/or ionized in the glow discharge plasma. This source type is markedly different from a classical glow discharge source. Indeed, sample volatilization is accomplished thermally and the rate of volatilization can be three orders of magnitude higher than typical sputtering rates in a glow discharge. Moreover, this technique is mostly operated at much higher pressures than a conventional glow discharge, which results in a longer residence time for the analyte atoms in the plasma, and hence higher sensitivity. Microwave boosted glow discharge

Figure 6 Mass spectra of a d.c. (A) and a microsecond-pulsed (B) glow discharge, at 1 torr gas pressure. Conditions for d.c.: 800 V, 3 mA; conditions for pulsed: 2 kV, 15 µs. Reprinted from Hang W, Baker C, Smith BW, Winefordner JD and Harrison WW (1997) Microsecond pulsed glow discharge time-of-flight mass spectrometry: analytical advantages. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 12: 143–149, with permission of the Royal Society of Chemistry.

Coupling of auxiliary microwave power to a glow discharge, in order to enhance the ionization and excitation, can be performed in two different ways. An antenna can be inserted in the plasma to match the microwave power, or an additional microwave induced plasma can be applied. The latter technique has, in particular, been applied to GD-OES, where considerable enhancement of analytical optical


emission lines has been attained. However, this technique is not commonly used for GDMS. Magnetron discharges

Another method to improve the performance of a conventional glow discharge, is based on magnetic enhancement. One simple device among magnetically enhanced glow discharges is the magnetron glow discharge. In this device, permanent magnets are used to form a magnetic field of a few hundred gauss in the plasma. Electrons in the plasma are forced to move in closed-loop trajectories parallel to the cathode surface. Hence, the electron path length is increased and the ionization of the discharge gas is significantly enhanced. Therefore, the magnetron discharge can operate at much lower pressures than conventional discharges. Lower pressure operation provides higher ion and electron kinetic energies, leading to higher atomization and excitation/ionization efficiencies, and hence a better analytical sensitivity. Gas-assisted sputtering glow discharges

Another way to increase the analytical sensitivity of a glow discharge is to use a gas-jet discharge. Due to the gas jet impinging on the sample surface, the sputter ablation is improved by both reduced redeposition and increased sample transport. This results in a higher sputtered atom population in the plasma and hence better analytical sensitivity. The gas-jet glow discharge was first developed for glow discharge atomic absorption spectrometry (GD-AAS), but a few applications in GDMS have also been reported.

Quantification in GDMS To obtain quantitative concentrations in GDMS, two main approaches can be used. The easiest approach is the ion beam ratio method. The assumption is made that the ratio of the ion current for any one isotope with respect to the total ion current (except the signal arising from the discharge gas ions) is representative of the concentration of that isotope in the sample. Since the matrix ion signal is generally large compared to the individual trace species, especially for a high purity metal or semiconductor, the matrix ion current is, to a good approximation, equal to the total ion current and the matrix atoms can be assumed to have a concentration of 100%. Since this method can not correct for the variation in analytical sensitivity among different elements (e.g. due to variations in sputtering and ionization of the elements), it provides only semiquantitative results, i.e. accuracies of a factor of 2– 3.

Real quantitative results require the differences in elemental sensitivities to be characterized using standards similar to the material under study. This characterization generates relative sensitivity factors (RSFs) that can be employed to correct the measured ion beam ratios. Since RSFs vary only slightly between matrices of the same general composition, exact matrix matching is not required to yield quantitative results with accuracies of 15– 20%. The RSF method of quantification is the most widely employed in GDMS. Generally, the RSFs of different elements in GDMS lie within one order of magnitude, which makes GDMS a technique with rather uniform sensitivity for most elements. Experimental RSFs have been reported in the literature for different kinds of matrices, and some empirical models based on fitting parameters have been developed to predict RSFs. Moreover, it was found that the theoretically calculated RSF values correlated better with the experiment when 1% H2 was added to the argon discharge gas. This suggests that RSFs could be more accurately predicted theoretically in a gas mixture of Ar + 1% H2, leading to satisfactory quantitative results without the need to analyse a standard. This might be very interesting, because solid reference materials with known concentrations at the (ultra-) trace level are not commonly commercially available. However, this method is not yet routinely used in practice.

Spectral interferences in GDMS A common problem in GDMS, as in most mass spectrometric methods, is the occurrence of spectral interferences in the mass spectrum, e.g. by impurity gas ions, various types of cluster ions or multiply charged ions. This problem can partly be overcome by using a high-resolution mass spectrometer, such as a double-focusing instrument or a Fourier-transform mass spectrometer, or by using high purity gases and special purification systems to suppress these interferences. However, some interference problems cannot be overcome in this way. For example, 103Rh (rhodium is monoisotopic) in a copper matrix (63Cu has 69% abundance) is severely limited by the 40Ar 63 Cu cluster. Even if one could separate both peaks with a high-resolution mass spectrometer (a resolution of M/∆M = 7620 is required), the tailing of the huge cluster peak would prevent one from reaching low limits of detection for rhodium. In this case, the problem can be solved using an alternative plasma gas, e.g. neon instead of argon. It is demonstrated that both discharge gases exhibit similar analytical performance if a correspondingly higher pressure is


used for neon; and hence, specific interference problems can be overcome. To illustrate this, Figure 7 presents a part of the mass spectrum (m/z 90– 100) of a pure iron sample, both in argon and in neon. It appears that most peak intensities in this mass range are significantly decreased in the neon discharge. This clearly demonstrates that these peaks are interfering peaks due to ArFe+ clusters, which can be avoided by using neon as the discharge gas. Moreover, another method has recently been proposed in the literature, which tries to suppress the cluster interferences by sampling from a reversed hollow cathode ion source. Indeed, it was found that the analyte ions are characterized by a peak at high energy, whereas argon ions and cluster ions possess a peak at low energy. By sampling only high energy ions, the argon ion and cluster ion interferences can be suppressed. Finally, the clusters can also be used for quantification. Indeed, since argides, dimers and doubly charged analyte ions may be less disturbed by spectral interferences, they can therefore sometimes be better employed for quantification than singly charged analyte ions, as has also been recently demonstrated.

The analysis of nonconductors by GDMS Since the sample in the glow discharge acts as the cathode bombarded by positive ions, the concept seems to restrict the applications of GDMS to the analysis of electrically conducting materials, because nonconductive materials will be charged. The analysis of conducting materials (e.g. high-purity metals or alloys) forms, indeed, the most important field of application of GDMS. Nevertheless, much effort has also been applied to analyse nonconducting materials with GDMS, to greatly widen the application field. As mentioned above, RF-discharges are often used to analyse nonconductors directly. Nevertheless, there is no commercial RF-GDMS instrument available up to now, which is a serious drawback for routine analysis. In a d.c. discharge, nonconductors can, however, also be analysed when applying certain modifications. Two methods are reported in the literature. The first consists of mixing the nonconducting sample as a powder with a conductive binder (Cu, Ag, Ga) and pressing it into an electrode. This method is generally well established, as follows from the large number of papers in the literature. However, in addition to the increase in sample preparation time compared to direct analysis of conducting solids, the mixing with the conductive matrix can introduce contamination. Other problems arise from the trapping of water

Figure 7 Mass spectra of a pure Fe sample in argon and in neon (m/z 90–100 range). The difference between argon and neon is caused by ArFe+ interferences. Reprinted from Jakubowski N and Stüwer D (1989) Comparison of Ar and Ne as working gases in analytical glow discharge mass spectrometry. Fresenius ’ Journal of Analytical Chemistry 355: 680–686, with permission of Springer-Verlag, Berlin.

vapour and atmospheric gases in the sample during the compaction process. Also, the time to reach steady state conditions with a composite cathode can be prohibitively long. The second approach in d.c.-GDMS is the use of a metallic secondary cathode diaphragm in front of the flat nonconducting sample surface. Due to the redeposition of a part of the sputtered metal atoms from the secondary cathode, a very thin conductive layer is formed on the nonconductive material. The sampling depth is large enough (∼5 Å, or 0.5 nm) to allow atomization of the nonconducting sample as well. The principle of this method is explained schematically in Figure 8. This method is rather new, but has already been successfully applied to the analysis of glass, ceramics, marble, polymers and even atmospheric particulate matter (aerosols).

Figure 8 Schematic representation of the sputter-redeposited film formation on the nonconducting sample surface.


See also: Atomic Absorption, Theory; Inorganic Chemistry, Applications of Mass Spectrometry; Laser Applications in Electronic Spectroscopy; Laser Microprobe Mass Spectrometers; Laser Spectroscopy Theory; Mass Spectrometry, Historical Perspective; Microwave Spectrometers.

Further reading Bogaerts A and Gijbels R (1997) Modeling of glow discharges: what can we learn from it? Analytical Chemistry 68: 719A– 727A. Bogaerts A and Gijbels R (1998) Fundamental aspects and applications of glow discharge spectrometric techniques. Spectrochimica Acta Part B 53: 1– 42. Harrison WW (1988) Glow discharge mass spectrometry. In: Adams F, Gijbels R and Van Grieken R (eds) Inorganic Mass Spectrometry, Chapter 3. New York: Wiley. Harrison WW (1988) Glow discharge mass spectrometry: a current assessment. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 3: 867– 872.

Gold NMR, Applications See Heteronuclear NMR Applications (La–Hg).

Harrison WW (1992) Glow discharge: considerations of a versatile analytical source. Plenary lecture. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 7: 75– 79. Harrison WW and Bentz BL (1988) Glow discharge mass spectrometry. Progress in Analytical Spectroscopy 11: 53– 110. Harrison WW, Hess KR, Marcus RK and King FL (1986) Glow discharge mass spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry 58: 341A– 356A. Harrison WW, Barshick CM, Klingler JA, Ratliff PH and Mei Y (1990) Glow discharge techniques in analytical chemistry. Analytical Chemistry 62: 943A– 949A. King FL and Harrison WW (1990) Glow discharge mass spectrometry: an introduction to the technique and its utility. Mass Spectrometry Reviews 9: 285– 317. King FL, Teng J and Steiner RE (1995) Glow discharge mass spectrometry: trace element determinations in solid samples. Journal of Mass Spectrometry 30: 1061– 1075. Marcus RK (1996) Radio-frequency powered glow discharges: opportunities and challenges. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 11: 821– 828. Marcus RK, Harville TR, Mei Y, Shick CR (1994) Radiofrequency powered glow discharges: elemental analysis across the solids spectrum. Analytical Chemistry 66: 902A– 911A.


H Hafnium NMR, Applications See

Heteronuclear NMR Applications (La–Hg).

Halogen NMR Spectroscopy (Excluding Frank G Riddell, The University of St Andrews, UK Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

The higher halogens, chlorine, bromine and iodine all possess NMR active nuclei, all of which are quadrupolar. Chlorine has two NMR active isotopes 35Cl (75%) and 37Cl (25%) of which 35Cl is the isotope of choice owing to its higher magnetogyric ratio and natural abundance. Bromine also presents two NMR active isotopes 79Br (50.5%) and 81Br (49.5%). Despite its marginally lower natural abundance, 81Br is the isotope of choice because of its slightly higher magnetogyric ratio. Iodine has only one NMR active nucleus 127I (100%). More NMR studies have been reported on chlorine than on the other two halogens for two reasons: (i) the chloride ion is the most abundant intracellular anion in normal mammalian cells, giving a biological incentive for NMR studies and (ii) both isotopes of chlorine have relatively low quadrupole moments, reducing unfavourable quadrupolar interactions and consequently enhancing visibility relative to the other halogens. This chapter reviews the use of NMR to study halides in biological systems, in solution chemistry and in solids. In particular it concentrates on the use of quadrupolar interactions from the isotopes available. There have been relatively few reviews of halogen NMR (excluding 19F) and as a consequence several leading papers from the primary literature are included in the Further reading section list at the end of this article.




Nuclear properties The nuclear properties of the five NMR active isotopes of the halogens are presented in Table 1. Quadrupolar relaxation and visibility

The NMR spectra of the halogens are dominated by the fact that all the isotopes are quadrupolar. Indeed, the majority of the reported studies of halogen NMR make use of the resulting quadrupolar interactions. Many of the problems that arise and solutions adopted are similar to those involved with the alkali metals. Quadrupolar nuclei have an asymmetric distribution of charge which gives rise to an electric quadrupole moment. Apart from when the nucleus is in an environment with cubic or higher symmetry, the quadrupole moment interacts with the electric field gradient (EFG) experienced by the nucleus, giving rise to, among other things, quadrupolar relaxation. The strength of the quadrupolar interaction between the quadrupole moment (eQ) and the electric field gradient (eq) is given by the quadrupolar coupling e2qQ/h. This can take values from very small to hundreds of MHz depending on the magnitudes of Q and q. In solution, modulation of the EFG at the quadrupolar nucleus by isotropic and sufficiently rapid


Table 1

Nuclear properties of the halogens other than 19F

Natural abundance (%)

10 –7 Magnetogyric ratio γ (rad T –1 s –1)

10 28 Quadrupole moment Q (m 2)

NMR frequency Ξ (MHz)

Relative receptivity D C







–8.2 × 10–2







–6.5 × 10–2















2.79 × 102




5.41 × 102

Cl Cl Br Br





2.28 × 102

Ξ is the observing frequency in a magnetic field in which 1H is at 100 MHz. D C is the receptivity relative to 13C. Quadrupole moments Q are the least well determined parameters in this table. Data taken from Mason J (1987). In: Mason J (ed) Multinuclear NMR, p 623. New York: Plenum Press.

molecular motions (where ω0τc 0, 199Hg (I = ; 16.8% abundance) and 201Hg (I = ; 13.2% abundance). Because of the large quadrupole moment of 201 Hg, this nucleus is not readily observed, and only 199 Hg is of significance for NMR spectroscopy. Its resonance frequency in a magnetic field with strength 2.35 T is 17.9 MHz. There is general agreement on the use of neat dimethylmercury as reference, despite the high toxicity of this substance. An aqueous solution of Hg(ClO4)2 (–2253 relative to Me2Hg) has been suggested as an alternative but its shift is dependent on concentration and temperature. Common coordination behaviour for Hg(II) involves strong linear coordination by two ligands, often with additional weaker interactions from solvent molecules, counter-ions, etc. In some cases, (e.g. halides X−) higher coordination numbers are possible (e.g. tetrahedral [HgX4]2–). There is considerable ligand lability, so that averaged signals are often observed. There is therefore often some uncertainty about the precise nature of the species being observed. Chemical shift anisotropies are also large (except for highly symmetrical [HgX4]2–), leading to efficient relaxation, and some line broadening at high magnetic fields. Two-dimensional NMR spectra may be readily obtained. Some 199Hg chemical shift data are given in Table 3 for some representative compounds whose structures appear to be fairly well defined in solution. As with typical transition metals, such as 195 Pt, and 113Cd, the nuclear shielding increases in halide complexes as the halide ion becomes heavier (‘normal halide dependence’) Coupling constants between 199Hg and other nuclei [e.g 13C, 31P and 1H(2J, 3J)] have been extensively studied. In a series of complexes (e.g. CH3HgX) the coupling constants [2J(Hg–CH3) in this instance] may be used to establish a trans influence series which is similar to that obtained from coupling constants involving 195Pt.



Table 3

Hg shifts for some representative compounds

Compound Hg(I) [Hg2]2+(ClO4)2 /H2O(satd.)

δHg (ppm) −1614



Hf (I = ; 18.5% abundance) and 179Hf (I = ; 13.8% abundance) have large quadrupole moments, causing severe line broadening.










Ta (I = ; 99.99% abundance) also possesses a large quadrupole moment so that, even in octahedral species such as [TaCl6]−, lines are broad. 181
















Re (I = ; 37.1% abundance) and 187Re (I = ; 62.9% abundance) also have large quadrupole moments, so that the line widths are large even for the symmetric species [ReO4]−.


Os has I = , but its low natural abundance (1.64%) and its very low receptivity make it difficult to observe. 189Os (I = ; 16.1% abundance) has a large quadrupole moment, leading to very broad lines, except in highly symmetric environments. In some cases, 187Os spectra may be obtained by indirect detection, using more sensitive nuclei such as 31 P. Coupling constants between 187Os and other nuclei (e.g. 31P, 13C) may be easily observed, and provide structural information. 187

Other elements, La–Hg Lanthanum

Nuclei with I > 0 are 139La (I = ; 99.91% abundance) and 138La (I = 5; 0.09% abundance). Because of its low natural abundance, 138La is of no practical importance for NMR spectroscopy. The common oxidation state, La(III), is diamagnetic but co-ordination complexes are usually labile, and quadrupole-induced relaxation causes broad line widths, except when the environment is highly symmetric, as in [LaX6]3– complexes, which are presumably octahedral. Both the chemical shift and line width can provide information about the average environment of the La3+ ion. As expected for a d0 ion, the metal nucleus is less shielded in [LaBr6]3– (+1090 ppm from aqueous La3+) than in [LaCl6]3– (+851 ppm). Other lanthanides

Diamagnetic oxidation states tend to be unstable in aqueous solution, except for Yb(II) and Lu(III). Since 171 Yb (14.3% abundance) has I = , there have been some solution studies on Yb(II) complexes. 169Tm (100% abundance) also has I = , but diamagnetic compounds are not stable in solution. 175Lu (I = , 97.4% abundance) has a large quadrupole moment, which limits its use. Solid state spectra have been obtained on paramagnetic compounds using nuclei with relatively low quadrupole moments: 141Pr (I = ; 100% abundance), 151Eu (I = ; 47.8% abundance), 159 Tb (I = ; 100% abundance), 165Ho (I = ; 100% abundance) and with 169Tm (I = ; 100% abundance).


Ir (I = ; 37.3% abundance) and 193Ir (I = ; 62.7%) have large quadrupole moments, low receptivity and low resonance frequencies, which make observation difficult.



Au (I = ; 100% abundance) has a large quadrupole moment. With the preferred linear [Au(I)] and square planar [Au(III)] geometries, quadrupole-induced relaxation is very fast, and signals have not been observed in solution. 197

List of symbols I = nuclear spin quantum number; J = coupling constant; σp = paramagnetic contribution to total nuclear screening. See also: Fourier Transformation and Sampling Theory; Heteronuclear NMR Applications (Sc–Zn); Heteronuclear NMR Applications (Y–Cd); NMR Relaxation Rates; NMR Spectrometers.


Pregosin PS (1982) Platinum-195 nuclear magnetic resonance. Coordination Chemistry Reviews 44: 247–291. Pregosin PS (1986) Platinum NMR spectroscopy. Annual Reports on NMR Spectroscopy 17: 285–349. Pregosin PS (1991) Group 10 (nickel to platinum). In: Pregosin PS (ed) Transition Metal Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, pp 216–263. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Rehder D (1987) Early transition metals, lanthanides and actinides. In: Mason J (ed) Multinuclear NMR, pp 479–519. New York: Plenum. Rehder D (1991) Groups 3–5 scandium to tantalum. In: Pregosin PS (ed) Transition Metal Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, pp 1–58. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Wrackmeyer B and Contreras R (1992) 199Hg NMR parameters. Annual Reports on NMR Spectroscopy 24: 267–329.

Further reading Appleton TG, Clark HC and Manzer LE (1973) The trans influence: its measurement and significance. Coordination Chemistry Reviews 10: 335–422. Brevard C, Pregosin PS and Thouvenot R (1991) Group 6 chromium to tungsten. In: Pregosin PS (ed) Transition Metal Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, pp 59–89. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Goodfellow RJ (1987) Group VIII transition metals. In: Mason J (ed) Multinuclear NMR, pp 521–561. New York: Plenum. Goodfellow RJ (1987) Post-transition metals, copper to mercury. In: Mason J (ed) Multinuclear NMR, pp 563– 589. New York: Plenum. Granger P (1991) Groups 11 and 12 copper to mercury. In Pregosin PS (ed) Transition Metal Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, pp 265–346. Amsterdam: Elsevier.

Heteronuclear NMR Applications (O, S, Se and Te) Ioannis P Gerothanassis, University of Ioannina, Greece


Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

majority of tellurium NMR investigations owing its significantly better receptivity.

NMR spectroscopic properties and techniques for 17O, 33S, 77Se and 123,125 Te

Experimental techniques Nuclear properties

The stringent requirements in 17O and 33S NMR studies of compounds at natural abundance are the high concentrations and extensive signal averaging needed. Recording of spectra can be greatly facilitated by the use of enriched samples. Synthesis with oxygen isotopes involves rather straightforward organic reactions. The quadrupolar moments of 17O

Both 17O and 33S are quadrupolar nuclei with very low natural abundance (Table 1). The NMR active isotopes of selenium and tellurium are spin nuclei. The receptivity of 77Se is about three times larger than that of 13C. The element tellurium has two active isotopes, 123,125Te. 125Te has been used in the Table 1


Nuclear properties of 17O, 33S, 77Se, 123Te and 125Te


Natural abundance (%)

NMR frequency a (MHz)

Receptivity Absolute c

Relative b





2.91 × 10–2

1.08 × 10–5





2.26 × 10–3

1.71 × 10–5





6.93 × 10–3

5.26 × 10–4




1.80 × 10–2

1.57 × 10–4



3.15 × 10

2.91 × 10–3

123 125

a b c


At 9.395 T (1H frequency: 400 MHz). Relative to proton, at constant field, for equal number of nuclei. Product of relative receptivity and natural abundance.



Figure 1


O chemical shift ranges of selected diamagnetic oxygen functional groups.

and 33S result in very effective relaxation and, thus, extensive line broadening with T1 and T2 relaxation times often in the range below 1 ms. A possible way to attenuate extensive line-broadening effects is to use higher temperatures and/or solvents of low viscosity. Observation of very broad (>1 kHz) resonances, however, is a potential problem due to baseline distortions. The most severe origin of baseline artifacts is the transient response of the NMR probe, often referred to as ‘acoustic ringing’, caused by the generation of ultrasonic waves from the action of the RF pulse. Several methods have been proposed to overcome this problem, with particular emphasis on multipulse sequences. The longitudinal relaxation of 77Se and 125Te at high fields is governed by the spin–rotation (SR) mechanism with typical T1 values in the range of 1– 30 s. In the solid state the relaxation times are very long; consequently the use of MAS NMR with cross polarization from 1H is necessary. The 77Se and 125Te shieldings indicate a strong temperature dependence (several ppm/K), and so extreme care is necessary to maintain constant temperature, particularly when broadband decoupling is employed.

As is common with many heteronuclei, a variety of reference compounds and referencing procedures (both internal and external) have been suggested. The most commonly used standards (δ = 0, as external reference) are H2O (a temperature dependence of the 17O shielding has been reported) or 1,4-dioxane at 30°C for 17O; (NH4)2SO4 or Cs2SO4 in water for 33 S; Me2Se in CDCl3 for 77Se and Me2Te in CDCl3 for 125Te. 17

O NMR parameters and applications


O shieldings

The total range of 17O shieldings of diamagnetic compounds is about 2600 ppm (Figure 1). For compounds containing oxygen bonded only to carbon and/or hydrogen there is a clear correlation between C–O π bond order and high frequency shift. This type of correlation arises from the multiple bond term in the Karplus–Pople equation. Bridging oxygens indicate a strong deshielding for π-accepting acyl substituents which introduce π character into the C–O bond of the bridging oxygen.


In nitrogen compounds, chemical shift values are also determined largely by π bonding effects. Bridging oxygen resonances are observed at higher frequencies in nitrites (R–O–N=O), where π bonding is appreciable. A lesser but nonetheless significant effect is observed for bridging oxygens in nitrates (R–O–NO2). The most striking feature of the 17O shifts observed for P–O bonds is the small chemical shift range (20–260 ppm) which cannot be related to P–O bond order in a straightforward fashion. However, 17O resonances for non-equivalent oxygens in phosphates and polyphosphates could be resolved and could be utilized in stereochemical and binding site studies. For S–O bonding, similar trends to those of P–O bonds were observed. Modification of πbond order in a X=O group due to substituents on X results in a decrease (or increase) in the net charge on X as the charge on O increases (or decreases). The chemical shift variations experienced by the nuclei X and O are then opposite and roughly proportional to the ratio 〈r–3〉2PX/〈r–3〉2PO. For a series of oxyanions and a series of C=O and N=O compounds a linear correlation between δ(17O) and the inverse of the lowest energy n → π* transition was found. A linear correlation exists between acetone chemical shifts and the maximum of the n → π* transition for acetone–water solutions or for acetone in different solvents. Similar trends have also been observed in a variety of substituted acetophenones; however, it was suggested that such trends may be fortuitous. In a series of aliphatic ethers a correlation between δ(17O) and the first ionization potential was suggested. Compounds that contain oxygen–oxygen bonds and oxygen–fluorine bonds display large high frequency shifts. The ability, therefore, of 17O NMR to unambiguously distinguish between non-equivalent oxygens has found application in several structural and mechanistic studies. Many stereochemical studies have dealt with polynuclear, anionic oxo complexes (polyoxoanions) of the early transition elements in their highest oxidation states. Despite their structural complexity, these polyoxoanions often yield well-resolved 17O NMR spectra since large shielding ranges are observed and samples may be studied at elevated temperatures in nonviscous solvents. Furthermore, 17O enrichment can easily be obtained. Indirect spin coupling constants

Because of the breadth of 17O resonances, only relatively large coupling constants can be measured and hence the majority of those recorded refer to couplings from directly bonded nuclei. 1J(O,H) in water and in alcohols has a value close to 80 Hz.

The 1J(P,O) couplings involving P=O groups cover a fairly wide range (145–210 Hz) and for a series of compounds of type OPX3 (X=F, O in OMe, N in NMe2 and C in Me) there is a consistent drop in coupling with decreasing electronegativity of X. The oxygens in P–OMe groups within phosphates give rise to a consistently smaller coupling constant, compared with P=O, of between 90 and 100 Hz. The reduced coupling constants decrease with increasing atomic number of the central atoms along the isoelectronic sequence VO43–, CrO42– and MnO4–. An application of 17O spin–spin couplings has been made to investigate H3O+ species. Nuclear quadrupole coupling constants ( χ )

Experimental χ values cover a range from –8 to 17 MHz. The experimental χ values for a series of compounds in the solid state with C=O, –O–, PO, NO, and SO bonds show the following trends:

Strong hydrogen bonding reduces the χ values by up to 2.6 MHz. The χ values of the terminal CO groups in metallocarbonyls were found to be between 1– 3 MHz although values below 0.1 MHz have also been observed. It was suggested that increased dπ–pπ back bonding from the metal will increase electron density perpendicular to the C–O axis and so reduce χ values. Dynamic and kinetic studies

Numerous dynamic and kinetic studies have been performed using 17O NMR. Line shape analysis is not straightforward because the line width itself is temperature dependent. Nevertheless, it has been shown that dynamic 17O NMR is a convenient alternative to 13C NMR with, for example, methyl carbonyl compounds. A substantial number of publications have been concerned primarily with studies of the hydration (solvation) of ions in solution and the determination of rates and activation parameters for ligand substitution (a rapid development of highpressure NMR has occurred in the last twenty years). There is an extensive literature of 17O NMR spectroscopy used for the study of hyperfine interactions between the unpaired electrons in paramagnetic molecules and ions and the 17O nucleus. The


magnitudes and temperature dependences of line widths (or relaxation time measurements) of the ‘bound’ and ‘free’ resonances, and the chemical shift separations between those resonances, can in principle be used to derive information about the hyperfine splitting constant, the rate of the solvent interchange process and the solvation number. However, because the shifted resonance of the solvated water molecules is often very broad, it is usually not possible to derive the hydration number of the paramagnetic cation from straightforward area measurements. In these cases, the hydration numbers may be obtained by the use of theory developed by Swift and Connick.

The solid state

Under conditions of magic-angle spinning (MAS) the powder band shape of the ( , – ) transition of quadrupolar nuclei with non-integral spin does not depend on first-order quadrupolar interactions but only upon second-order quadrupolar effects which do not eliminate the possibility of obtaining meaningful NMR spectra. In this case operation at very high magnetic fields will generally be most advantageous since the maximum second-order quadrupolar line width of the ( , – ) transition decreases linearly with the magnetic field. Typical results are those obtained for a range of oxides, oxyanions and hightemperature oxide superconductors.

Torsion angle and hydrogen bonding effects 17

O NMR spectroscopy is a powerful method for the detection of steric effects in molecules in which steric interactions are characterized by rotation of functional groups around single bonds to relieve van der Waals interactions or on rigid systems in which steric interactions are partially accommodated by bond angle and bond length distortions. Applications include aromatic and heteroaromatic nitro compounds, aryl ketones, aldehydes, 1,2-diketones, aromatic carboxylic acids, esters and amides. 17 O NMR appears to be especially promising for use in hydrogen bonding interaction studies because of the large chemical shift range of the oxygen nucleus. The dominance of intramolecular hydrogen bonding effects over substituent effects was clearly demonstrated in acetophenones, benzaldehydes and hydroxynaphthoquinones. Detailed studies of the influence of intermolecular solute–solvent hydrogen bonding in amides and peptides demonstrate that both long range dipole–dipole interactions and hydrogen bonds at the amide oxygen induce significant and specific shielding of the 17O nucleus.


S NMR parameters and applications


S shieldings


S shieldings cover a range of about 1000 ppm. Four regions (with several exceptions) can be identified: (a) singly bonded sulfur, (b) multiple bonded sulfur, (c) sulfur in delocalized π systems and (d) S=O bonds. The sulfur nucleus in thiols and thioethers is strongly shielded (δ = –300 to –510 ppm). Oxidation to sulfoxides results in 300 –400 ppm deshielding (δ = +40 to –100 ppm). Further oxidation to sulfones does not significantly change δ(33S) values (δ = +40 to –30 ppm). Sulfur in three- and fourmembered ring compounds ([1]–[3]) is more shielded than in the corresponding acyclic and cyclic analogues of larger ring sizes (similar trends have been observed for 1H, 13C and 17O nuclei).

Water orientation in lyotropic phases and bilayers – hydration of proteins and DNA 17

O NMR studies have several advantages compared with 1H and 2D NMR for investigating water orientation in lyotropic phases and bilayers and the hydration of proteins and DNA since the relaxation effect is large and the intramolecular origin of the electric field gradient makes the quadrupolar interaction virtually independent of the molecular environment. Recently, it has been suggested that the relaxation dispersion in aqueous protein and DNA solutions in the MHz frequency range is not owing to a long-lived hydration layer at the biomolecular surface, but to a small number of crystallographically well-defined water molecules.

The resonance range of sulfones is about 60 ppm and it has been used to follow the analysis of sulfurcontaining oils after oxidation of the sulfur species. The values of δ(33S) in sulfonamides are quite similar to those of sulfones. Sulfoximines [R–(O=)S(=NR″)– R′] resonate at lower frequencies than the corresponding sulfones [R–S(=O)2–R′], which may be attributed to the lower electronegativity of the doubly bonded NR group in the sulfoximine replacing the oxygen in sulfones. The opposite is seen when sulfimines [R–S(=NR″)–R′] are compared with the corresponding sulfoxides [R–S(=O)–R′].


Figure 2 (A) 77Se chemical shift ranges of selected selenium functionalities (excluding metal complexes). (B) 77Se chemical shift ranges of compounds containing C=Se groups (excluding metal complexes). Reproduced by permission of John Wiley and Sons from Duddeck H (1996) Sulfur, selenium and tellurium NMR. In Grant DM and Harris RK (eds) Encyclopedia of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, pp 4623–4635. Copyright 1996. John Wiley & Sons.

Sulfuric acid and sulfates resonate around δ = 0. Significant deshieldings have been observed when oxygen is replaced gradually by sulfur in thiomolybdate anions. Thiotungstates show a similar trend. Sulfides cover a wide range, over 600 ppm (e.g. –680 and –42 ppm for Li2S and BaS, respectively). This can be attributed to different bond characters (ionicities) in the crystal. Substituent effects in diorganyl sulfones, 3- and trans-3,4-substituted thiolane 1,1-dioxides and 4substituted 2-thiolene 1,1-dioxides have been investigated and correlations with 13C and 17O in analogous compounds as well as with Taft (Hammett) electronic parameters have been reported. Stereochemical effects on 33S shielding have been studied such as the stereomeric sulfones [4] and [5].


S Coupling constants

There is a limited number of 33S coupling constants in the literature due to severely broadened signals. 2 33 J( S–1H) coupling constants of 3 and 4.5 Hz were measured for Me2SO2 and sulfolane and a 3J(33S–1H) coupling constant of 6 Hz for 2,5-dihydrothiophene 1,1-dioxide. One-bond 33S–19F coupling of ∼252 Hz has been found for SF6. 33

S Relaxation times

The line widths of 33S cover a range of 10 to 300 Hz for [MoSnO4–n]2– and [WSnO4–n]2– (n = 1–4), > 4 kHz

for sulfoxides and >9 kHz for sulfonium salts. The narrow 33S signal in solid ZnS can be attributed to cubic symmetry and magnetic dilution of this compound. 77

Se NMR parameters and their applications


Se shieldings

The total range of 77Se shieldings is about 3300 ppm. Figure 2 illustrates the resonance ranges of various selenium functional groups. Electropositive substituents such as H3Si and H3Ge attached to selenium result in very strong shielding (δ = –666 and –612 ppm, respectively). Selenide ions are even more shielded, e.g. K2Se (δ = –670 ppm) and H3Si– Se–Li+ (δ = –736 ppm). Increasing electronegativity of substituents directly attached to selenium in R– Se–X (R-organyl) results in deshielding. In selenium halides (SeX2), strong shielding is observed with decreasing electronegativity of X in the series X = Cl (δ = 1758 ppm), Br (δ = 1474 ppm) and I (δ = 814 ppm). Deshielding, but with an opposite trend to the halogen effect, is observed for the oxygenated species: SeOF2 (δ = 1378 ppm), SeOCl2 (δ = 1479 ppm) and SeOBr2 (δ = 1559 ppm). Alkyl substituents in dialkyl and arylalkyl selenides have a significant deshielding effect on δ(77Se), with β-effects being larger than α-effects. Analogous trends have been observed for phenylselenenylalkanes (PhSe–R), alkylselenols (RSeH), alkylselenolates (RSe−Na+) and in dialkyl diselenides (RSeSeR). The γ-effects are substantially shielding. The large magnitudes of α-, β- and γ-effects have been discussed in terms of intramolecular polarizability effects. The


δ(77Se) of selenoanisoles (Ph–Se–Me) substituted at the aromatic ring have been expressed in terms of dual substituent parameters (DSP). Oxidation of Se(II) and Se(IV) generally results in significant deshielding: Me2Se (δ = 0 ppm), Me2SeBr2 (δ = 389 ppm) and Me2SeCl2 (δ = 448 ppm). The magnitudes of substituent effects of alkyl groups are approximately four times smaller in the selenoxides than in the corresponding selenides. Halogenated species show the opposite tendency. Se(VI) species are shielded compared with the structurally related Se(IV) analogues: H2SeO4 (δ = 1001 ppm) and H2SeO3 (δ = 1300 ppm). The δ(77Se) of hypervalent tetraarylselenium compounds are not significantly different compared with those of divalent diaryl selenides. The C=Se functional group shows shieldings which cover the whole of the known range of δ(77Se): and selenoaldehyde (δ = 2398 ppm) O=C=Se (δ = –447 ppm). Shieldings strongly depend on the nature of the atoms and substituents attached to the carbon of the C=Se group. Furthermore, correlations with n → π∗ transitions and δ(17O) in C=O analogues have been found. Cyclic compounds with selenium in the ring(s) have been comprehensively investigated. Annulation of conjugated ring systems to selenophene causes considerable shieldings. Replacement of carbon by an electronegative element such as nitrogen atom results in a deshielding by up to 900 ppm. Even minor strain effects within the heterocycle can cause significant shielding. As expected, positively charged unsaturated ring systems cause extreme deshielding effects.

usually observed compared with the corresponding selenide anions. (b) Selenium σ-, π-, µ- or η-coordinated to transition metal atoms. The δ(77Se) of these complexes cover the whole shift range. In most cases deshielding is observed compared with the free selenium-containing ligand. Strong shieldings have been observed in the case of the η4-cobalt complexes compared with the free heterocycles. (c) Selenium ligands with other atoms (usually phosphorus or nitrogen) directly coordinated to the metal atom. The δ(77Se) of this type of metal complexes do not differ significantly from those of the free ligands. Variable temperature NMR has been utilized in the conformational analysis of selenium-containing compounds such as the ring inversion process of phenylselenenylcyclohexane, 2,11-diselena[3.3] metacyclophane, [3.3]diselena- and [4.4]tetraselenacyclophanes and 1,4,5,7-tetrahydro-3H-2,6-benzodiselenines. 77 Se NMR has been utilized as a tool for chiral recognition which occurs across several bonds such as in the derivatizing agent (4S,5S)-(−)-4-methyl-5-phenyloxazolidine-2-selone.

CP MAS 77Se NMR in the solid has been utilized to investigate conformational properties in cyclic compounds and comparison with X-ray structures. δ(77Se) were found to be strongly dependent on the crystallographic non-equivalences in the unit cell. 77

Se coupling constants


Se coupling constants are abundant in the literature since they can be investigated in a straightforward way from the spectra of the coupling partner such as 1 H, 13C and 31P nuclei. The J values have been reviewed extensively so in this article only a synopsis will be given. P=Se bonds indicate negative δ(77Se) values which was attributed to the dipolar mesomeric form II: –P=Se (I) ↔ –P+–Se− (II). Shieldings depend strongly on the nature of the sustituent at phosphorus and the branching of carbon substituents. There is a large number of δ(77Se) of seleniummetal compounds which, according to Duddeck, can be classified into three types: (a) selenium with covalent bonds to main group metals. Deshielding is

One-bond coupling constants are, J(77Se, 1H) presumably, positive with values between 65.4 Hz (H2Se) to 5.3 Hz for Cp–W(CO3)SeH. Geminal couplings are mostly positive and vary between 4 and 16 Hz for hydrogen atoms in aliphatic fragments, but can increase to 50 Hz if the fragment has further geminal heteratoms or if it is in a heteroatom ring. Two- and three-bond (vicinal) coupling constants show some stereochemical dependence.



780–150 Hz; 103Rh, 20–44 Hz; 113Cd, 126–195 Hz; W, 109–14 Hz; 195Pt, 630–74 Hz (a strong dependence on the nature of the substituents and the stereochemistry has been emphasized) and 199Hg, − 1270 to −751 Hz. 183


Te NMR spectral parameters and their applications 125

J(77Se, X where X = 13C, 15N, 19F, 29Si, 31P, 77Se, and 129Xe) One-bond couplings 1J(77Se, 13 C) are negative and strongly depend on the hybridization of the carbon atom. Typical values are –45 to –100 Hz for Csp3 — Se. Geminal couplings (< 15 Hz for aliphatic carbons) and vicinal couplings (3– 12 Hz) are very little investigated and it is not clear whether a Karplus-type dependence exists. There are very few reports of 77Se–15N couplings (60.1 Hz for CF3Se–NH2). One-bond 77Se–19F coupling constants considerably exceed 1000 Hz and strongly depend on the stereochemical position of the fluorine atoms (for SeF4 the coupling to the axial fluorine atom is 284 Hz and that to the equatorial one 1206 Hz). Geminal couplings can be substantial (∼120 Hz in fluorinated 1,3-diselenetanes) and fourbond coupling constants of ∼12 Hz have been observed. Few data of one bond 77Se–29Si have been published and are generally in the region of 110–49 Hz. One-bond 77Se–31P couplings are negative and show a strong dependence on both the bond order between phosphorus and selenium (−800 to −1200 Hz for P=Se double bonds and –200 to –620 Hz for single bonds) and the stereochemistry of the compounds investigated. One-bond 77Se–77Se couplings have been observed in a number of diselenides (+22 to −67 Hz) and polyselenide anions with charged selenide atoms (250 ± 20 Hz). Two-bond couplings can have large values, particularly in cyclic sulfur–selenium compounds (95–114 Hz). Three-bond couplings (3–16 Hz) have been observed and four-bond couplings up to 16 Hz have been observed in sulfur–selenium cyclic compounds. n


Couplings to metal nuclei Typical one-bond couplings to metal nuclei are 119Sn, 500–1700 Hz; 207Pb,

Te shieldings

The total range of 125Te shieldings is nearly 5000 ppm. The δ(125Te) of phosphine tellurides, R3PTe, lie between –513 (R = Me) and –1000 ppm (R = Pri) and have been interpreted in terms of the character of the P–Te bond. The effects of replacing α-hydrogen atoms of dimethyl telluride and phenylmethyl tellurides or ditellurides are in close analogy to those in the corresponding selenides. The same holds for diorganyltellurium dichlorides and difluorides. Similarly, δ(125Te) in ortho-substituted tellurophenetols can be correlated with analogous selenophenetols. Telluroketones [6] indicate strong deshielding (δ = 2858 ppm). If a heteroatom is attached to the tellurocarbonyl group, such as in [7], then a shielding is observed. The unusually high shielding (δ = −168 ppm) for [8] has been interpreted in terms of the dipolar canonical form. The (125Te) of cyclic tellurium compounds indicate similar trends to those with the selenium analogues. Halogenation of the tellurium atom indicates strong deshielding. Furthermore, positively charged saturated and unsaturated ring systems cause extreme deshielding effects.

Variable temperature 125Te NMR has been utilized to investigate ring inversion in phenyltellurenyl-substituted cyclohexane derivatives. 125Te NMR was shown to be an excellent tool for chiral recognition. Thus, the 125Te chemical shifts of the stereoisomeric bicyclic compounds [9] and [10] differ by 34 ppm. Interestingly long-range effects, through several bonds, of the menthyl residue in [11] on tellurium shieldings have been observed.


Very few CP MAS 125Te NMR studies in the solid have been reported; however, they clearly demonstrate the great sensitivity of the method in investigating even minor distortions from octahedral crystallographic symmetry.

See also: High Pressure Studies Using NMR Spectroscopy; NMR in Anisotropic Systems, Theory; NMR of Solids; NMR Relaxation Rates; Solid State NMR, Methods; Solid State NMR Using Quadrupolar Nuclei.


Further reading

Te coupling constants


Te coupling constants are less abundant in the literature than those involving 77Se and are of the opposite sign due to negative magnetogyric ratio. The ratio J(125Te,X)/J(77Se,X) is 2–3 (in absolute value) and very probably reflects differences in the Fermi contact interaction. One-bond coupling constants 1J(125Te,1H) are negative (–59 Hz for H2Te), geminal couplings in dialkyltellurides are ∼20 Hz and –90 Hz in tellurophene. Vicinal couplings are smaller (Et2Te, –22.7 Hz). One-bond 1J(125Te,13C) couplings show a strong dependence on the hybridization state of the carbon atom (Me2Te, 162 Hz; (H2C=CH)2Te, 285 Hz; Me– Te–C≡C–Bu, 531 Hz). One-bond 1J(125Te,19F) values are very large (TeF6, 3688 Hz; TeF7−, 2876 Hz; Ph2TeF2, 530 Hz). The 1J(125Te,31P) couplings strongly depend on the bond order (R3P=Te, 1548– 1743 Hz; (But)2P–Te–P(But)2, 451 Hz). 1 183 J( W,125Te) and 1J(195Pt,125Te) couplings have also been reported.

List of symbols J = coupling constant; T1, T2 = relaxation constants; χ = nuclear quadrupole coupling constant.

Barbarella G (1995) Sulfur-33 NMR. Progress in NMR Spectroscopy 25: 1. Boykin DW (ed) (1991) 17O NMR Spectroscopy in Organic Chemistry. Boston: CRC Press. Duddeck H (1995) Selenium-77 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Progress in NMR Spectroscopy 27: 1–323. Duddeck H (1996) Sulfur, selenium & tellurium NMR. In: Grant DM and Harris RK (eds) Encyclopedia of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, pp 4623–4635. Chichester: Wiley. Gerothanassis IP (1997) Methods of avoiding the effects of acoustic ringing in pulsed Fourier transform nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Progress in NMR Spectroscopy 19: 267–329. Gerothanassis IP (1996) Oxygen-17 NMR. In: Grant DM and Harris RK (eds) Encyclopedia of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, pp 3430–3440. Chichester: Wiley. Kintzinger JP (1981) Oxygen NMR, characteristic parameters and applications. In: Diehl P, Fluck E and Kosfeld R (eds) NMR, Basic Principles and Progress, Vol 17, pp 1–64. New York: Springer. Pearson JG and Oldfield E (1996) Oxygen-17 NMR: applications in biochemistry. In: Grant DM and Harris RK (eds). Encyclopedia of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, pp 3440–3443. Chichester: Wiley.


Table 1



NMR properties of 3d transition metal nuclei a ν b (MHz)




Natural abundance (%)



























V V*




















































Mn Fe Co Ni Cu* Cu Zn

[Sc(H2O)6] 3+ h –4



Reference compound






[CrO4]2– k


[MnO4]– l




[Co(CN)6]3– n





[Cu{P(OMe)3}4]+ o




[Cu{P(OMe)3}4] + o




[Zn(H2O)6]2+ p


100 2.19 100


The nucleus usually employed in NMR experiments is denoted by an asterisk. Measuring frequency at 2.35T (where 1H of TMS resonates at 100 MHz). c Electric nuclear quadrupole moment, in 10–28 m2. d Magnetogyric ratio, in 107 rad s–1 T–1. e Receptivity relative to 1H = 1. f 47/49Ti NMR signals appear ‘paired’, separated by 266 ppm. g The quadrupole moment for 53Cr is still under debate. Values for |Q| as low as 0.04 have also been reported. h Dilute, aqueous solution of Sc(ClO ) . 4 3 i [TiF ]2– is also used as a standard (δ = –1163 ppm). 6 j An aqueous, alkaline solution of vanadate ([VO ]3–, δ = –576 ppm) is sometimes employed as a standard in solution NMR, Na [VO ] in 4 3 4 solid state NMR. k Dilute, aqueous solution of K [CrO ]. 2 4 l Saturated aqueous solution of K[MnO ]. 4 m The following standards are frequently employed: [Fe(CN) ]4– (δ = +2497ppm), (η5-C H ) Fe dissolved in CDCl (δ = −954.2 ppm). 6 5 5 2 3 n Alternative standards are: Co(acetylacetonate) (δ = +12 500 ppm), [Co(NH ) ]3+ (+8150 ppm), [Co(ethylenediamine) ]3+ (+7120 ppm). 3 3 6 3 o Me = CH . Alternatively (but not recommended) [Cu(NCMe) ][ClO /BF ] in MeCN (δ = – 83 ppm) may be used. 3 4 4 4 p The standard commonly used is an aqueous solution of Zn(ClO ) . 4 2 b

one has to take care that the signals appear in the correct window (i.e. are not folded). For the quadrupolar nuclei, it is advisable to set the pulse width to 60–90° and to apply a line broadening factor. Relaxation delays can usually be avoided. Except in special cases, 1H broad-band decoupling is unnecessary. For very large molecules (metalloproteins), high magnetic field strengths are recommended to cope with second-order shift contributions to the + →− quadrupole component. See Individual nuclei and applications, vanadium, below). Commercially available equipment is used for solid-state static, MAS, OFF-MAS and double rotation techniques, and precautions have to be taken to discriminate between resonance signals and rotation side-bands by measuring the spectra at different spinning frequencies. The information that can be extracted from spectra under the static versus nonstatic conditions (where quadrupole perturbations, dipole interaction and chemical shift anisotropy

effects are suppressed) will be exemplified for solid state Sc NMR spectra below. Note again that the position of the central + →− transition which, owing to large quadrupole coupling anisotropy often is the only accessible one, is not coincidental with the isotropic shift δiso. Table 1 also contains chemical shift reference compounds (used as the zero point of the shift scales) and, in the table footnote, standards employed in practice, including their chemical shifts with respect to the reference if not identical. Chemical shifts depend on concentration, isotopic composition (in the first but also the second coordination sphere), nature of the solvent, ionic strength, counterion and other influence of the medium, and these dependences are proportional to the intrinsic shielding sensitivity of a nucleus. Where the shielding sensitivity is exceedingly large (59Co), these effects are significant and have to be taken into account when preparing sample and standard solutions. Coupling constants


Figure 1 Chemical shift ranges for the 3d series metals. Open bars correspond to high, solid bars to low oxidation states. Chemical shift values δ have negative signs to the right of the vertical δ = 0 line, which connects the references given in Table 1. Where the shift range extends beyond the scale of the figure, the limiting δ values are indicated.

are less dependent on medium effects, but relaxation times can also be very dependent on solution conditions. Other factors influencing shielding (and relaxation times) are temperature and pressure (see below). Chemical shifts should also be corrected with respect to field-lock shifts if different deuterium locks are used for the (external) standard/reference and the sample, and with respect to influences of the bulk susceptibility, if different sample shapes are compared (e.g. cylindrical versus spherical).

Chemical shifts (nuclear shielding) Figure 1 is a summary of chemical shift ranges for the 3d series nuclei in their more common oxidation states in diamagnetic compounds, representing the present state of knowledge but also, to a certain extent, the intrinsic shielding sensitivities. Shift ranges for high and low oxidation states are represented by open and solid bars, respectively. Metals that form closed shell complexes (d0: ScIII; d10: CuI, ZnII) have relatively narrow shift ranges, while open shell systems (d4: VI; d6: V–I, MnI, FeII, CoIII; d8: Fe0, CoI) give rise to extended shift ranges. Particularly noteworthy is the overall shift range of ∼20000 ppm for 59Co. There is a tendency for deshielding of the nucleus (downfield shift with respect to the magnetic field, high-field shift with respect to the RF field) in compounds with high-valency metal nuclei, and for shielding in compounds containing the metal nuclei in a low oxidation state. However, as demonstrated by the large overlapping areas of open and solid bars for the same metal in Figure 1, no clear correlation between shielding and oxidation state exists, indicat-

ing that the nature of the coordination environment of the metal centre has to be considered. The factors influencing shielding are complex but can be described in a simplified manner by the expression σ = σ(dia) + const.(∆E–1)av (C2r–3)av, where σ is the overall shielding and σ(dia) the (essentially constant, since dominated by the core electrons) diamagnetic contribution. The second term, the paramagnetic contribution σ(para), the main factor influencing variations in shielding (and hence chemical shift), contains the mean hom*o-LUMO splitting ∆E, the LCAO coefficient C of relevant orbitals (C = 1 in the crystal field approximation), and a measure for the expansion of the orbitals, 〈r–3〉. The main contributions to this term arise from the valence d orbitals, but in closed shell systems valence p contributions have to be taken into account and may become predominant. Based on this relationship, the following shielding trends can be predicted and have been verified by experiment. (1) A strong ligand field decreases σ(para) via an increase of ∆E and thus gives rise to high overall shielding. In compounds with a low-valency metal centre, strong ligands are π acceptors such as CO, PR3 and CNR; in compounds with a highvalency metal centre, ‘hard’ ligands such as oxo and nitrogen functional groups induce a large ∆E splitting. Consequently, the 51V nucleus is shielded in [VO4]3− (δ = –540) as well as in [V(CO)6]− (–1952), and deshielded in [VS4]3− (+1395) as well as in [V(NO)2(thf)4]+ (+269ppm). (2) Mainly in open shell compounds, shielding is additionally influenced through the (C2r–3)3d term. This factor becomes small for ligands such


as H−, R−, I−, SR2 or, more generally, for ligands with a high polarizability/low electronegativity. In a series such as [Co(NO)2X]2, shielding increases in the sequence Cl (δ = +3640), Br (+3390), I (+2790ppm), known as the ‘normal halogen dependence of chemical shielding’. Corresponding trends (‘normal polarizability dependence’) are commonly found in the series amine, phosphine, arsine and stibine, as well as in the series oxo, thio, seleno and telluro functional ligands. The inverse halogen (polarizability) dependence, i.e. a decrease of shielding (mainly as a consequence of a decrease in ∆E) usually prevails in closed shell d0 systems; cf. Cp2TiF2 (δ = –1052), Cp2TiCl2 (–772), Cp2TiBr2 (–668 ppm). (3) Bulky ligands and strained ring structures (e.g. 3- and 4-membered chelate rings) induce deshielding in open shell and increase shielding in closed shell systems with respect to sterically normal conditions. This sensitivity of shielding to steric effects often allows for the distinction of conformers and diastereomeric pairs of enantiomers. (4) Non-innocent ligands (typically catecholates, cat) can give rise to substantial deshielding of the metal nucleus, e.g. in VO(sb)cat (sb is a tridentate Schiff base dianion) δ = +480ppm instead of an expected δ ≈ –540ppm for a vanadium compound with an ‘innocent’ NxOy donor set. (5) Since the number of relevant transitions between highest occupied and lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals increases with a decrease in local symmetry, structural isomers (e.g. cis/trans, fac/ mer) exhibit different shielding situations. Secondary factors influencing shielding

Apart from effects arising directly from the coordinating functions and the arrangement of the ligands, various second-sphere and outer-sphere effects have to be considered, some of which will be noted here. (i) Ligand substituents, e.g. Z in phosphines PZ3, very effectively influence the steric and electronic nature (donor/acceptor properties) of the ligand. P(OR)3, for example, induces stronger shielding than P(alkyl)3 and PMe3 stronger shielding than P(But)3. (ii) The shielding variations observed as the counterion or the solvent varies can indicate contact-ion pairing (e.g. in the series [Co(en)3]X3, X = Cl, Br, I: ∆δ = 32 ppm) and solvation, respectively. (iii) In the solid state, distinct crystallographic sites are represented by distinct resonance signals. The δiso(solid) are not usually equal to δiso(solution).

Isotopic substitution leads to increased shielding for the heavier isotope (e.g. 12CO versus 13CO; C14N– versus C15N–). This isotope effect can be traced back to the same origin as the temperature and pressure dependence of shielding, i.e. they can be related to the vibrational fine structure of the highest electronic levels participating in electronic transitions: as the temperature decreases, vibronically excited levels become decreasingly populated; ∆E increases, and overall shielding decreases. An equivalent effect is responsible for increased shielding with increased pressure and an increase of shielding for a heavier with respect to a lighter isotopomer. Table 2 provides selected examples and Figure 2 illustrates isotope effects for C5H5V(CO)4. Anisotropy of chemical shifts

Under anisotropic conditions (solid state, mesophases), the chemical shift consists principally of three components (a parallel (δ) and two perpendicular ones (δ1 and δ2, where δ⊥ = (δ1 + δ2)), the separation of which depends on the molecular anisotropy which, for quadrupolar nuclei, correlates with the extent of quadrupole perturbation and hence with the size of the nuclear quadrupole coupling constant e2qQ/h. The extent of anisotropy is expressed by the molecular asymmetry parameter η, defined by η = (δ2 – δ1)/δ – δiso), and the chemical shift anisot--ropy ∆δ = δ – δ⊥. Selected values for δiso, ∆δ and η are listed in Table 3 together with e2qQ/h values. The chemical shift anisotropy

Table 2 ing

Isotope, temperature and pressure effects on shield-

Isotope Compound

Pressure gradient c





















N [Co(CN)6]3–








C [V(CO)6]

14/15 16/18

O [V(Co)6]– [MnO4]


Temperature gradient b




Isotope shift a




Detected by

Sc V V Co V Co Co V Mn


The one- and two-bond isotope shifts are indicated per isotopic substitution. The temperature gradients (tg) are given in ppm per degree, averaged over a temperature (T ) range of ∼230–320 K (51V) and 290–350 K (59Co); the (tg)/T relation is not strictly linear. kg cm–2, for a pressure range of 1000 to 9000 kg cm–2 and at 291 K.


When NM is the NMR probe, two limiting cases have to be considered. One case is where coupling is fully effective and thus gives rise to a resolved first-order multiplet for the M resonance. This is the case if M is a spin- nucleus (57Fe), or if the quadrupole moment of M is small (51V) and L is a spin- nucleus or again a quadrupole nucleus with a small quadrupole moment (14N). Examples are given in Figure 3A and Figure 3B(ii). For the medium quadrupole nuclei, resolved J coupling is restricted to compounds where M is in a local symmetry providing small electrical field gradients at the nucleus and hence less effective quadrupole relaxation. The second case is where coupling is completely quenched. This is the case if fast relaxation leads to relaxation decoupling of NM and NL, or in the case of intermolecular exchange if it is accompanied by bond rupture. Fast relaxation is encountered with quadrupolar nuclei in all but highly symmetric environments, and with long molecular correlation times τc. Bulky and/or large molecules, and a high viscosity of the medium (polar solvents, low temperature, high concentration) will give rise to slow molecular tumbling and hence long τc. If NL is the NMR probe, we again have to deal with two limiting cases. One is when all of the coupling information is available. This is the case if M belongs to the low quadrupole category nuclei and/ or M is at a highly symmetric site. The spectrum appears as a resolved nonbinomial multiplet of

Figure 2 Two-bond deuterium isotope shifts on the 51V chemical shifts in η5-{C51H5–n2Hn} V(CO)4 (assigned dn ). The asterisks indicate the high-field components of the natural-abundance 13C satellite doublets for d0 and d5. Reproduced with permission from Rehder D, Hoch M Jameson CJ (1990) Deuterium isotope effects and bonding in carbonylvanadium complexes. Magnetic Resonance Chemistry 28: 138–144. © John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

produces an important relaxation mechanism in nonquadrupolar nuclei (57Fe; see below).

Scalar coupling constants Information on electron-mediated (scalar) spin–spin coupling J may be obtained from the NMR spectrum of the metal nucleus NM or the ligand nucleus NL.

Table 3 Solid-state chemical shifts δiso, chemical shift anisotropies ∆δ, asymmetry parameters η, and nuclear quadrupole coupling constants e2qQ/h


















∼ −1000






















∼ −410

Not reported

Not reported




Not reported



Sc V V V V Mn Mn Co Co Co

Myoglobin.CNEt Cul



c d e











Fe Cu Zn

Referenced against the standards given in Table 1. nta = nitrilotriacetate (3−). tppp = tetraphenylporphyrin, im = imidazole. From solution studies. In CuBrxI1−x crystals.

e2qQ/h (MHz)





Not reported







Not reported




Not reported




1.57 13.9


Figure 3 (A) One-bond scalar couplings in the 51V NMR spectrum of trans-[V(15N)2(Me2PCH2CH2PMe2)2]−: 1J(51V–31P) = 314 (quintet), 1J(51V–15N) = 57Hz (triplet splitting). Reproduced with permission of the Royal Society of Chemistry from Rehder D, Woitha C, Priebsch W and Gailus H (1992) Structural characterization of a dinitrogenvanadium complex, a functional model for vanadiumnitrogenase. Chemical Communications 364–365. (B) Two-bond coupling 2J(51V–31P) = 120Hz in the 31P (i) and 51V (ii) NMR spectra of [V(NPPh3)4]+. Reprinted with permission from Aistars A, Doedens RJ and Dohesty NM (1994) Synthesis and characterization of vanadium(V) mono-, bis-, tris- and tetrakis(phosphoraniminato) complexes. Inorganic Chemistry 33: 4360–4365. © 1994 American Chemical Society.

multiplicity 2I + 1 (I is the nuclear spin of M; Figure 3B(i)) or as the envelope of such a multiplet, a typical plateau-like signal where the width at halfheight divided by (2I + 1) provides a good estimate for J. In the solid state J(NMNL) multiplets can be distorted owing to the anisotropy of J and the quadrupole coupling interaction. An example is (Ph3P)2CuCl, where the 31P quartet spacings are 1.43, 1.27 and 10.94 kHz. The second limiting case is again complete relaxation decoupling, resulting in a comparatively sharp resonance signal for NL. More or less broad signals with a Lorentzian–Gaussian line shape are typical for intermediate situations. Coupling constants J(NMNL), in most cases onebond couplings 1J, are available for all of the 3d series nuclei except for 67Zn. They are dominated by the Fermi contact term and the main factors in this term contributing to the size of J are the s electron densities |S(0)|2 at the M and L nuclei, which are susceptible to the metal oxidation state and donor/ acceptor properties of the ligands. For a direct comparison of coupling constants of different nuclei, it is advisable to employ the reduced coupling constant K ∝ J/γMγL; γ is the magnetogyric ratio, see Table 1 for the γM values. Figure 4 summarizes 1J/γMγL ranges for various M–L pairs in relation to the |S(0)|2 terms.

Figure 4 Reduced one-bond M–L coupling constants versus the product of the s electron densities at the respective nuclei (assuming effective zero charge). Open bars represent M–P (phosphine) coupling; the shaded circle represent phosphites [P(OR)3]. S(0)2 values have been taken from Pregosin PS and Kunz RW (1979) NMR Basic Principles and Progress 16: 80–85.


Relaxation and line widths The width of a resonance line, usually measured at half-height and quoted as W1/2 (or ∆ν1/2) in units of Hertz, is mainly determined by the spin–spin relaxation time T2 (W1/2 = (πT2)–1) which, in nonviscous solutions and other than highly symmetric complexes, usually has about the same magnitude as the spin–lattice relaxation time T1. In the solid state, T1 and T2 can deviate from each other considerably. The knowledge of T1 values is a necessary precondition for optimizing NMR detection, especially for nuclei with long T1, viz. 57Fe. In the absence of quadrupolar ligand nuclei, the main relaxation mechanism in 57Fe compounds with a nonisotropic coordination environment is the chemical shift anisotropy ∆δ: T1 is inversely proportional to (∆δ)2, the square of the applied magnetic field B0 and is a function of the correlation time τc. τc gains importance for large and/or bulky molecules; compare T1 (B0 ≈ 9 T) = 4.2 s for ferrocene, and 0.02 s for myoglobin⋅CO. Chemical shift anisotropy has also been noted for cobalt complexes as a B0-dependent component to relaxation which, for quadrupolar nuclei, is otherwise dominated by the quadrupolar relaxation mechanism: T2–1 ∝ f(I)(e2qQ/h)2 (1 + η2/3)τc, where f(I) is a function of the nuclear spin, and e2qQ/h and η (= 0 under axial symmetry) are as defined above (cf. also Table 2). τc describes the intimacy of interaction between solvent and solute molecules and hence the ease by which a solute molecule tumbles in a solution. As noted previously, T1 and T2 are very similar. For example, in aqueous ZnSO4, 67Zn T1 and T2 are 9.3 and 9.8 ms; in aqueous Co(acac)3 the 59Co T1 and T2 are both 1.7 ms, and in neat VOCl3 its 51 V T1 and T2 are both 17 ms while the 50 V T1 and T2 are both 5 ms. The latter example (VOCl3) clearly demonstrates the importance of the size of the nuclear quadrupole moment Q (cf. Table 1), since all of the other parameters are identical. On the other hand, in a series of similar compounds containing the same metal nucleus (i.e. the same f(I) and Q), T2 reflects variations of τc and the electric field gradient q at the nucleus. For solutions, long T2 (narrow resonance lines) can hence be expected for nuclei with a reasonably small Q(e.g. 51V), for small, nonbulky molecules in nonviscous media (influence via τc), for molecules of cubic point symmetry and for a few other cases where q becomes small, e.g. octahedral complexes of C3v symmetry, half-sandwich complexes having local C3v or C4v symmetry, or trigonal-pyramidal complexes of C3v symmetry. The field gradient q also reflects the donor and acceptor power and related properties of the ligands.

Finally, it should be remembered that relaxation is also influenced by chemical exchange.

Individual nuclei and applications Scandium and titanium

Scandium-45 is a relatively easily accessible nucleus owing to its 100% natural abundance and high magnetogyric ratio, but the comparatively large quadrupole Q has restricted its application. In the solid state, the large Q can provide valuable information on the quadrupolar interaction as exemplified for ScCl3⋅6H2O and Sc(O2CCH3)3 in Figure 5. Relevant data can be extracted from static spectra, which depending on the strength of the applied magnetic field, reveal first-order or second-order quadrupole patterns (Figure 5B), while under MAS conditions (Figure 5C) the main spectral information is the exact isotropic chemical shift. The concentration, counterion and pH dependences of δ(45Sc) in aqueous solutions of scandium salts have revealed equilibria between outer-sphere versus inner-sphere complexes (contact ion pairs versus direct coordination of the anion), in addition to the equilibria between [Sc(H2O)6]3+, which is present at low pH, its deprotonation ([Sc(H2O)5(OH)]2+) and oligomerization products ([Sc2(H2O)x(OH)2]4+, [Sc3(H2O)y(OH)4]4+), present at pH values up to 4, and [Sc(OH)4]–, the species that is formed at high pH. Owing to the very similar magnetogyric ratios, 47/49 Ti, NMR spectra are twinned, the two resonances separated by only 266ppm. The slightly smaller Q and larger spin of the 49Ti nucleus make the low-field (high-frequency) twin the betterresolved one. As in the case of 45Sc, the sizeable quadrupole moments restrict the observability of 47/ 49 Ti resonances to rather symmetric molecules. [Ti(CO)6]2− marks the high-field, TiI4 the low-field margin of the Ti chemical shift scale. Mono- and bis(cyclopentadienyl) complexes are in between. In the context of their application in Ziegler–Natta polymerization, a dependence of chemical shift upon the electronic nature of the substituents on cyclopentadienyl (Cp) is noteworthy, an effect which is also observed for δ(51V) and δ(57Fe) in Cp-vanadium and Cp-iron complexes. Vanadium, chromium and manganese

The nucleus 51V is the only one among the quadrupolar transition metals with a relatively low quadrupole moment and a high receptivity, and is hence a particularly well-suited NMR probe even in


Figure 5 Solid state 45Sc NMR spectra A: Static of ScCl3.6H2O at 8.45 T; B: static of Sc(O2CCH3)3 at 3.52 T; C: MAS of Sc(O2CCH3)3 at 8.45 T, showing the central line and spinning side-bands. Reproduced with permission of the Royal Society of Chemistry from Oldfield E (1987) Solid-state scandium-45, yttrium-89 and lanthanum-139 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Chemical Communications, 27–29.

compounds with no actual symmetry. Well-resolved coupling patterns, however, require compounds of medium to high local symmetry, as shown in Figures 2 and 3 for complexes of idealized C4v, D4h and Td symmetries. A large body of J and δ data has been accumulated (see Further reading for compilations), many of them in the context of investigations into biological/biomimetic vanadium systems, vanadium catalyst systems, correlations between NMR parameters and ligand properties, and vanadium speciation analysis. More than a dozen species have been detected in aqueous vanadate solutions, and their interconversion and protonation/deprotonation equilibria have been studied by quantitative 1D-NMR, 2D-EXSY, and a combination of 51V NMR with potentiometric measurements. The latter procedure has turned out to be a powerful tool for investigating the speciation in ternary systems containing, along with vanadates and protons, a biogenic ligand as a third component. Figure 6 is an illustrative example for such a system. While the extreme narrowing conditions (ωτc 3 kHz.

Ruthenium-99 and -101 Ruthenium has seven stable isotopes, of which 99Ru and 101Ru are NMR active. Although their natural abundances and resonance frequencies are quite similar the smaller quadrupole moment of ruthenium-99 makes the former more favourable from a NMR spectroscopic point of view. The 99Ru NMR chemical shift range is enormous (> 18 000 ppm). The shifts of ruthenium compounds and complexes follow roughly the same trends as those of iron and osmium. The reference compound in 99Ru NMR is the [Ru(CN)6]4– anion (δ = 0 ppm). Some characteristic 99Ru NMR chemical shifts are collected in Table 7. Ruthenium complexes with nitrogen-containing ligands show very interesting photochemical properties which can be monitored by 99Ru NMR. In materials science, solid state 99Ru and 99Ru NMR has been recently applied in characterizing the packing of ruthenium metal. This result represents the first detection of Ru NMR in a paramagnetic solid.

Rhodium-103 Traditionally 103Rh NMR spectroscopy has been regarded as problematic owing to the very low gyromagnetic ratio and long relaxation time of rhodium103 although its natural abundance is 100% and I = (Table 1). However, by using modern broad band spectrometers rhodium-103 is an easy nucleus to observe. Taking into account the catalytic significance of rhodium compounds, 103Rh NMR spectroscopy has turned out to be a very powerful method and there exist plenty of experimental data. Some characteristic 103Rh NMR chemical shifts are collected in Table 8. In the case of 103Rh NMR, several chemical shift references have been used but nowadays mer-[RhCl3((SCH3)2)3] is generally accepted. Owing to the low gyromagnetic ratio of rhodium-103, its detection is now based on polarization transfer techniques such as INEPT (insensitive nuclei enhanced by polarization transfer), DEPT (distortionless enhancement by polarization transfer) or HMQC although earlier INDOR (internuclear double resonance) was also utilized. If a rhodium-bound proton is used for the detection of rhodium-103 an enhancement of (γH/γRh)5/2 = 5635 can be achieved in 1 H, 103Rh HMQC. If the proton is not directly


Table 5

Some characteristic 95Mo NMR chemical shifts from [MoO4]2– (δ = 0 ppm)


Oxidation state

δ (95Mo)/(ppm)


Oxidation state

δ (95Mo)/(ppm)

Mo(CO)6 (in DMF)





Mo(CO)6 (in CD3CN)





Mo(CO)6 (in (CH3)2CO)





Mo(CO)6 (in CDCl3)


Mo2[N(CH3)2]6 (in toluene)



Mo(CO)6 (in C6H6)


Mo2[N(CH3)2]6 (in hexane)



Mo(CO)6 (in CH2Cl2)

–1855 to –1858

















































[Mo2O4(EDTA)· 2H2O]2–
























Na2MoO4 (pH 7)






Na2MoO4 (pH 9)




Mo(η -C6H6CH3)2












Mo(η -C6H6)2


Mo(η -C7H8)2








Mo + D-glutaric acid





Mo + threo-alditol





Mo + erythro-alditol


bound to rhodium and 1H, 103Rh HMBC must be used instead of HMQC, the delay required for polarization transfer [generally J(1H, 103Rh≤2 Hz)] is so long that an extensive loss of magnetization occurs. The magnitude of 1J(31P, 103Rh) is generally not less than 80 Hz and therefore 31P is an excellent nucleus for indirect detection of rhodium NMR resonances although the enhancement by differences in gyromagnetic ratios is not as favourable as in the case of proton. Figure 1 shows the 31P, 103Rh HMQC contour map obtained from a mixture of [Rh(H)(PPh3)4] (0.02 M), CySH (0.2 M) and Ph3P (0.2 M) in 10% pyridine–toluene at –25°C. If the rhodium-103 nucleus is in an unsymmetric environment it can also be detected easily by direct observation but in a symmetric environment this can be rather difficult. There exist many papers on 103Rh NMR. For example, small rhodium particles have been characterized by the 103Rh NMR line broadening and

Table 6 Some characteristic [TcO4]– (δ = 0 ppm)

+120 +45 to +115 +22 +30 to +34


Tc NMR chemical shifts from


δ (99Tc)/(ppm)











Tc(DMPE) a



chemical shift changes which have been interpreted in terms of both the electron-orbital (chemical) and electron-spin (Knight) shifts. Further, alkylrhodoximes, [Rh(Hdmg)2RL], where Hdmg is the monoanion of dimethylglyoxime, L is H2O, pyridine or PPh3 and R is alkyl or an halomethyl, have been extensively studied by 103Rh NMR spectroscopy. The 103 Rh shielding decreases in the order R = Et > Me


Table 7 Some characteristic [Ru(CN)6]4– (δ = 0 ppm)


Ru NMR chemical shifts from δ (99Ru)(ppm)

Compound Ru(η5-C5H5)









+2523 ∼+2000

RuO4 [Ru(NH3)6]



+16 050


Table 8 Some characteristic 103Rh NMR chemical shifts to high frequency from Ξ (103Rh) = 3.16 MHz δ (103Rh)/(ppm)

Compound [(η5-C5H5)Rh(η4-C4H4)]


[(η -C5H5)Rh(η -C8H8)]






[(η -C5Me5)RhMoO4]4




–426 2–

[Rh6(CO)15C] [Rh(CO)2Cl2]

[Rh(acac)(CO)2] [Rh(cod)Cl(PPh)2]

–313 +84 +309 +409












Figure 1 31P, 103Rh HMQC spectrum obtained from a mixture of [Rh(H)(PPh3)4] (0.02 M), CySH (0.2 M) and Ph3P (0.2 M) in 10% pyridine–toluene at −25°C. Reproduced with permission of John Wiley and Sons from Carlton L (1997) Rhodium-103 NMR of carboxylate and thiolate complexes by indirect detection using phosphorus. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry 35: 153–158. Copyright 1997, John Wiley & Sons.

> Bu > Pri > Bui > neo-pent > But. In the case of [(P2)Rh(hfa-cac)], where P = bidentate chelating phosphane and hfacac = hexafluoroacetylacetonate, correlations between solid state structures, 103Rh NMR chemical shifts and catalytic activities (CO2 hydrogenation) have been investigated. 103Rh NMR chemical shift correlations have also been clarified for rhodium(III) complexes with cyanide and sulfurdonor ligands. A very interesting report describes a correlation between the rhodium-103 shielding in rhodium enamide complexes and the stereoselectivity of dihydrogen (H2) addition to diastereomeric olefin complexes.

Palladium-105 Palladium belongs to the same group of elements as nickel and platinum. The only report dealing with


Pd NMR is on K2[PdCl6] for which the LW1/2 is 25 kHz.

Silver-107 and -109 From the NMR spectroscopic point of view, silver suffers from poor sensitivity owing to the low gyromagnetic ratio of both NMR-active isotopes. Further, long relaxation times make it necessary to incorporate long delays within the pulse sequence to avoid saturation effects during acquistion. Sensitivity enhancement by NOE effects is not possible owing to the negative γ value of both NMR-active silver nuclei. In spite of these unfavourable nuclear properties, there exist several papers on 109Ag NMR. Although the natural abundance of the isotope-109 is less than that of 107, the larger γ value of 109 gives a better receptivity. As in the case of rhodium-103, direct observation of silver-109 is not useful and various polarization transfer techniques such as INEPT and HMQC are recommended. An example has been published by Berners-Price and co-workers where a retro-INEPT 2D 31P-{109Ag} pulse sequence (published by Bodenhausen and Ruben for 15N-{1H}) was utilized. Remarkable progress in solid state 109Ag NMR has taken place during the last few years. The first 109Ag CP-MAS NMR spectrum was published by Merwin and Sebald in 1992. Some isotropic solid state 109Ag


NMR chemical shifts are included in Table 9 as well as a collection of characteristic solution-state data of silver-109.

Cadmium-111 and -113 Among the NMR-active isotopes included in this article the most exhaustively studied is certainly 113 Cd. The reasons for this are quite obvious: I = and a relatively good receptivity. Cadmium has also another NMR-active isotope (111Cd) characterized with I = but with a somewhat smaller receptivity than 113Cd. This is why 113Cd is preferred over 111Cd. According to a review by Granger, the number of publications dealing with Cd NMR from 1980 to 1987 is ∼160. Since then the number of papers on Cd NMR has continuously increased. Therefore, including all the data available here is not possible. Nevertheless, owing to the significance of 113Cd NMR in biological, inorganic, organic and organometallic chemistry extra attention is given to this NMR-active nucleus. At first sight it looks strange that 113Cd NMR could possess any biological interest because cadmium is known to be a very toxic element for living organisms. However, the Cd2+ cation resembles closely the divalent cations of calcium and zinc which are involved in very many biological complexes. From an NMR spectroscopic point of Table 9 Some characteristic aqueous AgNO3 (δ = 0 ppm)

Compound Ag(pyridine)2+Ac– Ag(pyridine)2 NO3 +

Ag(C5H5) NO


Ag NMR chemical shifts from

Solvent/temperature (K)

δ (109Ag)/ (ppm)















Conc. aq. NH3/ 300













– 3

view these two cations are very impractical. Replacing calcium and zinc by cadmium in these complexes is often easy and opens new versatile NMR spectroscopic possibilities in this area of research. 113Cd NMR studies in biochemistry and bio-inorganic chemistry have been reported by Sadler and Viles on the binding sites of Cd2+ and Zn2+ in serum albumin and by Chung and co-workers on the binding of Cd2+ in soil fulvic acid. The direct observation of 113Cd is generally easy, although in some cases long relaxation times may cause prolonged acquisition times. This can be avoided by using a paramagnetic additive such as Gd3+ in the sample. If there exists a coupling between proton and cadmium, polarization transfer techniques such as HMQC are useful, as in the case of rhodium and silver. Owing to the relatively high natural abundance, hom*onuclear COSY can also be useful alternative in the case of 113Cd. Figure 2 shows the DQF (double quantum filtered) 113Cd– 113 Cd COSY spectrum of cadmium metallothionein 2 (MT-2). Although the observation of 113Cd NMR spectral lines is easy and obtainable by a plethora of various measuring techniques, there is an obvious danger of oversimplification of the chemical shift data. This is


+345.9,+320.2 +219.7,+210.7 +401.2, +382.7













Figure 2 DQF 113Cd–113Cd COSY spectrum of MT-2. Reproduced with permission of the American Chemical Society from Frey MH, Wagner G, Vašak M, Sørensen OW, Neuhaus D, Wörgötter E, Kägi JHR, Ernst RR and Wüthrich K (1985) Polypeptide-metal cluster connectivities in metallothionein 2 by novel 1H–113Cd heteronuclear two-dimensional NMR experiments. Journal of the American Chemical Society 107: 6847– 6851. Copyright 1985, American Chemical Society.


because chemical exchange often occurs between different complexation or binding sites (including ligand and solvent) for cadmium and the observed Cd NMR line is a time average of the different chemical shifts from these different sites. Therefore it is

recommended that 113Cd NMR studies are carried out at low temperature to ‘freeze out’ these different species. Figure 3 shows the 113Cd NMR spectra of five different Cd(II) complexes of multiple piperazine–pyridine ligands measured in ethanol at −50°C.

Figure 3 113Cd NMR spectra of the Cd(II) complexes of five different piperazine–pyridine ligands measured in ethanol at −50°C. The signal of the uncomplexed Cd2+ cation is marked by an asterisk. Reproduced with permission of VCH Verlagsgesellschaft from Ratilainen J, Airola K, Kolemainen E and Rissanen K (1997) Regioselective complexation of new multiple piperazine/pyridine ligands: differentiation by 113Cd-NMR spectroscopy. Chemische Berichte/Recueil 130: 1353–1359.


Cd2+ cations can form salts and complexes with numerous anions and molecules that bear free electron pairs. For example, in supercooled water at –80°C five different CdIn2–n (n = 0–4) species are observed with the chemical shifts −86, +20, +43, +122 and +101 ppm, respectively. Generally, 113Cd NMR chemical shifts are referenced to the signal of 0.1 M aqueous Cd(ClO4)2. For low-temperature measurements this reference is not suitable and 0.1 M Cd(ClO4)2 in ethanol can be used. In Table 10 are collected some characteristic 113Cd NMR chemical shifts. In addition to the monometal compounds and complexes, cadmium can form clusters with several cadmium and/or zinc atoms which also are characterized by 113Cd NMR. As noted before, the isotropic 113Cd NMR chemical shift determined in solution is influenced by exchange processes, temperature, concentration and solvent effects which may limit the interpretation of the structural data. In the solid state, complete information concerning the shielding tensor can be obtained without the difficulties mentioned above. From single-crystal NMR experiments the orientation of the principal elements of the shielding tensor with respect of the coordinate system based on the molecule are obtained. Further, this knowledge provides information on the coordination of cadmium, for example in the active site of metalloproteins such as parvalbumin and concanavalin A. There exist many solid-state NMR studies on cadmium complexes with ligands that contain nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur donor groups. A novel application of solid state 113Cd NMR is an investigation on host– guest systems. In these studies 113Cd NMR has been used to differentiate the possible coordination environments.

Table 10 Some characteristic 113Cd NMR chemical shifts from 0.1 M aqueous Cd(ClO4)2 (δ = 0 ppm) δ ( 113Cd) (ppm)

Compound [Cd(CH3S)4]2– [Cd(C2H5S)4]



+648 2–








[Cd(C6H5CH2S)4]2– 2–














































[Cd(S-2,4,6-Pr C2H2)2(bpy)2] Single crystal: σ11






Summary In an article with a limited length and depth of coverage like this, dealing with 10 elements and 14 NMR-active nuclei, it is impossible to discuss all the important NMR parameters. Therefore, most attention has been paid to NMR chemical shifts while spin–spin coupling constants and relaxation times are only mentioned in the contexts where they should be taken into account to obtain useful NMR results. However, as well as direct NMR detection, one should remember, for example, the usefulness of the (inverse) two-dimensional pulse sequences and the MAS technique to utilize hom*o- and heteronuclear spin–spin coupling constants for polarization transfer between nuclei to enhance the sensitivity of the measurement. These approaches have increased



[Cd(S-2,4,6-Pr 3C2H2)2(phen)] Solid




the number of heteronuclear NMR applications dramatically and should play an important role in future studies.

List of symbols I = nuclear spin quantum number; J = coupling constant; R = receptivity; T1 = relaxation time; γ = gyromagnetic ratio; δ = chemical shift.


See also: 13C NMR, Methods; Heteronuclear NMR Applications (B, AI, Ga, In, Tl); Heteronuclear NMR Applications (La–Hg); Heteronuclear NMR Applications (Sc–Zn); Magnetic Resonance, Historical Perspective; MRI Theory; NMR Pulse Sequences; NMR of Solids; NMR Spectrometers; Parameters in NMR Spectroscopy, Theory of; Solid State NMR, Methods.

Further reading Asaro F, Costa G, Dreos R, Pellitzer G and von Philipsborn W (1996) Steric effects in organometallic compounds. A 103Rh NMR study of alkylrhodoximes. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 513: 193–200. Berners-Price SJ, Sadler PJ and Brevard C (1990) Tetrahedral, chelated, silver(I) diphosphine complexes. Rapid measurements of chemical shifts and couplings by twodimensional 31P-{109Ag} NMR spectroscopy. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry 28: 145–148. Bühl M, Hopp G, von Philipsborn W, Beck S, Prosenc MH, Rief U and Brintzinger H-H (1996) Zirconium-91 chemical shifts and line widths as indicators of coordination geometry distortions in zirconocene complexes. Organometallics 15: 778–785. Burgstaller A, Ebert H and Voitländer J (1993) NMR properties of hcp Ru metal-first detection of the 99Ru and 101Ru NMR in a paramagnetic solid. Hyperfine Interactions 80: 1015–1018.

Carlton L (1997) Rhodium-103 NMR of carboxylate and thiolate complexes by indirect detection using phosphorus. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry 35: 153–158. Chung KH, Rhee SW, Shin HS and Moon CH (1996) Probe of cadmium(II) binding on soil fulvic acid investigated by 113Cd NMR spectroscopy. Canadian Journal of Chemistry 74: 1360–1365. Davies JA and Dutremez S (1992) Solid state NMR studies of d-block and p-block metal nuclei: applications to organometallic and coordination chemistry. Coordination Chemistry Reviews 114: 201–247. Malito J (1997) Molybdenum-95 NMR spectroscopy. Annual Reports on NMR Spectroscopy 33: 151–206. McDowell A, Conradi MS and Haase J (1996) First-satellite spectroscopy, a new method for quadrupolar spins. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Series A 119: 211– 218. Merwin LH and Sebald A (1990) The first 89Y CP-MAS spectra. Journal of Magnetic Resonance 88: 167–171. Pregosin PS (ed) (1991) Transition Metal Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Studies in Inorganic Chemistry, Vol 13. New York: Elsevier. Ratilainen J, Airola K, Kolehmainen E and Rissanen K (1997) Regioselective complexation of new multiple piperazine/pyridine ligands: differentiation by 113Cd NMR spectroscopy. Chemische Berischte/Recueil 130: 1353–1359. Sadler PJ and Viles JH (1996) 1H and 113Cd NMR investigations of Cd2+ and Zn2+ binding sites on serum albumin: competition with Ca2+, Ni2+, Cu2+ and Zn2+. Inorganic Chemistry 35: 4490–4496.

High Energy Ion Beam Analysis Geoff W Grime, University of Oxford, UK Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

The interactions between medium energy (1–5 MeV) atomic ions and the atoms of a sample produce a wide variety of reaction products; electromagnetic radiation from the electron shells or gamma rays from the nucleus, scattered particles from the primary beam which may be modified in direction and energy, or particles of a different species emitted from the nucleus. Any of these may be analysed spectroscopically using suitable detectors to provide information about the elemental and in some cases isotopic composition of the sample.

HIGH ENERGY SPECTROSCOPY Methods & Instrumentation

Analysis using MeV ions Interactions of MeV ions in matter

MeV ions interact with matter through collisions with the electrons and nuclei of the atoms of the material. Ion–electron collisions give rise to reactions associated with the electron shells of atoms (photon emission, Auger electrons, conduction electrons or holes, secondary electron emission) and nuclear collisions give rise to reactions involving the nucleus


(nuclear scattering, atomic displacement, sputtering, nuclear reactions resulting in gamma ray or particle emission). The products of these reactions may be detected and used for analytical purposes. In nuclear scattering theory, the relative probability of a reaction taking place is expressed as a crosssection, σ. Each atom or nucleus is represented by a disk of area σ, and if a beam particle passes through this disk a reaction takes place resulting in the detection of a particle or photon in a detector with 1 steradian (sr) solid angle. Thus high yield reactions have a high cross-section. Values of cross-section are of the order of 10–24 cm2, and this quantity is called 1 barn. Reaction cross-sections are usually quoted as barn sr–1. The yield of a particular reaction may be calculated using the expression

where Y is the number of reaction products (photons, particles) detected in a detector of solid angle Ω sr when a sample containing nT target atoms per square centimetre is bombarded with N projectile ions. Here, the cross-section, σ, is assumed to be in square centimetres. Cross-sections for ion–atom reactions vary over a wide range depending on the specific reaction, the ion and atom (or nuclear) species, the ion energy and the angle of detection. Clearly for analytical purposes, high cross-section reactions are preferable, but this also depends on the relative intensity of any competing reactions which produce a background signal. In many cases, ion beam analysis (IBA) reactions are free from background so that even low cross-section reactions may be used for analysis. PIXE (proton induced X-ray emission)

In PIXE, the basic interaction between the beam and the sample which gives rise to the emission of characteristic X-rays is analogous to the processes involved in electron induced X-ray emission (EDX, or electron probe microanalysis, EPMA). In each case, the charged particle in the beam creates inner electron shell vacancies in the sample atoms, leaving them in an excited state which decays by electron transitions from higher shells, each of which causes the emission of an X-ray quantum whose energy is determined by the atomic number of the atom. This can be detected either using a wavelength dispersive crystal spectrometer (WDX) or an energy dispersive lithium drifted silicon detector (Si-Li) (EDX). The use of WDX detectors is not common in PIXE. Because of the use of Si-Li detectors, EDX and PIXE share many characteristics, especially the

advantage of rapid multielemental analysis, but the use of MeV protons as the incident particle gives one crucial advantage over the technologically simpler use of keV electrons in an electron microscope, and that is in reducing the background of broad spectrum non-characteristic X-rays. In EDX, the major source of background is created by the scattering and deceleration of the electrons of the primary beam as they collide with the electrons in the sample. Each collision gives rise to a large change in momentum of the primary electron and causes the emission of broad spectrum ‘Bremsstrahlung’ radiation which has a maximum energy equal to the beam energy. Bremsstrahlung is the major source of background in EDX and is a fundamental limitation to the minimum detectable limit (MDL). In contrast, MeV ions lose negligible momentum in each collision with an electron, which means that the primary Bremsstrahlung is effectively absent, permitting the detection of weak characteristic X-ray lines and giving a reduction in MDL of 100 to 1000 times over EDX. PIXE is not totally free from background; the electrons created during the initial ionization generate a background at low energies (secondary electron Bremsstrahlung), which limits the MDL for elements in the range Na to Fe (depending on the primary beam energy), but a substantial improvement (two to three orders of magnitude) over EDX is achieved. Figure 1 presents a comparison of EDX and PIXE on the same sample of brain tissue showing the improvement in sensitivity resulting from the lack of Bremsstrahlung. Like EDX, the lightest element that may be detected is determined by the response of the detector to low energy X-rays, and with conventional beryllium window detectors, the lightest element that can be routinely detected is sodium. PIXE has a high cross-section (typically 10–1000 barn sr–1) which makes it very well suited for use with microprobe systems. Each element has a characteristic spectrum of Xray emission lines with energies depending on the atomic number. These lines are categorized into groups depending on which electron shell was ionized in the collision. For example, the K series consists of lines denoted as Kα1, Kα2, … Kβ 1, Kβ 2 … resulting from transitions between the L subshells and the K subshells. The Kα and the Kβ sublines have energies which are close in value, so that with a detector of moderate energy resolution such as Si-Li, only two peaks are observed. The L series, resulting from transitions between the M subshells and the L shells is more complex with three main groups (Lα, Lβ, Lγ) and several less intense peaks. In heavy elements (above Ba), the M series (N shell to M shell)


Figure 1 Energy dispersed X-ray spectra from the same sample excited by 20 keV electrons (top) and 2.5 MeV protons (bottom). The enhancement of the detection limit for the trace elements caused by the absence of primary Bremsstrahlung in the PIXE spectrum can be seen clearly. Reproduced with permission of Wiley from Johansson SAE, Campbell JL and Malmqvist KG (1995) ParticleInduced X-ray Emission Spectrometry. New York: Wiley.

may also be observed, but the M lines are not often used for quantification. Table 1 shows the energy of the most intense K, L and M lines from selected elements, with those detectable using a typical Si-Li detector. The table shows that by using both the K series and the L series all elements heavier than Na may be detected using PIXE. It also highlights the possibility of interference between the series of different elements (e.g. As Kα has almost the same energy as Pb Lα). When all the sublines of each series of each element in the sample are taken into consideration, the probability of overlaps is very high, and spectrum processing software must be capable of handling this. Figure 2 shows the PIXE spectrum from a single ambient aerosol particle, showing the major and trace elements detected.

Absorbers One characteristic of PIXE analysis is the wide dynamic range of the significant peaks. Intense peaks from major elements in the sample may contain millions of counts, while in the low background region of the spectrum, significant peaks containing less than 10 counts may be observed. For this reason, PIXE spectra are normally presented with a logarithmic vertical scale. Another consequence of this is that spurious responses from intense peaks in the detector can have a drastic effect in swamping the small peaks from trace elements. For this reason, the careful use of X-ray absorbers (filters) is crucial to obtaining the best performance with PIXE. For example, when analysing bone, an absorber (typically of Al or a polymer foil) may be fitted to reduce the intensity of the Ca peak to zero or a few parts per thousand to minimize the


Table 1 Energies (in keV) of the Kα, Lα, and Mα lines of selected elements. Energies in italic face may be detected using a typical Si-Li detector.


Kα energy





Na Si Ca Fe As Zr Ag Ba W Pb Pu

1.041 1.740 3.691 6.403 10.534 15.774 22.162 32.191 59.310 74.957 103.653

Lα energy

Mα energy

0.341 0.704

1.282 2.042 2.984 4.467 8.396 10.549 14.297

0.350 0.568 0.972 1.774 2.342 3.350

background and spurious peaks due to the intense flux of Ca X-rays. This is crucial in improving the detection limits for the metals. Fitting an absorber means that X-ray lines of lower energy than the line being removed are lost completely, and it is becoming more common now to use two detectors simultaneously, one unfiltered for major elements and one with a suitable filter for the trace elements. The art of PIXE analysis lies in the selection of the optimum filter. Quantification of PIXE spectra Figure 2 shows that a PIXE spectrum consists of peaks which are approximately Gaussian sitting on top of a continuous background. The background-subtracted area of each peak is proportional to the concentration of the associated element, and a number of software packages are now available to perform the processing required to extract the areas and convert these to true concentrations.

For a sample consisting of a thin film (so that proton energy loss and X-ray absorption can be neglected), the yield of characteristic X-ray photons of energy Ex from element Z induced by particles of energy E is given by

where N is the total number of photons detected using a detector of solid angle Ω, Q is the total beam charge, Cz is the concentration of the element and ε(Ex) is the dependence of detector efficiency on Xray energy. Y(Z, E) is the yield of the interaction expressed as counts per unit of concentration per unit of charge per unit of solid angle. This, in turn, is derived from the ionization cross-section (the probability of creating a vacancy) and the fluorescence yield (the number of photons emitted in each X-ray line for each vacancy). In more realistic thick samples, the calculation must also take account of the energy loss of the particle as it penetrates the sample and also the absorption of the X-rays as they emerge from the sample. To do this, a knowledge of the bulk composition of the sample is required (together with any variation with depth) and both the stopping power of the ion in the matrix and the X-ray attenuation coefficient must be known. The calculation then involves a numerical integration of the total X-ray yield from each sublayer of the sample. All of the physical parameters involved in this calculation (ionization cross-section, fluorescence yield, stopping power, X-ray attenuation and detector efficiency) have been measured and parameterized with sufficient accuracy that quantitative PIXE analysis may be carried out without routine reference to standards once the fixed system parameters have been determined. A small number of computer

Figure 2 Proton-induced X-ray spectrum from a single ambient aerosol particle of 2 µm diameter. The spectrum was collected in 5 min using a beam of 3 MeV protons focused to a diameter of 1 µm at a current of 100 pA.


programs have been developed to carry out PIXE spectrum processing, and special mention must be made of GUPIX, developed at the University of Guelph, Ontario, which embodies the most detailed physical model of the PIXE process and also offers the capability to iterate the sample matrix composition (including user-defined ‘invisible’ elements such as oxygen) until the matrix composition matches the values obtained from the peak areas. Accuracy and detection limit of PIXE The major sources of error in a PIXE measurement and the above calculation are as follows: (1) Inaccuracies in the basic assumptions about the target. The calculation assumes that the sample is a flat hom*ogenous slab of the given composition. Any departure from this model (surface roughness, compositional variation with depth, etc.) will introduce an error in the calculated relative intensity of the X-ray lines. (2) Inaccuracies in the physics database. These may contribute errors to the relative X-ray intensities, but it is believed that the database is of sufficient accuracy that these are relatively insignificant compared with other sources of error. (3) Numerical and statistical errors in processing the spectrum. The quality of the final fit depends on the fitting procedure and the amount of detail in the mathematical model. The precision of each peak determination also depends on the quality of the statistics in the experimental spectrum. Peaks with few counts will not be fitted so well as intense peaks. (4) Limitations in the model used for the detector response function and absorber transmission. The response of the detector varies with X-ray energy (and also depends on any absorbers used). This can be simulated using a simple physical model of the detector and parameterized expressions for X-ray absorption coefficient. However, for the highest accuracy it is necessary to analyse standard samples and derive a correction factor for each X-ray line of interest. (5) Inaccuracies in determining the charge and detector solid angle. These affect the absolute accuracy but not the relative concentrations. For this reason it is more accurate to use PIXE to determine element ratios rather than absolute values. The charge is difficult to measure accurately since the beam currents involved are generally quite small and also large numbers of secondary electrons are created in the beam impact on the sample, which, if they are not returned to the sample, will give an error in the measurement.

Beam current normalization is often carried out by using PIXE simultaneously with another technique (e.g. Rutherford backscattering (RBS), which also offers the possibility of determining the sample matrix independently). When all these sources of error have been addressed, it should be possible to achieve a relative accuracy of the order of 5–10% and an absolute accuracy of 10–20%. The detection limit depends on the height of the peak relative to the background (which now can mean both the continuum background and also any overlapping X-ray lines or detector artefacts). The detection limit is conventionally defined as 3 times the square root of the area of the background within one standard deviation of the peak centre (converted to concentration using the same factor as for the peak). This depends on all the parameters of the experiment, and Figure 3 shows the theoretical detection limits for trace elements in a carbon matrix. This indicates that values of the order of 0.1–1 ppm may be expected under optimum conditions. RBS (Rutherford backscattering)

Particle backscattering spectrometry, also known as Rutherford backscattering or RBS involves measuring the recoil energy of backscattered particles from the primary beam to obtain analytical information. Ions recoiling from direct elastic collisions with the nuclei of atoms in the sample lose energy according to the mass of the target atom; recoils from heavy nuclei have a higher energy than recoils from light nuclei. If the target atom is not at the surface, energy is also lost during the passage through the sample to and from the reaction site (Figure 4), so measuring the energy distribution of recoiling atoms gives

Figure 3 Minimum detectable limit of trace elements in a carbon matrix as a function of atomic number and proton energy. The calculation assumes a beam charge of 1 µC and curves are presented for K and L lines. Reproduced with permission of Wiley from Johansson SAE, Campbell JL and Malmqvist KG (1995) Particle-Induced X-ray Emission Spectrometry. New York: Wiley.


Figure 4 Typical geometry for Rutherford backscattering. The incident particle loses energy ∆E1 going through the sample to the scattering site, loses energy ∆E (determined by the Rutherford formula) in the collision and loses energy ∆E2 on the recoil path to the detector.

information on the major element composition and depth distribution in the sample. This technique is loosely complementary to PIXE in that the greatest mass resolution occurs for the light elements which are invisible using PIXE. The cross-sections are lower than for PIXE (typically 0.1–10 barn sr–1) therefore the minimum detectable limit is not so low as for PIXE (typically 0.1%), but RBS can be used for determining major element composition and depth profiles. In certain favourable cases (e.g. heavy inclusions embedded in a light matrix) RBS can be used to carry out nondestructive three-dimensional mapping. Used simultaneously with PIXE, RBS provides, in principle, analysis of all elements above He in the periodic table. Interpreting RBS spectra The classical treatment of the scattering of two charged particles yields the following expressions for the recoil energy and for the cross-section:

where E is the recoil energy of a particle of mass m1, charge z and initial energy E0 scattering through a total angle θ from a stationary nucleus of mass m2 and charge Z. The form of these expressions is

shown in Figure 5 for 3 MeV protons and alpha particles recoiling off nuclei up to mass 100. These curves show that the best mass resolution (change in recoil energy with mass) occurs for low masses. At high masses, the difference in recoil energy is too small to identify the mass of the scattering nucleus uniquely. The curves also show that the cross-section increases with mass. Alpha particles give both a higher cross-section and a better mass resolution, and these are normally used for RBS applications. Because of the interplay of mass and depth information in RBS spectra, interpreting the data is not so straightforward as, for example, in PIXE spectroscopy where each peak is uniquely associated with a particular element. At present, RBS spectrum interpretation relies on simulating the spectrum from a proposed model of the sample using a suitable computer program, for example the commonly used program, RUMP. The parameters of the model can then be refined, either manually or using fitting routines, until a good match is obtained to the experimental data. Thus, some insight into the physics of the situation is required in order to decide on a suitable starting point for the modelling procedure. Some of the points to be considered are presented in Figures 6A– E which show simulated RBS spectra. In Figure 6A recoils from a very thin SiO2 film give two narrow peaks, one at higher energy from Si and one at lower energy from O. The relative areas of the peaks are proportional to the ratio of Si to O. In Figure 6B a thicker film of SiO2 gives two broader peaks, as recoils from deeper inside the sample occur at lower energies. The energy width of the peaks increases with increasing sample thickness. In the case of an infinitely thick sample, Figure 6C, the responses from Si and O merge and instead of seeing peaks, the presence of the two elements is seen as steps or edges

Figure 5 Recoil energy (left axis) and scattering cross-section (right axis) for 3 MeV protons (solid line) and alpha particles (dashed line) backscattering from nuclei of different masses. Scattering angle, θ, 150° (i.e. beam to detector angle 30°).


The use of RBS with protons on light nuclei is complicated by nuclear reactions (see below) and the cross-section may be much higher (or lower) depending on the energy and the scattering angle. This is illustrated in Figure 6F, which shows the same simulation as in Figure 6E, but now using true cross-sections rather than the theoretical Rutherford formula. It can be seen that the yield for O is significantly higher than the Rutherford case due to nuclear reactions, and this can be exploited to increase the sensitivity to O. The dip in the spectrum observed at about 1600 keV is due to a nuclear reaction in 16O which reduces the cross-section over a limited energy range. In spite of the relative complexity of interpreting the spectra, RBS with alpha particles is widely used for materials analysis for characterizing thin film structures or depth profiles of impurities or dopants. RBS with protons can be used simultaneously with PIXE to help to determine the bulk matrix composition and also the incident beam charge. Nuclear reaction analysis (NRA)

Figure 6 Simulated RBS spectra using 3 MeV protons scattered at an angle of 150° for the following samples: (A) 0.1 µm film of SiO2, (B) 5 µm film of SiO2, (C) Thick sample of SiO2, (D) 0.01 µm Cu film on SiO2, (E) 2.5 µm Cu film on SiO2. Simulations (A)–(E) carried out using the Rutherford cross-section (Eqn [3]). (F) Simulation of 2.5 µm Cu film on SiO2 (case (E)) using true light element cross-sections for Si and O.

corresponding to the recoil energy of that element at the surface. When a thin Cu film is added to the surface of the SiO2, this is seen as a sharp peak at higher energy (Figure 6D), and if the Cu layer is made thicker (Figure 6E), the Cu peak becomes broader, but also the Si and O edges are shifted to lower energy because of the energy loss in the Cu film.

If the incident ion penetrates the repulsive electrostatic field surrounding the nucleus of a target atom, it is possible for nuclear reactions to take place involving the weak and strong nucleonic forces. This can result in the formation of an excited unstable compound nucleus which may decay by the emission of particles or gamma rays to give a final nucleus which may be different from the original. Nuclear reactions in general have a much lower cross-section than atomic reactions such as PIXE (typically 10– 100 mb sr–1), but they often have resonant behaviour, so that provided the conditions are carefully chosen, NRA may give a useful yield and unique information. The cross-section and the types of reactions observed are strongly dependent on the isotope of the target atom and the beam energy and do not vary in a systematic way with atomic number, as do the yields and X-ray energies in PIXE. Nuclear reactions are often described using the notation A(a,b)B, where A and B are the initial and final states of the target nucleus, a is the projectile ion and b is the emerging reaction product (particle or gamma rays). Nuclear reactions tend to be most important for light nuclei, as the Coulomb repulsion is less for nuclei with low Z. There are three type of nuclear reaction which are of interest for analytical purposes and these are described below. In general, because of the rapid and irregular variation of cross-section with energy, NRA techniques are difficult to quantify and in the majority of cases, quantitative data is obtained by comparison with known standards.


Resonant elastic scattering At certain energies, the yield of RBS analysis may be strongly enhanced (or reduced) by interactions with the target nucleus. One example of this is resonant scattering of protons from 12C, i.e. 12C(p,p)12C. At an energy of 1.76 ± 0.1 MeV, the cross-section for backscattered protons from 12C increases by a factor of 60 relative to the classical Rutherford formula and this can be exploited to improve the sensitivity for carbon. This is shown in the simulations of Figure 7, for a 10 nm thick layer of carbon on a copper substrate. Nuclear reactions resulting in gamma ray emission Most nuclear reactions result in the emission of gamma rays of a well defined characteristic energy and these can be energy-analysed using a suitable detector and used for analysis. This technique is sometimes referred to as particle-induced gamma emission or PIGE. PIGE is useful for fluo-

rine determination, for example, since the reaction 19 F(p, α γ)16O has a particularly high yield, though many other light elements up to Al can also be detected with a reasonable detection limit. Figure 8 shows the gamma ray spectrum of a tourmaline, a mineral rich in light elements such as F, Li and B, bombarded with 3 MeV protons showing the characteristic lines from the light elements in the sample. Nuclear reactions resulting in particle emission Some nuclear reactions result in the emission of a particle (proton or alpha) with an energy higher than the primary beam energy so that they can be detected unambiguously in the detector used for RBS analysis. Relatively few reactions are useful for analytical purposes. One example is 7Li (p,α) 4He, which occurs when Li is bombarded with 2–3 MeV protons. Two alpha particles are emitted which have energies of 7–8 MeV and can be detected with no interference from the spectrum of backscattered protons.

Equipment for ion beam analysis Accelerators

Figure 7 Simulated RBS spectra of a 10 nm layer of C on a Cu substrate using protons of 3 MeV and 1.76 MeV, which correspond to the (p,p) resonance in 12C.

The major component of any nuclear microbeam facility is the particle accelerator. This must generate ions of the species and energy required to carry out the analysis (protons and alpha particles with energies of a few MeV), but the requirement of operating with a focusing system may also impose additional requirements on the energy spread and brightness of the beam.

Figure 8 Gamma ray spectrum from a tourmaline bombarded with 3 MeV protons. Gamma ray lines corresponding to F, Li, B, Na and Al are marked. The unmarked lines are created by background sources within the fabric of the laboratory.


The accelerators most suitable for IBA are the electrostatic type, in which a static voltage equal to the beam energy required is generated, and the particles are accelerated in a single step (or two steps if the ‘tandem’ principle is used). The voltage may be generated either by an electrostatic system such as the popular ‘van de Graaff’ system, or by a voltage multiplier stack, in which an alternating voltage is rectified in such a way as to generate a DC voltage many times greater than the amplitude of the applied voltage. Figure 9 shows schematically the principle of electrostatic accelerators. Historically a nuclear accelerator formed part of a major facility and many IBA installations still compete for beamtime at a nuclear physics accelerator institute. In contrast, modern small accelerators represent a relatively modest investment in capital and support costs and increasingly now, new small accelerators are being purchased specifically for analytical applications. It is notable, for example, that the Louvre Museum in Paris now houses a modern accelerator facility (Accelerateur Grand Louvre pour Analyses Elémentaire – AGLAE) dedicated to the analysis of art objects and archaeological samples. Detectors

The majority of detectors used in IBA are based on the reverse biased semiconductor junction. Ionizing radiation creates electron–hole pairs in the depletion region of the junction which drift under the applied electric field to the electrodes where they create a voltage pulse which is amplified. The material and dimensions of the detector depend on the radiation to be detected, and must be chosen so that the Table 2

incident photon or particle has a high probability of interacting with an atom in the depletion region (Table 2). In order to reduce the noise due to thermal electrons, photon (X-ray and gamma) detectors must be operated with the detector crystal and preamplifier at a low temperature (usually with liquid nitrogen cooling, but newer semiconductor materials such as cadmium zinc telluride can give good performance with Peltier junction cooling devices). For particle detectors, other sources of noise dominate and these can be operated at room temperature.

Applications of nonspatially resolved IBA PIXE and RBS are the major spectroscopic techniques used for materials analysis because of their high yield and relative ease of quantification. In many cases, however, the use of nonspatially resolved, or ‘broad beam’ PIXE has been displaced to some extent by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS), which offers the same advantages of rapid multielemental analysis with the additional advantage of very low detection limits and greater accessibility. However, PIXE still has advantages of speed and ease of sample preparation and is used routinely in a number of applications, especially ambient aerosol filter analysis. Broad beam RBS still has a wide application in characterizing thin films and diffusion profiles of impurities in solids, for example in measuring thickness of metallization layers on silicon or depth profiles following implantation of dopants into semiconductors. The technique may also be combined with channelling, in which the variation of yield as the beam is aligned

Properties of semiconductor detectors used for spectroscopic analysis of charged particles, X-rays and gamma rays

Name (‘common name’)

Silicon surface barrier detector (surface barrier, SSB)

Radiation Physical form

MeV charged particles Thin disk of Si typically 10–30 mm diameter with depletion layer formed beneath an insulating ‘barrier’ on the surface

Must be cooled? Depletion layer thickness Entrance window

No Typically 100 µm None

Energy range

~10 keV to MeV. Upper limit depends on depletion depth

Lithium drifted silicon (Si-Li) X-rays Single crystal Si disk typically 10 mm diameter, 4 mm thick. Li diffused into Si to compensate defects and impurities to ensure efficient charge collection Yes ~4 mm Varies: typically 10 µm Be. Also ultra-thin polymer windows to extend lower energy range ~1 keV–50 keV. Lower limit depends on window; upper limit depends on crystal thickness

High purity germanium (HpGe) Gamma rays High purity single crystal Ge cylinder typically 20 mm diameter, 80 mm long

Yes ~80 mm Thin (~1 mm) Al

~30 keV–10 MeV. Lower limit depends on window and electronic noise; upper limit depends on crystal dimensions


Figure 9 Schematic diagram of (A) single ended accelerator and (B) tandem accelerator. The terminal voltage may be generated either by a moving belt or chain (the van de Graaff or Pelletron principle) or by rectifying a high frequency alternating voltage (the Tandetron). In the single-ended accelerator a positive ion source is mounted in the terminal and the beam energy is equal to the terminal voltage. In the tandem accelerator an external negative ion source injects ions into the accelerator where they are accelerated towards the positive terminal. In the terminal they pass through a region of low pressure gas (the stripper) where collisions with the gas molecules remove some, or all, of the electrons. The resulting positive ion is further accelerated. The final energy is given by V(1+q) where V is the terminal voltage and q is the charge state after stripping. The accelerator assembly is normally enclosed in a pressure vessel containing several atmospheres of an insulating gas such as SF6 to avoid the possibility of electrical discharges.


with one of the major axes of a single crystal sample can be used to obtain information on lattice quality and the localization within the lattice of impurity atoms. A full discussion of channelling is beyond the scope of this article. PIXE (and to a certain extent RBS) are now more commonly used in the spatially-resolved mode. This is because their high yield contributes to the attainment of high spatial resolution.

List of symbols E = energy; Cz = concentration of element; m = particle mass; nT = number of target atoms; N = number of projectile atoms, number of photons; q = terminal charge; Q = total beam charge; V = voltage; Y = number of reaction products; Y(Z,E) = yield of interaction; z = charge; σ = crosssection; ε = detector efficiency; Ω = solid angle. See also: Atomic Absorption, Methods and Instrumentation; Atomic Absorption, Theory; Atomic

Emission, Methods and Instrumentation; Atomic Fluorescence, Methods and Instrumentation; Fluorescence and Emission Spectroscopy, Theory; Geology and Mineralogy, Applications of Atomic Spectroscopy; Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry, Methods; Proton Microprobe (Method and Background); X-Ray Emission Spectroscopy, Applications; X-Ray Emission Spectroscopy, Methods; X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometers; X-Ray Spectroscopy, Theory.

Further reading Breese MBH, Jamieson DN and King PJC (1996) Materials Analysis Using a Nuclear Microprobe. New York: Wiley. Johansson SAE and Campbell JL (1988) PIXE, A Novel Technique for Elemental Analysis. Chichester: Wiley. Johansson SAE, Campbell JL and Malmqvist KG (1995) Particle-Induced X-ray Emission Spectrometry. New York: Wiley. Watt F and Grime GW (1987) Principles and Applications of High Energy Ion Microbeams. Bristol: Hilger.

High Pressure Studies Using NMR Spectroscopy Jiri Jonas, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction The use of pressure as an experimental variable in NMR studies of chemical and biochemical systems leads to added complexity in instrumentation but the unique information gained from the combination of high pressure and NMR techniques justifies fully its use. There are several fundamental reasons for carrying out NMR experiments at high pressures. First, to separate the effects of density and temperature on various dynamic processes, one has to perform the measurements as a function of pressure. Second, for liquids the use of pressure enables one to extend the measurement range well above the normal boiling point and thus to study supercritical fluids. Third, as noncovalent interactions play a primary role in stabilization of biochemical systems, the use of pressure allows one to change, in a controlled way, the intermolecular interactions without the major perturbations produced by


changes in temperature and/or chemical composition. Fourth, pressure affects chemical equilibria and reaction rates. The following standard equations define the reaction volume, ∆V and the activation volume, ∆V‡:

where K is the equilibrium constant, and k is the reaction rate. With the knowledge of ∆V‡ values one can draw conclusions about the nature of reaction and its mechanism. Fifth, the phase behaviour and dynamics of molecular solids and model membranes can be explored more completely by carrying out high pressure experiments. Sixth, the combination of advanced 2D, and 3D NMR techniques with high pressure capability represents a powerful new experimental tool in studies of protein folding.


The usual range of pressures used to investigate chemical and biochemical systems is from 0.1 MPa to 1 GPa (0.1 MPa = 1 bar; 1 GPa = 10 kbar); such pressures only change intermolecular distances and affect conformations but do not change covalent bond distances or bond angles.

Pressure effects on NMR spectra This heading is related to the fact that the effects of pressure and/or density on chemical shifts and spin– spin-coupling in molecular systems are relatively small and difficult to interpret. In contrast, most of the high pressure NMR studies of chemical or biochemical systems deal with pressure or density effects on dynamical behaviour of the readily compressible gases, molecular liquids and aqueous solution of biomolecules. Increasing pressure changes both the density and shear viscosity of the liquids which in turn changes the relaxation times and chemical exchange. The majority of NMR studies deal with liquids of low viscosity for which T1 = T2 and the condition of extreme motional narrowing applies. In the case of rotational motions of a spherical top molecule the following expression can be used to calculate the rotational correlation time, τR, from proton relaxation times

where γ is the gyromagnetic ratio for hydrogen and rij is the distance between protons. However, for proton-containing molecules one has to separate the intramolecular and intermolecular contributions to the observed proton relaxation times. In the case of nuclei with spin I > the relaxation studies provide direct information about rotational motions because the electric quadrupole interactions provide the dominant relaxation mechanisms. For nuclei with spin I = 1 (e.g. 2H, 14N) the relaxation rate due to the quadrupolar interaction is given by the well-known expression

where χ is the asymmetry parameter, e2qQ/ is 2π times the quadrupole coupling constant in hertz, and τR is the rotational correlation time. It is well established that the rotational correlation time, τR, for the isotopic rotation of a spherical top

molecule can be expressed in terms of the macroscopic viscosity, η, using the Debye equation

where η is the viscosity, a is the radius of the molecule and the other symbols have their usual meaning. In the case of the intermolecular contribution to relaxation times of proton-containing molecules and for the effect of pressure on self-diffusion one can use the Stokes–Einstein expression, which relates the shear viscosity, η, to the self-diffusion coefficient D:

where all symbols have their usual meaning. For non-hydrogen bonded liquids the increase of pressure slows down both rotational and translational motions with the result that for low viscosity liquids one shortens the spin–lattice relaxation times and decreases the diffusion. The slowing down of exchange owing to increased pressure in chemically exchanging systems also leads to changes in the NMR spectra. As discussed elsewhere in this encyclopedia, high resolution NMR spectroscopy is widely used to study chemical exchange processes. As an example of the effect of pressure on chemical exchange Figure 1 shows the pressure dependence of hindered rotation about the C–N amide bond in N,N-dimethyltrichloracetamide (DMTCA). From the observed line shapes it is straightforward to calculate the observed reaction rate and from its pressure dependence one can calculate the volume of activation ∆V‡. In the case of DMTCA the experimental rotation rate, k, decreases with increasing pressure and the correlation of the rates with measured viscosity (shear viscosity, η) shows that the hindered rotation in DMTCA falls in the strongly coupled diffusive regime. There is yet another important origin of observed pressure changes in the NMR spectra of biomolecules in aqueous solutions. NMR studies of protein denaturation using temperature or chemical means are well established but pressure also leads to reversible denaturation as discussed in more detail in the section on applications. In the case of model membranes the use of pressure leads to very rich barotropic behaviour and high pressure NMR techniques can establish pressure–temperature phase diagrams for the membrane system studied.


High pressure NMR instrumentation

Figure 1 Pressure effects on the line shape of the N-methyl proton NMR spectrum of DMTCA in pentane at 282.3 K. The dotted lines denote the experimental line shapes, and the full lines denote the calculated line shapes.

In addition to gases and liquids the NMR spectra of molecular solids exhibit sensitivity to pressure. The relaxation behaviour is changed and, in addition, pressure also leads to changes in phase-transition temperatures. The effect of pressure on the phase-transition temperature can be evaluated using the Clausius– Clapeyron equation:

Since high resolution NMR spectroscopy represents a spectroscopic technique of major importance for chemistry and biochemistry the overview of high pressure NMR instrumentation focuses on high resolution, high pressure NMR techniques. Thanks to advances in superconducting magnet technology one can achieve a high hom*ogeneity of the magnetic field over the sample volume even without sample spinning and, therefore, it is possible to construct high resolution NMR probes for work at high pressures. The high resolution, high pressure NMR equipment consists of three main parts: (a) pressure generating and pressure measuring systems; (b) nonmagnetic high pressure vessel; and (c) a NMR probe that includes a sample cell. All components necessary for building a high pressure setup, such as hand pumps, high pressure tubing, and valve intensifiers are currently available from commercial sources. Figure 2 shows a schematic drawing of a high pressure generating system capable of producing a hydrostatic pressure up to 1 GPa. In addition to high pressure NMR instrumentation based on a high pressure vessel made from non-magnetic metallic alloy, one can also obtain high resolution NMR spectra using glass capillaries or special sample cells made from sapphire. Table 1, which gives characteristic performance features of high pressure NMR probes, also includes information on the diamond anvil cell (DAV) which is suitable for broad-line work up to pressures of 8 GPa. However, the extremely small sample size makes DAV probes difficult to operate and relatively insensitive. A schematic drawing of a high pressure NMR vessel, and a sample cell used for high resolution NMR experiments at pressures up to 950 MPa, is shown in Figure 3. It is important to note that even at pressures of 1 GPa and sample diameter of 8 mm one can achieve a resolution of 3 × 10–9. The natural abundance 13C NMR spectrum of 2-ethylhexylcyclohexanecarboxylate recorded at 80°C and 500 MPa as shown in Figure 4 serves as an illustrative example of the high quality NMR spectra which can be routinely obtained at high pressures.

Applications of high pressure NMR spectroscopy where T is the transition temperature, P is the pressure, ∆V is the molar volume change and ∆H is the change in molar enthalpy.

Dynamic structure of liquids

Theoretical and experimental evidence indicate that many physical properties of liquids may be


Figure 2

Table 1

a b c

Schematic diagram of the high pressure generating equipment.

Characteristic performance features of high pressure NMR probes

Probe type

Pressure range (MPa)

Temperature range (K)

Sample diameter (mm)

Resolution (× 10 –9)

Capillary cell




Sapphire cell




HP vessel





a a 253–373 200–300

3 c

∆V‡(D). This experimental finding


Figure 3

Schematic drawing of a high pressure NMR probe and sample cell.

reflects the difference in frictional torques connected with the reorientation about the individual molecular axis, or more generally stated, reflects the symmetry of intermolecular potentials. The low ∆V‡(D) value indicates that the intermolecular potential energy is largely independent of the angle of orientation about the main symmetry axis and thus the rotational frictional coefficient is very small.

Supercritical fluids

Figure 4 High resolution natural abundance 13C NMR spectrum of liquid 2-ethylhexylcyclohexanecarboxylate at 80ºC and 500 MPa.

NMR techniques can be used to study supercritical fluids as the employed pressures range from 0.1 to 80 MPa. The reason for renewed interest in the properties of supercritical fluids can be traced to the great promise of supercritical fluid extraction techniques. High pressure NMR spectroscopy can not only be used to investigate transport and intermolecular interactions in compressed supercritical


Figure 5 Temperature dependence of self-diffusion in liquid tetramethylsilane (TMS) at (䊊) constant pressure and (∆) constant density.

fluids but an in situ NMR technique has also been developed for the determination of the solubility of solids in supercritical fluids. The basic idea behind the determination of the solubility of solids in supercritical fluids is based on the radically different spin–spin relaxation rate between T2, dissolved and solid material (T2, solid dissolved). Using the 90º–t–180º spin echo sequence with a pulse separation of t > 1 for the β-phase rotation. Then the expressions for the relaxation times are as follows:

where Cαω0 = 8.91 × 109 radian2 s–2 and 2Cβ/ω0 = 2.07 × 10–7. Assuming that rotational motion is a thermally activated process and that the second moments are independent of temperature and pressure within our experimental range, one can obtain the activation volume ∆V‡(T) at constant temperature from the pressure dependence of ln(T1):

and the activation enthaply, ∆H‡(P), at constant pressure: second moments (M2) where ω0 is the Larmor frequency (Eqn [1]). The constant C is proportional to the proton second moment expressed in angular

Figure 8 Pressure dependence of the proton spin–lattice relaxation times, T1, of solid adamantane in its two phases at different temperatures. The open symbols denote values obtained in the compression run whereas the filled symbols give values for the decompression run.


Figure 9 Normalized spin-echo amplitude as a function of time in polyethylene at 400 MPa and temperatures of 217 to 223°C.

where Equations [3] and [4] have a plus sign when ω0τ >> 1, and a minus sign when ω0τ νmax. The optimum sampling interval guarantees there is no aliasing in the spectrum. Collimated beam and extended source in Michelson interferometer

A practical Michelson interferometer (Figure 6) has an extended source, as shown in Figure 7, and a collimator mirror. The parabolic collimator mirror may be off-axis, as in Figure 6, or on-axis, as in Figure 7. When a denotes the area of the source, A the area of the collimator mirror, f the focal length


Figure 7 Extended IR radiation source S0 at the focal point of the parabolic collimator mirror M.

given by

Figure 6 Optical layout of a practical Michelson interferometer. S0 is a black-body source and D an IR detector; M3 and M4 are parabolic off-axis mirrors. M3 and M4 may also be normal parabolic mirrors as in Figure 7.

of the collimator, Ω0 = A/f 2 the solid angle of the collimator, and Ω = a/f 2 the solid angle of the source, then the signal is proportional to

On the other hand, the optical path difference is now x cos α ≈ x[1 – Ω ′/(2π)], where x = 2nd and the angle α between the optical axis and the beam varies from 0 to θ, which is the maximum of α, while Ω ′ is changing from 0 to Ω. Thus the total interferogram is

In the case of a point source,

and thus the total instrumental function can be

This has to be used in Equation [10] instead of W (ν). As one can see, the instrumental line shape function [i.e. the observed line shape if E(ν) = δ(ν + νo) + δ(ν – ν0)] is given by

This situation is illustrated in Figure 8 with three different Ω values. The optimum situation is the case where the aperture broadening WΩ(ν0,ν) and the truncation broadening 2Lsinc(2πνL) have approximately equal widths, i.e.

In Figure 8 the optimum situation is roughly in the second row. Furthermore, it can be seen that the position of the line at ν0 is given by νobs = [1 – Ω/4π]ν0 = constant × ν0. Now, according to Equation [12], the signal is proportional to aA/f 2 = ΩA, and for a given resolution, when Ω is fixed, the only parameter which has an effect on the signal, is the area A of the collimator mirror. The area a of the radiation source and the focal length f of the collimator mirror can be selected freely provided that a/f 2 = Ω. A similar effect can occur due to the area of the detector. As mentioned earlier, the instrumental profile plays an important role in describing the behaviour of the


Figure 8 Total instrumental line shape function WL,Ω (ν) with three different Ω-values.

spectrometer. Especially in high-resolution gas-phase spectroscopy, where the instrumental profile WL,Ω and the real (Lorentzian) line shape have approximately equal widths, the convolution by instrumental profile changes substantially the real line shape.

case where the moving cube-corner does not follow the optical axis of the interferometer. The lower the resolution the more serious this disadvantage is. A cube-corner interferometer is improved if two cube-corners are set to move back to back. Two cubecorners fixed back to back as a single moving part completely eliminates the tilting and the lateral shifts, if the cube-corners are perfect (90° × 90° × 90°), and the corners coincide exactly. Even further improvements are emerging at the University of Turku, Finland, namely a super high-resolution interferometer with a resolution of 4 × 10–4 cm–1 which has the moving cube-corner pair back-to-back and the beam focus at the beamsplitter (see Figure 9). This type of interferometer is almost ideal for very high resolution IR spectrometry. An alternative interferometer to the cube-corner is the cat’s-eye interferometer, where the cube-corners are replaced by cat’s-eye retroreflectors. These are components that consist of one parabolic and one spherical mirror, and reflect an incident ray back in the opposite direction. Cat’s-eye interferometers are also used in high-resolution spectroscopy.

Instrumental details of FT-IR spectrometers

Other FT interferometers

Radiation source

The most difficult disadvantage of the Michelson interferometer is tilting of the moving plane mirror during scan. It is well known that the tilting angle of the moving mirror should be less than about λ/(8D), where λ is the wavelength of the light under study and D is the diameter of the moving mirror. Thus the driving of the mirror is very difficult with high-resolution FT-IR spectrometers. One way to solve this problem is by using a dynamic alignment system, which measures the tilting angle and tries to keep it at zero during the run. However, as the resolution increases, the probability of malfunction of the dynamic alignment system during a very long run increases. Another solution is to use cube-corner mirrors, which consist of three mutually orthogonal plane mirrors. The mirror system reflects any incident ray back in the opposite direction. The first very high resolution cube-corner interferometer that really worked was the Oulu interferometer in Finland. The Oulu interferometer is basically a Michelson interferometer, where the moving and the fixed mirror are cubecorners. If the corners are perfect, the tilt problem completely disappears. The only disadvantage of this type of interferometer is a shearing problem, i.e. the lateral shift of the moving cube-corner. This is the

Black-body radiators are used as broad band radiation sources in IR spectrometers. The only adjustable parameter of the source is the temperature; the higher the temperature, the higher the intensity. Typical temperatures are 1000–1800 K. The most commonly used sources in mid-IR are Globars (silicon carbide), Nernst glowers and nichrome coils. In the far-IR below 100 cm–1 a high-pressure mercury lamp is quite good. Nowadays, ceramic sources have become more popular. The radiation sources may need a cooling system, like water cooling. Beamsplitter

The beamsplitter is one of the most expensive and sensitive components of an interferometer, and must be chosen carefully. A pellicle beamsplitter is a high tensile strength elastic membrane, which is stretched like a drumhead over a flat frame. The membrane has a high refractive index and its absorption is negligible. The most common membrane material is Mylar. An ideal beamsplitter divides the incoming intensity into two equal parts. This is, however, achieved only in a definite wavenumber region, due to the interference


Figure 9

Layout of the Turku high-resolution interferometer.

phenomenon in a thin film. A Mylar beamsplitter works with wavenumbers less than 1000 cm−1. In the near-IR region a beam-splitting film should be very thin. In this case it is necessary to use a lowabsorption dielectric coating, which is deposited on a suitable substrate plate. A thin Ge layer deposited on a KBr substrate, with a KBr compensating plate, is a good beamsplitter in the wavenumber region 1000– 4000 cm−1. Optics

With the help of optical components the IR radiation is carried from the source through the whole spectrometer and finally to the detector. Mostly the needed accuracy is so-called geometrical accuracy. This means that the beam has to be guided to the appropriate places to within 0.1–1 mm. However, higher accuracy is needed in order to measure the wavelength of radiation in the interferometer. It is said that there is a need for interferometric accuracy, i.e., everything should be correct within a small fraction of wavelength, say 0.01–0.1 µm. In IR spectroscopy there are only a few materials transparent enough; this means that lens optics is not usually used. Instead, the use of mirror optics is preferred and the transmission of any material is avoided. However, in certain circ*mstances, for convenience sake, attempts are made to use some materials, e.g. polyethylene and KBr lenses. Thus the weakest points in IR optics are, besides the beamsplitter, only the windows of the gas cell. Mirrors are often manufactured from Pyrex glass coated with metal. Gold coating has a good reflection coefficient especially in far-IR and aluminium is also quite good over the whole IR region. In IR spectrometers, plane mirrors, spherical mirrors, paraboloidal mirrors, offaxis paraboloidal mirrors, ellipsoidal mirrors, toroidal and off-axis ellipsoidal mirrors are used. In planning IR instruments one must bear in mind that a

perfect imaging takes place only in plane mirrors. All others have some kind of aberration, like spherical aberration. These aberrations limit the performance of instruments. However, there are some special imaging situations where perfect imaging is possible, for example, a spherical mirror images perfectly only on the optical axis from the centre of curvature back to the centre of curvature. A paraboloidal mirror images from infinity to the focal point on the optical axis and the off-axis paraboloid images from infinity to the focal point, which is out of the optical axis. An ellipsoidal mirror images from one focus to another. Hence these mirrors should preferably be used, so that conditions are as near perfect as possible. This also minimizes aberrations. In IR spectroscopy it is very important that as much radiation power as possible is transmitted from the source through the whole optics to the detector. Gas cell

The most common sample compartment in high-resolution FT-IR spectrometers is the White cell, where the beam passes a path of 1–1000 m. In a long-path gas cell, however, a small f/number (focal length of the mirror/diameter of the pupil) and a large size of the circular image may lead to a loss of effectivity. In the Oulu interferometer this problem was solved by an alternative multiple-path gas cell, where the images at the focal planes occur on a circle around the principal axis of the cell. The aberrations remain small in spite of a small f/number, because the successive images are relatively near to the principal axis of the optics. Detectors

The detector of the FT-IR spectrometer is very important, because it determines the maximum possible signal-to-noise ratio (S/N; where S = signal and N = noise) and the minimum recording time of the


spectrum. IR detectors can be divided into two categories: thermal detectors and quantum detectors. Thermal detectors sense the change of temperature of a detector material due to absorption of the IR radiation. The output signal is generated in the form of a thermal electromotive force (e.g. thermocouples), the change in resistance of a conductor (bolometers) or semiconductor (thermistor bolometers), or the change in pressure of a noble gas (pneumatic detectors). Thermal detectors respond to radiation over a wide range of wavenumbers, but they are usually slow with a time constant typically from 0.001 to 0.1 s. In pyroelectric bolometers, a heat-sensing ferroelectric material changes the degree of polarization when the temperature changes due to absorption. The voltage responsivity of a pyroelectric detector at frequency f is roughly proportional to 1/f. The most commonly used material for the pyroelectric detector is deuterated triglycine sulfate. In quantum detectors, IR radiation causes electrons to be excited to a higher energy level. In an ntype semiconductor, electrons in the valence band are unable to increase the conductivity. If IR radiation excites the electrons to the conduction band, they can act as current carriers. For good sensitivity, it is necessary to cool the detector. For certain detectors, such as PbS and PbSe, it may be sufficient to use a thermoelectric cooler to maintain their temperature just below ambient. Mercury cadmium telluride detectors must usually be maintained at liquid-nitrogen temperature (77 K), whereas others may require cooling to the temperature of liquid helium (4.2 K).

Figure 10

In the far-IR, where photon energies are very low, quantum detectors cannot be used at all. Two types of thermal detectors, each operating at liquid-helium temperatures, have been used. The first one is the germanium bolometer, often doped with a low level of copper, gallium or antimony. For increased responsivity, these detectors are cooled down to 1.5 K by pumping the detector cryostat. The second type is the InSb hot-electron detector. The sensitivity of IR detectors is expressed by the noise equivalent power (NEP) of the detector. This NEP is the ratio of the root mean square (rms) noise voltage Vrms in the detector to the voltage responsivity, i.e. NEP = Vrms /R. If Vrms is in units of V Hz–1/2 and R in units of V/W, then NEP is in units W Hz–1/2. Usually the manufacturer gives a specific detectivity D* as a function of wavelength or wavenumber. It is defined as D* = /NEP, where AD is the area of the detector. Some typical D*-curves are shown in Figure 10. Electronics

Nowadays, IR spectrometers are usually computer controlled. Thus the main component of the electronics is a microprocessor, which controls all the operations of the spectrometer, collects the data, and computes, saves, displays and plots final spectra. The computer is very important to perform any kind of data treatment needed in IR spectroscopy. The other electronic parts of FT-IR spectrometers are a preamplifier and a main amplifier of the IR detector, an

D * curves for the most used IR detectors (Hamamatsu Photonics K. K., Solid State Division, 1990).


analogue-to-digital converter (AD converter), a set of bandpass electronic filters and power supplies. It is important that the numbers of bits and data rate of the AD converter are high enough.

Table 1 Optimum K-values as a function of the signal-tonoise ratio (S/N) are listed for sinc- and sinc2-type instrumental functions



Sinc 2



Advantages of FT-IR spectrometers






Jacquinot advantage (throughput advantage)





















1 000



In an interferometer the total radiation power on the detector is much higher than that in a grating instrument. In practice, the FT-IR spectrometer has an approximately 200 times larger S/N than the grating spectrometer with the same resolution and recording time. The reason is that at the optimum resolution the area of the circular aperture (the Jacquinot stop) in the FT-IR spectrometer is 200 times larger than the slit in the grating spectrometer. Fellgett advantage (multiplex advantage)

In FT-IR spectrometers all the wavenumbers ν are recorded simultaneously. Let us assume that the wavenumber region under study consists of M resolution elements, i.e. ν2 – ν1 = M∆ν. If the noise of a detector and an amplifier is greater than the noise of a radiation source, then the S/N is proportional to the square root of the total observation time T, i.e. S/N ∝ T. In fact S ∝ T and N ∝ T. In FT-IR spectrometers one observes all the times T, all the M spectral elements, and thus (S/N)FT = aT; in grating spectrometers the observation time of each spectral element is only T/M, and (S/N)G = a , where in both equations a denotes the same constant. And finally (S/N)FT/(S/N)G = M, which is the Fellgett multiplex advantage. The Jacquinot advantage and the Fellgett advantage together give (S/N)FT/(S/N)G ≈ 200M in IR. Other advantages

It is useful to define a K-factor as K = ∆νtrue/∆ν, where ∆ν is the FWHH of the instrument function WΩ,L(ν0, ν) and ∆νtrue is the FWHH of the true line shape. The optimum instrumental resolution ∆ν0 = ∆νtrue/K0 ≈ 1.21/(2L0) is the case where the maximum distortion of observed lines is roughly equal to the noise of the spectrum and the optimum K-value is given by K0 = 2ln[(S/N)0]/(1.21π) ≈ log10[(S/N)0]. The greatest difference between FT and grating instruments is the instrumental profiles 2Lsinc(2πνL) (in FT) and L′sinc2 (πνL′) (in grating). Table 1 shows the optimum K-values, i.e., K0, as a function of (S/N), when the instrumental profile is sinc and sinc2 shape. Table 1 shows that, for

3.59 7.19


2 000



4 000


1 437

6 000


2 156

8 000


2 874

10 000


3 593

example, with (S/N) = 1000, the optimum value K0 for grating spectrometers is 100 times higher than that for FT-IR spectrometers. In other words, a 100 times higher resolution is needed in the case of the grating spectrometer. This is usually impossible in practice. Now, it can be concluded that the optimum instrumental resolution of the FT-IR spectrometer is the lowest possible one or the FT-IR spectrometer measures a spectrum with the smallest possible distortions of observed lines. This is the resolution advantage of FT-IR spectrometers. The fact that νobs = constant × νtrue is the linearity advantage of FT-IR spectrometers. It is roughly valid even though the interferometer does not work correctly, for example, in the case of phase errors in the interferogram. Furthermore, no ghost lines exist in the spectrum. However, in the grating spectra ghost lines are possible in the case of malfunction of the instrument.

Use of FT-IR spectrometers Performance

The instrumental resolution of high-resolution FT-IR spectrometers is, in practice, of the order of 0.001 cm−1. In addition to high resolution, a good absolute accuracy of the line positions in the spectrum is maintained. A wavenumber accuracy of 10−9, or even better, has been achieved. The main field of use of high-resolution FT-IR spectrometers is molecular spectroscopy. The


spectrometers are used to study the geometric structures of molecules and their behaviour in rotations and vibrations. IR spectra are effective in revealing quantum mechanical phenomena and interactions in molecules. An example of a typical rotation–vibration band, measured with a high-resolution FT-IR spectrometer, is shown in Figure 11. It is the bending band ν2 of CO2 near 667 cm−1. This spectrum was recorded by the Oulu spectrometer with an instrumental resolution of 0.002 cm−1. The relative errors of the wavenumber compared to model equations are of the order of 10−8. The vibration energy levels of different normal modes are sometimes very close to each other. In this case these normal modes can be coupled so that the energy levels are shifted apart. Now the observed wavenumber νobs cannot be expressed in a closed form and the rotational lines of the spectrum are shifted. With the proper quantum

mechanical calculations it is possible to calculate the shifts. The high resolution and accuracy in wavenumber scale make an FT-IR spectrometer a very effective instrument to study these kinds of interactions in molecular spectra. Calibration

In principle, the calibration of FT-IR spectrometers is performed with regard to intensity and wavenumber. However, the intensity calibration is not usually necessary because the absorbance scale is used, –ln(I/I0), where the ratio I/I0 automatically accomplishes the intensity calibration. The most important task in calibration is the wavenumber calibration. Usually the calibration takes place by simultaneous measurement of the known IR spectrum. For example, the user simply adds reference gas (known spectrum) into the sample gas under measurement. Using the known

Figure 11 A part of the ν2 bending band of CO2 near 667 cm–1 measured by the Oulu FT-IR spectrometer with a resolution of 0.0045 cm−1 (A) and 0.002 cm−1 (B). In (B), ∇ indicates 12C16O2, ▼ indicates 13C16O2 and ◊ indicates 16O12C18O.


spectral lines of the reference gas it is possible to fix the wavenumber scale with the uncertainty, which is roughly the uncertainty of the reference spectral lines. The linearity advantage of FT-IR spectrometers makes it possible to reach a perfectly linear wavenumber scale. This is why only one reference line is needed, i.e. the reference laser line, to measure the optical path difference of the interferometer. The situation is completely different in grating, prism and laser spectrometers, where the wavenumber scale is more or less nonlinear with respect to the scanning parameter, like the rotation of grating or prism. Therefore in these spectrometers it is important to use many reference lines measured simultaneously with the sample spectrum in order to achieve a good wavenumber scale. Data handling and computation

Nowadays, all modern IR spectrometers are equipped with a (micro) computer. Of course, the computer calculates absorbance –ln(I/I0), displays the spectrum on the screen or plots the spectrum on paper, saves the spectra on disk, and so on. Modern FT-IR spectrometers are able to record very accurate spectra, where S/N is high and dν/ν is very small, typically S/N ≈ 105 and dν/ν ≈ 10−9. Also absorbance accuracy is quite high in FT-IR spectrometers. The spectra with high accuracy and high S/N include plenty of spectral information. Often spectral information is not in a proper form in the original recorded spectra. In order to derive all the possible information from high-quality IR spectra, good data-treatment algorithms are needed. If the spectrum consists of overlapping lines, resolution enhancement methods, like derivation, Fourier selfdeconvolution, linear prediction (or LOMEP, lineshape optimized maximum entropy linear prediction) or band fitting and factor analysis, are very useful. Other possible data treatment methods, which the users may need, are, for example, smoothing, background elimination, interference fringe pattern elimination, peak-finding algorithm, maximum-entropy method, deconvolution and multicomponent analysis methods. In modern IR spectrometers good data treatment algorithms greatly increase the usefulness of IR spectroscopy in many applications.

Laser spectrometers Laser spectrometers are not very useful in IR; they have more applications in the visible region, for example, LIDAR (light detection and ranging). The reason for this is the lack of good, cheap commercial

lasers for IR. Wavenumber regions, due to tuning methods, are quite narrow, and the wavenumber calibration is a problem because of the lack of good calibration lines. In some cases it is also difficult to maintain a single-mode operation of the laser. The advantages of the laser spectrometer are a very high resolution, even sub-Doppler resolution, and a good S/N of the spectra. There are two main techniques when using lasers as IR spectrometers. The first method is simply to tune the laser wavelength over a narrow wavelength region and simultaneously detect the laser signal I(ν) transmitted through the gas cell. The second possibility is to tune the wavelength of the absorption lines by applying the magnetic (Zeeman effect) or electric (Stark effect) field to the sample gas. When the wavelength of the tuned spectral lines matches the laser wavelength, absorption takes place. Thus absorption spectra are recorded as a function of the magnetic or electric field magnitude (strength). A diode laser spectrometer is described as a typical example of this kind of spectrometer. A simple p–n junction laser is run by applying the forward bias voltage across the junction. The parallel polished crystal faces perpendicular to the junction form the mirrors acting as a laser resonator. The coherent radiation emits at the wavenumber νk = k/(2nL), where k is an integer, n is the refractive index and L is the length of the resonator. The wavenumbers νk are called the longitudinal modes of the laser. The number of modes is typically from three to ten. Operation in IR needs the cooling of the diode laser. Tuning can be accomplished by changing the term nL, which depends on the temperature. Temperature can be fine-controlled by changing current through the junction. It is possible to tune typically 200 cm−1 by changing the temperature and about 2 cm−1 by changing the current. Thus a spectrum has to be run in parts of 1–2 cm−1 by current tuning at a constant temperature. The temperatures of the parts are selected so that the parts together form a continuous spectrum over a desired region. Running the diode laser is very troublesome, because current tuning is needed at very many different temperatures, which makes calibration, for example, very difficult. In addition, a single-mode operation of the diode laser is needed, in other words, the integer k must be a constant. This can be performed by scanning a grating monochromator simultaneously with the laser tuning. The grating spectrometer follows the wavenumber νk = k/(2nL) of the mode. The change in wavenumber during tuning is measured by recording the interference fringes of a long Fabry–Perot etalon. The absolute value of the wavenumber in each part has to be fixed by calibration lines. In


many applications the diode laser spectrometer solely is not sufficient. However, it is a very good instrument for looking at details over a wide region spectrum recorded by a FT-IR spectrometer. Thus the laser spectrometer is a supplementary instrument to the FT-IR spectrometer.

List of symbols a = source area; A = collimator mirror area; AD = detector area; c0 = velocity of light in a vacuum; C = concentration; d = distance; D = mirror diameter; D* = specific detectivity; E″ and E′ = lower and higher energy levels; E = spectrum; f = focal length, or frequency; F = interference record; F { } = Fourier transform; F −1{ } = inverse Fourier transform; h = Planck’s constant; i = –1; I = radiation intensity; k = an integer; K = resolution enhancement factor; L = maximum optical path difference; M = number of resolution elements; n = refractive index; N = noise; S = signal; (S/N)FT = signal-to-noise-ratio of a FT-IR spectrometer; (S/N)G = signal-to-noise-ratio of a grating spectrometer; S0 = radiation source; T = observation time; Vrms = root-mean-square voltage; W = instrumental function; α = angle between optical axis and beam; α(ν) = absorption coefficient; β(ν) = absorptivity; δ = Dirac’s delta function; λ = wavelength; ν = radiation wavenumber; Ω = solid angle.

See also: Fourier Transformation and Sampling Theory; FT-Raman Spectroscopy, Applications; Gas Phase Applications of NMR Spectroscopy; High Resolution IR Spectroscopy (Gas Phase), Applications; Hydrogen Bonding and Other Physicochemical Interactions Studied By IR and Raman Spectroscopy; Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS); Laser Spectroscopy Theory; Light Sources and Optics; Vibrational, Rotational and Raman Spectroscopy, Historical Perspective.

Further reading Bell RJ (1972) Introductory Fourier Transform Spectroscopy. New York: Academic Press. Bracewell R (1965) The Fourier Transform and its Applications. New York: McGraw-Hill. Brigham EO (1974) The Fast Fourier Transform. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall. Chamberlain J (1979) The Principles of Interferometric Spectroscopy. Chichester, UK: John Wiley. Griffiths PR and de Haseth JA (1986) Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry. New York: John Wiley. Herzberg G (1945) Infrared and Raman Spectra of Polyatomic Molecules. New York: Van Nostrand. Mackenzie MW (ed) (1998) Advances in Applied Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy. New York: John Wiley. Marshall AG and Verdun FR (1990) Fourier Transforms in NMR, Optical, and Mass Spectrometry, A Users Handbook. New York: Elsevier.

High Resolution IR Spectroscopy (Gas Phase), Applications E Canè and A Trombetti, Università di Bologna, Italy Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

The IR region of the electromagnetic spectrum extends from the visible (λ≅800 nm, ≅ 12 500 cm–1) to the sub-mm waves (λ < 1 mm; > 10 cm–1) and the IR photon carries an energy in the 2.48 × 10−21 – 1.99 × 10−24 J range. This is also the energy exchanged by an atom or a molecule when IR radiation is emitted or absorbed. The interaction of the IR radiation with particles corresponds to transitions between rotation–vibration energy levels in molecules or between Ryberg levels in atoms.

VIBRATIONAL, ROTATIONAL & RAMAN SPECTROSCOPIES Applications High-resolution IR spectroscopy is confined to the study of atoms and molecules in the gas phase at low pressures, where the interaction energy between particles is orders of magnitude lower than in the condensed phases. The intermolecular interactions broaden the energy levels, and, consequently, the spectral lines, preventing the observation of finer details in the spectra. In the IR region the width of the spectral lines in the gas phase is caused mainly by the Doppler effect and by the broadening due to


collisions. The concept of high resolution in IR spectroscopy has changed with the introduction of new experimental techniques such as FTspectroscopy and laser techniques. Presently, an instrumental resolution of 2 × 10−3 cm−1 (measured as FWHM) or higher is achievable with commercial FT interferometers in the 10–4000 cm−1 range: this is comparable to the Doppler line width for a molecule with a mass of 50u at room temperature, calculated using the equation:

where kB is the Boltzmann constant, m is the particle mass, T is the absolute temperature and c is the speed of light. Thus the Doppler width can be assumed as the limit of high-resolution FTIR spectrometers that use a broadband radiation source of low spectral brightness. With the introduction of lasers in the infrared, sub-Doppler resolution can be obtained using the saturation lamb-dip or other specialized techniques. Sub-Doppler resolution can also be performed with molecular beams or in supersonic jet expansions, where molecules are rotationally and vibrationally cooled to a few K. Moreover, the enhancement of sensitivity of the new experimental techniques has made possible the detection and analysis of many unstable or transient species such as van der Waals complexes, free radicals and ions. The main applications covered in this study are the accurate determination of rotation and rotation– vibration molecular energies; the determination of the molecular geometry of simple molecules; the evaluation of force field and of the vibration– and rotation–vibration interactions; the measurement of pressure broadening and pressure shift of the spectral lines; the determination of electric dipole moments via laser-Stark spectroscopy; the studies of intramolecular dynamics; the calculation of rate constants, equilibrium constants and other thermodynamic data; the evaluation of relaxation times.

Rotational and rovibrational energies The results of the analysis of a high-resolution IR spectrum of a molecule is usually a large and accurate set of molecular constants. With these constants, rotational and rovibrational energy levels can be calculated within the range of the quantum numbers of the transitions from which they have been obtained. This is the primary application of high-resolution gas phase spectra in the IR region. The results of the analysis of the 1, 2 2 and 2 3 + 6 IR bands of COF2

are presented as an example in Table 1. The wavenumbers of about 3200 spectral lines have been measured and assigned to specific rovibrational transitions, identified through the rotational quantum numbers of the lower and upper states of the transition. After the assignments a least-squares analysis was performed, where the parameters of Table 1 and their standard deviations were determined. The most important molecular constants are 0, the energy of the vibrational levels above the rotationless ground state and the rotational constants Bx, By and Bz. The centrifugal distortion constants, D and d, H and h, are orders of magnitude smaller than B and account for the deviations from the rigid rotor energy levels. The constants W are necessary to reproduce the measured spectrum since the 1 and 2 2 states are in Fermi resonance. The constants ξ take into account the Coriolis interaction between the 1 and 2 3 + 6. For the latter state no transitions have been observed and its constants have been obtained from the perturbation induced on the levels of 1. The RMS in Table 1 is the standard deviation normalized to a single rovibrational transition of the calculated and measured spectrum. This quantity should be very close to the precision of the wavenumber measurement if the theoretical model used for the analysis is satisfactory.

Determination of molecular geometry Accurate molecular geometries can be obtained from the analysis of the high-resolution IR spectra. The analysis of rovibrational spectra provides, among other important data, the rotational constants of the molecules, which in turn allow the determination of the principal moments of inertia and, eventually, of the molecular geometry. Pure rotational spectroscopy provides the same information, usually for the ground state, except when the molecule under study has no permanent electric dipole moment. The principal moments of inertia are related to the bond lengths and bond angles of the molecule by equations that vary according to the geometry. Equilibrium geometry corresponds to the minimum of the potential energy surface of the molecule. Owing to the zero-point energy this minimum does not correspond to a stationary state of the molecule. The rovibrational analysis of fundamentals and overtones gives the rotational constants of the excited vibrational state, and of the lowest molecular state, which is above the minimum of the potential energy curve by the zero-point energy. The bond lengths obtained from the ground state rotational constants are approximately the mean values of the lengths in the ground state and


Table 1

Parameters for the 2ν2, ν1, and 2ν3+ν6 states of COF2. Reprinted with permission of Academic Press from D’ Cunha et al

(1997) Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 186: 363–373


Bx By Bz DJ×106 DJK×106 DK×106 d1×106 d2×106 HJ×1011 HJK×1011 HKJ×1011 HK×1011 h1×1011 h2×1011 h3×1011 W0 WJ×104 WK×104 WXY×104 ξ

2ν2 state

ν1 state

2ν3+ν6 state

1 922.516 220(49)

1 935.940 117(47)

1 935.145(30)

0.393 161 46(93)

0.394 881 1a

0.391 157 49(124)

0.390 005 56(107)

0.392 324 0(985)

0.194 993 62(21)

0.195 528 25(26)

0.196 974 7(632)

0.446 129(451)

0.437 270(163)

0.200 4(209)

−0.766 714(945)

−0.742 981(653)

0.104 2(243)

0.390 996 08(127)

0.353 319(598)

0.339 445(640)

−0.041 021(348)

−0.041 513(211)

−0.042 227b

4.007 2(161)

−0.008 716(227)

−0.008 832(183)

−0.010 031b

0.025 39a

0.123 47(2150)

0.089 36b

−0.462 29(6740)

−0.155 58(2910)

−0.375 49b

0.556 43(7710)

0.217 96(3480)

0.480 50b

−0.238 54(2940)

−0.032 93


−0.194 57b 0.009 40b

−0.009 40


0.009 40


0.003 66


0.003 66


0.003 66b

0.008 25


−0.008 25


−0.008 25b

13.844 5


−0.074 8a 0.042 0a 1.167 9(66) −0.006 711(95)


−0.126 49(615)


−0.127 92(544)

RMS dev

0.000 39


1 529

0.000 36 1 675

All values are in cm–1. a Constrained to the value obtained with a damping factor of 0.0001. b Constrained to the ground state value. c Sign changed to conform with IIIl representation (see text).

are usually slightly larger than the equilibrium ones, and the geometry is called the r0-structure. The equilibrium geometry, re-structure, can be determined from Be if the rovibration interaction constants αi, defined by the equation

for all the normal vibrations of the molecule are known. Typical values of a r0-structure are compared with a re-structure in Table 2 for C2H2. Since for an asymmetric top molecule there are three principal moments of inertia a maximum of three molecular parameters, bond length and angles, can be obtained. Moreover, in planar molecules only two moments of inertia are independent and in linear molecules such as acetylene the two moments of inertia are equal. Thus, determination of geometry for polyatomic molecules seems to be impossible.

Isotopic substitution is the way to increase the number of independent moments of inertia so that the structure parameters of polyatomic molecules can also be inferred. In fact, molecules differing by one or more isotopes have the same re-structure, while the r0-structure is slightly different since the zero-point energy is isotope dependent. For large polyatomic molecules the determination of the restructure is nearly impossible. In benzene, C6H6, owing to the hexagonal symmetry, only the rC–H and rC–C interatomic distances are needed to determine the geometry. From the analysis of the high-resolution IR or UV spectrum only one independent rotational constant is obtained and an isotopically substituted benzene such as C6D6 has to be studied to obtain the r0-structure. Since each isotopomer has 20 normal vibrations, and thus 20 αi values, the analysis of 40 high-resolution bands is needed for the re-structure. To date, about 15 fundamental bands of C6H6 and C6D6 have been rotationally analysed.


Force field evaluation Accurate ab initio theoretical calculations of harmonic and anharmonic force fields of molecules as large as benzene have recently been performed. By comparing the experimentally determined molecular constants with the calculated ones, the reliability of theoretical calculations can be assessed. All the molecular constants of COF2 in Table 1 can be evaluated from the theoretical anharmonic force field. For molecules such as ammonia the computed fundamental wavenumbers are within 3 cm−1 or better of the experiment. For anharmonic constants and centrifugal distortion constants, which are much smaller than the fundamental frequencies, the deviations are on average around 15%. The experimental determination of anharmonic constants xij that appear in the equation for the vibrational energy of a polyatomic molecule with the harmonic frequencies ω and without degenerate vibrations:

relies on the analysis of overtone and combination bands. In Table 1 the data under the headings 1, 2 2 and 2 3 + 6 refer to a fundamental, an overtone and a combination band, respectively. The relations between 0 of Table 1 and ω , x are given by

The assessment of the reliability of theoretical calculations is particularly important when the experiment is unable to determine some of the molecular constants, which in turn can be calculated by ab initio methods. In benzene, for example, there are about 300 anharmonic constants and there is little hope that all of these could be obtained experimentally. The equilibrium structure re is also a very important result Table 2

a b c

Laser Stark IR spectroscopy The laser Stark technique applied to IR spectroscopy is based on bringing in resonance, with a fixed frequency IR laser (such as CO2, CO, N2O lasers), the molecular transitions modulated via an electric field (Stark effect). From an analysis of the Stark spectra very accurate values of the electric dipole moments of molecules in the ground and excited vibrational states are obtained. Table 3 presents some of the dipole moments that have been determined.

Pressure broadening and pressure shift The pressure shift and pressure broadening of the spectral lines are primarily due to the collisions of the molecules. The study of these effects provides information on the mechanism of the molecular interactions which are mainly of dipole–dipole type. In addition, the experimental determination of the line broadening and line shift parameters is instrumental in the spectroscopic study of the atmosphere, where the absorption or emission of IR radiation takes place from regions where the pressure may change by several orders of magnitude. These effects are relatively small; for example, for the P and R branches of the ν3 band of 12C16O2 at 2350 cm−1, broadened by N2 at 296 K, broadening coefficients in the 0.066–0.089 cm−1 atm−1 range and shift coefficients of −0.0016–0.0037 cm−1 atm−1 have been reported by Devi and co-workers.

Table 3 copy

120.85 105.72

120.241 (9) 106.25 (1)c

Vibrational state

µ (D)a,b


v2 = 1 v4 = 1 v2 = 1 Ground state v3 = 1 Ground state v3 = 1 Ground state v2 = 1 Ground state v2 = 1

0.574 20(27)


re b (pm)

re (pm) c


120.33 106.05

From B 0 of C2 H2 and C2 D2. Theoretical equilibrium structure. Standard errors in parentheses refer to the last significant digits.

AsH3 a b

Electric dipole moments from laser Stark spectros-



r0- and re-structures of acetylene r0 a (pm)

rC≡C rC−H

of the theoretical calculations of molecular force field, and is to be compared with the experimental structure (see Table 2).

0.579 04(32) 2.12(4) 1.395 7(9) 1.421 6(10) 1.857 1.905 1.492(8) 1.352(3) 0.213(3) 0.218(3)

1 D = 3.335 64 × 10 cm Standard errors in parentheses refer to the last significant digits. −30


High-resolution IR spectroscopy of weakly bound complexes High-resolution IR spectroscopy has been used to elucidate the potential energy surfaces that govern the weak intermolecular forces between molecules, since it provides information on the vibrationally excited region of the potential energy surface of the ground electronic state. This region controls the long- and short-range collisional dynamics of the monomers. This application was delayed until the advent of adequately sensitive detection methods and of an appropriate light source. The experimental methods are based on either direct absorption techniques of light obtained from a laser source (from a tunable diode laser or from difference frequency mixing of a dye and Ar+ lasers) by complexes in a cooled multiple pass gas cell or on FTIR techniques. A rotationally resolved spectrum can be recorded even though the line widths are Doppler limited or broadened by pressure or predissociation effects. From the analysis of these spectra thermodynamic properties, vibrational term values, rotational constants and bond dissociation energies may be extracted. Alternatively, supersonic molecular beam methods can be used with direct absorption laser spectroscopy or bolometric techniques. These experiments supply additional information on samples at rotational–vibrational temperatures ranging from 1– 2K for expansion from an ultracold pinhole, to 10– 30K for slit expansion. The spectroscopic techniques developed in the FAR-IR allow the investigation of the low-frequency intermolecular modes in complexes. Additional spectroscopic data on the large amplitude motions associated with these low frequency vibrations have been obtained from the analysis of the hot and/or combination bands observed in the mid/near-IR. Some of the complexes analysed so far are (HF)2, (DF)2, (HCl)2, (CO2)2, (HCN)2, (HCCH)2, (NH3)2, H2–inert gas, H2–HF, HF–inert gas, HCl–inert gas, HF–N2, HF–OCO, OC–HF, C2H2–HF, HCN–HF, HF–DF, (DF)3. The HF and DF van der Waals complexes have attracted much attention because of their fundamental importance in the chemistry of hydrogen bonded species. Most of the spectra recorded in the near-IR are structured since the upper states are metastable with respect to vibrational (or rotational) predissociation. The main channel leading to the breakdown of the complex into its constituent subunits is the coupling of the intramolecular mode with the dissociating, low-frequency intermolecular modes. This coupling causes a redistribution of vibrational energy in the complex that may excite the intermolecular bond up to dissocia-

tion. The excited states have to last at least for the time needed to complete an end-over-end rotation in the complex to observe a rotationally resolved structure in the spectrum. From the experimental values of FWHM line width it is possible to calculate the lifetime of the metastable state, according to

for a Lorentzian absorption line shape and a single exponential decay of the upper state population. However, another possible contribution to the hom*ogeneous line width comes from intramolecular vibrational relaxation (IVR). Consequently, the collision-free line width depends in principle on the combined ‘predissociation/relaxation’ pathway. From the analysis of high-resolution spectra a very large range of dissociation/relaxation behaviour results [τ > 3 × 10−4 s for ν1 of Ar–HF (Huang and co-workers) to τ ≥ 10 ps for ν2 of the linear (HCN)3 (Jucks and Miller)] indicating strong sensitivity to small differences in the potential energy surfaces. In many dimers a strong dependence of the line widths from specific vibrational couplings has been observed as in (HF)2 [∆ν1 = 13.4 MHz, ∆ν2 = 408 MHz (Pine and co-workers and Huang and co-workers)], HCN–HF [∆ν1 = 2722 MHz, ∆ν2 = 11.8 MHz, ∆ν3 = 558 MHz (Wofford and co-workers)]. The analysis of spectroscopic data may give insight into the coupling between intermolecular bending and stretching modes, as indicated by the results of the Coriolis analysis in the Ar–HF dimer between the ν2 perpendicular band and the 3ν3 overtone of the intermolecular stretching vibration (Lovejoy and co-workers). Additional probes of intermolecular interactions are the intensity changes and the amount of the shift of the frequency of the monomer fundamentals in complexes from their unperturbed position. From IR experiments it is possible to infer the correct equilibrium structure of a complex, i.e. that corresponding to the absolute min-imum of the potential surface. Information about large amplitude motions from hot bands and combination bands analysis are also very useful to this end. Results indicate that for many complexes, i.e. CO2, N2O dimers, and HCN trimers, several structures, corresponding to a different minima in the potential surface, are possible and that the isomerization involves motion along intermolecular coordinates. In the case of ArnHF clusters a satisfactory agreement is observed between the isomer equilibrium structures predicted on the basis of pairwise additive potentials and the experimental observations (see Figure 1).


Figure 1 Equilibrium structures and energies for ArnHF (n = 1– 4) predicted from pairwise additive potentials. In all cases, the lowest predicted energy structures (left) are in excellent agreement with experimental observation. Reprinted with permission of Annual Reviews from Nesbitt DJ (1994) High-resolution, direct infrared laser absorption spectroscopy in slit supersonic jet: intermolecular forces and unimolecular vibrational dynamics in clusters. Annual Review of Physical Chemistry 45: 369–399.

High-resolution IR spectroscopy of free radicals and ions IR laser spectroscopy has been employed to study free radicals and ions because of its sensitivity in the detection of compounds present in small concentrations. The spectroscopic characterization of radicals and ions is valuable in the fields of chemical kinetics, of astronomy and of plasma diagnosis. The experimental techniques used to produce unstable molecules and to record the spectra are here briefly summarized. Free radicals can be generated using the discharge-flow method, while ionic species can be obtained using a hollow-cathode discharge cell that, combined with magnetic-field modulation or amplitude-discharge modulation, allows the detection of the selected ionic species among neutral stable molecules. Alternatively, velocity modulation IR laser spectroscopy can be used to selectively detect

ionic species among neutral ones, exploiting the characteristic Doppler shift of charged molecules. HD+, HeH+, NeH+, ArH+, HCO+ and HNN+ are some of the ions studied with this technique in the infrared and whose fundamental frequencies and molecular constants have been determined. Both radicals and ions may be generated by photolysis or photoionization of a stable precursor seeded in a rare-gas free-jet expansion. Another powerful technique with which to study ions employs a fast ion beam extracted from a plasma ion source and velocity tuned. This is merged with CO2 laser light to induce transitions from a vibrational bound level near the dissociation limit to a repulsive electronic state or to a predissociating bound level above the dissociation limit. Most of the systems studied are diatomic, such as HD+, HeH+, He2+, H2+ and D2+, and the information obtained concerns the description and spectroscopy of weakly bound states, to a infer deeper understanding of ion–neutral reaction dynamics and of the charge–dipole induced interaction. In addition, polyatomic unstable species have been the subject of detailed study with high-resolution IR spectroscopy, among those examined are CCH, C3, C4, C9, C13, NO3, HO2, HCCO and C3H3 radicals, and H3+, SiH3+, CH3CNH+, CH2+, NH3+ and H2O+ ions. The results of such experiments may be valuable in the field of chemical kinetics since they allow the determination of rate constants and an understanding of some aspects of the mechanism of the reaction. For example, the observation, in a hollow cathode discharge, of the ν1 band of HOC+ at 3268 cm−1 allowed the measurement of the abundance ratio [HCO+]:[HOC+] in the laboratory from the relative intensity of the IR high-resolution lines of the two species, using the transition dipole moments for the band of HCO+ (0.168 D) and HOC+ (0.350 D), and assuming that the rotational temperature of both ions was equal to the cell temperature (223 K) (Amano). This information was particularly valuable in studying the formation and depletion of HOC+ in the interstellar medium. A rate equation analysis was performed to rationalize the observed dependence of the relative intensities of HOC+ and HCO+ lines as a function of the pressures of H2 and CO. The rate constants of some of the reactions considered in the rate equation analysis were then determined. The contribution that the analysis of the high-resolution IR spectra of such kind of molecules brings to astronomy is the determination with great accuracy of the molecular constants that allow one to search for the rotational lines in laboratory microwave spectra. These results may lead to the identification of unassigned interstellar lines. The nature and the amount of a species present in plasmas may


be determined by high-resolution IR spectroscopy, as in the case of SiH3+, a transient molecular ion observed and analysed in a silane discharge plasma. The ν2 and ν4 bands, i.e. the out-of-plane bending and the in-plane degenerate bending vibration respectively, have been recorded and analysed (Davies and Smith), taking into account the Coriolis interaction between the two vibrationally excited states.

Molecular dynamics Frequency domain spectroscopic techniques can be widely used to determine the hom*ogeneous intramolecular vibrational redistribution (IVR) of energy, a phenomenon observed when molecules have enough energy to break bonds. An advantage of the frequency domain techniques is the ability to measure the rotational state-dependence of the IVR rates. Briefly, the background theory is that a single rotational state in an excited anharmonic normalmode vibrational state (the bright state) carries all the oscillator strength and is coupled to nearresonant vibrational dark states through perturbation terms of the Hamiltonian. As a result of this coupling the bright state oscillator strength is redistributed among the dark states. The width of the intensity distribution is a measure of the time scale of energy localization in the bright state. Thus, one goal of IVR studies is the measurement of the relaxation rates that span a wide range (50 fs to 10 ns) and are dependent on molecular structure. The two major experimental methods used for IVR studies of isolated molecules in their ground electronic state can be divided into single photon and double resonance techniques. The general requirements of these experimental methods are both high resolution and sensitivity. Quantitative IVR rates of many molecules have been determined: they span from 108–1013 s−1, with 3 × 109 s−1 being a typical value. These rates may be sufficiently slow to permit mode-selective chemistry in some systems. From a comparative analysis of the IVR rate values for the acetylenic C–H stretching for many molecules of the type (CY3)3XCCH (see Table 4), it appears that the lifetime and density of states are not correlated, even if the state density must be large enough to provide a bath for energy redistribution. The IVR rate is controlled by the coupling of a few dark states that interact with the bright one through low order terms of the potential energy surface, which in turn must be efficiently coupled to other non-resonant states to allow fast energy flow. Other structural aspects of IVR such as the role of large amplitude motion in IVR dynamics, the change of

Table 4 Experimental IVR lifetimes and states densities for the acetylenic C–H stretch in molecules of the form (CY3)3XCCH. Adapted with permission of Annual Reviews from Lehmann KK, Scoles G and Pate BH (1994) Intramolecular dynamics from eigenstate-resolved infrared spectra. Annual Review of Physical Chemistry 45: 241–274.

Molecule (CH3)3CCCH (CD3)3CCCH (CH3)3SiCCH (CD3)3SiCCH (CH3)3SnCCH (CF3)3CCCH a



Level of excitation

Density of statesa (cm)

v=1 v=2

4.9 × 102


6.2 × 105


Lifetime (ps)

v=1 v=2

2.8 × 10

v=1 v=2

1.0 × 104

2 000

2.9 × 10

4 000


7.6 × 106 7

40 < 40b

v=1 v=2

1.0 × 105


6.0 × 108


v=1 v=2

1.0 × 106

6 000

1.0 × 109

> 1 000c

v=1 v=2

4.2 × 106


1.0 × 1011

< 40b

The state densities (states cm–1) are for vibrational bath states of A1 symmetry, which can couple via anharmonic interactions. Upper limit of the lifetime. The overtone absorption was unobservable, despite observation of the fundamental. Lower limit of the lifetime. The Q branch structure was too sharp to obtain an estimate of the Lorentzian wing. Other inhom*ogeneities (either isotopes, torsional, or K structure) were also present.

IVR rates by structural modification, and the degree of dependence of the IVR rates on modes are currently being studied.

Thermodynamic and kinetic data from high-resolution spectroscopic IR studies An example of this application is the FTIR and IR laser diode spectroscopy study of the reversible gasphase reaction

A kinetic study has been carried out (Pagsberg et al.) by monitoring selected absorption signals of the rovibration transitions of the ν3 and ν5 IR bands of HONO as a function of time for different partial pressures of ammonia at a total pressure of 20 mbar. At 298 K the rate constant of the forward reaction and the equilibrium constant are kf = 2.2 ± 0.2 × 103 M−1 s−1 and Kc = 1.5 ± 0.2 × 105 M−1, respectively. From the observed temperature dependence of the equilibrium constant expressed in terms of the


van’t Hoff equation, the values of ∆rH = − 49.4 ± 3.3 kJ mol−1 and ∆rS = −111.7 ± 4.2 J mol−1 K−1 have been derived.

List of symbols Be = equilibrium rotational constant; = rotational constant in the vi vibrational mode; Bx = rotational constant; D, d = quartic centrifugal distortion constants; G0 (vi) = vibrational term value when the energy levels are referred to the ground state as zero; H, h = sextic distorsion constants; kB = Boltzmann constant; kf = rate constant of the forward reaction; Kc = equilibrium constant; rC–H = interatomic distance between C and H atoms; T = (thermodynamic) temperature; vi = vibrational quantum number; W = Fermi resonance parameter; x = vibrational anharmonic constants when the energy levels are referred to the ground state as zero; αi = rovibration interaction constant; ∆rH = standard reaction enthalpy; ∆rS = standard reaction entropy; ∆ν = full line width at half intensity maximum; µ = dipole moment; (νi) = transition wavenumber in vacuum; ξ = Coriolis constant; = wavenumber in vacuum; νi 0 = wavenumber of a rovibrational band origin; τ = relaxation time; ω = harmonic vibration wavenumber when the energy levels are referred to the ground state as zero. See also: High Resolution IR Spectroscopy (Gas Phase) Instrumentation; Interstellar Molecules, Spectroscopy of; IR Spectroscopy, Theory; Laser Magnetic Resonance; Microwave and Radiowave Spectroscopy, Applications; Rotational Spectroscopy, Theory.

Further reading Amano T (1988) High resolution infrared spectroscopy of molecular ions. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Section A 324: 163–178. Barrow RF and Crozet P (1997) Gas-phase molecular spectroscopy. Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry, Section C, Physical Chemistry 93: 187–256. Brian JH and Brown JM (1992) High resolution infrared spectroscopy. In: Andrews DL (ed) Applied Laser Spectroscopy, pp 185–225. New York: VCH. Davies PB and Smith DM (1994) Diode laser spectroscopy and coupled analysis of the ν2 and ν4 fundamental bands of SiH3+. Journal of Chemical Physics 100: 6166–6174. Devi VM, Benner DC, Rinsland CP and Smith MAH (1992) Measurements of pressure broadening and pressure shifting by nitrogen in the 4.3 µm band of 12C


O2. Journal of Quantum Spectroscopy and Radiation Transfer 48: 581–589. Gudemann CS and Saykally RJ (1984) Velocity modulation infrared laser spectroscopy of molecular ions. Annual Review of Physical Chemistry 35: 387–418. Hirota E (1994) Rotational and vibrational spectra of free radicals and molecular ions. Annual Reports on the1 Progress of Chemistry, Section C, Physical Chemistry 91: 3–36. Hollas JM (1982) High Resolution Spectroscopy. London: Butterworth. Huang ZS, Jucks KW and Miller RE (1986) The argonhydrogen fluoride binary complex: an example of a long lived metastable system. Journal of Chemical Physics 85: 6905–6909. Huang ZS, Jucks KW and Miller RE (1986) The vibrational predissociation lifetime of the HF dimer upon exciting the “free-H” stretching vibration. Journal of Chemical Physics 85: 3338–3341. Jacox ME (1998) Vibrational and electronic energy levels of polyatomic transient molecules. Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 27: 115–412. Jucks KW and Miller RE (1988) Near infrared spectroscopic observation of the linear and cyclic isomers of the hydrogen cyanide trimer. Journal of Chemical Physics 88: 2196–2204. Lehmann KK, Scoles G and Pate BH (1994) Intramolecular dynamics from eigenstate-resolved infrared spectra. Annual Review of Physical Chemistry 45: 241–274. Lovejoy CM, Schuder MD and Nesbitt DJ (1986) High resolution IR laser spectroscopy of the Van der Waals complexes in slit supersonic jets. Journal of Chemical Physics 85: 4890–4902. Nesbitt DJ (1994) High-resolution, direct infrared laser absorption spectroscopy in slit supersonic jet: intermolecular forces and unimolecular vibrational dynamics in clusters. Annual Review of Physical Chemistry 45: 367–399. Pagsberg P, Ratajczak E, Sillesen A and Lotaika Z (1994) Kinetics and thermochemistry of the reversible gas phase reaction HONO + NH3 → H3N-HONO studied by infrared diode laser spectroscopy. Chemical Physics Letters 227: 6–12. Pine AS, Lafferty WJ and Howard BJ (1984) Vibrational predissociation, tunneling, and rotational saturation in the HF and DF dimers. Journal of Chemical Physics 81: 2939–2950. Rao KN and Weber A (eds) (1992) Spectroscopy of the Earth’s Atmosphere and Interstellar Medium. New York: Academic Press. Weber WH, Tanaka K and Tanaka T (eds) (1987) Stark and Zeeman techniques in laser spectroscopy. Journal of the Optical Society of America, Part B 4: 1141– 1172. Wofford BA, Bevan JW, Olson WB and Lafferty WT (1985) Rovibrational analysis of ν3 HCN–HF using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Journal of Chemical Physics 83: 6188–6192.


High Resolution Solid State NMR, Etsuko Katoh, National Institute of Agrobiological Resources, Tsukuba, Japan Isao Ando, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan



Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction After the first NMR experiment for obtaining highresolution spectra of solids was carried out with the high-speed magic-angle spinning (MAS) method in 1958, the cross polarization (CP) and multipulse methods were developed as important for high-resolution solid-state NMR experiments. On the basis of these methods a CP MAS technique that combines MAS and CP has been conventionally used to obtain high-resolution solid-state NMR spectra. In the solution state, the observable NMR chemical shift is often the average value of some preferred conformations of a molecule because of its rapid motion, but in the solid state the chemical shift is often characteristic of a specified conformation because of the highly restricted molecular motion. Thus, the chemical shifts can be used as well as the spin–lattice relaxation time (T1), the spin–spin relaxation time (T2) and T1 in the rotating frame (T1ρ) to provide information on the dynamics. At present, 13 C CP MAS has been widely employed to characterize the structure and dynamics of solid samples such as polymers, biopolymers, catalysts etc. Here, we will introduce some applications of 13C CP MAS NMR for the characterization of the structure and dynamics of polymers, including polypeptides and proteins and also briefly describe the applications of solid-state 13C NMR spectroscopy to food materials and coals. There is also a large body of literature on high-resolution solid-state 13C NMR spectroscopy of small molecules, although the methods used are largely the same as those given here.

Synthetic polymers Polymer materials are almost always used as solids. It is well known that the properties of polymers depend on their structure and dynamics. Therefore, to design new polymer materials, it is necessary to understand more deeply the property–structure relationships. The X-ray diffraction method has provided the structure of polymers which have high crystallinity. However, most polymers have low crystallinity and so structural information about the

non-crystalline region, which is the major component, cannot be obtained by X-ray studies. Therefore, X-ray diffraction is of limited use in the structural analysis for such systems. Chain segments in the non-crystalline region are sometimes in a mobile state and so the X-ray diffraction method provides no structural or dynamic information. On the other hand, solid-state NMR provides knowledge of the structure and dynamics of a sample irrespective of whether the region studied is crystalline or noncrystalline. Polyethylene

Polyethylene (PE) is a typical plastic. The polymer chain exhibits a trans and two kinds of gauche conformations, between which the energy difference is small and so the polymer takes various configurations under different conditions. PE has two kinds of crystal forms, as determined by several spectroscopic methods such as NMR, X-ray diffraction, electron diffraction, IR and neutron diffraction methods. One form is the orthorhombic form which occurs under normal conditions and another is the monoclinic form which occurs under high pressure or drawn conditions. In both crystal forms the conformation is the all-trans zigzag conformation, but the chain arrangements are different from each other. The alltrans zigzag planes in the orthorhombic form are perpendicular to each other, and in the monoclinic form they are parallel. Further, there also exist the non-crystalline and interfacial phases. Their existence strongly affects the physical properties of the polymer. Therefore, it is very important to analyse the detailed structure of PE in the solid state to understand its physical properties. Figure 1 shows 13C CP MAS NMR spectra of single crystal PE (SC-PE), melt-quenched PE (MQPE) and drawn PE (DR-PE). Only one sharp peak (33.0 ppm) appears in the SC-PE spectrum. However, MQ-PE and DR-PE have two and three peaks, respectively. This means that MQ-PE and DR-PE have at least two or three kinds of magnetically inequivalent carbon atoms. These peaks have been assigned by T1 measurements; peak a (31 ppm) comes from the non-crystalline region, which is a


Figure 1 13C CP MAS NMR spectra of polyethylene. (A) SC-, (B) MQ- and (C) DR-PE. Parts (A) and (B) reproduced with permission of Elsevier Science from Ando I, Sorita T, Yamanobe T, Komoto T, Sato H, Deguchi K and Imanari M (1985) Polymer 26: 11 864. Part (C) reproduced with permission of Elsevier Science from Van der Hart DL and Khoury F (1984) Polymer 25: 1589.

mobile state, and peak I (33 ppm) from the crystalline region, which is in an immobile state. Further, the high-frequency peak of DR-PE (35.0 ppm) is assigned to the methylene carbons in the monoclinic crystal region. These assignments were justified by quantum chemical shielding calculations with the tight-binding (TB) sum-over-states (SOS) method. A peak from the interfacial region between the crystal and non-crystalline regions has also been reported. The crystal structure of PE has been proposed from models such as sharp-fold, switch-board and loose-loops models as shown in Figure 2A–C. To obtain detailed information on the fold structure, SC- and MQ-PE have been studied by high-resolution solid-state 13C NMR. This study reveals that SC- and MQ-PE take the adjacent re-entry type of macroconformation in addition to loose and long loops in the fold surface, as shown in Figure 3. The number of carbon atoms in the trans zigzag chain from one fold to the next is estimated to be ~100, which leads to an estimate of the stem length of about 125 Å. Its magnitude is consistent with the crystal thickness (120–150 Å) measured directly for PE single crystals by electron microscopy. The physical properties of polymers in the solid state are strongly affected by temperature. Variabletemperature (VT) NMR techniques should provide useful information on the structural and dynamic aspects of polymers in the solid state. The advantage

Figure 2 Schematic drawing of the conformation models of a polyethylene single crystal. (A) sharp-fold, (B) switch-board and (C) loose-loop model. Reproduced with permission of Elsevier Science from Ando I, Sorita T, Yamanobe T et al (1985) Polymer 26: 1864.

of VT solid-state NMR techniques is that the temperature dependence of the conformation and molecular motion can be studied by observing the chemical shift. The structure of ultrahigh relative molecular weight PE (UHRMW-PE) has been investigated in the solid state by VT 13C CP MAS NMR. The 13C NMR spectrum of UHRMW-PE at room temperature has two peaks (the low and high frequency peaks are designated by A and I, respectively) as shown in Figure 4. Their chemical shifts agree with those for the melt-crystallized PE (MC-PE), and so peaks I and A have been assigned to the crystalline region with the trans zigzag conformation and to the non-crystalline region, respectively. When the temperature is decreased, peak A shifts to low frequency but peak I shifts to high frequency. The 13C chemical shift behaviour for peak A of UHRMW-PE is similar to that of MQ-PE. At –108°C, the molecular motion is frozen and the chemical shift for peak A is about 32 ppm. Therefore, peak A is due to the methylene carbons in the trans conformation in the non-crystalline region since in the frozen state a methylene carbon in the gauche conformation should appear at about 27 ppm because of the γgauche effect. On the other hand, the 13C chemical


Figure 3 Schematic illustration of the folded chain conformation form of melt-quenched polyethylene. (a) trans zigzag, (b) sharp-fold and (c) loose and long loop. Reproduced with permission of Elsevier Science from Ando I, Sorita T, Yamanobe T, et al. (1985) Polymer 26: 1864.

shift of peak I shifts to low frequency, which is opposite to the case of MQ-PE, with decreasing temperature. At –108°C, the chemical shift is about 32 ppm, and peaks A and I coalesce. It is difficult to conclude that the cause for the low frequency shift of peak I is a change of structure in going from the orthorhombic form to a different crystal structure. It is known that the 13C shifts of methylene carbons in the orthorhombic, triclinic and monoclinic forms are about 33, 34 and 35 ppm, respectively. From these results, the 13C shift of 32 ppm at –108°C indicates that the crystalline structure is different from other crystal structures found at room temperature. The other possibility for the low frequency shift is a distortion of the orthorhombic form. The relaxation parameters, T1, dipolar-dephasing relaxation times (TDD), etc. can provide useful information on the dynamics of polymer motion in the solid state and to monitor solid-state polymer phase transitions. The non-crystalline region of two kinds of PE samples, using single 13C-labelled solution-crystallized PE (PE-SL) and single 13C-labelled melt quenched PE (MQ-PE-SL), has been studied by VT 13C CP MAS NMR. The dynamics of the non-crystalline region have been discussed by measuring 13C T1 and TDD from –120 to 44°C. Each of these spectra consists of three peaks, corresponding to an orthorhombic crystalline peak at 33.0 ppm, a monoclinic crystalline

Figure 4 13C CP MAS NMR spectra of ultrahigh relative molecular mass polyethylene as a function of temperature. Reproduced with permission of John Wiley & Sons from Akiyama (1990) Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics 28: 587.

peak at 34.4 ppm (a small shoulder on the left-hand side of the orthorhombic peak) and a non-crystalline peak which appears at 30.8–31.3 ppm. The 13C T1 data of these samples over a wide range of temperature, obtained using the inversion–recovery method with the pulse saturation transfer (PST) pulse sequence, are given. The PST pulse sequence enhances the intensity of mobile methylene carbons. The T1 values for samples PE-SL and MQ-PE-SL are plotted against the inverse of the absolute temperature (1/T) in Figure 5A. It has been suggested previously that local molecular motion in the non-


Figure 5 (A) Plots of non-crystalline 13C spin–lattice relaxation times: T1 of PE-SL samples (●) and MQ-PE-SL (O) versus the reciprocal absolute temperature. (B) Intensity of non-crystalline peaks of a sample of PE-SL and MQ-PE-SL versus delay time τ. The peak intensity was obtained from computer simulation of the 13C partially relaxed dipolar-dephasing NMR spectra. Reproduced with permission of John Wiley & Sons from Chen Q, Yamada T, Kurosu H, Ando I, Shioino T and Doi Y (1992) Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics 30: 591.

crystalline region of PE is independent of the degree of crystallinity, higher-order structures or morphologies. However, these suggestions are not supported by the experimental results of PE-SL and MQ-PE-SL for two reasons: one is the difference in T1 values and the other is the large difference in the temperature of the T1 minimum of the non-crystalline region between PE-SL and MQ-PE-SL, as shown in Figure 5A. These facts show that local molecular motions in the non-crystalline regions of the PE-SL sample are more constrained than that of MQ-PE-SL. To study whether the dynamic behaviour of the two kinds of non-crystalline region is also different on the T2 time-scale, TDD values of samples of PE-SL and MQ-PE-SL were measured over a wide temperature range. The relative intensity of the non-crystalline peak obtained from computer simulation was plotted against the delay time τ in Figure 5B. It can be clearly seen that the non-crystalline peak of the sample of PE-SL relaxes more quickly than that of the MQ-PESL sample. The value of TDD depends on molecular motion, carbon–proton dipolar interactions, MAS rate and spin diffusion. Fundamentally, it can be said that the dipolar dephasing time in the non-crystalline region becomes a measure of molecular motion because of the high mobility. Therefore, the longer TDD value of MQ-PE-SL, compared with that of PESL obviously suggests that the carbon–proton dipolar interaction is partially averaged by molecular motion on the T2 time-scale.

Poly(vinyl alcohol)

Poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) is used as a high-performance fibre and as a barrier material against oxygen. Detailed information about the structure and molecular motion is needed in order to develop and design this material. The 13C CPMAS NMR spectra of PVA have been measured at room temperature. The methine carbon resonance split into three peaks in the CP MAS NMR spectrum. In the case of solution state NMR, the three methine carbon resonances and relative intensities correspond to the triad tacticity. However, the chemical shifts of the three methine carbons in the solid state are about 77, 71 and 65 ppm (Figure 6) and the relative intensities are not consistent with the triad tacticity in solution. The chemical shifts of two high-frequency peaks move significantly to higher frequencies in the solid state. These peaks, on the basis of the formation of intramolecular hydrogen bonds, have been assigned as follows. The highest frequency peak of the methine carbon is assigned to the mm triad with two intramolecular hydrogen bonds, the second highest one is assigned to the mm and mr triad with one intramolecular hydrogen bond and the other peak is assigned to the mm, mr and rr triads with no intramolecular hydrogen bonds. Most recently, the 13C CP MAS NMR spectra of PVA gels were measured to clarify the structure of their immobile component. In the 13C CP MAS NMR


Figure 6 13C CP-MAS spectra of poly(vinyl alcohol) at room temperature. (A) syndiotactic, (B) isotactic and (C) atactic. Line spectra represent the 13C spectra in DMSO-d6 solution at 353 K. Reproduced with permission of American Chemical Society from Terao T, Maeda S and Saika A (1983) Macromolecules 16: 1535.

Figure 7 (A) Pure absorption-mode 2D exchange spectra of isotactic POM at T = 360 K and mixing time t m = 2 s, (B) theoretical spectrum of (A) with x = 2ω, t m = 2.5 s and (C) T = 252 K and t m = 1 s. Reproduced with permission of Academic Press from Hagemeyer A, Schmidt-Rohr K and Spiess HW (1989) Advances in Magnetic Resonance 13: 85.

spectra, the three carbon peaks were clearly observed, and originate from the formation of strong intermolecular or intramolecular hydrogen bonds between OH groups such as PVA in the solid state as mentioned above. Further, the molecular motion of immobile and mobile regions of PVA gel through the observation of 13C T1 has been studied.

be identified for the discrete steps a given CH2 group of POM experiences, as the helix rotates.


The molecular motion of polyoxymethylene (POM), which is the first member of the polyether series, has been investigated using the two-dimensional (2D) exchange experiment. The observed and calculated 2D exchange spectra of POM are shown in Figures 7A and 7B, respectively. The spectrum observed at 252 K shows only diagonal signals and thus no molecular motion occurred during the mixing time. However, if molecular motion occurred during the mixing time, the spectrum would show steric effects as shown in Figure 7C. The calculations were performed by using the model of helical jump motions, assuming a one-dimensional random walk in continuous time and elementary processes of 200° jumps. Thus, at T = 360 K the subspectra can


Fluoropolymers have excellent properties and have been widely used for various purposes under severe conditions. Although high-resolution solid-state NMR is a powerful tool with which to elucidate structures and dynamics of polymers in the solid state as mentioned above, the 13C CP MAS experiment often fails to provide detailed information on the structures of fluoropolymers because their spectra gives rise to broad peaks. This is mainly due to two dominant factors, namely large dipolar coupling and the shielding anisotropy of fluorine nuclei. Although the high-speed magic-angle spinning (HS MAS) method leads to a significant reduction in such broadening for 19F NMR in the solid state and has been used to characterize fluoropolymers, only a few 13C solidstate NMR experiments have been reported. The simultaneous application of proton and fluorine decoupling drastically reduces line broadening caused by 1H–13C and 19F–13C dipolar interactions. The two kinds of poly(vinylidene fluoride), non-polar α phase


and polar β phase, have been characterized by means of solid-state triple-resonance spectroscopy. There was a small difference (~ 4 ppm) in the chemical shift positions for these distinct crystalline modifications. Blend polymers

Multicomponent organic polymer materials such as polymer blends are important in industry. Their macroscopic properties are determined not only by the molecular properties of the individual polymers, but also by the miscibility, morphology and structure of the interfaces between the polymers. Solid-state NMR is a useful tool to study the microscopic structure of heterogeneous polymer materials. The miscibility of PMMA and poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) has been established by various methods. Both 19F–13C and 19F–1H CP and molecular miscibility in blends of PVDF and isotactic, syndiotactic and atactic PMMAs were investigated by triple resonance 1H, 19F, 13C solid state CP MAS NMR. The fraction of nonmixed PMMA was determined for these blends, and it was found that this fraction was smaller for isotactic than for atactic and syndiotactic PMMAs. A study of the polymer blends of poly(vinyl phenol) and poly(methyl acrylate) using 2D 13C–1H correlation NMR have been reported. From the spectrum, a direct interaction between the hydroxyl hydrogen of poly(vinyl phenol) and the carbonyl carbon of poly(methyl acrylate) can be deduced. The miscibility in annealed 50:50 blends of a random, copolyester Vectra-A, containing 73% p-hydroxybenzoic acid and 27% hydroxynaphthoic acid, and poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) has been discussed by using a standard 2D exchange experiment. The small cross peaks between the peak of aliphatic PET and that of quaternary Vectra-A carbons diagonal lines indicated intimate mixing.

Biopolymers In the solution state, the NMR chemical shifts of biopolymers with internal rotations are often averaged values for all internal rotations because of rapid interconversion by rotation about peptide bonds. In the solid state, however, chemical shifts are often characteristic of specific conformations because of highly restricted rotation about the peptide bonds. The NMR chemical shift is affected by a change in the electronic state arising from the conformational change. NMR chemical shifts in the solid state, therefore, provide useful information about the electronic state and conformation of a biopolymer with fixed structure, especially membrane-bound

polymers. Several studies of typical synthetic polypeptides and membrane proteins using highresolution 13C NMR in the solid state are given here. Synthetic polypeptides

Synthetic polypeptides consist of repeating sequences of certain amino acids and their structures are not as complicated as those of proteins. For this reason, synthetic polypeptides are sometimes used as model compounds for proteins. Their preferred conformations are classified as α helix, β sheet, ω helix and so on. High-resolution solid-state 13C NMR spectroscopy has proved to be a very powerful tool for determining the structure of polypeptides in the crystalline state. For example, 13C CP MAS NMR spectra of solid poly(L-alanine) ([Ala]n) show the Cα, Cβ and C=O carbon signals to be well resolved between the α helix and β sheet forms. The chemical shifts of the Cα and C=O carbons of the α helix are displaced significantly to high frequency by 4.2 and 4.6 ppm, respectively, relative to those of the β sheet form, while the shift of the Cβ carbon of the α helix is displaced to low frequency by about 5 ppm with respect to that of the β sheet. For this reason, the value of the 13C shift can be used to describe the local conformation. In addition, the 13C shifts of randomly coiled [Ala]n in trifluoroacetic acid solution have values between those of the α helix and β sheet forms. The absolute 13 C shifts of the Cα and Cβ carbons are affected by the chemical structure of the individual amino acid residues and can be used effectively for conformational studies of particular amino acid residues in polypeptides and proteins. On the other hand, the C=O shifts do not seem to be affected by residue structure and can be used for diagnosing the main chain conformation. Recently, the relation between the amide proton shift and the conformation of synthetic polypeptides has been studied in the solid state using 1H combined rotation and multipulse spectroscopy (CRAMPS). It has been determined that the amide chemical shifts of a synthetic polypeptide are 8.0–8.1 ppm for the α helix and 8.6–9.1 ppm for the β sheet. It was shown that high-resolution solid-state 1H NMR such as CRAMPS is also a useful tool for studying the molecular structure of polypeptides in addition to high-resolution solid-state 13C NMR. Poly(β-benzyl-L-aspartate) (PBLA) in the solid state adopts various conformations such as a right-handed α(αR) helix, a left-handed α(αL) helix, a left-handed ω(ωL) helix and a β sheet form, depending on the temperature. VT 13C CP MAS NMR spectra of PBLA are shown in Figure 8. From this, it is clear that the conformational changes such as αR helix → ωL helix → β sheet occur with increasing temperature.


Figure 8 VT 13C CP MAS NMR spectrum with spinning sideband suppression of PBLA in the solid state at various temperatures: dashed line, αR helix form, light solid line, ωL helix form and bold solid line, β sheet form. Reproduced with permission of American Chemical Society from Akieda T, Mimura H, Kuroki S, Kurosu H and Ando I (1992) Macromolecules 25: 5794.

Poly(γ-n-octadecyl-L-glutamate) (POLG) forms a crystalline phase composed of paraffin-like crystallites together with the α helical main chain, packing into a characteristic layer structure. The polymer forms thermotropic cholesteric liquid crystals by the melting of the side-chain crystallites. The conformational changes of POLG have been studied extensively by high-resolution solid-state NMR. Figure 9 shows the 13C CP MAS NMR spectrum of POLG at room temperature together with the assignment of

peaks. At room temperature, 13C shift values of the C=O and Cα carbons are 176.0 and 57.6 ppm, respectively. These values show that the main chain takes an α helix conformation. On the other hand, the interior CH2 signal splits into two peaks. From reference data of n-alkanes and polyethylene, it is seen that the peak at 33.4 ppm is the carbon signal in the all-trans zig-zag conformation in a crystalline state and the peak at 30.6 ppm is the carbon signal in the non-crystalline phase or the liquid phase.

Figure 9 (A) 13C CP MAS NMR spectrum of POLG in the solid state at room temperature. (B) The methylene region is expanded and deconvoluted by computer-fitting with a Gaussian function. (cry and amor indicate crystalline and non-crystalline state, respectively.) Reproduced with permission of Elsevier Science from Katoh E, Kurosu H and Ando I (1994) Journal of Molecular Structure 318: 123.


Figure 10 shows the VT 13C CP MAS NMR spectra of POLG over the temperature range –40 to 230°C. The n-alkyl peaks change noticeably as the temperature is increased. The peak of the carbon signal in the non-crystalline state disappears above 50°C and the intensity of the interior CH2 carbon in the non-crystalline state increases noticeably. This is due to the melting of side-chain crystallites. On the other hand, 13 C shift values of the C=O and Cα carbons are independent of temperature. It is shown that the main chain takes on a right-handed α helix conformation within the temperature range –40 to 230°C. For samples which show a variation in molecular motion with temperature it is useful to measure the T1 value using both the inversion–recovery method with the PST pulse sequence and Torchia's pulse sequence, depending on the type and rate of molecular motions. The molecular motions of POLG have been investigated within the temperature range –40 to 230°C, using both methods. Figure 11 shows the temperature dependence of T1 for some typical carbons. According to the BPP theory, T1 decreases, passes through a minimum (at a correlation time: τc) and

increases again when molecular motion increases, i.e., temperature is increased. The 13C T1 values of POLG are very short in spite of the fact that, as seen from the chemical shifts, the n-alkyl side-chains of POLG are in the crystalline state in the temperature range –40 to 40°C. If the n-alkyl side-chains are in the crystalline state, the 13C T1 values must be very long by analogy with the n-alkane data. However, the 13C T1 values for individual carbons of the n-alkyl side-chains are very short and very close to the T1 values of n-alkanes in the rotator phase; in addition, the 13C T1 values for individual carbons of n-alkyl side-chains are almost the same as for n-alkanes in the rotator phase. From these results, it can be said that the n-alkyl side-chains of POLG are in a phase similar to the rotator phase, in which they undergo fast rotation such as libration, along the trans zigzag chain axis. The effect of the transitions at 45°, 60° and between 90° and 110°C on the individual carbon of the side-chains has also been investigated. The transition at 45°C comes from the melting of the side-chains, while other changes come from changes of the liquid crystalline phase, which has also been proved by other means.

Figure 10 VT 13C CP MAS NMR spectra of POLG as a function of temperature. Reproduced with permission of Elsevier Science from Katoh E, Kurosu H and Ando I (1994) Journal of Molecular Structure 318: 123.


Figure 11 Temperature dependence of 13C T1 for individual carbons of POLG. (A) CH3, (B) α-CH2 and (C) int-CH2 (a and b indicate transition temperatures. m indicates melting point.) For T1 measurement in the temperature range –40 to 50°C Torchia's pulse sequence was used, and in the temperature range 50 to 230°C, the inversion–recovery pulse sequence was used. Reproduced with permission of Elsevier Science from Katoh E, Kurosu H, Kuroki S and Ando I (1994) Journal of Molecular Structure 326: 145.

It has been demonstrated that the introduction of fluorine atoms into polymers induces new physical properties by changes in intra- and intermolecular interactions. Poly(γ-glutamate)s with n-fluoroalkyl side-chains have been studied using high-resolution solid-state NMR. From the experimental results, it was found that the conformation of the main chain depends on the carbon number of the n-fluoroalkyl side-chains. The main chain of poly(γ-alkyl-L-glutamate) with short n-fluoroalkyl side-chains takes the helix form and the poly(γ-alkyl-L-glutamate) with long n-fluoroalkyl side-chains takes the β sheet form. These conformational behaviours in the solid state are different from that of poly(γ-alkyl-L-glutamate) without n-fluoroalkyl side-chains. Fibrous proteins

Since fibrous proteins generally have periodical amino acid sequences and higher-order structure, the clarification of their fine structure in the solid state becomes very important not only when discussing

the physical and chemical properties, but when obtaining information about the molecular design of synthetic polypeptides. The conformation-dependent 13 C CP MAS NMR chemical shifts are particularly useful for the determination of the conformational features of fibrous proteins such as silk fibroin, collagen and wool keratin. For example, the conformational transition of S-carboxymethyl keratin that has low-sulfur fractions (SCMK low-sulfur) has been estimated. For SCMK low-sulfur heated at 200°C for 3 hr under vacuum, the 13C MAS NMR spectrum shows that each signal becomes broader than those of other treated specimens. This indicates the existence of various conformations and/or different microenvironments in the heated SCMK low-sulfur. Thus, it can be said that the random coil form appears by heating. On the other hand, from the X-ray diffraction, the α helix form completely vanishes in SCMK low-sulfur under the same conditions. The difference between the results from X-ray diffraction and NMR spectroscopy suggests that only the packing of the ordered structure (α helix form) in SCMK


Figure 12 13C CP MAS NMR spectra of (A) [3-13C] Ala bR and (B) [1-13C]Val bR in the purple membranes. (*) signals of 13C-labelled lipids. Reproduced with permission of Elsevier Science from Tuzi S, Naito A and Saito H (1994) Biochemistry 33: 15 046.

low-sulfur is disrupted by heating, while the secondary structure is retained. Membrane proteins

Membranes provide a vital interface between a biological organism and its environment. Furthermore, they provide a means for the formation of compartments within a cell. In every sense, they are vital to living systems. Indeed, since membranes and membrane proteins cannot easily be crystallized, NMR spectroscopy is a particularly powerful method for probing their structure and function. [1-13C]Ala, [313 C]Ala and [1-13C]Val selected labelling of bacteriorhodopsin (bR) is a very convenient probe for conformation and dynamics studies. Figure 12 shows the 13C CP MAS NMR spectra of [3-13C]Ala and [113 C]Val bR. The peaks of [3-13C]Ala bR have been assigned to the αII helix form at 16.3 ppm (60%), αI helix form at 14.9 ppm (20%) and the loops at 17.2 ppm (20%), taking a variety of turn structures. Further, from the VT CP MAS 13C NMR spectrum of [3-13C]Ala labelled bR, well-resolved signals were

observed at both ambient temperature and –20°C but were broadened considerably at temperatures below –40°C. This situation was interpreted as showing that interconversion between several slightly different conformations is taking place. It was found that the exchange process was strongly influenced by the manner of organization of the lipid bilayers, and depended upon the presence or absence of cations responsible for electric shielding of the negative charge at the polar head groups. The secondary structures of [3-13C]Ala-labelled bR were not always identical at temperatures between ambient and lower temperatures, since the 13C shifts and relative peak intensities from purple membrane preparations containing these salts changed with temperature in the range –110 to 23°C. In particular, some residues involving Ala residues at the αII helix and loop region were converted at temperatures below –60°C into a conformation of bR involving a αI helix. The rotational resonance (RR) method is one of several solid-state NMR approaches that have been developed recently for determining weak dipolar


couplings under conditions of MAS. To measure heteronuclear dipolar interactions, such as between 13 C and 15N, rotational echo double resonance (REDOR) and transferred-echo double resonance (TEDOR) NMR have been developed. The measurement of weak dipolar couplings in MAS experiments using any of these methods greatly enhances solid state NMR studies of biological systems since the dipolar couplings are directly related to internuclear distances which in turn provide constraints for the determination of molecular structure. The interatomic distances in crystalline specimen of 13C, 15N doubly labelled simple peptides, Nacetyl-Pro-Gly-Phe, evaluated from REDOR data were compared with those from X-ray diffraction studies and found to justify such a novel approach. The REDOR-derived conformation of this peptide was β turn type I, consistent with the X-ray diffraction study. The maximum deviations of the distances determined by NMR and X-ray diffraction is 0.08 Å despite the complete neglect of the dipolar interactions with the labelled nuclei of neighbouring molecules and natural abundance nuclei. The precision and accuracy given by 13C REDOR experiments are of the order of 0.05 Å. Distinction between the two types of β turn forms, including the β turn type II, found in the monoclinic crystal of this peptide (whose interatomic distances are different by about 0.57 Å) is made possible only by very accurate REDOR measurement. More recently, it is the ability of solid-state NMR to give completely resolved spectra of immobile proteins that has enabled the structures of larger membrane proteins to be determined in the definitive environment of lipid bilayers. Further, high-resolution solid-state 13C NMR spectra of the [3-13C]Alalabelled fragment of bR incorporated into dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine bilayers have been recorded. This approach has proved useful for the assignment of peaks as well as dynamic features of the transmembrane helixes in lipid bilayers.

Coals and coal products The complete molecular structure of coal is one of the unsolved secrets of nature. Of the various analytical methods available, NMR spectroscopy has proved to be of special importance in coal research. Solid-state NMR techniques allow the structure of coal and coal products to be investigated in a direct and nondestructive way. The accuracy of aromaticity measurements on coals by CP MAS 13C NMR, together with additional problems posed by high-field measurements and spectral editing, and some emerging techniques,

have been discussed. It is suggested that a combination of low field, single-pulse excitation with long relaxation delays and the use of a suitable reagent to quench paramagnetic centres is the most satisfactory, albeit time consuming, recipe for obtaining reasonably reliable results on unknown samples. One particular coal, Illinois No. 6, has been measured by 2D 13C–1H chemical shift correlation spectroscopy. A variant of dipolar shift correlation spectroscopy has been described and this is very convenient for determining the relative amounts of methylene, methine and methyl or non-protonated carbons in a complex mixture such as coal.

Foods It has long been recognized that NMR can be of use to the food scientist and food processor. However, it is only within the last 15 years that there has been a consistent and widespread growth of the use of NMR. One reason for this is the development of new solid-state NMR methods. Work on starch provides an excellent example of the information obtainable from solid-state NMR. Native starch granules have crystalline and non-crystalline regions. The crystalline regions are made up of an ordered arrangement of polymer chains in the form of double helices, whereas the amorphous regions contain single chains. The two polymorphs of starch, A (from cereals) and B (from tubers), have different packing arrangements of the double helices. The CP MAS NMR spectra of various native starches clearly demonstrate distinguishable crystalline and amorphous regions. 13 C CP MAS and single-pulse (SP) MAS spectra have been obtained for galactomannans and glucomannans as powders, hydrates or gels. Comparison of CP and SP experiments on galactomannan gels did not reveal any chemical shift changes, suggesting that the conformations of mobile and rigid segments are similar. CP MAS experiments have been performed on purified carrageenans and agaroses and on the seaweeds which are the source of these materials. Although the lines were broad, characterization of the intact algae was possible and various substituents were identified.

List of symbols T1 = spin–lattice relaxation time; T2 = spin–spin relaxation time; T1ρ = spin–lattice relaxation time in the rotating frame; TDD = dipolar-dephasing relaxation time.


See also: Food Science, Applications of NMR Spectroscopy; High Resolution Solid State NMR, 1H, 19 F; Membranes Studied By NMR Spectroscopy; Neutron Diffraction, Theory; NMR of Solids; NMR Pulse Sequences; NMR Spectrometers; Powder X-Ray Diffraction, Applications; Proteins Studied Using NMR Spectroscopy; Solid State NMR, Methods; Solid State NMR, Rotational Resonance.

Further reading Ando I and Asakura T (1998) Solid State NMR of Polymers. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science. Ando I, Yamanobe T and Asakura T (1990) Progress in NMR Spectroscopy 22: 210. Belton PS, Colquhoun IJ and Hills BP (1993) Annual Reports in NMR Spectroscopy 26: 1. Dec SF, Wind RA and Maciel GE (1987) Macromolecules 20: 349.

Evans JS (ed) (1995) Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy. New York: Oxford University Press. Katoh E, Sugisawa H, Oshima A, Tabata Y, Seguchi T and Yamazaki T (1998) Radiation Physics and Chemistry (in the press). Katoh E, Sugimoto H, Kita Y and Ando I (1995) Journal of Molecular Structure 355: 21. Komoroski RA (ed) (1986) High Resolution NMR of Synthetic Polymers in Bulks. Florida: VCH. Kurosu H, Ando S, Yoshimizu H and Ando I (1994) Annual Reports in NMR Spectroscopy 28: 189. Harris RK and Jackson P (1991) Chemical Reviews 91: 1427. Holstein P, Scheler U and Harris RK (1997) Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry 35: 647. Meiler W and Meusinger R (1991) Annual Reports in NMR Spectroscopy 23: 375. Saito H and Ando I (1989) Annual Reports in NMR Spectroscopy 21: 210. Schmidt-Rohr K and Spiess HW (1994) Multidimensional Solid State NMR and Polymers. London: Academic Press.

High Resolution Solid State NMR, 1H, Anne S Ulrich, Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena, Germany Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction Hydrogen (1H) and fluorine (19F) possess the highest magnetic moments amongst all isotopes in the periodic table (besides the radioactive tritium, 3H), which gives them the greatest NMR sensitivity and strongest dipolar couplings. Their spin of I = makes them well suited for structural investigations, and 1H is indeed the most widely used nucleus in solutionstate NMR. In the solid state, however, the very advantage of strong dipolar interactions, conveying long-range distance information, turns to a disadvantage when rapid spin diffusion occurs between nuclei in an extensively coupled network. The high abundance of 1H in organic compounds thus leads to substantial line-broadening, and the same happens to 19F in a perfluorinated or protonated environment. Several different line-narrowing approaches have been developed to achieve high resolution, namely magicangle spinning (MAS), multiple-pulse sequences, a combination of both (CRAMPS), or the use of uniaxially oriented samples. Some important experiments will be illustrated here that are applicable to both 1H and 19F for determining chemical shift values, seg-



MAGNETIC RESONANCE Applications mental mobilities, and through-space correlations. Depending on the material, both nuclei have been fruitfully applied in the analysis of inorganic crystals organic solids, glasses, polymers, liquid crystals and biological systems. The extensive literature on broadline NMR studies of these systems will not be considered here. The high-frequency channel of a standard solidstate NMR spectrometer tends to be optimized for 1 H, especially when 1H-decoupling is required for observing 13C and other low-band nuclei. For 19F NMR experiments it is necessary to re-tune the transmitters, amplifiers and probes, and some extra hardware may need to be implemented when 19F and 1H are to be used simultaneously. The areas of 1H and 19 F NMR have thus been pursued by different groups and with different objectives. If any general trends are to be identified, solid-state 1H NMR appears to be moving towards higher resolution by working at high magnetic field strengths (currently up to 20 T), by applying high MAS speeds (beyond 35 kHz), by making use of multidimensional experiments (HETCOR, multiquantum), and with an awareness of the physical limitations to the inherent spectral


line widths. Concerning the solid state 19F NMR analysis of (per-)fluorinated materials, an observation of 19F is often preferred over the otherwise very popular 13C, because in these systems the 13C resonances are strongly broadened and not so readily decoupled from the 19F spins. With yet another motivation to study dilute 19F-labels in a protonated environment, namely in organic and biological systems, many 19F NMR experiments can be realized under efficient 1H-decoupling that are analogous to 13C NMR.

Properties of the nuclei The nuclear spin properties of 1H and 19F are summarized and compared in Table 1. The high gyromagnetic ratios γ provide both isotopes with a much higher sensitivity than 2H (1% of 1H), 13C (1.6%) or 15 N (0.1%), to name a few, and these factors are further enhanced by the respective natural abundances. The hom*o- and heteronuclear dipolar Hamiltonian also depends on γ, and it is given for a dilute pair of spins (I1,I2) by

The coupling within a pair (or within a small group) of nuclei is well defined by their relative positions (distance r and angle θ), which makes their interaction inhom*ogeneous. The line shapes or dipolar splittings of dilute labels can thus be directly analysed to measure local structural parameters or motional averaging. In an extended network of abundant spins, on the other hand, the dipolar interactions are more complex than in Equation [1] and they become highly nonlinear. This leads to hom*ogeneous line-broadening by spin diffusion, which is much harder to suppress experimentally. The main difference between 1H and 19F lies in the ranges of their isotropic and anisotropic chemical shifts (anisotropic = dependent on the orientation of the molecule in space, i.e. on its alignment with respect to the magnetic field direction). Unlike 1H, the 19 F atom is rather polarizable, which makes the chemical shift very sensitive to local charge densities and hydrogen-bonding, and which also leads to significant solvent and temperature effects. Table 2 provides a comprehensive list of isotropic 19F chemical shifts for inorganic and organic solid compounds, as compiled by Miller. Referencing in the solid state usually relies on comparison with a separate sample of TMS for 1H, or CFCl3 for 19F, rather than using internal or external chemical shift standards. An

Table 1

Nuclear spin properties of 1H and 19F






Natural abundance



Gyromagnetic ratio γ (107 rad s−1 T−1)



Relative sensitivity (at constant field)



Resonance frequency at 11.74 T

500 MHz

470.4 MHz

Chemical shift range (total)

−20–30 ppm

−400–800 ppm

0–12 ppm

−200–0 ppm

(organic compounds) Shielding anisotropy (CSA)

30 ppm

200 ppm

Dominant relaxation mechanism


Dipolar, CSA

extensive list of chemical shielding anisotropies for 1 H and 19F has been published by Duncan.

Methods for studying abundant and dilute spins In the following overview of methods and applications in high-resolution solid-state 1H and 19F NMR it is instructive to consider different kinds of situations that the experiment may need to address. Depending on the abundance of spins, different line broadening mechanisms will be encountered, and different techniques are required to achieve high resolution. After a discussion of four such categories, some representative applications to various materials will be illustrated. 1

H NMR of abundant spins

In organic compounds, in polymers and in biological materials the 1H-density is high and spin diffusion leads to rapid dephasing of the magnetization. The resulting hom*ogenous line broadening can only be fully suppressed by MAS when the spinning frequency νr is much higher than the static line width (which is typically around 50 kHz in rigid solids). Since modern commercial NMR probes can reach speeds of up to 35 kHz with small rotors, this is not usually sufficient to achieve complete hom*onuclear dipolar decoupling in rigid solids. Only samples with a high intrinsic mobility, such as liquid crystals and rubber-like materials, will give narrow lines under high-speed MAS, with well resolved isotropic chemical shifts. Note that the chemical shielding anisotropy does not usually represent a problem for 1H NMR, because it represents an inhom*ogenous interaction. It is efficiently narrowed by MAS already at low spinning speeds, resulting in a narrow isotropic line plus a set of side-bands that are separated by multiples of νr .


Table 2 Chemical shifts of fluorine in inorganic and organic solie samples. Reproduced with permission of Elsevier Science from Miller JM (1996) Progress in NMR Spectroscopy, Vol 28, pp 255–281. Amsterdam: Elsevier.


Chemical group

Chemical shift (relative to CFCl3 in ppm)







Inorganic samples

































–115 –156


–129 –116 SiF4/HF







–92 –































–88a –111a














–106.4, –107.0






























Mobile F– Na3AlF6


–39.0 –189


Table 2



Chemical group

Chemical shift (relative to CFCl3 in ppm)




Al2(F,OH)2SiO4 (topaz)
















–128 F–




























HAP/SnF2 dentifrice


–103 to –99












Sb(III) subs., FAP







Synthetic FAP



Heated FAP






Synthetic FHAP





–99 to –103






CaF2–FAP Gallophosphate cloverite



F– in DR cages 4Ga


3 Ga, 2Al


2 Ga, 2Al


1 Ga, 1Al






F in sodalite type cages


Flurophosphate glass

F– coord. to Al/Ba

–99 to –90

Fluorinated AlPO4



F– . . CHAH+


F– ion pair

–119 to –123


–135 to –139a

Fluorinated AlPO4


F occluded in double 4-membered rings

subs. Ga2O3−P2O5

Ga...F–... Ga

–67.8 –92.2, –113

Fluorinated SiO2


–63 to –75

Templated with



F– Interaction with Ge/Ti/Al/Ga







Table 2


Chemical group

Chemical shift (relative to CFCl3 in ppm)


F– in 4-membered ring cages


Fluoride subs, silicate




F subs. LEV type zeolite

F in framework Si–F



–150, –175 –129

Zn,Ti substituted layered silicate


–146.6, –169.1, –186.0

Ga layered silicate

F– in dioctahedral sheets



F– in trioctahedral Mg/Li-containing sheets










Fluorscandium pargasite



NaF−zeolite A(LTA)

F– in sodalite structure


F−montmorillonite Barasym SMM 100 Synthetic dioctahedral 2:1 layered aluminosilicate

F in trioctahedral Mg-containing sheets F in dioctahderal Mg-containing sheets F in dioctahedral Al-containing sheets

KF−montmorillonite K10


NH4 –montmorillonite K10


RbF−montmorillonite K10


CsF−montmorillonite K10


–141 RbF−silica

–122 F–











Cd/Zn/CuF2– montmorillonite K10 CuF2−silica

–149 –149




[(PS)H ] [OTeF ]

F– triclinic, axial


(PS)H+ = protonated

F– triclinic, equatorial



F– orthorhombic, axial


F– orthorhombic, equatorial



– 5

naphthalene [N(n-Bu ][OTeF )]

F– axial


F– equatorial



F– axial

–27.7, –33.1


F– equatorial

–42.4, –43.3

+ 4

– 5

Organic samples (CF2CFCl)n CH2CF2/CF3CFCF2/CF2CFCl co- and ter-polymers




–106.2, –100.2


–71.9, –72.1, –72.7 –72.9


–76.4, –76.6, –77.6 –77.9


–82.1 –91.4, –91.8, –90.8 –91.5, –89.7




–104.4, –104.7


–108.8, –109.1




–111.3, –111.6


Table 2



Chemical group

CFCl3/PU foam


CFCl2CH3/PU foam


CHCl2CF3/ PU foam

CHCl2CF3 p-F CF CF2 CF3 Dual mode sorbed Mobile C6F6 Dual mode sorbed

Chemical shift (relative to CFCl3 in ppm) –115.2, –116.7 –116.4 –116.8, –116.4 –119.3, –119.6 –120.0, –120.2 –119.9, –120.2 –123.2, –123.6 –123.7, –123.8 –122.3 –127.7, –129.8 –130.5 –127.3, –126.7 –128.4, –130.5 –131.3 –135.7 –184.9, –185.0 –185.4, –185.8 –123.2 –50.2 –54.1 –82.4 –127.9 –123.7 –113 –89 –83.0 –129.8 –124.7 –118.2 –146.9 –148.4 –151.7 –152.6 –165.2 –167.7 –177.8 –71.5 –2.0 –45.6 –79.6 –108.5 –148 –106, –123 –78 –117, –161 –169 –55.7

C6F6 sorbed on butyl rubber

Dual mode sorbed


CF2CFHCF3 subs. adamantane




–CF2CF2CF2– CF3– CF3– CF3– CF3CF2– –CF2CF2CF2–

Poly(vinyl difluoride)

Imperfections C–F


CF3– CF3CF2– –CF2CF2CF2– –CF2SO3–

Perfluoronaphthalene (C10F8)

F1 F2 F3 F4


F2.6 F3.5 F4


C6H4F−co-polymer CF4/plasma treated diamond

C6F6 sorbed on polystyrene Bis(trifluoromethyl)




–122, –130




Table 2


Sample Fluorinated steroids

Chemical group CF

Chemical shift (relative to CFCl3 in ppm) –165.6, –165.2 –171.4 –187.9, –180.1 –192.3

CHF CH2F All shifts have been recalculated with respect to CFCl3 as the reference. a Possibly an inconsistent assignment. Use with caution.

As an alternative to averaging in real space, dipolar decoupling can also be achieved in spin space by using multiple-pulse sequences such as WAHUHA-4, MREV-8 or BR-24. The efficiencies and spectral sweep-widths of these sequences are limited by the cycle time, e.g. to average a dipolar width of 50 kHz the cycle would have to be short compared to 20 µs. This places considerable technical demands on the probe design, namely short ringdown times ( ν1 and ν2 > ν4. In MX4 derivatives the MX stretching frequency generally decreases on going from F to I. The average values of ν(MBr)/ ν(MCl) and ν(MI)/ν(MCl) calculated from selected compounds are 0.76 and 0.62, respectively, for ν3, and 0.61 and 0.42, respectively, for ν1. These values are very useful in the assignment of the MX stretching bands in halogeno complexes. The effect of changing the oxidation state on the MX stretching frequency has been extensively studied with [FeX4]– and [FeX4]2– (X = Cl and Br) Table 6 (cm –1)

Vibrational frequencies of tetrahedral compounds


















































278, 301




Distorted, ν 7: 388 ; ν 8: 719; ν 9: 319.

Figure 9 Normal modes of vibration for a tetrahedral XY4 molecule.

species: it has been found that the MX stretching frequency increases as the oxidation state of the metal increases. In tetrahedral MO , MS and MSe compounds, the ν1/ν3 ratio increases as the negative charge of the anion increases; for anions having the same negative charge and the central atom belonging to the same group of the periodic table, the ν1/ν3 ratio increases with increasing mass of the central atom, and finally the ν1/ν3 ratio increases with increasing negative charge of the anion in isoelectronic ions, with the mass of the central atom approximately constant. Figure 10 shows the seven normal modes of vibration of square-planar XY4 molecules. Vibra-tions ν3, ν6 and ν7 are infrared active, whereas ν1, ν2 and ν4 are Raman active. Some vibrational frequencies for selected square-planar XY4 molecules are reported in Table 7. XY5 molecules may be trigonal bipyramidal (D3h) or tetragonal pyramidal (C4v). Trigonal bipyramidal have eight normal modes of vibration, six of which (A , E′ and E″) are Raman active and five (A and E') are infrared active. Normal coordinate studies have demonstrated that in neutral trigonal bipyramidal MX5 compounds, the equatorial bonds are stronger than axial ones. In tetragonal XY5 molecules, the axial stretching frequency (ν1) is generally higher than equatorial


Table 7 Vibrational frequencies of square planar XY4 molecules (cm –1) ν1






























Figure 10 Normal modes of vibration for a square planar XY4 molecule.

stretching frequencies (ν2, ν4 and ν7). This is the opposite of what is found for trigonal bipyramidal XY5 molecules. Figure 11 shows the six normal modes of vibration of an octahedral XY6 molecule. Vibrations ν1, ν2 and ν5 are Raman active, whereas only ν3 and ν4 are infrared active; ν6 is inactive in both, and its frequency is estimated from an analysis of combination

Figure 11


ν7 (161)

and overtone bands. Vibrational frequencies of several octahedral XY6 molecules are reported in Table 8. The order of the stretching frequencies can be ν1 > ν3 >> ν2 or ν1 < ν3 >> ν2, depending on the compound. The order of the bending frequencies is ν4 > ν5 > ν6 in most cases. In the same group of the periodic table, the stretching frequencies decrease as the mass of the central atom increases. Several XY6-type ions show splitting of degenerate vibrations due to lowering of symmetry in the crystalline state, an effect which has been attributed to a static Jahn–Teller effect. Characteristic infrared frequencies and their assignment for some other important anions are summarized in Table 9. In some cases where there is high point group symmetry, vibrations normally infrared inactive often appear as a weak band and doubly and triply degenerate vibrations can split into two and three compo-

Normal modes of vibration for an octahedral XY6 molecule.


Table 8 (cm –1)

Vibrational frequencies of octahedral XY6 molecules





































Table 9 (cm–1)

Fundamental vibrations of selected inorganic ions



Point group Td


Tetrahydroaluminate Cyanide Thiocyanate













Hexachlorostannate Iodate







Tetrachloroplatinate Nitrite










Cω h

Vibrations 1790 (ν1), 799 (ν2), 1740 (ν3), 764 (ν4) 2080–2239 (νC≡N) 1293 (ν1), 470 (ν2), 2066 (ν3) 1087 (ν1), 874 (ν2), 1432 (ν3), 706 (ν4) 935 (ν1), 420 (ν2), 1080 (ν3), 550 (ν4) 940 (ν1), 220 (ν2), 895 (ν3), 365 (ν4) 311 (ν1), 229 (ν2), 158 (ν3) 779 (ν1), 390 (ν2), 826 (ν3), 330 (ν4) 935 (ν1), 460 (ν2), 1050–1170 (ν3), 630 (ν4) 335 (ν1), 164 (ν2), 304 (ν4) 1320–1365 (ν1), 807–818 (ν2), 1221–1251 (ν3) 1018–1050 (ν1), 807–850 (ν2), 1310–1405 (ν3), 697–716 (ν4) 840 (ν1), 340–350 (ν2), 900 (ν3), 387 (ν4)

nents, respectively. These effects derive either from lowering of the point group symmetry or from factor group splitting as a result of different crystalline environments.

Coordination compounds Ammine complexes

The NH3 stretching frequencies in hexammine complexes (Figure 12) are generally lower than those in the free NH3 molecule due to the fact that upon coordination the N–H bond is weakened: the stronger the M–N bond, the weaker is the N–H bond and the lower are the NH3 stretching frequencies. For this

Figure 12 Infrared spectrum of the hexammine cobalt complex [Co(NH3)6]Cl2.

reason, the NH3 stretching frequencies may be used as a rough measure of the M–N bond strength. The effect of the counterion should be considered: the NH3 stretching frequencies in chloride derivatives are much lower than those in the perchlorate ones and the weakening of the N–H bond is due to the formation of the N–H⋅⋅⋅⋅Cl-type hydrogen bond in the former. The main effect of coordination and hydrogen bonding is the shift to higher frequencies of the NH3 deformation and rocking modes. The NH3 rocking mode is most sensitive whereas the degenerate deformation is least sensitive to these effects. Nitro, nitrito and nitrato complexes

The NO ion is able to coordinate metals in a variety of ways (Figure 13), and vibrational spectroscopy is very useful in distinguishing the possible structures. If the NO2 group is bonded to a metal through its N atom (nitro form) it exhibits νa(NO2) and νs(NO2) in the 1470–1370 and 1340–1320 cm–1 regions, respectively. The free NO ion exhibits the same modes at 1250 and 1335 cm–1, respectively; thus νa(NO2) shifts markedly to a higher frequency, whereas νs(NO2) changes very little upon coordination. On the other hand, if the NO2 group is bonded to a metal through one of its O atoms (nitrito form) it shows two ν(NO2) well separated at 1485– 1400 cm–1, ν(N=O), and 1110–1050 cm–1, ν(NO), respectively. The nitrito complexes lack the wagging modes near 620 cm–1 which appear in all nitro derivatives and exhibit ν(MO) (M = Cr(III), Rh(III) and Ir(III)) in the 360–340 cm–1 region. If the NO2 group is O2-chelating, both antisymmetric and symmetric NO2 stretching frequencies are lower and the ONO bending frequency is higher than that for unidentate N-bonded nitro complexes. In this case, νa(NO2) depends on the degree of asymmetry of the coordinated nitro group: it is lowest when two N–O bonds are equivalent and becomes higher as the degree of asymmetry increases.


have been identified as νa(NO2), νs(NO2) and ν(NO), respectively; whereas [Ni(en)2NO3]ClO4 which contains a chelating bidentate nitrate, exhibits the three bands at 1476 cm–1, 1290 cm–1 and 1025 cm–1, due to ν(N=O), νa(NO2) and νs(NO2), respectively. The separation of the two highest frequency bands is larger for bidentate than for unidentate coordination, a rule which is not applicable if the complexes are markedly different. For structural diagnosis, it is possible to use the combination band, ν1+ν4, of free NO ion which appears in the 1800–1700 cm–1 region. Upon coordination the ν4 (E′, in-plane bending) near 700 cm–1 splits into two bands, and the magnitude of this splitting is expected to be larger for bidentate than for unidentate ligands. In some cases, this produces the separation of two (ν1+ν4) bands in the 1800– 1700 cm–1 region, the NO ion being bidentate if the separation is 70–20 cm–1 and unidentate if it is 25– 5 cm–1. Lattice water

It is possible to classify water in inorganic salts and coordination compounds such as lattice or coordinated water, but no definite borderline exists between the two forms. Vibrational spectra are often useful for providing information which allows the two forms to be distinguished. Lattice water exhibits strong absorptions at 3550– 3200 cm–1 (antisymmetric and symmetric OH stretchings) and at 1630–1600 cm–1 (HOH bending). In the region 600–200 cm–1, lattice water exhibits ‘libration modes’ that are due to rotational oscillations of the water molecule. Figure 13

Coordination modes of the NO and NO ions.

The nitro group is also known to form a bridge between two metal atoms (Figure 13) with NO2 stretching bands appearing at 1492 and 1180 cm–1. Upon isotopic substitution of the bridging oxygen, the latter is shifted by –10 cm–1 while the former is almost unchanged. For this reason, these bands have been assigned to the ν(N=O) (outside the bridge) and ν(N–O) (bridge), respectively. The NO ion is able to coordinate in unidentate, symmetric and asymmetric chelating bidentate, and bridging bidentate fashion (Figure 13). It is very difficult to distinguish the possible structures by vibrational spectroscopy since the symmetry of the nitrate ion differs very little among them (C2v or Cs). The unidentate NO3 group exhibits three NO stretching bands, as expected due to its C2v symmetry. For example, in [Ni(en)2(NO3)2] containing unidentate nitrato groups the three bands at 1420, 1305 and 1008 cm–1

Aquo and hydroxo complexes

The structure of aquo complexes is often assigned on the basis of their vibrational spectra: TiCl3⋅6H2O has been formulated as trans-[Ti(H2O)4Cl2]Cl⋅2H2O since it exhibits one TiO stretching (500 cm–1, Eu) and one TiCl stretching (336 cm–1, A2u) mode. In the Raman spectra of aqueous solutions of nitrate and sulfate zinc(II) and mercury(II) salts, the polarized Raman bands in the 400–360 cm–1 region have been assigned to the metal–O stretching modes of hexacoordinated aquo complex ions. The hydroxo group can be distinguished from the aquo group since the former lacks the HOH bending mode near 1600 cm–1, and hydroxo complexes exhibit MOH bending modes below 1200 cm–1 (for example, 1150 cm–1 for the [Sn(OH)6]2– ion). The OH group is able to bridge two metal atoms: in [(bipy)Cu(OH)2Cu(bipy)]SO4⋅5H2O the bridging OH bending mode is at 955 cm–1 and is shifted to 710 cm–1 upon deuteration.


Perchlorato complexes

Infrared and Raman spectroscopy techniques have been used extensively to determine the mode of coordination of the ClO ligand. For example: the ionic K[ClO4] shows only two characteristic bands at 1170–1050 and 935 cm–1, whereas Cu(ClO4)2⋅2H2O, where the perchlorate is coordinated in unidentate fashion, exhibits three strong absorptions at 1158, 1030 and 920 cm–1. In the bidentate perchlorate complexes, the first absorption is split into three bands (1270–1245, 1130 and 948– 920 cm–1) whereas the second band appears at 1030 cm–1. β-Diketones β-Diketones form metal chelates of type I, II, III and IV (Figure 14). The ν(MO) of these chelates, assigned by using the metal-isotope technique, provides direct information about the M–O bond strength. Vibrational spectroscopy can be employed to differentiate cis and trans octahedral complexes M(acac)2X2. For example, Ti(acac)2F2 is ‘cis’ with two ν(TiF) at 633 and 618 cm–1 whereas cis- and trans-Re(acac)2Cl2 can be isolated. In the infrared spectrum the trans isomer exhibits ν(ReO) and ν(ReCl) at 464 and 309 cm–1, respectively, while each of these bands splits into two in the cis isomer: 472 and 460 cm–1 for ν(ReO) and 346 and 333 cm–1 for ν(ReCl). In some derivatives, the keto form of acac forms a chelate ring (II). This kind of coordination has been observed in M(acacH)Cl2 (M=Co and Zn) which exhibits a strong ν(C=O) band near 1700 cm–1.

Figure 14

Coordination modes of β-diketone ligands.

In Mn(acacH)2Br2, the acacH coordinates in the unidentate enolic form through only one O atom (III). The CO and CC stretching bands of the enol ring were found at 1627 and 1564 cm–1, respectively. In [Pt(acac)2Cl2]2–, the metal is bonded to the γ-carbon atom of the acetylacetonato ion (IV). The infrared spectra show two ν(C=O) at 1652 and 1626 cm–1, two ν(C–C) at 1350 and 1193 cm–1, and one ν(Pt–C) at 567 cm–1. Carbonyl complexes

Carbonyl complexes generally exhibit strong sharp ν(CO) bands between 2100 and 1800 cm–1. Studies of ν(CO) provide valuable information about the structure and bonding of carbonyl complexes because ν(CO) is generally free from coupling with other modes and is not obscured by the presence of other vibrations. The ν(CO) is generally at lower frequencies in the complexes than in the free CO (2155 cm–1). However, the opposite trend is observed when CO is bonded to metal halides with the metals in a relatively higher oxidation state. Frequencies for bridging CO groups are much lower (1900– 1800 cm–1) than those of the terminal CO group (2100–2000 cm–1), and extremely low ν(CO) (∼1300 cm–1) are observed when the bridging CO group forms an adduct through its O atom. Vibrational studies on Fe(CO)5 and M(CO)6 (M = Cr, Mo and W) derivatives, including their 13C and 18O species, have indicated that the M–C bond strength increases in the order Mo < Cr < W, an order also supported by a Raman study. It has been found that in the M(CO)4 complexes (Td), ν(CO) decreases and ν(MC) increases on going from Ni(CO)4 to [Co(CO)4]– to [Fe(CO)4]2–. This result indicates that the M→CO π back-donation increases in the order Ni(0) < Co(-I) < Fe(-II). Highly reduced species such as [W(CO)4]4– exhibit very low ν(CO) values (1530–1460 cm–1). Vibrational spectroscopy has been a subject useful for elucidating structures of polynuclear carbonyls. For CO2(CO)8, which has a structure containing six terminal and two bridging CO groups, five terminal and two bridging ν(CO) are expected to be infrared active: the former are in fact observed at 2075, 2064, 2047, 2035 and 2028 cm–1, whereas the latter are at 1867 and 1859 cm–1. In MX(CO)X derivatives (X = Cl, Br or I), ν(CO) is highest for the chloro compound and lowest for the iodo compound (the bromo compound being between the two) in accordance with their electronegativities.


Dioxygen complexes

Dioxygen (O2) adducts of metal complexes have been extensively investigated with vibrational spectroscopy because of their importance as models for oxygen carriers in biological systems and as catalytic intermediates in oxidation reactions of organic compounds. The bond order of the O–O linkage decreases as the number of electrons in the antibonding 2pπ* orbital increases: the bond order in [O2+]AsF6, O2, K[O ] and Na2[O ] is 2.5, 2.0, 1.5 and 1.0, respectively. This decrease causes an increase in the O–O distance and a decrease in the ν(O2), which are at 1858, 1555, 1108 and 760 cm–1, respectively. An interesting example of dioxygen adducts of transition-metal complexes is the trans-planar [IrCl(CO)(PPh3)2] (Vaska’s salt), which binds dioxygen reversibly to form a trigonal bipyramidal complex. The O–O distance of this compound (1.30 Å) is close to that of the O ion (1.28 Å): its ν(O2) (857 cm–1) is typical of peroxo adducts. Halogeno complexes

Halogens (X) are the most common ligands in coordination chemistry. Terminal MX stretching bands appear in the regions of 750–500 cm–1 for MF, 400–200 cm–1 for MCl, 300–200 cm–1 for MBr, and 200–100 cm–1 for MI. The ν(MX) generally is higher with a higher oxidation state of the metal. In some cases, such as the [M(dias)2Cl2]n+, ν(MCl) changes rather drastically on going from Ni(III) (d7) to Ni(IV) (d6) (240 and 421 cm–1, respectively) while very little change is observed between Fe(III) (d5) and Fe(IV) (d4) (384 and 390 cm–1, respectively). This was attributed to the presence of one electron in the antibonding e orbital in the Ni(III) complex. The SnX stretching force constants of halogenotin compounds are approximately proportional to the oxidation number of the metal divided by the coordination number of the complex. It is interesting to note that the ν(SnCl) of free SnCl ion [289 (A1) and 252 (E) cm–1] are shifted to higher frequencies upon coordination to a metal: the ν(SnCl) of [Rh2Cl2(SnCl3)4]2– are at 339 and 323 cm–1. The number of ν(MX) vibrations observed is often very useful for determining the stereochemistry of the complex: in the vibrational and Raman spectra of planar M(NH3)2X2 [M = Pt(II) and Pd(II)] the trans isomer (D2h) exhibits one ν(MX) (B3u), whereas the cis isomer (C2v) exhibits two ν(MX) (A1 and B2) bands in the infrared. Some derivatives, such as Ni(PPh2R)2Br2 (R = alkyl) exist in two isomeric forms, tetrahedral and trans-planar. Distinction between these two can

be made easily since the numbers and frequencies of infrared-active ν(NiBr) and ν(NiP) are different for each isomer: in fact, ν(NiBr) and ν(NiP) are at ∼330 and 260 cm–1, respectively, for the planar form, and at ∼270–230 and 200–160 cm–1, respectively, for the tetrahedral form. IR data allow us to differentiate between fac and mer [MX3(L)3] isomers: for example fac[RhCl3(Py)3] gives two bands at 341 and 325 cm–1 whereas mer-[RhCl3(Py)3] shows three bands at 355, 322 and 295 cm–1. Bridging MX stretching frequencies [νb(MX)] are generally lower than terminal MX stretching frequencies [νt(MX)]. Complexes containing metal–metal bonds

Complexes containing metal–metal bonds show ν(MM) in the low-frequency region (250–100 cm–1) because the M–M bonds are relatively weak and the masses of metals are relatively large. In the infrared, ν(MM) is forbidden if the complex is perfectly centrosymmetric with respect to the M–M. If the derivative is not centrosymmetric, weak ν(MM) appear. In heteronuclear complexes the ν(MM′) vibration is more strong than ν(MM) because of the presence of a dipole moment along the M–M′ bond. In Raman spectroscopy both ν(MM) and ν(MM) appear strong since large changes in polarizabilities are expected as a result of stretching long, covalent M–M bonds. Several ν(MM) of polynuclear carbonyls have been reported, and the MM stretching force constants obtained from normal coordinate analysis have been used to discuss the nature of the M–M bond. For example, (CO)5Mn–W(CO5) exhibits the ν(M–M) in the Raman spectra at 153 cm–1. Compounds containing unusually short M–M bonds exhibit unusually high ν(MM). The Mo–Mo distance in Mo2(OAc)4 is 2.09 Å, and the ν(MM) appear at 406 cm–1 because the Mo–Mo bond consists of one σ-bond, two π-bonds and a δ-bond (bond order 4).

Organometallic compounds Metal alkanes

The methyl group bonded to a metal (M–CH3) exhibits the six normal vibrations expected for tetrahedral ZXY3 molecules. In addition, CMC bending and CH3 torsional modes are expected for M(CH3)n (n ≥ 2) compounds. In M(CH3)4 derivatives (M = Si or Sn) the CH3 rocking, MC stretching and CMC


bending frequencies are very sensitive to the change in metals, and the number of these skeletal infrared or Raman active modes provides direct information about the structure of the MC skeleton. Some metal alkyls are polymerized in the solid state: Li(CH3) forms a tetramer containing Li–CH3– Li bridges in the solid state and its CH3 frequencies are lower than those of nonbridging compounds. The infrared spectra of Li[Al(CH3)4] and Li2[Zn(CH3)4] have been interpreted on the basis of linear polymeric chains in which the Al (or Zn) atom and the Li atom are bonded alternately through two CH3 groups. Metal alkenes and alkynes

A vinyl group σ-bonded to a metal (M–CH=CH2) exhibits, in addition to the MC stretching and CMC bending modes, strong C=C stretching vibrations in the Raman spectra. Their intensity and position in infrared spectra depend on the metal: for example Hg(CH=CH2)2 exhibits ν(C=C) at 1603, and ν(MC) at 541 and 513 cm–1. Also, the C≡C stretching frequencies of acetylenic compounds are strong in the Raman, but vary from strong to weak in the infrared, depending on the metal involved. In contrast to σ-bonded complexes, the C=C and C≡C stretching bands of π-bonded complexes show marked shifts to lower frequencies relative to those of free ligands. Alkenes form π-complexes with transition metals. Zeise’s salt, K[Pt(C2H4)Cl3]⋅H2O has been extensively investigated, but assignments have been often controversial. Two types of bonding are involved in the Pt–C2H4 bond: a σ-bond formed by the overlap of the filled 2pπ bonding orbital of the alkene with the vacant dsp2 bonding orbital of the metal and a πbond formed by the overlap of the 2pπ* antibonding orbital of the alkene with a filled dp hybrid orbital of the metal. If the σ-bond is predominant, bonding scheme I (Figure 15), which predicts one Pt(II)alkene stretching mode, should be preferred. Some workers assigned the absorption at 407 cm–1 band of Zeise’s salt to this mode. On the other hand, if bonding scheme II is operating, a five coordinate

Figure 15 Possible bonding schemes for the Pt–C2H4 bond in Zeise’s salt.

Pt atom is formed and the two bands at 491 and 403 cm–1 can be assigned to the symmetric and antisymmetric PtC stretching modes, respectively. The real bonding is somewhere between I and II, and the latter may become more significant as the oxidation state of the metal decreases. In Zeise’s salt X-ray analysis and MO calculations, together with infrared studies suggests bonding scheme I. Free HC≡CH exhibits a CC stretching band at 1974 cm–1. When coordinated as in (HC≡CH)Co2(CO)6, the CC stretching band was observed at 1402 cm–1, which is ∼570 cm–1 lower than the value for free acetylene. The spectrum of the coordinated acetylene in this complex is similar to that of free acetylene in its first excited state, at which the molecule takes on a trans-bent structure. Free HC≡C(C6H5) exhibits the C≡C stretching band at 2111 cm–1. In the case of σ-bonded complexes, this band shifts slightly to a lower frequency (2036– 2017 cm–1), while in M[–C≡C(C6H5)]2 [M = Cu(I) and Ag(I)], it shifts to 1926 cm–1 due to the formation of both σ-and π-type bonding. See also: Biochemical Applications of Raman Spectroscopy; Far-IR Spectroscopy, Applications; IR Spectroscopy, Theory; IR Spectrometers; IR Spectroscopy Sample Preparation Methods; Raman Spectrometers; Rayleigh Scattering and Raman Spectroscopy, Theory.

Further reading Degen IA and Newman GA (1993) Raman spectra of inorganic ions. Spectrochimica Acta Part A (Molecular Spectroscopy) 49: 859–887. Ferraro JR and Basile LJ (eds) (1978) Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy. New York: Academic Press. Greenwood NN (ed) (1968) Spectroscopy Properties of Inorganic and Organometallic Compounds. London: The Chemical Society. Herzberg G (1945) Infrared and Raman Spectra of Polyatomic Molecules. Princeton, New York: Van Nostrand. Maslowsky E Jr (1977) Vibrational Spectra of Organometallic Compounds. New York: Wiley. Nakamoto K (1969) Characterization of organometallic compounds by infrared spectroscopy. In: Tsutsui (ed) Characterization of Organometallic Compounds, Part I. New York: Wiley Interscience. Nakamoto K (ed) (1986) Infrared and Raman Spectra of Inorganic and Coordination Compounds, IVth edn. Toronto: Wiley. Nyquist RA and Kagel RO (1971) Infrared Spectra of Inorganic Compounds. San Diego: Academic Press. Nyquist RA, Kagel RO, Putzig CL and Lugers MA (eds) (1996) The Handbook of Infrared Spectra of Inorganic Compounds and Organic Salts. San Diego: Academic Press.


IR and Raman Spectroscopy Studies of Works of Art See

Art Works Studied Using IR and Raman Spectroscopy.

IR Microspectroscopy See

Raman and IR Microspectroscopy.

IR Spectral Group Frequencies of Organic Compounds AS Gilbert, Beckenham, Kent, UK Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

The vibrational spectra of organic compounds are typically complex, possessing many individual bands of variable intensity and shape. It is observed that certain bands are associated with specific chemical groups, that is, certain vibrational motions are largely concentrated within a portion of the molecule. Such bands are identifiable primarily by their occurrence within a narrow range of frequencies and their presence or absence from a spectrum allows empirical judgments to be made concerning the chemical structure. No chemical group, however, is completely isolated in vibrational or electronic terms, and therefore the exact frequency and intensity is determined by and can provide information about the adjacent chemical environment. Examination of many thousands of organic compounds has enabled numerous correlations to be established between elements of IR spectra and chemical structure and extensive tables of group frequency data are available in many publications. Although it is rarely possible to assign most of the bands in an IR spectrum, sufficient information


can often be gleaned that, when allied with data from Raman spectra and other techniques, allows complete structural determination to a high degree of confidence. The concept of group frequencies underpins much of vibrational spectroscopy, though it is not necessary for quantitative analysis.

Initial considerations and definitions Frequency and wavenumber

IR absorption (or Raman shift) is caused by a quantum transition between two energy levels, and so band positions ought to be defined in terms of energy units. However, atoms can be treated as oscillating under the influence of spring-like bonds obeying Hooke’s law, so the terms vibration and vibrational frequency are habitually used. The vibrational frequency is considered to be equal to the frequency of absorbed radiation (or frequency difference in the


case of Raman) and is proportional to the energy difference, but it is customary to define its value not in hertz but in a frequency-dependent unit, the wavenumber, cm–1, which is the reciprocal of the spectral wavelength as measured in centimetres.


Differences between IR and Raman spectroscopies

For a variety of reasons, IR spectroscopy is more fruitful than Raman for applying group frequencies to structural analysis. Some of these reasons are technical, for instance access to IR equipment is much easier and many compounds are not amenable to Raman spectroscopy with visible excitation (as used in the majority of instruments) owing to fluorescence or decomposition under laser illumination. Chemical moieties that yield good group IR frequencies tend to be polar in nature and such entities tend not to give prominent bands in Raman spectra. Conversely, some elements of structure such as C=C bonds, particularly if situated in largely symmetrical and nonpolar surroundings, absorb very weakly in the IR, but in contrast are relatively strong in the Raman. This complementary feature of Raman spectroscopy arises because it is change in polarizability during vibration that is important for determining intensity, rather than dipole change as in the IR. Confidence in assigning group frequencies is therefore often considerably strengthened by utilizing Raman spectroscopy if possible. Overall molecular symmetry is rarely of importance in studying organic compounds as the vast majority of compounds do not possess any. However, local group symmetry usually has a bearing on the relative intensities of certain bands. Physical state

In what follows, the listed frequencies are mostly for samples measured in liquid or solid phases. These can often be found to vary by a few wavenumbers owing to environmental conditions so that it is usually pointless to quote exact values. Care should be exercised with gas-phase frequencies as they can differ quite substantially, owing to the removal of intermolecular association effects. Hydrogen-bonded groups such as hydroxyl are particularly susceptible.

The basis of vibrational frequency For simple harmonic oscillation of a diatomic molecule the value of the vibrational frequency ν of the fundamental mode, in cm–1, is given by the

where f is the force constant (stiffness) of the bond in newtons per metre, m1 and m2 are the individual atomic masses (in atomic mass units) and µ is the ‘reduced’ atomic mass, which is given by

A lone X–H bond (where X represents C, N, O etc.) in a polyatomic compound vibrates almost as if it were a diatomic molecule. As µ in this case is always close to 1 and X–H bonds have broadly similar values of f, then the X–H moiety will yield a band in the same general region. For C–H, f is about 490 N m–1, which yields a frequency of 3000 cm–1; actual values are usually 3100–2800 cm–1. Frequencies for O–H and N–H are usually slightly higher owing to greater values of f. The reduced mass of X–X′ is rather larger than that of X–H, for instance for C–O µ is about 6.86 and since f here is roughly similar to that of C–H (both being single bonds) ν can be expected to be about √6.86 times less than 3000 cm–1, i.e. about 1150 cm–1. Double bonds are approximately twice as strong (and stiff) as single bonds, so C=O should ‘vibrate’ approximately √ 2 times more rapidly than C–O in the region around 1600 cm–1. In fact, the ‘average’ carbonyl frequency is around 1700 cm–1 and for a variety of reasons, discussed below, can be found at least 100 cm–1 or so on either side of this value. Likewise, triple bonds have values of f roughly three times greater than single bonds, thus C≡C and C≡N groups would be expected around 2000 cm–1; they are usually seen between 2300 and 2100 cm–1 or so. The simplest case of a deformation or bending mode (given the symbol δ as opposed to ν which refers to stretching modes) involves a three-atom group with the atoms undergoing a scissors-like motion. Geometric considerations mean that the expression for µ is more complicated than, but not too different from, that for the diatomic oscillator,


but the force constants are rather lower. Thus δ(XH2) vibrations are broadly positioned in the region around 1500 cm–1 while δ(XYH) occurs from 1500 to 1000 cm–1 and beyond. Deformations of XYZ (all C, N, O or heavier atoms) are below 1000 cm–1. The frequencies of stretching vibrations can usually be roughly predicted from knowledge of the bond order and the atomic masses. However, the values of the force constants involved in deformations are not obvious, so that their frequencies often appear to be rather arbitrary. The total number of vibrations for a nonlinear molecule is given by the relation, 3N-6, where N is the number of atoms. These simple considerations explain the general appearance of the vibrational spectra of organic chemicals. Essentially, most bands are found in two regions. First, from about 3600 to 2800 cm–1, wherein lie features resulting from X–H stretching modes. Second, from about 1800 to below 400 cm–1, a region densely occupied by bands from most other vibrations. The upper part, 1800 to about 1500 cm–1, is often referred to as the double bond region, the rest as the fingerprint region. The region between 2800 and 1800 cm–1 is generally quite barren unless triple (or fused double) carbon–carbon or carbon–nitrogen

Figure 1

bonds or one or two less common groups are present. Strongly hydrogen-bonded O–H and N–H can also produce features here. Figure 1 provides an overview in chart form. The IR spectra of inorganic compounds have a rather different aspect, consisting mostly of broad features at low frequencies. Although O–H and N–H are sometimes present, the spectrum down to about 1300 cm–1 is usually empty except for weak overtones and combination bands. Finally, it will be obvious from the equations above that ν(X–D), δ(XD2) and δ(XYD), where D is deuterium, will be considerably different in frequency from the corresponding vibrations with hydrogen.

Vibrational interactions No bond vibrates independently of any other in a polyatomic molecule, and where adjacent oscillators vibrate with similar or identical frequency, strong interaction takes place. This can be illustrated by considering the simple case of a symmetric linear triatomic molecule or group Y–X–Y, joined together by two equivalent bonds. When analysed in terms of

Correlation chart for vibrational spectra of organic compounds. The symbols ν and δ and X, Y and Z are defined in the text.


Table 1

Observed and calculated frequencies (cm−1) for triatomic molecules Y=X=Y: carbon disulfide (CS2) and allene (C3H4)


ν(asym) observed






1158, 1254









a b c

ν(sym) observed

ν (X=Y)C

ν (X=Y) observe

Observed ratio. Theoretical ratio. Calculated from ν(asym) and ν(sym) using theoretical ratios.

classical mechanics the two individual oscillators couple mechanically together to yield two distinct modes of vibration with different frequencies. Representations of these modes are given in Figure 2. The frequencies of each mode can be derived in a simplified fashion as follows. For the in-phase (or symmetric) mode, the central mass remains fixed in space so that each end atom is effectively joined to an infinite mass, thus:

For the out-of-phase (antisymmetric or asymmetric) mode, the central mass is shared so that each end atom effectively vibrates independently with a central atom of half mass, thus:

The frequency of the isolated diatomic fragment Y–X is given by,

By substituting some real values into the equations, it may be seen that the individual oscillators couple to produce two new frequencies, one considerably above and one considerably below the isolated oscillator frequency. Table 1 gives the relevant bands of carbon disulfide (S=C=S) and allene (H2C=C=CH2) and the theoretical ratios of their frequency values as calculated from Equations [4], [5] and [6]. For the case of allene, Y is treated as CH2 with a mass of 14. The strong coupling shown above takes place because the individual vibrators are identical. The less similar they are in terms of frequency, the lower will be the degree of coupling. This is revealed by consideration of the frequencies of simple triatomic linear cyanide molecules shown in Table 2. For HCN and the halogenides, the ‘natural’ (isolated) C– H or C–halogen frequencies are very different from ν(C≡N) and there is little interaction, as demonstrated by the roughly constant values of the latter. But this is not so for DCN and TCN (T = tritium), where by extrapolation from ν(C–H) the C–D and C–T oscillators would have natural frequencies of about 2430 and 2050 cm–1 respectively.

The reality of group frequencies It should be evident from the above that where two or more oscillators are strongly coupled, they will be highly sensitive to replacement or substitution of any individual units. The associated frequencies will

Table 2

Figure 2 Representation of the two stretching modes of vibration of a linear triatomic molecule.

Stretching frequencies of linear triatomic nitriles


ν (Ξ−Χ) (χµ−1)

ν ( Χ≡ Ν) (χµ−1)























Strongly coupled and therefore mixed modes.


therefore not be reliable indicators of particular items of chemical structure. The observation that many simple groups are associated with bands that occur regularly in fairly narrow regions of the spectrum implies that they are largely isolated in vibrational terms. This means that the frequencies are insensitive to gross changes in molecular structure elsewhere. This is understandable for a carbonyl group or a C=C bond positioned in a singly bonded chain of carbon atoms, for instance. While individual vibrators within a group may couple strongly with each other, as long as they only couple weakly with external moieties, they retain their status as group frequencies. Such characteristic and reliable frequencies provide a powerful means for identification of molecular subunits. By definition, they are largely insensitive to mechanical (vibrational) interactions and electronic effects from different adjacent atoms or groups. However, these perturbations can produce consistent shifts that are not so great as to destroy the characteristic nature of the group frequency, so that they provide information on the nature of the immediate chemical environment. Mixed-character vibrational modes

The modes of the linear triatomic molecule, described in the previous section, are purely bond stretching in character. In nonlinear molecules, such as H2O, bond stretching leads to small changes in bond angles through electron redistribution, and the converse occurs for deformation modes. In these simple cases the degree of mixing of bend and stretch is not significant, so that the modes are easily distinguishable from each other. However, where atoms are joined together in a small ring, neither bond stretching nor bond angle bending can take place without each significantly affecting the other so that many of the modes are highly mixed in character. Such vibrations of the molecular framework are often termed ‘skeletal’ modes. Some idea of their complexity can be gained from Figure 3 which shows how the individual atoms oscillate for the various modes of the benzene framework. There are few good identifiable group frequencies below about 1000 cm–1, spectra here are usually dominated by very mixed carbon skeletal and C(H)n rocking modes.

Some examples of group frequencies A few of the more common submolecular units are now discussed below. Space permits only a cursory

treatment and the frequency values given are necessarily a compromise between figures quoted in various publications, which tend to differ slightly. Hydrocarbons

The methylene group This is shown schematically in [1] together with a representation of its associated

local modes of vibration. The two C–H bonds are coupled to give two discrete stretching modes of vibration. Simple analysis shows that typically both overall dipole fluctuation and frequency are greater for ν(asym), so that in IR spectra the higher component of such a band doublet has the greater intensity. The exact position of each band and its relative intensity is dependent on the nature of the atoms to which the methylene group is connected. In simple hydrocarbons the bands are situated in very narrow ranges, 2925 ± 10, 2855 ± 10 and 1465 ± 15 cm–1, respectively. Shifts occur from the presence of other groups and Fermi resonance can often bring some confusion to the region. When methylene is part of a cyclopropane ring, distortion of bond angles leads to increasing sp2 character in the C–H bonds and thereby increase in force constant. This leads to a rise in both ν(asym) and ν(sym), to over 3000 cm–1. Methylene also engages in external vibrations where the group, as an effectively rigid unit, oscillates with respect to other atoms to which it is connected. One such mode, called a ‘rock’, is shown below, and where more than four adjacent CH2 groups form an extended hydrocarbon chain, a characteristic band appears in the IR spectrum near to 725 cm–1. The band is essentially due to a mode where all the CH2 groups are rocking in phase, see [2]. The methyl group There are three stretching modes, two normally identical (degenerate) asymmetric modes, and one symmetric, with a similar relation of frequency and intensity as for methylene but displaced to higher wavenumber. Like methylene, again, they are situated in narrow ranges, 2960 ± 10 and 2870 ± 10 cm–1, respectively, in simple hydrocarbons.


Figure 3 Representation of the skeletal modes of the benzene molecule. Reproduced with permission from Colthup NB, Daly LH and Wiberley SE (1975) Introduction to Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy. New York, San Francisco and London: Academic Press.

Table 3

As with the stretching modes, there are two normally or nearly degenerate asymmetric deformation modes that usually overlap with δ(CH2) when both groups are present, and a symmetric bending mode in the region 1380–1370 cm–1 for simple hydrocarbons. Substituents other than carbon can shift the latter frequency quite markedly (Table 3), while carbonyl instead raises the intensity.

Symmetrical δ(ΧΗ3) frequencies for various X–CH3


δ (CH3) (cm−1)













B Br S P Se Si

1320–1290 ~1305 1325–1300 1310–1290 ~1280 1280–1250


Table 4

Group frequencies of triatomics


ν (asym) (cm–1)

ν (asym) (cm–1)


3500–3350 3400–3300

aph NO2

1550–1530 1380–1350


1550–1470 1350–1310


aph SO2

1330–1300 1150–1110


1370–1350 1170–1150


R–SO2(NH2) 1380–1310 1180–1140

External vibrations (cm–1)

1650–1590 600





As NaCl, hygroscopic




Soluble in water and some alcohols, very hygroscopic




Insoluble, attacked by NH salts, robust




As CaF2, but sensitive to shock




Insoluble but attacked by acids and strong bases




Insoluble, attacked by acids and strong oxidizing agents, good thermal shock resistance


>2200, 250


Slightly soluble, attacked by bases, very soft, toxic




Very hard, slightly soluble in acids and alkalis




Hard and inert, brittle


>650, 725


Insoluble, attacked by bases, brittle Insoluble, swells in some organic solvents








Insoluble, attacked by acids and NH salts, soft


This is for windows. The longer pathlength in ATR elements generally reduces the range, e.g. to 650 cm−1 for ZnSe.

The two most common forms of sample preparation for solids both involve grinding the material to a fine powder and dispersing it in a matrix. Scattering and

reflection effects are reduced when the particle size is less than the wavelength of incident radiation, which in this case is a few micrometres. Surrounding the particles by a matrix with a similar refractive index further reduces the effects. Most samples can be ground either mechanically with a small vibrating mill or by hand with a pestle and mortar, the choice being a matter of personal preference. For manual grinding the amount of sample should be no more than around 20 mg. The sample should be ground until it is adhering to the sides of the mortar and has a glossy appearance. This process may take several minutes. The ground material can be dispersed in a liquid to form a mull. The most commonly used liquid is

Figure 1

Figure 2

For non-volatile liquids porous polymer films are a convenient alternative to conventional windows. These ‘3M cards’ (Figure 2) are made of polyethylene or PTFE. The polyethylene films absorb in rather narrow regions and, except for the region near 3000 cm−1, their absorptions can be removed by subtraction. The PTFE cards are useful for obtaining spectra in the CH stretching region around 3000 cm−1. Solids

Construction of a demountable cell for liquids.

Spectra of 3M cards.


Figure 3

Spectra of mulling agents.

mineral oil (Nujol), while a fluorinated hydrocarbon (Fluorolube) can be used to observe the 3000 cm–1 region (Figure 3). No more than one or two drops are needed to produce a paste that can be spread between windows. The consistency of this paste is a compromise between the ease of spreading and the interference from the absorptions of the mulling agent. Potassium bromide (KBr) is probably the most widely used matrix material, even though preparing a good KBr disc is time consuming and requires practice. Between 1 and 3 mg of ground material is mixed thoroughly with about 350 mg of ground KBr. The mixture is transferred to a die that has a barrel diameter of 13 mm. This is placed in a suitable press, evacuated and then pressed at around 12 000 psi for 1–2 min. Recrystallization of the KBr results in a clear glassy disc about 1mm thick. Discs can be made with manual presses and without evacuation, but the best results are obtained with the more elaborate procedure. Provided that the sample, the KBr and the disc are weighed, this technique can be used for quantitative work. It has the advantage that there are no matrix absorptions above 400 cm–1, although adsorbed water in the KBr has to be avoided. Potential limitations are that the grinding and pressing can modify the crystalline form of the sample and that ion exchange can occur. To avoid ion exchange it is common to use potassium chloride for amine hydrochlorides. Caesium iodide is used for the region to 200 cm–1 while for far-IR measurements polyethylene is a suitable matrix. Grinding is the main issue in disc preparation (Figure 4). Inadequate grinding results in sloping baselines caused by light scattering and in asymmetric bands. The asymmetry, known as the Christiansen effect (Figure 5) results from refractive index differences. Very few solid samples arrive in a suitable form for direct transmission measurement, the principal

Figure 4 discs.

Spectra from poorly (bottom) and well (top) ground

exception being polymer films. Unfortunately, interference fringes often distort the spectra. There are several techniques for eliminating interference fringes by reducing the surface reflections. The simplest are to abrade the surface or to sandwich the film between windows. Another possibility is to smear one surface with mineral oil, provided that this does not obscure

Figure 5

Christiansen effect.


important regions of the spectrum. Polymer samples that are too thick for direct measurements can often be pressed to a suitable thickness. Heated platens for making films of controlled thickness are available from accessory suppliers. Simple compression cells with diamond windows have appeared recently. Although they generate lower pressures than traditional diamond anvil cells, they can provide excellent spectra from a range of samples that are too thick for direct measurements. Soluble materials can be prepared as cast films by evaporating them from solution on a suitable substrate such as a KBr window. An infrared lamp is a convenient means of warming the film to remove residual solvent. This approach is especially useful for those polymers that can be cast on to a glass block from which they can be removed for measurement without a support. A wide range of organic compounds can be prepared on the porous polymer substrates known as 3M cards. The best spectra are obtained when the compound forms an amorphous deposit. The spectra of crystalline samples may be distorted by scattering and reflection effects. Gases

Measurements on gases require much longer pathlengths than those for condensed phases; 10 cm is usual for compounds at relatively high concentrations. For trace concentrations multiple reflection cells provide pathlengths of several metres in compact designs. Detection limits are well below 1 ppm for many compounds.

Internal reflection methods In recent years, internal reflection methods have developed into perhaps the most versatile approach to obtaining IR spectra. Total internal reflection can occur at the interface between media with different refractive indices (Figure 6). If the angle of incidence exceeds a critical value, radiation cannot pass into the medium with the lower refractive index; instead, it is totally reflected. Although there is total reflection, an electric field, sometimes referred to as an evanescent wave (Figure 7), extends a short distance into the second medium. This distance is of the same order of magnitude as the wavelength. In an internal reflection measurement the radiation enters a high refractive index material and emerges after undergoing internal reflection. The high refractive index element is usually called the crystal, even though the material may be a glass. An absorbing sample placed on the surface of the crystal interacts with the electric field to generate a spectrum. This is called an

Figure 6

Total internal reflection at interface where n1 > n2.

attenuated total reflection or ATR spectrum. The band positions and shapes are slightly different from those in transmission spectra, but not enough to affect qualitative identification. The penetration depth, dp, of the light into the lower refractive index material is defined as the depth at which the field amplitude has fallen to 1/e of its value at the surface. For two materials with refractive indices n1 and n2 it is given by

where λ1 is the wavelength in the higher refractive index material and is related to the incident wavelength λ by the expression λ1 = (λ/n1), α is the angle of incidence and n21 = n2/n1. The intensity of an ATR spectrum depends on the distance that the electric field extends into the sample and on the number of reflections. The most commonly used materials are zinc selenide and diamond, both with a refractive index of 2.3, and germanium, with a refractive index of 4.0. The higher refractive index reduces the distance that the electric field penetrates into the sample, giving a weaker spectrum. The depth of penetration is proportional to the wavelength, so that when ATR spectra are compared with transmission the intensities at longer

Figure 7

Evanescent wave at an interface where n1 > n2.


wavelengths appear enhanced. For an ATR crystal with a refractive index of 2.2 and a 45° angle of incidence, the depth of penetration in a typical organic sample is about 4µm at 1000 cm−1. Because ATR measurements are obtained from a thin surface layer, the spectra may not be representative of the bulk material. For example, spectra of polymer laminates such as packaging materials generally show only the surface layer. However, the spectra of emulsions and suspensions may be unrepresentative of the bulk material because of segregation at the surface. There are two basic designs of ATR accessory in common use. These have replaced traditional designs in which a thin sample was clamped against the vertical face of the crystal. In horizontal ATR (HATR) units the crystal is a parallel-sided plate, typically about 5 cm by 1 cm, with the upper surface exposed (Figure 8). Radiation traverses the length of the crystal, undergoing internal reflection at the upper and lower surfaces several times. The number of reflections at each surface is usually between five and ten, depending on the length and thickness of the crystal and the angle of incidence. Liquids are simply poured on to the crystal, which is recessed within a metal plate to retain the sample. Pastes and other semisolid samples are readily measured by spreading them on the crystal. Horizontal ATR units are often used for quantitative work in preference to transmission cells because they are easier to clean and maintain. When measuring solids by ATR, there is the problem of ensuring good optical contact between the sample and the crystal. The accessories have devices that clamp the sample to the crystal surface and apply pressure. This works well with elastomers and other deformable materials, and also with fine powders, but many solids give very weak spectra because the contact is confined to small areas. The effects of

Figure 9

Schematic of a single-reflection ATR accessory.

poor contact are greatest at shorter wavelengths where the depth of penetration is lowest. The problem of contact has been overcome to a great extent by the introduction of accessories with very small crystals, typically about 2 mm across. The crystal is often diamond, which offers durability and chemical inertness. Germanium and silicon are lower cost alternatives. The accessories generally provide only a single reflection (Figure 9), but this is generally sufficient, given the very low noise levels of modern instruments. Because of the small area, much higher pressure can be generated with limited force. A much smaller area of contact is required than in conventional HATR units. As a result, spectra can be obtained from a wide variety of solid samples, even from minerals using systems designed for high pressures. Some accessories use a thin diamond element in combination with zinc selenide. This approach can provide multiple reflections, giving spectra equivalent to those from HATR accessories from very small sample volumes. Because of their versatility, accessories of this type are sometimes described as universal sampling devices. However, it must always be remembered that ATR only measures the surface of the sample. The ATR technique is also employed with the unit inserted into bulk liquids, for example for process monitoring. The principle is exactly the same, the difference being that the form of the crystal is a prism so that radiation enters and leaves in the same direction. Radiation is coupled into the prism with light guides or optical fibres. There are also ATR probes in which the fibre itself forms the ATR element. The fibres are either chalcogenide glasses or mixed silver halides. One design of contact probe has a U-shaped section of exposed fibre that is pressed against the sample. This approach has been used for in vivo measurements of skin.

External reflection methods Figure 8

Schematic of an HATR top plate for liquids.

Reflection measurements can be conveniently divided into surface or specular reflection and diffuse


Figure 10

Reflection and reflection–absorption at surfaces.

reflection. The reflection spectrum from the surface of a continuous solid, such as a large crystal or a block of polymer, does not resemble an absorption spectrum, being determined by the refractive index according to the Fresnel equations. However, it can be converted into an absorbance spectrum by a mathematical process called the Kramers–Kronig transform which is provided in the software from instrument suppliers. This is a common approach for obtaining spectra of single crystals and from polished surfaces of minerals. It is also very effective for carbon-filled polymers. Very simple accessories using two flat mirrors can be used to obtain reflection spectra from flat surfaces. The same accessories can be used to measure the spectra of coatings on metal surfaces such as protective or decorative polymer films on food and beverage cans. In this case what is measured is a transmission spectrum of the coating, the radiation having passed twice through the coating and having been reflected at the metal surface. This is sometimes called a transflectance measurement. Examples of the above are shown in Figures 10 and 11. Diffuse reflection is seen when radiation penetrates below the surface before being scattered or reflected back from within the sample. Spectra of

Figure 11 Top, reflection spectrum of poly(methyl methacryiate); bottom, absorbance calculated by Kramers–Kronig transformation.

Figure 12

Representation of diffuse reflection by a powder.

this kind have the character of transmission spectra since there is absorption as the radiation travels inside the sample. Samples for diffuse reflection are generally powders (Figure 12). Accessories for this kind of measurement have to collect the light that emerges from the sample over a wide range of angles. Integrating spheres are little used because suitable large detectors are not available for the midIR region. Instead, commercial accessories focus the radiation on to a small region, typically 1–2 mm across, and collect over a wide but limited range of angles (Figure 13). The spectra obtained with these accessories represent a mixture of reflection from the surface and from within the sample. They can be used to measure pure surface reflection from samples that have no internal reflection or scattering. In spectra obtained directly from powdered organic compounds, the stronger bands often appear flattened and are distorted by surface reflection. The diffuse reflection spectrum can be thought of as a transmission spectrum in which there is a range of different pathlengths. This results in enhancement of

Figure 13

Optics of diffuse reflection accessory.


the relative intensities of the weaker bands. In general, the aim is to obtain a result that resembles a true transmission spectrum. The standard technique is to grind the sample to a fine powder, ideally to a particle size below 10 µm, and to mix this with a nonabsorbing matrix such as finely ground potassium bromide at a concentration of about 1%. The small particle size and dilution together ensure that absorption is weak for all pathlengths. This means that relative band intensities in transmission are similar for all contributing pathlengths and so are correct in the final spectrum. The presence of the non-absorbing matrix reduces reflection at the surfaces of the particles by better refractive index matching, and so minimizes the surface reflection component. Sample preparation is quicker than for a potassium bromide disc. It is also gentler, making it less likely to induce changes in the crystalline form. However, it has proved difficult to achieve sufficiently consistent sample preparation to allow good quantitative measurements. Representative spectra of finely ground aspirin are shown in Figure 14. Diffuse reflection spectra are often transformed to Kubelka–Munk units as defined below, just as spectra measured in transmission are converted to absorbance:

where R∞ is the ratio of the sample reflectance to that of a reference such as potassium bromide. The reason is that under certain conditions the band intensities in these units are proportional to concentration. However, the necessary conditions are not met in typical mid-IR measurements, so there is little reason to prefer this presentation to the alternative log(1/R), which is a direct equivalent of absorbance (Figure 15). It is worth noting that near-IR diffuse

Figure 14 Diffuse reflection spectra of finely ground aspirin. Top, diluted in KBr; bottom, neat.

Figure 15 Diffuse reflection spectra of aspirin in Kubelka– Munk and log(1/R ) units.

reflection spectra are used extensively for quantitative work, almost invariably using log(1/R) rather than Kubelka–Munk units. Another way of presenting samples for diffuse reflection is as a thin film of fine particles. This also achieves the objective of ensuring weak absorptions. Samples can be taken from the surface of large objects by abrading them with silicon-carbide-coated paper. The spectrum of the material removed can be measured directly on the abrasive substrate. This method has proved ideal for painted surfaces and moulded plastic objects. It can be extended to very hard materials by using abrasive devices such as metal rods tipped with diamond powder. The main limitation to this technique is that abrading soft and rubbery materials generally does not produce particles that are small enough to give good spectra.

Photoacoustic spectroscopy Photoacoustic measurements are unique in that they depend directly on the energy absorbed by the sample, rather than on what is transmitted or reflected (Figure 16). The sample is placed in a sealed chamber. When radiation is absorbed it is converted into heat which can be detected as a change of pressure in the gas above the sample. This heat transfer process is sufficiently fast to follow the modulation of the radiation produced in an FT-IR spectrometer. The change in pressure is detected with a microphone. A spectrum is obtained by ratioing the detector signal to that generated with a totally absorbing material such as carbon black. As with ATR, the spectrum comes from a surface layer, but in this case the effective penetration can be more than 100 µm. This can result in total absorption for strong bands, so that relative intensities are distorted. The effective


Compression cells are therefore more useful than they are with large samples. Sample preparation is greatly helped by having standard microscopy tools and a microtome available. Reflection measurements are more generally useful than they are with larger samples. Because of the small sample area and large collection angle, it is easier to find an area that gives a pure surface reflection spectrum. This can then be converted into an absorbance spectrum by the Kramers–Kronig transform.

Miscellaneous techniques Figure 16

The principle of a photoacoustic measurement.

depth of penetration depends on the modulation frequency which varies with wavelength in rapidscanning FT-IR spectrometers. In step-scan spectrometers the modulation frequency is constant for all wavelengths, so simplifying interpretation of the spectra. Some information about the depth distribution of different components can be obtained by varying the modulation frequency. However, depth profiling, measuring a concentration quantitatively as a function of depth, has not been achieved. In practice, the main value of photoacoustic measurements has been in obtaining spectra from strongly absorbing samples such as carbon-filled polymers and for materials that cannot be ground to a fine powder or be prepared with a flat surface. Sample preparation is minimal, requiring only that the specimen is small enough to fit in the chamber. Commercial accessories can accommodate samples several millimeters across.

Microsampling In recent years, the approach to measuring small samples has been transformed by the widespread use of IR microscopes. The advantages over traditional beam condensers lie in much greater convenience and versatility, as well as in the ability to measure much smaller samples. The region for measurement can be selected while a relatively large area of the sample is viewed. Spectra can be obtained from isolated samples that are only a few micrometres across. However, in extended samples diffraction limits spatial resolution to about 10 µm. Because of this, it is generally preferable to remove small inclusions from a matrix rather than to try to measure them in situ. One consequence of having very small samples is that it is often easy to compress them to a suitable thickness for transmission measurement.

Emission spectra can be obtained without any sample preparation, but they are of very limited use. If the sample is opaque, the information provided is identical with that in the reflection spectrum since the sum of transmission, reflection and emission at any wavelength adds up to one. The reflection spectra are usually measured more easily than emission. Emission is very useful to obtain spectra from thin coatings on uneven metal surfaces when diffuse reflection measurements would require a small sample. Pyrolysis can provide qualitative information from intractable samples without requiring expensive accessories. The simplest approach is to heat the sample in the bottom of a long test-tube so that decomposition products condense at the top of the tube and can be measured by the usual methods. Commercial devices also allow gaseous products to be collected. There are collections of the spectra of decomposition products from polymers. The most sophisticated version of this method is to couple a gas cell in the spectrometer to a thermogravimetric analyser and measure the products evolved at different temperatures. Separation techniques are needed in order to identify individual components in mixtures. The most important of these is gas chromatography. To maximize sensitivity, the sample has to be confined to a small area. The usual approach is to pass the gas flow from the GC column through a light pipe ~1 mm in diameter and 10 cm long. This achieves detection limits of ~10 ng for strongly absorbing compounds. For higher sensitivity a more elaborate deposition method is available. The effluent from the column is directed on to a moving cold window where the peaks in the chromatogram can be condensed as a series of spots about 100 µm across. The detection limits are below 100 ng. Coupling to liquid chromatography is much less successful because of the problem of eliminating the solvent and modifiers. In the most widely used system the eluate is deposited in a circular track on a rotating heated window which is subsequently


transferred to the spectrometer. This is used especially in combination with size-exclusion chromatography.

cations; Photoacoustic Spectroscopy, Theory; Surface Studies by IR Spectroscopy.

Further reading List of symbols n = refractive dp = penetration depth; index; R∞ = ratio of sample reflectance to that of a reference; α = angle of incidence; λ = wavelength. See also: ATR and Reflectance IR Spectroscopy, Applications; Chromatography-IR, Applications; Chromatography-IR, Methods and Instrumentation; High Resolution IR Spectroscopy (Gas Phase), Applications; High Resolution IR Spectroscopy (Gas Phase), Instrumentation; Photoacoustic Spectroscopy, Appli-

Chalmers JM and Dent G (1998) Industrial Analysis with Vibrational Spectroscopy. Cambridge: Royal Society of Chemistry. Griffiths PR and de Haseth JA (1986) Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy. New York: Wiley. Harrick NJ (1977) Internal Reflection Spectroscopy. Ossining, NY: Harrick Scientific. Messerschmidt RG and Harthco*ck MA (1988) Infrared Microspectroscopy. New York: Marcel Dekker. Nishikida K, Nishio E and Hannah RW (1995) Selected Applications of Modern FT-IR Techniques, Tokyo: Kodanasha.

IR Spectroscopy, Theory Derek Steele, Royal Holloway College, Egham, UK Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Factors which control absorption Absorption in the infrared region arises predominantly from excitation of molecular vibrations. For N atoms there are 3N–6 vibrational degrees of freedom (3N–5 for a linear molecule), which is equivalent to stating that all vibrational distortions can be described as the sum of 3N–6 ‘fundamental’ vibrational modes. Where any symmetry exists in a molecule, the vibrations will reflect that symmetry in that the vibrational wavefunctions will be symmetric or antisymmetric with respect to any simple symmetry element. This statement has to be modified slightly for situations where degeneracy of rotations occurs. For a detailed discussion of groups and their relevance in spectroscopy the reader is referred to the Further reading section. In the event that a rigid point group is inappropriate, as for free rotors (e.g. CH3BF2), then the invariance of energy to certain distortions requires that permutation group theory be used. What we are seeking to explore with group theory is the invariance of energy and the consequences to certain transformations of the molecular


configuration. In free rotors, by definition, the energy is unchanged by rotation about a bond. This then makes rigid group theory inappropriate. For excitation of any single mode i, the energy, Ei, can be expressed as

where v is the vibrational quantum number and ω, the wavenumber, is ν/c. Restricting the discussion initially to a harmonic oscillator with no molecular rotation, we can then examine the conditions required for vibrations to be excited through interaction with electromagnetic radiation. For absorption the following conditions must be satisfied: (i) the photon energy, hνi, must be equal to the change in vibrational energy. We should qualify this by giving due allowance for the Doppler effect. In a low-density gas the spread of molecular velocities relative to the probing beam leads to a natural line


width, ∆ν, at a temperature T of

For an ensemble of randomly oriented molecules, the power absorption is given by

where M is the relative molecular mass. Such widths are very small and relevant only when probing fine structure. Thus, for methane at room temperature and for a band at ω = νi /c = 1500 cm–1 then ∆ω = 0.003 cm–1. By using molecular beams moving at right-angles to the probing beam resolutions substantially less than this are attainable. Other techniques exist for exploring intrinsic line widths which are less than the Doppler width. These include two, or more, photon excitation and saturation spectroscopy. (ii) Interaction of electromagnetic radiation and matter can only occur through electric and magnetic fields. For vibrational spectroscopy the electric field interaction is by far the greater. In classical terms there must be a change in dipole moment for the vibration to be excited. Thus for stretching of the bond of a hom*onuclear diatomic no absorption at the vibrational frequency occurs. In general, the absorption is proportional to the square of the dipole change. In terms of group theory only those vibrations which form representations of the same classes as the electric dipole vector (or simple translations) can be excited by EMR. Thus, for CF3CF3 (D3h symmetry), only vibrations of the A and E′ species can absorb electromagnetic energy of the appropriate frequency since a dipole vector forms such representations. We must note that it is unnecessary for an electric dipole to exist in the equilibrium configuration. According to quantum mechanics, the probability of an induced transition per unit time per unit radiation density between states |i 〉 and |f 〉 is given by Fermi’s ‘Golden Rule’:

where Ni is the number of molecules in state |i〉 and ρν is the radiation density. Defining the intensity over the kth band as

where ε0 is the permittivity of free space, êr is a unit vector in the direction of the electric field vector of the radiation and δ( ) is the Kronecker delta, which takes the value zero unless its argument is zero, in which case it has a value of unity. In the above equation the Kronecker delta requires that the radiation frequency is exactly equal to the difference in energies of the initial and final states divided by Planck’s constant.

and assuming harmonic oscillator wavefunctions, then Equations [2], [3] and [4] yield

where C is the concentration of the absorbing species, l is the pathlength, Iν and I are the intensities of radiation at the frequency ν with and without the sample absorption and ∂µ/∂Qk is the dipole change with respect to the vibrational motion in normal, or fundamental, mode k. νk is the fundamental transition frequency. The definition of band intensity in Equation [4] differs from the usual integral (the integrated absorbance, A) in the presence of ν in the denominator, but is much more satisfactory in relation to theory and to isotopic intensity sum rules. Since the band widths are generally much smaller than the frequency band centre, the integrated absorbance, A, is related to Γ by A ≈ Γν. (iii) The dipole moment can be written as a Taylor series expansion in the vibrational motion Q:

For a harmonic oscillator, quantum theory requires that the transition integral 〈f|Q|i〉 disappears unless the vibrational quantum numbers vi and vf are related by vi – vf = 0 or ±1. This requires that overtones are forbidden if only the linear term in Q exists. It is known, however, that the vibrational spectrum contains weak features due to overtones and combination bands in which two quantum numbers change simultaneously. These occur because the dipole expansion in general has finite terms quadratic in the deformation and because true wavefunctions are nonharmonic. Occasionally combination bands appear with considerable strength


due to mixing with a nearby fundamental transition of the same symmetry (Fermi resonance). Interaction leads to mutual repulsion of the mixed energy states. In the event that the combination transition has zero or much less intensity than the fundamental, then the unperturbed fundamental transition can be estimated as the intensity weighted mean of the two bands. A classical example of Fermi resonance is seen in the infrared spectrum of CCl4. The very strong doublet at 768/797 cm−1 is due to the triply degenerate CCl stretch interacting with the combination state ν1 + ν4 (305 + 458 cm−1). There is considerable interest in the factors that determine the dipole derivative. The stretching of a highly polar bond, such as C–F, might well be expected to lead to a large dipole change. In practice, the dipole change is much greater than would be expected for the charges on the atoms in their equilibrium positions. Charge flows as the nuclei move, in this case towards the situation where the fluorine atom carries a complete extra electron. In certain cases where a trans lone pair of electrons exist, such as for the hydrogen atom in the aldehyde unit, extension of the bond results in a flow of electrons from the lone pair into an antibonding orbital of the C–H bond, thereby greatly enhancing the dipole change. This is the same phenomenon that is responsible for bond weakening in such cases. In bending motions, nonbonding interactions, as well as rehybridization of the electrons at the nonterminal atom, cause substantial deviations from the dipole change expected from the equilibrium charge distribution. This explains the remarkably high intensity associated with movement of a hydrogen atom from the plane of benzene or ethene derivatives. As the electrons rehybridize around the carbon (moving from sp2 towards sp3), so electrons build up on the opposite side of the skeletal plane to the hydrogen, thereby enhancing its positive charge. Many studies have been made of the absorption intensities associated with bands arising from group vibrations. It is recognized that the transition moments are far more sensitive to neighbouring group effects than are the frequencies themselves, and intensities are not particularly useful in evaluating the concentration of functional groups. However, some qualification of this statement is required in view of the widespread application of principal factor (or principal component) analysis (PFA) in industrial spectroscopy. This has been mainly used with nearinfrared spectra, but this is probably more to do with ease of generating suitable spectra than to fundamental limitations. The application to the mid-infrared spectra of coals is an excellent example. The relevance to group intensities is that PFA is a statistical

technique of fitting data to a progressively increasing number of unknown components until the fit reaches an acceptable level. As such it requires the data to consist of a finite number of linearly additive components. The application to very complex mixtures such as coals, wheat and petroleum, both refined and unrefined, strongly suggests additivity is much better than used to be believed. This has been rationalized by demonstrating that group spectra are characteristic provided that the neighbouring groups are the same.

Band shapes in liquids In low-density vapours an absorption band consists of lines arising from a large number of transitions arising from rovibrational transitions, perhaps from excited vibrational states as well as the ground state. In high-density fluid states the interaction between different molecules will affect the spectrum by causing perturbations of the rovibrational energy states and by reducing the lifetimes of the excited states through energy transfer processes. The individual transitions initially broaden and then merge into a smooth band contour. It is sometimes stated that the rotational transitions are suppressed, but this cannot be so. The equipartition theorem states that energy must be equally distributed between each degree of freedom, and this must extend to the condensed state. It has been demonstrated that the contours still contain the rotational contribution. Thus for a diatomic molecule of moment of inertia I, the integrated second moment of the intensity (Γ as defined in Eqn [1]) about the vibrational band centre, divided by the integrated intensity itself, is, apart from a vibrational relaxation contribution, kBT/IX, where IX is the moment of inertia. This is the same for vapour and for liquid. It is simply the relaxation of the excited states that has changed. There is a vibrational contribution to the width (see below). It is possible in certain situations to separate these contributions using Raman spectroscopic methods. If we designate the transition dipole moment at a time t of a given transition as µ(t) then its development as a function of the time lapse t = t″ – t′ is related to Fourier transform about the band centre of the intensity as

The brackets 〈 〉 designate an ensemble average and, since the transition dipole is a vector, this transform


yields the ensemble time decay of the transition dipole moment from an arbitrary time of origin. The time scale of the decay will be of the order of the inverse of the band width. Thus for a band of halfband width 10cm−1 the half-life of the decay will be ∼1/(3 × 1010 × 10) ≈3 × 10−12 s. If we discount vibrational relaxation and consider the transition moment as being fixed to the molecule, then the correlation function 〈µ(0)·µ(t′ – t″)〉 will describe the rotation of the molecule as defined by the transition dipole axis. In the condensed state after an initial period in which the motion is governed by the rotational energy, then decay becomes exponential due to collisional processes. In the vapour the dipole correlation shows a minimum, perhaps becoming negative, in a period after which most molecules are facing in the opposite direction to that in which they started (see Figure 1). As in magnetic resonance, the decay time will consist of isotropic and anisotropic contributions. In a fluid the transition dipole will also decay by transfer of energy between molecules and by multi-body collision deactivation of the vibration. These are responsible for the isotropic component. Owing to the very short time-scale of these processes, separation of the relaxation mechanisms is generally impossible. However, some progress has been made with laser optical nutation experiments and with Raman studies.

Calculation of vibrational spectra Although energetic aspects of vibrational spectroscopy, such as zero point energy and crystal lattice energies, are strictly quantum phenomena, much can be achieved by classical-type calculations based on inter-atomic potential functions. Assuming that the potential energy for deformation about an equilibrium configuration is strictly quadratic in deformations then the vibrational frequencies are given as the eigenvalues of the matrix product GF where F is the matrix of quadratic force constants and G (so-called inverse kinetic energy matrix) is such that

where R represents an internal coordinate of the molecule, usually chosen from bond stretches, angle bends and bond torsions. The sum is over all atoms. The methodology of carrying out these classical calculations are well documented. One of the principle advantages of such calculations is that the eigen-vectors of GF yield the nature of the molecular vibration. Up to this point we have assumed harmonic oscillations. In reality we cannot ignore the impact of

Figure 1 The dipole autocorrelation function of the ν11 band of benzene. The top line is the dipole correlation function for benzene dissolved in cyclohexane and the bottom line is that for benzene vapour. Hill IR and Steele D, unpublished work.

cubic and higher terms in Equation [1]. For a change in quantum number of ∆v, then from Equation [1] we have for a transition |0〉 → |v〉

A fundamental transition (v = 0→1) then has a wavenumber of ωi –2ωi xi. The anharmonicity constant x is much less than 1. For the C–H vibrations it is relatively large because of the considerable amplitude of vibration, and it has a value of 0.021. This means that for a transition seen at 3000cm−1 the fundamental frequency is at 3126cm−1. The first overtone would be expected at 2ωi –6ωi xi = 5874cm−1. In fact the C–H stretching overtone and combination frequencies deviate from these expectations. The cause of this lies in the large amplitudes of motion which result in a breakdown of local symmetry. A methylene group in an environment which conserves the equivalence of the two bonds will have vibrations which are symmetric and antisymmetric with respect to the bonds, and in the limit of small amplitude vibrations point group symmetry applies. As the amplitudes of all the vibrations increase, so the symmetry breaks down and the bonds tend towards


the force constants, keeping one factor for C–H stretching, another for the C–H bending constants, etc. Improved results, with scaling constants nearer to unity, are obtained with perturbation calculations of the electron correlation correction (Möller–Plesset theory). Density functional theory (DFT) now permits very good frequencies to be obtained in times which are close to the Hartree–Fock times. Both Raman and infrared intensities are much more difficult to compute. This is not surprising when it is seen that dipole moments are extremely sensitive to the basis sets. Although there are cases where the results are as yet disappointing, DFT appears to be yielding much improved intensities and dipole moments over earlier Hartree–Fock and Möller–Plesset calculations. Although these calculations have led to much improved force fields and spectra, it must be said that some difficulties still exist. Figure 2 Relative energies in the local mode model of ground, fundamental, first harmonic and combination states for a system with two degenerate vibrators. A fundamental harmonic wavenumber of 3100 cm−1 and a vibrational anharmonicity of ωx = 60 cm−1 have been assumed. ZPE represents the zero point energy.

independent oscillators. In this event the theoretical model needed becomes that of the local mode. Application of Equation [1] shows that the separation of states in which one of two equivalent bonds is doubly excited and that in which both bonds are singly excited is 2xi ω i. The higher transition will be at twice the observed fundamental frequency (see Figure 2).

Quantum theoretical calculations of spectra Applied quantum theory has reached the stage where infrared and Raman spectra can be predicted to a very useful degree of accuracy for molecules of fairly substantial size. The ability to programme the calculations so that force constants and dipole gradients are calculated analytically from the wavefunctions is one of the features which has greatly enhanced these computations. The calculations as routinely performed are of the harmonic wavenumbers and the band intensities. At the Hartree–Fock level the wavenumbers are too high when compared with experiment owing to the harmonic approximation, but also due to lack of electron correlation and the restriction of electron pairing. The latter leads to dissociation to states in which electron pairing is still present, and these are generally of much higher energy. Very good results are obtained by simply multiplying the wavenumbers (frequencies) by a scaling factor. Improved results are generated by scaling

Vibration rotation spectra When a vibrational quantum state changes, other quantum states of lower energy will also generally change. Thus, for a heteronuclear diatomic molecule the 0〉 to 1 transition is accompanied by a change in rotational quantum number of ±1 leading to the well known P and R branches. For polyatomic molecules the selection rules required so as to allow the nondisappearance of the transition integral are more complex, and for details the reader is referred to a specialist text. In the situation where individual rovibrational transitions cannot be resolved in an asymmetric top, then the overall contour can be related to the direction of the transition moment with respect to the inertial axes and to the moments themselves. Thus transitions in which the dipole change occurs along the direction of greatest moment of inertia are characterized by a strong Q branch (type C bands), corresponding to no change in the rotational quantum number change (see Figure 3). The contours have been calculated as a function of the moments of inertia and presented in easily used figures. With laser and high-resolution Fourier instruments, an increasing amount of detail of rovibrational information is becoming available. Here we shall refer to a few general points. The parameters of fitting include the moments of inertia. Even with small molecules and isotopically substituted molecules it is very difficult to generate accurate molecular geometries. The inertial constants refer to the ground and vibrationally excited states, but even in the ground state at the absolute zero of temperature each quantum state has a half quantum of energy (zero point energy, see Figure 2). The average of the root mean square bond length


Ei = energy of ith mode; F = quadratic force constant matrix; G = inverse kinetic energy matrix; h = Planck’s constant; kB = Boltzmann’s constant; l = pathlength; M = molecular mass; Q = normal mode; R = internal coordinate; v = vibrational quantum number; Γ = integrated absorption intensity; µ = dipole moment; ν = frequency; ρ = radiation density; ω = wavenumber.

Figure 3 Part of the infrared absorption spectrum of 2,6difluoropyridine in the vapour phase showing typical A, B and C contours (transition moments along axes of least, intermediate and greatest moments of inertia, respectively.) Reproduced with permission from Bailey RT and Steele D (1967) Spectrochimica Acta, Part A 23: 2997.

during a vibration differs significantly from the equilibrium bond length. Ab initio calculations, such as referred to in the previous section, may be used to estimate the necessary corrections. One feature unique to vibration rotation interaction is due to Coriolis interaction. There is a component of force on a moving particle due to rotation about a perpendicular axis equal to

where ⊗ represents the vector product operator, ω is the molecular angular velocity and mi and ri are the mass and coordinate of the ith particle. Such coupling leads to interaction between two states, the product of whose symmetry representations belongs to the same species as a molecular rotation. For degenerate vibrations, this can be a first-order effect and has a dramatic impact on the overall vibrational rotational contour. The same phenomenon, of course, controls the contrary direction of rotation of air masses in the northern and southern hemispheres.

List of symbols A = integrated absorbance; Bif = probability of an induced transition per unit time per unit radiation density; c = velocity of light; C = concentration;

See also: ATR and Reflectance IR Spectroscopy, Applications; Far IR Spectroscopy, Applications; Fast Atom Bombardment Ionization in Mass Spectrometry; High Resolution IR Spectroscopy (Gas Phase), Applications; High Resolution IR Spectroscopy (Gas Phase), Instrumentation; Hydrogen Bonding and other Physicochemical Interactions Studied By IR and Raman Spectroscopy; IR Spectral Group Frequencies of Organic Compounds; IR and Raman Spectroscopy of Inorganic, Coordination and Organometallic Compounds; IR Spectrometers; IR Spectroscopy Sample Preparation Methods; Near-IR Spectrometers; Rotational Spectroscopy, Theory; Vibrational, Rotational and Raman Spectroscopy, Historical Perspective.

Further reading Allen HC and Cross PC (1963) Molecular Vib-Rotors. New York: Wiley. Badger RM and Zumvalt LR (1938) Journal of Chemical Physics 6: 711. Berne BJ and Pecora R (1976) Dynamic Light Scattering. New York: Wiley. Brewer RG and Shoemaker RL (1971) Physical Review Letters 27: 631. Bright Wilson E, Decius JC and Cross PC (1955) Molecular Vibrations. New York: McGraw-Hill. Cagnac B (1982) Philosophical Transactions of the Royal of the Society of London, Series A 307: 633. Cotton, FA (1990) Chemical Applications of Group Theory, 3rd edn. New York: Wiley. Crawford B Jr (1952) Journal of Chemical Physics 20: 977. Fredericks PM, Lee JB, Osborn PR and Swinkels DAJ (1985) Applied Spectroscopy 39: 303, 311. Gordon RG (1965) Journal of Chemical Physics 42: 3658. Gordon RG (1965) Journal of Chemical Physics 43: 1307. Jennings DE (1978) Applied Physics Letters 33: 493. Longuet Higgins HC (1963) Molecular Physics 6: 445. Martens H and Naes T (1989) Multivariate Calibration. New York: Wiley. Mills I and Robiette AG (1985) Molecular Physics 56: 743. Parker ME, Steele D and Smith MJC (1997) Journal of Physical Chemistry, Section A 101: 9618. Steele D (1971) Theory of Vibrational Spectroscopy. Philadelphia: WB Saunders. Wexler AS (1967) Applied Spectroscopy 1: 29.


Iridium NMR, Applications See

Heteronuclear NMR Applications (La–Hg).

Iron NMR, Applications See

Heteronuclear NMR Applications (Sc–Zn).

Isotope Ratio Studies Using Mass Spectrometry Michael E Wieser, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada Willi A Brand, Max-Planck-Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena, Germany


Copyright © 1999 Academic Press.

Introduction Isotopes of an element contain the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons. Whereas the former means that isotopically different compounds undergo the same reactions, the latter means that they differ in mass (e.g. C and C are 12 and 13 atomic mass units, respectively). As a result of their different masses, isotopes of an element participate in chemical, biological and physical processes at different rates. Hence, the isotope composition of the element in a given compound depends on the history and origins of the sample. Isotope abundance data can provide information concerning the source of a material or processes responsible for its synthesis and conversion. Variations in the isotope abundance ratios of many elements of biogeochemical importance are subtle, but significant. To resolve these differences, isotope ratio mass spectrometers must accurately measure variations of 20 to 50 parts per million. In the case of carbon, the average 13C/12C isotope abundance ratio of 0.011 200 ranges over ±0.000 450 with biogeochemically important variations of ±0.000 000 5. Such requirements have resulted in a branch of mass spectrometry that has developed its own specialized instrumentation and analytical methods.

Isotope ratio studies are employed in a variety of multidisciplinary research projects encompassing chemistry, physics, biology, medicine, geology, archaeology and environmental technology. This article will describe mechanisms responsible for isotope abundance variations, the essential components of the isotope ratio mass spectrometer (with particular reference to electron impact ionization) and isotope abundance variations of H, C, N, O and S. Finally, the development of recent isotope ratio monitoring techniques to extract isotope information from transient signals is presented.

Natural isotope ratio variations To understand how mass differences give rise to isotope abundance variations, it is useful to consider chemical bonds as harmonic oscillators with fundamental vibrational frequencies inversely proportional to the square root of the molecular masses. The zero point energy of a molecule is defined as the finite energy (above hν where h is Planck’s constant and ν is the frequency of the oscillation) possessed by that molecule at 0 K. Isotope substitution changes the mass of the molecule and results in a shift in the zero point energy. A molecule containing a


lighter isotope of an element will have a higher vibrational frequency and hence higher zero point energy compared to the molecule with the heavier isotope. The bonds in the molecule with the higher zero point energy are more easily broken. For all elements except hydrogen, the vibrational terms have the largest isotope effect. The magnitudes of these effects are proportional to the relative mass difference between the isotopic species. Processes that result in isotope ratio variations can be divided into three general categories: (1) isotope exchange reactions such that isotopes of an element are redistributed among different molecules or different phases of the same molecule at thermodynamic equilibrium; (2) unidirectional processes where the reaction rates of chemical or physical reactions of isotopic species differ; and (3) radiogenic decay. Equilibrium isotope effects

Equilibrium isotope exchanges involve the redistribution of an element’s isotopes among different chemical compounds or different phases of a molecule. While chemical equilibrium is necessary in order to attain isotopic equilibrium, isotope exchange will occur without any net change in the distribution of the chemical species in the system. Generally, the heavier isotope is favoured in the molecule that has the lowest zero point energy or the more condensed phase. The equilibrium constant of the isotope exchange reaction is related to the partition function ratios of the products and reactants. Partition functions control the distribution of internal energies within molecules. It is possible to calculate reduced partition function ratios and hence equilibrium constants for simple gaseous molecules (and to some extent condensed phases) based on spectroscopic and thermodynamic data. The dependence of the equilibrium constant on temperature is such that at higher temperatures the extent of isotope fractionation decreases. The relationship between the isotope abundance ratios of the different species in the reaction is expressed as the fractionation factor ‘α’. For example, consider the oxygen isotope exchange of H2O between condensed and vapour phases:

The corresponding isotope fractionation factor α is 1.0092 at 25° C, i.e. the liquid phase is enriched in


O over the gaseous phase by 0.92 percent (Eqn [1]):

Kinetic isotope effects

Kinetic isotope effects are observed in unidirectional processes (such as diffusion, evaporation, and bacterial conversions) where the reaction rate depends on the masses of the reacting molecules. Given the same amount of kinetic energy, molecules of lighter mass m1 will react at a rate √(m2/m1) faster than the heavier molecules of mass m2. Biochemical reaction pathways are often dependent on the mass of an element at a particular position in a molecule. The result mostly is to favour the lighter isotopic species in the formation of the product. Often, exact information about the intermediate activated complex between reactants and products is not available. This makes calculation of rate constants and hence isotope fractionations from first principles difficult. Radiogenic isotopes

The transmutation of elements due to radioactive decay is another important cause of isotope abundance variations. Over time, the numbers of radioactive parent isotopes will decrease as they decay into the daughter products. The abundance determination of radiogenic daughter isotopes is applied extensively for age determinations of geological and organic materials. The ages of minerals and rocks (t) can be calculated from the measurement of the number of daughter nuclides formed in a mineral that decayed under closed conditions (D*) and the parent atoms (N) where the half-life of the parent (probability of a decay, λ) is known (Eqn [2]).

Successful age determinations are possible providing (1) the rock or mineral has remained closed and changes in the numbers of parent and daughter atoms are due to nuclear decay only; (2) the decay constant is known accurately; (3) the number of daughter nuclides originally present (at time t = 0) is known; and (4) the numbers of daughter and parent atoms can be measured accurately.


Figure 1 Typical mass spectrometer and inlet system for isotopic comparison of an unknown sample with a reference gas of precisely known isotopic composition. Clean gases are needed for such systems.

Isotope ratio mass spectrometer The majority of isotope abundance determinations are performed using magnetic sector mass spectrometers based on a design from Alfred Nier dating back to the 1940s. The isotope ratio mass spectrometer consists of an ion source, magnetic sector and Faraday cup ion detector(s) (Figure 1). The source is responsible for the production of ions from either solid or gaseous material. The magnetic sector separates ions according to their mass to charge ratio and brings them into focus at the collector. The detector records and converts the charge of the ions into (computer readable) electrical signals. Neutral species are removed from the interior of the mass spectrometer (maintained at less than 10– 8 mbar or 10– 6 Pa) to minimize the number of collisions between ions and residual molecules in the ionization and analyser regions. These interactions would otherwise cause the ions to lose variable amounts of kinetic energy, resulting in a defocused ion beam. Isotope ratio mass spectrometers tend to be of low resolution (∼ 100, 10% valley) to resolve the isotopomers in the simple gases introduced (i.e. in the case of CO2 gas; 12C16O , 13C16O and 12C16O18O+ have masses 44, 45 and 46). The mass spectrometer provides high precision isotope abundance data, typically of the order of 0.001%. This is achieved by optimizing the number of ions collected at the detector to improve the counting statistics.

source into focus at the collector. Ions formed in the source are collimated and accelerated through an electric potential difference (V) from 2000 to 10000 V, depending on instrument type. The accelerated ions enter the magnetic field and are separated along radial paths dependent on their charge to mass ratio and kinetic energy. The radius (r) of the path traced by an ion while in the magnetic field is related to its mass (M), charge (q), the potential of the source (V), and the magnetic field flux density (B) according to Equation [3]:

It is possible to change either the accelerating potential of the source or the magnetic field strength to bring an ion of a given mass into focus at the collector. A unique feature of the magnetic sector isotope ratio mass spectrometer is the trapezoidal peak shape produced by the selection of ion source (entrance) and collector (exit) slit widths (Figure 2). As the ion beam is scanned across the exit slit of the mass spectrometer, the ion current increases until the entire width of the ion image is contained inside the collector. The resulting flat-top peak ensures that the measured ion current does not change if there are small fluctuations in the accelerating potential (V) and/or magnetic flux density (B).

Magnetic sector

Faraday cup detectors

The task of the ion optics of the mass spectrometer (of which the magnetic sector is the critical component) is to bring all of the ions produced at the ion

The ion currents realized with most applications are of the order of 10– 9 A for the major (most abundant) isotopic species and can be measured by a Faraday


Figure 2 Flat-topped peaks ensure that small fluctuations in the magnet current or high voltage regulation do not hamper precision. For clarity, the peaks are recorded with different sensitivity factors (1:100 : 300 for 44, 45 and 46).

cup type detectors (Figure 3). The Faraday cup is connected to ground via a high ohmic resistor (108 to 1012 Ω). The incident ions produce a current (I) resulting in a voltage drop (V) across the resistor (R) proportional to the ion current incident at the collector by Ohm’s law (V = IR). Either voltage to frequency converters or analog to digital converters digitize the voltage for computer-assisted processing of the data. The accurate Faraday cup detector must neutralize the incoming singly charged particle with exactly one electron. However, due to the energy of the ion (2 to 10 keV), the surface of the detector is sputtered and secondary electrons and ions are ejected. These must be suppressed to prevent a false measurement of the ion current. Therefore, Faraday cup detectors are mostly thin, deep boxes with graphite surfaces and an electric field (∼100 V) at their entrance to force secondary electrons back into the cup. The noise of the detector system can be no greater than 1.5 × 10– 16 A or 1000 ions per second in order to measure the ratio of 1H2H to 1H2 with a precision of

Figure 3 Schematic layout of a Faraday cup assembly. The cups are deep and have secondary electron suppression in order to precisely record one charge per incoming singly charged ion. Different resistor values are used depending on the ion current in question.

0.01% (where a sample of ocean water contains about 156 ppm 2H and the 1H signal is 5 × 10– 9 A). As suggested by the name isotope ratio mass spectrometry, more than one ion current is measured in order to determine isotope abundance ratios. Most modern isotope ratio mass spectrometers have from 3 to 8 collectors carefully positioned along the focal plane of the instrument to measure several isotopic ion currents simultaneously, typically a few mass units apart. This configuration is known as simultaneous collection and has several advantages over designs employing a single detector. Since multiple detectors are measuring the different isotopic ion currents at the same time, any changes in the total ion current affect the signal in all detectors. Fluctuations in the production of ions by the ion source effectively cancel and the stability of the ion current is not a limiting factor. Ion source

Two ion production methods are employed for isotope abundance ratios. Thermal ionization is best suited for the analysis of nanogram quantities of metals. Electron impact is suitable for the measurement of gaseous samples and is the most widely used ionization process. Thermal ionization Thermal ionization sources produce ions by heating sample-coated metallic filaments. Samples in solution are first deposited as microlitre drops on the filaments and dried at low temperatures forming thin salt or oxide layers (Figure 4). The prepared filament is transferred into the mass spectrometer source, the source is evacuated, and the filament is then heated to temperatures ranging from 800 to 2000° C. The probability of forming an ion in thermal equilibrium with the surface of the hot metal filament depends on the temperature (T), work function of the filament (W), and the ionization potential associated with the production of a given ion species (IP). This is described by the Langmuir– Saha equation as the relative number of ionized particles (N+) to neutral species (N0) evaporated from the filament (Eqn [4])

Typically, a filament material is chosen such that the work function of the metal is higher than the ionization potential of the sample. The filament is just heated to temperatures that allow efficient ionization without melting the metal.


isotope abundance measurements, tracing of Pb and other metals in the environment, and isotope dilution mass spectrometry. The high efficiency of the ion source for many elements (i.e. 1 ion collected for every 200 rubidium atoms on the filament) allows very small samples (10– 9 to 10– 12 g) to be analysed.

Figure 4 Deposition of sample on a Re filament for thermal ionization analysis.

Using similar techniques, it is also possible to produce and analyse negative ions. This method has the advantage of allowing a number of elements with high ionization potentials to be more easily ionized as negative atomic or oxide species (i.e. B, Se and Re). Again, the number of ions relative to the number of neutral species produced can be described by the Langmuir– Saha equation. In this instance, the relative number of negative ions (N– ) produced depends on the electron affinity of the sample (EA) as well as the filament’s temperature (T) and work function (W) (Eqn [5]:

Mass-dependent fractionation processes that occur during the ionization process limit the ultimate accuracy and precision of isotope ratio measurements. As the sample is heated and ions are formed, the lighter isotopic species will evolve from the filament at a faster rate. The remaining (unionized) sample becomes relatively more enriched in the heavier isotopes and no longer has a representative isotope composition. Corrections to this fractionation are based on empirical calculations according to exponential or Rayleigh distillation models. Principal applications of thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS) are in the earth sciences to measure radiogenic isotopes for age determinations (i.e. U-Pb, Pb-Pb, Rb-Sr, Re-Os, Nd-Sm), absolute

Electron impact Electron impact sources ionize gases by collisions with transverse electron beams of up to 1mA current and 100 eV energy (Figure 5). The mostly singly charged ions produced are extracted from the ionization region by an applied electric field that further serves to collimate and accelerate the ions. The resulting ion current depends on the amount of sample gas inside the ion source. The influx of the sample gas into the ion source is of the order of 10– 12 mol s– 1 under viscous flow conditions. The electron impact ion source will result in 1 ion being collected for every 1000 to 10 000 molecules introduced, depending upon the sensitivity of the ion source and the focusing properties of the mass spectrometer. Collisions in the ion source between ions and neutral species can lead to a nonlinear dependence of the ion current ratios with the source pressure. To prevent this, ions must be extracted immediately after formation. For isotope abundance measurements, simple gases (e.g. CO2, N2, H2, SO2, CO) are prepared from raw materials being careful to preserve the isotope composition of the sample.

Figure 5 Schematic diagram of electron impact ion source for the ionization of gaseous samples. The whole ion source is closed, leaving only small holes for the electrons to enter and the ions to exit. This ensures the highest sensitivity by having the gas molecules pass through the ionization region several times before being pumped away.


Inlet systems: the changeover concept Mass spectrometers do not measure isotope abundance ratios accurately due to inherent biases caused by the ion optical design, ion current detectors and electronics, and method of sample preparation. In practice, to correct for machine bias, the measured ion current ratios of the sample are compared to those from a reference gas (of known isotopic composition) analysed under identical operating conditions. This can be achieved using a dual inlet system with two stainless steel variable volumes (1 to 100 mL) for reference and sample gases (Figure 1). The volume of these reservoirs is adjusted to change the pressure of the gas (10 to 1000 mbar) and obtain matched major ion current intensities of both reference and sample gases. Each measurement of the sample ion currents is immediately followed by an analysis of the standard’s ion currents. Stainless steel capillaries (1 m length and 0.1 to 0.2 mm i.d.) transport the gas from the variable volumes to the ion source. The changeover valve alternately connects the reference and sample bellows to either the ion source or vacuum and the isotope compositions of the two gases are measured in turn. This method ensures a constant flow of gas through the capillaries at all times. To maintain viscous flow conditions, a pressure of ∼20 mbar in the inlet system is required. This constitutes a lower limit of gas suitable for analysis with the dual inlet system. The smallest practical volume of an inlet system is ∼250 µL. This represents 200 nmol of gas at 20 mbar. In some cases, there is not enough sample material available to produce sufficient quantities of gas and alternative analytical methods must be employed, e.g. isotope ratio monitoring.

Delta (δ) values In order to realize inter- and intra-laboratory consistency, measured isotope abundance ratios of the sample and reference gases are compared using a δ (delta) scale. In the case of carbon isotope ratio measurements, δ values are calculated as shown in Equation [6]. The δ values for other elements are calculated based on the isotope abundance ratios listed in Table 1.

This quantity is the deviation of the isotope abundance ratio of the sample from that of a standard in

Table 1 The isotopes that are most commonly compared for the determination of δ values for the elements H, C, N, O and S


Isotope abundance ratio

δ value


D/H or H/ H

δ∆ or δ 2 H




C/ C









O/ O

δ18 O




δ34 S


N/ N S/ S


parts per thousand or per mill (‰ ). Positive δ values indicate that the sample is relatively enriched in the heavier isotope of the element with respect to the reference. Negative δ values represent samples that are relatively depleted in the heavier isotope compared to the reference material. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna, Austria both distribute and continuously calibrate isotope reference materials for a number of elements. The reference materials chosen are representative chemical compounds and reflect nominal terrestrial isotope abundances.

Analysis of H, C, N, O and S isotope ratio variations Hydrogen and oxygen

Hydrogen exhibits the largest natural isotope abundance variations due to the relatively large mass difference between its two stable isotopes; H and H (also written commonly as H and D, respectively). H is approximately 99.985% and D 0.015% naturally abundant. The three isotopes of oxygen O O and O are ∼99.763%, ∼0.0375% and ~0.1995% abundant, respectively. Examples of isotope abundance variations measured for H and O are summarized in Figures 6 and 7. Hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water and the isotopic species of H2O vary in mass from 18 to 22 (i.e. H216O, HD16O, D218O). The decreasing vapour pressure with increasing mass of the different isotopomers causes evaporated water vapour in equilibrium with the condensed phase to be relatively enriched in the lighter isotopes of both oxygen and hydrogen. Conversely, the condensation of water from the vapour phase results in a precipitate enriched in the heavier isotopes of O and H (higher δ18Ο and δD values). The condensation of water vapour in equilibrium with its liquid phase – a situation that occurs in clouds – can be described by


Figure 6 Natural variations in hydrogen isotope abundances. V-SMOW, SLAP, and GISP are international reference water samples available from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna, Austria. V-SMOW = Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water SLAP = Standard Light Antarctic Precipitation GISP = Greenland Ice Standard Precipitation.

the Rayleigh fractionation law (Eqn [7]).

Here, R0 is the initial 18O/16O ratio of the gas phase, R is the actual ratio as a function of the remaining molar fraction in the gas phase (f ). The term αliquid-vapour is the fractionation factor between the liquid and vapour phases at a given temperature. With the increasing amount of 18O-enriched liquid

Figure 7 Natural variations in oxygen isotope abundances. The δ 18O values in ancient precipitation (Greenland Ice, Antarctic Ice, etc.) and in forameniferal carbonate from sediments provide an excellent record of the temperatures of the past.

formed and removed from the vapour, the gas phase and liquid phase formed from it becomes isotopically lighter. The δ18O values for liquid and vapour as a result of this process are plotted in Figure 8. As the precipitation event continues, the immediate removal of the condensed phase from the cloud without any isotope exchange or reevaporation continuously depletes the vapour in D and 18O. As a result, precipitation formed at higher latitudes becomes progressively more depleted in the heavier isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen. Because the extent of isotope fractionation between the condensed and vapour phases is temperature dependent, variations in the δD and δ18Ο values recorded at a particular site reflect seasonal and possibly long-term fluctuations. Ices cores from Greenland, Antarctica, and elsewhere are excellent archives of past climate change, the information recorded mainly in the 18O/16O ratio of the ice. δ18Ο measurements indicate that very rapid changes from cold to warm and vice versa within a decade have occurred over the past 160 000 years. Such data have challenged our understanding of the underlying processes and caught the attention of the media because of the social and political implications changing climatic events could have today. Hydrogen and oxygen are also found in many minerals and are fractionated during geochemical processes. The hydrogen and oxygen isotope compositions of the mineral are controlled by the isotope

Figure 8 Rayleigh fractionation during water condensation. Condensation starts with the liquid enriched in δ18O by 9.2 ‰ over the gas phase. As the condensation process proceeds, the remaining vapour becomes lighter and, consequently, also the precipitate formed from it.


composition of the fluid and the fractionation factor appropriate for the temperature during formation. For example, the δ18O value of oxygen in CaCO3 differs from that of the water as the carbonate precipitates under equilibrium conditions. The extent of fractionation is temperature dependent and at 25° C the mineral is enriched in 18O by about 28‰ compared to the water. The δ18O value of carbonates and fluids are used to assess water– rock interactions. Whereas the δD value of hot spring waters may be similar to that of local precipitation, the δ18O value may be enriched in 18O indicating oxygen isotope exchange with nearby rocks. Standards The standard for both hydrogen and oxygen is V-SMOW (Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water) distributed by the IAEA in Vienna, Austria. A secondary standard often employed is SLAP (Standard Light Antarctic Precipitation) which has a δD values of – 428‰ and δ18O values of – 55.5‰ with respect to V-SMOW. Sample preparation Hydrogen isotopes in water are measured from H2 gas formed by reducing water with a suitable reducing agent like U, Zn, Cr or C. It is also possible to exchange hydrogen isotopes between H2 gas and H2O in the presence of Pt catalysts. Ratios of HD to H2 (mass 3 to 2) of the sample hydrogen gas are measured and reported as δD values. Ion– molecule reactions in the mass spectrometer source will result in the production of H , which is isobaric with HD+ at mass 3. The number of H ions produced is proportional to the H2 pressure and to the number of H ions in the source, necessitating an empirical correction factor to the measured ratios. Oxygen isotope compositions of water samples are determined from the measurement of 12C16O and 12 16 18 + C O O at masses 44 and 46, respectively. CO2 gas is equilibrated with 5 mL of water at 25° C for 8 h and isotope exchange between CO2 gas and water makes the oxygen isotope composition of the CO2 gas reflect that of the water. Carbon

Carbon has two stable isotopes ( C and C) of ∼98.89% and ∼1.11% abundance, respectively. Carbon compounds are exchanged between the oceans, atmosphere, biosphere and lithosphere. Significant isotope ratio variations exist within these groups due to both kinetic and equilibrium isotope effects. Representative carbon isotope abundance variations are shown in Figure 9. During photosynthesis, the metabolized products become depleted in 13C compared to the CO2. The initial assimilation and intracellular diffusion of

Figure 9 Natural variations in carbon isotope abundances. North American diet to a large extent is derived from maize, a C4 plant. In countries like Japan, where fish is a major part of the average diet, δ13C values are in between the European and North American values.

CO2 in the plant produces a 4‰ depletion in its δ13C value. Isotope fractionation during the decarboxylation of the absorbed CO2 is dependent on the plant species and causes a much larger shift in the δ13C value. Plants that form a 3-carbon phosphoglyceric acid as the first product of carbon fixation according to the Calvin cycle (commonly referred to as C3 plants) have δ13C values averaging – 28‰ V-PDB. Examples of C3 plants include cereal grains, peanuts, rice, tobacco, beans, sugar beets and all evergreen and deciduous trees. Plants that photosynthesize dicarboxylic acid by the Hatch– Slack mechanism (referred to as C4 plants) are more enriched in 13C and have δ13C values closer to − 13% V-PDB. C4 plants include corn, millet, sorghum, sugar cane and many grasses such as crab grass and bermuda grass. Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) plants have intermediate δ13C values. This arises because they metabolize CO2 via C3 pathways in light and C4 in darkness. The large isotope fractionations that arise in plants are generally retained as the organic material is incorporated into sediments and eventually as hydrocarbon deposits. The carbon isotope composition of food ingested by animals is generally reflected in the metabolized products. For example, it is possible to differentiate between animals that have primarily C3 versus C4 diets based on the measurement of the δ13C value of hair, finger nails, bone collagen, etc. This information is useful in food web studies to determine primary nutrient sources and to discover who is the prey and who the hunter. Nitrogen isotopes are


often combined with δ13C data for a comprehensive trophic level analysis. Oceans play a significant role in the exchange of CO2 between the atmosphere and biosphere. Carbon isotope exchange between CO2 in the air and HCO in the oceans results in 13C enrichment of the latter. CO2 in air is well mixed globally and currently has a δ13C value of – 8‰ V-PDB compared to marine limestones at ∼0‰ V-PDB. Freshwater carbonates have much more variable and lower δ13C values due to the oxidation of 13C depleted organic matter and subsequent formation of HCO . The CO2 content of the atmosphere has increased dramatically due to the combustion of fossil fuels and oxidation of soil and organic matter. Fossil fuels are generally depleted in 13C because they were derived from organic material. Consequently, the global δ13C value of atmospheric CO2 has seen a change from 6.5‰ in preindustrial times to about 8.0‰ today. Standards The standard for carbon isotope abundance measurements is based on a Cretaceous belemnite sample from the Peedee formation in South Carolina, USA. The original material is no longer available. It has been replaced by the convention that NBS 19, a carbonate material, has a value of +1.95‰ versus PDB. This new scale is termed VPDB (Vienna-PDB). The IAEA distributes a number of secondary standards including graphite (USGS24) with a δ13C value of – 15.99 ‰ V-PDB, oil (NBS-22) at – 29.74 ‰ V-PDB, and calcium carbonate (NBS18) with a value of – 5.01‰ V-PDB. The oxygen isotope composition of carbonates is also commonly referenced to the 18O/16O-isotope ratio of V-PDB. It is not used as a reference for δ18O analyses of igneous or metamorphic rocks. The difference between V-SMOW and V-PDB δ18O values is approximately 30‰ (δ18OV-SMOW = 1.03091 × δ18OV-PDB + 30.91). Sample preparation CO2 gas is produced from carbonate minerals by reaction with 100% H3PO4 or by thermal decomposition. The carbon and oxygen isotope compositions of the carbonate can be determined simultaneously from the CO2 produced. δ13C values from organic samples are analysed by combusting the material at high temperature with an oxygen source (commonly CuO) in sealed quartz tubes. Ion currents at mass 44, 45 and 46 produced from CO2 gas are measured in order to determine a δ13C value. The isobaric interference at mass 45 from 17O (i.e. both 13C16O16O+ and 12C17O16O+ will be collected by the same Faraday detector) requires an empirical correction to enable the calculation of the 13C/12C ratio from the measured mass 45 (17O correction).


Nitrogen is present primarily as N2 gas in the atmosphere and dissolved N2 in oceans. In terrestrial systems, nitrogen is found in minor amounts bound to H, C and O in both reduced and oxidized states. Nitrogen has two stable isotopes N and N of ∼99.64% and ∼0.36% abundance, respectively. Isotope abundance variations measured for nitrogen are summarized in Figure 10. Biochemical reactions mediated by bacteria are responsible for many nitrogen isotope fractionations. The fixation of N2 gas to compounds such as NH3 at the nodules of plant roots requires substantial energy to break the N2 bonds and results in negligible isotope fractionation. However, the conversion of ammonia to nitrates (nitrification) initially to NO by Nitrosomonas ssp. and then to NO by Nitrobacter yields nitrates that can have δ15Ν values 20‰ more negative than the ammonia. The bacterial conversion of nitrates to N2 under anaerobic conditions (denitrification) by Pseudomonas denitrificans or Thiobacillus denitrificans enriches the 15N content of the residual nitrate increasing the δ15N value by as much as 30‰ as the reaction progresses. Generally, the organic matter of the biosphere is enriched in 15N compared to the atmosphere and δ15N values for marine environments are greater than those measured in continental regions. Increasing populations and agricultural activities have a significant influence on the amount of nitrate in groundwater. Within a given region, nitrate concentrations and δ15N values can be used to trace the source of anthropogenic nitrogen compounds into a system and monitor its occurrence over time. The relationship between the nitrogen isotope composition of an animal and its position in the food

Figure 10 Natural variations in nitrogen isotope abundances. δ15N values are often used to establish the position of a particular species within the food chain of an ecosystem (trophic level).


chain is such that one observes an increase in the δ15N value of approximately 3‰ per trophic level. Compared to the food source, excreted nitrogen is relatively depleted in 15N due to fractionation during urea formation. The analysis of contemporary and archaeological specimens of feathers, bone, hair or skin can provide information about the diets of people and animals and changes that may have occurred in response to past climatic or historical events. Standards Nitrogen in the atmosphere is well mixed and δ15N values are reported relative to the isotope composition of N2 in air. Sample preparation Nitrogen isotope abundances are determined by measuring ions at masses 28 (14N14N+) and 29 (14N15N+). Nitrogen compounds are converted to N2 gas by high temperature combustion in an elemental analyser. N2 gas introduced into the ion source must be free from CO or CO2 that produce an isobaric interference at masses 28 and 29. Sulfur

Sulfur has four stable isotopes; S, S, S and S which are ∼95.02%, ∼0.75%, ∼4.21% and 0.02% abundant, respectively. Sulfur is ubiquitous in the global environment and major sulfur reservoirs include sulfate in the oceans, evaporites, sulfide ore deposits, and organic sulfur compounds. Sulfur isotope abundance variations are shown in Figure 11. Large kinetic isotope effects occur during the reduction of sulfate by anaerobic bacteria such as Desulfovibrio ssp. resulting in the product sulfide having δ34S values ranging from +3 to – 46‰ with

Figure 11 Natural variations in sulfur isotope abundances. Large sulfur isotope fractionations are possible during the reduction of sulfates to sulfides by anaerobic bacteria that produce 32S enriched H2S relative to the original sulfate.

respect to the remaining sulfate. Another potential mechanism for sulfur isotope fractionation includes exchange reactions among sulfur compounds with S in different valence states. For example, sulfur isotope exchange between sulfate and sulfide (and resulting change in oxidation state from +6 to −2) is predicted to yield fractionations as large as 75‰ between the H2S and SO at 25° C. However, sulfur isotope exchange between sulfates and sulfides proceeds very slowly and probably occurs at high temperature where the equilibrium constant is close to unity. Sulfur oxidation, mineral precipitation, and high temperature processes result in less extensive isotope fractionations. Sulfur isotope compositions are employed to assess the effect of industrial activities in pristine environments, particularly in regions where the pollutant sulfur has a distinct δ34S value compared to that of the environmental receptors. For example, in the province of Alberta, Canada, emissions from sour gas processing plants have δ35S values 20 ‰ higher compared to sulfur isotope compositions of unaffected soils. The distinct isotope composition of the anthropogenic sulfur allows it to be followed as it enters the environment via biogeochemical reactions. Standards The international sulfur isotope scale is based on a troilite sample from the Canyon Diablo meteorite, termed CDT. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna has promoted the use of a more accurate sulfur isotope scale, V-CDT, to replace CDT because of isotopic inhom*ogenities of ±0.4‰ in the original sample. A new Ag2S standard, IAEA S-1, has a defined δ34S value of – 0.30‰ V-CDT. Sample preparation Sulfur isotope abundances are measured commonly from isotopic ion currents of SO at masses 64, 65 and 66. SO2 gas is generated by reacting sulfur or sulfide minerals with V2O5 and SiO2 in a ratio of 1 : 10 : 10 in sealed quartz tubes heated to 900° C. Isobaric interference from oxygen isotopes necessitates the preparation of SO2 from standards and samples with identical oxygen sources. SO2 is easily adsorbed onto glass and metal surfaces and care is required in its handling to avoid fractionation and memory effects among different samples. An alternative (and lesser used) approach is to form the more stable SF6 gas and measure SF ions.

Isotope ratio monitoring A recent analytical technique for high precision, high sensitivity isotope ratio measurements is isotope ratio


Figure 12 irm-GCMS chromatogram from a crude oil extract. The isotope ratio of deuterium versus hydrogen from a post column high temperature (1400°C) pyrolysis reaction is studied. The lower trace shows the mass 2 intensity whereas the upper trace exhibits the instantaneous intensity ratio of 3/2 as a function of time. The deuterated compounds elute earlier than the nondeuterated ones with a time shift between 1 and 5 s. This gives rise to the marked isotope swing in the upper ‘ratio’ trace. The first 3 peaks are reference gas pulses injected behind the GC, thus they do not exhibit this behaviour. Here, differences in the amplifier time constants give rise to the sharp edges displayed on the ratio trace.

monitoring (irm). The irm instrument is a further development of the classical isotope ratio mass spectrometer including improvements in source design, vacuum pump technology, high speed detection electronics and powerful personal computers for data processing. This method for isotope analysis does not employ a dual inlet (Figure 1) and hence there is no requirement to generate large amounts of sample gas to maintain viscous flow conditions in the capillaries. Instead, isotope abundance data are extracted from time-varying (‘transient’) signals as opposed to measurements of prepared gases stored in reservoirs that produce near constant signal intensities. The entire sample entrained in a helium carrier gas enters the ion source as a transient and is ionized for isotope abundance measurements. A typical irm chromatogram for D/H analysis from GC eluates is shown in Figure 12. All ion currents of interest are integrated as the He carrier sweeps the sample through the source. A pulse of reference gas is admitted to the

source and its isotope ratio determined in a similar manner. From the two measurements the δ value of the respective sample peak is calculated. Advantages of the irm technique include the smaller amount of sample that must be prepared for analysis (1 nmol compared to 200 nmol). In addition, reduced sample handling and preparation is possible because raw materials are converted to simple gases for analysis by automated sample preparation devices (such as elemental analysers). It should be noted that there are a number of terms in current use in the literature to describe this method, including continuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometry or CF-IRMS. Configuration of irm inlet systems

The irm system consists of three components; the sample preparation device, isotope ratio mass spectrometer and the gas and electronic interface between the two. Depending on the nature of the


sample and type of analysis required, there are two approaches to assembling an irm inlet system (Figure 13). For isotope abundance ratio determinations from bulk samples, the entire sample is either oxidized or pyrolysed, producing a mixture of reaction products (CO2, N2, SO2 and H2O for the oxidation, CO and H2 for the pyrolysis) that must be separated prior to introduction into the mass spectrometer. In contrast, compound specific analysis is the separation of a particular component from some complex mixture followed by conversion to a gas suitable for isotope analysis (by oxidation or pyrolysis) and subsequent introduction into the mass spectrometer ion source. Here, reaction products are isolated by chemical means on-line when possible. The amount of sample and carrier gas that enters the ion source is limited to a maximum of about

0.5mL min– 1. Therefore, only a portion of the gas from the sample preparation device is admitted, requiring an open split. A high gas flow from the preparation system will require a higher split ratio and reduce the relative amount of sample available for ionization. To maximize sensitivity the split ratio should be as low as practically possible thereby maximizing the amount of sample ionized. Bulk composition isotope ratio monitoring The determination of isotope compositions from bulk samples is one of the most widespread applications of irm techniques primarily because of its ease of use, possibility for automated analysis, and the variety of sample types that can be analysed. Raw samples are most often converted to simple gases by an elemental analyser (EA) where submilligram quantities of sample are packed into Sn or Ag capsules (2 × 5 mm) and loaded into the autosampler of the EA. Carrier gas flow rates are typically 80 to 120 mL min– 1, necessitating a high split ratio at the mass spectrometer. Individual samples are dropped into an oxygen-enriched He stream sweeping a reactor at 1050° C where they are combusted instantaneously. A second copper-filled furnace at 600° C in-line reduces nitrogen oxides produced in the combustion process to N2 gas. It also scavenges excess oxygen not used in the combustion. Water is removed from the combustion products and the CO2, N2 and SO2 (if any) are separated by a packed column (Figure 14). Compound specific isotope ratio monitoring The isotope composition of individual components constituting a complex mixture can be determined by

Figure 13 Comparison of isotope ratio monitoring (irm) sample preparation and introduction for bulk versus compound specific sample analysis. In bulk sample analysis, the GC follows the combustion step whereas in the compound specific irm system CO2 and N2 from a single peak both enter the mass spectrometer at the same time. In both cases the amount of gas flowing to the ion source is comparable. The difference in sensitivity comes from the difference in carrier gas flow rate (about 100 ml min–1 versus ∼1.5 ml min–1).

Figure 14 Bulk sample isotope ratio monitoring interface. The means for reference gas injection and for effluent dilution are not shown.


Figure 15 Compound specific isotope ratio monitoring interface. For clarity, the devices for backflushing the solvent, for effluent diversion from the ion source, and for reference gas injection are not shown.

separating out the individual fractions followed by conversion into simple gases suitable for analysis. The basic arrangement is a gas (or liquid) chromatograph followed by an oxidation (or pyrolysis) furnace and open split to the mass spectrometer (Figure 15). A capillary chromatographic column first separates the mixtures. For oxidation and carbon or nitrogen isotopic analysis the components are then swept sequentially through a furnace converting them to N2, CO2 and H2O. Water is removed and CO2 is removed cryogenically if δ15N measurements are to be made. For δ13C analysis alone, nitrogen, if present, also enters the ion source. It does not interfere with the measurement. For pyrolysis at high temperatures (δD or δ18O analysis) the gaseous reaction products H2 and CO are allowed to enter the mass spectrometer simultaneously. For D/H it is possible to remove CO cryogenically using, for instance, a piece of capillary molecular sieve column immersed in liquid nitrogen. The low carrier gas flow (109 years) deviates from integer mass by more than 0.1 amu. The nominal mass of a molecule is the sum of the A values of its constituent atoms.

Labelling nuclides In 1914 F.W. Aston demonstrated mass spectrometric separation of the two most abundant isotopes of neon. Since that time, careful measurement has established that 20 chemical elements are monoisotopic (i.e. exhibit only one naturally occurring stable nuclide to any significant extent). From the

remaining members of the periodic table, the relative abundances for hundreds of isotopic pairs (same Z, different A) have been determined by mass spectrometry. The 163 stable nuclides for elements lighter than xenon give rise to slightly more than 300 isotopic pairs. Labelling embraces those experimental designs in which two nuclides have been mixed under conditions in which they might be expected to behave identically (or nearly so), followed by an analysis that distinguishes them. Usually the mass spectrometer acts as the analyser, but it can play the role of the mixer instead. A measurement of the 44Ti half-life (a piece of data pivotal for investigating astronomical cataclysms) illustrates one such application in nuclear physics. Bare nuclei with the same A/Z ratio will coincide in a mass separator. At gigavolt kinetic energies, where ions undergo nuclear reactions with target atoms and emerge without any bound electrons, ions from different elements having A = 2Z will not be separated but can be isolated from those for which A ≠ 2Z. This technique has been used to implant mixtures of 22Na and 44Ti simultaneously into solid matrices, where the radioactive sodium provides a standard for measuring the decay rate of the radioactive titanium. In this example, one


nuclide has been used to label another that has very different chemistry, so as to provide a well-calibrated mixture of the two. More conventionally, mass spectrometry is used to separate isotopes of a given element or isotopically tagged compounds. Four stable isotopic pairs have found application in the vast majority of molecular labelling experiments examined by mass spectrometry – 1H/2H, 12C/13C, 14N/15N, and 16O/18O. In each of these cases, the heavier isotope is the rarer, with natural abundances of 0.15% (2H), 1.1% (13C), 0.37% (15N), and 0.20% (18O). The survey below will confine itself to molecular labelling experiments that utilize hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen isotopes.

Isomers, isotopomers and isobars The term isomer has two different meanings, only one of which will pertain here. The meaning that is not relevant is employed by physicists, to whom nuclear isomers designate states of atomic nuclei with the same A and Z (generally having different net spins), which have different masses. For example, two nuclear isomers of cadmium, 113Cd and 113mCd, differ in mass by 0.0003 amu. Nuclear isomers will be omitted from further mention. Isomerism will refer below only to molecules that possess the same connectivities among their atoms but which are not superimposable. The term isotopomer designates a variant of a molecule with a different net isotopic content. Except for the isotopic difference, the two molecules must otherwise have identical structures. Three isotopomers of phenol provide an example. The (13C)phenol drawn as structure [1] represents an isotopomer of phenol containing only 12C. But [1] is not an isotopomer of structure [2], which also contains one 13C. Instead [1] and [2], properly speaking, are isotopic isomers, differing only by the placement of the labelled atom.

Ions with different elemental compositions may display the same nominal mass-to-charge ratio (m/z), such as the m/z 28 positive ions N , CO• +, C2H , HCNH+, Fe2+, and Ce5+. These are sometimes called isobars. Among physicists, isobars denote two nuclides with the same value of A but different values

Figure 1 HRMS of m/z 95 ions from 70 eV electron ionization of C6H5OCH2CD2OH, illustrating the resolution of isobaric ions on a double focusing reverse Nier–Johnson (B-E) instrument with resolving power of 70 000. Each of the peaks that contains a rare isotope is a radical ion (odd number of electrons), which is a mixture of isomeric structures, all the possibilities for which are drawn. Asterisks designate 13C-containing positions of the ring. The unlabelled ion is an even-electron species. Reproduced a from Nguyen V, Bennett JS and Morton TH (1997) Journal of the American Chemical Society 119: 8342 with permission of the American Chemical Society with modifications.

of Z. Chemists use the term less restrictively. The monodeuterated phenol [3] is an isotopomer of [1] and [2]. If all of its carbons are 12C, then the mass of [3] will have the same integer value as the masses of [1] and [2], and all three molecular ions will have m/z 95. [3] is an isobaric isotopomer of [1] and [2]. The deuterated ion does not have the same exact mass as the 13 C-containing ions, and they can be distinguished by high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS). Mass spectrometry cannot separate the molecular ions of isomers, although two isotopic isomers might well give rise to different fragmentation patterns (see below). Mass spectrometry can separate isotopomers, even if they happen to have the same nominal mass. Figure 1 illustrates a published example, an experimental measurement of the abundances of m/z 95 fragment ions from a larger molecule. Phenol (C6H5OH) tagged with a single 13C atom corresponds to any one of four isomers (including [1] and [2]) with identical masses, or a mixture thereof. Monodeuterated phenol has the same nominal mass as (13C)phenol. The positive-ion mass spectrum reproduced in Figure 1 displays the resolution of the two isotopomers (which differ by 0.003 amu) as well as protonated phenol (C6H7O+), which has a different elemental composition.


At the time of writing, the techniques that give the highest resolution (such as Ion Cyclotron Resonance (ICR) MS) do not enjoy a reputation for accurate quantitation of isobars. Double focusing sector mass spectrometers (such as was used for the mass spectrum in Figure 1) appear to be the current method of choice for experiments that require high-resolution measurements of relative ion abundances, even though they have lower resolving power. It is important to bear in mind the distinction between highresolution mass spectrometry (as exemplified by Figure 1) and exact mass determination (for which ICR gives excellent results based on accurate frequency measurements).

CO was measurably depleted in 13C. In part, the elegance of this experiment derives from the fact that it required no synthesis or separation of isotopically enriched starting material. In 1980 R.G. Lawler pointed out that conclusive demonstration of nuclear spin isotope effects demands bracketing of the magnetic isotope between two nonmagnetic ones (e.g. depletion of 13C relative to 14C as well as depletion relative to 12C); however, few experiments have been reported that fulfil this rigorous requirement.

Variations of natural abundances

Isotopic dilution and tracer techniques represent different methodologies, but they overlap to a degree that obviates any clear-cut categorization. Both are techniques for quantitative analysis. In an isotopic dilution experiment one adds a known amount of an isotopomer (sometimes called the ‘spike’) of a known compound (usually containing a rare isotope) and measures the abundance of ions derived from it relative to those from the analyte (which is usually the more common isotopomer). If, for example, one wished to quantitate phenol (C6H5OH) in a mixture, one might add a known quantity of pentadeuterated phenol (C6D5OH) as a spike and measure the m/z 94:m/z 99 intensity ratio by mass spectrometry. This conceptually simple approach, called a mass isotopomer abundance ratio (MIAR) measurement, requires a number of refinements. First of all, other components of the mixture might give rise to ions of the same mass – for instance, all alkyl phenyl ethers larger than anisole give very prominent m/z 94 ions. Therefore, MIAR experiments ordinarily require chromatographic separation prior to mass spectrometry (such as GC-MS), an approach sometimes referred to as isotope ratio monitoring (IRM) chromatography MS. Since different isotopic variants may have slightly different retention times, one must monitor intensity ratios over the entire elution profile of the component under analysis. Second, isotope effects may alter the relative abundances of fragment ions; hence, calibration with authentic samples is necessary. Finally, MIAR measurements give best results when the peaks to be compared have comparable intensities. When one ion has abundance more than an order of magnitude greater than the other, interferences and nonlinearities begin to introduce uncertainty and the measured MIAR may depend upon the amount of sample introduced into the mass spectrometer. C.K. fa*gerquist and J.-M. Schwarz have surveyed the origins of systematic

Precise measurement of relative natural abundances finds application in chemistry. The food industry routinely assays 12C/13C ratios of flavourings in order to ascertain their origin. For instance, that isotopic ratio is slightly greater for synthetic vanillin than for the identical molecule from the vanilla bean. As the commercial value of natural vanillin is approximately one million times greater than that of the synthetic, isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) plays a major role in quality control. Isotopes do not fractionate identically among the products of most chemical reactions. If a reaction proceeds in 100% yield, the net balance of isotopes in the products ought to be identical to that of the reactants, though the distribution may differ between two products. When a reaction does not run to completion, the natural abundance in the products may vary appreciably from that of the reactants. Measurement of the distribution of natural-abundance isotopes represents an important tool in studying reaction pathways, but the partitioning does not always depend solely upon isotopic mass. In 1978 B. Kraeutler and N.J. Turro used mass spectrometry to determine the fractionation of 13C in carbon monoxide from decomposition of the radical pair produced by photolysis of dibenzyl ketone (Eqn [1]).

The nuclear magnetism of the heavier carbon isotope perturbed the branching ratio under the reaction conditions, favouring return of the intermediate caged radical pair to the starting material. Hence, recovered

Isotopic dilution and tracer techniques


deviations and list ion– molecule reactions within the mass spectrometer and detector nonlinearities as possible sources of error. The most reliable abundance measurements involving stable isotopes make use of carbon, nitrogen or oxygen labelling, with chromatographic separation followed by quantitative conversion to light gases prior to mass spectrometric measurement. GC– combustion– isotopic dilution MS (GC-C-IDMS) depends upon the high precision with which isotopic abundances for CO2 and N2 can be measured by means of isotope ratio mass spectrometry. Oxygen has three stable isotopes, and 13C natural abundance interferes if one wishes to analyse 17O content in CO2. For such purposes, CO2 can be converted to molecular oxygen with 5% molecular fluorine in helium. The basic equation for IDMS (regardless of whether the mass analysis is performed on the intact molecule or on its degradation products) is

where Nspike stands for the (known) number of moles of spike; Nsample stands for the number of moles of analyte (to be quantitated); Rspike stands for the observed peak intensity ratio for the pure spike substance; Rsample stands for the observed peak intensity ratio for the pure analyte; Rblend stands for the observed peak intensity ratio for the mixture of spike and sample; and the Ri stand for the observed ratios for all isotopomers. The following worked example illustrates how to apply Equation [2]. Consider an unknown number of moles of analyte (Nsample) for which the observed 13 C:12C peak intensity ratio is Rsample = 1/9, to which one adds a known number of moles of spike (Nspike), for which the observed 13C:12C peak intensity ratio is Rspike = 2/1. Suppose the observed 13C:12C peak intensity ratio for the mixture is R blend = 23/37. The values to be summed in the numerator are ∑Risample = 1/9 + 1, the sum of the 13C:12C peak intensity ratio and the 13C:13C peak intensity ratio for the pure analyte. The values to be summed in the denominator are ∑Rispike = 2/1 + 1, the sum of the 13C:12C peak intensity ratio and the 13C:13C peak intensity ratio of the pure spike. Inserting these values into Equation [2] gives

In other words, the example corresponds to the outcome for equal amounts of sample and spike. The above instance might obtain when the sample has nine carbon atoms (containing natural-abundance 13C) and the spike has one partially labelled atom (though the spike might contain a mixture of isotopic isomers). Quantitation becomes more reliable if naturally occurring isotopomers do not overlap the peaks from the spike, so that Rsample → 0. Multiple labelling can adequately address that issue. Also, precision increases as the isotopic purity of the spike is increased, so that Rspike → ∞. Strictly speaking, it is not the values of Rsample and Rspike that introduce error, but rather the uncertainty in measuring those ratios when they do not have their limiting values of zero and infinity. In tracer studies, the analyte is not present at the time the spike is added. Diagnosis of human infection by Helicobacter pylori (the bacteria implicated in digestive tract ulcers) exemplifies such a technique. This microorganism survives at low pH in the stomach by generating locally high concentrations of ammonia to buffer its immediate environment. When a patient swallows a sample of 13C-labelled urea, a colony of these bacteria (if present) will hydrolyse the urea to NH3 and CO2, giving a characteristic rate of production of 13C-carbon dioxide in the patient’s breath. The distinction between tracer and isotope dilution methodologies is often blurred. For instance, IDMS sometimes requires a series of chemical transformations. A recently published protocol for quantitating nitrate in environmental samples dilutes the sample with 15NO3− followed by a series of steps that reduce it to nitrite and then convert it to an azo dye, Sudan I, as Scheme 1 summarizes. Derivatization of label-containing Sudan I to its t-butyldimethylsilyl (TBDMS) ether then renders the labelled molecule sufficiently volatile to be introduced into a mass spectrometer. The ratio of M−57 fragment ion intensities quantitates the 15N/14N ratio, once correction has been made for 29Si (natural abundance 5% that of 28Si) and 13C natural abundance of the 18 carbons in the ion. A physiological labelling technique that applies tracer and isotopic dilution methodologies concurrently involves the use of doubly labelled water (containing 18O in addition to a heavy isotope of hydrogen) for metabolic studies. After an animal is dosed with doubly labelled water, part of the labelled oxygen turns up in exhaled CO2. From the amount of 18O tracer in the CO2 and the proportions of 18O and isotopic hydrogen in excreted water (the isotopic dilution), one can infer the rate of energy expenditure of a living organism.


Quantitative analysis of tracer experiments can be more complicated than for isotopic dilution. Consider a hypothetical outcome for pure H218O mixed thoroughly with a 10-fold excess of pure H216O, where all of the oxygen atoms (and only those oxygen atoms) turn up in recovered CO2. Statistically, the carbon dioxide should exhibit a distribution of zero, 1, or 2 labelled oxygens in the proportions m/z 44:m/z 46:m/z 48 = 100:20:1. It is clear that Equation [2] is not the right expression for analysing that result. Moreover, experiment has shown that observed ratios often deviate from statistical proportions because of fractionation factors (i.e. isotope effects that preferentially partition the heavier isotope into one chemical form versus another). The mathematical analysis for doubly labelled water studies, which includes the effects of fractionation factors, is well documented elsewhere.

Accelerator mass spectrometry The sensitivity of tracer experiments increases as the naturally occurring isotopic background decreases. The natural abundance of 14C in the biosphere (standardized to the year 1950) is approximately 1.2 parts per trillion (a level designated as Modern), a factor of 10– 10 lower than the natural abundance of 13C. Moreover, when an organism dies, it ceases to equilibrate with atmospheric CO2 and its 14C decays away. Many commercially available compounds are petroleum derived and routinely contain 14C levels < 1% Modern. Therefore, mass spectrometric determination of 14C has much greater sensitivity for tracer experiments than 13C, with a usable detection limit of 0.001 fmole for 14C versus 0.25 fmole for 13C. Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) is designed to analyse unstable isotopes, and a greatly simplified schematic is drawn in Figure 2. Historically, AMS

measurements of isotopic ratios have been employed to measure half-lives of radionuclides by monitoring the disappearance of an unstable nuclide relative to a stable one (e.g. 44Ti relative to 46Ti) over a period of months. Contemporary applications address more chemical problems. The general technique involves two stages of ionization alternating with two stages of m/z selection. In the first ionization, atomic negative ions are produced from a solid sample, and the first mass spectrometer selects all ions with a given nominal mass. The negative ion is then accelerated to high velocity and transmitted through a foil stripper (a thin sheet of solid material), a passage that removes the outer electrons from the projectile ions. This second stage of ionization converts atomic ions with a single negative charge into positive ions with multiple charges, which are analysed by a second mass spectrometer. When applied to 14C, AMS makes use of a sample that has been converted to graphite. Since all chemical elements are present in the sample in concentrations greater than one part in 1012, a major obstacle is to avoid isobaric ions. Bombarding the graphite with a fast ion beam produces C− among the stable atomic ions. Nitrogen atoms do not form stable negative ions, so the only atomic negative ion produced having m/z 14 is 14C−. Along with this are produced a number of isobaric m/z 14 molecular ions, such as 13 CH− and 12CH2−. The m/z 14 negative ions are mass-selected by a low-energy mass spectrometer. The ion beam is then accelerated to megavolt kinetic energies and passed through a thin carbon foil, which strips off all the valence electrons. The molecular ions fragment as a consequence, while the atomic carbon ions simply acquire up to six positive charges. The mass filtering of AMS relies upon selection of m/z 3.5 positive ions (14C4+) formed from previously selected m/z 14 negative ions. One might


Figure 2 Schematic of the accelerator mass spectrometer at the Centre for AMS at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Negative ions from a multi-sample ion source are separated by a low-energy mass spectrometer, accelerated to 6 MeV in an electrostatic accelerator, converted to positive ions by passage through a foil stripper, and accelerated again. Quadruply charged carbon atomic ions (30 MeV kinetic energy) are focused by quadrupole lenses and resolved by high-energy mass spectrometers, followed by velocity selection and identification of charge state in an ionization detector.

think that two stages of mass analysis would suffice to separate the 14C atomic ions from all other isobars, but there is a substantial interference from 7 Li2− in the source that is converted to 7Li2+ by passage through the foil stripper. Therefore, the final stage of identification of 14C requires that the ion beam be velocity selected and then passed through an ionization chamber, where collisions with neutral gas molecules produce secondary ions with a rate that distinguishes between a doubly charged projectile (7Li2+) and a quadruply charged projectile (14C4+). The high kinetic energy of the ions in AMS permits sensitive single-ion counting, and samples containing < 106 atoms of 14C in < 1 mg total carbon can routinely be analysed. In practice AMS is used to measure 14C/13C isotopic ratios. For most applications the variation of 13 C abundance in the sample does not significantly affect the accuracy of an AMS measurement. AMS has been widely used for samples whose 14C content is below Modern (as in carbon dating) and is beginning to find major applications for samples where 14 C content greatly exceeds Modern (as in biomedical research). The latter is exemplified by a recent study of covalent modification of proteins. When the enzyme aldolase is treated with acetoacetic ester, the protein irreversibly attaches a small but reproducible amount of the ester. Such a low level of tagging is sometimes referred to as background labelling, since (even with carrier-free (14C)acetoacetic ester) there is not enough incorporated radioactivity to give a decay rate very much higher than the background for detecting nuclear disintegrations.

The isotopic label stands out well above natural 14C levels, but decay counting is an intrinsically inefficient method of detection. No matter what type of counter is used, only fourteen 14C nuclei will decay per hour for every 109 that are present in the sample. In the case of tagged aldolase, the amount of incorporated radioactivity was too low for decay counting to be used for fragments of the tagged enzyme, and AMS presented the only method for analysing 14C content after cleavage of the protein. AMS takes advantage of the inherent efficiency of mass spectrometry and can readily measure the amount of label in protein fragments purified by analytical gel electrophoresis. Site-specific chemical cleavage of tagged aldolase gave four electrophoresis bands, each containing ≤0.05 mg of polypeptide. Individual gel slices (containing 5– 10 mg of polyacrylamide each) were converted to CO2 and then reduced to pure graphite. AMS gave analyses that showed 14C/13C ratios in the range from 5 to 50 times Modern reproducibly, depending on the identity and quantity of labelled polypeptide in the gel slice, which (when corrected for the great excess of stable carbon isotopes contributed by the polyacrylamide) corresponded to 0.03– 3 fmol 14C per polypeptide fraction. The extent of labelling was found to be nonuniform: it did not correlate with the molecular mass of the fragments but was proportional to the number of tyrosine residues. No correlation was observed for any other amino acid. Therefore, what had hitherto been dismissed as background labelling turns out to be an amino acid-specific covalent modification.


Tracer studies for characterizing reaction pathways Mass spectrometry is typically used to look at products from reactions where a reactant has intentionally been enriched in a rare stable isotope. This is illustrated by a ‘crossover experiment’ reported by P.D. Bartlett and T.G. Traylor in 1963, who reported the labelling of molecular oxygen liberated by chain termination of free t-butyl hydroperoxy radicals. When a radical doubly labelled with 18O reacted with an unlabelled radical to yield di-t-butyl peroxide (Eqn [4]), the predominant gaseous product gave m/z 34 (16O18O). That outcome indicates that each radical contributes one oxygen atom and implicates a tetroxide intermediate, which could not be directly observed.

An experiment that fails to show crossover can be equally meaningful. The 1953 report by F.A. Loewus, F.H. Westheimer and B. Vennesland on the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase represents one of the earliest and most profound applications of isotopic labelling. These experiments demonstrated the facial selectivity of the enzyme-catalysed reaction, which is depicted schematically in Equation [5]. They performed mass spectrometric analyses of mixtures of HD and H2 produced by reduction of water from combusted samples of ethanol and acetaldehyde, and they established that the (R) enantiomer of deuterated ethanol transfers only deuterium to the coenzyme NAD+ (a partial structure of which is drawn in Eqn [5]). The reduced coenzyme transfers only deuterium back to acetaldehyde. Under conditions where the reaction goes back and forth many times, no deuterated acetaldehyde (CH3CD=O) is detected. If, on the other hand, CH3CD=O reacts with the unlabelled, reduced coenzyme (known as NADH), the reduction gives (S)-1-deuterioethanol. No label transfers between deuterated acetaldehyde and the coenzyme. The remarkable conclusion (confirmed for many enzymes subsequently) is that biological catalysts distinguish the two faces of planar carbon atoms that bear three nonidentical substituents (e.g. the top and bottom faces of the planar ring of NAD+ and of the carbonyl carbon of acetaldehyde).

MS/MS – tandem versus ion storage In the gas phase, a neutral molecule can be ionized by removal or addition of an electron via an electron beam (electron ionization or EI), by reaction with another gaseous ion (chemical ionization or CI), or by interacting with ionizing radiation. Most methods of depositing charge are so energetic that they lead to fragmentation. By close examination of fragment ions, one can sometimes draw conclusions regarding the placement of isotopic label and the mechanism of ionic decomposition. Quite often the source mass spectrum is confusing, since isotopic label frequently randomizes under typical ionization conditions. Sequential mass spectrometry separates a portion of the ion beam (usually a single nominal m/z) and reanalyses it after it has undergone subsequent ion decompositions. Two general types of MS/MS apparatus enjoy wide usage: those that have mass spectrometers in spatial sequence (tandem instruments) and those that examine ions using a single mass spectrometer, in which the two stages of mass selection occur in temporal sequence (ion storage instruments). Ions that fragment between two stages of mass selection are said to undergo metastable ion decompositions. These often show patterns different from a source mass spectrum. The spectrum from which Figure 1 is taken provides an example. Electron ionization of C6H5OCH2CD2OH shows a C6H7O• +:C6H5DO• +:C6H6DO+ ratio of about 0.75:1:0.6. Metastable ion decomposition of the corresponding molecular ion C6H5OCH2CD2OH• + shows a ratio < 0.05:1:2. The high-resolution spectrum in Figure 1 required a two-sector instrument. In metastable studies, the same two sectors were used in tandem. Since isobaric m/z 95 ions cannot be resolved by a single sector, the C6H7O• +: C6H5DO• + abundance ratio from metastable ion decompositions had to be inferred from a comparison of several additional isotopic variants, C6H5OCH2CD2OD, C6H5OCD2CD2OD and C6H5OCD2CH2OH, C6D5OCH2CH2OH.


Determination of isotopic stereochemistry In favourable cases, configuration of an isotopically substituted stereogenic centre can be determined by means of mass spectrometric fragmentation. The labelled analyte must contain a ring or else must pass through a cyclic transition state in the course of decomposition. Acyclic secondary alcohols with a single deuterium adjacent to the oxygen-bearing carbon (general formula R1CHOHCHDR2) have two diastereomeric forms as a consequence of isotopic substitution. While the mass spectra of the alcohols present major difficulties of interpretation, several derivatives undergo mass spectrometric eliminations by which relative stereochemistry can be assigned. The ionized phenyl ethers, for instance, expel neutral alkene. The C6H5OD• +: C6H5OH• + ratios differ from one stereoisomer to the other to such an extent that ion storage techniques can be used to assay the proportions of isotopic diastereomers. While chromatography cannot separate isotopic isomers, GC-MS/MS for quantitating mixtures of isotopic diastereomers has been reduced to practice. In 1979 Knowles, McLafferty and their co-workers made dramatic use of metastable ion mass spectrometry in solving the stereochemistry of phosphate monoesters ROP16O17O18O2− that are chiral by virtue of substitution with oxygen isotopes. Reaction with optically active 1,2-propanediol affords the mixture of three isotopomeric cyclic triesters shown to the left in Scheme 2. One ROP16O17O18O2− enantiomer gives the mixture depicted; the other ROP16O17O18O2− enantiomer gives products in which 17O and 18O are transposed.

Ring opening with methanol gives a mixture of three isotopomeric triesters (middle of Scheme 2) that exhibits mass spectrometric fragment ions corresponding to trimethyl phosphate. The isotopomeric trimethyl phosphate radical ions display prominent metastable ion decompositions from loss of formaldehyde. For one ROP16O17O18O2− enantiomer the m/ z 142 fragment loses only CH216O, as Scheme 2 portrays, while m/z 141 loses either CH216O or CH217O and m/z 143 loses either CH216O or CH218O. These metastable ion decompositions are summarized beneath their respective trimethylphosphate ions to the right in Scheme 2. The other ROP16O17O18O2− enantiomer leads to ions (not shown in Scheme 2) for which m/z 141 loses only CH216O; m/z 142 loses CH216O or CH218O; and m/z 143 loses CH216O or CH217O.

Elucidation of fragmentation pathways and isotope effects Isotopic labelling provides an excellent method for probing how ions decompose in the mass spectrometer. Frequently the pathway followed by an ion resembles a cognate reaction from solution chemistry, but sometimes the outcome differs quite unexpectedly. Many elimination reactions – both in solution and in the gas phase – operate via loss of groups attached to adjacent atoms. But EI on (CH3)2CDCH2CH2Br yields an M– DBr daughter ion that is much more abundant than the M– HBr fragment. The structure of the ion (inferred from subsequent surface neutralization and analysis of the C5H10 neutral) is (CH3)2C=CHCH3. Clearly some


transposition of hydrogen has taken place. Investigating the rearrangements of gaseous ions represents a major area of research in mass spectrometry. Deuterium substitution often affects the competition between two otherwise identical fragmentation pathways. EI on 1,4-dimethoxybutane shows no molecular ion and an intense peak from loss of methyl radical (a fragmentation not seen in the shorter or longer hom*ologous α,ω-dimethoxy-nalkanes). When ionizing energy is lowered, the contribution from methyl loss increases until it represents > 70% of the total ionization. Deuterating one methyl (CD3OCH2CH2CH2CH2OCH3) exerts a comparatively small isotope effect: loss of CD3 is 0.7 as intense as loss of CH3. Deuterating the nearest methylene as well (CD3OCD2CH2CH2CH2OCH3) lowers the loss of CD3 to 0.5 the intensity of loss of CH3. In other words, replacing two H atoms with D on the other side of the oxygen has as great an effect as replacing all three H atoms with D on the methyl itself. This has been taken to imply a hidden hydrogen rearrangement, in which a proton transfers to the remote oxygen simultaneously with a C– O bond cleavage. If two reactions exhibit different isotope effects in a product-determining step, they cannot be proceeding via a common intermediate. For example, elimination of propene produces the most intense fragment ion in the EI and CI mass spectra of npropyl phenyl ether, with extensive scrambling of all of the hydrogens in the side-chain. Could it be that the n-propyl ether ions isomerize to isopropyl ether ions prior to dissociating? If so, photoionization of CD3CH2CH2OPh and CH3(CD3)CHOPh should manifest the same isotope effects on propene expulsion. But the isotope effect (measured as the C6H5OH• +/C6H5OD• + intensity ratio) is about 1.2 for n-propyl, significantly less than the value (1.4) for isopropyl. Therefore, the two isomeric ions dissociate via distinct pathways.

Discrimination of isobars and isomers Isotopic labelling often shifts the mass of one isobar relative to another for the purposes of identification. In ionized mixtures of methyl fluoride with a trace of ammonia, the weakly hydrogen-bonded cluster ion CH3F– HNH (m/z 52) has the same mass as a much more stable ammonia cluster ion, (NH3)3H+. With 15 NH3 the mass-to-charge ratios become m/z 53 and m/z 55, respectively. Moreover, the isotopic substitution identifies the product of the m/z 52 → m/z 53 fragmentation as FCH . Ion structures can be deduced from isotopic labelling. One of the first distonic ions ever

demonstrated, portrayed in Equation [6],

was characterized by its reaction with gaseous base to transfer only D+. If the ion had had the ionized methyl ethyl ether structure, it would have transferred H+ at least as often as D+. A similar type of experiment demonstrated that the distonic ion in Equation [7] converts to (or interconverts with) ionized methoxycyclopropane, since the two isotopomers [4] and [5] transfer H+ and D+ to gaseous bases in the same proportions.

Nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectrometry Neutral products from decomposition of gaseous ions can be isolated and subsequently characterized by gas chromatography or magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Fluorine NMR has been especially useful in this regard, since the 19F chemical shift scale is so wide that isotopic shifts of NMR peak positions permit assessment of the extents and positions of deuteration in isomers/isotopomer mixtures. Figure 3 reproduces 19F NMR spectra of fluoroethylenes recovered from EI of two different isomers of dideuterated β-fluorophenetole. The isomers give slightly different mass spectrometric fragmentation patterns, but the decomposition mechanism could not be fully understood without the analysis of the expelled neutrals. As the NMR shows, the distribution of deuterated fluoroethylenes is not the same for the two isomers. One isomer yields a product not formed by the other, and vice versa. C6H5OCD2CH2F produces CHD=CHF, but C6H5OCD2CH2F does not. C6H5OCH2CD2F produces CHD=CDF, but C6H5OCD2CH2F does not. Hence hydrogens cannot be randomizing within ionized β-fluorophenetole prior to elimination.


Chemists have long dreamed of combining mass spectrometry with NMR, so as to probe the structures of gaseous ions directly. While that vision remains to be fulfilled, NMR analysis of neutral fragments expelled by gaseous ions represents a step towards that goal.

List of symbols Nsample = number of moles of sample; Nspike = number of moles of spike; Rsample = peak intensity ratio for pure analyte; Rspike = peak intensity ratio for pure spike substance; Rblend = peak intensity ratio for mixture of sample and spike.

Figure 3 19F NMR spectra (proton noise-decoupled) of deuterated fluoroethylenes expelled from the indicated dideuterated βfluorophenetoles after 70 eV electron ionization. Observed peak splittings come from deuterium–fluorine spin–spin coupling, by which isomers/isotopomers are identified. Reproduced with permission of the American Chemical Society from Nguyen V, Cheng X and Morton TH (1992) Journal of the American Chemical Society 114: 7127.

See also: Biochemical Applications of Mass Spectrometry; Chromatography-MS, Methods; Cosmochemical Applications Using Mass Spectrometry; Food Science, Applications of Mass Spectrometry; Fragmentation in Mass Spectrometry; Isotope Ratio Studies Using Mass Spectrometry; Labelling Studies in Biochemistry Using NMR; Medical Science Applications of IR; MS–MS and MSn; Metastable Ions; Sector Mass Spectrometers; Stereochemistry Studied Using Mass Spectrometry.

Further reading It turns out that ionized β-fluorophenetole dissociates via two competing pathways, illustrated in Equation [8], which are indistinguishable but for the isotopic label. Both involve cleavage of the sp3carbon oxygen bond to form ion– neutral complexes, which live of the order of a nanosecond before a proton transfers from the fluorine-containing cation to the phenoxy radical. The upper pathway drawn in Equation [8] has the fluorine bridging between two carbons, yielding a symmetrical cation structure. The lower pathway involves a hydrogen shift to form the most stable of the possible C2H5F+ structures. The two competing mechanisms operate in about a 1:2 ratio.

Bennett JS, Bell DW, Buchholz BA, Kwok ESC, Vogel JS and Morton TH (1996) Accelerator mass spectrometry for assaying irreversible covalent modification of aldolase by acetoacetic ester. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 179/180: 185– 193. Brenna JT (1997) High-precision continuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometry. Mass Spectrometry Reviews 16: 227– 258. DeBièvre P (1993) Isotope dilution mass spectrometry as a primary method of analysis. Analytical Proceedings 30: 328– 333. Holmes JL (1975) The elucidation of mass spectral fragmentation mechanisms by isotopic labelling. In: Buncel E and Lee CC (eds) Isotopes in Organic Chemistry, Vol 1. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp 61– 133.


McAdoo DJ and Morton TH (1993) Gas phase analogues of cage effects. Accounts of Chemical Research 26: 295– 302. Morton TH and Beauchamp JL (1975) Chainlength effects upon the interaction of remote functional groups. Journal of the American Chemical Society 97: 2355– 2362. Shaler TA, Borchardt D and Morton TH (1999) Competing 1,3- and 1,2-hydrogen shifts in gaseous fluoro-

propyl ions. Journal of the American Chemical Society 121: 7907– 7913. Speakman JR (1997) Doubly Labelled Water. London: Chapman and Hall. Taphanel MH, Morizur JP, Leblanc D, Borchardt D and Morton TH (1997) Stereochemical analysis of monodeuterated isomers by GC/MS/MS. Analytical Chemistry 69: 4191– 4196.


L Labelling Studies in Biochemistry Using NMR Timothy R Fennell and Susan CJ Sumner, Chemical Industry Institute of Toxicology, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA


Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

The elucidation of the pathways involved in the metabolism of exogenous and endogenous materials has been advanced considerably by the use of labelled chemicals. The transformation of these labelled intermediates can be followed by a variety of techniques. Much of the early work in the elucidation of pathways of intermediary metabolism involved the use of radioactive isotopes, and 14C in particular, as tracers. More recently, the focus of research has been on the control of metabolism, and flux through pathways. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy has been used in the study of metabolic processes to follow the conversion of compounds with natural abundance isotopes such as 1H, 19F, or 31P or isotopically labelled compounds containing 2H, 15N, or 13C. This discussion focuses on the application of isotope labels to track the fate of chemicals in biological systems. The majority of the NMR applications involving labels use 13C-enriched chemicals and in general are designed to describe the pathways of metabolism or to evaluate flux through pathways. Although less frequently used, 2H and 15N can also provide useful information. An isotope effect on metabolism resulting from the increase in mass with 2H compared with 1 H may be a significant limitation. 15N labels are limited to the study of nitrogen-containing compounds and have generally been limited by the low sensitivity for detection of 15N. Two types of applications can be identified: those in which the metabolism of endogenous materials is assessed by addition of labelled materials, with the fate of the label indicating the fate of the pool of both labelled and

unlabelled material and those in which the metabolism of labelled exogenous materials is assessed.

Detection of 1


C-labelled metabolites

H NMR spectroscopy, which is widely used for structure elucidation, is very sensitive as a result of both the high natural abundance and NMR sensitivity of the proton. As a means of tracking the fate of chemicals in biological systems, 1H NMR is widely used and works well with chemicals with functional groups whose NMR signals can be distinguished readily from endogenous materials (see also other sections). However, 1H NMR is, in general, not very selective, and frequently lacks the ability to discriminate among compounds of interest in complex biological mixtures. In addition, water in biological systems causes dynamic range issues that must be circumvented by suppression techniques during the acquisition of 1H NMR spectra. Carbon-13 occurs with a low natural abundance (1.1%), and has a spin quantum number of 1/2; 13C has an NMR sensitivity 1.6% that of 1H, but is highly selective. Signals in 13C spectra are dispersed over a wide frequency range, depending on the substituents of the carbon atom from which the signal arises. The wide dispersion of 13C NMR signals is one of the major reasons for using 13C-enriched chemicals in the study of metabolism. Using 13C-enriched materials permits detection over the low natural abundance of unlabelled materials. Compared with natural abundance of 1.1%, enrichment of a carbon atom to 99%


would cause an increase in the signal-to-noise ratio of 90-fold. The use of NMR for the detection of labelled materials has the advantage over other techniques that the enrichment at a particular carbon atom in a molecule can readily be determined without degradation of the molecule. Proton-decoupled 13C NMR signals for natural abundance materials occur as singlets since the probability of two adjacent 13C nuclei is 0.0123%. An isolated enriched carbon atom in an otherwise natural abundance material gives rise to a single resonance. Adjacent enriched carbon atoms give multiplet patterns as a result of carbon–carbon coupling. Two adjacent 13C atoms each give rise to a doublet as shown in Figure 1. The NMR spectrum of three adjacent 13C atoms (Ca–Cb –Cc) will give rise to a doublet for each of the external carbons (Ca and Cc) and a doublet of doublets for the centre carbon atom (Cb), excluding the effects of long-range 13C– 13 C coupling. This type of splitting pattern permits the distinction of exogenous and endogenous compounds. In mixtures, a singly labelled compound may not readily be distinguished from endogenous signals, whereas the multiplet patterns associated with multiply labelled materials readily stand out. The 1H-decoupled 1D 13C NMR spectrum is the general starting place for the detection of labelled metabolic intermediates or products. In the study of intermediary metabolism, assignments can frequently be made by comparison of the chemical shifts of signals with those from known standards. With multiply labelled metabolites, more detailed structural information can be obtained by the acquisition of additional spectral information. The measurements of carbon–carbon coupling constants from

the 1D spectrum may be used to determine the connection between carbon resonances. In mixtures, however, coupling patterns for carbon atoms from different compounds can be similar. Carbon–carbon connectivity experiments (e.g. incredible natural abundance double quantum transfer experiment; INADEQUATE) provide an unambiguous determination of carbon–carbon connectivity. The twodimensional spectra generated from these experiments contain a dimension for chemical shift and a dimension for double quantum frequency. The presence of two contours with the same double quantum frequency (i.e. aligned horizontally along the F1 axis) but with different chemical shifts (F2 axis) indicates coupling between the carbons giving rise to these signals (Figure 2). These experiments can be conducted to determine direct and long-range carbon–carbon coupling. A number of techniques permit the detection of the number of protons attached to specific carbon atoms. The attached proton test (APT) experiment and related pulse sequences can be used to distinguish between CH, CH2, and CH3 carbon signals. However, they are not always able to distinguish between CH and CH3 groups. The 2D carbon proton experiment (e.g. heteronuclear 2D J-resolved or HET2DJ) permits the identification of the number of hydrogen atoms attached to each carbon atom. The 2D spectrum generated from these pulse sequences contains a dimension for carbon chemical shift and a dimension indicating the multiplets produced by the attached protons (2nI+1 rule). Carbons with three, two, or one attached protons will have four, three, or two contour peaks, respectively, aligned at the chemical shift of the carbon signal in the 2D spectrum (Figure 3).

Figure 1 Diagrammatic representation of 13C NMR spectra illustrating carbon–carbon coupling. (A) The spectrum of two connected natural abundance carbon atoms. (B) The spectrum of two directly connected 13C atoms. The separation between each doublet is equal to the carbon–carbon coupling constant (JCC). (C) The spectrum of three directly connected 13C atoms.

Figure 2 Diagrammatic representation of an INADEQUATE spectrum illustrating carbon–carbon coupling.


add considerably to the complexity of the signals detected. For many studies, critical information is extracted from the analysis of isotopomer distribution by NMR and requires the interpretation of complex signals for individual metabolites. Frequently computer simulation of the expected spectra is conducted to enable interpretation.

Detection of other labels

Figure 3 Diagrammatic representation of a HET2DJ spectrum illustrating carbon–proton coupling.

Two-dimensional 13C–1H heteronuclear shift correlation allows the detection of the proton signals associated with the labelled carbon atoms. Indirect detection methods are heteronuclear techniques with detection of the nucleus with higher gyromagnetic ratio. Detection of carbon signals through attached protons provides a considerable increase in sensitivity over that obtained in the 1D 1H-decoupled 13C spectrum. For biological samples, the increase in sensitivity can be outweighed by other factors, as recently described by Gemmecker and Kessler. In a complex mixture, for example, a large number of increments (second dimension of a 2D experiment) is required to obtain sufficient resolution of carbon cross peaks to allow the identification of the carbon chemical shift. Also, water suppression techniques must be employed with biological samples. The chemical shifts of carbon atoms in various environments can be estimated through the use of substituent increments that have been tabulated over many years. Computational programs are also available, some of which use the same logic in the estimation of shift. In addition, database programs can be used to search existing spectral data and to calculate chemical shifts by interpolating from compounds in the database. In the investigation of intermediary metabolism, the position of labelling in a newly synthesized molecule provides important information about the pathway of its formation. The potential labelling possibilities and the impact that these will have on the NMR spectra need to be considered. For a molecule with N carbon atoms, the number of carbon isotopomers (isomers with differing distributions of 13C and 12C) is 2N. In biochemical studies, the potential number of isotopomers possible may not be realized. However, even a small number of possibilities can

Deuterium-labelled materials are readily available and can be applied to studying metabolic processes. However, 2H has a spin quantum number of 1 and is relatively insensitive compared with 1H (9.7 × 10−3). It has a low natural abundance of 0.016%. Of the two isotopes of nitrogen, 15N with a spin quantum number of 1/2 is the most widely used. It is very insensitive (1 × 10−3), and has a low natural abundance of 0.37%. While some studies have used the direct detection of 15N-labelled compounds, the indirect detection of 15N through 1H by techniques such as INEPT (insensitive nuclei enhanced by polarization transfer) and HMQC (heteronuclear multiple quantum coherence), which considerably enhance sensitivity, have increased the applicability of 15N in biological systems.

Applications of labels Exogenous metabolites 13

C-labelled tracers have been used in the elucidation of the pathways of metabolism of a number of exogenous chemicals, with labels incorporated in one or several carbon atoms of the materials of interest. The metabolism of [13C]formaldehyde, a chemical with a single labelled carbon, provides an uncomplicated illustration of the use of a labelled material in the study of metabolism. The metabolism of formaldehyde to formate, methanol, and several additional metabolites could be determined from the 1D 1H-decoupled 13C spectrum of Escherichia coli incubated with [13C]formaldehyde (Figure 4). From 1H-coupled spectra, two of these metabolites with signals at 64 and 68 ppm appeared to contained labelled carbons present as CH2 groups. 13C–1H correlation spectra indicated that these additional metabolites contained protons in the range 3.4–3.7 ppm, with nonequivalent protons on each labelled carbon atom. The metabolism of formaldehyde to produce 1,2propanediol, 1,3-propanediol, and glycerol was established by culturing E. coli in medium containing 14.3% uniformly labelled [13C]glucose, administering 90% labelled [13C]formaldehyde, and analysing


Figure 4 1D 1H-decoupled 13C spectrum of E. coli incubated with [13C]formaldehyde. Reprinted with permission from Hunter BK, Nicholls KM and Sanders JKM (1984) Formaldehyde metabolism by Escherichia coli. In vivo carbon, deuterium, and two-dimensional NMR observations of multiple detoxifying pathways. Biochemistry 23: 508–514. Copyright 1984 American Chemical Society.

the products formed by 13C NMR spectroscopy. The 13 C–13C couplings produced permitted the detection of the signals from the glucose-derived carbon atoms adjacent to the formaldehyde-derived carbons. An additional metabolite was determined to be S-[13C]hydroxymethylglutathione, formed by addition of [13C]formaldehyde to glutathione. 13 C-labelled materials have been used in the elucidation of pathways of metabolism of many chemicals. Information can be obtained from chemicals containing more than one carbon atom but only a single labelled carbon. Following administration of [3-13C]-1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane (81 mg kg–1) to rats, 15 biliary metabolites and 12 urinary metabolites were observed. Metabolites were assigned based on chemical shift, proton multiplicity, 13C–1H correlation spectra, and comparison with synthetic standards. The metabolic profile proposed for this material is shown in Figure 5. The incorporation of multiple labels into a compound with multiple carbon atoms provides an opportunity for using additional methods for characterizing metabolites. Following administration of [1,2,3-13C]acrylonitrile to rats and mice, a number of metabolites in urine were detected and assigned structures based on chemical shift, carbon–carbon multiplicity, carbon–carbon connectivity, and proton multiplicity. Examples of the spectra obtained in urine from rats administered [1,2,3-13C]acrylonitrile are shown in Figure 6. The multiplets assigned to the labelled carbons of the metabolites result from carbon–carbon coupling (Figure 6C). The HET2DJ

spectrum shown in Figure 7 illustrates the determination of the number of protons attached to each labelled carbon atom. The HET2DJ spectra obtained from multiply-labelled compounds provide an additional means of distinguishing signals derived from labelled compounds from natural abundance carbon signals in that the carbon–carbon coupling displaces the multiplets from the centre of the F1 axis. For example, each peak of the doublet labelled 3a (Figure 7) has three contours aligned along the x-axis, indicating that the signals are from a labelled methylene carbon. The nature of the labelled carbon atoms in metabolites derived from acrylonitrile could be assigned. The identity of the unlabelled substituents of the metabolites could be inferred from the substituent effects on the chemical shifts of the labelled carbons. Most of the metabolites detected were derived from conjugation of acrylonitrile or its epoxide metabolite, cyanoethylene oxide, with glutathione and further metabolism of the glutathionederived portion of the metabolites. The metabolism of acrylonitrile concluded from this study is shown in Figure 8. Quantitation of metabolites was conducted with dioxane added as an internal standard by measuring peak areas under conditions that ensured adequate relaxation of the carbon signals of interest. This combination of techniques has been used to study the metabolism of a number of compounds. The metabolism of mixtures has received little attention, in part because of the complexity of the problem. NMR spectroscopy with labelled materials provides an ideal tool for studying the metabolism of


Figure 5 Metabolism of [3-13C]-1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane in rats. Reprinted with permission from Dohn DR, Graziano MJ and Casida JE (1988) Metabolites of [3-13C]-1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane in male rats studied by 13C and 1H–13C correlated two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy. Biochemical Pharmacology 37: 3485–3495. Copyright 1988, Elsevier Science.

several components of a mixture. On coadministration of [1,2,3-13C]acrylonitrile and [1,2,3-13C]acrylamide to rats and mice, the metabolites of both compounds could be resolved readily in the urine. Endogenous metabolites

NMR spectroscopy has been widely used in the investigation of metabolism. Therefore, only a very general review of this area can be provided. For additional information, the reader is directed to the references contained in the Further reading section. Most of the recently reported studies involve investigation of the regulation of metabolism. Generally, one or more labelled starting materials are administered in a biological system: subcellular fractions, cells, isolated perfused organs, or whole animals. NMR spectroscopy has been applied to the investigation of metabolism in a wide range of experimental systems from plants to animals and people. Analysis can be conducted at the level of cell extracts, whole cells, body fluids, whole tissues, and in vivo. Mammalian tissues that are widely studied include brain, liver, muscle, and heart. The use of multiply labelled compounds aids in distinguishing high levels of naturally occurring unlabelled materials (which give singlet signals) from low levels of added labelled material (which yield multiplet signals) and can provide a means for distinguishing added from endogenous material in determining the size of pools by reverse isotope dilution.

Many pathways of metabolism have been studied using labelled chemicals, including the conversion of glucose to glycogen, glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, fatty acid metabolism, amino acid metabolism, and the pentose phosphate pathway. Among the considerations in conducting studies involving the use of labels in metabolism is the introduction of the label into the biological system, the concentration of label required, distinction of pathways, and isotopomer distribution. Some of these issues can be illustrated with consideration of specific examples. Oxaloacetate, malate, fumarate, and α-ketoglutarate are intermediates in the Krebs cycle that are present in very low concentration and are generally not directly detectable by NMR spectroscopy. Measurement of surrogates that accumulate to measurable levels such as glutamate, alanine, aspartate, and lactate is used for the determination of isotope distribution. Oxaloacetate, malate, and fumarate exist virtually in equilibrium. Glutamate and α-ketoglutarate are in fast equilibrium via transamination. Determination of the labelling pattern in glutamate is thought to be reflective of that of α-ketoglutarate and, in turn, of oxaloacetate. Similarly, aspartate and oxaloacetate are in equilibrium by transamination, and the labelling pattern of aspartate is thought to reflect that of oxaloacetate. Succinate and fumarate are symmetrical molecules, and label that passes through these intermediates can become scrambled. Introduction of label from α-ketoglutarate into succinate (Figure 9)


Figure 6 The 1H-decoupled 13C NMR spectrum of (A) control rat urine and urine collected for 24 h following administration of (B) 10 or (C) 30 mg kg−1 [1,2,3-13C]acrylonitrile. Signals are labelled according to metabolite number (see Figure 8, and the letter of carbonderived form acrylonitrile (aCH2=bCH2–cCN). Reprinted with permission from Fennell TR, Kedderis GL and Sumner SC (1991) Urinary metabolites of [1,2,3-13C]acrylonitrile in rats and mice detected by 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Chemical Research in Toxicology 4: 678–687. Copyright 1991, American Chemical Society.

would result in the presence of label at more than one site in a molecule. Such mixing can be indicative that the label has passed through a symmetrical intermediate. Quantitative information can be obtained from isotopomer analysis in one of several ways: modelling with differential equations, modelling with infinite convergent series, and modelling with input–output

equations (see the review by Künnecke). Simplified models that focus on a limited number of isotopomers can be used to estimate the contribution of competing pathways. The incorporation of [1-13C]glucose into glycogen can be followed by NMR spectroscopy. Glucose and glycogen give prominent signals in the natural abundance 13C NMR spectrum of liver. The C-1


Figure 7 HET2DJ spectrum of urine from a rat administered [1,2,3-13C]acrylonitrile. Reprinted with permission from Fennell TR, Kedderis GL and Sumner SC (1991) Urinary metabolites of [1,2,3-13C]acrylonitrile in rats and mice detected by 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, Chemical Research In Toxicology 4: 678–687. Copyright 1991, American Chemical Society.

carbon signal of glycogen at 100.4 ppm can be readily distinguished from the C-1 signals of α- and βglucose at 92.6 and 96.7 ppm. Although glycogen is a high molecular mass (109) molecule with extensive branching, the resonances of glycogen can be readily detected. The internal motion of the glucopyranose

Figure 8 Proposed metabolism scheme for acrylonitrile in the rat and mouse. GS– represents a glutathionyl residue and Cys– S– and NAcCys–S– a cysteinyl and an N-acetylcysteinyl residue, respectively. The broken arrows represent processes that involve several transformations. Reprinted with permission from Fennell TR, Kedderis GL and Sumner SC (1991). Urinary metabolites of [1,2,3-13C]acrylonitrile in rats and mice detected by 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Chemical Research in Toxicology 4: 678–687. Copyright 1991, American Chemical Society.

Figure 9 An illustration of the scrambling of label by passage through the symmetrical intermediate succinate. Incorporation of 13 C in the 4-position of α-ketoglutarate results in the formation of [2-13C]succinate, and in turn [2-13C]- and [3-13C]oxaloacetate. Since no molecules labelled at both the 2- and 3-position would be produced, no coupling would be observed between the resonances.


residues of glycogen is thought to be virtually unrestricted resulting in the observation of narrow line widths for glycogen signals. The incorporation of glucose into glycogen can take place by several routes, and not just by the direct conversion of glucose → glucose 6-phosphate → glucose 1-phosphate → UDP glucose → glycogen. Additional pathways involving the conversion of glucose → C3 units → glucose 6-phosphate → glycogen had been extensively studied by NMR spectroscopy. Injection of [1,2-13C]glucose into fed rats resulted in the formation of liver glycogen labelled at both the C-1 and C-2 carbons, with spin–spin coupling (Figure 10).

In fasted rats, the additional presence of label at C-5 and C-6 indicates the synthesis of glycogen from newly formed glucose. The absence of 1-13C- and 1,3-13C-isotopomers ruled out the involvement of the pentose phosphate pathway in the synthesis of glucose. In the indirect pathway for glycogen synthesis, glucose is converted in several steps to dihydroxyacetone phosphate, which is rapidly isomerized to glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate. Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate, in turn, can be used for gluconeogenesis via fructose 6-phosphate or via pyruvate and oxaloacetate. In either eventuality, the 13C labels can appear simultaneously at the 5- and 6-positions of glucose in glycogen, giving rise to [1,2-13C]-, [5,613 C]-, and [1,2,5,6-13C]glucose.

Areas of development Although few studies have used indirect detection methods for the analysis of labels in biological systems, their use will become more widespread as the technology develops. Examples of the application of these techniques can be found in the literature. Metabolites of [1-13C]glucose have been detected in maize root tips using heteronuclear multiple quantum coherence (HMQC) NMR. Labelling of the amide group of glutamine could be detected by 1H–15N HMQC in root tips labelled with 15NH4+. Following infusion of 15NH4+, 1H–15N HMQC NMR has been applied to the detection of [5-15N]glutamine protons in rat brain. See also: Biofluids Studied By NMR; 13C NMR, Methods; 13C NMR, Parameter Survey; Carbohydrates Studied By NMR; Cells Studied By NMR; Drug Metabolism Studied Using NMR Spectroscopy; 19F NMR Applications, Solution State; In Vivo NMR, Applications, Other Nuclei; Nucleic Acids Studied Using NMR; Perfused Organs Studied Using NMR Spectroscopy; 31P NMR; Proteins Studied Using NMR Spectroscopy; Structural Chemistry Using NMR Spectroscopy, Pharmaceuticals; Tritium NMR, Applications; Two-Dimensional NMR, Methods.

Further reading Figure 10 High-resolution 13C NMR spectra (100.16 MHz) of enzymatically hydrolysed liver glycogen. Extracted and hydrolysed liver glycogen of (A) a fed and (B) a fasted rat after injection of [1,2-13C2]glucose. Reprinted with permission from Künnecke B and Seelig J (1991). Glycogen metabolism as detected by in vivo and in vitro 13C-NMR spectroscopy using [1,2-13C2]glucose as substrate. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1095: 103–113. Copyright 1991, Elsevier Science.

Beckmann N (1995) Carbon-13 NMR Spectroscopy of Biological Systems. San Diego: Academic Press. Brainard JR, Downey RS, Bier DM and London RE (1989) Use of multiple 13C-labeling strategies and 13C NMR to detect low levels of exogenous metabolites in the presence of large endogenous pools: measurement of glucose turnover in a human subject. Analytical Biochemistry 176: 307–312.


Cohen JS, Lyon RC and Daly PF (1989) Monitoring intracellular metabolism by nuclear magnetic resonance. In: Oppenheimer NJ and James TL (eds) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Part B. Structure and Mechanism, pp. 435– 452. San Diego: Academic Press. Cohen SM (1989) Enzyme regulation of metabolic flux. In: Oppenheimer NJ and James TL (eds) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Part B. Structure and Mechanism, pp. 417– 434. San Diego: Academic Press. Gemmecker G and Kessler H (1995) Methodology and applications of heteronuclear and multidimensional 13C NMR to the elucidation of molecular structure and dynamics in the liquid state. In: Beckmann N (ed.) Carbon-13 NMR Spectroscopy of Biological Systems, pp. 7–64. San Diego: Academic Press. Jans AW and Kinne RK (1991) 13C NMR spectroscopy as a tool to investigate renal metabolism. Kidney International 39: 430–437. Jeffrey FM, Rajagopal A, Malloy CR and Sherry AD (1991) 13C-NMR: a simple yet comprehensive method for analysis of intermediary metabolism. Trends in Biochemical Science 16: 5–10.

Kanamori K, Ross BD and Tropp J (1995) Selective, in vivo observation of [5-15N]glutamine amide protons in rat brain by 1H-15N heteronuclear multiple-quantumcoherence transfer NMR. Journal of Magnetic Resonance B 107: 107–115. Künnecke B (1995) Application of 13C NMR spectroscopy to metabolic studies on animals. In: Beckmann N (ed.) Carbon-13 NMR Spectroscopy of Biological Systems, pp. 159–257. San Diego: Academic Press. London RE (1988) 13C Labeling in studies on metabolic regulation. Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 20: 337–383. Lundberg P, Harmsen E, Ho C and Vogel HJ (1990) Nuclear magnetic resonance studies of cellular metabolism. Analytical Biochemistry 191: 193–222. Nicholson JK and Wilson ID (1987) High resolution nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of biological samples as an aid to drug development. Progress in Drug Research 31: 427–479.

Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) David R McLaughlin, Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, NY, USA Antony J Williams, Advanced Chemistry Development Inc., Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

The purpose of an analytical laboratory is to provide measurement support, generate information, and solve problems. This often involves processing many samples and requests and produces large numbers of test results and reports. In an attempt to increase efficiency, many analytical laboratories have computerized their logbooks, focusing on tracking jobs, samples, tests and results. With this information accessible via a computer, it is then possible to provide many additional functions such as methods management, test results, archiving, calculation, comparison to specifications, control charting and verification of instrument performance. The information is also readily available and valuable for reference, problem solving and modelling. Inclusion of spectroscopic data in such systems has been hampered by a lack of standards and cooperation between instrument vendors and software developers. Some companies have developed successful systems by building

customized interfaces and data manipulation software. Advances in Web-based user interfaces suggest that spectroscopy laboratories may soon be able to take full advantage of integrated spectroscopy software, chemical structure handling software and information systems.

The product of an analytical laboratory The main product of an analytical laboratory is information. Some of this information is in the form of new analytical techniques or methods that extend a laboratory’s ability to analyse new materials. For most laboratories, however, the largest amount of information is in the form of measurements and reports. These measurements are key to understanding and controlling manufacturing processes, solving


manufacturing and development problems and developing new high-performance materials. Preparing samples, making measurements, analysing data and generating reports is the common process analytical laboratories use to generate information. Properly managing this process and tracking the flow of work through the laboratory is critical to the efficient operation of a laboratory. When computers became available, analytical laboratories began to use them to help automate many of their processes, including the informationhandling and information-generating processes. Analytical chemists and information specialists working to improve their own operations were the first to develop laboratory information management systems, or LIMS. They typically supported only one technique or small unit of a laboratory and did not communicate with other information systems. The first commercial LIMS arrived on the market in about 1980. Today, there are dozens of LIMS vendors providing packages with many capabilities. There is even a World Wide Web site devoted to providing information on LIMS resources, analyses of the latest technology, and the products and services available from vendors and consultants. In 1994 the American Society for Testing and Materials published a standard guide on LIMS. The guide is intended for anyone interested in LIMS, including users, developers, implementers and laboratory managers. It defines standard terminology, a concept model, primary functions, an implementation guide and a checklist. These are useful for discussing and understanding LIMS as well as developing specifications and cost justification. The guide is a good reflection of what it was thought a traditional LIMS should be and of what most vendors have marketed.

Types of laboratories The information-handling requirements of analytical laboratories vary from the research to the manufacturing environments. A standard testing laboratory that supports manufacturing quality control and regulatory compliance uses analysis procedures that are well defined and strictly followed. These laboratories analyse relatively large numbers of samples and produce numerical or tabular results that are often plotted against time. Spectral analysis is usually used in this environment to determine concentration or verify identification relative to known reference spectra. In contrast, a research analytical laboratory supporting the discovery of new materials uses analysis procedures that are defined in the mind of the analyst. While the analyst may use analytical techniques that

are well defined, the process applied to a particular sample is not predetermined, but is developed in response to the questions that need to be answered. These laboratories analyse fewer samples and regularly produce results that combine graphics and images with textual reports. In this environment, spectroscopy is also used to elucidate chemical structure and determine three-dimensional spatial relationships. Other types of analytical laboratory environments vary between these two idealized cases. Process control environments model a fully automated standard testing laboratory. High-throughput screening is similar, but often includes special processing for unusual results or potentially interesting materials. Like research, problem solving does not follow a fixed analytical process, but often results must be expressed in manufacturing terms. Development environments reflects the need to move research testing for understanding to standard testing for manufacturing. Problems arise when a LIMS vendor tries to sell one generalized solution, customized to fit all environments.

Selecting a LIMS Many factors drive analytical laboratories to implement LIMS. These include the need to demonstrate value, comply with detailed regulatory requirements, manage large amounts of samples and tests from automated analysis and screening systems, automate laboratory processes, improve accuracy and deal with increased demands for efficiency and documentation. Implementing a LIMS can be expensive and have significant impact on laboratory workflow and productivity. For successful implementation of a LIMS, it is important to know which factors are most important and where productivity will be affected, both positively and negatively. It is also extremely important that the laboratory workflow is supported by the LIMS in a simple and appropriate manner. It may be appropriate to utilize a re-engineering process to simplify a laboratory’s workflow before implementing a LIMS. Even with useful guides and books and the availability of highly functional LIMS and capable consultants, successful installation of a LIMS is a difficult and frustrating task for some laboratories. Vendors have generally focused on developing generic systems that provide a great deal of functionality but have grown to be quite complex. These products have worked quite well in some laboratory environments and have completely failed in others. They work best in laboratories where the operation is well


understood and standardized and where the processes do not have to be changed to match the LIMS. This is generally not the case in research and development environments, where microscopy and molecular spectroscopy laboratories usually reside. The need to manage images, various types of spectra and chemical structures adds to the problem. Since LIMS vendors generally do not consider these types of data, significant customization and software development is required. This task is easier with LIMS that utilize recent improvements in computer technology. Managers may still have a hard time finding a system that will work for their operations and meet the expectations of users. Often, the laboratory will have to change its workflow to match that of a LIMS package or deal with additional expense when significant customization is required. The business case for the buy-and-customize route versus the build route can be unclear. While the general trend has been towards purchasing commercial systems, recent surveys examining potential year-2000 problems indicate that most LIMS are still internally developed and maintained.

process. Job requests could include determining what is happening to a material as it degrades, how the properties of a material might be improved, or whether a fabrication process is producing devices with the desired composition and geometry. When a new chemical is to be commercialized, the request may be to develop tests and fitness for use criteria needed for production monitoring. The job usually defines the context for investigative analytical work performed on many samples. This information is usually stored in laboratory notebooks with only a job title stored in LIMS. When the work is complete and a report is written, this information may be made available in an electronic library. There is an opportunity for the field of knowledge management to improve productivity in this area. In a standard testing laboratory, the problems or jobs are predefined by the time materials are analysed. Given a type of material and its point-in-process, the suite of required tests, testing methods, specification limits and resulting actions and reports are clearly defined. This information is often stored in LIMS as master or static data and used to automate the workflow for these materials.

Functions of a LIMS

Sample log-in

Whether they support manufacturing, research, or problem solving, all analytical laboratories receive and prepare samples, make measurements, analyse data, and report results and information. A simplified illustration of the analytical support process is shown in Figure 1. Improving the overall efficiency of this process is the primary function of a LIMS. It can be used to support only a few aspects of this process or it can support all aspects. The most common and perhaps most important use of a LIMS is to maintain proper records of samples and the tests requested on them. This electronic logbook or sample management type function assigns sample numbers or bar codes and records administrative information, often including an indication of the work requested. Most LIMS also allow numerical and tabular results to be entered for tests performed on the samples. Once data have been collected and properly recorded, the LIMS may be used for data manipulation and automated report generation. Significant productivity enhancements are usually obtained from this last step. The following sections describe how a LIMS is used to support the steps in Figure 1.

A primary function of the LIMS is to track the samples of materials to be analysed by a laboratory. This can be as simple as tracking when a sample enters and leaves a laboratory or as detailed as tracking every action that is performed on the sample while it is in the laboratory. The process normally begins with the client or analyst recording general descriptive information about each new sample or batch of samples and the work request. This is ideally entered into or created by information systems used by the clients of the laboratory and interfaced to LIMS, but is normally entered manually on an input screen. Client systems include electronic laboratory notebooks used by researchers or manufacturing scheduling and control systems. Typical information includes the name of the requester of the work, an account number to be charged for the work, the date the request is made, the client’s identifier for the sample, the date the sample is received, the job or project to which this sample belongs, the priority, and the hazard information. Test requests vary from a general description of the problem to be solved to a suite of specific point-in-process tests using very specific methods.

Definition of problem or job

For the laboratory supporting research, problem solving or method development, the definition of a problem or job is the first step of the analysis

Sample receipt and review

Samples may be logged into a LIMS before they arrive in the laboratory. This is quite common in


Figure 1

Generic analytical laboratory workflow supported by LIMS.

standard testing laboratories with a LIMS that is integrated with their client’s manufacturing resourceplanning system. Good-quality operating procedures dictate that when a sample arrives it should be reviewed to ensure it is suitable for analysis, that the requested work is appropriate and that it has not visibly degraded. The LIMS sample receipt function allows the time a sample arrives and any anomalies to be recorded. If anomalies are observed in the sample, then a decision to proceed, resample or request other tests is made, often after consultation with the client. Test assignment

The client may request a specific collection of tests when the sample is logged in. In a standard testing environment, the suite of tests is often assigned automatically by the LIMS. If a general test is requested or the request is for some problem to be solved or investigated, then the appropriate specific tests and course of investigation are selected by the analyst.

Allocation of work

Work may be allocated among specific instruments, analysts or support groups. This is done to match the test requirements to appropriately skilled analysts and equipment and ensure the best utilization of resources. The differing priority levels of samples received in a laboratory can also be accommodated in this step. When work is allocated, it is recorded in LIMS so that it can generate work lists for the analysts and instruments. LIMS can often make default assignments automatically. In other cases, analysts simply check out the next pending sample from the queue in LIMS. In a research or problem-solving area, this may not be recorded in a LIMS until the results are entered. Method management

Methods are the procedures and protocols by which materials are analysed. LIMS designed for standard testing laboratories often provide some support for


managing methods. This can allow complete automation of the analytical process, as exemplified by on-line analysis. Sample preparation

Most samples and analysis techniques require some preparation such as dissolving, diluting or mounting before measurements can be made. This step and the subsequent measurement step are a typical focus for laboratory automation using robotics. Such systems follow detailed procedures that may vary for every sample. Associating the correct procedure with each sample and supplying that information to the robotic systems is logically a job for LIMS. Most automated sample preparation and measurement systems were initially isolated, performing very focused tasks and requiring manual data transfer at the beginning and end of a run. This is changing as automation and LIMS continue to mature.

averages. More sophisticated analysis is generally performed using instrument vendor data systems or specialized data analysis software. Most LIMS provide customization functions to facilitate entry of these results. Specification checking

Many standard testing laboratories run analyses to determine whether a material is within manufacturing specification limits. The manufacturing process and analysis method usually define these limits. Most LIMS provide a mechanism for these specifications to be stored or retrieved and compared to the results. The specifications are often stored in a database controlled by the clients of the analytical laboratory. Materials that are within specifications can be automatically released. Those that are not can be flagged or operators can be automatically notified regarding the test results.

Perform measurements

Coordination and authorization

Measurements are performed using instruments. In an automated laboratory, the LIMS can download data acquisition instructions to the instruments and receive data and analysis results for entry into its database. Most LIMS provide some capabilities for interfacing with instruments. This has been particularly successful in chromatography, where good standards have been developed and followed by both LIMS and instrument vendors.

In some environments, it is important to validate results before they are released. This usually involves a person other than the analyst checking the results and verifying the procedures. The LIMS can enforce such rules to help ensure that the business processes are followed. In environments where several tests are performed on one material, this role may be to coordinate reporting to the client and to identify and resolve inconsistencies. This activity may result in requests for materials to be retested or resampled.

Result entry Interpretation of data and results

After the tests have been performed, the results are often entered into the LIMS. This is a manual process, unless a specific instrument interface has been built or purchased. Many instrument vendors now provide such interfaces, but this has been limited in spectroscopy. Results entered into LIMS are generally derived from processing raw analysis data on the instruments. There can be simple yes or no phrase results to tables of amounts of various materials. Usually these tables have to be predefined by the method that is used to perform the analysis. Interfacing efforts in spectroscopy have been limited partly by the lack of widely accepted standard spectral formats and partly by the lower demand for general spectroscopy applications in standard testing areas. Calculations and data analysis

Most LIMS systems provide simple capabilities for performing calculation on the results that are entered. These calculations may simply be transformations into standard units or the generation of

The result of research processes is new knowledge. This is generally in the form of written documents with graphics and images that may involve many samples. A LIMS that supports analytical research needs to support the storage of these kinds of results as well as numerical and tabular results. Report generation

The output of an analytical laboratory is information that is reported to the client and often affects further actions and decisions. A major function of a LIMS is to improve the efficiency of report generation. In order to facilitate this process, report templates can be established that are automatically triggered when a step in the workflow is completed. Analysis results, billing, turnaround time, instrument calibration and control charts, justification and inventory are just a few of the common reports that can be triggered. Because of the variety of clients that analytical laboratories interact with, report


generation is an area where significant customization is invested to make a LIMS effective. Archiving

The results and reports from an analytical laboratory can be of great economic value. Reference information, historical understanding of processes, solutions to problems and assigned spectra from structure elucidation efforts represent a few of the valuable resources that need to be maintained, sometimes indefinitely. This information is usually best stored in a knowledge management system specifically designed for this purpose. Laboratories also produce information needed to support regulatory compliance. Organizations may be required to save this information for many years. Archiving of this data is generally supported by LIMS. Summary

The analytical support process exists to aid and enhance the sample generation process. If it cannot be measured, then it is hard to improve it. Making the information produced by this process available electronically can significantly enhance its value to an organization. Having measurements available and logically organized is required for any material or process modelling. Quick and easy access avoids duplication of work and speeds research and problem solving. Computerization of the process requires consideration of interfaces to other information-storing or information-generating systems. These include methods management, manufacturing resource planning and control, electronic laboratory notebooks, instrument interfaces and reference databases. The power of LIMS lies in its ability to automate mundane tasks and to work with other systems to enhance the access of authorized users to information and the proper maintenance of that information for future reference.

LIMS for spectroscopy Ever since computers became of a practical size to fit in a spectroscopy laboratory, they have had an ever more intimate relationship with the spectrometers themselves. Spectrometer vendors have applied them to instrument control, data collection, library searching and information management. The information management functions of these systems could be considered a LIMS with a focus limited to a particular type of testing. With the exception of chromatography, these systems are limited in scope and do not interface well with laboratory-wide LIMS. Vendors

of spectral analysis packages such as Grams (Galactic) and Spectacle (LabControl) similarly provide some limited LIMS functions or the ability to link with spreadsheets where such functions may be built. To aid in sharing spectra obtained using equipment from different vendors, a number of efforts have been made to establish standard exchange formats. In 1987, the Joint Committee on Atomic and Molecular Physical Data (JCAMP) published the JCAMP-DX format as a standard for exchange of infrared spectra. This general format was subsequently extended to include mass and NMR spectra. Although JCAMP-DX files are created with small variations from vendor to vendor, it is supported as an export format by most infrared and mass spectroscopy instrument vendors. The Analytical Instrument Association (AIA) created a netCDF-based Analytical Data Interchange (ANDI) format for chromatography that received widespread acceptance. After this success, the AIA adopted a standard for mass spectroscopy in 1993 and began definitions for infrared and NMR. This mass spectroscopy standard, although supported by a few vendors, has not received wide usage and the infrared and NMR definitions have not been implemented. There is currently no generally used spectral format in NMR. However, the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) has a working party that expects to produce a JCAMP-based multidimensional NMR data standard by March 2000. Despite the existence of these standard formats, spectrometer vendors have been slow to fully support them as export options. This has been a hurdle for spectral analysis and database software vendors, who have been required to deliver format converters. Spectrometer manufacturers often consider these vendors as competition. Until spectrometer users demand better integration by the vendors, progress will be slow and the lack of widely accepted formats for spectral data will remain a barrier to the general integration of spectroscopy into LIMS. Some corporate solutions

In the early 1970s, Wolfgang Bremser and others at BASF began to develop software to aid in spectral interpretation and chemical structure elucidation. Their efforts were focused on improving speed, cost and reliability by using databases of reference spectra to provide reasonable suggestions and dialogue for the interpreting spectroscopist. This work resulted in the very useful SpecInfo system, which is still being enhanced at BASF. This system and associated databases were the basis for formation of the


company Chemical Concepts in 1990, which now sells a variety of advanced interpretation tools. Eastman Kodak Company began a similar effort in the late 1970s. The initial goal was to improve the efficiency and quality of structure elucidation using NMR, IR, MS and UV-visible data with the ultimate aim of completely automating the analysis of routine samples. Such a system would automatically determine whether the structure a chemist proposed for a sample was consistent with the spectral data obtained. It was soon recognized that high-quality databases relevant to Kodak materials were needed and that interpretation software operated in isolation would be of limited utility. The proposed structure and resulting spectral data needed to be available from a LIMS. Integrated sample management software that incorporated chemical structures and spectral data was developed to solve this problem and to help minimize the task of building an inhouse database. The complete system, called QUANTUM (Figure 2), combines the spectral and structural analysis software with a sample management system (SoftLog) and a spectral database (SDM). SoftLog was probably the first LIMS designed specifically for spectroscopists. It incorporated several important features not typically available in LIMS. These included full and substructure searches, spectral display and search, easy incorporation of

Figure 2

results into the reference database and a logical interface to fully automated analysis software. In addition, the user was automatically informed of previous sample or material analyses, of inconsistent results, of reference data and of related compounds such as impurities, models, by-products or precursors. The notification of previous analyses of the same material included data generated by spectroscopy laboratories dispersed across the entire corporation. This was particularly useful, because it made analysis information initially obtained in a research environment available to analytical laboratories supporting development.

The Web is the way Since the mid-1990s the world has experienced explosive growth of the World Wide Web or Internet. This growth was primarily caused by the introduction of graphical web browsers that provide a simple and intuitive point-and-click environment for access to information. The Web is based on widely accepted and robust standards that are open and simple enough that everyone can participate. It supports most kinds of information (text, graphics, audio, video, binary, etc.) and provides a simple mechanism for adding specialized support. Inexpensive or free graphical browsers are available on virtually all computer platforms commonly used in

Components of an integrated spectroscopy information management environment.


analytical laboratories. This is valuable in spectroscopy or other laboratories that typically utilize multiple computer platforms to control spectrometers and other instruments. With this paradigm shift in user interface design has come a new level of comfort for chemists, researchers, and analysts in managing information electronically. A few companies have reported on their efforts to automate their LIMS and spectroscopy environments. Scientists in the analytical research laboratory at Parke-Davis Pharmaceuticals provide NMR and mass spectral analysis support for synthetic chemistry by combining robotic automation with internally developed interfaces to their Beckman Lab Manager LIMS. The LIMS provides preparation conditions to the sample preparation robot and a work list for batch operation of the spectrometer. These workers have used Web technology to provide information on the status of sample analyses and other functions of the analytical laboratory. Web technology has also been used to develop sample tracking and data analysis in support of genome mapping. SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals, Eli Lilly, NASA Lewis Research Center and some oil companies have reported on integration of LIMS with spectroscopy. The analytical laboratories at Kodak have converted a major portion of its LIMS to a Web-based system. This work began with the development of their Web-based Information Management System, WIMS, in the molecular spectroscopy areas. This integrated Web-based system provides access to sample information including reports, structures and spectra. Sample information is integrated with a Web interface to QUANTUM for structure management needs. Spectra from various instruments are copied as they are processed to a server. Structures and spectra are retrieved and displayed as GIF images by simple C programs and are available for download to the desktop for further analysis by local applications. Reports of analysis can be attached as text, as HTML or as standard word-processor or spreadsheet documents that can be viewed using helper applications. Numerical and tabular results are stored in a relational database linked to the rest of the system with a Web interface developed with one of the several good tools available. Using the many distinct advantages of Web-based technology as well as its fast growth curve, commercial LIMS vendors are presently developing Web interfaces for their LIMS. The one product with a focus on spectroscopy laboratories is the S3LIMS product from Advanced Chemistry Development. This LIMS, inspired by WIMS, is a fully Web-based integration of sample, structure and spectral management

utilizing Java-based structure drawing and spectral display applets. The Java implementation and compatibility with Netscape and Microsoft browsers ensures a platform independence for the system and marries the system with the proton NMR, carbon NMR and other structure-based prediction engines also available from Advanced Chemistry Development. Chemical Concepts, now owned by John Wiley & Sons, has also developed a fully web-based ‘version’ of their interpretation tools.

Conclusions When selecting or developing a LIMS, a laboratory should be clear why the system is needed and what workflow and business functions it must support. Keeping the installation simple in scope, design and, most importantly, user interface will help ensure success. As the laboratory’s business changes over time, so must its LIMS. Continued investment in information management must be expected. LIMS is still an evolving concept. Most commercial LIMS have focused on standard testing, perhaps because the processes are more clearly defined or standardized and perhaps because the market is larger. Recent developments in knowledge management and electronic notebooks systems may help develop better systems for research environments. Web technology allows information system interfaces to be developed more simply and more quickly. There is increasing interest from pharmaceutical companies in using spectroscopy with high-throughput screening. With these technology developments and increased market demand, LIMS with better integration and simpler interfaces for spectroscopy may become ubiquitous. See also: Structural Chemistry Using NMR Spectroscopy, Inorganic Molecules; Structural Chemistry Using NMR Spectroscopy, Organic Molecules; Structural Chemistry Using NMR Spectroscopy, Pharmaceuticals.

Further reading ASTM (1994) E1578-93e1 Standard Guide for Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS). West Conshohocken, PA: American Society for Testing and Materials. Hinton MD (1995) Laboratory Information Management Systems: Development and Implementation for a Quality Assurance Laboratory. New York: Marcel Dekker. LIMSource (1998) LIMSource: the best site for LIMS and lab data management system info. http//:www.limsource.com.


Mahaffey RR (1990) LIMS: Applied Information Technology for the Laboratory. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold. McDowall RD (ed) (1987) Laboratory Information Management Systems, Concepts, Integration, Implementation. Wilmslow, UK: Sigma Press.

Nakagawa AS (1994) LIMS: Implementation and Management. Cambridge, UK: The Royal Society of Chemistry. Stafford J (ed) (1995) Advanced LIMS Technology: Case Studies and Business Opportunities. Andover, UK: Chapman & Hall.

Lanthanum NMR, Applications See

Heteronuclear NMR Applications (La–Hg).

Laser Applications in Electronic Spectroscopy Wolfgang Demtröder, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany


Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction The applications of lasers to atomic and molecular spectroscopy has revolutionized this field. Although methods in classical spectroscopy of electronic transitions using large grating spectrographs or interferometers have brought a wealth of information on molecular structure and dynamics, the new techniques of laser spectroscopy have by far surpassed the capabilities of former methods with regard to sensitivity and spectral or time resolution. This article reviews these new spectroscopic techniques, their applications and some of the results obtained so far; it will be restricted to the spectroscopy of free atoms and molecules and does not include solid-state spectroscopy. Various techniques of sensitive absorption spectroscopy, including nonlinear techniques, which allow a spectral resolution below the Doppler width are described first. These techniques are termed subDoppler-spectroscopy and include linear spectroscopy in collimated molecular beams, nonlinear saturation and polarization spectroscopy, and Doppler-free two-photon spectroscopy. Emission spectroscopy, which covers laser-induced fluorescence as well as stimulated emission methods, is described next. The assignment of complex molecular

spectra is greatly facilitated by optical-double resonance methods, which are treated together with optical pumping. The development of ultrashort laser pulses in the picosecond to femtosecond time domain has opened a wide area for investigations of molecular dynamics, intramolecular and intermolecular energy transfer, fast collision-induced relaxations, and detailed real-time studies of chemical reactions by observation of the forming and breaking of chemical bonds. This fascinating and rapidly expanding field of femtosecond chemistry is covered briefly. The final section discusses some aspects of coherent spectroscopy with pulsed and CW lasers that rely on the coherence properties of the laser light and on the coherent preparation of atomic or molecular states. Techniques such as quantum beat spectroscopy, correlation spectroscopy and STIRAP are described and their relevance for the electronic spectroscopy of atoms and molecules is outlined.

Sensitive absorption spectroscopy In classical absorption spectroscopy, the intensity IT of a light beam transmitted over a path length L through a sample of absorbing molecules with absorption coefficient α (cm−1) is compared with the


incident intensity I0. According to Beer’s law of linear absorption,

various sensitive techniques of laser absorption spectroscopy attempt to minimize ∆Imin as well as to maximize I0Lσ. High-frequency modulation spectroscopy

the absorption can be written as

The smallest still detectable absorption is limited by intensity fluctuations of the incident intensity I0 and by detector noise. The absorption coefficient α = Ni σik is the product of number density Ni of molecules in the absorbing level |i 〉 and absorption cross section σik(ν) for the transition |k〉 ← |i〉 The minimum detectable number Ni of absorbing molecules

is then given by the minimum difference ∆Imin = I0 −IT that still can be safely measured. For a given value of ∆Imin , the detection sensitivity can be increased by making the product I0Lσ as large as possible. The

Figure 1 S(ω).

For high-resolution laser absorption spectroscopy, a narrow-band tuneable CW laser can be used. Possible candidates are dye lasers, Ti:sapphire or other vibronic solid-state lasers, and the variety of tuneable semiconductor diode lasers, which cover a spectral range from the blue to the mid-infrared. Of particular importance are the optical parametric oscillators that have been brought to reliable operation in the pulsed as well as in the CW mode with single-mode performance. They can now span the spectral region from 500 to 5000 nm. When the output of such a tuneable monochromatic laser is sent through an electrooptic modulator, the phase and thus the frequency of the transmitted laser wave is modulated and the frequency spectrum consists of the carrier and two side-band frequencies, where the side-bands have opposite phases (Figure 1). At a modulation frequency of Ω = 1 GHz, the separation of the sidebands from the carrier is about equal to the Doppler width of the absorption lines. If this modulated laser beam is detected after transmission through the absorption cell, the

Principle of modulation spectroscopy. (A) apparatus; (B) sidebands in of phase modulation; (C) line profile of the signal


output of a lock-in, tuned to the frequency Ω, will not show any signal as long as neither the carrier nor the sidebands overlap with an absorption line, since the beat signals between carrier and the two sidebands exactly cancel. Note also that any fluctuations of the laser intensity are automatically subtracted. If, however, one of the three frequencies coincides with a molecular absorption line, the exact balance is perturbed and a detector signal is generated. When the laser frequency ω is tuned over an absorption line, the measured signal profile S(ω) is similar to the second derivative of the absorption profile α(ω). Since lock-in detectors now available cannot measure frequencies above 100 MHz, the output of the detector is heterodyned with a stable local oscillator of frequency Ω0 and the beat signal with frequency (Ω − Ω0) is sent to the lock-in. The sensitivity of this modulation spectroscopy is two to three orders of magnitude higher than in conventional spectroscopy and reaches a minimum detectable absorption of αL < 10−7. Using multiple-path absorption cells (Herriot cells) and balanced detectors for detection of reference and transmitted beams, absorption coefficients as low as α ≤ 10−10 cm−1 can still be measured. Excitation spectroscopy

Instead of measuring the transmitted laser intensity, the photons absorbed by the sample molecules can be directly detected because they excite the absorbing molecules into a state | k〉 that emits fluorescence (Figure 2). The rate of detected fluorescence photons is

where abs is the rate of absorbed laser photons, ηm ≤ 1 is the quantum efficiency of the excited atom or molecule, ε is the collection probability of the emitted fluorescence and ηk is the quantum efficiency of the detector. With 1W incident laser power at λ = 500 nm, a collection efficiency of ε = 0.1, quantum efficiencies ηm=1 and ηk = 0.2 and an absorption probability of αL = 10−15, we obtain a photon counting rate of 60 photons s−1, which gives a signal-tonoise ratio of 6 at a time constant of 1 s and a dark current of 10 photons s−1. For selected atomic transitions, the upper level may decay only into the initial lower level (true two-level system). In this case the same atom can be excited many times during its flight time T through the laser beam. If its upper-state lifetime is τ, the number of fluorescence photons emitted per second may be as high as T/τ (photon burst), if the laser is intense enough to saturate the transition. Ionization spectroscopy

The absorption of a photon in the transition | i〉 → | k 〉 can be also detected by ionizing the molecule in the excited state |k〉 by a second photon (Figure 3). If the intensity of the second laser is sufficiently high, the ionizing transition may be saturated, which implies that every excited molecule is ionized. Since the ions are extracted from the ionization volume by an electric field that focuses them onto the cathode of an ion multiplier, the detection efficiency can reach 100%. This makes the technique very sensitive and in favourable cases single absorbed photons can be monitored. Since the first transition |i 〉 → |k〉 can be readily saturated, this also implies that single molecules can be detected. In case of pulsed lasers, the laser power is sufficiently high to allow saturation of the two transitions even without focusing or with only weak focusing. If the ionization energy is high, two or more photons might be required for the ionizing step (REMPI, resonant multiphoton ionization). With CW lasers, tight focusing is required to reach the necessary high intensity. The further advantage of ionization spectroscopy is the mass-selective detection of the ions by means of a mass spectrometer. This allows the detection of specific isotopes in the presence of other species. With pulsed laser ionization, a time-of-flight mass spectrometer offers the best choice; for CW lasers, a quadrupole mass spectrometer is suitable. Absorption spectroscopy in molecular beams

Figure 2

Level scheme of excitation spectroscopy.

The spectral resolution for absorption spectroscopy in the gas phase is generally restricted by the Doppler


nozzle A into vacuum and is collimated by a slit of width b at a distance d from the nozzle (Figure 4), the velocity components of the beam molecules parallel to the direction of the laser beam are reduced, owing to the geometric collimation. This reduces the Doppler width by a factor ε = b/d, which equals the collimation ratio b/d ≈ 0.01 of the molecular beam. Besides the increase in spectral resolution, supersonic molecular beams have the additional advantage that during the adiabatic expansion the molecules transfer a large fraction of their internal energy Eint into directed flow energy. This means that the molecules are cooled and their population distribution N(Eint) is compressed into the lowest rotational– vibrational levels. This reduces the number of absorbing levels and therefore simplifies the absorption spectra considerably and facilitates the assignment of complex spectra of larger molecules. Nonlinear sub-Doppler spectroscopy

Figure 3

Level scheme of ionization spectroscopy.

width of the absorption lines. If the laser beam crosses perpendicularly a molecular beam that is formed by molecules passing from a reservoir through a narrow

Figure 4

The Doppler limit in spectral resolution can be also overcome by nonlinear spectroscopy, which is based on saturation of absorbing transitions resulting in a partial or complete depletion of the population in the absorbing level. The scheme of saturation spectroscopy is depicted in Figure 5. The output beam of a single-mode tuneable laser is split into a strong pump beam and a weak probe beam, which pass in opposite ± z directions through the sample cell with length L. Only those molecules with velocity components vz can absorb the pump photons on the transition | i 〉 → | k 〉 with centre frequency ω0, which are Doppler shifted into resonance with the laser frequency ω. This gives the relation

Sub-Doppler spectroscopy in a collimated molecular beam.


Figure 5 Saturation spectroscopy: (A) experimental scheme; (B) Lamb dip at the centre of the Doppler-broadened absorption profile; (C) Lamb peak; (D) difference of the transmitted probe intensity with and without pump.

where γ is the hom*ogeneous line width of the transition. Since the wave vector k of the probe is opposite to that of the pump beam, the Doppler shifts for pump or probe absorption are opposite. A molecule can only interact with both beams if its Doppler shift is smaller than the hom*ogeneous width γ, i.e. |k·vz| < γ/2. In this case the probe absorption is decreased due to the saturation by the pump, which depletes the number Ni of absorbing molecules. When the laser frequency ω is tuned over the Doppler broadened absorption profile, the absorption ∆I = αL of the probe intensity shows a dip at the line centre (Lamb dip) with a spectral width γ that may be two orders of magnitude smaller than the Doppler width (Figure 5B). This results in a corresponding peak in the transmitted probe intensity IT ≈ I0 (1 − αL) (Figure 5C). The disadvantage of this simple arrangement is its low sensitivity, since a tiny change of the transmitted intensity has to be detected. If the pump intensity is chopped and the probe transmission is recorded with a lock-in detector, tuned to the chopping frequency, the difference of the transmitted intensities with and without saturation is monitored. This eliminates the

Doppler-broadened background and yields Dopplerfree profiles (i.e. the Lamb peaks) with higher sensitivity (Figure 5D). Still higher sensitivities can be reached with polarization spectroscopy, in which the sample is placed between two crossed polarizers (Figure 6). The circularly polarized pump beam with intensity I2 induces transitions with ∆M = 1 (M = quantum number of the projection of the total angular momentum J on the laser beam axis), causing a partial orientation of the otherwise randomly orientated molecules, owing to non-uniform saturation of the different M-sublevels. This makes the otherwise isotropic gaseous medium birefringent and causes a rotation of the polarization vector of a linearly polarized probe wave with intensity I1 > τ2 >> τ1, the equations simplify and ϕi = ϕ . The equations for the reaction scheme [16], including a thermal equilibrium,

are given by Equations [17]–[19]:

Separation of heat release and structural volume changes Separation of the heat dissipation and structural terms in Equation [11] is achieved by measuring the LIOAS signals as a function of the solvent ratio cpρ/β. In aqueous solutions the ratio cpρ/β depends strongly on temperature (mainly owing to the changes in β). Thus, the separation of the contributions is obtained by performing measurements at various temperatures in a relatively small range (e.g. 8–20°C). A prerequisite is that the temperature does not significantly affect the kinetics of the various processes. The ratio (cpρ/β)T for neat water is obtained from tabulated values. In particular, βwater = 0 to 3.9°C (Tβ=0), is positive above and negative below this temperature. At Tβ=0, heat release gives rise to no signal. This peculiar feature allows the straightforward assessment of the existence of structural volume changes. For aqueous solutions containing salts or other additives at millimolar concentrations or higher, (cpρ/β)T and Tβ=0 must be determined by comparison of the signal obtained for a calorimetric reference in the solvent of interest and in water. The precision of the recovered slope of plots with Equation [11], ∆Ve,i /Eλ, is generally good, whereas the intercept αi is affected by larger errors. In case the main goal is the determination of the structural volume change, a two-temperature method may be applied. Essentially, the LIOAS wave is measured for the sample at Tβ=0 and at a slightly higher temperature Tβ≠0 for which β ≠ 0. The parameters ∆Ve,i /Eλ and αi are then calculated with Equations [20] and [21]:

These equations hold only for values of Tβ=0 and Tβ≠0 that are near to each other, such that the rise time of the LIOAS signal and the compressibility of the solution are similar. The signal of the reference at Tβ≠0 is used together with that of the sample at Tβ=0 and at Tβ≠0 to obtain the values of ϕi(Tβ=0) and ϕi(Tβ≠0). A time shift of the sample waveform with respect to the reference waveform at Tβ≠0 is necessary to compensate for the change in the speed of sound, which leads to a slightly different arrival time at both temperatures. Thermal instability of the sample holder and trigger arrival fluctuations make the shifting an important option in the fitting routines.


The temperature dependence of the cpρ/β ratio in organic solvents is poor, rendering the above procedures inapplicable in these solvents. An alternative approach has been used that relies on the determination of the LIOAS signals in a series of hom*ologous solvents such as linear alkanes, cycloalkanes, or, alternatively, in solvent mixtures. This procedure is valid provided that no significant perturbations are introduced in the photophysics and photochemistry of the solute and that the solvation enthalpy and structural volume change do not vary with change of solvent. These are strong assumptions that need verification in each case.

Calorimetric calculations The heat released in each step, qi, is interpreted in terms of enthalpy changes by using the energy balance

where the input energy, Eλ, is equal to the sum of the energy released as emission (e.g. fluorescence; Φf and Ef are the quantum yield and energy constant of the emitting state) and the heat dissipated (changes in the states’ energy content plus energy associated with solute–solvent interactions) in each of the steps. Estored represents the total energy trapped in species living much longer than the pressure-integration time of the experiment. Analysis of the calorimetric information requires knowledge of the reaction scheme and the parameters associated with the process such as quantum yields and energy levels derived, for example, from optical measurements.

Instrumentation Figure 2 shows a typical LIOAS setup. A calibrated beam splitter guides a fraction of each laser pulse to an energy meter for normalization purposes. The sample holder contains a normal quartz cuvette inside a thermostated metal block. The unfocused beam is shaped by passing it through a slit (200 µm–2 mm) placed in front of the cuvette. With fast transducers, the beam size determines the rise time of signal and, therefore, the time resolution. The piezoelectric transducer is pressed against the cuvette (Figure 3). The higher sensitivity of the slit-shaping geometry allows the use of the lower photon densities. The transducer is either a crystal such as lead zirconate titanate (PZT) or a film such as β-poly(vinylidene difluoride) (PVF). PZT is more sensitive, whereas the

Figure 2 Block diagram of a typical LIOAS setup. A, variable attenuator; B, beam splitter; S, slit; C, quartz cuvette; T, transducer; AMP, amplifier; EP, energy probe; EM, energy meter; DSO, digital sampling oscilloscope; PC, personal computer.

Figure 3 Close-up of right-angle detection geometry with slitshaping of the laser beam.

wide band PVF films provide a better temporal resolution. PZTs are generally resonant, damped transducers, the highest usable peak frequencies being about 100 MHz, with typical values around 1 MHz. Very high impedance is common to both types of transducers. After impedance matching, the electrical signal is fed into a high gain amplifier (typically × 100 and of bandwidth compatible with the transducer in use). The amplified signal is stored by a transient recorder.

Applications to selected systems The triplet state of a porphyrin (TPPS4)

The high triplet yield of porphyrins is important in a number of photobiological and photochemical


problems, for example in the photodestruction of the photosynthetic apparatus and in photodynamic therapy (PDT). 5,10,15,20-Tetrakis(4-sulfonatophenyl)porphyrin (TPPS4) is a water-soluble porphyrin derivative used as standard compound in PDT research. The LIOAS signal upon excitation of TPPS4 in 10mM Tris buffer (pH 7.8) at 30°C in the presence of O2 (Figure 4) was fitted with a sum of three exponential decays (Eqn [10]), corresponding to the porphyrin triplet formation within a few nanoseconds, its decay (lifetime of about 2 µs) and the decay of singlet molecular oxygen (O2(1∆g), lifetime 3– 3.5 µs) formed by energy transfer from triplet TPPS4 to ground-state O2 (see Figure 6). Measurements at various temperatures (5–30°C) and in D2O showed that the triplet formation and decay exhibit large structural volume changes, whereas O2(1∆g) does not. Owing to the closeness of the values of the triplet and the O2(1∆g) lifetimes, it was not possible to fit the signal with a three-exponential function in the whole temperature range. A sum of two single-exponential functions was used instead. The slow component (fixed at 2.5 µs) represented the triplet plus the

O2(1∆g) decay. The plot of the parameters ϕi (Eqn [12]) vs cpρ/β (Figure 5) shows that triplet formation (ϕ1) is accompanied by a contraction ∆Vr,1 = –10 ± 3 mL mol–1, whereas triplet decay (ϕ2) is concomitant with an expansion of similar magnitude, ∆Vr,2 = 10 ± 3mL mol–1. This structural volume change indicates that triplet TPPS4 has a stronger hydrogen-binding ability than the ground state, inducing a contraction of the surrounding hydration shell. Further LIOAS experiments with TPPS4 and other mesosubstituted porphyrins enabled attribution of the structural volume changes to the photoinduced changes in the interactions with water (via hydrogen bonds) of the N atoms in the pyrrol units of the porphyrin ring. The molar energy absorbed by the system, Eλ, is dissipated throughout the four possible processes undergone by the excited molecules, i.e. fluorescence, prompt heat by vibrational relaxation and internal conversion (S1→S0), intersystem crossing (S1→T1; T1 → S0), loss during energy transfer to molecular oxygen, and stored heat (Eqn [23]). Phosphorescence from TPPS4 triplet and from O2(1∆g) are known to

Figure 4 Fitted curves (F, ——) obtained from deconvolution of the LIOAS signal of TPPS4 (S, -----) in air-satured 10 mM Tris buffer (pH 7.8) at 303 K with two-exponential (right) and three-exponential (left) decay model functions. The reference compound was bromocresol purple (R, ·····). Residuals and autocorrelation function are given for inspection of the goodness of the fits. Index n corresponds subindex i in text.


The heat released during the formation of the triplet state as calculated from the intercept of the plot (Figure 5, Eqn [12]), α1 = 0.58 ± 0.05, was used to determine the triplet quantum yield ΦT = 0.61, by using the literature values Ef = 174 kJ mol−1, ES = E0−0 = 186 kJ mol−1 Φf = 0.06, and ET = 139 kJ mol−1 (at 77 K) and a simple energy balance equation (see Figure 6 for the meaning of the symbols). Alternatively, the average ΦT = 0.67 (from literature) can be used to calculate ET = 126 kJ mol−1, which is the first report of a triplet energy value for this porphyrin at room temperature.

Porphyrin to quinone electron transfer Figure 5 Plot of ϕ1(τ1 < 10ns) and ϕ2 (τ2 fixed at 2.5 µs) as a function of cpρ/β (equation [11]) for TPPS4 in air-satured 10 mM Tris buffer (pH 7.8) with bromocresol purple as a calorimetric reference. Reproduced with permission from Gensch T and Braslavsky SE (1997) Journal of Physical Chemistry B 101: 101– 108. Copyright 1997, American Chemical Society.

Figure 6 Term diagram for the photophysical processes occurring after excitation of TPPS4 in aerated aqueous solutions. Double arrows denote light absorption and radiative decay process not detectable with LIOAS. Single full, dashed and broken arrows denote radiationless processes contributing to ϕ1, ϕ2, and ϕ3. Subscript fl denotes fluorescence, ic internal conversion, isc intersystem crossing, ph phosphorescence, Kq [O2] is the quenching constant of triplet T1 by oxygen.

have yields below 10–3 and were neglected.

The interest in understanding the molecular basis of the biologically fundamental electron transfer process from the chlorophyll derivative pheophytin to a quinone in photosynthesis has led to the development of a large number of models, such as synthetic systems with porphyrin derivatives as donor and quinones as acceptor. Feitelson and Mauzerall demonstrated the power of LIOAS for the determination of rate constants, quantum yields and structural volume changes in solution of such systems. The triplet yields and electron transfer efficiencies were determined in various solvents. Electrostriction after formation of the ion pair was suggested as the source of structural volume change leading to a contraction in the charge-separated state. Electrostriction describes the contraction of the solvent around a charged molecule. The magnitude of the effect is inversely proportional to the radius of the molecule and to the dielectric constant of the solution. A problem in this connection is that the theoretically derived values using a solvent continuum model are far to small compared to the measured effects. This problem needs further attention. The structural volume changes for triplet formation of metal-free uroporphyrin (−0.45 cm3 mol−1) and of its zinc complex (–1.1 cm3 mol−1), as well as the structural volume changes due to electrostriction after electron transfer from Zn-uroporphyrin to a quinone (−4.4 cm3 mol−1), were estimated in aqueous solutions. The entropy change due to ion formation was then estimated as −202 kJ mol−1 K for the latter system.

Ru(II) bipyridyl complexes Ruthenium(II) bipyridyl (bpy) complexes constitute interesting compounds for LIOAS studies since their photophysical parameters are known and their transient lifetimes are within the integration time of the LIOAS experiment. In all these complexes, the


metal-to-ligand charge transfer (MLCT) state in aqueous solution is formed with unity quantum yield and relaxes within 100–600 ns (depending on the complex) to the ground state. In particular, the structural volume changes for the formation of the MLCT state of Ru(bpy)(CN) , Ru(bpy)2(CN)2, and Ru(bpy)(CN)3(CNCH3)–, Ru(bpy) of 15, 10, 5, and –3.5 cm3 mol–1 correlate with the number of CN groups. Thus, the structural volume changes are interpreted as expansion of the strong second-sphere donor–acceptor interaction of the CN groups with water after weakening of the π backbone in the Lewis-base cyano substituents concomitant with the ruthenium photooxidation. The complex Ru(bpy) (with no CN groups) shows a small contraction of −3.5 cm3 mol–1 due to intrinsic Ru–bpy bond shortening. The lifetimes derived by deconvolution were similar to those obtained by emission. For the cyano-Ru(II) complexes in neat water, the heats derived from the intercepts of plots with Equation [11] afforded values of the energy content of the MLCT states similar to those derived from emission data. Both for intra- and intermolecular electron transfer reactions of cyano-Ru(II) complexes in aqueous solutions in the presence of salts, the structural volume change correlates with the entropy change of the reaction. An enthalpy–entropy compensation effect occurs upon perturbation of the water structure by the addition of the salts. Ru(bpy)(CN)4 inside the water pools of sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfo-succinate (AOT) reverse micelles with a large water pool inside the micelle showed a structural volume change similar to that in neat water, whereas in micelles with a small water pool the structural volume changes were smaller. These findings support the model of a change in the CN–water interaction as the origin of the expansion upon MLCT formation. In a large water pool Ru(bpy)(CN)4 interacts with free water (i.e. the Ru(bpy)(CN)4 environment is similar to that in neat water), whereas in a small water pool the interactions involve ‘bound water’ (water molecules interacting with the charged detergent molecules), and the expansion is impaired and reduced. Proton transfer and the reaction volume for water formation

The structural volume changes photoinduced in solution during the proton transfer between o-nitrobenzaldehyde and hydroxyls in water have been recently studied by means of LIOAS. Upon photoexcitation, o-nitrobenzaldehyde is converted to o-nitro-

sobenzoic acid and protons are detached with a quantum yield of about 0.4. At pH around and below neutrality, solvation of the charges is accompanied by a fast, subresolution contraction of the medium of approximately –5.2 ± 0.4 cm3 mol−1.

Figure 7 Structural volume change (∆Vr) associated with the formation of the MLCT state of Ru(bpy)(CN) and its decay (lifetime τ2 = τMLCT) in 0.1M AOT–water–n-alkane reverse micelles at various values of R = [water]/[AOT]. Reproduced with permission from Borsarelli CD and Braslavsky SE (1997). Nature of the water structure inside the pools of reverse micelles sensed by laser-induced optoacoustic spectroscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 101: 6036–6042 Copyright 1997 American Chemical Society.

Figure 8 Rate constant for the reaction between photodetached protons and hydroxyls in water at various OH− concentrations. Reproduced with permission of the Editors of Chemical Physics Letters from Bonetti G, Vecli A and Viappini C (1997) Reaction volume of water formation detected by time-resolved photoacoustics – photoinduced proton transfer between o-nitrobenzaldehyde and hydroxyls in water. Chemical Physics Letters 209: 268–273.


This contraction is at least qualitatively accountable for on the basis of the electrostrictive effects described by the Drude–Nernst equation, considering the negative charge localized on the carboxylic oxygen atom of o-nitrosobenzoic acid and using the molar volume of the proton in water. At pH > 9, the reaction with hydroxyls becomes relevant and the formation of water molecules produces an expansion of 24.5 ± 0.4 cm3 mol–1. The plot of the quenching rate constant (kq, Figure 8), derived from LIOAS data vs the concentration of hydroxyls is linear with a slope of (4.9 ± 0.4) × 1010 M–1 s–1, indicating that the process obeys pseudo-first-order kinetics.

List of symbols A = absorbance; cp = specific heat capacity; Eλ = energy of an Einstein of wavelength λ; H = transducer response; k = instrumental factor; n = number of moles of absorbed photons; NΑ = Avogadro number; Nph = number of incident photons; q = energy released as heat; T = temperature; va = sound velocity; V = volume; V0 = volume of illuminated sample; αi = qi /Eλ; β = cubic expansion coefficient; ∆p = pressure change; ∆Ve = structural volume change per absorbed Einstein; ∆Vr = volume change due to solute–solvent rearrangements; ∆Vth = volume change due to radiationless relaxation; κS = adiabatic compressibility; κT = isothermal compressibility; λ = excitation wavelength; ρ = density; τi = lifetime of transient i; Φi = quantum yield of step i;ϕi = fractional contribution to volume change of transient i. See also: Laser Applications in Electronic Spectroscopy; Laser Microprobe Mass Spectrometers; Laser Spectroscopy Theory; Photoacoustic Spectroscopy, Applications; Photoacoustic Spectroscopy, Theory.

Further reading Bonetti G, Vecli A and Viappiani C (1997) Reaction volume of water formation detected by time-resolved photoacoustic – photoinduced proton transfer between onitrobenzaldehyde and hydroxyls in water. Chemical Physics Letters 269: 268–273. Borsarelli CD and Braslavsky SE (1997) Nature of the water structure inside the pools of reverse micelles sensed by laser-induced optoacoustic spectroscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 101: 6036–6042. Borsarelli CD and Braslavsky SE (1999) Enthalpy, volume, and entropy changes associated with the electron transfer reaction between the 3MLCT state of Ru(bpy) and

methyl viologen in aqueous solutions. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 103: 1719–1727. Braslavsky SE and Heibel GE (1992) Time-resolved photothermal and photoacoustic methods applied to photoinduced processes in solution. Chemical Reviews 92: 1381–1410. Churio MS, Angermund KP and Braslavsky SE (1994) Combination of laser-induced optoacoustic spectroscopy (LIOAS) and semiempirical calculations for the determinations of molecular volume changes: the photoisomerization of carbocyanines. Journal of Physical Chemistry 98: 1776–1782. Crippa PR, Vecli A and Viappiani C (1994) Time resolved photoacoustic spectroscopy: new developments of an old idea. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 24: 3–15. Feitelson J and Mauzerall D (1996) Photoacoustic evaluation of volume and entropy changes in energy and electron transfer. Triplet state porphyrin with oxygen and naphthoquinone-2-sulfonate. Journal of Physical Chemistry 100: 7698–7703. Gensch T and Braslavsky SE (1997) Volume changes related to triplet formation of water soluble porphyrins. A laser-induced optoacoustic spectroscopy (LIOAS) study. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 101: 101–108. Gensch T, Strassburger JM, Gärtner W and Braslavsky SE (1998) Volume and enthalpy changes upon photoexcitation of bovine rhodopsin derived from optoacoustic studies by using an equilibrium between bathorhodopsin and blue-shifted intermediate. Israel Journal of Chemistry 38: 231–236. Mauzerall D, Feitelson J and Prince R (1995) Wide-band time-resolved photoacoustic study of electron-transfer reactions: difference between measured enthalpies and redox free energies. Journal of Physical Chemistry 99: 1090–1093. Puchenkov OV (1995) Photoacoustic diagnostics of fast photochemical and photobiological processes. Biophysical Chemistry 56: 241–261. Schmidt R and Schütz M. (1996) Determination of reaction volumes and reaction enthalpies by photoacoustic calorimetry. Chemical Physics Letters 263: 795–802. Schmidt R and Schütz M (1997) Methodical studies on the time resolution of photoacoustic calorimetry. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 103: 39–44. Schulenberg P and Braslavsky SE (1997) Time-resolved photothermal studies with biological supramolecular systems. In: Mandelis A and Hess P (eds) Progress in Photothermal and Photoacoustic Science and Technology, pp 58–81. Bellingham WA: SPIE Press. Small JR, Libertini LJ and Small EW (1992) Analysis of photoacoustic waveforms using the non-linear least square method. Biophysical Chemistry 42: 24–48. Wegewijs B, Verhoeven JW and Braslavsky SE (1996) Volume changes associated with intramolecular exciplex formation in a semiflexible donor-bridge-acceptor compound. Journal of Physical Chemistry 100: 8890–8894.


Laser Magnetic Resonance AI Chichinin, Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion, Novosibirsk, Russia

MAGNETIC RESONANCE Methods & Instrumentation

Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Laser magnetic resonance (LMR) is a sensitive technique for studying rotational, vibrationalrotational, or electronic Zeeman spectra of paramagnetic atoms and molecules, using fixed-frequency infrared lasers. High resolution and sensitivity are important characteristics of LMR. In a pioneering experiment in 1968, Evenson and his coworkers succeeded in demonstrating the feasibility of this technique when they detected a rotational transition of O2 using a HCN laser. Several years later LMR was extended to the mid-infrared by using CO and CO2 lasers with similar success. Since then, throughout 15 years, much of the increase in understanding of the structure and properties of shortlived paramagnetic molecules has come from the application of LMR. The method has allowed the detection of more than 100 free radicals, including elusive species such as HO2, CH2, FO and Cl(2P1/2) which cannot easily be detected by other means. The high sensitivity and versatility of LMR has resulted in numerous applications of the method to chemical kinetics.

Theory of LMR

the electric field of the laser radiation and B is the magnetic field of the electromagnet. The Hamiltonian may be written as

where Hhfs is the hyperfine interaction operator, Aso is a spin-orbit interaction constant, a and b are hyperfine constants, µ0 = e/2mc is the Bohr magneton, and gJ and gI are electron and nuclear g-factors. All these atomic constants can be obtained from the analysis of LMR spectra; the precise values for Aso have been determined in this way for the first time. Diatomic radicals

A more common application is the measurement of LMR spectra of linear radicals with both spin and orbital angular momentum (SnH, NiH, GeH, CH, SD, SeH, … etc). The effective Hamiltonian is a summation of spin-orbit (Hso), vibrational (Hv), rotational (Hrot), spin-rotational (Hsr), spin-spin (Hss), lambda-doubling (Hld), hyperfine (Hhfs) and Zeeman (Hz) terms:


As a simple illustration let us consider the LMR spectra of Cl atoms. The energy level diagram at the top of Figure 1 shows the Zeeman effect in Cl atoms. In a magnetic field, the J, I, F 〉 levels of the atom split into components labelled by MJ and MF quantum numbers (here F = J + I = L + S + I). The magnetic field is swept, and at suitable values of the field the frequencies of the transitions J, MJ, MF〉 → 〈 J′, M′J, M′F come into coincidence with the frequency of a fixed-frequency laser. These resonances result in a decrease in detected laser power. In practice, a small modulation (up to 50 G) is added to the magnetic field and the change in transmitted laser power is recorded as a first derivative signal by processing the detector output in a phase-sensitive amplifier. LMR spectra of Cl atoms are shown at the bottom of Figure 1. Note that 2P3/2–2P1/2 magnetic dipole transitions with ∆MF = ±1 and ∆MF = 0 occur at E ⊥ B and E || B polarizations, respectively; here E is

The choice of significant terms and representation of the terms are determined by the particular type of radical. Some usual representations are presented below

Here v denotes the vibrational quantum number and N = J – L – S is the nuclear rotational angular


Figure 1 Top: Zeeman effect in 35Cl atoms. All sublevels are labelled by MF values. The lower 2P3/2 state is represented by solid lines. Upper 2P1/2 state (dashed lines) is downshifted by an amount of the laser photon energy. Intersections of solid and dashed lines with ∆MF = ±1 (open circles) or with ∆MF = 0 (solid circles) represent possible LMR transitions. Bottom: LMR spectra of Cl atoms (both 35 Cl and 37Cl).

momentum. Centrifugal corrections to some parameters are often used as well as a tensor expression for Hz. Polyatomic radicals

The most often encountered type of radical observed by LMR is the three-atomic asymmetric-top radical, such as NH2, PH2, HCO, HO2, etc., Hund’s case (b). In this case, the Hamiltonian [1] is used. Without

spin-orbit and lambda-doubling terms, Hrot, Hss and Hsr are usually expressed as


where Hcd is the Watson’s centrifugal distortion operator; the molecule-fixed components of N, S, and ε are labelled by a, b, and c. Finally note that the representation of the Hamiltonian is very dependent on the particular radical. Some terms are often omitted, and some new ones are added. For example, Jahn–Teller distortion should be taken into account for symmetric top radicals, such as CH3O and SiH3. The LMR detection of polyatomic radicals with heavy (not hydrogen) atoms is hindered for several reasons: (1) the population of the lower state is low, it decreases with rotational partition function; (2) Zeeman splitting is small, it decreases both with moments of inertia and rotational quantum numbers of the radical; hence LMR spectra are observable only at low magnetic fields because of a weak coupling of S with N. Moreover, the spectra are often unresolved because of a large number of components. An important exception was found for the first time by Uehara and Hakuta who have observed high-field spectra in the ν1 band of ClO2 in spite of its small spin-orbit interaction. Later, similar highfield far-infrared LMR spectra of FO2, ClSO, FSO and NF2 were detected. These spectra were assigned to transitions induced by avoided crossings between Zeeman levels having the same value of MJ but differing by one in N. This type of transition offers a new means to study radicals which might otherwise be inaccessible to the LMR technique.

LMR spectrometer Basic features

The essential features of an LMR spectrometer are illustrated schematically in Figure 2, which shows three of the most commonly encountered experimental configurations. A conventional intracavity LMR spectrometer is shown in Figure 2A. Placing a free-radical absorption cell inside the laser cavity results in a gain in sensitivity due to multipassing of the laser radiation. A further sensibility gain may also be obtained when the modulation frequency is close to the frequency of the laser intensity relaxation oscillations. Another benefit of the intracavity configuration is that it favours the observation of saturation Lamb dips. This is especially important in the mid-infrared region, where Doppler widths are greater and the high resolution of saturation spectroscopy is needed more. The laser power is coupled out by the zeroth order of the grating and is detected by a photoresistor. Coupling through the hole in one of the mirrors

or by a variable coupler inserted into the laser cavity are also used. An intracavity LMR spectrometer based on an optically pumped laser is shown in Figure 2B. The only difference is the change of the CO (or CO2) laser in Figure 2A by an optically pumped laser. The pump radiation is multiply reflected between two metallic-coated flats parallel to the far-infrared laser axis. Longitudinal pumping in which the pump radiation is introduced along the laser axis through a hole in one of the far-infrared laser mirrors is also employed. The cavity is divided by a beam splitter (e.g. thin polypropylene). Figure 2C gives the block diagram for the Faraday LMR setup, in which there is an extracavity arrangement and detection of paramagnetic species is via their polarization effects. The laser light propagates along the z-axis which coincides with the magnetic field direction. The polarization, determined by the polarizer Px points along the x-axis and the polarizer Py points along the y-axis. The multipass absorption cell is placed between these crossed polarizers. The absorbing radicals produce a change in the polarization; this effect is used for sensitive detection of the radicals. In essence, the Faraday arrangement is extracavity LMR with two crossed polarizers. These polarizers reduce the laser power by a large factor and the LMR signal by the square of that factor. Hence the signalto-noise ratio for the Faraday arrangement is significantly better (more than two orders of magnitude) than that for conventional extracavity LMR. Note that time resolution of the intracavity configurations is determined by the medium of the laser: it is usually ~2–4 µs; the time resolution of the Faraday arrangement is considerably better. The Faraday configuration requires the magnetic field of the electromagnet (solenoid) to be parallel to the Poynting vector, B || Sp; An alternative (Voigt) configuration is proposed in which B ⊥ Sp and a polarization angle relative to B is 45º. Although the Voigt configuration is expected to have similar sensitivity to that of Faraday LMR, it is rarely encountered. Usually, the configurations in Figure 2A and 2C are used in mid-infrared spectroscopy. The configuration in Figure 2B is used in far-infrared spectroscopy only. In intracavity configurations, the polarization of the laser with respect to the magnetic field is determined by the intracavity beam splitter in Figure 2B or by windows in Figure 2A set at Brewster’s angle. The splitter (or the windows) are rotatable about the laser axis so the polarization can be rotated. When the electric vector of the laser lies perpendicular to the magnetic field, E ⊥ B, then


Figure 2 Schematic representation of a LMR spectrometer: (A) mid-infrared intracavity arrangement, (B) far-infrared intracavity arrangement with optically pumped laser, (C) mid-infrared Faraday extracavity arrangement. EM = electromagnet pole, MC = modulation coil, G = diffraction grating, PR = photoresistor, M = mirror, Px and Py = polarizers.

∆MJ = ±1 (σ) electric dipole transitions are induced; the ∆MJ = 0 (π) transitions appear with parallel polarization, E || B. Note that the latter case is impossible in Faraday LMR. Infrared lasers

The first far-infrared LMR spectra were recorded by using HCN, H2O and D2O lasers. Since then, optically pumped lasers are usually used with a line-tunable continuous-wave CO2 laser as a light source. By use of these lasers, over 1000 laser frequencies are available in the far-infrared region (30–1200 µm); some 500 have been used in LMR.

In medium-infrared, most of the radical spectra are observed with CO (1200–2000 cm–1) and CO2 (875–1110 cm–1) lasers. In the former case, the spectral region is now strongly extended by using a CO-overtone laser which provides 200 (∆v = 2) transitions in the region of 2500–3500 cm–1. In the latter case, a great increase in capacity of LMR (several hundreds of lines) was attained by using 13C16O2, 13 18 C O2, 13C16O18O and C18O2 isotope modifications; an N2O laser has also been used. A colour centre laser (2–4 µm), and spinflip Raman laser (which consisted of a InSb crystal pumped by a CO laser) have also been employed.


Infrared detectors

The first far-infrared LMR spectra were recorded by using Golay cells. These have the advantage of room temperature operation and are easy to use, but their response is slow and hence only low modulation frequencies (approximately 10–100 Hz) can be used. A further gain in sensitivity was realized by use of a helium-cooled Ge bolometer: the much faster response of the bolometer allows much higher modulation frequencies (∼1 kHz), and this, together with the lower noise equivalent power, means that the sensitivity is limited mainly by inherent noise in the laser source. By far the most commonly encountered farinfrared detectors are helium-cooled photoresistors (Ge:B, Ge:In, Ge:Ga, Ge:As, nIn:Sb, etc.); modulation frequencies of up to hundreds of kHz can be used. In mid-infrared, the most commonly used photoresistors are Ge: Au (77 K), Ge:Hg (53 K), Ge: (Zn, Sb) (64 K) and Hg:Cd:Te (77 K) for CO2 laser output and Ge:Ga (77 K), In:Sb (77 K), Hg:Cd:Te (77 K) for CO laser output. In general the main noise source is the laser rather than the photoresistor. However, in the mid-infrared region attenuation of laser light is often required since detectors are easily saturated by laser light. For example, for InSb (77 K) detector saturation starts near 1 mW, while typical CO laser output power reaches 1 W. Note that in Faraday and Voigt LMR arrangements, the saturation is absent. Modulation

The modulation frequency f is determined as a compromise between two factors. First, at low frequencies the noise of the LMR spectrometer increases due to vibrations of the spectrometer. Second, the modulation amplitude decreases inversely with the square root of f at a fixed power of the generator for modulation coils. Finally, for extracavity LMR the best frequency is 15–20 kHz. For intracavity LMR spectrometers, a gain of sensibility can be obtained when the modulation frequency is close to the frequency of the laser intensity relaxation oscillations (50– 150 kHz). A simple method to improve the sensitivity of LMR is to increase the integration time constant of the lock-in amplifier. However, the long-term instability of the LMR spectrometer usually makes useless time constants larger than 3 s. This problem can be solved by using double modulation. The magnetic field is modulated at high (∼100 kHz) and low (∼2 Hz) frequencies. The high-frequency signal is demodulated by a phase-sensitive lock-in amplifier. The resulting low-frequency output of the lock-in is again demodulated by another phase-sensitive

lock-in. As a result, the effective time constant of the system is ∼200 s and the LMR sensitivity increases considerably. Note that the best peak-to-peak amplitude of the low-frequency modulation is equal to the spectral line width. The drawback of this double modulation system is the slow response. Intracavity systems are very sensitive to acoustic cross talk between the modulation unit and the laser resonator, thus increasing the noise just at the modulation frequency f. Hence another method of improving the sensitivity of intracavity LMR is to use a lockin detector at 2f (the second harmonic), where the noise is considerably smaller. In some cases, this change can increase the signal-to-noise ratio of LMR. Preparation of radicals

The great majority of radicals studied so far by LMR have been generated by atom–molecule reactions in the gas phase, using discharge-flow techniques or by pumping the products of a microwave discharge rapidly into the sample region of the spectrometer. In addition, a time-resolved arrangement allows generation of radicals either directly by UV photolysis (or multiphoton dissociation), or by the reactions of appropriate molecules with the species prepared photolytically. Detection of molecular ions

Molecular ions (DCl+, DBr+, etc.) are generated by discharge-flow techniques. Two difficulties arise in experiments with intracavity LMR detection of these ions. First is the rapid deflection of the ions to the reactor walls in the magnetic field of the electromagnet; the second is the very high noise of a DC discharge situated inside the laser cavity. These problems have been solved by using the Faraday extracavity LMR arrangement, which does not suffer to the same extent from modulation pickup via discharge plasma as the intracavity arrangement. In the Faraday arrangement the discharge is stable, since the magnetic field of the solenoid and the electric field of the discharge are collinear. An additional advantage of this arrangement is the possibility of tracing hot-band transitions not only for open-shell ions but also for free radicals. Sensitivity of LMR, comparison with EPR

The technique of LMR is very similar to other magnetic resonance methods such as EPR and NMR. While NMR uses radiofrequency radiation to produce transitions between nuclear spin levels, and EPR uses microwave radiation to produce transitions between electron spin levels, LMR uses


radiation of a laser to produce transitions between rotational (far-infrared) or vibrational–rotational (mid-infrared) levels in paramagnetic molecules. Note that the sensitivity γmin is nearly equal for EPR and LMR: γmin ⯝ 10–10–10–9 cm–1. The concentration sensitivity is given by

where d is the difference of relative populations of the upper and lower levels and σ is the cross section of the transition. The superiority of LMR over EPR in sensitivity is determined by the d factor (2–3 orders of magnitude) and by the cross section σ which is proportional to the transition frequency. The factor in favour of EPR is the high Q-factor of an EPR resonator. When EPR is compared with mid-infrared LMR, an additional factor in favour of EPR is the dipole transition matrix element, which is an order of magnitude higher for rotational transitions in radicals than that for vibrational–rotational transitions. In general, LMR is much more sensitive than EPR. The sensitivities of far-infrared intracavity LMR and mid-infrared Faraday LMR are as high as that of laser-induced fluorescence (LIF); the sensitivity of mid-infrared intracavity LMR is usually one order of magnitude less. These estimates, however, are very dependent on the particular radical. The sensitivity achieved in practice also depends on the refinement of the apparatus. The typical values for up-to-date spectrometers are listed in Table 1. For applications in chemical kinetics, combined EPR/LMR spectrometers for both far- and mid-infrared regions have been developed. Three advantages are gained from this arrangement: (i) the versatility of the combined spectrometer, (ii) the possibility of the absolute calibration of the LMR spectrometer by comparison of the LMR and EPR signals of the same radicals, (iii) usage of commercial EPR hardware for LMR detection. In the mid-infrared, EPR and LMR make use of a common detection zone. In the farinfrared, the detection zones of EPR and LMR are placed side by side; they cannot coincide, because of the large wavelength of the far-infrared laser.

Applications of LMR Spectroscopy studies

LMR has allowed the spectroscopic study of many free radicals that could not be detected by more conventional infrared techniques.

Table 1

Typical sensitivities of LMR and EPR



Cl O Hg NO


CH3OD CO CO CH3OH OH H2O D2O EPR CH3OH O2 EPR ClO CD3I H2O HO2 CO2 EPR H2O NO2 13 CH3OH CH2 CO2 NF2 EPR a a(b) = a x 10b.

Wavelength ( µm) 11.3 145.7 5.67 5.33 1224 118.6 84.3 30 000 699.5 30 000 556.9 118.6 10 30 000 118.6 157.9 10 30 000

Sensitivity (cm–3) 2(9)a 1(10) 5(9) 1(7) 1(11) 1(6) 2(7) 1(10) 5(10) 3(13) 2(8) 4(8) 1(10) 1(13) 1(11) 3(8) 1(10) 1(14)

In Table 2 a list of the species detected by LMR to 1998 is presented. However, the pace of developments has slowed, since many of the better-known free radicals accessible for LMR have now been observed. As for lesser-known free radicals, LMR is a difficult method for obtaining initial knowledge (at least for polyatomics) because the Zeeman effect must be analysed as well as the zero-field spectrum. In the mid-infrared, the tunable semiconductor diode lasers are another factor in the development of infrared spectroscopy of high sensitivity and resolution, although LMR provides magnetic parameters inaccessible to the diode laser spectroscopy. In Figure 3 the rise and the fall of LMR are illustrated. A typical spectroscopic study of a radical includes: recording of numerous LMR spectra, assignment of the observed resonances to quantum numbers, and determination of the parameters of the Hamiltonian (for both ground and vibrationally excited states in the case of vibrational–rotational spectra). Although the accuracy of these parameters (up to MHz) is somewhat lower than that obtained by microwave spectroscopy, it is not restricted to rotational transitions but includes vibrational, fine structure and hyperfine effects. The main requirements for a successful LMR study are: (i) the atom or molecule must be paramagnetic (S > 0 or L > 0); (ii) the closeness of laser and transition frequencies (10%) of a vibrational transition by the radiation field. The prerequisites for successful detection of the saturation are: radiation intensity in the cavity of the CO2 laser of >100 W cm–2, rather a small rotational partition function (≤103, i.e. nonlinear radicals with low moments of inertia, or linear radicals), and moderate transition dipole moment (~0.1 D).

List of symbols Aso = spin-orbit interaction constant; Av Bv, Cv = rotational constants of radical; a, b = hyperfine constants; B = external magnetic field; d = difference of relative populations; Dv = centrifugal constant for diatomic molecule; Dv, Ev = parameters of Hamiltonian Hss; E = electric field of laser radiation; f = modulation frequency; gJ, gI = electron and nuclear g-factors; gs, gL, gr = spin, orbital and rotational gfactors; ប = Planck’s constant; Hcd = Watson’s centrifugal distortion operator; Hhfs = hyperfine interaction operator; Hld = lambda-doubling term in Hamiltonian; Hrot = rotational term in Hamiltonian; Hso = spin-orbit term in Hamiltonian; Hsr = spinrotational term in Hamiltonian; Hss = spin-spin term Hv = vibrational term in in Hamiltonian; Hamiltonian; Hz = Zeeman term in Hamiltonian; J, I, F, L, S, N, MF, MJ = momenta and their projections; J0 = photon flux density; ki = vibrational relaxation rate constant; [Mi] = concentration of the ith gasrelaxator; Na, Nb, Nc = components of N; Nmin = concentrational sensitivity; 2P3/2, 2P1/2 = Cl

atomic states; Sa, Sb, Sc, Sz = projections of S; Sp = Poynting vector; v = vibrational quantum number; we, xe = parameters of vibrational Hamiltonian; γ = parameter of spin-rotational term Hsr; γmin = sensitivity in cm–1 units; ∆N, ∆NK, ∆K, δN, δK = centrifugal constants of asymmetric rotor; λ = parameter of spin-spin term Hss; εaa, εbb, εcc = components of spin-rotational tensor; µ0 = eប/ 2mc = Bohr magneton; σ = cross section of the transition; τ = decay time for the saturation kinetics. See also: Atomic Absorption, Theory; Electromagnetic Radiation; EPR, Methods; EPR Spectroscopy, Applications in Chemistry; EPR Spectroscopy, Theory; Far-IR Spectroscopy, Applications; High Resolution IR Spectroscopy (Gas Phase) Instrumentation; IR Spectroscopy, Theory; Laser Spectroscopy Theory; Near-IR Spectrometers; Rotational Spectroscopy, Theory; Spectroscopy of Ions; Zeeman and Stark Methods in Spectroscopy, Applications; Zeeman and Stark Methods in Spectroscopy, Instrumentation.

Further reading Davies PB (1981) Laser magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry 85: 2599– 2607. Evenson KM (1981) Far-infrared laser magnetic resonance. Faraday Discussions of the Chemical Society 71: 7–14. Evenson KM, Saykally RJ, Jennings DA, Curl RF and Brown JM (1980) In: Moore CB (ed) Chemical and Biochemical Applications of Lasers, Vol 5, p 95. New York: Academic Press. Hills GW (1984) Magnetic Resonance Review 9: 15–64. Russell DK (1983) Laser Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Electron Spin Resonance: A Specialist Periodical Report the Royal Society of Chemistry, Vol 8, pp 1–30. London: Royal Society of Chemistry, Burlington House. Russell DK (1991) Specialist Periodical Report of the Royal Society of Chemistry 12B: 64–98.


Laser Microprobe Mass Spectrometers Luc Van Vaeck and Freddy Adams, University of Antwerpen (UIA), Wilrijk, Belgium

MASS SPECTROMETRY Methods & Instrumentation

Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction The defining attribute of laser microprobe mass spectrometry (LMMS) is the use of a focused laser to irradiate a 5– 10 µm spot of a solid sample at a power density above 106 W cm– 2. The photon– solid interaction yields ions which are mass analysed by time-of-flight (TOF) or Fourier transform (FT) MS. The technique is sometimes referred to as laser probe microanalysis (LPA or LPMA), laser ionization mass analysis (LIMA) and laser microprobe mass analysis (LAMMA). The use of lasers to ionize solids in mass spectrometry dates back to the early 1960s, when the first high-power pulsed lasers became available. These highly directional and intense monochromatic beams can be easily introduced in the confined space of ion sources without disturbing the electrical fields. Moreover, upon the photon interaction with nonconducting materials, no charging of the sample occurs. First, lasers became an interesting alternative for sparksource MS to quantify elements in dielectrical specimens. Later, the ultrafast heating of the solid by laser irradiation was exploited for the desorption and ionization (DI) of labile organic compounds without thermal decomposition. The growing interest in microanalysis triggered the application of a focused laser in the 1970s. The initial aim was again elemental analysis in nonconducting samples but the main strength of LMMS was found to be the moleculespecific information on the local constituents. Organic and inorganic compounds are characterized by a combination of fragments and adduct ions. The former arise from the structure-specific breakdown of the analyte. The latter simply consist of the intact analyte attached to one or more of these stable fragments. The understanding of material properties on a local level implies knowledge of the chemistry and, hence, of the molecules present. Therefore the molecular specificity of LMMS is a major advantage in comparison with most micro- and surface analysis techniques, which characterize relative elemental abundances, bonds present or functional groups. Quantitation in LMMS is difficult because adequate

reference materials are not always available. However, qualitative identification of local constituents can often be achieved by deductive reasoning only. As a result, LMMS became appreciated as a versatile tool in diverse problem-solving applications in science and technology. The main sample requirement is its stability in the vacuum.

Instrumentation The simple construction and operation, excellent transmission, and the registration of full mass spectra made a TOF analyser the obvious choice for the early LMMS instruments. Later it was found that the time definition of the ion production from the laser pulse was less suited to TOF MS than initially assumed. Also, the complex mass spectra required a significantly higher mass resolution and mass accuracy than that available in TOF LMMS. Hence, FT LMMS was developed. Although the laser microbeam ionization was retained, the species detected and their relative intensities differ significantly from TOF LMMS. The reason is that each MS may capture a different fraction of the initial ion population, depending on its acceptance with respect to the initial kinetic energy (Ekin), their time and place of formation in the ion source. Therefore, a clear distinction between TOF and FT LMMS is mandatory. TOF LMMS

Figure 1 depicts a commercial instrument. The sample is mounted inside the vacuum chamber of the MS. The DI is commonly performed by 266 nm UV pulses from a frequency-quadrupled Nd:YAG (neodymium– yttrium– aluminium– garnet) laser. This instrument allows repositioning of the sample and the optics for analysis in transmission or in reflection. In the former case, the laser hits the lower surface of the sample while the upper surface faces the MS. This suits thin films or particles of about 1 µm on a polymer film. Reflection means that the beam impinges on the sample side facing the MS. The surface of bulk samples can thus be characterized. Micropositioners allow one to move the spot of interest on


the sample into the waist of the ionizing beam, which is visualized by a collinear He– Ne laser. The UV-irradiated spot is typically 1– 3 µm in TOF LMMS so that power densities between 106 and 1011 W cm– 2 can be attained with mJ pulses of 10– 15 ns. Refractive objectives allow spot sizes down to the diffraction limit of 0.5 µm. Reflective optics (as in Figure 1) allow larger working distances and are free from chromatic aberrations so that use of other wavelengths is facilitated. Ionization with a tunable dye laser allows resonant one-step DI or postionization of the laser ablated neutrals. Specificity and sensitivity can thus be improved substantially but wavelength selection becomes cumbersome for unknown compounds. The principles of a TOF mass analyser are covered in another article. Commercial TOF LMMS permits a mass resolution of about 500, a much lower value than theory predicts, and this figure strongly depends on the analyte. The reason is quite fundamental. The application of TOF implies that ions with different m/z and therefore different velocities must arrive at the same time at the entrance to the drift tube. The pulsed laser ionization does not meet this requirement as ion formation may continue long after the laser pulse, especially for organic compounds but also for inorganic analytes. As a result, mass resolution and mass accuracy may become problematic. The asset of an unlimited m/z range is cancelled by the low mass resolution. A major advantage is the inherent panoramic registration.


Figure 2 illustrates an instrument with an external ion source and shows the different microprobe related devices such as the optical interface, the micropositioners, the sample observation and the exchange system. This set-up features laser irradiation of the sample in reflection with a spot of 5 µm. Electrostatic fields transport ions through a differentially pumped transfer line from the source at 10– 6 torr to the FT MS cell at 10– 10 torr inside a 4.7 tesla magnetic field (B). Inherent advantages of FT MS are the routinely obtainable high mass resolution of over 100 000 at m/z 1000, and up to a few million below m/z 100, and the mass accuracy of better than 1 ppm up m/z 1000. Internal calibration of the m/z scale by adding a reference compound is not necessary as is the case in magnetic high– resolution mass spectrometers. A remarkable feature of FT MS is that better mass resolution means better sensitivity. This contrasts with other types of MS where resolution is increased by selecting a central fraction of the ion beam, thereby sacrificing sensitivity. The direct link of sensitivity and mass resolution in FT MS results from the influence of space charge effects, field imperfections and pressure in the cell. All these cause a faster decay of the coherence in the ion packets after excitation, which decreases mass resolution, but they also limit the quantitative trapping and/or the radius increase of the ion orbit during excitation, which diminish detection sensitivity. FT MS is also limited in the

Figure 1 Schematic diagram of the LIMA 2A TOF LMMS. Reprinted from the LIMA technical documentation with permission of Kratos Analytical.


detection of low and high m/z by its detection bandwidth and B, respectively. A range between m/z 15 and 10 000 is common. The use of FT MS in microanalysis implies that the technique is operated close to its detection limits. Therefore, the vacuum in the cell becomes a prime reason for using an external ion source be used for LMMS as opposed to a single- or dual-cell instrument, where the sample is placed in the FT MS cell. Additionally, the Ekin of laser ions can exceed the energy range imposed by the optimal trapping potentials of typically less than 2 V. Biasing the sample holder or placing additional electrodes around the sample inside the cell disturbs the trapping field. Cooling of the ions by ion– molecule interactions is not always efficient. The use of micropositioners, laser and observation optics inside the narrow bore of the strong magnetic field, is not obvious. However, injection of external ions requires temporary deactivation of the potential gradient in the hole of the first trapping plate. Upon reflection against the second trapping plate, ions come back and may escape unless the entrance is blocked. The use of an electrostatic transfer line causes a time dispersion of ions of different m/z as in TOF MS, i.e. the so-called TOF effect. To trap a high m/z ion together with a low m/z ion, the high m/z ion, which arrives later, must enter the cell before the low m/z ion (which arrived earlier and has been reflected by the second trapping plate) leaves the cell. In practice, the m/z ratio of high-to-low m/z ions that can be trapped simultaneously in the cell is about a factor of 3– 4, depending on the time of ion formation and life time of

the specific ions. Adapting the time between the laser pulse and the closure of the injection lenses, allows one to shift the m/z window along the m/z range in successive experiments.

Analytical characteristics Table 1 surveys the common techniques for microand surface analysis of solids. Both static secondary ion mass spectrometry (SSIMS) and LMMS provide molecular information on local organic and inorganic compounds. However, the primary interaction of keV ions with the sample in SSIMS as opposed to eV-range photons in LMMS makes the direct structural linkage of the detected signals to the sample composition less obvious in SSIMS. Hence, comparison with reference spectra is usually required in SSIMS, while LMMS allows a deductive interpretation. In fact, both methods are complementary with respect to their typical applications. SSIMS can detect high m/z ions from polymers, while LMMS yields more detailed structural information on analytes of up to a few kDa. SSIMS generates primarily ions from the upper monolayer, making surface contamination a problem in real– life applications. In contrast, ions in LMMS originate from the upper 10– 50 nm surface layer, although the crater depth goes up to 0.1– 1 µm. SSIMS allows imaging, while LMMS performs spot analysis. The reproducibility of LMMS strongly depends on the positioning of the sample surface in the waist of the UV beam. Hence, mapping by motorizing the

Figure 2 Schematic diagram of the FT LMMS with external ion source. Adapted from Struyf H, Van Roy W, Van Vaeck L, Van Grieken R, Gijbels R and Caravatti P (1993) Analytica Chimica Acta, 283: 139–151 with permission of Elsevier Science.

Overview of some important microanalytical techniques

Dynamic SIMS

Static SIMS











Probe input beam

20 keV electrons

Electrons ≤ 3 keV

Photons X-ray, UV

Photons visible

Photons IR

≤ 20 keV ions

40–60 keV ions

20 keV

UV photons (few eV)

Detected beam












Resolution of detector Typically analysed area Depth of information

WDS 20 eV EDS 150 eV ±1 µm

1–15 eV

0.3–1 eV

≤1 µm

1–3 nm

≥150 µm ≥5 µm (µESCA) 1–10 nm

0.7 cm–1 (IR) 2 cm–1 ( µIR) 5–10 µm


0.2 µm

0.7 cm–1 (sp) 8 cm–1 (im) 1 µm

Image resolution

SEM/X ±1 µm STEM/X< µm WDS 100 ppm EDS 1000 ppm WDS Z ≥ 4 EDS Z ≥ 11a No

50–100 nm

10 µm 5–50 nm (PAS) µm

Detection limit

Detection range Direct isotope information Compound speciation Organic characterization Destructive with sputtering In-depth profiling With sputtering Quantification Easy analysis of insulators Sample in vaccum required a


+/– ions

+/– ions

m/z 250–500

m/z 103–104



2–250 µm

≥ 20 nm

0.1 µm

1–3 µm

5 µm

10 µm

0.5 nm

1 nm


(0.1–1 µm)


0.5 mm

20 nm

0.5 µm

1 µm

>1 µm


n.a. 1 mm (µIR) ppm

≤ ppm

10–100 ppm


10–3 –10–15


All but H, He All but H, He






15–15 000
























(No) n.a. No n.a. Yes No

No Yes No Yes Yes No

No Yes No Yes Yes Yes

No n.a. No n.a. (Yes) Yes

No n.a. No n.a. Yes Yes

Yes n.a. Yes n.a. Difficult No








No Yes (µESCA) ≥1%

Yes n.a. No n.a. Difficult No Yes

+/– ions


Yes n.a. Yes n.a. Very difficult Yes Yes

EDS ranges to lower elements with windowless detector. PAS=photoacoustic single detection; WDS=wavelength dispersive spectrometry; EDS=energy dispersive spectrometry; SEM=scanning electron microscopy; STEM=scanning transmission microscopy; sp=spectrum; im=imaging mode; µIR=microscope FT-IR; µESCA=microESCA; n.a.=not applicable.


Table 1


sample positioners is only feasible for extremely flat samples. As to the kind of materials analysed, LMMS requires stability in a vacuum of 10– 6 torr but SSIMS needs a pressure of under 10– 8 torr, which prevents the analysis of ‘volatile’ organic compounds. Charge build-up in dielectrical samples occurs in SSIMS, not in LMMS. Quantification in MS requires adequate reference samples. For LMMS this means that not only the chemical composition but also the UV absorption, reflective and refractive properties of each microvolume must be comparable to ensure that the energy deposition and ion yield are similar. Hence, preparation of suitable reference materials often becomes the bottleneck. Biological sections or ambient aerosols are chemically and optically heterogeneous, so that quantification is not feasible. On the other hand, element diffusion in the wafers from semiconductor applications can be quantitatively studied.

Diagnostic use of the mass spectra Model of ion formation

Deduction of the analyte composition from the signals requires that one must be able to extrapolate the mass spectra from a limited database and ideally predict the ions from a given analyte. Therefore, practical concepts about ion formation are mandatory. Figures 3–5 survey a tentative model for DI in LMMS, applicable to both organic and inorganic compounds. Basically, the ionization event is described in terms of the three prime parameters in MS, namely local energy, pressure and time. First of all, laser impact is assumed to create different local energy regimes in physically distinct regions within and around the irradiated spot. Figure 3 depicts schematically the occurrence of atomization and destructive pyrolysis in hot spots, direct ejection of fragments and molecular aggregates from surrounding regions. Ultrafast thermal processes allow preservation of the molecular structure of even thermolabile analytes. The initial species will undergo fragmentation or subsequent ion– molecule interactions. Thermionic emission of e.g. alkali ions, yields the necessary flux of ions to form adducts with the initially released neutrals and ion-pairs. This occurs primarily after the laser pulse in the selvedge, i.e. the gas phase just above the sample. Secondly, the local pressure must be considered. As shown in Figure 4, the released neutrals and ions give rise to a gradually expanding microcloud. Its initial density depends on the ‘volatility’ of the analyte, i.e. the number of species released at a given power density. The importance of ion– molecule interactions

Figure 3 Relationship between the energy regimes at the surface and the ion formation process according to the tentative model for DI in LMMS. Reprinted from Van Vaeck L, Struyf H, Van Roy W and Adams F (1994) Mass Spectrometry Reviews, 13: 189–208 with permission of John Wiley and Sons.

depends on the local pressure in this cloud, which determines the collision probability. In low-density regions, ions follow unimolecular behaviour and fragmentation only depends on the internal energy. Finally, the timescale of the ionization is an essential feature of the approach since it must match the time window of detectable ions by a given mass analyser. The time evolution of the DI process is assumed to include two distinct phases. The schematic picture in Figure 5 shows the that the ion– generation process comprises two consecutive contributions. An initial intense ion current is produced during the first 10– 25 ns, compatible with detection in TOF LMMS. However, selvedge ionization may already start in that initial period but will reach its maximum later and finally continues for microseconds after the end

Figure 4 Effect of the local pressure on the type of ions formed according to the tentative model for DI in LMMS. Reprinted from Van Vaeck L, Struyf H, Van Roy W and Adams F (1994) Mass Spectrometry Reviews 13: 189–208 with permission of John Wiley and Sons.


TOF and FT LMMS spectra as to the species detected and their relative intensities. Moreover, it allows linkage of LMMS to the older literature on the soft ionization of organic compounds by defocused lasers and magnetic analysers, where fragmentation was virtually absent. Inorganic speciation

Figure 5 Influence of the time domain of ion formation and of the analyser on the mass spectra recorded according to the tentative model for DI in LMMS. Reprinted from Van Vaeck L, Struyf H, Van Roy W and Adams F (1994) Mass Spectrometry, Reviews, 13: 189–208 with permission of John Wiley and Sons.

of the laser pulse. This process may be small, but integrated over time, this contribution often prevails over the prompt DI. This rather slow DI component is not compatible with detection in TOF LMMS but is inherently included in the signal when magnetic mass spectrometers or FT MS ion traps are used. This tentative DI model does not give an accurate description of all the physical processes involved, but up to now, it allows a consistent explanation of the formation of the ions detected. Also, it unifies the processes of organic and inorganic ion formation and allows rationalization of the differences between

Figure 6 illustrates how FT LMMS signals can be used for analyte identification. The low m/z fragments and their adducts to the original molecule readily allow tentative identification of an unknown compound by deductive reasoning alone. This represents a major advantage in e.g. industrial materialsscience applications, where many not well characterized reagents are possible causes of anomalous behaviour. Recording reference spectra of all possible candidates for the given anomaly could be time consuming if one cannot select deductively the most likely one. The most demanding speciation task is the distinction between analytes with the same elements but in different ratios, e.g. sodium sulfate, sulfite and thiosulfate. The positive fragments Na+, Na2O, Na2O⋅H+ and Na2O⋅Na+ as well as the signals from Na2SO3⋅Na+ and Na2SO4⋅Na+ are observed by FT LMMS for all three analogues. However, only thiosulfate produces additional peaks for cationized Na2S, which characterize the presence of the

Figure 6 Scheme for the deductive identification of the analyte molecular composition from mass spectra taken by FT LMMS. Reprinted from Struyf H, Van Vaeck L, Poels K and Van Grieken R (1998) Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 9: 482–497 with permission of Elsevier Science.


sodium– sulfur bond in this analogue. Adduct ions of Na2S2O3 are also seen at low intensity. Distinction can be based on the ratio of the ions Na2SO3⋅Na+ to Na2SO4⋅Na+, which is 0.82 ± 0.13 for sulfite and 0.30 ± 0.06 for sulfate. The production of cationized sulfate from sulfite and vice versa is rationalized by the relatively high-energy regime in the hot spots, where the stability of the formed ion prevails. Nevertheless, the softer regime of the periphery is assumed to produce the cationized analyte and thereby restores the logical connection with the original composition. The major signals in the negative mode are found at the nominal m/z values of 64 and 80 and are common for all three analogues. However, these signals are uniquely due to SO and SO for sulfite and sulfate, while thiosulfate produces additional contributions from S and S2O– also at m/z 64 and 80 respectively. The FT LMMS high mass resolution is needed to exploit such distinctive features. Identification of organic compounds

Deductive identification is even more important in organic microanalysis because of the numerous structures for each molecular weight. Figure 7 shows the positive and negative TOF LMMS data of a microscopic residue, obtained from the eluate of a single peak from analytical HPLC. The nanogram amount of available material was not consumed significantly after microprobe analysis although it was insufficient for conventional MS. The latter required the combination of fractions from numerous elutions to yield the mass spectrum of miconazole, the parent drug. In contrast, TOF LMMS detected the protonated molecules by the cluster of isotope peaks around m/z 503. Subsequent loss of HCOOH yields the fragments around m/z 457, while the accompanying lower m/z signals are readily rationalized by the known ring formation and rearrangement mechanisms in organic MS. Complementary information comes with the negative ions. Specifically the fragment at m/z 153 serves to specify further the presence of the imidazole methacrylate function in the molecule. This example highlights two features of the LMMS technique, namely the minute material consumption and the deductive identification of labile compounds without thermal destruction as a result of the ultrafast heating rate of the solid. Comparison of mass spectra recorded by TOF LMMS and FT LMMS

Several characteristic differences are observed between the mass spectra, recorded by FT LMMS and TOF LMMS from the same analyte under the same experimental conditions with respect to laser

wavelength, pulse duration and power density. While FT LMMS offers superior mass resolution and mass accuracy in comparison to TOF LMMS, the TOF effect in FT LMMS with an external source (see earlier sections on TOF LMMS and FT LMMS) means that only partial mass spectra in given m/z windows can be recorded (TOF LMMS always yields mass spectra that cover the entire m/z range). As well as these directly instrument-related data between FT LMMS and TOF LMMS, the mass spectral patterns still reflect additional distinctive features. Specifically, more intense signals from the adduct ions in comparison to the summed intensities of the fragments are seen in FT LMMS as compared to TOF LMMS. This is related to the increased sampling of the selvedge contribution to the initial ion population, created by the laser impact. Also the existence of the two contributions, i.e. direct ion emission from the solid and the selvedge recombination in the gas phase, could be observed by selectively tuning the ion source in FT LMMS so that only one of the contributions had initial energies within the 1 eV trapping energy of the cell. Note that this increased adduct ion detection in FT LMMS applies to both organic and inorganic compounds. For instance, cation and anion adducts of molecules and even dimers are generally detected in FT LMMS from virtually all salts such as Na2SO4, Na3PO4, oxides and binary salts, as opposed to TOF LMMS. Additionally, FT LMMS shows increased signal intensities specifically for fragment ions associated with the fragmentation of adduct ions with low internal energy. Such ions are observed to undergo the loss of small neutral molecules, while ions with high internal energy are subject to more drastic cleavages and rearrangement, which may reduce structural specificity. Finally, TOF LMMS is often handicapped in the analysis of high molecular mass and polar substances. These compounds are hard to desorb from the solid without the aid of matrix-assisted techniques, that require dissolution of the sample in a UV-absorbing matrix and, therefore, are incompatible with the direct local analysis of as-received solid samples. Especially for such strongly adsorbed compounds, the slow release of the analyte over a long time interval (up to several microseconds) occurs (continuing postlaser desorption). The adducts formed upon recombination with for instance Na+ (also thermionically emitted for long periods after the laser pulse) no longer fulfil the TOF LMMS requirement of ion formation within 25 ns. As a result, these ions give rise to broad unresolved peaks or even to a continuous background. However, in FT LMMS, ions formed within a period of 50 µs to several hundreds of µs (depending on the m/z) after the laser pulse are still trapped in the FT LMMS cell


Figure 7 Positive and negative mass spectrum recorded by TOF LMMS from the residue of the eluate of a single peak in analytical HPLC. Reprinted from Van Vaeck L and Lauwers W (1989), Advances in Mass Spectrometry, 11a: 348–349 with permission of Heyden and Son.

together with the ions formed during the laser pulse. As a result, the rang e of compounds to which FT LMMS can be applied, significantly extends towards higher molecular mass and polarity as compared to TOF LMMS.

Selected applications Review of the literature reveals that LMMS is applied to a wide variety of problems in the field of

bioscience, environmental chemistry and materials research. Complete coverage is not feasible in this contribution, which only aims to demonstrate the strengths of the method. Specifically, LMMS excels at yielding, within a relatively short period, qualitative information on the organic or inorganic local surface components from the most diverse samples, often with negligible sample preparation. The transmission type TOF LMMS instruments especially suits biomedical section samples as commonly used for optical and electron microscopy.


The lateral resolution of 0.5 µm allows experiments at the subcellular level. Initial work has concentrated on the localization of elements in specific sites of the tissue. Typical examples involve the assessment of aluminium levels in the bones of chronic haemodialysis patients, the study of lead accumulation in kidneys and calcifications in intraperitoneal soft tissue as a result of chronic lead intoxication, and the detection of several heavy metals in the amalgam tattoos of the oral mucose membrane and human gingiva in direct contact with dental alloys. The relatively low lateral resolution, the lack of automated mapping and the almost impossible quantization strongly hinder the use of LMMS, especially in view of analytical electron microscopy (AEM) with X-ray analysis and the emerging possibilities of nuclear microscopy. As a result, experiments have become gradually directed towards applications where the direct extraction of molecular information from the biological sector could be exploited. Interpretation of the mass spectra in TOF LMMS with low mass resolution may become problematic when the local microvolume constitutes of a complex multicomponent system. As a result, applications were especially successful when LMMS was used to characterize the micrometre-size microliths and foreign bodies, often found in histological sections. In this way, the spheroliths in the Bowman’s membrane of patients suffering from primary atypical bandkeratopathy and the intrarenal microliths, formed after the administration of high doses of cyclosporin were proven to consist of hydroxyapatite. Implants often lead to long– term problems by dispersion of wear particles in tissues, leaching of specific compounds and sometimes subsequent chemical transformation. The pathogenesis of the aseptic loosening of joint prostheses was related to the presence of zirconium oxide in the granular foreign bodies of surrounding tissue. This compound was added to the bone cement to enhance the contrast in later X-ray radiographs. Examples of characterization of organic molecules include the detection of deposits from an anti-leprosy drug in the spleen of treated mice. The study of biomedical sections is not the exclusive field of TOF LMMS, although the lower lateral resolution of FT LMMS limits the number of applications. However, the much better specificity from the superior mass resolution and mass accuracy pays off with increasing complexity of the local composition. FT LMMS is particularly appreciated because of the separation of isobaric ions in the tissue, such as CaO+ and Fe+ ions, the facile assignment of a signal as an ‘organic’ ion or an ‘inorganic’ cluster on the basis of accurate m/z values, and the increased contribution of ions

from the selvedge, which decreases the influence of the local laser power density on the mass spectra. Practical applications widen the range, initiated by TOF LMMS. For instance, the foreign bodies in the inflammed tissue around implants were identified as wear particles from a titanium knee-implant. Other experiments involved the verification of the local molecular composition deduced from relative element abundances in AEM. The apoptotic cell death in the tissue around vein grafts was associated with the presence of hydroxyapatite because of the intense Ca and P signals in AEM. FT LMMS clearly showed the erroneous nature of this conclusion since both elements did not belong to the same molecule. This clearly illustrates the importance of molecular information in microanalysis. Figure 8 illustrates the application of FT LMMS for the in situ identification of pigments in a lichen, Haemmatomma ventosum. The interest in such natural products relates to the understanding of their role in the interception of sunlight and their possible interaction in energy transfer. The optical micrograph shows the dark-red dish-like fruiting bodies or apothecia on the light coloured thallus. The combination of positive and negative ion mass spectra taken from the apothecia gives quite a detailed picture of the molecule. Specifically, the molecular mass is available from the potassium adduct and the numerous fragments serve to deduce structural features. The material is analysed as it is found in nature, without any prior sample preparation. As to materials research, diverse problem-solving examples of LMMS are described. Typical examples involve the identification of local heterogeneities in poorly dispersed rubbers as one of the ingredients of the formulation, the tracing of the origin of occasional organic and inorganic contaminants at the surface of microelectronic devices and the study of segregation and formation of specific compounds in the joints of welded or heat– treated oxide-dispersion-strengthened alloys. Particularly interesting is the study of the dispersion of the magnetic elements inside the polyethylene terephthalate matrix at the surface of faulty floppy discs. Here the capability to detect both inorganic ions and organic structural fragments in the same spectrum is essential for trouble shooting. A final example illustrates how LMMS can contribute to the fundamental understanding of processing of materials. Specific ally, aluminium strips and plates are produced by hot rolling the primary alloy ingots under high pressure and temperature. The lubricating emulsions contain numerous additives, whose composition is empirically optimized. Sometimes, given constituents adhere or interact with the


Figure 8 In situ FT LMMS analysis of a pigment in the apothecia of a microlichen. Reprinted from Van Roy W, Matthey A and Van Vaeck L (1996) Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 10: 562–572 with permission of John Wiley and Sons.


Figure 9 FT LMMS analysis of an additive coating on aluminium. Reprinted from Poels K, Van Vaeck L, Van Espen P, Terryn H and Adams F (1996) Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 10: 1351–1360 with permission of John Wiley and Sons.


surface and cause optical defects upon subsequent coating or surface treatment. FT LMMS was used to study the possible additive– metal interactions. The data in Figure 9 for triethanolamine (TEA) oleate on aluminium show the normally expected simple adduct and fragments, as well as particularly interesting signals due to ions, which include multiply charged anions with Al3+. Since only singly charged aluminium is formed in laser microbeam DI, these Al3+-containing ions must exist as such in the solid and undergo direct ejection. This implies that TEA oleate is likely to bind effectively to the metal, while this additive is often considered as a chemically nonaggressive surfactant in the lubricating emulsions. To conclude, it should be mentioned that one of the major breakthroughs in the field of organic MS emerged from the research on the initial TOF LMMS instruments. Indeed, the now booming field of matrix assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) for the characterization of high molecular mass compounds up to 230 kDa found its roots in the laboratory of Prof. Hillenkamp, which was one of the driving forces behind the development of the initial TOF LMMS instruments. It shows the ingenuity of chemists in exploiting the powerful combination of laser ionization and MS. As to local analysis, the second generation of LMMS, FT LMMS seems to represent a major step in the search for a versatile microprobe, enabling us to characterize the molecular composition of organic and inorganic compounds at the surface of almost any type of solid, electrically conducting or not, with minimal sample preparation.

List of symbols Ekin = initial kinetic energy of ions. See also: FT-Raman Spectroscopy, Applications; Time of Flight Mass Spectrometers.

Further reading Eeckhaoudt S, Van Vaeck L, Gijbels R and Van Grieken R (1994) Laser microprobe mass spectrometry in biology and biomedicine. Scanning Electron Microscopy supplement 8: 335– 358.

Poels K, Van Vaeck L, Van Espen P, Terryn H and Adams F (1996) Feasibility of Fourier transform laser microprobe mass spectrometry for the analysis of lubricating emulsions on rolled aluminium. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 10: 1351– 1360. Struyf H, Van Roy W, Van Vaeck L, Van Grieken R, Gijbels R and Caravatti P (1993) A new laser microprobe Fourier transform mass spectrometer with external ion source for organic and inorganic microanalysis. Analytica Chimica Acta 283: 139– 151. Struyf H, Van Vaeck L, Poels K and Van Grieken R (1998) Fourier transform laser microprobe mass spectromery for the molecular identification of inorganic compounds. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 9: 482– 497. Van Roy W, Matthey A and Van Vaeck L (1996) In situ analysis of lichen pigments by Fourier transform laser microprobe mass spectrometry with external ion source. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 10: 562– 572. Van Vaeck L, Gijbels R and Lauwers W (1989) Laser microprobe mass spectrometry: an alternative for structural characterisation of polar and thermolabile organic compounds. In: Longiévalle P (ed) Advances in Mass Spectrometry, Vol. 11A, pp. 348– 349. London: Heyden. Van Vaeck L, Struyf H, Van Roy W and Adams F (1994) Organic and inorganic analysis with laser microprobe mass spectrometry. Part 1: Instrumentation and methodology. Mass Spectrometry Reviews 13: 189– 209. Van Vaeck L, Struyf H, Van Roy W and Adams F (1994) Organic and inorganic analysis with laser microprobe mass spectrometry. Part 2: Applications. Mass Spectrometry Reviews 13: 209– 232. Verbueken A, Bruynseels F, Van Grieken R and Adams F (1988) Laser Microprobe Mass Spectrometry. In: Adams F, Gijbels R and Van Grieken R (eds) Inorganic Mass Spectrometry, pp. 173– 256. New York: Wiley. Vertes A, Gijbels R and Adams F (eds) (1993) Laser ionisation mass analysis. Chemical Analysis Series, Vol. 124. New York: Wiley.


Laser Spectroscopy Theory David L Andrews, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK


Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

The theory underlying electronic spectroscopy with lasers is essentially the theory of visible or ultraviolet photon interactions. Any spectroscopic technique based on laser instrumentation might in principle be studied with some other kind of light source, but usually at the expense of data quality in terms of signalto-noise or resolution. The distinctive features that arise with the deployment of laser light in electronic spectroscopy are principally those that relate to or exploit the qualities of the electric field produced by the laser beam. The customarily high level of monochromaticity affords the means to obtain high-resolution data, and high field strengths offer scope for the study of multiphoton processes. Another widely vaunted attribute of the laser, the coherence of its output, is only indirectly relevant to spectroscopic applications. In the so-called ‘coherence spectroscopies’ such as self-induced transparency and photon echo, laser coherence is significant only in enabling short and highly intense pulses to be created.

Electric field and intensity Laser electronic spectroscopy is primarily based on coupling between the electron clouds of individual ions, atoms, chromophores or molecules of the sample with the electric field of the impinging laser radiation. The coupling is usually of dipolar character, and its detailed involvement in photonic interactions is to be discussed below. First, it is expedient to characterize the electric field, and to relate it to the laser intensity – as the latter is more directly amenable to experimental measurement. The electric field produced by a coherent, parallel, radially symmetric and plane polarized laser beam propagating in the z-direction, with a wavelength λ and a frequency ν, oscillates sinusoidally in time and space and has an amplitude A which depends on the radial displacement r from the beam centre:

Here k = 2π/λ, the ‘circular frequency’ ω = 2πν and φ is the phase. The vector character of the electric field

is in general determined by the state of polarization, as discussed later: in the case of plane polarization it is directed along a unit vector i perpendicular to the z-direction of propagation. In cases where the line width of the radiation is significant the amplitude additionally has a frequency dependence and, particularly in the case of pulsed radiation, it also varies with the time t. The beam irradiance I (the power per element of cross sectional area), to which the electric and magnetic fields of the radiation contribute equally, is in general given by

The beam thus has radial, frequency and temporal intensity profiles. The radial profile is determined by the mode structure, reflecting the pattern of standing waves sustained within the laser cavity. In the simplest or ideal uniphase case, radiation tracks back and forth in an exactly axial fashion between the end-mirrors. With no hard edge, the beam is then described by an essentially Gaussian distribution, with a beam diameter 2w defined as the transverse distance between points at which the irradiance drops to 1/e2 (13.5%) of its central value, I(0):

Accordingly, the electric field amplitude falls away as exp[−(r/w)2]. For a beam of instantaneous power W, the beam centre irradiance I(0) is given by

Fundamental considerations show that any laser beam can only be focused down to a limiting width whose diameter is of the same order as the wavelength – this is the diffraction limit. The focused beam diameter 2w0 is generally determined by the relation


where λ is the wavelength and θ the angle of convergence of the focused beam. The quantity M2 is a measure of beam quality and has a diffraction-limited value of unity for a fundamental Gaussian-mode beam as represented by Equation [3]. The frequency profile of the laser beam is usually characterized by its full-width at half-maximum (FWHM), ∆ν. The single parameter that most effectively characterizes the degree of monochromaticity is then the quality factor Q, defined as the ratio of the laser emission frequency to its line width. It is also expressible as the coherence length lc (the distance over which photons remain effectively in phase) divided by the wavelength:

In absorption-based laser spectroscopy this parameter represents an upper limit on the achievable resolution, which in practice may be reduced by other features of the instrumentation. The issue of temporal profile is one that primarily relates to pulsed lasers, whose high powers result from their delivery of energy over a short period of time rather than continuously. For such devices the detailed temporal profile of the intensity I(t) is determined by the means of pulsed operation. Individual pulses from giant pulse lasers seldom have the smoothly symmetric shape needed to follow any simple analytic form – and although the more closely symmetric pulses from a mode-locked train are often characterized as having Gaussian shape, that more than anything reflects their characterization by averaging over a large number of pulses. The sech2 intensity profile widely regarded as ideal is, however, achieved in pulses from many of the newer generation of ultrafast lasers. Even continuous-wave laser light generally exhibits temporal fluctuations as a result of imperfect coherence, and the probability of finding a single photon in the volume of space V occupied by the species of spectroscopic interest generally approximates to a Poisson distribution. With a mean number of photons M given by

the probability PN of finding N photons is

Interaction of light and matter In formulating the general theory it is helpful first to establish the dipolar response of each ion, atom, chromophore or molecule ξ to the oscillating electric field of the radiation. This is associated with an interaction operator:

where µ(ξ) is the appropriate electric dipole operator and E(ξ) the electric field vector at the position in space occupied by the species ξ. Electric dipole coupling accounts for the vast majority of the observations in electronic spectroscopy, though other kinds of multipolar interaction (such as electric quadrupole or magnetic dipole) can permit otherwise ‘forbidden’ transitions to occur, through a coupling which is typically weaker by a factor of 102 or 103. Even with the high laser intensities employed for the study of multiphoton processes, the electric fields they produce are seldom comparable to intramolecular coulombic fields. As such, the interaction operator [9] can be treated as a perturbation on the molecular states. The result of these perturbations is to modify the form of the Schrödinger equation so that its usual eigenfunctions no longer represent stationary states, and hence transitions occur. The quantum amplitude for a transition between a given initial state i and a final state f is given by the following result from time-dependent perturbation theory, expressed in Dirac notation:


and H0 is the normal, unperturbed, Schrödinger operator for the molecule. Except for measurements with the most extreme time resolution, evaluation of the quantum amplitude given in Equation [10] leads


to an essentially time-independent result and yields a corresponding transition rate Γ given by Fermi’s ‘Golden Rule’:

Here ρf is the number of energy levels per unit energy interval, the so-called ‘density of states’. Though often overlooked, the size of this latter factor contributes significantly to the ultrafast rates of transitions observed to occur in many large molecules, as a result of their tightly packed quasi-continua of vibronic levels. With increasing n, successive orders of the perturbation series [10] represent a progressively diminishing coupling, with a scale corresponding to the ratio of the radiative electric field in relation to intramolecular coulombic fields. Together, Equations [1], [2] and [9]–[12] correspondingly show that each additional photon interaction typically reduces the rate by a factor of the order (I/J), where J is a level of irradiance which would produce ionization or dissociation – its value is generally in the region 1018±4 W m–2. This figure is substantially undershot in most laser excitation experiments, and as a result the higher orders of photon interaction demand increasingly sensitive detection.

SingIe-photon absorption For a process of single-photon absorption, the quantum amplitude is simply given by

using the convenient shorthand for the vector transition dipole moment, µfi = 〈 fµi〉. The rate Γ as given by Equation [12] depends quadratically on the electric field, and hence through Equations [1] and [2] exhibits a linear dependence on the laser intensity. It follows that, since absorption produces a diminution of the laser intensity on passage through the absorbing sample, the rate of intensity loss is proportional to its instantaneous value, –dI(t)/dt ∝ I(t). In the case of pulsed irradiation, if the amount of absorption per pulse is small and decay processes from the excited state occur on a timescale that is slow compared with the pulse duration, the net absorption per pulse is proportional to the pulse energy. More generally, as the distance z the radiation travels through the sample is proportional to time t through the speed of light, we also have –dI(z)/dz ∝ I(z). Thus the amount of absorption depends on the

path length through Beer’s Law:

where α is the absorption coefficient and C the concentration of (ground state) absorbing species. The former is calculable from secondary effects pursuant on the absorption, or more directly from the relative attenuation of the excitation beam. Weak absorption leads to an intensity loss which has an almost directly linear dependence on distance, as follows from Taylor series expansion of the right-hand side of Equation [14]. Laser excitation here offers few distinctive features at the molecular level, except that at high levels of intensity the increased flux can lead to saturation. Then, a significantly high proportion of the sample molecules undergoes transition to an excited state and, as C varies through depletion of the ground state population, departures from Beer’s law arise. This is a phenomenon that is exploited for analytical purposes with pulsed radiation, in concentrationmodulated absorption spectroscopy. The selection rules associated with single-photon absorption stem from its dependence on the transition dipole moment, which must be non-zero for absorption to occur. To satisfy this fundamental requirement, the direct product symmetry species of the initial and final wavefunctions must contain the symmetry species of the dipole operator – the latter transforming like the translation vectors x, y and z. Probably the most familiar aspect is the Laporte selection rule for centrosymmetric molecules, which allows transitions only between states of opposite parity, gerade (g) ungerade (u). For single-photon absorption in isotropic media, there is essentially no dependence on beam polarization. Such dependence as does exist arises only for optically active (chiral) compounds, and is associated with quantum interference between electric dipole and magnetic dipole (or electric quadrupole) interactions. These weak effects produce the characteristic polarization dependence that is manifest in the phenomena of circular dichroism and optical rotation.

Multiphoton absorption For processes involving the absorption of n photons from a single laser beam, energy conservation dictates


Multiphoton absorption of this kind is essentially a concerted rather than a multistep process, as there is no physically identifiable intermediate stage between the absorption of successive photons. It is, therefore, necessary for the absorbing molecule to be intercepted by the necessary number of photons almost simultaneously, a condition which can seldom be satisfied other than by the use of pulsed laser radiation. Determination of the rate of n-photon absorption from the Fermi rule [12] invokes the quantum amplitude for the process as given by Equations [9]–[11]. In the case of two-photon absorption, for example, we obtain a quadratic coupling with the impinging electric field:

a tensor counterpart to the scalar product of the single-photon result shown in Equation [13], in which α and β here represent the Cartesian indices x, y and z. Equation [16] is written in this concise form (with obvious extension to higher orders) through adoption of the Einstein convention for summation over repeated tensor indices, i.e. both α and β in the above expression are implicitly summed over x, y and z. The molecular response exhibited in Equation [16] is cast in terms of a two-photon tensor whose explicit structure is as follows

in which there is summation over a set of contributions from each molecular state r, of energy Er and FWHM Lorentzian line width 2Γr. Again the extension to higher orders follows, each additional photon interaction introducing one further transition dipole in the numerator and also an additional energy denominator term. For all but the simplest cases the exact form of these is best determined through quantum electrodynamical methods using Feynman time-ordered diagrams. In general the n-photon quantum amplitude exhibits an nth power dependence on the electric field and accordingly the rate given by Equation [12] depends on the nth power of the laser irradiance I. The lack of coherence which is manifest as intensity fluctuations in the beam generally means that the time-average value of In differs from In, where I is the mean irradiance. Consequently the result is usually cast instead in terms of g(n)In, where g(n) is the degree of nth order coherence – having the value of unity for a perfect Poissonian source.

In the case of pulsed radiation the extent of absorption depends on the integral In(t)dt and so involves not only the energy of the pulse but also the temporal profile of the latter. Equally, the radial profile of the beam has a bearing on the extent of absorption. In particular, the nonlinear dependence on intensity means that if the laser beam is focused within a medium exhibiting multiphoton absorption, most of the absorption occurs at the focus. For example a Gaussian beam focused from a beam waist w to the diffraction-limited value w0 as given by Equation [5] generates across its focus a net absorption which is (w/w0)2n times larger than across the unfocused beam. This principle is exploited in imaging techniques based on the detection of fluorescence resulting from multiphoton absorption. Through the nonlinear intensity dependence, Beer’s law condition totally fails to be satisfied in processes involving the absorption of two or more photons, and results cannot be given in terms of conventional absorption coefficients. Again, for two-photon absorption the counterpart to Equation [14] takes the form

where β determines the strength of the two-photon transition. However, the weakness of the absorption generally means that the leading terms of a Taylor series for the right-hand side of Equation [18] provide a very good approximation for the beam attenuation ∆I = I(0) – I(z), which then displays the same essentially linear dependence on distance as weak single-photon absorption. It is evident from the form of Equation [17] that the two-photon tensor and hence the extent of twophoton absorption, is significantly enhanced if the molecule possesses an electronic excited state of an energy close to Ei + ω, for then, in the sum over r, the term that state contributes has an absolute minimum value for the denominator. This situation, typical of multiphoton processes, is known as resonance enhancement, and its physical basis can be understood in terms of the time–energy uncertainty principle:

In frequency regions well removed from resonance, absorption of the first laser photon leads the molecule into a state with a large ∆E, i.e. one that is energy non-conserving. Accordingly, the molecule can exist in such a state only if further


absorption restores energy conservation within a correspondingly short time. However, if the first photon is near resonance with a real molecular state, the intermediate state has a small ∆E and can persist for much longer. This greatly increases the probability that the next photon will arrive within the necessary window. In the limit where exact resonance occurs and ∆E is zero there is no longer any temporal constraint save for the decay lifetime of the resonant state, as that state can be physically populated by single-photon absorption. Then the two-photon process can be completed in a second stage, without the need to fulfil the exacting conditions for both photons to arrive at the same instant. Under resonance conditions the power law for the intensity dependence is also in general modified to reflect the greater significance of whichever stage is the ratedetermining step. Each photon interaction in a multiphoton process governed by dipole coupling is subject to the Laporte selection rules. However, the product selection rules depart substantially from the normal results; for example, if an even number of photons is involved, as in Raman scattering, two-photon absorption and four-wave mixing, then the selection rules g g and u u apply. In general, for a given transition to occur it is necessary that the molecular response tensor possesses at least some non-zero elements. The criterion for this rule to be satisfied is that the product of the irreducible representations of the molecular initial and final states must be spanned by one or more components of the tensor. The representation of the (electric dipole) molecular response tensor T(n), for a process of n-photon absorption from a single beam, has the following general decomposition into irreducible parts or weights n, (n – 2) . . .;

where for even n the parity ϕ = +1 and for odd ϕ = –1, and the series terminates with D (0ϕ) or D (1ϕ) respectively. For molecules of reasonably high symmetry, the operation of the multiphoton selection rule leads to far more states being accessible through multiphoton processes than through conventional single-photon absorption.

polarized laser beam can induce anisotropy in an originally isotropic sample. This results from the fact that the probability of single-photon depends on cos2 θ, where θ is the angle between the relevant molecular transition moments and the photon electric field vector, as in Equation [13]. High intensity pulsed laser radiation can thus create a preferentially oriented population of excited molecules, a process termed photoselection. In many cases rotational relaxation nonetheless destroys this anisotropy within a matter of picoseconds after the inducing laser pulse. The electric field of laser light need not oscillate in a single plane, and often optics are employed to produce other polarizations with a degree of circularity. Circular polarizations are important in forms of laser spectroscopy which exploit angular momentum selection rules, because the photons carry unit quanta of angular momentum. With chiral substances, a small degree of sensitivity to the handedness of the radiation is also manifest in the circular differential response. For two-photon and higher-order processes, however, even the spectra of reasonably symmetrical molecules display a marked dependence on polarization. For generality the polarization state of the laser beam can be expressed in a form that can accommodate arbitrary plane, circular or elliptical states. Instead of the i which determines the direction of the electric field in Equation [1], we then have a unit polarization vector given by


where the latter mutually orthogonal plane polarizations are given the labels that would usually be employed in connection with irradiation of a surface with normal vector Z.

Polarization effects Laser beam polarization plays an obvious role in the orientational effects displayed in photoabsorption by anisotropic media such as crystals, liquid crystals and surfaces. However, strong pumping with a plane

List of symbols A = amplitude of a plane polarized laser beam; c = speed of light; C = ground state concentration;


E = electric field; Er = energy of level r; g(n) = degree of nth order coherence; I = beam irradiance; J = irradiance level producing ionization or dissociation; lc = coherence length; M = mean number of photons; Mfi = quantum probability amplitude; Q = quality factor; r = radial displacement from the beam centre; t = time; T(n) = molecular response tensor; V(ξ) = interaction operator for species ξ; V = volume; w = beam radius; wo = focused beam radius; W = instantaneous beam power; α = absorption coefficient; εo = vacuum permittivity; Γ = transition rate; θ = angle of convergence of the focused beam; µfi = transition dipole moment; λ = wavelength; µ(ξ) = electric dipole operator of species ξ; E(ξ) = electric field vector at the position occupied by species ξ; ρf = number of energy levels per unit energy interval; ν = frequency; ω = circular frequency; = Planck’s constant/2π.

See also: Chemical Reactions Studied By Electronic Spectroscopy; Environmental Applications of Electronic Spectroscopy; Laser Applications in Electronic Spectroscopy; Multiphoton Excitation in Mass Spectrometry; Multiphoton Spectroscopy, Applications; Nonlinear Optical Properties.

Further reading Andrews DL and Demidov AA (1995) An Introduction to Laser Spectroscopy. New York: Plenum Press. Craig DP and Thirunamachandran T (1984) Molecular Quantum Electrodynamics: An Introduction to Radiation–Molecule Interactions. London: Academic Press. Demtröder W (1996) Laser Spectroscopy: Basic Concepts and Instrumentation, 2nd edn. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. Kettle SFAK (1985) Symmetry and Structure. New York: Wiley. Siegman AE (1986) Lasers. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Lead NMR, Applications See

Heteronuclear NMR Applications (Ge, Sn, Pb).

Light Sources and Optics R Magnusson, The University of Texas at Arlington, TX, USA


Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Optics Light

Light emanates from sources with a wide variety of physical embodiments. Examples include the Sun, a sodium arc lamp, an incandescent light bulb, and a helium– neon laser. The physical processes producing light emission appear to be distinctly different for each type of source. On a fundamental level, however, light is generated as a result of acceleration of electric charges. Thus, a synchrotron generates light by accelerating free electrons in a circular storage ring. An incandescent light bulb radiates as a result of

electric-current-induced electronic charge vibrations and subsequent emission of radiation. A laser operates under atomic transitions involving bound charges acting as miniature, light-radiating electric dipole antennas. Electromagnetics

Light propagates as an electromagnetic wave. Maxwell’s equations govern the propagation of light and other electromagnetic waves in free space, in material media, at interfaces, and through apertures. Visible light has wavelengths, λ, expressed in nm or µm (103 nm = 1 µm = 10– 6 m), or frequency, ν, in Hz


or s– 1, detectable by the human eye typically falling within the 380 < λ < 780 nm range. The electromagnetic spectrum includes the ultraviolet (UV) region often defined to be 10 < λ < 380 nm and the infrared (IR) region 780 nm < λ < 1 mm, also of great importance in optics and spectroscopy. Maxwell’s equations yield a wave equation that predicts the propagation of electromagnetic radiation. The most elementary solution is the plane wave expressible as a function of space (x, y, z) and time (t) as

This wave, propagating in the +z direction, is monochromatic with angular frequency ω = 2πν, wavenumber k = 2π/λ, and with λν = c where c is the speed of light in the medium in which the wave propagates. An arbitrary phase factor φ is included. This wave, expressed in terms of the electric field vector e(z,t), has amplitude eo and is linearly polarized along the x direction, with denoting a unit vector. An electromagnetic plane wave is a transverse wave without any field component along the direction of propagation. With e(z,t) representing the electric field (V m– 1), Maxwell’s equations require that an orthogonal magnetic field (A m– 1) vector h(z, t) also be associated with the wave as shown in Figure 1. Since eo = constant, the plane wave is transversely infinite and thus carries infinite energy; it is further infinite in time and exists everywhere in space. In spite of these idealizations, the plane-wave model is exceedingly successful in predicting a large range of optical phenomena such as reflection/refraction at metallic and dielectric interfaces, diffraction by spectroscopic gratings, wave propagation in nonlinear and anisotropic media, etc. A practical, transversely finite, laser beam may be 1 mm in diameter which is 2000 λ for λ = 500 nm; it is well approximated as a plane wave since it is wide on the scale of λ. Polarization

The vectorial nature of the electromagnetic fields representing light implies polarization, a fundamental property of light. The particular orientation of the e-vector of a plane wave incident on an interface has a profound effect on the detailed interaction that takes place and influences, for example, the amount of light that is reflected or transmitted. If the electric field vector is confined to oscillate in a plane (e.g. the x– z plane in Figure 1), the wave is said to be linearly polarized. If the tip of the electric field vector traverses an elliptical path around the direction of

Figure 1 A snapshot of an electromagnetic plane wave with wavelength λ illustrating its spatial characteristics. The electricfield component ex and the magnetic-field component hy oscillate in phase but orthogonal to each other and to the direction of propagation. This wave is said to be linearly polarized along the xdirection.

propagation, the state of polarization is elliptical. Circular polarization and linear polarization are special cases of the general state of elliptical polarization. The influence of the state of polarization is illustrated in Figure 2 where a polarized plane wave in air (refractive index, n1 = 1) is incident on a piece of glass (n2 = 1.5). The index of refraction is defined as n = co /c, where co is the speed of light in vacuum. For s-polarized light, with the e-field oscillating orthogonal to the plane of incidence as shown, the reflectance (Rs, defined as the ratio of optical power density (W cm−2) reflected to that of the input wave) increases monotonically as the angle of incidence, θi, is increased. For a p-polarized incident wave, the reflectance, Rp, differs markedly, even exhibiting a reflection zero when θi = θB, which defines the Brewster angle given by θB = tan−1[n2/n1]. The angle of incidence θi is related to the angle of refraction θt by Snell’s law n1 sin θi = n2 sin θt which holds for both polarization states. Additionally, the angle of reflection is θr = θi. If the wave traverses a rare-todense interface (n1 < n2) then θt < θi. Conversely, if n1 > n2, θt > θi. In particular, for θi such that θt = 90° , total internal reflection occurs and Rs = Rp = 1 for all θi > θc, which is the critical angle given by θc = sin−1 [n2/n1]. Light propagation inside optical fibres in telecommunications systems occurs under conditions of total internal reflection. Diffraction gratings

Diffraction gratings are widely applied on account of their dispersive properties. Thus a beam of polychromatic light incident on a grating spatially separates according to its spectral content. A diffraction grating with period Λ larger than the wavelength generally exhibits multiple diffracted waves excited by a single incident plane wave as illustrated in


Figure 2 Light reflectance as a function of the angle of incidence of a planar air–glass interface. The influence of the state of polarization of the incident plane wave is illustrated.

Figure 3. Diffraction gratings operate in reflection or transmission. In spectroscopic devices, such as monochromators, reflection gratings play key roles. With reference to Figure 3, the grating equation describes the spatial division of the incident wave of wavelength λ into distinct directions θι for each order ι as

where ι = 0, ±1, ±2, ... labels the order of diffraction. Essentially the directions θι correspond to conditions of constructive interference of waves emanating from the grating facets. For a polychromatic incident wave, each component wavelength propagates into directions specified by Equation [2]. Taking θi = constant and differentiating, this angular dispersion is

Thus, the angular spread per unit spectral interval is largest for higher-order (ι) diffracted waves, small grating periods (Λ), and large diffraction angles (θι). The diffraction efficiency, DEι, specifies the optical power carried by the diffracted waves normalized with the power of the incident wave. For the surfacerelief reflection grating of Figure 3 with a squarewave profile, the diffraction efficiency is given by

Figure 3 Illustration of the dispersion properties of a surfacerelief reflection grating. The monochromatic incident wave is diffracted into several waves propagating in directions specified by the grating equation. A change in the wavelength, λ, of the incident wave will alter the directions θι of the diffracted orders. Spectroscopic instruments often employ the first order (ι = 1) to characterize the spectral content of the input light.

where g = πn1 d/λ cos θi. This grating obtains a maximum DE1 of 40.5%. A lossless grating with a sawtooth (blazed) profile has a theoretical maximum DE1 of 100%. Monochromators

A typical monochromator is schematically illustrated in Figure 4. The input light contains a range of


Planck’s radiation law gives the spectral distribution of blackbody radiation. It may be expressed as

Figure 4 The basic elements of a monochromator. The input spectrum contains wavelengths in the range λ1 < λ < λ2. The grating spreads the light within the diffraction orders (say ι = 1) in which the instrument is operated. No other diffracted orders are shown in the drawing for clarity. The width of the slit defines the spectral content of the output light. Reproduced with permission from Oriel Corporation (1989) Oriel 1989 Catalog, Volume II.

wavelengths that are spatially separated with the diffraction grating as shown. The exit slit controls the spectral content of the output light by blocking the undesired wavelengths surrounding the central one. The spectrograph is a similar instrument but without a slit. In this case, the output spectrum is picked up by a detector array such that a prescribed spectral band can be associated with a given detector element.

Thermal sources Thermal sources supply light by heating the source material to a sufficiently high temperature. If an electric current is passed through a filament made of a metal with high melting point such as tungsten, the filament glows. Thermal radiation exhibits a characteristic, spectrally broad, continuous emission spectrum. The laws of blackbody radiation are useful for describing the emission spectra of thermal, or incandescent, sources. A blackbody consists of an ideal material that completely absorbs all incident radiation independent of wavelength. Conversely, the maximum radiation emitted by a hot solid material at a given temperature is that of a blackbody. The radiation properties of a blackbody are determined completely by the absolute temperature. In practice, the characteristics of a blackbody can be obtained approximately by a cavity with a small hole in its side. Radiation entering the cavity through the hole is completely absorbed. As the cavity is heated, blackbody radiation emerges from the hole.

where Mλ is the spectral radiant emittance given in W cm– 2 per unit wavelength. Thus Mλ is the radiated power density per wavelength, λ. Further, T is the absolute temperature (K), Cl = 3.7418 × 10−12 W cm2 and C2 = 1.4388 cm K. These coefficients are expressed in terms of fundamental physical constants as C1 = 2πhco2 and C2 = hco/kB where h is Planck’s constant and kB is Boltzmann’s constant. Figures 5 and 6 illustrate Planck’s law on logarithmic and linear scales demonstrating the shift of the emission peak to shorter wavelengths with increasing temperature as well as increase of the radiated power density. Taking dMλ/dλ = 0 yields the wavelength, λpeak, at which the radiation peak occurs as λpeakT = 0.28978 cm K, which is Wien’s displacement law traced by the dashed line in Figure 5. Finally, calculating the integral

gives the total power per unit area, M, emitted by the blackbody, where the Stefan– Boltzmann constant σ = 5.6703 × 10−12 W cm−2 K−4. As the temperature of the blackbody increases, its colour changes as evident in Figures 5 and 6. The colour of a blackbody is thus uniquely dependent on its temperature. Real sources such as tungsten lamps that have spectral distributions approximating those of blackbodies can be assigned a colour temperature at which the spectrum most nearly overlays that of the blackbody. Outside the Earth’s atmosphere, the Sun can, for example, be approximated as a blackbody at 6200 K, which is, then, the Sun’s colour temperature. Figure 7A shows the spectral distribution of an incandescent lamp fitted with a tungsten filament inside a quartz bulb enclosing a rare gas and a halogen. The spectrum is smooth with a colour temperature exceeding 3000 K containing a significant amount of near-infrared light.

Electric-discharge sources Electric discharge denotes the excitation of atomic states in a gaseous medium on passing an electric current through the medium. An ordinary household


Figure 5 Spectral characteristics of blackbody radiation. The spectral radiant emittance is plotted as a function of the wavelength for several values of the absolute temperature. The slanted, dashed line indicates Wien’s displacement law.

fluorescent lamp is an example of an electric-discharge source. The lamp tube, coated on the inside with fluorescent phosphors, contains a mixture of a rare gas and mercury vapour. On application of sufficiently high voltage across the lamp’s terminals, a low-pressure mercury arc forms. Thus, excited Hg atoms emit UV radiation (a particularly strong line exists at 253.7 nm) which is absorbed by the phosphor and re-emitted as visible light. The phosphor radiation spectrum is concentrated in the visible spectral region; it is smooth with several superimposed discrete lines originating in the Hg atoms. By increasing the lamp’s internal operating pressures and temperatures, high-intensity light can be produced. High-intensity discharge lamps are classified as mercury-vapour, metal-halide, or high-

Figure 6

Similar to Figure 5 on a linear scale.

pressure-sodium types. In these sources, the discharge is contained in arc-tubes placed inside the lamp envelope filled with inert gas. Additionally, short-arc lamps, such as xenon and mercury– xenon lamps, are capable of power output in the multi-kilowatt region. Typical spectral characteristics of such sources are shown in Figures 7B and C. Table 1 gives wavelength ranges and power levels of selected light sources.

Lasers Key characteristics

In contrast to light emitted by traditional thermal or luminescent sources, the laser beam is directional with all of its power confined within a narrow angular range. As the beam expands slowly on propagation, its divergence, ∆θ, is small, often of the order of a milliradian (mrad). A direct result of this confinement of laser power within a small angular region is the high value of laser brightness, or radiance, measured in watts (W) per unit area (cm2) per solid angle (steradian, sr). A typical argon laser beam with 1 mm diameter and 1 mrad divergence carrying a power of 1 W has brightness of ~108 W cm– 2 sr– 1 whereas a 100 W light bulb radiating uniformly into a solid angle of 4π obtains only ~1 W cm– 2 sr– 1. In addition, laser light is highly monochromatic, meaning that the spectral wavelength spread, ∆λ, is small. An associated property of monochromatic sources is temporal coherence; lasers are highly coherent


Table 1 Representative power levels and wavelength ranges for common light sources

Source material

Wavelength range (nm)

Rated power (W)









15−30 000






Tungsten−halogen 240−2 700

250−400 50−1 000

lasers enable applications in diverse fields such as telecommunications, holography, spectroscopy, integrated optics, lithography, and medicine. Specific functions include alignment, distance measurements, holographic data storage, signal processing, image processing, velocity measurement, industrial process control, inspection, surgery, welding, fusion, and propagation of fibre-optic communication signals. Atomic laser processes

Figure 7 (A) Spectrum of a 1000 W tungsten–halogen lamp. Reproduced with permission from Oriel Corporation (1994) Oriel 1994 Catalog, Volume II. (B) Spectrum of a 200 W mercury arc lamp. Reproduced with permission from Oriel Corporation (1994) Oriel 1994 Catalog, Volume II. (C) Spectrum of a 150 W xenon arc lamp. Reproduced with permission from Oriel Corporation (1994) Oriel 1994 Catalog, Volume II.

sources. Further, lasers operate in continuous-wave (CW) or pulsed modes, and they may be polarized or unpolarized. While many lasers operate with fixed output wavelengths, some laser types are tunable over relatively large spectral regions. Finally, laser beams can be focused to tiny spots (~1 µm diameter) with extreme power densities obtainable even for CW lasers.

The term ‘laser’ stands for ‘light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation’. This stimulated emission occurs on interaction between a photon propagating in the laser’s active medium and an atom in an excited state. The incident photon essentially stimulates the emission of an identical photon which joins the incident photon coherently at the same frequency and along the same direction. By viewing the photon as an electromagnetic wave packet, stimulated emission is a coherent wave process wherein the electromagnetic field of the incident photon drives the electrons of the excited atoms into coherent oscillation. The atom then undergoes energy level transition by radiating energy in the form of an optical wavefield that is spatially and temporally coherent with the incident, stimulating wavefield. The fundamental laser process, thus, relies on quantum-mechanical energy levels in atomic systems. Media sustaining laser action possess discrete energy levels with discrete spectral components produced on transitions between particular levels. If the transition is from an upper level E2 to a lower level E1, the emitted photon will have frequency given by


These unique characteristics of lasers make them exceedingly useful in numerous applications. Thus,

where h is Planck’s constant. The transition energy is ∆E = hν = hc/λ.


Suitable laser energy levels have been discovered in thousands of atomic systems occurring in a variety of media. For example, discrete electron energy levels of isolated Ne atoms, originating in proton– electron Coulomb attraction, enable the ubiquitous HeNe laser. Vibrations of molecules with associated harmonic-oscillator type quantum levels are basic to the CO2 laser. Organic dye molecules exhibit electronic, rotational, and vibrational energy levels on account of their size and complex structure. This provides a continuum of available transitions and yields broadband, tunable dye lasers. Semiconductor lasers operate on transitions based on energy-level bands that form on merging of the discrete levels associated with individual atoms in the solid. In thermal equilibrium, an atomic system with N1 atoms in level E1 and N2 atoms in E2 > E1 obeys the Boltzmann principle Figure 8

A four-level atomic energy system.

Spectral content

Therefore, in thermal equilibrium, N2 < N1 and, if ν is in the optical region, N2 N1. Population inversion in the active laser medium is, thus, a nonequilibrium condition that enables lasing. The pumping approach employed depends on the laser medium. Optical flashlamps are used to invert some solid-state laser media (Nd:YAG, ruby), electriccurrent discharge is effective for many gas lasers (HeNe, argon), direct current injection pumps semiconductor lasers (GaAs, InP), and optical pumping with an auxiliary laser (e.g. argon laser) is used to operate dye lasers. Figure 8 schematically illustrates a four-level laser system such as that for a Nd:YAG laser. Population inversion and lasing is established between levels E2 and E1. The optical pump populates level E3 that may be a broad range of closely spaced levels in practice. Decay from E3 down to the metastable upper laser level E2 may occur via radiative or nonradiative relaxation processes. Random radiative emission, or spontaneous emission, occurs without a stimulating electric field, in contrast to stimulated emission. Nonradiative relaxation implies energy transfer via lattice vibration also called phonon modes.

Spontaneous transitions in laser media possess a finite spectral bandwidth ∆ν. The concomitant frequency distribution is described by a line shape function, g(ν), taken to be normalized as

The function g(ν) determines the spectral characteristics of the laser gain coefficient in inverted media. Light emission and absorption are both spectrally governed by g(ν). The functional shape of g(ν) is defined by the particular line-broadening mechanisms of the atomic systems that constitute the active medium. If the atoms in the collection are indistinguishable, i.e. each atom acts the same, the line broadening is said to hom*ogeneous. Lifetime broadening and collision broadening are examples of hom*ogeneous broadening. Systems with distinguishable atoms suffer inhom*ogeneous broadening such as Doppler broadening and lattice-strain broadening. Lifetime broadening is due to the finite lifetime of the excited atomic state. It can be modelled as an exponentially decaying oscillator of the form (see Eqn [1])


emitting a wave of frequency ω0 during the lifetime τ. The frequency content of the decaying oscillator is found by applying a Fourier transform

described by

which defines the exponential gain coefficient. The solution is This leads to a normalized, Lorentzian, line shape function in the vicinity of ω ≅ ω0 = 2πν0 expressed as implying exponential growth of the laser radiation intensity for γ(ν) > 0 or N2 > N1 (inverted medium) and a traditional decay if the system is absorbing, or noninverted, in thermal equilibrium. where ∆ν = 1/πτ is the line width (full width at half maximum, FWHM) of the lifetime-broadened system. This result applies to hom*ogeneous broadening, where each atom in the collection is characterized by a bandspread ∆ν. Short pulses (τ small) yield broad spectra. Atomic collisions that interrupt the decay cause additional broadening by reducing the effective average value of τ. Doppler broadening is a commonly cited example of inhom*ogeneous broadening. The atoms in a gas have a statistical distribution of velocities; the atoms are thus distinguishable by their differing velocities that correspond to different atomic resonance, or transition, frequencies. The resulting Gaussian line shape function is given by

where the FWHM line width is ∆νD = 2ν0[2kBT ln 2/ mc2]1/2 where m is the atomic mass. Thus, as expected, ∆νD increases with increasing T and decreasing mass. For example, the HeNe laser is Doppler broadened with ∆νD ~1.5 GHz whereas the Nd:YAG laser is hom*ogeneously broadened with ∆ν ~120 GHz. The line shape function g(ν) spectrally governs the rate of spontaneous and stimulated emission. The stimulated transition rate per atom is given by Wi = λ2Iν g(ν)/(8πn2hντ), where n is the refractive index and Iν is the intensity (W cm – 2) of the monochromatic optical wave (at frequency ν) causing stimulated emission. The relation to laser gain is established by considering propagation along the z-direction in the laser medium, which can be

Basic laser components

Figure 9 illustrates the building blocks of typical lasers. The active medium (gas, solid, or liquid) is placed between two mirrors constituting an optical resonator. The back mirror is highly reflective with reflectance, R, approaching 100%. The front mirror (output coupler) is also highly reflective but with a finite value of transmittance, T, typically a few percent, to allow the useful output laser beam to emerge from the resonator. The resonator-cavity mirrors may be flat or curved. A laser with two flat mirrors is difficult to align as small misalignment causes the oscillating light wave, making multiple round trips, to walk off and leave the cavity. It is thus a marginally stable configuration. Improved design is obtained with curved mirrors confining the laser light energy efficiently within the resonator. In particular, two mirrors with long radii of curvature constitute a practical, stable laser cavity. The laser medium is pumped with an external source, also shown in Figure 9, to maintain the inverted atomic population needed for laser power amplification to occur. Pumping methods include optical pumping of solid state lasers with incoherent (e.g. xenon) flash lamps, electric-discharge pumping of gas lasers, and direct-current-injection pumping of semiconductor lasers and light-emitting diodes. Collisions can also play a role

Figure 9

Chief components of a laser.


in achieving the population inversion. For example, in the HeNe laser, the electrical discharge (a few kV at a few tens of mA current) drives electrons that collide with He atoms, raising them to excited levels (2s level desired). The He atoms then interact with Ne atoms, raising them to 3s2 levels by collision energy transfer. The resulting metastable state with a few µs lifetime radiates the familiar red photons with 633 nm wavelength. Laser modes

Laser oscillation can build up from noise or from a deliberately injected signal. Before lasing, spontaneous emission generates a flood of photons propagating in random directions. Those taking a path along the resonator axis are reflected back into the active medium (i.e. feedback) and initiate the stimulated emission and amplification process with power provided by the external pump. If the round-trip gain exceeds the round-trip loss, optical energy builds up in the resonator. Since the pump provides finite energy, this oscillating power buildup saturates with steady-state oscillation established when the roundtrip gain equals the round-trip loss. Under these conditions, a steady beam may be emitted from the laser, since the useful output light power is taken as part of the loss. Thus, laser oscillation occurs inside a resonator confining the laser light. The resonator defines the frequency distribution and the spatial distribution of the output light. A resonator with planar mirrors separated by distance L supports longitudinal modes with discrete frequencies

Adjacent modes are thus separated by c/2L. A laser will support those longitudinal modes of frequency νq that fall under the gain curve of the laser medium. Figure 10A shows an example atomic line and several longitudinal cavity modes with six modes having sufficient gain to oscillate, the rest being below threshold and not surviving. The spectral properties of the individual longitudinal modes can be understood by treating the resonator as a Fabry– Perot etalon. Their spectral width, δν, is given in terms of the resonator’s free spectral range, FSR = c/2L, and its finesse, F, as δν = FSR/F. If each of the cavity mirrors has a reflectance R, the finesse is F = πR1/2/(1−R). Figure 11 depicts some of the main components in a large-frame laser such as a commercial argon-ion laser. The resonator supports multiple longitudinal modes as suggested by Equation [16]. The active medium, in the case of argon, supports multiple wellseparated atomic lines any one of which, as shown in Figure 10A, can accommodate several longitudinal cavity modes. To select one of the atomic lines, a prism is inserted in the cavity as shown. By angularly tuning the prism, a principal line, or wavelength, is selected such that it emerges out of the prism at normal incidence on the high reflector. This line can then oscillate in the cavity with other lines cut off. To narrow the laser’s spectrum further, an intracavity etalon is applied. The etalon is a planar Fabry– Perot cavity of thickness de with its FSR = c/2de thus supporting multiple longitudinal modes separated by a much larger frequency spread than the laser cavity modes since L >> de. The etalon is tuned by rotation and by varying its temperature. When an etalon mode coincides with one of the laser modes in Figure 10A, that mode oscillates by itself with the adjacent modes suppressed. The laser then oscillates in a single mode with a corresponding decrease in

Figure 10 Spectral and spatial modes of a laser. (A) Atomic line enclosing several longitudinal resonator modes. (B) Transverse spatial modes of a laser beam. The fundamental TEM00 mode is the Gaussian laser beam profile. The arrows indicate the direction of the beam’s electric field at a given instant of time.


Figure 11 Principal components used to optimize the performance of a laser. The prism selects a particular atomic line and the wavelength of operation. The etalon selects a longitudinal mode and increases the laser’s coherence. Reducing the aperture diameter favours the Gaussian spatial mode. The Brewster windows polarize the beam linearly.

the output spectral line width and associated increase in its level of coherence. The laser in Figure 11 is equipped with Brewster windows (see Figure 2) that force the laser to favour a single polarization state as indicated. In addition to the longitudinal modes discussed, the laser resonator admits multiple transverse modes that appear as spatial intensity variations across the output laser beam as shown in Figure 10B. Such transverse electromagnetic (TEM) modes are labelled with subscripts that count the number of zeros along the (x,y) transverse directions. The most useful mode has no zeros and thus the TEM00 mode is preferred. This mode is the ubiquitous Gaussian laser beam obtained when the laser aperture in Figure 11 suppresses higher-order transverse modes. With reference to Figure 12, the intensity of a Gaussian laser beam carrying a total power P is expressible as

with w(z) = w0[1 + (z/z0)2]1/2 where z0 = πw /λ, called the Rayleigh range, w0 being the beamwaist radius occurring at z = 0, and r2 = x2 + y2. If a thin lens of focal length f, with the lens placed at the waist, focuses this Gaussian beam, the radius of the focal point is

Often z0 >> f which gives wf ~ fλ/πw0. As an example, with f = 10 mm, λ = 0.5 µm, and w0 = 0.5 mm, wf ~ 3 µm. If P = 1 W, this yields a power density at focus of ~3 MW cm−2 or ~3 kW cm−2 if P = 1 mW (e.g. a small HeNe laser). In view of these high power densities, laser safety is an important concern. Eye protective goggles matched to the laser’s wavelengths should be worn when working with lasers.

Figure 12

Parameters of a Gaussian laser beam.

Pulsed lasers

Generation of intense short pulses of light is of interest in many fields, including nonlinear optics and spectroscopy. Pulse lengths in the femtosecond region with pulse power levels of terawatts have been achieved. Two common methods for short-pulse generation, Q-switching and mode locking, are summarized in this section. In Q-switching, the laser is prevented from oscillating with the pump running such that a large inverted population builds up in the cavity. Oscillation occurs on removal of the blockage thereby switching the cavity Q back to its normally high value. A short, powerful optical pulse develops as the available gain rapidly depletes, typically on nanosecond timescales. Q-switching is accomplished by placing electro-optic or acousto-optic modulators inside the cavity or, in a passive manner, with a saturable absorber. The passive approach is particularly simple; a saturable absorber (organic dye solution) becomes transparent when sufficiently high gain has developed thus permitting a high-intensity pulse to escape. As an example, a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser may deliver ~1 J energy per pulse with pulse length of τp ~5 ns, power per pulse ~200 MW, and repetition rate of 10 Hz. An ideal, inhom*ogeneously broadened laser oscillates on multiple longitudinal modes separated by c/2L in frequency. These free-running modes oscillate independently with random, uncorrelated phases. If the phases (φ in Eqn [1]) can be locked together, a periodic laser-pulse train is obtained as output light. To accomplish this, an electro-optic or acousto-optic switching element can be placed in the cavity. It is modulated with a period equal to the resonator’s roundtrip transit time T = 2L/c. Optimum conditions for light buildup correspond to minimum loss, that is an open switch. This switching action tends to lock the phases of the longitudinal modes such that their interference creates a pulse that passes through the open switch without loss. Wide atomic line widths, ∆ν, enclosing a large number of


Table 2

Representative figures characterizing common lasers

Laser type

Wavelengths (nm)


Beam dia (mm)

Divergence (mrad)


Helium−neon Argon−ion Helium−cadmium Dye (Ar pump) Nd:YAG Nd:YAG CO2 GaAlAs InGaAsP Ti:sapphire (Ar pump)

633,1152 351−529 several 325, 442 400−1000 1064 1064 10 600 750−900 1100−1600 700−1100

0.1−50 mW 5 mW−25 W 1−50 mW to 5 W 0.1−500 W (ave) 0.5−1000 W 1−100 W 1−100 mW 1−100 mW 0.1−1 W

0.5−3.0 0.5−2.0 0.3−1.2 0.5−1.0 1−10 1−10 3−7 Divergent output Divergent output 0.5−1

0.5−6.0 0.5−1.0 0.5−3.0 1−2 1−10 1−10 1−5 Large, ~30° Large, ~30° 1−2

CW CW CW CW, tunable Pulsed CW CW CW CW CW, tunable

longitudinal modes produce the shortest modelocked pulses since τp ~ ∆ν−1. For example, Ti:sapphire lasers, with their broad line widths, provide short pulses, with τp ~ 100 fs, average power ~100 mW, and output pulse rate of ~100 MHz being representative numerical data. Table 2 provides numerical parameters for some common lasers.

List of symbols c = speed of light in medium; co = speed of light in vacuum; Cl, C2 = coefficients in Planck’s law; d = grating thickness; de = etalon thickness; DEι = diffraction efficiency of order ι; e = electric field vector; eo = e-field amplitude; El, E2 = energy levels; f = focal length; FWHM = full width at half maximum; FSR = free spectral range; F(ω) = Fourier transform of f(t); g = normalized grating modulation strength; g(ν) = atomic line shape function; h = magnetic field vector; h = Planck’s constant; I(r,z) = intensity of Gaussian laser beam; Iν = intensity of light of frequency ν; k = wavenumber; kB = Boltzmann’s constant; L = laser resonator length; m = atomic mass; M = emittance; Mλ = spectral radiant emittance; n = index of refraction; Nl, N2 = atomic populations; P = power; q = integer mode index; Rs, p = reflectance of s- or p-polarized light; r2 = x2 + y2; t = time; T = absolute temperature; Ts, p = transmittance of sor p-polarized light; w0 = radius of a Gaussian beam at the waist; wf = focal point radius; w(z) = beam radius at arbitrary z; x, y, z = space coordinates; zo = Rayleigh range; γ(ν) = gain coefficient; δν = FWHM of longitudinal cavity modes; ∆θ = laser beam divergence; ∆λ = spectral line width, wavelength; ∆ν = spectral line width, frequency; ∆νD = Doppler line width; τ = lifetime; θi = angle of incidence;

θr = angle of reflection; θB = Brewster angle; θc = critical angle; θι = angle of diffraction; θt = angle of refraction; λ = wavelength of light; Λ = grating period; ν = frequency of light; ν12 = transition frequency; νq = frequency of longitudinal cavity mode; σ = Stefan– Boltzmann constant; ι = diffraction-order integer; τp = pulse length; ω = angular frequency of light; φ = phase. See also: Electromagnetic Radiation; Ellipsometry; Fibre Optic Probes in Optical Spectroscopy, Clinical Applications; Laser Applications in Electronic Spectroscopy; Laser Spectroscopy Theory; Optical Frequency Conversion; Raman Spectrometers.

Further reading Bass M ed (1995) Handbook of Optics: Fundamentals, Techniques & Design, 2nd edn, Vol I, Part 4: Optical sources. New York: McGraw-Hill. Born M and Wolf E (1975) Principles of Optics, 5th edn. Oxford: Pergamon Press. Hecht E (1987) Optics, 2nd edn. Reading, MA: AddisonWesley. Hecht J (1992) The Laser Guidebook, 2nd edn. New York: McGraw-Hill. Proudfoot CN (ed) (1997) Handbook of Photographic Science and Engineering, 2nd edn, Section 1: Radiation sources. Springfield, VA: Society for Imaging Science and Technology. Saleh BEA and Teich MC (1991) Fundamentals of Photonics. New York: Wiley. Siegman AE (1986) Lasers. Mill Valley, CA: University Science Books. Silfvast WT (1996) Laser Fundamentals. New York: Cambridge University Press. Waynant RW and Ediger MN (eds) (1994) Electro-Optics Handbook. New York: McGraw-Hill. Yariv A (1997) Optical Electronics in Modern Communications, 5th edn. New York: Oxford University Press.


Linear Dichroism, Applications Erik W Thulstrup, Roskilde University, Denmark Jacek Waluk, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland Jens Spanget-Larsen, Roskilde University, Denmark


Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Light absorption is not only characterized by energy and intensity, it also has directional properties. These are often overlooked, even when they might provide essential information. Such information includes assignments of electronic and vibrational transitions and information on molecular structure, conformation and association. The directional properties of individual molecules cannot be observed in isotropic samples but require samples that are non-isotropic or aligned. Although a natural (nonpolarized) light beam is nonisotropic in nature, since its electric and magnetic vectors are located exclusively in the plane perpendicular to the direction of the beam, the directional properties of aligned samples may best be studied using linearly polarized light. The term ‘linear dichroism’ refers to the change in absorption that may often be observed for nonisotropic samples when the direction of polarization of the light is changed by 90°. In reality, most light in nature is partially polarized – scattering produces polarized light and most light around us is scattered sunlight. Historians believe that the Vikings used the polarization of light from the blue sky as a navigational aid when they travelled to North America about 1000 years ago. Similarly, except for common solutions, most naturally occurring samples are nonisotropic; this is especially true for samples with a biological origin. The first linear dichroism experiment was actually carried out on a dye-stained cell membrane in the 1880s.

or tensor. The operator that describes absorption probability, the electric dipole operator , is a vector. Thus the corresponding observable property, the transition moment M0f, will also be a vector. M0f may vanish for reasons of symmetry; then the transition between |0〉 and | f 〉 is said to be symmetry forbidden. For example, if the molecule possesses a plane of symmetry, the product of 〈0|, and |f 〉 will be either symmetric or antisymmetric with respect to the plane; if it is antisymmetric, the integral vanishes. The electric dipole operator corresponds to the sum of charges on particles in the molecule times their coordinates and is therefore antisymmetric with respect to any symmetry plane, thus 〈0| and | f 〉 must have different symmetry properties with respect to the plane in order for the integral to be nonzero. In molecules with symmetry elements, the direction of M0f is determined by the symmetry of the two states 0〉 and f 〉. In the important cases of C2v, D2h and D2 symmetric molecules, only three different excited-state symmetries can be reached by an electric dipole transition from a totally symmetric ground state. For example, in the case of D2h, each of the three ‘allowed’ excited state types are antisymmetric with respect to one, and only one, of the three symmetry planes of the molecule. The direction of M0f for the three different allowed transitions is in each case perpendicular to the antisymmetry plane. For transitions to all other excited states, M0f becomes zero; these transitions are said to be symmetry forbidden.

The transition moment Many observable properties in connection with electronic transitions between state 0〉 and f 〉 may be calculated from the two wavefunctions by means of an integral of the type

where Ô is an operator describing the desired property. In many cases Ô is not a scalar but a vector

Production of linear dichroic samples Although many samples occurring in nature are partially aligned from the start, most linear dichroism experiments are performed on samples that have been aligned in the laboratory. Single crystals may be grown of many molecules: if the crystal structure is known and is suitable, information may be obtained on transition moments for electronic and vibrational transitions. In practice, this is often experimentally difficult – very thin crystals are


required for reasonably strong transitions and the interpretation of the spectra may be very complicated, primarily owing to strong intermolecular interactions in the crystal. Alignment in electric fields may be used, especially for large molecules (see the Kerr effect). Magnetic fields may be used to align molecules with permanent magnetic moments, but the effect is weak (see the Cotton–Mouton effect). Further details may be found in the article on linear dichroism instrumentation. In the following we shall consider samples aligned either by photoselection or by dissolving the molecules in ‘anisotropic solvents’. Ordinary photoselection is not based on a physical alignment of a set of molecules. Instead a partially aligned subset of an isotropic molecular assembly is selected by absorption of natural or polarized light. Since the relative transition probability for molecules with different spatial orientations is known, the orientation distribution of molecules in the photoselected sample will often be known. In order to preserve this alignment, the molecules must be kept in a high viscosity solvent, usually at low temperature. Anisotropic solvents may be single crystals of a suitable host molecule, membranes, a fast-flowing liquid, aligned liquid crystals or stretched polymers. With the possible exception of the first of these solvents, the orientation distribution of the sample molecules is not known, but, as we shall see, a complete interpretation of absorption spectra is possible even when only a few, simple properties of this distribution are known.

Description of molecular alignment: One-photon processes The transition probability for linearly polarized light with its electric vector εU along sample (laboratory) axis U at the wavelength of the transition to state f 〉 in a single molecule is proportional to

where (U, M0f) is the angle between U and M0f. The sample axis U is usually chosen according to the properties of the individual sample; most important samples are uniaxial (see below) and in these U is the unique axis. It is clear that the absorption depends on molecular alignment; if the molecule is aligned so that M0f is perpendicular to U, the probability becomes zero, while the maximum absorption probability occurs when M0f is parallel to U. In a typical partially aligned sample the angle (U, M0f) may take on all possible values between 0° and 90° for

individual molecules in the sample. This means that an average value over all sample molecules must be used and we obtain

where the brackets refer to average values for all molecules in the sample. In the important case of a molecular symmetry (C2v, D2h and D2) that only allows transition moments along three different perpendicular x, y and z directions within the molecule, we label the corresponding average cosine square values Kx, Ky and Kz:

for x-, y- or z-polarized transitions, respectively. These three K values are not independent; their sum is equal to 1, which often provides a useful test. Note, however, that K values are useful for any direction in a molecule, for example a low-symmetry molecule; the transition to state f 〉 will, for a given sample alignment, be characterized by the K value Kf :

The molecular direction that corresponds to the largest possible Kf – in other words the direction that, on the average, is best aligned in the molecule with respect to U – is called the orientation axis. Since it is determined by averaging, the position of the orientation axis is not always obvious; as a result, the axis is sometimes called the effective orientation axis. In the symmetrical molecules mentioned above it will be one of the three directions determined by symmetry. It is often labelled z. The least well-aligned axis, with the lowest K value, is often called x and the intermediate axis is called y. The three axes are those that diagonalize a ‘K-tensor’ with elements 〈 cos(u,U)cos(v,U) 〉, where u and v are directions in the molecule. The orientational dependence of the two linear dichroism spectra can easily be expressed in terms of the K values. If the electric vector is along the U axis, we obtain for the resulting absorbance EU(ν):

where the sum is over all relevant transitions f and Af (ν) is equal to the contribution to the absorbance from transition f in a sample of perfectly aligned


molecules (this is also equal to three times the contribution from transition f to the absorbance of an isotropic sample). Similarly, if the electric vector is along the V laboratory axis, perpendicular to U, we obtain for the resulting absorbance EV(ν)

with other transitions), the dichroic ratio at νf, EU(νf)/EV(νf), can be written

Therefore, Kf can be directly determined: where Kf′ = 〈 cos2 (V, M0f) 〉. The linear dichroism is equal to

Uniaxial samples

The equations above are valid for any sample. Each transition moment direction is characterized by two quantities, K and K′. If the sample is uniaxial, i.e. all directions perpendicular to a given sample axis are equivalent, the equations simplify further. We chose U as the sample axis. Since V is now equivalent to the third laboratory axis, W, it can be shown that for all transitions f, Kf′ = (1 – Kf)/2. We obtain

When the two curves EU(ν) and EV (ν) differ very little, i.e. when the LD(ν) is small, a direct measurement of LD(ν) by means of polarization modulation provides a more accurate result. The second (linearly independent) curve is then either the isotropic spectrum

Many important samples have been shown to be or are assumed to be uniaxial, for example solutes in stretched polyethylene or in nematic liquid crystals. It is now simple to determine Kf. If transition f dominates the absorption at νf (if it does not overlap

The situation for nonoverlapping transitions is common in IR spectroscopy, but less common in UV spectroscopy. If transition f is overlapped by other transitions, it is still often possible to determine Kf. This is done by a trial-and-error method (the TEM method) in which a series of linear combinations of the observed spectra are formed, using values of K near the expected value for Kf :

The spectral feature (peak, shoulder) due to transition f disappears from the linear combination when K = Kf. This may provide a very accurate determination of Kf , even in cases of strong overlap. Figure 1 shows the observed spectra, the dichroic ratio (EU(ν)/EV(ν)), and linear combinations of the former that allow a determination of the two different K values present in the spectrum from the disappearance of the three major peaks in the spectrum. Figure 2 shows a plot of Kz values against Ky values for a large number of symmetrical molecules aligned in stretched polyethylene. Obviously, shape is very important for the alignment. The triangle shows the theoretical limits for the K values, assuming that Kz ≥ Ky ≥ Kx. The lower left side corresponds to a rod-like alignment, Kx = Ky, and the lower right side to a disc-like alignment, Kz = Ky. It is remarkable that the simple use of squares of directional cosines (the K values; sometimes equivalent quantities are used, the Saupe S matrices and the order parameters) provides a description of all directional properties of the sample, which can be observed in absorption spectroscopy, without any assumptions. Several alternative descriptions (the Fraser–Beer model, the Tanizaki model, the Popov model) involve assumptions that are rarely fulfilled. At the same time, some of these models tend to be mathematically complex. A simple extension of the


K values to averages of fourth powers of directional cosines (L values) makes it possible to describe twophoton processes (luminescence, two-photon absorption, Raman) in aligned samples.

Linear dichroism spectra: Interpretation Photoselection

We shall in the following only consider the photoselection of a subset of molecules from an isotropic, ‘stationary’ sample. By stationary is meant that the sample molecules do not rotate on the timescale of the experiment. Descriptions of photoselection from an already aligned sample or, from a sample with molecular rotational movement, or of photoselection of each molecule with two photons, are more complicated but are available in the literature. Photoselection is usually performed with a collimated light beam with a well-defined wavelength; the light may be either linearly polarized or natural/circularly polarized, the two latter will produce similar results. When an aligned subset of sample molecules is selected, another aligned subset, that consisting of the remaining molecules, is also created. When the sample depletion is negligible, the former set of molecules is small in number, but have a high degree of alignment, while the remaining molecules have negligible alignment. When the sample depletion is substantial, both the selected set and remaining set of molecules will be aligned. We shall in the following assume that only one transition is responsible for the photoselection of a small fraction of the sample. Other cases are also of interest and are described in the literature. Photoselection: negligible depletion; linearly polarized light

The photoselected sample becomes uniaxial with respect to the electric vector of the light, which we label U. On the molecular level, the transition moment direction for the transition responsible for the photoselection becomes the orientation axis, which we label molecular axis z. All directions perpendicular to z will have the same K value. We obtain a rod-like alignment of the photoselected molecules: Kz = 3/5; Ky = Kx = 1/5. Photoselection: negligible depletion; natural or circularly polarized light

The photoselected sample becomes uniaxial with respect to the direction of light propagation, which

Figure 1 UV spectra of pyrene in stretched polyethylene at 77K. Absorbance in arbitrary units. (A) EU and EV (baselinecorrected) and the dichroic ratio EU /EV. (B) and (C) Linear combinations of EU and EV, in search of spectral curves corresponding to Az and Ay, respectively (the TEM trial-and-error process). Adapted by permission from Langkilde FW, Gisin M, Thulstrup EW and Michl J (1983) Journal of Physics and Chemistry 87: 2901–2911.

we label U. On the molecular level, the transition moment of the absorbing transitions now defines the axis that is least aligned with U, which we label x. We obtain a disc-like alignment of the photoselected molecules: Kx = 1/5; Ky = Kz = 2/5. An interesting aspect of these orientation distributions obtained by photoselection is that not only the K values needed for interpretation of absorption spectra but the complete orientation distribution function is known, including the L values.


Figure 2 Values of (Kz, Ky) for aromatic molecules in stretched polyethylene at 293 K. The molecular z axes are horizontal in the structures, the y-axes are vertical. Adapted by permission from Thulstrup EW and Michl J (1982) Journal of the American Chemical Society 104: 5594–5604.

Anisotropic (uniaxial) solvents

In the case of molecules aligned in stretched polymer sheets or nematic liquid crystals, the orientation distribution is unknown. Nevertheless, K values for many or all relevant transitions may be easily determined using the TEM method. For molecules with only two different K values, for example with a C3 or higher axis, and in spectral regions where only two different K values exist, linear combinations of the two observed spectra may be formed that correspond to sums of contributions from transitions with the same K value. One important example is that of π–π* transitions in a molecule of C2v or D2h symmetry. The transition moments for these are restricted to two different, perpendicular directions in the molecule; we shall label these directions y and z. The sum of contribu-

tions from z-polarized transitions is Az(ν) = [(1 – Ky)EU(ν) – 2KyEV(ν)]/(Kz – Ky) while the sum of contributions from y-polarized transitions is Ay(ν) = [2KzEV(ν) – (1 – Kz)EU(ν)]/(Kz – Ky) Figure 3 illustrates the resulting curves for the π– π* transitions in pyrene. The separation of transitions into two groups may help identify excited-state symmetries, separate close-lying, differently polarized transitions and reveal hidden transitions. It thereby simplifies the assignment of both electronic and vibrational transitions considerably.


Figure 3 Curves corresponding to purely z-polarized (Az) and purely y-polarized absorbance (Ay) obtained by the TEM method as illustrated in Figure 1. Adapted by permission from Michl J and Thulstrup EW (1995) Spectroscopy with Polarized Light: Solute Alignment by Photoselection, in Liquid, Polymers, and Membranes. New York: Wiley-VCH.

If the molecule is of lower symmetry, very useful, but less specific, results can still be obtained. Let us assume that the molecule has a symmetry plane as its only symmetry element and that the out-of-plane direction, x, corresponds to the lowest possible K value, Kx. Transitions must be polarized either along x or in the yz plane, perpendicular to x. We may therefore observe the following K values: K = Kx or Ky ≤ K ≤ Kz. For a transition f in the (y, z) plane, the angle between the molecular long axis, z, and the transition moment M0f for transition f, (z, M0f), can now be determined from Ky, Kz and Kf :

Figure 4 UV spectra of dibenz[a,h] anthracene. An example of a planar molecule for which π–π* transition moments may be along any direction in the molecular plane. The curves are linear combinations of EU and EV and correspond to transitions that form angles of 0°, 15°, 30°, 45°, 60°, 75°, and 90° with the molecular z axis. Adapted by permission from Pedersen PB, Thulstrup EW and Michl J (1981) Chemical Physics 60: 187–198.

Figure 5 UV absorption (Eiso) (A) and LD spectra (B) of two derivatives of benz[a]pyrene, covalently bound to DNA aligned in a flow. Both derivatives are dihydroxyepoxytetrahydrobenzpyrenes, but their two hydroxy groups are positioned on different sides of the molecular plane (syn, broken line; anti, full line). The absorption below 300 nm is mainly due to the DNA bases, the planes of which are predominantly perpendicular to the DNA helix axis. This explains the negative linear dichroism below 300 nm. The absorption above 300 nm is mainly due to the two derivatives; it is seen that anti has a positive LD, corresponding to a small angle between its molecular plane and the helix axis, while syn has a negative LD, corresponding to a large angle between its molecular plane and the helix axis. The biological difference between the two molecules is considerable; syn is a weak carcinogen, while anti is a very strong one. Adapted by permission from Tjerneld F (1982) Thesis, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden.

An example of the determination of such angles in a molecule with only the molecular plane as symmetry element is shown in Figure 4. Macromolecules, especially DNA, that are difficult to dissolve in stretched polymer sheets or nematic liquid crystals have often successfully been aligned in a flow. Flow LD is measured in a solution between a stationary and a fast-rotating cylinder using a Couette or Maxwell cell. It has proved very useful for the study of the interaction between macromolecules and smaller molecules, for example the attachment of carcinogenics to DNA. The long axis of the DNA molecules, the helix axis, becomes the orientation axis. So far such studies have primarily been performed in the UV-visible region. The two


linearly independent spectra obtained are

The latter curve may be obtained when the flow is stopped. Figure 5 shows Eiso(ν) and LD(ν) for two metabolites of benzo[a]pyrene, of which one is a strong carcinogen, the other weak. The measurement was done in a Couette cell containing a mixture of a small amount of a metabolite with DNA in a weak solution of sodium cacodylate in water. The strong absorption of the DNA bases dominates the spectrum below 300 nm (with a negative LD because the DNA base absorption is polarized in the molecular planes of the bases, which are almost perpendicular to the helix axis). The weak LD absorption of the metabolites correspond to an in-plane polarized transition; it can be studied above 300 nm. The stronger carcinogen of the metabolites has a positive LD, the other a negative. This means that the former is positioned with its molecular plane relatively parallel to the helix axis, while the molecular plane of the latter is more perpendicular to the helix axis.

List of symbols Af (ν) = contribution to the absorbance of transition f in a sample of perfectly aligned molecules; EU(ν) = absorbance (at frequency ν) with electric vector in the specified direction (U, V, etc.); f 〉 = final

state; Kf = average cosine square value = 〈cos2(U, = electric dipole operator; M0f = electric diM0f); pole transition moment; Ô = generic operator; u = a direction in the molecule; U = laboratory axis, unique axis; v = a direction in the molecule (= x, y, z); V = laboratory axis perpendicular to U; W = laboratory axis perpendicular to U and V; 0〉 = initial state; ε = electric vector; ν = light frequency. See also: Laser Spectroscopy Theory; Liquid Crystals and Liquid Crystal Solutions Studied By NMR; Nucleic Acids and Nucleotides Studied Using Mass Spectrometry; Nucleic Acids Studied Using NMR; Optical Spectroscopy, Linear Polarization Theory; Vibrational CD Spectrometers; Vibrational CD, Applications; Vibrational CD, Theory.

Further reading Kliger DS, Lewis JW, Randall CE (1990) Polarized Light in Optics and Spectroscopy. London: Academic Press. Michl J and Thulstrup EW (1995) Spectroscopy with Polarized Light: Solute Alignment by Photoselection, in Liquid Crystals, Polymers, and Membranes. New York: Wiley-VCH. Rodger A and Nordén B (1997) Circular Dichroism and Linear Dichroism, Vol. 106, Oxford Chemistry Masters. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Samori’ B and Thulstrup EW (eds) (1988) Polarized Spectroscopy of Ordered Systems, Vol. 242 of NATO ASI Series, Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic. Thulstrup EW and Michl J (1989). Elementary Polarization Spectroscopy. New York: VCH.


Linear Dichroism, Instrumentation Erik W Thulstrup and Jens Spanget-Larsen, Roskilde University, Denmark Jacek Waluk, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland

ELECTRONIC SPECTROSCOPY Methods & Instrumentation

Copyright © 1999 Academic Press.

All linear dichroism (LD) measurements are performed on anisotropic samples. Many samples occurring in nature are partially oriented from the start. Nevertheless, most LD experiments are performed on samples that have been aligned in the laboratory. Therefore, prior to learning the techniques of measurement, one should become familiar with different procedures used to align molecular ensembles.

Methods of alignment The majority of LD studies are done on partially aligned samples, which exhibit uniaxial orientation. Such samples have a unique direction (optical axis, unique sample axis) with respect to which the solute molecules are oriented. All directions perpendicular to this axis are equivalent. The most widespread method for obtaining partial alignment is the use of anisotropic solvents: stretched polymers or liquid crystals. Stretched polymers This is the simplest and the least expensive method. Solutes may be introduced into the polymers by (i) swelling the polymer with a solution containing the substrate; (ii) diffusion of the vapour of the substrate into the polymer; (iii) casting a film of the polymer from a solution containing the substrate; or (iv) dissolving the substrate in a molten polymer. The most commonly used polymers are low-density polyethylene, best for nonpolar solutes, and poly(vinyl alcohol), used for polar and nonpolar solutes. Both are transparent in the UV-visible regions, and in some regions of the infrared. Mechanical stretching produces uniaxial orientation, its degree increasing with the stretching ratio. The mechanism of orientation is still under debate, but it is evident that the molecular shape is an important factor: the more elongated molecules align on the average better than those that have more spherical shape. Liquid crystals These are experimentally more demanding than polymers. Usually, thermotropic liquid crystals are used, either nematic or compensated

nematic mixtures, obtained from cholesteric components. Many liquid crystals absorb in the UV, but some are transparent down to about 200 nm. The alignment of the liquid crystal sample can be controlled by external electric or magnetic fields, or by cell surface pretreatment such as rubbing or coating. These procedures make it possible to switch the direction of the unique axis from perpendicular to the surface (homeotropic alignment) to parallel (hom*ogeneous alignment). The degree of orientation of the solute depends on its nature and concentration, as well as on the nature and temperature of the sample and the imperfections of the cell surface. Lyotropic liquid crystals, Langmuir-Blodgett films and even monolayers adsorbed on surfaces can also be used as uniaxial orienting media. Single crystals In principle, this classical technique makes it possible to obtain nearly perfect orientation and absolute polarization assignments. However, both the measurement and the interpretation are often difficult. Very thin crystals are required for electronic absorption studies. Intermolecular interactions (Davydov splitting) often complicate the spectra. The solution is to find a single crystal of a suitable host molecule, transparent in the region of interest. These two conditions are often very difficult to meet simultaneously. Electric and magnetic fields Linear dichroism produced as a result of applying an electric field is known as electric dichroism (Kerr effect). The effect is usually quite small for normal-sized molecules, although polymers such as DNA can be oriented very well. The orientation imposed by a magnetic field is even smaller, and therefore its practical use is limited to large molecular ensembles (Cotton–Mouton effect). Flow field Macromolecules, such as DNA, can become orientated by the hydrodynamic shear associated with liquid flow. This is realized experimentally in a Maxwell cell (sometimes referred to as Couette cell). The cell consists of a fixed cylinder and a rotating cylinder: a flow gradient is produced in


the liquid solution contained in the annular gap between the two cylinders. Photoselection and photoorientation This elegant method allows one to obtain a set of partially oriented molecules in a completely isotropic medium. It makes use of the fact that the photoexcited ensemble of molecules is always anisotropic, and thus exhibits LD (transient dichroism). Moreover, if the excitation is followed by chemical transformation, and the environment is rigid enough to prevent molecular rotation, a permanent alignment of both reactant and product is obtained. Such photooriented samples can be studied by conventional LD techniques. Particularly attractive media for use in photoorientation are low-temperature rare gas matrices, which are inert and transparent in both the UV-visible and IR regions.

Techniques of measurement For partially oriented uniaxial samples, two linearly independent spectra can be obtained from an experiment, irrespective of the mode of measurement and the polarization state of the absorbed light. The obvious procedure is to record two absorption spectra, one with the electric vector of light parallel to U, the unique axis of the sample (EU), the other with the electric vector perpendicular to the unique axis (EV). The spectra must be baseline-corrected by subtracting the curves recorded on pure solvents. This yields the largest difference between the tow linearly independent spectra. Other alternatives are also possible. A combination of EU or EV with the spectrum of an isotropic sample, Eiso (=[EU + 2EV]/3) is easily obtained in liquid crystal. In cases where the sample geometry precludes the measurement of both EU and the isotropic spectrum (membranes), the two spectra are EV and Eω, the latter recorded with the incidence angle π/2 – ω, and with the plane of polarization containing the U axis (the ‘tilted plate method’).

Another possibility is to combine either EU or EV with the unpolarized spectrum measured with a depolarizer in front of the sample and the light beam perpendicular to the U axis. Finally, one can use procedures that do not require the use of a polarizer at all, such as recording first the EV spectrum for an aligned liquid solution (with light propagating along the U axis), and then Eiso for the same solution with temperature raised above the isotropic melting point. All these measurements can be performed on a commercial double–beam spectrophotometers supplemented with one or two linear polarizers (Figure 1). Calcite Glan prisms are used for measurements down to about 220 nm. Sheet polarizers can tolerate larger apertures and are much cheaper. On the other hand, their transmission is lower and the wavelength range usually limited to the visible range, although the UV-transmitting polarizing sheets have become available. Various potential sources of errors in LD measurements are: (i) scattering and depolarization by the sample, particularly significant in the UV region; (ii) sample inhom*ogeneity and irreproducibility, which often makes it difficult to reliably record the baseline; (iii) sample birefringence; and (iv) polarization bias of the instrument. For weakly dichroic samples, the separate recording of two spectra is not practical, and the LD has to be measured directly. This is achieved by modulation methods. The state of polarization of the light beam is modulated in time, using a combination of a linear polarizer and, most often, a photoelastic modulator. Since the transmission of the dichroic sample varies for different polarizations of the light, the detector produces an a.c. signal, superimposed on the d.c. signal, owing to the average intensity of the transmitted beam. The analysis of the two signals allows an evaluation of the LD and of the average optical density of the sample. For measurements of this type, one can adapt a spectropolarimeter normally used for circular dichroism measurements (Figure 2).

Figure 1 Schematic diagram of a double-beam spectrophotometer for polarized spectroscopy. LS, light source; M, monochromator; P1, P2, polarizers; S, sample; S′, reference sample (optional); PM, photomultiplier; A, amplifier; REC, recorder. Adapted by permission from Michl J and Thulstrup EW (1995) Spectroscopy with Polarized Light: Solute Alignment by Photoselection, in Liquid, Polymers, and Membranes. New York: Wiley-VCH.


Figure 2 Schematic diagram of a spectropolarimeter adapted for linear dichroism measurements. LS, light source; M, monochromator; P, polarizer; PEM, photoelastic modulator producing time-dependent retardation π sin ω t ; S, sample; PM, photomultiplier; A, d.c. amplifier; LA, lock-in amplifier operating at frequency 2ω; REC, recorder. Adapted by permission from Michl J and Thulstrup EW (1995) Spectroscopy with Polarized Light: Solute Alignment by Photoselection, in Liquid, Polymers, and Membranes. New York: Wiley-VCH.

Although most LD studies are performed by recording the intensity of transmitted light, other methods are also used. One of them detects the LD via fluorescence, the other by photoacoustic spectroscopy. Both methods are very sensitive and avoid some of the errors inherent in the transition mode, such as light scattering. Most of the alignment techniques and methods of measurements used for electronic linear dichroism can be adapted for studies in the IR region. The merits of IR-LD make this technique a very attractive choice, complementing and in many respects surpassing the informational content provided by electronic linear dichroism.

List of symbols Eiso = absorbance in an isotropic sample; EU = absorbance with the electric field vector parallel to the unique axis, U; EV = absorbance with the electric field vector perpendicular to the unique axis (parallel to the perpendicular axis, V ); U = the unique optical axis; ω = angle complementary to the incidence angle in the ‘tilted plate method’.

See also: Linear Dichroism, Theory; Linear Dichroism, Applications; Nucleic Acids and Nucleotides Studied Using Mass Spectrometry; Nucleic Acids Studied Using NMR; Vibrational CD, Applications; Vibrational CD Spectrometers; Vibrational CD, Theory.

Further reading Kliger DS, Lewis JW and Randall CE (1990) Polarized Light in Optics and Spectroscopy. San Diego: Academic Press. Michl J and Thulstrup EW (1995) Spectroscopy with Polarized Light. Sample Alignment by Photoselection, in Liquid Crystal, Polymers, and Membranes. New York: Wiley-VCH. Rodger A and Nordén B (1997) Circular Dichroism and Linear Dichroism, Vol. 106. Oxford Chemistry Masters. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Samori B and Thulstrup EW (1988) Polarized Spectroscopy of Ordered Systems, Vol. 242 of NATO ASI Series, Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic. Thulstrup EW and Michl J (1989) Elementary Polarization Spectroscopy. New York: VCH.

Linear Dichroism Theory See

Optical Spectroscopy, Linear Polarization Theory.


Liquid Crystals and Liquid Crystal Solutions Studied By NMR Lucia Calucci and Carlo Alberto Veracini, University of Pisa, Italy


Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Since the first publications on this subject in 1963, NMR in liquid crystalline systems has been a wide and active field of research in many branches of organic and physical chemistry. In fact, NMR spectroscopy has revealed a powerful means of probing molecular structure, anisotropic magnetic parameters and dynamic behaviour of solute molecules dissolved in liquid crystals. Moreover, this technique has been successfully employed to investigate properties of mesophases themselves, such as their orientational ordering, translational and rotational diffusion and their effects on nuclear relaxation, and molecular organization in different liquid crystalline phases. NMR of different nuclei has been performed: 1 H, 2H and 13C NMR have been used extensively, but a number of studies are reported on 14N, 19F, 23 Na and 31P also. Recently NMR of active isotopes of noble gases dissolved in liquid crystals has also been employed.

Liquid crystals We define a liquid crystal as a state of aggregation that is intermediate between the crystalline solid and the amorphous liquid. In this state the molecules show some degree of orientational order with respect to a preferred direction, n, called the director;

Scheme 1

Classification of thermotropic liquid crystals.

long-range positional order does not exist or is limited to one or two dimensions. In several liquid crystal phases, termed uniaxial phases, only one director is required to describe the molecular order. In contrast, for biaxial phases the orientational order needs two directors for its description. The principal molecular axes are uniformly aligned only on average. The degree to which the molecules are ordered about the director is described by means of a number of parameters, called order parameters. Substances that show a liquid crystalline phase, or mesophase, are called mesogens. Several thousands of compounds, both with low molecular mass and polymeric, are now known to form mesophases. They are mainly highly geometrically anisotropic in shape, rodlike or disclike (hence the terms calamitic and discotic liquid crystals), or they are anisotropic in solubility properties, like amphiphilic molecules and, depending on their detailed molecular structure, they can exhibit one or more mesophases between the crystalline solid and the isotropic liquid. Transitions to these intermediate states may be induced by purely thermal processes (thermotropic liquid crystals) or by the action of solvents (lyotropic liquid crystals). Each of these two categories can be further divided according to the structure of the mesophases and/or molecules; Scheme 1 shows the classification of thermotropic mesophases.


Macroscopic alignment

When subjected to an external magnetic field B0 of sufficient magnitude (> 0.5 T) the molecules in a mesophase exhibit a macroscopic orientation so that the director n is uniformly aligned in the whole sample. The magnetic field exerts a torque on the molecules, which reorientate cooperatively; the induced reduction in free energy is ∆G = ∆χ B (3 cos2 α–1)/6, where ∆χ = χ|| – χ⊥ is the difference between the component of the diamagnetic bulk susceptibility along (χ||) and perpendicular to (χ⊥) the director and α is the angle between the director and the magnetic field. The direction of minimal G, i.e. the preferred orientation of n, depends on the sign of ∆χ. Thus, for calamitic mesogens with aromatic cores, which have ∆χ > 0, n aligns parallel to B0, while for those formed uniquely by aliphatic units ∆χ < 0 and n aligns perpendicularly to B0. Most discotic liquid crystals have ∆χ < 0, and thus an orientation of n perpendicular to B0 is observed. The response time for the alignment depends on the relative values of the magnetic torque experienced by the molecules and of the opposing viscous torque. For most nematic liquid crystals it takes only a few seconds; for some lyotropic phases the alignment is relatively slow and takes minutes or hours. Smectic and columnar discotic liquid crystals are sometimes very viscous and a uniform alignment can only be obtained by reaching these mesophases on slow cooling from the nematic or isotropic phases. For cholesteric samples, the presence of magnetic fields can untwist the helical structure, giving rise to a nematic phase. Molecules dissolved in liquid crystal solvents become partially oriented, the degree of orientation being dependent on the nature and concentration of the solute.

Observable interactions The NMR spectra of molecules in a liquid crystalline environment, either mesogenic molecules or solutes, are dominated by second-rank tensorial properties (T) such as the shielding tensor (σi), the dipolar and indirect spin–spin interactions (Dij and Jij) and, for nuclei with I>1/2, the quadrupolar interaction (qi). In most liquid crystals, molecular reorientations and internal motions reduce these interactions to a welldefined average, without the loss of all information. Moreover, molecular translational diffusion averages out to zero the intermolecular interactions, which thus do not complicate the partially averaged spectra. In the usual high-field approximation, in NMR experiments we measure Tzz, the component of

the averaged interaction tensors resolved along the magnetic field direction (z in the laboratory frame). The observed averaged quantities are related to the interactions in their principal axis systems (PAS), fixed on the molecules or on rigid molecular fragments, by several transformations of reference frames. Since the molecules are not fixed in a lattice, another frame, the liquid crystal (director) frame (LC), has to be defined. The transformation between the molecular and the LC frame is time dependent because of molecular reorientational motions and the use of the order parameters is needed in this step. Thus Tzz relates the NMR measured quantity to the molecular ordering in the mesophases by a number of order parameters depending on the symmetry of the molecule and phase. Measurements of partially averaged second-rank tensors give access only to second-rank order parameters, which are equal to 0 for completely disordered systems, and range from –0.5 to 1 for partially ordered systems, according to 〈3lαlβ – 1〉/2, where lα and lβ are the direction cosines between the PAS and the LC frames. The last step, from the LC frame to the laboratory frame, requires integration over all possible orientations in the case of a powder sample, or the use of a distribution around some preferred orientation in the case of an aligned sample. Chemical shift anisotropy

NMR spectroscopy of oriented molecules provides a simple method for measuring chemical shift anisotropies, ∆σi. The change in chemical shift with respect to a reference signal as a function of the molecular degree of order, which can be varied by changing phase and temperature, determines the elements of the shift tensor. In practice, however, the direct measurement of ∆σi poses problems related to the reference signal, which depends on changes in local and bulk effects produced by variable sample temperature, phase transitions and degree of alignment with temperature. The variable angle spinning (VAS) method can be used to avoid some of these problems. Dipolar and indirect couplings

The direct dipolar coupling, Dijzz, and J , the anisotropic component of the indirect spin–spin interaction in the direction of the magnetic field, appear in the Hamiltonian in the same form. The splittings that arise in NMR spectra are the sum of these two quantities, called the experimental anisotropic coupling (Tij = 2Dijzz + J ). It is therefore important to know experimentally, or to evaluate theoretically, the values of the pseudo-dipolar coupling J in order to accurately determine Dijzz, which is related


to the order parameter of the direction joining the two nuclei and to their distance, i.e. to molecular structure. On the other hand, the magnitude of J , and in particular the components of Jij expressed in a molecular axis system, are related to the molecular electronic structure. The measurement of a finite value of J is not an unambiguous process, as it does not have a unique effect on the spectrum. Attempts to obtain values of J for different pairs of nuclei have been made, and it has been concluded that some indirect couplings such as 1H–1H, 1H–13C, 15 N–1H have small anisotropic contributions, while other couplings such as 13C–13C, 19F–19F, 1H–19F and 1 H–X (where X is Hg, Cd, Si and Sn) may have a significant contribution from the anisotropic term. Quadrupolar interaction

Nuclei with spin I > 1/2 possess electric quadrupole moments which, in the presence of an electric field gradient, give an additional contribution to the spin Hamiltonian, termed the quadrupolar interaction. In anisotropic media this interaction produces line broadening and gives rise to additional lines in the spectrum. 2H has a relatively small quadrupolar moment and is therefore particularly useful for studying anisotropic media. In an X–D bond the field gradients arise almost entirely from the charge on X, and it can be usually assumed that the X–D bond lies parallel to the principal axis for qi, the quadrupolar interaction tensor. Furthermore, for C–D bonds the quadrupolar coupling constants are found to have typical values depending on hybridization (see Table 1).

(see Figure 1) even for molecules with a small number of nuclei and various strategies have been devised for their analysis. For simple spin systems, analytical solutions to the Hamiltonian can be found and transition frequencies and intensities can be written in closed forms. Spectra of complex systems may be simplified by reducing the number of nuclei contributing to them. This may be achieved by partial deuteration of molecules followed either by spin decoupling or spin-echo refocusing. Alternatively, simplified spectra may be obtained by VAS or multiple-quantum experiments. Complex spectra have been analysed by iterative and automatic methods using computer programs; both require good starting parameters, which can be obtained from simplified spectra, and an experienced operator. Recently, methods for automatic analysis have been improved allowing the treatment of very complex systems; with these procedures it is possible to analyse spectra that depend on up to 27 spectral parameters. The dipolar couplings obtained from spectral analysis are then used to determine molecular geometries, namely bond lengths and angles. Since these couplings depend on both geometrical factors and order parameters, they never define an absolute length but only relative distances. In contrast, angles can be measured absolutely. Only for very simple molecular systems with favourable symmetry are there enough dipolar couplings for the determination of both the structural and the order parameters. In more complex cases, the solution must be found iteratively by computer

NMR of liquid crystalline solutions Structural studies of rigid molecules 1

H NMR spectroscopy in oriented media has been widely employed for determining the structure of rigid molecules. Proton spectra in nematic solvents are dominated by hom*onuclear dipolar couplings, Dijzz, whose magnitudes are large (up to 3–5 kHz) compared to the line width and the chemical shift differences and which are observable between all active nuclei in a molecule. The spectra can be very complex

Table 1

Quadrupolar coupling constants for deuterium

C–D bond hybridization

Quadrupolar coupling constant (kHz)


200 ± 5


185 ± 5


170 ± 5

Figure 1 300 MHz proton spectrum of a sample of biphenyl dissolved in the nematic solvent ZLI1115.


calculations, and appropriate programs, such as SHAPE, have been written for this purpose. To get a unique and precise geometrical solution in the case of complex systems, it is highly recommended to record several spectra of the same molecule in different solvents. In addition, information on the carbon positions may be derived from the dipolar coupling constants D (13C–H) observed as the 13C satellites in the proton spectra, even though this method has two considerable disadvantages: the spectra are quite complex and the measured 13C–H couplings are usually less precise than H–H couplings. The presence of molecular vibrations makes internuclear distances and angles, and therefore the degree of ordering, time dependent. Thus the NMR structural data must be corrected for vibration. The harmonic correction can be computed relatively easily and a computer program, VIBR, is available; the structure corrected for these effects, called the rα structure, has the advantage of being unaffected by shrinkage effects, and can be compared with the data obtained from different spectroscopies. The determination of molecular structure by 1H NMR spectroscopy in oriented media is apparently extremely precise: dipolar couplings of the order of 103 Hz can be measured with an error of 10–1 Hz, thus giving a precision of 10–5 in distance ratios. In practice, however, limitations to structure precision apply because of solvent effects, vibrational corrections and anisotropy of the indirect coupling constants, and the precision that can be easily reached is of the order of 10–2 Å in bond lengths and 10–1 degrees in angles. As far as solvent effects on the structure are concerned, correlations of molecular shape with angular orientation have been observed. For example, they are responsible for the observation of dipolar and quadrupolar splittings in NMR spectra of molecules that in their equilibrium conformation possess tetrahedral and higher symmetry. The use of ‘magic’ mixtures has been suggested in order to obtain minimal distortions. Theoretical evaluations of the deformations have been made and used to correct the NMR couplings in structural studies. 2 H NMR has been used to determine quadrupolar coupling constants and asymmetry parameters, once the molecular structure and orientational order parameters are known. NMR in nematic solutions has also been applied in the study of weak molecular complexes. The interactions of systems such as pyridine, pyrimidine and quinoline with iodine have been investigated. 1H and 13 C NMR spectra have been recorded and analysed in order to detect whether the complex formation measurably affects the molecular structure, i.e. the proton and carbon positions. Since these effects are

small, vibrational as well as deformation corrections have been performed. Structural studies of flexible molecules

The presence of large, low-frequency intramolecular motions (such as internal rotation and ring puckering) considerably complicates the interpretation of proton NMR spectra of flexible molecules in nematic solvents. In fact, in this case the effects of two simultaneous motional averagings on the magnetic interactions are present: the internal molecular motions and the overall motions of molecules in the mean potential due to the anisotropic environment. Moreover, owing to possible correlation between these motions, it is not possible to reach the same degree of precision on the orientational and geometrical parameters as can be obtained for rigid molecules. Information about structure and orientational ordering can be obtained for individual rigid molecular fragments. Problems arise about the relationship between the data relating to different fragments and the interpretation of inter-fragment couplings. In early studies, several approximations were made, case by case, and their degree of soundness was tested by comparison of the results with those from other techniques. Later, systematic approaches were introduced for the analysis of dipolar data from flexible molecules; among which the additive potential (AP) method and the maximum entropy (ME) method have been found to be particularly useful. Chiral recognition

A simple and convenient method for enantiomeric analysis by means of NMR has been proposed that consists of using a chiral lyotropic liquid crystal obtained by mixing poly(γ-benzyl-L-glutamate) (PBLG) and various organic solvents. (R) and (S) enantiomers interact with the chiral centres of PBLG and thus orient differently in the liquid crystal solvent, which implies that all the order-dependent NMR interactions are different for the two enantiomers. 2H NMR has been applied successfully to a large number of partially deuteriated chiral molecules bearing various functional groups: enantiomeric excess (ee) up to 98% has been measured by signal integration. In many cases, chemical shift anisotropy of 13C in natural abundance may be used to discriminate enantiomers and to measure ee through conventional integration with an accuracy of about 5%. In this case, isotopic enrichment is not needed and more sites in the same molecule may be observed in the same spectrum. On the other hand, chemical shift differences between enantiomers can be very small (a few hertz) and, in particular for hydrocarbons, the method may not work. At


present the chiral recognition mechanism in PBLG is not fully understood so that it is not possible to assign absolute configurations. Probe studies of liquid crystals

A well-developed approach to the study of structure and dynamics of liquid crystals is based on the use of probes, although the probe can disturb the mesophase. Generally, highly symmetric and rigid molecules are dissolved in mesophases, but, for special purposes, different probes can be chosen; for instance, for lyotropic systems the solvent itself can be used as a probe of the behaviour of aggregates. The order and dynamic behaviour of probes, revealed by suitable NMR techniques, have been used to study phase transitions and pretransitional phenomena. They are also useful for revealing segregation effects: when highly ordered smectic or columnar discotic phases organize themselves, they may exclude added solutes or confine them in aliphatic or interlayer regions. The anisotropic potential acting on a probe is a solute–solvent property and therefore the study of probes gives valuable insight into the mechanism governing solute–solvent interactions. It has been found that very often the probe and the solvent can interact more or less specifically and in some cases an exchange between two or more sites has been inferred from large effects on the apparent geometry of the dissolved molecule. Noble gases have been used as probes and have proved to be very useful for obtaining information about physical properties of liquid crystals. In particular, the shielding of 129Xe is highly responsive to the structure and temperature of the environment and 129 Xe NMR has been employed to monitor phase transitions of thermotropic and lyotropic liquid crystals and the formation of induced smectic phases. Quadrupolar noble gas nuclei are powerful probes for detecting electric field gradients (EFG); 131Xe, 83 Kr and 21Ne quadrupolar splittings and relaxation behaviour in various calamitic liquid crystals have given hints that there are two contributions to the EFG at the site of the nucleus: one is attributed to the distortion of the electron cloud of the atom from spherical symmetry and the other is the external EFG produced by the electric moments of the neighbouring molecules.

most powerful technique for studying this property at the molecular level; its results are extremely useful for testing molecular theories that predict the variation of orientational order as a function of temperature, especially in uniaxial mesophases. The order parameters of different molecular segments in a liquid crystal can be obtained from 2H quadrupolar couplings, 2H–2H, 2H–1H and 13C–1H dipolar couplings, 13C chemical shifts and, for fluorinated mesogens, from 13C–19F dipolar couplings and 19F chemical shifts. The study of deuterium interactions is now a general method in liquid crystal research and, although it requires use of specially deuteriated compounds, it has been widely applied to both thermotropic and lyotropic mesogens. 2H NMR spectra of aligned samples are well resolved and relatively simple (see Figure 2). An analysis of these spectra allows the magnitude of quadrupolar and, in some cases, dipolar splittings to be obtained, which are related to local order parameters for the 13C–2H, 2H–2H and 2H– 1 H directions. 13 C–1H dipolar couplings of a large number of calamitic liquid crystals have been determined by SLF/ VAS, a 2D 13C NMR technique which combines separated local field spectroscopy (SLF) and variable angle spinning (VAS). In this method, mesogens with 13 C in natural abundance are used; however, special software and hardware as well as prolonged spectrometer time are required. It has been shown that the order parameters of the phenyl rings and the aliphatic C–H bonds in liquid crystals, determined by the SLF/VAS technique, are linearly related to their 13C chemical shifts. The same linear correlation is applicable to different compounds in a hom*ologous

NMR of liquid crystals Study of orientational order

Long-range orientational order is a fundamental character of liquid crystals. NMR is perhaps the

Figure 2 30.7 MHz 2H NMR spectrum of 5CB-d15. The peaks are labelled according to their assignment to sites in the molecule. Reproduced with kind permission from Kluwer Academic Publishers from Emsley JW (1985) In Emsley JW (ed) NMR of Liquid Crystals, p 397. Dordrecht: Reidel.


series: this provides a convenient means for the determination of the order parameters of liquid crystals from their 13C chemical shift data, without the need to know the chemical shift tensors. The local order parameters obtained by the various methods can be used to describe the orientational ordering of molecules, or fragments of molecules, through reference system transformations that require assumptions about geometry (i.e. bond length and angles) and conformational distributions. Usually, the order parameters for the aromatic core of mesogens can be determined quite accurately and can be assumed as a measure of the molecular ordering in the mesophases: values up to 0.6–0.7 are found for nematic phases, while values up to 0.9–1.0 are typical of highly ordered smectic and columnar discotic phases. In fortunate cases the measured interactions also allow the calculation of structural parameters of molecular fragments, the structure of mesogenic molecules being too complex for a complete determination. As far as side chains are concerned, the local order parameters relative to the various CH2 and CH3 groups give a measure of chain disorder, being dependent on chain flexibility and conformation– orientation correlations. Different theories of orientational ordering in flexible chains, such as the AP and the chord models, have been formulated and critically tested by comparison with experimental data (see Figure 3). Phase structure determination

Figure 3 (A) Molecular geometry and interacting modules of the 8CB molecule in the chord model; (B) orientational order parameter profile of 8CB at Tc–T = 4 K. The open circles represent experimental values; the bold line gives the calculated profile using the chord model, while the fine line gives the calculated profile using the AP model. The order parameter of the cyanobiphenyl para-axis (i = 0) is reduced by 50% for plotting convenience. Reproduced with permission of Springer-Verlag from Dong RY (1994) NMR of Liquid Crystals, p 107. New York: Springer-Verlag.

NMR spectroscopy can provide valuable information on the structure of mesophases. The most commonly used method for this is the analysis of line shapes in spectra of various nuclei, and, in particular, of 2H. For a large number of mesophases, 2H NMR spectra are motionally averaged and the spectral line shape reflects the phase symmetry. Line shape analysis of 2H NMR spectra has been employed successfully to investigate the molecular organization and tilt angle of smectic C phases, as well as the structure of columnar discotic phases and it has been shown to be more sensitive than optical techniques to some aspect of biaxial ordering. Moreover, this technique has been shown to be extremely helpful in the discrimination of lyotropic phase symmetry. As examples, 2H NMR spectra of some lyotropic phases are reported in Figure 4. Other nuclei can be useful in determining structure of lyotropic liquid crystals. In fact, 14N and 31P NMR have been applied successfully to investigation of the structure of phospholipid aggregates in water.

Figure 4 Schematic view of the cylindrical (A), ribbon (B) and lamellar (C) lyotropic aggregates along with their corresponding 2 H NMR spectral patterns recorded for a potassium palmitate-d3 in a mixture with 7 wt% potassium laurate and 30 wt% water. Reproduced with kind permission from Kluwer Academic Publishers from Doane JW (1985) In: Emsley JW (ed) NMR of Liquid Crystals, p 414. Dordrecht: Reidel.


Molecular dynamics The complex dynamics of liquid crystals is characterized by a superposition of local and collective motions, comprising internal isomerization, overall rotational diffusion (rotation of the molecule about the long axis and reorientation of this axis) and translational diffusion, and collective order fluctuations. Different NMR techniques are designed to follow these motions and to differentiate the various motional modes on the basis of their timescale. Overall molecular reorientations and internal motions take place in the 10–11–10–6 s time window and information about them can be accessed using relaxation rate measurements. By far the best approach is to use 2H NMR experiments where deuterium Zeeman and quadrupolar spin–lattice relaxation times are measured on selectively deuteriated mesogens or on deuteriated probes dissolved in the mesophase. Frequency, orientation and temperature dependence of the spectral densities obtained in these relaxation studies give indications about the various motional modes and are extremely useful for testing orientational diffusion and chain dynamics models. Different deuterium relaxation experiments can be employed to extend the observable dynamic range: the quadrupolar echo sequence gives spin–spin relaxation times sensitive to motions in the range 10–8–10–4 s, while extremely slow motions (10–4–10 s) are accessible by the Carr–Purcell– Meiboom–Gill pulse train. Internal and overall motions that take place on a dynamic scale from 10–7 to 10–4 s can affect the line shape of 2H NMR powder spectra. This is often the case for phenyl ring rotations or chain isomerizations in polymeric liquid crystals and for rotational diffusion in discotic mesophases. Line shape analysis allows different types of motions to be discriminated and the relative kinetic parameters to be obtained. Moreover multidimensional exchange NMR can be applied to characterize molecular details of dynamical processes when the correlation times range between 10–5 and 102 s. Fluctuations in the orientation of the director are better investigated by field cycling experiments that allow frequency-dependent T1 measurements to be performed over a range from 100 Hz to 10 MHz. 1H and 2H spin relaxation studies have been carried out for numerous nematic and smectic liquid crystals to investigate the frequency dependence of director fluctuations, not accessible by experiments run on standard NMR spectrometers. It has been found that this motion is clearly observable by the relaxation

rates only at low frequencies, i.e. below the MHz regime. The translational diffusion motion is usually monitored on macroscopically aligned samples, by imposing a concentration or field gradient. The range of accessible diffusion rates is determined by the spectral or temporal resolution of the measuring technique. Moreover, translational diffusion constants may be determined indirectly by measuring spin–lattice relaxation times (T1, T1D, T1ρ) and analysing them in terms of suitable theories. 1 H and 2H NMR studies of dynamic processes such as isomerization, ring inversion, hindered rotation and intramolecular rearrangement have also been performed on solute molecules in nematic solvents. In the case of proton NMR the dominant anisotropic splittings in the spectra come from the dipole–dipole interaction, and dynamic processes in the range of 10–103 s–1 may be studied by line shape analysis. With 2H NMR the dominant quadrupolar interaction allows motions in the range of 103–109 s–1 to be investigated. Besides the considerably larger dynamic intervals that may be achieved, NMR in liquid crystalline solvents is superior to that in isotropic solvents in revealing the details of reaction mechanisms. In this respect 2D exchange deuteron NMR techniques have also been found helpful.

List of symbols B0 = applied magnetic field; D = dipolar interaction tensor; ee = enantiomeric excess; G = free energy; I = nuclear spin; J = spin-spin interaction tensor; l = direction cosine; n = the director, preferred direction of orientation; q = quadrupolar interaction tensor; T = generic interaction tensor; T1, T1D, T1ρ = spin-lattice relaxation times; Tzz = component of averaged interaction tensor resolved along the magnetic field (z) direction; σ = shielding constant; χ = diamagnetic susceptibility. See also: 13C NMR, Methods; Chemical Exchange Effects in NMR; Chiroptical Spectroscopy, Oriented Molecules and Anisotropic Systems; Diffusion Studied Using NMR Spectroscopy; Enantiomeric Purity Studied Using NMR; 19F NMR, Applications, Solution State; High Resolution Solid State NMR, 13C; Nitrogen NMR; NMR Data Processing; NMR in Anisotropic Systems, Theory; NMR Pulse Sequences; NMR Relaxation Rates; 31P NMR; Rigid Solids Studied Using MRI; Structural Chemistry Using NMR Spectroscopy, Organic Molecules; Xenon NMR Spectroscopy.


Further reading Chandrasekhar S (1992) Liquid Crystals, 2nd edn. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Courtieu J, Bayle JP and Fung BM (1994) Variable angle sample spinning NMR in liquid crystals. Progress in NMR Spectroscopy 26: 141– 169 Diehl P and Khetrapal CL (1969) In: Diehl P, Fluck E and Kosfeld R (eds) NMR — Basic Principles and Progress, Vol. 1. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. Doane JW (1979) NMR of liquid crystals. In: Owens FJ, Poole CP and Farach HA (eds) Magnetic Resonance of Phase Transitions. New York: Academic Press.

Dong RJ (1994) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Liquid Crystals. New York: Springer-Verlag. Emsley JW (ed) (1985) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Liquid Crystals. Dordrecht: Reidel. Emsley JW and Lindon JC (1975) NMR Spectroscopy in Liquid Crystal Solvents. Oxford: Pergamon Press. Jokisaari J (1994) NMR of noble gases dissolved in isotropic and anisotropic liquids Progress in NMR Spectroscopy 26: 1– 26. Luckhurst GR and Gray GW (eds) (1979) The Molecular Physics of Liquid Crystals. London: Academic Press. Luckhurst GR and Veracini CA eds (1994) The Molecular Dynamics of Liquid Crystals. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic.

Lithium NMR Spectroscopy See

NMR Spectroscopy of Alkali Metal Nuclei in Solution.

Luminescence Spectroscopy of Inorganic Condensed Matter See

Inorganic Condensed Matter, Applications of Luminescence Spectroscopy.

Luminescence Theory Mohammad A Omary and Howard H Patterson, University of Maine, Orono, ME, USA


Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction Luminescence refers to the emission of light from an excited electronic state of a molecular species. In the case of photoluminescence, a molecule absorbs light of wavelength λ1 decays to a lower energy excited electronic state, and then emits light of wavelength λ2, as it radiatively decays to its ground electronic

state. Generally, the wavelength of emission, λ2, is longer than the excitation wavelength but in resonance emission λ1 = λ2. Luminescence bands can be either fluorescence or phosphorescence, depending on the average lifetime of the excited state which is much longer for phosphorescence than fluorescence. The relative broadness of the emission band is related to the relative difference in equilibrium


distance in the excited emitting state versus the ground electronic state. Photoluminescence of a molecular species is different from emission of an atomic species. In the case of atomic emission, both the excitation and the emission occur at the same resonance wavelength. In contrast, excitation of a molecular species usually results in an emission that has a longer wavelength than the excitation wavelength. If a chemical reaction results in the production of a molecular species in an excited electronic state that emits light, this phenomenon is termed chemiluminescence. Chemiluminescence usually occurs in the gas or liquid phase. In contrast, photoluminescence can occur in the gas, liquid or solid phases. The next two sections provide a discussion of the basic principles of luminescence spectroscopy, which include the electronic transitions and the important parameters determined from luminescence measurements. Then follow two sections that describe the general characteristics of luminescence measurements and one which provides two case studies for organic and inorganic luminophores. The remainder of the article covers more specific topics and phenomena in luminescence spectroscopy, namely quenching, energy transfer, exciplexes and chemiluminescence. The examples in this article were selected to cover multidisciplinary areas of science.

Figure 1 The Jablonski diagram. Radiative and non-radiative processes are depicted as solid and dashed lines, respectively.

electronic transitions dictate that the spin state should be maintained upon excitation. A plethora of non-radiative and radiative processes usually occur following the absorption of light en route to the observation of molecular luminescence. The following is a description of the different types of non-radiative and radiative processes. Non-radiative relaxation processes

Electronic transitions and relaxation processes in molecular photoluminescence The Jablonski energy level diagram

The radiative and nonradiative transitions that lead to the observation of molecular photoluminescence are typically illustrated by an energy level diagram called the Jablonski diagram. Figure 1 shows a Jablonski diagram that explains the mechanism of light emission is most organic and inorganic luminophores. The spin multiplicity of a given electronic state can be either a singlet (paired electrons) or a triplet (unpaired electrons). The ground electronic state is normally a singlet state and is designated as S0 in Figure 1. Excited electronic states are either singlet (S1, S2) or triplet (T1) states. When the molecule absorbs light an electron is promoted within 10−14– 10−15 s from the ground electronic state to an excited state that should possess the same spin multiplicity as the ground state. This excludes a triplet excited state as the final state of electronic absorption because the selection rules for

Vibrational relaxation Excitation usually occurs to a higher vibrational level of the target excited state (see below). Excited molecules normally relax rapidly to the lowest vibrational level of the excited electronic state. This non-radiative process is called ‘vibrational relaxation’. Vibrational relaxation processes occur within 10– 14– 10– 12 s, a time much shorter than typical luminescence lifetimes. Therefore, such processes occur prior to luminescence. Internal conversion If the molecule is excited to a higher-energy excited singlet state than S1 (such as S2 in Figure 1), a rapid non-radiative relaxation usually occurs to the lowest-energy singlet excited state (S1). Relaxation processes between electronic states of like spin multiplicity such as S1 and S2 are called ‘internal conversion’. These processes normally occur on a time scale of 10– 12 s. Intersystem crossing Non-radiative relaxation processes between different excited states are not limited to states with the same spin multiplicity. A process in which relaxation proceeds between


excited states of different spin multiplicity is called ‘intersystem crossing’. The relaxation from S1 to T1 in Figure 1 is an example of an intersystem crossing. Intersystem crossing is generally a less probable process than internal conversion because the spin multiplicity is not conserved. Because of the lower probability for intersystem crossing processes they occur more slowly (~10−8 s) than internal conversions. Intersystem crossing processes become more important in molecules containing heavy atoms such as iodine and bromine in organic luminophores and metal ions in inorganic luminophores (transitionmetal complexes). Significant interaction between the spin angular momentum and the orbital angular momentum (spin– orbit coupling) becomes more important in the presence of heavy atoms and, consequently, a change in spin becomes more favourable. In solution, the presence of paramagnetic species such as molecular oxygen increases the probability of intersystem crossing. In transition metal complexes, intersystem crossing processes become increasingly important as one proceeds from complexes of the 3d-block to those of the 4d- and 5d-blocks. Non-radiative de-excitation The excitation energy stored in the molecules following absorption must be dissipated owing to the law of conservation of energy. The aforementioned non-radiative processes occur very rapidly and only release very small amounts of energy. The rest of the stored energy will be dissipated either radiatively, by emission of photons (luminescence), or non-radiatively, by the release of thermal energy. The non-radiative decay of excitation energy which leads to the decay of the excited molecules to the ground electronic state is called ‘non-radiative de-excitation’. These processes result in the release of infinitesimal amounts of heat that cannot normally be measured experimentally. The experimental evidence for non-radiative de-excitation processes is the quenching of luminescence. A major route for non-radiative de-excitation processes is energy transfer to the solvent or non-luminescent solutes in the solution. In the solid state, crystal vibrations (phonons) provide the mechanism for nonradiative de-excitation. Radiative processes: fluorescence and phosphorescence

The spin selection rule for electronic transitions (both absorption and emission) states that ‘spin-allowed’ transitions are those in which the spin multiplicity is the same for the initial and final electronic states. Therefore, spin-allowed transitions are more likely to

take place than spin-forbidden transitions. ‘Fluorescence’ refers to the emission of light associated with a radiative transition from an excited electronic state that has the same spin multiplicity as the ground electronic state. Fluorescence is depicted by the radiative transition S1 → S0 in Figure 1. Since fluorescence transitions are spin-allowed, they occur very rapidly and the average lifetimes of the excited states responsible for fluorescence are typically < 10−6 s. Electronic transitions between states of different spin multiplicity are ‘spin-forbidden’ which means that they are less probable than spin-allowed transitions. However, spin-forbidden transitions become more probable when spin– orbit coupling increases. The factors that increase the probability of phosphorescence are the same factors discussed above that increase the probability of intersystem crossing. Therefore, if the triplet excited state is populated by intersystem crossing then luminescence might occur from the triplet state to the ground state. ‘Phosphorescence’ refers to the emission of light associated with a radiative transition from an excited electronic state that has a different spin multiplicity from that of the ground electronic state. Phosphorescence is depicted by the radiative transition T1 → S0 in Figure 1. Since phosphorescence transitions are spinforbidden, they occur slowly and the average lifetime of the excited states responsible for phosphorescence typically range from 10−6 s to several seconds. Therefore, some textbooks refer to phosphorescence as ‘delayed fluorescence’. Photoluminescence refers to both fluorescence and phosphorescence.

Excited-state distortions and the Franck–Condon principle Luminescence spectroscopy can be used to gain information about the geometry of a molecule in an excited electronic state. Such information provides an understanding of the difference in the bonding properties of an excited state relative to the ground state. These properties can be better understood when the electronic transitions are discussed in the context of the potential surfaces of the ground and excited states. Electronic absorption of light occurs within 10– 15 s. Since this time is extremely short the nuclei are assumed to be ‘frozen’ during the time scale of absorption. Therefore, the transitions between various electronic levels are depicted as ‘vertical’ transitions in energy level diagrams. This assumption of negligible nuclear displacement during electronic transitions is known as the ‘Franck– Condon


Figure 2 The Franck–Condon principle. Only vertical electronic transitions are allowed.

principle’. Figure 2 illustrates the Franck– Condon principle. Electronic excited states usually have different geometries than the ground state and, conse-

quently, different equilibrium distances. Since electronic transitions are vertical, only transition A in Figure 2 occurs. Transition C involves an excited state that is largely displaced from the ground state and thus no vertical transition is possible to this state. Transition B, on the other hand, terminates in the lowest vibrational level of the excited state. Figure 2 shows that this transition cannot occur vertically, either. The three transitions depicted in Figure 2 explain why in the Jablonski diagram (Figure 1): (i) the absorption was depicted to a higher vibrational level of the S2 excited state than the ν = 0 level, and (ii) no direct excitation to the triplet excited state (T1) was depicted. Usually, the nuclei of excited molecules are displaced from their ground state positions. The displacement is caused by differences in the bonding properties between the molecular orbitals that represent the ground and excited states, respectively. The extent of the nuclear displacement varies from one case to another. Figure 3 illustrates two cases (A) and (B) of excited state distortion. The transitions depicted in Figure 3 are called ‘vibronic transitions’. A vibronic transition refers to a transition that involves a change in both electronic and vibrational states.

Figure 3 Potential energy diagrams for two cases of excited state distortions: (A) non-zero distortion and (B) zero distortion. The corresponding absorption and emission spectra are shown below. Reproduced with permission from Adamson AW and Fleischauer PD (1975) Concepts of Inorganic Photochemistry, p 4. New York: Wiley-Interscience.


The case shown in Figure 3B represents an extreme case in which the excited state distortion is virtually zero. As a result, the electronic transition for which ν = 0 in both the ground and excited states (called the 0– 0 vibronic transition) has the greatest probability and, thus, the strongest intensity in both absorption and emission spectra. When excited state distortion is significant, as in Figure 3A, the 0– 0 transition becomes much less probable and so its intensity becomes much weaker than other 0– ν vibronic transitions with higher ν values. The probability (P) of the occurrence of a vibronic transition is proportional to the square of the Franck– Condon factor, which is defined as the overlap integral of the vibrational wavefunctions, Ψ(ν). Therefore,

In many instances the absorption and emission maxima correspond to the same (ν1– ν2) vibrational pair. For example, Figure 3A shows that the 0– 2 vibronic transition has the strongest intensity in both the absorption and the emission spectra. This is called the ‘mirror image’ rule and is followed by luminophores whose excited state distortion is zero or small. However, the mirror image rule may not apply for cases where large excited state distortion exists. Examples of each case are provided in the section dealing with organic luminophores. Quantitative information about excited state distortion can be obtained from the luminescence spectra. For cases where vibronic structure is observed, the excited state distortion can be probed qualitatively simply by identifying the most intense vibronic transition: the larger the value of the vibrational level of the excited state, the larger the excited state distortion (as illustrated in Figure 3). Quantitatively, the displacement (∆q) of the excited state equilibrium distance from the corresponding ground state distance can be calculated. The procedure involves the calculation of the Franck– Condon factor as a function of ∆q for each vibronic transition. This results in a calculated emission spectrum, which can be compared with the experimental emission spectrum as a function of ∆q until a good fit is obtained. The actual ∆q would be the value that gives the best fit. The emission (and absorption) spectra in many practical cases do not show resolved vibronic peaks. This is especially the case in solutions of the luminophores at ambient temperatures. The interaction of excited molecules of the luminophore with solvent molecules (especially polar solvents) is responsible for this broadening. There are methods to quantify

∆q in these cases with the aid of some computer programs but the description of these methods is beyond the scope of this article. In the section on inorganic exciplexes, nevertheless, we provide an example in which ∆q is evaluated theoretically for a system that exhibits structureless emission bands. Another quantitative measure of excited state distortion is the Stokes shift, defined as the energy difference between the emission and absorption peak maxima for the same electronic transition. The lower part of Figure 3A illustrates how the Stokes shift is evaluated in typical cases. The Stokes shift of the rare case shown in Figure 3B is zero because the absorption and emission spectra have the same peak positions. The band width can also be used to quantify excited state distortions. The band width is normally quantified in terms of the full-width-at-half-maximum (fwhm). The value of fwhm is calculated as the energy difference between the band positions that have intensities equal to one half the peak maximum, assuming a gaussian shape is obtained for the emission band. In the absence of excited state distortions the emission bands appear as sharp peaks with very small fwhm values (Figure 3B), whereas in more common cases the electronic bands are much broader because of excited state distortions (Figure 3A). In those cases where the emission spectra are devoid of vibronic structure, the fwhm values are calculated for the whole broad band. The Stokes shift and fwhm are parameters for excited state distortion because their values are larger for 0– ν vibronic transitions with higher ν values. The Stokes shift and fwhm are especially useful in cases where the emission spectra are structureless, because of the difficulty of carrying out the ∆q calculation in such cases.

Emission and excitation spectra In luminescence spectroscopy the emission of the luminophore is monitored. There are two different types of luminescence spectra that can be recorded with modern spectrofluorometers, emission and excitation spectra. Note that although the name implies that these instruments measure only fluorescence, spectrofluorometers can also measure phosphorescence, especially when special accessories are added. Spectrofluorometers contain both an excitation monochromator and an emission monochromator. In emission spectra, the excitation wavelength is fixed and the emission monochromator is scanned. The excitation is usually fixed at a wavelength at which the sample has significant absorbance. In excitation spectra, on the other hand, the emission wavelength is fixed and the excitation monochromator is scanned. The emission is normally fixed at a


wavelength that corresponds to the emission peak of the sample. Theoretically, the excitation spectra should mimic the absorption spectra of the luminophores. However, the lamp output is wavelength-dependent. For example, a common light source in modern spectrofluorometers is a xenon lamp. The output of this lamp is a continuum spectra in the range ~200– 1200 nm. The radiation curve approximates blackbody radiation with a maximum near 550 nm and a sharp decline at short wavelengths. A correction is, therefore, needed for the lamp background in order for the excitation spectra to correlate with the absorption spectra. Corrected excitation spectra are usually obtained by using a quantum counter, a strong luminophore capable of absorbing virtually all incident light over a wide range of wavelength. Rhodamine B is a commonly used quantum counter. Concentrated solutions of rhodamine B absorb virtually all the incident light in the 220– 600 nm range. The excitation spectrum of rhodamine B monitoring its emission maximum (633 nm) is determined only by the lamp output in the 220– 600 nm range (Figure 4A). Corrected excitation spectra of luminophores are obtained by dividing the uncorrected spectra by the excitation spectrum of the quantum counter. A common improvement in the corrected excitation spectra versus the uncorrected spectra is to eliminate the sharp ‘spikes’ of the xenon lamp between 450 and 500 nm (Figure 4A). This makes the excitation spectra of many luminophores very similar to their absorption spectra. However, more dramatic differences may exist, especially for luminophores which absorb in the UV region. An example of such a luminophore is the silver complex [Ag(CN) ]. Figure 4B shows the corrected and uncorrected excitation spectra of [Ag(CN) ] doped in NaCl crystals. Note that the corrected excitation spectra are significantly different from the uncorrected spectra. This difference is attributed to the low output of the xenon lamp at wavelengths shorter than 280 nm (Figure 4A), at which [Ag(CN) ] species absorb strongly. Absorption and excitation spectra are complementary. The necessity to obtain a correction for the excitation spectra represents a disadvantage. There are advantages, however, for excitation spectra over absorption spectra. The much higher sensitivity of luminescence techniques compared to absorption techniques is an obvious advantage for excitation spectra. The greater sensitivity of luminescence techniques stems from the fact that the luminescence intensity can be enhanced by increasing the intensity of the excitation source, which is not the case in absorption. The greater sensitivity of luminescence techniques is, however, accompanied by less precision

Figure 4 Correction of the excitation spectra by the quantum counter method: (A) excitation spectrum of rhodamine B; (B) excitation spectra of [Ag(CN)2–]/NaCl doped crystals monitoring the emission at different wavelengths. Corrected and uncorrected spectra are shown as thick and thin lines, respectively.

compared to absorption techniques. The relative ease of acquiring excitation spectra for some materials such as solids represents another advantage over absorption measurements. Finally, excitation spectra can provide valuable information about excited state processes such as energy transfer (see below) that cannot be obtained by absorption spectra.

Luminescence lifetimes Theory

Consider the simplest case in which a molecule A absorbs light and is in an excited electronic state denoted by *A. If the molecule has a single pathway for decay, say fluorescence, we can write the following equation:

This is a first-order process whose rate can be expressed mathematically as:


where kf is the rate constant of the fluorescence decay (Eqn [2]). The reciprocal of kf is called the fluorescence lifetime τf (τf = 1/kf). Integration of Equation [3] gives:

Hence, a plot of ln [*A] versus time (t) should give a straight line with a slope of 1/τf. The value of [*A] is determined from the fluorescence intensity. Experimentally, lifetime measurements are obtained using a pulsed laser source. Pulsing leads to the population of the excited state of A, followed by emission of light by * A with a time profile according to Equation [4]. Figure 5 shows a schematic description of a luminescence decay curve (A) and the plot used for the determination of the excited state lifetime (B). Next, consider the case where *A can exhibit fluorescence (Eqn [2]) and also non-radiative decay:

In this case the lifetime τ becomes:

or the reciprocal of the sum of kf and knr. Generally, the non-radiative rate constant decreases at lower temperatures. As the temperature (T) approaches absolute zero, τ approaches 1/kf. A plot of 1/τ versus T extrapolated to T = 0 K allows one to determine kf as the value of the intercept (see the example in the case study on inorganic luminophores). Therefore, the value of the fluorescence lifetime (τf) is determined as 1/kf. Note that the treatment described in this section applies for both fluorescence and phosphorescence lifetimes and not just for fluorescence. Now consider a final lifetime case in which two states are thermally populated at a temperature T. If excited state 1 has a lifetime τ1 and excited state 2 has a lifetime τ2, the observed lifetime τobs will be a weighted average of the two lifetimes:

with a rate constant of knr. The decay of *A can now be described as: with N = n1 + n2. Assuming that excited states 1 and 2 are non-degenerate and using the Boltzmann distribution function gives:

where ∆E is the energy difference between states 1 and 2 and k is the Boltzmann constant. Fitting τobs versus T to Equation [9] allows the determination of the value of ∆E as well as τ1 and τ2. Fluorescence versus phosphorescence lifetimes

Figure 5 Experimental determination of excited state lifetimes: (A) a plot of the intensity (I ) versus time after the laser pulse. The lifetime corresponds to the time at which the intensity decays to 1/e of its maximum value; (B) a plot of In (I ) versus time after laser pulse. The lifetime here can be calculated directly from the slope of the linear equation.

A major advantage of luminescence lifetime measurements is their use for spectral assignment. Specifically, the assignment of the luminescence bands as fluorescence or phosphorescence is primarily determined via luminescence lifetime measurements. As a rule of thumb, lifetimes on the order of microseconds and longer (milliseconds, seconds) are normally indicative of phosphorescence, while fluorescence lifetimes are normally on the sub-microsecond level (nanoseconds, picoseconds etc). It should be noted, however, that fluorescence and phosphorescence lifetime values vary from one case to another, depending on the system under study as well as


other factors such as the extent of excited state distortion. This causes some subjectivity in the assignment, especially when the measured lifetimes are at borderline levels between the aforementioned levels of fluorescence and phosphorescence lifetimes. The clearest cases are those in which fluorescence and phosphorescence bands are both present in one system. In these cases, the phosphorescence bands exhibit lifetimes that are orders of magnitude longer than the lifetimes of the corresponding fluorescence bands. An example is given for such a case in the section on inorganic luminophores. Luminescence quantum yields

The quantum yield is a luminescence property that is related to lifetimes. The luminescence quantum yield (Φ) is the ratio of the number of photons emitted to the number of photons absorbed. Therefore, the maximum value of Φ is 1. In practice, the quantum yield is less than unity for virtually all luminescent materials. The reason is the large number of nonradiative processes that lead to a decrease in the number of emitted photons. The quantum yield can be defined in terms of the rate constants of the radiative (krad) and non-radiative (knr) processes according to Equation [10]:

The krad term includes the rate of fluorescence and phosphorescence while the knr term includes the rate constants of all the non-radiative processes described previously. Remembering that τf = 1/kf and also using Equation [7], one can express the quantum yield of the fluorescence (Φf) in terms of the luminescence lifetimes as:

A variety of factors are believed to influence the luminescence quantum yields of luminophores. The transition type Because luminescence is a technique of electronic spectroscopy, the same selection rules apply for luminescence as those that apply for absorption. For organic compounds, the most common luminescence bands are due to π*– π and π*– n transitions. The σ*– σ transitions, although strongly allowed, are not normally seen because of their high energies in most organic compounds. The spin

selection rules also apply. Consequently, fluorescence in most luminescent organic compounds is much stronger than phosphorescence (see the example in the section on organic luminophores). For inorganic compounds, the luminescence transitions may involve the energy levels of the ligands (intraligand transitions), the metal ions (d-d transitions), or both the metal and the ligand (charge transfer transitions). Intra-ligand transitions are similar to the transitions discussed above for organic compounds. The d-d transitions are usually forbidden transitions, so the corresponding absorption and emission bands are generally weak. Charge transfer transitions are strongly allowed and can occur either from the ligand orbitals to the metal orbitals (ligandto-metal charge transfer, LMCT) or vice versa (metal-to-ligand charge transfer, MLCT). Structural rigidity Molecules that have rigid structures normally exhibit strong luminescence. Three examples are shown in Scheme 1. In each pair the fluorophore on the left has the more rigid structure, resulting in greater luminescence quantum yield. Note in the third example that the stronger luminescence intensity is due to the complexation with a metal ion (i.e. the complex is more rigid than the free ligand). The higher luminescence quantum yields for rigid luminophores are probably due to the


inhibition of the internal conversion rates and vibrational motion in these compounds. Substitution The nature of the substituents on, say, an aromatic ring may increase or decrease the quantum yield. For example, halogen and ketone substituents on anthracene generally decrease the fluorescence quantum yield. In contrast, the quantum yield of diphenyl anthracene is nearly unity (compared with Φf = 0.4 for unsubstituted anthracene). Phosphorescence becomes an important factor if the substituents contain heavy atoms (for example halogens). In this case the reduction in fluorescence is accompanied by an increase in phosphorescence. This effect (called the heavy atom effect) is specially important in inorganic luminophores because of the involvement of the metal ions. The strong spin– orbit coupling in metal ions leads to the relaxation of the spin selection rules. Therefore, most inorganic luminophores exhibit strong phosphorescence (see below). Other factors Many other factors affect luminescence quantum yields. Among these factors are temperature, solvent, phase and pH. A reduction in temperature suppresses non-radiative processes and thus increases Φ. This is why it is common to run luminescence experiments at cryogenic temperatures. The solvent is involved in many non-radiative processes. An increase in the viscosity of the solvent generally decreases the rate of non-radiative deexcitation. Also, the stretching frequency of the bonds of the solvent molecules is an important factor. For example, one of the common procedures to increase the quantum yield is to run the luminescence measurements in deuterated solvents (e.g. D2O instead of H2O). The quenching caused by the solvent may be removed by running the luminescence measurements in the solid state instead of solutions (examples are given later). Finally, a change in pH may strongly alter the Φ value because the structure of many luminophores may be different in acidic and basic media.

Case studies for photoluminescence Organic luminophores

The luminescence properties of anthracene and its derivatives provide an excellent illustration of the relation between the excited state distortion and the profile of the luminescence spectra. Figure 6 shows the luminescence and absorption spectra of anthracene. Note that the extinction coefficient for the singlet– singlet transition is 8 orders of magnitude higher than the value for the singlet– triplet transition.

This observation suggests that the absorption and emission bands in the region with λ < 500 nm are due to a spin-allowed transition (singlet ↔ singlet), hence the emission in this region is due to fluorescence. On the other hand, the bands in the region with λ > 500 nm are due to a spin-forbidden transition (singlet ↔ triplet), hence the emission in this region is due to phosphorescence. Figure 6 shows that the mirror image rule applies very well to the absorption and fluorescence bands of the S0 ↔ S1 transition. Note that among the vibronic bands, the 0– 0 and 0– 1 transitions have the strongest intensities. These observations suggest that the excited state distortion is very small in anthracene. Figure 6 also shows that there is correlation even between the absorption and phosphorescence characteristic of the S0 ↔ T1 transition. However, the mirror image rule does not apply as strongly as it does for the S0 ↔ S1 transition. For example, the intensity is greater for the 0– 1 transition than for the 0– 2 transition in the phosphorescence band, but the opposite trend is seen in the corresponding absorption band. Moreover, while the absorption and emission peaks are nearly superimposed for the 0– 0 vibronic peak of the S0 ↔ S1 transition, there is a greater separation between the corresponding peaks characteristic of the S0 ↔ T1 transition. These observations are consistent with the excited state distortion for the triplet excited state (T1) being greater than the distortion of the singlet excited state (S1). Substitution of hydrogen atoms of anthracene may lead to a geometry change in the excited state. The extent of this change can be probed by luminescence spectroscopy. Figures 7 and 8 provide an illustration. In Figure 7, the absorption and fluorescence spectra are shown for 9-anthramide. Similar geometries of the ground state and the fluorescent excited state of 9-anthramide are illustrated by: (i) the applicability of the mirror image rule, (ii) the peaks characteristic of the 0– 0 and 0– 1 transitions both being strong, (iii) the absorption and emission peaks being superimposed for the 0– 0 transition. The situation is not the same when the substituent on anthracene is changed from an amide group to an ester group. Figure 8 shows the absorption and emission spectra of cyclohexyl-9-anthroate. Note that the emission spectrum of cyclohexyl-9-anthroate is structureless and the mirror image rule is lost. Also note the large values of the Stokes shift (~6000 cm– 1) and fwhm (~5000 cm– 1). These observations suggest a largely displaced excited state for cyclohexyl-9-anthroate from the ground state geometry of the molecule. In conclusion, Figures 7 and 8 show that the luminescent excited state is much more distorted for the ester derivative of anthracene (cyclohexyl-9-


Figure 6 Emission (solid line) and absorption (dashed line) spectra of anthracene in solution. The assignments of the vibronic transitions are shown in the bottom portion of the figure. Reproduced with permission from Turro NJ (1978) Modern Molecular Photochemistry, p 94. Menlo Park: Benjamin/Cummings.

Figure 7 Emission (right) and absorption (left) spectra of 9-anthramide in tetrahydrofuran. Reproduced with permission from Shon RS-L, Cowan DO and Schmiegel WW (1975) Photodimerization of 9-anthroate esters and 9-anthramide. The Journal of Physical Chemistry 79: 2087–2092.

anthroate) than for the amide derivative of the same molecule (9-anthramide). One can therefore predict that the ester has a greater tendency to undergo photochemical reactions than the amide.

Figure 8 Emission (right) and absorption (left) spectra of cyclohexyl-9-anthroate in benzene. Reproduced with permission from Shon RS-L, Cowan DO and Schmiegel WW (1975) Photodimerization of 9-anthroate esters and 9-anthramide. The Journal of Physical Chemistry 79: 2087–2092.

Inorganic luminophores

The compound BaPd(CN)4.4H2O provides an excellent example for the differentiation between fluorescence and phosphorescence based on lifetimes and


other luminescence properties. Inorganic compounds that exhibit chain structures show interesting luminescence properties in the solid state. The X-ray structure of BaPd(CN)4.4H2O consists of [Pd(CN)4]2– square-planar ions stacked in one-dimensional chains with an intra-chain Pd– Pd distance of 3.37 Å at room temperature. Figure 9 shows the luminescence spectrum of BaPd(CN)4.4H2O at 7 K using a nitrogen pulsed laser for excitation. Two emission bands are observed at ~ 19 × 103 and 26 × 103 cm– 1 (~512 and 382 nm, respectively). These bands are designated the lower energy (LE) and the higher energy (HE) bands, respectively. In Figure 10 the lifetime of the LE band is plotted versus temperature. A linear fit is obtained. From the resulting equation, the lifetime at 0 K is estimated to be ~ 2.5 ms and decreases by approximately a factor of 2 for each 30 K temperature rise. The shorter lifetimes at higher temperatures are due to the larger values of knr at higher temperatures (Eqn [7]). In contrast, the HE band has a lifetime shorter than the instrumental resolution of 10 ns. Thus, the lifetime data suggest that the HE band is fluorescence while the LE band is phosphorescence. Polarized light can be used to study the luminescence bands for BaPd(CN)4.4H2O. The HE band has polarized emission with the phase of polarization of the fluorescence perpendicular to the Pd(CN) square planar plane (z-direction). In contrast, the LE band has polarized emission with the phase of the polarized light the same as the Pd(CN) molecular plane (xy-direction). The metal ions in one-dimensional chained compounds are oriented along one particular direction in crystals of layered compounds (along the xy-direction in BaPd(CN)4.4H2O). The absorption band of BaPd(CN)4.4H2O solid is polar-

Figure 9 Luminescence spectrum of BaPd(CN)4.4H2O at 7 K. A nitrogen laser was used for excitation. Reproduced with permission from Ellenson WD, Viswanath AK and Patterson HH (1981) Laser-excited luminescence study of the chain compound BaPd(CN)4.4H2O. Inorganic Chemistry 20: 780–783.

Figure 10 Lifetime of the 19 × 103 cm−1 luminescence band of BaPd(CN)4.4H2O versus temperature. The dashed line is extrapolation to higher temperatures. Reproduced with permission from Ellenson WD, Viswanath AK and Patterson HH (1981) Laserexcited luminescence study of the chain compound BaPd(CN)4.4H2O. Inorganic Chemistry 20: 780–783.

ized along the xy-direction. The fact that the HE emission band has the same polarization as the absorption band provides further evidence that the HE band is fluorescence. This is because fluorescence takes place immediately after absorption (τ < 10 ns) and from the same singlet excited electronic state as the one which absorption populates. In contrast, the LE band occurs from a triplet excited state long after absorption (τ = 2.5 ms). Because the absorption and the LE emission bands have different excited states, these bands have different polarization. In accordance with the polarization of the HE band along the same direction as the Pd chains, the emission maximum of the HE band undergoes a progressive red shift (longer wavelength, lower energy) as the temperature is decreased. The red shift occurs because cooling leads to a thermal contraction of the intrachain Pd– Pd distance, which results in a smaller hom*o– LUMO energy gap (hom*o = highest occupied molecular orbital, LUMO = lowest unoccupied molecular orbital). In contrast, the position of the LE band is independent of temperature because this band is not polarized along the Pd chains. The preceding results can be compared with the selection rules for all the possible electronic transitions obtained from group theory, to give electronic assignments (term symbols) for each of the luminescence bands. The resulting electronic assignments are 1A2u and 3A2u for the HE and LE bands, respectively. A discussion of the concepts of group theory that lead


to this assignment is beyond the scope of this article. However, it is enough to note that the term symbols of the HE and LE bands of BaPd(CN)4.4H2O differ only in the spin multiplicity (superscripts indicate singlet and triplet, respectively). With this in mind, the difference in the excited state distortion between the HE and LE bands can be used to provide further evidence for the band assignment. The lowest energy absorption band of BaPd(CN)4.4H2O solid has an energy of ~31 × 103 cm– 1. This gives a Stokes shift of ~5000 and 11 500 cm– 1 for the HE and LE bands, respectively. Figure 9 shows that the LE band is much broader than the HE band. The fwhm values of the HE and LE bands are 900 and 3300 cm– 1, respectively. The higher values of the Stokes shift and fwhm for the LE band are consistent with the assignment that the LE band is phosphorescence while the HE band is fluorescence of the same electronic transition. This is the case because the excited state distortion of phosphorescence is greater than that of the fluorescence of the same electronic transition (with a different spin state). The Jablonski diagram shown in Figure 1) illustrates the higher Stokes shift for phosphorescence compared with fluorescence. In summary, the HE and LE luminescence bands of BaPd(CN)4.4H2O are assigned as fluorescence and phosphorescence, respectively. The basis of this assignment is the difference between the two bands in the lifetime values, polarization character, temperature dependence, and excited state distortion (Stokes shift and fwhm values). Finally, an interesting aspect of the luminescence spectrum of BaPd(CN)4.4H2O is the strong phosphorescence intensity (compared with the relative phosphorescence/fluorescence intensity of anthracene). This is a direct consequence of the strong spin– orbit coupling of palladium. This provides an illustration of the heavy atom effect which is generally more important in inorganic luminophores relative to their organic counterparts.

over the path length. Quenching of this type is not generally categorized among the major quenching process because it is a trivial type of quenching that is not really involved in the radiative and non-radiative transitions in luminescence spectroscopy. Both static and dynamic quenching require contact of the luminophore with a quencher molecule. This requirement is the basis of the many applications of luminescence quenching. Because there are so many molecules that can act as luminescence quenchers, an appropriate quencher can be selected for any luminophore under study in order to investigate specific properties of the luminophore. An example of biochemical applications of luminescence quenching is given later in this section. Static quenching

Static quenching occurs upon the complexation of the luminophore (L) with a quencher (Q):

The total concentration of the luminophore, [L]0, is given by:

The dependence of the luminescence intensity on the quencher concentration can be derived by considering the association constant for the formation of the L– Q complex, Ks:

Rearrangement gives:

Quenching of emission Theory

In luminescence spectroscopy, quenching refers to any process that leads to a reduction in the luminescence intensity of the luminophore. Static and dynamic quenching are the most common types of luminescence quenching and will be described in the following sections. A third type of quenching also exists, namely ‘inner-filter quenching’. An inner-filter effect occurs when the total absorbance of the solution is high (greater than 0.1 au). This leads to a reduction in the intensity of the excitation radiation

Static quenching occurs because the resulting groundstate complex is not luminescent and, therefore, the concentration of free L decreases upon its complexation. The ratio [L]0/[L] is a measure of the decrease of the luminescence intensity due to static quenching. In the absence of the quencher (Q), the luminescence intensity, I0, is highest because [L]0 = [L]. In the presence of Q, the luminescence intensity, I, decreases due to static quenching. Therefore, the ratio [L]0/[L] is the same as I0/I. Substituting in Equation [15] gives the


Stern– Volmer equation:

A Stern– Volmer plot of I0/I against [Q] should give a straight line with a slope equal to Ks, which is also known as the Stern– Volmer constant for static quenching. Dynamic quenching (collisional quenching)

Dynamic or collisional quenching occurs when the lifetime of the fluorophore is reduced, thus reducing the luminescence quantum yield. The mechanism of this type of quenching involves a collision of the excited luminophore molecule (*L) with a quencher molecule (Q). As a result, *L returns to its ground state without emitting photons and the excitation energy is transferred to Q. The transfer of the excitation energy to Q leads to a reduction of the excited state lifetime of *L and, therefore, a reduction of the luminescence intensity. It can be shown that the reduction of the luminescence intensity due to dynamic quenching is the same as the corresponding reduction of the excited state lifetime:

where τ0 and τ refer to the lifetimes in the absence and presence of the quencher, respectively. The Stern– Volmer equation that governs dynamic quenching can be derived on the basis of the kinetic model shown in Figure 11. The radiative decay rate (krad) is the reciprocal of the excited state lifetime in the absence of the quencher (1/τ0). The rates of depopulation of *L in the absence and presence of Q are given in Equations [18] and [19], respectively:

Figure 11 Kinetic model for dynamic quenching. In the notation used w. krad and kQ refer to the absorption rate, radiative rate and quenching rate, respectively.

constant for dynamic quenching, KD. Therefore, the Stern– Volmer equation for dynamic quenching can be re-written as:

Note that Equations [16] and [21] are identical in form, and from both equations Stern– Volmer plots can be made in order to obtain the constants KS, and KD, respectively. This can be carried out simply by measurements of the luminescence intensity in the presence and absence of the quencher. However, such a study does not distinguish between the two mechanisms. The easiest and most definitive way to determine the quenching mechanism is to carry out a study of the lifetimes in the presence and absence of the quencher. The excited state lifetime decreases in the presence of quencher if dynamic quenching is the mechanism involved. Note that according to Equation [17] a Stern– Volmer plot can be obtained by plotting (τ0/τ) on the y-axis instead of I0/I:

In contrast, the excited state lifetime is invariant in the presence of the quencher if static quenching is the mechanism involved. Therefore, plotting (τ0/τ) versus [Q] will simply yield a horizontal line parallel to the x-axis (y = 1). Substituting (1/τ0) for Krad, after rearrangement, gives Equation [20], which is the Stern– Volmer equation for dynamic quenching:

The term (kQ τ0) is the Stern– Volmer quenching


Tryptophan residues in a protein luminesce strongly whether they are on the surface of the protein or in its interior. When a quenching experiment is carried out with ionic quenchers, such as the iodide ion, the resulting quenching involves only surface-localized tryptophan residues. On the other hand, non-ionic quenchers, such as acrylamide, are able to penetrate


into the interior of the protein and provide quenching constants that are really average constants and give information about both surface and interior tryptophan residues. One way of separating the fluorescence quenching parameters associated with external and internal fluorophores is to use a double-quenching method in which two quenchers are applied simultaneously. The first quencher is used to selectively quench the fluorescence emission of exposed fluorophores. On the other hand, the second quencher is used to quench the fluorescence emission of both surface and interior fluorophores non-selectively. Figure 12 shows Stern– Volmer plots of two samples of high density lipoproteins, HDL1 and HDL2 (referring to different densities of high density lipoproteins). These samples were obtained from rats raised on diets containing different amounts of the element manganese. A linear plot was obtained only for the manganese-deficient sample of HDL2. From the equation of the straight line for this sample, the Stern– Volmer constant was determined as 0.88 M– 1. The plots were non-linear for the other samples, indicating the presence of more than one class of fluorophores, which are unequally accessible to the charged I– quencher. In Figure 13, the fluorescence quenching of HDL1 by iodide in the presence of various amounts of the non-ionc quencher acrylamide are shown using a modified Stern– Volmer method. The plots are all linear and provide fluorescence quenching parameters characteristic of interior and

Figure 13 A modified Stern–Volmer plot for the fluorescence quenching of HDL1 by iodide in the presence of varying amounts of acrylamide. The data are shown for HDL1 samples obtained from rats fed with manganese-deficient (top) and manganeseadequate (bottom) diet. The fluorescence was monitored at 338 nm (lexc = 295 nm) characteristic of tryptophan residues. Reproduced with permission from Taylor PN, Patterson HH and KlimisTavatzis DJ (1997) A fluorescence double-quenching study of native lipoproteins in an animal model of manganese deficiency. Biological Trace Element Research 60: 69–80. Table 1 Quenching constants for tryptophan residues in different high-density lipoprotein samples

Quenching constant / M−1 MnA KI KA1 KA2

Lipoprotein HDL1 MnD

9.14±0.44 17.18 ± 7.72 5.21±0.88 6.15 ± 1.50 4.27± 0.11 5.96 ± 0.05



4.63 ± 0.00 0.88±0.00 1.61±0.50 – 1.51±0.00 –

MnA, manganese-adequate sample; MnD, manganese-deficient sample; KI, iodide quenching constant; KA1 and KA2, acrylamide quenching constant for exposed and partly-exposed fluorophores, respectively.

Figure 12 A Stern–Volmer plot for the fluorescence quenching of HDL1 (solid lines) and HDL2 (dashed lines). The different legends refer to samples obtained from rats fed with manganeseadequate (◊) and manganese-deficient (ⵧ) diet. The fluorescence was monitored at 338 nm (λexc = 295 nm) characteristic of tryptophan residues. (Reproduced with permission from Taylor PN, Patterson HH and Klimis-Tavatzis DJ (1997) A fluorescence double-quenching study of native lipoproteins in an animal model of manganese deficiency. Biological Trace Element Research 60: 69–80.

surface-exposed residues. Table 1 shows a listing of the quenching constants for the different samples. A statistical analysis of the parameters in Table 1 indicates that the acrylamide quenching constant for exposed fluorophores is significantly different in manganese-adequate HDL1 compared with manganese-deficient HDL1. In manganese-adequate HDL2, there were two populations of fluorophores accessible to acrylamide, whereas in manganese-deficient HDL2, all fluorophores were accessible to both quenchers. It was concluded based on these results that the local environments of the external fluorophores have different structures and charge distribution in manganese-adequate HDL1 versus


manganese-deficient HDL1. For HDL2 samples, it was concluded that one-third of the fluorophores were accessible to iodide and all external and internal fluorophores were accessible to acrylamide in manganese-adequate samples, whereas in manganese-deficient samples, all fluorophores were accessible to both quenchers.

Energy transfer Theory

Energy transfer refers to a process in which an excited atom or molecule (donor) transfers its excitation energy to an acceptor atom or molecule during the lifetime of the donor excited state. Figure 14 shows that as a result of energy transfer, the donor returns to its ground state while the acceptor is promoted to its excited state. If the acceptor is a luminescent species, it can emit by virtue of energy transfer, i.e. the acceptor luminesces as a result of the excitation of the donor. Such a luminescence is called ‘sensitized luminescence’, and some textbooks use the terms ‘sensitizer’ and ‘activator’ instead of ‘donor’ and ‘acceptor’. Many applications in chemistry, physics, materials science and biochemistry are based on sensitized luminescence. A later section provides an example of the application of energy transfer processes in biological systems. Energy transfer processes occur via radiative or non-radiative mechanisms. Radiative mechanisms This mechanism involves the absorption of light by a donor atom or molecule (D) followed by emission of a photon by the donor and the absorption of the emitted photon by another molecule called the acceptor (A). The process can be represented as follows:

The radiative mechanism is important if the acceptor A absorbs at the wavelength at which the donor emits. The efficiency of the process is determined simply by the quantum yield of the donor luminescence and the absorbance of the acceptor at the donor emission wavelength. No significant interaction between A and D is required in this mechanism and, therefore, radiative energy transfer can occur over extremely large separations of D and

Figure 14

Energy transfer from a donor (D) to an acceptor (A).

A. The radiative mechanism is not important if A and D are similar molecules because of the usually small overlap of the emission and absorption spectra in this case. Non-radiative mechanisms The radiative mechanism is a trivial case of energy transfer because it can be characterized by measuring the donor absorption and the acceptor emission separately from each other. In fact, most textbooks refer to the radiative pathway as a ‘trivial mechanism’ for energy transfer and do not really consider it as an energy transfer mechanism. Note in Figure 14 that the donor does not emit light. Instead, the excitation energy is transferred non-radiatively to the acceptor. The non-radiative pathway shown in Figure 14 is the mechanism that is typically used in most textbooks to represent energy transfer processes. Non-radiative energy transfer processes occur via two major mechanisms, the Förster resonance mechanism and the Dexter exchange mechanism. The Förster resonance mechanism involves an electrostatic interaction between D and A. Such an interaction can occur over a long range, i.e. it does not require a very short contact between the donor and the acceptor. Energy transfer via the resonance mechanism may proceed over donor– acceptor distances as long as 50– 100 Å. In order for energy transfer to be efficient via the resonance mechanism, the energies of the donor and acceptor transitions D* → D and A → A* must be nearly identical (hence the name ‘resonance mechanism’). Nevertheless, the presence of phonons (vibrational quanta) may provide assistance for energy transfer when small differences exist between the donor and acceptor excited states. Such processes are called phonon-assisted energy transfer processes (Figure 15). The energies of the phonons should be high enough to surmount the difference


Figure 15 Phonon-assisted energy transfer. The energy difference between the excited states of D and A is provided by phonons.

between the donor and acceptor excited states. However, too high phonon energies increase the likelihood of non-radiative de-excitation (see above), which would take place before energy transfer can take place. The Dexter Exchange Mechanism involves a direct contact between the donor and the acceptor atoms or molecules. The exchange interaction between the donor D and acceptor A involves a transition state with a D– A distance that is close to the sum of the gas-kinetic collision radii of D and A, respectively. Therefore, information about the energy transfer mechanism can be gained by structural studies of the system under consideration. If the D– A distance is short (normally < 5 Å) then the exchange mechanism is the more likely, but if the D– A distance is long (>> 5 Å) then the resonance mechanism would be more likely. The energy transfer efficiency is strongly dependent on the spectral overlap between the donor emission and the acceptor absorption. This is valid for both exchange and resonance mechanisms, as shown in the following expression for the energy transfer rate:

where the integral represents the spectral overlap between the donor emission ID and the acceptor absorption εA. The factor f(rD– A) is a function of the intermolecular distance between the donor and acceptor centres (rD– A) and is governed by the relevant energy transfer mechanism (Förster or Dexter mechanism). The donor– acceptor spectral overlap can be determined experimentally by spectroscopic measurements, as illustrated in Figure 16.

Figure 16 Experimental determination of the donor–acceptor spectral overlap from emission and absorption spectra. Reproduced with permission from Turro NJ (1978) Modern Molecular Photochemistry, p 299. Menlo Park: Benjamin/Cummings.


Trivalent lanthanide ions, Ln(III), can be substituted for certain metal ions in proteins to gain structural information about the sites of these metals. The ability of Ln(III) ions to substitute for metal ions such as Ca(II), Zn(II), and Mn(II) in proteins stems from the similarity between Ln(III) and these ions in ionic radii, coordination numbers (6– 9) and preference to oxygen donor ligands. The higher charge density of Ln(III) makes these ions substitute with higher affinity than the metal ions in many metal-binding proteins. The quantum yield of luminescence is low for free Ln(III) but increases upon binding in close proximity to an aromatic amino acid within the protein: phenylalanine (Phe), tyrosine (Tyr) or tryptophan (Trp). When the protein is irradiated with wavelengths that correspond to the absorption maxima of these amino acids (~250– 300 nm), the luminescence bands of the bound Ln(III) are enhanced by energy transfer. The strong sensitized luminescence of the Ln(III) makes these ions act as ‘probes’ of detailed and accurate structural information about the metal-binding sites in the proteins studied, as illustrated in the following example. The protein α-lactalbumin is involved in the regulation of lactose synthesis. The binding of bovine αlactalbumin (BLA) to Ca(II) is very strong (log K = 8– 9). Eu(III) can bind apo-BLA (apo: metal-free) in the Ca(II) binding site. The appearance of sensitized luminescence for Eu(III) is illustrated in Figure 17. Note that owing to energy transfer, the


Figure 17 Luminescence titration of apo-α-lactalbumin (BLA) with europium chloride in D2O. The luminescence intensity is monitored for the 5D0→7F2 emission line of Eu(III) with λexc = 395 nm. The upper curve shows the data for BLA-bound Eu(III) and the lower curve shows the data for EuCl3 alone. Reproduced with permission from Bünzil JCG and Choppin GR (1989) Lanthanide Probes in Life, Chemical and Earth Sciences, p 279. Amsterdam: Elsevier.

luminescence intensity of BLA-bound Eu(III) (upper curve) is much stronger than the intensity of free Eu(III) (lower curve). Figure 17 shows that the increase in the intensity of the 5D0 → 7F2 transition is most drastic when the ratio (R) of [Eu(III)/[BLA] is between 1 and 2, and the intensity continues to increase when R > 2. This is an indication of the binding of at least two Eu(III) ions to BLA. The Eu(III) luminescence is recorded in Figure 17 for the 5 D0 → 7F2 hypersensitive transition. A hypersensitive transition is a transition whose intensity is extremely sensitive to changes in the environment of the Ln(III) ion. Hypersensitivity is exhibited because of the ∆J = 2 quadrupolar nature of the transition. The

importance of this transition in the BLA-bound Eu(III) is illustrated in Figure 18. The excitation spectra of the Eu(III)-bound BLA are shown in Figure 18 monitoring the 5D0 → 7F0 emission. The excitation spectra are resolved into several components, especially for R values > 1. The appearance of bands I and II indicate the presence of two different binding sites for Eu(III) in BLA. Band III is due to non-bonded (solvated) Eu(III) ions. Therefore, it is concluded that Eu(III) ions displace Ca(II) ions from BLA and bind into two sites. Besides the determination of the number of metal binding sites, luminescence studies of Ln(III) ions in biological systems allow the determination of other structural properties of proteins such as the number of bonded water molecules, the sum of ligand formal charges and the site symmetry of the metal ion sites. For example, lifetime measurements in H2O/D2O mixtures allow the determination of the number of water molecules (n) that are coordinated to the metal ions in the different binding sites:

In the preceding example, the numbers of coordinated water molecules in sites I and II were determined as 2 and 4, respectively.

Excimers and exciplexes Theory

Excimers and exciplexes are excited state complexes. An excited state dimer is called an excimer. Excimer formation can be represented by the following

Figure 18 Curve-resolved Eu(III) excitation spectra of apo-BLA in D2O. R represents the [Eu(III)]/[BLA] ratio. Reproduced with permission from Bünzil JCG and Choppin GR (1989) Lanthanide Probes in Life, Chemical and Earth Sciences, p 280. Amsterdam: Elsevier.



where the asterisks refer to species in their excited states. According to Equation [28], an excimer is formed when an excited molecule interacts with another identical ground-state molecule. As a result of this interaction, an actual bond forms between the two monomer atoms in the excited state. Excited state interactions are not limited to the formation of hom*onuclear diatomic complexes. If interaction occurs between an excited molecule of one type and a ground state molecule of a different type, the resulting excited state complex is called an exciplex:

An exciplex can also form if more than two atoms are involved in the excited-state bond, whether these atoms are identical or different. Therefore, we can write a general equation to represent exciplex formation:

exciplex-forming species. Figure 19 illustrates the spectroscopic features of exciplexes in relation to the potential surfaces of the ground and the excited electronic states. The spectra and potential surfaces are shown for pyrene, the classical example for excimer emission in organic compounds. According to Figure 19, the ground state is repulsive (no potential well) and the excited state is strongly bonding (deep potential well) along the pyrene– pyrene internuclear distance. This explains why the excimer bond forms only in the excited state. Organic exciplexes are best identified by studying the variation of their emission spectra with concentration. This is illustrated in Figure 19 for pyrene (py). At low pyrene concentrations (≤10−5 M), the major luminescence band is due to the monomer. The characteristics of the monomer emission include: (i) vibronic structure is present, and (ii) the emission profile is independent of concentration at concentrations ≤10−5 M. As the pyrene concentration is increased above 10−5 M, the monomer emission is quenched and a new lower-energy emission band appears due to the formation of a *[py– py] excimer. The intensity of the excimer band increases with a concentration increase. The characteristics of the

From Equation [30], it is clear that an excimer is a special kind of exciplex where A = B and n = m = 1, so it is more appropriate to use the term exciplex when referring to excited state complexes in general, including both hom*oatomic and heteroatomic species. It is important to recognize that exciplex formation is a physical phenomenon and not a chemical one. That is, bonding between the molecules only lasts as long as the excited state lifetime of the molecule, and the exciplex bond dissociates upon radiative or non-radiative de-excitation. Nevertheless, there are cases in which exciplex formation leads to photochemical reactions. For example, exciplexes are believed to be the reactive intermediates in the photochemical pathway of the Diels– Alder cycloaddition reactions of unsaturated organic compounds. Since photoluminescence is a photophysical process, the focus here will be on the photophysical aspect of exciplex formation instead of the photochemical reactions that result from exciplex formation. Example of an organic exciplex

The characteristics of exciplex emission can be understood from potential energy diagrams of

Figure 19 Excimer emission of pyrene. The upper curves show the potential surfaces of the ground and the luminescent excited electronic state (Reproduced with permission from Turro NJ (1978) Modern Molecular Photochemistry, p 141. Menlo Park: Benjamin/Cummings.


excimer emission band of pyrene in Figure 19 are: (i) it is a structureless band with no vibronic structure, (ii) it has a lower energy than the monomer emission band and (iii) its intensity increases relative to the monomer emission band as the concentration is increased above a critical value (10−5 M for pyrene). These characteristics of the pyrene excimer bands are valid for the emission bands of organic exciplexes in general. Examples of inorganic exciplexes

The formation of inorganic exciplexes has attracted attention only recently. Exciplexes formed in coordination compounds could be either ligand-centred exciplexes, or metal-centred exciplexes. Ligand-centred exciplexes are normally formed from coordinatively saturated complexes (where the metal ion has a high coordination number with no ‘vacant’ sites) and another species. In this situation, excitation of a ligand in the complex may result in the formation of an exciplex bond between the ligand and another molecule that exists in the solution (such as a solvent molecule). Metal-centred exciplexes, on the other hand, are normally formed from coordinatively unsaturated complexes and another species. In coordinatively unsaturated complexes, the potential coordination site(s) present in the metal ion can be filled by neutral electron-donor species (Lewis bases), anions or another metal ion. The latter type gives rise to the formation of metal– metal bonded exciplexes. This class of inorganic exciplexes is rather interesting because thus far all reported examples are luminescent. The formation of the silver– silver bonded exciplexes *[Ag(CN)2]n (n ≥ 2) will serve as an illustration. The formation of these exciplexes in the solid state has been reported by the authors of this article. The [Ag(CN) ] complex ion is a good candidate for the formation of metal– metal bonded exciplexes because its low coordination number (2) implies that several potential coordination sites are available. Single crystals have been grown from a saturated solution of KCl that contains small amounts of K[Ag(CN)2]. The crystals harvested from this solution are called [Ag(CN) ]/KCl doped crystals, that is, [Ag(CN) ] guest ions are incorporated into (or doped in) the KCl host lattice. In these doped crystals, the Ag+ and CN– ions replace the K+ and Cl– ions, respectively, in some sites in the KCl lattice. Infrared measurements of single crystals of [Ag(CN) ]/ KCl have shown that multiple peaks exist in the νC– N region, indicating the presence of several local environments for the [Ag(CN)2]– ions within the KCl lattice. This result has been explained in terms of the

presence of monomers, dimers, trimers, etc of [Ag(CN) ] in the doped crystal. The luminescence spectra of [Ag(CN) ]/KCl doped crystals at 77 K are shown in Figure 20. It is interesting to note that at least four emission bands appear in the luminescence spectra of a single crystal of [Ag(CN) ]/KCl. The most prominent bands are labelled as A, B, C and D in Figure 20. This observation is consistent with the conclusion based on the infrared spectra that the [Ag(CN) ] ions exist as monomers, dimers, trimers, etc in the KCl lattice. Therefore, [Ag(CN) ]n oligomer ions in the KCl lattice with different values of n are responsible for the different luminescence bands. The strong dependence of the emission spectra on the excitation wavelength is unusual because emission spectra of luminescent materials are usually independent of the excitation wavelength. By controlling the excitation wavelength, a specific [Ag(CN) ]n oligomer can be excited independently from the other oligomers so that the luminescence occurs primarily from this

Figure 20 Photoluminescence spectra of [Ag(CN) ]/KCl] doped crystals at 77 K. The letter assignment of the luminescence bands follows the notation used in Table 2. Reproduced with permission from Omary MA and Patterson HH (1998) Luminescent hom*oatomic exciplexes in dicyanoargentate (I) ions doped in alkali halide crystals: 1. Exciplex tuning by site-selective excitation. Journal of the American Chemical Society 120: 7696– 7705.


Figure 21 Potential energy diagram of the ground and the first excited electronic states of [Ag(CN) ]2 (eclipsed configuration) as plotted from extended Hückel calculations. The excimer [Ag(CN) ]2 corresponds to the potential minimum of the excited state. The optical transitions shown are (a) excimer emission, (b) solid state excitation and (c) dilute solution absorption. (Reproduced with permission from Omary MA and Patterson HH (1998) Luminescent hom*oatomic exciplexes in dicyanoargentate (I) ions doped in alkali halide crystals: 1. Exciplex tuning by site-selective excitation. Journal of the American Chemical Society 120: 7696–7705.

excited oligomer. That is, different [Ag(CN) ]n oligo-mers in the KCl lattice act as independent luminophores, each of which has a characteristic excitation wavelength. The emission is tuned to any of the bands A– D by changing the excitation wavelength. This is an interesting optical phenomenon that has been called exciplex tuning. The luminescence bands of [Ag(CN) ]/KCl are assigned, as shown in Table 2, to *[Ag(CN)2]n exciplexes that differ in the value of n and in their geometry. The exciplex assignment of these bands is based on both experimental and theoretical considerations. The following is an overview of the evidence used for this assignment: Table 2 Assignment of the luminescence bands of [Ag(CN) ]/ KCl doped crystals

Band A



285–300 225–250

fwhm/ Assignment (10 3 cm–1) 3.31

*[Ag(CN) ]2 (excimers) B 310–360 270–390 3.70 Angular *[Ag(CN) ]3 (trimer exciplexes) C 390–430 250–270 3.05 Linear *[Ag(CN) ]3 (trimer exciplexes) D 490–530 300–360 4.01 *[Ag(CN) ]n (n ≥ 5, delocalized exciplexes)a a It is assumed that the stabilization due to Ag–Ag interactions converges in [Ag(CN) ]n oligomers with n ≥ 5.

(1) The energies of the luminescence bands of [Ag(CN) ]/KCl are extremely low relative to the absorption bands of dilute solutions of [Ag(CN) ] (which represent the [Ag(CN) ] monomer). The absorption spectra of dilute solutions of [Ag(CN) ] show peak maxima with energies >50 000 cm−1. The excitation and emission maxima are red-shifted by as much as 23 000 and 30 000 cm−1, respectively, from the monomer transition. These large red shifts must be due to the oligomerization of [Ag(CN) ] units, as suggested by electronic structure calculations (see below). The fact that the Ag(I) ion has a 4d10 closed shell electronic configuration forbids the formation of strong Ag– Ag bonds in the ground state. Excited states such as 4d9 5s1, however, do not have a closed shell configuration. Hence, Ag– Ag bonding in the excited state is possible, which leads to the formation of *[Ag(CN) ]n exciplexes. Figure 21 depicts the potential surfaces of the ground state and the first excited state of a [Ag(CN) ]2 dimer, as plotted from electronic structure calculations. The formation of a *[Ag(CN) ]2 excimer is illustrated by the deep potential well in the excited state at a shorter Ag– Ag equilibrium distance than the corresponding ground state distance. The electronic transitions depicted in Figure 21 explain the low emission and excitation energies (transitions (a) and (b)) relative to the monomer absorption (transition (c)).


Figure 22 Surfaces of the highest occupied molecular orbital (hom*o) and the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) for [Ag(CN) ]2 (staggered isomer) and [Ag(CN) ]3 (eclipsed isomer), as plotted from ab initio calculations. Note the Ag–Ag antibonding character for the hom*o and the Ag–Ag bonding character for the LUMO in both cases.

(2) The excited states of [Ag(CN) ]n oligomers are largely distorted from their ground states. The Stokes shifts for the luminescence bands of [Ag(CN) ]/KCl range from 7000 to 15 000 cm−1. The fwhm values are in the 3000– 4000 cm−1 range (Table 2), which are large values. As explained earlier, large excited state distortions are due to large differences in the bonding properties between the molecular orbitals that represent the ground and excited states, respectively. The ground state of an exciplex is antibonding while its first excited state is bonding. Figure 22 illustrates this fact for the dimer [Ag(CN) ]2 and the trimer [Ag(CN) ]3. In both cases, the hom*o has a Ag– Ag antibonding character while the LUMO has a Ag– Ag bonding character. Similar results were obtained for other [Ag(CN) ]n oligomers. Photoexcitations from antibonding HO-MOs to bonding LUMOs lead to the formation of *[Ag(CN)2]n exciplexes. (3) The luminescence bands are generally lacking in structure. Note that all the luminescence bands shown in Figure 20 have no detailed structure. This is a

similar feature to exciplex emission in organic compounds, as illustrated in Figure 19 for the excimer band of pyrene. The apparent structure for band B is due to the existence of two different geometrical isomers of the [Ag(CN) ]3 trimer, not to vibronic structure. The absence of structured emission was obtained for [Ag(CN) ]/KCl even though the luminescence measurements were carried out in the solid state for a doped crystal (1.1 mol% Ag) at cryogenic temperature (77 K). Doping and low temperatures normally reduce the chances of band broadening for luminophores that do not exhibit exciplex emission. Hence, the structureless emission of [Ag(CN) ]/KCl must be due to exciplex formation.

Chemiluminescence When exothermic chemical reactions occur, the product species are usually in their ground electronic states. However, some chemical reactions produce product species in electronically excited states which luminesce. This phenomenon is called chemiluminescence. Incidentally, chemiluminescence occurs in a


number of biological systems (for example, the firefly), where it is called bioluminescence. A common example of chemiluminescence is the reaction of luminol in basic solution with an oxidizing agent such as oxygen:

Here, the product species NO2 is produced in an excited electronic state and emits light in the visible– near IR region. It has been found that the intensity of the chemiluminescence is proportional to the concentration of NO in the ppm– ppb range. Thus, the reaction shown in Equation [32] can be used as the basis for the development of a chemical sensor for NO. The detection of NO is important because nitric oxide is a chief environmental pollutant, and also because NO plays an important role in human biology. See also: Biochemical Applications of Fluorescence Spectroscopy; Laser Spectroscopy Theory.

Further reading

The 3-aminophthalate product ion is in an excited electronic state and shows luminescence in the visible region. Reaction [31] is catalysed by the presence of certain metal ions such as Cr(III) and the intensity of the chemiluminescence has been found to be proportional to the concentration of the specific metal ion, usually in the concentration range of parts per billion (ppb). Thus, the luminol reaction can be used to determine the concentration of selected metal ion species at very low concentrations. A second common example of chemiluminescence in the gas phase is the reaction of nitric oxide with ozone:

Adamson AW and Fleischauer PD (1975) Concepts of Inorganic Photochemistry. New York: Wiley-Interscience. Bünzil JCG and Choppin GR (1989) Lanthanide Probes in Life, Chemical and Earth Sciences. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Cotton FA (1990) Chemical Applications of Group Theory, 2nd edn. New York: Wiley-Interscience. Cowan DO and Drisko RL (1976) Elements of Organic Photochemistry. New York: Plenum. Gilbert A and Baggot J (1991) Essentials of Molecular Photochemistry. Boca Raton: CRC Press. Lakowicz JR (1983) Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy. New York: Plenum. Omary MA and Patterson HH (1998) Luminescent hom*oatomic exciplexes in dicyanoargentate (I) ions doped in alkali halide-crystals: 1. Exciplex tuning by siteselective excitation. Journal of the American Chemical Society 120: 7696– 7705. Skoog DA, Holler FJ and Nieman TA (1998) Principles of Instrumental Analysis, 5th edn. Philadelphia: Harcourt Brace. Turro NJ (1978) Modern Molecular Photochemistry. Menlo Park: Benjamin/Cummings. Wayne RP (1988) Principles and Applications of Photochemistry. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Editor-in-Chief John C. Lindon, Biological Chemistry, Division of Biomedical Sciences, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, Sir Alexander Fleming Building, South Kensington, London SW7 2AZ UK

Editors George E. Tranter, Glaxo Wellcome Medicines Research, Physical Sciences Research Unit, Gunnells Wood Road, Stevenage, Hertfordshire SG1 2NY, UK John L. Holmes, University of Ottawa, Department of Chemistry, PO Box 450, Stn 4, Ottawa, Canada KIN 6N5


M Macromolecule–Ligand Interactions Studied By NMR J Feeney, National Institute for Medical Research, London, UK


Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction NMR spectroscopy has proved to be a useful technique for studying interactions between proteins and other molecules in solution. Such interactions are important in biological molecular recognition processes and they have particular significance for studies of drug–receptor complexes where the results can assist in rational drug design. This article indicates how the appropriate NMR data can be extracted and analysed to provide information concerning interactions, conformations and dynamic processes within such protein–ligand complexes. For complexes of moderate size (up to 40 kDa), nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy (NOESY) measurements can often be used to determine the full threedimensional structure of the complex, thus providing detailed structural information about the binding site and the conformation of the bound ligand. For larger complexes (typically up to 65 kDa), ligand-induced changes in protein chemical shifts, dynamic properties, amide NH exchange behaviour and protection from signal broadening by paramagnetic agents can all be used effectively to map out the ligand-binding sites on the protein by reporting on the nuclei influenced by ligand binding. In addition, NMR can sometimes be used to detect bound water molecules within the binding site and to monitor changes in water occupancy accompanying ligand binding. NMR offers some advantages over X-ray crystallography in that it examines the complexes in solution, does not require crystals and provides a convenient method for defining specific interactions, monitoring changes in dynamic processes associated

with these interactions, detecting multiple conformations and identifying ionization states of interacting groups within the protein–ligand complexes. However, unlike X-ray crystallography, NMR can provide full structural determinations only for moderately sized proteins (up to 40 kDa at the present time).

Equilibrium binding studies The starting point for studies of protein–ligand interactions often involves determining the equilibrium binding constants for ligands binding reversibly to the protein. These measurements are sometimes made for a series of complexes where either the ligand or the protein is systematically modified in order to measure changes in the binding resulting from the introduction or removal of particular interactions in the complexes. Such investigations need to be accompanied by structural studies on the complexes to see whether the predicted effects have taken place and whether any major conformational perturbations have occurred in the rest of the system. These structural studies need large quantities of purified protein. For a typical sample size of 0.5 mL, the concentrations required vary from 10 µM for one dimensional spectra to 2mM or greater for some multidimensional experiments. Large quantities of 13 C/15N-labelled proteins are usually prepared by cloning the appropriate gene into an overexpressing bacterial cell line and growing the cells using [13C]glucose or [15N]ammonium salts as the sole sources of carbon and nitrogen respectively.


Assignment of protein and ligand signals in the complex Fast and slow exchange conditions

Before any detailed structural and dynamic information can be obtained from the NMR spectra of the complexes, the signals need to be assigned to specific nuclei in the ligand or protein. An important first step is to ascertain whether the bound and free species coexist under conditions of fast or slow exchange on the NMR timescale. For a nucleus with chemical shift frequencies ωB and ωF in the bound and free species respectively, separate signals are seen for the bound and free species for the case where the lifetime of the complex is long compared with (ωB – ωF)−1: this is designated as the slow exchange condition. If the lifetime of the complex is short compared with (ωB – ωF)−1, then conditions for fast exchange prevail and one observes a single averaged signal weighted according to the populations and chemical shifts in the bound and free forms. When the lifetime of the complex is of the same order as (ωB – ωF)−1 then intermediate exchange conditions prevail, giving rise to spectra with broad, complex signals that are more difficult to analyse. It is necessary to find out whether one is dealing with fast or slow exchange before further work can be attempted. The data can then be analysed to give the chemical shifts of the signals from the bound ligand/or protein. The line widths of the signals can sometimes provide information about the dissociation rate constants of the complex. Assignment of protein signals

In making the assignments of the protein resonances, it is important to ensure that the protein is fully saturated with the bound ligand. Using multidimensional NMR methods in combination with 2H-, 13Cand 15N-labelled proteins, it is now possible to obtain almost complete signal assignments for backbone and Cβ protons in proteins of molecular masses up to about 65 kDa. These resonances, once assigned, can be used to monitor ionization state changes, to characterize conformational mixtures and to provide conformational information from NOE measurements for the various complexes. Assignment of ligand signals

Assigned signals for nuclei in the ligand are particularly important because these nuclei are obviously well placed to provide direct information about the binding site in the complex. It is easy to assign signals from bound ligands in fast exchange with free ligand

if the assignments of the free ligand are known simply by following the progressive shift of the ligand signals during the ligand titration. It is more difficult to assign signals of nuclei in very tightly binding ligands (Ka > 108 M−1) that are in very slow exchange with those in the free ligand. The usual method of assigning signals from tightly bound ligands is to examine complexes formed with isotopically labelled analogues (2H, 3H, 13C and 15N). Deuterated ligands can sometimes assist in making 1H assignments by producing differences between 1H spectra of complexes formed with deuterated and nondeuterated ligands, since signals from deuterated sites will disappear from the spectra. Complexes formed with 13Cor 15N-labelled ligands can also be examined directly by using 13C or 15N NMR: only the signals from nuclei at the enriched positions are detected, which simplifies their assignment. Protons directly attached to 13C or 15N can be detected using an appropriate editing or filtering pulse sequence. Heteronuclear multiple-quantum (or single-quantum) coherence (HMQC or HSQC) experiments allow the attached protons to be detected selectively and the X nuclei to be detected indirectly. A powerful extension of this approach is the 3D-NOESY-HSQC experiment, which allows selective detection of the NOEs from the ligand protons (attached to 15N or 13C nuclei) to neighbouring protons on the protein. The observed 1 H–1H NOESY cross peaks are dispersed over the Xchemical shift frequency range. This considerably simplifies the NOESY spectrum at any particular Xfrequency and is particularly useful for studying large complexes where there is extensive signal overlap in the normal NOESY spectra. Complexes formed using less tightly bound ligands (Ka < 106 M−1) can sometimes have spectra showing separate signals for bound and free species in slow exchange that are exchanging sufficiently rapidly to allow their signals to be connected using transfer of magnetization methods. Since the assignments for the free ligand are usually known, these methods give the assignments for the connected signals from the bound ligand. Other nuclei can sometimes be used effectively for studying protein–ligand interactions. For example, the tritium (3H) spectrum of a complex formed with a selectively tritiated ligand shows signals from the ligand only and the chemical shifts of these signals can be directly related to the corresponding protons in the nontritiated ligand. 19F NMR measurements on complexes formed with fluorine-containing ligands or proteins can also provide useful information. Assignments of 19F signals from the ligand are often straightforward, since usually only one or two sites are labelled. The simple spectra are ideal for


monitoring multiple conformations and dynamic processes in the complexes. Making 19F signal assignments for fluorine-containing proteins is more difficult, but they can be assigned by comparing 19F spectra from different proteins where each fluorinecontaining amino acid residue has been systematically replaced by a different amino acid using site-directed mutagenesis. Complexes formed with ligands containing phosphorus can be examined directly by 31P NMR to provide detailed information about phosphate group ionization states and conformations in the bound state.

Table 1

Some examples of protein complexes studied by NMR

β-Lactamase with substrates β-Lactoglobulin with β-ionone Bcl-x(L) (survival protein) with Bak (cell death protein) Calmodulin with peptides Cyclosporin A with cyclophilin Cytochrome P450 with substrate analogues Dihydrofolate reductase with coenzyme and substrate analogues Elastase with peptides ETS domain of FLI-1 with DNA FK506 binding protein with ascomycin FKBP with immunosuppressants

Determination of conformations of protein–ligand complexes NMR is now able to provide full three-dimensional structures for protein–ligand complexes in solution. The general method involves first making the 1H resonance assignments, then estimating the interproton distances from NOE measurements and dihedral angles from vicinal coupling constants and related data, and finally calculating families of structures that are compatible with both these distance and angle constraints and the covalent structure using some optimal fitting method usually, distance geometry-based and/or molecular dynamics simulated annealing-based calculations. Ideally, the structures of the unbound species as well as that of the complex should be determined. Several workers have reviewed this area, particularly from the perspective of its value in drug design, and there have been many reported studies of ligand–receptor complexes where NMR has provided relevant structural information (see Table 1). This present overview will consider only a few examples chosen to illustrate particular aspects of protein–ligand interactions. Many ligands that are flexible in solution adopt a single conformation when bound to a receptor protein. It is important to know the conformation of the bound ligand since this could provide the basis for designing a more rigid and effective inhibitor. Clearly, such information can be obtained directly once the full three-dimensional structure of the complex has been determined. However, in some cases the bound conformation of the ligand can be determined without determining the full structure of the complex if sufficient intramolecular distance and torsion angle constraints can be measured. Several methods based on measurements of intramolecular NOEs in the bound ligand have been proposed. One of these uses the transferred NOE (TrNOE) technique to provide conformational information

GAT1 domain with DNA Glutathione S-transferase with cofactor and substrate analogues Homeodomain proteins with DNA HPr phosphocarrier protein with phosphotransferase domain Integration host factor (E. coli ) with DNA Lac repressor headpiece with DNA Mu-Ner protein with DNA P53 domain with DNA Pepsin with inhibitors Phospholipase with substrate analogues Pleckstrin hom*ology domain with phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate Protease with serpin Protein G (streptococcal) domain with antibody fragment PTB domain of insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1) with phosphorylated peptide from IL-4 receptor Rotamase enzyme FKBP with rapamycin S100B with actin capping protein Cap 2 SHC SH2 domain with tyrosine phosphorylated peptide SRY with DNA Staphylococcal nuclease with substrate analogues Stromelysin domain with N-TIMP-2 inhibitor Stromelysin with nonpeptide inhibitors Thioredoxin with NFκβ peptide Topoisomerase-I domain with DNA Trp repressor with DNA Trypsin with proteinase inhibitors Urbs 1 with DNA

about the bound ligand. In this method, crossrelaxation (NOE effect) between two protons in the bound ligand is transferred to the free molecule by chemical exchange between bound and free species. Under conditions of fast exchange, the negative NOEs from the bound state can thus be detected in the averaged signals for free and bound ligand. Transferred NOE effects can be detected in 2DNOESY spectra and this approach has been used, for example, to obtain a set of intramolecular distance


constraints between pairs of ligand protons in the tetrapeptide acetyl-Pro-Ala-Pro-Tyr-NH2 bound to porcine pancreatic elastase and to determine the conformation of the bound peptide. Other methods of determining the conformation of a bound ligand and details of its binding site involve using isotopically labelled proteins or ligands to simplify the NMR spectra. These approaches are particularly useful for studying tightly binding ligands where transferred NOE methods cannot provide any information. In such cases, it is necessary to measure directly the intramolecular NOEs within the bound ligand. The main problem is one of detecting the relevant NOEs in the presence of a large number of overlapping NOE cross-peaks from protons in the protein. There are several elegant techniques for measuring intra- and intermolecular NOEs in protein ligand complexes by isotopically labelling only one of the partners in the complex. One very direct strategy is to measure intramolecular 1H–1H NOEs in unlabelled ligands bound to perdeuterated proteins. Because only the ligand 1H signals are detected, the 2D-COSY (correlation spectroscopy) and NOESY spectra are relatively simple. This approach has been used to examine cyclosporin A in its complex with perdeuterated cyclophilin. Another approach is to examine complexes of unlabelled protein with 13C/15Nlabelled ligands using NMR isotope-editing procedures that selectively detect only those NOEs involving ligand protons directly attached to 13C or 15N. In a 15N-edited 2D-NOESY experiment on a pepsin/inhibitor (1:1) complex formed with 15N-labelled inhibitors, NOE cross-peaks between the amide protons attached to 15N in the ligand and their neighbouring protons in the protein could be detected. Isotopeediting methods have also been used to study 13C- and 15 N-labelled cyclosporin A bound to cyclophilin. It is also possible to use NMR filter experiments to measure ligand–protein NOEs selectively for complexes containing nonlabelled ligand with 13C-labelled proteins; this is a useful approach because it is usually easier to obtain labelled proteins than labelled ligands.

Specificity of interactions Information about the groups on the protein and ligand that are involved in specific interactions can be obtained by determining the full three-dimensional structure of the complex in solution. More detailed information about specific interactions can often be deduced by monitoring the ionization states of groups on the ligand and protein and noting any changes accompanying formation of the complex.

Further information about specific interactions comes from detecting characteristic low-field shifts for NH protons involved in hydrogen bonds. Determination of ionization states

NMR is particularly effective for studying electrostatic interactions involving charged residues on the protein or ligand. A change in the charge state of an ionizable group is usually accompanied by characteristic changes in the electronic shielding of nuclei close to the ionizable group. Thus, NMR can monitor the ionization states of specific groups, measure their pK values and detect any changes that accompany protein–ligand complex formation. The pK values of histidines in proteins are typically in the range 5.5 to 8.5 and they can easily be studied by carrying out pH titrations of the 1H chemical shifts of the imidazole ε1 protons over a suitable pH range and by fitting the data to the Henderson– Hasselbach equation. Ligand-induced changes in the pK behaviour of His residues have been used to monitor interactions in protein complexes formed with novel inhibitors. Protonation states of carboxylate groups in aspartic and glutamic acid residues in proteins have also been studied using 13C NMR on suitably labelled proteins. When the ionization state is a protonated species, it is sometimes possible to directly observe the proton involved in the protonation using NMR. If the protonation is at a nitrogen atom, then observation of the selectively labelled 15NH group provides an unambiguous method of assigning the bonded proton. Such 15NH proton signals have a doublet splitting (~90 Hz) characteristic of one bond 15N–1H spin coupling and they can be detected either directly in 1D experiments or by using 2D-HMQC (or HSQC) based experiments. In a 1H NMR study examining 15 N-enriched trimethoprim in its complex with dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR), a 90 Hz doublet at 14.79 ppm in the spectrum could be assigned to the N-1 proton of bound trimethoprim (see structure in Figure 1). The 15N chemical shift of the N-1 nitrogen is also characteristic of the protonated species (80 ppm different from the nonprotonated species). Earlier studies using [2-13C]trimethoprim had already shown that the N-1 position is protonated in the bound state and that the pK value for this protonation is displaced by at least 2 units as a result of formation of the complex in which the protonated N-1 group interacts with the γ-carboxylate group of the conserved Asp-26 residue. Ionization states of phosphate groups can be monitored using 31P NMR and this approach has been used in studies of a coenzyme (nicotinamide–adenine


protons in the guanidino group of Arg-57 interact with the α-carboxylate group of the glutamic acid moiety of methotrexate in an end-on symmetrical fashion (see Figure 2). The rates of rotation about the Nε—Cζ and Cζ —Nη bonds were determined in the binary and ternary complexes of L. casei DHFR with methotrexate and NADPH, and their relative values compared with those in free arginine indicate correlated rotation about the Nε—Cζ bond of the Arg-57 guanidino group and the C′—Cα bond of the glutamate α-carboxylate group of methotrexate (Figure 2).

Figure 1 Dynamic processes in the complex of trimethoprim with Lactobacillus casei dihydrofolate reductase measured at 298 K. Reproduced with permission from Searle MS et al. (1988) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 85: 3787–3791.

dinucleotide, NADPH or NADP+) binding to dihydrofolate reductase. In each case the monophosphate group binds in the dianionic form with its pK value perturbed by at least 3 units compared to that of the free ligand. Hydrogen-bonding interactions involving arginine residues

NMR has proved to be a very effective method for studying hydrogen bonding and electrostatic interactions involving side-chains of arginine residues in protein–ligand complexes. These studies are based on detection of 1H and 15N NMR signals from NH groups in 15N-labelled proteins using gradientenhanced two-dimensional 1H/15N HSQC NMR experiments where signals for the guanidino NHε and NHη nuclei in arginine residues involved in protein ligand interactions can be detected. Such methods have been used on complexes of SH2 domains formed with phosphopeptides to detect interactions between arginine NHη hydrogens and phosphorylated tyrosines in the protein. Similar interactions have been studied in complexes of Lactobacillus casei dihydrofolate reductase formed with antifolate drugs such as methotrexate where four separate NHη signals were observed for the Arg-57 residue, indicating hindered rotation in its guanidino group. Two of the NHη signals had very low-field chemical shifts characteristic of NH hydrogen-bonded protons. From a consideration of the 1H and 15N chemical shifts it was possible to deduce that the central pair of NHη

Figure 2 (A) Symmetrical end-on interaction of a carboxylate group with the guanidino group of an arginine residue. (B) Structure of methotrexate showing interactions of its α-carboxylate group of the glutamic acid moiety interacting in a symmetrical end-on manner with the guanidino group of Arg-57 of Lactobacillus casei dihydrofolate reductase and indicating the correlated rotation about the NεCζ bond of the Arg-57 guanidino group and the C'Cα bond of the glutamate α-carboxylate group of methotrexate, which allows the guanidino group to rotate without breaking its hydrogen bonds to the ligand. Reproduced with permission from Nieto PM, Birdsall B, Morgan WD, Frenkiel TA, Gargaro AR and Feeney J (1997) FEBS Letters 405: 16–20. With kind permission of Elsevier Science-NL, Sara Burgerhartstraat 25, 1055 KV Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


Mapping binding sites by ligand-induced chemical shifts A simple method of mapping the interaction sites in a protein–ligand complex involves measuring the ligand-induced chemical shifts accompanying complex formation using the 1H and 15N chemical shifts of backbone amide NH groups measured in 1H/15N HSQC spectra. This method indicates those residues that undergo a change in environment or conformation on complex formation and it works well, even for the case where the full assignments are available only for the uncomplexed protein. In such cases, lower limits for the shift changes can be estimated and these have proved to be adequate for mapping the binding sites. This method can be used for large protein–protein or protein–DNA complexes (up to 65 kDa). Using these mapping procedures, a very elegant strategy for designing de novo ligands with highaffinity binding for selected target proteins has been developed (the so-called SAR (structure–activity relationships) by NMR approach). Large numbers of ligands were screened for their potential binding to target proteins by measuring 1H/15N HSQC spectra of the target 15N-labelled protein in the presence of batches of ligands. These spectra could be collected relatively quickly and it was possible to screen up to 1000 compounds per day. This method identifies any ligands perturbing the 1H/15N chemical shifts (the binding, if any, usually results in conditions of fast exchange). Once a useful binding ligand has been identified, the protein is saturated with this ligand and the screening is continued to find another ligand that binds noncompetitively with the first one. When a suitable second candidate is found, detailed NMR structural work on the ternary complex is undertaken and, based on the structural information obtained, a strategy is developed for chemically linking the ligands to produce a high-affinity binding ligand. This approach has been used successfully to construct inhibitors with high binding affinity for metalloproteinases such as stromelysin.

Detection of multiple conformations NMR spectroscopy has proved to be very useful for detecting the presence of different coexisting conformational states in protein–ligand complexes in solution. In some cases the different conformations are in slow exchange such that separate NMR spectra are observed for the different conformations. It is important to characterize the different conformations since each conformation offers a potentially new starting point for the design of improved

inhibitors. Recognizing the presence of such conformational mixtures is also important when one is considering structure–activity relationships. NMR is the only method that can provide detailed quantitative information about such conformational equilibria in solution. Several examples of multiple conformations have been uncovered in NMR studies of complexes of L. casei dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR). In many cases the different conformations correspond to a flexible ligand occupying essentially the same binding site but in different conformational states. For example, three conformational states have been detected in the NMR spectra of complexes of the substrate folate with DHFR. Two of the forms have the same pteridine ring orientation as bound methotrexate and their enolic forms can thus bind in a very similar way to the pteridine ring in methotrexate. The other form has its folate pteridine ring turned over by 180°. Multiple conformations have been detected in several other complexes of L. casei DHFR (for example, with NADP+ and trimethoprim, and with substituted pyrimethamines) and also in complexes with S. faecium DHFR and E. coli DHFR: it seems likely that many other protein–ligand complexes will exist as mixtures of conformations. Of course, such conformations are more difficult to detect directly if they are in fast exchange.

Dynamic processes in protein–ligand complexes NMR measurements can be used to characterize many of the dynamic processes occurring within a complex: this dynamic information complements the static structural information and provides a more complete description of the complex. Studies using NMR relaxation, line-shape analysis and transfer of magnetization have provided a wide range of dynamic information relating to protein–ligand complexes. The NMR-accessible motions range from fast (>109 s−1) small-amplitude oscillations of fragments of the complex to slow motions (1–103 s−1) involved in the rates of dissociation of the complexes, rates of breaking and reforming of protein–ligand interactions and rates of flipping of aromatic rings in the bound ligands; several illustrative examples, mainly from studies of dihydrofolate reductase complexes are considered below. Rapid motions in protein–ligand complexes

Rapid segmental molecular motions (>109 s−1) can be determined by measuring 13C relaxation times and useful information about the binding can be


obtained from the changes induced in the motions by the formation of the complex. Protein backbone dynamics are also frequently probed by making 15N T1, T2, and {1H}15N heteronuclear NOE measurements on 15N-labelled proteins and analysing the data using the ‘model-free’ approach suggested by Lipari and Szabo. Dissociation rate constants from transfer of saturation studies

If protons are present in two magnetically distinct environments, for example one corresponding to the ligand free in solution and the other to the ligand bound to the protein, then under conditions of slow exchange separate signals are seen for the protons in the two forms. When the resonance of the bound proton is selectively irradiated (saturated), its saturation will be transferred to the signal of the free proton via the exchange process and the intensity of the free proton signal will decrease. The rate of decrease of the magnetization in the free state as a function of the irradiation time of the bound proton can be analysed to provide the dissociation rate constant. This method has been used to measure the dissociation rate constant for the complexes of NADP+⋅DHFR (20 s–1 at 284 K) and trimethoprim⋅DHFR (6 s–1 at 298 K). 2D-NOESY/EXCHANGE type experiments can also be used for such measurements. Rates of ring flipping

Slow and fast rates of aromatic ring flipping have been characterized in ligands bound to proteins. Such studies are facilitated by using 13C-labelled ligands. For example, 13C line-shape analysis on the signals from the enriched carbons in [m-methoxy13 C]trimethoprim and brodimoprim bound to DHFR has been used to measure the rates of flipping of the benzyl ring in the bound ligand. In all cases these rates are greater than the dissociation rates of the complexes and the flipping takes place many times during the lifetime of the intact complex. Thus the measured rate of flipping is indirectly monitoring transient fluctuations in the conformation of the enzyme structure that are required to allow the flipping to proceed. Hydrogen exchange rates with solvent

Extensive NMR measurements of exchange rates between solvent and labile protons on protein or ligand have been reported. These are usually based on line shape analysis or transfer of magnetization methods.

Such measurements have been made for the N-1 proton of bound trimethoprim in complexes of 15Nlabelled trimethoprim with DHFR. The line shape of the N-1 proton signal varies with temperature owing to changes in the exchange rate of this proton with the H2O solvent. This line-width data can be analysed to estimate the exchange rate. This exchange can be considered as a two step process: in the first step the structure opens to allow access of the solvent, and in the second step the exchange process takes place. In this case, the N-1 proton forms and breaks a hydrogen bond with the carboxylate group of the conserved Asp-26 and the measured exchange rate (34 s−1 at 298 K) is thus the rate of breaking and reforming this hydrogen bonding interaction. This provides a further example of a very important interaction in the complex breaking and reforming at a rate much faster than the dissociation rate. Thus, individual protein interactions involving both the pyrimidine ring and the benzyl ring are involved in transient fluctuations during the lifetime of the complex (see Figure 1). If these structural fluctuations take place in close succession, they could form part of a sequence of events leading to complete dissociation of the complex.

Future perspectives It is clear that advances in NMR methodology, particularly in multidimensional NMR experiments used in conjunction with isotopically labelled molecules, will provide even more detailed information about protein–ligand complexes in solution. Improved methods of structure determination will eventually allow the detection of smaller differences in structure between different complexes. The recently developed approaches for obtaining structural information from dipolar coupling contributions in the spectra resulting from orienting the molecules in solution (either by using high magnetic fields or by using liquid crystal solvents) could have an important impact on structural studies of large protein–ligand complexes. It seems likely that there will be increased input into structure–activity relationship (SAR) studies by use of the ‘SAR by NMR’ method for designing tightly binding ligands as inhibitors of important target proteins, particularly in industrial pharmaceutical laboratories where suitable libraries of compounds are readily available for screening. Future work should lead to an improved understanding of the implications of the dynamic processes taking place within ligand–protein


complexes. Solid-state NMR studies on ligand complexes of membrane-bound proteins will be undertaken more frequently as the methodology and instrumentation become more widely available: although these studies require demanding isotopic labelling of the ligands, they can provide excellent information about distances and bond orientations that can be used to answer specific questions about the structures of protein–ligand complexes within lipid bilayers. The difficulty of obtaining such information by any other method provides a strong driving force for improving the solid-state NMR approach.

List of symbols T1 = spin–lattice relaxation time; T2 = spin–spin relaxation time; ωB (ωF) = chemical shift frequency on the bound (free) species. See also: Drug Metabolism Studied Using NMR Spectroscopy; 19F NMR Applications, Solution State; Hydrogen Bonding and other Physicochemical Interactions Studied By IR and Raman Spectroscopy; Nitrogen NMR; Nuclear Overhauser Effect; 31P NMR; Proteins Studied Using NMR Spectroscopy.

Further reading Craik DJ (ed) (1996) NMR in Drug Design. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. Emsley JW, Feeney J and Sutcliffe LH (eds) Progress in NMR Spectroscopy, Vols 18–33. Oxford: Elsevier. (See articles by C. Arrowsmith (32); M. Billeter (27); G.M. Clore (23); J.T. Gerig (26); A.M. Gronenborn (23);

F. Ni (26); G. Otting (31); P. Rosch (18); B.J. Stockman (33); G. Wagner (22); G. Wider (32).) Feeney J (1990) NMR studies of interactions of ligands with dihydrofolate reductase. Biochemical Pharmacology 40: 141–152. Feeney J and Birdsall B (1993) NMR studies of protein–ligand interactions. NMR of Macromolecules 7: 183–215. Fesik SW (1993) NMR structure-based drug design. Journal of Biomolecular NMR 3: 261–269. Fesik SW, Gampe RT Jr, Holzman TF, et al (1990) Isotope-edited NMR of cyclosporin A bound to cyclophilin: evidence for a trans 9,10 amide bond. Science 250: 1406–1409. Handschumacher RE and Armitage IM (eds) (1990) NMR methods for elucidating macromolecule–ligand interactions: an approach to drug design. Biochemical Pharmacology 40: 1–174. James TL and Oppenheimer NJ (eds) (1989, 1992) Nuclear magnetic resonance. In Methods in Enzymology, Vols 176, 177 (1989), Vol 239 (1992). London: Academic Press. Jardetzky O and Roberts GCK (1981) NMR in Molecular Biology. London: Academic Press. Markley JL (1975) Observation of histidine residues in proteins by means of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Accounts of Chemical Research 8: 70–80. Roberts GCK (ed), (1993) NMR of Macromolecules: A Practical Approach. New York: Oxford University Press. Shuker SB, Hajduk PJ, Meadows RP and Fesik SW (1996) Discovering high-affinity ligands for proteins – SAR by NMR. Science 274: 1531–1534. Watts A, Ulrich AS and Middleton DA (1995) Membrane protein structure: the contribution and potential of novel solid state NMR approaches. Molecular Membrane Biology 12: 233–246. Wüthrich K (1976) NMR in Biological Research: Peptides and Proteins. Amsterdam: North-Holland.

Macromolecules Studies By Solid State NMR See

High Resolution Solid State NMR, 13C.


Magnetic Circular Dichroism, Theory Laura A Andersson, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY, USA


Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction and overview Magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) spectroscopy is a type of electronic spectroscopy, also called the Faraday effect or the Zeeman effect, that can be a particularly useful and effective method for structural analysis. For example, MCD can be used to assign the transitions in the electronic absorption spectrum (UV-visible), with respect to details such as the molecular orbital origins of the transitions. Often, such transitions are not clearly observed in the UV-visible spectra, because they are spin-forbidden and weak, but upon application of the magnetic field, H0, they can be detected. MCD spectroscopy can also be used to determine not only the spin state for a metal such iron, but also the coordination number at the metal. There is an extensive body of detailed MCD structural data provided for a variety of different biological, organic, and inorganic systems. However, MCD has been surprisingly neglected, given its broad utility, ease of handling, and low sampleconcentration requirements relative to many other spectroscopic methods. MCD spectroscopy has only recently begun to be utilized to its full potential. Biological systems that have been studied by MCD include: (a) a haem (iron porphyrin-containing) proteins and enzymes such as oxygen transport proteins (haemoglobin and myoglobin), electron-transfer proteins (cytochromes), the diverse and ubiquitous P450 enzymes, and peroxide-metabolizing enzymes such as peroxidases and catalases; (b) other biological chromophores such vitamins B12 and chlorophylls; (c) tryptophan-containing proteins (this amino acid has a unique and distinguishing MCD signal); (d) non-haem iron proteins; (e) copper- and cobaltcontaining proteins (natural or metal-substituted); and (f) a variety of other systems, too diverse to list here. One particular advantage of MCD spectroscopy is the limited sample requirements, particularly relative to other experimental methods, even in these days of cloning and massive expression of samples. For example, as much as 500 µL of a 1–2 mM solution of haem protein must be used for NMR structural analysis. In contrast, to study the same sample by

conventional (electromagnet) MCD, only 2.6 mL of an ∼10–25 µM sample is required. Second, the ability to determine key structural information such as spin and coordination states at, or near, biological temperatures is also significant. Whereas the electronic absorption spectrum of a ferric haem protein can generally be used to distinguish high-spin from low-spin systems, more specific information concerning the coordination number was once routinely determined by EPR (also called ESR) spectroscopy. This method not only requires at least 250 µL of an ∼250 µM sample, it also requires either liquid nitrogen or liquid helium cooling of the sample to gain the EPR g values and make the assignments. In contrast, MCD spectroscopy of a sample under biologically relevant conditions can provide highly detailed and specific data with respect to both the spin and the coordination states of the system (e.g. highspin pentacoordinate haem vs high-spin hexacoordinate haem). This has recently been illustrated in the case of the haem catalases, which are among the most rapid of all enzymes, converting H2O2 to O2 and H2O with a turnover rate of ∼100 000 per second per active centre (most catalases have four active centres). A novel set of X-ray crystallographic data for bacterial catalase were published, which were not only in conflict with previous X-ray data for a mammalian catalase, but also appeared inconsistent with the rapidity of normal enzymatic activity. Specifically, the ferric haem of the catalase was suggested to have a water molecule as its sixth ligand that was furthermore stabilized by participation in a hydrogen-bonding network. MCD spectral analysis of the identical bacterial catalase, as well as a mammalian, and a fungal catalase, clearly and unequivocally demonstrated that, under approximately biological conditions, all of the native catalases were always high-spin and pentacoordinate, with NO water ligated at the haem regardless of pH in the range 4–10. Again, this empty coordination site for the haem is of critical significance for the enzymatic reaction of the catalases, where the first step of the reaction requires H2O2 ligation at the haem. In part, the increasing employment of MCD spectroscopy in structural analysis derives from a


widening array of modifications that extend the diversity and accuracy of the method. A simple listing of such variations includes: (1) method of field generation: electromagnet vs superconducting magnet; (2) spectral region studied: near-infrared (near-IR; NIR) vs UV-visible (ultraviolet and visible); (3) VT (variable temperature) and VTVH (variable temperature, variable field; [H0] MCD, using a superconducting magnet, with temperature variations to as low as ∼1.5 K, and magnetic field variations from ∼1 to 50 T (1T = 10 000 G); (4) ‘fast’ MCD, which includes nanosecond and picosecond experiments, using an ‘ellipsometric approach’, also called TRMCD (time-resolved MCD); (5) VMCD, vibrational MCD, particularly Raman; (6) the newest modification, XMCD, X-ray detected magnetic circular dichroism. Fundamentally, MCD spectroscopy can be defined as the differential absorption of left and right circularly polarized light, induced by an external magnetic field (H0) that is parallel (or anti-parallel) to the direction of light propagation. This property is known as the ‘Faraday effect’, after Michael Faraday who observed (ca. 1845) that any substance, when placed in a magnetic field, will rotate the plane of polarized light. Indeed, it was the Faraday effect that was used to establish the electromagnetic nature of light. A general schematic of an MCD instrument is presented in Figure 1. In the case of degenerate electronic transitions, for which the components are not resolved in the absorption spectrum, one has access to only limited structural information. However, in the presence of a magnetic field, these degeneracies are lifted (Zeeman effect) and now can be explored in more detail. Using ordinary (conventional) electronic absorption spectroscopy, no detectable spectral difference is observed for such a sample in the presence or absence of the applied external magnetic field. This is because the spectral line width (for most samples) is greater

Figure 1 Optical components of a typical MCD/CD instrument. The modulator, now most commonly a piezoelectrically driven photoelastic device, converts linearly polarized light to a.c. modulated circularly polarized light.

than the splitting of the energy levels. However, using circularly polarized light it is possible to measure and record the differences between these magnetically degenerate states (see A and C terms below). For a sample that has no nondegenerate energy levels, it is still possible to obtain an MCD spectrum if the nondegenerate energy levels undergo a magnetically induced mixing; this is the origin of MCD B terms. A more detailed analysis presented below.

MCD vs CD spectroscopy Three aspects of MCD spectroscopy are clearly distinct from those of ‘natural’ circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy: (a) CD requires an optically active, chiral, molecule (essentially one of low molecular symmetry at the chiral centre lacking even a simple mirror plane), whereas MCD has no structural requirements, but rather is a property of all matter; (b) chirality and optical activity (CD) are derived from the presence of both electric and magnetic dipole transition moments in the sample under study, which furthermore must be parallel (or anti-parallel) to one another, whereas for magnetic optical activity (MCD) only an electric dipole transition moment is required, with the external magnetic field supplying the magnetic component (see Figure 2); (c) CD spectra are sensitive to molecular structure and perturbations of the chiral centre(s) by the physical environment, which is most clearly seen as asymmetry in the chromophore and/or its environment. MCD spectra are representative of the electronic structural properties of a given molecule, such as field-induced perturbations in energy levels. The latter, however, does not imply the absence of environmental sensitivity, but rather that molecular perturbations must directly affect the electronic properties. For example, this may include not only a concentration depend-

Figure 2 Cartoon illustrating the photon-induced transitions in a molecule. (A) Electronic absorption from ground to excited state is expressed as shown, where µe is the electric dipole moment operator; (B) magnetic absorption and the mathematical expression, where µm is the magnetic dipole moment operator; and (C) interaction of electronic and magnetic absorption, yielding optical activity.


ence, but also a sensitivity to structural variations, and to precise ligand geometry surrounding the chromophore (often a metal). MCD reflects electronic structural features such as spin and orbital degeneracies – information about spatial and coordination structure. Note that in the simplest quantum mechanical expression, for a CD spectrum to be observed there must be both electric and magnetic dipole transition moments, for which the cosine between the two transition dipole moments must be non-zero (Figure 2). Essentially, this means that the transition dipole moments must have a parallel (or anti-parallel) relationship to one another. Without all three components (the electric dipole transition moment, the magnetic dipole transition moment, and their parallel relationship) there can be no optical activity. Extensive theoretical discussions of CD spectroscopy focus on the specific origin of CD activity, such as the ‘one electron model’. MCD differs specifically here from CD, in that MCD spectroscopy provides the external magnetic field, H0, whereas chiral systems have their own magnetic transition dipole as a consequence of their very low symmetry at the chiral centre.

MCD experimental details Fundamentally, then, both magnetic circular dichroism and circular dichroism are phenomena dependent upon the Beer–Lambert law (Eqn [1]) that is to say, upon the concentration of the sample, and upon the inherent ‘responsiveness’ of the sample under study to light, called the extinction coefficient:

where A = absorbance (unitless), λ = the specific wavelength, ε = the molar extinction coefficient (M−1 cm−1); c = molar concentration (mol L−1; M), and b = cuvette pathlength (cm). More specifically, this is written as shown in Equations [2] and [3] for circular dichroism and magnetic circular dichroism, respectively, where ε1 and εr are the specific extinction coefficients for left- and right-circularly polarized light (LCPL and RCPL, respectively):

and ∆εm = (∆ε − ∆ε0)/H0 = (∆Aλ − ∆A )/cbH0 where A0; ∆ε 0 etc., with a superscript zero represent those values in the absence of a magnetic field. Thus, the actual MCD experiment requires collection of the MCD spectra for both sample and standard (buffer), and collection of the CD sample for both sample and standard. The natural CD signal (sample minus buffer) is subtracted from the signal for the sample MCD minus buffer MCD, to yield the ‘raw’ MCD data. These data are then corrected for field strength (in tesla) and for the molar concentration of the sample under study. Note that the MCD intensity is actually dependent on the strength of the magnetic field, H0, which is a key factor in the type of MCD experiment described as [3] above. This final correction means that it is actually the MCD ‘extinction coefficient’, ∆εM, that is being reported, and thus one can directly compare the MCD data between different samples in a meaningful manner.

MCD A, B and C terms; MCD data analysis In the case of ‘natural’ CD spectra, each CD spectral band is generally Gaussian in shape, and is associated with a single optically active transition. In contrast, a given electronic spectrum for a sample can result in several MCD spectral features, given the several different mechanisms by which the spectra feature may arise. Under experimental conditions of temperature such that Zeeman energies are 0) ground state. This is because the S = 0 level is nondegenerate, and thus cannot provide a temperature-dependent C term in the presence of the magnetic field.

‘Fast’ MCD, also called TRMCD (time-resolved MCD)

For reviews of the methodology and applications of nano- and picosecond MCD experiments, see the Further Reading section. This approach has required extensive modification of the equipment used for sample analysis, in particular using elliptically polarized light. This work has led to exciting results, permitting the examination of transient molecular species. Applications of nanosecond MCD have focused primarily on ligand complexes of haem proteins and their photo-produced dissociation intermediates, particularly given the intense absorption maxima of haem systems (typical ε 100 000 M−1 cm−1), and their strong MCD signals even at room temperature. To date, the experimental focus has been on systems with unpaired spins (metal complexes), rotational symmetries (aromatic molecules such as the amino acid trytophan, porphyrins), and metalloporphyrins (haem proteins). An exciting application came from TRMCD of the photodissociated CO adducts of, e.g. haem proteins such as mammalian cytochrome c oxidase: the diamagnetic, low-spin, hexacoordinate Fe(II), of the ferrous–CO haem becomes a paramagnetic high-spin, pentacoordinate Fe(II), with a concomitant appearance of a new C term. In the case of picosecond TRMCD, picosecond lasers are used. One such application demonstrated that upon photodissociation of the CO ligand bound to the haem protein myoglobin, the change from a hexacoordinate to a pentacoordinate haem occurred, ‘within the 20 ps rise time of the instrument’. VMCD, vibrational MCD, particularly Raman

Magnetic Raman optical activity determines transitions of electrons among energy levels created by an applied external magnetic field; problems arise here owing to limitations in the field strength. MVCD (magnetic vibrational CD) splits degenerate levels of vibrational transitions and aids in the analysis of bonding. X-ray detected magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD)

This technique has only recently evolved into an important method for magnetometry. This technique has unique strengths in that it can be used to determine quantitatively spin and orbital magnetic moments for specific elements, and can also be used to determine their anisotropies through analysis of the experimental spectra. For example, XMCD has been applied to the study of thin films of transient metal multilayers, such as Cu or Fe.


The XMCD method is one where the properties of 3d electrons are probed by exciting 2p core electrons to unfilled 3d states. The p → d transition dominates the L-edge X-ray absorption spectrum. L-edge X-ray spectroscopy of iron has proved to be useful because the transitions from the 2p ground state to 3d excited states are strong and dipole allowed, and the small natural line widths also indicate potentially strong MCD spectra. The intense L-edge XMCD spectra of the iron–sulfur protein rubredoxin and of the 2Fe–2S centre of Clostridium pasteurianum have also been studied. Both the XMCD sign, and its field dependence, can be used to characterize the type of coupling between magnetic metal ions and the strength of such coupling.

Conclusion MCD spectra can profitably separate contributions from multiple metal centres to a protein electronic spectrum, be used to evaluate metallo-biological systems without complications from the protein ‘milieu’, determine zero-field splitting, assign electronic transitions, provide information about a chromophore’s electronic structure, evaluate theoretical models, obtain magnetic properties (g values, spin states, magnetic coupling) and be used for structural comparison of ‘model’ and biological systems. Modern MCD spectroscopy can only prove to be increasingly useful. Whereas the standard (electromagnetic) instruments available in the 1970s and 1980s could require up to ∼45 min per single scan of the data (not counting the buffer, CD, and CD of buffer scans), modern multi-scanning capability permits a significant improvement in signal-to-noise ratio. This has a concomitant advantage in permitting careful and detailed studies to be performed. Perhaps the greatest utility of MCD spectroscopy is in concert with other methods. No one spectroscopic or structural analysis method can have ‘all the answers’. Only a consistent overall structural picture, provided by analysis of data from several methods, with awareness of the shortcomings of each, can lead us closer to the desired ‘truth’ with respect to the systems under study.

List of symbols A1, B0, C0 = MCD parameters (A, B and C terms) defining the amount of absorptive (B0 and C0) or derivative (A1) signals in the MCD spectrum; A = absorbance (unitless); b = cuvette pathlength

(cm); c = molar concentration (mol L−1; M); c = speed of light; f(E) = general Gaussian line shape function; g = EPR g values; h = Planck’s constant; H0 = external magnetic field; n = refractive index; N = Avogadro’s number; T = absolute temperature; α = proportionality constant between the electric field of the light and the electric field at the absorbing centre; β = Bohr magneton; γ = spectroscopic constant; ∆A±, A−, A+ are the change in absorbance, the negative absorbance, and the positive absorbance, respectively; ∆εM = MCD ‘extinction coefficient’; ε = molar extinction coefficient (M−1 cm−1); εl and εr are the specific extinction coefficients for left- and right-circularly polarized light (LCPL and RCPL, respectively); κ = Boltzmann constant; λ = specific wavelength; ν0 = the position, in nm, of the electronic absorption maximum for a given transition. See also: Near-IR Spectrometers; Vibrational CD, Applications; Vibrational CD Spectrometers; Vibrational CD, Theory.

Further reading Andersson LA, Johnson AK, Simms MD and Willingham TR (1995) Comparative analysis of catalases: spectral evidence against haem-bound water for the solution enzymes. FEBS Letters 370: 97–100. Ball DW (1990) An introduction to magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy: general theory and applications. Spectroscopy 6: 18–24. Cheesman MR, Greenwood C and Thomson AJ (1991) Magnetic circular dichroism of hemoproteins. Advances in Inorganic Chemistry 36: 201–255. Dawson JH and Dooley DM (1989) Magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy of iron porphyrins and heme proteins. In: Lever ABP and Gray, HB (eds) Iron Porphyrins, Part III, pp. 1–133. New York: V. V. H. Publishers. Goldbeck RA, Kim-Shapiro DB and Kliger DS (1997) Fast natural and magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy. Annual Review of Physical Chemistry 48: 453–479. Goldbeck RA and Kliger DS (1992) Natural and magnetic circular dichroism: spectroscopy on the nanosecond time scale. Spectroscopy 7: 17–29. Holmquist B (1978) The magnetic optical activity of hemoproteins. In: Dolphin D. (ed.) The Porphyrins, Vol. III, Chapter 5. New York: Academic Press. Peng G, van Elp J, Janh H, Que L Jr, Armstrong WH and Cramer SP (1995) L-edge X-ray absorption and X-ray magnetic circular dichroism of oxygen-bridged dinuclear iron complexes. Journal of the American Chemical Society 117: 2515–2519. Solomon EI, Machonkin TE and Sundaram UM (1997) Spectroscopy of multi-copper oxidases. In: Messerschmidt A (ed.) Multi-Copper Oxidases, pp. 103–127. Singapore: World Scientific.


Solomon EI, Pavel EG, Loeb KE and Campochiaro C (1995) Magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy as a probe of the geometric and electronic structures of non-heme ferrous enzymes. Coordination Chemistry Reviews 144: 369–460.

Stohr J and Nakajima R (1997) X-ray magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy of transition metal multilayers. Journal de Physique (Paris) IV 7: C2–C47. Sutherland JC (1995) Methods in Enzymology 246: 110– 131.

Magnetic Field Gradients in High-Resolution NMR Ralph E Hurd, G.E. Medical Systems, Fremont, CA, USA


Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction In the 1990s pulsed field gradients became a more common element in multiple-pulse high-resolution NMR methods. Gradients have been incorporated into these sequences to improve water suppression, to spoil radiation damping, to remove undesired signals, and to collect faster or higher-resolution multidimensional spectra. Although the potential for pulsed magnetic field gradients has been known since the early years of NMR, only recently has the performance of gradient systems been sufficient to take full advantage of this tool. There are essentially four ways in which gradients are used: coherence pathway selection, spatial encoding, diffusion weighting and spoiling are all used in modern highresolution systems. These methods have common and differentiating elements. Coherence selection and diffusion weighting take advantage of the reversible behaviour of the pulse gradient effect. Spoiling is a subset of coherence pathway selection that requires no encoding gradient and hence no read or rephase gradient. Spatial encoding can be used to image and correct B0 inhom*ogeneity, and can be used to restrict the detected sample volume. The basic elements of B0 field gradients, as used in high-resolution NMR are described.

Basic properties of gradients On a typical high-resolution NMR system, a Bo gradient probe can transiently generate a linear change in the otherwise hom*ogeneous Bo field of ±1 mT or moreover the approximately 2 cm z sample length. Many gradient systems can also independently generate linear transverse (x and y) gradient fields of similar magnitudes. Linearity, switching speed and

gradient recovery times are important gradient performance criteria. The switching time or recovery time was the most significant limitation of early gradient systems. In these early designs, the gradient field was not constrained inside the gradient cylinder, as shown in Figure 1A, and the process of generating a transient gradient interval induced undesirable currents in nearby conductors, especially the components of the magnet itself. These induced eddy currents in turn generate magnetic fields that perturb the NMR spectrum. These stray fields cause significant spectral distortions and last for hundreds of milliseconds. It was therefore impossible to maintain reasonable timing in multiple-pulse NMR experiments using this type of gradient. The invention of the actively shielded gradient coil in the late 1980s removed this limitation by constraining the gradient field inside the gradient cylinder, as illustrated in Figure 1B. This innovation and the development of dedicated high-resolution NMR gradient probes have made this technology readily available to NMR spectroscopists.

The gradient pulse effect A gradient in the B0 field across a sample will cause the spins in that sample to precess at spatially dependent rates. More specifically, a gradient pulse will add a reversible, spatially dependent, and coherence order-dependent, phase to the magnetization:

where γ is the magnetogyric ratio, r is the distance from gradient isocentre, G is the gradient amplitude, t is the gradient pulse duration and p is coherence


Figure 1

(A) Current diagram for conventional unshielded z gradient coil. (B) Current diagram for actively shielded z gradient coil.

order. If not resolved in space, or rephased, the impact of a spatially dependent phase across the detected volume is self-cancellation of signal. In the absence of B1, radiofrequency magnetic field inhom*ogeneity and susceptibility shifts, in a detected region ± rmax, the impact of a gradient pulse on pure x magnetization (p = 1) will be:

proton signal by a factor of about 1000. For pathway selection, it is the difference in gradient integrals that determine the level of suppression. Of course, practical matters such as gradient linearity (especially the fall-off at the ends of the sample volume), and B1 hom*ogeneity, will determine the actual suppression.

Coherence, coherence order and pathway selection Under these idealized conditions, perfect cancellation occurs at multiples of φ(rmax) = 2π but practical dephasing requires many cycles of 2π, where residual signal can be approximated as, 2/(γGtrmax). Thus, a typical 1 ms 0.25 T m–1 gradient pulse over a 1.5 cm B1 sample volume would reduce the observable

Coherence is a generalization of the idea of transverse magnetization. Coherence order is the quantum number difference associated with the z component of the rotation generated by the RF excitation, and can only be changed by another RF pulse. Thus, coherence order is conserved in the time periods separating RF pulses, during which the


application of a gradient pulse will encode magnetization according to the coherence order of that interval. The route of the observed magnetization is referred to as the coherence transfer pathway. All pathways start at p = 0 (thermal equilibrium) and must end with single-quantum coherence to be detectable. Transverse magnetization is a specific type of coherence characterized by the single-quantum coherence levels p = +1 and –1. Both components are detected to distinguish positive and negative frequencies in a quadrature receiver. By convention, p = −1 represents the quadrature detected signal, s+(t) = sx(t) + isy(t). Coherence transfer pathway diagrams are a good way to visualize the need for pathway selection in multiple-pulse NMR experiments. These pathways remind us that each RF pulse transfers magnetization to multiple coherence levels, only one or two of which must be retained to end up with the desired artefact-free spectrum. The traditional way to select a given pathway is to apply phase cycling. With phase cycling, the pulse sequence is repeated, using changes in the phase of the RF pulses, along with addition or subtraction of the corresponding complex signals to retain the desired pathway and cancel all the others. As a difference method, phase cycling can become a problem when the desired pathway is much smaller than the unwanted ones, as is the case in many multiple-quantum experiments. As a nondifference method, pulsed field gradient selection of the pathway is an advantage in these cases. Coherence transfer pathways are also a convenient way to visualize the action of gradient pulses in a NMR sequence, since the spatial encoding of each interval in the pathway is directly proportional to the product of gradient integral, Gt, and coherence order, p. Any pathway in which the sum

will be passed. Pathways where this is not true will retain a spatially dependent phase and will self-cancel. The pathway for hom*onuclear correlation spectroscopy (COSY) is shown in Figure 2 and provides a simple example. The first pulse creates coherence with orders +1 and –1 and leaves some z magnetization as coherence order 0. Thus, there are three pathways by which the coherence can reach the receiver after the second RF pulse, namely [0 → 0 → –1], [0 → + 1 → –1] and [0 → –1 → –1]. If the RF carrier is placed on one side of the F2 spectrum, all of the peaks in the 2D spectrum corresponding to the [0 → –1 → –1] coherence pathway will lie on one side of F1 = 0 and the peaks from [0 → +1 → –1] will lie on the other side of F1 = 0. The [0 → 0 → –1] peaks will occur only at F1 = 0. A single gradient pulse placed between the two RF pulses will spoil coherence that passes through both p = +1 and p = –1, and will select the [0 → 0 → –1] pathway. The addition of a read gradient interval after the second RF pulse will allow one of the other two pathways to be selected. If the read gradient is equal in sign and integral to the first (encode) gradient, then the pathway that goes through the [0 → +1 → –1] transfer will be selected, while the coherence that remains at –1 during evolution and acquisition [0 → −1 → –1] will be selected by a gradient of equal integral but opposite sign.

Multiple-quantum coherence transfer selection A common usage of pulsed field gradients is multiple-quantum coherence transfer selection, which takes advantage of the nondifference filtering of large unwanted signals from the small desired ones. The simplest hom*onuclear example is the three pulse sequence shown in Figure 3. hom*onuclear scalar coupled spins will give rise to both double and zero quantum coherences in the mixing time (tm)

Figure 2 Coherence-transfer pathway diagrams for COSY, illustrating gradient selection of (A) the F1 = 0 artefacts only, [0 → 0 → –1]; (B) N-type signals, [0 → +1 → –1]; and (C) P-type signals, [0 → –1 → –1].


Figure 3 Coherence transfer pathway diagram for hom*onuclear double-quantum selection with gradients.

interval. Uncoupled spins, such as solvent water, will not and thus the use of a 1:2 ratio of gradients (G1:G2) will select only coupled spin coherence that goes through the [0 → +/–1 → +2 → –1] pathways. A spoiler gradient (G1 only) during the mixing time will select for pathways that go though p = 0 in the mixing time, selecting the zero-quantum pathway plus any residual z magnetization. A single pathway [0 → +1 → +2 → –1] is selected using a 1:1:3 gradient sequence. This is achieved by adding a gradient of integral I during t1 evolution time and increasing the read gradient at the start of the t2 interval by the same area. These methods are all very good at suppressing the uncoupled water signal and reducing t1noise. However, both double-quantum and zeroquantum sequences may also pass water or other large solvent signals via the dipolar field effect unless the gradients are oriented at the magic angle 54.7° where triple axis gradients are used and (Gx = Gy = Gz). Heteronuclear multiple-quantum selections, often for protons attached to a lower magnetogyric ratio nucleus, are also very common applications of gradient selection. In this case it is often convenient to generate a combined coherence transfer pathway diagram for coupling partners and to use normalized heteronuclear coherence order p′, scaled to the proton magnetogyric ratio. The resulting normalized coherence levels are then directly related to the sensitivity to pulsed field gradient integrals. The coherence pathway diagram for the gradient-enhanced heteronuclear multiple quantum correlation (HMQC) experiment is illustrated in Figure 4. For X = 13C, the initial heteronuclear double-quantum level p′ [H(+1): 13C(+1)] = 1.25, and the initial heteronuclear zero-quantum level p′ [H(–1): 13 C(+1)] = –0.75. In this example, gradient ratios of 4:0:5 or 0:4:−3 or 4:4:2 would all select for the same pathway through the double → zero-quantum trans-

Figure 4 Coherence transfer pathway diagram for gradientenhanced HMQC sequence. The pathway illustrated by the solid line selects the pathway through heteronuclear double-quantum [H(+1):X(+1)] and heteronuclear zero quantum [H(–1):X(+1)] levels. For X = 13C, this pathway can be selected by any of the gradient ratios 4:0:5, 0:4:–3 or 4:4:2.

fer, and spoil the zero → double-quantum transfer pathway, as well as coherence pathways for proton spins not coupled to a 13C nuclei. As in the hom*onuclear case, this method provides excellent water suppression. The suppression of the t1-noise artefacts is so good with these methods that data can be collected under conditions that are not possible with traditional phase cycled methods. This advantage has been exploited especially in longrange proton–carbon correlation studies of polymer branching, as illustrated in Figure 5, and for proton–proton correlation at the water chemical shift frequency.

Spin echoes and gradient pulses Spin-echo selection with gradient pulses was the first and is probably now the most common use of gradients in magnetic resonance. This element is common to MR imaging, localized spectroscopy, diffusion measurements, water suppression and artefact reduction in multiple-pulse NMR. On high-resolution spectrometers, where all of the B1 sample volume is normally detected, RF refocusing pulses produce a considerable fraction of non-π rotation. The placement of equal gradient pulses on either side of the π pulse, as illustrated in Figure 6A, filters out any coherence that does not refocus (p → –p transition). This is also an especially effective method for improving the performance of frequency-selective π pulses such as are used in the gradient-enhanced version of spin echo water suppression (SEWS). Gradients of equal integral, but opposite sign, placed on


Figure 5 Gradient (B and D) versus phase-cycled (A and C) HMBC spectra of the polymer Pl-b-PS. The comparative traces at F2 = 1.7 ppm show the far superior signal-to-t1-noise achieved by the gradient method (D) relative to the traditional phase-cycled approach (C). Reproduced with permission of The Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, from Rinaldi P, Ray DG, Litman V and Keifer P (1995) The utility of pulse-field gradient–HMBC indirect detection NMR experiments for polymer structure determination. Polymer International 36: 177–185.

either side of a chemical shift selective refocusing pulse, such as the 1–1 binomial example shown in Figure 6B, are a powerful way to capture a selective, refocused (p → –p transition) bandwidth. This approach can be used to dramatically avoid residual out-of-band signal (e.g. water) relative to the phasecycled method. Frequency-selective suppression using spin echoes and gradients has also proved very successful in methods such as WATERGATE (water suppression by gradient tailored excitation) and MEGA as illustrated in Figures 6C and 6D. In addition to p → –p transfer, π pulses invert z magnetiza-

tion, Iz → –Iz. In this case imperfect π pulses will generate transverse magnetization. To select for the Iz → –Iz transition and spoil both transverse magnetization and the p → –p refocused magnetization, nonequal gradients can be applied before and after a π inversion pulse (Figure 6E). Each gradient pulse will spoil any transverse magnetization during those intervals, and the nonequal integrals of the gradients will prevent the refocusing of the p → –p transition. The selection of Iz → –Iz transitions are also useful in multinuclear experiments, in which case the gradient dephasing of S coherences must be avoided. This can


Figure 6 The use of gradients with RF π pulses. (A) Standard spin echo selection, p → –p transitions are selected. Any imperfection in the RF refocusing is cancelled. (B) Frequency-selective spin echo selection. Only the spins in the refocused bandwidth are selected. (C) Pathway for MEGA. Spins that are refocused by the selective RF refocusing pulse are dephased by the G1:G2 gradient pair. Outside the frequency-selective bandwidth, G2 reverses the effect of G1. (D) Pathway for WATERGATE. A net zero RF rotation leaves signals in the frequency-selective bandwidth dephased by the G1:G2 pair, while spins outside the selective bandwidth are rephased as in (A). (E) Selection of lz to –lz (p = 0 → 0) transitions uses nonequal gradients prior to the π pulse to eliminate any existing transverse magnetization, and after the π pulse to eliminate any transverse magnetization generated by RF pulse inhom*ogeneity. (F) selection of Iz to –Iz (p = 0 → 0) in a heteronuclear sequence while preserving any nonzero S coherence levels.

be accomplished by using gradients of equal integrals but opposite sign (Figure 6F). The second gradient will reverse any accumulated phase for the S spin caused by the first gradient, but will still spoil all I spin coherences except of the Iz → –Iz transitions.

Spoiling A gradient spoiler pulse can be applied in intervals where the desired signal has coherence order p = 0. These applications include gradient-enhanced z and

zz filters, stimulated echo selection, multiplequantum suppression during NOESY (nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy) mixing times and the hom*onuclear zero-quantum methods as previously described. Two examples of this gradient element are illustrated in Figure 7. The gradient-enhanced z filter is a pulse field gradient version of the multiple-acquisition nongradient method. In the original method, magnetization is stored as Iz, and multiple delay times are collected to allow non-Iz magnetization to evolve and selfcancel. The gradient method accomplishes this in a single step. As shown in Figure 7A, the two-pulse RF filter acts as a π pulse for the desired magnetization, which means the spoiler during the Iz interval can be combined with a spin-echo gradient pulse pair outside the Iz interval. The gradient-enhanced zz filter selects for heteronuclear longitudinal spin order described by the density operator IzSz, and can be easily integrated into the heteronuclear single quantum correlation (HSQC) type sequences, or as a preparation period for HMQC methods. The gradient version of the zz filter as shown in Figure 7B also passes Iz magnetization and is not as efficient at rejecting unwanted pathways as coherence selection. Spoiler gradients can also be used following frequency-selective excitation to eliminate a narrow band of chemical shift. This approach is often referred to as a chemical shift selective (CHESS) pulse. Optimum performance requires the tip angle of the selective excitation pulse be adjusted for water T1 relaxation that occurs during the excitation– dephase intervals. Multiple excitation–dephase intervals can be concatenated to achieve a moderate level of B1 and T1 insensitivity. Alternatively, T1- recovery time and water excitation flip angle can be adjusted to exploit differences in the solute and the water T1 values and to allow significant recovery of the solute spins during the time it takes water to reach a null. Like many gradient methods, the T1-delayed CHESS pulse inherently eliminates the radiation damping effect and makes it possible to take advantage of the true water T1.

Diffusion-weighted water suppression In any experiment where gradients are used to label spins with a spatially dependent phase, that are subsequently rephased with a second gradient pulse, there will be a loss of signal due to any movement of the spins during the time interval between labelling and rephasing. For a spin-echo (p +1 → –1) transition, this loss of signal is related to translational


Figure 7 (A) Gradient-enhanced z filter and (B) zz filter. As in the inversion examples shown in Figure 6, these gradients dephase all but p = 0 coherence order.

diffusion by the Stejskal–Tanner equation:

where γ is the magnetogyric ratio, g is the strength, and τ the duration of the gradient pulse pair, ∆ is the time between gradient pulses, and D is the diffusion coefficient. Normally, diffusion weighting is minimized by using modest gradient integrals (g and τ) and by keeping the separation (∆) between the encode and rephase portion of a gradient pair small. However, by increasing both gradients integrals and separation (∆), it is possible to take advantage of the significant differences in the translational diffusion of solvent water and large solute molecules such as proteins. This is the basis of the DRYCLEAN, diffusion reduced water signals in spectroscopy of molecules moving slower than water. With a modest 20-fold difference in diffusion constant, D, a gradient pair could be selected to preserve over 70% of the solute signal, while suppressing water by 1000fold. It is important to note that, like multiple-quantum coherence pathway selection, this method is also independent of the width and shape of the water signal. The same basic gradient-selected spin-echo methodology is also used to study exchange processes in biomolecules.

Phase-sensitive methods Modern multidimensional spectra are almost always recorded in pure absorption mode. The primary reasons are phase sensitivity, improved resolution, and a √2 factor increase in SNR compared with magni-

tude mode. Pure absorption phase is obtained from the amplitude-modulated signal in t1, separating the frequencies of the two mirror image pathways, p = +1 and p = –1 in an evolution time analogue to quadrature detection. In methods without gradients, or in methods that use gradients only for spoiling, spin echo and/or Iz inversion selection, this is accomplished using a two-step phase cycle for each t1 increment. Both steps contain p = +1 and p = –1 coherence, and the combination provides frequency discrimination at full signal intensity. Pure absorption line shape with gradient selection during evolution is also a two-step process, but each acquisition contains only p = +1 or p = –1, leading to a √2 factor loss in SNR relative to the phase-cycled selection of quadrature in F1. The trade-off is that signal-to-t1 noise is often better for the gradient methods, as illustrated in Figure 5, and in the instances where pure absorption line shape is not required the gradient selection methods are significantly faster. Unlike the single-step selection with gradients, phase-cycled methods require multiple steps to separate p = +1 or –1. The advantage of a reduction in required phase cycle steps is most evident in three- and four-dimensional NMR studies, where proper sampling of the evolution time alone generates more signal averaging than necessary. It is possible to collect separate p = +1 and p = –1 pathways in a single acquisition per t1 time by using the switched acquisition time (SWAT) gradient method. In this method the two coherence pathways are alternately and individually acquired on alternate sampling points in the digitizer. Although a doubling in F1 bandwidth still results in the √2 factor loss in SNR, this approach offers the ability to collect pure absorption multidimensional data in a minimum total acquisition time.


The method, however, is very demanding on gradient switching time.

Spatial selection In the typical high-resolution NMR experiment, the entire B1 volume contributes to the final result. The volume of spins in the transition band where the relatively linear B1 field falls from maximum to zero can be significant. This inhom*ogeneity and line shape distortions from bulk susceptibility effects also found at the ends of the sample are among the reasons why gradient selection and phase cycling methods are so heavily used for artefact reduction in multiple-pulse NMR. A gradient-based method that can be used to reduce these end effects (transition band suppression or TBS), uses slice select–spoil intervals during the pulse sequence preparation period to avoid this difficult region of the sample. Combination of TBS with T1-delayed CHESS pulses and gradient selection of double-quantum coherence makes it possible to study proton–proton correlations at the water chemical shift in both F1 and F2. The pulse sequence and an example are shown in Figure 8. Another application of spatial localization in highresolution NMR applies to the specialized field of high-performance liquid chromatography–NMR (HPLC-NMR). With NMR as the detector for a liquid chromatography system, it can be valuable to spatially resolve the NMR sample volume. This can be done by phase encoding, which allows the data to be retrospectively processed to eliminate end effects or to separate partially overlapping HPLC fractions.

Field maps and hom*ogeneity adjustment One relatively obvious application of three-axis gradients is to image and correct for any B0 field inhom*ogeneity. Three-dimensional phase or frequency maps can be obtained and used to image the inhom*ogeneity of the sample, and with previously obtained maps for fixed offsets of the known shims a best-field solution can rapidly be made. Normally this approach works best with a strong solvent signal such as water, but in a limited way it can be accomplished using the deuterium-lock solvent signal.

Figure 8 (A) Pulse sequence for phase-sensitive version of gradient-enhanced double-quantum correlation method incorporating T1 delayed CHESS sequence and TBS. (B) Phasesensitive contour plot of data for 1 mM ubiquitin in 90% H2O–10% D2O collected using this method. A water inversion null time of 200 ms was used to allow CαH protons at 4.8 ppm to recover fully as expansion near F2 = 4.8 (water) illustrates. Reproduced from Hurd R, John B, Webb P and Plant P (1992) Journal of Magnetic Resonance 99: 632–637 with permission of Academic Press.

come more common. In many ways, gradients are a perfect partner for the limitations of the native high– resolution NMR B1 fields, and also work complement only to crafted RF pulse methods. When used appropriately, gradients have the ability to enhance the quality of most multiple-pulse NMR results.

List of symbols Summary Gradients are useful as an integral part of multiplepulse NMR methods. High-resolution NMR systems and probes continue to incorporate these devices and accordingly the use of these tools continues to be-

B0 = applied magnetic field; B1 = RF magnetic field strength; D = diffusion coefficient; F1 = evolution frequency; g = strength of gradient pulse; G = gradient amplitude; Iz = z magnetization; p = coherence order; r = distance from gradient isocentre;


t = gradient pulse duration; γ = magnetogyric ratio; ∆ = time between gradient pulses; τ = duration of gradient pulse; φ = magnetization phase. See also: Diffusion Studied Using NMR Spectroscopy; NMR Pulse Sequences; Product Operator Formalism in NMR; Solvent Suppression Methods in NMR Spectroscopy; Two-Dimensional NMR, Methods.

Further reading Freeman D and Hurd RE (1992) Metabolite specific methods using double quantum coherence transfer

spectroscopy. In Diehl P, Fluck E, Günther H, Kosfeld R and Seelig J (eds) NMR: Basic Principles and Progress, Vol 27, pp 200–222. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. Hurd RE (1995) Field gradients and their application. In Grant DM and Harris K (eds) Encyclopedia of NMR. Chichester: Wiley. Hurd RE and Freeman D (1991) Proton editing and imaging of lactate. NMR in Biomedicine 4: 73–80. Keeler J, Clowes RT, Davis AL and Laue ED (1994) Pulsed-field gradients: theory and practice. Methods in Enzymology 239: 145–207. Zhu J-M and Smith ICP (1995) Selection of coherence transfer pathways by pulsed field gradients in NMR spectroscopy. Concepts in NMR 7: 281–288.

Magnetic Resonance, Historical Perspective J W Emsley, University of Southampton, UK J Feeney, National Institute for Medical Research, London, UK

MAGNETIC RESONANCE Historical Overview

Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction NMR dates from 1938 when Rabi and co-workers first observed the phenomenon in molecular beams. This was followed in 1946 by the NMR work in the laboratories of Bloch and Purcell on condensedphase samples. In the intervening 53 years there has been a wonderful revelation of how rich this spectroscopy can be, and only a flavour can be given here of the many significant developments. A very detailed account of the history is given in Volume 1 of the Encyclopaedia of NMR, which also includes biographies of many of those who created the subject as it is today. A shorter, but still very detailed, history can be found in five articles published in Progress in NMR Spectroscopy. Here we present a summary of the main developments under five headings: Establishing the principles; Solid-state and liquid crystal NMR; Liquid-state NMR; Biological applications of NMR; Magnetic resonance imaging. We also present three tables that give some of the important milestones in the development of NMR.

Establishing the principles NMR arises because some nuclei may have an intrinsic spin angular momentum, which has the consequence that they also have a magnetic dipole

moment. The existence of a magnetic dipole moment for hydrogen nuclei was established in 1933 by Gerlach and Stern, who observed the effect of an applied magnetic field gradient on a beam of hydrogen molecules. The trajectories of the molecules are changed if their nuclei have magnetic moments. Inducing transitions between nuclear spin states by the application of electromagnetic radiation at the appropriate resonance frequency was introduced by Rabi and co-workers, also using molecular beams. In this experiment the beam passed first through a field gradient, which deflected the atoms in a direction dependent on the value of m, the magnetic quantum number, then through a hom*ogeneous field, where they were subjected to the electromagnetic radiation, and finally through another field gradient whose sign was opposite to that in the first region. If the nuclei in the atoms do not absorb the radiation, then the effect of the two field gradients cancels, and the beam is undeflected. Absorption or emission of radiation leads to a net deflection of the beam. This simple experiment therefore provided a foretaste of the use of gradients to create or destroy signals. The first successful NMR experiments on condensed-phase samples were done in 1945, and published in 1946, separately by the group at Stanford led by Bloch, who observed the protons in water, and a group at Harvard led by Purcell, who


also observed protons, but in solid paraffin. Unlike the beam experiments, in these the detection was of a net nuclear magnetization arising from the imbalance between states with different values of m, and it was crucial for their success that nuclear spin relaxation was occurring at a favourable rate. The first systematic experimental measurements of spin–lattice and spin–spin relaxation rates were published in 1948 by Bloembergen, Purcell and Pound, who also gave an interpretation of their magnitudes in terms of the dynamics of the molecules containing the nuclei. The magnetic shielding of a nucleus from the applied field by the surrounding electrons was recognized to occur in atoms by Lamb, who published a method for calculating the effect in 1941. The aim of these calculations was to correct for the effect of the shielding on the resonance frequencies observed in molecular beam experiments and hence to obtain the true nuclear magnetic moment. Ramsey extended these calculations to nuclei in molecules in 1949–52, and in this same period the phenomenon was observed in the NMR of condensed-phase samples, first in the resonances of metals and metal salts by Knight in 1949, and in the following year by Proctor and Yu, who observed different resonances for 14N in ammonium nitrate, and by Dickinson, who reported the same phenomenon for 19F in various compounds (e.g BeF2, HF, BF3, KF, NaF, C2F3CCl3). The physicists working on these problems thought these ‘chemical shift’ effects uninteresting and a nuisance, since they impeded the important task of measuring nuclear gyromagnetic ratios accurately! We can now pinpoint the years 1949–50 as the period when NMR ceased to be predominantly a technique of the ‘physicists’ and when the ‘chemists’ began to realize the potential usefulness of the ‘chemical shift’. It was also at this time that the effects produced by spin–spin coupling were first observed. Experimental results now preceded theory. Proctor and Yu observed a multiplet for the 121Sb resonance in a solution containing the ion SbF6−. They observed only five lines of the seven-line multiplet, and so were sidetracked into attempting to explain the splitting as incomplete averaging of the internuclear dipolar coupling. Dipolar coupling had been observed in molecular beam experiments, and its origin was well understood. The problem facing Proctor and Yu was that this interaction, being entirely anisotropic, should vanish if the molecules are rotating rapidly and isotropically, as in an isotropic liquid sample. Gutowsky and McCall also observed spin–spin splittings, but this time in the 31P and 19F resonances in the compounds POCl2F, POClF2 and CH3OPF3. They were able to deduce that the number of lines is

determined by the product of the m values of the coupled nuclei. Ramsey and Purcell published an explanation of the splitting as arising from a rotationally invariant interaction between nuclear spins that proceeds via the electrons in the molecule. Spin–spin splitting was also observed at the same time by Hahn and Maxwell as a modulation on a spin-echo signal, Hahn having discovered the spin-echo phenomenon in 1949. By 1952 all the basic, important interactions that affect NMR spectra had been demonstrated, and their relationship with molecular structure had been explained (see Table 1). The challenge then, as now, was how to exploit the value of NMR for samples of varying degrees of complexity, and this proved to be an exciting and rewarding quest. There were still many new effects to be discovered, and these began to appear quickly as the early pioneers started to explore this new spectroscopy. In 1953 Overhauser predicted that it should be possible to transfer spin polarization from electrons to nuclei. He delivered this prediction to an initially sceptical audience at a meeting of the American Physical Society in Washington, DC. Overhauser was a postdoctoral worker in Illinois when he made this prediction, and he had interested Slichter in the possibility of enhancing NMR signals in this way. Slichter and Carver succeeded in demonstrating the enhancement in lithium metal and all doubts about the nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) were put to rest. The chemical shift and spin–spin coupling phenomena were clearly destined to be discovered as soon as magnets became sufficiently hom*ogeneous. They might be classed as inevitable discoveries. The Overhauser effect is different, and it is conceivable that it would have lain undiscovered for many years without the perception of one individual. We might call this a noninevitable discovery. One of the remarkable features of NMR development has been the number of such noninevitable discoveries, some of which have been fully exploited only many years after their discovery. Another such example is the invention by Redfield in 1955 of spin locking, a technique that produces a retardation of spin–spin relaxation in the presence of a radiofrequency field. This not only led to a method of studying slow molecular motions, but also provided a method for transferring polarization between two nuclei that are simultaneously spin-locked, as ingeniously demonstrated by Hahn and Hartmann in 1962. There were many developments going on in the period 1955–65, some of which we will discuss later. The successes of the early pioneers encouraged the development of commercial spectrometers, and this provided increased access to NMR for a wider


Table 1

Milestones in the development of NMR basic principles and solid–state and liquid-crystal NMR



Literature citation


Early work characterizing nuclear magnetic moments and using beam methods

Frisch and Stern, Z. Phys. 85: 4; Esterman and Stern Phys. Rev. 45: 761, Rabi et al., Phys. Rev. 55: 526


First NMR experiment using molecular beam method

Rabi et al., Phys. Rev. 53: 318


Theory of magnetic shielding of nuclei in atoms

Lamb, Phys. Rev. 60: 817


Detection of NMR signals in bulk materials

Bloch et al., Phys. Rev. 69:127; Purcell et al., Phys. Rev. 69: 37


Bloembergen, Purcell and Pound (BPP) paper Bloembergen et al., Phys. Rev. 73: 679 on relaxation


Hahn spin echoes

Hahn, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 24: 13


Knight shift in metals

Knight, Phys. Rev. 76: 1259


Discovery of the chemical shift

Proctor and Yu, Phys. Rev. 77: 717; Dickinson Phys. Rev. 77: 736

Discovery of spin–spin coupling

Proctor and Yu, Phys. Rev. 81: 20; Gutowsky and McCall, Phys. Rev. 82: 748; Hahn and Maxwell, Phys. Rev. 84:1246

1951 1952

First commercial NMR spectrometer (30 MHz) Varian


Bloch equations for NMR relaxation

Bloch et al., Phys. Rev. 69: 127; Bloch, Phys. Rev. 94: 496


Overhauser effect

Overhauser, Phys. Rev. 91: 476; Carver and Slichter, Phys. Rev. 102: 975


Theory for exchange effects in NMR spectra

Gutowsky et al., J. Chem. Phys. 21: 279


Proton spectrum of a liquid crystal

Spence et al., J. Chem. Phys. 21: 380


Carr–Purcell spin echoes

Carr and Purcell, Phys. Rev. 94: 630


Solomon equations for NMR relaxation

Solomon, Phys. Rev. 99: 559


Relaxation in the rotating frame

Redfield, Phys. Rev. 98: 1787


Redfield theory of relaxation

Redfield, IBM J. Res. Dev. 1: 19


Magic angle spinning for high-resolution stud- Andrew et al., Nature 182: 1659; Lowe, Phys. Rev. Lett. 2: 285 ies of solids Saupe and Engelert, Phys. Rev. Lett. 11: 462


Liquid crystal solvents used in NMR


Deuterium spectrum of a liquid crystal

Rowell et al., J. Chem. Phys. 43: 3442


NMR spectrum shown to be Fourier transform (FT) of free induction decay (FID)

Ernst and Anderson, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 37: 93


Deuterium spectrum of a membrane

Oldfield et al., FEBS Lett. 16: 102


Cross-polarization magic angle spinning for solids

Schaeffer and Stesjkal J. Am. Chem. Soc. 98: 1030

scientific community. The first commercial spectrometer (30 MHz for 1H) was marketed by Varian Associates in 1952, and many of the new early developments stemmed from Varian’s research and development department. Sample spinning and fieldfrequency locking are just two examples that led to dramatic improvements in the quality of high-resolution spectra of liquids. However, the most significant development was the pulse Fourier transform (FT) method of acquiring spectra, which Anderson and Ernst realized at Varian, the first account of which appeared in 1966. At that time their spectrometer did not have an on-line, or even a close at hand computer on which to do the transform, and the exploitation of the method in a commercial spectrometer had to wait for the development of the on-line

computer. In fact, the first commercial pulse FT spectrometer was marketed by Bruker in 1969. Varian introduced superconducting magnets into NMR with a 200 MHz proton spectrometer, first produced in 1962, and whose field strength was soon increased so as to give proton resonance at 220 MHz. By 1971 NMR was beginning to look like a mature spectroscopy with all the major developments in place. However, in that year Jeener suggested the idea of multidimensional spectroscopy, and in 1973 Lauterbur published his method for imaging of objects by applying magnetic field gradients. These two events stimulated Ernst and his collaborators to develop the first two-dimensional experiments, and a new age of rapid development in NMR began,


leading to the marvellous portfolio of experiments in NMR spectroscopy and imaging that are available today.

Solid-state and liquid crystalline samples The rapid and isotropic motion in normal liquids averages the anisotropic interactions to zero. The rapid motion also produces a long spin–spin relaxation time (T2), and hence a very narrow NMR line. In most solids there is little or no motion and the NMR, lines may be split by very large anisotropic interactions, and will usually have a very short T2, and hence broad lines. In fact, in the early days of NMR, studies of solids and liquids were seen to be quite different activities. Commercial spectrometers were produced mainly for liquid-state studies, since it was appreciated that the applications of NMR for mixture analysis and structure determination by chemists would be the major market. Spectrometers were usually designed either to obtain high-resolution spectra – that is, to resolve the small chemical shifts and spin–spin couplings exhibited by liquids – or for solid samples, where magnet hom*ogeneity was not so important but special techniques were necessary in order to record the very broad line spectra. The NMR community was divided mainly into those working with liquids and those looking at solids. We will restrict our description of the historical development of the NMR of solids and liquid crystals to showing how the gap between these two communities has narrowed, and indeed now overlaps. The first steps along this path were taken by Andrew, Bradbury and Eades in 1958, and by Lowe in 1959, who showed that rotation of a solid sample about an angle of 54.7° to the magnetic field can remove the second-rank, anisotropic contributions to NMR interactions for spin- nuclei. This means that, in principle, the dipolar interaction, which is entirely a second-rank, anisotropic interaction, and the anisotropic contribution to the chemical shift can be removed by using this ‘magic angle’ spinning (MAS) technique. The spectra obtained show spinning sidebands at the frequency of the rotation speed, and have intensities that depend on the relative magnitudes of the rotation speed and the magnitude of the interaction being averaged. The early experiments demonstrated that the spectral lines can be narrowed to reveal chemical shift differences, and even in some cases spin–spin couplings, but the samples that could be studied in this way were limited, and the method did not find wide application. The MAS experiment had to wait until 1976 before it was used to provide high-quality, high-resolution


C spectra from solid samples. Carbon-13 is a special case in being isotopically dilute at natural abundance and so the spectra can easily be simplified by proton decoupling. This produces spectra from a liquid sample that have a single line for each chemically equivalent group of carbons. The low isotopic abundance, however, also leads to a low signal-to-noise ratio, and in liquids it was not until the advent of the pulse FT method that 13C spectra with a good signalto-noise ratios could be obtained by time averaging. For a solid sample the time averaging is often inefficient because the ratio of the relaxation times T1/T2 is high. To overcome this problem, Schaefer and Stejskal used an idea proposed and demonstrated by Hahn and Hartmann in 1962 in which the 13C and 1 H nuclei can be made to transfer polarization by subjecting each of them simultaneously to spin-locking radiofrequency fields. In liquid crystalline samples the molecules move rapidly, so that the NMR interactions are averaged, but they do not move randomly, and this results in nonzero averaging of the dipolar couplings, the chemical shift anisotropies and the quadrupolar interactions. The first reported observation of a spectrum from a liquid crystalline sample was by Spence, Moses and Jain in 1953. It was the proton spectrum of a nematic sample, and consisted of a very broad triplet structure and had a low information content. Ten years later, Englert and Saupe recorded the 1H spectrum of benzene dissolved in a nematic solvent and this consisted of a large number of sharp lines; its analysis gave three, partially averaged dipolar couplings whose values could be related to the relative positions of the protons and the orientational order of the sixfold symmetry axis of the benzene molecule. The study of liquid crystals themselves received a boost with the publication in 1965 by Rowell, Melby, Panar and Phillips of the spectrum given by the deuterons in a specifically deuterated nematogen. They obtained partially averaged quadrupolar splittings, which can be used to characterize the orientational order of the deuterated molecular fragments. The realization that NMR could give useful information about membranes and model membranes dates from the late 1960s and early 1970s, and the particularly valuable role of deuterium NMR in membrane studies stems from the publication in 1971 of a study by Oldfield, Chapman and Derbyshire.

Liquid-state NMR Following the detection of the NMR phenomenon and the subsequent discovery of the chemical shift


and spin–spin coupling, NMR emerged as one of the most powerful physical techniques for determining molecular structures in solution and for analysing complex mixtures of molecules. The potential of the method as a structural tool was almost immediately recognized. High-resolution NMR spectrometers were constructed in several laboratories (such as those of HS Gutowsky, RE Richards and JD Roberts, and JN Shoolery at Varian Associates) and the pioneering efforts of these scientists and others began to demonstrate the scope of applications of the technique in chemistry. The success of the method for chemists derives from the well-defined correlations between molecular structure and the measured chemical shifts and spin coupling constants. In retrospect, the achievements of the early workers were truly remarkable considering that they were working at such low magnetic fields (30/40 MHz for 1H) so that spectral dispersion was poor and the sensitivity was three orders of magnitude less than in present-day instruments. The ingenious adaptations of their instruments to increase the stability and resolution (for example, field-frequency locking, hom*ogeneity shim coils and sample spinning) were absolutely essential to allow them to make progress in their structural determinations. As time progressed, the sensitivity was boosted initially by increasing the field strengths and improving the radiofrequency (RF) circuitry and probe designs, and subsequently by using spectral accumulation and Fourier transform methods. Most of the important milestones in the development of the NMR technique for studies of solution state NMR are given in Table 2. By 1957 NMR was emerging as a powerful nondestructive analytical technique capable of providing structural information about the environment of more than 100 known nuclear isotopes. Initially the technique was held back by its relatively low sensitivity and the complexity of the 1H spectra of larger molecules. In the late 1950s, although many problems were identified for NMR study in areas such as polymer chemistry, organometallic chemistry and even biochemistry, the method was proving to be grossly inadequate for tackling them. For example, polymer scientists, acquired some of the early instruments hoping to determine stereotacticities and cross-linking in synthetic polymers; in fact it was not until several years later that improved instrumentation allowed such problems to be tackled successfully. Meanwhile, the method was enjoying considerable success in helping to solve molecular structures of moderately sized molecules (Mr < 400): it was particularly useful in natural product chemistry where it became possible to differentiate between several structures that

satisfied the compositional data. It was also proving to be a very powerful method for defining stereochemical details of various structures, for example alkaloids and steroids. Not surprisingly, organic chemists were immediately attracted to this technique, which could reveal unresolved structural details about some of the molecules they had been studying for decades. More challenging applications to larger molecules became possible only with the eventual improvements in sensitivity and spectral simplification. Although the manufacturers made steady progress in providing higher and higher field strengths, it was not until 1966 that a significant impact was made on the sensitivity problem with the arrival of Fourier transform methods and the use of dedicated computers for data acquisition. These methods also facilitated studies of less-sensitive nuclei and from 1966 to 1975 13C studies at natural abundance became routine not only for structural studies but also for investigating rapid molecular motions (obtaining correlation times from 13C relaxation studies). During this period, structural determinations of fairly large molecules (Mr ∼3500) became commonplace and measurements of nuclear Overhauser effects were frequently used to identify protons that were near to each other. Fortunately, while this rapid expansion in applications work was underway, a few research groups continued to concentrate on understanding the basic spin physics. Some of the novel multipulse techniques developed at this time (such as INEPT and HMQC for indirect detection of insensitive heteronuclei via proton signals) were to prove of far-reaching value in eventually simplifying complex NMR spectra from large macromolecules.

Biological applications of NMR Biochemists became interested in the NMR technique long before it could provide them with the detailed information they were seeking. For example, the first 1H spectrum of a protein was recorded in 1957 and proved to be almost featureless. From these unpromising beginnings, who would have predicted that 40 years later the technique would be used to fully assign the resonances of proteins as large as 30 kda and to determine their three-dimensional structures? Early workers such as M Cohn, O Jardetzky and RG Shulman had sufficient vision to recognize the eventual potential of the method when they began their pioneering studies on nucleotides, amino acids, peptides, proteins, paramagnetic ion effects and metabolic applications. In the early days, brave attempts were made to solve the problem of signal overlap by studying partially deuterated,


Table 2

Milestones in the development of solution-state NMR



Literature citation

1949– 1950

Discovery of the chemical shift

Knight, Phys. Rev. 76: 1259; Proctor and Yu, Phys. Rev. 77: 777; Dickinson Phys. Rev. 77: 736 Proctor and Yu, Phys. Rev. 81: 20; Gutowsky and McCall, Phys. Rev. 82: 748; Ramsey and Purcell, Phys. Rev. 85: 143, Hahn and Maxwell, Phys. Rev. 84: 1246 Arnold et al., J. Chem. Phys. 19: 507 Varian Overhauser, Phys. Rev. 91: 476 Gutowsky et al., J. Chem. Phys. 21: 279 Bloch, Phys. Rev. 94: 496 Golay, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 29: 313 Shoolery, Prog. NMR Spectrosc. 28: 37 Shoolery, Prog. NMR Spectrosc. 28: 37 Bloom and Shoolery, Phys. Rev. 97: 1261 Gutowsky et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 79: 4596; Bernstein et al., Can. J. Chem. 35: 65; Arnold, Phys. Rev. 102: 136; Anderson, Phys. Rev. 102: 151 Singer, Science 130: 1652 Karplus, J. Chem. Phys. 30: 11; 64: 1793

Discovery of spin–spin coupling

1951 1952 1953 1953 1953–58


1959 1959 1961 1962 1962 1964 1965 1966 1969 1969 1970–75 1970

Discovery of 1H chemical shifts First commercial NMR spectrometer (30 MHz) Overhauser effect Theory for exchange effects in NMR spectra Sample spinning used for resolution improvement Field gradient shimming with electric currents Magnetic flux stabilization (Varian) Variable temperature operation Spin decoupling Analysis of second-order spectra

Blood flow measurements in vivo Vicinal coupling constant dependence on dihedral angle First commercial 60 MHz field/frequency locked spectrometer (Varian A 60) First superconducting magnet NMR spectrometer (Varian 220 MHz) Indirect detection of nuclei by heteronuclear double resonance (INDOR) Spectrum accumulation for signal averaging Nuclear Overhauser enhancements (NOEs) used in conformational studies Fourier Transform (FT) techniques introduced

1971 1971 1972

First commercial FT NMR spectrometer (90 MHz) Lanthanide shift reagents used in NMR 13 C studies at natural abundance become routine First commercial FT spectrometer with superconducting magnet (270 MHz) Pulse sequences for solvent signal suppression Two-dimensional (2D) NMR concept suggested 13 C studies of cellular metabolism

1973 1973

31 P detection of intracellular phosphates NMR analysis of body fluids and tissues

1973 1974 1976

360 MHz superconducting NMR spectrometer 2D NMR techniques developed Early NMR studies on body fluids and tissues



1977 1979

First 600 MHz spectrometer Detection of insensitive nuclei enhanced by polarization transfer (INEPT)

P studies of muscle metabolism

Varian Varian Baker, J. Chem. Phys. 37: 911 Ernst, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 36: 1689 Anet and Bourn, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 87: 5250 Ernst, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 36: 1689; Ernst and Anderson, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 37: 93 Bruker Sievers, NMR Shift Reagents, Academic Press Bruker Platt and Sykes, J. Chem. Phys. 54: 1148 Jeener Matwiyoff and Needham, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 49: 1158 Moon and Richards, J. Biol. Chem. 248: 7276 Moon and Richards, J. Biol. Chem. 248: 7276; Hoult et al. Nature 252: 285 Bruker Aue et al., J. Chem. Phys. 64: 229 Moon and Richards, J. Biol. Chem. 248: 7276; Hoult et al., Nature 252: 285 Burt et al., J. Biol. Chem. 251: 2584; Burt et al., Science 195: 145; Garlick et al. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 74: 1256; Jacobus et al., Nature 265: 756; Hollis and Nunnally, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 75: 1086; Yoshizaki, J. Biochem. 84: 11; Cohen and Burt, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 74: 4271; Sehr and Radda, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 77: 195; Burt et al., Annu. Rev. Biophys. Bioeng. 8: 1 Carnegie Mellon University Morris and Freeman, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 101: 760


Table 2




Literature citation


Detection of heteronuclear multiple quantum coherence (HMQC)

Mueller, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 101, 4481; Burum and Ernst, J. Magn. Reson. 39: 163


500 MHz superconducting spectrometer



Surface coils used for in vivo NMR studies

Ackerman et al., Nature 283: 167


Pulsed-field gradients used for coherence selection

Bax et al., Chem. Phys. Lett. 69: 567


NMR used to diagnose a medical condition

Ross et al., N. Engl. J. Med. 304: 1338


Perfusion methods used for NMR studies of cell metabolism

Ugurbil et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci, 78: 4843; Foxall and Cohen, J. Magn. Reson. 52: 346


Full assignments obtained for small protein

Wagner and Wüthrich, J. Mol. Biol. 155: 347


First 3D-structures of proteins from NMR data

Williamson et al., J. Mol. Biol. 182: 195; Braun et al., J. Mol. Biol. 169: 921


600 MHz superconducting spectrometer

Bruker; Varian; Oxford Instruments


2D-NMR combined with isotopically labelling for full assignments of proteins

Torchia et al., Biochemistry 27: 5135


Whole-body imaging and spectroscopy at 4.0 T

Barfuss et al., Radiology 169: 811


3D-NMR on isotopically labelled proteins

Marion et al., Biochemistry 28: 6150


4D-NMR on isotopically labelled proteins

Kay et al., Science 249: 411


Pulsed-field gradients routinely incorporated into pulse sequences

Bax et al., Chem. Phys. Lett. 69: 567; Hurd, J. Magn. Reson. 87: 422


750 MHz spectrometers

Bruker; Varian; Oxford Instruments


800 MHz spectrometer


large biological macromolecules at ever-increasing field strengths. However, a general solution to the signal overlap problem became available only with the arrival of multidimensional NMR methods. The most important breakthrough came in 1975 with the development of the first two-dimensional (2D) NMR experiments, which had the capability of both simplifying complex spectra and also establishing correlations between nuclei connected either by scalar spin coupling through covalent bonds (COSY spectra) or by dipole–dipole relaxation pathways through space (NOESY spectra). These 2D experiments allowed the assignment of complex NMR spectra and provided distance information for use in structural calculations. The eventual demonstration of the full potential of these methods was made by Wüthrich and co-workers, which eventually led to the first determination of a complete structure for a globular protein in solution. The extension of the multidimensional NMR approach to larger proteins was subsequently made possible by the development of 3D- and 4D-NMR techniques incorporating INEPT and HMQC pulse sequences that were applied to 13C- and 15N-labelled proteins. These latter developments were made at NIH by Bax and Clore and their co-workers. These multidimensional NMR methods provide the spectral simplification required to completely assign the spectra of proteins of up to 30 kDa and to determine their structures to a resolution similar to the

0.20 nm resolution X-ray structure (see the relevant milestone experiments in Table 2). Using the modern techniques, detailed structural and dynamic information can now be routinely obtained for complexes of proteins formed with nucleic acids and other ligands with overall molecular masses of ∼30kDa. In the early 1970s a completely new area of NMR was opened by reports (by Moon and Richard and by Hoult and co-workers) showing that it was possible to record high-resolution 31P NMR spectra on cells and intact organs. This led to an exciting area of research into metabolic processes that allows the chemistry within living cells to be monitored directly. These methods have reached the stage where they can be used to diagnose disease, to monitor biochemical responses to exercise and stress, and even to follow the effects of drug therapy by using repeated noninvasive examinations. The possibility of combining this approach with spatial localization techniques in whole-body magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) presents enormous opportunities for future work.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Many of us can recall the great intellectual excitement that accompanied the publication of the early NMR experiments in 1973 showing how spatial information can be encoded into NMR signals. In particular, the simple approach adopted by Paul Lauterbur of using field gradients to produce the


spatial resolution required to give a two-dimensional image of water in glass tubes was a brilliant example of lateral thinking that provided a completely new way of viewing the NMR experiment. Even in the very early days, the pioneering workers in MRI (the word ‘nuclear’ having been dropped because it was thought that it would suggest to the patients that radioactivity was involved) realized that the technique would make its largest contribution in the area of noninvasive clinical imaging. By 1977 the first images of the human body were being reported, one of the earliest being that of a wrist showing features as small as 0.5 cm. At first the method was greeted with much scepticism because its sensitivity performance compared unfavourably with the well-established X-ray CT scanning methods: however, rapid instrumental advances soon allowed the MRI technique to show its full potential, particularly in the ability to provide high-contrast images for soft tissues and tissues in areas surrounded by dense bone

Table 3

structures. The development of the echo planar imaging (EPI) method by Mansfield and his co-workers allowed well-resolved images to be obtained from a single pulse and this opened up many new applications requiring short examination times, such as in heart, abdomen and chest imaging. Other important milestones in the development of the MRI technique are summarized in Table 3. There are now many applications where MRI is the favoured imaging method (such as brain scanning for detecting encephalitis or multiple sclerosis (MS) and for monitoring therapy treatment of MS). Most of the images examined are based on detecting 1H nuclei. However, recent high-quality images of the airways in human lungs have been provided by helium or xenon images obtained after inhalation of the polarized inert gases by the patient. Another recent and exciting application, called functional MRI, attempts to study the working of the human brain; by stimulating the brain either through the

Milestones in the development of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)



Literature citation


Spin-imaging methods proposed

Lauterbur, Nature 242: 190; Mansfield and Grannell, J. Phys. C 6: L422; Damadian, NMR in Medicine, Springer-Verlag


NMR diffraction used for NMR imaging

Mansfield and Grannell, J. Phys. C 6: L422 Lauterbur, Nature 242: 195


Zeugmatography; first two-dimensional NMR image


Sensitive point imaging method

Hinshaw, Phys. Lett. 48: 87


2D NMR techniques developed

Aue et al., J. Chem. Phys. 64: 229


Slice selection in imaging by selective excitation

Garroway et al., J. Phys. C 7: L457; Sutherland and Hutchinson, J. Phys. E 11: 79; Hoult, J. Magn. Reson. 35: 69


Fourier zeugmatography

Kumar et al., J. Magn. Reson. 18: 69


Spin-imaging of human limbs and organs

Wehrli, Prog. NMR Spectrosc. 28: 87 Mansfield and Pykett, J. Magn. Reson. 29: 355


Echo-planar imaging


Whole-body scanning


Chemical shift imaging

Cox and Styles, J. Magn. Reson. 40: 209 Brown et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 79: 3523 Maudsley et al., J. Magn. Reson. 51: 147 Mauldsley et al., Siemens Forsch. Entwickl-Ber. 8: 326


Spin-warp imaging

Edelstein et al., Phys. Med. Biol. 25: 751


3D-projection reconstruction

Lai and Lauterbur, J. Phys. E 13: 747


Whole-body imaging at 1.5 T

Hart et al., Am. J. Roentgenol. 141: 1195


Gradient methods used for spatial localization

Bottomley, US Patent 480/228; Ordidge et al., J. Magn. Reson. 60: 283; Frahm et al., J. Magn. Reson. 72: 502 Bottomley et al., Radiology 150: 441


Combined imaging and spectroscopy on human brain


FLASH imaging

Haase et al., J. Magn. Reson. 67: 258


Magnetic resonance (MR) angiographic images

Wedeen et al., Science 230: 946 Aguayo et al., Nature 322: 190


NMR microscopy imaging on live cell


Echo-planar imaging at 2.0 T

Pykett and Rzedian, Magn. Res. Med. 5: 563


Whole-body imaging and spectroscopy at 4.0 T

Barfuss et al., Radiology 169: 811


Functional MR-detection of cognitive responses

Belliveau et al., Science 254: 716; Prichard et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 88: 5829


NMR microscopy using superconducting receiver coil

Black et al., Science 259: 793


Use of polarized rare gases in spin-imaging

Albert et al., Nature 370: 199


senses or by thought processes, it is possible to detect changes in MRI images of the brain. These are related to changes in oxygen levels in the blood induced in specific locations of the brain. This type of experiment opens up exciting possibilities for studying the human brain in action. MRI scanners are now increasingly being used not only in research hospitals but also in the general hospital environment. The high-profile use of MRI as a major health-care tool has certainly increased the public awareness of NMR and drawn proper attention to the versatility of this exceptional phenomenon.

List of symbols m = magnetic quantum number; T1 = spin–lattice relaxation time; T2 = spin–spin relaxation time. See also: Cells Studied By NMR; In Vivo NMR, Applications, Other Nuclei; In Vivo NMR, Applications, 31P;

In Vivo NMR, Methods; Labelling Studies in Biochemistry Using NMR; Liquid Crystals and Liquid Crystal Solutions Studied By NMR; Macromolecule–Ligand Interactions Studied By NMR; Membranes Studied By NMR Spectroscopy; MRI Applications, Biological; MRI Applications, Clinical; MRI Instrumentation; MRI Theory; NMR in Anisotropic Systems, Theory; NMR of Solids; NMR Spectrometers; NMR Pulse Sequences; Nuclear Overhauser Effect; Nucleic Acids Studied Using NMR; Perfused Organs Studied Using NMR Spectroscopy; Proteins Studied using NMR Spectroscopy; Solid State NMR, Methods; Two-Dimensional NMR Methods.

Further reading Grant DM and Harris RK (eds) (1996) Encyclopedia of NMR. Chichester: Wiley. Emsley JW and Feeney J (1995) Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 28: 1.

Manganese NMR, Applications See

Heteronuclear NMR Applications (Sc–Zn).

Mass Spectrometry in Food Science See

Food Science, Applications of Mass Spectrometry.


Mass Spectrometry, Historical Perspective Allan Maccoll†, Claygate, Surrey, UK

MASS SPECTROMETRY Historical Overview

Copyright © 1999 Academic Press


The beginnings

Mass spectrometry has made many notable contributions to chemistry from the chemical physics of small molecules to the structures of large biomolecules. It is an instrument in which ions in a beam are separated according to their mass/charge ratio (m/z). Its humble beginnings lay in the works of physicists at the turn of the century. Up to the Second World War mass spectrometry was the province of the physicists along with a small band of physical chemists. However, the demands for accurate evaluation of the composition of aircraft fuel during the Second World War led to its extensive application to hydrocarbon analysis. Heartened by the success in this area, operators were encouraged to put ‘dirty’ organic chemicals in their instruments and so organic mass spectrometry was born. These developments were largely owing to the manufacturers responding to the demands for instruments to meet the needs of the chemists. The introduction of high-resolution instruments led to the developments of ion chemistry. This took place in the decades 1950–1980. By this time the mass spectrometric study of large organic molecules had been achieved and the prevailing interest switched to biomolecules – a good source of financial support in view of their medical relevance. One of the important aspects of the development of mass spectrometry was the camaraderie (occassionally blighted by periods of frustration) that existed between the users and the manufacturers. This was nurtured by the introduction of user’s meetings by Associated Electrical Industries (an offshoot of Metrovick). The users would foregather with the engineers responsible for instrumental development to explain their problems and requirements for instrument development. The author remembers well the confidence he gained from learning that his problems were not unique – other users had them too! Instrumental development was stimulated by the demands of the users and if the suggested instrumentation could be satisfactorily produced it soon became available. This made it an exciting period to live through.


The origins of mass spectrometry lie in the work done in the Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge by JJ Thomson and his colleagues at the start of the twentieth century on electrical discharges in gases. The first relevant work was the discovery of the electron, using a cathode ray tube. The rays from the cathode pass through a slit in the anode (Figure 1) and after passing through another slit pass between two metal plates and on to the wall of the tube. This wall had been treated with a phosphorescent material which glows where the beam strikes it. The beam can be diverted by applying a potential difference between the plates and also by superimposing a magnetic field. By adjusting the two fields so that there is no displacement of the beam Thomson was able to show that the particles carried a negative charge of around 1011 C kg–1. Goldstein in 1886, using a perforated cathode, was able to show that there was always a beam travelling in the opposite direction to that of the electrons – the so called kanalstrahlen. Later, Wien showed that these were positively charged particles and concluded that they were positive ions. Thomson decided to investigate these particles. His positive ray apparatus (1912) is shown in Figure 1. A is a discharge tube producing positive ions which then pass through the cathode B and after collimation in the narrow tube BN are subjected to superimposed electric and magnetic fields (M,M′ P,P′). The displaced beams then travel to the fluorescent screen G where their effect is observed.

Figure 1

Thomson’s cathode ray tube.


Table 1

Accurate masses of some common atoms


Relative atomic mass

Hydrogen Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine Sulfur

1.007 825 12.000 000 14.003 074 15.994 915 18.888 405 31.972 074

trometry. Current values for some atoms are shown in Table 1 (12C = 12.000 000). Dempster

Figure 2

The parabolae.

In Figure 2 the parabola formed by the top and bottom branches on the left-hand side are due to neon. Under better resolution they show the presence of isotopes at masses 20 and 22. Isotopes had previously been observed in studies of radioactivity. Thomson encouraged a research student in the Cavendish Laboratory, FW Aston, to build a mass spectrograph for further studies of stable isotopes. The research was interrupted by the war of 1914– 1918 and so the work was not published until 1923. Aston

His spectrograph is shown diagrammatically in Figure 3. A beam of ions passes through the collimating slits S1, S2 into an electric field P1, P2. It then enters a magnetic field centred upon M and the divergent beam is brought to focus on a photographic plate P. The geometry ensures that, irrespective of the velocity of the ions, they are brought to a sharp focus on the photographic plate. This is known as velocity focusing. By 1923 Aston had realized that deviations from integral values of the relative molecular masses (Prout’s Rule) were of considerable importance for the study of nuclear structure. However, as will be seen later, they were of inestimable importance in the development of organic mass spec-

Figure 3

Aston’s mass spectrograph.

In 1918, a Canadian working in the University of Chicago (AJ Dempster) developed a different type of apparatus for investigating positive rays (Figure 4). It involved a 180° magnetic field. Ions produced by the filament in G are accelerated into the magnetic field through S1 and pass through S2 and hence to the collector E. Such a geometry gives rise to direction focusing – ions will arrive at the collector irrespective of the direction they enter the magnetic field. The experimental arrangement is described by the fundamental equation of sector mass spectrometry (Eqn [1]), namely

where m is the mass of the ion, z its charge, B the magnetic field strength and R the radius of the magnetic field. A fundamental difference between

Figure 4

Dempster’s mass spectrometer.


Aston’s instrument and that of Dempster is that Aston’s spectra are obtained instantaneously whereas Dempster’s have to be scanned. This can be done simply in two ways, either by scanning the electric field at constant magnetic field or by scanning the magnetic field at constant electric field (more sophisticated methods of scanning have been developed, leading to a better understanding of mass spectrometric processes). Most sector mass spectrometers use the latter method.

Instrumental development The basic mass spectrometer

In the mass spectrometer shown in Figure 5 the sample is held in the reservoir and led into the ionization chamber via a leak. On ionization the ions are accelerated into the magnetic sector and eventually arrive at the collector. The current is amplified and recorded. JJ Thomson was very percipient in predicting organic mass spectrometry in 1913. He wrote in his book Rays of Positive Electricity and their Application to Chemical Analysis. “I have described at some lengths the applications of positive rays to chemical

Figure 5

A single focusing mass spectrometer (MS2).

analysis: one of the main reasons for writing this book was the hope that it might induce others and especially chemists, to try this method of analysis. I feel sure that there are many problems in chemistry which could be solved with much greater ease by this than by any other method. This method is surprisingly sensitive – more so even than that of spectrum analysis, requires an infinitesimal amount of material and does not require this to be especially purified; the technique is not difficult if appliances for producing high vacua are available . . .”. It is a reflection upon the chemists of the period that it took thirty years for Thomson’s predications to be verified. One difficulty was that the apparatus, simple to a physicist, appeared very complex to a chemist. The application of mass spectrometry of chemistry had to await the commercial production of instruments. The impetus came in the 1940s when the war effort demanded rapid and accurate hydrocarbon analysis in connection with aviation fuels. The next big step came in the 1950s when it was realized that in addition to quantitative analysis the technique could be used for the qualitative (structural) analysis of organic compounds. A certain resistance had to be overcome to induce mass spectrometrists to put ‘dirty’ compounds into their instruments rather than ‘clean’ hydrocarbons. This gave mass spectrometer manufacturers a further impetus to develop more and more advanced instruments and led to a new discipline – organic mass spectrometry. Before the advent of the mass spectrometer the determination of the relative molecular mass (Mr) of an organic compound was performed by quantitative analysis (empirical formula) and a rough Mr was used to decide the number of empirical formula to make up the molecular formula. With the mass spectrometer the Mr could be determined directly: however, there was more to come. It was noted earlier that the relative atomic masses of atoms were slightly different from integer values. If the Mr of a compound could be accurately determined then there would be only one formula that would be consistent with it. So it was up to the manufacturers to produce instruments with sufficiently high resolution to be able to separate these values. A word about resolution or resolving power is appropriate here. Although there is no generally accepted definition, one that is widely used is the 10% valley definition. If two peaks of equal height are separated by ∆m and the valley between them is 10% of the peak height then the resolving power is said to be m/∆m. If one considers the doublet at m/z 28 corresponding to C2H4 and N2, ∆m is (28.031 299 −28.006 158) = 0.025 141. Thus m/∆m = 1114 and a resolving power of about 1000 would be required to separate


the two peaks. The search for higher and higher resolution led to the introduction of a double focusing mass spectrometer. It has been seen that while Aston’s mass spectrograph gives velocity focusing, Dempster’s mass spectrometer gave direction focusing. Nier and Roberts developed a geometry which ensured both velocity and direction focusing. This geometry formed the basis of the MS9 (Associated Electrical Instruments, AEI) (Figure 6) which for many years was the workhorse of the organic mass spectrometrists. Initially it had resolving power of 10000 but with modifications this value was raised tenfold. It became apparent that it would be advantageous if the ion beam could be selected before its subsequent analysis. This gave rise to the ZAB series of mass spectrometers (Vacuum Generators). These instruments also had the advantage of the ion beam being in the horizontal plane (the AEI instruments had the ion beam in the vertical plane) which made it much easier to add additional sectors when required.

Representation of mass spectra

Figure 7

Mass spectrum of [HCONHC(CH3)3].

electronically recorded and can be plotted out according to the whim of the operator.

The anatomy of a mass spectrometer The components of a mass spectrometer

The bar diagram

Mass spectra are usually represented by bar diagrams on which the relative intensity of peak or the relative abundance of an ion is plotted against the m/z value (Figure 7). The molecular peak [M]•+ is the one corresponding to the M r of the compound and the base peak is the most intense one in the spectrum. A further alternative is the use of the fraction of the total ion current carried by the ion in question. In the early days of mass spectrometry the operator had to laboriously develop the trace recorded on photographic paper or equally laboriously plot the ion current against the m/z ratio. More recently the spectra are

Figure 6

A double focusing mass spectrometer (MS9).

The mass spectrometer consists essentially of a source, which produces a beam of ions, an analyser which separates the beam according to the m/z ratio and a collector which determines the fraction of the total ion current carried by each of the ions. Sector instruments

The source Probably the most widespread method of ion production is by electron impact. The other fundamental, though little used method, is that of photoionization. In recent years a number of other methods have been developed, such as fast atom bombardment (FAB) and electrospray (ES) both of which are known as ‘soft’ methods of ionization in that they transfer relatively little energy to the ion. A bonus with ESMS lies in the fact that multiply charged ions are produced, thus extending the mass range. Thus, for an ion m20+ the effective mass range will be 20 times that of a singly charged ion. These two techniques have had considerable application in biological and medical mass spectrometry. An alternative soft ionization method is to use low-energy electrons in impact ionization. If the measurements are also carried out using a cooled source the process produces what are known as LELT (low energy, low temperature) spectra. In the electron impact source a beam of electrons (usually 70 eV) impacts the gaseous substrate under investigation and removes an electron from it, thus producing an ion. This is a drastic method since


ionization energies are usually of the order of 10 eV and chemical energies of the order of a few volts. The processes occurring are:

the amplitude is increased ions of increasing m/z are collected. The time-of-flight mass spectrometer

Process [2] represents ionization to form the molecular ion while [3] represents fragmentation to form an even electron ion and [4] represents fragmentation to form an odd electron ion. In writing equations for fragmentation it is essential that ‘electron bookeeping’ be maintained. What is shown here is primary fragmentation – the ions F+ can further fragment to give secondary fragments and so on. The analyser It has been seen that a transverse magnetic field can separate an unresolved beam of ions according to their m/z values (Figure 5). Such a system gives direction focusing. An electric field (see Figure 6) can give direction focusing and so lead to a double focusing mass spectrometer capable of highresolution measurements. The collector The usual collector is an electron multiplier which can give gains of 107 or more. The output is sent to a recorder or data system. An earlier form is the Faraday cup which collects the electrons – the current then being amplified and recorded. The quadrupole

Originally the tool of physicists and physical chemists, now with improved electronics the quadrupole mass spectrometer has become an essential instrument for biological and biomedical research. Originally described as a mass filter, it operates by using a combination of a quadrupole static electric field and a radiofrequency field which combine to focus an ion beam on a collector.

In this instrument ions produced in the source are accelerated to a given velocity. The unresolved beam is then injected into a field-free region and the ions drift towards the collector. The velocities will be inversely proportional to the square roots of the masses. This means that a pulse of ions will split up according to the ionic masses. The unresolved beam thus becomes resolved in time. Provided that the response time of the electronics is sufficiently fast a spectrum can be recorded. Obviously an average over many such pulses is necessary to provide a reliable signal. Once again the electronics lie at heart of this problem, which demands very fast amplifiers. Initially the time-of-flight mass spectrometer (TOF) was the province of physicists and later of chemists but, with the tremendous advance in electronics, instruments are now produced that are capable of routine operation by relatively untrained operators. The ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer

An ion cyclotron resonance (ICR) spectrometer creates a pulse of ions in a magnetic field. These are brought into resonance by scanning the applied radiofrequency. From the cyclotron resonance frequency and the magnetic field strength the m/z ratio can be calculated. The use of a fast Fourier transform (FT-ICR) refines the method.

The energetics of ionization and fragmentation The thermochemistry of ions

Just as the thermochemistry of neutral molecules has led to an understanding of the structure, stability and kinetics of chemical species, the thermochemistry of ions has led to a corresponding understanding of ionic species in the gas phase. Thus the enthalpy of formation (∆fΗ º(M•+) of the molecular ion is given by Equation [5].

The ion trap

This device is related to the quadrupole, being a three-dimensional quadrupole. The ion trap consists of a hyperbolic ring electrode (doughnut) and two hyperbolic end electrodes. To obtain a spectrum a variable amplitude radiofrequency is applied to the doughnut whilst the end plates are grounded. As

where IE(M) is the ionization energy of the molecule and ∆fΗ º is the enthalpy of formation of the neutral molecules. Holmes and co-workers have published a very useful algorithm for estimating the enthalpies of


Table 2 The enthalpies of formation of n-alkane molecular ions


∆fH ° (M ) (kJ mol )

CH4 C2H6 C3H8 C4H10 C5H12 C6H14 C7H16 a Experimental value. b Theoretical value.

–1 a


energy is given by:

∆fH°(M ) (kJ mol )

−1 b


1142 1025 954 891 854 816 778

1142 1021 950 895 854 816 778

formation of odd electron ions. Some typical values for hydrocarbons are shown in Table 2. The agreement between experimental and theoretical values is excellent. Often the enthalpies of formation of the substrate molecule are not known and so recourse has to be made to empirical methods such as that of Benson for estimation of the value. In the case of the even electron ions one has, mainly, to have recourse to experimentally determined values. The enthalpies of formation of the even electron ions are given by Equation [6] where the appearance energy is represented by AE(F+), with ∆fΗ º(F•+), ∆fΗ º(F•)and ∆fΗ º(M) being the enthalpies of formation of the ion, the radical and the molecule.

In Equation [6] the inequality may be replaced by the equality in most instances. Some values for the primary carbonium ions are shown in Table 3. Values such as these can then be used in calculating ionization and appearance energies. These are, respectively, the lowest energy at which the molecular ion appears and the lowest energy at which a fragment ion appears. Thus the ionization

on rearranging Equation [5]. Similarly, the appearance energy is obtained by rearranging Equation [6].

Holmes and Lossing have developed an ingenious method of measuring the enthalpies of formation of neutrals by a further rearrangement of Equation [6]. This is extremely useful where the enthalpy of formation of the neutral has not been measured. The method depends on measuring the appearance energy of a fragment ion produced from different sources

and using the average value in Equation [6b]. Metastable ions

It will be seen in Figure 6 that there are two important field-free regions (FFR) in the double focusing mass spectrometer, namely between the source and the electric analyser (FFRI) and between the electric and magnetic analysers (FFR2). It may so happen that in flight an ion decomposes in FFR2 in which case a diffuse peak appears in the mass spectrum at the position m/z given by Equation [7]

for process [8]. A typical metastable peak is shown in Figure 8 for the process

Table 3 Some values of the enthalpies of formation of carbonium ions

Molecule CH3 C2H5 C3H7 C4H9 C5H11 C6H13 C7H15 a Estimated value.

∆fH ° (F •+) (kJ mol −1) 1092 916 870 841 812a 791a 766a

The appearance of a metastable peak is confirmation of a fragmentation route, but absence of the peak does not indicate the absence of a fragmentation. The reason is that metastable ions are relatively long lived. If the fragmentation is rapid no metastable will be seen. A special scan, keeping B/E constant, will record all the daughter peaks resulting from a given parent ion. Equally, a scan keeping B2/E constant will give all the progenitors of a given peak.


to their basic task – the pursuit of fundamental research. At the present time many workers in the field have to design their research to attract funds. This often leads to hack research – not always in the best interest of the subject or the scientists. It is to be hoped that the new millennium will see the universities of the world returning to their proper research areas, namely fundamental research. Only in this way will mass spectrometry develop in its fundamental aspects which in turn will lead to new and more powerful techniques.

The literature of mass spectrometry

Figure 8

A metastable in the mass spectrum of anisole.

These scans are very useful in mapping out the fragmentation patterns of a given ion. Collision induced dissociation

Another means of producing fragmentation involves collision processes – bimolecular as compared with the unimolecular processes previously discussed. In this method a beam of energetic ions is brought into collision with neutral molecules and fragmentation results – collision induced dissociation (CID). The spectra thus obtained were complex since they derived from an unresolved beam of ions. It was realized that it would be advantageous if the ions for collision were separated from the unresolved beam. This led to the development of a reversed geometry instrument – the ZAB, produced by Vacuum Generators. Finally there was the introduction of multisector instruments which gave rise to the technique of mass spectrometry–mass spectrometry (MSMS). CID has proved very useful in assigning structures to fragment ions.

1968 saw the first of the journals devoted to mass spectrometry. Organic Mass Spectrometry (OMS) and the International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Physics (IJMSIP). Later OMS spawned Biomedical Mass Spectrometry (BMS). IJMSIP has since changed its name to The International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes and latterly to the International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, while OMS and BMS have been incorporated in the Journal of Mass Spectrometry. The American Society for Mass Spectrometry has produced a Journal – Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry. To facilitate rapid publication, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry was born – the authors nominate their own referees.

List of symbols B = magnetic field strength; m = mass of an ion; R = radius of the magnetic field; V = electric field strength; z = charge on an ion,; ∆fHº = enthalpy of formation. See also: Chemical Ionization in Mass Spectrometry; Fast Atom Bombardment Ionization in Mass Spectrometry; Fragmentation in Mass Spectrometry; Ion Structures in Mass Spectrometry; Ion Trap Mass Spectrometers; Ionization Theory; Ion Energetics in Mass Spectrometry; Ion Collision Theory; Metastable Ions; Quadrupoles, Use of in Mass Spectrometry; Sector Mass Spectrometers; Statistical Theory of Mass Spectra; Time of Flight Mass Spectrometers.

The future

Further reading

Further developments in fundamental mass spectrometry will have to await for universities to return

Aston FW (1924) Isotopes, 2nd edn. London: Edward Arnold.


Beynon JH and Morgan RP (1978) The development of mass spectrometry: an historical account. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Physics 27: 1– 30. Thomson JJ (1898) The Discharge of Electricity through Gases. London: Archibald Constable.

Thomson JJ (1913) Rays of Positive Electricity and their Application to Chemical Analyses, p 56. London: Longmans and Green.

Mass Transport Studied Using NMR Spectroscopy See

Diffusion Studied Using NMR Spectroscopy.

Materials Science Applications of X-Ray Diffraction Åke Kvick, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, France Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

The X-ray diffraction technique is widely used in structural characterization of materials and serves as an important complement to electron microscopy, neutron diffraction, optical methods and Rutherford backscattering. The early uses were mainly in establishing the crystal structures and the phase composition of materials but it has in recent years more and more been used to study stress and strain relationships, to characterize semiconductors, to study interfaces and multilayer devices, to mention a few major application areas. One of the important advantages of X-ray diffraction is that it is a nondestructive method with penetration from the surfaces into the bulk of the materials. This article will outline some of the most important areas including some rapidly developing fields such as time-dependent phenomena and perturbation studies.

X-ray sources X-rays are electromagnetic in nature and atoms have moderate absorption cross-sections for X-ray radiation resulting in moderate energy exchange with the


materials studied, making diffraction a nondestructive method, in most cases. Traditionally X-rays are produced by bombarding anode materials with electrons accelerated by a >30 kV potential. The collision of the accelerated electrons produces a line spectrum superimposed on a continuous spectrum called bremsstrahlung. The line spectrum is characteristic of the bombarded anode material and has photon intensities much higher than the continuous spectrum. The characteristic lines are generated by the relaxation of excited electrons from the electron shells and are labelled K, L, M, etc. and signify the relaxation L to K, M to K, etc. A table of available laboratory wavelengths is given in Table 1. The increased importance of X-ray diffraction in materials science is coupled to the recent emergence of a new source of X-rays based on synchrotron radiation storage rings. The synchrotron radiation is produced by the bending of the path of relativistic charged particles, electrons or positrons, by magnets causing an emission of intense electromagnetic radiation in the forward direction of the particles. The


Table 1

Radiation from common anode materials

Radiation Ag K α Pd K α Rh K α Mo K α Zn K α Cu K α Ni K α Co K α Fe K α Mn K α Cr K α Ti K α Synchrotron

Wavelength (Å) 0.5608 0.5869 0.6147 0.7107 1.4364 1.5418 1.6591 1.7905 1.9373 2.1031 2.2909 2.7496 ∼0.05–3

Energy (keV) 22.103 21.125 20.169 17.444 8.631 8.041 7.742 6.925 6.400 5.895 5.412 4.509 4.300

The value α is a mean of the Kα1 and K α2 emissions. The synchrotron radiation is continuous and the range is the most commonly used. The range may be extended on both sides.

photons are generated over a wide energy range from very long wavelengths in the visible to hard Xrays up to several hundred keV. The radiation is very intense and exceeds the available normal laboratory sources by up to 6 or 7 orders of magnitude. The synchrotron storage rings used for the radiation production, however, are large and expensive, with facilities characterized by storage rings with a circumference up to more than one thousand metres. The main advantages of synchrotron radiation are: 1. continuous radiation up to very high energies (>100 keV); 2. high intensity and brightness; 3. pulsed time structure down to picoseconds; 4. high degree of polarization. Figure 1 illustrates a modern synchrotron facility with many experimental facilities in a variety of scientific areas from atomic physics to medicine.

Figure 1 Beam lines at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility in Grenoble, France.

Figure 2 The brightness defined as photons/s/mm2/mrad2/ 0.1% energy band pass for conventional and synchrotron X-ray sources. ESRF denotes the European Synchrotron Radiation source in Grenoble, France.

Figure 2 compares the brightness of the available X-ray sources.

X-ray diffraction The diffraction method utilizes the interference of the radiation scattered by atoms in an ordered structure and is therefore limited to studies of materials with long-range order. The incoming X-ray beam can be characterized as a plane wave of radiation interacting with the electrons of the material under study. The interaction is both in the form of absorption and scattering. The scattering can be thought of as spheres of radiation emerging from the scattering atoms. If the atoms have long-range order the separate ‘spheres’ interfere constructively and destructively producing distinct spots, Bragg reflections, in certain directions. The specific scattering angles, θhkl, carry information on the long-range ordering dimensions and the intensity gives information on the location of the electrons within that order.


The basis for all material science studies using X-ray diffraction is Bragg’s law:

where λ is the wavelength of the incoming radiation, dhkl is the spacing of the (hkl) atomic plane and θ is the angle of the diffracting plane where constructive interference occurs. (see Figure 3). Differentiation of Bragg’s law gives the expression:

which is an important formula relating the observed changes in scattering angles to structural changes in the material. The penetration depth of the probing radiation is an important parameter in designing a diffraction experiment. The penetration depth is associated with the absorption of the radiation, which is a function of the absorption cross-section of the material under study. The absorption can be calculated by the formula:

where I0 is the intensity of the incident beam, I is the intensity of a beam having passed through t (cm) of material with an absorption coefficient of µ (cm−1). The absorption coefficient µ can be calculated as an additive sum over the different atomic species in the unit cell:

where Vc is the volume of the unit cell and σn is the absorption cross-section for component n. The absorption cross-sections vary as a function of the wavelength and can be calculated using the Victoreen expression:

where ρ is the density of the material with atomic number Z and the atomic weight A. The constants C, D and σK-NN vary with the wavelength. Tabulations for various materials can be found in International Tables for Crystallography, Vol III, pp 161 ff. It can be noted that the absorption drops off with decreasing wavelength and the penetration depth can thus be changed with a change in wavelength. A quantity called penetration distance, τ, is usually quoted for penetration depths and is defined as the distance where I/I0 is reduced to 1/e. Penetration distances for a few elements are listed in Table 2, together with a comparison with other methods.

Structure determinations Historically, and even today, the structure determination of crystalline materials is the most important application of X-ray diffraction in materials science. The relative intensities of Bragg reflections carry information on the location of the electrons in the solids and thus give precise information on the relative positions and thermal motion of the atoms. Even information on the bonding electrons may be obtained. The scattered intensities from different planes (hkl) in a crystal are measured using precise diffractometers that orient the sample with respect to the incident X-ray beam for all the possible diffraction planes in the crystal. Intensities are measured using scintillation, semiconductor CCD or imaging plate detectors. The measured intensities are converted, after various geometric corrections, to the amplitude Table 2 Penetration depth τ (1/e) in Al, Fe and Cu for various techniques in millimetres

Figure 3 Reflection from the planes (hkl ) with interplanar spacing dhkl.

Scanning electron microscope X-ray diffraction (Cu Kα) Synchrotron X-rays (80 keV) Synchrotron X-rays (300 keV) Neutrons (cold )




> 100 nm) multi-bilayered or single bilayered closed or open structures, depending upon the method of preparation. Natural membranes are usually as large bilayer fragments or closed structures containing a complex and heterogeneous mixture of lipids and proteins and possibly carbohydrates.

applied to both the polypeptide and lipid components of membrane bilayers, without the need to disrupt the sample through sonication or the addition of organic solvents or detergents.

Nuclei used in membrane studies With the exception of J-couplings, the major magnetic interactions (chemical shift, dipolar and quadrupolar couplings) for the nuclei exploited in biological NMR can be averaged with respect to the applied fields (B0 ∼ MHz and B1 ∼ kHz) by isotropic molecular motion of small molecules (Table 1). However, for biomembranes, any of these interactions may yield resonances with very broad lines and dominate the spectra, masking the resolution required for high resolution studies. Where these interactions can be exploited, their anisotropy (usually chemical shift, dipolar or quadrupolar) can give molecular orientational information from static samples, either oriented or as random dispersions (see below). Alternatively, magic angle spinning (MAS) of the sample can be used at spinning speeds (Zr) which are either fast enough to average the interaction completely (Zr >> V, D, Q) to give high resolution-like solid-state NMR spectra, or may be moderated either to recouple a dipolar interaction, such as in rotational resonance or REDOR, or provide orientionally dependent spinning spectral side-bands for nuclei which display chemical shift anisotropy (e.g. 31P, 15N). Naturally occurring 13C (natural abundance and with selective enrichment) and 31P nuclei have been extensively exploited in membrane NMR studies


Liquids (Hz) Solids (Hz)







102 0 0

102 104 105–106

Decoupling Decoupling, MAS MAS

Adapted with permission from Smith SO, Ascheim K and Groesbeck M (1996) Magic angle spinning NMR spectroscopy of membrane proteins. Quarterly Review of Biophysics 29: 395– 449. V, Chemical shift anisotropy; J, J-coupling; D, dipolar coupling; Q, quadrupolar coupling.

(Table 2). However, replacement of 1H by 2H or and 14N by 15N, has also found widespread application, although to date 17O has not found application in these systems. Typical spectra for the more commonly exploited nuclei for lipids in bilayers are shown in Figure 2. The need to average the strong dipolar coupling (∼100 kHz) for 1H to obtain high resolution spectra has, until now, excluded widespread observation of this nucleus in membranes. Extensive protein deuteration, to leave a minor 1H density at a site of interest for observation in micellar suspensions, has been achieved. The realization that reorientation around the long molecular axis rotation of lipids and proteins in membrane bilayers in the liquid crystalline phase is sufficiently fast (at about 10 9 Hz for lipids and 10 6 Hz for proteins with radius ≤ 4 nm in fluid membranes) to average even hom*onuclear 1H dipolar couplings, has opened a new avenue for membrane studies for most observable nuclei, including 1H without the need for isotopic replacements. In addition, it is possible to perform magic angle oriented sample spinning (MAOSS) experiments to reap the benefits of both sample orientation and magic angle sample spinning in this situation. 19F,

Nature of the sample Depending upon the kind of information desired, membrane bilayer samples can be prepared either oriented with respect to the applied field, or as random dispersions. For most studies, full hydration (>30 wt% of water) is desired, especially for protein studies where denaturation may occur and biological function be lost without sufficient amounts of water present. Oriented membranes

Both natural and synthetic membranes can be effectively oriented and studied using NMR. In


Table 2

Properties, advantages and disadvantages of the commonly used nuclei in studies of membranes

Relative Nucleus sensitivity Measured parameters



Common applications

High resolution spectra Chemical shift, T1, T2

High sensitivity Natural abundance

Dynamic properties Lipid diffusion


Powder spectra Quadrupole splitting T1,T2



High resolution spectra Chemical shift T1 Dipolar couplings

Direct determination of order parameters and bond vectors Measurable in cells and dispersed lipids T1 dominated by fast (ns) motions T2 dominated by slow (Ps– ms) motions Low natural abundance Natural abundance T1 dominated by one mechanism

Reasonable spectra with small vesicles, micelles, high speed MAS or MAS of oriented bilayers Several relaxation mechanisms Overlapping resonances Need for selective deutera tion Low sensitivity

Need MAS NMR to resolve spectra Without selective enrichment, overlapping resonances



High resolution and powder spectra Chemical shift V T1 NOE

Dynamic properties of phospholipids Lipid asymmetry Ligand–protein interactions Distance measurements Quantitation of lipid composition Lipid asymmetry Phase properties



High resolution spectra Chemical shift V T1,T2



High resolution and powder spectra Chemical shift V T1


1 000








Natural abundance Chemical shift anisotropy is sensitive to headgroup environment and phase properties of the bulk lipids Measurable in cells and in dispersed lipids Cost of labelling is low Can be incorporated in growth media Chemical shift sensitive to conformation Chemical shift is sensitive to positional isomers Order parameters can be obtained High sensitivity Measurable in cells and in dispersed lipids

Individual lipid classes cannot be resolved in mixed bilayer systems unless sonicated or MAS NMR is used

Low natural abundance, means of labelling required Overlapping resonance

Ordering properties of phospholipids Dynamic properties of phospholipids

Labelling of proteins and peptides Structural and dynamic studies

Ordering properties of Need for selective phospholipids fluorination Two factors contribute to the line shape, complicating the analysis High power proton decoupling is difficult May induce chemical perturbation compared to 1H VChemical shift anisotropy; T1, spin–lattice relaxation time; T2, spin–spin relaxation time; NOE, nuclear Overhauser effect; MAS, magic angle spinning.

general, reducing the hydration level of biomembranes supported and oriented on a substratum (glass or mica plates) improves their orientation, but if less than limiting levels of hydration are used (∼ whose electric quadrupoles interact with the electric field gradient. The corresponding splittings depend on the nucleus involved in this interaction and its spin value. The spectra of numerous molecules containing 35Cl, 37Cl, 79Br, 81Br, 127I, 14N, 17O, 33S have been studied and the corresponding quadrupole coupling constants determined. The deuterium coupling constants have been studied more recently because the splittings are smaller (several tenths of kHz) and were observed only by very high resolving spectrometers (molecular beam maser, microwave Fourier transform spectrometers). These

Figure 8 Comparison of observed (…) and calculated (−) variations of the quartic centrifugal distortion constant 'JK with the ring-puckering quantum number v for methylene cyclobutane. Reproduced with permission from Charro ME, Lopez JC, Alonso JL, Wlodarczak G and Demaison J (1993) The rotational spectrum of methylene cyclobutane. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 162: 67.


spectrometers also allow the more or less complete resolution of the hyperfine structure due to two or more nuclei. Spin rotation and spin–spin coupling constants are also accessible by measuring the transitions involving the lowest values of the rotational quantum numbers. Dipole moments are determined by applying an external electric field (Stark effect). The accuracy of the experimental dipole moments is about 0.001 D under good conditions. It is mainly limited by the hom*ogeneity of the electric field. The calibration is generally done by using the OCS dipole moment as a reference. The vibrational dependence of the dipole moment can also be studied. In some cases (allene for example) the molecules possesses a vibrationally induced dipole moment and no permanent dipole moment in the ground state. In some spherical tops (CH4, SiH4, etc.) a very small dipole moment induced by centrifugal distortion has been measured (∼10−5 D).

Atmospheric applications The atmospheric transmission between 0 and 1 THz, at the ground level, is dominated by the absorption lines of water vapour and, to a less extent, by some

absorption lines due to molecular oxygen (magnetic dipolar transitions), as shown in Figure 9. These strong, broad absorption lines are a limiting factor for the observations of other signals, i.e. absorptions due to minor components of terrestrial atmosphere or interstellar emissions. Nevertheless microwave sensors plays an important role in atmospheric measurements either in ground-based facilities or air- and spaceborne ones. The advantages of microwave sensor are the following: • accurate measurements over the altitude range 0–100 km, mostly independent of clouds and aerosols, • high frequency resolution and good sensitivity using superheterodyne receivers, • accurate measurements of ozone profile and trace constituents of importance in catalytic ozone destruction cycles (ClO etc.) In any event the data collected have to be analysed together with data obtained in the UV, visible and IR part of the electromagnetic spectrum for a reliable interpretation. The frequency of the centre of the absorption line is not the only parameter which is necessary. The line shape is dominated by molecular collisions up to

Figure 9 Atmospheric transmission in the submillimetre and far-IR from (top) a very good high-altitude ground-based site (Mauna Kea at 4.2 km) and from (bottom) an airborne observatory (e.g. KAO at 12 km). The blocked regions are mostly caused by molecular absorption. Reproduced with permission from Phillips TG and Keene J (1992) Submillimetre astronomy. Proceedings of IEEE 80: 1662.


an altitude of 80 km. The collisional broadening parameters with N2 and O2, and their temperature dependence, are determined in the laboratory: they are of a crucial importance for data inversion. Experimental laboratory data with an accuracy of 2– 3% are now obtained for the collisional broadening coefficients; the temperature dependance is usually determined with a greater uncertainty but this does not influence the data inversion too much. These laboratory data are also useful benchmarks for theoretical calculations and model testing. Millimetre-wave sensors represent the only ground-based technique for the observation of stratospheric ClO, the abundance of which is fully correlated to ozone depletion. Moreover this technique allows a continuous observation of ClO, and the analysis of its diurnal cycle, as showing in Figure 10. The most frequently observed line is the J = – transition at 278.632 GHz, which is the most intense one. This line is also one of the less blended lines, (interferences with ozone lines located in the neighbourhood are not too strong). This line is also broadened by the hyperfine components. The total line shape contains the contributions of the

Figure 10 Diurnal variations of the stratospheric ClO lines shape over McMurdo Station, Antarctica, averaged over the period 20–24 September 1987. de Zafra RL, Jaramillo M, Barrett J, Emmons LK, Solomon P and Parrish A (1989) New observations of a large concentration of CIO in the springtime lower stratosphere over Antarctica and its implications for ozone-depleting chemistry. Journal of Geophysical Research 94: 11423.

successive atmospheric layers, and its inversion leads to the vertical concentration profile of ClO. Another application of microwave spectroscopy is the analysis of pollutants. Recently, microwave Fourier transform spectrometers have been used to analyse polluted air samples, in the frequency range 10–26 GHz. The air sample is supersonically expanded in a Fabry–Perot resonator, the technique being the same as the one used for the study of molecular complexes. The difference is in the carrier gas which is now air instead of argon. Laboratory studies show that the sensitivity decreases by a factor of 30 when argon is replaced by air. Nevertheless, the sensitivity is still high enough to allow the detection of most of the polar constituents of the sample. Another advantage, already mentioned above, is the very high frequency resolution, which permits the unambiguous identification of a great number of pollutants.

Radioastronomy One of the most fruitful application of laboratory microwave spectroscopy over the last twenty years is the analysis of the molecular content of interstellar clouds. These clouds contain gas (99% in mass) which has been mostly studied by radioastronomy, and dust, whose content has been analysed mostly by IR astronomy. The clouds rich in molecular content are dense or dark clouds (they present a large visual extinction), with a gas density of 103–106 molecules cm−3, and temperatures of T < 50K. At these low temperatures only the low-lying quantum states of molecules can be thermally (or collisionally) excited, i.e. rotational levels. Spontaneous emission from these excited states occurs at microwave wavelengths. In some warm regions of dense clouds (star formation cores) the absorption of IR radiation produces rotational emission in excited vibrational states. Other rich chemical sources are the molecular clouds surrounding evolved old stars, such as IRC+10216, and called circ*mstellar clouds. In the 1980s and 1990s a lot of radiotelescopes were built, with large antennas (diameter = 10–30 m) and sensitive receivers in the millimetre and submillimetre range. More than 100 different molecular species were found in the interstellar medium (see Table 1) and, for some of them, various isotopic species were also detected. The identification of interstellar species is not easy because of the high density of lines in the spectra of some interstellar clouds. A millimetre wave spectrum of the Orion nebula is shown in Figure 11. This is owing to the richness of the chemistry in these clouds and also to the improved sensitivity of the latest generation


Table 1

Interstellar molecules

Number of atoms 2

























of radiotelescopes. The characterization of the molecules present in these dense cloud requires a knowledge of the laboratory spectra. In some cases (C3H2, HC9N, etc.) the identification was first made in the interstellar medium, before laboratory evidence. Nevertheless in the case of HC11N, the highest membrane of the cyanopolyine series, interstellar detection was claimed at the beginning of the 1980s. This molecule was recently produced in the laboratory and its rotational spectrum does not fit the interstellar line. A search for HC11N with the new experimental data was at first unsuccessful but, finally, a deeper search confirmed the presence of HC11N in the interstellar medium. A lot of laboratory studies have been devoted to this family of molecules: the rotational spectrum of HC17N has been observed, and numerous hydrocarbons of the type CnHm, with

n > m, have been produced in discharges and their spectra analysed. The detection of isotopomers in interstellar medium is a source of information on the elemental isotopic ratio. Molecules containing the following atoms have been detected: D, 13C, 15N, 17O, 18O, 33S, 34S and 36S. The deuterated species are of particular interest because their abundances bring useful information on the chemical processes which take place in the peculiar conditions of the interstellar medium (isotopic fractionation). Molecular hydrogen is the dominant molecule; the second most abundant molecule, CO, is four orders of magnitude less abundant. But H2 has no strong transitions in the microwave regions, CO is mainly used to map interstellar clouds in our galaxy and others, and also in quasars. The observation of


Figure 11 Millimetre wave spectrum of the Orion nebula in the direction of the so-called Kleinmann–Low area. Rotational spectra from many molecules are seen; ν = frequency and TA* = antenna temperature, a measure of emission intensity. Reproduced with permission from Blake GA, Sutton EC, Masson CR and Phillips TG (1987) Molecular abundances in OMC-1: the chemical composition of interstellar molecular clouds and the influence of massive star formation. Astrophysical Journal 315: 621.

several lines of the same species gives information on the physical conditions in the interstellar cloud: temperature, molecular density. In the case of OH radical, the splitting of the observed microwave lines by the local magnetic field (Zeeman effect) is a way to evaluate its order of magnitude. Several molecular ions have been studied in the laboratory (H2D+, H3O+, CH2D+, etc.) because of their importance in interstellar chemistry, which consists mostly in gas phase ion–molecule reactions. But in many cases their reactivity prevents their interstellar detection. Radioastronomy has also been applied to the analy-

sis of planetary atmospheres, together with infrared observations. Both CO and H2O were detected in Mars and Venus, SO2 in Io (a satellite of Jupiter), CO and HCN in Neptune. In Titan, a satellite of Saturn, HCN, HC3N and CH3CN were detected, indicating a complex photochemistry. More detailed mappings were undertaken more recently with interferometers working in the millimetre-wave region. Millimetre astronomy has also been found to be a powerful tool for the physicochemistry of comets. This was fully demonstrated by the observations of two exceptional comets: Hyakutake (1996) and


observatories, which are planned for the beginning of the third millennium.

List of symbols m = molecular weight; T = temperature (K); JL = collisional broadening parameter; ∆QD = Doppler halfmaximum halfwidth; Q0 = transition frequency.

Figure 12 The 110 ← 000 HDO line at 465 GHz, observed at the Caltech Submillimetre Observatory, in comet Hyakutake. Two lines of methanol are present in the same spectrum. Reproduced by permission from Crovisier J and Bockelée-Morvan D (1997) Comets at the submillimetric wavelength in ESA Symposium, Grenoble, France.

Hale–Bopp (1996–1997). The newly detected molecules in these two comets are: CS, NH3, HNC, HDO, CH3CN, OCS, HNCO, HC3N, SO, SO2, HCCS, HCOOH, NH2CHO, CN, CO+, HCO+ H3O+. This number is considerably bigger than the total number of molecules previously in comets. Figure 12 shows the detection of HDO and methanol in the comet Hyakutake. Increasing amounts of data are being obtained at higher frequencies, i.e. in the submillimetre region. A recent survey of Orion was made between 607 and 725 GHz, and another one between 780 and 900 GHz started. These spectral regions are well suited for the detection of light hydrides. They are limited by the atmospheric windows. A continuous coverage will be available with the future satellite

See also: Atmospheric Pressure Ionization in Mass Spectrometry; Cosmochemical Applications Using Mass Spectrometry; Environmental Applications of Electronic Spectroscopy; Interstellar Molecules, Spectroscopy of; Microwave Spectrometers; Rotational Spectroscopy, Theory; Solid State NMR, Rotational Resonance; Vibrational, Rotational and Raman Spectroscopy, Historical Perspective.

Further reading Demaison J, Hüttner W, Tiemann E, Vogt J and Wlodarczak G (1992) Molecular Constants mostly from Microwave, Molecular Beam, and Sub-Doppler Laser Spectroscopy, Landolt–Börnstein, Numerical Data and Functional Relationships in Science and Technology (New Series) Group II, Vol 19. Berlin: Springer. Encrenaz PJ, Laurent C, Gulkis S, Kollberg E and Winnewisser G (eds) (1991) Coherent Detection at Millimetre Wavelengths and their Applications. Les Houches Series. New York: Nova Science Publishers. Gordy W and Cook CL (1984) Microwave Molecular Spectra. New York: Wiley. Graner G, Hirota E, Iijima T, Kuchitsu K, Ramsay DA, Vogt J and Vogt N (1995) Structure Data of Free Polyatomic Molecules, Landolt–Börnstein, Numerical Data and Functional Relationships in Science and Technology (New Series) Group II, Vol 23. Berlin: Springer. Kroto HW (1975) Molecular Rotational Spectra. London: Wiley. Townes CH and Schawlow AL (1955) Microwave Spectroscopy. New York: McGraw-Hill.


Microwave Spectrometers Marlin D Harmony, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, USA Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Microwave radiation, defined roughly as electromagnetic radiation with a frequency in the range of 3000 to 300000 MHz (wavelengths from 10 to 0.1 cm), finds extensive use in chemistry and physics chiefly for two spectroscopic applications. The first of these involves the study of certain magnetic materials, especially paramagnetic substances, and is generally known as electron spin resonance spectroscopy. The second involves the spectroscopic study of the rotational energy states of freely rotating molecules in the gas phase. This latter field of investigation, properly known as rotational spectroscopy but universally and synonymously identified as microwave spectroscopy, is the subject matter of this article. Any instrument used to detect, measure and record the discrete and characteristic absorption of microwave radiation by gaseous molecular samples is thus commonly known as a microwave spectrometer.

General description According to the well-known principles of quantum mechanics, the rotational energies of a rotating molecule, considered approximately as a rigid framework of atoms, are limited to certain discrete, quantized values Ei. Upon irradiation of a gaseous molecular sample by microwave radiation, an absorption of radiation is possible only if the frequency ν of the radiation satisfies the Bohr frequency relation

where E1 and E2 are the initial and final rotational energies and h is Planck’s constant (6.626 × 10−34 J s). When a molecule in the quantum state 1 absorbs radiation and is excited to the quantum state 2 we say a spectral transition has occurred. The spectral transitions permitted by the Bohr relation are further limited by other quantum mechanical rules known as selection rules. The net result is that a particular molecule will exhibit typically tens, hundreds or even thousands of relatively sharp, discrete, rotational absorption lines in the microwave spectral region. For gas samples at pressures of less than

VIBRATIONAL, ROTATIONAL & RAMAN SPECTROSCOPIES Methods & Instrumentation approximately 100 mtorr the frequency widths of the absorption lines are very narrow (typically 0.1– 1 MHz) so the resolving power of a microwave spectrometer is very high. Quantum mechanical and electromagnetic theory provide an additional extremely important restriction upon the occurrence of rotational transitions, namely, to a first and generally adequate approximation they can occur only for molecules having non-zero electric dipole moments. Thus, microwave spectra occur for the polar molecules of water, carbon monoxide and acetone but not for the non-polar moleculess of methane, carbon dioxide and benzene. It is worth stressing also that rotational spectra are produced only by gaseous molecules, not by liquids or solids. While this seems at first a serious limitation it should be noted that it is possible to vaporize even very refractory materials at elevated temperatures. Thus, the microwave spectrum of gaseous sodium chloride (NaCl) molecules is perfectly well known. On the other hand, microwave spectroscopy is generally not useful for heavy molecules, i.e. those with molecular weights in excess of a few hundred atomic mass units. The reasons for this will be discussed later, but the result is that microwave spectroscopy tends to be far less generally applicable than other spectroscopic techniques such as IR or NMR spectroscopy. Some detailed applications and theoretical aspects will be described later, but it is worthwhile noting in this general discussion that microwave spectroscopy clearly distinguishes molecular isotopic composition. Thus the microwave spectrum of carbonyl sulfide (OCS) exhibits distinct and easily identifiable spectral lines for various isotopomers such as 16O12C32S, 16O13C32S, 16O12C34S, 17O12C32S, and 18O12C32S in natural abundance. This means that microwave spectra provide very specific information about the individual isotopomers rather than some molecule imagined to be composed of the elements with their average atomic masses or weights.

Experimental considerations Microwave spectroscopic experimentation blossomed at the conclusion of World War II because of


the military developments in microwave technology, especially the development of practical microwave generators such as the klystron (vacuum tube) oscillator, and of microwave detectors such as the silicon point contact mixer diode. Later developments led to the backward wave oscillator (BWO) and still more recent work in solid state electronics has led to the availability of a variety of entirely solid state microwave generators such as the Gunn diode. In accord with Maxwell’s equations of electromagnetism, the wavelength of microwave radiation is perfectly adaptable for transmission in conducting metal tubing known as a waveguide or (depending upon the frequency) in specially designed coaxial cables. Microwave devices for attenuation, power splitting, impedance matching, frequency measurement and directional coupling are available. The Further reading section should be consulted for details of these and other rather specialized microwave components. Figure 1 presents a block diagram of a typical continuous wave (CW) microwave spectrometer. The gas sample is contained typically in a one to three metre length of standard rectangular waveguide fitted at each end with vacuum-tight windows that are transparent to the microwave radiation. The microwave generator is a klystron, BWO or solid state device, and has provision as shown for electronic apparatus for frequency stabilization and measurement. Modern microwave generators can have stabilities and accuracies as high as 1:107 or 1:108, which translates to 1 kHz or better. The microwave generator has provision through some electronic means for scanning the frequency over some appropriate range at selectable speeds. After passing through the sample cell, the microwave radiation is detected and further processed by a system of signal amplifiers. A critical aspect for obtaining high sensitivity is the use of square-wave electric field-modulation. This modulation, typically at a frequency of 5–100 kHz, is applied to a central electrode insulated from, and running the length of, the cell walls. The square-wave electric field, through the phenomenon of the Stark effect (see below), modulates the absorption signal at the square-wave frequency, thus permitting narrow band amplification and lock-in detection. Finally the resulting spectrum is commonly observed on either an oscilloscope synchronized with the sweep speed of the microwave generator or a strip chart recorder. Most modern instruments are computer interfaced, allowing powerful spectral manipulations and analyses. In this case the computer normally handles other tasks such as frequency range and sweep speed selection and control. There are numerous variations to the basic design. In particular, the common rectangular waveguide

Figure 1 Block diagram of a conventional Stark-modulated microwave spectrometer.

gas-cell is often replaced with other structures for specialized experiments. For example, microwaves can be propagated through free space utilizing special microwave horns or antennae, so the metal surfaces can be largely eliminated for the study of reactive molecules. In this free-space design, the waveguide cell is thus replaced with a relatively large volume glass cylindrical enclosure fitted at its ends with transmitting and receiving horns. In still another design the microwaves are resonantly enclosed in a cavity whose physical size satisfies the boundary conditions for an electromagnetic standing wave according to Maxwell’s equations. A particularly useful design for experiments requiring continuous high-speed pumping of unstable molecules is the microwave Fabry–Perot cavity. This design consists of two appropriately designed metal reflectors, typically circular discs with spherically machined reflecting surfaces. Microwave radiation is coupled into and out of the Fabry–Perot with appropriately designed coupling irises and the entire cavity is then enclosed in a large vacuum chamber attached to a high-speed pumping system. The unstable gas molecules of interest are produced by some means external to the cavity and are then rapidly injected into and pumped out of the cavity continuously. The CW microwave spectrometer just described is a typical frequency-domain instrument. In the late 1970s it was demonstrated that pulsed time-domain microwave spectroscopy could be practically performed in analogy to the techniques already well known in other fields such as NMR spectroscopy. Figure 2 depicts a block diagram of a modern version of a pulsed Fourier-transform microwave spectrometer. The particular instrument shown utilizes a Fabry–Perot cavity and a pulsed-gas nozzle, and is especially useful for detecting microwave


spectra of molecular clusters in an expanding supersonic freejet. Ignoring some of the details, which can be obtained from the Further reading section, the basic idea of the instrument is that a short pulse of monochromatic microwave radiation (approximately 1 µs in length) irradiates the gas sample in the cavity. If an appropriate transition exists within the bandwidth of the cavity (typically a few MHz), the radiation pulse produces a non-equilibrium ensemble of excited molecules which then immediately begin emitting radiation as they return to equilibrium after the pulse has dissipated. The resulting microwave

emission is processed by a succession of coherent mixing processes which eventually yields a lowfrequency signal for computer processing. Normally the experiment is repeated hundreds or thousands of times (at typically a 10 Hz repetition rate) to accumulate an observable signal. In accord with the theory of the coherent emission, Fourier transformation of the signal is found to produce the ordinary absorption spectral line. To scan a complete spectrum it is necessary to move the cavity resonance and microwave frequency along in small overlapping steps, repeating the entire signal accumulation process at each frequency.

Figure 2 Block diagram of pulsed Fourier-transform microwave spectrometer. Reproduced with permission of the American Institute of Physics from Harmony MD, Beran KA, Angst DM and Ratzlaff KL (1995). A compact hot-nozzle Fourier transform microwave spectrometer. Review of Scientific Instruments 66: 5196–5202. Copyright 1995, American Institute of Physics.


The result is that the FT-microwave spectrometer (FTMWS) produces the ‘same’ spectrum as the CWspectrometer in a much more complex fashion. What are its advantages? As with all spectroscopic experiments carried out in the time domain, the data collection is inherently more efficient, so that the ultimate sensitivity of the FT-spectrometer is substantially higher (perhaps by a factor of 10–100 in practice). In addition, the FT instrument yields much narrower line widths than achievable in typical CW experiments, so the spectral resolution is even higher than for ordinary CW experiments.

symmetric rotor shows that the energies depend now not only upon J but also upon the quantum number K which specifies the component of total angular momentum J lying along the a-axis. The value of K is limited to −J, −J + 1, . . . 0 . . . J−1, J. The energy levels are then (to the first approximation again) expressed by

Theoretical aspects of rotational spectra

with definitions of the rotational constants as before, i.e. B = h/8 π2Ib and A = h/8 π2Ia. The spectrum of the symmetric rotor is now determined by the selection rules ∆J = 0, ± 1 and ∆K = 0. Note that the ∆K = 0 rule leads to the result that the spectrum does not depend upon A at all. Moreover, ∆J = 0, which is a formal rule according to theory, leads to no observable microwave transition. The net result is that the symmetric rotor microwave spectrum is essentially of the same structure as that of the linear molecule. Non-linear or general polyatomic molecules (known as asymmetric rotors) with no threefold or higher axes of symmetry will generally have Ia ≠ Ib ≠ Ic. The rotational energy levels for this case have a complex pattern, depending upon the rotational constants A, B and C, the rotational angular momentum quantum number J, and two other pseudo-quantum numbers or labels related to K for the symmetric rotor. The spectrum is specified by the rules ∆J = 0, ±1 again, and some additional symmetry rules involving the pseudo-quantum numbers and the dipole moment components Pa, Pb and Pc. Some typical observed transitions for bicyclobutane (C4H6) are the J = 11,0 ← 00,0 at Q = 26625.55 MHz and the J = 2 2,1 ← 2 1,1 at Q = 23995.38 MHz. The transitions with ∆J = +1 are known as R-branch lines while the ∆J = 0 transitions are known as Q-branch lines. The previous description has been based upon the so-called rigid-rotor approximation. In fact, molecules deform as they rotate, leading to the phenomenon known as centrifugal distortion. This produces small corrections to the previously described energy expressions, usually amounting to changes of less than 0.1%. Because of the very high precision of microwave measurements, such changes are, however, easily detectable and can be accounted for by appropriate theory. A number of other factors contribute to the finer details of microwave spectra. Some of these will be described in the next section and additional information can be obtained by consulting the Further reading section.

The rotational quantum states of molecules are characterized by quantum numbers which specify the angular momentum of the rotating molecules. For all molecules, regardless of geometry, the quantum number J, with values, 0, 1, 2, . . ., specifies the total rotational angular momentum of the allowed energy states. (Note: we exclude from our discussion molecules having spin angular momentum, in which case a more careful specification of quantum numbers is necessary.) For all linear molecules this quantum number suffices to describe the rotation energy levels (aside from some special effects arising from vibrational motions) in the absence of additional applied fields. The permitted spectral transitions are limited by the selection rule ∆J = ± 1, i.e. transitions can occur only with a change of one unit of angular momentum. Thus, a typical observed microwave transition for 19F12C12CH (in conventional notation) is the J = 2 ←1, occurring at ν = 38824.64 MHz. The notation means the molecule is excited from the lower J = 1 state to the higher J = 2 state. For the linear molecule, the rotational energy states in the simplest approximation are given by the expression

where B = h/8 π2I and I is the classical moment of inertia of the molecule. The term B is known as the ‘rotational constant’. For non-linear molecules, additional quantum numbers (or labels) are necessary, and moments of inertia must be defined for three axes, conventionally labelled a, b, c. Molecules such as CH3Cl or NH3 can be shown to have Ia < Ib = Ic and are known as prolate symmetric rotors. By convention the a-axis is chosen to lie along the molecular threefold (or higher) axis of symmetry. Then the theory for the rotating


In addition to understanding the frequency axis (x-axis) of microwave spectra, it is important to have some knowledge about the intensity (or y-) axis. The theory describing the absorption of microwave radiation is complex, but it is worthwhile looking at some of the key factors. In a useful approximate theory for an asymmetric rotor, the intensity (a quantity proportional to the fraction of absorbed radiation) is given for a microwave transition by

where the rotational constants have been defined previously, Pg is the dipole moment along one of the axes g = a, b, c, and Q is the frequency of the transition. The expression leads to several key conclusions: (1) Microwave intensities vanish (i.e. no radiation is absorbed) if Pg = 0, that is if the molecule is nonpolar as mentioned earlier. Conversely, the squared dependence of P strongly favours very polar molecules. Thus, all other factors being equal, the spectral intensities of nitriles (such as C2H5CN) with P values of typically 4 debye, will be approximately (4 0.08)2, i.e. 2500, times greater than those of simple alkanes such as propane (P | 0.085 debye). (2) Intensities are generally greater at high frequencies, according to the Q dependence. Heavy molecules, with large moments of inertia and corresponding small rotational constants exhibit their transitions generally at low frequencies while the converse is true for light molecules. Thus heavy molecules tend to have ‘weak’ spectra while light molecules have ‘strong’ spectra. (3) The factor can be seen to emphasize the dependence upon molecular size and mass, or more precisely, upon moments of inertia. Small, light molecules are favoured because of their large rotational constants, while large, heavy molecules are discriminated against.

Applications of microwave spectroscopy Structure determination

Microwave spectroscopy is the premier physical method for determining accurate and precise molecular structures, i.e. values of interatomic distances (bond distances) and angles (bond angles). This capability arises because the moments of inertia are directly related to the coordinates of the atoms as


with similar expressions for Ib and Ic. In this expression, mi is the mass of the i th atom while bi and ci are the b- and c-axis coordinates of the atom. Assignment, measurement and analysis of microwave spectra yield precise values of rotational constants A, B and C and hence values of Ia, Ib and Ic. Thus the latter quantities provide equations which permit the evaluation of atomic coordinates, ai, bi and ci. Once the coordinates are known, distances and angles are also known. Thus, the bond distance between atoms i and j is given by

A number of problems dealing with molecular non-rigidity must be considered if accurate and meaningful bond distances are to be obtained. Ideally, one would like to determine the coordinates (and hence structure) for the hypothetical vibrationless molecule. Methods for achieving this ideal (to various approximations) have been developed, so that numerous accurate structures have been determined from microwave spectral data. The Further reading section provides examples of such molecular structure determinations. Molecular electric dipole moments

It has been mentioned that microwave intensities are determined by the size of the electric dipole moment, so one might suppose that accurate measurements of intensities might provide values of P. This turns out not to be practical for various reasons. However, another very accurate procedure can be used. If an electric field is applied to a rotating molecule, a wellunderstood phenomenon known as the Stark effect splits the rotational transitions into a number of components. Precise measurements of these small splittings (typically several MHz) lead to very precise values of the electric dipole moment. Values of P determined by this method refer to particular quantum states and are thus much more meaningful theoretically than those determined by classical bulk-gas relative permittivity (dielectric constant) measurements. Hyperfine structure

Molecules containing nuclei whose nuclear spin values satisfy I ≥ 1 exhibit splittings of the rotational


transitions known as hyperfine structure. The predominant cause of these splittings (which for most common quadrupolar nuclei is typically several MHz or less) is the nuclear electric quadrupole interaction. Measurements of the splittings and application of appropriate theory lead to values of a quantity known as the quadrupole coupling constant, usually symbolized as eQq. In this expression Q is the nuclear quadrupole moment (a fundamental nuclear constant), e is the charge on the electron, and q is the electric field gradient at the nucleus produced by the surrounding electron and nuclear charges. Coupling constants have been extensively measured for nuclei such as 35Cl (I = ), 14N (I = 1) and D (I = 1) in a variety of molecules. The resulting values provide important information about the chemical bonding of the atom in question. Note that several very common nuclei, such as 1H, 12C and 16O, have I < 1 and consequently produce no quadrupolar hyperfine splittings. Internal rotation

Molecules such as propane, methanol or acetone have methyl groups which undergo large amplitude torsional oscillations or internal rotation. This internal rotation is hindered in general by a potential barrier, and the well-known quantum mechanical theory for the effect often leads to observable splittings (typically a doubling) of microwave spectral lines. In general, for high barriers (>1000 cm −1) the splittings are small (typically several MHz or less) while for low barriers (∼ 300 cm −1 or less) the splittings can be very large (100 MHz or greater). Because of these easily observed splittings microwave spectral measurements have led to a wealth of data on molecular internal rotation barriers. Several related phenomena, involving the puckering or inversion of four- or five-membered ring compounds, or the inversion about pyramidal nitrogen (as for NH3), have also been extensively studied by microwave methods. Interstellar microwave spectra

One of the most exciting applications since the 1970s has been the observation of microwave (rotational) spectra of interstellar molecules. Common species such as formaldehyde, ammonia and methylamine and more exotic species such as HCO and H–CC–C≡C–CN have been detected in various interstellar media. The experimental technique differs substantially from that outlined in Figures 1 and 2. In this case the interstellar molecular spectra are detected by collecting microwave emissions from interstellar space with large radio telescopes equipped with sensitive

microwave receivers. An interesting feature of the interstellar spectra is that the spectral lines are generally Doppler-shifted from their laboratory ‘rest’ frequencies because the absorbing medium is moving rapidly relative to the background radiation source. Multiple irradiation experiments

Microwave spectroscopy is often coupled with a second electromagnetic radiation field to perform specialized experiments. Thus microwave-optical double resonance (MODR) uses optical (say 400– 800 nm) radiation simultaneously. The optical radiation transfers molecules to excited electronic states which are then probed by the microwave radiation before the excited molecules return to the normal ground state. Similar experiments utilizing infrared radiation (IRMDR) permit probing of excited vibrational states. Analogous experiments using two microwave fields (MMDR) and a microwave and radiofrequency field (RFMDR) are very commonly used to produce spectral simplification and to aid in spectral interpretation. The double resonance experiments have also been important for obtaining information about collisional energy transfer rates and mechanisms. Studies of weakly-bound complexes

Since about 1980 there has been great interest in performing microwave studies of weakly bound species such as (H2O)2, ArHCl and (HC≡CH)HCl. These species are studied with the unique instrument shown earlier in Figure 2, known as a pulsed-nozzle Fourier-transform microwave spectrometer. The weakly-bound species are formed by pulsing a gasmixture through a small nozzle such that it undergoes a supersonic free-jet expansion. Complexes are formed rather abundantly in such expansions and are stabilized by the low temperatures (< 5 K) achieved in the expansion. Pulsed FTMWS (synchronized with the pulsed nozzle) is then used to sensitively observe and study the rotational spectrum. Such investigations will surely continue to be of great future interest because they provide information on van der Waals and hydrogen-bonding forces, both of which are of critical importance to understanding intermolecular potentials. Analytical applications

The very high resolution and selectivity of microwave spectroscopy make it an excellent tool for qualitative analysis of gas-phase samples. Indeed, a substantial amount of effort has been placed by microwave spectroscopists in using the method to identify and characterize new chemical species,


especially those which are unstable and hence difficult to study by more conventional techniques. Because microwave spectroscopy is readily adaptable to continuously flowing gas samples (with special cell designs as mentioned earlier) it is an ideal method for investigating the products of combustion, pyrolysis, photolysis or electric discharges. Examples of such studies include OH, CS, CH2=NH, CF2=C=C=O, HCO+, HNN+ and many others. Of course, the last section described the unique application of microwave spectroscopy to unstable molecular clusters and earlier the high selectivity for isotopic analyses was mentioned. The chief disadvantage of microwave spectroscopy for gas-phase analytical applications is that its sensitivity is not as high as for some other methods (such as laser fluorescence or mass spectrometry). For low molecular weight polar species such as SO2, NH3 and NO2, analytical detection sensitivities using FTMWS instruments certainly extend into the parts per billion (ppb) range. However, as the molecular size and mass increase or the polarity decreases the sensitivities may fall more typically into the ppm range. Naturally, as with all spectroscopic methods, appropriate preconcentration or preselection schemes may lead to effectively improved detection limits. From the above it is clear that quantitative measurements at high sensitivities are most useful for a variety of small polar molecules which are of concern from the atmospheric environmental pollution point of view. Thus a substantial amount of effort has been and continues to be placed upon the development of field operable, portable microwave spectrometers for trace gas monitoring using both CW and FT instrumentation. Although there are likely to be continued applications of microwave spectroscopy to pure analysis problems in the future, it seems likely that the microwave spectrometer will continue to find its most exciting applications in the chemistry and physics research laboratory.

List of symbols A, B, C = rotational constants; bi, ci = b- and c-axis coordinates of the ith atom; e = charge on an electron; E = rotational energy; h = Planck’s constant; I = moment of inertia, and the nuclear spin

angular momentum quantum number; J = angular momentum quantum number; K = quantum number specifying component of J lying along the a-axis; mi = mass of the ith atom; q = electric field gradient; Q = nuclear quadrupole moment; Rij = bond distance between atoms i and j; P = dipole moment; Q = frequency. See also: EPR Spectroscopy, Theory; Gas Phase Applications of NMR Spectroscopy; Microwave and Radiowave Spectroscopy, Applications; Rotational Spectroscopy, Theory; Solid State NMR, Rotational Resonance; Vibrational, Rotational and Raman Spectroscopy, Historical Perspective.

Further reading Balle TJ and Flygare WH (1981) Fabry–Perot cavity pulsed Fourier transform microwave spectrometer with a pulsed nozzle particle source. Review of Scientific Instruments 52: 33–45. Gordy W and Cook RL (1984) Microwave Molecular Spectra. New York: Wiley-Interscience. Harmony MD (1981). In: Anderson, HL (ed) AIP Physics Vade Mecum, Chapter 15. New York: American Institute of Physics. Harmony MD, Beran KA, Angst DM and Ratzlaff KL (1995) A compact hot-nozzle Fourier transform microwave spectrometer. Reviews of Scientific Instruments. 66: 5196–5202. Harmony MD, Laurie et al (1979) Molecular structures of the gas-phase polyatomic molecules determined by spectroscopic methods. Journal of Physical Chemistry Reference Data 8: 619–721. Harmony MD and Murray AM (1987). In: Rossiter BW and Hamilton JF (eds) Physical Methods of Chemistry: Vol. IIIA – Determination of Chemical Composition and Molecular Structure, Chapter 2. New York: Wiley. Legon AC (1983) Pulsed-nozzle, Fourier-transform microwave spectroscopy of weakly bound dimers. Annual Review of Physical Chemistry 34: 275–300. Steinfeld JI and Houston PL (1978) In: Steinfeld JI (ed) Laser and Coherence Spectroscopy, Chapter 1. New York: Plenum. Townes CH and Schawlow AL (1955) Microwave Spectroscopy. New York: McGraw-Hill. Varma R and Hrubesh LW (1979) Chemical Analysis by Microwave Rotational Spectroscopy. New York: Wiley-Interscience.


Mineralogy Applications of Atomic Spectroscopy See

Geology and Mineralogy, Applications of Atomic Spectroscopy.

Molybdenum NMR, Applications See

Heteronuclear NMR Applications (Y–Cd).

Mössbauer Spectrometers Guennadi N Belozerski, St.-Petersburg State University, Russia Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

To obtain the Mössbauer spectrum the radiation from a Mössbauer source should be directed onto the sample under study. In Mössbauer experiments it is not the absolute energy of the γ-quanta which is determined but the energy shift of the nuclear levels. The energy scanning is carried out by the use of the Doppler effect and the energy parameters (*, G) are expressed in velocity units, v(E v/c). The Mössbauer spectrum is a measure of the dependence of the total intensity of radiation I(v) registered by a detector in a definite energy region on the relative velocity v of the source. A schematic diagram of a Mössbauer experiment and the spectrum is shown in Figure 1. If both the source and the absorber are characterized by single lines of natural width *nat, G being zero, the spectrum will show maximum absorption at v 0. In this situation the intensity, I(0), registered by the detector is minimized (Figure 1C). When the source moves at a certain velocity v, the emission line JM(E) is displaced relative to the absorption line Ja(E). The overlap then decreases and the intensity increases. Finally, at a velocity that may be considered to be infinitely large (v f), the spectrum overlap becomes so small that any further increase in velocity will not result in a significant increase in relative intensity. This value of intensity may be described as

HIGH ENERGY SPECTROSCOPY Methods & Instrumentation I(f). The fact that the line shapes of the source and absorber are described by Lorentzians causes the experimentally observed line for a thin absorber to be Lorentzian, and its half-height width is the sum of the line widths of the source and the absorber. A typical device for accumulating the Mössbauer spectrum is the multichannel analyser, where the count rate is a function of a definite value of the Doppler velocity. The count rate is normalized relative to the off-resonance count rate. Hence, for transmission-mode Mössbauer spectroscopy relative intensities are always less than unity (or 100%). In Mössbauer scattering experiments relative intensities always exceed 100% and can reach several hundred percent in the case of electron detection from samples with a high abundance of the resonant isotope. It is most often that the –vmax value corresponds to the first channel and the +vmax value to the last channel. The quality of a Mössbauer spectrometer is determined by how accurately the modulation of the γ-quanta energy follows the chosen mode of movement.

Typical Mössbauer spectrometers The Mössbauer experiment may be in transmission mode, where γ-quanta are detected. The detector


registers not only the γ-rays of the Mössbauer transition, but also the background noise. The main process competing with resonance interactions in the transmission mode experiments is the photoelectric effect. In transmission experiments there are three sources of background: (i) γ- and X-rays of higher energies which may be Compton-scattered; Bremsstrahlung produced outside the detector may contribute to this too; (ii) high-energy γ- and X-rays having lost only a part of their energy in the detector; (iii) X-rays that are not distinguished by the detector from the Mössbauer quanta. In scattering Mössbauer spectroscopy the processes competing with Mössbauer scattering are the Compton effect, Rayleigh scattering and classical resonant scattering of γ-rays. The Compton effect is to be specially taken into account when the source emits high-energy γ-rays in addition to the Mössbauer radiation. The typical experimental arrangements are presented in Figure 2. In Mössbauer spectroscopy the shape of the spectrum and its area are the ‘signals’ conveying quantitative information on a phase. When the shape is known to be Lorentzian, for example, the amplitudes

Figure 1 Schematic illustration of the experimental arrangement (A) used to obtain a Mössbauer spectrum (C) for a single Lorentzian line both in the source and in the sample (B).

and the line positions are often used as para-meters of the signal –I(vi) value at vi (i = 0, 1, }). Mössbauer scattering spectra obtained by detection of the γ-quanta or X-rays emitted out of the bulk of a material, convey information on the layer with a depth which is determined by the total linear absorption coefficient Pa(E). The values of Pa(E) for γ-rays and X-rays are generally different; therefore the Mössbauer spectra correspond to the layers, which are different in depth (from one to several µm). Backscattering Mössbauer spectroscopy is the most promising technique for applied research and industrial applications (see Figure 2C). The backscattering geometry is simple, efficient and suitable for any type of radiation. In such an experiment one can detect any radiation in different scattering channels. However, to detect γ-quanta, a special detector is needed. It has been shown by many experimentalists that the signal/noise ratio of the detection of γ-rays in the experimental geometry of Figure 2B is better than for detection of X-rays. At the same time the flat proportional counter has never been used to detect γ-quanta in the backscattering geometry of Figure 2C. Indeed, the direct Mössbauer radiation of an intensity which is 100 times as high

Figure 2 Experimental arrangements and Mössbauer spectra for a 57Co (Cr) source and a sample of α-Fe: (A) transmission geometry, (B) scattering geometry with the detection of γ- or Xrays, (C) backscattering geometry with the detection of X-rays and electrons. The source moves at a velocity v.


Figure 3

Spectrometer based on the toroidal detector.

as the scattered intensity also passes through the detector such that the effect would be very small. The need to detect the resonantly scattered γ-quanta in a solid angle close to 2 π stimulated the search for a detector capable of sensing scattered photons with an energy of 10–20 keV and which would be insensitive to the direct primary beam of γ-quanta. The requirements have been met by the use of toroidal detectors. The main problem has involved the necessity to create the inner electric field with circular equipotential lines around the anode. For this purpose, one uses cylindrical grid wires surrounding the anode. Electrons produced within the counter volume travel to the grid and through it to the anode wire. After filling with a krypton–methane mixture the resolution for the 14 keV line for such a counter is ~15%. A section of a Mössbauer spectrometer using the counter is shown in Figure 3. This toroidal proportional detector is easy to handle and can be usefully applied to surface studies with high efficiency.

Conversion electron Mössbauer spectroscopy Mössbauer transitions are usually highly converted and are followed by the emission of characteristic Xrays and Auger electrons. (The total internal conversion coefficient is high. For most cases de-excitation of the nucleus is via the emission of conversion electrons followed by rearrangement of the excited atomic shell by X-ray emission and Auger processes. More than one electron is produced per resonant scattering event.) The detection of electrons has proved in many cases to be the most efficient means

of observing the Mössbauer effect. The principal feature of Mössbauer spectroscopy based on the detection of electrons is that the average energy of an electron beam reaching thexx detector, and also the shape of the energy spectrum, depends on the depth x of a layer dx from which the beam has been generated. This provides interesting possibilities for layerby-layer phase analysis. Various modifications of Mössbauer spectroscopy based on the detection of electrons have been developed including a technique which allows the Mössbauer signal from a very thin surface layer (~3 nm) of a hom*ogeneous bulk sample to be distinguished. The techniques in this field of Mössbauer spectroscopy are classified as either integral or depth-selective. The integral technique is called conversion electron Mössbauer spectroscopy (CEMS). In CEMS, of prime interest is the probability that electrons originating from a layer dx at a depth x with energy E0 leave in a random direction from the surface with any energy and at any angle and will be registered by a detector. The electrons may be divided into several groups: conversion electrons, Auger electrons, low-energy electrons resulting from shake-off events and secondary electrons resulting from the re-emitted Mössbauer quanta and the characteristic X-rays. The energies and relative intensities of the first two groups of electrons for 57 Fe and 119Sn are given in Table 1. The development of CEMS as an independent analytical method came as a result of the development of gas-filled proportional counters for the detection of electrons. Figure 4 illustrates the operating principle of such a CEM spectrometer. The proportional counter in CEMS detects all the electrons in the energy interval from about 1 keV up to the Mössbauer transition energy. In addition to the high efficiency, the proportional counters have an energy resolution allowing, if we need it, a certain depth selectivity to be obtained. Phase analysis of multiphase mixtures, fine particles and disordered substances, as well as surface studies, require Mössbauer spectra to be recorded over a wide range of temperatures. The problem of Table 1 Main radiation characteristics for the de-excitation 57

Fe and





Probability Energy per de-exciType (keV) tation (Ci ) K-conversion 7.3 0.796 L-conversion 13.6 0.09 M-conversion 14.3 0.01 KLL Auger 5.4 0.543 LMM Auger



Probability Energy per de-exci(keV) tation (Ci ) 19.6 23.0

0.83 0.13




Figure 4 Schematic picture of a spectrometer for backscattering studies.

the counter operation at temperatures other than ambient has received significant attention in Mössbauer spectroscopy. The counters can operate CEMS at low temperatures near 4.2 K and up to 1100 K. Arrangements based on proportional counters which allow an independent and simultaneous recording of CEM spectra and X-ray Mössbauer

Figure 5

spectra in backscattering geometry, and γ-ray absorption spectra in transmission, have been developed for industrial application purposes, see Figure 5. Due to the different escape or penetration ranges of the three radiations involved, the spectra give information on phases, depth and orientation. From a practical point of view the counters for γrays, X-rays and electrons must be separated and shielded to ensure independent detection. In addition to the proportional counters, other types of gas-filled detectors are used in CEMS. First was the parallel-plate avalanche counter. In Mössbauer spectroscopy such detectors have been used as resonance detectors and at higher counting rates. These counters have found application in surface studies and are the effective tool for the registration of low-energy (E < 1 keV) electrons, which are practically impossible to detect with the proportional counter. Because of the high electrondetection efficiency this enables the measurement of reasonable spectra in a relatively short time for 57 Fe, 119Sn, 151Eu, 161Dy and 169Tm. Second, scintillation detectors may be considered. Thin organic (crystal or plastic) scintillators are used for detecting electrons. Gas scintillation proportional counters with a good energy resolution (e.g. R ≈ 8% at 6 keV) may also be constructed for CEMS as well as semiconductor detectors. Channeltrons, microchannel plates and window less electron multipliers constitute a special group of detectors for CEMS. These have no entrance

Set-up for simultaneous recording of CEM spectra (1), X-ray Mössbauer spectra (2) and transmission spectra (3).


windows and are designed for vacuum operation which can be used to advantage in CEM spectrometers operating both at high and low temperatures. A new method of surface study has recently appeared, CEMS based on the detection of very low-energy electrons. Detectors in this group have no energy resolution. The pulse–height distribution at the out-put of these detectors is similar to the noise distribution. Advantages of the best CEM spectrometers with a channeltron include their easy sample access, high cooling rate, capability of simultaneous transmission measurements and adaptability to on-line experiments. To increase the count rate, detection efficiency or the effect value, a bias potential is sometimes applied to the sample or to the input of the channeltron. The statistical quality of spectra is, as a rule, nearly as good as for the gas-filled ionization detectors. The effective technique of collecting secondary electrons by applying a bias potential between the sample surface and a channeltron has been used to develop a spectrometer for low-temperature measurements (see Figure 6). The beam of γ-quanta is incident at 45° to the sample surface. The sample is the first electrode in a system of electrodes used to attract the secondary electrons to the entrance of the channeltron and to accelerate them to an energy corresponding to the maximum detection efficiency. Low energy electron Mössbauer spectroscopy (LEEMS)

Conversion electrons, KLL, KLM and KMM Auger electrons, photoelectrons and Compton-scattered electrons which are produced by γ-rays (with the energy above several hundred eV) in this context may be regarded as ‘high energy’ electrons emitted by the atom. Secondary electrons result from the interaction of the above electrons with matter. Also, there are electrons that are primarily produced with a very low energy. Two processes contribute to the intensity of the electrons. These are very low energy Auger electrons (LMM, MMM, MMN) and shake-off electrons. Experimental data show a sharp peak in the number of electrons (related to Mössbauer events) at energies below 20 eV. These electrons supply information on a surface layer to a depth of ~5 nm. The detection of very low energy electrons offers the advantage of short data acquisition times (~77% of the electrons emitted from the Fe atom are low-energy Auger and shake-off electrons), and increases surface sensitivity compared to established procedures relying on the collection of electrons near 7.3 keV. CEMS detectors and techniques are summarized in Table 2.

Figure 6 CEMS spectrometer used to operate at 4.2 K. M, mylar window, B, cold finger. The detection assembly is screwed on to the dewar at SS´.

Depth-selective conversion electron Mössbauer spectroscopy The detection of electrons with energy E by a βspectrometer with high-energy resolution gives a Mössbauer spectrum corresponding to the phase at a Table 2

Detectors and electron detection techniques in CEMS

With energy resolution

Without energy resolution

Electron spectrometers


Parallel-plate avalanche counters


Channel electron multipliers

Proportional counters Multiwire proportional counters Semiconductor detectors Gas scintillation proportional counters X-rays controlled proportional counters

Gas scintillation detectors

Ionization detectors

Microchannel plates

Windowless multipliers Organic scintillation detectors Detection of light produced by microcharges Geiger-Müller counters


depth x1 in the scatterer. If the known relationship between the energy of detected electrons and the depth of the layer through which they have passed is used, then depth-selective analysis of the surface layers can be performed. In depth-selective conversion electron Mössbauer spectroscopy (DCEMS) the group of electrons with a fixed energy leaving the surface at a certain angle within a small solid angle dZ are of interest. There are a number of electrostatic and magnetic electron spectrometers that have been used, designed and developed for DCEMS. A schematic description of the DCEM spectrometer, based on the mirror analyser is depicted in Figure 7. Electrons, starting from inside the inner cylinder at angles close to 45° to the sample surface (1 cm 2), move out through slits in the inner grounded cylinder into a strong field region. The field bends the trajectories of the electrons back towards the inner cylinder. The group of electrons of interest passes through another slit, to be collected on the spectrometer axis. If a positionsensitive detector is placed on the axis, a series of Mössbauer spectra corresponding to different electron energies can be recorded simultaneously. Using three slits enables the simultaneous recording of K-, L- and M-conversion electron spectra. An important methodology problem in DCEMS is the measuring time. For 57Fe only the K-conversion electrons lead to a DCEMS spectrum. The thickness of the analysed layer in DCEMS is significantly less than in CEMS, being less than 80 nm for iron. It is dependent on parameters of the β-spectrometer. The resolution enhancement from 3% to 1% is significant for experiments involving the investigation of surface layers 0–5 nm thick. To investigate a thinner layer (0–2.5 nm thick), the β-spectrometer should detect separate groups of electrons in the 7.2–7.3 keV

Figure 7 Schematic diagram of a DCEM spectrometer based on the electrostatic cylindrical mirror analyser. Forward scattering geometry is used. T1 and T2, minimal and maximal angles for the input slit edge positions; Pb, lead shielding.

interval, and it is desirable to have R ≈ 0.5% and T ≈ 90º. The maximum possible selectivity can probably be attained with electrostatic β-spectrometers whose accuracy of energy determination is about 1 eV and the half-width is –10 eV on the 7.3 keV line. To summarize, the experimentalist in DCEMS should try to use a detector with an efficiency close to 100%. There should be no window in the path of the electrons. The temperature of the sample may be varied in the range 4.2–1000 K.

Special Mössbauer spectrometers There is a special situation where hyperfine interactions are present and a constant velocity vi is chosen, so that the incident radiation is on resonance with the scatterer’s line number 2 (vi = v2). There is, in this situation, no unique relation between the energies of the incident and scattered γ-quanta. The scattered quantum may have the energy of the incident quantum, as well as the energy belonging to the line number 4. The same is true if relaxation processes or very complicated hyperfine interactions occur in the sample. To study the phenomenon the incident γquanta energy should be fixed and the energy spectrum of scattered γ-quanta will show directly the energy change of γ-quanta on scattering. To obtain the energy distribution, a γ-ray detector is needed with an energy resolution of approximately *nat. For this purpose a resonant filter is placed in front of the conventional detector (see Figure 8). This filter is a ‘single line’ Mössbauer absorber. Driving the filter (‘analyser’) in the constant acceleration mode and detecting the outgoing radiation allows the I(v,vi) spectrum to be produced (see Figure 9). The observed effect is determined now by the two elastic resonant scattering processes (by four f factors). Two synchronized drive systems are necessary to observe the two scattering processes. This is known as selective-excitation double Mössbauer spectroscopy (SEDMS). The method is demonstrated by considering the SEDM spectrum recorded for scattering at the energy corresponding to the – → – transition in a 9 µm thick 57Fe foil (Figure 9). The Mössbauer spectrum consists of the second and fourth lines of the usual spectrum of D-Fe, i.e. the lines corresponding to the – →– transition as well as to the – → + transition. The main advantage of SEDMS is that the method offers a direct means by which the relaxation processes between sublevels of the excited nucleus can be observed. Indeed, the experimental spectrum I(v,vi) gives direct information on time-dependent hyperfine interactions which determine the nuclear level


Figure 8 A schematic experimental arrangement used for selective-excitation double Mössbauer spectroscopy.

Figure 9

SEDM spectrum of α-Fe.

splitting. The relaxation times in the region of 10–7– 10–10s are the most convenient to measure. Unfortunately, the necessity of having two successive resonant interaction processes results in a very low detected intensity. Indeed, the second part of a

SEDMS experiment is a transmission experiment with the scatterer being the Mössbauer source. Also, special Mössbauer spectrometers are used for total external reflection (TER) studies. On reflection at angles less than Jcr the electromagnetic field intensity falls off rapidly (for the metal iron mirror, Jcr = 3.8 × 10–3 sr). The penetration depth for the radiation (i.e. the thickness L of a layer under study) is taken to be equal to the depth at which the intensity is less by times e. If only the elastic scattering by electrons is considered, L is evaluated to be 1.3 nm for an iron mirror. An experimental set-up is given for studies of TER of Mössbauer quanta in Figure 10. The design of the Mössbauer spectrometer for TER studies ensures: (1) simple and reliable setting and measurement of the grazing angle Jcr; (2) convenience in the adjustment of the angular beam divergence; (3) sample replacement without affecting the experimental geometry; (4) reproducibility of all source–collimator–sample distances; (5) sample rotation in the range 0–90°. The spectrometer consists of the analytical unit and electronic system for control, acquisition and processing of spectrometric data. The analytical unit of the spectrometer comprises a vibration damping platform suspended on shockabsorbers. Mounted on the platform are guides of the ‘wedge slide’ type, which carry the driver, shielding screens, collimator to form narrow directed planeparallel radiation beams, proportional counter and scintillation detector. A narrow plane-parallel γ-ray beam from the source rigidly attached to the driver is formed by the slit collimator and, through the entrance window of the dual detector, falls on the sample. The γ-radiation is reflected from the sample surface and passed through the exit window of the dual detector and slotted mask (screen), and detected by the scintillation detector D1. Although the analysed layer is very thin, the technique has not been widely used due to the very low luminosity. Of no less importance is the fact that

Figure 10 An experimental set-up for studies of total external reflection of Mössbauer quanta. D1, scintillation detector. L0 ~ 600 mm, L1 ~ 700 mm, L2 ~ 400 mm, h = (1 ± 0.05) mm.


Figure 11 Part of an experimental set-up (see Figure 10): the dual proportional counter.

interference effects complicate the interpretation of the experimental data. Substantial progress is achieved by detecting not only the mirror-reflected γquanta, but all secondary radiation leaving the surface when Mössbauer radiation is incident at an angle that is less than critical. The key part of an experimental set-up is the dual proportional counter (see Figure 10). A schematic picture of the dualchamber gas proportional counter is shown in Figure 11. The sample under investigation is inside the electron chamber of the detector. The gas mixture in the chamber is He + 8% CH4. The gas mixture for detection of γ- and X-rays is Ar + 8% CH4. Thus during a single run (preset J value) one can obtain four Mössbauer spectra simultaneously: three from the combined detector and one from the scintillation detector (mirror-reflected γ-rays).

Spectrum quality and quantitative information from Mössbauer spectra The amplitude of Mössbauer lines in scattering experiments can often be greater than in a transmission geometry. However, the intensity loss of the scattered radiation of about two orders of magnitude makes it necessary to compare both the sensitivity of the two methods and the quality of the two spectra obtained. For a thin sample characterized by a single Lorentzian and the effective thickness ta, the quality of the spectrum in relation to the quantity of information on the ta parameter (the information matrix element of interest), , is:

where H(0) is the resonance effect magnitude. In order to increase H(0), the experimentalist needs to

decrease the solid angle towards the detector and sample to prevent the source radiation from reaching the detector as a result of multiple nonresonant scattering in collimators and surrounding materials. This always gives a greater H(0) value, but the I(f) value is decreased. The expression allows the evaluation of the limit when a further increase of H(0) values is no longer reasonable. After the optimal experimental conditions are chosen, the H2(0) values are fixed for each sample under investigation. The quality of the spectrum is determined by the product I(f)* and, as well as I(f), it is also proportional to the measuring time. In any spectroscopy, the intensity of the detected radiation may be written in the form:

where is an energy parameter depending on the experimental setup, L(E − ) is the instrumental line, M(E) is a function describing the response of the substance under investigation to monochromatic radiation, and [( ) is the noise due to the stochastic processes. In Mössbauer spectroscopy, any sample is characterized by Pa(E). The simplest situation for recovering the Pa(E) function from experimental data is in transmission spectroscopy, where M(E) = exp[–Pa(E)d]. There are two ways to find the Pa(E) function. The first involves a hypothesis concerning the nature of this function. Analysis of an experimental spectrum amounts to the determination of the parameters characterizing Pa(E) in accordance with the hypothesis. The second way is connected with natural assumptions only on the nature of the Pa(E) functions, for example, their smoothness. If there are no grounds for choosing a hypothesis, a certain initial assumption is made as to the nature of the required function. This often amounts to a search for an expression describing the response of the medium to monochromatic radiation, and sometimes ‘an enhanced resolution of the method’ is spoken of. The idea is that the best quality of the spectrum is attained using a source with a line shape described by the δ-function. Some methods of enhanced signal recovery have been developed for Mössbauer spectroscopy. As in sensitivity or resolution enhancement in other types of spectroscopy, a compromise has to be made between sensitivity and line width, as increasing the resolution always causes a decrease in sensitivity. Other types of data processing have been used to minimize distortion introduced by the measuring instruments.


List of symbols E = energy; = energy parameter depending on the experimental setup; E0 = initial energy of electrons; I(0) = intensity on resonance; I(∞) = intensity off resonance; I( ) = intensity of the detected radiation; I(v) = intensity at any velocity v; I(vi) = amplitude line at vi position; I(v,vi) = experimental spectrum SEDMS; = information matrix element of interest; Ja(E) = absorption line; JM(E) = emission line; L(E– ) = instrumental line; R = energy resolution; ta = effective thickness of the sample; v = relative velocity; Jcr = angle of total reflection; * = full width at half maximum; *nat = natural line width; G = isomer (chemical) shift; H(0) = resonance effect magnitude; T = direction electrons leaving the scatterer with an energy E; Pa(E) = total linear absorption coefficient; [( ) = noise due to the stochastic processes; M(E) = function describing the response of the substance under investigation to monochromatic radiation. See also: Calibration and Reference Systems (Regulatory Authorities); Mössbauer Spectroscopy, Applications; NMR Spectrometers; Quantitative Analysis.

Further reading Andreeva MA, Belozerski GN, Grishin OV, Irkaev SM, Nikolaev VI and sem*nov VG (1993) Mössbauer total external reflection: A new method for surface layers analysis. I. Design and developing of the Mössbauer spectrometer. Nuclear Instruments and Methods B74: 545–553. Atkinson R and Cranshaw TE (1983) A Mössbauer backscatter electron counter for use at low temperature. Nuclear Instruments and Methods 204: 577–579.

Balko B (1986) Investigation of electronic relaxation in a classic paramagnet by selective excitation doubleMössbauer techniques: Theory and experiment. Physical Review B 33: 7421–7437 Bäverstam U, Bohm C, Ekdahl T and Liljequist D (1975) Method for depth selective ME-spectroscopy. In: Gruverman IJ and Seidel CW (eds) Mössbauer Effect Methodology, Vol 9, pp 259–276. New York: Plenum Press. Belozerski GN (1993) Mössbauer Studies of Surface Layers. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science. Flin PA (1975) Mössbauer backscattering spectrometer with full data processing capability. In: Gruverman IJ and Seidel CW (eds) Mössbauer Effect Methodology, Vol 9, pp 245–250. New York: Plenum Press. Lippmaa M, Tittonen I, Linden J and Katila TE (1995) Mössbauer NMR double resonance. Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 52(14): 10268–10277. Meisel WP (1996) Surface and thin film analysis by Mössbauer spectroscopy and related techniques. In: Long GJ and Grandjean F (eds) Mössbauer Spectroscopy Applied to Magnetism and Materials Science, Vol 1, pp 1–30. New York: Plenum Press. Nasu S (1996) High-pressure Mössbauer spectroscopy with nuclear forward scattering of synchrotron radiation. High Pressure Research 14(4–6): 405–412. Pasternak MP and Taylor RD (1996) High pressure Mössbauer spectroscopy: The second generation. In: Long GJ and Grandjean F (eds) Mössbauer Spectroscopy Applied to Magnetism and Materials Science, Vol 2, pp 167–205. New York: Plenum Press. Schaaf P, Kramer A, Blaes L, Wagner G, Aubertin F and Gonser U (1991) Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B53 (2): 184–188. Weyer G (1976) Applications of parallels-plate avalanche counters in Mössbauer spectroscopy. In: Gruverman IJ and Seidel CW (eds) Mössbauer Effect Methodology, Vol 10, pp 301–320. New York: Plenum Press.


Mössbauer Spectroscopy, Applications Guennadi N Belozerski, St.-Petersburg State University, Russia Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

The application of Mössbauer spectroscopy in diverse fields of qualitative and quantitative analysis is based on the ease with which hyperfine interactions can be observed. The information obtained from Mössbauer spectroscopy may be correlated with other methods by which HI can be examined such as NMR, EPR, ENDOR, PAC (perturbed angular correlations), nuclear orientation and neutron scattering. However, Mössbauer spectroscopy often proves to be experimentally simpler, more illustrative and an efficient method for studying applied problems. Mössbauer nuclei are ideal ‘spies’ supplying information on both the microscopic and macroscopic properties of solids. Three factors may be identified as responsible for the widespread use of Mössbauer spectroscopy in both fundamental and applied research. First is the highest relative energy resolution R ∼ 'E/E and rather good absolute energy resolution 'E ~ *nat (the natural line width) (sometimes ~ 10–9 eV). Secondly, the absolute selectivity of Mössbauer spectroscopy means that in each experiment a response is registered from only one isotope of the element. Thirdly, Mössbauer spectroscopy has a high sensitivity that is determined by the minimum number of resonant atoms needed to produce a detectable response. In transmission Mössbauer spectroscopy for 57Fe, a response is given by a monolayer with an area of the order of 1 cm2. Also important is the absence of any limitation on experimental conditions other than that the sample should be a solid.

HIGH ENERGY SPECTROSCOPY Applications times the result predicted from the principle of equivalence. There have also been some applications of Mössbauer spectroscopy in nuclear physics, to measure quadrupole moments of long-lived nuclear states by observing the orientation of a state at very low temperatures through the intensity ratios in a Mössbauer transition. The spectra for the case of the nuclear orientation in the – state of 119Sn by a quadrupole interaction are shown in Figure 1. In this case no macroscopic orientation of the hyperfine fields is needed. At very low temperatures the hyperfine splitting of the – state leads to an alignment in the + state yielding different intensities of the two Mössbauer lines. The increase of the intensity of line A located at higher velocities is clearly seen in the 16 mK spectrum. This uniquely indicates that the quadrupole moments of the – state and of the + state

Applications in physics Mössbauer spectroscopy offers a resolution sufficient to measure the effect of differing gravitational potentials on frequency or time as predicted by Einstein. The sign of the effect can be reversed by inverting the sense of travel over a fixed vertical path. Pound and Rebka measured the gravitational red shift in a 22metre tower and observed –5.1 × 1015 shift in the Jray energy of 57Fe. The source–detector setup was interchanged every few days to allow comparison of the results from a rising J-ray beam to those from a falling one. When all of these measurements were combined, they yielded a result 0.9970 ± 0.0076

Figure 1 Mössbauer spectra of the 23.9 keV transition in 119Sn with a source of 119Snm(OH)2 (polycrystalline samples with one of the largest quadrupole splitting of ionic Sn2+ compounds) at 4.2 K and 16 mK and a 119Sn:Pd (3 at% 119Sn) absorber chamber at a temperature of about 1.3 K are shown. The, state decays by an M4 transition to the state of 119Sn, which itself decays to the ground state with the 23.9 keV M1 Mössbauer transition. The source was cooled inside the mixing chamber of the 3He/4He dilution refrigerator specially designed for Mössbauer experiments. The weak line C at 1.5 mm s1 is attributed to Sn4 impurities in the source.


have the same sign. From a theoretical fit to the data it was deduced that Q11/2 = −0.13 ± 0.04b. The same principle is used for measurements of temperature below 100 mK, i.e. by a 151Eu Mössbauer thermometer using an absorber of EuS. More then 99.5% of all applications of Mössbauer spectroscopy are connected with hyperfine interaction parameters and structure factor determinations. An example of a sophisticated application is the study of the low temperature properties of magnetic impurities in metals that have an antiferromagnetic exchange interaction (Kondo effect). In order to study the very low temperature behaviour of a Kondo system, Mössbauer spectroscopy was used on two ‘typical’ Kondo systems, Fe:Cu and Fe:Au. The first system (Fe:Cu) showed expected Kondo-type properties – an extra polarization in the electron gas due to the correlations produced by the Kondo effect. The Fe:Au system, on the other hand, exhibited quite unexpected and striking results incompatible with those for Fe:Cu. In brief, in Fe:Au the temperature dependence of the susceptibility differed for T > 10 K from that for T 2. Of special interest in Mössbauer spectroscopy are the transitions between states with spin quantum numbers I = and I = . This is the case for 57Fe, 119Sn, 125Te and many other nuclides. The quadrupole splitting, the distance between two lines, is equal to

where Pn is the nuclear magneton, g I is the gyromagnetic ratio, I is the nuclear spin operator (the quantization axis coincides here with the direction of Heff). The degeneracy of the nuclear levels is completely split. Figure 5 depicts the splitting of the nuclear energy levels and the corresponding Mössbauer spectrum. The shift of the levels is determined by the expression

(where m spin projection onto the quantization axis). In 57Fe, where the transition multipolarity of interest is M1, memg 0, ±1, and out of eight possible transitions in Heff only six are present (Figure 5A). Often all three interactions, i.e. the electric monopole, magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole interactions, occur simultaneously. If the quadrupole interaction is small compared with the magnetic interaction ( ), a correction to the interaction energy may be applied using first-order perturbation

According to Sternheimer, two primary sources of the EFG may be identified. First, charges on ions surrounding the nucleus (provided the symmetry of the surroundings is lower than cubic), and secondly, the unfilled valence shells (since filled shells possess a spherically symmetric charge distribution). The actual EFG at the nucleus is determined by the extent to which the electronic structure of the Mössbauer atom is distorted by electrostatic interactions with external charges. This leads to the so-called ‘antishielding’ effect, which is described by 1 Jf. The Hamiltonian for the interaction of the magnetic dipole moment of a nucleus with the effective magnetic field Heff acting on it may be written Figure 5 Effect of the magnetic dipole interaction on energy level splitting in 57Fe. (A) Energy level diagram in the field Heff z 0, Mzz = 0. (B) The corresponding Mössbauer spectrum.


theory for a nondegenerate spectrum. For the case of an axially symmetric EFG tensor (K 0) the level positions are given by

The superposition will cause the relative line intensities of the Mössbauer spectrum to be different from those characterizing a pure magnetic interaction. This effect may also give rise to the appearance of additional lines in the Mössbauer spectrum.

Relative intensities of spectral lines

The splitting of the energy levels and the corresponding Mössbauer spectrum are shown in Figure 6A and B. If the z axis of the axially symmetric EFG is parallel to the magnetic field , the hyperfine structure is also described by Equation [14]. The sublevels are not equidistant. This results in an asymmetric magnetically split Mössbauer spectrum as depicted in Figure 6B. For the more general case, there is a dependence of the sublevels shift on the angle T. If , K 0 and Tz0, then the wavefunctions Mm describing a nuclear state with a definite spin projection m onto the z axis are not the eigenfunctions of that Hamiltonian. The wavefunctions of the nuclear state with energies given by the roots of the secular equation Det(Hmm' HGmm') 0 will be a superposition of Mm functions at different m (Hmm' is the matrix element of the Hamiltonian H).

Figure 6 (A) Energy level splitting diagram with combined hyperfine interactions ( ) for 57Fe. (B) The corresponding Mössbauer spectrum.

In the absence of relaxation effects and saturation arising from finite sample thickness, the intensity of a spectral component is determined by the nuclear transition characteristics (see Figures 3–6). The most important of these are the spin and the parity of the excited and ground states of the Mössbauer nuclei, the multipolarity of the transition, and the direction of the wave vector k of the J-quanta emitted with respect to a chosen direction which is specified, for example, by the magnetic field or by the electric field gradient that causes the nuclear level degeneracy to be lifted. The probability P of the occurrence of a nuclear transition of multipolarity M1 from a state ~Ieme〉 to a state ~Igmg〉, equals

where T, M are the polar and azimuthal angles determining the direction of emitted J-quanta in the coordinate system defined by the magnetic field direction, M = me – mg; G(me, mg) = 〈IgmgLM~Ieme〉, are the Clebsh–Gordan coefficients; 〈Ig~~1~~Ie〉 is the reduced matrix element which does not depend on the quantum numbers mg, me. The angular function (T, M) is determined only by the transition multipolarity. The intensity of the Mössbauer line is proportional to the product of the Clebsh–Gordan coefficients and the (T,M) functions. Plots of angular dependence of the intensities of the spectral components are given in Figure 7. In the sample the purely magnetic hyperfine splitting of nuclear levels take place. The effect of anisotropy of atomic vibrations in solids not only causes the Mössbauer effect probability f to be anisotropic in single crystals, but may also lead to anisotropy in f for nontextured polycrystalline samples consisting of randomly orientated crystallites. The relative line intensities of the Mössbauer spectrum (Figures 3–6) will be different for negative and positive velocities. Similar deviations may be caused by texture, that is by a preferred orientation of crystals in a polycrystalline sample.


Figure 7 Angular dependences of relative intensities of the hyperfine structure components for the le transition in 57Fe, , lg for magnetic dipole interaction. The polar angle T, defining the wave vector k of the emitted J-quantum, is the angle between the radiation direction and the quantization axis. The quantization axis z is parallel to Heff.

Resonance fluorescence and interference effects The resonantly scattered radiation may interfere with the radiation scattered by electrons of the atom. The characteristic time – the lifetime of nuclear excited state W v *–1 – is longer by several orders of magnitude than the lattice vibration periods. There is no correlation here between the initial and final positions of the atom. Despite this, the scattered wave remains coherent with the incident one. The energy distribution of the scattered J-radiation may differ substantially from that of the incident radiation and is determined by convolution of the emission and scattering spectra. The Rayleigh scattering spectrum intensity effectively coincides with the emission spectrum. The intensity of the resonantly scattered radiation follows the usual Lorentzian curve, while the contribution of the interference term to the total intensity of the scattered radiation takes the form of a dispersion curve. The use of Bragg reflections in a single-crystal scatterer permits a substantial reduction in the contribution from incoherent scattering. The interference pattern in this case may be unambiguously connected with the crystallographic and electronic structure. The directions of Mössbauer diffraction, when the hyperfine splitting is absent, generally coincide with the directions of Rayleigh coherent scattering. However, the angular dependences of diffraction line intensities from nuclear scattering and Rayleigh scattering are different. Since the Debye–Waller factor

decreases with the scattering angle, it is necessary to use large scattering angles to increase the contribution of nuclear diffraction to the total spectrum. When the hyperfine splitting is present, the diffraction pattern caused by resonant scattering is much more complicated. Magnetic fields at the different Mössbauer atoms may be not parallel. Only one of the spin subsystems will participate in the coherent scattering of the quantum and there will be no cancellation of the scattering amplitudes. This leads also to the observation of pure nuclear diffraction maxima. When the hyperfine interaction energies are sufficiently different, it should be possible to tune the incident radiation to select a particular chemical environment, and then measure the diffraction pattern from only these atoms. Only Mössbauer effect diffraction can provide independent autocorrelation functions for atoms in different chemical environments. Two physical problems must be given special mention. First, the diffraction of Mössbauer radiation is dynamic in nature. Secondly, the suppression of inelastic scattering channels requires attention. The resulting effect is the nuclear resonant analogue of the Borman effect and is realized when a thick perfect crystal containing Mössbauer nuclei is set up at a diffraction angle and the transmittance of the crystal increases when the source velocity is such that the system is brought into resonance. Considerable interest in pure nuclear backreflections arises also from application to J-optical devices, such as the filtering of Mössbauer radiation from the white spectrum of synchrotron radiation.


Extremely narrow band with (10–6–10 –8 eV) and small angular width (0.4 arc second) have been obtained from the synchrotron radiation continuum. Progress in this technique has made it feasible to produce diffracted J-quanta with intensities unattainable from conventional Mössbauer sources, thereby increasing interest in hyperfine spectroscopy. The standard experiment will be time-resolved observation of forward scattering from a polycrystalline target instead of the pure nuclear reflection from a single crystal that has been used to date. The use of synchrotron radiation may allow the Mössbauer effect to be observed in new isotopes. Such isotopes would need low-energy excited nuclear levels but need not have appropriate parent nuclei, and hence they are not given in Figure 2. The interference of the elastically scattered radiation gives rise to a mirror reflected wave. It is known that if electromagnetic radiation falls onto a mirror surface characterized by complex index of refraction n 1 V i E at a glancing angle J≤Jcr the reflectivity R, i.e. the ratio of the reflected and incident intensities, becomes equal to unity. For real media there is always some absorption and the imaginary part of the index of refraction is not zero. However, if the R value rises sharply when J becomes less than Jcr, the situation is described as total external reflection (TER). The coherent amplification of the scattered wave under conditions of TER is analogous to diffraction on scattering from single crystals. The index of refraction depends only on the forward scattering amplitude and hence there is no phase shift between the waves scattered by various atoms and nuclei in the unit cell. In the presence of hyperfine splitting and of nonrandomly orientated quantization axes in the scatterer, polarization effects should also be taken into consideration. TER may be used for studies of very thin surface layers.

Relaxation phenomena in Mössbauer spectroscopy The term ‘relaxation’ is used to indicate that timedependent effects occur in the system under study. The J-quantum scattering leads, as a rule, only to change of the nuclear state, while the electronic system remains unchanged. Sometimes, i.e. in paramagnets, the interaction of the electronic shell with the environment may be comparable to or much weaker than the hyperfine coupling. The atom follows a random, stochastic ‘path’ through its allowed states owing to time-dependent, extra-atomic interactions, and as a result of the hyperfine interaction the Mössbauer spectrum will be affected.

There are two main types of relaxation in Mössbauer studies: paramagnetic and superparamagnetic relaxation. As a rule, the observed spectra are quite complicated. The simple relaxation processes for electronic spin S can be analysed in terms of a fluctuating hyperfine field Hn(t) which takes on the values Hn and Hn. If off-diagonal terms in the hyperfine Hamiltonian are absent, then

where A is the hyperfine coupling constant and Ax Ay 0. Under the influence of the electron–bath interaction, the electronic spin Sz(t) fluctuates between the values Sz r at some rate QR. Using either stochastic arguments or a rate equation approach, one can arrive at a closed-form expression for the line shape. The simplicity of the result obtained has made this model very popular. If off-diagonal terms are present in HM, such simplifications are not possible. Relaxation theory, as it applies to Mössbauer spectroscopy, has two main approaches: perturbation calculations and stochastic models. The stochastic approach is easily visualized and adapted to various physical situations. The approach generally proceeds by considering the system divided into two parts: the radiating system and the ‘bath’. Depending on the particular model, the bath can induce fluctuations in the radiating system by providing unspecified ‘hits’ or by being represented by a fluctuating effective magnetic field. Blume formulated the effective-field, nonadiabatic model in a particularly useful way by introducing the superoperator (or Liouville operator) formalism. The superoperator formalism is extended to the case where the nucleus, and the atomic electrons are treated as a fully quantum-mechanically coupled system. It is possible to carry out good calculations of all experimental relaxation spectra.

List of symbols A hyperfine coupling constant; c velocity of light; E energy; Ec energy of interaction of a nucleus with an electromagnetic field; E0 energy of an excited state; E0 electric field strength at the centre of the nucleus; E0 transition energy for 0; Ea = transition energy in absorber; = shift of eigenvalues levels due to magnetic interactions; of the Hamiltonian; ER recoil energy; Es transition energy in the source; GEg,e value of the shift of a nuclear level; e electron charge; e excited state (index); G(me, mg) Clebsh–


Gordan coefficient; g ground state (index); g l gyromagnetic ratio; f(f ′) probability of recoilless emission (absorption), Lamb–Mössbauer factor; (T, M) angular functions; H = magnetic field strength; H0 magnetic field strength at the centre of the nucleus; Heff effective magnetic field acting Hn hyperfine on the nucleus; field; H Hamiltonian; HM Hamiltonian for interaction with the magnetic field; HQ Hamiltonian for interaction with electrons; Hamiltonian; HG Hamiltonian; Hmm′ matrix element of the Hamiltonian H; I nuclear spin; I nuclear spin operator; JR(E), JM(E) energy distributions of Mössbauer J-rays; kB Boltzmann constant; k wave vector; L(E) Lorentzian line; M mass of nucleus; M1 magnetic dipole transition; m spin projection onto the quantization axes; n 1 V iE the complex index of refraction; p vector of electric dipole moment; P probability of a nuclear transition; Qik tensor of the electric quadrupole; q eZ nuclear charge; R reflectivity; rp radimean-square radius-vector of the pth proton; us; S electronic spin; T temperature; v velocity; mean square displacement of the Mössbauer atom; Z number of protons in the nucleus; * full width at half-maximum; *nat natural line width; J glancing angle; Jcr angle of total reflection (the critical angle); Jf antishielding factor; ' quadrupole splitting; G isomer (chemical) shift; H resonance effect magnitude; Gmm′ Kronecker symbol; K (Mxx – Myy)/ Mzz asymmetry parameter; 4 Debye temperature; T polar angle, specifying Heff; Pn nuclear magnevector of magnetic dipole moment; ton; Ue charge density at the centre of the nucleus; W lifetime of nuclear excited state; M electrostatic potential; M azimuthal angle, specifying Heff; Mm wavefunction; M(rp) electric potential in the vicinity of the pth proton; Mp(0) electric potential at the centre of nucleus due to the pth proton; Mxx,yy,zz x,y,z-component of the EFG tensor; ~\(0) ~ ,s the electron density at the nucleus in the absorber (a) or in the source (s).

See also: Electromagnetic Radiation; Mössbauer Spectrometers; Mössbauer Spectroscopy, Applications; NMR Principles; Scattering Theory; X-Ray Spectroscopy, Theory.

Further reading Andreeva MA, Belozerski GN, Grishin OV, Irkaev SM and sem*nov VG (1995) Mössbauer total external reflection. Hyperfine interactions 96: 37–49. Butz T, Ceolin M, Ganal P, Schmidt PC, Taylor MA and Troger W (1996) A new approach in nuclear quadrupole interaction data analysis: cross-correlation. Physica Scripta 54: 234–239. Deak L, Bottyan L, Nagy DL and Spiering H (1996) Coherent forward-scattering amplitude in transmission and grazing incidence Mössbauer spectroscopy. Physical Reviews B: Condensed Matter 53: 6158–6164. Gütlich P, Link R and Trautwein A (1978) Mössbauer Spectroscopy and Transition Metal Chemistry , p 280. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. Hoy J (1997) Quantum mechanical model for nuclear resonant scattering of gamma-radiation. Physics of Condensed Matter 9: 8749–8765. Long GJ (ed) (1984–1989) Mössbauer Spectroscopy Applied to Inorganic Chemistry , Vols 1–3. New York: Plenum Press. Long GJ and Grandjean F (eds) (1994) Applications of the Mössbauer Effect, International Conference on the Applications of Mössbauer Effect (ICAME-93), Vancouver, Vols I–IV. Amsterdam: Baltzer Science Publishers. Mössbauer RL (1958) Kernresonanzfluoreszenz von Gammastrahlung in 191Ir. Zeitschrift für Physik 151: N1, 124–137. Shenoy GK and Wagner FE (eds) (1978) Mössbauer Isomer Shifts, p 780. Amsterdam: North-Holland. Smirnov GV (1996) Nuclear resonant scattering of synchrotron radiation. Hyperfine Interactions 97/98: 551–588. Thosar BV and Srivastava IK (eds) (1983) Advances in Mössbauer Spectroscopy Application to Physics, Chemistry and Biology , p 924. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Wertheim GK (1964) Mössbauer Effect: Principles and Applications , p 145. New York: Academic Press.

MRI Applications in Food Science See

Food Science, Applications of NMR Spectroscopy.


MRI Applications, Biological David G Reid, Paul D Hockings and Paul GM Mullins, SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals, Welwyn, UK


Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Non-invasive MRI is at the forefront of clinical diagnostic imaging; its non-destructive nature also gives it great potential as a tool in biological research, involving animal models of disease. Because it is possible to scan the same animal as often, and over as long a period, as necessary, before and after experimental surgery and/or administration of test compounds, MRI is assuming increasing importance in longitudinal evaluation of novel pharmaceuticals and characterization of animal models of disease. Experiments can usually be designed so that each subject acts as its own control, increasing statistical power with smaller group sizes, and longitudinal studies are possible without killing groups of animals at each time point; two factors that, separately and in combination, offer dramatic sparing of laboratory animals. In general, measurement of anatomical features from MR images is much quicker than conventional invasive methodologies like tissue histology. It is often possible to acquire MRI data as three-dimensional images with isotropic resolution. These can be subsequently ‘sliced’ or rendered along arbitrary planes or surfaces to highlight irregular structures. The MR image is acquired in situ, so anatomy is undistorted by fixation, excision, sectioning and staining processes. Finally MRI methods developed to highlight features of animal disease models are often directly transferable to clinical trials and diagnoses. MRI is so powerful because of the wide range of contrast mechanisms available to differentiate different organs, tissues and pathologies. The physicochemical basis of these contrast mechanisms, and the MR pulse sequences designed to exploit them, are treated in comprehensive standard works and other articles in this Encyclopedia. Important sources of MRI contrast are described below. Differences in tissue water T1 and T2 relaxation times generally depend on differences in the extent to which water molecules interact with soluble macromolecules. Thus changes in the concentration of soluble proteins in oedema will usually cause changes in T1 and T2, so that MRI acquisition sequences weighted according to one (T1W or T2W) or both of these will distinguish oedematous from normal tissue. Water–macromolecule interactions are also the basis of magnetization transfer contrast

(MTC), particularly effective at highlighting fibrous structures like cartilage. ‘Pools’ of water in which diffusion is more or less restricted by cell boundaries, or anisotropic environments, can be distinguished by diffusion weighted (DW) imaging. DWI is particularly effective at detecting cell swelling during ischaemic energy depletion, and in delineating the course of highly anisotropic microstructures like nerve cells. MR pulse sequences, which refocus magnetization using pulsed magnetic field gradients rather than spin echoes, produce images which are sensitive to differences in magnetic susceptibility between and within tissue, and are a function of the ‘inhom*ogeneous T2′, or T2*. Because paramagnetic deoxyhaemoglobin and diamagnetic oxyhaemoglobin affect the magnetic susceptibility of neighbouring tissues in very different ways, T2* weighted (T2*W) techniques can be used to define tissues where deoxy-haemoglobin has built up as a result of underperfusion, or where metabolic activation has increased oxygenated blood – Blood Oxygen Level Determination (BOLD). MR angiography (MRA) takes advantage of the different behaviours of moving and static nuclear spins, and can delineate vasculature and measure blood flow. Tissue perfusion can be measured using paramagnetic contrast reagents, usually stable chelates of gadolinium or manganese ions, or preparations of magnetic iron oxide particles, which reduce tissue relaxation times. T1W, T2W or T2*W images are obtained before and after administration (usually intravenously) of a contrast reagent; regions accessible to the reagent change in MRI intensity, and the time course of ‘wash in’ and ‘wash out’ gives a measure of perfusion status. Contrast reagents are widely used in animal models where the blood– brain barrier is compromised (such as demyelinating disorders and stroke), in studies of tumour perfusion, and as an alternative or adjunct to MRA.

Practicalities Although useful work is possible in vertical magnets designed for high resolution spectroscopy, most animal MRI is done in horizontal superconducting magnets with field strengths ranging from 2 to 7 T


(corresponding to 1H resonances from 86 to 300 MHz) and clear magnet bore diameters ranging from about 20 to 40 cm. Concentric shim, gradient and RF coils reduce the useable diameter of 20 and 40 cm systems to about 8 to 20 cm respectively. Subjects must usually be anaesthetized with a suitable inhalation (e.g. isoflurane, halothane) or injectable (e.g. alphaxalone/alphadalone, fentanyl/fluanisone and midazolam) anaesthetic compatible with the animal model under study. It is often necessary to coordinate, or ‘gate’, the acquisition of NMR data with heart beat and breathing, which can be done by monitoring the animal's electrocardiogram (ECG) and respiration, and triggering data acquisition in synchrony with one or both. Tracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation allow respiratory gating on the ventilation cycle. Whether triggering is necessary or not, ECG and respiratory monitoring are essential for ensuring animal well-being and effective anaesthesia in the magnet. Other vital parameters like rectal temperature and blood pressure are often also monitored, and animal temperature can be controlled with thermostatted heating blankets or air

conditioning. Radio frequency probe and animal holder design is the province of the on-site engineer in many institutions, but increasingly manufacturers are offering these items ready made. At the conclusion of an experiment it is still usual to compare in vivo MRI measurements with more conventional histological or organ weight measurements. Figure 1 shows an unconscious rat supported in an animal holder and connected to ECG and respiratory monitoring systems (right), and about to be inserted into a typical horizontal laboratory MR scanner (left).

Applications Central nervous system

MRI has been fruitfully applied to a number of animal models of CNS conditions, such as demyelination (as in for instance experimental allergic encephalomyelitis, EAE), excitotoxicity and neurotoxicity, identification of the spread of neuronal depolarization in the cortical spreading depression phenomenon, identification of neuroanatomical

Figure 1 Right: Unconscious laboratory rat mounted in a nonmagnetic holder for MR scanning. Note the face mask for delivery of inhalation anesthetic, conducting sticky pad electrodes on fore and hind paws for ECG signal detection, and the lever (containing a fibre optic cable) placed over the abdomen for respiratory monitoring. Incisor and ear bars are also built into the assembly for stereotaxic positioning if necessary. Left: The entire animal holder about to be inserted into a 7 T laboratory scanner. Although the notional diameter of the horizontal superconducting magnet is 18.3 cm the addition of concentric shim, pulsed field gradient and resonator coils reduces the useable diameter to about 7 cm – adequate for most small laboratory rodents. The gradient coils produce linear variations in the magnetic field of up to 150 mT m−1 (15 gauss/cm−1) in each of three orthogonal directions; they are actively shielded to reduce induction of eddy currents in the magnet bore. ECG (electric) and respiratory (optical) signals are sent to monitors and triggering electronics outside the RF-impenetrable Faraday cage containing the magnet.


abnormalities in genetically modified animals, blood–brain barrier disruption using contrast reagents and localization of sites of action of psychoactive compounds using BOLD. The versatility of MRI in this area is well illustrated by its application in models of stroke, where it has been widely used to study the evolution and properties of lesions produced by experimental cerebral ischaemia. Models investigated by MRI include permanent and transient versions of carotid artery, four vessel and middle cerebral artery occlusion (the latter commonly known as MCAO), in rats, mice, gerbils and larger animals like cats. The clarity of T2W images of ischaemic infarcts in some of these models makes this area extremely attractive for the development and implementation of ‘high throughput’ MRI screening strategies in testing neuroprotective treatments. MRI can exploit different sources of contrast to define the physiological events underlying ischemic injury. Thus Figure 2 shows representative

MR image slices through the brains of rats during an experiment to study the efficacy of an experimental neuroprotective treatment. The top row images are from a control subject, and the bottom row from a subject that received a neuroprotective treatment. Columns labelled (A) and (B) were acquired during a 100 minute period of MCAO using T2*W and DW respectively. In the ischaemic hemisphere (right hand side of each transverse brain image) buildup of paramagnetic deoxyhaemoglobin causes ischaemic regions with perfusion deficit to darken on the T2*W images due to T2* shortening. Additionally, cells swell and undergo cytoskeletal changes in response to energy depletion, which restricts the diffusion of tissue water. These regions show up bright relative to non-ischaemic tissue in DW imaging. Diffusibility changes are further emphasised if DW images are acquired using several different diffusion encoding gradient strengths, allowing a diffusion coefficient to be calculated for each pixel in the image, and the

Figure 2 300 MHz MR images from the brains of rats subjected to temporary MCAO. The top row of images was acquired from a control animal, and the bottom row from an animal which received a prior neuroprotective treatment. Columns (A)–(D) show transverse images across the brain and column (E) shows a slice taken horizontally. The image columns show: (A) T2*W and (B) DW images acquired during the 100 min period of MCAO; areas of deoxyhaemoglobin buildup, and restricted diffusion, show up as dark and bright regions respectively in the affected (right) cerebral hemisphere; (C) Diffusion map plotting diffusion coefficients during the ischaemic period, calculated from images acquired with three different diffusion gradient strengths; areas of decreased diffusibility which show up bright in (B) manifest lower diffusion coefficients and hence appear dark in the map; Representative transverse (D) and horizontal (E) slices through 3D T2W images acquired 24 h after 100 min MCAO, in which oedema in infarcted regions appears bright. Pulse sequence conditions were: (A) Gradient echo technique, TE/TR = 13/1000 ms, flip angle α = 90o; (B) TE/TR = 64/1200 ms, diffusion sensitization applied in vertical direction, b value = 11 370 scm–2; (C) Diffusion coefficient map calculated by exponential fitting the signal intensity decay to 3 b values of 0, 2350 and 11370 scm–2; (D) and (E) Interecho delay = 6.5 ms, which a repetition (RARE) factor of 16 converts to a TEeffective of 54 ms, TR = 1500 ms.


Figure 3 Transverse diffusion weighted MR images of a rodent brain acquired at four different levels (images progress from caudal (‘back’) to rostral (‘front’) from left to right). Images were acquired with TE/TR = 82/2000 ms, field of view (FOV) = 2 cm, and diffusion sensitization b = 0 (top row), and b = 29600 scm–2 applied in a horizontal direction (2nd row) and orthogonal to the slice direction (3rd row). Further anatomical definition is apparent in difference images (4th row) calculated by digitally subtracting one diffusion sensitized image slice from another. Neuroanatomical structures delineated by the DWI method, and closely corresponding to structures identifiable using different histological stains (5th and 6th rows) are labelled as follows: CCTX – cerebral cortex; THAL – thalamus; HIP – hippocampus; cc – corpus callosum; STR – striatum; HYP – hypothalamus; ox – optic chiasm; ec – external capsule; 3v – third ventricle; LV – left ventricle; ot – optic tract; vsc – ventral spinocerebellar tract; ac – anterior commissure; cg – cingulum.

spatial dependence of the diffusion coefficient itself is displayed as a ‘map’ (column C). In contrast to DW and T2*W images, during and shortly after ischaemia no lesion is apparent using T2WI. However,

24 h after the transient MCAO oedema in the infarcted region manifests clearly as hyperintensity using T2W imaging; columns (D) and (E) show transverse and horizontal slices respectively through


the same 3D T2W datasets at this time point. Apart from the distribution of oedema, which can be easily quantified, the high isotropic (∼ 140 µm) resolution facilitates observation of a number of other neuroanatomical structures, such as the fluid-filled ventricles. Concerted application of different MRI acquisition modalities enables one to measure areas undergoing energy depletion, perfusion deficit and oedema, and make inferences regarding areas at risk at early time points which are destined to evolve into infarcts, and those which may be salvageable by neuroprotective intervention. The strong directionality of nerve fibres makes DW imaging a very useful method for delineating neuroanatomy, and for studying models of neurodegenerative disorders like demyelinating diseases. Figure 3 shows slices through a rodent brain acquired with diffusion sensitization in different directions. Nerve fibres which run parallel to the diffusion gradient direction show up dark (due to relatively unrestricted diffusion along the fibre) while those running orthogonal to the gradient direction manifest as bright because diffusion across the axon is relatively restricted, so signal loss during diffusion sensitization is minimal.

Cardiovascular system

Gating of the MRI acquisition to the cardiac and (preferably) respiratory cycles is essential in studies of cardiovascular anatomy and function. Images acquired at full systole, and diastole, enable one to measure the change in volume of the four chambers of the heart during a single contraction, and so calculate the ejection fraction. By preceding the MRI acquisition sequence with a selective presaturation method like DANTE, parts of the myocardium can be ‘tagged’ and their movement during the cardiac cycle mapped and correlated with cardiac dysfunctions. Cardiac enlargement, or hypertrophy, is common in diseases like congestive heart failure, and can be a drug side effect. MRI is well suited to measuring changes in the cross-sectional area, or volume, of the chambers, and changes in wall thickness in response to hypertrophic stimuli. Figure 4 shows transverse slices through the chests of three rats, orthogonal to the long axes of their hearts, acquired at diastole when the heart is fully distended. Image (A) is from a control animal, image (B) is from an animal which has received treatment which increases ventricle lumen size, and image (C) is from an animal after

Figure 4 Transverse 300 MHz gradient echo (TE/TR = 4/1000 ms, flip angle = 90°) images through the chests of (A) a control rat, and (B) and (C), animals subjected to experimental treatments which increase the heart ventricular lumen size, and wall thickness, respectively; image acquisition was triggered on the QRS complex of the ECG signal obtain images with the hearts in diastole and hence fully dilated. Panel (D), a coronal ‘bright blood’ image obtained from the same animal shown in (B), depicts the enlargement of the great vessels in the abdomen provoked by an aorto-caval shunt operation.


administration of an agent to increase wallthickness, respectively; both effects are quantifiable from the images. The coronal image (D) shows the aorto-venacaval shunt (AVS) which caused the lumen increase seen in (B); the success of the operation is obvious from the distension of the descending aorta and inferior vena cava in this bright blood image. Without MRI the success of the AVS could only be confirmed post mortem. Detection of atherosclerotic plaque would be extremely useful in evaluating therapy to reduce deposition in blood vessels. Atherosclerosis models usually involve feeding appropriate animals diets rich in fat and cholesterol to induce plaque; this process may take many months so that conventional longitudinal studies use large groups of animals killed at a number of time points. Plaque detection by MRI obviates this need for large multi-group studies. Figure 5 shows slices from 3D T2W datasets acquired around peak cardiac systole, in a transgenic atherosclerosis-prone mouse, from the region above the heart containing the aortic arch and branch points of the vessels supplying the upper body, shown in the coronal slice (A). Panel (B) is a transverse slice through the branching vessels before induction of atherosclerosis, while (C) and (D) were obtained after a few months on a high fat diet. Strong

flow and turbulence around the aortic arch region make it a primary site for plaque deposition, but cardiac and respiratory motion here make good image acquisition challenging. Nevertheless the buildup of atherosclerotic plaque is clearly visible and quantifiable in, for instance, the innominate artery. MR angiography (MRA) can be used to define vascular anatomy. Figure 6 shows 3D images from the brain, and the upper abdomen, of a rat acquired with a fast gradient echo technique. Static water in the field of view undergoes saturation on account of the high pulse repetition rate, but blood flowing into the field of view during acquisition gives a strong signal. The delineation of the portal vasculature achieved by this technique is further enhanced by administration of a suitable contrast reagent; the cerebral vasculature is well delineated without any enhancing agent. Liver

As the site of metabolism and toxicity of many xenobiotic compounds, non-invasive characterization of liver properties is of great interest. Many physiological and pharmacological interventions change liver size and morphology but its irregular shape can make quantification difficult; the use of pulse sequences giving adequate contrast between liver and

Figure 5 Coronal (A) and transverse (B) – (D) image slices through the aortic arch region of an atherosclerosis-prone mouse acquired before (A) and (B) and 17 weeks after (C) and (D) commencement of a high fat diet, selected from 300 MHz 3D T2W datasets. Plaque is arrowed in (C) and (D); perivascular fat is removed from the latter by a fat suppression procedure. In these spin echo (TE/TR = 13/1000 ms) images triggered in full systole 65 ms after the QRS wave, rapidly moving blood gives no NMR signal and so appears black.


Figure 6 ‘Stereo pairs’ of ‘maximum intensity projection’ bright blood MR angiograms acquired from rat brain (A) and abdomen (B). Contrast between flowing and static fluid was enhanced in (B) by administration of a colloidal magnetite contrast reagent which shortens T2 and T2* of blood relative to static tissue. The 3D effect can be best appreciated by viewing the images through stereo viewing glasses.

surrounding tissues is essential. Figure 7 shows a series of coronal slices from a 3D image from a rat abdomen acquired with a T1W method. Such data allows accurate liver volume quantification and measurement of changes induced by natural diurnal variations and feeding, and hypertrophic stimuli. Many stresses also cause changes in liver ultrastructure; although in vivo MRI cannot resolve microscopic necroses, these often manifest in changes in the gross MRI properties of the tissue reflected in changes in relaxation or diffusion contrast, or altered susceptibility to contrast reagents. Note the excellent delineation of other abdominal organs, particularly the stomach, kidneys and adrenals, and the abdominal aorta. Kidney

Because it receives such a high proportion of the cardiac output, this organ is another important site of toxicity. T2W and proton density images delineate its anatomically and functionally distinct zones. Figure 8 shows a slice along the median plane of a T2W 3D image of the kidney of a healthy rat. The divisions of the organ into outer and inner cortex, medulla and papilla, are obvious, as are neighbouring structures like the adrenal gland and fat pads. Treatment of the animal with regiospecific nephrotoxins produces characteristic changes in the MR images. Thus an inner cortical toxin brightens the corticomedullary boundary due to anomalous water buildup in this region. A papillary toxin evokes

buildup of water in the inner zones of the organ leading to loss of medullary–papillary contrast, and swelling. Areas of anomalous MRI appearance correlate well with necrotic areas assessed by post mortem histology. Musculoskeletal system

Articular cartilage is readily visible by MRI. Figure 9A shows spin echo T2W image slices through the long dimension of a tibio-tarsal (ankle) joint of a rat subjected to an arthrogenic procedure. Degradation, remodelling, and swelling of the joint as the disease progresses can be clearly seen. Figure 9B displays images acquired from joints excised post mortem from a control and an arthritic rat; they were acquired on an instrument custom modified to operate with an autosampler – an example of high throughput biological MRI data acquisition. Oncology

MRI is a powerful technique for investigating the progression and properties of experimental tumours, as exemplified in Figure 10, which shows slices through a GH3 pituitary tumour implanted in a rat. Distinction of the tumour from surrounding tissue on the basis of relaxation time differences, and measurement of its volume, is straightforward. The left hand images were obtained with gradient (top) and spin echo (bottom) methodologies respectively while the rat breathed a normal air–anaesthetic mixture. The


Figure 7 Contiguous coronal sagittal slices through a 3D dataset (300 MHz) acquired from the upper abdominal area of the rat. The acquisition method, combining inversion recovery (950 ms) and segmented (16, TE = 3.3 ms) low flip angle (∼ 30o) fast gradient echo readout, was designed to optimize contrast between liver and surrounding structures, but note also the excellent definition of the kidneys, stomach, and moving (bright) blood in the descending aorta. Abdominal fat was suppressed by selective saturation 3.25 parts per million (975 Hz) upfigeld of the water signal before readout.

right hand images were obtained after increasing the CO2 content of the breathing mixture to 5% – a powerful vasodilatory stimulus. Oxygenated haemoglobin increases in the tumour reducing T2* relaxation, producing more signal in the gradient echo T2*W image. This is a dramatic example of the use of BOLD to study functional activation.

Future developments BOLD methodologies aided by fast techniques like echo planar imaging (EPI) in high field magnets promise the localization of the sites of action of neuroactive compounds. Cheaper actively shielded magnets will facilitate the use of MRI in biology,


Figure 8 Slices through the median planes of 3D 300 MHz T2W images (TE = 6.5 ms, TR = 1.5 s, multiecho segmentation, or RARE, factor = 32, TEeffective = 104 ms) of kidneys from a control rat (A), and from rats treated with an inner cortical (B) and papillary (C) toxin. Note the clear differentiation in the control kidney between cortex, medulla and papilla, and also the good definition of perirenal fat and adrenal glands. Note also the evolution of a hyperintense band in the cortical toxin-treated kidney reflecting derangement of renal tubular function and water buildup in this region. The papillary toxin evokes a loss of papillary–medullary contrast. Marked swelling of both treated kidneys is also obvious and easily quantifiable.

Figure 9 (A) MR images from longitudinal assessment of degeneration of the posterior tibio-tarsal joint of a rat, rendered arthritic by intra-venous injection of a Mycobacterium butyricum suspension at Day 1 (200 MHz, TE/TR = 9/2500 ms, 100 × 100 µm in plane resolution, 1 mm trans-plane resolution). (B) 400 MHz images of excised tibio-tarsal joints from control and adjuvant-arthritic rats, acquired using autosampler technology (TE/TR = 8/1000 ms, 70 × 70 × 250 µm resolution). Reproduced by permission of Dr. Rasesh Kapadia, SB Pharmaceuticals, Upper Merion, PA.

pharmacology and toxicology as the systems become less demanding of laboratory space. Robust acquisition and processing software will remove the routine conduct of biological MRI from the hands of the NMR expert and place it in those of the biologist. Complete automation of in vivo experiments is

unlikely, but fully automated imaging of fixed tissue is already possible; 3D images of fixed tissue, which can be subjected to a battery of image analysis procedures, will become valuable complements to conventional fixed tissue histology. Image analysis is the rate-limiting step in many experiments.


Figure 10 200 MHz MR images of a transplanted rat GH3 pituitary tumour. The top pair of images (A) and (B) were acquired with a T2*W gradient echo method (TE/TR = 20/80 ms, flip angle 45o) and the bottom pair (C) and (D) with T2W (TE/TR = 20/300 ms). The left hand images were acquired while the animal breathed normal air–anaesthetic gas mixture, while the right hand images were acquired shortly after switching the breathing mixture to carbogen (5% CO2). Note the striking increase in intensity in the T2*W image as blood flow to the tumour increases due to vasodilation (B). This vasodilation is also reflected in the increase in T2W intensity in blood vessel cross-sections (D). Reproduced by permission of Dr Simon Robinson and Professor John Griffiths, St George’s Hospital Medical School, London.

Perfection of automatic image coregistration and segmentation methods promise to break this logjam. MRI will be increasingly combined with in vivo spectroscopy, and other imaging methods like positron emission tomography (PET) to produce simultaneous anatomical, functional, metabolic and drug distributional information. Finally the interface between experimental and clinical MRI will strengthen as clinical trials are planned on the basis of laboratory protocols and vice-versa.

List of symbols AVS = aorto-venacaval shunt; BOLD = blood oxygen level determination; CNS = central nervous system; DW = diffusion weighted; EAE = experimental allergic encephalomyelitis; ECG = electrocardiograph; EPI = echo planar imaging; FOV = field of view; MCAO = middle cerebral artery occlusion; MRA = magnetic resonance angiography; MTC = magnetization transfer contrast; RARE = rapid acquisition with repeated echo; RF = Radio frequency; T1W = T1 weighted; T2W = T2 weighted; T2*W = T2* weighted; TE = echo time; TR = repetition time.

See also: Chemical Shift and Relaxation Reagents in NMR; Diffusion Studied Using NMR Spectroscopy; In Vivo NMR, Methods; In Vivo NMR, Applications – 31P; In Vivo NMR, Applications, Other Nuclei; MRI Applications, Clinical; MRI Applications, Clinical Flow Studies; MRI Instrumentation; MRI Theory; NMR Microscopy; NMR Relaxation Rates.

Further reading Anderson CM, Edelman RR and Turski PA (1993) Clinical Magnetic Resonance Angiography. New York: Raven Press. Bachelard H (1997) Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Imaging in Neurochemistry, New York: Plenum. Bushong SC (1996) Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Physical and Biological Principles, St Louis: Mosby-Year Book. Callaghan PT (1991) Principles of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Microscopy , Oxford: Clarendon. Chen C-N and Hoult DI (1989) Biomedical Magnetic Resonance Technology. Bristol: Institute of Physics. Elster, AD (1994) Questions and Answers in Magnetic Resonance Imaging. St Louis: Mosby-Year Book. Flecknell, P (1996) Laboratory Animal Anaesthesia. London: Academic.


Gadian, DG (1995) NMR and its Applications to Living Systems. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Underwood R and Firmin D (eds.) (1991) Magnetic Resonance of the Cardiovascular System. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific.

Yuh W, Brasch R and Herfkens R (eds) (1997) Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Special Edition – MR Contrast Reagents) 7: 1–262.

MRI Applications, Clinical Martin O Leach, The Institute of Cancer Research and The Royal Marsden Hospital, Sutton, Surrey, UK Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

In 1973 both Lauterbur, and Mansfield and Grannell, proposed that a shift in resonance frequency, induced by a spatially varying magnetic field, could be used to encode the spatial location of nuclear magnetic resonance signals. Developments in the late 1970s demonstrated the feasibility of magnetic resonance imaging and led to the construction of clinical instruments, with the first whole-body image published in 1977 by Damadian and colleagues. Initially a range of different imaging techniques were employed, with commercial developments at first using filtered backprojection. While this is the standard method of reconstruction in X-ray computed tomography (CT), the limited hom*ogeneity of early magnets, together with the inherent variations in human magnetic susceptibility, gave rise to considerable image artefacts. These approaches were superseded by spin-warp imaging, introduced by Edelstein and colleagues in 1980, an extension of Kumar and colleagues’ Fourier zeugmatography technique. Spin-warp imaging remains the method used for most clinical magnetic resonance imaging. Imaging technique are discussed in more detail by Morris and Leach as given in the Further reading section. The ensuing 20 years saw an unprecedented development in the scope and quality of magnetic resonance imaging, compared with the growth of previous medical imaging techniques. Although the advent of CT revolutionized diagnosis by providing high-quality cross-sectional images, its use has generally been limited to the detection and measurement of anatomical abnormality and it provides limited functional information. As CT was well-established when MRI was introduced, MRI initially supplied supplementary information, particularly in neurological examinations where the increased soft-tissue contrast of MRI and lack of bony artefacts allowed better depiction of the brain and spinal cord, together with

MAGNETIC RESONANCE Applications improved visualization of physiological processes. Hardware has progressively developed, with the introduction of superconducting magnets leading to more stable and hom*ogeneous magnets and allowing the introduction of higher-field magnets of up to 1.5 T to many hospitals. Magnet field strengths now range from 0.2 T, often with open configurations (based on electromagnets or resistive coils), aiding orthopaedic, paediatric and interventional applications, through 0.5 T (superconductive or permanent, with open designs again possible) used for a wide range of applications, to 1.0 T and 1.5 T superconducting designs, with manufacturers now developing ‘short-bore’ magnets with flared apertures to increase patient acceptability. High-field magnets are used where signal-to-noise is a principal concern, for angiography, functional MRI (brain activation), cardiology and real-time imaging. At 1.5 T, magnetic resonance spectroscopy is also possible, with many instruments being capable of proton spectroscopy, and some also having facilities for broad-band spectroscopy. Research sites have installed higherfield magnets, with many 3.0 T installations, some at 4.0–4.7 T and recent installations at 7 T and 8 T. These systems are primarily used for spectroscopy and for brain activation studies. There has been a range of further developments in hardware. These include shielded gradient coils, facilitating high-speed imaging by reducing eddy currents, and large increases in the strength and switching speed of gradients, allowing clinical implementation of snapshot imaging, echo planar imaging and similar real-time techniques. Circularly polarized and phasedarray coils have significantly increased the sensitivity of measurements, with modern systems having a wide range of coils. Automatic shimming techniques have improved fat signal suppression, as well as aiding spectroscopy. Self-shielded magnets have eased the


installation requirements for many clinical systems. These improvements have been accompanied by advances in pulse sequence design, versatility and reconstruction speed. Packages for specific clinical specializations are now available, providing pulse sequences and analysis techniques tailored to particular applications, e.g. functional neuroimaging and cardiac packages. In addition, a range of contrast agents with differing pharmaceutical properties have been developed that are leading to new clinical applications.

Anatomical imaging Clinical applications of MRI primarily make use of the high soft-tissue contrast, which can be readily manipulated by appropriate choice of pulse sequences, to demonstrate cross-sectional anatomy at any arbitrary orientation. One of the initial motivations for developing clinical MR imaging instruments was the observation that tumours had long T1 relaxation times. Although this was shown not to provide a unique discriminator for cancer, the different T1 and T2 relaxation times, together with other intrinsic properties affecting the MR signal, allow contrast to be changed between tissues by selecting appropriate pulse repetition times and flip angles (T1 weighting) and echo times (T2 weighting). This allows abnormal or distorted anatomy to be seen, and aberrant tissues can often be identified by different relaxation properties. T1 and T2 relaxation times reflect the environment and ease of movement of water and fat molecules. The greater the water content and the greater the freedom of movement, the longer are T1 and T2 . When water is tightly bound, magnetization transfer imaging techniques can be used to interrogate this bound compartment by exploiting the short T2 and broad line shape. An off-resonance (several kHz) irradiation suppresses the bound component, without directly affecting unbound water. However, the signal of the unbound water is subsequently reduced by exchange with the partially saturated bound component. A difference image reveals the degree of magnetization transfer. A basic clinical examination will employ both T1and T2-weighted multislice imaging sequences, chosen in a particular plane. Typically a set of scout images (very rapid T1-weighted images in several orientations) will be acquired to aid the prescription of these images (orientation and number of slices, etc.). A fast spoiled gradient-echo image (e.g. fast low angle singleshot (FLASH)) might be chosen with a 300 ms repetition time (TR), a 12 ms echo time (TE) and a 70° flip angle (α), to provide T1 weighting. A dual-echo spinecho sequence with TR = 2 s, TE = 30 ms and 120 ms,

and α= 90° would provide, respectively, proton density and T2-weighted images. The gradient-echo image is subject to signal loss in areas of magnetic field inhom*ogeneity, or variations in magnetic susceptibility, for example in the brain adjacent to air-filled sinuses or near sites of previous haemorrhage. The effect can be minimized by selecting a very short TE, or using a T1-weighted spin-echo sequence (see Figure 1). With these conventional sequences, straightforward anatomical examinations can be performed in most parts of the body that are free from movement. A number of additional gradient-echo sequences are available that exploit the principle of steady-state free precession. FISP (fast imaging with steady state precession) maintains the steady-state signal, and does not suffer signal loss from flowing blood, providing high signal from long-T2 fluids, with a signal that does not depend strongly on TR. This is valuable for generating MR myelograms or for angiography. PSIF (a time reversed FISP sequence also called CE-FAST) provides strong T2 weighting that is a function of TR. A further basic sequence that is widely used is the inversion recovery sequence, in which the magnetization is initially inverted, and then sampled with a 90° pulse at an inversion time (TI) after the 180° pulse. This can provide a greater range of T1-weighted contrast, and has the particular property that it can be used to null signal from a particular tissue on the basis of its T1 relaxation time, by selecting the TI to sample signal from that tissue as it recovers through zero longitudinal magnetization. A widely used variant of the inversion recovery sequence is the STIR (short τ inversion recovery) sequence, which is used to null the signal from fat, which usually has a bright signal on T1-weighted images and can obscure important anatomical detail. Similar sequences can be used to null the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) signal in spine imaging, allowing the spinal cord to be clearly seen. A further variant is the FLAIR (fluid attenuated IR) sequence, which nulls CSF in the brain, enhancing visualization of brain tissue. Alternative methods are available to obtain fat, or water, images using selective excitation with, for example, binomial pulses, or conventional frequency-selective pulses, or by employing a multiacquisition method sensitive to the phase difference between fat and water (the Dixon method). While providing excellent images in many parts of the body, acquisition times for these measurements are relatively long, reducing their value in moving tissues. In areas such as the abdomen, affected by respiratory and bowel movement, image quality can be improved by averaging, at the cost of longer measurement times. In the mediastinum, ECG triggering allows high-quality images at appropriate stages of the cardiac cycle to be obtained, despite the vigorous,


Figure 1 Transaxial images through the brain of a patient with a haemorrhagic melanoma metastasis. (A) T1-weighted spin-echo image (TR = 665 ms, TE = 14 ms, α = 80°) showing bright signal in the regions of recent haemorrhage. (B) T2-weighted turbo spinecho image (TR = 4500 ms, effective TE = 90 ms, α = 90°) showing bright signal from cerebrospinal fluid and low signal arising from T2 shortening due to melanin deposits in the tumour. (C) T2*-weighted FLASH image (TR=1604 ms, TE = 35 ms, α = 30°) showing increased T2* signal loss within the tumour resulting from susceptibility changes due to melanin.


multidirectional motion. Image quality can be further improved by placing saturation slabs through moving high-signal regions, or by saturating in-flowing blood in adjacent planes. Respiratory gating, and methods of reordering phase encoding (ROPE) can also reduce motion effects. Although these techniques are still sometimes employed, major advances in imaging moving tissues, and in speeding up examinations, have been attained by a range of new rapid imaging techniques, made possible by recent advances in instrumentation. Where motion cannot be avoided, or where individual data sets building an image have to be acquired during movement, navigator echoes provide a way of accurately monitoring motion as well as providing the information necessary for correcting for the motion. Turbo or magnetization prepared gradient-echo sequences have one or more preparation pulses, followed by a rapid succession of small flip angle pulses to interrogate the longitudinal magnetization, each encoding a different line in k-space, thus building up the image with only one preparation pulse. This sequence, and variants that further reduce the measurement time by reduced k-space sampling, provide rapid images that allow subsecond image acquisition, and a set of slices can be acquired within a breathhold period. Preparation can include a large flip-angle pulse or an inversion pulse. Contrast and the relative weighting of spatial frequencies can be altered by changing the k-space sampling order. These techniques are often employed in 3D imaging sequences, to allow a 3D data set to be acquired in an acceptable time. A highly effective sequence providing rapid T2weighted measurements is the turbo spin-echo or RARE (rapid acquisition with relaxation enhancement) sequence. In this sequence, multiple echoes are acquired, each sampling a different line of k-space, thus speeding up acquisition of the image. A consequence of the many 180° pulses is a change in contrast in some tissues compared with spin-echo sequences, as well as increased power deposition. Contrast and resolution can also be varied by altering the k-space sampling scheme. Echo planar imaging uses a singleshot sequence to obtain a full image based on a single preparation or read-out pulse. This is one of the fastest imaging methods and places high demands on the gradient and acquisition system. It is now available on commercial systems, and is being applied to functional and physiological measurements, which are particularly sensitive to motion. A number of variants of the above techniques are in use, including GRASE (gradient and spin-echo), combining spin echo and gradient echo imaging and fast imaging with BURST RF excitation, which utilizes a sequence of RF pulses to generate images very rapidly.

Bone is not visible on MR images owing to the extremely short T2 of hydrogen atoms in bone. The presence of bone can usually be inferred from the lack of signal, although estimation of bone volume is complicated by the relative shift in position of fat with respect to bone (the chemical shift artefact). In some areas of the body, signal voids from air spaces can also complicate interpretation. High resolution 3D imaging of joints can show excellent cross-sectional images of trabecular structure. The development of bone interferometry, based on the loss of signal in T2*-weighted images from susceptibility effects, has provided a means of measuring changes in trabecular bone mineral mass in diseases such as osteoporosis. T2* includes the contribution of local magnetic susceptibility. MRI is widely used in musculoskeletal and orthopaedic examinations. The use of site-specific surface coils, combined with 3D or narrow slice imaging sequences, allows the detailed structure of joints to be visualized (see Figure 2). Tendons can be seen as regions of low signal, and there is good contrast between cartilage, synovial fluid and the meniscus. Open magnet designs associated with fast imaging techniques facilitate kinetic imaging of joints and tissues. Absence of radiation and the ability to freeze motion have also extended the application of MRI to resolving problems in pregnancy and examining the fetus. Contrast agents are now widely used to enhance the appearance of pathology, separating it from normal tissues based on differential uptake of a labelled pharmaceutical. These agents principally affect T1, as they are usually paramagnetic compounds with several unpaired electrons. These cause increased intensity on T1-weighted images in areas of high uptake because of the reduced T1. They can also be used to affect T2 using superparamagnetic or very small ferromagnetic particles, causing a loss of signal on T2-weighted images. The most commonly used agent is gadolinium, usually chelated to diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA) or similar compounds. The agent is injected intravenously and diffuses rapidly into the extracellular space. Its first use was to demonstrate breakdown of the normal blood–brain barrier (see Figure 3), but it is now widely used to delineate pathology outside of the brain, exploiting differences in blood vessel density and vascular permeability. Diagnosis may be based on the standard enhanced images, but often contrast is improved by subtracting post-contrast from pre-contrast images, or by performing fat-suppressed imaging. More complex approaches exploit the dynamic behaviour of contrast agents to obtain physiological information, discussed further below. In some tissues,


Figure 2 Sagittal images through the knee of a patient with a ruptured anterior cruciate ligament. (A) A 3D FLASH image (TR = 25 ms, TE = 10 ms, α = 50°) providing thin slice images (1.5 mm) showing trabecular bone structure. (B) A turbo spinecho image (TR = 4500 ms, effective TE = 96 ms, α = 90°) showing synovial effusion and oedema (4mm slice thickness).

magnetization transfer techniques are employed to further improve contrast. While many agents are in development, the other major class of agent entering

Figure 3 Transaxial images through the brain of a patient with a glioma. (A) T1-weighted spin-echo sequence showing a large tumour in the deep cerebral white matter. (B) The same slice following injection with 0.1 mmol kg−1 of gadolinium contrast agent. In the latter slice, the sequence also had gradient moment rephasing to reduce artefacts from flowing blood, causing a slight change in white/grey matter contrast.


clinical practice is positive (T1) liver agents such as gadoterate meglumine (Gd-DOTA) (taken up in tumour) and Mn-pyridoxal-5\-phosphate DPDP (taken up in normal liver cells) and negative (T2*) liver agents such as superparamagnetic iron oxide particles (SPIO) which are taken up by the mononuclear phagacytosing system (Kupffer cells), reducing signal from normal liver (Figure 4).

Measuring physiology and function The nature of magnetic resonance measurements confers sensitivity to a range of properties of water molecules that can be exploited to measure functional aspects of tissues and fluids. Probably the most widely used feature is the sensitivity of MR measurements to motion. When imaging static tissues, motion of fluids or of other tissues presents as a problem to be

Figure 4 Transaxial images through the liver of a patient with hepatic metastases from colon cancer. (A) Breath-hold FLASH T1 image (TR = 80 ms, TE = 4.1 ms, α = 80°) showing limited lesion contrast. (B) Proton density-weighted FLASH image (TR = 127 ms, TE = 10 ms, α = 40°) showing darkening of the liver from application of 15 µmol kg−1 of superparamagnetic iron oxide contrast agent, increasing the conspicuousness of the lesion.

minimized so as to reduce artefacts. The most common effect is misregistered signals at the same frequency (same position in the read-out direction) but displaced in the phase-encoding direction. This effect can be reduced by the strategies discussed above or by the use of gradient motion rephasing sequences, where the phase gain resulting from movement in the gradient is cancelled by reversed-polarity gradients. Subtraction of pairs of images with and without these additional gradient-lobes results in images of the moving material. The flow of fluids can be measured by bolus-tracking techniques, where a slice is saturated and inflow is observed, or where a distant slice is tagged (by inversion, for example) and the appearance of the tagged blood in the slice of interest is observed. Alternative approaches make use of the phase gain occurring in moving fluids, allowing the speed and direction of flow to be calculated from phase maps (Figure 5). Specific sequences can directly measure flow profiles in any arbitrary direction. These techniques are used to make direct measurements of flow velocity, cardiac valve performance, vessel patency and the effects of obstruction, but can also be used to produce flow images. Based on these flow-sensitive techniques, a major area of MRI development and application has been MR angiography. A range of time-of-flight and phase-contrast techniques are used to produce 3D data sets, or direct projection views, of vascular structure. 3D data sets are usually processed to produce a set of maximum intensity projections (MIPs), at different orientations, which can then be presented as a cine-loop display, giving apparent 3D visualization of vascular structures. The sensitivity of the measurement techniques has been improved with travelling saturation sequences and by the use of contrast agents and bolus-tracking approaches (Figure 6). A major advantage of MR angiography (MRA) is that registered high-resolution soft-tissue images can be obtained at the same time, aiding resolution of diagnostic problems. Initially the major area of interest was in carotid artery stenosis and in vascular abnormalities in the brain. Advances in technique now allow major vessels to be evaluated throughout the body, including the lung and peripheral vascular disease (Figure 7). It is now possible to use such approaches to replace expensive diagnostic angiography in application including screening for brain aneurysms and selection of donors for renal transplant. While MRI is sensitive to bulk flow in vessels, it is also possible to assess the slower nutritive blood supply or perfusion of tissues, together with vascular permeability, and to measure the diffusion of water molecules within tissues. Diffusion is usually


measured by determining the loss of signal resulting from the additional dephasing of magnetization experienced by spins moving in a magnetic field gradient. Initially this was achieved by strong pairs of gradients on either side of the 180° pulse in a spin-echo sequence, resulting in moving spins receiving a net dephasing, whereas the phase change cancelled for static spins. The loss in signal is proportional to the diffusion coefficient, but is also affected by the dimensions of the structures in which the spin can move in the time available, leading to the term apparent (or restricted) diffusion coefficient (ADC). Early measurements with this approach showed that by sensitizing the gradients in different directions, it was possible to demonstrate the orientation of white-matter tracts in the brain. Molecules travelling along the tracts could travel a considerable distance, leading to a large loss of signal, whereas those travelling across the tracts could not move far, resulting in little loss of signal. This provided a powerful tool for analysing brain structure in vivo, and for better understanding of anatomical distortion due to disease. In early machines, the techniques were very susceptible to eddy currents

Figure 6 A maximum intensity projection of a set of MR timeof-flight angiography images, showing aneurysms on the circle of Willis (bright areas left and right of brain centreline).

Figure 5 Flow-sensitive images of blood flow. (A) An oblique coronal phase-contrast image through the ascending and descending aorta, where white shows flow out of the heart and up the ascending aorta, dark shows flow downwards, through the descending aorta. (B) A 3D FLASH image using navigator echo techniques to remove motion effects, showing the right coronary artery just above the aortic arch (the thin white vessel seen against a dark background, centre left of image). Both images were acquired with ECG triggering.

induced in the magnet by the large gradient pulses, and by small bulk movements in tissues and fluids, which could give rise to much greater signal changes than the diffusion itself. These problems have been largely overcome by real-time imaging sequences and improved hardware. Diffusion measurements now commonly apply a set of six differently gradient-sensitized sequences to evaluate both the magnitude and spatial distribution of restricted diffusion, providing a diffusion tensor measurement. The method is now of considerable importance in the diagnosis of stroke and other ischaemic disease, where increased diffusion is an early and sensitive indicator of insult, providing the possibility of early and effective intervention before cell function is irreversibly lost. Perfusion has also been measured using variants of the tagging or outflow techniques described above, where signal or apparent relaxation time changes occur as a result of the inflow or outflow of labelled spins. Contrast-enhanced studies provide a tracer, allowing the inflow or washout of the tracer, as seen on T1 weighted images, to be used to derive perfusion. This approach is complicated for those positive contrast agents currently licensed for clinical use (gadolinium-labelled chelates) as they equilibrate rapidly with the extracellular space and also relax


Figure 7 A maximum intensity projection of a set of MR contrast-enhanced angiography images obtained from a 3D FISP sequence, following administration of a gadolinium contrast agent. The image shows the renal arteries and descending aorta (bright centre right with downward-angled renal arteries) and more faintly the upward-angled renal veins and kidneys, draining into the inferior venacava (centre left). The right kidney (to the left of the image) is reduced in size owing to involvement of a renal carcinoma (dark outline visible). At the top of the image the pulmonary veins can be seen clearly.

water molecules that distribute between the extracellular space, intracellular space and vascular space. Future generations of blood pool agents will be more effective in measuring perfusion as their distribution will be limited to the vascular space. An alternative, and more effective, approach is to make use of the local change in magnetic susceptibility that occurs as a bolus of high-concentration contrast agent passes through the vascular bed. Prior to the contrast agent equilibrating between the intra- and extravascular space, there is a large susceptibility gradient around each capillary, which will result in signal loss due to dephasing on gradient-echo sequences. Using T2*-weighted fast-imaging sequences, this transient phenomenon can be detected. It is proportional to the blood volume in the image, and the timing is related to blood flow (Figure 8). By using T1-weighted images with positive extracellular contrast agents, combined with modelling techniques, it is also possible to calculate the volume of the extravascular extracellular space, and to calcu-

late the permeability–surface area product governing the rate of transfer of the contrast agent out of the vascular system. This measure is of particular interest, as developing tumour vasculature is characteristically leaky. Development of this new vasculature by tumour-initiated growth factors is believed to be a necessary condition for tumour growth above the limit at which nutritional requirements can be supplied by simple diffusion, and is a target for new generations of anti-angiogenic therapies. Permeability and vascular volume can be calculated on a pixelby-pixel base as colour-mapped functional images and superimposed on anatomical images. Such measurements require quantitative imaging sequences. Much useful information can be obtained by characterizing the behaviour of contrast uptake and washout, and studies have shown that this can be of value in identifying and characterizing tumours, and in monitoring response. MRI also provides a number of approaches by which tissue motion can be measured. In principle, phase maps or tagging can be employed, although, owing to slice thicknesses larger than or comparable to the motion, this is rarely done. A more widely used approach in cardiac wall motion studies is the application of a one- or two-dimensional criss-cross pattern of parallel signal-suppressed lines on the object. After a defined period, short compared with T1 relaxation, an image is read out and the movement of tissue relative to the original grid can be deduced. Appropriate software can provide for sophisticated wall motion studies (Figure 9). Associated with techniques for monitoring ventricular function based on flow, tissue perfusion studies and assessment of cardiac artery patency (see Figure 5), these provide a powerful range of techniques for cardiology. A recent area of development has been the generation and application of hyperpolarized gases. Both 3He and 129Xe can be prepared at high nuclear polarizations (10–50%) compared with 1H (0.0006% at 1.5 T). This provides a very high signal, and initial measurements have shown the potential to image the lung air-spaces. This complements recent advances in fast very short echo-time sequences that have allowed the lung parenchyma to be imaged, as well as MRA approaches imaging the lung vasculature. Most measurements have been made with 3He, which has low solubility in tissues. 129Xe is of particular interest in measuring perfusion and other properties of tissue spaces, where it demonstrates a large tissue composition-dependent chemical shift. The potential for intravenous delivery using perfluorocarbon blood-substitutes and other suitable media is being evaluated. Studies using hyperpolarized gases require new imaging


Figure 8 Figures showing quantitative measurements of permeability and blood volume in trans-axial images through the brain of a patient with a recurrent glioma being treated with chemotherapy. (A–C) rapid T1-weighted images showing uptake of the contrast agent (Gd-DTPA) in the tumour (pre-contrast, 0.8 min and 2.6 min). (D) A graph of the calculated concentration of Gd-DTPA in a volume of interest (points) compared with a constrained fit to a multicompartment model used to derive physiological features. (E) Pixel-by-pixel map of vascular permeability. (F) Pixel-by-pixel map of interstitial volume. (G–I) T2∗ images obtained using the same sequences as for images (A–C) (pre-contrast, 0.28 min, 2.79 min), showing loss of signal due to the passage of contrast agent through the capillary bed; (J) Graph of signal intensity on T1-weighted images, and on T2∗-weighted sequences, where the integral of the signal drop on the latter curve is proportional to relative blood volume. (K) Pixel-by-pixel relative blood volume map. These images and calculated maps were obtained using sequences and methods developed by Ms I. Baustert and Dr G. Parker at the Royal Marsden Hospital/Institute of Cancer Research.


Figure 9 ECG-gated images through the heart showing bright blood and orientated to show left ventricle wall muscle. (A) Showing anatomy. (B) Tagged in one direction at early systole, to demonstrate myocardial wall motion.

approaches, as the polarization is exhausted by sampling and signal can only be restored by delivery of fresh hyperpolarized gas. A major new area of functional MRI has been the discovery that brain activity associated with specific functional tasks causes a change in MR signal observable on T2*-weighted imaging sequences. This is believed to result from brain activation causing increased local blood flow, which then provides an increased oxygen supply exceeding the increased demand. The blood thus contains proportionately less paramagnetic deoxyhaemoglobin, reducing the susceptibility between blood and surrounding tissues and thus reducing the susceptibility-induced signal loss. This approach provides higher-resolution images than the positron emission tomography techniques used previously, and allows functional activation measurements to be related to high-resolution images of local anatomy. Typically imaging is conducted with and without a stimulus, with subtraction or comparison of the two image sets to provide a difference image demonstrating the region of activation (Figure 10). Single-shot techniques are now being developed. The approach is being employed for basic neurological and psychiatric research, as well as in conditions affected by brain function. Signal-to-noise improves with field strength, and a number of centres are exploring the application of higher-field machines to improve the quality of these measurements. As with many of the more advanced techniques, motion and registration between measurements present problems, and sophisticated motion correction, image registration and mapping techniques are being developed. MR spectroscopy (MRS) provides a complementary means of studying tissue function and metabolism. In the past, spectroscopic examinations have

Figure 10 A set of processed image planes through the head of a volunteer showing (black) areas of significant neural activation following exposure to a pure audio tone. Activation data were obtained at The Royal Marsden Hospital by Mr D. Collins using a realtime echo planar imaging (EPI) sequence, and processed at the Institute of Psychiatry by Dr J. Suckling.


often been distinct from imaging studies, but the increase in imaging speed, increased automation and more robust instrumentation have allowed spectroscopy to be integrated with imaging examinations. This trend will continue, allowing specific metabolic pathways, tissue metabolism via 1H or 31P spectroscopy, and drug distribution studies to be integrated with measurements of perfusion, diffusion or activation.

Interventional techniques The development of methods of guiding interventions or operations is a growing area of MRI. Following identification of suspicious lesions by MRI, it is often necessary to sample tissue to allow cytology or histopathology. Where MRI has provided better imaging, it is desirable to perform sampling using MRI, and eventually this might occur at the diagnostic visit. The design of most clinical MR systems using a cylindrical superconducting magnet design has limited access to the patient or biopsy site, presenting difficulties in performing biopsy or fineneedle aspirates in the magnet. A number of approaches are now being developed. MR-compatible biopsy tables designed for particular organs, often using specialist coils, are being designed for use with conventional systems. The breast is one such region, where MRI is demonstrating high sensitivity for the detection of breast cancer. Magnets have also been designed to provide open access, so that they can be used in the operating theatre or for more conventional image guided sampling. These systems employ either C-configuration magnets at about 0.2 T or a dual-doughnut superconducting design at 0.5 T, allowing access between the two superconducting rings. A particular objective of this latter design has been to enable interactive image guidance during neurosurgery. These approaches are requiring the development of a wide range of MR-compatible accessories, together with rapid imaging techniques and display technology. Minimally invasive therapeutic approaches are also being piloted with MRI guidance and monitoring. These methods include high-intensity focused ultrasound, laser, electric current, RF hyperthermia and cryoablation. Areas of interest include breast, prostate and liver cancer. In principle, MR provides a valuable means of directly measuring temperature distributions in monitoring these treatments,

although current techniques require a field strength of 1.5 T to provide adequate signal-to-noise ratio. An extension of these approaches is monitoring of intravascular or intra-gastrointenstinal tract using small surface coils providing high-resolution images local to the intervention.

Acknowledgements I am grateful to Dr Anwar Padhani, Mrs Janet McDonald and colleagues in the Diagnostic Radiology Department for providing many of the illustrations shown. Images and data used to illustrate this article were obtained as part of the Cancer Research Campaign supported research in the Magnetic Resonance Unit of the Royal Marsden Hospital and Institute of Cancer Research.

List of symbols T1 = spin–lattice relaxation time; T2 = spin–spin relaxation time; T2∗ = transverse relaxation including susceptibility effects; TE = echo time; TI = inversion time; TR = repetition time; α = flip angle. See also: In Vivo NMR, Methods; Magnetic Field Gradients in High Resolution NMR; MRI Applications, Biological; MRI Applications, Clinical Flow Studies; MRI Instrumentation; MRI of Oil/Water in Rocks; MRI Theory; MRI Using Stray Fields; NMR Microscopy; NMR Pulse Sequences; Xenon NMR Spectroscopy.

Further reading Edelman RR, Hesselink JR and Zlatkin MB (1996) Clinical Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2nd edn. Philadelphia: WB Saunders. Gadian DG (1995) NMR and Its Application to Living Systems. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Glover GH and Herfkens RJ (1998) Future directions in MR imaging. Radiology 207: 289–295. Grant DM and Harris RK (eds) (1996) Encyclopaedia of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Chichester: Wiley. Higgins CB, Hricak H and Helms CA (1992) Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Body, 2nd edn. New York: Raven Press. Leach MO (1988) Spatially localised NMR. In: Webb S (ed) The Physics of Medical Imaging, pp 389–487. Bristol: IOP Publishing. Morris PG (1986) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Medicine and Biology. Oxford: Clarendon Press.


MRI Applications, Clinical Flow Studies Y Berthezène, Hôpital Cardiologique, Lyon, France


Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a useful, versatile diagnostic tool that can achieve contrast among different tissues by taking advantage of differences in T1 relaxation times, T2 relaxation times and proton densities. In recent years there has been considerable interest in the development of MRI techniques as a noninvasive method of measuring blood flow and tissue perfusion in certain clinical conditions. MRI flow measurements have been applied particularly to the vascular system and compared with other techniques, such as ultrasound. MRI provides a noninvasive method for quickly measuring velocity and volume flow rates in vivo using readily available methods and equipment. Flow quantification by means of MRI does not require the use of ionizing radiation and/or contrast agents, as X-ray techniques do. Unlike ultrasound, MRI measurements are not hindered by the presence of overlying bone and air. The two principal methods of velocity measurement use either ‘time of flight’ or ‘phase contrast’ techniques. Time-of-flight methods are well suited for determining the presence and direction of flow, and phase-based methods are well suited for quantifying blood velocity and volume flow rate. Furthermore, MRI offers the opportunity to quantitatively assess properties of tissue, such as perfusion and blood volume. Use of such quantification potentially allows tissue to be characterized in terms of pathophysiology and to be monitored over time, during the course of therapeutic interventions.

Magnetic resonance flow measurements and MR angiography Time of flight

On cine gradient echo images, blood flow is bright. The high signal intensity (bright signal) of vessels on cine gradient echo images is achieved by the entry of unsaturated protons into the image, a phenomenon called time of flight or flow-related enhancement. By displaying flowing blood as high signal intensity, cine gradient echo images generally provide a better signal-to-noise ratio within the blood pool than spinecho images, which demonstrate the arterial lumen as a dark region of signal void. Because the signal in

cine gradient-echo imaging is based on through-plane movement of protons, this technique is occasionally less sensitive to slow flow or flow within the imaging plane (in-plane flow). In cases where blood flow is slow, the vessel is tortuous or flow is primarily inplane, there may be diminished signal or even complete signal saturation on cine gradient echo images. However, signal loss on cine gradient echo images can be used as a diagnostic aid in special circ*mstances. In cases of haemodynamically significant stenosis (as in aortic coarctation or aortic stenosis), a dark, fan-shaped flow jet can be seen on cine gradient echo images. This area of intravoxel dephasing results from the turbulent flow typically seen distal to a significant vascular narrowing. Aortic insufficiency may also manifest as a flow jet on cine gradient echo images. Although the relative size of the jet has been shown to correlate with the clinical severity of the stenosis, the appearance of the jet is highly variable and can be greatly affected by a variety of factors (e.g. imaging plane, pulse sequence, echo time). The jet may be small or even absent despite the presence of a high-grade (haemodynamically significant) vascular narrowing. Phase contrast (PC)

One good method for quantitatively measuring blood flow assesses the change in phase of the blood signal as the blood flows through a slice oriented perpendicular to the direction of flow. This method derives velocity from the phase of the MR signal, and calculates volume flow rate by multiplying the average velocity by the vessel’s area. To determine flow velocity, cine PC imaging takes advantage of the phase shifts experienced by moving protons (within blood) as they move along a magnetic field gradient. Bipolar flow-encoded gradients are applied to measure these phase shifts. This technique requires the operator to prescribe a velocity encoding that determines the flow-encoding gradient strength and sensitivity to flow direction(s) (anterior-to-posterior, anterior-to-posterior and left-to-right), which dictate the plane(s) of the gradient application. The vascular information from cine PC acquisitions may be displayed as simple angiographic images (similar to cine gradient-echo images) in which all flow is bright or as phase map images in which the flow


directional information is coded as bright or dark and the flow velocity data are reflected in the signal intensity (relative brightness or darkness). With phase map cine PC imaging, blood flow can be quantified (millilitres per minute). Ideally, if flow measurement is desired, one should choose an imaging plane perpendicular to the direction of the flow, select a velocity encoding at least as high as the fastest expected flow velocity, and prescribe the flow sensitivity to be in accordance with the direction of desired flow measurement. For measurement of normal flow within the ascending or descending aorta, for example, an axial cine PC prescription with a velocity encoding of 150 cm s–1 and superior-to-inferior flow direction is appropriate. If slow flow is expected or the goal is to visualize flow in a false lumen, a lower velocity encoding such as 50 cm s–1 may be more appropriate. MR angiography (MRA)

Angiography is the imaging of flowing blood in the arteries and veins of the body. In the past, angiography was only performed by introducing an X-ray opaque dye into the human body and making an Xray image of the dye. Many techniques have been developed for MRA of the great vessels, including gradient echo time-of-flight and phase-contrast techniques. Both time-of-flight and phase-contrast MRA methods can be implemented as either a sequential 2D or a true 3D acquisition. The encompassed MRA volume is analysed by postprocessing with a maximum intensity projection (MIP) technique or with multiplanar reformatting (MPR). The MIP technique allows a rotational ‘3D’ display of the vessel, viewed from different angles. MPR allows reconstruction of parallel thin slices in any orientation. Three-dimensional gadolinium-enhanced MR angiography is a recently developed angiographic technique that can substantially improve the resolution, signal-to-noise ratio, speed and overall quality of vascular MRI. 3D gadolinium-enhanced MRA achieves its image contrast and hence its angiographic information from the T1-shortening effect of gadolinium on blood. Because it is less dependent on inherent blood flow characteristics for the generation of vascular signal, 3D gadolinium-enhanced MRA is minimally degraded by flow-related artifacts. Threedimensional gadolinium-enhanced MRA can be performed quickly (within a 20–40-s breath hold) on high-performance MR imagers. With a computer workstation, data from 3D gadolinium-enhanced MRA can be postprocessed to generate projection aortograms in any obliquity, that are similar to conventional angiograms (Figure 1).

Figure 1 3D gadolinium-enhanced MR angiography of the abdominal aorta (A) and pulmonary vessels (B).

MRA is already used routinely in many centres for evaluation of the carotid arteries and intracerebral vasculature, aortography and assessment of the ileofemoral system. MRA of the coronary arteries is technically more difficult due to their relatively small size, their complex 3D anatomy and their constantly changing position within the thoracic cavity due to cardiac motion and respiration.

Tissue perfusion In the broadest sense, perfusion refers to one or more of various aspects of tissue blood flow. Parenchymal blood flow is the ratio of blood volume to the transit time of blood through the tissue. The different techniques of MR perfusion typically deal with blood


volume, transit times and blood flow as relative measures, although absolute quantification may also be possible. The two perfusion strategies are based either on induced changes in intravascular magnetic susceptibility (T2* effect) or relaxivity (T1 effect) and on tagging inflowing arterial spins. Dynamic contrast-enhanced MR imaging

Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI is a method of physiologic imaging, based on fast or ultrafast imaging, with the possibility of following the early enhancement kinetics of a water-soluble contrast agent after intravenous bolus injection. Bolus tracking techniques have been used to measure tissue perfusion, notably in the kidney, heart and brain. These methods are based on fundamental MR contrast mechanisms that promote either T1 or T2/ T2* enhancement. Gadolinium chelates administered in low doses lead to predominantly T1-weighted signal increases, mediated by water proton–contrast agent dipolar relaxivity interactions. Alternatively, the T2/T2* dephasing of spins, due to a locally heterogeneous high magnetic susceptibility environment, has been exploited by using higher doses of gadolinium. If the curve of concentration versus time can be plotted as a known quantity of a tracer passes through an organ, organ perfusion can be calculated from the area under the curve. Alternatively, if the tracer is wholly extracted by the organ, the principles described by Sapirstein enable perfusion to be measured from the amount of tracer trapped by the organ. In the normal brain, tight junctions of nonfenestrated capillaries effectively prevent Gd chelates from leaking into the interstitial space. Thus during bolus-tracking experiments, Gd-DTPA behaves like a true intravascular contrast agent as long as there is no brain abnormality that causes blood–brain barrier disruption, and regional cerebral blood volume may be determined by integrating the timeversus-concentration curve. As opposed to perfusion imaging of the brain, in other tissues such as the breast the technique is hampered by the fact there is nothing like a blood–brain barrier. Accordingly, GdDTPA will not be a true intravascular contrast agent. Nevertheless, by treating it mainly as an extracted tracer, it is possible to measure perfusion from the peak tissue enhancement. The model assumes a linear relation between tracer concentration and signal enhancement. Now that echo planar and ultrafast gradient-echo imaging can provide at least one image for each cardiac cycle during the passage of the tracer, measurement of myocardial perfusion with high resolution is possible.

Arterial spin labelling

Blood flow imaging with MR by spin labelling, or spin tagging, of the water protons in the arterial source to a slice has the advantage that it is completely noninvasive, is a more direct assessment of blood flow, and may generate absolute blood flow quantification. Cerebral blood flow quantification has been accomplished by continuous adiabatic inversion of arterial spins and use of tracer kinetic models of cerebral blood flow determination. Qualitative cerebral blood flow mapping has also been described using echo planar sequences, a single inversion pulse to inflowing arterial spins, and subtraction of tagged and untagged echo planar images. In principle it is also quantifiable, to give absolute flow quantification.

Clinical applications Brain

Hyperacute stroke Whereas conventional computed tomography and MRI are excellent modalities with which to detect and characterize central nervous system disease, they fail to depict acute ischaemia and infarction reliably at its earliest stages. Detection of cerebral infarction by dynamic MR contrast imaging is now possible. Some of the most promising work is being done with perfusion and diffusion imaging. Perfusion MRI characterizes how much brain tissue an occlusive blood clot has placed at risk (see Figures 2 and 3), whilst diffusion measurement shows how much tissue is already damaged or is possibly even dead. Flow-restrictive lesions MR volume flow rate measurements have been used to evaluate the severity and haemodynamic significance of flowrestrictive lesions in the carotid, vertebral and intracranial vessels. A severe stenosis can result in a significant decrease in volume flow rate distal to the stenosis. Because brain perfusion relates directly to the volume of blood delivered, identifying an area of decreased volume flow rate distal to a stenosis may be of clinical importance. Intracranial volume flow rate measurements are technically difficult using methods other than MRI, and for this reason the normal volume flow rates for intracranial vessels are not well established. Vascular flow reserve Another evaluation process measures the change in volume flow rate in a given vessel before and after vascular challenge. In normal


Figure 2 Brain axial spin-echo T2-weighted image (A) and sequential dynamic susceptibility-contrast in a patient with a right infarct (B).

situations, inhalation of CO2 or intravenous injection of a vasodilator (acetazolamide), causes intracranial arteries to dilate, leading to an increase in flow velocity and volume flow rates in these vessels. The difference between the flow rate under routine conditions and maximal flow rate after

chemically induced vasodilatation is designated as the flow reserve. In human subjects and specifically in patients with cerebrovascular disease the acetazolamide test is performed to evaluate the decrease in cerebral perfusion pressure through the investigation of the vasomotor reactivity (VMR), which is thought


Figure 3 Change in signal intensity during a rapid bolus contrast injection (T2* effect) comparing normal brain and ischaemic regions. The lesion shows a less dynamic decrease in signal intensity than the contralateral normal region.

to reflect compensatory vasodilatation. In patients with occlusion or stenosis of more than 90% of the internal carotid artery, diminished VMR was reported to be significantly associated with low flow infarctions and higher rate of future ipsilateral stroke compared with patients with a normal or only slightly disturbed VMR. The quantification of the response of the blood vessels to the stimulus can be obtained by measuring cerebral blood flow, cerebral blood volume or blood flow velocity. Subclavian steal In this syndrome due to occlusion of the subclavian artery proximal to the origin of the vertebral artery, the blood flow is reversed in the vertebral artery and redirected from the basilar artery into the arm. Phase contrast MRI can be used to determine the direction of vertebral artery flow. This information is valuable for monitoring the progression of disease, for assessing the magnitude of the steal, and in the postoperative setting, for determining the efficacy of vascular reconstructive surgery. Cerebrospinal fluid flow Phase contrast methods have been used to measure velocity and volume flow rates of cerebrospinal fluid in healthy volunteers and in patients with various diseases. This method can be used to measure the flow rate of cerebrospinal fluid through ventriculo-peritoneal shunts in patients with hydrocephalus (Figure 4). Thorax

Valvular heart disease The signal intensity of flowing blood during cine gradient echo imaging depends

Figure 4 Phase contrast image in a patient with a brain tumour before (A) and after (B) surgery. Before surgery no flow is seen in the third ventricle because of tumour compression. After surgery flow can be seen in the floor of the third ventricle (arrow).

upon the nature of the flow. In general, flowing blood generates uniform high signal because of continuous replacement of magnetically saturated blood by fresh blood. Turbulence leads to loss of signal and so the turbulent jet of mitral regurgitation can be seen in the left atrium. The size of the signal void can be used as a semiquantitative measure of regurgitation but the signal void will vary with imaging parameters such as echo time. This is similar to colour flow Doppler where technical factors such as gain adjustment and filter setting are important. A more fundamental problem common to both is that


Figure 5 Selected T1-weighted images, of a single short-axis section, illustrating myocardial transit of the contrast agent in the left ventricle (top images). Myocardial perfusion is difficult to assess visually. However, postprocessing the image (factor image) demonstrates myocardial enhancement (bottom image).

the size of the regurgitant jet is influenced by many factors in addition to the severity of regurgitation, such as the shape and size of the regurgitant orifice and the size of the receiving chamber. Myocardial perfusion MRI can be employed to evaluate myocardial perfusion at rest and during pharmacological testing. Ultrafast MRI sequences with image acquisition at every heart beat provide the opportunity to acquire dynamic information related to the passage of a paramagnetic contrast agent through the myocardial microcirculation and thus provides an indirect measure of myocardial perfusion (Figure 5). A myocardial region supplied by a severely stenosed coronary artery can be detected by a delayed increase in signal intensity and a decreased peak signal intensity. Recently, several tomographic images could be acquired during a unique bolus of a small amount of paramagnetic chelate allowing the study of almost the entire myocardial volume compared to the previous situation where only one slice was available. Great arteries

Aorta Next to congenital heart disease, the clinical utility of MRI has been most convincingly documented in patients with large vessel disease, and more specifically with acquired aortic disease. The wide field of view and the ability to freely adjust the orientation of imaging planes to the vessel direction do not only favour a clear depiction of the anatomy of the vessel lumen and vessel wall, but also facilitate the understanding of the relation to other anatomic

structures within the chest and ensure highly accurate dimensional measurements. Furthermore, it is relatively easy to combine the morphological information with functional aspects on blood flow, which can be assessed both qualitatively and quantitatively. The increased flow rate in arteries during systole, and in veins during both systole and diastole, enhances the contrast between intraluminal blood flow and vessel wall. Thus, a good image quality is usually obtained even without administration of intravenous MR contrast material. Gradient echo techniques and phase velocity mapping are useful for demonstration and characterization of mural thrombus and for qualitative and quantitative assessment of aortic regurgitation associated with aneurysm of the ascending aorta. There is substantial evidence demonstrating that from all the available modalities MRI has the highest sensitivity and specificity for detection of aortic dissection. MRI is not only well suited to identify an intimal flap, but can also detect aortic regurgitation and pericardial effusion with high accuracy. The extent of aortic dissection is readily detected by NMR imaging and is displayed including involvement of other vessels. The entry and exit points are more difficult to localize, but there is no doubt that invasive investigation can be avoided with a combination of echocardiography and NMR imaging. Pulmonary arteries The retrosternal position of central pulmonary arteries makes it difficult to assess pulmonary blood flow by Doppler echocardiography, especially in the presence of skeletal or lung abnormalities. NMR velocity imaging is not


technically constrained and is capable of accurate blood flow measurement in any plane. Flow can be accurately quantified in the left and right main pulmonary artery with use of phase velocity mapping. MR velocity mapping is an accurate technique to measure volumetric pulmonary flow after repair of congenital heart disease. The consequences of pulmonary regurgitation on right and left ventricular function can be comprehensively evaluated by the combined use of MR velocity mapping and gradientecho MRI of both ventricles. This unique information may have prognostic and therapeutic implications for the management of patients with (repaired) congenital heart disease. The flow pattern in the main pulmonary artery differs between normals and patients with pulmonary hypertension. The latter have lower peak systolic velocity and greater retrograde flow during end systole. Early studies have already indicated the possible role of MRI in detecting central pulmonary emboli with the use of conventional MRI techniques. MRA using fast 2D time-of-flight gradient-echo techniques combined with maximum intensity projections showed good sensitivity but only moderate specificity. Better results may be obtained with the use of phased-array coils or 3D MRA. Gadoliniumenhanced MRA of the pulmonary arteries, as compared with conventional pulmonary angiography, had high sensitivity and specificity for the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism. This new technique shows promise as a noninvasive method of diagnosing pulmonary embolism without the need for ionizing radiation or iodinated contrast material. Tumours

Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI has been used as an additional imaging technique in various clinical applications, such as differentiation of benign from malignant lesions, tissue characterization by narrowing down the differential diagnosis, identification of areas of viable tumour before biopsy and detection of recurrent tumour tissue after therapy. This technique provides information on tissue vascularization, perfusion, capillary permeability and composition of the interstitial space. Diagnosis in dynamic contrast-agent-enhanced breast MRI is primarily based on lesion contrastagent-enhancement velocity, with breast cancers showing a faster and stronger signal intensity increase after contrast injection than benign lesions. The rapid enhancement seen in carcinomas is thought to be due to the angiogenic potential of malignant lesions. While the dynamic technique proves very sensitive, specificity remains a problem: initial experiences with

dynamic contrast-enhanced breast MRI suggest a clear-cut separation of benign and malignant lesions on the basis of their enhancement velocities. This concept has to be abandoned when more and more benign lesions have enhancement velocities comparable to or even higher than those of malignant tumours. Kidneys

MRI has advantages over both computed tomography and nuclear scintigraphy for assessing renal function, because it combines high spatial resolution with information on perfusion and function. Quantification of flow rate by phase contrast in the renal arteries and veins has the potential to provide estimation of renal blood flow, which could prove useful in a number of clinical situations, especially for studying renal vascular disorders and the effects of treatment, and for assessing renal transplants. Evaluation of renal perfusion with MRI has become feasible with the development of rapid data acquisition techniques, which provide adequate temporal resolution to monitor the rapid signal changes during the first passage of the contrast agents in the kidneys. More recently, magnetically labelled water protons in blood flowing into kidneys has been used to noninvasively quantify regional measurement of cortical and medullary perfusion. Dynamic MRI demonstrates renal morphology and reflects the functional status of renal vasculature. The measurement of renal perfusion by MRI could provide a noninvasive diagnostic method for monitoring the status of renal transplants and renal ischaemic lesions.

Conclusion With the above developments currently underway, the outlook for magnetic resonance flow measurements and contrast-enhanced MRI is bright. The opportunity to extract quantitative regional physiologic information in addition to anatomic information will definitely elevate MRI from ‘anatomic imaging with soft tissue contrast’ to ‘a noninvasive technique for assessment of physiologic processes and tissue integrity with high spatial resolution’, offering new power for diagnosis and treatment monitoring, and insights into the very mechanisms of disease physiopathology.

List of symbols T1 = spin–lattice relaxation time; relaxation time.

T2 = spin–spin

See also: Contrast Mechanisms in MRI; MRI Applications, Clinical; MRI Instrumentation; MRI Theory.


Further reading Detre JA, Alsop DC, Vives LR, Maccotta L, Teener JW and Raps EC (1988). Noninvasive MRI evaluation of cerebral blood flow in cerebrovascular disease. Neurology 50: 633–641. Ho VB and Prince MR (1998) Thoracic MR aortography: imaging techniques and strategies. Radiographics 18: 287–309. Korosec FR and Turski PA (1997) Velocity and volume flow rate measurements using phase contrast magnetic resonance imaging. International Journal of Neuroradiology 3: 293–318.

Mohiaddin RH and Longmore DB (1993) Functional aspects of cardiovascular nuclear magnetic resonance imaging. Techniques and application. Circulation 88: 264–281. Roberts TPL (1997) Physiologic measurements by contrastenhanced MR imaging: expectations and limitations. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 7: 82–90. Sorensen AG, Tievsky AL, Ostergaard L, Weisskoff RM and Rosen BR (1997) Contrast agent in functional MR imaging. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 7: 47–55.

MRI Contrast Mechanisms See Constrast Mechanisms in MRI.

MRI Instrumentation Paul D Hockings, John F Hare and David G Reid, SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals, Welwyn, UK Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Synopsis Since 1973 when Paul Lauterbur published the first practical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) method in Nature the one constant in this exciting area of science has been the rapid pace of change. Novel MRI methods forced the development of new technologies such as pulsed field gradients which have, again, opened the field to even more exciting pulse sequence developments. There has been a vast improvement in image quality over these years. Obviously many factors have contributed to this improvement and these will be discussed individually below. However, one factor stands pre-eminent and that is the improvement in pulsed magnetic field gradient technology. Improvements in gradient coil design have meant that gradients have become more linear and more sensitive, and the introduction of gradient shielding technology has reduced the problems of pre-emphasis and B0 correction to a thing of

MAGNETIC RESONANCE Methods & Instrumentation

the past except for the most demanding methodologies. And, of course, there have been major innovations in gradient amplifier technology shortening rise times, increasing gradient strength and reducing gradient noise. Other major innovations of recent years that have significantly improved image quality have been the introduction of birdcage resonators and phased array coils. Oversampling of the receiver signal by the analogue-to-digital converter (ADC) has allowed the introduction of digital filtering techniques that prevent the folding of noise from outside the spectral width of interest back into the image. And, of course, there have been some technology improvements that have not contributed directly to improvements in image quality but have made the MRI technique easier to implement such as the introduction of self-shielded magnets and the enormous increase in computer power that has made 3D MRI techniques practical in terms of 3D Fourier transforms and image processing and display.


Introduction NMR spectrometers can be converted into MR scanners by the addition of gradient handling capacity and gradient amplifiers. In the crudest configuration the output of the gradient amplifiers can be fed into the room temperature shim set to create the linear magnetic field gradients necessary for imaging. Thus, modern NMR spectrometers with triple axis gradient sets can be used for micro imaging. However, for biological and clinical MRI applications there are a number of additional hardware items that need to be considered. The basic components of the typical clinical superconducting MR scanner can be seen in Figures 1 and 2. The individual components are described in more detail in the text, but briefly, the magnet cryostat is kept at liquid helium temperature and houses the windings of the primary magnet and, if active shielding is used, a second set of superconducting coils outside the primary coils to reduce the fringe field effect. Inside the magnet bore, clinical scanners will usually have a passive shim assembly, active shim coils, gradient set, RF whole body coil and patient bed. Typically, the RF coils will be tuned to the proton frequency; however, the addition of RF coils tuned to other nuclei and the appropriate RF amplifiers will allow such nuclei to be imaged if the signal-to-noise ratio is sufficient.

Figure 2 system.

The essential components of a typical clinical MRI

Figure 1 Schematic cross-section through a typical superconducting clinical MR scanner. Within the cryostat (light blue) are the superconducting coils of the primary magnet (red) and active shield (green). In the bore of the magnet there are passive shim rods (grey), active shim coils (orange), gradient set (blue), whole body RF coil (black) and patient bed. The tractable diameter is generally half the magnet bore diameter. (See Colour Plate 37).


Magnet Bore

First, one needs to decide the largest patient size that needs to be scanned, as this will govern the magnet bore size. There is a roughly two to one relationship between bore size and tractable patient diameter. Most clinical whole body scanners have a 1 m bore, but specialist magnets exist for imaging larger patients. Head only scanners will typically have a diameter of 60 cm. For smaller animals such as rats and rabbits a range of smaller bore magnets exists. Field

As with conventional high-resolution NMR, higher field strength produces more signal. However, for imaging applications this must be tempered by the consideration that differences in T1 are generally greater at low field strengths and therefore images from lower field magnets intrinsically have more contrast. For micro-imaging applications where pixel size is approaching the distance water can diffuse during the application of the pulse sequence, practical experiments generally require field strengths in excess of 7 T. However, in the clinical realm superb images may be produced on systems with 0.5 T fields. Type

There are three types of magnets used for MRI. Superconducting Higher field magnets are superconducting (Figure 3). The magnet coil sits in a pool of liquid helium at 4.2 K. In most animal imaging systems this is surrounded by a secondary liquid nitrogen temperature dewar (77 K) to reduce heat transfer to the liquid helium dewar (liquid helium is much more expensive than liquid nitrogen). Typically, the liquid helium would need to be topped up at intervals of 3 to 12 months. Liquid nitrogen is usually filled weekly. Modern clinical systems dispense with the secondary cryostat in favour of a helium refrigerator. These systems still need periodic refilling with liquid helium, generally at yearly intervals. The superconducting magnet offers high field strength, stability and hom*ogeneity; however, the initial cost of the magnet can be an order of magnitude more than the electromagnets and permanent magnets and the extensive fringe field can make finding an appropriate installation site difficult. Electromagnets Resistive magnets have less extensive fringe fields than superconducting magnets but

require up to 60 kW to produce fields of 0.3 T and consume large quantities of cooling water (Figure 4). The open access design can be ideal for interventional MRI applications. Their main drawback, aside from the limited field strength available, is field instability due to fluctuations in the power supply and temperature. Permanent magnets Like the electromagnet, the field strength of the current generation of permanent magnets is restricted to 0.3 T. For many applications this will be sufficient and, given the insignificant fringe magnetic field and open access design, will prove an ideal solution for some installations, particularly where the power supply and/or supply of cryogens is unreliable. However, permanent magnets require very careful temperature regulation to prevent drifts in field and they can be extremely heavy. Shielding

The stray fields emanating from superconducting magnets can pose a hazard to the surrounding environment. Unauthorized access within the 0.5 mT (5 gauss) field must be prevented to hinder entry of persons with cardiac pacemakers. In addition, fields as low as 0.1 mT can exert deleterious effects on colour computer monitors and analytical equipment such as scanning electron microscopes and mass spectrometers. When space is limited it may be necessary to shield the magnet to reduce its magnetic footprint. Passive shielding can be achieved by encasing either the magnet or the magnet room in ferromagnetic material. This iron shield can be both heavy and expensive. Alternatively, an active shield can be introduced by placing a second superconducting magnet outside the primary magnet and polarised in the opposite direction. The importance of this innovation to the whole body MRI market has been considerable, allowing magnets to be installed on sites throughout the world previously considered unsuitable or uneconomic and thereby contributing greatly to the overall market growth.

Shim set As in high-resolution NMR spectroscopy, it is not sufficient just to have a magnetic field of a certain value in the centre of the magnet. The field also needs to be hom*ogeneous over the volume being sampled. The requirements for imaging are not nearly as stringent as for high-resolution spectroscopy but as the volumes being sampled are generally much larger the demands on the magnet design are equally exacting. Shimming is the process of optimization of the


Figure 3 Actively shielded 2.0 T whole body superconducting magnet. Reproduced by permission of Oxford Magnet Technology, Oxford, UK.

magnetic field hom*ogeneity and is a two-stage procedure. In the first stage, the hom*ogeneity of the primary magnet field is optimized in the absence of a sample. Magnets will either have several cryoshim coils with windings of different designs inside the cryostat or a series of iron rods placed around the room temperature bore of the magnet to balance imperfections in the field. Generally, the cryoshim currents or passive iron shims need only be adjusted on installation and can thereafter be left unless the

magnetic environment changes through, for example, building work. However, MRI subjects also introduce their own inhom*ogeneities into the magnetic field as tissue has a different magnetic susceptibility than air. These sample-induced field disturbances can be partially removed by the active shims. Small bore and clinical research instruments will typically include an active shim set with perhaps a dozen shim windings. Adjustment of the current in each coil to optimize


Figure 4 Open access 0.24 T resistive electromagnet without cladding. Reproduced by permission of Oxford Magnet Technology, Oxford, UK.

the magnetic field hom*ogeneity of the sample may be done by hand or by using a simplex minimization routine. Alternatively, one may first map the field inhom*ogeneities using an imaging method and then calculate the currents necessary to counteract the inhom*ogeneity in the sample. Many clinical scanners do not have active shim sets but rely solely on DC currents through the gradient set to shim in the X, Y and Z directions.

Magnetic field gradients Among the most critical components of an imaging system are the pulsed field gradients used to encode the images. Here, the characteristics that contribute to high quality images are the spatial linearity of the induced gradient pulses over the volume of interest

and the decay characteristics of the gradient pulse. In the simplest system a linear gradient may be induced in the Z-axis by passing a direct current of opposite polarity through a Maxwell pair of coils wound on cylindrical formers. The greater the current the larger the linear field gradient imposed on top of the primary magnetic field. Gradient set

As described above it is possible to make a Z axis gradient set by winding a pair of circular coils onto a cylindrical former and passing a DC current through the coils such that the polarity is opposed. X and Y gradients can be formed using saddle coils. Today, most gradient sets are no longer wire coils wound onto formers but are streamline patterns


etched into copper sheet or cut into a copper plated cylinder. These have the advantage that the fabrication of complex current paths is easier and, generally, they are more compact. There are a number of conflicting parameters that must be considered when designing gradient coils. The sensitivity of the coil (in Tm–1 A–1), the region of acceptable linearity, the physical dimensions, the impedance and the shielding characteristics (more on this below) must all be weighed in the light of the proposed application. The coils will usually be embedded in epoxy resin to resist the torque generated when current is passed through the coils in the presence of the primary magnetic field. This torque would distort the shape of the coils and is the source of the drumming sound generated when the gradients are pulsed. Water cooling of the gradient set may be necessary for demanding applications with low field of view, thin slices and high duty cycle.

quality unless countered. Increasing the distance between the gradient coil and the magnet bore can reduce them, but as this will reduce the space available for the MRI subject it is often not an option. Eddy currents can be compensated for by overdriving the gradient waveform with a current that will itself counter the effect of the eddy currents. However, adjustment of this ‘preemphasis’ of the gradient pulse can be a tedious business as there are often eddy currents decaying with several different time constants. Another approach to preventing eddy currents distorting the images is to shield the primary coil with a secondary coil placed outside the primary coil and connected to it in series. The secondary coil is designed to null the pulsed gradient field of the primary coil everywhere external to the coils but to have minimum effect in the centre of the coil. This approach has been almost universally adopted.



The gradient pulse strength will be directly proportional to the current fed through the gradient coils. In modern clinical systems with echo planar imaging (EPI) capability the gradient amplifiers may need to produce 600 A. However, even for small animal systems in which the gradient amplifiers are more typically in the range of 50 A, current fed into the coil will take a finite time to reach the plateau value. That is to say that the gradient pulse will not be an ideal square function but will instead be trapezoidal. The duration of this rise time will depend on the inductance of the coil (hence low inductance coils are favoured for their short rise times) and on the voltage of the gradient amplifiers. Some systems are now provided with a ‘booster’ to raise the voltage and shorten the rise times. This ‘booster’ is basically a capacitor bank that discharges during the main amplifier switch on, increasing the voltage to drive the current through the coils. However, for fast imaging experiments such as EPI it is still important to minimize inductance in the design of the gradient coils. The other important criterion in selecting gradient amplifiers is low noise characteristics. Preemphasis and active shielding

When the gradients are pulsed, residual fields called eddy currents are induced in the cryostat and other metallic structures. These fields decay with time constants typically in the order of tens of milliseconds, but for eddy currents in the cold cryostat vessel wall they may be hundreds of milliseconds long. Eddy currents can have a devastating effect upon image

As in high-resolution NMR, the nuclei in the MR imaging experiment, be they the water protons of the typical anatomical imaging experiment or other nuclei such as 19F, 31P or 23Na, must first be excited. The requirements for amplitude and phase control of RF pulses are similar to those in high-resolution NMR spectrometers, though the addition of phase coherent frequency switching can be an advantage for multislice fast spin–echo experiments. RF amplifiers

Clinical MR scanners used for fast imaging experiments may have up to 15 kW RF amplifiers. These high powers are necessary to reduce pulse duration in fast spin–echo imaging sequences. However, care must be taken that the amplifiers are linear otherwise the shaped pulses necessary for slice selection will be distorted and the slice profile degraded. Of course, many manufacturers are aware of this problem and compensate their pulse shapes for the known distortions induced by the RF amplifier so that the final pulse shape delivered to the RF coil is optimal. If slice profiles are inadequate it is always worth checking for non-linearity in the RF amplifiers. RF probes

The alternating current generated by the RF amplifier is fed into a probe to create an alternating magnetic field at the Larmor frequency in the sample. There are a number of basic probe types each with their own advantages and disadvantages.


Surface coils The simplest type of RF coil is the surface coil. These usually consist of a single loop of wire and give high signal-to-noise ratio for surface structures due to the close coupling of the nuclei in the region of interest and the surface coil. They are used where high signal-to-noise ratio is of primary importance such as in localized spectroscopy experiments, functional imaging and experiments with nuclei other than the proton. The main disadvantage of the surface coil is the loss of signal intensity with distance from the coil, which results in signal intensity variation across the image and a limited field of view. Volume coils Both the Alderman and Grant probe and the birdcage resonator use distributed capacitance to produce a relatively hom*ogeneous RF field in the centre of the probe and hence uniformity of signal intensity across the image (Figure 5). Also, these coils lend themselves to operation in quadrature mode which brings a √2 increase in transmission efficiency and a corresponding √2 improvement in the signal-to-noise ratio upon reception. Volume and surface coil use can be combined so that the volume coil is used for transmission to produce uniform excitation across the MRI subject and the surface coil is used for reception to increase the signal-tonoise ratio. However, care must be taken that the two coils do not couple to each other, either by ensuring that their fields are orthogonal (geometric

decoupling) or by employing active decoupling using additional electronic circuits. Phased array coils In order to combine the signalto-noise advantage of surface coils with the larger usable region obtained with volume coils, phased array coils can be used. These consist of an array of coils, each similar to a conventional surface coil, distributed over a surface. Each coil acts independently so that the required output signal can be obtained by combining the outputs from all or some of the elements. In order to reduce interaction between the adjacent coils, each one overlaps its immediate neighbours to minimize mutual inductance and is provided with its own preamplifier. The disadvantage of this approach is the relatively high price of the multiple amplifiers required.

Faraday cage The antennas used to detect NMR signals will pick up extraneous signals from the environment unless they are shielded in some way. In a high-resolution NMR instrument the bore of the magnet acts as a waveguide, effectively shielding the RF coil from the outside world. However, in imaging systems the dimensions of the magnet bore are often of the same order as the wavelength of the RF frequency of interest and then it is necessary to introduce additional shielding measures. The most common solution is to enclose the entire magnet in a continuous sheet or mesh of copper or aluminium. All services to this Faraday cage must be electrically filtered to ensure they do not act as gateways for environmental RF.

Quality assurance In addition to the physical hardware necessary to conduct an imaging experiment, every MR imaging lab will have a quality control process in place to identify spectrometer faults as they develop. In the clinical setting this will usually be included as part of the maintenance contract with the spectrometer manufacturer. Non-clinical labs will need to instigate their own procedures using standard phantoms. The parameters that need to be monitored are signal uniformity (RF coil hom*ogeneity); signal-to-noise ratio; geometric linearity; spatial resolution; slice thickness; and relaxation time.

Patient monitoring Figure 5 Clinical receive only volume coil. Reproduced by permission of Bruker Medical, Ettlingen, Germany.

A description of ancillary equipment for the holding and positioning of animal and human patients is


beyond the scope of this article. Similarly, monitoring equipment used for controlling animal or patient well-being such as pulse oximeters and blood pressure transducers will not be described. However, it is often necessary to monitor physiological parameters such as electrocardiogram (ECG) and/or respiration so that spectrometer acquisition can be synchronized with heart and/or abdominal motion. Many clinical systems have introduced optical transducers to convert the subject’s ECG signal into optical signal for transfer via fibre optic lines to a monitoring device placed outside the magnet room. The advantage of the fibre optic line is that it cannot pick up extraneous RF and therefore does not need to be electrically filtered. Similarly, fibre optic and pneumatic devices are available for monitoring respiratory motion.

muscular twitching and, possibly, pain. Clinical systems that can achieve such fast gradient switching should have a gradient supervision unit to ensure that they meet the requirements of the appropriate regulatory agencies, e.g. the Medical Devices Agency in the UK and the Food and Drug Administration in the US. The switching of magnetic field gradients also generates acoustic noise, which is a potential risk to both patients and staff. RF

Pulse sequences that generate multiple 180° RF pulses can cause local tissue heating. Again the national regulatory agencies have laid down guidelines on RF power deposition in human subjects and a RF supervisor unit is necessary to ensure compliance.



The same computers can be used for MRI applications as for high-resolution NMR. However, MRI systems can quickly generate large datasets requiring 2D and, these days, 3D Fourier transformations and, if there are animals or patients in the magnet, the operator will not want to wait for long periods during data reconstruction. Therefore, thought should be given to installing an adequate computer workstation to operate the spectrometer console. In addition, other workstations will be needed for off-line processing of images. The demands of multi-planar reformatting of 3D data, image segmentation, surgery planning and so on, can also be quite intensive and so these additional machines also need to be high-end machines.

Superconducting magnets may contain hundreds of litres of liquid helium. In the event of either a spontaneous or emergency quench of the main magnetic field, possibly due to someone being trapped against the magnet by an uncontrolled ferrous object, the energy stored in the superconducting coils of the magnet dumps into the cryogenic liquid. The expansion factor for liquid helium is 760:1 so a large amount of cryogen gas is released into the surrounding space in a very short time. Magnet manufacturers have designed their magnets to fail safe under these conditions. However, there is still the risk of asphyxiation as an opaque fog of helium and perhaps nitrogen gas replaces the air in the magnet room. All clinical systems and large bore animal scanners should be fitted with a quench vent to allow these gases to escape safely. In addition, clinical scanners will require an oxygen detector set to alarm should the oxygen level in the magnet room fall below safe levels.

Safety Magnetic field

The static magnetic field of any NMR instrument poses a hazard to persons with surgical implants. The large bore and horizontal geometry of most MR superconducting scanners means that the stray field can emanate for several metres and provision must be made to prevent members of the public being exposed to a potentially lethal threat. Normally, this will consist of appropriate warning signs and restricted access to areas where the field is above 0.5 mT (5 gauss). However, in addition to the wellknown dangers of static magnetic fields there is a potential hazard to patients and volunteers from peripheral nerve stimulation due to switched magnetic field gradients. This occurs when strong gradients are switched on very rapidly and results in

Future trends In the last few years MR functional imaging, in which activated regions of the brain can be visualized, and MR angiography, which visualizes flowing blood, have had a considerable impact on the specifications demanded of MR scanners. Both techniques benefit from high field strength and both rely on speed and hence gradient amplitude and switching speed. Combined with the inexorable drift to bigger and better magnets and magnetic gradient coils, there has been a move in the research MR field to follow clinical colleagues in demanding robust, easy


to use scanners. In the pharmaceutical industry and in university laboratories it is often necessary to train relatively MR illiterate scientists and technicians in the routine operation of the scanner. Automated tuning, shimming and resonance frequency adjustment makes this task easier. The introduction of actively shielded magnets to the small bore end of the market will mean these systems can be installed on crowded sites and thus greatly expand the potential market. In short, the future looks bright for continued improvement and expansion in the MR scanner market. See also: Contrast Mechanisms in MRI; Magnetic Field Gradients in High Resolution NMR; MRI Applications, Biological; MRI Applications, Clinical; MRI Theory; NMR Spectrometers; NMR Microscopy; NMR Relaxation Rates; Radio Frequency Field Gradients, Theory.

Further reading Bushong SC (1996) Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Physical and Biological Principles. St Louis: Mosby. Callaghan PT (1991) Principles of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Microscopy. Oxford: Clarendon. Chen C-N and Hoult DI (1989) Biomedical Magnetic Resonance Technology. Bristol and Philadelphia: Institute of Physics. f*ckushima E and Roeder SBW (1981) Experimental Pulse NMR: a Nuts and Bolts Approach. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. Gadian DG (1995) NMR and its Applications to Living Systems. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Lerski RA and de Certaines JD (1993) Performance assessment and quality control in MRI by Eurospin test objects and protocols. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 11: 817-833. Shellock FG and Kanal E (1996) Magnetic Resonance Bioeffects, Safety, and Patient Management. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven.

MRI of Oil/Water in Rocks Geneviève Guillot, CNRS, Orsay, France Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

In recent years a large amount of basic and applied work on the application of NMR and MRI to the study of fluid distributions inside porous materials has appeared. With NMR one selectively observes one type of nucleus, by choosing the corresponding resonance frequency Z at a given static magnetic field intensity B0 through the Larmor relationship

where J is the gyromagnetic ratio of the examined nucleus. The proton, which is abundantly available in both water and oil, is the nucleus most frequently observed. This means that in contrast to other noninvasive visualization techniques NMR directly probes the fluid (liquid or gas) phases within opaque porous matrices. At the same time, the unique feature of NMR is that the signal is sensitive to the physicochemical environment of the fluid. Thus, characterization of the porous material itself is also possible. Apart from the NMR signal intensity, which is proportional to the transverse magnetization, the main quantities of interest are the relaxation times,

MAGNETIC RESONANCE Applications T1 (longitudinal) and T2 (transverse). It is through the modification of the relaxation properties of the fluid inside the solid phase that one can obtain physicochemical information on the porous matrix such as pore size, permeability or surface chemistry. Moreover, diffusion and flow, or more exactly fluid particle displacements, can be measured and visualized by NMR techniques using pulsed gradient techniques. The susceptibility contrast between the fluid and the solid phases, however, is usually very strong in rocks, and consequently a significant linebroadening is observed. Thus, spin-echo methods must be used, and in some cases more specialized solid-state methods are necessary. From these principles, new instruments for the characterization of oil wells by NMR have been designed and are now routinely used to obtain rock porosity, water, oil and gas saturations, and other quantities of interest to the oil engineer. Applications have also appeared in other fields such as civil engineering (water in cement, bricks or clays), polymer engineering (solvent in solid polymers or polymer– polymer mixtures) or fluid mechanics. Specific methods or hardware are being developed for nonmedical


applications of MRI and they may in turn find their way back into the medical field in the near future.

Relaxation properties of fluids in rocks Surface effects

One usually observes faster relaxation rates for fluids inside a solid porous structure than for bulk fluids. This can be described as a surface relaxation effect, two or three fluid molecular layers having a specific relaxation rate much shorter than the bulk value. The origin of this shorter relaxation rate, for most mineral materials like rocks, is the presence of paramagnetic centres (usually iron). It is also considered that a reduction of molecular mobility or orientation could play a role. Whatever the origin of the surface relaxation, it can be shown that, under conditions of fast exchange, the relaxation rate measured for the fluid inside the pore space is proportional to the surface to volume ratio S/V, i.e. is inversely proportional to a characteristic pore size. The proportionality constant is the surface relaxation strength U characteristic of the solid–liquid pair under consideration, its order of magnitude for water in sandstone is 8 × 10–4 cm s–1. However, in many materials, pore sizes range over several orders of magnitude (from nanometres to hundreds of micrometres), and the experimental relaxation curves present a strong deviation from a monoexponential decay. A first approach is to use a stretched-exponential law to describe the relaxation curve, which has the advantage that a single relaxation parameter is obtained. Another approach is to calculate a relaxation time distribution from the relaxation curve by Laplace inversion; this is a mathematical task that presents some difficulties (the solution is not unique), but the inclusion of a regularization term, which is equivalent to favouring artificially smooth distributions, allows one to obtain reproducible results. With the assumption of fast exchange in each pore and slow exchange between different pores, the relaxation time distribution then gives the pore size distribution directly; this relationship is theoretically valid under the condition of uniformly distributed surface relaxation properties. The value of U must be obtained independently, usually by the use of mercury porosimetry.

tibility difference between the fluid and the solid matrix. This difference creates an inhom*ogeneous magnetic field inside the fluid, and thus a broader line width. The main consequence is that it is almost always necessary to use spin-echo methods to observe fluids in a porous matrix. Moreover, fluid molecular diffusion inside the field inhom*ogeneities causes decay of the transverse magnetization. The phenomenon cannot easily be described analytically, owing to the random character of molecular diffusion and the geometric complexity of porous media. Multi-echo sequences, such as CPMG (Carr Purcell Meiboon Gill), are employed to obtain the transverse relaxation curve, and it is considered that at interpulse spacing short enough (below 1 ms) and at low enough magnetic fields (below 0.2 T) the influence of field inhom*ogeneities is eliminated for many rock applications. One then recovers in liquids T2 of the same order as T1 within a factor 2 or so, that is to say equivalent physicochemical information. However, diffusion in gases being faster than in liquids, the apparent T2 for gases in rocks can be shorter than for liquids. Because T2 measurement times by CPMG are orders of magnitude faster than acquisition times for robust T1 determinations, this method has become the standard protocol in the new logging instruments.

Laboratory applications Methods

Standard imaging sequence The standard imaging sequence is the two-dimensional Fourier transform (2D FT) spin echo sequence, as described in Figure 1. It consists of a spin echo in coincidence with a gradient echo; the frequency encoding or read gradient pulses Gread and the phase encoding gradient pulses Gcod encode two orthogonal spatial directions; slice selection is obtained by the application of the gradient Gsel along the third orthogonal direction. The resolution within the image plane, or the voxel size Gr, is fixed by the maximum applied gradient intensity G, and by the time duration of the gradient pulse T, through

Susceptibility contrast

The surface mechanism affects both T1 and T2. Another microscopic mechanism influences the apparent transverse relaxation and has important consequences in the methodology. This is the suscep-

The wave vector k represents the maximum length explored in the reciprocal space of the image. With gradient intensities G in the 20–100 mT m –1 range, k can be of order 104–105 m–1, or equivalently Gr can


is irrelevant in many practical situations. A more frequent approach is to extract ‘water-only’ and ‘oilonly’ images, with the simplification that the two chemical species are considered to give only single lines, and to use special protocols to eliminate local field inhom*ogeneities due to susceptibility as much as possible. This can be done only on rocks ‘clean’ enough and at magnetic field strengths above 1–2 T. Other relevant physicochemical information can be extracted by relaxation time imaging: the methods used are standard relaxation time measurement sequences combined with 2D FT or 3D FT imaging sequences.

Figure 1 The two-dimensional Fourier-transform spin echo NMR imaging sequence. A π/2 radiofrequency pulse flips the magnetization into the transverse plane, where it is refocused into a spin echo at the echo time te by a π refocusing pulse applied te /2 after the first pulse. Spatial encoding is obtained (1) by using a shaped π/2 pulse, and simultaneously applying a selective gradient pulse Gsel to define a slice within the object; (2) by applying two read gradient pulses so as to form a gradient echo in coincidence with the spin echo, and by sampling Nread data points within the time Tread in the presence of the gradient Gread; (3) by repeating the acquisition for Ncod different gradient values applied during the time Tcod with a maximum amplitude Gcod. One then computes the two-dimensional Fourier transform of the resulting Nread × Ncod data points in order to obtain a twodimensional image. The products Gread × Tread and Gcod × Tcod are chosen to achieve the desired resolution within the image plane (see text).

be a few hundred µm. Use of longer pulse gradients has a limited efficacy for resolution improvement in the case of heterogeneous porous media with susceptibility broadening, corresponding to a short lifetime of the NMR signal. Thus, Gr is usually much larger than typical pore sizes in rocks. This also means that MRI will give images at a macroscopic scale of fluid distributions. More complex imaging sequences The 2D FT sequence can be extended to three-dimensional imaging by using the phase encoding scheme instead of selection on the third axis. Chemical shift information can be extracted by adding a complementary chemical shift dimension; however, this procedure has rarely been used in practice for two main reasons: (1) four-dimensional data acquisition requires a prohibitive duration, and (2) the susceptibility effect spreads the spectra to the extent that the method

Resolution: choice of magnetic field, different methods A usual rule in MRI is that a better resolution can be achieved at higher field intensity by an improvement of the signal-to-noise ratio. In the MRI of heterogeneous media, one must carefully examine the validity of that rule, since the spatial resolution is intrinsically limited by the line broadening due to the susceptibility contrast, which can be overcome only by increasing the gradient intensity. Since the susceptibility-induced field inhom*ogeneities are proportional to the magnetic field strength, the resolution achieved will be a compromise between the gradient intensity available from the instrument and the signal-to-noise ratio available. Orders of magnitude for the susceptibility internal gradients can be from 100 mT m–1 (pores of 100 µm in a 1 T field) up to a few T m–1 (pores of 1 µm in a 0.1 T field), comparable or much higher than the gradients available on large-scale imaging systems. Other methods, which are usually considered as solid-state MRI methods because of their ability to obtain signals from samples with very short transverse relaxation times, are under development and offer very interesting possibilities for the exploration of small samples with very high controlled gradients. The first method uses fast oscillating gradients to obtain echoes at very short echo time; the second uses large static gradients and is called the STRAFI (Stray Field Imaging) method. The latter, which uses the very high gradients available in the stray fields of superconducting magnets (these can be as high as 10 to 100 T m–1), probably offers the best possibility of going beyond the limit of large susceptibility gradients. However, these methods present the limitation that only objects of about 1 cm in size can be examined at the moment. Laboratory measurements

Porosity, saturation The NMR signal amplitude gives a fairly straightforward measurement of


porosity or fluid saturation when only one liquid (water or oil) is present in the porous sample, via simple calibration procedures such as reference measurements on bulk fluids in similar conditions. The relative accuracy achieved is usually of the order of 1% or better. Even so, extrapolation to zero time to eliminate relaxation weighting can be a difficult task in some iron-rich materials. In diphasic cases (oil plus water), two simple techniques for the measurement of saturation have been suggested and used for laboratory applications. The first is to add to water a paramagnetic tracer, which effectively ‘kills’ the water signal by shortening its relaxation time below the observable limit; then only the oil signal is available. The second technique is to use NMR signals from other nuclei, such as deuterium (D2O replacing H2O) or fluorine 19F (a fluorinated oil replacing the normal oil); the latter nucleus presents the advantage of resonating at a frequency only 0.94 times lower than the proton frequency. Chemical shift 1H imaging should be the first choice technique, of course, and examples of chemical shiftresolved images have been obtained in various laboratories, at fields of about 2 T, of sandstone or dolomite samples saturated with water and dodecane (Figure 2). However, as discussed above, this technique can work only at static magnetic fields high enough to produce resolved water and oil resonance spectra, and with reasonably ‘clean’ samples in which line broadening does not cause their overlap. In addition, as detailed below, the analysis of relaxation spectra has also proved to yield fruitful information. Information obtained from relaxation times The different physicochemical phenomena that influence relaxation times should be taken into account with some care when examining NMR images. At the same time, they can be exploited as specific contrast mechanisms. The general theoretical picture described above relating pore size distribution and relaxation time spectra works satisfactorily for solid materials of reasonably uniform surface chemistry, such as many model porous systems (glass bead or particle packs), and most sandstones. A number of laboratory studies have used it to deduce pore size distributions from longitudinal or transverse decay curves in saturated porous systems. The fact that NMR and mercury porosimetry, which measure respectively the accessible surface and the throat dimensions, give comparable pore size distributions can be explained by the regular geometry of these systems. One should also mention that an empirical correlation between hydraulic permeability and some representative relaxation time value have been observed to be

Figure 2 Chemical-shift imaging (CSI) in laboratory MRI of oil/ water in rocks: time course CSI images of oil (upper line) displacement by water (lower line) in a Baker dolomite core sample, over 30 h, obtained at a 1.89 T magnetic field strength. The absolute intensities are not normalized from one image to the other, thus the change in the ratio of oil and water intensities with time (from left to right) is the meaningful parameter. The oil signal is initially (upper left) more intense, but a uniform decrease in the oil signal and increase in the water signal with time is observed. Reproduced with permission from Majors PD, Smith JL, Kovarik FS and f*ckushima E (1990) Journal of Magnetic Resonance 89: 470–478.

more or less satisfactory. In other rocks with more irregular geometry, the relationship between throats and pore dimensions does not hold systematically. Changes in fluid arrangement with saturation have been followed, for example, in drying or centrifugation experiments. The displaced water tends to occupy smaller and smaller pores as its saturation decreases, and the corresponding relaxation time spectrum is generally observed to be displaced to lower values. Light oils present lower surface relaxation strengths than water in many rocks, presumably because of the natural water-wet character of the rocks. As in the drying experiments, saturation changes in immiscible situations (water plus oil) are most apparent on the water part of the relaxation spectrum, which tends to be displaced to lower values as water is displaced out, while the oil part is generally less affected. Surface wettability also has an influence on the surface relaxation process: hydrophobic treatments of originally water-wet surfaces, by grafting of organic chains or by coating of surfactant layers, are known to increase the water-proton relaxation times. Images weighted in wettability have thus been obtained from T1-weighted images in water-


Figure 3 Imaging of wettability contrast: images of water-saturated Fontainebleau sandstone samples of similar porosity (15%) and permeability, but with different surface treatments, obtained at a 0.1 T magnetic field strength. The right-hand sample is without treatment and naturally water-wet, and the left-hand sample was rendered oil-wet by chemical grafting of a silane chain. The image was acquired with a repetition time of 1 s, longer than the T1 of the water-wet sample but shorter than the T1 of the oil-wet sample; the resulting contrast due to different T1-weighting by a factor 2 is much higher than the image signal-to-noise. Reproduced with permission from Guillot G, Chardaire-Rivière C, Bobroff S, Le Roux A, Roussel JC and Cuiec L (1994) Magnetic Resonance Imaging 12: 365.

saturated rocks with different surface treatments (Figure 3). Moreover in mixed saturation (water plus oil) states the microscopic fluid arrangement depends on the surface wettability, and modifies the contribution to surface relaxation. Thus, NMR indices of wettability have been suggested from the shift of the water part of the relaxation spectrum at variable saturation. These indices are reasonably correlated to more traditional measurements of wettability properties. Fluid arrangement with respect to the solid surface has also been observed to influence the transverse relaxation for the wetting fluid via the susceptibility effect: indeed, the wetting fluid is in the vicinity of both a solid interface and the interface with the other fluid, while for the nonwetting fluid susceptibility effects play a role only on one fluid–fluid interface. Another example of NMR relaxation weighting is the MRI study of mud filtration by rocks. Mud suspensions are used in oil-well drilling and their invasion into the surrounding rock is of importance for petroleum engineers. Water relaxation is faster in the presence of the mud particles, owing to their large surface area. Thus, the building of filtration cake has been followed quantitatively by MRI, as well as depth filtration of clay in natural rocks.

In many other potential application fields, the heterogeneous nature of the materials or their short transverse relaxation times cause similar difficulties in the collection of MRI images. Two strategies can be used. The first is to examine samples of realistic size (10–20 cm) at a moderate resolution, of the order of 1 mm, if T2 values are long enough, typically longer than a few milliseconds: low-field equipment allows the collection of such images in many heterogeneous cases. When a finer resolution is necessary, other methods or specific equipment should be used. For long enough transverse relaxation, images have been obtained by conventional liquid-state MRI sequences in different systems. From images of a solvent in a polymer matrix, quantitative measurements of solvent diffusion and possibly of matrix swelling have been performed in several systems, such as water–epoxy, water–nylon, methanol or chloroform– poly(methylmethacrylate). Elastomers are another example of samples with long enough T2 and for which conventional MRI gives effective detailed information: the presence of voids in ill-cured elastomers is a spectacular source of contrast (corresponding to susceptibility defects), which can disappear with curing treatment. For building materials such as limestone and sandstone, the situation is comparable to that of oil-bearing rocks, and drying experiments have been monitored quantitatively. Similarly, the hardening of cement pastes is related quantitatively to the evolution of the water signal and of its longitudinal relaxation time (Figure 4). For other samples, more solid-like or specific techniques should be used. Multipulse line-narrowing methods are well adapted to the case of solid polymers, such as adamantane, poly(methylmethacrylate) and polyacrylate. Fast gradient switching has been used to obtain one-dimensional images of water or solvent distribution in zeolite powders, with T2 smaller than 1 ms. Moisture in building materials can cause spectacular damage and some groups have developed specific NMR instrumentation for moisture profile measurement at 1 mm resolution by point-to-point acquisition in bricks and mortars; these building materials are of very fine porosity and of an iron content (a few per cent) prohibitive for liquid NMR with conventional systems. But it is probably the STRAFI technique that will allow the finest resolution in solids to be achieved and that presents the highest efficiency for overcoming susceptibility broadening in heterogeneous materials. Flow and diffusion

Methods The simplest and most straightforward method for flow imaging inside porous materials at a


Figure 4 Thickening of a white cement paste monitored by MRI: time evolution of 1D FT images of water in white cement obtained at 0.1 T over 4 h (curve a, 1 h; b, 2 h; c, 2.5 h; d, 4 h). The acquisition duration of each profile is a few seconds; the sharp peak on the right corresponds to a water reference sample; during cement thickening, this peak maintains the same intensity, while the signal from the cement paste decreases, corresponding to the progressive immobilization of water as solid hydrates and to the shortening of the remaining liquid water T2. Reproduced with permission from Guillot G and Dupas A (1994) In: Colombet P and Grimmer AR (eds) Applications of NMR Spectroscopy to Cement Science, p 313. Amsterdam: Gordon and Breach.

macroscopic scale is to use paramagnetic solutions, which act as contrast agents just as in clinical applications of MRI. More refined techniques have been used and studies are currently in progress to study flow and diffusion. Their basis is generally the pulse field gradient-stimulated spin echo sequence. Susceptibility differences also create problems and can lead to an undervaluation of diffusion coefficients; multiecho versions of this sequence derived from the CPMG echo train have been shown to compensate the susceptibility artefacts to a large extent. Imaging of velocity is also possible at a macroscopic resolution. An appropriate gradient pulse pair causes a phase shift of the NMR signal. This phase shift is proportional to velocity (if all spins within each voxel move with the same velocity), via a controlled factor equal to the product of the wave vector q and the time delay between the gradient pulses (see Figure 5A). One can combine this velocity encoding gradient with the imaging gradient pulses, so as to compute a velocity image from the phase-shift image. Another interesting and powerful approach for obtaining detailed information on the flow field inside porous materials (without imaging) is to study the displacement distribution function, which can be

Figure 5 Sequences using stimulated echoes for flow velocity imaging (A) and for the measurement of the displacement distribution function without imaging (B). The use of stimulated echoes often proves very convenient since the NMR signal can be observed for longer delays , limited only by the T1 value. The pair of gradient pulses, when exactly matched, produce no phase shift for nonmoving spins, and for moving spins they induce a phase shift I equal to the product of the wavevector q JGG, by the displacement (r () − r (0)). For a uniform velocity field Q, (r () − r (0)) Q everywhere in space and Q can be found from the phase-shift measurement at a given value of q (A). In more complex flow situations, the full displacement distribution can be obtained from a Fourier transform analysis of data acquired with incremented G, and thus q, values (B).

obtained by Fourier transformation of the NMR signal acquired for incremented values of the wave vector q (Figure 5B). Of course it is also possible (but time-consuming) to make images of the displacement distribution. For these methods, the flow should be steady during the long data acquisition under the different gradient conditions, but this is a very realistic condition considering the low values of the Reynolds numbers normally encountered in the study of flow in porous media. Results Some groups have mapped fluid velocity inside water-filled rocks, either sandstone or limestone samples, using the phase-shift method. The measured velocities have the expected order of magnitude and some reasonable correlation with rock porosity has been observed. However, one should be aware that in these studies the spatial


Figure 6 Velocity probability distribution P (Q¢Q²) as a function of Q/〈Q〉, where 〈Q〉 is the average velocity, for water flowing in a glass bead pack. For short (solid line), corresponding to a displacement ¢Q² = 0.08d, where d is the bead diameter, the distribution can be described by an exponential decay, in agreement with the expected Stokes behaviour; here d = 800 µm, and = 19 ms. For long (dashed line), corresponding to a displacement 〈Q〉 = 7.3d, the distribution can be described by a Gaussian law in agreement with the classical models of hydrodynamic dispersion in a porous media: here d = 80 µm, and = 103 ms. Courtesy of Lebon L, Leblond J and Hulin J-P PMMH, CNRS UMR 7636, ES-PCI, Paris, France.

resolution is usually larger than the pore sizes, i.e. larger than the scale of velocity variations, so the measured phase shift is related to some velocity value averaged in a complex way over the microscopic velocity distribution, in both space and time. Other groups have measured, without imaging, the displacement distribution function for water in bead packs, and for water and oil in sandstone, and have examined its dependence on the time delay . At short , or at a mean displacement smaller than the pore size, the displacement distribution corresponds to the velocity distribution and has an exponential shape, in good agreement with numerical simulations of Stokes flow. At long , or for a mean displacement larger than a few pore sizes, the distributions have more a Gaussian shape that reflects the hydrodynamic dispersion of the fluid particles in the velocity field (Figure 6).

Oil well logging Logging tools

A new generation of logging tools for measurement in the severe conditions encountered in oil formations has appeared in recent years. This has been made possible by the use of permanent magnets,

such as samarium–cobalt alloys with Curie temperatures above 200°C. The sample of interest is the rock formation surrounding the tool, in contrast to the usual laboratory NMR situation where the sample of interest is inside the magnet and the RF probe, and different designs for the static magnetic field and for the RF probe, adapted to this specific geometry, have been developed. Working static magnetic fields of 10–100 mT can be obtained, with sensitive volumes of toroidal shape that are typically of 20–1000 cm3, at a distance of a few centimetres away from the borehole wall. From their specific designs, the static magnetic field for most logging tools is in fact a field gradient of about 100 mT m–1. Another severe constraint is that the tool must move continuously in the bore, at speeds of several cm s–1. Under these conditions, chemical shift is not obsservable, and the only NMR pulse sequence fit for use is the CPMG echo train. Typical logs consist of one-dimensional images (along the bore axis) of the NMR signal intensity and of the relaxation time distribution extracted from the CPMG measurement, at a resolution of about 0.2–1 m; from these data, rock porosity and various information on recoverable oil can be computed. Figure 7 shows as an example a prototype logging tool that was designed to attain a finer spatial resolution of 2 cm. Logging applications

The NMR signal intensity provides a measurement of the fluid-filled porosity. However, water in clay or shale has an apparent T2 that is too short to be visible to the logging tools and the NMR signal comes mainly from water in larger pores and from oil. From the relaxation time distribution, an estimate of the movable fluid, called the free fluid index (FFI), is obtained by choosing a cutoff value, from a priori knowledge of the formation lithology. FFI is the proportion of fluid with relaxation times higher than this chosen value, or the proportion of fluid within pores larger than a given cutoff size. Laboratory measurements of centrifugeable water have shown a reasonable correlation with FFI measurements derived from NMR logs. An empirical estimate of permeability is also often calculated from FFI. The differentiation of water from oil is based on the same general trends as presented above. The relaxation time spectrum can be separated into two parts: the water relaxation times are the shorter and change with the saturation state, whereas the light oils have the longer relaxation times, which are not strongly modified by confinement in the rock. It is also possible to detect the presence of gas, since at


Figure 7 Example of a NMR logging tool sensor prototype working at 4 MHz. The main magnetic field is produced by permanent magnets, plus V-shaped polar pieces to concentrate the magnet induction in the central plane, so as to define the measurement zone in the central area, with a spatial resolution along the tool axis of 2 cm. As the tool moves along the bore wall, the spins are prepolarized by the magnet induction before they arrive in the measurement zone; thus the standard logging speed can be as high as 15 cm s–1. One can see the V-shaped main polar pieces between two cobalt–samarium permanent magnets, the RF antenna in the V space and the tuning capacitor. Courtesy of Locatelli M. LETI CEA-Technologies Avancées DSYS, Grenoble, France.

the high pressures in the reservoirs the corresponding density gives an NMR signal intensity only about 5 times lower than the signal from liquid oil or water. Gas can be distinguished from the other fluids through its specific relaxation behaviour: T1 is a few seconds and T2 is strongly influenced by diffusion effects in susceptibility-induced field inhom*ogeneities because of the higher diffusion coefficient of the gas. It has been shown that the amount of gas-filled porosity can be measured from T2 acquisitions differently weighted in diffusion by changing the interpulse spacing in the CPMG sequence.

List of symbols B0 = applied static magnetic field strength; G = gradient pulse (Gread, frequency encoding; Gcod, phase encoding; Gsel, selective); k = reciprocal-space wave vector; q = wave vector; T = pulse duration; T1 = longitudinal (spin–lattice) relaxation time; T2 = transverse (spin–spin relaxation time)te = echo time; J = gyromagnetic ratio; G = pulse duration; G r = voxel size; = delay between pulses; U = surface relaxation strength (relaxation for the fluid owing to relaxation centres on the solid surface); Z = resonance frequency. See also: Contrast Mechanisms in MRI; Diffusion Studied Using NMR Spectroscopy; Geology and

Mineralogy, Applications of Atomic Spectroscopy; MRI Applications, Clinical Flow Studies; MRI Instrumentation; MRI Theory; MRI Using Stray Fields; NMR Microscopy; NMR of Solids; NMR Principles; NMR Pulse Sequences; NMR Relaxation Rates; Relaxometers; Solid State NMR, Methods.

Further reading Borgia GC (ed) (1991, 1994, 1996) Proceedings of the International Meetings on Recent Advances in MR Applications to Porous Media: Special Issues of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Vols 9, 12, 14. Brownstein KR and Tarr CE (1979) Importance of classical diffusion in NMR studies of water in biological cells. Physical Review A 19: 2446–2453. Callaghan PT (1993) Principles of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Microscopy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Edelstein WA, Vinegar HJ and Tutunjian PN (1988) NMR imaging for core analysis. Society of Petroleum Engineers 18272. Kleinberg RL (1996) Well logging. In: Grant DM and Harris RK (eds) Encyclopedia of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Vol 8, pp 4960–4969. Chichester: Wiley. Special Issue of the Log Analyst on NMR Logging. November–December 1996. Watson AT and Chang CT (1997) Characterizing porous media with NMR methods. Progress in NMR Spectroscopy 31: 343–386.


MRI of Rigid Solids See Rigid Solids Studied Using MRI.

MRI Theory Ian R Young, Hammersmith Hospital, London, UK Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction In essence the theory of nuclear magnetic resonance peculiar to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) alone is very simple and can be simply summarized as being a specialist application of multidimensional Fourier transformation NMR, in which the various frequency axes are related to spatial ones by assuming that the gradient magnetic fields applied to encode space produce equivalent frequency variations. In practice, the situation is very much more complicated, and involves reviewing a number of different aspects of the data recovery process. In reality, the most complex differences between small-scale high-resolution studies and those involving human subjects lie not so much in the spatial encoding process but in the interactions between the RF coils and the subject and in the desirable targets for human studies. These are not, to anything like the same extent as in high-resolution studies, dictated by the need for quantitative accuracy of the measurement of a multiplicity of chemical components but are, rather, driven by the requirement to highlight certain structures of the body with respect to others. Imaging in general, and MRI in particular, is driven predominantly by issues of contrast. Whole-body magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) is, similarly, driven by rather different factors from those affecting normal work in small-bore high-field spectrometers. In many ways MRS is closer to MRI in terms of its strategies and problems and both are, in effect, considered in this article (the former by implication only). Relative to normal spectroscopy, both MRI and MRS rely to a very much greater extent on comparisons of results from regions of tissue considered to be normal and those felt to include more or less severely

MAGNETIC RESONANCE Theory diseased structures. Biological diversity ensures that the reproducibility of results from one subject to another will not be as good as in most spectroscopic studies. On the other hand, much of what is attributed to this cause is due to ill-considered research strategies and artefactual results, but there is an undeniable level of difference between individuals in animal species of all kinds so that the spread of results will always be greater than that obtained from small, passive samples. Sensate beings move in complex and more or less uncontrollable ways, have highly nonreproducible sizes and shapes and are hugely complex, so that practically all data obtained from them are contaminated by significant partial volume effects (which means that data sampled from a region of tissue contains components of multiple structures and a variety of different tissue types). This article discusses the basic processes of spatial localization and the formation of images; it considers how the form of the signal-to-noise relationship is affected by the large, conducting load that the body represents, and how its movement affects the quality of the data obtained from studies. The issues surrounding the creation of contrast, which is the prime clinical desire of MRI strategies, are addressed in a separate article on contrast mechanisms (q.v.). This also discusses the development of a number of important artefacts, the formation of which is a derivation from the strategies outlined in this article. The reader may find it convenient to treat both as being closely related topics in in vivo NMR. In all of what follows, it is assumed that the reader is familiar with conventional NMR theory as described elsewhere in this encyclopedia (see Further reading), as this article examines only the extensions needed to the theory and practice that are the basis of whole-body MR.


Spatial localization The basic concept of imaging is very simple. Gabillard first suggested the use of magnetic field gradients as a means of identifying positional data in NMR. However, it required the development of Fourier-transform NMR before these ideas could be usefully applied to imaging in its standard form. Mansfield and Grannell pioneered the application of gradients in FT-NMR, with the aim of achieving the analogue of optical diffraction, with resolution of lattice plane dimensions, while Lauterbur was the first to publish a two-dimensional image of an identifiable object. In principle, assuming that B0 is completely hom*ogenous, application of a gradient Gr (the component of a field varying along the r axis parallel to the Z axis (parallel to B0)), results in a divergence of the spin resonant frequencies represented by

where riGr is the magnitude of the gradient field at position ri along the gradient. If the object is multidimensional (as in the human body), the signal observed at frequency ωi (Si) is derived from all the spins in the plane orthogonal to the gradient axis through ri. If we have a series of planes normal to r with respective uniform proton densities Pi at distances ri (each generating a signal Si) then, after demodulation, the signal from the whole object (Sobj) is given by

where Ai measures the extent of the object in the plane at ri. In the limit, this becomes

ignoring all relaxation effects. The above argument can be developed in two, or all three, dimensions to yield, for the latter, a relation of the form:

where ρijk is the proton density of the (ijk) voxel, and T2ijk is its spin–spin relation time constant. This recognizes that there will be, at least, monoexponential transverse relaxation effects in the data, and that their magnitude will be those developed at a time TE (the echo time, the impact of which will be discussed later), which is the time at which it is assumed all spin dephasing due to the applied gradient is zero during the data acquisition. In practice, the gradients require to be applied at different times to achieve the desired three-dimensional encoding, since the concurrent application of more than one gradient identifies a single axis, which is that determined by the vector sum of the applied fields.

Spatial resolution It is easier, at the beginning, to discuss how resolution is controlled by the spatial encoding process by considering a single-axis experiment (as in Equation [3]). In order to achieve a resolution of n points along the direction of observation, the Nyquist criterion demands that there is a n/2 Hz spread of frequencies across the field of view being studied. Thus, the gradient Gr, the distance r which spans the object, and time t for which the signal is observed, are related by

During the period t at least n data samples are required to identify the individual frequencies. Conventionally, all imaging procedures acquire data in the presence of a gradient, depending on Equation [5]. In spatially localized spectroscopy, data are frequently measured in the absence of any gradient field and this approach could also, in theory, be useful in microscopy experiments, though in this case to minimize the impact of diffusion. Essentially, there are only two fundamental imaging strategies, though with a growing number of variants of each. In one, the spins are excited and data are recovered along a direction determined by the vector sum of the applied gradients until enough has been collected, after which the magnetization is allowed to recover before it is excited again and data are acquired with a different gradient vector direction. The other strategy exploits the property that, after excitation spins retain the phase relationships into which they have been placed by the application of a short pulsed gradient field. In a good field, the relationships are held sufficiently well as the system


relaxes for another gradient to be applied for long enough, in what is usually an orthogonal direction, while data are recovered. Subsequently, after time for the magnetization to recover and be excited again, another, different, gradient pulse is applied and more data are obtained. The process is then repeated sufficiently often for a complete set of the information needed for a two-dimensional image to be obtained. The former technique was that known as filtered back-projection, which, as originally applied, was a direct MR analogue of the original translate–rotate CT–X-ray scanner developed by Hounsfield. The first version of the other strategy, involving Fourier transformation in two or more directions, was proposed by Ernst and his colleagues in a form that ultimately proved much less useful than the spin warp method that has become the basis of the vast majority of clinical MRI. The aim of every image recovery procedure is to obtain enough good information to fill all the locations of ‘k-space’ (i.e. spatial frequency space) so that when the data processing has been completed there are no artefacts in the image due to missing or corrupt data. Figure 1 shows the sequence form (A,B) and coverage of k-space (C) developed during back-projection imaging. The various acquisitions form the spokes of a wheel and are produced in a plane (say the X/Y plane used as an example here) by the vector sums of the two gradients x(= Rcos θ) and y(=Rsin θ). Sufficient acquisitions are made to cover k-space at the density required. Suppose that the target of the image acquisition is an n × n matrix. The number of acquisitions needed to cover k-space is then πn/2. As will be discussed below, the efficiency of data acquisitions that fill k-space along orthogonal coordinates is better (as these require n acquisitions only) and this is one factor contributing to the unpopularity of back-projection acquisition. It will be noted from Figure 1 that if data were to be acquired as shown in Figure 1A, then regular sampling would result in oversampling at the start of the acquisition (as the spin frequency spectrum is spreading relatively slowly), though it may be just adequate later (after the gradients have flattened out and the full set of spin frequencies has developed). This form of acquisition was used in the early days of MRI by sampling the data nonlinearly (to account both for delays in amplifier response to command signals and for eddy currents arising from the changing gradients). Conjugate symmetry was also used to permit a significant reduction of the number of acquisitions as they only had to sample data though 180°.

Back-projection suffers from major problems in poor fields owing to those fields resulting, in effect, in the angular misplacement of points in k-space (which reconstruct to give streaks of intensity variation leaving the edges of structures). The centre of k-space is oversampled (and has an appropriately improved signal-to-noise ratio) as sampling can be continued as long as there is useful signal, though this results in angular undersampling at great distances from the centre. Nevertheless, the approach is not without merit. It is relatively impervious to the effects of motion (for reasons too complex to discuss in detail here) and it permits very high-resolution imaging of a local region in the body without the accompanying problem of aliasing that affects the spin warp method. The spin warp technique and its development have, however, been the methods upon which practically all subsequent workers have based their work. The concept is shown in Figure 2. The block diagram of the data acquisition process is given in Figure 2A and the k-space strategy is indicated in Figure 2B. The data acquisition gradient is the same for each data recovery but the dotted lines indicate the varying nature of the phase-encoding pulses. The initial inverted gradient (Gt) (of the data acquisition) has the same value of

(where Tp is the width of the pulse) as the first half of the longer lower amplitude acquisition gradient (Ga) during the presence of which data are recovered. Thus

where Tip is the duration of the inverted gradient pulse and Tap is half the duration of the acquisition gradient pulse. During the warp gradient, spins are dephased, but they are then refocused at the centre of the data acquisition so that data sampling (which can be linear, as the gradient is constant throughout the data acquisition period) occurs through the echo peak. Thus, k-space is fully sampled for each line, and conjugate symmetry (as is needed for the technique in Figure 1A) is not necessary. The method is generally more robust than that in Figure 1, and in practice back-projection is also generally now


Figure 1 Back-projection imaging. (A, B) Sequence form used for acquiring a back-projection data set for an image in the X-Y plane. At this time the slice selection procedure is simply shown as a block. It will be described later in the text. The X and Y gradients are constrained to define a series of vectors (given by θ = tan−1 (Y/X) of constant magnitude R (= (x 2 + y 2)1/2): (A) shows the variant in the sequence used when conjugate symmetry is to be applied; (B) is the form of gradients used when an echo is to be formed during the flat regions of the gradients. (C) Coverage of k-space with back-projection. Workers reconstruct the data either using genuine backprojection algorithms (as in CT–X-ray) or by interpolating onto a two-dimensional grid, followed by a two-dimensional Fourier transformation.

implemented with echo formation (as in Figure 2B) except where it is desirable to acquire data as fast as is possible after excitation. The method in Figure 2A is a useful technique in the imaging of very short-T2 proton moieties or nuclei such as sodium that also have short T2 values. In order to cover k-space completely, all its lines must be filled. Each line is obtained using a ‘phase encoding’ pulse (see Figure 2A), during which the spins precess at the frequencies dictated by the applied gradient. At the end of the gradient pulse, different groups of spins (isochromats) will have different phase relationships, which they retain in a perfect field along parallel lines even in the presence of another gradient applied orthogonal to the first.

When enough phase-encoding pulses have been applied, each followed by a gradient in an orthogonal direction, the set of data generated will be given (ignoring relaxation and recovery effects) by

where Sxy is the image dataset, assuming, in this case, that the readout direction is x, and the phase encode direction y. ∆Gy is the increment in the y gradient between samples; Tp is the phase encode pulse


greater recovery of signal after excitation, can quickly result in very extended, and practically unacceptable, durations. Signal-to-noise ratio in such imaging procedures can be very good, but the risk of patient movement, or even refusal to proceed, becomes much greater.

Slice selection In most instances, single planes of data (‘slices’) are recovered during imaging. Slice selection is performed by selective excitation, in which an RF pulse is applied at the same time as a gradient. This selects a slice orthogonal to the direction of that gradient. The process is illustrated in Figure 3. The RF waveform is modulated by a computer-generated pulse profile to give a burst of RF frequencies that are as uniform in amplitude as possible and that have minimal components outside the bandwidth wanted. The pulse profile (B1(t)) results in a frequency spectrum (t) which, in turn, results in a range of magnetization flip angles αt given by

where is a profile relating RF field intensity and the spectral content, and tp is the pulse duration. Figure 2 Spin warp imaging. (A) Sequence structure used in spin-warp imaging (again the slice selection component is shown as a block). The data acquisition gradient is fixed throughout the procedure; the phase encoding gradient is stepped uniformly from one extreme to the other, hence the difference from one excitation to the next. (B) The k-space average resulting from the spin-warp sequence.

duration. Sp,t is the signal recovered at time t during recovery of the pth line of k-space. A two-dimensional Fourier transform applied to the data results in a set of amplitudes associated with the set of positions x, y. The process can be extended to three dimensions by adding another phase-encoding step in the third orthogonal direction. This is altered after the complete set of phase-encode steps in the second direction has been obtained. In order to obtain sufficient data to generate a volume data set with ni × nj × nk voxels, nj × nk acquisitions of the ni points in the readout direction are needed. If nj = nk = 128 (a relatively modest resolution target), 16384 acquisitions are required. Even if the acquisitions are repeated at 20 ms intervals, the recovery of the data takes around 5.4 minutes. Extra time, to allow for

Figure 3 Slice selection process. (A) Envelope of the RF pulse (typical of the simpler pulses used). (B) Desirable burst of frequencies. (C) More typically achieved burst of pulses. The frequencies shown as negative are, of course, of opposite phase to those in the main block of frequencies. (D) Applied gradient with slice selected marked on it relative to the components of (A) to (C). The slice is shown as perfect, but actual performance is generally significantly poorer.


Even as the B1 irradiation is present, and before the gradient is completely removed, the excited spins start dephasing relative to each other and, at the completion of the process, little or no signal may be obtained. Another, inverted, gradient is then used to refocus the spins and reform the signal. The width of the slice is determined by the gradient amplitude (G, conventionally measured in mT m−1) and is given by

Initially RF pulses such as sinc pulses (with trapezoidal gradients) or high-order sinc pulses (with sinusoidal gradients) were used. Now much more sophisticated complex pulses (i.e. containing real and imaginary profile information) are used to obtain better and more exact slice selection. Because tissue relaxation times are relatively long, scanning times are typically quite extended, with much apparently wasted time. Crooks and his colleagues followed an earlier suggestion and showed how multiple slices could be interleaved between each other, and acquired at the same time, by varying the operating frequency of the machine at successive acquisitions. Coincidentally, they also showed how to exploit the relatively long T2 relaxation time of many tissues to recover more than one image from each slice excitation.

Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) Although the basic formulation for signal-to-noise ratio is the same as in classic NMR, there are very significant differences in what actually happens. These arise from the fact that the body loading on the coils (which can generally be ignored in typical high-field (small-bore) systems), can easily dominate the noise from the resistance of the coils, and the input stages of the preamplifier, in all except very low main fields. The following discussion concentrates on factors that are important (or controllable) in the whole-body experiment. Thus we express Hoult and Richards’ form for the signal-to-noise ratio, which is

where N is the Avogadro number, is the Planck constant/2 π, I is the spin quantum number, V the volume of the sample, s the circumference and l the length of the windings of the receiver coil, kB is the Boltzmann constant, T is the coil absolute temperature, ξ is the ‘proximity factor’ (dependent on things such as conductor spacing), ρ is the resistivity of the material of which the coil is made, µ is the relative permeability, B1(w) is the field at the sample due to a unit current flowing in the coil (ω0 = JB0), as assuming only that field magnitude and coil design parameters are variables.

A unit volume is assumed as the target of the experiment. This derivation ignores any noise contributed by the object being studied, particularly one with large dimensions, and Hoult and Lauterbur later extended this formula to allow for the case where a large load is placed in the coil, to give the relationship

where the kc etc are numerical values. This describes the situation for a round ‘headlike’ object of radius b and conductivity σ in an n-turn saddle coil of included angle θ, radius a and length g. The concept of the ‘intrinsic SNR’ was developed to demonstrate the sensitivity of system performance to changes in the main field in the situation where the coil is heavily loaded, giving it as

in whole-body systems in which the body noise is the dominant factor (which it is in all except the lowest fields, or when the coils in use are very small or poorly coupled to the target tissue). However, it was pointed out that in the form of data recovery generally used, in which multiple experiments are needed, relaxation effects cannot be ignored. Tissue T2 is effectively constant over the range of fields used in current whole-body studies but T1 shows a dependence on B0 for which the


empirical relationship [14] was proposed,

where p is the number of acquisitions needed to recover the data. Volume scans (where p can be very large) can thus have excellent SNRs, even if the acquisition time is long. At the extreme where TR 1012 increase in power density available with lasers makes such transitions relatively straightforward to observe with modern pulsed lasers. The fraction of photons absorbed will always be small, so identifying that a multiphoton excitation has occurred almost always involves monitoring some consequence of the multiphoton excitation rather than observing the absorption itself. Three of the more common consequences are depicted in Figure 1B. If the excited state B fluoresces, the multiphoton excitation spectrum can be obtained simply by monitoring the (multiphoton) laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) as a function of excitation wavelength. Given the high light intensities required to drive the multiphoton absorption step, however, it will generally be the case that some of the molecules excited to state B will absorb one (or more) additional photons and ionize. This is termed resonanceenhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI), and is the most widely used method for detecting multiphoton absorption by gas-phase species. The third possible process for the excited state, dissociation (or any other loss mechanism), will reduce the photons or ions detected, and is a potential limitation that is discussed further below. The other important condition is that the B ← A two-photon (or multi-photon) excitation has a nonzero transition probability; the selection rules depend on the number of photons and the differences between one- and two-photon transitions have many analogues with those distinguishing infrared and Raman vibrational spectroscopy. If the selection rules are satisfied, then the spectrum obtained by measuring the ion yield (or the yield of the accompanying photoelectrons) as a function of excitation wavelength will provide a signature of the B ← A two-photon transition of the neutral molecule; analysis can provide structural (and, in some cases, dynamical) information about the excited state B.

Multiphoton selection rules As in one-photon spectroscopies, symmetry is crucial in determining multiphoton transition probabilities. A multiphoton transition between two states A and B is ‘allowed’ if the transition moment 〈A_T (Ô)_B〉 is nonzero; i.e. if the product of the irreducible representations for the wavefunctions of state A and B and that of T (Ô)—the qth component of the spherical tensor of rank k representing the multiphoton transition operator ԗcontains the totally symmetric representation. Symmetry considerations ensure that only spherical tensors of either odd or even rank will contribute to any one-colour multiphoton excitation. Thus, for example, whereas one-photon electric dipole transitions must be carried by components of rank 1, only components of rank k = 0 and/ or k = 2 can contribute to two-photon transitions brought about using photons of identical frequency and polarization. The k = 0 component (a scalar) can only contribute to a two-photon transition connecting states of the same symmetry. Identification of k = 0 components in two-photon excitation spectra is generally rather straightforward since they are forbidden (and ‘thus disappear’) when the spectrum is recorded using circularly polarized light. Sensitivity to the polarization state of the exciting radiation is one important feature distinguishing one-photon and multiphoton transitions. As Tables 1 and 2 show, for all but the least symmetric molecules, at least some of the k ≠ 1 components will span representations different from (or additional to) those of the one-photon electric dipole moment operator.

Figure 1 Illustration of (A) sequential and (B) simultaneous two-photon excitation from state A to state B. Also shown in (B) are three possible fates of the excited state B: fluorescence, dissociation and further photon absorption that ionizes the molecule. This latter process it termed 2+1 resonanceenhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI).


Multiphoton excitations can thus provide a means of populating excited states via transitions that are ‘forbidden’ in traditional one-photon absorption spectroscopy. Two-photon spectroscopy has proved to be particularly valuable in this regard, especially in the case of centrosymmetric molecules, e.g. H2, N2, O2, the halogens, ethyne and benzene. All of these molecules have gerade ground states. Thus, in each case, one-photon absorption provides a route to populating the ungerade excited states but the gerade excited states are inaccessible unless the excitation is carried out using an even number of photons. Further inspection of Table 1 hints at the increased complexity of coherent multiphoton excitation spectra. While governed by the same spin-conservation requirements and vibrational (i.e. Franck–Condon) restrictions as one-photon spectra, an n-photon excitation can support changes in rotational quantum number 'J ≤ n.

Experimental methods The ‘basic’ multiphoton excitation experiment simply involves focusing tuneable laser radiation into a cell containing a low pressure (typically a few torr) of the atomic or molecular gas of interest and observing the resulting laser-induced fluorescence or, more commonly, the resulting ions or electrons (in the case of REMPI detection). In the latter experiment, the cell will typically be equipped with a pair of biased electrodes: an MPI spectrum is ob-

tained simply by measuring the total ion, or the total photoelectron, yield as a function of excitation wavelength. The structure appearing in such a spectrum will reflect the resonance enhancements provided by the various rovibrational levels of the resonant intermediate electronic state(s) of the neutral, and may be analysed to provide spectroscopic (and thus structural) information about the excited neutral molecule. This ‘basic’ form of the REMPI experiment has limitations, and much of the recent experimental effort has been directed at improving both the selectivity and sensitivity of the technique. One deficiency of this basic style of REMPI experiment is that all ions will be measured, irrespective of their masses, or that all photoelectrons will be counted, irrespective of their kinetic energies. A molecular MPI spectrum recorded in a static cell could therefore well include superimposed features associated with REMPI of the parent of interest, of neutral fragments arising from unintentional photodissociation of the parent molecule and of any other species present in the sample. Such potential ambiguities can usually be resolved by mass-resolving the resulting ions, and in most contemporary REMPI experiments this is achieved by time-of-flight (TOF) methods using either a linear TOF mass spectrometer, or a reflectron TOF mass spectrometer to provide enhanced resolution. A variety of fast charged particle detectors can be used, together with suitable timegated signal-processing electronics, to monitor the REMPI spectrum associated with formation of any

Table 1 Allowed changes in some of the more important quantum numbers and symmetry descriptors for atoms and molecules undergoing one-colour multiphoton transitions involving one (k = 1), two (k = 0 and 2) and three (k = 1 and 3) photons

Quantum number / property of interest

0 (2)

(a) Atoms: Orbital angular momentum, l of electron being excited 'l = 0 (b) Linear molecules (case (a)/(b)): Axial projection of electronic orbital angular momentum, / linear molecules (case (c)): Axial projection of total electronic angular momentum, : (c) Centrosymmetric molecules: Inversion symmetry, u/g (d) Atoms and molecules: Total angular momentum, J

Total parity, +/– Electron spin, S

Rank of transition tensor, k (number of photons) 1 2 3 (1 or 3) (2) (3) 'l = 0, ±2 (but s s)

'l = ±1, ±3 (but s p)

'/ = 0 '/ = 0, ±1

'/ = 0, ±1, r2

'/ = 0,..., ±3

': = 0 ': = 0, ±1

': = 0, ±1, ±2

': = 0,..., ±3

u↔u g↔g

u↔u g↔g


'J = 0

'l = ±1


'J = 0, ±1, ±2 'J = 0,..., ±3 'J = 0, ±1 (but J = 0 J = 0) (but J = 0 ↔ J = 0,1) (but J = 0 J = 0,1,2; and J = 1 J = 1) +↔+ +↔– +↔+ +↔– –↔– –↔– 'S = 0 'S = 0 'S = 0 'S = 0


Table 2

Representations of the spherical tensor components

Number of photons, n 1



a b



(Ô) of the one-colour, (n = 1–3) transition operator




















































B1u + B2u

A +A

Assuming Hund’s case (a) or (b) coupling. Ignore u/g labels for non-centrosymmetric linear molecules. A and A reduced to A1, A becomes A2, and E ′ and E ″ both transform as E in C3v molecules.

single, user-selected, ion mass. In this way it is usually possible to distinguish spectral features associated with the parent from those arising from REMPI of neutral photofragments, or to distinguish different isotopomers of the same parent. Mass-resolved REMPI spectroscopy necessarily requires use of collision-free conditions; the precursor of interest in such experiments is thus introduced into the mass spectrometer source region as a molecular beam. It often proves useful to measure the kinetic energies (KEs) of the resulting photoelectrons also. Such measurements also require use of a molecular beam so that their KEs (which are usually measured by TOF methods in a spectrometer designed to minimize stray electric and magnetic fields) can be recorded under collision-free conditions; they provide the basis for a number of variants of photoelectron spectroscopy discussed below.

because of the small excitation cross-section. The interaction is thus concentrated in a localized volume (the focal volume). The technique is therefore highly suitable for spatial concentration profiling, and well matched for use with supersonic molecular beams; many previously impenetrable molecular spectra have been interpreted successfully after application of multiphoton excitation methods to jet-cooled samples of the molecule of interest. This can be a huge benefit, especially in the case of REMPI where the resulting particles are charged and can be collected with far higher efficiency than could, for example, laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) from the excited state B. This benefit not only manifests itself in high sensitivity but, as we have seen, also offers additional species selectivity by allowing both mass analysis of the resulting ions and KE analysis of the accompanying photoelectrons.


Spectroscopy, structure and dynamics of excited state species

Less restrictive selection rules are just one of several benefits that can arise when using multiphoton excitation methods. Experimental convenience is another. A multiphoton excitation using visible or near-ultraviolet (UV) photons can often prove the easiest route to populating an excited state lying at energies that, in one-photon absorption, would fall in the technically much more demanding vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) spectral region. Other benefits derive from the fact that multiphoton excitations normally require the use of a focused pulsed laser

REMPI spectroscopy is typically used to probe highlying electronic states, for which dissociation is always likely, but it will discriminate in favour of the more long-lived states because of the competition between ionization and dissociation (as in Figure 1B). There is one class of excited states that are often relatively long-lived — Rydberg states, which thus tend to dominate REMPI spectra. Molecular Rydberg states are conveniently pictured as a positive ion core, consisting of the nuclei and all but


one of the valence electrons, with the remaining valence electron promoted to a state with a high principal quantum number, n. Such orbitals are large, spatially diffuse, and hence nonbonding, and are known as Rydberg orbitals. This is because the physical picture is very similar to that in the hydrogen atom, and the energy levels follow a modified Rydberg formula:

where R is the Rydberg constant. As a written, , Ei and R must have the same units. Ei is the ionization limit of the ion core and G is known as the quantum defect. It provides an indication of the extent to which the wavefunction of the Rydberg electron penetrates into the core region and its value is found empirically to be fairly constant for a given type of orbital. For molecules composed entirely of first-row atoms, typical values are G = 1.0–1.5 for s orbitals, G = 0.4–0.8 for p orbitals and G ∼ 0 for all higher-l functions. Such qualitative ideas can be very useful for interpreting the patterns of excited states observed in many families of polyatomic molecules, though modifications due to configuration interaction (i.e. mixing between zero-order states sharing a common symmetry species but arising from different electronic configurations) can complicate such simple expectations. Figure 2, which shows a 2 +1 REMPI spectrum of the NH radical serves to demonstrate several of these points. The spectrum is obtained by linearly polarized simultaneous two-photon absorption (at wavelengths ∼271.2 nm) of NH radicals in their low-lying metastable excited a1' state, followed by further one-photon excitation and detection of ions with m/z 15. Rotational analysis confirms that the spectrum is carried by a two-photon transition, linking states of 1' (lower state) and 13 symmetry, while the observation of neighbouring vibrational brands (including hot bands originating from the Q = 1 level of the 1' state) verifies that this is an electronic origin band. Changes in rotational quantum number 'J ≤ 2 are clearly evident, as anticipated in Table 2. Knowing the ionization limit of the NH radical (108804 ± 5cm–1, measured relative to the X36– ground state), we can deduce a value for the quantum defect of this state (G = 0.79) which, taken together with its known symmetry, suggests that this transition should be associated with electron promotion from the highest occupied doubly degenerate 1 S orbital (the little-perturbed 2px and 2py orbitals of atomic N) to a 3p V Rydberg orbital. The spectrum appears red-degraded, indicating a 13% reduction in

the effective B rotational constant upon electronic excitation. Multiphoton rotational line strengths (the multi-photon analogues of the Hönl–London line strength factors applicable to one-photon spectra) may be calculated, allowing derivation of the relative populations of the various initial quantum states contributing to the spectrum. The simulated S branch contour shown in the top left part of Figure 2 serves to illustrate another possible application of REMPI spectroscopy. Closer inspection of the experimental spectrum reveals that all transitions involving excited state levels with rotational quantum number Jc = 7, 8 or 9 appear anomolously weakly. This is due to a very localized predissociation of the v = 0 level of the f13 state of the NH radical. For these rotational levels in particular, the f13 state predissociates at a rate that is comparable to, or greater than, the ionization rate; this competition leads to reduced ionization probability and a relative diminution of the eventual ion yield; multiphoton excitations proceeding via such predissociated levels thus appear with reduced relative intensity in the REMPI spectrum. In extreme cases the transitions involving such predissociated excited levels may show lifetime broadening as well. Clearly, in the case of more heavily predissociated excited states the REMPI signal is not only weaker (and thus harder to detect), but also less resolved, because of the increasing overlap of neighbouring lifetimebroadened spectral lines. Figure 3 shows an example involving the SO radical where the predissociation is so severe that an alternative detection scheme must be used. The necessary two-colour sequential double-resonance excitation scheme is indicated in the figure; the first step is designed to populate a single rotational level in the A33 state. The fluorescence from this state is monitored, and a drop is seen when the second laser is tuned to a frequency appropriate for further excitation of these state-selected molecules to the D33 state. Figure 3 shows the A state fluorescence intensity as the second laser is scanned, and reveals a very broad Lorentzian peak (50 cm–1 fullwidth half-maximum). Use of the energy–time form of the uncertainty principle allows determination of the excited state lifetime (100 fs) from the width of the measured line shape. The D state is notionally a 4sV Rydberg state, and its short lifetime is presumably indicative of significant mixing with a valence state, since the D state is the lowest-lying Rydberg state in SO. This is just one of many instances where two-colour, double-resonance multiphoton spectroscopy can of great help in providing additional spectroscopic, structural and dynamical information about the


Figure 2 Two-photon resonant MPI spectrum of the origin band of the f13← a1∆ (3pV← 1S) transition of the NH radical obtained using the excitation scheme shown at the top left and monitoring the m/z 15 ion mass channel as a function of the laser wavelength. Individual line assignments are indicated via the combs superimposed above the spectrum. The simulation of the S branch (top right) highlights lines that appear in the experimental REMPI spectrum with reduced intensity because of competing predissociation.

Figure 3 A two-colour fluorescence depletion spectrum of one rovibronic line associated with the D 33 ← A33 transition in SO. The two-colour excitation scheme used (upper right) is required because of the very short lifetime (100 fs) of the D 3P state. This results in the linewidth of 50 cm–1 shown in the spectrum.

excited states of small and medium-sized gas-phase molecular species. Figure 4 shows the opposite extreme, where the final state is long lived (and ionization is used to detect that the multiphoton ab-

sorption has occurred), but double resonance is required to reach the states at all. The example involves states of the S2 radical lying at energies around 75 000 cm–1 where, without the simplification of jet


Figure 4 Two-colour ionization spectrum exciting levels of a 33g ion pair state of S2, using the scheme shown in the inset. Note that a two step process is required, both to give a net g ← g excitation and to overcome the poor Franck–Condon factors for the transition.

cooling and the additional state selectivity afforded by double resonance methods, the S2 spectrum would be impenetrably complex. Further, the excited state of interest and the ground state of S2 both have gerade parity. Recalling the selection rules listed in Table 1, we see that the excited state can only be reached by a spectroscopy that involves use of an even number of photons. The final state in this case is an ion pair state of S2, a state that is best described as a pair of oppositely charged ions, SS–, rather than a covalently bound S=S. As for Rydberg states, most if not all molecular species will have such ion pair states but, to date, their observation remains quite rare. This is because the equilibrium bond length in an ion pair state is generally much larger than in the ground state, with the result that the two states show little Franck–Condon overlap. Double-resonance spectroscopy can provide a means of accessing such states if, as here, and as illustrated, the first step is to the inner turning point of the wavefunction associated with a high vibrational level of an intermediate valence excited state while the second step is arranged to excite from near the outer turning point of this same vibrational level to the ion pair state of interest. In the case of S2, the ground and ion pair states have B rotational constants of 0.30 cm–1 and ∼0.13 cm –1, respectively, implying a 50% extension in equilibrium bond length when undergoing this double-resonant excitation. The versatility illustrated by these few examples serves to explain why multiphoton excitation methods in general, and REMPI in partic-

ular, continue to find widespread use as one of the most general and most sensitive species-selective methods of detecting atoms and small molecules (including radicals) in the gas phase. REMPI–photoelectron spectroscopy (PES)

We now consider the photoelectrons formed in the MPI process, and the information they may carry. The measurement of their kinetic energies has become an established technique, thereby providing a means of performing photoelectron spectroscopy on excited electronic states. Such measurements can therefore give important clues as to the electronic and vibrational make-up of the excited state. They also allow determination of such details as the number of photons involved in the overall ionization process and the source of any fragment ions. For example, a given daughter ion, Y+, seen in the TOF spectrum of the ions resulting from REMPI of a parent, XY, can arise from photodissociation of the neutral parent followed by one- (or more) photon ionization of the fragment, i.e.

or from MPI followed by photodissociation of the


resulting parent ion, i.e.

or as a result of direct dissociative ionization of the parent, i.e.

Given the pulsed nature of the REMPI process, the electron KEs are almost always measured by TOF methods, either using a conventional (mu-metalshielded) TOF spectrometer or a magnetic bottle photoelectron spectrometer. The latter offers the advantage of much higher collection efficiency, with comparatively little loss of ultimate KE resolution. Recalling Figure 1B we note that when an MPI process is resonance enhanced by a bound excited state B, the vibrational structure in the resulting photoelectron spectrum will reflect the differences in the equilibrium geometries of state B and the parent ion, rather than between the ground state A and the ion as in traditional one-photon (e.g. He I) PES. Thus if the geometry and the vibrational level structure of the ion are already known, the vibronic structure evident in REMPI-PES can yield insight into the geometry of the resonance enhancing state B. If B is a pure Rydberg state, the electronic configuration of its core should be the same as that of the ionic state that lies at the convergence limit of the series to which it belongs. The Rydberg state and the ion will therefore be likely to have very similar geometries. Thus, by the Franck–Condon principle, we can anticipate that the final ionizing step in a REMPI process via such a Rydberg state will involve a 'X = 0 transition, leading to selective formation of ions with the same vibrational quantum number(s) as in state B. Since the photoionization is brought about using a (known) integer number of photons, the photoelectrons accompanying such state specific ion formation will have a narrow spread of KEs. In favourable cases the TOF spectrum of these photoelectrons can be resolved to the extent that individual rotational states of the ion are revealed, thus explaining the continuing appeal of REMPI-PES as a means of determining accurate ionization thresholds and of investigating photoionization dynamics in simple molecular systems. Another form of PES has emerged that can provide a further order of magnitude improvement in energy resolution (i.e. cm–1 resolution). This technique is

now generally referred to as zero kinetic energy (ZEKE)-PES. In conventional photoelectron spectroscopy, and in REMPI-PES, we learn about the energy levels of the ion by measuring the photoelectron KEs as accurately as possible. ZEKE-PES also reveals the energy levels of the cation but is based on a different philosophy. The principle of the method is illustrated in Figure 5. In the particular double-resonant variant shown, one laser is tuned so as to populate a (known) excited state M, and a second laser pulse is then used to excite this population to the energetic threshold for forming one of the allowed quantum states of the ion. Any energetic electrons (e.g. those formed via an autoionization process) will quickly recoil from the interaction region. The ZEKE (threshold) electrons can be detected by application of a suitably delayed pulsed extraction field. A ZEKE-PES spectrum is obtained by measuring the excitation spectrum for forming photoelectrons with zero kinetic energy; precise energy eigenvalues are obtained because the spectral resolution is determined, ultimately, by the bandwidth of the exciting laser. It is now recognized that this description, while appealing, actually oversimplifies the physics. The ‘ZEKE’ electrons detected in an experiment as described actually derive from pulsed-field ionization of very high Rydberg states belonging to series converging to the threshold of interest. As a result, the ionization thresholds determined via this type of experiment will all be subject to a small, systematic shift to low energy. However, the magnitude of this shift scales with the applied extraction voltage, so the true thresholds can be recovered by recording such spectra using a number of different pulsed extraction voltages and extrapolating the observed line frequencies to zero applied field. Ion imaging

As REMPI is a very sensitive, selective and convenient means of detecting small localized concentrations of gas phase species, it is particularly suited to probing atomic or molecular products resulting from a gasphase photodissociation or a crossed-beam reaction. Accurate knowledge of the energy disposal in such products, their recoil velocities and the angular distribution of these velocity vectors, the alignment of their rotational angular momenta, and the way all these quantities are correlated, can provide considerable insight into the detailed dissociation and/or reaction dynamics. Ion imaging is one way in which REMPI spectroscopy is being used to provide such information. The experiment is simple in concept. In the case of photodissociation, the precursor of interest, in a skimmed molecular beam, is photolysed to yield fragments, one of which is ionized selectively and in a


Figure 5 Illustration of two-colour two-photon ZEKE excitation scheme, in which the first photon is fixed so as to be resonant with a known M ← A transition and the frequency of the second photon is tuned. As shown in the inset, the peaks in a ZEKE spectrum correspond to the onsets of new ionization thresholds.

quantum state-specific manner, by REMPI, as soon as it is created. The resulting cloud of ionized fragments continues to expand with a velocity and angular distribution characteristic of the original photolysis event, but is simultaneously accelerated out of the interaction region and arranged to impact on a position-sensitive detector, e.g. a microchannel plate behind which is mounted a phosphor screen that is viewed using a gated image-intensified CCD camera. The result in a squashed two-dimensional projection

of its initial 3D recoil velocity distribution. This can be reconstructed mathematically to yield the speed and angular distributions of the tagged fragment, in the particular quantum state defined by the REMPI excitation wavelength. The structure in the image provides information about the speed and angular distribution of the tagged fragments and also, by energy and momentum conservation arguments, the quantum state population distribution in the partner fragments; such knowledge can provide a uniquely detailed view of the parent photofragmentation dynamics. By way of illustration, Figure 6 shows ion images obtained by ionizing ground-state (2P3/2) Br atoms resulting from photolysis of Br2 molecules at three different wavelengths. It is clear from these that the velocity and angular distribution of these Br atoms (defined relative to the electric vector, ε, of the photolysis laser – vertical in Figure 6 as indicated by the double-headed arrow) depends on the photolysis laser wavelength. The radii of the partial rings apparent in each image give the speed of the atoms and hence, by energy conservation, the energy of the other fragment. The middle image reveals that Br2 photolysis at 460 nm yields ground-state Br(2P3/2) atoms (the tagged species) in conjunction with both another ground-state atom (outer ring) and a spin–orbit excited-state (2P1/2) partner, the inner ring. These product sets show different recoil anisotropies. The relative intensities of the two partial rings provides a measure of the branching ratios into these two product channels. Clearly, dissociation via a perpendicular transition (Qrecoil perpendicular to H) yielding two ground state Br

Figure 6 Ion images of ground-state Br (2P3/2) atoms resulting from Br2 photolysis at the specified wavelengths. The double-headed arrow indicates the plane of polarization of the photolysis laser radiation.


atoms is the dominant decay mechanism at 400 nm, whereas at longer excitation wavelength (e.g. 480 nm) the dominant fragmentation is to one ground-state (2P3/2) and one spin–orbit excited-state (2P1/2) Br atom, following a parallel excitation process. Analysis of images like these, and their dependence on photolysis wavelength, can provide much insight into both the mechanism and the timescale of the dissociation process.

List of symbols B = rotational constant; Ei = ionization limit; h = planck constant; J = rotational quantum number; n = principal quantum number; Ô = multiphoton transition operator; R = Rydberg constant; T (Ô) = qth component of the tensor of rank k representing Ô; G = quantum defect; H = electric vector; Q = frequency; X = vibrational quantum number; = wavenumber. See also: Ion Imaging Using Mass Spectrometry; Laser Spectroscopy Theory; Multiphoton Excitation in Mass Spectrometry; Multiphoton Spectroscopy, Applications; Photoelectron Spectrometers; Photoelectron Spectroscopy; Photoelectron-Photoion Coincidence Methods in Mass Spectrometry (PEPICO);

Photoionization and Photodissociation Methods in Mass Spectrometry; Time of Flight Mass Spectrometers.

Further reading Ashfold MNR, Clement SG, Howe JD and Western CM (1993) Multiphoton ionization spectroscopy of free radical species. Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 89: 1153–1172. Ashfold MNR and Howe JD (1994) Multiphoton spectroscopy of molecular species. Annual Review of Physical Chemistry 45: 57–82. Heck AJR and Chandler DW (1995) Imaging techniques for the study of chemical reaction dynamics. Annual Review of Physical Chemistry 46: 335–372. Houston PL (1995) Snapshots of chemistry: product imaging of molecular reactions. Accounts of Chemical Research 28: 453–460. Kimura L and Achiba Y (1989) In Lin SH (ed) Advances in Multiphoton Processes and Spectroscopy Vol 5, pp 317–370. New Jersey: World Scientific. Lin SH, Fujimara Y, Neusser HJ and Schlag EW (1984) Multiphoton Spectroscopy of Molecules. New York: Academic Press. Müller-Dethlefs K and Schlag EW (1991) High resolution zero kinetic energy (ZEKE) photoelectron spectroscopy of molecular systems. Annual Review of Physical Chemistry 42: 109–136.

Multivariate Statistical Methods RL Somorjai, Institute for Biodiagnostics, National Research Council, Winnipeg, Canada Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction, basic ideas, terminology Spectroscopic methods are increasingly becoming the methods of choice for analysing a variety of experimental data, in chemistry, biology, food industry, medicine, etc. This popularity is well deserved. The spectral methods are generally faster, more accurate and frequently much cheaper than conventional analytical techniques. Furthermore, in biomedical applications they provide the means for noninvasive or minimally invasive diagnosis. However, these obvious advantages are somewhat offset by the indirect relationship between spectral features and the

FUNDAMENTALS OF SPECTROSCOPY Methods & Instrumentation measurables or observables of interest (such as analyte concentrations or disease class assignments). Consequently, we have to model a generally complex and frequently nonlinear relationship. This relationship can be represented by

where Y = {y, y2, y3, … , yK} is the set of K measurables (responses, observables, targets) (e.g. the concentrations of K analytes or membership labels for K classes), X = {x1, x2, x3, …, xN} is the collection of N


samples (objects, patterns), with xk the kth sample. Every sample is represented as an L-vector, with each of its L elements corresponding to one of the L spectral features (attributes, predictor variables, measurements) (such as wavelengths or frequencies), i.e. xk = {xk(1), xk(2), xk(L)}, and F is the model (function) that couples Y with X and whose parameters we are to optimize, implicitly or explicitly. Any practical scheme of optimization must necessarily be data-driven. Hence the larger N, the number of samples, the more reliable any prediction based on Equation [1]. In spectroscopy (whether infrared, IR, magnetic resonance, MR, or other), K (the number of analytes or the number of classes) typically ranges from one to about a dozen, L (the number of spectral wavenumbers or frequencies) is in the hundreds or thousands, and N ought to be at least in the hundreds. Since in spectroscopic applications L, the dimension of the feature space, is invariably greater than one, and typically large, multivariate methods of analysis are necessary. Furthermore, L is frequently larger than N, the sample space dimension. As this causes numerical problems, special approaches are needed and precautions have to be taken. These we can handle via some preprocessing procedure. Its most important goal is data reduction (compression). In practice, data compression is divided, somewhat artificially, into feature extraction or feature subset selection. Exploratory data analysis and representation is usually the first step in probing the functional relationship between Y and X. This falls into the purview of unsupervised pattern recognition, with clustering methods the most common representatives. Hierarchical clustering is the older, having its roots and initial applications in taxonomy, psychology and the social sciences. Its limitations are due, paradoxically, to its flexibility: by changing the merging (or splitting) criterion and/or the dissimilarity measure, we can create almost any grouping of the samples. The final number of clusters depends on a user-selected threshold; hence it is subjective. The fact that the samples are partitioned into mutually exclusive (non-overlapping) groups must be regarded as unrealistic. The other major variant of clustering minimizes some objective function of the intersample distances. The results are also dependent on user-selected parameters (e.g. the number of clusters and the type of the distance measure used). However, these results become more realistic if we allow overlap between clusters, i.e. if we accept that the samples can be fuzzy, having memberships in all clusters. Bezdek’s fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm is the most popular of such clustering methods. Neither clustering

variant can be expected to outperform methods based on supervised pattern recognition. Although calibrating or classifying spectra are merely two different applications of the mathematical/statistical technique of regression, historically they have evolved independently, with different goals and requirements. Whenever possible attempts will be made to connect the two by drawing attention to common concepts and methods that only differ in their terminology and emphasis. Occasionally, for the sake of simplicity in presentation, discussion will cover certain aspects and peculiarities of the two disciplines separately. Calibration is regression, but with a specific connotation: it involves the development of a quantitative, and generally linear relationship between, say, the concentrations of the analytes present and their spectral manifestations. Significantly, this relationship is continuous. In contrast, classification assigns class labels to the samples and thus establishes a categorical correspondence between the samples and their spectral features, a generally discrete relationship. Both calibration and classification belong to the group of supervised pattern recognition methods. Supervision means that the model parameters in Equation [1] must be optimized using information provided by and extracted from the available data. To do this so that prediction is reliable and robust, leads naturally to the concept of partitioning the samples into training (design, learning) and validation (test, prediction) sets. This article will focus on concepts and ideas, without delving into detailed description of individual methods. The interested reader is directed to Further reading for more in-depth accounts and discussions where there are also listed some of the most likely journal sources for the latest advances.

Preprocessing The characteristics of spectra demand that we use preprocessing to guarantee that the predictions from the optimized Equation [1] are reliable and robust. In fact, extensive experience suggests that if the preprocessing part of the analysis is done properly, then even the simplest calibration or classification methods will succeed. At its most straightforward, Equation [1] describes some simple functional transformation of the original data. This might be as elementary as meancentring and scaling (‘whitening’), i.e. subtracting the overall sample mean from each individual sample and dividing by the sample variance. Other useful examples include smoothing (filtering), normalization (e.g. by the overall area under the spectra),


monotonic nonlinear operations (e.g. using the logarithms or powers of the spectral intensities), and analysing the (numerical) derivatives of the original spectra. For instance, the assignment of mid-IR spectra of biofluids into different disease classes is most successful when the classifier uses the first derivatives of the spectra. Extracting some intrinsic structure from the data, while in the original L-dimensional feature space, is rarely successful because the majority of the L spectral features are either redundant (typically owing to correlation) or represent irrelevant information (‘noise’). Any of these will usually mask the discriminating features. We then interpret preprocessing as either a procedure that removes irrelevant features (a type of filtering) or one that finds the optimal subspace in which the data can be best analysed (a form of projection). The number of spectral features L is generally large and frequently larger than N, the number of samples. Furthermore, (adjacent) spectral features are often strongly correlated, i.e. they are not independent. If L > N, linear dependency or near-dependency (called multicollinearity by the calibration community) could lead to numerical instabilities, with consequent unreliable and non-reproducible results. For instance, when classifying spectra via linear or quadratic discriminant analysis (LDA or QDA), the occurrence of singular or near-singular covariance matrices causes matrix inversion problems. The overall conclusion, supported by extensive experience, is that we must somehow reduce the number of features. Although no general theoretical proof is available, in practice the ratio N:L should be at least 10, but preferably 20, for reliable classification or calibration results. Instead, for spectra this ratio is more likely to be 0.1 or even less. Data reduction can be achieved by feature extraction, which first transforms the original L variables X into L new variables Z = G(X). G is nonlinear in general. However, principal component analysis (PCA), the most commonly used transformation, is linear: Z = AX, where A is a matrix. PCA is an unsupervised method, applied to the entire available data. It is carried out by diagonalizing the sample covariance matrix S. If we sort the resulting eigenvalues in decreasing order, then the corresponding eigenvectors (principal components, PCs) point, in the original L-dimensional feature space, in directions of successively decreasing variance. The PCs are orthogonal and uncorrelated. Geometrically, PCA corresponds to a rotation of the original L coordinate axes to L new orthogonal axes formed by the L PCs. We achieve the data reduction by retaining only the first M Vcc; (C) Vaa = Vbb < Vcc; (D) Vaa ≠ Vbb ≠ Vcc.


The magnitude of J is predicted to be much smaller than either J or Dij, the dipolar coupling between the same nuclei, when one of the nuclei is a proton. For other pairs of nuclei, J may not be negligible. Values have been obtained experimentally from the spectra of molecules dissolved in liquid crystalline phases.

INi is the nuclear spin quantum number of spin i of type N, which has quadrupolar moment eQN, and is at a site with an electric field gradient Vi. It is a purely anisotropic interaction, and so for a rigid molecule in a solid crystalline sample,

Dipolar coupling

This is the through-space coupling between a pair of nuclear magnetic dipoles. It is a purely anisotropic interaction and is also symmetric about rij, the internuclear vector. It contributes a term to the Hamiltonian, in hertz, of

Note that this has identical spin operators to those involving J in Equation [31]. This means that the spectra of anisotropic systems depend on (2Dij + J ), and that these two interactions cannot be determined separately from the spectra. For this reason, J is often referred to a pseudo-dipolar coupling. Dipolar coupling is axially-symmetric about rij, which is a principal axis, so that from Equation [9] there is just one contribution to Dij:

Tij is the angle between rij and B0. Daaij for a fixed internuclear distance is given, in hertz, by

whereP0 = 4 S × 10−7 and is the permeability of free space. This makes it possible to determine molecular structure from dipolar couplings.

List of symbols a, b, c = molecule-fixed principal axes; B0 = applied magnetic field, B0 = | B0 |; Dij = dipolar spin–spin coupling; h = Planck constant; H = Hamiltonian; I = nuclear spin quantum number; Ii = spin angular momentum operator; IZi = component of Ii along Z; Jij = electron-mediated spin–spin coupling; k B = Boltzmann constant; ni = director (unit vector at point i); PLC(E,J) = probability that director angle is in E+ dE, J+ dJ; P(n) = probability of configuration n; QN = nuclear quadrupole moment; r, s, t = latticefixed principal axes; rij = internuclear vector; Sαα = Saupe order parameters; T = temperature; TB,q = component of qth interaction along B0; Tq = interaction tensor; TDE,q = component of qth interaction with respect to molecule fixed axes D and E; Uext = potential of mean torque; Vi = electric field gradient at site i; x, y, z = molecular axes; γi = magnetogyric ratio of ith nucleus; θi = angle of B0 with axis i; P = nuclear magnetic dipole moment; P0 = permeability of free space; V = shielding constant; I = angle of rotation about bond; F = magnetic susceptibility. See also: Chiroptical Spectroscopy, Oriented Molecules and Anisotropic Systems; Diffusion Studied Using NMR Spectroscopy; Liquid Crystals and Liquid Crystal Solutions Studied By NMR; Solid State NMR, Methods; Solid State NMR Using Quadrupolar Nuclei; Solid State NMR, Rotational Resonance.

The quadrupolar interaction

Remembering that we are restricting our discussion to the cases when the Zeeman term determines the axis of quantization of the nuclear spins, then the quadrupolar interaction contributes a term, in hertz, to the spin Hamiltonian of

Further reading Emsley JW (ed) (1985) NMR of Liquid Crystals , Dordrecht: Reidel. Schmidt-Rohr K and Spiess HW (1994) Multidimensional Solid State NMR and Polymers . New York: Academic Press. Smith SA, Palke WE and Gerig JT (1992) Concepts in Magnetic Resonance 4: 107; (1992) 4: 181; (1993) 5: 151; (1994) 6: 137.


NMR Microscopy Paul T Callaghan, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

MAGNETIC RESONANCE Methods & Instrumentation

Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction A microscope is generally regarded as an assembly of lenses used to give an image of small objects at high spatial resolution. By high spatial resolution is meant a resolution finer than can be resolved by the naked human eye, in other words better than 0.1 mm. The well-known ‘optical microscope’ uses either reflected or transmitted light to present an image and the resolution of this instrument is determined by the wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation, around 0.5 µm. There are many other forms of microscopy that use different radiations, such as the electron microscope, whose resolution is much finer because of the shorter wavelength of the electron beam, or the acoustic microscope which is very effective at probing near-surface properties using high-frequency sound waves. X-ray microscopes have been developed in recent years, although these are rather tricky to use because of the need to generate relatively monochromatic soft X-rays that can then be focused by Fresnel lenses. This article describes a very different microscope, based on the use of radio waves, the so-called ‘nuclear magnetic resonance microscope’. If one were to present the concept of a radio wave microscope in the context of our usual perspectives on such devices, three factors would emerge. First, one would expect that, like the X-ray microscope, the device would have excellent powers of penetration, since radio waves pass easily through most matter, excluding good conductors such as metals. Second, one would expect that it would be almost ideally noninvasive, because of the very low energy of the radiofrequency photon. In this regard it could be contrasted with electron microscopy and X-ray microscopy, which are both capable of breaking covalent bonds between atoms. Finally, it might be guessed that such a device would have hopelessly poor spatial resolution because of the very long wavelengths (several metres!) of the radiation. This last point would be certain to render radio wave microscopy useless were it not for the phenomenon of nuclear precession exhibited by atomic nuclei with nonzero spin when placed in a magnetic field. This property means that those nuclei (the

‘spins’) have associated with them a special radio frequency that depends precisely on the local magnetic field strength, and if that magnetic field strength is varied from place to place in the sample, then the measurement of the frequency of each nucleus will indicate where its parent atom or molecule is positioned. By this means one could build up an image of the atomic distribution, avoiding altogether the normal wavelength (or ‘diffraction’) limit to resolution. The technique used to measure the spatially dependent spin precession frequency is nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). The prospects for such a method seem almost too good to be true, but there is an Achilles heel. NMR relies on the measurement of the nuclear frequency by means of the exchange of radiofrequency photons whose energies are so weak that they must compete with the thermal noise that exists in the detection circuitry. It is this latter effect that determines the ultimate resolution of such an instrument, and, using the best possible stable nucleus (the proton) in thermal equilibrium at room temperature, and with a receiving antenna made from room-temperature metals, the limit is volume elements around (10 µm)3 for the image, an exceptionally poor resolution by comparison with all other microscopies. Indeed the NMR microscope is only just a microscope in the normal sense and one would hardly bother with it at all were it not for a few remarkably useful properties. It is exceptionally noninvasive as intimated earlier, and this makes it of special interest in in vivo biological applications. It is highly penetrating and can work perfectly well with optically opaque materials with minimal problems of ‘transparency’, and it is especially well suited to the study of liquid phases, a rather unusual property in the context of other microscopies. Most important of all, it enables the imaging of a number of molecular and atomic properties to which NMR is particularly suited. These include the local chemical composition, the local molecular order and rotational dynamics, and the local molecular translational motions. It is for these reasons that NMR microscopy, despite its rather poor spatial resolution, has found a number of important applications in science, technology and medicine.


Figure 1 Radiofrequency probe, gradient coils set and RF coil inserts used in NMR microscopy. The probe assembly is placed in the 89 mm diameter vertical bore of a superconducting magnet. The set of RF coils and resonators enable samples of different sizes to be inserted, and have diameters ranging from 25 mm diameters down to 2 mm. Photograph courtesy of Bruker Analytische Messtechnik, Karlsruhe, Germany.

Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging Proton NMR

Nuclear magnetic resonance was first detected in 1945, although its extension to imaging applications was to wait until 1973. NMR is an enormous field of research and the subject of very many textbooks in its own right. This article will attempt to give only a cursory introduction to the phenomenon, and the reader should look to some of the articles elsewhere in this Encyclopedia for further information. An isolated proton, when placed in a magnetic field, B0, occupies one of two quantum states with respect to the field direction and the quantum phases of those states rotate at the frequency Z = JB0 (for example Z/ 2 S = 300 MHz for a proton immersed in a 7 T field), where J is the gyromagnetic ratio of the proton, the factor that determines the ratio of its magnetic properties to its spin properties. This phase rotation arises from the combined magnetic and spin properties of the nucleus and is known as precession. The proton has a very high value of γ (and hence radiofrequency photon energy) relative to other nuclei and it is highly abundant in most materials, as the nucleus of atomic hydrogen. It is thus the prime candidate for NMR microscopy. In practice we deal with large ensembles of nuclei whose phases, in thermal equilibrium, are randomized so that the net magnetization presented by the sample is directed along B0, and results from the slight preponderance of spin-up over spin-down (typically

around 1 in 105). Detection of the underlying precession frequency therefore requires the intervention of a small, transverse, oscillatory magnetic field, B1 (the so-called resonant radiofrequency field, generated by a coil surrounding the sample). This field is applied as a pulse for a finite duration tp at the same frequency as the underlying precessional circulation, thus keeping its effect on the spins in step with their motion. As a result the spins gradually re-align themselves with respect to the combined effects of B0 and B1, the result being a reorientation of the net magnetization vector to an angle J B 1 tp with respect to B0. A ‘90°’ RF pulse would be one that left the magnetization precessing in the transverse plane. The same sample coil is used to excite the spin system from equilibrium (relaxation time T1). Thus the NMR spectrometer consists of a magnetic field, a coil as antenna, and a radio transceiver. In the case of a microimaging system, an additional requirement is a set of magnetic field gradient coils. Typical NMR microscope RF coils and gradient coils are shown in Figure 1. Position encoding using field gradients

The imaging principle is as follows. Suppose we now apply, in addition, a magnetic field gradient G = £B0 (this can be achieved with specialized coil designs capable of generating quite uniform gradients along three orthogonal axes), then the precession frequency will depend on spin location and can be written


Because the receiver uses heterodyne phase-sensitive detection with reference frequency JΒ 0, the additional term, J G·r, shows up as a difference oscillation, generally in the audiofrequency part of the spectrum. As a consequence, the heterodyne signal detected via the NMR coil at time t after the spins have precessed in the gradient has the mathematical form

where exp(i2 Sk·r) is the local spin phase factor for the spins at position r, k = (2 S) –1 JGt, and U(r) is the density of spins at position r and is the quantity we seek to image. The remarkable fact about Equation [2] is that it is a simple Fourier transform in which k is the reciprocal-space wave vector conjugate to the spatial dimension r. Thus the acquisition of a signal in a domain of ‘k-space’ leads to direct computation of U(r) by means of Fourier inversion, a fact that is made possible by the ability of the NMR experiment to provide full phase information (i.e. the complex number S(k) via the acquisition of both in-phase (real) and quadrature-phase (imaginary) signals. Generally one acquires an image of the spin distribution in a 2-dimensional planar ‘slice’, with a frequency-selective RF pulse being used to excite only spins within a preselected plane, and the k-space encoding being applied independently for two orthogonal directions within the plane, one direction via a fixed time duration variable-magnitude gradient pulse (phase-encoding) and the other direction via a fixed gradient pulse with the signal being sampled at successive time points during the evolution (read-encoding). A typical pulse sequence that performs these tasks along with the corresponding kspace map, is shown in Figure 2. Note that this sequence employs the spin-echo method in which a separate 180° RF pulse is used to invert spin phases. This allows us to traverse both negative and positive regions of k-space. The spin echo has important applications in the measurement of transverse relaxation, and of molecular flow and diffusion. Note also that the finite time needed to encode the NMR magnetization in k-space requires that the nuclear spin relaxation time, T2, be sufficiently long. T2 is determined predominantly by internuclear interactions, which in turn are motionally averaged by molecular tumbling. This means in effect that molecules in the liquid state have long proton T2 values (10–1000 ms) while those in the solid state may have relaxation times as short as 10 µs. This results in a sharp discrimination of the signal in which the solid state component is entirely filtered out, unless special

Figure 2 RF and magnetic field gradient pulse sequence used in NMR microscopy along with the associated trajectory through k-space. The frequency-selective 180° pulse is used to select a layer of spins (the slice plane) to participate in the spin echo and hence to contribute to the image. NT =acquisition time; TE = i echo time.

rapid-encoding methods are used. Most NMR microscopy images therefore arise from the liquid phase alone. Readers interested in the rarer solid-state options should consult references given under Further reading. Limits to resolution

The fundamental spatial resolution for NMR microscopy is limited by the three factors of intrinsic signal-to-noise, molecular self-diffusion and diamagnetic susceptibility effects. For protons at room temperature and with an RF coil at room temperature, the signal-to-noise limit is easily calculated under optimal experimental conditions and depends directly on the ratio of T1 to T2, the available experimental time for signal averaging, and the magnetic field strength. Typical resolution limits for


superconducting magnet systems for imaging times of the order of 30 min are (10 µm)3 and (20 µm)3 for T1/T2 values of unity and 100, respectively. These estimates assume 256 × 256 pixels with the sample exactly filling a solenoidal RF coil, a consequence of which is that the RF coil dimensions must progressively decrease with increasing resolution, thus limiting the highest resolution to very small samples. Note that resolution in one dimension can be traded against another so that it is possible to observe finer details (in-plane resolution) if a thicker slice can be tolerated. One of the highest-resolution examples yet reported, at (4.5 µm)2 in-plane and 70 µm slice thickness, was obtained using a sample of onion cells contained with an RF coil of 1 mm diameter (see Figure 3). In principle, the resolution could be further improved if the receiver coil temperature and/or its electrical resistance could be lowered. Some progress has been reported on the use of liquid nitrogen-cooled superconducting ceramics in which an effective signal-to-noise increase was obtained. The need for inductive coupling and the problem of poor filling factor means in effect that no major advantage has resulted to date. The fact that the NMR imaging signal arises from nuclei whose parent molecules exist in a liquid state implies that imaging resolution will be strictly limited by self-diffusion. A rule of thumb is that diffusion limits will be important when the rms Brownian displacements over the k-space encoding time are comparable with the pixel dimension. The usual consequence is severe signal attenuation, an effect that is apparent in Figure 4, which shows an image from water contained in a rectangular capillary of 100 µm wall spacing. Here only the layer of molecules near the wall, whose motions are impeded by the boundary, fails to suffer attenuation and therefore presents a bright edge effect. Such phenomena can provide potentially useful contrast. Another effect that also has its origin in boundaries associated with structural heterogeneity is illustrated in Figure 5 which shows high-resolution NMR-microscope images of a section of geranium stem at two different read gradient strengths for which the acquisition times, NT, and echo time TE (see Figure 2) are different by a factor of 5. The image obtained at longer acquisition and echo time (Figure 5A) suffers from attenuation and distortion effects due to the differing diamagnetic susceptibility across cell wall boundaries. Note that the pixel dimension is 10 µm while the slice thickness is 500 µm. The subtle interplay between diffusion and susceptibility effects can also result in characteristic bright image features seen in Figure 5A. It is apparent that the susceptibil-

Figure 3 NMR image (A) and corresponding optical micrograph (B) of the epidermal cells of Alium cepa. The pixel size is 5 µm with a slice thickness of 70 µm. Reprinted with permission of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. From Glover PM, Bowtell RW, Brown GD and Mansfield P (1994) Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 31: 423–428.

ity and diffusion effects can provide image features that are useful in discriminating boundaries between fluid regions. These complex phenomena and their elucidation are discussed in more detail in references listed at the end of the article.

Image contrast The particular utility of NMR microscopy lies in the contrasts that are available. These include, in


Figure 4 NMR micrograph obtained from water in a rectangular glass capillary whose walls are spaced by 100 µm. The pixel dimension is 8 µm, comparable with the distance diffused by the water molecules over the echo time TE, and hence the image intensity is severely attenuated, except at the walls where the molecular Brownian motion is restricted. Courtesy of S.L. Codd and the author.

addition to the usual spin density (or, by implication, molecular density) the susceptibility effects discussed

above, the chemical shift (the small changes in frequency due to different electronic environments of the nuclei), the nuclear spin relaxation times (sensitive to the rotational dynamics of parent molecules and hence ideally suited to discriminating solids, liquids and semisolid phases), the molecular translational self-diffusion coefficient and the molecular translational flow rate. Each contrast, if it is to be appropriately quantified or enhanced, requires a particular modification to the basic imaging pulse sequence shown in Figure 2, details of which can be found in the book by Callaghan. For example, in the case of chemical shift imaging, the initial 90° RF pulse can be made frequency-selective so as to excite only those spins residing in a particular chemical site. For relaxation contrast the echo time can be altered by adjusting delay times or pulse repetition times. However, because the imaging pulse sequence is based on the use of magnetic field gradients in conjunction with spin echoes, this can make the image intensity especially sensitive to the effects of molecular self-diffusion when one is close to the diffusion limit. This is the reason for the bright edge effects seen in Figure 4. A commonly used approach is to leave the parameters of the imaging spatial encoding (the part to the right of the grey line in Figure 2) unchanged and to add the pulse sequence needed for contrast encoding as a precursor. For example, in the case of

Figure 5 Two images (2562 pixels of (10 µm)2, slice thickness 500 µm) obtained with the spin-echo pulse sequence of Figure 2 from a geranium stem in which different read gradients and echo times are employed: (A) 20 kHz with TE = 13.5 ms; (B) 100 kHz with TE = 3.2 ms. Reprinted with permission from Rofe CJ, Van Noort J, Back PJ and Callaghan PT (1995) Journal of Magnetic Resonance B 108: 125–136.


T2 contrast this would take the form of a prior 90x−W− 180y–W spin-echo segment where the remaining echo amplitude used for spatial encoding depends on the relaxation that occurs over the delay time W. By acquiring separate images at different delay times W, one generates a three-dimensional data set (two for the image within the slice plane and one additional for W). Analysis in the third dimension enables one to display an image of relaxation rate. Another higherdimensional encoding is that needed for molecular self-diffusion or flow analysis. This method is so important to NMR microscopy that it requires a separate discussion.

Pulsed gradient spin-echo NMR Encoding for translational motion

The spin echo allows one to perform a useful trick in the encoding of spin positions. Consider the pulse sequence shown in Figure 6. At the echo maximum (the point where k = 0), the phase excursions of the spins return to zero, unless, that is, any of the parent molecules happen to have moved along the direction of the gradient. In this case the subtraction performed by the echo is imperfect and the residual phase shifts provide a signature for motion. The pulsed gradient spin echo (PGSE) experiment of Figure 6, uses two narrow gradient pulses of amplitude g, duration δ and separation ∆. These pulses effectively define the starting and finishing point of spin translational motion over the well-defined timescale, ∆. A spin that moves by a distance R over time ∆ will acquire a phase shift, JGg·R. Indeed the resulting phase encoding can be expressed in the same reciprocal space language that we have already seen; the difference now is that the wave vector, q (q = (2 S)–1JgG), is conjugate to molecular displacements over the time ∆ between the gradient pulses, rather than in the case of imaging where it is conjugate to the actual spin positions. The analogue to Equation [2] is given by the echo amplitude,

where the ‘average propagator’, , gives the probability that a spin in the ensemble examined displaces by R over the encoding time ∆. Just as inverse Fourier transformation of S(k) in Equation [2] returns an image of the spin density U(r), so inverse Fourier transformation of E(q , ∆) with respect to q returns an image of the average propagator, .

Figure 6 (A) Pulsed gradient spin echo sequence used to encode spin magnetization phase for molecular translational motion. (B) Velocity and diffusion maps for a water molecule flowing through a 2 mm diameter capillary. The images are shown as stackplots. The velocity profile is Poiseuille while the diffusion map is uniform. Courtesy of RW Mair, MM Britton and the author.


Diffusion and flow

In the case of two simple examples of motion of importance in NMR microscopy, namely self-diffusion and flow, the propagator takes the form

where v is the constant velocity and Ds is the self-diffusion coefficient. When the PGSE encoding is used as a higher contrast dimension in conjunction with NMR imaging, the signal acquired is effectively modulated both in k-space and q-space. Generally the experiment is performed with two dimensions of k (the slice planes) and one dimension of q (where q = | q |), so that the signal is

Inverse Fourier transformation of S(k,q) with respect to k returns a set of 2-dimensional images modulated by E(q, ∆) while transformation with respect to q returns, for every image pixel, (Z, ∆), the average propagator for displacements Z along the gradient axis at position r within the image. By appropriate processing of these average propagators, details of the local motion can be calculated. For example, the width of (Z, ∆) is determined by the rms Brownian motion (2Ds ∆)1/2 whilst the displacement of (Z, ∆) along the Z axis is determined by the flow displacement v∆ where v is the local molecular velocity. In this manner maps of Ds(r)and v(r) may be constructed, examples of which are shown in Figure 6B.

Applications of NMR microscopy Numerous factors militate against the widespread use of NMR microscopy: the resolution is poor by optical standards, the apparatus is expensive, the technique requires a high level of scientific expertise and the arrangements for sample loading are inconvenient and restrictive. Set against these are the uniquely noninvasive character of the method, its sensitivity to fluid phases, its unique ability to measure specific molecular properties and the especially powerful insights it can provide regarding fluid dynamics. Studies in which NMR microscopy has been able to provide unrivalled information include those concerned with membrane filtration, flow and dispersion in porous media, non-Newtonian flow in viscoelastic fluids, nonequilibrium phase transitions, electrophoresis and

electroosmosis, interdiffusion of fluids, and the monitoring of chemical wave propagation. In biology the method has provided new insights into plant physiology in vivo, multicellular tumour development and angiogenesis in tumours, while the method enables detailed MRI investigations concerning rat and mouse physiology in the study of diseases and their treatment. It should be noted that while the majority of applications of the method have concerned 1H NMR, there are a number of important examples of its applications using other nuclei, including 19F, 31P, 13C, 2H and 17O. These rarer nuclei allow site- or molecularspecific labelling, and provide the opportunity to investigate new contrast schemes, for example the mapping of pH in the case of 31P. A few examples selected from this range of applications are mentioned here. First, the use of NMR microscopy as a chemical mapping tool in plant physiology is illustrated in Figure 7, where two images of a castor bean stem cross section are illustrated alongside the total NMR spectrum from the stem. The spectral regions in the initial excitation pulse are indicated by the vertical line in each case and the images correspond to (A) water and (B) fructose. The sugar image is intense precisely at the phloem regions within the vascular bundles. There are many interesting applications of relaxation time weighting in order to obtain useful image contrast, some of which can be seen in chapter 5 of the book by Callaghan. One example from that chapter concerns profiles taken across several growth rings of a wood segment in which the water components associated with early wood, late wood and cell walls are separated by different spin relaxation times. This illustrates the potential of NMR microscopy to resolve differing aqueous components in porous media, in biological tissue and in food products. Another example concerns the sensitivity of T1 and T2 to the oxidation state of ions, an effect that is put to use in the imaging of chemical waves associated with the Belusov–Zhabotinsky reaction. Figures 8 and 9 show applications of NMR microscopy in the rheological investigation of complex viscoelastic fluids. In Figure 8 comparative velocity and diffusion profiles are shown across the diameter of a 700 µm diameter capillary though which is pumped a solution of high-molecular-mass polymer undergoing laminar flow. The velocity profile is distinctly non-Poiseuille, consistent with shear thinning, while the polymer self-diffusion coefficients exhibit a dramatic enhancement once the shear rate (the velocity gradient) exceeds a characteristic value. This value corresponds to the slowest relaxation rate of the molecule Wd–1, where Wd is the socalled tube disengagement time. Wd indicates the time


Figure 7 Chemical shift-selective proton NMR images of castor bean stems along with the corresponding proton NMR spectra from the whole stem. The region of the spectrum used to generate the corresponding image is shown by the vertical line. The upper image corresponds to water distribution while the lower corresponds to fructose distribution. Note the confinement of the sugars to the site of the phloem. Courtesy of W. Koeckenberger.

taken for the polymer to completely reconfigure its conformation. This diffusion enhancement phenomenon is associated with the breakdown of chain

Figure 8 Velocity (●) and diffusion (■) profiles taken across a diametral slice for a solution of 5% 1.6 MDa poly(ethylene oxide) in laminar flow through a 700 mm diameter capillary. Courtesy of Y Xia and the author.

entanglements under shear and illustrates the changes that occur when an externally imposed rate of strain competes with the natural Brownian dynamics of a molecular system. In the example shown here, the crossover in the competition can be observed because the diameter of the capillary is sufficiently small that high shear rates can be observed, thus emphasizing the importance of the microscopic length scale. The second example, shown in Figure 9, also illustrates some of the strange phenomena apparent when competitive crossover occurs in systems that exhibit flow instability or are close to a phase transition. The image shows the velocity profile obtained for a wormlike micelle solution sheared in the gap of a cone-and-plate rheometer, along with the resultant shear rate of the fluid. Flow instability phenomena have led to distinctive shear banding, in effect a first-order phase transition of the fluid maintained under non-equilibrium conditions. Microscopy has been able to provide unique insight in this emerging area of condensed-matter physics.


gradient methods can be used to probe liquid-phase morphology in materials science and biology.


Figure 9 Stacked profile map (A) of the fluid velocity across the gap of a 7° cone and plate system containing a semidilute wormlike micelle solution, and shear rate image (B) obtained by taking the derivation of the velocity across the gap. Dramatic shear banding effects are apparent. Note the use of an expanded field of view across the gap achieved by using different magnitudes of spatial encoding gradients. Courtesy of MM Britton and the author.

Diffraction phenomena and higher spatial resolution The diffractive physics at the heart of NMR imaging means in effect that any degree of structural hom*ogeneity can be used to advantage in improving resolution. For example, in a periodic structure, the raw signal S(k) will contain coherence peaks whose spacing bears an inverse relationship to the separations of ‘scattering centres’ in real space. Shorter-range spatial correlations can be investigated using Patterson function (|S(k)|2) analysis. An entirely different but related diffraction phenomenon arises in the PGSE NMR experiment from the diffusion or dispersion of fluid within pores, where the boundary restrictions to molecular translation result in distinctive coherences in E(q). All these approaches have the potential to greatly extend the resolution by which NMR field

NMR microscopy is an expensive and sophisticated technique that requires specialist insight in order to gain maximum advantage. Every new application requires a significant degree of spectroscopic optimization (e.g. RF and gradient pulse sequence design) and hardware optimization (e.g. RF antenna and sample holding design) if the best results are to be achieved. The method has now been realistically assessed and is likely to find extensive use in chemical physics and in chemical engineering in the study of fluid dynamics, multiphase flow and dispersion, restricted diffusion and flow in porous media, the rheology of soft condensed matter, phase separation and chemical instability, pH and temperature mapping, permeation and interdiffusion, and in research concerning electrophoresis and current imaging. In biological applications the method has unrivalled capability in studying the distribution and transport of specific molecular species in plant and insect physiology in vivo. In medical research it is proving an important tool in rat and mouse studies in vivo and it holds considerable promise as a complementary method in histology. While the intrinsic insensitivity of NMR confines both the spatial and temporal resolution possible in NMR microscopy, a number of important new technical developments may yet extend those limits. These include the use of superconducting RF coils, and the use of indirect optical pumping techniques to greatly enhance nuclear polarization. Furthermore, in systems exhibiting a degree of structural hom*ogeneity, the limits to resolution may be significantly enhanced by taking advantage of diffraction methodology. These latter approaches, while scientifically challenging, provide a nice link between the field of NMR spectroscopy and the wealth of scattering techniques that are so widely used in the study of condensed matter.

List of symbols B0 = applied magnetic field strength [flux density]; B1 = applied transverse magnetic field strength [flux density]; Ds = self-diffusion coefficient; E = echo amplitude; g = gradient pulse amplitude; G = magnetic field gradient; k = reciprocal-space wave vector; Ps = average propagator; q = wave vector conjugate to molecular displacement; r = position vector; R = distance moved by spin over time ∆; S = signal


amplitude; tp = pulse duration; T1 = spin–lattice relaxation time; T2 = spin–spin relaxation time; v = local molecular velocity; J = gyromagnetic ratio; G = gradient pulse duration; ∆ = gradient pulse separation; U(r) = density of spins at r; W = delay time; Z = angular frequency of applied radiation/nuclear precession. See also: Contrast Mechanisms in MRI; Diffusion Studied Using NMR Spectroscopy; EPR Imaging; Fourier Transformation and Sampling Theory; Magnetic Field Gradients in High Resolution NMR; MRI Applications, Biological; MRI Instrumentation; MRI of Oil/Water in Rocks; MRI Theory; NMR Principles; NMR Pulse Sequences; NMR Relaxation Rates.

Further reading Blümich B and Kuhn W (eds) (1992) Magnetic Resonance Microscopy: Methods and Application in Materials Science, Agriculture, and Biomedicine. Weinheim: VCH. Callaghan PT (1991) Principles of NMR Microscopy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Callaghan PT (1996) NMR imaging, NMR diffraction and applications of pulsed gradient spin echoes in porous media. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 14: 701–709. Callaghan PT and Stepisnik J (1996) Generalised analysis of motion using magnetic field gradients. Advances in Magnetic and Optical Resonance 19: 325–388. Kimmich R (1997) NMR Tomography, Relaxometry and Diffusiometry. Berlin: Springer. Mansfield P and Morris PG (1982) NMR Imaging in Biomedicine. New York: Academic Press.

NMR of Solids Jacek Klinowski, University of Cambridge, UK


Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction NMR spectra cannot normally be measured in solids in the same way in which they are routinely obtained from liquids. For example, the width of the 1H NMR line in the spectrum of water is ∼ 0.1 Hz, while the line from a static sample of ice is ∼ 100 kHz wide. The reason for this is the existence of net anisotropic interactions which in the liquid are exactly averaged by the rapid thermal tumbling of molecules. A typical high-resolution spectrum of an organic compound in solution contains a wealth of information. The frequency of the radiation absorbed by the various non-equivalent nuclei in the molecule depends subtly on their chemical environments, giving rise to very sharp spectral lines. The parameters derived from such a spectrum (positions, widths, intensities and multiplicities of lines, relaxation mechanisms and rates) provide detailed information on the structure, conformation and molecular motion. This is not the case in a solid, where the nuclei are static and a conventional NMR spectrum is a broad hump which conceals most structural information. Although certain solids have sufficient molecular motion for NMR spectra to be obtainable without resorting to special techniques, we are concerned here with the general case, where there is no motion

of nuclei and where conventional NMR, instead of sharp spectral lines, yields a broad hump which conceals information of interest to a chemist. Although the study of moments of such spectra and of various temperature-dependent parameters can still yield information on the degree of crystallinity, interatomic distances and molecular motion (‘wide-line NMR’), we shall be primarily interested in ways of achieving high-resolution spectra, i.e. spectra which enable magnetically non-equivalent nuclei of the same spin species (e.g. 13C) to be resolved as individual lines. The interactions to be considered in the solid state and their Hamiltonians are as follows: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Zeeman interaction with the magnetic field, HZ; chemical shielding, HCS; dipolar interaction, HD; J-coupling, HJ; quadrupolar interaction, HQ.

The total Hamiltonian is a sum of all these contributions:

with the quadrupolar term HQ non-zero only for nuclei with I > . In general, HZ, HCS, HD and HQ are


much larger than HJ. J-Coupling is rarely observed in solids, so that HJ will henceforward be neglected. The interaction Hamiltonians have the general form

In strong magnetic fields 8 is axially symmetric. When transformed into its principal reference system (PAS) by using rotation matrices, the tensor is described by three principal components V ii (i = 1, 2, 3):

where I and S are vectors and A is a second-rank Cartesian tensor. We shall consider the various interactions in turn.

and three direction cosines, cos Ti, between the axes of PAS and the laboratory frame. The observed shielding constant, Vzz, is a linear combination of the principal components:

The Zeeman interaction The Zeeman Hamiltonian, which determines the resonance frequency of an NMR-active nucleus in the magnetic field Bo is

where Z = −J 1, I = [Ix, Iy, Iz], Bo = [Bx, By, Bz] and 1 is a unit matrix. When the magnetic field is aligned with the z-axis of the laboratory frame of reference, Bo = [0, 0, Bo]. The Zeeman interaction, which is directly proportional to the strength of the magnetic field, is thus entirely under the operator’s control.

Magnetic shielding The effect known as the chemical shift, central to the application of NMR in chemistry, is caused by simultaneous interactions of a nucleus with surrounding electrons and of the electrons with the static magnetic field Bo. The field induces a secondary local magnetic field which opposes Bo thereby ‘shielding’ the nucleus from its full effect. The shielding Hamiltonian is

where Tr 8 stands for the trace of the tensor. Since the average value of each cos2 Ti is , the average value of Vzz in the NMR spectra of liquids (where there is random molecular tumbling) is the isotropic value:

In solids the angle-dependent second term on the right of Equation [6] survives, giving rise to a spread of resonance frequencies, i.e. line broadening.

Dipolar interactions The Hamiltonian for the dipolar interaction between a pair of nuclei i and j separated by the internuclear vector r is given by

The shielding is anisotropic, which is quantified in terms of a second-rank tensor 8 (‘the chemical shielding tensor’): where R = J i J j Po / 4 S r3 is the dipolar coupling constant, J the nuclear gyromagnetic ratio and D the dipolar interaction tensor. In the PAS of the tensor, with the internuclear vector aligned along one


of the coordinate axes, we have xy = yz = zx = 0, r2 = x2+y2+z2 and the tensor becomes

QQ, which describes the magnitude of the interaction, are

It is clearly traceless (Tr D = 1 − 2 + 1 = 0). The truncated dipolar interaction Hamiltonian may be written in the form

Perturbation theory allows us to calculate the energy levels E , E and E (superscripts denote the order). Because of the first- and second-order shifts in energy levels, instead of a single (Larmor) resonance frequency QL = [E − E ], as with spinnuclei, there are now several resonance frequencies:

where T is the angle between r and the external magnetic field Bo. Since the average value = , the isotropic average of the Hamiltonian is , so that the dipolar interaction does not affect the NMR spectrum in solution. In the solid the interaction remains, greatly increasing the spectral line width.

Quadrupolar interactions Some 74% of all NMR-active nuclei have I > , so that, in addition to magnetic moment, they possess an electric quadrupole moment brought about by non-spherical distribution of the nuclear charge. The quadrupole interaction broadens and shifts the NMR lines, and also affects their relative intensities. When the quadrupolar Hamiltonian is considered as a perturbation on the Zeeman Hamiltonian, there is no general analytical solution for the eigenvalues of HZ in the (very rare) case when HZ and HQ are of comparable magnitude. When HQ >> HZ, the splitting of the nuclear states is very large and ‘pure quadrupole resonance’ (NQR) is observed even in the absence of a magnetic field. In the usual ‘high field’ case, HZ >> HQ, the quadrupole Hamiltonian in the PAS of the electric field gradient tensor is

Detailed calculations reveal that: (1) The first-order frequency shift is zero for m = , so that the central transition for non-integer spins (such as 27Al with I = ) is not affected by quadrupolar interactions to first order. It is thus advantageous to work with such nuclei, especially since the central transition is normally the only one which is observed: other transitions are so broadened and shifted as to be unobservable. (2) The first-order shift is scaled by (3 cos2 T− 1). (3) The second-order shift increases with Q and is inversely proportional to the magnetic field strength. Since the dispersion of the chemical shift, which is what we normally wish to measure, is proportional to Bo, it is advantageous to work at high fields, where the chemical shift effects make the maximum contribution to the spectrum. As the second-order frequency shift is always present for all transitions, the feasibility of obtaining useful spectra depends on the magnitude of QQ. The very small quadrupole interactions of 2H and their sensitivity to molecular motion at a wide range of frequencies make this integer spin nucleus very useful for chemical studies. 2H NMR experiments normally use static samples, and dynamic information is extracted by comparing spectra measured at different temperatures with model computer simulations.

Magic-angle spinning where K is the asymmetry parameter which describes the symmetry of the electric field gradient. The definitions of K and of the ‘quadrupole frequency’,

Magic-angle spinning (MAS) is by far the most powerful tool in solid-state NMR. The technique averages anisotropic interactions by acting on the factor (3 cos2 T – 1) in the Hamiltonians, which in solids is


not averaged to zero by rapid molecular motion. MAS was first introduced to deal with the dipolar interaction. It can be shown that when the sample is rapidly spun around an axis inclined at the angle E to the direction of the magnetic field, the time-averaged value of the angle T, which an arbitrary internuclear vector makes with Bo, is

where F, is the angle between the internuclear vector and axis of rotation, is constant for each vector, because the solid is rigid. The result is that the term (3 cos2 E – 1) scales the spectral width, and that for E = cos−1/√3 = 54.74° (the ‘magic angle’), . The dipolar Hamiltonian in Equation [10] is averaged to zero. For MAS to be effective, the sample must be spun at a rate greater than the static spectral width expressed in Hz. As the hom*onuclear 1H–1H interactions may lead to spectra which are as much as 50 kHz wide, it is not possible to spin the sample fast enough. Thus high-resolution solid-state 1H spectra of most organic compounds, where protons are generally close together, cannot be obtained with the use of MAS alone, but require the additional use of multiple-pulse techniques (see below). However, MAS is successful in removing hom*onuclear interactions for 13C, 31P and nuclei of small gyromagnetic ratios. The chemical shift anisotropy is also reduced by MAS, because the tensor interactions controlling all anisotropic interactions in solids all have a common structure and may be expressed in terms of Wigner rotation matrices which are scaled by MAS.

High-power decoupling When dilute spins, such as 13C, interact via the dipolar interaction with 1H or other abundant nuclei, the large heteronuclear broadening of an already low-intensity spectrum is a considerable problem. Highpower decoupling, used to remove heteronuclear coupling effects, applies a continuous, very-highpower pulse at the 1H resonance frequency in a direction perpendicular to Bo. The 13C pulse is then applied, and the 13C free induction decay measured while continuing the 1H irradiation. The powerful decoupling pulse stimulates rapid 1H spin transitions, so rapid that the 13C spins experience only the time-average of the 1H magnetic moment, i.e. zero. Since the technique relies on selective excitation of

the abundant and dilute nuclei, it can only remove heteronuclear interactions.

Cross-polarization Dilute nuclei, such as 13C and 15N, are more difficult to observe than abundant nuclei, such as 1H or 31P, particularly when they also have a low gyromagnetic ratio. However, the dilute and abundant nuclei are often in close proximity, and coupled via the dipolar interaction. Cross-polarization (CP) exploits this interaction to observe dilute nuclei, at the same time overcoming two serious problems often encountered in solid-state NMR: (i) because of a very small population difference in the polarized sample, NMR actually observes very few dilute spins and consequently the sensitivity of the experiment is low; (ii) spin–lattice relaxation times of spin- nuclei in solids are often very long, so that long delays are required between experiments and the spectral signal-to-noise ratio is poor. The sequence of events during the 13C–1H CP experiment is as follows. After the end of the ‘preparation period’, during which the sample polarizes in the magnetic field, a S/2 pulse is selectively applied to 1H along the x-axis of the rotating frame, aligning the 1H magnetization with the y-axis. A long pulse of amplitude B1H is then applied along the y-axis. Since the 1H magnetization is now aligned with the effective field in the rotating frame, it becomes ‘spin locked’ along this direction. At the same time, a long pulse of amplitude B1C is selectively applied to 13C along the x-axis. The amplitudes B1H and B1C are adjusted so as to satisfy the Hartmann–Hahn condition:

The energies of 1H and 13C in the rotating frame are thus equal, and the two spin reservoirs can transfer magnetization in an energy-conserving manner during the ‘contact time’. Finally, the 13C radiofrequency field is turned off and a free induction decay observed in the usual way. During the observation time the 1H field is still on, but serves as the highpower decoupling field to reduce the 1H–13C dipolar broadening. Detailed arguments show that the magnetization of 13C nuclei is theoretically increased by the factor of J H / J C ≈ 4. After the 13C free induction decay signal has been measured, the magnetization of carbons is again almost zero, but the loss of proton magnetization is small. The CP experiment can be repeated without waiting for the carbons to relax. The only


limitations are the gradual loss of polarization by the 1H spin reservoir, and the decay of the 1H magnetization during spin locking. The latter process proceeds on a time-scale (‘spin–lattice relaxation in the rotating frame’) which is much shorter than the 13C spin–lattice relaxation time.

defined as

Multiple-pulse line narrowing


Although hom*onuclear dipolar couplings are in principle removable by MAS, with abundant nuclei they are often very strong. For example, the removal of the 1H–1H interaction in most organic compounds requires spinning rates far in excess of what is practically feasible. The alternative to MAS is to manipulate the nuclear spins themselves using ‘multiple-pulse line narrowing’ so as to average the dipolar interaction. The method uses specially designed sequences of pulses with carefully adjusted phase, duration and spacing. The result is that, when the signal is sampled at a certain moment during the sequence, the dipolar interaction is averaged to zero. WAHUHA, the simplest multiple pulse sequence, is composed of four 90° pulses:

where Pi represents rotation about the particular iaxis of the rotating frame and W is the time interval between pulses. Over the sequence, the magnetic moments spend equal amounts of time along each of the three principal axes. The NMR signal is sampled in one of the 2 W windows. Sequences have been developed involving from 4 to as many as 52 pulses. The entire sequence must be short relative to the relaxation time T2, and the pulses themselves must also be very short. Multiple pulse sequences average the dipolar Hamiltonian, but also affect other Hamiltonians to an extent which depends on the particular sequence. For example, the WAHUHA sequence scales chemical shift anisotropies by a factor of 1/ √3.

Moments of an NMR line Even when the dipolar 1H–1H interaction is not removed from the spectrum, the method of moments can provide important structural information. The nth moment of the line shape f(Z) about Z0 is

is the area under the line (the zeroth moment). For a normalized function M0 = 1. The second moment is physically analogous to the moment of inertia of an object with the same shape as the line. If f(Z) is an even function of Z, Mn = 0 for all odd values of n. It is convenient to calculate moments about the centre of gravity of the line shape, i.e. the value of Z0 for which the first moment is zero. The second moment can be calculated from the interatomic distances in the solid containing pairs i, j of dipolar-coupled nuclei. Van Vleck has shown that, for a polycrystalline powder composed of randomly oriented crystals in which we observe identical spin- nuclei, the second moment is

while for pairs of unlike nuclei the second moment is different:

Thus, even when the interacting nuclei have very similar gyromagnetic ratios, the hom*onuclear second moment is larger by a factor of than the heteronuclear moment. This is because dipolar coupling between unlike spins cannot lead to an energy conserving mutual spin flip. The second moment is thus very sensitive to the kind of neighbour. The method of moments has further advantages. First, since the second moment is inversely proportional to the sixth power of the internuclear distance, it is a very sensitive means of determining interatomic distances. Second, it can provide insights into the structure. For example, it was used to demonstrate the presence of groups of three equivalent protons in solid hydrates of strong acids, thus proving the


presence of oxonium ions, H3O+. Third, it is useful for the study of motion, because the moments are dramatically reduced when the dipolar interaction is partly or completely averaged out by an onset of a specific motion.

DOR, DAS and MQ-MAS We have seen that the second-order quadrupolar interaction, which affects all quadrupolar nuclei, is reduced, but not removed, by MAS. Its complete removal is the most important current problem in solid-state NMR. Three different techniques have been proposed to achieve this aim. When the second-order quadrupole interaction is expanded as a function of Wigner rotation matrices, and we consider the case of a sample rapidly rotated about an angle E with respect to Bo, the average second-order quadrupolar shift of the central transition becomes

where QQ is the quadrupole frequency, QL is the Larmor frequency, A0 and B0 are constants and the Pn (cos E) terms are the Legendre polynomials

There is no value of E for which both the P2(cos E) and the P4(cos E) terms can be zero, so that the angle-dependent terms cannot be averaged by spinning about a single axis. Instead, in the ingenious ‘doublerotation’ (DOR) experiment the sample is spun simultaneously about two different axes E1 and E2, so that

with solutions E1 = 54.74 ° (the conventional magic angle) and E2 = 30.56 or 70.12 °. As a result, only the A0 term remains in Equation [20]. This is accomplished by a rotor-within-a-rotor probehead in which the centres of gravity of the two rotors, each

spinning at a different angle with respect to Bo, exactly coincide. Although the daunting engineering problems posed by the design of a DOR probehead have been overcome, it is very difficult to spin the two rotors simultaneously at sufficiently high spinning speeds, and the spinning rates are at present limited to ∼ 6 and 1 kHz for the inner and outer rotors, respectively, compared with ∼ 30 kHz achievable with MAS. This is an unfortunate limitation, since multiple spinning sidebands appear in the spectra if the rate of the rotation is lower than the strength of the quadrupolar interaction. The technique known as ‘dynamic-angle spinning’ (DAS) adopts an alternative approach to DOR: the sample is rotated sequentially about two different axes, E1′ and E2′, which are chosen so that

with the solutions E1′ = 37.38 ° and E2′ = 79.19 °. The rotation axis is switched very rapidly, which poses technical problems, given that the minimum time required for changing the spinning angle must be shorter than the relaxation time of the nucleus being observed. As a result, DAS often cannot be applied to many nuclei, including 27Al, and is limited to the study of nuclei with long relaxation times (for example in amorphous samples, such as glasses). Yet another solution to the problem, known as ‘multiple-quantum magic-angle spinning’ (MQMAS) relies on the fact that B2 and B4 are functions of I, p, K, D and E, where p is the order of the multiquantum coherence and D and E are the Euler angles corresponding to the orientation of each crystallite in the powder with respect to the rotor axis. Under fast MAS, the chemical shift anisotropy, heteronuclear dipolar interactions and the term proportional to P2 in Equation [20] are removed, so that

Although the second term, proportional to P4, still causes substantial line broadening, it can be eliminated by using p-quantum transitions. A p-quantum transition (with p = 3 or 5 for 27Al) is excited and the signal allowed to evolve during time t1. As multiple quantum transitions are not directly observable by


Figure 1 13C NMR spectra of solid 4,4′-bis[(2,3-dihydroxypropyl)oxy]benzil. (A) Solution conditions using 60° 13C pulses and 10 s recycle delays; (B) as in (A) but with 1H–13C cross-polarization, low-power proton decoupling and 1 s recycle delays; (C) as in (B) but with high-power proton decoupling; (D) as in (C) but with the addition of magic-angle spinning; (E) high-resolution spectrum of a solution in CDCl3 with the same NMR parameters. Reproduced with permission of the American Chemical Society from Yannoni CS (1982) Accounts of Chemical Research 15: 201–208. Copyright 1982 American Chemical Society.

NMR, a second pulse converts the signal into a single-quantum transition, which is observable. The technique enables a two-dimensional representation of the spectra, with a regular increment of t1 providing a ‘p-quantum dimension’, free of quadrupolar interactions. Although the optimal conditions for MQ-MAS are difficult to establish, the technique is being increasingly used for the study of quadrupolar nuclei of half-integer spin, such as 27Al, 85Rb, 23Na, 11B and 93Nb. Note that DOR, DAS and MQ-MAS do not remove the A0 term in Equations [20] and [24]. Thus the position of the line in the spectrum, however narrow, does not correspond to the pure chemical shift, but includes the effect of the quadrupole interaction.

Modern solid-state NMR Magic-angle spinning has greatly enhanced our knowledge of a wide range of materials used in chemical, physical, biological and earth sciences and in the technology of glass and ceramics. It took nearly twenty years, since its discovery in 1958, for MAS to become a routine tool of structural investigation. The reasons were the difficulty of spinning the sample at the very high speeds required and the insufficiently high magnetic fields. However, the introduction of Fourier-transform NMR, crosspolarization and superconducting magnets during the 1960s and 1970s greatly improved the sensitivity of the spectra and enabled virtually all NMR-active


nuclei to be observed in solids. 1H MAS NMR was used to examine polymers as early as 1972, and Schaefer and Stejskal were the first to combine CP and MAS in 13C NMR studies of organics. Much important work, at first mostly with 13C but later with other nuclei, has been done since. Since the early 1980s great progress has been made in the study of 29Si and 27Al in natural and synthetic molecular sieve catalysts and minerals, which is particularly significant since nearly a half of all known minerals are silicates or aluminosilicates. High-resolution spectra of solids are now routinely obtained using a combination of CP and MAS (see Figure 1), and it is fair to say that CP-MAS has revolutionized materials science. The otherwise weak signals from dilute nuclei (such as 13C or 29Si) are enhanced by cross-polarization, heteronuclear dipolar interactions are removed by high-power decoupling, chemical shift anisotropy and the weak dipolar interactions between dilute nuclei are averaged by fast MAS, and the signal-to-noise ratio is increased further thanks to the more frequent repetition of the experiment and the availability of high magnetic fields. Although the line widths is in such high-resolution spectra are still greater than these measured in liquids, the various non-equivalent nuclei can in most cases be separately resolved.

List of symbols B0 = magnetic flux density; D = dipolar interaction tensor; H = interaction Hamiltonian; p = order of multiquantum coherence; Pi = rotation about the

i-axis; R = dipolar coupling constant; T1, T2 = relaxation times; J = nuclear gyromagnetic ratio; K = asymmetry parameter; QQ = quadrupole frequency; QL = Larmor resonance frequency; Vzz = shielding constant; W = time interval between pulses. See also: 13C NMR, Parameter Survey; 13C NMR, Methods; High Resolution Solid State NMR, 13C; High Resolution Solid State NMR, 1H, 19F; Magnetic Field Gradients in High Resolution NMR; NMR Principles; NMR Pulse Sequences; Solid State NMR, Methods; Solid State NMR, Rotational Resonance.

Further reading Abragam A (1983) The Principles of Nuclear Magnetism. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Andrew ER (1981) Magic angle spinning. International Reviews of Physical Chemistry 1: 195–224. Engelhardt G and Michel D (1987) High-Resolution SolidState NMR of Silicates and Zeolites. Chichester: John Wiley. f*ckushima E and Roeder SBW (1981) Experimental Pulse NMR – A Nuts and Bolts Approach. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. Fyfe CA (1983) Solid State NMR for Chemists. Ontario: CFC Press. Mehring M (1983) High-Resolution NMR Spectroscopy in Solids, 2nd edn. New York: Springer-Verlag. Slichter CP (1989) Principles of Magnetic Resonance, 3rd edn. New York: Springer-Verlag. Stejskal EO and Memory JD (1994) High Resolution NMR in the Solid State. Fundamentals of CP/MAS. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


NMR Principles PJ Hore, Oxford University, UK


Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy is an extraordinarily powerful source of information on the structure and dynamics of molecules. Almost every molecule one can think of has at least one magnetic nucleus already in place, exceedingly sensitive to its surroundings but interacting very weakly with them. As such, nuclear spins are ideal probes of molecular properties at the atomic level. NMR spectra of molecules in liquids contain essentially five sources of information: the intensities of individual resonances (which depend on the number of nuclei responsible), chemical shifts (the interaction of nuclear spins with an applied magnetic field), spin–spin coupling (their interactions with one another), spin relaxation (the restoration of thermal equilibrium), and chemical exchange (the effects of conformational and chemical equilibria).

Table 1 nuclides

Nuclear spin quantum numbers of some popular NMR






































Spin angular momentum and nuclear magnetism Most atomic nuclei have an intrinsic angular momentum known as spin. Like the angular momentum of a gyroscope, nuclear spin is a vector quantity – it has both magnitude and direction. Unlike classical angular momentum, however, nuclear spin is quantized. Its magnitude is

where I is the spin quantum number of the nuclide in question and is Planck’s constant h divided by 2S. I may be zero, or a positive integer or half-integer:

Table 1 gives the spin quantum numbers of some popular NMR nuclei. The projection of the angular momentum vector I onto an arbitrary axis (labelled z) is also quantized:

where the magnetic quantum number, m, can have

Figure 1 Space quantization and energy levels of spin - and spin-1 nuclei. (A) and (C) spin- ; (B) and (D) spin-1. The energy level splittings produced by an applied magnetic field depend on the value of the gyromagnetic ratio, J(here taken as positive).

values between +I and –I in integral steps:

The spin of a nucleus with I = (e.g. 1H) has magnitude (√3/2) and z component Iz = ± ; for I = 1 (e.g. 2H), the spin angular momentum is √2 , and Iz = 0 or ± (Figures 1A and 1B). According to the uncertainty principle, the other two (x and y) components of the angular momentum cannot be known once the magnitude and the z component of I have been specified.


Closely associated with nuclear spin is a magnetic moment 2

Table 2 Gyromagnetic ratios, NMR frequencies (in a 9.4 T field), and natural isotopic abundances of selected nuclides J(107 T 1 s1)

where 2˜B0 is the scalar product of the two vectors, and 2z is the projection of 2 onto B0 Since 2z = ji*z and Iz = m, it follows that

That is, the 2I + 1 states are split apart in energy, with a uniform gap 'E = JB0 between adjacent levels (Figures 1C and 1D). The NMR experiment involves applying electromagnetic radiation of the correct frequency Q to ‘flip’ spins from one energy level to another, according to the selection rule 'm = ± i.e.

which may be rearranged to give the resonance condition

The NMR frequency of a nucleus is proportional to its J and to the strength of the field; the 2I allowed transitions of a spin-I nucleus have identical frequencies (e.g. Figure 1D). Typical magnetic fields used in modern NMR spectroscopy are in the range 4.7–20.0 T, giving proton ( 1H) resonance frequencies of 200–850 MHz, falling in the radiofrequency region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Table 2 gives the gyromagnetic ratios, resonance frequencies

Natural abundance (%)

































which is parallel or sometimes antiparallel to I, with a proportionality constant J called the gyromagnetic ratio. As a consequence, both the magnitude and orientation of 2 are quantized. In the absence of a magnetic field, all 2I + 1 states of a spin-I nucleus are degenerate, and the direction of the quantization axis is arbitrary. In an applied magnetic field B0 with strength B0, the spins are quantized along the field direction (the z-axis) and have an energy


H C N N O F Si P

1.108 99.63

100.0 4.70 100

in a 9.4 T field, and natural isotopic abundances of some commonly studied NMR nuclei. The intensity of the observed NMR signal depends on the difference between the numbers of nuclei in the states involved in the transition. At thermal equilibrium the fractional difference in populations, of a spin- nucleus with positive J, is given by the Boltzmann distribution:

whereDand Edenote the m = + and m = – levels, k is the Boltzmann constant, and T is the temperature in kelvin. The approximation made in Equation [10] is that the NMR energy gap JB0is tiny by comparison with kT, which is the situation in essentially all NMR experiments. For protons (1H) in a 9.4 T field, Q = 400 MHz, so that ' = 3.2 × 10–5, giving a population difference of about one part in 31 000.

Chemical shifts Although the resonance frequency of a nucleus in a magnetic field is determined principally by J it also depends, slightly, on the immediate surroundings of the nucleus. This effect, the chemical shift, is of crucial importance for chemical applications of NMR because it allows one to distinguish nuclei in different environments. For example, the 1H spectrum of liquid ethanol (Figure 2) shows clearly that there are three types of protons (methyl, methylene and hydroxyl). The chemical shift exists because the applied magnetic field B0 causes electrons in atoms and molecules to circulate around the nuclei. Somewhat like an electric current in a loop of wire, the swirling electrons generate a small local magnetic field that


Figure 2 Schematic 1H NMR spectrum of liquid ethanol, C2H5OH. The three multiplets, at chemical shifts of 1.2, 3.6 and 5.1 ppm arise from the CH3, CH2, and OH protons. The multiplet structure (quartet for the CH2, triplet for the CH3) arises from the spin–spin coupling of the two sets of protons. Splittings are not normally seen from the coupling of the OH and CH2 protons, because the hydroxyl proton undergoes rapid intermolecular exchange, catalysed by traces of acid or base.

augments or opposes B0. This induced field Bind is proportional in strength to B0 and, in atoms, is antiparallel to it. The net field B experienced by the nucleus is thus slightly different from B0:

where the proportionality constant Vis known as the shielding or screening constant. The resonance condition, Equation [9], thus becomes

The shielding constant is determined by the electronic structure of the molecule in the vicinity of the nucleus: Q is thus characteristic of the chemical environment. The relation between the energy levels of a pair of spin- nuclei A and X,

and the NMR spectrum is shown in Figure 3. The chemical shift is customarily quantified by means of a parameter G, defined in terms of the resonance frequencies of the nucleus of interest and of a reference compound:

Figure 3 Energy levels and NMR spectrum of a pair of spin- nuclei, A and X. mA and mX are the magnetic quantum numbers, QA and QX are the two resonance frequencies, and E is the energy. The spin–spin coupling JAX is zero.

G is dimensionless and independent of B0; values are usually quoted in parts per million (ppm). The most commonly used reference compound for 1H and 13C NMR is tetramethylsilane, (CH3)4 Si. NMR spectra are displayed with Gincreasing from right to left, with the reference compound at G = As a consequence, nuclei with higher resonance frequencies (i.e. those that are less shielded) appear towards the left-hand side of the spectrum. Although spectra are now normally recorded at a fixed field strength, the old terms ‘upfield’ and ‘downfield’, meaning ‘more shielded’ and ‘less shielded’, dating from the days of field-swept NMR, are still in common use. Chemical shifts are easily converted into frequency differences using Equation [14]. For example, the chemical shifts of the methyl and methylene signals of ethanol (Figure 2) are 1.2 and 3.6 ppm, respectively, giving a difference in resonance frequencies in a 9.4 T field of (3.6 − 1.2) × 10 –6 × 400 MHz = 960 Hz. The relative intensities of the signals in an NMR spectrum are proportional to the population differences (Eqn [10]), and therefore to the numbers of nuclei responsible for each signal. The CH3, CH2, and OH resonances of ethanol (Figure 2), for example, thus have integrated areas in the ratio 3:2:1.


Spin–spin coupling Magnetic nuclei interact not only with applied and induced magnetic fields, but also with one another. The result, for molecules in liquids, is a fine structure known as spin–spin coupling, scalar coupling or J-coupling, illustrated by the 1H spectrum of ethanol in Figure 2. The effect of spin–spin coupling on a pair of nuclear spins A and X is to shift their energy levels by amounts determined by the two magnetic quantum numbers and by the parameter that quantifies the strength of the interaction, the spin–spin coupling constant, JAX. Thus, Equation [13] becomes

For spin- nuclei, the energies are raised or lowered by JAX according to whether the spins are parallel (mAmX = + ) or antiparallel (mAmX = – ). Equation [15] leads to the modified resonance condition for spin A:

i.e. the resonance frequency of A is shifted from its chemical shift position by an amount that depends on the orientation of the X spin to which it is coupled. Since X has in general 2I + 1 states, the A resonance is split into 2I + 1 uniformly spaced lines, with equal intensities (because the different orientations of X are almost exactly equally likely). The effect that spin–spin coupling has on the energy levels of two spin- nuclei is shown in Figure 4. Each nucleus now has two NMR lines (a doublet). The origin of spin–spin coupling is not the direct, through-space dipolar interaction of two magnetic moments: being purely anisotropic, this interaction is averaged to zero by the rapid end-over-end tumbling of molecules in liquids. Rather, the nuclei interact via the electrons in the chemical bonds that connect them. The interaction usually falls off rapidly as the number of intervening bonds increases beyond 3, so that the existence of a scalar coupling between two nuclei normally indicates that they are close neighbours in a molecular framework. Equation [16] can easily be extended to describe more than two nuclei:

Figure 4 Energy levels and NMR spectrum of a pair of spin- nuclei, A and X. mA and mX are the magnetic quantum numbers, QA and QX are the two resonance frequencies, JAX is the spin–spin coupling constant, and E is the energy.

where the sum runs over all spins to which A has an appreciable coupling. If A is coupled to N identical spin- nuclei (e.g. the three protons in a methyl group), it can be seen from Equation [17] that its resonance is split into N + 1 equally spaced lines with relative intensities given by the binomial coefficients

Thus, the CH2 and CH3 resonances in ethanol (Figure 2) are respectively a 1:3:3:1 quartet and a 1:2:1 triplet. This discussion of the multiplet (i.e. doublet, triplet, quartet, …) structure arising from spin–spin coupling is valid in the weak coupling limit, i.e. when the difference in resonance frequencies of the coupled nuclei QA – QXis much larger than their interaction JAX. When this is not the case (strong coupling), the positions and intensities of the lines are modified, as illustrated in Figure 5. The origin of these effects lies in the NMR transition probabilities. As the coupling becomes stronger, the outer line of each doublet in Figure 5 becomes weaker relative to the inner line. In the limit that the chemical shift difference is zero, the transitions leading to the two outer lines become completely forbidden, and the two inner lines coincide, so that only a single line is


or equivalently,

Figure 5 Calculated NMR spectra of a pair of spin- nuclei for a range of GQ = QA – QX values between 16JAX and zero.

observed. This is a general result: spin–spin interactions between protons in identical environments do not lead to observable splittings.

Vector model of NMR Considerable insight into the operation of simple NMR experiments may be derived from a straightforward vector model. It relies on the fact that while the individual nuclear magnetic moments behave quantum mechanically, the net magnetization of a large collection of nuclear spins obeys classical mechanics. The motion of a classical magnetic moment M, possessing angular momentum, in a magnetic field B is described by the differential equation

where B × M is the vector product of B = (Bxc, Byc, Bzc) and M = (Mxc, Myc, Mzc), and the (x′, y′, z′) coordinate system is called the laboratory frame. These expressions describe the precession of M around B at angular frequency Z = JB, as may be seen by taking B = B0, along the z′-axis:

(see Figure 6). This motion is known as Larmor precession, and it occurs at the NMR frequency of the nuclear spins in the field B0:

An NMR experiment involves the application of a brief, intense burst of radiofrequency radiation, known as a ‘pulse’, along, say, the x′ axis in the laboratory frame. The frequency of this field, ZRF is very close to the Larmor frequency Z0. Regarding this linearly oscillating field as the sum of two counter-rotating fields, we may ignore the component that rotates in the opposite sense to the Larmor precession because, being 2ZRF off-resonance, it has a negligible effect on the spins. The other component is

Figure 6 The motion of a magnetization vector M in a magnetic field B0. M precesses around the field direction rather like the axis of a spinning gyroscope.

The nuclear spins thus experience the sum of two magnetic fields: a strong static field B0 along the z′ axis, and a much weaker, time-dependent field B1


rotating in the x′y′ plane. M therefore precesses around the time-dependent vector sum of B0 and B1 (Figure 7A). To make this complicated motion easier to visualize, Equation [20] is transformed into the rotating frame (x, y, z), a coordinate system rotating around the z′ axis at frequency ZRF, in which the radiofrequency field appears stationary. In this frame, the components of the bulk magnetization are

Differentiating Equations [24], and using Equations [20] with B = (B1 cos ZRF t, – B1 sin ZRF t, B0) gives

Figure 7 The magnetic fields present in an NMR experiment in (A) the laboratory frame and (B) the rotating frame. B0 is the strong static field, B1 is the much weaker oscillating radiofrequency field, 'B and Beff are respectively, the offset and effective fields in the rotating frame, and B(k ) is the resultant of B0 and B1 in the laboratory frame.

or, more compactly,

where Beff = (B1, 0, 'B), and 'B = B0 − ZRF/J. Equation [26] describes the precession of M about a in the static field Beff at frequency JBeff = J rotating frame (Figure 7B). J'B = Z0 ZRF = : is the offset of the radiofrequency field from resonance. To include chemical shifts, JB0should be replaced by JB0(1 – V). Radiofrequency pulses

At equilibrium, in the absence of a radiofrequency field, the bulk magnetization of the sample M0 is parallel to the B0 direction (z axis) with a magnitude proportional to the population difference (nα – nE, for a spin- nucleus). If the radiofrequency field strength is much larger than the resonance offset (B1 >> 'B) then Beff ≅ B1 and the effective field lies along the x axis in the rotating frame. The pulse therefore causes M0 to rotate in the yz plane at frequency JB1 (Figure 8A and 8B). In this way a short, intense monochromatic burst of radiofrequency

Figure 8 The effect of radiofrequency pulses (in the rotating frame). (A) At thermal equilibrium, the net magnetization of the sample is parallel to the B0 direction. (B) A pulse along the x axis, whose strength B1 is much greater than the offset field 'B, causes M to rotate in the yz plane at angular frequency JB1. (C) A 90° pulse, of duration tp, JB1tp = S2) rotates the magnetization from the ‘north pole’ (z axis) to the ‘equator’ (y axis) (D) A 180° pulse, of duration tp (JB1tp = S) rotates the magnetization from the ‘north pole’ to the ‘south pole’ (–z axis). (E) Following a 90° pulse, the magnetization precesses around the ‘equator’ in the rotating frame at frequency : = J 'B. Relaxation is ignored throughout.


radiation can excite spins uniformly over a range of resonance frequencies, provided their offset frequencies : are much smaller than JB1. If the field is switched off after a time tp, given by JB1tp = S/2, M is turned through 90° and is left along the y axis (Figure 8C). A radiofrequency pulse with this property is known as a 90° pulse. If tp is twice this duration, the magnetization is inverted (a 180° pulse, Figure 8D); this is equivalent to exchanging the nD and nEpopulations of a spin- nucleus. Free precession

Equation [26] may also be used to predict what happens after a 90° pulse. Setting B1 = 0, the effective field is Beff = (0, 0, 'B) and M precesses in the xy plane at angular frequency J 'B = :, i.e. at the offset frequency determined byZRFand the chemical shift (Figure 8E):

Bloch equations. With relaxation included, Equation [27] becomes

The two components Mx and My represent the detectable signal in an NMR experiment – the free induction decay (Figure 9). Fourier transformation of the free induction decay gives the NMR spectrum.

Spin relaxation Relaxation processes allow nuclear spins to return to equilibrium following a disturbance, e.g. a

where t is now the time after the end of the pulse. When several nuclei with different chemical shifts have been excited by the pulse, the xy magnetization of the sample is the sum of several oscillating terms of the form of Equation [27]. Free induction decay

Up to this point it has been assumed that the nonequilibrium state produced by the radiofrequency pulse does not relax back towards equilibrium. This is a reasonable approximation during the very short pulse. However, to describe the behaviour of the spins during the period of free precession that follows the pulse, relaxation must be included. This is traditionally done by allowing Mx and My to decay exponentially back to zero with a time constant T2, while Mz grows back to M0 with a time constant T1:

T1 and T2 are the spin–lattice and the spin–spin relaxation times. These expressions are known as the

Figure 9 Following a 90° pulse, the magnetization precesses around the z axis and at the same time returns to its equilibrium position at the ‘north pole’ (A). The transverse components of M decay to zero with time constant T2, the spin–spin relaxation time (B). The z component of M grows back to M0 with time constant T1, the spin–lattice relaxation time (C).


radiofrequency pulse. The relaxation times T1 and T2 characterize the relaxation of, respectively, the longitudinal and transverse components of the magnetization M, respectively parallel and perpendicular to B0. Equivalently, T1 is the time constant for the return to equilibrium of the populations of the spin states, while T2 is the time constant for the dephasing of the coherence between spin states. In the absence of any significant spatial inhom*ogeneity of B0, or other sources of line broadening such as chemical exchange, the width of the NMR line (in hertz) is 1/ ST2. Spin–lattice relaxation is caused by randomly fluctuating local magnetic fields. A common source of such fields is the dipolar interaction between pairs of nuclei, modulated by molecular tumbling in a liquid. The component of these fields that oscillates at the resonance frequency can induce transitions between the spin states, so transferring energy between the spin system and the ‘lattice’ (i.e. everything else) and bringing the spins into equilibrium with their surroundings. In the simplest case, T1 depends on the mean square strength of the local fields 〈B 〉, and the intensity of the fluctuations at the resonance frequency Z0


Figure 10 The dependence of T1 and T2 on the rotational correlation time Wc, using J 2〈B 〉 = 4.5 × 109 s–2 and Z/2S = 400 MHz. The units for the vertical axis are seconds.

Relaxation times contain information on both J(Z) (i.e. on molecular motion) and 〈B 〉, (i.e. on molecular structure via, for example, the r –3 distance dependence of the dipolar interaction). A further relaxation phenomenon that provides important information on internuclear distances is the nuclear Overhauser effect.

Chemical exchange is the spectral density function, and Wc is the rotational correlation time (roughly the average time the molecule takes to rotate through 90°). Spin–spin relaxation has two contributions:

The first is closely related to spin–lattice relaxation, and arises from the finite lifetime of the spin states, through the uncertainty principle. The second term is due to the loss of coherence caused by local fields of very low frequency (hence the J(0) factor), which augment or oppose B0 and so give rise to a spread of resonance frequencies, and hence the dephasing of transverse magnetization. Figure 10 shows the dependence of T1 and T2 on Wc.

In addition to chemical shifts, spin–spin coupling and spin relaxation, NMR spectra are affected by, and may be used to study, chemical and conformational equilibria. Consider an equilibrium

which exchanges the chemical shifts of two nuclei, with equal forward and backward rate constants, k. At low temperature, the NMR spectrum comprises two sharp resonances at frequencies QA and QB. As the temperature is raised, the following sequence of events occurs: the two lines broaden and move towards one another until they coalesce into a broad flat-topped line which then narrows into a sharp single resonance at the average chemical shift (QA + QB) (Figure 11). The mid-point of this process, when the two lines just merge into one, occurs when


List of symbols B = magnetic field vector; B = magnitude of B; = Planck constant (h)/2S I = nuclear spin angular momentum vector; I = nuclear spin quantum number; J = spin–spin coupling constant; m = nuclear magnetic quantum number; M = classical (macroscopic) magnetization vector; T1 = spin–lattice relaxation time; T2 = spin–spin relaxation time; J = gyromagnetic ratio; P = nuclear magnetic moment; Pz = z component; G = chemical shift; V = shielding (screening) constant; Wc = rotational Z = angular correlation time; frequency; Z0 = Larmor frequency. Figure 11 Calculated NMR spectra for a pair of nuclei exchanging between two sites with equal populations. Spectra are shown for a range of values of the exchange rate k. The difference in resonance frequencies of the two sites, GQis50 Hz

See also: Chemical Exchange Effects in NMR; Fourier Transformation and Sampling Theory; NMR Relaxation Rates; NMR Spectrometers; Nuclear Overhauser Effect; Parameters in NMR Spectroscopy, Theory of.

Further reading For slow exchange, the exchange broadening of the two separate resonances is

while for fast exchange, the single line has an extra width

Related but more complex expressions are found if the forward and backward rate constants differ, or if there are more than two exchanging species.

Carrington A and McLachlan AD (1967) Introduction to Magnetic Resonance. New York: Harper and Row. Ernst RR, Bodenhausen G and Wokaun A (1987) Principles of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in One and Two Dimensions. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Freeman R (1997) A Handbook of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, 2nd ed. Harlow: Longman. Günther H (1995) NMR Spectroscopy, 2nd edn. Chichester: Wiley. Harris RK (1983) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. London: Pitman. Hore PJ (1995) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Oxford: Oxford University Press. McLauchlan, KA (1972) Magnetic Resonance, Oxford: Clarendon Press. Sanders JKM and Hunter BK (1993), Modern NMR Spectroscopy, 2nd edn. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


NMR Pulse Sequences William F Reynolds, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction The single most important development in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy since the initial observation of the NMR phenomenon in bulk phases in 1945 was undoubtedly the introduction of pulse Fourier transform NMR by Anderson and Ernst. This technique provided greatly increased sensitivity per unit time, making it feasible to obtain spectra for low sensitivity/low abundance nuclei such as 13C. More importantly, it allowed the development of a wide variety of sophisticated and powerful multipulse experiments which have revolutionized the use of NMR spectroscopy in studies of molecular structure and dynamics. This article provides an overview of pulse sequence experiments. Many individual experiments are discussed in other articles.

The classical vector model of NMR and the basic one-pulse Fourier transform experiment Many NMR pulse sequences can be described either by a classical model describing the motions of magnetic vectors or by quantum mechanical models of different levels of sophistication. The attractive feature of the classical vector model is that it provides simple physical pictures of many of the basic pulse sequences. However, it does not work for many multipulse experiments that involve multiple

MAGNETIC RESONANCE Theory quantum coherence. These experiments can only be described by quantum mechanical methods. Because of the insights which the vector model provides into many of the basic sequences, I will use this model wherever possible. The fundamental magnetic properties of nuclei are well described elsewhere. I will begin with the bulk magnetization vector M for a series of nuclei of the same type. This is parallel to the external magnetic field B0 and is the resultant of individual magnetic moment vectors P, precessing about B0 with the Larmor angular velocity

where J is the magnetogyric ratio of the nucleus (Figure 1). For a nucleus with spin quantum number I = M actually results from the slight excess of nuclei in the D spin state (mI = + ) over those in the E spin state (mI = − ). Now consider the effect of a ‘pulse’ of electromagnetic radiation of frequency corresponding to the Larmor frequency Z/2S. This is applied so that the oscillating magnetic component of the pulse is in a plane at right angles to B0. This oscillating component can be resolved into two rotating components of angular velocity ± 2SQ. Only the component rotating in the same direction as the magnetic moments need be considered since the opposite component has no net effect on the nuclear magnetization. The former

Figure 1 (A) The precession of an individual magnetic moment P about the external magnetic field B0. (B) The precession of magnetic moments in the D (mI = +) and E (mI = −) spin states. (C) The resultant magnetic moment M of a large number of nuclei of the same kind, reflecting the small excess population of nuclei in the D spin state.


component is represented by a magnetization vector, B1, rotating in the x–y plane at frequency Q. However, to simplify the visualization, the Cartesian coordinate system is also assumed to be rotating at frequency Q, called the rotating frame model (Figure 2). This allows us to concentrate on frequency differences rather than absolute frequencies in considering NMR experiments. During the pulse, the individual magnetic moments and consequently the bulk magnetization vector precess about B1 with angular velocity JB1. If B1 is taken as defining the x-axis in the rotating frame, M rotates towards the y-axis through an angle:

where W is the pulse duration in seconds. Thus if the duration of the pulse is just sufficient to rotate M through S/2 radians, it is called a 90° pulse. The resultant magnetization generated in the x–y plane can then be detected by a receiver. Now consider the one-pulse Fourier transform experiment. The pulse sequence is illustrated in Figure 3. The pulse does not excite a single frequency but rather a range of frequencies whose width (in Hz) is inversely proportional to the pulse duration (in s). The frequency excitation profile is provided by taking the Fourier transform of the time profile of the pulse (Figure 3). Quadrature detection

Figure 2 The rotating frame coordinate system. The coordinate system is assumed to be rotating at the same frequency as B1 and consequently B1 appears to be stationary along the x-axis. The x,y magnetization M, generated after a pulse, will be stationary along the y-axis if the Larmor precession frequency is equal to the pulse frequency or rotating at a frequency ∆Q, corresponding to the frequency difference.

distinguishes positive and negative frequencies, allowing one to position the transmitter frequency at the midpoint of the spectral window. Modern high resolution spectrometers typically have 90° pulses of duration 10 µs or less. While this allows excitation over a 200 kHz spectral window, it is important to have near uniform excitation over the entire spectral window. A 10 µs pulse provides near uniform excitation over ∼25 kHz, which is adequate for most high resolution applications. However, solid state spectra have much wider spectral windows, requiring much shorter pulses. After the pulse generates x–y magnetization, the return of this magnetization to equilibrium is sampled as a function of time. This response is called the free induction decay (FID) signal. In the vector model, it can be regarded as the resultant of a series of individual magnetization vectors, each precessing in the x–y plane at some frequency 'Q relative to the transmitter frequency and decaying exponentially with a time constant T2, characteristic of the return to equilibrium of x–y magnetization. Each vector corresponds to a specific signal in the frequency spectrum, and thus the Fourier transform of the FID yields the frequency spectrum:

Figure 3 (A) The basic pulse Fourier transform sequence; W represents the pulse duration and ' is a small delay, comparable to W, to ensure that the pulse is not detected by the receiver. Note that in this and subsequent pulse sequences, the duration of the pulse is exaggerated. The actual pulse duration is ∼10 µs compared with an acquisition time, t1, of ∼1 s. (B) (i) The time profile of the pulse and (ii) the frequency excitation profile due to the pulse. The frequency profile is the Fourier transform of the time profile.


signal (owing to detection of a signal at right angles to B1) and a dispersion signal (owing to a signal parallel to B1), corresponding to the cosine and sine terms in Equation [3]. The phase for an on-resonance (i.e. 'Q = 0) peak can easily be adjusted to give an absorption signal via a zero frequency phase adjustment. However, off-resonance peaks undergo additional phase shifts due to vector evolution during the finite pulse and the delay between the pulse and gating on the receiver (see Figure 3). For example, for a total time before acquisition of 20 µs, a peak at 'Q = 10 000 Hz will rotate through an angle:

Figure 4 The FID time signal (A) and resultant 1H frequency spectrum (B) for a single off-resonance peak.

This is illustrated in Figure 4 for a spectrum of a single off-resonance peak. Figure 5 shows the FID and frequency spectrum for the aliphatic region of kauradienoic acid [1].

The two basic types of signals that can be detected in an NMR experiment (Figure 6) are an absorption

introducing a significant dispersive component. Fortunately, this phase shift varies linearly with 'Q and thus can be corrected by applying a phase correction which varies linearly with frequency. The acquisition time, t1, is determined by the time required for x–y magnetization to decay to near zero as well as by the desired data point resolution. Typical values for one-dimensional spectra range from 0.5 to 5 s. The ability to excite and acquire all signals for a given nucleus simultaneously provides a major sensitivity advantage over the older continuous wave (CW) method which involved slowly sweeping through the spectral window, exciting one signal at a time. Typically, one can acquire at least 100 FID signals in the time taken to acquire a CW spectrum. Since the signal-to-noise increases as the square root of the number of scans, this provides at least a 10-fold increase in sensitivity. However, the acquisition of multiscan spectra introduces a new problem. Ideally, M should have returned to its equilibrium position along the +z-axis before the next pulse. Otherwise, the residual magnetization will fractionally decrease with each scan, a phenomenon known as saturation. Compounding the problem is the fact that the time constant for return to equilibrium along the z-axis, T1, can be longer than T2 (see below). One solution is to introduce an additional relaxation delay between the end of each acquisition and the next pulse. The second is to use a shorter pulse duration so that the rotation angle of M, D, is < 90°. Richard Ernst conclusively demonstrated that the second approach gives a superior signal-to-noise ratio. The ideal pulse flip angle, DE, called the Ernst angle, is given by:


Figure 5 The FID time signal (A) and 1H frequency spectrum (B) for the aliphatic region of kauradienoic acid [1]. The scale along the bottom of the frequency spectrum is the δ scale [chemical shift in parts per million relative to (CH3)4Si].

Figure 6 Comparison of absorption (Q mode) and dispersion (u mode) signal shapes. Spectra are usually phase corrected to give pure absorption mode peaks.

This is illustrated in Figure 7, using a simple trigonometric argument. However, T1 may be significantly different for different peaks in a spectrum (e.g. a 13C spectrum of a molecule containing protonated and non-protonated carbons). This requires a compromise choice of D and relative peak areas may no longer be quantitative. Finally, the analogue voltage signal detected by the receiver must be digitized for computer storage and processing. This puts some constraints on data

Figure 7 Comparison of z (Mz) and y (My) magnetization immediately following (A) a 90 pulse and (B) a 45 pulse. The latter generates 71% of the amount of My magnetization (and therefore 71% of the signal) while retaining 71% of equilibrium z magnetization, compared with 0° z magnetization after a 90° pulse. This allows most, if not all, of the equilibrium z magnetization to be restored during the acquisition time, t1, after a 45° pulse while a 90° pulse typically will require a lengthy delay after t1 to restore equilibrium z magnetization. If T1 is very long compared with t1, an even smaller pulse angle must be used (see Eqn [5]).

acquisition, as discussed in any of the texts listed in the Further reading section.

Measurement of 61 and 62 relaxation times The classical equations for the return of magnetization to equilibrium along the z- and y-axes are respectively:


where M0 is the magnitude of equilibrium z magnetization. The spin–lattice or longitudinal relaxation time, T1, reflects the effect of the component of the random fluctuating magnetic field (arising from the thermal motion of dipoles in the sample) at the Larmor frequency. However, the spin–spin or transverse relaxation time, T2, is also affected by static magnetic field components, including any inhom*ogeneity of the magnetic field over the region of the sample. Consequently, transverse relaxation is in principle faster than longitudinal relaxation, i.e. T2 can be smaller than T1. The inversion–recovery sequence can be used to measure T1 (Figure 8). The 180 ° pulse inverts the equilibrium magnetization M. During the delay t1, the magnetization begins to return to equilibrium. A 90° x pulse then samples the magnetization remaining after t1. Since the final pulse is a 90° pulse, it is necessary to include a relaxation delay, ', to allow for return to equilibrium between scans. Ideally ' ≥ 5T1. However, it has been found that accurate values of T1 can still be obtained using shorter values of ', known as the fast inversion–recovery method. After a sufficient number of scans, n, have been collected to achieve adequate signal-to-noise, the experiment is repeated, systematically varying t1 from small values out to ∼ 2T1. The intensity of each peak exponentially returns to equilibrium as t1 increases (Figure 8). T1 can be determined from a least-squares fit of the equation

This gives a linear plot of slope − 1/T1. However, this approach is particularly sensitive to errors in S∞ (obtained with t1 ≥ 5T1). The alternative, more reliable, approach is to carry out an exponential fit to each relaxation curve. This does not require an accurate value of S∞ and is well suited to the fast inversion– recovery method. The value of T2 can be determined from the line width of a signal at half of its maximum height:

However, this includes any contribution to the line width from magnetic field inhom*ogeneity. A ‘true’ T2, independent of contributions from field inhom*ogeneity, can be obtained with the aid of a spin-echo or refocusing pulse sequence (Figure 9). This pulse sequence also forms a key component of many other multipulse experiments. Consider a single magnetization vector which is off resonance by 'Q Hz, either owing to chemical shift effects or field

Figure 8 (A) The inversion–recovery sequence used to measure T1. The experiment is repeated with a number of different values of t1. (B) The behaviour of a magnetization vector during the inversion–recovery pulse sequence. (C) A plot of signal intensity (s) versus t1, illustrating the exponential return to the equilibrium value, S∞, as t1 increases.

inhom*ogeneity. After the initial 90 pulse rotates it to the y-axis, it precesses during t1/2 at angular velocity 2S∆Q rad s−1, rotating through an angle D. The 180 pulse ‘flips’ it from the positive to the negative x region (or vice versa), so that it is now at an angle −D with respect to the y-axis. During the second t1/2 period it again rotates through D, returning the vector to the y-axis, i.e. it is refocused (see Figure 9). The FID is then collected. The spin-echo sequence can be repeated a number of times, systematically varying t1. Alternatively, one can generate an echo train in a single experiment, applying a 180 pulse at t1/2, 3t1/2, 5t1/2, etc. and sampling the FID at the peaks of the echoes produced at t1, 2t1, 4t1, etc. In either case, an exponential fitting process can be used to determine T2 from the variation in signal intensity as a function of t1.

Spectral editing pulse sequences These pulse sequences, which are important in 13C NMR spectroscopy, allow assignment of individual


Figure 9 (A) The spin-echo or refocusing sequence for measuring T2. (B) Behaviour of a magnetization vector, corresponding to an off resonance ('Q ≠ 0) signal, during the spin-echo sequence. The vector returns to the initial position after t1, producing an ‘echo’.

ing to 13C α spin bonded to either 1H D or E spins. Following the initial 90 pulse, these two vectors begin to precess in the x–y plane with angular velocities 2S(∆Q ± J/2) where ∆Q is the chemical shift (in Hz), relative to the transmitter, and J = 1JCH, the onebond 13C–1H coupling constant. After t1/2, the 180 13C pulse flips the vectors about the y-axis. The simultaneous 180 ° 1H pulse inverts the equilibrium (z) 1H magnetization, interchanging 1H D and E spin states. The two vectors continue to precess during the second t1/2 period. At the end of this period, they

peaks in a heteronuclear spectrum in terms of the number of bonded hydrogens. There are three basic sequences which fall into two distinct classes. The first is the APT sequence which involves initial 13C excitation and 13C detection. Figure 10 illustrates the multiplet patterns expected for 13C peaks coupled to 0, 1, 2 and 3 hydrogens. Now consider the effect of the APT pulse sequence (Figure 11) upon a 13C–1H spin system. In the vector model, the 13C magnetization is excess D spin. This can be divided into two nearly equal magnetic vectors, correspond-

Table 1 Vector evolution for various CHn (n = 0–3) multiplets and resultant vectors at the end of t1 for the APT sequence with various values of t1


a b c





0 〈J 〉d




〈J 〉


〈J 〉





± S/2


r3 S/4

0, ± S


0, ±3 S/2

± S/2,


±3 S/4,



0, 0


± S/4


0, 0, 0


0, ± S/2



0, 0, 0, 0 1.00

± S/4,


〈J 〉 1.00 0.71 0.50 0.35

D(0) 0 rS 0,± 2S ± S,

1/J 〈J 〉 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

±3S/4 ± 3S/2 ±9 S/4 ± 3S J ≡ 1JCH, the one-bond 13C–1H coupling constant for CHn. n = number of hydrogens directly bonded to carbon. Angles of rotation (relative to y-axis) of coupling vectors for the different peaks in each multiplet. These are calculated from the frequencies in Figure 10 plus Equation [12]. Vector average, relative to y-axis, of coupling vectors relative to an initial value of 1.00. Effects of T2 relaxation during t1 are not included.


Figure 10 Multiplet patterns arising from to 1JCH (one-bond 13 C–1H coupling constant) in the 13C spectra of CHn groups (n = 0–3).

are at angles with respect to the y-axis given by:

Thus, the 13C chemical shift is refocused by the 13C 180 ° pulse while the pair of 180 ° pulses allow 1JCH to evolve through t1. Applying 1H decoupling during acquisition rapidly scrambles 1H spin states, producing a single, averaged vector which initially is along the y-axis but precesses at a frequency ∆Q during FID acquisition. This results in a peak at ∆Q in the frequency spectrum with an intensity determined by the vector average at the end of t1. Table 1 summarizes the results for CH0, CH1, CH2 and CH3 peaks for different values of t1. Only a CH0 peak is observed at t1 = 1/2J since the coupling vectors for the other multiplets average to zero. For t1 = 1/J, CH0 and CH2 peaks are positive (upright) while CH1 and CH3 peaks are negative (inverted). This allows partial assignment of carbons in terms of numbers of attached protons. The main weakness of this approach is that it is sensitive to variations in 1JCH and thus may give unreliable results for compounds which have a wide range of 1JCH for carbons. The other two spectral editing sequences are insensitive nuclei enhanced by polarization transfer (INEPT) and distortionless enhancements by polarization transfer (DEPT) (see Figure 12). Both of these sequences involve 1H excitation, followed by

Figure 11 (A) The APT (attached proton test) pulse sequence. (B) Behaviour of the 13C magnetization due to a 13C–1H spin pair during the APT sequence. The two components, corresponding to 13C coupled to 1H in D or E spin states, precess at frequencies 'Q ± J/2 (where J = 1JCH). The spin-echo sequence refocuses the chemical shift ('Q) but not J (see Eqn [9]). This figure illustrates the result when t1 = J/2 with vectors rotating through D = ±S/2.

magnetization transfer to the heteronucleus by a mechanism called polarization transfer. This provides heteronuclear signal enhancement by a factor of JH/JX, e.g. ∼4 for 13C. In the case of INEPT, this can be adequately described by the vector model in terms of selective inversion of the populations of 1H energy levels corresponding to carbons in the D spin state. However, although the sequences appear similar, DEPT can only be explained by a quantum mechanical model. The two sequences use different forms of spectral editing. With INEPT, this is done by the choice of the final delay. If '3 = J/2, only CH carbons appear while '3 = 3J/4 produces a spectrum with CH and CH3 up and CH2 down. With DEPT, editing is carried out by varying the angle of the final 1H pulse;


4 = 90° yields only CH carbons while 4 = 135° yields CH and CH3 up and CH2 down. Because it relies on a pulse angle rather than a delay, DEPT is less sensitive than INEPT to variations in 1JCH and is thus the sequence of choice. Note that residual 13C magnetization is suppressed by phase cycling in each case (see below) and thus non-protonated carbons are not observed with either sequence.

Phase cycling for artifact suppression Before the development of pulsed field gradient sequences (see below), most NMR pulse sequences included a phase cycle in which the phases of at least one pulse and the receiver were varied systematically. This was needed for one or more of several reasons, e.g. suppression of unwanted signals, suppression of artifacts due to hardware imperfections and/or incomplete return to equilibrium between scans and coherence pathway selection in multidimensional NMR. One example of each the first two kinds of phase cycle is briefly discussed below. In the INEPT sequence (Figure 12), the final 90 1H pulse sets up selective inversion of the populations of a pair of levels within the coupled AX (1H– 13C) spin system. The 90 13C pulse then generates two antiphase magnetization vectors of relative intensity +4 and −4 (relative to equilibrium 13C magnetization) along the ± x-axes owing to magnetization (polarization) transfer from 1H aris-

ing from the selective population inversion. However, the 13C 90 pulse also generates a magnetization vector from the initial 13C magnetization. It is desirable to eliminate the latter component to avoid complications with spectral editing. This is done by alternating the phase of the final 1H pulse 90 , 90 while alternately adding and subtracting FID signals. With the 90 pulse, the antiphase 13C vectors become −4, +4 but this is converted back into +4, −4 by subtracting this FID. However, the 13C 90 pulse always generates a signal of the same phase owing to 13C magnetization and thus is cancelled by the alternate addition and subtraction of FID signals. Quadrature detection involves the use of two receivers. If the two receivers have different gains, ‘quadrature image’ peaks are generated at −∆Q for every true peak at +∆Q. This can be eliminated by using a four-step CYCLOPS phase cycle in which the phase of a transmitter is cycled through relative phases x, y, −x, −y along with the receiver. Derome (see Further reading) gives a very clear account of quadrature images and how they are suppressed by CYCLOPS phase cycling.

Quantum mechanical methods for understanding pulse sequences The ultimate approach for interpreting multipulse sequences and their resultant spectra is a full density matrix treatment. While this approach is ideal for simulating the spectrum generated by a multipulse experiment, the calculations are complex and do not provide obvious physical insights. A very useful and widely used simplified quantum mechanical approach involves product operator formalism. This focuses on the components of the density matrix which are directly relevant to the experiment. Product operator descriptions of several of the pulse sequences discussed here are given in another article. Mastery of this approach is essential for anyone desiring to design new pulse sequence experiments and valuable for anyone wishing to understand modern NMR experiments.

Multidimensional NMR experiments

Figure 12 (A) INEPT pulse sequence. (B) DEPT pulse sequence. The article on product operator formalism describes the behaviour of the DEPT sequence while the texts by Harris and Günther (see Further reading section) describe the behaviour of INEPT in terms of vector diagrams and energy levels.

Multidimensional NMR experiments have revolutionized the use of NMR spectroscopy for the structure determination of everything from small molecules to complex proteins. Since most of the 3D and 4D experiments are essentially combinations of two-dimensional (2D) experiments, this section will focus on 2D NMR. Only a basic overview will be given since many specific multidimensional experiments are discussed elsewhere.


Table 2 Characteristics of several commonly used 2D NMR pulse sequences

Sequence Display mode a Figure 13 A general two-dimensional NMR pulse sequence. Data are acquired during t2 for a series of spectra in which t1 is regularly incremented from 0 to some maximum value. Fourier transformation with respect to t2 and then t1 generates a spectrum with two difference frequency axes.

f1, f2b

Transmission c JHH JHH JHH → JHH H–H dipolar relaxation


G H, G H


G H, G H



G H, G H



G H, G H



G H, G H


G H, G H



HETCORh f1, f2

G H, G X


G H, G X

Two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy


A generalized two-dimensional experiment is illustrated in Figure 13. The preparation time is usually a relaxation delay followed by one or more pulses to start the experiment. The evolution period establishes the second frequency dimension. A series of FID signals are collected with t1 regularly incremented from 0 up to the desired maximum value, t1 (max). The number of increments and t1 (max) depend on the desired spectral width and data point resolution along the time-incremented axis. Depending on the experiment, the evolution period may contain one or more pulses, most commonly a spin-echo sequence. The mixing period, which is not required in some sequences, can be a 90° mixing pulse, a fixed delay, a more complex pulse such as a spin lock or isotropic mixing pulse or some combination of these. Finally, data is acquired during t2, as in a 1D experiment. Double Fourier transformation, with respect to t2 then t1, yields a spectrum with two orthogonal frequency scales. 2D NMR experiments are designed to generate different kinds of frequency information along the two axes. The principle behind this frequency separation is most easily seen by considering modification of the APT sequence (Figure 11) to produce a 2D sequence, the heteronuclear J-resolved sequence. This involves replacing the constant t1 period by an incremented t1 period. Each 13C signal in f2 is then modulated by the evolution of 1JCH coupling vectors as t1 is incremented (e.g. see Table 1). Fourier transformation with respect to t1 at each f2 frequency then produces a 2D spectrum where a cross section through each 13C peak in f2 will give a 1JCH multiplet pattern similar to one of those shown in Figure 10. Similarly, the INEPT sequence can be converted into a 2D sequence (the heteronuclear shift correlation sequence or HETCOR) by inserting a spin-echo sequence, t1/2–180 °(C)–t1/2 immediately after the initial 1H 90 ° pulse (see Figure 12). The extent of polarization transfer from 1H to 13C is then modulated by 1H chemical shift evolution as t1 is incremented, with the resultant 2D experiment having 13C chemical shifts along f2 and 1H chemical shifts along f1.


f1, f2 f1, f2 f1, f2 f1, f2 f1, f2 DQ, SQ

G H, G X GX , GH GX , GH GX , GH GC(1) +GC(2) , GC(1)




D, OD: spectrum along diagonal with off-diagonal peaks between correlated protons, e.g. see COSY spectrum (Figure 14), f1, f2: different chemical shift scales along f1, f2, e.g. see HSQC spectrum (Figure 15), DQ, SQ: double quantum frequencies along f1 (sum of frequencies of coupled 13C peaks, relative to transmitter), regular (single quantum) 13C spectrum along f2. b Chemical shift information appearing along each axis. {G scale ≡ chemical shift in parts per million relative to internal reference [δ1(CH3)4 for 1H, 13C and 29Si]}. Note that the 1H-axis normally also shows multiplet structure owing to JHH. c Parameter by which information is transmitted to establish correlations between the spectra on the two frequency axes: JHH = 1H–1H coupling constant, is chemical exchange between different sites, JCH = one-bond 13C–1H coupling constant, nJCH = n-bond (n = 2 or 3) 13C–1H coupling constant, 1JCC = one-bond 13 C–13 C coupling constant. d DQCOSY ≡ double quantum filtered COSY. This suppresses strong singlets (e.g. solvent peaks) and gives well-resolved offdiagonal peaks with up–down intensity patterns for coupled protons, i.e. those giving rise to the off-diagonal peak. e TOCSY (also called HOHAHA) relays information among sequences of coupled protons. A cross section through the f2 frequency of a specific proton shows f1 peaks for all of the protons within the coupled sequence. f ROESY ≡NOESY in the rotating frame. g The EXSY sequence is identical to the NOESY sequence but detects cross peaks between chemically exchanging hydrogens. Both EXSY and NOESY peaks may appear in the same spectrum. h X nucleus (usually 13C) detected heteronuclear shift correlation sequences. i 1H detected heteronuclear shift correlation sequences. These are more sensitive than the earlier X-nucleus detected sequences [by (JH / JX)3/2] but have more limited resolution along the X(f1) axis.

High-resolution 2D NMR pulse sequences can be based on information transfer via hom*onuclear or heteronuclear scalar coupling, dipolar relaxation or chemical exchange while solid-state 2D NMR experiments normally use dipolar coupling in place of scalar coupling. There are three basic modes of spectral


Figure 14 (A) The COSY pulse sequence. (B) The COSY spectrum for the aliphatic region of [1], showing the 1H spectrum along the diagonal and symmetric off-diagonal peaks between coupled protons. The connections for one molecular fragment [C(5)H– C(6)H2–C(7)H2)] are traced out.

display: with the normal spectrum along the diagonal and off-diagonal peaks for correlated signals (see COSY spectrum, Figure 14), different chemical shift information along the two axes (e.g. 1H and 13C or 15N, see Figure 15) and spectra with single quantum frequencies along f2 and multiple quantum frequencies along f1. The characteristics of many of the common high resolution 2D sequences are summarized in Table 2. However, the real strength of multidimensional NMR is not in the information provided by a single experiment but rather in the synergy provided by carrying out several different experiments on the same molecule. This is illustrated below for kauradienoic acid [1], one of the very first molecules where combined 2D methods were used for spectral assignment. The 1H–1H COSY spectrum (Figure 14) and the 1H–13C shift correlation spectrum (Figure 15) for [1] allow assignment of molecular fragments involving sequences of protonated carbons. Further experiments allow completion of the

structural and spectral assignments (see caption to Figure 15). Absolute value versus phase sensitive 2D spectra

Many of the original 2D sequences gave spectra which could not be phased since they involved different mixtures of absorption and dispersion modes for different peaks. To simplify displays, these spectra were plotted in absolute value mode, (u2 + Q2)1/2, where u refers to dispersion mode and Q to absorption mode. While the individual absolute value mode peaks appear to be properly phased, they are distorted from Lorentzian shape with broad tails. Better resolution and sensitivity can be obtained if spectra are obtained in a manner which provides pure absorption mode peaks. There are now phase sensitive versions of most 2D sequences. There are two requirements for obtaining phase sensitive spectra. First, any fixed delay must include a spin-echo sequence to prevent chemical shift evolution. Second, one must acquire two separate data sets with


Figure 16 Coherence level diagram for the COSY sequence. The symbols N and P designate the N and P pathways.

Figure 15 (A) The basic HSQC (heteronuclear single quantum coherence) pulse sequence. (B) The HSQC spectrum of the aliphatic region of [1] with the 13C along f1 and the 1H spectrum along f2. The 13C–1H connectivities are marked for the same molecular fragment as in Figure 14. Other sequences of protonated carbons can be determined from the same spectrum while an n-bond (n = 2,3) 13C–1H shift correlation spectrum such as HMBC, COLOC or FLOCK (see Table 2) can identify non-protonated carbons and tie together the molecular fragments into a complete structure.

one of the pulses having a 90° phase difference for the two spectra or one must increment the phase of one of the pulses by 90° with each time increment while doubling the number of time increments collected. Phase cycling for coherence pathway selection in 2D NMR

This important topic can only be understood in quantum mechanical terms. Owing to space limitations, only a very brief introduction can be given here. The COSY sequence (Figure 14) will be used to illustrate the concept. A coherence level diagram for this sequence is given in Figure 16. Equilibrium z magnetization is defined as having a coherence level of 0. The 90° pulse acts as a raising or lowering operator, i.e. it can change the spin quantum number of an individual nucleus by ±1, resulting in the gener-

ation of observable x,y magnetization. This evolves during t1 at frequencies determined by the chemical shift and hom*onuclear coupling. The second 90° pulse then can generate further coherence level changes, including level changes of 0 to ±2 associated with a pair of coupled nuclei. The receiver can only detect single quantum coherence and is chosen to be at coherence level +1. Thus, a pair of ideal pulses can generate a COSY signal by two paths with coherence level changes +1, 0 or −1, +2, respectively called P (or antiecho) and N (echo) signals. If both paths are detected, signals will occur at both +∆Q1 and −∆Q1 along the f1 axis. However, phase cycling allows one to choose one path, rejecting the other. The change in coherence phase associated with a pulse is given by:

where ∆T is the change in coherence phase (in increments of S/2), ∆p is the change in coherence level and ∆I is the change in pulse phase (in units of S/2). Table 3 shows how this can be used to design twostep phase cycles for a coherence pathway section with the COSY sequence. The dotted line indicates a third possible coherence pathway. If the initial 90° pulse is imperfect, there will be some residual z magnetization which will be raised to coherence level +1 by the second 90° pulse. Suppression of this pathway requires two extra steps, yielding a four-step phase cycle. Finally, if one also wishes to incorporate a CYCLOPS cycle for f2 quadrature image suppression, the total phase cycle is 4 × 4 = 16 steps. The number of scans in a 2D experiment should be some whole number multiple of the number of steps in the phase cycle. However, with COSY, the sensitivity is high enough that 16 scans are usually more than necessary to acquire good spectra and thus the phase cycle determines the minimum time for the experiment. Fortunately, pulsed field gradient sequences have overcome this problem.


Table 3 Alternative two-step phase cycles for N-type pathway selection and P-pathway suppression for a COSY spectrum plus a four-step phase cycle which selects the N-pathway while suppressing both P and Z paths






























'T(P1 + P2)


'T(P1 + P2)

























I(P1)d, e



















'T(P1 + P2)




















The symbols N and P indicate the coherence level change from the first pulse and are respectively negative (–1) and positive (+1) for the two paths. The third path, from an imperfect initial 90q pulse, has zero coherence level change in the initial pulse and is thus given the symbol Z. a Pulse and receiver phases x, y, −x and −y are, respectively, given as 0, 1, 2 and 3, corresponding to the number of S/2 phase increments relative to a 90qx pulse. b 'p = –1 for the coherence level change in the N pathway while 'T(P1) = 3. From Equation [10], 'p'T (–1) (3) = –3. However, since a –270qphase shift corresponds to a −90q phase shift, –3 ≡1. c I(R) {receiver phase. When the sums of coherence phase changes in different scans match the receiver phase cycle, successive scans add, while when the relative phases change 0, 2 successive scans cancel. Thus in each case, the signals from the N path add while signals from the P path cancel. d An alternative four-step phase cycle for N-path selection involves a I(P1) = 0, 1, 2, 3 and I(R) = 0, 3, 2, 1. For P-type selection I(P1) and I(R) should either both be 0, 1, 2, 3 or both be 0, 3, 2, 1. Another alternative for N-pathway selection is to expand the first two-step phase cycle to a four-step cycle with I(P2) = 0, 1, 2, 3 and I(R) = 0, 2, 0, 2. e In this four-step phase cycle, the P-pathway is cancelled in steps 1 + 2 and in steps 3 + 4 while the Z pathway is cancelled in steps 1 + 3 and steps 2 + 4.

Gradient pulse sequences

Composite 180° pulses

Many of the pulse sequences discussed above now have versions which incorporate magnetic field gradient pulses that can be used to replace phase cycling. They allow one to acquire a spectrum in greatly reduced time and/or with greatly reduced artifacts. For example, applying two identical field gradient pulses before and after the final 90° pulse in COSY selects the N (echo) path while suppressing the other paths.

The quality of the spectra obtained with many pulse sequences is strongly dependent on the precision of 180° pulses, particularly in the case of 180° inversion pulses for heteronuclei with broad spectral windows. Problems can arise due to mis-set pulses, inhom*ogeneity in pulses over the sample or incomplete excitation at large frequencies relative to the transmitter. These problems can be minimized by the use of composite 180° pulses, e.g. a 90 , 180 , 90 composite pulse in place of a 180 pulse (Figure 17).

Pulse sequences which replace single pulses A number of pulse ‘sandwiches’ have been developed to replace single pulses in specific cases. These include the following.

BIRD (bilinear rotating decoupling) pulses

BIRD pulses act as selective 180° 1H pulses either for protons directly bonded to 13C or not bonded to 13C, while simultaneously providing a 13C 180° pulse (Figure 18). Earlier uses of these pulses included partial 1H–1H decoupling in HETCOR and optimization


of performance of long-range 13C-detected 13C–1H correlation sequences such as COLOC and FLOCK. The most common current use is for suppression of 1H–12C magnetization in 1H-detected one-bond 13C– 1H correlation sequence, i.e. HMQC and HSQC. Although BIRD pulses can be explained by vector diagrams (Figure 18), a full understanding of these pulses requires a quantum mechanical treatment. Figure 17 (A) Vector diagram illustrating the effect when a nominal 180° pulse is mis-set, resulting in only 170° rotation. (B) Illustration of how a composite 90°x, 180°y, 90°x compensates for the effect of a mis-set pulse. Compensation is less complete for off-resonance signals.

Frequency selective pulses

The ability to selectively excite a narrow spectral region is important both for solvent suppression and because it often allows one to replace a full 2D experiment by a limited number of 1D experiments. A ‘soft’ (i.e. low power, long duration) pulse can be used for selective excitation but this does not generate

Figure 18 (A) The BIRD pulse sequence and effects of different combinations of phases within the BIRD pulse. (B) Vector diagram for a 12C–1H spin system, illustrating how 90 , 180 , 90 and 90 , 180 , 90 BIRD pulses, respectively, act as 180° and 0° 1H pulses. Since the BIRD pulse corresponds to the APT sequence (with 1H and 13C pulses interchanged) up to the point of the final 90° pulse, the effect of these two BIRD pulses on a 1H–13C pair can be deduced from the data in Table 1 for n = 1. With ' = 1/JCH, the vectors associated with the 1H–13C pair are refocused along the −y-axis and a 90 pulse will rotate them back to the z-axis (0° pulse) while a 90°−x pulse rotates them to the −z-axis (180° pulse).


uniform excitation (see Figure 3). Better results are obtained from multiple pulse sequences. Modern spectrometers allow the generation of ‘shaped’ pulses whose time profiles are designed to produce the desired excitation profiles. A series of pulses of controlled amplitude, duration and phase (without intervening delays) are used which provide the desired profile. For example, generating a pulse with a time profile similar to the frequency profile in Figure 3 will give a narrow square wave excitation profile. Both 90° and 180° pulses can be generated as well as pulses which simultaneously irradiate at two or more chosen frequencies. The bandwidth of each pulse can be adjusted to selectively irradiate a chosen signal or to cover a specific spectral region (e.g. irradiation of the amide 13C=O region in a 3D or 4D protein spectrum).

Broad-band decoupling pulse sequences Multiple pulse sequences can also be used to provide effective broad-band decoupling. The original pulse sequence of this kind was the WAHUHA sequence of Waugh and co-workers which was designed to minimize broadening arising from hom*onuclear dipolar coupling in solid-state spectra. For high-resolution NMR, the main interest has been in heteronuclear broad-band decoupling. Initially, the interest was in broad-band 1H decoupling while acquiring heteronuclear (e.g. 13C) spectra. More recently, with the increasing use of 1H-detected 2D, 3D and 4D sequences involving 1H–X chemical shift correlation, the emphasis has been on decoupling of heteronuclei (e.g. 13C, 15N). This is much more demanding owing to the much wider heteronuclear chemical shift window. Increasingly effective decoupler pulse sequences have been developed with acronyms such as MLEV, WALTZ, GARP, DIPSI and WURST. Most are based on a composite 180° decoupler pulse which is subjected to a series of phase cycles. For example, WALTZ is based on a 90 , 180 , 270 composite pulse (which in shorthand form is designated 1 2 3, justifying the name WALTZ).

Summary This article has given an overview of the many different multiple pulse experiments which have developed from the original pulse Fourier transform experiment. These experiments, along with major improvements in spectrometer instrumentation, have dramatically increased the range of structural and dynamic problems that can be studied by NMR spectroscopy.

List of symbols B0 = external magnetic field vector; B1 = rotating magnetic field vector arising from RF electromagnetic radiation; u = dispersion mode; M = resultant of individual magnetic moment vectors; v = absorption mode; α,β = spin states corresponding to allowed values of mI; D = angle of rotation of M with respect to initial axis; J = magnetogyric ratio for nucleus, i.e. the ratio of magnetic moment/spin angular momentum; ' = fixed delay; T = phase of coherence; Q = frequency (s−1); 'Q = frequency difference; I = phase of pulse or receiver; Z = angular velocity (rad s−1). See also: 13C NMR, Methods; 13C NMR, Parameter Survey; Fourier Transformation and Sampling Theory; High Resolution Solid State NMR, 1H, 19F; Magnetic Field Gradients in High Resolution NMR; NMR Principles; NMR Spectrometers; Product Operator Formalism in NMR; Proteins Studied Using NMR Spectroscopy; Solvent Suppression Methods in NMR Spectroscopy; Structural Chemistry using NMR Spectroscopy, Inorganic Molecules; Structural Chemistry using NMR Spectroscopy, Organic Molecules; Structural Chemistry Using NMR Spectroscopy, Peptides; Structural Chemistry Using NMR Spectroscopy, Pharmaceuticals; Two-Dimensional NMR, Methods.

Further reading Derome AE (1987) Modern NMR Techniques for Chemistry Research. Oxford: Pergamon Press. Ernst RR (1992) Nuclear magnetic resonance Fourier transform spectroscopy (Nobel lecture). Angewante Chemie 31: 805–823. Freeman R (1997) A Handbook of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, 2nd edn. Harlow: Addison Wesley Longman. Freeman R (1998) Shaped radio frequency pulses in high resolution NMR. Progress in NMR Spectroscopy 32: 59–106. Günther H (1995) NMR Spectroscopy, 2nd edn. Chichester: Wiley. Harris RK (1986) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy: A Physiochemical View. Harlow: Longman. Keeler J (1990) Phase cycling procedures in multiple pulse NMR spectroscopy of liquids. In: Granger P and Harris RK (eds) Multinuclear Magnetic Resonance in Liquids and Solids. Dordrecht: Kluwer. Levitt M (1986) Composite pulses. Progress in NMR Spectroscopy 18: 61–122. Parella T (1998) Pulsed field gradients: a new tool for routine NMR. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry 36: 467– 495. Shaka AJ and Keeler J (1987) Broadband spin decoupling in isotropic liquids. Progress in NMR Spectroscopy 19: 47–129.


NMR Relaxation Rates Ronald Y Dong, Brandon University, Manitoba, Canada


Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

How a nuclear spin system achieves thermal equilibrium by exchanging energy with its surrounding medium or the ‘lattice’ is governed by the NMR relaxation rates. The lattice consists of all degrees of freedom, except those of the nuclear spins, associated with the physical system of interest. Pulsed NMR provides a highly versatile and flexible tool to determine spin relaxation rates, which can probe the entire spectrum of molecular motions. These include molecular rotation, translational self-diffusion, ‘coherent’ rotational motion, and the internal motion in nonrigid molecules. Physical systems investigated by NMR range from condensed matter phases to dilute molecular gases. The theory of nuclear spin relaxation is now well understood, and the details are given in the classical treatise by Abragam. An elementary treatment of the same material can be found in the text by Farrar. In relating the measured spin relaxation rates to molecular behaviours, there are severe limitations and difficulties that a newcomer can often fail to appreciate. Several nuclear interactions may simultaneously all contribute to the relaxation of a spin system. These may include the magnetic dipole–dipole interaction, the quadrupole interaction, the spin–rotation interaction, the scalar coupling of the first and second kind, and the chemical-shift anisotropy interaction. Due to the need of estimating certain nuclear couplings and/or correlation times associated with molecular motions, considerable uncertainty may exist in identifying and separating these contributions. The semiclassical relaxation theory of Redfield is outlined in this short review to give expressions of spin relaxation rates in terms of spectral densities of motion. The treatment is semiclassical simply because it uses time correlation functions which are classical. The most difficult problem in any relaxation theory is the calculation of correlation functions or spectral densities of motion. It is often possible to determine the mean square spin interaction 〈 H (t) 〉, where Hq(t) is a component of the spin Hamiltonian which fluctuates randomly in time owing to molecular motions. The time dependence of the correlation function 〈 Hq(t)Hq'(t W) 〉 can often be approximated by an exponential decay function of W, i.e.

where the angle brackets denote an ensemble average, and the correlation time Wc for the motion can be determined with the help of experiments. There are many examples of exponentially decaying correlation functions. For instance, thermal motion of molecules in liquids was first treated in the classical BPP paper by Bloembergen. Spectral density calculations for liquids normally use a classical picture for the lattice. Quantum calculations of spectral densities are feasible for spin relaxation due to lattice vibrations or conduction electrons. Such calculations are, in general, impossible since the eigenstates of the lattice are often unknown. Molecular motions that are too fast (Z0 Wc > 1) with respect to the inverse of the Larmor frequency Z0 are not amenable to nuclear spin–lattice relaxation (T1) studies. Fortunately, measurements of spin–spin relaxation time (T2) or spin–lattice relaxation time (T1 U ) in the rotating frame can be used. Both T1 and T2 appear in the phenomenological Bloch equations, which describe the precession of nuclear magnetization in an external magnetic field. In NMR, the coupling between the lattice and the Zeeman reservoir of the nuclear spin system is magnetic in all cases except one. The exception is the quadrupole coupling between the nuclear quadrupole moment (for spin angular momentum I > ½) and the lattice via an electric field gradient, which is electrical in nature. When this coupling exists, it is generally more efficient than any magnetic coupling. Relaxation of a quadrupolar nucleus of spin I 1 (i.e. 2H) will be explicitly addressed. The deuteron has a small quadrupole moment with a coupling constant e2qQ/h typically 150– 250 kHz, large enough so that relaxation is dominated by the quadrupole interaction and small enough so that perturbation theory is applicable. In liquids, the couplings between nuclear spins are greatly reduced by rapid thermal motions of molecules. Since these couplings are weak and comparable to the coupling of the spins with the lattice, one can consider relaxation of individual spins or, at most,


groups of spins inside a molecule. For deuterated molecules in liquids, the dipole–dipole coupling between deuterons is much weaker than the quadrupole interaction. As a consequence, one can normally consider a collection of isolated deuteron spins in liquid samples.

Theory Suppose that an assembly of N identical spin systems is considered. This allows a quantum statistical description of a spin system, for example the kth spin system in the ensemble. If the spin system is in a state with wavefunction or ket |\k〉 the expectation value of a physical observable given by its operator Q is

NMR spectroscopy deals with the observation of macroscopic observables rather than states of individual spin systems. Thus, one needs to perform an average over the members of the ensemble:

In general, the ket |\k〉 is time dependent and may be expanded using a complete orthonormal basis set of m stationary kets |IE〉 ≡ |E〉

where the expansion coefficients C are time dependent. This leads to

can easily be obtained from the Schrödinger equation for |\〉,

where H is an appropriate spin Hamiltonian (in angular frequency units) for the spin system. The result is the Liouville–von Neumann equation for the time dependence of the density operator V:

A spin system with the Hamiltonian given by

is now taken, where H0 is the static Hamiltonian and H′(t) represents time-dependent spin–lattice coupling. H′ is a random function of time with a vanishing time average [i.e. = 0], and H0 includes the Zeeman interactions, static averages of dipolar and quadrupole couplings, and time-dependent radiofrequency (RF) interactions. Writing V and H′ as and ′ in the interaction representation and using the second-order perturbation theory, the time evolution of the density operator can be shown to obey

where the bar is now used to indicate an average over all identical molecules in the sample. Using the eigenket basis of the static Hamiltonian H0 (i.e. H0 |D〉 = D|D〉), Redfield has obtained a set of linear differential equations:

where the matrix elements of a density operator V are defined by where ZDE = DE ({ED–EE), EE′(f) corresponds to the matrix elements EE′ at thermal equilibrium, and R, the Redfield relaxation supermatrix, is given by and the bar denotes an ensemble average. Now the density operator is Hermitian and has real eigenvalues. In particular, its diagonal elements VDD represent the probabilities of finding ket |D〉 (or populations of |D〉) in |\〉. The equation of motion for V


This treatment is closely related to the relaxation theory of Wangsness and Bloch. The U functions are further simplified by examining, for example, UDD′EE′,

where GDD′EE′(W) denote time correlation functions of a stationary random function H′(t), which is by definition independent of the origin of time, and

where H (t) = 〈 DH′(t)E 〉. Note that the integrand is large only if W > W) and equals 1. In this limit, UDD′EE′ become the spectral densities JDED′E′(ZE′D′) given by

and the relaxation matrix elements are now given by

Because of the large heat capacity of the lattice relative to that of the nuclear spins, the lattice may be considered at all times to be in thermal equilibrium, while the time-varying spin states, in the absence of a RF field, evolve to thermal equilibrium because of the spin–lattice interactions. When the exponential argument [(ZD′D ZE′E) in Equation [11]] is significantly larger than the spin relaxation rates, the exponential term oscillates rapidly in comparison with the slow variation in the density matrix due to relaxation. As a consequence, the impact of these terms becomes zero. The so-called secular approximation (ZD′D = ZE′E) effectively simplifies the equation of motion to

where the prime on the summation indicates that only terms that satisfy ZDcD = ZEcE are kept. Now the exponentials in front of those RDDEE terms in Equation [11] are clearly secular. These RDDEE parameters control the spin–lattice relaxation and are associated with the diagonal elements DD, which specify the probabilities (PD) that spin states |D〉 are occupied. The exponentials in front of RDEDE are also secular. These RDEDE parameters control the spin–spin relaxation. When only spin–lattice relaxation is considered, the important Redfield terms in the eigenbase representation are limited to the following two types:

Now H′(t) in Equation [9] determines what is called the spin relaxation mechanism. As an example, the dipole–dipole Hamiltonian or quadrupolar Hamiltonian with an axially symmetric (K = 0) electric field gradient tensor is given by

where the time dependence arises via Euler angles : in the Wigner rotation matrices D (:), and A2, is defined by

(e2qQ / ) for the quadrupole with CO U2,0 = (I = 1) terms, and for the dipolar Hamiltonian this is – ( P0JiJj / Sr ), where J is the gyromagnetic ratio of a nuclear spin, rij is the internuclear distance between the spin pair, and P0 is the magnetic vacuum permeability. T2, , the spin operators in the laboratory frame, are given for a deuteron by

A similar set of equations can be written for the case of a pair of I = spins. When the cross-products between spin Hamiltonian matrix elements of different


mL values can be ignored (e.g. in liquids) where mL is the projection index of a rank L ( 2) interaction Hamiltonian, the spectral densities of Equation [14] become



It should be noted that the J (Z) are quantities that are obtained from experiments without reference to any molecular dynamics model. Now, Equation [11] can be transformed back to the Schrödinger representation:

mechanisms is by no means inclusive, but contains the most commonly discussed mechanisms.

Quadrupole relaxation Let us apply the Redfield theory to a deuteron with its quadrupole moment experiencing a fluctuating electric field gradient arising from anisotropic molecular motions in liquids. When the static average of quadrupole interaction is nonzero, i.e. z 0, itcan be included in the static Hamiltonian H0. The density operator matrix for a deuteron spin is of the dimension 3 u 3 and the corresponding Redfield relaxation supermatrix has the dimension 32 u 32. When only nuclear spin–lattice relaxation is considered, the spin precession term in Equation [22] is set to zero and the diagonal elements VDD (D 1, 2, 3) satisfy

where P1 { P1, P2 { P0 and P3 { P–1 are the populations in spin states |1 〉, |0〉 and | –1 〉, respectively (see Figure 1), and RDE ≡ RDDEE given in Equation [17]. RDE represents the transition probability per second from the spin state E to the spin state D and RDE = RED. Thus, nuclear spin–lattice relaxation involves transitions induced between nuclear states of different energies by the time-dependent part of quadrupolar interactions HQ(t) –HQ. Solving Equation [23] in terms of linear combinations of the eigenstate populations PD gives

The first term on the right-hand side describes spin precessions and is only important for spin–spin relaxation. According to Redfield, the above equation is valid provided that the relaxation elements are small in comparison to the inverse correlation time Wc–1 of the thermal motion, i.e.

where 't represents the time interval over which the density matrix of the spin system has not appreciably changed. Different nuclear spin relaxation mechanisms (i.e. quadrupole, dipole–dipole, spin–rotation, chemical-shift anisotropy, and scalar spin–spin relaxation) are surveyed below. The list of relaxation

where the deuteron spin–lattice relaxation times T1Z and T1Q for relaxation of the Zeeman and quadrupolar orders, respectively, are


Dipole–dipole relaxation

Figure 1 Energy level diagram for a deuteron spin (K = 0) and for a pair of protons (I = 1 triplet; I = 0 is not shown) in an external magnetic field. Z0/2S is the Larmor frequency.

where KQ = (3S2/2)(e2qQ/h)2. The asymmetry parameter K of the quadrupolar coupling is assumed to be zero here. T1Z can be measured using an inversion–recovery pulse sequence, while T1Q can be obtained using the Jeener–Broekaert pulse sequence 90 – W – 45 – t – 45 . When considering spin–spin relaxation, it is necessary to examine the off-diagonal elements VDE of the density operator matrix and there are three independent spin–spin relaxation times (T2a, T2b, and T2D):

The quadrupolar (solid) echo pulse sequence (90 – W – 90 ) allows measurement of the spin–spin relaxation time T2a. The double-quantum spin–spin relaxation rate T can be determined using a double quantum spin–echo pulse sequence 90° – W – 90° – t1/ 2 – 180° – t1/2 – 90°. The first two 90° pulses create the double-quantum coherence, which is refocused by a 180° pulse, and the spin–echo is detected by the last monitoring 90° pulse.

Treatment of spin–lattice relaxation of an isolated spin- pair by an intramolecular dipole-dipole interaction is identical to that for a spin-1 system (see Figure 1). Two like spin- nuclei separated by an internuclear distance r are considered. The longitudinal or Zeeman spin–lattice relaxation time T1Z is given by Equation [25], but with KQ replaced by a different multiplicative constant KD = (P0J2/4Sr3)2 which determines the dipolar coupling strength. In solids with isolated spin- pairs, the Jeener– Broekaert sequence can be used to determine the dipolar spin–lattice relaxation time T1D which is the counterpart of T1Q described above. Now T1Z depends on the spectral density of the dipolar interaction fluctuations at the Larmor frequency and twice the Larmor frequency, whereas T1D depends in addition on the spectral density of dipolar fluctuations in the low-frequency region around the line width of dipolar couplings. Thus T1D can be quite sensitive to slow motions, which can significantly contribute to the spectral density at low frequencies. Similarly, the transverse or spin–spin relaxation rate for a spinpair is, according to T in Equation [27], given by

The spin–lattice relaxation rate (T ) in the rotating frame is given by

where Z/J is the spin-locking field B1. Now suppose the motional process (e.g. rotational Brownian motion in normal liquids) can be described by a single exponential correlation function of the form given in Equation [1]. The corresponding spectral density, which appears in the BPP theory, is a Lorentzian function:

where Wc is a correlation time for the rotational motion. Hence,


time for the resonant (I) spin depends on the spectral density at its Larmor frequency (ZI), at the sum (ZI + ZS) and difference (ZI ZS) of the two Larmor frequencies for the spins I and S: In Figure 2, a sketch of these two equations as a function of Wc is shown. As seen in this Figure, T1 = T2 in the extreme narrowing limit (Z0Wc , this is often referred to as scalar coupling of the second kind. In the above equations, the denominators involving ZI – ZS become very large when the Larmor frequencies ZI and ZS are very different. In this case, the scalar relaxation becomes unimportant for T1, but still exists for T2 due to the frequency-independent term in Equation [40].

Spectral density of motion As mentioned above, the evaluation of correlation functions or spectral densities is a daunting task for any relaxation theory. To further complicate the matter, different motional (or relaxation) processes can simultaneously occur in the material being studied by nuclear spin relaxation. However, the observed relaxation rate can often be given by

provided that different relaxation mechanisms labelled by the subscripts a, b, c occur at very different timescales. Otherwise, possible couplings between these processes may also exist and their contributions to relaxation must be properly treated. In the above discussion of the quadrupole and dipole–dipole relaxation, the relaxation rates are written in terms of spectral densities for general applications. As an example, the reorientation correlation functions (gmn(t)) for molecules rotating in an anisotropic medium are calculated using a rotational diffusion model. The rotational diffusion equation, which involves a rotational diffusion operator (*) and also contains the pseudopotential for reorienting molecules, must first be solved to get the conditional probability that a molecule has a certain orientation at time t given it has a different orientation at time t = 0. This, together with the equilibrium probability for finding the molecule with a certain orientation, is required to work out gmn(W). In general, the orientational correlation functions can be written as a sum of decaying exponentials:

where m and n represent the projection indices of a rank 2 tensor in the laboratory and molecular frames, respectively; (D )K/U, the decay constants, are the eigenvalues of the rotational diffusion * matrix and (E )K, the relative weights of the exponentials, are


the corresponding eigenvectors. In this model, the decay constants contain the model parameters D|| and DA specifying rotational diffusions of the molecule about its long axis and perpendicular to the long axis. The spectral densities for a deuteron residing on the rigid part of a uniaxial molecule are the Fourier transform of the orientational correlation functions (m = 0, 1, or 2) to give

These can now be substituted into Equations [25–27] to obtain deuteron relaxation rates. By fitting the experimental spectral densities with the predictions from a certain motional model, its model parameters can then be derived. However, the derived motional parameters are model dependent. It is a price one normally has to pay when using NMR relaxation rates. Justification of NMR model parameters may be obtained by comparing them with those observed by other spectroscopic techniques.

distance; R = Redfield relaxation supermatrix; RDD′EE′ = Redfield relaxation supermatrix elements; T1Z = longitudinal or Zeeman spin–lattice relaxation time; T1D = dipolar spin–lattice relaxation time; T1Q = quadrupole spin–lattice relaxation time; T1T = longitudinal relaxation time due to translation; T1U = rotating frame spin–lattice relaxation time; T2,m = spin operator tensor; T2 = transverse or spin– spin relaxation time; J = nuclear gyromagnetic ratio; K = asymmetry parameter of electric field gradient tensor; V = chemical-shift tensor; V = density operator; = density operator in interaction representation; Wc = correlation time; WJ = angular momentum correlation time; Ws = scalar relaxation correlation time; \ = wavefunction; ZD = average dipolar coupling expressed as a frequency; Z0 = Larmor precession frequency; ZQ = average quadrupole coupling expressed as a frequency; : ( D, E, J) = Euler angles; 90 , 45 = RF pulses producing rotations of 90°, 45° about the x, y axes of the rotating frame. See also: Chemical Shift and Relaxation Reagents in NMR; Liquid Crystals and Liquid Crystal Solutions Studied By NMR; NMR in Anisotropic Systems, Theory; NMR Principles; Nuclear Overhauser Effect.

Further reading List of symbols B1 = RF field along an axis of the rotating frame; C = spin–rotation interaction tensor; d (Ω) = reduced Wigner rotation matrix elements; D (:) = Wigner rotation matrix elements; eQ = nuclear electric quadrupole moment; eq = electric field gradient at nucleus; gmn(t) = reduced time correlation function; Gm(t) = time correlation function of spin coupling tensor; H0 = static spin Hamiltonian; Hc(t) = zero-average, time-dependent spin Hamiltonian; Hq(t) = qth component of time-dependent spin Hamiltonian; I = nuclear spin angular momentum; Im = moment of inertia; J = scalar coupling constant; Jn(nZ0) = spectral density of the nth component of a fluctuating coupling tensor at frequency nZ0; PD = population of the spin state |D〉; rij = internuclear

Abragam A (1961) The Principles of Nuclear Magnetism . Oxford: Clarendon. Bloembergen N, Purcell EM and Pound RV (1948) Physical Review 73: 679. Cowan B (1997) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Relaxation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Dong RY (1997) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Liquid Crystals, 2nd edn. New York: Springer. Farrar TC (1989) Introduction to Pulse NMR Spectroscopy. Madison: Farragut Press. Goldman M (1988) Quantum Description of High-Resolution NMR in Liquids . Oxford: Clarendon. Jeener J and Broekaert P (1967) Physical Review 157: 232–240. Redfield AG (1965) Advances in Magnetic Resonance 1: 1 32. Slichter CP (1990) Principles of Magnetic Resonance , 3rd edn. New York: Springer.


NMR Spectrometers John C Lindon, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, UK

MAGNETIC RESONANCE Methods & Instrumentation

Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction After the first observation of nuclear magnetic resonance in bulk phases in 1946 and the realization that it would be useful for chemical characterization, which first came with the discovery of the chemical shift in 1951, it was only a few years before commercial spectrometers were produced. By the end of the 1950s a considerable number of publications on the application of NMR to chemical structuring and analysis problems had appeared, and then during the 1960s and later it became clear that useful information could be obtained in biological systems. Since then, the applications and the consequential instrument developments have diversified and now NMR spectroscopy is one of the most widely used techniques in chemical and biological analysis. The very high specificity, the exploratory nature of the technique without the need to preselect analytes and its nondestructive nature have made it very useful despite its lower sensitivity compared to some spectroscopic methods. A general description is given of the way in which a modern NMR spectrometer operates, of the various components that go into making a complete system and of the particular role that they play. A block diagram of the components of a high-resolution NMR spectrometer is given in Figure 1.

Components and principles of operation of NMR spectrometers Continuous wave (CW) and Fourier transform (FT) operation

For many years, all commercial NMR spectrometers operated in continuous wave mode. This type of operation required a sweep of the NMR frequency or the magnetic field over a fixed range to bring each nucleus into resonance one at a time. These scans for 1H NMR spectroscopy would take typically 500 s to avoid signal distortion. Since most NMR spectra consist of a few sharp peaks interspersed with long regions of noise, this was a very inefficient process. A fundamental paper by Ernst and Anderson in 1966 pointed out the favourable gain in efficiency that

could be obtained by simultaneously detecting all signals. This is achieved by the application of a short intense pulse of RF radiation to excite the nuclei, followed by the detection of the induced magnetization in the detector coil as the nuclei relax. The decaying, time-dependent signal, known as a free induction decay (FID) is then converted to the usual frequency domain spectrum by the process known as Fourier transformation (FT). For speed of implementation, in NMR computers this requires the data to have a number of values that is a power of 2, typically perhaps 16K points for modest spectral widths, up to 128K or even 256K points for wide spectral widths on high-field spectrometers (1K is 1024 or 210 points). Acquisition of a 1H FID requires typically a few seconds and opens up the possibility of adding together multiple FID scans to improve the spectrum signal-to-noise ratio (S/N), since for perfectly registered spectra the signals will co-add but the noise will only increase in proportion to the square root of the number of scans. The S/N gain, therefore, is proportional to the square root of the number of scans. This, for the first time, made routine the efficient and feasible acquisition of NMR spectra of less sensitive or less abundant nuclei such as 13C. The magnet

The most fundamental component of an NMR spectrometer is the magnet. Originally, this would have been a permanent or electromagnet and these provided the usual configurations for field strengths up to 1.41 T (the unit of magnetic flux density is the tesla (T) equivalent to 10 000 gauss), corresponding to a 1H observation frequency of 60 MHz. Because the sensitivity of the NMR experiment is proportional to about the 3/2 power of the field strength, denoted B0, there has been a drive to higher and higher magnetic fields. This led the commercial NMR manufacturers to develop stronger electromagnets for NMR spectroscopy that took the highest field strengths to 2.35 T, i.e. 100 MHz for 1H NMR observation. Materials suitable for electromagnets have a maximum saturation field strength at about this value and at this field the current used and the consequential water cooling required was a considerable running expense.


Because of the continued need for even higher strengths, NMR manufacturers have collaborated closely with magnet developers to produce high-resolution magnets based upon superconducting solenoids. The magnetic field is generated by a current circulating in a coil of superconducting wire immersed in a liquid helium dewar at 4.2 K. This bath is shielded from ambient temperature by layers of vacuum and a jacket of liquid nitrogen at 77 K, which is usually topped up at a weekly interval. A liquid helium refill is carried out at approximately 2month intervals depending on the age and field strength of the magnet. The initial development of superconducting magnets was at 5.17 T, corresponding to 220 MHz for 1H and operated in continuous wave (CW) mode (q.v.)

Figure 1

Until about 1972, this represented the highest field strength, but then at regular intervals the available field strength gradually increased along with the emergence of wider-bore magnets, enabling the incorporation of larger samples. Thus, a 270 MHz spectrometer was produced along with a wide-bore 180 MHz machine, and subsequently the field was increased to allow 1H observation at 360 MHz, 400 MHz, 500 MHz, 600 MHz, 750 MHz; the observation frequency limit of any machine yet delivered to a customer is 800 MHz (mid 1999). The development of such magnets has required new technology in which part of the liquid helium bath is kept at about 2K by an adiabatic cooling unit, thereby allowing higher current to be used in the coils. This approach should lead to higher field strengths being available in

A block diagram of the principal components of a modern NMR spectrometer.


the near future. A photograph of a superconducting magnet designed to give a field of 18.8 T and 1H NMR spectra at 800 MHz is shown in Figure 2, indicating the size that such magnets have reached. A modern, recently installed high-field NMR spectrometer using this type of superconducting magnet is shown in Figure 3. Nowadays, apart from very basic routine low-field spectrometers used, for example, for monitoring chemical reactions, all NMR spectrometers are based on superconducting magnets. NMR magnetic field optimization, signal detection and sample handling

Inserted into the magnet is the NMR detector system or probe. High-resolution NMR spectra are usually measured in the solution state in glass tubes of standard external diameters; 5 mm is the most common, but larger ones (10 mm) are used where improved sensitivity is required and sample is not limited. Also a range of narrow and specially designed tubes is available for limited sample studies, including 4 mm, 3 mm, 1.5 mm diameter and even smaller specially shaped cavities such as capillaries or spherical bulbs, plus tubes containing limitedvolume cavities where the glass has a magnetic susceptibility tailored to be the same as that of a specific NMR solvent such as D2O. The probe contains tunable RF coils for excitation of the nuclear spins and detection of the resultant signals as the induced magnetization decays away. A capability exists for measuring NMR spectra over a range of temperatures, typically 125–475 K.

Although modern high-resolution magnets have very high field stability and hom*ogeneity, this is not sufficient for chemical analysis, in that it is necessary to resolve lines to about a width of 0.2 Hz; at 800 MHz this represents a stability of one part in 4 × 109. This performance is achieved in three ways: first by locking the magnetic field to the RF to ensure that successive scans are co-registered; second by improving the hom*ogeneity of the magnetic field; and finally by sometimes spinning the sample tube. Deuterated solvents are usually used for NMR spectroscopy to avoid the appearance of solvent peaks in the 1H spectrum. Deuterium is an NMRactive nucleus and the spectrometer will contain a 2H channel for exciting and detecting the solvent resonance. Circuitry is provided in the spectrometer for maintaining this 2H signal exactly on resonance at all times by detecting any drift from resonance caused by inherent magnet drift or room temperature fluctuations and for providing an error signal to bring the magnet field back on resonance by applying small voltages through subsidiary coils in the magnet bore. This is known as a ‘field-frequency lock’ and it means that successive scans in a signal accumulation run are registered exactly. To improve the hom*ogeneity of the magnet, an assembly of coils is inserted into the magnet bore (shim coils). These consists of about 20–40 coils specially designed so that adjustable current can be fed through them to provide corrections to the magnetic field in any combination of axes to remove the effects of field inhom*ogeneities. The criterion of the best

Figure 2 A superconducting NMR magnet operating at 18.8 T for 1H NMR observation at 800 MHz demonstrating the size of these state-of-the-art magnets. Photograph courtesy of Bruker Instruments Inc., Billerica, MA, USA. (See Colour Plate 41a).


hom*ogeneity is based upon the fact that when the 2H lock signal is sharpest (i.e. at the most hom*ogeneous field) the signal will be at its highest. The currents in the shim coils are therefore usually adjusted to give the highest lock signal. Alternatively, it is possible, although less common, to ‘shim’ on the 1H NMR signal. It is possible to ‘map’ the field inhom*ogeneities using MRI methods involving magnetic field gradients prior to automatic compensation. This whole process is now largely computer-controlled in modern spectrometers. NMR spectra are sometimes measured with the sample tube spinning at about 20 Hz to further improve the NMR resolution. This can introduce signal sidebands at the spinning speed and its harmonics, and on modern high-field machines with improved resolution, this is becoming less necessary and is undesirable in some cases. In analytical laboratories where large numbers of samples have to be processed, automatic sample changers can play a large part in improving efficient

use of the magnet time. These devices allow the measurement of up to about 120 samples in an unattended fashion with insertion and ejection of samples from the magnet under computer control. Automatic lock detection and optimization of sample spinning, NMR receiver gain and shimming are also standard. The data are acquired automatically and can be plotted and stored on backing devices. As an additional aid in routine work, it is possible to purchase an automated work bench that will produce the samples dissolved in the appropriate solvent in an NMR tube starting from a solid specimen in a screw-capped bottle and which will also dispose of samples safely and wash the NMR tube. It is possible to foresee the demise of the glass NMR tube in laboratories requiring high sample throughout. This can now be achieved using a flow probe type of NMR detector and automatic sample handling robots taking samples from 96-well plates. This is an extension of the technology used for direct coupling of chromatography, such as HPLC, to NMR spectroscopy.

Figure 3 A modern high-resolution NMR spectrometer. A superconducting magnet is shown at the rear, in this case providing a field of 18.8 T corresponding to a 1H observation frequency of 800 MHz. Behind the operator is the single console containing the RF and other electronics and the temperature-control unit. The whole instrument is computer controlled by the workstation shown at the right. Photograph courtesy of Bruker Instruments Inc., Billerica, MA, USA. (See Colour Plate 41b).


Excitation, detection and computer processing of NMR signals.

The RF signal is derived ultimately from a digital frequency synthesizer that is gated and amplified to provide a short intense pulse. Pulses have to be of short duration because of the need to tip the macroscopic nuclear magnetization by 90° or 180° and at the same time to provide uniform excitation over the whole of the spectral range appropriate for the nucleus under study. Thus for 13C NMR, for example, where chemical shifts can cover more than 200 ppm, this requires 25 kHz spectral width on a spectrometer operating at 500 MHz for 1H, which corresponds to 125 MHz for 13C. To cover this range uniformly requires a 90° pulse to be < 10 µs in duration. The RF pulse is fed to the NMR probe, which contains one or more coils that can be tuned and matched to the required frequency, this tuning changing from sample to sample because of the different properties of the samples such as the solution dielectric constant. The receiver is blanked off during the pulse and for a short period afterwards to allow the pulse amplifier to recover. The receiver is then turned on to accept the NMR signal that is induced in the coil as the nuclei precess about the field and decay through their relaxation processes. The detection coil is wound on a former as close as possible to the sample to avoid signal losses and is oriented with its axis perpendicular to the magnetic field. In a superconducting magnet the sample tube is aligned along the field, and this coil axis is therefore at right angles to the field and a simple solenoid, which would provide the best S/N, is not possible. Consequently most detector coils are of the saddle type. The weak NMR signal is amplified using a preamplifier situated as close to the probe as possible, and then also in the main receiver unit where it is mixed with a reference frequency and demodulated in several stages to leave the FID as an oscillating voltage in the kHz range. This signal is then fed to an analogue-to digital converter (ADC) and at this point the analogue voltage from the probe is converted into a digital signal for data processing. ADCs are described in terms of their resolution, usually in terms of the number of bits of resolution: a typical high-field NMR FID is digitized to a resolution of 16 bits or one part in 216 or 65536. This digital signal can then be manipulated to improve the S/N ratio or the resolution by multiplying the FID by an appropriate weighting function before the calculation of the digital Fourier transform. If only one ADC is used to collect the NMR FID, it is not possible to distinguish frequencies that are

positive from those that are negative with respect to the pulse frequency. For this reason, the carrier frequency used to be set to one edge of the spectral region of interest to make sure that all of the NMR frequencies detected were of the same sign. This had the disadvantage of allowing all of the noise on the unwanted side of the carrier to be aliased onto the noise in the desired spectral region, hence reducing the final S/N by √2. To overcome this problem it is general practice now to collect two FIDs, separated in phase by 90°, either using two ADCs or multiplexing one ADC to two channels. This approach allows the distinction of positive and negative frequencies and means that the carrier can be set in the middle of the spectrum and the hardware filters can be correspondingly reduced in width by a factor of 2, giving an increase in S/N by √2. This process is termed quadrature detection. In modern NMR spectrometers, the electronics are largely digital in nature, thus providing greater opportunities for computer control and manipulation of the signals. This includes the use of oversampling and digital filtering to improve the dynamic range of the signal acquisition. Modern NMR spectrometers usually have two separate computer systems. One is dedicated to the acquisition of the NMR FID and operates in the background so that all necessary accurate timing requirements can be met. The FID is transferred, either at the end of the acquisition or periodically throughout it to enable inspection of the data, to the host computer for manipulation by the operator. These computers are based on modern operating systems such as UNIX. The computer software can be very complex, using multiple graphics windows on remote processors, and can, like any modern package, take advantage of networks, printers and plotters. Typical operations include manipulations of the signal-averaged FID by baseline correction to remove DC offset; multiplication by continuous functions to enhance S/N or resolution; Fourier transformation; phase correction; baseline correction of the frequency spectrum; calculation and output of peak lists; calculation and output of peak areas (integrals); and plotting or printing of spectra. It is common to have a separate computer workstation solely for data inspection and manipulation, networked to the host computer. This may be the same model as the host computer but is often an industry-standard model from a third-party supplier. NMR data processing software can also be purchased from a number of companies other than the instrument manufacturers, and these often have links to document production software or provide output of NMR parameters for input into other


packages such as those for molecular modelling. A number of approaches alternative to the use of FID weighting functions for improving the quality of the NMR data have been developed and are available from software suppliers. These include such methods as maximum entropy and linear prediction, and indeed it is now possible to purchase these as supplementary items from some NMR manufacturers. Multiple-pulse experiments and multidimensional NMR

Everything described so far applies to the basic onedimensional NMR experiment in which the nuclear spin system is subjected to a 90° (or less) pulse and the FID is collected. A wide variety of experiments are reported in the literature and are routinely applied to measure NMR properties such as relaxation times T1, T2 and T1ρ, which can be related in some cases to molecular dynamics. These experiments involve the use of several pulses separated by timed variable delays and are controlled by pulse programs written in a high-level language for ease of understanding and modification. The computer system will have software to interpret the data and calculate the relaxation times using least-squares fitting routines. Such pulse programs are also used to enable other special one-dimensional experiments such as saturation or nonexcitation of a large solvent resonance (these are different in that the former method will also saturate NH or OH protons in the molecules under study through the mechanism of chemical exchange), or the measurement of nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE) effects which are often used to provide distinction between isomeric structures or to provide estimates of internuclear distances. Pulse programs are also used for measuring NMR spectra of nuclei other than 1H and sometimes in order to probe connectivity between protons and the heteronucleus. In this case, pulses or irradiation can be applied on both the heteronucleus and 1H channels in the same experiment. The commonest use is in 13C NMR where all spin–spin couplings between the 13C nuclei and 1H nuclei are removed by ‘decoupling’. This involves irradiation of all of the 1H frequencies while observing the 13C spectrum. In order to cover all of the 1H frequencies, the irradiation is provided as a band of frequencies covering the 1H spectral width; this is consequently termed noise decoupling or broad-band decoupling. Alternatively, it is possible to obtain the effect of broad-band decoupling more efficiently by applying a train of pulses to the 1H system, this being known as composite pulse decoupling.

Recently, a whole family of experiments have been developed that detect low-sensitivity nuclei such as 13C or 15N indirectly by their spin coupling connectivity to protons in the molecule. This involves a series of pulses on both 1H and the heteronucleus but allows detection at the much superior sensitivity of 1H NMR. Special probes have been developed for such ‘indirect detection’ experiments in which the 1H coil is placed close to the sample, and the heteronucleus coil is placed outside it, the opposite or ‘inverse geometry’ to a standard heteronuclear detection probe. The one-dimensional NMR experiment is derived from measuring the FID as a function of time. If the pulse program also contains a second time period which is incremented, then a second frequency axis can be derived from a second Fourier transform. This is the basis for ‘two-dimensional’ NMR and its extension to three or even four dimensions. For example, a simple sequence such as

where t1 is an incremented delay, results after double Fourier transformation with respect to t1 and t2 in a spectrum with two axes each corresponding to the 1H chemical shifts. This is usually viewed as a contour plot with the normal 1D spectrum appearing along the diagonal and any two protons that are spin coupled to each other giving rise to an off-diagonal contour peak at their chemical shift coordinates. This simple experiment is one of a large family of such correlation experiments involving either protons alone or heteronuclei. The extension to higher dimensions has already been exploited to decrease the amount of overlap by allowing spectral editing and the spreading of the peaks into more than one dimension. Hardware and software in modern NMR spectrometers allows this wide variety of experiments. The increasingly complex pulse sequences used today rely on the ability of the equipment to produce exactly 90° or 180° pulses or pulses of any other angle. One way to do this is to provide trains of pulses that have the desired net effect of, for example, a 180° tip but which are compensated for any mis-setting. An example of such a ‘composite pulse’ is 90 – 180 – 90 , which provides a better inversion pulse than a single 180° pulse. Many complex schemes have been invented both for observation and for decoupling (especially for low-power approaches that avoid heating the sample). A universal approach to removing artefacts caused by electronic imperfections, and one which is also used to simplify spectra by editing out undesired components of magnetization, is the


use of ‘phase cycling’. This allows the operator to choose the phase of any RF pulse and of the receiver, and cycling these in a regular fashion gives control over the exact appearance of the final spectrum. So far only pulses that excite the whole spectrum (hard pulses) have been described. For spectral editing purposes or to prove some NMR spin connectivity, it can be very convenient to perturb only part of spectrum, possibly only that corresponding to a given chemical shift or even one transition in a multiplet. This approach is achieved by using lowerpower pulses applied for a longer period of time (e.g. a 10 ms 90° pulse will only cover 25 Hz). Such selective pulses are often not rectangular as are hard pulses but can be synthesized in a variety of shapes such as sine or Gaussian because of their desirable excitation frequency profiles. Modern research spectrometers can include such selective, shaped pulses in pulse programs.

Instruments for special applications NMR of solids

Although 1H high-resolution NMR spectroscopy is possible in the solid, most applications have focused on heteronuclei such as 13C. High-resolution studies rely on very short pulses, so high-power amplifiers are necessary. Similarly, because of the need to decouple 1H from 13C and thereby to remove dipolar interactions not seen in the liquid state, high-power decoupling is required. However, the major difference between solution and solid-state highresolution NMR studies lies in the use of ‘magicangle spinning’ (MAS) in the latter case. This involves spinning the solid sample packed into a special rotor at an angle of 54°44′ to the magnetic field. This removes broadening due to any chemical shift anisotropies that are manifested in the solidstate spectrum and any residual 1H–13C dipolar coupling not removed by high-power decoupling. Typical spinning speeds are 2–6 kHz or 120000– 720000 rpm although higher speeds up to 25 kHz, at which the rotor rim is moving at supersonic velocity, are possible and necessary in some cases. For nuclei with spin > , MAS is insufficient to narrow the resonances and more complicated double angle spinning (DAS) or double orientation rotors (DOR) are necessary. NMR imaging

A whole new specialized subdivision of NMR has arisen in the allied disciplines of NMR imaging (magnetic resonance imaging or MRI) and NMR spectroscopy from localized regions of a larger

object. MRI applications range from the analysis of water and oil in rock obtained from oil exploration drilling to medical and clinical studies, and spectroscopic applications include the possibility of measuring the 1H or 31P NMR spectrum from a particular volume element in the brain of a living human being and relation the levels of metabolites seen to a disease condition. Some experiments on smaller samples can be carried out in the usual vertical-bore superconducting magnets, but studies are more often performed in specially designed horizontal-bore magnets with a large, clear bore capable of taking samples up to the size of adult human beings. Because of their large bore, they operate at lower field strengths compared to analytical chemical applications, and typical configurations are 2.35 T with a 40 cm bore or 7.0 T with a 21 cm bore. Clinical imagers generally utilize magnetic fields up to 2 T with a 1 m bore. Imaging relies upon the application of magnetic field gradients to extra coils located inside the magnet bore in all three orthogonal axes including that of B0 and excitation using selective RF pulses. Virtually all clinical applications of MRI use detection of the 1H NMR signal of water in the subject, with the image contrast coming from variation of the amount of water or its NMR relaxation or diffusion properties in the different organs or compartment being imaged. Very fast imaging techniques have been developed that allow movies to be constructed of the beating heart or studies of changes in brain activity as a result of visual or aural stimulation to be conducted. Benchtop analysis

Specialist tabletop machines can be purchased and these are used for routine analysis in the food and chemical industries. They operate automatically, typically at 20 MHz for 1H NMR, using internally programmed pulse sequences, and are designed to give automatic printouts of analytical results such as the proportion of fat to water in margarine or the oil content of seeds.

Future trends NMR spectroscopy has shown a ceaseless trend in improvements in S/N, field strength, new types of pulse experiments and computational aspects. This trend is not slowing down and, with the rapid advances in computers, it is probably accelerating; it is therefore difficult to predict NMR developments in the long term. However, some recent research developments mentioned below will certainly break through into commercial instruments.


Higher magnetic field strengths 800 MHz detection for 1H NMR is the current (mid 1999) commercial limit and the first machines at this field have now been delivered and 900 MHz systems are being developed. Higher fields must be on the way and clearly an emotive figure would be the 1 GHz 1H NMR spectrometer. This development will require the design of transmitter and detection technology working at or beyond the limit of RF methods and investigation of new superconducting materials for the magnets. Although the higher field strengths provide greater spectral dispersion and yield better sensitivity, it may be that some applications involving heavier nuclei are less suited to such fields because of the field dependence of certain mechanisms of nuclear spin relaxation, which could cause an increased line broadening and hence lower peak heights and delectability. It has been demonstrated that cooling the NMR detector to liquid helium temperature has the effect of improving the S/N by up to about 500%. This will have an even more dramatic effect on sensitivity than higher magnetic fields. New NMR pulse experiments Four-dimensional experiments are reported in the literature and developments, through such approaches as selective excitation, allow the reduction of the enormous data matrices that result. This also means that new methods of detecting only the desired information in complex spectra are becoming possible through such approaches as the detection of 1H NMR resonances only from molecules containing certain isotopes of other nuclei. Transfer of the use of pulsed magnetic field gradients has occurred from the MRI field to the high-resolution NMR area and this provides new ways of editing complex spectra with improved data quality and acquisition speed. This technology will find widespread application in the near future, for example in the measurement of diffusion coefficients and other forms of molecular mobility. The advent of more Novel data processing widespread application of the maximum-entropy technique, where any prior knowledge about the system can be used to advantage, is imminent as the method becomes more widely available. It will probably gain more credence when careful benchmarking and comparisons have been completed. Undoubtedly, it will find application in all areas of NMR spectroscopy.

Coupled techniques The recent coupling of HPLC to NMR has been shown to be of great use in separating and structuring components of complex mixtures such as drug metabolites in body fluids. This technique has been extended to other chromatographic techniques such as supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC) and to the use of nuclei other than 1H or 19F which form the basis of most studies so far because of their high NMR sensitivity. The direct coupling of capillary electrophoresis (CE) and capillary electrochromatography (CEC) to NMR has also been developed and commercial systems based on these approaches will become available. The hyphenation of HPLC with both NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry has been achieved and the first commercial systems are now being produced. It is expected that a wealth of applications based on these technologies, such as the identification of drug metabolites, will be forthcoming. Finally, the technology that has led to the direct coupling of separation to NMR spectroscopy is leading to the demise of the glass NMR tube for high-throughput applications and its replacement by flow-injection robots.

List of symbols B0 = magnetic field strength [flux density]; T1 = spin– lattice relaxation times; T2 = spin–spin relaxation time; T1U = spin–lattice relaxation time in the rotating frame. See also: Diffusion Studied Using NMR Spectroscopy; Fourier Transformation and Sampling Theory; Magnetic Field Gradients in High Resolution NMR; MRI Theory; NMR Data Processing; NMR Principles; NMR Pulse Sequences; NMR Relaxation Rates; Solid State NMR, Methods; Solvent Suppression Methods in NMR Spectroscopy; Two-Dimensional NMR, Methods.

Further reading Ernst RR and Anderson WA (1996) Applications of Fourier transform spectroscopy to magnetic resonance. Review of Scientific Instruments 37: 93–102. Lindon JC and Ferrige AG (1980) Digitisation and data processing in Fourier transform NMR. Progress in NMR Spectroscopy 14: 27–66 Sanders JKM and Hunter BK (1993) Modern NMR Spectroscopy. A Guide for Chemists, 2nd edn. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


NMR Spectroscopy in Food Science See Food Science, Applications of NMR Spectroscopy.

NMR Spectroscopy of Alkali Metal Nuclei in Solution Frank G Riddell, The University of St Andrews, UK Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

The alkali metals, lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium and caesium all possess NMR active nuclei, all of which are quadrupolar. • Lithium has two NMR active isotopes 6Li (7.4%) and 7Li (92.6%), of which 7Li is the isotope of choice due to its higher magnetogyric ratio and natural abundance. Both isotopes are available in isotopically enriched form making NMR tracer studies relatively easy. • Sodium has only one NMR active nucleus, 23Na (100%). • Potassium has two NMR active isotopes 39K (93.1%) and 41K (6.9%), of which 39K is the isotope of choice due to its much greater natural abundance and 41K is observable only with the greatest difficulty. • Rubidium has two NMR active isotopes 85Rb (72.15%) and 87Rb (27.85%), of which 87Rb is the isotope of choice due to its much higher magnetogyric ratio despite its lower natural abundance. • Caesium has only one NMR active nucleus, 133Cs (100%). Lithium is important as the treatment of choice for manic depressive psychosis and this has provoked a wide variety of NMR studies in an endeavour to probe its mode of action. Organolithium compounds are used extensively in synthetic organic chemistry and as industrial catalysts, especially in polymerization reactions. Both sodium and potassium are essential for life. Potassium is the major intracellular cation in most living cells, with sodium having the second highest concentration. These concentrations are generally reversed in the extracellular fluids. The

MAGNETIC RESONANCE Applications concentration differences across the cellular membrane are maintained by ion pumps, the most important of which is Na/K/ATPase. This enzyme pumps three sodium ions out of the cell and two potassium ions in for the consumption of one molecule of ATP. This enzyme consumes about onethird of the ATP produced in the human body, emphasizing the importance for life of maintaining the concentration gradients of these ions. In addition, large numbers of enzymes require the presence of sodium or potassium for them to function by mechanisms such as symport or antiport. The human need for sodium chloride as a part of the diet is recognized in many proverbs and sayings in common use, and in the word ‘salary’ which is a reminder that salt has in the past been used as a form of payment. Although the chemistry of rubidium is close to that of potassium it cannot be used as a substitute for potassium in biological systems in vivo, although it has been used in studies of perfused organs and cellular systems. The same applies for similar reasons to caesium. These metals can be taken into biological systems where they generally replace potassium, but the ingestion of large amounts of the salts of either metal has severe physiological consequences leading in extreme cases to death. Many reasons exist, therefore, for the development and implementation of NMR methods for the study of the alkali metals.

Nuclear properties The nuclear properties of the NMR active isotopes of the alkali metals are presented in Table 1.


Table 1

Nuclear properties of the alkali metals


Spin, I










Natural abundance (%) 7.42 92.58 100

Magnetogyric ratio, Quadrupole moment J/10 7 (rad T1 s1) Q/1028(m2)

NMR frequency, Ξ (MHz)

Relative receptivity, D c


8 × 104




4.5 × 10


1.54 × 103


5.25 × 102







5.5 × 102







6.7 × 102


3.28 × 102













2.77 × 102


2.69 × 102

K K Rb Rb






3 × 103



;is the observing frequency in a magnetic field in which H is at 100 MHz. D c is the receptivity relative to 13C. Quadrupole moments Q are the least well determined parameters in this Table. Data taken from: NMR and the Periodic Table (1978) Harris RK and Mann BE (eds) London: Academic Press. 1

Quadrupolar relaxation and visibility The NMR spectra of the alkali metals are dominated by the fact that all the isotopes are quadrupolar. Effective use of alkali metal NMR requires an understanding of the resulting quadrupolar interactions and the best ways to make use of them and to avoid their pitfalls. Many of the problems that arise and solutions adopted are similar to those involved with the halogens. Quadrupolar nuclei have an asymmetric distribution of charge which gives rise to an electric quadrupole moment. Apart from when the nucleus is in an environment with cubic or higher symmetry, the quadrupole moment interacts with the electric field gradient (EFG) experienced by the nucleus, giving rise among other things to quadrupolar relaxation. The strength of the quadrupolar interaction between the quadrupole moment (eQ) and the electric field gradient (eq) is given by the quadrupolar coupling e2qQ/h. This can take from very small values to hundreds of MHz, depending on the magnitudes of Q and q. In solution, modulation of the EFG at the quadrupolar nucleus by isotropic and sufficiently rapid molecular motions (where ZW 1, hyperpolarizability, where n denotes the order of the effect. The first-order polarizability D(1) is a second-rank tensor. The tensor is symmetric and, therefore, in general has six independent elements, assumed to be defined in a symmetry-adapted molecular reference frame x, y, z. These six different tensor elements manifest themselves in point groups belonging to the triclinic symmetry system: xx(≡ D ), yy, zz, xy = yx, yz = zy, zx = xz. In the monoclinic system, there occur four independent elements. In higher systems, by symmetry the tensor becomes diagonal. In the cubic system, all three diagonal elements are the same. For an isotropic medium, we obtain a single scalar average. The second-order polarizabilities D(2)(}) are thirdrank tensors. Such tensors in general vanish in centrosymmetric media, as they are parity-odd. In the triclinic symmetry system, there are 3 3 = 27 independent tensor elements. In a molecule of higher symmetry, some elements become zero, others may

Table 2

Some important nonlinear optical effects

Frequencies of interacting electric fields Table 1

Frequency of Frequency of incident scattered radiation radiation

Rank Order of susceptiof effect bility tensor Name/description (n )



Z1, Z2

Z1, Z2, Z3

Z + Z → 2Z

Overall classification of nonlinear optical effects


Z1 + Z 2 Z1 − Z 2

Z1 + Z2 + Z3






Z1 + Z2 − Z3 Z1 − Z2 + Z3 Z1 − Z2 − Z3 Z1, Z2, Z3, Z4 Z1 ± Z2 ± Z3 ± Z4 4


Rayleigh scattering, ordinary refraction Sum-frequency generation Differencefrequency generation Four-wave mixing

Five-wave mixing

Z−Z→0 2Z − Z → Z Z + Z + 0 → 2Z

Z + Z + Z → 3Z Z + Z + Z − Z → 2Z

Effect Second-harmonic generation (SHG) Optical rectification (OR) Parametric amplification (PA) Electric field-induced second- harmonic generation (EFISH) Third-harmonic generation (THG) Second-harmonic generation by five-wave mixing

First experiment a b c d

d e

Franken PA, Hill AE, Peters CW and Weinreich G (1961) Physical Review Letters 7: 118. b Bass M, Franken PA, Ward JF and Weinreich G (1962) Physical Review Letters 9: 446. c Giordmaine JA and Miller RC, (1965) Physical Review Letters 14: 973. d Terhune RW, Maker PD and Savage CM (1962) Physical Review Letters 8: 404. e Shkurinov AP, Dubrovskii AV and Koroteev NI (1993) Physical Review Letters 70: 1085. a


Figure 1 Ward graphs (at left) and ladder graphs (at right) for linear (S2.a), second-order nonlinear (S3.a, b), and third-order nonlinear (S4.a, b1, b2) elastic scattering processes. The broken horizontal lines in the ladder graphs represent virtual, nonstationary states of the molecular system. Reproduced with permission from Wagnière GH (1993) Linear and Nonlinear Optical Properties of Molecules. Basel: Verlag Helvetica Chimica Acta.


Table 3

Independent nonvanishing elements of F(2)(Z1Z2; Z1, Z2) for crystals of given symmetry classes

Crystal system

Crystal class Nonvanishing tensor elements


All elements are independent and nonzero Each element vanishes xyz, xzy, xxy, xyx, yxx, yyy, yzz, yzx, yxz, zyz, zzy, zxy, zyx (twofold axis parallel to ) 2 m xxx, xyy, xzz, xzx, xxz, yyz, yzy, yxy, yyx, zxx, zyy, zzz, zzx, zxz (mirror plane perpendicular to ) Each element vanishes 2/m xyz, xzy, yzx, yxz, zxy, zyx 222 xzx, xxz, yyz, yzy, zxx, zyy, zzz mm2 mmm Each element vanishes xyz = yxz, xzy = yzx, xzx = yzy, xxz = yyz, zxx = zyy, zzz, zxy = zyx 4 xyz = yxz, xzy = yzx, xzx = yzy, xxz = yyz, zxx = zyy, zxy = zyx xyz = yxz, xzy = yzx, zxy = zyx 422 xzx = yzy, xxz = yyz, zxx = zyy, zzz 4mm xyz = yxz, xzy = yzx, zxy = zyx 4/m, 4/mmm Each element vanishes xyz = xzy = yzx = yxz = zxy = zyx 432 xyz = xzy = yzx = yxz = zxy = zyx xyz = yzx = zxy, xzy = yxz = zyx 23 m3, m3m Each element vanishes xxx = −xyy = −yyz = −yxy, xyz = −yxz, xzy = −yzx , xzx = yzy, xxz = yyz, yyy = −yxx 3 = −xxy = −xyx, zxx = zyy, zzz, zxy = −zyx xxx = −xyy = −yyx = −yxy, xyz = −yxz, xzy = −yzx, zxy = −zyx 32 xzx = yzy, xxz = yyz, zxx = zyy, zzz, yyy = −yxx = −xxy = −xyx (mirror plane perpendicular to ) 3m Each element vanishes xyz = −yxz, xzy = −yzx, xzx = yxy, xxz = yyz, zxx = zyy, zzz, zxy = −zyx 6 xxx = −xyy = −yxy = −yyx, yyy = −yxx = −xyx = −xxy xyz = −yxz, xzy = −yxz, zxy = −zyx 622 xzx = yzy, xxz = yyz, zxx = zyy, zzz 6mm yyy = −yxx = −xxy = −xyx 6/m, 6/mmm Each element vanishes







Reproduced with permission from Boyd RW (1992) Nonlinear Optics. Boston: Academic Press.

be equal to each other (see Table 3). For instance, in the chiral cubic point group O, the only nonvanishing elements are: xyz = yzx = zxy = –xzy = –yxz = – zyx; in the achiral point group Td: xyz = yzx = zxy = xzy = yxz = zyx. For these cases, a second-order nonlinear response can only be detected if 1E and 2E are nonparallel to one and the same symmetry-adapted coordinate axis. As will be seen in more detail in the next section, in an isotropic medium, the averaged value of D(2) only fails to vanish if the individual molecules of which the medium is composed are chiral, and if the frequencies Z1 and Z2of the incident radiation are different. The third-order polarizabilities D(3)(})are parityeven fourth-rank tensors. In the triclinic system, there occur 3 4 = 81 independent and nonzero tensor elements. The presence of symmetry leads to corresponding simplifications. The same symmetry considerations, which here are stated for individual molecules, may of course also be applied to macroscopic systems, in particular to crystals. The determining aspect is here the overall crystal symmetry, and instead of the molecular

polarizabilities D(n), we consider the bulk susceptibilities of the crystal F(n).

Organic media Organic liquids and solutions

The nonlinear optical properties of solutions of organic molecules have been investigated extensively, although the selection rules for second-order nonlinear optical effects in isotropic liquids are quite restrictive. In order to be noncentrosymmetric, a fluid must consist of, or contain, chiral molecules. Such a chiral medium is ‘optically active’ and not superposable on its mirror image. Although sum and difference frequency generation are then possible, the important special cases of second-harmonic generation and optical rectification are still forbidden. The respective molecular polarizabilities D(2)(–2Z; Z Z) and D(2)(0; Z – Z) vanish upon isotropic averaging. Second-harmonic generation may be induced in any liquid medium (or gas) if an external static


electric field is applied to it, whereby the medium loses its centrosymmetry and the conditions for secondharmonic generation are fulfilled. The generalized polarizability leading to this effect may be expressed as D(3)(–2Z Z Z 0)and is described by a fourth-rank tensor. With electric field strengths applicable in the laboratory, the effect is in general quite small. However, if the liquid is composed of polar molecules (not necessarily chiral), the applied electric field will also partially align them. This then leads to an additional, temperature-dependent, contribution to second-harmonic generation that can be stronger. It is proportional to the molecular dipole moment P and to an average value of the tensor D(2)(–2Z Z Z) often denoted in the literature by E. Electric field-induced second-harmonic generation, in the literature sometimes abbreviated as EFISH, has been widely applied to study solutions of polar organic molecules in nonpolar solvents. To allow extraction of significant molecular data, the interaction between solute molecules should be negligible and the influence of the nonpolar solvent must be taken into account as an averaged correction. Although second-harmonic generation attained by the EFISH effect is in general weak, the method has been applied widely and successfully. The molecular data so obtained serve as a point of departure for the interpretation of the nonlinear optical properties of molecular crystals and arrays and for the design of novel systems. One observes (see Tables 4 and 5) that particularly large quantities for E are found in molecules containing one or more electron-donor substituent(s), such as –NH 2 (amino), one or more electron-acceptor substituent(s), such as –NO 2 (nitro), bound to a polarizable S electron system (containing conjugated C=C double bonds). The tensor elements of the molecular quantity D(2)(–2Z Z Z)and, therefrom, the averaged quantity E may in principle be calculated quantum mechanically. D(2) may be expressed in terms of the energy levels of the molecule and the electric dipole transition moments between the corresponding quantum states. Exact (ab initio) calculations are very cumbersome, but a number of simplified procedures (semiempirical calculations) have been applied to this problem and their results allow a reasonably successful interpretation of the measured results, in particular where strong charge-transfer effects come into play. Third-order nonlinear optical effects, such as thirdharmonic generation or other kinds of four-wave mixing phenomena, occur in all media, irrespective of their symmetry. This follows from the parity-even property of the corresponding tensors. Consequently, third-harmonic generation can be observed both in

liquids and gases. Some results on organic molecules are given in Tables 4 and 5. In general J, the dominant component of D(3)(–3 Z Z Z Z), is a small quantity leading to correspondingly small effects. Organic layers and crystals

Any surface or interface breaks the inversion symmetry and is therefore a possible source of second-order effects. Owing to their surface sensitivity, secondharmonic generation measurements have developed into a very useful tool for probing the orientation of organic molecules in well-structured monolayers, such as those obtainable by the Langmuir–Blodgett technique (see Table 6). The surface susceptibility may in general be written as

where F stands for the part arising from the adsorbed molecules and for the background contribution of the adjoining media. In order to obtain strong signals, the molecules in the layer must themselves be noncentrosymmetric. Often one chooses the adjoining bulk media to be centrosymmetric (air, water, glass; see Figure 2). Then

Among organic crystals, one of the most frequently used for second-harmonic generation is urea, composed of noncentrosymmetric molecules arranged in a noncentrosymmetric fashion, according to the tetragonal space group P42lm D (see Table 7). Much attention has been devoted to the design and fabrication of even more efficient media, based on large E values obtained from EFISH experiments. In some cases, such as that of p-nitroaniline, E is large, but the molecules crystallize in a centrosymmetric space group, rendering the crystal useless. One strategy to overcome such difficulties consists in making the molecules chiral, thereby forcing them into a noncentrosymmetric crystal structure. From a theoretical point of view, one is interested in relating the bulk susceptibility of the crystal F to the susceptibilities of the individual molecules D in their respective positions and orientations in the unit cell. Neglecting intermolecular interaction, this may be written as a sum


Table 4

Properties of para-disubstituted benzenes:




Omax (nm) a

P (10 – 30 cm) b

D(1) (10 –40J m 2V –2)

D(2) ≡ E (10 –50J m 3V –3)

D(3) ≡ J (10 –60J m4V –4)













































































































Omax denotes the wavelength of the lowest electronic transition; P denotes the ground-state dipole moment; the other quantities are explained in the text. Data from Cheng L-T, Tam W, Stevenson SH, Meredith GR, Rikken G and Marder SR (1991) Journal of Physical Chemistry 95: 10631; converted therefrom into SI units (see Table 9). a


Table 5

Properties of 4,4′-disubstituted stilbenes:






























p–Dioxane p–Dioxane p–Dioxane CHCl3 p–Dioxane p–Dioxane p–Dioxane CHCl3 p–Dioxane CHCl3 CHCl3 CHCl3

For footnotes, see Table 4.


Omax (nm)a

D(2)≡E (10 –50J m 3 V– 3)

D(3)≡J (10 – 60J m4 V –4)

P(10 –30 cm) b

D(1) (10 – 40J m 2 V –2)













































































where i, j, k denote the coordinate system of the crystal, xs, ys, zs that of the molecule s in the unit cell. Lijk is a local-field correction, V the volume of the unit cell. The trigonometric factors relate the molecular coordinate systems to the crystal. This purely additive orientated gas model presents a useful first approximation for the interpretation of data on organic molecules. To refine it, intermolecular interaction in the crystal must be included in the calculation. For crystals of strongly polar molecules, methods based on the dipole–dipole approximation have been successful.

From harmonic generation to parametric amplification Conservation of photon energy

The photons involved in a nonlinear optical process must fulfil the requirement of energy conservation. For a three-wave mixing effect in which the incident photons are of frequency Z1Z2leading to an outgoing photon of frequency Z3, this implies

For sum-frequency generation, where Z3 = (Z1 + Z2) this is automatically fulfilled. For difference-frequency generation, where Z3 = (Z1 – Z2), the above

equation as such evidently cannot be satisfied; we must write

This means that for each incident photon of frequency Z2 there are two outgoing photons of the same frequency. Simultaneously with the generation of a new wave of frequency Z1 − Z2, the incident wave of frequency Z2 is parametrically amplified. If the nonlinear medium is placed between two mirrors reflecting at the frequencies Z2and (or)Z3, this parametric effect may be increased. One calls such a device a parametric oscillator (see Figure 3). From this point of view, Z1 ≡ ZP corresponds to the so-called pump wave, Z2 ≡ ZS to the (amplified) signal wave, and Z3 ≡ (Z1 − Z2) ≡ ZI to the idler wave. Equation [8] may be simplified to

The fundamental process then appears to be the conversion of a photon of higher frequency ZP into two photons of lower frequency ZS andZI. Interestingly, this process may go on in a parametric oscillator merely as a result of sending in a pump wave. The signal photons are first generated inside the cavity by spontaneous emission and then coherently amplified. Carried out in this manner, the intensity of

Table 6 Surface susceptibility F (2)(−2Z; Z, Z) and molecular second-order nonlinear polarizability D (2) (−2Z; Z, Z) for organic monomolecular layers on water


(10 –20 mV –1)

(10 –50J m3 V –3)


C8H17(C6H4)2CN 46 9.2 46 9.2 C9H19(C6H4)2CN 46 9.2 C10H21(C6H4)2CN 46 9.2 C12H25(C6H4)2CN 0.21 0.030 C14H29COOH 0.17 0.026 C17H35COOH 0.17 0.026 C22H45COOH 0.25 0.041 C17H35CH2OH 0.75 0.28 C12H25(C10H6)SO3Na 12b 2.2 C8H17(C6H4)2COOH 8 3.0 C7H15(C4N2H2)C6H4CN 15 2.8 C5H11(C6H4)3CN Data from Rasing Th, Berkovic G, Shen YR, Grubb SG and Kim MW (1986) Chemical Physics Letters 130: 1 and Berkovic G, Rasing Th and Shen YR (1987) Journal of the Optical Society of America B 4: 945. Fundamental wavelength O = 532 nm. a For surface density 3.0 × 1018 molecules m–2. b For surface density 2.5 × 1018 molecules m–2.

Figure 2 Sketch of second-harmonic generation from an interface between two isotropic media. The interfacial layer of thickness d is specified by a linear dielectric constant H2 and a secondorder surface nonlinear susceptibility F Reproduced with permission of John Wiley and Sons from Shen YR (1984). The Principles of Nonlinear Optics. New York: © 1984 John Wiley and Sons.


Table 7

Experimental second-order nonlinear optical susceptibilities dil of organic crystals



MBBCH (2,6-bis(p-methylbenzylidene)-4-t-butylcyclohexanone) Orthorhombic

mm 2 = C2v

dil (10 –12 m V –1)









12 (I)

BBCP (2,5-bis(benzylidene)cyclopentanone)

222 = D2



m-NA (m-nitroaniline)

mm2 = C2v








10.35 (I)


a b

5NU (P 212121; 5-nitrouracil)

222 = D2




POM (3-methyl-4-nitropyridine-1-oxide)

222 = D2







e, j

m = Cs




~10 – 3 d11

MNA (2-methyl-4-nitroaniline)

L-PCA (L-pyrrolidone-2-carboxylic acid) MAP (methyl-(2,4-dinitrophenyl)amino-2-propanoate)

Urea (CO(NH2)2)


20.8 (I)




222 = D2


0.20 (I)




2 = C2








16.3 (I)


8.8 (II)




f g, j

h, i

Fundamental wavelength O = 1.064 µm. *Data for different frequencies available. (I) For type I phase-matched SHG; (II) for type II phase-matched SHG. a Kawamata J, Inoue K and Inabe T (1995) Applied Physics Letters 66: 3102. b Huang G-F, Lin JT, Su G, Jiang R and Xie S (1992) Optical Communications 89: 205. c Puccetti G, Perigaud A, Badan J, Ledoux I and Zyss J (1993) Journal of the Optical Society of America B 10: 733. d Zyss J, Chemla DS and Nicoud JF (1981) Journal of Chemical Physics 74: 4800. e Levine BF, Bethea CG, Thurmond CD, Lynch RT and Bernstein JL (1979) Journal of Applied Physics 50: 2523. f Kitazawa M, Higuchi R, Takahashi M, Wada T and Sasabe H (1995) Journal of Applied Physics 78: 709. g Oudar JL and Hierle R (1977) Journal of Applied Physics 48: 2699. h Catella GC, Bohn JH and Luken JR (1988) IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 24: 1201. i Halbout J-M, Blit S, Donaldson W and Tang CL (1979) IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics QE-15: 1176. j Nicoud JF and Twieg RJ (1987) In: Chemla DS and Zyss J (eds) Nonlinear Optical Properties of Organic Molecules and Crystals, Vol.1, pp 227–296. London: Academic Press.

the signal wave becomes linearly dependent on the intensity of the incident pump wave. Evidently, a photon of frequency ZPmay break up into two photons of lower frequency in an infinity of ways, depending on the relative frequencies ZS and ZI. In order to select which frequency ZS should be amplified, the parametric oscillator must be correspondingly tuned. The most important and practical way to achieve this tuning is by phase matching in a crystal.

Conservation of photon momentum: phase matching

To optimize the intensity of a coherent nonlinear optical effect, there must be conservation of photon momentum. For sum frequency generation this requirement is expressed as


Table 8

Experimental second-order nonlinear optical susceptibilities dil of inorganic crystals



Quartz (D-SiO2)

32 = D3


6 = C6

dil (10 –12 m V –1) d11 d14 d31



3m = C3v

d31 d33






mm2 = C2v

mm2 = C2v

4mm = C4v

2m = D2d 2m = D2d

2m = D2d 3m = Td

d22 d31 d32 d33 d24 d15 d31 d32 d33 d15 d31 d33 d14 d36 d14 d36

d14 d36 d14 d36


d14 d36























3.07 − 15.8

2m = D2d


3m = C3v


3m = C3v


6mm = C6v


6mm = C6v

d31 d22 d31 d22 d33 d31 d36 d15 d31 d33











− 18.3 − 27.4 − 17.1 − 16.5 − 14.55 − 14.55 − 20 −17.2 − 18 − 6.6 0.48 0.485 0.49












0.528 35 58.1

3.39 10.6

b a

2.12 1.06







57.7 67.7





173 AgGaSe2



99.7 3 m = Td




77.5 GaAs

dil O(µm)

2.12 10.6





13.4 15.1


28.5 36.0


37.7 41.9 31





28.5 55.3


Table 8





32 = D3


3m = C3v

dil (10–12 m V–1) 65.4


mm2 = C2v




a b c d e f g h

mm2 = C2v

6mm = C6v

d11 d11 d22,d31 deff

5 × 103 1.6

dil O(µm)


2.12 10.6











d24 d31 d32 d33 d15 d24 d31 d32 d33 d31 d15 d33






< 0.08

2.54 4.35 16.9 6.1 7.6 6.5 5.0 13.7 2.1 4.3 −7.0

Absolute values: Choy MM and Byer RL (1976) Physical Review B14: 1693 Shen YR (1984) The Principles of Nonlinear Optics. New York: Wiley Boyd RW (1992) Nonlinear Optics. Boston: Academic Press Eimerl D, Davis L, Velsko S, Graham EK and Zalkin A (1987) Journal of Applied Physics 62: 1968 For type I phase-matched SHG; Capmany J and Garcia Sole J (1997) Applied Physics Letters 70: 2517 Zumsteg FC, Bierlein JD and Gier TE (1976) Journal of Applied Physics 47: 4980 Biaggio I, Kerkoc P, Wu L-S, Günter P and Zysset P (1992) Journal of the Optical Society of America B 9: 507 Vanherzeele H and Bierlein JD (1992) Optics Letters 17: 982.

ki denotes the wave vector of the corresponding beam. To avoid reduction of effective beam interaction length due to finite cross-sections, collinear phase matching is aimed at. One then may write equation [10a] in scalar form

Figure 3 Schematic representation of a singly-resonant optical parametric oscillator. Pump wave of frequency ZP, (reflected) signal wave of frequency ZS, idler wave of frequency ZI. The signal wave ZS becomes amplified. TP denotes the angle of orientation of the direction of propagation with respect to the crystal optic axis. Adapted with permission from Tang CL and Cheng LK (1995) Fundamentals of Optical Parametric Processes and Oscillators. Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Publishers.

With ki = ni 2S/Oi, where ni ≡ n(Zi) stands for the refractive index of the medium at frequency Zi and Oi for the vacuum wavelength, this may be expressed as

In a lossless medium, n(Z) in general increases monotonically with Z owing to normal dispersion. In an isotropic medium such as a liquid, n(Z) is independent of beam polarization. It can then easily be shown that for Z1 ≤ Z2 < Z3 Equation [10c] cannot be satisfied. In a uniaxial birefringent crystal, excluding propagation along the optic axis, an incident beam may, depending on its polarization, be made ordinary or extraordinary. The ordinary (o) and extraordinary (e) rays, perpendicularly polarized with respect to each other, will each experience a different index of refraction, n(o)(Z) ≠ n(e)(Z). According to the crystalline medium, the frequency Zand the angle of incidence with respect to the optic axis, situations may be found where the phasematching condition is fulfilled.


For sum-frequency generation in a positive uniaxial crystal, in which n(e) > n(o), the phasematching condition may be satisfied in two different ways:


Similarly for the parametric effect in a negative uniaxial crystal, in which n(e) < n(o) (see Figure 4):


Crystals belonging to the cubic crystal system are isotropic, and therefore unsuited for phase-matching. Tetragonal and trigonal crystals are uniaxial; those of the orthorhombic, monoclinic and triclinic symmetry are biaxial. The description of phasematching in biaxial crystals is somewhat more complicated than in uniaxial crystals, but it essentially rests on the same principles. The search for birefringent crystals with good phase-matching properties is of great technical importance in nonlinear optics. Although phase-matching has been achieved in organic crystals (see Table 7), inorganic materials appear so far to offer a greater variety of possibilities.

Inorganic media

Figure 4 Phase-matching in an optical parametric process to achieve photon momentum conservation is based on the use of birefringence to compensate for normal material dispersion. In an uniaxial crystal, the ordinary wave (o) is polarized perpendicularly to the plane defined by the direction of propagation and the optic axis. The corresponding value of k(o) (or n(o)) is independent of TP, the angle of orientation of the direction of propagation with respect to the optic axis. k and k therefore lie on a circle. The extraordinary wave (e) is polarized in the plane defined by the direction of propagation and the optic axis. The value of k (or n ) in its dependence on TP is described by an ellipse. In a negative uniaxial crystal, and for given values of ZP = ZS + ZI, the ellipse for k may intersect the circle for k + k . At the corresponding angle TP there is phase matching. Rotation of the crystal relative to the direction of propagation of the waves correspondingly leads to tuning of the frequencies of the signal and idler waves. Adapted with permission from Tang CL and Cheng LK (1995). Fundamentals of Optical Parametric Processes and Oscillators. Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Publishers.

(KD*P) and more recently E-BaB2O4(BBO). For optical parametric amplification into the mid-IR: AgGaSe2, GaSe; the visible and near-IR: LiNbO3, KTiOPO4, KNbO3; and into the visible and UV: E-%aB2O4andLiB3O5 Table 8 shows experimental second-order nonlinear optical susceptibilities for different tensor components dil and various fundamental wavelengths. The quantities dil are defined as follows:

Noncentrosymmetric crystals

Inorganic crystals are widely applied for secondharmonic generation and for optical parametric processes. Some frequently used materials: for second-harmonic generation from the near-IR into the visible and beyond KH2PO4 (KDP), KD 2PO4

The second and third indices of dijk are then replaced by a single symbol l according to the piezoelectric



such as LiNbO3 (C3v) and BaTiO3 (C4v) are wellknown for their ferroelectric properties. Crystals transforming according to point groups containing only rotations, such as Cn, Dn, T and O are chiral and therefore optically active. In Table 8 we find quartz D-SiO2(D3), LiIO3(C6)andTe(D3)

The nonlinear susceptibility tensor can then be represented as a 3 × 6 matrix containing 18 elements. In the transparent region, i.e. outside of absorption bands, one may assume the validity of the Kleinman symmetry condition, which states that the indices i, j, k may be freely permuted:

Harmonic generation in metal vapours

One then finds, for instance,

In this case there are only 10 independent elements for dil. Table 8 shows that the values for dil may vary over several orders of magnitude, and that it is not necessarily the crystals with the highest values that are most commonly used. The technical applicability is partly also determined by other qualities, such as phase-matching properties, ease of crystal growth, mechanical strength, chemical inertness, temperature stability and light-damage threshold. A quantity often used to characterize the optical properties of nonlinear optical materials is the Miller index:

F(1)(2 Z) represents the linear susceptibility for the doubled frequency 2Z F(1)(Z) that for the fundamental frequency Z. One finds that for most materials G is not far from a mean value of about 2 × 10 –2 m2 C–1, suggesting that in a given substance nonlinear and linear susceptibilities are closely related. Noncentrosymmetric crystals show other properties in addition to frequency conversion, for instance the linear electro-optic or Pockels effect: the linear change of the refractive index induced by an applied DC electric field. Furthermore, the point groups Cn and Cnv allow for the existence of a permanent electric dipole moment. Indeed, crystals

Third-harmonic generation can in principle occur in all matter, as it is not tied to the condition of noncentrosymmetry. While the effect has been investigated in liquids and solids, the use of gases, in particular alkali metal vapours, has proved particularly interesting. In spite of the relatively low density of atoms, the third-harmonic generation efficiency can become quite high, up to 10%. The limiting laser intensity in gases is orders of magnitude higher than in condensed matter. Furthermore, the sharper transitions in gases allow strong enhancement of F(3) near resonances , especially three-photon resonances, which are electric dipole-allowed with respect to the atomic ground state. In sodium vapour this corresponds to transitions 3s → 3p, 3s → 4p, etc. Enhancement may in principle also occur via intermediate one-photon resonances, of same symmetry as three-photon resonances; or by two-photon resonances at transitions of symmetry 3s → s, 3s → 5s, or 3s → 3d, etc. The resonance enhancement of F(3)(3 Z) will evidently be diminished by concurrent multiphoton (or single-photon) absorption. In tuning Za compromise must be sought, whereby the anomalous dispersion of F(3) is maximized in comparison to energy dissipation through absorption. The anomalous dispersion of F(3)(3 Z) near resonances may also be used to achieve phase matching,

which in a normally dispersive isotropic medium would be impossible. Considering an alkali atom A, and assuming Z to be below, and 3 Z to be above a strong s →p transition, we find

Phase matching may be achieved by admixture of a buffer gas B. Such an inert gas must be transparent at frequency 3 Zand above; then


The relative concentration of the inert gas is adjusted, so as to have for the mixture M,

High conversion efficiencies have, for instance, been achieved with the mixtures Rb:Xe (10%) and Na:Mg (3.8%).

Four-wave mixing Beside third-harmonic generation, there exists a large variety of four-wave mixing effects. Depending on the combination of frequencies, on the occurrence of intermediate resonances and on the polarization of the light beams involved, the manifestation of these phenomena may be very different. We limit our considerations to a few selected examples. Coherent Raman spectroscopy

In coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy (CARS) two beams of frequency Z1 and Z2 are mixed in the sample to generate a new frequency Zs = 2Z1 − Z2. If there is a Raman resonance at Z1 – Z2 = :an amplified signal is detected at the anti-Stokes frequency Z1 + :(see Figure 5). The corresponding susceptibility F(3)(−Z4; Z1, Z2, Z3) may be written F(3)(−Z1 − :; Z1, − Z1 + :, Z1). The major experimental advantage of CARS and of other coherent Raman techniques is the large, highly directional signal produced, of the order of 104 times more intense than would be obtained for conventional spontaneous Raman scattering. Usually, CARS experiments are performed with pulsed lasers delivering a peak power of the order of 10 – 100 kW. High frequency-resolution measurements with CW lasers are also possible. CARS experiments have been performed in gases, liquids and solids and on a variety of substances, ranging from

Table 9

diamond to aqueous solutions of biological macromolecules. Of particular interest is the use of CARS for combustion diagnostics. The coherent Raman signals can easily be separated from the luminescent background in flames. Other, related coherent Raman effects are also represented in Figure 5, such as the case (C) where the signal beam is detected at the Stokes frequency. The Raman-induced Kerr effect (B) may be interpreted as the quadratic influence of an electric field of frequency Z2 on the elastic scattering of radiation at a frequency Z1, or vice versa. In this case the phasematching (or wave-vector-matching) condition is fulfilled for any angle between beams 1 and 2, while in cases (A) and (C) it may only be met for certain angles of the beams with respect to each other. Degenerate four-wave mixing

The process governed by the third-order susceptibility F(3)(– Z Z – Z Z) is called degenerate four-wave mixing. It may lead to a variety of highly interesting effects, one of them being that the index of refraction n(Z) becomes dependent on the incident light intensity IZ

For a single-mode laser beam with a Gaussian transverse intensity distribution, the index of refraction at the centre of the beam will then be larger than at its periphery, provided n2(Z) is positive. Thereby the medium will act as a positive lens, tending to bring the incident beam to a focus at the centre on the beam. However, only if the intensity of the laser beam is sufficiently large will this self-focusing effect be able to counteract the beam spread due to ordinary diffraction. An effect that may also occur with other nonlinear optical phenomena, but that has been extensively

Conversion from CGS-esu to SI units for nth order optical quantities

Conversion factor for n≥ 1

* The case n = 0 corresponds to the conversion factor for a permanent electric dipole moment:

[SI] ← [CGS-esu]

Dimension in SI units


Figure 5 Ladder graphs for four-wave mixing effects containing Raman processes. In all cases there is assumed an intermediate Raman-type resonance at the frequency : (A) The coherent anti-Stokes Raman (CARS) process. (B) The process responsible for stimulated Raman spectroscopy (SRS) as well as the Raman-induced Kerr effect (TRIKE). (C) The coherent Stokes Raman spectroscopy (CSRS). Adapted with permission from Levenson MD (1982), Introduction to Nonlinear Laser Spectroscopy. New York: Academic Press.

studied in the frame of degenerate four-wave mixing, is phase conjugation. Here we consider not a single beam of frequency Z, but four different beams: the collinear counterpropagating pump beams 1 and 2 interfere in the F(3)-active medium to form an induced static grating. From this grating a signal wave 3, incident at a given angle with respect to 1 and 2, is scattered and reflected. The coherent reflected wave 4 is phase conjugate with respect to 3. For instance, if 3 is a forward-travelling plane wave

the corresponding phase-conjugate wave 4 will be

It will travel backwards and behave as if the time t had been replaced by t. A nonlinear medium susceptible to degenerate four-wave mixing can thus be used as a phase-conjugate mirror. A left circularly polarized incident beam will be reflected as a left circularly polarized beam, and not as a right circularly polarized one as would be the case upon ordinary reflection. The phase conjugation process can be thought of as the generation of a time-reversed wavefront. If the input signal wave in passing through a medium before entering the phase-conjugate mirror suffers a wavefront distortion, the phase conjugate wave reflected back through the medium will remove this distortion. The phenomenon of phase conjugation can, for instance, be used to correct for aberrations induced by amplifying media.

Particular aspects of nonlinear optics Higher order electromagnetic effects

The interaction energy of a molecular system with the radiation field may formally be expanded into a multipole series. The first term in this expansion contains the electric dipole–electric field interaction; in the second term appear the magnetic dipole–magnetic field interaction and the electric quadrupole interaction with the electric field gradient of the radiation, and so on. If the wavelength of light is large compared to the molecular dimensions, the higher multipole effects tend to be small and are often negligible from an experimental standpoint. The discussion until now has therefore considered only dominant electric dipole contributions to the molecular polarizability or bulk susceptibility. However, depending on molecular symmetry, there are situations where magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole interactions may become measurable. For instance, owing to these, weak second-harmonic generation may also be observed in some centrosymmetric crystals. Furthermore, the interplay of electric dipole, magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole interactions in chiral media leads to natural optical activity and to related higher-order nonlinear circular differential effects. Particular nonlinear optical phenomena arise also when static electric or magnetic fields are applied. The molecular states and selection rules are thereby modified, leading, for instance, to higher-order, nonlinear-optical variants of the linear (Pockels) and quadratic (Kerr) electro-optical effect, or of the linear (Faraday) and quadratic (Cotton–Mouton) magneto-optical effect.


Incoherent higher-harmonic scattering

We have seen that coherent second-harmonic generation is forbidden in liquids, even in chiral ones. This is due to the fact that the relevant molecular quantity D(2)(–2Z Z Z) vanishes when averaged over all possible molecular orientations:

However, the inhom*ogeneity of the liquid at the molecular level and the fact that every molecule is an individual scatterer of radiation are not fully taken into account. The superposition of this molecular scattered radiation is partly incoherent. It consists mainly of ‘ordinary’ Rayleigh scattering at the basic frequency Z but if the molecules are noncentrosymmetric, some incoherent radiation of frequency Zis also generated. This hyper-Rayleigh scattering, though weak, is clearly detectable with pulsed lasers of megawatt peak power. Its intensity is proportional to the square of D(2)(–2Z Z Z), which upon averaging over all spatial orientations in the liquid does not vanish:

From the directional dependence and the depolarization ratios of the scattered radiation, information may be gained on particular tensor elements of D(2)(–2Z)The method has the advantage over EFISH measurements that it is also applicable to noncentrosymmetric molecules that do not posses a permanent dipole moment, in particular to, ‘octopolar’ molecules of symmetry D3h (such as tricyanomethanide [C(CN)3]–) or of symmetry Td (such as CCl4). It is to be expected that progress in laser technology and light detection systems will further improve the applicability of the method.

List of symbols etc. = trigonometric factors; (e) refers to the extraordinary ray; E = electric field strength of incident radiation; I(Z) = intensity of incident/scattered radiation; i,j,k = coordinate system of crystal; ki = wave vector of beam i; Lijk = local-field correction; n = order of nonlinear effect; ni = refractive index of medium at Zi; (o) = refers to the ordinary ray;

p(n) = molecular induced electric dipole moment (nthorder effect); P(1) = volume polarization; V = volume of unit cell; xs, ys, zs = coordinate system of molecules; D(n) = molecular polarizability of nth order; Gijk = Miller index (see equation [15]); H0 = permittivity of free space; O = wavelength; P = static molecular dipole moment; I = phase angle; F(1) = macroscopic susceptibility; F = surface susceptibility; Z = photon frequency. See also: Electromagnetic Radiation; Laser Applications in Electronic Spectroscopy; Laser Spectroscopy Theory; Linear Dichroism, Theory; Multiphoton Spectroscopy, Applications; Optical Frequency Conversion; Raman Optical Activity, Applications; Raman Optical Activity, Spectrometers; Raman Optical Activity, Theory; Raman Spectrometers; Rayleigh Scattering and Raman Spectroscopy, Theory; Symmetry in Spectroscopy, Effects of.

Further reading Andrews DL (1993) Molecular theory of harmonic generation. Modern nonlinear optics, Part 2. Advances in Chemical Physics 85: 545–606. Bloembergen N (1965) Nonlinear Optics. NewYork: WA Benjamin. Boyd RW (1992) Nonlinear Optics. Boston: Academic Press. Chemla DS and Zyss J (1987) Nonlinear Optical Properties of Organic Molecules and Crystals , Vols 1 and 2. London: Academic Press. Clays K, Persoons A and De Maeyer L (1993) HyperRayleigh scattering in solution. Modern nonlinear optics, part 3. Advances in Chemical Physics 85: 455–498. Flytzanis C (1975) Theory of nonlinear susceptibilities. In: Rabin H and Tang CL (eds) Quantum Electronics, Vol. I, Nonlinear Optics, part A. New York: Academic Press. Lalanne JR, Ducasse A and Kielich S (1996) Laser–Molecule Interaction. New York: Wiley. Levenson MD (1982) Introduction to Nonlinear Laser Spectroscopy. New York: Academic Press. Shen YR (1984) The Principles of Nonlinear Optics. New York: Wiley. Tang CL and Cheng LK (1995) Fundamentals of Optical Parametric Processes and Oscillators . Amsterdam: Harwood Academic. Wagnière GH (1993) Linear and Nonlinear Optical Properties of Molecules. Basel: Verlag HCA, VCH. Yariv A (1975) Quantum Electronics. New York: Wiley. Zel’dovich BY, Pilipetsky NF and Shkunov VV (1985) Principles of Phase Conjugation. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.


Nonlinear Raman Spectroscopy, Applications W Kiefer, Universität Wurzburg, Germany Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Linear, spontaneous Raman spectroscopy is a powerful tool for structural analysis of materials in the gaseous, liquid or solid state. Its scattering crosssection can be increased considerably by resonance excitation, i.e. irradiation in spectral regions where there is strong absorption or by applying surface enhanced methods like SERS (surface enhanced Raman scattering). Also, the scattering volume, determined by the dimensions of a focused laser beam, can be as small as a few µm2 if a microscope is incorporated in a Raman spectrometer. There are, however, cases where ordinary Raman spectroscopy has limitations in allowing the derivation of the desired information. For example, particular vibrational modes of specific symmetry are neither allowed in linear Raman scattering nor in infrared absorption, but their vibrational bands show up in what is called a hyper-Raman spectrum, because there is a nonvanishing contribution from the nonlinear part of the induced dipole moment. Also, fluorescence simultaneously excited with visible laser light, may obscure the Raman scattered light. This can often be overcome by near-infrared laser excitation. Another way is to apply nonlinear coherent Raman techniques like CARS (coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy). In general, nonlinear optical properties of materials can only be obtained using nonlinear optical methods. One of the major advantages of nonlinear coherent Raman spectroscopy is its possible high resolution of up to three orders of magnitude better than its linear counterpart. In addition, these methods allow spectral information to be obtained from scattering systems which produce a high light background like flames, combustion areas, etc. In recent years there has been a dramatic development in time-resolved linear and nonlinear Raman spectroscopy due to the availability of commercial pico- and femtosecond lasers which allows direct insight into the dynamics of molecules in their ground or excited electronic state. After a short description of the various nonlinear Raman techniques, typical applications will be given for these methods.


A short description of nonlinear Raman techniques Spontaneous nonlinear as well as coherent nonlinear Raman methods are considered here. These are based on the contributions of the nonlinear part of the induced dipole moment (spontaneous effects) or the induced polarization (coherent effects) to the intensity of the frequency shifted light. In the first case, the Raman signal is generated in a spontaneous, incoherent but nonlinear optical process, whereas in the second case the Raman information is contained in a coherent laser beam whereby the nonlinear polarization acts as a coherent light source.

Hyper-Raman effect Generally, the induced dipole moment p in a molecular system is written as

where D is the polarizability, E the hyperpolarizability and J the second hyperpolarizability. E is the incident electric field. The nonlinear terms in Equation [1] are usually small compared to the linear term which gives rise to normal, linear Raman scattering. However, when the electric field is sufficiently large, as is the case when a high-powered laser is focused on the sample, contributions from the second term in Equation [1] are sufficiently intense to be detected. This scattering is at an angular frequency 2ZL ± ZR, where ZL is the angular frequency of the exciting laser beam and – ZR and +ZR are the Stokes and antiStokes hyper-Raman displacements, respectively. Scattering at 2ZL ± ZR is called hyper-Raman scattering. The hyper-Raman effect is a three-photon process involving two virtual states of the scattering system. The level scheme for Stokes hyper-Raman scattering is presented in Figure 1.


Figure 2 Schematic diagram for stimulated Raman scattering as a quantum process.

Optimum gain for this effect is found at the centre of the Raman line where ZR = ZL– ZS. There, the gain constant for stimulated Raman scattering at Stokes frequency is given by Figure 1 Schematic level diagram for Stokes and hyper Raman scattering.

The importance of the hyper-Raman effect as a spectroscopic tool results from its symmetry selection rules. It turns out that all infrared active modes of the scattering system are also hyper-Raman active. In addition, the hyper-Raman effect allows the observation of ‘silent’ modes, which are accessible neither by infrared nor by linear Raman spectroscopy.

Stimulated Raman effect The stimulated Raman process is schematically represented in Figure 2. A light wave at angular frequency ZS is incident on the material system simultaneously with a light wave at angular frequency ZL. While the incident light beam loses a quantum (ZL) and the material system is excited by a quantum ZR = (ZL– ZS), a quantum ZS is added to the wave at angular frequency ZS, which consequently becomes amplified. It can be shown theoretically that a polarization at Stokes angular frequency ZS is generated via the third-order nonlinear susceptibility F(3). Including a degeneracy factor, the polarization oscillating at angular frequency ZS is given by Berger and co-workers (1992):

where H0 is the permittivity constant of vacuum.

where (dV/d:) is the differential Raman cross-section and * represents the line width of the molecular transition (ZR). From Equation [3] we immediately recognize that in stimulated Raman scattering processes where only one input laser field with frequency ZL is employed a coherent Stokes wave is generated for those Raman modes which have the highest ratio between differential Raman cross-section and line width *. The distinctive feature of stimulated Raman scattering is that an assemblage of coherently driven molecular vibrations provides the means of coupling the two light waves at angular frequencies ZL and ZS by modulating the nonlinear susceptibility.

Nonlinear Raman spectroscopies based on third-order susceptibilities From the discussion on stimulated Raman scattering it is clear that during this nonlinear process coherently driven molecular vibrations are generated. In what is usually called the stimulated Raman effect only one input field (ZL) is used for this type of excitation. We have seen that only particular Raman modes, i.e. those with highest gain factors, give rise to stimulated Stokes emission. Thus, for molecular spectroscopy in which we are interested in determining all Raman active modes, excitation with one strong laser field would not serve the purpose, although it would


Figure 3 Schematic diagram for a few techniques in nonlinear (coherent) Raman spectroscopy (CSRS: Coherent Stokes Raman Spectroscopy; SRGS: Stimulated Raman Gain Spectroscopy; IRS: Inverse Raman Spectroscopy (= SRLS: Stimulated Raman Loss Spectroscopy); CARS: Coherent anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy; PARS: Photoacoustic Raman Spectroscopy).

provide very high signals in the form of a coherent beam, but unfortunately, only at one particular vibrational frequency. However, the advantages of stimulated Raman scattering, being high signal strength and coherent radiation, can be fully exploited by a very simple modification of the type of excitation. The trick is simply to provide the molecular system with an intense external Stokes field by using a second laser beam at Stokes angular frequency ZS instead of having initially the Stokes field produced in the molecular system by conversion of energy from the pump field. Thus, by keeping one of the two lasers, e.g. the laser beam at Stokes angular frequency ZS tunable, one is now able to excite selectively coherent molecular vibrations at any desired angular frequency ZR assuming the transitions are Raman allowed. A variety of nonlinear Raman techniques based on this idea have been developed, which combine the wide spectroscopic potentials of spontaneous Raman spectroscopy and the high efficiency of scattering, strong excitation and phasing of molecular vibrations in a macroscopic volume of substance, that are the features inherent to stimulated Raman scattering. The following acronyms of some of these nonlinear coherent Raman techniques have been widely used: CARS, CSRS (coherent Stokes Raman spectroscopy), PARS (photoacoustic Raman spectroscopy), RIKE (Raman induced Kerr effect), SRGS (stimulated Raman gain spectroscopy), IRS (inverse Raman scattering) also called SRLS (stimulated Raman loss spectroscopy). A schematic diagram of these methods is illustrated in Figure 3. The common physical aspect is the excitation of Raman active molecular vibrations and/or rotations in the field of two laser beams with angular frequencies ZL and ZS in such a way that their difference corresponds to the angular frequency of the molecular vibration ZR (= ZLZS). The strong coupling between the generated coherent molecular vibrations with the input laser fields via the third-order nonlinear susceptibility F(3) opens the possibility for various techniques.

The most powerful of these methods is CARS since a new coherent, laser-like signal is generated. Its direction is determined by the phase-matching condition

wherekAS, kL and kS are the wave vectors of the antiStokes signal, pump and Stokes laser, respectively. The laser-like anti-Stokes signal is therefore scattered in one direction, which lies in the plane given by the two laser directions kL and kS and which is determined by the momentum vector diagram shown in Figure 4. Therefore, CARS is simply performed by measuring the signal S(2ZL – ZS) = S(ZL + ZR), which is a coherent beam emitted in a certain direction. These coherent signals with anti-Stokes frequencies are generated each time the frequency difference of the input laser fields matches the molecular frequency of a Raman active transition. The mixing of the two laser fields can also produce radiation on the Stokes side of the ZS-laser. The direction of this coherent Stokes Raman scattering (CSRS) signal is again determined by a corresponding momentum conservation diagram, which leads to a different direction (see Figure 3), labelled by S(2ZS ZL). Since the CSRS signal is in principle weaker than the CARS signal, and because the former may be overlapped by fluorescence, the CARS technique is more frequently used.

Figure 4 Momentum conservation for CARS (representation of Equation 4).


Figure 6 Schematic diagram representing the four-wave mixing process: a polarization is generated at the frequency Z Z1 − Z2 + Z3

Figure 5 Energy-level diagram illustrating the two excitation steps of Ionization Detected Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy (IDSRS).

The interaction of the electric fields of the two ZL and ZS lasers with the coherent molecular vibrations yields also a gain or a loss in the power of the lasers. The method where the gain at the Stokes frequency (labelled in Figure 3 by + 'S(ZS)) is measured is generally referred to as ‘stimulated Raman gain spectroscopy’ whereas the ‘inverse Raman scattering’ (IRS) is the terminology commonly used to designate the induced loss at the pump laser frequency (Figure 3, – 'S(ZL)). IRS is also often called stimulated Raman loss spectroscopy (SRLS). In order to get full Raman information of the medium, it is necessary to tune the frequency difference ZL – ZS; then, successively all Raman-active vibrations (or rotations, or rotation–vibrations) will be excited and a complete nonlinear Raman spectrum is then obtained either by measuring newly generated signals (CARS, CSRS) or the gain (SRGS) or loss (SRLS) of the pump or the Stokes laser, respectively. In what is called broadband CARS, the Stokes ( ZS) is spectrally broad, while the pump laser (ZL) is kept spectrally narrow, resulting in the simultaneous generation of a broad CARS spectrum. For the detection of the latter a spectrometer together with a CCD camera is needed.

In photoacoustic Raman spectroscopy (PARS), due to the interaction of the two input laser fields (ZL, ZS) a population of a particular energy level (ZR) of the sample is achieved. As the vibrationally (or rotationally) excited molecules relax by means of collisions, a pressure wave is generated in the sample and this acoustic signal is detected by a sensitive microphone. A technique which combines the high sensitivity of resonant laser ionization methods with the advantages of nonlinear coherent Raman spectroscopy is called IDSRS (ionization detected stimulated Raman spectroscopy). The excitation process, illustrated in Figure 5, can be briefly described as a two-step photoexcitation process followed by ion/electron detection. In the first step two intense narrow-band lasers (ZL, ZS) are used to vibrationally excite the molecule via the stimulated Raman process. The excited molecules are then selectively ionized in a second step via a two- or multiphoton process. If there are intermediate resonant states involved (as state c in Figure 5), the method is called REMPI (resonance enhanced multi-photon ionization)-detected stimulated Raman spectroscopy. The technique allows an increase in sensitivity of over three orders of magnitude because ions can be detected with much higher sensitivity than photons. The nonlinear Raman techniques discussed above are special cases of a general four-wave mixing process, which is schematically illustrated in Figure 6. Here, three independent fields with angular frequencies Z1, Z2 and Z3 may be incident upon the matter. A fourth field, which is phase coherent relative to the input fields, is then generated at angular frequency Z = Z1 − Z2 + Z3. When the angular frequency


Figure 7 Hyper-Raman spectra of C6H6 excited with a Nd:YAG laser (O0 = 1.064 nm) Q-switched at 1 kHz (A) and of C6D6 in the lower spectrum with the laser Q-switched at 6 kHz (B). Reproduced by permission of Elsevier Science from Acker WP, Leach DH and Chang RK (1989) Stokes and anti-Stokes hyper Raman scattering from benzene, deuterated benzene, and carbon tetrachloride. Chemical Physics Letters 155: 491–495.

difference Z1 – Z2 equals the Raman excitation angular frequency ZR, the signal wave at Z is enhanced, indicating a Raman resonance. For example, a CARS signal is Raman resonantly generated when Z1 = Z3 = ZL, Z2 = ZS and ZL – ZS = ZR.

Applications Applications of spontaneous nonlinear Raman spectroscopy (Hyper-Raman scattering)

Since its discovery in 1965, hyper-Raman spectra have been observed in all three states of aggregate. However, reasonable signal-to-noise ratios could only be obtained for a convenient measurement time after the development of fast pulsed, high power lasers and highly sensitive detectors (multichannel diode arrays or charge-coupled devices (CCDs)). Before that time only a few gases had been studied which included ethane, ethene and methane. Only vibrational spectra of modest resolution have been obtained in these studies. A number of group IV tetrahalides have been studied in the liquid phase. Other liquids whose Raman spectra have been reported include water and tetra-chloroethene. Probably most hyper-Raman work was performed in crystals: NH4Cl, NH4Br, calcite, NaNO2, NaNO3, LiNbO 3, SrTiO3, caesium and rubidium halides, rutile, PbI2, CuBr, diamond and quartz. Stimulated hyper-Raman scattering has been observed from

Figure 8 Vibrational energy levels of C 6 D6 (energy < 1600 cm–1) grouped by their activity from the ground state, i.e. Raman, IR, or hyper-Raman (HR). Modes which are not active in Raman, IR, or hyper-Raman are grouped. Reproduced by permission of Elsevier Science from Acker WP, Leach DH and Chang RK (1989) Stokes and anti-Stokes hyper Raman scattering from benzene, deuterated benzene, and carbon tetrachloride. Chemical Physics Letters 155: 491–495.

sodium vapour, resonance hyper-Raman scattering from CdS and surface enhanced hyper-Raman scattering from SO ions adsorbed on silver powder. Technological advances, i.e. CW pumped acoustooptically Q-switched Nd:YAG lasers with repetition rates of up to 5 kHz combined with multichannel detection systems have increased the ease of obtaining hyper-Raman signals. By making use of this advanced technology, hyper-Raman spectra of benzene and pyridine could be obtained. Spectra from benzene, deuterated benzene and carbon tetrachloride have been measured with high signal-to-noise ratios. As examples, we show in Figure 7 the hyper-Raman spectra of benzene and deuterated benzene. The observed hyper-Raman bands are labelled by numbers (4, 6, 10, 13, 14, 20) and correspond to the Q4 (A2u), Q6 (B1u), Q10 (B2u), Q13 (E1u), Q14 (E1u) and Q20 (E2u) vibrations of C6D6, respectively. Figure 8 shows the low-lying


vibrational energy levels for C6D6 grouped by their activity involving transition from the ground state, i.e. Raman, IR, hyper-Raman (HR) and none of the above which are grouped as silent. Note that in the third column four modes with energy below 1500 cm–1 are only hyper-Raman active and three modes of symmetry A1u and E1u are both IR and hyper-Raman active. Except for the Q19 (E2u) mode all hyper-Raman active modes can be found in the spectrum displayed in Figure 7. The modes of class B2g are active in the second hyper-Raman effect which is controlled by the fourth rank second hyperpolarizability tensor J. Hyper-Raman scattering under resonance conditions for molecules in the gas phase was observed in 1993. High quality rotational resonance hyperRaman spectra of NH3 were obtained using blue incident radiation at half the → à transition energy. Also hyper-Raman scattering of methyl iodide for excitation with a laser line which has been tuned through the two-photon resonance with the absorption band of a predissociative Rydberg transition in the VUV (175–183 nm) was reported. Similarly to linear resonance Raman scattering, overtones or combination bands can also be observed for resonantly excited hyper-Raman sc attering. An example is given in Figure 9 where several higher order modes of methyl iodide can be observed.

The use of CW pumped acoustooptically Qswitched Nd:YAG lasers (repetition rates of 5 kHz), synchronously gated photomultiplier tubes, and synchronously gated two-dimensional single-photon counting detectors has improved the signal-to-noise ratio of hyper-Raman spectra. Considerable further improvements have been obtained with mode-locked pulses (at 82 MHz) from a Nd:YAG laser to observe the surface-enhanced hyper-Raman signal from pyridine adsorbed on silver. In these studies, hyper-Raman signals were observed with intensities close to spontaneous Raman scattering. It was shown that surface enhanced hyper-Raman scattering (SEHRS) has become a useful spectroscopic technique. In view of the recent advances in laser and detector technology, significant improvement in SEHRS sensitivity will come rapidly from the use of an intensified CCD camera for hyper-Raman signal detection and the use of a continuously tunable mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser as the excitation source. Applications of coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy (CARS)

The advantages of CARS, i.e. high signal strength, very high spectral or temporal resolution, discrimination against fluorescence, etc., have opened new ways to study molecular structure. In the following

Figure 9 Resonance hyper Raman spectrum of CH3I vapour excited at 365.95 nm. Reproduced by permission of Elsevier Science from Campbell DJ and Ziegler LD (1993) Resonance hyper-Raman scattering in the VUV. Femtosecond dynamics of the predissociated C state of methyl iodide. Chemical Physics Letters 201: 159–165.


Figure 10 High-resolution CARS spectrum of Q1 band of methane. Reproduced by permission of VCH Verlag from Schrötter HW (1995) Raman spectra of gases. In: Schrader B (ed.) Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy, pp 277–297. Weinheim: VCH Verlag.

some selected examples will be given to demonstrate the capability of this nonlinear coherent technique. The 1980s and 1990s have seen a remarkable growth in the number of CARS applications to molecular and physical properties, particularly in the field of gas-phase systems. The latter are challenging because of low sample densities and the narrow transition line widths make them attractive for high resolution studies. Gas-phase CARS spectra have been obtained so far at pressures down to a few pascal, at temperatures ranging from a few K to 3600 K, and at a resolution better than about 10–3 cm–1. Mainly, the Q-branches of simple molecules, like di-, tri-, and four-atomic as well as spherical XY4 top molecules have been studied. As an example Figure 10 shows the Q-branch of methane. The complicated rotational structure seen there has been resolved by applying this powerful nonlinear Raman technique. This very high resolution of the order of 10–3 cm–1 allows us to study in detail collisional effects, which is of particular importance as a basis for the determination of temperatures and pressures. One very active area of the gas-phase CARS technique has been the remote sensing of temperature

and species in hostile environments such as gas discharges, plasmas, flames, internal combustion engines, and the exhaust from jet engines. The high signal intensity and the excellent temporal and spectral resolution of CARS make it a favourite method for such studies. For example, CARS has been used to measure state populations and changes in discharges of H2, N2 and O2 at pressure ranging from a few kPa down to 0.6 Pa. Also, gas-phase CARS can be employed to monitor SiH2 intermediates in their investigations of silane plasmas commonly used in amorphous silicon deposition processes. Many laboratories are engaged in combustion research. Combustion studies in engines include thermometry in a diesel engine, in a production petrol engine, and thermometry and species measurements in a fully afterburning jet engine. Investigations on turbulent and sooting flames were performed. Temperature information from CARS spectra derives from spectral shapes either of the Q-branches or of the pure rotational CARS spectra of the molecular constituents. In combustion research it is most common to perform thermometry from nitrogen since it is the dominant constituent and present everywhere in large concentration despite the extent


Figure 11

Temperature dependence of N2 CARS spectrum from 300 to 2400 K in 300 K increments (Hall and Eckbreth, 1984).

of chemical reaction. The Q-branch of nitrogen changes its shape due to the increased contribution of higher rotational levels which become more populated when the temperature increases. Figure 11 displays a calculated temperature dependence of the N2 CARS spectrum for experimental parameters typically used in CARS thermometry. Note that the wavenumber scale corresponds to the absolute wavenumber value for the ∼2320 cm –1 Q-branch of N2 when excited with the freqency doubled Nd:YAG laser at 532 nm ( # 18 796 cm –1), i.e. AS = 18 796 + 2320 = 21126 cm –1. The bands lower than about 21 100 cm –1 are due to the rotational structure of the first vibrational hot band. For the case that there are not too many constituents in the gas under investigation, the use of the pure rotational CARS technique may be superior to vibrational CARS thermometry since the spectra are easily resolvable (for N2 the adjacent rotational peaks have a spacing of approximately 8 cm–1) compared with the congestion of the rotational lines in the vibrational bands of the Q-branch spectra (see Figure 11). An experimental comparison of rotational and vibrational CARS techniques, under similar conditions has been made that demonstrates that rotational CARS may be viable for flame-temperature measurements up to 2000 K. Of course, the pure rotational approach cannot be applied for spherical molecules which have no pure rotational CARS spectrum. An elegant method, using Fourier analysis based on the periodicity of pure rotational CARS spectra has been introduced recently.

In addition to temperature measurements the gasphase CARS technique also provides information on the fluctuating properties occurring for instance in turbulent combustion systems. However, concentration measurements are more difficult to perform than temperature ones because the absolute intensity is required, while temperature measurements are only based on the shape of the spectrum. Simultaneous information on the relative concentrations between several species are easier to obtain. Quantitative gas-phase CARS spectroscopy has also been applied to probing species in a laboratory chemical reactor and to temperature measurements inside incandescent lamps. Another interesting area is that of CARS applied to free expansion jets. The key benefits of this technique are the spectral simplification of cold molecules and the increased concentrations of small van der Waals complexes obtained under the non-equilibrium jet conditions. CARS is also used for the study of samples in the condensed phase. The major experimental advantage of CARS (and most nonlinear coherent Raman techniques) is the large signal produced. In a typical CARS experiment in a liquid or a solid, the applied laser power of the pump and Stokes laser (10 410 5 W) generates an output power of up to 1 W, while conventional Raman scattering would give a collected signal power of ∼10 –4 W with the same lasers. Since the CARS output is directional, the collection angle can be five orders of magnitude smaller than that needed in spontaneous scattering. Taken together, these two factors imply that CARS is nine orders of


Figure 12

CARS spectrum of rhodamine 6G in solution (Carreira and Horovitz, 1982).

magnitude less sensitive to sample fluorescence than spontaneous scattering. The advantage is actually even greater since the CARS signal is at higher frequency than any of the input laser frequencies. While it is nearly impossible to obtain Raman spectra of highly luminescent materials, e.g. dye solution, it was the CARS technique which first overcame this problem because of the reasons mentioned above. As an example the CARS spectrum of a rhodamine 6 G (R6G) water solution is displayed in Figure 12. The vibrational modes of the strongly luminescent R6G molecule can be seen. It should be mentioned at this point that by long wavelength excitation, i.e. for example excitation with the 1.064 µm line of a CW Nd:YAG laser or by making use of the SERS effect luminescence-free linear Raman spectra can be obtained. Since the latter methods are in any case much easier to perform than CARS or other nonlinear Raman techniques, they are to be preferred. However, if one is interested in obtaining structural as well as electronic properties of absorbing materials through resonance excitation, there are many cases where linear resonance Raman spectroscopy is limited because of the mentioned strong luminescence. On the other hand, many, particularly organic, substances show considerable third-order nonlinear susceptibilities F(3), as for example polyacetylenes, polydiacetylenes or chlorophyll. For such systems, resonance CARS spectroscopy is a suitable tool to obtain resonance Raman information via the antiStokes, coherent spectroscopic method. However, in performing resonance CARS spectroscopy in solids one must realize that this technique results in a fairly complicated arrangement between the sample and the coherent beams. First, the phase-matching conditions (Eqn [4], Figure 4) have to be obeyed,

where the momentum vectors depend also on the refractive index of the solid media. Therefore a continuous adjustment of the crossing angle between the incident laser beams (kL, kS) as well as of the angle between the pump laser beam and the CARS beam (kL, kAS) is required during the scan of the CARS spectrum. Secondly, in order to excite particular phonons in the crystals, the difference between the pump and the Stokes beam wave vectors must coincide with the wave vector of the coherently excited phonon in the crystal (kL – kS = kphonon). Depending on the strength of absorption and sample thickness, CARS in solids is either performed in transmission or in reflection (backscattering CARS). As an example of resonance CARS studies in solids, for which a linear resonance Raman study has been impossible to perform because of simultaneous strong luminescence, we considered here investigations on colour zones in substituted diacetylene crystals originating from partial polymerization. For a long time it has been known that diacetylene monomer single crystals undergo, upon thermal annealing or exposure to high-energy radiation, topochemical solid-state polymerization. From this reaction, polymer chains are formed which have a substantial π-electron delocalization, forming a pseudo-one-dimensional electronic system. Colour zones occur in such crystals due to different chain lengths and CARS studies were performed on these zones in crystals with low polymer content, where the polymer chains were embedded in the monomer matrix. As mentioned, resonance Raman excitation within the strong absorption of the polymer chains, i.e. within the absorption of the colour zone, produced high luminescence levels which obscured the bands in linear Raman spectroscopy. In contrast,


Figure 13 Resonance CARS spectra of a substituted diacetylene single crystal (FBS-DA) at 10 K. The pump wavelength Op used is labelled for each spectrum. (A) and (B) show CARS spectra of the P-colour zone, and (C)–(L) those for the Y-colour zone. Spectra on the left side correspond to the C=C stretching region, and those on the right side to the C≡C stretching region. For further details, see text. Reproduced by permission of John Wiley & Sons from Materny A and Kiefer W (1992) Resonance CARS spectroscopy on diacetylene single crystals. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 23: 99–106.

luminescence-free resonance CARS spectra can be obtained, as shown in Figure 13 for the case of an FBS DA crystal at 10 K (FBS = 2,4-hexadiynylene-dip-fluorobenzene sulfonate, DA diacetylene). On the left and right panels of Figure 13 CARS spectra are displayed for the region of the C=C and C≡C stretching region around 1500 cm–1 and 2100 cm–1,

respectively. Spectra (A) and (B) are those of the P colour zone (P = principal) and (C) – (L) those of the Y-colour zone (Y = yellow). Note the very different CARS intensities as well as band shapes for the various excitation wavelengths of the pump laser (Op, which corresponds to ZL of the CARS process as outlined above) which are due to different resonant


Figure 14 High resolution multi-pass stimulated Raman gain spectrum (SRGS) of the Q-branch of the lower component of the Fermi resonance diad of 12C16O2 at a pressure of 200 Pa (1.5 torr). Reproduced by permission of John Wiley & Sons from Saint-Loup R, Lavorel B, Millot G, Wenger C and Berger H (1990) Enhancement of sensitivity in high-resolution stimulated Raman spectroscopy of gases. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 21: 77–83.

enhancements. Comparing spectrum (K) with (C), for example, shows in addition the very high dynamic range (at least four orders of magnitude) inherent in this type of spectroscopy. Analysing the CARS spectra together with the absorption spectra of several substituted DA crystals, one is able to derive important structural as well as electronic properties of this type of crystal. It should be mentioned that there are some disadvantages of CARS: (i) an unavoidable electronic background nonlinearity that alters the line shape and can limit the detection sensitivity; (ii) a signal that scales as the square of the spontaneous scattering signal (and as the cube of the laser power), making the signals from weakly scattering samples difficult to detect; and (iii) the need to fulfil the phase matching requirements. While other techniques avoid these difficulties, CARS still remains the most popular coherent nonlinear technique. Applications of stimulated Raman gain and inverse Raman spectroscopy (SRGS, IRS)

The advantages of SRGS and IRS are that (in contrast to CARS) the signal is linearly proportional to the spontaneous Raman scattering cross-section (and to the product of the two laser intensities), and that the phase-matching condition is automatically fulfilled.

The fact that the resolution of the nonlinear Raman techniques is limited only by the laser line widths gives the stimulated Raman techniques particular appeal under conditions where interference from background luminescence is problematic or in situations where very high resolution is required. The main disadvantage of these techniques, however, is that they are quite sensitive to laser noise. The latter requires high stability in laser power. Due to complexity, only a few stimulated Raman gain and loss spectrometers with a main application in high resolution molecular spectroscopy have been built since the fundamental developments around 1978. Here, we present an instructive example for each of the two techniques (SRGS, IRS) emphasizing the high resolution capability of these methods. The Q-branches of numerous molecules, particularly of linear and spherical top molecules have been analysed by means of SRGS and IRS. As an example of a recent high resolution SRGS spectrum we show in Figure 14 the spectrum of the Q-branch of the lower component of the Fermi resonance diad of 12C16O at 1285 cm –1. The spectrum has been re2 corded at a pressure of 200 Pa (1.5 torr). The excellent agreement with a calculation assuming Voigt line profiles is demonstrated by the residual spectrum in the upper trace.


Figure 15 High resolution inverse Raman Spectrum of the Q2 Q-branch of CH3D between 2194 and 2200 cm–1. Upper traces : Observed, lower traces: calculated spectra. Reproduced by permission of John Wiley & Sons from Bermejo D, Santos J, Cancio P et al (1990) High-resolution quasicontinuous wave inverse Raman spectrometer. Spectrum of CH3D in the C-D stretching region. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 21: 197–201.

An example for high-resolution IRS is given in Figure 15, where the Q2 Q-branch of CH3D is displayed. This spectrum represents a Doppler-limited spectrum of the C–D stretching band. The authors

were able to assign the observed transitions by performing a theoretical fit to the observed data which allowed them to refine some of the rotational–vibrational constants.


Figure 16 The pure rotational photoacoustic Raman (PARS) spectrum of CO2 gas at a pressure of 80 kPa (600 torr); pump laser wave length at 532 nm. Note the complete absence of any acoustical signal due to Rayleigh scattering (at 532 nm). Reproduced by permission of Academic Press from Barrett JJ (1981) Photoacoustic Raman Spectroscopy. In: Harvey AB (ed) Chemical Applications of Nonlinear Raman Spectroscopy, pp 89–169. New York: Academic Press.

Applications of photoacoustic Raman spectroscopy (PARS)

As discussed above in photoacoustic Raman spectroscopy (PARS) the energy deposited in the sample by excitation of, for example, a vibration by the stimulated Raman process leads to pressure increases through relaxation to translational energy and can therefore be detected by a sensitive microphone. When the pump (ZL) and Stokes (ZS) beams have only small frequency differences, as can be achieved, for example, by using a frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser for ZL and a dye laser with amplifier pumped by the third harmonic of the same Nd:YAG laser for ZS, the recording of pure rotational PARS spectra becomes possible. Such a spectrum at medium resolution is shown in Figure 16. The striking feature of this spectrum is the absence of a strong Rayleigh component at the pump wavelength (532 nm) because at that wavelength no energy is deposited in the sample. The PARS technique has been extended to study vibrational–rotational transitions with high resolution (∼0.005 cm–1). For example, a high resolution PARS spectrum of the lower component of the Fermi resonance diad of CO2 at a pressure of 1.6 kPa (= 11 torr) could be obtained with high signal-tonoise ratio. In another PARS study it was shown that photoacoustic Raman spectroscopy is a sensitive technique for obtaining Raman spectra of hydrogen-bonded

complexes in the gas phase. PARS spectra of the CN stretching Q1 region of HCN as a function of pressure revealed bands which could be assigned to HCN dimers and trimers. Applications of ionization detected stimulated Raman spectroscopy (IDSRS)

Above we have discussed how the sensitivity in determining Raman transitions can be enormously increased by employing nonlinear Raman schemes in which the shifts in vibrational state populations due to stimulated Raman transitions are probed by resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization. As ions can be detected with much higher sensitivity than photons, the signal-to-noise ratio in the nonlinear Raman spectrum of, for example, NO could be improved by a factor of 10 3 by this method. In fact, one can obtain sufficient sensitivity to characterize the Raman transitions of species even in molecular beams. The high sensitivity of IDSRS made it, for instance, possible to investigate the degenerate Fermi doublet of benzene in such a molecular beam experiment. The two Fermi subbands could be recorded separately by selectively tuning the UV laser into resonance with electronic transitions from one of the two states. When the Stokes laser is tuned, then the rovibrational structure of only one Raman transition is recorded. Figure 17 shows in the upper part the lines belonging to Q16 and in the lower part those assigned to Q2 + Q18 in the same spectral region.


Figure 17 Ionization detected stimulated (IDSRS) spectra of benzene in the region of overlap between O-branch transitions of Q16 and the S-branch transitions of Q2 + Q18. (A) UV laser tuned to 36 467 cm–1; (B) UV laser tuned to 36 496 cm–1. Reproduced with the permission of the American Institute of Physics from Esherick P, Owyoung A and Pliva J (1985) Ionization-detected Raman studies of the 1600 cm–1 Fermi diad of benzene. Journal of Chemical Physics 83: 3311–3317.

List of symbols dV/d: = differential Raman cross-section; E = electric field; gS = gain constant; k = wave vector; p = dipole moment; D = polarizability; E = hyperpolarizability; J = 2nd hyperpolarizability; * = line width;H0 = permittivity of vacuum; O = wavelength; F(3) = 3rd order nonlinear susceptibility; ZL = angular frequency of exciting beam; +ZP = anti-Stokes hyper-Raman displacement; – ZR = Stokes hyper-Raman displacement.

See also: Matrix Isolation Studies By IR and Raman Spectroscopies; Nonlinear Optical Properties; Nonlinear Raman Spectroscopy, Instruments; Nonlinear Raman Spectroscopy, Theory; Photoacoustic Spectroscopy, Theory; Raman Optical Activity, Applications; Raman Optical Activity, Theory; Rayleigh Scattering and Raman Spectroscopy, Theory; Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS), Applications.


Further reading Acker WP, Leach DH and Chang RK (1989) Stokes and anti-Stokes hyper Raman scattering from benzene, deuterated benzene, and carbon tetrachloride. Chemical Physics Letters 155: 491–495. Barrett JJ (1981) Photoacoustic Raman spectroscopy. In: Harvey AB (ed) Chemical Applications of Nonlinear Raman Spectroscopy, pp 89–169. New York: Academic Press. Berger H, Lavorel B and Millot G (1992) In: Andrews DL (ed.), Applied Laser Spectroscopy, pp 267–318. Weinheim: VCH Veilagsgesellschaft. Bermejo D, Santos J, Cancio P et al (1990) High-resolution quasicontinuous wave inverse Raman spectrometer. Spectrum of CH3D in the C-D stretching region. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 21: 197–201. Campbell DJ and Ziegler LD (1993) Resonance hyperRaman scattering in the VUV. Femtosecond dynamics of the predissociated C state of methyl iodide. Chemical Physics Letters 201: 159–165. Carreira LA and Horovitz ML (1982) Resonance coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy in condensed phases. In: Kiefer W and Long DA (eds) Nonlinear Raman Spectroscopy and its Chemical Applications, pp 429–443. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Company. Esherick P, Owyoung A and Pliva J (1985) Ionizationdetected Raman studies of the 1600 cm–1 Fermi

diad of benzene. Journal of Chemical Physics 83: 3311–3317. Hall RJ and Eckbreth A (1984) Coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy (CARS): Application to combustion diagnostics. In: Ready F and Erf RK (eds) Laser Applications 5: 213–309. New York: Academic Press. Harvey AB (1981) Chemical Applications of Nonlinear Raman Spectroscopy. New York: Academic Press. Kiefer W and Long DA (1982) Nonlinear Raman Spectroscopy and its Chemical Applications. Dordrecht: D. Reidel. Kiefer W (1995) Nonlinear Raman Spectroscopy. In: Schrader B (ed.) Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy, pp 162–188. Weinheim: VCH Verlag. Kiefer W (1995) Applications of non-classical Raman spectroscopy: resonance Raman, surface enhanced Raman, and nonlinear coherent Raman spectroscopy. In: Schrader B (ed.) Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy, pp 465–517. Weinheim: VCH Verlag. Materny A and Kiefer W (1992) Resonance CARS spectroscopy on diacetylene single crystals. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 23: 99–106. Saint-Loup R, Lavorel B, Millot G, Wenger C and Berger H (1990) Enhancement of sensitivity in high-resolution stimulated Raman spectroscopy of gases. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 21: 77–83. Schrötter HW (1995) Raman spectra of gases. In: Schrader B (ed.) Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy, pp 227–297. Weinheim: VCH Verlag.


Nonlinear Raman Spectroscopy, Instruments Peter C Chen, Spelman College, Atlanta, GA, USA


Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction When exposed to large electric fields generated by intense sources of light (e.g. a laser), the charges in a material exhibit a nonlinear response. The resulting induced polarization of charge P is described by the series expansion

where the second-, third-, and higher-order terms account for the nonlinear contribution. The coefficients F(n) are separate complex susceptibility tensor elements that describe the magnitude of the nonlinear contribution. The Es are the applied electric fields from the lasers with the form E = Aexp[–i(kx– Zt)], where the k is the propagation or wave vector, Z is

Table 1

the angular frequency, and x and t indicate space and time, respectively. Since F(1) >> F(2) >> F(3), lasers with sufficiently large Es are required in order for the second and third terms to be significant. Most nonlinear Raman techniques rely on the third-order term to drive the induced polarization that generates an intense output beam. Nonlinear spectra are produced by monitoring the intensity of the output beam while varying some parameters, such as the frequency Z of one or more of the laser beams. When the difference in frequency between two laser beams matches the frequency of a Raman-active mode, the resulting resonance enhances the nonlinear optical effect, causing a change in the intensity of the output beam. The result is a peak in the nonlinear Raman spectrum. Some nonlinear Raman techniques that use this approach are given in Table 1.

Comparison of some nonlinear Raman techniques

Technique Comment






Most popular form of nonlinear Raman

Z1 or Z2

Intensity of newly generated light at Z4 = Z 1 – Z2 + Z 3

Fluorescence-free, intense signal at new wavelength

Phase matching required owing to dispersion, nonresonant background, complex line shape


Nonparametric version of CARS

Z1 or Z2

Intensity of newly generated light at Z4 = Z 1 – Z2 + Z 3

Intense signal at new wavelength, can be used to observe dephasing effects

Susceptible to fluorescence, phase matching required due to dispersion, nonresonant background, complex line shape


Induced amplification of Z2

Modulation of Z1

Increase in intensity of Z2 when Z1 – Z2 = ZRaman

No phase matching, no nonresonant background, linear with concentration

Sensitivity limited by stability of probe laser, difficult to multiplex


Induced reduction in intensity of Z1

Modulation of Z2

Decrease in intensity of Z1 when Z1 – Z2 = ZRaman

No phase matching, no nonresonant background, linear with concentration

Sensitivity limited by stability of probe laser, difficult to multiplex


Raman-induced birefringence

Modulation of Z2, Z1 is CW

Induced change in Z1 polarization for Z1 – Z2 = ZRaman

Nonresonant background can be suppressed, no phase matching

Limited sensitivity, susceptible to turbulence and birefringence from windows, optics, sample


Laser-induced grating

Beam of light at Z4 = Z 1 = Z2 = Z 3

Very sensitive, no phase matching

Multiple mechanisms (local and nonlocal), not a Raman technique


F(2) process, IR and Raman active

Intensity of newly generated light at Z3 = Z 1 + Z2


Requires tunable coherent IR source, relatively low signal intensity


Coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy (CARS)

Perhaps the best-known and most widely used form of nonlinear Raman spectroscopy is CARS. One of its attractive properties is that it generates an intense beam of light at a new frequency that is anti-Stokes (blue shifted) and spectrally separable from the input beams. Therefore, CARS is not susceptible to fluorescence (red shifted) and mechanisms (e.g. non-local effects) that can affect elastic scattering of the input beams. CARS relies on the third-order term from Equation [1] which can be expanded as

where the subscripts are labels for three input laser fields. This term can cause new light to be generated at frequency combinations corresponding to ± Z1 ± Z2 ± Z3. CARS involves the generation of light at the specific output frequency Z4 = Z1 – Z2 + Z3. Raman-like peaks in the spectra are obtained when Z1–Z2 is tuned to the frequency of Raman-active vibrations or rotations. Judicious selection of the three input fields so that Z1 or Z4 matches the frequencies of coupled higher lying electronic levels can lead to the same type of enhancement observed in resonance Raman spectroscopy. The intensity of the generated CARS beam can be written as

where the Is correspond to the intensities of the beams, n is the refractive index, and c is the speed of light. This equation indicates that the output beam intensity varies as the product of the input laser intensities and the square of their overlap length L in the sample. The squared sinc function on the right is equal to 1 when the phase of the input and output beams are matched (i.e. phase matched). Peaks in the nonlinear Raman spectrum are produced when F(3) changes while varying the frequencies of the input beams. The intensity of the CARS process varies as the squared modulus of the nonlinear susceptibility:

Figure 1 Energy level diagram for CARS, Raman, CSRS, DFWM, RIKES/SRG, and IRSFG. The dotted horizontal lines represent virtual levels and the solid horizontal lines represent ground, rotational, or vibrational levels. The output frequency corresponds to the downward arrow furthest to the right in each diagram. Electronic enhancement may be achieved if the virtual levels are replaced by real levels.

which is a fourth-ranked tensor that is summed over all possible states. N is the concentration, and the Ps are transition dipole moments. The three products in the denominator are resonant terms that approach a minimum value of i* (the dephasing linewidth) when a laser combination frequency matches the frequency of a level. The labels for the transition moments and the angular frequencies correspond to those shown in the CARS energy level diagram in Figure 1. Equation [4] can be used to compare spectra from incoherent Raman and CARS. First, while conventional Raman varies linearly with the sample concentration, the CARS signal varies as |F(3)| 2 and is therefore proportional to the square of the N. Furthermore, F(3) is a summation of terms, including both resonant and nonresonant contributions (F(3) = Fres(3) + Fnr(3)). Contributing terms near resonance are primarily imaginary (i* dominates), while non-resonant terms are primarily real (i* is negligible). The nonresonant contributions result in a nonzero background, which determines the detection limits of the technique to around 0.1% in the condensed phase and 10 ppm in the gas phase. Therefore, although the nonlinear signal is more intense, the sensitivity of CARS for trace analysis is not necessarily higher than that of more conventional techniques. Finally, since the observed signal goes as |F(3)| 2, the cross-product between the Fres(3) and Fnr(3) can contribute dispersion-like character. Therefore, CARS peaks often have asymmetric line shapes, especially when the nonresonant background is large relative to the resonant peak.


Other nonlinear Raman techniques

Experimental setup

In addition to CARS, other closely related but less commonly used nonlinear Raman techniques have been developed. The energy level diagram for coherent Stokes Raman spectroscopy (CSRS) is shown in Figure 1. Unlike CARS, CSRS is nonparametric; the final state is not the same as the initial state. Therefore, CSRS spectra may exhibit extra peaks due to coherence dephasing. Furthermore, the CSRS output beam is generated to the Stokes (lower frequency) side of Z3. CSRS is therefore more susceptible to spectral interference from fluorescence and Rayleigh scattering of the input beams. Other Raman-based forms of nonlinear spectroscopy include stimulated Raman gain (SRG) or stimulated Raman scattering, stimulated Raman loss (SRL) or inverse Raman spectroscopy, and Raman induced Kerr effect spectroscopy (RIKES). Some information on these techniques are provided in Table 1. Many of these other forms do not produce light at wavelengths that are different from the input lasers, do not involve phase matching, and may be susceptible to multiple effects that may interfere with the measurement. Consequently, these techniques have not been as widely used as CARS.

Conventional Raman spectroscopy involves the collection and spectral analysis of light that is incoherently scattered in many directions. Nonlinear Raman spectroscopy requires careful alignment and overlap of multiple laser beams in order to produce a coherent output beam. Phase matching is also required for CARS and some other closely related nonlinear techniques (e.g. CSRS).

Other nonlinear techniques

Several other forms of nonlinear spectroscopy have been developed that are not strictly based on Ramanactive vibrations or rotations. Degenerate four-wave mixing (DFWM) is a F(3) technique where all input and output frequencies are identical. Because it does not involve the generation of light at new frequencies, it can rely on non-local mechanisms other than the local electronic polarizability (e.g. electrostriction). The selection rules for DFWM are closely related to those of one-photon techniques (e.g. absorption). DFWM using infrared beams is therefore used to probe infrared absorbing transitions instead of Raman-active transitions. Finally, other nonlinear techniques can be used to obtain spectra that are both infrared and Raman active. Infrared sum frequency generation (IRSFG) is a surface-specific nonlinear technique that relies on F(2). The coherently generated output beam has a frequency of Z3 = Z1 + Z2, where Z1 is in the infrared region. The selection rules for IRSFG require that the medium be anisotropic and that the transition be both IR and Raman active. Although the remainder of this article will focus primarily on CARS, the described advances in instrumentation and methods typically also benefit other forms of nonlinear spectroscopy.


Nonlinear Raman spectroscopy requires spatial and temporal overlap of the input beams. All beams should be spatially overlapped, which can be achieved by ensuring that all beams are parallel or collinear as they enter the lens that focuses them into the sample. Spatial overlap at the sample position can then be verified by temporarily placing a knife edge or a small pinhole into the focal point overlap region. If the spatial properties of the beams (e.g. divergence and diameter) are poor or not well matched, spatial filters and additional lenses may be used to improve the quality of the overlap. Temporal overlap of the incoming beams at the sample is also essential, since the response times of some mechanisms (i.e. the local electronic polarizability) are on the order of femtoseconds. Therefore, most CARS systems use a single fixed-wavelength laser to pump all tunable lasers. Temporal overlap is then optimized using optical paths that delay any beams that would otherwise arrive at the sample prematurely. Temporal overlap may be confirmed by scattering light at the overlap region into a fast photodiode when working with nanosecond pulses. For shorter pulses, temporal overlap may involve the use of an autocorrelator. Finally, the frequency and polarization of input beams and the detection system should be adjusted as needed. Polarization optics may be inserted both in the pump beams and in the detection system. Phase matching

Phase matching is required for CARS experiments in normally dispersive media (i.e. condensed phase samples). The exponential terms from Equation [2] can be written as Z1 + Z3 = Z2 + Z4 (conservation of energy) and k1 + k3 k2 + k4 (conservation of momentum). The magnitude of each k vector is k = n Z/c, and the direction corresponds to the direction of the beam as it propagates through the sample. In a dispersionless material (the refractive index is constant for all wavelengths of light) both conditions may be satisfied using collinear alignment of all beams (see Figure 2A). For most materials,


Figure 2 The refractive index in a sample with normal dispersion increases with decreasing wavelength. The phase matching diagrams are as follows: (A) collinear phase matching in the gas phase where dispersion is negligible (e.g. gas phase); (B) phase mismatch 'k encountered when using collinear geometry in a sample with normal dispersion; (C) possible arrangement in RIKES, SRG, and SRL where the angle D between beams is not critical and phase matching calculations are not needed; (D) conventional phase matching in condensed phase ('k = 0); (E) BOXCARS phase matching; and (F) folded BOXCARS phase matching.

however, the refractive index increases with the frequency of light. Since k4 has the highest frequency and therefore the largest refractive index, it is disproportionately long, causing k2 + k4 to be greater than k1 + k3 (see Figure 2B). The discrepancy in length indicates the presence of a phase mismatch 'k between the beams. The result is a loss in the efficiency of the output beam, described by the squared sinc function in Equation [3] and shown in Figure 3. Figure 2D shows how this problem can be fixed by introducing an angle between k2 and k4 to match the phases of the beams. The fact that k4 is emitted along its own unique trajectory provides the ability to separate spatially the CARS output beam from the pump beams, other nonlinear processes, or other

sources of spectral interference. Additional spatial discrimination may be achieved using BOXCARS phase matching, where an angle is introduced between k1 and k3 to increase further the angle between k4 and k2 (see Figure 2E). In the gas phase, dispersion may be negligible, making collinear phase matching possible (see Figure 2A). However, the BOXCARS approach is often preferred because it allows spatial discrimination between the input and output beams. Additional spatial discrimination may be achieved using a threedimensional form called folded BOXCARS (see Figure 2F). Unfortunately, the angles required for phase matching often vary when the laser frequencies change. The magnitude of each k vector depends upon both its frequency Z and the frequencydependent refractive index n. Changing the frequency of any one of the four beams forces one other beam frequency to change. Therefore, the scanning of beam frequencies while producing spectra usually requires adjustment of the phase matching angles in order to avoid a phase mismatch. Without correction, the growing phase mismatch can be approximated by

where n is the approximate refractive index, 'Z is the change in frequency, and T is the angle between the two beams with changing frequencies. Therefore, this phase mismatch problem can also be minimized by reducing the angle T between changing k vectors.

Instrumentation In conventional Raman spectroscopy, the required instrumentation includes (1) a fixed-wavelength narrowband laser, (2) a filter, monochromator, or some other means for rejecting Rayleigh scattering, and (3) a detection system for spectrally analysing and measuring the intensity of the scattered light. Factors such as spectral resolution and scan range depend primarily upon the detection system. For CARS and other forms of nonlinear Raman spectroscopy, however, the scanning of wavelengths is often performed by the laser instead of the detection system. Therefore, the quality of the spectra depends primarily upon the lasers. Lasers

Figure 3 Effect of the phase matching 'k on the intensity (I ) of the CARS output beam.

Most nonlinear Raman spectrometers include a fixed-wavelength laser that pumps one or more continuously tunable lasers. Some common pump lasers


include the Nd:YAG laser, excimer laser, nitrogen laser, and argon ion laser. The traditional source for broad tunability has been the dye laser, which is tunable over several tens of nanometres. For example, a common configuration involves the second harmonic of an Nd:YAG laser (O = 532 nm) split into two beams, one for pumping a dye laser (Z2) and the other for both Z1 and Z3 (see Figure 4). Tuning of the dye laser frequency causes the frequency difference Z1 – Z2 to pass through Raman-active rotations or vibrations. In recent years, however, dye lasers have been replaced or enhanced by sources that are more broadly tunable or that allow extension of wavelength into regions that are inaccessible by dyes. Difference frequency generation, sum frequency generation, and stimulated Raman scattering are nonlinear optical processes that can generate tunable

light in the infrared and UV regions. Ti:sapphire lasers, tunable over a range of roughly 700–900 nm, are widely commercially available in both CW and pulsed (mode-locked) versions. Optical parametric devices such as the optical parametric oscillator (OPO) and the optical parametric amplifier (OPA) are nonlinear devices that are continuously tunable over wide regions of the spectrum. For example, optical parametric oscillators (OPOs) pumped by the third harmonic (O = 355 nm) of an Nd:YAG laser can produce tunable signal and idler beams that cover a range of roughly 450–1800 nm. The temporal behaviour of the laser source is also an important factor to consider. CW dye lasers can have low noise and extremely narrow bandwidths (10 –4 cm–1) for high-resolution work. However, their peak powers are low (∼watts), making their use with CARS possible for only the strongest Raman

Figure 4 Experimental setups, illustrating two possible CARS spectrometers using (A) a single dye laser where Z1 = Z3, and (B) an optical parametric oscillator for single-wavelength detection.

Figure 5 A CARS vibrational spectrum produced by monitoring the output beam intensity (at Z4) while wavelength scanning an OPO (see Figure 4(B)). This spectrum shows Raman-active peaks from benzene (b), oxygen (o), nitrogen (n), and cyclohexane (c) covering a range from 681 cm–1 (OOPO = 552 nm) to 3098 cm–1 (OOPO = 637 nm). Zero frequency shift corresponds to OOPO = 532 nm.


transitions. Unless extremely high resolution work is needed, Q-switched lasers are preferable because they can generate high peak power (MW to GW) nanosecond pulses with sufficiently narrow bandwidth (0.01–0.2 cm–1) for most Raman applications. The noise due to these lasers may be problematic, given the relatively low repetition rate (100 cm–1) can be used with multiwavelength detection to perform single-shot CARS spectroscopy. The following are some key properties of a laser system: x x x x x x x x

tuning range linewidth pulse length pulse energy (peak power) coherence polarization stability and reproducibility practical issues (e.g. cost, maintenance, convenience).

Detection system

The primary functions of the detection system are to reject unwanted light, to measure the intensity of the output signal, and to analyse spectrally or temporally the output signal if needed. Collection optics (e.g. lenses, optical fibres), wavelength separation devices, detectors, and associated electronics are common components of the detection system.

Possible sources of unwanted light include fluorescence, Rayleigh scattering and ambient room light. A well-designed system will provide three means for rejecting this unwanted light and for minimizing potential damage to optics, slits, and detectors from intense beams of light. Spectral rejection may be accomplished using a combination of wavelength separation devices such as filters, prisms, gratings, or monochromators. Temporal rejection may be achieved using electronic gating, optical gating, or lock-in amplification if the signal is driven by pulsed or modulated lasers. Spatial filters that interrupt the input beams can be incorporated into the detection system if phase matching can cause the output beam to leave the sample at a different angle than that of the input beams. Measurement of the intensity may be performed using a broad range of photoemissive or semiconductor detectors. Common issues to consider include wavelength sensitivity, damage or saturation threshold, linearity, and noise. Photoemissive detectors such as photomultiplier tubes are fast and sensitive in the UV and visible regions. They are, however, insensitive in the infrared region and easily damaged by high levels of light. Semiconductor photodiodes are less sensitive but more rugged, and may be used for more intense signals (>107 photons per pulse). Photoemissive and semiconductor detectors may also be used in multichannel form for multiwavelength detection. Examples include charge-coupled devices (CCDs) and photodiode arrays with or without microchannel plate intensifiers. If needed, spectral analysis of light from the output beam can be achieved using a simple monochromator with a multiwavelength detector (CCD or diode array). The spectral resolution is determined by the size of the monochromator, the width of the entrance slit, the density and order of the grating, and the distance between individual elements in the detector array. Fast temporal analysis may be achieved using a fast detector such as a streak camera with picosecond or subpicosecond temporal resolution. Most detection systems operate in one of four possible modes: single-wavelength detection, scanning detection, multiwavelength detection, and timeresolved detection. The simplest of these, singlewavelength detection, involves the detection of light at one fixed wavelength with rejection of light at all other wavelengths. The detection system may be as simple as a narrowband dielectric filter in front of a photodetector, although the use of a monochromator allows more flexibility for control of bandwidth and selection of wavelength. Scanning detection is needed for measurement of an output beam that is changing in wavelength. It typically involves wavelength


scanning of a monochromator with a photodetector, although broadband filters may be used if the change in wavelength of the output beam is small. Multiwavelength detection is required when the output beam contains multiple frequency components that form a complete spectrum. The equipment for this mode is briefly discussed in the preceding paragraph. Time-resolved detection provides temporal information when the temporal behaviour of the output beam provides information such as the response of a system to an externally controlled stimulus. The following are some figures of merit for detectors: x time response and resolution x wavelength response, discrimination, resolution x spatial discrimination x sensitivity x stability and noise x practical issues – cost, convenience x multichannel vs single channel x saturation and damage threshold x linear response and dynamic range.


Techniques Acquisition of spectra

Spectral information may be acquired in three ways. The first method is the conventional approach where one or more of the laser fields frequencies are tuned to match Raman-active resonances. The second approach is to use a broadband source that allows the spectral information to be obtained in a single shot. The third is to use a time-resolved approach, where time between the pulses is varied and the sample response is measured as a function of the delay. Scanned CARS

In conventional frequency-domain CARS, either Z1 or Z2 is scanned so that Z1 – Z2 passes through Ramanactive resonances. As the difference in frequency between these two beams is tuned to each resonance, a resonance enhancement of the nonlinear optical effect occurs, leading to a peak in the intensity of the output beam. Spectra are produced by plotting the intensity of the output beam as a function of Z1 – Z2. The output beam is typically monitored using a scanning detection system because Z4 = Z1 – Z2 + Z3 varies as the input frequencies are varied. However, single-wavelength detection may be accomplished if Z4 is held constant by simultaneously tuning Z3 to compensate for the changes in Z1 – Z2. One way to accomplish this compensation is to let Z1 and Z3 be

generated by an OPO idler and signal beam (see Figure 4). As the OPO beams are tuned, Z1 – Z2 changes, but Z2 and Z4 remain constant. This approach also reduces the phase mismatch during a scan because the angles between the scanned beams (T in Equation [5]) may be reduced to zero. Shot-to-shot noise in the laser system can degrade the quality of the spectra for scanned CARS. Since the signal depends on the product of three input intensities, relatively small noise in the pump laser can result in a much greater noise in the output beam intensity. This problem is especially problematic in Q-switched Nd:YAG lasers that are not injection seeded. Furthermore, shot-to-shot temporal jitter between pulses in a system that does not have a single pump laser can result in noisy spectra. Such noise problems may be corrected by simultaneously monitoring and dividing the signal by the individual pump beam intensities. Alternatively, parts of the input beams may be focused into a separate reference cell to simultaneously generate a non-resonant signal to correct for fluctuations. Single-shot CARS

Single-shot CARS may be accomplished by using one or more broadband lasers in addition to one or more narrowband lasers for the input beams. Each frequency element of the broadband laser(s) can independently mix with the narrowband frequency, contributing a separate frequency element to the output beam. This approach, called multi-colour CARS, multiplex CARS, or single-shot CARS, typically uses a broadband dye laser and multiwavelength detection in order to capture simultaneously a region of a few hundred wavenumbers of a rotational and/or vibrational spectrum. For example, dual broadband CARS involves the use of a single broadband dye laser for Z1 and Z2, and a fixed narrowband frequency beam for Z3 (e.g. the pump beam for the dye laser). The resulting technique provides a relatively simple way to obtain single-shot rotational spectra in the range 0–150 cm –1. Unlike scanned CARS, the spectral resolution for this technique is often determined by the detection system. This approach is especially useful in the analysis of gas-phase combustion and other systems where turbulence may be a problem. In the condensed phase, the range of coverage may be limited by phasematching. Time-resolved nonlinear Raman

Time-domain CARS involves the use of short picosecond or femtosecond pulses to generate the nonlinear Raman signal. Up to three separately timed


excitation pulses may be combined in the sample, resulting in the generation of a pulse of light called a photon echo. Measurement of size of the photon echo as a function of the delay time between pulses can be used to determine values of both the energy relaxation times T1 and the phase relaxation times T2. Time resolution of several femtoseconds is possible. Another option for performing time-resolved nonlinear Raman spectroscopy is to use a fast detector such as a streak camera. By combining short picosecond or femtosecond pulses with longer nanosecond pulses, a generated signal can be produced that evolves over time. This approach can be used to obtain simultaneously both frequency and time domain information.

List of symbols c = speed of light; E = applied electric field; I = beam intensity; k = propagation or wave vector; L = overlap length; N = concentration; n = refractive index; P = polarization of charge; t = time; x = space; T = angle between beams P = transition dipole moment; Z = angular frequency; F(n) = complex susceptibility tensor element. See also: Laser Applications in Electronic Spectroscopy; Light Sources and Optics; Multiphoton Spectroscopy, Applications; Nonlinear Optical Properties; Nonlinear Raman Spectroscopy, Applications; Non-

linear Raman Spectroscopy, Theory; Optical Frequency Conversion; Raman Spectrometers.

Further reading Bloembergen N (1992) Nonlinear Optics. Redwood City, CA: Addison-Wesley. Boyd RW (1992) Nonlinear Optics. San Diego, CA: Academic Press. Eckbreth AC (1996) Laser Diagnostics for Combustion Temperature and Species, 2nd edn. Amsterdam: Gordon and Breach. Levenson MD and Kano SS (1988) Introduction to Nonlinear Laser Spectroscopy, revised edition. San Diego, CA: Academic Press. Mukamel S (1995) Principles of Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy. New York: Oxford University Press. Shen YR (1984) The Principles of Nonlinear Optics. New York: Wiley. Wright JC (1996) Nonlinear laser spectroscopy. Analytical Chemistry 68: 600A–607A. Wright JC (1982) Applications of lasers in analytical chemistry. In: Evans TR (ed) Techniques of Chemistry, Vol 17, pp 35–179. New York: Wiley. Yariv A (1989) Quantum Electronics, 3rd edn. New York: Wiley. Zinth W and Kaiser W (1993) Ultrafast coherent spectroscopy. In: Kaiser W (ed) Topics in Applied Physics, 2nd edn, Vol 60, pp 235–277. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.

Nonlinear Raman Spectroscopy, Theory J Santos Gómez, Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, CSIC, Madrid, Spain Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction In a typical spontaneous Raman experiment, an incident, nonresonant photon of energy ZP interacts with the molecule and is scattered into a photon of energy (ZP ± ZR) where ZR is the frequency of a vibrational mode. The molecule undergoes a transition that balances the gain or loss of field energy. The spectroscopic information is extracted by measuring the energy change of the scattered photon. From a classical point of view, the molecule is polarized by its interaction with the input field at ZP and an oscillating dipole at frequency ZP is induced.

VIBRATIONAL, ROTATIONAL & RAMAN SPECTROSCOPIES Theory As the molecular polarizability itself is modulated by internuclear motion at frequency ZR, lateral bands appear at combination frequencies. The molecular dipole oscillating at ZP ± ZR radiates a field at these frequencies. Even with a coherent input field, as provided by lasers, the output field is incoherent because the phases of individual scatterers are not correlated. In a typical nonlinear Raman experiment the molecule interacts with two strong coherent fields at frequencies ZP (pump) and ZS (Stokes). As we will see below, for strong field the response of the system is nonlinear and the molecular polarizability at a given frequency is periodically modulated at the driving


frequencies and at new frequencies that are linear combinations of these 2 ZP, 2 ZS, ZP ± ZS,... . If we focus on the oscillating polarizability component at ZP − ZS, the interaction with either of the input fields or with a third input field at Z0 gives rise as before to a component of the induced dipole at a combination frequency, such as ZP + (ZP − ZS) = ZAS, ZP − (ZP − ZS) = ZS, Z0 + (ZP − ZS), whose amplitude depends on intrinsic molecular properties and on the product of three field amplitudes. The input fields being temporal and spatially coherent, there is a definite phase relationship between driven dipole oscillations of different molecules in the interaction volume, giving rise to a coherent macroscopic polarization in the medium. The created polarization acts as a source and a new coherent field at frequency ZV grows to some extent or, if ZV = ZP, ZS or Z0, the corresponding amplitude increases or decreases depending upon the relative field-polarization phase. The above behaviour is quite general and will be observed for any molecule and frequency combination, provided that some macroscopic symmetry requirements are met. The interaction just described is a fourwave process: a macroscopic polarization at a signal frequency ZV builds up through a nonlinear frequency mixing of three frequency components of the electromagnetic field. In a general (n +1)-wave process, n frequency components are mixed to produce an oscillating polarization at ZV = ±(Z1 ± Z2 ± Z3± ··· ± Zn). The magnitude of the nonlinear polarization depends on the product of n field amplitudes and an nth-order nonlinear susceptibility χ(n) (ZV; Z1, Z2,... Zn), which is a material property. The connection of this nonlinear optical effect with spectroscopy lies in the fact that χ(n), and hence the signal strength, will be enhanced whenever a linear combination of a subset of m ≤ n frequency components approaches the energy difference of two molecular states of proper symmetry. This m-photon resonant enhancement — which can in principle be observed even in the absence of real transitions, as will be the case for states with no thermal population — has been exploited to develop a number of nonlinear spectroscopic techniques that differ in order n, order of the used resonance m, number of colours (i.e. different actual laser fields that provide the frequency components), spectral and temporal resolution and the actual method used to detect the resonances by monitoring either the power generated at ZV or the change in amplitude, polarization or phase at some of the input frequencies. The simplest m-photon resonance is obtained for m = 2 when 8f g = (Ef – Eg)/ . Z1 ± Z2. If we consider Z1 and Z2 to be typical optical frequencies,

the + sign correspond to two vibronic states g and f, from different electronic states, in resonance with 2 Z1, 2 Z2 or Z1 + Z2: two-photon absorption-like resonance (TPA). Most nonlinear Raman techniques correspond to the − sign above: 8f g . ZP − ZS (Raman-like resonance), where frequency subscripts have been converted to the usual Raman convention. These resonances can contribute to enhance nth-order processes for n ≥ 2. For isotropic media, all evenorder susceptibilities vanish and Raman techniques involve 3rd, 5th, 7th,... order nonlinear susceptibilities. The ordering comes from a perturbative development of the field–molecule interaction and, as far as the perturbative approach can be applied, successive orders correspond to much smaller terms. Hence we can study the main spectroscopic features with only the lowest-order nonvanishing term, and most nonlinear Raman techniques are 3rd-order four-wave processes, which will constitute the main topic in this article. These techniques are indeed readily implemented with present laser technology in a variety of media, including gases at low pressure. We can perform Raman spectroscopy by monitoring different properties of the macroscopic field as we scan ZP or ZS in such a way that ZP − ZS . 8fg ≡ ZR, leading to several techniques that have usually been identified by acronyms. The energy level diagrams for the main nonlinear Raman techniques are depicted in Figure 1. With only two colours we can monitor the intensity of the generated beam at the anti-Stokes frequency ZAS = ZP + ZR (coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy, CARS) or the Stokes frequency respect to ZS, ZCSRS = ZS − ZR (coherent Stokes Raman spectroscopy, CSRS). Alternatively, we can monitor the intensity increase at ZS (stimulated Raman gain spectroscopy, SRG) or the intensity decrease at ZP (stimulated Raman loss, SRL, also known as inverse Raman spectroscopy, IRS). If we focus on the polarization of the created field or the change in polarization state of input fields, we arrive at different polarization variants of the above techniques, such as polarization CARS, CARS ellipsometry or Raman-induced Kerr effect (RIKES). The input frequencies can be tuned to match additional one-photon resonances that can enhance the signal by several orders of magnitude, leading to techniques such as resonance CARS. A third colour Z0 can be used for different purposes such as fine tuning of additional one-photon resonances or shifting the signal frequency ZV = Z0 + ZR to a more convenient region; this expands the possibilities, leading to Raman resonant four-wave mixing (FWM). The different choices of input and signal beams are collected


Figure 1 Energy level diagrams for nonlinear Raman spectroscopic techniques. The input fields are shown as arrows pointing upwards for positive frequency (downwards for negative) in the arguments of the nonlinear susceptibility, and the output field as a dashed arrow, which must close the diagram. Schematic molecular energy levels are represented to show the main Raman resonance and additional one-photon resonances. Horizontal position does not imply time ordering. The energy balance involves the field and the material excitation in different ways for different techniques. In pure nonresonant processes, the energy of created photons balances that of those destroyed. In SRL and SRG, each scattering event leads to an excited molecule. In Raman-resonant FWM and CARS, the energy of destroyed photons is shared among material excitation and created photons depending on the relative magnitude of the imaginary and real parts of the nonlinear susceptibility.

in Table 1, along with the names of the associated nonlinear Raman spectroscopic techniques. The spectroscopic use of three-photon resonances has been demonstrated, although these usually require additional enhancement through one-photon

electronic resonance, or the use of condensed media. Closely related to Raman spectroscopy is coherent hyper-Raman scattering (see Figure 1), the stimulated analogue of the spontaneous hyper-Raman effect, for which a three-photon resonant

Nonlinear Raman spectroscopic techniques





Four-wave mixing

Coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy

Raman-induced Kerr effect

Monitored effect

Intensity at ZV = Z0 + ZR

Intensity at Zanti-Stokes = ZP + ZR

Intensity at ZS polarized A

Input/output field

Z0, ZP, ZS / Z0 + ZR



Input/output polarization

All possibilities with paired Cartesian index

E x, E x / E E x, E y / E



circular, E





Effective susceptibility






Optically heterodyne detected RIKES

Stimulated Raman loss or inverse Raman spectroscopy

Stimulated Raman gain

Monitored effect

Intensity at ZS polarized A

Intensity decrease at ZP

Intensity at ZS

Input/output fields



ZP , ZS / ZS

Input/output polarization


circular, E







Effective susceptibilty



Signal expression for plane monochromatic input waves. L is the interaction length.











Table 1


enhancement Ωfg. Z1 − Z2 can be detected in χ(5) in a six-wave process, for example by monitoring the intensity of the generated field at ZV = 4 Z1 − Z2 . 2 Zl + ZR. We will not explicitly consider these higher-order resonances in the following, but the theory involved closely follows that for the simplest two-photon resonant four-wave case. From a fully quantum-mechanical view, the system matter+field undergoes a transition from an initial staten P = n n S = 0 g 〉 for which the input field has n photons, the output field is at the vacuum state and the molecule in an internal state g, to a final state n P = n − 1, n S = 1, f 〉. Owing to the low Raman scattering cross section, the probability of finding one scattered photon within the interaction region at the time of the next scattering event is vanishingly small at low input intensity. As a consequence, the initial state of the output mode is always the vacuum state and the number of scattered photons is linearly dependent on the number of photons in the input field alone. At high input intensity or in the presence of a second external field at ZS, n S ≠ 0 and the matrix element depends on the product of n P × n S. Therefore, spontaneous and nonlinear Raman are closely connected. In fact, the spontaneous Raman effect cannot be considered among linear optical phenomena such as absorption, diffraction or stimulated emission because the scattered field has a different frequency. The dependence of the spatial, spectral and temporal signal properties on those of the input beams, along with the broad range of lasers available, opens many possibilities ranging from high-resolution studies of gases at Doppler-limited resolution using narrow-bandwidth lasers to high-temporal-resolution studies of intramolecular and intermolecular dynamics and relaxation processes at the femtosecond scale in condensed media. Although the underlying theory is essentially the same, high-resolution studies are better described in the frequency domain, looking at the Raman resonances in the nonlinear susceptibility of the medium, allowing for interpretation of line position, intensity and (with the inclusion of relaxation terms) line width. Broadband ultrashort pulses lead to an impulse response, where the molecule evolves freely after the sudden excitation involving many states and is probed at later times. This situation is better described in the time domain, looking at the time evolution of the nonlinear response function, which shows relaxation and dynamic processes, directly and still contains information about the spectrum in the form of oscillations or beating among different excited modes. Midway between these limits, lasers with small bandwidth and short duration can be used to excite a selected set of molecular levels and study their evolution.

Theory The theory relating first principles to practical signal expressions for an arbitrary material system can be considered to be well understood. We present here a sketch of its main aspects, indicating the approximations needed and its scope. Our goal is to give a practical signal expression in terms of Raman scattering tensor components, field intensities and polarizations. Our model system is an isotropic medium composed of polarizable units, small compared with the wavelength, interacting only through their coupling to a common thermal bath, such as a gas or dilute solution, in the presence of a superposition of quasi-monochromatic (GZi T2 the macroscopic polarization relaxes very fast, the system loses memory of previous field values, and P (t) follows adiabatically the field envelope, leading to

This expression is the starting point for the vast majority of nonlinear Raman experiments. One special case that enters into this category is CW experiments with monochromatic waves (τp → 1/Z0), the spectral densities are maximum near the zero frequency and minimum at Z0 and 2Z0, while for fast reorienting molecules Wc 1). These can also be seen for hom*onuclear spins, by direct substitution of Ws in the two limits in Equation [6]. For example, for the short correlation time limit, W0 : W1 : W2 : : 2 : 3 : 12, yielding K = . For the long correlation time limit, W1 and W2 are negligible and K = −1. From Equation [8] and from Figure 3 it is seen that K = 0, for ZWc = 1.118. This is often called the critical correlation time limit. In this limit, W0 = W2, V = 0 and the laboratory frame NOE is zero. Experiments have been designed in which both the spins are spin-locked along an axis

Figure 2 Spectral density J(Z) for three values of correlation time, plotted as a function of frequency Z. The spectral density has a cutoff frequency Zc = 1/Wc, where Wc is the correlation time of molecular reorientations. As molecular reorientations become faster, τc decreases and the spectral density dispersion becomes flatter. The terms T1, T2 and NOE depend on the value of the spectral densities at 0, Z0 and 2Z0, where Z0 is the Larmor frequency. (A) Spectral density for slowly reorienting molecules which have long correlation times (Wc >> 1/Z0). In such cases the spectral density has a negligible value at Z0 and 2Z0, but large values at low frequencies. (B) Spectral density for intermediate values of correlation times, for which τc ≈ 1/Z0. (C) Spectral density for small molecules undergoing fast reorientation, which have short correlation times (Wc 1) the NOE is negative, but very useful in obtaining information on the proximity of the spins. The observation of negative NOE among the spins with the same sign of J and in the short correlation time limit, however, gave rise to some excitement during the late 1960s. It was soon found that the negative NOE was owing to what was called a ‘three-spin-effect’. The explanation is as follows. When the first spin is saturated, the second spin is enhanced in intensity. By logical extension this means that the third spin is reduced in intensity. This of course requires that the three spins are in almost a linear configuration, such that the direct positive NOE from the first spin to the third is less than the transmitted NOE via the second spin. The observation of the negative three-spin-effect for hom*onuclear spins in the short correlation time limit is thus a signature of the linearity or near-linearity of the three spins. The other observation of a negative NOE between two protons, without the intervention of a third spin in a polypeptide by Balaram and coworkers, was the first evidence of molecules


While the recovery of the inverted spin Sz to its equilibrium value is biexponential, that of Iz magnetization shows an initial growth and then a decay. Equation [10] can be rewritten as

Figure 3 Variation of hom*onuclear NOE enhancement, Equation [8], plotted as a function of ZWc. Note the logarithmic scale of ZWc. For small molecules with short Wc, the limiting value for Kmax is +0.5. In practice, since relaxation mechanisms other than dipolar are also efficient in this extreme narrowing limit, positive enhancements as large as this are rarely observed. For large molecules with long Wc, the limiting value of Kmax is −1. Biomolecules and small molecules in viscous solvents come into this category and generally give significant NOEs. In the central region where Kmax varies rapidly with ZWc, the NOE enhancements depend on the spectrometer frequency and the molecular tumbling rate.The value of Kmax passes through a null for ZWc ≈ 1.

tumbling at rates slower than the Larmor frequency. Ever since then, larger molecules have been studied by NMR spectrometers operating at higher frequencies, and negative NOEs between protons have become the backbone of NMR research. There is an additional advantage of negative NOEs, which becomes apparent in the transient NOE experiment, described in the next section.

This gives the NOE on spin I, which is positive for positive s and negative for negative s. The NOE on spin I grows, reaches a maximum and then decays to zero. The initial rate of growth is obtained by differentiating Equation [11] with respect to time and taking the limit t → 0, the so-called initial rate approximation, yielding

The initial rate of growth of NOE thus gives a direct measure of the cross-relaxation rate VIS and by inference the distance rIS (VIS is proportional to r ) The advantage of the transient NOE experiment is that the transport of magnetization takes place in the absence of RF irradiation and also the dynamics of Solomon’s equations are identical to the 2D NOE experiment, described in the next section. The driven experiment has no 2D analogue and the solution given earlier in Equation [4] has the limitation that the details of saturation are not included. In fact if one uses Equation [2] instead of Equation [1], for the steady-state solution, by substituting dSz(t)/dt = 0, Sz(t) = 0, one obtains a wrong result

Transient NOE

In the transient NOE experiment, the perturbed spin is selectively inverted rather than saturated. Since this can be done in times short compared with T1 and T2 of the spins, the NOE during the pulse is neglected and the migration of the magnetization is observed after the pulse, in the absence of the RF field. The time evolution of magnetization is obtained using Solomon’s Equations [1] and [2]. Substituting the initial condition, Sz(0) = −S , one obtains a biexponential time evolution for Iz and Sz magnetization, assuming UI = US = UIS, as

Boulat and Bodenhausen earlier and recently Karthik have shown how this anomaly can be removed by describing the details of the saturation process of spin S. 2D NOE (NOESY)

Selective saturation or inversion of each transition out of a large number of closely spaced transitions of various protons of a protein is both tedious and difficult. The development of the two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser effect (2D NOE or NOESY) experiment was therefore a turning point in the application of NMR for the study of biomolecules. The 2D NOE experiment, Figure 4A, uses three 90°


pulses. The first pulse flips the magnetization of all the spins in the molecule to the transverse plane, which are then allowed to evolve during a frequency labelling period t1. The second pulse flips the magnetization to the longitudinal direction. This non-equilibrium magnetization is allowed to relax and gives NOEs according to Equations [1] and [2] during the mixing period Wm. The state of the spin system is read by the third 90° pulse with the signal being recorded as a function of the time variable t2. A complete set of data s(t1, t2), after Fourier transformation with respect to both t1 and t2 yields a 2D spectrum (Figure 4B). The magnetization components, which have the same frequencies in time domains t1 and t2, lie along the diagonal of the NOESY spectrum, while those magnetization components which have crossed over from one spin to another spin during the mixing time Wm, owing to the NOE, lie on both sides of the

diagonal and are called the cross-peaks. Indeed, it has been shown that a cross-section parallel to Z2 is identical, except for a factor of 2, to a 1D transient difference NOE experiment in which the peak on the diagonal is selectively inverted. Suppression of transverse magnetization during Wm and the growth of longitudinal magnetization during Wm (giving rise to an axial peak in the 2D spectrum) can be achieved either by phase cycling or by the use of gradients. The factor of 2 difference arises between the 1D and 2D experiment owing to the fact that the axial magnetization does not contribute in the 2D, but it does in the 1D experiment. However, the rate of transfer and hence the information content is identical in the two experiments. The first 2D NOE spectrum of a small protein, basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) is shown in Figure 5. A large number of cross-peaks are observed, each indicating a NOE or exchange between the protons of the corresponding diagonals. Exchange also gives rise to cross-peaks identical to the negative NOE (same sign as the diagonal) and can only be distinguished from NOE by the use of the rotating frame NOE method, to be discussed later. The data in the NOESY experiment are analysed by measuring the peak volume of a cross-peak in a series of 2D experiments with various mixing times Wm. The initial rate of growth of the NOE is directly proportional to 1/r6. To obtain the proportionality constant, the rate is compared with some known distance. However, this procedure is strictly valid for only two relaxation coupled spins. Since there are in general, several spins simultaneously coupled by relaxation to each other, the two-spin problem is generalized in the following manner. Generalized Solomon’s equations If there are more than two spins, relaxation coupled to each other, then the two-spin Solomon’s Equations [1] and [2] can be generalized, in the following manner

Figure 4 (A) The 2D NOESY pulse sequence, which uses three 90° pulses. The times t1 and t2 are the evolution and detection periods, respectively; Wm is the mixing time during which only longitudinal magnetization is retained, either by gradients or by cycling the phases (I1, I2, I3) of the pulses. (B) Schematic NOESY spectrum, showing that in such spectra the NOEs are manifested as cross-peaks between the various spins, the resonances of which lie on the diagonal.

which states that there are n (i = 1 . . . n) coupled equations describing the self-relaxation of each spin via the term Ui and the cross-relaxation with the other spins via Vij. This is a straightforward extension of the pairwise interaction and it neglects any crossterms (cross-correlations) that may be present between the relaxation of various spins. It has been shown that the effect of cross-correlations on the total NOE (the average NOE, neglecting differences in the intensities of various transitions of a spin) are


Figure 5 Contour plot of the 1H NOESY spectrum at 360 MHz of the basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor. The protein concentration was 0.02 M, solvent D2O, pD = 3.8, T = 18°C. The spectral width was 4000 Hz; 512 data points were used in each dimension; 56 transients were accumulated for each value of t1. The mixing time Wm was 100 ms. The absolute value spectrum, obtained after digital filtering in both dimensions with a shifted sine bell, is shown. NOE connectivities for selected amino acid residues are indicated by the broken lines. Reproduced with permission of Academic Press from Kumar A, Ernst RR and Wüthrich K (1980) Biochemistry and Biophysics Research Communications 95: 1.

generally small. In this review, the effect of crosscorrelation on NOE will not be dealt with and the reader is referred to several articles on this field, including a recent review by the authors. The general solution of Equation [14] is a multiexponential time evolution of magnetizations which are coupled to each other. Once the geometry of the spins is known, it is possible to calculate the various rates of Equation [14] and compute the expected auto- and crosspeak intensities of the NOESY experiment. These computed intensities are then iteratively fitted to the observed intensities, to converge on possible structure(s) consistent with the observed intensities. Often there are differences between the computed intensities and the observed intensities that arise from internal motions, which in turn when built into the calculations give information on the internal motions. Anisotropy of reorientation of the molecules also plays a role and can also be built into the NOE calculations. Three-dimensional structures of a large number of biomolecules (proteins, peptides, oligonucleotides and oligosaccharides) have been obtained using

information derived from the NOESY experiments. The reader is referred to the 1986 book by Wüthrich and the Encyclopedia of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance for an exhaustive review up to 1996.

ROESY For intermediate size molecules for which ZWc ≈ 1, the zero-quantum (W0IS) and double-quantum (W2IS) transition probabilities are nearly equal and the cross-relaxation rate VIS approaches zero. In such cases there is no NOE. Bothner-By came up with the fascinating idea of doing cross-relaxation in the transverse plane by spin-locking the magnetization, using RF fields. He named the technique as CAMELSPIN (cross-relaxation appropriate for minimolecules emulated by locked spins), but it is now known as ROESY (rotating frame NOESY). Both 1D and 2D versions are known, and are shown schematically in Figure 6. The method will be explained using the 1D experiment; the 2D logic is identical. The first 90º pulse (Figure 6A) flips the magnetization to the


VIS = VSI = V) as

The NOE is the difference of the two experiments and is therefore given by

Kmax is obtained as

Figure 6 Rotating frame NOE pulse sequences. The 1D experiment requires two sequences, represented by (A) and (B). (A) is the reference experiment in which a 90 non-selective pulse is applied on all the spins, followed by a spin-lock along the y-direction for a time τm and the state of the spin system is detected. (B) The control experiment in which a selective 180° pulse, inverts the magnetization of the spin from which the NOE is to be observed before the 90 pulse and the experiment is continued as (A). The 1D NOE spectrum is the difference between the spectra obtained with the sequence (A) and (B). (C) The 2D ROESY sequence. The times t1 and t2 are the evolution and detection periods and Wm is the mixing time. SL refers to the low power spin-locking RF field.

transverse plane, followed by a spin-lock using a 90º phase-shift. The spin-locked magnetization of the two spins, which differ in chemical shifts, decay and cross-relax according to the rate equations,

where mI and mS are the transverse magnetization of spins I and S spin-locked along the RF field. For the 1D case, two experiments (reference and control) are performed. For the reference experiment (Figure 6A), the initial condition is mI(0) = mS(0) = 1, while for the control experiment (Figure 6B), in which the magnetization of spin S is selectively inverted just before non-selective spinlock, the initial condition is mI(0) = 1, mS(0) = −1. The solution of Equation [15] for these two cases can be written, respectively, (for UI = US = U and

U and V in the above equations for hom*onuclear spins are obtained as

For isotropic Brownian motion, the spectral densities are obtained as

Using these values for the spectral densities, the expressions for U and V in Equation [19] reduce to

The maximum NOE for these conditions is plotted in Figure 7, which has a maximum value of 38.5% for ZWc >


Figure 7 Plot of maximum rotating frame NOE (from Equation (18)) for a hom*onuclear two spin- system as a function of ZWc. The rotating frame NOE is positive for all values of correlation time.

The NOE is positive and does not have a null for any correlation time. This result holds for the 2D experiment as well, with the diagonal and the crosspeaks having opposite signs (positive NOE). A typical 2D ROESY spectrum is shown in Figure 8. ROESY has several advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are (i) the NOE is finite (non-zero) for all sizes of the molecules, (ii) a positive NOE means that there is leakage to the lattice present and hence the magnetization does not migrate over long distances. The limited spin-diffusion helps in selecting the nearest neighbours. (iii) The three-spin effect yields a negative NOE; this can be looked at as an advantage or a disadvantage. However, the disadvantages are (i) The ROESY intensities are sensitive to the magnitude of the spin-locking RF field and to their resonance offsets. (ii) There is also a coherence transfer due to J-coupling, known as TOCSY (total correlation spectroscopy). In fact an identical pulse scheme can also be used for obtaining a TOCSY spectrum, with which one identifies all the resonances which are J-coupled through bonds. For example, all the resonances of an amino acid residue could be

Table 1

Figure 8 Contour plot of the 2D 1H ROESY spectrum of a 0.5 M solution of Boc-Val-Ala-Phe-Aib-Val-Ala-Phe-Aib-OMe in CDCl3, recorded at 400 MHz. A 2.25 kHz spin-lock field has been used during the 300 ms mixing period. 64 scans were performed for every t1 value and 512 × 1k data were acquired. Zero filling was used to give a 1k × 1k size of the displayed absorptive part of the spectrum. The diagonal drawn is negative and the crosspeaks are positive. Unpublished results by Das C, Grace RCR and Balaram P.

identified by taking a cross-section at either the NH or DH position. The salient features of ROESY, TOCSY and NOESY are listed in Table 1. Some of these differences are therefore utilized for differentiating the TOCSY and ROESY peaks, in particular the strength of the spin-locking field and the mixing time, as well as the sign of the cross-peak. Experiments have also been designed for obtaining clean TOCSY as well as clean ROESY spectra.

Comparison of the salient features of ROESY, TOCSY and NOESY





Net transfer




Pure absorptive


Yes (almost)


Sign with respect to the diagonal

Opposite (+ve NOE)


Opposite for ZWc > 1

Mixing time

Large (> 100 ms)

Small ( Q) are

The energies of the nuclear quadrupole energy levels and expansion coefficients cm of the corresponding eigenstates of HQ in the representation of the eigenstates of IZ,  I, m〉 for spins 2 and 3 are given in Table 3 and Table 4, respectively. Nuclei with an integer spin larger than 1 are seldom observed in practice. Tables 3 and 4 are therefore included only for completeness. Spin

The energies of the nuclear quadrupole energy levels and the NQR frequencies as functions of K are shown in Figure 1.

As seen from Table 1, a half-integer nuclear spin is in practice much more common than an integer nuclear spin. Nuclei with a half-integer spin are often observed in practice. As already mentioned, the nuclear quadrupole energy levels of the half-integer spin nuclei are generally doubly degenerate. The two eigenstates of HQ, \+〉 and \–〉, corresponding to the same doubly degenerate energy level are generally expressed as

Table 2 Energies E in units of e2qQ/ 4 and the expansion coefficients c m of the eigenstates of HQ for a nucleus with I = 1 in the representation of the eigenstates of IZ








c –1

The energies of the nuclear quadrupole energy levels and the corresponding eigenstates of HQ can in the general case (K ≠ 0) be expressed analytically


Figure 1

Energy levels and NQR frequencies for I = 1.

only for I = , where

and the eigenstates of HQ are

Only one NQR frequency QQ,

Here energy E is given as E = (e2qQ)/20x, where x is a solution of the secular equation. The energies are usually labelled as Em, where m is the magnetic quantum number which can be assigned to a given energy level when K = 0. The three NQR frequencies are labelled as Q5/2–1/2, Q5/2–3/2 and Q3/2–1/2 (Q5/2–1/2 > Q5/2–3/2 ≥ Q3/2–1/2). The energies Em, and the NQR frequencies are shown in Figure 2. The NQR line at the frequency Q5/2–1/2, Q5/2–1/2 = Q5/2–3/2 + Q3/2–1/2 is generally weaker than the other two NQR lines and cannot be observed when K = 0. The asymmetry parameter K is in practice calculated from the ratio R = Q3/2–1/2/Q5/2–3/2 which ranges from R = 0.5 for K = 0 to R = 1 for K = 1. When K is known, the quadrupole coupling constant can be calculated from any NQR frequency, most precisely from the highest NQR frequency Q5/2–1/2.

Table 3 Energies of the nuclear quadrupole energy levels in units of e 2qQ/8 and the expansion coefficients c m for I = 2

is observed in this case. The quadrupole coupling constant e2qQ/h and the asymmetry parameter K cannot be determined separately from the NQR frequency. The problem is usually solved by the application of a weak magnetic field or by the application of two-dimensional NQR techniques. Spin

The energies E of the three nuclear quadrupole energy levels are obtained from the secular equation







c –1

c −2

0 0

−(1− K)

−(1 + K)



Figure 2

Energy levels and NQR frequencies for I = .


The four energies E of the nuclear quadrupole energy levels are calculated from the secular equation

where E = e2qQx/28. They are again labelled as Em, Table 4


m = , , , . The dependence of the energies Em and of the NQR frequencies Qm–(m–1) = (Em−Em–1)/h on the symmetry parameter K is shown in Figure 3. The three NQR frequencies corresponding to 'm = 1 give the strongest NQR signals. The NQR signals at the frequencies corresponding to 'm = 2 and 'm = 3 are also observed for large values of K, but their intensities are lower than the intensities of the NQR lines corresponding to 'm = 1. As seen from Figure 3, the NQR frequency Q3/2–1/2 depends strongly on K, whereas the K-dependence of the

Energies of the eigenstates of HQ in units of e2qQ/20 and the expansion coefficients c m for I = 3





c –1

c –2







c –3


Figure 3

Energy levels and NQR frequencies Qm –(m –1) for I = .

other two NQR frequencies is weaker. The asymmetry parameter K is in practice determined either from the ratio Q3/2–1/2 Q5/2–3/2 or from the ratio Q3/2–1/2Q7/2–5/2. When K is known, the quadrupole coupling constant is calculated from any NQR frequency, most precisely from the highest NQR frequency observed. Spin

The highest half-integer nuclear spin of a stable nucleus is I = 9/2. The energy E of a nuclear quadrupole energy level is given as E = e2qQx24, where x is a solution of the secular equation

The energies of the nuclear quadrupole energy levels are again labelled as Em, with m being the magnetic quantum number assigned to a quadrupole energy level when K = 0. The dependence of the energies Em and of the NQR frequencies Qm–(m1) on the asymmetry parameter K is shown in Figure 4. The lowest NQR frequency Q3/2–1/2 also in this case exhibits the strongest dependence on K. The asymmetry parameter K is in practice determined from a ratio of the NQR frequencies, say Q3/2–1/2 / Q5/2–3/2. When Kis known, the quadrupole coupling constant e2qQ/h is calculated from any NQR frequency.

Application of a weak magnetic field: Zeeman perturbed NQR A weak static magnetic field is often used in NQR. In a powder sample it may cause broadening of a NQR line and consequently the disappearance of a NQR signal. In a single crystal a weak external magnetic field removes the degeneracy of the doubly degenerate quadrupolar energy levels. In the case of a half-integer quadrupolar nucleus, each NQR line splits into a quartet. The splitting depends on the orientation of the external magnetic field in the principal coordinate system of the EFG tensor. The orientation dependence of the splitting of the NQR lines gives the orientation of the principal axes of the EFG tensor in a crystal-fixed coordinate system and, for the case I = 3/2, also the value of the asymmetry parameter K. When I is integer, the external magnetic field slightly shifts the resonance frequencies. The orientation dependence of the frequency shift makes it possible to determine the orientation of the principal axes of the EFG tensor in a crystal-fixed coordinate system. In both cases the multiplicity of the resonance lines in nonzero magnetic field gives the number of magnetically nonequivalent nuclei in the crystal unit cell. Here we treat in detail only the situation for two nuclear spin systems I = 1 and I = . Spin 1

The Hamiltonian is


Figure 4

Energy levels and NQR frequencies Qm–(m –1) for I = .

Here HQ is given by Equation [10], QL = JB/2S is the Larmor frequency of a nucleus in the external magnetic field B and n is a unit vector in the direction of B. We assume that the second term in equation [20] may be treated as a perturbation and that QL T , as is often the case in larger biomolecular systems, then waiting only 3T does not allow the magnetization to return to equilibrium and an additional delay must generally be introduced so that the total time between pulses is ∼3T1. This wait can be substantially shortened if the Ernst relationship is used to set the pulse flip angles to < 90°. At low field, 60–70° pulses, 4 to 8 k data points and 2.0–5.2 s recycle times are generally used. The spectra are generally broadband 1H decoupled. The 31P spectra are generally referenced to an external sample of 85% H3PO4 or trimethylphosphate which is ∼3.46 ppm downfield of 85% H 3PO4. Note that throughout this review the IUPAC convention is followed so that positive values are to high frequency (low field). One should cautiously interpret reported 31P chemical shifts because the early literature (pre-1970s) and even many later papers use the opposite sign convention. Quantification of peak heights

The intensity of a resonance can be measured in several ways: (1) peak heights and areas obtained from the standard software supplied by the spectrometer manufacturer, (2) peak heights measured by hand, (3) peaks cut and weighed from the plotted spectrum, and (4) peaks fitted to a Lorentzian line shape. For flat baselines, intensity measurements are generally straightforward. However, in the event of curved baselines the measurements are somewhat uncertain and manual measurements are generally more reliable than intensity values obtained from computer software. It is often necessary that experiments be carried out without allowing time for full recovery of longitudinal magnetization between transients because of the limited availability of spectrometer time or of the limited lifetime of the sample. Because of variations in T1 between different phosphates and variation in

the heteronuclear NOE to nearby protons, care should be made in interpretation of peak area and intensities. Addition of a recycle delay of at least 5 × T1 between pulses and gated decoupling only during the acquisition time to eliminate the 1H– 31P NOE largely eliminates quantification problems. 31P

chemical shifts

Introduction and basic principles

The interaction of the electron cloud surrounding the phosphorus nucleus with an external applied magnetic field B0 gives rise to a local magnetic field. This induced field shields the nucleus, with the shielding proportional to the field B0 so that the effective field, Beff, felt by the nucleus is given by

where V is the shielding constant. Because the charge distribution in a phosphorus molecule will generally be far from spherically symmetrical, the 31P chemical shift (or shielding constant) varies as a function of the orientation of the molecule relative to the external magnetic field. This gives rise to a chemical-shift anisotropy that can be defined by three principal components, V11, V22 and V33 of the shielding tensor. For molecules that are axially symmetrical, with V11 along the principal axis of symmetry, V11 = V|| (parallel component), and V22 = V33 = V⊥ (perpendicular component). These anisotropic chemical shifts are observed in solid samples and liquid crystals, whereas for small molecules in solution, rapid tumbling averages the shift. The average, isotropic chemical shielding Viso (which would be comparable to the solution chemical shift) is given by the trace of the shielding tensor or

and the anisotropy ∆V is given by

or, for axial symmetry,


Theoretical 31P chemical shift calculations and empirical observations

Three factors appear to dominate differences ∆G, as shown by


chemical shift

where ∆FX is the difference in electronegativity in the P–X bond, ∆nπ is the change in the π-electron overlap, ∆T is the change in the σ-bond angle, and C, k, and A are constants. As suggested by Equation [5], electronegativity effects, bond angle changes, and π-electron overlap differences can all potentially contribute to 31P shifts in a number of classes of phosphorus compounds. While these semiempirical isotropic chemical-shift calculations are quite useful in providing a chemical and physical understanding for the factors affecting 31P chemical shifts, they represent severe theoretical approximations. More exact ab initio chemical-shift calculations of the shielding tensor are very difficult although a number of calculations have been reported on phosphorus compounds. Whereas the semiempirical theoretical calculations have largely supported the importance of electronegativity, bond angle, and π-electron overlap on 31P chemical shifts, the equations relating 31P shift changes to structural and substituent changes unfortunately are not generally applicable. Also, because 31P shifts are influenced by at least these three factors, empirical and

P NMR 1737

semiempirical correlations can only be applied to classes of compounds that are similar in structure. It should also be emphasized again, that structural perturbations will affect 31P chemical shift tensors. Often variations in one of the tensor components will be compensated for by an equally large variation in another tensor component with only a small net effect on the isotropic chemical shift. Interpretation of variations of isotropic 31P chemical shifts should therefore be approached with great caution. Within these limitations, a number of semiempirical and empirical observations and correlations, however, have been established and have proved useful in predicting 31P chemical-shift trends. Indeed, unfortunately, no single factor can readily rationalize the observed range of 31P chemical shifts (Figure 1). Bond angle effects Changes in the V-bond angles appear to make a contribution (A, Equation [5]) to the 31P chemical shifts of phosphoryl compounds, although electronegativity effects apparently predominate. Empirical correlations between 31P chemical shifts and X–P–X bond angles can be found, although success here depends on the fact that these correlations deal with only a limited structural variation: in the case of phosphate esters, it is the number and chemical type of R groups attached to a tetrahedron of oxygen atoms surrounding the phosphorus nucleus. For a wide variety of different alkyl phosphates (mono-, di-, and triesters, cyclic and acyclic neutral, monoanionic, and dianionic esters), at bond angles < 108° a decrease in the smallest O–P–O bond

Figure 1 Typical 31P chemical shift ranges for phosphorus bonded to various substituents in different oxidation states. (P– indicates the P4 molecule.)




angle in the molecule generally results in a deshielding (downfield shift) of the phosphorus nucleus. Torsional angle effects on 31P chemical shifts Semiempirical molecular orbital calculations and ab initio gauge-invariant-type molecular orbital, chemicalshift calculations suggested that 31P chemical shifts are also dependent on P–O ester torsional angles which has been shown to be of great value in analysis of DNA structure (see below). The two nucleic acid P–O ester torsional angles, ζ (5′-O–P) and α (3 ′-O–P) are defined by the (5′-O–P–O-3 ′) backbone dihedral angles. These chemical-shift calculations and later empirical observations indicated that a phosphate diester in a BI conformation (both ester bonds gauche(–) or –60°) should have a 31P chemical shift 1.6 ppm upfield from a phosphate diester in the B II conformations (α = gauche(−); ζ = trans or 180°). 31P

signal assignments

If the proton spectra of the molecule has been previously assigned, then 2D 31P–1H heteronuclear correlation NMR spectroscopy can generally provide the most convenient method for assigning 31P chemical shifts in complex spectra. Whilst application of these experiments to DNA is clear, the 2D methods will of course equally apply to organophosphorus compounds as well. Conventional 2D 31P–1H heteronuclear shift correlation (HETCOR) NMR spectroscopy, the 2D long-range COLOC (correlation spectroscopy via long range coupling) experiment and indirect detection (1H detection) HETCOR experiments can be used to assign multiple 31P signals in complex spectra such as those of oligonucleotide duplexes. Additional 2D heteronuclear J cross-polarization hetero TOCSY (TOCSY = total correlation spectroscopy), 2D heteronuclear TOCSY-NOESY (NOESY = nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy), and even a 3D hetero TOCSY-NOESY experiment can be used if additional spectral dispersion, by adding a third frequency dimension, is desirable. This may prove to be extremely valuable for ribo-oligonucleotides where very little 1H spectral dispersion in the sugar proton chemical shifts is unfortunately observed. Generally these 2D experiments correlate 31P signals with coupled 1H NMR signals. Assuming the 1H NMR spectra have been assigned, these methods allow for direct assignment of the 31P signals. The HETCOR measurements, however, suffer from poor sensitivity as well as poor resolution in both the 1H and 31P dimensions, especially for larger biomolecular structures. The poor sensitivity is largely due to the fact that the 1H–31P scalar coupling constants are

generally about the same size or smaller (except for organophosphorus molecules with directly bonded hydrogens) than the 1H–1H coupling constants. Sensitivity is substantially improved by using a heteronuclear version of the ‘constant time’ coherence transfer technique, referred to as COLOC and originally proposed for 13C–1H correlations. An example of a 2D HETCOR spectrum of the self-complementary 14-base-pair oligonucleotide duplex d(TGTGAGCGCTCACA)2, is shown in Figure 2. The cross-peaks represent scalar couplings between 31P nuclei of the backbone and the H3 ′ and H4′ deoxyribose protons. Assuming that the chemical shifts of these protons have been assigned (by 1H– 1H NOESY and COSY spectra) the 31P signals may be readily assigned (COSY = hom*onuclear chemical shift correlation spectroscopy).

Coupling constants Directly bonded phosphorus coupling constants 1J PX

One bond P–X coupling constants (JPX) have generally been rationalized in terms of a dominant Fermicontact term

where A and B are constants, a and a are percentage s character on phosphorus and atom X, respectively, and SPX is the overlap integral for the P–X bond. Because the Fermi-contact spin–spin coupling mechanism involves the electron density at the nucleus (hence the s-orbital electron density), an increase in the s character of the P–X bond is generally associated with an increase in the coupling constant. The percentage s character is determined by the hybridization of atoms P and X, and as expected sp3hybridized atoms often have 1JPX larger than p3 hybridized atoms. Thus 1JPH for phosphonium cations of structure PHnR with sp3 hybridization are ∼500 Hz, whereas 1JPH for phosphines PHnR3–n with phosphorus hybridization of approximately p3 are smaller, ∼200 Hz. Furthermore, as the electronegativity of atom X increases, the percentage s character of the P–X bond increases, and the coupling constant becomes more positive. In many cases, however, these simple concepts fail to rationalize experimental one-bond P–X coupling constants (Table 1) because other spin–spin coupling mechanisms can also contribute significantly to the coupling constant. For tetravalent phosphorus, a very good correlation


P NMR 1739

Figure 2 Pure absorption phase 31P–1H heteronuclear correlation spectrum of tetradecamer duplex d(TGTGAGCGCTCACA)2 at 200 MHz (1H). 31P chemical shifts are reported relative to trimethyl phosphate which is 3.456 ppm downfield from the 85% phosphoric acid. Reproduced with permission.

is found between 1JPC and the phosphorus 3s–carbon 2s bond orders, the percentage s in the P–C bonding orbital in going from alkyl to alkenyl to alkynyl (sp3 → sp2 → sp), and 1JPC. Calculations and empirical observations on trivalent phosphorus compounds are not successful however, and suggest that the Fermi-contact contribution only dominates tetravalent phosphorus compounds. One-bond P–H coupling constants appear always to be positive and vary from about +120 to +1180 Hz. Other heteroatom one-bond P–X coupling constants vary over a similar wide range and can be either positive or negative. The expected range of values is given in Table 1.

Table 1 1 JPX

One-bond phosphorus spin–spin coupling constants

Structural class ( or structure)


J (HZ)a


Structural class (or structure)


J (Hz)a

P(IV) (continued)






Two bond coupling constants: 2JPX


Two-bond 2JPX coupling constants may be either positive or negative and are generally smaller than one-bond coupling constants (Table 2). The 2JPCH and 2JPCF constants are stereospecific and a Karpluslike dihedral dependence to the two-bond coupling constant (H or F)–C–P–X (X = lone pair or heteroatom) has been found. Thus in the cis- and trans-phosphorinanes, the 2JPC constants are 0.0 and 5.1 Hz in the cis- and trans-isomers, respectively.


(M=O, S) 490–650 P(V)










Three-bond coupling constants, 3JPX

Three-bond coupling constant, 3JPX, through intervening C, N, O, or other heteroatoms are generally

706 a

For structural classes, only absolute value for J is given.



Table 2 2 J PX


Two-bond phosphorus spin–spin coupling constants

Structural class ( or structure)


J (HZ)a


Structural class (or structure)


J (HZ)a

P(IV) (Continued)

Applications to nucleic acid structure
















establishing these relationships because separate correlations and values for the constants A, B, and C in Equation [7] probably exist for each structural class. In all cases, a minimum in these Karplus curves is found at ∼ 90°.

The Karplus-like relationship between HCOP and CCOP dihedral angles and 3JHP and 3JCP three-bond coupling constants, respectively, has been used to determine the conformation about the ribose– phosphate backbone of nucleic acids in solution. Torsional angles about both the C3 ′–O3 ′ and C5 ′– O5 ′ bonds in 3 ′,5′-phosphodiester linkages have been determined from the coupled 1H and 31P NMR spectra. Within the limitations just described for the general application of the Karplus relationship, the best Karplus relationship for the nucleotide H3 ′–P coupling constants appears to be

P(VI) Table 3 3 J PX


Three-bond phosphorus spin–spin coupling constants


Structural class ( or structure)

(X=S, C) P(IV)


J (HZ)a

Structural class (or structure)


J (HZ)a

P(IV) (Continued)

P(III) 7−30 −12.8, −13.4 a For

structural classes, only the absolute value for J is given.








< 20 Hz (Table 3). The dihedral-angle dependence of vicinal 3JPOCH coupling 3JPCCH and 3JPCCC has been demonstrated. The curves may be fitted to the general Karplus equation

where I is the dihedral angle and A, B and C are constants for the particular molecular framework. Caution is recommended when attempting to apply these Karplus equations and curves to classes of phosphorus compounds that have not been used in

(M=O, S)








16–20 a For

structural classes, only the absolute value for J is given.


P NMR 1741

Figure 3 Plot of 31P chemical shifts for duplex oligonucleotide sequences (O) and an actinomycin D bound d(CGCG)2 tetramer complex (…) with measured JH3′–P coupling constants (z, phosphates in a tandem GA mismatch decamer duplex which shows unusual, slowly exchanging signals). Also shown are the theoretical H and ] torsion angles (solid curve) as a function of the coupling constant derived from the Karplus relationship (H) and the relationship ] = –317 – 1.23ε. 31P chemical shifts are reported relative to trimethyl phosphate. Reproduced with permission.

From the H3 ′–C3 ′–O–P torsional angle T, the C4′– C3 ′–O–P torsional angle H (= – T − 120°) may be calculated. The JΗ3'–P coupling constants in larger oligonucleotides cannot generally be determined from the coupled 1D 31P or 1H spectra because of spectral overlap. 2D J-resolved long-range correlation pulse sequences can be used to overcome this limitation. The Bax–Freeman selective 2D J experiment with a DANTE (delays alternating with nutations for tailored excitation) sequence for a selective 180° pulse on the coupled protons can be readily implemented on most spectrometers. This is particularly useful for measuring phosphorus–H3 ′ coupling constants in duplex fragments, which can vary from ∼1.5 to 8 Hz in duplexes as large as tetradecamers. There is a strong correlation (R = –0.92) between torsional angles C4′–C3 ′–O3 ′–P (H) and C3 ′–O3 ′–P–O5′ (] ) in the crystal structures of various duplexes. Thus both torsional angles H and ] can often be calculated from the measured P–H3 ′ coupling constant. Coupling constants of both 5′ protons are analysed in order to determine conformations about the C5′–Ο bond. Unfortunately, these E torsional angles have in practice been generally unobtainable even in moderate-length duplexes. Selective 2D J-resolved spectra generally fail for H4′, H5′, or H5′′ coupling to 31P because the spectral dispersion between these protons is so limited. However, with either 13C labelling or even natural abundance 13C methods, it is possible to measure not only the 1H–31P but also the 13C–31P coupling constants. Analysis of the 2D multiplet pattern, especially the ‘E. COSY’ pattern of the 1H–13C HSQC spectrum, has allowed extraction of many carbon (C3 ′,C4′,C5′) and proton (H3 ′,H4′,H5′,H5′′) coupling constants to phosphorus. The larger line

widths of longer duplexes limit measurement of the small coupling constants. As shown in Figure 3, the Karplus relationship provides for four different torsional angle solutions for each value of the same coupling constant. Although all four values are shown in Figure 3, the limb which includes H values between 360° and –270° is sterically inaccessible in nucleic acids. As shown in Figure 3, nearly all of the phosphates for normal Watson–Crick duplexes fall along only a single limb of the Karplus curve. Thus, for ‘normal’ B-DNA geometry, there is an excellent correlation between the phosphate resonances and the observed torsional angle, while phosphates that are greatly distorted in their geometry must be more carefully analysed. It is clear from Figure 3 that 31P chemical shifts and coupling constants provide probes of the conformation of the phosphate ester backbone in nucleic acids and nucleic acid complexes. It is important to remember that 31P chemical shifts are dependent on factors other than torsional angles alone. As noted above, 31P chemical shifts are very sensitive to bond angle distortions as well. It is quite reasonable to assume that backbone structural distortions as observed in unusual nucleic acid structures also introduce some bond angle distortion as well. Widening of the ester O–P–O bond angle indeed is expected to produce an upfield shift, while narrowing of this bond angle causes a downfield shift, and it is possible that this bond angle effect could account for the anomalous shifts. Indeed, very large 31P chemical shift variations (∼3–7 ppm) are observed in transfer RNA and hammerhead RNA phosphates, and are probably due to bond angle distortions in these tightly folded structures.




Generally the main-chain torsional angles of the individual phosphodiester groups along the oligonucleotide double helix are responsible for sequencespecific variations in the 31P chemical shifts. In duplex B-DNA, the gauche(−), gauche(−) (g−, g−; ], D) (or BI) conformation about the P–O ester bonds in the sugar phosphate backbone is energetically favoured, and this conformation is associated with a more shielded 31P resonance. In both duplex and single stranded DNA the trans, gauche(–) (t, g–; ], D) (οr ΒII) conformation is also significantly populated. The 31P chemical shift difference between the ΒI and ΒII phosphate ester conformational stages is estimated to be 1.5–1.6 ppm. As the result of this sensitivity to the backbone conformational state, 31P chemical shifts of duplex oligonucleotides have been shown to be dependent both upon the sequence and the position of the phosphate residue. The possible basis for the correlation between local helical structural variations and 31P chemical shifts can be analysed in terms of deoxyribose phosphate backbone changes involved in local helical sequence-specific structural variations. As the helix winds or unwinds in response to local helical distortions, the length of the deoxyribose phosphate backbone must change to reflect the stretching and contracting of the deoxyribose phosphate backbone between the two stacked base pairs. To a significant extent, these changes in the overall length of the deoxyribose phosphate backbone ‘tether’ are reflected in changes in the P–O ester (as well as other) torsional angles. These sequence-specific variations in the P–O (and C–O) torsional angles may explain the sequence-specific variations in the 31P chemical shifts. 31P

NMR of protein complexes


NMR spectroscopy has proven to be very useful in the study of various protein complexes. Table 4 provides an indication of the range of 31P chemical shifts and the titration behaviour of various phosphoprotein model compounds. Two examples of such studies are described below. Ribonuclease A

Secondary ionization of a phosphate monoester produces approximately a 4 ppm down field shift of the 31P signal. Thus the pH dependence of the 31P signal of various phosphate monoesters bound to proteins can provide information on the ionization state of the bound phosphate ester. For example, pyrimidine nucleotides, both free in solution and when bound to

Table 4 Chemical shifts and pH titration data for representative model compounds

Chemical shift (ppm)a










Pyridoxal phosphate




Pyridoxamine phosphate




Flavin mononucleotide




0 to −1.5

−10.8 to −11.3

0 to −3.0




Phosphodiesters RNA, DNA, phospholipids Diphosphodiesters Flavin adenine dinucleotide Phosphotriesters Dialkyl phosphoserine Phosphoramidates

N 3-Phosphohistidine N 1-Phosphohistidine Phosphoarginine Phosphocreatine Acyl phosphates Acetyl phosphate Carbamyl phosphate
















All chemical shifts are reported with respect to an external 85% H3PO4 standard; upfield shifts are given a negative sign.


Titrability: + indicates that changes are observed in the chemical shift on changes in pH: for phosphom*onoesters this change is 4 ppm; for phosphoramidates 2.5 ppm; for acyl phosphates 5.1 ppm; − indicates no change observed.

bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A (RNase A), demonstrate this point. The 31P chemical shift of free solution cytidine 3 ′-monophosphate (3 ′-CMP) follows a simple titration curve, and the ionization constant derived form the 31P shift variation agrees with potentiometric titration values. The 31P chemical shift titration curve for the 3 ′-CMP·RNase A complex, however, cannot be analysed in terms of a single ionization process. Two inflections observed in this titration indicated two ionizations with pK1 = 4.7 and pK2 = 6.7. These results suggest that the nucleotide binds at around neutral pH in the dianionic ionization state. Thus the 3 ′-CMP·RNase A complex 31P resonance is shifted upfield less than 0.3 ppm from the free 3 ′CMP between pH 6.5 and 7.5, whereas monoprotonation of the free dianion results in a 4 ppm upfield shift. Furthermore, the addition of the first proton to the nucleotide complex (pK2 = 6.0–6.7) must occur mainly on some site other than the dianionic phosphate because the 31P signal is shifted upfield by only 1–2 ppm. The addition of a second proton


(pK1 = 4.0–5.7) to the complex shifts the 31P signal further upfield so that at the lowest pH values, the phosphate finally appears to be in the monoanionic ionization state. On the basis of X-ray and 1H NMR studies, it is known that the nucleotides are located in a highly basic active site with protonated groups histidine119, histidine-12 and, probably, lysine-41, quite close to the phosphate. This suggests that pK1 is associated with ionization of a protonated histidine residue which hydrogen bonds to the phosphate. This highly positive active site, which is capable of perturbing the pK of the phosphate from 6 to 4.7, must have one or more hydrogen bonds to the phosphate over the entire pH region. Yet at the pH extrema, little if any perturbation of the 31P chemical shift is found. Apparently, the 31P chemical shift of the phosphate esters is largely affected by the protonation state and not by the highly positive local environment of the enzyme. Two-dimensional exchange phosphoglucomutase


NMR of

Phosphoglucomutase (PGM) catalyses the interconversion of glucose 1-phosphate and glucose 6-phosphate. The enzyme has 561 residues on a single polypeptide chain with molecular weight 61 600 Da. Catalysis proceeds via a glucose 1,6-bisphosphate intermediate where the formation and breakdown of this intermediate results from two phosphate transfer steps involving a single enzymic phosphorylation site, Ser-116. A metal ion is required for activity and the most efficient metal ion is the physiological activator, Mg2+. The phosphate transfer steps are shown below.

P NMR 1743

bound intermediates in the above scheme can be studied. Exchange processes can be detected by 2D 31P NMR in addition to the conventional 1D methods. The 2D exchange experiment (NOESY) described by Ernst and co-workers involves three 90° pulses. Nuclei are frequency labelled by a variable delay time (t1) separating the first and second pulses. The mixing time is between the second and third pulses, and the detection of transverse magnetization as a function of time (t2) follows the third pulse. During the mixing time, nuclei labelled in t1 with a frequency corresponding to one site are converted by the exchange processes to a second site and evolve in t2 with the frequency of the second site, giving rise to cross-peaks in the 2D spectrum. A 2D 31P exchange spectrum of PGM shows cross-peaks indicating exchange between bound Glc6P and free Glc6P and between the two bound phosphorus sites, indicating transfer through free EP involving a full catalytic cycle (see Eqn [8]).

Medical applications of

31 P


In vivo 31P NMR and 31P magnetic resonance imaging are also important applications of this nucleus. 31P signals from inorganic phosphate, adenosine triphosphate, adenosine diphosphate, creatine phosphate, and sugar phosphates can be observed in whole-cell preparations, intact tissues, and whole bodies and can provide information on the viability of the cells and tumour localization. Low sensitivity continues to be a problem in widespread application of these techniques. Additional details can be found in several of the entries in the Further reading section.

Conclusions 31P

EP and ED are the phospho and dephospho forms of the enzyme, respectively, Glc1P is glucose-1-phosphate and Glc6P is glucose-6-phosphate. Metal-free PGM and complexes with a variety of metal ions, substrates, and substrate analogues have been studied by 31P NMR. Under conditions where the enzyme is inactive, each of the three enzyme-

NMR has become an indispensable tool in studying the chemistry and reactivity of phosphorus compounds, as well as in studying numerous biochemical and biomedical problems. Newer NMR instrumentation has enormously enhanced the sensitivity of the experiment and allowed 2D NMR studies to provide new means of signal assignment and analysis. Through 2D and 3D heteronuclear NMR experiments it is now possible to unambiguously assign the 31P signals of duplex oligonucleotides and other phosphate esters. Both empirical and theoretical correlations between measured coupling constants, 31P chemical shifts, and structural parameters have provided an important probe of the conformation and dynamics of nucleic acids, protein complexes, and small organophosphorus compounds.




List of symbols a2 = percentage s character; J = coupling constant; S = overlap integral; t1 = delay time; t2 = observe time in 2D NMR; T1 = spin–lattice relaxation time; T2* = time constant for the FID; ∆G = chemical shift difference; ∆T = change in the V-bond angle; ∆χX = electronegativity difference in the P–X bond; V = shielding constant; Viso = isotropic shielding constant; V|| = parallel component of shielding constant; V⊥ = perpendicular component of shielding constant; V11, V22, V33 = components of shielding tensor; I = dihedral angle. See also: Cells Studied By NMR; In vivo NMR, Applications, 31P; NMR Pulse Sequences; Nuclear Overhauser Effect; Nucleic Acids Studied Using NMR; Nucleic Acids and Nucleotides Studied Using Mass Spectrometry; Parameters in NMR Spectroscopy, Theory of; Perfused Organs Studied Using NMR Spectroscopy; Proteins Studied Using NMR Spectroscopy; Two-Dimensional NMR Methods.

Further reading Burt CT (1987) Phosphorus NMR in Biology, pp. 1–236. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. Crutchfield MM, Dungan CH, Letcher LH, Mark V and Van Wazer JR (1967) Topics in phosphorus chemistry. In: Grayson M and Griffin EF (eds) Topics in Phospho-

rous Chemistry, pp. 1–487. New York: Wiley (Interscience). Gorenstein DG (1984) Phosphorus-31 NMR: Principles and Applications, pp. 1–604. Orlando, FL: Academic Press. Gorenstein, DG (1992) Advances in P-31 NMR. In: Engel, R (ed) Handbook of Organophosphorus Chemistry, pp. 435–482. New York: Marcel Dekker. Gorenstein DG (1994) Conformation and Dynamics of DNA and Protein–DNA Complexes by 31P NMR, Chemical Reviews 94: 1315–1338. Gorenstein DG (1996) Nucleic Acids: Phosphorus-31 NMR. In: Grant DM and Harris RK (eds) Encyclopedia of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, pp. 3340–3346. Chichester: Wiley. Karaghiosoff K (1996) Phosphorus-31 NMR. In: Grant DM and Harris RK (eds) Encyclopedia of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, pp. 3612–3618. Chichester: Wiley. Mavel G (1973) Annual Reports on NMR Spectroscopy 5B: 1–350. Quin LD and Verkade JG (1994) Phosphorus-31 NMR Spectral Properties in Compound Characterization and Structural Analysis, p. 1. New York: VCH. Tebby JC (1991) Handbook of Phosphorus-31 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Data, p. 1. Boca Raton FL: CRC Press. Verkade JG and Quin LD (1987) Phosphorus-31 NMR Spectroscopy in Stereochemical Analysis; Organic Compounds and Metal Complexes, pp. 1–455. Deerfield Beach, FL: VCH.

Palladium NMR, Applications See

Heteronuclear NMR Applications (Y–Cd).


Parameters in NMR Spectroscopy, Theory of GA Webb, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction High-resolution NMR provides spectra that consist of a number of lines and bands whose frequency, relative intensity and shape may be analysed to yield molecular parameters. The NMR parameters in questions are the nuclear shielding, V which describes the shielding of the nucleus from the applied magnetic field by the surrounding electrons and gives rise to chemical shifts; J, which relates to nuclear spin–spin coupling and depends upon relative nuclear orientations; and the times T1 and T2 which refer to the relaxation processes encountered by the nuclei excited in the NMR experiment. Both the nuclear shielding and spin–spin coupling interactions are interpreted within the framework of quantum chemistry, whereas a quasi-classical form of mechanics is usually adopted to describe the nuclear relaxation interactions.

Nuclear shielding (chemical shifts) For an NMR experiment the basic resonance condition is given as

where B0 is the applied magnetic field in which the experiment is performed, J is the magnetogyric ratio of the nucleus in question and Z is the angular frequency of the radiation producing the NMR transition. From this expression it follows that all nuclei with a given value of J, e.g. protons, will produce a single absorption in the NMR spectrum. In such a situation NMR spectroscopy would not be of much chemical interest. In reality the expression for the resonance condition needs to be modified to include the fact that the value of the magnetic field experienced by the resonating nuclei is usually less than B0 owing to shielding of the nucleus in a molecule by the surrounding electrons. Thus the expression for the resonance condition becomes

MAGNETIC RESONANCE Theory where V is the nuclear shielding. In NMR experiments the resonance frequencies are normally reported relative to that of a given nucleus in a standard molecule added to the experimental sample as a reference. The shielding difference, or chemical shift G, is then defined as the difference in shielding between the given nucleus in the reference compound, Vref, and that of the nucleus of interest, Vsample. Namely

From which it follows that a shift of resonance to high frequency, denoted by an increase in G, corresponds to a decrease in Vsample. In seeking a molecular interpretation for Vit is important to realize that the nuclear shielding is represented by a second-rank tensor. Many NMR experiments are performed on nonviscous solutions, or sometimes on gaseous samples, in which case rapid, and random, molecular motion ensures that the nuclear shielding experienced is the scalar corresponding to one-third of the trace of the tensor. NMR measurements taken on the solid and liquid crystal phases can yield values for the individual components of the shielding tensor and its anisotropy, 'V. For linear and symmetric-top molecules,

where V|| refers to the shielding component along the major molecular axis and VA is that in the direction perpendicular to it. For less symmetrical molecules,

where the Vii are the principal tensor components taken in accordance with the convention V DD > V EE > V JJ. The first report on the theory of nuclear shielding appeared in 1950; since then many reports have appeared of attempts to calculate shieldings, most of them within the framework of molecular orbital


(MO) theory. Some of the earlier results, particularly those based upon semiempirical MO methods, are at best indicative of shielding trends in series of closely related molecules. In general these are unsuitable for predictive purposes. In recent years this situation has changed dramatically and ab initio MO calculations of nuclear shielding are routinely providing satisfactory results. In principle, quantum chemistry can provide a full account of all molecular properties. In practice, various approximations are introduced into the calculations to make them tractable. Such approximations tend to produce limitations on the results obtained from the calculations. For example, calculations at the Hartree–Fock (HF) level involve a single determinant for a rigid isolated molecule; consequently, the effects of electron correlation, variations in geometry and media influences on nuclear shielding are ignored. Normally such effects are considered separately as are possible relativistic effects on the shielding of heavier nuclei. Calculations of molecular magnetic properties, such as nuclear shielding, can suffer from all of these limitations and an additional one known as the gauge problem. This arises from the use of perturbation theory to describe the rather small contribution to the total electronic energy of the molecule provided by the applied magnetic field in the NMR experiment. The magnetic perturbation is described by the orbital angular momentum operator. Since this operator is not invariant with respect to translations, its influence depends upon the position at which it is evaluated. Consequently, the result obtained for the calculated nuclear shielding depends upon the choice of origin for the calculation. This theoretical artefact has to be dealt with before comparison takes place between experimental and theoretical shielding data. One way to combat the gauge problem in nuclear shielding calculations is to employ large basis sets in calculations using the coupled Hartree–Fock (CHF) approach. If smaller basis sets are employed, the shielding results obtained are gauge-dependent unless the gauge origin is taken to be at the nucleus in question; these are referred to as common-origin calculations. An example of 13C nuclear shielding calculations of this type is provided by buckminsterfullerene, C60: all of the carbon atoms are equivalent in this molecule and thus symmetry arguments can be used to reduce the number of integrals to be evaluated. If a relatively modest basis set, such as 6-13G*, is used in the calculation of the nuclear shielding, then about ten days of CPU time is required on a DEC 8400 computer. Consequently, it seems unlikely that common-origin nuclear shielding calculations will become widely affordable.

An alternative to using large basis sets to overcome the gauge problem is to introduce gauge factors either into the atomic orbitals of the basis set or into the MOs of a CHF calculations of nuclear shielding. The inclusion of gauge factors in the atomic orbitals used gives rise to the gauge-included atomic orbital (GIAO) method. In contrast the IGLO (individual gauges for localized orbitals) method employs individual gauge origins for different localized molecular orbitals. Both the GIAO and IGLO methods are referred to as local origin variants of the CHF method. An alternative to the CHF calculations of secondorder magnetic properties is to use the random-phase approximation within the equations of motion procedure. This has developed into a method using localized MOs with local origins (LORG). The LORG method results in a localization of the MOs used and provides a pathway to the decomposition of the calculated nuclear shielding into individual local bond and bond–bond contributions. Thus the LORG and IGLO methods of calculating nuclear shieldings are analogous to each other. The results of some 13C shieldings and their anisotropies, produced by IGLO, LORG and GIAO calculations, are given in Table 1. The results given are obtained by the use of medium-sized basis sets; e.g. sets of triple zeta quality with a set of d polarization functions for the heavy atoms. In general, the calculated and experimental results are in satisfactory agreement. In comparing the relative merits of the GIAO, IGLO and LORG methods, it appears that the GIAO procedure is the more efficient in terms of the convergence of the shielding value with respect to the size of basis set used. However, the IGLO and LORG calculations Table 1 Comparison of some 13C shieldings and their anisotropies 'V (in ppm) produced by IGLO and GIAO calculations and experimental values

Molecule and 'V












Experimental 195.1 82.1 316.3 ± 1.2














240 ± 5







405.5 ±1.4




























produce shielding contributions that may be attributed to specific molecular regions. Since the GIAO, IGLO and LORG calculations can all be performed with different levels of basis set quality, the results obtained are found to be dependent upon the choice of basis set. An example of the dependence of 13C shieldings calculated by the GIAO method upon the choice of geometry and basis set is provided in Table 2. The use of experimental geometries is indicated by NOOPT (none optimized geometry); also included are optimized geometries from ab initio MO calculations using 4-31G and 431G**basis sets, whereas the 13C shieldings are calculated with 3-21G, 4-31G and 4-31G** basis sets. The best agreement with the experimental shieldings is given by the calculations using experimental molecular geometries and the

4-31G** basis set; in this case the average leastsquares error for the set of molecules studied is 2.7 ppm. In general, GIAO, LORG and IGLO calculations are capable of producing shieldings for nuclei from the first and second long rows of the periodic table to within about 3 or 4% of an element’s shielding range. Thus these calculations can be used for predictive purposes as well as providing some information on the molecular electronic factors that determine the extent of nuclear shielding and its variations. Another method of tackling the gauge problem in nuclear shielding calculations is to employ individual gauges for atoms in molecules (IGAIM). This procedure differs from the GIAO, IGLO and LORG procedures in that the gauge origins in IGAIM are

Table 2 Calculated and observed isotropic 13C chemical shifts (in ppm from CH4) of the resonant nuclei (*C) using NOOPT/4-31G, 4-31G/4-31G, NOOPT/3-21G, NOOPT/4-31G** and 4-31G**/4-31G** basis sets














C2 H6






0.0 8.0

C2 H4













17.7 18.2

















































C6 H6

















































Toluene (C-1)







Toluene (C-2)







Toluene (C-3)







Toluene (C-4)







Toluene (CH3)



























Averaged leastsquares error (ppm)


3.24 (without cyclo-C3H4)




Correlation coefficient













determined by properties of the charge density in real space rather than by the behaviour of the chosen basis functions in the Hilbert space of the molecular wavefunction. The results of some IGAIM 13C shielding calculations are given in Table 3, where they are compared with the results obtained from conventional CHF calculations using the same basis set. In the CHF calculations, the common gauge origin is placed at the nucleus whose shielding is being deduced. Table 3 shows that the IGAIM results are in much better agreement with experiment than those produced by the CHF calculations. The absence of electron correlation effects from HF calculations is most noticeable in cases of ‘electron-rich’ molecules containing, for example, multiple bonding and lone pair electrons. It is possible to enhance the local origin methods for calculating nuclear shieldings by including some electron correlation effects. The GIAO method has been extended by means of manybody perturbation theory (MBPT). The results of some GIAO and GIAO-MBPT calculations of 17O shieldings are compared in Table 4, where the effect of including electron correlation is seen to lead to an increase in the calculated values of the shieldings. This increase usually results in a closer agreement between the calculated and experimental shieldings. Electron correlation effects have been included in the IGLO method by means of a nonperturbative multiconfiguration extension to give the MC-IGLO method. Table 5 shows the results of some MCIGLO calculations of 1H, 13C, 17O, 19F and 31P nuclear shieldings in comparison with comparable results from experiment and from the self-consistent fixed (SCF)-IGLO method. The effects of electron correlation on the calculated nuclear shieldings are shown to be small for methane and phosphine but much more significant for fluorine, carbon monoxide and ozone, which are ‘electron rich’ molecules. For the central oxygen atom of ozone, the effect of including electron correlation in the shielding calculations is to produce an increase by over 2000 ppm. The LORG method of calculating nuclear shieldings has been combined with the second-order polarization propagator (SOPPA) technique to produce the second-order LORG or SOLO procedure. The results of some LORG and SOLO 15N shielding calculations are compared with experiment and with some IGLO results in Table 6. The conjugated heterocycles chosen for the study represent cases where electron correlation effects are predicted to be significant. In general, the inclusion of electron correlation leads to an increase in the calculated nitrogen shieldings and usually to an improved agreement with the experimental results.

A comparison of the LORG and SOLO data given in Table 6 shows root mean square errors of 49.2 and 19.9 ppm, respectively. Table 3 Comparison of absolute 13C shieldings in (ppm) calculated by the IGAIM method and the CHF procedure, using the same 6-31G**(2d, 2p) basis set, with experimental values taken as thermal averages at 300 K in the limit of zero gas density













C2 H2




C2 H4




C2 H6




C3H4 (C-1)




C3H4 (C-2)




C6 H6



















30.0 158.3




















Table 4 Comparison of some 17O shieldings (in ppm) produced by GIAO and GIAO-MBPT calculations and experimental values



GIAO-MBPT Experimental

H2 O







134 –40.1 ± 17.2
























Table 5 Comparison of some 1H, 13C, 17O, 19F and 31P shieldings (in ppm) produced by SCF-IGLO and MC-IGLO calculations and experimental values

Molecule Nucleus CH4




F2 CO O3





31.22 583.4 29.43

31.13 598.2 29.65 –204.3

Experimental 198.7 30.61 594.4 29.28












O (central) –2730.1



O (terminal) –2816.7




Table 6 Comparison of some 15N shieldings (in ppm) produced by IGLO, LORG, and SOLO calculations on some conjugated heterocycles and experimental values


Experimental values


































1,2,4-Triazine N-3












Density functional theory (DFT) is an alternative to HF methods for describing molecular electronic structure. Electron correlation effects are explicitly included in DFT calculations. Coupled DFT (CDFT), together with the IGLO method, has been used in some nuclear shielding calculations and some results for 13C, 15N, 17O, 19F and 31P are shown in Table 7. For comparison purposes, the results of some GIAO calculations, not including electron correlation, and experimental results are given. The CDFT results are seen to be in much better agreement with experiment than are those from the GIAO calculations.

Spin–spin couplings Many NMR signals appear as multiplets, the structure of which arises from spin–spin coupling interactions with other nuclei in the molecule. The separation between adjacent members of a multiTable 7 Comparison of some 15C, 15N, 17O, 19F and 31P shieldings in (ppm) produced by GIAO and CDFT calculations and experimental values


























N (terminal)








































plet can give the value of J, the spin–spin coupling interaction between the spin coupled nuclei. For nuclei whose spin is , the relative signal intensities of the members of a given first-order multiplet are given by the factors of a binomial expansion. If A and B are the two spin- coupled nuclei then the NMR signal for A will consist of a multiplet with n + 1 lines due to spin–spin coupling to n equivalent B nuclei, provided the chemical shift between A and B is large relative to JAB. As for V the value of J depends upon the chemical environment of the nuclei concerned. Hence values of J are of use in molecular structure determinations. Unlike the case for nuclear shieldings, values of J are independent of the magnitude of the applied magnetic field used in the NMR experiment; thus the gauge problem does not arise when considering quantum-chemical calculations of J. Nuclear spin–spin couplings arise from indirect interactions between the spin, I, of neighbouring nuclei. The spin orientation information is transmitted from one nucleus to the other by means of both bonding and nonbonding electrons encountered on the spin coupling pathway. Values of J are usually given in Hz as is apparent from the following definition of the energy, EAB, of the coupling interaction between nuclei A and B:

As in the case of nuclear shielding, JAB is a scalar quantity; an estimate of the anisotropy of the corresponding second-rank tensor may be forthcoming from measurements on oriented samples. The theoretical aspects of spin–spin coupling are based upon three types of electron-coupled interactions between the electrons and nuclei of the molecule concerned. Normally the largest of these is the contact (C) interaction between the electron and nuclear spins; the second one is a magnetic dipolar (D) interaction between the electron and nuclear spins; finally there is the orbital (O) interaction between the magnetic field produced by the orbital motion of the electrons and the nuclear magnetic dipole. Accurate calculations of spin–spin couplings provide a challenge to the theoretician. Reliable results are difficult to obtain for molecules of chemical interest, because spin–spin couplings rely upon subtle aspects of molecular electronic structure. Consequently, a deeper understanding of the relationships between spin–spin couplings and molecular structure could considerably enhance the application of highresolution NMR spectroscopy to the elucidation of molecular electronic structure. At present the theoretical analysis of spin–spin couplings is advancing


in two different directions. For small molecules with light atoms, i.e. those up to the second row, highly accurate ab initio MO calculations are being applied. Alternatively, rather simple semiempirical calculations are used to provide some understanding of possible relationships between physical phenomena and experimental data. At the HF level, the C contribution to spin–spin couplings is the most difficult to evaluate accurately owing to the poor description provided of the electron spin densities at the coupled nuclei. Consequently, it becomes necessary to include electron correlation effects to provide accurate calculations of spin–spin couplings. Many-body perturbation theory can be used to introduce some electron correlation into calculations of the C contribution to spin–spin couplings. Using this approach for some first-row hydrides, where the C contribution is expected to dominate, satisfactory agreement is found between calculated and observed values of one-bond couplings. However, the calculated values of 2J(H–H) are much too large, which suggests that electron correlation effects beyond second order are important in determining the magnitudes of spin–spin couplings. The use of multiconfiguration linear response (MCLR) theory is another approach to the calculation of spin–spin coupling interactions. As is usual for ab initio MO calculations, the results obtained are found to be basis set dependent. In general, satisfactory agreement with the available experimental data is achieved. Other ab initio MO calculations of spin–spin couplings include those based upon polarization propagator methods, e.g. RPA, SOPPA and the coupled cluster single and double polarization propagator approximation (CCSDPPA). These three methods have been used to calculate the C contributions to the values of 1J(C–H) and 2J(H–H) for methane as functions of bond length variation in the region of the equilibrium geometry, as shown in Figures 1 and 2, where S1 represents the symmetric stretching coordinate. In the case of the CCSDPPA result, about 91% of the correlation contribution to the value of 1J(C–H) is recovered, whereas the corresponding figure for the SOPPA calculation is about 79%. For the calculations on 2J(H–H), the corresponding recoveries are 88% and 79% for the CCSDPPA and SOPPA methods, respectively. Semiempirical MO calculations of spin–spin couplings are often used in conjunction with conformational analysis studies. In general, the investigations are based upon a dihedral angle dependence of the 3J(13C–1H) values. However, calculations of longer-range couplings can also play a role in understanding molecular structure.

Figure 1 Dependence of the contact contribution to 1J(C–H) on the symmetric stretching coordinate S1 of methane. Results are given at the RPA, SOPPA and CCSDPPA levels of theory.

Figure 2 Dependence of the contact contribution of 2J(H–H) on the symmetric stretching coordinate S1 of methane. Results are given at the RPA, SOPPA and CCSDPPA levels of theory.

Self-consistent perturbation theory (SCPT) semiempirical calculations have been used in a study of the effects of the oxygen lone pair electrons on 1J(C–C) values in furan derivatives. The results show that the effects of the lone pairs on the spin–spin couplings,


and the changes due to protonation, are similar to those resulting from the lone pair electrons on the nitrogen atom in imines.

Nuclear spin relaxation The time taken for nuclear spin relaxation to occur constitutes the third type of chemically interesting NMR parameter. Since NMR is normally observed in the radiofrequency region of the electromagnetic spectrum it involves rather low-energy transitions; consequently spontaneous emission tends to be of negligible importance for NMR relaxation. Nuclear spin relaxation may be characterized by two relaxation times, T1 and T2. The spin–lattice relaxation time, T1, relates to the exchange of nuclear magnetization in a direction parallel to that of the applied magnetic field. T2, the spin–spin relaxation time applies to the exchange of magnetization in directions perpendicular to that of the applied magnetic field. The ideal NMR line shape is Lorentzian and its full width at half-height, W1/2, is controlled by T2:

For nonviscous liquids, T1 and T2 are usually equal; thus comments made about T1 apply equally to T2. A number of mechanisms may contribute to nuclear spin relaxation times. These mechanisms operate in chemically distinct ways, such that the identification of which particular mechanism(s) is operative can be of chemical interest. For any mechanism to be operative in producing spin relaxation it must produce an oscillating magnetic field at the nuclear site. The frequency of this local magnetic field must be equal to the resonance frequency of the nucleus to be relaxed. If this situation occurs, then a relaxation transition may be induced. The microdynamic behaviour of molecules in fluids is attributed to Brownian motion, and the frequency distribution of the components of the local fluctuating magnetic field is expressed by a power spectral density. The component of this spectral density at the resonance frequency is responsible for nuclear relaxation. The magnitude of this component, taken together with the energy of interaction between the nuclear spin system and the molecular motions, determines the value of T1. In discussing nuclear relaxation phenomena it is normally assumed that the motional narrowing limit


where Z0 refers to the resonance frequency and W0 is the correlation time characterizing the appropriate molecular motion. For the motional narrowing limit to apply, the molecules in question must be tumbling rapidly; this implies small molecules in a low-viscosity medium and a relatively high temperature. As shown in Figure 3, under these conditions T1 becomes frequency independent and equal to T2. Larger molecules may not satisfy the motional narrowing limit, for example macromolecules, in which case T1 and T2 are almost certain to be unequal and to have different frequency dependences. Provided the extreme narrowing conditions are satisfied, then the left-hand side of Figure 3 is the appropriate one for further discussion of the various mechanisms that contribute to T1. Nuclear magnetic dipole relaxation interactions may occur with other nuclei, or with unpaired electrons. These processes usually dominate the relaxation of spin- nuclei. Both intra- and intermolecular interactions may contribute to dipole–dipole nuclear relaxation times. The value of T1 due to the intramolecular dipole–dipole process is proportional to the sixth power of the internuclear separation. Consequently, this process becomes rather inefficient in the absence of directly bonded magnetic nuclei. However, it follows that a measurement of T1 can be provide an estimate of internuclear separation that can be of chemical interest. The nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) depends upon the occurrence of dipole–dipole relaxation processes and can similarly provide an estimate of internuclear separation.

Figure 3 Schematic representation of the nuclear relaxation times T1 and T2 as functions of the correlation time W0.


The large magnetogyric ratio of the proton coupled with its common molecular occurrence ensures that dipole–dipole interactions with protons frequently dominate the relaxation of other spinnuclei such as 13C and 15N. The electron has a magnetogyric ratio that is more than 600 times larger than that of the proton; thus, if unpaired electrons are present their dipole–dipole interaction with a given nucleus normally controls the relaxation of that nucleus. Consequently, paramagnetic centres may be introduced to override nuclear–nuclear relaxation processes in certain cases, for example to reduce embarrassingly long relaxation times and to remove NOEs in cases where they are not required. Nuclei with a spin I ! have electric quadrupole moments in addition to the magnetic dipole moments required for the NMR experiment. The quadrupole moment may interact with a local electric field gradient to provide a very efficient nuclear relaxation process, and thus broad NMR signals. The value of T1 for the quadrupolar relaxation process depends critically upon the electronic environment of the nucleus in question. This is demonstrated by the NMR line widths of about 10 Hz for 35Cl in NaCl and about 10 kHz for 35Cl in CCl . In 4 the former example, the electronic environment of the chloride ion is approximately spherical, thus there is only a small field gradient, at best, at the site of the chlorine and the line width is controlled by the less efficient dipole–dipole process. For covalently bonded CCl4, the large field gradients at the chlorine nuclei give rise to rapid quadrupolar relaxation. Spin–rotation interactions may also produce nuclear relaxation. These arise from interactions between nuclear magnetic moments and rotational magnetic moments of the molecules containing the nuclei in question. A direct transfer occurs of nuclear spin energy to the molecular motion. This contrasts with the dipole–dipole and quadrupole mechanisms, which operate via an indirect energy transfer. The value of T1 due to spin–rotation interactions decreases as the temperature increases, which is in contrast to the other nuclear relaxation mechanisms. Hence the observed temperature dependence of T1 may be used to demonstrate the contribution or absence of spin–rotation interaction processes to the nuclear relaxation. Spin–rotation relaxation is most likely to be dominant for small molecules tumbling rapidly at high temperatures. Thus it is likely to be of particular importance for vapour-phase studies. Anisotropy of the nuclear shielding tensor may also contribute to nuclear relaxation. Brownian motion can modulate the nuclear shielding tensor and

thus provide a fluctuating magnetic field. The corresponding relaxation times depend inversely upon the square of the applied magnetic field and the square of the shielding anisotropy. Thus this relaxation process is likely to be of most importance at very high magnetic field strengths and for heavier nuclei, which tend to have very large shielding anisotropies, e.g. 195Pt and 199Hg. The fact that T1 values for this process depend upon the strength of the applied magnetic field provides a means of determining the contribution or absence of nuclear shielding anisotropy to the relaxation of a given nucleus. If chemical exchange or internal rotation causes the spin–spin coupling interaction between two nuclei to become time dependent, then scalar relaxation of the first kind can occur. Scalar relaxation of the second kind relates to the case where the relaxation rate of a coupled nucleus is fast compared with 2 SJ. Coupling to a quadrupolar nucleus can give rise to this relaxation mechanism. For scalar coupling relaxation to be operative, it is generally important that the resonance frequencies of the coupled nuclei be similar. This is, perhaps, the least common of the nuclear spin relaxation processes considered.

List of symbols B0 = applied magnetic field strength (flux density); EAB = energy of couplings interaction between nuclei A and B; J = spin coupling constant; T1 = spin–lattice relaxation time; T2 = spin–spin relaxation time; W1/2 = full width at half-height of NMR line; G = chemical shift; Z = angular frequency of applied radiation; 'V = shielding anisotropy; V = nuclear shielding parameter; W0 = molecular correlation time. See also: 13C NMR, Parameter Survey; Chemical Shift and Relaxation Reagents in NMR; Gas Phase Applications of NMR Spectroscopy; NMR in Anisotropic Systems, Theory; NMR Principles; NMR Relaxation Rates; Nuclear Overhauser Effect.

Further reading Abragam A (1961) The Principles of Nuclear Magnetism. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Ando I and Webb GA (1983) Theory of NMR Parameters. London: Academic Press. Contreras RH and Facelli JC (1993) Advances in theoretical and physical aspects of spin–spin couplings. In: Webb GA (ed) Annual Reports on NMR, Vol 27, p 255. London: Academic Press. de Dios AC (1996) Ab initio calculations of the NMR chemical shift. Progress in NMR Spectroscopy 29: 229. Specialist Periodical Reports on NMR, published annually by the Royal Society of Chemistry, Webb GA (ed),


contain chapters dealing with all aspects of NMR Parameters. Latest edition is Vol 29 (1999). Webb GA (1978) Background theory of NMR parameters. In: Harris RK and Mann BE (eds) NMR and the Periodic Table, p 49. London: Academic Press.

Webb GA (1993) An overview of nuclear shielding calculations. In: Tossell JA (ed) Nuclear Magnetic Shieldings and Molecular Structure, p 1. Dordrecht: Kluwer.

Peptides and Proteins Studied Using Mass Spectrometry Michael A Baldwin, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Thirty years ago it was impossible to ionize and analyse even a small peptide by mass spectrometry unless it was first made volatile by derivatization, such as acetylation and/or permethylation. In recent years ‘soft ionization’ methods have made mass spectrometric analysis of peptides and proteins a routine activity. Such methods employed for ionization and analysis of peptides and proteins have included field desorption (FD) from a heated emitter by high electric fields, direct chemical ionization (DCI) by the interaction of a hot plasma with a solid sample, fast atom bombardment (FAB) involving bombardment of an analyte solution with high energy xenon atoms or caesium ions, plasma desorption (PD) using nuclear fission fragment bombardment of a sample on a solid support such as nitrocellulose, electrospray ionization (ESI) by evaporation of charged droplets of analyte solution, and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) by laser irradiation of crystals of a matrix doped with analyte. Several of these are still in limited use but the almost universal utility of ESI and MALDI for the analysis of macromolecules of virtually unlimited mass range with extreme sensitivity has caused these two methods to supplant all other techniques, so only these methods will be discussed further. At its simplest level, MS measures molecular masses. With calibration it can also determine quantities on a relative or absolute scale for ‘pure’ compounds and, with varying degrees of success, for components in a mixture. The analysis of complex mixtures such as a protein digest may require coupling with a separative method such as chromatography (GC-MS or LC-MS) or electrophoresis, either off-line (SDSPAGE) or on-line (CE-MS). Further experiments can provide detailed structural information, e.g. peptides


can be sequenced by collision-induced dissociation (CID) of their molecular ions and tandem MS (MS/ MS). MS may also be used in conjunction with chemical modification or enzymatic digestion of a protein to aid its identification and/or sequence analysis. In practice, the diverse techniques available for ionization and mass analysis allow experiments to be optimized to answer very specific questions.

Mass spectrometry Sample preparation and ionization methods

Optimization of sample preparation depends upon the nature of the sample, the information required and the type of mass spectrometer available. It is desirable to minimize salts and detergents, and if buffers are unavoidable these should be volatile whenever possible, e.g. ammonium formate or ammonium bicarbonate. In general MALDI is more tolerant of impurities than ESI. It may be essential to remove salts and detergents by dialysis, precipitation, absorption/elution from beads or a membrane, or absorption onto a small column and elution into the mass spectrometer. Achieving such separations without substantial losses is frequently complicated by limited amounts of material, sample aggregation, hydrophobicity and binding to surfaces. Most peptides and proteins contain readily protonated basic sites, suitable for positive ion MS. Analytes are ionized directly from liquid solution for ESI but from the solid state for MALDI, consequently sample handling is fundamentally different for these alternative methods. In ESI-MS, liquid is usually introduced in a continuous stream, ideal for direct coupling with reversed phase high performance


liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC), which is applicable to the separation of most peptide mixtures and many proteins. However, trifluoroacetic acid (TFA), widely used to optimize separations by RP-HPLC, can inhibit ionization in ESI-MS. Solvent systems developed for LC-MS replace TFA by formic acid, alternatively low flow rates from capillary HPLC columns can be supplemented with solvents more compatible with ESI-MS. An alternative to an externally pumped system is provided by nanospray, in which a small quantity of sample solution is placed in a capillary tube drawn to a fine tip. Liquid flows out at ∼20–50 nL min−1 under the combined influence of capillary action and an applied electric field, allowing each sample to be studied for an hour or more, which assists studies on mixtures such as protein digests. Fortunately, peak intensity in ESI or nanospray is largely independent of flow rate; consequently low flow rates efficiently conserve samples that are difficult to isolate and purify. For MALDI-MS the analyte as a pure compound or a mixture is co-crystallized with a matrix that absorbs laser radiation and promotes ionization. Matrix materials ideal for peptides and proteins are aromatic acids such as sinapinic acid, 2,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid, and D-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid, each having slightly different ionization characteristics. Published protocols for optimization of sample preparation try to achieve multiple, evenly distributed, small crystals. It is often necessary to remove salts by washing the crystals with water after they have been deposited. Measurement of molecular mass

MS separates ions according to mass/charge (m/z). Peptides and proteins ionized by ESI under acidic conditions acquire multiple charges, z being roughly proportional to m, with m/z in the range 500–1500. In practice a distribution of charges gives multiple peaks in the mass spectrum, the spacing of which allows z to be calculated. The raw data for a pure compound can be deconvoluted to a zero-charge profile of the molecular mass, although this is more difficult for mixtures. An advantage of multiple peaks is the statistical improvement in mass accuracy. Multiple charging allows the m/z range of the mass spectrometer to be modest, even for large proteins. Mass analysers for ESI are mostly quadrupoles and ion traps with m/z ranges of 2000–3000, but orthogonal acceleration TOFs, hybrid quadrupole-TOFs, sector instruments and FTICRs of higher mass range are all available with ESI sources. MALDI attaches only a single charge or a small number of charges to a peptide or protein,

consequently the m/z range for a suitable mass analyser must be much greater. Potentially a linear TOF instrument, with or without a reflectron, has unlimited mass range. Mass separation is based on ion velocity; slower ions take longer to arrive at the detector, therefore mass range is limited only by the observation time. In practice, factors such as detector design may inhibit the effective observation of the most massive species, but a mass range of several hundred thousand daltons is attainable. MS methods for analysing peptides and proteins have two different operating regimes, which can be called low mass and high mass. Low mass describes the range where individual isotopic contributions to the overall molecular ion signal can be resolved as separate peaks. This is 1–2 kDa for a quadrupole of modest performance, perhaps 5 kDa for a high performance MALDI-TOF or ESI orthogonal-acceleration TOF, and significantly higher for FT-ICR. This regime which applies to peptides rather than proteins gives narrow peaks. With internal calibration ‘monoisotopic’ masses can be measured to 5–20 ppm for the ions containing the lowest mass isotopes, including 1H, 12C, 14N and 16O. Only for the smallest species is this sufficient for an unambiguous isotopic assignment but it frequently differentiates between alternative isobaric species (ions of the same nominal mass). For multiply charged ions, the spacing of adjacent peaks within an isotopic cluster is equal to the reciprocal of the charge (1/z), thus z can be determined from a single peak. This is useful for complex spectra with multiple peaks that would otherwise be difficult to assign. In the high mass regime the isotopic clusters are not resolved and the ‘average’ molecular mass is obtained. Here mass spectrometer resolving power has less effect on overall mass accuracy, although any factor that broadens or distorts peak envelopes will introduce errors. This can include small covalent modifications such as methionine oxidation (+16 Da) or addition of a cation such as sodium (+23 Da) rather than a proton. These should be clearly resolved for small proteins of perhaps 20 kDa, but not for large proteins of say 100 kDa with inherently broad peaks. The best mass accuracy likely to be achieved with standard instrumentation is approximately 0.1– 0.3 Da at 10 000 Da or 1–3 at 100 000 Da. FT-ICR with a high field magnet represents a divergence from the above statement as this can have extraordinarily high resolving power. Figure 1 shows the resolved isotopic cluster for the +49 charge state of bovine serum albumin (molecular mass 66.4 kDa), measured with a resolving power of 370 000 using a 11.5 T magnet. Thus, with such an instrument, almost any sample can give isotopic resolution.


Sensitivity of detection

Soft ionization usually gives molecular ions but not fragment ions, thus ion current is concentrated into a single peak or isotopic cluster. Although the ion yield of the ionization methods is relatively low (∼1 ion per 1000 neutral molecules), MS is highly sensitive. Less than 100 ions are sufficient to define a mass spectrometric peak, i.e. ∼10 5 molecules or 0.1 attomole. To exploit this inherent sensitivity it is necessary to integrate the entire ion signal, rather than scan a spectrum in which only a small fraction of the ions is monitored while most go unobserved. This is achieved by MALDI-TOF as each laser shot forms a packet of ions which are accelerated into the mass analyser to ultimately arrive at the detector. MALDI also has the advantage that a discrete quantity of sample on the target is available for analysis for as long as the experimenter chooses to select a new region to investigate or until the sample is exhausted, a dried spot from 1 µL of sample being sufficient for several thousand laser shots. By contrast ESI is used mostly with scanning instruments and spectra are recorded during the limited time the analyte enters the ionization region. This is relatively inefficient and ESI has been regarded as less sensitive than MALDI. A new generation of TOF instruments compatible with ESI integrate the signal, and nanospray is more like MALDI as sample is retained

throughout the experiment, providing a substantial sensitivity enhancement. MALDI and nanospray both provide detection limits in the low femtomole region or better.

Additional techniques Direct analysis of mixtures versus LC-MS

Because MALDI gives predominant singly charged molecular ions with few fragments, analysis of multicomponent mixtures such as protein digests is readily achieved. Each peak corresponds to a separate peptide and can be selected for ‘post-source decay’ or PSD. However, some components in a mixture may not compete effectively for the available charges and may be weak or absent, e.g. tryptic peptides terminating in lysine rather than arginine. ESI is less suitable for direct analysis of mixed peptides as each component gives several multiply charged peaks that cause complex spectra. However, ESI is ideal for LCMS and is less discriminatory as components elute separately, giving more comprehensive coverage of the original protein. Although unimportant for identification of a protein in a database, this is essential to find protein modifications or mutations. Automation is available from some instruments manufacturers for MS-MS analysis on each molecular species eluting

Figure 1 (A) ESI-FTICR spectrum of bovine serum albumin recorded using an 11.5 T magnet; (B) An expansion of the 49+ and 48+ charge states; (C) A further expansion of the 49+ charge state recorded at 370 000 resolving power showing isotopic separation. Reproduced with permission of Elsevier Science from Gorshkov MV, Toli LP, Udseth HR, et al. (1998) Electrospray ionization – Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry at 11.5 Tesla: instrumental design and initial results. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 9: 692–700.


from the chromatograph. Disadvantages of LC-MS include added cost and complexity of the instrumentation and additional time spent equilibrating columns and waiting for components to elute. Peptide sequencing by CID

Peptides and proteins can be sequenced by Edman chemistry at levels down to 1–10 pmol, depending on the number of residues to be determined. This requires a free amino terminus and is ineffective for modified amino acids unless appropriate standards are available. Through the use of CID and tandem mass spectrometers, MS has established itself as a more sensitive, faster alternative to Edman sequencing, although it cannot handle an intact undigested protein. Unlike Edman sequencing, fragment data can be obtained on each component of a mixture without separation. The efficiency of peptide sequencing by MS depends greatly upon the type of instrument available. Tandem mass spectrometers for CID include multisector instruments, triple quadrupoles (QQQs) and hybrid quadrupole-sectors. The less expensive and easier to operate QQQ is widely used. A molecular ion selected in Q1 fragments in Q2 through low energy collisions with a gas, then fragment ions are analysed in Q3. The same experiment, and even MSn, can be carried out in a relatively modest ion trap, or in an FT-ICR with higher resolution

but at considerably greater expense. Hybrid QQTOFs offer substantially superior performance to QQQs, giving high sensitivity, high resolution data. A MALDI-TOF instrument equipped with a reflectron is equally capable of MS-MS by PSD. Interpretation of spectra from CID-MS-MS of peptides of up to ∼20–25 residues has been well documented. Peptides have a repeating linear backbone with sidechains defining the constituent amino acids. Backbone fragmentation of a singly charged peptide ion gives two species, an ion and a molecule. Retention of the proton by the N-terminal fragment gives an a, b or c ion, whereas C-terminal ions are classified as x, y or z (Figure 2). The most common cleavage at the amide bonds gives b or y ions; tryptic peptides with a C-terminal basic residue generally exhibit predominant y ions. Because ionization occurs by proton addition, this gives an ion with no odd electrons, which can be more stable than a corresponding radical cation. Subsequent cleavage of a backbone bond is associated with transfer of a hydrogen radical to prevent the thermodynamically unfavourable formation of a radical cation and a neutral radical. In forming a b ion this hydrogen moves to the neutral, whereas a y ion gains one hydrogen in addition to that added during ionization; thus y ions are sometimes designated as y″ or y+2. Ion masses are calculated as the sum of the amino acid residues involved plus 1 H for b ions or plus

Figure 2 Collision induced fragmentation scheme for peptides and proteins. The initial ionizing proton is not shown and proton transfers are not shown for backbone cleavages (see text).


H3O for y ions. Theoretically, cleavage can occur at each amide bond, giving a series of ions defining the amino acid sequence. In Figure 2, subscripts attached to the ion types identify which bonds have broken to form the fragment ions, e.g. for a peptide of n amino acids, the C-terminal ionic fragment formed by loss of the most N-terminal amino acid is designated yn−1. Some ions are formed by further cleavages at the sidechains, giving peaks referred to as d, v and w ions, some of which can identify specific amino acids and differentiate isomeric amino acids such as leucine and isoleucine. The d ions represent loss of a group from the E-carbon of an a ion, w ions are formed by the equivalent loss from a z ion, and v ions represent loss of the intact sidechain at the D-carbon of a y ion. Multiple bond cleavages also give internal fragments, including individual amino acids that appear in the low mass region of the spectrum as immonium ions +NH2=CHR that are valuable for diagnostic purposes. Note that a1 is the immonium ion for residue 1. Interpretation of MS-MS spectra of multiply charged ions from ESI-MS is complicated by the different charge states possible amongst the fragment ions, unless high mass resolution is available. The most comprehensive fragment ion spectra are generally obtained from high energy CID, such as from sector instruments. Programs exist for both the straightforward prediction of spectra and the more difficult interpretation of experimentally obtained spectra. Chemical derivatization

Many straightforward chemical reactions can enhance the quality and utility of MS data from peptides and proteins. Before the advent of ESI or MALDI, polar groups in biomolecules were often derivatized to increase volatility, e.g. by permethylation or silylation. This could provide additional information on the number of replaceable hydrogens of a given type. Such procedures are still useful. Acetylation with acetic anhydride adds 42 Da for each free amino group, confirming whether the amino terminus is free or blocked, and can distinguish isobaric glutamine from lysine, the latter becoming acetylated. An equimolar mixture of perdeutero and protonated reagent gives double peaks separated by 3 Da for N-terminal but not C-terminal fragment ions. Esterification with acetyl chloride/methanol adds 14 Da per carboxylic acid and provides similar information about the C-terminus and the location of glutamate or aspartate residues. Trypsin digestion in H216O/H218O differentially labels the C-termini of all resulting peptides, except the original protein C-

terminus. All of these techniques employing stable heavy isotopes enhance the information content in MS/MS as the N- and C-terminal fragments are readily distinguishable. Other derivatizations to improve MS/MS spectra include the addition of a permanent positive charge at one or other terminus, usually the N-terminus, which directs the fragmentation and aids spectral interpretation. Protein disulfide bonds can be reduced with dithiothreitol and alkylated with a reagent such as iodoacetic acid before digestion, adding 58 Da per cysteine. Although MS is replacing Edman sequencing to a significant degree, Edman chemistry is used for ladder sequencing, in which phenyl thiocyanate is included at each cycle with the normal Edman reagent, phenylisothiocyanate. This blocks the N-terminus of a small fraction of the analyte molecules and prevents further cleavage, giving mixed products differing from each other by single amino acids. The sequence is read directly from the MALDI spectrum of the unseparated mixture.

Applications Quality control of synthetic peptides and recombinant proteins

MS analysis has become a routine aid in the purification of synthetic peptides and recombinant proteins and plays an essential role in quality control of materials required to be of high purity. Following cleavage from the solid-phase resin, high quality peptides are purified by RP-HPLC. Fractions collected from an analytical run can be surveyed by MS to identify the elution profile of the desired product, with a minimum of impurities. Fractions may be dried down and used directly or they may act as a guide to fraction collection for a larger scale separation. The presence of unwanted side products such as those formed by amino acid deletions, incomplete removal of protecting groups and chemical modifications should be immediately apparent from the measured masses. If careful attention was paid to the sequence of amino acids loaded onto the synthesizer, the observation of the desired molecular mass should be sufficient to confirm the anticipated product. If necessary, MS/MS can be used to confirm the sequence. MS and MS/MS are particularly useful for identifying and locating heavy isotopes. For example, Figure 3 shows a portion of the MS/MS spectrum of three versions of a 14-residue peptide prepared for an NMR study, two of which contain 13C labels at a carbonyl and an D-carbon in two alanine residues. Mass differences between successive a and b ions allow the positions of these residues to be determined


precisely. As b6 is at m/z 656 for all three species including the unlabelled control, no 13C labels are present in the first six residues. However, a7 for compound (C) is 1 Da higher than the equivalent ion for (A) or (B), therefore the D-carbon of the seventh residue in (C) is 13C. Similar logic allows each of the other labels to be identified. A number of potential chemical modifications can cause recombinant proteins to differ from the desired product. Cysteine-containing proteins may show a time-dependent shift of both chromatographic retention time and mass as aerobic oxidation causes disulfide formation (−2 Da per disulfide). Methionine oxidation to the sulfoxide is quite common and is readily identified (+16 Da). N-terminal glutamine may eliminate ammonia to form pyroglutamic acid (–17 Da), especially if stored in acidic solution. Harder to detect may be deamidation of asparagine to form a succinimide intermediate that is then hydrolysed to aspartate, or its isomer isoaspartate (+1 Da). Posttranslational modifications such as glycosylation occurring in mammalian systems are rarely observed in proteins expressed in bacteria but processes such as phosphorylation are not unknown. Enzyme impurities from the expression system may be responsible for numerous reactions, including the total degradation of the desired product. Carboxypeptidases and aminopeptidases can result in

unexpected trimming of the intact sequence. N-terminal methionine is quite often observed to be partly or completely absent (−131 Da). This list of potential variants is far from complete but it gives an indication of the role that MS can play in their identification. Protein identification by in-gel digestion and database searching

The closing decade of the twentieth century witnessed the initiation of a major concerted programme to sequence the human genome, and genomes for several other organisms are already completed. This effort is yielding a vast array of information about genes, but this will be the tip of the iceberg compared with the unanswered questions relating to proteins, including cellular and tissue-specific variations in levels of expression, posttranslational modifications, and their associations to form functional multimolecular units. MS will play an essential role in the elucidation of this information, often referred to as proteomics. Techniques are now available for the analysis of the major proteins in specific cell types. At present the most productive methods link 2D electrophoresis with high sensitivity MS and database searching, sometimes referred to as ‘mass fingerprinting’.

Figure 3 Partial CID-MS/MS spectrum obtained on a tandem 4-sector mass spectrometer for a 14-residue synthetic peptide. (A) without 13C labels; (B) and (C) with 13C labels as indicated by asterisks.


As many as 2000 proteins from a cell digest may be separated on a 2D gel as discrete spots stained with Coomassie blue (100 ng sensitivity), silver (1–10 ng) or a fluorescent dye ( 600 mmHg and a 45 mmHg. Glucose (11 mM) is often supplied as the sole substrate source, although in many situations a mixture of glucose and pyruvate (or other substrates) is used. For studies of hearts from the larger species, the perfusate is supplemented with serum albumin to minimize the oedema that results from perfusion with crystalloid solutions. The use of crystalloid perfusate results in coronary flows ∼ 3 times those observed under conditions where whole blood or buffers supplemented with washed red cells are used. Hearts can be perfused in two modes; the working heart preparation and the isovolumic (or Langendorff) preparation. Both methods allow assessment of cardiac mechanical function throughout the experimental protocol. For both preparations, the ascending aorta is cannulated and retrograde perfusion of the aorta is initiated. In Langendorff Table 1 NMR-visible nuclei relevant to the study of perfused organs

Nucleus Information obtained 1

H Li 13 C 19 F 7


Na P





Levels of lactate and creatine. Changes in lipid Congener of Na+. Measure Na+ fluxes Substrate selection. Citric acid cycle activity Measure intracellular Ca2+ using fluorinated Ca2+ probes Measure intracellular Na+ levels Assess energy status Measure intracellular pH (from chemical shift of Pi)a Measure enzyme kinetics – saturation transfer for creatine kinase reaction K+ congener. Measure K+ fluxes

Pi = inorganic phosphate.

preparations, perfusion is continued in this manner and the coronary arteries are continuously perfused throughout the protocol. Perfusion is performed under conditions of constant pressure (60– 80 mmHg) or of constant flow by means of a pump. A compliant water-filled balloon is inserted into the left ventricle and connected to a pressure transducer in order to measure left ventricular pressure. The balloon is inflated to achieve a relevant end-diastolic pressure (generally in the region of 10 mmHg). In the working heart preparation, following stabilization in the Langendorff mode, the left atrium is cannulated and perfusion is continued through this chamber. The perfusate enters the left ventricle and is ejected into the aorta. Perfusion of the coronaries occurs during diastole when the aortic valve closes. Cardiac function is assessed on the basis of cardiac output (measured with flow probes) and aortic pressures. Owing to the physical constraints imposed by working within a magnet, most MR spectroscopy studies are performed using the Langendorff preparation. Temperature regulation is achieved using waterjacketed perfusion lines, by immersing the heart in the perfusion buffer and by means of a flow of warm air within the bore of the magnet. Hearts isolated from rodents can be contained within commercially available NMR tubes (20– 30 mm) and make use of commercially available broad-band or nuclei-specific NMR probes. Studies on hearts from larger mammals generally require an organ bath that incorporates a custom-built NMR coil within its structure or a surface coil attached to the left ventricular wall. 31P


NMR spectroscopy

NMR spectroscopy is widely used for studies of isolated hearts. Using the endogenous 31P signal arising from the tissue, it is possible to obtain information about the energy status of the heart and also to determine the intracellular pH (from the chemical shift of Pi). Assessment of extracellular pH is also possible using phosphonates that are confined to the extracellular space (e.g. phenylphosphonic acid or methylphosphonic acid). The heart metabolizes substrates (fatty acids, ketones, lactate, glucose, etc.), with the resultant energy being stored in the highenergy phosphate compound adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Most of this ATP is formed by mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. The phosphocreatine shuttle is responsible for transferring the energy from this mitochondrial ATP to sites of energy expenditure at the myofibrils and sarcolemma. Figure 1 shows a typical 31P spectrum obtained from an isolated guinea-pig heart. The phenylphosphonic


Absolute quantification of metabolite levels can be achieved by use of an appropriate external reference (e.g. phenylphosphonic acid in Figure 1) and correction for the partial saturation of the PCr signal. ATP contents are determined from the integral of the E ATP peak; the D and J ATP peaks overlap with resonances from other molecular species. The PCr and E ATP phosphates are 100% NMR-visible under aerobic conditions. The free ADP concentration can be calculated from the creatine kinase equilibrium equation,

where total creatine is normally determined biochemically and free [Cr] is determined from the difference between total [Cr] and [PCr]. Literature values for Keq are ∼10 9. The free energy of hydrolysis of ATP may be calculated from Figure 1 31P NMR spectrum of a guinea-pig heart perfused with Krebs–Henseleit solution. The spectrum was acquired at 8.7 T using a broad-band probe tuned to 145.8 MHz. Peak assignments are: 1, phenylphosphonic acid (external reference); 2, phosphom*onoesters; 3, inorganic phosphate (Pi); 4, phosphocreatine (PCr); 5, γ-phosphorus of adenosine triphosphate (ATP); 6, D-phosphorus of ATP; 7, E-phosphorus of ATP. The spectrum was acquired in 2.5 min by summing 72 free induction decays (FIDs) with a 35 µs pulse and a repetition time of 2 s. Prior to Fourier transformation the FID was subjected to exponential multiplication with a 20 Hz line broadening factor.

acid, which acts as an external standard, is contained within a capillary tube placed alongside the heart and contained entirely within the coil of the NMR probe. 31P NMR can detect phosphorus-containing compounds that are present in the fluid phase at concentrations of 0.6 mM or greater. The compounds visible by this technique are inorganic phosphate (Pi), phosphom*onoesters (in this case sugar phosphates), phosphocreatine (PCr) and adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Adenosine diphosphate (ADP) is not visible because most of this nucleotide is protein bound within the cardiomyocytes. Spectra are routinely collected with a repetition time of approximately 2 s, permitting the acquisition of data with adequate signal-to-noise in 2–5 min. This leads to 10–20% saturation of the PCr signal (T1 ≈ 3 s in rat heart at 8.7 T). The free induction decays are normally subjected to Fourier transformation following exponential multiplication using an appropriate line broadening (5–20 Hz). In many situations, alterations in the high-energy phosphate content of the heart over the course of an experiment are expressed as changes relative to the starting level.

where ∆G0 is taken to be –30.5 kJ mol −1. It is often suggested that ∆GATP more accurately reflects the energetic capabilities of tissue than does a determination of the levels of high-energy phosphates. 31P NMR can also be used to determine intracellular pH from the pH-dependent chemical shift of Pi using the following formula based on the Henderson–Hasselbach equation:

where pK = pK2 of inorganic phosphate (6.75). This technique yields an intracellular pH of 7.10–7.20 when the heart is perfused with buffer at pH 7.4. 31P NMR spectroscopy has been applied to questions relating both to normal and to pathophysiological conditions. 31P NMR spectroscopy has been used in the normal heart to investigate the regulation of cardiac energy supply in response to increased demand. This study showed that there is no simple equilibrium between the phosphorylation potential and the mitochondrial redox state and that other factors are involved in coordinating energy supply and demand. 31P spectroscopy has also been used to study the mechanisms responsible for myocardial ischaemia–


reperfusion injury. During ischaemia, blood (or perfusate) flow is restricted or totally occluded, resulting in an insufficient supply of oxygen to support oxidative metabolism. Anaerobic metabolism, in the form of glycolysis, is stimulated but is not adequate to maintain the energy balance. This leads to a depletion of high-energy phosphates. In addition, intracellular acidosis develops as a result of ATP hydrolysis and the accumulation of acidic end products of glycolytic metabolism. 31P spectroscopy can follow the time course of changes in intracellular pH and high-energy phosphates during ischaemia and reperfusion (Figure 2). The effects of drug interventions on these profiles can provide insights into the mechanisms responsible for any observed cardioprotection conferred by the drug. Such studies also provide essential information on the roles of high-energy phosphate depletion and intracellular acidosis in ischaemia–reperfusion injury. 23Na

NMR spectroscopy

Ionic concentration gradients exist across cell membranes and are responsible for maintaining the resting membrane potential. Intracellular and extracellular Na+ are approximately 10 mM and 140 mM, respectively. The converse is true for K+, with an intracellular concentration of 130–140 mM and an extracellular concentration of 4–5 mM. Sodium enters the cells of excitable tissue during the up stroke of the action potential and potassium leaves

the cell during the repolarization phase. The gradients are maintained by the operation of a Na+K+ ATPase (the sodium pump) that exchanges intracellular Na+ for extracellular K+. In the heart these ionic gradients can be disrupted by factors that prevent full activity of the sodium pump such as ischaemia or drugs (e.g. the cardiac glycosides related to digitalis). The ability to measure intracellular Na+ levels in the intact heart makes 23Na NMR spectroscopy a very powerful technique for assessing the role of altered Na+ homeostasis in disease states. Intracellular water represents about half the total water of the intact heart, the exact proportion being dependent on the species and perfusion conditions. This fact and the low intracellular concentration mean that, of the total Na+ signal from the heart, less than 3% originates from the intracellular Na +. Several studies have used double- or triple-quantum filtering techniques to discriminate this small intracellular Na+ signal from the dominant extracellular Na+ signal. Most studies, however, make use of noncell-permeant paramagnetic reagents to ‘shift’ the extracellular peak and allow quantification of the intracellular Na+ signal. These shift reagents are anionic chelates of lanthanide ions that do not cross membranes and thus are excluded from the intracellular space. The original agent used for this purpose, dysprosium bis(triphosphate), Dy(PPP)27− possesses the largest paramagnetic shift of any such complex for Na+ or K+. However, this reagent is quite sensitive to Ca2+ and Mg2+ and the shifts produced are greatly

Figure 2 Time course of changes in intracellular pH (♦), ATP(U) and PCr (•) in a rat heart subjected to 25 min of total global ischaemia followed by 30 min of reperfusion. pH was determined from the chemical shift of Pi. Changes in ATP and PCr are expressed as percentage change from the basal levels measured prior to ischaemia. Total global ischaemia was achieved by stopping all flow of perfusate to the heart.


reduced by the presence of these ions. This fact precludes the use of Dy(PPP)27− in the intact heart, which requires both Ca2+ and Mg2+ for full functional integrity. The triethylenetetraminehexaacetic acid chelate of dysprosium, Dy(TTHA)3−, produces smaller shifts but is much less sensitive to the effects of Ca2+ and Mg2+. For studies in intact hearts that use Dy(TTHA)3−, perfusates containing the shift reagent must be supplemented with Ca2+ to offset the Ca2+ chelating properties of the shift reagent. This is well tolerated by the heart and results in adequate mechanical function. Dy(TTHA)3− at 5 mM causes a significant shift in the extracellular peak but also results in considerable line broadening, which still makes it somewhat difficult to fully resolve the small intracellular peak without specific processing strategies to maximize the resolution (Figure 3). Increasing the concentration of the shift reagent will cause a larger shift; however, the benefit is offset by an increase in line broadening. The most recent shift reagent to be introduced is the tetraazacyclododecane-1,4,7,10-tetrakis(methylenephosphonate) chelate of thulium, Tm(DOTP)5− (Figure 4). This shift reagent also chelates Ca2+ and the perfusate must be supplemented with Ca2+ to maintain adequate mechanical function. At 4–5 mM Tm(DOTP)5− causes a significant shift in the extracellular Na+ signal with very little line broadening. This latter property of the shift reagent makes it possible to perform interleaved 31P and 23Na NMR spectroscopy (in conjunction with a switchable NMR probe) in the presence of Tm(DOTP)5−. Such studies are not possible in the presence of Dy(TTHA)3− owing to the excessive line broadening effects. This strategy has been successfully applied to studies on isolated rat hearts to determine the involvement of the Na+–H+ exchanger in ischaemia– reperfusion. This sarcolemmal protein exchanges one Na+ for one H+. It is thought that this exchanger may contribute to myocardial ischaemia–reperfusion injury. During ischaemia, intracellular acidosis develops and this activates the Na+–H+ exchanger. This leads to an increase in intracellular Na+ as intracellular H+ is exchanged for extracellular Na+. The increased intracellular Na+ may activate the Na+–Ca2+ exchanger, with intracellular Na+ exchanging with extracellular Ca2+. The end result is an increase in intracellular Ca2+, which may be a major factor in the deleterious effects of ischaemia–reperfusion injury. 31P and 23Na NMR experiments performed in the presence of Tm(DOTP)5− provided data on intracellular pH and the Na+ content. Inclusion of a relatively specific inhibitor of the Na+–H+ exchanger (ethyl isopropyl amiloride) in the perfusate partially attenuated the changes in pH and Na+ and significantly

Figure 3 23Na NMR spectra of a rat heart in the presence of 5 mM Dy(TTHA)3−. Spectra were acquired at 8.7 T using a broadband probe tuned to 95.25 MHz. The lower trace is a spectrum acquired during normal perfusion. The addition of shift reagent to the perfusate has shifted the large extracellular Na+ peak 2 ppm downfield and has also caused a 0.2 ppm shift in the smaller intracellular Na+ peak. The upper trace is a spectrum acquired following 25 min of total global ischaemia. The intracellular Na+ peak has grown substantially, reflecting the intracellular Na+ accumulation that occurs during ischaemia. Resolution of the peaks was enhanced using Gaussian multiplication with line broadening of −25 Hz and GB parameter of 0.15.

Figure 4


decreased mechanical dysfunction following ischaemia–reperfusion. This provided good evidence for the involvement of the Na+–H+ exchanger in ischaemia–reperfusion injury and confirmed the presumed mechanism of action of the drug. In most


studies only relative changes in Na+ levels are reported rather than intracellular concentrations. This is in large part due to the need to make assumptions regarding the visibility of the Na+ NMR signal under various experimental conditions. 13C

NMR spectroscopy

Most studies on isolated hearts use glucose as the sole energy source. Normally the heart would be exposed to a variety of substrates including glucose, pyruvate, lactate, acetoacetate and a mixture of fatty acids. 13C NMR spectroscopy has been used to demonstrate that fatty acids and acetoacetate are the preferred substrates for the heart under normal physiological conditions. It is also important to determine how substrate selection and the efficiency with which the heart metabolizes these substrates are altered under pathological conditions. The citric acid cycle is the central pathway for energy production in the heart and it is critical to determine how the flux of metabolites through this pathway is altered in diabetes and cardiomyopathy and during reperfusion of the ischaemic myocardium. Citric acid cycle flux has been determined indirectly by measuring the enrichment of 13C into glutamate from α-ketoglutarate by the action of aspartate aminotransferase. For these studies, hearts are provided with substrate, or substrate mixtures, highly enriched with 13C at specific carbon atoms (e.g. [1- 13C]glucose, [1,2- 13C]acetate, [3- 13C]lactate, etc.). The contribution of selected substrates to overall citric acid cycle activity may then be determined by isotopomer and multiplet analyses of 13C enrichment in glutamate. Such studies have been performed under steady-state and non-steady-state conditions. Analyses are most usually performed by high-resolution spectroscopy on trichloroacetic acid extracts of hearts perfused with 13C-enriched substrates, although useful data can be obtained by performing spectroscopy on intact beating hearts. 1H


NMR spectroscopy

The most important use of 19F NMR spectroscopy in studies of isolated hearts is to measure intracellular Ca2+ levels. This is based on the use of fluorinated derivatives of calcium chelators. The extracellular Ca2+ concentration is ∼1.2 mM. The intracellular Ca 2+ concentration at diastole is less than 100 nM. This increases to several hundred nM during cardiac excitation. This elevated Ca2+ (or calcium transient) is responsible for contractile activity at each heartbeat. Efficient relaxation at each beat depends upon the intracellular Ca2+ being restored to diastolic levels. Most of the cytosolic Ca2+ enters the cell through voltage-regulated Ca2+ channels during the plateau phase of the action potential or is released from the intracellular organelle, the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Diastolic Ca2+ levels are restored by active pumping of the Ca2+ back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum and by activation of the sarcolemmal Na+–Ca2+ exchanger, exchanging intracellular Ca2+ for extracellular Na2+. Thus, the level of Ca2+ within the cardiac cell is tightly controlled under normal physiological conditions. If the intracellular level of Ca2+ rises significantly above normal physiological limits, consequences may be deleterious as a result of activation of Ca2+dependent proteases and phospholipases and also due to mitochondrial damage. Intracellular Ca2+ has been measured by 19F NMR spectroscopy of intact hearts loaded with the 5,5′-difluoro derivative of 1,2-bis(o-aminophenoxy)ethaneN,N,N′,N′-tetraacetic acid (5F-BAPTA) (Figure 5). 5F-BAPTA is loaded into the heart as the cell-permeant acetoxymethyl (AM) ester. Esterases within the cardiomyocyte hydrolyse the AM ester to the free acid, which, being charged and therefore unable to cross the cell membrane, is trapped within the cell. The calcium-bound and calcium-free 5F-BAPTA species undergo slow exchange resulting in two NMRvisible peaks. The intracellular Ca2+ concentration is

NMR spectroscopy

The abundance of 1H in water forms the basis for most magnetic resonance imaging. However, 1H NMR spectroscopy has not found such universal applicability to studies of isolated hearts. This technique has been used to quantify the total content of creatine, which may provide a useful index of tissue viability. 1H NMR spectroscopy has also been used to determine lactate levels during ischaemia and following interventions designed to modulate metabolism. The lactate methyl group and lipid methylene groups resonate at 1.3 ppm. These resonances can be differentiated and quantified using spin-echo spectral editing techniques.

Figure 5



calculated using the relation

where Kd is the dissociation constant of Ca2+–5FBAPTA (literature values of 537, 500, 635 and 285 nM), [B] is the area under the Ca 2+– 5F-BAPTA peak and [F] is the area under the 5F-BAPTA peak. A Kd of approximately 500 nM makes 5F-BAPTA an ideal probe for measuring intracellular Ca2+ in the physiologically relevant range (100 nM to 1 µM). Unfortunately, a Kd of 500 nM also causes 5FBAPTA to provide excellent buffering to intracellular Ca2+ levels. This causes a decrease in mechanical function of the heart. When 5F-BAPTA is present within cardiomyocytes at sufficiently high concentration (300 µM) to provide adequate signal to noise in the 19F NMR spectrum (> 10:1), developed pressure is reduced by 75–80%. This results from an increase in diastolic pressure and a decrease in systolic pressure. Thus, although studies using 5F-BAPTA can provide valuable information regarding changes in intracellular Ca2+, it must always be borne in mind that these results were acquired under conditions of severely compromised cardiac function. A BAPTA derivative with a higher Kd overcomes the problem of buffering of intracellular Ca2+. The recently developed analogue, 1,2-bis(2-amino-5,6difluorophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetic acid (TF-BAPTA) (Figure 6) has a Kd of 65 µM. Loading of intact hearts with this derivative causes < 10% decrease in mechanical function. This high Kd causes TF-BAPTA to be a less accurate probe for measuring basal Ca2+ levels but does make it more suitable for measuring intracellular Ca2+ under pathophysiological conditions (e.g. ischaemia) where [Ca2+] may rise above 2 µM. The Ca2+-bound and Ca2+-free TFBAPTA species are in intermediate–fast exchange. This leads to a single resonance with its chemical shift position being dependent upon the extent of Ca2+ binding (analogous to the pH-dependent shift in the Pi peak). Binding of Ca2+ to TF-BAPTA does not alter the chemical shift of the fluorine in the 6 position of TF-BAPTA. The fluorine in the 5 position shifts downfield upon binding of Ca2+. The chemical shift difference between the 5 and 6 fluorines is used to determine intracellular [Ca2+] (with corrections for the effects of pH and [Mg2+]). TF-BAPTA accumulates in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) and this property has been used to determine [Ca2+] in this subcellular organelle in intact rabbit hearts. A 5F resonance at 5 ppm (with the 6-F resonance set at 0 ppm) corresponds to a time-averaged basal

Figure 6


cytosolic [Ca2+] of 600 nM. A second 5-F resonance at 14 ppm corresponds to a SR [Ca2+] of 1.5 mM. This technique may prove to be invaluable in assessing the role of alterations in SR Ca2+ handling in various pathological conditions. 87Rb


and 7Li NMR spectroscopy

spectroscopy is useful for measuring steadystate levels of intracellular sodium but is not suitable for measuring fluxes of this cation. The contribution of various ion channels, exchangers and pumps to the total movement of ions across the sarcolemmal membrane can be assessed by measuring ion fluxes in the presence and absence of selective inhibitors of these membrane proteins. It is possible to acquire this type of information using electrophysiological techniques. These data would be complemented by the use of techniques that can measure ion fluxes in the intact heart. 87Rb and 7Li, congeners of K+ and Na+, respectively, have been used to assess fluxes of K+ and Na+ in intact hearts and vascular tissue. For 87Rb spectroscopy, 20% of the perfusate K + content can be replaced with Rb+ with no effects on function. 87Rb NMR spectroscopy can be used to determine rate constants for the uptake of Rb+ on switching from Rb+-free to Rb+-supplemented perfusate. The converse, switching from Rb+-supplemented to Rb+-free perfusate, can be used to determine the rate constant for Rb+ washout. This approach has been used to demonstrate that under normal conditions the bulk of Rb+ uptake occurs through the Na+K+ ATPase rather than the Na+–K+–2Cl − exchanger or K+ channels. 7Li NMR spectroscopy has been used in similar types of experiments to study Na+ channel activity in intact hearts. For these studies an excellent signal could be achieved by substituting a modest amount of perfusate Na+ with Li+ (15 mM). Similar to the 87Rb studies, the kinetics of release of Li+ could be determined in washout experiments. These studies demonstrated that Li+ efflux from cardiomyocytes is predominantly through Na+ channels.


Studies of isolated livers

List of symbols

Livers isolated from rats or mice may conveniently be studied by NMR spectroscopy. The organs are perfused through the portal vein with solutions similar to those described for isolated heart studies (supplemented with albumin). The methods described above for 31P and 23Na NMR spectroscopy have been successfully applied to the isolated liver. The 31P NMR spectrum of the isolated liver differs from the heart spectrum in that it lacks the PCr peak observed in spectra obtained from hearts. This technique has been utilized to examine various aspects of ethanol metabolism in the liver, including the effects of chronic ethanol exposure on subsequent acute ethanol exposure and hypoxia. These studies revealed that chronic ethanol exposure caused an adaptation in the liver such that it becomes more resistant to acute ethanol exposure and also to hypoxia. 15N NMR spectroscopy has been used to study the urea cycle in isolated liver. 15N was provided to the liver in the form of 15NH4Cl or [15N]alanine in the presence and absence of unlabelled lactate or ornithine. Proton-decoupled spectra were obtained from the intact liver, from the perfusing medium or from tissue extracts and yielded peaks corresponding to glutamine, arginine, urea, citrulline, glutamate, alanine and ammonia. Such studies may prove to be useful in the in vivo liver as a means of assessing the effects of disease states on urea cycle activity.

[A] = concentration of species A; Kd = dissociation constant; Keq = equilibrium constant; pA = (partial) pressure of species A; Pi = inorganic phosphate; G = chemical shift; ∆G0 = free energy change under standard conditions; ∆GATP = free energy of hydrolysis of ATP.

Studies of isolated kidneys Kidneys isolated from rodents are suitable for study by NMR spectroscopy following cannulation of the renal artery and perfusion with an albumin-supplemented Krebs–Henseleit solution. Combined 31P and 23Na NMR spectroscopy has been used to determine the energetic cost of Na+ transport in the kidney. Similar multinuclear techniques have been used in studies investigating the factors influencing renal function during the progression from pre-hypertension to hypertension in a spontaneously hypertensive rat model. 31P NMR spectroscopy is being applied to studies into the viability of kidneys used for transplant. At present, donor availability is the limiting factor for transplant programmes. As the use of nonheart-beating donors increases, there is a greater need for a rapid, reliable noninvasive technique for assessing organ viability. 31P NMR spectroscopy is showing promise in this regard.

See also: Cells Studied By NMR; Chemical Shift and Relaxation Reagents in NMR; 13C NMR, Methods; In Vivo NMR, Applications, Other Nuclei; In Vivo NMR, Applications, 31P; 31P NMR.

Further reading Balaban RS (1989) MRS of the kidney. Investigative Radiology 24: 988–992. Barnard ML, Changani KK and Taylor-Robinson SD (1997) The role of magnetic resonance spectroscopy in the assessment of kidney viability. Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology 31: 487–492. Deslauriers R, Kupryianov VV, Tian G et al (1996) Heart preservation: magnetic resonance studies of cardiac energetics and ion homeostasis. In: Dhalla NS, Beamish RE, Takeda N and Nagano M (eds) The Failing Heart, pp 463–487. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven. Elgavish GA (1993) Shift reagent-aided 23Na nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. In: Pohost GM (ed) Cardiovascular Applications of Magnetic Resonance, pp 371–391. Mount Kisco, NY: Futura. Evanochko WT and Pohost GM (1993) 1H NMR studies of the cardiovascular system. In: Schaefer S and Balaban RS (eds) Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, pp 185–193. Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic. Ingwall JS (1993) Measuring sodium movement across the myocardial cell wall using 23Na NMR spectroscopy and shift reagents. In: Schaefer S and Balaban RS (eds) Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, pp 195–213. Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic. Kusuoka H, Chacko VP and Marban E (1993) Measurement of intracellular Ca2+ in intact perfused hearts by 19F nuclear magnetic resonance. In: Pohost GM (ed) Cardiovascular Applications of Magnetic Resonance, pp 393–401. Mount Kisco, NY: Futura. Malloy CR, Sherry AD and Jeffrey FMH (1993) 13C nuclear magnetic resonance methods for the analysis of citric acid cycle metabolism in heart. In: Pohost GM (ed) Cardiovascular Applications of Magnetic Resonance, pp 261–270. Mount Kisco, NY: Futura. Ugurbil K and From AHL (1993) Nuclear magnetic resonance studies of kinetics and regulation of oxidative ATP synthesis in the myocardium. In: Schaefer S and Balaban RS (eds) Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, pp 63–92. Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic.


PET, Methods and Instrumentation TJ Spinks, Hammersmith Hospital, London, UK


Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction This article discusses the ways in which the design of instrumentation for positron emission tomography (PET) has evolved to provide data with ever greater accuracy and precision. Even though a PET tracer may be intrinsically capable of providing highly specific biochemical and physiological information, this is of little use if the radiation detection system is inadequate. The central aims of PET instrumentation are to increase the number of unscattered photons detected, making maximum use of the amount of tracer it is permissible to administer, and to resolve with greater accuracy their point of origin. A complementary aim is to reduce statistical noise in the data. In addition, developments in the measurement of tracer in the blood are important. A central component of quantification in PET is the combined use of tracer input to the tissue (arterial blood) and tissue uptake (determined from the image). Later in the article a brief discussion will be made of the methods used to obtain physiological, biochemical and pharmacological parameters using different mathematical models of the biological system under investigation.

Detector materials and signal readout The overall aim in the search for new detectors is to maximize photon stopping power (efficiency) and the signal generated and to minimize response time. The latter property is required to cut down losses due to dead time or the time during which the detection system is ‘busy’ dealing with one interaction and thereby misses others that might occur. Theoretical predictions can be made of these properties for different materials, but good detectors have generally been found by a process of trial and error. The dominant detector material in PET today is bismuth germanate (Bi4Ge3O12, or BGO for short), although sodium iodide (NaI(Tl), activated with thallium) is still quite widely used. A comparison of the principal properties of these substances and those of a promising new material that is being developed (lutetium orthosilicate, LSO) is shown in Table 1. LSO is very attractive because it has a similar density to BGO but also has about five times its scintillation efficiency and a very much shorter scintillation decay time. In

Table 1 PET

Characteristics of some scintillation detectors used in

Property Density (g cm–3)

Sodium iodide (NaI(Tl)) 3.7

Bismuth germanate (BGO) 7.1

Lutetium orthosilicate (LSO) 7.4

Effective atomic number




Scintillation efficiency (% of NaI(Tl))




Scintillation decay time (ns)








consequence, its energy resolution and timing resolution are higher. The method by which the response of a detector is recorded and analysed (the ‘readout’) has undergone several developments, and refinements are still being made. Most PET tomographs at present utilize the BGO block detector, a device introduced in the mid1980s. This was revolutionary in the sense that it enabled a multiple-ring tomograph to be produced at a reasonable cost. Earlier designs had utilized one-toone coupling of crystal and photomultiplier (PMT), but the multiplicity of coincidence circuits had restricted commercial scanners to at most two detector rings. Furthermore, because of the desire to reduce detector size, the dimensions of readily available PMTs made one-to-one coupling impractical. The schematics of the block detector are shown in Figure 1. A BGO crystal is divided into a number of elements (in modern scanners 8 × 8 with dimensions 4 × 4 mm 2 face × 30 mm depth) which are viewed by four relatively large, standard PMTs. The cuts between the elements contain light-reflecting material and are made to different depths across the crystal. This partial separation controls the amount of scintillation light reaching the PMTs and leads to a ratio of signals characteristic of each detector element. The x and y coordinates of the interaction are calculated by the formulae given in Figure 1. A ring of such block detectors would constitute eight rings of closely packed detector elements and multiple rings


Figure 1

Principle of the block detector.

of blocks can be placed adjacent to each other to give the desired field of view (FOV) (within financial constraints). With this arrangement, the degree of multiplexing of signals is greatly reduced. On the other hand, the block detector has poorer dead-time properties than an individual crystal–PMT pairing. When one element is hit by a photon, all other elements are effectively ‘dead’ until the original interaction has been analysed. In some experimental systems avalanche photodiodes (diode detectors with internal amplification) are used instead of PMTs. Their availability and performance still does not compete with those of PMTs, but developments continue and their great advantage is their very compact size and ability to view small detector elements. Full collection of scintillation light from a photon interaction results in a charge pulse from the PMT output whose height is proportional to the energy deposited. The timing of a given event is determined by the point at which the pulse crosses a certain voltage level. The statistical nature of pulse generation and the range of pulse heights encountered give rise to a spread or uncertainty in this timing. An ingenious electronic device known as the constant fraction discriminator greatly reduces this spread by shaping the pulse so that triggering is made at a constant fraction of the pulse height. The rise and fall of

scintillation light determine timing resolution τ (how accurately the time of a single interaction can be determined) and integration time (how much time is required to measure the scintillations produced and hence energy deposited). For BGO, the timing resolution is about 6 × 10−9 s (6 ns) and the integration time about 10−6 s (1 µs). The time spectrum of two detectors (the measured time differences between the arrival of two events) shows a peak superimposed on a constant background (for a given activity). The peak corresponds to true coincidences and the background to random coincidences. The detection of coincidence events involves a convolution of the timing resolutions of each detector and the coincidence timing window is thus set at twice the timing resolution (i.e. 2 τ). If this window is made narrower, the random events will fall linearly but the true events will decrease more rapidly. It is observed experimentally that a window of 12 ns is optimum for BGO detectors. Even if a beam of monoenergetic 511 keV photons is incident on a crystal, the different scattering and absorption interactions occurring lead to different amounts of energy being deposited and result in output signals with a range of intensities. Figure 2 is a sketch of the energy spectrum from a BGO detector. The photopeak at the right represents events that


Figure 2 Shape of energy spectrum from a BGO detector for monoenergetic 511 keV photons (––––) and those from a scattering medium (– – –).

have been totally absorbed (photoelectric effect), while the broad continuum corresponds to partial energy deposition (Compton scattering). If the source is within a scattering medium such as the body, the scattering region of the spectrum will be enchanced and the photopeak depressed. The width of the photopeak or the energy resolution (full width at half maximum, FWHM) is about 120 keV for a BGO block detector. (It is only about half this for an uncut block owing to better light transferrence to the PMT.) In a similar way as for the timing spectrum, the acceptance of events is restricted by setting an energy window of about 2 × FWHM (about 350– 650 keV). This scheme attempts to minimize detection of incident scattered (lower energy) photons but, although BGO has high stopping power, its scintillation efficiency and hence energy resolution is relatively poor and a fraction of scattered photons are inevitably accepted. Methods for subtracting these events are discussed later in this article.

2D and 3D acquisition modes The great advantage or annihilation coincidence detection is the automatic or ‘electronic’ collimation that it provides, but scattered photons are an everpresent complication, the effects of which need to be minimized. The first PET tomographs consisted of ‘area’ detectors such as the large sodium iodide crystals of gamma cameras that were already a standard device for radioisotope imaging. However, it became clear that such scanners had a high sensitivity to scattered photons and random coincidences. Subsequent designs were based on rings of individual detectors with tight collimation using lead shielding. The first commercial scanner comprised a single ring of NaI(Tl) crystals with variable lead collimators in front of the detectors and heavy shielding on either

Figure 3 (A) Arrangement of inter-ring septa in multi-ring scanners. (B) Axial cross section of a multiple-ring tomograph illustrating inter-ring coincidence combinations for 2D and 3D modes.

side of the ring. Multiple-ring designs arose from the inevitable demand for a larger axial FOV and in these a form of side shielding known as septa, consisting of lead or tungsten annuli, were inserted between the rings as shown in Figure 3A. In such an arrangement, data are acquired as a number of contiguous transaxial ‘planes’ or ‘slices’ and it is, for this reason, termed the ‘2D mode’. Each plane consists of data from coincidences either within an individual ring or in closely adjacent rings. The example given in Figure 3B shows a maximum ring difference (rdmax) of 1, but, as axial detector width became narrower to improve resolution, greater values of rdmax were used in order to maintain efficiency. However, it can be seen that for large ring differences coincidence counts would be severely attenuated by the septa (as shown by the dotted line). The approach to statistical image noise has emphasized the importance of maximizing


detection efficiency. The restriction of data to ‘2D’ slices tends to go against this and so there have been increasing moves during the 1990s to acquire data without septa inserted and with all possible coincidence lines-of-response (LORs) operational. Such a scheme is naturally known as the ‘3D mode’. Objections to 3D PET scanning stem, of course, from the original desire to reduce the effects of scattered and random coincidences, but the proponents of the method point to the significant increase in the efficiency of detection of unscattered true coincidences. For example, with a tomograph having eight crystal rings and a 2D rdmax of 1 (Figure 3B), the total number of inter-ring combinations is 22 (8 direct + 2 × 7 cross), whereas for 3D the number is 64 (8 × 8). This threefold increase is further enhanced (by about a factor of 2) owing to ‘shadowing’ of the crystals by the septa. This simple analysis is appropriate at low count rates when random events are negligible, but at higher rates the advantage must be defined in terms of improvement in statistical noise as embodied in the parameter noise-equivalent counts (NEC). It is found that there is an NEC gain with the 3D mode over the whole range of count rates. For brain studies this varies from about a factor of 5 at low rates (for example, in receptor binding studies with 11Clabelled compounds) to about 3 at high rates (such as are encountered in blood flow studies with 15Olabelled water).

Data handling and image reconstruction In addition to the reticence concerning the 3D mode on physical grounds, there are practical challenges. Current hardware designed to process coincidence events runs at rates sufficiently high to accommodate the tracer doses that can be administered, but a principal problem is one of data transfer, storage and reconstruction. 2D data are ‘compressed’ into a number of slices, while 3D data are conventionally acquired without any (or relatively little) compression. The increase in the number of (individual) LORs approaches an order of magnitude and these have to be backprojected during reconstruction and stored. However, despite these perceived disadvantages, the storage and archiving media (multi-gigabyte hard disks, DAT tape, optical disks etc.) and ever faster processors available today have lessened the practical burdens of 3D scanning. A feature of data acquisition that is becoming of greater interest in PET is that of list mode. In this, the events are not stored over preselected time frames in

the sinogram data matrices but instead each event is stored separately to disk. If a large number of counts are acquired over a short time, this is not necessarily an efficient method, but for studies following the uptake and clearance of tracer for 2 hours or more, it becomes much more efficient. However, even for shorter scanning times, list mode provides very high temporal (. 1 ms) resolution and the ability to utilize physiological gating, or separation of the data into specific phases, for example of the cardiac and respiratory cycles. Furthermore, list mode acquisition would be of great advantage in the correction for patient movement, which is still an area of development. Readily available dedicated processing hardware can reconstruct a set of images from the largest 3D PET data volume in about 10 minutes but the ability of tomographs to acquire data in 3D mode somewhat preceded the development of appropriate reconstruction algorithms. The specific problem with filtered backprojection lay in the variation of the point response function (PRF). Reconstruction of 2D slices relies on the fact that the response to a point source (efficiency of detection) remains constant over the slice. This requirement needs to be met because the filtering process represents a convolution with the measured projection data. In the 3D mode the PRF is not constant over the FOV, being a maximum in the centre and falling steadily (axially) towards the edge (Figure 4A). A way of overcoming this difficulty, and one that is now commonly used, is the reprojection method. In this (Figure 4B), 2D images are first reconstructed from direct plane (single ring) data and then ‘missing’ projections are created by forward projection (images to views). The missing projections are those that would have been acquired if additional detector rings had been present and these complement the data to provide an invariant PRF over the (original) FOV.

Alternative tomograph designs Tomographs consisting of multiple rings of individual crystals are the most widely used. Figure 5 shows the CTI/Siemens model 966 (covers removed) which is the most sensitive PET scanner yet constructed. However, there are a number of other designs in operation. Tomographs based on planar sodium iodide detectors

Large-area planar sodium iodide (NaI(Tl)) detectors, which are used routinely in gamma cameras for imaging of single-photon tracers, have seen a revival in


Figure 4 (A) Variation of point response function (PRF) in a multiple-ring tomograph. (B) Creation of ‘missing’ projections for the reprojection reconstruction algorithm.

PET over the last few years. A commercial design consists of six planar detectors arranged in a hexagon and operated without septa (3D mode). The crystal is viewed by an array of PMTs and the point of photon interaction is determined, in a similar way to the block detector, by comparing signals between adjacent tubes. This device takes advantage of the high light output (Table 1) of NaI(Tl) and possesses a similar spatial resolution to BGO systems. On the other hand, its stopping power (efficiency) is significantly less than that of BGO. Indeed, the standard detector thickness used for single-photon imaging (at about 100 keV) of about 10 mm is increased to 25 mm for the 511 keV photons in PET. One advantage of this system is that large NaI(Tl) crystals can be produced at relatively low cost, giving a large FOV. This aspect and the increasing availability of the glucose analogue tracer [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG, see later for clinical diagnostic imaging) have been responsible for its commercial success. There is also increasing interest in ‘dual-use’ systems for both single-photon emission tomography (SPET) and PET, consisting of double-headed gamma cameras (operated with and without multihole lead collimators, respectively). The significantly lower efficiency for PET compared with purpose-built tomographs needs to be borne in mind, but such systems could be useful for specific diagnostic tests (e.g. detection of tumour metastases) and their flexibility for general nuclear medicine use is attractive. Partial-ring tomographs

As alluded to above, the expense of multiple-ring BGO tomographs has led to the development of lower-cost systems, principally those employing NaI(Tl) planar detectors. An alternative to these is the commercially available partial-ring scanner. In this device, two banks of BGO detector blocks (about 1/3

Figure 5

A commercial PET scanner.

of a complete ring) rotate around the body (at 30 revolutions per minute) and the output of data is achieved via optical coupling. Voltage supplies are provided through slip rings. Tomographs based on multiwire proportional chambers

The multiwire proportional chamber (MWPC) is a device used extensively in high-energy particle physics experiments that has been modified in different ways for use in PET. The principle of operation is the detection of an electron (i.e. an electron avalanche) on planes of closely spaced fine wires (∼1 mm apart) held at a high electric potential. Cathode and anode wires are arranged orthogonally to


each other, thus providing the spatial localization, the wire spacing being the basic determinant of resolution. The electrons are produced in various ways, such as interaction of photons in thin sheets of lead or photoionization of a gas in the wire chamber by ultraviolet light from a barium fluoride (BaF2) scintillator. Tomographs for experimental studies

A number of research centres have designed and implemented smaller-diameter tomographs (BGO, NaI(Tl) and multiwire chamber detectors have all been used) specifically for the scanning of small animals. Spatial resolution close to 1 mm has been achieved. Although this does not compete with the resolution of autoradiography or dissection, the time–activity curve can be followed in a single animal, which is a great advantage in many studies, such as the investigation of new tracers and the testing of models of disease processes. It is anticipated that important new information will also be forthcoming in the development of new pharmaceuticals.

Data correction procedures Normalization

Variations in the fabrication of detectors and their geometrical arrangement in a tomograph inevitably lead to variations in efficiency for different LORs. For example, the detectors at the edge of a BGO block have lower efficiency than those at the centre and the LORs crossing the centre of the FOV will have a different solid angle of detection to those at the edge. If these effects are not corrected for, systematic errors (of both high and low spatial frequency) will occur in the reconstructed image. The process of correction is known as normalization. The basic data for normalization are acquired by exposing each LOR to the same activity, for example in the form of a thin planar source or a line source scanning across the FOV. Attenuation

The principles of attenuation and its correction in PET are outlined in an associated article. Here, some specific practical examples are given. Most PET tomographs utilize sources of 68Ge (half-life about 9 months), which are stored in shields within the gantry of the tomograph and moved into the FOV by remote control. In turn, a blank scan (empty FOV) and a transmission scan (patient in position, usually before tracer administration) are acquired. The ratio between these two provides the attenuation

correction factors for each LOR. The logarithm of these ratios can also be backprojected to yield a transmission image (tissue density map). As for emisssion data, scattered radiation (see below) contaminates the data and one method of reducing this is electronic ‘windowing’. This is illustrated in Figure 6. The transmission source in this case is a rotating rod whose position is encoded. If a photon from the rod is scattered in the object and measured, the event will be rejected because the resulting LOR (LOR2) does not pass through the rod. Unscattered events (e.g. LOR1) are accepted. A continuing theme of PET is improvement in efficiency, and this is so for transmission scanning. Constraints of time and detector performance mean that transmission data can be suboptimal and this has led to the recent implementation of the single-photon transmission technique. This is similar to the process of X-ray computerized tomography and takes advantage of the fact that about two orders of magnitude more single-photon events are collected than coincidence events. A working mechanism employs a 137Cs point source (single-photon: energy 662 keV, half-life 30 years) rotating in a helical tube around the subject. However, as for the rotating 68Ge source in Figure 6, detection of scattered radiation will also contaminate the data in this case and lead to inaccurate correction. Recourse to the windowing method cannot be made for 137Cs, but another way to compensate for scatter is to create a transmission image that is then segmented into regions of similar density, and correct attenuation factors are assigned accordingly. Scattered radiation

The inclusion of scattered events in the projection data does not significantly affect the spatial resolution or ‘sharpness’ of the reconstructed image but it will lessen the contrast between different regions and cause inaccuracies in the measurement of activity concentration. The distributions of scatter due to a line source placed axially in the centre of a waterfilled cylinder (20 cm diameter) are shown in Figure 7 for 2D and 3D acquisition modes. The central peak corresponds to the position of the source and the broad continuum (‘wings’) on either side is due to scatter, which decreases with increasing angle. The scatter fraction (SF, integral of the ‘wings’ divided by the total events) for brain scanning is 10–15% with septa and 30–40% without septa; even larger values obviously occur in body scanning. A number of methods have been used to correct for scatter, particularly for the 3D scanning mode. Correction schemes have broadly been based on the measured spatial or energy distribution (spectrum)


Figure 6

Mechanism for attenuation correction using a rotating 68Ge rod with ‘windowing’.

Figure 7 Scatter distributions for a line source in the centre of a cylinder (2D and 3D); peaks are normalized to the same height.

of scattered events or, more recently, on calculation from first principles of the probability of scattering through different angles. The first scatter correction methods, which are still employed, treated the scatter distribution as a convolution of the projection data with a function or ‘kernel’, the shape of which was derived from curves such as that in Figure 7. The simplest form of the kernel is α exp(-β| x | ), where α and β are positive constants and | x | is the absolute distance along a projection. In general, convolution is carried out iteratively because the measured projections contain

scatter and so the initial calculation is an overestimate. A shortcoming of the simple kernel above is that the shape of the scatter distribution does not stay constant with the position of the source. As it moves to one side of the object, the distribution becomes more and more asymmetric. Strictly, in this case, an integral transform rather than a convolution should be employed since the kernel shape is position dependent. However, quite accurate scatter corrections for the head have been demonstrated, even in the 3D mode, with an invariant kernel. A correction method based on the photon energy spectrum utilizes the varying proportions of scattered and unscattered events for different ranges or energy windows. This technique had its origins in single-photon tomography. Some PET tomographs have the ability to acquire data in two energy windows (over the photopeak and over part of the Compton continuum). A simple form of the dualwindow correction is based on the assumption that the ratios are constant throughout the object. The dual-window method has been shown to give similarly accurate corrections (within about 6%) to the convolution method in 3D brain scanning but has slightly poorer noise characteristics. The simplest method of scatter correction consists of fitting a function (typically a Gaussian) to the ‘wings’ (pure scatter) outside the object. This has the advantage of being based on a direct measurement of scatter for each object. On the other hand, assumptions must be made about the shape of the distribution inside the object. Again, accurate results are


obtained for the head, but for the chest a simple Gaussian is not necessarily a good choice of function. The speed of current computers has made it feasible to calculate scatter distributions analytically from first principles for each set of data. This is carried out by taking the uncorrected tracer (emission) image and calculating the scatter that would arise from selected points given the transmission image. The probabilities of scattering through given angles are known precisely from physical principles. In practical implementations, a relatively coarse grid of points is selected. This saves time and utilizes the fact that the scatter distribution is smooth and is amenable to interpolation. The beauty of this technique is that it is makes few assumptions. Convolution and dual-window methods work well in a relatively uniform object such as the head but have more difficulty, for example, in the chest where there are abrupt density changes. A big challenge for PET is to obtain accurate quantification in 3D body scanning and it is likely that analytical methods such as this will prove the most valuable. Dead time and random coincidences

As the activity in the body increases, the problems of electronic dead time and registration of random coincidences, leading to a reduction in efficiency and an increase in statistical noise, become ever more pressing. Dead time correction schemes have ranged from those that are founded on an intimate knowledge of the electronic circuitry of the scanner to those based on empirical curve-fitting using test objects. All commercial scanners provide automatic dead time correction. The variation of true and random coincidences with activity is shown in Figure 8A. The peak and steady falloff in the trues curve at high rates is described as paralysable dead time behaviour and is typical of PET tomographs. In this case, if an event occurs during the analysis of a previous event (‘busy’ period) the effect is a successive lengthening of the dead time. Theoretically it can be shown that measured (Nm) and corrected (N0) count rates are related by

in which case the measured rate can eventually go to zero (or be ‘paralysed’) for very high activities (Wd is the system dead time). The fundamental determinant of dead time is the rate of single events that are striking the detectors. Tomographs continuously record this rate and use it as a basis of the calculation of dead

Figure 8 (A) The variation of measured trues and randoms with activity in the FOV. (B) The correspondence between ‘ideal’ trues rates (extrapolated from low activities) and dead timecorrected trues.

time correction factors. It should be noted that, for coincidence counting, the overall dead time is the product of the dead times of opposing detectors. Generally speaking, correction is accurate to within 5% for the range of counting rates encountered in in vivo studies (Figure 8B), but it needs to be stressed that the magnitude of the correction factor should not be too large and that scanning should not be carried out near to or beyond the peak of the ‘trues’ curve. The steep rise in random events with activity is, similarly to dead time, due to the product of the rates of single events on opposing detectors. Without dead time, trues rise linearly with activity, whereas randoms rise quadratically (the dead time for trues and randoms is the same because they are counted by the same coincidence circuits). This behaviour of randoms means that judicious administration of activity should be adhered to and/or good shielding of


Figure 9

The change in FOV for single events for different detector ring diameters and axial lengths.

activity outside the FOV should be provided. The move towards 3D PET and the desire to accommodate any part of the body and to increase the axial FOV pose problems in this regard. The dilemma can be illustrated by simple geometry (Figure 9). The largest axial FOV for a multi-ring tomograph is about 25 cm (left of Figure 9). With standard side shielding giving an aperture of 60 cm diameter, the FOV for single photons extends about 75 cm beyond the coincidence FOV. With the insertion of additional shielding appropriate for the brain (an aperture of 35 cm), the single-photon FOV is reduced significantly. The more common axial detector length of about 15 cm clearly gives a much reduced singles FOV, which for brain scanning barely extends beyond the side shielding. Providing effective shielding for body studies is not easy, but a way of processing the random events in order to lessen their effect is to apply some form of smoothing. As for scatter, the distribution of randoms is of a broad, low-frequency nature and thus amenable to smoothing. The future alternative to this is to use detectors with faster response, narrower coincidence window and proportionately lower randoms. Spatial resolution effects

The spatial spread of a point source in an image gives rise to a phenomenon known as spillover, in which activity in one region affects that measured in an adjacent region. A source of decreasing size in a ‘background’ of lower activity concentration will

appear to have decreasing activity. This is purely an effect of finite resolution and not of efficiency and is often referred to as the partial volume effect (that is, the object only partially fills the detector resolution field-of-view and is ‘mixed’ with its surroundings); it is also expressed by saying that the recovery coefficient of the object is less than unity. This is a difficult problem, but one correction technique that has been applied in the brain relies on the much higher resolution of a magnetic resonance image to provide accurate anatomical data. Coincidence detection gives good uniformity of resolution along an LOR, but for circular ring systems the resolution in the radial direction gradually worsens owing to the interaction of photons with detectors at increasingly oblique angles (Figure 10). This effect is magnified as the ring diameter decreases. The desire for smaller diameters (and hence less expensive systems) requires a remedy for this nonuniformity. A number of methods of correction are being tested, such as the dual use of photodiodes and PMTs on either ends of a detector, but no one method has yet gained general acceptance.

Models of tracer kinetics Even if all physical corrections have been applied and the image is an accurate representation of tracer distribution, the further big challenge in PET is to derive biochemical, physiological and pharmacological


images of glucose utilization can be obtained. Over the period of a study (an hour or so), there is negligible release from the fixed compartment (k4 in Figure 11 is negligible) and this simplifies the model. In this case, the metabolic rate for glucose (MRGl) is given by

Figure 10 Variation of spatial resolution in radial and tangential (at right angles) directions with distance from the centre of the tomograph FOV.

parameters from the data. This is carried out by diverse mathematical models of the biological system. What may be termed a conventional approach is to treat the system as a number of separate compartments within each of which the tracer is uniformly distributed. The passage of tracer between compartments is described by rate constants that have dimension per unit time (time−1). An example of such a system is shown in Figure 11, which divides the volume under investigation into blood (plasma) and free and fixed tracer in tissue. In PET research blood activity is usually measured either by taking discrete samples or by on-line monitoring in a detector placed by the side of the patient. A refinement of this is analysis of the blood into different radioactive components or metabolites because the tracer itself is broken down in its passage through tissue. A compartmental model describes the system by a number of differential equations from which the rate constants are estimated. A common application of the model in Figure 11 is in the dynamics of glucose utilization. The most widely used tracer in PET is an analogue of glucose known as FDG (18F-labelled fluorodeoxyglucose). It is transported into the cell and undergoes the biochemical process of phosphorylation similarly to glucose, but it then remains ‘trapped’ in the tissue. Because of this, good quality

Figure 11

Three-compartment tracer model.

where Cp is the (natural) glucose concentration in the plasma and LC is a constant that describes the difference in transport and phosphorylation rates between FDG and glucose. Examples of functional images of MRGl (two slices through the brain) are displayed in Figure 12 (left) along with magnetic resonance (MRI) images showing anatomical detail (right) and coregistered PET and MRI images (centre). Coregistration covers a number of techniques used to overlay functional and anatomical images which, for example, make use of specific anatomical markers or the minimization of the variance between the two images. Other types of tracer model do not seek to impose a compartmental structure but instead determine a combination of kinetic components which best fit the data. For example the technique of spectral analysis views the tissue response (Ctiss) as a convolution between the plasma/blood input (Cp) and a large but finite range of so-called basis functions of the form γ exp(-δt) where t is time:

When the γj are fixed and the δj are constrained to be zero or positive, it transpires that typically only two to four positive δj are given for the time–activity curve on each image pixel. The resulting parameters are used to generate the impulse response function (the tissue time–activity curve resulting from a unit pulse input at t = 0). The intercept of this function (for each pixel) at t = 0 gives an image of the clearance of tracer from blood to tissue (denoted K1) and its integral gives the volume of distribution (concentration in tissue relative to blood, denoted Vd).


Figure 12 PET functional images of glucose metabolic rate (MRGl) (right), MRI images (magnetic resonance images, left) showing anatomical detail, and coregistered (overlaid) PET/MRI (centre). (See Colour Plate 42).


Frequency analysis is an example of a more objective way of extracting kinetic information from PET time–activity data. Other forms of this are factor, principal components and cluster analyses. These attempt to define pixels in the projection or image data that have similar kinetic characteristics. Their fundamental aim is the derivation of more specific and objective images of function rather than purely radioactivity concentration, a task that is enhanced by the superior physical properties of positron annihilation coincidence detection.

List of symbols Cp = plasma concentration, plasma response; Ctiss = tissue k1–4 = rate response; constants; K1 = tracer clearance (blood to tissue); MRGl = metabolic rate for glucose; N0 = corrected count rate; NEC = noise-equivalent counts; Nm = measured count rate; rdmax = maximum scanner ring difference; t = time; Vd = volume of distribution; δj and γj = parameters of basis functions; τ = timing resolution; τd = system dead time. See also: MRI Applications, Biological; MRI Applications, Clinical; MRI Instrumentation; PET, Theory; SPECT, Methods and Instrumentation; Structural Chemistry Using NMR Spectroscopy, Inorganic Molecules; Scattering Theory; SPECT, Methods and Instrumentation; Two-Dimensional NMR, Methods.

Further reading

Bendriem B and Townsend DW (eds) (1998) The Theory and Practice of 3D PET. Dordrecht, Boston, London: Kluwer Academic. Carson RE, Daube-Witherspoon ME, Herscovitch P (eds) (1998) Quantitative Functional Brain Imaging with Positron Emission Tomography. San Diego: Academic Press. Casey ME and Nutt R (1986) A multicrystal two dimensional BGO detector system for positron emission tomography. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science NS33: 570–574. Cho ZH and Farukhi S (1977) New bismuth germanate crystal — a potential detector for the positron camera application. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 18: 840–844. Knoll GF (1979) Radiation Detection and Measurement. Chichester: Wiley. Melcher CL and Schweitzer JS (1992) Cerium-doped lutetium orthosilicate: a fast, efficient new scintillator. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 39: 502–505. Murray IPC, Ell PJ and Strauss HW (eds) (1994) Nuclear Medicine in Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone. Myers R, Cunningham V, Bailey D and Jones T (eds) (1996) Quantification of Brain Function Using PET. San Diego: Academic Press. Phelps M, Mazziotta J and Schelbert H (eds) Positron Emission Tomography and Autoradiography: Principles and Applications for the Brain and Heart. New York: Raven Press. Schwaiger M (ed) (1996) Cardiac Positron Emission Tomography. Boston: Kluwer Academic. Spinks TJ, Jones T, Bailey DL et al (1992) Physical performance of a positron tomograph for brain imaging with retractable septa. Physics in Medicine and Biology 37: 1637–1655.

Barrett HH and Swindell W (1981) Radiological Imaging: The Theory of Image Formation, Detection, and Processing. San Diego: Academic Press.

PET, Theory TJ Spinks, Hammersmith Hospital, London, UK Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction The acronym PET can be used to stand for both positron-emitting tracers and positron emission tomography; it is a representation of the radioactive isotopes used and the methods by which their distribution is visualized (tomography derives from the Greek tomos or ‘cut’ – i.e. an imaged slice through

SPATIALLY RESOLVED SPECTROSCOPIC ANALYSIS Theory the body). PET is the most sensitive and specific method of studying molecular interactions and pathways in the living organism and is assuming ever greater importance in medical diagnosis and research, in the understanding of biochemistry and physiology in health and disease, and in the development of drugs. Most of the world’s PET centres are in North America, Europe and Japan but many other


countries are making plans for the installation of PET facilities. Most of the centres are dedicated to diagnosis, particularly in heart disease and cancer, but there are also a number of centres associated with large medical research institutes that concentrate purely on research. This article will deal with the theoretical aspects of PET: (a) isotope production, (b) radiation interactions and detection, (c) data acquisition and image formation, and (d) properties of the image of radioisotope distribution.

Physics of the positron A positron (positively charged electron) is a particle of so-called ‘antimatter’ that cannot coexist for long with the ‘ordinary’ matter of which we and all that surrounds us is made. Such particles were postulated in the 1930s by the physicist Paul Dirac, who pictured the vacuum as a ‘sea’ of electrons in negative energy levels that could be excited into positive energy levels by the absorption of quanta of energy. Although this concept was not readily accepted by most physicists, the existence of the positron was demonstrated experimentally by Anderson three years after the theoretical prediction. It was observed that a photon, of energy greater than or equal to twice the rest mass energy of the electron, in the field of the nucleus could give rise to the simultaneous appearance of a positron and an electron. This is known as the pair-production process. The positrons used in PET, however, arise from the disintegration of atomic nuclei that are unstable because they have an ‘excess’ of positive charge.

Production of positron emitters Positron-emitting atoms do not normally exist in nature. The radionuclides used for PET are usually produced by a cyclotron, which, by harnessing powerful electric and magnetic fields, accelerates charged particles (such as protons, deuterons or alpha particles) to high energies (about 2–5% of the speed of light); these then bombard stable atoms in a target to give rise to radioactive isotopes. Table 1 gives examples of the reactions used to produce the principal radionuclides used in PET (11C, 15O, 18F and 13N). It can be seen from column 3 that there are generally more protons than neutrons in each of the product nuclei. This ‘excess’ charge is released during nuclear disintegration (beta decay) by the emission of a (positively charged) positron (or in a smaller fraction of cases by the capture of an orbiting electron). Two principal characteristics of the positron emitters in Table 1 that are responsible for their success as in vivo radiotracers are that (a) they are radioisotopes of major

body elements (or in the case of 18F serve as in vivo analogues) and (b) they have short half-lives. These properties enable them to label biological molecules without altering the biochemical action and to be injected into a patient or normal volunteer in usable quantities with an acceptably low radiation dose. The physical characteristics of detection of these tracers, which will be described below, provide additional reasons for their pre-eminence in nuclear medicine. However, the short half-lives demand that the scanner (tomograph) and cyclotron are in close proximity. Such a necessity has given rise to the impression that PET is an expensive technique, but an increasing number of clinical centres are obtaining tracers from shared central cyclotron facilities and lower-cost scanner designs are commercially available.

Positron annihilation Positrons are emitted from nuclei of a given isotope with a range of energies up to a characteristic maximum ‘end point’ energy Emax (Table 2), the mean energy being roughly one-third Emax. Positrons lose their energy by Coulomb interactions with atomic electrons, following a tortuous path until they are brought to rest within a precisely defined range (dependent on their energy and the effective atomic number of the medium). The ranges for mean and maximum energies in soft tissue are given in Table 2. When the energy of the positron is close to zero, the probability of interaction with an electron is highest. From direct interaction or after the formation of a transient system with an electron known as positronium, two photons, each of energy 511 keV (the rest mass energy of the electron or positron), are emitted in opposite directions with the disappearance (annihilation) of both particles. The ‘back-to-back’ photon emission arises from the conservation of momentum. However, there is only precisely 180° between the photon directions if the net momentum is zero at annihilation. The small residual momentum of the positronium system leads to an angular spread of about ± 0.3°. Positron range and the angular spread determine the physical limits of spatial resolution in PET.

Annihilation coincidence detection Simultaneous detection of the annihilation photons provides significantly greater efficiency and improved uniformity of spatial resolution than detection of individual photons. These points are illustrated schematically in Figure 1. Consider a point source positron emitter in air moving across the channel between the two detectors D1 and D2 (Figure 1A). The channel is conventionally termed a


Table 1

Production and characteristics of principal isotopes used in PET

Positron emitting product

Stable element

Nuclear reaction

Stable nucleus after positron emission





6p, 5n







9p, 9n







8p, 7n



Carbon (12C)


7p, 6n

Table 2


Number of protons (p) and neutrons (n) in Half-life of product the product nucleus (min)

O(p,n)18F N(d,n)15O C(d,n)13N

2.03 10.0

Positron emitter

11 13 15


Figure 1






Positron ranges in soft tissue for the principal positron emitters

Positron energy (MeV)



Maximum (Emax)

Positron range in soft tissue (mm) Mean

Contribution to resolution (mm FWHM)























(A) Annihilation coincidence and (B) single-photon detection.

‘line-of-response’ (LOR) and the detectors are connected such that a ‘count’ is only registered when a photon interaction is recorded in each detector at the same time (or within the time resolution of the detector, see below). Only when the source is within the LOR (e.g. position P1) do annihilation photons such

as γ1 and γ have a chance of being detected as a coincident pair. With the source at position P2 (e.g. photons γ2 and γ ) there is no possibility of a coincidence event. Therefore, coincidence counting confers a natural collimation of the radiation, often referred to as electronic collimation and, in addition, the


resolution varies relatively little for different positions along the LOR. The variation in counts obtained by passing a point or (orthogonal) line source across the LOR is termed the point or line spread function (PSF, LSF) and is conventionally characterised by its full-width at half-maximum (FWHM). The PSF obtained in this way represents the intrinsic resolution of the detector pair, in other words, the best achievable. To obtain spatial localization with a source emitting only single photons (γ rays from nuclear disintegration), a physical (lead) collimator has to be placed between source and detector D (Figure 1B). The solid angle subtended by the collimator aperture shows that the resolution in this case will vary with distance from the detector. The aperture can be made smaller to give a spatial resolution as high as desired, but this will be at the expense of detection efficiency and so some compromise is needed. Singlephoton emission tomography (SPECT) systems normally consist of large-area detectors, whereas most modern PET systems consist of thousands of coincidence detector pairs and the detection efficiency in PET is about 100 times that of SPECT.

Photon interactions and attenuation in scattering media The previous discussion of coincidence detection becomes more complicated when the source is within a scattering medium (such as body tissue). At the energy of the annihilation photons (511 keV), the possible interactions (with atomic electrons) are photoelectric (total) absorption and coherent and incoherent (Compton) scattering. Scattering refers to change of direction without (coherent) or with (incoherent) energy loss. Compton scattering is overwhelmingly predominant at 511 keV in the body (the probability of photoelectric absorption and coherent scattering can be considered negligible) and is thus, practically speaking, totally responsible for the removal of a photon from a particular LOR. This is termed attenuation and is illustrated in Figure 2A. If the scattering medium is uniform, it will have a constant attenuation coefficient ( P), dependent on the effective atomic number, defined as

where dN are the number of photons scattered within a distance x to x + dx and Nx is the number of unscattered photons at x. Integrating Equation [1] gives the following formula for the number of photons (AT) left

Figure 2 Photon attenuation in a given LOR due to Compton scattering.

unscattered after a distance T along the LOR:

If the attenuation medium is not uniform, then Equation [2a] is modified to give

where Pi = the attenuation coefficient within a small element ∆Ti. Equation [2] describes what is known as ‘narrow beam’ attenuation because if one is just interested in the LOR between two detectors, a scattered photon is completely lost. For an array of detectors (as in a PET scanner), however, it can be imagined that the scattered photon might be detected in another LOR; this is considered later. The larger the angle (") through which a scattered photon is deflected (Figure 3), the greater is its loss of energy. From simple kinematics (conservation of


Table 3 Examples of scattering angles and energies in Compton scatter of annihilation photons

Figure 3

Mechanism of photon (Compton) scattering.

energy and momentum), the relationship between the initial photon energy E0 and final energy Ef is

where m0c2 is the rest mass energy of the electron (m0 = electron rest mass; c = the speed of light). Since the rest mass energy is equal to 511 keV, this equation simplifies for PET to

Scattering angle " (°) (see Figure 3)

Energy of scattered photon (keV)

Probability of scatter (%) (0° = 100%)

30 60 90 180 (Back-scattering)

451 341 256 170

31.5 18.8 18.5


and exp[–µb]. For coincidence counting, the total attenuation will be proportional to the product of these two factors: exp[–µ(a+b)]. This expression is independent of the position of the source along the LOR and indeed would be so if the source were outside the object. If such an external source is measured with and without the (inactive) object in the LOR, the ratio of the measurements gives the attenuation correction factor along that line. For single-photon detection, it should be noted that attenuation is dependent on depth in the object and this makes correction more complicated. Specific methods of attenuation correction in PET are dealt with in the article on Instrumentation and Methods for PET.

Detection of annihilation photons The maximum energy that can be transferred to an electron in this interaction is when the photon is deflected back along its original path (‘backscattering’), that is when " = 180°. In this case Ef (minimum) = E0 /3 = 170 keV. Some other examples of scattering angles and energies are given in Table 3. However, Equation [3] only gives the resultant energy for a given angle; the probability of scattering through a particular angle is described by a much more complicated expression known as the Klein–Nishina formula. The relative probabilities of scattering are shown in the third column of Table 3 (taking that for 0° as 100%). It can be seen that, even for a relatively large scattering angle, the photon still retains a significant fraction of its energy but that the probability of scattering falls quite quickly with increasing angle. To obtain an accurate measurement of the regional distribution of isotope concentration in the body, the primary correction is that for attenuation. The basic principles of attenuation correction, relatively straightforward in PET, are as follows. Consider the attenuation lengths a and b on either side of the point source in Figure 2B. From Equation [2], attenuation along these two paths will be proportional to exp[–µa]

Most PET scanners consist of individual detector elements arranged in a number of adjacent coaxial rings surrounding the patient. Each element is connected in coincidence with a number of other elements in both the same ring and any number of other rings, and modern scanners consist of thousands of detectors and millions of LORs. Specific scanner configurations are given in the article covering Instrumentation and Methods. Detector materials must have a high atomic number to maximize their attenuation of annihilation photons and must also produce a measurable response. The great majority of detectors used in PET are scintillators, which respond to the absorption of photon energy by the emission of visible light. This occurs when electrons fall from excited energy levels to the ground state, a process often facilitated by the inclusion of a small amount of impurity (or activator) into the scintillation crystal. The light output rises rapidly to a peak and then falls with a characteristic ‘decay time’ and is converted into an electrical pulse by a photomultiplier tube (PMT) and subsequently amplifi.ed. The speed of response of the detector determines the width of this pulse and the precision with which the time of the interaction can be measured – the timing resolution, denoted by W. In


addition, the detector electronics take a finite time to process each event, during which other events go unrecorded. This time is known as dead time and corrections have to be made for accurate quantification. Based on the timing resolution, a coincidence time window is set within which events in two opposing detectors are regarded as constituting a coincidence event. This can be either a true event or a random (chance) event, depending on whether the photons came from the same or different annihilations. These collectively are known as prompt events (events are commonly termed ‘prompts’, ‘trues’ and ‘randoms’). A distinction can be made between trues and randoms by counting the number of events occurring when the time window for one detector is delayed (by about 100 ns) relative to the other. A coincidence recorded in the ‘delayed circuit’ cannot be a true coincidence and it is assumed that the ‘delayed events’ are equal to the randoms recorded in the undelayed (‘primary’) circuit. Trues are therefore determined by subtracting the randoms from the prompts. An alternative way of calculating random events is by recording the total rate of single photons striking each detector. If these singles rates for detectors 1 and 2 are S1 and S2, then the rate of random events (R12) between the two detectors is given by

where T, the coincidence time window, is twice the timing resolution (i.e 2 W). The distribution of randoms is quite uniform over the field-of-view (FOV) of the scanner but if not subtracted will impair the quantification of regional radiotracer concentration and reduce contrast in the image.

Spatial sampling and resolution One of the continuing aims in PET is to improve spatial resolution or the clarity of definition of isotope distribution in the body. The physical limit of resolution is dictated by positron range and non-collinearity of annihilation photons as outlined above. The ranges of positrons in the body for the most important isotopes are given in Table 2. These appear to be rather large, but it should be borne in mind that the contribution of positron range to resolution in the image is reflected in the average range and that positrons travel in all directions and not just orthogonally to an LOR. The net contribution to resolution (FWHM of the point spread function) is given in Table 2. The physical limitation imposed by the small angular spread around the 180° (‘back-toback’) photon emission leads to an additional

‘blurring’ of resolution independent of positron energy but increasing with the diameter of the detector array. For a scanner of diameter 80 cm (common for imaging of humans) the fundamental limit imposed by these effects is about 2 mm, whereas for a diameter of 20cm the limit is less than 1 mm. To image the distribution of a radiotracer, the active volume must be sampled as finely as possible. In other words, measurements must be made along a number of LORs, as closely spaced as practicable, both across the object and at different angles. The basic property of a tomographic system with good resolution is the ability to distinguish changes in tracer concentration. Another way of expressing this is that the system has a good spatial frequency response. This may be envisaged analytically by presenting a ‘bar pattern’ of alternating white and black (active/inactive) stripes to the imaging system. As the width of the bars is reduced, there will come a point when the imager will no longer be able to reproduce the pattern; the input (object) frequency will no longer produce a faithful output (image). Mathematically this is expressed in terms of the modulation transfer function (MTF), which gives the fraction of signal amplitude that a system will transfer to the image at each spatial frequency. A broader MTF function will give a sharper resolution. The requirement of an imaging system is expressed formally by the sampling theorem, which states that the highest frequency that can reliably be measured (known as the Nyquist frequency) is equal to 1/(2 ∆d), where ∆d is the sampling distance (the spacing between adjacent LORs). One of the principal aims in the design of a PET tomograph is to provide as high a degree of sampling as possible. However, a fundamental limit (apart from positron range and photon noncollinearity) is imposed by the detector width (the intrinsic detector resolution as defined above). Better sampling schemes will deliver an image resolution ever closer to the intrinsic resolution, but this cannot be exceeded without additional ‘post-processing’ of the image. Early tomographs of the late 1970s/early 1980s with relatively large (∼25 mm) detectors, which were not densely packed, optimized their sampling by incremental linear and angular motion. Most tomographs in use today consist of circular rings of detectors of width 6 mm or less. For these, adequate linear and angular sampling is achieved without any motion, although in some designs a rotatory motion (known as ‘wobble’) is incorporated. This has largely been abandoned because the data volumes were increased typically by a factor of 4 without a great improvement in resolution. The organization of data acquisition in a circular ring of detectors is shown in Figure 4. Each detector


Figure 4

Geometrical relation between LORs and the sinogram data matrix.

is connected in a coincidence circuit with a number of detectors on the other side of the ring (Figure 4A) (The more general case of multiple rings is discussed in the article on Instrumentation and Methods. The LORs that are parallel to each other are grouped together to form projections or views of the object at each angle (Figure 4B). The counts recorded in each of these LORs form one row of a data matrix called a sinogram (Figure 4C), each row corresponding to an angle of view. In a recent design there are 576 detectors in the ring and each detector is in coincidence with 288 other detectors. The number of views in the sinogram in this case is 576/2 = 288 (each separated by an angle 180°/288 = 0.625°) and the number of LORs in each view is 288. Formation of an image can be achieved by a number of different methods, but all of them involve back-projection of the views across the FOV. For practical purposes the position of an annihilation event along an LOR is indeterminate. Some detectors, notably barium and caesium fluorides, are capable of modest time-of-flight resolution (FWHM ∼5cm) by measuring the time difference of the photon interactions, but this has not proved to give significant advantages because of their lower efficiency.) The raw process of image formation conventionally divides the ‘image space’ into a matrix of square boxes or pixels (picture elements) and places ‘counts’ in each pixel proportional to the counts recorded in the particular LOR and the area of overlap of LOR and pixel. This process is illustrated for a point source in Figure 5A. Only a small number of projections, each consisting of a peak corresponding

to the source position, are shown for clarity. The back-projected profiles for each projection will intersect at the position of the point source, but the image will be a poor representation of the original because of the ‘background’ imposed. This may be described mathematically by saying that the high spatial frequency components of the source have been attenuated and low frequencies enhanced. This process is reversed by frequency filtering in which the Fourier transform is first applied to the projection data to give the magnitude of each component spatial frequency and a filter is applied with increasing weight given to higher frequencies. This filter is accordingly termed a ramp in frequency space. In real space, the form of the filter is as sketched in Figure 5B, which shows alternating positive and negative oscillations decreasing in intensity from its centre. When this is convolved with the projections and back-projection is performed, the effect is that the positive and negative components cancel each other out, so removing the low-frequency ‘blur’ and restoring the highfrequency nature of the object in the filtered image. Filtered back-projection is the most commonly used method of image formation in PET because Fourier transforms can be calculated rapidly with modern computers. However, the method has its drawbacks and these are intimately allied to statistical variations or noise in the projection data. As the number of counts recorded by the system decreases, so the statistical uncertainty increases, as described by Poisson statistics, and ‘star artefacts’ (remnants of the back-projection process) become increasingly apparent. Filtering causes each pixel in the image to be


Figure 5

(A) Formation of an image by filtered back-projection. (B) Shape of ramp filter in frequency space and real space.

correlated to some degree with every other pixel and poor statistics enhances this. Inherently superior methods of image reconstruction are the so-called iterative methods in which the image is successively corrected to be consistent with the projection data to within desired error limits. These techniques involve iterative forward-projection and back-projection (between image and projections) and a number of different algorithms have been developed for the correction step at each iteration. Such methods have much more flexibility than filtered back-projection because models for the statistical nature of the data and the physical processes involved in data acquisition can be incorporated. For example if the projection data are assumed to obey Poisson statistics, the likelihood of the reconstructed image can be maximized according to this, giving the so-called EM-ML (expectation maximization–maximum likelihood) algorithm. In contrast to filtered back-projection, which produces a ‘one-off’ solution, iterative algorithms gradually converge to the desired

solution but the number of iterations needs to be carefully assessed to optimize the signal-to-noise ratio in the image and regional quantification of tracer.

Detection efficiency and noise The efficiency of detection of annihilation photons obviously depends on the geometry of the tomograph and the ability of the detector material to absorb the photon energy (detector ‘stopping power’). Considering a single ring of detectors of radius r and width (axial thickness) t, decreasing the radius increases the solid angle of detection (with r2) but the detector volume decreases with r. Therefore overall efficiency increases with r. However, as r decreases, the solid angle for detection of random and scattered events increases, and clearly r must be large enough to provide the desired FOV (for head or body). In addition, spatial resolution worsens in the radial direction as r decreases. This implies that some compromise must be reached to balance these factors.


Although the ‘raw’ efficiency, or number of true coincidences acquired, is a basic determinant of the quality of a PET scanner, the complicating factors of scattered and random events and dead time have to be brought into the analysis. Details of the distribution of scattered events and correction methods can be found elsewhere, but for the present purposes it can be stated that scattered radiation (or ‘scatter’ for short) produces a relatively flat ‘background’ on the projection and image data, impairing contrast and reducing quantitative accuracy. The quantity of scatter detected, the scatter fraction (SF), is expressed simply in terms of the total true (unscattered + scattered) events (Ttot) and the scattered events (S) by

A similar reduction in contrast and quantification would result if random events were not subtracted from the data. As discussed above, subtraction of randoms is usually carried out ‘on-line’ during data acquisition and, although accurate quantitatively, imposes a statistical penalty on the net counts. If the numbers of prompt and random events are designated by P and R, then

However, this expression is modified to take into account (a) the subtraction of scatter and (b) the fact that random events are spread fairly uniformly over the whole FOV of the PET tomograph, whereas unscattered true events are confined to the limits of the object. If the fraction of the FOV subtended by the object is f then the final expression for NEC is

Another assumption implicit in this is that the subtraction of scattered events does not lead to an increase in noise. This would be so if, for example, a mathematical function were used to describe the distribution of scatter, but is not quite true in all methods. NEC provides an overall factor for the determination of statistical quality, but it is of importance to investigate noise (statistical ‘ripple’) in the reconstructed image. As mentioned above in the discussion of reconstruction, image noise is greater than expected purely from the Poisson statistics of the projection data, owing to the filtering process. If there are an adequate number of projection angles and sampling points (LORs) per projection, then it can be shown that the noise/signal ratio (% root mean square) for a uniformly labelled object is given by

Assuming that Poisson statistics apply to these counts (e.g. the standard error of P = √P), the standard error of Ttot is

Thus the standard error of Ttot is larger than √(Ttot) and increases with the rate of random events. Any procedure that reduces randoms, such as better shielding of extraneous radiation or reduction in the coincidence time window (Eqn [4]), will lower this uncertainty. The resultant standard error is conventionally described by the noise equivalent count (NEC) which is defined as follows. The fractional error of Ttot is √(Ttot + 2R)/Ttot. If a number (NEC) of hypothetical counts are collected (free of background) the fractional error is (√NEC)/NEC = 1/√NEC. Equating this to the fractional error of Ttot gives

where N is the total number of counts (trues) acquired and Nre is the number of ‘resolution elements’ contained within the object. The resolution element is defined as a region of dimensions (sampling distance)2 or (∆d)2. If the object is a disc (or a slice through a cylinder) of diameter 200 mm, the resolution FWHM = 6mm and 106 counts are acquired, N/S is 19%. This is about 6 times what would be expected purely from Poisson statistics. Furthermore, if the resolution decreased to 3 mm FWHM, the number of counts N would have to increase by a factor of 8 to keep the N/S per resolution element constant. These simple calculations illustrate the importance of efficiency in PET. Resolution might be technically improved by using narrower detectors, but the advantage will be lost if efficiency of detection is not increased. This point is of fundamental importance and is discussed more fully in the article on Instrumentation and Methods.


List of symbols AT = number of photons left unscattered after distance T along the LOR; Aο = original number of photons; c = speed of light; E0, Ef = initial and final energy of scattered photon; f = fraction of FOV subtended by the object; m0 = rest mass of the electron; N = total number of counts (trues); Nre = number of resolution elements; Nx = number of unscattered photons at x; P = number of prompt events; r = detector radius; R = number of random events, detector ring radius; S = total number of scattered events; t = detector width (axial thickness); T = distance along LOR, coincidence time window; Ttot = total number of true (unscattered + scattered) events; ∆d = sampling distance = spacing between adjacent LORs; " = scattering angle of photon; P = attenuation coefficient; W = timing resolution. See also: Fourier Transformation and Sampling Theory; PET, Methods and Instrumentation; Scattering Theory; Statistical Theory of Mass Spectra.

Further reading

Bendriem B and Townsend DW (eds) (1998) The Theory and Practice of 3D PET. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic. Herman GT (1980) Image Reconstruction from Projections: The Fundamentals of Computerized Tomography. New York: Academic Press. Jones T (1996) The imaging science of positron emission tomography. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine 23: 807–813. Kinahan PE and Rogers JG (1989) Analytic 3D image reconstruction using all detected events. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science NS-36: 964–968. Knoll GF (1979) Radiation Detection and Measurement. New York: Wiley. Murray IPC, Ell PJ and Strauss HW (eds) (1994) Nuclear Medicine in Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone. Phelps M, Mazziotta J and Schelbert H (1986) Positron Emission Tomography and Autoradiography: Principles and Applications for the Brain and Heart. New York: Raven Press. Shepp LA and Vardi V (1982) Maximum likelihood reconstruction for emission tomography. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, MI-1: 113–122. Webb S (ed) (1988) The Physics of Medical Imaging. Bristol: Institute of Physics Publishing.

Barret HH and Swindell W (1981) Radiological Imaging: The Theory of Image Formation, Detection, and Processing. San Diego: Academic Press.

Pharmaceutical Applications of Atomic Spectroscopy Nancy S Lewen and Martha M Schenkenberger, Bristol-Myers Squibb, New Brunswick, NJ, USA Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction The United States Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations require the complete characterization of drug compounds. Since most pharmaceutical agents are organic compounds, much of this characterization involves various chromatography-based analytical techniques, as well as NMR, IR and various physical testing methods (such as DSC, TGA and XRD). The field of atomic spectroscopy has not traditionally played a major role in the characterization of pharmaceutical products, but on closer inspection it is clear that absorption and emission spectroscopic techniques can play a valuable role

ATOMIC SPECTROMETRY Applications in the process of drug development and the quality of the product that finally reaches consumers. From drug synthesis to quality control (QC) monitoring of over-the-counter medications, metals are found in all phases of the drug development process. Many metal-based products are used as imaging agents, and metals are used in the synthesis of drug substances, as excipients in tablets, capsules and liquids. In addition, trace metals can arise from the equipment used to manufacture a drug substance or compound. Because of the prevalence of metals associated with the drug development and manufacturing process, various atomic and emission-based techniques are often used to help fully characterize


pharmaceutical products. The wide variety of pharmaceutical dosage forms and matrices, such as tablets, capsules, injectables, liquids, effervescing compounds, ointments and creams, makes the development of analytical methods and the analysis of samples a challenging and interesting process. In this article we will describe the types of situations in the pharmaceutical industry where an analyst is likely to use atomic spectroscopy to solve the analytical problem and meet regulatory requirements. The pharmaceutical development process described will be based on the regulations and requirements in the USA.

Techniques of interest in the analysis of pharmaceutical products The need for the determination of metallic constituents or impurities in pharmaceutical products has, historically, been addressed by ion chromatographic methods or various wet-bench methods (e.g. the USP heavy metals test). As the popularity of atomic spectroscopy has increased, and the equipment has become more affordable, spectroscopy-based techniques have been routinely employed to solve analytical problems in the pharmaceutical industry. Table 1 provides examples of metal determinations in pharmaceutical matrices, using spectroscopic techniques, and the reasons why these analyses are important. Flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS), graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry Table 1

(GFAAS), inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES – also referred to as inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy, or ICP-OES) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) are all routinely utilized in pharmaceutical applications. While there are other techniques of note available, such as microwave induced plasma (MIP) or direct coupled plasma (DCP), they have not been routinely used in the pharmaceutical industry, and will, therefore, not be discussed here. The theories involved in the use of FAAS, GFAAS, ICP and ICP-MS may be found in other articles of this Encyclopedia. The first atomic spectroscopic techniques to see increased usage in the pharmaceutical field were FAAS and GFAAS. Among the current instrumental techniques available, they are among the most inexpensive, and have seen considerably more usage in all fields of endeavour, thus availing the pharmaceutical analyst of a vast array of knowledge upon which to draw and develop analytical methods. Because of the relatively low cost of the instrumentation, as well as its ease of use, QC laboratories in the pharmaceutical industry are more likely to have this type of atomic spectroscopy equipment than any other type. The speed and sensitivity of FAAS for elements such as Na, K and Li make it superior to wetbench techniques. Examples of pharmaceutical products which require Na, K or Li determinations are nafcillin sodium (an antibiotic), oral solutions of potassium chloride (an electrolyte replenisher) and Lithane (a psychotropic drug).

Examples of metals that are determined in pharmaceutical analyses


Reason for assay/therapeutic area of use

Suggested analytical technique


1. 2. 3. 1.

1. 2. 3. 1.

Graphite furnace AA ICP-AES ICP-AES, graphite furnace AA Graphite furnace AA

2. 3. 1. 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2.



Au B Ba Bi Br Ca

2. 3. 1. 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. 3.

Determination of geographical origin of illicit drugs Complex formation with drug for indirect determination (e.g. tetracycline) Monitor Ag content of material (e.g. antiseptic creams, ophthalmic solutions) Monitor Al in antihaemophilia preparations, which are sometimes precipitated with aluminium hydroxide. Determine geographical origin of illicit drugs Monitor Al concentratiosns in dialysis solutions. Monitor Au concentration in arthritis drugs Monitor for presence of B in regrents used in synthesis Monitor for leaching of B from glass vials, containers Determination of geographical origin of material (e.g. illicit drugs) Monitor Ba content in materials (e.g. used for diagnostic imaging) Indirect determination of cocaine Monitor Bi content in materials (e.g. antacid products) Determination of geographical origin of material (e.g. illicit drugs) Monitor for presence of reagents used in synthesis, or as part of the compound Determination of Ca in calcium supplements and vitamins Monitor Ca impurities in magnesium oxide (often used as an excipient in pharmaceutical preparations) Determination of geographical origin of material (e.g. illicit drugs)



Element Cd

Contd. Reason for assay/therapeutic area of use 1. Monitor Cd in dialysis solutions 2. Monitor heavy metals content of medicinal plants or herbal drugs


3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1.

Cs Cu

2. 3. 4. 1. 1.


2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Fe

Gd Hg

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 1. 2.

I In K Li

1. 1. 1. 2. 1. 2.


1. 2. 3.


1. 2. 1. 1.

Mo Na

2. Ni

1. 2.

Suggested analytical technique 1. Graphite furnace AA 2. Graphite furnace AA, flame AA Determination of geographical origin of material (e.g. illicit drugs) 3. ICP-MS. Monitor trace metals content in materials (e.g. penicillin G) 4. ICP-AES Complexing agent for indirect determination of drug (e.g. salicylic acid, lidocaine) 1. Flame AA Monitor Co in dialysis solutions 2. Graphite furnace AA Monitoring trace metals content in materials (e.g. penicillin G) 3. ICP-AES Determination of B-vitamins 4. HPLC-FAAS Complexing agent for indirect determination of drug (e.g. thioridazine, amitriptyl- 1. Flame AA ine, imipramine, orphenadrine) Determine geographic area of origin of illicit drugs 2. Graphite furnace AA Monitor trace metals content in materials (e.g. penicillin G) 3. ICP-AES Monitor Cr content in vitamins 4. Graphite furnace AA Monitor for presence of reagents used in synthesis 1. Flame AA Complexing agent for indirect determination of drug (e.g. lincomycin, isonicotinic 1. Flame AA acid hydrazid, ethambutol hydrochloride, neomycin, streptomycin) Monitor Cu in dialysis solutions 2. Flame AA, graphite furnace AA Moinitor heavy metals content in medicinal plants 3. Graphite furnace AA Determine Cu concentrations in vitamins 4. ICP-AES Monitor Cu in herbal drugs 5. Flame AA Monitor trace metals content in materials (e.g. penicillin G) 6. ICP-AES Determination of synthetic route and geographical origin of material 7. ICP-MS (e.g. illicit drugs or to prevent patent infringement) Monitor Fe in dialysis solutions 1. Flame AA Monitor Fe contamination in magnesium oxide (often used as excipient 2. Flame AA in pharmaceutical preparations) Monitor Fe concentrations in vitamins 3. ICP-AES Determination of geographical origin of illicit drugs 4. ICP-MS Determination of trace metals content of materials (e.g. penicillin G) 5. ICP-AES Monitor Fe concentrations in imaging agents. 6. ICP-AES, flame AA Monitor Gd content in imaging agents (e.g. Prohance) 1. ICP-AES Monitor Hg content of materials (e.g. antiseptic solutions and creams, 1. Flame AA ophthalmic solutions) Monitor heavy metals content of materials 2. ICP-MS 1. ICP-MS Determination of geographical origin of illicit drugs Monitor trace metals concentration in final drug substance Monitor for presence of reagents used in synthesis Monitor salt counter-ion concentration Monitor for presence of reagents used in synthesis Monitor Li concentration in drug (e.g. lithium-based psychotropic drugs for treatment of manic/depressive disorder) Determine Mg concentrations in vitamins Determination of geographical origin of illicit drugs Monitoring magnesium stearate content or magnesium oxide (used as lubricant, sorbent, respectively, in pharmaceuticals) Detemination of geographical origin of illicit drugs. Monitor trace metals content of materials (e.g. penicillin G) Monitor trace metals content of materials (e.g. penicillin G) Determination of synthetic route and geographical origin of material (e.g. to prevent patent infringement; illicit drugs) Monitor salt counter-ion concentration of salt content (e.g. in diagnostic agents, in electrolyte replenishing solutions, in cathartics) Monitor Ni in dialysis solutions Determination of geographical origin of illicit drugs

1. 1. 2. 1. 2.

ICP-MS Flame AA Flame AA, ICP Flame AA, ICP-MS Flame AA

1. ICP-AES 2. ICP-MS 3. ICP-AES, flame AA 1. 2. 1. 1.

Graphite furnace AA ICP-AES, ICP-MS ICP-AES Flame AA, ICP-MS

2. Flame AA, ICP-AES 1. Graphite furnace AA 2. Graphite furnace AA


Table 1



Reason for assay/therapeutic area of use 3. Monitor trace metals content of materials (e.g. penicillin G)



1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1.


2. 1.

Rh Sb

2. 1. 1.




Sn Sr Ti


2. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 1. 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Determine P concentration of vitamins Determination of geographical origin of illicit drugs Determination of constituents of materials (e.g. alendronate sodium) Determination of Pb in calcium supplements Monitor Pb in dialysis solutions Monitor heavy metals content in medicinal plants. Determination of geographical origin of illicit drugs Monitor trace metals content of materials (e.g. penicillin G) Determination of residual catalyst in pharmaceuticals (e.g. fosinopril, semisynthetic penicillin) Determination of geographical origin of illicit drugs Speciation of Pt-containing compounds (cisplatin, transplatin, carboplatin, JM-216) Monitor for residual catalysts Monitor for residual catalysts used in synthesis of pharmaceuticals Determination of synthetic route or geographical origin of material (e.g. for illicit drugs, or to prevent patent infringement) Monitor Sb content in materials (e.g. final drug substances) Monitor for presence of reagents used in synthesis Monitor Se concentration in vitamins Monitor Se concentration in anti-fungal and anti-seborrhoeic products Determination of geographical origin of illicit drugs Monitor for Si contamination from silicone-based compounds used in packaging processes Monitor for silica gel (used to prevent caking or as a suspending agent) Monitor for presence of reagents used in synthesis Monitor heavy metals content of materials Determination of geographical origin of illicit drugs Determine Ti concentration in sunscreens (titanium dioxide is often used in sunscreens) Monitor trace metals content of materials (e.g. penicillin G) Monitor heavy metals content in medicinal plants Determine Zn concentration in vitamins Determination of geographical origin and synthetic route of material (e.g. illicit drugs or to prevent patent infringement) Monitor trace metals of content of materials (e.g. penicillin G) Monitor Zn content of materials (e.g. insulin, antibiotics, sunscreens)

The speed of FAAS is, undeniably, a tremendous asset of the technique. Sample analysis times of less than 1 min per sample enables the analyst to process numerous samples in a given day by FAAS. FAAS is particularly useful when analysing a trace level analyte in the presence of another metal whose concentration is very high. This situation is encountered when analysing products which incorporate a metal into the drug substance, such as Platinol (an oncology agent), Prohance (an imaging agent) and Myochrysine (a product used for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis). These products contain high concentrations of platinum, gadolinium and gold, respectively. These elements have very rich spectra, with numerous spectral lines, which may overlap

Suggested analytical technique 3. ICP-AES, ICP-MS, graphite furnace AA 1. ICP-AES 2. ICP-MS 3. ICP-AES 1. ICP-AES, graphite furnace AA 2. Flame AA 3. Graphite furnace AA 4. ICP-MS 5. ICP-AES 1. ICP-MS, graphite furnace AA 2. ICP-MS 1. HPLC-ICP-MS, graphite furnace AA 2. ICP-MS, graphite furnace AA 1. ICP-MS 1. ICP-MS 2. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2.

ICP-MS Graphite furnace AA, ICP-MS Graphite furnace AA, ICP-MS Graphite furnace AA, ICP-MS ICP-MS ICP-MS, ICP-AES

3. 1. 2. 1. 1.

ICP-AES Graphite furnace AA, ICP-MS Graphite furnace AA, ICP-MS Graphite furnace AA, ICP-MS Flame AA

2. 1. 2. 3.

ICP-AES Graphite furnace AA ICP-AES ICP-MS

4. ICP-AES 5. ICP-AES, flame AA

with the spectral lines of the analyte elements. In such cases, FAAS is a better choice for trace metals determinations than ICP-AES, since coincident line overlap is not a problem with the former technique, but presents a considerable problem for the latter. GFAAS is also commonly found in pharmaceutical company laboratories, owing to the affordability of this spectroscopic instrumentation. GFAAS is ideally suited for the analysis of samples which are available only in small quantity, because it requires considerably less sample for a given analysis than FAAS or any of the plasma-based techniques (e.g. 20 µL per determination, versus 3 mL per determination). Additionally, GFAAS has the ability to remove the sample matrix before atomization of the sample for analyte


determination, thus affording the analyst great versatility in the analysis of samples which are composed of rich organic matrices. As with FAAS, GFAAS is also well suited to those pharmaceutical applications where a low concentration analyte is determined in the presence of a high concentration metal. Second in popularity to atomic absorption based techniques for applications in the pharmaceutical industry is ICP-AES. This instrumentation affords the analyst greater flexibility, with a wider dynamic range and a broader range of elements which can be analysed in a single run. It is often employed to simultaneously determine metals such as Al, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni, Zn, P, B, Pd and Pt in pharmaceutical matrices. Though FAAS and GFAAS may also be used to monitor these elements, ICP-AES can scan all of these elements in a single analysis (either by scanning, or by the use of a simultaneous unit). In addition, ICP-AES can monitor multiple wavelengths for each element for confirmation of its presence, making it an attractive alternative to either FAAS or GFAAS. The wide linear range of ICP-AES is quite useful in the analysis of pharmaceutical samples, owing to the time saved in developing methods. In addition, the need to make multiple dilutions of a sample is eliminated, as is the need to run multiple standard concentrations within an analysis. Depending on the stage of development of a pharmaceutical product, the decision for selecting ICPAES over an AAS technique may simply be the amount of sample available for a set of analyses. The advent of axial ICP-AES systems, with their increased sensitivity, makes ICP-AES an excellent choice where large amounts of sample are not available. The axial ICP-AES system allows the analyst to use considerably less sample than in the past, while achieving the same detection limits and minimum quantifiable limits. Owing to its ability to monitor multiple wavelengths for a given analyte, and its wide linear range, ICP-AES is well suited for identity testing. An identity test is one in which the analyst is only confirming or denying the presence of a given analyte. In some cases, a compound may have a sufficiently high concentration of a given metal, making it possible to monitor the metal to determine if the compound is authentic. Monitoring of multiple wavelengths is often used to positively confirm the identity of the analyte metal, thus fulfilling the needs of an identity test. ICP is seeing more use as a sample introduction system for various hyphenated techniques. New to the pharmaceutical industry is the use of inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). ICP-MS offers excellent versatility and sensitivity to the analyst, and greatly complements any pharmaceutical

atomic spectroscopy laboratory. The sensitivity of the technique and its scanning capabilities make it an ideal choice for the analysis of pharmaceuticals in the early stages of development, when sample material may be in extremely short supply, as the chemists try to optimize and change the synthesis. ICP-MS has been used in our laboratories as an alternative to the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) heavy metals test, providing more accurate, element-specific results for several very toxic metals. The USP test requires a minimum of 1 g of material to perform the nonspecific sulfate ashing procedure. In comparison, the ICPMS procedure requires only 25 mg and provides element-specific information on 14 different metals. Additionally, ICP-MS is able to examine different isotopes of a given metal present in a sample. This can be quite useful when studying imaging agents, which may be formulated with radioisotopes as part of the desired active ingredient. ICP-MS is very useful in the analysis of trace metals in a matrix containing another metal at high concentrations. As noted before, coincident lines may cause problems for ICP-AES determinations in these cases, and the sensitivity or need for individual lamps may slow or preclude the use of FAAS or GFAAS for these determinations as well. With ICP-MS, the high concentration metal may be ‘skipped’, while several analyte metals present at trace concentrations may be examined in a single analysis. All of the techniques discussed have been used to analyse pharmaceutical products which have no chromophores and cannot be analysed by traditional UV-based chromatographic systems. In these cases, metallic complexes are formed with the compounds of interest and then indirectly determined by FAAS, GFAAS, ICP-AES or ICP-MS analysis. This approach can provide valuable information in a short time, one of the chief advantages of spectroscopic techniques when compared with a chromatographic technique, which may take several minutes to an hour per sample analysis. In addition to the situations where a pharmaceutical product is complexed with a metal before analysis by these techniques, FAAS, ICP-AES and ICP-MS are also used in concert with various chromatographic techniques, such as LC-ICP-AES, LC-ICP-MS, IC-ICP-AES, IC-ICP-MS, LC-FAAS and IC-FAAS. The coupling of chromatographic systems with FAAS, ICP-AES and ICP-MS instruments has provided the pharmaceutical analyst with tools which can be used to speciate metallic constituents in drug products, to achieve even lower detection limits, and to examine the different isotopes of metallic constituents present in a sample. Indeed, the sensitivity, flexibility and speed of each of these techniques prove to be valuable in the pharmaceutical industry.


The plasma-based techniques can also serve as detectors for laser ablation (LA) and electrothermal vaporization (ETV). These techniques are well-suited for the analysis of solid samples. ETV can also be used to analyse liquid and slurry samples. Both techniques use small quantities of material and, when interfaced with ICP-MS, are quite sensitive. A cool plasma accessory can also be interfaced with the ICPMS. This allows for the removal or minimization of interferences caused by the formation of molecular species in the plasma, permitting the determination of Li, Na, Ca, K, Fe and Cr which can not be analysed successfully by conventional ICP-MS. Such analyses exhibit the same sensitivity as afforded by FAAS.

How is an analytical technique selected in a pharmaceutical laboratory? The stages of the drug development process – some background

The role that atomic spectroscopy plays in the pharmaceutical industry may be directly linked to the various stages of the drug development process. To understand how these techniques might be encountered it is important to examine, in closer detail, what happens during each step of the drug development process. From the time a potential new drug candidate is identified to the time that it reaches the market it undergoes considerable testing and evaluation. It is imperative that the testing and evaluation of a new drug candidate be completed as quickly as possible, since the pharmaceutical company’s patent on a drug has a finite life. The patent gives the pharmaceutical company exclusive rights to the production and sale of the drug once it is approved by the FDA. Once the drug goes off patent, other pharmaceutical companies are allowed to produce a generic form of the Table 2

drug. The sale of these generic forms can have a great impact on the sales of the originator company product. One of the goals of drug development is to maximize the length of time in which the company has exclusive marketing rights. It is not uncommon for the sales of a major pharmaceutical product to exceed $1 billion a year at the time the exclusivity period expires. This translates to ∼ $100 million per month or more. Thus, each month the company can reduce from the development cycle can literally be worth hundreds of millions of dollars. SmithKline-Beecham’s product, Tagamet, illustrates this well. The earnings from the sale of Tagamet were £484 million in 1994 (last year of exclusivity). The earnings in 1995, the first full year Tagamet was off patent, were £286 million, a drop of almost 41%. Therefore, it is beneficial to the company to reduce the time and expense required to get a drug product through the discovery and development phases to market. The steps and the goals of each phase in the development process are quite specific and well defined by the FDA, and are summarized in Table 2. Preclinical (discovery) testing

The earliest stage of drug development is the preclinical or discovery phase. During this phase, a potential drug candidate is identified, and work begins on developing an optimal synthesis. Preliminary assessments are made regarding the safety and biological activity of the potential drug candidate in laboratory and animal studies. At this stage of development, the synthetic chemist has very little experience with the molecule and may utilize exotic catalysts to produce the first few grams of the materials. Analyses of preliminary batches of the drug candidate and key intermediates are performed to ensure the preliminary safety data is reflective of the drug candidate and not impurities generated by the synthetic process. Since

The phases of the drug development process

Step in the drug development process Preclinical (discovery) phase Phase I clinical trials (IND phase ) Phase II clinical trials (IND phase)

Phase III clinical trials (IND phase)

FDA review/approval process

Goal/objective of the step in the process Assess the drug’s safety and biological activity in the laboratory and animal studies Establish the safety and bioavailability of the compound in humans. This is typically done in studies using healthy volunteers Determine proof-of-principle for the drug’s mode of action. Monitor for any possible side effects and evaluate the drug’s effectiveness. This study uses patient volunteers who have the disease / condition for which the drug is targeted Establish dose form and dosage strength for registrational filing. Continue to monitor possible side effects and adverse reactions. Verify the effectiveness of the drug in the targeted patient population. This study involves many more patient volunteers than the Phase II study The FDA reviews the new drug application (NDA). If it is fully approved, the drug may proceed to market. If the NDA is not fully approved, the FDA may require additional testing, answers to questions or it may reject the application


Figure 1 Flow chart of method development decision-making process. Reproduced with permission of the editor from Atomic Spectroscopy: Pharmaceutical Applications of Atomic Spectroscopy 12(9): 14–23 (1997) published by Advanstar Communications.

patents have finite lifetimes, time is of the essence, especially at this early stage, when the drug has not yet been evaluated in man. During this phase of development the salt and/or crystal form of the drug substance may not have been selected. As a result, samples analysed can vary in solubility properties, pH, purity, etc. Analyses that are typically performed include counterion, trace metals (from equipment sources, e.g. stainless steel) and trace catalyst determinations. The flow chart given in Figure 1 illustrates the thought processes involved in the selection of a given analytical technique for the determination of metals in pharmaceutical related samples. The atomic spectroscopist is typically involved in supporting a new potential drug candidate before the final salt and/or crystal form have been selected. Several forms of the drug substance (salt forms, and/or polymorphs) are considered during the discovery phase and are generated in small laboratory batches via several synthetic pathways or crystallization procedures. The atomic spectroscopy laboratory plays an important role in the selection of the final form by assaying these samples for trace metals, salt counter-ions and trace catalysts used in the syntheses. Once a final form has been selected, testing continues to support the optimization of the synthetic process.

The selection of an appropriate analytical technique is highly dependent upon the time constraints that pharmaceutical companies set for the complete development of a drug product. As the costs of developing drugs has risen, the push within the pharmaceutical industry has been to reduce the time from discovery to the clinical studies as much as possible. This is driven by the fact that somewhere between one in seven and one in ten potential drug candidates in development actually make it to market. Therefore, results on preclinical samples are usually required in a short time (a few days, or hours) so that refinements to the synthetic process can be made, if necessary. The technique that is chosen for the assay must be rapid, meet the sensitivity requirements and generally consume small quantities of material. To expedite the analysis, it is prudent to perform as many determinations as possible in one assay. ICPAES and ICP-MS are well suited for this type of determination; however, they are not ideal for all trace metals. The elements Na and K must be analysed by FAAS unless they are present at concentrations high enough for ICP-AES. Once the final form has been selected and the synthesis refined, methods are developed and validated for metals that are present in reagents used in the synthesis, metals that may arise from the equipment used in the synthesis and metals that are incorporated into


the active ingredient in the final drug product. Validated methods are often required for synthetic intermediates as well. In addition, the FDA requires that a method be validated for the determination of heavy metals (i.e. lead, mercury, etc.) in the final drug substance. The USP heavy metals test requires one gram of sample for each determination. This method is non-specific and is based on a sulfate ashing of the sample, followed by a colorimetric comparison with a lead solution standard. Since this much material is usually not available in this phase of drug development, ICP-MS has been demonstrated to be an excellent technique for the determination of heavy metals in early development drug candidates. ICP-MS offers element-specific information and utilizes substantially less sample. In addition to support of the drug substance, analyses are performed on starting materials and any raw materials used in the last step of the synthesis. Small batches of the drug substance which will be used in animal toxicology and pharmaco*kinetic studies must also be analysed. Once a synthetic process and final form have been selected, an investigational new drug (IND) application is filed with the FDA. Clinical (IND) phase

The IND contains information regarding the drug’s composition and synthesis and lists all specifications that have been set for the drug substance. Specifications are set for many tests, which may include trace metals. All subsequent batches of the drug that will be used in clinical studies must meet these specifications before their release. The IND contains information regarding animal toxicology study data and protocols for clinical trails. The IND clinical study protocol for a new drug candidate consists of three clinical phases (Table 2). Optimization and refinement of the synthetic process continues during the IND phase. The synthetic chemists scale up the synthesis to produce kilogram size batches. Support of this stage of drug development is similar to that performed to support synthesis optimization on small laboratory batches during the preclinical phase. Validated methods must be refined as the synthesis is refined, because even the slightest change in the synthesis can have a profound effect on whether a previously validated method will continue to be adequate for the trace metal determination. The use of a different solvent or reagent can be sufficient to invalidate a method. During the preclinical stage of drug development, speed and sample consumption are typically the most important factors when selecting a technique; however, as the compound moves through the

clinical phase of development there are other factors to consider. First, the atomic spectroscopist must consider the analytes of interest and the sensitivity that is required. Speed is still an important issue; however, sample consumption is less of a critical factor, since batch sizes of several hundred grams to several kilograms are routinely being produced. One must consider whether the method will be transferred to a QC laboratory since the instrumentation within their laboratory will often dictate which spectroscopic technique is used. If a QC laboratory will be performing the analysis, then usually either FAAS or GFAAS will be preferred since this instrumentation is typically found in QC laboratories, owing to the lower cost, compared with plasma-based instrumentation. This poses a challenge when one requires the sensitivity of GFAAS but must dissolve the drug substance in an organic solvent that is too viscous for GFAAS systems to handle. ICP-AES or ICP-MS would be the ideal alternative, but, most QC laboratories cannot afford such instrumentation. Once the development of the drug candidate passes into the clinical Phase II and III studies, the demand for bulk substance increases. The synthesis is scaled up in the pilot plant to batch sizes ranging from ten to several hundred kilograms, and eventually to final production size batches of the final drug substance. The atomic spectroscopist will sometimes be called upon to help troubleshoot the process during the scale-up. Troubleshooting samples come in a variety of forms: discoloured drug substance or intermediate; scrapings from the equipment used in the synthesis; reagents used in the synthesis; filters used in the synthesis; liquid streams from the processing or slurries that were produced owing to a malfunctioning of the equipment. Sometimes the chemist will have an idea as to why the process failed and can help narrow down the investigation for the analyst. The cause of a process excursion can range from the use of a reagent contaminated with metals to equipment failure, such as a lubrication oil or coolant leak or the corrosion of the stainless steel equipment by the reaction byproducts. ICP-MS is an excellent tool for assessing the problem quickly by performing qualitative or semiquantitative scans of the periodic table. If these scans indicate that any metals are present at concentrations high enough for concern (several parts per million), alternative techniques, such as ICP-AES or FAAS, are used to confirm and quantitate their presence in the sample. Usually, but not always, sample consumption is not of great concern, but the speed of the technique is critical, since the chemist cannot proceed with the processing of the batch(es) until the source of the problem is identified. In analysing oils, contaminated filters, discoloured drug substance or intermediates,


the analyst will often focus on the possible presence of wear metals from lubricating oils (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Sn and Mo), metals from coolant contamination (Na, K and B) and metals found in stainless steel (Ni, Cd, Pb, Al, Fe, Cr, Cu, Mn and Zn). ICP-AES is sensitive enough for most of these metals and, because it is capable of multielement analyses, it is also rapid enough to satisfy the short turn-around-times required for processing these samples. Na and K must be assayed by FAAS unless they are present at high enough concentrations for ICP-AES. LA-ICP-MS can be used to quickly analyse solid samples, such as filters or scrapings from the equipment. A minute amount of sample is consumed and analysis is fast, as no sample preparation is required. LA-ICP-MS is especially useful when analysing solid samples with distinct discolourations, since the laser can be focused on the area of interest to increase sensitivity. Each discoloured area can be ablated and assayed separately to determine its metallic composition. Often, these areas are caused by contamination from an oil or coolant that has leaked from the equipment. This affords the spectroscopist great selectivity over a conventional dilute-and-shoot method in which the small discoloured areas cannot be analysed separately. Before the introduction of cool plasma ICP-MS, qualitative ICP-MS scans did not provide accurate information on Li, Na, K, Ca, Cr and Fe (owing to spectral interferences or the element being easily ionized). Therefore, ICP-AES or FAAS assays were required for accurate information on these elements. The advent of cool plasma ICP-MS makes it possible to quickly analyse all metals using only one spectroscopic technique, which is important when only a small amount of sample is available. NDA phase (Phase IV)

In the final stage of drug development, a new drug application (NDA) is filed with the FDA. Animal and clinical studies continue during the NDA phase. Stability tests of the drug substance and product continue, including studies of the commercial formulation in the market packaging. The spectroscopy laboratory supports this stage of development by performing analyses that are included in the specifications that have been set for the drug substance and product, using the methods filed with the NDA. The spectroscopist may see samples during this phase that are generated when the process of the drug substance or product is transferred to a new production facility. The steps that are taken in selecting and using a spectroscopic technique are the same as those described in the previous section.

Table 3 Examples of pharmaceutical compounds which contain metals


Examples of uses in pharmaceutical compounds

Na, Mg, Ca, K Pt

Used in various excipients, in vitamins, in dialysis solutions and Eye Stream, a liquid used for irrigating eyes, contains Na, Mg and K Used in several oncology drugs: Paraplatin, Platinol and Cisplatin Zn Used in Insulin and in Cortisporin ointment (a steroid–antibiotic ointment) Li Used in Lithobid and Cibalith-S, both of which are used for the treatment of manic-depressive psychosis Al Often used in antacid preparations, such as AlternaGelTM or Mylanta Ag Used as a topical antimicrobial for the treatment of burns in Silvadene cream, 1% Au and Used in Myochrysine injection, for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis Na Fe Active ingredient in Chromagen, a drug used in the treatment of anaemia. Also, sometimes used in pigments for printing tablets or capsules Se Selsun Blue, a dandruff shampoo Mn Active ingredient in LumenHance, an imaging agent

The last stage in this phase consists of FDA inspections and a review of the NDA. During these inspections, the auditors may examine instrument calibration records and previous batch results to ensure that they were collected under Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) and/or Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). Based on the inspection, the FDA will either approve the new drug candidate, require additional testing, request answers to questions and concerns they have or reject the drug product. Some examples of pharmaceutical compounds that contain metals are given in Table 3. The role that the atomic spectroscopy laboratory plays in the drug development process is an important one. It helps ensures the safety and quality of the drug products that are approved by the FDA. See also: Atomic Absorption, Methods and Instrumentation; Atomic Absorption, Theory; Atomic Emission, Methods and Instrumentation; Biomedical Applications of Atomic Spectroscopy; Forensic Science, Applications of Atomic Spectroscopy; Hyphenated Techniques, Applications of in Mass Spectrometry; Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry, Methods; Inorganic Chemistry, Applications of Mass Spectrometry.

Further reading Ali SL (1983) Atomic absorption spectrometry in pharmaceutical analysis. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 1: 517–523. Lewen N, Schenkenberger M, Larkin T, Conder S and Brittain H (1995) The determination of palladium in


Fosinopril sodium (Monopril) by ICP-MS. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 13: 879–883. Lewen N, Schenkenberger M, Raglione T and Mathew S (1997) The application of several atomic spectroscopy techniques in a pharmaceutical analytical research and development laboratory. Spectroscopy 12: 14–23. Ma TS (1990) Organic elemental analysis. Analytical Chemistry 62: 78R–84R. (1992) Physician’s Desk Reference, 46th edn. Medical Economics Data, a division of Medical Economics Company. 1992. Rousselet F and Thuillier F (1979) Atomic absorption spectrometric determination of metallic elements in

pharmaceutical products. Progress in Analytical Atomic Spectroscopy 1: 353–372. Schulman SG and Vincent WR (1984) Atomic spectroscopy (in pharmaceutical analysis). Drugs Pharmaceutical Science 11: 359–399. Taylor A, Branch S, Crews HM and Halls DJ (1993) Atomic spectroscopy update – clinical and biological materials, foods and beverages. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 8: 79R–149R. United States Pharmacopeial Convention (1975). The United States Pharmacopeia, nineteenth revision. http://www.searlehealthnet.com/pipeline.html http://www.allp.com/drug _dev.html

Photoacoustic Spectroscopy, Applications Markus W Sigrist, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, Switzerland


Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction In conventional absorption spectroscopy the measurement of absorption is transferred to a measurement of the radiation power transmitted through the sample. On the contrary, in photoacoustic spectroscopy, the absorbed power is determined directly via its heat and hence the sound produced in the sample. Photoacoustics, also known as optoacoustics, was pioneered by AG Bell, in 1880. The photoacoustic (PA) effect concerns the transformation of modulated or pulsed radiation energy, represented by photons, into sound. In general, two aspects have to be considered: first, the heat production in the sample by the absorption of radiation; and secondly, the resulting generation of acoustic waves. Closely related to the PA effect are photothermal (PT) phenomena which are caused by the original heating via absorption of radiation. While the PA effect is detected via acoustic sensors such as microphones, hydrophones or piezoelectric devices, the PT phenomena are sensed via the induced changes of the refractive index of the media by probe beam deflection, thermal lensing or, also, PT radiometry. Both PA and PT spectroscopy are widely used today in many applications. Experimental aspects are outlined in a separate article while this article discusses the main characteristics of this spec-

troscopic tool. The great potential is illustrated with examples from applications on solids, liquids and gases as well as in life sciences.

Spectroscopic applications PA and PT phenomena are widely used for numerous non-spectroscopic applications such as the determination of thermal diffusivity, non-destructive testing of materials (in particular the probing of sub-surface defects) by thermal wave imaging, time-resolved studies of de-excitation processes or on biological photoreceptors, studies of phase transitions, etc. Here, only spectroscopic applications are considered that demonstrate the main characteristics and the potential of photoacoustic spectroscopy (PAS). In the following, illustrative examples are presented for solids, liquids, gases, biological and medical samples. Studies on solids

A main advantage of PAS applied to solids is the fact that no elaborate sample preparation is required and unpolished sample surfaces pose no problems. Since the PA signal is proportional to the absorbed energy, even spectra of strongly scattering samples, e.g. powders, can easily be measured. However, it should be


mentioned that owing to the complex nature of the signal generation involving interstitial gas expansion, etc., PA studies on powders are usually only qualitative. Another advantage is the high sensitivity that is achieved because the PA detection is a null method for measuring absorption. Hence, absorbances as low as 10–7 can be detected. For modulated radiation a simple theoretical model has been developed which is based on the fact that the acoustic signal is due to a periodic heat flow from the solid to the surrounding gas, as the solid is cyclically heated by the absorption of the chopped light. Six different cases are distinguished, depending on the optical and thermal properties of the solid samples. This allows the unique feature of measuring totally opaque materials which is impossible by conventional transmission measurements. Hence PAS is technique to study weak bulk and surface absorption in crystals and semiconductors, to evaluate the level of absorbed energy in thin films, to measure the spectra of oxide films in metals, various powders, organic materials, etc. and also to investigate multi-layered samples. An early example is shown in Figure 1 for the insulator Cr2O3. Spectrum (A) depicts the normalized PA spectrum of Cr2O3 powder in the 200 to 1000 nm region. In comparison spectrum (B) shows an optical absorption spectrum obtained on a 4.4 µm thick bulk crystal, taken parallel and vertical to the crystal c-axis whereas spectrum (C) represents a diffuse reflection spectrum of Cr2O3 powder. The advantage of PAS is obvious in that the two crystalfield bands of the Cr3+ ion at 460 and 600 nm are almost as clearly resolved in the PA spectrum of the powder as they are in the crystal spectrum, and substantially better resolved than in the diffuse reflectance spectrum. It should be noted, however, that the theoretical description of the PA effect in strongly scattering media is not straightforward and quantitative data are therefore difficult to determine from such spectra. Another example concerns adsorbates on the surfaces of solids. PAS is expected to be rather sensitive to surface adsorption, especially if the substrate is transparent or highly reflective in the wavelength region in which the adsorbate absorbs. Both sinusoidal modulation of the incident laser beam and pulsed lasers have been used for this purpose. An interesting version is the modulation of the laser beam polarization to suppress the background signal that originates from substrate absorption. A fraction of only 0.005 of a monolayer of ammonia (NH3) adsorbed on a cold silver substrate in ultrahigh vacuum was detected. An example is shown in Figure 2 where the PT signal is recorded as a function of time as ammonia is slowly admitted to the system and condenses

Figure 1 (A) Normalized PA spectrum of Cr2O3 powder, (B) optical transmission spectrum of a 4.4 µm thick Cr2O3 crystal, (C) diffuse reflectance spectrum of Cr2O3 powder. All spectra were taken at 300 K. Reproduced with permission of Academic Press from Rosencwaig A (1977). In: Pao Y-H (ed) Optoacoustic Spectroscopy and Detection. New York: Academic Press.

on the silver substrate. The signal of a microbalance as indicator of molecular coverage is monitored simultaneously. Later studies were aimed at investigating the kind of adsorption in more detail, e.g. to differentiate between chemisorption and physisorption, by combining the high spectral resolution and high sensitivity offered by pulsed laser PAS. In other studies, the wide free spectral range offered by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy combined with the step-scan methods has been increasingly applied in conjunction with PA detection for infrared spectral depth profiling of laminar and otherwise optically heterogeneous materials. IR spectra that are often unavailable by use of other techniques become accessible from samples that are strongly absorbing or even opaque, from strongly light-scattering samples and from samples in situ. The scheme is also applied as an analytical tool for chemical characterization and quantification, e.g. of


Studies on liquids

Figure 2 Photothermal signal and microbalance record versus exposure time as ammonia molecules are slowly adsorbed on a silver substrate. The maximum coverage is 0.8 monolayers, the ammonia partial pressure in the system is 8 × 10−9 torr. The noise level (left) indicates the signal from the clean substrate. Reproduced with permission of Elsevier from Coufal H, Trager F, Chuang T and Tam A (1984) Surface Science 145: L504.

polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in industrial waste management such as PCB contamination of soils. Finally, the available spectral range for PA studies on solids has been extended to the X-ray region by using hard X-rays from synchrotron radiation. As an example, the X-ray absorption near Cu K-edge regions has been measured on copper (Cu), Cu alloys (brass) and Cu compounds (CuO, Cu2O and CuInSe2) with a PA detector and compared with the usual Xray absorption (10 µm thick Cu and brass foils and < 50 µm thick powdered samples of CuO, Cu2O and CuInSe2 put on Scotch tape were used as specimens). It was found that the energy peak values derived from the PA spectra agree with those deduced from optical density spectra, suggesting that the heat production processes are also reflected in the absorption spectra. A more detailed insight is obtained by dividing the PAS data by the optical density data, i.e. by forming the ratios PAS:log(I0/It), which are proportional to the heat production efficiency. In Figure 3 these ratios are plotted for Cu, Cu2O and CuInSe2 versus the photon energy near the K-edge of Cu. The results clearly indicate differences between X-ray absorption and PA spectra and hence imply a spectral variation of the heat production efficiency. Obviously, the heat production process is also different in Cu2O compared with the other Cu compounds.

Experimental and theoretical PA and PT studies on liquids comprise a wide absorption range from ‘transparent’ to opaque liquids. For investigations on weakly absorbing media a flash-lamp-pumped dye laser with pulse energies of 1 mJ was used as excitation source and a submersed piezoelectric transducer for detecting the generated acoustic signals. The high sensitivity permits, e.g. the recording of the water spectrum in the visible range where accuracies of other techniques such as longpath absorption measurements are often limited. Another example concerns the study of weak overtones of the C–H stretch absorption band of hydrocarbons up to the 8th harmonic. In Figure 4 the absorption band of the 6th harmonic at 607 nm of benzene dissolved in CCl4 is plotted for different dilution ratios of benzene. With increasing dilution, the absorption peak is obviously blue-shifted and both the line width and the line asymmetry decrease. These and other results demonstrate that PAS permits the measurement of minimum absorption coefficients of 10–6 cm–1, corresponding to absorbed laser pulse energies of only 1 nJ. Another field of interest concerns analytical investigations on pollutants in liquids. Detection limits in the sub-ppb range were achieved by PAS, e.g. for carotene or cadmium in chloroform or for pyrene in heptane. More recently, pesticides in aqueous solutions have attracted interest. Different experimental arrangements with pulsed or CW pump lasers and various PA and PT lens detection schemes were used in these studies. Limits of detection are down to below 10–6 cm–1, corresponding to ppb concentrations. An example is presented in Figure 5 where the calibration curves for the detection of the dinitrophenol herbicide DNOC in aqueous solutions are compared with the untreated standard solution. The techniques used involved PT techniques, namely PT deflection spectroscopy (PDS, Figure 5A), thermal lensing (TL, Figure 5B), PT interferometric spectroscopy (PIS, Figure 5C), PAS (Figure 5D) and a conventional spectrophotometer (Cary 2400, Figure 5E). Obviously, the detection limit of the spectrophotometer in the low ppb (µg kg–1) range is exceeded by the PA and PT methods. In particular, TL and PDS appear superior in the determination of environmental pollutants. It should be noted that both US and EU standards require detection limits of 0.1 µg L–1 for pesticides in drinking water. On the other end of the scale are opaque or strongly absorbing liquids. PA spectroscopy offers the great advantage that absorption coefficients that are two to three orders of magnitude higher than is


Figure 3 X-ray PA spectra normalized with optical transmission spectra (PAS : logI0/It), where I0 and It denote the incident and transmitted intensity, respectively, at the K-edge region for different copper compounds. (A) Pure Cu, (B) Cu2O and (C) CuInSe2. Reproduced with permission of IGP AS, Trondheim, Norway from Toyoda T, Masujima T, Shiwaku H and Ando M (1995) Proceedings of the 15th International Congress on Acoustics, Vol I, 443.


Figure 4 PA spectra of the 6th harmonic absorption of the C–H bond of benzene dissolved in carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) in arbitrary linear units, as the volume dilution ratios indicate. The positions of the absorption peaks are given. Reproduced with permission of the Optical Society of America (OSA) from Tam AC, Patel C and Kerl R (1979) Optics Letters 4: 81.

accessible by conventional transmission spectroscopy can be determined without difficulties. Various schemes have been proposed for this case including the optothermal window. As example, the transfatty acid (TFA) content of margarine was determined using a CO2 laser and the optothermal window. Good agreement with alternative techniques such as FTIR, gas–liquid chromatography and thin-layer chromatography was obtained. Studies on gases

Early PAS studies on gases had already demonstrated the high sensitivity that is achieved with a rather simple setup and have subsequently favoured further developments in trace gas monitoring. In comparison with conventional optical absorption measurements, PAS offers the following main advantages: (i) only short pathlengths are required which enables measurements at wavelengths outside of atmospheric transmission windows, (ii) the microphone as detector represents a simple room-temperature device with a wavelength-independent responsivity, (iii)

Figure 5 Calibration curves for the dinitrophenol herbicide DNOC in aqueous solution when using different techniques: (A) PDS: Photothermal deflection spectroscopy, (B) TL: thermal lensing, (C) PIS: Photothermal interferometric spectroscopy, (D) PAS: a photoacoustic spectroscopy, (E) a conventional spectrophotometer Cary 2400. Reproduced with permission of SPIE from Faubel W (1997) Detection of pollutants in liquids and gases. In: Mandelis A and Hess P (eds) Life and Earth Sciences. Progress in Photothermal and Photoacoustic Science and Technology, Vol III, Chapter 8. Bellingham: SPIE.

scattering effects are less important, and (iv) the dynamic range comprises at least five orders of magnitude. Measurements are generally performed with the gas either contained in or flowed through a specially designed PA cell. Typically, a minimum detectable absorption coefficient αmin of the order of 10–8 cm–1 atm–1, corresponding to ppb (10–9) concentrations, i.e. densities of µg m–3, is achieved with laserbased setups. At the cost of dynamic range this limit can be lowered further to the 2) ions produced in a supersonic expansion of argon originated exclusively by dissociative photoionization from higher-order clusters. Only in the case of Ar2 could ions of that mass be produced without the accompanying dissociation. This was obvious from the broad peak widths, which showed no evidence of any narrow components for Ar other than for n=2. Ion dissociation rate measurements

The dissociation rates of metastable ions can be measured by PEPICO because the ion TOF distribution is very sensitive to the position of dissociation in the acceleration region. Ions that dissociate rapidly gain the full kinetic energy in the acceleration region, whereas ions that dissociate some distance into the acceleration region end up with less kinetic energy

Figure 4 The PEPICO TOF distribution of ArCO•+ ions from various precursor cluster ions. The sharp peak is due to the direct ionization of ArCO dimers, whereas the broad peak with a width of 160 ns is due to dissociative ionization of Ar2CO trimers. Reproduced with permission from Mahnert J, Baumgartel H and Weitzel KM (1997) The formation of ArCO+ ions by dissociative ionization of argon/carbon monoxide clusters. Journal of Physical Chemistry 107: 6667–6676.

Figure 5 The derived kinetic energy release from the energyselected Ar2CO•+ ions as a function of the trimer ion internal energy. The solid line is a calculated kinetic energy release based on the statistical theory of dissociation: phase space theory (PST) or the version of PST due to C.E. Klots. AP is the threshold energy for ArCO+ formation. The onset leads to a heat of formation of the trimer ion. Reproduced with permission from Mahnert J, Baumgartel H and Weitzel KM (1997) The formation of ArCO+ ions by dissociative ionization of argon/carbon monoxide clusters. Journal of Physical Chemistry 107: 6667–6676.

because it is partitioned between the ion and neutral fragments. Typical ion TOF distributions of products formed from metastable C6H ions are shown in Figure 6. The benzene ion dissociates via four major paths at low ion energies:

Only the latter two fragments are shown in Figure 6 because the mass difference between the parent ion and the H and H2 loss channels are not sufficient to be resolved in this low-resolution TOF spectrum. However, what is evident is the asymmetry of the C4H and C3H ion TOF distributions. The peak shapes can be modelled (solid lines in Figure 6) knowing the mass of the ions, the electric field, the length of the acceleration and drift distances, and the ion dissociation rate, which is an adjustable parameter. As the ion energy is increased from 14.85 eV to 15.32 eV, the rate constant increases from 0.16 to ∼ 1.2 µs−1.


dissociation (DE) by

Figure 6 (k = rate constant; ET = total ion energy) The PEPICO TOF distribution of C3H and C4H ions from energy-selected C6H ions. The asymmetric TOF distributions are a result of the slow reaction of the metastable ions. The solid lines are calculated distributions using the mean ion dissociation rate as an adjustable parameter. Reproduced with permission from Baer T, Willet GD, Smith D and Phillips JS (1979) The dissociation dynamics of internal energy selected C6H . Journal of Chemical Physics 70: 4076–4085.

Thus, if any two of the three heats of formation are known, the third can be calculated from the measured dissociation energy, DE. Many heats of formation derived using this approach have been reported. However, the validity of this method depends upon a rapid dissociation of the molecular ion. What is actually measured is the appearance energy, AE, of the product ions which is always greater than DE. Ions prepared just above their dissociation threshold often fragment very slowly (e.g. k . In this case, the main interactions suffered by the nucleus are the chemical shift and the dipolar

Quadrupole effects on spin- NMR spectra Simple MAS spectra

In this section we explain the basis of the success of MAS in achieving spectral narrowing in solid-state NMR. When a single, observed spin- I nucleus is coupled to a single quadrupolar S nucleus, the complete Hamiltonian is:

where HZ(I) and HZ(S) are the Zeeman terms for nuclei I and S respectively. They are given by:

where ν0I = γΙB0 and ν0S = γSB0 are the nominal NMR frequencies. The forms of the other Hamiltonian terms appearing in Equation [1] are summarised in Table 2. The usual assumption in computing NMR spectral resonances is to consider that the Zeeman terms are


Table 2

Hamiltonian terms affecting an I,S spin system and secular contributions to the NMR spectra.

Term h Hcs(I) h –1Hcs(S) h –1HD(I,S) h –1J(I,S) h –1HQ(S) –1

Interaction Chemical shift of I Chemical shift of S Direct dipolar coupling b,c Indirect dipolar coupling c,d Quadrupole couplinge

Affected nucleus I S I and S I and S S

Secular contribution to NMR spectraa –Q0I[Viso(I ) – ∆V(I)(1 − 3 cos2T)/3]Iz –Q0S[Viso(S ) – ∆V(S )(1 – 3 cos2T)/3]Sz D IzSz(1 – 3 cos2T) J isoIzSz – (∆J/3)IzSz(1 – 3 cos2T)

The angle T between the main tensor axes and the external magnetic field is characteristic of each interaction; the expressions shown in this table are valid only if the relevant tensors are axially symmetric and coaxial. b D = (P /4S)(J J h/4S2r 3) is the dipolar coupling constant (r 0 I S l,S I,S is the internuclear distance). c The secular contributions for these interactions are valid for heteronuclear spin systems. For hom*onuclear spin systems, the flip-flop term containing (I+S – + I–S+) is also secular. d The usual assumption of J coaxial with D leads to an effective dipolar constant D ′ = D – (∆J )/3. e The quadrupole coupling constant is defined as F= e2Qq /h. zz a

dominant in Equation [1], and thus that first-order perturbation theory can be applied. Using the information given in Table 2, the NMR lines for an observed I nucleus are given by

the spinning frequency. Suitable analysis of the intensities of these sidebands allows of the chemical shift parameters ∆V and K for nucleus I. Second-order effects

where mS S, S1, }, S 1, S are the spin components for nucleus S. Equation [4] is true provided the relevant tensors V, D and J are axially symmetric and coaxial. Notice that the quadrupole interaction plays no role in Equation [4], owing to the fact that the latter does not contain I spin operators (Table 2). If MAS is applied at a sufficiently high speed, i.e. when the sample spinning frequency Qr is larger than the effective anisotropy ('VQ0I– 3mSD′), the factor (1 – 3 cos2 T) in Equation [4] becomes (1 – 3 cos2[) [1 – 3 cos2(54.7°)]/2 (here [ is the angle between the main axes of the interaction tensors and the sample spinning axis). Since cos2(54.7°) = , Equation [4] predicts, under MAS, a J-coupled multiplet centred at the isotropic I chemical shift:

i.e. a solution-like spectrum. This constitutes the basis of the successful applications of MAS which led to the development of high-resolution solid-state NMR. When the spinning speed is low, the result is well known: the isotropic resonance appears flanked by a number of sidebands, located at integer multiples of

The simple, solution-like Equation [5] was found to apply in most solid-state NMR spectra. However, conference reports in 1979, and papers in the scientific literature soon after, showed both experimentally and theoretically that this was not the case when the quadrupole interaction at a neighbouring S nucleus is comparable to its Zeeman interaction. To interpret these results, first-order theory needs to be corrected with second-order effects. The latter are the result of the interplay of the tensors D and q, through non-secular terms of the corresponding HD(I,S) and HQ(S) Hamiltonians (specifically, the single quantum transition terms containing the operators I±Sz and IzS±). They lead to the appearance of terms having an orientational dependence other than (1 − 3 cos2T), which cannot be averaged out even by high-speed MAS. Second-order theory allowed the derivation of the following simple equation:

From the second-order shift (the last term in the right-hand side of Equation [6]), the following six conclusions can be drawn. (1) Second-order effects scale inversely with the applied magnetic field, in contrast to Jiso or chemi-


cal shift effects. Thus, experiments conducted at different fields provide evidence that the observed splittings are indeed due to quadrupole effects. (2) The second-order shifts depend on m , and therefore their values occur in pairs. When Jiso = 0 (and ∆J is also zero), Equation [6] predicts the I line as a 2:1 doublet for S = 1, and as a 1:1 doublet for S = 3/2 (Figures 2A and 2B). Simple equations for the doublet splittings s (Figures 2A and 2B) exist (Eqn [6]): s = 9DF/ 10Q0S for S = 1, and for s = 6DF/10ν0S for S = 3/2. Notice that for S = 1 the doublet is asymmetric (Figure 2A), causing s to have a definite sign (the convention is that s is positive if the smallest peak appears at higher frequencies). For a finite Jiso, the I line is predicted to be a distorted J-multiplet (Figures 2C and 2D). Since the outermost lines of the multiplet shift in opposite direction as compared with the innermost lines, the spectra are ‘bunched’ at one end, in a manner which also depends on the sign of F the quadrupole coupling constant (Table 2). It should be noticed that in all cases the lines are not single peaks but have a distinct powder pattern shape (Figures 3A and 4A). (3) The average of the second-order shifts over mS is zero, and hence the isotropic Viso(I) is obtained by averaging the multiplet line frequencies.

(4) The value of Jiso is obtained by averaging the multiplet line spacings, or from the central spacing if S is half-integer (Figures 2C and 2D). (5) The sign of s or the sense of spectral ‘bunching’ provides experimental access to the sign of χ, which is difficult to obtain from other techniques. An exception is the 1:1 doublet for S = 3/2 and Jiso = 0, in which case the information on the sign of F is lost. (6) If the molecular geometry and the quadrupole parameters are known, the observation of distorted multiplets may allow the determination of the asymmetry in the J tensor ∆J. When the assumptions of axial symmetry and coaxiality among the tensors are relaxed, the following general equation is obtained:

Equation [7] incorporates not only F but also KQ, as well as two angles ( ED and DD) that fix the mutual orientation of D and q. As expected, Equation [6] is a special case of Equation [7] when ED = 0, i.e. when D and q are coaxial. Finally, when the value of F is larger than the NMR frequency Q0S second-order theory breaks down, and one needs to resort to complete full-matrix Hamiltonian calculations, with the results shown in Figures 3B and 4B for S = 1 and S = 3/2, respectively (in both cases Jiso = 0). As can be appreciated, for low values of the ratio (F/Q0S) the predictions of Equation [6] are in agreement with the full calculations. It is important to note that the effects described by Equation [6] are only observed in rigid solids. Both in solution and in highly mobile solid phases, random molecular motions average out all anisotropic contributions, leaving only Equation [5] (a further motional effect may be a fast quadrupole relaxation on nucleus S, which would erase the multiplet structure of the I signal). Experimental examples and applications

Figure 2 Spectral appearance of the solid-state NMR spectrum of a spin- nucleus (I), including second-order quandrupole effects from S when: (A) S = 1, Jiso = 0; (B) S = , Jiso = 0; (C) S = 1, Jiso ≠ 0; (D) S = , Jiso ≠ 0. In all cases Equation [6] applies, with F positive. The frequency axes increase from right to left.

Tables 3 and 4 summarize nuclear, molecular and structural parameters as well as the spectral appearance for some studied spin pairs giving rise to second-order quadrupole effects on the I line, as described above. In the case of 13C, 14N, the ratios (F/ Q0S) are low and have therefore been studied mainly


Figure 3 (A) Powder pattern line shape of an I nucleus coupled to a quadrupolar (S = 1) nucleus when (F/Q0S) = 1, Jiso = 0. The frequency axis is in units of the dipolar coupling constant D. (B) Frequencies (in units of D) of the three lines expected for an I,S pair (S = 1) as a function of the ratio F/Q0S. The line positions marked with symbols have been obtained by full-matrix Hamiltonian calculations. The solid lines are the values given by Equation [6].

on the basis of the simple Equation [6] (and its extension to non-symmetric q tensors); in most cases Jiso = 0 and D′ = D (see Table 2). The theoretical equations have been used to (1) predict the spectral appearance once the molecular geometry and the quadrupole parameters are known, (2) to derive approximate values of F (including sign) from the spectra and (3) to aid in spectral assignment, since the affected carbons appear as characteristic doublets. Most studies on 13C, 14N second-order effects were done using relatively low field solid-state NMR spectrometers. The advent of high-field instruments has displaced this interesting phenomenon to a rather unfortunate second place: at 7.05 T the effects are rarely seen, unless favourable circ*mstances occur. An interesting example is provided by a recently studied metal cyanide polymer, in which the molecular geometry suggests that all relevant tensors V, D and q are axially symmetric and coaxial. The 13C solid-state

MAS NMR spectrum at 7.05 T and high spinning speed shows three asymmetric doublets (corresponding to non-equivalent cyanide sites), from which values of F in the range –1.9 to –2.5 MHz have been derived (Figure 5). The sideband shapes are also doublets with characteristic line shapes, and have been successfully simulated using second-order theory (Figure 6). This simulation also provided, as a by-product, 'V = 350 ppm for the 13C chemical shift tensor. Another spin-1 nucleus causing second-order effects is 2H (Table 3). 13C MAS NMR spectra of solid deuterated organic molecules show distorted triplets, as expected from Equation [6] when Jiso ≠ 0. In this case, the small value of F for 2H is compensated by a large dipolar coupling constant D (Table 4). In the case of 13C nuclei coupled to chlorine (Table 3), the values of (F/Q0S) for 35,37Cl are such


Figure 4 (A) Powder pattern line shape of an I nucleus coupled to a quadrupolar (S = 3/2) nucleus when F/Q0S = 1, Jiso = 0. The frequency axis is in units of the dipolar coupling constant D. (B) Frequencies (in units of D ) of the four lines expected for an I,S pair (S = 3/2) as a function of the ratio (F/Q0S). The line positions marked with symbols have been obtained by full-matrix Hamiltonian calculations. The solid lines are the values given by Equation [6].

that 1:1 doublets are observed even at high fields, as described by Equation [6] when Jiso is negligible. On the other hand, in 119Sn spectra of chlorostannic compounds, distorted quartets have been observed which allowed the determination of the parameter 'J (Table 4). Notice that axial symmetry and coaxiality of D and q are plausible assumptions for the X–Cl bond. Since the nuclear properties of both chlorine isotopes are similar (Table 3), only average effects are observed in the spectra, except in the special circ*mstances of very high spectral resolution. When the quadrupolar nucleus is bromine, Jiso effects are important, and 13C NMR spectra of C–Br carbons appear as asymmetrically distorted quartets (Figure 7). Further, the ratio (F/Q0S) is in this case large (Tables 3 and 4), and second-order theory cannot be applied. Thus, full-matrix calculations were used to account for the observed spectra, as well as a so-called ‘inverse’ first-order theory, in which the Zeeman term is considered as a small perturbation

on the quadrupole Hamiltonian. In any case, knowing both the C–Br distance and Br quadrupole coupling constants, and assuming axial symmetry of all tensors around the C–Br bond, allows one to derive approximate values of Jiso and 'J from the spectra (Table 4). As with chlorine, the separate effects of both bromine isotopes are difficult to distinguish (Table 3). Finally, cases involving 31P coupled to metals should be mentioned. Spectra which involve coupling of 31P to several quadrupolar metals, e.g. 63,65Cu (S = 3/2), 55Mn (S = 5/2), 59Co (S = 7/2) and 93Nb (S = 9/2) have been found to consist of dis-torted J-multiplets, as expected from Equation [6]. The pair 31P, 63,65Cu has been extensively studied in a series of phosphine-Cu(I) complexes. Since the ratio (F/Q0S) is low, second-order theory allowed the easy calculation of F and 'J from the spectra (Table 4). It is interesting to note that solid-state NMR is one of the few techniques which allows one to measure 'J,


Table 3

Nuclear properties for studied pairs of nuclei as regards second-order effects on spin- spectra.

I.S.Pair 13

C,14N C,2H 13 C,35,37Cl

a b c d


Natural abundance of S(%)b 103 Q(S) (barn)

1.11 1.11 1.11

21.67 46.05 29.40 24.47

1 1

99.6 0.015c 75.5 24.5

Sn,35,37Cl C,79,81Br

111.82 75.43

8.58 1.11







50.5 49.5 69.1 30.9

331 276 −211 −195



Natural abundance of I (%) ν0S (MHz)a,b

75.43 75.43 75.43



ν0I (MHz)a

75.16 81.02 79.52 85.18


20.1 2.86 −81.1 −63.9

At B0 = 7.05 T, for which Q(1H) = 300 MHz. When two isotopes occur, the first entry corresponds to the nuclear properties for the lighter isotope. Enriched samples. See the 13C,35,37Cl case.

Table 4 Typical values of I,S distances, scalar, dipolar and quadrupole coupling constants, and spectral appearance of I spectra owing to second-order quadrupole effects.

I,S pair

ri,s (pm)

D (kHz)

∆J (kHz)

Jiso (kHz)

Range of F(MHz)

Spectral appearance of I


110–150 100 170–180 220–240 180–190 220–240

0.6–1.6 3.6 0.5–0.6 0.3–0.4 1.2–1.3 0.8–1.0

∆J D ∆J D ∆J D −0.4 to −0.8 ~0.5 ~0.6

~0 0.02 ~0 0.2–0.4 0.1–0.2 1–2

0.5–5 0.1–0.3 60–80 60–80 450–500 10–100

2:1 Doublet Distorted triplet 1:1 Doublet Distorted quartet Distorted quartet Distorted quartet

C,14N 13 C,2H 13 C,35,37Cl 119 Sn,35,37Cl 13 C,79,81Br 13 63,65 P, Cu

a parameter of somewhat elusive experimental accessibility. Self-decoupling

As discussed above, second-order effects are only observed in rigid solid samples. Random molecular motions in solution or in highly mobile solids produce two phenomena: (1) anisotropic dipolar and quadrupolar interactions are averaged to zero (Table 1), and (2) fast longitudinal relaxation is induced on the quadrupolar nucleus S, leading to the collapse of all coupling interactions (both dipolar and scalar). The latter result is known as self-decoupling, and is responsible, for example, for why 13C nuclei in solution do not normally appear as J-coupled when bonded to 14N or 35,37Cl nuclei. An interesting situation arises when the solid-state motion is anisotropic: the relevant interactions do not completely disappear, but are scaled down, depending on the extent of the motion. Only self-decoupling would be able to erase the expected splittings in this case. Appropriate examples are provided by sodium chloroacetates. Both ClCH2COONa and Cl2CHOONa show the 13C–Cl signal as the expected

Figure 5 Solid-state 13C MAS spectrum of a sample of the polymer [{(CH3)3Pb}4Ru(CN)6]∞ obtained at a nominal frequency of 75.43 MHz (B0 = 7.05 T) and a spinning speed of 4.3 kHz, by summing all relevant sidebands. There are three different cyanide sites in the solid, each giving a characteristic (negative) splitting s.


In general, the spectra are dominated by the quadrupole interaction (i.e. the term containing F in Eqn [8]). Although the relevant term in Equation [8] also contains the usual factor (1 − 3 cos 2T), the ability of MAS to average out the quadrupole effects depends critically on the spinning speed. Typical values of χ lie in the MHz range; thus, at experimentally accessible spinning speeds (which rarely exceed tens of kHz) the spectra will have the signal intensity distributed over an enormous number of very weak sidebands. There is an exception to this rule: when mS = − in Equation [8], the first-order quadrupole effect is zero, and MAS should yield simple spectra. Thus, efforts have been directed to the study of the central transition (− , + ) in half-integer spin systems. Even when the first-order effect is zero for the latter transition, second-order quadrupolar effects remain which are not completely removed by MAS. The expression for the NMR central transition of half-integer quadrupolar nuclei with axially symmetric q, when high-speed MAS is applied, is

Figure 6 Simulated shapes of the isotropic line and sidebands (as numbered) for the sample of Figure 5. The simulations were done assuming F(14N) = −2.3 MHz and 'V(13C) = 350 ppm.

1:1 doublet and 1:2:1 triplet, respectively (provided second-order theory applies) (Figures 8A and 8B). However, Cl3CCOONa shows a narrow single peak even at low temperatures (Figure 8C), owing to a fast rotation of the Cl3C group around the C–C bond. That the collapse of the expected 1:3:3:1 quartet in the latter case is due to self-decoupling was confirmed by independently measuring the 35Cl longitudinal relaxation times in all three salts by using nuclear quadrupole resonance. As expected, the 35Cl T in Cl CCOONa is significantly shorter than 1 3 in other two compounds.

Quadrupole effects on NMR spectra from nuclei with spin > MAS spectra

From the information given in Table 2, the following expression for the S NMR signal can be obtained when the observed nucleus is itself quadrupolar: Figure 7 Quaternary-only solid-state 13C NMR spectrum of 1,4-dibromobenzene at 50.33 MHz (4.7 T), showing the C–Br signal as a distorted quartet produced by interaction with 79,81Br. The negative peak at ∼135 ppm is an artifact of the pulse sequence.


spectrum with respect to the isotropic chemical shift, and (3) the occurrence of sidebands (notice that, according to Table 5, F2/Q0S F and hence typical spinning speeds will lead to a reasonably low number of sidebands). In general, appropriate spectral simulations based on Equation [9] are required to retrieve the relevant

Figure 8 Solid-state 13C NMR spectra of sodium chloroacetates at 75.4 MHz (7.05 T). (A) ClCH2COONa at room temperature (the insert shows an expansion of the carboxyl region; notice that the effect of coupling to Cl is not limited to directly bonded carbons), (B) Cl2CHCOONa at 158 K and (C) CI3CCOONa at 163 K. Asterisks denote spinning sidebands.


is the so-called isotropic second-order quadrupolar shift and [ is the angle between qzz and the rotor axis. Equation [9] will conceivably lead to three effects (Figure 9): (1) broad powder pattern line shapes, (2) a shift ∆Vqs of the centre-of-gravity of the

Figure 9 (A) Typical line shape of an observed quadrupolar nucleus S, showing the second-order quadrupole shift ∆Vqs, and the relative position of the centre-of-gravity with respect to the isotropic chemical shift Viso. (B) 27AI solid-state MAS NMR spectrum of Sr8(AIO2)12⋅Se2 at 78.15 MHz (7.05 T). Asterisks denote sidebands. Reproduced with permission of Elsevier Science Publishers from Weller MT, Brenchley ME, Apperley DC and Davies NA (1994) Correlations between 27AI magic-angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectra and the coordination geometry of framework aluminates. Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 3: 103–106.


Table 5 Nuclear and field gradient properties for some quadrupolar nuclei

Nucleus Q0S (MHz)a S 23

Na Al 11 B 17 O 51 V 7 Li 27

a b

79.35 78.17 96.25 40.27 78.86 116.59

Natural abundance (%)

Range 103Q(S) of. (barn) (MHz)

100 100 80.42 0.037 b 99.76 92.58

100.6 140.3 40.59 −25.58 −52 −40.1

1–4 0.5–1 2–5 1–5 0.5–10 0.03–0.05

At Bo = 7.05 T, for which Q(1H) = 300 MHz. Enriched samples.

information concerning F (and KQ in non-symmetric cases), Viso and the chemical shift parameters ∆V(S) (and K). Notice that the broadness of the lines may lead to substantial overlap, thereby complicating the spectral interpretation. (Figure 10) shows the theoretical effect in a spectrum with two overlapping lines, for typical parameters of 17O in minerals. Complete separation of peaks is not achieved even at very high magnetic fields. Double rotation NMR and other techniques

A significant increase in the fundamental knowledge of quadrupole effects in NMR spectroscopy has taken place in the last decade. Various techniques have been developed to diminish the effects produced by the orientational dependence of Equation [9], or to separate chemical shift from pure quadrupole effects. The most successful seems to be doublerotation (DOR), in which the sample spins simultaneously around two different ‘magic’ angles: 54.7 and 30.6°. The latter angle has the property that, for [ = 30.6°, the factor [35 cos4[ − 30 cos2[ + 3] in Equation [9] is zero, leaving a simple spectrum where only the chemical shift and the isotropic second-order quadrupole shift remain. Further distinction of these shifts can be made by recording spectra at different magnetic fields. Figure 11 shows an example of the dramatic reduction in line width which is attained by application of DOR to a solid sample. Other relevant methods are (1) quadrupole nutation spectroscopy, a two-dimensional technique which allows the projection of the conventional spectrum in one dimension, and only quadrupolar information in the second frequency axis, (2) dynamic-angle spinning (DAS), in which the sample is spun sequentially rather than simultaneously (as in DOR) about two different ‘magic’ axes and (3) satellite transition spectroscopy (SATRAS), which monitors NMR transitions other than the central (− ,+ ) under high-speed MAS, allowing the measurements

Figure 10 Second-order quadrupolar spectra expected for two 17 O lines (S = 5/2) located at values of Viso of 0 and 10 ppm, assuming F = 2 MHz and axial symmetry for both sites. The external magnetic fields are: (A) 7.05, (B) 11.75 and (C) 17.62 T, corresponding to 1H NMR frequencies of 300, 500 and 750 MHz, respectively. The line shapes have been convoluted with a Gaussian broadening.

of both the correct isotropic chemical shift and the quadrupole coupling in a single experiment. Studied nuclei

The interest in studying quadrupolar nuclei with NMR is to combine useful chemical shift correlations with information concerning the quadrupole coupling constant. The value of F depends on the nucleus itself (though the quadrupole moment Q), and on the maximum electric field gradient qzz. The latter is a function of both the symmetry and density of the


Figure 11 Solid-state 17O NMR spectra of a sample of the mineral diopside, CaMgSi2O6: (A) using only high-speed MAS, (B) using DOR with a speed of 540 Hz around the second magicangle of 30.6°, and (C) as in (B), but with a speed of 680 Hz. There are three different oxygen sites in the crystal structure, corresponding to the three 17O lines marked with asterisks. The latter are identified in spectra (B) and (C) since their positions are not affected by the spinning speed. Reproduced with permission of Macmillan Magazines Ltd. from Chmelka BF, Mueller KT, Pines A, Stebbins J, Wi Y and Zwaziger JW (1989) Oxygen-17 NMR in solids by dynamic-angle spinning and double rotation. Nature 339: 42–43. Table 6

Nucleus 23 Na 27 Al









electron distribution, i.e. on the molecular structure. For reasons discussed above, the focus has been restricted on the central transition of half-integer nuclei (which make up almost one-third of all NMR active nuclei). In this regard, 23Na and 27Al are the most studied, but interest has also been paid to 11B, 17O, 51V and 7Li (see Table 5 for nuclear and field gradient properties). A great deal of attention has been paid to 27Al, owing to its importance in the preparation and dealumination of zeolites, and in the study of inorganic materials and catalysts. Since the values of F are relatively low (Table 5), the second-order quadrupole shift is small and therefore relatively narrow signals are obtained. Furthermore, the chemical shift range spanned by distinctly coordinated aluminium sites is large (Table 6), allowing not only the distinction of Al sites, but also environments within like sites which may differ in bond distances and angles or in hydrogen bonding. In fact, useful correlations between 27Al chemical shift or quadrupole parameters and structural features have been found, such as (1) Viso(27Al) varies linearly with Al–O–Al angles in aluminates and with Al–O–Si angles in aluminosilicates, and (2) F(27Al) is linearly correlated with the distortion \ = ∑tan(Di) −109.48°  of the AlO4 tetrahedron. By studying other quadrupolar nuclei, interesting structural details have been obtained on a number of inorganic solids of undoubted technical importance, such minerals, zeolites, catalysts, ceramics, glasses and cements (Table 6). Owing to the technological significance of the studied materials, it is likely that this area of solid-state NMR will experience great progress in the years ahead.

List of symbols B0 = magnetic flux density; D = dipolar coupling constant; D′ = effective dipolar coupling constant; h = Planck’s constant; I = spin- nucleus; J = coupling constant; q = field gradient tensor; Q = nuclear s′ = doublet quadrupole moment; splitting;

Chemical shift range in solid materials studied by solid-state NMR of quadrupolar nuclei

Chemical shift range (ppm) −50–50 150–200 (tetracoord.) 20–80 (pentacoord.) −20–50 (hexacoord.) −2–2 (tetracoord.) 10–30 (tricoord.) 0–500 −100–1000 −5–5

Usual reference NaCl (1 M) AlCl3 (1 M)

Studied materials Na oxides and salts, zeolites Zeolites, molecular sieves, catalysts, Al oxides, aluminates, Al glasses and ceramics


B glasses, oxides, borates


Oxides, oxoanions, metal carbonyls


V oxides, vanadia catalysts, vanadates

LiCl (1 M)

Li glasses, oxides


S = quadrupolar nucleus; γ = magnetogyric ratio; T = angle between main tensor axes; G = chemical shift; W1 = relaxation time; [ = angle between main axes of interaction tensors and sample spinning axis; F = quadrapole coupling constant. See also: High Resolution Solid State NMR, 13C; NMR in Anisotropic Systems, Theory; NMR of Solids; Solid State NMR, Methods; Structural Chemistry Using NMR Spectroscopy, Inorganic Molecules.

Further reading Abragam A (1989) Principles of Nuclear Magnetism. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Alarcón SH, Olivieri AC, Carss SA and Harris RK (1994) Effects of 35Cl/37Cl, 13C residual dipolar coupling on the variable-temperature 13C CP/MAS NMR spectra of solid, chlorinated sodium acetates. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English: 33: 1624– 1625. Davies NA, Harris RK and Olivieri AC (1996) The effects of interplay between quadrupolar, dipolar and shielding tensors on magic-angle spinning NMR spectra: shapes of spinning sidebands. Molecular Physics 87: 669–677.

Fyfe CA (1983) Solid State NMR for Chemists. Ontario: CFC Press. Grondona P and Olivieri AC (1993) Quadrupole effects in solid-state NMR spectra of spin- nuclei: a perturbation approach. Concepts in Magnetic Resonance 5: 319–339. Harris RK (1986) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. A Physicochemical View. New York: Longman Scientific & Technical. Harris RK (1996) Nuclear spin properties & notation. In: Grant DM and Harris RK (eds) Encyclopedia of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Vol 5, pp 3301–3314. Chichester: Wiley. Harris RK and Olivieri AC (1992) Quadrupole effects transferred to spin- magic-angle spinning spectra of solids. Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 24: 435–456. Lucken EAC (1969) Nuclear Quadrupole Coupling Constants. London: Academic Press. Mason J (ed) (1987) Multinuclear NMR. New York: Plenum Press. Mehring M (1983) High Resolution NMR in Solids, 2nd edn. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. Wasylishen RE and Fyfe CA (1982) High resolution NMR of solids. Annual Reports in NMR Spectroscopy 12: 1–80.


Solid State NMR, Methods JW Zwanziger, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA HW Spiess, Max-Planck-Institut für Polymerforschung, Mainz, Germany

MAGNETIC RESONANCE Methods & Instrumentation

Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

As in NMR of liquid samples, solid state NMR probes the magnetic interactions of atomic nuclei. These interactions yield detailed information about the local structure and dynamics of the sample, including the bonding types and geometry, the site–site connectivity patterns, and the spatial characteristics and timescales of atomic and molecular motions. All kinds of solids can be studied with NMR, including single crystals and powders, disordered materials such as glass and rubber, and metals and superconductors. Although not as high as in liquid state NMR, spectral resolution is still extraordinary (parts per million or better) but sensitivity is not. Sample volumes of order 100 µL are typical. The magnetic interactions probed in solid state NMR include those studied in the liquid state, beginning with the Zeeman interaction between the nuclear spin and the applied magnetic field. This induces precession at the Larmor frequency Z0, which is defined by the nucleus and the strength of the external field. Fields as high as 17.5 T are in use, yielding proton Larmor frequencies of 750 MHz. Internal interactions observed include the chemical shift, and, in favourable cases, scalar couplings. Additionally, magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole interactions, which are observable only indirectly in liquid state NMR spectra, can be detected as frequency shifts in the solid state. In metals, the major spectral observable is the Knight shift. Because all these interactions depend sensitively on the local bonding geometry, they can be used to measure dynamic properties of the sample, either directly through spectral changes as a function of experimental parameters, or indirectly through the nuclear spin relaxation time. The primary difference between solid state and liquid state NMR is one of timescale. The atomic dynamics of the sample define a natural internal timescale, denoted W. The motion of interest might be, for example, the rotational tumbling of molecules in a liquid, the reorientation of segments in a polymer, or the hopping of ions in a solid electrolyte. Clearly W can range from picoseconds to seconds or more. As the observed nucleus moves to different locations or orientations, its NMR spectrum changes. This occurs both because the different sites may

differ chemically, and also because the observable interactions are orientation-dependent, the sense of orientation being defined by the external magnetic field. The different orientations define a range of frequencies ∆Z centred on the Larmor frequency. If ∆ZW > 1, for then the anisotropic portions of the interactions remain. These include for example the above-mentioned magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole terms. Typical examples of both regimes are shown in Figure 1. Figure 1 also shows the principal difficulty encountered in solid state NMR spectra: the additional information provided by the anisotropic interactions can seriously congest the spectrum, making interpretation difficult. Our aim in this article is to outline the current principal methods by which solid state NMR spectra can be acquired in interpretable form. Rather than giving an exhaustive account of the current developments in the field, we present the most important techniques in the context of the physical and chemical problems that they can help to solve.

Resolving chemically distinct sites The most frequent application of solid state NMR, as in the liquid state, is resolution of chemically distinct sites in a material. However, as Figure 1 shows, the anisotropy observed in solid spectra typically create so much spectral congestion that assignment is difficult. Moreover, as Figure 1 also shows, the anisotropically broadened lines exhibit a variety of step and singularity features which, while informative in their own right, further obstruct a rapid assessment of the types and relative concentrations of distinct sites. The most important method for improving resolution in solid state NMR is magic angle spinning (MAS). This method, so-called because the sample is rotated about an axis inclined at the magic angle of 54.74° with respect to the


2nd rank spherical tensors, i.e. like d-orbitals. Recall that the dz2 orbital has an angular node; this is in fact at 54.74°. Thus an interaction which transforms in the same way can be averaged to zero by spinning about an axis located at this node. To achieve effective averaging, the rotation frequency Zr in MAS must be of the order of, or greater than, the spread of interaction frequencies: Z r /∆Z ) 1. The resulting resolution enhancement is dramatic, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 1 (A) Typical chemical shifts of carbon in different functional groups. The line widths indicate the ranges observed; in a liquid sample, the actual line width will typically be much smaller. (B) Chemical shift powder patterns of carbons in the same functional groups. Such shapes are observed in powdered solids. The complex shapes, with steps and singularities, arise from the nontrivial orientation dependence of the chemical shift interaction, which is averaged to zero in a liquid but is observable in solids. The powder patterns are shown separately here for convenience; in real samples they overlap, making interpretation difficult. This problem is addressed by techniques such as magic angle spinning. Figure adapted from Schmidt-Rohr K and Spiess HW (1994) Multidimensional Solid-State NMR and Polymers. London: Academic Press, 1994.

magnetic field, can enhance the resolution by more than 2 orders of magnitude. It arises because the dominant anisotropies transform under rotations as

Figure 2 The effect of magic angle spinning. The figure shows 31 P spectra of Na4P2O7 • 10H2O, as a function of rotor frequency. Note the extreme line-narrowing achieved, while still in a powdered solid. This illustrates that the symmetry of the chemical shift interaction is such that the full isotropic averaging of the liquid state is more than necessary to suppress the anisotropy; rotation about a single axis is in this case sufficient. The small splittings show that crystallographically, as well as magnetically, different sites can be resolved. Figure adapted from Schnell I, Diploma Thesis, Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, 1996; see also Kubo A and McDowell CA (1990) Journal of Chemical Physics 92: 7156.


For nuclei like 13C, 31P, and 29Si, which have modest chemical shift ranges, spinning frequencies of 5–10 kHz are often sufficient, and are well within range of typical commercial MAS probes. 1H spectroscopy is particularly challenging in solid state NMR, in contrast to liquids, because of the strong magnetic dipole coupling between protons. This interaction gives a proton line width typically in the range of 20–50 kHz. Commercial MAS NMR probes are now available with spinning frequencies as high as 35 kHz, and so in many cases even 1H solid state NMR can be accomplished with the MAS technique. While MAS can provide significant resolution enhancement, it enhances sensitivity only insofar as the signal from broad resonances is concentrated into narrower resonances. For naturally low-abundance nuclei like 13C (1% naturally occurring), this increase may be insufficient. For dilute spins in the presence of an abundant species with good sensitivity (such as protons), i.e. nearly all organic solids, double resonance methods may be used to achieve an additional gain in sensitivity. Coupled with MAS, these techniques are collectively referred to as CPMAS (CP = cross-polarization). In CP-MAS, magnetization is first excited using the abundant species (typically 1H), and then transferred to the dilute species (13C or 15N, say) by simultaneously irradiating both nuclei, at their respective Larmor frequencies. Then, the dilute spin is detected, often with decoupling of the abundant spin. All this is carried out in the presence of MAS, to obtain good resolution of the resulting spectrum. The theoretical sensitivity gain is the ratio of the Larmor frequencies of the two species, for example, 4 for the 1H–13C pair. In practice, protons often have significantly shorter relaxation times than their CP partners, so this method also allows for shorter recycle delays in pulsed NMR, and thus more rapid acquisition of the spectrum. A disadvantage of CP-MAS is that the CP efficiency is a function of proximity of the abundant and dilute species, so that CP-MAS spectra cannot be assumed to be quantitative reflections of the abundances of the resolved sites. While MAS and CP-MAS are often sufficient to resolve chemical sites for nuclei like 13C, 31P and 29Si, this is not the case for other nuclei such as 27Al, 17O and 11B. The reason is that the first group of nuclei have spin , while the second have higher spin. Nuclei with spin greater than are subject to electric quadrupole effects, in addition to chemical shift, and these effects present a significant additional source of line-broadening. Because the quadrupole anisotropy in the presence of a strong magnetic field does not transform simply like a 2nd rank tensor, it cannot be

removed completely by MAS alone. During the last 10 years significant progress has been made in devising methods to average quadrupole interactions in addition to chemical shift anisotropy. Double rotation (DOR) and dynamic angle spinning (DAS) both make use of spinning the sample about a timedependent axis. DOR is a direct extension of MAS, and makes use of a complex rotor-within-a-rotor device. In DAS, the sample spinning axis is hopped between two angles during the experiment. Both DOR and DAS require mechanically sophisticated probes. A third method, multiple-quantum magic angle spinning (MQ-MAS), uses just a MAS probe, but a complex pulse sequence to excite and detect triple and higher order coherences during the MAS experiment. It is mechanically the simplest to implement, but uniform excitation of different chemical sites is difficult with existing pulse sequences. Despite the limitations for each method mentioned above, they have yielded impressive resolution advances for quadrupolar nuclei (Figure 3), similar to what is achieved with MAS for nuclei such as 13C. The methods described above yield greatly enhanced resolution, and as such help to determine the types and amounts of distinct sites in material. This resolution gain comes at the price of discarding the information available from the interaction anisotropies. This information typically relates to the local site symmetry, for example, distortions in the bond angles, number of nearest neighbours, and so forth. Both high-resolution and interaction anisotropies may be obtained by taking advantage of a second spectral dimension, using so-called ‘separation of interactions’ experiments. An example is shown in Figure 4, where it is seen that the anisotropically broadened resonances are sorted according to their isotropic shift. In this way each resonance may be examined in isolation, and the anisotropy parameters determined with no congestion from neighbouring bands. There are many ways to implement such experiments; an elegant approach for simple chemical shift correlations is to spin the sample at an angle other than the magic angle during the first part of the experiment, followed by a hop to the magic angle and subsequent signal acquisition. In this way the anisotropic interactions ‘label’ the detected signal, and a double Fourier transform gives the type of spectra shown in Figure 4.

Determining the connectivity between sites Once the types of sites in the material have been determined, using for example the techniques discussed


Figure 3 87Rb NMR spectra of RbNO3. (A) The static spectrum, (B) The effect of magic angle spinning. The symmetry of strong quadrupole interactions is such that spinning about a single axis alone is not sufficient to remove all the anisotropy broadening. (C) Results of multiple-quantum magic angle spinning, one of several methods currently available to obtain high-resolution spectra of quadrupolar nuclei like 87Rb. In this spectrum, the three crystallographically distinct rubidium sites are resolved, and the total line-narrowing is comparable to that achieved by MAS alone for spin- nuclei like 13C and 31P (see Figure 2). Figure adapted from Brown S, D. Phil. Thesis, Oxford University, 1998, and Brown S and Wimperis S (1997) Journal of Magnetic Resonance 128: 42–61.

above, the second step in determining the material structure can be considered, namely what the connectivity between these sites is. In liquid state NMR connectivities are primarily determined through scalar couplings, a through-bond interaction mediated by the electrons. However, this interaction is very small compared to the anisotropies of the magnetic interactions, and so is hard to probe in solids in any but the most well-ordered samples. On the other hand, magnetic dipole interactions, i.e. the throughspace effects of the nuclear magnetic moments on each other, can be substantial. This interaction varies with distance as r –3, and so is of particular use in determining local structure. As noted above, dipole couplings are averaged to zero in ‘liquid-like’ spectra, but in solids they have easily observable effects

on the resonance line shapes. Such interactions are also observed indirectly in liquids, through the nuclear Overhauser effect where they appear as secondorder interactions and thereby survive the averaging due to the molecular motion. Knowledge of the through-space connectivities does not give directly a map of the bonding network but, when combined with knowledge of the material composition and chemistry, can yield much about the bonding pattern. For example, the CP-MAS experiment described above can already be used to obtain some degree of through-space information. The magnetization transfer, from 1H to 13C say, is mediated by the magnetic dipole interactions. By varying the duration of the transfer time (usually called the contact pulse), sites can be distinguished by their transfer efficiency. For example, primary and secondary carbons can be selectively excited, relative to tertiary and quaternary carbons due to their greater proximity to protons. This is done simply by using a short contact pulse. Much more elaborate spectral editing schemes yield more accurate results, and are more flexible. While variants of CP-MAS are particularly suitable for exploring proximities in heteronuclear systems with protons as one partner, other experiments can be performed to probe other heteronuclear systems, and hom*onuclear couplings. All make use of the dipole coupling as the mechanism for encoding distance information. In general, one wants to combine the distance measurement with some kind of resolution enhancement, in order to determine which sites are close to which. This is not always possible. For example, in many inhom*ogeneous solids, only one (broad) resonance will be observed, even with MAS or similar techniques. A well-studied example is sodium in a glass. Because techniques like MAS average the dipole coupling to zero, if they do not provide sufficient resolution enhancement, they should not be used. Then, one studies a static sample. The spatial distribution of species in a static sample can be estimated, by measuring the decay properties of spin echoes. In spin-echo experiments, an excitation pulse is followed at some time W later by a refocussing pulse. At time W after the second pulse, an echo will typically form. The typical use of this experiment for measuring distances is to estimate the so-called second moment (M2) of the resonance line. Interactions on a local scale, e.g. the chemical shift and quadrupole interactions, and interactions involving isolated pairs of spins, can be refocussed by using suitably chosen pulses. However, dipole coupling to a bath of partners cannot. Therefore, the echo cannot be


Figure 4 A separation of interactions-type spectrum of 29Si in a glass. (A) By spinning the sample off the magic angle during the first part of the experiment, and on the magic angle in the second, a two-dimensional spectrum is generated that has a high-resolution dimension correlated with the anisotropies of the individual sites. (B) Here, in a glass, each site itself shows a distribution of environments, which can be mapped out quantitatively by taking slices through the two-dimensional spectrum. In this way, bond angle distributions for example, even in complex materials, can be determined, often with superior precision as compared to diffractionbased methods. Figure adapted from Zhang P et al. (1996) Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 204: 294–300.

refocussed indefinitely, but only up to a characteristic time which is a measure of properties of the bath of nuclei coupled to the studied species. The decay constant of the spin-echo envelope is proportional to M2, which is given essentially by summing over rij–6, where the rij are internuclear distances. Because of the exponent –6, this experiment gives short-range information. It is valuable in assessing qualitative features of the distribution of species in inhom*ogeneous materials. An important extension of this experiment is called SEDOR, for spin-echo double resonance, in which an additional refocussing pulse is applied to a second nuclear species, and the echo behaviour with and without this secondary pulse are compared. In this way the mixing of different species in an inhom*ogeneous solid may be assessed. Similar to SEDOR, but appropriate for isolated pairs of spins, is the rotational echo double resonance

method, or REDOR. In REDOR, the combined dynamics of the isolated two-spin system and the sample rotation serve to generate echos at the rotor period. These echoes can be dephased by application of a pulse to one of the coupled partners. The amount of dephasing caused by this additional pulse is a measure of the coupling strength, and hence proximity, of the spins in the pair. This experiment is most applicable to doubly labelled samples, e.g. biopolymers enriched at selected sites with 13C and 15N. When the spectrum of the material consists of resolved resonances, much more detailed information on the nuclear distances can be derived than is possible with the spin-echo techniques outlined above. Magnetic dipole coupling is still the interaction to probe but, when the various sites are resolved, experiments can be used that give signals only if two distinct sites are near enough to each other to have a


significant interaction. Clearly this yields much more detailed information than when the sites serve primarily to generate a background bath. Several types of signals can be generated and measured in this context, but the most precise are the so-called doublequantum coherences. Isolated nuclei (here we have in mind only spin- , such as 1H or 13C) do not have enough energy levels to support quantum number changes greater than unity, and therefore also cannot support coherences greater than unity. If two such spins are coupled, however, the composite system can support 2-quantum coherence. Experiments can be designed that are selective only for 2-quantum coherence, thus yielding a connectivity map of the sites that are close enough spatially to couple in this way. Generating such a connectivity map for a solid requires additionally a resolution-enhancement technique, such as MAS. Such techniques, as discussed previously, suppress precisely the spin–spin interactions that the connectivity map is meant to reveal. Therefore, to combine multiple-quantum experiments with MAS, a pulse sequence which counteracts the averaging effect of MAS, thereby restoring the dipole coupling, must be implemented during excitation and reconversion of the 2-quantum coherence. A variety of such dipolar recoupling sequences currently exist, of varying levels of performance and complexity. The resulting two-dimensional spectra give a connectivity map that can be traced in much the same way as is routinely done for liquid samples (Figure 5). It must be remembered, of course, that the signals observed reflect coupling through space, not through chemical bonds, so additional information about the chemistry must be used to interpret such spectra. Nevertheless, this method is fast becoming routine, as it requires only standard solids NMR instrumentation.

Dynamics in solids The dynamics of atoms in solids may be probed directly, through their effects on the NMR spectra, and indirectly, through the nuclear spin relaxation. Because the NMR signal is observed only after the nuclear magnetization has been perturbed from its equilibrium state, relaxation is a standard feature of all NMR experiments. Two primary relaxation processes are usually identifiable. The first is the relaxation of the total magnetization back to its thermal equilibrium value; this occurs on a timescale denoted T1. The second is the timescale for relaxation of quantum coherences in the spins, and is denoted T2. In liquids, due to the strong decoupling resulting

Figure 5 Double-quantum correlation spectrum of 31P in a solid phosphate. At top (A) is the molecular fragment derived from assignment of the spectrum (oxygen atoms not shown), and includes phosphate chain branch points (site 3), branch connections (site 2) and chain phosphates (site 1). The spectrum (B) gives signals symmetric across the diagonal, for pairs of sites that are close enough in space to be coupled. Thus from such a spectrum the spatial proximity of resolved sites can be traced, as is done routinely in liquid NMR using scalar couplings (a throughbond interaction). Figure adapted from Feike M et al. (1996) Journal of the American Chemical Society 118: 9631–9634.

from the molecular motion, these two processes occur on similar timescales. In solids, however, they are usually very different, with T2 ranging typically from 10 –4 to 10 –2 s, and T1 from 10 –3 to 10 3 s. Relaxation occurs because fluctuations in the surroundings of a spin induce transitions within the spin quantum states. Therefore, measurements of relaxation times are indirect probes of the dynamics in the solid. However, identifying what sort of fluctuation is operative is usually very difficult, unless one type of interaction is clearly dominant (conduction electrons in a metal or superconductor is a good example). Otherwise, the best that can be done is to estimate the temperature and magnetic field dependence of the relaxation to be expected from candidate


fluctuation modes, and to compare the predictions with the data. An easier qualitative assessment of dynamics can often be obtained from resonance line shapes. As noted above, the key distinction between solid-like and liquid-like NMR spectra is the timescale of the atomic motions, compared to the frequency spread of the detected interactions. As the rate of a dynamic process increases, say as a function of temperature, it can be followed through changes in the line widths of the nuclei involved. These changes can be substantial, as a resonance goes from solid-like at low temperatures to liquid-like at high temperatures, with the line width decreasing by orders of magnitude. The line width strategy is particularly effective if no additional line-narrowing is needed to interpret the low-temperature spectra; however, it is often the case that these spectra will be so congested that additional techniques such as MAS must be applied. In that case, the line-narrowing caused by heating the sample is much less dramatic. In this case, twodimensional spectroscopy can again be very helpful. For organic solids and polymers, the wideline separation of interactions (WISE) experiment is a convenient qualitative measure of the relative site dynamics. This experiment combines the good resolution found in 13C spectra under MAS, with the strong inter- nuclear coupling of protons. The latter feature makes proton spectra particularly good indicators of motional narrowing due to dynamics: broad proton resonances (30–50 kHz) are seen in static samples, and narrow (< 1 kHz) for mobile sites. The WISE experiment works by adding an additional evolution time to the CP-MAS sequence, between the proton excitation and the contact pulse to the carbons, and using relatively slow sample spinning. In this way, a two-dimensional spectrum is obtained, with proton resonances sorted by the carbon sites to which they are bonded (Figure 6). One can immediately see, therefore, which carbon sites are mobile (narrow associated proton resonances) and which are static (broad proton resonances). More detailed information on dynamics is available from so-called exchange experiments. This class of two-dimensional technique provides a correlation between spectral components, which exchange during a mixing period. The exchange may occur because of a chemical transformation during the mixing time, resulting in a new frequency due to a new chemical environment, or because of site reorientation. Since the nuclear spin interactions are orientation-dependent, if the molecular unit changes its orientation during the mixing time, the involved nuclear spins will exhibit altered NMR frequencies, which can be correlated to their initial values.

Figure 6 Two-dimensional wideline separation of interactions (WISE) spectrum of polystyrene-poly(dimethyl siloxane) diblock copolymer (PS-b-PDMS). In the first part of the experiment (A) proton magnetization is allowed to evolve, and then transferred to carbon in the second part of the experiment. In this way the proton spectra of individual carbon sites are sorted by the shift of each site, and the result is a wide-line proton spectrum in one dimension, and a high-resolution MAS carbon spectrum in the other. In this example, (B), the PDMS is seen to be quite mobile: it gives the carbon signal near 0 ppm, and the proton spectrum for this site is very sharp, indicating significant motional narrowing. The PS peaks, on the other hand, give very broad proton resonances, showing that the PS part of this block copolymer is essentially static at this temperature. With this experiment, quick qualitative assessments of relative local mobility in organic solids and polymers can be made. Figure adapted from Schmidt-Rohr K and Spiess HW (1994) Multidimensional Solid-State NMR and Polymers. London: Academic Press.

Because the orientation dependences of NMR interactions are well known, it is often a straightforward matter to relate the observed exchange spectrum to the underlying molecular motion that gave rise to it. In this way, very detailed information on microscopic molecular dynamics can be obtained. Deuterium NMR spectra provide particularly clear examples of the above approach. For the deuterium nucleus, the quadrupole interaction is dominant, by far and in a C–D bond, is aligned with the C–D bond itself. Therefore, changes in time of the deuterium quadrupole orientation give a direct reflection of the orientational dynamics of the C–D bond itself. Figure 7 shows the two-dimensional exchange spectrum of deuterated dimethyl sulfone ((CD3)2SO2). The strong diagonal ridge is a typical deuterium NMR spectrum, and arises from molecules that did not exchange during the mixing time. The pattern of ellipses off the diagonal arises due to


Figure 7 Two-dimensional 2H exchange spectrum of deuterated dimethylsulfoxide. The strong diagonal ridge reflects molecules that have not reoriented during the mixing time, while the pattern of ellipses off the diagonal shows those that have. The ellipses arise due to the orientational dependence of the 2H quadrupole interaction, the dominant anisotropy here. The distribution of jump angles is shown on the right, and sharply peaked at zero (static molecules) and 72°, the included angle of the C–D bonds as the entire molecule executes hops about its symmetry axis. With this type of experiment, slow to moderate dynamics of molecules and polymers can be followed in atomic-level detail. Figure adapted from Schmidt-Rohr K and Spiess HW (1994) Multidimensional Solid-State NMR and Polymers. London: Academic Press.

deuterium nuclei with one orientation, and hence one frequency, at the start of the experiment, and a second orientation, hence frequency, after the mixing time. This pattern is consistent with 180° jumps of the molecules about their symmetry axis. The exchange experiment can be applied to other nuclei as well, such as 13C, although it can be harder to relate the spin interaction orientation to a molecular frame of reference.

Summary In this article we have attempted to provide a brief overview of modern techniques and their applications in solid state NMR. Far from being exhaustive, we hope instead to have informed the reader about the types of problems that can be investigated fruitfully with this approach, using what have become standard methods. There are many other more specialized techniques, suitable for particular problems, which are described in the current literature. The following bibliography is meant to provide a starting point for newcomers to the field. The ‘Further reading’ section provides entry into the technical primary literature.

List of symbols M2 = second moment; rij = internuclear distances; T1 = relaxation time of total magnetization;

T2 = relaxation time of quantum coherences; W = timescale; Z0 = Larmor frequency; Zr = rotation frequency. See also: 13C NMR Methods; Chemical Exchange Effects in NMR; Chiroptical Spectroscopy, Orientated Molecules and Anisotropic Systems; Heteronuclear NMR Applications (Ge, Sn, Pb); Heteronuclear NMR Applications (O, S, Se, Te); Liquid Crystals and Liquid Crystal Solutions Studied By NMR; Magnetic Resonance, Historical Perspective; NMR Data Processing; NMR in Anisotropic Systems, Theory; NMR Relaxation Rates; NMR Spectroscopy of Alkali Metal Nuclei in Solution; 31P NMR; Parameters in NMR Spectroscopy, Theory of; Product Operator Formalism in NMR; Relaxometers; Xenon NMR Spectroscopy.

Further reading Abragam A (1961) Principles of Nuclear Magnetism. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Blümich B (ed) (1994) Solid State NMR I–IV, vols. 30–33 of NMR Basic Principles and Progress. Diehl P, Fluck E, Günther H, Kosfeld R, and Seelig J (eds) Berlin: Springer-Verlag. f*ckushima E and Roeder SBW (1981) Experimental Pulse NMR: A Nuts and Bolts Approach. London: Addison-Wesley.


Fyfe C (1983) Solid State NMR for Chemists. Guelph: CFC Press. Harris RK and Grant DM (1996) Encyclopedia of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Chichester: Wiley. Mehring M (1983) High Resolution NMR in Solids, 2nd edn. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. Slichter CP (1983) Principles of Magnetic Resonance, 3rd edn. Springer: Berlin.

Schmidt-Rohr K and Spiess HW (1994) Multidimensional Solid-State NMR and Polymers. London: Academic Press. Traficante DD (ed) Concepts in Magnetic Resonance, An Educational Journal. New York: Wiley.

Solid-State NMR, Rotational Resonance David L Bryce and Roderick E Wasylishen, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction One of the primary goals of solid-state NMR spectroscopists has been to develop techniques that yield NMR spectra of solid samples with resolution approaching that observed for samples in isotropic liquids. Rapidly spinning samples about an axis inclined at the magic angle (arccos(1/√3) = 54.7356 °) relative to the applied static magnetic field has been found to be highly effective in this regard. In addition, high-power decoupling of abundant spins (e.g. 1H) eliminates heteronuclear spin–spin coupling interactions (direct dipolar and indirect J-coupling) involving the abundant spins when dilute spins are examined. The availability of commercial NMR instrumentation that permits users to apply these two techniques has contributed to spin- NMR becoming a routine method for examining a wide range of solid materials. Finally, cross-polarization (CP) from abundant spins to dilute spins has been important in improving the sensitivity of the dilute-spin NMR experiment. Ironically, it is sometimes desirable to selectively reintroduce interactions which are effectively averaged in the magic-angle-spinning (MAS) experiment. Dipolar coupling, for instance, may be recovered in the form of the direct dipolar coupling constant (RDD) between isolated spin pairs. The value of RDD is of interest due to its simple relationship with the distance separating two spins, r12 (Eqn [1])

MAGNETIC RESONANCE Applications where P0 is the permeability of free space, and Ji are the magnetogyric ratios of the nuclei under consideration. Rotational resonance (RR) is a MAS NMR technique which selectively restores the dipolar interaction between a hom*onuclear spin pair, thus allowing the determination of the dipolar coupling constant, RDD, and hence, the internuclear distance. Historically, the RR phenomenon was discovered by Andrew and co-workers in a 31P NMR study of phosphorus pentachloride, which consists of PCl 4+ and PCl6− units in the solid state. This group noticed that when the rate of sample spinning matched the difference in resonance frequencies of the nonequivalent phosphorus centres, their peaks broadened and the rate of cross-relaxation was enhanced. It is now known that if the RR condition is satisfied, direct dipolar coupling is restored selectively to a hom*onuclear spin pair. That is, if the sample spinning rate is adjusted to a frequency, Qr, such that

where n is an integer, generally 1–3, and Q and Q are the isotropic resonant frequencies of spins 1 and 2 respectively, then the two nuclei are said to be in RR. As a result, dipolar coupling between the nuclei is restored (via the ‘flip-flop’ term in the dipolar Hamiltonian), and ‘line broadening’ of the resonances at Q and Q is observed (see Figure 1). Additionally, a rapid oscillatory exchange of Zeeman


of the nucleus. These induced local fields are proportional to the applied field. In frequency units, the Hamiltonian operator which accounts for both the Zeeman interaction and this chemical shielding (CS) interaction is


Figure 1 Effect of RR on the 13C NMR line shape of Ph13CH213COOH. Spectra acquired at 4.7 T (50.3 MHz). Top spectrum at n = 1 RR, Qrot = 7207 Hz. Bottom spectrum off RR, Qrot = 10 000 Hz.

magnetization occurs. In fact, it is this exchange of magnetization rather than the line shape which is usually monitored in order to determine the dipolar coupling constant. In order to generate an exchange curve which may be analysed and simulated, one of the two resonances involved must be inverted selectively; the intensity difference of the peaks is then monitored as function of time. Obviously, it is highly desirable to develop techniques capable of recovering weak dipolar coupling constants from high-resolution NMR spectra obtained under MAS conditions. The focus of the present discussion will be to provide an overview of the basic RR scheme. First, the theory of RR will be outlined, followed by a discussion of the most important experimental techniques employed to measure dipolar coupling constants under conditions of RR. Finally, some examples that illustrate the applications and limitation of the techniques will be described.

Theory Restoring the dipolar interaction: a theoretical approach

The most important interaction in NMR results from the application of a large external magnetic field, B0, to the sample. Termed the Zeeman interaction, its effect on the normally degenerate nuclear spin energy levels is to cause them to split. The Zeeman levels are perturbed by local fields generated by the motion of electrons in the vicinity

and Viso is the isotropic chemical shielding constant. The interaction of interest in RR is the dipolar interaction, an orientationally dependent throughspace spin–spin coupling, which leads to a perturbation of the CS-perturbed Zeeman energy levels. For a hom*onuclear two-spin system, the truncated dipolar Hamiltonian operator is given by the following:

Here, Î+ and Î− are the raising and lowering operators and T is the angle between the applied magnetic field and the internuclear vector, r12. The factor containing the raising and lowering operators is sometimes referred to as the ‘flip-flop’ term. The final interaction that must be considered is the indirect spin–spin coupling interaction, which is mediated by the intervening electrons. The indirect spin–spin Hamiltonian, J, is often ignored because it is frequently considerably smaller than DD. Up until this point, we have implicitly assumed time independence of the interactions and their corresponding Hamiltonian operators. This assumption is valid for a rigid stationary sample. However, when the sample is spun rapidly, each of the internal Hamiltonians becomes time-dependent. For example, Z,CS becomes time-dependent when there is chemical shielding anisotropy due to the fact that the orientations of the chemical shielding tensors relative to the applied magnetic field change as the sample


rotates. Then Equation [3] becomes

where (Vi,zz − Viiso) is a measure of the orientation dependence of the chemical shielding and [(t) represents the time dependence of the interaction:

Here, C1, C2, S1, and S2 are constants that depend on the nature of the interaction (i.e. CS, dipolar) and Zr is the rotor angular frequency. Summing the CS-perturbed Zeeman Hamiltonian given in Equation [6] with the time-dependent dipolar Hamiltonian gives the total Hamiltonian

components of the dipole–dipole coupling which depend on Euler angles defining the crystallite orientation with respect to the rotor frame. They are timeindependent. The spin part of the truncated dipolar Hamiltonian is

To transform the total Hamiltonian into the doubly rotating frame of reference defined by the Zeeman interactions, the propagator is

The Zeeman terms and the Îz terms of the dipolar Hamiltonian are unaffected by this rotation since it is about the z -axis, and so the desired transformation is:

The result of the transformation gives a periodic interaction frame dipolar Hamiltonian,

The parameter [(t) completely describes the time-dependence of a rotating solid. In order to understand some of the essential features of the RR experiment, it is convenient to assume negligible chemical shielding anisotropy. Under these conditions, Z1 and Z2, the CS-perturbed Zeeman angular frequencies, are independent of time. In addition, it is convenient to use the spherical tensor notation to describe the direct dipolar interaction. Thus, the total Hamiltonian is

where Z = Z1 − Z2. If we re-express the rotational resonance condition [2] in angular frequency units as nZr = Z , and if | RDDWr | 1, where Wr = νr−1 is the rotor period, then the time-independent terms vanish and the time average of Equation [14] over one rotor period is


Here, Ad(t) represents the spatial dependence of the dipolar Hamiltonian, and dm are Fourier

where m = ± 1, ± 2. The result of this exercise is that at rotational resonance, parts of the ‘flip-flop’ term do not average to zero and will therefore contribute to the MAS NMR spectrum.


Some qualitative results of an approximate theoretical treatment of rotational resonance are useful to examine. For n = 1 RR, the splitting of each peak is given by RDD/(2 ), or ∼ 0.35 RDD. For the n = 2 case, the splitting is RDD/4. The splitting decreases as the order of the RR increases. More rigorous treatments also indicate that the splitting decreases as the chemical shielding anisotropy increases. It is important to note that the observed line widths for hom*onuclear spin systems are not strictly independent of spinning speed; for a spin pair with differing isotropic chemical shifts, the line widths take on a Zr−2 dependence at high spinning speeds. When the RR condition is satisfied, a rapid exchange of Zeeman magnetization occurs in addition to dipolar broadening. We will not present a complete theoretical description of the origins of this exchange, but rather present some of the important approximate results of such a treatment. It is convenient to define

where T is the zero-quantum relaxation time constant, and are the resonant Fourier components associated with the flip-flop term of the dipolar Hamiltonian for RR of order n. To monitor the exchange of magnetization, one plots 〈Îz1 − Îz2〉 as a function of time. In the limit of very fast dephasing where T is relatively short and thus Λ2 0, the decay of magnetization is exponential:

energy level diagram for an isolated hom*onuclear two-spin system where the two nuclei have resonance frequencies Q and Q is shown in Figure 2. Transitions 1 and 2 correspond to the two isotropic peaks, which would be observed in a MAS NMR spectrum. The difference between the isotropic chemical shifts (or, alternatively, the energies) is, according to the diagram, equivalent to the angular frequency Z∆iso. As shown earlier, rotational resonance occurs when an integer multiple of the spinning frequency is equivalent to Z . In terms of the diagram, it is convenient to think of the mechanical rotation of the sample as supplying the necessary energy for zero-quantum coherence between the two intermediate energy levels. The fact that these two states are linked by mechanical rotation ensures that the dipolar interaction will be recoupled, and that exchange of Zeeman magnetization will occur rapidly. Figure 3 illustrates the exchange experiment, in which one of the transitions is selectively inverted, thus creating a nonequilibrium situation in which spins must relax so that the equilibrium Boltzmann populations are re-established. If we consider the diagram on the left to reflect the excess populations in arbitrary units as determined by the Boltzmann distribution, a selective inversion of transition 1 will result in the population distribution shown on the right. Transition 1 is inverted while the intensity of transition 2 remains unperturbed. Techniques for accomplishing this experimentally will be discussed in the next section. Once the inversion has been carried out, the diagram on the right shows a difference of five population units between the two intermediate energy levels. Rotational resonance provides the zero-quantum coherence necessary for an exchange

In the case of very slow dephasing where T2ZQ is relatively long and Λ2 0, the exchange of magnetization oscillates as it decays:

In practice, the parameters which influence the observed magnetization exchange curve include RDD, T , the magnitude of the principal components of the chemical shielding tensors, the relative orientation of the CS tensors with respect to r12, and the Jcoupling constant. A pictorial representation of rotational resonance and the exchange of Zeeman magnetization

At this point, it is instructive to provide a qualitative picture of the rotational resonance phenomenon. The

Figure 2 Simplified energy level diagram for two spin- nuclei with different isotropic chemical shifts. The two transitions are labelled ‘1’ and ‘2’, and their difference is greatly exaggerated. The energy of the zero-quantum transition is indicated, which corresponds to the mechanical energy supplied at RR. Here, J-coupling is ignored and dipolar coupling is not shown.


Figure 3 Energy level and population distribution diagrams for two spin- nuclei. The circles indicate the excess population in arbitrary units relative to the least populated level. On the left, an equilibrium Boltzmann-type distribution is represented. Both transitions would show a signal of relative intensity +2. Upon inversion of transition 1 (at right) the populations related to this transition are switched, while the net difference in population for transition 2 is unchanged. Transition 1 would now show an inverted signal with relative intensity −2.

Figure 4 Pulse sequence for carrying out the RR experiment (see text). In the case of the magnetization exchange experiment, CP of the rare spins is followed by a flipback pulse on the rare spin channel, selective inversion of a particular resonance, and a variable delay before acquisition.

informative, and more sensitive to the magnitude of RDD, as will be shown. The exchange experiment

of Zeeman magnetization between these two levels. The zero-quantum relaxation which dampens this exchange is described by the time constant T .

Experimental techniques Pulse sequences and cross-polarization

The basic rotational resonance experiment can be as simple a single-pulse excitation, with the rate of MAS adjusted to satisfy the RR condition. A S/2 pulse followed by acquisition of the free induction decay (FID) will generate a spectrum with significant broadening of the two resonances concerned. Many typical applications involve 13C in the presence of 1H, and benefit from standard CP techniques. Figure 1 shows an example of the line broadening observed for the n = 1 RR condition for the 13C–13C spin pair in Ph13CH213COOH, with CP. A typical pulse sequence for carrying out the RR experiment with selective inversion of a particular transition and CP is shown in Figure 4. Note that a flipback pulse is applied to the rare spin channel to store the magnetization along the z axis before carrying out the inversion. The efficiency of CP becomes sensitive to the spinning rate, particularly as Zr increases. One technique which attempts to circumvent this problem is known as variable amplitude cross-polarization (VACP), where the spin-locking pulses vary in amplitude. The goal of the RR experiment is the extraction of the hom*onuclear dipolar coupling constant, RDD. This can be done by carrying out lineshape simulations. However, in general this is not done because a Zeeman magnetization exchange experiment is more

To generate an exchange curve, one of the two resonances involved must be inverted selectively. By whichever technique a selective inversion is carried out, it is important that the other resonances not be perturbed. The most frequently used inversion techniques in RR experiments are a long, soft pulse or an asynchronous DANTE (delays alternating with nutation for tailored excitation) sequence. In cases where the CS anisotropy at one or both of the sites is comparable to the isotropic chemical shift difference between them, difficulties arise in carrying out the inversion with selectivity. Total sideband suppression pulse sequences combined with their time-reversed counterparts may be used to overcome the difficulties associated with large chemical shift anisotropies. Regardless of what technique is used to establish the initial condition of maximum polarization difference, the next step in the experiment is to allow the exchange of Zeeman magnetization for a variable time, Wm (see Figure 4), before applying a S/2 acquisition pulse. The equilibration of magnetization between the two sets of spins is described by the approximate Equation [17] or [18], depending on the system.

Applications and limitations As mentioned previously, the primary goal of the rotational resonance experiment is to determine the dipolar coupling constant, RDD, from which the internuclear distance, r, may be calculated. Carbon– carbon separations as large as 6.8 Å have been successfully determined, which corresponds to measuring a coupling as small as 24 Hz. Occasionally, dihedral angle measurements have also been carried


out using RR. At higher order rotational resonances (i.e. n = 3 or n = 4), where CS anisotropy is more likely to be comparable to Qr, the lineshapes and exchange curves are more sensitive to the orientation of the chemical shielding tensors. In general, when simulations (of either line shapes or exchange curves) are performed, they depend on RDD and, to varying degrees, on the magnitudes of the principal components of the chemical shielding tensors, their orientations with respect to the internuclear vector and with respect to each other, the magnitude of the J-coupling, and the zero-quantum transverse relaxation time constant, T . Lineshape simulations

In order to effectively determine a dipolar coupling constant based on a lineshape simulation, the chemical shielding tensors and their orientations must be known, as well as the J-coupling constant, and T . To determine the principal components of the chemical shielding tensors, a MAS NMR spectrum acquired on a singly-labelled compound in the slowspinning regime may be used to emulate the powder pattern provided the isolated spin approximation is valid. In some cases it is also possible to determine the CS tensor components from a spectrum of the stationary sample. Determining the orientations of the CS tensors is a more involved process, although in some cases careful assumptions and clues from local symmetry may be helpful. In practice, a value for T is usually estimated from the observed line widths off the RR condition.

In many cases, not all these parameters are known for the specific spin system under investigation. Therefore, two techniques that may be employed when a lineshape simulation is desirable are (i) a simulation based on known chemical shielding tensors (V), J-coupling constants, and T values, where only RDD is varied; (ii) use of a calibration with respect to similar compounds, where RDD (or r itself) can be extracted analytically from the observed splitting of a resonance. For example, the calibration method (ii) has been employed for a series of 13C-labelled retinals containing vinylic and methyl carbons, shown in Figure 5. The three isotopomers were 13C-labelled at the (10,20), (11,20), and (12,20) positions. It must be emphasized that the required parameters (V, J, T and r) were known independently from X-ray and previous NMR studies. T was estimated using

Figure 5 Structure of the retinal studied using RR, with the labelled carbons indicated. See text for details. (Reprinted with permission of the American Chemical Society from Verdegem PJE, Helmle M, Lugtenburg J and de Groot HJM (1997) (Journal of the American Chemical Society, 119: 169–174).

Equation [19]. The goal of the calibration was to be able to employ a simple, analytic equation relating r to the observed broadening of the vinylic peaks at RR. To accomplish this, the ‘ideal’ splitting presented above, RDD/(2 ), was plotted against the observed splitting, ∆Z. Simulations showed that ∆Z could be reliably reproduced, independent of the actual shape of the line. The resulting equation,

shows that the approximate theory fits well with experimental results in this case, and allows for a very straightforward determination of r from the observed splitting. The major advantage of using line shape simulations to extract the dipolar coupling constant, in general, is that the spectrometer time involved is less than that for the corresponding magnetization exchange experiment. For molecules similar to the retinal in Figure 5, where r is unknown, the analytical empirical Equation [20] can provide the information after a simple 1D NMR experiment. In spite of the results of the preceding example, the lineshape simulation method has rarely been used in practice, mainly because the RDD values are too small to result in splittings. In such cases, the exchange curve method discussed below is the standard technique for extracting the dipolar coupling constant under RR conditions. Exchange curves and simulations

By far the most common method for deriving structural information under RR conditions is through the analysis and simulation of a magnetization exchange curve. Once a suitable state of polarization difference has been achieved between the two sets of spins, 1 and 2, the delay time, Wm, is varied before applying a S/2 observe pulse and acquiring the spectrum (see Figure 4). Separate NMR experiments


must be performed to generate each point on a magnetization exchange plot. In order to extract the dipolar coupling constant or structural information, the observed magnetization decay must be simulated. Qualitative and relative distance information is more readily available than quantitative information since the exchange curve depends on the same parameters that the RR line shape depends on. Two common procedures for extracting Reff are: (i) comparison of the exchange curve with a series of exchange curves of model compounds for which r is known, and (ii) complete simulation of the exchange curve, where V, J, and T are known (or estimated). The magnetization due to naturally abundant NMR-active spins in the sample must be considered. This is done by subtracting the natural-abundance spectrum from that of the labelled sample. Failure to make such a correction could lead to an overestimation of r and an underestimation of T . A recent example of the application of RR to a structural problem will serve to illustrate its utility as a comparative tool. Figure 6 shows two peptide fragments in different conformations. This compound models the peptide AE1-42, a constituent of the amyloid plaques characteristic of Alzheimer’s disease. Rotational resonance MAS NMR was used in a qualitative fashion by Costa and co-workers to determine whether the amide conformation in the solid state was ‘cis’ or ‘trans’. From previous

Figure 6 Fragments of the peptide E34-42 showing the cis and trans conformations. Also indicated is the orientation of the carbonyl carbon chemical shielding tensor, with V33 perpendicular to the plane. Note the different orientations of the C–C internuclear vector with respect to the CS tensor components. Reprinted with permission of the American Chemical Society from Costa PR, Kocisko DA, Sun BQ, Lansbury PT Jr and Griffin RG (1997) Journal of the American Chemical Society, 119: 10487–10493)

experiments, model compounds served to give the chemical shielding tensor orientations of the carbonyl carbon. The orientation of the internuclear vector connecting the two labelled carbon atoms with respect to the chemical shielding tensor of the carbonyl carbon is drastically different for the two conformers shown in Figure 6. Note that in the trans conformation, the internuclear vector lies nearly along the V11 component, while in the cis conformation it lies nearly along V22. The dipolar coupling for the two conformations should, however, be nearly identical. Hence, the variable of interest in this experiment is the CS tensor orientation. Experimental Zeeman magnetization exchange curves were generated and matched to simulated curves (Figure 7). It was found that theory matched experiment only when a trans geometry was assumed. The n = 2 RR experiment was used in this case because at higher spinning speed (i.e. n = 1), the orientations of the CS tensors become less influential in determining the course of the magnetization exchange. This example shows that RR experiments can be used for more than simply extracting the dipolar coupling constant and determining an accurate value for r12. In fact, the basic RR technique is probably

Figure 7 Zeeman magnetization exchange plot for the peptide E34-42 fragments shown in Figure 6. The open circles are experimentally determined data points; the solid lines result from simulations assuming a trans geometry; the dotted lines result from simulations assuming a cis geometry. Reproduced with permission of the American Chemical Society from Costa PR, Kocisko DA, Sun BQ, Lansbury PT Jr and Griffin RG (1997) Journal of the American Chemical Society 119: 10487–10493.


Table 1

A summary of some hom*onuclear dipolar recoupling techniques.




Rotational resonance


Recouples when the difference in chemical shift frequencies is an integer multiple of the MAS speed.

Dipolar recovery at the magic angle


In its simplest form, a pair of x and –x S pulses separated by a delay, W, results in an observable dipolar broadening (Tycko R and Dabbagh G (1991) Double-quantum filtering in magic-angle-spinning NMR spectroscopy: an approach to spectral simplification and molecular structure determination. Journal of the American Chemical Society 113: 9444–9448).

Simple excitation for the dephasing of the rotational-echo amplitudes


Synchronously applied pulses lead to signal dephasing for dipolar coupled spins (Gullion T and Vega S (1992) A simple magic angle spinning NMR experiment for the dephasing of rotational echoes of dipolar coupled hom*onuclear spin pairs. Chemical Physics Letters 194: 423–428).

Radio frequency driven dipolar recoupling


Rotor-synchronized S-pulses reintroduces flip-flop term (Bennett AE, Ok JH, Griffin RG and Vega S (1992) Chemical shift correlation spectroscopy in rotating solids: radio frequency-driven dipolar recoupling and longitudinal exchange. Journal of Chemical Physics 96: 8624–8627).

Unified spin echo and magic echo


Spin-echo and magic-echo sequences are applied to recover the dipolar interaction (Fujiwara T, Ramamoorthy A, Nagayama K, Hioka K and Fujito T (1993) Dipolar HOHAHA under MAS conditions for solid-state NMR. Chemical Physics Letters 212: 81–84).

Combines rotation with nutation


Dipolar dephasing occurs due to applied RF pulses (Joers JM, Rosanske R, Gullion T and Garbow JR (1994) Detection of dipolar interactions by CROWN NMR. Journal of Magnetic Resonance A106: 123–126).

Double quantum hom*onuclear rotary resonance

2Q1-HORROR RF field applied at half the rotation frequency in conjunction with RF pulses (Nielsen NC, Bildsøe H, Jakobsen HJ and Levitt MH (1994) Double-quantum hom*onuclear rotary resonance: efficient dipolar recovery in magic-angle-spinning nuclear magnetic resonance. Journal of Chemical Physics 101(3): 1805–1812).

Melding of spin-locking dipolar recovery at the magic angle


Rotor-synchronized 90° phase shifts of the applied spin-locking field (Sun B-Q, Costa PR, Kocisko D, Lansbury PT Jr and Griffin RG (1995) Internuclear distance measurements in solid state nuclear magnetic resonance: Dipolar recoupling via rotor synchronized spin locking. Journal of Chemical Physics 102: 702–707).

Rotational resonance in the R2TR tilted rotating frame

Application of an RF field allows selective recoupling when the chemical shift difference is small (Takegoshi K, Nomura K and Terao T (1995) Rotational resonance in the tilted rotating frame. Chemical Physics Letters 232: 424–428).

Sevenfold symmetric radio- C7 frequency pulse sequence

Seven phase-shifted RF pulse cycles lead to dipolar recoupling (Lee YK, Kurur ND, Helmle M, Johannessen OG, Nielsen NC and Levitt MH (1995) Efficient dipolar recoupling in the NMR of rotating solids. A sevenfold symmetric radiofrequency pulse sequence. Chemical Physics Letters 242: 304–309).

Dipolar recoupling with a windowless multipulse irradiation


Windowless DRAMA sequence (Gregory DM, Wolfe GM, Jarvie TP, Sheils JC and Drobny GP (1996) Double-quantum filtering in magic-angle-spinning NMR spectroscopy applied to DNA oligomers. Molecular Physics 89(6): 1835–1850).

Rotational resonance tickling


Ramped RF field during the variable delay removes the T dependence (Costa PR, Sun B and Griffin RG (1997) Rotational resonance tickling: accurate internuclear distance measurement in solids. Journal of the American Chemical Society 119: 10821–10830).

Adiabatic passage rotational resonance


MAS speed varied during CP mixing to achieve more complete polarization transfer (Verel R, Baldus M, Nijman M, van Os JWM and Meier BH (1997) Adiabatic hom*onuclear polarization transfer in magic-angle-spinning solid-state NMR. Chemical Physics Letters 280: 31–39).

Supercycled POST-C5


Fivefold symmetric pulse sequence leads to hom*onuclear dipolar recoupling (Hohwy M, Rienstra CM, Jaroniec CP, Griffin RG (1999) Journal of Chemical Physics 110: 7983–7992).

better suited to qualitative distance measurements such as in the example given. It is necessary to make a general comment regarding the influence of molecular motion on the measurement of dipolar coupling constants. In the

context of solid-state NMR, it is not r12 which is directly measured, but rather the dipolar coupling constant. Molecular librations and vibrations will cause a certain degree of averaging of the dipolar interaction and thus RDD. The net result of the


motional averaging of the dipolar coupling is that the calculated distances, r, will be too large. Finally, it is important to recognize that the dipolar coupling constant measured in any NMR experiment also has, in principle, a contribution from the anisotropy in the indirect spin–spin coupling, ∆J. That is, only an effective dipolar coupling constant, Reff can be measured where

The last term in equation [21], ∆J/3, is generally ignored. Other hom*onuclear recoupling methods

Restoring the dipolar coupling between both heteronuclear and hom*onuclear spin pairs is of great interest. Rotational resonance applies strictly to hom*onuclear spin pairs, and Table 1 provides a brief overview of some of the other techniques available for recovering the dipolar coupling and extracting Reff for hom*onuclear spin pair from high-resolution MAS spectra.

Conclusions At present, RR is best suited for use as a qualitative probe into molecular structure rather than a quantitative one. In most experiments which have been done using the basic RR technique, the internuclear distances were known beforehand as a result of other investigations. Further developments of related RR techniques (such as rotational resonance tickling) may prove to be more useful in obtaining quantitative results. Still, the standard RR experiment is an excellent one for confirming distances between hom*onuclear spin pairs in a proposed structure.

List of symbols Ad(t) = spatial dependence of the dipolar Hamiltonian; B0 = external applied magnetic field; dm = Fourier components of the dipole–dipole coupling; h = Planck constant; = Planck constant divided by 2π; = average dipolar Hamiltonian; DD = direct dipolar Hamiltonian operator; J = indirect spin–spin coupling Hamiltonian; Z,CS = chemical shielding perturbed Zeeman Hamiltonian operator; Î− = lowering operator; Î+ = raising operator; Îi = spin angular momentum operator for spin i; Îzi = z-component of the spin angular momentum operator for spin i; J = indirect spin–spin coupling constant; n = order of the rotational resonance; r12 = distance between spins 1 and 2; internuclear vector; RDD = direct dipolar coupling constant (in Hz);

Reff = observed dipolar coupling constant; t = time; T20 = spin term in the spherical tensor representation of the dipolar Hamiltonian; T = zero-quantum relaxation time constant; U = propagator; Ji = magnetogyric ratio of spin i; ∆J = anisotropy of the indirect spin–spin interaction; T = angle between the applied field and the internuclear vector; Λ2 = dephasing parameter; P0 = permeability of free space; Qr = rotor frequency in Hz; Qi, Qiiso = isotropic resonant frequency of nucleus i (in Hz); Qrot = rotor frequency (in Hz); Q1/2 = line width at half-height (in Hz); [(t) = time-dependence of the NMR interactions as a result of sample rotation; Vi = chemical shielding tensor of spin i; Vii = principal component of the chemical shielding tensor (i = 1, 2, 3); Viso = isotropic chemical shielding constant; Wm = variable mixing time; ZB(n) = resonant Fourier components; Zi = CS-perturbed Zeeman angular frequency of spin i (in rad s−1); Zr = rotor frequency (in rad s−1); Z = difference in isotropic angular frequencies of spins 1 and 2. See also: Chemical Exchange Effects in NMR; High Resolution Solid State NMR, 13C; High Resolution Solid State NMR, 1H, 19F; NMR in Anisotropic Systems, Theory; NMR of Solids; NMR Pulse Sequences; NMR Relaxation Rates; Solid State NMR, Methods.

Further reading Andrew ER, Bradbury A, Eades RG and Wynn VT (1963) Nuclear cross-relaxation induced by specimen rotation. Physics Letters 4: 99–100. Garbow JR and Gullion T (1995) Measurement of internuclear distances in biological solids by magic-anglespinning 13C NMR. In Beckmann N (ed), Carbon-13 NMR Spectroscopy of Biological Systems , pp. 65–115. New York: Academic Press. Griffiths JM and Griffin RG (1993) Nuclear magnetic resonance methods for measuring dipolar couplings in rotating solids. Analytica Chimica Acta 283: 1081– 1101. Peersen OB and Smith SO (1993) Rotational resonance NMR of biological membranes. Concepts in Magnetic Resonance 5: 303–317. Raleigh DP, Levitt MH and Griffin RG (1988) Rotational resonance in solid-state NMR. Chemical Physics Letters 146: 71–76. Smith SO (1993) Magic angle spinning NMR methods for internuclear distance measurements. Current Opinion in Structural Biology 3: 755–759. Smith SO (1996) Magic angle spinning NMR as a tool for structural studies of membrane proteins. Magnetic Resonance Review 17: 1–26. Webb GA, Recent advances in solid-state NMR are reviewed annually in: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: Specialist Periodical Reports. Cambridge: The Royal Society of Chemistry.


Solvent Suppression Methods in NMR Spectroscopy Maili Liu and Xi-an Mao, Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, PR China

MAGNETIC RESONANCE Methods & Instrumentation

Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction In order to get useful information from NMR spectroscopy of biofluids or biomolecules (proteins, DNA, RNA, carbohydrates, amino acids), it is often necessary to measure 1H NMR spectra in aqueous solutions. In these samples, the concentration of solvent water protons is about 110 M and is about 10 5 times higher than that of the molecules of interest which are usually in the mM concentration range or less. Such a huge excess of water spins can cause many problems for NMR measurements. Firstly, the receiver gain of the spectrometer must be set to a low value to avoid the water signal overloading the receiver. In this circ*mstance, the analogue-to-digital converter (ADC) will be filled by the water resonance and many of the small signals from the molecules of interest will be below 1 bit of the ADC resolution and hence will not be digitized adequately. Secondly, the water resonance may obscure many solute peaks, resulting in the loss of molecular structural information that could make the spectrum useless. Thirdly, the strong water resonance can cause radiation damping, which provides another relaxation mechanism and shortens the relaxation time of water and hence broadens the water peak. Therefore for 1H NMR spectroscopy to be useful in aqueous solution, it is clearly necessary to attenuate the water signal. There has been a continued interest in developing new methods for solvent suppression in NMR spectroscopy of biomolecules and biofluids and many methods have been proposed. These fall into five categories (1) presaturation, (2) nonexcitation, (3) pulsed field gradient (PFG)-based methods, (4) filtering methods and (5) post-acquisition data processing. Among these methods, soft pulse presaturation is the most frequently used and it is also easy to be incorporated into one- (1D) and multidimensional (nD) pulse sequences. The other methods can also be found in some applications, such as the study of exchangeable protons. In the past decade, the use of PFG to enhance the suppression efficiency and to develop new methods has been a popular area of

study in NMR spectroscopy. Another advantage of using PFGs is the reduction of radiation damping. The important criteria for a good suppression method are the efficiency, selectivity and phase and baseline properties of the resulting spectrum. Owing to the limitation of space, this article focuses on the introduction of general principles of the solvent suppression methods, and emphasizes some of the important developments. The reader is encouraged to refer to the original literature and recent reviews for the fundamentals and details of the methods.

Solvent presaturation The presaturation method (PR) normally consists of a low-power, soft (long or continuous-wave) pulse at the solvent resonance. It is the simplest and the most widely used method for solvent suppression. The method can be found in a large number of 1D- and nD-NMR pulse sequences for measuring the 1H NMR spectra of biofluids or biomolecules in aqueous solutions. The general 1D presaturation pulse sequence is shown in Figure 1A, where PRx is the saturation pulse applied along the x-axis of the rotating frame. The duration of the PR pulse is normally equal to the preacquisition or relaxation delay. It has been found that a long PR pulse with a fixed phase can lock part of the water magnetization along the direction of the RF field. The locked resonance can be reduced by a so-called phase-shifted PR method as shown in Figure 1B. The pulse sequence of the phase-shifted presaturation method has two PR pulses with a duration ratio of 9:1 (PR x:PRy) and a S/2 phase shift. It had been reported that in conventional 2D COSY [hom*onuclear chemical shift correlation spectroscopy] and NOESY [2D NOE spectroscopy] experiments on 2 mM lysozyme in a 90% H2O–10% D 2O solution, a water signal suppression of a factor of 10 6 was achieved using the phase-shift PR method. Figure 1C shows a pulse sequence known as NOESYPRESAT, which can be considered as a combination of the phase-shifted PR


[1, –1] method. The sequence consists of a pair of 90° hard pulses that are separated by a delay W and have a S phase shift,

where FID = free-induction decay. The principle of the sequence can be described using the product operator approach. The first 90°x RF pulse generates transverse magnetization of –Iy. During the delay period W the transverse magnetization evolves at the relative frequency (Z) with respect to the transmitter

Figure 1 Water suppression pulse sequences, where the bar symbol represents a 90° pulse: (A) presaturation, (B) phaseshifted presaturation (the ratio of the duration of PRx and PRy pulses is 9:1), (C) NOESYPRESAT.

and conventional NOESY approaches and which can further improve the spectral phasing and baseline. It also provides a more effective suppression in the wide base of the water resonance. In HPLC–NMR or other applications with solvent mixtures, it is often necessary to suppress two solvent peaks at the same time. This is normally achieved by applying soft pulses or continuous irradiation at both solvent resonances or by fast switching the frequency offset between the two signals. With advances in NMR software, it is now possible to automatically search the solvent frequencies and to define suppression pulse offsets accordingly without any reduction in the suppression efficiency. The presaturation method can cause a loss of signal intensity of exchangeable protons. This is the result of saturation transfer from the solvent resonance that is caused by the chemical exchange during the period of the saturation pulse. Generally, care must be taken when using the method to study systems containing labile protons. On the other hand, since the amount of the saturation transfer can be controlled by the (saturation) pulse length, the approach provides a facile method for the assignment of labile protons and for the study of their exchange rate with water.

Solvent resonance nonexcitation A well-established nonexcitation method is the ‘Jump-Return (JR)’ sequence. It is also known as the

The last 90°–x puts the –Iy term on the right side of Equation [2] back along the z-axis of the rotating frame and the Ix term remains unaffected. The sequence thus gives rise approximately to a sineshaped excitation profile of sin(ZW). The excitation bandwidth (SWb) depends on the delay W and is SWb = 1/W. The maximum magnitude of the transverse magnetization can be obtained at the relative frequencies of 1/4W and –1/4W, respectively, and the two excitation bands have a 180° phase shift between them. The on-resonance solvent magnetization will be put along the z-axis and remains unchanged but the signals at the relative frequencies of ±1/2W will be inverted. By increasing the number of the RF pulses from two, it is possible to make the excitation bands flatter and the suppression region narrower. One of the improved versions of this pulse sequence is the [1–3–3–1] approach. A disadvantage of the general method is that it is complicated by a phase roll over the spectrum and by the effects of radiation damping. However, the saturation transfer effect remains at a minimum in these methods because of the very short overall duration, typically a few milliseconds, of the pulse sequences. One other variation of the nonexcitation approaches is the combination of selective and nonselective subsequences. It consists of a soft pulse of angle E and a hard pulse of angle – E. The response to the soft pulse is limited to a narrow range around the solvent resonance, which is cancelled subsequently by the hard pulse. The sequence thus nearly provides a flat and phased excitation profile with a gap at the solvent frequency. On the other hand, the inherent asymmetry of the method makes it sensitive to hardware imperfections.


Solvent suppression using pulsed field gradients Because of the advances in probe technology, PFGS have been widely used in high-resolution NMR spectroscopy for coherence selection, magnetization destruction and molecular diffusion coefficient measurement. Many of the water suppression techniques and conventional pulse sequences can be, and have been, modified using PFGs to improve suppression and to increase the spectral quality. It is rare to find a newly proposed pulse sequence not including PFGs. Reviews on the usage of PFGs in water suppression and the other specific topics are available in the recent literature. A PFG pulse applied along the magnetic field (z-axis) direction causes the transverse magnetization (coherence) to rotate with an additional phase of

where n is the coherence quantum order, J is the gyromagnetic ratio of the spin, r is the position of the spin in the gradient direction (the z-axis in this case), and G(r) and G are the gradient strength and duration, respectively. This position-dependent dephasing can be reversed by applying a PFG pulse of the same strength [GG(r)] but in the opposite direction. The dephasing and rephasing properties of the PFG pulses can then be used for solvent resonance suppression. A simple and efficient pulse sequence using PFGs to dephase the water resonance is the RAW (randomization approach to water suppression, Figure 2A) method, in which the transverse magnetization of solvent generated by a selective 90° pulse is destroyed immediately by the following strong PFG pulse. The selective pulse can be a Gaussian-shaped soft pulse to provide a narrowband excitation and to minimize the off-resonance excitation. Other selective pulses could be used as well. The scheme of ‘sel. 90°-Gz’ can be used preceding a preparation pulse in most 2D experiments for solvent suppression. To prevent the longitudinal recovery of the water resonance during the PFG pulse, the Gz pulse can be replaced by a scheme of a composite 180° pulse sandwiched by a pair of bipolar PFG pulses, -Gz-90°x-180°y-90°x-G–z-. The WATERGATE (water suppression by gradient-tailored excitation) method has proved popular recently because of its high efficiency and short duration compared with the methods using PR or selective nonexcitation. The method resembles a spin-

Figure 2 Water suppression pulse sequences using PFG to selectively dephase the solvent resonance, where the bar and open symbols represent 90° pulses. (A) Randomization approach to water suppression (RAW) sequence. (B) WATERGATE (the composition of the 3-9-19 pulse train and its variations are listed in Table 1). (C) Double WATERGATE echo method. It is recommended that different echo times (t1 ≠ t2) and different gradient strengths (Gz1 z Gz2) are used.

echo sequence with a selective refocusing pulse flanked by two symmetrical gradient pulses as shown in Figure 2B. Transverse coherences are dephased by the first gradient and can be rephased by the second gradient, provided they experience a 180° rotation by the selective pulses or the pulse train, denoted by W. This can be a 180° hard pulse sandwiched by a pair of 90° selective pulses. More commonly, it uses a frequency-selective pulse train of 3D-W-9D-W-19D-W-19DW-9D-W-3D (denoted by 3-9-19 or W3 for short), where 62D = 180° and W is a short delay that is used to control the null-inversion points (±1/W Hz). When either kind of selective refocusing pulse is used, the spectral resonances experience a 180° rotation and will be rephased by the second gradient pulse, whilst the net flip-angle at the water resonance frequency approaches zero and thus the water signal will be dephased by both gradient pulses. When selective pulses are used, the duration of the pulse is about 10 ms if a narrower suppression bandwidth is desired. WATERGATE with a W3 pulse train normally takes less than 5 ms, and the saturation of


exchangeable proton resonances is not too serious. Another advantage of using the W3 pulse train is that the null-points can be easily modified for off-resonance water suppression. The disadvantage of using the hard pulse train is that the peak elimination region is wider than when using presaturation and thus any resonances close to the solvent peak will be suppressed. New pulse trains with a narrower noninversion region have been introduced recently. The improvement is achieved by using four (W4) or five (W5) pairs of hard pulses in the pulse train instead of three pairs as in the original W3 sequence. The experimental results (Figure 3) indicate that when more element pulses are used in the pulse train, the non inversion region becomes narrower, and the spectral profile becomes wider and flatter, but this is balanced by some sacrifice of suppression efficiency. The composition of different hard pulse trains and parameters are listed in Table 1. The suppression efficiency may be improved by using the double gradient-echo method Figure 2C. Although the method provides much better suppression and phase properties, the intensities of any peaks near the solvent will be reduced because the profile of suppression has a squared form. For comparison of PFG and PR based suppression methods, Figures 4A and 4B show 500 MHz 1H NMR spectra of human blood plasma measured using the pulse sequences of WATERGATE (Figure 2C) and of NOESYPRESAT (Figure 1C) at 30°C, respectively. The low-field region was enlarged and plotted as an inset for both spectra. The experiments were carried out under identical conditions with the exception of the different pulse sequences. The pulse train of W5 was used as the refocusing pulse for the WATERGATE and the inversion bandwidth was set to 3000 Hz (W = 1/3000 s). A 2 s PRx and a 100 ms PR y low-power (JB1 = 60 Hz; where B1 is the RF magnetic field) pulse were used for solvent saturation in NOESYPRESAT. Both methods provide a high efficiency of solvent suppression; however, the resonances of labile protons (marked by arrows) were observable in Figure 4A Table 1

Figure 3 Experimental excitation profiles of the NMR pulse sequences using W3, W4 and W5 methods. The experiments were carried out at 500 MHz. The bandwidth was set nominally to 3000 Hz (W = 1/3000 s).

but suppressed in Figure 4B by the saturation transfer effects.

Solvent suppression using relaxation, diffusion or multiple quantum filters Spin and molecular properties that distinguish water from solute signals could be used for the water resonance suppression. The most frequently used properties are the longitudinal relaxation time (T1, also known as the spin–lattice relaxation time), the molecular diffusion coefficient (D) and double quantum or multiple quantum coherence filters.

WATERGATE pulse sequence parameters

Pulse type Pulse train composition (deg) b

Phasing for null-points c at k/ W

Phasing for nullpointsc at (2k+1)/ W I-I


90, 90



45, 135, 135, 45




20.8, 62.2, 131.6, 131.6, 62.2, 20.8




10.4, 29.4, 60.5, 132.8, 60.5, 29.4, 10.4




7.8, 18.5, 37.2, 70, 134.2, 134.2, 70, 37.2, 18.5, 7.8



a b c d

Original pulse train for WATERGATE sequence. Each pulse element is separated by a period W k = 0, 1, 2, 3,…. T = I + S



Figure 4 500 MHz 1H NMR spectra of human blood plasma obtained using pulse sequences of (A) the double WATERGATE echo method and of (B) NOESYPRESAT under identical conditions. The low-field region is expanded and plotted as the inset. The labile proton resonances (marked by arrows) are observable in (A) but suppressed in (B) by saturation transfer effects.

In biological samples, the longitudinal relaxation times of spins in a protein or other large molecule are often in the region of tens or hundreds of milliseconds, while those of solvent water are 2 to 3 s. Such a large difference in relaxation times makes it possible to suppress the water signal using an inversion recovery scheme (Figure 5A). A S pulse inverses the magnetization of both solvent and solutes. The remaining transverse magnetization is dephased by the PFG pulse, which also blocks the relaxation pathway associated with the radiation damping effect. The observation pulse is applied when the longitudinal magnetization of water becomes null, after a time T1wln2, where T1w is the longitudinal relaxation time of water. The spins in larger molecules with smaller T1s relax much faster and get closer to their equilibrium magnitude at the time of T1wln2. For small solute molecules with similar longitudinal relaxation times, the S pulse can be replaced by a selective pulse applied at the solvent resonance. Another variation is the use of a series of selective pulses with small flip

angles, each of the selective pulses being followed by a PFG pulse. The major advantage of this T1 filter method is its higher selectivity since it provides less attenuation of the resonances close to that of the solvent. It is also possible to attenuate the water resonance in biofluids and other aqueous samples by the addition of a reagent that causes a significant reduction of the water T2. The broadened water peak can then be attenuated by measuring the spectrum using a spin-echo pulse sequence. This can be achieved for biofluid samples by adding substances containing exchangeable protons that cause water to exchange at an intermediate rate and induce a line broadening. Commonly, guanidinium chloride is used. Alternatively, addition of a paramagnetic ion would also be effective, although care must be taken not to broaden the solute resonances in this case. Figure 5B shows the diffusion coefficient (D) filtering method. The method utilizes the difference in molecular mobility between water and solutes such


quantum order during the pulse sequence. Since water protons give rise to a single peak in an NMR spectrum and cannot be excited to a quantum order higher than unity, the water resonance cannot pass a MQF and will be eliminated from the spectrum. However, when the MQF is built up based on 1H–1H spin coupling, the resulting spectrum is expected to have a dispersive line shape on the coupling splittings, and thus the hom*onuclear MQF is commonly used for 2D NMR experiments. For example, the pulse sequence of double quantum filtered (DQF) COSY is shown in Figure 5C, in which PFG pulses are used to enhance the selectivity. A heteronuclear MQF NMR spectrum often has in-phase line shape, but generally the lower natural abundance of heteronuclei will reduce the sensitivity.

Postacquisition data processing

Figure 5 Solvent suppression pulse sequences based on filtering methods. Method (A) uses a T1 filter to discriminate resonances of solvent and solutes. The difference in molecular diffusion coefficients is used in method (B). Te is the spin-echo time. (C) Double-quantum filtering COSY, which uses the fact that there is no J-coupling between the two equivalent protons in water molecules and thus it cannot be excited to higher quantum coherence. The PFG pulses in (A) and (B) are used to attenuate radiation damping effects and dephase any transverse magnetization. They are used for the desired coherence selection in (C).

as macromolecules. In this experiment, the signal magnitude (M) is attenuated according to

where ' is the time interval between the leading edges of the two PFG pulses, and Gz and G are the PFG pulse strength and duration, respectively. The diffusion coefficient of water is more than 10 times that of most larger biological molecules, and thus the water signal will be attenuated, resulting in a spectrum of larger or less mobile molecules. Since D is a molecular property, the attenuation to different spins in a molecule will be the same. This should be useful for quantitative measurement. The diffusion filtering method has now been implemented into most conventional 2D pulse sequences used for diffusion coefficient measurement and for the editing of complex NMR spectra. The multiple-quantum filtering (MQF) method is an efficient approach to suppression of any resonance that does not experience a specific defined

As discussed in previous sections, a variety of solvent suppression methods are available. However, even when a high-quality method is used, it is quite common for there to be phase or baseline distortion (or both) in the resulting spectrum, especially in the region of the solvent resonance. In other cases, although the water peak is suppressed, it still remains as the largest peak in the spectrum. This will cause serious ridges (known as ‘t1 noise’) in the F1 dimension of multidimensional NMR experiments and will strongly affect the cross peaks close to it. These disadvantages can be overcome by postacquisition data processing. It has been a standard approach to eliminate a (solvent) signal using a frequency filtering method on most modern NMR spectrometers. Some NMR machine manufacturers also provide software packages of linear prediction and maximum entropy to enhance the quality of NMR spectra and to extract more information from the spectra. However, most off-line data processing methods are focused on automatic baseline correction and convolution, and filtration or subtraction of solvent signal from timeor frequency-domain data sets. The water signal is commonly considered as being a Lorentzian line shape. In some cases it can be treated as a Gaussian function or a weighted Lorentzian–Gaussian function, and can be subtracted from the spectrum or, more commonly, from the time-domain data.

Radiation damping effects on water suppression When water is used as solvent in 1H NMR spectroscopy, radiation damping is not avoidable, but its effects can be minimized if a proper solvent


suppression method is applied. So far radiation damping has been regarded as a negative effect on 1H NMR experiments when water is used as the solvent, although some positive use of radiation damping has been proposed. Radiation damping is a dynamic process similar to the longitudinal relaxation, both leading the magnetization toward the equilibrium state. Physically, radiation damping is caused by the interaction of the FID current with the magnetization itself, and is characterized by a time constant Trd, defined by 2(P0JKQM0)–1, where P0 is the vacuum permeability, K is the filling factor of the sample in the probe, Q is the quality factor of the detection coil. The large values of K and Q of the probe and huge magnetization of water make the radiation damping time very short (in the region of milliseconds), much shorter than its true relaxation time T1 at low concentration (in the region of seconds). As a result, radiation damping interferes with water suppression in many ways. Among the four experimental strategies discussed above, some could be seriously affected by radiation damping, while others may not be. Because the RF irradiation tends to null the total magnetization, radiation-damping effects will be correspondingly removed. It has been shown that during continuouswave irradiation, the decay of the magnetization is dependent on T1, T2 and the inhom*ogeneous contributions from both the static field B0 and the RF field B1, but is independent of radiation damping. The PR method has proven to be a reliable method for water suppression, but with the disadvantage of saturation transfer for exchanging systems. As for the PFG method, if only z-gradients are used, radiation damping could occur. Since z-gradients can destroy the transverse magnetization only, the remaining longitudinal magnetization, if it is in the –z direction and is still very strong, can easily evolve into a transverse magnetization under the influence of a radiation damping field. As a result, there will be a strong water signal in the spectrum. Care should also be taken when the refocusing PFG is used, since after the refocusing, the transverse magnetization will behave as if PFG were not applied. It should be pointed out that only the positive longitudinal magnetization does not lead to radiation damping. Thus, in order to prevent radiation damping from occurring, PFG experiments should be carefully designed. If neither PR nor PFG is used, radiation damping may bring about serious problems in water suppression. Because the water magnetization is not attenuated by hard pulses, radiation damping would make the [1, –1] sequence, the inversion-recovery sequence and the DQF-COSY sequence useless, as far as water suppression is concerned. For the simple

inversion-recovery method for example, after the spin inversion, the water magnetization returns to the z-direction more quickly than the spins in large molecules because of the short radiation damping time. Therefore, it is not possible to use the simple inversion-recovery sequence to measure the relaxation times, nor as a relaxation filter, unless PFG is utilized. In fact, the [1, –1] method, the inversion-recovery method and MQF method have been improved significantly by PFG modifications.

Summary Solvent suppression has been one of the rich areas in biological NMR research. The driving force comes from in vivo and in vitro proton NMR spectroscopy, protein structure determination, metabolic and toxicological studies of biofluids, and medical and functional magnetic resonance imaging. New methods could emerge from the following two fundamental techniques: 1. development of fast switching B0 and B1 gradient coils. A high-quality gradient facility is essential for all types of NMR experiment, including solvent suppression. The use of switching gradients means that transverse magnetization is rapidly dephased, and less signal attenuation caused by diffusion and magnetization transfer results. A properly self-shielded gradient coil can minimize the eddy-current effect which can cause phase distortion throughout the spectrum. The use of magic angle PFGs has proved to be very efficient in the suppression of the solvent resonance and for reducing artefacts in 2D experiments. 2. development of precise and flexible phase- and amplitude-controlled excitation pulses. This facilitates the design of pulse sequences that could produce an exact excitation profile for the solvent peak. Since HPLC–NMR has become more and more routine, the development of double and multiple solvent-peak suppression methods will become important. Whatever the fundamental technique a new method is based on, it should provide excellent baseline and phase properties and high suppression efficiency, have a short duration to avoid suppression transfer and be easy to be implemented into 1D and nD pulse sequences.

List of symbols B1 = RF magnetic field; B0 = static magnetic field; D = diffusion coefficient; G(r) = gradient strength;


Ix and Iy = transverse magnetizations; M = signal magnitude; n = coherence quantum order; Q = quality factor; r = spin position; T1 = longitudinal relaxation time; T1w = water longitudinal relaxation time; Trd = radiation damping time constant; E = pulse angle; J = gyromagnetic ratio;G = gradient pulse duration; ' = time interval K = sample filling factor; P0 = vacuum permeability; W = pulse delay period; Z = relative frequency. See also: Biofluids Studied By NMR; Chromatography-NMR, Applications; Diffusion Studied Using NMR Spectroscopy; Magnetic Field Gradients in High Resolution NMR; NMR Data Processing; NMR Principles; NMR Pulse Sequences; NMR Relaxation Rates; NMR Spectrometers; Product Operator Formalism in NMR; Proteins Studied Using NMR Spectroscopy; Two-Dimensional NMR, Methods.

Further reading Altieri AS, Miller KE and Byrd RA (1996) A comparison of water suppression techniques using pulsed field gradients for high-resolution NMR of biomolecules. Magnetic Resonance Review 17: 27–82. Gueron M, Plateau P and Decorps D (1991) Solvent signal suppression in NMR. Progress in NMR Spectroscopy 23: 135– 209. Gueron M and Plateau P (1996) Water signal suppression in NMR of biomolecules. In: Grant DM and Harris RK (eds), Encyclopedia of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, pp 4931–4942. Chichester: Wiley. Mao X-A and Ye C-H (1997) Understanding radiation damping in a simple way. Concepts in Magnetic Resonance 9: 173–187. Moonen CTW and Van Zijl PC (1996) Water suppression in proton MRS of humans and animals. In: Grant DM and Harris RK (eds), Encyclopedia of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, pp 4943–4954. Chichester: Wiley.

Sonically Induced NMR Methods John Homer, Aston University, Birmingham, UK

MAGNETIC RESONANCE Methods & Instrumentation

Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Conventionally, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy may be viewed as proceeding by photon-stimulated transitions between energy levels of certain nuclei that are quantized due to the influence of a strong hom*ogeneous polarizing magnetic field. However, the required quanta (hQ) of energy necessary to induce transitions need not be restricted in origin to electromagnetic radiation, but may be derived from the phonon, which is the acoustic analogue of the photon. An acoustic wave, which is manifest as sinusoidal pressure variations with a characteristic frequency Q (Z/2S), can be considered to be composed of a beam of phonons each carrying energy quanta of hQ. The pressure wave and phonon approaches may be invoked to explain various acoustic phenomena. For example, phonons can be considered to be capable of facilitating both experimentally stimulated and naturally occurring nuclear relaxation transitions in solids. On the other hand, the wave approach proves convenient for describing nuclear relaxation processes, and also cavitation, in liquids. Ultrasound can be used experimentally to stimulate NMR transitions, modify nuclear relaxation processes, narrow the resonance bands derived from solids

and modify the spectra of solutes dissolved in liquid crystals.

Principles Phonons and nuclear spin-lattice relaxation

Before considering the various possibilities of experimentally manipulating nuclear spin systems with sound it is beneficial to summarize the role of phonons in naturally occurring nuclear relaxation processes. Debye’s theory of the specific heats of solids depends on the existence of a high number of standing, high frequency, elastic waves that are associated with thermal lattice vibrations. Central to his approach is the proposal that in a solid the phonon spectral density ( U) increases continuously, and with a direct dependence on the square of the frequency (Z) to a cutoff frequency (:, at about 10 13 Hz) above which the phonon density vanishes: for a solid continuum containing N atoms in a sample of volume V, the proportionality constant is 6V/v3, where v is the velocity of propagation. At a typical nuclear


Larmor frequency (Q0) of around 109 Hz there will be a significant phonon spectral density that could facilitate nuclear spin-lattice relaxation. It emerges that the transition probability for such a direct process is very low. However, phonons at frequencies other than Q0 can contribute to relaxation through indirect processes. Of those possible, one can involve two phonons that could be involved sequentially in absorption or emission, but the probability of this happening is extremely low simply because the numbers of pairs of phonons having energies that combine to match the required transition energy is very low. An alternative indirect process is the so-called Raman process in which a phonon of frequency Q interacts with the nuclear spins to cause either absorption or emission with the accompanying emergent phonons having frequencies of Q – Q0 and Q+Q0, respectively. As absorption can only occur when Q lies between Q0 and : this process is very much less efficient than emission for which Q can have any value up to :: despite other processes being capable, in principle, of affecting relaxation, the indirect Raman emission process can, therefore, be viewed as being responsible for spin-lattice relaxation in solid samples. In the case of liquid lattices, the difficulty in adequately characterizing their structures renders them unsuitable for treatment by quantum mechanics. Accordingly, liquid lattices are often treated classically by considering the effects of molecular rotations and translations, with characteristic correlation times, W, on time-dependent magnetic and electric fields that may influence relaxation processes. Accordingly, it becomes convenient to depart from the phonon description of sound and adopt a classical view of this as the sinusoidal propagation of a pressure wave through a medium. Ultrasound

Sound having frequencies above about 18 kHz is traditionally called ultrasound, and in addition to its frequency is characterized by its intensity and velocity of propagation through a medium. As a matter of convenience ultrasound is usually categorized as diagnostic ultrasound (as used for imaging, with frequencies in the megahertz region) or power ultrasound (as used for cleaning, welding etc., with frequencies in the kilohertz range). The passage of ultrasound through liquids can result in some spectacular phenomena, particularly those resulting from acoustic cavitation. Simplistically, when an acoustic wave passes through a liquid it produces compression and rarefaction of the liquid on successive cycles. On the rarefaction cycle the

liquid experiences reduced pressure and, provided a suitable nucleation centre is available, a small cavity will form in the liquid. As migration of entrapped vapour into the cavity depends on the surface area of the interface of the cavity with the liquid this is greater on the rarefaction (expansion) cycle and so the cavity will grow on successive rarefaction cycles. The cavity will either become stable or, over a few acoustic cycles, unstable. In the latter case, the cavity collapses catastrophically with the generation of extreme local temperatures and pressures and the emission of shock waves. If this process occurs near a solid surface, so that there is an imbalance in the force field, a microjet of liquid, starting from the region of the cavity that is most remote from the solid surface, is ejected along the internal symmetry axis of the cavity and strikes the solid surface at velocities in the order of hundreds of m s–1. Evidently, ultrasound can be used below the cavitational threshold to pressure modulate the molecular motion in liquids or above the cavitational threshold to subject both liquids and solids to shock waves, liquids to extreme local temperatures and pressures, and solids to the violent impact of microjets.

Experimentation Although ultrasound can be generated in a variety of ways, it often proves most convenient to derive it from piezoelectric transducers by applying alternating voltages across opposite silvered faces of discs of the piezoelectric materials (for example, lead zirconium titanate) that have been suitably cut to generate either longitudinal or transverse waves from their surfaces. An alternating signal, applied at the natural resonance frequency of the piezoelectric crystal, causes the surfaces of the crystal to expand and contract at the resonance frequency so that corresponding sinusoidally varying pressure waves are generated and propagated in the desired direction through chosen media. For many NMR purposes, acoustic waves are often transmitted to liquids using metal (such as titanium) horns that are coupled to one of the piezoelectric crystal faces, or more simply by enabling intimate contact between the crystal and the liquid: to provide acoustic transmission through solids the transducer can be bonded directly to an optically flat surface of the solid. In the first low frequency (20 kHz) ultrasound/ NMR experiments, the ultrasound was delivered to samples in a conventional iron magnet NMR spectrometer using apparatus similar to that shown in Figure 1. The titanium alloy horn used was sufficiently long (77 cm) to enable the piezoelectric device


Figure 1

Early 20 kHz SINNMR apparatus.

to be remote from the NMR detector region as the latter is sensitive to pick-up of extraneous a.c. signals. The horn was machined to provide exponential reduction in its diameter both to provide a coupling tip capable of fitting inside a conventional NMR tube and also to provide mechanical amplification of the ultrasound. Evidently, this equipment with its physically large horn is not suited to insertion down the bore of cryomagnets. Consequently, devices have been produced that are particularly suited to operation with MHz ultrasound and which can be easily inserted into the top of NMR sample tubes in cryomagnets: such a device is illustrated schematically in Figure 2. Essentially, this facilitates electrical contact with the piezoelectric transducer by way of compressional contacts and enables the latter to be brought into intimate contact with liquid samples about 1 cm above the active NMR coil region where little pick-up by the latter from the former is experienced: very recently, similar devices to that shown in Figure 2 have been constructed that allow acoustic irradiation of NMR samples from underneath. By using this general approach NMR/ultrasound experiments have become possible at acoustic frequencies up to 10 MHz. It is worth noting that many

Figure 2 Schematic diagram of a transducer assembly capable of generating high intensity ultrasound in the megahertz region. Reproduced with permission from RL Weekes, Ph.D. thesis, Aston University, 1998.

high frequency piezoelectric transducer discs have an impedance that can be matched to the output of readily available, and relatively inexpensive, transceiver devices that can, therefore, be used to drive the transducers without extensive modification. Naturally, when contemplating high acoustic frequency/NMR experiments in cryomagnets it was a matter of priority to resolve two questions. First, does the introduction of ultrasound into the bore of a cryomagnet cause the latter to quench? Extensive experiments have shown that even with acoustic intensities approaching 500 W cm–2 the magnets do not quench, although naturally caution is recommended when undertaking such experiments. Second, what is the limit of acoustic frequency at which cavitation can be induced? Using the self-indicating colour-sensitive Weissler reaction as dosimeter it has been shown that cavitation can readily be achieved at frequencies up to 10 MHz, without the involvement of undertones of the transducer natural frequency.


Applications By extrapolation of the role of lattice phonons in nuclear relaxation processes in solids it is not a great step to appreciate that the application of ultrasound to both solids and liquids may be used to manipulate phenomena of interest to NMR spectroscopists. Although not yet an area of considerable activity the relatively few examples of the combined use of NMR and ultrasound that will now be described indicate that further such studies will prove profitable. Acoustic nuclear magnetic resonance (ANMR)

If a solid is irradiated with ultrasound it produces a phonon spectral density that is much larger than the spectral density arising from natural lattice vibrations at the irradiation frequency. If acoustic irradiation is at the Larmor frequency of dipolar nuclei, the rate of stimulated transitions is increased by a factor of about 1011, but this is probably insufficient to make the detection of acoustically stimulated transitions detectable. However, for quadrupolar nuclei the ultrasonic transition rates can be increased by a further factor of about 104 and enable the observation of net acoustic energy by ANMR despite the competition from relaxation transitions. The selection rules for allowed transitions due to quadrupolar coupling are 'm = ±1 (but not m = – + ) and ±2. Accordingly, ANMR (which is not susceptible to skin depth problems) can be detected at both Q0 and Q0. Although ANMR can, with difficulty, be detected directly it is usual to detect its effect through the additional saturation of NMR signals that are detected normally through stimulation by RF irradiation. Although there are many examples of ANMR experiments on solid samples there has been considerable debate as to whether similar experiments are possible using liquid samples. This debate appears to have been resolved by relatively recent work on 14N (Q0 = 6.42 MHz at a magnetic field of 2.1 T) ANMR saturation experiments on acetonitrile and N,Ndimethylformamide using acoustic frequencies ranging from about 1 MHz to 10 MHz. Only at an acoustic frequency corresponding to the nuclear Larmor frequency was saturation of the 14N signal observed, using an acoustic intensity of about 2.5 W cm2. Acoustically induced nuclear relaxation

If solids are irradiated with ultrasound having a frequency below the nuclear Larmor frequency, reference to the discussion of the Raman phonon relaxation process indicates that relaxation emission

transitions should be favoured and that spin-lattice relaxation times might be reduced. Correspondingly, the acoustic modulation of normal molecular motion in liquids might result in the reduction of T1. The earliest indication that T1 can be reduced by the application of ultrasound derived from work on an aqueous colloidal sol of As2S3 when, in the 1960s, a reduction in T1 was noted. Since that observation, detailed investigations have been undertaken on the effects of ultrasound, at various frequencies and intensities, on the values of T1 for 1H, 13C and 14N in several liquids and liquid mixtures. Importantly, it has been established that the normal values of T1 in liquids can be reduced by irradiation with ultrasound. Although the acoustic frequency used (1–6 MHz) appeared to have little effect on the observations, it was found that as the acoustic intensity was increased the value of T1 decreased by up to 60% of its natural value, and that the extent of the decrease appeared to correlate roughly with the molecular environment of the nucleus studied. As, for the small molecules studied, the nuclei were all in their extreme narrowing limit (short correlation times) a possible explanation for the reduction in the values of T1 is that their correlation times were increased by the application of ultrasound. This is not inconsistent with the rarefaction–compression effects of the acoustic pressure wave, which may be considered to impose on the molecules a motion that corresponds to a dominant translational correlation time of the order of the inverse of the acoustic frequency (∼10–6 s). It was also observed that as the intensity of the ultrasound was increased further the values of T1 increased from the minimum value achieved. Although several explanations of this increase in T1 are possible, it is most likely that it arose as a result of the rather crude apparatus used, causing heating of the samples and a normal increase in T1. Recently, further investigations of the acoustic reduction in the values of T1 have been conducted using improved apparatus. The now reproducible results show that T1 for liquid samples can indeed be progressively reduced, to a limiting value, by the systematic increase in intensity of the acoustic field. Figure 3 shows typical plots of the signal-to-noise ratio of the 13C quaternary carbon of 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene in cyclohexane with increasing acoustic intensity at 2 MHz and reflects the progressive reduction of T1. If the explanation for the reduction in the values of T1 for nuclei in the liquid phase is in fact that the ultrasound imposes a dominant translational correlation time on small molecules, an exciting possibility, currently being investigated, is that the choice of a suitable acoustic frequency could be used to modify the correlation times of large biomolecules and hence


Figure 3 Dependence on 2 MHz ultrasound intensity of the 13C signal-to-noise ratio for the quaternary carbon of 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene in a 1:1 molar mixture with cyclohexane. Reproduced with permission from AL Weekes, Ph.D. thesis, University of Aston, 1998.

reduce the associated values of T1 and speed up their study by NMR. Such an approach, however, has accompanying problems, not least of which is the possibility that the application of ultrasound may cause conformational changes to the macromolecules studied. Similar changes have been observed during studies of N,N-dimethylacetamide where increasing intensity of 20 kHz ultrasound was found to induce free rotation about the N–C=O single bond and cause averaging of the two N-methyl 1H chemical shifts to a single value. It has also been demonstrated by other workers that ultrasound can reduce T1 for a gadolinium chloride solution, and they, like the originators of the technique, have suggested that the approach might find use in magnetic resonance imaging: this exciting possibility remains to be investigated. Although less work has been done on the acoustic reduction of T1 in solids than in liquids, it has been established that, as for liquids, the natural values of T1 in solids can be reduced by the application of ultrasound. By coupling 20 kHz ultrasound to a sample of trisodium phosphate dodecahydrate in an open mesh nylon sack immersed in a liquid, the normal value of the 31P T1 was reduced from 7.1 s (obtained from MAS NMR measurements) to 2.1 s. Subsequently, similar reductions (by a factor of about two) have been observed for the values of T1 for 13C in diamonds to which high frequency piezoelectric transducers were bonded directly. Ultrasound and the NMR of liquid crystals

Due to the anisotropy in the molecular magnetic and electrical properties of liquid crystals they can, when in their nematic mesophase, be orientated by the application of external magnetic and electric fields. In the context of NMR this enables liquid crystals containing low concentrations of dissolved solutes to

be orientated by the magnet polarizing field. One beneficial consequence of this is that the solutes themselves become orientated and yield NMR spectra which show dipolar spin coupling splittings and which are quite different from their usual isotropic liquid state spectra. These, for example, enable the solute molecules structures to be determined. If a liquid crystal, in its nematic mesophase, is located in a magnetic field alone the molecular director adopts a reasonably well defined orientation with respect to the direction of the applied field. If, in a constant magnetic field, the orientation of the liquid crystal director can be changed, the appearance of the spectra of dissolved solutes should be changed. The possibility of using ultrasound to manipulate the director orientation of both thermotropic and lyotropic liquid crystals in appropriate NMR magnets has been investigated. The 2H spectrum of benzene-d6 dissolved in the nematic liquid crystal ZLI-1167, that normally aligns with its director perpendicular to the directions of the applied magnetic fields, was studied at about 30ºC below the clearing temperature, both with and without the application of ultrasound along the bore of a cryomagnet. In the absence of ultrasound, the normal 2H spectrum, composed of a pair of sharp quadrupolar split resonances, was observed. When the sample was irradiated with 2 MHz ultrasound the 2H resonances broadened as shown in Figure 4. A temperature gradient within the sample should result in tails between the inner edges of the two resonances the minimum separation between which corresponds to the sample being close to the clearing temperature. On the other hand, a gradient in the director orientation should result in outer trailing edges to the resonances, as observed. Analyses of several such spectra led to the conclusion that the ultrasound, possibly through acoustic streaming, can result in a dispersion of the normal director orientation with a maximum induced change of about 20º from the normal direction. SINNMR spectroscopy

It is well known that the width of the naturally broad resonances arising from static solids can be reduced by the coherent averaging processes that result from rapidly spinning samples about so-called magic angles. For dipolar nuclei the magic angle is set at 54º 44′ in the MAS NMR technique, while for quadrupolar nuclei an additional magic angle is used in the double orientation rotor, or DOR, method in order to minimize second order quadrupolar broadening effects. This is not necessary for liquids where the normally rapid and random molecular motion


Figure 4 2H NMR spectrum of benzene-d6 in liquid crystal ZLI-1167 irradiated with 2 MHz ultrasound at ~ 20 W cm–2. Reproduced with permission from SA Reynolds, Ph.D. thesis, Aston University, 1997.

leads naturally to narrow lines with isotropic characteristics. Evidently, if particulate matter could be made to mimic the motional characteristics of (large) molecules in the liquid phase, and undergo rapid random motion, it should be possible to narrow the resonances from the solids through an incoherent motional process. If this situation could be achieved without spinning the sample, the production of spinning sidebands, that confuse MAS NMR and DOR spectra, could be avoided. There are several possible ways of inducing the necessary incoherent motion of particles to facilitate their resonance line narrowing. An obvious way is to produce a fluidized bed in the NMR sample tube, but this has been tried without success. An alternative is to utilize the effects of Brownian motion where molecular bombardment of fine particles in suspension can cause their incoherent motion. The latter approach (ultrafine particle NMR) has been demonstrated using very small particles (nm size) that were perceived to be necessary to respond appropriately to Brownian motion. The necessity to use extremely small particles for this type of experiment is open to question because many experiments in the author’s laboratory have shown that micrometre sized particles, suspended in density matched liquids, respond to Brownian motion and yield resonances that are significantly reduced relative to those from static solids. Another way of inducing appropriate incoherent motion of suspended particles, and producing narrow

resonances from solids, is to irradiate the suspension with ultrasound. Whilst this idea relies on the consequences of several phenomena such as streaming, cavitation and shock waves, it may be considered initially from the viewpoint of early theoretical treatments of a single particle subject to an acoustic field. These showed that, for a physically anisotropic particle, the application of an acoustic field will drive the particle to one of three equilibrium orientations of which that with the long particle axis parallel to the direction of the acoustic field is the most stable. Having achieved the most stable equilibrium configuration any motional perturbation from this will be followed by a very rapid return to the equilibrium orientation, i.e. the particle will rotate rapidly through some relatively small angle in a more or less coherent fashion. Obviously this is not what is required to narrow the resonance lines arising from the solid. However, when an assembly of many particles is subject to acoustic irradiation the effects of cavitation producing microjet impact on particles will cause them to rotate, as will shock waves. The sequential effects of these phenomena, together with the effects of induced interparticle collisions, can be adequate to cause rapid incoherent rotation of the particles. These principles are implicit in the sonically induced narrowing of the NMR spectra of solids (SINNMR) technique that was first demonstrated in 1991. There are so many interdependent parameters (such as support liquid density and viscosity, particle


size, and acoustic frequency and intensity) that govern the success of the SINNMR experiment that it can by no means yet be considered a routine analytical tool. Nevertheless, continuing extensive investigations are slowly revealing the key features of the experiment and some of the findings are worthy of particular note. The technique was placed on a fairly reproducible basis, using 20 kHz ultrasound delivered via a long titanium alloy acoustic horn to suspensions contained in a normal NMR high resolution tube in an iron magnet based spectrometer. Work on resincoated (to prevent chemical reaction) ‘particles’ of aluminium and its alloys resulted in the production of 27Al SINNMR spectra which revealed resonances of full width at half maximum height (FWHM) as low as 350 Hz: this compares most favourably with the FWHM of about 700 Hz obtained using MAS NMR and the FWHM of about 9000 Hz for a static sample of aluminium. The fact that the SINNMR resonances showed Knight shifts typical of the metallic species appears to provide an unequivocal proof of the validity of the SINNMR experiment. Subsequent studies of the 23Na and 31P spectra of trisodium phosphate dodecahydrate provided valuable insight into the SINNMR experiment. 31P measurements of relaxation times using both MAS NMR and SINNMR revealed that the acoustically induced particle correlation times are of the order of 10 –7 s, which is quite fast enough to cause the motional narrowing of the NMR spectra of the suspended solids. Interestingly, it was shown that the correlation times of the particles reduced as their size increased in support media of decreasing density and viscosity. Somewhat disappointingly, however, these detailed studies revealed that under the conditions employed only about 2% of the solid sample participated in the SINNMR narrowing. Such a low efficiency of SINNMR would appear to render it a poor competitor to MAS NMR and DOR. Nevertheless, the potential value of SINNMR has been established through successful narrowing of 11B, 27Al, 29Si and 23Na resonances in a range of materials, including glasses. In view of this a concerted thrust has been initiated to both improve the sensitivity of the technique and reduce its complexity. The most recent work on SINNMR has resulted in the development of the first dedicated acoustic/NMR probehead. This accepts special SINNMR sample tubes that contain a piezoelectric transducer (interchangeable so that a range of acoustic frequencies from 1 to 10 MHz can be used) at its base. This configuration permits the ultrasonic irradiation of particles in less dense support liquids so that the particles can be levitated by the acoustic field and

Figure 5 The 23Na NMR spectra of particulate trisodium phosphate dodecahydrate suspended in a bromoform/chloroform mixture (A) without acoustic irradiation and (B) and (C) irradiated with 2 MHz ultrasound at ~30 and 50 W cm–2 respectively. Reproduced with permission from AL Weekes, Ph.D. thesis, Aston University, 1998.

induced to undergo incoherent motion in the NMR coil region. The use of ultrasound in the MHz range should produce smaller cavities and facilitate the study of much smaller particles than those used in the 20 kHz experiments, because the latter generates cavities of about 90 µm and microjetting from these is only effective with particles whose size is greater than the cavity dimensions. The reproducibility and efficiency of the SINNMR experiment has been improved using this dedicated apparatus and the preliminary results are most encouraging: typical SINNMR spectra are shown in Figure 5. When designing the dedicated SINNMR probehead and vessel mentioned above, particular attention was devoted to avoiding significant heating of the sample. As a result of this the apparatus can be used, not only for SINNMR studies, but for the reduction in the values of T1 for liquid samples. This is now routinely possible for small molecules and the possibility of inducing similar changes in macromolecules is now the subject of intensive investigation.

List of symbols N = number of atoms; T1 = nuclear spin–lattice relaxation time; v = velocity of propagation; V = sample volume; 'm = change in magnetic quantum number: transition selection rule; Q0 = Larmor frequency;Q(ZS) = characteristic frequency; U = phonon spectral density; Z = frequency; : = cut-off frequency.


See also: Heteronuclear NMR Applications (As, Sb, Bi); Heteronuclear NMR Applications (B, AI, Ga, In, Tl); Heteronuclear NMR Applications (Ge, Sn, Pb); Heteronuclear NMR Applications (La–Hg); Heteronuclear NMR Applications (O, S, Se, Te); Heteronuclear NMR Applications (Sc–Zn); Heteronuclear NMR Applications (Y–Cd); Liquid Crystals and Liquid Crystal Solutions Studied By NMR; NMR Principles; NMR Relaxation Rates; NMR of Solids; Solid State NMR, Methods.

Further reading Abragam A (1989) Principles of Nuclear Magnetism. New York: Oxford University Press.

Beyer RT and Letcher SV (1969) Physical Ultrasonics. London: Academic Press. Emsley JW and Lindon JC (1975) NMR Spectroscopy in Liquid Crystal Solvents, Oxford: Pergamon Press. Homer J (1996) Ultrasonic irradiation and NMR. In: Grant DM and Harris RK (eds) Encyclopedia of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Vol 8, pp 4882–4891. Chichester: Wiley. Homer J, Patel SU and Howard MJ (1992) NMR With Ultrasound, Current Trends in Sonochemistry, Cambridge: Royal Society of Chemistry Special Publication No. 116. Homer J, Paniwnyk L and Palfreyman SA (1996) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Combined with Ultrasound. Advances in Sonochemistry 4: 75–99. Suslick KS and Doktycz SJ (1990) Effects of Ultrasound on Surfaces and Solids, Advances in Sonochemistry 1: 197–230.

SPECT, Methods and Instrumentation John C Lindon, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, UK Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction The SPECT technique is part of the armoury of nuclear medicine for the diagnosis of pathological conditions. Unlike other imaging techniques such as X-ray tomography or even some uses of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), this technique can be used to identify functional abnormalities rather than anatomical disturbances. SPECT involves the injection into the body of a radioactive pharmaceutical product (a radionuclide) such as technetium-99m or thallium-201 which decays with the emission of gamma rays. Usually the radiopharmaceutical is a protein with the radioactive atom attached and the molecule is designed to have the desired absorption properties for the tissue to be imaged. Some are accumulated into heart muscle and are used for cardiac imaging, whilst others penetrate the brain and are used for studying brain function. Yet others can be targeted to the lungs. Thus a healthy tissue will take up a known amount of the SPECT agent and this then appears as a bright area in a SPECT image. If a tissue is abnormal it is possible that uptake of the radiopharmaceutical will

SPATIALLY RESOLVED SPECTROSCOPIC ANALYSIS Methods & Instrumentation be amplified or depressed according to circ*mstances and then this will appear as a more intense spot or a dark area, respectively, on the image. This can be interpreted by a nuclear medicine expert in terms of the suspected pathological state. Like X-ray tomography, SPECT imaging requires the rotation of a photon detector array around the body to acquire data from multiple angles. Using this technique, the position and concentration of the radionuclide distribution can be determined. Because the emission sources (in this case injected radiopharmaceuticals) are inside the body, this is more difficult than for X-ray tomography, where the source position and strength are known because the X-ray source is outside the body. It is necessary to compensate for the attenuation experienced by emission photons from injected tracers in the body and contemporary SPECT machines use mathematical reconstruction algorithms to generate the image taking this into account. SPECT imaging has lower attainable resolution and sensitivity then positron emission tomography (PET). The radionuclides that are used for SPECT imaging emit a single gamma ray photon (usually about


140 keV), whereas in PET the positron emission results in two high-energy gamma ray 511 keV photons.

Methods and instrumentation The technique requires the detection of the gamma rays emitted by the distribution of the radiopharmaceutical in the body. These gamma rays have to be collimated for detection by a gamma ray camera. The collimators contain thousands of parallel channels made of lead with square, circular or hexagonal cross-sections through which the gamma rays pass. These typically weigh about 25 kg and are about 5 cm thick with a length and breadth of about 40 by 20 cm. Models for special high-energy studies can be much more substantial and can weigh up to 100 kg. Such a collimator is termed a parallel-hole collimator and has a resolution which increases with distance from the gamma ray source. The resolution can be altered by using channels of different sizes. By going to smaller channels there is a trade-off in sensitivity. This has to be borne in mind during patient studies as it has an effect on scan times. Other types of collimator have been developed and these include converging hole collimators. Collimators are positioned above a very delicate single crystal of sodium iodide which is the heart of a gamma camera. This type of collimator/ camera arrangement is called an Anger camera after its inventor. The gamma rays emitted by the radiopharmaceutical in the body can be scattered by electrons within molecules in the body. This is known as Compton scattering and some such scattered photons are thus lost to the Anger camera because of the deflections caused. Second, the gamma rays can cause a photoelectron effect within an atom in the body (promotion of an electron to a higher orbital or even release of the electron) and again this gamma photon will be lost to the detection process. Usually, Compton scattering is the most probable cause of attenuation in a SPECT image. Conversely, it is possible for a Compton scattered photon to be deflected into the Anger camera’s field of view and in this case there is no information available on where the gamma photon originated and hence no spatial information on the location of the radiopharmaceutical. This process leads to loss of image contrast. A typical Anger camera equipped with a low-enegy collimator detects only about 1 in 104 gamma photons emitted by the radiopharmaceutical and a modern Anger camera has an intrinsic resolution of between 3 and 9 mm. A gamma ray which passes through the collimator assembly will hit the sodium iodide crystal and

generate a light photon which interacts with a grid of photomultiplier tubes behind and which collect the light for further processing. SPECT images are produced from these light signals. Sensitivity has been improved by the introduction of multi-camera SPECT systems. A triple-camera SPECT system equipped with high-resolution parallel-hole collimators can produce a resolution of 4–7 mm. Finally, other types of collimator such as the so-called pinhole type have been designed for imaging small organs such as the thyroid gland or limb extremities and for studies on laboratory animals. The signals for the detected photons are reconstructed into an image using algorithms originally based on those used for X-ray tomography but which allowed for photon attenuation and Compton scattering. A typical method would be the filtered back-projection approach. A number of experimental parameters have to be optimized in order to obtain the best SPECT image. These include attenuation, scatter, linearity of detector response, spatial resolution of the collimator and camera, system sensitivity, minimization of mechanical movements, image slice thickness, reconstruction matrix size and filter methods, sampling intervals and system deadtime. In a hospital, calibrating and monitoring these functions are usually performed by a Certified Nuclear Medicine Technician or a medical physicist.

Applications SPECT is used routinely to help diagnose and stage the development of tumours and to pinpoint stroke, liver disease, lung disease and many other physiological and functional abnormalities. Although SPECT imaging resolution is not as high as that of PET, the availability of new SPECT radiopharmaceuticals, particularly for the brain and head, and the practical and economic aspects of SPECT instrumentation make this mode of emission tomography particularly attractive for clinical studies of the brain. See also: MRI Theory; PET, Methods and Instrumentation; PET, Theory; Zero Kinetic Energy Photoelectron Spectroscopy, Theory.

Further reading Brooks DJ (1997) PET and SPECT studies in Parkinson’s disease. Baillieres Clinical Neurology 6: 69–87. Corbett JR and Ficaro EP (1999) Clinical review of attenuation-corrected cardiac SPECT. Journal of Nuclear Cardiology 6: 54–68.


Dilworth JR and Parrott SJ (1998) The biomedical chemistry of technetium and rhenium. Chemical Society Reviews 27: 43–55. Germano G (1998) Automatic analysis of ventricular function by nuclear imaging. Current Opinion in Cardiology 13: 425–429. Hom RK and Katzenellenbogen JA (1997) Technetium99m-labeled receptor-specific small-molecule radiopharmaceuticals: recent developments and encouraging results. Nuclear Medicine and Biology 24: 485–498. Krausz Y, Bonne O, Marciano R, Yaffe S, Lerer B and Chisin R (1996) Brain SPECT imaging of neuropsychiatric

disorders. European Journal of Radiology 21: 183–187. Kuikka JT, Britton KE, Chengazi VU and Savolainen S (1998) Future developments in nuclear medicine instrumentation: a review. Nuclear Medicine Communication 19: 3–12. Powsner RA, O’Tuama LA, Jabre A and Melhem ER (1998) SPECT imaging in cerebral vasospasm following subarachnoid hemorrhage. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 39: 765–769. Ryding E (1996) SPECT measurements of brain function in dementia; a review. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 94: 54–58.

Spectroelectrochemistry, Applications RJ Mortimer, Loughborough University, UK


Copyright © 1999 Academic Press.


Organic systems

Spectroelectrochemistry encompasses a group of techniques that allow simultaneous acquisition of spectroscopic and electrochemical information in situ in an electrochemical cell. Electrochemical reactions can be initiated by applying potentials to the working electrode, and the processes that occur are then monitored by both electrochemical and spectroscopic techniques. Electronic (UV-visible) transmission and reflectance spectroelectrochemistry has proved to be an effective approach for studying the redox chemistry of organic, inorganic and biological molecules, for investigating reaction kinetics and mechanisms, and for exploring electrode surface phenomena. In this article a selection of representative examples are presented, the emphasis being on the applications of transmission electronic (UV-visible) spectroelectrochemistry to the study of redox reactions and hom*ogeneous chemical reactions initiated electrochemically within the boundaries of the diffusion layer at the electrode–electrolyte interface.

Many organic systems exhibit redox states with distinct electronic (UV-visible) absorption spectra and are therefore amenable to study with spectroelectrochemical techniques. o-Tolidine

The technique of transmission spectroelectrochemistry, using an optically transparent electrode (OTE), was first demonstrated in 1964 using o-tolidine, a colourless compound that reversibly undergoes a 2electron oxidation in acidic solution to form an intensely yellow coloured species (Eqn [1]). This system soon became a standard for testing spectroelectrochemical cells and new techniques. Figure 1 shows absorbance spectra, for a series of applied potentials, recorded in an electrochemical cell employing an optically transparent thin-layer electrode (OTTLE). Curve a was recorded after application of +0.800 V vs saturated calomel electrode (SCE), which under thin-layer electrode


In an OTTLE cell, on application of a new potential, the concentrations of O and R in solution are quickly adjusted to the same values as those existing at the electrode surface. Thus, at equilibrium:

The Nernst equation in a thin-layer cell can then be written as:

For the o-tolidine spectra, 438 nm is used as the monitoring wavelength and the ratio [O]/[R] is determined from the Beer–Lambert law:

Figure 1 Thin-layer spectra of 0.97 mM o-tolidine, 0.5 M ethanoic acid, 1.0 M HCIO4 for different values of Eapplied. Cell thickness 0.017 cm. Potential vs SCE: (a) 0.800 V, (b) 0.660 V, (c) 0.640 V, (d) 0.620 V, (e) 0.580 V, (f) 0.600 V, (g) 0.400 V. Reprinted with permission from DeAngelis TP and Heineman WR (1976) Journal of Chemical Education 53: 594–597. © 1976 Division of Chemical Education, American Chemical Society.

conditions causes complete electrolytic oxidation of o-tolidine to the yellow form ([O]/[R] > 1000, where O represents the oxidized form and R the reduced form). Curve g was recorded after application of +0.400 V, causing complete electrolytic reduction ([O]/[R] < 0.001), with the intermediate spectra corresponding to intermediate values of Eapplied. The absorbance at 438 nm reflects the amount of o-tolidine in the oxidized form, which can be calculated from the Beer–Lambert law. Determination of E0, the reversible electrode potential, and n, the number of electrons in the o-tolidine redox reaction, can be determined from the sequence of spectropotentiostatic measurements (Figure 1). For a reversible system,

the [O]/[R] ratio at the electrode surface is controlled by the applied potential according to the Nernst equation:

where A1 is the absorbance of the reduced form, A3 is the absorbance of the oxidized form, A2 is the absorbance obtained at an intermediate applied potential, 'H is the difference in molar absorptivity between O and R at 438 nm and b is the light path length in the thin-layer cell. Thus the Nernst equation can be expressed as

Figure 2 gives Eapplied vs log([O]/[R]) for the data from Figure 1. The plot is linear as predicted from Equation [7], the slope being 0.031 V, which corresponds to an n value of 1.92, with an intercept of 0.612 V vs SCE. Methyl viologen

Mechanistic information is often available from spectroelectrochemical measurements. To illustrate the acquisition of semiquantitative information using a rapid scan spectrometer (RSS), the reduction of methyl viologen (the 1,1 c-dimethyl-4,4c-bipyridilium dication) under semi-infinite linear diffusion conditions is presented. Methyl viologen (MV2+) undergoes two consecutive one-electron reductions to the radical cation (MV•+) and neutral species (MV0) in an EE mechanism. In acetonitrile at an OTE coated with a


potential stepped slightly beyond (Ep)2, the spectra taken are qualitatively identical to those obtained at (Ep)1. This can be interpreted as due to the equilibrium between the three methyl viologen redox species in the diffusion layer, which greatly favours the radical ion MV•+, since Keq >> 10 3 for the reaction:

Figure 2 Plot of Eapplied Figure 1. Reprinted with and Heineman WR (1976) 594–597. © 1976 Division Chemical Society.

vs log([O]/[R]) from spectra in permission from DeAngelis TP Journal of Chemical Education 53: of Chemical Education, American

tin oxide film, both waves appear reversible with peak potentials (Ep)1 = –0.36 V and (Ep)2 = –0.76 V vs Ag/AgCl (Eqn [8]).

If the electrode is stepped some 0.200 V more negative than (Ep)1 during a chronoamperometric experiment, absorbance spectra taken by RSS show two absorbance bands at Omax equal to 390 and 602 nm. Interestingly, if the experiment is repeated with the

Analysis of the spectroelectrochemical working curves for this mechanism shows that when the radical ion is being monitored spectrally, the slopes of the A vs t1/2 plots obtained by chronoamperometric reductions at potentials of the first and second waves, respectively, should be in a ratio of 1:1.20. This ratio assumes that the electrode reaction at both waves occurs at the diffusion-controlled rates, and that the three species are in thermodynamic equilibrium in the diffusion layer. The ratio for methyl viologen is 1.21 at Omax = 620 nm. The larger ratio of 1.79 at Omax = 390 nm is believed to be caused by band overlap from MV0, which absorbs near the 390 nm band of MV•+. If the chronoamperometric electrolysis is continued beyond several seconds, the rate of growth of the absorbance at the shorter wavelength of 390 nm decreases considerably owing to the formation of a dimer that absorbs near the longer-wavelength band. Pyrene reduction

Reduction of the polycyclic aromatic pyrene serves as another excellent example of an EE mechanism where follow-up chemical reactions complicate the overall mechanism (Figure 3). The one-electron reduction to the radical anion produces a ground doublet state with allowed transitions expected in the visible region of the spectrum. Spectra taken by RSS during chronoamperometric reduction at a potential 0.200 V more negative than Ep of the first wave (Ep = –2.06 V vs SCE in acetonitrile–TEAP (tetraethylammonium perchlorate) showed only a major band with a wavelength maximum at 492 nm in the visible region (Figures 3A and 3C). Reduction at Ep of the second wave produced spectra with wavelength maxima at 455 and 520–530 nm (Figure 3A, curve b). These maxima are similar to those for a spectrum obtained from the chemical reduction of pyrene and attributed to the dianion, except that the long-wavelength band at 602 nm reported earlier is absent. There is doubt, however, that this spectrum is the dianion because the second wave is irreversible; a new oxidation


Figure 3 Spectra and cyclic voltammograms for the reduction of pyrene. (A) Curve a, spectrum of monoanion radical; Omax 492, 446, 385 nm; curve b, spectrum obtained from reduction at the second wave for pyrene (see (C)); Omax 455 and 520–530 nm. (B) Cyclic voltammogram for the reduction of pyrene to the monoanion radical in acetonitrile–TEAP at a tin oxide OTE. (C) Cyclic voltammogram for the reduction of pyrene. After reduction at the second wave, a new oxidation wave more positive than for the oxidation of the radical appears. Reprinted by courtesy of Marcel-Dekker, Inc. from Kuwana T and Winograd N (1974) Spectroelectrochemistry at optically transparent electrodes. I. Electrodes under semi-infinite diffusion conditions. In: Bard AJ (ed) Electroanalytical Chemistry. A Series of Advances, Vol 7, pp 1–78. New York: Marcel-Dekker.

wave more positive in potential than the wave for the oxidation of the radical anion appears (Figure 3C); and no spectrum due to the free radical appears during chronoamperometric reduction at Ep of the second wave. In any EE mechanism where the waves are sufficiently separated that the equilibrium constant for the disproportionation reaction is large, the equilibrium between the three species (pyrene, radical anion and dianion) would favour the presence of the radical anion in the diffusion layer. The supposed absence of rapid electron exchange between pyrene and dianion to form the radical anion suggests an EEC mechanism in which the dianion undergoes a fast hom*ogeneous chemical reaction to a species more stable than the radical. A likely candidate is the monoanion formed through protonation.

Inorganic systems There is a wide range of inorganic systems amenable to study by the spectroelectrochemical approach. In particular, transition metal complexes, with their rich redox state-dependent electronic spectra, have been intensively studied.


The hexacyanoferrate(III/II) (ferricyanide/ferrocyanide) system in aqueous solution is a well known electrochemically reversible redox couple (Eqn [10]).

Furthermore, as the hexacyanoferate(III) ion is brilliant yellow in colour and the hexacyanoferrate(II) ion is only very pale yellow, this redox couple is particularly suited as a model system for electronic (UV-visible) absorbance spectroelectrochemical studies. Figure 4 shows UV-visible absorption spectra recorded in a spectropotentiostatic experiment in an OTTLE cell on reduction of hexacyanoferrate(III) at a sequence of applied potentials. Curve a is at +0.50 V vs SCE reference electrode, where the redox system is in the oxidized state ([FeIII(CN)6]3/ [FeIII(CN)6]4 > 1000). Curve h is at +0.00 V vs SCE, where the redox system is in the reduced state


for a spectropotentiostatic experiment. Each spectrum was recorded 5 min after potential application so that ([O]/[R])solution is at equilibrium with the electrode potential. Spectrum h is the oxidized form, whereas spectrum a is the reduced form. A Nernst plot from the spectra in Figure 6 is shown in Figure 7 (E0 = –0.091 V vs SSCE, n = 0.99). Polypyridylruthenium(II) complexes

The prospect of developing new materials of relevance to the emerging field of molecular electronics, modelling electron-transfer processes in biological systems and producing new electroactive and photoactive catalysts has led in recent years to considerable interest in transition metal polypyridyl complexes. Two recent examples of the application of the OTTLE spectroelectrochemical technique to the study of these fascinating systems are described here. Identification of mixed-valence states in polynuclear polypyridylruthenium(II) complexes Mixed-valence complexes provide an ideal way of studying electron transfer – the most fundamental process in chemistry – under controlled conditions. Polynuclear complexes

Figure 4 In situ UV-visible absorption spectra of 2.0 mM K3Fe(CN)6 in aqueous 1M KCl at a sequence of applied potentials vs Ag/AgCl: (a) 0.50 V, (b) 0.28 V, (c) 0.26 V, (d) 0.24 V, (e) 0.22 V, (f) 0.20 V, (g) 0.17 V and (h) 0.00 V. Inset shows the plot of Eapplied vs log ([O]/[R]): ● at 312 nm and ▲ at 420 nm. Reprinted from Niu J and Dong S (1995) Electrochimica Acta 40: 823–828, © 1995, with permission from Elsevier Science.

([FeIII(CN)6]4/[FeIII(CN)6]3 > 1000), while the intermediate spectra correspond to intermediate values of applied potentials. The inset plot in Figure 4 demonstrates the reversibility of this system in accordance with Equation [7]. [TcIII(diars)2Cl2 ]+

The complex [TcIII(diars)2Cl2]+ (diars = [1]) provides another example of a reversible redox couple for which the spectropotentiostatic method has been applied.

Figure 5 shows a thin-layer cyclic voltammogram for this system and Figure 6 gives a series of spectra

Figure 5 Thin-layer cyclic voltammogram at 2 mV s1 of 0.87 mM [TcIII(diars)2Cl2], 0.5 M TEAP in DMF. (SSCE = Sodium chloride saturated calomel electrode.) Reprinted with permission from Hurst RW, Heineman WR and Deutsch E (1981) Inorganic Chemistry 20: 3298–3303. © 1981 American Chemical Society.


Figure 6 Spectra recorded during an OTTLE spectropotentiostatic experiment on 0.87 mM [TcIII(diars)2Cl2], 0.5 M TEAP in DMF. Applied potentials vs SSCE: (a) 0.250 V; (b) 0.150 V; (c) 0.100 V; (d) 0.075 V; (e) 0.050 V; (f) 0.025 V; (g) 0.100 V; (h) 0.250 V. Reprinted with permission from Hurst RW, Heineman WR and Deutsch E (1981) Inorganic Chemistry 20: 3298–3303. ©1981American Chemical Society.

containing polypyridylruthenium(II) moieties are of particular interest for the study of mixed valency because of their kinetic inertness in both the +II and +III oxidation states, generally reversible electrochemical behaviour, and good π-donor ability which allows interaction with bridging ligand orbitals. Spectroelectrochemical measurements can be used to probe electrogenerated mixed-valence states in such complexes. A recent example (Table 1 and Figure 8) is the controlled-potential oxidation of the [2,2] species of the complex [{Ru(bipy)2}2(µ-OMe)2][PF6]2 in an OTTLE cell. Oxidation of the [2,2] species to the mixed-valence [2,3] state results in the collapse of the metal-to-ligand charge transfer (m.l.c.t) bands at 589 and 364 nm and the generation of a new transition at ~1800 nm (H = 5000 dm3 mol−1 cm−1), which disappears on further oxidation to the RuIII state. The observations that this transition is not solvatochromic and that the half-width of the peak is much narrower than the value predicted from Hush theory for vectorial intervalence charge-transfer bands both point to a class III (Robin and Day fully delocalized) mixed-valence state.

Figure 7 Nernst plot for spectropotentiostatic experiment on 0.87 mM [TcIII(diars)2Cl2], 0.5 M TEAP in DMF. Data at 403 nm from Figure 6 are used. Reprinted by courtesy of MarcelDekker, Inc. from Heineman WR, Hawkridge FM and Blount HN (1984) Spectroelectrochemistry at optically transparent electrodes. II. Electrodes under thin-layer and semi-infinite diffusion conditions and indirect coulometric titrations. In: Bard AJ (ed) Electroanalytical Chemistry. A Series of Advances, Vol 13, pp 1–113. New York: Marcel-Dekker.

Electronic properties of hydroquinone-containing ruthenium polypyridyl complexes Ruthenium polypyridyl complexes bound to hydroquinone/ quinone moieties are expected to yield information on the behaviour of hydroquinone-type compounds in biological processes. Furthermore, ruthenium(II)– hydroquinone complexes involving O and N bonds are likely to absorb well into the visible region and therefore have potential as dyes in sensitized solar cells. A recent example in the application of spectroelectrochemistry to the study of hydroquinone-containing ruthenium polypyridyl complexes is the oxidation of [Ru(bipy)2(HL0)]+ (H2L0 = 1,4-dihydroxy-2,3-bis(pyrazol-1-yl)benzene) (Figure 9). The spectral changes associated with the first twoelectron oxidation step are reversible, and unstable long-lived intermediates are not present, as indicated by the clear isobestic points at 327, 398, 446 and 614 nm (Figure 9). After the first two-electron oxidation the m.l.c.t. band at 490 nm blue shifts to approximately 416 nm, and a new feature appears at 700 nm for [(Ru(bipy)2(HL0)]2. The presence of


Table 1 Electronic spectral data for the dinuclear complex [{Ru(bipy)2}2(µ-OMe)2][PF6]2 in CH2Cl2 at 240 K

Oxidation state Omax (nm) (10–3 H(dm3 mol–1 cm–1)) [2,2]

572 (12), 420 (sh), 359 (15), 293 (79), 242 (58)


1 800 (5), 480 (9), 340 (12), 292 (94), 242 (57)


580 (6), 380 (sh), 248 (64)

Reprinted with permission from Bardwell DA, Horsburgh L, Jeffrey JC et al (1996) Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions, 2527.

significant absorption features between 400 and 500 nm in the spectrum of the oxidized compound suggests that in the complex the metal centre is still in the ruthenium(II) state, consistent with interpretation from electrochemical data. The oxidized complex is therefore most likely the analogous ruthenium(II)–quinone species. After oxidation of the hydroquinone to quinone, the RuII → bipy(π ) m.l.c.t. shifts to the blue as a result of the stabilization of the t2g level when the σ-donating ability of the ligand is decreased. Further oxidation results in the irreversible loss of the intense feature between 700 and 800 nm and of the band at 416 nm and the generation of a yellow complex likely to be a

Figure 9 Spectroelectrochemical oxidation of [Ru(bipy)2 (HL0)] (H2L0 = 1,4-dihydroxy-2,3-bis(pyrazol-1-yl)benzene) as a function of time between 0 and 20 min. Reprinted with permission from Keyes TE, Jayaweera PM, McGarvey JJ and Vos JG (1997) Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions, 1627–1632.

complex in which the pyrazole is bound to the ruthenium in a monodentate fashion.

Biological systems Numerous biological redox systems have been studied by the spectroelectrochemical approach, including cytochromes, myoglobin, photosynthetic electron transport components, spinach ferrodoxin, blue copper proteins, retinal, and vitamin B12 and its analogues. Two classic examples are presented here. Vitamin B12 Figure 8 Successive electronic spectra of the dinuclear complex [{Ru(bipy)2}2(µ-OMe)2][PF6]2 in propylene carbonate at 240 K recorded during electrochemical oxidation to the mixedvalence RuIIRuIII state, showing the disappearance of the RuII → m.l.c.t. bands and the appearance of the near-IR band. Reprinted with permission from Bardwell DA, Horsburgh L, Jeffrey JC et al (1996) Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions, 2527–2531.

Vitamin B12 (cyanocob(III)alamin) is an example of a quasi-reversible redox system that exhibits slow heterogeneous electron-transfer kinetics. Cyclic voltammetry alone suggests that the reduction of vitamin B12 is a single two-electron process at Epc = –0.93 V vs SCE to the Co(I) redox state (Figure 10A). However, thin-layer spectroelectrochemistry using a


Hg–Au minigrid OTTLE in a spectropotentiostatic mode reveals that reduction takes place via two consecutive one-electron steps (Figures 11 and 12). Figure 11 shows thin-layer spectra for the reduction to B12r, which occurs in the potential range 0.580 to –0.750 V, and Figure 12 shows the spectral changes for the further reduction to B12s, which occurs in the range –0.770 to –0.950 V. Nernst plots for these two reduction processes (using Eqn [7] above) give values of E1 = –0.655 V, n = 1 and E2 = –0.880 V, n = 1, respectively. The two one-electron reduction processes are clearly shown by the plot of absorbance at 363 nm vs potential in Figure 10B, the first one-electron reduction occurring in a region with no apparent cathodic current (Figure 10A).

Cytochrome c Often biological macromolecules will not undergo direct heterogeneous electron transfer with an electrode. Instead, mediator titrants are used that exchange electrons heterogeneously with the electrode and hom*ogeneously with the macro-

Figure 11 Thin-layer spectra for reduction of vitamin B12 to B12r in a solution of 1 mM vitamin B12, Britton–Robinson buffer pH 6.86, 0.5 M Na2SO4. To obtain the spectra, the potential was stepped in 0.5 mV increments and maintained at each step for 3–5 min until spectral changes ceased. Applied potentials vs SCE: (a) –0.550 V; (b) –0.630 V; (c) –0.660 V; (d) 0.690 V; (e) –0.720 V; (f) –0.770 V. Reprinted by courtesy of MarcelDekker, Inc. from Heineman WR, Hawkridge FM and Blount HN (1984) Spectroelectrochemistry at optically transparent electrodes. II. Electrodes under thin-layer and semi-infinite diffusion conditions and indirect coulometric titrations. In: Bard AJ (ed) Electroanalytical Chemistry. A Series of Advances, Vol 13, pp 1–113. New York: Marcel-Dekker.

Figure 10 (A) Thin-layer cyclic voltammogram of 1 mM vitamin B12, Britton–Robinson buffer pH 6.86, 0.5 M Na2So4. (B) Plot of absorbance at 368 nm vs potential, recorded at effectively ~ 0.003 mV s–1, from spectra in Figures 11 and 12. Reprinted by courtesy of Marcel-Dekker, Inc. from Heineman WR, Hawkridge FM and Blount HN (1984) Spectroelectrochemistry at optically transparent electrodes. II. Electrodes under thin-layer and semi-infinite diffusion conditions and indirect coulometric titrations. In: Bard AJ (ed) Electroanalytical Chemistry. A Series of Advances, Vol 13, pp 1–113. New York: Marcel-Dekker.

Figure 12 Thin-layer spectra for reduction of vitamin B12r to B12s in a solution initially of 1 mM vitamin B12, Britton–Robinson buffer pH 6.86, 0.5 M Na2SO4. To obtain the spectra, the potential was stepped in 0.5 mV increments and maintained at each step for 3–5 min until spectral changes ceased. Applied potentials vs SCE: (a) –0.770 V; (b) –0.820 V; (c) –0.860 V; (d) –0.880 V; (e) –0.900 V; (f) –0.920 V; (g) –1.000 V. Reprinted with permission from Rubinson KA, Itabashi E and Mark Jr HB (1982) Inorganic Chemistry 21: 3771–3773. © 1982 American Chemical Society.


Figure 14 Spectra of iron hexacyanoferrate films on ITOcoated glass at various potentials [(i) +0.50 V (PB, blue); (i) –0.20 V (PW, transparent); (iii) +0.80 V (PG, green); (iv) +0.85 V (PG, green); (v) +0.90 V (PG, green); (vi) +1.20 V (PX, yellow)] vs SCE with 0.2 M KCl + 0.01M HCl as supporting electrolyte. Reproduced with permission from Mortimer RJ and Rosseinsky DR (1984) Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions, 2059–2061. Figure 13 Spectrocoulometric titration of cytochrome c (17.5 µM and cytochrome c oxidase (6.3 µM) by reduction with electrogenerated methyl viologen radical cation (MV•) at a SnO2 OTE. Each spectrum was recorded after 5 × 109 equivalents of charge (0.5 mC) were passed. Spectra correspond to titration from totally oxidized to totally reduced forms. The final two spectra around 605 nm were recorded after excess MV• was present. Inset shows titration curves at 550 and 605 nm. Reprinted with permission from Heineman WR, Kuwana T and Hartzell CR (1973) Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 50: 892–900.

molecules. Figure 13 gives spectra obtained for the reduction of a mixture of the haem proteins cytochrome c and cytochrome c oxidase, both initially in the fully oxidized state. Each spectrum was recorded after the coulometric addition of 5 u 10−9 equivalents of reductant, the methyl viologen radical cation (MV•+) electrogenerated at a SnO2 OTE. The reaction sequence is an EC catalytic regeneration mechanism:

Figure 15 Spectra of poly(m-toluidine) films on ITO in 1M hydrochloric acid at (a) –0.20 V, (b) +0.10 V, (c) +0.20 V, (d) +0.30 V vs SCE. Reproduced with permission from Mortimer RJ (1995) Journal of Materials Chemistry 5: 969–973.


Figure 16 Spectra recorded at times indicated after potential switching of poly(m-toluidine) films on ITO in 1 M hydrochloric acid (A) Potential step 0.20 to +0.40 V vs SCE. (B) Potential step +0.40 to 0.20 V vs SCE. Reproduced with permission from Mortimer RJ (1995) Journal of Materials Chemistry 5: 969–973.

In solution, one MV• species can reduce a single haem site in cytochrome c or one of two in the oxidase. The absorbance increase (Figure 13) at 605 nm corresponds to the reduction of the two haem components of cytochrome c oxidase; the increase at 550 nm corresponds to the reduction of the haem in cytochrome c. Study of plots of absorbance change vs coulometric charge (see inset of Figure 13) indicate that MV•+ initially reduces one of the haem groups in cytochrome c oxidase, then the haem in cytochrome c, before it reduces the second haem of the oxidase.

Modified electrodes Immobilization of chemical microstructures onto electrode surfaces has been a major growth area in

electrochemistry in recent years. Compared to conventional electrodes, greater control of electrode characteristics and reactivity is achieved on surface modification. Potential applications of such systems include the development of electrocatalytic systems with high chemical selectivity and activity, coatings on semiconducting electrodes with photosensitizing and anticorrosive properties, electrochromic displays, microelectrochemical devices for the field of molecular electronics and electrochemical sensors with high selectivity and sensitivity. Spectroelectrochemical measurements, both ex situ and in situ, are frequently used in the characterization of modified electrodes. In the case of in situ spectroelectrochemical measurements, the modified electrode can be considered to be analogous to an OTTLE, the redox active layer being physically or


light-transmissive devices for optical information and storage, antiglare car rear-view mirrors, sunglasses, protective eyewear for the military, controllable aircraft canopies, glare-reduction systems for offices, and ‘smart windows’ for use in cars and in buildings.

Figure 17 Spectra recorded at –0.90 V vs SCE during the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th and 10th cyclic voltammograms for an ITO/Nafion electrode in 0.1 mM 1,1c-dimethyl -4,4c-bipyridilium dichloride +0.2 M KCI (pH 5.5). The vertical arrows indicate absorbance increase with scan number. For a comparable experiment in the absence of Nafion, the maximum absorbance was 30 000

Bluish white

Relatively few lines. He+ lines dominate


10 000–30 000

Bluish white

More lines; neutral He lines dominate; hydrogen Balmer lines developing


7 500–10 000


Very strong hydrogen Balmer lines, decreasing later; Ca+ line appears


6 000–7 500


Hydrogen Balmer lines and ionized metal lines declining; neutral metal lines increasing


5 000–6 000


Many metal lines; lines of Ca+ strong; neutral metal lines continue to increase


3 500–5 000


Molecular bands appear; neutral metal lines dominate

2 500–3 500


Neutral metal lines strong; molecular bands dominate

M a b

Each spectral class is subdivided into subclasses ranging from 0 to 9 with 0 the hottest and 9 the coolest type in the class. Approximate photospheric temperature range for main sequence stars.


Figure 1 Line intensities in the 4300–4400 Å region of spectra of representative stars of spectral types B–G. The more prominent lines are labelled at the top and bottom. Note how the strength of the Balmer Hγ line increases in strength relative to the continuum from top to bottom in the left-hand column and then decreases again in the right-hand column. At the same time, metal lines increase in strength, first from ionic and then from neutral species. Finally, note the difference in line width between different luminosity classes (see top left-hand side).

levels now take over the spectrum (Figure 1 and Table 1). For the coolest K and M stars, most of the metals are neutral and molecules can survive in the stellar photosphere. Lines from these species will dominate the spectral appearance. In addition to this spectral class, stars are also characterized by a luminosity parameter. This luminosity classification is made on the basis of the width of spectral lines. Table 2 summarizes this classification. The width of spectral lines increases as the gas pressure increases. This so-called pressure broadening is due to the perturbation of atomic energy levels by other, nearby species. The physically largest stars have the lowest surface densities and pressures. Lines from these stars are therefore broader than from smaller stars (Figure 1 and Table 2). This difference in size, which results in a difference in stellar luminosity, has led to the naming scheme from supergiants to dwarfs. Stellar classification of a spectrum is actually based upon the intensity ratio of pairs of lines which

Table 2

Luminosity classes a

Luminosity class

Star type




Bright giants






Main sequenceb




White dwarfs



Along this sequence, the width of spectral lines increases from supergiants to white dwarfs. Main sequence stars are also known as dwarfs.

are sensitive to temperature or luminosity. The lines used depend on the appropriate spectral type. This provides a straightforward way to classify stellar spectra and to determine rapidly the physical conditions in the stellar photosphere, including density, temperature, pressure, luminosity and size. While these spectral and luminosity classes can be used to classify most stars, there is in addition a


bewildering collection of stars with spectra which deviate in various respects. Generally, these variations reflect differences in the elemental abundances in the photospheres of these stars. Most stars have abundances very similar to the Sun. However, deep in the interior of each star, nucleosynthesis converts hydrogen and helium into heavier elements such as carbon and nitrogen. In some stars, these freshly synthesized elements can be exposed in the stellar photosphere either owing to the effects of extensive mixing of deeper layers with the surface or because much of the stellar envelope has been lost in a stellar wind. Table 3 contains a sample of such special stars and their spectroscopic characteristics. The carbon stars are rare variable giants with temperatures similar to those of classes G and M. Their spectra are characterized by strong lines from carbon-bearing molecules (CN, C2). These stars form when nucleosynthetically processed material, which is enriched in carbon owing to helium burning, is dredged up from the interior. When the abundance of carbon becomes larger than that of oxygen in the photosphere, all the oxygen is locked up in carbon monoxide and carbonaceous molecules rather than oxides dominate the composition. The spectra of these stars also show lines due to technetium (Tc), which is radioactive with a half-life of about 1 million years. Clearly, this element was recently formed in the interior and dredged up to the surface. Hence the presence of Tc in stellar spectra directly attests to the importance of nucleosynthesis in stellar interiors. So-called S stars are thought to be an intermediate stage in the stellar evolution from M to C stars where the abundances of carbon and oxygen approximately balance. ZrO bands now dominate the spectra (Table 3). Wolf Rayet stars are very luminous and hot stars with weak hydrogen lines and very strong helium lines. Their spectra show very wide emission features due to ionized He, C, N and O, originating in a wind from the star. Depending on type, they have excess carbon (WC) or excess nitrogen (WN) in their photosphere (Table 3). Some O, B and A stars (hot emission line stars) show hydrogen emission lines originating in a stellar wind. Table 3

Elemental abundances The determination of stellar abundances is one of the main applications of stellar spectroscopy. The strength of photospheric absorption lines can provide information on the relative abundances of the elements in the photosphere of the star. Generally, this is done by measuring the strength of spectral lines relative to the continuum, the so-called equivalent width. The relationship between the equivalent width and the number of absorbers is called the curve of growth in stellar spectroscopy. For weak lines, the equivalent width is directly proportional to the number of absorbers. When the intrinsic strength of a line is larger or the number of absorbers is larger, the centre of the line saturates and the equivalent width becomes almost independent of the number of absorbing particles. For very strong lines or very large number of absorbers, absorption in the wings of the line become important and the equivalent width of the line will increase proportionally to the square root of the number of absorbers present. Stellar spectra contain many lines of a given element with known intrinsic strength. These can be used to construct an empirical curve of growth for that element. Comparison of such curves of growth for different elements yields then the relative elemental abundances. Figure 2 shows an example for iron and titanium lines in the Sun. Similarly, we can compare the curves of growth for other stars with that for the Sun and determine elemental abundances for these stars relative to solar. This semiempirical method is fairly straightforward but does assume that all the lines and the continuum involved are formed in the same region. Moreover, these line formation regions would have to have similar physical conditions in all stars. This

Additional spectral types


Spectral class

Spectral characteristics

Carbon stars


Strong CN bands and C2 bands

Heavy metal stars S

ZrO bands

Wolf Rayet stars


N2 and N3 emission lines


Ionized carbon and oxygen lines

Hot emission line stars

Of, Be, Ae Bright hydrogen emission lines

Figure 2 Empirical curve of growth for solar Fe I and Ti I lines. The y-axis is the equivalent width (line strength relative to the continuum) and the x-axis is based on the oscillator strength of the transition.


Figure 3 Observations of the star BD+75°325′; (thick solid line) obtained by the Goddard high-resolution spectrometer on board the Hubble space telescope, showing numerous iron and nickel lines in various ionization stages. These data are compared with model atmosphere spectra. The thin solid line is the best fit model for an iron abundance of 4 × 10−4 and the dotted line is for solar abundances (4 × 10−5). A solar iron-to-nickel ratio has been assumed in both models. Reproduced with permission from Lanz T, Hubeny I and Heap SR (1997) Astrophysical Journal 485: 843.


is not always justified. Furthermore, cool stars have very crowded spectral regions where line overlap is a severe problem. In these cases, detailed modelling is a prerequisite for the determination of accurate stellar abundances. Sophisticated techniques have been developed which model in detail the physical structure of the stellar photosphere and its interaction with light. These models solve the equation of statistical equilibrium, regulating the individual level populations, the equation for hydrostatic equilibrium, governing the stellar pressure structure, and the radiative transfer equations describing the absorption and emission of light in the stellar photosphere. Comparison of models calculated for a variety of abundances with the observations allows the determination of the elemental abundances. In general, good agreement between models and observations can be obtained (Figure 3). Analyses of this kind have shown that nearly all stars have very similar elemental compositions. The spectra of some stars, however, reveal much lower abundances than in the Sun. These so-called subdwarfs are metal-poor by factors up to 500. These compositional variations are correlated with the mass, age and dynamics of the stars within the Milky Way. The stars that formed first have the lowest elemental abundances. As those stars evolved – the more massive ones more rapidly than the less massive ones – they ‘polluted’ the interstellar medium with the nucleosynthetic products formed in their interiors either through a gentle wind (low-mass stars) or through a violent supernova explosion (massive stars). In this way, later generations of stars are formed from gas with higher elemental abundances. It is this elemental enrichment that drives the evolution of the Milky Way and other galaxies.

Stellar dynamics In addition to spectral and luminosity classification and abundance determination, stellar spectra also provide the radial motion of the absorbing gas through the Doppler shift. High-resolution spectra can thus provide information on stellar outflows in K and M giants, carbon stars, Of, Be and Ae emission line stars and Wolf Rayet stars. In general, the velocity information available in stellar spectra can be used to probe the dynamics of stars in the galaxy. For example, this technique has been used to trace the dynamics of stars in the centre of our galaxy. The derived velocity law implies a supermassive object in the centre of the galaxy with 3 × 106 solar masses. This provides strong evidence for the presence of a massive black hole in the centre of the Milky Way.

Figure 4 Typical cross-correlation function used to measure the radial velocity. This figure represents the mean of the spectral lines of the star 51 Peg. The position of the Gaussian function fitted (solid line) is a precise measurement of the Doppler shift to an accuracy of about 15 m s−1. The width of the cross-correlation function reflects the star’s rotational velocity. Reproduced with permission of Macmillan Magazines Ltd. from Mayor M and Queloz D (1995) Nature 378: 355.

By monitoring radial velocities over a long period, stellar spectroscopy can also be used to search for stellar companions, be they binary stars, brown dwarfs (stellar-like companions which are not massive enough to start hydrogen burning in their interiors) or planets. In recent years, new techniques have been developed to search for planets orbiting solartype stars using Doppler shifts. In order to eliminate systematic wavelength shifts, the spectra are calibrated either by passing the stellar light through iodine gas or by using stable, fibre-fed spectrometers with simultaneous Th–Ar wavelength calibration. In longterm monitoring programmes, radial velocities of stars can then be measured with an accuracy of about 15 m s−1, using a cross-correlation technique which concentrates the Doppler information for some 5000 stellar absorption lines (Figure 4). For comparison, the wobble introduced in the Sun’s radial motion by Jupiter is about 13 m s−1. The handful of planetary companions found so far in this way have masses in the range 0.5–10 Jupiter masses and orbits with solar system dimensions. In this way, stellar spectroscopy has allowed us to complete the ‘Copernican’ revolution. See also: Atomic Spectroscopy, Historical Perspective; Cosmochemical Applications Using Mass


Spectrometry; Environmental and Agricultural Applications of Atomic Spectroscopy; Interstellar Molecules, Spectroscopy of.

Further reading Gustafsson B (1989) Chemical analyses of cool stars. Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 27: 701–756.

Jaschek C and Jaschek M (1987) The Classification of Stars. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Kudritzki RP and Hummer DG (1990) Quantitative spectroscopy of hot stars. Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 28: 303–345. Mihalas D (1970) Stellar Atmospheres. San Francisco: Freeman. Yamash*ta Y, Nariai K and Norimoto Y (1977) An Atlas of Representative Stellar Spectra. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press.

Statistical Theory of Mass Spectra JC Lorquet, Université de Liège, Belgium Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

The model Ionization via 70 eV electronic impact brings about a large number of Franck–Condon transitions to many electronic states of the ion. The molecular ion then undergoes internal conversions to its lowest electronic state owing to the existence of very fast and efficient radiationless transitions which themselves result from the presence of numerous crossings between potential energy surfaces. Figure 1 shows a calculated set of potential energy curves for the F molecular ion. This picture gives some idea of the complexity to be expected, for example, in the case of the

Figure 1

Potential energy curves for the F2•+ ion.

MASS SPECTROMETRY Theory isoelectronic ion CH 3CH . For polyatomic molecular ions, the pattern of surface crossings is extremely complicated because the density of electronic states is much higher than that detected by photoelectron spectroscopy and because of the number of nuclear degrees of freedom. In a polyatomic system, the sequence of radiationless transitions results from the presence of conical intersections and is usually over after about 10–13 s. Once in the electronic ground state, vibrational energy is assumed to be redistributed (randomized) throughout the different vibrational degrees of freedom on a timescale short with respect to the reaction lifetime. When it fragments, the vibrationally excited molecular ion has forgotten its


initial conditions. It undergoes a series of competing, consecutive, unimolecular reactions that can be described by a statistical theory. The theory is known under two acronyms, viz., RRKM (after Rice, Ramsperger, Kassel and Marcus) and QET (for quasi-equilibrium theory, as suggested by Rosenstock, Wahrhaftig and Eyring). Probably the most convincing argument for the validity of a statistical approach comes from the independence of the fragmentation pattern with respect to the way energy is delivered. Except in rare cases, there is no correlation between the breakdown diagram determined from photoion–photoelectron coincidence (PIPECO) experiments and the photoelectron spectrum. In addition, when the molecular ion (e.g., C2H ) can be prepared by a collision process (e.g., C2H + H2 or C+ + CH4), the fragmentation ratios (e.g., C2H : C2H : C2H ) at a given internal energy are usually found to be equal within the experimental error to those obtained when the system is prepared by photon impact (see Figure 2). These observations imply that the dissociation rate constants are smooth, monotonically increasing functions of the internal energy E of the decaying molecular ion alone, irrespective of the way energy is delivered to the molecule, and do not depend on the electronic and vibrational quantum numbers that specify a particular molecular state. The criterion of validity of a statistical treatment (viz., that all of the properties of the system be completely characterized by a single parameter, its internal energy) is thus fulfilled. Exceptions to this pattern of behaviour exist, but they are rare. Many authors have attempted to develop a ‘mode-selective chemistry’, i.e. to promote reaction involving a chosen bond by excitation of that bond alone. These efforts have met with very limited success for unimolecular reactions, except in the case of van der Waals complexes where the coupling between the high-frequency intramolecular modes and the low-frequency intermolecular mode is weak.

Phase space In principle, the evolution of a molecular ion on its lowest potential energy surface is governed by the equations of classical (or quantum) mechanics. Consider a molecular ion made up of N atoms. Its evolution is known when we know the values of the 3N coordinates and of the 3N conjugated momenta (related to generalized velocities) as a function of time. This information can be graphically represented as a trajectory in a 6N-dimensional hyperspace, called the phase space.

Randomness is not accounted for by the deterministic classical equations. Indeed, at low internal energies, the nuclear trajectories appear regular (quasi-periodic). The molecular ion can then be described as a set of (3N–6) harmonic or anharmonic but separable oscillators to which, if relevant, one, two or three overall rotations have to be added. Only a small fraction of the available phase space is then visited. However, at higher internal energies, the usual model of a collection of (3N–6) independent oscillators breaks down. The nuclei then carry out extremely complicated trajectories and the fraction of phase space visited increases dramatically. If, for all trajectories characterized by a given energy, this fraction reaches a value of 100%, the system is declared ‘ergodic’ and statistical mechanics then generates exact equations. In technical terms, one has reached a state of microcanonical equilibrium. Even when the limit of 100% is not reached, useful equations can be derived from a statistical treatment, and this is the origin of the denomination ‘quasi-equilibrium theory’ adopted by Rosenstock and colleagues. There are essentially two explanations that account for the success of the statistical approach. Efficient intramolecular vibrational energy redistribution (IVR)

The potential energy surface of the ground electronic state of the molecular ion is assumed to be so anharmonic that the various vibrational degrees of freedom are strongly coupled. IVR is then expected to be rapid compared with the timescale of the reaction. When it follows photon excitation or electron impact, IVR is a sequential process. First, after a time of the order of 10–13 s, energy is redistributed among the optically active modes. The second step (for which a timescale of the order of about 10–11 s can be proposed) consists of an energy exchange from symmetric to antisymmetric modes by anharmonic coupling (e.g. Fermi resonances). Efficient IVR implies that each individual nuclear trajectory has visited most parts of the available phase space before dissociating. This case is represented schematically in Figure 3A. The isolated molecular ion is then expected to reach spontaneously the ergodic limit under collision-free conditions. IVR is known to be inefficient in the case of van der Waals complexes (and probably also in the case of weakly bonded species) because of the disparity between the high intramolecular frequencies and the low intermolecular ones. Randomness of the initial conditions

For thermal reactions, the success of the statistical approach can be explained by invoking the


Figure 2 Top: photoelectron spectrum of ethylene. Bottom: breakdown graph of ethylene determined by photoion–photoelectron coincidence measurements. Triangles and dots: yields of C2H and C2H ions, respectively, obtained by collision experiments. The ground and excited electronic states of the C2H ion are denoted by , , and .

Figure 3 (A) A single ergodic trajectory visits a substantial part of phase space. (B) A swarm of nonergodic trajectories originating from widely different initial conditions fills up the entire phase space.

impossibility of specifying the initial conditions if energy is delivered by molecular collisions. As shown in Figure 3B, even if each individual trajectory does not meet the requirements of ergodicity, an average over a large number of randomly distributed initial conditions will lead to a quasi-uniform sampling of the

available phase space. For mass spectrometric experiments, this argument is apparently irrelevant. However, it should be noted that the initial conditions are also poorly defined, even if the experiment is carried out under collision-free conditions. As mentioned in the first section, the initial conditions are


determined by the conversion of electronic into vibrational energy via a cascade of radiationless transitions to the ground state of the molecular ion. As suggested by Figure 1, the pattern of surface crossings can be extremely complicated in a polyatomic system. Each process ends up at a different phase-space cell of the reacting ground-state ion. In addition, autoionization (a process in the course of which internal energy of the ionic core is transferred to a Rydberg electron, which is then ejected) generates a molecular ion characterized by its particular initial distribution of the vibrational energy. All of these processes lead to a pattern where the initial conditions are scattered at various positions in phase space. The averaging over these widely different initial conditions ensures the validity of a statistical approach.

The transition state The concept of transition state plays an essential role in the theory because it provides a simple, compact, but approximate description of the dynamics of the reaction. It can be defined in various ways. Essentially, one assumes that there exists some critical configuration of the reacting molecule, called the transition state, such that once the molecule has reached this configuration, it will irreversibly proceed on to products. (The term activated complex is sometimes used, but it is best to restrict its use to bimolecular reactions.) The transition state, defined as it is as a point of no return, is often associated with the top of a potential energy barrier; that is, it is defined as a saddle point with a negative curvature of its potential energy surface along the reaction coordinate and hence with a single imaginary frequency. However, many molecular ions dissociate with no reverse activation energy barrier. The transition state is not a stable molecule but a fictitious entity obtained after removal of the reaction coordinate, thus having one degree of freedom less than the reactant. Its best definition is that of a dividing surface in phase space. Reactant and products are assumed to be separated by a surface whose crossing is assumed to be irreversible (i.e., having crossed it once, the trajectories terminate as products without recrossing the surface backwards). The reaction is modelled as a flux through this dividing surface and its rate is measured by counting the number of times the surface is crossed per second (see Figure 4).

number of quantum states available to members of the ensemble is denoted U(E) δE, where the function U(E) is called the density of states. Of these, a certain fraction corresponds to transition states. The rate constant k(E) is proportional to the ratio of these two quantities. Many unknown parameters defining the transition state cancel out in the final expression, which reads simply

where N‡ denotes the number of accessible quantum states of the transition state, i.e. those having a potential energy E0 and a translational kinetic energy H in the reaction coordinate, with the remainder (E – E0 – H ) in the bound degrees of freedom, and V is the reaction path degeneracy, i.e. the number of equivalent paths leading from the reactant to the products. (The quantities affixed with a double dagger refer to the transition state, which has one degree of freedom less than the reactant.) At threshold (i.e. when E = E0), N‡(0) = 1. Thus, the minimum rate is in principle equal to 1/h U(E0). However, when the internal energy E is equal to, or even is slightly less than the barrier, then the reaction proceeds via tunnelling and a transmission probability N is then inserted into Equation [1]. Isotope effects are then to be expected. When the shape of the barrier can be described by an inverted parabola, a simple expression can be derived for the transmission

The RRKM-QET equation Consider a microcanonical ensemble of molecular ions with an energy between E and E + δE. The total

Figure 4 Potential-energy surface for a unimolecular fragmentation, with the dividing surface s separating the reactant from the products.



where Q‡ is the modulus of the imaginary frequency of the saddle point. Expressions for more complicated, unsymmetrical barriers are also available.

Practical calculations There exists a computer algorithm (developed by Beyer and Swinehart) for counting all the possible combinations of the vibrational quantum numbers that are consistent with a specified value of the internal energy, even for a collection of anharmonic (but independent) oscillators. Alternatively, analytical expressions for the energy-level densities can be obtained by inverse Laplace transformation of the corresponding partition function. This works well for the rotational degrees of freedom. For example, for a single rotor having a symmetry number equal to V, one has simply (except at very low energies):

where B is the rotational constant. However, for a collection of oscillators, the set of energy levels is not dense enough and the energylevel density has to be numerically calculated by the steepest-descent method implemented by Forst. Nevertheless, an approximate closed-form expression involving an empirical correction for the effect of the zero-point vibrational energy has been developed by Whitten and Rabinovitch. For a system of n oscillators having frequencies Qi, one has:

where EZ is the total zero-point energy and a is an empirical parameter that usually ranges between 0.7 and 0.98. This formula leads to satisfactory results for the calculation of the denominator of Equation [1]. For its numerator, a direct count of the sum of states N‡(E – Eo) is preferable, because at lower energies the vibrational levels are usually too widely spaced for a classical or semiclassical approximation to work.

The numerical values of the frequencies and moments of inertia needed for an actual calculation can be obtained from commonly used quantumchemistry programs. This is the only possibility for the frequencies of the transition state. The role played by the overall rotations raises a difficult problem. The constraint of angular momentum conservation prevents certain rotational degrees from getting involved in randomization. Very often, the transition state is approximated as a symmetric top, with two equal moments of inertia. It is then usually assumed – possibly incorrectly – that the degenerate two-dimensional external rotation is unable to couple significantly with the vibrational degrees of freedom, whereas the rotation about the reaction coordinate is able to exchange energy with them. However, although unavailable for randomization, the rotational energy stored in the degenerate external two-dimensional rotation modifies the radial potential and gives rise to an effective potential characterized by a centrifugal barrier.

More elaborate statistical models It has been found useful to introduce new concepts and methods, particularly in the study of reactions for which no potential barrier is encountered along the reaction coordinate, a case often encountered in the dissociation of molecular ions. In such a case, the conservation of the orbital angular momentum during the reaction process has important consequences. Microcanonical variational transition state theory (VTST)

If the transition state is defined as a structure denoting unstable equilibrium between the reactant and the products, then any point of its phase space having a nonzero velocity in the forward direction will react. However, this criterion is oversimplified: the condition is necessary but not sufficient. After having left the transition state, some trajectories may return to cross it again. Hence, the rate constant calculated by the transition state theory is an overestimate of the exact value. (This conclusion has been challenged, however, when energy is selectively delivered to the system, as in laser light excitation.) Leaving the controversial cases aside for deeper scrutiny, it follows that the best choice for the transition state is the one that minimizes the calculated rate constant. Therefore, in VTST, the numerator of Equation [1] is written as N‡[E – Veff(R‡)], where Veff(R) denotes the effective potential for motion along the reaction coordinate R (usually, the sum of the actual and a centrifugal potential), and where R‡


denotes the position of the dividing surface that minimizes N‡. Transition state switching

The rate constant does not necessarily admit a unique minimum. Thus, several transition states may simultaneously exist along the reaction coordinate with characteristics depending on the energy and angular momentum. For example, a tight transition state may be followed by an orbiting complex. The former determines the magnitude of the rate constant, whereas the latter controls the translational, rotational and vibrational energy distributions of the products. Bottlenecks

This term is often encountered, but is used with two different connotations. First, it may describe an impediment to IVR (resulting, for example, from the presence of a heavy atom or from a disparity in the frequencies). Alternatively, it may describe a throttling of the reactive flux (i.e., a new kind of transition state) due, for example, to a region of strong curvature of the reaction path resulting, for example, from a detour around a conical intersection between two potential-energy surfaces. The statistical adiabatic channel model (SACM)

Troe and Quack have defined reaction channels as a set of potential-energy curves obtained by connecting the vibration–rotational states of the reactant to those of the pair of products along the reaction coordinate. (This procedure is referred to as an adiabatic correlation.) Barriers arise when imposing conservation of the orbital angular momentum during the reaction process to the transitional modes (i.e. the vibrational bending modes that correlate with rotations or orbital motion of the fragments). A channel is said to be open when its potential energy curve never exceeds the available internal energy E. No reference to a transition state is made in this theory. The rate constant now depends on two parameters, viz., the internal energy E and the total angular momentum J. Its expression is remarkably similar to the RRKM-QET equation:

where N*(E, J) is now defined as the total number of open channels.

The orbiting transition state phase space theory (OTS/PST)

The unimolecular reactions of polyatomic ions are assumed to be governed by the long-range part of the potential. The principle of microscopic reversibility has been used by Klots to express the rate constant, not in terms of the properties of a transition state, but in terms of the cross section for association of fragments. The latter is then evaluated by the Langevin theory, which is based on the consideration of a long-range attractive potential (e.g. – D q2/2R4). Alternatively, an orbiting transition state located at a centrifugal barrier has been reintroduced by Chesnavich and Bowers. In both cases, the density of states is no longer evaluated as a simple convolution between the vibrational and rotational parts, but by introducing restrictions resulting from the conservation of angular momentum. This theory often provides too large estimates for the rate constant. Effective number of states

Information theory shows that if the assumption of complete energy randomization breaks down, then Equation [1] remains valid provided it is interpreted as a ratio between an effective number of states divided by an effective density of states. Both the numerator and the denominator are then reduced (but not necessarily to the same extent) by a socalled entropy deficiency factor. A mechanism of cancellation of errors arises, which accounts for the success of the simple theory. Nonadiabatic reactions

Nonadiabatic reactions (i.e. those involving a change in the electronic state or structure) occur more frequently in mass spectrometry than is commonly thought. Surprisingly enough, statistical methods are found to be useful even in these cases.

Kinetic energy release distributions (KERDs) The internal energy in excess of the thermodynamic dissociation threshold is partitioned among the translational, rotational and vibrational degrees of freedom of the pair of fragments. In the case of molecular ions, the translational kinetic energy release distribution (KERD) can be measured and its study is a precious source of information on the dynamics of the reaction. Indeed, it is a stronghold of the more elaborate statistical theories presented in the previous paragraph because the usual RRKM-QET theory is in principle not appropriate for such a


study. The reason is that transition state theory concentrates on the behaviour of the system up to the dividing surface, whereas the product energy disposal is determined by the potential felt by the fragments as they separate. However, Marcus, Wardlaw and Klippenstein have proposed an extension that describes the evolution of the transitional modes along the reaction coordinate and that, at the same time, conserves angular momentum. Phase space orbiting transition state theory works much better for the calculation of KERDs than for that of the rate constants, thereby demonstrating that the former are controlled by the long-range part of the potential whereas the latter are governed by its shorter range. In addition, Klots has introduced a set of effective temperatures to parametrize the observed distributions. The SACM has also demonstrated its usefulness in the case of weakly bonded species. The maximum entropy method and the associated surprisal theory are an outgrowth of information theory. They involve a comparison between the actual shape of the KERD and the hypothetical, most statistical, so-called ‘prior distribution’. Two precious pieces of information can be derived from this comparison: (i) an identification of the constraint that operates on the dynamics and prevents it from being statistical and (ii) the magnitude of the entropy deficiency which can be related to the fraction of phase space effectively sampled by the transition state. Values of 75–80% have been obtained in the case of the halogenobenzene ions.

Concluding remarks It has often been naggingly remarked that the RRKM-QET theory can fit anything and predict nothing. To counter this criticism, many authors have multiplied skilful consistency checks (study of isotope effects, preparation of the ion via a bimolecular reaction or via charge reversal in addition to electron or photon impact, time-resolved studies all the way from the millisecond to the nanosecond timescales, etc.) and have removed arbitrariness via ab initio calculations of frequencies. However, it should be realized that ability to fit the experiments by no means implies that the theory is exact and that its basic assumptions (full energy randomization and existence of a good transition state) are fulfilled. It has been seen that Equation [1] cannot be grossly in error because of a mechanism of cancellation of errors. In contradistinction, KERDs (for which the cancellation of errors does not work because they basically depend on the numerator only) provide a much better way to test the validity of the

assumption of complete energy randomization than a study of fitted rate constants.

List of symbols B = rotational E = internal constant; energy; EZ = zero-point energy; h = Planck constant; J = total angular momentum; k(E) = rate constant; N‡ = number of accessible states of the transition state; R‡ = position of dividing surface that minimizes N‡; Veff(R) = effective potential for motion along reaction coordinate R; N = transmission probability; Q‡ = modulus of imaginary frequency of saddle point; Qi = oscillator frequency; U(E) = density of states; V = symmetry number. See also: Fragmentation in Mass Spectrometry; Ion Dissociation Kinetics, Mass Spectrometry; Metastable Ions; Photoelectron-Photoion Coincidence Methods in Mass Spectrometry (PEPICO).

Further reading Baer T and Hase WH (1996) Unimolecular Reaction Dynamics. Theory and Experiments. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Baer T (1996) The calculation of unimolecular decay rates with RRKM and ab initio methods. In: Baer T, Ng CY and Powis I (eds) The Structure, Energetics and Dynamics of Organic Ions, pp 125–166. Chichester: Wiley. Baer T and Mayer PM (1997) Statistical Rice–Ramsperger–Kassel–Marcus quasiequilibrium theory calculations in mass spectrometry. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 8: 103–115. Chesnavich WJ and Bowers MT (1979) Statistical methods in reaction dynamics. In: Bowers MT (ed) Gas Phase Ion Chemistry, Vol 1, pp 119–151. New York: Academic Press. Derrick PJ and Donchi KF (1983) Mass spectrometry. In: Bamford CH and Tipper CFH (eds) Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics, Vol 24, pp 53–247. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Gilbert RG and Smith SC (1990) Theory of Unimolecular and Recombination Reactions. Oxford: Blackwell. Illenberger E and Momigny J (1992) Gaseous Molecular Ions. Darmstadt: Steinkopff. Lifsh*tz C (1989) Recent developments in applications of RRKM-QET. Advances in Mass Spectrometry 11A: 713–729. Lifsh*tz C (1992) Recent developments in applications of RRKM-QET. Advances in Mass Spectrometry 12: 315– 337. Lorquet JC (1994) Whither the statistical theory of mass spectra? Mass Spectrometry Reviews 13: 233–257.


Lorquet JC (1996) Non-adiabatic processes in ionic dissociation dynamics. In: Baer T, Ng CY and Powis I (eds) The Structure, Energetics and Dynamics of Organic Ions, pp 167–196. Chichester: Wiley.

Wardlaw DM and Marcus RA (1988) On the statistical theory of unimolecular processes. Advances in Chemical Physics 70: 231–263.

Stereochemistry Studied Using Mass Spectrometry Asher Mandelbaum, Technion–Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel


Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Stereochemical effects in mass spectrometry have been used for configurational assignment in numerous organic systems. The unsurpassed sensitivity of mass spectrometry and the possibility of interfacing the mass spectrometer with a variety of separating devices (most commonly gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GCMS) and liquid chromatography– mass spectrometry (LCMS)), make it a most useful tool for structural assignment of minor constituents of complex mixtures, including stereochemical information. The mass spectral stereochemical effects may also be an important and useful tool in structural studies of gas-phase ions and in mechanistic investigations of their fragmentation processes. Mass spectral stereochemical effects occur in the molecular radical cations M • +, obtained usually on electron ionization (EI), in protonated molecules MH+ upon chemical ionization (CI) and other soft ionization techniques (fast atom bombardment (FAB), electrospray, thermospray), and, to a lesser extent, in negative ions. These effects are observed in the normal mass spectra and also by tandem mass spectrometric techniques (MS/MS). The different mass spectral behaviour of stereoisomers (this term will not include enantiomers in this article) may be due either to the different thermochemical nature of the chemistry of their gasphase ions, or it may result from the different kinetics of their reactions. These two aspects will be dealt with in the following sections.

Thermochemical considerations Electron ionization

Small, often insignificant or within the experimental error, differences (in most reports below 0.1 eV)

have been observed in the ionization energies of stereoisomers in a number of systems. The appearance energies of some specific fragment ions often show a more pronounced dependence on the configuration of stereoisomers. Lower energies have been reported for [M–R]+ ions obtained from stereoisomers with higher enthalpies of formation in various dialkylcycloalkanes and in other more complex heterocyclic and polycyclic systems. The difference between the appearance energies could be quantitatively correlated with the difference in the enthalpies of formation of the stereoisomers in several systems. The lower appearance energies of the thermochemically less stable stereoisomers have been attributed to the release of steric strain in the course of the fragmentation. Since the early days of mass spectrometry it has been proposed, that the release of steric strain results, in many cases, in lower abundances of the molecular ions and in higher abundances of fragments in the EI mass spectra of the thermochemically less stable isomers in numerous systems. The differences between the mass spectra of stereoisomers in those systems are usually not large, and there are numerous exceptions which cast doubt on the reliability of this approach in real problems of configurational assignments. Chemical ionization

In contrast to the ionization energies, considerably different proton affinities and gas-phase basicities have been reported for a number of stereoisomeric difunctional compounds, which have an impact on their behaviour upon chemical ionization. For example, the gas-phase basicities of cis- and trans-2amino-3-hydroxybicyclo[2.2.2]octanes 1c and 1t (Scheme 1) are 926 and 909 kJ mol−1, respectively.


The difference is attributed to the different interfunctional distance in the two stereoisomers (2.31 and 3.50 Å respectively) resulting from their different dihedral angles about the HOC–CNH2 bond (30° and 150°). The effective intramolecular hydrogen bond (often termed proton bridging), which is possible in the MH+ ion of the cis-amino alcohol 1c (Scheme 1), results in the higher gas-phase basicity of this stereoisomer. A smaller difference (4–5 kJ mol−1) has been reported between the stereoisomeric cis- and trans-4phenyl-1-alkoxycyclohexanols 2c and 2t (Scheme 2), and it has been attributed to proton bridging between the alkoxylic oxygen atom and the phenyl ring, which is possible only in the MH+ ions of 2c (Scheme 2). Easy distinction between stereoisomers containing two or more basic sites, may be achieved upon CI using selected reagent gases, based on the remarkable difference in their proton affinities and gas-phase

basicities, due to the effectiveness of proton bridging. Thus, diesters with remote alkoxycarbonyl groups (e.g. fumarates, mesaconates, trans-1,3 and 1,4cyclohexane dicarboxylates) give rise to low abundance MH+ ions and to abundant [M+NH 4]+ adduct ions upon NH3-CI, because of the higher proton affinity of ammonia. On the other hand, the cis analogues with adjacent ester groups (e.g. maleates, citraconates, cis-1,3- and 1,4-cyclohexane dicarboxylates), which may undergo intramolecular proton bridging on protonation, afford abundant MH+ ions under NH3-CI (Scheme 3). Stabilization of the MH+ ions by intramolecular hydrogen bonding may be used as a simple tool in the configurational assignment of stereoisomeric diols, diethers and other difunctional analogues. Stereoisomers with adjacent basic functions afford abundant proton-bridged MH+ ions under CI conditions. Counterparts with remote functions, which cannot be stabilized by proton bridging, undergo fragmentation processes resulting in less abundant MH+ ions in their CI mass spectra. Typical examples are shown in Scheme 4, and many others have been reported. The above stabilization effect is limited to systems such as 4 and 5 (Scheme 4), containing at least one functional group (e.g. OH, OR) which undergoes ready dissociation upon CI. Other systems, e.g. diesters, with functional groups that are stable under CI conditions, behave in a different manner. Protonated esters of alkanoic or cycloalkanoic acids exhibit a high degree of stability upon isobutane-CI. Protonation occurs at the carbonylic oxygen atom,


and the 1,3-proton transfer to the alkoxy oxygen, that would enable alcohol elimination, is a symmetry forbidden process. The nonbridged MH+ ions of diesters, with the two remote noninteracting alkoxycarbonyl groups (e.g. trans-6) (Scheme 5), are stable (and consequently highly abundant) under isobutane-CI. On the other hand, stereoisomers with

adjacent ester groups (e.g. cis-6) (Scheme 5), undergo facile proton transfer between the two alkoxycarbonyls via proton-bridged intermediates, resulting the efficient elimination of ROH (Scheme 5). In the latter systems, the thermochemically stabilized proton-bridged species are kinetically destabilized, resulting in less abundant MH+ ions.


Kinetic considerations A wide variety of fragmentation processes of the M• + and MH+ ions obtained upon EI and CI involve formation of new bonds. Such unimolecular rearrangements take place via cyclic transition states. Molecular ions of stereoisomers often differ in the accessibility of the transition structures for fragmentation processes, which involve bond formation or concerted rupture of several bonds. Relatively large differences in the energy of activation of such processes may result in extreme cases in total suppression of particular pathways in one of the stereoisomers. A large number of systems have been reported that show stereospecific fragmentation behaviour upon EI and CI. A limited number of typical examples will be given in the following. Hydrogen transfer

Elimination of H2O from cycloalkanols and related processes One of the early cases of stereospecific fragmentation processes of gas-phase ions was the EI-induced dehydration of stereoisomeric 4-sustituted cyclohexanols. Trans-4-t-butyl- and -4-arylcyclohexanols 7t (Scheme 6) afford highly abundant [M–H2O]• + ions, which are much less abundant in the mass spectra of the cis isomers 7c (Scheme 6). Similar stereospecificity has been also observed in the elimination of methanol and acetic acid from the corresponding methyl ethers and acetates. Deuterium labelling studies have shown that the H-atom from position 4 is abstracted in the course of the elimination of H2O from the trans-alcohols, but not to an appreciable extent in the case of the cis isomers. The low energy H-transfer from the tertiary

(and benzylic when R = aryl) position 4 to the hydroxy group is the stereospecific step in this fragmentation. The cyclic transition state of this H-transfer is attainable only in 7t (Scheme 6) in boat conformation. The high stereospecificity of this process indicates retention of the original structure in the molecular radical cation. A similar stereospecific behaviour has also been observed in the stereoisomeric 3-arylcyclohexanols and in their methyl ethers and acetates, but not in the 2-aryl analogues, which undergo cleavage of the C1–C2 bond prior to fragmentation, resulting in the loss of stereochemical information. Many additional systems have been shown to undergo EI-induced stereospecific eliminations of water and other neutral molecules, which may be applied in structural studies. It is noteworthy that stereoisomeric cycloalkanols and their derivatives exhibit a lower degree of stereospecificity in their dissociation upon CI. Protonation occurs at the oxygen atom in these materials, and the concurrent elimination, that takes place by a simple cleavage of the C–O bond, is governed by thermochemical factors. Cycloalkylidene acetates The geometrically isomeric E- and Z- disubstituted cycloalkylidene acetates (e.g. E-8 and Z-8) exhibit a highly specific EI-induced loss of one of the two substituents R and R′ at the two hom*oallylic positions, as shown in Scheme 7. The specific H-transfer from the allylic position adjacent to the carbonyl toward the carbonylic oxygen atom has been proposed as explanation for the stereospecificity of this process. These results enable easy distinction and configurational assignment of stereoisomers in analogous systems


(including acyclic analogues), which is not straightforward by other spectroscopic methods. They also indicate that the rotation about the double bond in the M• + ions must be slower than the H-transfer in this process. McLafferty rearrangement and related processes The stereospecificity of the McLafferty rearrangement is exemplified by the different behaviour of endo- and exo-acetylnorbornanes endo-10 and exo-10 upon EI, shown in Scheme 8. The m/z 71 ion is abundant in the EI-mass spectrum of endo-10, but absent in that of exo-10. McLafferty rearrangement

is the initial step in the formation of the m/z 71 ion with the involvement of the H-atom from position 6, which is in the proper distance from the carbonylic oxygen only in the endo- isomer. Steric interactions in the cyclic transition structures for a hydrogen transfer result in different abundance of the butene radical cation fragment, obtained from the diastereoisomeric unsaturated alcohols erythro-10 and threo-10. The higher energy of the transition state of erythro-10, due to the steric interaction of the methyl and R groups, results in a lower abundance of the fragment, as compared with the stereoisomeric threo-9 (see Scheme 9).


Alcohol elimination from MH+ ions diesters upon CI and CID It has been previously mentioned that MH+ ions of diesters, with the two remote noninteracting alkoxycarbonyl groups, are stable and consequently highly abundant under isobutane-CI. On the other hand, stereoisomers with adjacent ester groups undergo a facile proton transfer between the two alkoxycarbonyls via proton bridged intermediates, resulting in the efficient elimination of ROH (Scheme 5). This behaviour enables easy distinction between stereiosomeric diesters by CI mass spectrometry, and also by CID measurements of MH+ ions. CID mass spectra of the m/z 173 MH+ ions of diethyl maleate Z-11 and fumarate E-11 exhibit an entirely different behaviour (Scheme 10): that of Z11 shows an abundant m/z 127 [MH–EtOH]+ ion which is absent in the spectrum of E-11, while that of E-11 exhibits abundant m/z 145 [MH–C2H4]+ and m/z 117 [MH–2C2H4]+ ions, which do not appear in the CID spectrum of Z-11. These distinctive features of the CID spectra also enable structural assignments and quantitative

relative abundance estimates of protonated maleate and fumarate ions, which are formed by mass spectral fragmentation of higher systems. For example, this method was used to determine that the retro-Diels– Alder (RDA) fragmentation of cis- and trans-2,3diethoxycarbonyl-5,6,7,8-dibenzobicyclo[2.2.2.]octanes 12 under i-C4H10-CI and CH4-CI conditions is highly stereospecific, giving rise to protonated diethyl maleate and fumarate, respectively (see Scheme 11). This behaviour is consistent with a single-step concerted mechanism, analogous to the ground state RDA process occurring in neutral molecules in the condensed phase. On the other hand, analogous dissociation is nonstereospecific in endo-, exo- and trans-2,3-diethoxycarbonyl-5,6-benzobicyclo[2.2.2]octanes 13, indicating involvement of a step-wise mechanism in this system (Scheme 12). Retro-Diels–Alder (RDA) fragmentation

The retro-Diels–Alder (RDA) fragmentation is highly stereospecific in a variety of bi-, tri-, tetra- and pentacyclic systems. Two examples are shown in Scheme 13. The diene radical cations are the most abundant species observed in the EI mass spectra of the cis isomers 14c and 15c, and practically absent in the trans counterparts 14t and 15t. The very high efficiency of this process in the cis isomers and the high stability of the molecular ions of the trans analogues suggest that the RDA dissociation of gasphase ions takes place by a concerted mechanism, which exhibits symmetry conservation characteristics similar to those of the ground-state RDA process in neutral species.


Similar behaviour has been also observed upon CI. Protonated dienes are formed only from cis isomers. Protonated dienophiles have been also observed in certain cases under CI, again only in cis isomers. In contrast with the above behaviour, there have been reports on the occurrence of EI-induced RDA fragmentation in compounds with a trans junction of the cyclohexane and the adjacent rings (e.g. 16 and 17, Scheme 14). These results are indicative of a step-wise dissociation in these systems, in which the allylic bonds cleaved in the course of this process are either highly (as in 16) or lightly (as in 17) substitued. It has been proposed that the nonstereospecific

step-wise behaviour of systems such as 16, results from the low energy requirement for the cleavage of the fully substituted allylic 9–14 bond, which presumably is the initial step of the step-wise RDA dissociation. In systems such as 17, the low substitution pattern of the bonds cleaved in the course of the RDA process may result in a relatively high energy of activation of the concerted pathway and in the consequent preference of the step-wise mechanism. The partial stereospecificity of the RDA process in system 18 (Scheme 15) has been the subject of a thorough examination. Theoretical calculations and critical energy measurements led to the conclusion


that the RDA fragmentation of both stereoisomers is a step-wise process involving a common distonic intermediate, but the energy barriers are different for the stereoisomers (Scheme 15). Anchimeric assistance

In many systems, variations in the abundances of certain fragment ions in the mass spectra of stereoisomers have been ascribed to anchimeric assistance. The loss of bromine from the molecular ions of stereoisomeric 1,2-dibromocyclopentanes

and dibromocyclohexanes 19 (Scheme 16) is strongly affected by their configuration. The ion abundance ratio [M–Br]+/M•+ is higher for the trans isomer by a factor of 10 in the dibromocyclopentane and 42 in the dibromocyclohexane system at 70 eV, and the difference between the stereoisomers increases at lower ionization energies. A similar effect has also been observed in acyclic diastereoisomeric vicinal dibromoalkanes. Anchimeric assistance of one bromine atom in the expulsion of the other from the molecular ion is proposed as the explanation of the stereospecificity of this process


(Scheme 16). This proposed mechanism finds support in the stereospecific behaviour of the two trans1,2-dibromo-4-t-butylcyclo-hexanes (a)-20t and (e)20t (Scheme 17). The stereoisomer (a)-20t, with the two axial Br atoms in the antiperiplanar conformation, gives rise to a much more abundant [M–Br]+ ion than the diequatorial analogue (e)-20t. The greater extent (by a factor of 2–10) of elimination of acetic acid from the MH+ ions of trans-1,2and 1,3-diacetoxycyclopentanes and -cyclohexanes upon CH4-CI and isobutane-CI, as compared with the cis isomers, has been also interpreted in terms of anchimeric assistance. The carbonylic oxygen of the nonprotonated acetoxy group in the trans isomers (e.g. 21t in Scheme 18) assists in the elimination of


CH3COOH, affording the stabilized cyclic fragmention. Numerous additional examples of a distinctive mass spectral behaviour of stereoisomers, which have been attributed to anchimeric assistance both under EI and CI conditions, have been proposed in the literature. In some cases, particularly upon CI, additional factors may be responsible for the distinctive behaviour. For instance, the higher abundance of the [MH–CH3COOH]+ ion in the CI mass spectra of the trans-diacetate 21t could also be attributed (at least in part) to the greater stability of the internally hydrogen bonded MH+ ion of the cis-isomer. Direct evidence for the operation of anchimeric assistance has been found in the CI behaviour of stereoisomeric 1,4-dialkoxycyclohexanes 22 (Scheme 19). The trans-diethers 22t afford very abundant [MH–ROH]+ ions upon CI in contrast to the corresponding cis counterparts, suggesting anchimeric assistance in the elimination of alcohol from the MH+ ions of the trans-diethers. Collision induced dissociation (CID) measurements of the [MH–ROH]+ ions, obtained from various suitably deuterium

labelled stereoisomeric 1-ethoxy-4-methoxy-cyclohexanes, indicated formation of symmetrical bicyclic ethyl and methyl oxonium ions by an anchimerically assisted alcohol elimination from the trans-diethers (the elimination of methanol is shown in Scheme 19). On the other hand, the CID measurements show that the cis isomers afford isomeric [MH–ROH]+ ions, in which positions 2 and 3 (as well as 1 and 4, and 5 and 6) are not equivalent. These two results, namely the symmetrical structure and the high abundance of the [MH–ROH]+ ions in the CI mass spectrum of the trans-diether 22t, in contrast to the non-symmetrical monocyclic structure and low abundance of these ions in the cis counterpart, are suggested as direct evidence for anchimeric assistance in the gas-phase ion dissociation process in that system. Ab initio calculations support the anchimerically assisted elimination observed in 22t. The energy difference between the anchimerically assisted and non-assisted elimination mechanisms in this system is not large (~ 2–3 kcal mol–1). Stereoelectronic effects

One of the early reported cases of distinctive mass spectra of stereoisomers was the EI-induced behaviour of deacetylcyclindrocarpol 23a and of its epimer at C-19, 23b (Scheme 20). The more pronounced loss of the hydrogen atom from position 19 of the molecular ion of 23b, as compared with that of 23a (10.6% versus 1.7%), was attributed to the antiperiplanar relationship of the 19-C–19-H bond and the p-orbital of the adjacent nitrogen atom in 23b, in contrast to the epimer 23a. The pronounced different behaviour of the stereoisomeric bicyclic carbamates 24a and 24b (Scheme 21) also indicates the occurrence of a stereoelectronic effect. The trans isomer 24a, with the axial methoxycarbonylmethyl group, affords the much more abundant [M–CH2COOCH3]+ ion


possibly due to the stereoelectronic assistance of the π-orbital at the adjacent carbamate group. Similar stereoelectronic effects, resulting in distinctive bond dissociation processes of stereoisomers, have been observed in several other heterocyclic systems.

Ion–molecule reactions Ion–molecule reactions, studied using the ion cyclotron resonance (ICR) technique, show considerable stereospecificity in a number of systems, which

enable distinction between stereoisomers. An early example of such a process is the gas-phase acetylation of endo- and exo-norborneol, shown in Scheme 22. The fourfold lower reactivity of the endo-isomer endo-25, as compared with the epimeric exo-25, is attributed to the steric hindrance in the approach of the bulky triacetyl cation to this stereoisomer. Similar stereoselective behaviour has also been observed in the analogous gas-phase acetylation of cisand trans-1-decalones and of the acetates of cis- and


trans-4-t-butylcyclohexanols. The reaction is faster with the less hindered trans isomers in both cases.

Enantiomers: chiral recognition Unimolecular fragmentation processes studied by MS are of achiral nature, and consequently insensitive to chirality differences. A key procedure for chiral recognition using MS is to add a chiral component to the process and detect the possibly different diastereoisomeric interactions under a variety of conditions (CI, FAB, electrospray ionization (ESI), Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FTICR), CID). The formation and dissociation behaviour of the gas-phase protonated dimers (or higher clusters) of dialkyl tartarates under CI conditions is one of the early and most widely studied examples of chiral recognition by mass spectrometry. The protonated dimer consisting of two enantiomeric molecules and that consisting of two molecules of the same enantiomer are diastereoisomeric species, and as such they may exhibit distinctive behaviour, usually of a quantitative nature. Isotope labelling of one of the enantiomers is necessary in order to observe the different behaviour of the two protonated dimers. Chemical ionization using chiral reagent gases (e.g. 1-amino-2-propanol or 2-amino-1-propanol) has been shown to induce distinctive behaviour between enantiomers. Enantiomers could also be differentiated via SN2 reactivity with chiral reagents in ion–molecule reactions. The resulting diastereoisomeric products were distinguished by tandem mass spectral techniques (MS/MS). Host–guest interactions using chiral hosts have been relatively widely investigated under a variety of mass spectral conditions as tools for chiral recognition in numerous systems. The use of chiral matrices

in secondary ion mass spectral measurements (FAB ionization) is a promising way for distinguishing between enantiomers.

Conformational studies of biopolymers Electrospray ionization (ESI) has become a powerful method for the investigation of thermally labile polar biopolymers. The attachment of a large number of protons to the basic sites of proteins in the course of the ESI experiment affords a spectrum of multiply charged ions in the gas phase, which allows mass analysis using mass spectrometers with relatively low mass-to-charge ranges. With the steadily increasing use of this technique it has become apparent that more information may be obtained from the results of ESI analysis than just the molecular weight of the protein. Careful measurements of ESI mass spectra of proteins show that changes in the solvent or in the pH of the examined solution may have an effect on the charge-state distributions. These different distributions have been interpreted as being the result of differences in the conformation of the proteins in the examined solutions. For example, ESI spectra of lysozyme, obtained from a 100% aqueous solution at pH 5.0 and from a solution containing 50% acetonitrile and 1% formic acid, show charge state maxima at 9+ and 12+, respectively. These different charge-state distributions are interpreted in terms of the degree of folding of the proteins in the original solutions. The protein molecules are unfolded to a greater extent in the organic than in the aqueous solution. The unfolding of the molecules exposes sites or protonation, which were buried in the folded native


conformation, resulting in the higher charge states in the ESI mass spectrum obtained from the 50% acetonitrile–1 % formic acid solution. Hydrogen/deuterium exchange measurements with the aid of ESI mass spectrometry have also been used successfully to explore conformational changes of proteins in solution. Elements of secondary structure that involve internal hydrogen bonding in the core of the protein are protected against hydrogen exchange, whereas regions exposed to the solvent undergo hydrogen exchange more readily. See also: Chemical Ionization in Mass Spectrometry; Fast Atom Bombardment Ionization in Mass Spectrometry; Fragmentation in Mass Spectrometry; Ion Molecule Reactions in Mass Spectrometry; Ion Structures in Mass Spectrometry; MS–MS and MSn; Peptides and Proteins Studied Using Mass Spectrometry; Proton Affinities.

Further reading Green MM (1976) Mass spectrometry and the stereochemistry of organic molecules. Topics in Stereochemistry 9: 35–110.

Harrison AG (1992) Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry, 2nd edn, pp 172–185. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press. Mandelbaum A (1977) Application of mass spectrometry to stereochemical problems. In Kagan H (ed) Stereochemistry, vol. 1, pp 137–180. Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Publishing. Mandelbaum A (1983) Stereochemical effects in mass spectrometry. Mass Spectrometry Reviews 2: 223–284. Meyerson S and Weitkamp AW (1968) Stereoisomeric effects on mass spectra. Organic Mass Spectrometry 1: 659–668. Robinson CV (1996) Protein secondary structure investigated by electrospray ionization. In: Chapman JR (ed.) Protein and Peptide Analysis by Mass Spectrometry, pp 129–139, Totowa, New Jersey: Humana Press. Splitter J and Turecek F (1994) Application of Mass Spectrometry to Stereochemical Problems. New York: VCH. Sawada M (1997) Chiral recognition detected by fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry. Mass Spectrometry Reviews 16: 73–90. Turecek F (1991) Stereoelectric effects in mass spectrometry. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes 108: 137–164. Turecek F (1987) Stereochemistry of organic ions in the gas phase. Collection Czech. Chemical Communications 52: 1928–1984.

Stray Magnetic Fields, Use of in MRI See

MRI Using Stray Fields.


Structural Chemistry Using NMR Spectroscopy, Inorganic Molecules GE Hawkes, Queen Mary and Westfield College, London, UK Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

A very wide range of experiments is available to the NMR spectroscopist for inorganic structural analysis. The full armoury of single- and multi-dimensional NMR techniques used for the structural analysis of organic compounds may be used for inorganic systems, with the added dimension of the multinuclear approach. X-ray structural analysis of crystalline compounds has long been fundamental to inorganic structure determination and it is now clear that solidstate NMR, particularly with the magic angle spinning (MAS) technique, is capable of providing complementary data making the synergistic combination of X-ray and MAS-NMR methods very powerful indeed. In reviewing applications of NMR methods to inorganics, it is important to consider the insight that NMR provides into dynamic aspects of the molecular structures; intermolecular exchange processes in solution, and intramolecular fluxionality in both solution and solid state can be delineated, and very often thermodynamic and kinetic parameters derived which can be interpreted in mechanistic terms. It is often the case, particularly for transition metal compounds, that the molecule is paramagnetic. While the unpaired electron(s) can cause undesirable effects on the NMR spectra, e.g. excessive broadening of resonances, it may often be the case that the paramagnetic shift at ligand resonances may be useful in resolving erstwhile overlapping signals, or in providing information on the distribution of unpaired spin density throughout the molecule. In addition to the intrinsic information from such paramagnetic molecules, the addition of a paramagnetic compound (e.g. a lanthanide chelate) to a solution of a diamagnetic compound can induce paramagnetic shifts and changes in line widths in resonances of the latter compound (shift and relaxation agents). These changes can be valuable in providing structural information or in enhancing contrast in magnetic resonance images.

The multinuclear approach In any structural problem, the first step is to decide which NMR experiments will provide the most

MAGNETIC RESONANCE Applications definitive information in the shortest time. Usually, although not exclusively, solution-state spectra are measured, and if the inorganic compound includes an organic ligand, then 1H and 13C spectra are essential. The choice of additional spectra from other nuclei must be directed using the same criteria – information content and economy of time. In this it is necessary to know the inherent sensitivity of the isotope, and the value of its spin quantum number (I). Isotopes with I = 1/2 generally give rise to narrower resonances (‘high-resolution’ nuclei) whereas those with I > 1/2 often yield much broader resonances (quadrupolar nuclei) and spectral information (chemical shifts and scalar couplings) may be obscured. Some NMR-active isotopes of potential interest to the inorganic chemist are listed in Table 1, and this list is by no means exhaustive since there are considerably more than 100 NMR-active stable isotopes across the periodic table. Careful consideration should be given to the ease of observation of the NMR spectrum of a given isotope. Generally, the ease of observation will increase with increase in the magnetic field strength of the spectrometer, but it is possible that at the higher end of the available magnetic field strength range (≥ 14 T), the resonances of certain nuclei, particularly the heavier metals such as platinum, mercury or lead, may become broadened by the influence of chemical shift anisotropy (see below), thereby abrogating the beneficial effects of the higher field. Another consideration is the combination of low natural abundance and small nuclear magnetic moment (low resonance frequency) giving a low intrinsic receptivity, as for 57Fe. In such cases the situation may be partially alleviated by resorting to isotopic enrichment, as illustrated in Figure 1, which shows two 57Fe resonances from a 20 mM solution of the superstructured haem model compound 57FeIIPocPiv(1,2-diMeIm) (CO) [1] (94.5% enriched in 57Fe). Even at this high level of enrichment and high magnetic field, the spectrum still required about 20 h of instrument time for the spectral accumulation. The spectrum does illustrate the extreme sensitivity of the 57Fe chemical shift to fairly


Table 1

NMR properties of some isotopes for the inorganic chemist

Abundance a

Receptivity b






5.7 ×103



8.2 u104









Li Li

Q (10–28 m2)c


8 u104



1.5 u103

4.5 u102



7.5 u10

3.6 u10











6.1 u102




4.7 u103




5.3 u103



1.2 u10


F Na








Si P

4.7 100




4.2 u103


7/2 3/2




Al(H2O)6+ SiMe4





85% H3PO4

2.2 u103












3.8 u102



2.6 u102









100.0 15.4



Reference e

2.7 u103



; (MHz)d






1.6 u103




3.2 u10





























3.4 u102






5.9 u102


WO42aq Pt(CN)62

Rh Ag Cd Sn La W





















Pt Hg Pb


The natural abundance of the isotope. A rough guide to the ease of observation of the NMR spectrum, relative to 13C. c Approximate values for the quadrupole moment. d The resonance frequency in a magnetic field strength that gives the 1H resonance of SiMe at exactly 100 MHz. 4 e Commonly accepted chemical shift reference standard material. b

remote structural effects since the two 57Fe resonances are believed to arise from the presence of the two atropisomers (α and β) due to restricted rotation of the pivaloylamido picket. In considering NMR spectra of the quadrupolar nuclei, in addition to the question of sensitivity, there is the question of resolution of chemical shifts, since chemical shift differences within a spectrum may be obscured by relatively large line widths (WQ) exhibited by the resonances due to quadrupolar relaxation. As a very rough guide to the line width problem, the line width may increase with the square of the quadrupole moment, hence less broadening is expected in spectra of 2H or 6Li:

where e is the electronic charge, h Planck’s constant, qzz the largest component of the electric field gradient and K the asymmetry parameter for q. However, since the electric field gradient at the nucleus, caused by the surrounding electron distribution, is also important, this may counter the effect of a larger quadrupole moment as for the 51V spectrum of the product of partial hydrolysis of VO(NO3)3 (Figure 2, which also includes the 17O spectrum). 17O enrichment can often be achieved starting with the relatively inexpensive source H217O, and the relatively narrow lines often exhibited by 17O resonances can provide a wealth of structural data as shown in Figure 3 for the aqueous isopolytungstate solution (enriched to 5% 17O), where the 17O chemical shifts are sensitive to a variety of structural features, particularly the metal–oxygen bond lengths.


Figure 2 NMR spectra at 294 K of the VO(NO3)3 – H2O (mole ratio 1 : 0.3) system in MeNO2: (A) 105.1 MHz 51V spectrum and (B) 54.2 MHz 17O spectrum. Reproduced with permission from Hibbert RC, Logan N and Howarth AW, Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions 1986, 369–372.

Figure 1 19.58 MHz 57Fe NMR spectrum of the 57FeII PocPiv(1,2-diMeIm)(CO) adduct in CD2Cl2 solution at 298 K. Reproduced with permission from Gerothanassis IP, Kalodimos CG, Hawkes GE and Hayco*ck PR, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 1998, 131: 163–165.

The NMR parameters Chemical shifts

For samples of inorganic molecules in solution, each chemically distinct site for an atom in the molecule will result in a distinct isotropic chemical shift for its nucleus in the NMR spectrum. What is important from the structural point of view is that these chemical shifts are resolved in the spectrum, and this in turn will be determined by the sensitivity of the chemical shift to structural changes. Some nuclei are more sensitive than others, and this is usually represented by the reported chemical shift range of the nucleus. 1H chemical shifts in inorganic compounds typically span a range ∼20 ppm, whereas heavier isotopes often exhibit much greater chemical shift ranges, e.g. hundreds of ppm for 17O, 19F, 29Si and 31P, and this may run to thousands of ppm for heavy

metals such as 195Pt or 199Hg. Each isotropic chemical shift is in fact an average of three principal chemical shift values. The chemical shift is determined by the interaction of the electron distribution with the spectrometer magnetic field, hence a nucleus in an asymmetric electronic environment (the general case) will experience a change in chemical shift with the orientation of the molecule in the magnetic field. The chemical shift is thus represented as a second-rank tensor (3 × 3 values) and it is possible to find a molecule-fixed Cartesian coordinate system which diagonalizes this tensor to give the three principal components (G11, G22, G33). In any solution sample the molecules undergo rapid random motion, including rotation, and as a result these components average to a single isotropic chemical shift (Giso):

Although it is not possible to obtain values for the independent components from solution-state spectra, it is possible in certain cases to obtain some information such as the chemical shift anisotropy ∆G (see below):

where G33 is the component furthest removed from the average Giso.


Figure 3 54.2 MHz 17O NMR spectrum of isopolytungstate at 353 K, pH 1.1. Species: a, α-[H2W12O40]6−, metatungstate; b, α[HW12O40]7−; c, \′-metatungstate; probably E-[HW12O40]7−. Reproduced with permission from Hastings JJ and Howarth OW, Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions 1992, 209–215.

MAS-NMR spectra of the solid state can provide values for the components Gii as shown in Figure 4. The static spectrum (Figure 4A) of the powder sample is the superposition of different chemical shifts resulting from all possible orientations of the molecules in the discrete particles of the sample, and the components Gii are as indicated. Usually such broad lines would mask any resolution of distinct chemical shifts. The MAS spectra (Figures 4B–D) consist of a centre-band resonance at the isotropic chemical shift (Giso) and side bands spaced at the rotation frequency, and offer two advantages over static spectra. The first advantage is that within the centre band there may be chemical shift resolution (in this case there is only one 31P environment and therefore only one isotropic chemical shift) and the second is that the total integrated intensity of the spectrum is within the relatively sharp lines and so the sensitivity of the observation is greatly enhanced in comparison with that of the static spectrum. The intensity pattern of the spinning side bands roughly follows the static spectrum, and these intensities can be used to obtain values for the components Gii. To illustrate the utility of such measurements, it has been shown that the 31P isotropic shifts and chemical shift tensor components (Gii) from a series of

phosphido-bridged iron complexes Fe2(CO)6(µ-X)(µPPh2) gave an excellent correlation with the crystallographically determined Fe–P–Fe bond angles. In a related study on iron complexes with asymmetrical bridging carbonyl ligands Fe···CO–Fe the 13C chemical shift anisotropy and the component G33 (associated with the C–O bond axis) both correlated with the difference in the two Fe–C distances. The isotropic 13C chemical shift is not a reliable indicator of the metal–carbonyl group bonding, and typically cannot be used to distinguish unequivocally between terminal and bridging carbonyl groups (e.g. M–CO vs M–CO–M). However, as shown in Table 2, the chemical shift anisotropy values are distinctive of the carbonyl group bonding. Table 2 13C chemical shift anisotropy values for terminal and bridging carbonyl groups ∆G (ppm)

Co terminal









Data reproduced with permission from Gleeson JW and Vaughan RW, Journal of Chemical Physics 1983, 78: 5384–5392.


Figure 4 119.05 MHz solid-state 31P NMR spectrum of diethyl phosphate spinning at the magic angle. QROT indicates the spinning frequency. Reproduced with permission from Herzfeld J and Berger AE, Journal of Chemical Physics 1980, 73: 6021–6030.

Coupling constants

The two important parameters to consider are the internuclear scalar couplings and the internuclear

dipolar couplings. Scalar or spin–spin coupling constants are observed in both solution- and solid-state spectra and are usually considered to be transmitted via bonding electrons. The magnitude of the scalar couplings varies dramatically with the isotopes concerned, the nature and number of intervening bonds, coordination number, oxidation state, etc. Interproton couplings are typically small (< 20 Hz) but couplings between heavier isotopes may be fairly large, up to about 10 000 Hz, for example, for the one-bond 31P–199Hg coupling in Ph3PHgX2, X = OCOCH3 or OCOCF3. The splitting patterns induced by the scalar couplings are used to determine the number of interacting nuclei and the magnitudes of the couplings may be interpreted in terms of bonding and conformation. Internuclear dipolar couplings are direct through space interactions between magnetic nuclei and values may be as large as 50 000 Hz between protons, being dependent upon the inverse third power of the separation (r−3). The splitting caused by this effect is dependent on the orientation of the internuclear vector in the spectrometer magnetic field and for molecules in solution undergoing rapid molecular tumbling the effect averages to zero. Therefore, in solution spectra there is no obvious direct effect on one-dimensional spectra due to dipolar couplings. However, they are responsible for indirect effects, such as nuclear relaxation and the nuclear Overhauser effect (see below). In solid-state NMR, dipolar interactions provide one mechanism for line broadening, particularly with hydrogen present in the molecule. MAS (e.g. using 4 mm o.d. rotors at 15 kHz) is used to reduce the dipolar interactions and for the observation of nuclei other than hydrogen this is often used in conjunction with high-power 1H decoupling. For observation of solid-state 1H spectra it is often necessary to use the combination of MAS with a suitable pulse sequence (CRAMPS; combined rotation and multiple pulse spectroscopy). If the dipolar interactions are relatively weak then MAS alone may be sufficient to allow resolution of chemical shifts, as shown in Figure 5 for some metallo-hydride complexes. While much attention has been focused on methods for reducing or eliminating the effects of the dipolar interactions in solid-state NMR, the presence of the dipolar interaction could be useful in showing the spatial proximity of atoms in a structure. Several multiple-pulse twodimensional experiments have been proposed, including trains of pulses, synchronized in time with the MAS rotation period. These sequences refocus the dipolar interaction, as illustrated in Figure 6 for the 31P double-quantum–single-quantum correlation spectrum of a polycrystalline powder sample of Cd3(PO4)2. There are six crystallographically distinct


Figure 6 202.5 MHz solid-state 31P MAS-NMR spectrum of Cd3(PO4)2. The two-dimensional spectrum shows the singlequantum–double-quantum dipolar correlations Reproduced with permission from Dollase WA, f*cke M, Förster H, Schaller T, Schell I, Sebald A and Stevernagel S, Journal of the American Chemical Society 1997, 119: 3807–3810.

Figure 5 300 MHz solid-state 1H MAS-NMR spectra: (A) H2Os3(CO)10, MAS rate 8.1 kHz; (B) H2FeRu3(CO)13, MAS rate 9.5 kHz. Reproduced with permission from Aime S, Barrie PJ, Brougham DF, Gobetto R and Hawkes GE, Inorganic Chemistry 1995, 34: 3557–3559.

phosphorus sites in the structure and six resolved 31P resonances in the one-dimensional spectrum. The contours link pairs of phosphorus sites which have a measurable dipolar interaction (are in spatial proximity) and the more intense correlations indicate greater proximity in the structure. Relaxation times

The principal relaxation times measurable for resolved resonances from solution state samples are the spin–lattice relaxation time (T1) and the spin– spin relaxation time (T2). Spin echo methods may be used to measure T2 values and these are often useful in defining chemical exchange rate processes. T1 values are readily obtained from the inversion–recovery experiment and can be directly used to provide structural information. For nuclei with spin I = 1/2 in diamagnetic molecules in solution there are two principal mechanisms which contribute to the rate of the relaxation (T1−1), namely the dipole–dipole inter-

action and the chemical shift anisotropy mechanism. The dipole–dipole interaction occurs between magnetic nuclei which are in close spatial proximity in the molecule and if the population distribution of nuclei across the energy levels of one site is disturbed away from its equilibrium value (usually the populations are equalized by a second radiofrequency field) then this is reflected as a change in the intensity of the resonance from the other site. This is the socalled nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) and is widely used as a structural tool; particularly the interproton NOE is used in a qualitative or quantitative manner to estimate distances between protons in biomolecules, and thereby serve to define conformation. Such interproton NOEs will similarly be useful for determination of structure in organometallic species, and in addition the structural inorganic chemist will be able to utilize the hom*onuclear NOE between other nuclei which are present at a high level of abundance, for example the 31P–31P NOE might be particularly useful. The heteronuclear NOE might also be expected to provide useful conformational information where sensitivity permits, and 13C–1H and 31P–1H are obvious candidates, and 6Li–1H has also been used. The relaxation rate of a nucleus due to its dipole–dipole interaction (T1−1) with a neighbouring nucleus at a distance r is proportional to r−6.


This distance dependence has been put to a number of uses, in particular in structural studies of molecular hydrogen complexes. If hydrogen is bound as two distinct M–H groups then the separation between the hydrogens will be greater than if the hydrogen is bound as molecular hydrogen M–(H2). Therefore, for the molecular hydrogen case the hydrogens will experience a stronger mutual dipole–dipole interaction and the rate of spin–lattice relaxation will be greater. Ideally the experiment should be calibrated by measuring the relaxation rate for a pair of nuclei at a known separation in the same molecule, perhaps for nuclei in an organic ligand. The rate of nuclear spin–lattice relaxation due to the chemical shift anisotropy mechanism (T1CSA)−1 depends upon the magnitude of the chemical shift anisotropy (∆G) and the strength of the spectrometer magnetic field (B0) squared. This dependence of the rate on B02 provides a means of estimating a value for ∆G if the mechanism is important (significant value for ∆G) and if the measurement of the rate of relaxation can be made at several different field strengths (B0). This may be applied to 13C relaxation for the carbonyl groups of organometallic complexes (see Table 2). A related study on metal carbonyl complexes made use of the quadrupolar relaxation rate shown by those nuclei with spin I > 1/2, here 17O with I = 5/2. The relaxation rate of such quadrupolar nuclei is dominated by the contribution, (T1Q)−1, from the quadrupolar mechanism, and in favourable cases it is possible to determine the quadrupole coupling constant (QCC; cf. Eqn [1]). Table 3 shows values for the 17O QCC for the carbonyl groups of some metallo-carbonyl complexes, and again the derived parameter is seen to be diagnostic of the type of carbonyl group.

Dynamic processes NMR spectroscopy is a most powerful method for the investigation of dynamic processes occurring at the molecular level. In particular, both intramolecular and intermolecular chemical exchange processes in solution may be investigated and for inorganic

Table 3 17O quadrupole coupling constant values for terminal and bridging carbonyl groups

Co terminal









Data reproduced with permission from Hawkes GE and Randall EW, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 1986, 68: 597–599.

compounds these processes include ligand exchange, conformational changes, rearrangements and fluxional processes. There are various NMR parameters which may be used to monitor the dynamic process, and the particular set of NMR experiments to be used may depend in part on the order of magnitude for the rate coefficient of the process. The rate process may be termed either ‘slow’ or ‘fast’, but these labels really depend on the NMR parameter being used to monitor the process. For many years the most common method to study rate processes both qualitatively and quantitatively has been the band shape method. Here the NMR parameters may be chemical shifts (measured in frequency units) and/or coupling constants. For a two-site exchange process A ↔ X the spectrum will be affected when the rate is within the limits

where ∆Q is the difference in resonance frequency (between sites A and X) or the coupling constant being averaged. Exchange processes in the fast exchange limit (kr ≥ 10 4 Hz) may contribute to the rotating frame relaxation time (T1ρ), and measurement of T1ρ as a function of the strength of the spinlock field can give a value for the rate coefficient. More recently, magnetization transfer experiments, both one- and two-dimensional, have been used to explore multi-site slow exchange situations. In these experiments the population distribution between the nuclear energy levels for one or more of the sites is disturbed from the equilibrium. This can be by equalization of the populations (cf. saturation as described above for the NOE) or by inversion of the populations by a selective 180° radiofrequency pulse for the 1D experiment or a non-selective pulse for the 2D experiment. The chemical exchange can then transmit the disturbance throughout the exchanging system. However, since spin–lattice relaxation is always occurring in order to restore the equilibrium nuclear distribution, then this method is applicable when the rate coefficient kr ≥ T1−1. In the two-dimensional experiment, which is exactly the same as the 2D NOESY experiment, the advantage is that it is possible to obtain a very clear picture of the magnetization transfer pathways in addition to being able to quantify the rate coefficients. This is illustrated in Figure 7, where the off-diagonal contours link chemical shifts of pairs of slowly exchanging methyl groups among the six distinct methyls of the 2,4,6tris(3,5-dimethylpyrazol-1-yl)pyrimidine (tdmpzp) ligands.


Sensitivity enhancement by polarization transfer One-dimensional experiments

The solution-state polarization transfer experiments described here all depend upon the existence of a resolved scalar coupling between a sensitive nucleus (e.g. 1H, 31P) and an insensitive nucleus (e.g. 57Fe, 109Ag). The one-dimensional experiments are based upon the so-called INEPT or DEPT pulse sequences and involve the initial creation of anti-phase magnetization for the more sensitive nucleus; this is effectively the selective inversion (of populations) for part of the multiplet of the sensitive nucleus. This has the effect of enhancing the population differences across the energy levels of the coupled, less sensitive nucleus, thus making the observed resonances more intense. Polarization (population differences) has thus been transferred from the more sensitive to the less sensitive nucleus. For a single acquisition the sensitivity improvement for spin I = 1/2 nuclei is of the order of the ratio of the resonance frequencies; hence using the 31P polarization to drive the 109Ag populations results in a sensitivity enhancement factor ∼ 8.6 compared with ‘single pulse’ observation of the 109Ag spectrum. There is a second benefit to using the polarization transfer sequences in that typically

Figure 7 Methyl region of the 400 MHz 1H two-dimensional EXSY NMR spectrum of [ReBr(CO)3(tdmpzp)] in CDCl2CDCl2 solution at 296 K. Reproduced with permission from Gelling A, Noble DR, Orrell KG, Osborne AG and Šik V, Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions 1996, 3065–3070.

the spectrum must be accumulated over a period of time and each individual acquisition sequence should be separated by a ‘relaxation delay’. The intensity of the observed resonance is derived from the nonequilibrium populations of the more sensitive nucleus, and it is often the case that relaxation times for 1H and 31P are shorter than for the metal nuclei, and therefore the accumulation sequence with polarization transfer can be repeated with greater frequency than the ‘single pulse’ observation. An example of the sensitivity enhancement is shown in Figure 8 where the 109Ag–{31P} INEPT experiment provides considerably improved signal/noise ratio over the normal acquisition, with about one sixth of the number of scans accumulated with INEPT. There is one disadvantage common to all 1D and 2D polarization transfer experiments and this is the need to have prior knowledge of the magnitude of the scalar coupling constant (J, Hz) since there are delays in the various pulse sequences which are related to J. It is

Figure 8 13.97 MHz 109Ag NMR spectra of [Ag(dppe)2]NO3 in CDCl3 solution at 300 K: (A) single pulse acquisition (accumulation of 12 111 scans); (B) 109Ag–{31P} INEPT experiment (accumulation of 2048 scans). Reproduced with permission from Berners Price SJ, Brevard C, Pagelot A and Sadler PJ, Inorganic Chemistry 1985, 24: 4278–4281.


often possible to obtain a value for the coupling constant from the 1H (or 31P) spectrum, but in other cases a guess must be made for J, and the experiment possibly repeated for a range of assumed J values. Two-dimensional experiments

Two-dimensional experiments provide heteronuclear shift correlations with the spectrum detected at the frequency of the more sensitive nucleus, and involve a double polarization transfer from sensitive to less sensitive to sensitive nucleus. The sensitivity improvement over the direct ‘single pulse’ observation of the less sensitive nucleus is even more dramatic than for the one-dimensional methods; here it is ~ R5/2, where R is the ratio of the resonance frequencies, and for the 31P–109Ag example used above the sensitivity improvement is ∼218. These experiments are often used to facilitate the observation of the spectrum of the less sensitive nucleus. Several experiments may be used and, when the one bond coupling is known the choice is between HMQC (heteronuclear multiple quantum coherence) and HSQC (heteronuclear single quantum coherence). There are advantages and disadvantages to both experiments; for example, the HMQC pulse sequence has fewer pulses than the HSQC, making the former experiment less susceptible to instrumental imperfections. However the resulting HMQC two-dimensional plot includes hom*onuclear coupling for the more sensitive nucleus (e.g. 1H or 31P), reducing the intensities of the correlation peaks, and the line widths are determined by the relaxation rate of the multiple quantum coherence which may be faster than that of the single quantum coherence leading to broader lines in the HMQC plot. An example is the 109Ag–31P correlation shown in Figure 9.

Paramagnetic systems The incidence of paramagnetism in inorganic molecules and materials is fairly common, and is due to the presence of unpaired electrons, usually associated with a metal centre. This paramagnetism will often lead to large chemical shifts of the NMR-active nuclei in the sample and may also induce severe line broadening of the resonances. Certainly paramagnetic metal centres in a variety of biomolecules may result in spectra dispersed on the chemical shift scale over hundreds of ppm, compared with tens of ppm for diamagnetic analogues. Such effects are fairly common, for example, in the 1H and 13C NMR spectra of a wide range of natural haem systems containing iron, and in model haem and porphyrin systems wherein the paramagnetic shifts may be related, in

Figure 9 A 109Ag–31P HSQC correlation experiment with inverse (31P) detection (109Ag at 23.3 MHz, 31P at 202 MHz) of a silver–chiral ferrocene complex in the presence of an excess of the isonitrile CNCH2(CO2Me). This shows a single 109Ag resonance. Reproduced with permission from Lianza F, Macchioni A, Pregosin P and Rüegger H, Inorganic Chemistry 1994, 33: 4999–5002.

part, to the distribution of inpaired electron spin density throughout the molecule. The paramagnetism of inorganic complexes may be used to good effect in other areas. Lanthanide metals complexed with a range of organic ligands have been used for a number of years as shift or relaxation reagents. The shift (relaxation) reagent, when added to a solution of a diamagnetic compound, may form a weak complex with the diamagnetic molecule and result in paramagnetic changes in the chemical shifts (relaxation rates) of the nuclei in the substrate. The magnitudes of these changes in shift or relaxation rate depend upon the geometry of the weak complex and so may be analysed to give information about the structure of the diamagnetic compound. A second area of application of paramagnetic organometallic complexes is as contrast agents for use in MRI experiments. When the complex is introduced in vivo,


if there is a differential distribution of the agent between normal tissue and a lesion, then the agent will induce a differential in the relaxation rates of the water protons in these regions. Since the contrast in the MR image can be tuned to the relaxation properties of the water protons, then enhanced contrast in the image is obtained.

List of symbols B0 = magnetic field strength; e = electronic charge; h = Planck’s constant; I = spin quantum number; J = coupling kr = rate constant; coefficient; qzz = largest component of electric field gradient; Q = quadrupole moment; r = distance between nuclei; R = ratio of resonance frequencies; T1 = spin– lattice relaxation time; T2 = spin–spin relaxation time; T1ρ = rotating frame relaxation time; WQ = line Gii = component of chemical shift; width; Giso = isotropic chemical shift; ∆G = chemical shift anisotropy; Q = resonance frequency; K = asymmetry parameter; Ξ = resonance frequency in a magnetic field strength that gives the 1H resonance of SiMe4 at exactly 100 MHz. See also: Chemical Exchange Effects in NMR; Chemical Shift and Relaxation Reagents in NMR; Halogen NMR Spectroscopy (excluding 19F); Heteronuclear NMR Applications (As, Sb, Bi); Heteronuclear NMR Applications (B, AI, Ga, In, Tl); Heteronuclear NMR Applications (Ge, Sn, Pb); Heteronuclear NMR Applications (La–Hg); Heteronuclear NMR Applications (O, S, Se, Te); Heteronuclear NMR Applications (Sc–Zn); Heteronuclear NMR Applications (Y–Cd); High Resolution Solid State NMR, 13C; High Resolution Solid State NMR, 1H, 19F; Inorganic Compounds and Minerals Studied Using X-ray Diffraction; NMR of Solids; NMR Relaxation Rates; NMR Spectroscopy of Alkali Metal Nuclei in Solution; Nuclear Overhauser Effect; 31 P NMR; 29Si NMR; Solid State NMR, Methods; Solid

State NMR, Rotational Resonance; Solid State NMR Using Quadrupolar Nuclei; Structural Chemistry Using NMR Spectroscopy, Organic Molecules; TwoDimensional NMR Methods.

Further reading Aime S, Botta M, Fasano M and Terreno E (1998) Lanthanide(III) chelates for NMR biomedical applications. Chemical Society Reviews 27: 19–29. Bertini I and Luchinat C (1986) NMR of Paramagnetic Molecules in Biological Systems. Menlo Park, CA: Benjamin/Cummings. Brey WS (ed) (1988) Pulse Methods in 1D and 2D Liquidphase NMR. New work: Academic Press. Gielen G, Willem R and Wrackmeyer B (eds) (1996) Advanced Applications of NMR to Organometallic Chemistry. Chichester: Wiley. Mann BE (1974) 13C NMR chemical shifts and coupling constants of organometallic compounds. Advances in Organometallic Chemistry 12: 135–213. Mann BE (1991) The Cinderella nuclei. Annual Reports on Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 23: 141– 207. Mason J and Jameson C (eds) (1987) Multinuclear NMR. New York: Plenum Press. Orrell KG, Šik V and Stephenson D (1990) Quantitative investigations of molecular stereodynamics by 1D and 2D NMR methods. Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 22: 141–208. Orrell KG (1999) Dynamic NMR spectroscopy in inorganic and organometallic chemistry. Annual Reports on Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 37: 1–74. Pregosin PS (ed) (1991) Transition Metal Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Sandström J (1982) Dynamic NMR Spectroscopy. London: Academic Press. Sievers RE (ed) (1973) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Shift Reagents. New York: Academic Press. Willem R (1988) 2D NMR applied to stereochemical problems. Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 20: 1–94.


Structural Chemistry Using NMR Spectroscopy, Organic Molecules Cynthia K McClure, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT, USA


Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy is one of the most powerful tools that chemists use to determine the structure of compounds. Generally, NMR spectroscopy is the technique that most chemists, especially organic chemists, use first and routinely in structural analysis. In organic compounds, this non-destructive spectroscopic analysis can reveal the number of carbon and proton atoms and their connectivities, the conformations of the molecules, as well as relative and absolute stereochemistries, for example. The recent advent of pulsed field gradient (PFG) technology for NMR spectrometers has allowed the routine acquisition of sophisticated one-dimensional (1D) and twodimensional (2D) NMR spectra in relatively short periods of time on complex organic molecules. This in turn has revolutionized organic structure determination such that deducing the three-dimensional structure of compounds takes a fraction of the time it used to. Mention of relevant 2D experiments that can aid in structure determination will be made in the appropriate sections herein. This article is geared toward the analyses of small organic compounds, and will cover the following topics: practical tips in sample preparation; basic principles of one-dimensional 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy and their use in organic structure determination, including chemical shifts, coupling constants and stereochemical analyses; and the application of more sophisticated 1D and 2D experiments to structure elucidation. Examples of structural analyses of organic compounds via NMR methods are ubiquitous in the literature such that it is impractical to mention more than just a few of them here. Therefore, the reader is encouraged to peruse the organic chemistry literature to find structural analyses of the specific types of organic compounds of interest. This article will deal mainly with generalities of organic compound structure elucidation, although several relevant examples will be presented.

General practical considerations Deuterated solvents are utilized with FT NMR spectrometers to provide an internal lock signal to

compensate for drift in the magnetic field during the experiment. The more common solvents used for organic compounds are CDCl3, CD3CN, CD3OD, acetone-d6, benzene-d6, DMSO-d6 and D2O. Since all deuterated solvents contain some protonated impurities (e.g. CHCl3 in CDCl3), one should choose a solvent that will not interfere with the NMR peaks of interest from the sample. Tetramethylsilane (TMS) is usually added to the sample as an internal standard for both proton and carbon spectra, being set at 0.0 ppm in both cases. However, the small protonated solvent impurities also make good standards as the chemical shifts of these peaks are published in many texts and are reported relative to TMS. Protons provide the highest sensitivity for NMR observations, and therefore only small quantities of sample are needed (1–10 mg in 0.5 mL of solvent for an FT instrument). 13C NMR has a much lower sensitivity than proton NMR due to the low natural abundance of 13C (1.1%) compared with 1H (100%), and the fact that the energy splitting and hence the resonance frequency for carbon is approximately one quarter that of proton. Thus, for a spectrometer whose 1H frequency is 300 MHz, the frequency for 13C is 75.5 MHz. To obtain a carbon NMR spectrum in a timely manner, one needs to use either more sample than for a 1H NMR spectrum (>20 mg of a compound with MW ≈ 150–300 g mol −1), or a higher field spectrometer. 1H


As mentioned earlier, 1H NMR is a very valuable method for obtaining information regarding the molecular structure of organic compounds with any number of protons. The electronic environment, as well as near neighbours and stereochemistry, can be determined by analysing the chemical shifts and spin–spin couplings of protons. The relative number of protons can be determined by direct integration of the areas under the peaks (multiplets), as the number of protons is directly proportional to the area under the peaks produced by those protons. To obtain


accurate integrations, however, the relaxation delay needs to be at least 5 times the longest T1 in the sample. Proton chemical shift

Chemical shifts are diagnostic of the electronic environment around the nucleus in question. Withdrawal of electron density from around the nucleus will deshield the nucleus, causing it to resonate at a lower field (higher frequency or chemical shift). Higher electron density around a nucleus results in shielding of the nucleus and resonance at higher field (lower frequency or chemical shift (δ)). Therefore, basic details of the molecular structure can be gleaned from analysis of the chemical shifts of the nuclei. Factors that affect the electron density around the proton in question include the amount of substitution on the carbon (i.e. methyl, methylene, methine), the inductive effect of nearby electronegative or electropositive groups, hybridization, conjugation interactions through π bonds, and anisotropic (ring current) effects. Tables of proton chemical shifts can be found in various texts, such as those listed in Further reading. As alkyl substitution increases on the carbon that possesses the proton(s) in question, the deshielding increases due to the higher electronegativity of carbon compared with hydrogen (e.g. CHR3 > CH2R2 > CH3R), producing a downfield shift of the resonances (methine most downfield, methyl most upfield). The deshielding effect of electron-withdrawing groups depends directly upon the electronegativity of these groups, and upon whether their effects are inductive (less effective) or through resonance (more effective). This deshielding effect falls off rapidly with increasing number of bonds between the observed proton and the electronegative group. One can, therefore, estimate chemical shifts of alkyl protons by analysing the amount of carbon substitution and the effects of nearby electron-withdrawing groups. A fairly accurate calculation of chemical shifts for methylene protons attached to two functional groups (X–CH2–Y) is possible by using Shoolery’s rule, where the shielding constants for the substituents, ∆i, are added to the chemical shift for methane. Tables of these shielding constants can be found in most texts on NMR spectroscopy. To some extent, hybridization also influences the electron density around the proton in question by electronegativity effects. With increasing s character in a C–H bond, the electrons are held closer to the carbon nucleus. The protons consequently experience less electron density and are, therefore, more deshielded. This reasoning applies very well to

protons attached to sp3 rather than sp2 carbons. For sp (acetylenic) protons, however, anisotropic effects are the dominating factors. Electron-donating or electron-withdrawing groups directly attached to aromatic or alkene sp2 carbons greatly affect the chemical shifts of aromatic or vinyl protons via π bond interactions (resonance). Thus, vinyl protons on the β-carbon of an α,β-unsaturated carbonyl system are further downfield (more deshielded) than the proton on the α-carbon due to resonance, and the opposite holds true for the βproton(s) of a vinyl ether, as shown in Figure 1. In aromatic systems, electron-withdrawing groups deshield the protons ortho and para to it relative to unsubstituted benzene, while a group that is electron-donating by resonance will shield the ortho and para protons such that they resonate at a field higher than unsubstituted benzene (δ7.27). Empirical methods for estimating the chemical shifts of protons on substituted alkenes and benzene rings have been developed (see Further reading). It should be realized, however, that the anisotropies of aromatic and alkenyl systems are also responsible for the larger than expected downfield shifts of the protons. The large downfield shift of aldehyde protons (∼δ9.5) is due in large part to the anisotropic shielding/deshielding effect (called the cone of shielding/deshielding in carbonyls), as seen in alkenes and aromatic compounds. Shielding and deshielding effects via anisotropy caused by ring currents can also affect protons not directly attached to the alkene, alkyne, carbonyl or aromatic systems. A good example of this in shown in Figure 2. The calculated chemical shift of the methine proton Ha in the absence of any ring current effects is δ4.40, while the observed chemical shift is

Figure 1

Shielding and deshielding effects due to resonance.


An improved method has been developed to produce this type of ‘chemical-shift spectrum’, and is illustrated in Figure 3. Overlapping resonances are resolved into singlets, and this allows for a more straightforward structural assignment of the resonances. Near neighbours, coupling constants and relative stereochemistries can be determined by other spectral editing techniques and experiments (see below). Through-bond coupling: determination of near neighbours and stereochemistry Figure 2 Proton Ha is deshielded by ~1 ppm due to the ring current of the nearby phenyl group.

δ5.44. The low energy conformation of the molecule (from molecular modelling) has one of the phenyl rings very near the proton Ha. Therefore, it appears that the ring current of this phenyl group is deshielding this proton by ~1 ppm. In organic molecules possessing protons with very similar chemical shifts, such as steroids or carbohydrates, it would be advantageous to be able to simplify the spectrum by eliminating all spin–spin splittings, thereby allowing the determination of resonance frequencies by only chemical shift effects.

The analysis of through-bond spin–spin coupling (scalar or J coupling) allows for ready determination of the number of neighbouring protons, as well as the relative stereochemistry in certain cases. See the texts listed in Further reading for more in-depth discussions of spin–spin coupling. In short, spin–spin couplings occur between magnetically nonequivalent nuclei (here, protons) through intervening bonding electrons, and decreases with increasing number of intervening bonds. Protons that are chemically equivalent (interchangeable by a symmetry operation) are magnetically equivalent if they exhibit identical coupling to any other nucleus not in that set. However, protons with the same chemical shift do not split each other even when the coupling constant

Figure 3 Chemical shift spectra of 4-androsten-3,17-dione obtained from (a) the reflected J spectrum; (b) the purged J spectrum (the additional response near δ1.7 is from the residual water signal); and (c) the z-filtered J spectrum. The conventional 1H spectrum is shown in (d). Reprinted with permission from Simova S, Sengstschmid H and Freeman R (1997) Proton chemical-shift spectra. Journal of Magnetic Resonance 124: 104–121.


between them is non-zero. Rapid rotation about a C–C single bond, such as with a CH3 group, results in an average environment for each methyl proton, and hence, equivalence. Interacting protons with very different chemical shifts are weakly coupled if the difference in chemical shifts between the coupled protons, ∆δ, is large compared to the coupling constant J, i.e. ∆δ/J >10. The multiplets resulting from this weak coupling are considered ‘first-order’ patterns, and can be interpreted easily. The multiplicity is governed by the (2nI + 1) rule, where n is the number of magnetically equivalent coupled protons and I is the spin of the nucleus. In first-order systems, the multiplicities and peak intensities of coupled protons can be predicted using Pascal’s triangle. For example, a proton split by two magnetically equivalent neighbours will be a triplet with peak intensities of 1:2:1. The frequency difference between the lines of the multiplet is the coupling constant, J, reported in Hz, and is invariant with changes in the strength of the magnetic field. The recent greater accessibility to higher NMR field strengths has enabled the interpretation of most proton spectra as first-order. In symmetrical spin systems, these simple rules do not apply and a more rigorous analysis is needed. The Pople spin notation system is generally utilized to indicate the degree of difference among nuclei. Thus, in a two spin system, AX indicates a molecule with two nuclei where the chemical shift difference is much larger than the coupling between them (weakly coupled system, first-order analysis possible), whereas AB indicates a molecule containing two strongly coupled nuclei with similar chemical shifts. An A2BB′ notation indicates a set of two equivalent nuclei (A) interacting with two nuclei (B, B') that are chemically, but not magnetically, equivalent. For proton NMR, the most diagnostic couplings are 2-bond (2J, geminal), 3-bond ( 3J, vicinal), and 4bond (4J, W-type) couplings. Geminal couplings can be quite large, but may not be evident due to the symmetry associated with the carbon and protons in question. As mentioned above, the lack of geminal coupling is due to the identical chemical shifts of the protons involved. Vicinal 3-bond proton–proton couplings tend to be the most useful when determining stereochemistry, although coupling beyond three bonds can be important in systems with ring strain (small rings, bridged systems) or bond delocalization, as in aromatic and allylic systems. For simple organic molecules, pattern recognition of multiplets can simplify structure determination. For example, the presence of an upfield triplet due to

three protons and a more downfield quartet due to two protons with the same coupling constant is most probably due to an ethyl group (X–CH2CH3). Therefore, it is useful to look for common patterns. Many preliminary assignments can be made in a standard 1D 1H spectrum due to the reciprocity of coupling constants (JAB = JBA) With more complex patterns due to coupling to several magnetically nonequivalent protons, interpretation can be done via first-order analysis only if no two of the spins within an interacting multispin system have ∆δ/J ≤ 6. Multiplets such as doublet of doublets (dd), doublet of triplets (dt), triplet of doublets (td), doublet of quartets (dq), doublet of doublets of doublets (ddd), etc., can usually be analysed by first-order techniques, especially if the spectrum was run at a fairly high magnetic field. A very useful and practical guide to first-order multiplet analysis that utilizes either a systematic analysis of line spacings or inverted splitting trees to determine the couplings is listed in Further reading. Measurement of coupling constants can usually be done directly from the 1D spectrum with well resolved multiplets, or aided by simple 1D hom*onuclear decoupling experiments where irradiation of one of the weakly coupled nuclei (i.e. nuclei with very different chemical shifts) simplifies a multiplet by eliminating that spin–spin interaction. Several two dimensional techniques also help to determine the coupling network, and determine and assign coupling constants. A 2D COSY (correlated spectroscopy) spectrum is a hom*onuclear experiment, and provides a map of the proton–proton J-coupling network in the molecule. The spectrum contains a set of autocorrelated peaks along the diagonal (ω1 = ω2), which is the original spectrum. For those spins that exchange magnetization due to J-coupling, ω2 ≠ ω1 and off-diagonal peaks appear. The diagonal peaks that correspond to J-coupled spins are connected by symmetrical pairs of off-diagonal peaks. In general, strongly coupled protons are handled better in a COSY experiment than with conventional 1D hom*onuclear decoupling. However, in molecules that have overlapping resonances, it can be difficult to accurately assign the cross peaks. New computer programs are being developed to provide automated processing and assignment of the data (see Further reading).

Encyclopedia of Spectroscopy and Spectrometry (3-Volume Set with Online Version) - PDF Free Download (2024)
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