Endgame - Monsieur Otter (Grayashura) - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: A booster a day keeps the slime away Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 2: What boys do together Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 3: Boys talk. Men play. Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 4: How to avoid death but also to get a date. Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 5: To bluff or not to bluff? That is the question. Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 6: It's time to panic ! Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 7: Time to do or die ! Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 8: Might and Magic Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 9: When you need help, call for it Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 10: Fun Weekend makes for fun times. Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 11: Remember that some demons are fallen angels. Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 12: The worst enemy is the media (and ourselves). Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 13: The Cursed and Dreaded Chapter of the USJ Attack Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 14: The world is a stage Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 15: Strange Saturdays Sometimes Seems Simply Satisfying Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 16: Schools days and adult manipulations. Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 17: Villains and villainy Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 18: Sports Festival : Takeshi's Castle 2 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 19: Sports Festival : SHOOT THE HORSE TO SMASH THE LEADER Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 20: Sports Festival : Like father, like son : ASK FOR HELP WHEN YOU NEED IT. Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 21: Sports Festival : even more kids fight Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 22: Sports Festival : let's get dangerous Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 23: Sports Festival : Brawn and Brains Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 24: Sports Festival : the final countdown Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 25: Sports Festival : The ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 26: Tipping the world's axis Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 27: Internship or interned ? Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 28: Triceps Corporation : Sprained muscles. Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 29: Triceps Corporation : Dust and Blush Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 30: After the tempest, the calm. Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 31: Hoshu : the beginning Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 32: Hoshu - Stain Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 33: Hoshu - Moonfish Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 34: Family and bonds Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 35: Meetings and misunderstandings. Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 36: Preparations and petting Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 37: Happy times are honest times. Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 38: Trials Incoming, prepare for assault Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 39: Tormenting Tomura is Tempting Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 40: Teachers VS Students Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 41: Setting up the setup Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 42: I-Island : The beginning Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 43: I-Island : Man or Beast ? Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 44: I-Island : Villains Rise Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 45: I-Island : The Summit Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 46: I-Island : Show Time. Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 47: I-Island : Aftermath Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 48: Rappa's Bizarre Adventure Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 49: War of Hate : Kindling Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 50: Exegol : Part 1 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 51: Exegol Part 2 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 52: Exegol Part 3 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 53: Exegol Part 4 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 54: Exegol part 5 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 55: Exegol Aftermath Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 56: Time to Breath 1 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 57: Time to Breath 2 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 58: Time to Breath 3 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 59: License to Hero part 1 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 60: License to Hero part 2 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 61: How to win as a Demon Lord. Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 62: Deika Disturbing Day I Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 63: Deika Disturbing Day II Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 64: Post-Mortem Summary: Notes: Chapter Text

Chapter 1: A booster a day keeps the slime away


The first chapter, in which Izuku discover the power of the Cards, Katsuki emulates Vegeta and Mitsuki get to tease Inko about Compress.


I want to thank Zoyoki for being my beta reader and I hope you will have a fun time reading this story, as much as I had writting it.

PU : Plus Ultra
SSR : Super Special Rare
SR : Super Rare
R : Rare
UC : Uncommon
C : Common

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 1: A booster per day keeps the slime away.

‘Pollen... Urgh... with the lung I have left, I should not take more risk than I should. I have not yet found a good successor...’

Just a little thought. Just this one little thought and the universe went sideways. Nobody would know the story of “Deku”, the new modern All Might, the Hero who would have become the new Symbol of Peace.

Still, Yagi preserved his lung today, thinking about the slime criminal that was on the run. According to the police, it was hiding in the sewer. What were the odds that it went outside to hide? Quite low. He would let a hero with an accordingly adapted body go there. Did you see how bulked up he was? He could not move down there!


‘Kacchan may have burned up my notebook again today... But at least I got some good cards!’

As his absent father used to say, before going to America (swearing it was not because his son was quirkless), you should always look at the bright side of the day. After all, his day could be worse: he could look like the blond skeleton guy who seemed so frail that he could die by tripping over a rock! Coincidentally, his father tripped on a carpet before getting on the plane to America, falling headfirst over the railing.

Izuku could swear he saw his mom watching with an icy stare... But she was his mommy and she always protected him. Hell, even Kacchan knew better than to annoy Izuku when Auntie Inko was there. So, Izuku was going to forget that awkward fact in the box for inconvenient memories in the back of his mind.

So, with the money he had left from his meals, Izuku had just enough to buy a new booster for the popular “HERO! The Official Card Collecting Game!“. It was one of the various games owned by the Yaoyorozu conglomerate. Hell, as far as Izuku knew, they even owned some old occidental company and Nintendo as of now.

Still, while not as exceptional as the day he and Kacchan got the PU All Might Argent Era, presently the rarest in the world, it was a good haul: Endeavor (UA Student) (SR), The Hauler (Vigilante Era) (R), and Ingenium (Common), Backdraft (Common) and Nezu (Ultra Common). He always laughed at the idea that a Vigilante who became a sidekick was rarer than the Hero he worked for. Still, Izuku liked the card, and by association, the man that was printed on it.

At least, it put a smile on his face, despite the tears he was still trying to hold in. Not before he could get to his bedroom...

“Perfect. A medium-sized skinsuit!”

The card still in his hand, Izuku didn’t have the time to register what was happening, before the slime was already on him, trying to suffocate him. Could it wear him like a suit?! That would be wrong on so many levels! Would it kill him or was he trying to use him as a meat suit?! So many disturbing questions that would not stop popping up.

The young boy tried to speak, to call for help! Someone, somebody, had to come! Maybe a hero with a smile, saying, “Don’t worry, because I AM HERE!”

But nobody came. As always.

Izuku was slowly giving up. Why did he think he would get help? He was only Deku. The Useless Deku. If people came to help Quirkless, maybe he would have gotten some help. Except for his mother, he knew the world was not merciful to his kind. Even the teachers at school never came to defend him. It was only Kacchan when he said he had priority to bully Izuku before readily letting him go.

“If it makes you feel better, know that you are my hero. So don’t worry, when I get to your home... Your family will have a painless death," The slime with a smile, as Izuku felt his consciousness fading away.

Maybe… maybe it will be like Katsuki said? Maybe he would get a better quirk in his next life? But… his mom would cry so much…

Mom… MOM!

And then something happened.

The second toe-joint. The famous extra-joint was the proof that the quirkless were less “evolved”. A study that had ruined Izuku’s life. Well, few people in the world knew it was quite wrong: it could mean sometimes that the child was a late-bloomer. The problem was that the quirk was often too powerful for the kid, and their brain would collapse, trying to reign in a quirk they could not control.

Therefore, late-bloomers were not well-documented, either that or the kid had a weak quirk but nothing in between. Still, better than being quirkless.

What the slime and Izuku did not know was that the brain of the young man was just relaxed enough from the oxygen deprivation to withstand the strain of manifesting a quirk, and the outlet in his hand glowed. The pressure was just enough for the quirk to manifest, but not enough to collapse his brain. Something disappeared from Izuku’s hand and…


Something, or someone, washed away from Izuku the slime before his victim gasped for oxygen. Did... Did someone save him? It was so strange as if something just appeared and... When Izuku looked, he saw the Hero Backdraft, a second before he decayed into a burnt card. Oh. What the hell? I mean, it was not normal for a hero to disappear just like that!

Before Izuku could understand what happened, the slime started a new attempt at attacking the middle schooler. It lunged at him, ready to engulf him with its green slime once again.


A good what now?

Izuku’s eyes widened. It was too late to react now. He would- A hand touched the slime from the bridge above them, and the slime disappeared, leaving only a small blue marble in its place.

Still coughing, Izuku tried to look at the one who saved him... Only to see a strange man, with a costume and a mask, elegantly dropping from above his cane, hitting the ground with a quiet yet audible sound.

“... What a lack of elegance, attacking a child...” The utter contempt in the voice was as distinct as the disgust.

A few seconds passed before our favorite hero nerd recognized his savior, as the magician grabbed the marble and kicked it as hard as possible, throwing it extremely far and above.

“... Mr. Compress?!”

Mr. Compress. One of the most known vigilantes in all of Japan, a villain according to the official news, but most forums put him in the vigilante category. Why? Solely because he was a thief who liked to steal from the rich villains, expose corruption, and on the internet.

A few people linked his heist with a mysterious donation for the quirkless, the villainous quirk, or the mutant quirk foundations. It was quite difficult to take the money from the charities, especially All Might often being one donor... And the number 1 Hero had clarified that he would not allow such generosity to go to waste, even if it came from a ‘villain’.

Izuku was one of those who linked all of this and he thought about how often the villain had dodged All Might and how many times the N°1 Hero found a reason to not take care of the current heist by the mysterious thief. Therefore he theorized Mr. Compress perhaps had the respect of the N°1 Hero, which also explained why Endeavor had so much hatred against the magician.

The man was possibly one of the young boy’s favorite “heroes” in the entire world.

Mr. Compress, as flamboyant as ever, laughed a bit before offering him a hand and helping him to his feet.

“Hello, young boy! Quite the nice job you did there with your quirk.” The man said with warmth in his voice. As if he recognized him or something.

Izuku froze when he heard these words.

A Quirk? But... He was Quirkless?! Besides, the hero Backdraft was just there! How could he have done anything?! But wait- Backdraft’s area was nowhere near here!

Izuku could feel himself slipping into a panic attack, presumably caused by his brain trying to process the near-death experience and the apparition of the new quirk.

He crumbled entirely and directly on the ground, breath quickening.

The strange magician did what anyone would have, and patted Izuku’s back, helping the kid regulate his breathing. He might be a vigilante, but all he wanted to do was to help people.

“It is going to be okay. You were outstanding, kiddo.” The masked man told the boy, as Izuku tried to speak again, his breathing heavier than before.

“Quirkless... I’m- I’m quirkless,”

Mr. Compress did not stop. He continued speaking and sat down on the ground beside Izuku.

“Because you didn’t manifest a quirk when you were young? The extra toe joint, etc, etc?”

Izuku nodded as the man spoke with a soft voice, with none of the disgust or pity Izuku was used to hearing. Oh god, he was being consoled by a famous vigilante! Why did it feel… way more personal? Like there was a connection between them?

“Congrats!” Mr. Compress boomed with joy. You could hear his smile in his voice, clapping his hands for him. The famous thief was happy for him? How? Why?! “You are lucky. Well, not so lucky with the fact that you only manifested your quirk now, but, hey, it happens. It happened to me as an example!”

Was it necessary to say that Izuku stared at his savior with obvious disbelief and shock?

“What?” summed up quite what Izuku was thinking at this instant.

“Why do you think no one knows my name? It is because my quirk came in late, just like yours. It allowed me to not register my quirk. Therefore, most people would pass my name over when checking who I could be. However, unlike yours, it was way too late for me to be a hero. I was like… Twenty years old, I think? So, I became the next best thing. Plus, a good friend of mine threw the Robin Hood legend at me after too much teasing.” He added with some chuckles. Let’s not mention his ancestry with the famous thief, Oji Harima, for VERY OBVIOUS REASONS. You don’t tell your biggest secret to a kid even if he is adorable and one of your fans!

That the young boy had the same hair, though way fluffier than his old friend, was also a nostalgia factor to him. He wanted to pat his head and this green hair! Instead, Mr. Compress stood up, helping Izuku up as well once again.

“I am sorry kiddo, but I can not stay in one place for too long, unless I want the likes of Endeavor or Hawks after me, trying to capture me. However, remember! This. Is. Your. Power,” The magician explained, his finger tapping on Izuku’s forehead. “It is your choice to use it. To make it grow. Will you use it? Become a hero, a vigilante, or a simple barista... I don’t know what your dream is. But here is some advice, as you used the card. As a magician, I know way too well how a deception is a tool just as strong as your quirk itself. You should learn a bit about magic tricks and learn about your limits. Most late bloomers should explore their limit with patience, though. Otherwise, they could die. I cannot stress this enough.”

It is not like he saw that happen a few times. Still, he had to hop and go now!

Izuku was still too shocked to react, and when he was ready to speak, Mr. Compress had already disappeared. He wanted to thank him, but as Mr. Compress once said in one of his interviews:

“I do not expect thanks. I just expect a smile on your face.”

Imagining that his new favorite idol was still watching over him, he put the biggest smile he could on his face and looked at his cards. Well... Maybe he could try one more time? Thought not with Endeavor. If it was like when he summoned Backdraft... The situation hit Izuku hard as he realized the possible consequence and he was not stupid.

Burning a park was not the best way to test his new quirk. Not to mention what Mr. Compress said at the end. He could die if he used too much of his power. Maybe… maybe he could try with some lesser card? Maybe a normal card with a hero that wasn’t too strong?

Despite the risk, a genuine smile grew on his face. After years of analyzing quirks, being called creepy and all other things… he could analyze his own quirk.


As for the slime, it was found two weeks later. Supposedly, it hit a certain Yakuza with a bird mask. Overhaul reassembled the slime body into a more solid form before letting Rappa use it as a punching bag.


That evening, at Midoriya’s home, Mitsuki Bakugou was forced to call to be sure if it was them crying too much or if they had a localized flood. Yes, the mistake has already happened.

Inko could not believe what had happened at first. Then, Izuku used the Nezu card in front of her… and a small version of the UA’s principal made a few movements before burning… leaving a charred card. Also, a very exhausted Izuku, who laid down in the saloon as he went to sleep.

Inko was beaming with pride and joy about the situation. She did not care for him being quirkless or with a quirk. He was her son, and she was going to tear down anyone who would try to hurt her boy. She had already, though no one could prove anything about Hisashi’s death.

However, she knew how much it meant for her son, and how it affected his dream of being a hero.

Maybe she could help? She knew what a late bloomer was. She was the childhood friend of one of them and maybe… maybe she could ask him for some help? After all, Izuku could not show his power at school. However, he needed to train for it. So, he needed a teacher who knew what he was going through.

Therefore, she did what every mother would have done: she grabbed her phone and dialed an old number that she hadn’t called in years. What a shame she did not call him earlier… But he was happier thinking she did not know his “activities”.

“Atsuhiro-san? It’s Inko! Are you free tomorrow?” Her voice was saying, ‘Atsuhiro, you are coming to dinner.’ Always fear the quiet one…


The next day at school, Izuku was uncommonly happy. He had a quirk. True, his mother made him promise he would not use it as long as he was not sure of his limit. She said she found a mentor for him; he was coming to dinner.

He was also with a deck of cards. Izuku was still thinking about his meeting with the Magician and how card tricks could prove useful. Mr. Compress was facing dangerous and/or powerful people like Miruko or Endeavor daily and won every single encounter, getting away while avoiding capture.

Mr. Compress was not strong or had a powerful quirk that could help him fight. Well, Compress had a powerful quirk, but you needed to get close to your opponent to use it. Every fan knew he needed to touch you to activate the quirk.

So Izuku was thinking. Maybe he should hide his quirk. It was only a tool, after all. Maybe he could learn other tricks? Some magic tricks? If he needed to use his cards, magic tricks were useful: hiding cards in his sleeves and other things like that. So… he better start now.

Meanwhile, Katsuki Bakugou was looking at Deku with a… weird feeling. For once, the nerd was not annoying him and was playing with some cards. No weird notebook, no gushing to him about how his quirk was awesome or All Might’s latest fight… Not getting into trouble, he had to bail him out like the weak Deku he was.

It was weird.

So for once, Katsuki sat down with force in front of Izuku and looked at him.

“... What are you doing, sh*tty Deku?”

Saying that Izuku was startled would be like saying that the water was wet. Katsuki was talking to him on his own terms? It was strange, but… maybe he could-

“I asked a question!” The angry teen with the explosive temper interrupted his thoughts.

“Magic tricks! I mean… I am trying to learn some… magic tricks? I thought it would be nice and less weird to others than taking notes and… well… I am not good enough to do it while walking. So I was training on my own.”

Katsuki was looking at him… before nodding.

"it was about time you put some backbone into something!” Katsuki said with a ferocious smile, to Izuku’s surprise.

Soon after that, he got back up and that was that.

The greenette was a bit confused. Almost no insults. He was… almost kind of nice for once? Huh. weird. Still, Izuku appreciated the silence for once. So… the video showed the finger trick like that…


Atsuhiro was smiling. He had not seen Inko in years! The last time was when that dumbass husband of hers was leaving without divorcing. And if Atsuhiro left a marble at his feet to shift his equilibrium and let him fall to his death, no one had to know.

There was no proof, after all. Just because he did not like killing, that did not mean he was not capable of murder.

So he was happy to see her and eat her delicious cooking again. Being a famous thief was taking up so much of his time, after all… he did not have many connections, except for Giran and that strange fellow barman, Kurogiri. He made such a wonderful Manhattan. Oh, and let’s not forget Magne and Chisome.

However, seeing normal people was nice! Just like that green kid yesterday!

Atsuhiro hoped that the kid would grow into something nice. Hell, it would have been fun to mentor him, but he was right to leave as soon as he did. He had seen hawks in the area, most likely because he stole some files from the HPSC~~.

Who would have guessed it would piss the HPSC enough to send their prized hero after him? Oh well. Time to give them to that agreeable fellow without a nose. Quite crazy, but a deal was a deal, even if he bet it over a round of poker.

So it was with a smile that the man went for a stroll in the city… and stole the wallet of Mt Lady. Simply because he could and honestly, it was too much fun to watch her trying to comprehend how someone stole it from her chest.


“Inkoooooo-chaaaaaan!” An excited voice squealed from below as Izuku was still in his room, doing his homework and practicing his skills. Their guest, most likely, and he was positively happy to see his mom.

“Atsuhiro-san! You should call more, you know?” said his mother with a tone that plainly said, “if you don’t call me more, you will have some issues with me.” Nobody wanted to have issues with Inko…

Still, it was obviously their guest. Izuku smiled once again, like the sunshine he was before going downstairs. There he saw a tall man, who seemed… quite ordinary. Brown short hair, brown eyes, a face neither ugly nor beautiful… Hell, if he was a wanted man, most people would have trouble describing him. Nonetheless, Izuku smiled at the silent man.

“Good evening mister Sako!” The sweetest bean in the world beamed to his (unknowingly) idol.

Inko laughed a bit at her friend, undoubtedly stunned by the cinnamon roll that was her son. Even she was sometimes not immune to that smile. So Atsuhiro with no defense against it? Yep. Full effect guaranteed.

Though she could not guess the part they already met. Izuku had hidden the “almost got killed by a villain” from her.

“Izuku? Let me introduce you to Atsuhiro-san. You saw him once or twice when you were much younger. He is a late-bloomer, just like you.”

Izuku went full-on quirk nerd instantaneously, and he assaulted Mr. Compress with so many questions he considered marbling the kid to calm him down before thinking about how Inko would gut him soon after that, not to mention the fact it would oust him as Mr. Compress.

“Calm down, kiddo. Yes, I am a late bloomer, and no, I do not have health issues. Principally because I had your mother to help me deal with it when we were young.”

Inko laughed a bit, as she remembered the old time, directing her friend and her son toward the living room.

“Yes, I remember. You could create these tiny blue marbles at school. They were so beautiful. We never knew if it was made of lapis-lazulis or a blue marble.”

Izuku looked at Atsuhiro. Atsuhiro stared back, his smile becoming strained. He could see the gears working in the child's head. The kid had Inko’s brain.

“Oh? And what else did you do?” The boy not-so-naively asked…. While Mr. Compress was screaming inwardly. ‘Please, Inko, don’t talk about the book!’

“Well, we were in the reading club. I remember I used to throw books at him when he was teasing me too much. He especially loved that old Robin Hood novel.”

… sh*t. Well, at least it was not like Inko knew his job as a vigilante/villain. So while the mom went to get the drink, he looked at Izuku.

Atsuhiro feared only a few things in the world. All for One was one of them. Endeavor was another. Nedzu when he was without (or with too much) tea…. And Inko. Especially when she was mad. If she knew what he was doing daily, she would maim him for endangering himself so often.

“Private lessons if you don’t tell your mom.”

Izuku smirked.

“You’ll also teach me how to fight if I don’t tell her that Mr. Compress stole from the HPSC yesterday.”

“You drive a hard bargain,” The vigilante gasped before Izuku inhaled as if he was going to speak aloud… Oh god. “You have a deal! Please say nothing to her!”

Izuku smiled at the magician with a smile, evidently contrasting the fact that he just blackmailed one of the most powerful thieves in the world. If he was not the target of said blackmail, it would impress Compress.

When Inko heard her boy threaten her childhood friend, she had mixed feelings. Should she tell him it was bad or be proud of him for standing his ground? In the end, she chose pride, as it was better for Izuku. Who knows? Maybe he would finally fight for himself at school!

Also, she was almost certain that Atsuhiro would use her former “Hell training for skinny man” on her son (Atsuhiro said he was going to be an athlete. It was funny how he thought he had her fooled for a second). It would do some good for her boy, and she feared that if she trained him herself, she was going to be too soft.

This evening, Atsuhiro got a disciple and the best meal he had in years. Also, Inko made him promise he would come one evening per week for dinner and tell her how much Izuku progressed.


“So… Atsuhiro-sensei…” Mr. Compress loved that name. “... Why are we in this dump?”

The Dagobah Beach. Former dating spot of the year, back when he was a young man.

A few years before Inko got married. Everyone makes mistakes, okay? And he absolutely did not miss his chance with Inko because of that damn playboy, Hisashi. If only he could again make him fall…

Uh. Maybe he had a few unresolved issues. Well, let’s not delve into the past. Instead, let’s train a hero!

“Well, first, because nobody comes here. Second, it is very nice to test your power and not hurting anything and there is a nice hospital for quirkless that owes me a favor or two close to here. Since I wish to stay as a male, I prefer to transport you there immediately to not have your mom coming at me.” Atsuhiro explained, while doing some stretching. “Also, you will learn how to fight even on uneven ground. Not to mention, of course, some physical training.…”

Izuku had a feeling of dread, as his mentor pulled out from a marble, an old diary with written cutely “Road to be the best <3”.

Mr. Compress had a terrifying smile. One saying obviously, “You can pray to God. But spoiler alert: I won’t be listening”.

“Did mom approve this training?” The scared teenager asked.

“She wrote it.” For Atsuhiro, but that went unsaid, as he wanted to torture Izuku. The teenager wondered for a second if he did the right thing by blackmailing an S-rank villain.

At the end of the week, our Izuku, who could not move any part of his body thought…

Yes. It was worth it.


At the Aldera Middle School, Izuku’s change did not go unnoticed. First, Izuku continued training his magic tricks: Atsuhiro told him it was an excellent idea, as card tricks and misdirections were quite useful in battle. Also, for pick-pocketing. Hell, people began to think that making cards disappear and reappear was his quirk. A weak quirk but a quirk… Well, at least until Izuku explained it was not a quirk.

His body, becoming leaner and well-toned, also grabbed the attention of some girls and Bakugou. Noticeably, the blond boy saw Izuku running in the morning with a strange man, he did not know. The angry boy told Inko and Auntie explained to him that Izuku was finally taking the hero thing earnestly and training hard.

Bakugou was at first angry…

And then became angrier. It was out of the question that Deku was going ahead of him!

Therefore, young Bakugou trained even harder after school, having less contact with some boys at school. After all, Deku was training every day. How could Bakugou do less than Deku?!


“A bit more tea, Mitsuki-san?” Inko asked, her pot of tea ready for her best friend.


“With pleasure, Inko! So, how is Atsuhiro-san as of now?” The explosion just outside fazed none of the women.

“Oh, you know. He tries to be there as much as possible for Izuku, but he is quite busy himself. However, he trains my young boy very hard. Do you want me to ask if he can train Katsuki?” This was quite true, as Mr. Compress could not disappear for too long. He had people to leave as destitute and criminals to punish.

“BIG BANG ATTACK!” The two women could hear the loud noise in the background, as Katsuki trained hard.

“Oh, Inko, you’re too kind. However, I do not think that Katsuki would be compatible with his training” Indeed, as much as Mitsuki loved her boy, he was anything but subtle. It was better to leave that to a more sensible person, such as Izuku. He was so adorable. He made a coin appear from her ear!

“You have a point.”

“Also, I think you prefer when you dine with only Izuku and Atsuhiro, right? ~~” Mitsuki teased a bit. She knew about Atsuhiro’s childhood crush. Also, she was against Inko’s relationship with Hisashi… When asked, she stated that she did not use her power to make that one passage slippy in the airport. Nothing suspicious there at all.

“... What does that mean?” the chubby mother said strongly to her friend, her eyes narrowing.

“Nothing!” Mitsuki answered with a face, not unlike her son when he had a wonderful opportunity to embarrass Izuku.

‘My dear Atsuhiro, don’t worry, I am rooting for you.’ Thought the blonde woman.


During his day off, Izuku decided to learn more about the different cards. Be it “Hero” cards or another game. It would allow him to learn more about his limitations, and he needed as much edge as possible on his sleeve.

So, he tried to do the most sensible thing and go to a game shop so he could buy cards and play with them.

That was the first time that Izuku faced a neckbeard, a fearsome creature that lived in their mother’s basem*nt. They are huge jerks, trolls, goblins, and basem*nt-dweller. Especially when the newcomer is a living sunshine way too pure for this world.

While most people would just try to protect Izuku, the neckbeard cannot stand purity and wants to corrupt it. So, when Izuku asked for a game, all players redirected him toward a certain someone in the back of the shop.

The player in question was… Something that the usual inhabitants of the shop could not deal with. He was too creepy (even according to their low standard) and they could not kick him out of the shop because:

  1. their survival instinct told them it was a bad idea.
  2. He was one of the biggest spenders in the shop.
  3. Even his smiles were saying, “I am going to kill you, eat your corpse and use your remains for a satanic ritual.”

Yes; all players send Izuku toward…

Tomura Shigaraki.

The young man was here in his Sensei’s order to learn some social skills. So he tried to give his best smile. His best Tomura smile.

“Welcome to the game, Hero…”


Just for your information, in this AU, Tomura is 19 instead of 20 and Nejrie is 17 instead of 16. Important for later.

Chapter 2: What boys do together


May include a wild Tomura playing card, Katsuki inners monologue and Izuku apologizing for hurting someone.

Chapter Text

Chapter 2: What happens between boys.

Let us roll back a bit in time.

A few weeks ago,

“Young master, if you don’t go outside to meet people, I am going to throw you outside.”

Despite being a bio-engineered nanny for the man-child we all know and love, Kurogiri was done. Tomura somehow stayed 5 days without sleeping and washing, playing games alone in his room.


The last edition of the monster of Frankenstein narrowed his non-existent eyebrows and did the most logical thing to do. He took Shigaraki’s console and threw it in a portal. Shigaraki was looking with stupefaction at his caretaker.

“My… Video Games…” said the boy, who didn’t quite handle his own rage yet.

Then Kurogiri threw Tomura through another portal, toward a hot bath. Yes, Tomura still wore his clothes, but the Noumu was quite done with the smell and just wanted it to be done.

“You will get your video games back only when I get a receipt proving you bought something in a store and at least tried to meet people!” Said the black mist man, still angry at the boy for being such a living pile of waste. Tomura having a decaying power wasn’t an excuse to rot, especially if his smell was propagating in the bar. It was a respectable establishment and the only thing his former personality liked in this life.

“But Kurogiriiiiiii” Tomura tried to plead weakly to Kurogiri before the cloud looked angrily at his charge.

“No buts. If you don’t wash and do what I just said to do, I will directly report to Sensei.” The ultimate threat. The ultimate one. Even Tomura became livid at those words and washed quickly.

Then Kurogiri made the Decay boy clean himself a second time as he forgot to take off his clothes the first time. Oh well, at least the clothes were cleaner.

He still had to clean Tomura’s room now. Kurogiri wistfully reflected upon the misery of his own existence as he co*cked his guns and made sure that the flamethrower was ready. Yes, it was something that Tomura was supposed to be doing. However, Kurogiri was now sure that indigenous life-forms were born from his protegee’s trash and now he had a clean-up to do.

“SSSSSSSSShhhh” made a certain creature, looking like a certain alien from a famous franchise.

“Well, as they say, it is time for a tidy-up. Also, I never liked Prometheus.” said the battle butler before beginning the purge.

It is said that the battle ended after 5 quite intense days. Yes, Kurogiri took some breaks to make sure Tomura went out as expected, but still. All for One found the footage hilarious to see. He also asked Kurogiri to burn all the corpses, just to be sure that they wouldn’t come back. After all, All for One was an evil genius, and he saw the Alien Saga. No way he was going to experiment on that.

Now, back to Tomura.

First, the blue-haired criminal found a place with games, not too sunny and without too many kids running around. This excluded most cybercafes, as they were often the noisiest places in the world. It also excluded him from the possibility of just hanging out in a video game store. Besides, they have banned him from most because of his decaying habits.

It was not his fault if sometimes he couldn’t remember to not put his five fingers on something, dammit.

The second thing that was right now maddening him, is the fact he had to hang out in a mall. Kurogiri restrained him inside and took his ID, so he couldn’t even try to get wasted. Once again, he had to be reminded of what happened the last time he was drunk: Supposedly, he may have decayed the support beam for a railing at an airport and some dumbass fell to their death.

He was also way younger and his former caretaker before Kurogiri, someone he named “Random NPC n°2”, did not know the difference between an apple juice and an apple liquor. That could have happened to anyone!

Still, the young man with the same hygienic habit as a Nurgling had to find a den to restore himself and at least technically complete his task.

The answer appeared. A store that had better days, with a former stylish front but now just tacky, with a wyvern nesting on a pile of goods made of cards and books. The Den of the Drake. Card games were a kind of game, after all. Also, even if he couldn’t get drunk, he could still buy a lot of things with Sensei’s money.

“Hello, young man. What are you searching for?” Asked an old vendor, with a beard well taken care of. Maybe it had something to do with the fact he was using it to work on his computer? Tomura pondered the thought a moment before answering.

“Game. Villains Vs Hero. I want a Villain Starter pack.”

His demand caused snickering in the shop from the old ‘patrons’ of the shop… Except they must pay their share, as the shopkeeper, despite their attitude, did nothing. Thus they did what they did best. They snickered.

“Well, there is the “Hero!” game. Nobody plays Villains and most people play different teams of heroes against each other. We recommend the “UA Starter” for beginners.”

Either Tomura wasn’t terrifying and horrible enough or the shopkeeper was used to seeing creepy guys like him. Even as the criminal stared at him, the man quietly took out an old package with the UA symbol and the Special “Endeavor Valedictorian” edition. Not the rarest as they included it in the package, but most people choose to keep it as it is often their first “Super Rare” card.

Tomura looked at the deck and thought a bit. Pitting heroes against heroes? Tempting. He should see if it was funny.

“No Villains?”

“They have their separate editions, but the HSPC asked for them to be not as “powerful” as the heroes. The Yaoyorozus circumvented it: Either you have an powerful villain unit but they are rare or cost a hefty penny… Or you can play swarm tactics with typical cannon fodder. I recommend a mix of both: one powerful villain such as The Architect, especially as he has passive boosting minions with his type and minions to wear out the heroes. Though I recommend not playing such a deck against an Endeavor/Burnin composition.”

Tomura gave a confused look at the man, before looking better at the UA deck and the second villain deck. Indeed, it was minions and villains’ bosses were only obtainable via booster. So you needed luck or money before you could use that kind of deck.

“How high are the odds of finding a villain boss in the booster?” Tomura asked, while his game-geared mind calculated things beyond anyone else’s comprehension.

“Around 1 in 100 packages, explaining why they aren’t popular.” Then, the shopkeeper heard the words that made Tomura nearly untouchable in his shop.

“How many villain booster packs do you have?” Yes, our favorite villain had taken out the black card. The bearded man’s eyes turned into yens and took every villain booster he had. It was a hefty quantity.

Tomura continued to get affection points from this charming NPC by telling him he was going to buy often.

That day, Tomura got the UA Deck, as it was the cheaper deck with the rules for it and around ninety villain boosters.

He got his first boss, “Muscular Bloodbath edition” (SSR); he was one of those Villains’ bosses without a gang. In fact, his apparition wiped out the field, including allies. However, his strength was equal to the number of units destroyed that way.

That day, Tomura’s smile killed five puppies.

That’s how the villain gained his place in the shop. The weirdo who would spend a fortune only to play with Villains. If, at first, the other clients laughed at his antics, Tomura taught them to fear, because he used tactics that were just myths before. Minions swarming, boss summoning… He kept improving himself, almost with every game he played.

He became known as “That cheating munchkin with too much money”. A name feared in Musutafu’s playing community. The Villain domination had begun…

And then, one player arrived. A green-haired guy with a smile just as pure as the blue-haired guy was rotten. One who had just a custom deck, with no logic behind it, like, for example, the Miruko Deck (one of the most recent and, according to a lot, one of the few counters to Tomura Madness Destruction Murder Deck).

“Go easy on me. It’s my first time!” Asked Izuku.

Tomura smiled, and the game began. As if mercy existed.

Tomure annihilated Izuku. It was pure humiliation. A player receiving such an embarrassing defeat was bound to disappear. Except…

Except that the green bean beamed at his partner.

“Oh my god! That combo was amazing! Was it you being nice?! I can’t wait to see what you can do when you play!”

Izuku was so used to being beaten up that losing in a children’s card game did not affect his morale in the least. In fact, he loved to make his brain work as much as he was enjoying his daily work-out with Mr. Compress. As the man said, in the show, you need both brains and brawn.

Tomura did not expect such a reaction, but prepared his deck again to face his opponent.

“Well, you’re lucky then. I can’t go back home until this evening, so I have the time for a few more games if you are up to it.”

Izuku was not an opponent within the same league as him, but since all other NPCs were too afraid to continue to grind against him, well… He had to take his fun where he could after all. It was a fun challenge!

Even though Tomura would deny it, that is how he became friends with a kid young enough to be his little brother.

When Kurogiri heard his charge talk about needing a new tactic to fight Zuzu, the Cloud Noumu thought he was speaking of a new boss. He was surprised and cried some tears after learning that Tomura was speaking about another human being.


“They are quite cute.”

As they couldn’t keep burning expensive heroes cards (not to mention that it would kill Izuku by mistake), Mr. Compress had the simple idea to use a tarot card for Izuku.

A normal one, that you could find in pretty much all markets. So, to start, they used the weakest card on the deck, and now faceless humanoids surrounded both of them.

The only thing differentiating them was the number on their face and a mark on their white torso. Izuku could summon around all 3’s cards and all 4’s before his nose bled. Which was a good way to measure his limits.

Yes, Atsuhiro made Izuku do a brain scan when the nose bled for the first time. Best way to see if his marvelous brain was affected. According to the test, the bleeding was the signal to not push more than what he had already done.

So they did not. Instead, Atsuhiro took a malicious pleasure in making Izuku work his body to his utter limit. He brought him on his back more than once. The fact he was seeing Inko during those moments was a plus, yes. No, he was not expecting her kind smile every time he arrived at her house. He also asked Mitsuki for Inko’s favorite flowers only as a reward for her kindness and her delicious cooking. She even made him a few meals in a bento for the week, so he did not have to cook.

Mitsuki, for her help, got some rare fabrics that Mr. Compress found for her. It was not a bribe to avoid the constant teasing.

It was quite fun to make Izuku more flexible. The boy was so nervous that he was quite rigid. Inko’s regimen could do wonders in a situation like that. The magician remembered his old P.E. teacher telling him he had never seen someone that straight.

Atsuhiro smiled while he was reading the various exercises described inside of it, how it had been fun to practice with her… And how she stopped coming because she found someone.

Stop. That was a bad spiral. Instead, it was funnier to torture/train Izuku. Also, it was pleasant to just speak with her again when Izuku went to sleep.

“Kiddo! If you aren’t able to touch your toes with your hands, you’re gonna lift that dishwasher to the truck!”

The threat was quite effective as the boy was even more inspired to complete the exercise: touching his feet, while being suspended in the air, head upside down. Flexibility and abs with the little addition of endurance. Aaaah. Being a teacher was quite fun.

“Atsuhiro-sensei! I did it!” said a happy Izuku, before seeing his teacher grabbing a paintball gun. The modified kind with a lot of bullets.

“Good! Now, run! It’s time for the painball!”

Izuku almost asked for details before seeing the smile of his teacher. The greenette promised himself to ask his mother what the hell was in the notebook, as he ran into the junkyard as fast as he could.

Short answer: Inko wanted to create the most dangerous yet safe condition to train while making you fear for your life. Add to that, her minor telekinesis and Mr. Compress learned how to dodge bullets in front of him.

Also, yes. She called this specific training “the painball” because she removed the “T”.

Meanwhile, Inko was preparing dinner for three at home, making special katsudon for her son as she knew what he was going through with his trigger-happy/traumatized teacher, who had an outlet. Boys… It was so fun. Now all she had to do was to get Atsuhiro to stay to sleep… just one night. Then he would belong to her.

Izuku wondered a bit why his mom had an evil laugh.


It had been three months since Atsuhiro began Izuku’s training.

Katsuki was running in the morning alongside Deku while wearing weight on his ankles. To be fair, he did that after seeing Izuku doing the same and even keeping them at school. While the blonde explosive living boy would never admit it to his friend, he had a begrudging respect for the hellish training Izuku went through.

Respect, because the nerd understood that a big brain alone would never make him a hero. Well, it could, but Izuku was analysis smart, not mad-science mad. Even then, Katsuki would have not been as hard on him as he had been if the broccoli had said he would become a support/analyst hero.

Hell, Katsuki would have even encouraged him and asked him to be his sidekick. Izuku was quite crazy in his analysis despite what everyone thought.

But no, Midoriya insisted on being a fighting hero. The kind that FIGHT VILLAINS. Auntie would have never forgiven him if villains killed Izuku on the field. So yeah. Sometimes he went heavy on Deku, such as that time with the “swan dive”. Not his proudest moment. As for the notebook… well, it was harsh but necessary… Right?

Deku may have found a letter on his windows with an SSR “Ryukyu” with his apologies.

Katsuki would deny it in public.

Still, Deku went through an even harder training than what Kacchan could imagine himself. Despite what everyone thought of him, Katsuki wasn’t just talented, he also put in a lot of effort, trying new moves and failing head-on.

This, in retrospect, may have been the second reason he was hard on Deku.

Katsuki made a lot of effort to become a hero. Deku seemed to wait for it to come from Heaven as if All-Might would descend from it, offering Izuku training and a quirk.

Who the hell did he think he was, to look down on Katsuki’s effort despite not having a quirk? He could have become a quirkless hero! Sure, someone like that didn’t exist in Japan, but he was fairly sure that the n°1 Hero French team had a quirkless fighter specialized in surprise takedowns like Eraserhead!

You could do that quirkless.

However, now? Well, even Katsuki had to admit that Izuku was training harder than him hoping to realize their dream. Which was quite necessary, as Izuku had a lot to catch up with. At least he knew he had to work harder to have a chance.

At least that was his thought as he saw Deku sprint in front of him and the usual bullets from his insane coach were coming from behind with insane accuracy. Running and dodging. Katsuki felt almost bad for him. However, he would lie if he did not find it funny as hell, too.

Also, he did not miss the part where Izuku was still training his hand with a deck of cards. Even while running and dodging.

Something was up with that. The explosive boy was sure of it and will ask him about it later that day. Notably, Katsuki paid more attention to what people thought and noticed an important thing.

The deck that Deku was using was also incomplete. Deku would never allow that.


Katsuki was searching for his “not-friend”, in the middle of the afternoon break, when he heard the usual sound of something being hit. Well, the sound of someone being hit, should he say?

Another reason he was angry. The adults in Aldera were useless and Katsuki had to make the law instead of them. The boy was also pretty sure of who was hit.

Grumbling that Deku was a pain in the ass, Katsuki sprinted to see… an unexpected spectacle.

Deku, standing above two bullies (Kacchan knew them as Extra 3 and Extra 4), and a girl with snake hair. Katsuki was already pretty sure of what happened but had trouble processing certain parts. The part where Deku won a fight against someone who had a minor telekinesis quirk and the other had an excellent leg strength thanks to his sprung legs.

“... Deku? The f*ck?”

The dumbass looked at him with that damn bright smile and he even had the gall to look ashamed. HE HAD WON THE SMILE FOR f*ck’S SAKE. IZUKU HAD THE VICTOR’S BRAGGING RIGHTS!

“Well… How to explain…”


A month ago

“Today Izuku, no strength training!” Sako-san said with happiness in his tone. He was now coming to the Midoriya house at least three days per week. Mitsuki was having the time of her life teasing Inko about the fact that her childhood celibate friend was already a step-dad for Izuku. Inko was blushing more and more at the idea and Atsuhiro wasn’t sure if she should tell Mitsuki to stop embarrassing her or thank her for doing that.

“Oh, thank god!” Said an overjoyed kid, with way too many bruises on his body and the narrator swears, it was not only the beating his bullies gave him… Well depending if you choose or not to call Mr. Compress’ training bullying.

“Instead, it will be battle training!” Said the man, cracking his hands with a certain delight.

“OH FUDGE ‘’ cried our hero, feeling the pain to come… and also a bit of excitement.

“We will also work on your vocabulary.” Because, it was an important point to address. If Deku was to become a hero, he had to have sass.

“We will learn today how to dislocate, as it is one of the most important parts of the Fabulous Compress Style!” said the Magician before putting his hand on his own arm… and dislocating with a menacing sound. The spectacle was shocking to the greenette student who almost fainted before Compress put it back in place. The limp arm was quite the thing to see, and it looked terrible at first.

“See your reaction? This is why dislocating is an effective move. Let’s be honest, Izuku.” said Mr. Compress, with a gentle smile. “Neither of us are power-house. While I am quite agile and you become faster and more flexible, you aren’t as strong as the weakest mutant quirk. To be fair, most of them would be stronger than me. So how do we fight? By being smart and technical. The right push in the wrong place. We will break kneecaps, we will break joints, and we will f*ck up their shoulders.”

The warmth in the voice of Compress was alarming and Izuku stared at him, trying to plan a question. “Yes, it is your mother who created it this way for me. However, I spent years honing my skills. I am also going to teach you how to dislocate your own limb. Why? Because it will save your life if you ever get captured and when we will get into the “vanishing act” part of your training.”

“So… it is going to hurt, right?” Said Izuku. He was resigned to his fate now, while still thinking he shouldn’t have blackmailed his teacher.

“... Yes. But see it this way: if you had not asked, I wouldn’t have to teach you that. Another lesson: Karma is a bitch.” So he was still salty about being “blackmailed by a kid young enough to be his son.”… Who he wanted as his son. Well, it was not a reason to hold back, right?

A few moments later,

“The hell is your problem?! I never saw someone popping their bones like that without even crying!”

“... My school?” Offered with a timid smile our favorite broccoli.

“... I am putting it on my personal sh*tlist.” The heir of the king of thieves answered. His ancestor wouldn’t have tolerated such a thing and he wouldn’t either. He was the thief of justice, after all!

Why did he think that? Izuku just dislocated his own left arm, with way too much ease for it to be pure talent, before putting it back on for his first time. Same thing for his leg. While it hurt the young man, Izuku never cried during the process.

It was the pain tolerance Mr. Compress expected to have to build inside him. For Izuku to have it… Atsuhiro felt his teeth grinding. He spent so much time as “Mr. Compress”, that he had almost forgotten how it was to be quirkless.

The exhilarating sensation of having the world in his palm, the fact he was feared and admired, his fame.

That almost made him forget why he was donating so much. Seeing Izuku be like this… It made him beyond angry. Maybe his next action should be to bring some light on the Quirkless issues?

Izuku seemed to have felt his pain too, and he gave a sad smile to his teacher.

“Hey, don’t worry. This isn’t as bad as it seems. It’s bad only when Kacchan isn’t there to “punish” me.”

Kacchan. Atsuhiro groaned at his name. He could see why Izuku still thought of him as a friend, but the boy was way too abrasive. And there were better ways to protect people than being an angry ball of spite. It was an Endeavor 2.0 in the making.

Still. He was indeed making sure that Izuku wasn’t being hurt too much when he could and giving Izuku protection, overt protection, would just paint against his back for those wanting to hurt Katsuki through him.

“Izuku? I will give you an assignment. In the next two months, I want you to put the fear of you inside at least two bullies. Don’t worry about the consequences. I can guarantee you the UA won’t look at it.” Nedzu owed him a few favors for some jobs against the HPSC. Time to cash them.

“How can you be so sure?” Izuku was suspicious before his master reminded him of the first rule of any good magician.

“Ah ah ah. A good magician…”

“Never reveal their secrets, yes, I know. Rule number 1.”

There were other rules, but Izuku was a slow learner of some of them. Like Mr. Compress’s favorite: “Sanity is boring. Embrace the truth and free yourself of normality”. Izuku still had a problem with this one. It also showed this in his analysis, as he was too straight-laced. Mr. Compress was extremely looking forward to what ideas a mad Izuku could unleash.

The magician thought Nedzu would look the other way about the violence Atsuhiro just asked Izuku to commit and will put Izuku on the stoat’s watch list. Yes, he was one of the few knowing what Nedzu was, because he helped him take back his file from the HPSC and left behind a nasty virus.

However, if the young man wanted to be a hero, he needed to learn what Katsuki had understood (maybe a bit too well). A hero should put the fear of him into the criminal so they don’t act… However, he had a singular feeling about that.

“Yes… Well… Master? Atsuhiro? I know I will have to be violent. However, I don’t want to be that kind of hero.”

“Oh? Then, please. Tell me, what kind of hero you want to be?”

“I… I don’t know. I often discuss heroics with a friend. He is… Well… It is very interesting because he hates heroes, but he has arguments about that, even if he needs help to say it.

The fame, the money… I get a hero will get those, but he is right when he says that too many of them are only in it because they want that. They are violent and they get to be icons.

Not to mention all those who are just looking for a badge and the right to be violent. I mean, it isn’t like you don’t expose some of them each week.” His teacher nodded as Izuku spoke. He continued his job like the one exposing corruption, though it was not enough.

The lack of reaction from the HPSC was the reason that this fellow Stain was becoming ruthless, advocating for a more permanent way of disabling fakes.

Mr. Compress had cut ties with him, but he could understand the frustration the Hero Killer got. At least, he was only using the list Atsuhiro found, and he was letting some of them live.

Meaning it was not killing for killing yet. If it ever came to that, Atsuhiro made it clear to Stain that when they would meet again, only one would walk out of the alley.

Izuku then continued.

“I don’t think I can become a new All-Might. He is just… too much. No one can live up to him… but he said something a while ago. That an authentic hero should find a cause, a reason to fight. So… I don’t want it to be as petty as scaring my bullies.” This is an actual good point.

Still. It was interesting to see that Izuku was, while still a ball of sunshine, asking himself some good questions.

“Kiddo? You have years in front of you to decide what kind of hero you want to be. As long as you don’t become a destructive hero or a corrupt one, you know I will be proud of you.” Said his mentor with a little smile, helping his almost-stepson to get back up. “But now let’s help you focus on the present!”

It is said that during the month, they could hear a green ghost crying. Well, harder than usual, that is. If the Izuku from the main universe could see what his counterpart had to suffer, maybe he would have found All-Might training easy, because if OG Izuku followed the American Dream… Here, it was more the Highway to Hell. Either you become strong or you abandon all hope and become strong.

His teacher actually beat into him our dear Izuku, how to fight.

Now, let us go back almost to the present. As in, a few minutes before, Katsuki arrives to see Izuku apologetic for the unconscious body of his bullies.

See, there were more than a few theories that Aldera as part of the Meta Liberation Army or at least a Destro sympathizer.

It was just stupidity and ignorance.

Yet, in the social pyramid, if Izuku, as a quirkless, was quite at the bottom of the school, people with villainous quirks were a close second. Ophidia, the girl with the snake hair, was the daughter of a Lamia mutant Quirk and her father could manipulate hair and be making a killing in hairdressing. However, the young girl was still someone who had hair and would hiss at you and try to bite you. As for why her name is not Japanese, it was because she had origins in Europe and not because the author is lazy and liked the name.

Despite having a loving family, she was a close second to Izuku on the social ladder. Since Izuku also avoided more and more of his bullies, he was agile enough to just outrun them.

On this day, Izuku also learned a lesson Atsuhiro couldn’t have taught him: You can run away from your problem. The issue is they become the problem of someone else.

“Don’t look us in the eyes, monster!”

“Yes, she is going to turn us into stone!”

“Shut up! That isn’t how my quirk works, and you all know it!”

Now, two things kids learn quickly are those who say that explaining why you aren’t okay with things people say or just ignore them… Well, those who say that are very tall and strong or liars.

The girl was now being held in a corner by the pyro and the spring boy, Izuku, just above them as he was going down for the next period. Our green boy heard everything, and as he felt for one instant, his shoes became steel. As if they were lead, heavy.


“All-Might, what do you think makes a great hero?”

“Well, as far as I know, every hero I respect had a similar story. One day, they heard someone asking for help and they bolted. That attitude? The fact of just moving to help others? This is the fabric of a true hero.”


Izuku was mid-drop kicking the telekinetic boy when he stopped to think about All-Might’s interview.

To the merit of the spring-legged boy, he tried to attack Izuku the moment he knocked out his friend. Unfortunately for him, his attacks were quite previsible for an Izuku who just spent an entire month in a battle against an S Rank Villain with a sad*stic streak.

So, when the first high kick came, Izuku referenced a cult scene from Matrix by dodging the kick by falling almost against the ground. Almost being the keyword. The hit went into the wall as Izuku got back up.

“Oh sh*t! That must have hurt!”

“Oh f*ck you, man!”

He then got bitten several times by Ophidia on his back because, well… She could and she was clearly not alone. Also, it was nice to have an outlet and let her snakes bite some dumbass. She did not have any venom (yet), but it was quite nasty. It was when the bitten boy tried to punch her again that Izuku caught his arm, before popping it out of his joint, making the bully cry before Kacchan arrived.

Izuku then panicked and dislocated his good leg when Spring boy tried to kick him. Only then did the shock make him pass out, too.


Kacchan was pinching his nose as Izuku stopped his tales, and Ophidia was nodding beside him.

“And so that is why I need you to help me hide them, Kacchan!”

“GODDAMNIT IZU… NO, DEKU. YOU DID NOT LEVEL UP FROM DEKU.” Katsuki screamed in his rage at his idiotic friend.

Chapter 3: Boys talk. Men play.


An explanation for and about Bakugou has to be done.

Not a lot of action in this one, but it is also (probably) the last one fully in the Pre-UA era, as the next chapters shall deal with the exams... Or maybe some Inko/compress.

Chapter Text

Chapter 3: Boys talk. Men play.

Katsuki thought. He had a Deku and a girl with snake hair and two unconscious dumbasses. If he let them be, Izuku would be in trouble. Teachers wouldn’t care that Izuku helped someone. It would be proof that Izuku was attacking “normal” students. Same for Snake Hair. She was a younger girl, as she was smaller than him or Izuku.

“If only you beat them with a quirk, that would have been easier to explain.” Katsuki sighed as he knew the teacher would invent some bullsh*t to annoy the green bean… Who seemed uncomfortable. His feet did the thing when he had something to hide. Note to self. Kick Izuku in the face later to have the full story on that later.

Let’s prioritize for now. If they found it was Izuku who was responsible, it would be bad. Deku’s idea to hide them was not bad but if they did that, the bullies would wake up and cry to the teacher.

A small smile appeared on Katsuki’s face.

“Well, I guess the solution is even more violence”

He said as the explosion came through his hand as he punched the two extras down in the face, hard, several times each.

“Now, if the teachers want to have a word with sh*tty De… sh*tty Green Hair and you, Snake hair, they will also have to punish me.”

“... You don’t fear that they will punish you? Also, that’s quirkist, asshole.” Ophidia responded, as some of her hair hissed at the angry blond boy, who flipped the bird.

“I have done worse and gotten praise for it. Also, I say that to everyone, not just you Snake hair.”

“The sad thing is that he is right. And don’t worry about him. He’s bad with names and things like that. Also,” Izuku pointed to the two cringing boys on the ground, “ they will say that Katsuki beat them down. Saying it was me or you would destroy their rep. By letting Kacchan take credit…”

“YOU TAKE TOO LONG TO EXPLAIN. BASICALLY, THEY ARE BITCHES, AND THEY’LL SUCK IT UP. So either they try to say Deku did it alone, but the burn will give away I was here… Not to mention I’m going to tell people I beat them like bitches.” Katsuki said, having found a foolproof plan to protect the two others.

“Kacchan! Language! Otherwise, I’ll tell Aunty!” The green-haired boy warned his friend.

“... Deku, do that and I tell Aunty you broke arms.” Katsuki threatened back with a somehow proud smile, as if approving.

“They aren’t broken, just dislocated!” Izuku tried to justify himself, failing to understand he was just digging his tomb.

“That… Is darn cool.” Dammit. Katsuki found that even cooler. Wait, was it bad or good? Izuku was quite in a conundrum, muttering more than usual his process of thought, which wore on the already thin nerves of his “friend”.

“... Are you a friend or what?” Asked the young bystander, feeling almost like an intruder between the both of them… Despite being the first at the scene, being, you know, the victim.

“YES!” “NO!” said at the same time the two boys, who then glared at each other.

“Boys are weird” Concluded Ophidia while letting the two aspiring heroes argue with each other about their friendship.


However, their plan was not perfect: while Ophidia was indeed off the hook, many people stared at Izuku and Katsuki, all while the green bean was trying to calm his nerves with his card tricks in his hands… Katsuki was still trying to understand how he could make them dance just like that in his fingers.

Well, while he tried to understand that, the word had passed. Katsuki was not cool anymore with bullying Izuku. Sure, no teacher was after them, but Katsuki could feel all his privileges being revoked one by one.

No more missing classes, his teachers warned. It annoyed him a bit, but somehow, Katsuki felt it was worth it. They were all extras, and it was his last year here.

Also, now that Izuku was less spineless, he was almost worth being a sidekick. His sidekick. He just needed a few more pushes, and he also owed Katsuki a few explanations, too.

As for Izuku, well, he was eyed differently, not with fear, as the two first extra downplayed their defeat by saying it was Katsuki who beat them. However, Katsuki was more feared than loved and if Izuku was his friend, then he was a weak point, too. The angry Pomeranian knew that, as it was one of his reasons to distance himself from Izuku with the others.

Now, Izuku would have to watch his back.

“I will not protect you,” Katsuki said as they went back home together, for the first time in years, “You need to get them off your back, by yourself.”

“You are making them not attack me by being here, you know?”

“So, that is how you see yourself? As my sidekick, helping me, but under my protection?” Katsuki replied to him, but it was a turning point. By winning against those two dumbasses alone, Izuku was not useless. His analyzes were always on point and now he knew how to defend himself a bit. In short, Katsuki will let him be his sidekick. However, he had to listen to Deku saying so much he wanted to be a hero, not a sidekick, that he wanted the green bean to say it himself..

His point for once got across Izuku. Under his hair, the young man thought a lot. His quirk was impractical… For now. And somehow he felt something. If he said yes, right here, right now, Kacchan would protect him. Izuku would help him, without a doubt, to be the next n°1. Izuku could be the next Nighteye. That was his first dream when Katsuki got his quirk after all.

But a little voice in the back of his mind made him remember the discussion with Mr. Compress. What kind of hero did he want to be? Did he want to be just a sidekick?

While they walked back home, Izuku knew, his choice, here and now, would shape him.

“No. I want to stand by myself.” said Izuku with more pride than he had the day before, invigorated by his fight.

Katsuki stopped in an instant, before groaning, preparing for an explosion to make his point across, when Izuku continued.

“You are right. I can’t continue to just say I want to be a hero doing nothing.” The blonde boy did not expect that… and for once, he let his friend speak, his sparks disappearing.

“... Is that why you were that angry at me?” Asked Izuku, as his friend tsseked at his friend, avoiding his stare. Saying that Katsuki had trouble making his point come across as saying that the water was wet and it was also somehow amusing that someone so direct was sometimes so ambiguous.

“Try to guess, Deku”. It made Izuku think more. He then smiled at his friend with that damn smile, his big sunny smile. One reason he would have liked to have him at his side.

“Thank you, Kacchan. Don’t worry, I’ll get them off my back. Alone, I mean.”

“Without a Quirk? That is going to be fun.” Katsuki snarked a bit… But his smile showed he thought Izuku could do that. When he wanted to, Deku was quite scary and Katsuki knew how he could be feared enough that no one would mess with him.

It was then that he saw Izuku squirm a bit and Katsuki pinched the bridge of his nose.

“Deeeekuuuuuuuuu….” He groaned, an explosion appearing in his free hand…

“I only got it recently! And if I use it too much, it can really hurt my brain!” Izuku spilled out to his friend, who then stopped his explosions and thought about it. Izuku would never lie about something that was important to him, hell, Katsuki helped him when they were young to put him in a “dangerous” situation so he could awaken his quirk. If Izuku said he had a quirk but it hurt his brain then it was most likely true.

“... You have to use cards to use it, I guess? That is why you keep playing with them?” Bakugou speculated a bit, as you could say whatever you wanted about his temper, but Bakugou was at the top of the class with Izuku for a good reason. He was not dumb and could connect dots when he saw them. Especially now he had figured the missing part of a puzzle bothering him for a few months now.

“I can summon what they print on cards, but it destroys them and since I developed it very late, it can hurt me if I use it too much.”

“So, you can summon an Endeavor with your cards?”

“That would knock me out and I would need medical attention.” Izuku did not deny the possibility of Katsuki’s frustration.

“... f*ck, that’d be pretty useful if you kept training it. That is why your step-dad teaches you to fight without quirk, so you don’t die?”

“Wait my…” Izuku said, then trailed off, not wanting to think about such a possibility yet, especially knowing the secret identity of Atsuhiro.

“Deku, my mom is preparing designs for your mom’s wedding dress when that will happen and he comes to see Aunty with flowers.” Bakugou had a point and his face showed he had no f*cks to give about his friend’s sensibilities. His friend, who needed a reboot that Katsuki applied by hitting the back of his head, as Izuku noticed something else.

“Wait, you know he teaches me how to fight quirkless?”

“Izuku. Your mom told my mother that you had a teacher. I saw you with him, and I know when someone throws a good punch. You never learned to do it before, so he taught you.”

“I don’t punch” Izuku tried to tell what he did.

“Still super damn cool. You saw how his arm was limp? I am surprised you had the guts to do that.”

Katsuki thought he couldn’t be surprised anymore. He thought that Izuku would almost vomit when realizing what he did. Instead, he had an Izuku who laughed. A lot. With a tiny part of nervosity, the exploding boy asked,

“You are alright?”

“Katsuki. My teacher’s idea of breaking my idea of not hurting others had been to disjoint my bone and borderline torture. I also learned he knew French because he made a terrible pun with it and the Deku nickname you gave me.”

“... What?” A reasonable reaction.

“You are called Deku? That is perfect, because “C’est exactement ce que tu vas recevoir”” Said a flat-faced Izuku. (For those wondering, we pronounce in French Deku as “Des coups” [Some hit]. Compress said that Deku was going to get hit because of his nickname.)

“... I am going to take that one just for the reference,” laughed Katsuki, after understanding the joke and being able to appreciate that kind of violent humor.

“Kacchan… Well. Still. To go back to what we were saying. I want to be a hero and I understand why my teacher told me I had one month to make them scared straight. I think he thought violence was my solution, but we both know that…”

“Teachers are going to bitch about it and those extras will never fight you with less than three people. If I understand correctly, you only won because you had that surprise kick in.”

Izuku nodded. Kacchan was good in a fight and in analyzing one. It was a good idea.

“It is going to be fun. Because I know a way to terrify all the extras.”

“But you will not tell me because you want me to suffer.” Deadpanned Izuku, looking at his friend who had this smug smile.

Seeing Katsuki less angry and smiling at him just like old times… Well, it was nice. Nice to see he could be trusted, if only a bit. Katsuki being delicate was not possible according to the law of the universe. Izuku would settle for his childhood friend, not being an asshole. He still surprised Katsuki a bit with his knowing smile.

“That isn’t a problem. I know someone who can teach me how to scare people straight.”


“... So that is why you’re asking ME, to teach you how to scare people?” Tomura was pinching the bridge of his nose while Izuku told him about his school situation. ‘At least the kid’s standing up for himself.’ the older man-child thought. It proved he wasn’t an NPC. More like a character he wanted for his team, with the proper effort.

“Tomura. You are in the top 3 of the scariest people I know. It includes actual supervillains like Moonfish.” Said Izuku semi-seriously, who was pretty conscious that his… Sort of friend? Wasn’t the nicest guy around, though he was a lot of fun and a skilful player.

“It’s nice to know that I am on par with a freaking cannibal with only my smile,” Tomura said as he chuckled, amused by the fact Izuku did not know his past or his plans. “You know what? Beat me once today and I will help you work on it. Deal?”

The trick here is that in all the time they knew each other and the dozens of games they’ve played, Izuku won only two times. Mostly by luck and the fact that Tomura used handicaps.

“That’s fine by me!” Said Izuku with his usual smile. Saturday was his day off training. Mr. Compress said that too much training was a thing and seeing people would help him have more confidence. It was… quite true. Staying over one afternoon playing with a Tomura glaring and smiling at you was an exceptional training to ignore his fear.

Izuku was good at judging character and knew more about Tomura than what he let slip.

For starters, Tomura’s habit of keeping a pinkie on his card was a sign that his quirk was a five-point activation one. One that’s annoying or powerful.

Second thing. Tomura was a rich sheltered kid with a nanny. He deduced that purely from his clothes and his spending habits. Izuku had to tell him it was not normal to buy over four thousand yens worth of cards each week. Hell, most people couldn’t afford that budget as a monthly one.

Third, his nanny and his parents sheltered him and lived in their own world. Seriously, otherwise, they would have made him clean his act and his appearance way earlier. Were they blind?!

Fourth, Tomura thought he had everything he needed and did not go outside shopping.

Fifth, while smarter and more intelligent than most people credited him for, Tomura primarily sought fun.

Sixth, he was way too prideful.

Seventh and last point, I swear.

Tomura did not play well when he got emotional.

So, at first, Tomura was… Well, winning, as usual. He refined his tactics against Izuku, who did not have the same money as him to improve his deck drastically. So, while he knew that theoretically, Izuku could manage a win, Tomura knew it was more of an error on his part than anything else.

If a secondary character wanted his help for his side quest, he better had to win his approval and prove that he was useful. As of now… Well, Izuku was fun. He was not dumb too, being able to understand Tomura when he spoke video games. He also advised Tomura a few times on old video games.

However, despite Izuku putting up a valiant fight with his Vigilante Deck, one of the few capable of denting his Villain Deck around Destro, Tomura knew he almost finished his win conditions for his final combo. All he needed was a last card.

That was at that moment, however, that Izuku truly attacked.

“Oh, that made me think, Tomura. I have a gift for you.” Said Izuku with his big gentle innocent smile. Tomura could tank it, being… Well, Tomura, but was not prepared when Izuku pulled something from his backpack. It was… Gloves? Why was it missing three fingers?

“... NPC? The f*ck is that?”

“Artist gloves. Just… Believe me, ok? Put them on.”

Half thinking of dusting Izuku if it was as dumb as Tomura thought, he did it. Izuku was too… Well, Izuku, to be a danger. At most, he was an idiot.

Now, Tomura had equipped the strange gloves. He looked with blood in his eyes Izuku… who grabbed his hand in his own with his innocent smile!

sh*t! Tomura was only half-serious about dusting the kid! He had to make it stop before…

Tomura looked at Izuku’s hand, which did not decay. Izuku was fine and smiling.

“See? I am fine!” told the young hero to the aspiring villain.

“... You know about my quirk?” Tomura never told him for obvious reasons, as his quirk was deadly as hell. Most people would categorize him as a villain and not think twice about it.

“That it is most likely a five-point touch-activated quirk and certainly a destructive one? Easily! But it seemed rude to ask you about it!”

“Can you stop grabbing my hand and explain, Izuku?” Said Tomura, as Izuku was still hand to hand with him. Not that he didn’t reassure him about… Wait. Was he caring about someone else’s well-being? Definitely not. He just did not want to be kicked out of his favorite store for accidental death. Yes. Definitely that.

Still, Izuku, like a good follower who entered forcefully his party, explained.

“Those are artist gloves. If just one finger is covered, you don’t risk activating by mistake your quirk! It seems like you can’t deactivate your quirk, so if you use that, you don’t have to worry about it!”

“... Izuku, you know you could have just given me that to max my affection and I would have trained you in the way of villainy?” Stated Tomura, seriously… while testing the effectiveness of Izuku’s gift by grabbing with all his five fingers a card. Izuku did not stop to smile. Also, the blue-haired villain couldn’t stop thinking about it. How the hell did Izuku deduce all that?

“... No, that isn’t the same.” Said the young man, while playing his turn, and Tomura distractedly answered in kind. “It has to be fair, not a bribe.” Playing mind games was fair in Izuku’s book.


Somewhere, as Mr. Compress was stealing incriminating documents from a corrupt CEO, he also felt pride in his heart. He knew Izuku made his first step in the way of craziness.


Missing three turns by being able to hold things for the first time in his life without having to worry about dusting them proved to be fatal for the game.

As in “Izuku summoning his Eraserhead on the field, neutralizing his Boss and killing him by doing a nasty Crawler/Celebrity combo.” An excessively hard-to-do combo that Izuku barely did because Tomura was too disturbed to stop it.

Tomura stared nastily at Izuku… Before doing his creepy smile. Except Izuku could, somehow, feel a sense of pride in it?

“Izuku? Why do you even need my help?”


“You guessed my… weakness. You made a plan to work with it then executed it with a freaking smile on your face. If you wanted to be a feared villain, all you needed to do was do it while explaining it clearly. Like, no muttering. Speak up clearly.” Explained Tomura calmly. “There isn’t a thing scarier than a high-level player explaining to you your weaknesses while acting on them and you know you can’t do anything to stop him. Even worse: if he is really good at it, you also understand he can do that whenever he wants.”

Izuku tilted his head adorably with his puppy eyes. “... But… People find my muttering creepy, not scary?”

“Because they can’t understand the things you deduced from them. Hell, just for fun. What do you know about me?”

“Tomura Shigaraki, nearly 20 years old. Homeschooled. Very sheltered. Somehow have access to video games older than both of us, from the pre-Quirk era. His guardian must be some kind of really rich nerd.”


Somewhere, AfO somehow felt like someone dissed him. Oh well. Time to re-watch (and by re-watch, he means re-listen) Star Wars, Episode IV of course…


‘Has a rich guardian and a nanny. Has been mistreated by the hero system. Very smart, but I feel like he isn’t as educated as he should be. Does not have many friends aside from me and no girlfriend. He uses shampoo made locally around the Kamino Ward. Excellent one, but since he doesn’t care about his face, it’s probably his guardian who has some great taste.”


Somewhere, Kurogiri nodded.


“Ok, stop right there. You deduced that in how much time?!” Tomura was dumbfounded.

“... Ten minutes?” said a sheepish Izuku. Wasn’t it good enough?

Holy crap. Izuku was a high-potential secondary character. A Heroic one, but what did Sensei say? “The best kind of help a hero can bring you is the help he doesn’t know he gave to a Villain. As a bonus, you can always corrupt him later when you reveal to him how your plan couldn’t have worked without him!”

Tomura smiled. Yes… The plan was foolproof! He was going to get a second strategist on his team and it would be Izuku! Nothing could go wrong with that plan!


Everything went wrong with that plan, Tomura would think way later, as he studied in UA, wondering how the hell that happened.

Chapter 4: How to avoid death but also to get a date.


Mr. Compress has a date, Katsuki potentially murder someone and Mitsuki smile.


First of all, thanks for the various comment, it is very nice of all of you !
I also want to say that this fic was greatly inspired by what Mirrond did to Mr Compress, giving him some love.
I cannot recommend enough you to read his fics if you can, they are excellent!

On this, I tell you see you in two weeks, as I am not sure I will be able to write enough this weekend to post the Exam chapter !

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 4 : How to avoid death but also to get a date.

Flowers? Check. Suit? Check. Having made sure that a clone of Mr. Compress will be seen in Hokkaido? Check too.

Hey. He was a professional. Atsuhiro made a training plan for Izuku and sent him more than one video so the young boy could train while he was away. He also taught that Katsuki boy how to chase Izuku around to make him faster at running and avoiding attacks. The exploding blond was astonishingly good at the job and Mr. Compress was thinking of doing that permanently.

Still. He had to throw some fake trails for all the heroes chasing him around… And more than a few villains too.

Now, he had to prepare for something he both looked for and dreaded. The evening at Midoriya’s house.

Inko said he had to come to their home for dinner twice a week. She said that with that voice, that voice that could chill your bones to the core. The voice of the nurse who needed to make the patient listen to her. The voice of an ice queen domineering people.

Somehow, Atsuhiro still loved when she spoke to him like that. Because it meant she still cared for him.

People seemed to see just a chubby woman who was a kind nurse and seemed to be an angel too good for this world.

Atsuhiro had a different opinion: She was only threatening when she cared. Be it for her son or him. She threatened you when it was important and maybe it was her way of caring for him. At least, he hoped.

He was the first to admit that his eating habits were not the best during the last decade. He kept traveling and had little time to cook. However, he was pretty sure he was as fit as possible, thanks to his work, too. Atsuhiro hoped that his body was good enough for her, as he knew that otherwise, he was pretty plain. It had helped him a lot to escape the police, but still; it was annoying and worrying to him.

Now all he had to do was to ring the door and not screw up the meal. It was going to be fine. He did that more than a few times already. Sure, the first time it was awkward. He had to create a fake story about how he was a trainer for a few athletes and had to travel the country to meet his different clients. Atsuhiro couldn’t tell her he was one of the few S-rank Villain and the only one that still had a secret identity. Mainly because, unlike the others, he was extremely careful with it and Izuku only deduced it because he knew the right thing and Inko told the good thing, too.

He just had to continue as the other time with his dear chubby friend he had not a crush on. Just a delightful meal with her and her son.

So, our dear favorite magician was inspired and rang at the door. Soon after, Inko, with the sunniest smile he had ever seen (except on Izuku but that did not count), opened the door for him. Apron and everything. Like every other time.

She was still the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Hey, yes, she was chubby. It just means there was more of her to love.

Also, it was truly worth it to not work for a better world that evening, because that smile, simply by existing, made the world a better place.

“Atsuhiro! Finally here! Come inside, it will be better than outside!”

He nodded before eagerly entering and appreciating the small house. It was not much. Hisashi died and left some money behind, but not much.

Inko did not finish university and could not become a doctor. She could take an exam to get a true license, but with Izuku to take care of, she simply did not have the time for it. Which was, in Atsuhiro’s mind, a waste. Inko was excellent as a nurse, but she would have been an amazing doctor for all. Certainly, a better one than the quack that told her Izuku was quirkless.

Note to self: Making up a story so he could help financially Inko and help her become a doctor.

A small voice in his mind told him to directly do the straightforward solution: `Finally, tell her your feelings and become her new husband. If you are with her, there would be no need to invent an excuse to make a joint account.`

Mr. Compress shut that voice down.

Instead, he put a smile on his face and, for once, took back his mental mask of Mr. Compress. This evening, he was just Atsuhiro Sako. The Childhood friend. Still, it was nice to be in the house. However, he noticed something quickly.

“Izuku isn’t there? I mean, unless he has homework but I thought…” Atsuhiro was pretty much certain of it. Mens sana in corpore sano. Izuku had to keep his grade high despite the work-out if he wanted to enter the school of his dream.

“No, he’s over at Mitsuki’s house. Katsuki and he are now better friends than before. Did you know that he somehow got into trouble yesterday?” Said Inko, who giggled a bit when remembering what happened.

Atsuhiro was now curious and had to ask. He knew what happened and was curious why Inko was just smiling and not low-key, threatening to pull his eyes out with her quirk.

“How so? I guess it was not violent, since you are happy.”

“Oh no. There was a violent incident last Friday. He and Bakugou put down some bullies and Izuku dislocated some arms. The staff was angry, but since their star pupil was also implicated and on my son’s side… They called Mitsuki and me to take them home, as both of them were suspended for a week. Nothing on their record, though.”

Atsuhiro smirked. That was a good idea to have someone more popular break the rule. It also meant he was finally making Izuku crazier, in a good way. However, Inko’s smile was a bit less happy.

“So what did they call you for?” He had to know exactly what Izuku did. Did he break too many bullies? Nah. He was not that strong yet. Atsuhiro hoped he had been smart enough to get the drop on them one by one if he beat bullies up.

“He terrorized all the students of his age.”

What? Also, why was she smiling with so much pride and joy?

“He enlisted the help of Bakugou in exchange for some favors. He did not tell me what exactly, and broke into the control room and took control of the intercom.”


“Katsuki, what did that person do to make you want to do that?”

“He insulted my mom.”

“Katsuki, it is Call of Duty. That is…”

“Are you saying you’re going back on what you promised?”

Izuku grumbled as he proceeded to use some admin command to identify the IP of a player on a forum before banning him from a community that he and Kacchan were part of and renaming him from “Toxic_cloud666” to “ILoveAnimeGirls”. With the appropriate picture, because Izuku was nothing if thorough.


It quite surprised a certain student with a gas quirk when everyone laughed at his pseudo… AND WHY DID SOMEONE PUT SOME WILD WILD puss*CAT AS HIS PICTURE?


“... I can see why he got punished, but not why that terrified people…”

“Then he explained everyone’s quirks and weaknesses and a few very personal things. Very personal. He was not supposed to know everything he said, and now everyone thinks Izuku has a murder plan for everyone at school. They just don’t have proof.”


“And that is what Saito did Saturday instead of studying with a friend like he told his mother, Sakura. By the way, it is quite sad as her cookies are delicious. Not to mention that the school Saito wants to go to because he likes Hinasa from the other classroom and she will most likely go there… Well, that school has an emphasis on math and he needs the tutoring. However, since Hinasa is crushing on Katsuki… By the way, I don’t know why she would do that…”

“f*ck YOU DEKU!”


Atsuhiro was stunned and proud. He asked him to scare a few bullies. Not his entire school. Inko finally looked at him with that scary smile while he felt a pull on his necktie.

“Now, can you tell me why, when I was alone with him at home, he told me it was his homework?”

“I told him to scare only his bullies. Not everyone.”

“Atsuhiro. He did that for three hours. The teachers stopped him when he was only in the middle of analyzing his teacher.”

Now, Atsuhiro was just proud. That was his student.


“So, nerd. Why did you scare the complete school?” Asked a Bakugou, still wondering what the hell happened that day. He just thought that Izuku would blackmail people. However, he loved what Izuku did. He was also preparing against his friend his favorite “Endeavor N°2” Plus Ultra Extermination Murder EXPLOSION combo against his friend.

“Remember U.A’s motto?” As Izuku innocently played a Midnight on the field, delaying the turn and forcing Bakugou to grumble as he couldn’t play the ultimate turn yet, he could finally summon his death incarnate card on the field.

“Plus Ultra?” At least the game will finish soon… Wait. What was the card Izuku sneaked on the field? Eraserhead?

“Plus Ultra.” Said Izuku as he exterminated Bakugou’s field with a smile and took Katsuki’s last life point with a Nedzu. He had to troll him, who was on the verge of being more Katsuki than usual during this evening.

“Neat. Also, stop spamming ERASERHEAD!” The most explosive boy on the block flipped the board upside down.

“NEVER” Izuku screeched as he cackled, as it was Kacchan’s way of losing against him. Interrupting the game, and said he did not lose. However, since Izuku was weaker than him, he had to give him his dessert that evening so he could grow stronger. That it was the same dessert he bet with his friend before the game had nothing to do with his action.

He did that a lot as he won one more time against Bakugou, as they just did a few rounds on his console on Mortal Kombat CI. Yes, Izuku lost and they switched because Katsuki thought he could beat “Deku” in any game.

Currently, Izuku showed him why he was not even close to his league… It was also pleasant for once to not play against someone with an insane strategy and deck like Tomura.


Mitsuki and her husband smiled as they listened to the two boys playing loudly above. It was better like that. Also, they could bet on this evening’s outcome quietly.


“You get to live another day, Atsuhiro.” Said Inko, as she put his necktie on his suit. Hey, he did know how to dress up nicely.

“Still. I feel sorry to make you come here so often. I mean, maybe your girlfriend is upset about it?” Asked kindly Inko, with a pure smile and certainly no afterthought.

“Oh no, don’t worry. I’m not with anyone.” Said Atsuhiro almost immediately and without a second thought as he walked towards the living room, missing an Inko who did a victory pose. She then joined him, as she pulled toward them two glasses and a bottle of red wine.

“You mean no girl has seduced you? That or maybe… No man?” Hey, you had to be sure before finding a wonderful father figure for your son and to be sure she did not misremember some of her past and how Atsuhiro seemed to act around her… How he always came around for dinner.

This made Atsuhiro laugh, still thinking he had no chance in hell to seduce Inko, as she poured wine so they could drink together, perfectly purring as he answered.

“Oh no. I simply don’t have time, and nobody had the right chemistry, you know? I don’t have many friends… Those at work, they are mainly men.”

Hard to tell that his closest friends were a trans woman who’s still looking for the right doctor for her therapy, a strange cloud barman, a man without a nose who killed people not worthy of being a hero, and that nice old man who made the best tea in the town. Oh, and technically Nedzu could count, but it was mostly someone he liked to work with more than a friend, though he trusted the stoat to a certain extent.

“MmmmHmmm….” Said knowingly Inko, perfectly purring at the news she did not have any competition on the market. She couldn’t remember why she did not go on a proper date with Atsuhiro when they were younger. Yes, she met Hisashi, but honestly, Atsuhiro was kinder and still the man who loved to read pre-quirk literature just like her.

Thought for another time. She was going to enjoy that evening. Mitsuki helped her with it, after all. Yes, the stylist was right about what she wanted, and she had a good plan to help her advance her cause. Now, Atsuhiro did not know it yet, but she trapped him in her web.


They enjoyed a very nice evening. Nothing saucy or torrid. Just a delightful meal between two adults, catching up on time spent apart, without having to worry about a certain kid. It also allowed them to make plans for a date together on the weekend, for a little shopping. Just as a friend, Mr. Compress thought naively. Or was it he did not dare to hope for more? Oh well. It was Inko’s job now.

Izuku was also quite happy to see his mother finally having someone other than him or the Bakugous, making her smile. Especially a smile he couldn’t see her have. It was clear, as the days passed, that Mr. Sako, or rather Atsuhiro, as she loved to call him, was more than welcome in their home. She was preparing special dishes when he came over and she always found an excuse now and then so he would sleep on the sofa at home… And sometimes, he would just stay the Saturday, while Izuku went out. As Katsuki said, it was quite obvious that the two were in love and that Inko was gradually wearing Mr. Atsuhiro down.

The green bean tried to not think a lot that his future step-dad was also an S-rank villain/vigilante. He just hoped that somehow the U.A. wouldn’t catch on to that.

However, he had to remember to fake his surprise when her mom told him she went out with his trainer and that he was most probably going to sleep at home more often from now.


The months went on. Izuku continued his training, becoming sufficiently nimble that Mr. Compress was proud of the result. Izuku also got a better grip on his quirk. The tarot deck was a good idea, as it gave the young boy a cheap and cost-effective way to use his power. He could even reasonably use some of the higher cards if he was careful of their use. Still, powerful heroes were a no, as his new dad was rather cautious to not kill his stepson by mistake.

Sure, Inko and he were not married (yet, as Mitsuki was saying and constantly making sure she would have the dress ready). However, it was now easier to count the days when he was not at home rather than the contrary. He still gets some heists by traveling, sometimes for a week, two.

Still, Izuku was, sometimes, thought that being attacked by the sludge villain was the best thing that happened in his life. Sure, the training was hard and there had been over one evening where he couldn’t move at all once he slumped onto his bed.

Sure, Katsuki was still yelling at him and exploding… But it was Katsuki. If he was one day calm, Izuku would freak out and instantly know that something was wrong. It was normal and he and Kacchan had a more friendly rivalry than before… Especially since they talked about well… Everything. Kacchan apologized by not apologizing like he was used to.

Sure, Tomura was… Well… Tomura. He was creepy. He had rants that could go on and on about why he hated heroes. Izuku liked the discussion he had with him. It made him think. When he told the reason he had to defend himself at school, Tomura simply nodded. Many people would have outright denied the bullying existed. Tomura accepted it was part of the darker part of the society.

It was, however, reciprocated by Izuku, who pointed out to Tomura how often villains made little sense. He was happy when Tomura asked how, according to Izuku, a villain had to be. A second identity, a costume, minions… It was fun for Izuku to think about it.

Oh, and let’s not forget Tomura’s second reaction when he learned of Izuku’s past. Asking names so he could have a “friendly” chat with the bullies. Somehow, it was like having an older cousin.


When most of the teachers in Aldera middle school found their car properly dusted, no one dared to call the police. All they could say when people asked, in private, was the fact that the culprit had the creepiest smile they had ever seen. They were not crossing that.

Tomura would deny it was because he appreciated Izuku and he was angry people would try to hurt his future teammate. Sure, it was an excellent backstory for a villain, still. As a future leader, he had to protect and avenge his party if necessary. He was simply doing it preemptively. Not because Izuku was like that annoying younger sibling that could call on your bullsh*t.


But most importantly? Izuku had an idol who made sure he could realize his dream of being a hero and trained him for the exam.

So life was pretty fun and awesome now. He understood why Atsuhiro told him sanity was just something limiting people’s true potential. Like that time when Atsuhiro showed him how you could dislocate your body to get the cuff off your hands. Sure, it hurt, but it was effective. In the same way, Atsuhiro showed how he could (and had) often transformed himself into marble to be slingshot into a museum or some secure place. Crazy? Yes. Effective? Oh yes.

That was the reason he was learning even more about obscure heroes. Using weaker heroes but with special power was a good idea to play with the “strength” limitation quirk. Sure, summoning an Endeavor would probably be too much. Using the sidekick “Burnin”? It was still hard, but possible. Did he want to open a path? Sure, using a strength hero could be the solution. Using a hero who could just create a ladder or a way to go around the obstacle was less tiring.

Izuku was happy, confident even. He was still, however, according to both Tomura and Katsuki, “a nerd who was way too excited for his good”.

Katsuki feared the day Izuku would discover coffee. Mainly because if Katsuki had anything to say, he would only allow this in a doomsday scenario, where they would need the craziest idea.

Then came the day. The exam.



The explosion was loud enough to almost shatter the windows. It was certainly loud enough that Atsuhiro woke up, and made sure to not wake Inko, who was still snoozing happily. He then took one of his marbles that he kept for a rainy day and launched it on Bakugou. Then he returned to cuddle.

When Izuku finally got outside, the sun was still rising. Katsuki had a good idea to go to the U.A. with hours in spare.

Then the green bean looked at Katsuki, who was stunned. He was not moving, livid and incapable of moving.

That was probably because he had an octopus on his face. Uh. Who would have guessed he would see that this morning? Even if it was the third time, it was still hilarious to see what his step-father would throw in the morning at Katsuki.

“Kacchan, Atsuhiro told you he disliked being woken up in the morning.”

“I’m still going to make you fatherless again after the exam, Izuku!”

“... Again?”


Hisashi couldn’t see it, but about 300 meters from him, a determined and angry Katsuki (So a normal Katsuki, though angrier than usual) watched Izuku crying as his bastard father was leaving. Katsuki took his favorite marble, given to him by his best quirkless friend. One of his only friends who never gave him sh*t for not being able to see faces. Prosopagnosia was a bitch.

He took the marble and launched it with his quirk, yelling, “DIE”


“... You heard nothing,” Katsuki stated seriously, though he researched a bit about his good deed and knew there wasn’t no warrant out for the death of that bastard, so he was safe.

Hey, he was angry and impulsive. Not an idiot.

“I knew you cared~,” quipped an Izuku, who did not believe his friend had a hand in his father’s death. His dominant theory was still his mother and/or Atsuhiro. “Despite yelling a lot.”

“Izuku, get ready to meet your biological father before the exam.” Katsuki warned “jokingly”, happy to have avoided this particular threat. Still, Izuku was way more confident than at the beginning of the year.

“Nah, not even you are that cruel.”

“... You’re lucky.”

“Kacchan. I am adorable. Also, let me take off the octopus.” Said Izuku with his trademark smile, as Katsuki let him begrudgingly.

“You are lucky I need to present properly for the exam. Otherwise, I would have cooked that octopus myself. Also, your step-dad’s quirk is bullsh*t.”

“No, it’s “random bullsh*t”.”

Yes. The cover for Atsuhiro’s quirk in public with the Bakugous was “Random Bullsh*t”. The ability to throw random things. It was various marbles containing random things. Including an octopus, apparently. The blond thought the power was an idiot when he got a newspaper for the first time. Now, it was less funny, indeed.


“This school is HUGE!” Izuku was way too hyped, but Kacchan could understand. Even he was flipping excitedly as they grabbed their number of entries for the exam.

“Hey, nerd,” Katsuki said in an uncharacteristically calm tone. Despite hearing it several times at that point, it never failed to unnerve Izuku.

“Yes, Kacchan?”

“If you don’t pass, I am going to make you an astronaut.”

“What?” A logical reaction to being fair.

“I’m going to launch you into space with my explosion,” Katsuki said calmly, as both went towards the hall

“Don’t worry, nothing wrong can happen to me!” Said Izuku. Sadly, this is one of the most dangerous things to say. Therefore, he tripped on his own feet, to Katsuki’s incredulity. Seriously, how?

However, luckily, a certain girl saved him. Yes, we all know the scene. Before you ask, no. Izuku was not that confident yet he could answer Uraraka’s positivity with anything other than him being red and thinking he somehow talked to a girl.

Katsuki must have the power to read his mind as he shouted,

“You know you said nothing to Round face?” The blond boy was smug as he could see Izuku turning redder as a cherry. Sure, he had trouble seeing faces, but he could still see skin tone, and in his opinion, it was pretty f*cking hilarious when the nerd turned red.

“Shut up Kacchan.” Izuku squeaked out weakly as he was way too embarrassed. They then went on to the room where they would take the written test.


Yes, Prosopagnosia is a real thing. It actually affects 1/50 people in the world.

My theory on Bakugou, based on the nicknames he gives to people, is that he suffers from it though he can see part of people's face if he concentrate hard enough. That is why he could sometimes think that Izuku was looking down on him : He litteraly could not see his face.

Still, I had a fun time writing this. Have fun you all !

Chapter 5: To bluff or not to bluff? That is the question.


Finally, the UA practical exam, thought not everything is the same...
May include a saxophone, Izuku getting a girl number and Katsuki having fun.

Also contains small traces of Iida regretting some choices.


Yes, I know, there is a bit of Iida bashing. BUT. To be fair, he made a horrible first impression and need to be called out for.

Chapter Text

Izuku knew he got the written test rather nicely. Most questions had tricks, sure, but nothing he couldn’t do. Honestly, he knew most people would have trouble, but it was a good way to make people remember that UA was not only a hero school… But also a prestigious school, with a business course and a support course.

Even if you did not get into one of the two heroics classes, you could always be in Gen Ed or something. After his talk with Katsuki, Green bean actually contemplated going into the Support Course, as an analyst. However, he discovered it was an option for business or in second year in heroic. Not everyone had an analytical mind after all.

Still, it had been a wonderful exercise and an excellent reminder that brain and brawn were required for a wonderful hero. Sure, a good quirk was important and often more useful, but as some international teams proved, having an analyst and a strategist was even more important. Everyone could remember the disaster that happened when the Russian team tried to apprehend the SS-rank villain that conquered the North pole. It had not been pretty. So many candy canes in so many heads.

Brrr. Let’s think about something else.

So… they were all sitting in an immense amphitheater, where Present Mic presented the practical exam.

Trying to relax himself a bit, Izuku took out his tarot deck and shuffled it. One year of daily and intensive practice made him very good at different card tricks. He also discovered that doing them calmed him a lot. Playing with coins, too. Truth be told, as long as they were sleight of hand, it calmed him down.
Sure, sometimes it looked like he was a show-off, Katsuki told him that a lot. However, it worked well, so why stop?

Therefore, cards seemed to fly from one hand to another. There was a reason Tenko made sure someone else shuffled Izuku’s deck every game or two. He couldn’t prove it, but certain combos Izuku pulled were way too perfect.

Nonetheless, Present Mic’s presentation was quite interesting. 1, 2, 3 points robots. There was a fourth kind of robot but if he was right, Present Mic was going to present it when some tall idiot stood up and berated Present Mic.

“Excuse me? On the handout, there are clearly four types of villains listed! Such an error would be the height of embarrassment for a top-tier national academy of U.A. ‘s caliber! The reason we’re here today is that we seek guidance on the path to becoming model heroes!”

Then, to Izuku’s surprise, he then turned toward him. What did that guy was looking at him with such an intense look?

“Moreover, can’t you sit still for a second? You’re distracting the surrounding people! If you think U.A. is a school for silly tricks, you can go somewhere else!”

Izuku stayed silent for a second… Before the result of rekindling his friendship with Bakugou and some training with Mr Compress kicked him. Daily banter trained him with Katsuki who had a tongue as wild and dangerous as his explosion and someone who cracked a bunny joke to Miruko and made her smile before she tried to decapitate him.

“Well, at least we know what you can do if your quirk has problems.” Izuku shot back quietly, as all cards seemingly magically came back in his hand. He was perfectly calm as he looked back at Iida. Present Mic did nothing because he was a showman at heart and recognized a good roasting when it was coming.

“What?” The tall glassy examinee was clearly not expecting Izuku to retort… Then again, what did he expect? Someone who was taking the U.A. ‘s Hero Course exam and doesn’t have any self esteem? Izuku had little of it, but he was a master at faking it until he made it.

“Well, you can pull out the stick shoved up your ass and use it as a weapon against the different robots!” Said the green bean with a smile so pure and innocent, that it made what he said even more effective than it should’ve been.

Katsuki laughed at Izuku, who snapped. It was rare, but it was always funny. Thank god Atsuhiro taught him a few liners to improve his sass. Even Present Mic snorted a bit. However, Izuku was not done.

“Also, if you were kind enough to let the TEACHER who is a PRO HERO finish, that would allow you to still appear smarter. Since the speed of light is faster than sound, you seemed intelligent before opening your mouth.” Once again, with that big sunshine smile of his, Izuku finished his attack, leaving a thunderstruck Iida looking like an idiot in front of everyone. Though, to be fair, he brought it upon himself.

“... While his language is quite foul, the green bean is right, examinee 7111. I was going to address that point. The arena traps, also known as the zero pointer. They don’t bring points and you should run away from them. We made them to study your situational awareness.” Which was something Iida seemingly did not have, as he was redder than a tomato. Maybe his outburst was not his best idea, as he quietly sat back down and avoided eye contact.

Nonetheless, all students went to the exam arena. An immense fake city. Well, cities to be fair, and Izuku sighed as they separated him and Kacchan. Not of sadness to not be with his friend, but of happiness. He knew Katsuki’s competitive streak, and Izuku knew that he would doubtless destroy pretty much every robot in his arena. Therefore, being not with him increased his odds significantly.

Not that he was weak either, as he took two 10 from his deck. Yes, his shuffling from earlier was not for nothing, either. Knowing where his cards where was essential for the exam.
Still, our young magician saw “Round face”, as Kacchan called her. Sure, he could have actually flipped on his feet, but it had been nice that she helped him. He was about to approach her to wish her good luck, but then…

“I see, you’re here to test this girl’s concentration power…” Oh goddamnit.

“... No, I just wanted to wish her good luck since she helped me earlier. Dude, I know we’re all stressed out, but, stop thinking everyone is out for you. Otherwise, they will be.” deadpanned a way too done with him Izuku. Iida did not know what to do or how to answer, since it was that particular moment that Present Mic announced the start of the examination.

The first to bolt was an Izuku who trained for one year with the painball training. Atsuhiro did not give a countdown either for the same reason Present Mic did. Life did not have one.

Still, people were quite surprised by the speed Izuku showed. Once again, painball training. It gave Izuku quite the speed to run away from his bloodthirsty mentor. Yes, he loved his (soon to be) step-father. However, both agreed that during training, they wouldn’t let love interfere.

Some people might have wondered why Izuku threw the cards in his hand. Some were expecting an explosion. They definitely did not expect two pillar men rising up in front of Izuku and dismembering three one-pointers in front of him as if they were sheets of papers in a few seconds, and in perfect sync no less.



Answered an Izuku who did not stop running, as others passed in front of him, such as the tall guy. Well, his motor legs were indeed quite useful for that, and Izuku knew he better start hunting down more robots.

A smile appeared on his face. Izuku then ordered his card men to search and destroy robots.

“GO MY PRETTIES. DESTROY THEM ALL!” Uh. Maybe Kacchan was rubbing off him after all. Still, it was going to be fun!


Shinso was not having fun. Robots. Freaking. Robots. How was he supposed to use his quirk to fight for ROBOTS?

Then he saw a burly monster, white as the milk except for the heart on his face with a white ten on it, who just ripped apart a one pointer in front of him.


“Do not care. All for the master…”

Wait. Did that thing/monster answer him? Was it sentient to a small degree?

A smile creeped on Purple hair’s face. He reached and used his quirk. The strange monster stood still for a second and Shinso ordered him, with a loud voice so the examiners could hear him.


And the thing moved. Sweet. Shindo smiled, and he looked for the green-haired teen. Yes, they split students from the same school so they couldn’t work together. However, it was possible for him to hijack a few summons of his, no?


Izuku groaned. He felt when his card men disappeared. Other students destroyed some, making him summon a few others in replacement. He had lost one of the ten and all cards from 2 to 6. What was strange was that one of his cards was still there. He could feel the (small) strain. Moreover, he could feel it working differently from what he ordered. A hijacking quirk? That… was very interesting and Izuku hoped he would meet the guy who did that. However, it was still a strain for him.

So, while Green boi accepted to let the ten alive to help the hijacker… Hey, he could easily understand if the power did not work on robots and with the “no attacking fellow examinees” rule, then that examinee was in trouble… So while he accepted that, he would not sabotage himself for this mysterious student.

All hijacked cards except one disappeared.

Izuku inhaled some fresh air, as a blonde guy winked at him before firing his laser at a robot who was going to attack on Izuku’s blind side. Izuku answered by summoning a Knight right behind and smashing a robot, who was silently creeping behind the twinkling student. Both gauged each other… Before nodding and saying nothing else as they went in different directions.

Hum… Izuku racked his brain as he hopped behind his Knight. Yes, he was not summoning anyone else for now, as he rode on the large back of his summon who suspiciously looked like an armored knight from manga, closer to a mech than a human.

Was there more to the exam than just points?


Accidentally, Izuku didn’t see it, but Shinsho clearly used the summon he had left to destroy as many robots as he could. More often than not, he naturally did the smart thing, to not let his “slave” get destroyed: he picked almost destroyed or trapped robots. One kid with purple balls on his head was actually yelling, as Shinsho destroyed the fifth robot he had trapped.


In the control room, teachers were looking happily at the situation. Eraserhead was the one to point out Shinso’s hijacking. He knew firsthand how the exam was discriminatory against people like them so that the kid turned backed the situation was something he wouldn’t let ignored. It was rational to reward being smart.

However, it was time to spice the game.

They let the zero-pointers out. Bets switched between hands. It was time for fun.

And before people asked: They actually unleashed them because they had on hand a janitor with the particular quirk of warping everyone on the verge of being hit by a very tall robot to safety. It was an incredibly specific quirk and Nedzu actually had to find it in Poland. With over 5 billion people, yes, you were bound to find incredibly specific quirks. Still. They were not irresponsible.

Well. At least not too much, as the rat god took the bets like the impartial god he was. He also made sure that the loser would also have to write the name of the janitor: Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz


“Oh. So this is a zero pointer.” Said an Izuku who was way too close to be actually safe from the death robot of doom in front of him. Seriously, where did the U.A. found the budget for those?


Nedzu was meanwhile looking at his benefits from owning part in different stock companies, including some owned by the sentient animals of the Amazonian fauna. Yep, still rich.


Still, Izuku was counting on his hand his points as his knight yeeted him outside of the zero-pointer trajectory. It was time to fold it and stay back and relax.

With an uncanny grace, Izuku landed on his feet. He was right; he was at roughly forty points. It was quite nice. With his written test, Izuku was clearly in the good place to be put in heroics.

Still, he was happy to see he was not the only one out of the way of the robots. He actually landed near an exhausted “Round face”.

“Hey! Hello there! Happy to see you! Everything went well on your side?” He asked, this time way chillier than at the entrance. Mainly because he was quite sure to get into U.A.

The girl answered by rising a thumb toward him, still too tired to do anything else. She almost went under some rocks, but a purple-haired dude got her out before anything dangerous happened or she hurt herself. So all in all, she was fine.


Izuku stopped everything that he was doing, to see who asked for help… While running, without even thinking about it while his Knight just valiantly died to slow less than a second the zero-pointer.

It took ten seconds to see who asked for help. He would have missed the girl who yelled for help if she did not yell again.

Why? Simply because she was invisible. Well, she had a uniform, and it was funny to see a floating uniform who clearly had nice curbs… But it was not the time to think about that.

Also, Izuku groaned when he saw the zero-pointer going toward them. Because, of course, the thing targeted students. Of course.

He ran even faster.


Meanwhile, a young Toru was not believing her eyes. She did great on the exam. Written test? It went as well as she hoped. Good, but not enough. She could completely rely on it.

At first the practical exam looked like it would be her death, but she found a weak point in the robot’s armor. So, she took her courage and a heavy lead pipe and ambushed as many robots as she could, especially if other students were in danger. It was an exam, but still! People could get hurt! And it was her time to shine!

Except it went all sideways when the giant robot appeared. At first, she thought she was safe… unless she tripped. Yes. She tripped and then some rubble almost crushed her leg. Almost. Still, she was trapped and all she could do was yell for help…

Except she knew she wouldn’t get it. Toru was invisible. Even if someone heard her, who would see the invisible girl?

She could almost cry as she knew her rescues were probably not seen by anyone. She cried when she knew that maybe the teachers would miss her being crushed. She did not want to go out like this! She was still young, she still had so much to do, like hang out with friends and meet with cute boys!!

Maybe… Just maybe, the teachers would save her?


“So! Everyone! Time to bet! Will the boy try to save the girl? Run away? Destroy the zero-pointer? TIME TO PLACE YOUR BET!”

Let it be known that Nemuri Kayama put her bet in half as a joke and half because she was a romantic on the last option. She was the only one, as all the other teachers grinned. Aizawa put his bet on running away, as the boy seemed smart and would know when to run. All Might of course put him on trying to save the girl, but the green kid did not have the firepower to destroy a zero-pointer.



Said an Izuku with his best impersonation of All Might. Which was actually really uncanny and over one teacher looked at All Might with suspicion in their eyes, wondering if that was his love child. All Might quickly denied the possibility, as he never had the time for that.

Still, the girl looked at the boy who was quickly surrounded by three minions who lifted out all the rubble trapping her, as the Zero pointer was raising its foot about them… And her savior (well, he was trying at least) smiled at her.

“Hey, can you grab me before I fall and take me to safety?”


Then Toru saw Izuku take a card from a deck and yeeting it just below the robot before yelling.


The earth started to rumble.

Izuku felt the pressure on his brain, as all the cards he summoned before vanished. He summoned only one arcana before now and it left him pretty sluggish for a few days. He also knew that the exam took a lot of his energy earlier, especially with maintaining the 10 he lent to an unknown student.

Still, the green bean was determined. There was someone behind him. Someone to protect. So, he did the only thing he could as he mustered every ounce of strength he had; the air sparking madly around him.

Toru could even see some blood dripping from his nose.


Then, the light went out, and Izuku only sensed something soft catching him instead of the ground.


“The f*ck?”

All the teachers were looking at the same screen, not believing their eyes. A Zero-pointer, a machine capable of taking down villains and no student before the second year were supposed to take down as a team and individually in the third, was currently impaled in front of them by what looked like a small Babylonian tower.

The only one not freaking out was Nedzu, sipping his tea as he held out a sheet. Izuku Midoriya. Extremely late-bloomer. Despite his relationship with Atsuhiro Sako, this one assured him the kid was not his biological son. However, he firmly recommended him to Nedzu, promising the boy was fun, despite what his school might say.

The rat was elated. Sure, the boy came recommended, but he wanted to see for himself what he was made of. Smart but heroic. Smiling in front of adversity and… Powerful enough to prove he could own up to his choice. Therefore, Nedzu thoroughly ignored every piece of slander Aldera wrote about Izuku as a scary student capable of blackmailing everyone, including the teachers. Or rather… He read them. He read the incident report and cackled madly.

Oh yes. He was going to have so much fun with this boy.


Then suddenly, All Might. Uh… She did a double check. The one with her was a boy with bushy green hair (she wanted, instinctively, to fluff it) who did an uncanny impersonation of All Might, which stopped her cries.

One moment later, as she also saw the legs falling toward them, the boy seemed confident and asked her to… catch him?

Before she could ask for details, he acted. If she didn’t have a front-row seat to this spectacle, she wouldn’t have believed it. At first, she had thought her savior could summon beings to help him. Then he just summoned a spike that pierced through and destroyed the robot, saving both of them in the process whilst yelling “PLUS ULTRA”.

She had to admit; it was more than impressive, especially as he smiled toward her… Just before falling unconscious. Uh…

At least, her hero of the day was safe in her arms as she began to take him away safety. Hey, he was kind of cute and saved. He deserved a little rest in her arms.


Meanwhile, a certain glasses-wearing student who was seriously thinking that Izuku was crazy or someone who had no place in the U.A.

Then, with everyone else, he saw Izuku rush toward someone crying for help. Cries that were supposedly around the zero pointer. It was probably a trap! After all, Present Mic said it was to evaluate their situational awareness. Therefore, Izuku was definitely going to get him eliminated.

Then he saw a girl with plug-like earphone jacks hanging from each of her earlobes at the end of two thin cords running after him.

“There is actually someone there!”

Iida took a second… And decided to not move. After all, the rules never said they got points for saving people.

… Wait. The rules… Why did he feel like he missed something important?

Then, Present Mic yelled the end of the examination. Oh well. All was going to be well. After all, he did not even need Recovery Girl.



Izuku had the biggest headache he’s ever had. It was as if Mr Compress played the saxophone in his brain. Before you asked how Izuku knew how that sounded, Mr Compress described himself as a man of many talents and the saxophone was an excellent way to troll opponents. Also, a very good improvised weapon.

“So, sleeping beauty finally woke up?”

Nice. Izuku knew exactly who was that sarcastic and only could flip him the finger. Once again, Katsuki’s laughter resonated in his head.

“Seriously Kacchan. My head hurts a lot.” Our hero pleaded meekly to his friend.

“Serve you right, trying to play the hero.” Katsuki replied, looking more like a villain than a hero at that moment..

“And what are we going to be?” snapped an Izuku who was still in pain and not opening his eyes.

“Never said you were wrong.” Approved Kacchan, but once again without saying the truth. “Though, did you do it because the girl was cute?”

“Don’t know. She was invisible but needed help.” Said an Izuku who was still collecting everything he could remember… Oh. Right. The robot. “Did I get the robot?”

“... I didn’t even try to do something that crazy. And I’m me.” Said Katsuki proudly, who prepared a glass of water for his friend. “I’m still going to beat your score. It was still worth 0 points.”

“Sure, but we will both know I beat the giant robot~.” This once again managed to make Katsuki chuckle.

“Uh… Sorry. Is the green guy awake?” said a girly voice as the door opened to reveal a floating uniform. Katsuki looked at that and made a gesture.

“Hey, guess what Izuku? Apparently, the girl you saved is here.” Yes. Katsuki said the name of his friend on purpose in front of the girl.

Toru studied both boys as she advanced in the room and both boys continued to banter.

“Hmm? You sure?”

“Unless they have another girl as invisible as you’re dumb, yes.” It made the girl laugh bitterly. Yes, she was invisible but saving her was not dumb but incredibly brave.

That is why she stuck her tongue at Katsuki, happy for her quirk. Hey. She was invisible. What was there to lose? It wasn’t dangerous after all, and Katsuki seemed like the friendly kind of jerk toward Izuku.

Izuku grumbled as he opened his eyes and just smiled at the girl he managed to help.

“Hi there. I hope everything’s alright?”

“Yes. Thank you. I just wanted to say… Hmmm… My name is Toru Hagakure. I wanted to thank you and give you… hmm... my number. You know, so we could tell each other when we get our admission to U.A.? Also, to thank you for saving me when it got dangerous?”

Izuku was at that moment too tired to properly register what happened and he simply nodded before the girl wrote a number on a sheet of paper and then promptly left.

“Don’t forget to send a message with your name!”

Katsuki did what every friend should do in such a situation, knowing how Izuku would react if he let him process what happened. He took Izuku’s phone and sent the message from it, registering the number under “Toru the cutie”. All the while cackling madly. Izuku’s face was going to be priceless. Hey, Katsuki was excellent at making things explode and he was proud to include Izuku on the list.

Oh god. He never hoped for everyone to get in the U.A. Not even himself (he knew he would get there). Not even Izuku (that would insult his training). But this girl? If she was there too, as apparently she hoped? Katsuki would have unlimited material for teasing Izuku. So many possibilities…

“Now, you know what is going to be fun?” said a little troll with blond hair. “You’re going to have to explain to your mom how you got sent to the infirmary.”

Izuku paled significantly as Kacchan helped him to his feet. Was it still too late to get killed by the zero-pointer?

Chapter 6: It's time to panic !


In it, Katsuki trolls, karma find a way, Katsuki trolls again, many people cry and the neighbors are thinking of buying a sismograph.

Chapter Text

Saying Inko went nuclear when she learned what happened to her son was an understatement . It took Atsuhiro and Izuku hugging her to stop her from going to the U.A. and teaching the concept of neutering to a certain stoat principal. Mr Compress wondered if Nedzu ever knew how close it was, seriously.

At first Izuku was all for keeping it under the rug. The problem was Katsuki. Since they started being friends again, Izuku re-discovered the whole jerkass downside that was part of his friend: if he could embarrass or annoy Izuku in a fun way, he would.

So guess what happened when his mom had the great idea of inviting the Bakugou’s over for dinner after the exam?

Of course Katsuki waited for the perfect moment to drop the bomb by asking how Izuku was since the exam, as Katsuki had to wait for him at the infirmary.

Mitsuki was mixed with pride, worry and laughter at the news. She knew that if Katsuki did that, Izuku was most likely fine. However, she was extremely proud of Katsuki, learningabbout how timing can be used to maximize his effect. She was going to teach him with Masaru how to make a perfect innocent smile. Seriously, her son had a perfect villain face. It completely ruined the innocent side of the prank.

However, Mitsuki was filled with only pride when Katsuki followed by the end of the story, as Inko was finally calming her nerves. As her chubby friend was sitting back, still hugged by her boyfriend. Atsuhiro was glaring daggers with his eyes at Katsuki who apparently wanted vengeance for the squid.

“Oh and Izuku, did you think to send a text to Toru to tell her that you were fine?”Adding oil to Inko’s metaphorical gas fire, what a move.

“Katsuki? You know you will pay for that later?”

Inko instantly went giddy while squealing in delight.. Atsuhiro stared at Katsuki… And raised his thumb in approval. The explosive boy noted and nodded. Teasing Izuku about his love life was ok but not when it was life threatening. Duly noted.

“... A girl?” Inko squeaked out, while her son tried to switch the subject. However, Katsuki wanted revenge for the fact that Izuku got to destroy a Zero pointer when he hadn't. He was a bit spiteful after all and he had prepared beforehand for the whole situation.

“Oh yes. She was definitely a girl and let’s just say she gave her number to Izuku because…”

“Katsuki, end that sentence and I will end your life sooner than expected” Izuku squeaked out, wanting to sound threatening but failing.

“Because our favorite Greenie actually got in the infirmary as a result of saving her, and in the process destroying the most dangerous robot in the field. All in one hit..” Katsuki actually had trouble saying that, as he was admitting that for one instant, Izuku had more firepower than him. However, practicality won over. He could always perfect a super move later but Izuku's terrified face was priceless.

Everyone looked at Izuku with a knowing smile, as he was wondering if he could use his quirk to disappear into a hole. He somehow became so red that everyone couldn’t help but laugh. He was the perfect tomato as he couldn't stand everyone’s staring.

“I swear Kacchan. You will pay.”

“Was she cute though?” Asked Atsuhiro, not wanting to let his surrogate son have any peace. Izuku was showing a weak point and as a mentor, it was his duty to torture him so he would never fall into the enemy’s trick.

Ok, that was the official reason. Mr Compress wanted just to tease the hell out of him.

“Well let’s say you’d have a hard time knowing where to look.” Said Katsuki, while counting on his finger for his friend's reaction… 3, 2, 1…

“KATSUKI! You know she had an invisibility mutation quirk! Though I still don’t know if she can control the light by adjusting her cells or if it is an imperceptibility quirk. Wait no, she did not have a shadow so she has a living camo skin…”

As Izuku began to mutter about a certain see through girl, Katsuki had the biggest sh*t eating grin ever. Inko knew as well as him that Izuku loved quirks above all. So a girl with an interesting quirk? Of course it was going to interest him plenty and occupy his thoughts. So as his mother? She was purely ecstatic and noted in her mental notebook the name of Tooru. Finally, her boy could finally start talking to a girl!

Not that she would have minded if he was not attracted to girls. However as a mother, she was happy that he was finally breaking out of his shell.

“And I'm wondering, does it still count as a complex mutant quirk? If yes, does that mean she could actually bypass most anti-quirk Quirks? That would be an excellent test to determine her nature…”

Still muttering, unsurprisingly to everyone. So, when Izuku finally noticed the silence and how everyone looked at him, Izuku did the smart thing.

He ran back to his bedroom to be safe. Then he proceeded to swear vengeance against Katsuki, as hard as he could, while screaming inside a pillow. It was surprisingly cathartic.

“Well, all I have to hope as a mother is that the girl ends up in U.A. too. Katsuki, would you be a dear and…”

“Tell you if Deku and Invisi-Girl are in the same classroom? Aunty, I was the one adding the girl’s number in his phone and who sent the first message because I knew he wouldn't dare to start the conversation.” Announced Katsuki proudly i. He was certainly not a wingman for his friend. He was just doing it to embarrass him so much he would hide under a rock.

However both moms took it as Katsuki forcing Izuku’s hand so that he would move forward. What a good friend to help him fight his shyness! Her son was sometimes…Well often, a sparkling pile of trash but it was this kind of sparkling that made her remember he was nice deep inside. After all, he did want to be a Hero. No one who wanted to become a hero was a bad person, right?

Still, our favorite pomeranian almost regretted what he did, as he was subject to Inko’s infamous bone crushing hug. One of the few reasons he had a sane fear of her… Well that and the fact he did remember what she did to the one guy who tried to kidnap Izuku because of his apparent lack of quirk… And the fact she then asked his mother for help to do the usual.

He truly did not want to dwell on how both mothers met and what they did in their “eclectic youth” or who was this “dear old Kendo” they sometimes spoke of and how it was fun to see him terrified of them.

Katsuki did ask his father about that when he was seven. The only answer he got from his dad was that there was probably a reason why Hisashi’s ambulance was late in arriving at the hospital because of several fights between villains and various vigilantes. He confided to his son that he was not sure of who was there because of a “favor'' and he prefered not to know, so that he could still sleep well at night.

That day, Katsuki thought his dad was a coward. Now, he knew his dad was a sage and when he spoke, you better listen.

Still, Inko’s cooking was as usual (really delicious) and it had been a fun evening. Bakugou’s family went home happily and Atsuhiro joined Inko in a nice hug, while he was still thinking about what Nedzu told him, passing onto him what Recovery Girl found about Izuku.

All jokes aside, Izuku’s exploit almost went badly for him. If he had not been trained by him, his brain would have exploded exactly like in “Scanner”. Instead, he “just” bled a lot. Recovery Girl expected him to be tired for a few days. He was going to talk to Inko about it. Out of question he left something like that unsaid. Izuku was her son before he was his disciple… And she deserved to know that Izuku’s Quirk had not yet stabilized.

Both of them had theorized that the longer a late-blooming quirk took to be mastered, the stronger. Atsuhiro had to train one year and a half to use it without any side-effects. Still, he was stronger in his use than his favorite green haired kid.

Still. It was worrying. Either his training was not effective enough or Izuku’s power was going to be off the chart when fully formed… And it was somewhat bad. Yes, he heard about the legendary fight between All Might and All for One. As one of the heirs of the big three of the Dawn of the Quirk, he needed to check on all the others…

However, as Oji Harima said himself “That bastard All for One always has plans in his plans. If you think he's dead, he's probably somewhere else drinking bourbon.” Apparently, his ancestor managed to “kill” AfO more than a few times by teaming up with various people and managing to help some “nice fellows” to steal one of the few things the immortal ever loved. Oji did not write a lot about it, except it was probably what wiped out North Korea as AfO went full berserk that day.

It also served to illustrate how powerful the man was to wipe out single handedly a country and then manag to cover it up.

So. Unless the literal god of death assured him that Satan was back on his Throne in Hell, Atsuhiro was going to be worried. That kind of quirk was something that AfO would love to have.

Oh well. Nedzu promised him that the U.A. would certainly have the facilities to protect his boy.

Yes, the magician already had the results. He simply did not want to spoil the surprise to the boys and everyone else. That and all the embarrassing questions he didn't have an answer ready for such as “how the hell you're on a speaking terms with Nedzu if you simply train some sportspeople?”

In hindsight he had to find a better story. Quick.

When he almost wondered why he tried so hard, Inko nudged herself a bit more against him. Sure, she did not have the svelte figure she had before. However, she was still the kind, caring, intelligent and terrifying woman he had always known and loved since… Well, quite a long time.

Having her in his arms, her heat and love against him… Honestly, he couldn't have asked for more.

Therefore he decided to sleep happily.


One week later.

As Recovery Girl expected, while her quirk did heal whatever little brain damage Izuku had (according to her, she still couldn't cure stupidity), the boy was heavily exhausted. All his training had been for dexterity and flexibility. The good doctor explicitly prohibited the kid from using his quirk in any circ*mstance.

Atsuhiro had a talk with Bakugou who did not accept explicitly to make sure Izuku did not use his quirk but rather, and he quoted to Inko: “I don't want my rival to not be accepted because he broke some dumbass’s arms”.

It was the closest they could get from him, he knew.

Recovery Girl also told Atsuhiro (who then told Inko) that Izuku was to move as little as possible during the weekend. Therefore, Izuku missed for the first time in almost a year his weekly meeting with a certain villain. What could go wrong?


“So, this is the Bar with no name, right?”

Kurogiri sighed, as the delivery men brought everything. A new bar, the replacement for his collection of various priceless alcohol, new furniture… Pretty much everything.

The reason why? Tomura had been in an extremely murderous mood. So murderous in fact that he actually went for a very enthusiastic walk around the neighborhood . Oh well, at least, with his quirk, there would be no need to dispose of the corpse. Also, the “Murder place” did not get its name by being somewhere with people with a big heart and a good chance to go to Heaven.

Kurogiri was at least happy that Tomura did not kill off some random civils. He chose and attacked only people no one would miss or cry over.

Moreover, the name of Decay was slowly creeping his name in the Underground as a particularly efficient killer for hire for now… His specialty? Killing heroes who corrupted the society. Not for the same reason as Stain, as the killer wanted to clean the system. Tomura wanted to destroy it. However, for now, their methods were aligned and he had asked his Sensei and Kurogiri to prepare a meeting with the man.

Talking and playing with Izuku helped him a lot in thinking about his plans. He, however, was still going to try the Noumu against All Might one. He just needed a good opportunity to do that. However, Tomura was thinking more and more about Sensei’s words. Noumu was fabricated. Which meant reproducible.

Where were the prototypes? Where was the test result? Which heroes were used in order to be sure it could kill All Might? Tomura had none of that. All he had was a tall dumb black muscular thing with its brain on the outside.

Tomura loved his Sensei and would kill for him. However, he also knew one important thing.

Sensei was a troll of the highest order. He would be proud if Tomura won but he certainly did not expect him to.

After all, if killing All Might was that easy, his master wouldn't look like he’d be able to do the casting as the next Mr Potato in Toy Story 34. The only reason he didn’t? According to his master, only one thing was more evil than him and it was Disney.

Still. Tomura was a bit stressed since he was not able to play with … No, Izuku was not his friend. Clearly not. He was just an excellent potential teammate with an interesting background and a fun design.

Oh god. He was interested in a character's backstory.

Kurogiri was just signing off the delivery when Tomura managed to break the glasses with the sound of his realization.

His calm and love for his protege was immense. Immense was not infinite.

The following week, all Tomura had to eat was broccoli. Kurogiri’s reason? Budget restriction.



Mitsuki was working on the hero suit for Izuku when she heard the scream. The panicked usual scream she learned to not panic from when it was heard.

“Katsuki! Izuku just received his letter!”


And there was the answer she expected.


“Thanks for the pillow, dear.” Inko said confidently, as her son was taking his precious envelope with the final result, as if it could break. Why was she so sure? Because she trusted her soon-to-be new fiancee and believed in her son.

The son who was promptly hit in the head by a sharp pillow launched by Atsuhiro, thanks to his magnificent “Random Bullsh*t”. Yes, she still did not tell him she knew he was Mr Compress. She was waiting for him to finally notice that his costume was cleaner and ironed correctly.

“Always a pleasure” Said an ever smiling Atsuhiro, as Izuku was finally starting to beath again and was ready to rend their ears useless with his screaming once more. “Izuku, if your next scream isn't because of the result, I swear I will throw a pan at you. I'm in the kitchen and while I miss you both lots when I'm away, I assure you my aim is excellent.”

He got hit for his joke by the pillow that Inko grabbed before throwing it at him.

Nonetheless, it helped Izuku calm down by a lot. Finally, “The” letter. He couldn't wait to tell his friends (well, a version with less U.A. to Tomura but still)But… What if he failed because he passed out in the end?

As Izuku was almost screaming, he felt Atsuhiro pat him softly on his back, as he was now used to during their training session. His… Well, paternal figure. Sure, Green Bean still loved All-Might, but even he noticed the shift in his own fan-fiction. Before, it was the story of a quirkless boy meeting All-Might and becoming his Robin. Now? Well… Some of his readers were half jokingly telling him to change his pseudo to All Might-gician. He actually was thinking of doing that as now, Mr Compress was often the hero in some of his stories, saving both him and All-Might before disappearing in the night.

The difference between All-Might and Atsuhiro? Well, aside from his catchphrase, the one who was there was Atsuhiro. His teacher.

With renewed confidence, Izuku ripped open the envelope and from it fell a small disk… Before a hologram went out of it.

Holy… Now he understood the first explosion in the morning!

ALL-MIGHT. IN HOLOGRAM IN FRONT OF HIM. EVEN IF IT WAS A REJECTION LETTER, HE WAS GOING TO KEEP IT… If only so he could look on the Internet how to make it work as a veryyy big poster. It was bound to be a really rare collector item in the future!


Somewhere, in a certain hero agency, Nighteye raised his head.

“Someone got a piece of limited All-Might merchandise before me.”

“... How do you even know that, sir ?”

“It’s my quirk!”

Even Mirio did not know what to answer to that… And decided to promptly ignore that. They had bad guys to catch. Like those villains who took, when no one was looking, forty cakes. 40 Cakes. That was as many as four tens and Mirio was not letting such a crime go unpunished.


“I AM HERE! As a projection… BUT STILL

Now you might be wondering why it is I, who is delivering you this message? Well fear not! It is because, as of next year, I will be teaching at U.A. ACADEMY”

Izuku almost fainted, as now he understood the second explosion in the morning. Still, he was supported by his mother too, and he could do it.

“First of all, congratulations on getting the fifth best score at the written test this year! Quite excellent, especially the Quirk Analysis part.

But unless you seek to become a support Hero such as Power Loader, a big brain isn't enough… Not that Power Loader is weak, of course.

So. Let’s speak about the practical test. The way you fought, conservatively and by dividing your summonings according to their strength was indeed efficient. You managed to win a solid 37 points! We had to deduce points since one of your summons was hijacked by another student.”

Izuku nodded impatiently, as he was now happy to know he helped someone for his exam.

“However, it brings us to another set of points!”


“Because when you want to become a hero, do people expect you to simply punch the bad guy? OF COURSE NOT! Well, at least that isn't the kind of hero we seek to form at U.A.!

We all saw you when the zero-pointer arrived. We knew there was a girl there and we were ready to intervene if necessary.

I mean, we're heroes and pros at that.

HOWEVER. When you saw someone was helpless, we all saw you turn around without hesitation.

Maybe it is cheesy, but that is something I like, kid!

So, a whole forty points for rescuing the girl, reassuring her efficiently and also for the nice homage. I almost as if I WAS THERE.”

Said All Might while pose, as Izuku was overhyped, overjoyed and crying a lot, with Inko, while Atsuhiro opened the door to let the water flow outside. The neighbors looked at the familiar spectacle and smiled.


Oh. So that was why there was an explosion powerful enough they actually mistook it for a small earthquake.

Because everyone could see two names on the top of the list. Katsuki and Izuku.


That was when the hologram finally cut and Atsuhiro looked at Izuku, with a knowing smile. Inko was still crying tears of joy too, when Izuku rushed at Atsuhiro and tackled him into a hug.

Mr Compress almost fell, as the boy almost broke his spine and said…


Atsuhiro and Inko had a moment of silence, as they both realized what Izuku just said… before he did too, becoming paler than a sheet of paper.

“Herm… I mean… I know you aren't married to mom but…”

Before his surrogate son could put his foot in his mouth again, the magician vigilante lifted him into the air and locked him in a powerful hug.

“I don't care who your father is… But I'm proud to think of you as my disciple and son, Izuku.”

Even him, Mr Compress, who did not cry when he took a hit from Fatgum in the face, did cry that night, Izuku against him.

Inko looked at the spectacle and smiled. What a shame that Hisashi’s father was not alive. While his son was a bad memory, the man had been really nice and had been angry when he learned his son was running away because of Izuku’s Quirklessness. As in really angry and apologizing to Inko and Izuku. His little Rey as he used to call Izuku. She remembered him, when he explained that his mother was spanish and nobody expected him to speak spanish. Even he chuckled that nobody expected him when he was inquisitive.

Sadly, the man died of anger and sadness a few day after his son. He had been kind enough to leave them a bit more money. It was the only reason Inko still went each year to the Midoryia’s shrine…


Katsuki got his earlier and he already knew his result and the nerd… Explaining why the hell he was pouting in his bedroom. Zero-pointers that did not bring any points, his ass! Sure, the reason that All-Might gave made sense but seriously? NOW HE WAS TIED WITH IZUKU. TIED. Well, at least he had been third in the written exam but still. It means Izuku was really shoulder against shoulder.

Mitsuki smiled as her son cackling maniacally as a villain. Finally he stopped mopping. Katsuki had many qualities and one of the best was truly his capacity to rebound as long as he could get back at whoever he bet. It truly helped him to go above everyone and she had truly feared for a long time he couldn't have a rival that would make him work even harder.

Apparently the problem was now over.


“Geez, Tomura. I'm sorry, I told you that five times. If you had a cellphone, it would have been easier, you know?”

Right now, two young men were drinking smoothies in front of the store, since it had a no food policy. The blue haired manchild had asked Izuku to pay him a smoothie to compensate for his absence for his meeting. Sure, he could vaguely understand that Izuku would need to work… But he truly needed to find a way to tempt Izuku into the dark side. Hmmmm… He needed to step up his game. To gain some fame.

A Character such as Izuku would need fame to be interested in a group. But first, he needed to play his card to not make Izuku afraid and run. After all, he was also as nervous as a bunny and would run away if the predator was not friendly enough.

So, a Tomura still drinking an ice cold smoothie got a brain freeze as he thought more of his evil plan than anything else, making Izuku laugh.

Also, he needed to buy a cellphone.

“Izuku, when you stop laughing. We’re going out to buy phones.”


“I saw the thing you use. It is closer to a walkie talkie than a freaking phone.”

“Tomura, you don't even have one.”

“But I have money and I refuse to let one of my favorite minions have something subpar!”

Izuku chose to interpret that as “I'm rewarding you for doing well”.

Let’s just say Tomura was not amused by Izuku taking a normal phone but with an All Might skin. As for him, well… He bought a Pear phone 22. According to the vendor it was the best in town.

Good thing he couldn't dust it anymore, right?


Now, dear readers, let’s skip ahead in time a bit. The day the two boys were going to their new school. Both were totally aware they were in the same class but well…

“I'm not going to your home in the morning ever again, YOUR STEP DAD THREW A SQUID AT ME. WHAT’S HE GOING TO DO NEXT TIME?”

Mr Compress had prepared a cream pie with a clown he knew.

Izuku approved of Kacchan's fear and so decided to go separately… Not to mention that his mom was checking everything before he left. Actually, Kacchan did not risk anything, as Atsuhiro was working today. By working, he had explained to his son, he was going to steal some criminals' funds of war and a few pieces of evidence for Underground heroes. Therefore, he was going to be absent for a few days.

Hey, communication was important in a family and Atsuhiro had enough problems because he did not say things clearly before. He learned from his mistakes.

Also he did not tell Inko or Izuku he was going to steal a diamond to make a special ring for a special woman of his heart.

Still, it was with a smile, cards in one pocket and a coin dancing in his finger that Izuku went to his school.


While his coins were dancing (yes. Coins.) between his fingers, Izuku knew the day was going to be long as he entered the room, hearing a small explosion.

“Don’t put your legs on your desk! This is disrespectful toward your school and the upperclassmen who used the desk before you! “

“Tell me more about it, extra!” Oh sweet. Apparently Glasses was now officially an extra in Katsuki’s eyes… Though Izuku could see why. “I don't think it annoys anyone!”

“Personally I don't care about it.” Said Izuku helpfully, gathering attention on him… Especially with the way Katsuki smiled at him. Like a shark who found a bleeding dolphin.

Glasses stared at him before bending at ninety degrees.

“Oh you! I remember you. I apologize for being disrespectful towards you during the exam since you understood the true secret of the…”

“First of all, no problem. If I can be friends with Kacchan, I can be friends with anyone. Second, my name is Izuku Midoriya. Thirdly, someone simply needed help…”

“Izuku?” Said a feminine voice that Izuku immediately recognized… As he slowly turned and saw both the girl who helped him not fall on his face and more importantly…

A floating uniform. Tooru.

“Before you ask, Deku, I already messaged Auntie.”

“f*ck you Kacchan.”

Chapter 7: Time to do or die !


Aizawa's first appearance and everyone else from the A-1 !

Chapter Text

Before anyone else had the time to say anything else, a yellow caterpillar hobo entered the classroom.

Everyone had a short moment while they wondered what was going on, when suddenly Izuku bellowed with a loud voice, copying a girl he knew who was a Class President…


Atsuhiro told him people were most likely to obey when issued a simple order in a situation where they had no idea how to react.

In Izuku’s case, it was because his brain managed to register the Hobo in front of him. After all, his friends who played the “Hero” card game with him knew him as “The Eraser Spammer”. Izuku knew who the man in front of them was and how he was known for his no-nonsense attitude.

Hell, if his research were correct, the man was known to be quite trigger-happy with his expulsions… Or rather demotion to Gen Ed. Still. It was a threat.

Aizawa did not smile when he saw the students obeying the green haired kid. One of them seemed to have some brains and understood the situation quicker than most.

“5 seconds. In the real world, a villain could have easily killed you in those five seconds.”

Harsh words. True, yes, but harsh seeing they were literally on their first day at school. Nonetheless, everyone stayed silent, including an almost exploding Katsuki who wanted to yell at the hobo. However, if Izuku had been ordering them and was doing his best statue impression, it meant the man was the real deal. sh*t.

“Now,take out the gym uniform from inside your desk. We will do a physical aptitude test.”

Izuku gulped. He had a good idea of what he could expect from the strange man who was apparently their homeroom teacher.



753.3 meters. Yep, Katsuki was indeed even stronger than before. Not wanting to let Deku get ahead of him, he actually went full power on that ball, sweating a bit before his friend handed him a towel.

It was useful to avoid incidents and Izuku always packed a few in case Katsuki needed one. If Katsuki tried to yell that he did not need Deku to care for him, his friend would smile and simply say “It is auntie Mitsuki who asked”.

That was a good enough reason. Even Katsuki knew better than to argue with his mother.

Still, everyone was now looking at the test excitedly and when a certain pink girl tried to speak…


A wild Izuku intercepted Mina’s mouth with a card and stopped her mid-sentence, as Aizawa locked them in with his stare.

“It seems what?”

“Nothing, sir! She was clearly not saying it was a fun activity to do. Clearly not.”

The temperature seemed to freeze, as Izuku tried his best innocent smile, the one he used once on Tomura to win a card game. It was that effective.

Aizawa did not give a sh*t. However, since a student clearly knew what to expect, unless someone said something dumb… Well…

“Hmm… The denial is absolutely not specific but I guess I will let it pass…

And then “Mr. Can’t read the room to save his life” Denki said…

“Oh well, at least it’s going to be super fun!”

Izuku looked at Denki as if he just said that Endeavor was leagues better than All-Might.

Izuku had the patience of a saint. His step-dad was a prankster who loved to tease him. His best friend was most of the time a jerk and the rest of it, he was a troll. His other friend was a crusty man who had a smile that even Freddy Kruegger would find gruesome and he had the temper to go with it…

And yet, Denki managed to make him yell at him with a furious shout:


Everyone looked, not understanding anything, at Izuku who took his hand off Mina’s face, while Aizawa was grinning like the cat who caught the canary.

“I see someone did his research. Well, since apparently your class, minus one, takes this class as one for funsies…” Izuku was clearly making the same sound as a dog who was sad, as the teacher followed. “So, the student who made it dead last in the class will get expelled!”

Everyone began to yell, as they all wanted to stay in the class… And especially as it was the first day at school of course. Izuku smiled like a sad child. He pointed at the teacher, completely defeated.

“Shota Aizawa, underground hero : Eraserhead. He isn't in the top 100 heroes because he doesn’t want fame. He is also known for having the highest expulsion rate in Japan.”

Everyone seemed scared, especially as they saw Katsuki, the foul mouthed guy who clearly knew Izuku well, becoming paler. Apparently, he trusted his friend’s info.

“So before anyone thinks he isn’t serious… Last year he demoted his entire class down to Gen Ed and a few of them actually dropped out. Many got back at the end of the year, but he's dead serious.”

Shouta Aizawa was grinning with a smile not unlike Tomura’s. Maybe a distant cousin? Still, Shouta appreciated that the problem child of the exam actually did his presentation for him. So, the kid had “the heart of a hero” as All-Might said (Shouta wanted to say the heart of an idiot) but at least he had some brains. Maybe he wasn’t hopeless.


Currently, the two most panicky people in the class were Tooru and Hitoshi. Why? Because their quirk was clearly not flashy or capable of helping them in athletics. So, while Tooru actually practiced at the gym, Hitoshi was… Well, he was a nerd.

Sure, it did not show well. However, he did not get the bags under his eyes by not finishing Darker Bloodborne Soul 3 this week. So, yes. The tall purple haired guy was actually under a minor freakout of his own. Unless he was really lucky and that the summoner he stole from during the exam was there.

Then, for the second time in his life, Lady Luck smiled at Hitoshi with her brightest smile.

Izuku just threw a King of Hearts card on the ground, before asking Kacchan to give him a ball for the throwing exercise.

“Well. Best of luck guys!”

Said the smiling sunshine boy, as he tried to not use too much of his power. He was still recovering after all, and one King was the best he could do right now. However, having the really buff King next to him would clearly allow him to do well enough.

“... Is that not going to make you pass out, after the stunt you pulled last week?” Asked Aizawa that was so close to activating his quirk but could see Izuku was looking as if he ran a lap around the stadium already.

“No, sir!” Said a dead tired Izuku, raising his fist nonetheless.

“Him and his step-dad did lots of exercises to make sure Izuku didn’t pass out. Also, he knows that if he passes out, his mom will give me the right to send him back home.” Explained Katsuki for him, cracking the joints of his hands. Apparently, he was ready to make good on that promise.

Kirishima then raised an eyebrow, just like Aizawa. It seemed quite tame.

“That doesn’t seem too bad…”

“BY KICKING HIM SO HARD THAT HE WILL BE AIRBORNE MOST OF THE TIME!” He shouted out, his hands letting out a loud bang at the end of the sentence..

Aizawa looked at the strange duo, pinching the bridge of his nose. Yup. He had already found the problem children duo of the year… And of course it had to be the two valedictorians of the entrance exam. Especially as apparently Izuku took Katsuki's words seriously, if his face was any indication.

“No violence in my class. Also, Midoriya, if I see you're on the verge of collapsing, I will deactivate your quirk and send you home.”

Aizawa would have questioned what kind of person had a friendship like that, then he remembered his relationship with Hizashi.

Izuku nodded, before asking the King to throw the ball the harder it could.

The ball flew clearly higher than what a human could have done, before landing. 350m. A good score. Even if it makes Katsuki grin like a dumbass. Hitoshi went next and asked the King…

“Hey, card man, how does it feel to be a servant?” Said Purple Man before smacking the King’s back.

Apparently, having a foul tongue was a secondary mutation quirk as the card began to curse Hitoshi before he used his brainwashing on him, thus repeating Izuku’s score. Everyone seemed a bit surprised.

“Ooooh, so you were the one who hijacked some of my cards, right?” Said a surprisingly excited Izuku, who seemed to have his stamina restored suddenly. Jiro could have sworn she heard Katsuki mutter “Damn quirk nerd”. Huh. Strange.

Oh right. Villainous quirk, remembered Hitoshi. Time to see everyone get far away from him and the summon disappear…

Or to see the bushy haired boy getting excited, while Katsuki looked at everyone, giving them the PSA about Izuku.

“Ok, guys? Listen up. Izuku is someone who is smart but honestly, if Sherlock Holmes was real, I would have thought Auntie Inko did the wise thing and left his father for him.

His passion? Quirks. Nothing is villainous or bad to him. You can ask him for tips but be prepared : He will break down your whole life doing it. His tips ARE useful. However he can be scary when he does that. As in “Whole school avoided him because he broke into the School radio room and began to reveal everyone’s secrets”.”

Mina raised her hand, smiling maliciously. For one moment, everyone seemed to have forgotten the threat, as Izuku was speaking excitedly with Hitoshi, enumerating all the ways his power would be useful for rescue or negotiating.

“Any idea about his type of girl? It can make for some fun teasing! Or guy if he swings that way…”

Katsuki looked at Mina… And gave her the same smile, giving her a thumbs up.

“Izuku loves quirks. The more interesting like Invisi-girl, the better, Panda eyes.”

Tooru wanted to be the center of attention, but right now it was quite embarrassing… And somehow, it was Aizawa who saved her. By coughing and making his students remember they had to prove their worth.

At least, Aizawa was reassured about Izuku. Honestly, what kind of kid doesn't test their limits about their Quirk? He had been scared about the whole tower killing robot but apparently, Izuku had been properly drilled on the importance of being moderated in the use of his power.

His previous mentor was a good teacher. Indeed, Aizawa was pretty sure the kid had been mentored by some kind of pro or something indeed. While the Bakugou boy was the talented type and someone who worked hard to increase his capacity despite his burning personality… Izuku was the one who had to work hard to grow. It was nice that the pair found each other: Clearly Izuku served as the brains and words while Katsuki was the guts and the muscle… Not that they were limited in their roles.

Honestly speaking, Aizawa had a list of students who could have been expelled today if they did not do well enough:

-Izuku Midoriya if he had been dumb enough to show off.

-Katsuki Bakugou if he tried to be violent. He was just a troll with a brash personality but was not a bad guy. Every circle of friends needed a guy like him to tell the hard truths.

-Hitoshi Shinso if the kid did not find a way to use his quirk for the exam. Yes he did use the same trick that he used during the entrance exam but good enough. Hopefully, Midoriya breaking down his power and apparently with the clear intention of making him work on it, would help the boy improve.

All the others? If they had the right attitude and were serious about their efforts, they would be safe. However he simply wanted to mess with the kids a bit.

It was good to be a teacher.

At that moment, Aizawa’s smile would have made a certain spud-faced villain proud.

Nonetheless Aizawa almost did a spit-take when the flexibility exam came. Both Tooru and Mina got a fairly good score, doing good poses and showcasing very well why it was important to be flexible, though most of the boys, except the most mature ones such as Izuku or Bakugou, were more interested in the “flexibility” of the girls. Young people… Why did humans have to have hormones?

However, he was not prepared to see Izuku smiling while dislocating his own arm. Pretty much everyone had the same reaction when the boy took his limping arm and used it to break the girls previous record. Aizawa was pretty sure a human arm should not bend that much naturally. Then again, Izuku did disjoint himself by doing that.

The only one not surprised was apparently the exploding boy, who seemed just jaded at the sight. Apparently something he was used to.

“Yeah, I forgot that Izuku could do that. He is also very good at doing that to other people's bodies.” He warned with his shark-like smile. Seriously, Aizawa had serious doubts about his previous assessment of the boys' dynamic.Was Katsuki the sane one? What did he mean by “to others”?

Aizawa almost sent Izuku back home, expelled and with the order to see Recovery Girl when he saw him popped his arm back in place like it was an usual thing for him. No sign of pain or anything.

“His teacher taught him that?” Asked an unsure Aizawa to Katsuki.


“That man is insane.”

“One word of advice. Never say that in front of him, he's a master in fighting with random bullsh*t.” Said Katsuki seriously, remembering his own experiences with the man.

Aizawa was not sure if Katsuki was just kidding or if he was serious. Considering Izuku’s abilities, it was most likely the truth.

“And I thought All-Might was nuts…” Thought the coffee-deprived teacher. Suddenly he was happy to not meet that man.


Meanwhile, a certain see through girl was thinking about how she could improve her score. It was not bad for now, but honestly, she knew she was just above average for a human. That is when Izuku came to her, smiling.

“So… How are you doing?” He said, as the King broke the machine to measure grip strength .

“Eeeh… I'm doing my best but honestly, I'm worried. Hard for me to use my quirk to improve my score like you or everyone else.”

“You know, I was thinking about something. You need a high score, right?”

Tooru nodded, while it was not truly visible. Nonetheless, Izuku seemed to see it and smiled at her, while he made a coin appear from his fingers. It was not there before… And hemade it dance, the coin appearing and disappearing, as if it was a living and cowardly creature that went in and out.

“Why don’t you make it as if you had a big score? You’re invisible after all. Nobody can say that you didn’t do it… Or at least prove it. It is like when I do magic. Is it magic or is it simply you can't prove my trick?”

The invisible girl got hit by that thought. Oh. Ooooh. Tooru liked the idea. Izuku couldn't see her smile but it felt good.

Deciding to have some fun and to thank him for his help, she kissed him on the cheek.

“Hey, thanks Izuku. Now, I still have a few scores I can try to improve.”

She left a redder than a tomato Izuku behind her, as she began to take off her clothes. Time to be truly invisible ~~

Oh well, at least Izuku was thankful Kacchan did not have his phone to immortalize the moment.


Aizawa was thinking hard. Should he expel Izuku for giving strange ideas to other students for his test?

Technically speaking, he just proved his willingness to work with others. However, he had now a naked invisible girl who somehow managed to break the olympics record for the long jump… Simply because he couldn't prove she did not do the jump and not simply jumped sideways in the sand. God, he was just happy he could make a bullsh*t scoreboard for the class. He wouldn't have to explain his method of calculus.

Still, he had been surprised by the idea. Let’s allow it. Though he was going to ask the support team to make her a stealth suit akin to the Emperor’s clothes. Because, seriously, being naked is a liability of the highest degree, though he could see her potential as an underground hero or a high grade sidekick. Maybe with her hair? He heard that it was now more viable as a tech than before.

Especially as she indeed had a mutant quirk. He tried to erase it while she had her uniform on to no avail..

However he was now bothered by the students who looked at him with fear in their eyes. Apparently, they took at least a bit seriously what Midoriya said. Good.

So, when the board appeared with various scores and that Kaminari was somehow last… The blonde boy was sweating bullets before suddenly Aizawa put on his best grin and said…


Or rather everyone did well enough and/or smart enough so he doesn’t have to yeet anyone out of the U.A yet. Oh well. He had the rest of the year to throw someone out.

Still, he liked the sound of all his students suddenly collapsing in relief. Especially a certain electric boy who was almost expelled.


“Deku? Why the f*ck you did not warn me about him?” Asked Kacchan, as he continued to wipe his sweat for his body. A heads up would’ve been f*cking Appreciated.

“Kacchan, I thought he was supposed to teach the 2nd and 3rd years only. I don't have that much info, you know?” Izuku tried to defend himself, since U.A. was good at keeping information about what went on inside.

“Hmmf. So. Was he serious?” Asked Iida, curious too.

“I counted 150 expulsions. Only ninety-ish of his students managed to get back in his classroom. The others were effectively excluded from heroics. However, his students tend to be among the rising side-kicks/heroes on the field after graduation AND they have the lowest rate of casualties.” Izuku explained.

Harsh but fair, as described by Mr Compress. Honestly speaking, he prefered to fight Endeavor (easier to run away from) than Eraserhead, as he could and had managed to ambush him several times. He only managed to escape because he keeps gadgets on him like smoke pepper fog bombs. Still, his capture weapon was also extremely dangerous and Compress complimented Izuku for trying to learn a bit of how Aizawa fought. Finding footage of Eraserhead’s fights was a bitch to do though. Atsuhiro had to ask Nedzu.

“That is why I consider Izuku as my personal information broker. Leave him alone with someone for ten minutes and he will know everything about them.” Katsuki said proudly, while giving a light punch in Izuku’s shoulder, both boys smiling.

“Everything?” Asked curiously Uraraka, not truly believing Katsuki… Who tapped Izuku’s shoulder.

“Do your thing, Izuku. On Round Face.” Said with determination Bakugou, pointing Izuku towards Uraraka.

“I thought you said it was creepy and…” Izuku was a bit afraid to do that suddenly and to appear weird…

“Now now. This time, you have permission and I will hit you if you go too far.” Somehow that managed to calm Izuku down… When he raised his head again, a strange light was in his eyes.

Izuku looked a bit at Ochako and…

“Uraraka Ochako, birthday around Christmas, most likely a bit after. Born in the countryside from parents working in the construction field. Likes finger and fried foods. Has practiced guitar a long time ago but stopped, maybe because of financial trouble.” Uraraka was clearly not expecting that and paling. Izuku did not seem to notice this and continued.

“Quirk: five point touch gravity nullification, but not the mass nor inertia, which has a really interesting application. Does the object keep the speed if she launches them and then cancels her quirk? To test later.

Weakness: Internal balance. Too much use of her quirk makes her balance go wrong internally, making her nauseous. Training can help attenuate the problem but I recommend support items to help the body find its center of gravity and…”

“And stop.” Said Katsuki, making Izuku pause his muttering. As Tomura, Atsuhiro and Katsuki said, either Izuku had to say clearly what he was thinking or he kept it in his mind. Muttering was just indecisiveness. Speaking loudly and decisively was scarier for most people but now his analysis was on demand.

Everyone applauded while Ochako turned a nice shade of red.

“So, convinced now, Round face?” Katsuki was clearly looking proud as he was once again right.

“I'm Ochako and you just heard it!” Protested the said round faced girl as she waved her arms about, as if to dispel the nickname out of the air.

Before Katsuki could say anything, Izuku answered.

“He likes nicknames. If he gives you one, it means you're interesting to him. Otherwise, you're just an extra.”

Everyone looked at Iida who grumbled “But rules are important!” but nobody truly listened as they all went to change for the rest of the day.

Still, The question on most of the students of 1-A’s minds after all that was whether to ask Izuku for his analysis or not.


“So, Katsuki, right? Why did you call Izuku Deku earlier?” Asked a certain rock hard boy, walking by Izuku and Katsuki (and a few others students).

“When he does something stupid and/or useless, he's Deku, sh*tty Hair.” growled Katsuki who was still gauging everyone in class. sh*tty Hair laughing to his nickname earned him a few points.

“And you're both childhood friends who help each other become heroes? Manly!” Said as enthusiastic as ever Kirishima.

“Tss… I just make sure he doesn’t become braindead!” Katsuki let slip, after thinking about his unwilling role as a nanny.

It was Kaminari who perked up at this. It was not often he met someone who had a side-effect like his.

“Oh? His quirk can short circuit his brain too?”

“No, I mean his quirk is…” Tried to explain Katsuki before being stopped by Izuku who was tired and clearly not well.

“Kacchan? I'm not okay yet to explain… Everything about my quirk.”

Since Izuku’s quirk seemed powerful, most of the boys except Koda, Ojiro and Todoroki (thought it was mainly because his face did not express any emotion or care for the discussion) wondered why he was not comfortable explaining how it worked, especially when Izuku was playing the showman just earlier. It was quite jarring to have him one moment trying to be social before suddenly being meek.


The second period was fun. Ectoplasm was teaching mathematics and the break allowed the different students to present themselves.

Once again, it was Mina who insisted on that.

“Hoy, everyone! Now that we can finally rest a bit, how about everyone introduce themselves?”

Most people agreed either loudly or silently… While Izuku was preparing something on his phone.

“Je suis Yuga Aoyama, Français par ma mère” said with a beautiful french accent the eccentric blond. He then winked at Izuku, both boys recognizing the other from the exam and how they briefly teamed up. “My quirk is Navel Laser! It allows me to shoot a laser from my navel. Simple but brilliant and powerful, tout comme moi! Muahahaha!”

“Mina Ashido and I'm a minor mutant as you can see, though my quirk is Acid. It allows me, well… To produce acid through my skin. I love chatting and gossiping so be sure I will learn all of your secrets~” The horny girl said playfully, watching everyone carefully with a big smile. Interesting quirk nonetheless to Izuku.

“Tsuyu Asui, ribbit. I'm a frog mutant, ribbit.” Izuku almost raised his hand when he heard that before Katsuki slammed it back onto the desk. He would have to ask for details later. “I like watching things, swimming and practicing, ribbit. And good food.” Said the frog girl with as much emotion as Todoroki..

“TENYA IIDA!” He announced out loud, proudly presenting himself as he stuck out his chest rigidly. . “My quirk is a simple mutant quirk called Engine, which is normal in my family.”

Yep. Lined up perfectly with Izuku’s analysis. He was most likely Ingenium’s brother. Hum… Maybe he could ask him for Ingenium’s autograph? “I like running, heroes and rules!”

“Ochako Uraraka and… Well… Izuku pretty much said everything about me.” Said a girl who wanted to hide in a hole for a bit.

“Mashirao Ojiro.” Said the boy with a massive and clearly powerful tail. “I like to train, martial arts and French comics, especially old ones about Marsupilami.” Yuga clearly smiled at him. “My family has them all! I’ll lend some of the oldest ones if you want!” Which was answered by a thumb raised to the french. Also, Izuku noted his interest in martial arts. Maybe they could train together?

“Denki Kaminari, AND I HAVE THE POWER OF THUNDER!” Said the loud boy while showing a bit of his quirk to everyone. “And I like music, girls and of course fun!” Most of the girls looked at him a bit warily but since he did not insist and sat back quietly it was just for a few seconds.

“Eijiro Kirishima! My quirk allows me to become as hard as a rock and to BE MANLY!” Said “sh*tty Hair” as Katsuki called him, liking more and more of the man. “I love to train and I want to be a hero like Crimson Riot!” Ok, now it was official. Katsuki liked that guy and tried to write the name in his notebook. In it, he also had Ochako and Mina’s in there. The first because she seemed a bit fun and also beat his score for the throwing and Mina because he felt a fellow kinship for trolling. But Kirishima? The man knew Crimson Riot, one of his favorite heroes.

“I'm Koji Koda and I like animals. I can talk to them.” Said the golem, clearly intimidated by the classroom and how boisterous people were… Just before petting a rabbit who looked at everyone with anger. No one was to bully the only one who managed to tame the beast of Caerbannog.

“Rikido Sato! I can turn sugar into POWER! And on a related note, I like to bake sweets. I actually thought of becoming a baker if I did not succeed in entering U.A.” Many girls perked up at the idea of free sweets.

“Mezo Shoji. I can change and manipulate my appendages freely, creating organs too. I like ninjutsu, manga and practicing zen.” Said another of the calm men in the classroom, quietly and simply. Meanwhile, Katsuki had pulled the cuff of Izuku’s uniform, locking his hand under the desk. He knew it would only slow his friend.

“Kyoka Jiro.'' said the punkette, toying with her ear jack. “I'm a simple mutant with excellent hearing and I can amplify my sound. Therefore I can actually hear everything Izuku has been mumbling about everyone’s quirks between his teeth.

Everything Katsuki said about him seems right, especially the part about what seems to be his type. He muttered a lot more about them.”

Oh, apparently it was a surprise uppercut from the punkette who went into Katsuki’s notebook, cackling madly. He needed to talk with her and Mina for a complete report to auntie. Meanwhile Izuku was trying to knock himself out by smashing his head against the desk.

“Hanta Sero, master of the duct tape! My motto is ‘There's Nothing I can't put duct tape on !’ Also, I really like old comics like Spiderman. Not going to lie, I got inspired from the comics for how I use my quirk.” Said the man, with a carefree smile.

“Fumikage Tokoyami. I'm inhabited by a creature of darkness named Dark Shadow and…”

“He is a huge nerd who needs players for his DnD campaign. He is actually pretty good and I play too.” Said his Quirk, emerging from his chest while his master grumbled.

“HE IS ALIVE?! Can we have details? Do you have…” Suddenly, Izuku was stopped by Katsuki who slapped the back of his head, shutting the quirk fanatic up… And most of the girls wondered if they should count Tokoyami in Izuku’s radar…

“I'm Shoto Todoroki. I can use ice.” Said simply the coldest boy before Izuku added. “And fire.” Everyone looked at Izuku, especially Todoroki with a bit of… Venom? In his eyes. “What? It is pretty obvious. HE WAS LITERALLY STEAMING DURING THE EXERCISE.” Todoroki sighed and corrected himself. “I can use Ice and will only use ice, not my fire. And I'm going to be the best hero.” Suddenly, Todoroki managed to be on the sh*t lists of both Katsuki and Izuku.

Was he saying he would bet them with a handicap? When they trained with all their hearts? When, in Izuku’s case, his quirk could kill him? He had a perfect quirk,even the blind could see that, and he wanted it to go to waste?

For Izuku who lived most of his life Quirkless, it did not sit well. He wanted to teach the boy a lesson about life, seriously. Katsuki and him looked at each other and nodded. It was one of the moments when both friends agreed.

“I'm Tooru Hagakure and I'm a mutant who is fully invisible! Nice to meet you all!”

“And you're the most obvious crush for Izuku right now. We all saw how you looked at him.” Surprisingly, it was not Katsuki who teased her, but Mina, with a smile.

“Hey, you can’t prove that!”

“I can see you, ribbit.” Suddenly, everyone looked at Tsuyu, who was returning the same kind of stare. “Frogs have thermal visions, ribbit. I can actually see Tooru.” Oh. Tooru blessed the fact no one could see her becoming redder than Midoriya.


“And knitting.” Added Izuku helpfully with a smile, happy to get back at his friend for once, who stopped his show for a second.


“And I have pictures. He is surprisingly good at it.” Katsuki thought about deleting Mina from his notebook as she asked for them.

“Erm… My turn then. I'm Izuku Midoriya” “Soon Sako” “Shut it Kacchan, even if I hope it is true. As you all have seen, I like analysis, card games and magic tricks. My quirk is named Endgame and I can summon what is printed on cards. However as I'm a veryyyyy late bloomer, my quirk isn't fully formed yet and using too much of it can… be bad for me.”

Surprisingly, it was Yuga who once again nodded his head, and people looked weirdly at him. He looked away. “I had a cousin like Izuku.” Oh. Izuku felt bad for the french man and smiled sadly at him. He knew the number thanks to Atsuhiko.

“Herm… To make it better, I'm Hitoshi Shinso. I love video games, reading and I'm pretty interested in Tokoyami’s DnD campaign. I can brainwash people with simple commands but don't worry, I won’t use it unless it’s for good.” Everyone simply nodded at Hitoshi, who appreciated that apparently, weirder had been seen and therefore his “villainous quirk” was not… Well… The most interesting thing in class.

“And finally, I'm Momo Yaoyoruzu, I like tea, studying and painting. Herm… My quirk is called “Creation” and I can use lipids from my body to create anything I know the blueprint from my skin.”

This time, Katsuki simply gagged Izuku before he could ask anything.

“Sorry but if I didn’t do that, we would be here until tomorrow before he ended his question. We’re still working on that. But I think our class isn't full of extras… Maybe.”

Said Katsuki with a smile. This evening was going to be fun though. Auntie Inko would love the report…

Chapter 8: Might and Magic


For once, a Mr Compress centric chapter, with an OC villain.

So... Compress VS Shark !


First of all, i want to thanks HatterChaos for being my new beta reader as i lost the last one.

Secund... All of you deserve hugs and otters.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 8 : Might and Magic.

Inko was surfing the web for Katsuki’s next birthday gift. As she hoped, Izuku’s crush was in their class and apparently she was a nice girl.

On a side note, Katsuki decided to try to remember the names of more than three people. That was thrice the usual number… And for once, not one of those people was Izuku.

As far as she knew, Mitsuki was also overjoyed to know that. Now, all she wanted was to have her man at home to let him know about everything and how Izuku might have a girlfriend before the end of his first year.

However, Inko was wondering where Atsuhiro was. Oh, she knew him. He was probably doing something funny and not too dangerous.


Well, currently, Mr Compress was in a necklace. More exactly, he managed to replace a pearl with one of his marbles in a necklace worn by the girlfriend of the leaderone of the largest drug trafficking rings in Japan: Mizunaka Tabi. Gang Orca’s Arch Nemesis, as the man had a similar quirk and often fought him to a stand-still.

Their main difference was that Gang Orca was… Well, an orca while Mizunaka was apparently a mako shark mutant. As tall as Orca was and somehow more muscular, he was one of the most feared mutants and a firm supporter of the Mutant Association of Supreme Hegemony. The name was dumb. The members? Well, they wanted to make Mutant Quirked the rulers of the new society and to make a more darwinist society. They often indulged in kidnapping and murder not to mention hate crimes. So, yes. The name was dumb, the men behind it dangerous.

To add salt to the injury, the problem was that thanks to Mizunaka, they also had one of the biggest underground (or rather underwater) smuggling rings in Japan, if not the biggest in the whole world. How did they do it?

They actually mapped a lot of the deep seas and swam. They had underwater lairs all along the way and while it took time, they had the reputation of always delivering what they were asked to deliver.

Mizunaka always made sure to not get linked back to M.A.S.H as it would hurt his image as a powerful trafficker, therefore upgrading his vilain ranking from a solid A to a small S. Therefore he would be someone who would be on a serious watchlist, with heroes like Selkie helping Gang Orca locating him for sure before they called the heavy like Endeavor or even All Might.

If Mizunaka was strong enough to fight Orca to a stand still, he also knew his limits and was very good in muddying his support to the MASH.

So, when the evil had brains and brawn, when he knew how to hide and avoid the spotlight… Only he could bring it down.

All those who fought Mr Compress thought you were necessarily unconscious when you were in one of his marbles. It was untrue. He could choose if you were or were not capable of seeing and hearing what was outside.

So, if he managed to place himself into one and to land where he needed to infiltrate a place, he had a nice head start.

Right now, Atsuhiro was sitting in his marble, watching everything the girl was doing:

Mizunaka owned a nightclub in the port. To enter it, you needed to be a mutant and to be invited by someone on the checklist. In other words, a regular in the club for more than three months and having willingly consumed some of the drugs inside it… Or some of the lesser known but nonetheless illegal products.

However, the inner circle, where Mizunaka was, was once again something else. Only those who had his trust could enter it: Two shark mutants guarded the door and both of them actually had a minor quirk that allowed them to smell hostility or fear.

Both times the police tried to get one of Mizunaka’s inner circle to betray him, it was made known to him days, even hours after the betrayal.

Then came the second part where Mako was a genius. He did not kill the mole. He took them to a room where he could be alone with his former friend. If the mole was truthful and did it for reasons like protecting his family or avoiding jail, Mizunaka forgave them and helped them escape the police. They often became his contacts in South America or China.

If they were traitors, however, for money or to take his place, they were left alive but in a state so pitiful that killing them was a mercy.

He had to do that only once. Since then, no more operations were made and no warrant was given to raid his nightclub.

But now, Mizunaka had to face something new and devious. Someone, who was not afraid to be part of a necklace on the neck of a moray girl for twenty hours in the hope she would decide to make a surprise for her fabulous boyfriend.

If Mizunaka was not someone promoting the supremacy of a race above all others, he would have been actually a criminal Mr Compress would have totally overlooked. Well, that and a certain something he wanted to get.

That was why the operation “Enter the “Subnautica”” happened.

The first step had been to tail Mizunaka and identify his weak point. It turned out to be a girl he apparently saved from people racist against mutants, especially the not beautiful kind like Ryukyu or Miruko. In this case, a moray girl named Utsubi. A sweet librarian who enjoyed coffee in her free time. Apparently, she thought her boyfriend was simply a club-owner after he saved her by punching the hell out of her aggressors. It was then quite the love story between them.

The second step had been to break into her apartment and switch places with a pearl on her necklace or otherwise to simply hide in her bag. However, it was inconvenient as it did not allow him to see what was going on around him. In a quiet place like a museum, it was okay, Atsuhiro could use what he was hearing to tell what was going on. In a nightclub? Not so much.

Then, he had to follow, with a book in his marble to pass time, as he waited for the end of Utsubi’s day. Seriously, the moray girl was such a sweetie, she even rearranged children's books to allow kids to more easily reach those of their age.

It was quite jarring to see her put on make-up in the evening, before she went to the “Subnautica”. Apparently, it was named after a great game from before the quirk era and the giant fish trying to eat some poor schmuck were fake ones called Leviathans. Huh. That’s not going to be his fate, Right?...

The inside was… Loud. Urgh, Atsuhiro detested the kind of music that was played. Too loud, the sounds were not coherent and the light was hurting his eyes. Apparently, it was the same for his means of locomotion, as she rushed deeply inside, clearly knowing her way.

So, as Utsubi went in front of the shark guards, Compress tensed himself a bit. Technically speaking, if they could sense him inside the marble, the mission would be highly more difficult but still doable. However, the magician would clearly prefer he could do the job cleanly. No one hurt, a perfect job.

So, as he looked in the eyes, inside the marble the guard… He sighed with delight as Utsubi was invited further inside. The vigilante had used this tactic more than once but he preferred to be careful. No one could say if one day, one of the guards wouldn't be able to smell or sense him. Quirks were weird after all.

The second level of the nightclub was the polar opposite. The luminosity was low and you had a hard time seeing anything. It was actually quite logical since most of the people of the inner circle were deep sea fish mutants. All of them had various senses allowing them to “see” in the darkness.

Also, Mr Compress was surprised to hear the music : it was a whale song. Contrary to everyone's belief in the pre Quirk era, they actually managed to survive and now they were protected. They were not a lot but they were slowly getting back to a good level of population.

But this narrator digresses. What you really want is the story.

Quickly enough, Mr Compress meets for the first time the Mako, the trafficker. He was indeed powerfully built, and he wore golden chains and various jewels of wealth but not any of taste.

His teeths were highly sharpened and he smiled like Bakugou when he saw an opportunity to embarrass Izuku. All in all, he was the stereotypical bad boy… Until Utsubi began to hug him, seemingly making him happy. He quickly went from “Criminal mastermind” to “Smitten boyfriend”.

Mr Compress hated that kind of happy bad guy. It always made them harder to destroy when they weren’t cackling maniacs.

“And Utsubi? Can you get ready? I have something to ask of you, please.” Said the shark while softly smiling to the love of his life who then went to the restroom to freshen up. Oh god. Now, Atsuhiro actually almost felt bad if the man was going to propose.

It was time to move.


Now at the same time, on the building just in front of the Subnautica… Two shadows stand in the night. Before one of them began pouring tea. He apparently forgot it was quite windy, as the tea flew away in the night.

Not one to care for such a trivial thing, he asked his sweetheart.

“My dear La Brava, is that here?”

“Yes Gentle! It is here! This nightclub doesn’t respect the sanitary protocol for the food and the various liquors inside. It made some people sick and the owner just threw money at the sanitary inspection! Also, they might be quirkist.”

“Well… I hope the camera is on. Because now… It’s SHOW TIME!”

When the guardian saw an old man in a dandy suit, he first thought the old guy was lost and was going to tell him to f*ck off.

He clearly did not expect Gentle to destroy the wall by using him. To be fair, he was a hammerhead Shark, so it was actually logical.


Since he was busy tying up Utsubi, Compress did not hear the commotion immediately. The loud music helped mask most of it. Still, if he remembered the building’s blueprints correctly… If he put his hand just there, he could compress the wall and get into the Shark’s room. He then just had to get out of the place quickly by simply… Flushing himself in the toilet. Not the most elegant escape, he knew. But if people did not know how the hell you escaped, it was always better.

Not to mention, they would have to first understand his objectives there since he would replace the wall.

So, as Mr Compress was quietly rummaging through Mizunaki’s desk and cupboard, the noise outside began to grow louder and louder. Compress corrected himself. It was the sound of people fighting. They were either crazy or strong enough to attack the stronghold of the mutant.

Nonetheless, it meant he had a diversion to get out but also he had to speed up his search.

He sighed, He would have preferred to make both his escape and his search as clean as possible, but he wanted to make sure he took everything.

So, that’s what he did.

And that was when he stole the last library that Atsuhiro discovered the proof that Mizunaka was indeed a member of MASH. Not just a supporter.

Mr Compress cracked his neck. Usually, he had a no-kill policy for his escapades, but that didn't mean he was incapable of doing it.

That also didn't mean he had anything against maiming.

So, as Mr Compress was going to use the battle outside as a diversion to loot from the aforementioned criminal. He saw a squid break the wall, apparently propelled by an insane strength heading towards him.


“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA” Katsuki roared out in laughter, incredibly happy for some reason.

“Kacchan?” Asked a puzzled Izuku, wondering what the hell was going on, since it was Midnight’s class and she actually disliked unneeded noise.

“Nothing, just… I felt karma doing a good thing.” Explained the blonde, before taking notes again. Aaah…


Actually, Atsuhiro dodged the barman from the first floor with his usual grace. Well. It was settled, the people attacking the place were strong.


… Atsuhiro actually thought of just going through the flush. Then he remembered what he found and walked through the hole. So. It was vigilantes with a stream? He could use that.


Danjuro Tobita was not the sharpest tool, he knew that. Otherwise, his results when he was in a heroic course would have been better. As for his strength… Well, it was the power of despair and because he had literally nothing else to do. So he trained his quirk and his fighting skill to the best of his abilities.

Nonetheless, he knew people tended to think he was just an useless grandpa simply because he liked good clothes and he had gray hair. The only one taking him seriously was La Brava. So…

Yes, quite hilariously, he was capable of trashing a lot of people. However, his name was Gentle Criminal. Not Brutal Criminal, unless of course he was against bad guys. It helped him ease his conscience and he had the impression of almost being a hero.

However, Gentle knew when he was fighting something stronger than him. Like, way stronger than him.

He gulped after he finished trashing live the two sharks inside the building. They actually had a good footage of the insect between the bottles of beer and some of the good wine. Something that would have angered a certain tall, dark and cloudy barman.

However, as they went deeper into the building, they were expecting a normal owner for the nightclub, hence Gentle calling Mizunaka loudly at first… Then, they saw the giant. The Shark was almost three meters tall and he was certainly just as large. Mizunaka’s arms were almost as big as Gentle himself and it was pure muscle.

La Brava behind him also knew the man clearly meant business and tugged on Gentle’s shirt.

“We need to run. Now. He is a class A villain Gentle!” She was the brains and she memorized the whole list. If she said that, they needed to run. Actually, they should’ve never gone there in the first place.

Oh. Ooooh. Danjiro was quite proud of his barriers now but he also knew they were not all powerful. Still, he instantly built three of them in front of him. Maximum elasticity, size minimal for more resistance, perfectly calculating the trajectory of the Shark heavy punch.

Why? Simply because he knew a thing people tended to forget about mutants, especially the big ones.

He was right to do that, as Danjiro was not happy to be right. Most mutants are as powerful as they were quick. Mizunaka had blasted through his barriers quite easily, and it barely slowed him.

Barely was good enough, as Danjiro had the time to catch La Brava in his arms. Barriers were already made on the ground, allowing him to jump and to find refuge a brief instant on the ceiling.

“La Brava, we run. End the…”


A simple sound.

Just as Mizunaka was smiling like the predator he was, ready to attack the two fools who trashed his bar before he had his grand evening with his sweet Utsubi… A sound, like a cane tapping the ground. Not like, actually. It was a cane and everyone still in the inner cercle looked at the origin of the sound.

La Brava and Gentle Criminal were then shocked, frightened and excited by the sight. One might even say they squealed with delight. Just from the hole they made with the barman from before, emerged a legend among vigilantes. A lone wolf and it was a very popular theory that the man in front of them was the descendant of one of the big criminals from the Dawn of Quirk era.

Mr Compress who was wearing his “angry mask”.

“Don’t end your stream. If you will excuse me, right now, I'll hijack your show.” Said the man while he was readjusting his gloves.

“Oh? The Magician in person? That is strange, I don't remember doing anything that…”

“I saw your secret room, you sick bastard.” That statement cut short the affable Mizunaka who had the decency to look a bit regretful.

“... Oh well. That isn't a problem, if none of you stay alive… However, to be fair, I'm doing it for others. I myself find it tasteless.” Mr Compress believed him. He knew human flesh was really disgusting to sharks. He probably did not like it either.

Suddenly, as Mr Compress expected the two streamers to run away while he was speaking with the Shark, he saw the one who was a bit styled after himself, clearly a fan… Well, he saw Gentle Criminal mimicking a bow and suddenly the couch he was next to hit Mizunaka on the head. Not that it actually damages the Shark, but points for the effort.

After all, Mizunaka was used to fighting Orca at his full power… And now he was growling, ready to throw something at them.

“LA BRAVA!” Said with a smile the oldest, taking his stance against.

“ON IT, GENTLE!” The apparently young girl jumped and rolled herself as a ball before being launched across the room. When the shark tried to intercept her, both higher class fighters were surprised to see her changed trajectory mid-air. Clearly, the duo was trained and worked well together.

Why the hell Compress never heard of them? Especially as they were his fans. These two were the kind of people he was looking for.

He did not even need to tell the girl to run behind him to film the room. The camerawoman clearly knew what she needed to film.

The Magician just hoped she had a strong stomach. He put on his angry mask for a good reason…


Mizunaka was massaging his neck. He had a good idea of the quirk of the fool who attacked him. However, Mr Compress was another thing. A power that was basically a one hit kill, the user was used to close combat and for once Compress was serious. Every high class criminal like him knew Compress doesn’t like to kill. However, his angry mask meant he was not just going to reveal the skeletons in your closet. He was going to beat the hell out of you with them.

So, it was going to be mainly a fight between him and Compress… Because Compress was in the same situation as him. If he hit him, there was no doubt of what would happen. He had the power to destroy all bones inside of him. All he needed was an edge.

An edge like what he had right in his vial. His personal brand of Trigger mixed with blood. Trigger made by a lab he knew in South America who perfected the original drug. Blood, well…

Everyone knew about a shark’s frenzy, right?

However, Mr Compress was not going to let him take the drug. In fact, the magician just threw a marble at him. To counter it, Mizunaka threw at him a piece of the defunct couch. Well, the bigger half who was still intact.

Still. As Atsuhiro began to dodge, he had the pleasant surprise to see his marble and the couch slow in a somewhat invisible elastic shield who then hit full power Mizunaka, while Gentle Criminal fell from the ceiling.

“Muahahah! Fear my mighty quirk! I may have failed heroics, but I'm still quite good.”

Note to self, Atsuhiro thought. Find whoever expelled that man. He had the spirit. He had the power. He had the style!

“Gentle, if I heard right? When we manage to take Mizunaka down, consider yourself and your assistant hired as my assistants.”

“ROOOOAAAAAR” Bellowed out a drugged up Mizunaka who took the chance to take his drug. Mr Compress took a stance. Danjiro did too.

“I can slow him down, even in that state.” Told Gentle, before saying his code phrase to a livid La Brava who got back to them. “Because I have the power of L…”

Before he had the time to say anything he was already radiating with La Brava’s Quirk, as she was almost crying, her face buried in his pants.

“Gentle. I know you aren’t violent… But that man. Beat him please… .”

Gentle did not ask what La Brava saw. She was the strongest woman he knew, and Mizunaka made her sad.

The triggered Shark and Mr Compress had a hard time understanding how Gentle embedded him into the ceiling. Usually, when the Mako charged something into that mode, unless it was Orca himself, the target was dead.

So how the hell the dandy went from barely blocking one of his hit to suddenly empowered by pink fumes and fighting him to a standstill in his second form.

The beast inside him roared even louder, as he destroyed the ceiling to propulse himself toward his target with all his might.

The impact was hard. However he did not hit anything, as Danjiro was actually already in the air, dodging easily.

“Sorry. But I have the most beautiful woman by my side. I can't lose.” Said Gentle, while Mr Compress took La Brava with him aside and asked the girl…

“... The f*ck is happening?”

“Oh? That? It’s my quirk. I can boost as much as I love my target.”

Seeing as the man was now beginning to fracture the walls with the club owner, hurting him bit by bit… Atsuhiro openly applauded.

“Well. That is quite the love you have for him. He isn't too…”

“I'm actually 25 and he's 31. We have known each other for three years now.” Said the woman with a blank stare. Apparently, it was not the first time it had been asked and it was tiring.

“... Well, you're a cute couple.” Approved Mr Compress, letting Danjiro have his big fight. “How the hell did I never hear of you before? I mean. You are clearly not your average vigilante. Far from it.”

La Brava sighed, as Mizunaka had managed to throw Gentle against a wall by using a sound shockwave made by his hand… Before the gentleman used the rebound to hit him in the nose, the weakest point for a shark.

It could have been dangerous for him if Mr Compress from earlier did not explode at that moment into an armed flashbang, who promptly exploded.

As Mr Compress told Izuku, in a fight, everything was fair. Glorious and epic move? Sure, nice to have one. But he was pragmatic.

While Mizunaka was still a bit knocked out by the grenade, Mr Compress stole his kneecaps, literally.

And his elbows. Less than two seconds for all of them. If Atsuhiro had fought immediately with Danjiro, the fight would have indeed been shorter. However, apparently, the duo needed content and… Well… With him as a guest star and saving Gentle against a powerful criminal? Oh boy, it should get them some views.

“Urgh… I knew I should have refused that job… “

Said Mizunaka who then fell face first on the floor. Seriously. Last time he got a job like that.

“Human meat, seriously?”

“They paid well.” Said the Shark boss in a matter of factly manner while he lied on the floor, currently incapacitated due to the lack of kneecaps. Oh, he would heal. Not the first time it happened. Apparently sharks had a really good minor healing factor. If anything he would have a thicker skin later. “However, can I ask for a favor? Since you probably looted my office?”

Atsuhiro had a good idea of what Mizunaka wanted and threw a small box at him. “Seriously, she's wasted on you.” The boss was beaten. Both knew it and Mizunaka had enough chill, even post-trigger to not rage around with his limbs that were not broken but not functional. “Also, are you sure she will, you know. Run away with you? Or wait until you end your sentence in jail? Because, you're clearly going to Tartarus.”

The Shark laughed. Of course he wouldn't say anything incriminating as long as the cam was on. Oh well…

Then he got tackled as Mr Compress got shuffled to the side. Oh. Apparently morays can escape ties. It was to be noted for after.

“So… I will leave you there. Ma’am, I would advise you…” Utsubi tried to punch Atsuhiro, who blocked it easily, as Danjiro suddenly fell next to him, completely exhausted. Apparently, La Brava’s boost was indeed a powerful weapon and apparently the man knew when to unleash it. He would have probably used it to run away if Mr Compress had not been here.

Atsuhiro smiled behind his mask, as he marbled both his new sidekicks. Both had access to sound as he put them in his pocket.

“Best of luck for both of you. Oh, and by the way, dear Utsubi. It was Maki who stole your sandwich. Ta ta~~”

Police were going to come and check the bar soon enough. They were going to be corrupt cops in the pocket of the Shark, but he will have to relocate all his operations.

He had to run away, and he had to do it the easiest way he had. Thankfully, La Brava wouldn't capture it for the stream.

The hard part would be to take a shower before going home.

After all, he had everything he wanted : Proof of Mizunaka’s crimes who would force him to stop everything and more importantly…

A green diamond a criminal sold on the black market. It had a particular shade of green. Exactly like Inko’s eyes.

Hey, she deserved the most beautiful ring.


“And that is how I got the ring.” Atsuhiro finished explaining after taking a shower at Magne’s apartment, while Gentle and La Brava were sleeping on the couch.

“So basically, you kicked the biggest smuggling business in Japan in the nuts and crippled a rank A villain just to steal a diamond because you thought it would look good on your girlfriend’s engagement ring?” Deadpanned Chizome Akaguro who was also laying around. “You are, what the kids these days call ,a simp.”

While Mr Compress excluded him from his poker night, Chizome was still on good terms with Magne. Magne who was currently busy making the ring for her friend. Hey, every girl needs a hobby. Hers was crafting jewelry. She could have been a professional at it, you know.

However, you almost kill someone who was trying to kill you for being different, that someone being a hero, and then you get branded as a villain. It happened only thrice! The fourth time, Stain was there. It is self explanatory.

“Hey, she deserved it! Never had a woman who could make me feel like that except her.”

“Had you met the Night nurses, you would.” Said matter of factly Magne, as she continued her work. She wanted it to be a masterpiece and the fact Atsuhiro was also paying was nice. Being friends did not mean not paying them.

“Yes, yes, you talked about them already and how they disappeared years ago. Still, I maintain my opinion that my wife is better.” Said Atsuhiro, as he got out of the shower before drying himself. Thank God he did not smell like an open sewer anymore. Now, he just had to drop the evidence at Nighteyes’ office. Surely he could make some use of it.

“Compress. When the Night Nurse looked at me when I went to her because I cut my nose, I shat myself. Literally. Then, she threatened me that if I even went to them once more for a dumb wound, the coroner would have trouble determining if my death was due to exsanguination by the amputation of my junior or suffocation due to said amputated member obstrucating my throat.” Explained Stain, cleaning one of his knives. He was clearly still remembering it vividly.

“What.” both Vigilantes looked at the Hero Killer, while La Brava was editing from her computer the stream and making a nicer video answer.

“She told him she would castrate him and make him choke on it. She seemed nice.” Danjiro nodded, knowing better than having a different opinion than his woman on the subject.

“... Ok, she seemed like a fun woman, but I prefer the one I have.” Laughed Atsuhiro.


Inko sneezed a bit. Someone was probably talking about her crazy past with Mitsuki. Fun times. However, they had to stop when Katsuki got his quirk and Hisashi died.


“Yeah, I still remember the day they retired. I made a guy that I mistook for the Heart Thief fall off the boarding staircase of his plane..” Said Magne, quite sad at the fact

“The… The information thief? Damn girl. You know how to pick your targets.”

“Yeah. Turned out it was just some asshole leaving his wife and kid because the son was quirkless.”

Atsuhiro stopped for a moment before laughing. Nah. It had nothing to do with Hisashi, right?

Stain stopped for a second, and thought back. They were not talking about Hisashi Midoriya, right? Because while the man survived his fall, Atsuhiro did help f*ck up the first aid by stopping his heart during defibriliation. That man had insulted All-Might!

La Brava thought for a bit about that time she wanted to try her hacking skill for a bit and caused a car crash with an ambulance with an automated car.

Gentle Criminal halted for a time and tried to think if they still had leaves of tea.

He was the only man in the room who was actually clueless about the discussion.



Suddenly a yellow caterpillar hobo entered the room.

Before anyone could do anything, Katsuki packed back his bag.

“Nope. f*ck it. I'm out of this.”

Aizawa was used to provoke this reaction in some criminals and alumnis. Not a kid he never saw…

“I'm not taking classes with GODDAMN ERASERHEAD!” Yelled a way too done Katsuki.

A kid who apparently knew him and his identity. That was… A new one. He was going to start asking questions before he got interrupted by the green kid laughing. The blonde boy looked at his “friend”. If looks could kill, the class would be the crime scene for mass murder on Izuku.


“Eraser… Spammer?”

Momo was actually the first to understand what was about and was overjoyed.

“Oh, you both play “Heroes”?! I play an I-Island deck!”

“So the rich kid plays a pay to win deck, of f*ckin course! THIS GUY RIGHT HERE IS SOMEONE WHO ONLY KNOWS TO PLAY ERASERHEAD. But not only does he play him every time, but he created the whole deck centered on him getting back up everytime. He also had every team-up power-up with him. Including the special “Fake Wedding” cards with him and Miss Joke!”

“You are just mad I just beat you two hundred times.”

Bad choice of words. Katsuki promptly yeeted Izuku out of the window. Luckily they were on the ground floor but still.

All Aizawa could suddenly realize was…

“Wait. People made cards of me? They know about my marriage? WHY THE f*ck DON’T I HAVE ROYALTIES?! YOU, YAOYOROZU, CALL YOUR FATHER. NOW!”

Momo was at that moment terrified enough that she actually called. After a few rings, the phone clicked and her dad’s voice rang out on speaker “Hi sweetheart, It’s odd that you’d call me today of all days. How’s school goi-”. He gets cut off as Aizawa snatches her cellphone and shouts into the microphone.



As promised an omake according to Guipa's idea ! It was quite fun to write, so do not hesitate !

Chapter 9: When you need help, call for it


In it, we have Tomura having character development, Izuku's reaction to an happy event and Katsuki finally showing fear for something.

Also, ribbit.


Once again, thanks to a certain Hat beta reader.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The rest of the week was fun but frustrating for Izuku. Fun, because U.A. was everything he dreamed it was in his childhood dream:

-First off, Eraserhead as a teacher. Their homeroom teacher was quite the troll. He often did some logical ruse of his own, like pulling a surprise test for something they just saw 10 minutes earlier in another class and canceling at the last minute a planned one. However, it helped them to learn to guess more when he was serious and when he was not.

However, no one expected him to be angered by the “Heroes!” game they did. A small tournament with Momo (because surprisingly, the heir of the firm owning the game played it), Katsuki, Iida (who had of course an “Ingenium and sidekick” deck), Tokoyami with a “Quetzacoalt” the Mexican “hero” of blood and terror and Denki who had a “Crimson Riot and the Old Guard” deck.

However, Aizawa went ballistic when he saw Izuku’s deck when he entered the classroom, especially the “Fake wedding” combo with him and Joke. Aizawa seemed to die inside, when Izuku asked him if he should have used the “Bromance” combo with him and Present Mic, Beach edition. It was true that tactically speaking it would have been better.

-Secondly, Cementoss class. Learning about Murakami’s greatest writings had been a pleasure and Izuku had been happy they could talk about one of his favorite authors. He also liked that they took the time to speak about a few others and not necessarily the Japanese one, such as Terry Pratchett and his “Discworld”, quite a fascinating series.

-Third, he had a good chance to roast Katsuki during Midnight’s lesson, as he did listen during Auntie Mitsuki’s lesson. Being able to participate a lot during Modern Hero Art. Learning how to design efficiently a costume had been marvelous and once again, Izuku had been thankful for his all but blood aunt to have helped his mother with his costume.

-Fourth, THEY HAD FREAKING ALL MIGHT IN THE LAST DAY OF THE WEEK TO TEACH THEM HEROIC. Let’s just say that Izuku’s hype could have powered a small nuclear reactor. He was that excited and he almost exploded when he learned the fifth point.

-Atsuhiro had proposed to his mother.



“Old hag! You can prepare Auntie Inko’s wedding dress! I can see them drowning their apartment of happiness from my room!”

“ABOUT DAMN TIME. Though, the sound Izuku made was a dead giveaway.”


Mitsuki was of course Inko’s bridesmaid. Atsuhiro’s best man had been a strange fellow of the name of Danjuro Tobita. Inko had some real doubt on him before Manami Aiba showed her ID, proving she was just small and child-like looking. It did indeed reassure her a lot during the early preparations (the wedding was not for now but they wanted to prepare for everything).

Nedzu, because of course the rat knew everything, sent Atsuhiro a reservation for a small church, discreetly, with the rat’s promise that no hero would be there if he wanted to invite a few vigilantes and lesser moral characters. Hey, he couldn't understand marriage very well, but he knew it was a thing to do, to treat humans well so they were happier to help.

Still, it had been a really nice event, happier to Izuku than All-Might’s classroom. Even his friends (having to think of that word in plural was potentially a good sixth to be fair) noticed that the hyped boy was more hyper that day. Notably because he made a few magic tricks for everyone, even pulling out some plastic flowers for the girls.

The fact he pulled a red rose for Tooru was purely random but nobody believed him.

However, as said before, not everything had been sunshine, rainbows and flowers for cute girls.

Shouto Todoroki.

The teen often brought Izuku’s inner Katsuki to light. When our favorite magician was out of school, he actually went on a rant that Katsuki thought was a bit mild but a good try.

Where to begin. While the heterochromatic teen was indeed a top student, seemingly acing every class, he was just so unemotional about everything it was seriously jarring for everyone. Even Koda, who was not the most expressive kid as he was shyer than Izuku a year before, showed much more enthusiasm in the classroom.

However, Todoroki seemed at best bored. At worst he seemed to wonder what he was doing there, like in Cementoss’ class and Mignight’s. Which was something that seriously irked Izuku and Bakugou’s enthusiasm. They worked hard to get there and Mister Icye Hot did not put any effort into classes.

Even Aizawa was often grumbling as Todoroki was doing good enough but not the best he could. Especially as everyone knew now he had fire but did not use it.

In other words, he was a brilliant student who was not putting everything he could and did not seem to notice he was actually angering most of the class.

As a contrast, Momo, the other recommendation student, was often trying to help her fellow students by making stuff for the class and making them discover tea and a few other things. She was the top of the class but everyone understood why: she worked hard. Even Katsuki was impressed by her notebook and actually had to concede the point… Before saying he would be the top of the class soon enough, working even harder, to Momo’s embarrassment.

As for the class, well, soon enough, except for Todoroki who seemingly excluded himself from the group, everyone began to speak and form various groups. However, the permeability was high, and while Tooru, Mina, Jiro and Kamina were often plotting various weird things, sometimes they would enlist Izuku’s help.

Aizawa never managed to prove how they managed to use helium on Present Mic but asked for the how. He had years of vengeance to plot and he was not above such warfare.

So, let’s say when word got out that All-Might’s various classes tended to be battles among students, Izuku and Katsuki were seriously praying that one of them would get Todoroki… who proceeded to tell them, instantly that it did not matter whoever got him, they would lose.

That did not help.


Meanwhile, Tomura was still planning more and more of his attack. He had to think how he could attack All-Might and still make Izuku support his ideals afterward on the off chance he did kill All-Might.

That thought made him laugh a bit. A year ago, he would have rushed into the fight himself with only Kurogiri in tow. Now? Now, he was seeing the hidden lesson Sensei tried to impart to him.

Did Sensei fight his own fights? He did not. He had pawns for that, to be sacrificed if necessary. Pawns he treated otherwise well to make them subservient to him. No, he was certain he was not one, because Sensei loved him as a son. If Tomura had lost, he would certainly break him out just like that Shark guy who had paid insurance to Sensei.

No, the fight was to be lost. Noumu was strong, it was a fact. However, it was a prototype on a test run, Tomura understood that now.

Tomura’s future raid was a test from Sensei on multiple fronts : could Tomura plan an attack? Could he learn to work with what he had? And finally…

How does one win by losing?

Kurogiri was serving his charge a strawberry milk as he began to laugh maniacally and finished writing a few things. The barman was happy. He had decided that if he could, he would pay back this… Izuku. Tomura did not decay anything except when he truly wanted thanks to his gloves. He actually began to shower on a semi-daily basis (Kurogiri took his victory where he could)... And most importantly, as the cloudy noumu noted, Tomura was less nihilistic.

Did he want to destroy society and heroes? Yes. That was something central to him, thanks Sensei. However, after befriending Izuku, Tomura had a goal beyond simply… well destroying for the sake of destroying. Izuku was weak and bullied by society. That gave him one more reason to destroy it but then what?

It had been Izuku who pointed it to him. Let’s say that Tomura destroyed everything. Then what? What would happen to Izuku as an example afterward, with villains running rampant and no one to protect him?

Tomura had then answered that no one was to hurt his… friend. A strange word, with a stranger taste.

He liked it.

Still, he had seen that even Sensei couldn't always protect every asset he wanted to protect. That he had to cut some of his closest ones because of that.

So, could Tomura, weaker than his Sensei, be sure he would be able to protect his younger teammate?

Tomura was finishing to play cards against himself. He was determined.

He had to level up.


Then, the day finally came. The sun was rising, as Izuku threw a rock into Katsuki's room.


Bakugou’s door slammed violently onto the wall as Katsuki exited it. He was angry and happy, which was not a sight for the weak of the heart.


And damn, both were more than ready. Izuku was fairly certain he had everything planned if he fought Todoroki. Something to bring down the golden frosty student.

No one thought however how the day would have ended.



Said the larger than life All-Might. Yagi Toshinori was a man of many talents. He was smart. He had talent in how to use his quirk (something hilarious when knowing his secret). He had the dramatic flair that too many heroes lacked. It was something you could learn to a degree, as Endeavor did learn. However, either you had it or you would always lack something. He had also an excellent situational awareness, which was always useful in his work.

But most importantly, Yagi knew his flaws. His limits.

And he knew that he sucked at teaching. So, what could he do to be the best teacher he could? Well, he could always emulate his old teacher. To a lesser degree of course.

Mentoring was a difficult job and All-Might was taking classes on the side to learn how to teach better. With way less hits and scariness.

So, he did the best thing he knew. He organized fights in a controlled environment. Point out flaws in strategy. Let the students gather some experience in a friendly yet intense fight. By pairing them randomly he also let them discover some people they wouldn't have tried to work with. Expect the unexpected.

Yagi knew he sucked at teaching and putting what he wanted to teach into words. So, he made them experience what he wanted them to experience. Fight and learn. Grow.

It was just a week but Yagi hoped that this way, even after One for All’s transmission, he could create more than one Pillar of Peace. More Heroes to support the society he helped to build… And make it better.

He was just a man after all. How does one man make a whole society?

He doesn’t. It crumbles after him, except if he notices it and tries to make it last after him, by acknowledging he was mortal.

It also put a smile on his face, when students wore their hero uniforms for the first time. The kids had them simplistic, yet you could see their intent to be iconic. What kind of hero they would become :

Young Uraraka? She was all in simplicity and agility. Not very offensive, for now. Rescue hero. The same for young Tsuyu. The Yaoyorozu heir? The girl probably did not know it yet but she destined herself as a strategist, not a front line hero. Bakugou, clearly the most ambitious and driven? He clearly understood that both his quirk and personality wouldn't make him someone that would reassure the public by his smile. However, just like Miruko, his confidence, his pride exuded from his skin. He was there and his enemies should watch out.

Yagi could also see what kind of hero the kids were inspired by. Kirishima clearly loved Crimson Riot. Yagi loved that man too, especially after he died taking down the Ashen King. If people called Endeavor the strongest fire hero, people preferred to forget Atilla, the one of two people who managed to awaken too much and who became more quirk than human. Good thing the other one is a hero.

Then came Izuku Midoriya. If the boy was not a fan of Mr Compress, Yagi was willing to destroy his left lung. A hat who was classy and a suit that was clearly made for him. On measure, with talent. Probably by Bakugou’s mother, if Yagi was right. White gloves and All Might could see how he could make the cards go into his hands. The right was the tarot deck. The number at least. If he was right, the kid had already prepared what he needed. The left was most likely Izuku’s nuclear solution. The Arcana… And finally, in his pouch, the last deck. The hero deck.

But his most important edge? It was this smile. His shining smile. When Izuku finally put on his suit, gone was the shy boy who was too excited for his own good. Gone was the kid who would be flustered by the girls talking to him.

The one who said the suit did not make the man was wrong.

All-Might wondered if he should send Atsuhiro a congratulation card. Oh, yes. He did know who the vigilante was in reality… Because he could think outside of the box… And also because he could relate to him. To Izuku too, to a great extent.

The boy was splendid. If only Yagi did not meet Mirio, he would have clearly tried to make Izuku his own apprentice. The boy knew what it meant to be meek, to be weak. Still, he had the smile. He had the heart of a hero too.

Yagi knew that when Izuku would finish his growth, he was going to be an awesome hero.

Maybe he could propose an internship?

Still, for now, Yagi had to do another thing as a teacher. It was helping the students. With no kid to take care of above another and not having to pick an heir allowed him to pay more attention to his class.

Contrary to what Aizawa thought, Yagi did not think of Midoriya and Bakugou as problem children, far from it. There was another, bigger time bomb in the classroom. Someone, somehow, all teachers failed to spot.

As a hero and teacher, All Might couldn't allow himself to fail a student… But he also knew, as he remembered himself when he was a quirkless boy, what it means to have an adult coming to try to help you when you were not ready for it. No.

Yagi looked at the not so random battles upcoming. He had a big smile on his face and he knew he did something that was probably crazy but likely to produce results. Worst case scenario, he would have confirmation or denial of the feeling in hiss guts. Best case, His problem would be solved.


“So, let me explain the exercise. One team will play the villains who have to protect a bomb. Another team is going to be the heroes who have to locate the bomb and touch it to win.

If the bomb explode because of the time limit, villains win. If a team is fully neutralized, the other wins. Damage has to be kept at the minimum, for both sides.

Indeed, the context is the villains have gotten a nuclear device that has been retrofitted as an EMP device.Damage it too much before it is done however, and boom. Nuclear explosion.”

Explained All-Might, as he presented the terrain. Old and decrepit buildings. So, if a student decided to go plus ultra, everything would still be fine.

Yagi, in his buffy form, was clearly certain it was going to be the case. However, kids had to learn to restrict their fight.

“So, here are the different teams.”

Midoriya and Sero, Team A, villains. The two kids nodded to each other, Sero deciding that leaving Midoriya in charge of a plan was the best idea.

Bakugou and Koda, Team B, heroes. Koda almost fainted, seeing Bakugou’s smile at the idea of beating the crap of Izuku who was clearly whining.

Yaoyorozu and Shinso, Team C, villains. “Of course, I'm a villain” sighed a certain tired teen, as he began to adjust his apparatus to mimic Iida’s voice.

Iida and Shoji, Team D, heroes. Both looked happy to be heroes… Well, Iida looked happy. Hard to say with Shoji’s mask.

Mina and Tokoyami, Team E , villains. “A mad banquet of darkness” said the bird boy, while the pink girl tried to do an evil laugh.

Todoroki and Kaminari, Team F, heroes. Kaminari tried to high-five Todoroki, happy to have an easy mark while Todoroki gave him the cold shoulder, Quite literally.

Jiro and Hagakure, Team G, villains. The duo of villains high-fived clearly together, happy to be with a friend.

Sato and Uraraka, Team H, heroes. Clearly a power house duo, with Uraraka who was going to act as the support and control of the mission.

Aoyama and Kirishima, Team I, villains. Kirishima whined a bit that the villains were not manly… Until Aoyama took him by the shoulders, explaining to him that they were not villains. They were freedom fighters, seeking to overthrow their despotic king and decapitate him. That somehow cheered the red haired teen to the max.

Tsuyu and Ojiro, Team J, heroes. The two mutants simply acknowledged their duo.

“Oh oh oh. My dear students. It isn't going to be as simple as Team A against B. It is going to be Team A against F, B against G, etc etc.”

The classroom went silent for a second before it exploded in various reactions.

“YES” “f*ck” “Ribbit” “Interesting…” “OH GOD IT’S BAKUGOU!” “HOLD ME”...

Todoroki was simply unimpressed by the whole thing and having to go in first. If anything, it would simply mean it was going to be done earlier. Cleanly. Properly.

There was no way he was going to lose against Duct Tape Man and his fabulous assistant… Cardman. Kaminari was vaguely an asset, though he wouldn't be tremendously useful. After all, Todoroki was going to finish it in one hit, as usual.


“Hanta” Midoriya approached the usually smiling boy who was right now, highly nervous. To be fair, he had every right to feel nervous : He was going against the power house number one of the class who was helped by mister thunder. His acolyte, though he was highly smart, had trouble using his quirk without bleeding from the nose and he had not used it since the first day and the implication his quirk was a tad too powerful for his body.


Hanta tried to put up a smile on his face. Fake it till you make it.

“What, partner? Do you have a plan to win?” sh*t. His smile was wavering… and suddenly, he saw Izuku’s smile. It was not fake. It was a very confident one. A Cheshire one.

“I don't just have a plan to win. I have several, and Hanta? You are going to be the most important part of them.”


“Why do i hear boss music when i look at this building” Kaminari remarked, as it loomed over them spookily, looking creepier than it should since it was still sunny.

“Mainly because I saw Midoriya pull a radio from his hat” said Todoroki coldly. Most of his comrades did not inspire him. At most indifference and some did anger him a little.

One of them was Midoriya.

Why? Simply because the greenie seemed to treat the school as simply a place to study quirks and combine them to make them stronger. Just like his father.

He was also constantly doing tricks and sleight of hand during the breaks, gathering attention on him. A glory seeker according to him and his meek act, when his quirk could apparently be powerful was something that irked him.

“What?” The boy was clearly wondering how the hell Midoriya did that and how he did link his radio to whatever made sound in this building.

Basically, the music was “Soul of Cinder” from Dark Souls. This kind of showmanship irked Todoroki to his core. They were here to be heroes, not to play games and tricks.

So the heterochromatic boy inspired a lot and from his icy side began to accumulate power…

And a few seconds later, the whole building was encased beautifully in ice, like an eternal flower. The whole temperature dropped around them.

In the control room, everyone was baffled, including All-Might, though excluding a certain someone.

“Oh my…”

“The first match and it has already ended?”

“I guess there is something such as a too powerful quirk."

“HOW ABOUT Y’ALL SHUT THE sh*tHOLE THAT SERVES AS YOUR MOUTH!” Katsuki violently interrupted, making everyone who were nervously muttering look at him.

He was calm and serene except for his outburst.

“I could have tanked that attack.” Katsuki explained calmly, as if it was enough of an explanation. That made Shinso laugh.

“Yeah sure, mister exploding man. But what about…”

“Izuku is my rival, you purple asshat,” Katsuki said calmly, with a hint of fire in his eyes. “Do you think that someone I consider my rival would be done in that easily? We are talking about Izuku there. He’s smart, he's a showman at heart but there is something that makes him one of the most dangerous people here.”

Everyone looked at Katsuki, who was doing his signature shark smile, having smelled the future fight.

“Given the right circ*mstances, He can pull off some insane sh*t.”


“Why did the music not stop?”Kaminari wondered aloud as he carefully entered the building behind Todoroki. The golden student was too busy power walking to answer to his teammate…

At least until he opened a door toward the stair and a bucket full of water fell onto his face.

A wet Todoroki was groaning as he took the bucket off his head… Just before Kaminari took him down to the ground, a previously duct taped desk almost fell on him after that.


“... I would say that they booby-trapped the building with Hanta’s quirk. After all, cold makes duct tape weaker.”

So between the two villains, they had a working brain…


Scratch that, they were idiots, both of them, treating this as a game. Todoroki was pissed and when he got up, he instantly made a pillar of ice under him, propelling him towards the top floor as quickly as possible.

He just forgot to bring his teammate with him, who was looking at the stairs and whining. What were the odds it was booby trapped too?


“They… booby trapped the building?”

“Izuku isn't one for a fair fight when he can. He will troll, trap, and redirect your attention whenever he can.” Katsuki muttered under his breath as he looked at the camera, where Izuku was waiting for his enemy with cards in his hands.

He had dodged the initial trapping of ice by being in the air thanks to Hanta’s quirk. Some would say that his quirk was great at more than just trapping villains.


For Izuku, it meant he had a teammate that could give the best material for traps and bridges almost in endless supply. Of course he was going to use what he had.

To be honest, he actually had a plan for everyone in class to destroy Todoroki. The best ones were of course with Bakugou, as they already knew how to work together and with Tooru.

No. It was not because he was often thinking about how her quirk worked and how anything she ate became invisible, implying that all of her body was also invisible.

Wait.. how was Hagakure not blind?

Still, now, he had to wait for Todoroki to fall for his taunt. Izuku respected only one thing about Icy Hot. He wanted to be a hero and treated it really seriously. However, everything that was not like him, it seemed to utterly bore him.

“Finally, hero.. YOU ARE HERE FOR OUR BATTLE!” Izuku crowed, with a smile as Shouto finally entered the room, and proceeded instantly to throw icy spiked at him.

This sight made Izuku smile. Everything was according to plan B. Todoroki was not using his full power again. Either because he did not have the energy for that…

Or because he refused to use his fire quirk. Sure, his body had an ice resistance built into him. However, clearly, it was not ice immunity.

Now? Now, Todoroki was wet. It meant all of his body was slowly even colder. Too much of his own power and he would be down.

The bucket of water. Todoroki’s worst enemy.

Still, the attack was way too forward and we were talking about an Izuku who had been trained to dodge bullets by Mr Compress.


“Wow. I did not know you could dodge by dancing like that.” Admired Mina, Tooru vigorously nodded with her.

“Yes, he's a bit of a show off.”


“Is that all, Todoroki? Because I have one more thing to say to you.” Izuku said with a smile as he stood still between a heavily duct taped door and Todoroki.

“What? Another dumb quip?” Shouto snapped back, before noticing a small light erupting from below his foot..

“Landmine.” Izuku stated as Shouto dodged a Four summon from under the ice. “And another landmine. Oh, be careful, I think it may be a jack there.”

Everywhere Todoroki tried to find a footing, Izuku’s summons appeared as their master stood in the background, quietly resting. Meanwhile, Todoroki had to dodge the six creatures that came from under his own ice.

“I think you should give up honestly. This fight is hardly fair.” Said Izuku matter of factly. He was still sportly after all, and tried to let Todoroki have a chance to save some face.

His answer was not something Izuku expected.

Suddenly not caring anymore, Todoroki simply unleashed his ice again. Izuku barely had the time to hide between a Ten he kept in his hand, avoiding being frozen only by a hair breath…

Todoroki, in all his frozen, rage filled glory, was now standing above the disappearing Cardmen… And glaring at him.

“Finally. Some emotion," Izuku remarked while adjusting his hat, as Todoroki shook a bit of the ice off his body. “Though if you continue to not use your fire, you're going to lose. Such a powerful and balanced quirk… Shame it’s wasted on you.”

“How about you shut up, Midoriya. You’re just another teen playing hero, happy with his quirk. I HAVE BEEN BRED FOR THIS.” Todoroki, as he kneeled, seemingly out of energy… Before looking furiously at his opponent. “AND I REFUSE TO USE MY FATHER’S QUIRK. YOU DO NOT KNOW HARDSHIP OR WHAT IT MEANS TO HAVE A CURSED POWER. TO BE HURT BECAUSE OF IT. SO NOW… GET OUT!”

The ice covered floor exploded once more.


“Oh god.” For the first time, Katsuki was not calm anymore. If until now he had seemed sure of the outcome, he was now clearly panicking.

“Yes, I think it should be a good moment to tell Todoroki to chill… Herm… I mean, he's dangerous, I hope Midoriya is okay!” Said Iida, as the camera went back again… Until Katsuki interrupted him.

“No, you misunderstand. The one who is in danger right now is Todoroki!”

“Wait. What?”


Todoroki was exhausted. But now, Midoriya was going to be a nice ice statue and he would be able to touch the bomb while Kaminari tried to take down Hanta.

Even if he failed, as long as he could stop him from bothering and stop Todoroki, Kaminari would have done enough.

Suddenly, once again, Midoria’s voice echoed in the room.

“You know, it is fun. Against anyone else in the class, you would have a f*cking valid point.”

Suddenly the room became hotter. Way hotter. As in ice melting hotter.

“Nineteenth Arcana. The Sun”

Suddenly, the ceiling seemingly became the sun, fiery like an inferno. The ice became a hot mist, the air burning Todoroki’s lungs… Before he got hit by a right hook in his jaw.

In front of him a pissed off Izuku without either a hat nor a smile. In fact he seemed angry. Blood was dripping from his nose in a certain quantity but he did not seem to care.

“But unlike the rest of you, I’m a late bloomer. IF I OVERUSE MY QUIRK, I CAN f*ckING DIE.”


Aoyama nodded, while everyone looked at him.

“I talked of my cousin in past tense for a reason. He died with a smile ten seconds after his quirk activated at 18 years old.” The usually smiling Frenchman was not smiling anymore.


“IT ALSO MEANT I LIVED ALL MY LIFE QUIRKLESS. Do you even have an idea how hard it is to grow up like that? Why do you think I can pop in and out my bones with a f*cking smile, Todoroki? There was not a f*cking day where I was not beaten, insulted or worse! I was a target for most kids with a powerful quirk! Katsuki was the only decent human being of my age with me!”

Which was sad enough in itself, even Todoroki had to admit… Before he threw himself a punch in Izuku’s nose, bloodying it even further.

“Oh, so you had a difficult childhood? Well, at least you still have loving parents! Mine is a f*cking asshole who did A f*ckING QUIRK MARRIAGE TO PRODUCE ME, MY BROTHERS AND MY SISTER”


“Did Todoroki lose his cool?” Shinso asked, before getting hit in the back of the head.

All-Might however was purely inexpressive, and did not stop the fight because he had to learn more. What had Endeavor done?



Retorted Izuku, who then grabbed his right arm and dislocated it with expertise. In fact, he hit it thrice in a brief instant, taking Todoroki’s left hook in the face.


“BECAUSE I WANT TO BE A HERO THAT BRING A f*ckING SMILE TO EVERYONE’S FACE!”Izuku screamed, as a bit of blood came out of his mouth, Todoroki’s punch were really good. Good thing he had dislocated his right arm in his shoulder, elbow and hand. Good luck moving it.

Todoroki seemed to stop, for a second.

“I know, Todoroki, what it means to be alone. To be beaten. I want to protect the weak. I want, when a quirkless kid or an abused kid looks at me, he knows he's going to be alright. Because… I'm here.

I want to tell them, I know what it means to be weak but that they're still protected. That if they need help, I WILL BE THERE. And it f*cking PISSES THE HELL OUT OF ME WHEN SOMEONE WITH A QUIRK WITH BASICALLY NO DRAWBACK DECIDE TO SPITE OUT PEOPLE WHO DO NOT HAVE HIS STRENGTH, BY NOT USING HALF OF IT.”

Todoroki had the decency to be taken aback, as Izuku got up, and the sun was quietly disappearing.


And you know what? If it means saving an idiot like you, I will still be ready to put my life in line. BECAUSE THAT IS HOW MUCH I AM DETERMINED. DON’T YOU f*ckING DARE YOU ARE GOING TO SURPASS ME, WHO IS BETTING MY LIFE EVERYTIME I GO ALL-OUT, BY USING HALF YOUR POWER!”

Todoroki was at a loss of what to say for an instant, before he got tackled by Midoriya… who was clearly deadly tired by all the summon and the Sun. God, he was going to be out all this week-end, wasn't he?

“Also, you're an idiot. When you're in danger, you have to call heroes for help.”

“Oh? and please tell, who would help me, against the f*ckin number 2?” Todoroki replied sarcastically, before he got slammed in the ground once again.


Izuku screamed, while his throat hurt him.

He couldn't even try to dodge the punch he took in the face... From Kaminari. Beaten, bruised, but still standing, to Todoroki’s surprise.

“Kami… Nari?”

“You, Shouto. You can call me Denki, you know? We are teammates!” said the electric man, before he grabbed Todoroki’s workingarm, helping him to walk.

When Izuku still stood in front of them, clearly helped only by determination… But now once again with a smile on his face.

“... Seriously ? Even beaten up, you still think you have what it takes to stop us ?”

“Yep.” Izuku smiled, before hitting the ground: it was not the cement, but apparently an hole covered by duct tape by which he escaped, laughing.

Suddenly, Todoroki had a horrible doubt. A horrible and terrible doubt.

“... Kaminari? OPEN THE DOOR”

“Wait, what? Normally, the bomb should be here, no? Also, I said Denki.” Said Kaminari, as he opened the sealed door, Shouto sweating a lot. Oh god.

The room was empty. They had fought for nothing.

“Shouto! Not all is lost! Hanta is down, downstairs. If we catch Izuku, we can beat him, especially with your fire!”

“But… It is my father’s…”

“Dude. That is your quirk. Your sick and awesome quirk. Not someone else. So, now, let’s be heroes, together!”

Todoroki looked optimistic… friend? His… quirk? Not his father? A power with no drawback… To save people.

Denki who was injured but still smiling. Still trying to win. That was… That was heroic.

Shouto gritted his teeth. f*ck. Izuku had a point. How did he dare look down on them?

“Yes, let’s capture Midoriya!” Tried to say with motivation Todoroki… Before falling, out of energy.


All Might’s voiced boomed out throughout the building.

Then suddenly, Todoroki became painfully aware he just told his whole tragic backstory in front of everyone. Oh.

The debrief was going to be something.


Before someone asks, I did a big troll in this chapter. My Beta Reader fell for it. Will you ?

Chapter 10: Fun Weekend makes for fun times.


Katsuki is trolling but somehow Izuku is not hating. Tomura learns there is something better than cards in life. Tooru cries.


Minor spoiler about Tooru appearance but honestly, not really important.
Also, I suck at writing date.
Oh and yes, finally decided the pairing.

Chapter Text

Chapter 10: Fun weekend makes for fun times.

—Just after the Time Out—

Izuku face-planted on the ground. To be fair, he was panting since he used one arcana he was not sure he had been unsure he could use for real and he had also used a lot of energy by doing his remote summoning technique. Which was indeed very useful.

Still, he couldn't feel his body and he knew that if he wanted to keep what happened a secret from his mom and dad, he would have to pay a hefty bribe to Katsuki. Oh, he just hoped Katsuki had another toxic troll to punish.

“Tooru? Are you free tomorrow?” aske Katsuki asked, way too nicely.

Katsuki, being nice, often hid something, as the class was now used to. Especially if Izuku was involved. This explained clearly why even though no one could see Tooru’s face was not visible, you could see her suspecting his motive.

Meanwhile, Katsuki was doing behind his back a sign to Mina and Kyoka. Both understood his plan and grinned a lot. If it worked, they must find cameras. And disguise. Maybe enlisting Momo for the plot?

Afterward, it was a battered Izuku and Hanta who entered the control room first. They were followed by a Todoroki who was leaning a bit on Kaminari who was the one in the best state of all the four boys.

It had been an extenuating fight and Izuku would have a hard time pointing out where he was the most hurt.

Momo had the kindness of making him a tissue, so he could get the blood out of his face. Thank god, the warm liquid was not a pleasurable sensation.

Still, Izuku had a strange sensation of dread, as Katsuki hit in a brotherly fashion over Izuku’s shoulder.

“I'm going to reward you for beating Icy-Hot, Izuku. You did well.” Katsuki told him, while he looked at the girls, nodding to them.

He had promised them to be “kind” for a definition of kind, according to Katsuki, if Tooru agreed to go on a date on Saturday. The date was going to be with Izuku. Katsuki did not even try to hide the fact and girls quickly learned he respected women. Well, as much as anyone. If you truly wanted his respect, you offered a good fight.

None of the girls wanted to try a true fight against someone that could produce an explosion, wanted to specialize himself as a fighter hero and, according to Izuku, “had already caught flies who were flying with an uncanny accuracy before exploding it”.

All-Might sighed while pinching the bridge of his nose. He was understanding a lot about Aizawa and it was worrying on its own. He also had to check with Nedzu about how to deal with the Todoroki problem. Nonetheless, he was happy that his shock therapy brought a lot to light… And somehow, Todoroki had a friend, Kaminari.the extrovert had adopted the introvert and was trying to make him react now. All in all, a wonderful thing.

However, he also knew Recovery Girl would probably try to kill him soon after the kids went to see her.

Nonetheless, he ignored his soon-to-be-doom and looked at the class.

“So, which one of you can tell me who was the MVP in this…”

“Izuku” “Izuku” “Ribbit” “Green bean” “Deku” “That insane guy” “Is that a trick question and the answer is the friends we made along with the fight?”

Pretty much everyone in the classroom chooses Midoriya… Who pointed out Kaminari and Hanta.

“Hey. Both of them were the most important, you know? Had Hanta failed to stop enough Kaminari and deplete him, I would have lost. In the same way, if Todoroki had brought Kaminari…”

“You would have used plan E and made him electrocute Todoroki after making the ice melt,” Said Momo, while trying to think more about Izuku’s actions… Who had the decency to look away? “Also, you used Todoroki’s thought of you to make him rush ahead, checking nothing. No, you had the fight planned before it had even begun. It required a lot of strategic thinking.”

Katsuki whistled a bit when Momo noticed that and was thankful they did not know his own plans. Most people thought he resumed his plans in “MAKE EVERYTHING EXPLODE”.

They were not wrong.

“Well… I was mad at Todoroki for saying he would beat us at half strength when my quirk, well…” Izuku pointed to his nose. “I won’t be able to use it for the entire weekend to be on the safe side.”

“To be fair, you turned the ceiling into a small sun.” Iida pointed out, impressed and still trying to make sense of Izuku’s quirk. He thought he just manifested a card.

“The first time I used my power, I created a fake hero from a card, Iida. If it exists as a card, I can use it. However, the more powerful it is… Well, let’s say there is a reason I use a Tarot deck rather than my collection of “Hero!” Cards.”

“My family is soooo going to sponsor you,” Momo then explained as her friends were staring, curious. “A Hero who needs our products to use his quirk? Who is smart, presents well, and has a flair for drama? Yes, if Izuku does well for the next tournaments, I'm certain we will sponsor him.”

People forget she was the heir of a conglomerate. She was not a business student, but she could have very well been one. She certainly did not forge a document from her parent’s signature to switch her recommendation exam from Business course to Heroic Course.

No one could prove it.

All-Might nodded and approved everything with his trademark smile.

“New rules, since apparently your class is the first one who apparently forgot to restrain himself. I mean. If Midoriya did not put the bomb behind a door with the written ‘No bomb here’ post-it on the second floor, I would have failed Todoroki and Kaminari. If you make an attack that can blow more than two walls, you're out.

On a side note, Kaminari, why did you not check the door?”

“There was a post-it saying there was no bomb. Then I got attacked by duct tape.”

It seemed oddly logical and Jiro looked with sympathy All-Might and quickly earjacked Kaminari out of idiocy.

After that, the fight was… Something.

To start, Jiro and Hagakure made a big mistake. While Bakugou upheld his promise and went nicely at them (no too colossal explosion and no attack of an area that could destroy the floor) everyone else forgot about Koda.

—Later that day, in Nedzu’s office.---


“Well, you know how it is with family. You can't leave them homeless.”

“Nedzu. You are neither a mouse nor a rat. I know when you're f*cking with me.”

“... They are my dealers in cheese.”

This time, Yagi was not sure Nedzu was trolling since he looked away in shame.

“So, what can we conclude from this fight?”

“Never anger Koda.”

“Respect the rat.”

“Bakugou is someone sensible when you think about it.”

“Yeah, he even tried to help the girl when the rats began to…”

Meanwhile, Izuku and Kaminari were trying to comfort respectively Tooru and Kyoka, who did not deserve the suffering. Hugs were required.

Koda was smiling while petting a rat with his rabbit. Everyone was worried about their staring contest, who ended when both decided the other was a worthy opponent.

“I… Just want a normal match.” All-Might sighed, as he didn't sign for this madness. He signed to form the new generation. Not having to storm an army of rat that were hunting for blood.

The next match was… Well, vanilla. No mass destruction. No people with a tragic backstory. Shinso had tried to hint at one, but Kyoka, between two sobs, told him:

“Cut your crap, remember, I know your parents”. The mind controller grumbled while everyone wondered how his family was.

“Maybe his family is with cheerful people who like to hug and sing ‘Kumbaya’” Todoroki theorized, during the match and cooler than earlier. Fighting that way and yelling all he had on his heart allowed him to let off a lot of steam.

Unlike before, it was not emotionlessness on his face, but just peace. Peace of mind because he had finally lashed out. Something he did not do often since it could summon his fire.

People wondered if Todoroki did not touch a nerve, since Hitoshi shuddered at the thought. Kyoka too. Somehow, Katsuki made a notebook appear from nowhere and noted something. Izuku was not the only one with this skill.

Nonetheless, Momo and Hitoshi lost for a very simple reason. Uraraka launched Sato at them, full force. Turned out that none of them were good enough in close combat against someone with a strength-enhancing quirk.

As for Iida and Shoji against Kirishima and Aoyama, no one could have seen the result coming. Iida and Shoji seemed like an excellent hero team, with a scout and a fighter, while Kirishima and Aoyama seemed to have only one brain cell for two.

Except Aoyama planned the whole fight and made Iida go straight in a certain corridor while Kirishima dropped from above Shoji to knock him down.

As for the last fight, everyone nicknamed Ojiro and Tsuyu the Ninja duo. They even avoided the camera on the field and disarmed the bomb without everyone seeing them.

Except for the first two fights, All-Might had appreciated the whole exercise. However, deep down, he had to wonder: How much of the calm was because he ordered them to not destroy too many walls?

Yagi decided wisely that the answer was not worth his sanity and his sleep.

“By the way, Izuku, how was it to hug Tooru?” Ojiro asked for once, not Bakugou, though he was listening.

“Ahem… Nice? I mean, she just needed a hug, nothing else.” Izuku, exhaling tranquility of mind and body while taking off his mask and revealing a little smile on his lips, clearly remembering fondly the moment.

Yes, she had been terrified, but knowing she had trusted him enough to let him close had been nice enough for the magician.

“Because I have heard it takes at least three weeks to make a costume with people’s hair.” Ojiro explained afterward, with no special perverted thought. Well, not much more than any boy their age. Every boy did a double-take.

“So, what you're saying is…” Oh god, Izuku was so dead, thought Katsuki… “Mister pure cinnamon went full second base before even the first date? Damn it, Izuku. I knew you wanted the whole Gentleman magician persona, but this is a whole other level.”

Izuku sighed, “Katsuki. We both know how that ends. What is your price for not telling my mom? Especially as I did not think of that.”

“Well, I have an idea…”

Izuku winced when Katsuki explained his idea.

“Well, congratulations Tooru. You found a perfect boy in the first week of class.” Jiro shared, with a little jealousy in her voice but wanting to tease the invisible girl.


“I was listening to the boys in the other room. He did not notice or did not care that you were technically costumeless for the exercise. He only cared for you.” Explaine Earjack explained, smiling to the other girls, who were all ready to tease. “And, since Izuku’s mom and stepdad would never stop teasing him about you, Katsuki had enough blackmail to force him to go to the mall tomorrow.”

“Wait. So… Is Katsuki trolling or helping Izuku?” Uraraka asked, a bit curious and wondering a lot about the angry boy who was often seen helping people in a roundabout way. “Because I get the whole embarrass your friend. But we all know and saw how Izuku was keeping notes on everyone, and especially Tooru.”

“He isn't!”

“Girl, I have seen him making theories on how you can see and why we can't see what you eat and how someone could practice surgery if necessary to save you. That is some level of dedication.”

While nobody could see her, everyone knew Tooru was blushing redder than an invisible tomato.

“And what does he do now?”

“Confirm he's way too nice, and it is his first date. Still, Tooru is going to have a good time from what I'm hearing and no, I'm not spoiling it.” Jiro answered, while doing a little sign to Mina who confirmed she would get the camera ready.

The two girls, Kaminari and Kirishima had become quick friends around their favorite activity: teasing the hell out of people, to hide the fact they were quite vulnerable to it themselves.

Then again, someone trying to tease Katsuki would be ballsy or Izuku.

“We will give around 10.000 yen tomorrow to Izuku, Atsuhiro.” Inko said, as she was picking up the groceries as if she was saying a fact such as “Sky is blue”.

“Oh?” Wondered our favorite vigilante.

“I have a delightful feeling”. Somehow, a mother always knew.

Izuku was waiting at the mall, just under the clock. He was actually wearing good clothes and not something dumb like a T-shirt with written on it “Pants”. No, Katsuki did not force him to take some of his clothes and make him do an entire show to make him wear the best clothes possible for his first date.

… Who Izuku was kidding? Of course he did. This, of course, meant auntie Mitsuki knew and that meant his mom knew too. Or at the very least, will know before the end of the day. Auntie Mitsuki was not someone you could trust with a secret. At least, he preferred that gentle teasing to the whole angriness he would get if he told her the truth.

Nonetheless, he was still wondering. Katsuki had promised someone would be here and he would know he had set up for him a date.

To be fair, Izuku had a good idea of a girl he wanted to invite on a date: A certain invisible girl… Not only because her quirk was interesting but also because she seemed nice and loved to talk about magic tricks and what made a true hero. Like the fact she wanted to become an underground hero to protect people while unseen. Sure, she would like more attention, but she had been a bit resigned to the idea no one would see her.

“Herm… You did not wait too much?”

The voice of a certain girl echoed to Jiro's ears while in the background, Katsuki did a pose that looked a lot like Gendo. All according to his plan to set up Izuku with a girl nice enough for him so he could tease him to the end of the world!

“Ah… Not at all!”

He was there one hour early to make sure he had the right places for the whole date.

Nonetheless, Tooru loved the fact that Izuku seemed purely stunned when seeing her. Well, at least her clothes. A nice skirt and a casual top went a long way to please the eyes.

Still, he had a way of somehow looking into her eyes, and it was nice. Especially as everyone would look first somewhere else.

“So… I heard you had planned for a few things?” Told Tooru.

“Yeah… I know an excellent crepe shop around there if you want to eat a bite. I thought we could too… You know… Try a bit of shopping? I also know a place where they sell some old underground heroes’ goodies. This doesn’t hurt them since they retired a long time ago.”

And just like that, she knew she was going to have a good time.

Meanwhile, Izuku had another thought. Was holding hands considered second or first base? Damn, that whole thing was confusing.

He had tried to ask Atsuhiro for help… Who laughed sadly for a few minutes. Then he explained to Izuku that he had only one woman in his life. It was Inko, and he had failed his first chance to date her years ago because he was too indecisive. So…

Don’t be like him. It had been the only advice Atsuhiro could give him. It was the only time Izuku regretted Hisashi was not alive since, apparently, he was a playboy before Inko.

So… Yes. Izuku hoped he could hold hands with Tooru today.

However, did he forget something today? He couldn't stop feeling like he had.

—In the den of the drake. ---

“Grdmfff… Izuku better have a good reason to miss our FABLED BATTLE!”

“Tomura. It is just the weekly tournament in your own bracket.” One of the few neckbeards dared, not that afraid of the blue-haired man who was grumpy… Before sighing.

“Well, I guess I better call him…”

Tomura was taking his phone out when suddenly…

“Hey, Tomura, do you know Izuku’s quirk?”

One of the biggest and smelliest guys in the store interrupted.

“I… don’t know his quirk. We have this unspoken rule between us..."

Tomura, who had tried to ask Izuku a lot about it, didn't know anything about it. All he knew was that Izuku got it late and suffered the quirkless discrimination before that.

“Because either he's lonely and has strong telekinesis power or he's on a date with an invisible girl. Or cross-dressing guy. Not judging if…”

Tomura inhaled before getting up and looking through the window. Izuku had a girlfriend?!

Soon after that, Izuku sat for a second, while Tooru was going to get some ice cream for the both of them, when suddenly he heard a raspy voice beside him.

“So… We are missing the tournament, Izuku?” A certain man child with a few skin problems, the natural predator for unsuspecting Izuku. Well them and the wild Bakugou.

Oh right. That was what he had forgotten, as Tomura pulled him under his arm.

“Tomura, I know I should have called but…”

“But what? You are blackmailed into a date at the very least moment with an invisible girl?” Said Tomura with sarcasm in his voice, before he saw the look in Izuku’s eye. The look showed he was way too done.

“Yes. In fact, if you have advice…”

“Izuku. Have you seen my face?” Tomura was conscious now about his look. “The only girls I have ever dated are in a video game, and I doubt they're an excellent source of advice. Try to hold hands with her at least.” Said in a big brotherly way Tomura when they heard the voice of a cute girl who was worried..

“Hem… Izuku? Is that one of your friends?” Truth to be told, anyone seeing Tomura with Izuku would have thought he was harassing them.

“Oh yes, Tooru, meet Tomura. He is a friend from a card game. Tomura, Tooru. A classmate that is… very nice and cute.”

In another universe, Izuku needed to switch pants. In this one, he was just red and wondering how it would go.

“Oh. I was wondering since I thought Bakugou seemed like your only friend. Don’t worry, Tomura. I don't judge on the face. I mean, imagine if I did.”

“... Cute and gutsy. I like her, Izuku. You should come to the shop. People are taking bets on either if your quirk is telekinesis or if she's real. You know, they have never met a real girl before. Except for their mom.”

Tomura was getting up… And Tooru seemed interested.

“Card shop, uh?” Tooru asked to Izuku’s ear, who was smiling at the joyful tone of the girl. And curious.

“I learned strategy with Tomura. He is actually smart.”

“Well, Tomura seems… Not too bad.”

“Don’t worry, he jokes about how he looks villainous himself. You can say it. He finds it funny. In fact, he's a villain fan. We have… Passionate debate.”

It was useless to say that to the local fauna of the game shop, even an invisible girl like Tooru was something absolutely mythical. As in “That should not exist and if it does, the legend about it will exist for years to come.”

So, while she was looking at the shop, Tomura was shooing every neckbeard back in the backroom to leave Izuku and his girl a little space. He remembered his lesson with Kurogiri about it. It was called the “Brocode”, written by someone called Barney. Kurogiri tolerated Tomura had almost no rules, but he had to follow them.

He was evil, not an asshole.

Still, Izuku looked at the shopkeeper and muttered. “Tomura will fit the bill. Tell him I call him my favor. I need a card.”

The shopkeeper, with his quirk allowing him to grab any card his clients could think of in the vicinity (hence why he was banned from all tournaments)... Yes, it was a quirk that sucked a bit but he liked it and had managed to live from it. Hey, nobody could say this quirk was dangerous at all.

It was perfect. Izuku took the card while nodding to the shopkeeper, while Tooru simply took a small figurine and brought it to the clerk. Izuku paid for it quickly. He wanted to surprise Tooru afterward, hence why he did not want her to know he just found a certain card.

Meanwhile, the shopkeeper was humming because he had found and given a premium collector card to Izuku. Hey, he had to live and Tomura was an endless pocket of money.

Soon after that, both of them were out. Buying stuff like keychains of Manbat, an underground hero who was now for being quite broody and using an iron bat to strike down criminals. He had a more famous sidekick, the Wing of the Night, who actually operated in the day. He was an angel quirked mutant who was known for his smile.

So, now they were retired, they actually thought of marketing their old adventure and lived from their action figures or other goodies. Tooru adored them and Izuku too.

“My little brother loves them. He has the quirk to project light from his eyes. Nothing like a laser eye, hu, but honestly, this is exceptional for animating a birthday,” She explained to him while eating the ice creams she was going to take before meeting Tomura. “As for my parents, one of them can produce light and my mother can bend things.”

“Wait. She has the strength to bend things or…”

“Nope, if she can grab it and it is under two hundred kilos, she can bend it as if it is a noodle. Very useful as a worker.”

“So… You inherited their quirk who mutated into a mutant one? That is incredible!”

“Aha… Thank you. I don't have to tell you how hard it has been for them. They used to make me wear a bell on a necklace when I was a baby.”

Mentally, Izuku was, of course, taking note, as Tooru, in the sound of her voice, seemed to remember the necklace fondly. He had to find one.

“And for you? Where did you find your passion for quirks or magic tricks?”

“Hmmm… I think I began to love quirks when I was young. Mom said someone taught me a bit of analysis, but I don't remember him very well. No, I truly loved them because… Well…”


“Extremely. I had mine for a year now, and I still can’t use it too much.”

“Ouch. Must not have been nice.”

Izuku sighed. Oh boy.

“Yes. But now? It is way better. I mean. My friends are with me. I have a good new dad and I had a wonderful day with you. I also know perfectly how to end it.” Izuku said, while pulling out his phone for a selfie.

“Is that a way to take my bra in the picture from above, Zuku~?” Tooru said playfully, who knew now that it probably did not even cross his mind. Still, hearing him cooing was adorable, just like the shade of red and green his face was. When Izuku asked her how she was seeing if light could just pass through, she explained her body bends the light. Slightly different, and she was learning.

“... I was thinking of a picture with the both of us.”

Izuku knew that she was staring at him, wondering if he was serious or not, but saw he was serious.

Deciding to humor him on this date, Tooru pressed herself a bit against him. Also, Izuku had been nothing but cute the whole date. Asking her question, taking her to a place she would like (she was not dumb and knew few places sold her favorite flavor. Where the hell did he find that info?), the Aquarium, and finally, making sure she had a good time, never losing her despite being invisible.

You could say whatever you wanted, but being in the spotlight for a day was nice. She was almost visible.

Then, Izuku did something. As he took the picture, a funny-looking lens appeared in front of the camera. A Zelda card apparently...

When Izuku showed the picture to Tooru, she promptly grabbed the phone before crying as the lens was already disappearing in ashes, as Izuku’s summons did when he was out of energy. Still, you could see on Izuku’s face it was worth it.

On the phone, the picture revealed two teens with two different shades of green for their hair. Izuku had way darker hair and the girl with him had greenish, very light green hair. She had a cute smile and was currently crying on the phone.

To be fair, it was the correct reaction if you saw your face for the first time.

“What… What did you do? How?!”

“I used a card that can reveal the invisible. I'm not limited to tarot, you know? I thought about using the Hermit, but Arcana always takes a lot, and…” He couldn't finish his explanation as he felt lips on his.

The kiss lasted for a few seconds and tasted like strawberry.

“Ok. That is it. I'm calling dibs. Now you're mine.” The invisible girl of the 1A announced seriously.

White knight saving? Check. Nice? Check. Actually, a nice body with nice abs? Check. Smart? Check. Not quirkist? EVEN MORE CHECK.

Sensible, and who thought of the most beautiful gift for her? Triple check. Izuku was a pearl, and she was not losing him.

Meanwhile, Izuku could understand why Atsuhiro liked a woman who had a bit of authority over him.

“Well, Tooru is calling dibs and has claimed Izuku as her boyfriend. From what I can hear… He somehow took a picture of her. We can all agree we all need it, right?”

“Earjack. I need it for my auntie. She's probably going to smother him.”

Katsuki was laughing, as he was with Denji, Mina, and Jiro. It seemed a lot like a double date now that he thought about it… Not like it was that, right?

“Damn. Smooth. And nice clothes.”

“Thanks.” Katsuki said, proud of a job well done.

“... You decided on his clothing?”

“My parents are designers, raccoon eyes. My mom hinted she helped a few heroines make them but never told names. I know a lot about clothes. Should have seen the first design of Izuku’s hero suit. He had rabbit EARS. Because he tried and failed to honor All-Might!” Katsuki said, while drinking a soda with his bunch of friends.

“Shame Todoroki failed to show. Guess the U.A. talked to him and his father.” Denki had thought of inviting him to make him socialize as it was made apparent Shouto lacked that. Katsuki had said nothing about it. It made him remember Izuku’s situation way too much.

“I trust All-Might to take the proper actions. He is f*cking All-Might. On a side and unrelated note, does anyone know where I can buy a new deck of cards? My last one had an acute case of combustion.”

“Endeavor?” Jirou teased.

“Endeavor, Jack Ear.” Katsuki groaned with displeasure in his voice.

“The shop with the green front. Izuku is a regular there.”

The exploding boy nodded simply. He would go there the next day. Today… Well… He had something else to do. Still, he had been happy to do his good action of the week.

“Wait. Does that mean Izuku has gotten his girlfriend before Katsuki?” Denki constated, to the horror of the two girls.


Chapter 11: Remember that some demons are fallen angels.


Enji Todoroki : the secret origin.


Quite like the chapter with Sharkman, one scene ate the whole chapter. And you know what? I freaking loved to write it.

Chapter Text

Chapter 11: Remember that every demon is a fallen angel.

—Two days after All Might’s Heroes Exercise—

Hell, it was freaking hell. Everything around them was burning down, the flame eating their surroundings as voraciously as possible.

Meanwhile, a teenage boy was trying to run.

Todoroki was trying to lose his pursuer. Who? A primal terror, inscribed into him. His father was following him, burning everything around him with just a touch while laughing. His father was laughing as he continued to torch everything around them to cinders.

“You can run, boy, but you can't run from who you are!”

“No! I will never be what you made me to be!”

“That isn't a choice you have, boy . The moment you were born with this quirk, I knew you would be the one.”

His father’s deep voice resonated around them, when suddenly, Todoroki’s brother emerged from the flame, the fires burning around them. His fire, as intense as ever, shoots out to try to hurt their father.

The flames got absorbed into him, amplifying the power of their genitor. The temperature was making the airburn around them.

Looking at his eldest son, the monster of flame barely gave him a look before grabbing his head and cremating him in front of Todoroki. Ashes were all around them. The teen knew his brother’s death was going to be long, as their father was anything but merciful. That and the fact he actually took some delight in killing his unsuccessful spawn. Adding their fire to his. They were not the first and not the last if Todoroki did not manage to reach his goal.

The boy ran away even faster than before, as the forest around them turned into death and charcoal. His brother ran to protect him from their father’s insanity. He couldn't waste it.

“See him? He was weak. Not hot enough to burn me. Not resistant enough to withstand me, even after all his training. But you… You have the potential for both!”

His father sounded happy. He never liked that because it meant someone or something was burning.

Soon, it would be him, if he did not progress fast enough.

“No one will save you from me. You are mine, now and forever! If only you could understand I'm doing that for your good, boy!”

Liar. He was lying. All he wanted was an heir for his madness, his dream. Todoroki refused to do that. To be that.

Still, he ran as fast as he could. Suddenly, he heard another attempt to stop their father. A woman, probably his mother. He had loved her and her kindness in their madhouse of darkness and ashes, even if all she was, was to be a slave to his father’s wishes.

Her scream was now ringing in the air, as the boy projected himself into the wall of fire. He was resistant to the fire of their father, to an extent. It was one of the only ways he could continue to run and not look back.

Then he felt the incandescent heat on his back and the hand of his dear father on him.

“Oh… My dear son. You have the potential to be such a great heir that I can't see what else you can be! Embrace your true nature!”


“Because you think the heroes want you to be one of them after today? They are probably speaking about culling our line as we speak! No, boy. You will follow and obey me, as you should have always.”

Todoroki braced himself, before his father once again put his mark on him, on his back. The fire fingers slowly penetrated his skin, and his father began to tattoo him with his fire.

“What kind of king would I be if I did not have a Prince?” Said the Ashen King to his son’s ear.

Behind them, the Harajuku temple and most of Tokyo were burning…

And Todoroki promised himself to never be his father. To be the greatest hero just to spite him.


Then Enji woke up in his bed, gasping for air. His bedsheets were burning… And the bottle of whisky he had drunk did not manage to be enough to let him sleep dreamlessly.

Absorbing the heat into him, Enji looked at himself in the mirror. He had bags under his eyes. He looked miserable and villainous.

Why… Or rather when did he become so close to being his father?

How did he fail his children so much?

“Finally waking up, boss?”

Oh right. He had been sleeping at his office for the past few days. Right now, Burnin was not smiling at him with her witty one. Instead, she looked at him with pity.

“You have been trying to kill yourself with these bottles since you came back from the U.A. What did the mouse say to make you want to try to do that?”

Enji looked at the window, wondering if running through it would be a viable alternative.

“I have to remind you that you asked for a reinforced glass to avoid an assassination attempt.”


Nonetheless, Burnin sat by her boss.

“Boss, you know what you have done for me. I know what you have done for me. You know I'm there to help you.”

Endeavor looked at the mirror and took another bottle. Burnin was going to say something but Endeavor managed to stop her with his depressed look.

“The man I respect the most in this world told me with proof that I was becoming someone my father would be proud of.”

“And that is a problem because?”

“Let me put it that way: If Purity, Beast and my father were in a room with a quirk suppressing cuff and I had two bullets…

I would shoot him twice and piss on the remains.

<i>I would get a f*ckin medal</i>”

Endeavor said seriously this, while pouring a drink for his sidekick. He trusted her. Maybe he could tell her.

“That… Is it a joke? Right?”

When Enji told her who his father was, Burnin was horrified and drunk with her boss. The other sidekicks took it as protocol #5 “If neither Endeavor nor Burnin is in a state to patrol, take their shift.”


The day before


Endeavor was not happy. Not only did he hear that his son lost in his first battle but adding to that, he was still not using the quirk Rei bestowed on him. Could he not see the potential he had? To not rely only on one quirk when some people did not even have one? When would people sell their souls to get even half close to Shouto’s power?

Adding to that, he was now missing his meeting with the assigned HSPC psychologist. Why? Because of the one person he respected more than anything in this goddamn world and who was still alive. That was the reason Endeavor stood, though a bit nostalgic in the front of the U.A. His… Old home.

Nostalgically, Endeavor passed his hand on the gate, before opening it. He inspired the air he was smelling before letting out some of his flame of contentment. Yes, truly. It felt like home. (A small voice inside of him was asking him why home did not feel like home. It was then squished).

Most of the academy was empty as they were on the weekend. Had it been anyone else, Endeavor would have told them to get lost because he had a job to do.

However, a son could never refuse something his dad asked of him.

When he stood in front of Nezu’s door, Endeavor allowed himself one of his biggest smiles, before opening the door, as passionate as ever.


“Sit down, <i>boy</i>.”

Something that was maybe a bear, maybe a mouse but most certainly the principal of the U.A. spoke coldly to the #2.

Nedzu had a look, Enji knew it, that means he was frankly pissed and that the someone who would get it would get his life ruined in the next few minutes.

When the steel door closed behind him, Enji knew. It was going to be him.

Many people forgot, but Nezu’s quirk did not give him only high intelligence. It also gave him a life expectancy higher than most animals and Endeavor suspected the stoat did something (or suffered, both were as probable) to extend even more his life.

When he called Endeavor “boy”, he had every right. However, he often refrained from doing it because he knew how traumatic it was for him.

Therefore, Endeavor found himself on the chair quicker than he thought he could, as the principal served both of them a cup of tea. Oh f*ck. It was chrysanthemum tea. Nezu was more pissed than the time when Enji stole his cheese.

“I have found proof of your educational style, Boy. Why did you become someone your father would approve of?”

Endeavor was trying to drink his tea when Nezu spoke these words. The cup went crashing down and Enji looked furiously at Nezu’s. His flames were roaring all around them and the mouse was not afraid.

“Nezu. You are the closest thing I have to a dad and that is the only reason you'ren't getting punched in the face.”

“If I'm a dad, then I clearly failed to make a good man of you. I wonder what Crimson Riot would say.”

Before Endeavor could indeed try to punch Nezu, his flames went down and a hand, firm and unbelievably strong, was put on his shoulder.

Oh, right. Situational awareness. Did they manage to hide All-Might behind the couch and Eraserhead on the ceiling?

Apparently, he did.

Enji was put down in his seat and the look Nezu gave him… It reminded him why he had been terrified of being called there all. Then, once the rage subsided, Endeavor looked at All-Might. No sign of a smile or of courtesy he had before. He was pissed off.

The man who was the most powerful in the world was pissed off at him.

While Endeavor wanted to be N°1, he also understood sharply and painfully the difference between him and All-Might. His psy actually helped him understand that and that the only way his dream could ever be achieved would be by his children.

Then Nezu took several pictures from a file. He showed them to Endeavor. All of them, he knew them. He had worked on them. The fire hero looked at them and said immediately.

“Abused children, yes? Aku, Sakura, Araki…”

A pinch of pain clenched in his heart. Children police ignored at first because they were villains’ kids.

So he took the matter in his hand and protected them. It was not well known, as it was not something the media was noteworthy but Nedzu, when he could detect such a case, would always send Endeavor.

Then, Nezu nodded and took another set of files, and Enji’s blood became colder than what Rei could freeze. The teen he was looking at had his body battered.

Scars of burning. Bruise. Clearly some old broken bones.

“... Is that a case I ignored?”

Oh god, did he fail a kid? Did he ignore one of Nedzu’s requests?! Did his secretary do that!?! Because of these burned marks… They were too familiar. Did… Did they fail to find another spawn of “Him”?

“It is Shouto.”

All-Might explained with his grave and booming voice behind him.

Enji’s world began to crack. Because he was smart. Those wounds. It couldn't have been from Touya… Or Rei. Anyone else in his household.

“It… It was…”

Nedzu activated the TV next to them. On it…

A clearly younger Endeavor, clearly shaken and with the smile of an abused kid who did not want anyone to worry about them.

“<i>Do not worry, mister bear. It was just training. I'm sure my father did not mean to hurt me!</i>”

Had Nezu pulled a gun and shot him in his heart, it would have hurt less than what Enji was seeing. In fact, he was trying to see if he could activate his flame to blast off his own head. Nope, Eraser was still working.

“How did you manage to save all of these kids but fail yours that much? I'm ashamed that one day you called me dad because that was certainly not the way I educated you.”

All-Might was a tad bit surprised by how much Nedzu had managed to destroy the man in front of him. He had known the N°2 for a good while now and he had respect (until now) for his mental fortitude.

“I mean. I even helped you find Rei because you wanted to avoid becoming your FATHER OR YOUR CHILDREN TO BECOME HIM, FOR HEAVEN’S SAKE”

The animal lost his temper and was spilling the tea nervously around them, when this time, it was both Aizawa and Yagi who looked at Nedzu.

Wait, what?

Nedzu was suddenly conscious of their stare and sighed.

“All of what I'm going to disclose will stay in these walls. But it is important to understand everything.”

The nine people listening nodded.

“Rei and Enji Todoroki were indeed a form of Quirk Marriage, through a lot of Omiai. It was also love at first sight for both of them.”

That was… New for most of them.

“To avoid making any child Enji had to have a fire quirk and a heat resistance above him. Because, otherwise, the risk the child would have reached the Singularity would have been above 90%”.

Nedzu explained, suddenly tired, even though he was prepared.

“I thought… The Singularity was a theory?”

“It is a secret not many people know about it. We hid it with nice words, but we have already seen two cases of people managing to awaken more than once and as a result of favorable awakenings… Become something that could only be described as Living Quirks. Functionally immortal”

“And the point with Endeavor being?”

Shouta asked, descending from the ceiling, while Endeavor was sobbing. Actually sobbing. What the hell was going on.

“... Endeavor is the son of one of them.”

For a moment, Shouta refused to see the connection. The Living Quirks. People who underwent freak accidents and evolved.

“So… He is french? That is a good reason for sobbing.”

Aizawa joked because the alternative was far, far worse. he seriously hoped that Nedzu would confirm this.

“No. My father… Is the other one.”

Endeavor who was breaking down emotionally in front of them, chose to explain the situation.

“My father is the Ashen King, burner of Tokyo and the Imperial Family. The genocider of China. The living cataclysm.”

Suddenly, for many people, it became clear why the hell, Endeavor of all people, hid his family tree.

The Ashen King. No one really knew his origins. However, if Endeavor was the strongest hero fire user, all specialists agreed to say he did not even reach half of the level of the Living Cataclysm.

However, he became in a decade a legend among supervillains. Even All For One, in all of his madness, had tried to take him down but not to steal his quirk, fearing it would still try to consume him down.

He failed to even approach the Living Fire.

The man appeared one day in Beijing. One hour later, nothing was left of the Forbidden City.

Then, the blue giant of fire turned his sick smile and stare to the rest of China. In a rare moment of clarity, mafia, supervillains, and heroes banded together to try and stop what was obviously a monster.

His whole body was actually made of fire.

No heating problem like Endeavor or what the few fire users in the world could meet. He was the fire and had embraced it. The more he burned down, the stronger he became. Wherever he went, only ashes were left. Hence his name.

He burned 75% of the whole country. What was left was because everyone united against him. So, The King walked into India and a few more countries. Nuclear fire had been used. Somehow, it made him disappear after a few months.

Then, Florida got burned to a tenth of its initial size by nuclear fire.

Then, he came to Japan. That is where he had been destroyed twenty years ago, by a joint task force of a young All-Might, Crimson Riot, Nedzu, and many other top 10 heroes from all around the globe… Including the other Living Quirk, though he was way weaker than their enemy, for he was… a living pile of trash.

Yes, one of the French top heroes was composed of junk and part found in a junkyard. You could laugh but the man was a hero at the core and was always putting his body in the line of the fight. Even some supervillains were recruited for the operations, such as the Amazonian Queen (though some called her more a Nature fighter. One of the strongest water users in the world). An actual ash user who joined for personal reasons.

What All-Might and many people did not know about the operation, was how Nedzu found the location of the Ashen King and his plans for that day, the Great Burning of Tokyo.

It had been because he had found a young kid in the street and shared cheese with the crying boy. He had consoled him and promised to protect him.

That kid had been Enji, one of the many spawns of the Ashen King. Well, many… As long as you show progress and potential, you lived. Otherwise, you were sacrificed to him. No one wanted to know how that worked for a man who was more energy than a human and no one truly wanted to understand.

The only one who actually knew was Dr. Garaki, since unbeknown to anyone, including All For One, he had been the doctor for the King. Why? Simply because that way he could collect more information about the Singularity and the fact HE WAS RIGHT.

All-Might remembered the fight. Even David had been baffled by the firepower of the villain, as he had almost killed All-Might when he began to use his power in a concentrated manner. However, it had not been All-Might who managed to bring down the monster.

It had been the Crimson Riot. To this day, the only explanation of what happened was that Crimson underwent because of the stress and the fact he was protecting the last member of the Japanese Imperial family (who had the rare power to actually strengthen their protector) a succession of awakening. However, he did not manage to become like the other two, his quirk evolving not to protect its user but to protect everyone else.

The man punched fire. As in somehow, he made the fire corporeal and he punched it a lot. David’s theory was he had obtained the power to harden immaterial things. Still. The former N°1 had managed to kill the fire user before saving the last kid of the Imperial family. He then died of exhaustion.

“But I don’t remember the part where Endeavor was here. In fact, no offense Endeavor, I'm surprised you did not get shot in the head.”

Shouta, who was used to conspiracy now, had no time for tact.

“None taken. When the higher-ups discovered my existence, Nedzu defended me. Saying he would make me a hero. Someone who would do anything to stop the second coming of my father. That is how the U.A. ward program actually began.”

“And they just followed Nedzu’s advice? Because I'm pretty sure you don't have, even now, that much political clout.”

All-Might was in disbelief. Though, had he been there, he would have tried to protect the kid. Yes, even if he knew what he had become now. Why? Because he was a hero. You don't save people because it is easy or simple. You don't condemn a kid for his father’s fault too.

“Of course not! In fact, they were already aiming at me when Crimson Riot asked for me to live.”

Endeavor said before crumbling. Nedzu continued, for everyone in the room.

“Crimson Riot patted his head and told him to be the best hero in the world. That he was proud to die if it was to protect even one more person. The Emperor, a child around the same age as Enji at that time, mind you, actually ordered the soldiers to stand down and listen to the hero.”

Enji nodded. He had devoted his entire life to these words. All of his f*ckin life to become a hero that would be the best in the world. Because of his father’s sin and because he cost the life of one of the greatest heroes that ever lived.

“And now, I'm not sure I was worth that sacrifice.”

Enji tried to continue before getting bitchslap by All-Might.

Which to be fair, surprised pretty much everyone in the room.


All-Might seemed both sad and angry before pulling up the man.

“Did you ever check the stats? I'm no slouch, I admit it. But I'm growing old. Even I don't resist the passage of time. But you're already surpassing me on so many things. And I don't even care about the ranking.”

This punched Endeavor in the gut.

“Enji. Kid. There is a reason why I often give you so many cases of child kidnapping. It is because I trust your brain and your investigation skill. Did you know that if people preferred if it is All-Might saving them, most parents would prefer to know you were on the case rather than All-Might?”

Endeavor cracked a bit more at those words. He… Has he already reached his dream? Then… Then…

“Then why have I done everything ?”

The meeting went for quite a bit after that. Mainly because Nedzu wanted to make sure of many things, such as asking if he took pleasure in beating his kids or if he had anything to do with Touya’s death personally.

Enji actually managed to gather enough rage to punch Aizawa in the face for thinking he could kill one of his children.

There was the issue of Rei’s commitment. This was actually one of the few good moves of Endeavor who explained he had been worried it would aggravate. Now, he had to live with the fact he was the cause for the one woman he would burn a forest for, to hate him.

Nonetheless, the Endeavor that went out of the building that evening was someone destroyed and who went out to his agency to get wasted and try to sleep a bit before getting back home to try to start fixing what could be fixed. Which he was pretty sure was not much left.

His punishment had been to open his eyes to what he had done… And honestly, it had been only that because Nedzu told him he would pactize with Necromancer if Endeavor even dared to think of doing the final measure.

Oh and losing parental rights of his kids, for very obvious reasons.

Now, Nedzu was sipping tea in front of the three Todoroki left in front of him with All Might and the detective Naomasa. Aizawa had been sent to make sure Enji did not try a funny business.

Nedzu had required the presence of the detective to be sure of what Enji had said before. Learning that one of your adoptive sons had become abusive despite coming from a similar home had been hard. Learning he did that without noticing it was even harder but gave hope he could change.

“The f*ck have we learned?!”

An angry and disturbed Natsuo said that. Seriously? Seriously, all they had to do was to ignore that one asshole from the HSPC they tried to talk to and just ask Nedzu, and their father would have crumbled like a little bitch?

Fuyumi was even more hurt as suddenly, everything made more sense, as to why their father never raised his hand against them (her and Natsuo). No training, no hurting. He was just ignoring them most of the time…

Well, except that time, when she thought about it, when she had cried about a teacher that had been excessively harsh toward her students once. That teacher had been way more considerate afterward and seemed scared quite a lot after. Maybe…

As for Natsuo, it was a rage that was icing his tea. His power had never been enough to be a hero or a vigilante. However, he was good at cooling liquid. Nonetheless, it had been the realization they could have been saved earlier.

Finally, Shouto. His father did not know he was there for everything that had been said. Now? Now he was having his world destroyed. His father was still an abusive asshole and the cause of his mother's breakdown.

However, apparently, while his father did engage in a quirk marriage, he had loved Rei and the meaning of the marriage was to avoid another living cataclysm. Nedzu confirmed there was an actual imperial edict about who Enji could marry. So, yes.

That explained why Endeavor did not simply marry someone with either a salamander mutant quirk or a fire-resistance quirk. Or someone with a dragon quirk like Ryukyu.

So, to say he had various feelings was… a euphemism.

“So. Let’s talk about your lodging. Natsuo, Fuyumi, I will provide for your lodging. Just tell me if you prefer a home together or separately. As for Shouto, I'm bringing him as a U.A. ward. He will be under my personal care. Question?”

“I just asked what the f*ck we learned.”

“That your father was an idiot and that sometimes, asking the right person for help was essential.”

“But we did ask for help! Like the HPSC!”

Natsuo protested, who was remembering his father spiraling from a loving father to… Now, during and after Touya’s death. The fact Touya apparently took Trigger before his death. Something that made Endeavor take a personal vendetta against any Trigger case after that.

“I said… Right. People.”

Let’s add that to his grievances against the HPSC. All three children (well, that’s how they were to him) were staring, surprised.

“The HPSC isn't full of them.”

Which was now raising more questions to Nedzu. He would have to ask Mr. Compress for a service or two. He would probably pay him by making sure his wedding was undisturbed.

Nedzu wondered when Atsuhiro would notice that his wife was a former vigilant-ish doctor. Hell, even Eraserhead had been terrified of her.

Still, it was going to be a long debrief for them too.

Finally, Nedzu was meeting the last person he had to meet today. The one who was going to determine how much he was going to destroy the country.

A man with a pharaonic mask. Technically a villain, as he was a known weapon dealer and thief around the world. The Architect himself, genius and probably someone who reached singularity but never abused it.

Nedzu had paid him in advance with the authentic Yata No Kagami, as the man was one with an intellect on par with Nedzu but more years of experience.

One of the few true immortals in the world.

“What did your machines register?”

Nedzu had to require his service in an emergency. Thankfully the man was highly competent and various machines in the room next to Nedzu’s office were set to monitor everyone's thoughts and memories.

“The person who tampered with him is an expert of the highest degree. Actual psychology, mental manipulation, gaslighting and carefully applied quirk to tamper with his emotion and his ability to judge what he was doing.

What you did to him today was incredibly harsh but necessary. Let’s just say I would recommend you to make sure he only meets people you trust for... Since he's especially stubborn, three weeks.

However, you did well. A bit more and he would have been highly susceptible to suggestion. In fact, he's already susceptible to them, to a degree. You can't ask him to ignore a murder… But you can convince him to let someone else do the investigation.”

The “man” in front of them, while a hologram detailing Enji’s brain appeared in his hands, explained the whole situation.

The Architect was… someone unique. He disliked appearing in person (the thing in front of Nedzu was nothing more than an incredibly advanced android) but he was honest to a fault when he was hired for a job. Nedzu was also sure this conversation would never get out or be used against him.

After all, the Architect’s own great great great granddaughter was studying at the U.A. She was also already making Power Loader crazy.

“So, you're telling me…”

“That it isn't provable except by my technology or if you managed to get Mindraper to check on him. Or the Heart Stealer, if that man was alive. In fact, the process was quite close to what I have seen on some of his victims. If given enough time, the “true” Endeavor should re-emerge.”

Technology that was not usable in court. Either it or Mindraper in fact. Both were criminals of the highest degree and Mindraper only worked with Misery, someone Nedzu found highly detestable. Not to mention both of them had disappeared a few years ago.

Now, Nedzu was going to war.

Chapter 12: The worst enemy is the media (and ourselves).


Debrief by the Midoriya and the Hagakure of the date. Izuku is still a cinnamon. Kurogiri get a chair thrown at him and Tomura is disturbed by people caring.


As you will see, my writing style evolved a bit. An author recommended me a few writing tools and it helped me, I think, to write everything and with a better pacing.

Anyways, all of you, enjoys !

Chapter Text

Izuku was enjoying his walk back home as much as possible when he came back from the mall. Using the card of the Lens of truth, Izuku took a picture of a visible Tooru. He hoped for something like hand-holding. Maybe a kiss on the cheek again. He was red only by thinking again of what had happened: Tooru kissing him on his lips. Now he had a picture of her. He could imagine her better doing that. Did she have her eyes closed too? Izuku could remember her hands on him when she grabbed him for the kiss, their moment together next to the fountain.

He imagined her greenish hair flowing and mixing a bit with his. Apparently, when a girl could not do her hair, she had them messy. Who could have known? Well, now, Izuku did.

However, he had been a bit surprised by what she had said next, claiming him as her boyfriend and saying dibs. He couldn't have been the subject of a discussion among girls… Right?

“Well, it is nice to have that memory of us.” said Izuku, looking at his phone before he felt a strange force taking the phone from him.
It was Inko who had activated her quirk full force.

“I KNOW EVERYTHING AND I NEED THE PICTURE!” cackled his mom, happy to know his son had his first girlfriend. Behind her was, of course, Atsuhiro, with a smile on his face. It appeared his advice had not been useless!

Izuku winced, knowing what was coming, and tried to tackle his parents.

“Noooo! It is mine! Mom, who told y…” Izuku realized the answer and, between his teeth, cursed a single name. “Katsuki, you will pay…” swore the green boy, as he heard his mom gush about how cute Tooru was. Though she was cute with her knowing smile, thinking Izuku was trying to make her like a normal girl and tried to make a simple picture of them.

“Oh my god, our Izuku is finally growing up.” said Atsuhiro with a fake tear. He swiped it off his eye.

“Izuku, when do you think you can present her to us?” asked Inko, overjoyed by the prospect.

“Mom, it has been less than a day since… since…” Izuku stopped when he remembered that, he did not confess and it was Tooru who did everything. Uh. Right. “It has not been a full day!”

“Still, it is my duty as your mom to know more about her. So, you will tell me or I will use my informant."

Izuku did a sound quite reminiscing about a sad dog while his step-dad excused himself for a moment.

Indeed, Atsuhiro’s phone had rung, and he had to take it. Especially as it was Nedzu who was calling.
As soon as he was in a room with no one who could eavesdrop on him.

“Mr. Compress, thief extraordinary, what can I do for you?”
“I need you to steal some top-secret files from the HPSC.”

Somehow, the tone in Nedzu’s voice told him it was more serious than he could think. Someone had angered the stoat big time if he was that sullen. No joke, no special presentation. The only time he had been like that was when Mr. Compress, as a joke, stole his tea.

“Who is the target this time?”
“I need everything the HPSC has on Endeavor. No matter how small it is.”

Atsuhiro sighed. He had learned that apparently, fire-quirked men were bad fathers. It was probably genetic.

“What is in for me?” Not that he would not do it. However, now, he had a family to take care of.
“Your marriage with Inko Midoriya will stay a secret for everyone. Thought All-Might guessed who you were but is ready to make as if he did not know about you and help you with your backstory. Something like you are one of his coaches who helps him stay on top despite his age. Of course, as you are a professional, you never talk about All-Might or anything.”

sh*t, the offer was good. Fantastic.

“I will begin as soon as I can. I have helpers who will help.”

“Good. They went too far this time.”

Nedzu talked little about what he suspected of the Commission. After all, they were by phone. It was better to leave things unsaid. This way, Atsuhiro would also explore venues Nedzu would not try.

Meanwhile, Tomura planned his attack in the U.A. He had to attack All-Might with the Noumu. It was his assignment by Sensei. However, since such an attack would bring the attention of the media, it also meant Izuku would learn about it. Therefore, he had to do his duty while not locking Izuku’s route.

It was relaxing for him to think about his plan and tactics while playing cards solo. The combo, the possibilities, the randomness he had to compose with.
Heroes. Villains. Sidekicks and minions. Events.

Tomura looked at the “Journalists” card which gives more points to the person who will win the next battle. What he had to compose with during this fight, knowing he would certainly lose.

Tomura then had a smile. All he needed to do was to do something before the fight. Such as deciding on the fight and the field. Well… How about using them? After all, the media were everyone's enemies.

“Kurogiri? I would need a lot of stupid reporters in the front of the U.A. Monday if possible. Can you do it, please?”

Kurogiri could have cried of joy, as Tomura had been polite, if his eyes were not somehow some kind of cloud that could pass through reality to teleport people across Japan as long as he had coordinates.

“Of course, young Tomura, with pleasure. Do you need anything else for your attack, maybe some cannon fodder?”

“Not yet, Kurogiri. I will plan my attack once I have discovered when the students have classes with him. I want to be sure when and where we will strike. However, I would like disposable minions for a starter. I do not want to lose people who have a good backstory and excellent power yet.”

The blue-haired man looked at the booster he got recently.

The house of madness, a criminal syndicate that worked as a family. Not powerful, but with a fan base for their crime who were often artistic and their contestations of the norm of the society.

Tomura thought they were just assholes who were refusing to admit what they were.

“Then how will you enter the school?”

“By the door.” Tomura had a strange smile as he knew something Kurogiri did not.

“And why you do not use the traitor we have among them?”

“That would be idiotic to use and probably delete an asset we had so much trouble to get. Unlike the Noumu, it will not be easy to replace. Am I right, Kurogiri?”

The cloud man nodded simply before he kept washing glasses automatically. Well, now, he had to prepare a few things to enter the school, didn't he?

Tuesday, as journalists were sleeping on Monday, Tomura was in front of the UA, in a third-year General Course uniform.

The blue-haired man dyed his hair black and wore lenses to change his eye color. No quirk was involved in his disguise as there was a high number of quirks who could detect and discover quirk-based illusion or cover.

The only people who could use them for villainy were very strong or to work together to complement their weaknesses. Not everyone could do that so you better learn how to apply make-up if you wanted to hide your identity. Either that or you did not care in the first place about it, such as Muscular did not give a flying f*ck about it.

However, Tomura cared about his civilian identity, hence his disguise. He even worked on a special suit should he ever do the villain in public, so no one would know his true identity.

The villain in training smiled when he saw the journalists, who were pressing themselves around them. All he had to do now was to enter the flow of students as they entered the school.

It was fairly simple, and the robots did not have the time to scan every student for their cards and ID. However, the robots were certainly going to scan them later, meaning Tomura was on a time-based mission.

Still, he had an advantage. The blue-haired man could not endanger the spy, but he could use his information to know beforehand the whole place and not lose time by wandering around the place and wondering where he was. He just had to go straight to his aim and ignore everything else. Such as this girl with blue hair who was wandering kind of aimlessly in the air before crashing into him.

As she was grumbling a bit, Nejire got up a bit and gave her hand to a Tomura who was not happy. He had little time to lose.

“Ooopsie, sorry. Herm… This is not the way to the classroom 3A, I guess.”

“… It is on a whole other floor and in a whole different corridor.”

Tomura had the map memorized. Hard to beat a FromSoftware game if you could not remember the map yourselves. The cute girl was smiling at him and he gave her his hand to get up. Wait, why did he think she was cute? She was most likely a hero. He was a villain. Tomura could not think like that.

He had to make her go away as soon as he could. He explained to her the path she had to take when he noticed something very quickly.

“You are an airhead, aren’t you?”

“Hehehehe. Yes, as you can see, I fly around a bit, yes.”

“Ksss. I don’t like people like you, a hero who doesn’t even know her right from wrong.”

“You meant left, right? You are funny, you know?”

“I didn't mean to be funny. I tried to say you are spineless!”

This was the moment Tomura noticed the girl was spinning on herself, smiling cluelessly.

“Oh, for Sensei’s sake.” They did not pay the boy enough for this sh*t. Yes, technically, he was not paid at all. “If I guide you to your classroom, will you leave me alone?”

“Hmmm? Sure, that would be nice!”

The girl was way too bubbly to Tomura’s taste. 2D girls were quiet and you could always silence the BGM if it was annoying to you. This one? Tomura had the feeling no one could turn her off. So, the best way to make the annoying NPC leave was to accomplish her side-quest.

“Come on, follow me. I will guide you to the right place. It should not take too much time.”

If Tomura could travel back in time, he would punch himself in the face. Not too much time, right? Well, he did not consider one thing.

He had to do a f*ckING ESCORT MISSION. Which, of course, meant the NPC was going sideways every time he thought it was going to be a straight line!

“Oh, did you see that bird?”

“Continue like that and I WILL FLIP YOU THE BIRD!”

“Oh, there, it is a dog!”


“Oh, there! It is a bear!”

“It is the goddamn principal!”

“Oh look, here, it is Prince Zuko!”

“I… Ok, I am giving you that one. He looks like Prince Zuko." Beat "Wait, you watched Avatar, the Last Airbender?! It is one of the oldest shows! It is… It is pre Dawn of Quirk old!”

“Of course! I am like an Airbender too, floating around and just appreciating life as it is! So when I learned there was a show like that, I had to watch it!”

She just scored some f*cking points for Tomura, who was this close to ditching her and going straight to the teacher’s room. Seemed like the one who designed the mission remembered that the NPC had to be endearing if they did not want the player to shoot them.

“At least, you have good taste in show, hero.”

“Oh, by the way, stranger, my name is Nejire Hado, not miss or you, you know?”

Tomura almost froze when the girl called him a stranger with a smile as she passed by him, humming. Did… Did she understand he was an intruder and was going to alert the authorities? Did he have to silence one of the few people he ever met to have watched his favorite show?

“Don’t worry, you are not the first hero fan who entered the school grounds. We often like to meet them, it helps the staff to make better security. You are nice too! So do not worry, you won’t have a problem. I will wait… Hmmm, until the end of my two next classes, so you can take a stroll, okay? By the way, nice dye!”

“Oh… Herm… Thanks. I am a…” Tomura shuddered at what he was going to do. He was going to pretend he was an Izuku. “A huge hero fan, you know. I do not have a quirk adapted for heroics, and I have to constantly monitor myself, you see? So, I wanted to see the school that helped others to become heroes and save guys like me! After all, they formed guys like All-Might or Endeavor!”

Tomura was trying to smile kindly, something Izuku had fun trying to teach him during some games. Apparently, the result made a few people faint but not Nejire who took the smile as a sad one. The smile of a person whose life broke piece by piece, especially if Tomura had to constantly monitor themselves.

“Is that why you wear artist gloves? I know they do wonders for five-point quirk.” You could say whatever you want about Nejire. She was smart, and she noticed the unimportant details. She noticed the pain about Tomura’s quirk.

“Yes. Mine is really destructive otherwise. It… I killed a dog by mistake once, trying to pet it.” If the enemy were pitying him, who was he to refuse to use this opportunity? Also… Why did he feel like a weight in his chest was being lifted?

His next question was one he did not expect to have.

Why did he have his head between boobs?

Indeed, Nejire grabbed him, hugging him tightly against him… Patting his head against her.

“Hey, you know, big guy… It is okay to cry sometimes, you know?”

They were really simple words. Tomura was used to them and their constant emptiness. People only cared about themselves. That was what Sensei taught him about how to manipulate people.

Then why the f*ck was he feeling warmth and kindness in her voice and gesture? Why did she make him remember *her*?

Tomura felt a valve slowly cranking open somewhere in his heart. For all his kindness, Izuku was just a little brother with his own share of problems. However, he prepared Tomura for this moment in a way. Because of him, Tomura was not as alone as before, making him more knowledgeable about emotions, and caring about someone else than himself.

He did not cry too much. Just a bit. He was a grown man, right? He could not appear weak in front of a girl, a younger girl.

“So… Sorry. I didn't mean to break like that. It's just… I learned about the gloves only a few months back then. I did not know how much I missed human contact, I guess?” Let’s not tell her she made him remember the sister he killed inadvertently with his quirk.
Nejire’s smile was super effective against Tomura’s darkness.

“Do not worry. I am just happy to make you happy. What’s your name?”

“I am To… Tenko. I am Tenko.” All-Might attack. You had to keep it in mind. If they asked her your name, you would be toast instantly. “I mean, my friends call me that.”Tomura began to intensively think of how he could have got All-Might planning.

“Oh, and… I think we are in front of my classroom, Tenko.” Oh, right. His side-quest had been to bring the NPC back to her spawn point. His reward was the hug, guessed Tomura.

“It was nothing, Nejire. Hmmm, you… You would not know how to spot All-Might by pure coincidence? I am sure he probably doesn’t like to be bothered for an autograph, but I am sure it would be nice to see him from closer, you know?”

“Hmm? That? That is fairly easy. You should know his fan club in the school has established his planning, and it is easily accessible, you know?” It did not bother Nejire, as Mirio was part of it and he often spoke about it.

Tomura suddenly felt dumb to not have checked the student groups on the internet for information: they were accurate. His exasperation fueled his facepalm with the strength of a thousand exploding suns, making Nejire laugh a little.

“Well, I have to go. However, if I were you, I would make my way to the exit. I am pretty sure the systems will soon spot you.”
This… Was not untrue.

“I… huh… I hope we will meet again, Nejire. It was a pleasure.” said Tomura with a little smile, fueled by a new emotion and awkwardness.

“Hey, you know this smile is not bad right now. I hope you will watch me for the next Festival!”

This is how Tomura’s big adventure in the U.A. ended.

When Tomura was back at the bar, Kurogiri quickly noticed something was wrong with his charge. He seemed a bit more at peace, exactly as if he had been to the card shop to meet his friend Izuku.

“Young Tomura? Everything is fine?”

“Yes, yes. Got All-Might planning. We are going to attack Friday, most likely. We should have the time to amass enough small fries for it.” Still, Tomura seemed to have something to ask, being suddenly awkward in front of his guardian.

“Young Tomura, I am here to help you, whatever is eating you.”

“Ok… How to ask that… There was this girl, and she hugged me, making me feel weird and somehow I did not want to hurt or destroy anything around me.”

Kurogiri suddenly stopped what he was doing, looking at his charge, who was indeed a bit red now that he looked at him closer.

“Well, I would recommend you to look at the correct walkthrough to get her road correctly…” Kurogiri dodged the chair thrown by Tomura.


“You… are not talking about a cute girl in a visual novel who tells you she loves you when she tumbled on you?” Tomura stumped Kurogiri. In his dead heart, which was moving only thanks to some unholy machinery and drugs, he felt pride. His boy was finally grown up! The zombie cloud broke out an old book and made Tomura sit in front of him.

“Then it is finally time, young Tomura, that I teach you something about the bird and the flowers…”

“Kurogiri. I am nineteen and you do not want to know my internet history. Hell, I found Sensei’s, and I wished I did not. How can he watch things when he doesn’t have…”

“Quirk that allows one to have a mental projection of any screen in his vicinity,” answered Kurogiri, who was putting back his book. “So. What is your problem, then?”

“Do you think I may need a therapist?”

Kurogiri's nervous laugh ended three hours later. Then, Oboro’s part in his mind, who cared for Tomura, stopped him from recommending him to any therapist, because he knew who was All for One’s therapist.

You did not want to go to them for very obvious reasons, such as them being an evil therapist.

Earlier that day.

Tooru clapped her hand when she entered the classroom, as Aizawa was not there yet, sleeping like an ugly caterpillar. He was actually messaging Emi while being tired of what was supposed to happen today.

“I HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT, so that way Katsuki won’t be able to blackmail Izuku. As of Saturday, Izuku is my boyfriend. Too late, girls!”

“… Wait, what?” “WOW MANLY” “Ribbit” “Why are the good ones always taken fast?” “f*ckin normies, die.”

The day began and Izuku was already hiding his face in his arms as his girlfriend patted his head kindly. Katsuki was fuming close to them, as he had planned to drop the bomb later that day.

“HEY INVISI BI…” The look in Izuku's eyes made Katsuki change his words. That and the card in his hand. He had it bad. “Invisi Girl. I was supposed to tease him about that!”

“Sorry, Bob-omb, but I have to protect him from you. Now, making him blush is my privilege!” She said with a burst of hearty laughter…

NowYouSeeMe has entered the chat.
NowYouSeeMe: Before anyone asks me anything, evidence that Izuku is perfect.
NowYouSeeMe partaged BestPicture.png
Gravity:… Who is the girl who is smiling with green beans?
RichGirl: I have to admit she is present nicely, but doesn’t she wear the clothes you were panicking about on Friday evening?
Earjack: So that’s why you claimed him…
NowYouSeeMe: Wait. You were there? I mean, I heard Katsuki.
Earjack: Pinky, Kirishima and I accompanied him on his duty to spy on you.
Froppy: ribbit.
Pinky: Almost felt like a double date.
NowYouSeeMe: I even learned he had other friends aside from Katsuki.
NowYouSeeMe: Just they look f*ckin villainous.
EarJack: He is friends with Katsuki. Maybe he has a second quirk that brings villains to him?
NowYouSeeMee: …
Gravity: …
RichGirl: …
Froppy: Ribbit. Nah just kidding. Happy for you Tooru!
NowYouSeeMe: Quick question though about the double date. Jiro/Katsuki and Mina/Shima or the boys and the girls together? Or Mina/Tsuki and Jiro/Shima?
Pinky: Oh girl, don’t even try to…
EarJack: I am more interested in what your parent thought.

“So, Tooru… How was your day at the mall? Was your new friend nice? Do I need to prepare a place at work to hide a corpse after I bent him?”

If some people had an overprotective dad, Tooru had an overprotective mom, especially as her quirk allowed her to bend anything she could grip. As for her father, he was helping his son do his homework though he was listening to the debrief of Tooru’s date.

“Mom, Dad. I have a boyfriend. His name is Izuku, and he is extremely kind. On a side but related note, I have a picture to show everyone here!”

Tooru quickly showed her phone to her mom, happy to show the picture that made her so happy.

“Well… At least he has a delightful shade of red and green… Also, he is not bad at all! Quite cute indeed, you got yourselves a good one, girl.”

The photo was a selfie Tooru tried to take soon after the “good picture” as Izuku was still red from her kiss. To be fair, now she was thinking about it… Had she appeared in this picture too, she would have been as red as him.

“It is the wrong pic, mom, please. The red boy is… Well, certainly really fun to see, but seriously, you will see why he is an absolute perfect boy.”

Her mom wondered what he could have done for Tooru to be this excited as she could hear it in her voice. She was overjoyed, and it was rather simple to hear it in her tone.

When her mom realized who the girl in the picture was, she almost made the phone fall. The girl in it was almost the perfect image of her husband’s sister, but with her pale green hair. She had intense eyebrows and big emerald eyes.

She was her daughter and she could see her daughter for the first time. Sure, sometimes with the right spectrum from her brother, they could see Tooru, at least the shape of her.

However, this was the first time she could see her daughter’s true eyes, see how she was smiling for real. It was as beautiful as she hoped and she could now picture even better than before her daughter beaming.

“Under the right circ*mstance, he can nullify my quirk for a slight moment. That is how he surprised me with this selfie.”

The Hagakure decided that day, Izuku was going to be elected the sweetest cinnamon, and they decided to find a way to thank him for the picture.

Meanwhile, on the boy side, aside from Izuku, everyone noticed Todoroki, who was wearing a pin based on Nedzu.

“Midoriya?” asked the heterochromatic boy with his usual icy demeanor. However, people noticed it was the first time he went to someone to speak with him. “I would need advice if it is okay with you.”

“I listen, however, I do not think I will be able to help you unless you seek heroes’ goodies.” Izuku just wanted to warn him, not knowing what Todoroki would ask.

“Actually, it is exactly what I wanted to ask. Do you know how to make a bedroom themed around Nedzu and All-Might?”

Katsuki paled when he heard Todoroki say that, as he did not have enough cuff to stop Izuku today.
Another All-Might fanboy was born and educated in the way.


“Actually, it was more Nedzu, but yes, All-Might did the right thing.”

“Want some Nedzu goodies? I have some of his posters from his earlier in stock at home.”
Todoroki nodded, before being grabbed by Kaminari and Kirishima.

“So what happened? If it is not indiscreet.”

“I cannot go into how it happened, but my father went from happy to angry to crying on the floor.” Todoroki was inspired, as everyone thought there had been an epic fight against who should have destroyed the school. “Nedzu did that simply by talking, making my father realize he sucked, and decided to go see a therapist. They are Shinsoo’s parents.”

“Oh f*ck, that is why they seemed chirped than usual. Money.”

“Yes, apparently, his family often has voice and emotion-based quirk. His dad can make people explain what they feel by singing Kumbaya.”

Todoroki seemed happy to see his theory proven right, while Katsuki was laughing a bit at Hitoshi’s dismay.

“Do you have other crazy theories? I may need them as a probable source of blackmail.”

“I think Izuku is the secret love child of Mr. Compress” Izuku almost sweated when Todoroki said that, before Katsuki sighed.

“No, I knew his sh*tstain of a father and I was not far when he died. Tragic accident before he took his plane to run away in the USA because his son was quirkless.”

Everyone looked at Izuku, who was sighing before getting an invisible hug. It is always a good thing, you might say...

“When I said I knew what it means to have a terrible father with a fire quirk, I was not kidding. Hisashi could breathe flame.”

“Wait, an accident with a plane? I remember one time when my parents almost got into a problem because one of their fan stampedes ran over a man who just fell over a railing.” Jiro remembered suddenly that tidbit, even though it was probably a coincidence.

“Worst-case scenario, it has been over ten years. Prescription is due,” said Katsuki, with assurance. People narrowed their eyes, including Izuku at that peticular tidbits of knowledge…

Koda signed quickly to ask if it had a link with the time he brought back his rabbit from Ireland eleven years ago and the rabbit had high kicked a man he did not like.

“… Everyone, stop. If you have something about my father’s death, I will thank you.”

Todoroki nodded, even though he was still thinking about what he learned about his father, but it was not time yet to speak about it.

“Still. I live now in the U.A. and Nedzu decided he is my grandfather. I have also an appointment with Hound Dog, so I will avoid my father for the time being. Father who accepted everything. Seriously, I was there and I am still not sure how Nedzu did it.”

The students took note: If needed, the staff would help the students, even against the N°2.

“Silence, kids.” It was a wild Aizawa with a smile on his face.

“Now, we have a new trial for you kids. You have to… choose a class president.”

“Not it,” said immediately Izuku, before anyone could react. “I would hate the job. Also, I would have less time for other stuff.”

Tokoyami nodded. “Indeed. Between the sessions of DnD, Tooru, and the rest, it would be a mad banquet of madness.”

“By the way, Tokoyami, can I join the table, to test it?” asked Tooru, who was a bit curious about it since before Izuku and Tokoyami seemingly had an interesting campaign.

“Kids… Focus.” Tried Aizawa, before sleeping in his bag, proud of Midoriya. Always dodge the job with the most things to do, kid. Always.

Soon afterward, the result came to the surprise of absolutely no one since Izuku asked to not be a choice: Momo was first and she took Iida as her vice-president.

A day quite ordinary if you forgot the intrusion of the media.
Oh, well. Not like it was linked to a sinister plot.

Chapter 13: The Cursed and Dreaded Chapter of the USJ Attack


Tomura kicks ass, something is weird about All-Might and Nedzu's little brother appears.


A little announcement : No chapter at the end of the week this time. Why?
Simply because I am rewriting the story's first chapters.
Indeed, until chapter 8, I did not have any beta-readers and then I got some really good advices from others writers. It may explains to some why the formatting is so different and the grammar better.

On a total another side note, thanks Mirrond's for letting me use ISP (thought it is for now the Smash) and gave me advice for grammar.

Here is a link to his fics : https://archiveofourown.org/series/2699395

I also want to thanks Aliandris, who helped too for pretty much the same reasons and being one of my beta.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/35988193 to see one of my favorite fics of his.

Finally, I want to thanks WingDingGaster for being the beta for the whole rewrite.

Thanks to all of you !

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 13 : The Cursed and Dreaded Chapter of the USJ Attack

“So, I was thinking Tooru,” Jirou said, while the girls changed themselves for the next class. Finally, another heroics class. “How do you see invisible clothing?”

While the support company didn’t finish her suit yet, they outdid themselves to protect her modesty. They made a pair of shorts and a small crop top for her. However, things like pouches and places to store knives would have to wait.
She had some knuckles braces, gifted to her by Izuku. If she had to punch something, it would be better that way.

“Lot of practice. As for my suit, I use a small marker. I know what to spot, but others don't. That's why Izuku's picture of me is... Let's say it was a beautiful gift.”

Tooru was way more pragmatic than her boyfriend on this, though she did like his rambling and how Izuku loved quirks. It was always funny to tease him by asking Izuku if he knew what was hugging him. The blushing was nice to see, though she would defuse the situation by fluffing his hair.

“On a side note, Izuku’s hair. Is it that soft? Because we often see you ruffling it.” Well, something is going through his hair.

“You have no idea. His mom makes killer shampoo. I asked for some, and apparently, she was thrilled at the idea. I am pretty sure she already wants to meet me… And I am worried: what if I don’t look good enough for him?!”

“If what I heard from Katsuki is correct, you don’t have to worry on that side. The worst would be her trying to plan your wedding.” Mina had a small discussion with the exploding man on that subject and Inko seemed like a fun mom to be fair.

“I hope you are right. Izuku planned for us to go on a date near Dagobah Beach. Some people cleaned it, and it was there his new father asked for his mom’s hand.”

All of the girls could picture the romantic scene perfectly.

“And how did you talk about Izuku’s mom and new dad, ribbit?”

“I asked him if Izuku’s father had been sent to Aldera General Hospital when he had his accident. Because I remember my quirk activating for the first time while we were there. I had a lot of fun sliding on acid when I bumped into a guy who seemed like he was having a rough day and who had the same mushy hair as Izuku, sending him flying down some stairs. Twice.”

Everyone stared at Mina, who felt her cheeks turning red.

“I was FOUR. It was an accident, honest! And it is not related, right?”

“… It is probably as not related as Katsuki knowing the prescription period. Ribbit.”

While the girls suited up, the boys were also talking.

“So, nerd, what cards did you bring this time?”

“This time? Because he has more than his tarot deck?”

“He began a freaking collection. He has as many cards as All-Might goodies.”

“Hey, you know that isn’t true, Kacchan!”

“… You are right. You have enough All-Might goodies to turn your bedroom into a museum for All-Might’s glory. I am also certain you reactivated the hologram to have it in your room by asking that crazy girl in support.”

“Mei is not that bad, you know. Just a bit eccentric and crazy, but she has a lot of ideas and her stuff is top-notch.”

Kaminari couldn’t stop the next comment from coming out of his mouth with a playful little smile.

“I admit her stuff is… Top-notch. Does Tooru know you check other girls’ goods~?”

“Kaminari, I have a Katsuki who owes me something. Don’t make me use him.”

The blond man thought it was a joke at first until he saw Katsuki, who had his make-up on and the biggest smile on his face, looking like he was ready to leap.

“… You have some very interesting arguments there, Izuku. You have to admit she is a tiny bit explosive.”

“Maybe she is related to Katsuki? I mean, crazy, no common-sense, explosive…” Kirishima was one of the few bold enough to banter with him. Being explosion-proof was also a big factor in his confidence that Katsuki wouldn’t hurt him.

The kids had fun and had forgotten about Aizawa’s first lesson.
It was easy to forget that being a hero was not always sunshine and smiles. Assistant instructor Tomura was going to do a reminder about real-life heroics.

Aizawa was tired, as usual. Since he was a teacher at the U.A., he had way less time for sleeping if he wanted to assist the police in local cases. Not to mention because of Todoroki’s case, he had to do a whole background check on all of the students in his classroom. Thankfully, except for a bit of bullying in Izuku’s past and his father, who wasn’t a nice person, the class was clear of problems.

You didn’t reach his age and have generally good health (except for not sleeping enough) if you don’t learn to trust your gut instincts.

The children were playing in the background, as most teenagers do. It made him remember the old times, with Mic, Oboro, and Midnight. That made him sigh heavily. Most people didn’t know, but hero therapists were a thing. It was a highly confidential profession and most of them worked for the HPSC, sadly. It often meant they yeeted through the window any patient confidentiality once you learned more about their business. That is why his therapist was Hound Dog, so he knew who knew about his activities, which meant Nedzu.

Aizawa was still on alert, as his guts told him something would happen. Though, to be fair, while he did not agree with All-Might's method of teaching and he would have words with the former mentor of the #1 hero since he was emulating him but, well, Aizawa was reassured to know All-Might would be there. The man, though aging and with a time limit, was still someone reliable.

He changed his mind when Thirteen welcomed them. Alone, without the giant blond oaf who was supposed to be waiting for them to arrive. What the hell was he doing instead of being here?!

“TEXAS SMASH!” Yelled All-Might, punching the ground in a very controlled way, making the ground shake enough to destabilize the villain just before drop-kicking him. He promptly threw the villain at the police officers before jumping away, knowing he was going to have a problem with Nedzu for being late.

“All-Might excused himself. He will join us later.”

Thirteen was a nice person but seriously, it was annoying to have to take up his place for this course. Especially as All-Might was indeed good at rescues. Aizawa was not a slouch either, but his knowledge was mainly first-aid and correctly redirecting people to the real helpers. All-Might knew about how you should lift, destroy or maintain a structure to allow evacuation, for example. Knowledge Aizawa did not have on the same level due to the difference in experience.
Aizawa knew the old man had to get his priorities straight if he wanted to form the Pillars of peace.

It was now time to form groups.

“Well, we will do without him for the…”

And at that moment, the lights went out except for the natural light around them.


Tomura had a complete suit and a mask that had his father’s hand magnetized to it. Now that he thought about it, just having it on his face was asking for it to fall. Seriously, why didn’t he think of that earlier?
Annoyed, Tomura stepped out of the black cloud while having a blue and black suit, to honor Sensei as a classy villain. He was not here to fight personally today, after all.

“Pay attention, children. Today, you have a special course! Let’s see if you can save yourselves!”

He rehearsed it with Kurogiri during the week. Just as he finished his sentences, villains poured out from the cloud. Most of them were petty thugs who knew how this would end. They would most likely lose but those who got out would get a good chunk of money and better jobs from Giran. To them, it was a giant job interview, and they intended to rock it.

“We are here to teach something to All-Might, but he is not here. Instead, we will teach you a bit about the real world.”

Tomura was grandiloquent, but he had every right to do that: It was his premiere and he had to leave an impression.
To their credit, the teachers reacted quickly to his threats and when the villains attacked, Eraserhead quickly taught some mutants what the difference was between a hero who was used to fighting and a petty thug harassing citizens. Thirteen, not suited for battle, made the students retreat in a calm and orderly fashion.

“Not bad. At least there might be hope for the next generation if you have teachers like that. However… I said it was a lesson, and students should do their practical test.


An angry blond man threw himself at Tomura who looked at him for an instant… Just before Kurogiri’s fog covered him and threw him into one of the special zones. Another red-haired man threw himself at Tomura, before also disappearing.

“Yes, the first part of the lesson. f*cking SPATIAL AWARENESS. I am a villain with a suit who infiltrated one of your buildings. I am above your level. That is why I prepared villains for your teachers and some for you.”

“And what about All-Might? Since he was supposed to be here, you know?” Taunted Kaminari, with bravado.

“Noumu.” As he spoke, a giant black thing emerged from the fog behind him, muscle bulging.

“Noumu, protect me. If anyone tries to attack me, you smash. Oh, by the way, Thirteen, is that right? You should prepare to block the villains on the right.”

The casual tone of Tomura was off-setting while Thirteen, with her quirk, wasn’t suited to block people. Not to mention she didn’t like killing if possible. So when various thugs with emitter-type quirks threw objects at the student, she tried to protect them. In hindsight, she should have seen it was likely a ploy to distract her from the true peril.


The real threat was the black cloud that surrounded the students from all sides, engulfing them.

She diverged a part of her attention to absorb as much of the cloud as possible with her quirk, but it was hard. First, they limited her hands by attacking one side. The second thing was the fact the cloud attacked the student, engulfing them, which limited how much she could safely suck up with her quirk, which is why most of the students got warped somewhere else.


This was the cue for most of the villains to attack Eraserhead or Thirteen. Students had the choice between being there and being attacked or getting taken away and having villains who were waiting for them and ready to attack.
Tomura had explicitly forbidden murder, to most of the thugs’ comfort. Killing heroes and cops while working is a risk and something you would try to avoid. Killing Children on purpose? That was the best way to ask to get shot in the head “by mistake”. Not to mention only crazy assholes from the Creature Rejection Clan or the S.M.A.S.H. would do something like that, and you did not want to be associated with them. Between those wanting to burn Mutants and those sometimes eating people…

“If I can make it better for you, I don’t plan on killing anyone today, except by mistake or All-Might. See, I am here today to prove the qualities of professional heroes. Being a hero shouldn’t be a line of work, but a passion.”

Tomura had been a bit influenced by what Izuku thought and how much they debated about it. After a year, even Tomura had time to think about what he thought and about cases like his or Izuku’s. People should not fight for the Good because we paid them, but because they truly believed in it.
However, Tomura paid little attention to the students who were warped, as he had an Eraserhead who was fighting near him. Yes, Noumu was protecting him, but the self-dubbed “Assistant teacher” had to be careful with his actions. It would be dumb to get caught now.

This may be why he missed the whole “Zuku” earlier.

“So we got a magician to fight? Arf, I almost feel bad. Hey kid, how about you stand still so we can break your arms and legs! You will miss school for a year. It’s cool, no?”

Izuku was in a perilous situation. He was alone and thanks to the warping quirk on the enemy’s side, five villains were waiting for him: A big gorilla, a guy with a scythe for hands, a girl without limbs but with floating hands and a floating torso. Uh. Interesting. A man who looked a bit like a bull accompanied her. The last villain was a villain who had a baseball bat. When he tapped the ground, it produced a small purple shock wave.

“How about I balance the fight?” Said the young magician.

Izuku smiled as some cards appeared in his hand, making the villains ready themselves because of the playful tone in his voice… When a piece of loud music and a voice filled the room as he threw his first card and a face of the old-time attacked with a Lariat the Gorilla man to the surprise of everyone.


It even had the air horn sound effect, noted Izuku. It surprised him as well, as he had a few humanoids cards ready to complement his tarot cards such as old WWE.

Scythe-man began his attack on Izuku, who entered inside the range of attack of the villain as most people forgot that bladed weapons had an effective range and someone inside of it had less to worry about. It was especially true with a cool-looking bladed weapon like a scythe. However, Izuku had no such limitation on how he could break a kneecap or dislocate shoulders.

“Knock knock.” said another voice behind Bat-boy, who turned around.

“Who is there?” A fist hit him in his chin. A fist which had the strength of a girl who worked out and was wearing knuckle braces. She quickly upgraded with a baseball and angrily attacked the other villains.


Suddenly, Izuku could somehow understand why Atsuhiro loved a terrifying but caring woman, while John Cena suplexed a gorilla in the background. Because when you have a girlfriend who could knock out villains with you, you had it all. Now, more than ever, he wanted to be her partner to protect everyone.

“Tooru, please, just break bones that are easy to heal.”

“Yes, I know, but nobody hurts you in my presence.”

Villains were hurting, but even they found it strange when they saw the magician take off his mask for a minute to kiss the air. Even now, as they got their ass kicked earlier, they found it weird and Izuku noticed their stares, as he put the mask back on his face.

“My girlfriend has an Invisibility quirk.”

“Oh, nice, happy for you.” “Daw, that’s cute. Plan on making a duo?” “God, I thought you just had a powerful telekinesis, and you were weird.” “Wait, does that mean she is…”

“DNA suit. Get your mind out of the gutter or the wrestler breaks the other leg.”

Even the other villains threw daggers with their eyes at the villain who dared to say this and approved of Izuku’s threat.

“Still, I think we should try to get back to the others.”

Tooru nodded, though no one could see her and that is how people saw a man and a floating bat running toward the main plaza of the ruined city biome.

“Uh. Water biome.”

Todoroki was as cold as usual about his situation as he appeared above the water and promptly made a platform of ice, so as to not fall into it. The villains present in the water thought about their chances to take on a student who could freeze the whole lake.

“We avoid him, right?”


“We aren’t suicidal.”


“Dude, was that you?”

The poor villains looked at each other before looking below them and saw tentacles swirling around them, trying to attack them.

If that was bad enough, suddenly, they were being hit in the face with the fins of the fish. One fiend had the idea of tempting fates by asking out loud …

“Oh f*ck me, what is going to happen then? A predator?”


Frogs are predators. Human-sized frogs are even more terrifying and as predatory as the smaller version.

“WHERE DID THEY EVEN FIND A KRAKEN?!” Asked a villain, before he got attacked by a rabid frog who was hunting them in the water.

Above the surface, Koda was on a boat, smiling quietly as he continued to speak to his new friends.

50 years ago, in a certain lab owned by a certain Dr. Garaki.

“Alert code red. Alert code red. A specimen has broken out. A specimen has broken OH GOD HE IS dlsfkdflsjkj”

The guard in the control room died, as something that was maybe a bear, maybe a mouse, or a stoat, but not yet the U.A. Principal ripped his throat with a mad grin.

He had with him a small jar with a cute little squid in it.

“Don’t worry, little brother, we are almost out.”

On the jar was written, “Squid with an unlimited growth quirk.”

Back in the present, Nedzu wondered how Krazoku was doing, as the now giant squid was adorable and living rent-free within the vast pipes of UA, which were even connected to the ocean. They liked to see their brother once in a while.

As Nedzu always said, PLUS ULTRA.

“Now, Eraserhead, I hope you are worried for your students, as you cannot help them! Alone and surrounded by villains!”

Tomura was cackling a bit as he was not aware of what was going on in the other parts of the USJ.

“Honestly, I am more worried about the villains. I am sure Thirteen has gotten out and help is already coming!”

“I have my doubts. My right hand is there.”

Tomura was quiet as he seemed to wait for something. Something that came soon enough.


With the help of the students, Thirteen had been able to take down the various emitters on the field. However, the last survivor was excellent at fighting, she had to admit. The fog man was playing around them, but he did not seem too threatening either. The masked man was most likely telling the truth when he said that he wasn’t aiming to kill them. However, they were villains, and they were at the very least trying to hurt the students.

Therefore, it was hard, but she used her quirk to immobilize Kurogiri. Too late, she noticed her enemie’s strategy, her destruction turned back on her suit when…

The door opened. They felt a breeze all around the students and Thirteen, as her suit was destroyed progressively by her own quirk but not yet her skin… Now? The rescue hero was safe in big, heavy, and powerful arms.


Kurogiri noticed All-Might and disappeared to rejoin his charge, as All-Might sped to the main plaza to support Aizawa. The tired underground hero did not smile when that happened, because All-Might had been there earlier, they would have handled the situation already. With a quick sign, he asked how much time All-Might had left.

The big blond oaf made the sign for half an hour. More than enough for the situation…

“NOUMU. Attack All-Might. All the others continue to attack Eraserhead. He is down to ten seconds per usage of his quirk.”

Finally, the big black muscle moved, as Shigaraki was waiting. His aim? Hurting Eraserhead, since Izuku used him to beat him at the shop semi-regularly.But also to test All-Might’s current limit. Sensei told him he had weakened him, so it was true, however, he did not know how much power All-Might had lost.

So, Tomura was testing All-Might, his limits, and the true strength of Noumu, as his Sensei told him more were being created. Therefore, it meant he would need them, proving to Tomura that he was not supposed to win. Seriously, he wondered if he had been that dumb before.

Because the old oaf was fighting pretty much as an equal against the Noumu. After all, the big guy was relying on what instinct they left in him and All-Might knew how to fight after all. Tomura noted they were roughly equal as the regeneration allowed the Noumu to follow the rhythm. However, calling Nomu alone an All-Might killer was a stretch. Tomura began to stretch.

If All-Might had trouble with simply Noumu and if Aizawa was too occupied to focus on him, who was he to waste such an opportunity?

However, Tomura was suddenly hit in the back of the head, to everyone's surprise… By a now disappearing John Cena.

Izuku, in his full masked magician suit, was staring at an angry Tomura. Ok, he had been nice with the students until then, but this one was going to get his ass kicked.


A little earlier, prior to this scene.

Izuku was running with his girlfriend, taking down villains as they went. Apparently, according to the explosions they could feel from their position, Kirishima and Katsuki had a few villains to fight, and it was difficult for them, because they were in the icy zone. Katsuki would have a harder time sweating and they needed Kirishima to take down the most powerful physical villains.

Since the door violently opened, Izuku deduced All-Might probably arrived and was kicking asses. However, something was strange. The villains knew they were here, as they brought low level thugs students could defeat. Aizawa could have set up the whole thing, but the magician had his doubts about this option, when he saw how panicked their teachers looked when the attack began.

So, they knew All-Might was supposed to be there. They were also certainly planning to make the students go somewhere else despite his presence. It was most likely this Noumu thing that was protecting Suit-man, but he could not certain.

When he explained his reasoning to Tooru, he was happy to see her finish his thoughts. Nice. Apparently she was thinking the same, and both agreed they needed to speed up, if only to throw a spanner in the works of the enemies.

When they arrived at the plaza, they could easily see All-Might was exchanging blows with Noumu, who was taking the hits without problems but who also had trouble landing blows on All-Might. They were evenly matched, and it was also clear that Aizawa was going to be exhausted soon.

His movements were more and more sluggish and if he did not receive help quickly, the villains would overwhelm him.

Tooru prepared her knuckles and looked at her Izuku.

“I am going to help Aizawa-sensei. Quick and silent takedown are my specialities. You think you can get the villain’s attention?”

Izuku gave her, behind his mask, his greatest smile. It was show time.

“I have everything ready!”

“For this reference, I am going to kick your ass, f*cking Joker. Who are you?” Before a flying bat almost hit Tomura but got intercepted by Kurogiri.

Izuku could almost hear Tooru laughing when he did his presentation. She probably launched the bat, so it would be harder to notice her.

“… I was going to use All-Smile but I think Joker might be a better name! Thank you.”

Something in the tone of his voice was both frustrating and familiar.

“How about you come closer, so I can beat the sh*t out of you?”

“I was thinking of running away instead of approaching you.”

Tomura was going to say something… Before he narrowed his eyes, looking at Joker in front of you.

“Is that…”

“It’s a reverse JOJO REFERENCE!” said the Magician, doing the Dio pose. Yes, that one.

“I am going to punch you. I don’t know if I will stop. Fog, the bat please.”

“Not your quirk, Boss?”

“I don’t want to kill him. I want to beat the hell out of him.”

He was evil, not a monster. Wait. No. He was both, he just didn’t want to be acknowledged as a murderer yet.

The fog gave him the bat with a smile before approaching Joker, who was sweating bullets…

Izuku was happy to have his eyes focused on the Boss, since he was apparently extremely fast. Did that guy use training weights or something? He almost closed the distance in the blink of an eye.

Well, time for magic. Izuku dodged the bat, which almost hit him, by falling under it. The sound it made assured Izuku that if Boss connected a hit, he would, without a doubt, not appreciate it.

Still, he now had cards in his hand and Tomura barely had time to block with his weapon when suddenly a giant in regal clothes spawned from below him.

The villain in training almost sighed as he jumped in the air and hit the summon as hard as he could.

To Izuku’s great surprise, it had been enough to break the King’s scepter and split his head too. Still, the bat was also bent in a way it shouldn’t be. When its bearer noticed it, Tomura threw his useless weapon at his opponent before attacking without giving him a chance to breathe.

People forgot Tomura was a five-point fighter. He needed to connect his hand with his target. Of course, he asked for hand to hand training. So, when the magician tried to grab his hands, he quickly suspected something was fishy.

He punched Izuku faster than lightning in the stomach, making him go flying.

“Lesson two for the one who got close. Sometimes, the villain trained. Get good, bitch. Learn the pattern before you die, because I doubt you have a spawn point nearby.”

“Yes, touché… But you know what?”

“Landmine?” said a Tomura who saw the card Izuku left at his feet, dodging it easily. A simple ten who got promptly smashed by Tomura. “You know, Joker. Despite being a wildcard, you need more strength if you want to win.”

Izuku did not like the Boss, because that man had a point. This was not the average thug you could meet pretty much anywhere. It was an honest-to-goodness supervillain. One who had smarts and strength. Usually, when he was playing, Izuku either had superior tactics or the element of surprise. He had neither right here and now…

He had to take risks if he didn’t want to be useless.

“I guess you planned everything, right? I mean, where the hell did you find that thing?”

“Noumu? We made it. That is why it can withstand so many blows. Regeneration, shock absorption, strength… A perfect warrior.”

Tomura was calm, as he controlled the situation, his enemy being down in front of him. He would make a perfect hostage against All-Might.

“Put your hands where I can see them.”

sh*t, the villain knew about Izuku needing to touch his cards to activate his quirk.

It was just when Izuku was about to get grabbed when a wild Katsuki launched himself with a violent bang.


Tomura actually had to block with his glow the blond man’s attack, who quickly mixed kicks, punches and, of course, explosions, before another voice was heard.


Katsuki promptly retreated, as Kirishima threw trees at Tomura, who dodged them quickly, needing to get away from them.

Tomura instantly knew the fight shifted, as Katsuki was clearly ready to stop him if he tried to rush in without using his quirk again. Between the exploding boy who had good moves, the one in the back throwing trees and Joker in middle range attack, their composition was balanced.

“Well, apparently more challengers are coming. It means I should take the gloves off! Also, let me call my own teammate. FOG!”

Kurogiri sighed, but to be fair, Tomura had tried to show restraint. Now his quirk was needed. His gloves had this sweet function that allowed his finger to be exposed with a quick wrist movement.

The three students quickly realized things would not be easy, as the Cloud man and the Boss approached.

However, it was at this moment that everyone could feel a shock wave and a good old yelling from a Shonen protagonist.


The wind pressure blew away everyone around them, including some poor villains.

Tomura grumbled as he watched enough anime to know how it was going to end… Aizawa was still busy enough with the small fries, beating them faster than expected, as if he was not alone in his task. Once he was done, Kurogiri would not allow them to escape.

“Joker, Explodo-man and Red Riot, one day, I am going to make you pay! Or my name is not Boss!”

Tomura yelled at his now nemesis who was… Gesturing bye to him… Before being hit by his blond friend who had lost his footing by trying to push against the air pressure, before losing.

Also, he called Kirishima Red Riot because he was red and had the same suit as the famous Crimson Riot.

His objectives technically accomplished, Tomura ordered his henchman.

“Fog, we leave.”

They had a wonderful chance to run. You win some; you lose some. Just like Dark souls.

“However, we showed you heroes, THAT THE CURRENT ERA IS ENDING SOON, WITH THE AGING ALL-MIGHT! SO BE BETTER HEROES! Because we are better villains, too.”

The black fog enveloped Shigaraki as Aizawa was just finally finished with his enemies. Damn it. The ringleader was gone. Retreating is not the same as defeat.

When everyone was back at the main plaza, most students brought with them villains who had been beaten down properly.

Somehow, the ones who were treated the worst were the ones brought by Koda, Tsuyu, and Todoroki.

Everyone found Koda’s smile as concerning as the situation.

To the fighters of the main plaza, it still didn’t feel like a victory.


Yes, I know. All-Might arrived earlier than in canon, as if he had more time.
This is not an error.

That said, next chapter will be about Mr Compress and some intros for "Boss" Tomura's future henchmen and women

Chapter 14: The world is a stage


In which there is an heist, two characters are introduced and more importantly...

Endeavor is angry.


As I said, my rythm went down a lot because I try to take more time to write better.

I once again thanks WingDingGaster, for being such a good beta for the rewrite and a certain MadHatter for being the "present" beta.

Finally, I thank a certain Draco Mage. He will recognize himself.

Oh and of course thanks Mirrond for both Thunderbolt and the Leveller (I was going to call them Leverage, but honestly I think it might have been too much)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 14: The World's a stage and we must entertain it.

In the bar with no name, Tomura laid peacefully, a pad in his hands. His current aim? To kill time while Kurogiri brought a candidate Giran chose for him, as a congratulation. The USJ was a success. Sure, a lot of small fries got caught. No one with much information, because of something called preparations and making sure everyone knew only what he had to know. Giran found out who tried to rattle what they knew (fake leads) and now had a list of people who would, shortly, be free and in his papers as potential minions to recommend to bigger groups and syndicates.

The broker wanted to thank Tomura for his input and this plan and therefore promised him a top-notch lieutenant.

Which explained why Tomura almost dusted his controllers despite his gloves when he saw the candidate: It was a cartoonish female rabbit. Somehow, she looked as if her skin was drawn and was not real. Quiet smile, a little giggle, and a small frame.

“Giran? Kurogiri told nothing but good about you and honestly, the minions you provided were excellent. Therefore, you have 30 seconds to explain everything before I punch you in the face.” Tomura warned the broker, knowing that sometimes, a minor threat was enough to make people talk.

Giran did not truly seem bothered and smiled.

“My dear Shigaraki… I present to you Loony Tunes. She is an excellent thief and a competent warrior. As her resume, I would simply say the media will be all over her and the fact she killed Thunderbolt.”

Tomura was looking bored at first, until Giran said the last word, the last name.

“By Thunderbolt, you mean Thunderbolt, Thunderbolt? The #5?”

Thunderbolt, unofficial leader of the heroes closest to the HPSC. They also nicknamed him the fastest man alive, for good reasons: He was the only speedster with the reflexes that allowed him to fully use his speed. He also had several skeletons in his closets and Villains knew him for playing with his targets, breaking as many bones as he could without killing… If something happened, well, he had enough friends to make it disappear, after all.

“I confirm. She killed him two hours ago, hence why nobody knows yet. She owes me for making some evidence pointing in her direction disappear, such as some witness who lost memories of what exactly happened.” Tomura and Kurogiri could see why. While most villains would reveal what happened, Loony seemed to be a thief, someone who prided in being discreet and under the radar. Being able to kill a Top Ten would put her in a difficult position. Quite easy to understand and Tomura appreciated that she was not an idiot.

“Yes, Loony doesn’t want to fight too powerful people yet. Loony wants to kill Miruko to prove she is the strongest rabbit but later… When Loony will be even stronger.”

Tomura scratched what he had just thought of her. She was clearly crazy, and he was not the sanest of the bunch. Internally, Kurogiri thought either Tomura would learn his pain of dealing with Tomura’s crazy antics or destroy the toon. In both cases, it was a win for the black cloud who was humming with joy over the counter.

“And… How did she kill Thunderbolt, because, sorry, but she doesn’t look really intimidating?” Kurogiri asked as he had doubts, too, as the loonie girl didn’t seem like a power-house after all.

Giran smiled as he drank his glass of wine. Kurogiri, despite being a delightful fellow, did not have any whisky, sadly.

“Well, it is a funny story.”

“Quick, everyone, pass through the rabbit hole, go!”

Loony was standing still, her ears up in the air in case any threat was incoming into their position. They broke into an important jewelry store and they were taking all the money they could.

She had indeed created a rabbit hole in the hole next to her teammate with some paint and also made another mark on the ground with what was left. They only secured part of the loot when they saw the crazy girl tensed up. They knew the girl was crazy and a prankster, but she was nothing but serious when working.

“What is incoming, girl?”

“Something fast. I can barely track it!”

She was not the best tracker in the field, and the job defaulted to her because she was better than nothing.

And it was Thunderbolt, the fastest man alive.

It did not surprise her when she heard a loud crack and a gush of wind soon after.

“Oops. Note to self, apparently a simple punch at mach one breaks the chitin of an insect mutant. Did you know they were rare? sh*t, I might get in trouble for killing an endangered species.” Thunderbolt had the biggest killing in action record, many hostage situations where he had to make a decision in the split of a second.

Loony inhaled, as Thunderbolt had clearly killed the other sentinel on the other end of the alley. Of course, it was because the chief refused her idea to go to the next alley, a dead end, which would have been a child play to protect with her power. Oh well, no use crying for idiot dumbass, as her crew was doing the smart thing and leaving her behind. If she lived, she would get her share at the exact point or by contacting Giran, since he had a cut on her part.

“Well, if it is not the fastest man alive! I am a big fan, y’know?”

Loony said the truth with a smile, as she adored how he was doused in blood… Well, as much blood appeared on an already red suit. Thunderbolt smiled before he left the head of the humanoid mantis to fall onto the floor, watching his fan stepping back from him. Shame he was not into furry, he would have probably proposed to her to let her live in exchange for something otherwise…

Thunderbolt did not truly understand how he died, as it happened too fast. One second he was sprinting just under mach 1 and the next he was falling in a hole before exiting in front of a building… And he could not stop since he was still having the momentum from the fall and his feets were not on the ground. No way to slow down, and Thunderbolt could only protect himself with his arms.

Astonishingly, he was still alive, even if he felt he was in a world of pain, when he heard a voice near him.

“Ah, the classy hole in the floor. It never failed me, but you know what they say, right? That’s all, Folks!”

She smashed his head with a comically big hammer just after that, smiling before joining the hole her teammates were erasing.

“Hey, you f*cker, don’t you dare block my hole, otherwise I’m going to smash you! Also, I get the dead guy’s share!”

“And then she asked me for some help to erase everything. So, here is your own short range warper, with decent hand-to-hand skills and the basics about reconnaissance.”

“Happy to meet ya, Boss! As long as I get to smash things, get money and potentially wasted, I will be happy to work for ya!”

Tomura nodded, before grabbing a drink and pouring it for her. She took it with her four fingers and smiled at her new chief.

“Loony, I promise you all of this. Welcome, as the first member of the League Of Villain!”

Meanwhile, in another location which was definitely not Gentle’s basem*nt, Mr Compress held his first team meeting for their first heist.

Behind him was a white screen and in front of him, La Brava, Gentle who was bringing tea for everyone and a smiling young woman in her early twenties, as ginger as possible.

“Hello, everyone! Today is the first meeting for the Levellers.” Atsuhiro took the name as it meant they levelled the game for everyone, striking the powerful and the rich to help the poor and the weak. “From the left to the right. I am Mister Compress, master thief and your glorious leader. On my left…”

“I am La Brava. I won’t do much on the field, but you can count on me with a computer.”

Gentle nodded quietly before looking at the love of his life.

“Indeed, she even broke into U.A. record for a whole ten minutes. Nedzu has never found her.” Gentle never missed an occasion to gush about her now official girlfriend since Atsuhiro yelled at them to either stop beating around the bush or spend ten minutes together in a marble.

He wisely chose to de-marble them one hour later instead, and he insisted on not knowing what happened.

“As for me, I am your humble host, Gentle Criminal, a former hero student.”

Mr. Compress saw the look given by the ginger girl and nodded.

“They don’t look much like that, but they actually took on Mizunaka and held their own very well.”

“Well, in this case, I shall present myself: I am Sophie Deveraux and my speciality is fake identity, making fake papers and charming my target. Nice to meet you. As you might have doubted, it is a fake name.”

“Sophie is someone who was part of various groups of vigilantes, be they retired, disbanded, or killed. She is quite the legend about the number of things she survived. Some Yakuzas thought they killed her and then three weeks later, they found her on a beach, drinking martinis with their money. Then, some heroes busted them thanks to a local tip.” Mr. Compress explained as both amateurs clapped at this introduction.

“Therefore, we have now a complete team for our first heist: Stealing records from the HPSC. A source of mine got recent intel. They did shady things in the dark, big surprise, but gave us a name specifically. Endeavor, the #2.”

La Brava and Gentle almost spitted their tea out, while Sophie seemed fine with the revelation and the idea. Apparently, the duo did not expect that joining Mr. Compress would involve such crazy things… Or rather, that fast.

“I can understand if some of you are getting cold feet, but honestly, from what I gathered, it might be dark. We need to help.”

“My only question is, we are attacking the physical files, right? I thought they had a heavy security around them, between the guards, the system and everything they did not bother explaining to the public. I tried to go there and failed.” Sophie had her own doubt, though she was highly more professional about this than the two on her right.

Mr. Compress nodded and hit the white screen with his cane.

“Indeed! However, we have something you did not have that time, Sophie. Someone who already infiltrated and got out of that place. Me.”

The board changed, with various information appearing on it. Access points, ventilation, guards and some profiles were on display suddenly.

“Also, we have the perfect balanced team for this. A face, a hacker, a hitter and a thief/mastermind. Let it be our first show.”

“Our target is on the twentieth floor. Too many people have a burrowing quirk nowadays. They use an A.I. system who learns of every attempt made against it. I cracked it once, alone. It was ten years ago… But I am sure they did not fully lock what I did.”

Everyone was on a rooftop, drinking while looking at the HPSC.

“They recently lost Thunderbolt, which is making a big hole in their security. Sophie, you will enter the building with La Brava. You will attack the A.I.

Currently, they are making a big audit to make sure they can hide what happened, really. Probably something embarrassing.”

Sophie nodded, with a smile, as she was covered on that side.

“I have some fake ID that might be useful. However, I will need to disguise La Brava quickly. How do you like blue hair, little lady?”

La Brava groaned…

“Oh, and don’t worry. I am ready to die if it means saving a teammate.”

“She is not kidding. She often takes crazy risks for her teammates.”

It didn’t reassure them a lot, but it was good enough to proceed.

“However, they will jam our communications with a quirk. Gentle is our emergency exit. Worst-case scenario, you are to use your full power on the building to bend it. It won’t kill anyone, but it will give me the time to evacuate the girls if needed. However, your true purpose, Gentle… Will be to make me enter a building taller than 30 floors and with no one noticing it.”

Gentle gulped.

“Gimei Ise, and this is my IT, Gejiu Inturi” Sophie showed to the guards at the entrance her governmental card, implying she was doing an audit for the sake of the JSDF. After all, since the JSDF was, after the Ashen King, an honor guard, with heavy hitters and a quality equipment well above average, they were often at odds with the HPSC. Then, the army taking a chance to audit their enemy after losing their second best hero, was likely. In fact, they would worry more about the army not trying to send a team to discover things about them.

“Of course, everything to help our dear and respected army helps us!” The lady at the reception desk said with so much honey in her voice the trap was obvious, before she checked their ID of course.

La Brava was with blue hair now, covering her eyes and wearing a burner laptop she prepared for such an occasion. She hated the disguise and only managed to wear it because Gentle thought she was still cute in it.

While Sophie did her charm operations to the guards so they could have an isolated room for interrogations purposes, they brought the duo of girls and then assigned them an empty office, with little points of interest. However, all La Brava needed was a connection, and she had it.

“f*ck… An Gamaran VI as a defense system… It is heavy. Honestly, I cannot hack this with just a laptop. Not completely.” said the little girl, with blue hair Sophie set as chignons. No one could recognize her because of that. However, she thrilled Sophie when she saw La Brava in action. The girl only had a laptop and was against an VI developed by various scientists on I-island.

She still hacked, with no one noticing, a few systems, like the heating on certain floors.

Suddenly, the 26th, the 27th and the 28th floor had their temperature set to 33°C.

“You think she will be able to open us a way, Gentle?”

“Sir, with all due respect, La Brava is the brain between us. Yes, I often made our plan, but she is the one who irons the kinks. Even if there were difficulties, I know she would find a weakness in their system.”

“It seemed so. I hope she does…”

They were on another roof, with a sniper, further than 300m. Gentle was in position and ready to shoot the marble Mr. Compress was in.

“How did you learn the art of sniping?”

“They refused me into the special units of the JSDF because I was too noticeable, not because of my skills.” Gentle was awfully casual about what he said, while his boss was in a small marble, in his trusty rifle.

“… What.”

“Hey, I needed a job, and the army seemed like a good idea. I did not mesh well with my hierarchy too and maybe I exposed a lieutenant for sexual harassment. Oh, a window is open. Godspeed, boss.”

Gentle took a few seconds for his aim before he shot. Mr. Compress was still processing what was happening when his marble landed in a pot of flowers. Roses, pleasant choice.

It was less nice when he got out of the pot wet, a few minutes later.

Mr. Compress was now in the place, at the… 28th floor. So the one above where his target was. The master thief looked at a small plan he had as a memo. So two rooms on the left, one below. He was currently in an office, where the man who was working there left a few moments before. Hey, if someone opened the window, they were in the room. Of course, Mr. Compress had a timetable. He had to make sure they did not see him, or at the very least, after he did everything he came to do.

The thief kneeled, hand on the floor. Vibrations quickly told him everything he needed to know, that the room below was occupied, probably a meeting. If he was correct, the room next to his was not good either. Apparently, and the second reason the man before him in this office get out, was that someone was really busy with someone else in the other room… preparing someone's retirement party. So, the HPSC was cutting some people off in case Thunderbolt had a few files on them, in case they cut their losses with him.

He should try to get them later this week.

Still, one thing after the other, trying to do too many things at once would accomplish nothing. However, the master chief had an idea, and he needed to tell La Brava.

So, he did, by trying to open the computer left on the desk.

La Brava, on the first floor, was doing what the HPSC expected of her : She was noisy, asked for a lot of water and complained about the quality of the network and how so many files were missing from the database. As for Sophie, she had fun auditing members of the commission and asking about their “official” process, about how they made sure heroes were properly monitored. Why were there no agents there to help coordinate Thunderbolt’s efforts with the police? The answer was probably because they could not bring the police in this case, as the jeweler was paying extra protection to the HPSC.

Watching them squirm was totally worth dating this lieutenant in the JSDF back in the day for her paper. Her fake identities were real. She had the picture on it changed, however, for this situation.

Sophie had a lot of them if needed for her infiltration and search.

When La Brava, who was sharing the same sensor as the Gamaran VI, detected a failed connection on the 28 floor with the ID “Imperial Golden Tea” she knew who that was. It was quickly followed by a second try, “Bio attack”.

The little miss Hacker smiled, before she did as her boss asked, before letting herself and Sophie a few minutes to run away.

Mr. Compress hummed a bit while he waited. Soon enough…


Soon enough, people moved with panic all around, while he stayed calm, as he knew there was no menace except the fake one La Brava created.

It also meant the VI used its resources to locate the origin of the virus. Mr. Compress, without a noise, marbled part of the wall to pass through like butter.

The second room after that was the room of the server, to Mr. Compress surprise, as he entered the cold room with a lot of things with a lot of light and electronics stuff way above his level, protected by over one password. Uh. So they switched their place, since the last time he came.

However, a quick check showed they also did their homework about when he erased Nedzu and the rat’s family files. Also, La Brava laughed when he asked if a USB key would be enough to hack them, before noticing he was serious. She then slapped him, explaining to him she did not have that kind of thing ready in just one week. She needed months to create things like that. If he wanted a hacking of quality, he needed to bring her with her own laptop of war that she made herself.

It was quite the problem that he could not steal everything right here and now: Atsuhiro was not dumb and knew it would alert more hero than he could count. It was not worth the risk, since the HPSC IT, if they were smart, had put enough trackers in their machines that Atsuhiro needed to get out if he wanted to make a relative for Izuku with Inko.

However, he could right now steal their paper records just below.

Putting the wall back in place with extra care, he wanted the crime to be noticed, if possible, after he left the compound.

Mr. Compress was now on the 27th floor of a tower in a lockdown and a quarantine procedure was made to be sure no virus could get out of it. Various security teams were moving towards his floor to secure everyone, and if he did not have a badge, he would get shot without warning.

However, Mr. Compress was an escape artist and knew exactly where to hide to exit the stage, with no one knowing what happened.

“So you hid in a bubble tea. Within a smaller than usual marble.”


“And you got drunk.”


“And then you got flushed a few hours later”

“That’s about right.”

“So you once again came to take a shower at my apartment?”

“You can be one of the bridesmaids, Magne.”

“You perfectly know how to bribe me.”

A few hours later, in Gentle’s basem*nt.

“What do you mean we have nothing about Endeavor?”

“Well, except that apparently his therapist clearly made him channel his grief into his job, which is not a bad idea if done well, and it is not right there. I see nothing especially wrong. Except maybe the fact they had a file on Touya’s, but apparently they did the investigation on his death.”

La Brava was doing the work of a small team by separating various stakes of papers, all about various arrests or reports of investigations done for heroes. All clean.

“I mean, Touya Todoroki. Corpse found, and the identification done, thanks to his perfect teeth. Trace of Trigger in the bones, so he was probably using it for a while…”

Meanwhile, Sophie was looking for something on her own. It was her own condition for joining Compress’ team. She was to be free to pursue a target of her own, something about finding someone specific who disappeared a long time ago. Right now, she was checking juvenile cases done during the last year. Harana, Marumi, Otoko, Himiko, Tanko, Himura… Names that brought nothing to her or to Compress’ job.

“So we are useless on this front? Is Endeavor clean?”

“There is even a report showing their frustration Endeavor does not need them for a 'clean-up' since he has one of the best controls they have ever seen of his Quirk. Apparently, it is quite the problem since it may stop the program 'Imperial Fire'. No mention of what that is though .”

Atsuhiro sighed. It meant only one thing. They had just stolen “public” records, already heavily edited. Records that showed little to no information that were useful. Compress had his doubts that it was what Nedzu needed. Well, the bit about the therapist being an incompetent bastard would, but honestly, that was not enough.

It was Gentle, who brought a new idea and tea on the table, like a dignified butler for the team, making sure they were properly nourished and had plenty of tea.

“How about checking Endeavor’s own agency? I mean, I seriously doubt he did not investigate the death of his own son, even if it was forbidden.”

Endeavor sighed. It had been two weeks since his discussion with Nedzu. He switched therapists, as his rat father recommended. Endeavor learned they had badly advised him on how to deal with his son’s death, to his great surprise. He honestly thought his decision about spending his sadness and anger on his work was the correct solution.

The same with how he treated his family, trying to switch their regret to ambition, no matter the cost and the price. In hindsight, Endeavor had been an idiot of the highest order. When he came home, something he hated more and more, the silence only greeted him. Not even his daughter’s meek salutations were there. Nothing but him and the weight of his mistake.

As a result, he decided to live in his agency. Oh, sure, for the media, he acted like he went home, but in reality, he used a backdoor to get inside quietly, no one seeing him. The only people in the known were his sidekicks and all of them knew it was actually for the better. Like this, Endeavor had something to do instead of just thinking of the past. His nightmares were enough to haunt him, especially now Burnin burned every bottle in the office.

So, now, Endeavor was now spending his evenings working on cases, connecting dots and various cases to help the police and planning more intervention where they needed him, while he was eating some noodles, his hand quietly cooking them. One of the few uses of a fire quirk after all.

He did not expect Mr. Compress to appear in his office, after various noises in his ventilation system. Endeavor thought a bit about the situation and quickly understood the most likely scenario: the thief compressed himself as a marble and went through his ventilation. That was an interesting use of his power and explained a lot of his heists and infiltrations.

Endeavor cracked his knuckles, before he saw Compress not stealing anything but going through his files quietly. Fat chances, his important ones were in his personal desk. The #2 had a smile, as well as an idea.

Mr. Compress, meanwhile, was searching for the letter “T” for either Touya or Todoroki. Nothing.

That was frustrating, when in one day you managed every infiltration you did, but bore no results. Of course, no files in the main office, but he wanted to be effective in his work. The magician had to check Enji’s office if he wanted to finish everything he had to do today. He missed his home and his family’s warmth.

After picking the lock of the door with the effectiveness of a master thief, Compress entered the room humming and began to search it. Was Enji brainwashed and he did not check the death of his own son? If something happened to Izuku or Inko, Compress was pretty sure he would destroy the city in a week in the search of the responsible.

“Now, can the thief explain to me what he is doing in my office with… With…”

Mr. Compress sweated bullets as he felt something hot in his back and Endeavor took the files the thief consulted a few times just before. Touya’s death report.

Endeavor inhaled before exhaling a small flame.

“What. Are. You. Doing… WITH THIS.”

Intense but calm, Compress knew he better not press his luck with Endeavor. He was the #2 and the few times they fought, Compress had the edge because he attacked first or from afar. Endeavor, in his back, finger already against him? Nope, it was not a fight he will take.

“I am currently investigating every hero who has a strong link with the HPSC. Since the file seemed too clean, I wanted to compare it with your note.”

Endeavor felt it was not everything but accepted for now, while he took the file. Touya. His… His first-born. Not one day went by without him remembering his son, too driven for his good. Too driven because of him.

“I… Have not even read the file.”

Compress felt a bit of compassion for the man in front of him. He had, thanks to Izuku, an idea of what had happened to the man recently.

“Sorry. It is just… You know. They identified him very well and analyzed the body effectively for a charred corpse.”

“They have some talented investigators, you know? And a lot of forensics with quirks really adapted for the job, like Chu, who can see the last memories of the dead by eating part of them.”

Still, Enji went by the files, quietly, with a lot of sadness and a bit of curiosity. Suddenly something caught his eye.

“AIE ! f*ck!”

“Compress. Where. Did. You. Get. This.”

“You burned me!”


This time, Endeavor had lost every control he had of his temper, flames blazing through his face, as he pulled Compress toward him. Even with his mask, Atsuhiro could feel the heat and the desperation in the face of Endeavor. It was terrifying to see him mad with anger, the fire dancing with anger in his eyes.

“I stole them this afternoon! In the HPSC headquarter!”

Endeavor released him before grabbing his phone, calling a number.

“Nedzu? If you need someone to fire a Prominence Burn at the HPSC HEADQUARTERS, I WILL f*ckING DO IT.”

Compress thought Endeavor’s phone was probably fire resistant, as his flame was verging on the blue.

“Euh… I guess something is wrong, but what happened?”

“… The morning Touya died, we… We had a fight.” Endeavor was trying to regain his composure, as he put the phone on the desk. “He broke my nose. I punched two molars out of him.”

Mr. Compress understood immediately. Oh. Oh f*ck.

“Oh. Euh… When I was there, I took a few files, too. One of them mentioned something about an Imperial Fire they wanted you to be. Does that mean any…”

The window, supposed to take even Nagant’s bullet with ease, melted soon after that.

Compress was now scared sh*tless and was happy he brought his brown pants.

“Compress? Now… You will work with me.” Endeavor said, now with the blue flame of anger on his face, about to begin his personal crusade.

Atsuhiro was not sure what to think about that, so he put a smile behind his mask.

“With pleasure, my dear Enji!”

“Don’t push it.”


Saturday Morning.

The crisis reunion had been intense, thought Midnight as she relaxed finally in the teacher’s room. She was not alone, as Shota and Hizashi were with her.

“So… We got attacked by someone we do not know, with apparently correct skill in strategy, according to Nedzu’s standard, and who has some growth potential.”


“And All-Might think his old nemesis did artificially this black thing he beat?”

“You got that right, girl.” Hizashi confirmed, too destroyed to joke about it.

They all avoided speaking about the actual issue. The bombs All-Might dropped.

“My quirk is the only thing that can end All for One and it is waning. I need to transfer it, but after doing the test with a potential successor… Sir Nighteye and I discovered I cannot transfer it. The thing… Just did not connect.”

Everyone looked at Yagi, horrified.

“It was both a blessing and a curse in retrospect. Blessing, because thanks to that I could actually join in time the USJ.” Yagi continued to explain to everyone’s horror. “My guess is the quirk mutated weirdly, since I was quirkless. Maybe I can pass it on someone quirkless too, but honestly, the only quirkless with the right body-build I know is Knuckle Duster, and he is too old.”

“How about, I don’t know… Artificial organs? I mean, David Shield and all that…” Hizashi tried to give some ideas.

“Oh, we tried. One for All busts them out when I buff up.”


“We are on a time-limit to find where the hell is All for One, who is probably in a state worse than me. Also, we need to identify this young Boss before he grows under All for One tutelage. Who knows what kind of insane mind he has?”


“Izuku, I swear to god, if you use once again EraserHead…”

“All-Might Argent Era with a David Shield as a support.”

“… I f*cking hate you sometimes.”


“And why did you think he was dead if you didn’t find his body?!”

“Well, usually, people are dead when they are missing the upper half of their head.” Yagi deadpanned, as he was not incompetent and remembered clearly the brain parts on his fist.

“So… I guess we are mobilizing our resources on that?”

“Aizawa, if we do not find him quickly, this thing is going to end very badly for everyone.”

“And why is Nedzu at his tenth cup of tea?”

“He discovered the HPSC might have faked his grandson’s death and what seemed like incompetence who f*cked up Endeavor's mind was maybe not incompetence but an actual plan. So… When All for One is gone…” Yagi tried to explain the situation, but Nedzu cut, with a terrifying cackle that ended everyone's idea it would end well. Nedzu was extremely protective of anyone he thought of as a family.

“Oh f*ck.”


“Suddenly, I think teaching is honestly easier than the hero's work.”



Fun fact : only one OC was introduced this chapter.

As for those wondering what is happening with One for All, the quirk is almost sentient now and doesn't want to break a hero.

Moreover, since AfO seemed dead, most heroes inside of it thought it was maybe time to let it go.
So, yes. Mirio meet All-Might.

I never said he got the quirk :D

Chapter 15: Strange Saturdays Sometimes Seems Simply Satisfying


In which Tomura is pertubed, Izuku is even more perturbed and Shouto learn to be less perturbed.



First of all, once again, thanks Aliandris, who write https://archiveofourown.org/works/38190346 Back to the beginning, really fun fact.

Second of all : We breached the 250 Kudos and we are at around 2000 hits per chapter. So thanks all of you, you have no idea how much it means to me !
It also means this fic is currently in the top 15 of the Izuku/Toru outside of polycule. Which is an achievement i will take with pleasure!

On a side note, the rewriting continue, albeit slowly. I continue to write one chapter per week instead of two but I think the quality improved, so I will continue like that.
I swapped the chapter 10 and 11 so people aren't perturbed by the sudden switch of tone and can finish properly the heroic exercise, while teasing a bit what Nedzu did.

Anyway, on all of that, I am giving you, your chapter of the week, and this time, it is fluffy time.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 15 : Strange Saturdays sometimes seem simply satisfying.

Izuku felt tired and depressed, as he woke up early in the morning. They were attacked the day before and he felt like he should have done more. Sure, he was still a first-year student, but he had hoped for a fight against the evil bad guy. An epic fight, where the evil bad guy would have cackled madly and Izuku would have saved people.

Wait, was it correct to hope people would be in danger, to save them afterwards?

He was still pondering the question when he exited the house in his track suit. Katsuki was waiting outside for their morning run. Katsuki was apparently in the same mood as Izuku since he had increased weights he wore for their training three times.
It was clear Katsuki took their loss against the evil villains as badly as Izuku. They didn’t even say the name of their group!
Still, if the villain’s aim was to make them remember the realities of being heroes, it was a success.

So, how did the two friends deal with it? They trained harder! Both of them had their weights and both of them ran even further that morning.



A few things made Toru happy. One of them was making her first arrests yesterday. Punching and smashing villains was cathartic and the police congratulated her.

As someone who sometimes cursed her invisibility, being in the spotlight was something she liked. However, when the journalist took a picture of nothing as a picture of her, she pouted a lot.

It took a lot of hugs from her boyfriend for her to stop being moody along with the promise they would spend their Saturday together. God, she loved how easy it was to get Izuku to do things for her. She also loved their private lessons together. Well… More like she will love them this afternoon. Hehehe. It would also allow her to meet the famous “Inko”. Someone, even Katsuki, dared not to cross.

However, for the morning, she would do a bit of shopping with Izuku and a brief visit to the card shop. Who knew? Maybe they would have another card allowing them to have a moment together? Thought it was nice to hug and hold hands with Izuku, especially when they went on a date or at school when they ate together. They enjoyed having a bit of alone time too, with Toru gossiping with her friends about everything she heard around the school.
As for Izuku, he enjoyed talking to Tokoyami and Katsuki and his band. Somehow, Shouto found his place among Katsuki’s circle of friends: Kaminari and Kirishima adopted the young introvert.

For now, she was waiting by the fountain where they took their first picture together, wearing a long dress for a change, and a small hat.

She heard the snap of a picture taken and she smiled at her boyfriend, who was using the water behind her and the angle of the sun to take a picture of her silhouette in the light.

“And another one in our collection, I guess.” Izuku beamed as he wore a shirt that hid very little of his toned body, something even more apparent after his early morning working-out session. Toru silently thanked any god who granted her such a feast for her eyes.

“As if you didn’t use any opportunity you had at school.”

“And I always share with you. Also, we both know you take as many of me.”

Both laughed before Izuku gave her his hand for their little date.

The shopkeeper smiled as he saw the young couple entering the shop and took a few cards out from his stock. They came from various games and were all, according to Izuku’s request: magic canceling or seeing the invisible. The merchant had a decent idea of what Izuku’s quirk was but he respected his choice to not speak about it. Some people were shy about it and he was not speaking a lot about himself. He was also old enough to remember the day when quirkless people were more common. It was still an awkward moment when you talked about quirks.


“HOW ABOUT f*ck YOU TOMURA!” One of the neckbeard in the back said playfully. Everyone knew Tomura now and was used to him.

“Tomura… I am on a date.” Izuku tried to explain, not wanting to cut his time short with the invisible girl, who laughed at them.

“Hey, Zuzu, you can play with him. That way, I can learn a bit about it, so I can understand when you play with Momo and Katsuki!”

Tomura stared at her with a radiant smile. One that was not totally creepy.

“Yes! I like you Invisigirl! You know what? Take a deck, whichever you like.” Tomura was happy and, as Sensei told him, he should do what he likes. Right now, he felt generous, so he would be generous!

“Tomura is one of the rich kids, like Momo. However, he knows he is richer than everyone and just doesn’t care. Though you seem to be in a good mood.”

“Well… I had an enjoyable week to be fair. I met a few people, and my first serious work for my dad went nicely. So… Yes, quite happy.”

“What did you do for him?”

“My first offensive on a target, to get intel and assess the resources he gave me. I did better than expected and he was happy about it!”

Izuku thought, like everyone else in the room, that Tomura was talking about mergers and buy-back, as finance can be quite cut-throat.

Honestly, it would be the best for him, as he had the cunning and the threatening aura of a great future CEO.

However, Tomura noticed during his game that something was wrong with Izuku and Toru. Something that depressed them, despite them being together and having fun.

“… Ok, what’s wrong Izuku? Someone bullied you? Are there kneecaps to break?”

“No, it’s… There was an incident yesterday at my school. And I felt useless during it since we couldn’t do much, and the teachers ended up doing most of the work.”

“Then it isn’t you being bad, but your teachers being good adults and doing their job properly. Also, an incident?”

“… Toru and I, we attend a prestigious school, Tomura. We have an NDA and all that sh*t. We cannot talk about it.” Izuku wasn’t lying, they signed an NDA with Nedzu and the police to not say anything during the investigation.
Tomura growled a bit.

“Fine. But I will learn what happened.”

Not once did he consider that he was the culprit for the circ*mstances.


They didn’t stay long in the store, as Izuku just wanted to get the cards he wanted and humor Tomura for once. None of them would believe what would happen later.


“It was nice meeting Tomura again. He seemed…”

“Totally too much into the game. He has a nasty competitive streak. I think it might be helpful for his job though, as he does anything he can.”

“Yes, I almost thought you got him with your All Might during your match. I didn’t expect him to be purposely holding back during your match and taking some losses, only to get you there.”

“Yes, as he said, he learned recently you sometimes have to make concessions, losing a bit to have a greater reward. That’s an interesting philosophy.”

Izuku nodded, hand in hand with his invisible girlfriend. It was nice to just feel the warmth of her close to him, and he guessed her smile. It made his grin grow bigger, too.

“So.. What did you get at the store, Zuku?” Toru was curious, as Zuku hummed, pleased.

“Well, I wanted to see if I could find more cards like the other time, to turn off your invisibility. It costs me a bit but honestly, it’s worth it!”

“… Just for me? You shouldn’t do that!” Izuku didn’t have that much money on hand and Tomura wasn’t buying all his cards. It must have cost a small fortune.

“Well, if it makes you feel better, it probably means I can do things like Aizawa-sensei, by nullifying someone’s quirk.” She could always count on Izuku to find justification and answers to everything… One day he would probably creatively redefine orders to save people, going against the actual intent.

“Hmm hmm. You’d better or I will tell your mom. I can’t wait to see her!”

“To be fair, she can’t wait to see you too!”


“You know what I mean, and I know you aren’t pouting.” It didn’t fool Izuku for a second, since he learned to read her body language through her clothes.

Toru won the argument by using her forbidden weapon, kissing the cheek of her boyfriend to shut him up.


“I already apologized, Inko!” Atsuhiro whined, as she locked him outside of the house. Apparently, she didn’t take him cancelling their plans at the last minute well and she took her vengeance by locking him outside for the night and the following morning.

“You can enter when Izuku and Toru get here, not before! If you like spending the night outside, you better lie in your bed outside! OR YOU USE A CELLPHONE AND WARN ME.”

“But sugar…” Atsuhiro couldn’t say Endeavor made him look at every file he got from the HPSC, looking for information about his son. You could say whatever you wanted about Endeavor's personality, but he wore his name well and he put his all in his search for his missing son.

It took a lot of begging and Mr. Compress formally promising to help him before he lets him go. Still, he didn’t have time to call his future-wife and now she was torturing him.

“… Dad? Why are you outside of the house?”

Finally, Atsuhiro’s savior was here. Yes, technically he could have picked the lock, but nobody sane would disobey Inko. His best bet had been to wait for Izuku and… Well the floating dress.

“Uh. So, you are Toru, the girl Izuku cannot stop talking about at home? Did you know he was often mdfskdj…” Izuku made his father shut up by clapping his hand against his talkative stepfather’s mouth.

Suddenly the door opened with a bang, startling both boys and letting the queen of the house make an entrance, beaming in an apron.

“Oh my~ I can finally meet you!”

Before Toru could say anything, she was being hugged by Inko Midoriya.

“Oh, and boys, once you are done playing on the ground, you can go inside. Yes, including you Atsuhiro. Behave for lunch, or you are going to sleep on the sofa tonight.”

“Yes, darling.”


Toru had heard a few things about Inko. The fact Bakugou respected her was enough for everyone in the class to respect and fear Inko. What mad woman could make Bakugou be reasonable and raise Izuku to be a perfect gentleman? What kind of woman could, according to Katsuki, stop a kidnapper that sought out an apparently quirkless Izuku because teeth are small objects and she pulled them without mercy?

Katsuki explained she was actually merciful that day: eyes and other organs also counted as small objects and Katsuki was 75% sure their mothers were vigilantes when they were younger.

It is safe to say Toru was not expecting a small and a bit chubby (she exercised now that she had Atsuhiro helping her at home) woman smiling at her. She radiated joy and Toru knew where Izuku got his smile and sunshine outlook.

However, Toru quickly noticed the woman asked questions about herself and her eyes were… playful and appraising her son’s girlfriend.

“And… Can I ask what you plan on doing this afternoon?”

Toru glimmered a bit at the idea, making Izuku think about the answer while hinting about what the girl expected to happen.

“Oh, well, I asked Izuku for a study session. I mean, he is one of the top students, and I think I might need some… Tutoring.”

“Tutoring?” It didn’t fool Inko for a second, but her smile reassured Toru. Clearly, the mom knew what she planned and approved… Probably as long as it stayed relatively pure.

“Yes. Tutoring.”

It was at that moment Izuku noticed a grain of rice on Toru’s face, and removed it from her face with his finger, before eating it.

“Sorry Toru, it’s just you had something on your face.”

Somehow it made her even more dazzling.Inko and Atsuhiro guessed it was her way of blushing. If she wanted to be a star, she had to stay with Izuku and she would shine brighter than the sun.

“…Thanks Izuku”

Was he a natural at this? Sometimes, Toru was wondering as Izuku went from doing cute and flirty things like taking her picture with him, to cluelessly doing things like that and sometimes ignoring her flirting with him. Anyway.

Soon, it will be something else that was going to be on her face.

Inko was happy to have prepared snacks for the afternoon already.


Invisigirl has entered the chat.

Invisigirl: sdkfklsmjflqkj

Alien_queen: Weren’t you supposed to “study” with Izuku?

Froppy: “Study” being the operative word.

Invisigirl: Oh we are studying. We have actually completed the homework for the week.

Gravity_girl: Is that a code for something and you went far with him?


Froppy: Then why you don’t? Ribbit.

Invisigirl: You have a point.


“You want to continue with the break, Toru?” Izuku took more notes, happy to tutor his girlfriend and helping her when she had trouble.

“Nah, I’m okay, though I would like to study more anatomy with you.” Toru, had a different idea in mind… Especially as she was now leaning a bit more against him.

“Mmh? I don’t remember an assignment on anatomy, though?”

“I am pretty sure Izuku, we have some homework to do on fluid mechanics.” Toru hoped she was getting through his thick skull.

“Isn’t that physics, though?”

Izuku said to the girl sitting next to him, her legs on his under the table. If the green boy had been flustered at first, he was fine now. A bit too fine. So now, she was clearly pushing her body against Izuku.

“… Izuku, you aren’t pure enough to think a girlfriend and a boyfriend just study during a study session, are you?”

“They… Don’t?” Finally, Izuku blushed. He missed some texts on his phone, as Toru pushed him down, climbing on top of him.

“Euh To…” Before he could say anything, she interrupted him with her lips against his, and began tutoring Izuku about various methods on how their tongues could work.

Izuku, as was always the case when there was something to learn, was a quick study and cuddled with her happily, their bodies pressed against each other.

As if on cue, Atsuhiro entered the room. Maybe a superpower possessed by embarrassing parents?

“Are you winning, son?”

“Eeep” Izuku went redder than a tomato to redder than a strawberry. However, Toru almost blinded everyone in the room, happy to have a fellow master of memes.

“I think I’m winning here, sir.”

“And I thought Izuku stood a chance. Well, then carry on! Thought don’t go too far. I am not sure he can handle too much.”

While Izuku stopped whining instead of winning, thanks to Toru, Mr. Compress happily closed the door. Yep, his son definitely found someone good.
They missed the three missed calls from Tomura and his text with an “Urgent” written in it. When Izuku read it later, he answered, not believing what he saw.


The day before.

“ I need your help.” Shouto spoke, interrupting the others, during lunch. When Kirishima and Denki brought him to their group, he was not necessarily the most social person, and they took this as an opportunity to help him.

“What do you want?”

“Teach me how to be angry.” Shouto asked in his usual serious tone.

Had it been anyone other than Shouto, Katsuki would have thought it was a prank. However, he was almost certain Shouto didn’t know the word.

“…Explain, Icyhot?”

“My therapist told me I should learn how to be angry. You are always angry. I need you to teach me how to… externalize my anger?”

“I am not sure Katsuki is the most…” Kirishima tried to speak, before Katsuki cut him.

“… Tomorrow afternoon. My house.” Most of the students still had trouble grasping a key element of Katsuki’s personality: Never tell him he can’t do something, otherwise he will do it out of spite.

This time, though, he also did it out of a sense of duty: Someone needed to yell his anger but didn’t know how? It was his job to make sure he learned how.


Kirishima, Kaminari and Todoroki arrived at Katsuki’s house the next day. They expected a middle-class house. They were right, though they didn’t expect the zen garden to be full of craters.

They didn’t expect Katsuki’s mom in a gardening suit who smiled at them, as she finished putting protection around the bamboo.

“Damn, I knew Katsuki was explosive, but his mom is…”

“If you value your life, Dunce Face, you know how to finish that sentence.” Katsuki interrupted the perverted living electric generator as he appeared behind his back.

“… probably as nice as he is explosive.” Kaminari valued his life and quickly changed what he was going to say.

“Good, you live another day.” Nobody was sure if Katsuki was serious or not. Then they recalled Katsuki, who knew the reason behind Izuku’s father’s death and decided against tempting the bomber man.

“Hello Katsuki. Hello Ma’am.” The other remaining boys spoke together, as they properly greeted their host of the day.

“Oh, hello kids! It is nice to have Katsuki bring other friends than Izuku, y’know?”

“It must be because he is always angry.” Shouto spoke without thinking, or knowing, if it was appropriate. Bakugou interrupted his mom before she could speak.

“He is actually here to learn how to channel his anger. So… Yes, good job, old hag, protecting the garden.”

“Call me old hag again, and I will show you I can take your life as easily as I gave it!”

“Is she also going to teach me? She looks nice. Like my mom before she burned my face.” Shouto casually dropped his bomb, before he almost got hugged to death by Mitsuki.

“My poor boy! Are you okay?”

“Yes. It was years ago. The burn doesn't hurt anymore.”

“That’s rough, buddy.” Katsuki confirmed, while Kirishima put his hand on Todoroki’s shoulder.

“Don’t worry, bro, we are here for you.”

It warmed up Todoroki’s heart, to have people who cared, be it friends or Mitsuki, who ran into the house to look for some old cream for burn scars. She swore it did miracles on more than one friend back in the days.

“What does she mean by that?” Kaminari wondered what that was about.

“Dude. I don’t want to know. My dad doesn’t want to know and I’m pretty sure the only person who truly does is Izuku’s mom. The one who terrifies me.”

The boys wisely decided not to push the issue further, when Mitsuki came back and put some cream on Todoroki, while she whispered to herself she would really like to meet Todoroki’s parents one day. Just for a small chat.


Nose buried in paper, trailing various arson cases across Japan, Enji felt something cold running down his back.

A woman in a hospice also wondered why she was shuddering.


“Now, Shouto, I am going to teach you how to swear.”

“How to swear?”

“Yes, because swearing is the best way to quickly release a small part of your rage. When you stub your toe, what do you do?”

“… I say nothing?”

“… NO, FOR f*ck’s sake. You scream, man. It’s normal to scream, because that’s what your body wants to do. You scream, because pain IS. NOT. NORMAL. Anger, Shouto, anger allows you to relieve your pain.”

“So… When I am feeling bad, I can just scream?”

“Yes, and no. It has to be done properly. You cannot scream randomly. Canalize it properly. Say after me: f*ck.”


“NO. WITH GUTS. You don't have to interrogate yourself. You have to feel it.”

“f*ck.” Shouto was being Shouto


Shouto seemed puzzled at the idea, until Katsuki had an idea.

“Remember how Izuku was showing off during the exercise?”

“Oh yes. It was irritating, even though I now know it was all a strat…”

“THAT IS NOT MY POINT. It pissed you off.”

Suddenly, realization showed on Shouto’s face.




“On a side note, that is actually what we thought of you during your introduction. Him and I actually train a lot every day. Twice as much for him, since he has to exercise his quirk.”

“Oh. I pissed you off? Sorry about that.”

“Don’t worry, I just blew up part of the beach, further down the road. It was soothing.”


In the house, Kaminari, Kirishima and the two adults in Bakugou’s family were watching the lesson with tea and cookies.

“Are you sure it is necessary for us to stay inside the house for protection?”

“Wait till he teaches him to destroy things to unleash everything kept inside.” Katsuki’s father knew better.

“Point.” Kirishima approved, as he loved to train with Bakugou, who never pulled his punches against his rocky friend. He knew what he was capable of and he estimated Shouto to be pretty much on par with him.


“f*ck ENDEAVOR!”


“f*ck ENDEAVOR!”


Usually, Shouto used his quirk with calm and composure. His ice power was easier to use that way. Being excited was more his father's way of doing things. However, for the first time he was unleashing his anger against his father. It felt good. It was awesome and, more importantly; he knew he was right.


Izuku and Toru stopped kissing and cuddling when they saw a giant flame.

“Oh, Shouto must have a lot to scream about.”

“Yes. Wait, is that an iceberg now?”

“… Did that iceberg explode because of a fireball?”

“… Hold me, Tooru, because I established a rivalry with him. And Katsuki.”

Then they resumed what teenagers often do with their significant other, with Katsuki and Shouto’s quirks looming over them in the background.


“… 7.5/10. Honestly, for a first try, Icyhot, it’s a really good one.”

Shouto was currently on the ground, out of breath because of all the yelling… and smiling, as if a lot of weight just disappeared.

“Thanks… Katsuki…”

“Always a pleasure, Icybitch.”

“f*ck you, Katsuki.” Shouto flipped the bird to Katsuki, who smiled happily.

“Hey, see, you figured out the third step by yourself. You flip the bird or you hit them in the balls. You should try that on your old man, if All-Might or Eraserhead is there.”

Katsuki offered his hand to Shouto, who took it, getting up.

“… So, I just have to yell f*ck and just act? … Why did nobody tell me before?”

“Well, you can actually vary. f*ck, die, go to hell… If you want some ideas, try Yuga. The French are good at finding some very long rants when they want to. I asked him once for fun. He is good when he wants to be.”

“… Does that mean I have to call you Katsuki-sensei? How can I thank you?”

“Don’t mention it. Seriously. I have a reputation to uphold.”


Meanwhile, at a certain mall.

Our favorite crusty man was enjoying his ice-cream alone. Sure, he looked like a junkie out of his rehab center and when he smiled; he sent children crying and made security guards wonder if they could throw him out. However, he was also someone who was technically just enjoying a delicacy.

“Oh, Tenko! Can I have an ice cream too?”

Suddenly, the only weakness against the Dark-type that was Tomura appeared: The Fairy-type Nejire, who suddenly appeared.


Tomura actually fell on the ground, his ice-cream hitting his face, causing Nejire to laugh.

“I knew I recognized your hair from somewhere!”

“Euh.. I amn’t who you think I…”

“Tenko. You are smart, of course you changed your hair and your eyes' color. You still have a unique face.”

Tomura whined a bit. He knew he should have worn a mask and pretend he was sick, but he feared the IV inside U.A. would have picked him up faster.

Also, people often forgot Nejire was smart because she was also an airhead.

“Don’t worry. I just saw you and decided to see how you were doing!”

“I am… fine. Except for the ice cream.”

Nejire giggled a bit, something that caught Tomura’s eyes, before she pulled him up easily. Once again, reminding him that she was top 3 of the best students in U.A.

“Here, here. I will buy you another one, okay?”

“No, it’s ok. I can do that. Euh…”


“Remember, young master. If you are with someone, propose that they eat with you, otherwise you are being impolite.”


When in doubt, listen to Kurogiri. It did wonders for him so far.

“Want an ice-cream too?”

“With pleasure! Heu… How many can I have?”

“Honestly, go crazy.” Tomura had the cheatcode “unlimited money” activated. He should use it.

He regretted it five minutes later when Nejire was looking at an ice cream actually larger than herself, while Tomura’s was more reasonable.

“Are you sure you are going to eat all of that?”

“My quirk takes a lot of energy and I need to eat a lot for it to work well.”

“Oh, I see. One of my best friends would have a field day analyzing your quirk, but today he has a date so…”

“Oh, so you were alone and still trying to have a good day out?”

“You know, when you say it like that, it makes me look pathetic and friendless.”

“But you have a friend, since I’m here, spending time with you!”

Tomura screams internally, as he realized what was happening and he was talking with a cute girl. His free hand began furiously typing on his phone, messaging the only person he knew who could help him, outside of Kurogiri or Sensei.

Wait, he never saw Kurogiri with anyone and he lived at the bar unless they went for groceries.

He could always count on Izuku for advice.


“So, is Zuku winning Atsuhiro?”

“I would say Toru is, but honestly, they were both happy.”

The phone in Izuku’s bedroom stayed desperately unanswered.


Note to self, put Izuku under the Joker in my sh*t-list, Tomura thought as he walked with Nejire through the mall while she was happily eating her ice cream.

“So, why are you here by yourself, Nejire, since you seemed quite euh… How to say… popular?”

“Well, I was supposed to come here with a friend, but he cancelled for extra training. He was particularly excited about it, so I think it might have something to do with the agency he is interning at.”

“And where are you interning if I may ask?”

“Oh, I am interning with Ryukyu, the dragon hero!”

Tomura was now sweating bullets under his clothes as Nejire continued to explain how awesome her sensei was. He was on a date with what was a smart, strong and cute girl who was a hugger and worked with one of the Top Heros. What was he, a romcom protagonist?! He was supposed to be the heir of the former lord of crime/mastermind in Japan, and he couldn’t be seen with her.

“So, how are you feeling now, Tenko? I mean, you know a lot about me, but all I know about you is you’re someone who knows a lot about heroes, and a bit about your past. I don’t even know your real name or if Tenko is just a nickname.”

“I work for my guardian, and my job is to perform hostile takeovers. Apparently, I am quite good with strategy. I have a chaperon/butler and I like strategy games, like video games or card games.”

Why couldn’t he stop his damn mouth?! Was it because he thought of Hana? Stupid, stupid Tenko. He was pretty sure Toru was interested in the game simply because Izuku was, there was no chance she could like it!

“Card game? Oh, like Tarot or things like that?”

“Actually, one based on heroes and villains…”

“Is there a Ryukyu deck?”

“Euh… I they do. I have a friend who even has a special edition of her.”

“YEY! I need it! Where can I buy one?”

‘Roll with it Tomura’

“Well, there is this shop I know, where I am a regular. Maybe I can teach you there?”


The local population of the shop couldn’t believe their eyes. First of all, Izuku’s girlfriend was there in the morning. They knew it would probably happen again, but it was still a rare occurrence and it caused a huge discussion between them about how he could have found someone.

Tomura, bringing a girl who wasn’t under duress and who was smiling as she asked for a Ryukyu deck, was pretty much at the top of the unexpected things to happen. Tomura’s face showed he was just as panicked as they were, and he was trying to avoid doing something dumb.

Tomura getting wrecked by a newbie wasn’t even on the list. Their first game? Tomura won despite giving himself a handicap and teaching her how to play. The second? Tomura’s smile clearly showed he was done with the training wheels and he tried to crush her and make her understand his might.… But somehow, the blue-haired girl won with ease. He wasn’t able to use his combo.

“A last one, Tenko? Or Tomura? What do you want me to call you, hmm?”

“Tenko. I would really prefer it if you kept calling me like that.” Tomura wondered how many issues he had and why Sensei never made him see a therapist, now that he was thinking about it.


Meanwhile, the part of Kurogiri that was still Oboro quietly sleeping in his subconscious felt thrilled that he was able to convince his master why brainwashing his designated vessel was a bad idea, and could cause problems once AFO took control of his body.


“So… Should we tell Izuku to call you Tenko? He’s pretty much your best friend.”

“… Maybe next time, I will tell him.”

“Hey, Tenkooo, how about a bet for the last game?”

Tomura was upset about his consecutive defeats and groaned.


“If I win, you have to come to U.A. festival! If I loose… Hmmm… How about I owe you something?”

Tomura thought about it and knew he could ask her to stop bothering him.


“Yes! More fun!”

On a good day, Izuku, who had a few decks and strategies made to counter Tomura, could win twice. A newbie who had a vanilla deck and only two games under her belt? She was going down.

Nejire won.


“So… are you asking me for dating tips?”


“Yes, sure. So, you are telling me a cute fairy girl is trying to breach your inner darkness and somehow you got ice cream yadda yadda. Don’t forget to save and tell me what game this is from. It seems like a nice one.”

“SHE IS REAL. You can ask pretty much anyone at the shop.”

“… Ok, wait a second, I’ll ask a professional.”

Izuku stopped talking through his phone, still in shock.

“Toru, how do you talk to a girl you like?”

Izuku felt the silent stares from pretty much everyone in the room.


Realization dawned on his face before he blushed like the green tomato he is.

"It is for a friend, I swear!"

Tomura sighed, of course Izuku was useless.

Oh well, he lost on purpose against Nejire. That way, he could infiltrate the school festival and find out more about the heroes, their weaknesses and maybe even find out who Joker is. Of course, he didn’t tell that to Izuku, so that he could make him green with jealousy afterward.

When Kurogiri got the story from his charge, he simply said...

“I call bullsh*t.”

"About me speaking with a girl or me losing on purpose?"



For those wondering, yes, Nejire/Tomura will probably happen in the long run. However, it will take time and of course the mandatory misunderstandings of people on differents side.

On a related side note, i am going to age down a bit Tomura and age up Nejire.
They are respectively 19 and 17.

You know, to avoid the creepy factor when I check the actual canon age.

Chapter 16: Schools days and adult manipulations.


In which Izuku kisses Toru, Monoma gets in trouble, Nedzu is probably a men in black and the Dark begins to move.


First off :

**Roll around like a happy otter.**

Ok, that, it is done. As you can see the rewrite continue and honestly, I am happy.

As you might have seen, I have wrote a silly little one-shot with Mei and She-Ra, there : https://archiveofourown.org/works/39276030

Another One-shot is in the making but I am not telling too much about it :D

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 16: School days and adult manipulations.

Monday. The most dreaded day of the week, the end of the weekend, and the bringer of school.

Most people hated Mondays with a passion, but Izuku loved school. Why wouldn’t he? It was the place where he could meet his friends again.

So, when the alarm went on, with his usual All-Might greeting, Izuku got up with haste, before cleaning up himself and taking his breakfast in the company of his stepdad and his mom. Atsuhiro fluffed, as he did often now, through Izuku’s hair. His mom hummed happily as she gave him his bento for the day.

On the road, he met Katsuki, and to his great surprise, Todoroki. Weird.

“Didn’t you say you live at school now?”

“Oh, I do. I asked my grandpa if I could sleep at Katsuki’s house to know how a true family felt. It somehow involved as much screaming and yelling as at my home, but it was different. Also, no hit and no one saying you were a disappointment. It was… Nice.” Shouto was always in a mood, but honestly, Izuku could see where he came from and forgave.

“You should come to my house one day. Less yelling and more movie night. Last night, we watched an old super-heroes flick. Endgame.”

“That might be fun, thank you.”

“Hey, any friend of Katsuki is also one of my friends. Besides, we can probably form a ‘sh*tty dad with a fire quirk’ club.”

“I asked Iida, and you need over three members to make a club.”

“He is serious, Izuku, and you should really speak with Shouto about his theories. I have never heard so much rambling since I asked you about my quirk.”


“I just shared with Katsuki some of my theories about everyone’s family, including you, possibly a cousin of mine since… Well… There haven’t been many fire quirk users since the Burning of Tokyo.”

“Don’t say the only one who makes sense, Shouto. Tell the real fun ones, like Kyouka being Eraser Head and Present Mic’s daughter!”

“That one is half cursed since there is actually no registered quirk allowing male impregnation and I am pretty sure Aizawa-sensei is only in his thirties… Not to mention, most likely married to Miss Joke… However, if we go on that road, it might have been a shotgun marriage but seeing them…”

“You know what? Have fun, you two, discussing crazy theories, instead of using Occam’s razor and thinking Kyouka is her parents’ daughter.”

“He has a point if you think about it. That aside, I have several theories about your father Izuku, one of them being that Atsuhiro, your true father, killed your fake father to reclaim his son.”

“Sadly, I remember Hisashi, and believe me, the similarities are there.”

“Then how about the fact All-Might might have helped in his ultimate demise? I got the date pretty exactly thanks to a few people, and I am sure he fought…”

“The Mole Queen, 3 Km from the airport and it caused a shock-wave so powerful it flipped a few cars.”

“Izuku, you seem fairly knowledgeable about your father’s death.”

“No, that one is because he is a huge All-Might nerd. Seriously, he has a room for all his goodies, and the only missing piece in that collection is the legendary poster which was never put to sell.”


“He is pretty upset about it and will do a lot of things for it. I’m not even sure he is kidding about the graverobbing.”

The boys, laughing loudly for Katsuki and quieter in Todoroki’s case, went on to U.A. They were teenagers, on the way to becoming heroes, among the greatest, and even so, they wanted to have fun.


“Impressive Toru, you learned very well for your English lesson! Did someone help you with the pronunciation?” Present Mic was surprised but pleased. Toru, while technically in the student’s top in Japan, was not really among the best in 1-A. He didn’t know what happened during the weekend, but it was effective.

“Oh yes, Izuku helped me a lot.” Toru said happily, while Izuku tried to look away a bit.

It got some snickering from the boys before they saw Izuku’s light shade of red. Then they were jealous of the only man among them who got a girlfriend and had wonderful dates with her.

As for the girls, well, most of them knew what happened. Toru loved to gossip and make them jealous, though to be fair, when you grabbed someone like Izuku as your boyfriend, you had various reasons to be happy.

What was the point of grabbing the best boy in the classroom if she couldn’t explain how adorable and pure he was?

“Well, you should continue studying with him, as it works well for you.” Toru hummed happily as an answer before sitting back.

Todoroki nudged Bakugou, before asking something that was on his mind.

“Is that one moment where we can say f*ck?”

“Not during classes unless it is an exercise with All-Might/Aizawa.”



“I saw something weird.” Momo was shocked as she spoke to the other girls during the break. “I saw Todoroki who laughed, really, with Katsuki.”

“Todoroki… Laughing? Are you sure? I mean, no offense to him, and I think I speak for pretty much everyone when I say he is nice to look at, but he pretty much has the emotional range of a teaspoon.” Mina had doubts but Kyouka corrected her.

“No, she is right. I spoke about it with the boys. Apparently, this weekend, Katsuki taught Shouto how to say f*ck and definitely adopted him in the Bakusquad. It is therapeutic for him.”

“I mean… It makes sense when you think about it. Shouto must have a lot of anger bottled up and who better to teach him how to get angry than Katsuki? Especially if Kirishima, Kaminari, or Izuku are there to make sure we don’t have an angry mad boy 2.0?” Ochako made her point and every other girl nodded. However, most of them kind of wanted to see Shouto smile now, as it should look like an eclipse: something rare but beautiful.

Momo, meanwhile, thought about the fact the classroom had more to offer if they cooperated. Katsuki and Todoroki were examples, but Izuku and Toru too, to a degree.

“Do you think we should begin to organize group study during the weekend? I mean, with me, Katsuki and Izuku, we could form three groups. I don’t count Todoroki because… Well…”

“He is learning how to be social and doesn’t probably know how to teach anything except with the Endeavor Method?”

“And what about Katsuki? Do you think he knows how to teach properly? I doubt he can do that.”


“… Isn’t he supposed to be at the cafeteria, on the other side of the building?”

“He has a loud voice and a very good hearing actually, especially when someone doubts he can do anything. Izuku told me once he explicitly said he doubted Katsuki could clean his room. Katsuki finished Izuku’s bedroom before realizing he got caught.” Toru giggled a bit about it while the other girls noted this tidbit.

“Does he know how to play any instruments?”

“Drums, according to Inko. By the way, Izuku’s mom looks awesome and nice. She is adorable and honestly, you can clearly see from who he got his kindness. However… There is something about her I cannot place exactly. Like, if someone hurt Izuku, there would be no place on Earth. She would hunt the one who did that. I can understand why Izuku doesn’t search for who killed her father. However, his stepdad is hilarious, knowing old memes and teaching him magic tricks. Apparently, he is some kind of physical coach, though he is very confidential about his job. I think he takes heroes as clients.”

Toru was very into Izuku and honestly, it wasn’t just because he was cute or because he helped her grade. He was kind, loved to speak with her, and was caring. Listening to him was one moment to get to know him better, just as he loved to hear about her.

“… So, Toru is clearly as in love with Izuku as he is with her. Katsuki, despite being very loud, has a lot of qualities. Once Shouto becomes more human and less Terminator, he will be high in the ranking of the best boys in the class. Who else should we put on the list?” Jiro had fun animating the discussion.

Mina raised her hand before she added her own opinion.

“Kirishima. He has changed a lot since last years, like his hair. However, he is one of the kindest boys I know and honestly, you can always count on him if you have a problem.”

“And he likes to show off. I mean, my parents would love him at their construction company, and clearly, he works out.”

Ochako loved this discussion between girls, as they each added their tidbits about each boy in the class. Iida? Caring about the others, even though he was too rigid. Hanta? A funny guy and duct tape were always useful. Each one had its strong and weak points, and honestly, it was nice.

Even Momo joined in the discussion, despite it being most uncouth… But it was to make sure everything stayed within reasonable limits, not because she wanted to gossip among girls her age.

The study sessions were not to allow girls to know more personally about each boy so they could potentially make their choice.


“So, you work out here after school? That’s pretty neat. I guess having the principal as your new legal guardian and your grandfather is useful.” Katsuki was happy, as they had a full city to train after school. The Bakusquad, Izuku, and Toru were here to train as well, as they got the authorization.

“To be fair, I was thinking of doing more of Bakugou’s therapy.” Todoroki explained before gathering some of his powers and creating a glacier while yelling his rage against his paternal, while Katsuki glared at him.

“Yes, I know, you told me to use my fire because it is kick-ass and there is no better f*ck you to my dad than become even better than him. When I asked Nedzu, he told me to avoid it because there is no sprinkler here to avoid the fire becoming too big. Unless Izuku has a card for that…”

“Nope, still trying to find some old Pokemon, but damn, they became rare and pricey.”

“Give me a list. I can still use my father’s credit card.” Todoroki had a lot to evacuate and having Izuku exercise his damage control was a pleasant bonus. Izuku took a page from his notebook (everyone still wondered where it came from) and gave it immediately.

Also, his father should pay for his therapy, goddamnit.

“Meanwhile, I am going to test a few Arcanas. I am going to try the Fool and the Lover. After that… Well…”

“Kirishima will lift you, and Round face will negate your weight, so you are not too much of a deadweight.” Katsuki was way too used to his friend’s tendency to be dead tired after testing cards. It was quite fun with Izuku’s power, how cards like that could have various effects.

“As for me, I would like to test one of Zuku’s theories. According to him, if I train a bit I could redirect light and maybe do a flashbang attack. If I can do that and follow by a right hook, it would be super effective!” Toru was as excited as one might be, even though she knew it would be hard to do that.

“I propose we do three zones of training: One for the heavy destruction,” Kirishima, who wanted to train his body, Katsuki and Shouto high fived after Kirishima explained the concept to the latter. “One for the middle ranged destruction, so, Kaminari, Mina and maybe Kyouka… And self-improvement like me and Toru. And Kyouka possibly.” Izuku simply wanted to avoid being in the splash zone of the attacks.

Everyone approved, however, and the Quirk-practicing club began their first session, supervised by a Midnight who had a free period at that time. She could also make any boy fall asleep if one of them went overkill.

Izuku surprised her when, in the self-improvement zone, a Kirishima miniature appeared and began to throw around parts of houses to everyone's surprise. Then, Izuku took out another card, before using it and creating a miniature Katsuki which exploded shortly after. Weirdly, for an Arcana, it didn’t seem to use that much energy. Either that, or he got better at using his power? Small testings were vital, after all.


“So… You are sure, Kirishima, you want to stay in the center of our attack?”

“Yes, sure Todoman! Don’t worry, I can take both your and Bakubro’s attacks! Or rather… I must if I want to be a hero as awesome as Crimson Riot.”

“Did you know he saved my father’s life when he was a kid?”

“Nope, but Crimson Riot is the best hero who ever existed, no offense to All-Might!”

“He punched fire. Barehanded. It makes no f*cking sense, but I love that.” Katsuki was as much a fan of Crimson Riot as of All Might, to Kirishima’s joy and Todoroki’s wonder.

“I should probably speak about other heroes than my father, and learn about them.”

“Endeavor, aside from how he treated you, is an excellent hero. However, you should know he isn’t the only hero in the world. Like Miruko, the Rabbit hero who can destroy steel with her kick! Wash, the water hero who stopped the emblem of Madness a few years ago! Seriously, there are plenty of heroes to model yourself after. Or even vigilantes, look at Izuku who took a note from Mr. Compress after all.” Kirishima, after all, modeled himself after Crimson Riot and knew what he was talking about.

“Theory #3 about Atsuhiro. He is Mr. Compress and Random Bullsh*t is just a fake quirk.”

“I saw the man getting on his knees to be forgiven by Auntie Inko because he didn’t remember to get out the trash. It would be the same Mr. Compress who stole all the archives of the HPSC? The same who fought once your father and a few other heroes in the top 10 to a standstill?” Katsuki respected the man, but damn, he was also totally under his wife's thumb.

“Maybe Izuku’s mom is really strong and could beat my father?”

“… Ok, you know what? That one is plausible. However, Icyhot, think about it. If, and it is a big if, Atsuhiro is Mr. Compress, it means if his secret is out, Izuku will lose his stepdad and he will be sad.” Kirishima had met Inko that weekend at Katsuk’s house and he met Atsuhiro too. Now, it was time to make Shouto learn a bit about empathy.

“Oh… Ooooh…”

“… One emotion at a time, Bitchy Hot. We will turn you into a real boy.”

“Does that mean I can call you the Blue Fairy, Katsuki?”

“f*ck YOU ICYHOT!”


“Just throwing this idea like this, Kaminari, but have you ever learned martial arts?” Jiro worked on her soundwave, but it didn’t stop her from also speaking with her friend.

“Euh… No? Not really, why?”

“Because you can generate a lot of electricity but cannot direct it, and it makes you dumb. If the villains were serious back in the USJ, it could have been dangerous! However, you can use electricity as you want in close contact. We are all charging our phones on your arms during break and you didn’t destroy any of them.”

“… I could use some support tools, yes. And some training. Because let’s be honest, when I discharge my Giga attack, I am a liability afterward.” Kaminari knew when someone had a point and honestly it was not half a bad idea.

“At least you are aware of that. As for me… Well, I am a scout, so I should focus on spying, but I wonder if I shouldn’t focus on some ranged weapons?”

“How about a guitar that amplifies your amplification to rock the enemy?” Mina, while she projected acid on various targets, added her own ideas to the discussion.

“… That would be awesome!” Kaminari said.

“You know what? This is actually a good idea. Helping my teammate and saving people with music? That would make me…”

“The Rockstar Hero.” Kaminari nodded in approbation.

“And you Mina? How do you improve?”

“Oh? I am trying to strengthen my acid or more liquid, so I can run on it. I had the idea after seeing how Todoroki used his ice.”

“Seems nice. And you think you can give me some tips to train my body?” Kaminari did want to work on that if he was to learn close combat. Mina was also the most athletic of them.

“Of course!”


“They are cute, don’t you think? How do you think your card works?”

“My opinion is… It takes someone I trust randomly, and it creates a weaker clone of them. If I ever pick you, can I call it my stand?” Izuku laughed a bit at his joke.

“Sure! Though I don’t have the reference…”

“Old mangas, from the pre-Quirk era. An inheritance from my gramps.”

“That seems nice. And what do you think… The Lovers do as a card? Make us kiss again, maybe?” Midnight swore she could hear the grin of the invisible girl.

“Toru! Stop teasing me!”

“Never, your blushing is too cute! More seriously, though, I think you should try if you aren’t tired yet.”

“Yep. After that, I will help you with the flash attack. I think I know how you can do it.”

“Oh? I wonder~”

“You will see. Meanwhile… SIXTH ARCANA, THE LOVERS.” It would be time for payback soon enough.

Izuku disappeared just after that and… Could see Toru, just like she could apparently notice something weird happened to his appearance.

“Izuku, can you tell me why you turned invisible?”

“Oh, Midnight Sensei! I tried to use the Lovers card, and…” Izuku tried to explain the situation, but Nemuri nodded, smiling as she observed both of them.

“So, your card allows you to use the quirk of someone you love, hence the invisibility, and that is so adorable!” Midnight was a romantic at heart and that kind of love power was what she liked to observe. The two blushing teenagers (yes, they were invisible, but it was easy to guess) were a bonus she appreciated.

The silhouette of Izuku, trying to hide himself despite being invisible, was also quite fun.

They discovered the power had a time limit on it, around 30 secs. Either that or it used Izuku’s own energy quickly, as blood dripped quietly from his nose, a sign he was close to his daily limit.

“Urgh… I hate it. At least I can still move correctly, so there is no need for Kacchan to help me.”

“So… What about the flash attack?” Toru was happy her boyfriend was okay, but she also needed to work on her technique.

“Oh, right, I promised to help with that.”

And then, out of nowhere, Izuku hugged her. Quickly, Toru emitted enough light to blind Midnight, who was close to them, and she yelled.


It made Izuku laugh as he released Toru from her hug, still dazzling people.

“Izuku, It’s not that I don’t like it but why did you do it?!”

“I noticed this weekend you were shining when Mom complimented you, and you were always more noticeable when you were thrilled. So I thought if I could make you blush with joy, you would most likely be shining!”

“So, you used a hug instead of a kiss? That is…” Midnight tried to add her idea, as it was her specialty after all… LOVE.

“Chht, ma’am. I am teaching him, but I love him as a pure cinnamon roll, too.”

“Fair enough, girl.”

“… You think a kiss would have worked better?”

Izuku, always one for an experiment, kissed Toru on the cheek. He was used to her now, and could safely guess something like that.

Then came the light.


“So you're telling me half the testing site is encased in ice, exploded, all-electric circuits down, and with structural damage thanks to noise and acid because… Of a kiss that terrified everyone?”

“That’s what happened. On the bright side, pun not intended, we are now sure Toru can flash pretty hard when she is properly motivated.”

“Midnight, you were supposed to avoid that! Did we even get Kirishima from the ice?”

“Majima called one of his problem students to help. Her solution to everything includes fire and explosion but she is very good at solving problems. Kirishima should be out any minute now.”

“Also, can we agree that her being able to blind everyone is actually amazing? Imagine what she can do as a limelight hero? Infiltration, sabotage, and during a fight, sabotage the enemy… I’m thinking I might teach her a bit for her internship.”

“That… Is a wonderful idea and I support it with all my whole heart. Still, the damages are quite high. Maybe another teacher might be a good idea to help supervise the students. I am thinking of Cementoss, to repair what the heavy hitter destroys, Mic, for those who call himself the mid-range and Midnight, keeps her role as a mentor for self-improvement. Any questions?”

“No, sir!”

“Good. Also, you might want to tell Vlad about it and how it can be useful. Good day!”

“And who will cover the cost for the repair?”

“I will. My grandson is partly responsible, no? It is logical that I do that and honestly, it is not as close as the damage Endeavor did when he was a student here and didn’t have the control he has now.”

“Yes, we all know why the mountain behind the academy doesn’t have vegetation anymore. I can’t believe he caused a fire because of a pollen allergy.”

“It took a lot of work to convince him to get out of his room afterward. Still, get to work!”


After the incident got out, pretty much everyone in the class voted to join in, to help each other with their quirk. Yes, Izuku was the quirk nerd resident. It didn’t mean he had a solution for everyone or that no one else had one.

As an example, no one had a solution to Koda, as it was technically not heroic to summon once again all the rats in the city, especially before asking Shoji to teach them ninjutsu. When Iida tried to say anything, a horde of rats looked at him. He retracted anything he was going to say with the wisdom of almost facing death.

It scared him almost like the time he thought he killed a man in a hospital after using his quirk for fun and kicking him in the face as he fell through the stairs. Hard to remember the date, though, even if the man had the same hair as Izuku.


“So, it is our fated meeting, oh class 1-A!”

No one in class 1-A knew who Monoma was, and he lost Izuku as to why he talked to him instead of Momo, the class rep, Todoroki, the son of one of the most famous heroes in Japan, or Bakugou, the angriest person on earth.

“… Hello, random person I have never seen before?”

“I came here to declare war on 1-A during the Sport Festi…”

“I am sure it is interesting, but see, I am going to join my girlfriend for lunch. Can you… Do that another time?” Izuku had many things on his mind. Monoma wasn’t one of them.

“What, are you saying that a girl is more important than a rival?!”

“My rival is Katsuki. If you want to take this spot, talk to him.” In doubt, always point to Katsuki.

Katsuki, who waved with his “happy” smile at Monoma. The student thought furiously about how he could escape his current predicament.

“I meant as a quirk specialist?”

“The closest then is Todoroki. He has a lot of theories and I heard Nedzu is teaching him.”

Todoroki, who decided Katsuki probably knew what he was doing and imitated him, with less emotion but it was as creepy.

“… As an outstanding student?”

“I point you to Momo, Todoroki, and Katsuki, who are all above me in grade.”

Momo created a fan to cool herself a bit while the boys smiled (well, Katsuki smiled, Shouto simply had a little smirk).

“… I just wanted to pick with a weak quirk and the same skills like me, as a rival, okay? Because of the joint-toe, you know? I read on the internet either they had a powerful as hell quirk but died quickly or had a weak quirk. Since you are alive, I bet you are the latter.”

Izuku inhaled.

“What did you say?”

He knew it was partly his fault because he asked everyone to not speak about his quirk, just like Hitoshi did. As a result, a rumor went around that he was quirkless and won his place because he saved many people during the exam, which was not untrue. Also, he knew pretty much anyone who went to the infirmary at the same time they treated him, be it post-USJ, after Aizawa’s test the first day, or even after he was sent to the infirmary on the day of the exam.

So many opportunities for someone to read his files.

“I said I wanted an easy opponent because you might as well be a quirk…”

Itsuka shut up the idiot with her trademark chop on his head.

“Sorry about this idiot, he’s not bad, just a bit…”

“Completely insensitive. Tell him I accept his declaration of war when he wakes up and he will deserve everything he will get.” Izuku had a dead cold store, his voice making the temperature drop in the room.

“Same for me, the only one who can pick on Izuku because he is weaker than me, IS ME!” It was certainly not because he didn’t like someone underestimating Izuku’s effort to be a hero.

“I just don’t like how he talks, so I guess I will join them.” Shouto joined too.

“Si je le vois reparler de ce sujet, je vais le savater tellement fort que son visage ressemblera à son cul, comme ça il aura une bonne raison de dire de la merde.”

Everyone turned to the French resident student, while the horned girl in class 1-B was shocked, knowing a bit about French. She didn’t expect someone usually so shiny to have such a foul vocabulary.

“Sensitive topic for me as well.” Yuga said as if speaking of weather, before cracking his knuckle, his trademark smile gone.

“… So, Monoma pissed almost a quarter of your class. That is better than I expected.”


“If I didn’t stop him, your entire class would have ganged up on him. He isn’t bad. He is just way way too much into the supposed rivalry between 1-A and 1-B. Please, don’t put us in the same basket.”

“Don’t worry ma chère, I only want to break his bone a little if I can.”

“… Honestly, that seems fair.”

“We have a deal, then. Tell Monoma he wanted a rivalry, and he got four of them. Five if we count Toru, as she is very protective of Izuku.”

Some people almost felt something like pity for Monoma. Most thought it was deserved.


In a dark alley, in the evening.

“Seems we arrived just in time, ma’am. No one is there yet.” In the alley, in front of the tall man in a dark suit, a costumed corpse laid.

“Is Flathead alive or possible to save?” A feminine cold voice emerged from his cellphone, as he looked at the body.

“Depend, do we have someone that can heal a decapitation?”

“Sad, he was useful to help up the local S.MA.S.H. The Hero Killer?”

“Not here. However, Foxtails found something interesting. Flathead fought better than the others and drew blood, from what I can see. A fair amount.” He said, looking at his charge who was excitingly sniffing the corpse and lapping his blood.

“Oh? Interesting. Enough for…”

“She estimates she can take his appearance for a few hours. Enough for one usage. Maybe two if we are quick.” He knew better than anyone the limit of their best assassin.

“Just enough to destroy any credit the Hero Killer has.”

“Can I recommend a target, ma’am? I think using Foxtails against Ingenium might be interesting. It would show the Hero Killer is just a killer, doesn’t hesitate to strike someone helping former vigilantes, and also put a stop to the Iida family’s investment in the zone, which stopped the support for the local criminal and the use of our heroes there.”

“That is an interesting idea. I want a draft with the potential effects and how to deal with the fallout afterward to serve our narrative.”

“Yes Ma’am”

The HSPC agent smiled at the prospect of his future promotion. He disliked a lot to be the handler of some of the weapons of the HPSC, especially when they were half maniacs like this one.

“FOXTAILS, stop drinking the blood on the corpse, and collect the hero killer’s blood, please!”

“… Does that mean I will become Mr. Stainy?! Will I kill him?!” Said the assassin, as she began to work.

“If you are a useful and obedient girl, yes.”

A certain blond girl with two buns jumped happily at the idea while she used an item and her nose to smell the right blood to collect, for her support item.

“I can’t wait to kill someone like Mr. Stainy, and get their blood!”

“Fox Tails, please, calm yourself, otherwise I might ask for more sessions with Miss Seijin Nomin.”

Fox Tails immediately froze, while shivering. It wasn’t something she wanted to repeat. She had to be a good girl until they released her. Good girl. She was a good girl.

The agent smoked quietly as the silence set in.

Everything was going all according to the HPSC’s prediction, after all, to cement its position now All for One was gone.


In the private sanatorium Tamashi No Nokori, later that week.

“Rei Todoroki? There is a visitor for you, so can you come please, in room 6?”

Rei wasn’t a stranger to the proper procedure in the place. There were seven rooms for a visit. It was when, for some reason, they had to be private and couldn’t be in the resident’s bedroom.

Room 1 to 4 was when the police needed to interrogate someone. 5 was for a conjugal visit.

6 was for when you wanted to avoid seeing the face of your visitor or the resident.

There was only one person for whom she asked to use room 6.

“So, he finally came… Thank you Sakura, it is nice to warn me. I will… Come.”

The nurse helped Rei stand, as it was obvious the woman was taking it upon herself to move. The #2’s wife recovered a lot in the years she spent here, and many people here wanted to help her. Some tried to speak to the journalists, but every time it had been silenced.

It was pretty much why everyone gave Enji a freezing stare, even if the #2 seemed less passionate than on T.V.

Alone, on a small chair, all Endeavor could do was wait with a stack of paper, and hope Rei accepted to speak. She had every right to refuse, and even now, he didn’t know if he could tell her about Touya. Something was fishy about his death, it was now confirmed. However, it was not as if he had proof their boy was still alive. It was a possibility, but he didn’t count too much on it. He didn’t want to give her false hope.

“So. You finally came.”

An icy voice came through the speaker, as Enji took his microphone to speak.


“So, what happened? Did one of our kids finally follow their grandfather’s path?”

“Technically speaking, yes. Nedzu took them, and they are safe.”

The silence set in between the couple, separated by a wall. Enji could picture her angered at him with good reasons. As she processed what he was saying, he continued.

“You were right, all these years. I was… Becoming a new him. Differently, yes, as I wasn’t burning people left and right.”


“And I am sorry. Shouto found good people at U.A. and they protected him from me. Nedzu… Nedzu told me I wasn’t his son anymore.”

A pin dropped as Rei tried to comprehend what had happened during the last weeks. Nedzu repudiated Endeavor as his adoptive son in all but name? He then took their children and took them somewhere safe?

“So, he took all the kids and dressed you down? You didn’t punch him?”

“I tried. All Might bitchslapped me. I brought you the video if you want to watch it. It might make you laugh.”

“I might, thank you, Enji. So, you came here for what? To apologize and be forgiven?”

To the cold voice, a small chuckle answered.

“As if any apologies could repair what I have done, Rei. I learned from the doctor all you needed to get out was my signature, and I already gave it.

No, my real motive is to bring you divorce papers. You will have 95% of my assets, a new house as I am thinking of burning the old one, and the custody of the children, once the therapist and they think they are ready to see you… Though only Shouto is still a kid.”

When Enji stopped talking, Rei took her time thinking. It was not what she was expecting. Was it… Was it a trap? After all these years, Enji finally came back to his senses? Did the man she loves…

She then remembered her therapy. She should stop thinking she could fix him. Even if he remembered her favorite flower, she should stop thinking he was a good husband.

“And you hope for forgiveness, then?”

“No. I don’t hope nor deserve forgiveness from you and the children. I am… Just finally doing something right, I guess.” His tone, as soft as an ember dying, almost convinced Rei of his sincerity. Then, she remembered something really important.

“Even after you silenced anyone from the sanatorium who tried to speak to the journalists? Three of them received menace, Enji. Their children, taken in pictures.”

Enji felt the anger rise in him. He couldn’t blame her for thinking of him as someone capable of doing that. However, it was horrible the HPSC did that to cover everything.

“I am NOT responsible for that. However, I am tracking the culprits.”

“… Are seriously implying someone was responsible for your fu…” Rei tried to yell at him, as there were more believable lies when Enji interrupted her.

“Rei, the HPSC tried to make me their personal Ashen King.”

It was enough for the room to drop below 0°C. Rei tried to hate and use it to cool her head and think Endeavor was manipulating her, but she knew. She knew it was the only thing he would never use in a lie, and her stupor stopped the ice from emanating from her for a second.


“I… I cannot give you all the details here. But… Rei? I am not hoping for you to forgive me or anything. I am hoping to fix, as much as I can, your life. You won’t have to see me again once I’m done.”

He felt the words dying on his lips when he wanted to say he still loved her. He would always, despite everything.

It wasn’t as if he still had the right to.

“Enji? What are you thinking of doing? What is going on?”

“… All I can tell you now, Rei… Is that Touya didn’t die because of Trigger that day. And for all that is worth… I am sorry. For being a bad husband and ruining your life.”

“… Enji, that is NOT an answer and you will tell ME.”

“REI IT IS DANGEROUS AND I CAN NOT ALLOW YOU TO GET HURT.” The only moment Enji dared to raise his voice this time and it was to protect her? Who was he kidding?


It hit like an uppercut. He also knew she was right, which still didn’t make him wrong.

“Yes, Rei. Exactly. Now, stop the ice. I don’t think the wall will support more of your frost.”

Just as he said that the wall exploded, and he saw Rei, his wife, while the room was full of ice. Uh, maybe she froze the camera and everyone thought everything was still fine. Or they were just too stunned to do anything.

Was it normal he could feel his heart clenched when he saw her that angry against him?

When Rei smacked him with a giant ice hand against the wall, he asked himself the same question as all these years ago.

Why didn’t she become a hero?

She was him, but with ice. The fact they had a sparring battle during one of the prearranged dates of the Omai was one of the reasons he fell hard for her, especially as she beat him with so much grace.

Sure, he could technically free himself and beat her easily now, but if she wanted to hurt him, who was he to refuse her wish? She had the right to.


“… Well, I feared some micro and spying device, but seeing how you destroyed the room…”


Endeavor had to use his fire to cool the room, as Rei went full mama bear and forgot she was not that immune to her own ice. Her anger stopped her to feel the flame of Endeavor, not motivated by pride but remorse. All she wanted was the truth.

Then, he told her everything, as the ice destroyed the papers.


“Doctor, do we agree we should destroy any record of what just happened?”

“Oh definitely. Especially if Endeavor said the truth, and he is not responsible for the silence about his abuse.”

“At least, it is… Nice to see him properly taking action. Also, aren’t we in trouble? I mean, are we not in a lot of trouble to hear about the Ashen King?”

“Yes, yes, you are,” Nedzu said, as he entered the room, with a small silver object in his hand. Everyone had barely the time to register what happened. Nedzu pulled up some sunglasses, and a flash went into the room.

“However, all you heard was Rei and Enji having a really heated conversation, and Rei standing up to a very sad Enji. There was no secret talk whatsoever.”

“There was no secret talk whatsoever.” The personnel in the room repeated, without any emotion.

“Seriously, when will that boy ever make me stop worrying about him?”

Nedzu sighed as he exited the room and stole the video records and replaced them with fake ones.


Meanwhile, in once again another place…

All for One was thinking, as all his agents reported to him what they discovered. Everything was falling into place, just as expected. Tomura was doing better than expected and learned valuable lessons. The HPSC was also doing its job to worsen the society and the other things were fine. He even had the pleasure of discovering that one of his side projects resurrected from the ground. Having a plan C was always nice, after all.

Drinking some high-quality wine, he also looked forward to the dinner next week.

After all… It was always nice to see some family, no?


So... Quite a lot, right ?

For those wondering if Mirrond's gave me the authorization for the "Toga is a Kitsune"...
Well, actually it is the other way around. I explained the theory on the server, he liked it and used it :D

As for the next chapter, we will see :

Tomura, and...
AfO's family.

Chapter 17: Villains and villainy


In which Rei is cold, Tomura is trolled, AfO get tackled down and many things are hinted.


Sorry for the lateness, Tomura and the candies took sometimes to write.
and finally, sorry for this shorter than usual chapter.

Scratch that. I wont divide myself with another fic.
Son of drake and son of doom will wait for after endgame.

Chapter Text

“So, you’re the Hero Killer? Nice to meet you. People call me Boss.”

Tomura wore his villain suit, which meant a mask with his father’s hand on it and an Armani suit. Either you got style or you didn’t.

For example, Tomura’s interlocutor wasn’t the classy type, but the young villain knew instinctively to not mess with him. Stain, the Hero Killer, with his trademark red scarf and armed with a variety of knives, swords… Seriously, he had weapons for days to hunt and kill his prey with.

“Boss… We’ll see if you deserve that title, young one. I came here because Kurogiri promised to erase my tab if I listened to your speech.”

Stain loved a good Bloody Mary and Kurogiri made a killer one, especially if you paid a little extra and he used your enemy’s blood (you had to supply the blood though).

For the moment, the tone was civil, as he knew about the Boss from his attack on U.A., with his goal of ensuring the students remembered what it meant to be a hero early on. It was something Stain could agree with, even if it meant Boss had to fight All-Might. However, he had his suspicions and wanted to meet the man himself to learn the truth of the matter.

“To begin with, let’s start with an easy one…” Stain said that with his rough voice, as he played with a knife… “What do you want to do?”

“Do you know what it means to be Quirkless?” A question for a question? An interesting response, especially since it was a rhetorical question. “Did you know they can’t count on heroes to save them because they represent such a small percentage of the population and aren’t worth the effort?”

Stain knew that tidbit, because of his old friendship with Atsuhiro. Of course, since Stain killed while the magician had a no-kill rule, they rarely spoke, only when they met at Magne’s safe house.

“I know that, yes, and they often resort to vigilantism to defend themselves. Except the whole ‘a quirkless person managed to beat a criminal with his wits and intelligence’ doesn’t happen often: not enough training, not enough equipment, not enough people, and of course not enough experience before being killed.”

It was a sad truth, but only in comics could you pull through with just grits and guts. Knuckle Duster was an exception because the man was a goddamn hero before losing his quirk in a mysterious incident. He had the build and the wits to match his foes and he had a team.

“Exactly. Then you can say the same thing about complex mutants not being sexy or manly enough like Miruko or Orca is, or even people with a destructive quirk that they have almost no control over.”

To prove his point, Tomura took off his blue, red, and yellow gloves and grabbed a bottle. He grabbed an empty one, of course, otherwise, Kurogiri would have been sad. He dusted it in an instant in front of Stain who was reevaluating the young man. He had a strong quirk and was reminded of someone else. The Hero Killer knew he had to test the mettle of the man in front of him.

Tomura used his free hand to grab the knife Stain threw at him. The vigilante aimed for his shoulder. Nothing lethal. It was a test.

“Explain, mister Stain. Otherwise, and Kurogiri will agree, we will have words.”

“It was a test. I wanted to see if you tried sparing the children during your attack or if it was just a convenient truth that you used to lure me there.”

Tomura thought about it a second before returning the knife to Stain. Once again, he had to thank Izuku. Learning to lose, to accept he didn’t always have the upper hand. Sometimes, when an NPC wanted to know more about you and gave you choices, you had to take certain actions before they rewarded you.

“I want to destroy society, Stain. I will do whatever it takes and maybe, just maybe, that means I have to kill a child. However, I know my cause is just, and I will do whatever it takes.”

Stain was notoriously an All-Might fanboy and Tomura was deliberately hiding that he would kill him at some point. Maybe he could hide the murder as a part of a controlled war between the new Symbol of Evil and the new Symbol of Peace?

Anyway, Stain smiled like the creep he was as he finished his drink and gave his hand to Tomura.

“It seems like your League might be interesting, especially with the little advantages you provide. I have already paid Kurogiri for the special insurance in case you get caught. I hope you can follow through on your promises, but I can trust another All-Might fan.”

Tomura was happy to have his mask on, as it allowed him to hide his disbelief and hate. What did Stain say?

“I mean, those are special 25th-anniversary artist gloves there. They’re quite rare, you know? I’d like to know where you’d found them since I know this damn Small Might got two pairs of them.”


Somewhere, while helping his friends with their training, Izuku sneezed. Someone might be jealous of his All-Might collection!


“It is a gift from a friend… He is one of the reasons I thought a lot about how to do what I plan to do. I hope to one day introduce you to him since he is also an All-Might fan and shares his ideas on what it means to be a hero.”

Stain nodded before stretching. One of the reasons he also accepted the League’s offer was the freedom they gave to their members and the warping provided by Kurogiri.

Now, he had some work to do, and he should get to it!

“I know a hero who should get his sentence. Thanks to the HPSC, he is tightly linked with the police force. I discovered he stopped some investigations that interest me and an old coworker of mine. Maybe the Boss would be interested in a little team up to torture him a bit and do some holy justice?”

Tomura thought about it before accepting, not hiding his enthusiasm for the idea. Even if their ideas diverged, as long as their actions converged, the Hero Killer seemed like an interesting person!

“My pleasure. So, who is this old teammate? I am curious after all…”

“She changes her identity frequently. I don’t even know her real name. Our paths separated two years ago after we determined she sucked at combat missions. I mean, defeating a petty thug? Sure, no problem. But nothing more than that, and I don’t have time to protect someone else when on a mission.”

“Mood. People need to pull their weight in battle.”

“… That is a strange way of speaking, but… Anyway. Let’s deliver some justice to this corrupted world! If they are heroes, then it is right that we call ourselves… Villains.”

“Hence why I called it the League of Villains.”

Both men went on their merry way to kill a Hero. Both missed the fact the media never covered the murder because Tomura completely dusted the body after they killed the poor hero.

Stain sighed since he didn’t get more information on the HPSC’s plans. Two in particular: Mockingbird and Imperial Flame. He was almost certain that the latter had to do with Endeavor, slowly becoming a puppet for the corrupted leaders of the HPSC while the former… Stain found it extremely strange that some minor villains with rare quirks disappeared, based on the data he retrieved when he infiltrated the police station. He knew what was happening, but he needed more proof if he wanted to call in reinforcements. Hilariously, he might have not gotten the information, if one member of the HPSC didn’t try to buy his freedom.

However, he knew he could count on Sophie to relay his findings to Compress if something happened to him. After all… This crazy bitch survived getting stabbed three times in the heart when they fought against a criminal together.

Even if she sucked at fighting, she was one of the best meat shields he ever had.

Shame it was such a f*cking mess to clean after she used her quirk.


Meanwhile, during Tomura’s fun mission,

A car arrived in front of a dentist’s office. Two people stepped out of it. One of them was angry and had the firepower to destroy a building, and the other was Enji Todoroki.

In front of them was the office of the doctor Hano Sugomono. A dentist who operated on heroes and their families, since he offered discretion so the paparazzi could be kept at bay.

However, in this case, the good doctor saw the two people outside of the car and sighed. Had the day finally come?

“Sakura? Send our two visitors directly to my office. Don’t make them wait or try to make them go away. Then get out. Take your day off and take Hara to the family park.”

It was useless to stop them and Hano wanted to preserve his office as much as possible. However, he would have to report this as soon as possible, if he were still alive after the meeting. Also, that way Sakura could report to her superior. It was time to see if their daughter was more important to her than the HPSC.

As soon as Enji and his wife came through, he greeted them with his biggest smile.

“Ah, sir, I am sorry, I didn’t know you had an appointment but…”

“Hano, we need to talk.”

sh*t.They were as pissed as he thought. However, the dentist survived worse, such as his family dinner and he knew how to lie like… Well, like a dentist when he was told people it wouldn’t hurt.

“… Can we sit down and not destroy my office? Then we can talk like adults.”

“That depends if you can explain to me why you had a hand in covering up my son’s death?”

Rei’s voice was as cold as Hano’s father’s voice when he was angry. Nothing he couldn’t fend off, he thought as he closed the curtains on his windows. It was important to give everyone what they wanted.

“… Mister and madam Todoroki, what exactly did you discover about Touya’s death?”

“You couldn’t know, but Touya lost two teeth the day he died.” When Endeavor was the calm one, you knew it was bad.

f*ck. It meant many things, and none of them were good for him. It was going to be hard to escape this situation. A good point, though: he didn’t have to pretend to be scared sh*tless.

“… You… You understand that if I tell you what they forced me to do… I will most likely disappear, right?”

First step, establishing a few things. He knew how the heroes would react, but the real danger was Rei. The woman was breathing ice on his neck, literally.

“Hano… Hano, Hano. You took care of my family for many years, so let me be clear. If you don’t speak, you will disappear.”

Enji sighed before he breathed some fire to heat the room. Good cop and bad cop, the usual tactic.

“She is not joking. If needed, I will burn every piece of evidence that you ever existed. I would prefer to avoid that, as I hate the smell of burned humans.”

Hano swallowed his saliva before he sat in his chair.

“Do… Do any of you remember my quirk?”

One of the reasons the dentist charged so much? He was a doctor for heroes and he had a quirk that allowed him to save someone’s teeth. After that, the good doctor could produce the teeth in the same state. Impossible to distinguish from the original. It… Explained a lot to Enji about why the HPSC might be interested in the dentist. It was a godsend to make someone disappear.

“So, you helped make some fake teeth to hide what happened to my child.”

“… If it helps, I know it was a real body on site. They burned it afterward in front of me after I activated my quirk.”

It was technically the truth since that was what happened. He had his own theories, but as his dad said, knowledge was power but also a Sword of Damocles.

“And the body…” Rei put her hand around his neck, snow budding on him.

“Was some blond kid, with roughly the same build as Touya. I always disliked switching teeth for them, but… It’s hard to say no when Thunderbolt explains what he can do to you.”

Gallow humor. It helps control your bladder. He knew that better than anyone.

Rei took her hand off the dentist’s neck, but it didn’t calm him. If the temperature was higher, he would be sweating. Instead, ice was crawling up his back. His explanation was good enough for the mother, but now the problem was…

Enji Todoroki.

A man who had nothing to lose, if Sugomono was correct, and with enough experience to tell if someone was hiding things from him.

A small blade of fire erupted from Endeavor’s finger as he joined Rei.

“I… Dislike torture. It makes me want to puke simply thinking about it. However, I was trained by one of the smartest beings alive on earth. I know when someone isn’t telling me the full story.”

Hano knew that perfectly, as Endeavor was often called in as back-up for investigation. Fire-power and brains. Honestly, it was mainly because the man didn’t have the charisma All Might possessed that Endeavor wasn’t number 1. That and, of course, because it was helping the HPSC to create an inferiority complex inside of him.

“… Very well. My power can’t save dead people’s teeth.”

While he was saying that, the good doctor created a tooth in front of him, one Endeavor, and Rei never forgot.

The first time they brought Touya to the doctor, to do a small check-up after their kid lost his first teeth, to make sure he didn’t need rectification.

“That’s all I know. That’s a part of my power nobody knows, except my family. Even the HPSC doesn’t know about that limitation. But you never heard it from me. And… I hope you can forgive me. Or at least them.”

He took one of the two pictures on his desk, one of him, his wife, and their first-born daughter. The couple looked at the picture, and their hands seemed to get close together… Before, Endeavor and Rei pulled them back simultaneously. One with shame and the other with anger.

“… Thank you, Hano. But you should leave. Also, if we find out that you lied to us…”

The dentist chuckled.

“Don’t worry. I am not mad enough to make the most dangerous people on earth my enemies.”

The couple returned to their car soon afterward, with the tooth.

They never saw Hano Sugomono again, as his office disappeared in blue flame the same evening.

Apparently, Sakura was very thorough in his report to the HPSC during the meeting.

Everyone missed the picture of Hano and his old mentor, signed by a certain Kyudai.


At the HPSC Headquarter, 13th floor.

Head of the therapist department of the HPSC, Seijin Nomin’s office.

The old white-haired therapist had a kind smile, as she was currently talking to her patient. Oh, she sincerely loved them. You couldn’t understand them if you didn’t love them and care about them. You had to know their limits, what you could do, say to them, and how to push their buttons.

“Now, now. Your name is…”


The old lady chuckled a bit playfully. The boy was so cute, hiding his name like this. Oh, sure, he wasn’t a boy anymore, but it was funny seeing him doing this. She could just pinch his burned cheeks.

“Very well Dabi. Can you tell me about how you feel?”

“You mean aside from the excruciating pain?”

Oh right, she almost forgot this. Seijin gently took Dabi’s hand and took his pain away, before bottling it inside a specially made jar.

The boy sighed with delight, as the old woman just took his ability to feel pain for a moment: if the HPSC’s favorite cleaner continued to have his sessions, it was because painkillers didn’t work with his burned body and only her Quirk allowed him to feel relief.

“Yes, except the pain, my boy. You know you can tell me everything, don’t you?”

Dabi closed his eyes, as he knew it was the truth: Seijin was probably the most influential person in the building, as pretty much every underground agent in the building had sessions with her and needed her to various degrees.

Nobody wanted to cross her and everyone in the building knew she had torn a new one to the new president when she tried to reduce Seijin’s program. No one knew exactly what happened that day, but they all heard the president of the commission apologize to the old therapist and promised the Commission would never hurt one of her patients.

“It’s just… I feel trapped. I know I do what I do to purify society, by burning its impurities… But I feel like I could do so much more. Like punishing false heroes, or eradicating criminals.”

“You mean, like that one time, when we asked you to eliminate all but three people at the QLF hideout we found and you burned everyone?”

“… I TOLD YOU I WAS SORRY. Also, I was right, wasn’t I? They all deserved death! This f*cking society is corrupted and…”

Seijin grabbed his hand again, pressing it softly.

“Dabi. Calm down. We both know why you feel like that. The real reason.”

“f*cking Endeavor.”

Seijin smiled sadly at the boy. He had such deeply rooted anger toward everything. All he needed was direction and comprehension. Honestly, if she didn’t know about Enji’s life and past, she would have been furious.

However, seeing as she was the one who f*cked up his mind in the first place, maybe it was also a tad bit hypocritical.

Especially now that she was channeling all of Dabi’s repressed hatred toward himself, all his guilt and doubt, changing it into anger toward his father…

Daddy issues. As her father taught her very early in her life, there was nothing better to manipulate people than using their issues with their parents.

To avoid being manipulated herself, she may have forced her mom to… Retire from life early?

“Exactly. You might not know this, but apparently, your father is working with… unsavory individuals. He even made somebody the HPSC kept locked up free again!”

“… Why don’t I have the right to free my family then?!” The boy erupted in flame before the auto-extinguishers activated and did their work. Seijin laughed again, seeing the poor boy drenched in jello.

“Because making the #2 disappear while All-Might is so close to retiring would disrupt the whole societal order. The necessary evil. But, you know what, Dabi?”

“… Yes Ma’am?”

“I will convince the president to put you on a mission with Foxtail. If you carry out, you will be rewarded, greatly. I can promise you that.”

Dabi inhaled before locking his deep blue eyes on her.

“… How?”

“Well, if you succeed in your mission, society will be stable enough for… an incident to happen to Endeavor.”

“An incident?”

“Overheating, making his body disappear in blue flames kind of incident.”

This brought Dabi a sinister smile on his face.

Now, she couldn’t resist it. She pinched his cheek.

“Seijiiiiin! Stop it! I am over 20 now!”

“NEVER! You are one of my kids!”

Then they both laughed, as Dabi didn’t notice the warmth he was supposed to feel for his family shifting to another person. Her.


At the Exegol ward, there was a house.

This house was older than most parts of the city, and many thought it was probably dating back to the Dawn of Quirk era.

It was older than that.

A lonely old man who never had visitors occupied the old mansion, except once in a while when his eccentric family had dinners there, such as for Christmas or Halloween. He gave the best treats ever, despite looking positively terrifying with his old geeky disguise. Darth Vader, he once explained, was one of his favorite villains, as he was a complex character and all he wanted was to rule the galaxy with his family.

A crazy old man, but not a dangerous one, they all thought, and a sad one as his family shrank over the years. His sadness, before his accident, was noticeable. Now, he had to spend his time with a heavy apparatus to breathe properly.

Seikyo Shigaraki, also known as All for One by his enemies and his allies, loved this old neighborhood. It also served him as a reminder that One for All didn’t pass on the memories of previous holders, otherwise his brother might have thought of checking their old family’s house.

It is a peaceful ward now. Every villain knew it was a heavily patrolled ward and any crime there would bring someone like Crust down on them. If a powerful villain tried to use that as a way to fight a ranked hero…

Well, Seikyo was happy to add a new quirk to his collection.

Currently, though, he was busy setting up the table for his dinner night.

People like All Might seemed to think he didn’t have feelings, emotions, or thoughts other than being an evil overlord.

It was untrue. Seikyo was also very much a family man. Today was the anniversary of the disappearance of his favorite son. He spared nothing to learn what happened to Racky Dorobou and his wife. Well, he found her, but she had chosen to unalive herself, to put it politely. It was this action that made Seikyo make sure that his son, despite whatever happened to him, was dead.

Even today, Giran was still searching for the truth for him. If AfO didn’t have a lie-detector quirk, he would have thought Giran was using him.

Still, as tradition dictated, AfO put a set for Racky, as he had been a filial son, unlike his first. Oh well, at the very least, his daughter was coming. Seikyo was ecstatic about that!

Then the door rang. AfO, smiling, went to it.


Seikyo saw his granddaughter, barely 8, who hugged his leg. She was so adorable he could lock her in a vault all for himself!

“Hara! My cutest little one!”

Hara was happy as her grandfather hugged her back. Sure, he was scary and looked like a monster. However, he was still her grandpa! When everyone said it was weird her quirk didn’t come, he grabbed her hand and suddenly she could control enamel! No one dared to laugh at her after that!

“Dad.” Hano smiled at his father, as the doting grandfather put his granddaughter back on the ground, before enveloping his last living son in a bear hug. Unlike his big brother, he refused to join the criminal empire, but he was happy as he was and he was an excellent dentist.

“Son. I have prepared for…”

“I know. Thank you, dad.”

Both smiled at each other.

Hano immediately called after meeting with Endeavor and explained everything to his father. Had it been anyone else, All for One would have erased them from the world, them, and their family. However, Hano had been honest, loyal, and competent. He was a dutiful son who knew his position. All he had asked was for his family to be taken care of.

Also, if Hano disappeared, it meant never seeing his cute Hara again.

“And how is Sakura?” After all, it was time for his son to do what they needed to do about his wife/secretary and spy for the HPSC.

“She met Shiroi Kiba for a drink.” Moonfish was an excellent option and Hano and he was friends since they shared the same passion: teeth.

So, when Hano asked him to take care of a little problem for him, Moonfish happily did it.

All for One laughed, as his son brought Hara inside. They just had to wait… for his daughter.


All for One almost fell, as he felt his daughter, despite not being young anymore, throwing herself onto him like Hara.

“Seijin! You shouldn’t do that! I keep telling you to let Kyudai at least give you some gene therapy! We even used some of my pawns to perfect the research and the process!”

“… How about you give me that as a Christmas Gift? I have been a very good girl!”

“Finally? Good lord, I want to keep my family, you know?”

“And let me guess, it’s therapy or the vault, right?”

It was half a joke. She knew All For One had a vault where he kept the cryogenic bodies of all her siblings from before her generation, the disobedient children, and of course, the wives that became too old.

The smile on her daddy’s face told her everything she needed to know, and she had been right to accept this time.

“Now, come in, Kurogiri made a killer dinner! Some french cooking, one of your favorite. And…”

“I know Dad. I miss him too.”

Racky, also known as Misery. He disappeared 3 years ago, only a few years after Heart Stealer. He… He was one of the nicest guys around. Sure, he was a killer, an excellent one at that. He had his wife create an illusion so his target would hug him… And he would suck their luck. Once he had enough, he simply stopped and left. Only a few people knew exactly how his quirk worked, and AfO had been so proud of him.

He never missed a birthday and his favorite gift was giving someone the luck he stole.

“… He wouldn’t want us to mope around. Let’s go.”

“Still no news about his daughter?”

“We are still looking for her, but… nobody knows anything.”

“Once you find something…”

“Dad. She is my niece as well. If I find her, I will call everyone.”

Both smiled at each other before they began dining.

“Oh, and what about the pawn?”

“Hey, he still thinks he is a bishop.”

This made Seijin laugh before they sat down.

“Tonight, we honor our dead, and we say goodbye until the time is right. Hano, I prepared you and Hara for a nice place in a city I loved when I was younger. Dublin.”

Hano smiled, and Hara, too young to understand, clapped her hands.

After all, they were family and grandpa loved them, as long as they remained obedient.

Otherwise, they died like wicked uncle Heart Stealer.

Chapter 18: Sports Festival : Takeshi's Castle 2


Let's be honest. We have all seen dozens and dozens of time the race, how it happens, etc etc.

So, while there will be some tidbits about it, most of the story will be in reaction of the race.

Otter out.


So. I have decided to make a series (but think of it as a series of one shot) named My Zombie Academia.

You can check it here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39725037

I have no remorse about Tsuyu.

Chapter Text



“GOOOOOOD! Today is the first day of the… SPORT FESTIVAL! As usual, we will see young heroes compete against each other, hoping to become heroes when they finish their course at U.A.!”

“Either that, or business executives, politicians, support heroes… Don’t forget about them, Mic.”


“You roped me into this. Literally. I am restrained against my will here.”

“Hahaha! Eraser, such a joker. Anyway, We will begin the first day of the festival with the first-year’s tournament!”

The mood was good, despite the USJ’s attack. No one signaled the League of Villain or the nefarious Boss, but the security was high and no one here would miss the Handy-man that attacked their students.

However, it didn’t reassure Nedzu, as an invisible hand was more dangerous than the visible dagger.

What sort of dangerous plot could he be plotting?


“I swear, Kurogiri, it isn’t a date! It is…”

“Just you and a girl, going to a festival and spending more or less three days together, alone and without your parents.”

“EXACTLY, thank you Loony!”

“My pleasure.”

As Tomura disappeared into the portal, Kurogiri, and Loony smiled at each other.

“They grow up so fast. Do you have a picture book?”

“Only after I picked him up when he was 9. Before that, he had another caretaker. However, he messed up and…”

“Yeah, I heard Boss’ boss isn’t the man who tolerates failures.”

“Actually, he is, as long as you provide the truth and it doesn’t make you incompetent.”

“Oh. So, anyway… I have a training session with Stain. He wants to know how I killed Thunderbolt.”

“Be careful, both. While I have some medical knowledge, I can’t bring back the dead!”

“Pfff… Yes dad!”



Izuku was currently evacuating stress before the tournament, yelling as hard as he could.

Shouto, who discovered he loved to yell when he could, joined him in this endeavor. He wasn’t anxious about the tournament, as Nedzu and Hound-Dog’s session allowed him to not care about being the #1 if he didn’t want to be it. His mindset was to enjoy the competition and have fun.

Kirishima and Denki joined the scream, as it was manly, and fired up their spirit.

Bakugou joined because he was Bakugou.

It wasn’t worrying for most people. As for Inko, she couldn’t do well then there were too much people, so she and Atsuhiro stayed at home. It wasn’t a ploy from his stepfather to have cuddle time.

However, if the situation stressed Izuku, it wasn’t only because of the competition:

As one of the two valedictorians of the practical exam, they expected a speech from Bakugou and him!

Of course, they already knew what Bakugou was going to say: “I am the next #1, good luck beating me, it won’t be enough.”

Izuku, however, had pretty much no idea. What was he going to say? What was he supposed to say? Plus Ultra? Talk about original.

“Toru to Izuku. Toru to Izuku. Do you copy?”

Suddenly, Izuku snapped, as Toru sighed. Yep, Izuku was once again locked in one of his mental loops on what he was supposed to do. He needed someone to snap him out of it. Often Katsuki, sometimes here and one time, Hitoshi, who used his quirk, so the green-haired boy took a second to refresh himself in the bathroom.

“… Sorry, just a bit stressed.”

“Izuku, if we put a dynamo under your leg, we could power the entire city. You are that jumpy.”

“You are right. It's just I don’t know what to say, to be inspiring enough and be good en…”

Toru bonked him.

“Izuku. We are teenagers. The world is going to be a mess if they already expected us to be the one saving it! Just be yourself and tell everyone why you want to be a hero.”

Izuku felt the familiar pressure of Toru’s invisible hug.

“I know that when you explained to me, it made me happy and warm. You are good enough, as you are Izu-kun.”

People found their couple strange sometimes, as she was the typical over energetic girl and he was the very definition of the dork. However, both completed each other very well, Izuku helping Toru to focus all her buzzing energy towards her goal and her letting him relax as he should when otherwise he would be almost breaking himself.

At this precise moment? It worked wonderfully.


“Hoooyyyyy! Teeeeenko!”

Sweet. Tomura, who wanted to avoid grabbing the attention, was suddenly thrown into the spotlight: Nejire just called him by his real name in public. Nejire was many things, but discreet was not one of them, especially if she decided that levitating was the best option to spot ‘Tenko’.

The young man was in an unconscious sweat, the hood almost on his head, until he remembered he needed the blue-haired girl to help him go through the front door.

If you weren’t a +1 from someone already in U.A. (as a student or a staff) or if you didn’t go through a lot of background-checks, you wouldn’t be able to enter the school.

Well, at least that’s what he was going to say if anyone asked him, and certainly not because he appreciated the moment as she landed near him and grabbed his hand so they could shortcut the line by flying a bit. Being dangling in the air was also not in Tomura’s plan, but damn, the view was nice, as Nejire wore one of her long floaty robes, and her smile was something to behold.

“You know that asking is nice, too?”

“Yep! But this is faster that way and you don’t like the crowd, anyway!”

Two meetings only, but she already noticed that about him? Talk about being perceptive. Seriously, Tomura was now thinking she might have crafted her whole bubbly persona to make people lower their guard before she hugged them.

“So… What is the first event today?”

“Oh, it is the first year’s day! From what I have heard, initially, it was just supposed to be a race, but the principal found an old issue after spending some time with his grandchild.”

Tomura, suddenly, felt a pleasing feeling in his spine. He didn’t know how or why, but he was almost certain that damn Joker, the exploding dumbass, and the gargoyle would not have a good time.

“That seems nice!”

“Also, for the first time apparently, we have two valedictorians who have to make an entrance speech!”

Tomura nodded, while still in the air, before they finally arrived at their destination. A high class lounge where two people were already waiting. One of them looked like… Flipping Tintin, but on steroids apparently and as for the other, Tomura and as for the other… Tamaki and Tomura looked at each other and instantly, they knew.

“You too you got kidnapped by an over social person and they somehow constantly keep you by their side?”

The nod provided all the answers both needed and they accepted each other as mood kindred.

“… Nice to see you both are friendly with each other! Tenko, these are my two best friends in the world! Mirio and Tamaki!”

“I was going to call them Tintin and Tamaki.”

“You can call me Tintin only if I can call you Crusty.”

This bite made Tomura smile, as it showed the hero wasn’t a pushover.

“Nice to meet you all. I am Tenko and I am not a hero. Let’s just say I am among the quirks that have to keep them constantly sealed.”

Tomura pointed at the All-Might gloves. He was too used to them by now and it wasn’t as if he had many other options. Also, they would be perfect as a camo in U.A. He just looked like an Izuku.

“Ouch. Hard.” They kindly decided to not pursue the issue, to his great pleasure, as he sat beside Nejire. They could perfectly see the stadium in front of them and now, they were just waiting for the principal attraction. Oh, it was going to be so fun!

Wait, who was that green-haired boy on the podium?


“… You know him?”

“We play cards together!”

“Oh right, the little cousin you spoke about once or twice!”

“He isn’t my cousin, he is just a good friend!”

Nejire wondered why then she had the same pulsion to just fluff both their hair to check who had the fluffiest one.


“I am going to be the next #1. So good luck, and give it your all: I don’t want to be the best because you suck. I want to be the best because I am better than all of you.”

Surprisingly, Bakugou’s speech was not as spiteful as he could have been. In fact, it was even a bit encouraging, in a very Katsuki way. However, now, it was time for a dorky boy to speak in public. Izuku took as much air as he could, before remembering all the stage lessons Atsuhiro gave him. Now, he just has to pull his mask on his face… And this time, his mask was his smile.

“GOOD MORNING EVERYONE! So, after Katsuki, it's hard to do something even more competitive, right? So, I won’t. I just hope everyone has a fun day! Also, sorry Katsuki, but I think the audience would like it if I win, right? But anyway, TODAY LET’S BE HEROES! FOR EVERYONE’S SMILE!”

If Katsuki got the boos, Izuku got the applause as he bowed toward the audience. It was not the time to explain, yet he would avoid using his quirk for the first round. The answer was simple: the final round always had a fight in them… Though he had obviously another motive to do so.


“He has some spirits, this one. I like him. What did you say his name was?”

“Izuku Midoriya. I knew he was a hero fan, but I didn’t know he wanted to go to U.A.!”

Tomura was pale. The way of speaking, half jokingly, the fact he was in the 1A and, of course, the NDA about the incident. Oh god, did that day he almost dusted Izuku?! He needed to breathe…

Or at least that was his thought before Nejire patted his head, kindly and like a big sister… Which was ironic since Tomura was older. A part of him, that he promptly punched, regretted it was not a hug like the first time.

Anyway, it helped him focus on something else. Like… Nejire and her merry friends.

“So… Sorry. I lost people in a villain incident and knowing… that Izuku was involved in an incident with a villain…”

“Oh. Well, I admit it is unfortunate they had to face their first villain that early.” Mirio seemed to understand Tomura’s worries, and explained a few things. “I mean, usually, you don’t face them until the first week of an internship after the tournament.” Wait. WHAT. WHAT DID HE MEAN BY THAT? “Also, this time, the villains didn’t seem that bad. Even if that Boss had a motive quite like the Hero Killer, at the very least he was coherent about it and didn’t kill anyone.”

Oh. Oh right, he had used that persona to seduce more people and reduce the attention on him. Oh god, that was a close one. Note to self: Adopt constantly the “Don’t kill child” persona.

Nejire nodded vigorously her head, while puffing her cheeks.

“I won’t forgive anyone who hurt my kouhai, though!”

Tomura couldn’t stop himself and pushed one of her cheeks, while Mirio did the same on the opposite side. Tamaki, him, tried to do his best Aizawa impression.


“So, my dear Eraserhead, what do you think of the first trial?”

“Nedzu is most likely insane, but if any students survive that, they deserve to be here.”

In front of them was a fully revamped race track, one that seemed to come from an old show. It had mud, ropes, various traps you would expect to find in a dungeon…



“Yes, he totally changed the name, even though it is in the public domain now, but it is exactly what you think it is.”

Meanwhile, Cementoss, who had to build the whole thing with Power Loader, was sipping his tea.


Endeavor, in his office, chuckled as he watched the TV. He was working alone today, but he knew his presence wasn’t needed, wanted, nor he deserved to go there. Instead, he was working on a side investigation and… And…

Suddenly, as much as he would have wanted to see Shouto run against his friends, Endeavor had a gut feeling.

It was a case closed years ago, and he opened it up only because of a little thing Nedzu told him.

After the Ashen King went into Japan, a lot of fire users died, as he liked to eat them. Their number wasn’t that high and many chose to live in another country because of the stigma Endeavor had to fight against.

The death of Hisashi Midoriya was a special interest for him.



“A cold, Recovery Girl?” Cementoss was sitting in the teacher’s booth, with Midnight and various other members of the staff.

“More like worry, as I will have extra work today. Do I have all their quirks listed?”

“Yes, yes, there. Still thinking about that incident?”


Midnight coughed a bit. She remembered the incident as that man, soon after waking up, had tried to flirt with her heavily despite being clearly married, as the ring he wore attested. Midnight knew who she was and what image she gave, but she was not a home wrecker and she made him breathe a bit of her gas.

Gas who was, unknown to many people, highly inflammatory if the person had to breathe pure oxygen afterward.


Izuku thanked Atsuhiro for all his training. After all this time being chased by a crazy man and having to dodge attacks upon attack while a trap activated to stop him, Izuku was in a familiar environment. With his speed and agility, Izuku seemed to dance across the various contraptions Nedzu made for them. Most students, of course, used their quirks. The leads were currently Shouto, who iced the trap just enough to pass through, Katsuki, who was blasting what needed to be blasted out of his path, Mei, his friend from the support group (most likely because she helped for the traps and knew them better than anyone else) and him. He lost Toru in the frantic beginning, but he had faith in her gymnastic abilities, only second to Mina and his in the class.

Meanwhile, Toru was indeed doing well: Sure, people tried to push her around, but she had the common sense to be near Kirishima and Sato. For obvious reasons, people avoided bumping into them. Their trio was working well, between their strengths and her mind, analyzing the various traps. She had been vital for the trio, when they had to jump from rock to rock in an instant-death trial. More than a few people fell into the mud that way though, such as several Gen-Course. Their deaths were useful though, as it allowed her to notice the trick sign on the booby-trapped stones.

Still, she liked this race, as the faster ones were not the most effective. You need brain, skill and power.

“What do you think of our students that team-up in such an event, my dear friend!”

“First off, I reconsider our friendship on the basis you took my fruit pouches. Second, they are simply doing the logical thing: Alone, they would lose but together they stand a chance. For the Hero Course, it allows them to show to the pros they can cooperate well on the fly and for the Gen-Ed that they are extremely motivated about it. Finally, they can make sure of who they bring in at a later stage, if they are really vicious about it.”

“Oh? Some memories to share?” After all, Hizashi was interested by the story.

“Well, back in my second year, I managed to bring with me a loud guy. Best meat shield I ever had.” Aizawa had the biggest grin possible saying that, while realization dawned on his friend’s face.



Even though both of them knew they were friends. Hell, Aizawa even helped Hizashi for a possible alibi during that time when one of his sonic booms missed a villain and hit an ambulance, years ago.


“Your teachers are insane, you know that ?”

“They are good at what they do though.”

Mirio sighed, as he thought back on how hard Aizawa had been on him earlier. The number of evening courses he had to take to train his quirk properly.

In the same breath, Tamaki was thinking about how Hizashi kept making him talk during his English class despite hating being in the spotlight.

Nejire sighed as she didn’t have ice cream, as the vendor passed by them... And before Tomura bought her a medium-sized one, and one for the other boys. It was the good way to not raise suspicion, right?

It was totally not because he wanted to make Nejire smile.


The last part of the race, after the trapped ropes you had to guess correctly to not fall, was an apparently empty field. It was suspicious enough to make Mei and Shouto stop a second, who wondered what was the trap.

Then, Katsuki tried to rush ahead with his explosion yelling “CIAO, EXTRAS!” and getting zapped by various lasers. Uh, it was an unexpected one. Did Nedzu have problems with using explosives this year? Instead, he used a laser that sent electrical discharge.

However, Katsuki allowed for the dust to rise and the lasers were kind of visible. Izuku cracked his neck and showed off his gymnastic skills as he progressed forward. Once or twice, he even showed how flexible he was, his legs bending behind his ears. Then, he heard Katsuki, who shot a blast against the ground to create small walls to protect himself. Shouto, him, tried to use his ice, but the laser kept melting it, forcing him to use his quirk a lot. As for Hanta, Izuku saw what he tried to do and admired his mental fortitude. If he was right, they were going to see a human slingshot soon, even though he would likely get burned a lot.

Izuku had a thought, as he theorized a bit about the lasers.

What would happen to Toru and her bending light body?


“UNLIMITED POWEEEER” Toru was having the time of her life, as she redirected the laser against the others contestants, letting it through her. Of course, she also protected like a powerful turret Kirishima and Sato but she was the queen of the race! Now, she kept redirecting the tasing laser toward her enemy, while laughing like an invisible demon queen.

Oh? Was it Bakugou who was trying to catch up with Izuku?

It would be a shame if someone protected their boyfriend by shooting Katsuki in the back...

Then Toru thought again.

What would happen once Katsuki discovered she was the one who shot him in a race against his rival in the back?

As she preferred to let that question unanswered, she shot at a grape-haired kid who was trying to ride on Momo’s back. Girls powa!


Katsuki, Izuku and Shouto were running at the top of their lungs toward the finishing race. The cameras, all on them, showed the same thing: the biggest grin on their face. Shouto, someone who had fun, legitimately. Katsuki? Joy, as he had proud rivals to fight against, and Izuku... Izuku had a determined grin.

Strangely, all three of them decided silently to not use their quirk, and instead relied on their body. All three of them were toes to toes with their abilities... Until they heard a mad laugh behind them, bordering on the crazy scientist cackling.

It was Mei, with some spider legs, that was catching up on them.


They somehow sped up even more at that sight.


To everyone’s surprise, the winner was Hatsume Mei, who took the top spot from the golden trio of the class A. Everyone was stomped, as she did her show, to sell her inventions and gadgets. Izuku smiled as he saw her do that. Unlike most people, he went to Mei willingly early in the year: He had some ideas of gears he wanted, and also knew it was far above what he could do.

Some people had a mind for investigation, some for tactics and others, like Mei, for crazy inventions. She didn’t give you what you asked, but she always gave you what you needed.

Soon after them came Sato and Kirishima, each supporting a Toru laughing on their shoulder. Soon came others like Mina, most of the 1B and of the class 1A, with some lucky gen-ed and the grape boy Toru shot before.

However, for now, it was time for them to have a slight break.


Going to the restroom to get some drinks, Nedzu met the golden trio. The Principal congratulated everyone, and showed three journalists that could ask questions to the students if they were calm enough.

“So, first question, why did you not use your quirk in the last segment of the race? Or at all for you, young Midoriya?”

“We all wanted to keep our strengths for the rest of the day.” Izuku explained to the journalist.

It had been fun, as the journalists asked them various things, like, where they came from, how was it to have All-Might as a teacher, how did they feel to have lost to Mei…

“That girl is crazy and awesome. IT ALSO MEANS I HAVE TO DESTROY HER NEXT ROUND!” Katsuki was in a mood that seemed to mix happiness to find another rival to surpass and destroy, and anger to lose to someone else.

“Mei is a good friend and honestly, I am happy they gave her an opportunity to shine.” The cameraman wondered if they should switch the lens as Izuku’s smile was that bright.

“I now have arachnophobia.” Shouto stated that, refused to elaborate, and left the room. Kaminari couldn’t stop himself from commenting “Sigma Shouto” when he did that. Jirou sighed, though she then wondered why she heard a scream from Shouto from the door as he went by.

More importantly, the interview continued and the reasons Izuku and Bakugou wanted to be heroes.

“BECAUSE I AM STRONG! POWERFUL! And it is my duty to break those that break the law! No one will commit crimes in my presence, AS I AM THE BEST!”

Most people had to admit Katsuki had a lot of ambition, and probably anger to deal with. However, this small interview didn’t go into the wrong ears and someone grinned as they thought they found the perfect intern for their style… If he had the strength to back it up, of course.

And, as for Izuku…

“Actually, mine is longer. It isn’t really a secret, but I am what they call a late-bloomer. I don’t speak about “I got my quirk at 8” bloomer. I got it last year. Until then, they deemed me quirkless… And I know firsthand how it hurts. How we are forgotten.”

“We? You still consider yourself as a Quirkless?”

“I have been effectively one for the most of my life. I know that while the discriminations aren’t high enough for us to have some kind of Quirkless Liberation Front or something, I wouldn’t be surprised if it is the case.”


Somewhere else, a blue man sneezed.


“And it isn’t simply quirkless. Villainous quirk, mutants…”

Hitoshi, Tsuyu, and Mina nodded in the back, approving Izuku’s speech.

“I don’t want to be the next #1. I want to be the hero that can bring them a smile on their face too. That when I am here, they will be okay, as someone is there for them.”


Tomura looked at his friend’s face, as he wondered if he knew it was live or not. Probably not, as otherwise he would die of embarrassment.


“Eh, it seems like he is an All Might fan too.”

“Too… Bright…”

“Yes, Izuku is always like that…”

‘It will be harder to recruit him than expected… But if one of the most promising heroes joins me, I will be unstoppable!’

Tomura seemed to forget something: When you stare at the abyss, the abyss stares back. When he tried to corrupt Izuku… Maybe he was actually purified?


At the Midoriya’s (soon Sako’s) house, Atsuhiro had to open the door once again. The lady below used the contraption device the building made to use Inko’s tears to water the plants in the building. This year too, the building would win the prize of the greenest of the town!

“I am so prouuuuuuuuuud! Mom would have been so happy!”

Atsuhiro nodded, as he knew how much she had counted for Inko. He even had expected Inko to be a vigilante or a rescue hero in the same way Recovery Girl is as an homage to her mom.

“I guess heroism is in the blood, right?”

“Yes… Totally.”

“You are something to let him pursue that career after all.”

“Atsuhiro, let’s be honest. If I hadn’t, he would have become a Vigilante. Imagine if he had joined Compress and the others?”

For a moment, Atsuhiro considered the idea. It might have been fun… But having an angry Inko after them wasn’t a risk he was willing to take, especially as they were cuddling.


In the teacher’s booth, hidden from the press and the public thanks to the height and a special window, Yagi nodded to Izuku’s speech. Had One For All not been dangerous to transfer to someone with a quirk, Izuku would have made an heir as fine as Mirio. It also reminded him he had to contact Gran Torino soon, if he didn’t want to be high-kicked in the face.


Meanwhile, for Shouto, in his personal restroom.

Being the principal’s grandson was useful for a few perks, after all. However, Shouto was now in a big turmoil, as in front of him stood in front of him the second least expected person, aside from Touya (since he was dead) and his father.

After all, despite the reassurance from Nedzu and everyone else, he wouldn’t have to see his father if he didn’t want to, he knew it wasn’t impossible. However, he was ready to give him a chance for the internship: his dad, for all his fault, was incredibly competent. He could learn a lot from how he worked and if Nedzu and the rest were right, he followed a therapy and all the rest, well… It might be worth it.

Especially now that he knew All Might would german-suplex Endeavor if needed.

No, in front of Shouto was a lady with white hair, a kind smile and who played with an ice flower.

“… It has been a long time, Shouto.”


Chapter 19: Sports Festival : SHOOT THE HORSE TO SMASH THE LEADER


In which Endeavor notices things weird about Hisashi, Inko drop her tea and Mineta is dangerous.
Oh and Izuku lose his headband.


Yes. Next chapter, finally, you will know who killed Hisashi.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 19: Shoot the horse to smash the leader.

“It has been a long time… Shouto.”

Rei was scared that Shouto would run away and avoid her completely for the rest of the day… And by that she meant she turned him into Prince Zuko 2.0… Though she was in far less danger and weaker than Ursa and calling Endeavor an Ozai was a big stretch since one was redeemable and the other wasn’t.

She also expected Shouto to freeze in front of her, as he probably wasn’t aware that she was out yet.

She was filled with overwhelming warmth when instead, Shouto got closer and calmly hugged her. Even when he was young, Shouto had been a quiet kid. To feel him hug her tightly like that, she almost thought that she was dreaming, before she put her arms around him.

“So… You ran away from the mental ward? I am sure Nedzu can help if you ask.”

“Actually, your father came.”

As she expected, Shouto frowned upon the mention of his genitor. Rei sighed. She wouldn’t try to defend Enji for his actions, as he deserved a lot of the blame. However, she wanted to give him credit where it was due.

“What do you mean, mother?”

“Your father came, apologized and basically offered me pretty much everything he owned and all parental rights. Also, divorce. He even gave his approval before we met for my release.”

“No mind game or conditions or anything like protecting his reputation?”

“He actually offered to speak to the press if it could help me.”

This time, Shouto blinked, as his mother sat by his side, gesturing to him to join her with a kind smile.

“It surprised me to learn Nedzu took you in. He doesn’t often do something like that.”

“He… He is a really kind grandfather. Nedzu often eats dinner with me, despite not liking the food.” Shouto smiled a bit as he thought about the past weeks. “He likes to hear me out when I try to make some theories about things… It makes me happy, since, according to him, I got a few right, because I consider things that aren’t usually normal.”

She missed him, how he grew up and how she should have protected him, as a mother should. Seeing him smiling was something she didn’t hope to see yet.

“That’s nice. Did you make friends with your classmates?”

“I have two rivals and many friends. One of my rivals is also teaching me how to feel emotions, to express myself.”

That was good to know. She, to her shame, had been so caught up in her investigation with Enji that she missed learning about how her other children were doing.. However, it was nice to see him having fun and being happy for the first time in his life.

“And what about Natsuo and Fuyumi?”

“Oh, they opted for their own apartments, one for each of them. They refused to go back home…”

“Yes, about that… I may have destroyed our old house.”

This sentence got Shouto to shut up instantly.

“While I spend a lot of time with Enji for… reasons… I didn’t want to go there again. So I kind of encased it in ice?”

For the first time, Shouto began to realize how strong his mother was..

“Oh… I kind of hoped to do it myself, but… Mood. Oh, and mother…” Shouto seemed bashful, before asking his mother the question that weighed on his mind for a long time. “Would it… Bother you if I used Endeavor’s fire?”

Shouto felt Rei’s hand in his hair, carefully patting him on the head. It was relaxing, and he felt his worries disappear. It was like that when Mitsuki hugged him back at the Bakugou’s house… Or when Inko did the same for him.

“Oh… My poor Shouto… It isn’t his fire or someone else’s fire, but yours. You don’t have to ask me for it, and honestly, I should have never said that to you or burned you…”

In the same way Enji wasn’t the Ashen King, none of their sons were like him or her. Shouto especially lacked the boisterousness Enji had, and while you could see the same passion in his eyes, it rarely showed on his face. How could she have seen Enji in her son that day? She was filled with so much fear and irrationality… so much meekness toward her husband. In their younger years, she used to stand up to Enji. Sure, their therapist was right when she said that Touya’s death was hard on both of them and they needed to support and help each other… But it wasn’t a valid reason for her to react like that.

“Oh. That’s funny. That’s what everyone keeps saying to me. I guess they were right then.”

Alleluia! Her son had good friends who were trying to fix her and Enji’s bad parenting.

“So… What about the rest of the family?”

“Oh, right. Fuyumi is doing fine as a teacher, helping Nedzu with some schools that are not up to his standards. Rather than destroying them and moving the students, which is a lengthy process according to him, he’d prefer to send his granddaughter there to see how they teach. Suddenly, people behave.”


“So… Why are students allowed to use quirks in the classroom?”

“Well, they are children and children play…”

“Oh. I guess I should ask my father Endeavor if there is a jurisprudence for children using their quirks on public grounds?”


“I mean, that is also impressive of you. As their teacher, you understand that you take full responsibility for them, and probably would be getting multiple cases of illegal use of…”



“She told me over the phone that she is having a lot of fun and loves teaching young kids. Apparently, they often call her mommy by mistake. I think they just love her a lot.”

Rei beamed with a mother’s happiness, learning that Fuyumi had a fulfilling job, and kids loved her. Maybe they wouldn’t turn out like she and Enji did?

“And what about Natsuo?”

“Apparently, his studies to become a doctor are going well. His new mentor is someone well respected at the hospital he is interning at.”


The day before.

“And this is how you make a cast for an insect mutant, new guy.”

Inko was beaming as she put a cast on the mantis mutant who had just tried to escape from the hospital. A small-time thug, suspected of being linked with S.M.A.S.H. Nothing big, but not something they could let slide.

As a result, because heroes and police officers couldn’t stay at the hospital 24/7, the doctors had a special quirk license they could obtain, giving them permission to defend the hospital. People in the medical field knew that Inko in the Musufatu Area was their most terrifying combatant. It was also an open secret that Inko was likely a vigilante doctor in the past.

Natsuo could see why, as she was the one who broke the insect mutant’s arm by locking his wrist with her Attraction, and then drop-kicking him, with surprising grace, in the back. He was admiring Inko, as she switched from fighter to kind nurse, as if she wasn’t the one who harmed the criminal.

“… Will you teach me how to do that?”

“You mean the cast?”

“No, the whole… Fighting thing.”

“Oh sure. Drop by over the weekend. Shouto will be happy to see his brother, I guess.”

“Wait… You know Shouto?! He comes by your home on the weekend?!”

“Actually, he goes to my best friend’s home, but yes, he is a delightful child.”

Just like that, Natsuo knew he had found a wonderful mentor and someone who would defend Shouto if anything happened.


“I think I know her, but she and her friend want to speak with you about the whole boiling water on the face thing. I am not sure it is a good idea to meet them yet, even if I told them it was all father’s fault.”

Rei suddenly noticed something about Shouto’s speech pattern. He didn’t call her mom but mother, kind of the same way he called Endeavor Father… Or when Endeavor talked about his genitor. Even if Shouto had rationalized her action as reaching her breaking point because of abuse, it made sense that he still had some deep unresolved anger in his heart.

“That is nice to hear… And for the tournament, what’s your goal?”

“Oh, just having fun. After everything with Father, the fact I can finally relax and learn how to be me… I want to take it easy yet seriously. I mean, it is just a tournament, and as my friends said, everyone already knows how strong I am. I want to have fun and a good time. I have no stake in it. I wanted to know about the whole fire thing because Katsuki would bitch a lot if I didn’t fight him at 100%.”

“He seems… passionate?”

“I chose him as my teacher because of that. He taught me how to say ‘f*ck’.”

Rei was concerned by the smile he had after he swore, but took it as him slowly becoming a normal child.

“Also, what did you mean by, ‘I work with your father’?”


“Well… Your father actually needs help on an investigation and I am the best person for the job. Don’t worry, I can take care of myself.”

Technical truth is the best truth.

“That doesn’t mean I have to be happy about it, especially with the whole prearranged marriage…”

“Oh. That. Shouto… I know you will have a hard time believing it, but… Until Touya’s death, Enji was a good father and a good husband.”

Shouto’s eyes told her that he didn’t believe her for one second.

“Also, my father was actually trying to sell me… And I don’t think it would have been for marriage.”


A certain Dr Garaki sighed a bit. The new noumus were coming along, but he still regretted that he had to scrap that Ice based Noumu mixed with a sensory disabling quirk. He had a lot of love for classic youkai and a Yuki-Onna would have been great for his collection.


“Hmm. I agree to disagree and I am still kicking him in the nuts next time I see him.”

He will obviously ask for this internship now, just to make sure his father doesn’t hurt his mom again and if he does… He literally has All-Might on speed dial.

“Also, I want to apologize for scalding you…”

“Nah, I understand, you thought I was becoming like Father…”


“The second part of the festival is about to begin! Everyone gather on the field!”

“Seems I have to go, mom. See you later? Or call me maybe?”

“With pleasure, Shouto.”

That day, Shouto decided that he really liked his mom’s hugs.

Rei didn’t have the heart to tell him she poured the water because she feared he would become just like Touya.


Meanwhile, Enji stood in front of three giant boards, covered in strings and various photos of people from his database, as a giant map established the route taken by the ambulance that brought Hisashi to the hospital appeared. A lot of heroes and villains were on it, including him and Rei, much to his surprise. If he was right, and he was almost certain that he was, it was the beginning of their breakdown. That day was just before their therapist told Rei to not use her quirk against her husband because her aim was bad.

In the scenario he had laid out, it was likely that Rei’s Ice Ball actually smashed into the side of the ambulance, since she was aiming at Endeavor (not really abusive or dangerous for him, but it would have made him soaking wet).

He actually had to ask for help from his sidekicks and they were becoming progressively more scared of the vast network of events that happened that day.

Hell, he was not sure, but even Snipe may have been there that day as they found a bullet quite similar to his in the victim’s butt.

“Holy sh*t, that is crazy.”

“Yes, I can see why the cops dropped the case: too many suspects to investigate and honestly, if they tried to prosecute even half of the people on the board…”

Burnin came with more files at this moment.

“I have found proof Wash was in the area and Captain Celebrity too!”

“Oh god, them too?! Hell, I am pretty sure the only top 10 Hero currently missing is Best Jeanist!”

“Actually… I found out he was at the hospital, sir. Apparently, he filed for an incident when he used his power for sick children, and he apparently accidentally hit the spinal cord of an unknown man, and paralyzed him.”

Enji was going to have a long day… but he was going to watch the recording at the airport.


When Mei learned she was the prime target for everyone because of her headband, she had just one thing to say with a Cheshire grin.



A fight between Mei and Bakugou? Most people decided it was wise to stay away from the ensuing explosions, since they liked their limbs still attached to their body.

“NOW, NOW, DEAR LISTENERS, THIS PART OF THE TOURNAMENT IS TO SHOW OUR STUDENTS CONTROL OVER THEIR QUIRKS! So, attacking the leader to make him fall on purpose is grounds for elimination, too.”

“He isn’t joking. That’s our actual rule. You are supposed to only steal the headband, and the headband must be visible on your body. Also, if you fall off your teammates, you are eliminated the moment you touch the ground.”


“It also shows pros that you know how to work with others and choose your teammates to complement your abilities. For example, using a leader that can erase quirks while his horse blasted them apart worked very well.”

“Yes, and having a certain green-haired woman supporting you was nice too, no?”


However, Izuku and Toru weren’t like most people. Mei was Izuku’s friend and if Toru wanted time in the spotlight and to make a name for herself, she needed to take some risks. Even if the risk was an explosion, but, hey. It happened.

Now for the last member of the team… Well, she came to them.

“Let me help your team, everyone!”

It was the always dependable and reliable class president of the 1A, Momo Yaoyorozu.

“Not that we are against it, but… Why us?”

“Izuku? Remember when I said that my company might sponsor you?” In the background, Mei’s eyes changed into yen symbols. “My parents loved your interview and asked me to do my best to help you reach the third round.”

“So sponsorship and visibility?… Wait, you mean that interview was LIVE?!”

“Yep. You are apparently trending a bit. Turns out that the public likes that kind of underdog story and you are also the most ‘classic’ hero between yourself, Katsuki, and Shouto.”

Izuku blushed at that revelation.


“I knew it. He didn’t know it wasn’t something that was going to be edited.”

Tomura smiled, as he was focusing his attention on his unofficial cousin, enjoying his distress. He should also note his team is technically a full female team and like a small harem.

“You can see him from here?”

It impressed the big 3, as Izuku was pretty far away and Tomura was still able to see him clearly.

“If I can annoy him, believe me, I will take any opportunity.”

“You seem to have a good relationship with him, don’t you?”

“If he wasn’t attending this school, I would do my best to recruit him for my father’s corporation for gifted youths.”

“Well, from what I learned from my sources, he is at the top of his class in the most elite school in Japan. You could say he is smart.”

“Hey, he is the only person who can beat me in strategy games.”


“… Until Nejire came. She wrecked me a few times and I still don’t know what happened.”

Tamaki smirked at that.

“Let me guess. “Hero” card game? Nejire is a…”

“A total novice who’s never played that game before, but just so happens to be very lucky, right Tamaki?”

Nejire had her smile, the one that told you that you should follow her lead for your own safety. Also, it was fun having Tenko underestimating her, while she was a reigning champion back home.

Hey, being nice and often airheaded didn’t mean she wasn’t smart and cunning. What most people mistook for coincidence, luck or anything in between, was actually the scary amount of intelligence Nejire could display. Tamaki himself discovered that after she found him every time he tried to brood alone.

Tamaki chose wisely to nod furiously at Nejire’s suggestion, while she happily hummed, enjoying her ice cream. Mirio, meanwhile, watched the beginning of the match and winced.

“Ouch. I feel sad for your friend. Did you see the team in front of him?”

Tomura stopped smiling at Izuku’s minor misfortune to look at his new major one. That was to say, the Katsuki, Mina, Jiro and… Shouto team.

Oh boy.

“Oh good, that is going to be a bloodbath.”

“Don’t you mean ‘oh God’?”

Tomura smiled at Mirio knowingly.

“I know what I said.”


Since Mei was at the center of their formation, getting her headband would not be an easy task and Izuku, as their leader, allowed their team the ability to easily steal others.

Honestly, they kind of needed every advantage, since Katsuki was being propelled by his quirk, while Shouto froze Mina’s acid and Jiro was tracking their movement and using some ranged attack to stop them.



Meanwhile, Monoma’s team was sitting behind the front lines. Or rather, observing the Tom & Jerry chase happening in front of them.

“So… Monoma, how does it feel knowing you antagonized them and their allies despite the fact that they are all good friends?”

“Listen, everything is going according to plan. All we need to do is learn what their quirks are so we know how to counter them later on.”

“Monoma, you f*cked up and you know it. Oh well, let’s successfully get into the next round so you can get your ass kicked by them.”


Since Katsuki wasn’t a dumbass, he quickly noticed several things. First, Izuku kept dodging his attacks. That wasn’t that surprising, as they both knew what kind of training Atsuhiro did to Izuku. However, he also noticed the many headbands Izuku snatched. Mostly from teams that tried to block his team’s path… Before taking a hit from Katsuki, as Izuku redirected him toward other teams.

“Katsuki, I am wondering. Isn’t Izuku using us to secure points for himself, that way if we steal Mei’s headband, he will still have enough to carry his team to the final round?”

Shouto speculated out loud while Izuku waved at them and gave them a thumbs-up. To everyone’s surprise, or not, It didn’t calm Katsuki down.


Katsuki, while often as driven as a bull against a red cape, knew when to fold them. He also knew he had a responsibility toward his team to take them to the finals. So, he did something he never thought he had to do.

“Izuku, if you don’t give me your headband now, I will email to everyone in the class your fanfics. All of them.”

That made the other team stop in their tracks, as pretty much all the girls were very interested in what Katsuki had to say.

“… Izu-kun write fanfiction?”

“I am pretty sure I have seen a…”

Katsuki got interrupted by Izuku’s headband suddenly landing on his head.

“Don’t you dare say anything else, Kacchan. Seriously, otherwise I will hunt you down.”

“That’s fair.”

Katsuki smiled at his victory and was a graceful winner.

“Good Deku.”

“Kacchan, I will f*cking punch you next round. I have a card with your name on it.”

“Is it a superhero? Tell me you picked someone strong to face me with!”

Izuku grumbled and looked at the girls.

“Hey, it’s not like we aren’t in the lead, once again, thanks to Mei, that we’re going to stop.”

“Wait. Mei’s…”


“… Katsuki, did you seriously forget that it was Mei who had the 1-million headband point? I pointed it out just before...”

“Shut up Icy bitch.”

“I’m just saying you take that rival thing a bit too seriously.”

Everyone stared at Shouto.

“What? It isn’t like I declared you were both my rivals and I was planning to remove you from school or something.”


“Wonderful memories, right Mic?”

“Shut up.”

“No, no, you asked me to be your co-speaker. Do you remember how you were forced to surrender in our third…”



Midnight had the time of her life with the other teachers, who were all wondering what happened between the two teachers.

“Before anyone asks, Aizawa knew about Mic’s crush on someone and made him abandon their fight via blackmail.”

“How the hell are they friends again?”

“Because if you hurt one of them, the other will relentlessly hunt you down. Before you ask, I’d prefer to be chased by Aizawa. Mic can be quite violent if he is angry.”


“So… We have more than enough points. Honestly, I think we’re in the clear, even if we lose Mei’s headband. I wonder why people didn’t attack us more.”


Momo discovered she had a common interest with Mei. They liked explosions. When Mei used her spider legs to make them taller, Momo took that opportunity to throw as many pepper bombs as she could. Real bombs would have been a bit too much (and honestly, it would have hurt Me’s spider legs too). Mei gave her a rocket launcher to propel her bombs further and Momo actually squealed in delight.

“That’s a funny duo, don’t you think?”


Izuku was happy to sit on the robotic legs, holding hands with Toru as they passed the remaining time peacefully, letting the two chaos gremlins beside them have their fun.


Meanwhile, elsewhere a fourth team was also doing well. Some students from 1B and 1A worked together to ensure they would reach the next round, mainly Hanta as the rider, Kirishima as one of his horses, Tokoyami as the second support and Yui helping Hanta by making his duct-tape bigger.

After their heroic exercises with Izuku, Hanta noticed that his power wasn’t as offensive as the heavy hitters in the class, but it was incredibly useful to stop and restrain the enemy. With Yui’s help, he could now control the size of his attacks, and he took full advantage of that. They didn’t need to get close. He just needed to hit the bullseye with his quirk. They also had a solid defense, thanks to Tokoyami and Dark Shadow. Kirishima also made the structure almost unshakeable.





“We seriously need to work on our team war cry.”

Yui nodded as Hanta sighed and they continued to work together to get as many headbands as they could.


Meanwhile, Mineta and the teammates that got him were seething. It was his chance to get noticed, and he was missing it! Sure, he had easily constructed an almost impregnable defense thanks to Shoji, but they missed their precision strike that would have allowed them to get a second headband and maybe get onto the leaderboard!

He was technically one of the top students if Gen Ed, and he couldn’t and wouldn’t lose here.

At first, he had wanted to be a hero because he thought that would make him cool and make the ladies interested in him. Now, however, he wanted to be part of the heroic because he felt he should have made the cut If it wasn’t for that purple-haired dude, who even had the gall to surrender his headband with his team. Apparently, none of the hero students wanted to shine! What was the point of being a hero if you didn’t shine and shape society?

“sh*t… We need to score one good win! Or eliminate the leader!”

Mineta was smarter than most people expected. In fact, he was actually the student that had the top score on the written portion of the entrance exam. What his partner said was actually right, as their team was most likely fifth. The Katsuki team had such a destructive power that trying to fight them was almost impossible, the Monoma team were almost an ally as they helped them get quite a few points from 1A and finally the mixed-team had one of the strongest defenses aside from his team.

However, team Izuku, with the leader openly flirting with his girl, was a sight that enraged him and the fact he had temporarily lost focus was an opportunity.

“Well, you know what they say: shoot the horse to kill the leader.”

It surprised most of his team seeing how determined he was, but Mineta clearly had a plan. So they followed his lead when he told them to charge the mad bombers… And didn’t go for their headband. Instead, he grabbed one of his sticky balls, and with a well-trained aim, threw it just under one of the spider legs.

Suddenly, the structure became shaky, and despite Toru grabbing him, Izuku saw the legs were getting ready to collapse. If Momo, Mei, or Toru fell on the ground, it wasn’t important. However, if he did, then the team would be eliminated.


“Oh? Apparently, one of the students noticed the loophole.”

“What do you mean, Eraser?”

“We forbade them from attacking the leader. We said nothing about their teammates. It’s a smart move: sometimes, you need to aim for the weak point.”

“You mean like that time Joke brought you to a cat café to seduce you?”

“… How do you know that?!”



Izuku was in a pickle, as he was dangerously close to the ground. Desperate times called for desperate measures and Izuku reached his right hand up his other sleeve, to touch the cards inside of it.

The green boy prayed for luck, for once.

And then something weird happened when he touch a card from the Old Guard deck.


Up in the stand, Yagi felt something stirring inside of One for All, coursing through his body and blood. A warm feeling, something that protected him, despite him coughing up blood… But no one in the booth missed what appeared to be a bright light appearing on the field, unlike anything else Izuku had summoned.

When the light disappeared, only a silhouette was visible, one that Yagi could never forget.

“That’s… that is impossible….”


As Izuku felt his grip slipping through Toru’s hands, as Mei and Momo tried to get out to form a new structure to help Izuku, he felt another hand grabbing him. A hand that easily grabbed the other girls as well, before putting them on the ground first, and Izuku on top of them.

In front of them, floating in the air, was a woman with chiseled musculature, and a smile beaming as much as Izuku on a bright day… Whom patted his head, quickly, with a somewhat maternal look.

She then looked up towards the stands, and in a supersonic boom, reached it in an instant.

“What the f*ck was that?!”





In front of All Might, in his skeletal form, stood a figure he never dreamed of seeing again… at least, until his eventual demise.


“Hey, boyo. Long time, right? Sorry, I don’t have much time and I’m not sure there will be another chance. I just wanted to tell you…”

Yagi felt her powerful arms as they pulled him towards her, while the other teachers watched the scene, understanding nothing that was happening.

“I am proud of you, Yagi. You are the best student I could ever have, and you went above and beyond everything I thought you would accomplish.”

No one would have expected to see All Might crying in someone’s arms, but they could see it right then and there… as Nana began crumbling, her legs turning into dust.

“Ah, sh*t. Time to go. Remember though. I am with you, always.”

Nana was smiling, as she usually was, when the situation was dire… And then only ashes remain on the ground. All Might was left bewildered. What… what just happened?


“Inko, are you okay?!”

Atsuhiro saw his loving (to-be) wife dropping one of her favorite tea sets on the ground, as she saw a ghost on the TV.

He had an idea of the reason and clearly understood why. Hell, if Harima just came back to life to save him, he would be quite puzzled, too.

“Yes… No… I don’t know. I don’t know. Do you think Izuku has her card on purpose or…”

“I don’t think he knows, Inko. But maybe, just maybe, you should try to talk to him about it?”

“Yes… Sorry. I just need a bit more time. But… she was smiling, like when I was a kid…”

On her TV screen is an image of the hero Floaty, not the most powerful or the most popular hero, but still a fairly known member of the Old Guard, the generation before All Might.



“Nedzu? I need a meeting. Soon.”

Looking at the record, Endeavor knew his hunch was right, while he reached for a file with Izuku’s photo on it. He was going to need it.

“Oh? What did you find?”

“I can’t speak about it on the phone, dad. But it is of the utmost importance. Bring All Might too, we might need him. Because I found out who killed Hisashi Midoriya… And it means we should put Izuku Midoriya under high surveillance as of now.”

“… Come immediately.”

On the screen, Enji could see the silhouette of one of his former nemesis… As he looked at Izuku’s file, he wondered, what might he be?


On a side note, Endgame might change name, as I think many people think it has a link with Avengers when... well, no.
Same for the summary, but my problem is that this story is kind of hard to summarize. If you have ideas, once again, I am not against.

Chapter 20: Sports Festival : Like father, like son : ASK FOR HELP WHEN YOU NEED IT.


In which Izuku fight,
Monoma wins
Mei becomes more feared than Katsuki

Oh and the reveal on who killed Hisashi.


Everyone, thanks you for following Endgame.

We are now above 400 kudos and near 15k hits.
We are above 100 000 words !

I would like to thanks all of you, my betas and mirrond for coaching me.

So, as a special bonus, here is some idea that was scrapped :

- Mei was supposed to be one of the lead girl with Toga. No idea how Toru became best girl.

- Izuku was supposed to be, by now, friend with most of the LoV through DnD, Toga flirting with him during the session.

- Mr Compress was supposed to steal the LoV, as whole, from AfO.

It was also supposed to be more crack ish as hell than treated seriously. But I discovered i preferred it that way.

On this note,

Next week, end of preliminaries !

Chapter Text

Chapter 20 : Like father, like son : ASK FOR HELP WHEN YOU NEED IT.







“I am going to buy you more tea with honey.”

“Oh god thank you, I can’t speak for a few days after the festival and…”

“Actually, no tea for you. I’ll enjoy the silence.”


While the two of them amused the public with their antics, all of the other teachers except Cementoss and Midnight took their leave.

Everyone was still thinking about what happened with All Might, and then? Nedzu called for an emergency meeting, while informing the teachers that Endeavor, despite a previous order that he was banned from the school’s grounds, was going to be there.

What happened between the two of them that changed Nedzu’s mind?

While everyone present had their reasons for why they dislike the #2, that doesn’t change the fact that he was one of the best investigators and fighters in the country.

So, when they all arrived at the meeting room, they weren’t surprised to see Endeavor, who was cooling down by drinking water as much as humanly possible, while Nedzu was setting up the presentation.

No one dared to make snide remarks, as Enji was clearly disturbed by what he had discovered.

“Everyone, you have been called here, because I discovered something very important about one of your students… Izuku Midoriya. But to explain, we are going to have start by talking about his father first: Hisashi Midoriya.”

As Enji spoke, the presentation displayed the map in his office, displaying all of the pro heroes and students that were implicated in the incident.

Surprising everyone, they were all on the board.

“And more importantly, who killed him?”



“Yes, it’s not like all our third trials are always some kind of tournament.”



“Dear listeners, Eraserhead is still angry because he was the first to lose that year. Slapped with a catfish by your truly.”


“Anyway! THE RULES ARE SIMPLE! You win by ring-out or incapacitating your opponent. Be careful though, we don’t want anyone going to the morgue.”

“They should have read their contracts better: U.A. isn’t responsible for death or loss of limbs.”

“… Anyway, we have Cementoss and Midnight as the referees, and they will step in if you go too far.”

“Indeed. So. The first match is…”

On the giant screen, two faces appeared. Izuku Midoriya and his trademark smile, and Eijiro Kirishima.

Our hero, who was stretching in the candidate area, offered a high-five to Kirishima, who returned it. Both of them smiled for the camera and everyone saw the friendly rivalry between two young teenagers.

“I hope this fight will be manly!”

“I will do my best! If I lose to someone that isn’t him, I think Katsuki might try to find out if he can kick me hard enough to send me into orbit.”

Katsuki thought about the scenario and nodded, agreeing with Izuku’s hypothesis.


Toru cheered with all her might for him, while Mina joined in.


Jirou smiled, before she asked Momo for her opinion on the situation.

“Do you think she and Eijiro…”

“Very likely, but they aren’t dating yet, and honestly, they are kind of cute together?”

“I ship it.”

In the ring, though, it was going to be a tough fight for both of the participants: They knew, because of their after-school training, what the other was capable of. Kirishima was fairly certain he could beat all of the tarot summons Izuku could do, and they both knew it.

So, that meant Izuku had to use other cards, and that was what made Izuku’s quirk scary; it’s versatility.

Both fighters stood in front of the other, and Izuku had already chosen a card.

Unlike his teacher, he didn’t have enough training to let him dislocate the arm of someone like Kirishima, who was both hard and strong.

Unlike his teacher, though, he also had time to prepare for a wide range of opponents and bought cards specifically to counter them.

Kirishima, while not the brightest in the classroom (which wasn’t really that bad considering that simply being at U.A. means he was in the top 5% of the students in Japan), was still one of the most competent students during their heroics lessons and was an excellent fighter, which made him good enough for Katsuki.

Izuku would have been an idiot to think he wouldn’t make it to the final round and bought a card specifically for fighting him.

To Kirishima’s surprise, he saw Izuku drop into a combat stance, while holding only one card.

“Only one card, Izuku? Aren’t you underestimating my manliness?”

“To be fair, this card cost me 8 000 yens, Kirishima.”

The Sturdy Hero was surprised when a strange light enveloped Izuku, before he went on the attack. Kirishima, proud of his defenses, let the first strike land… and to his surprise, it hurt.


The attack hadn’t been that strong, since Izuku still had a good posture and his hands didn’t seem to be hurting from the punch he just threw. However, Kirishima was happy to see his friend was taking their fight seriously.

“Let me guess, a card that allows you to pierce defense, or something like that?”

“Old card from a game named Yu-Gi-Oh, Big Bang Shot. It took a few weeks for the shop to find it.”

Magic cards were… random in their cost to Izuku. However, the cards you could categorize as equipment were easier for him to gauge their cost: The greater the effect, and the longer he wore them, the more effort it took to maintain. That was a reason why Izuku was happy to have increased his stamina, allowing him to fight opponents like Kirishima.

The card also had a second purpose: Not only did it let him fight efficiently, but also allowed Kirishima to have the match he wanted: A MANLY ONE.

Izuku also had a slight advantage over Kirishima: while the red-haired boy’s attacks were strong (hell, each of his punches or kicks that hit the ground broke it), but they weren’t very fast. At least not as fast as Katsuki or Compress’ attacks. Either he could dodge them by being careful, or he could divert them. Without telling Kirishima, Izuku was also using another card, a defensive one to keep him from breaking any bones.

The fight was going to be a difficult one, despite the cheering of the crowds and Toru.


“Hmmm, interesting.” Mirio said as he was keenly observing the fight.

“The fighting style? Yes, I wonder when and where he learned that.”

Tomura knew he was right about what interested the other three people with him, as they all nodded.

“Yes. Since you’re the one who knows the most about him, do you have any ideas?”

“Well, he said his step-father helped train heroes or something like that. He may have had additional training on the side?”

“Hmm… Anyway, his training must have been quite intensive to move like that.”

“However, he needs to improve the strength behind his strikes. He hit his opponent several times, but none of the blows hit a vital location.”

Everyone began eyeing Tomura supiciously. Unphased, he returned their stare.

“Hey, I like martial arts on the side. I am not just a huge nerd.”

“Well, you seem muscular under that shirt, aren’t you?”

“I… think? I regularly train alone, so I don’t know if I count as muscular or not.”

Nejire wondered about her question before poking Tomura on the side with a sly smile on her face.

“Poke poke!”

“Hey! Ask before you touch!”

“Yep! The muscles are there. Above Tamaki but below Mirio, I would say.”

“To be fair, he is a very buff Tintin.”

“So you are a muscular Krusty?”

Both of them locked their eyes on each other… Before laughing.

For a moment, Tomura forgot that they were heroes and that he was a villain. He was simply having a good time, and it was enough to make him stand.


“Wait. Does that mean Nejire may touch your body if she asks first?”

It was Tamaki who noticed that slip-up. Meanwhile Mirio and Nejire had sh*t-eating grins on their faces.

“Wait, no, that’s not what I meant!”

However, it was already too late.


“Still… still not done, Kirishima?”

Izuku was pretty sure he'd managed to hit his friend quite a few times by now, but damn. Kirishima sure had spirit and guts. So sure, while he'd managed to pierce his rocky armor, it was clearly not enough to win the fight just yet.

“You know my answer Izuku! FIGHT ME!”

Izuku sighed as he felt his stamina diminish. He needed to be careful, since he didn’t know how the others' fights would pan out. That’s why he'd summoned a King to flank Kirishima with. By playing too defensively, he would lose. He needed to attack more if he wanted a chance to rest between fights…. And hope the other fights would take some time to give him a chance to recuperate.

As the muscular king of hearts, with a mustache not unlike a certain Gentle Criminal, smashed his scepter into Kirishima’s side, the latter blocked the attack by using both of his hands. Even he had to admit that despite his guts and bravado, Izuku had worn him down. That might have been why, in retrospect, he wasn’t able to dodge or block Izuku’s sneaky uppercut.

No matter how strong or hard you were, any attack that directly connects to your brain will stop you even for a moment. That was all Izuku needed to make his King attack Kirishima a second time, the hit sent the boy flying just out of the ring.

“f*ck! And… Well played Izuku. That was a mean hook.”

Kirishima fell backwards, before returning to normal. He was exhausted, but the fight was fun. So when Izuku came back to offer him his hand, and helped him up, Kirishima took it with a big smile. Hey, maybe he had lost, but he'd lost in a manly fashion against one of the strongest members of 1A.


“Not going to lie, you were one of my most feared match-ups. I am afraid of what will happen if you learn martial arts or something!”

Kirishima pondered the advice for a second, before nodding.

“Hey, that’s not a bad idea! Next year, I WILL WIN!”


“Friendship aside, this fight showed that both of them have a lot of progress to make: while Kirishima had the superior quirk, he lacked the finesse and technique required to fight Midoriya. Meanwhile, the latter had trouble placing a clean hit, and he wore himself out more than he should have.”


After all, let’s remember the tournament was also a major opportunity for students to shine, hoping that a pro would notice them and take them under their wing. It was part of their duty, as teachers, to advertise them…

But also, it was the duty of Mic and Eraser to make everyone focus on the students and not why every other member of the staff was missing.


“I’m sorry, but why is his death that suspicious? I mean, it can’t be…” Ectoplasm wondered aloud, as it seemed kind of weird to call all of them.

“I have found no less than 30 different people who could have killed him that day. Each one of them hit him, intentionally or not, with deadly force. Including all the top 10.”

“Even I?”

All Might, in his buff form, was legitimately surprised… Endeavor pointed to All Might’s face on the screen, showing the result of his fight that day and how it affected the ambulance. It almost made him vomit blood.

“That… wow. Now, I see why the case may have been dropped. Imagine the scandal if such a case got out? The HPSC may have helped.”

“They shouldn’t have. Because this was an assassination.” Enji put on his professional face, as everyone waited for him to follow-up on that revelation.

“Don’t you mean a murder? After all, it was just a very unlucky incident, no?”

“I know what I said, and I know who the killer is.”

With a serious look, Enji activated a recording, which showed Hisashi at the airport. He smiled at someone, and then hugged them… Before looking horrified, as if he suddenly realized something. Hisashi tried to run… But before reaching his plane, he collapsed in front of everyone.

Enji then pointed at the smiling man, who was walking away, ignoring the scene that happened behind him, along with a woman happily smiling at him, kissing him.

“I present to you two of the most dangerous hit-men I have ever failed to track. Misery and his wife, Mindraper. I have only ever found the civil record for her, after the police found her body a few years ago. A suicide.”

As the picture zoomed on him, All Might visibly paled, as the man had white hair and red eyes, like HIM.

“The only recorded quirk that could affect luck. The more he touches you, the more luck he steals. He worked with his wife, who could make hallucinations of people if she knew their name, date of birth, and favorite hobby. I suspect she had also telepathic component as part of her quirk, since she created perfect illusions for her targets. She stunned the victim, while he then hugged them like an old friend. Afterward, they just let them walk away, to their death.”

The revelation stunned everyone, while also taking away their guilt of having killed a man… It wasn’t truly their fault after all, if circ*mstances kept causing him to be hurt? Endeavor, however, continued.

“If you never heard about them, it’s normal. They were the private killers of the second worst criminal I had the displeasure to know. A criminal so secretive, I don’t think any of you are aware of his existence.”

Behind Enji, a slide appeared, showing… All For One, in his business suit, and his undamaged face, drinking a glass of wine in a restaurant in France, as evidenced by the Eiffel Tower in the background.

“I haven’t found his name despite fighting him for years after graduation, but I present to you the secret overlord of crime in Japan…”


It was All Might who yelled.e worked to keep the identity of his nemesis a secret, to avoid him going full out on civilians or to turn into a full-on demon lord… That and to avoid putting his allies in danger. Even among his team, the existence of All for One was a secret for many people. Now, he learned Endeavor was also at war with him?! HE COULD HAVE USED THE FIREPOWER OF THE #2 EARLIER?!


Enji stopped himself, before saying he was the Ashen King’s son, and looked at Nedzu, who was also stunned by the revelation, and the #2 knew, from his dad’s face, that he also knew him. Dawning realization set in as he learned that HE COULD HAVE FOUGHT THAT WAR WITH ALLIES!

“Don’t tell me that you two were also at war with him, when I went to great lengths to avoid pulling strangers into my secret war with him! I had to obfuscate his idiocy and make it look like I destroyed part of his operations by ‘mistake’! To make it look like it was merely collateral damage!”

Snipe couldn’t help himself, but he laughed, along with most of the staff as Nedzu and All Might were screaming at each other about how it was irresponsible to keep secrets from each other, and how they could have worked together long ago.

Hell, All Might could have avoided his injury if he had known that Enji was aware of All for One earlier.

However, order needed to be restored, and it was Hound Dog’s job to do that.

“WOOOOOOOOOFF STOP. You need to discuss all of it later. But we are missing the actual issue. Why did All for One send his prized killer after one ordinary salaryman?”

Endeavor, who had Nedzu in his face screaming at him, took his dad away from his face.

“Oh, that one is easy. Because Hisashi Midoriya wasn’t an ordinary salaryman. That’s also the reason why we need to put Izuku Midoriya under high surveillance.”


“Oh, oh oh! Next fight is one that everyone is waiting for! The first match pairing a member of class 1A against a member of 1B!”

“I never understood the rivalry between the two classes, as we randomly divide the students who are accepted into UA, but if it amuses Vlad… After all, if more 1A students keep qualifying in the sport festival each year, it just means they have better teachers.”

“But you and Vlad are the only teachers that are different between the two classes?”

“Anyway, the next match is interesting: Mina Ashido facing off against Neito Monoma!”


The pink mutant hugged Kirishima, as he went back to the contestants’ zone.

“Hey, it was a good fight. You just had a bad match-up.”

“The teacher is right, though. I was relying on my quirk too much, and not enough on my moves. Against an enemy that can penetrate my armor, it wasn’t enough.”

Mina thought about it for a moment, since her match was approaching.

“How about we train together? I have good moves and I can teach you!”

“You would?!”

“Of course! We’re friends, after all!”

Further away, the rest of 1A’s girls looked at each other.

“It is going to be full of awkward moments between the two of them since they don’t realise they have a crush on each other, right?”

“Is your quirk being captain obvious in addition to good hearing, ribbit?”


Toru gave a well-deserved kiss to her boyfriend for his win.

“Give me the same once I win my fight!”

Resting with his girlfriend was a good way to recover, after all. However, he had to watch the next match closely, as he didn’t know Monoma’s quirk and wanted to be ready for his next fight…



“… You sure love to talk, don’t you?”

“Hey, Midoriya had his show too. I have every right to do the same.”

“The difference being, Midoriya is nice and fun to be around. You’re just an ass.” Mina was not amused, despite her smile and she cracked her knuckles, ready to go whenever the teachers gave the signal.

Clearly, this fight was going to be less civil than the last one, and Mina, despite having a cheerful smile, clearly burned with a fire of passion. Meanwhile, Monoma was openly laughing like a bad guy, and Izuku found that actually weird. It was almost like a show…

Oh god.

“sh*t, he is actually smart.”

Hearing Izuku saying a swear was rare and everyone turned their head towards him.

“He is doing that on purpose, to piss her off. He must know that Mina has a very intense personality, and by doing that… She will most likely try to rush to beat him down quickly.”

“And your point is?”

“It’s a trap.”

Indeed, when Mina sped up on her acid, as soon as Midnight told them to start, something strange happened. Without warning, Monoma turned into steel, as Mina tried to uppercut him. Sadly, unlike Izuku, she didn’t have an armor piercing buff and hit a man of steel at her full strength. Something that isn’t really advised to do, unless you wanted a broken hand or, at the very least, a swollen wrist. Monoma knew he had the advantage of surprise, and he promptly grabbed and threw her outside of the ring. It wasn’t time for a show, but for a quick and efficient elimination.

“And done! Victory secured! Mwahahahah!”

Mina was still wondering what the hell had happened.

This time, the winner didn’t help the loser up.


“Izuku is going to beat that blonde guy next match.”

Nejire, her cheeks puffed out in anger, stared viciously at Monoma.

“Because you want him to, or because you analyzed his odds against someone that can copy quirks?”

Everyone stared at Tomura, who had bought some popcorn and coffee.


“How do you know that?”

“This kid has used three different quirks since the beginning of the festival! I saw him use vines hair, making people trip with mushrooms and now he turned into steel. It is clearly not a random power and the three of them don’t make thematic sense together. Therefore, it is most likely a stockpile/copy quirk.”

Mirio was deep in thought, before asking Tomura.

“Would you, by any chance, be interested in working for a hero agency?”

Tomura, who was drinking his coffee, suddenly spit it out.

“WHAT? I mean, what?”

“You are clearly highly intelligent, you know your hero stuff and you have excellent investigation skills. I know that my boss always needs more support from people like you.”

Nejire whispered to Tomura’s ear, the latter totally not appreciating her doing that.

“His boss is All-Might’s former sidekick!”

Oh f*ck. Sir Nighteye, one of the most inquisitive and intelligent men in Japan, according to Sensei. Tomura just had to get the attention of his intern, apparently.

“Thank you, but I am not sure your chief would accept a new sidekick without references and without a heroic background. After all, what if I were a villain in disguise?”

Sensei’s rule 12: Say the truth in the most absurd way possible. People will think it is a lie.

Tamaki, under his breath, whispered more for himself than anyone else…

“Yes, but one who is falling hard for someone…”

“Did you say something, Tamaki?”

“Nothing, Nejire.”

Mirio sighed, as Tomura rejected his offer. Oh well, not everyone dreamed of becoming a hero after all, and if Nejire was right, this guy had his dream crushed early because of his quirk.

“Arf, that would have been nice…”

“Hmmf! If Tenko works for a hero agency, it will be mine! I said it first!”

It managed to get a chuckle from everyone, though, unbeknown to all of them, Nejire was serious, as she had become more and more determined to make Tenko her analyst! And it wasn’t because the guy was sarcastic yet still possessed a shy streak she found a hell of a lot of fun to tease… That and, of course, in card games Tenko was an epic challenge and she loved that he could match wits against her... Though Nejire wasn’t dumb, and unlike Mirio, wondered what did Tenko truly hid underneath everything…

Because, while claiming that he wasn’t going to a hero school, he was highly knowledgeable and competent about quirks, strategy and analyzing, to a degree she found suspicious.

It was going to be a fun investigation, and totally not just a good way to get dates and treats.


“What do you mean, he wasn’t an ordinary salaryman?”

Endeavor nodded before he presented the big picture of Hisashi Midoriya.

“His fire breathing quirk was most likely given to him by All for One, as a cover for his real quirk and maybe to provide self-defense, if I had to guess.”

“Then what is his real quirk…?”

“Among my agency, we have two names for it. The proper one, Heart Stealer and the other.”

Suddenly, still on the field, Midnight felt as if she missed a splendid opportunity for a joke.

“The other one?”

“The Hentai Protagonist.”

Everyone was going to ask if Endeavor was serious, but they saw his face as he sighed.

“He is the whole reason I never brought Rei on my crusade: his power was one of the most terrible I can think of. He could steal relationships.”

“… Relationship? How is that dangerous?”

“Let’s say he knew I considered Nedzu my father. If he managed to touch both of our shoulders, suddenly, I would have considered him my father, while Nedzu would simply be a figure of authority.”

Suddenly, everyone knew why that power was to be feared, as did Enji.

“Hence why I worked alone too. I discovered his most likely identity only recently, by connecting the dots today: I saw that Heart Stealer stopped all activity ten years ago, though I didn’t know the reason why All for One’s #1 spy disappeared. However, when I saw Hisashi’s death, I recognized the pattern of a Misery Assassination. I compared the date of death and I knew, most likely, that he had been executed by All For One. However, I don’t know the reason, the motive.”

Suddenly, Nedzu had a thought.

“… Wait, a second. What about Inko Midoriya then? Is she part of All for One’s network? Is Midoriya a sleeper agent?”

Endeavor looked at the staff, who were suddenly worried that one of their top students may be a mole.

“No. They are clean. Please, I am a professional, of course I checked that possibility, dad.”

He was more annoyed than anything that his dad didn’t think he would check something so obvious.

“Inko Midoriya, born Shimura…” This time, All Might coughed blood in front of everyone, for a reason that only Nedzu understood.


“… We are speaking of Floaty, Nana Shimura? Yes. Yes, she is. I found little information on her, but I know Nedzu held her in high respect…”

“She was… My mentor…”

Endeavor pinched the bridge of his nose.“For f*ck's sake, is there any other secret I should know before continuing this presentation? What is next, you are coughing blood because you tried to solo All for One?”

A long moment of silence took place. Endeavor inhaled as much air as possible before looking at Nedzu.

“Of course you did… Because… Because…”

Suddenly, Endeavor had a crazy thought, as he looked at a sheepish All Might.

“… Your quirk. It’s special. That is why All For One was so focused on you, and not me. Something that had a link with Nana Shimura, explaining why he would have asked Heart Stealer to seduce her daughter. Your age and Nana could have indicated a relationship, but Inko looked too much like her father and not enough like you. Besides, that would have made you a father at what… 8 years olds? Unlikely.”

Everyone, in the know about One for All since the USJ debrief, looked away sheepishly.

“You are not Nana’s son, but you are her heir and, for some reasons, she must have been the reason for you to fight against All for One. And…”

At that moment, realization dawned on Endeavor’s face. He had memorized All Might’s career with the intent to surpass him, to a degree only surpassed by Izuku and Nighteye.

“You developed your quirk extremely late. Except when you developed it, it was already fully formed, and it didn’t kill you on the spot. You aren’t a late bloomer like Izuku is. You got your quirk through another method. Nana Shimura gave you a quirk, a quirk that All For One wants so badly that he is ready to ignore mine despite… things about it. Am I wrong?”

Nedzu beamed with paternal pride at seeing Enji practically deciphering the secret of One for All, all by himself.

“… My quirk might be a special one that can be transferred and originated from his brother, who might be the only person he genuinely loved? Nana Shimura was the previous holder.”

“Interesting… Anyway, though, nice clarification and it explains why All for One wanted to monitor her, as she is the only Shimura, besides Izuku, who is still alive. That, and also her past as a vigilante.”

“Wait. What?”

“Inko Midoriya who, alongside Mitsuki Bakugou, was one of the two vigilantes known as the Night Nurses.”

Pretty much everyone looked at each other.

“Oh, god. When Mic, Eraser and Midnight find out that they're teaching their idols’ sons…”

“FOCUS. Also, I also checked upon Atsuhiro Sako, to make sure that he is not an agent for All for One and… He is clear. No need to focus on him.”

It was absolutely not because Endeavor found out that he was Mr Compress during this investigation and needed the man for the Touya’s investigation. He was a bit surprised to see Nedzu and All Might nod in approval. So, both of them knew. Interesting.

“Any other questions?”

The air around all of them suddenly cooled down as the door exploded with an angry Rei standing behind the shattered frame.


Nedzu whispered to All Might, as Endeavor ran for his life, chased by his wife.

“Did you tell her to come?”

“Well, no. I thought she was supposed to watch her son?”

Meanwhile, Snipe was drinking his coffee, smiling under his mask, as he may have phoned the whole reunion to Rei, who asked him why they were all leaving. Since she was Endeavor’s wife, he'd thought she had a right to know.

Not to mention the fact that it was just really fun to watch.



“… Now that we've managed to extinguish the fire, we would like to ask Miss Mei to not use flamethrowers for the remaining fights.”

If the last match had been short, thanks to Mei’s weaponry, the next one would be more arduous. Toru knew it. However she had a thought for Hanta, who was against Mei. She was going to be as feared as Katsuki.

Because she was going up against Itsuka Kendo, a known martial arts expert and one of the top students of their year.

It was going to be hard, wasn’t it?

Chapter 21: Sports Festival : even more kids fight


Even more kids fights!


I never wrote fighting scene before.
This whole tournament is an experience for me.

How do I rank the battle i have written up until now ?

Katsuki vs Yui (no seriously) first.
Shouto vs Tokoyami second.

For those wondering how the match and the win were decided...
I used a dice. To my great surprise I loved the result.

As for who get an exciting fight or not... Well it is very mood dependant. Sorry that not all fight are exciting !

Chapter Text

Chapter 21: Even more kids fight!

Toru was ready for her fight, but she knew it wasn’t going to be an easy win: She had her invisibility, Yay! Her opponent was rumored to train in a dojo since her youngest age, while she was equal to Momo in smarts, and her quirk allowed her to do large area attacks, yeah she's screwed.

Despite her previous bravado about how Izuku should kiss her for winning her fight, Toru knew it was… Quite the unlikely outcome.Then Toru cheered up, with a giant smile on her face and fist pumped to the air. It wasn’t because something was hard and unlikely that it was impossible, and she had to do her best!

“Hey nice to meet you! Let’s have a good match together!” Toru says bounding up to the stage, only known to be there from the floating pair of gym clothes.

The ginger fighter had one of her biggest smiles on her face, a kind and friendly one that Toru answered it in kind with one of her own, though no one could see it.

“Thanks! Though, if you face the blonde dude…” The redhead stops half way trying to find her wording.

“I will kick his ass thoroughly. It is not because we are in different classes he has to be a dick about it! You must be a saint if he is like that every day!” Toru had a plan brewing, even if it will take some embarrassment.

“Thanks!” The redhead bows before dropping into a defensive stance.

Midnight advanced on the field, taking her spot as ref only to explain the rules once again,and then gave the signal.


Immediately, Toru began running while trying to think again about Izuku’s arms around her. Usually, you aren’t encouraged to daydream about your boyfriend, but in this case, Toru knew what it did to her, especially with a sun that was beautifully high in the sky.

Meanwhile, Itsuka focused herself on Toru’s uniform, as it was clearly the easiest way to locate her. Itsuka didn’t know what was the invisible girl’s plan, but she guessed she was trying something to beat her, most likely to restrain how Itsuka could punch her.

Itsuka completely understood what she was thinking, as the girl seemed… Well Itsuka didn’t know how Toru looked, but if she was smart, she would have likely heard about Itsuka as one of the top students in heroics and probably one of the favorites in the whole tournament. Had she been against Monoma, Itsuka thinks she would have had better odds to win.


At least she seemed to be lucky enough to have someone who noticed her, as the 1B president heard Izuku cheering for Toru, loudly. Itsuka, in the meantime… Well… Her crush was as dense as steel. Literally. Itsuka sighed, as she caught back Toru and readied her punch for a body blow. She was an expert in martial arts; she didn’t have to hurt her opponent more than necessary.

Her feet firmly planted in the ground, and her fist moved with her shoulder to bring strength in her hit. Her eyes were on her target, and she was pretty sure to connect with the invisible girl's stomach.

She missed as she didn’t lose Toru from her sight, when she turned into a living flashbang.

“AAAAAAH!”With a scream, Itsuka felt her attack connecting in the void, as Toru kicked her legs with a low kick. Not a bad idea if she wanted to do a hit-and-run tactic.

“Sorry Kendo, but I will make you work for that victory!”

The invisible girl’s grit and determination made the ginger smile, despite her eyes hurting. That was a good attack, and she felt the hit in her knee. However… However, she also felt the lack of proper striking power inside Toru’s hit. Probably someone who was used to the item to increase her hit, and clearly hadn’t learned how to hit her opponent cleanly yet.

Her eyes closed, Itsuka forced herself to calm down with a breathing technique and proper kata, proper stance. When Toru tried to kick again Itsuka, the latter surprised her by grabbing fast as lightning. Itsuka loved to train, and while her costume had protection for her eyes, she knew she shouldn’t count on that. Therefore, she trained herself with some friends fighting blind: She would take the hit, but react quick enough to go grappling with her opponent.

In other words, as Toru would discover soon, there was a notable difference in combat experience between them, since once Itsuka grabbed someone, her quirk giant hand gave her enough strength to keep them inside it. After all, if one took time to study her hands, they would notice how hurt they were, as she trained every day by hitting steel. Which could or not be Tetsutetsu’s abs and an opportunity for her to flirt, who could say?

Anyway, Itsuka trapped Toru in her hands, before simply tightening her grasp.

“Surrender, now! Otherwise, I will keep pressing you more in my hand!”

Toru tried her best, but the difference in strength was absurd. Could Itsuka break steel or somthingwith her bare hands or is Toru just that far out of her league?

“I AM NOT DONE YET!” Toru squirms in the redheads grip.

“Oh yes? Because I just have to not look at you and throw you out of the ring to win!” Itsuka says while holding Toru up into the air so she can't get any footing.

“THEN WHY DONT YOU?!” Toru yelled as she tried and failed to kick the redhead's wrist.

“Because I don’t want to hurt you more than necessary and that such a throw could make you land badly!”


“See that, little listeners? It is a reminder that heros don’t have to be more brutal than necessary. There is such a thing as over-violence and we don’t encourage that here in U.A.”

“I totally agree with Mic on that one. Yes, sometimes you have to be violent to take down a criminal. It happened to me more than once. However, it doesn’t have to always be this way.”

“As an example, sometimes, when you meet a young quirkless vigilante, we know some heroes punch first and ask questions never. We, with Eraser, prefer to restrain them if necessary, but more often than not, their existence is the sign something bigger is there. Asking them why is the best option to root out the problem and avoid new ones from popping up.”

“On a side note: Vigilantism is a crime, and no, not using quirk doesn’t make you immune to the law against vigilantism. It is still an obstruction to heroes and police force and therefore a prosecutable offense.”

Too many quirkless vigilantes tried that one. Never ended well for them… And they were purposefully not speaking about the other usual outcome.


Despite Itsuka's fair warning, Toru tried to worm her way out of her grasp. However, the ginger student knew her job and, as she said, threw her outside the ring.

The flying Toru got caught by a Midnight who sighed. She would truly need to teach this young girl how to fight better. She clearly relied upon surprise and her brass knuckles.

As Itsuka proved with her throw, it also meant that without it, Toru wasn’t effective enough to be a hero in solo and should either stick to the underground as a spy or as a side-kick…

Unless, of course, Midnight trained her in the same way she had been trained when she was a young, dreaming girl, meaning lots of whips and chains! How fun!.

It was a shame, really; she didn’t know the name and identity of the Night Nurses. Having them as co-teachers would have been wonderful, and it would have lessened Recovery Girl’s burden.

Oh well, for once this year, it seemed like they didn’t pit the powerhouse against each other in the first round!



Meanwhile, as they announced the fight, all the teachers that were summoned for the emergency meeting came back to their booth. All of them were stunned by what they had learnt and needed time to process all of it.

The only missing person was All Might, as he was busy yelling with Rei at Enji. His lone wolf behavior caused even more problems and now, he would have to learn how to work in a team, said team being with most of the current top five, plus Rei herself.

Shouto might have wondered where his mom was for his fight, but thought she was just really busy about something. He wasn’t wrong, technically speaking.

Anyhow, Shouto entered the ring, while cracking the ice around his fingers. He was truly not used to using his fire for his fights and should be careful about it.

Meanwhile, his opponent was done with his mental preparation, as he stepped onto the ring, facing 1A’s top student. However, while Izuku with his personality, Katsuki with his attitude, Momo with her smarts and Todoroki with his talents over everyone else, overshadowed everyone, it didn’t mean the rest of the class wasn’t powerful. It was his time to show it.


Midnight continued her job as the main referee, before launching the signal.


Instantly, Todoroki went full no-nonsense fight, as despite his failing as a father, Endeavor taught him well how to fight, and how you should never drag on a fight as that itself can be the end of it.

Raising his hand, he waved it with a powerful swing, creating instantly a giant glacier, spiky and powerful. Spending time with the class made him appreciate his classmates more and knew they were all strong in their way. Since his fire was dangerous (despite what everyone was saying it was still fire), it was better to go with the ice, as he knew how to use it well. His fire could and would be used to avoid frostbite, thought.


“Yes, that is something I have trouble understanding: Why do people never use their most powerful attack first?”

“… Did you finally play Undertale?”

“Not the point. However, it seems to me that Todoroki used the wrong move this time.”

“What do you mean…”

Interrupting Mic, everyone could see the ice crack before something giant and dark emerged from it with a loud sound.


It was Dark Shadow, who was now throwing himself to Todoroki. Suddenly, the Ice student had to face a problem he didn’t expect: Why was the living-quirk a few times bigger than usual?!

Shouto had to keep moving and creating shields of ice to fend off the relentless barrage of attacks Dark Shadow did. The Darkness Bird seemed fired up and his giant claw smashed Todoroki’sdefenses multiple times as if it was cardboard: Almost instantly, as he kept the pressure on him.

Why was Dark Shadow so powerful? The answer was simple: Because Todoroki’s ice was too powerful.

Tokoyami, as everyone seemed to forgot the quiet kid, was someone smart and creative, as Izuku could confirm after playing DnD with him: when the situation seemed lost, Tokoyami often managed to went through his notes taken across various sessions to find the information needed to counter the bad guy. It wasn’t as fast as what Izuku could do, but it wasn’t bad either. Tokoyami learned how Todoroki fought to counter him.

In the past two weeks, when everyone was learning how to use their quirks in a more offensive way, Tokoyami spent his time training his quirk defensively. He knew that if he managed to fend off Todoroki's first giant attack; he had good odds of winning:

Ice didn’t let light get through well, with the majority of light being reflected off the surface. If Tokoyami could stay hidden in the shadow created by resting deep inside of the icey shell of his newfound bunker, it would give an important boost to Dark Shadow. Tokoyami discovered during the training session a weakness in Shouto’s ice.

Once created, he couldn’t manipulate it, therefore, it also made a good shield for Tokoyami, who simply had to endure the cold…

Shouto was in an unexpected pickle. As he kept running away on the ring, he tried to counterattack the shadow, who simply seemed to disappear or absorb his attack. It was logical, as it was a living shadow, and therefore an element. Attacking being like that was always hard, unless you managed to get your hand on his primordial opposite, and one of the reason the Ashen King had been so hard to stop: No one was capable to manipulate air to the point they could extinguish him or use cold enough water for the same purpose. Yes, after learning who was Endeavor’s father, he found as much information as possible on that man.

Still, Shouto couldn’t continue to stay on the run, as the Shadow seemed to get closer and closer to him each time, and soon, the heterochromatic kid would run-out of field to run.

At that moment, Shouto had an idea, a spur of the moment thinking. If he lacked a place to run away, he could always create more.

Another swing, another block of ice, as Shouto ran on it, and created as fast as he could fresh places to run on it.

“See, people? Therefore sometimes, innovation and improvisation can get you killed.”

“Oh? What do you mean?”

“Well, while Todoroki’s ice is indeed strong enough to hold his weight and stay structurally sound, Shouto forgot something important.”


“Support beams.”

Pretty much as soon as Aizawa said that, Shouto, who had created stairs to not burn himself out too quickly, saw Dark Shadow coiling around his ice structure and break it. What happens then when you are on a structure that lost its footing?

Well, you learned that gravity was a bitch.

The ice cracked, and Shouto felt the fall beginning. As he sighed, thinking he had been outsmarted and could totally accept this loss… He heard something.

“YOU DAMN ICY BITCH! YOU BETTER WIN SO I CAN KICK YOUR ASS!” An angry pomeranian yells into the air.

Todoroki smiled; thinking about Katsuki, who taught him to accept his emotions to express them… And he remembered one lesson they had together, just once.

Suddenly, Shouto felt another emotion swell inside him, as Dark Shadow went for the kill, to be sure his opponent wouldn’t create a last ice trick to save himself. This emotion, this desire…

It was the desire to make someone proud of him. Pride.


Just as Shouto was nearing the ice, and that Dark Shadow prepared his smash, a beautiful orange fire emanated from Shouto.


While the name was unoriginal, everyone had to admit that seeing Shouto creating with his feet and his fists two columns of fire was impressive. Yes, unlike Endeavor, he wasn’t strong enough to fly in the sky, however it was more than enough to break his fall, allowing him to melt his ice under him.

As for Dark Shadow, he had barely the time to avoid the attack, as Shouto’s fire was indeed a bit too lighty to his taste.

An important part of Tokoyami’s plan was to use Shouto’s unwillingness to use his fire, as unlike Katsuki or Izuku, Tokoyami was more on the pragmatism spectrum. Having an opponent who would use his fire was a fundamental change… But what was a DnD player if not someone who had to adapt against overwhelming odds?

Tokoyami inhaled, before ordering Dark Shadow to attack again, but in a new way.

Todoroki, on the other hand, was now sliding on his glacier, trying to locate Tokoyami. If he couldn’t beat the quirk into submission, he should beat the user. However, it was kind of hard, because of course, Shouto had the great idea of making A LOT OF SPIKES. Now, he understood why his father criticized this move, describing it as too flashy and giving cover to his enemy. It was kind of humiliating to concede a point to Endeavor, thought Todoroki, while jumping from one icy spike to another … Before a Dark Shadow once again tried to attack; hurling itself at him from the shadow by the various structures.

Instantly, Todoroki responded in kind, using his hand to create a fireball. However, the bird came prepared and when he saw the attack, used one of the spikes as a shield to protect himself from the light and stop the fireball. Shouto clenched his teeth as the bird smashed him into the ice below, his dark fist pressuring him against the ice.


For a moment, Todoroki thought about an instant, before an old memory came back to his mind. One of his happiest memories ever, one with friendship and laughter… He intensified his fire, compensating the heat with his ice, as he was always supposed to.

“HOW ABOUT… f*ck YOU!”


In the student area, Izuku stared at an emotional Bakugou.

“They grow up so fast, right?”

“f*ck YOU, GREEN BEAN. Don’t you have a girlfriend to console?”

“She wants a moment for herself. We will cuddle later. So… Proud of your student?”

“… Yes.”

Both friends smiled, as they saw Todoroki using his flame, even more than just before, enveloping himself in an armor of fire, both of them analyzing the technique.

“… That isn’t bad.”

“It won’t be enough thought.”

“Nope, not enough.”


Rei and Enji, who stopped the yelling when All Might pointed out that on screen, it was Shouto’s fight, cheered for their son.

“I think he needs to work on his ice, though.”

“… I have heard from Nedzu that he plans to intern with me. Do you want me to… You know… Give you a temporary contract as a sidekick so you can spend time with him? I think he might like it better than if he was with me.”

“You can’t continue to avoid him, you know?”

“I am supposed to see him only if he wants to see me. If he prefers to learn from his mother and my sidekick, it is his right.”

Rei sighed before cheering once again, as Shouto went into the offensive.


When you were a semi-material being made of pure darkness (which is strange, as Darkness is the absence of an element, and not something concrete), getting punched was a strange and unpleasing experiment. Getting punched by a fire-powered fist was even worse, as Shouto used his flame to attack even faster, the flame going from his elbow.

The bird of darkness tried once again to do his trick by grabbing more ice to protect himself, but it was too late: The light Shouto emitted was stronger than his darkness, and he was losing a good chunk of his powered strength. In addition, unlike Shouto, who was warming up despite them on a glacier, Tokoyami could only use some exercise to produce body heat, and it was less and less effective.

Still, he didn’t want to give up, and asked Dark Shadow to come back to him. His other option was to tire out Todoroki: Quirks are like muscle, and not using one for a long time made it weaker… Or it could become quickly tiring to use it too much. Hence why, despite being Endeavor’s son, Shouto couldn’t instantly melt his own glacier.

“Sorry Toko… I would have wanted to finish him but…”

“Don’t worry, the match isn’t done yet. We can outlast him… I think.”

After all, the bird boy was shivering from the cold, despite his friend trying to heat him up by acting like a giant feathery coat.

Then, the wall exploded, revealing a Todoroki with fire emanating from one of his arm, looking at Tokoyami who had perfectly parried the attack.

“So… How did you find me?”

“I simply remembered where you were when I attacked first and followed the hole in the ice made by Dark Shadow.”

Todoroki took a battle stance, as did Tokoyami, both facing each other, as the glacier crumbled around them under the hit and the heat.

Then both tried to punch each other, Shouto with his fire as it was the only thing he could use to hit Tokoyami, recovered by the darkness, and Tokoyami having to restrain his darkness armor, as he couldn’t hit Shouto with it.

Blows and parry were exchanged, with Shouto slowly taking the advantage as he could use his ice to protect himself from Tokoyami’s punches.

Then the underdog of the match decided in a desperate move, seeing his opponent holding his own despite his apparent fatigue, to kick him.

However, Shouto saw the hit coming and using the water under their feet, created a smaller block of ice, and made Tokoyami fall. The latter managed barely to catch himself, but… He had to contemplate Shouto’s fiery fist in front of his face.

“… f*ck.”


“Your opinion on this fight, Eraser?”

“Todoroki won by growing past his previous weaknesses. However, he still has to learn a lot before using his fire quirk in combat. By opposition, Tokoyami didn’t manage to do that, but honestly, learning to fight in close combat is often hard and he should seek a mentor that could help him shape more his quirk. Honestly, I think this fight was the best one in the first round so far.”



Tokoyami was dejected, but he saw Todoroki with a faint smile on his face.

“At least I managed to make you sweat for that victory, didn’t I?”

“Well… Honestly, if my mom didn’t talk to me today to tell me it was okay to use my fire, you would have won.”

The bird mutant sighed.

“Sweat. It means that I am only better than half your strength. Yey.”

“That’s not what I meant to…”

“I know, Shouto. I know. It also means I have to put in twice the effort to compete against you. At least, thank you for going all out against me.”

As both of them went into the contestant area, Shouto felt drained of his energy. He had won only barely, despite using all of his quirk. All of it. Was he truly strong? Or did it mean that Tokoyami was that close to him?


“Seems like you were both wrong, Izu-kun and Katsuki!”

Toru, who had finished to cry her rage to have lost so easily, was cheering herself up by being spoiled by Izuku. Izuku and Katsuki stared at the invisible girl.

“Look at Shouto. Honestly, he will probably lose in his next fight, as he probably expended a lot of his energy.”

“To be fair, the lazy f*cker didn’t train his fire despite us telling him to do it multiple times!”

“Mood. However, he is seriously using it, and in a good way, too.”

“I just hope I am the next to go, so I can kick his ass! I mean, what could go wrong for my fight?”

Katsuki would come to regret those words, because as if the universe was trying to spite him, his opponent would just jump out of the ring, too afraid of the prospect of fighting against him.




“… I am honestly kind of sorry.”

Tetsutetsu was standing there in front of Jirou, as he realized she was just like him; trying to make history in this tournament.

However, no one was to judge the right or wrong of a tournament made randomly.

But in the end, it had to be this way.

While Jirou tried to use her sonic blast at first, strong enough to shatter rock with a small seism, Tetsutetsu, like Kirishima, was actually strong and sturdy enough to withstand all the attacks she sent to him.

Trying to fist fight him would also end poorly. Her only options to harm him was the classic jack in the eyes, but seeing how he looked at her ears, he expected that one, and the other option was sending sound directly inside of him, but…

But the man had a body identical to Kirishima and clearly knew better than her how to fight in close combat.

Jirou sighed as she advanced toward him. If she didn’t try, she couldn’t know!


In the end, Tetsutetsu, as she was very insistent on not surrendering, had to fight Jirou, but the fight wasn’t really fair. Though, to be honest, Jirou had the worst match up for her skillset. Hardly something that could make her appeal to heroes… Until the commenters spoke.

“Props to Jirou to have tried. I know many people who would have surrendered, because their quirk aren’t useful for the situation.”


Somewhere, Death Arms and Mt Lady felt as if they got attacked for an event that didn’t even happen in their universe.


“Indeed, Eraser. Also, she tried to work out a plan by attacking his eyes and his mouth… Or trying to hit him with sound-wave directly, or to temper his balance.”

“Yes. Honestly, that’s what I would do, too. It shows a lot of ingenuity from her to try attacks like that. Sometimes, it is just bad luck.

“Sadly, he could tank her hits and, unlike Izuku, she didn’t have any piercing attack yet.”

“To be fair, this is the stuff you try to create when you are in an internship.”

“True, that’s what I did with my Bang Voice, when I was younger.”

“Did you finally pay off all the glasses you broke that day?”

“… f*ck you Eraser.”


Jirou sighed as she got up.

“Well. At least I can see the bright side of everything.”


“Yes, you are the one who will fight Todoroki next round, and I am pretty sure he will see your body as the sign ‘I can work out my issue by attacking you as strong as I can’, and will create some kind of explosion.”

“… You’re just kidding right? Please tell me you’re just kidding.”

“You will see~~.”

Jirou’s cackle didn’t reassure him at all, the young man panicked as they went back to the rest area.


Meanwhile, in the restroom, Katsuki was tapping the tile with his feet, having trouble waiting for his round. The minor explosions he kept producing didn’t help the three remaining girls feel better… Well, Ibara was praying even faster, and Momo was currently checking with Mei how she could stop Katsuki’s explosion. As for Yui… No emotion appeared on her face, be as calm as possible.

Then the before-last match was announced.


“No joke about religions, we can get into trouble.”

“Oh right. The… Euh… The Plant Hero?”

“Close enough. Yaoyorozu is against Ibara. This fight is going to be interesting.”

Interesting, as except Support Students like Mei, the others didn’t have the right to enter with special equipment, unless pre-approved and necessary for their quirk. The wording, however, excluded Momo from bringing equipment made by her quirk. As a result, she needed to make her stuff as fast as she could, otherwise Ibara would throw her out of bound quickly.

Both women knew it, as they stood in front of each other, one praying, as she prepared her hair attacks, and the other being ready to create a weapon as soon as she could.

Midnight and Cementoss sipped their tea before launching the signal.


At that instant, Ibara planted her hair on the ground. That way, she could still summon them as a shield and as an invisible attack.

As a result, Momo created a flaming sword, as Mei had… Interesting ideas, to say the least. She wasn’t confident enough on the making of a gas grenade or soporific dart. Close combat was her best option. She, however, had to be careful of the attack that was likely coming from the ground and she knew she had the strength to cut even vines the size of Ibara’s hair..


“Is it wrong if I say I have seen enough hentai to know how this battle will turn out?”

Everyone stared at Kaminari and Jirou ear jacked him, as the world ordered it.

She, of course, didn’t say she had thought the same but knew to not say that aloud.

“Have more faith, and less lust, in your comrade.”



Ibara had indeed the high ground, as she lifted herself with her hair, who quickly continued their web underneath the ring… Ready to attack whenever Momo would try.

“I just have to cut you down! If I do that, I win!”

“But can you do it? BECAUSE THE LORD IS WITH ME!”

“To be fair, I am more of a Shintoist, so…”

“… Will you attack, yes or no?”

Just as she said that, Momo launched her attack and Ibara attacked with… A giant vine composed of many other smaller vines. Monoma had helped her to train, as they knew that in real life, if she had met anyone with a sharp object, she would have a lot of trouble.

By combining them together, she increased their durability, though it costed her speed and needed time to set up. However, her opponent needed some too to create her items.

Finally, while nanoblade sounded outstanding on the paper, the technology and blueprint for it didn’t exist yet and there was a limit to what the class president could invent on the moment to defend herself.


Ibara yelled, as her attack broke through Momo’s offensive and hit her in the stomach… Before properly throwing her on the ground, outside of the ring.

Higher ground, better strength, better durability and a plan to circumvent her weakness.

It was sad for the 1A, but Monoma was indeed their strategist and planned all of their wins for the tournament.

It was time to make the 1B the new kings of UA!

However, Ibara had a small thought for Yui. After all, the christian girl knew the next match-up.

Yui Vs Katsuki.

There was no way it would end well.


“… That is impressive, I am just sad Izuku’s girlfriend lost.”

“Hmm? Who was that? The creation-quirk girl? The Rock girl?”

“No, the invisible one. They are quite cute together.”

“Oh? Any idea of what they do on a date?”

“Well, they like going to the mall, going to the cinema, training together… Why are you looking at me like that, Nejire?”

Mirio and Tamaki watched with a smile, as Tomura didn’t know he was trapped yet.

“Because, since you know martial arts, aaaannd I want to learn some more… YOU ARE GOING TO HELP ME!”

Tomura was looking at Mirio and Tamaki for help, and both answered.

“My style is based on power moves and a power stance.”

“Mine on various foods I eat, so not something easy to teach.”

Suddenly, Tomura felt himself in a crisis, as Nejire had an idea in mind. As part of her training with Ryukyu, she had to learn to recognize various martial art styles and to deduce what it means.

It was going to be really helpful to know who was really Tenko, all she had to do was track his art style back to their origin!

Chapter 22: Sports Festival : let's get dangerous


In which we have finally an otter, Yui has fun, Katsuki get hit by a chewing gum and Monoma is a beast.


Ok. Just for your information, the tournament is almost done writing. This week I shall finish the last chapter about it and it end chapter 25.
26 and forward might be about the plot and compress.

Have fun !

Finally if some passage are strange... Well I use Metal Gear Rising OST when I am writing fighting scene. That may be why.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 22: Let’s get dangerous.

“This will be okay, Yui. We know you can do it!”

For all his faults, such as his tactlessness, his arrogance, his ability to be kind of a dick and loving to show-off, Monoma was also a good friend. Sure, he got a lot more than his comrades in this rivalry stuff, but he also prepared a lot of plans for his team to improve and have winning odds against their enemy.

Here he was with Itsuka, trying to cheer up Yui. The emotionless girl didn’t seem worried but her friends knew her better, and to be fair, she had reasons to fear the fight: Katsuki was one of the valedictorian, and unlike Izuku, who had an endurance weakness, didn’t truly have one. He was also supposed to be incredibly talented at fighting, trained openly a lot, and was a top student. In short, he was the second coming of Endeavor or Miruko, or he was something to fear if you had over two brain cells and saw him becoming a mix of the two ravenous heroes.

“Yes, I know. Don’t worry so much, I won’t be the only member of 1B to fail her assignment.”

Yui stated her aim coldly, but inside her eyes there was a passion, one that could easily equal her opponent.


In the ring, the two fighters faced off against each other, Katsuki with his shark smile, and Yui looking as emotionless as ever. Fiery passion vs a weeping angel.

“Hey, y’know, if you want to surrender, no one would blame you.” Katsuki says with a small wave of his hand.

While some people might take it as pure arrogance and him looking down on his opponent (which was it, to be fair), it was also a way for him to be kind to his enemy, letting her know she had a way out of this fight before it even started.

“No. Thank you.” She nods to him with her expressionless face before fiddling with her gym uniform.


At that instant, Katsuki rushed toward Yui, who simply took a button from her uniform. After all, it was technically support gear, right?

When the giant button hit Katsuki in the face, he was surprised, as just as quickly, the button took back its normal size and the girl used the string as some kind of whip.

While a giant button was weaker than what he was used to destroying, Katsuki had to jump to dodge the attack, as he didn’t have the time to stop the attack.


“… I like to train.”

Yui simply stated her answer, to Katsuki’s surprise, before taking her hair pin, launching it with an expert hand to him, and making it as big as him when it was close to him.

Suddenly, Katsuki was forced to defend himself in midair, sacrificing his left hand to destroy the giant hairpin that flew toward him. A colossal explosion tore into the ground as the pin was shattered, small pebbles and a few larger rocks were blasted from the stage, much to Cementoss’s dismay, it was his hardest construct!


Meanwhile, in the commentary booth…

“Did you see that coming?!”

“… Absolutely not, but that is superb use of her quirk.”


As his explosion created smoke, Katsuki managed to land safely, still processing what was happening. Sure, all the 1B proved themselves to be dangerous fighters, but this one was part of Hanta’s team! Hanta! How the hell was she that dangerous?

“Here I come.”

The coldness in her voice made a shiver of excitement run through Katsuki, who funneled all his passion in this fight. Oh boy, he expected little from this match, but he was so goddamn f*cking wrong.

As soon he managed to get into a defensive position, Yui resumed her onslaught, as a pencil pierced the smoke, at high speed like a crossbow bolt. It passed Katsuki as he sidesteps it, and it embedded itself into the wall far behind him, which said a lot about her strength and accuracy.

“I f*ckING LOVE THAT! KEEP THIS FIGHT INTERESTING!” Katsuki screams as he blasts the smoke away with his left hand.

“Great. Because there are more coming up!”


“… Monoma? Did you give her advice on how to fight?!” Izuku says over the wall that separates the two classes.

“I tried, but she told me she had her plans. I… didn’t expect that. sh*t, I might have to rework all of my plans to include this level of skill now!”

Izuku didn’t feel better to know that even the 1B didn’t know that side of their friend. After all, Katsuki was his friend/rival, and he also wanted to fight him properly.

“Kacchan, you better not f*ck this one up.” Izuku says as he slides off of the wall and into his seat.


Meanwhile, Yui was testing Katsuki with her attacks, alternating between using furniture and her special whip to attack from various angles. She was also happy to see she had caused him to have a bloody nose, though her enemy was now blocking her attack with even more explosions, punching his way through her attacks.

He still had a smile on his face, but it wasn’t arrogant anymore… It was a genuinely radiant smile, as he enjoyed himself, and that stare…

At that moment, Yui knew that in Katsuki’s eye, she was the only one. Good. Because she felt the same way: she had someone to take down, and dammit, she didn’t care about the rest. She had an enemy, an obstacle to destroy and she would give it all of her heart.

Her mouth moved by a micro movement on her lips as they twitched up only a millimeter, as she hummed, pleased. Yes, it was a good fight coming up.

“HEY, GIRL. WHAT IS YOUR NAME AGAIN?” Katsuki said before she tossed another random object. Funny, her style is something akin to his new uncle. Still, he could win if he moved fast enough to get in close combat.

“Yui.” No last name needed, at the end of this fight they will know each other better than most in each other’s classes. First name is all that’s needed.

Impact after impact, Katsuki was punching his way through the onslaught of objects. He had to admit; he didn’t expect her to have changed her button from plastic to tungsten, way harder. Changing the size of things while conserving their momentum… What a dangerous quirk! And her fighting skill…

The wind coming from his left told him that another blow from the button, pretty much as big as him, was coming up. Meanwhile, he was sweating more and more. Each of his movements was a reaction to each of her latest set of attacks. Truly, someone who didn’t want to make a show, a spectacle, prove something or sh*t like that. He was an enemy to destroy, and she was trying her best to do that efficiently.


At that moment, Katsuki didn’t expect Yui herself to appear from his smoke, with some of the debris in hand, that she threw as a grape shot at him.

The debris actually hit his face, as she didn’t use her quirk on it. It made him close his eyes for a second before he felt a fist slam into his gut. She was strong, even in close combat. Sure, Izuku hit harder than her, but it was a close comparison, he had to admit.

She kicked the back of his knee hard enough that he fell backwards; she knelt down to him with one hand on his collar and the other co*cked back ready to punch his nose.

“Good. Because I plan to win.”

Cerulean eyes look into lava red with so much determination that they practically glow as the waterfall of onyx hair frames her porcelain face.

Katsuki gritted his teeth, and answered with an explosion powered punch to her face that staggered her enough that his feet were quickly brought up to his chest before slamming into her stomach, the force sending her flying away.

“Well, fat chance! I am going to win this!” He said, as he jumped to his feet in one motion.

If Yui was thrown a few meters back, she managed to stop her fall with a gummy bear that she turned into a soft cushion. However, she had to spit a tooth out, as Katsuki didn’t hold back. Good, it meant he took her seriously. Proof #2 being him rushing for another attack, as she would have trouble defending herself.


Oh, that was cute, he named it. Yui managed to use a small toy-key, looking like a famous shield of a Nintendo franchise, to stop Katsuki’s attack. It barely slowed the explosion, which cracked the barrier, just in time to burn the gummy bear, leaving a disturbing smell of burned sugar.

As he landed, Katsuki tried to see Yui’s face. As usual, his prosopagnosia stopped him from making any sense of the details he could see on her face. Just the general look, black hair, pale skin and a little bit of red that he thinks is blood. Good, he was doing damage.

However, she exuded the same fighting aura as him. Someone to not trifle with, as they would f*ck you up otherwise.

“Hey, Yui, I apologize for not taking you seriously at first.”

It seemed like a good thing to do, as he saw the girl grabbing more and more rocks from her pocket.

“Apologies accepted. Thank you for taking me seriously and not treating me like a weak girl.”

“Bitch, you ain’t weak! I haven’t had a fight this awesome since a god damn f*cking long time!” his grin turns manic as his eyes hardened into a glare of determination.

“Good. Now, how about I win now?”


Both actually needed the break they took to banter, to catch their breath. After that, in a movement that clearly showed that Yui played baseball, she threw a handful of rocks at Katsuki, who once again, thought of destroying them… Before he had a different idea, and performed an explosion-assisted jump into the air, higher than ever before, then full sending into a dive kick toward Yui.

The 1B’s last fighter was currently running out of defensive gear, and it was a problem she needed to solve. Thankfully, she wasn’t out of resources and spat something at Katsuki… Her secret weapon.

As the exploding ash blond boy almost hit the girl, he suddenly saw a giant pink gum ball stopping him, before sticking to him. Not enough to get her a win, or stop Katsuki for more than a handful of seconds, but it was enough for her to retrieve one of the pencils she had thrown earlier.

As such, the ice queen dashed to her ultimate weapon. As she heard an explosion from behind her, she knew she might have been optimistic. However, she didn’t turn back to retrieve the pencil once more, and threw it at Katsuki again.

Bakugou was already on her, as she tried to do that, and instead of letting her throw the projectile at him, he grabbed her by the wrist, before getting her on the ground. While another girl like Mina would have said something like “Kinky~~” as Katsuki had no experience with girls, Yui was still in combat mode and instead of throwing the pen, used it to stab in the leg Katsuki who screamed in pain… Before answering with an explosive fist in the face of Yui.


“Is that legal?”

“… Technically, it is Cementoss’ fault for not taking all of her stuff beforehand, and failing to notice the button.”

“You aren’t worried by the violence used by your student?”

“Bitch, Vlad’s student is as violent as him, and both of them seem to enjoy the fight a bit too much. Also, if you say what I think you are going to say, I am telling Nemuri you have a new crush and I will tell her the name.”

“… Stop killing my joke.”



If Katsuki was on top of Yui, she wasn't defenceless and gave back as much as she took, though the difference of frame and musculature wasn’t in her favor. Each hit made the blood beat in her head until she had the idea to stop stabbing and try to use her pen as a Bő. It was at that moment that Katsuki blew it from her hands, however, leaving a burn with his bang.

Yui still managed to get enough movement to give a headbutt to Katsuki, who answered in kind, their forefront hitting each other full force, making her head slam into the ground…


“… Doesn’t it look like they are going to kiss?”

It was Mina who dared to say that, and Itsuka looked relieved.

“Thank god, I am not the only one who thought that. She never showed that much emotion in the classroom, nor this tendency to be such a… Blood knight.”


Monoma took his role as a leader seriously, but got hit sadly by his own attack when a Momo, under the brilliant advice of Mina, said with an actress’ talent:

“Sad, I thought I would invite you to drink tea and discuss quirks, but since you want to create such a wall…”

Monoma looked at the girl, trying to find his words at first, while Izuku and Toru just laughed at the spectacle. All Izuku hoped, though, was for Katsuki to win.


In the end, Katsuki won, as just after the headbutt, he managed to violently slap Yui with an explosion. The kuudere of 1B lost consciousness, despite trying with all of her grit to stay conscious… Mainly because Katsuki was nothing but thorough and gave her three other explosion powered slaps.

When the referees joined them, Katsuki was bleeding from his fist, his legs, his nose, his uniform was in ruins and he had the biggest smile his mom had ever seen.

“Don’t you think you went hard against her, young Bakugou?”

Katsuki looked at Cementoss as if he had two heads.

“SHE WAS JUST THAT STRONG AND DETERMINED TO BEAT MY OWN ASS! DON’T YOU DARE SAY SHE DIDN’T DESERVE THAT MUCH! If I had given less, she would have definitely won! Now, if you are done being stupid, I am going to bring this strong bitch to the infirmary because we both need stitches.”

He may have been battered, but damn it if he would not honor this fighter. Yui, right? He would remember the name. He never had such a determined sparring partner.


“You know, I almost feel bad for you, Ibara.”

Momo was drinking her tea, peacefully, while the Christian looked at her.

“Why? She clearly weakened him down!”

“Because if you don’t fight with the same drive as her, Katsuki is going to be extremely pissed, and she made him sweat quite a lot. So… enjoy the super powered, angry, explosive man for your next fight.”

Ibara paled before praying twice as fast.

“However, I am surprised by Yui.”

“You know what they say, it is always the quiet ones that are the most dangerous.”


Koda sneezed while petting his rabbit.


“Tsss, anyway. It will be time to fight against each other, my fated rival!”

Izuku looked at Monoma while drinking a smoothie with Toru. He was always wondering how the food seemed to disappear inside of her.

“Yes, sure, if you say so.”


“For a simple reason, really.”

Izuku had a knowing smirk, as Monoma, red, looked at him, waiting for the answer.

“Because you want me to take you seriously, and honestly, you bore me. So… Yes, no, I don’t consider you as my rival. That is Katsuki’s role.”

Monoma screamed in rage, and someone almost punished Katsuki until they saw he was sleeping after Recovery Girl’s kiss.

Hell, in fact, Katsuki and Yui were probably the two most hurt students beside Kirishima and Izuku, though they had mostly bruised themselves and no broken bones had to be healed.


The two analysts of the opposite classroom faced each other on the ring, once Cementoss had, once again, managed to repair it. Once it had been dried, the students stepped onto it, but the mood each had was very different.

One side we had Monoma, angry, serious and who didn’t plan to show off for the gallery. On the other side was Izuku, who was beaming and playing with his cards in his hand.


“Because I am just appreciating the moment. Too much stress is bad, y’know. Besides, we are already in the second round of the final in our first year. We technically already showed our ability to the heroes that might want to offer us an internship.”

Izuku grinned before taking a deck with blue cards and a strange red and white sphere on their back out of his pocket.

“Also, it is f*cking funny to annoy you.”

Monoma inhaled before cracking the ground, turning into steel before smashing the ground in front of him.

“I know you are trying to trigger me, so that I rush you without thinking. That will not work on me, and I am going to beat you! For my fallen comrade!”

“Technically, shouldn’t I be more legitimate than you then, since 1B only lost one fight?”


“Bored now. Blaziken, Mach-Punch.”

Monoma, with all his analytical mind, could understand what happened soon after that. First off, Izuku had picked a card, and threw it while speaking. Then, a big humanoid red and white chicken appeared. The second after that, it darted in front of him and its fist (?), claws (?) hit him in his steel face.

Monoma actually felt the skin cracking under the powerful fist, before Izuku, afar, added with joy…



“Nejire, we agree that was clearly a Shoryuken?”

“It is a Shoryuken… It’s so bad the old versions of that game disappeared long ago…”

Hey, she loved to play old fighting games with Mirio and Tamaki. Also, it was a test to see how Tenko would react, since he supposedly knew the series, but strangely, didn’t seem to want to invite them to his home. Why? Embarrassing parents/guardians? Or something else?

“I know… An old arcade that has some of the old games?”

That was also a good option, and Tenko just won a few points.

“That might be fun. Let’s go there later, okay?”

“Sure! Wait. Is this a friend date?”

Tenko seemed unsure of what was happening, as Nejire only answered with a knowing smile while Tamaki and Mirio quietly laughed. They too had been on a friendly date with Nejire more than once, and no one seemed to understand how Nejire just managed to get down to her final life, only to turn it around.

Romance was inevitable, and Tenko had no way to avoid it.


Meanwhile, Monoma was in a pickle. With his steel form, he barely managed to stand his ground against the monster Izuku summoned while he seemed to look at his cards, standing in the same place as the beginning of the fight.

“Hmm, who should be the next…”

Apparently, he was expecting Monoma to best his beast, but it also meant he only had one of them. Good, that was a good thing for him. Another one, and Monoma would have been toast. It also showed that Izuku had an endurance limit that prevented him from summoning too many monsters at the same time.

In other words… If Monoma beat down that monster, as their hands clenched against each other, he would have an excellent shot at winning! Or at least, he would face Itsuka and most likely lose.


However, the fire chicken was still pumped up, and Monoma needed to deal with that first. He groaned, as he didn’t want to use that quirk now, as it was one of the few that could have won against Itsuka, but it was necessary.

Monoma grew several sizes in one instant, ripping apart his top, and stopping being encased in steel. Instead, he was a giant bigfoot-like monster who still had the Blaziken’s fist in his, and he promptly used that opportunity to crush the chicken that beat his face earlier, with a pleasured smile.

“Found my new card!”

To Monoma’s surprise, Izuku didn’t seem worried by his card being crushed to dust, or by the giant beast that was rushing against him.


Suddenly, an otter appeared. That actually managed to stop Monoma in his tracks, as he saw the cute critter looking at him, and Izuku seemingly proud of using such a cute creature against him. This was followed by Monoma screaming at the summon, who slapped his face.


While the slap was not powerful, something strange happened, as the otter then touched Izuku… Who grew up in the same way as Monoma, in a similar creature form.

“Lutri the Spellchaser. A quirk copying creature.”

Monoma barely managed to dodge the attack, but he felt the power behind it and the fact that… Well… While Izuku was clearly no Itsuka, he clearly learned to fight more than Monoma, who was relying on quirks.

“Thanks for destroying Blaziken. It showed me how you solve your problem by using the required tools for your skills. The issue is apparently that you are the guy who never thinks of using a screwdriver to nail something if they don’t have a hammer, right?”

Monoma, who was panting because of his previous fight with Blaziken, who got a few hits against him, took this opportunity to breathe… And elected to not answer, simply rushing Izuku. He couldn’t be better than him in this form! Monoma had trained besides his friend to master it, and he had the power and the pride of his classroom with it!

Izuku had one year of training with Mr Compress, and he was excellent in analysis. His opponent was readying themselves to support with their right foot, apparently. However, when Monoma threw Mina, it was with his left hand. Feint.

Izuku, when the first fake punch was thrown, simply dodged it with minimal movements. He didn’t need to know how to hurry in this new form, if he could move efficiently instead.

Then, while Monoma went for a real and powerful right hook, he felt the palm of Izuku’s giant hand hitting his chin. He didn’t see the counter coming, and he clearly saw the difference in fighting skills with him.

The 1A strategist wasn’t that powerful physically, nor did he have an excellent technique. However, he had a few moves he had practiced a lot and then apparently trained to use in various situations.

“Here is my point, Monoma. Sometimes, you don’t get to choose your tools. So you learn to improvise, adapt and overcome.”

“I AM NOT DONE YE… Why is it spinning around me?”

“Direct hit in the brain. Fight efficiently, not strongly. By the way, do you write with the left or right hand?”

“… Right hand, why?”

Izuku grabbed his left arm and promptly threw him on the ground, slamming him with his newfound strength. Then, Giant Izuku hit expertly once again, hitting his weakened opponent on his left arm.

Monoma, still not beaten or broken despite the pain, though he was mainly powering through sheer grit and determination, managed to gather enough strength to strike Izuku, right under the belt.

All the men watching the match winced from the sight.

“… Isn’t that against the rule, Eraser?”

“If it is not, it should be. However, I think Izuku is still going to win.”

“Oh, why do you say that?”

“Because I am pretty sure an arm shouldn’t look like a disarticulated puppet.”

It was true, as Monoma’s left arm had been dislocated in a few places… And Izuku, who felt the pain, remembered how hard his step-dad had trained him against pain, besides living as a bullied kid in a sh*t school.

So, Izuku did as always when that happened. He gritted his teeth hard and took Monoma’s arm, while still smiling, and used it to immobilize his opponent on the ground. Sure, Izuku could, and many people in the same position would have hit Monoma back, even harder. However, Izuku wanted it to be a heroic fight. Not a bully, a street fight. Izuku wanted it to be proper. If his opponent didn’t play fair, then he would beat him within the rules, just to make the win better.

It was at this instant Monoma noticed that he couldn’t use his arms and still tried to move to fight.

That’s when Monoma noticed the other thing he forgot.

Lutri the otter was in front of his face, claws out.

Monoma then learned why otters are often considered apex predators, despite being mainly known for cuddling and cuteness.

With Izuku perfectly holding Monoma on the ground, who was still suffering from the otter’s attack, the blond man took a bet and switched once again of quirk, choosing… Setsuna’s. He didn’t want to burn all of his aces now, but it was that or losing.

With Setsuna’s quirk, he could heal his arms, and then he could beat Izuku and his summons!

Sadly for him, this time, Izuku didn’t give him the time to use it. The moment Monoma switched form, Izuku grabbed his head and slammed it on the ground. Twice. Paradoxically, had Monoma thought of switching to Kendo’s quirk or Tetsutetsu’s and tried to endure the pain, he could have won.

However, as Midoriya said earlier, Monoma was the type of person who thought of using only the right tool for the job.

Meanwhile, Izuku didn’t exactly plan for what Monoma would do, just what he could do, and how he could turn the tables in his favor. It had been a new unknown opponent, so he adapted, learned and overcame.

That was why Izuku was standing, and Monoma was on the ground, unconscious.


“Hey ginger girl!”

“Mmmh? Hatsume, that’s right?”

“You can call me Mei! Hey, give it your all! The more I force you to be serious, the better I can sell my babies!”

“With pleasure. On a side note… Do you know how to make gear that grows with you? I might need gloves now that I think about it…”

Mei smiled, as she walked with the person she was going to exchange blows soon enough.

“Hey, how about a bet? Beat me, and I make you awesome stuff. Loose, and you are going to use my stuff and my brand!”

Itsuka looked at Mei, and gave her back the same smile.

“With pleasure! Let’s have a fun match!”


No the clear shipping between Yui and Katsuki is not a validation of the kacchako ship. The only fic that made it works for me was "Rejected stones" !

Chapter 23: Sports Festival : Brawn and Brains


Here is your new chapter of the UA sport festival ! Sadly no otter in this one.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 23: Brawn and Brains

Hatsume, with her exo-skeleton, was ready for the fight. At first, she had thought about trapping a student of the Heroic Course in one of her babies, before she and Izuku had a discussion about it.


A bit earlier, before Hanta’s fight.

“I amn’t sure it is a good idea, Mei.”

“Mmmh? Why that?”

“Well… It doesn’t prove their strength or utility. It just proves you make good traps and can convince people to do dumb things.”

“Oh… Oh, you might have a point there.”

Mei had tried to measure closely, but a growl coming from an invisible girl convinced her otherwise. It would not be easy to get exact measurements for the costume… Until Izuku told Mei his aunt had his measurements. Neat. However, it didn’t solve her current dilemma.

“So… How should I advertise them?”


Izuku explained the straightforward solution to her, since Compress often said that geniuses always had the same problem: they over complicated things.


“Win. You are a support student and that means you probably don’t have combat training. Therefore, if you manage to score a few wins with your gear, you are going to show their power! A student who is effectively quirkless, since, let’s be honest, your eyes won’t help there, who beat students from the heroic course with solely her gadget? Now you are selling something!”

“If I might add, it also shows your determination, personal ingenuity, and ambitions to your sponsors, no? I mean, outside of Momo.”

“… Why? Is she rich?”



Power Loader, during the meeting, felt something like liquid doom that was crawling up his back, as if someone was giving Mei unlimited resources.

No one was that crazy, right?


Because of that, spider-legged Mei was now standing in front of Itsuka, with various contraptions ready, and she wanted only one thing, victory.

The ginger president of the 1B smiled, since she loved a good fight. Maybe not as much as her uncle or the duo of Katsuki and Yui, but she loved when she could use both brawn and brains. The moment where she could be herself, fully.

So, Itsuka took a battle stance, a Kung-fu one, ready to jump when the signal was given.

“Ready girls? Go!”

Midnight was having the time of her life, watching the fights in this tournament. They were usually meeker than this and having students showcasing themselves was intense.

Mei opened, as Itsuka expected her to, with her flamethrower. She had the intensity checked beforehand, to avoid causing burned skin and death, for obvious reasons. However, you would feel worse than hell if the flame reached you.


Itsuka had to admit the idea was nice, especially if Mei could control the form of the flame, but now wasn’t the time to think about that. Instead, Itsuka grabbed one of the tiles of the ring to throw to obscure Mei’s vision. However, unlike what one might think, she didn’t rush in for a follow-up attack.

Good idea, as the spider legged abomination exploded the tiles, as Mei explained her babies.


Mei was having the time of her life, as she grabbed a few round things in her back to throw them at Itsuka, who was still thinking about how to attack her.

Gracefully, Itsuka dodged the slime explosions with a rondo, as Mei ordered the legs to get closer, to attack her with them.

The martial artist had to admit it was fun to think about what Mei could use for their fight. Also, her personality was fun, and Itsuka had trouble understanding why she was feared across the campus.


Itsuka seemed apparently defenseless from the incoming attack, until she smiled and activated her quirk. People had trouble grasping how strong she was, since she appeared to be built for agility and flexibility.

Her quirk seemed to make her hands big and nothing else. A side-effect most people overlooked was the extra strength it gave her overall, her whole body was coiled muscle fibers! Did they think that growing gigantic hands made them lighter or something? They were the size of her body and somehow, she could still move her arms. She could lift several times her own weight, and she trained with Tetsutetsu for a reason: he was the only one who could lift as much as her.

When the steel crashed against her hand, Itsuka stood her ground, cracking the tiles with her sheer might. It surprised Mei that Itsuka was that strong!


“Remember, dear listeners: More and more quirks have what is called secondary required mutations to work. Not everyone has them, but simply having them might bump your quirk to a higher class. As an example, let’s take the Hero Ingenium and the late Thunderbolt. Theoretically, their quirk functions in the same way. However, Thunderbolt’s strength came from the fact that he could also react lightning fast.”

“However, training might allow you to control and lessen your weakness. It is also important to know that some quirks can be dangerous to yourself. That is why Quirk Counselors are a thing and help you learn your limitations.”

“Still, what a show of strength!”

“To be fair, according to the result I have under my eyes, Kendo was fourth on the practical exam, only 9 points behind Midoriya and Bakugou. I guess Vlad taught her correctly.”


Mei was surprised, but she had learned from the cavalry fight, and had already loosened her harness, to avoid being crushed under her own armor. Also, she still had her flamethrower and dammit if she wasn’t going down with a fight.


Mei carefully torched the surrounding area to give herself breathing room. As her gramps said, her brain was a weapon, but she needed the time to create a plan.

Resources: none. Her enemy was smart, strong, and skilled.

Armament : down to her flamethrower. They limited her arsenal under the pretense it would give her too many options to counter her opponent.

Why was Izuku allowed to have his decks then? Or Yui her weapons? Maybe because they hid them better? Hmmm… It was probably that, now that she thought about it. Anyway, her enemy had… Many advantages over her.


“Doesn’t it look like Mei is a badass Helen Ripley versus Itsuka the Alien?”

Everyone looked at Mina, who stared at them, and Izuku nodded.

“I thought the same, but I am not sure everyone would get the reference.”

“I did because my mom loved the series.”

Both nodded, concentrating on the match… That ended quickly after that.

Why? Because Itsuka threw another tile.


When the tile came toward her, Mei knew she wouldn’t be able to dodge it. So, she braced herself and blocked it with her arms. People often forgot how strong she was and it was clearly not enough to beat her down. However, it was strong and heavy enough to send her into the ground.

As soon as Mei opened her eyes and tried to get up, she felt Itsuka’s foot against her neck. Her tone was serious, just like her blue eyes.

“Do you yield?”

Mei thought once again of her gramps.


The Architect, the most wanted weapon dealer in the world, who happened to also be an art thief on the side, was playing his grandchild’s favorite game with her: “how to disarm a bomb”. He wasn’t dumb, and the bomb was only Chantilly cream, Mei’s favorite.

Well, one of his bodies did that. It had been a long time since he transcended his mortal shell to become more of an AI than an organic being. However, he still loved his family dearly.

So, while one of his subject bodies was playing with Mei, the others were watching a fight he had in Paris, in the Louvre Museum.

“Grampy! Why did you stop fighting heroes? Weren’t you strong enough to win?”

The Architect was pleased to see she had already eaten her cream, and put her on his knees.

“I was, but here is something many people never learn. The cost/reward balance. For example, in this fight, Capitaine Baguette, Le Chevalier Ch’ti and le Vieux managed to best my men. I could have pushed through by joining the engagement directly, with my arsenal… But, then I would have destroyed the Louvre and I cannot do that. Instead, I preferred to strike a deal to lower my losses. Know this, Mei. There is no shame in losing, if the only consequence is you learning from your mistakes.”

Mei looked at the screen, nodding.

Even if she wanted to be a hero and knew that she would probably clash with him, she loved her Grampy who always let her have fun with toys! How he was always making her think of harder, better, faster and stronger things.

As for him, the Architect knew he was more or less impossible to contain, as he was more virtual than physical. If being a hero pleased Mei, he would support her, even if it means having to make a deal with Nedzu.

Their chess games were always fun, though.


“I yield!”

Mei had no way of winning this, not in this position. She was pretty certain Itsuka could react faster than she could use the flamethrower. It was pointless to get beat down further.

Itsuka took her foot off of her opponent and smiled at Mei.

“You owe me stuff now!”

“I will love making equipment for you!”


“Daw, too bad little Mei lost there, boss.”

“Yes, yes, I know. However, she put up a good fight. I wonder if I should send her some schematics to improve her exo-skeleton, though…”

“Boss! Don’t make the heroes too powerful!”

The Architect was busy watching the TV in his air fortress with his men. One reason he could never stand All For One? That asshole felt nothing. Meanwhile, he knew the name of all his henchmen and was friends with them.

He never regretted that one day where he gave some of his tech to the heroes in Paris, if it meant his gang was safe.

It also appeared that Mei understood that sometimes a loss was an excellent opportunity for friendship.

“I can’t wait for the day we have to fight her!”

“Yes, it is going to be fun to make her deal with all your stuff, boss!”

“I can’t wait for an enjoyable challenge!”

And that is how they watched the rest of the tournament, while enjoying excellent beer.


Enji, locked in a teacher's office with Rei, was forced to stop his investigation for the day.

“You are going to watch your son’s fight!”

“But, Rei, I can do that from my office and I am half thinking he would have a panic attack if he knew I am on the campus when I shouldn’t be.”

“… I think you being trapped by me is an excellent reason, don’t you think, Enji?”

Currently, Enji was restrained by ice. Nothing he couldn’t melt if he wanted, but his wife’s smile let him know her decision was final. In some sort of way, he wondered if her spending time with him was another form of torture and punishment, as she knew he wouldn’t dare to think that it had any meaning behind it. If he was alone, however, he would have been able to ignore the fact, if only for a moment, that they weren’t together anymore.

It was a likely reason, and he knew it.

“I also think Shouto would prefer his mother cheering for him somewhere he could see her. If I tried to say “SHOUUUUTOOOOO” from the sidelines… I am fairly certain he would try to smash me with an icicle.”

Rei grumbled, as Enji had a point.

“I will do that for his fight.”

“Oh? You’re certain he’ll win?”

“For all your faults, you were a decent instructor with Touya before his incident and I am pretty sure you put a lot more effort into our boy since then.”

Silence followed, as both adults didn’t know what to say after that. The only thing still speaking was the TV as the festival continued…



“Seriously, you missed your calling as a WWE announcer.”

“… I actually got a contract with them for the next Japanese season.”



“So… Ice and fire?”


“… Do you…”

“My father once told me how he beat Metallica, the giant of Metal, by heating with his flame and when he proved to be fireproof, he made him fall into water to cool it instantly.”

Shouto had both halves already activated, and the fight had already started.

“Yes, but you wouldn’t do that in a friendly fight, right?”

“My teacher is Bakugou.”

Tetsutetsu took the last argument in stride and nodded.

“Mood. Nonetheless, I SHALL FIGHT LIKE A MAN!”

“Duly noted.”

When Tetsutetsu tried to grab a tile, akin to Itsuka, to block Todoroki’s subsequent attack, he failed. Mainly because this time, instead of making a glacier, he made a single pillar of ice that hit Tetsutetsu in the face as he kneeled down.

Usually, Tetsutetsu could have withstood the attack pretty well. This time, since he was crouching, he stood perfectly still. So still that his whole body was encased in ice, except for his head, and he couldn’t move even a finger.

“HEY! Not manly!”

“… Sorry, but I don’t think it is manly to fight someone way stronger than me on his favorite domain. I preferred to end it quickly.”

Yes, it had been a brief fight. Not all of them could be epic. Shouto is pretty sure that in another universe where he had to face Hanta, that would have ended quickly too.


As Bakugou woke up, he looked at Yui.

“You better win. A loss feels more acceptable if it is against the champion.”

“AH! Of course I’m going to win this! Just so you know, I think only two others dudes would have the f*ckin possibilty to make me doubt my victory. You’re now the third one.”

Yui looked at him and nodded. Katsuki was stating a fact. Not something meant to make her feel better, and somehow, it was what she needed to hear.

“Also, Yui… Do you want to join us in our after-school training? I could use another sparring partner, one who isn’t afraid to bring the big guns!”

“… My pleasure.”

“Perfect! Now, excuse me, I have to show my respects to the Christian Girl.”



“Show her the Greek fire” Yui muses.

“HA! Maybe I should make it my hero name at this point!”

That almost made Yui cackle, and when Katsuki left, she just sighed quietly. At the very least, she did her best and her opponent was one of the best fighters of the tournament… And it allowed her to establish herself as a fighter, too.

She hoped Ibara would love her fight as much as she loved the one she had with Katsuki.


Ibara hoped and prayed that Katsuki’s injuries from the last fight didn’t have time to heal, so she could have a small head start.

Sadly for her, Katsuki had a lot of energy, as he was mainly powered by spite, anger and determination.


“… The Lord is love?”

“Well, I love to fight, so… FIGHT ME!”

Most people in the stadium felt bad for her, as unlike Momo, Katsuki had the means to attack quickly and had the area of effect needed to fend off Ibara’s vines.

So, Ibara tried her best to use her hair to attack Katsuki from various angles, but this time, the tactic didn’t work: For something like that to work, she would need to attack quicker than the opponent, to restrain his movements before finishing him. Here, she was facing Katsuki, who could simulate flight and move almost as fast as Iida with his explosions. In short, a highly mobile and offensive opponent. Meanwhile, despite the strength in her quirk, Ibara was more of a crowd controller. While she was very useful against mobs, and as part of a team team, but alone, she would quickly become a target for an opponent who knew her attacks.

It was not a reason to stop fighting, however, and Katsuki noticed a quick increase of her prayers… and of her attacks. Interesting, she knew she couldn’t outrun him, so she decided to just concentrate on her quirk to increase her abilities? Now, that was an idea! A powerful one!

Now, the plants were looking more like vicious snakes than simple vines he could side-step. He launched himself into the air as hydras formed and started to attack him from every direction. He fell into a rhythm of exploding a vine, twisting to dodge another two and landing an explosion on each as it passed before slamming a larger explosion into a new vine coming for his face only to repeat from the start. The dodges and maneuvers pulled more and more smoke around him with the scent of burnt cinnamon. The vine’s spikes didn’t help his already battered uniform, though for now he managed to avoid being grabbed and hurt as he landed on the stage that looks more like a graveyard of plant matter.

The thing that was saving him was that Ibara didn’t have Yui’s vicious blood lust.

It felt more like he was fighting an upgraded mob rather than a full-blown boss. Yui was that damn boss in Dark Souls and Ibara was an elite mook.

Katsuki also learned from Momo’s fight that the longer he took to defeat her, the stronger she would become. That was the reason Katsuki grabbed his finger with his other hand and a concentrated spray of mist turned into an explosion. This way, he could aim a powerful explosion with precision. Sadly for Ibara, while she had created an automatic defense technique, there was a problem with it. It was not nearly as fast as it needed to be to block Katsuki’s incoming shot.

People thought of him as a medium/close range fighter. In reality, he was suited for all ranges, as he aimed to be the best combat hero there ever was. It meant fulfilling any role at any moment, and damn right if he didn’t train with Izuku to improve his arsenal of attacks!

The second mistake Ibara made was not training herself to build up a pain tolerance, to avoid being broken out of her concentration easily. As a result, when the explosion burned her legs, she winced, yelping for a second and stopping her prayer, her concentration broken.

A second was all that was needed for a genius like Katsuki to close the distance with a large explosion and use the increased speed to hammer her in her face. One second when he threw himself forward at maximum speed with his explosions, destroying his shoes in the process.

Ibara felt the shock of his fist resonating in her skull and before she could try to summon her vines to defend herself, his palm was on her face and he smashed her into the ground.

Knocked out, Ibara didn’t move. Katsuki got up and took his victory pose, before looking at the public.


This time, everyone could see it wasn’t bravado or arrogance. Well, not fully that. It was also pure and unadulterated pride, the one you had by working for it and establishing your dominance.


Somewhere else, a certain bunny hero prepared an internship form. Well, more like she ordered her overworked secretary to do it for her, but it was the same thing, really. She had found a mini-her and oh boy; the training was going to be extremely fun!


Meanwhile, somewhere else…

“Precinct 78, do any heroes copy?”

“Ingenium here, I copy. What do you need, officer?”

A hero’s work was never done, and even at the Iidaten Agency, the demand was constant. While some heroes ran their company as if it was some kind of private security company (which was actually kind of accurate, now that Ingenium thought about it), Ingenium didn’t like that way of doing things. He loved being on the field to help as many people as possible. He also had big shoes to fill, with the recent tragedy of Thunderbolt’s demise.

As a result, he worked ten times harder, and he had rounded up several small-time criminals affiliated to criminal organizations. It caused the police to call his agency more and more, and while the cash flow was appreciated, the work kept increasing.

Thankfully, he had sidekicks like Koichi to ease his burden.

“An attack has been reported in a dark alley nearby the Ichiraku Ramen restaurant. Can you go check on that?”

“I’m nearby, it should be done quickly.”

Smiling under his helmet, Ingenium was once again on the road to protect the innocent.

When he arrived at the location, the elder son of the Iida family double checked if he had the right coordinates. It was at that moment he knew something was fishy. It was the right place, but something, some feeling on the back of his neck, made him dive to the ground. Live long enough as a pro-hero and you learned to trust your gut feeling a lot. The number of times an investigation began because Ingenium saw a man beat his dog to death, and when asked why, answered “It is mine, I do what I want”… Well, the number was two.

There were already two horrible cases.

Nonetheless, back to the issue at hand. Ingenium was able to dodge knives that ended up in the wall.


What a coarse voice, coming from above him. Still, Ingenium had managed to get away from the first attack. It was going to be a fight, and he knew it: the hero killer didn’t have a reputation for listening to reason.

However, something disturbed the hero. According to Koichi, who knew the man from his past, and if he understood his ideology correctly, technically speaking, he shouldn’t even be on his radar. Or under investigation, but as he was clean, he doubted the Hero Killer had anything against him.


Still, proper procedure should be followed, and Ingenium was already pressing the emergency button when Stain jumped on him. He quickly felt the sword tearing through his armor, and was suddenly sure that Stain probably stole a sword from a museum or someplace like that for it to be of that high quality.


However, the hero couldn’t know that a certain agent was activating his jamming quirk. On paper, it wasn’t even a real jamming quirk. It simply allowed him to phone people without a phone. However, thanks to the HPSC’s training, he learned how to fill all lines at the same time. No trace of jamming would be found.

All he had to do, now, was to check upon Foxtail and make sure she did the job. Though he did have a backup plan, just in case.

His promotion was on the line, after all.


Ingenium was winning, and he knew it: while Stain was clearly experienced, strong and fast, he seemed more determined to draw blood rather than kill him. Unless it was part of his quirk? No one had discovered it before now, and it could be important.

However, unlike many heroes who used ablative armor to protect themselves from emitter quirks, Ingenium preferred a heavier and thicker armor, with an ablative suit underneath. It offered less protection against emitters and bullets, but at the very least, it blocked blades and mutant attacks well.

On the other hand, while Stain failed to find a problem in his armor, Ingenium had punched him a few times in the face. Taking Muay-Thaï lessons was one of his best ideas, and it showed, as the Hero Killer suddenly had to face a competent hero who didn’t rely that much on his quirk.

He totally didn’t do that after spotting one or two of his analyst support heroes with an “analysis” quirk had a “villainous quirk” that they couldn’t use or in one case, a quirkless person who managed to pass his muscles as a quirk.


Meanwhile, Toga was on an exhilarating trip. Might have she gone insane, finally? Somewhere in her mind, she could almost feel the old her nodding sadly. Who cared? All that mattered in the present was that only one of the two fighters could walk away from this fight.

The taste of the blood in her mouth, and the blood still in Ingenium’s body… It was the only thing she knew was real.

Taking two knives, she suddenly abandoned her sword. Something the real Mr Stainy would never do, but she wasn’t him, not yet.

Ingenium must have felt that the flow of the fight changed, as he suddenly adopted a more defensive posture.

It was not enough, as Toga got closer to stab him, not slash him. There was a fundamental difference now. Before, Toga was like a matador trying to slash a bull who was rushing him. If you didn’t have the build and a sword for that, you were going to be in a world of pain quickly.

However, right now, Toga was a matador, trying to stab her opponent in heropening. Well, that would have been accurate if the matador was crazy enough to rush the bull to stab him, but honestly, she managed that. After all, the HPSC’s training was nothing if thorough, and they knew how to make someone go above their limits without breaking them.

So when Ingenium raised an arm, she shifted her attack angle to stab him under the shoulder. Her attacks were serpentine, and faster than him. Or maybe, just maybe, it was also the combat drugs kicking in. He still managed to punch her with enough force to give her a black eye. She was going to be in a world of sweet pain after all of this.


Seijin wondered if she had done well to rewire Toga to mistake pain and pleasure? Oh well. Not her problem. It was Ingenium who should be worried.


As a result, Ingenium had the sense that Stain was a crazed maniac so high he couldn’t feel pain and would not fall unconscious easily. In other words, the Motorized Hero would have to take some risks if he wanted to win this and bring the Hero Killer to justice.

Toga didn’t expect him to block her arms by locking them, while she had a knife stabbing him in the shoulder. Clearly, it couldn’t feel good for him, and why did he stop punching her? It was so much fun!

Wait, was he lifting her by overclocking his motors? Oh craps basket! In a posture that was commonly called a german suplex, more than in a world of pain, Toga was suddenly on the verge of losing consciousness…At the very least, just before she felt Ingenium’s powerful arms beginning a blood strangulation.Yes. It exists. The principle is to make the target lose consciousness by cutting off their blood to the brain for a few seconds. It is a very common move in Brazilian jiu-jitsu.

Her last words before losing consciousness were…


Before going limp in his arms, sleeping peacefully, with a demented smile on Stain’s face. Ingenium was breathing heavily because of the fight and the blood loss. Oh f*ck, it hurt like a bitch. Why did he have so many knives?

Relaxing because of his win, Ingenium noticed the second Stain in the alley too late, when he high-kicked him in the jaw.

Before he could process what was happening, he was pummeled into the ground.


Agent K was finishing his smoke, when a man wearing a white and black mask brought to him the unconscious body of Toga.

“Thank you, Tanuki. I take it that Foxtail almost messed up?”

“No, she was close to beat him alone./ f*ck THAT NOISE, WE HAD TO FINISH THE JOB!”

“… Well, I will schedule her for more training, and that should be it. As for Ingenium?”

“Right. The problem was he was disturbing the organized crime in this area too much. They were channeling their resources into place we couldn’t reach in response, and we cannot allow that. Also, this way, we will have a chance to de-legitimize even more vigilantes. If citizens freely use their power to make their own justice, it will be a second dawn of the quirk era.”

Honestly, it was a messy job, one which left a bad taste in his mouth. However, sometimes what was right wasn’t what was good, and Ingenium didn’t understand the principle of necessary evil. So, yes, the HPSC might do evil things on the side, but they were all for the name of stability

“Let’s call the ambulance. He is still a selfless hero, and who knows? Maybe the outrage will be great enough to change things thoroughly.”


For those wondering :
The Architect is an OC coming from an old TTRPG I did with some friends, and the same goes for the french heroes team.

Here is the team :

Captain France : Could generate and manipulate bread **and** could do the same with red wine.

Chevalier Ch'ti (the Ch'ti Knight, people from north of France) : could turn himself into a giant ice knight. Also had a Twingo so heavily modified it is pretty much on par with Shield's car.

The Sophiste : non combattant hero. Basically Charles Xavier but who can walk and with hair.

Le Vieux : Low Immortality, but was more known for his "hobomancy" who allowed him to manipulate waste.
In this story he learned to do that so we'll he is now a pile of waste, becoming the only living quirk still alive.

As for the Architect... It is a Technopath who managed to turn into an AI. He still managed to keep his empathy and he loves dearly in a non twister way his family.
The players loved him as a villain because he avoided deaths unless someone had the bright idea to kill his men, was hammy and keep his word.

Chapter 24: Sports Festival : the final countdown


In which Tenko makes a bet, Itsuka has big hand and Shouto fight his greatest teacher.


A special chapter to celebrate my first holiday in 3 years.

The idea that Itsuka is related to Rappa comes from 41 reasons why, by Mirrond.

Also thanks again to a crazy draco mage for his help on the fight scenes.

Chapter Text

Chapter 24: The final countdown.

Izuku felt restless, as Toru gave him a smoothie to calm him down. She managed to get two free smoothies, as long as she said that they were Izuku’s favorite on her way. Uraraka approved, as there was no such thing as too much free stuff.

However, Izuku was now under the pressure of being in the top 4 of the first year. Top 4. Oh, he expected to do well, and like anyone, he hoped for a climatic battle with Katsuki in final, but it was only now that he realized that. He had a shot for the final, and to get a medal delivered by All-Might himself.

“… Izuku, I think most people would feel restless not because they get All-Might goodies, but because they are on the spot in front of everyone else.”

Izuku looked at his girlfriend, who ruffled his hair peacefully. Sure, she had lost, but Itsuka had proven against Mei that she was highly capable in the fighting area. If you got in close combat against her, you were down, and she was smart enough to create opportunities so she could close the distance gap.

Izuku was a decent fighter in close combat, but he was nowhere near her level, and he knew it. The only person who had a decent shot at a pure technical fight with Itsuka was Ojiro, and even he admitted he would be the underdog.

“Oh, I also feel restless, because I will avenge my girlfriend’s loss.”

Not that Toru was feeling any wrath or resentment toward Itsuka. However, Izuku knew she would like the attention, and she would continue to ruffle his hair while he leaned back on her. It had tremendous effect to calm him down, and damn if he would not take it. Hell, he thought that this kind of moment was for something to regenerate his stamina, so he could continue to fight well.

However, he was also damn conflicted, as he truly saw the difference in the way Katsuki fought and the way he fought:

Katsuki didn’t seem to look for the fight after the one he was in, giving every time his all. Meanwhile, Izuku had to, because his quirk was still growing and as such, had to be careful to not explode his brain, quite literally. He… He also had something planned for his potential fight with Katsuki. He wasn’t kidding when he said he had a card with Katsuki’s name on it. It was really something he had planned for their epic fight.

However, as Izuku heard his name, he had to get up and win this fight. He also knew that if he lost because he didn’t give his all against Itsuka, Katsuki would most likely kick him in low orbit. The fact Katsuki had apparently done the math to do it right was highly worrying. However, it was in character to make the nerd take everything seriously.

“Wish me luck!”

“Good luck, Izu-kun! And if you win, I will let you treat me to a date!”

Another excellent motivation to win, right?



“Thank you Mirio.”

It was weird to speak so casually with heroes, but… The big three really had something in them, Tomura had to admit. Tamaki was a mood kindred and both of them seemed to almost telepathically speak their thoughts about the ambient noise. Mirio was so smiling and beaming it was actually hard to not smile too with him. Tomura actually had to wear a mask after his smile made a child cry in front of them. No, he wasn’t jealous at all that people feared his smile. He was a villain, he should be scary! Except he had trouble remembering that when Nejire was laughing next to him. It was… a bit mesmerizing.

Somehow, Tomura had a thought. What if his life had been a little bit different, such as Sensei not finding him? Would have he become a hero?

Suddenly, his brooding ended when Nejire poked his cheek. It was hard to stay somber when she smiled at you like that.

“Hey, you should cheer for your cousin!”

“… He isn’t my cousin, I said I consider him as my cousin! That’s different!”

Nejire noted he didn’t refute the cheering part, though. Especially as when Izuku got in the ring, Tomura rise up and yelled.



For a second, Izuku could have sworn to have heard Tomura. However, it was highly unlikely as Tomura hated crowds and heroes. Izuku should truly tell him, though, about the whole student at U.A… Especially as it will be hard to hide that after today. Hell, the shopkeeper of the card store was probably yelling he was the one who supplied Izuku’s cards.

In front of him, Itsuka Kendo, who was all smiles and sunshine, but Izuku knew she was ready to kick his ass, at a moment’s notice.

He would have to play his cards fast, if he didn’t want to take one of her punches.


“Yes!” “Yes!”

“Then… Let’s begin!”

As Izuku expected, Itsuka blitzed, to not let him have time to do a summon. It was logical, and if he wanted to fight correctly, he had to create his own opportunity to fight right, especially as Itsuka had learned from Monoma’s fight. So he did something highly illogical and ran toward her.

While it made Itsuka pauses for a fraction of a second, she was enough of a seasoned fighter, thanks to her uncle, to react promptly to the attack, with a good old right hook to the face.

Izuku managed to avoid the hit only barely by sliding to his left, and almost squealed when he saw the ground under him break apart and chunks of concrete shift under the weight of her fist. Oh boy, it would have hurt. Thankfully, since the rise of the quirks, humans were notoriously sturdier. He wouldn’t have died, but he wouldn’t have liked it either.

However, between him dodging her hit, and her infinitesimal pause, Izuku had the time to let a card drop next to her. A card that should allow him to buy time for a concrete strategy.


A Machomp, simple, powerful and highly motivated to fight strong opponents. Why did Pokemon lose its fans again? Oh right. It was because no one could remember every Pokemon past the 14th generation and the rise up to 2000 different pokemons, not counting the alternative’s, shinies, fusions, boosters and radioactive versions.

However, while Machomp was powerful, its speed wasn’t necessarily up to the task, especially as it was an apparently rather common card. Izuku had discovered the power of a card was also tied to its rarity. Which would explain why even Kings in his tarot deck were only on the level of a strength enhancer quirk user.

As a result, Izuku could see Itsuka methodically cross-countering every punch Machomp tried to do. Agile, strong, fast and smart. It was just like fighting a Katsuki, but with less explosion. If he wanted to beat her, he needed something equally strong and fast. So…

As a result, Izuku grabbed his “Hero” deck, before taking a card in it. Marking his cards was a good idea to find each one he needs quickly and efficiently. Each deck had its own symbol, heroes, villains, tarot, pokemon, items are all grouped together and there is also a few videogame characters all with one symbol, : along with marks for the, commons, rares, epics, legends and lastly Ultimates, the heroes… And this time, he pulled his only rare villain card so far.


Rappa was known as a high C-tier/low B-tier villain, and he wasn’t a priority for most heroes, as he allowed the underground rings to be highly moderated and he wasn’t interested in anything else than that. Honestly, all that was needed to turn him into a star was a legalization of his fights. However, it wasn’t the case.

Anyway, Rappa was a low-tier villain because of the lack of danger he represented. However, there were rumors floating around that he used to fight against Miruko and the latter said nothing about it when journalists asked about it. To be fair, Miruko never said much to journalists.

However, it also caused Rappa to be one of the few cheap villains Izuku had.

One that surprised Itsuka for a second, as she saw the hulking villains cracking his fists before delivering a barrage of punches.It wasn’t nearly as powerful as the real Rappa, but it should stop and weaken a bit Itsuka, while Izuku was catching back his breath.

Itsuka, on the opposite side, was freaked out for another reason. WHY DID HE HAVE TO PICK THIS CARD? WHY DID HE PICK HER UNCLE?!

Her family had broken ties with him when his activities became known… And also because he used to bring Itsuka to watch a fight in his club every now and then. She remembered that time fondly, as the local barman brought her cherry milkshake and she could see people beating others up! She actually had a Miruko’s autograph, thanks to that!

It was also her uncle who taught her how to beat people up! Correctly so as every movement and stance she had was due to her uncle beating it into her mind and soul, her body was just beaten into the padded ring in the process.

Then, as soon as the initial onslaught died out, as she had kept her guard up, Itsuka exhaled her breath with a fire in her eyes. If her uncle was watching this, she would be a deception to him, being beaten up by a fake him.


At first, Izuku was going to ask if she was going to do some Hokuto technique, before he saw her taking a karate stance. Instinctively, Izuku ran out of dodge.


As the Rappa summon was done cooling down, Itsuka gave only one punch. However, it was a punch done with her whole body, and her quirk was activated. The fake Rappa fell into pieces as her enlarged fist twisted in the furx villain's gut, as the breaker punch destroyed him in one hit, and the card turned into cinder soon after. Izuku was actually blown away by the punch, he looked up only to see Itsuka with a bit of anger burning in her eyes, walking toward him slowly but methodically.

Crap basket.


In a certain Yakuza stronghold, a battle master was enjoying the fight on a small portable TV, and cheered up quietly for Itsuka. After all, Overhaul forbade them to watch it at work, but… They were Yakuza, they broke rules anyway, right? He just needed a good excuse. research on the next generation's quirks? That should work if he is caught, Overhaul is always paranoid, Rappa giving him time to plan countermeasures on strong quirks might give him a good scapegoat.


It wasn’t time for witty banter or small talk, for once. The old “Make the enemy mad to trap them” only worked if the enemy wasn’t superior to you physically and only if you had a plan, a strategy, to work upon their anger.

It was a stupid idea to do that when you were cornered and didn’t have the mobility to get out.

Therefore, it was for a good reason that a pale Izuku wasn’t speaking, as Itsuka was marching toward him, carefully for his next move. Good.

Being scared didn’t mean not having a plan, though. Izuku always had a plan, especially now he had seen Itsuka fight twice, too.

While she used punches, she always finished her fight with throws to avoid hurting her opponent. Despite her strange angriness at the situation, something he would probably look to fix after the fight, he had no reason to expect her to act differently: even during pain and being blinded by Toru; she acted like that.

Besides that, he was also exactly where he wanted to be: cornered by the ring.


“… Your cousin is in a dangerous situation, it seems.”

Tomura was too tired to yell and instead, simply threw a handful of popcorn at Tamaki for his observation.

“You dummy, Izuku is in a rough spot, but so is the girl, the difference is she doesn't know it… yet. I know him. See his smile, a bit forced, but still there? And the fire in his eyes? He still has a plan.”

“How do you know that?” Nejire asked with a tilted head and a sparkle in her eyes.

“He is always like that when I am dominating him in our games.”

“Oh?” the blue fairy asks to help her latest interesting person continue his thoughts.

“He does manage to win sometimes. Like one battle out of every ten? Something like that.”

“You do know it isn’t a lot?” This time it’s buff Tintin that speaks.

“Yes, but I also know that this girl isn’t me. The guy that knows Izuku’s every card and play style, it's not that he only wins due to only being that good. He wins only so much because even when I always have a newer stronger deck and a new set of moves he will always get me close to defeat before I pull out something new. It's when I don't have something new that I lose. That girl… he just watched her fight three times.”

In opposition to The Big 3, Tomura had faith in his friend. He knew he had a plan, an ace up his sleeve, probably literally. It was going to be interesting to see an Izu gambit in real time.


Itsuka was fairly sure of her victory. She knew about Izuku having a power-limit on what he could summon. According to the punch of the Machomp, the Blaziken and the fake Rappa, Itsuka had a fair understanding of the limit.

Izuku, most likely, couldn’t summon anything stronger than that and didn’t have that many cards as powerful as them. It also explained why he didn’t summon them earlier, if they burned away after only one use.

As for the others, weaker cards… She was now certain she could punch them away easily.

Having intimidated Izuku enough, the ginger girl decided to end the battle. She rushed him, to end him with a grab and throw.

Then, in front of her, Izuku smirked before disappearing.


As she darted her arms in front of her, she felt a pressure on her belly and something catching her arms. Something that was clearly using her own strength against herself, and she was going to be thrown out! The surprise was gone, Itsuka managed to grab whatever was trying to throw her out. Wait. Oh… She could see where Izuku should be, a floating uniform. That was right. If he could copy Monoma’s own copy, why couldn’t he copy other’s quirks? Still. All she had to do now was a counter-counter grab. As she was vastly stronger than him, she could simply throw him first on the ground, and she would qualify!

At that moment, Itsuka made a fatal mistake.

She forgot whose quirk Izuku took and how well he knew it.

Izuku simply thought about getting hugged by Toru for his win, just before Itsuka managed to grab him the light burst out in a sparking ray. Then, unlike his girlfriend, Izuku used all of his strength and technique to throw his opponent out of the ring. Grabbing one of her arms as they instinctively flew up to her face, the one he had gave him a focal point. spinning on his heel he spun her off the stage and into the grass in a roundabout toss that sent her rolling.


“MY EYES! OH GOD THE PAIN!” The only time you could hear Eraserhead yell out of anything but anger or teaching a lesson, his eyes are more sensitive to them most due to his quirk.

“… And dear people, blinded by that problem child, is why I have sunglasses all the time. Don’t worry, your sight should be back in a few seconds.” Permanent damage only happens if you see it for days on end, which can happen to heros or UA teachers. Mic, being both, adopted the shaded prescription glasses into his costume after his first week as a teacher.


Itsuka was on her back, stumped. She had been countered, because she forgot something about her opponent. THAT WAS f*ckING IDIOTIC OF HERSELF.

Of course, if he knew about Toru’s quirk and special attack, he probably also knew the trigger! sh*t!

All she could hear was Izuku, clearly panting because of the effort. The result was because of a gambit and he did his best. However, it had also been because Itsuka went easy on him, and they both knew it. If she had been serious, and had just smashed him or slapped him with her giant hands, she would have won. Sure, Izuku would have most likely had a few broken bones.

However, she would have won.

By not taking him seriously, Itsuka had forgotten a part of his ability, and he exploited that kindness… Or was it truly kindness? Wasn’t it more like pity? sh*t.

She could almost hear her uncle disgruntle and swear because of that stupid defeat.

For once, Izuku wasn’t in a state to be a fair play gentleman, as his last actions took a lot of energy inside of him. He knew he had the strength for… Well, still a few summons, but clearly, it had truly taken its toll on him to act like that.

Honestly, he could only hope that Katsuki’s fight against Todoroki would wear him down just as much as him.



“Indeed, he is!”

Seriously, Compress wanted to check if Backdraft wasn’t linked to the Shimura’s family one way or the other, and ask Inko to be classified as a double quirk person.

“However, you need to cry less Inko, otherwise we will get flooded by complaints and litteral water… again.”


It was going to be a long evening, right? Still, having an Inko all over him was really nice, and he would not trade that for anything in the world. Especially if it leads to more cuddling later on.


“See? Told you he would figure out something. Izuku is resourceful.” Tomura beamed with pride as Izuku won his fight. He knew he had it in him!

“Impressive… Now, we know the last fight is going to be really interesting.”

“Nejire, once you finish your… Isn’t that your third ice cream?”

“Yes, it is!”

“… You are lucky your power needs a lot of calories. Anyway… So, what's your prognostic on the winner?”

“I like the ice guy!”

Mirio nodded, while Tamaki grunted.

“I prefer the explosive man. Yes, he is loud, but he clearly takes the tournament more seriously.”

The ashen bluenette says with a glare at the stage.

"How about a bet then?"

"Another one ?"

"Yep! If Todoroki wins, you owe me another favor. If Bakugou does, I owe you!"

"If Bakugou wins, I need a rematch against you!"


Mirio leaned on Tamaki to ask.

"Do you think he know he just locked himself again in another date with Nejire?"

That made chuckle Sun-eater.


Once again, two people stood there, against each other. One with a maniac smile and the other being Todoroki, who simply smiled quietly.

“Hey, Blue Fairy! I need to thank you for this trimester.”

Bakugou, hearing his… Well, yes, he could call him that. Shouto was his friend and his disciple. Hearing Shouto taunting him and thanking him made him smile even more.

“So… How do you intend to thank me? By giving up?”

This actually made Shouto chuckle.

“AH! As if! You would kill me if I did something like that!”

Once the chuckle stopped in his body, both halves of his quirk activated.

“No, I will thank you by beating you! Not for my father, not for my mother, or not even for you. I will do it for me!”

Katsuki smiled as a warm feeling was growing inside of him. Pride in someone else? That was a new one, and he liked that. Finally, Shouto was growing a spine and standing up for himself! Huh, it was Izuku all over again, just with complete social exile rather than anxiety.


Midnight and Cementoss had the proper flair for the dramatic scenes, and as such let the kids have their moments, ready to fight.

“Are you ready? GO!” she called quickly.

At that instant, Shouto used his gliding technique, though this time, he added himself being propelled by his flame, increasing drastically his speed compared to the initial race. However, the speed was apparently something new for him, as he wasn’t able to dodge Katsuki’s fist crashing down into his stomach, the right hook stuned the dual eyed boy. . The exploding man had thrown himself toward the Genius of the 1A, correctly guessing he would try out his full power during their fight. However, it was not enough for Shouto, who was used to getting worse from his father on a daily basis. He just didn't expect Katsuki to intercept him.

He took that opportunity to let out a large burst of ice right up to Katsuki’s neck from point blank range, but Katsuki took his distance immediately. While the sarcophagus of ice appeared where Katsuki stood just before, Katsuki was already in a safe area, preparing his next attack. Unlike Shouto who had a fairly constant and powerful quirk, the blond knew his specialty was more about bursting and charging in varying moves. Against someone like Shouto, staying in close range was a bad idea, especially now he was okay with using his fire.

The real question was ‘Did he already work out some attacks with it?’. Simply by increasing his mobility, Shouto was even more dangerous than before, and Katsuki had to admit his mastery on ice was impressive.

On the other side, Shouto took the brief respite as an opportunity to get back his breath. Good. He could take on Katsuki’s punch and continue to attack. So, what should he do?

“When your enemy has a biological component in their quirk, neutralize it.”

… sh*t, once again, Endeavor’s old advice and teaching were on point and useful. It would be easier to hate on his father if he was an incompetent corrupted hero. Sadly, Enji Todoroki was competent in everything else besides family matters, apparently.

Still, his first fight with Tokoyami took a lot of his strength. Had he fought with his fire from the beginning, he would have been in a better shape. He could still do a big move only once or twice, but he needed them to be decisive, and not waste them.

As Shouto was still thinking about his next move, he suddenly felt an impact on his guts. In front of him, Katsuki was aiming at him with his finger, shooting explosions all around him. Shouto’s guess was he had fine tuned his control over his explosion to propel his own sweat as a bullet. That was actually really impressive.


Meanwhile, an actually still frozen Endeavor was watching the fight with Rei. He couldn’t bring himself to think “his wife” despite still being married to her, because… Well, the “still” was the operative word.

However, even if it was just for an instant, he forgot about all of that, and melted the ice, while yelling…


Then Rei iced his head, by reflex, icing his mustache and his eyebrows, giving him a funny face.

“Calm down, or you will activate the fire alarms!”

“… Actually, Nedzu set the alarms so I don’t activate them before I actually burn something.”

She totally knew it, according to her smile, though. She just cooled him down for fun, and that made him chuckle.

“You think Shouto will win?”

“He will, now that he is finally using both halves of his quirk and stops hurting himself… and if he doesn't then you will be there for him after the fight.” Enji said with a more genuine smile on his face.

“… You know he never used it as a rebellion against you, you know?” Rei said with a brittle spite mixed into her voice.

“And I pushed him even harder to avoid a second Touya…”

A pang ran through both of their hearts, a mix of sadness and anger at the thought of Touya and what had happened to him.

Endeavor had more than enough time to do his introspection. Hindsight, being 20/20, the hero himself was his harshest critic.

“But now, our youngest son is doing his best.”

Ironically, all it took was to get Endeavor out of the picture for Shouto to not become his brother… And the irony was not lost on both adults in the room.


Shouto decided to compromise and slammed his icy feet against the ground, creating a sudden wall of stalagmites toward his opponent. That way, he would create a wall and an attack against him. As a result, Katsuki flipped a tile in the sky with his explosions. It was a good idea, as clearly Shouto had memorized his move and used a wave of flame to hit him. Sadly for the genius, Katsuki was gifted for battle, and he shared to a degree Izuku’s passion for quirk. He loved to study their battle application, and boy, did he think a lot about a serious fight with Shouto before. Now, he has finally gotten one!

Katsuki, once again ruining his shoes, redirected with violence the tile, aiming at Shouto. The Icy-Hot boy had to move sideways to dodge it… Or he might create an ice structure to deviate the attack, while he pointed his finger from his fire-side as a gun. Katsuki grinned as he saw his friend aiming carefully, before shooting at him. Not a bad move, but he clearly needed more work! As a result, as Shouto was using the tile as cover from Katsuki’s explosion, he didn’t expect him to use a projectile.

The projectile being Katsuki himself of course, who used his explosion to drop full force on the “roof” above Shouto’s head. However, it wasn’t enough, to Katsuki’s surprise, to make it crash on Shouto, while he did hurt his feet from the impact.

“I took the teacher’s advice about proper support for my ice constructions.”

Shouto explained quietly from under Katsuki, before encasing the area above him in ice, to restrict Katsuki’s mobility in the best case, and in the worst case, cool him down enough to stop him from sweating.

Honestly, no one saw Katsuki’s counter coming. As he felt the incoming cold, the angry, proud boy did something he saw once in an old game with a good story.

He flexed against the cold, propelling as much sweat in the process, and producing even more heat that way. In addition, it weakened, and cracked Shouto’s pillar, while the explosion was blinding him.

Still, as the tile was finally coming down on him, Shouto smiled, and he lifted it, to everyone’s surprise, before throwing it and Katsuki away.

His quirk wasn’t the only thing strong about him, his body was also trained by the number two hero.

“Not bad, Shouto.”

“Thanks… Katsuki.”

Name. The ultimate sign of respect from Katsuki, as a nickname was simply friendship.

Both boys were panting heavily, as that much quirk use in one day was bound to tire one. It was even more visible in Shouto’s case, as he worked out his fire quirk, something he didn’t truly do before that day. As a result, his control, his power over it took a lot of energy. Now, he understood why his father always insisted on him learning how to control it.

However, now was the time to go all out. Both Katsuki and he were set apart on the ring. Katsuki took damage from his failed kick, and would have a hard time dodging his next attack. In fact, Shouto could probably move, but he wasn’t sure he could capitalize enough on his speed to win. However, he knew how to create a situation where no dodge would be involved.

“Katsuki? Block.”

Katsuki felt his blood boil intensively when Shouto’s body flared up in his quirks. Heat and frost coming together in one final, giant and big attack.

“Because I will use all of me.”

The same cold voice, but his face and his smile showed his fun. His happiness, the fact he was having the time of his life.

Somehow, he could feel cheers all around him vibrating the air, while his attack continued in its preparation.

Then, he heard the sparkles, going crazy on Katsuki’s body. Explosions at the end of each hand, getting bigger and bigger, while taking a cross-like posture. Of course, he took the challenge in a fight for power as Shouto expected of him. It was going to be a battle between both of their powers, and all of it will be decided here and now..

Cementoss and Midnight, finally noticing the danger, prepared to intervene to stop both students, but it was a bit too late.



Both students felt the power of the others, while walls of cement rose from the ground, and a strange smoke on the ring. As said earlier, too late.



Shouto’s attack was vastly bigger than Katsuki’s. It wasn’t a match on that aspect, as it showed the strength Shouto had, destroying everything in his way. Large spikes rip through the concrete while fire rides the top of the spikes making waving currents of air that propel bursts of fire ever farther as the duelist attack rages on as a beam of twisting air rappidly cooling and heating in a spiral while being supported on all sides by his fire and ice working in tandem. The air rushed to the only place uncovered from the tunnel, right where Katsuki was standing.

However, beside a fiery temper, pride and a maniacal smile when happy, Katsuki had another common quality with Endeavor: an absurd control over his quirk, thanks to an even more absurd training. For him, it was useless to have a big beam, all he needed to have was a powerful one.

So, while Shouto’s air beam was indeed the most powerful of the two attacks, its wide area made it lose efficiency. With the precision of a scalpel, Katsuki’s attack pierced the dual elemental super move pushing the twisted beam back into its cocoon, ice cracks and fire sputters causing the attack to collapse in on itself and blow away the air in the stadium for everyone. More than one hat and fake hairs were lost that day.

When the concentrated explosion finally arrived in front of Shouto, it exploded once more, violently enough to project him outside the ring. In fact, he rolled across the grass for only a moment as he felt his back against the wall; the shock-wave being so powerful that his body didn't even register pain yet..

Still standing in the ring was the winner of the match, who had a smile on his face. He was… The best. He fell on his knees, having lost a lot of his strength with that attack. Shouto had fought him at the best of what he was capable of, and Katsuki sliced it apart like it was nothing.


What was bravado at the beginning suddenly turned into a declaration in front of everyone, with Katsuki looking… Like a shonen protagonist, blasting away his opposition again and again with each match showing a burst of strategy and strength that they never thought he had..


The applause was deafening, and Katsuki rose up again, walking slowly and with some pain toward Shouto, and looking at him.

“So, how does it feel, Shouto?”

“… Is it weird to be sad and happy?”

“I don’t know, I never lost.”

Both cackled a bit, before Katsuki helped him on his feet again, his friend's arm was pulled over his shoulder as the two stumbled out of the arena together leaving the hyped crowd behind.

“More seriously, yes. You had your fun, and you finally noticed you would have liked to be the best. That feeling? It is your pride. Never forget it. Because you are one of my rivals with Yui and Izuku.”

“… Should they get a penalty for the destruction they just caused, Mic?”

“Well, to quote Nedzu “I said ‘Plus Ultra’ to my grandson, and I TOTALLY ASSUME”.”


Rei and Enji blow up a wall together. Nedzu could bill them later, they didn’t care. Their son… He had been so close to win, and failed so close to the goal.

“That attack… I told him to not do wide area attack! Smaller and stronger!”

“It looked quite cool though. Hmm…”

Rei seemed pensive, and Enji noticed her look.

“You have an idea?”

“Well, I just thought. Let’s say we discover the HPSC did in fact hold Touya. Instead of letting you do a Prominence Burn… Would be interested in…”

“… Combine our quirk in a heat/frost intense combination, enough to blow apart their building and most of the block in one shot?”

He finished his wife's sentence.

Rei, nodding with a smile, was a spectacle Enji had missed.

“Does that count as a date?” He says with a cheeky smirk.

“Don’t push your luck Enji.” She replied coldly, but not as much as he thought she would.



Meanwhile, Izuku was resting in meditation. He took a card, that was until then wrapped in a protective sleeve. It had indeed written “Katsuki” on it, and it was also going to be an important experimentation for Izuku.

Sure, his opponent was a person of mass destruction, but it would not deter Izuku now. He was too far to fail now.

It was time to use his Endgame Strategy against Katsuki.

Chapter 25: Sports Festival : The ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny


This chapter might include :
Pay back time for Katsuki.
Pay back time again for Katsuki.
Tomura getting kissed.
A principal having a bonding moment.
Pay back time for Katsuki.

Yes, a lot happen.


As my beta (and I incidentally) are in holidays, the grammar might have not be de-frenchized.

I thank once again a certain Dragon for improving a lot my combat scene and his help was precious.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 25: Ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny !


“Indeed. This fight can be interesting, though Katsuki knows well his opponent and his weaknesses. Unless he lets Izuku summon cards, he should win.”

“Rooting for one student, Eraser? that's very unlike you.”

“I am just being logical, Mic.”

Izuku sighed as he entered the ring. The referee had decreed a 30 min recess so they could reconstruct the ring, as the last fight blew it. He took that time to rest as much as he could, but he also knew that Kacchan took it to heal. Katsuki’s stamina should be down after everything he suffered, but honestly, Izuku was now reassured more than ever that he worked through sheer determination.

As a result, and as Eraser said, Izuku knew that his friend would try to beat him seriously. In other words, getting ready for his win condition and his biggest weapon against Katsuki would be hard.

Still, Katsuki shouldn't be able to put out , at least from the start, a Big Bang Attack or anything like that. So he would try to get to Izuku in close combat, something Izuku wasn’t bad at. Not as good as Katsuki, sure, but if Yui could put him in such a bad state, so could he!

“Hoy! Nerd! Make it good!” The ash burned blonde demanded.

Katsuki had the biggest smile on his face Izuku ever saw on it. After all, it was logical. Katsuki’s favorite quote came from a french drama, “The Cid”. “A vaincre sans péril, on triomphe sans gloire.” “To win without risk is to triumph without glory.”This tournament? All of his fights were awesome, and he had to work through them with all of his might and grit.

He had Yui’s blood-thirst to quench, Shouto’s new passion lightened in him and Ibara’s faith to carry on even knowing that she was doomed. Each enemy beat down was part of him. He couldn’t afford to lose, by respect for them, and show to the world that they weren’t weak. He was just too damn strong.

Katsuki also knew that Izuku totally got how he thought. So… It was high time to see what his friend had in store for him.

No word was needed for both of them, as Izuku began to play with his cards in front of Katsuki, making them fly. Truly, Izuku had mastered his craft over a year of training. He wasn’t a nerd now. He was… He was his rival. His number one rival. His best friend…

When the “FIGHT” was announced, Katsuki darted toward Izuku with all the speed he could muster. As strange as it could appear, while several cards burned away from Izuku, nothing was summoned. Self-buff? It wouldn’t be enough to fight him, and Izuku knew it, probably.

Even with his stepdad, Izuku was nowhere near his level of close combat. On both technique and pure strength, Izuku was indeed frightening, just behind the likes of Ojiro or Itsuka, but on strength and combat instinct, he wasn’t there yet.

Still, Katsuki was surprised to see Izuku take his arm, eyes almost closed, as if he already knew what he was going to do. Prescience-card?! The nerd found sh*t like that?

Izuku flipped Katsuki away with a smile, while he continued to burn madly cards away. It was strange, as before, the master of cards seemed highly conservative of them… And why did nothing appear from them?

Katsuki had the feeling inside his guts that it was some kind of countdown before he was done. What was Izuku doing?

It was time to attack, and he wouldn’t stop there. Katsuki rushed again to attack Izuku in close range, but Izuku seemed highly intent on only dodging. Even the openings Katsuki left him by wildly swinging were ignored. Sure, if Izuku was to fall for that one, he wouldn’t have gotten up so easily from the counter.

Still… What was Izuku muttering?

“8 land of fire, 5 colorless… I should begin to tap in the Pokemon cards…”

Still, Katsuki was moving faster now that he began to sweat properly.


This time, the hit connected with Izuku’s face. He even heard his nose break under his fist.

Somehow, it didn’t stop Izuku from burning even more cards. Katsuki had the gut feeling something was coming.

“8 normal energy, 8 of fire…”

His smile. The nerd’s smile that is now tainted with blood from his nose, it looks wrong. He's setting up something.

Katsuki prepared from his position one of his biggest single cell explosion he could do from his current state.


The explosive ball of energy rushed toward Izuku and exploded, leaving a cloud of dust where Izuku should be.

Katsuki, panting, wondered if he had stopped the attack… Before a gust of wind blew everything away and a silhouette stood aside Izuku, like a mighty protector.

Oh. That’s what he meant by “I have a card with your name on it.”


“Did I ever say I think your cousin has great taste but that I also want to punch him like… real hard?”

Tomura was a bit surprised by how fired up Nejire was, by seeing her observing the fight.

“What? Why?”


“Weren’t you supposed to be a novice at the game, Nejire?”

Tomura was many things. Stupid wasn’t one, and he knew someone wouldn’t get that fired up unless they were in the hobby since a long time. So… It meant he got played by Nejire who was apparently a card nerd too.

“… I am just a real fan of Ryukyu’s cards?”

All of her friends looked at her who blew up her cover. She wasn’t that credible.

“That’s why you somehow managed to land all of those combos. You already knew how to play the game!”

“Three times regional champion, actually.”

The meek expression she had was highly adorable, and when she went close to his face, asking if he forgave her little prank, Tomura learned even more why girls held more power than men. Even a hardened villain couldn’t say no! However, he did have an idea. Championships were recorded, and he could watch them at the bar to learn her patterns.

His vengeance would be perfect!


On the field stood the mighty heroine Ryukyu, the Dragon, in what was clearly a dragon themed Chinese robe. Her wings seemed to be made of jade, and the power exuded from her in waves.

The SSR, limited edition, Ryukyu, Year of the Dragon.

The card that Katsuki gave to Izuku as an apology for the day he told him to jump.

“Hoy, Katsuki. I have wanted to say something to you ever since that moment all that time ago.”

Izuku smiled as Ryukyu flew to Katsuki, punching him with an insane right hook.

“I forgive you.”

Katsuki gritted his teeth, as he had barely managed to block the fist of the top ten hero, his heels dug into the concrete and it took both hands to stop the blow. It almost made him fly away from sheer force, and even by blocking it, he certainly felt some of his bones cracking as he held on.

sh*t, the nerd had summoned something that powerful? It explained why he was so conservative during the tournament… And why Izuku was now sitting, resting, as his nose bled a little.

Damn. He grew up strong since their start in U.A.… That or he found a way to highly lessen the cost of his summon.

The second punch of the summoned heroine broke two of Katsuki’s teeth under the impact, before a kick sent Katsuki flying in the sky. Was… Was that the strength of a top hero? What he was aspiring to be?


“You. Earjack girl. You can amplify sound right?”

Jiro was a bit surprised when the beaten up girl from the first round reached up to her.

“Yes? You want to cheer?”


Jiro, at first, thought she was going to cheer up on Izuku, as he was facing the one who defeated her. She didn’t expect her to yell,


Everyone looked at Yui, who seemed satisfied with that small outburst, before she began to eat a tomato like an apple.



Katsuki was middair when he heard that one. Yui’s voice. It made him smile, before he grabbed the leg of the summoned being, and used his explosions to project her on the ground… Or rather tried, since her wings weren’t for nothing.


Fired up, Katsuki collided foot first in Ryukyu’s stomach. The summoned being clearly had a sour face because of that, and answered to that attack with a breath of fire directed point blank toward.

“I WON’T LOSE HERE!”Just as before with his fight with Shouto, Katsuki concentrated his explosion, but this time at the tips of his finger, before firing it. Once again, it divided the flame, but the scorching heat wasn’t nice.

It was that time that the dragon chose to morph suddenly into… Well, her dragon form. A giant jade dragon and Katsuki was in its proximity. Even for him, it didn’t spell ‘well’ out in any form.

It grabbed him in its talons before dive bombing into the stage below. There, it smashed him in the ground below them a few times before raising him up above her head and pushed down one last time.

Then, just before the impact, the jade claw exploded into an inferno of green shards and Katsuki got out of the attack at the last moment… but bloodied, and his left arm battered but not yet broken.

Izuku was still resting, meditating, but his hands were moving. Apparently, the player hadn't finished his turn yet, and Katsuki knew him enough to know that Izuku was clearly thriving for the victory too.

“I WILL WIN, KATSUKI! YOU WON’T BEAT ME EASILY!” The scream took the blonde off guard but it only took a moment before his mouth split into a manic grin.

Izuku once again began to burn cards away.

Katsuki was against one of the strongest heroes in Japan, though without her real battle style and probably not as strong yet, and Izuku was going to add more and more to this being.


Katsuki was in pain, bloodied and probably with one broken rib, and his rival planned for more. He wouldn’t have it any other way.


All For One was observing the fight with a high interest. After all, it wasn’t often he could see one of his grandchildren fight on screen tv! His bloodline produced strong quirk users but also, often, quirkless people. For late-bloomers like Izuku, he typically couldn’t detect that before they were 8 or 9, hence why he missed him.

Oh, he would not throw him away, anyway. In fact, had he not joined U.A, AFO had planned to make a hero kill Inko by “mistake”, before arranging through Seijin an obvious cover-up by the HPSC. Enough to break any positive sentiment he had for heroes, and make him join him. After that, AFO would have made him a member and supporter of Tomura, probably giving him an analysis quirk in the process. If Izuku had refused…

Well, he was sure that Garaki would have loved to have a quirkless yet with AFO compatibility to make a High End Noumu of extreme proportion.

Anyway, he was rooting for his grandson… for now.




“Mitsuki, are you speaking about the dragon or Izuku?”



“Nejire, that is still a treason, from your side, as I bought you some cards, thinking you were a beginner and you didn’t even take me seriously…”

While they were still observing the fight, Tomura was ranting to Nejire about how hiding they did have a shared passion and using him to get some rare cards wasn’t heroic and a treason. Tamaki and Mirio found it low-key amusing, once Tomura managed to get enough immunity against Nejire’s cute face.

“Tomura, I am sorry, okay?”

“This is still betrayal and I demand—”

Nejire managed to shut him up by kissing him on the cheek, chastely.

“…. Tomura.exe has stopped running. Please, reboot him.”

It was Mirio who said that, smirking, as Tomura had indeed stopped working.

Another boom made them look at the fight again.


The other boom was Katsuki who was on his knee, his left hand almost broken by his last attack, leaving him panting.

“Ok… Note to self… Charging a Big Bang attack one handed is f*cking stupid…”

Though the result was promising. The dragon had prepared another breath attack, and Katsuki remembered an old boss in some video games he played. As a result, he used one hand to stabilize his arm and his shot and managed to throw his attack in the mouth of the giant jade dragon, just as it was going to attack. It did manage to blow all of its teeth, but honestly, it would not be enough if he wanted to win.

“I know I said I wanted a hero, but damn, you surpassed yourself, Izuku!”

“And wait for the second summon!!”

… The what now?

Just as Katsuki processed what Izuku said, a good chunk of his deck had disappeared in ashes.

Izuku was a quirk nerd. He loved to theorize about them and how they worked. As a result, he was often helping and fine tuning ideas his comrades had about them. It also meant he was experimenting with him, and especially when card games had a cost system, like Magic the Gathering with the mana. As a result, Izuku tried what was happening when he gained mana from a card, or energy points and things like that. The result was he could highly lessen the price of summoning powerful cards, and technically summon things he shouldn’t be able to use yet. He knew that even with all the sacrifice he did, the next big card he would summon could be the last.

Honestly, Izuku was proud of his plan: Either Katsuki would have lost against Ryukyu, either he won but would be most likely too tired and injured to fight the second card he had readied for him.

Memories flooded the boys, as the truth goes unspoken between them, that they were friends and they would fight to the bitter end if need be. Even if it was for a moment, they forgot their name, or the reason why they stood there.

Katsuki was holding his good arm with his almost broken one, as the ring was becoming a more and more desolate place, with the dragon and him leaving the traces of concrete bricks into nothing but rubble..

All he could feel was the cold wind on his body, his sweat exploding and cracking the injured monster more and more. As he stood up and fought, Katsuki knew that there would be bloodshed, as Izuku was looking at him as if he was his reflection in the mirror.

So when Katsuki finally managed to break the SSR card representing all of his remorse for his past, he felt free. Free, as his exploding fist cracked a few fingers upon the dragon’s back as the jade dragon fell into oblivion. Panting and smiling, Katsuki was now walking towards Izuku, to end their fight.


Izuku groaned, while getting up, as he faced his friend… Before throwing a card at Katsuki. The exploding man caught him with one hand, before noticing it was an arcana.

The Fool.

Getting punched in the gut by a mini-him with his own quirk wasn’t something he expected when he got up in the morning. Apparently, Izuku wasn’t bluffing, though if he was right about the blood coming out of his nose, it was definitely the last big card nerd would, and could, summon for a few days.

Katsuki dispatched the small arcana with a simple kick though. That small opening allowed Izuku to enter inside his vital space. Both kids exchanged a punch in the face with each other, both of them dead tired.

Izuku took that opportunity to hit his injured arm. The loud crack made everyone wince, before Katsuki answered to that with a kick in the gut. Sadly for him, despite the energy consumed by the card, Izuku was still fresher than him. After all, unlike Katsuki, he didn’t have to be healed after each fight, and Recovery Girl’s quirk drained away the endurance of the one she healed.

The blond boy exhaled before his axe kick went to Izuku’s head. The green boy dodged it by a breath. Katsuki’s feet exploded above Izuku’s head before slamming right into his collarbone.

“Explosive Brazilian kick!”

Izuku could probably move his arm, but the kick almost put him down to his knees. Especially as Katsuki seemed to find a second wind and punched Izuku again in the face. His nose was definitely broken after that one, and Katsuki’s fist was bloodied. As a result, Izuku did what he always did; he used his head.

Except this time, he was literal about it.

On the bright side, now Katsuki had the same nose as him. However, on the less bright side, Katsuki roared in rage before grabbing the dummy’s face and slamming it into the ground.


His best friend’s answer to that was by rolling on the destroyed ground. The punch colliding where he was, was proof enough he had been right to do that, despite his collar bone cracking in the process. However, he took that opportunity to pivot on himself, and grab Katsuki’s uninjured arm with his whole body, and disjointed it. The sound, close to a breaking one, was audible and even more people winced, while wondering if the two of them were really friends.

The close-up on their smiling faces showed that yes, they are friends, just morbid ones.






The excitation in the stadium was palpable, and both of them were not done. Then Katsuki did something that actually impressed Izuku. He slammed the disjointed arm in the ground… And somehow put his arm back into place in the process.


In hindsight, it was indeed obvious.

Izuku took another card. It was an Ace. His last big card. In fact, it was a gamble if he could summon it or not. Did he grow enough to do that ?

Before Katsuki could add anything, he threw it expertly on his face…

And Katsuki burned it before it could reach him. with over half the card burned and a good chunk just gone it fell to the ground with no effect.

Izuku smiled, as he felt his last strength leaving him.

“Ah f*ck… So… Close…”

He heard Katsuki running, calling his name…

And then Izuku opened his eyes again in a respite, to grab Katsuki by his hair and bring him to the ground.


Katsuki answered that by an explosion from his broken arm another loud crack can be heard from it, which was just against Izuku’s ribs.

It ejected Izuku, and when the fighter tried to get up once more… He lost his equilibrium, and he felt the ground once more. His strength was still draining from him, rapidly like something was sucking his soul from his body. Oh, and Katsuki was about to send a drop kick on his back too, to make sure he stayed on the ground, for good this time.

Right before Katsuki landed on Izuku, a pure white hand grabbed the explosive blond by the back of the neck and tossed him into the rubble with a puff of dust.

The blonde crawled his way back up and met face to face with the ace he burned. Its left arm was gone with a charred stump in its place.

It punched him again and he went rocketing back, each inch he rolled across the rubble cutted into Katsuki more and more as he left a trail of blood behind him.

Katsuki picked himself back up, his knees shaking and his arms feeling like lead but he NEEDED to win. He HAS to win. HE WILL WIN!

Katsuki slammed his hand down onto his chest, letting the small explosion hit his sweat covered body. His skin sizzled and popped but he paid it no mind as he charged his friend’s final summon. Sweat came out more vigorously and his explosion ripped through the ruined Ace’s defenses burning every crappy scrap in its wake.

His hand broken, he doesn't have the strength to care. His skin was splitting open and blood mixed with his sparks as red wisps of flame danced across his body.

Each step brought him agony. Each step getting him closer to victory, and another explosion blew away the smoke and dust, followed with another step, another spray of his own blood, both arms are broken now. His left eye went dark a few steps back. He kept walking as his body was engulfed in flame and sparks.

He was now two steps from Izuku, his arms definitely useless. His legs are unsteady but his fight ends here. Izuku threw up something around ten defensive cards Katsuki couldn't tell, they burned to ash but not from his explosions. Most likely from Izuku who was also low on energy.

Good he will need his explosion.

The blood now pouring from Izuku's nose like a dam has just opened and the river is running free. The green haired boy stood his ground, his arms weakly holding a X block.

The bloodied blonde raised his broken arms wide and copied the very basics of his quirk, his father making sparks by slamming his hands together.

"Germa Nova"

His words were soft, barely above a whisper from his still burning throat, but everyone in the stadium heard them clearly before he slammed his hands together and his skin charred as his entire body let off a blast akin to a solar flash.

It was the third time that day everyone was blinded.

When the light dimmed and the smoke cleared, the audience saw that Izuku was embedded into the wall behind him by a large spider web of cracks formed from his impact.

Medical bots were already pulling him out and his eyelids were falling as his hand reached for Katsuki, a thumbs up was not what anyone was expecting. Izuku passed out a moment later.

As for Katsuki, he stood in the crater of his own making. No more sparks, no more blood. just cracked porcelain skin rippled with blackened burns closing up each wound he had. His right arm rises to the air...and he manages three raspy words.

“I… am… next.”

Katsuki Bakugo won the first year sports festival with an explosive finish


The silence was eerie in the stadium, before it died under the applause.

Katsuki was at his center, his defeated final foe in recovery.

He screamed his joy, primal, bloody and battered, but he had won. For himself and all those he defeated. HE WON!

They didn’t lose because they were weak. He won because he was strong, because he was better, now he must work to keep that advantage.

It was really different, and honestly… Honestly, there were so many close calls that Katsuki knew of, what about the ones he never saw, or if a different match led to his fall by him fighting someone else, he needed to learn from this to stay ahead.

Next year, it was going to be even more awesome and difficult.

He would win again.

Then, he joined Izuku in the land of the unconscious, falling forward into the rubble.


The uproar in the stadium was deafening. Both kids went above and beyond their abilities, and everyone saw them fighting each other like finalists should do.

“Tsssk. I shall make Izuku train a bit with me, if he is going to lose like that.”

Tomura, on the other hand, was upset by the loss, though not that much. He bet with Nejire that Izuku would be the winner, and if Katsuki won, he would have to treat her at the mall. Still, Tomura looked forward to the next two days, and promised himself to cheer as much as possible for his… New friends? He couldn’t wait to tell Kurogiri about them! … Or not, seeing as they were heroes, and he was technically still a villain bent to destroy the society and fake heroes.

Wait. They were true heroes. So they wouldn’t be destroyed.

The logic was totally sound. No killing kids or true heros!

What made a true hero though?

That was something to discuss with Stain.



“Yagi? Finally, you decided to call me?”

“I have found Nana’s grandson. He is the kid that ranked second in the UA festival.”

“Wait. Wait. Does that mean that the Nana we saw was…”

“She told me she was proud of us.”

It almost caused an infarctus to the old man.

“… Am I still eligible to take him for one internship? Not sure if my bones can take more, but…”

“Yes, you are. Since All For One is to remain hidden, I will recommend him later to compensate for your lack of notoriety.”

“I shall not kick you in the face next time we see, thanks to this favor.”

“Make it “Not kick me at all” and we have a deal.”

Both men laughed, but not for the same reason. Yagi, because he reconnected with his old master and had the opportunity to make him connect with Nana’s heir.

Torino, because All Might forgot to include "Punch" in the deal.

He would have so much fun, trauma… training another hero.


Loony was bleeding on the ground, paralysed.

“Ouch… You do hit hard.”

Stain was faring better than her, mainly because he didn’t underestimate her, unlike most of her opponents. He was still bleeding from one arm and was fairly sure he might have taken some hit in the head.

“Well, you are supposed to be an experienced fighter. Of course, I was going to be careful about your black spot and that hammer.”

People described Stain as a coward for specializing in ambushes and surprise attacks. They forgot that Stain’s quirk didn’t enhance his strength, and he needed to do that to beat people stronger than him.

It didn’t mean he couldn’t beat them one on one. He was seeking effectiveness, and that was all.

He put the rabbit on his shoulder, as he brought her back to the bar.

“By the way, do the others know?”

“… About what?”

“About what you really are?”

It made chuckle Loony.

“Absolutely not! But I don’t see the point. How did you guess?”

“The way you hop is too perfectly close to a rabbit.”

Loony had to admit he had a point.

“I don’t like your aim to kill Miruko, as she is a good hero, but…”


Who was Stain to judge another species thought process?

In a way, Loony's anger was true and justified.


Iida was next to his brother. Tensei was still comatose because of his wounds, and no one knew when he would wake up. All because of that damn Hero Killer.

On his brother’s bed, Iida knew he would seek him and demolish him for what he did to his precious older brother.


“GENTLE! The boss called!”

“Oh? What did he say?”

“Apparently, he found a new target for us! We will do a good old robbery apparently this time!”

“Can you both be a little less louder please?”

Sophie slept in Gentle’s surprisingly large house (apparently, bought with most of his savings and inheritance) and she appreciated their hospitality, though their eccentricity was annoying sometimes.

“Also, what is the target, this time?”

“We shall rob a support company! Apparently, things are afoot about the quality of their goods, and Compress thinks it could have a link with some disappearances in that neighborhood. According to my hacking, some special gears for dangerous quirk disappear at the same time people with said related quirk disappear.”

It instantly interested Sophie, who was suddenly awake.

“This one is going to be useful… And what is Compress' suspect? Human trafficker? Some quirk supremacists thinking they are the new Destro?”

“Human trafficker. But honestly, it shouldn’t be too dangerous.”

Optimism was such a beautiful thing to have.


Meanwhile, at U.A.’s infirmary, Katsuki was slowly waking up.

“Finally, the lady is up?”

An emotionless tone, and a stoic face was looking at him. Her name was… Yui.

“Hey bitch.”

“Hmmf. At least, you won.”

“Hey, I promised you I would win, no? Couldn’t make you appear as a weak girl.”

The girl nodded, sitting next to him.

“If you had lost, I would have kicked your ass during the next sparring.”

“And now that I won?”

“I am still going to kick it.”

It made Katsuki laugh a bit, before he yelped in pain. Yep, probably a few things broken still, and from the tightness in his skin the burns are not yet gone. Yui sighed, before patting the blonde teen’s head.

“Still a good fight. I really hope we get to do more things like that together!”

While both of them were smiling (well, Katsuki was smiling, Yui was more smirking than anything), both missed a certain Izuku, also awake, who was taking a picture of the scene, and send it to Mitsuki with the comment “He actually remembers her name and plans to spend time with her after school.”

Sweet vengeance. If Katsuki thought of using Inko as a weapon of mass teasing, oh boy, he would not be prepared for what Mitsuki had in store for him.

The hardest thing was holding back the ominous laughing.


On the Podium, once everyone was healed enough, stood a proud Katsuki still burned to sh*t but neck up, seemed fine due to Recovery girl wanting him to be presentable, and he wore long sleeves to hide most injuries; a smiling Izuku, proud of his performance despite his condition being near catatonic; and a Shouto doing a small victory sign with a smirk so small you wouldnt know if it was there if you didn't look..

Each of them got their medal from All Might himself, who was absolutely beaming at the result and how the tournament went. For a second he thought about how, if Todoroki’s issue weren’t discovered, it could have gone badly, with Izuku almost dying to reach him out, and Shouto being so much less at ease with his quirk that he might have not used it against Katsuki who wouldn’t have taken such a win.

The picture of a restrained Katsuki on the podium floated in his mind for a second, but then decided no one would be dumb enough to do that, right?


It was a grumbling Monoma, grabbed by the collar by a smiling Itsuka who was coming to Momo, full speed.

“Hey! We heard that 1A had a club to train themselves with their quirk afterschool, is that right?”

Momo was at a tea booth, and clearly appreciating it, before making a sign to invite them to join her.

“Yes, we do. Actually, at first, it was simply Bakugou, Izuku and their friends, but it quickly became the whole classroom. Why?”

“Well… We would appreciate it if we could join it and…”

Momo began to produce a stack of paper for the 1B president.

“Here is the application form. We had to create the club to continue to use the training ground appropriately. We might ask your homeroom teacher to come help supervise the training though. It would be nice to observe how Mr. Vlad teaches.”

“Don’t worry, I will convince him. Now, Monoma, what do you say to the kind 1A?”

For the record, Itsuka was using her insane grip strength to pinch Monoma around the neck.

“Thank you!” He choked out his response.

“Manners are a work in progress. Now, if you let me… I have someone who owes me some food.”

Itsuka left afterward, though she exchanged numbers with Momo, leaving Monoma with her…

“So, should I leave too, to not bother you?”

“Oh, you can stay. I said we could drink tea once.”

Noblesse obliged, and Momo wasn’t someone to hold a grudge. Besides, it was always better to drink tea with people.

Monoma nodded, before beginning to sip the tea and wondering what they could discuss.

“… Can I ask you a question about your quirk? Because seriously, it is a shame they didn’t allow you to make stuff before entering the ring.”

“Of course! Though we might have to wait for the friend that was going to join me.”


Monoma, looking at Mei, thought for a second about running, but decided against it. Maybe the discussion would be fun?

“So, I was wondering if you could…”


“I feel a disturbance in the force… Like a million Nedzu cackling, and then… silence.”

Power Loader was seriously terrified, and worst of all, he knew who he had to blame for that.


Finally, when Izuku went out of the infirmary, he was waited for by… quite a lot of people. Namely Toru, who jumped into him to attack him with a standing cuddle. Sure, he was still hurting a bit, but it was quite enjoyable. However, it is the four next people he didn’t expect.

Namely the Big Three and… and…


He instantly wanted to both run away from Tomura, but also get an explanation of how the asocial young adult managed to apparently befriend the Big Three of the school.


“Wait. So when you said you had a date today, it wasn’t in a visual novel?”

Luckily for Izuku, Nejire, Mirio and Tamaki managed to restrain Tomura while Izuku ran away with Toru, laughing.

Though, they would have a debrief about the whole situation later, maybe during another day of the festival?

For now, though, Izuku was going to have fun with Toru, trying all the food and enjoying the mood.



“Shouto… I thought it would be nice if we spent the afternoon together. Oh, and I am so proud of you for the tournament!”

“Thanks, Mother!”

With binoculars, Endeavor observed the scene from afar, while Nedzu sat beside him.

“Looking at something?”

“Just my broken dream.”

Both of them sat together, as Endeavor knew he would probably not be productive enough to be useful if he went back at the agency now. It was probably Rei’s plot all along. To make him take a day off, as she often did when they were happier.

He pictured himself when he was younger, bringing Touya, Natsuo and Fuyumi. How they would enjoy the festival as a family.

Then he remembered that he never let Shouto know such a thing.

“That sounds rough, buddy.”

It made Endeavor chuckle, before he looked at the U.A., the sun setting with him and his rat dad next to him. Nedzu was always an Iroh's fan.

“I allow you to call me dad again, Enji. You showed quite an…”

“Make that pun, and there is no All Might stopping me from tickling you.”

Both beings looked at each other, before laughing, sitting on the building’s edge.

Maybe the day wasn’t a total disaster after all.

“By the way, your son is interning under you to make sure you don’t do anything wrong with his mom. He also plans to kick you in the balls.”

“Thanks for the warning.”


“Just as you expected, All For One, according to the data acquired through the television, it seems his quirk isn’t fully developed yet. However, it does indicate a class 5 quirk, at the very least.”

All For One, on his throne, smiled at Garaki's report.

Everything was going according to his plan. Well…

One of them.


After this chapter, begin the internship arc. However, you will see more than simply Izuku, as a few others internships... As well as a few villains and vigilantes acting :D

Now a few things about this tournament.

In one words : Dies. I used them a lot for :

-Who got to the finals (only Izuku, Bakugou and Todo had a secure spot).

-Who fight who.

-Who win which fight.

As you have seen, the results were fairly reasonable but fun. It also helped me represent the butterfly effect and how things might be similar to the Canon sometimes but different.

Ps : yes it was just a kiss on the cheek for Tomura.

Chapter 26: Tipping the world's axis


The announcer of things to come.

Chapter Text

Chapter 26: Tipping the axis of the world.

The festival went on for two more days after the first year’s event.

During it, Nejire managed to get more food from Tenko and made him cheer for her with Izuku and Toru. She finished second, behind Mirio, after a long fight and Mirio somehow riding on her energy wave.

Izuku and Toru took the opportunity to spend time together, even if Izuku couldn’t use his quirk, thanks to his last stunt against Katsuki. Toru might have yelled at him a bit (lot) for being such an idiot before saying something about “boys being boys”. Nonetheless, they had fun taking pictures together in some photo booths and simply being teenagers.

Katsuki was hunted by his mother for answers, all while Katsuki swore vengeance against Izuku and all potential descendants he might have. Yui took her time with him to watch the others' fights, and both commented how they would have fought against them. Yui really appreciated having someone who perceived her emotions despite her face not telling much and Katsuki someone who was calm yet as infatuated with fighting as him. He was truly looking forward to their sparring matches.

Monoma, Mei, and Momo had a surprisingly good time together, especially once Monoma managed to let his passion for quirks get the better of him and discussed how they could create the craziest things with the two girls. It included the idea of using Momo to create parts of machines in specific alloys that would be way outside of Mei’s purse otherwise.

Finally, the most important thing was clearly that Atsuhiro and Inko’s wedding was nearing and Izuku looked quite forward to becoming Izuku Sako.


“Good morning, and congratulations on winning the festival.”

The class erupted in joy as they got Aizawa’s praise, who quickly calmed them down.

“However, I have an announcement: Today, we need you to choose your hero name. Don’t worry, because it is supposed to be a temporary one. However, you should take it seriously.”

Izuku nodded his head furiously.

“Yes, I once heard that a student told another one to choose his name. And that he could never change it after that!”

If eyes could say “f*ck you”, Aizawa would have expelled Izuku with extreme prejudice.

“… It is the name that is going to be used for your internship. So, let’s study them. The winner in the number of offers is… Katsuki. Who actually got two top 10 invitations, Miruko and Best Jeanist.”

Katsuki, unusually calm, got up and went to a window to open it. He then yelled, full force.


“Sit down or it is a detention.”

Without a word or excuse, Katsuki sat down. To be fair, he had every right to be that happy.

“Second we have Izuku, who got a proposal from Best Jeanist and a few top 100 heroes. However, I also know that All-Might wants to talk to him about something.”

Izuku nodded, while he observed his smaller stack of proposals than Katsuki’s. Still a good amount.

“Third is Todoroki.”

Unlike the others, Todoroki’s internship was decided beforehand. If Aizawa had anything to say, he would have been against him meeting his father so soon, but the teenager insisted. Something about not leaving his mother alone with his dad without supervision or protection.

Aizawa let the students chatter a bit before coughing, silencing them. It was nice to have a class that obeyed. He wondered if in some other universes; he had a class that was batsh*t insane, pulling tanks out of nowhere or things like that.


In the support course tech-lab, Mei was working on a tank. Yui had convinced her to build one and somehow managed to get it approved as support equipment. Oh, it was going to be so fun to make that and Itsuka’s gloves! And thanks to Momo and Monoma, Mei could actually create her own line of tanks! She wondered if she could sell a few of them or the patent to U.A?


“Anyway. So, since I am bad at naming things, I asked Midnight to help you do it. Have fun and don’t pick a dumb name.”


The session went pretty much as it did in canon, except for Izuku who had already chosen “Joker” as his hero name, thanks to the USJ Attack.

None of them spotted Iida choosing Manual for his internship.


Izuku wondered, as he waited in the classroom, what All-Might had to offer him for his internship. He knew, along with everyone else, that All-Might never took interns and he would certainly not begin now that he was a teacher.

Still, he was surprised when the number 1 entered the room, with a special internship form…

“Young Midoriya! I was looking for you!”

“Thank you, sir!”

More than one session with the man as a teacher helped Izuku idolize him less than before. Sure, he was still his #1 fan, but he saw enough of the hero bumbling as a teacher to understand he wasn’t perfect.

“I have a special internship for you. However, be aware it is totally optional.”

Izuku nodded, wondering what it was about.

“It… It isn’t a well-known thing about my past, but the hero Floaty was my first mentor and my role model.”

Izuku arched an eyebrow, as he read pretty much all of All-Might’s biographies and that name never appeared in any of them.

“… Floaty’s true name was Nana Shimura, and she was…”

“My grandmother.”

Izuku knew his mom’s maiden name, and he quickly connected the dots as to why All-Might might feel very interested in his internship now. It wasn’t really nepotism, but more along the lines of paying back a debt. All-Might sat down to Izuku’s level and put his hand on his shoulder.

“The internship is for the hero Gran Torino. My second mentor and your grandmother’s best friend. He isn’t a well-known hero and it would be just for this week. For your real internship, if you feel the lack of notoriety impedes your odds to get a good one, I will write a letter of recommendation.”

“And if I refuse?”

Izuku didn’t plan to, but he wanted to know his options before making a choice.

“Well then, he would still very much like to meet you and your mom and might ask to see you if it isn’t too hard. Also, I have talked to the hero Slidin’go and he seems interested.”

All-Might observed the young hero, as he was thinking loudly and muttered his every thought. It made him smile, to see a young teenager think so much about his future. All he needed was a little push in the right direction to go even further.

“I think Gran Torino might be an excellent idea for you. While you clearly learned your tricks and how to control your quirk from someone, your fighting instinct could use improvement.”

Izuku chuckled. All-Might was right. Despite his training, he was still taking too many hits while fighting. It wouldn’t be enough at all if he planned to be a pro. Also, he only learned how to fight from Mr. Compress, and learning only from one source made Izuku too specialized against one kind of fighter.

“Also, if you want to know how skilled Gran Torino is… Well, he was my main teacher in the art of fighting.”

Even if his teaching style could be summed up as “get good, bitch”, and Izuku would probably be in a world of pain, the results were apparent: Gran Torino was an excellent, if sad*stic, teacher. It convinced Izuku to accept the deal, as he was sure to have a lot of fun training with this Grand Torino.

All-Might was also secretly happy to not have to fear his next meeting with the old man. Besides fighting skills, having an outsider with experience on how to use a quirk would be beneficial to Izuku. The young man already knew how to moderate, but needed to maximize his energy output… Exactly like a certain blond giant years ago.

He couldn’t help it, but All-Might felt it was quite cathartic. Also, if Nana was proud of him for what he did with his life and their quirk, he must also finish the job by finishing All For One.


In the end, Katsuki chose to intern with Miruko, after he discussed it with Izuku, who pointed out Best Jeanist’s policy on hair and his dress code.

Katsuki was fairly certain their styles would clash, and it was a no-no as a son of designers. It was better to go with Miruko, as she would most likely give him battle training and tips. He couldn’t wait to fight her!

Besides, he was sure Yui would train even harder and he couldn’t wait to smash her against a wall, until she could not move anymore despite a co*cky grin he would imagine on her.

Wait, that sounded dirtier than he had intended.


Tooru, to her great surprise, was given an internship under Midnight. She wasn’t supposed to learn how to be sexier, though the teacher proposed to teach her a few tips on how to tease men, but to help her become stronger.

Despite what people thought of her, Midnight knew how to fight, even without her quirk. It was necessary, as she was the most well-known underground hero, who helped Eraser Head in his takedowns. She also approved a few ideas for support items Tooru asked for and a young support student confirmed she took the request.

Who would have thought about using their own blood to make invisible paint to make an invisible item?

However, Midnight was still going to teach Tooru a lot about close combat fighting.


Yui Koda lost early in the finals, but she still managed to get an internship from a pro hero… And a big one! One that could actually help her improve and shape her into the fighting hero she wanted to be. Besides, if she wanted to pin down Katsuki on the ground again and pound him unconscious, she would need more strength!

… Why did that sound so weird?


When Izuku went home this evening, he found his mom contemplative in front of the television.

Atsuhiro was there, serving tea and cookies for his wife, as she once again rewatched a certain sequence of the tournament. Izuku knew which one instantly.

Izuku quietly hugged his mom, as Nana saved him on screen.

“She seemed like an awesome woman, mom.”

Inko didn’t say a word, instead quietly hugging her son while Atsuhiro joined in the group hug.

“Izu? Can you do me a favor if you have rested enough?”

“Sure! Whatever you want!”

“… Do you have another Floaty card?”

Izuku smiled, before rushing to his room to take the card. He had several of her, as Nana wasn’t a well-known Hero.

He took the Uncommon card and brought it to his mother. Then, in front of everyone, Izuku activated his quirk.

Unlike last time, this Nana didn’t seem to have any personality, quietly waiting with a smile for orders. Nonetheless, Inko took a step forward and looked at the tall muscular woman.

“Hello, mom. I… I wanted you to know I understand why you did what you had to do. I am proud of you, and what you have done for everyone. Through and through, you gave more than anyone could have asked of you. I guess that’s why I became a nurse: to help people.”

“I know it may seem strange, but I wanted to introduce you to a few people. Atsuhiro, you never met him, but you would have loved him. Smart, loyal, and funny… I couldn’t find a better husband.”

Atsuhiro pressed Inko’s hand in his, while the woman cried quietly, and continued.

“And here, your grandson Izuku. He is cuddly, a real hero in the making, he is a charmer and… And you would have loved him.”

The Nana card looked at Inko, and for a second, it seemed like something passed by in her eyes, and her smile seemed sad and happy at the same time.

“… We are happy, mom. I know you are watching over us, from wherever you are. Just know… We love you.”

Then the former single mother had her money senses tingling, while hugging and crying in her family’s arms. Wait. Did that mean the Yaoyoruzu family owed them royalties for using Nana’s pictures?


Later that evening, Atsuhiro got another phone call on his “Mr. Compress Phone”. He sighed in advance when he saw the number on the screen.

“Hello, Endeavor. Why are you calling…”

“Izuku Midoriya and his mom were once All For One’s targets.”

That actually shut up Atsuhiro, who was going to make a witty joke about Endeavor who should check on his family, but that comment stopped him. Especially as it implied…

“Yes, I know you are Atsuhiro Sako. No, it isn’t because you didn’t hide your identity well and the evidence that could link you back to my investigation was mysteriously burned by mistake.”

Oh, thank god Endeavor was on his team now.

“I discovered that Hisashi Midoriya was formerly known as the Heart Stealer. I am half-certain he used his quirk on Inko to seduce her and…”

“THAT f*ckING SON OF…” Wait. Didn’t that also mean that Magne actually got the right guy that day? She would be quite happy.

“Quite. Anyway, it seemed smart to warn you and tell you to protect them closely. As far as we know, his interest in them died with Hisashi, as AfO ordered his death.”

Compress was an intelligent man and quite friendly with Giran, especially when they had drinks together (and he paid the broker really well).

“Luck Stealer?”

“Bingo. Anyway, Nedzu added me to your list of “clients”. It will give us more reason to see each other for your update. By the way, I have been able to confirm the HPSC was linked to my son’s disappearance.”

Compress noted the choice of words and smiled.

“Disappearance? He is alive?”

“The person who helped fake his death gave me the information before he got killed. He seemed convinced.”

“Very well. On a side note, my next target, next week, will involve the Triceps corporation. I have heard they took advantage of Mizunaka’s temporary absence and as a result their human resources are soaring.”

Translation: most likely implicated in the traffic of interesting quirks who come to them for special support items.

“I see. Don’t forget to call me on the day of the big break. Be careful though. I have heard rumors from the HPSC that the owner, Deputy Kenchaki, was someone not in their pocket because he was too distasteful for them.”

Compress shivered. Someone too corrupt for the HPSC and still standing? He must have excellent security and was tied to things worse than he thought.

“However, it also means his ring is important enough to at least know how they made Touya disappear.”

Or at least tell them how deep and what could have happened to him.

“My team is on it. Oh, and Endeavor, for what it’s worth, I am happy to know your son is alive.”

“I am simply doing my best to unf*ck as much as I can.”

The call cut after that, while Atsuhiro saw his family, happy in the living room.


Meanwhile, Endeavor was looking deeply at his bedroom ceiling, in his office. As far as he knew, Rei was now sleeping at U.A, and Shouto was close to her.

Natsuo had listened to him, over the phone, before ending the call. Endeavor didn’t have any illusions on that side.

Fuyumi called him, to tell him she was okay. She… Actually accepted his apologies. She was surprised to hear he was the one who didn’t want to meet her, because he felt as guilty for her miserable teenage years as for everything.

Honestly, he didn’t know what he would do once they found Touya.


In a certain bar, Tomura hummed happily after a few days of break. Anyway, it was also time to go back to work. In fact, he was browsing some documentation from Sensei and Giran, before he found a name interesting enough.

“Stain? Loonie? I have found a good target near Hosu!”

He specifically chose that place because it was the last hunting ground for Stain and after that, he would change it again.

The noseless man and the toon looked at their boss while they were playing cards. Apparently, the two of them bonded a lot over their training and sparring. Tomura decided to join them too, as he could use more exercise.

“Oh? Who’s that, Boss?”

“I have found that a certain hero named Gust Duster was sponsored heavily by a support corporation, and that several vigilantes in his area seemed to disappear mysteriously after only one or two sightings. No police report on them, except that the man apparently managed to talk them out of doing that.”

Stain, as a former vigilante, took a particular interest in the briefing.

“I… Still own a few favors. I can cash them in to know if they know anything about that.”

Tomura thought about it and nodded. While Sensei covered his expenses with Giran, Tomura wanted to build his strength and not simply rely on his sugar daddy to provide for him.

When you were too used to playing with the bonus, you were often defenseless once you lost them after all.

“I would like you to ask your contact another question.”

Stain looked puzzled, before Tomura added an excellent point.

“Why, if Gust Duster is such an excellent hero, so many vigilantes are sighted and why do they actually listen to him if it is the truth?”

“… No smoke without fire?”

“Exactly. We are the League of Villains because we oppose the current state of the Hero Industry. The fact that it is an industry is bad enough. What better way to do that if not by solving problems overlooked by the system and executing the culprit?”

Stain smiled, as creepily as he could. That was actually a good idea.

“Some divine retribution! I like the idea…”

The three villains took a beer (a ginger ale for Tomura) and toasted for their next mission.


“Is it the mission you promised me, Seijin?”

“No, sadly not, Dabi. You will have it next time, though. This mission is actually one that will let you meet your new teammates and learn how to work together.”

Dabi sighed as he entered the room, before seeing a muzzled blond girl and a masked man in black and white.

“Everyone, meet Amaterasu. Amaterasu, here is Foxtail and Tanuki.”

Seijin presented everyone, before Agent K coughed to catch their attention.

“For this mission, and the next, you will be under my control. If you need to talk, call this number. It is a secure line. You will use it to make your weekly report, or any urgent request. Please, remember it.”

All agents nodded, before proceeding to memorize the number, before Agent K activated a powerPoint. It was a warehouse on a dock.

“In three days, you will have to destroy this warehouse. No survivors. No witnesses. It is the home of a paramilitary organization whose doctrine is close to the Destro’s. They are currently owned by the Triceps corporation and this warehouse is their main HQ. You will attack during their big meeting.

The plan is as follows: Foxtail and two of Tanuki’s clones will infiltrate the place. Make sure that all escape roads are destroyed. Once that is done, exit and signal to Tanuki and Amaterasu. Tanuki will then switch to creating two copies of Amaterasu. The three of you will annihilate the facility.

Any question?”

Everyone nodded their head, having understood the plan. Agent K then dismissed them with a gesture of his hand. Yey, nice promotion. He went from taking care of one individual to a team. Yey. Even if he didn’t have any information about the next mission, except that it was supposed to be a deep and long one, undercover. God, it was going to be stressful, right?

Chapter 27: Internship or interned ?


A small breather chapter before the two chapter on the Triceps corporation.


I saw a fic with a "Tooru has a six-pack" tag. It was glorious and I decided to begin to use that idea too. Because it is awesome.


Chapter Text

Chapter 27: Internship or interned?

When Izuku opened the door to the unsuspicious Torino Agency, seeing his new mentor lying in a pool of blood wasn’t what he expected. However, living with a master prankster (aka Mr. Compress who could marble some “magazine” for Inko to find in her son’s room and other little things like that) made him inherently suspicious.

“… Mister Torino, your breathing is obvious. I don’t know why you are trying to sleep in tomato sauce, but I doubt it’s good for your hero outfit.”

If the man was anything like Atsuhiro, he would rise up… Right now.

“Oh? So apparently, you don’t freak out easily… ARRGH! Why does your arm bend like that?!”

Izuku, having dislocated his shoulder as part of his training, stretched his limp arm with a smile.

“My trainer is an insane man who keeps insisting on teaching me new tricks. If you want to surprise me, you will have to do better, old man.”

Torino, now standing, looked at Izuku’s smile. It was Nana’s. Apparently, it ran in the family, that and the ability to freak him out.

“Well, at least you had a competent mentor. I also watched your performance at the tournament, and I saw a few things we could work on togeth… SURPRISE ATTACK!”

Izuku, not really impressed, dodged the attack with a breath, moving only slightly to dodge Torino.

“… Even that?”

“Let’s say that when we do physical training, he would sometimes pull out water balloons and throw them at me.”

“That doesn’t seem that bad.”

“It is when it’s winter outside.”

Torino liked how his mentor worked and that he had no remorse for torturing the child if it meant making him better.

“Good. However, I saw during your tournament that you could use more close combat training. When the opponent closes up, you can defend a bit, but there is clearly room for improvement.”

Izuku nodded at Torino’s analysis, having concluded the same thing.

“I also have several questions about your quirk and how it works, if you don’t mind.”

Torino didn’t have the mind of a true quirk analyst. However, he had several decades of heroism behind him which taught him how to find new ways to use a quirk. Experience over professionalism, one might say. That and helping the blond how to find new ways to optimize One for All’s output.

“Well… The general idea is I can summon what is written on cards. The stronger the card, the more it wears me out, though I have recently discovered that using cards that give “mana” or energy could help me ease that drawback.”

Torino listened while he cooked two fried fish. Hmm, the quirk was weird. Usually, it was a mix of the father’s and the mother’s quirk. It could also be a mutation, but still on the theme of one of their quirk.

As an example, Torino’s father was someone that could smell from his feet while the old hero could eject air from them. Still, a theme was there, though the quirks were different.

However, if what All-Might told Torino was right, maybe Torino focused on the wrong quirk Izuku got. Was it something descending from One for All, and its stockpile power, or was it from Heart Stealer’s quirk?

Hard to tell…


“That is what I thought. However, I have a question for you, young Joker.”

Izuku, who was in the middle of removing his suit from his bag, was suddenly all ears. Especially since Torino seemed to do surprise attacks.

“Did the cost lessen because of the card, or because you played by the rules of the game you summoned?”

Izuku, ever the quirk nerd, was going to say it was the card, when something stopped him in what Torino said.

He played by the rules, by sacrificing lesser cards to bring a better monster. It was a really common mechanic if you thought about it, same for the mana reserve or the energy reserve.

Torino saw Izuku’s brain in action and smiled. It was nice when youngsters did that and didn’t fall into the usual trap that they knew their quirk better than anyone else. Quirk Analysts were there because they could bring an outsider’s perspective since people usually had trouble analyzing their own quirk.

“I think… That question needs more tests before I answer.”

“Good. Now, I have another question: why did you only burn one card at a time during the battle?”

“Well, because I can summon only one card at a time?”

Torino managed to high kick him in the head this time, sending Izuku flying across the room.

“IDIOT! During the final bout against your friend, you managed to summon several weak cards at the same time! Your power is growing! Now, we need to test its real limits, not the one you think you still have!”

Izuku groaned because of the pain, but he smiled soon afterward. Oh, it was going to be a really interesting internship after all!


“Break for ten minutes!”

When Tooru began her training with Midnight, she expected many things. Work on being marketable and playing with her invisibleness, tips about being an underground hero, things like that. She didn’t expect Midnight to pull up a diary that had seen better days, and pull exercises from it non-stop.

“Thanks, ma’am!”

Tooru had trouble breathing, despite her own training, as she lay down on the ground.

“Now, you must be wondering why I train you that hard when people think my quirk is pretty much something that can end a battle instantly, right?”

Tooru couldn’t help but nod, as everyone knew that Midnight’s gas could knock out people quickly.

She didn’t expect Midnight to tear suddenly apart her suit, at her belly level to reveal… a gorgeous six-pack and what was clearly a well-toned body.

Tooru couldn’t help but express her surprise at the sight.


“Impressive, right? Once, like you, I thought my quirk was enough to single handedly stop a villain. So… Well, I might have been a bit of a vigilante on the side. To be fair, it was significantly more common in my days.”

“Until one day, when I was around your age, when I went against a mutant who was bigger than me and female. As a result, my gas was pretty much ineffective, and it almost ended badly.”

Midnight passed a bottle of water to Tooru, who was listening intently to what her mentor was saying. She then showed her a scar on a part of her belly. The wound was long gone, but the scar remained.

“I was lucky, and the Midnight Nurses found me. They were more back alley doctors than real vigilantes, but damn if they weren’t respected by everyone. One of them could produce a slippery oil and use it as some kind of disinfectant. The other could attract small objects and she was… Creative with her quirk, to say the least. She was also the actual nurse in their duo.”

The invisible girl didn’t expect that kind of serious side in her usually flirty teacher, but she guessed mentorship was also a good chance to discover more about them, just like Shinsho was probably learning under Aizawa.

“The regimen I am making you do is the same she gave me. I know I don’t look like it, but I can lift Cementoss above my head. My suit is made to tear easily for my gas, but its real purpose is to hide my real build. So, if I am facing off against a mutant or someone with a gas mask, I can assure you they will have a bad time.”

Then Midnight got up and stretched, before making her charge rise again. Their training wasn’t over!

“Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention. I will make sure you follow that training, even after this week ends. You don’t want to be seen as just Izuku’s sidekick, right?”

Midnight smiled, as her student seemed extremely fired up and ran with her. It was going to be an intense week for Tooru, but Midnight had hoped to make her a better fighter… If the girl could learn to use her flashbang on command and KO her opponent by surprise, she would become one of the most dangerous underground heroes, on par with Aizawa, once older.


Katsuki arrived in front of a former gym that was restructured as a hero agency. The giant carrot above it made it clear who was the owner, even if Miruko was always on the move to fight crime, as everyone knew.

When he entered the building, he was surprised to see an otter mutant lady acting as the secretary. To be fair, it was actually normal if he thought about it: it would be hard to be the #8 if you didn’t fill out the paperwork, and Miruko, despite being more muscle than brain, wasn’t an idiot. Hiring someone to take care of the red tape was a good idea, and Katsuki made a mental note of that.

“Hello! I am the new intern!”

“Very nice. Sit down for a minute, Miruko is busy interviewing your friend.” The secretary gave exactly zero f*ck about him, as she was on her apparently eighth espressos while taking care of a stack of paperwork. Poor girl.


An answer came to the flabbergasted Katsuki as one wall exploded, revealing a giant gummy bear, and a Yui emerging from it.

“Oh? The second one is here too? Sorry, your friend arrived earlier, and I decided to see if what I saw during the Festival was a fluke or not~”

From the dust, Miruko emerged wearing her hero outfit, her aura exuding her thirst for battle. Instantly, Katsuki assumed a battle stance, while a bloody Yui was rising from her candied protection as she pulled out a gun.

She shot several times, revealing plastic pellets. Oh, right, of course?

No one would be insane enough to give a real gun to a child.


Somewhere Mei sneezed.


Then the pellets, mid-course, grew to the size of small balloons, all aimed at Miruko.

Katsuki, who understood what was happening, forced himself to relax, as the Bunny hero destroyed all the projectiles with a power crescent kick before landing on Yui, who was trying to dodge and counterattack.

“Will you yield, girl?”

Yui answered that by taking a rock and… Miruko blocking her arm.

“Good! You have good spirits!”

“Damn right she has! Isn’t that obvious?!”

Everyone looked at a Katsuki who was sitting, waiting, and irritated to have been forgotten.

“Yui is a mean bitch that loves to fight. It is f*cking visible!”

A side-effect of Katsuki’s condition that prevented him from seeing faces or reading facial expressions was that it made him very good at reading their body language. One might actually say it was one of the reasons he was so good in battle: he was reading his opponent’s body language and moved accordingly.

It also means that to him, Yui, despite her stoic face, was very expressive and she exuded the will to prove herself and fight a good one.

Miruko looked weirdly at Katsuki, before laughing as loud as she could as she let Yui stand up. Apparently, her first two interns had spirit, talent, and bravery.

“Good! Kids, I hope you will be ready for this week! Because I will train you the same way I train myself, we will spar a f*ckton and then I will hunt bastards with my side-kicks!”

“f*ck YEAH!”


Katsuki wondered something, though.

Wasn’t Miruko known for her lack of side-kicks and going solo in whatever turf she was in?


The otter mutant was rising from her desk, clearly pissed at the sight and Katsuki saw something he never imagined was even possible: Miruko’s body showed the tiniest amount of fear.

“First lesson: RUN FROM THE MAD OTTER!”


Katsuki and Yui got the full view of a mad otter chasing a scared rabbit across the gym. He got her a cold co*ke from a vending machine and smiled at her.

“It is going to be fun! Also, happy to see you won’t slack on your training.”

“I should be the one saying that.”

Yui didn’t chuckle as her disability didn’t allow her to show as much emotion as she really felt, but she heard Katsuki laughing for both of them.

Yes, it was going to be a fun internship.


“First lesson, Shouto. Always wear protection.”

Endeavor and Rei were looking at their son who hurt his leg, trying to kick his dad in the balls. Sadly for him, Enji knew his son’s plan, and he actually wore padded protection there.

“Duly… Noted.”

“Good. Now, the real question, Shouto.”

Enji kneeled in front of his son, staring at him intently.

“Do you really want to intern under me? Because if it is to attack me every occasion you get, that isn’t worth your time.”

The glare his son gave him made him and Rei both sigh.

“Your father has a point. You are supposed to learn, and I will be there to interrupt your training if I think your father is going overboard.”

Shouto was going to say something, when Endeavor spoke again, with sorrow evident in his voice. All three of them were in his office, so no one could eavesdrop on them.

“I am not asking you to forgive me, Shouto. I just want to know if you would prefer to learn under me, or one of my older sidekicks instead. Some of them, like Burnin, are as good as some of the top 20 and could teach you a lot, too.”

Shouto looked at his father as if he grew a second head. His father seemed calm and tired, far from his usual overbearing and sometimes angry demeanor.

“… I could do that?”

Endeavor nodded, waiting for his son’s answer.

Shouto was screaming internally. One part of him wanted to try to yeet Endeavor through the window and tell him to f*ck off. Shouto called that his inner Katsuki.

The other, more rational part of him was telling him to not do that. He didn’t have to forgive his father, but he had to admit that Endeavor was a good teacher, as Shouto had been forced to recognize during the Festival. Most of his lessons were spot on and useful if you forgot how he taught him at first.

If his mother was here, though, it means Shouto could kill two birds with one stone:

-He would get quality training with his mother as a supervisor this time.

-He could make sure his father didn’t try anything funny with his mother.

Shouto Todoroki however allowed himself a little treat.

“I get to punch you once in the face and it is a deal for me to intern under you. I still have a lot to let out.”

Endeavor nodded.

The next instant, Shouto’s fist connected with his jaw, and the number 2 Hero felt the full effect of his training. The punch had been enough to actually throw him off his feet, but not enough to make him fall.

“… Are we good?”

Shouto looked at his father, impressed for the second time. It was one of his most powerful punches and his father took it like it was nothing.

“Ye… Yes.”

“Good. Now, you will learn something that was left out of your education for far too long, however it is necessary for a hero.”

It actually interested Shouto, until his father took a lot of files from his desk.


Shouto didn’t know why, but he would have preferred fighting to investigation. Rei too, as Endeavor explained to Shouto how to analyze hints at a crime scene and what signs to look for to differentiate a killer from someone harvesting organs for an organization.


“Ouch… f*ck that one hurt!”

Sophie was on an improvised tatami against Gentle Criminal. Since she was living with him and La Brava, she could use a few training sessions against him.

“Maybe you could use your quirk to equalize the fight. I am not using mine.”

The con artist sighed before she stood up.

“I can’t. My quirk isn’t combat oriented at all and it is messy as f*ck. I prefer to not use or count on it if I can. Also, no offense, but the fewer people that know about it, the better.”

Gentle could actually understand, as La Brava brought some tea for the two.

“Still, I never saw someone who had that much problem with a simple throw, you know.”

“Yes, yes. My last teacher also told me that. That son of a bitch was more violent, though.”

Honestly, she had worked with Stain before his killing spree began, and they left on good terms, but still. Not a fun teacher.

“Also, you never told us what you were looking for in Mr. Compress’ files. I mean, maybe La Brava and I could help?”

La Brava was busy using the papers brought by Sophie to create a few backup identities for everyone on the team, to help with their investigations. The better the preparation, the fewer risks of being discovered.

Especially if they were to attack and take down a corporation that had a link with human trafficking.

Compress’ show made it look like it was easy but it needed a lot of groundwork and people like La Brava and Sophie making stuff, preparing back-doors, and planning before they launched their attacks.


The boss appeared in the middle of their room, in a puff of smoke. Because, of course, he would.

“So, let’s start with the good news: we have an emergency exit strategy, I just finished planning it with the person who will act as our distraction.”

Everyone looked at Compress for more information… Which he gave.

“Endeavor will be officially in the same ward as us for a joint exercise with the Ryuukyuu agency. As a result, when he sees our signal, he will intervene with full force to ‘intercept us’ but he will actually focus on assisting the victims and arresting local criminals. Any questions?”

“Anything we should worry about?”

Compress nodded, under his mask.

“They have their own private hero, Gust Duster. However, everything should be okay on that side. Gentle can probably take him down alone, so the two of us…”

Everyone nodded, smiling.

They didn’t know that someone from their group would die during the mission.

Chapter 28: Triceps Corporation : Sprained muscles.


In which someone dies, a shark punches a fox, Enji is called dad and the HPSC is doing something good.


On a very side note, I would like to recommend two fun fics and one author :

Mischief : Loki!Izuku and a fun Marvel crossover.


Street Fighting Heroes : Street Fighter x MHA

Very fun and Bison at the USJ is epic.


Finally once again, I repeat : check Aliandris' stuff ! That dude is awesome !


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 28 : Sprained muscle.

“Here is Japan News! The most amazing information channel in all of Japan! We are currently looking from afar at the intense fight happening below. The heat is scorching, even from there and the once mighty Triceps Corporation seems to be lying in ruins! The presence of Mr. Compress has been confirmed, though no one knows where he is currently! More later!”

Izuku and Inko watched each other, as the news continued to pan out the consequences of what Atsuhiro had promised to be a peaceful and uneventful trip earlier.


The raid had begun fairly normally. Sophie carried the team in marbles, which were then used as a necklace by the young woman.

She had changed her appearance, using some uncanny make-up skill to appear like a woman double her age, though still beautiful, and wearing an alluring dress. After all, she would have to pickpocket a few security cards for her team.

Their occasion was a gala, in the company, to attract investors and showcase the recent discoveries the company made.

After all, Triceps Corp. was one of the top Japanese companies in the pharmaceutical industry specialized in developing bodies and musculature. In short, biology, genetics, and prosthetics leaders.

The issue Compress had with them was the rumors he got from his sources showing that Triceps results were maybe because science goes faster when the moral couldn’t catch up.

The aim of the day was fairly simple: the Levellers had to find their lab or the human experiments.

Sophie, under her alias “Aiko Hiryuga” managed to infiltrate all of them in the place. She also had her target on sight, discussing it with Deputy Kenchaki, the owner. Target: Emilia Von Harten. A European researcher that got hired a few years ago by the Triceps Corporation as their new head research department. She had a solid background, having studied under a quirk and biologist of renown, like Dr. Garaki, and was highly competent.

It also meant her morals were equivalent to the Deputy she worked for.

It was quite the sight to see the piggy deputy, who could only really be described as such, as to be fair, he had a minor pig mutation quirk. Meanwhile, the blonde researcher seemed delighted with their result and was discussing them happily.

Sophie, a cup of champagne in hand, joined the discussion, while La Brava gave her signs on the fly, thanks to micro in her ear. She just had to stay long enough near them for La Brava’s new app to clone the security card the researcher had and possibly her phone.

“As a result, we are pretty sure we will create artificial skin from elemental quirk users before the end of the year! Imagine the application, be they medical or for work? Suddenly, we will be able to custom-tailor people for their work!”

Oh, so they were a lot in genetic and quirk experiments? That was expected to be fair, and the deputy seemed proud, but also calculating: many families had one or two kids who didn’t have the good requirements for their quirk. If he could streamline such a treatment, he could cut under their feet the support the “Hearts and Mind” party was currently garnering.

“Not to mention we are getting a breakthrough on cancer treatment! Our team is working on the old shark/human theory, but this time, thanks to quirk, we think we have a good chance to work something out!”

Suddenly, it garnered even more attention from everyone in the room, allowing Sophie to quietly eclipse herself to the bathroom.

First rule of infiltration: Move like you own the place. It worked way better than if you were trying to be discreet. Besides, she was technically a guest, and the little hands didn’t have their say in whether or not she had to refresh herself somewhere.

Once she was there, she quickly changed herself by activating one of the marbles in her hand to get a scientist's suit and the needed make-up to look like Emilia’s right hand. Hey, when you were the best vigilante for infiltration, you needed to know a lot about make-up and wigs.

She was also sure the right hand wouldn’t interfere because Gentle had kidnapped her earlier during the day. Once again, groundwork made the mission go easier.

Now, she just had to go to the labs, under the pretext of working on a project, and everything would be fine. After all, they already passed the hard part of the mission: being near Kenchaki, Emilia and of course the security.

Sophie, who was smiling as everything was going according to plan, made a crucial mistake.

“Nothing can go wrong.”


Everything went wrong when she opened the lab, the secret lab they spotted by comparing the official building blueprint and the one they got at the architect's office.

So, when Sophie opened the panel and entered the secret plant, she didn’t expect what she saw.

Lots and lots of people were in tubes, while machines were harvesting their skin. They couldn’t scream because of the apparatus allowing them to breathe while in a strange green goo.

Sophie quickly threw Mr. Compress and Gentle Criminal’s marble on the ground, freeing them. Mr. Compress had already changed his mask to the angry one and Gentle’s rage was barely contained.


One scientist pressed a red button on the wall, and the alarm blared.


Kenchaki received the alarm notification. So, rats entered the plant? Nothing he didn’t have a contingency for. He stopped the demand for heroes on site by saying Gust Duster would be on site quickly enough. Besides, he had transferred pretty much every product of his in a warehouse, waiting for his client to pick them up.

Oh, and of course, he also sent an alarm to his real security.

After all, Gust Duster was useful at grabbing unsuspecting people, but he couldn’t have him dirtying his hand when someone like Mr. Compress was on site. He needed to purge his trace and make it like it was a villain attack.

That was why he had people like Muscular under his order.


Muscular smiled, as his tube opened and he flexed his muscle a bit and appreciated his new eyes. Apparently, the procedure was a success. He clearly had to thank that doc for her help! He had been right to accept the offer.

Besides, his current boss was nice enough to have sent him an order he actually liked.

“Protocole Wasteland”.

“Sir, do you need anything?” A trembling scientist looked at Muscular who was going into battle mode, his skin darker than ever.

The scientist didn’t feel pain for too long, as a simple slap was enough to turn him into paste against the wall.

“You can die.”

Now it was time for him to have his fun. He then used one of his new quirks to activate what he called his minions.

Who knew that quirked animal made such wonderful and easier to make Noumus? Garaki himself had been impressed by his former student who had developed the idea to the best of her capabilities and the man simply wanted to stabilize the product to call it perfect.


Mr. Compress was often a kind man, and he disliked killing and torturing. However, the scene was enough to almost blind him in rage and he actually admired Gentle Criminal self-control, despite the ex-solider clearly seething.

“We turn that into a rescue mission. Sophie, you and La Brava are to free the people. Gentle and I have people to round up.”

The scientists were suddenly scared as none of them were true fighters and the security from the real labs couldn’t help them while the lockdown was activated.

“Ah! Fat chance for you! I am sure the boss already called his super soldier to deal with you!”

“His what now?”

Mr. Compress wasn’t impressed, as he thought he could handle the security bought by Kenchaki.

He would have died if Gentle didn’t create by reflex a few barriers to reflect the wind pressure and the exploded part of the wall that flew to them.


The sight of a dark-skinned Muscular, strangely thinner than he should be and of a few people looking like him, with the same demeanor was worrying and made Compress’ blood freeze. The situation went just from bad to Oh sh*t. It could hardly go worse. Maybe he had forgotten their last encounter?


Well f*ck. Compress adjusted his mask and readied himself for the fight, trusting his ally to have his back.


Namely many, many beasts with skin as dark as his, clearly mutated and heavily experimented on, ready to hunt everyone.

“Gentle… Can you handle the rest?”

Gentle Criminal nodded, before revealing a sword in his dandy cane. He wasn’t a violent man, but as he learned in the army, better to have a weapon than not have one when it was needed.

Meanwhile, Sophie pulled an electric stick, and beat any scientist trying to stop her, while she pulled a black marble.

See, Mr. Compress could compress things and space into his marble. When he compressed space, what happened in that space was frozen in time until the marble broke.

That black marble? It contained around 10kg of C4 ready to explode instantly.

Sophie threw without hesitation against the roof.

Now, she was looking at the scientists, who were readying whatever they had to stop her, while her friends were engaging the dark beasts. Saving the innocent was going to be a hurdle, right?

It was at that moment something poked the tube behind her and she saw something that made her smile and activated in a swift movement the button, before readying herself for the fight, as the procedure began.


One of the things that were horrible when you had to fight Muscular was his speed. The man had pretty much everything: an intense defense (coupled with a dulled pain sensibility), strength and speed. His only real weaknesses were his lack of formal combat training and the fact he was a close combat fighter.

Seeing his strange form, and his new eyes, Mr. Compress quickly assumed the worst, and that Muscular reached an awakening.

Also, Muscular wasn’t the guy you fought while hoping to catch him alive. If you caught him alive, it was because he dropped his guard, like Compress did the first time.

This time, both of them knew the other and how his quirk worked.

Thankfully, Mr. Compress was good enough to dodge the attack and marble Muscular’s left arm in an instant, causing him to bleed from it, and making the criminal groan.

“Hey! That’s my smashing hand!”

Compress kept the marble in a pouch, taking a marble with Endeavor’s fire in it and threw it against Muscular, engulfing the villain in flame…

Except that the villain walked through the flame, his muscles bulging and darkening even more. It was as if the flame didn’t burn him well. sh*t, that was expected but still.

All that was messing to turn the situation truly into sh*t was…

“Hey, want to see something cool?”

“… No?”


And of course, Muscular regenerated his arm. The meat seemed to grow and reconstitute the muscle and the bones in a few seconds, to Compress’ disgust.


“Well, this corporation proposed to me a deal. They studied my quirk and they would make me better, stronger, faster…”

“And a Daft Punk fan?”

Humour was a defense and coping mechanism at this point. Muscular smiled at the joke and approved.

“So… How about you die now?”

Mr. Compress took a battle stance, as it was going to be one of his hardest fights.


Meanwhile, Gentle Criminal was bouncing from one beast to another. Thankfully, unlike Muscular, the three dark beasts with their exposed brains were considerably dumber than Muscular and seemed to move pretty much only by instinct.

The other thing that made the battle easier was the fact they seemed to attack everyone in the giant room indiscriminately. Well, when he said it was easier… He meant only one of the creatures tried actively to kill him. The others were smashing tubes and killing scientists, making the ex-soldier realize that the whole operation was a cleaning operation.

“If anyone wants to live, they must stay away! I think your boss decided to cut his losses!”


“But… Deputy Kenchaki needs us!”

“Well, apparently not that much if his beasts are killing everyone!”

While Gentle Criminal didn’t like the evil scientists they were, he had no intentions to use them as bait. However, if they were dumb enough to pass the noumus to escape, it was their issue.

“I will try to protect everyone that is freeing the people in the tubes!”

Gentle Criminal screamed his proposition, as his barrier just threw against a wall a leopard-like noumus. Did they use an animal with a quirk as a baseline for these biological weapons? Well, stupid question, but the funds needed to buy them would cost quite a hefty penny… And it didn’t explain everything about the whole human trafficking too, except they bought people with interesting mutation quirks to reverse-engineer them.

Noumus’ exposed brains didn’t make the things less creepy. Oh well. As long as there are only three of them…


Gentle noticed, only it was too late to act, the two beasts, making them five… And apparently, a few others appeared from another entrance, near Sophie.



Sophie was in a pinch. She had managed to fend off the scientist by using pepper spray and her electric stick to make them back away but the issue now was the bear like noumus and what was probably a fox, except it was nine tailed and each tail had a breathing fire head. Someone clearly had a youkai fetish.

“Oh, f*ck me!”

“Sorry, I am already taken.”

The next thing she heard was the tube cracking and the fox noumu was promptly smashed against the wall before the bear noumu was stopped by her new ally.


The Mako Shark mutant was clearly unhappy about his situation, especially as scars all on his body showed they took a lot of samples from him. That may explain the recent success against cancer by the Triceps Corporation.

He looked briefly at his liberator.

“Try to find if there is a moray girl!”

Mizunaka had his priority, and his main priority was Utsubi, his wife. She was taken with him by AfO’s men and he was pretty sure she was there, too. Sophie, not one who was going to question the giant shark battling the beasts and protecting her, looked at the scientists.

“Anyone knows who he is talking about?”

A hand was raised by one of the smarter scientists, clearly wanting to live.

“I think he is speaking about the girl there!”


“Dude, they are trying to save us! And I prefer to be on the good side of the giant shark dude!”

“I still remember all those that poked me when I was in the tube!”

Mizunaka warned, before biting the throat of the bear noumu who answered by biting him in the shoulder, beast against beast.

More scientists felt like they should have picked another career.


Emilia received an update from the inside of the labs as she was conducted to their extraction point. As per protocol, as soon as the alarm was given, she and the deputy were transferred to a safe house. They weren’t supposed to go there yet, as it was supposed to be the big transfer to their main client, but it was safer that way.

Seeing the noumus and Muscular weren’t doing enough damage, she resorted to unleashing all the prototypes. All of them were in various stages of development, but they were still highly dangerous and well… They were going to die, anyway.

Both she and the deputy missed the grin of their driver and the fact his eyes shined like a fox for a second.


Compress was on his last breath and on his last marbles. Muscular was clearly stronger than during their last meeting and honestly, he didn’t see how he could beat him. He regenerated promptly every time Compress managed to destroy one of his limbs and honestly, the magician could only thank the fact that Muscular was fast in line, making him predictable.

Besides, Compress still had his own grappling hook to do an emergency dodge, but honestly, between that, and the beasts that keep popping up, he was quite in a pickle. Alone, he could have escaped easily. With Gentle? Easy too, the man was quite competent, as the three beastly noumus on the ground, dead, proved. However, he had even more of them to take care of, and they were overwhelming him as even the scientists were forced to defend themselves.

Thankfully, they also had Mizunaka on their side, ripping apart his opponent, but Compress doubted they truly had the firepower to deal with Muscular right now.

Suddenly, he also noticed the air becoming hotter and hotter… And it wasn’t him this time.

Muscular noticed it too and stretched a bit.

“Ah, sh*t, that’s right. Scorched earth protocol. I don’t think this building will last long. Anyway… BOYS! Stop playing around and let’s kill them before escaping!”

As all the survivors (including the still unconscious civilians and Utsubi, now free) regrouped together, Compress wondered how many could he marble before escaping when suddenly, a tiger noumu jumped toward him…

And fell, sliced apart, all parts of his body cut by fire link.

“See, Shouto? This is why control is as important as the firepower to make a strong attack.”

Everyone looked at the hole previously made by Sophie, and they saw the number two hero descending with his son on his heel and a woman with white hair but who wasn’t in a hero suit.

“Shouto, Rei, defend the people against the beasts. I will apprehend the criminals.”

Shouto almost wanted to yell that he had to fight too, but he had to admit that the decision was tactically sound. Shouto didn’t know how to use his fire carefully enough to not damage the building even more.

Muscular smiled madly at Endeavor and jumped with enough strength at him that it caused a shock wave. Gentle’s barrier briefly slowed the human missile, but it was enough so Endeavor grabbed Muscular’s head and heated his hand as much as possible before slamming him into the ground. Compress relaxed for a second, as the two others used their ice to protect people. As long as Endeavor distracted Muscular, it was now easier to deal with the civilians.

“Gentle! Assist Endeavor!”

Gentle nodded, before propelling himself in the air and creating more barriers to protect the number two from the dangerous serial killer.

“Now, people, for my next trick, I will make everyone disappear with me!”

The joyful magician was back and started to marble everyone in his sight. Thank gods the mission was back on track.

That was, of course, the moment Gentle spotted a porcupine noumu, readying an attack against Mizunaka and Utsubi, finally reunited. Too late for them to react, but not for him. He redirected himself in front of them, hoping that his barrier could stop the attack… And asking mentally to La Brava to forget his dumbassery heroism.

The shark and the moray girl were splashed by blood, as someone else took the attack for them and that Gentle’s suit got bloodied.

“Oh f*ck. That hurt.”

All of Compress’ group, including La Brava monitoring their vitals, screamed…

Gentle looked haggard, as in front of him stood someone else, with three big spikes in them. Sophie coughed some blood on him before falling to the ground.

“Sophie, why?!”

“Hey, I told you… No teammate dies in front of me if I can.”

Compress landed quickly next to them, and both of them nodded to each other.

“Hoy, Boss. You will do… As we said, right?”

As life faded from Sophie’s eyes, she didn’t see the magician nodding, before Compress used his quirk on her corpse.

“Gentle, we must continue the evacuation.”

The tone of the magician, devoid of emotion and pain surprised the villain, but he nodded, as he remembered that Sophie was a professional and knew the risks. Still, he would have word with his boss about the fact he missed the f*cking biological weapons and Muscular during the recon.

Meanwhile, as the #2 and the S-Rank Villain kept fighting, Muscular laughed like a child would in a candy shop, as the flames finally reached their battle room, heating the room as he and the hero exchanged blows, making small explosions that didn’t help to stop fire in the room.

“I f*cking love a good fire!”

Endeavor’s handprint on his face was already disappearing, and Endeavor quickly understood that unless he unleashed another hellfire spider or even a prominence burst, it would not be enough to put down the monster… On the other hand, as he stayed in the air, he had a mobility that surpassed Muscular.

It was literally the only reason he managed to dodge as well as he did, while Shouto and Rei did a good job from what he could see, freezing the monsters where they stood.

Maybe he wasn’t used yet to his awakening? Then it meant only one thing. If Muscular got out of this building alive, he would become a threat big enough to society to justify asking for help from other countries… Because it would be a mini All-Might.


Compress happily marbled Shouto and Rei, before launching Rei’s marble to Endeavor who caught her flying with her. Way faster than waiting for her to create a structure to join her husband.

Gentle and Compress, feeling that something was up, quickly bolted from there, and escaped by the hole.

“Oh? You think this bitch will make you strong enough to beat my reinforced body? I AM AS STRONG AS ALL-MIGHT, YOU MEAT BAG!” Muscular screamed, as he summoned another layer on his body, to increase his strength and speed.

“No, you are simply a monster with a kill order on your head.”

Endeavor didn’t like to kill. Most of the heroes with enough years in their belt had a few, and he was no exception.

Every time, it had been to put an end to a monster, and it wasn’t different from before.

“I pray that you will be better in your next incarnation.” Endeavor sincerely hoped that the afterlife gave people an opportunity to be better…

Then he felt Rei’s warmth cold on his shoulder as she gathered as much strength as she could. His wife was smart, and she knew that if Endeavor was asking for help, the situation was even more f*cked up than what they thought.

She also knew what attack Endeavor had in mind, as they had practiced a bit beforehand.

Endeavor felt Rei's Coldness, as their hands joined, and their quirks combined, with Muscular readying his most powerful jump to smash them to a pulp, the ground cracking with the sheer pressure of his feet on the ground.


He jumped and someone would have seen the jump creating a small bang as he became invisible to the naked human eye, targeting the couple who aimed at him.

“Thermodynamic Ray.” The heroes answered, as flame and ice danced together, in a waltz of elements, heat and cold in rapid succession, and their power complementing each other.

While Shouto was strong, he was still a child who had to exercise his fire side. Meanwhile, his parents were among the strongest elemental quirks in their generation, and trained them for years.

Muscular, when he felt the law of physics ripped apart in front of him had one last thought.

“That one is going to hurt.”

Shouto, from his marble, saw the whole building exploding in an explosion of whiteness. Then, the rock flew all around them, and the only reason they didn’t get blasted away was thanks to Gentle who created layers of barriers to stop the blast, if only barely.



Kenchaki was drinking one of his Chardonnay as the news revealed the sh*t storm that became his main corporation. Oh well, time to bolt the f*ck out with the ship and the shipment. All for One had an excellent extraction network and honestly, he could totally afford his service.

“Asuko, can you please refill my glass?”

“Sorry sir, but Asuko is unavailable!”

The cheerful, joyful girly voice was clearly not the one his driver/butler had, and the deputy quickly rose up from his chair before a knife sliced his throat.

His last vision of the living world was of a blonde girl, in a black skinsuit, who kneeled to drink his flowing blood.


“Here is Supervisor K, Ma’am. The team succeeded in their infiltration with great success, they didn’t break character or silence radio unless radioed first.”

“What about All For One’s shipment in the warehouse?”

“Foxtail confirmed its presence and doused the artificial beings in gasoline. Deputy Kenchaki and his staff are pretty much confirmed dead, except the head scientist Emilia and the hero Gust Duster. Emilia is in the compound and should be burned to death, thanks to the triple Amaterasu’s fire currently burning the building at his speed.

Should I organize a recon and destroy operation on Gust Duster?”

“Negative. He was caught a few minutes ago by the heroine Ryukyu and with the help of a third party. Good job, Agent K. As for your next mission, if you succeed… Let’s say it would mean that one day, you would be head of the HPSC, with such success.”

“Oh? What will be the operation, ma’am?”

Behind her desk, drinking a glass of whisky, the HPSC director looked at the rest of Tokyo.

“Infiltrating All For One’s new organization, of course.”


Yes, yes. The HPSC as whole oppose All For One. They just try to adjust crime to the heroes they have to avoid having unemployed hero, needing a balance between evil and good.

However, even for them, All For One is too much a threat and they fight against him.

Well... Except one certain person.

Chapter 29: Triceps Corporation : Dust and Blush


In which Tomura has to hide, Loony has a family and Torino's brother loses a leg.

Might also have a dragon.


So... Yes. Special chapter for this Monday.

Sorry for the lack of update but the last two weeks weren't kind to me.

1) got sick (minor food intoxication)
2) learned that I will be jobless in October.

... So yes, not really in a happy place.

Anyway this chapter should be okay enough.

Don't forget to comment, it is always very nice.

Next chapter is a breather episode... And after that, we get Hoshu.

Chapter Text

Chapter 29: Dust and blush

A knife went inside one of the smugglers, before he got nailed on the wall. Arazawa was a good smuggler: He didn’t ask questions, he never pulled a fast one on his clients and he did his best to stay under the radar.

Suddenly, in front of him appeared this strange league of vigilantes, the one who attacked the hero school. Apparently, through some kind of persuasion, the man named “Boss” convinced Stain to work for him and they were into his business.

At first, he thought the man was here to buy a few things from him, as vigilantes often did, but he had the displeasure of seeing the two men dispatching his guards efficiently. Boss seemed to have a lot of knowledge in martial arts and Stain… was Stain. Why did he seem to anger them by asking them if they were looking to buy an animal with a quirk?!


Arazawa, still wondering what the f*ck was happening, saw a cartoon character getting out of a black spot on the wall… Followed by a rabbit family he bought recently. Some of them had telekinesis, and some others were simply green rabbits.

“So… You want to buy them?”

Wrong choice of word, as Boss twisted the knife in his hand. Loony looked up to her chief with a strange look. Stain too.

“I have a working brain, you two. Of course, I have spotted that Loony is a rabbit with a quirk. She has too much animalistic behavior for it to be normal… Either that or she would be part of the S.M.A.S.H.”

“They are weak and prey on other humans. Rabbits don’t eat other rabbits, unless there is no other choice.”

Loony wasn’t happy, as she pulled out of nowhere a giant hammer, to Arazawa’s biggest fear. However, thankfully, the Boss held up his hand, making her stop.

“We aren’t here to kill him, Loony. We are here to interrogate him.”

Oh, good. That was way better. Stain in his noseless scariness, looked deep in his eyes, before explaining to the poor smuggler what they wanted.

“Why are there so many vigilantes in the area, and what happens to them?”

“… If I tell you that, and promise to stop smuggling animals with quirks, can I expect to get out of here with no other injuries?”

Tomura thought about the situation, thinking about asking for money… Before deciding against it. Being too greedy was a sure way to fail.

“We weren’t planning to attack actually until we discovered you had Loony’s family here. Tell us what we want to know, and we will leave.”

Arazawa nodded and explained the situation.

The League of Villain wasn’t happy with them.


DarkCloud: So… Tomura, what are you doing now?


DarkCloud: Oh dear.

TheBoss: As Dust Guster is notoriously against the CRC, the local vigilantes try to team up with him to fight the supposed enemies. Then, he traps them and sells them.

DarkCloud: Oh dear.

TheBoss: The smuggler was left alive and relatively unharmed because he was actually outside of the operation. He specializes in animals because he doesn’t hurt people. Considering he was threatened by Stain, Loony and me, I think he was honest.

DarkCloud: What is your next step then?

TheBoss: We hit the place where he stores them. It is in the underground of a bar, the Drunken Tengu.

DarkCloud: Don’t forget to not come back too late!


“So, what did you find, Nejire?”

Ryukyu looked at her intern, rather proud of her. The blue-haired girl was skilled at her job, knew how to connect links and also didn’t count her working hours. Many of Ryukyu’s attacks were done during the night, because a dragon was always scarier when you could barely see it in the dark. As a result, she was borderline an underground hero, or rather worked really often with them as the heavy hitter.

Seeing Nejire follow her steps was something she was proud of.

“This bar, Ryukyu-sensei! Too much space in it is not supposed to be used. However, the heating shows all of it used. Same thing about their expenses, the number of people they employ, their taxes…”

“So, if you summarize everything?”

“Their numbers are wrong. However, I think we should investigate undercover at first. It could be simply tax evasions and not something too dark.”

“So, what will you do?”

“Well, seeing as you are too well known, you clearly cannot go. However… I have some dye and a fake ID!”

The dragon hero sighed before head-patting her young intern.

“We stay in radio contact, okay?”

“Yes, mom!”


At first, Nejire was bored in the bar. She had to switch her hero suit to something… Way different, to stay polite, and of course it brought too much gaze to her. The barman had to repeat her demand to not serve her alcoholic beverage to every man in the bar. Instead, she was simply drinking some apple juice… At least, she was, until she saw a man sitting next to her with a charming smile.

“Hello, young miss. I am here on the behalf of my boss, who would like to ask you a few questions…”

Nejire was wondering what his boss wanted to talk about, and who he was. After all, she only asked a few questions about the general area, and who was the most known vigilante in it. It wasn’t like there were a lot of them around here, according to the police.

However, meeting this man’s boss would allow her to visit a more interesting part of the bar. What is the worst that can happen? Besides, her boss was still in radio communication with her.

It was with a smile that Nejire followed the man, ready to meet his boss.


Nejire knew bars were often a suitable spot for underground and limelight heroes to gather information. She wasn’t prepared to see Gust Duster, #56 in the ranking, as the owner of this bar. It was… really strange. As in “her instinct was telling her to run” kind of strange. As a precaution, she pressed her radio twice, to signal to her mentor to get ready to intervene.

Him clearly serving her a glass of an alcoholic beverage was a second red flag.

She was certain something was up when a man behind tried to cover her mouth with some kind of tissue, which smelled like ether or chloroform. He got quickly hit by a bolt of energy, as Nejire quickly jumped on one side of the room. Sadly, they were underground, and she was not sure at all she could accumulate enough power to blast her way out.

“Sir? We need to hurry! Our bouncer has detected the Dragon hero nearby!”

Another man entered, apparently panicked as someone would be when they learn a dragon is coming for them.

The Windy Hero sighed, as he towered above Nejire, being close to 2m high. Wind was already forming in his hands, making a round ball of compressed air known for its explosive power.

“sh*t… If I wasn’t warned that the League is coming for me, I would have simply sold you… But since you work with the League, I have no choice but to interrogate you on your team.”

“Wait, I am not with them!”

Nejire tried to yell, defending herself… When suddenly, three black holes appeared, each on a different wall… And one of them was near her. On her left, a power baffle appeared and blasted “Butterfly”. On her right, another one with the Canadian theme.

And from the hole next to her emerged first the infamous Boss, with his signature hand on his mask, and of course his suit, showing an incredible amount of pride. He was accompanied by Stain, the Hero Killer, a sight that made Nejire take a step back against the wall, and more importantly… The third person. The wanted Loony Tunes, one of the prime suspect for Thunderbolt’s murder.

Stain gave Nejire a look before calmly speaking.

“Young lady, you should run before it gets messy. Because…”

Before Stain could speak, the Boss clapped with strength, getting the attention in the room on him, like an experienced showman.

“Gust Duster. For the crime of trafficking humans, selling them as goods and abusing your status as a hero… The League of Villains will do what society should have done!”

To that, the villainous hero answered by throwing his air ball, before Loony smashed it with her signature hammer… And getting sent against the wall with strength. Gust Duster was indeed an old hero, and while he wasn’t the most famous, you weren’t as old as Gran Torino without some serious experience under your belt.

“Well… Apparently, youngsters need to be taught. Scalamander? You take Stain.”

The Hero killer looked at his designated opponent, some kind of raptor mutant, before switching blades. He would need something to pierce the scales.

“Loony! I will take care of Gust Duster! You save the people here!”


For the first time since the LoV arrived in the field, Nejire spoke. Tomura, once again, thanked Izuku for the idea of a full face mask. Otherwise, Nejire would have noticed who he was and the fact he was completely horrified. WHAT THE f*ck WAS DOING NEJIRE THERE?!

“Yes, there are, kid. So unless you are a hero or something, get the f*ck out!” Stain yelled this time to get her moving. He clearly didn’t expect the woman to pull up a hero license card.


“… They let kids do undercover stuff?”

“Hey, a true hero needs to be in the field to do her job right!”

The fact she took with these words a battle stance brought a smile to Stain’s face, before he looked at his boss who nodded.

“If Ryuku gets here first, we shall take our leave and let him live for her, as she IS an authentic hero. As for you, young lady…”

Nejire didn’t let him finish his sentence as she was already with the cartoonish bunny, blasting a man through a wall. First rule in this kind of engagement, save the civilians. They were the most important things; they needed protection and that way you also avoided a hostage situation. Sure, working with a villainous vigilante wasn’t the best situation, but at the very least, they were focusing on the battle against the most violent threat, too.


It simply meant she had priorities. Nothing more, nothing less, and she truly hoped for her mentor to come quick enough to catch them all in one swoop of attack.

“She seems like a fine future hero. Priorities straight, condemn villainy…” Gust Duster nodded with approbation, despite the strangeness of the situation.

“Mood. Now, we should do our best so people like her can replace people like you.” Tomura answered, before reading his stance, throwing himself against the “Hero”, and this time? The gloves were off. Also, he secretly rejoiced to know Nejire wasn’t here to witness him potentially kill someone… And it was clearly because he didn’t want his quirk to be recorded. Not because she might connect the dots between the Boss and Tenko.

Gust Duster, as a good veteran, had seen the USJ feeds. As a result, he actually knew Boss was most likely an expert in close combat. In the exterior, the Hero would have an impressive advantage against him, with more space to move. He would have been able to use the move he copied from his brother to fight from the air.

Instead, they were underground, in a large room, yes, but not tailormade for a fight… As he didn’t expect his operations to be discovered. Even the Ryukyu’s presence was going to be a tremendous problem and he needed to run away. Sadly, he was pretty sure the Youngster in front of him, damn quick, would not let him do that.

His vast frame being a problem in this kind of fight, Gust tried to get some distance by throwing another air bomb against Tomura.

However, the young man had seen how Loony failed and took notes of the how she got put down by the bomb. They were quick and powerful if it threw Loony down even for a second. As a result, Tomura shifted his weight, letting himself almost fall on his back. The ball tore some buttons off his suit, but didn’t explode until it hit the wall, way behind Tomura, before he got up and continued his run.

Scalamender would have happily helped his boss to run away by making the young villain waste time, but sadly, the lizard mutant was quite occupied by Stain, who had taken what seemed like a fisher knife, made to gut scaly fish.

If usually, it would have made him laugh, the fact was that Stain was an experienced fighter. A very experienced fighter. Every report describing him as a coward who needed to strike from the shadow was idiotic: the man was moving extremely fast and Scalamender was wondering if he had a reflex quirk or something like that. Each time his knives connected with his skin, Scalamender felt the blade ripping on his skin, and while not hitting correctly, he still felt some almost ripped apart from him.

That and the fact each hit felt like a hammer on his arms.



“… Sorry for the mistake. Still going to gut you.”

Scalamender breathed out and, with renewed strength, hit Stain with a right hook. The man flew against the wall… Before rising as if it was something normal.

“That one hurt a bit.”

The villainous mutant felt he should have followed his mom's advice and become something like a tax inspector. Still evil, but better respected. It was going to be a hard fight…


“So… Young heroine?”

“… Yes.”

“What’s your opinion about Miruko?”

“Meh, not a fan of hers. I mean, sure, she is intimidating and everything, but if I were a civilian, I would be worried she prioritizes a fight over me. Sometimes, you need to run away with the innocent.”

Apparently, Nejire said the right thing, as Loony smiled. Nejire had a hard time not shooting a blast at her, but from what she could see, Loony could make a small cartoonish portal and would help the evacuation. She was still a thief and a murderer even if Ryukyu might have hinted at her once or twice that Thunderbolt liked to have a situation where he didn’t have any other choice but to break the neck.

“Yes! A good rabbit should know when to run, and when to fight. Not to always fight!”

That was a thing, apparently. Miruko had a hater.

“We should save the people down there. Can you create a portal for that? I can handle the enemy if they come.”

One person to handle the evacuation, one to protect the evacuation. Classic scheme, and a vital one if you wanted the provisional license. She was going to be in hot water with the HPSC as she is technically working with some villains/vigilantes, but innocent lives were at stake and it was actually a good reason.


Shoot first, ask questions later. It wasn’t an usually accepted answer, but in this case, once again, it was okay. However, she would have a f*ck ton of paper to fill afterwards.

Nejire-Chan, as a true hero, should always behave, and had a smile on her face, because she knew its double effect. It reassured people and often made the bad guys wonder if they truly had the situation under control.

Loony recognized she wouldn’t like to be at the wrong hand of Nejire, as she used her hammer to slam another minion in the wall next to them… Right before slamming the door separating them from the hostages. She had a limit to how many holes she could make, mainly because after 5 holes, it was a pain to remember which went where. She indulged in the Boss’ practical joke because he asked, but she had already closed the two of them.

However, while she was strong and trained with Stain to learn how to deal with stronger physical opponents, seeing Nejire expertly use her quirk to dispatch the incoming guards was something eye-opening.

She was clearly not strong enough to deal with Miruko. Stain told her that many times during their training session, as he improved his body through insane exercises, but Miruko was a mutant and as such, had improved her own body far better than what Stain can achieve.

Sure, Loony herself was stronger. Stronger than most humans and rabbits… But would that be enough? Loony herself knew she killed Thunderbolt through sheer luck, as he didn’t know her quirk. However, it wouldn’t be the case, most likely, with Miruko.

She needed to be stronger.

It was her main thought, as she created a hole connecting right outside the bar, and before she took the time to help the people down there escape their cells. It was going to be a long job… One where she doesn't have too much fight.Her inner rabbit was overjoyed, jumping all around the place, though, as she helped other preys to escape predators.

She never wanted to feel the helplessness of being one, ever again, as she broke even more steel chains and restraints.

She wanted the freedom only strength could grant.


Stain was heavily breathing, as Scalamender proved himself a stronger opponent than what he expected. The mutant was one of the smart ones, learning how to fight properly and noticing what Stain planned initially: rip out his scale and make him bleed. In fact, his scale made Stain’s quirk near useless at the moment.

Good thing Stain considered his quirk as an ace he could always use, never as his main weapon. The problem against this Komodo mutant was his thick skeleton and his durability. It was impressive and clear; he had some help in this training… Until he saw a certain mark on the lizard's back. Very often, mutants with unusual skins used that method to reproduce tattoos.

“Let me guess… A former Native’s fan?”

Native. If some people thought the man was doing cultural appropriation, they were actually wrong. Native was actually the descendant of some of the last samurais who went to the USA and married in one of the native tribes. A little to almost not known fact that Stain learned when he tried to master bow, years earlier.

Seeing Scalamender growling intrigued Stain. Native was not on his list, as he was mediocre. Not good, however, not bad either. So why did this mean had a tattoo looking closely to Native’s emblem… Until Stain remembered something, as Scalamender managed to punch him hard in the face. Maybe the pain and the shock triggered some neurons, as he wiped some blood off his mouth with a smile.

“Or maybe… A former employee.”

Seeing the man trying to stay emotionless made Stain realize he hit something sensible… And furthermore that it was worth digging in. Native was one of Hoshu’s heroes nearby. Either he wasn’t aware of the situation, and Scalamender quit because he was unsatisfied with the job…

Or Native was aware of the situation and had a hand in it. A hero in the prefecture could easily help shut down the complaint and make the investigation stop until it was forgotten by everyone. It would also explain his abysmal statistics and why he could still operate.

“… I have another reason to kill you, apparently.”

Stain readied once again himself, before assuming another posture, waiting for Scalamender. The lizard was quite surprised to see the man throwing down his knives on the ground, to grab his sword still in its scabbard, his right foot in front of him.

“Ready to die?”

“Come and meet your end, scum.”

Scalamender jumped, with all of his power in his leg, ready to bite Stain’s throat in one move.

A second after that, he wondered why he fell on the ground, past Stain… And why his lower part of his body was left behind.

Oh. Oh…

“Heated katana made by modern technology… And a few battojutsu. Using a weapon without training would be highly stupid.”

Stain looked at the sword Giran got for him. Yep, it worked perfectly. He just didn’t want to use it from the get go, to get more information and he had been right. Something was wrong and now he got a lead, thanks to the team.

Without a thought, Stain stopped Scalamender suffering by stabbing the crawling mutant in the brain, before beginning to wipe off his weapon.

“Do you need help, Boss?”

At that moment, Tomura was thrown on the floor by the older hero, making his fist crackle.

“Sorry, little ones, but this old man is not weak enough to be dealt with by some low-level thug who can only attack a school of children thanks to some daddy money.”

Tomura got up, rising as if he was a zombie exposed to “Thriller”, the attack clearly not as effective as the hero boasted. Once again, Tomura was smart. His suit was more than an homage to his Sensei. He had paid hefty money to Giran so the suit would have some ablative and compensation tissue. As a result, the suit was actually knife proof and impact was highly diminished.

His own training was also showing: Not wanting to be caught up easily by some young heroes, he had been training with Rabbit and Stain now, joining in their sparring, besides his lessons with martial artists.

“Three second when 12 cm diameter, 4 when 16… I got how your bombs function and their timing.”

Stain looked at his boss, clearly focused on the battle… Before also noticing his fingers, telling him to go join the girls. Tomura was thinking ahead, knowing that if they were professionals in crime, they were most likely to protect their profits or if they couldn’t, make some embarrassing witnesses disappear.

“So, you think knowing how my bombs detonate will be enough to beat me?”

“Well, all I have to do is get close to you and then you are done.”

Our crusty hero inhaled, before he took a runner posture… and sprinted with a renewed speed toward the elderly buff hero.

Not one to be surprised by such a trick, Gust Duster answered in kind, by delivering a barrage of bombs, making the room a true bullet hell.

Unfortunately for him, Tomura had finished all Touhou’s games in Lunatic difficulty. In fact, the way he dodged the attack made the former hero turn villain if he didn’t have some kind of eye quirk… Anyway, it was not as if Gust Duster didn’t have any cards left…

In fact, Tomura was not the first person to have deduced the timer on his bombs, as it was fairly obvious once you took the time to check it. As a result, the old hero had some countermeasures planned for that: Namely chained explosion to activate his bigger body earlier than expected. That was the reason he often made a chain of balls decreasing in size, while attacking in barrage and waves from his other hand.

Oh sure, now, he wasn’t as strong as he once was. He was still a hero who had a considerable career behind him, and in the top 100 although he should now retire.

Tomura had to admit his quirk was useless against such an opponent clearly used for ranged fights. However, the explosion he thought he dodged in his back was definitely a surprise that threw him in Gust’s arms. His arms were probably as big as Sensei’s when he was fine. Gust Duster punched Tomura in the face, actually breaking the ground underneath him and making him lose his father’s hand on the ground.

“Learn your place, BOY.”

The elderly hero wasn’t amused, as their little stunt f*cked over their whole operation. Hell, Triceps Corporation was going to have a hard time sweeping that under the rug however it was still doable. All he needed to do was kill Nejire before she could contact her boss more and frame that blue-haired bitch (Boss) for it.

He would then need to play it low for a moment… Well, long enough to be actually too old to continue. Oh well. He had enough money to retire to an island now.

He then felt his feet being grabbed by a hand and in disgust to the villain who didn’t know when to stop, raised his feet above Tomura to smash his head. Again.

He didn’t expect to fall because his gravity center shifted a lot as his leg disappeared in dust.

“Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, motherf*cker.”

Tomura rose up from the ground, clearly pissed. The last hit actually connected cleanly, and he felt his ribs. Nothing broken, though it was a close one.

Anyway, it had been a long time since he decayed anything, thanks to his gloves. Kurogiri was still choosing a gift for his friend as a thank you. But letting his quirk flow made Tomura so much better.

His face was still hidden by his mask, and as a result, Gust Duster on his last leg, literally, could only guess his manic smile.



The answer was simple, clean, and honest. Enough to take aback even Tomura.

“Listen. Until I got sponsored by the Triceps, my wages were miserable. Being a hero is hard work and I am proud to be one of the oldest. However, it also means that my retirement is f*cking sh*t. Most of my work was against the CRC, as they are bastards. I really, really enjoy when I can f*ck them deeply. However, because I am defending mutants, my popularity didn’t rise at all. Being a hero is a nice feeling, but it doesn’t give you enough food on your plate. So, I had the choice. Either continue to be a hero not really well known or not known by anyone important… Or take the money, have fun and finally have my work recognized.”

Gust felt a heavy weight off his chest, as he looked at his missing leg.

“Sure, I am missing a leg. But thanks to the money I got, I can easily get a good one. That’s all, kid. Money.”

“… I honestly expected something more tragic than that, to be fair.”

“Hey, not everyone can have a perfect tragic story like my brother. Sometimes, you have it simple.”

Tomura sighed, as he took his position again… and suddenly the ceiling crumbled under a massive weight. The young man almost shat on himself, because he was suddenly confronted with a massive dragon. Izuku’s summon wasn’t bad, but it clearly didn’t compare (yet) to the real Dragon that was the Top 10 hero.

Ryuukyuu entered the field, and she was mad.


“With my men evacuating the hostages, ma’am!”

As she softly breathed fire from her mouth, she looked coldly at the insect who spoke to her.

“Boss. The one who attacked U.A. You are coming with me. Now, where is Gust Duster…”

“Under your right upper paw.”

The dragon hero saw her leg on the hero turned villain, and blushed a bit. It was, again, one of these incidents… And she continued to speak, as Tomura grabbed his father’s hand on the ground, fixing it magnetically on his face again.

“Oh. Oh… Well, he should be alright.”

“Actually, I destroyed his leg. So, you can choose to garrotte him so he doesn’t die because of the blood loss, or you can pursue me. Ta ta~~”

Tomura ran away, knowing the heroine's way of thinking thanks to Nejire constantly praising her mentor for being a caring hero who saved as many people as possible, even the villain if she could.


Tomura knew that they only had a few minutes before Ryuukyuu stabilized Gust Duster, and then she would run behind him to catch them, most likely in human form to not destroy everything on her path.

He soon joined Stain who didn’t have his sword drawn… Mainly because there was a glorious and bloodied Nejire on a pile of bodies.


Stain looked at her and asked to his boss, whispering,

“Not gonna lie, you have good taste in heroes.”

“Thanks… WAIT A MINUTE?”

Stain gave a knowing smirk to his flustered boss who wondered if he could decay himself in shame, before something grabbed them in the back. Loony.

They quickly arrived in an alley, where people were clearly waiting for the police, and their identity was getting checked.

“We need to run!”

“Yes, I know, the Top 10 Hero is…”


“And what about Compress?”

“Some say he managed to get away before the site exploded, but nothing confirmed. I have called Barman for an emergency extraction. The heroes think we colluded with the Levellers for our stunt!”

Just as she said that, Kurogiri appeared and grabbed the three of them back to the Bar.

The situation became really messy, didn’t it?


Meanwhile, in Garaki’s Lab, a few minutes before the Triceps warehouse became full of cinder and ashes.

“Sorry, Sensei… I would have loved to pursue your work even more.”


“I… Highly doubt it. I have checked every issue and they are all in flames. My arm is crushed by a steel beam… And I am blocked on the ground.”

Garaki was a man of science and many people thought he only had two things in mind: making Noumus and fawning over great quirks. He had a third one: Taking care of his disciples. As a result, AfO’s son who was a dentist often sent him the teeth of heroes with great quirks for their experiments, prime material for cloning or extracting DNA. And Emilia… Emilia was a genius who continued and improved on his work about quirked animals. She was loyal to him and his research, and she was highly competent. HE COULDN’T ALLOW HER TO DIE.

“Emilia ? Do you trust me ?”

“Of course, Professor. I have already sent you all the data and…”

“You will explain them to me around a coffee shop. I need you to send me your picture right now.”

Emilia was surprised before she obeyed. Suddenly, some kind of dark slime got out of her throat, before eating her.

When she could open her eyes again, she was in a strange lab. One she only heard of, since her mentor decided to work full time for All for One.

Mentor, on a flying chair, and giving her a hand.


“I told you Emilia. You are too interesting to die such a pathetic death.”

The blond scientist smiled happily, before taking his hand.

They had science to do.

“Oh, and don’t worry about your arm, Emilia. I am sure we can ask… What was his name already… You know, that young guy in your promotion? The one who had his tuition paid by the Yakuza?”

“…Chisaki? I remember him! He was such a nice person! Never saying anything about my lack of quirk or anything!”

“Exactly! I am sure he would be happy to help us. I still have his number somewhere…”

And both scientists laughed, as they were surrounded by a noumu factory, a few times bigger than one could have expected.


“Thank you for your report, Seijin.”

“Happy to help, Dad!”

On his chair with his life support, All For One didn’t smile. He lost a very useful pawn, an important factory, and his plan R to f*ck with Gran Torino, by using his criminal brother against him. In addition, Seijin’s report was disturbing. How did the HPSC know about his warehouse? Did he have a mole? He should seek them out and deal with them properly…

“Anything to add?”

“Nothing, thank you! Bye bye!”

At least his family was happy.

All he needed was Izuku, his missing granddaughter and One for All.

And then? Then, they would be a very happy family, all together.

For him.

Chapter 30: After the tempest, the calm.


It's time to deal with the fallout and the discoveries made....


And now we go back to a weekly schedule my friends !

Chapter Text

Chapter 30 : After the tempest, the calm.

When Compress came back home, he was quickly tackled by both Izuku and Inko. As Izuku knew his secret identity, he wasn’t surprised on his side, but Inko? Technically, she should still think he is some kind of coach unless…


Atsuhiro was a man who faced countless dangers as the bearer of the Peerless Thief’s mantle. None of them were as hard as having an Inko crying against his chest, badly bruised by the battle and everything else.

“… People were in danger.”

That was honestly the only answer he could give her, before Izuku grabbed his step-dad with all of his strength. He didn’t want to lose him too, as he cried as a Midoriya.

Quickly, it turned into a family hug in their living room, all of them seeking comfort from the warmth of their family.


“It feels… Kind of empty.”

La Brava didn’t like that, and Gentle clearly didn’t. Their former roommate had been sometimes annoying and nagging them about being too much lovey dovey… But at the same time, she would often manage to get them reservations in high quality restaurants, “so they would do it in an appropriate place”.

In the end, all they had left from her was her room. They didn’t dare to enter yet, as Compress said he would take care of it, as per her will.

However, he did something in the room, before telling them he would clean it up later in the weekend. They had heard so much about her dodging death…

So, knowing she willingly gave her life, as she had promised to do when they began to work together… It was a shock to both vigilantes.

Two vigilantes who might have found comfort in each other’s warmth too, but clearly differently than the Midoriya.


““Todoroki Shouto, Fuyumi and Natsuo? Your parents are ready to receive you.”

All three of them rose up instantly, before following the doctor in the hospital. Natsuo and Shouto had some legitimate hate for their father, but knowing he was in the hospital… It had been something shocking. They never saw him there, or more injured than with a few scraps. He was an asshole, but the strongest asshole there is.

Seeing him in a hospital bed was something new, even for Rei, sitting next to him.

“The operation went well. His spinal cord isn’t in danger anymore, though he will need at the very least one week of rest.”

“I can work, doctor… I just need to contact Recovery Girl and…”

“She told me to tell you to rest. If you don’t, she is calling Nedzu.”

Endeavor groaned, while his family let out a small chuckle at seeing the scene… And knowing the situation could have been significantly worse for both of them.

Endeavor shielded Rei from their blast with his body, and as a result, took a lot of damage. The operation to stabilize and save him took most of the day and thankfully, the Todoroki had enough money to buy the best doctors on the market.

“… We have also received words from the Wild Wild puss* Cats. They thank you for what you did. Especially their young ward, Kouta, as his parents were…”

“The Water Hoses. I knew them. Nice heroes. Tell the kid it is okay to cry, even now. No matter if his parents were heroes, they are still dead, and he should be able to grieve quietly.”

Those words of comfort felt strange to his kids, but not to Rei… Who saw the melancholy in Enji’s eyes.

The Water Hoses actually came for their marriage, as they often worked with Endeavor after his battle. Their quirk made them incredibly suited for that, and they stopped seeing each other when… Enji went wrong.

The news of their death had been hard for both Enji and Rei. Using their new ultimate attack had been to make sure Muscular in his new awakened form didn’t leave the compound, but also clearly to avenge some fallen friends.

Meanwhile, at the door, Burnin was munching a lollipop with some anger in her eyes, looking at Rei who did little, except sitting by Endeavor. She sighed, before leaving the corridor. She would have a discussion with that woman soon enough. Both her and Endeavor needed to deal with their sh*t.

Enji had made mistakes, but he deserved better than perpetual punishment.



“… Miss Kawauso? What is happening to Miruko?”

Both Yui and Katsuki learned to respect the otter lady, as she seemed unfazed by Miruko's destructive rage on the ring, against villains automatons.

“She learned she missed a huge fight yesterday, involving the League of Villains, the Levellers and Muscular, because of her date. She is, understandably, highly pissed off. Oh well, she will calm soon enough. Now, did she tell you about her “sidekicks”?”

As Miruko was clearly not available for her interns, Kawauso was taking care of them. Both of them looked at each other.

“She mentioned them, but I thought she didn’t have one.”

The otter nodded her head and sighed.

“As you probably know, Miruko likes to hop around to solve cases, beat up people and smash things. However, this is technically her home turf, her fortress. Everyone needs a place where you can be contacted safely, and it diminishes a lot of the paperwork involved for everyone and her paychecks.”

Once again, both interns nodded, wondering what her point was.

“As a result, some villains like to come here to pick a bone with her. Sadly, we have two lines of defense for them. The first one are the local vigilantes.”

Both interns were surprised, as the otter softly facepalmed. Herself found the idea ludicrous, but it worked extremely well.

“Believe it or not, Miruko doesn't know the difference between unpaid sidekick or vigilante. Either that or she doesn’t care because the result is the same. Also, it allows me to actually speak with them, organize them at a semi-official level and protect our ward well. I then pay them for the protection they bring, and of course the local donations.”

“So… Basically benevolent semi legal Yakuzas?”

“… I prefer to avoid using that term for some reasons but you aren’t that far off.”

That made way too much sense for both Katsuki and Yui, but they liked the idea. It kicked a lot of ass and it helped people.

Anyway, they saw the lady took off her sweatshirt, revealing a crop top. She was clearly going for a stretch.

“Now, until Miruko is calmed enough, I will train you for a bit.”

Yui and Katsuki actually had a chill in their bones as she said that and they spotted a tattoo on her arms, a grenade pin with seven flames? They wondered what it meant.

“I beat that I can beat Yui!”

“Bitch, bring it.”

As always, she said it with her cold face, and everyone mistook her as arrogant while she was playing along with the competition. Once again, everyone else wasn’t Katsuki, who smiled at her like a shark, happy to have one more rival.

“I will!”

Meanwhile, Kawauso was looking at them, and remembered fondly how she met with her fiance. Yep, they were definitely a couple in the making.

“How about the loser treat the other for a movie?”

Both students froze like statues as she said that, but… None of them said no. Oh, god. Rumi accepting interns was the best idea she had in a long time~~.

“Also, ma’am. You said two lines of defense. What is the second?”

The otter’s eye shone, as she had a dark smile.


That day, Katsuki and Yui learned to fear Miruko's secretary as much as her.


“You are sure you don’t need help for your next target, Stain?”

“It is very nice of you, Boss, but I am doing this for an old friend of mine, actually. She prefers that it stays between us. Besides, you have your date.”

The League had a rule that forbade them to intrude too much on each other’s private matters… Unless it was funny and allowed to tease to no end Tomura. Notably, with his visible crush on Nejire.

"f*ck you, Stain ! It is not a date ! It is just the two of us going to an arcade before..."

"I don't need the details, thank you."

Stain had his crusade, and Loony, her family. It didn’t stop the various bunnies from hopping around in the backyard now that they freed them.

“However, I do find it funny that the Levellers targeted Gust Duster’s sponsor too. Had I known about them, I would have asked to go help them first.” Stain added swiftly to change subject.

“Hmm? You know them?”

“I worked with Compress and once upon a time, we were friends. However, he disapproved of my willingness to kill, and I thought he was too nice for his own good. We still have a common friend, but honestly, we avoid each other if we can.”

Stain didn’t mention that they still held a lot of respect for each other. Sophie was recommended by him, after all. He hoped she was fine. The thought made him chuckle. Of course, she was fine. She was, or the only other possibility was that she was pissed to no end.

“And Loony? Is she out of the training room?”

“Apparently, seeing how the rank 10 hero really fights made her realize her inadequacy.”

Since they came back, Loony had been training even more than Stain. In fact, Stain was the one who had to tell her to stop and rest to not destroy her body.

“And what about you and the blue-haired girl?”

“She told me in no uncertain terms that I was to train her in close combat. Apparently, believe it or not, Gust Duster praised my hand-to-hand skill and despite being now branded as a villain, his opinion is still respected. So… Nejire wants to be able to stop Boss. Any advice about that?”

Stain thought for a second and then nodded.

“Remember that cuffs are kinky but you should avoid getting caught. Except if it…”

Stain dodged the controller before running away, laughing. It had been a long time he didn't have such an accepting team.


All For One, in his throne room, was quietly sipping some wine from a glass that Kurogiri gave him.

“So… Tomura’s growth?”

“Very satisfying, sir. We confirmed that external exposure enhanced his strategic mind. His planning is nothing else but properly impressive for his age.”

All For One looked at his pawn’s file, noticing the Noumu was right. The USJ attack, the number of deductions Tomura did, and how he took care of Gust Duster was indeed impressive.

“And the fact that he is simply a borderline vigilante instead of a villain?”

“Considering that One For All needs a heroic mind, sir, I would argue that it is actually for the best. He accepts villainy and heroism in his core. Once you control him, you will have it all.”

The faceless villain got lost in his thoughts for a second. He felt another storm brewing, but he had a hard time guessing what exactly.

“Very well. Let’s continue on that road. What about his teammates? What can you tell me about them?”

“Loony Tunes. Her weak points are her family and her perceived weaknesses. I think you could easily bring her to your side by pressing on her button.”

All For one smiled as he sipped his glass. A powerful and easily manipulable pawn. Was it already his birthday? Wait, no, it was next week. He was also really waiting for Seijin’s gift, as she promised it was an awesome one.

“And Stain?”

“I propose elimination, sir.”

This commentary actually managed to make All For One raise an inexistent eyebrow.

“He is on Native’s trail. If by any means he learns what the man knows…”

“Hmm… Indeed. We know that he is a former associate of Compress and the latter is on friendly terms with Nedzu. It would be… Problematic.”

“I have already taken steps, sir.”

Making the Noumu intelligent was one of the best ideas Garaki had, All for One had to admit. The black cloud, despite being sometimes sassy, was an excellent second in command.

“I have asked young lady Seijin to prepare a pawn to locate and attack Stain with murderous intent. While it won’t be enough, by far, to kill him, it will be good enough to restrain him in a location. All we need then is to use some Noumus. That way, you can also re-establish to all criminals that forgot about you that… You are here.”

That comment made the Emperor of crime chuckle.

“Excellent, Kurogiri. Excellent. And as for our last issue?”

“… Do you still want to bring the young prince into your fold, sir? He seems… like his…”

“Kurogiri, I like you. If you say his uncle, I will smash you against the ceiling.”

The tone was suddenly dark and cold before the noumu continued without a missing beat…


“Close enough. Anyway, yes. I actually have an idea about how…”


“Agent K, Foxtail, Amaterasu and Tanuki… Congratulations. After the success of destroying the warehouse, we have decided to promote your unit. Agent K, you are now officially Officer K, in charge of the Youkai unit.”

On the slide behind the president of the HPSC appeared All For One in his prime, drinking some wine in Dublin.

“We received intel telling us that the new League of Villains have, most likely, a link with All For One, the only living SSS criminal still alive. Do not engage under any circ*mstance. Even if he was weakened by All Might, he is still someone All Might managed to beat only by sheer luck and because he let his guard down for a second. He is cautious enough to not do that a second time.

Anyway. You will infiltrate the group, under the pretense of following the Hero Killer Stain. Which, as far as I know, isn’t a lie.”

Seijin, behind the team, nodded. Stain would have made an amazing tool for the HPSC, too bad he was a threat.

“You will evaluate the situation: Is the Boss under All For One’s direct orders to destroy his competition? Do they have more noumus? Do they know where Dr Garaki is? While under the mission, you may kill civilians if necessary. Only kill heroes if there is no other choice or if they are on list Delta. You will report, one at a time, to Agent K through his quirk. Any other question?”

It was purely rhetoric, and the meeting ended that way.

The President looked at All For One’s smiling face, before breaking her cup of coffee in sheer rage. Some might find her purely ruthless. She preferred to think she was the most appropriate tool to bring down that man, even if it cost her soul and morals.

All for a safe Japan.



Muscular couldn’t believe his luck. He was sure he was dead for a second… Until he noticed he was in a dark void.


Then, Muscular’s consciousness disappeared, as Garaki looked upon his finest creation yet, helped by Emilia. Good lord, having some competent co-worker really helped!

“Very nice experiment, Emilia!”

“Thanks, Professor!”

“No, really. I knew thanks to All for One that vestiges of the owner existed through a quirk… But it was the first time I managed to recreate it artificially!”

The European scientist smiled at her mentor, while she typed with her left arm what was needed.

“I found it by accident, after trying to insert a quirk from a rat to a cat, as per your instructions. However, one of my interns messed up the protocols and well… The result was messy. However, we did notice the subject's craving for cheese.”

“Just out of curiosity. What was the rat quirk?”

“Manipulation of others by grabbing their hair.”

“… Quirks are bullsh*t.”


Both of them laughed, as Garaki was actually overjoyed. Soon… Soon enough his plan was coming to fruition. All he needed was the last piece.

The last wood to make the ember rise again, as it should have always done.


BomberMan entered the chat.


AllSmile: … Sure, what do you need, Kacchan?

BomberMan: I need a cinema who still projects tokusatsu. Preferably one of the old ones… And not far from Miruko’s agency.

AllSmile: There will be a price for my help, you know that?

Bomberman: I will get you her autograph and her special easter egg edition card.

AllSmile: There is an old cinema not on the internet at 15min from your position. Here is the address. They project some of the old Ultraman flicks, and I know from my source they are Yui’s favorite.

Bomberman: Thanks man!

Bomberman: Wait, how do you know it is for Yui and I?

AllSmile: I didn’t. It was a lucky guess and I had that address stored in case. BTW, dont worry I will explain to aunty if you come back late~~



Katsuki groaned, as he put down the phone…

“f*ck. I should have known that asking for his help was asking for trouble…”

Meanwhile, Yui was drinking her tomato juice happily, having beaten Katsuki in their exercise against Otsu Kawauso. Namely, staying alive against her hunting you in the compound.

“I am hoping for a good movie, loser.”


He was always hyper, and it included dates. Even if it was the first one, because of a losing bet and with a girl that he appreciated for her fighting spirit.

Somehow, he couldn’t help but make a parallel with how Tooru and Izuku got together. Naaaah.

Mina, Izuku, Tooru, Kaminari and Jirou were also too far away to take pictures of the situation. He was safe.

Little did they know that above the two teens, Miruko and Kawauso were smiling looking at them.

“They are cute.”

“Mood. Betting that Katsuki is asking you for a place for a date before the end of the internship?”


Kawauso then drank a bit from her bottle and asked Miruko.

“By the way, you took the Katsuki kid knowing he was Sleek Punch’s son or it is a coincidence?”

Miruko froze and looked at her friend, her face void of color.

“… What?”

“His mom. Sleek Punch. I got confirmation from my man, when I showed him her picture. He even commented on one of your old suits, saying it looked like one of his mom’s designs.”

Miruko stared at Katsuki and suddenly understood a lot. His physical training, and the lack of things she had to bring to it. The shark smiled. His battle instinct. Fuuuuuuck.

“… It is funny how everything circles around at the end, right?”


Bomberman: … Izuku, I am asking you that as a friend. IF. If the cinema goes well… Can you help me prepare a date plan?

AllSmile: I owe you for Tooru. Of course.


MasterOfCards: IZUKU. I NEED HELP!

AllSmile: There is a dojo that can be rented there. An arcade with the old Street Fighter is located 800m from it, there. Here is some reduction code to buy more jetons.

MasterOfCards: …That is f*cking scary. but thanks.

AllSmile: :D


“Ma’am? I would like to talk to you. In private.”

Rei expected many things when she returned to Enji’s agency after the hospital. Burnin’ asking for a meeting was one of them indeed, as the young woman didn’t hide at all her affection for Endeavor.

Shouto looked at the two women, without really understanding the situation, before both women told him to go look again at the files. Kido quickly took him under his arm, before getting the hell out of the way.

“Listen, kid. There are many scary things in this world. Two women wanting to talk in private? That is one of them and you don’t want to be there.”

Shouto was wondering why this was only taught now to him.

When the two women were alone in the office, Burnin’ opened the hostility instantly.

“So. When will you be done with playing with the boss, ma’am?”

Rei smiled coldly at the flaming woman, who clearly wore her emotion on her sleeve.

“I don’t know what you are talking about, dear, but I am certain this is not about your business to immisce yourself between me and him.”

Burnin’s hair almost went blue at her comment, and she slammed her fist on the table.


“And once again, it is a family business, so unless you pretend to have something to do with my husband, I doubt you…”


That actually shut up Rei for an instant, looking horrified at Burnin for a second. Enji was many things, but she didn’t expect him to be a womanizer or seduce someone in his office. Then again, he was also a man of power and the lady was… with a hot body.

“…I am going to kill Enji.”

Burnin’s brain took a few seconds to process, before she reddened for a second.

“WAIT NO, NO. I don’t mean it like that!”

Rei was already freezing the room with her quirk, with her sheer fury.

“… Then you better explain…”

“Do you know about Enji’s father?”

The snow lady actually stopped in her tracks, again, for a second, giving a clear answer of the subject to Burnin, who continued her story.

“I learned about him when Nedzu gave him his reality check. He was drunk. I had my suspicions, so I passed a DNA test and I now know why Boss had taken the time to save me himself when I was younger. I don’t call him uncle because it would feel really weird on the field. Also, I think he would prefer to think I don’t know about my grandfather.”

Rei opened her mouth for a second… Before sitting, and massaging her eyes.

“… So you know about what happened between him and me?”

“Yes. I do. I also know you keep sending him mixed signals.”

Rei was going to protest when she saw Burnin’s eyes.

“I won’t excuse him for what he did. If you want a divorce, do that. We both know he won’t refuse it. You want to get back with him? Do that. But stop giving him a smile and maybe a caress, before coldly freezing him where he is and telling him he has no hope… Still signing no papers.”

Oh. That was her point, then.

“I do what I can. I want to believe that Enji has changed and truly regret what he did. I have also seen too many women coming back to a husband who pretended to have changed and…”

“And when they came back to the hospital, it was in a f*cking bag. I know. I often work on such cases, when the police don’t. Most of the suits filled against me are because I can be very active.”

“So you see my issue?”

“I do. I f*cking do. Honestly, whatever you decide, I doubt he will stop punishing himself. However, I can’t bear to see him hope for a second despite himself before you kill it instantly. I don’t think you do that intentionally. But get your f*cking act together. Quickly.”

Burnin sighed, before looking at Rei.

“And before you ask, no, I am not interested in dating my uncle or anything. I have normal preferences, preferably girls of my age.”

“Oh. Oooooh.”

“And it was my boss who helped me understand that about me. He is literally the closest thing I have to a father. So don’t hurt him because he hurt you.”

When Burnin left the room, Rei was still sitting… And more importantly, thinking.


“So… Since when you knew I was Mr. Compress?”

Atsuhiro wondered about that, now that the group hug ended, after a good half an hour where they hugged tighter than an otter family.

“Pretty much since you began. Hell, I was so worried about you and the fact you could get hurt that I even brought Mitsuki with me and became a nurse vigilante with her. It was either that or becoming too a thief. I thought of wearing a catsuit and calling myself Mischief but I don’t know. Somehow, it feels like it was someone else’s story.”

While Inko said that with a light laught, both Izuku and Atsuhiro looked at her, the former with disbelief, as he had trouble picturing his caring mother as anything else than… well… Herself. However, for the latter, realization dawned upon him.

“Oh god, the Night Nurses?”

“You heard about us?”

“Inko, you are still, you and Mitsuki, a f*cking legend. I am pretty sure most of the underground heroes would kill to actually work with you.”

Inko laughed heartily again, before hugging the magician in her arms.

“Well… Anyway, that plan didn’t truly worked out as I planned. Apparently, someone actually noted my advice on how to not get hurt and never came to us.”

Also, her career as a vigilante got cut short when she got pregnant with Izuku… Something that was not said, but thought. Even Izuku guessed it.

However, in the end they were together. It was all that mattered.


“Hello Magne!”

“Happy to see you are still alive, Compress! So, how you doing?”

“Very nice. I was actually calling for something else. Remember that time when you thought you killed a man that wasn’t Heart Stealer?”

“… Yes?”

“You actually got the good guy. Apparently, he stole my relationship and Inko.”

“Is it a joke, or…”

“Well, let’s say I am now wondering how many of your attempted manslaughter are really your fault, and how many are a side-effect of being the first link in Misery’s most powerful assassination yet.”

“… Misery, who the f*ck that is?”

“You don’t want all the details, Magne, but let’s say your bad luck might be the side-effect of a quirk.”


“As for the cure, there is one, actually. You should try some onsen, near Hokkaido. That would do some good to you.”

“Duly noted. Thanks Compress.”

"Friends are here for a reason !"

Chapter 31: Hoshu : the beginning


This chapter may contains Noumus, Izuku, and a few others things.

Chapter Text

Chapter 31 : Hoshu The Beginning

Aizawa wasn’t amused. In front of him were Izuku, Tooru, Katsuki, Yui and Iida. To his great surprise, Izuku, Katsuki and Yui weren’t truly part of the problem, as they acted perfectly according to their orders in what was known as the Hoshu Incident in the media now.

Aizawa was accompanied by Tsukauchi, to be sure they got every fact right from the four children in front of him. He would have loved to have Manual, Torino and Miruko with him, but two of them were being operated on and the last was actually bouncing in town to hunt down any Noumus left, just in case. Midnight had already given her testimony and was helping her.

It was still a better state than Native, who was presumed dead.

Stupid rule that stated that someone could only be declared dead by a doctor and for now, no one of them had the time to do that, because of the sheer amount of injuries to treat. Aizawa was still pretty sure that missing his head was lethal.

“So, problem children. Forgive my french, but what the f*ck happened?”

The four children looked at each other, and Izuku began.

“Well, it all began for me when Torino learned that…”


“THAT SON OF A whor*!”


Izuku was in the gym, trying to use new forms of his power, theorized thanks to Torino. It was actually quite on point and useful, and the young man understood why All Might had insisted he did his first internship with the old man. Sure, Torino was still trying to high-kick him even in his sleep, but Izuku was getting better at dodging and parrying him.

However, Izuku never saw the man lose his cool or his marble until he received a phone call. The old dwarf actually destroyed his phone with his sheer grip strength. He then propelled himself across the gym, destroyed several targets and Izuku’s summons.



Izuku decided wisely to wait a minute or two, letting his mentor calm down…

As he expected, after using his full speed mode to destroy a lot of things, Torino was finally in a state to speak. Which was clearly different from a calm state of mind, but Izuku would not be picky.

“So. Sir. What the f*ck happened? I didn’t see you that angry this week except that one time you heard a journalist say that Floaty was overrated as a hero.”

Torino growled, before punching an old picture. It had two men, smiling and their arms across each other.

“My brother was arrested yesterday, as a part of a human trafficking ring.”

Oh. Yes, Izuku can see why it would put his mentor in a sour mood, before he heard the man add.

“As a result, we are picking up his patrol sector in Hoshu this evening. Get ready for it.”

“Yes, sir.”

Torino wasn’t someone who liked pity or compassion. The best thing could do to help his mentor was to do his job right.

“By the way, sir, since you share the same mom with your brother, doesn’t that mean that…”

“I am a son of a bitch and I perfectly know that.”

“Just to be sure, sir.”


“So this is why I was in Hoshu at that time.”

“Very well, it shall be easy to check with the HPSC. As for you, Katsuki and Yui?”

“Miruko said she felt her battle instinct tingling and brought us to Hoshu.”

Aizawa sighed, as he knew the reputation of the bunny hero and let’s be honest, it was probably right.

“I am going to check-in with Kawauso. She should have the papers ready. As for Tooru, Midnight already told us about your training and how you were supposed to have some practical fighting experience.”

Thank the gods for the small favors, and that Miruko’s assistant was highly competent. Aizawa hated bureaucracy but this one time, however, that would protect his students from the media. As for Midnight, she had an idea about the fighting, but Aizawa wasn’t sure Tooru was ready yet for the Club.

“And as for Iida, I guess you were there because Manual’s area is there too.”

“Yes, sir…”

“… I will not lie, Iida, but seeing how Manual is, you will be lucky if you simply have a demotion to General.”

It was harsh, but Aizawa needed Iida to understand his actions had consequences. Here, the fact Manual almost died because of him and his choice. He didn’t tell the kids that Manual regained consciousness briefly and said to not blame the young teen, but Aizawa knew better.

The young teen, in his hospital bed, looked down sadly.

“I… Understand, sir.”

“Now, continue to explain to us what happened.”

“Can you just tell me if my mom and dad are fine?” Izuku asked, with a bit of worry in his voice.

“Last time I checked, your mom was helping in the hall. As for your dad, he is apparently using random bullsh*t to help her. He got smacked with a newspaper when he said “Random Bullsh*t Go”.”

This made Katsuki cackle, for reasons unknown to man.


Izuku was in his new suit, courtesy of Mei. He went from full magician with a Compress’s mask, to a purple suit, with various gadgets on it, and a mask that was clearly an hommage to Compress. With his green hair, Torino looked suspiciously at the young Joker. Sure, the kid looked good in this suit, but Torino had to deal with All-Might’s passion for American comics and recognized the design.



Except that the bright smile Izuku gave him convinced him it was most likely a coincidence, and that Izuku wasn’t paying an homage to the Joker. Probably. Hopefully.

“… Never use white make-up.”

The fact Izuku looked positively puzzled reassured Torino, and the two of them continued their patrol in Hoshu. Hopefully, it will be a nice Friday night and nothing will happen. In fact, if everything went fine, Izuku would get back home with his parents, as both of them decided to have a small evening in the city too, with some friends.


“Thank you Inko, for taking the time for that dinner.”

Atsuhiro was still forbidden by his soon to be wife, to go on another heist, after the last time. As a result, and to help Gentle and La Brava to smile again, he decided to invite them to dinner. Besides, if he had gotten the timing right, it would allow them to change their mind from Sophie. From what Atsuhiro got from them, they actually had second thoughts about staying with him and he could understand why. However, they were also thinking about Sophie, and were still taking care of her bike. Thankfully, they didn’t go inside her room yet. Too early for them and too early according to Compress who was the last person who went inside, after the Triceps corporation.

So, Atsuhiro did what any reasonable boss would do, and asked them for a nice evening with Inko, in a good restaurant. It would change everyone’s ideas for the better and honestly, Hoshu wasn’t a bad place for a date. At least, better than some other ideas.




What seemed as a weird idea as a date for some girls like Nejire turned out to be the perfect one, as Tomura discovered. Both of them had their competition drive turned to eleven, and damn didn’t they have fun that evening.

As a result, they were on their 64th bout of Street Fighter II, and they loved it. Besides, it was a good warm-up before they went physical on each other and their sweat got mixed up, as their bodies smashed against each other, both of them trying to make the other submit. Furthermore, it would mean the temperature would rise in the room, as they would try to beat the other. Nejire had more flexibility, but Tomura compensated by having a better range.As for the protection, they would use it, as it would be highly idiotic for it to leave some permanent marks on them…

Nejire would manage to pin Tomura on the ground, to assert dominance, but the young man wouldn’t allow himself to be dominated so easily, and would use more of his weight to crush Nejire under him… Their breathing became more and more erratic as it drew longer.

Of course, it meant they would spar a lot together in a place made for that, and nothing else. They didn’t hold hands yet, after all.

This also explained why Tomura was only aware of what happened in Hoshu the next day.


Stain hummed the vicious and polluted air in the city. It would be his last kill in town, before he would move from another city, another sector. Thanks to the LoV, his activity would expand… But for now, he had someone to hunt and talk.

The noseless man looked at the picture, showing Native.

The man who apparently knew how to make an investigation go sideways, as it is easy to botch up an investigation than simply stopping one.

“Well, look at the time.”

Stain stared at his watch, All Might themed, of course. All hours pointed to ‘Justice’.


On a roof, a certain fog man sighed. He actually appreciated Stain, as he was a nice client, who knew when to stop to drink and actually avoided speaking politics when drunk.

Too bad the man was supposed to die, now.

“Master, I am in position, and apparently according to Garaki, he still has a few animal Noumus in stock, a few humans and High End 2. What do I deploy?”

All For One, on his throne, thought about it for a second before smiling.

“Everything. Tell High End 2 to focus primarily on getting my grandson to me.”

“Very well. I shall deploy all the others and tell them to create havoc, and kill Stain and Native.”

“Excellent. Once the objectives are fulfilled or impossible to fulfill, you shall bring back every noumus still alive back in the lab.”

On that note, Kurogiri unleashed the legion of Hell, led by a man who got across the roof on his giant teeth… His saliva apparently eroded the cement beneath him.

“… I am just happy that young Tomura is somewhere else.”


“See, Joker, this peace is what every warrior and hero should fight for.”

“I already know that, sir.”

“Also, always be wary of your family, you never know what kind of asshole it can hide.”

“Sir, my dad is dead, and all the family on my mom’s side too.”

Izuku actually enjoyed his banter with Torino, as the man liked to be called sir by his student, and as Izuku was being coy but still respectful.

Torino also liked that his student was a smartass that knew when to back off, and actually listened to his advice when they trained. That, and that Izuku was actually fairly good at cheating in poker and as such made a good opponent.

That was at that moment, of course, that everything went to hell, as a scorpio noumus jumped in the street and screeched so hard it made glasses explode… Before it turned its tails toward civilians. Thankfully for them, Torino was here, kicking the dart before it hit anyone.

Then, out of nowhere, Manual and another hero themed in ice came and began to freeze the scorpio, or at the very least his legs.

Izuku, having been trained by both Torino and Compress, had learned to not stay frozen during such an event and quickly understood all three heroes currently didn’t have the power to smash/neutralize the monster properly.

The young man didn’t choose the name Joker for nothing. The Joker is the only card that can fulfill any role, be it the support, the hitter or the healer.

This was why Izuku took five aces from his sleeves and threw them at the monster.


One of the techniques Torino helped Izuku to make was to actually use more than one card at once. As a result, they discovered that Izuku could summon poker hands, such as pairs, flush, of a kind, etc.

Some might think that using an ace poker might be too much, but Izuku still remembered vividly the USJ and the Noumu… And the one before was a baseline human. This was a scorpio, giant sized. It meant it was probably highly dangerous and the ice would only hindered it for a bit.

He was soon proved right, as his Poker Creature punched the scorpio so hard that it broke the ground below them, and his chitin made an atrocious sound.

The monster still managed to plunge his dart inside the neck of Izuku’s summon. Thankfully, it didn’t have a mouth for once, otherwise it would have screamed.

“Frozen! Aim at the base of its tail!”

Manual yelled, before manipulating water around it. The blonde heroine was clearly used to working with him, as she expertly froze the water. Izuku, on his hand, quickly understood their idea. Torino too, as he bolted so hard in the middle of the tail he actually felt some bones of him protesting against such a treatment. He would worry about that later. Meanwhile, Izuku yelled at his creature to rip the tail, taking advantage of the ice weakening it… Before plunging the dart inside the noumu’s brain.


“We don’t know!”

Suddenly, all pro heroes currently present got a message on their phone from the HPSC.

“Disaster: City Level. Unknown monsters attacking. Heroes were to take them down or evacuate the civilians. Reinforcements were on their way, such as Miruko.

Hazard: No heroes shall travel with a group less than three. Stain, the Hero Killer has been spotted.”

Every last one of them looked at each other. It was going to be a messy night.

“… Where the f*ck is my intern?”

Manual wasn’t happy about Iida going AWOL, especially now…

Izuku raised his hand.

“I can try to find him quick and bring him back? If I leave Poker with you, it will help you take down others noumus, right? Meanwhile, I have some cards to defend myself or run away if necessary.”

Torino thought about it before nodding. He actually tested Izuku’s Flight or Fight reaction a few times, and the boy had a good instinct on when to run and when to stand his ground.

“Izuku Midoriya, aka Joker. You are allowed to use your quirk to locate your friend Iida, defend yourself and defend civilians. However, you are not to engage any enemy alone.”


“So, Frozen heard Torino give you his clear authorization?”

Izuku nodded his head, while Aizawa sighed, a weight disappearing from his shoulder. Thank god, this one student didn’t creatively reinterpret orders to do sh*t. He actually had authorization and witness.

“At least someone remembered his lesson on clearance. Anyway, Iida? Explain to us now, what happened. I am pretty sure Izuku found you because of his quirk or something like that.”

“I used his phone, actually. He never deactivated his geolocalisation and it is very useful when Tooru and I want to prank him a bit.”

Iida clinched his eyes, at Izuku’s confession.


His only answer was an Izuku with a smug smile and a bright Tooru. Those little pranksters!

“Later Iida. Explain to us the whole Stain f*ckery.”

The young teen wailed like a dying whale, before beginning his tales.

Somehow, Katsuki and Yui found some popcorn and were sharing it. They actually didn’t know this part of the night either. To them, a good part of the night was more…



Bakugou and Yui were fighting a giant spider venomous, who could produce younglings and was grabbing as many people as she could before cocooning them. Of course, the two young trainees were to stop her and were counting their kills.

Just when Katsuki said that, Yui used her miniature tank to blow up the mother spider. She looked at Katsuki and flipped him the bird.



It was not the idea of fun he actually had planned for Yui and him that night, but honestly, it had been a good time for both of them. He could actually tell it from her body posture. Besides, it hadn’t been the right time to think about that during the action but… a woman in a tank? Damn, that was a nice sight.

As for Tooru, currently hugging Izuku, her night was more… Bloody in a way.



Midnight looked proudly at her student, who had gotten a blade and was aiming at the weak points of the monster to help dismember them. Their strength training was not for nothing!

However, the underground hero was worried about the fact Tooru seemed to enjoy a bit too much to kill the emeu noumu.


Tooru’s family, on her father's side, came from Australia. One must never forget the defeat in the Emu War. It was payback time, for everything that was lost that day.



“… I committed a crime against Skyrim?”

Stain was actually cleaning his knives after taking them out of Native’s limping body… And kicking him in the knee, violently enough to break him, disgusted by the man. Finding Native hadn’t been that hard. Also, credit due to where credit shall be given, Native actually managed to punch him more than a few times and a few of his arrows actually came way too close to Stain for his taste. However, the former vigilante turned up too strong for the hero and he had begun his interrogation.

Honestly, his only question now was to kill the man or spare him, as promised, for his information. The thing making Stain actually thinking of betraying his word was the fact he was indeed the man who f*cked up the investigation and the trail Sophie was trying to find. Oh well, at the very least, he was now sure that her brother was alive. Hell, in fact, he actually had a good idea of where he was. Actually, all he needed to do was to call the Boss and arrange something.

Except that now, some kind of armored knight was bothering him in the alley.

“This kind of joke won’t save you from jail, Stain!”

The voice betrayed the age of the hero… No, the trainee.

“Kid. I am an A-Class villain at the very least. I think you are barely one year over as a student. A f*cking student.”


Stain actually looked surprised at Native, who was worried about the kid. Apparently, the hero had actual remorse over what he did. Neat. He would live, after all.

However, Iida took that opportunity to kick Stain in the face, using his high speed to take him by surprise.

The young man didn’t expect to be met by a punch in his mask, and actually met the wall after that, as Stain sighed.

“… A-RANK VILLAIN, KID. I am used to fighting heroes and I even take down some of the top 100 alone! If I wanted, I think I might have a really decent odds against someone like Miruko!”

Only decent, not good or perfect because he actually saw that woman fight once and damn. To his credit, though, Iida could still speak, and tried to punch the noseless man, who dodged quite easily the weak attack.

“I shall… Avenge my brother…”

Those words actually made Stain facepalm, and Native cringed.

“ARE YOU DUMB KID?! YOU DO NOT BECOME A HERO FOR REVENGE! That is like a f*cking bad idea, as you can easily turn into a murderer that way!”

“… Thanks Native, even though we know you shouldn’t have much right to speak about that…”

“I know what I did. I never resorted to murder, though! Hell, I even fired sidekicks who crossed that line many times!”

Stain groaned, as the man did have a point while Iida yelled in anger.


“No. You beg for my attention, kid.”

Stain looked done with Iida, and when the kid attacked one again, this time, the man used his knife expertly and stabbed him in the knee, making him fall on the ground. Then, the villain walked ominously toward the teen, as he tried to get up, only for Stain to slam him against the wall with a powerful kick.

“A true hero, kid, doesn't act for himself or for petty motives such as vengeance. A true hero acts for others. Heroes fight so other people don’t get hurt.”

Stain had drawn his sword, as suddenly, Iida considered he might have f*cked up… While unknown to Iida, Stain didn’t have any intention of killing him, only to scare (and scar) him straight. He wasn’t a child killer.

“And what gives you the right to judge people like my brother?!”

“Boy, I don’t even know who you are. And if you say “You will”, I am going to stab you.”

This actually shut up Iida, as Stain groaned.

“Rather, who is your brother? I will actually provide you with some answers then.”

That would be faster too, but Stain didn’t say that.


“Not me.”

This rebuttal from Stain actually surprised more than one person.


“Yes, I have heard of the attack. However, during that time, I was actually training with a friend. Besides, Ingenium is one of the few heroes I respect, really. He does excellent work for his community and he isn’t a dick against vigilantes.”

Suddenly, Stain realized…That the whole situation was weird.

“And you expect me to believe you just like that?!”

“I don’t f*cking care if you believe me or not. Honestly, I am planning to just beat you up, so your own brother can yell at you. Seriously, he would be ashamed.”

Native, still in pain, nodded with Stain’s statement.

“I have worked with your brother a few times. He would really be angry that you actually rushed without investigation or any back-up. Outside of your dumb motive, that is stupid.”


Iida wondered if Stain’s blade was coated with some drugs, as he saw Izuku, on a unicorn with a flaming mane, standing up and bringing attention to him… Before he threw 5 cards at Stain.

“Oh f*ck me, what is this? A clown?”

“I would rather be the f*cking circus, and I will bring you to town too!”

This comeback actually made Stain smile before he licked his knife, still with Iida’s blood, to paralyze him. This one, in his eccentric costume, seemed fun, if somewhat familiar.

“Well, kid, tell me at least you aren’t here for something stupid.”

“… Kinda actually? That is my friend over there, and since he is stupid…”


“I am not the one who tried to run and fight an A-rank villain without a plan!”

Stain raised an eyebrow as he walked with as much intimidation as he could muster… Which was quite a lot and made everyone shiver.

“… Because you have a plan to deal with me?”


At the very least, this one actually seemed to know he was out of his league. Very well, Stain would engage him.

“Be prepared… Young Hero.”


“And that’s how the fight began… And we didn’t know how it would end, I promise!”

Chapter 32: Hoshu - Stain


In which Izuku has a plan, Stain face someone with a bigger sword, a dino and a robot.

Which may or not be the same being.

Oh and there is an Hellsing abridged reference too.


Sorry for the delay,

I was waiting for my friend Draco to check my action scene.

I recommend you check his story, right there :


Without further waiting, here is your chapter.

Chapter Text

Chapter 32 : Hosu - Stain

Izuku called and sent his Rapidash against Stain, blazing and breathing some soft fire, from its snout. The flaming horse tried to impale Stain with its unicorn-like horn, however the noseless man dodged it like a matador, and since this time he didn’t have to care about taking the enemy alive or maybe he just wasn’t willing to spare it. With a cut expertly aimed at its jugular,blood and flame bellowed from the steed as it fell in a heep, neck breaking as it hit the ground, where it bleeds into a small pool that turns to ash only moments later.

To Izuku’s credit, this didn’t stop his own attack, as he pulled a few others cards, and looked at his cards, smiling under his mask.

“So, why are you here, hero? To bring me down, and get the glory?” The manic glint in stained eyes was telling. This was some sort of test.

For a second, Izuku thought of taunting him, making him rush him. However, he already had his full attention, and it was obvious, thanks to Iida and Native, that Stain was clearly a beast in close combat, not to mention that Izuku didn’t know how his quirk worked… yet. Now seeing how Iida struggled to get his body to move even an inch, it wasn't a far off guess that it’s probably some kind of paralysis quirk. But what makes it activate?

“Not really, I don't care about the fame or glory, or hell even the money, But it is a hero’s job to save anyone and everyone who cannot save themselves. To be honest though, I also thought my friend had more brains than to solo an A-Rank Villain out of some twisted sense of pride and revenge, after all up until now he was the one keeping all of our class in line.” The death glare Izuku shoots turns into a small grin as he turns back to the villain. not that he FULLY turned away, he wasn’t insane as some people thought him to be.

Stain nodded solemnly and took some throwing knives from his belt before making a wide motion as he tossed them, using less deadly moves against the jokester, it was still fast but he could dodge if he stepped out of the alleyway. He was surprised when Izuku blocked them all at once with a rounded shield of blue with a red ring and a silver star in the center, as the car it came from burned as the blades bounced off the metal that came out from a card. Hum… Weird quirk, but Stain was friends with a sentient cartoon rabbit. He wasn’t sure if he had the right to judge, before deciding that he would just use a sword breaker, the clean edge of the blade shone with a flash in the moonlight that started to fill the alley way as the reflective rock rose higher into the sky.

However, he had to admit he liked the young students’ tactic: Summoning disposable minions while staying in the distance was a good option when facing someone like Stain who seemef to be all hands on fighting.

The only thing the young man didn’t plan apparently was the fact Stain was painfully aware of his own weakness as a melee fighter and worked hard to close the gap. Literally, another throwing knife is tossed as he starts with a run.

The villain quickly planted it foot on the wall and jumped, crossing the small alleyway to grab on to the fire escape on the side and hual himself forward with the beams of steel he gets two steps on the wall with his momentum as he starts descending onto the boy.

Who answered by summoning three harpies, probably some sisters. So, did he even think of Stain getting over him? Nice planning, Stain had to admit. However, he was wondering what was the young man’s plan, as he didn’t manage to strike him even once for now and the first harpy went down with broken fingers from his sword breaker and a cut into its neck that sprayed blood into the air.

“You aren’t lying, you are indeed some kind of beast master…”

Izuku didn’t like the smile the man had suddenly, manic as it was… seemed almost gleeful.

“Let’s test how much of a hero you are!”


Meanwhile, on Inko and Compress’ side…

“Bring the injured people here! If there are any medic students, they should help me prioritize patients who need treatment! I need more bandages here!”

Inko had turned the restaurant where she was initially having an excellent meal with her fiance and their friend, when suddenly a black creature smashed in the window. As a result, everyone panicked, the monster screamed to terrorize people and Compress and Gentle, both professionals, used the commotion to quickly get into their vigilante suits. They didn’t know if the heroes were nearby or not, but honestly, it wasn’t the time to worry about such things when people were in danger of these… Beasts. Especially as they already fought some earlier in the week.

For Gentle, it was even more important. It was the beasts that killed Sophie, and despite not knowing her for a long time, he and La Brava grew fond of her sarcasm. As a result, when the monster, apparently made from a frog, tried to use its tongue to eat a civilian, it got hit by a large block of ice that seemed to burn its tongue.

“Don’t worry, kind people! We are here to protect you against these monsters!” Gentle called out as he rebounded a nomu into the street and follows it out of the restaurant.

Compress couldn’t marble them because the noumus he could spot were too big. However, he still had a lot of ice, fire, and explosion marbled and he could use them to distract the monster from their initial targets. He was a pro; it was normal to be endangered. However, he could not afford to get hurt, as otherwise, Inko would probably kill him.

Some might say he was irresponsible to not stay near his wife during this incident. However, people didn’t consider this was him making the fight stay away from her. Furthermore, Inko was more than capable of defending herself and the other peoples. Adding to that a Gentle Criminal who was actually staying nearby the restaurant to protect it and the zone Inko was making to treat injured people, and it was a fairly sound tactic.

He just hoped the HPSC would not do something dumb and they would ask for back-up.


“Ma’am? We have spotted Mr Compress and Gentle Criminal, still wanted for the whole Triceps thing. What are your orders?”

The president thought about the situation for a second, and weighed the pros and cons of arresting both vigilantes, during a monster invasion. They could theoretically spin it as them working with this “Boss” who first showed use of these monsters. However, since they actually destroyed one of the factories and saved a lot of scientists who had nice intel for her, it was unlikely.

They were enemies, but this time, the most important thing was the citizens. Unlike what most people thought about her, she was caring about Japan, as a whole. Sure, she did unsavory things and used Seijin’s squad… But it was only because she could close that program. The whole “Kidnapping Endeavor’s son” was a stupid idea from her predecessor and thank god Nagant put a bullet in his head. Morality aside, this whole thing was a disaster in the making, hence why she had wanted to close the “Mockingbird” program, and let the former participant either be sent in therapy or to their family.

Sadly, Seijin’s influence in the organization was bigger than her, thanks to seniority and knowing where all the skeletons were.

The President sighed, as she remembered how she was, in her younger years. One of the reasons she spared Nagant was because she empathized with her a lot. She hoped to reform the whole institution too, and she actually managed to do it a lot, making it harder to corrupt them. Even Thunderbolt had been a blessing in disguise. Less ammunition against them could be used.

However, she couldn’t be removed yet, as her work wasn’t finished yet. So, for once, the President gave an order that was easy on her soul and moral well being.

“No, leave them be. Compress and his crew might be useful to cover the ground. Besides, now we can be sure they are actually actively fighting this threat, too.”

She had no hope of an alliance with them, too much bad blood, but she had her priorities straight. First, All For One. Then she would only have to worry about some Robin Hood people. She wondered if Nedzu actually knew she was the one leaking some of the really hardcore corrupt branch of her organization, so they could cut them down for her?


Izuku was happy that Torino taught him to lead instinct with fear and how to dodge attacks faster than one can see said incoming attacks. Mainly because Stain was now tearing his new purple suit into shreds of confetti, and was really happy that Mei used some fiber tissue that actually helped against blade cuts and pierce. However, every attack was way too close for comfort for Izuku, expressly when each one got a little bit closer.

While Izuku was now fairly certain Stain would not kill him or disable him, the manic smile on his face was not reassuring in the least. The double bladed Katana wasn't helping his situation either.

“Well… I have to admit I am not impressed. I thought you had a better plan than simply dodging non-stop.” Stain spouted out sometime when he stepped back to take a breath and grab a few throwing knives.

Izuku panted for breath at the small break he was given, but he was still smiling under his mask as the three knives were impaled into the wall behind him.

“Well, you are WAY too strong for me, and honestly, I am still making more decks for situations like these. I do have a few options but…” Izuku’s poster shows a hint of restraint, his ace in the hole is too dramatic for this fight.

“Collateral damages?” Stain guessed as he slotted a new blade into his off hand, now armed with his sword breaker once again, this time in sync with his Katana.

“Collateral damages.” the greenette confirmed “Since you are apparently not going to kill me, I would prefer to minimize the damages to myself, or keep the cards for something else.”

Stain pondered the situation and then came up with a counter argument as he leveled his blade in Iida’s neck. “True, but what about the other two? I could kill them right now, you know?”

“Yes, and no.” The hero kid stated instantly. “It is true that if you tried to kill them, I would have no other options than to use really destructive cards. However, you can’t kill them.”

Stain raised an eyebrow.“They are just here, and I can easily…”

The villain stopped for a second his laius, before looking at an Izuku who probably had his step-dad’s sh*t-eating grin behind his mask.

The alley was empty beside them.

“WHERE THE f*ck ARE THEY?!” Stain nearly jumped at Izuku as his skin crawled knowing he missed his chance.

“I am a hero. Evacuating civilians is the first task you must do, before anything else!” Izuku… no JOKER, Cheekily says as one can hear the smile in his voice.

Stain wasn’t happy with the situation, and this time, the pressure from the villain made Joker's spine shiver with a chill.

“I WASN’T DONE WITH THEM! I STILL HAD TO SHOW THEM DIVINE JUSTICE!” Stain took a heavy step forward, and to his credit joker stood his ground.

“… Sorry” His voice wa eerily calm while his body deathly still, “but I am a trainee hero. I won’t let them get killed because you think you may do that.”

“This f*cking world is corrupt to the bones! Too many heroes doing too little…” Stain stopped in his tracks when Joker takes a step forward, despite the lack of emotion in the little hero's voice something about him screams ANGER.

“I already gave a speech on that during the Sport festival. I actually agree with your opinions, not your method.” A pale blue blade with a dark blue high winged guard and hilt appeared in his hand. It looked basic at best, the golden mark of three triangles being the only inference on what blade he hold.

“Oh? And what do you seek to accomplish if you are not willing to get your hands dirty?!” He raised the Katana to point at the hero in the making.

“Change it from the inside.” he said simply like it's the most obvious thing in the world. "With all of my friends ofcourse. Did you know this generation has been beaten down by society more than any other, more villains, more heroes but everyone wants change. All of us will try to be a model, to inspire heroes and people to be better… Like f*cking All-Might does.” Joker raised his blade to level with Stain’s Katana, a faint blue glow from the blade casts shadows over both of their faces.

Stain was inspired, just as much he was angry. He was the one delivering justice, and he would not let a child decide what was right and what was wrong and how to interpret All-Might’s words. The stand off persists for now.

“He also said that it was everyone’s duty, their responsibility to do their part to make a better society! Mine is to stain myself to make a better society. Because no one else will even try to hel-” Stain was surprised by the hard, nearly grating tone that came from nowhere.

“That is f*cking idiotic!” Joker gritted out. “Of course, All-Might doesn’t encourage violence! He is All-Might! Do you see how he deals with villains? How many he can get to sit down and talk and find out what pushed them to this, to explain how he can HELP them. He wants to help everyone, not just heros, not just the innocent. All Might is the symbol of peace… and that peace is not subjectgated, it's for everyone to grab on and work together for a safer, more peaceful future.”

Izuku punctuated his response by summoning a few heroes, like Death Arms, Kamui Woods, Slugger, Takesh*ta and the Fly. Stain decided he had enough and guessed the cards who made the young idiot and Native disappear weren’t far enough to escape him yet.

As a result, he took his sword breaker and chucked in in-between the fake Takesh*ta’s eyes before blitzing through the line of heroes with a Shinobi Whirlwind cutting both Slugger and the fly in half while taking one of Kamui woods arms with them. A Double Ichimonji cut death arms deep and sent a shower of blood into the air before it turns to ash with the rest. Kicking his breaker into the wood man replica to end him.

“While you do have better reasons than your friend to be a hero, you are still a f*cking failure for attacking me without a plan or back-up!” Stain turned on Joker and stalks forward each step loud as his metal soles hit the concrete.

“… Actually, I did say I had a plan. It was to buy time.” Joker held his blade high, no longer needing it to protect himself.

“Yes, to save two people I am going to hunt down once I'm done with you.”

“Once again, wrong. This was only a secondary objective. My true plan was to wait for someone toblastthef*ckoutthebitchwhosayswhat.” Stain flinched as the blue aura of the blade flashed bright as he closed his eyes and peaked out a moment later to see the blade gone.

“… What?” Confused, Stain opened both eyes to make sure he isn't hurt,

Stain suddenly felt an impact on his face, who propelled him several meters away from Izuku. Had he been a lesser man, it could have knocked him out. However, he was Stain, and as a result, he got up for the fight… Seeing a blond man with a costume revealing his battle tendency of a grenade and a girl who was cosplaying as Ultraman.

“Hoy asshole! I guess someone is going to get smashed quickly, right?” An explosion ripped through the air as the blonds fists slammed together.

“Katsuki? This one is worth how many points?” Yui stated as she drops into a fighting stance.

Izuku smiled, but wondered if the two of them weren’t a bad influence on each other, as they increased their battle lust greatly.



Yui quietly nodded her head, eating her popcorn, while Katsuki was beaming for two.

“… And Miruko allowed that?”

“We told her a friend needed our help to kick a son of a bitch. She said to beat him to a pulp. Does that count?”

Aizawa looked at the cops, who were definitely not paid enough for this sh*t.

“We will phrase it better for the press and the bureaucracy. They are used to that concerning Miruko.” A cop said this before a sip of coffee, and Aizawa can tell he had at least 7 shots of espresso. Anymore and he will probably enter the Speed Force.


Stain watched the re-diffusion of the final, if only to tease Tomura about his friend and the possibility of seeing him in the public with his date.

As a result, he actually recognized the trio in front of him as an actual threat. If the young Todoroki had been there, or the one with the Shadow Bird, Stain would have retreated immediately. He knew a fight when it was too costly for his taste. As of now? Well…

He still liked his odds.

However, it would be costly. It would be the fight or the prey. On one hand, he could test the mettle of several promising heroes and on the other, he had to punish Native properly even if he was going to let him live.

Sadly for Stain, he had little time to think about it, as Yui took out her gun and shoot once. Stain saw the plastic pellet propelled toward him and properly slashed it with his sword. Indeed, the kids were strong if they forced him to use his weapon to protect himself.

“Guys! I know something that I can use against him! However, I need some time to summon it!” Joker grinned with a hint of chaos in his voice.

Katsuki groaned, but after his own fight with Izuku, he was aware of what his friend was trying to pull off.

“How long?” The blond turned from the killer to look at his best friend, as he trusted Yui enough to have his back.

“Around 20 cards? Maybe a few more.” Joker said, a bit unsure.

Yui nodded, while taking out a necklace chain that quickly changed into a whip in her hands. “Then Explodoboy and I shall beat him before that.” Yui said with a matter of fact tone.

“its Bakusatsukyou! I AM LORD EXPLOSION MURDER…”

“Way too long. Explodoboy is better.” Yui said bumping her fist into Katsuki’s.

Stain found their antics amusing, but it was a fight. As a result, he used his speed to be above them, sword drawn out and falling toward them.

“sh*t!” Both of them say at the same time.

Thankfully, the kids reacted fast enough to dodge him. Yui went then on the attack, or rather, went to restrain Stain : the young emotionless woman had a working brain and knew she didn’t hit as heavily as Katsuki (at least for now, without a tank or her gun) and in close combat, he was a bit better than her.

However, she also knew that her arsenal was as diverse as a whole sentai team, and she had enough things to slow him down. Meanwhile, Katsuki wasn’t the kind of person to let go of any advantage he got.

Sadly, unlike Kawauso who was going easy on them, Stain didn’t. As a result, while Yui managed to grab Stain’s arm with her chain, the villain overpowered her, to bring her against Katsuki. The blonde man could have either blast them both or grab her.

When he saw her body tense, he knew what she wanted, and used a concentrated explosion on them. Yui’s body hit back into Stain, quite surprised by this choice, until he saw the girl trying to tie him.

Katsuki immediately went on the onslaught of micro explosions, only to be met with a metal capped right kick, right in his liver. Stain grinned madly, as he didn’t have a proper fight since Scalamender. He had to give credits where they were due, the two kids were stronger than some pros he judged before. They had a good dynamic and guts to complement it.

He then grabbed Yui with the one hand that was still unrestrained and threw her again… But this time, on Izuku, as he was apparently grabbing several cards who burned away quickly. Apparently, in a trance, he couldn’t react in time to dodge.

Thankfully, he didn’t have to dodge, since he could trust Katsuki, the man grabbing Yui before the impact in his arms… Clearly suffering from the blow just before, almost puking. Damn, the noseless man knew how to hit. The worst thing was, according to the two battle maniacs… Stain wasn’t even serious. After all, he didn’t use his quirk yet.

As he pulled more knife, the demented vigilante smiled madly.

“How about I attack now? Seriously?”

The two young heroes quickly got on their feet, as Yui summoned from her key chain a sword and a shield and Katsuki got in guard… Both of them are still protecting Izuku. They really hoped his plan was a good one.


“So, you two engaged the villain and managed to hold your grounds and he was testing you. That will be used during his trial. Anything else?”

Both kids shook their heads, as Aizawa turned to Iida.

“So. Now. Explain to me how Manual got injured to that extent?”

The former president of the 1-A gritted his teeth.


The five cards Izuku used to introduce himself to Stain turned to be two magic cards with a mute spell, probably to stop them from yelling, one invisibility and two jacks who got them on their shoulder, before getting the f*ck away from the fight.

After all, Izuku was an expert at grabbing attention, but he was also one of the students with the best marks during the heroic exercise, notably because he always managed to prioritize civilians and their evacuation.

Native and Iida were then brought back to the heroes… Except they quickly saw them getting overwhelmed. As in “Noumus are as many as the heroes”. While animal noumus were violent and powerful, two heroes working in tandem could take them down. The issue was they were a lot. In addition, the human ones were indeed fewer, but were also vastly more powerful.

As a result, as soon as Native managed to move, the paralysis finally wearing out, he used his quirk “Totem” to project a spirit snake to restrain a boar noumu before switching to a bear spirit and clawing through it. Thankfully, this one didn’t have a regeneration quirk. However, the issue was still an intense fight.

“Young Turbo, the f*ck were you doing?!”

Manual was still working with Frozen, creating ice prison for the beast and helping to extinguish fire. The anguish in the eye of the man was intense, and the worry even bigger.

“I… am sorry…”

“This idiot tried to fight Stain.”

Native, while thankful for the diversion Iida provided, would not go easy on him.

“Thankfully, his friend with the cards found us and saved us.”

Manual quickly did a chop on Iida, before Frozen tapped Manual’s shoulder.

Suddenly, every Noumus were looking in their direction… And everyone had the same fright chill in their spine.

“Oh. sh*t.” Even iida joined in on this shout… Almost, as he replaced sh*t with shoot.


“No idea why?”

“Absolutely no, sir. It was… An onslaught.”

Clearly, Iida had been traumatized by the experience, considering his state and how much he was trembling.

“Manual and Frozen created a wall so I could escape and call for reinforcement… But I think it was more to save me. As for Native… I didn’t see what happened to him.”

“sh*t. We hoped you could shed some light on his case.”


Manual and Frozen’s bodies fell onto the ground, their bodies pierced by several blades. All of them were coming from the mouth of one villain.

“Sadly, my boss told me I could only eat once I have finished my job. I will keep them for later though. I prefer them alive.”

“So… I guess he decided to finally cut me off?”

Native was bleeding, but still took a battle stance. Moonfish’s attack already took off one of his arms and he was now sure he was going to die. Strangely, he wasn’t afraid. He remembered his family lesson, about why it was useless to be afraid of the inevitable… And how you should at least be sure to give as much as you get.

“Yep. Boss man worried you spilled everything about what you knew on the…”

“Shimura? I already said everything.”

Moonfish stopped for a moment speaking, before he got punched in the teeth by Native who had nothing to lose. With his bear strength, and what was clearly a bear's arm now (maybe a last-minute awakening?) the hero clearly broke some of his teeth.

“… That hurt.”

“If I can lessen you for the others, then my death will be worth it.”

“Yes, about that… My boss did upgrade me significantly.”

The cannibal smiled, and to Native horror, his teeth grew back… With several rows behind them.

“He gave me a shark mutant quirk. Better teeth, they grow back, and I have more of them.”

He actually got this quirk for helping his dentist friend dispose of his wife. Always nice to work and help his teeth buddy.

Moonfish smiled at his prey, and the carnage began.

To Native’s credit, he died after fighting several minutes and managed to scar the High End Noumu a few times before ending headless. His last attack, quiet sneaky, and snakey, went unseen to the noumu.


“Meanwhile, Izuku, thanks to some vigilantes present on site, the restaurant where your mother was becoming a haven for most civilians. We also have some reports that apparently your mom ripped some teeth and eyes like a certain vigilante a long time ago… You know nothing about that?”

“Only that the vigilante you are speaking about, sir, stopped her activity more than ten years ago, and since the duo only dealt non lethal injury, the statute of limitations should protect them.”

Aizawa stared at Izuku who didn’t flinch and noted Katsuki did the same. So, it was the two of them… Interesting.

“Very well. Also, thanks to a civilian, communications were fast and good. Not to mention that thanks to some drones, she actually helped a lot of the local heroes to work against the noumus.”

“Yes, about that… Is she okay? I overheard some nurses say that the restaurant became the target of an important attack so…”

“We will get to it later. Now… Once again about Stain. What was Izuku’s genius idea?”

Aizawa looked at the picture of the street and wondered a lot what the hell Izuku used.

Yui seemed somehow happy, despite her face, and Katsuki was happy for two.

“For once, NERD HAD A f*ckING GOOD IDEA. Though I would have preferred if he had summoned them earlier! I still have some broken ribs!”

Yui laughed when that didn't stop him from hitting the clown upside the head… playfully?


Katsuki was fast and knew how to chirurgically hit someone with his explosion. However, he didn’t expect the villain to be fast enough to actually dodge with some jumps and dashes before following up with his own attack, while Yui barely managed to block the incoming blade. Saving Katsuki from a world of pain.

Little did they know that Stain actually copied Loony’s way of moving, explaining how he dodged and moved through them. Light on his feet with power behind each blow, it's a hard line to walk.

However, they did understand quickly that Stain’s quirk had something to do with blood, considering they saw him try to drink some of the blood on his blade every time he managed to cut them a bit.

“Joker, IF YOU CAN f*ckING HURRY…”

“I’m done!” Izuku said cheerfully, while holding a gray card in front of him, and a small pile of ashes in front of him, “I SUMMON THEE! GRIMLOCK!”

Suddenly, a giant gray steel robot, who had clearly seen better days with its matted yellow paint being chopped and scared in areas , stomped on the ground, looking at his master’s enemy.

“Me Grimlock not like you!” The robot bellowed out as its blue visor glowed and locked on to the noseless man.

The machine promptly tried to smash Stain with his sword, the bot's blade was way bigger than the villain almost four times his size but sharpened to a deathly edge and the force of a tectonic version of earth's greatest predator behind each swing. Of course, the battered villain evaded the robust robot's attack, but he was seriously reconsidering what Joker meant by, “I have options to deal with you, but it would cause collateral damages.”

“Katsuki, I think I like your friend’s quirk. Do you think he could do that with Godzilla or something like that?” Yui’s eyes shone with a light of surprise and admiration, even as her face stayed stoic as ever.

“From what we tested, if it is a cheap card, it will be a small Godzilla, the size of a german shepherd, and otherwise it would need him to burn a lot of cards.” Katsuki explained.

Yui sighed. “Shame… anyway. Shall we help the robot?”

The two kids smiled at each other, before rushing once again in the fight, while Izuku was slowly restoring his strength. The green-haired boy looked at the scene, his friends battling the enemy with his summon. Honestly, a part of him wished he could join them, but he knew that in close combat, he wasn’t as good as them. He wasn’t bad; it was just the fight in front of him was the kind of fight where a split second of unawareness could mean your defeat.

Honestly, his saving grace was the fact they didn’t have any noumus in the zone.

However, Izuku pondered how long Katsuki’s explosion would bring no one’s attention.

Meanwhile, Stain had to admit he was now really over his head. He didn’t expect Izuku to be able to do things like this and clearly; he understood why Tomura wanted him in the team. However, Stain had mixed feelings about it, since it meant tainting a true hero…

As a result, Stain decided he had enough and inhaled air greatly for a second. He truly didn’t expect to use this technique right here, but to great issues, great solutions.

Katsuki and Yui were proud of their kinetic vision. Until now, they had managed to see Stain’s move and reacted in consequence. Yui, because of her training, and Katsuki after learning his body language. However, they didn’t see Stain, and only felt a breath of air as he passed through them, once again with two knives.

Before they could react and stop him from licking the blood, he paralyzed them and turned himself against the giant robot.

“Grimlock no like people hurt child!” The robot then turned on its flame core and its blade heated up glowing a pale orange as it swang it blade down,

Stain saw the blade coming once again. “Me neither, pal.” and as for Scalamender before… Grimlock saw his sword cut in two, as Stain had drawn his sword, his hyper heated blade cutting through the flame heated blade with precision and without mercy.

“Very well played, kids. I doubt I can find the other two now. However, I can’t allow myself to be captured yet, even by true heroes like you three. But I will let you know that I will watch what you will do next closely…” With two kicks he bounced off the wall and then Grimlock's metallic skull, stopping the bot to lurch forward and have to stop himself from crushing the two downed kids.

Stain was posing on a phone pole, like a mysterious superhero, and yet Katsuki found the strength to yell:


Izuku joined his friend, while Grimlock disappeared, since there wasn’t any enemy visible yet.

“Fuuuuuuck. I hate super villains that move that fast.” Katsuki’s infuriated yell echos in the alleyway, slumped against a trash can.

“Mood.” Yui spoke as her face is planted firmly into the cement.

Nonetheless, the three kids laughed with each other, happy to have escaped such a threat relatively unscathed.

“At least we are safe now, nothing too bad should happen!”


“Young Midoriya? Never tempt fate. Never.” Aizawa said with a knowing drawl, he lost to many that way.

“I learned that the hard way, sir.” Izuku answered as he let out a remorseful sigh.

Izuku groaned from the pain in his lungs, as he didn’t need a reminder… Being stabbed wasn’t a pleasant experience, especially when you knew who did it.


A corpse fell near the three students wearing uniforms. Izuku, despite his knowledge, didn’t recognize it, however, he did recognize the voice above them.

“Well, well, well… Tell me kids, do you want to see some dead bodies?!”

Moonfish landed in front of them, his teeth ready to sink into people. Katsuki and Yui’s paralysis weren’t done yet and only Izuku could fight.

“Oh f*ck me!”

Chapter 33: Hoshu - Moonfish


In which Tooru kills a bird, Grimlock is Grimlock, Stain's judgement and something happens.

Chapter Text

Chapter 33 : Hoshu - Moonfish

“So… This is how you got engaged by Moonfish. You didn’t seek him out or…” Aizawa deadpanned at the group.

Izuku interrupted his teacher by raising his hand.

“Sir, I have a personal list of the scariest villains. Moonfish is on it because the man is a serial-killer and a cannibal. I wouldn’t want to engage him without someone like Miruko, All-Might, or even Endeavor, if not all three.” Izuku all but sieve through his teeth,

Tsukauchi nodded in approbation when Aizawa turned to him for confirmation. Thank god, Izuku had a sense of self-preservation. He should continue to cultivate that. Might save more than just the boy in time.

“Self-defense it is, then. You had your orders to save Iida, especially as Izuku requested backup, both properly and with his phone to be sure to reach someone in time, and you once again had to fight, just this time against Moonfish.” Aizawa recapped the knowledge he knew. He wasn't paid enough for all of this and wanted to sleep with his wife.

The Media were vultures and always seeking an opportunity to find fault with UA, as it sold to more people. Or sheeples as Aizawa thought of them, at least sometimes. There was a reason he kept his marriage a secret, after all. Outside, a lot of journalists were waiting for the young to go out in order to attack them with questions. Aizawa wondered if he could be charged if he asked Snipe to shoot some warning rounds at them. Warning rounds aimed at their heads… Rubber bullets but still.

“Still, I am going to schedule you with a therapist. Either Hound Dog or Shinso’s father.” The hobo looking man said with a matter of fact tone.

From Aizawa’s voice, it was non negotiable, and clearly he knew what he was talking about. Even though he was still going to a therapist.

“… I mean, it was my first time seeing a dead body.” Izuku admitted with a shiver.

Izuku was still frightened a bit by the sight, and the same could be said for Katsuki and Yui… Yet, the blonde man tried to quip.

“Second, I mean. Uncle Hisashi, remember?” Katsuki’s narrow eyes pointed out EXACTLY how much the so-called uncle was cared for by him.

“Wasn’t dead yet that day.” Izuku remarks with an… odd tone. Was this Hisashi really his father or.. back on topic Shota. The man stopped himself.

Tsukauchi, not in god's knowledge, raised an eyebrow. “What?”

“Izuku’s father had a weird incident, and well…” Katsuki starts to explain.

Yui sighed wistfully. “Makes me remember the day I tried my quirk near a hospital, and I hit a man in the head, with a marble the size of a bowling ball.”

Everyone looked at her weirdly… And Katsuki said to the detective. “On an unrelated note, the statute of limitations does apply there too.”

Aizawa was suspiciously eyeing Katsuki as to why he knew such a thing, before deciding to let it go. He wasn’t clean either, in this case after all. “Anyway. What happened next?”


“So, what do we have here… Three trainees but I need only one alive. So… the first who tells me where Stain is, gets to live.” The kids didn’t know why, but they were fairly certain the man in front of them, with his Cheshire smile (and with way too many teeth) was most likely lying.

Izuku ran the situation in his mind. In front of him was a villain probably on par with Stain, if not stronger, who would probably kill them for sh*ts and giggles (not to mention him taking a bite) and Katsuki as well as Yui were still down.

“SWORDS OF REVEALING LIGHT!” The blinding blades surround the villain as Joker reaches for a new set of cards.

Honestly, it was among his rarest cards, but if he was dead, it had no f*cking meaning anyway. Moonfish was clearly weirded out by the fact he was constrained inside three swords of light, unable to move. Meanwhile, Izuku had already summoned an Arcanine to grab Yui and Katsuki. Yui on the dog’s back and Katsuki in its maw.

“LET’S RUN AWAY!” He yelled as the dog turned and ran out of the alleyway.

Sometimes, you should know when to pull out. Fighting now would just be carnage, and everyone would end up dead. They needed help, quickly.

Sadly, they couldn’t run far from the alley, as several blades ran through the Arcanine and down the street into the road and buildings, extending the alley into the one across the street.

“NICE TRY!” The open maw of the villain said as his teeth broke off and he grew new ones.

sh*t, Joker had truly hoped the card would have stopped the villain just a bit longer. Knowing he had little choice, even if it would take a toll on him, he screamed at the top of his lungs.

GRIMLOCK! TRANSFORM!” The command sounded almost inhuman as Joker's form bathed in a flash of green light.

“… What?” Moonfish said as the sound of metal rubbing on metal came from behind him.

Maybe Moonfish thought the giant robot, on low energy after the fight against Stain, was just a huge rock. Maybe he simply didn’t see it. Maybe Moonfish had myopia and should get his eyes checked by Garaki. Who knew, really?

It still didn’t change the fact that he suddenly had to deal with what seemed like a robot T-Rex.

“Grimlock PROTECT CHILD!” Dinobot said as he charged the villain.

Moonfish, as the monster moved towards him, wondered if he could somehow get some T-Rex teeth. That would be awesome! He opened his mouth wide as the bot got closer.

When Grimlock tried to eat the bad guy, something weird happened. Using his quirk, Moonfish created a ball of blades to protect himself. As a result, the robot couldn’t crush him (yet) in his jaw, so of course, the bot started to swing the villain around in his own maw slamming him into each wall around them, hoping to break the toothy cage..

Joker, on his side, was still trying to find some cards to evacuate both Katsuki and Yui quickly. “sh*t… I didn’t plan to run that much today!”

“DEKU, f*ckING CALM DOWN. You are always the one who tells us to use our brains outside the box. Don’t panic!” Katsuki’s wrathful yet calming yell grounded Joker for a moment, long enough to look at Katsuki and inhale some air back into his lungs, calming himself down.

“You are right. Sorry.” He apologizes as he looks over the cards he has left of this deck..

Let’s see what he could come up with as a tactic to save his life. To start, the main issue here was Yui and Katsuki’s paralysis. There was a better solution than running away while carrying them.

“Let’s try something I haven't had the time to test yet,” Joker said, before taking out some cards from yet another pouch on his costume. It would also be really useful to test the limits of his power.


Meanwhile, at the restaurant, La Brava was using some drones, to have a good vision on all the noumus, and help the various heroes and the vigilante to coordinate their attacks and the defense of the zone. The issue was… Well… It was actually quite noticeable, as she had to be, for once, at the center of everything for it to work properly.

Garaki, while using one of his flying noumus which doubled as a drone, saw that too, while being in the security of his bunker, far from there.

He was far from being a mastermind like All For One or Nedzu. However, he was smart enough to see his babies getting killed by the heroes and knew he could increase the casualties if they took out the one person that is coordinating them all.

“Noumu #54, hit the target in the center marker.”His student did a great job teaching the beasti*al noumu to attack the target designated by an operator. With a large screen in front of him, he had a simple list of commands. He could touch said screen to activate or speak for more precise orders, kill-capture-brutalize-avoid were among the most common he used. The screen shows a red triangle above the small pink haired women’s head.

La Brava meanwhile… Well…

“Gentle! On your three, some heroes are struggling with another humanoid noumu! I think it might be a gorilla, though.

Death Arms, on your 6, a chacal noumu broke the perimeter, pin him down!”

Staring at 4 screens while moving the drones to have a good picture on the battlefield, while taking her own side into account as well, as a sort of limitation…

For many people, this multitasking would have been way too much. For La Brava, it wasn’t different from coordinating a three guild raid during a PVP war on her favorite MMO.

“I NEED MORE COFFEE TOO!” As soon as she said that, La Brava, already on her 6th cup, got a seventh. Apparently, no one dared to interrupt the girl who was single-handedly managing their defense and security.

However, her cameras had one default: they could only show what was visible. As a result, when she got splashed by the blood of the waiter who brought her a cup of coffee, she could only say. “Oh, sh*t.”

In front of her was now a giant chameleon with a chainsaw tongue, bringing it back into its mouth… Munching quietly on the waiter. Whoever made such a design should get interned, fast.

La Brava didn’t want to stay near such a foul beast longer than necessary and as a result, tried to run. Key word being “tried” as the chameleon jumped in front of her and was ready to eat her when suddenly…


A bike, from Gentle and La Brava’s house, crashed into the monster, before a woman grabbed La Brava, helping her to get up. A sh*t-eating grin was on her face, as La Brava was almost crying seeing her.

Sophie smiled at her friend.

“Hey, I told you I would prefer to take a bullet than let a teammate get hurt.”

As the chameleon, clearly not down after merely getting hit by a bike, got up. It readied its tongue and used it against the two women.

Sadly for it, something made its chainsawed tongue bounce back and a furious Gentle was walking toward it.


Sophie, not one to let the situation go to waste, grabbed a cup of water before turning to La Brava. Now that the hacker could look at her friend quietly while hugging her dearly, she could see that her hair color became blue as well as her eyes.

“But how?!”

“Remember when I said my quirk was a bit messy? Well… I call it Dust Phoenix for a reason. When I die, I turn into dust. The more dust there is, the quicker I heal. Since Compress marbled me quickly, it only took a few days.”

La Brava could suddenly see why Sophie didn’t like to speak or use her quirk: many people would be interested in such an immortality quirk. “Damn… And how did you discover that?! Because otherwise, you might have been quirkless.”

Sophie sighed, as Gentle finished impaling the noumu on a pole and La Brava was getting back into position. “Well… My family was involved in a quirk incident and my brother went missing. Since I was apparently dead… I used that opportunity to disappear too, and I have been searching for my brother since then.”

La Brava sighed, as she turned on her drone and looked at her friend, apparently truthful for the first time. “Next time, tell us. I would be happy to help you Sophie. and knowing what you look like… what you REALLY look like might help us track down said brother. ”

Sophie smiled as she head patted her friend. Maybe she should open up to someone different than Compress and Stain, indeed?

“Please, call me Hana.”


In the middle of the wrestling match, Tenko started coughing, when Nejire came with a glass of water, he downed it in an instant as she looked worried. “Should we go back to games?”

“Nah, I don't know what was with that. Felt like a lung stopped taking in air for a moment. I'm fine… Though we can go back to the game… after i win this match!” he fell into a fighting stance as he tossed the cup away.



Katsuki protested as he moved back to his feet. Izuku sprayed him and Yui with a weird liquid, coming from one of his cards.

“… Note to self: Healing objects do work on things not supposed to be the target.”

Izuku had just used a “Full Heal” card from Pokemon, something that doesn’t heal per se, but cures you from any afflictions.

“GRIMLOCK PROTECT!” He said as the caged villain's defense started to crack under his all-powerful jaw

“Grimlock dies.” As if he suddenly decided he didn’t want to play anymore, Moonfish's teeth rotated and the man spat some acid inside the leader of the Dinobot. Sadly for the kind prehistoric leader, he wasn’t immune to an acid vastly superior to Mina’s and the three young heroes could easily see and smell the rust coming from the melting robot's jaw and chest…

“Ok, Izuku, do you have more weapons on you we could use?” Katsuki stood as he set up for a few larger scale explosions.

“As usual, Kacchan. I would need some time. In this situation, I am not sure he is ready to wait for us.” His voice wavering only a moment as a smaller plan comes to mind.

Moonfish smiled at them, before noticing something and taking out a picture. To Izuku’s credit, he immediately started to burn every card he had for his next summon, while Katsuki and Yui groaned.

“Hey, the kid with the mask! Aren’t you Izuku Midoryia?” Moonfish says with glee.

Skeptical of his response, the Joker didn't confirm “… Maybe?”

The villain grinned even more. “Hell, even without Stain, it seems the mission will be a goddamn success. How about this: Come with me quietly, and I won’t kill your friends. Villains promise!”

The only answer Moonfish got was Yui pulling out an airsoft rifle and shooting him with yet another plastic pellet.

“Suddenly, I can see why you are such a match with Kacchan,” Joker stated as he burns a few more cards, the ash pile in front of him only grows larger as he burns more cards.

“Thanks.” Being the woman of little words she is, she resumed shooting again. Sadly, apparently, Moonfish didn’t only get shark teeth as an upgrade. A loud bang could be heard and the only reason Yui wasn’t turned into a kebab was that Katsuki deflected the attack with an explosion of his.

In front of them, among the dust, Moonfish was on his four members, and with his mouth wide open. His teeth turned into giant bolts, after which he resumed shooting, forcing the students to get under cover.

“Since WHEN CAN THAT f*ckER DO THAT?!” Katsuki yelled with a blast that sent him up over the wall, Yui holding on to him like a koala. Nice but not the time.

“I f*ckING DON’T KNOW!” Joker says as he runs under a broken booth in the wall and into the street once again.

Moonfish broke through his own wall only to see an empty street of collapsed buildings and overturned cars.“YOU CAN HIDE, KIDS, BUT YOU CAN’T RUN!” The shriek that came from his maw sounded less and less human as his voice dropped a few octaves and a rumbling growl mixes in with each word as he stalks down the road.


“Sir, wasn’t it overkill to give Moonfish the quirk to shoot his teeth?” His assistant says with a raised eyebrow.

“It makes him highly effective. Besides, it is always fun to watch him have to grovel on his hands and knees to use it.” All for One turned from his undead butler to the screen again. “Moonfish? Once you grab the target and dispose of the two witnesses, we will extract you.”


Moonfish was having the time of his life, as he was attacked relentlessly by the children, already salivating at the idea of their meat in his mouth. They peeked out of alleys and cars to attack before hiding once again. He couldn't chase them far into those ways but for as long as he followed the green one, the others HAD to follow him.

His teeth changed forms to attack through the covers, and he felt some pain, as the blonde one jumped in the air and slid on his attack. Propelling himself with his explosion quirk, Katsuki decided to buy some time for Izuku, but also to test how strong the man was in close combat. As far as they knew, the villain was at his strongest when he attacked from afar.

So what was he like when faced against someone specializing in close range?

It was a tactic that would have been suicidal in a fair one-on-one. However, it wasn’t a one-on-one fight. That's something Katsuki will capitalize on.

Katsuki didn’t need to look behind him to know Yui was covering his back, shooting and forcing Moonfish to divide his attention between the two of them.


Katsuki was fighting for some time now, and he had a lot of sweat in his gauntlets. When Moonfish faced him, Katsuki saw the teeth plunge toward him… And in the same vein, Moonfish saw the explosion, condensed in front of him. The enhanced villain thanked the numbed feeling of pain, as he felt the explosion destroying his teeth… Once again.


The explosion threw Katsuki back, to his friend, panting a bit. The rush was heavy after all and the explosion was easily two times what he did against Shouto. Hell, unless he pulled the same move as against Izuku, he would have a hard time doing a bigger explosion right now.

It was why he couldn’t dodge when a pearly spear shot through the dust, piercing his shoulder, and nailing him to the wall a few feet off the ground.

“Ah f*ck. That one hurt.” Moonfish, naked but not in the slightest afraid, came through the dust and his skin seemed to darken and split at the seams as he slowly regenerated the burnt skin and flesh, though clearly not well. It seemed to grow in tendrils falling from his body, never covering his form but rather forcing a new one.

“f*ck. I should tell the Doc that the regeneration isn’t working well.” Unknown to Moonfish, the regeneration was indeed working. His issue was actually Native’s last attack: he had bitten him with the spirit of a venomous snake, hoping to be a pain in the ass. This in turn is making the venom and Hyper Regen fights each other as the healing is botched in the process.

To make sure Katsuki wouldn’t escape, he smashed him on the ground, while he used some more teeth as a shield between him and the rest of the street, so he could calmly finish the blond one.

“Thank you for rushing, I was wondering who the most dangerous was out of you all. I wonder if your meat is naturally cooked?” The cannibal wondered out loud.

Katsuki, as he saw the villain grow a bit as his flesh began to unravel at the seams, felt a new feeling. Fear. Pure unadulterated fear. The villain in front of him wanted to kill him, Yui, and kidnap Izuku and he doubted it was to bring him to his family.

As a result, he actually tried to explode his own arm, as a flight reaction, his brain having registered he couldn’t harm the villain. The bloody shoulder is burned as another Explosion breaks the tooth and Katsuki slumps to the ground. now he just needed to force himself up and run… if he could stop screaming from the acid burning in the wound.

“HEY, KID CALM DOWN.” The worry in the villain's voice broke Katsuki out of his focus.

“WHY?!” He spat back.

The honest but shark fanged grin that came from the maw of that man only seemed to set Katsuki into fight mode. “Meat is spoiled when the prey is too agitated.” The worry in Moonfish’s voice was true, but somehow it didn’t make Katsuki feel better.

“How ABOUT YOU TASTE THIS!” A grave bound voice took root in their ears.

Another fighter entered the ring and Torino kicked Moonfish in the head, using his full strength. The elderly hero even felt his legs crack under the impact, the villain’s skin absorbing the impact.

“Aïe.” The jumping hero then got pierced by 5 teeth for his efforts. One into his shoulder, two into his feet shutting down his quirk, and two into his thighs ripping his legs from his body. Moonfish didn’t give him any more attention, snickering only a bit. “Sorry, but I don’t like elderly meat. Bad for the liver.”

Sadly, unlike a novel, the unexpected rescue wasn’t always working and Torino only bought a few seconds.


“Bitch, who is going to stop me?”

“I think it would be me.”

This time, the new raspy voice actually got Moonfish’s attention, as someone landed near him. His shield was in the position to parry the incoming attack…

Which cut his arm like butter, making it fall to the ground.

“… What?”

The question was general, as the one who saved the situation and freed Bakugou was a certain noseless villain.

Stain looked upon Torino and Katsuki.

“Kid, you should cauterize this old man bleeding. Otherwise, he will die soon.”

As soon as he did that, Stain parried the incoming onslaught of teeth with his blade, as Moonfish suddenly stopped to pull his punches. Still, the blade-wielding warrior was facing his enemy, who was now branching his attack to attack his target from multiple sides.

“YOU MOTHERf*ckER!” The cannibal was mad, whether from missing his objective, his meal or that stain is back and he isn't dead yet, not even he knew.

Stain said nothing in return, rushing against the noumu villain and licking his blade.

Suddenly, Moonfish felt his limbs go limp, almost falling on the ground, as he managed to use a few teeth to propel himself into the air. He wasn't an idiot. Someone like Stain could still cut him, even with his new skin. As a result, he preferred to take the high ground. sh*t… However, he felt the pain from his missing limb as blackened bubbles of flesh burst into tendrils of the same color.

Still, he would win. Mainly because otherwise, he would be left in the city which would be crawling with a sh*t ton of heroes soon enough.


“Kurogiri? Prepare the contingency plan.” The words came from the one and only AFO. Kurogiri moved to obey.


“So, that’s how Stain got hurt… By protecting you?” The detective asked.

The kids nodded as the cop noted it. Not that he wanted Stain to have a lessened sentence, but facts were facts. Even the fact the hero killer put his life on the line to protect some hero trainee.

Besides, having control of the narrative meant knowing every fact. How it happened exactly.

“And what was Izuku’s plan?”

“Oh, right. I still don’t know what his plan was supposed to be, as he clearly changed it.” Katsuki sighed.

“Actually, not really. I simply switched my target.” Izuku interrupted Katsuki, before continuing. “It was supposed to be you.”


Stain wasn’t happy. Even if the kids could actually give him decent help. He had to admit that both Native and the kids tired him out before and as a result, he could hardly fight at his best.

The result? Well, Moonfish apparently had teeth capable of slicing through concrete and he was attacking with all of them at the same time. Hell, even the kids were having trouble dodging everything.

The man had to admit… It was hard.

Then, the villain felt something sticking on his back, before looking at Izuku, who smiled at him.


Stain suddenly felt his body surging with energy, as Izuku actually fell backward, only to be caught by Yui before he hit the ground, exhausted but awake.

The villain felt a vigor in his muscles, which he never felt before, and smiled, as he saw Moonfish attack and noticed something. They were… Slow.

If before, he had trouble noticing all of them, now, the teeth spears were only as fast as a man walking. Stain wondered what the hell was happening, before deciding it was not that important. Instead, he would just end the abomination in front of him.

From Katsuki’s point of view, it seemed like Stain cracked the ground with his mere footing, before he turned himself into a powerful missile, destroying the incoming attacks on every single one of the teeth like blades in a bladed ball of movement.


Stain was still a bit of a crusader at heart and he would lie if he said that his original hero costume wasn’t themed around a crusader and the blood of Christ. However, right now, as he faced Moonfish, he felt justice by his side.

As a result, when he jumped in the air, he used his blade once again…

When both criminals hit the ground, Stain contemplated the wound on his torso that Moonfish gave him with the last attack. Not too bad, and not deep enough to be dangerous immediately.

Meanwhile, Moonfish was now gasping for air, as Stain had actually slashed his lungs and ripped apart his intestines. His regenerative quirk had, between that, the poison and the arms and legs being chopped off, promptly went into overdrive as a last ditch effort to save the villain before he could say anything else Stain was tossed to the side and into a building as the body of Moonfish contorted and writhed with movement before he shredded organs pierced themselves back together.

Tendrils of black oily flesh burst from every part of the cannibal. his maw twisting into pearly colored mandibles and hooks along with normal shark teeth making it looks like he had the skull of a reaper leviathan as the man turned monster stood back up now rather than crawling around with enhanced speed on all fours his legs are one mass of tendrils while each arm was it's own dragging its body around in a writhing mess that left blackened blood in its wake.

Stain bursts from the wall only to see the monster's maw and teeth burst out of his hands looking like claws as a few shot out at the crusader. They were defeated with one swing in stains' new state but the maw was now right above him as the monster grabbed the man in an effort to destroy and consume him.

Stain used his blades to push the maw away as his ribs took the brunt of the claws. Each pearl colored blade ripped in and left burning acid behind as the same acid ate away at the metal in the beast's maw of now hundreds of teeth.

In a last frantic do-or-die thought. Stain uses his katana to hold back the maw as he plunged a knife into the beast's eye and twists before pulling it out in a spray of oil like blood. Claws dig deep as the maw is flung back and then the freed katana finds its mark in the beast's other eye leaving both sockets as empty holes.

it lunges its maw onward into Stain, or where he had been rather than biting into flesh the new skull slammed into a brick wall. stumbling back it looks around with no sight, flames yells, steps, whispers, creaking metal none of it makes any sense as they blur into a canopy of NOISE. Moonfish grabs onto his ears before a large metal tail slams onto the flured beast of a man.

The half rotten mass of metal that was the bot's Trex jaw seemed to almost grin. “Grim..Lock… no… like… monsters.” the blue light of the Dino bots eyes blink off as the metal giant fades into ash.

With the creature down and too tired to move as his regeneration quirk worked triple time on a falling body. Not to mention, that said quirk would have to draw strength from somewhere to let him survive … brain function is the least it can take.

As a result, the last thing Moonfish heard that day was Stain’s foot, as he smashed his mutant head against the ground one last time.

Stain with the monster dealt with breath an aura of relief all around him. “…f*ck… Anyway… I think… I should be… running away.” As soon as the rush went, Stain suddenly felt his new strength slipping away. Face planting in the ground wasn’t what he had expected, and the fact he had no strength left was a bit worrying… Especially now.

“… The… Hell… Happened?”


“The Judgment arcana allows me to buff someone according to how morally just they feel against someone. For all of his faults, Stain was our best fighter and he had a twisted sense of justice, but still enough to hate a child-eating cannibal.

However, there is also a drawback, as it makes you tired suddenly once the effect ends. I used that card because that way, I was making sure Stain would also be captured once Moonfish was dealt with.”

“That… was actually a pretty smart idea and good, quick thinking. Why was your original choice Katsuki?”

“Well, I thought his explosions would have been closer to a Kamehameha then, and I would have loved to see Moonfish try to regenerate from that!” Izuku pumped up like a kid on Christmas

Everyone in the room admitted that Izuku had a point, even Katsuki. Shame it would be hard to reproduce such a thing at school, as he would have loved to try that theory.


Izuku felt relaxed… Before a flying noumu grabbed him, trying to take him in the air, to his boss. Some things, no matter the universes, didn’t change after all…

Though in this universe, before Izuku could get too high, something invisible took the flying emu noumu by the throat and began to viciously stab it, covering an invisible girl in blood.

“NOBODY STEALS MY BOYFRIEND, ESPECIALLY NOT AN OVERGROWN GODDAMN BIRD!” The invisible girl raved out an enraged cry as she kept stabbing the beast till they hit the ground with a roll. she pried the claws away from izuku’s arms in their deadlocked grip.

Tooru was not okay, and she was in quite the blood rage. So when she felt Izuku in her arms, she smiled, still covered in red, at her boyfriend.

“Hey, puddin! You need to stop endangering yourself!”She barked out a laugh as she held him in a bridal carry.

Izuku, still exhausted, answered his woman with the smile of a sick child on death row.

“How else could I…”

“Guys. We know you love each other, but there is a better place to flirt than right here and now.” Everyone looked at Katsuki, who was checking on Yui…

He had a point.


AfO, seeing the scene, wasn’t happy and broke his wine glass. The operation was a complete failure.

“Kurogiri. Contingency number 7.”

“Yes, Sir.” Kurogiri set up the response, then grabbed a towel to clean up both blood and wine from his master's hand.


“And after that well… Miruko arrived, with the cops. Then they brought us here to get some healing and you started interrogating us.”

Aizawa and Tsukauchi nodded. At least, they had enough to work with, in order to protect the children. Still, it was a clusterf*ck for the adults to deal with now.

“Good. Now, remember the protocol…” Aizawa said sternly.

“We don’t speak to the media, nor do we say anything on the internet.” All the kids repeated at the same time.

The two adults nodded and let those that could leave the room, before stopping Izuku before he went out with the rest of them.

“Do you have any idea as to why Moonfish or the noumu tried to kidnap you specifically?” The detective asked with his quirk on.

Izuku thought about it for a second… Before shaking his head. “None at all, sir.”

“Anything else we should know?” Aizawa said, knowing his students there was probably more.

“Nothing, sir.” Now, the last answer, while registering as true, was actually inexact. There was something Izuku knew that Aizawa and Tsukauchi would have liked to know, but weren’t supposed to know.

Before Stain got captured, he managed to tell Izuku something…


“Tell Atsuhiro… I found… Sophie’s brother…”


In any other circ*mstance, Izuku would have told the police that.. Except that Stain used Compress’ real name which meant the stuff was important enough. As a result, he kept his lips sealed, before getting out.

He just hoped Torino would be fine at the end of the day.


Stain and Moonfish were judged too dangerous to be held in the usual circ*mstances, before their trial. As a result, both of them were transferred into Tartarus, through a vehicle.

Both criminals were staring at each other, well Stain was, Moonfish could only tell where he was due to the sound coming from the man's breathing. The cannibal was facing him in all his distorted glory, in the most heated staring contest. The hatred was enough to be felt in the air, to the point it seemed to distort itself…

Unless, of course, the air really distorted itself, as Kurogiri stepped inside the vehicle, silently. Both criminals having a steel mouthpiece stopped them from talking.

“Moonfish? The boss would like to have a word with you, even with your… new look.” A sentence threatening enough for most villains to soil themselves… Before the cloud man took a long syringe and injected a liquid in Stain.

“As for you, Stain, the Boss thinks you are too good of an influence on Tomura. Not to mention that you know a bit too much about things that should have been… hidden. Nothing personal, I hope you understand. Should you survive and come to the bar, I would refund you about the insurance policy you subscribed to me, in the name of All for One.”

Stain had his doubts about Tomura being backed by someone else. Now, he was certain of it, as he felt the liquid burning his body, in an excruciating pain… Threatening the cloud as much as he could with his stare.

“I injected you with the blood of a poisonous eel, three times the lethal dose. The boss likes irony, and I am a slave to his desire… due try to come by the bar.”

Without any more words for Stain, the cloud man grabbed Moonfish and disappeared with him.

The Oboro part of the Noumu hoped he did enough, as he literally took a gamble when he interpreted All For One’s order… And he hoped he was right about Stain.

He truly hoped that Stain was too angry to die yet and that he could f*ck up that bastard’s plan.


The next day at the LoV, any plan to save Stain's got squashed by the news.

During his transfer, the crazy criminal Stain was killed and Moonfish escaped.

Loony was seething and Tomura dusted, for the first time in a long time, many things in the bar.


Chapter 34: Family and bonds


In which Izuku do a massage, Tooru is happy, Katsuki is happy and this story has a cameo from another fic.

Oh and we finally see Shinsho's family.


So. Many, many many announcement.

First off : we passed the 700 kudos marks ! Thanks to you all !

Second : this story... HAS A TVTROPES PAGE ! https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/Endgame
And just like the list of the burned heretics, you can help by expanding it !

Third : we have a cameo character from Street Fighting Heroes !
https://archiveofourown.org/works/39634902/chapters/99219651 ! Who is actually, surprisingly important.

Fourth : as we are nearing chapter 35, I am going to release it next week, as usual... But with a true omake.

This Omake will be the big list of all proposed Hisashi's death. All of the one I wanted to add but didn't have time.

Fifth : Next chapters should be quite chill.

Sixth : Seriously, go check Aliandris' stories https://archiveofourown.org/users/Aliandris/pseuds/Aliandris . I find them quite excellent.

On that note...

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 34: Family and bonds

Tensei stared at his brother before quietly taking as much air as possible in his chest. Only then did the hero yell from his wheelchair.

“TENYA, YOU DUMB MOTHERf*ckER. Sorry, mom,” Tensei said, remembering his mother’s presence in the hospital room.

“Apologies accepted.” She was pissed enough at her other son to let this one pass.

Tenya was currently being ripped a new one by his whole family for one and only one reason. The Iida family was a hero family, and as such, they hoped they had instilled some notions of what it meant to be a hero into their children. Concepts such as honor, courage, and duty. Revenge wasn’t in their family motto for a good reason, and they hoped that their son learned their lesson.

Knowing that Manual would survive had lessened grief in the young student’s mind, but his family was still angry. Because of his rash behavior, he wasn’t there when the Noumu crisis began. Since there were communication problems, having a speedster would have helped coordinate heroes and evacuate civilians. Sure, against someone like Moonfish, Iida would have been useless. However, it was still a huge mistake on his part, and as a result, the young man was sure to lose his place in the Hero Course.

As he respected the Iida family, Aizawa took the time to warn them in advance. Then, as a good teacher, he explained to Tenya that the sanction could be lifted next year if he did well enough at the sports festival. First, however, he had to understand the impact of his actions and that his behavior wasn’t acceptable. Sometimes, people who were not flexible enough were the ones who broke the hardest.

As a result, Tenya was demolished… Before, he got violently hugged by his family: brother, mother, and father.

“More importantly, remember to stay safe and always have a back-up.”It was his brother who told him that, as he pointed out his wheelchair. The doctors weren’t able to restore his legs, but the hero wasn’t going to let that stop him. He still had his mind and when he woke up, Tensei had been one of the first to have doubts about “Stain” putting him into hospital.

So while he was hugging his brother, almost breaking his ribs in the process, Tensei thought about asking Crawler to reactivate his old network. Something fishy was going on and he would be damned if he didn’t get to the bottom of it.

Tenya, on the other hand, was thinking about the whole situation too… And how he had been saved from Stain only thanks to Izuku’s arrival. The story about how Izuku actually bought time or made sure to never fight alone actually stuck out in his mind, explaining why he was successful where Tenya failed. An idea was born in Iida’s mind, which was totally not a petty idea because of his and Tooru’s prank with his orange juice.

Besides, it was technically a good way to praise his comrade's leadership skills by making him the next vice class rep, wasn’t it?

Tenya appreciated the hug for now. However, he wondered:

-who would be the one to take his place in 1-A.

He also wondered if it meant he could shift his lessons with Dr. Seijin with someone else… After all, it was her who told him that vengeance was good therapy.


Aizawa looked at the pool of candidates for the hero course. A few of them were interesting, but all had their flaws.

Minoru Mineta: Actually came close to getting qualified during the entrance exam, extremely smart and had almost managed to beat Izuku during the Sport festival. There were some rumors of harassment and inappropriate conduct but apparently, Midnight had taught the boy some lessons about respecting women.

Yes, yes, his friend had the whole sexy persona, but it was a persona. Good lord, she would never touch a student. However, she was very strict on what was appropriate or not in her classroom. Since he had a meeting with her, he was a top gen ed student.

Another student who had picked Aizawa’s interest was a student from the foster care program. He ran away from his family and was saved by Endeavor (yes, even Eraserhead could see the irony) during his raid on the CRC. Yoshihiro Maki. His quirk was once again proof that the exam entrance wasn’t perfect: It gave him strength proportional to how morally justified he felt against an enemy. Against robots for an exam, it wasn’t really strong and it wasn’t strong against his classmates either.

With the right training, though, and with Izuku and Katsuki being very good at making people angry at them, the young man could shine in the program. Besides, he also had the villainous stigma to fight and the class would literally not care about him being the son of a criminal, or at least someone branded as such.

Izuku was Compress’ stepson, Katsuki was the son of one of the Midnight Nurses, he was fairly certain Mina’s mother was an escapee from a certain lab which had totally no link with Nedzu’s backstory, Koda was the nephew of an Amazonian nature fighter/terrorist, Yuga was French, And there was Shouto’s messy case.

Aizawa thought about it for a bit and decided on Yoshihiro Maki. If he didn’t add him to the hero course, the boy would have a hard time becoming a hero like he wanted to. Meanwhile, Mineta wasn’t ready yet… But given some extra training; he was sure an opening would appear in 1-B.

Both him and Vlad often took on an extra student or two as the years progressed.

Besides, Aizawa’s sad*stic streak thought about how Vlad’s class could plot crazy things against his class with two minds like Monoma’s and Mineta’s.

With a smile on his face, Aizawa added the young “Justice” to his roster of students.


When Iida arrived at his new therapist’s address, he met two people. One expected, and another who wasn’t: Shinso and Endeavor.

Technically, he was at the former’s address, so seeing his soon to be ex-classmate was expected. Endeavor, much less so, especially as the man seemed quite down, but also with a lot of weight lifted from his shoulder. The older hero looked at the young man and gave him a small smile. According to Shouto, his dad has been released from hospital recently after a lot of negotiations.

“Hello young man. I have heard about you. Don’t worry, I’m sure that with proper training, you’ll earn your spot back soon. If Crawler doesn’t have time to do that, you can always try asking me.”

Endeavor was radically different from his interview from a few months ago. Gone was the abrasive man who didn’t have time for the media (now, he simply flew) or with a stern face. Now, he was a man who seemed a bit compassionate and, somehow, sad.

“Thank you for the offer, sir, but Crawler will do.” Iida answered quickly, as the hero walked away without saying another word. What kind of man could humble someone like Endeavor?

According to Jirou, whose parents are friends with Shinso’s, he was adorable, even if he played the ukulele a bit too much. Iida didn’t expect to see a man who was basically the opposite of his classmate: while Hitoshi was tall and not very large, his father was like a small ball of joy. They did have the same hair color though, despite the man’s hair being in total opposite with his son.

“Ah, my new young patient! Please, come in, my child! We have a lot to discuss! Please, sit down. Do you want something to drink or eat?”

“Oh, I wouldn’t say no to some tea, sir.”

“Please, don’t call me sir, call me Gomesu,” The round man, with his small mustache and his singing voice was somehow very familiar, but Iida couldn’t say from where. “Motishia? Can you bring some tea for our visitor?”

“Of course, darling ~.” The voice was made of pure velvet, and seemed to purr from the other side of the room. There, a beautiful, tall and slim woman stood; and by hearing her voice, the rigid student suddenly felt himself relaxing.

“I present to you my delicious wife, Motishia. We both have a quirk related to our voice, and we got a license to use them for therapy. Her, to relax our clients. Me, to help them come to terms with how they truly feel. Very useful and it helps our clients discover things they didn’t know about themselves.”

Iida nodded peacefully as he sat down on the sofa and took the cup of tea the tall beautiful woman gave him.

How did they produce such a broody teen?!

“Well, our son is going through what we call a rebellious phase.” The man answered Iida’s question, who realized he must have spoken it out loud. “As a result, he decided to spite the world and the people who called his quirk ‘villainous’ and ‘unfit to be a hero’.”

“And that’s not a bad motive to be a hero, is it?” Iida was curious, since one of the reasons he was there was because he was told his actions were motivated by the wrong reasons.

“Indeed. Because spite doesn’t hurt anyone, and can be a powerful motivation to better yourself… Even though he could do more for his physical fitness.” This time, it was Motishia who spoke, with her calming and soothing voice, as she held her husband’s hand. “Now, let’s begin our session, young man. We have much to discuss. So… Kumbaya~”

Iida’s first thought was, “Oh god, Jirou was right. He sings Kumbaya.”

His second was the realization that he was now spilling out all of his feelings of inadequacy and how he felt about taking the mantle of his big brother when he wasn’t ready.

This was going to be a long session.


Bomberman has entered the chat.

Bomberman: Good job Izuku.

Joker: Always a pleasure! Did she like it?

Bomberman: She loved it! Authentic experience at its finest. So I have decided to thank you in the same way.

Bomberman has sent a file.

Joker: And it is…?

Bomberman: Two places for a laser tag, for Tooru and you. Get some fighting to pump you up!

Joker: We don’t have the same battle boner as you, Kacchan.

Bomberman: I have a picture of a blood-drenched Tooru smiling at you while you are totally enamored with her, which proves otherwise.

Joker: … I need that pic. And I won’t send your mom the picture of you and Yui blushing like tomatoes.

Bomberman: Deal.

Bomberman: On a side note, can’t wait for your mom's wedding. Izuku Sako sounds nice.

Joker: f*cking Mood.


Chisaki hated to interrupt his work, his cure for quirks and finally having true organized crime syndicates like the yakuza return to glory. However, even if he didn’t have the same passion for quirks as his mentor, he still respected the man. Both went different ways, but both recognized the genius of the other, enough for Overhaul to actually accept his invitation for a small private meeting. Emilia’s presence was a bonus.

No, he totally didn’t have a crush on her during their time at the university.

Even if her lack of quirk made her the only person he tolerated touching outside of using his quirk.

So, when Overhaul joined his mentor and friend in an inconspicuous house (still criminal/thought to be dead), the Yakuza leader was surprised to see them still working. Yep, still as work driven as ever.

Chisaki had to cough multiple times to make them raise their nose from their computer screen.

“Chisaki? CHISAKI!”

The blonde European woman rose to her feet, and her appearance struck the criminal, enraging him.


Garaki smiled, as he saw Chisaki take off his glove and gently touch Emilia’s arm stump, quickly reconstructing it as if it was nothing. Garaki purposely never told All For One about Chisaki for a good reason, after all.

“A failed attempt to kill me by the HPSC. Thankfully, Garaki-sensei saved me.” Emilia said with a giant smile, before she kissed the young Yakuza on the cheek. He thanked the gods that he still had his mask to hide his embarrassing blush. No, he definitely wasn’t still nursing an old crush on that quirkless European.

“And I would do the same for any of my cute disciples!” Which was true, even for Chisaki and their radical ideological differences. The boy was still a genius in the field of quirk factors and even if he wanted to eradicate them, Garaki had to admit the man was driven.

“… You didn’t call me only for a quick heal, right?” He wanted to be sure, as he didn’t like being used like a mere tool. “I can grant you one hour before I have to go back home.”

Emilia and Garaki smiled, before showing him their computer screen. Chisaki sat down and began to read the document. Then he began to read the experiment report, the experiment video, various analyses…

When Chisaki, even speed-reading the whole thing, ended, he knew he should have been home 4 hours ago. He quickly called Chronostasis and told him everything was okay. More than okay. Then, he looked at the other two, and spoke with excitement in his voice.

“… Is it what I think it is?”

In front of him was a DNA structure, and within an allele, data attached to it, along with different percentages. Emilia almost squealed while drinking coffee.

“We can thank Doctor Garaki’s cloning, his link with some quirk specialist and my link with human providers.”

“You know you could get tried for crimes against humanity at this point, right?”

All three of them looked at each other, before they shared a manic laugh together. Emilia, with her new arm, slapped him in the back.

“Nice one, Chisaki. Nice one. As if any of us were clean. Hell, I am sure you torture kittens or something like that in your basem*nt!”

“HEY! I DON’T TORTURE KITTENS! I have a standard! Only children in my basem*nt.”

His colleagues looked at him weirdly, before they smiled. They all did things like that after all. Chisaki then took a deeper look at the data. To be honest, the result of their experiment could be applied to his own project. They actually did it, managing to fully extract a quirk factor artificially… And managing to reimplant it, though obviously, it clashed with the host’s own quirk. It still needed a lot of work to be fully viable.

“So. We wanted your advice, since you did your thesis on the possibility to extract quirks artificially or destroy them. I guess the Trigger idea was a dead end?”

Overhaul had theorized once that with his quirk, he might be able to destroy or create quirks in an individual. However, the nano-control needed for that was far superior to what he could do, and before now no one had discovered before which part of the DNA handled quirks nor how it worked. Not to mention the lack of human subjects and morality made the research extremely slow.

Fortunately, the three in the room had no qualms about torturing humans, and their morality was missing for a long time now.

“Yes. Yes, it was. However…”

Chisaki momentarily pondered the idea of keeping his research to himself. However, it was Garaki and Emilia. Two geniuses who had the facilities he needed.

The two were already looking at him with great interest, and Overhaul sighed.

“I keep my source of material to myself. We share results. And you don’t stop my research.”

Emilia nodded with happiness, while Garaki smiled like a shark.

“You found something interesting, didn't you?”

Chisaki took an USB key with his selling presentation. He was still a member of the Yakuza and a businessman after all. Negotiation was an important skill.

“I have managed to create a bullet that can temporarily suppress quirks. I also have data that suggests I may be able to create an upgraded version, with proper funding and installation.”

Both scientist’s brains stopped for a second, before the two of them yelled in surprise.


They knew Chisaki was smart. Former valedictorian, after all. However, this was almost Garaki level of smart.

Quirk suppressors weren’t exactly new, but they were full of side-effects or needed a big infrastructure. Even the suppressor cuffs were limited in their usage. They worked once; and after that, you needed to lock the individuals inside Tartarus, which had its own “one of a kind” field force that suppressed quirks inside it. The whole panopticon with guards armed with powerful assault rifles made any escape practically impossible.

So, bullets that could, even temporary, suppress quirks? That was already a fundamental change for the world of crime. Creating a bullet that could permanently erase a quirk? That was a game-breaker… Except if Garaki and Emilia’s own project worked, but helping Chisaki on his ideas with their theories would allow them to greatly progress their own research.

The three scientists madly laughed as they began to discuss their future partnership together.


Meanwhile, Tooru was feeling quite relaxed, and she had good reasons to be:

First, thanks to the internship, they didn’t have any homework.

Second, since she saved her boyfriend, she was profusely thanked by a crying Inko who declared her to be her daughter-in-law.

Third and most importantly: her muscles were sore thanks to Midnight’s Hell Training, and as a result, Izuku offered to massage her.

And boy, her Izukun had another good point about him: He had magic fingers. She could feel his powerful yet soft fingers rubbing on her skin, as she laid on her bed. He seemed to understand instinctively where to massage her to make her purr.

She also had total faith he wouldn’t do anything unbecoming. After all, it was Izuku, the same teen who thought he was supposed to study during a study date. Besides, her invisibility also had the positive point that she didn’t have to wear her top and he wouldn’t see anything he wasn’t supposed to.

Meanwhile, Izuku was still blushing, as technically speaking, Tooru was laying under him, but listening to her small noises of pleasure made him increasingly happy, especially as he could feel her body melt into his hands. Maybe now was a good time to ask?

“Tooru? Can I ask you something?”

“Hmmm?” His girlfriend was in pure bliss, as he softly hit her stress points, helping her muscles relax.

“Next week is my parent’s wedding and I would like to know if you could come as my partner.”

Izuku dropped his bomb on her with no warning on a weak Tooru. The poor girl was so startled that she shot up, causing Izuku to fall on his back.

“… Tooru? I know it is quite short notice but…”

“But nothing, Izukun! I can’t wait to see both of them married! … Oh my god, what will you be wearing?!”

“Well, Katsuki’s mom is making me a suit and…”

“Do you think I can ask her to do something for me? So we can go with a theme?”

Izuku smiled as he heard the excitement in her voice and answered with a nod. He knew Mitsuki, and she was a sucker for these kinds of things, according to Katsuki. If he was right, she had worked on Inko and Atsuhiro’s wedding dress and suit for months.

He couldn’t say anything else, as he got jumped and pinned by a happy Tooru. The young man was very happy himself, knowing the joys of a relationship without having to suffer through the whole “Does she like me or not” routine from every manga. Thanks Katsuki.

As he silently thanked Katsuki, Izuku found his thoughts wandering. What did Yui have planned for the end of their date? Because, according to Mitsuki, her son won’t be home tonight.


“Are you sure we’re going to the right place?” Katsuki was known for many things, and patience was one of them. Or rather, a lack of patience.

“According to the person who gave me the localization, yes.” Yui, thankfully, was one of the few people who could tell him to wait.

Katsuki grumbled, as they continued to venture forth into the Red-Light district. Every big town had one, but it wasn’t someplace he liked visiting. Unlike many teens, he was more interested in the girl’s personality than her body. As a result, he had rejected a lot of confessions, finding them half-assed. Same for dating, as more often than not, his partner was weak minded and willed.

Yui was different, though and it was obvious. She knew what she wanted, and she thrived because of it. He was also pretty sure she wasn’t taking him to a love hotel; they were still minors, after all.

So, when she spotted a sign above an otherwise inconspicuous entrance, he followed her with no hesitation, despite being led down a dark and somber tunnel.

Far away, he could hear some noises, screams, and cheers. The smell, powerful and pungent, made him smile, as he recognized it immediately and loved it. Izuku was still searching to see if there was really no shark mutant in his family tree, because Katsuki actually dashed forward when the scent of blood hit his nose. Then he squealed when he discovered the immense underground arena, where two peoples were pummeling each other on the ring.


Yui was happy too, and nodded her head, when a giant gorilla woman towered above them, blocking them from the entrance. She was actually so big and muscular, Katsuki thought she was the USJ Noumu for a split second.

“Kids aren’t allowed here, unless you got a special permission.”

Katsuki thought about his primary solution (aka blowing the problem away) when Yui tapped him on the shoulder… Before a tall, lightly tanned man with golden eyes arrived, a small smile on his face.

“Hey kids! You’re Rumi’s interns?”

The gorilla lady considered what the man said before suddenly relaxing.

“Oh, if they’re with you, that’s not a problem then.”

Just like that, she let them pass, as the man gave them a sign to follow him. He exuded self-esteem and power and Katsuki immediately knew how he wanted to look one day.

“… Wait, Rumi? I thought the boss said only her close friends could call her that…”

The man nodded quietly.

“Well, I earned that right during my second date with her. We made a bet on a fight: If I won, I earned the right to call her Rumi and in exchange, if she won, I was to be her side-kick. I prefer to be an underground hero personally. Raids and street fighting are more my thing, y’know?”

Katsuki and Yui stopped for a second and did a double-take. Date? With Miruko? She had another setting besides “Fight”, “Fight Harder”, “Run away from Otsu because she caused another large bill that she had to pay”?

“Wait a minute, isn’t that supposed to be an illegal arena? How come heroes are here, then?”

The man massaged his chin for a second, while guiding them to a booth… where Miruko was waiting for them in civilian clothes.

“Hey kiddo! I see you meet that deadbeat Ryō!”

“f*ck you, Rumi.”

“Only at home.”

Both adults looked at each other, ready to exchange blows… Before laughing and they all sat down.

“As for your answer, this arena is… Well… Even the HPSC knows about it. They also know that trying to close it would be more trouble than it is worth. As a result, they asked for a neutral party to take control of the place. Someone who made sure it wouldn’t become a crime den and allowed for everyone to have a neutral ground to chill and sometimes exchange information. The real boss is currently away, so it’s his girlfriend who’s controlling everything.”

“And no one tries to take control of the place?!”

“Well, would you try to mess with me, Ryō who is as strong as me, and Otsu?”

The kids looked at each other, before suddenly, on the giant screen, they saw Miruko’s secretary in fighting clothes, facing off against three crocodile mutants who looked like they wanted to run away. Maybe some sort of primal instinct?

What happened then was a one-sided massacre, as the otter apparently had a lot of stress to release.

“…Someone is dating Otsu?! Does that count as furry?”

“No one dares to say that… Well, no one alive. As for who is dating her… He’s an even bigger battle maniac than me, and he found her his perfect type when she tried to arrest him. He wanted to pick a fight with me, and she was there. So they fought and… Well. Things happened.”

Ryō laughed as he brought back two beers from the bar for Rumi and him, along with some sodas for the kids.

“As for why you are here… Well…”

“We often take the more interesting interns here so they can get even more combat experience. Some friends of yours, in class B, are here too.”

While saying that, Miruko pointed to another ring where Itsuka and Tetsutetsu were double-teaming against another pair. Katsuki, who had wanted a match against Itsuka since the Sport Festival, got up immediately, Yui following close behind.

“Well, thanks Sensei! Now, I know what I’ll be doing this evening.”

“What we’ll be doing, Katsuki.” Yui reminded him of her presence by yanking him by the ear.

“Yes, yes… I mean, who else could keep up with me?”

When he saw her radiating pleasure, Katsuki knew he said the right words, before whispering to her, once far enough away from the adults…

“Best. Date. Ever.”

“Good. And if we win, I will let you invite me on another date.”


“They are quite cute together.” Ryō observed, as the two teens climbed into the ring, before asking to fight the other two interns.

“Apparently, they are not officially together but…” Miruko, unlike what most people thought about her, knew a few things about love.

“They’ll probably kiss after the fight. Nothing better than that to get the blood pumping. Anyway… Business” Ryō took some papers from his vest, and gave them to Miruko, who was sipping her beer. Interesting…

“He’s still there, but he’s now certain they are keeping him away from something. So, despite being technically a pillar, they’re still wary of him. However, he says he’ll probably get more intel soon.” Another advantage of Ryō being an underground hero: no one knew his face and his fighting style didn’t rely on his quirk, because of the stigma that went with it.

He was pretty sure he was one of the Ashen King’s offspring, second-gen based on his age, but that wasn’t something he wanted on a CV. He did admire Endeavor’s balls. Despite his quirk, the man who was likely his uncle decided to be a spotlight hero anyway.

Still, Endeavor did inspire him to be a hero.

Miruko went through the papers and sighed. So, the Yakuzas were indeed working on something f*cking fishy, and it was going to be a bitch to deal with it.

“So, when the time comes. We can count on Otsu, him, you, and me. Know who else I could ask?”

Ryo thought about that for a second, before nodding.

“I have someone who might know where Knuckle Duster is. But I would like more firepower, too.”

“Yes… It’s not like the Levellers have a calling card. And among the underground heroes?”

“I can try to convince Eraserhead, but the man is moody. Joke might be an option, though. Has Ryukyu said anything?”

“Oh, she is totally in, and her trainee, too. Apparently, she is in a bloody mood since they failed to arrest the Boss.”

“Any other top 10 heroes?”

Miruko sighed, before thinking for a bit, not happy with her last idea.

“I can try to reach out to Endeavor, but… With your family problem…”

Ryō understood and nodded his head. That was a problem he wasn’t ready to face yet.

The whole raid was a mess in the making, and they still needed more intel.



Since her return, La Brava didn’t give her friend one moment to catch her breath, while Gentle was making tea, as usual. Everyone needed a breather, and frankly, that meant tea for the three of them, while they were relaxing watching some TV.

The three of them were having fun, especially now that Hana admitted that the two crazy people who welcomed her into their crazy home were nice. Gentle and La Brava didn’t have any weird plans or endgames. They just wanted to help people and their offer was free of any strings. They merely wanted to help because she was their friend and they could do that.

Then, Compress appeared in a flash, stepping in front of them. It was telling he did that a bit too often, as none of his partners even flinched. They just gave him a flat stare.

“Seriously? Nothing?”

“… Compress, it is the fourth time this month, and one time, you actually got out of the closet.”

“What can I say, except I am fabulouuuuuuus ~ ?”

All three Levellers looked at each other and Compress got hit by a controller, a book and then was offered a cup of tea.

“So… What’s the pleasure? I thought we were going to lie low after everything that happened?”

The magician looked at Sophie… And took off his mask. Everyone here knew his identity and were guests at his wedding after all. He then sat down in front of Hana and told her…

“Stain confirmed your brother is apparently alive.”

Gentle, always one to experiment, let a pin drop to see if you could hear it, while everyone else went silent.

“And now, he’s dead because of the people who got Moonfish. So…”

"The number of person who could pull that off… is exactly one." Everyone stopped to listen to their boss, about to drop some bomb. "A man who must hate our guts as we f*cked up some of his operations recently."

Everyone looked at Compress, who was visibly and utterly terrified. The same Compress that proposed to attack the HPSC with a big smile on his face.

“As far as we know, he is at least as old as the Old Man, the french living quirk… And terribly powerful. He’s the legendary bogey-man of the Japanese underworld…”

La Brava, the brains of the group, instantly knew who he was talking about.

“… Oh god. All For One is real? And… You are saying he’s most likely the one who has Hana’s brother?”

“Yes… And… I have a lead as to the why.”

Compress took a chair and sat in front of Hana.

“Hana? Do you know my wife’s maiden name?”

“It’s not Midoriya?”

“… That was her late husband’s name, may he burn in hell. He was All For One’s favorite spy… And he sent him to seduce Inko Shimura.”

Everyone in front of him looked shocked for a second, as they connected the dot in their minds.

“HOLY sh*t, does that make you Hana’s uncle now?”

La Brava slapped the back of her fiance’s head before Compress continued. Meanwhile Hana just sat there, still shocked by the revelation.

“As far as I can tell, All For One has a large interest in the Shimura family. I did some investigation, and discovered that your grandma, Floaty, was apparently killed by him. Same for your grandpa, Sandstorm.”

“… So he has some sort of vendetta against us?”

“Most likely.”

Everyone seemed to stop, thinking for a minute, before Gentle came to a conclusion. While La Brava was the brains, Gentle wasn’t dumb either. Incredibly passionate about tea? Most certainly. However, he wasn’t dumb, at all.

“Well, then. Let’s fight this All For One.”

Hana looked at Gentle, not truly believing her ears, especially after Compress tried to convey how utterly terrifying the enemy was. She also knew how truly dumb and/or loyal her two friends were when La Brava nodded her head frantically.

“But you could die!”

“Well, to be fair, we already f*cked up some of his ops. I doubt saying sorry will convince him to spare us. Besides, Hana, we promised to help. And damn right, we will!”

Compress let all of them cry for a second, a small smile on his face. This crew was crazy, but it was his crew. Now? Now they all had a personal stake in it. What had begun as a small investigation, was going to be probably his most crazy adventure.

“I think my ancestor Oji Harima would be proud of all of us. He did love to f*ck with All for One.”

Everyone nodded their heads, as they joined hands together, united.

“Oh, and on a side note. Hana, your aunt is inviting you to eat with us tomorrow evening. She says it’s non-negotiable and if you try to run away, she will hunt you. Don’t worry, the worst you risk is getting crushed in a hug. Also, your cousin will probably bombard you with questions.”

Oh, right. Hana just understood this.

While she didn’t find her brother, yet… She did find two families.

“… Thank you, uncle.”


Yes. Yes Shinsho's family is basically Gomez and Morticia Addams. I am just tired of Fanon!Shinsho having a bad family. This trope is purely fanon and done to f*cking death.

I need to remind readers that UA isn't a public school. In fact, it is a costly school as we see with Uraraka.
Even if Shinsho had a scholarship, no family wanting to bully their kids would send them in a prestigious **PAYING** SCHOOL.

Also, the Maki character is a reoccurring OC from Mirrond's story I like a lot, the Son of the CRC leader. Yey.

As for Ryō, he comes from Street Fighting Heroes.

Chapter 35: Meetings and misunderstandings.


In which Spinner gives a Pizza, Hisashi's last moments are revealed, Tomura is smart and Hana meets her family.


So... Yes. Big chapter. 25 new Hisashi's death. Technically 26 with the last one.

Have fun ! And don't forget to comment, it is always nice.

Ps : I wasn't kidding with Iida. He is expelled from Hero Course.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 35 : Meetings and miscomprehension

It was a sunny Monday, with the birds singing and most students chatting happily. Most, not all, as Aizawa’s first announcement of the day. Iida was demoted to General Course and suspended for two weeks, because he resorted to vigilantism, attempted murder, and endangering civilians during his internship.

The only ones not surprised by the announcement were Katsuki, Izuku and Tooru, as they were in the room when he warned Iida of the possibility. Oh, and Shinsho, as Iida was coming to his house for the therapy. Well, to be fair, most students involved in Hoshu were coming for therapy.

It still hit them in the gut, as the class rep rose from his chair and bowed in front of them. Everyone realized he was holding back his own tears as the circ*mstances were, well… bad. His own hubris.

“That’s bullsh*t ! Iida is too respectful of the rules to do things like that!” Kirishima was loud when he wanted and right now he wanted to make his opinion loud and clear. Katsuki clinched his teeth as part of him would have agreed if he hadn’t been there.

“I agree, Iida is too dependable to do things like that!” Momo would not let her friend and co-class rep go like that…

Before anyone else could add anything, and before Aizawa could maintain order in the classroom, as most of it erupted, Iida shouted:

“STOP IT! It happened and my punishment IS LENIENT! I am actually lucky to get off that easily.”

Everyone looked at him, and Aizawa gave him a nod, to let him speak his mind, just this once. It could prove cathartic for him and he wasn’t one to let a student miss that opportunity.

“I was idiotic enough to pursue vengeance against a villain who was suspected to have paralyzed my brother. During that time, the whole Hoshu Incident happened. The only reason I wasn’t heavily injured was because Izuku rescued me. However, because of what I did, people died. As a speedster, I am the one who is supposed to relay communications between two teams during such an event. Since I wasn’t there, others districts who were under attack didn’t get the reinforcement they could have asked for.”

Aizawa nodded, as indeed, the Hoshu Incident had been high in casualty. Yes, the Levellers were there and helped a lot. However, they only protected one block and many other parts of the city were under attack.

If they had both Endeavor and Miruko, instead of just the last one, the number of casualties would have drastically gone down. Beside, the new form Moonfish revealed was like the one Muscular arbored too. As a result, the UA staff and the HPSC were now certain All For One was building an army of villains; he was now upgrading physically and with new quirks. Something properly terrifying, as Muscular was not finished, according to Endeavor’s words and Moonfish was trying to take Izuku alive. Which was another clusterf*ck to be solved.

“I failed my duty as both a hero and an intern. I will take this failure at heart to make sure it never happens again.”

Kirishima wanted to counter what Iida said but then he remembered Crimson Riot’s interview and decided to not. He could actually understand what Iida was trying to say and shut up.

“However, I thank all of you for your friendship, and I hope to meet you all during breaks! Besides, according to Sensei, I can get back here if during the next festival, I perform well enough.”

Izuku nodded before he raised his thumb to him.

“Besides, you are still part of the quirk training club! We will make sure you are up to notch!”

Iida felt some tears creeping on his eyes, as he bowed in front of his friends once again.

“Thank you for this semester!”

Aizawa patted his back and gave him a sign. It was time to go.

The whole class was quite stunned by what happened, but Aizawa wasn’t one to let them catch a break.

“As a result, with Iida being demoted, the staff decided to let a student with enough potential to join our class. I hope you will welcome him as one of your own. Yoshihiro Maki, if you will…”

Then, a student who looked quite normal at first entered the room… Until they noticed he was a bit hunched back, trying to appear smaller.

“Maki’s quirk makes it very hard for him to train under normal circ*mstances. However, I hope with Izuku’s help, he will progress.”

Both teens wondered what their teacher meant by that, as they both looked quizzical.

“Maki’s quirk is a strength enhancing one according to how just he is against someone else. So…”

“So against a robot or another student, the boost is very weak, but against a villain, it is high?”

Maki nodded, as it was the reason he failed to shine in both the exam and the Sports Festival.

“We can also let him stay with Monoma for one hour.” Katsuki joked weakly, still under Iida’s shock.

Maki nodded silently, and Aizawa pursued.

“Maki, you will use your next break to present yourself to everyone. Everyone, be nice to him.”

The silent tall guy sat down between Ochako and Tsuyu, at Iida’s former place. While the brunette gave him a weak smile, the frog one gave him a puzzled look which made him look at his book instantly. This year was going to be a weird one, wasn’t it?

“So. For this morning's lesson: WHY VIGILANTISM IS BAD.”

Izuku sighed, as Aizawa talked about several famous vigilantes and how their actions were sometimes well-intentioned but counterproductive or how many crossed the line, because they had a cool motive but it was still murder.


“Are you… Endeavor’s son?”

Maki could have tried many introductions to talk with Shouto or Izuku’s group. He took the most difficult step, by being earnest. As a result, he saw many frowns and sighs in the group, but he didn’t care.

“Yes, he is my father. Why?”

“He saved my brother and me from our mother.”

Burning told Shouto, during the last days of his internship, about how Endeavor was known in the field for being the prime rescuer of villains’ children. Being told that and having one in front of him was two different things.

“Oh. Well… It is a difficult subject for now, but I can give him your thanks.”

Shouto knew he didn’t have to forgive his father. In fact, the man himself told him that, which paradoxically, made it harder to hate him fiercely. Did he like his father? No. Did he think of him as a devil? Neither.

Maki wasn’t dumb thought and nodded. Everyone looked at him, for a second, before Kirishima slapped him in the back.

“Hey, your quirk seems manly! I can’t wait for you to train with us!”

“… Really?”

“Yeah, just ask Izuku for some summons if you want to battle, he will be happy to provide!”

The young student nodded, a bit overwhelmed by Kirishima friendliness, before Kaminari added his own to their slapstick.

“If anyone annoys you, tell us. But you shouldn’t have any problem. I mean, we even accepted Yuga, and he is… You know,” Kaminari whispered not so quietly the last word. “French.”

The french student hit Kaminari in the back of the head with his quirk.

“Je t’emmerde, petit con.”

Everyone knew Yuga, despite his noble demeanor, liked to swear in French. As a result, they all picked up a few things, especially Katsuki. However, the smile on their face convinced Maki it was mostly a joke between friends.

Maybe he would make some, here?

“So… Being the child of a criminal isn’t a problem?”

Katsuki showed his clear lack of interest by sighing.

“Don’t make me make a list about how we don’t care. I mean we have resident chunni there,” He pointed to Shinsho, who flipped him the bird.

“f*ck you, Katsuki” Shinsho answered, as now, everyone knew how his family looked like and he lost his opportunity to have a sobbing backstory. Katsuki, knowing the purple-haired man’s quirk, didn’t answer with anything other than flipping him the bird back.

“We have Izuku who had a sh*t-stain father,” He pointed at Izuku who silently nodded.

“The fact Katsuki knows the statute of limitation for Izuku’s dad’s death is a pure coincidence!” That one was said by everyone in the classroom at the same time, as it was a running joke among them. Katsuki followed through by laughing a bit.

“So… Yes, we don’t care about that. However, if the blonde ass from 1-B gives you any sh*t about it, you tell us about it.”

Tsuyu replied by ribbiting affirmatively about it, close to them… Maki was wondering if she was deliberately testing him, suspecting his parentage or…

“Ribbit, I would protect a cute face like yours anytime.”

The classroom went silent, as Tsuyu hopped back with the girls, not giving a f*ck about dropping bombs like that.

Maki, internally, was screaming. He thanked gods for his poker face, until he saw Katsuki’s face who had smelled some teasing opportunity.

“Oh? So you are apparently part French, as you seem to like frogs.”

“Pour être honnête, frog meat is overrated and not that good.” Yuga added that tidbit, mainly for fun and because he had a surprisingly good sense for romance. Katsuki, Mina and him had their own private chat room to discuss the most probable ship in the classroom and gossip a lot.

The joke was a bit forced, but Katsuki felt it was for the best if he didn’t want the class to stay on something depressing. Instead, they should focus on something productive, and that was highly fun. Besides, no one could tell if Tsuyu was kidding or not.

She was only laughing in a ribbit, mysteriously.


“So… You are the candidates ?”

When the HPSC Squad were sent to infiltrate the League of Villain, they didn’t expect it to be easy. Giran was supposed to be a very picky and difficult person who heavily verified the background of people he recommended as professional (by opposition, he didn’t do many checks on those he sent to Tomura for the USJ). However, the squad also had to deal with the fact they would not be alone in this group: some kind of lizard man was with them, but honestly, they thought there was some kind of mistake, seeing he had pizzas with him.

Even then, they expected a bad guy lair, with tubes filled with green slime and evil cackling… Or something in ruin, with an edgy throne room and face of all the “fake heroes” The Boss wanted to kill.

They didn’t expect a bar that was honestly quite homely, with a cloud barman that had drinks already poured for them and a cartoon rabbit who was dressed as a street punk. Was she smoking? Oh wait, no. It was a carrot.

Toga, as the most communicative of the group, smiled at her and went full genki girl.

“Yes! We are all Stainy’s biggest fans! We want so much to honor his memory!”

According to K, Stain had been killed during Moonfish escape, by blood poisoning. Honestly, it was enough of a reason for them to almost destroy the League of Villain if they were responsible. However, they had serious doubts about them being the culprit, seeing the rabbit suddenly down… Trying to laugh a bit.

“Yes, Stain was a nice guy. However, a piece of advice. He disliked any nickname. He considered Stain as his true identity, and any other names was wrong,” The people in front of Loony nodded and she followed. “The Boss is coming soon. He is currently talking with our patron, but should be there any minute now.”

This discussion mostly involved screaming and Tomura asking why the hell they attacked Hoshu. All for One explained it was a test run to make the world remember heroes were failures. Besides, he didn’t know Stain would attack that day and there. It was purely a coincidence!

Tomura wasn’t dumb and honestly, he was suspecting Sensei had a lot of plans. However, if he wanted to hurt Tomura, there were other ways, so he was probably telling the truth.

Still. Tomura was taught from his childhood by Sensei and Kurogiri to not let anyone step on him. Why should he start now?

The young man, still unsure if he was a vigilante, a freedom fighter, a revolutionary or a villain, entered the room, in an angry mood after Sensei’s talk with him. He quickly scanned the people in front of him, and sighed.

“So, we have someone who failed the audition for “Burning Man: The remake”, a Schoolgirl and someone who has understood the concept of secret identity. Nice job.”

“Thank you, Boss man!/f*ck you, fresh face!” Twice was being Twice, and it managed to throw Tomura off-guard for a second, before Dabi suddenly moved. Probably to assert alpha dominance.

Loony wasn’t here only to serve as decoration, and quickly with her cartoon powers, made Dabi fall on the ground… Before slamming her hammer hard on him, making a sound that showed it had hurt.

This attempted aggression sobered up Tomura, and Kurogiri was now on high alert.

“What was that for?”

“… I can’t work for someone weaker than me!” Dabi was supposed to be the ‘leader’ in their little group, as the most powerful and supposedly the one with the least mental issues.

Loony pressed her feet harder on him, and Dabi noticed the hammer in a position ready to smash his head. Maybe, just maybe, he should tone down the aggressiveness.

“We accepted to meet you because you were recommended by Giran and apparently close to Stain’s ideology. Except for you, Lizard man. I have no idea why the f*ck you are here.” The Pizzaman presence was highly weird.

“My name is Iguchi, and I was supposed to deliver 5 pizzas, paid on delivery to a certain “A. Nonymous”. … Oh.” His dejected look explained a lot about his current fate.

Everyone had a compassionate look for the lizard man, who suddenly had 5 pizzas, and in this kind of job, it was probably to be taken from his salary. Tomura pulled a few banknotes and gave it to him, before he noticed Iguchi’s frame, and hand.

“Do you practice some sport?”

“Hmm? Oh, some kind of Pencak Silat. Wait, aren’t you going to kill me?! I mean, you're supposed to be some rising bad guys, no?”

Tomura smiled kindly, before looking at the room.

“We are more than villains. Stain worked with us as equal, to make a better world. One where one’s quirk don’t f*ck them at birth. Excuse me, Iguchi, but I doubt you do this job because you like it?”

The young man seemed a bit surprised by being suddenly in the spotlight, as everyone in the room gazed at him.

“I have a master degree in financial law but apparently I don’t present well enough. You know how it is for muties, either you are one of the pretty or extremely strong and you can be a hero, or you must hope someone finally takes notice that under this enhanced strength, there is also a brain.”

Lizard-man was met by stares full of compassion, especially Loony, who made a sign to Kurogiri to pour them a drink. With a smile, the cartoon rabbit hit his glass with her.

“Loony knows that. Don’t worry… If you are competent, Boss doesn’t care about your look. Competent and passionate, that’s all he asks.”

Dabi, who was slowly rising up, had some hope in his eyes…

“What about fake heroes?”

Tomura and Loony shared a look together, before laughing. “My bonding activity with Stain had been to kill an underground hero who used his loner status and the fact he could cover instead of police some zone to commit… Unsavory crimes,” Tomura explained before adding, his hand ready to take Dabi’s. “We take requests.”

Toga gulped, and pointed at her teeth, looking like a fox’s or a cat’s. “I need blood to survive, is it going to be a problem?”

Tomura made a sign to Kurogiri, who gave him a block of concrete. Only then, Boss touched it without his gloves, and dusted it in a few seconds in front of them.

“We don’t judge quirk. We accept you as who you are. Who hurt you?”

Wen Kurogiri asked Tomura whose smile he copied, to appear so compassionate and nice, he answered “Izuku and Nejire”. Why? Because they were his models in the way of kindness, having understanding its power, especially against people craving it. This Toga and her cheerful appearance? She was clearly suffering and putting a mask on it.

It was super effective.

“My… My parents.” Toga managed to say, shocked they actually asked that early.

“We will pay them a beating. Kurogiri? Some of Stain’s blood reserve, please.” Tomura had a certain issue with bad parents.

Then they arrived to Twice who coughed.

“… We are fine!/Yes, we don’t need help.”

Tomura nodded, before sitting on the bar.

“Iguchi, you have a choice. Either you join us now, or I ask a friend to wipe out your memories.”

“… Am I paid and do we have dentals?”

“Yes, and yes.”

“Once I have a blade, it will be yours.” Turns out having a boss that pay and respect you is quite important. If the job was a paying one, even better.

Kurogiri smiled internally, as his charge got new friends, and all of them began to exchange information on their quirk and how to visit Toga’s family.


That evening, Re-Destro got a message from Skeptic. Their spy managed to infiltrate the LoV. According to his initial report, there was high probability they would be at the very least sympathetic to the MLA’s ideology. Perfect.



“Yes, Tomura?”

“… They are all two-timing us, right?”

“What makes you say that? Toga who can spar with me without trouble, Dabi being clearly a Todoroki or most likely an Ashen King’s spawn, Twice having a suit too well-made or maybe Iguchi falling in such a dumb trick as a pizza delivery guy?” Loony was often caustic when she could afford too.

“The sarcasm is strong in you tonight. But yes. Some people are trying to manipulate us.”

Tomura was playing with some cards, as Loony was used to, now. She knew it was a mental exercise that helped him to think, strategize. She respected that and Stain, too.

“It’s too early for now, but I think some of them are more sincere in their approach than others. If I can just max out their affection stats, they should definitely switch to our side.”

Tomura wasn’t stupid and now knew something was also fishy with Giran. He would have had some suspicions on Loony’s loyalty because of that, but both of them trusted each other since they saved Loony’s family.


“Bitch please. Together.”

Both bumped their fist, smiling as friends. Enough time had passed for the two to consider each other friends, and Stain’s death only solidified that.

It was them, against the world, and even Sensei if… Tomura shuddered as the thought coursed in his mind.

Even Sensei, if Tomura was just another pawn for him.


“Sako, are you sure this is a good idea?! I mean… Will I be good enough?” Strangely, Hana, despite being beautifully dressed, and her make-up perfectly applied, was quite unsure for the evening.

“For the last time, Hana, the worst thing you risk is death by hugging… And maybe the waterfalls as both of them will probably cry a lot.” Compress was the one who got her, as Inko correctly guessed she would try to get out, or disappear.

“And what if Izuku doesn’t like me?!” Atsuhiro was this close to slap her behind her head.

“Izuku’s best friend is a boy I suspect to be Vegeta reincarnated and his girlfriend is literally the invisible girl. He doesn’t care about either your appearance or your personality. To him, you are family and that’s all.”

Both of them were standing in front of the door's front when suddenly, Hana got hugged from behind. The culprit, an Izuku who came out of nowhere. Since Atsuhiro didn’t notice him, the vigilante guessed Izuku used his quirk to do that. Good job, kid. Very good job.

It was certainly not him once again failing a spot check like when Endeavor got the drop on him.

“Are you Hana ?! I HAVE A COUSIN!”

Since Izuku learned, he still had a living relative from his mother’s side, he had been restless. As far as he knew, he had no family outside of his mom. He didn’t count his dad on purpose and his grandfather was dead so…

Anyway, Hana got a hug and was turning fast into a mess, not knowing how she should react, what role she should play. Then she saw Atsuhiro smiling at her. Maybe, just maybe, she could just… Relax ?

“Hello, young man!”

She appreciated returning the hug, before fluffing Izuku’s hair, just like she did with Tenko, before everything turned into ashes.

“Atsuhiro? I heard your voice and Izuku’s, so is my niece here?”

Inko appeared in the door’s frame, and the woman, who managed after all this time to lose the weight she had gained, saw Hana. She could see her brother’s face on her, and Nana’s smile, too.

Atsuhiro wondered if there was an otter mutant in the Shimura family, as they quickly went into a group hug, and Hana was in the center of it. Something she should be used to, as La Brava and Gentle did the same when they got a calm moment after her comeback.

“I will check on the dish” Atsuhiro said, before going around the hugging mass. The dishes needed to be cooked properly after all.

Not that he didn’t want to join the hug, but he felt they deserved to be with each other without an “intruder”.


A few minutes later, they were all around the table, enjoying a “Filet Mignon mariné dans sa sauce forestière”, as Inko wanted to make a very good first impression and took a french recipe for her new niece. Either you went the full way, or you didn't. There was no try.

“So… How did you meet, Atsuhiro and you, aunty?” Hana asked, still a bit shy and unsure. Thankfully, the delicious food and some wine (Izuku had grape juice) helped to ease her up.

“We were childhood friends, actually. We became friends in kindergarten and we continued our friendship until university where… Life took us on different paths.”

Hana nodded her head, before Izuku asked her his favorite questions.

“So… What’s your quirk ? How did you learn about it ?”

Izuku knew he might have walked on a landmine when he saw Atsuhiro trying to do a sign behind Hana’s back to tell him to stop, but too late.

“Oh, that… I don’t like using my quirk, since it involves… Well… Me dying?”

Inko put down her knife, before her smile became twisted and scary as hell.

“… Someone hurt my niece? Because it implies you used it more than once.”

Hana sighed before explaining in a bad mood, which was quite understandable.

“Thanks to the crew, I don’t have to die now, but when I was working with Stain, he often used me as a meat shield.”

Inko cut her meat in one swift movement, as some blood dripped from her mouth and she turned to her soon-to-be husband.

“Wasn’t Stain that Chizome fellow, dear?”

“Before you ask, he is dead.” Atsuhiro would not let his future wife try to kill someone who was already dead. It was a crime after all. (Yes, you can check it, killing a corpse is actually a crime).

“Too bad. I wanted to have a small chat with him about an old threat…” Inko laughed sinisterly for a second, which chilled everyone except Izuku who smiled.

“Wow! So you have a resurrective Quirk? Aren’t they like highly rare? More than warpers?!”

“Oh they are. That’s why I keep it a secret, since I work as a…” Hana stopped talking, as Atsuhiro nodded his head.

“Apparently Inko knew for years, and Izuku actually used that information to blackmail training out of me.”

“Oh thanks god. I am a vigilante specialized in infiltration, information gathering and designated driver.”

“No combat?”

“According to Stain, I quote “Unless you have a submachine gun, you will be beaten by teenagers 8/10 times.” Clearly, Hana was still salty about it, as she had hoped at that time Chizome would train her enough. It wasn’t until Knuckleduster gave her some tips that she managed to fight properly against goons. She was clearly not on Gentle or Compress level, but honestly, it was fine. They were the muscle of their group. Fighting wasn’t her purpose.

“And why did you choose that specific line of work? I mean, it is dangerous, even with your quirk.”

Hana went somber for a second, before answering truthfully, as her family deserved to know.

“I have a little brother… Tenko. When his quirk first activated, because father was an ass, it went overdrive. It… It killed everyone. Including me. Thankfully, my quirk activated but…” Hana took another glass of wine to get some courage back. “When I woke up, the investigation was closed despite only one week being passed. It was clearly weird and apparently, Tenko was listed among the casualties. So… Yes, quite the issue.”

Inko nodded her head, as she quickly understood what was wrong with that too. So… She had a missing nephew too? Damn. She needed to find him and smother him to death.

“Yes… Stain was actually helping on that front and he confirmed he was alive.” Atsuhiro might have cut his friendship with him short, but he respected Stain’s investigation skill. He just didn’t agree with the methods.

Inko was now divided between killing or thanking Stain… Before remembering the man was dead…

“So… Once we find Tenko, we will have the whole family? Nice! Because we will find him! Even if I have to become strong enough to summon Batman to find him!”


The rest of the evening was nice, and when Izuku went to sleep, the adults stayed up. After all, they still had a lot of things to discuss, such as “where would Hana live” (She preferred to stay at Gentle’s house for now) and other things like that. Compress also wondered what would have been his reaction if Hana had trusted him before with her family name. The young woman had been properly paranoid, but it was one case where it hindered more than it helped.

Still, they would have to rest, as they were Monday and… This weekend? This weekend was wedding time!


“Such an interesting subject, Chisaki… Don’t worry, I will do as you asked. It shall be ready soon enough, but aren’t you a bit paranoid?” Emilia was preparing her “working tools” as she spoke over a screen to a certain Yakuza who kept sending them more and more wonderful data.

“Emilia, I believe we can’t be paranoid enough, especially in our line of work. Besides, you are the only one I trust completely with this project.” Which was logic. Emilia herself had some projects that were her own and hid it from Garaki. The man was perfectly aware of that and respected the safe space of his student.

The blond woman was looking at the subject Chisaki sent her and smiled. She could see in the eyes of the being he was asking for mercy. Sadly for him, she had none. In fact, she had a sad*stic glee on her face.

“Fine, but you owe me a date!” She said joyfully, having finally an excuse to ask that.

“Wait what?!”

And the line cut, as Chisaki blushed under his mask, as she began to work on his favor. It was so fun to play with him.

Garaki, in his lab, was very happy to have his students finally doing things like that together. You could be an evil mad scientist and have an adopted family, after all. Besides, some agents of his brought back some of the most interesting. Two Embers were found recently.

Soon enough, the fire of revolution would burn bright again in Japan.


Special chapter : Hisashi's death.


Endeavor stopped sipping his coffee. His sidekicks had finally finished the report he had asked for. As he looked at the first page, he knew he had to keep this far from Shouto’s hands. He didn’t need to know all of the people he knew and had a part in one Izuku’s father’s death. Honestly, even if Endeavor knew about Luck Stealer’s power, this one case was terrifying.

What did Hisashi do to deserve such a cruel fate?

Enji put down the report, but if someone could read them, they would see several stories already told, but also a few more…

  1. Tsuyu Asui: At the hospital, someone remembered Hisashi making derogatory comments about toads blocking his way. Sadly for him, it ended with a young Tsuyu jumping on his belly, causing some internal damage. The young kid explained she heard him asking for a toad to come to him.
  2. Mashirao Ojiro : The young man was so excited about his tail that he ended up swinging it wildly, and slapped the man against a wall.
  3. Aoyama Yuga: Excited to have his quirk come in, the young man shot a laser from his belly that hit Hisashi during his initial fall at the airport. The impact may have helped break his fall, but then he hit a wall.
  4. An unnamed teen who looked like Touya was seen burning a pillar, the same one which was later decayed by an unknown child.
  5. A villain who looked like a Noumu was seen hitting the ambulance, screaming something incoherently. The being, most likely an early prototype, dissolved soon afterward.
  6. A Yakuza with a Shie Hassakai tattoo partially healed Hisashi, before hitting him several times in the face, in response to his initial fall splashing water on him. Apparently, the Yakuza have germophobia, causing him to react violently.
  7. Jin Bubaigawara: Small-time villain, who could reproduce things. His clone hit Hisashi and then disappeared because of the impact. Enji noted the man was then arrested, but seemed to have disappeared afterward. Extremely weird.
  8. Hagakure Tooru: Hisashi was reported to have tried to flee the hospital, only to bump into an invisible girl who alerted the security. Apparently, the man bumped into her and fell down the stairs. Again.
  9. Fumikage Tokoyami: The young man quirk, scared of being in the dark, hit the wall with enough force that it broke Hisashi’s leg, preventing further escape.
  10. Power Loader : Heard someone trash talking his technology and apparently slapped them with his suit. Might have impaired Hisashi’s equilibrium, leading to his fall.
  11. Miruko : Was fighting a villain as an intern. The fight ended up when she threw Death Arm at the villains, causing both of them to hit the ambulance bringing Hisashi to the hospital.
  12. Uraraka Ochako : Apparently, the young girl demonstrated her quirk to her parents, by lifting a piano. Hisashi, in a wheelchair, tried to escape before the piano dropped on his legs.
  13. An unidentified teen with blond hair and apparently a blood quirk bite him soon afterward before being violently slapped by her parents. Note to self: Identifying the kid. Blood Quirk users often have trouble and this kid might be in it if she wasn’t properly cared for.
  14. Snipe: The man casually shot a bullet in the air while doing a show for some kids. The bullet, according to the ballistics report, did a Kennedy trajectory, somehow entering and exiting Hisashi three times.
  15. Suneater: Ate a bombardier beetle and had to be brought to the hospital. Some fluids he discharged burned Hisashi’s body grievously.
  16. Nezu and the Architect: Dad made a building collapse in the path of the ambulance to the hospital. He was apparently playing some kind of noughts and crosses game with the Architect. The Villain confirmed the story and has indicated that apparently his own move blocked the ambulance several times. He offered payment for the Midoriyas, as he didn’t know it happened.
  17. Lemillion: Was apparently practicing his quirk in the middle of the road, causing the ambulance to violently crash. Another one was called soon afterward. Interestingly, no one except Hisashi was hurt.
  18. Knuckleduster, apparently there to visit the young Pop-Step who was still in rehab, punched the man in the dick after he made a derogatory comment about the young female vigilante. The Hauler supposedly did the same soon afterward. (*Endeavor scratched the name, correcting “The Crawler”. The man was getting married soon after all and he was going to be promoted soon, since Ingenium was still down.*)
  19. Star & Stripe: Apparently there to see All Might, the woman tried to help the man and changed a water cup to some honey tea. Apparently, Hisashi was allergic to honey.
  20. Some villains practiced their electric quirk. Has a strong resemblance to the villain known as Nine.
  21. A young European named Rody Soul developed his quirk late. His bird quirk, scared, had apparently violently attacked Hisashi.
  22. The ambulance hit a drunk man as he was jaywalking. Photo footage showed IT WAS f*ckING FLECT TURN. WHO THE f*ck MISSED THAT ONE?!
  23. A robot, with a logo Hatsume Industries (no company by that name was found) was seen doing a Shoryuken to Hisashi, looking more like a mummy than anything at this point.
  24. Native, at that time helping manage phone calls and investigations, seems to have failed to properly relay important information. Strange, considering his near perfect score before and after that incident.
  25. Hawks: was delivering wounded to the hospital, got mobbed by his growing fan base. When he was running away one of his wings brushed against an IV line of Hisashi, who was being rushed into the hospital from the ambulance at the time, and cut the line.

However, Endeavor, as he sipped his coffee, still recovering from the Triceps incident, couldn’t help but wonder.

What ultimately killed Hisashi in the end?


Years ago, in Hisashi’s hospital room.

“Wolfram? Guard the door, if you please. I don’t want to be disturbed.” All For One asked politely, but both men knew it was an order. Seikyo Shigaraki entered the room and his son looked at him, suffering for his sins. Despite being more than a hundred years old, All For One still appeared as young as ever.

“Fa… ther…” For Hisashi, each word was a suffering, as he was maimed, burned, poisoned and most importantly, knew he was condemned.

“You lost the right to call me like that when you tried to steal Garaki from under me, young man. You lost the right to live when you then tried to flee without apologizing to me, saying to Inko it was because Izuku was quirkless.” Seikyo’s tone was cold, but with a sigh he sat next to his son and switched to using a telepathy quirk. “Hisashi… For all your faults, you never were quirkist. Why?”

All For One was hard to surprise, but hearing his son’s sad laughter was one of the few times it happened.

“Of course it isn’t because Izuku is quirkless. He is my son, old man, and unlike you, I love him for being my sunshine. However… I also know you don’t consider collateral damage when you go on a rampage. I needed an excuse to run as far as possible from Japan without it being suspicious.” The man was dying, and honestly, it was his final confession. Even if the only one hearing it was his father. The father he hated.

“I see. Quite understandable. Honestly. I might have hurt Inko by mistake,” Seikyo readily admitted, before asking the true question. “Why did you betray me, Hisashi? You had everything, power, money, women… Why?”

This time, All For One heard hatred in his son’s thoughts. A woman appeared. A woman Seikyo loved once upon a time, years ago. Seijin and Hisashi’s mother.

“She loved you. She loved us. And you still made my sister use her quirk so she would HANG HERSELF, YOU HEARTLESS BASTARD!” This might be a valid reason, Seikyo admitted, especially as Hisashi was… five when it happened. “Garaki’s noumu project seemed like the best opportunity to kill you. I didn’t expect him to…”

“You didn’t expect Garaki to be most likely just using me, when he appears to adore me in public? So when you stole his relationship with me, it was, quite frankly, useless?”

Hisashi slowly nodded, a single tear dropping from his left eye. He failed to kill his father.

“Also, not gonna lie, I would have loved the throne for myself.”

This one got a chuckle from All For One. Revengeance and Ambition, two things he usually liked. Sadly, both consumed his son, and he burned because of them.

“... Izuku and Inko are going to be so sad about your death.”

"No. They won’t,” Hisashi chuckled mentally. “I released my hold on Inko two days ago, and used my quirk so she would hate me. Same for Izuku. I thought… I thought that way, even if I was away, they would have an easier time rebuilding themselves.”

All For One nodded. Hatred was one of the best ways to heal a wound, after all. Hisashi truly was his son. It was too bad that he was too much like his old man.

“Good job, Hisashi. I promise you, I won’t hurt them because of your betrayal.” All For One could promise that much, at least.

“So what now? Stealing my quirk? Or just being by my side as I fade away slowly?” Hisashi asked with a resigned curiosity.

“No, son. No. I am going to kill you quickly. I will let you in on one final secret: I can’t steal from my family.”

This confession actually surprised Hisashi. When he looked at his father, he suddenly saw him appear to be as old as he should be.

“I discovered that with your uncle. I can give to my family but not take from them. Not unless they want me to. So you see why I’ve had trouble all of these years, but I swear I will get your uncle back into the family. As for you… You will die. Truly. I hope for you, and me, Hell doesn’t exist. Otherwise, keep me a place down there, will you?”

Both father and son shared a last stare, before Hisashi managed to gather enough strength for one last gesture. He flipped him the bird.

All For One smiled, before he used a quirk to quietly stop his son’s heart. He used another quirk to dull his sense of pain. And finally, one last quirk so he would have one last happy thought before he died.

Then, the King of crime closed his son’s eyes and rose. He opened the door and looked at Wolfram.

“Destroy the footage of our visit. We have work to do.”

“Yes, sir.”

Unknown to All For One, Hisashi’s death had triggered one of his secret failsafes. To be sure it went unnoticed, it only activated years later, but one day, Nighteye’s office received several files detailing every operation Heart Stealer had ever done for All For One. This information was invaluable in pointing out who was in his pocket, or wasn’t. It was instrumental in his father’s demise against All Might.

After all, it was two of his dad’s lessons: Always have a contingency plan and be a troll when you can.


*Sip his tea*

The best joke is when the joke never existed.

I do love to make villains that are villains, but are more than that.
Hisashi was a bad man. However, as strange as it sounds, he wasn't a bad dad.

Chapter 36: Preparations and petting


In which Tsuyu threatens with her tongue, Tomura get a date, Spinner says the truth but isn't believed and there is still no otter.

There might be a fox.


Sooooo, a few shout out to some new fics but are nice :

https://archiveofourown.org/works/40246470 => Ad Astra, a multiverse fic, quite nice.

https://archiveofourown.org/works/39366186 => The Musical Hero, Self insert but nice

https://archiveofourown.org/works/40290261 => Hear my roarings flame. The author is also an otter.

Aside from that : I finally began playing Persona 5 (as it is finally on PC) and... f*ck. Yes, I can see why people thought I played the game and it is awesome.

Also dont forget, you are all Otters !

Oh and I created a new LONG FIC, though the chapters will be most likely shorter: One with my favorite X-Men getting Isekaied in MHA and being All-Might's assistant teacher.

Here is the link : https://archiveofourown.org/works/42601923 => Colossal Game Changer !

Chapter Text

Chapter 36 : Preparation and petting.

Bomberman : Last date with Yui was the best date ever.


Bomberman : Because I listen and care about her.

Bomberman : I treat her as my equal, not some weak girl that is to be protected.

Joker: That and you two have a battle boner.

ManlyMan: Battle what.

Joker: They love to fight, especially each other.

ManlyMan: So Mina was right when she said you two were almost kissing, that time on the ring?

Electromight: What’s your tips so I can seduce Jirou then?

Bomberman: Earjack? Did you try actually talking about music to her? She f*cking loves that. I would also recommend learning how to play something if you don’t know yet.

Darkness_Master: I can help you if you want to learn guitar.

Joker: He isn’t kidding, when we play DnD, he often plays guitar for his bard.

Koda: Impressive.

Icy_Hot: Sometimes, I still feel like I am used as an ice dispenser during them.

Bomberman: You are. Also, still on the same subject. When we train our quirk, stop trying to show off. Pay attention to how she uses her quirk and take notes. You might even learn things.

Justice: So… This is basically the men's chatroom?

The_Voice: Indeed. Joker is our new class rep, thanks Iida, Bomberman is the blond explosive being that is supposed to be a teen. He is surprisingly insightful.

Bomberman: [censored]

The_Voice: Darkness_Master is Tokoyami, aka our local chunni.

(several people typing)

Bomberman: I know your parents. They are almost as sweet as auntie Inko. Stop trying to hint at a tragic backstory. They love the dark, but damn they aren’t. You are the local chunni.

The_Voice: Icy_Hot is Todoroki, who actually has a tragic backstory.

Icy_Hot: We are still short one member for our “sh*t parent Club”.

Justice: Is he serious or…?

Joker: He isn’t. He has all the forms ready, he only needs another member with me.

Justice: … Isn’t it going to be a problem, since the one who punched my mom in the face and saved me and my little brother is your dad ?

Icy_Hot: … He tries to be better, so… I will let pass that you are one of his fans.

Justice: yey.

Joker: It is totally not because you truly want the club, right?

Icy_Hot: shut up.

Le_Français: And of course, there is MOI! The most brilliant person in the classroom.

Justice: Is he truly French, or…

Joker: Not only he is, but I discovered he is related to the leader of the #1 french team.


Le_Français: Oui! C’est mon oncle maternel. We plan to see each other for I-Island’s festival.

Koda: Same for me and tia minha.

Joker: Oh god. I almost feel bad for anyone who would want to attack I-Island that day.



Princess: Congratulations ! Need a dress or something?

Pinkie: Hell yeah! Need some jewels?

No_Gravity: Nice! Need someone to help you make a badass entrance ?

Froppy: Ribbit.

Earjack: What’s the location, so we can get some juicy gossip? Do they already have a band?

Invisible_Girl: In order: No thanks, girls, Bakugou’s mom will dress me.

Pinkie: … He has a mom? I always thought he spawned from a pit of blood and skull.

Invisible_Girl: She is actually very nice but… If I am right, I think her and Izuku’s mom might have been some kind of vigilante.

Froppy: That explains things about Bakugou… And why Izuku knows how to fight that well.

Pinkie: Also, what do you guys think about Justice?

Froppy: Dibs.

Princess: No one said anything.

Froppy: Dibs. Anyone want to fight me and finish between my legs?

Pinkie: Oh my~

Froppy: … Mina, you are lucky you aren’t in the same room, or I would use my tongue on you.

Pinkie: OH MY ~ !

Earjack: Mina, don't push it. I have seen Froppy’s top speed, and I know you won't be able to escape her.

Pinkie: Ok, I will stop teasing. Also, why do you call dibs, Froppy? Sure, he is tall, muscular, and seems quite nice to look at but… He isn’t the only one in the class.

Froppy: He needs someone to talk to, and he needs someone to piss off mommy.

Princess: ?

Earjack: ?

Uraravity: ?

Invisible girl: … Wait. You don’t mean he is…

Froppy: I think he is. He also needs to know all mutants don't hold against him what his mom does.

Princess: Explanation?

Froppy: Sorry. Mutants related issue.

Invisible_Girl: Yep. But I approve of what Froppy is doing, even if it doesn't end romantically.


Nejire was pouting, which was always a rare sight which invited interrogation. Mirio and Tamaki, as the good friends they were, asked her during lunch what was wrong.

“Tenko is kinda avoiding me. I am not sure why, but it is not fun.”

Truth to be told, she liked to annoy and embarrass him. That, and that under his “villainous attitude”, he was surprisingly caring and had a good hindsight. There was more than one case she mentioned to him, where an off-comment from me put her in the right track. Nejire wasn’t dumb, and she was almost certain Tenko was involved in some kind of criminal ring as an heir or something. He knew way too much about the underworld mechanics and knew to fight with too much killing intent. Not to mention that when they played Magic The Gathering, he played only dark color.

“I had some info about that. Apparently, he had a friend in Hoshu.” After all, Sun-Eater was also friends with Tomura, whenever the man wanted to have a good partner for online games.

“… And the “had” is the key word I guess?” Mirio correctly guessed, if he judged correctly Tamaki’s somber face.

Nejire perked up, and raised her fist, her eyes invigorating with energy.


As far as she could tell, Tenko wasn’t lost and if she played her cards right, she could bring him into the light. After all, the man was friends with Izuku, who was adorable, and under his supervision, most of the regulars in the Den of the Drake had begun to take care of themselves. Apparently, the fact nerds like him and Izuku were attractive made them reconsider their lifestyle. They could still have their hobbies but have better life too.

So, Nejire took her phone and began violently typing.


Hadoken: TENKO.


Hadoken: You versus ME. Same Arcade as Usual!

Hadoken: This weekend.

Hadoken: Because you clearly need a friend to talk to, AND I AM ONE.


“Hmm… boss? Who is this… Hadoken?”

Toga was currently working out in the gym when she spotted the message on Tomura’s phone. If she had thought she would laze around, she was proven wrong fast by her new boss and his right-hand woman… Bunny? Turns out that while most of the League had free-time, they were also supposed to spend at least 2 hours a day training. It was tiring, but it also explained why they were strong enough to take on heroes.

Quickly, both Tomura and Loony jumped on it. Thanks to being a rabbit, Loony got it first, and jumped fast from her boss’ clutches.



Spinner, Toga, Dabi and Twice looked at the two, who clearly had a friendly dynamic… But also wanting to understand more, as it was their key to infiltrate this organization to the best. However, they clearly appreciated having their own quarters, and the free time.

“So… Who is Hadoken?” Toga asked once again, before Twice answered, laughing his ass.

“Judging from Boss’ reaction, it is his crush!/Daw, what a softie!”

“Twice, I can wipe the floor with you, so don’t make me try the theory if you are the real or not! Besides, I have someone who can probably check that for me, you just have to wait two weeks.” Tomura was currently wrestling with a cartoonish rabbit and barely got back his phone, when he noticed Loony had succeeded in her goal. “Why Loony? WHY?”

“Because, Boss, you need to speak to someone not us, and honestly, that girl is the best thing you ever had, except for the green boy. So, you are going to spend your Saturday with her.”

“… He has a girlfriend?” Dabi was actually fairly surprised. With his own charred face and body, he was hardly a prize, but Tomura… Well, his face wasn’t bad, especially as he did use a lot of creams in the morning, but he wasn’t Mister Universe either.

“YES/NO!” Both leaders protested, one who was red as a tomato and the other who was laughing her ass off.

“I don’t see what’s the problem. I even have a girlfriend,” Spinner said, calmly training himself with a sword not unlike Gut’s, as everyone stared at him. “She is simply off town!”

“Girlfriend in Canada?” Tomura said, happy to switch the subject, and looking Dabi in the eyes.

“Girlfriend in Canada.” Dabi confirmed with a firm nod before getting hit by a towel.

“f*ck you guys! As if the Boss could have a girlfriend!” Spinner talked back for a moment, and Loony appreciated the conundrum Tomura was in now.

Either he admitted Nejire was probably his girlfriend, or he admitted he was in the same situation as Spinner and Dabi. Toga was next to her, sipping in a blood gourd, watching it as if it was a show.

“Hey, want to have a girl outing after that? I have knives and Giran should have your parent’s new address soon.”

Toga looked at Loony, who was pulling out of nowhere a belt of knives, while smiling. She was quite surprised but in a good way. Sure the HPSC told her they were going to take care of them sooner or later, but it seemed as if the latter was the preferred option.

Having the League tracking them down that fast wasn’t something she hoped them to do. As a result, she jumped to hug Loony who hugged her back, lifting the girl in her arms.

“There, there, little one. Don’t worry. I stick with my pack, and you are part of it now. If anyone has a beef with you… I have one with them too.” Loony was happy to have a little one to protect, too. It was always nice to have more of them with her.


“We will apply a Dragon Age strategy.” Tomura announced that while playing Mario Kart in his room with Loony, far from anyone listening to them, with loud music. Both of them could listen and speak with the other thanks to Tomura gaming headgears.

“Meaning boss? I don’t play as much video games as you.” Loony was legitimately curious, as she was as far as she knew, Boss only true follower.

“There are a lot of games where followers are actually on the bad side. Very often, you can make them switch their allegiance by doing their side quests. I will try to find Dabi’s and Twice’s quest, and you Toga’s and Spinner’s.” Dividing the task to make them faster.

“You truly think he is a mole, too?” Loony found the mutant funny and his Stain’s fan outfit was even more funny. He looked like some comics character from the pre-Quirk era!

“Kurogiri is supposed to have hidden our address from any means of locating it or calling it without us calling first. Either it means someone paid Giran enough, which is a possibility, or someone is a mole in Sensei’s organization. Which is a reason we will keep our operations secret from them.” Tomura was the team mastermind for a good reason: he actually had an acute mind, when he put it into work.

“So… For Toga, that will be simple. Visit her family and have a “talk” with them.” Loony was always happy to have that kind of mission, after all. Also, she liked how energetic the blonde girl was, and how she loved fighting her.

“For Twice and his doubt about his power… I will use Izuku. I am sure he knows some obscure theories that will allow him to prove to Twice he isn’t a clone or something,” Tomura didn’t stop, as he groaned. Loony just threw a blue shell at him. Goddamnit. “However, Dabi might be a bigger problem. We should also schedule him to meet the Doc, as he is in a bad state physically. He wouldn’t be useful in a drawn out fight, only a liability.”

“I also have a bad feeling about him. Like… He loves fire a bit too much.” Tomura nodded as Loony gave her mind about him. Loony being a quirked rabbit, and not a human with a weird quirk, allowed her to have an extremely sharpened instinct. If she had a bad feeling about someone, she was most likely right.

“Probably a descendant of the Ashen King. It would explain the blue fire, and why he loves burning things that much. Either we teach him to control it, or we must get ready to dispose of him.” Something even Sensei would agree: One Ashen King had been a big enough disaster to scare the world. They didn’t need a second one. “By the way, banana.”

“f*ck YOU!” Soon afterward, both of them cackled.


“Goooood Morning Magne!”

“God f*cking damnit, Atsuhiro! Don’t you have a concept of “acceptable hours” to be called ?”

“Not when it is about telling you I am getting married this Saturday and you should come back ASAP!”

“I am already back home! On a side note, you might be right. Since I began a cure in the onsen you recommended, I noticed I had way less accidents than before.”

“I told you, you were a victim of Luck Stealer’s side-effects. So I guess you began your treatment again?”

“Yes, so sorry, I won’t be able to help on that project of yours. Besides, my face is too known to be a good mole.”

“Yes, yes… Anyway, get your dress ready!”



Aizawa was sighing already when he saw most of the classroom gushing over something that was in-between a fox, a dog and a cat. Admittedly, it was quite cute, but what was it doing in his classroom, right now ?

“Children, what is going on?”

Everyone stared at their teacher, who had brought in the classroom one of the biggest cups of coffee they have ever seen. Probably way too tired to teach properly, but he would try anyway.

“Izuku is training sir! He is testing how long he can maintain a card without forcing and he is also testing their sentient limitation!”

This actually got Aizawa’s interest, as Izuku’s quirk was among the weirdest and most versatile of the class. Sure, it had theoretically insane offensive power, however and thankfully, Izuku saw more interest in the versatility his quirk could provide on the field.

“How do you do that?”

“Koda is speaking to the Eevee!”

That made sense, actually. Koda could speak with all animals, feeling their consciousness. Meanwhile, if Izuku summoned more humanoid cards, there was no telling if they were answering some ready-made answer or truly speaking their mind.

“And your answer for now is?”

“The more powerful the card, the more intelligent and sentient it is!”

That was both interesting and worrying if Aizawa was asked about it. Izuku, for now, was just petting the Pokemon on his lap, enjoying its fluffy fur.

“Very well, except now, it is time to study. Midoriya, if your summon disturb this classroom, you will dismiss it. Koda, if your rabbit tries once again to take over the classroom… I have some carrots ready for them.” Koda lifted his thumb, as the rabbit nodded, watching Aizawa as a respected warrior. The man had managed to fend off his attacks, after all.

“Also, this afternoon, don’t forget your history test. You will be tested on the Dawn of Quirk.”

Kaminari sighed, as he always had trouble with that period, which, to be fair, was quite messy. World War Three was a mess, and all the events that transpired afterwards were even worse! Like, who cared about the Network and its first fights, now? Sure, they established the first hero system, but it had developed so differently now…

“Also, Koda, I had Nedzu run a test. Yes, I know your Irish rabbit is a quirked rabbit. You are asked to not use it to cheat during the test.”



“So… Yui? Can we ask you something?”

Since the Sport Festivals, Yui’s status changed a bit. Before it, her fan-club thought she was just a beautiful kuudere. Now, most of them were wondering if there was something more behind her mask, so many people were listening when Itsuka talked to her during the break.


“…What do you find in Katsuki? I mean, we both know about… That evening.”

That evening being the night Itsuka and Tetsutetsu fought the other battle couple. Katsuki took Itsuka head on and Yui managed to beat the man of metal, mostly by tiring him out with her attacks. The four of them knew they weren’t allowed to speak about the arena outside, so they decided beforehand to speak of it as if they met by mistake at the cinema.

“He gets me.” Yui was a woman of few words, and everyone now knew that. Her answer still took most people in the class aback.


“He gets me. When I want to fight, he knows it. When I want to rage against something, he understands it.” It was almost the most words they ever heard her speak. The whole class was taken aback, before Setsuna smiled and sat next to her.

“So he reads you and pay attention to you, not your pretty face, that’s right?”

Setsuna was an old friend, just like Itsuka, so the two of them did know what Yui was like when in a dojo or things like that.

“He searched for old tokusatsu to watch together. He is also a fan but… He took extra-steps.”

“So… Under her violent behavior and his lust for battle, there is a man caring and who actually appreciates you for who you are?”

Their kuudere friend nodded her head, as both of them knew she often struggled to express how she truly felt. They knew how to do it themselves, because they knew Yui for a long time now Yui. Katsuki, apparently, did it instinctively.

“Also, he doesn’t hold back. When we compete, I see he doesn’t think of me as something to protect, but someone who has his back.” Partner, equal. Two words she didn’t speak, but many thought about them. Sure, having a knight to protect you was nice, or protecting your girl allowed you to appear badass. But the dynamic wasn’t necessarily the healthiest.

Her best friends nodded their heads. From their point of view, they didn’t understand at first their friend’s reason, but now, it was clear. Communication was useful to understand each other clearly.

“Also, he isn’t as dense as metal, him.”

“Now you want to fight, girl?!”

A glee in Yui’s eyes showed her answer and Midnight, behind them, coughed.

“No fight during lunch, ladies.”

Yui simply nodded, before going back to her tomato, happily.


“So, finally, Torino is going to retire.” Yagi was sitting by his mentor, who was still on his hospital bed. Thanks to David’s technology, they had saved the old man’s legs, and he could walk, even run a little bit. However, it was clear that using his quirk was going to be a problem, and without his quirk, he would have to retire.

“O Anger! O Despair! O age my enemy!

Have I lived simply To know this infamy?”

Sorahiko spouting some theater lines made his old disciple smile a bit, before coughing some blood. To be fair, he wasn’t in a better state, and the time was ticking, each day passing. Nedzu was monitoring every intervention he did, to be sure they had enough reserves to deal with All For One when the time came.

Both of them felt, for an instant, the weight of their age, crushing on their broken and battered body. Yet, All-Might knew he couldn’t allow himself to rest, yet. If he had found a successor, maybe he would have, but for now, it was impossible.

“Do you want me to tell Inko you won’t be able to come?”

Grabbing one of his crutches, the angry dwarf managed to hit his student’s head.


“I am missing a lung, not my ears!” Yagi said jokingly, although the Hoshu incident worried him greatly. All For One had been a pain in the ass because he was incredibly prudent. His inner circle still eluded All Might, and the man tried as much as possible to push the heavy and dirty work onto others. Making him step into the light was even harder.

Using Noumus like that either meant he could mass produce them, which was a scary thought, or that he estimated the young Izuku highly important. Why? Sure, he was Nana’s grandson, but that was still strange. Besides, All-Might made sure he wasn’t more friendly to the young man than to any other of his comrades. Had he been the ninth holder, he would have understood.

All of that made Yagi think there was more to the young man than they thought. He should seriously contact Endeavor and Compress soon to compare their different results. Hell, at this point, he was going to contact Mirai pretty soon. They needed every brain on the table.


“Good morning, sir! We came to see Mei!”

Power Loader gave a grin to the group of teens coming into the support classroom. Izuku, of course, Katsuki, Tooru and Yui. Mei’s main clients, as the young crazy woman was actually quite picky about who she made stuff for:

-Izuku earned his right by being fearless enough to approach her and asking her for more than a few gadgets.

-Katsuki and Yui got theirs, by being battle heroes who needed things that produced big explosions. Power Loader was worried about Katsuki giving her a reserve of nitroglycerine. He was even more worried when Yui used her power to increase some alloy’s ingot size, meaning Mei had more rare metals to work on. To make things work, Yui and the girl named Momo often worked together to create special parts for Mei, and it was increasingly worrying.

-Tooru got her because of her DNA. To be fair, Power Loader got some of her genetic material for his own project as the teen had a perfect optical camo. Even her hair was enough to create an invisible cape or things like that. Mei got her semester project already finished, approved and giving her a passing grade, when she somehow created a cooling liquid from Tooru’s blood, which allowed to give lower invisibility to any metal cooled inside.

Honestly, for that one, the Support Hero was pretty sure she had asked her grandpa for help. Her family tree wasn’t that much of a secret and if it meant he could get some tech freely, Power Loader was ready to close his eyes.

“She is over there! As far as I know, she finally finished this young lady’s weaponry, and I vetoed the goddamn tank. And the gundam. And the Zoid. And the Gurren replica. In fact everything bigger than you, young lady, was vetoed.”

Yui, surprised, tried to reply.

“Even the…”

“Even the reproduction of an Exitus rifle. ESPECIALLY THE EXITUS RIFLE.”

Katsuki got punched lightly in the jaw, when he began to laugh, as Power Loader turned to him.

“As for you, young man, I have refused the new design you proposed. Not enough plating on the new design, and no way to redirect any explosion the new reserve could cause properly.”

This time, it was Izuku’s turn to laugh, before Katsuki tried to jump on his friend.

“Anyway, most of your stuff got approved. You should go check it, so we can do the changes for Friday’s lesson.”

Yui pouted, as they all walked away… Until Izuku pointed it out.

“You know, if you want that much to pilot a giant robot, I am pretty sure we can find a good card for me to summon one. I would need a lot of cards to sacrifice but… That might be doable?”

Katsuki, hidden from everyone stares, gave a thumbs up to his friend. Good job. Especially as Yui suddenly perked up, even if her face was as stoic as ever. Honestly, this was an example of why he asked to have a reserve of sacrificial cards in his upgraded costume.

When they arrived in front of the door, Tooru stopped Izuku before he was in front of it. Instinct from her part, most likely, as the door exploded, and a Mei fell, laughing.

“Oh, hi, dear customers !” The happiest gremlin on Earth was always happy to have people coming into her lab, especially them. No “Mei, you can’t make that explode”, or “Mei, that is too heavy and impractical” or “It is against the Geneva and Neo Vatican convention”, and finally, no “Mei, physic laws don’t work like that”. LAWS WERE MEANT TO BE BROKEN AND TO MAKE NEWTON CRY.

“Also, Izuku? Why do you have a fox in your arms?”

“A test of mine, to see how long I can keep a summon active. I am currently at 4 hours straight!”

When Izuku thought about how weak he was one year ago, he truly made some progress.

Mei nodded and made them enter her workshop, before showing them a big table with a lot of gear.

“Dear clients, here are your upgrades!:

-Izuku, as promised, a grappling hook, and several new pouches on your costume to hide more cards. Finally, I have finished installing a flash bang in your hat if necessary.

-Katsuki, I have upgraded your gauntlet. For added options in ranged battle, I have created special bullets that are propelled by your explosion. I recommend training to improve your accuracy. My bullets range from the classic non-lethal, to some more experimental, like anti-riot option or fumigene.”

Everyone gave a stare to Katsuki who sighed.

“Hey, I have a brain! Sometimes, there are some guys you can’t just explode. You need to find the right explosion to beat them.”

“Yui, as you have learned, Power Loader VETOED LIKE A COWARD MOST OF MY IDEA!” Mei yelled at the teacher’s address, who answered with a thumb up. “But he didn’t veto everything. Here are some examples : a shield, current size, 30 cm. I made a special alloy that stopped my drill for 5 minutes, which should be useful in battle. It also stops ice and heat, as long as you dont fight a f*cker that go above the 5000°C. To be honest, if you are in that situation, you are boned anyway. Also, there is a lot of weaponry, disguised as tools. Also…”

Mei looked if anyone was observing them, before pulling something from under the rug.

“I managed to hide by using the “big” projects as a diversion, this baby. If you cross your arms like ultra man, it sends a concussive beam. You can’t spam it though, so be careful.”

Mei, for once, was the one who almost wanted to speak of personal space, as Yui hugged her tightly.

“I take it as a “Thanks Mei”! As for Tooru… Oh dear. I HAD SO MUCH FUN!”

Mei pointed out an empty section of the table… Before she switched the light to ultraviolet, revealing several weapons. Knuckle brass, baseball bat, a hammer, and a fully plated tactical suit. Tooru squealed in delight.


“And I did my best to make her as noiseless as possible and to make her as cold as possible. Even under thermal vision, you will be invisible.”

All teens laughed evilly (well, more smirked in Yui’s case, but the intent was there). The villains wouldn’t know what hit them.

Chapter 37: Happy times are honest times.


Finally, the wedding is there !

Oh and there might be a spot of hope for some people here...


Hello everyone ! So, yes, here is finally the wedding. Izuku's performance was inspired by an old french pokemon fic I used to like. Believe or not, the author used to write one chapter per day.

At first, he did mainly parody, then switched to crack yet sometimes serious. It was a series about a skitty getting caught by a young trainer and having merry adventure.
In one of the last arc, the Delcatty had a sort of wedding with the Espeon her owner had too.

Then, the author completely switched his genre, and began to write some really good drama around a teacher. I know most people here don't read french, but if some can, I highly recommend to check on Pokebip all fics written by Domino.

Chapter Text

Chapter 37: Happy times are honest times.

Atsuhiro was currently as stressed as humanly possible. Today was the big day, the day he married his childhood friend. It was highly stressing to know that the #1 hero was also in the public, as the closest thing Inko had to an uncle, despite never meeting him. However, none of them had any reason to deny it, especially as he came not as All-Might, but Yagi Toshinori, former student under Nana Shimura mentoring.

Thankfully, Compress could count on two friends to help him stay focus on his duty : Tobita, who even as civil was still as flamboyant as ever, and Masaru. Yes, the seemingly unnoticeable man was actually friend with Atsuhiro, thanks to their family often eating together. Both men sympathized often around their children’s hijinks, and also about literature. Turned out, both of them liked old british books like Gaiman’s or Pratchett, and of course the wonderful renaissance of the fantasy genre they caused during the 21th century, to everyone’s pleasure. Some french books were also mentioned, but honestly, the french culture died as it refused to evolve thanks to some fossils who insisted that popular meant it was idiotic and only elitist books were good. Surprisingly, it didn’t export or sell well and in the end… They got replaced.

Both men having a taste in art, they spoke often of stuff like that and as a result became friends. Honestly, he was almost certain Mitsuki knew about his real job, but Masaru truly thought he was only some kind of heroic trainer, making sure the heroes stayed in top shape.

“Don’t worry, Atsuhiro, everything is going to be just fine. You know Izuku as if he was your flesh, and you know he probably trained a lot for his show. Inko is as much in love with you, as you are with her.” Tobita was helping his boss putting his tie correctly, with a big smile. With how youngful Compress seemed and old Tobita seemed, it looked like a proud father trying to reassure his son. Still, despite knowing he was most likely right, Atsuhiro still half expected some weird sh*t to happen.

He didn’t know Nedzu had asked for Snipe and Hound Dog to establish a security perimeter around the church, so they wouldn’t be disturbed.

“Tobita is right, Atsuhiro. Hell, you made me lose 5000 yens with my wife, because your love was so obvious I expected you to propose earlier. She will say yes.” Masaru calmed his friend too, and the magician felt happiness running across his skin: they were right. He looked at the wedding ring. It still had this beautiful green diamond, exactly the same color as Inko’s eyes. The one he got by fighting Mizunaka…

Part of him wondered what became the man after they parted ways? Mizunaka was surprisingly nice, when you weren’t fighting him and both agreed that the Triceps sh*t made them square.


Unknowingly to Compress, Mizunaka used some of his contact to retire on some island, with his happy wife, and they were expecting a child soon. Having a family to take care of made the shark re-thinks about his life choice, and since he actually had a lot of money left, he simply quit his crime life.

He totally not trolled Gang Orca by sending his wedding picture to the hero, telling him to get a life. Orca would have tried to pull some strings to arrest him internationally, if the man didn’t attach a file with a list of former customers among the S.M.A.S.H.


On Inko’s side, the woman was surprisingly calm. Mitsuki, Magne (as she was promised a place for making the ring), Manami and Hana were all working, making her even more beautiful as she was already.

“I AM SO EXCITED! FINALLY, AFTER ALL THESE YEARS!” Magne, being Compress’ long time partner in crime, was more than happy to see him being married to his loved one. Especially as she heard him too many times being sadly drunk in one of their evenings. She would complain about the lack of a good doctor for her transition and him about that.

“Yes! I hope my wedding will be as beautiful as your, Inko!” Manami, being Tobita’s fiance raised more than a few eyebrows, until she pulled an ID and showed they weren’t that apart in age. She simply had a very youthful appearance. Also, it was very apparent Tobita loved her for her passion and her intelligence, not her petite looks.

“I am sure it will be, Manami. I will even give you a discount when that happens.” Mitsuki told her, while she was finishing the final touch around Inko’s belly. Some small changes she had to do this month. Inko’s glowing skin was also a hint that made Mitsuki smile. However, seeing as Inko didn’t break the news yet (as it would have caused another waterfall) Mitsuki chose to not mention it.

“So… Who wants to bet on what Izuku is planning as a spectacle for the wedding?”

Because everyone was actually wondering what the young man, clearly having no issue with his step-dad, was planning to do. All he said was it was something he had planned now for a long time and Katsuki had helped him get the timing right.

Mitsuki, knowing her son, knew he didn’t settle for anything less than perfect, and probably trained with Izuku during their Quirk Club after school.

Anyway, they didn’t have to worry, as they were sure to have a good show.

Hana, on her hand, said little… overwhelmed by emotions. However, everyone had to admit that her make-up skill was out of this world, clearly.


“So, Izuku, cards are ready?” Katsuki was watching his friend closely. He knew that unless Izuku assumed his Joker persona, he often f*cked up because of stress. Well, less now, as his Joker and his normal persona were mixing. The result was an Izuku who had more self-esteem and pride in himself. In fact, it greatly pleased Katsuki to see his friend giving him back his smile.

“Yep! And how are you doing?”

“Very fine, thank you. Just a bit sad I couldn’t invite…” Katsuki was going to say Yui, but he saw Izuku’s smile, and he could feel Tooru’s stare behind him, expecting some juicy details. “You know what? f*ck both of you.”

Despite his words, Katsuki was happy too. Honestly, he didn’t have a squid for Atsuhiro, as today was also Inko’s big day, but damn. The two of them took their time! It was so obvious too, only Izuku was dumb enough to take as much as four months before noticing they were in a relationship.

“… I just hope I am pretty enough for today!” Tooru said, before Katsuki gave her a blank look. “Hey! Izuku promised me he found a way to turn off my invisibility for a dance, so this actually legit this time.”

The explosive boy had to give it to her and noticed how his mom’s dress did give her justice. Most people seemed to ignore it as Tooru was hard to spot, especially as some girls like Momo and Mina were in the class, but from what he could guess, Izuku caught a beautiful girl in his net. He did prefer Yui though… Especially as he passed his hand on some bruises he had on the torso. Turns out, Mei’s inventions packed quite a punch and Yui was truly turning into an Ultrawoman.

He hoped, thought, that Izuku would agree for his idea of a show for her, once he received the card he commanded. Hell, to make them print again, he had to ask Momo, as apparently the license was among all the one bought by her family. It also cost him a hefty penny. A few months of allowance actually went into it, as it was quite the collector card.

All the kid smiled, before everyone got ready for the wedding… and Izuku got in place for the show.


When the music started, and his mother entered the church, Izuku summoned from on both sides two Leafeons and two Espeons. Why them? Because the green was for his mom, of course, and the purple was for Atsuhiro’s magic skill, of course.

All four pokemons then used their skills together, with a mental command from Izuku (the second reason he chose some esper pokemons: Telepathy was useful), each one created an arch above Inko walking in the aisle. The one chosen to bring the bride was Toshinori, as he was technically the closest kin Inko had. Besides, as he told her, it was an honor for him to accompany Nana’s daughter on what was the best day in her life (except Izuku’s birth).

The vegetal arches bloomed some cherry petals, as they passed through them, and the psychic arches exploded in a myriad of psychic sparkles. Nothing violent, it merely beautifully combined purple and pink, complimenting Inko's appearance and her grace while even a skeleton like Yagi seemed more healthy than usual. Something simple, yet beautiful on Izuku’s side, as a gift for his mom and his future dad.

The old Priest of the neo-christian church (Dawn of Quirk brought a lot of weird things, but one of the few good was the birth of the new christianity, which was a mix of Shintō, catholic and somehow buddhist in the mix), smiled at both of them, before beginning to explain to everyone how one marriage was sacred, and something the All-Encompassing was witnessing with great interest and warmth.

They all listened, as he told them every part of the All-Encompassing (basically, that God was literally in everything) hoped they brought the better of each other, and that their love shine as brightly as Its love for them.

When the time came for the ring, Atsuhiro faked at first not having them, before pulling them from near Inko’s eyes.

“Because there is no more beautiful star than your eyes for me, and nothing is enough to prove you my love.”

Inko answered this passionate declaration by a powerful kiss, using her quirk to grab his ties and pull him to her, under everyone’s hourra.


The rest of the celebration went as happily as that. Sorahiko presented his congratulations to both of them, before pulling Atsuhiro near him and telling he knew perfectly who he was. If Inko was in danger because of him, Mr. Compress would never have to fear All For One, because Torino would have killed him before.

When the time for dancing and everything came, Izuku pulled out a card and some strange smoke appeared in the room… Before everyone, including Tooru’s family (hey, of course they wouldn’t let their teen daughter unsupervised at a wedding), could see a beaming Tooru who rewarded her boyfriend with a big hug and a powerful kiss.

While it was for Izuku a pure bliss, the young teen just hoped that his friend’s date went well.

After all… It was Tomura.


Curiosity killed the cat, as the adage said, but honestly, the HPSC was still undecided if Toga was a Kitsune, a Bakoneko or a vampire. However, she preferred the Kitsune theory, and went with it as her codename. Besides, it was technically part of her mission if she was spying on the Boss’ date. Curiosity never killed the fox, and as such, it was a perfectly fine reason to spy on Tomura.

Toga was totally not taking pictures for blackmail material on their fearsome leader, absolutely not!

Close to her, was a certain brooding boy. No, it wasn’t Tomura. It was actually Tamaki, who wanted to have some materials against Nejire. The overjoyed flying girl was constantly too hyped and tried too much to make Tamaki go out of his shell. He was very fine in it, thank you. Still, he wanted something against her. So… Yes, he was totally taking blackmail material on her, and totally not trying to see how the two dumbasses would dance around each other, while he had popcorn.

Both totally missed the other spy, as they watched Tomura waiting for Nejire near a clock. He was there for 30 min already, but from what they knew, it was mostly because he didn’t want to be late. With his leather jacket and his ruined jeans, Tomura was the stereotype of a bad boy, but… He could feel some stares on him, as the young man actually followed a little advice from Izuku and other people on some skin cream he could use. He had to admit; it did wonders on his skin. He went from the mad psycho look to simply the guy who is usually bad new but handsome.

Then he felt two soft hands on his eyes. He practically felt his heart skip a bit, as a fairy like voice asked him:

“Who is this?”


He got a light chop on his head, before turning around and see her smile. sh*t. Loony was right. Her smile did make him feel better.

“Hehehe… You are literally the only one I let call me like that. Ready to get your ass kicked? The loser pays an ice cream to the other!” Even her giggling was something nice to her, and it brought a smile on his face. A small one, but one nonetheless.

“You already know I will pay you one.” Tomura said, with a smile as the young lady stuck her tongue out at him.

“Because I will kick your ass!”

“Oh, just you wait till I beat you so hard, they will think you are Dan Hibiki!”

It was obvious to everyone around them they liked the time spent together. Especially as it helped Tomura change his mind a bit from all the lies, the falsehood and the plans at home. Nejire was just Nejire. To her, he was just Tenko, or rather… He could be just Tenko, someone who likes to play video games, eat ice cream and make bad jokes. Not to mention the sparring who were always nice to do.

To Nejire, being with Tenko meant having a lot of fun, and not having the others at school who were treating her like a goddess. Sure, she was one of the three top students… But that didn’t mean she appreciated being above everyone else. Tomura wasn’t reducing her as being with a strong quirk and a nice face. To him, she was a funny girl, who loved to exercise her mind as much as her muscles, playing pranks and manipulating him to have her ice-cream. Also, he was an enigma, a challenge, and she could never refuse one. She was going to get at the bottom of who was Tenko/Tomura, and nothing would stop her from doing that.

Besides… There was something about the fact she was apparently the only girl he met like that made her feel special.


“She is really cute, and this damn bastard was thinking of not answering at first? What a dumbass.” Toga was still trying to understand what kind of sorcery or weird quirk Tomura used on the young heroine, before a voice, between two munched pop corn, spoke.

“To be fair, he lost a friend recently and was not in the mood. He didn’t even tell her. Popcorn?”

Toga, hearing the voice behind her, almost went full killer before she noticed the lack of hostility behind it. Besides, it actually smelled like popcorn. So, Toga put a happy smile on her face, and looked at the… Yellow caterpillar who was watching the same target as her. Holy sh*t, what the f*ck was this guy's stealth skill?!

“Friends with Tenko I guess?” Tamaki asked, despite being more rhetoric than anything. Toga didn’t miss a beat and followed. Tenko? Apparently, Boss was quite serious about the "have many identities" thing.

“Exactly! And since he is often taken during the weekend, I was wondering what he was doing.”

This was a good reason, and Tamaki found nothing against it.

“Well, usually, he first hit up with Izuku, but yes. He likes to spend time with Nejire,” Toga observed the man, clearly a brooding one, and not liking the crowd… But also clearly analyzing her. Proof being his next question. “So… What’s your name?”

Himiko internally was screaming. K would be yelling at her for being spotted that easily, and she didn’t know if…

“*Foxtail. Remember. The HPSC scrapped every charge against Himiko Toga, and your name was never publicized. So calm down. The best answer is the truth.*”

Foxtail knew better than to show her surprise in hearing the voice in her head, before she remembered K was their control command. He was probably following her from the beginning and using his quirk to speak to her. The man could use the same frequence as phone, but directly inside people's heads or to control who could call who in a certain area. Damn useful.

“I am Himiko Toga, nice to meet you, mister…”

“My friend and Tenko call me Tamaki.” Then, the young hero continued to eat his popcorn without a care for her.

“*Good. Now, be careful. This Tamaki is Fat Gum’s star intern, and he is considered among the best three students in UA. He doesn’t look like much, but he is actually very smart.*”

Sweet. Just what the blonde girl needed… Though he didn’t seem like much like that, indeed.

“Need some food?” He proposed to her, with no feeling except tiredness in his voice

“No thank…” Toga was going to politely refuse, but Tamaki proved he was dangerous instantly to her with his next sentence.

“I mean like blood or something,” Tamaki cut her while she was replying, and this froze her blood. How did he know? “You have fangs. It shows a probable mutation which requires you to feed specially.” f*ck. He was good.

Toga’s hand was slightly directing herself toward one of her security knives… Until Tamaki showed his own teeth. Fangs too, closer to a beast than a human. This, once again, froze her but weirdly.

“I have a bit of everything, even a pouch of synthetic blood. If you are going to watch them, do it properly.” From under his coat, he pulled an array of various things to eat, to her surprise. Who... Who was carrying all of that?!

“Wait, you are…” She had so many questions, such as "How do you hide an iberian ham under your coat?!"

“A mutant who eats a lot from various sources. If you ask why I have some blood, it is in case I have to intervene quickly. Blood consumption is processed faster by my quirk than normal food.”

Toga stayed silent for a second, before her belly grumbled her desire.

“I… Would like the blood, thanks.”

Tamaki, from under his clothes, pulled out an aluminum pouch, and gave it to a Toga who began to slurp it with delight, making some fox or cat-like purring noise.

“Don’t worry about Tenko. I am pretty sure he doesn’t care about that. Hell, he became friends with Izuku, when he thought he was still quirkless.”

Toga nodded her head, before noticing that despite his aloofness and his apparent disinterest, the man was highly perceptive to have noticed that much about her… Before she noticed something.

“Wait… Where did they go?”

Indeed, while they spoke, Nejire and Tomura had disappeared… But Tamaki answered nonchalantly. “They are inside the arcade. Want to come?”

Toga wondered a bit if it was a good idea but… It was her best option to have a lead on Tomura after all. Let’s follow him!


Turned out Tomura was aware he had a big crush on Nejire, and Nejire seemed at least semi-aware he cared about her. Like when he got her a Ryuukyuu plushie from a claw machine and spent a little fortune on it. However, it was clear that her beaming smile was worth it in his eyes.

Tamaki and Toga had a lot of fun watching that (especially after Toga lent to Tamaki some noise-canceling headphones). Seeing Tomura being a bumbling not-boyfriend was highly different from his “The Boss” persona he had back at the bar. Here? He seemed like a brooding young man trying his best for his girl. Which, Toga realized, was who he truly was, if he wasn’t the leader of a vigilante/villain team. This girl, Nejire, was probably the only person with whom he had his guard down, and could be truly who he felt he was.

“… We are betting with my friend how long it will take before they get truly together.”

Toga looked at Tamaki who was still monitoring them, but he was far more relaxed. While Tamaki liked Tomura when they met at the Tournament, he shared the general feeling the Big 3 had about him. So many things are weird, nothing decisive but just small things piling up. As a result, he hadn’t been sure Tomura’s intentions towards Nejire were totally pure.

Now, when he was playing Dance Dance Revolution with her? It seemed more likely.

“I can see why. I say before two weeks!” Toga appreciated the idea, and wondered if she could bring the LOV's members in it...

“One rule of the bet is we can’t interfere.” Tamaki wasn't dumb and clearly the girl was as sly as a fox. Also, he had to make this rule, because otherwise, Mirio would have totally forced the two to kiss already. The muscular Tintin was quite no-nonsense about many things, and it included romance.

Toga laughed a bit, before getting up and dusting his skirt.

“Thanks for this afternoon. I guess nothing will happen though. The mood isn’t quite here, but Tom… Tenko is clearly better now.”

Tamaki nodded, before giving a number to the surprised girl who smiled a bit.

“Already giving a number to a girl aren’t…”

“Weird eater quirk like us have to support each other. You hide it well, but you are very wary about it and about your surroundings too,” He was no-nonsense too about things like that. No need to create misunderstanding. Toga’s breath was stopped for an instant before the tall man raised up and headpatted her. “You don’t have to tell me anything, but if you ever need help… I will ask my friends to come with me. Heroes are here for that.” The girl didn't need a guy hitting on her, but she clearly needed to know that people were here for her.

That was something Fat Gum told him, more than once on patrol. Very often, they would need people who needed help. But sometimes, rather than forcefully getting in a situation that would get messy very quickly, it was better to let the individual ask for it. Let them know someone cared about them.

Tamaki wasn’t kidding about the whole “weird eating quirk”. He had classes with Vlad as a teacher, and the Blood hero helped him a lot about his quirk, and how to accept it wasn’t gross. Tamaki just hoped it was something he could do about that Toga girl: Maybe Tamaki was hiding his physical face most of the day, but it was painfully obvious this girl had one on her heart. Hell, the comment seemed to shake her up a lot as she took the paper.

“I… I don’t see what you are talking about… But thanks. I will remember it. Now, if you will excuse me…”

Tamaki didn’t follow the young woman as she walked away… But by the end, it was clear she was almost running. He hoped he wasn't the first (or the last) to give her a hand.


At a coffee shop, K was quietly sipping his fifth coffee of the day. In front of him was Foxtails, the young girl he had to care about with the whole unit of crazy people. If it was only up to him, he would…

Send them to a therapy center, far from Seijin. The fact he used her as a threat showed the “respect” he had for her and her work.

“Bring a parfait for the young lady, thank you.”

The man looked at Toga, who was quietly crying in front of him. Logical, as after years of brainwashing and making her crumble down, she had someone who finally gave her a hand. K, once the parfait arrived, poured a blood pouch on it, to her great surprise.

“Eat it, you need it.”

Toga looked at the HPSC agent. He was quite young, in his late twenties at best. After all the months they worked together, it was the first time they had a meal like that. Still, Toga obeyed, saying nothing.

“Keep the number. If something goes wrong at the League, call him. I will make sure the phone call succeed. If the president or Seijin says anything, I will take responsibility.”

The young girl almost spat out what she was eating, as the man was quietly drinking her coffee.

“What? But… You hate me, right? I mean, you often seemed disgusted by me…”

“No. I am disgusted by the fact I have to use a girl the same age as my younger sister as a weapon and mean to further my career. I didn’t sign for this.” The agent said coldly, thinking every word he said to the girl.

“Then… Why don’t you quit?”

“Because if I do, nothing will change. However, if I grit my teeth, I can make sure there will be fewer people like you. Seijin isn’t eternal, she has no child, thanks god, and the whole project Mockingbird depends on her.” Somehow... Considering his cold demeanor, Toga couldn't help but think he was telling the truth. This may be what prompted her next question. A question she had all this time but couldn't ask before...

“… K? Do you think… There will be a normal end for me?”

K sipped his tea and looked at Toga.

“If the worst happens, call the kid. Tell him you want U.A. custody protection program. It is completely out of the HPSC and I know that thanks to All-Might and Endeavor supporting it, you will have a shot for therapy. A real one.” This answer surprised Toga, as it was clearly thought out... But very bad for him.

“That will f*ck up your career, though.” Toga tried to make a point, surprised.

“If the worst happens, it will be destroyed anyway,” K stated it coldly, as Toga’s comment was idiotic. It didn't have to be this way. Not everyone had to fall, and even if the young girl was a murderer by now... It was because of adults like him. With a lot of help... She had a shot at happiness. "Now, eat before it is spoiled. I have to check on the others too."

The two of them silently ate, while Toga felt something she didn’t in a long time. Some warmth in her chest.


At her desk, the HPSC president had a report from her spy on K, confirming what she hoped. Despite his cold face and his smoking habit, the man had a good heart, but the will to do what needed to be done. She added him, in her files on who to trust, and those not to be in the HPSC.

The forty-year-old woman looked through the windows and sighed. Sometimes, she really hated her job, and the number of things she couldn’t change. Being in a position of power didn’t mean you could change everything according to your will alone.

However, she hoped that one day, she could make her institution great again, and not this snake cesspool she had inherited. Oh well, time to leak some new intel on Seijin’s faction to Nedzu… Something about how some of the programs were funded by selling Trigger to some gang and… Go!

This brought a smile on her face as she looked up to the last report on her newest project: Project Sundowner. There will be bloodshed, and for once, she would have no f*cking remorse about it. Only two weeks before activation… And then? Then, Seijin’s faction would have a big problem on their hands.

Chapter 38: Trials Incoming, prepare for assault


In which students studies,

All For One is planning

The LoV is bonding

Nedzu make Endeavor watch his tongue

And still no otter.


Some might have noticed (or not) that last chapter was slightly edited for the Tamaki Himiko part.

First off

As a rule, my betas have the right to ask me for a favor, a change in my story (as long as it impact either the last chapter or one currently being written).

One example of such change was the Katsuki/Yui fight.

Anyway, one of my beta cashed in their to make the pairing Tamaki Himiko possible in the futur. However, as you will see in that chapter, it probably won't be a happy one. Because, as much as I love Himiko, she is a bit insane and a killer.

Second : I apologize for the lack of chapters for the past two weeks. Two reasons for that:
1) I was dealing with the incoming loss of my job. So yeah, not really in a good mood.
2) Since I had a lot of free time, I... Kind of binged Persona 5 Royal, finally.

And f*ck, now I understand why people thought i was referencing it. The game is awesome.

Anyway, enjoy your chapter, people !

Chapter Text

Chapter 38 : Trials incoming, prepare for assault.

“So… How are we going to organize study groups?” Kaminari asked, because he knew he wasn’t really at the top of the class. Tooru, if her face could be seen, would have been terrified, because suddenly Izuku got up and put on the wall a giant paper for everyone to see.


“And Tooru being in your group is just a coincidence, right?” Mina tried to tease Izuku, who gave her an adorable smile and answered back.

“Nope. She is my girlfriend, and I want to spend time with her. That and we actually are used to study together.” Tooru made a small whining sound. While she was now highly successful in how to derail a study session into a make-out one, or a reading, massage, discussion… Hell, anything, Izuku was now planning around her planning and made sure she still worked. It helped greatly her marks, though. Still, she appreciated the fact he countered teasing with pureness.

“Why Todoroki isn’t in charge of a group?” Justice asked, still new to the classroom, before being confused by the general laughter. He wasn’t worried about the exams, as while he was far from being as smart as his brother, he wasn’t dumb. “He is still among our best in the class, no?”

“Maki, Todoroki’s social skills are…” Kirishima was thinking of a good comparison that wouldn’t be harsh to his friend, but Shouto was Shouto.

“I have as much social skill as Bakugou has any self-control about a good fight.”

Bakugou nodded his head approvingly. He was notoriously battle hungry, and he liked that.

“We are to the point where Katsuki is his social skill teacher, and he has made a lot of progress.” Shoji added, behind his mask, nodding too.

“… And Katsuki is a teacher, according to your planning because?” Maki wanted to understand the insanity in this class.

“He is actually very good at motivating his students to learn. His notes are also very good.” Kaminari explained, having been tutored by his teacher. His scared trembling threw shades on what he just said, though.

“To be fair, I threaten to make them my sparring partner, and since most of them are…”

“Sane enough to not want that?” Mina asked, quite rhetorically, actually.

“… I was going to say boring,” Katsuki said with a disappointed look. “But I guess that works too.”

Maki seriously wondered if being clinically insane was a requirement for this classroom. Considering the class president was demoted for apparently attempted murder, it made sense and was scary as hell.

Having Koda’s rabbit beginning to a staring contest with Bakugou (and somehow winning) didn’t help the situation.

“Ok, now last question. Why did you put me in Asui’s study group?”

“Because she is very friendly, and you seem to need friends?”

Tooru did not bribe her boyfriend to make it happen, she could assure you that. No one could have seen her do that, anyway. As for Tsuyu, she was still ribbiting in a friendly way, as the emotional support frog she was, petting the Eevee.

Yes, the cute critter was still here after a few days, and Izuku seemed to be very happy at the prospect. It was the second pet of the classroom,

However, back on the initial subject.

Izuku planned for four groups of five students each, each time with a tutor and four people to help. The tutors were Momo, Katsuki, Izuku and Tsuyu. Which meant Maki had absolutely no way to escape her… However, now, the young Justice was also sure Izuku knew about his mother and made the sensible call to make everyone come to U.A. for studying. Otherwise, considering his upbringing, going to Tsuyu’s house would have most likely involved the last part of studying. There would not have much stu.


Meanwhile, Nedzu had made a giant house for the students to progress peacefully in U.A.’s ground, and it was totally because he wanted to spoil his adopted grandson. Shouto asked him for the favor with a smile. A true smile.

It earned Katsuki a few points, considering how Shouto was only a month before. However, for now, he had a meeting with some people, to plan accordingly for the future conflict.

In front of him, a screen which had Endeavor and Compress in his masked suit, ready for a conference.

“Gentlemen, what did we learn?”

Compress pulled out some stacks of paper, and spoke.

“Thanks to La Brava, we managed to get some data from the Triceps Corporation. Apparently, they were indeed working on the implantation/reimplantation of quirk artificially done. They had some success with the mutant factor, probably because it isn’t an on/off switch like an emitter.” Which also explained their recent success for genetic therapy against cancer and various illnesses.

“Any data about Muscular? Because, as far as I knew, he didn’t seem very animal themed. Same for Moonfish, actually” Endeavor needed to ask, because he still remembered how the villain looked in the end… Not to mention Moonfish. Students shouldn’t have to fight such monsters, and honestly, he understood why, once upon a time, Stain and Compress had been friends.

“…Endeavor. You obliterated him. We lack a body to study what exactly was done to him, and besides that, apparently, the head scientist destroyed her own research before leaving the institute. Considering she died in a blue fire soon after…” Nedzu still had his source among the police force.

Endeavor groaned, knowing perfectly what it meant.

“HPSC taking action and having an Ember with them. Considering they are most likely the one who kidnapped Touya…”

Blue fire was incredibly rare as a quirk, and it had an even bigger stigma on it than a simple fire quirk. They were called Ember amongst the higher-ranking of the government because they were all related, as far as the autopsy showed, to the Ashen King.

Of 35 Embers discovered until now, 5 only were sane and not pyromaniac. It was a reason why Endeavor was so careful about identifying fire quirk users and making sure they were under control. Embers were a true risk, for themselves and the world.

The heroes in charge of dealing with the Embers were Crust, him, and the underground hero Ryo, who thought he hid his family link to Endeavor well. Endeavor was perfectly aware of it and found it funny the underground hero didn’t notice yet that the grant that helped him get into a heroic school was funded by him.

“So, you think Touya is basically the HPSC walking weapon of mass destruction.” Compress wasn’t dumb, and he needed to know that kind of information to not face such a threat unprepared.

Very, very few things could block a blue fire burst blank range. Considering Touya had Endeavor’s training and whatever the HPSC taught him… His son was most likely a danger.Well, even more than before, when he had his first psychopathic episode, but it was another can of worm.

Nedzu sighed, as he would very much like for his source inside the HPSC to create a two-way channel, to have confirmation. They always had top tier information, and when he had to listen to the HPSC president yelling at him, it was always refreshing, especially when she asked who did he corrupt to have the information.

“Most likely.”

“La Brava also discovered something else, based on Hisashi's incident and our own discovery. Touya might not be alone.” Endeavor had sent the files on that one to Compress, as per the agreement for them to work together.

Everyone stared at Compress, who pulled some files concerning various small-time villains who disappeared.

“If La Brava isn’t mistaken, and I doubt she is, the project Mocking Bird might be a reference to the old complotist theory according to which, the CIA used brainwashed killers, who all had a certain book in their library. Anyway. Some of their quirks would explain… Incidents, like what happened to Ingenium. Remember the blond girl you spotted on a video feed? The one with probably a blood quirk?”

Endeavor nodded, clearly not happy with that investigation. They could have uncovered so much earlier if it hadn’t been botched!

He gritted his teeth even harder when a file appeared, showing Himiko Toga, still at school. It was clearly a class picture, and the young teenage girl seemed tired on it. She seemed to be underweight too.

“Himiko Toga, had an unidentified blood quirk, but it had elements of transformations, according to the witnesses.”

Compress was nothing if thorough, and when La Brava noticed the absence of police files about Toga Himiko despite her being in the “official files” of the HPSC, she knew something was wrong. As a result, she sent Gentle for some breaking-in, getting intel or simply asking questions. His gentleman demeanor made him actually quite the face, especially if Hana was with him.

“Her parents are nowhere to be found, most likely moved to another location and with a different identity. Hell, if I read correctly about their fortune, they most likely moved out of the country after their daughter attempted to kill another student.”

A rich family, but not crazy rich as Nedzu. As a result, the scandal had tanked their local reputation, and they decided wisely to move out in another country to live there and be happy.

Still, the last part made everyone perk up.

“Attempted murder?”

“Apparently, being deprived of blood for too long made her attack a young man named Saito. He survived, but he needed a lot of surgery. He is actually the one who told us the most about her. How Toga was always on the edge about something and him trying to reach out and help…” Compress sighed. That one act of kindness backfired on so many level.

Nedzu sighed. Being nice was nice, but in certain cases, like this Toga, offering your blood to help was dangerous, as there was no way of telling if the blood-thirsty girl would have a way to stop drinking or the self-control to not kill by mistake.

You had to call a pro, like Vlad. Professional helpers exist because they are needed. Not everyone is a therapist, not everyone is part of the rescue force. This was actually one of the reasons why vigilantism was forbidden: well-meaning people doing something that worsened the situation.

“So this Toga girl was reported arrested in one document… But no trial, no police record… Nothing. She vanished off the face of the earth afterwards. Her family wasn’t that influential and from what we gathered… I doubt her parents would bail her out.”

This made Nedzu angry on several levels. His mammal instinct to care about youngling, his hero instinct that this kind of quirk could have been very useful for an underground hero, and the f*ck HPSC instinct he felt everyone should have.

“I see… So, the HPSC probably has a death squad for special operations they want to deny. Probably Nagant’s replacement then.”

Compress nodded behind his mask, before following, having discovered a few things and needing his colleague to be up-to-date.

“We also have a very good lead on the real identity of the Boss, though we need it to keep it secret for his safety. All-Might should be warned, though.”

This was most likely to be a groundbreaking revelation, right?

“The Boss is probably Tenko Shimura, who disappeared several years ago, and was most likely taken and raised by All For One.”


This time, Endeavor was officially sick of this man.

“Language, Enji. Compress, how the hell did you got that one?” Nedzu still liked to see Endeavor being grumpy when his dad treated him as a child. Still so cute.

“Well… This one is a bit of a stretch, and I miss some evidence. However, let me tell you that once upon a time, Stain and I were friends. Even after he radicalized enough, we were still friends enough, so I accepted an ex-partner of his, Sophie Deveraux… Also known as Hana Shimura. Both he and I were aware of her research of her brother, and apparently, during his time at the League, and after interrogating Native, Stain concluded that her brother was alive and he knew where he was.”

“And what is the link to Boss?” Endeavor was legitimately intrigued.

“Stain didn’t have many friends. I think he made some mental notes about what the League told him and… Boom. It would also explain why All For One would want to silence him.”

“So… Hoshu wasn’t a declaration of war but just a big cover-up?”

Once again, the vigilante nodded as the heroes sighed. The sh*t was even messier than before. Just how many gambits AfO was running at the same time?


“So, we have Plan A, Plan B, Plan C, and Plan E still active.”

All for One was pleased, especially as it was more than expected. Someone wise in a fanfiction he read when he was younger said, “There is two kinds of mastermind: those who run a plan the shortest possible to limit the f*ck-up, and those who run a hundred complicated one at the same time. One of them was bound to succeed and they could pretend all the others were fakes.” All for One agreed with that explanation, and he loved to run several plans at the same time. Besides, being immortal helped a lot for that. Also, he was probably a Vandal Savage fan, but no one knew that.

“Kurogiri? What about our update on the mole?”

Kurogiri put on a computer screen the video of a young man, tortured to death apparently.

“Properly disposed of, sir. However, it brings concern about Giran.”

“Of course it does. I was thinking Giran helped us way too readily. Is he still searching for my granddaughter?”

“I have asked for a report on that, sir. Apparently, he confirmed the young miss is alive thanks to someone who can check if someone is dead or not from a picture. By precaution, I have executed that individual, to diminish the risk people can confirm if you are alive.”

Kurogiri was built with that function after all.

“Very good. Are we sure Luck Stealer’s wife’s family don’t have her?”

“Likely, as Giran’s agents never saw a kid in their house. So, either they have her locked in an underground basem*nt, far from even his eyes, or they don’t have her. However, considering the strength guarding the place, it would need committing several noumus, and humanoid at that, or yourself, sir, to check directly. We can’t afford to lose that much human resources after Hoshu.”

All For One sighed. Truly a stronghold who had a lot of good quirks. Maybe he should go there when he would have better lungs. The exercise would be nice for his cranky body.

“Very well. What about Tomura then? What is his League doing currently?”

“Well, they are trying to find some good targets. Endeavor was vetoed because Tomura pointed out ending the #2 would be nice, but Endeavor wasn’t the kind of person easy to beat in the first place, and his sidekicks are all pretty strong. As a result, rather than heroes, they decided to do some killings on the CRC. Since apparently two of the recruits are complex mutants, it was received quite warmly by them. They plan a raid on the newly christened ISP tomorrow.”

Kurogiri pulled on the screen, for AfO’s virtual eyes, HPSC’s spies’ files.

“Tomura and Loony managed to befriend Toga quite easily. I would recommend working on her nonetheless, as her quirk could have an interesting reaction with your and potentially be used as a back-up plan.”

“Using this girl and my quirk to possess it? Useless unless I have something that would allow me to rewrite my flesh at the same time or unless Garaki is willing to modify her enough to receive me… More wine, Kurogiri.”

“Very well, sir. As for Twice, the man is… He is a bumbling buffoon, sir. Only useful as a support.”

All For One sighed. It was sad, as Seikyo still remembered Shin Bubaigawara, and his wonderful quirk. He had hoped his grandson would have inherited from an upgraded version of his quirk, not a downgrade. Oh well, Seijin’s gift for his birthday was still quite touching and useful! Such a good daughter.

“What about Dabi? Who is totally not a Todoroki, by the way.”

“Dabi, confirmed Ember. If we can convince him to accept the noumufication or to accept a gift from you, we would have one of the most powerful fire user in existence, sir. While his technique is crude and his body is crumbling, his output is unlike any other. Besides, while he tries to hide it, he still knows most of his father’s style. However, I am not sure he can actually make through the noumufication. His body is already in a very bad state.”

So this was the true gift! Oh, such a beautiful weapon~ Even if it was unstable as hell, and he actually tried to attack Tomura to assert dominance. There was much they could work with!

“And we have all of Seijin’s intel on him?”

“Young mistress made an excellent report, and she even included some data so you could use his bypass word.”

“… Send her a card telling her she is the best, and tell Garaki to work on his youthfication procedure. She is going to be the first to be by my side.” He adored his daughter. Loyal and crazy fun like him !

“Very well, sir. Finally, Spinner. He… is a pizza delivery man who got lost.”

“… That’s totally a trap.” All For One also had a quirk called Captain Obvious.

“Of course, sir. However, I have to admit, I am surprised as Giran found nothing on him. He was actually surprised about that. All he found was that his backstory was coherent. When his men asked in Deika about him, there was no discrepancy.”

This was weird, and honestly, quite worrying. Another secret organization who was aware of him, but not the opposite? One who could apparently fool Giran? sh*t.

“Tell Nine he will be deployed around Deika. I want intel on what is happening over there. Just to be sure I am not about to be stabbed in the back by a laying knife.”


Meanwhile, at an unlucky CRC HQ.

“Loony! Catch!” Spinner said, before throwing a dumbass at the bunny, who smashed his head like a pumpkin. Both mutants hated people like the CRC, and it was always a fun mission to bond with the other. Hell, after seeing the ominous League for himself, he was clearly hoping to recruit them for the moderate faction of the MLA. The MLA as whole hated the CRC and the SMASH… Wait, no. According to the new intel, the SMASH had a new leadership, and they got rebranded as the Inhuman Supremacy Party. Anyway, both of them were assholes, and Spinner couldn’t wait for Re-Destro to smash them to the ground.

“Boss! I was drinking that one!” Toga yelled, as she was covered in dust, her fang bloodied. Clearly, she had her fill. Tomura sighed, before looking at her.

“Not when working, Kitsune. Did you finish the evacuation?” Tomura was clearly going to ask Izuku his opinion on how much Kitsune thirst was biological and how much was it addiction. Because, clearly, her look made him a tiny bit suspicious.

“Yep! I left Tanuki protecting the hostage, and he prepared two Amaterasu” Well, at least it didn’t impair her skills on the field and it was nice to see her annoying Dabi.

“DABI! MY f*ckING NAME IS DABI!” Amaterasu yelled even harder as he incinirated a man by making him eat his flames.

“Amataresu roll better on the tong, mate. What are you, a Chunni?!”

“f*ck you, CRUSTY FACE!”

“It’s not crusty anymore, because I USE CREAM, ME.”

Both men flipped at each other the bird, before Tomura lunged toward Dabi’s side, and the fireman redirected a hand in the direction of his Boss.

Fire and dusting hand crossed each other, and Tomura dusted a man with a lesser invisibility quirk while Dabi incinerated a bad cosplay of a knight templar.

“… You know, if I didn’t see the Boss with his girlfriend the other day, I would ship them.” Toga whispered to Spinner and Rabbit, leaving them giggling.

“She isn’t my girlfriend!” Tomura was once again thanking Izuku for the idea of an all-face concealing mask for him. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been believable at all, blushing and everything else.

The stare he got from everyone, as they stood in the middle of burning corpses, and dusted people, made him yell.

“f*ck you guys!”

Meanwhile, Twice was protecting the mutants, and taking some measure with his notebook. He had a lot of useful people to copy in it, and he never stopped to use it. He was half mad, not half stupid. Even if his doubles were less powerful than the original, they were still useful. With two Recovery Girl healing the prisoners, he was making sure everyone was alright.

“Mister Double Face? Thank you!”

Twice only had the time to turn back before two little fox girls began to hug his legs… While he headpatted them. Daw, so cute. And thoses assholes were trying to kill them? They deserved everything they got!

“Don’t worry, kids! We are the League of Villains… Because we do the things heroes can’t./ALSO BECAUSE f*ck THE RACISTS.”

Both personalities were agreeing on that, and it was nice to feel at peace with himself. Then, Twice got something on his phone and yelled at his friends in panic.

“Guys! Gang Orca is coming with his gang, right now! We should, you know. GET THE f*ck OUT?”

Everyone in the gang stared at each other, and the league began to run away quickly, leaving some former prisoners still wondering what the f*ck happened, many CRC members dead and not wondering at all, and their leader with his legs dusted but alive, with a little post-it “Gift from the League of Villains”.

Tomura’s idea, after the Triceps attack. When he was thinking about it, the attack could have f*cked up Ryuukyuu’s investigation, and killing everyone, while very satisfying, could also mean destroying any leads the heroes needed to work on a bigger scale. That way… Well… It was better that way.

Still, Tomura hoped Stain would have liked what they did today. There were even two heroes in the building, secretly part of the CRC!


Meanwhile, in Tartarus.

The HPSC’s president was looking through the glass to see the operation in front of him. Project Sundowner. Her personal ultimate soldier in her war to purify the HPSC from Seijin’s influence. She needed that fire power, one loyal only to her… But also with the backbone to tell her to f*ck off if she ever steers from her initial goal.

Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. That was her unofficial motto, and why she self-imposed rules on herself, to limit her own power and avoid losing her goal.

“How is the operation going?”

“It is going as expected ma’am. We have finished most of the modification asked, and as per order, he should wake in two weeks.” The doctor said through the speaker, as he implanted even more stuff in the man in front of him.

Underneath the HPSC’s president, on the surgery table, Stain was being operated on and he had a smile on his face, still in his sleep since the attack. Maybe the madman had a good dream.

“I just want, for the record, to say that giving a cybernetic body to a madman is a bad idea that could easily backfire. Shouldn’t we insert a mind control puce or something ? Just the bomb might be not enough.” Someone had played some old Mass Effect apparently.

No, the HPSC President second idea for this operation wasn’t Lazarus. Any trace of that had been eaten by her dog.

“It is my call to make and I promise you it won’t backfire at all.”

Surprisingly, the HPSC president was right. She was also sure she made the right call for Stain’s partner.


In a Tartarus cell, Nagant sneezed. Someone was thinking about her maybe? A first since she was dumped into that hole.


The HPSC President, if she knew the whole consequence of her actions, would have rewarded herself with a good cup of wine.

Chapter 39: Tormenting Tomura is Tempting


In which there is a wolfgirl, a co*ckroach, and Tomura is tormented.

Oh and next chapter it is the practical exam against the teacher.

Chapter Text

Chapter 39: Tormenting Tomura is Totally Tempting.

Invisible_Girl: Anyone still alive?

Earjack: … How can someone that kind, can be that cruel when you are studying?!

Gravity: The f*ck happened? I mean, I was in the Momo group, and we had a good time. She even brought tea!

Invisible_Girl: Well, those with me for Izuku’s session discovered he is really a perfectionist when teaching, and gives a lot of details.

Princess: How much?

Earjack: Too much. I mean, I totally understand now why Katsuki slammed his face in the desk, the first day. He saved us. Half of it was the teaching material, the other half, his own guess. This includes predictions on what should fall at the exam…

Invisible_Girl : And his theory that the legendary Arch-Arsonist might be the Ashen King’s ancestor, having somehow managed to escape from jail and have children.

Earjack: Which is scary.

Princess: Don't let Todoroki hear him. He began explaining to me his theory that the Quirk Thief is real, and probably still alive. One of his pieces of evidence was the Egyptian pyramids. I was just asking how his lessons with Nedzu were going!

Invisible_Girl: I am compelled to ask. What.

Princess: Actually, he said there was a white-haired man, seen across the world since the dawn of quirk and there is no proof he died.

Frog_Girl: …Meanwhile, I have managed to make some progress with Maki. He is very cute when he tries to hide his embarrassment. Thanks Tooru for the assist.

Invisible_Girl: Always happy to help, girl!


Meanwhile, at the new Inhuman Supremacist Party, two people were speaking. One of them was a young mutant, in his early twenties. His villain name was an old reference, advised by his mentor and patron, Terraformars. While for now he wasn’t really known, as his ascension basically happened overnight, he was the new leader for the former S.M.A.S.H. Indeed, last night, he challenged Beast for leadership. And to make sure the man would accept to fight and not just laugh at him, Terraformars threw at him some of his children’s heads.

The Wolf Lord had been quite angry at the sight. While he didn’t care about any of them, the beast man was proud of his pack and didn’t tolerate anyone but him hurting them.

As a result, the SS Villain, who once had managed Mizunaka under drugs to a standstill, leaped at the newcomer.

Everyone who watched the fight would confirm later it had been brutal… For Beast.

Terraformars wore his name perfectly as he was a mutant co*ckroach and looked exactly like the beasts in the manga of the same name. He also had the strength, speed, and durability coming with such a quirk. Sure, he was ugly as f*ck, spooking everyone with his wide-open eyes. Sure he was someone who killed people as if they were bugs.

The real issue was his intellect. He wasn’t on par with Nedzu as an example, but he was smart and ambitious. He was going to be the new lord of crime in Japan.

“Your protegee, Tomura, destroyed one of my centers, Sensei.”

Speaking of that, Terraformars was talking to All For One, his mentor and the one who trained him in warfare, how to establish a crime ring and how to milk it. He was extremely unhappy as a result when he learned someone he was supposed to work with at a later date attacked him and was more a vigilante than a villain.

“I have to ask. Are you sure about your choice of the heir?”

Maybe it was disrespectful, but Terraformars only respected this man. Him and only he had his loyalty, for saving him all these years ago. He wasn’t afraid of his freakish appearance and taught him what he needed to be the man he was now.

As a result, he truly cared about All For One’s empire and Tomura apparently not being evil.

The silence in front of him made Terraformars he might have overstepped, but when Sensei spoke, it surprised him highly.

“Errare humanum est, perseverate diabolicum.” All For One had hints of irritation in his voice, but if the co*ckroach was correct, it wasn’t against him.

“Sensei?” The co*ckroach dared to hope…

“I want to give Tomura a chance, but you are right. I might have made an error and his League might be counterproductive. As a result… I might do something fun about it.”

The ISP leader groaned as he knew that Sensei’s humor involved people screaming in pain… And weird references.

“… Sensei, I might throw you off a window, with all respect, if you make a joke about your past.”

“Well, I was going to make you, Purify, and Tomura fight to determine who was the Apex Legend among all of you but…”

Terraformars suddenly went to throw his mentor through windows for that joke, but he preferred to stare in disbelief at him.

“So… A battle royal among our three groups, but what does the last one standing win?”

“The heirdom to my empire, of course. All three of you had roughly the same training and hate the hero society as you should.” All for One explained, to his protégé’s joy. The man with the mask didn’t mention that all three of them had their own potential as “extra-life”. Terraformars’s mutation made him able to survive the implementation of his quirk directly, Purify had a very interesting variation of Erasure, and Tomura had the extra irony of his lineage.

All three were perfectly viable for some hijacking. So, since Tomura was deviating from his initial plan, All For One would make him fight for his position, to make him kill people way more often.

Let’s reawaken inside of him the bloodlust he had. That would make corrupt him correctly way more easily.

“…When does the game begin? Also, does that mean we can finally be a bit more overt about our actions? I mean. Gang Orca has been a pain recently and…” Terraformars liked to operate his hate group as a corporation, and honestly, he wanted to deregulate his market from the hero regulations.

“In one week. You can take that time to finish what you have begun.”

The new ISP leader knew exactly what he was talking about. Finishing off the Beast Bloodline. Sure, the group wasn’t a monarchy, but blood was very important, and letting one escape meant a faction could rise later to challenge him. It was easier to finish off all the remaining kids.

“It is going on quite well. The only missing one is a girl named Suto, but I have faith we will find her soon. And once we find where she is hidden, we will crush her and her hiding place at full strength.


Re-Destro opened his new center for homeless people in Deika, one specifically opened as a safe space for heteromorphic quirked people. Rikiya was the leader of a centuries long conspiracy and he had time to evolve his ancestor’s ideology, with new problems arising. One of them was the heteromorphic mutant. If one wanted to exercise freely its quirk, it also meant mutants deserved to be free to be what they were, without prejudice or discrimination. They needed a safe space to be protected.

Being smart about the ideology and not trusting it blindly. That was his own motto. Because, if you trusted blindly the whole “Let everyone use their quirk freely” you would have quickly crazy f*cker like the Ashen King running around. Actually, Rikiya found the event quite relaxing, because he still needed to have another meeting on that subject with his shadow council. Apparently, rumors of an existing cult were proven true, and as a result, needed to be dealt with.


Unknown to him, a certain wolf girl, named Suto, on the run, decided to hide there for the time being. Deika was such a quiet and nice town. Surely, she would be safe for a moment, right? However, she would need to stay secretive about her identity for now…

Though she knew it was only a matter of time before her father’s killer found her. Honestly, she just wanted to get as far as possible from them, and she would be happy if she didn’t have to hear about them ever again, but she knew them.

The ISP would never let her live and she was only going to stay here long enough to recover and establish a plan to get the f*ck out of the country.

Surely, she wouldn’t bring trouble to Deika?


Meanwhile, at the League of Villains, people gathered around Toga. Well, all except Tomura, who was tired as he tried to be promoted to Platinum on LoL. Considering his yelling about some f*cking ADC not doing their job, he didn’t succeed.

“How did he manage to meet such a cute one?!” “THAT DAMN NORMIE!” Twice was angry and happy at the same time, somehow. To be fair, both parties agreed Tomura was damn lucky.

“I don’t know, but I have to respect the skill. Our fearless leader is more competent than he lets on.” Dabi had to admit he clearly didn’t believe Tomura was that good but here was their proof. Their proof that a supervillain had somehow a relationship with one of the most promising heroes of the new generation.

“So… Do you think she is the one he wants us to meet this Saturday?” Toga asked, somehow hoping to meet Tamaki at the same time. It was nice to know someone who didn’t care about her eating habits. She almost wanted to thank him by drinking his blood… But she was pretty sure that if she did that, her cover would blow up and Seijin would punish her. Bad girl. Stay calm.

Loonie laughed in the background, while she was feeding some rabbits running around in the bar, some discharging electricity, and another creating ice. Dabi liked to have that one on his knees, as its coldness felt nice and eased his burned skin. Truly, one of the best things at the LoV. The goddamn rabbits.

“Nah, Boss plans to make you meet one guy he would love to recruit for his League. However, he is still really useful as a quirk analyst. He is almost on par with Boss for strategy…” Loony liked to prepare her effects for her announcement. “And he is one of the best of U.A. first years!”

Suddenly, Dabi was internally screaming. Because, according to that profile, well… Odds were it was Shouto.

At the mere thought of his brother, Dabi’s temperature rose a bit before calming down. Why did he feel the urge to kill? Oh right. Right, his father. It was all his father’s fault.


“... What do you mean, you made him saner, darling?”

“Exactly what I mean, Dad. Seriously, AVOID using mind control at all costs. It should be your last resort. Touya Todoroki is an actual psychopath and I made him a working, calmer and saner individual by focusing all his negativity on his dad.”

Seijin, despite loving to mindf*ck people, was smart about it. She did it like an artist, to control what her painting would become. She didn’t like making psycho even more psycho, despite the rumors. She molded them into tools. When Touya first arrived in her lap, she had a lot to unravel, notably the fact the young boy tried once to kill his baby brother before his quirk appeared simply because of his hair.

The more she worked with Touya, the more it mattered to write an article about psychopaths. Hell, she actually wrote one and got a prize for it, because she had a rare young specimen available. However, she needed to warn her dad seriously about it. All For One loved to f*ck with people but without caring how it could come back to bite him in the ass later. Thankfully, her dad listened to her in her matters of expertise… Just as much as he listened to his son about dental care (even All For One knew better than to make his dentist angry).

He bought for a high price a perfect tooth quirk for a very good reason.

“Very well. On a side note, do you still come Friday for dinner?”

“No, sorry dad. I might have a date with a nice man. Also, if he mysteriously disappears, I will be angry unless you have a very good reason!”

Seijin knew her dad and All For One liked to do his intimidation act. The issue was he also liked to make disappear any of her potential relationships that weren't up to his standard. So yes, she had to resort to threats sometimes…

As her only answer, Seijin got a hearty laugh from her dad.


Aizawa sighed, as he graded each student’s essay on the Dawn of Quirks. Most of the students brought very nice essays, which were only logical. Sure, some like Kaminari were among the ‘idiots’ of the class. However, people seemed to often forget that the ‘dumbest’ of UA still meant being among the best 1% of Japan.

Kaminari, as an example, was an excellent work of memorization and he tried to bring some of his insight into his copy. The issue was he still lacked some ground experience and needed to learn how the world worked, but the ideas were interesting.
Izuku’s was a compilation of datasheets and some analysis on the subject Shouta saw once or twice in some scholar’s thesis. Excellent but sometimes, too much information killed the purpose.

Bakugou’s was simple, concise, and to the point, hence his excellent marks.

No, Aizawa’s headache was Shouto’s work and honestly… It scared him on some levels. The more he read it, the more he was inspired to make his own conspiracy theory board, and try to connect some links himself.

When he finished grading the work, Shouto had an excellent note, and Aizawa was now split between checking with Nedzu about something or not doing.

Against his better judgment, he decided to ask the mad rat.


Surprising Nedzu was hard, as the rat seemed to have an intricate intelligence network on par with the Public Safety Bureau or the HPSC. However, Aizawa’s question made him stop drinking his tea for a singular second. Aizawa was one of his favorite humans, if only because he was one of the best to nap with.

“Come again, Aizawa?”

“Are you, or not, one of Destro’s followers from the Dawn of Quirks Era and responsible for things like the freezing of Harajuku, or Akihabara Great Cleansing?”

Nedzu drank his tea and gave his best reassuring smile to his teacher.

“Of course not, Aizawa! What makes you think such a thing?”

Aizawa sighed, some weight off his shoulder. Yes, of course it was an absurd theory.

“Shouto’s work. I don’t know if he believes what he writes, but he has learned from his father how to make a convincing case apparently.” Because Shouta clearly recognized Endeavor’s style in Shouto’s thesis on the subject. Probably because Endeavor was forced to do only paperwork after his injury against Muscular?

That and Nedzu’s lesson clearly honed Shouto with his father's methodology and his grandpa’s craziness. As a result, they had the future king of conspiracy theories.

Both men chuckled a bit, before Aizawa went back to his work, while Nedzu sighed and pulled from his desk an old picture. He was clearly smaller at that time, and he was on the shoulder of a tall-man with a long nose. A very old friend, who had saved his life. Sadly, their view of the world disagreed in the long run, and he had been very sad when his friend got executed. Still, Nedzu had never been an official member of Destro’s group.

As for Akihabara, he had no remorse. They had canceled his favorite show before the end.

Good Ol’ times.


On Saturday, Izuku stretched himself to appreciate the sun, as he went down his favorite mall. Tooru had a girl meeting for once, and both of them agreed they still needed their own activities separately. Still, Izuku had a good idea of what Tooru was planning to do that day. Something involving Momo’s manor, a lot of laser pistols, and things like that.

When Izuku opened the Den of the Drake’s door, he saw the patron smiling at him. After the festival and his epic showdown with Katsuki, Izuku got sponsored by Momo’s family, as they owned most of the card industry. Having a card themed hero was good and as a result, Izuku could, up to a certain limit each week, bill them for rare and precious cards. The patron loved when Izuku came, because it meant he would have a lot to research, and it was a good way to have some money.

“Tomura and his friends are waiting for you, Midoriya.”

…Tomura? Friends? Something didn’t compute for a few seconds until Izuku got in the back of the shop and saw his friend.




Izuku, and the rest of the local dudes were all wondering who was Tomura’s friends, between one who had an even worst face than Tomura at his beginning, a genki vampire girl, and a man with a strange mask. Loony, with an actual reward on her head, couldn’t come, but she trusted Himiko as her proxy.

“... Tomura, don’t kill people here, and don’t scare the clients.”


Dabi clearly relaxed, when he saw that his new Boss’ friend wasn’t Shouto (why were some parts of him disappointed?). Himiko was already smiling and waving at him, and both Twice nodded, as they played against each other.

Somehow, both were losing.

“Wow, I never thought Tomura truly had any friends besides me, the group, and maybe Ne…”

“Izuku, you are my friend, but don’t give them such details.” Tomura warned, not knowing Himiko had already spread the news among the group.

“Okay, okay… So… Nice to meet you all. I see someone with a fire quirk and a birth defect, two complex mutant quirks, and someone with a duplication quirk. Damn, they are rare.”

“Thank you!” “It is a f*cking curse!” Both clones yelled at the same time, making Izuku raise an eyebrow.

Tomura turned toward Izuku, and he explained.

“Jin had an incident with his quirk, and at the moment he doesn’t know if he is the real one or just a clone by-product. It is not well on his psyche as you can guess. Don’t you have any theories that could prove to him he is the real one or something?”

Tomura knew Izuku was a f*cking nerd about it. He probably had already read something on similar cases and…

“Well, of course. According to Mc Allistair’s studies, last year, it has been discovered and proved that most creation and duplication quirks don’t work when the user is asleep. Also, there is an important difference between duplicating/creating…”

Tomura sighed and snapped his finger.

“Long story short, Izuku. If Jin was a clone, he should have dissolved into goo when he went asleep, that’s what you are saying. Right?”

Izuku happily nodded and Twice began to smile, as it seemed to be a light at the end of a very dark tunnel.

“Of course ! I mean, there is only one exception recorded to that rule and it would be very bad luck if he was related to Shin Bubawaigara!”

At that moment, when they saw Twice’s face falling, Tomura and the rest knew. Izuku f*cked up.

“What?” That needed an explanation, one Izuku was happy to give.

“Well, Shin Bubawaigara was known to have the only permanent duplication living quirk. He had a permanent body double who was him, with his mind and everything. Effectively two bodies and one mind, though he could merge if he wanted.”

“... I think it was my grand-father.” “WE ARE SURE IT IS HIM! f*ck!” Twice didn’t take kindly to the news, until he got hugged by Himiko, who tried to calm him down, while Izuku was racking his brain…

“Well, there goes that theory. The other option would be finding a good card.” Izuku said, not one to give up. Tomura quickly understood what he meant, while the LoV were wondering what they were talking about.

“Oh right. If we can find a card that allows us to seek through the illusions, but not dispel it, we can make sure Jin is the real one without dispelling him if he is a clone!”

“Tomura, I think I speak for everyone when I say this. What are you both talking about?” Dabi was wondering what they were talking about after all.

“Izuku, here, can manifest what is written on a card in real life.” Tomura explained while the green haired teen smiled and pulled from his bag a big book with a lot of cards from various games.

“Wait, so, I have a Pikachu card…” Himiko asked before Izuku summoned a Pikachu who was promptly hugged tightly by Toga. “OH MY GOD, THIS IS THE BEST QUIRK!”

“Thanks!” Izuku said, before continuing to check on his collection, while the others understood even more their chief choice. Nice guy, without any prejudice and a very strong quirk. Toga smiled and was going to ask something before Tomura added.

“He is already taken, and if you try to make a move on him, you will never see his girlfriend coming.”

The fact that every neckbeard in the shop nodded solemnly was strange, but Toga knew when to back down. Meanwhile, Izuku found a card, but he looked very annoyed at Tomura.

“You owe me one, Tomura. This card is extremely rare, and I wanted to use it on my date.”

Tomura smiled, as Izuku pulled the Lens of Truth from Ocarina of Time. Nintendo had released in the past some TCG of the famous license, hence why they existed… But also why they cost a hefty penny.

The young man used the lens to look at Twice and…

“It’s fine, he is a real guy,” Izuku said, without any problems. “I would still recommend seeing a therapist, though.”

Tomura and Spinner noted quietly in their mind that all three of their friends had a little reaction, at the word therapist. It was apparently something worth digging a bit…

“Though, I will find a favor later, Tomura. For now I have enough on my mind…” Izuku sighed, as he pulled his deck for their favorite game. “I need to let my mind on other things.”

“Pff, as if it can be that hard.” Tomura said, laughingly, as everyone watched them play and Dabi was still trying to wonder if he would be in danger if he burned either a smoke or a neckbeard. “I mean, what’s the worst on your mind? Exams?”

“Tomura, next week, according to my intel, I will fight one of my hero teachers, so it is actually a good reason to worry. However, the real thing in my mind is something else.”

“Oh? Do tell, Izuku.” At that moment, Tomura didn’t know he would be the one who would have a hard time sleeping.

“I discovered I have a missing cousin, named Tenko Shimura and I have no idea where he might be… Or if he is alive.” Izuku explained with a sigh, missing his friend screaming suddenly internally, while Toga connected some dots… And suddenly, I was confronted with a big question. To report or not report?

Because apparently, that was a big thing.

That day, Tomura lost for the first time all afternoon against Izuku, while Twice was seen enjoying a few stuff and being a bit reassured. He was still unsure if Izuku was right, but knowing there was a high percentage of him being the real one made him feel better.

Meanwhile, when alone with Kurogiri, Tomura yelled.


Sweet. Now, he had something to report to his master. But first, let’s calm his boy…

Chapter 40: Teachers VS Students


How the practical exam went quite differently, for the best and the worst.

Oh, and next chapter ? I-Island Arc !


I have begun a new fic, because of how often people said that this story reminded them of Persona 5.

The result? I have binged Persona 5 this month. Like a lot.
Then it got me thinking about how I could fuse the two universes madness. The end result ?

The Emerald Phantom Thief!

Yes, I have begun a third story. As a result, while I will try my best to keep all fics updated, I expect my schedul to become chaotic. I apologize for the inconveniency.

Now, be otter, and enjoy.

Chapter Text

Chapter 40 : Teachers VS Students

“See, that is why I was saying that asking first years to give us the weights was a bad idea, especially when the winner was going to be Mei, and when she is notoriously the main provider for Midoriya and Bakugou,” Aizawa pointed out, as all of his comrades went back to the main building with various bruises, “They are just kids, what wrong they could do to us? Well, unlike you, I listened to Midnight and Vlad. They both supervised the kids and they knew what the hell they were planning.”

The exam was one of the usual logic fallacies Aizawa liked to use: to make the students think that they were going to fight robots, and boom, drop kicking them with teachers and pro heroes. Yes, he was a total sad*st. However, this year, he wanted to take extra precaution for his plan, but he was vetoed for once.

And as a result, the students were thoroughly prepared for the exams.

One of the few still standing was Cementoss, as he had to deal with Kaminari and Shinso, to observe how they had prepared themselves to deal with a long range villain with night impenetrable defense.

The pair had surprised all the teachers, as their solution was to use Shinso’s ventriloquism to fool Cementoss’ sense of their real position… But more importantly, because of Kaminari’s new technique. Even Aizawa had been surprised by the move, and gave them some bonus points. Apparently, the Quirk Training Club was a resounding success, as Kaminari managed to create a secondary nerve system thanks to his quirk, greatly increasing his physical abilities, but mainly improving his speed. With Shinso on his back, Kaminari ran in less than one minute to the exit, before collapsing in front of it. Apparently, that super mode was highly taxing on his body, and Shinso had to pull him out on the last meter.

Still, it was a resounding success for the pair.

Present Mic thought that he was in a comical large cast for a good reason. His job had been to deal with Momo and Ochako, and see how they would deal with long range attacks. Their answer? Ochako, who made a weightless Howitzer who shot at Present Mic. Momo, then, aimed it at the teacher and shot him easily. She was kind enough though to not have used an actual cannon ball, but rather a new foam composant developed by Mei, and which solidified as a cast.

Aizawa appreciated the silence and the fact he wouldn’t have to listen to his friend, until Maijima got his tools to free him.

Maijima, though, was still wondering what the hell happened during his fight. Having to deal with Mei on a daily basis had greatly increased his bullsh*t resistance, but it was still puzzling him.

He had to fight a mutant frog accompanied by what looked like a Templar Knight on his way to Jerusalem. Surprisingly enough, the threat hadn’t been the Templar himself, but the frog. And to be fair, it had been expected. Justice’s quirk made it very hard for him to be powerful enough while against a teacher.

He still wondered what the hell the Frog said to him, so he would try to throw her away the strongest he could, while clearly blushing under his helmet. Young love, probably?

Anyways, young Asui used the momentum and her powerful legs to jump literally above every trap he put there… And while Power Loader had thought he could easily defeat her one on one, he noticed then that her tongue was still tied to Justice…

Meaning now, there was a video of a frog using a crusader as a hammer to play whack-a-mole.

Power Loader was the mole, which was why his exo-skeleton was badly damaged.

All-Might, in the end, had been one of the few to win his fight, but as he explained to the student, in his case, they were mostly expected to do their best and survive, showcasing what they had learned.

Yagi was smiling, thinking about the fight and how promising Todoroki and Kirishima had been. Kirishima’s right hook in his Gargoyle mode was not meant to be underestimated, especially as he completely ignored elemental damage. Yagi was wondering if it was because of his training in the club, as Kirishima’s training was basically staying between Bakugou and Todoroki doing contests of power.

The fight had Kirishima being in close combat range, trying to punch him and taking him down, while Todoroki used a mix of ice and fire to get around the place quickly and attack from all sides.

Teachers added bonus points for his ice structure, as it was more stable than it had been during the Sport Festival. In the same way, Todoroki stopped using big moves as openers in a fight, leaving him open, and used it only as a finisher, when Kirishima managed to hold down All-Might for a second.

Still, his focus needed work. He was still far from pulling a Hell Spider like his father, or doing a precise attack with some ice javelin.

As for Kirishima… The young lad was quite spirited. In his personal ranking of “who deserved One For All”, Kirishima was very high. He had the will, the quirk, and most importantly, the kindness.

All-Might was half pondering the idea of actually mentoring him in his fitness training, the “American Dream” regime he got from Nana, who herself got from her predecessor… Sometimes, they half-joked that the true One For All was all of that training.


In the vestige world, Yoichi sneezed. Did someone discover that One For All was a stockpiling quirk, and as a result, it made a lot of sense to make every user follow his insane training he designated through science, just to make them superhuman? After all, his research during the Dawn of Quirks clearly showed that each generation was stronger than the precedent.

This training would only bring greater results! Suck it, Seikyo! Training always pays off in the end!

“Hoy, Yoichi, you come? Third managed to create a game station and to imagine a fighting game with heroes All-Might knows as characters!” Nana screamed from the depth of the quirk, making the frail looking man smile, before joining his successor, smiling.


Snipe wasn’t here, as he had to be brought to Recovery Girl. They foolishly thought that putting Katsuki and Tooru in the same team was a good idea, to see if they were ready to work with people with adverse personalities, and if Tooru had what it took to be a support for a heavy gunner.

However, the teachers missed three critical pieces of information (well, except Nemuri, but she found the situation hilarious):

  1. Katsuki and Tooru became friends very quick by sharing ideas to tease Izuku. Nothing better to cement an excellent friendship after all and teamwork.
  2. Tooru followed Midnight's training perfectly and as a result, was becoming a physical force of nature. As in “Sometimes, she was using Kirishima as a training weight”.
  3. Mei had given her weapons.

Saying that Katsuki was the bait would be an error. Katsuki yelled that it was the “Carnifex bait” tactic, and from what Shouta understood of it, it was both insane and efficient, something he hated as it meant it was profoundly illogical.

It means using something you couldn’t ignore, because you risked to have something murderous and non-stop on his violent rampage, namely a Katsuki, on your position, while something else was flanking before swinging a bat at you, and using the momentum to do with their friend a double lariat on you.

As a result, both students got top marks, as they barely even talked to perform such a tactic, though they were asked to tone down the levels of violence. And Tooru performing a German Suplex on Snipe was overkill.

Shouta sighed, as suddenly he remembered how many reports he had to rewrite, so they would attribute some of Midnight’s most brutal takedown to him, as she had a persona to maintain. Thought to be fair, it would go very well with the dominatrix persona, but his friend disliked being trapped in a role.

Eraserhead then thought of who he had to fight… Or rather survive. Sato was winning the award of the most normal being in his classroom, by far. He had a simple strength quirk, powered by sugar. Sure, he turned almost into a hulk because he tried a pantry given to him by Yuga, and that hadn't been in his Eraserhead’s plan. He seriously wondered what the hell did the French give him to make him bulk like that, and how Sato had actually swatted aside a house to attack the teacher.

Then again, he just added that among the reasons why Yuga was on his problem children’s list. The blonde human had kindly told him it was a cake from a part of France, “La Bretagne”. Apparently, they had a local specialty whose name could roughly translate as “Sugar cake”... And of course, since it was French, it was a monstrosity, and Yuga apparently knew how to cook it and Sato was an excellent baker. As a result, they weaponized dishes.

However, Sato was easy to dispatch. No, because what would actually cause Shouta to have nightmares in the following nights was Koda. The seemingly quiet and nice student, who was totally the nephew of the crazy woman who fought for the Quirked Animals of Amazonia to become citizens of the newly formed Amazonia (formerly Brazil). While her aunt could borrow the quirk of any animal near her, the young student could speak and control all animals in a certain area.

Which included rats. Who apparently negotiated their rent to their advantage with Nedzu.

Shouta was in the zone with Nedzu’s cheese dealers and from what he got from his students, the local rats were very friendly with him, as he helped in their smuggling ring… Well, not truly smuggling as Nedzu gave his approval, but it was… Something.

Suddenly, Shouta wondered about a certain thing.

Koda’s aunt won her civil war around the time Nedzu took some holidays in South America, pulling some crazy strategies and…

Shouta, for his own safety, decided to ignore the possibility that at one point, there were two Nedzu. He already had enough traumas to make veterans beg for mercy.

Then came Thirteen, turning to fight. Honestly, at this point, the woman in a cosmonaut suit had every right to be worried, as she was against Izuku and Sero. One was known as a kind but extremely crazy student with the most versatile quirk to grace UA, and the other had sticky tape.

Thirteen, as she was a TTRPG player in her free time, knew very well what duct tape could be used for.

Considering she knew both students actually knew how to work together, as it wasn’t their first time, she actually pondered the idea of surrendering immediately. Then she got a text from Nedzu, explaining to her that if she did that, All-Might would be forwarded every fanfiction she wrote about her and him since he saved her at the USJ. Same if she lost.

As a result, it was a very determined to fight to the death Thirteen that waited for the two young heroes…

Izuku had a lot of plans, but he was quite shocked when he saw a certain rescue hero known for her kindness and calm destroying his summon without even missing a beat.


The only reason Izuku and Sero managed to win in the end was the fact Thirteen suit was… Well… Heavy. Yes, she had a sensor in it that worked as a radar and a minimap, a literal life-saving tool in her line of work. However, she wasn’t that fast in it, especially as Sero loved to use his tape to make quick booby traps all around the place.

Apparently, he had taken some lessons with the janitor, as he was a survivalist in his free time, and he had appreciated that Sero managed to speak his true name : Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz.


“I have to ask, Sero. How did you manage to do that? I mean, where did you learn to speak Polish?” Izuku asked, as he had been legitimately surprised by his perfect pronunciation.

Sero looked around, before pulling from his back a device that emitted some noise.

“I accepted to be Mei’s lab rat for a month if she made me that.”

“... Good luck surviving then.”

“Hey, she isn’t that bad. She loves my quirk, as she never has enough duct tape. Besides, there are worse things than spending time with a brilliant and quirky girl,” Sero said, with a knowing smile, “Especially one who has practical clothing like Mei. I see no downsides, except some pain.”

Izuku had to admit. His friend was fearsome as a strategist, when he put his mind into it.

“Also, what was your plan, if everything I did failed?” Sero asked, knowing his friend.

“I had two Floaty cards ready. We would have ridden them until the gate and won.” Sometimes, a simple solution was the best one.


“I have to admit I was pleasantly surprised by them this year. Clearly, this class is quite close to each other.” Nedzu was one of the few people not to have been harmed in any way. He did his classic wrecking ball job, but this team… It didn’t work as well as he would have liked.

Notably because of Jirou’s latest support gear: an electric guitar that amplified even more her blasts, to the point she actually to rock out her path to the exit, while Ojiro carried her. To be fair, he was pretty strong and agile, and she wasn’t the heaviest girl in the class.

Nedzu had to actually improvise to try and block their exit at the last moment, preventing them from winning by exiting at the last moment.

The kids were disappointed, but considering they actually made Nedzu go full attack mode for a moment, they deserved a good mark on that end.

“Hmmm hmmm hmmm…” Ectoplasm tried to say, as they still haven’t managed to take off his mask. He was currently resting on Cementoss, as his prothesics were also smashed.

If they all remembered correctly, Mina was frantic during the battle, saying something about “f*ck THE MATHS!” while Shoji quietly followed suit.

He went a tad bit overboard too, as he pulled an octopunch that made All-Might smile brightly at seeing a student copying him.

Sure, Ectoplasm had his body-doubles, but they weren’t that durable, and between Mina’s acid and Shoji’s ability to discern who was the real one, well… The fight ended quite quickly too.

Shoji explained in the post-mortem Ectoplasm’s clone didn’t make the same sound as the original. As a result, all he needed to do was to be careful at which one sounded heavier. Then, all he had to do was to work with Mina to take down the teacher.


“As for me… I have to admit, it is not everyday that I can take two young boys at the same time ~~”

Everyone stared at Midnight who was bruised, but clearly had a good time during her fight against Yuga and Tokoyami. The french and the bird, the light and the shadow!

Both teens were now used to their teacher’s antics, especially as she helped supervise their training during the club. The issue was… Well… She helped supervise the club. As a result, she was aware of their abilities to the fullest and knew exactly what to expect from them.

On the other side, they also knew how strong Midnight actually was as Tooru showed the result of her training. Tooru being able to lift Kirishima in his stone form for a few seconds was enough to convince them that Midnight could probably bench press Eraserhead.

As a result, most of the fight had been the two students running away from Midnight who wanted to get in close combat with them, while the two students actually tried to keep it ranged. The issue there was the fact the fight had a time limit… Because Midnight kept releasing her gas to take care of them, but also was smart enough to guard the door, and prevent them from escaping.

In the end, Tokoyami and Yuga didn’t have much time and tried to use Dark Shadow as an armor to pass through the gas and Midnight.

It didn’t end well, because Midnight turned out to be a huge wrestling fan, and… Well…

They never saw her coming before she began to supplex them in the ground.

Still, most teachers glared at her, for being the only one perfectly fine and happy.


“So… What are you guys going to do this first week of summer holidays, while we don’t know if we are going to be eaten in a summer camp, or something like that?” Kaminari asked, while checking part-time jobs to have some money.

“My parents decided to have their Honeymoon at I-Island for the festival!” Izuku beamed, while he still had to do all the paperwork now to be known as Izuku Sako. Yey.

Koda quickly signed that his aunt actually invited him too at the I-island…

Actually, a lot of the class saw they were going to go there after.

Yuga laughed happily.

“I don’t know why, but I think that we are going to have a fun time on I-Island, don’t you all think?”


“Kurogiri? I am not sure, but didn’t I have a plan to f*ck with the Shields?” All For One actually had Kurogiri remember all of them, because the supervillains had a few brain problems since All-Might smashed him. Thankfully, Garaki had managed to do a small Noumufication on him, to keep him as unaltered as possible, but alive. It still came with the issue of not having as perfect a memory as before.

“Yes, sir. Plan W. I have already dispatched Wolfram there, sir. I am downloading your notes on the subject.” The Cloud villain reassured his master, before giving him a Gin glass.

“And what about Tomura and his friends?”

“They are still unaware of the future war, but I took the time to warn the CRC’s leader of the future issue.”

All For One smiled, before beginning to watch a small movie about a Demon Lord killing and corrupting heroes left and right. All was well.


“Boss! We have confirmation that our next heist is going to be perfectly fine !”

"Perfect! NO ONE WILL PREVENT ME TO GET THE BIGGEST NFT ARCHIVE OF THE WORLD!” The Architect laughed evilly, in his airship, while working on his new body.

“... To be fair, Boss, why are we going to steal that? Isn’t it absolutely worthless?” It was a real question after all.

“Well… I actually owe David Shield some money and he insured the archive. We are actually helping him there. Besides, if we do it correctly…” The Architect put the picture of Mei on the big screen, “WE WILL SEE MY FAVORITE GREAT GRANDDAUGHTER !”


Hard to believe this crew were technically SSS-Grade Villains who had even won against All-Might thanks to their insane technology.


“Ma’am? We securised your trip to I-Island, UNO having finally accepted that Brazil was replaced by Amazonia. You aren’t a criminal anymore, but our new #1.” A gorilla with some glasses gave it to a woman who had some strange crystal horn on the back of her head, while she smiled. Her family had run away to Japan when Brazil went into a civil war. As a result, she was now an auntie, and she was going to see her nephew at I-Island for the first time!

The Amazonian was extremely happy and the animals all around her knew about it. After all, she was their heroine and their friend. It was good she could finally be the hero she always wanted to be.


“Mes amis… On est invité à I-Island! Le Vieux prévoit aussi de passer, vu que son continent passera plus ou moins dans la bonne trajectoire, et Yuga aussi!”

“Aaaaah, c’est sympa ça! On va enfin pouvoir s’amuser et se détendre un peu!”

“Je veux dire. Qui serait assez con pour attaquer une île avec All-Might, nous, et plusieurs autres top héros?”

The #1 French Team was happily packing for their trip.


In the end, Yuga was definitely right, though no one could have expected everything that happened.

Chapter 41: Setting up the setup


In which we see Gentle's aunt, Mei's grandpa, All-Might's niece and still no otter.

Chapter Text

Chapter 41 : Setting up the setup.

“Izuku, calm down. I know you are excited but seriously.” Mr Compress tried to calm down his son (yes it was official now) but could hardly do it. Izuku was enjoying this trip to I-Island, though he agreed beforehand with his adoptive father to actually let him and his mother enjoy the trip on their side, to have some quality times together. It was their honeymoon after all.

“Bu-bu-but ALL MIGHT IS GOING TO GIVE A SPEECH ! And there are a lot of top heroes! I wonder how many of them I can get to sign my notebook!”

“If you want Izuku, I can introduce you to my uncle!” A certain blonde French said that, with a smile. Everyone in the class knew about Yuga’s relationship to Captain France. He was the embodiment of ‘weird quirks weren’t useless’. Breadomancy might seem idiotic as a power, but not when you got hit by a baguette at 300 km/h in the chest.

“With pleasure! So… Do you know everyone who is going to come?” Izuku asked, as Yuga knew everyone’s plans. If you wanted to know anyone’s secret, you asked either him or Mina.

“Well, I know that Mei won an award and is somewhere in the plane.” Both students seemed a bit scared at that thought, but not even Mei was crazy enough to try to work on a plane while it was still flying.

“AH! WELL, EVEN IF 1B IS ONLY REPRESENTED BY ME, PONY AND YUI, THEN…” Monoma then got shut up by a stewardess as he was too noisy, making everyone staring at him with a wrong eye.

“How did you even get here?!” Izuku had to ask, as Monoma seemed to be here without his parents. Sure, they were 16 and he wasn’t alone but how. Why.

“... I got a job at a stand. That’s a good way to get some money and some visibility.” This was significantly mundane and Izuku didn’t press more.

“So we have the Zone-Fighter couple, Koda, Pony, Monoma and Yuga.” Izuku counted on his fingers, before Yuga smiled. The French wanted to see Izuku’s reaction when he would learn that Mei brought Tooru too, as she was essential in her process to make invisible stuff.


“TIA!” The 1A’s students were actually quite surprised to hear their friend's voice.

“KODA!” They didn’t expect to see a woman clearly related to Koda, considering the horns on her head, but tall. Well, except Izuku as he was extremely knowledgeable on the subject.

But clearly, it was an heartwarming reunion, as the Amazonian #1 hugged tightly her nephew against her, lifting him with ease, only to enjoy the moment more. Quickly, the two of them began to speak Portuguese, clearly in their own world. From what Yuga could barely understand from the one or two words who had a latin origin, apparently she was asking how school was for them.

Koda smiled at them, before signing to them to go, while he was going to enjoy the moment with his aunt. He would present them later, but for now, he wanted to discuss at length with her, and know more about her works. To be fair, Koda actually planned that with them beforehand and told them he would meet up with them later that day. Everyone understood why he wanted to spend some time with this aunt he never met before, only spoke through the phone and only when she was technically safe, which was not often.

Not to mention Mei actually threatened to use them as test dummies if they didn’t come to her stand soon enough. Well, Izuku and Yuga. Katsuki and Yui had other plans.


“So, basically, you are flying by making explosions just to get to my level and ask me to sign this old poster for your girlfriend?”

“Yes. Now, can you do it, before a hero actually thinks I am a menace and takes me down?”

“Yes, sure, sure, but I doubt you have something big enough for me to sign..”

When Godzillo finished that sentence, he saw Yui silently pulling a lot of posters, before embiggening each of them. The Godzilla hero had to admit this power was quite useful. Thankfully, they were on I-Island, and as a result, there was no quirk restriction such as needing a quirk license.

Truly a boon for the various corporations on the Island, as it clearly eased the research on quirk and support equipment. The now defunct Triceps Corporation often used that to study mutant biology in their official venture… Well, before all the scandal about the human abduction, allowing Detnerat Corp. to buy them cheaply.

However the Kaiju hero was happy to finally be able to sign some goodies for some fans. Besides, the two of them were actually cute together. The boyfriend and the girlfriend helped each other to get their goodies signed, one by asking, the other by making the goodies .

“Mister Godzillo? Did you see Hyperman? I would love his autograph too!” It was quite strange to see the emotionless girl ask that with some vibrant excitement but endearing for the giant mutant and a highly known activist for mutant rights. Hyperman was a good friend of his, and one of his supporters to that end, and they worked often together.

Strangely enough, not many racists wanted to argue against Godzilla and Ultraman, to explain to them why they should have restricted rights.


Meanwhile, a man who was totally not an android with an egyptian design in a trenchcoat and his henchmen finally finished to make sure their gears were in perfect condition. Having teleportation technology was useful, sadly it didn’t work on living matter.

Still, they had a few hours before the heist, and as a result… Now that the gear was checked, the Architect was now at his granddaughter’s stand.



Both of them hugged each other tightly, as the Android activated a hologram to give to himself an elderly appearance with pink hair. Plausible ascendancy from Mei, and a good excuse to be around her.

“You won the contest for the student invention in Japan? What did you make?”

Mei’s grandpa was proud to know she inherited his intellect, but as she kept her own project secret, he was actually in the dark about what she created. So, when she pulled an invisible iron bat, he was legitimately impressed.

“Invisible alloy?”

“Invisible alloy, and with decent solidity. I made it thanks to my friend, here!”

The SSS-Villain turned his gaze toward what seemed like a floating uniform, before switching to a heat vision. Strangely, she registered colder than most humans… Oh, right! By refracting light, she was probably lowering her own internal temperature in a most efficient way.

“Hello, mister! Mei often talks about how her grandpa is proud of her and how you taught everything she knows about science!” Tooru said, before extending her hand, to grab his… and then, pulling him, with surprising strength, and lowered her voice. “Why didn’t you teach her safety and not make too many explosions?”

All henchmens sighed, as they totally understood. In their airship, their boss’ lab was infamously known for its explosion. Also, unlike Mei, their boss had several bodies ready in case one explosion destroyed his current one. As a result… Well, safety was a concept for others, literally.

“I taught her everything she knows about it!” Tooru could feel the pride in his voice, and her gaze turned to the poor henchmens who nodded their heads. Officially, they were his bodyguards.

“Oh god, they reproduce?” She asked, clearly scared.

“Apparently. Don’t ask how, we have no idea.”

“Too… Tooru?”

A certain invisible girl quickly shifted her attention from the family of mad scientists, to focus on the voice, and do a sprint to hug her boyfriend

The Architect smiled, seeing young love and his daughter with friends. In plural. Who were apparently happy and ready to deal with her madness. Truly, some good heroes who wouldn’t be scared of her parentage if she ever revealed it to them. Though to be fair, one of the blondes was familiar to him… Hmm…

Oh well. They had time before the heist. Time to spoil his granddaughter a bit!


Wolfram was quite unhappy. Sure, he and his men were in place. Sure, they had their entries in the system. Sure, he knew the plan, and it was a good one. But good god, he hated when it was that kind of plan. Sure, he understood his boss’ idea to mess with All-Might, but Wolfram didn’t like the support he was given to do that.

Wolfram was a mercenary, though he was part of All For One’s inner circle. As a result, when he did a mission, he liked professionals. He liked when a killer was cold, logical, efficient and who didn’t deviate from the mission. His men were like that. The one or two times he worked with the Architect, he liked that about his team.

The ISP sending some men to help him didn’t sit well with him. They were maniacs and crazies. They were going to make the plan go wrong, he knew it. Not to mention the noumus, who were still creeping the sh*t out of him, and he hated them. Sadly, he saw their efficiency, and how they could actually take down heroes in 1v1, unless they were exceptionally strong.

This time, though, unless the animal noumus, which were not really creepy and easy to see as big attack dogs, Wolfram got… human noumus. The creepy and incredibly powerful kind, especially as the Doc managed to greatly improve his work. In fact, one of Wolfram’s secondary targets was I-Island’s database on quirk research.

f*ck, Wolfram wasn’t stranger to atrocities. Hell, he tortured people for his boss on a daily basis. But what Garaki did was on a whole different level. Also, he was too much of a sycophant to be truly loyal to their boss. The day Garaki’s true color would be revealed, it was going to be a mess.

He turned to Terraformars, who seemed the only calm in this situation. However, Wolfram knew about how bloodthirsty he was once the fight began.

“Do they know their part?” He asked.

The co*ckroach nodded. He knew Wolfram didn’t ask because he thought mutants were bloodthirsty beasts. He asked because a shark mutant was currently eating a head in front of them. Discipline was still something he needed to work on.

“They know. We will accomplish our objective. Extraction point is known. We also have secured two other ways to escape.”

Thankfully, Wolfram thought, the leader was one of the boss' heirs. Well, rather extra life. Yes, Wolfram was in the knowledge of the gods, but he also knew it came with a price to ensure his silence.

Still, he preferred him to that goodie two shoes Tomura. He wondered how the kid was going to manage the attack on his bar by the CRC?

After all, Wolfram didn’t appreciate the fact the kid was responsible for Gust Duster and his men’s defeat and may have left something to the CRC’s head for the little war that was brewing. Oupsie~~


David Shield welcomed All-Might in his laboratory, and he knew something was strange. His friend was still losing his quirk steadily as they projected, but his face showed his concern about… Something.

Unknown to him, All-Might was actually hesitating about a potential successor for One For All. The current leading theory was that his quirk mutated inside his quirkless body to only accept Quirkless people as host. However, there were less and less quirkless people, and the only one with a true fighter skill set was becoming too old and broken, thanks to years of vigilantism.

Worst of all, Nedzu finding about the former holder seemed to validate the theory, as there was a report on one user dying of old age at 40 years old.

As a result, All-Might only had one choice left but it was a hard one: David was the brother he never had, and Melissa was the niece he would have wanted. That’s why he made them support, far from Japan, during his war against All For One, to not make them targets. To not endanger them.

And there, right here and now, he was going to ask one of the most brilliant minds he knew to drop her career as a support engineer, to become a superhero, even if it was temporary. Which meant an insane fitness training, and combat training at UA with the best teacher she could hope… Or maybe ask some friends, like Stars and Stripe to let Melissa train under her.

The two friends stayed in silence, as David sighed. In the same way, he could not tell All-Might he was going to scam the f*ck out insurance to maintain afloat the Shield Corporation, after their latest invention (made for All-Might nonetheless) was considered as a danger for mankind. Which, to be fair, was not totally untrue. The Crown was indeed a very powerful artifact, and even if David knew All-Might would use it for good, there was no way of telling if All-Might’s body would actually hold.

It was best to find a way to make a profit quickly. Thankfully, the Architect was a fan of his work and accepted to steal an old heritage of his, highly insured. A collection of Bored Ape NFT. f*cking useless and yet, they had a value on the market as a memento of mankind being dumb.

Now, all he had to hope was that the thief would do the job quietly, so no one would actually see the theft. Especially not All-Might.

Meanwhile, none of them knew a certain head scientist, disgusted by the fact “The Crown” project had been scrapped, had decided to sell it, and was currently putting a virus in the system. He was paid a hefty sum for his treason, but seriously. He wasn’t rich and he had a family. Samuel Abrahams was committing treason and he knew his price.


Nine, Slice, Chimera and Mummy were out of the water, having successfully infiltrated the island. They knew the plan, they knew the diversion, and they knew their target.

All For One had deemed two people as target, and sadly for them, Nine’s crew was to kill them. After that, Nine would get a regeneration quirk he lacked from Garaki, making him better than ever. As for the others, they would get money, which was always nice.

“Chimera, Slice? You take target B. Mummy and I will take A. Remember, we want a quick killing though in your case, and if you are uncomfortable with it, the boss said that disabling her for life was enough.” Nine calmly commented. His crew looked relieved.

Nine just took the most dangerous mission assigned by All For One to them: Killing the Amazonian Hero. Her actions had greatly interrupted the amount of quirked animal they could buy, which was a huge pain for his operation and the noumu fabrication. So, sadly for Serafina Varela, she was going to die.

Assigning Chimera to fight a Hero that could instantly use the quirk of any mutant and/or animal in her vicinity would have been the epitome of stupidity, hence why he was going to take care of that himself.

However, if Nine was allowed to disable, instead of outright killing, the second target, it was not only because killing a teen was hard.

It was also because Melissa Shield was All-Might’s unofficial niece after all.

No one wanted a murderous All-Might after yourselves.


Atsuhiro Sako, and his wife, Inko Sako, were enjoying their trip on I-Island a lot, hoping that everything in Japan would be fine. Surely, Gentle Criminal could lead the team for the few days Compress wasn’t there, right?


Hinata Tobita, president of the HPSC and theoretically one of the most powerful women in Japan, was humming pleasantly, as her driver was bringing her to the last thing she had to check on her to-do list. Making surprises was always fun after all, and she already had a lot of fun during the late afternoon, when she finally activated “Sundowner”.

— — —

A few hours earlier, inside Tartarus.

Lady Nagant wasn’t used to being brought out of her cell outside of exercising. She was quite proud to have maintained a perfectly shaped body, even inside the prison cell. However, she truly wondered why she was summoned inside the black site inside Tartarus. She was here for quite some time now. If she had any intel, it was surely useless now.

She didn’t expect what she saw.

The supposed to be dead Hero Killer, Stain, heavily restrained, and who was drinking something out of a tube. Herself still had her hands restrained, and the guards made them wait inside the room by themselves.

“Lady Nagant.” Stain said with a graspy voice, clearly wondering what was going on himself.

“Stain. I thought you were supposed to be dead.”

“Not going to lie, I thought the same. However, if the HPSC make sure I stayed alive, I doubt it is to kill me by poisoning me with this tube. And I am hungry.”

Kaina had to admit it was a sound logic.

Then the wall in front of them opened and a woman sitting across a table was writing something… Before looking at them. Both of the villains knew instantly who she was and Stain actually tried to break out of his chain to kill her.

Unfortunately, the HPSC wasn’t a bunch of buffons who had unchecked power for no reason. Some of them were actually competent at their job.

Hinata smiled, and used her quirk to make them bounce toward herself, gently.

“Ah, exactly the two people I wanted to meet. Kaina, I am delighted to see the prison is doing wonders for you! As for you, mister Akaguro, I see the rumors about your death were indeed greatly exaggerated.” The thing with Hinata, was she always seemed extremely sincere when she was kind with you.

“Cut the crap Hinata, we both know that both events are due to you.” Kaine told her former friend.


“Yes, I know most of that, thank you Stain. As for you, Kaina… Dear. Of course. I have a deal for both of you actually.”

“Unless your offer is for me to rip apart your corrupt organisation and decapitate the heathens corrupting heroes while allowing crime to run rampant, you can…” Nagant was about to nod to what Stain was saying, before Hinata smiled at them and cut him out with the only answer they didn’t expect.

“That is exactly my offer.” The HPSC president told them with a smile, before drinking some tea, and serving two cup for the two villains, who were effectively shut up. “Kaina? As you can guess, you are currently watched by enough soldiers to turn you into Sponge Bob if you were to try to shoot me. Can I trust you to not do anything dumb if I let you drink your tea?”

Nagant was puzzled enough to simply nod, and actually drink the cup of tea. Stain glared dagger at the HPSC president.

“And me?”

“Stain, I am pretty sure you don’t care about the bullet and with what we did to save you, I am certain you could kill me if I released you. Nagant will help you drink the tea. Since I have your attention, may I explain what exactly I want you to do?”

Both villains stayed silent. Hinata took that as a sign to continue.

“The hero job shouldn’t be as it is now. Most of the heroes are more interested in the ranking and the money it can bring than actually doing their job. As a result, many heroes are simply sponsored thugs or working for media.” She stopped to giggle sadly. “Let’s not even talk about the one that are actually working for villains.”

“Or All For One” Stain added, having discovered the man was real after all. Testing water and seeing the HPSC president’s reaction. She was… Pleasantly surprised.

“Yes, the immortal Quirk Thief. I have reasons to think he infiltrated the HPSC to make it as it is now.”

“Then, as the President, you can just cut them off, no?” Nagant inquired. She remembered how Hinata was shrewd, back in the years when they were actually friends.

“Did you ever hear the expression “a small cog in a big wheel”? Well, my situation is the opposite. Yes, I am theoretically the most powerful person in the HPSC. It doesn’t mean I dominate the political landscape. If I try to cut out too much corruption, I will definitely get a knife in the back.”

Nagant sighed, while Stain gave her a look. He knew her story, and clearly, was relying on her reaction to know if it was true. Yes, Hinata actually had a point.

“However, it took times, but I have found the identities of the most dangerous people in the ‘corrupt faction’. Your job, if you accept it… Is to deal with them with extreme prejudice. Do it, and you will be allowed to be free. Refuse, and I put you back in Tartarus.”

Stain stayed silent, and Kaina too. In fact, the last one was vibrant of rage.

“So you want me to be your weapon again?”

Hinata put down her cup and look at her in the eyes.

“Yes. Exactly. Because Stain trust your actions and opinions. And because I trust both of you to actually do the job. Both of you stained yourself so no one would have too.”

“... I had a crew.” Stain stated, as Nagant looked at him surprised. Was he going to accept?

“The League of Villains ? They hunt terrorist groups for now, and we both know why you can’t ask them to do the job.”

“I want a pardon for them. Both of them.” Stain plainly stated, and Hinata considered the offer.

“Boss will be easy. There is technically no proof he was part of a murder, thank to his quirk destroying all evidence. In fact, he is known to actively let some people alive during his raid against nefarious heroes or organisation to not f*ck up investigation.” Hinata could allow Stain to know that, especially as it made him smile. “As for Loony… Woopsie, apparently, all proof she killed Thunderbolt were among the archives Compress and his crew stole.”

Not a pardon, both of them knew it. However, it was damn close and showed Hinata was willing to negotiate. Nagant looked at her, and asked.

“It is that bad, Hinata?”

“... Kaina. The only reason I am still the President is because a certain someone finds it too much a hassle to deal with the paperwork.” Namely Seijin. But the bitch had her own bodyguard, she nicknamed them her Watchdogs. All on par with Hawks, or close.

They needed to root out her support, to weaken her. Less funds, less money to move and bribe people. Less competent subordinates. Less… Everything.

“So. Do you agree?”

Both criminals stared at the President in front of them…


“Cannibal Chicken, I want a report.”

“Well, from what I am seeing, the warehouse used by Hoji Haku is now painted with gore. Did you send the Doomslayer or what?”

“That’s the idea. The best sniper and one of the most competent fighters in Japan.” Hinata smiled, as her car drove her to her destination.

“And how did you make sure they will stay loyal to you?”

“They have bomb in their neck. I am not stupid.” Hinata also clearly warned the two of them. Hawk was to be their control, checking with him their target and progress.

Hinata smiled. She was done defending herself. She was fighting back.


Manami Aiba, soon to be married to the love of her life, was humming as she went to the door. They didn’t have many visitors, but currently, her fiance was busy training and Sophie was busy watching the TV. As a result, only her could answer the door.

When she opened the door, La Brava didn’t expect to see the President of the HPSC with a basket of gift and apparently wine.

“HEl…” La Brava slammed the door. Then opened it again, wondering if she had an hallucination. The woman was still there, “Llllo! Is my nephew here? Oh, are you Manami maybe? I have heard so much about you!”

“DANJIROOOOO” La Brava yelled, understandably, while Sophie actually fell from the sofa. When La Brava was scared, it was always bad.

Fortunately, they had Danjiro, and Sophie grabbed a baseball bat to be ready to deal with the intruder too.

Sophie also went silent when she saw the HPSC President entering the house with a big smile, before actually waving at her.

“Hello, Sophie, is that right? Nice to meet you, I really like your job.” Oh f*ck. The HPSC President knew her.

“MANAMI ARE YOU O… Oh.” Gentle actually arrived as fast as he could, still shirtless and sweating from his exercise. Gentle stared at his aunt… And grumbled. “Auntie.”

“Auntie?” Both women asked, in surprise, while the President smiled and took out the wine out of the casket.

“Congratulations on your wedding! I am so happy for you!” Hinata said before approaching him to hug Gentle with warmth.

“Aunt. I would appreciate you calling, before coming.” Danjiro stated semi coldly. sh*t. His aunt was the one who helped him enter the army when his family otherwise threw him on the street. It was her who gave him this decrepit house, but his house nonetheless.

So, even if he knew what the HPSC did… To him, it was aunty Hinata. The only family member he still had.

“And I would have loved to receive an invitation to your wedding, young man. So… I have ordered dinner!”

Gentle grumbled, while the two women of the house were wondering what the f*ck was going on. Maybe his aunt didn’t know about his activities…

“By the way, La Brava, is that right? I would appreciate it if you toned down your algorithms to boost your views, thank you.” f*ck. She knew. Looking at her, Danjiro was puzzled… Especially as she was still smiling.

“Danjiro, if I wanted to arrest all three of you, I would have done it ages ago. If anything… I am really proud of you.” Hinata told him, before patting his head, “I knew that school was incompetent to fire you! Now, all of you have a question, I guess. How about we speak about it around a good meal?”

Gentle grumbled, as everyone was wondering what the hell was going on.



“GO f*ck YOURSELVES!” Spinner answered to the CRC member, before slamming him on the ground, sadly not strong enough to kill him. Fortunately, that issue was solved by Twice’s clone who kicked the goon into unconsciousness. Meanwhile, in the bar, it was pure chaos.

They had to relocate a few times already, to avoid being caught by the heroes, if Stain ever said anything by mistake before his death.

It was the first time Tomura and his crew actually were the one attacked, though. Like really attacked, and this time, it was by powerful emitters quirk. Tomura actually had to kill two of them by breaking their neck now.

When the silence came back, in the bar, the whole LoV was wondering what the hell happened. How were they found by the CRC? It was supposed to be a safe house!

When Kurogiri came back from his grocery run, he saw his kids trying to clean up the bar, and Kurogiri knew.

“Oh, so the battle royal began, master Tomura. Don’t worry about the corpse. I will dispose of them.”

“...The what now, Kurogiri?” Tomura asked, with venom in his voice as his friends could have been hurt badly.

“The Battle Royal. Sensei has a few students across the country, each leading a major criminal organization. As he is feeling you are losing your villainous touch, he told them that whoever managed to kill you, would take your position as his heir.” The noumu explained, kindly, as he warped the corpses inside a volcano, and Tomura broke a table with his fist.


“Now, you have two solutions. Wait wave after wave they weaken themselves, unlikely, or learn to fight an underground war. Also, by Sensei’s order, I won’t fight by your side during these attacks.”


"I will still be your taxi, though. If I had a recommendation, it would be to earn some money to hire Giran and his information."



It was going to be a summer that would stay in history.

The attack on I-Island.

The War of Hate.

The HPSC Culling.

The Exegol Crisis.

The Storm was here.

Chapter 42: I-Island : The beginning


You know the big villain attack that is thwarted in an almost comical way ?

Yes this is not one of them.

Chapter Text

Chapter 42 : I-Island Beginning.

Atsuhiro was drinking a glass of wine, while his dear wife was by his side. On a giant screen, All-Might was giving his speech with his dear friend David.

That was the moment Atsuhiro finally regretted that he didn't bring his Compress suit, because of what happened next. Namely, all of the security robots suddenly had red lights in their eyes rather than blue and the screen went dark with a glitch of static interference.

Inko sighed at the same time as him. Annoyed at the situation as she may be, she couldn’t help but joke a bit.

“You know, the worst thing about this is that it's STILL not as bad as the Hoshu date.” She exclaimed with a grin and a hand on her hip.

This made Compress chuckle a bit before getting up. He gave his hand to his dear wife and smiled as the robots came towards them. Inko took it and they did a small valse.

“Love of my life, shall we dance?” His eyes crinkled at the seams as his smile widened.

“You are way too cheesy for your own good, my dear.” She took a moment's silence as her own personal reprieve, a calm before the storm if you will. “But yes, let's dance my love. Also, I know you are dying to say it. Just do it already.” she said with a roll of her emerald green eyes, yet still smiling.

Compress gave her the biggest smile ever, as the robots finished encircling them. Atsuhiro smiled, before throwing a lot of things, not a single marble in sight before dozens of items in seemingly random orders, tearing apart the bots

“RANDOM BULLsh*t, GO!” With a movement that the cameras will only pick up as a flick of the wrist he pulls the marbles from his sleeves and tosses them in once flowing motion.

Inko sighed, while a robot got hit by the trash from last week (she knew he didn’t throw it out properly!), and the other clients looked at her.

“Please, everyone. Calm down. I will need help to establish a hospital for any injured that occur during this villain raid, while my husband is memeing the hell out of the situation.”

Even if Compress couldn’t use his real quirk, he was still armed to the teeth, and under Gentle's insistence, he had begun to learn how to use a sword to defend himself. Besides… Both of them knew it wasn’t going a 1 vs 1 all the time.

Especially when a giant knight made of packed blue ice that's more likely to freeze the area than to melt, appeared out of thin air like he was summoned from the astral.

“Ne vous inquiétez pas…. CAR LA CAVALERIE EST LA!” The blue knight exclaimed with righteous fury.

The Ch’ti Knight, France's #3. His ice is considered among the hardest in the world, made of pure water and capable of enduring tank shells. His only weakness was it was extremely limited in range. As in "only on his body" said body that is covered in dense ice. He was also an All-Might fan, hence why he had his french catchphrase.

“Also, I appreciate seeing a man of culture, my friend!” The knight said, towering above the robots, and beginning to unknowingly help Compress to thin the herds of rogue bots.

“Thank you! Any idea of what is happening? Also, shouldn’t you be in the hall with the other heroes?”

“They had better beers outside! Also, don’t worry about the air support, we have a friend there.”

Compress smiled, before a few more civilians emulated him. For now, everything was fine… But seriously, what was going on? He hoped that Izuku was safe, or at least not getting into trouble again. There are only so many waterfalls he can survive.


Izuku sighed, as he and Tooru were the opposite of safe. Knowing All-Might owed his grandma, Izuku used that to get special entry tickets for the gala. Then… Both of them eclipsed themselves, as they saw something strange in a corridor… being a giant green individual, which Izuku believed was a villain.

However, he didn’t want to alarm All-Might for nothing and as a result, him and Tooru went to follow him.

Sadly for them, that’s how they got surrounded by actual supervillains, because… Well… Turns out that Izuku was right.

“Kids. Don’t run alone in the corridor. You might encounter bad guys.” The Architect said, now his hologram was gone, as he prepared himself for his heist.

“Sorry, mister Architect. But isn’t that too bold for you to attack during All-Might’s speech?”

“Oh, don’t worry. I have everything planned. So… Well… Sorry, I have to leave you here, tied up, so you won’t call the heroes on us.”

Then, an explosion occurred, and the Architect glared at one of his henchmen.

“That… Wasn’t us, sir. In fact, there is a big problem.” One of them explained, staring at his tablet, and showing it to his boss.

The AI quickly saw the issue, as he was one of the most experimented technopath in the world: The system was hacked… But it wasn’t by him. Also, they had the codes. Actual codes. sh*t, it was bad, because the one doing that actually had the bots on kill mode.

“Well, crap basket. How to salvage…” The robot stared at Izuku and Tooru who were trying to understand what happened… And was actually surprised to see Izuku, way not only already freed but looking over the shoulder of the two villains to see said tablet. It was part of Compress training after all, escape and recon 101.

“OH sh*t! I wonder if we can call Mei, to see if she can fix that! Though she would try to upgrade the system while she's at it.” The greenette said while internally weighing the pros and cons of having their resident manic inventor hack a hacked system… Could she hack a hacker?

“As far as I remember, my Mei is with Melissa Shield actually. That might be our best bet. With both of them the system has no chance.”

Everyone stared at the robot, who let his thoughts escape his mouth before the two heroes students reacted.

“MY MEI?!" They repeated in unison, a few of the villains' face palmed at the mess up.

The man ignored the mistake and rolled with it “My Mei is my Granddaughter. Your school already knows, you can't hide much from that rat. She also told me you were a huge fan, Midoriya, and I have already signed your notebook, in the back so few will stumble upon it.” He would have winked if his holo face was on, but as he is all robotic right now, he simply continued, “But the most important thing right now, is to effectively find them,” He looked at the two and sighed, “We need to team-up. My objective is in the depth of I-Island, with their servers. I can, potentially, hack them there. That will be my squad and me’s goal. As for you two… I want you to find Mei and Melissa. Protect them and see with them if they have an idea on how to deal with the sh*t show.”

Tooru stayed silent for a second before nodding invisibly. The Architect saw it, since he had different kinds of visions and he turned towards his men.

“Guys, guns on setting 3. Stasis. I want you to switch on quantum communication. We proceed as planned, but if necessary, we pull out. I want the Thunderbird ready for the evac.”

“Yes, Sir!”

That was interesting to see, to say the least for the young heroes. Sure, they were villains, but they had clearly the teamwork down to a science, all puns intended.

“Last time I saw Mei, she was with Melissa and they were planning to get to the restaurant, grab some food. Go!”

Izuku and Tooru began to sprint, while they took out some of their tools of work. Meaning that Tooru took out her brass knuckles and Izuku was already pulling a deck from his vest.


“Se você encostar no meu sobrinho mais uma vez eu vou garantir que você vai se fuder bem no olho do cu seu cretino filho de uma puta!“

Serafina Varela wasn’t a kind woman. Well that's not quite right, she was a kind aunt at least. However, after leading a two decade long revolutionary movement that bordered on a full blown war more times than not, you can understand that she became quite the no-nonsense person. As a result, she was always on her guard and when the robots attacked her and Koda, she thought at first the UNO went back on their position and tried to trap her and hurt her nephew.

Thankfully, her nephew came with his rabbit, who was clearly… Something else. When Serafina tapped into the rabbit’s quirk, she obtained enough strength to destroy with no small amount of ease her feeble machine enemies.

Then, she saw the civilians actually getting attacked by the robots too, and understood the attack wasn’t on her. I-Island was under attack, and they needed to help.

“Derrière vous, madame!” Yuga shot a beam to cover his friend’s aunt, dashingly and sparklingly.

Koda thanked his friend with a nod, as his laser destroyed a robot behind Serafina. Two horns pierced a few more, and quickly, Serafina authorized herself to smile, as the kids met up. Pony, Yuga and her Koda. They seemed like good kids, staying nearby her and covering her sides.

“Good, children. Authorize… Quirk.” She wasn’t good at English, but she could manage to say a few words. To be on the safe side of the law, she just authorized them to use their quirk to defend themselves. Besides, by her side, they were at the safest state possible.

Until Yuga reacted pretty quickly, and stopped a laser bullet with his own laser, barely.

“Hello, kids. Would you please move aside?” Nine kindly said, as some smoke emerged from his finger, and he saw the three of them getting ready for a fight. Well, there went the diplomatic option.

“When the boss speaks, you better obey.”

From where the new voice spoke, emerged various bandages that grabbed the robots and reassembled them to attack the quator of heroes…Staying in the shadows. It was safer there.

“To be fair, I have nothing against you. However, I can’t live if you don’t die,” Nine explained, before materializing an air shield, to stop Pony trying to attack him, while another hand began to accumulate clouds above them. “However, I have no problems with collateral damages. THAT ONE IS ON YOU!”

And the thunder began, lightning hitting all around them. He would need a bit more time to increase his accuracy, but he was very sure none of them had the strength to destroy his air barrier. His only issue was his endurance after all.

Serafina gritted her teeth, before letting her quirk expand. She came with a retinue after all. A gorilla with strength quirk. A cougar with a jump quirk. A turtle with a barrier quirk, not unlike Nine.

All of them were under the robots attack, and not near her, severely impairing her quirk but…

Nine actually looked up when Serafina ripped up an electrical pole to smash him with it. Uh. Quite strong indeed.

“Mummy! Take down the kids!”

He trusted the man, and quickly the kids were under the fire of a lot of debris and lasers from the dismantled robots.

Yuga was doing his best to shoot the attacks, and Pony too. However, even if they could see their opponent behind Serafina, now that he revealed himself as if he was using his bandages as tentacles, it didn’t mean the fight was going to be easy.


Monoma was sighing as he had the very bad suspicion he was the third wheel for Katsuki and Yui. However, he was alone, and the activities at night were… Well, less fun than what he expected. Sure, it had a lot of exposition, but it was mostly nerd things. Proof being, Katsuki and Yui smiling (well, Katsuki was. Yui was just humming) at each other. Then, Yui took pity on him being alone and invited him to dine with them.

Of course, that earned him Katsuki’s glare, which was a good reason to run.

Then, quickly, Monoma had another reason to be worried, namely the robots activating and suddenly attacking.

“Yui, how about we do the usual… Wait, are these your ultraman band Mei built for you?!” Katsuki was surprised as his girlfriend casually did the Ultraman pose to destroy a few robots and turned toward him.


Katsuki was as happy as a tiger who had a bleeding steak for lunch. The game was on, and he joined Yui in a good old wanton carnage!

As a result, Monoma decided to do the wisest thing in his situation: Taking care of the civilians. Besides, that was where all the quirks were: that would allow him to defend them by copying their quirk.

All three students missed on a building, a trio of mutants, led by a co*ckroach mutant using goggles to observe the situation.

Terraformars smiled, as he did this mission for Sensei… But not for free. If he succeeded, he would be given Noumus and an access to Giran with a cheaper price.

Honestly, it was a small price to pay, to bring one kid alive to Sensei.

“Remember, no mutants. Aruman, you have the signal ready?”

An armadillo mutant nodded his head, before pulling from his pants a small beacon, with three switches. Off, M and E.

“Yes, chief. I activate it?”

“Of course, otherwise the poor robots won’t stand a chance.” The co*ckroach smiled in a hideous way, as his minion obeyed, pressing the M switch.

Katsuki was enjoying breaking stuff legally to protect people when suddenly, some portals appeared in front of him… A reminder of a not so long event. From it emerged only one thing. A terrifying sight for both Yui and Katsuki.


Moonfish, more monstrous than before, as he had mouths on his arms, was here.

Katsuki still remembered the sensation on his arm, pierced by the monster. The teen looked at his girlfriend who actually pulled from a keychain…

Ok, he really needed to know what and where Mei's smuggling ring was, as Yui apparently had an actual rocket launcher as her keychain. Wait, was it branded with his hero scheme?

Moonfish didn’t like being hit in the side of the face by the rocket… Even less when he got punched by some familiar explosions, targeting his newly reformed eyes…

Well, he still had his smell and even without his eyes, he knew who was daring to attack the compounded flesh eater.

“Well, well. If it isn’t the meal that escaped last time. DIE!”

Moonfish opened his three mouths, and all of their teeths, as they shot toward the teens. At least it would give a reprieve to the civilians Monoma was helping.


On the side, the mutants went to have fun with the civilians… A co*ckroach, an armadillo and spider mutants smiled hideously, as Monoma was helping everyone evacuate.

“EVERYONE! Follow the lead!” He yelled, trying to herd them toward somewhere safe. From what a sensory quirk user told him, apparently, a French hero wasn’t far from where they were, and they had actually established a safe zone.

“Yes, how about we escort you there, little one?”

Monoma barely had the time to register the situation, before three men stood in front of him… And none of them, considering their smiles, were civilians. Or on his side.

Thankfully, Monoma was a good prankster, and he liked to use his quirk. As a result, he copied a few of them during the day and they were nearby a french restaurant.

As said before, Breadmancy might seem like an idiot quirk.

Even a small bread, at 300 km/h actually had the strength of a bullet. The young blonde made bread rains on his enemies, whom he guessed had their guard down.

“I won’t let you touch them!”

Terraformars smiled, as the bread hit him in his chest… Not causing any damage. Same for the armadillo and the scorpion.

They had natural armor after all. They were superior mutants.

“Sorry kid, but you are going to need to do better than…”

“Captain France actually had a second quirk!” Monoma interrupted him. After all, he was as much a nerd quirk as Izuku.

The winomancy activated, and from a bottle, the young student with the energy of despair, created a wine-cutter.

Fun fact: Diamond was cut for jewelry thanks to some high-pressured water.

This cut an arm off from Aruman as he yelled. Terraformars readied his stance. Maybe he would get in a fun fight after all?


Terraformars wondered, why was that kid important for Sensei’s plan?


Chimera and Slice expected many things for this mission. All-Might was one thing. If Nine didn’t delay by a lot, S & S' plane, herself. They even expected the possibility of some big hitters being there.

Currently, they were under the cover of a wall, as some electrical arcs went above them, making explode various things around them.

“INFINITE POWEEEEEEEEER!” Mei said, as she activated something she made with Melissa and her grandpa during the afternoon: two gauntlets, who connected thanks to a cable to generate a lot of electrical power. However, despite her manic smile, she knew her invention was barely a prototype made in just one afternoon. Yes, they were f*cking genius. However, it was something made on the fly, and they clearly didn’t have the best tools to make it.

Her best hope to get out of this situation was Melissa, behind her, who was hacking a door so they could run… At least for a bit.

“Surrender the girl, and I won’t hurt you!” The Chimera yelled, and Mei used his voice to try to attack him. It was a miss, as apparently, Chimera’s tail could speak.

Slice, ever the professional, used that window of opportunity to use her own attack. The slash went in the air, and quickly, it hit Mei’s gauntlet, as she raised it to protect herself. The electrical arc formed a shield, which absorbed a lot of the impact.

Not all, though, and Mei had to resort to some knife throwing. It's not something she was actually good at, but it was clearly more desperate than anything.

Chimera smiled, as he literally could smell her fear, and the fact the electricity stopped. Perfect.

He rose up, and clenched his fist, smiling like a wolf.

“Too bad, girl, you should have given up on her when you had an opportunity. No one is coming for your help, y’know? All-Might is trapped and there is no one who knows you are here.”

“I am not giving up a friend that can actually understand when I tell her I want to make stuff!” Mei yelled, hitting her left gauntlet, discharging a bolt of thunder on Chimera. The wolf got yeeted at the nearest wall, before he coughed a bit. Stronger heroes have tried to kill him before, and they all failed.

Slice sighed, before readying her hair for another long range attack when suddenly she felt a power hit in her jaw, that actually sent her flying on Chimera. She actually felt the hit and the concussion in her brain. What was that?!

“INTRUDERS?” Chimera yelled, as he smelt two new scents… Wait, three?

“Bismarck, shoot!”

Chimera barely had the time to raise his arms up, before he got hit by some sort of cannon shot. Fortunately, he had his armadillo mutation ready to protect him, but it was a close one.

In front of him stood a green haired kid, who was playing with cards in his hands. Next to him, was a girl in a military uniform and what was clearly an engine mutation, quite like the Ingenium family, but more cannon oriented.

“Mei! Melissa! There is a hacker turning the island defense system against the heroes!” Izuku yelled. Tooru had given up her clothes on the way, though thankfully she had her suit with her. After all, she was here to showcase Mei’s goods. Yes, the irony of showcasing an invisible armored suit wasn’t lost on her, but she was thankful to have it.

Chimera groaned, as he stood as a shield for Slice to get up. sh*t. Invisible one and apparently with a decent strength in their body and the Summoner. That one was tricky, because of the no-kill order and the no permanent injury on him.

“Slice. You take care of the target. I will take down the other two.”

Slice was slowly getting up and nodded.

When Mei and Melissa began to run through the hacked door, the woman ran after them. Tooru, of course, didn’t want to let her do that, so she tried to follow them.

She got brutally punch in her ribs for her attempt. Chimera was still there after all.

“I have to admit fighting an invisible opponent is a new one. But you have a scent, girl.”

Chimera stood in the young heroes way, and the only reason Tooru still had intact ribs was because of the suit.


“Still okay Izuku…”


Sadly, the ship girl from Azur Lane didn’t have the time to throw another attack before the mutant threw a knife in her head.

After all, unlike Mei, he was an expert mercenary.

The wolf howled, as Tooru and Izuku got ready for the fight.

Though he didn't expect the ship(?) girl to take the knife out.


Chimera had to actually jump out of the way, when the girl did another barrage at him.

f*ck, was it a summon? That was… an issue. Oh well.

It simply means he would have to use Garaki's gift in the worst case scenario.


In a plane, a bit late to the party, Cathleen Bate was growing impatient. She should have been on the island for hours now! But strange and multiple clouds made her fly late by several hours. She was actually this close to jump from the plane and go there herself.

“MISS BATE! We just received a message from I-Island!”

The fact the pilot had a panicked voice was a bad sign in her book.

“It came from the Architect!”

This didn’t help, if that prick was there, he was probably taunting them and…

“He asks for you to and i quote “Come on and hurry the f*ck up you All Might genderbent rip-off, there is a multi stage Terrorist attack on the island and it is f*cking up MY HEIST!” How should it be processed!?” The pilot was beyond panicked as he was literally shaking in his black boots.

Cathleen gasped for air at the surprise message. The Architect was an asshole but he was proud of his gentleman reputation. The Architect was a criminal with a strict no-kill rule. He was also always in control, unless it was truly a mess of biblical proportion.


She never used her quirk for her own satisfaction, but right now, she had a job to do. She just hoped to be there in time, with her guest.

Chapter 43: I-Island : Man or Beast ?


In which Nine is scary, people are fighting, and more importantly...

Muscular is there.


Hello everyone ! I am finally back !

So. I still don't have a job but I think it is actually going well on that side.

However, this past two months, I had... A bad funk and noticed a few things.

1) My writing skills dropped because I was forcing myself to a tight schedule.

2) Without work, I was loosing my motivation.

3) I didn't read enough.

The solution for all of that is... My schedule is going to be more relaxed as of now. Update will be probably once every 1 or 2 weeks

Thank you for your understanding.

On a side note, 42 was rewritten a bit !

Chapter Text

Chapter 43 : I-Island Crisis : Man or Beast?

Koda was one of the most dangerous students in the 1A, if not the most. The issue wasn’t his power, it was incredibly powerful in an urban environment if there were enough animals.

I-Island was a man-made construct, and the people on that island did an incredibly good job at their job, not to mention local bots often had their AI trained by shooting pesky rodents. As a result, this was why Koda was hiding behind a trash can. Yes, with his physic he could usually punch, timidly, a thug. However, it was only true for the average thug.

Here, we had a supervillain that was fighting Yuga and Pony at the same time on one side, with his bandages attacking them from all sides, and using some of his tendril-like bandages to haul the various bots still online into the air to add their lasers and stun blasters to his arsenal for more firepower in his attacks.

On the other side, was this strange individual with a mask that was summoning more than one quirk at the same time, including apparently, thunder, barriers and laser fingers. The best he could do, was clearly not f*ck up the battle. Him getting taken hostage was a loss condition, clearly. It was out of the question to do that, but… Koda never felt more helpless than at that time.

Meanwhile, Yuga was still smiling, as his uncle always told him a hero always smiled, even when the situation was desperate. There were multiple reasons for that : First off, it helped the civilians to not panic, as it seemed as if everything was under control, even when it wasn’t. People then were less likely to run in a stampede, which could cause more death than the actual villain attacks. Another reason is hiding his emotions during the battle. It seemed dumb but people can read the face of their opponent to guess if they were going for the big move or not. Hence why so many people actually wore masks that hide their features, unless they were really good at keeping a poker face. Finally, it was a good way to destabilize your enemy, by making them think you had an ace up your sleeves.

As Yuga used another beam to destroy another bot taken in their enemy bandelets, Yuga was actually at his wits end. Thanks to the gymnastics and the training after school, his endurance was greatly better than when he entered UA. He could accurately change his power output and the shape of the beam to not destroy his stomach. However, it was quite intensive, and the man in front of them was pretty much playing. He was a grown adult, and apparently an experienced merc. Thankfully, Pony was here and her horns were doing most of the job.

The American girl was quite good at shooting her horn and using them to attack from all sides her opponent.


The fact she was swearing like a sailor was awesome too, and Yuga smiled even more. Pony was truly american, not letting anyone think of her as a weak and frail girl. Their opponent might think they were easy prey, but they wouldn’t go down easily!

They weren’t alone after all and Koda’s aunt wasn’t a slouch either. Hopefully, they could last long enough for her to help them.


Serafina was outgunned, pinned in an unwanted position and she didn’t have enough strength to pierce her enemy’s protection. Seriously, that strange energy wall tanked her hits as if she was just a child against an adult!

Nonetheless, she managed to actually stay pretty calm, as it was just a normal Monday, when she remembered the days when she was a revolutionary. Fighting as the underdog for years, before finally winning. If she yielded in front of the first difficulties, she wouldn’t have held the line as she did before.

“Can you just surrender and die? If you do, I will allow the children to live.”

Nine spoke almost softly behind his mask, with a voice not unlike Dark Vador.

That made Serafina smile even as lasers flew inches away from her head. She didn’t know who that co*cky bastard was, but he was mad if he thought she would believe that kind of speech. She heard it too many times, and she knew how it ended each time: in a blood bath, and no survivors.

However, she knew a thing: the stronger the quirk, the more tiresome it was. Quirks were like a muscle, even if the “how the hell does that work” wasn’t understood. As a result, using too flashy moves makes you weaker quickly. All-Might was an exception, a bug in the matrix as he didn’t seem to have an endurance issue. Passive quirks like the mutant quirks were another thing too.

She was now counting 4 quirks inside that man. The weather quirk, the protection, the laser, and at one point, he tried to use some hydra heads on his back but he quickly stopped that one. Why? Because Serafina grew some too, and proved to be more skilled at using them. Which meant it wasn’t his quirk, but something stolen from an animal… Which also explained why she was targeted.

Serafina was a leader, a tactician and a survivor. She was outgunned and not in a favorable position.

But she knew it wasn’t going to be like that for long. All she had to do was keep dodging and tire him so much he couldn’t get it up.

Yes, lightning was too fast to be dodged by any being on Earth, theoretically. However, it wasn’t impossible to predict where the thunder would fall. Honestly, it was just like dodging a gun. Once you knew the trick, it was easier. Besides, while the man could manipulate more than one quirk at once, Serafina was testing a few theories.

She jumped back, her leg becoming more like a cougar in the process as she continued to tap into her friend's quirk.

She truly hoped they were safe: The issue about her quirk was it was actually siphoning the animals of their quirk. Koda needed the rabbit to stay safe, and while the rabbit was clearly powerful… Between Nine’s barrier and Mummy ranged attack, he would be a sitting duck.

Also, rabbits were technically a rodent, and as such, the robots had him in high priorities for elimination.

So Serafina looked at Nine who was still standing in the middle of the broken pole she used to attack. It was pretty much the strongest she could hit him, and it barely phased him. However, she noticed the rain falling on him, pouring on his face and coats.

The Amazonian hero smiled, as she gathered more of the jump quirk in her legs

“Agora é a minha vez.”

The attack was pretty straight forward, as Nine could clearly react to it, and raised his protection. She was a bit too close for comfort and he was summoning a shot from his fingertips, when he noticed her smile.

Did she understand he couldn’t shoot if the barrier was up?!

“OPEN” The hero said, ready to pounce on him, and take him down.

She didn’t know that Nine was actually smiling as he indeed opened the barrier. Then, as she jumped to beat him down, she felt a powerful impact, as if she got hit by a truck, sending her flying against a wall.


Nine thanked the god for what Garaki offered him, power and purpose.

Nine was to do AfO’s bidding there, in exchange of the final steps for stabilizing his body, “officially”. He didn’t know that Nine accepted a way better offer from someone that came to him with honesty, and truth.

Nine’s crew was well known as mercenaries in the Middle-East and various parts of the world still suffering unrest. Rainmaker, God of Thunder, Thor. Many nicknames were earned in blood on the battlefield with his friends. Each of them became friends on the battlefield and during their post-missions breaks. Drinking to fallen comrades, exchanging stories… Running away from patrons that didn’t want to pay them… And then taking back their pay from the cold and dead corpses.

Then the sickness came, and they tried to find a cure, to compensate for Nine's failing body. They were friends after all, and at this point, nothing could break their fellowship.

All For One, as usual, was the answer. Everyone knew him, as the asshole seemed to be everywhere in the world, though mostly active in Japan. A theory was he had a teleporting quirk, and honestly, Nine didn’t believe in it. He had another one but he kept it for him, not wanting to be on AfO’s hitlist for knowing too much.

Anyway, All For One proposed to Nine an idea. He was going to be the test subject of an experimental therapy, and he would in exchange do a few works for him. This was one of them: killing/disabling a few targets, while providing a big distraction.

Unknowingly to All For One, Garaki, the doctor, proposed to him an alternative. Nine’s blood was special. Something that no one would have seen coming. After all, All For One was someone who tracked every move of his descendant to avoid missing an offspring of his plopping.

Nine’s blood confirmed he was All for One’s grandson. Garaki laughed, when he studied his background: One of All For One’s children, apparently, had given some sperm to a sperm bank. Hence why All For One failed to see him.

All For One wanted Garaki to give Nine a failing version of his quirk to see if it was transmissible. Nine was to be discarded in the longer run. What All For One didn’t see coming was the result of Garaki and his student’s project: the artificial creation of a quirk and its transplantation without All For One, purely by human hands. Chisaki’s quirk also greatly eased up the process (not to mention how Chisaki and Emilia were doing wonders for the High End project, who were already finished).

Nine was fully healed. He had a modified version of All For One that wasn’t failed, though weaker. Ironically, he called it “All For Nine”. Only nine quirk could be stored inside his body, though he could exchange them. Garaki had the biggest quirk collection in the world… And Garaki’s proposal was too good.

Nine even stole a truth quirk to be sure of Garaki’s goal. The man was mad, but genius and sincere.

Nine accepted the offer.

So, Garaki offered quirks to Nine from his own collection. To not tip All For One, no regeneration quirk, yet. However, two quirks in their combination struck Nine’s eyes. One of Garaki’s favorite combos, yet too powerful for his Noumus yet. However, with his All For Nine, Nine could handle it.

“O’Clock” and “Overoxygene”.

Emilia loved to refer to it as Za Warudo. Even Chisaki, despite now dining with her some evenings, grumbled.


“I have to admit, I didn’t expect you to force me to use that special combo. It was my secret weapon against All-Might.” To run away, went unsaid from Nine’s mouth. He was pretty certain All-Might could react to this and punch him while he was moving. After all, unlike The World, time didn’t stop. It was simply the user who moved faster.

“What…” Serafina still had her back in a correct shape thanks to her weaker barrier. Thanks Franklin the tortoise.

“Now, die…” Nine said softly, raising his finger as if it was a gun, as the woman was still trying to get her breathing back to roll and dodge. sh*t, it was becoming redder ! Nine smiled with a sad*stic glee…

Before being hit by a trash can, thrown by a powerful shy mutant. Koda wasn’t going to let his aunt die, even if it cost his life. Sadly, the Rabbit of Caerbannog only managed to hit the barrier, as Nine activated it again to prevent further attack.

Serafina groaned, while pulling herself back. The hit was slowly dissipating and she got back on her feet… Meanwhile the rabbit quickly disappeared again, as the robots began to target it again… And the rabbit led them away.

“Well, time for both to die then, I guess.”

Nine said as he got ready again for the fight and the thunder came closer and closer. sh*t, that was also getting intensive on his body and even with the heal, that was hurting him more and more.

Because of his condition, despite Chisaki healing him, he could hardly use more than three quirk at once. One of them was the Weather Manipulation, his main one. Now, he was going to be careful about his combo for the rest of the battle…

But he always liked a good battle from time to time after all.


While the thunder became louder and louder around them, Yuga and Pony had a new issue. The rain. The clouds were becoming stronger and stronger, making as if the sun was already gone and as a result, the diffraction impacted Yuga’s laser, and each hit became more and more erratic.

Mummy was also part of Garaki’s project. However, he had something different from his team. Rather than a new quirk, Mummy tried a quirk enhancing procedure… With better bandelets too. Gone were the semi carbon, hello platinum and gold alloy for his suit. Seriously, that Chisaki fellow was overpowered to create stuff and heal. How did no one hear of him before? Nine’s crew offered him a colossal fortune in exchange for his help.

Mummy was indeed playing with the kids, as he didn’t want to have “Child killing” on his records. Seriously, unless you were a f*cking psycho like Muscular, it was a black mark you avoided the most possible. A lot of criminals, on principle, hunted child killers or refused to work with them. You were either incredibly powerful and influential or scary, if you wanted to keep your old connections and still work with child killers.

Mummy still used his “tentacles” with more strength than before and kept calmly an open space between him, Pony and Yuga.

Now, people might be wondering how Pony, with her horns, could cut bandelets who had an alloy in it? The answer is : Mummy was smart about his new quirk. He could control his bandelets, even if they were removed from his main body, as long as they were in his range.

Yuga and Pony, because of the thunder creating shadow and darkening the scenes, were missing the parts coming as if they were snakes, to them, to ensnare them.

It wasn’t even remotely a fair fight.


“There is no place detected to land safely because of the storm!”

“Then get close enough for Cathy and I to jump. That’s an order!”

“Yes, sir! However I am not sure you are ready for that yet! It hasn’t been field tested yet!”


One reason Cathleen voted for her guest? The man had guts and he did what he had to do, himself. He was his own test subject for his project that would probably change the world.

“I got a message from the ground. Apparently, the rogue robots are a diversion, and we detected a few supervillains attacking various places. Amazonia’s delegation is under attack, and… The little miss too, sir.” The pilot added, as he managed to use a secondary canal to get more information on what was going on, rather than simply the Architect’s warning.

“...Let me guess, same position?” S&S was too used to her job now, and how so many coincidences keep happening.

“Yes. But we can’t get next to them, sir, from any side on the clock!”

The guest puffed on his cigar, before adjusting his glasses on his face.

“Well then Cathleen, we will hit the SONS OF A BITCH FROM ABOVE!”



“Negative, Bismarck is one hundred percent german ingeniery.”

Izuku was seriously wondering about the implication of his quirk, if they were beings with a soul. He was more and more sure they had one, now.

Chimera was pissed off, and he barely sniffed in time Tooru to avoid a hit on the weakest point of men, as her kick almost connected with his little Chimera Jr. sh*t, that girl was fighting really dirty.

Chimera truly didn’t want to use his gift from Garaki, as the man explained to him the risk. It was, honestly speaking, a huge bet. Would Chimera be strong enough to handle it? His body, certainly. The mental, that was another thing. Garaki openly admitted he didn’t have the time to test it.

However, Chimera accepted that procedure because he suffered in the past from his appearance, be it from the CRC or some idiots in the S.M.A.S.H. that tried to recruit him and kill him when he refused.

The only thing people understood was power and the quirk offered to him was one of the most powerful physical enhancement quirk known to man. On his mutant body, the effect would be terrifying.

The issue was it was Muscular’s quirk and his soul might still be with it.

However, Chimera was getting shelled by the ship girl, without respite and the invisible one kept trying to pass.

Like a wolf air-dropped into Yellowstone, it was time to adapt a bit.

Chimera had one of the most versatile mutation quirk on earth: While most people had only one mutation, he could change what part of his body was in what animal. Arms? Armadillo or turtle. Face? Wolf. Legs? Rabbit.

Now, time for the eyes. Frog eyes.

Frog are predators who live in water. As a result, their sight is a bit special: most of them can see… Heat.

While Tooru was indeed cooler than most, she wasn’t cold. Now, he could see her.

His smile tipped off Tooru, who retreated in time to dodge a powerful kick from the wolf, who managed to solve the Ship girl issue: There was a window.

Gravity was a bitch, even for ship Girl, as he managed to throw Bismarck through it, even though it destroyed his mantle.


“Why are you bringing an Armani during a fight?”

“Without style, the power is nothing.”

Also, the wolf mutant liked the good things he didn’t have when he was younger…

“Izuku, is your next card ready?” Tooru asked, as she readied her fist, not sure if she could manage to pass or win.

“I have an idea… But I need you to trust me.” Izuku whispered to her, taking a Yu Gi Oh card from his leg pouch. Always prepared, as Compress said, and you were never surprised. Sure, it wasn’t his most powerful deck right now, but it was far from being useless. This card, especially, was one of his favorites, and he was collecting as many of them as possible. Hell, he was actually trying to convince the Yaoyorozu to print more of them.


“Then rush for Mei.” Izuku said, before throwing his cards, as Tooru decided to obey and ran as fast as her legs allowed her. Thanks to Midnight’s intensive training, the young girl was way stronger than when she entered UA. Her sprint speed was now way more impressive than before entering UA. Midnight herself said it was most likely because Tooru was a mutant, and the regimen was the best way for her potential to explode.

Chimera, of course, saw her moving and began to move to stop her. His fist hurled in the air, as they almost reached their target. The girl had some kind of protective suit, something quite impressive, but he was a mutant, and there was a reason why Mutants were the #1 cause of quirkless vigilante death. The strength difference was that significant. Considering the girl was a mutant too, though, she would survive that punch.

“NOW IT’S SHOW TIME!” Izuku yelled, fully assuming his magician persona, smiling with a mad glee.

Then, two things happened. First, Chimera’s fist got stopped by a hairy ball that exploded instantly afterward. It didn’t hurt him, but the impact was nullified by that weird creature. The invisible girl continued to run, and turned her palm towards him. Meanwhile, the girl smiled, as she had her own idea to add to Izuku’s act.


Frog are capable of seeing heat. However, too much luminosity could blind them as well as anything else.

Tooru, thanks to Izuku’s innocent teasing and their dates, mastered her flashbang perfectly. She focused all of it in her hands and smiled, thinking of Izuku taking a picture of both of them, smiling. Truly the best memory.

The light almost permanently blinded Chimera that day, as the light emitted by the young girl burned as bright as a young love.

“f*ck!” The wolf yelled loudly, as he reached for his eyes, covering them too late. Izuku tried to use the diversion to run away too, joining Tooru. Hey, their win condition wasn’t to beat the wolf, but to save Mei and Melissa, clearly. Staying with the blinded wolf wouldn’t achieve much.

However the wolf decided against it, hearing him loud and clear before trying to kick him hard, losing any restraints because of the pain.

The strength of it cuts through the air, and Chimera felt an impact under his new goat leg. Something that could rip apart most being in the world, he knew it.


Then the monster exploded, once again. Izuku sighed, as he didn’t manage to go past Chimera, but at least, he was intact. Thank god for this monster who could stop any attacks.

“Your girlfriend managed to pass, but you won’t!”

sh*t, Chimera couldn’t delay this longer than he already has. It was time to do it seriously, especially if this kid had some kind of barriers now. He had to go seriously against him.

“Yes… Use me… Kill him to do your mission”

Izuku nearly shat himself when suddenly, Chimera’s skin got covered in muscle tissue, exactly like a certain infamous killer from Japan.

Chimera growled, clearly unhappy, as he flexed his arm, “Seriously, kid, you should have surrendered earlier. Now, you will be lucky if you end up with only a few broken bones.”

Izuku answered that with an uneasy smile, pulling two cards.

“But, my dear public, what would be a show without assistants? Come here!”

Muscular growled, as he felt a kneeling presence in front of him and he tried to smash it. Well, he actually succeeded and broke her skull in one shot, but the barrier held well for a second.

“Well, there goes the Mystic Elf, but she was only doing the entracte anyway. Your real issue is rather her friend over there. Gardevoir, move him away, if you please.”

Currently, Chimera was still using only slightly Muscular’s quirk, because of Garaki’s warning. Barely a few layers, to increase his resistance and strength. However, he suddenly felt a force that was pushing him away, slowly, on all of his body.

“You need more power… To rip this bitch apart.”

How did he know it was a she? He wasn’t certain but he needed more of this quirk. Chimera raged away from Gardevoir’s psychic power, as he doubled the number of layers on his body. The pokemon clearly panicked for a second before not truly feeling anything anyway.

Being ripped apart, her upper body from her lower, tended to be deadly, after all. Her blood only touched a bit of Chimera’s face, before the summon disappeared.

It felt good. It was what he was looking for…

Then he snapped back when he got it by a giant stone sword.

“GIANT SOLDIER OF STONE! Eject him out of this building!”

Izuku, to be fair, wasn’t really happy with the situation. This man in front of him had two quirks, and honestly, he was pretty sure that his Mutant quirk would allow him to follow wherever Izuku would hide or run away..

Or worse, he could run after Tooru and the girls. Combined with his absurd strength and resilience now, Izuku was pretty sure that his win condition actually changed. He had to defeat Chimera here, if they wanted to live another day.

“No more jokes, kid? This thing is barely bothering me!”

Worst thing, Izuku had to agree with Chimera, as the man stopped the blade with barely one hand. Then, he pressed harder his palm against it, and ripped it apart.

Chimera sounded a bit disappointed. “Tsssk, the only issue with that one, is there is no blood or meat to destroy. Is it pure stone? It doesn’t smell like flesh.”

“... It is pure stone.” Izuku confirmed, noting that apparently his summons also had a particular smell. Always good to know. Anyway, his hands weren’t idle, while they were speaking. Hopefully, the wolf man was too distracted since he activated his new quirk, and forgotten Izuku was a menace the longer he had time to prepare bigger and bigger summons.

“Thanks for the information.”

Chimera then casually smashed the giant of stone, reveling in his new strength, his quirk moving with his body.

“I am still going to make you SCREAM, CHILD!”


The young magician was still trapped with Chimera, as he felt his reserve quickly draining. Seriously, why had he only brought his emergency deck? Oh right. They were supposed to be safe. f*ck.

The hero with four arms quickly got dismembered in front of Izuku who finally managed to find one of the cards he needed.

It was time, as Chimera was on him, salivating and Izuku actually saw his eyes changing color. Ok, that one was anormal.


Suddenly, three swords of light appeared, trapping Chimera inside them… Making the mutant rage against them, hitting them. Izuku didn’t have to be a genius to see the cracks appearing after each crack.

Still, now, Izuku had an idea, he needed to test… So while he was still catching back his breath after so many successive summons, Izuku calmly chose two heroes from his Hero cards.


Two heroes, with suits not unlike Sentai Heroes appeared, readying some water blasts in their hands. In their eyes a determination could be seen, especially after seeing the opponent chosen for them to fight.

Yet, before they could unleash any attacks, their simple sight seemed to cause the monster in front of Izuku to scream so powerfully the sonic blast harmed the sword.

“I KNEW IT! Muscular is taking over!”

Izuku had already seen the Noumus after all. People with two quirks, artificially or thanks to something wasn’t impossible. Hell, some people deemed the existence of the Quirk Thief as a myth, but considering Monoma’s quirk, it was totally possible the man had truly existed.

However, considering Muscular was supposed to have been atomised by Endeavor and his wife, seeing him here was bad.


Meep. Big Meep.

“You shall not harm this teen, Muscular! We stopped you once! We can do it again!”

The heroes said in perfect synchronicity as Izuku decided to go f*ck it and actually burned as sacrifice a third of his cards. Which was roughly 40 cards… But once again, the summon was going to be worth it. He simply needed time.

Muscular then exploded the barrier, enjoying his body, and the world once again.

“You got killed, and I had a subpar body. NOW I HAVE THE SUPERIOR MODEL!”

He got water in his eyes for monologuing like a villain, as the heroes began to summon together water. The two of them were in perfect harmony and created a powerful geyser from the pipe in the kitchen, to blow their enemy away.

“A killer! Mindlessly reaping adults and children… Disgraceful…”


Paradoxically, while Muscular clearly had a better hang on his quirk, Izuku had almost no issue to dodge the hit. Well, to be fair, he was good at dodging hits, but there was another reason.

The Ginyu Syndrome, as a quirk expert called it, in reference to an old manga. When people like the Dictator controlled mutants with a different body than them, they often had issues with the motor part, because their brains were bipedal or used to have a tail to balance them.

Muscular had to deal with having a wolf body, goat leg, a snake tail and weird arms.

In addition, unlike Chimera who was a professional, Muscular had no training in close combat, and only relied on his instinct.

This new body wasn’t doing any good for him, and it was honestly Izuku's only saving grace.

Each attack was far too close to Izuku for his comfort, but he managed to do it with grace and some moves from the gym or Compress’s teaching, bending his body to absurd angle, before repositioning himself with a few backflips. Keep on moving, because you don’t, you will break!


“Sorry, but if you stopped to press your attack, I would be happy to comply!”

Quip, quip. An angry enemy in a body they didn’t understand was prone to error. Especially as the Water Hoses often forced him to protect his eyes… Probably because of the time they ripped apart one of his eyes.

Also apparently, Muscular had an issue with Compress’ dodging style. It was good. Good, very good. Continue to get on his nerves.


Suddenly, Izuku knew he had a way better odds at surviving his situation than before, as Muscular’s arm punched slightly too much to the left of Izuku to hit him. This actually stopped the fighters, before Muscular roared again… Before yelping, as Izuku summoned a Death Arms in close combat, and let his summon punch Muscular in the manly part of himself.

Still, the monster was down for a few seconds now, and Izuku had the time to summon his real attack. Unlike for Stain, there was no time to think about the destruction.


“... WHO?”

Then, Muscular got punched into one of the parks inside the giant building. Hard. Actually, so hard he felt some of bones break from the impact, despite his heavy protection, making him cough blood.


From the dust emerged a giant robot, blue and red and towering above Muscular, before smashing him again, forcing him to dodge… Except this time, his body refused to move. Another punch connected, sending the monster, the killer flying.


“An Autobot shall never stop fighting evil, Monster!”


Muscular yelled back, before feeling his consciousness snapping… And then the dark came.


In a spirit world he knew all too well, Muscular faced Chimera, while the darkness surrounded them.


Muscular beings grew in size and power, feeding on his own anger at being bullied by that giant robot. He needed full control to win! The world would hear about his carnage again!

“We need to think about how to beat him and join SLICE!”

Meanwhile, Chimera seemed to puff on an imaginary smoke, appreciating it, quite calmly. He was a professional, and honestly, while he did enjoy a good fight, it wasn’t his greatest pleasure. The smoke hit Muscular again, who yelled once again with a murdering rage.


“Shut up. You care for blood. That’s your thoughts. I care for the mission and my goals… and my team.”

Slice was a pain in the ass, but the woman was always there to drink with him after a mission. Mummy was a weirdo, with a strange fixation for painting, but the man always had your back when the sh*tstorm began. Nine… The man was strong, both in mind and body. His goal was also his, and Chimera followed him out of loyalty, and respect.

“What’s wrong with admitting your darkest desires? YOU ENJOY THE BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS!”

He wanted to be free. When the wolf activated his quirk, it seemed to Muscular that he woke up from darkness once again. Never more. NEVER MORE HE WANTED TO GO BACK IN THAT PLACE. Truth to be said, Muscular was not afraid of the dark… But now he was afraid of what was living in it, and was waiting for him to return.

Taking control of this body was possible. He knew it. Muscular already tasted him. Now, he only had one thing to do to fully assume control of this body and it was either convincing the wolf they were the same… Or devouring him. After that ? Muscular would have words with Garaki, for using his soul as an experiment!

“I do. But that’s not what defines me. That’s what defines you.”

Chimera was someone astonishingly calm, for many reasons. First off, you don’t live long if you act only with your instinct (or you have crazy instincts). Second, he was too often called a beast, to accept being a mindless one such as Noumu or Muscular.

He wanted to prove them wrong. All of them. The CRC and the stupid dumbass in the ISP his brother founded. f*ck Beast..

Third, one of Chimera’s hobbies to destress from the warzone was actually to use some herbs from a Native American Shaman he knew to discover his inner-self.

When your quirk was basically to summon the inner beast inside of you to morph your body, learning to know it was a good move.

Point being, for Chimera, being in his spiritual world was something more normal than most people. He was used to that place, and he was smoking the old memory of his last pipe.


f*ck diplomacy! He would have it alone! Even if it means not having access to Chimera’s memories.

“Last chance. Surrender.”


“I Am The Beast That Keeps Inside The Dark. Welcome Inside Me.”

Muscular barely had time to register, while jumping, the shadow wolf who grabbed him, before putting him between his teeths. If you were to compare size, Muscular was roughly four times his host’s size. The wolf was ten times him.

Chimera, below, puffed sadly. The man there was a sad reflection of what he could have been. What his big brother, now dead, was.

“Being a beast is easy. Pretending to be the monster everyone thought I was would have been the easiest. But being a man… That’s what is hard, bitch. I am one. This? This is what is keeping all of my bad days inside me.”


“No. You are nothing more than a beast.”

And Muscular was once again in the dark.

And he heard all of them laughing again in the dark, while the chains were coming. Familiar voices he dodged two times were resonating. Unlike the first two times, he ran like hell, as a prey.


Optimus Prime was an honorable being, thinking living beings deserved a chance. However, from what the two other heroes accompanying him explained, it was a being actually far more evil than most Decepticons he knew. Something that was actually a menace for everyone in the building.

As a result, he prepared his arms while his enemy was down… And failed to execute his enemy.

The ground broke around the wolf, because of his robotic enemy’s strength, but with his two arms, he held Optimus’s arm.

“Sorry… I am back in control. The other one won’t be here again.”

“Will you kill the kid?”

“I might make him unconscious. I still have a job to do.”

It was honestly harder and harder to speak for Chimera.

Then Optimus used his other arms to bitchslap him.

“Then, I shall stop you, criminal.”

“Well… That’s your job, machine.”

With the Water Hoses blocking the exit, Chimera knew he was blocked.

“...Let me guess, the kid ran after his girlfriend?”

The three summons nodded, and a heavily wounded Chimera groaned.


Chimera, protected by his new, fully absorbed quirk, attacked while using his main quirk to increase his attributes.

He finally found another thing he was looking for: A war stranger than him, and companions for whom he would fight for.

“Here I come!”

Chimera left a crater behind him, as he jumped toward a Water Hoses. First thing in a battle: destroy the support. Both Water Hoses were only reasonably strong heroes when they were alive and they had to die to actually damage enough Muscular for other peoples to take him down (Compress who was notified too late of what was happening).

Meanwhile, Chimera had changed his eyes to chameleon eyes, to have a better vision against Optimus Prime, the robot would probably not let his companions get slayed without saying anything.

The fact the robot’s eyes were shining and his arms cannons too, was a good hint about the balls of energy coming for his wolf’s ass.

Thankfully, the goat legs allowed Chimera to run almost vertically on the walls, hence why he chose them instead of a jaguar.

When the first volley hit behind him, Chimera didn’t even look behind to know they were closing on him. However, that didn’t mean the Water heroes were sitting ducks. Both of them were using the water in the garden to actually attack him from afar.

Chimera, with a smile, took a bet… And jumped inside the river in the garden. There, he swiftly changed his body to have the hand of an otter, the lower parts of a crocodile, and sped up under the water.

Considering how only Optimus prime was shooting the water now, it means the Water Hoses didn’t know what was in the water below them. Which was his only opportunity to win. If he managed to kill the summons, and thank god they didn’t appear to be true living beings, he could rush for the exit, leaving the Robots behind him.

Hey, sure, he had a body count, that didn’t mean he was looking for killing two heroes who died in the line of duty, again.

Swimming at a blinding speed under the water, Chimera ended up jumping outside of water to attack the two summoned heroes. Falling from above, he quickly changed his arms for ourang-outang arms. Longer, stronger, deadlier especially with Muscular’s quirk.

The couple barely had the time to slide to safety in a graceful dance, before Chimera ran belly against the ground to avoid the incoming volley ball from Optimus Prime.

No time for words or taunt, he needed to get faster.


Optimus Prime, despite the fact his opponent was a bad guy, was forced to admit the man was good. His own system was still booting up and was soon to be perfectly operational, but the man had good moves for a human. Since when Earthlings have improved to be that strong? He always felt they had a potential, but this was something else.

The water heroes knew however they were in a pickle. While Muscular was someone who overwhelmed you with brutal strength, unadulterated rage, he was also someone too straight in his fights.

The man in front of them was also someone working on pure instinct but… Unlike Muscular who honed his bloodlust rather than fighting skill, the mutant in front of them was a survivor who fought for his own life on a daily basis. Each of his moves left nothing as an opening for them…

The Water Hoses, while having decent combat skills, were Rescue Heroes. Their role was to hold the line for the heavy hitters, as they were stronger for Crowd Control. Unlike some heroes like Manual, who could, if they had enough time, do a water cutter, they needed to work perfectly together to do that one… And it was a perfectly linear attack. Something easy to dodge for the man in front of them.

Hell, they managed to get one or two good hits, because he was injured. When the wolf got closer to them and decapitated them in a swift movement, it was clear: he was a villain above them…

Chimera didn’t look at the disappearing corpses. It was no use, but honestly, he was happy they weren’t real people. One of the rules in a warzone is “You don’t hit the rescue heroes, unless they are specifically from the enemy camp” and even then, you tried to avoid that. You never knew when you would be the one to be dug up and saved by them. Honestly, fighting them still felt… Wrong.

The wolfman then coughed some more blood, as he had pushed his body to his limits, with the broken ribs and the mindf*ck he had earlier.

Then Chimera saw the shadow under him and barely could say… “f*ck me”.

Optimus Prime smashed him in the ground, strong enough to make him fall in the ballroom, to everyone’s surprise.

Now, back to protect the young summoner…Mmmh…

Optimus Prime had a new issue: the alleys weren’t made for someone his size. That was going to be annoying, wasn’t it?

Chapter 44: I-Island : Villains Rise


In which All For One's main mission is done, Katsuki make a bang, Godzillo is here and Yui is an ascended fangirl.


Warning, this chapter contains more deaths, violence and actual injuries than usual.

Chapter Text

Chapter 44 : I-Island : Villains Rise.


Moonfish, the cannibal, and recently SS-class criminal, since he got modified through means unknown to authorities to get a significant upgrade, was here and he was happy about it.

Low-level regeneration, utter lack of morale, teeth that could cut through concrete and were more or less a really weird variation of a blade manipulation quirk… And apparently, now, he had a mouth on each hand, smiling creepily, as the monster in front of them.

Katsuki didn’t know who was the f*cker who thought it was a good idea to do that, but seriously, they should be kicked in the balls so hard they would be a flipper ball.


Emilia, assisting Garaki, wondered why she was sneezing, as they worked on Chisaki’s project, as per their agreement. She had to admit she loved the idea of rendering the assholes who mistreated her for her lack of quirk to be quirkless themselves. Also, it was so fun to kiss Chisaki from behind and see him all flustered and not knowing how he should react, between his mysophobia, her lack of quirk and his crush on her.


Yui decided against using her tank. Yes, shooting shells at Moonfish would have been awesome. The issue was his accuracy with his teeth. He would most likely strike her through any opening in the tank, and she wasn’t sure he couldn’t cut through steel.

As a result, she already put it back in her keychain, while moving under cover behind a tree.

However, thanks to her quirk, Yui was never defenseless. In fact, she was considering changing her hero name to something else.

Besides, she knew she had time to do what she needed to do.


Katsuki was currently harassing Moonfish by bringing the fight into the air. He got from one stand in the day, some gauntlets that were supposed to lessen the strain on his arms from his explosions, helping him to fly. He was also resting on the roof from time to time.

Clearly, her dumbass blond boyfriend learned from the last time to not get close to him and worked since then to a lot more ranged attacks. He probably didn’t want to get any more teeth in his arm.

Katsuki was cute when he was thinking he was the main fighter, when he was only the decoy. Meanwhile, Yui was assembling several parts for a weapon she had, created by Mei. Customs would have her detained for bringing a rocket launcher to the Island. Thanks to her quirk, and Mei’s genius in making the parts modular, Yui was pulling a weapon which was almost as big as her from below her, while she was hiding behind a car. It was a custom rocket launcher made by the craziest girl Yui knew for her birthday. She asked, quote “Something that would make Katsuki’s explosion look like bitches”.

“There is the third one.”

Softly, with eerie calmness, Yui aka Arsenal, aimed her weapon at an unsuspecting Moonfish, too occupied with the bait flying and poking him around.

He didn’t have heightened sense after all, and his weakness was what he couldn’t see. Yui scratched that note and added a second weakness as she pulled the trigger, feeling the rocket being thrown at full-speed against the monster. She almost landed on her back because of the powerful recoil.

Hearing the whistling missile, Moonfish turned his head, wondering, “Hmmm? What is that?”

Missile met torso, and Moonfish’s second weakness became apparent.

Point blank atomization.

Well, it should have been, but thanks to his reinforced body, Moonfish screamed in pain as he was now missing the left part of his torso, in blood and gore.

Katsuki quickly remembered why he loved the girl: she was even more ruthless than him.

“OH f*ck YOU KIDS!”

Moonfish, blind with rage, paused when a fat man's corpse landed in front of him, the neck broken. The cannibal smiled, before using his right arm to eat it, and using his real teeth to throw an attack against the girl that dared to hurt him that much. He wasn’t one to give up a free meal after all, and it was exactly what he needed.

Also, what was the point of having more mouths if not eating everyone while killing them?

Yui quickly rolled against the cement to dodge the cutting blades only a few seconds before they slashed through the road. When the blades retracted and redirected their trajectory toward her, Yui used her special shield from Mei’s lab to barely block the strike. The alloy was what composed her Grandpa’s body, according to her.

The impact went through the alloy, striking through her bones. She almost fell on her behind, before Katsuki came from the sky and slammed two of his explosions point blank in the teeth, making the monster yell.

Still, both teenagers were equally terrified and disgusted when they looked at the cannibal again. Seeing a dead body was bad. Seeing someone eating a body was worse, especially if it was from a mouth on his arm.

It was purely abominable when it clearly served to boost his regeneration, bones and flesh being assimilated in his body.

Then Katsuki broke one of the unspoken rules of heroism, trying to cope with the sight. Honestly, he was trying to reassure himself when he said that.

“This can hardly get any worse”

Five more corpses fell next to Moonfish.

Katsuki looked at Yui, hoping she had more missiles. Her body, trembling while desperately trying to reach weapons, told him the answer, and it was clearly not the one he hoped to hear.

“Well, sh*t.”

From where were the bodies coming? It’s raining men was a song, not a quirk!


“There are only so many people you can protect, kid.”

Terraformars taunted Monoma quietly, who was already running out of steam. He didn’t have that many quirks in his stockpile, to begin with. Izuku’s quirk might be useful, but Monoma didn’t have any cards on him, making it f*cking useless. Pony? That was an option, but only for escaping.

The co*ckroach mutant in front of him was pretty much the definition of winning the super lottery, except appearance wise. He was insanely strong, durable and fast. Seriously, Monoma did some math in his head, and the bread should have hurt him with pretty much the strength of a rifle. Yet, he barely scratched that man. The blonde kid was outmatched, plain and simple.

As for Terraformars, he was enjoying breaking the kid who was on his last legs, panting, and failing to stop his cronies to kill and throw the corpses of the civilians to Moonfish. Some team playing was always good to win the game, and now he wanted to have some fun. Call him sad*stic, or someone who actually got Sensei’s humor, but Terraformars loved to break heroes, physically and mentally.

“Guys? Pull back for a second. I have an announcement for the civilians here.”

Everyone tried to stay together, against the wall as they couldn’t run outside, and the mutants prevented them from pulling back.

They were sparing the mutants from their onslaught, but everyone else had the same thought: what if they were next? Or their loved one?

“If you catch the kid, give him to us and we will leave. No more death from us.”

“Don’t listen to him! We don’t know if he is telling the truth!”

Monoma had a good idea of what the mutant was trying to do, and he knew better than to trust any villain. Also, he was almost certain it was literally a comic reference. Still, he could see everyone thinking about the offer, some actually getting ready to get up… sh*t. He didn’t sign up for that! He was only a kid! A first year! Where were the heroes?!



The #1 French hero, flying on some bread, was fighting solo against two Noumus, but he couldn’t help worrying. The monsters didn’t seem interested in fighting him, but rather stalling for time. sh*t… Was something bigger at play?!

He was seriously considering coming to Japan, if only to make sure this didn’t get bigger, but as the National Top Hero, he wasn’t able to move as he wanted. sh*t, he was going to ask Yuga for more information on the situation.


“I’m sorry kid, but I have a wife and kids!”

Monoma wasn’t surprised when the man armed with a chair attacked, clearly wanting to take him down.

The scorpio mutant laughed, before saying: “Hey! Don’t kill the kid, we need him alive!”

Monoma noted that. The phrasing. They needed *him* and alive. He wasn’t a threat. He wasn’t their enemy. He was their target. Not the civilians, they were an added bonus, a fun slaughter to have while on duty.

Quickly though, Monoma understood he would have trouble devising a strategy based on that information, as more and more of the civilians were getting up in arms, ready to revolt against their former protector.

Monoma dodged the strike by a hairbreadth, as he was more used to overpowering his enemies with his stockpiled quirk and then be done. Use the correct quirk for the correct situation! That was the smart way to fight and deal with his enemies!

He suddenly had a brief flashback of Izuku telling him something during their fight at the Sports Festival “Yes, you are the kind of person who can only use the correct tool for the correct situation, but can’t improvise”. Why was that dumbass, who took his aesthetic as a gentleman magician, right?! f*ck!

An idea, an idea, quick… Because dodging everything was becoming harder and harder, as now most of the adults were trying to catch him, while some in the background were forced to stay down. Still, Monoma was happy to see a few people not being assholes.

However, the knife flying next to him was again too close for his taste, as it was planted into the wall nearby him.

What if it had killed him?!

Monoma quickly took the knife and put it against his throat. He had a crazy, stupid idea and if Vlad-sensei knew about it, he would get grounded for the end of his scholarship.


Taking himself as a hostage. f*ck, he fell low, didn’t he? However, he truly hoped that he was right…

And the sound of the co*ckroach punching the scorpio into the concrete stopped everyone, as Terraformars talked.

“I hate when my minions talk too much. Everyone, stand down, or I will rip your head off!”

Considering his friend was either unconscious or dead, most people actually stopped and slowly backed away from Monoma, who was a bit ridiculous and obviously stressed by the situation. He prayed his nerves wouldn’t press the knife into his skin any farther than he meant to.

Terraformars slow-clapping was definitely unnerving enough for his taste, even before he began to speak.

“I admire your guts, though. So… How about you put down the knife, kid? I don’t want to kill you.”

“But no qualms about harming me I guess? Who is the fastest, me panicking and cutting my carotid or you? So you and your cronies get the f*ck out and I won’t kill myself.”

Monoma was running in fear and panic, hence his current language. Also, if he had to die, he wanted to curse.

Terraformars stared at him, blankly, and for a second, everyone feared he would try something. To be fair, his blank face was barely human and he seemed so detached from most emotions, he felt alien… Before laughing, openly. His body bent from how powerful the laughter was. When it finally ended, he once again wore that blank smile.

“I could actually take the knife from you. But this is more fun. Here is my deal. You follow me quietly, and I don’t kill everyone in front of you while my friends hold you down. If I feel especially irritated, I would even use your hand to snap that kid’s neck.”


The scared kid screamed, as outside, the fight between Katsuki, Yui and Moonfish intensified. The restaurant was barely safe for them… As long as the ISP’s Squad f*cked off.

Monoma still had his grip on his knife and he swallowed his saliva, trying to keep his calm.

“First we exit the restaurant… And then I remove the knife. I don’t trust you to not kill them instantly.”

“You still want to protect them when they are ready to sell you out for their safety? Impressive.”

The co*ckroach thought about it for a second before taking out his switch and sending the signal. In front of him, Kurogiri opened a portal. After all, this wasn’t a mission for the ISP. It was a mission for All For One, and Kurogiri wasn’t on Tomura’s side. He was on Sensei’s.

“My crew will walk first. Then we will be together. Don’t push my patience though.”

Monoma then saw Terraformars’ still conscious companion taking the other on his shoulder, before obeying and walking through the dark hole. Monoma had tears in his eyes as he felt his body moving, walking with the killer by his side…

Then the world went dark as he passed through the portal. He didn’t know what was on the other side. But f*ck, he was scared.


“Target Alpha Priority secured, Sir.”

“Perfect. Tell Terraformars he won a few Noumus and funding for two months.”

“Your will shall be done.”

All For One smiled, as his plan B was slowly coming together. Soon, one of his weaknesses would be eliminated. Now, the true question was… Once he was done with this blonde boy, what should he do with him? Release him with a time bomb quirk? Noumu him? Keep him for a moment to have some conversations with someone that wasn’t his family or an undead or a pawn? Hmmm… Hard choice.

“If I can ask something sir… Was it really necessary to attack I-Island to kidnap that kid? Especially after making him win a false prize? I could have easily kidnapped him when he went back home.”

“Kurogiri, who do you think am I? Some kind of villain?!”

“Well… Yes?”

“Good lord, Kurogiri. I am THE Super-villain. I have to do big things, to maintain my prestige. I am not some dumbass who has to lie low for hundreds of years to succeed in their plans! I have to make everyone shake in their boots as they are too weak to stop my attack.”

In Deika, Re-Destro felt insulted, and didn’t know why.

To be fair, he was currently studying a plan to greet more homeless people who suffered from various mutation quirks or ‘villainous’ quirks. More people for the MLA… But more importantly, more people he could help.

You can’t be stressed about things you didn’t care for. Re-Destro cared for all of them.


Katsuki was trying to rest for a few seconds behind a car. He was running back and forth, flying around Moonfish, but that goddamn bastard was too solid to be hurt.

“f*ck! I have nothing to kill that bitch!”

Not that he wanted to kill someone, but right here and now, Katsuki was in primal mode. Every one of his cells told him the same thing: either Moonfish died or he died. The blond explosive teen preferred to stay alive thank you.

He threw a quick look and saw Yui, who was thinking about what weapons she would use next. She was exhausting her options, bullet by bullet. Katsuki was wondering if she could technically be tried for all the live firearms she was using but honestly, considering their situation, he doubted that.

sh*t… If the monster didn’t eat the corpse a bit earlier (he almost vomited thinking about the scene), he could have finished him.


Yui, God bless her heart, answered with a grenade, blinding Moonfish long enough for her to join Katsuki, who was slowly getting back his breath.

Of course, Moonfish did another raging attack but considering they were hiding, he missed them.

Katsuki, wanting to make a plan, asked Yui about his arsenal.

“f*ck… Do you have anything left?”

“Barely. One or two flashbangs, a spear, two guns with a few bullets each, and my Ultra Bands.”

Katsuki inhaled while dragging a hand across his face, the sweat dripping from all over his body. He had one last idea but it was insane.

He looked at Yui, who was bruised and bleeding. Even with him dodging from afar, Yui got targeted a few times. He was a very annoying mosquito against Moonfish but a mosquito nonetheless.

Still, she was as loving as usual in this messy state, and the blonde boy gave a tired smile.

“Ok… We can work with that. I have an idea, but I’ll need some cover.”

Yui glared at her boyfriend. He was crazy and she knew it. When he seemed calm he was at his most dangerous.


“Hey, if this one doesn't work, nothing will. If we don’t stop him here, he will…”

Katsuki stopped, hit in the head by Yui. Her body betrayed a small wave of anger and her determination, making him happy and giving him back some bravery.

“Did you imply I wanted to run?”

“f*ck no, you would castrate me, if I did something like that..”

This made her smile, in Katsuki’s eyes. Call him whipped, but he knew how he liked his women: strong, insane and proud.

“So, what’s your plan?”

Katsuki explained it and Yui groaned. She didn’t like it and thought it was far too risky.

Then, the car serving them as cover got lifted up by the teeth.


Both teens nodded to each other, and Katsuki exhaled a long breath, before running.

Moonfish was surprised when he saw the kid actually rushing him. The only time he actually hit him in close range, hurting his eyes. The blond student pulling this kind of move meant the fight’s tide shifted.

Fight? Moonfish corrected himself. It would have been a fight if he didn’t manage to heal his injuries with the corpse early. This is just a slaughter that was taking time. However, Moonfish shared something with Muscular: Both of them disliked being taken down, and they were good at holding grudges.

Both arms of the monster opened in a manner that made some cineasts remember the old horror movie from the Dawn of Quirk, “The Thing”. The ugly mouths suddenly released huge teeth, the size of cannon balls.

Each of them whizzed in the air, and Katsuki could only thank Moonfish’s lack of training for this quirk. Some shots barely scratched him, one cut deep in his left arm, drawing blood.

Still, he couldn’t stop now. He needed to get as close to the monster as possible for his plan. Then, Katsuki did something hard to do. He trusted, fully, someone with his back, and closed his eyes.

Moonfish, not believing his luck, opened his real mouth. The revealed shark jaw was still bloodied by the human parts he consumed earlier. Twenty teeth would be more than enough to dismember the teen and eat him alive, maybe in front of the girl. He couldn’t wait to taste his muscular meat and feel his life. The horror as his heart would be eaten in front of him.

Then, Yui used Moonfish’s main weakness: Lack of awareness. Also, she had to credit Katsuki as the best bait she ever knew.

As part of her combo with Reiko and Shoda, Yui trained heavily in her throwing skill. Sure, Reiko allowed for a chirurgical strike, but Yui needed to throw her attacks well.

Moonfish wondered for a second what the cylinder was in front of his eyes as he opened his jaw, and tried to identify it.

The flashbang exploded, burning his eyes once more. Note to self, ask for an anti-blinding quirk, seriously!


Katsuki, his eyes shut tight, was spared by the flash. Hearing Moonfish made him smile, since it meant the monster had to stop his attack for a second, if only to speak.

The blond teen slid on his knee, and appeared before Moonfish. He could actually smell the blood and human flesh on him. Repulsive monster. He had to be stopped.

Katsuki knew it would hurt like a bitch, but he trusted Yui.

The bloodied blonde raised his injured arms wide and copied the very basics of his quirk, his father making sparks by slamming his hands together. The biggest bang in his reserve.

"Germa Nova."

During the Sports Festival, Katsuki rested between each fight, often for a good time. As a result, he had been sweating, but not that much, hence why the explosion didn’t kill anyone, especially Izuku.

This time, Katsuki had been running around for a good time, and he was constantly using his quirk. Even with the support gear bought earlier, his arms were hurting the way they do when sparring with Miruko.

He was sweating so much that he could be mistaken for a small fountain.

The spark ignited all of his nitroglycerin-like sweat, and he closed his eyes, knowing what was coming. The burning on his body, and the impact that would break his bones. Yes, he had resistance to explosions, but not immunity.


The explosion was twice as big as Yui’s from earlier, and she actually flew a few meters away because of the shockwave. Nonetheless, she was aware of the situation and knew Moonfish was most likely alive. As Vlad sensei said, if you don’t see the body, he is alive. She took her guns, ready to amplify the bullets to end the monster point blank range.

Yui raced toward the dust cloud. She had to not think about Katsuki for a second. He was probably more broken than an ancient roman mosaic that time was unkind to.

She ran as fast as possible, and each step was hard, since she couldn’t truly see what she was stepping on. Yui could only pray the explosion was enough to knock out Moonfish, and then she could take Katsuki to a hospital or something.

Then she could hear two breaths, near her. One on the ground, and another, higher, as if someone was standing. In a split second, Yui decided to shoot the second sound, raising her arm and aiming at the, rather big, silhouette. Bigger than Katsuki.

Each hit produced a spark. And as her last three bullets went out, she heard something under her. Katsuki, whispered as loud as he could.



Due to the pain from his missing arms, having sacrificed them to protect his main body, Moonfish went back to his feral state. In fact, he was even more barbaric than before, thanks to the “Eat Meat, Free Heal” quirk he got.

So the monster, after the explosion, had created a teeth shield around his head to protect it from a headshot. Yui’s shooting gave away her position, and once he located her, and the fact her weapons were empty, ricocheting against his teeth… She was defenseless and desperate.

Well, he jumped on Yui, mouth open. He was a White Shark, and she was a baby seal.

At long last, Moonfish was tasting some flesh… Hmm, it was a bit burnt, though. Did the girl get hurt from the explosion, or… Wait, he was pretty sure he felt some finger on his tongue! It was an arm! Not ahead!


Katsuki, in a desperate move, managed to muster enough strength to push Yui away from the attack. Instead of her, only his arm got eaten, cut clean by the razor-like teeth.


Yui screamed for once, and grabbed him before bolting as fast as she could. He was bleeding, and burned as she was on her last leg. Katsuki knew that there was no way she could run with him in safety.


“Shut up!”

She wasn’t running away! She wasn’t geared enough to finish the monster, that was all! f*ck… f*ck!

She wasn’t crying either!


Yui Kodai wanted to be a hero for a very simple reason. She loved Tokusatsu movies, old Ultraman, Kamen Rider… All of them. She was a fan of the explosions, and how heroes were always strong enough, determined enough to fight against the odds and the monsters.

She wanted to be like them, always fighting the monster on equal ground. She hoped, as a result, to get a quirk like her cousin, a certain hero named Mt Lady. But instead, her quirk only allowed her to enlarge objects.

Not an issue. She worked around that, worked her fighting skill and developed an arsenal. She wanted to fight the monsters, especially the ones wearing human skin.

Right now, though? She was running, scared and terrified of the monster on her heels, Katsuki’s remaining arm slung across her shoulder.

Yui felt her heartbeat quicken… Before she gritted her teeth.

There were people in the buildings next to them. People near a homicidal and hungry Moonfish. Could she run away when such a being was on the loose?

She dropped Katsuki, who screamed in pain, and Yui angrily stood her ground. Rage. Determination.

More importantly? Pride.


The monster in front of her wasn’t human… And she did the only thing she could think of in the heat of the moment. She punched the monster, as all of her body was hurting.

Moonfish felt every bone of his skull resonate under the punch, mainly because he wasn’t punched by a frail girl. He was punched by a giant fist, which projected him into the building on the other side of the avenue.


Yui, from the depths of her giant lungs, yelled an old quotation from a mostly forgotten time: “We Still Have Glittering Hope!!”

Yui, now towering at 25 meters, was staring at her opponent, with the will to finish him.

Moonfish opened his mouth and released all of his 3000 Great White Shark Teeth on pure instinct. All of them, a deadly spear on their own, plunged toward a giant Yui, whose arms crossed in front of her. She truly had to trust Mei. Would she have enough time to fire the shot, as the teeth speed through their course toward her?

Once again, Moonfish’s main weakness was used against him. To be fair, though, both Yui and he missed a certain something. A certain hero coming from an angle of the avenue no one could see.

If Yui was a bit higher, above the building, she would have seen a glistening blue scale illuminating…

A powerful blue breath struck Moonfish on the side.

The monster began to screech incoherently, and attempted to shield his body from the threat with his teeth.

But they were too far away to arrive in time. Which luckily gave Yui enough time to launch her attack.


From the crossed arms a laser emanated, and the last vision Moonfish had was Godzilla and Ultraman coming ever closer, using their signature attack against him.

The death of a monster. A fitting death, one might say.

The beam connected, and utterly annihilated the body of the modified villain, who exploded, and Yui sighed in relief when the dust revealed nothing except empty air.

The threat was finally gone, she kneeled breathlessly. Out of strength, her quirk returned stopped her to her normal size from embiggening. She fell beside Katsuki, face to face. The charmed teen smiled at her.

“That was the sexiest thing you’ve ever done.”

“You know it…”

“That still counts as a single for only one!”

Both teens hacked out a laugh before falling unconscious, as Godzillo grabbed them. They were definitely good kids, and he expected a lot from them… Even if the fight wasn’t without any loss.

As an example, when he was dispatched here, he was under the impression there was also an ISP squad.

Where were they?

For now, though, he had to go fast. The kid had lost too much blood with his arm getting eaten and he needed some urgent medical help.


“Melissa, where now?!”

Meanwhile, in a certain tower, two girls were running from their enemy as fast as their legs could carry them. Slice was on their trail, using her hair to continuously lash out at them.

But it didn’t mean the teens were defenseless. Melissa, though panting, pointed in a direction. If only they could reactivate the defense, it would be an instant win for them. As a result, they were going up.

Tooru was behind them, doing her best to catch them up.

Way behind her, was Izuku who summoned an Arcanine to ride. It was faster and allowed him to rest a bit.

Above them, Wolfram was with David’s assistant, waiting quietly for the Crown to be released. David didn’t have any idea that it was only him on the right side.

None of them knew that this story would end with devastating consequences for the world.

Chapter 45: I-Island : The Summit


In which Hisashi is mentionned again, Izuku use truck and Slice decides to do the wise thing.



This fic is going to slow down. Again. Because it is highly possible that i will get a new job but it will requires me to move to another city.

However be reassured : I-Island is almost finished. Basically one more chapter of the main event and the wrap up/consequences.

The next arc (out of some civilian stuff + some LoV adventures) will be "How to Rescue the Most Precious Child in MHA"

It will have an otter.

Chapter Text

Chapter 45 : I-Island Crisis : Summit

Slice was angry; she was worried for her friend. Chimera was a big dummy and she feared something would happen to him. However, they had a mission, and their time limit was getting closer and closer. She didn’t have a good feeling and honestly, she was worried about the situation:

The girls were smart and if she didn’t have a Search Quirk, she would have lost them ten times already, since they knew the structure of the building better than her. Thankfully, as long as they stayed in her range, she could see them. However, despite running faster than the two nerds, she had trouble catching them up, BECAUSE THEY CLOSED EVERY f*ckING DOOR ON THEIR WAY.

She was wondering if she should have asked for more firepower but to be fair, she wasn’t supposed to be a front-line fighter. She was the Sniper on the team! Her role was to take out the enemy or harass them. She wasn’t meant to fight though. Well, of course, she could, but she wasn’t as good at it as Nine, Mummy or Chimera.

To be fair, Chimera was in a class of his own once he was serious and against an opponent he wouldn’t hold back against. Pit him against the CRC or the ISP; he would call it Christmas. Then, Slice would call several clean-up crews.

Still, she was tired because the girls kept avoiding giving her a clear shot. It was kind of annoying and if she wasn’t a professional, she would be screaming at them with empty threats.

That and of course the f*cking stairs. Note to self: never say again to Chimera that Leg Day was useless. She was never going to skip it again.

Meanwhile, Mei and Melissa ran for their life, literally. To be fair, having a professional killer behind them didn’t help.


Melissa, despite being All-Might unofficial niece, wasn’t used to that kind of situation. I-Island was hard to attack usually, and the only way someone managed to f*ck up the system like this is to attack from the inside. It was her first crisis situation.

On the other side of the spectrum, Mei was actually quite calm.

“My guess is either they want you as a hostage, or they are pissed at my grandpa.”

Melissa, still running and panting, stared at her new friend, while remembering the kind old man from the fair.


“He is the Architect.”

This almost made Melissa stop for a second.

“I swear to god, if it is his fault, I am going to dedicate my life to finding a way to catch him and put him in jail!”

This made Mei chuckles. This was always fun to have people angry at her grandpa. He relished the challenge.

“I will help you if necessary. How long until we reach the top, though?”

“Not long. It’s as if someone actually opened everything on the way up.”

Melissa actually had her own doubts about who was responsible for the security… Samuel. Because she highly doubted her dad would compromise the entire security and she didn’t do it either. The only one with high enough credentials was Samuel.


Meanwhile, in the basem*nt of I-Island, the Architect was plugged to the server, stealing the NFT collection, but more importantly, fighting the virus in the machine. However, all he could do was prevent the Zero Pointer equivalent of the I-Island from coming out to have “fun” with the heroes. Honestly, all the destruction was kind of scary and terrifying. The number of people who wanted such destruction and who were able to plan that wasn’t high.

He was going to warn Nedzu, if only because his granddaughter lived in Japan and apparently, the Demon King was alive and on the move.

On a side note, thank god David gave him some credentials back in the day. It was always useful to play Civilization against the situation.


Yes, her father was very responsible, and it meant clearly it was Samuel responsible. But why? What was above in the Safe zone (because it had safe to store projects) that necessitated such an attack ?!

Now, she was scared, and honestly considering the timing of the attack… She didn’t think the Architect was the cause. Mainly because he avoided killing… Except that one time a Hero executed live one of his henchmen and the Architect ended up destroying a part of the Louvres in revenge before executing the Hero.

Yes. He was an international SS-rank for a reason. He was silly but not harmless.

Melissa wasn’t impatient though, to see why Samuel betrayed them… Because, right now, she had the feeling they were going to be between an anvil and a hammer.

“Do you think the other two are fine?”

“Sako and Hagakure? Of course!” Yes, Mei used Sako, since Izuku wasn’t a Midoriya since Atsuhiro became his stepdad. Considering how Izuku liked his new name, it was the least she could do, “They are probably right behind us, trying to catch up with us.”

This actually reassured Melissa. She didn’t know how strong both of them were, but if Mei trusted them, she had no other choice but to do the same.


“How long are we going to wait, Sam?”

Wolfram was playing on his phone, while Samuel was unlocking the safe to the Crown. All For One’s future crown. Wolfram didn’t have any illusion, he knew he wasn’t the most important plan of the day, but still. All For One didn’t want that Crown to be in anyone’s hand except his. So, Wolfram would oblige. He wasn’t his number two for no reason.

Hell, honestly, he was hoping to have some fun himself. Most of his men were hidden in the Island, commanding discreetly the Noumus to occupy whatever heroes weren’t downed by the security bots. That way, Nine and Terraformars would have more opportunities to succeed in the plot.

Meanwhile, he was to escape with the Crown, pure and simple. If the intel on the Crown was right, and they had Garaki check on the science, Wolfram with the Crown could easily do that.

“Only a few more minutes, sir.”

Wolfram sighed, before watching the door open on Melissa and Mei, who promptly locked the door behind them… Before they saw Wolfram and Samuel actually busy on the computer.

Wolfram said, with a tired smile, “Hello there!”

“General Kenobi?”

Everyone stared at Mei who knew an old meme thanks to her grandpa, and Wolfram pulled up a slate, with various rules made by All For One... The old man had a list of rules and they had to comply to them.

“Ok, I am to actually forced to spare people knowing that kind of sh*t, per order of my boss. So, young girl, can you stay aside? I can guarantee your safety.”

“How about I use the computer to save everyone else?”

Mei said with a smile, before the door exploded behind them, revealing Slice who was panting. Seriously, what did they feed to their nerds on that island?

Wolfram sighed before staring at the mercenary.

“Girl, your team had two missions. Don’t count on my help for your part. Mine is done and I honestly don’t care if you fail in yours.”

Slice had the strength to flip off the bird to Wolfram, while Samuel stopped for a second, while Melissa and he had eye contact.


Melissa yelled, from the top of her lungs and heart, as the betrayal proved to be true. Then, she had to duck before some of Slice’s attacks reached her. Which, of course, would have been dangerous for her, as Mei was already reaching for another tool in her bag to defend herself. This time, she pulled a ball that quickly increased in size, creating a dome to protect the two girls.

“I love your grandpa, Mei.”

Melissa truly meant it, as she sat down, rushing to enter her own admin code to try and reset the system.


Slice yelled as she was telling the truth. Killing teens was bad for the business. She was, however, going to beat the sh*t out of the two teens who made her run a whole tower.

“Want a hand? I mean… Samuel? How long?”

“I said a few minutes! The opening takes sometimes and she can’t stop me. However, it will be an issue if she turns against us the whole security system.”

Wolfram sighed, before making his hands crack. It was time to work a bit apparently. Not that he was lazy, but he appreciated it when a plan went without any issues. So, he actually had to step into the battlefield.

Wolfram concentrated his will, beginning to use his mastery over metal to rip off some metal beam, and turn it into a circular saw, before trying to cut the dome. After all, Slice’s attack didn’t have the power needed to destroy the dome.

Meanwhile, Mei and Melissa were working crazy fast on the computer, conscious their best hope to stay unharmed was the security system, as apparently even Wolfram feared it might stop them. Well, they didn’t know who Wolfram was, but they guessed pretty easily he was one of Slice’s higher-ups.

Wolfram was already forming another buzz saw to cut down the dome, to quicken the process. He wanted it to be done, and go back home. Well, maybe check on Hisashi’s kid. He transmitted AfO’s order to not harm the kid permanently with pleasure. Sure, he was there when the boss killed Hisashi, but once upon a time, he was friends with the man. He was the best wingman he ever had.

He got cut from his trip on the Nostalgia Lane when he got punched in the jaw by something invisible. The shock, the impact made him stop his attacks, before he got punched in the stomach.

Decent strength, and the hitter made no sound. The technique was perfect and the size of the fist showed it was most likely a young girl.

Wolfram answered the attack by summoning the cable underground to create a mandala-like figure around him. He was an experienced soldier after all, and he already had to deal with weird quirks before.

Tooru immediately did the smart thing and froze between two motifs of the figures on the ground. Midnight told her about techniques like that: Against heroes who depended on some form of stealth, villains could create patterns on the ground that allowed them to detect their enemies if they tripped on it, like a spider’s web. You could establish how strong a villain was on how wide he could actually manipulate such a web. If he could manipulate to force the web to touch the hidden enemy, Tooru was supposed to run as fast as possible, as he was very likely to be above her weight class.

She quickly went for the ground when Wolfram began to make the mandala levitate and turn quickly around him to find the invisible girl, who stayed silent. The sound of the electrical cable whipping in the air ready to hit her… It was enough to make her sweat her fear. Unlike the other two, this one had clearly no qualms about fighting seriously children or not yet pro-heroes. Also, he clearly had a high mastery of his own quirk, considering he was fighting and pushing her backward with one hand, the other making the buzz saw pierce the nerds’ bubble shield.

More importantly, his face. No emotion, no pleasure. In fact, a form of boredom betrayed it was just another day of work for him. What kind of criminal considers hurting people not even as a form of pleasure, dominance or lashing out… But just as work?

Well, she had the answer right now. She barely managed to get outside the area of effect before Wolfram stopped his attack.

“Not bad, girl. Not bad.”

Then Wolfram turned his mandala into a spear and used it to crack the bubble shield. Tooru gritted her teeth. sh*t, she had people to protect and she was alone…

The situation could hardly get worse!

“Target locked.”

Tooru turned backward to see Slice who stopped shooting the bubble, letting Wolfram do the heavy work.

She was better at taking out people after all. The sniper smiled before unleashing a barrage of attacks from her hair. Yes, she couldn’t actually see or lock Tooru. However, she was smart enough (and experienced enough) to guess her position considering the place where Wolfram got hit and where he didn’t manage.

Also, she used a good ol’ american technique: Shoot a lot at the invisible enemy. With enough bullets, you will touch him.

Yes, people always said in Predator, it didn’t work. That was factually wrong: they actually hit the Predator, just not lethally.

It was the same for Tooru, who was, once again, thankful for her body armor that stopped the hair from penetrating her body… too much. Because, yes, it actually penetrated her body and Slice then did the smart thing. She locked her quirk on her own hair.

Once again, at one point, when you were a veteran, you created your own technique to deal with the unexpected. Tooru saw Slice getting ready to unleash another barrage to deal with the pesky invisible enemy…

When suddenly, they heard a foghorn from behind the wall.

Everyone turned toward the sound, to see the wall, not the door this time, explode.

A blue and red truck just smashed the wall, and Izuku was inside it, seriously. He then got out, while Optimus Prime switched out again in his mecha form.

Everyone looked puzzled at the towering Transformer, who stared angrily at everyone else.

The Arcanine behind was equally pissed and growled, flame coming from his mouth.

“I am here! With reinforcement!”

Wolfram blinked once or twice, before dropping the spear and raising one hand to stop Optimus’ fist against him. sh*t, did the robot actually try to smash him?

Wolfram then smiled a bit, looking at the familiar hair, though not in the color he was familiar with.

“Ah, Izuku. It has been such a long time…”

Wolfram let that out, out of nostalgia. The kid wouldn’t remember, but he actually met Izuku once, when he served as “Seikyo Midoriya”’s driver, and he even held the kid in his arms. Seeing the kid now all grown-up and ready to fight… It was quite the sight.

This actually made everyone stare at Wolfram for a second… Well, except Samuel, who yelled, “GOT IT!”

Wolfram, still barely holding Optimus’ fist which grew closer and closer to his face, took a gamble. He dropped the magnetism on the drill, and locked him on the safes, on the other side of the room. Yes, he took a page from the old X-men comics for his power, and many people mistook his magnetism for ferromancy. However, he was a master of magnetism. As a result, his own suit had a few magnet bars, and he then turned the safes into a magnet of the opposite polarity. That instantly made him attracted to the safe, dodging the giant iron fist that made a hole in the ground.

Arcanine, seeing the action, jumped with grace and power and ran on the wall, at more than 300 km/h (no seriously, they are that fast).

The fire dog, giant and powerful, opened his jaw to stop the villain in his action, to smash him on the ground, as strongly as possible. However, mid-jump, the beast felt lighter. Half as heavy to be more exact.

Then the pokemon died, bisected by the buzz saw that Wolfram called back from his other hand.

Samuel, Crown in hand, got the ashes in his face, while Wolfram activated part 2 of the plan. Use the Crown. He put it on his head, the iron touching his hair, and instantly, he felt as if thunder coursed through his veins and body. He knew why All For One wanted him to have the Crown.


“You want me to have the Crown?” Wolfram wanted to be sure, as sometimes, ever since All for One got his brain bashed, he made mistakes with his sentences.

All For One nodded, as he drank some of his glass and threw it away.


“I think it was my glass, then, boss.”

All For One had chronic pain since that fight too, and alcohol was one of the few things that numbed the pain enough for him to work. Having a quirk that allows you to metabolize alcohol was also a bonus to avoid the dangerous side-effect of drinking too much.

“Oh? Well, I am sorry. So, yes, Wolfram. I want you to have the Crown. I don’t think using it on myself would be wise. Imagine, it amplifies all the quirks I have, all at once.”

Wolfram chuckled darkly. Yes, it would be quite disastrous. He was pretty much certain it would be on par with a nuke.

“So, you prefer for me to have it?”

“You are the only man that I trust absolutely, Wolfram.”

Wolfram felt honored, but he also knew why All For One trusted him that much: Wolfram actually accepted the effect of a loyalty quirk. Should he betray his master, his head would explode. Pure and simple.

However, it had a lot of advantages: All For One’s trust, an excellent salary, various advantages on the job, and more importantly, the knowledge he wasn’t disposable. If he got captured, he would get rescued. Not immediately, but he would.

Kurogiri then asked, with a fake curiosity, “What about me, sir?”

“Kurogiri, you are the best abomination that I know, but considering you are closer to Frankenstein’s Monster than a man, no. I don’t count you as a man.”

“So… Why give me the Crown, sir?”

“You mean aside from having a superpowered minion on par with Machia but with a working brain? Consider it as your bonus for your 30 years of working for me, Wolfram.”

All For One chuckled a bit, as Wolfram was apparently taken aback by his comment. He took Wolfram under his wing after the kid tried to kill him when he was barely ten, under the order of some Yakuza who gave him 10000 yen for the deed. He appreciated the kid’s gut and his quirk. So, he took him in.

All For One planned to reign forever, but Wolfram was the closest he had to an heir, aside from Seijin or Racky, if they ever found him. Or Racky’s daughter.

“Then, you will have your next order to check something for me, Wolfram. I trust you on that one.”

“It will be my pleasure, boss.”

The two men raised a glass and gave each other a toast.


Everyone in the room actually felt it when Wolfram wore the Crown, as suddenly sparks coursed his body.

Optimus Prime, feeling an incredible danger in his sensor, decided to attack with all of his Might. This one time, the leader of the Autobot attacked with as much strength as he would use against a being like Megatron.

Wolfram stared at him, and snapped his finger.

The echo resonated in the room, which exploded properly, at the same time as Optimus’ arms, leaving everyone at the top of a tower, in the middle of a tempest.


Wolfram laughed, before facing everyone and Slice was happy to be on the same side as him. Theoretically.


Mei was probably the only one who didn’t give a single f*ck about the situation, inside her bubble. Izuku blessed her from under his breath, her and her hyper fixation.

Wolfram stared them down and happily clapped his hand.

“Good! Now, I think I know what I am going to do. I think I will take all of the kids here!”

“Does that mean I get paid?” Slice asked, to know if she could go, and honestly, she had the feeling a fight was going to break out and she didn’t want to be caught in the crossfire. Especially as Wolfram clearly didn’t give a single f*ck about her, and she knew he wouldn’t care if she got killed by mistake.

“Hmm? Are you still here? Get the f*ck out. I will take the lead from there.”

Slice looked at the kid, before running the f*ck out. Soon after that, Wolfram actually broke the entrance, trapping the kids with him.

“So… Hello kids! We can do this the hard way, and the easy way. I am letting you have the possibility of the easy way only because of Izuku.”

Wolfram said, before Optimus tried to shoot him. Sadly for him, the giant robot was obviously in the center of Wolfram’s attention, and got his remaining arms destroyed.


“How about you shut the f*ck up?”

Wolfram said with disdain, and decapitating with a flick of his hand Optimus. Good lord. His quirk felt so much stronger now!

Wolfram smiled at the kids, because, right now, as the robot fell to the ground, they must have understood the difference in raw power between them.

“Wha… What do you mean, about doing us this favor? I mean, I don’t know you!”

Wolfram sighed, and he began to use his power to prepare a construct, to travel back to the mainland.

“I was a good friend of your father. He would have hated it if I hurt you, even for work.”

Izuku noticed something. For the first time in as long as he could remember… This was the nicest thing someone said about his dad. This made him both curious and angry.

“Yes, that’s why he left us when he learned I was quirkless.”

This comeback made Wolfram sneer, nostalgic, “Yes, sure, let’s go with that as the reason he left you and Inko…”

Wolfram stopped his speech mid-sentence, as he saw Izuku’s hand behind his back. The master of magnetism sighed, before raising his arm with authority, and a wall of metal stopped Izuku’s summon, a giant dinosaur with a skull on his head. Greymon.

“Oh, you almost made me monologue. Smart kid. But since apparently you and your friends don’t want the easy way… Forgive me if I break a few bones. Or kill by mistake the invisible one.”

The kids, as the rain poured on them, stared at the supervillain who was flying behind them, using his power. Samuel, though, wasn’t reassured.

“I thought we were supposed to evacuate immediately! That was our deal! You weren’t supposed to hurt the Shield family!”

“I am altering the deal. Pray I do not alter it any further.” Good lord, Wolfram almost cringed at himself: Apparently, All For One’s old movies were impacting him.

Samuel raged at him, pointing his finger at the supervillain.

“I was supposed to be evacuated with enough money for the rest of my life, and not fear justice!”

Wolfram sighed, before pulling a coin.

“There. This will be enough money for the rest of your life.”

Samuel was going to ask what Wolfram meant… Before the master of magnetism overcharged the coin, and sent it at full power through Samuel’s body.

The scientist looked puzzled at the hole inside his chest, before falling on his back. Wolfram added quietly: “And being dead should protect you from justice.”

A few plasma balls called back his attention to the kids, as a strange green creature with three tongues was eating his previous steel wall. Ok, that one was a new one, the king of magnetism had to admit. Especially as it allowed this… Dinosaur? to actually spit more fire to try and hurt him. Oh well.

Wolfram made a lateral movement with his hand, ripping blocks from the tower to act as a barrier. Ok, so he could imbue with magnetic properties more things now… good to know. Seriously, the power coursing through his veins… Was the Crown amplifying his quirk, or simply made available to him potential yet untapped?

Considering his mastery wasn’t affected, Wolfram thought it was more the second option, which was nicer.

Still, he was now annoyed by Izuku who was clearly burning cards at a high speed, preparing for a bigger summon.

“I won’t let you have the time, boy!”

Izuku smiled, before he took a Tarot Card. His first big card. One who never failed to help him, though in a different form compared to before.


Wolfram wondered if that meant he was going to fail… before looking up in the sky, as the rain seemed blocked by something, and the light too.

Oh. Oooh…

This was going to need both hands, as the shadow around them got darker.

Izuku was done holding back, and clearly understood the man in front of him was most likely going to kill all of his friends, except maybe Mei who would be a bargaining chip. However Melissa and Tooru? Considering the killers from before said they had the choice between killing Melissa or disabling her, Izuku wasn’t going to bet about her survival odds. As for Tooru… She was a nobody to them.

Yes, Izuku was done. Now, he was going to fight seriously, as if it was the last fight he ever should have.


In retrospect, this fight was often considered Joker’s first fight, for a good reason. Also, it made people remember that quirks were bullsh*t.


Above them, a giant tower, once again looking like a babylonian tower, was feeling at high speed toward them.

Wolfram used his newfound abilities to summon in mass the most secure-bots of the Island, to hold with a giant iron hand… And under the pressure, even with the crown, he was sweating. This kid was actually as insane as his grandpa when it came to battle! What did he think would happen if he wasn’t able to hold back the tower?

It was at this moment that Wolfram realized what Izuku actually did, when he saw the teen grinning at him. He remembered Izuku could actually unsummoned his creation. If Wolfram had been unable to hold back the tower, Izuku would have unsummoned it before impact. Meanwhile, by grabbing it, with actual effort from him, Wolfram just confirmed his reaction time, and his limits with his newfound power to Izuku.

However, considering the kid sweating bullets (or was that rain?), he was probably close to his limit in what he could summon or not.


Wolfram slammed his feet against the ground, and as Greymon was ready to smash him, taking advantage of the use of his hands against the Tower, the Digimon got impaled by seven spear, all coming from the ground. f*ck, this was actually going near his limits, right now!

Wolfram took one second to change how he was using his power for the tower. Rather than holding each bot individually… He would squash them against the Tower, giving it an iron plating. Good. Now, he only needed one hand to hold it.

From the other… He would deal with Izuku.

“Not bad, kid! I actually have to be serious to catch you alive!”

“Thank you for your kind words!”

The kid was still smiling, while having the full attention of a S… No, an SS Villain? Damn. That was ballsy. Wolfram used his remaining hand to summon Optimus' arms, and launched them against the Summoner, who dodged it gracefully. However, this was expected, and Wolfram clenched his fist, calling the arms back.

The two giant fists cut through the air, ready to hit Izuku, with their might. Wolfram was quite knowledgeable about the velocity needed to kill someone, or the one needed to simply make him wish he wasn’t born. He opted for the second option, knowing they could heal the boy at home.

Nonetheless, the boy seemed to smile, before raising a finger.


Suddenly, an energy beam vaporized the two arms, coming from seemingly nowhere… Wait, not nowhere. From behind his first steel wall! Was something hidden there?

The king of Magnetism couldn’t let something like that unravel, and he used another move to smash whatever was hidden behind that wall.

A blinding light emanated from it, and the wall was once again pulverized, as Izuku was happily fanning himself with a handful of cards he didn’t burn, before explaining: “Damn, that one is a pain to pull, but she seemed perfect for an emergency deck.”

From under the dust, a feminine silhouette appeared, white-haired and clad in blue. Without a word, the summon stared at Wolfram, and pointed her staff in his direction.

Wolfram, in answer to the oncoming attack, slammed the hand holding back the Reversed Tower, aiming at the Silent Magician.

Izuku actually yelped and made the Magician redirect her attack against the tower. Without a word, the summon obeyed her master and aimed her staff, and subsequent powerful beam, at the falling Tower… but to her surprise, the beam didn’t seem to be able to disintegrate the tower that kept falling toward her. Was this because Izuku actually burned a lot of cards to be sure he could summon it, and strengthened the Tower?

Very likely.

Izuku’s smile turned bad for a second before he smiled once again full, and unsummoned the Tower. Suddenly, Wolfram’s attack lost a lot of weight, and Silent magician managed to pierce through the plating. Right now, I-Island Tower seemed to have doubled in size, as a reversed cone was at the top.

The villain stared at Izuku, who was preparing from his left-hand new summons. To be fair, Wolfram had both hands free now.

“This won’t be enough to beat me, kid!”

“I have already won, old man.”

Wolfram raised an eyebrow, when Izuku used the Sun Arcana, dissipating the storm above their head, and replacing it with a scorching sun, making everyone in the arena wince from both the light and the heat.

“I am Joker! The wildest card! I can be, and will be everything! Overcoming the odds and reaching victory, and making everyone smile!”

Wolfram inhaled air, and summoned thousand and thousand of thorns from the plating, putting them all around Izuku.

“Don’t worry, I am an expert. But you are strong, kiddo. You can be proud to have made me go to such lengths to catch you!”

Izuku wasn’t stupid. He was smart and knew his luck : For some reason, Wolfram’s friendship with his father made him want to take him alive. Wolfram didn’t want to kill him, as otherwise, he would have smashed the tower against him, and not the Magician.

Being complimented by a villain who was at the top of his power was… Actually a feat and he was proud of it.

“Thanks! But you are forgetting something!”

Izuku prayed he was right in his calculations, as Wolfram sighed and prepared his attack.

“You will tell me later!”


The villain felt two hands pulling off the crown from his head, while he was manipulating a thousand steel needles.

Which was, in terms of precision and power, quite above his normal quirk limit.

Wolfram turned to see behind him nothing, except a floating crown. The… The invisible girl?

Bleeding from his nose, as his control over the metal faded, Wolfram fell against the ground. He had forgotten the girl. The two nerds were still behind their dome, but he was so focused on Izuku and his show, that he forgot to pay attention to the girl.

Clever… Kids…

His body, almost dead, slammed against the ground as the kids rejoiced.

Wolfram was down.

Izuku almost fell, as he released his control over the Silent Magician and Upchuck. Seriously, this was a lot, but hey! No bleeding from his nose! He was fine, only tired from the adrenaline!

However, he was caught in Tooru’s arms, lightly muscled now thanks to her training. Hell, the girl was a hell of fast when she wanted now. However, for their plan to work, Tooru had to make sure Wolfram forgot about her, and she then needed good timing to take off the crown, and make himself overload his own quirk and body.

A dangerous plan, but Izuku was unsure to have enough cards to burn for his final option.

Tooru was smiling, as he could guess before kissing her tenderly, his hand passing through her hair.

Melissa, feeling relieved the threat was gone, felt her legs disappear under her, and she relaxed, Mei catching her too.

“I don’t want to be in the frontline! My lab is fine, thank you!”

Mei giggled, before nodding, “I prefer to have a f*cking robot to fight against the enemy than going commando like that.”

“Well, at least, nothing worse can happen now!”

This actually froze the three heroic students, when Melissa said the cursed sentence.

There's a big difference between mostly dead and all dead. Mostly dead is slightly alive.

Wolfram was only mostly dead… And like animals, villains are the most dangerous when injured, or on the verge of death.

“f*ck… ALL OF YOU!”

Wolfram yelled, blood pouring from his nose, before he attempted something incredibly dumb and crazy. The Crown showed him power, strength yet untapped.

He had it only for a few minutes… But… His body… It still remembered the power.

Wolfram, from the top of his lung, summoned all the iron toward him.

The kids yelped, as the villain was now assuming an iron giant form, towering above them.


The villain was clearly in bad shape, and the blood was hitting his head at full speed. However, the adrenaline and the electric shock of his Awakening allowed him to stay conscious. He only needed to knock out Izuku and he would call Kurogiri for an emergency extraction.

Now, the gloves were off against the kids!


Under the sea, a massive form was making its way to I-Island.

Chapter 46: I-Island : Show Time.


May contain : Too many MGR reference, some french heroes, and a crazy Irish.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 46: I-Island Crisis: Showtime!

Yuga was sweating bullets and blood, as he tried to atomize all of Mummy’s appendices. Sadly, there were many of them, and he could barely see them all… Well at least until at one point every robot around Pony and him were lifted in the air, and even Mummy, who wasn’t part of the giant iron tower in the sky because he managed to grab the ground before with all of his appendices.


The American girl nodded before shooting the horns under her feet, as she kept them for more mobility. However, Yuga had a good eye for moments of weakness, and she trusted him on that one.


Mummy saw the two horns speeding up, and wondered what the hell was going on with Chimera and Slice, considering the sky and the fact they were supposed to be there. Who the f*ck had the strength to do sh*t like this?!

Anyway Mummy, unlike most Manipulator quirks like Wolfram, didn’t need a limb to control what he manipulated. This alone put him in a league of his own, because you couldn’t predict when he attacked, defended or even tried to overwhelm him.

Sure, he had to fix himself on the ground because of all the iron on him, the alloy being apparently pulled like all of the other bots. However, he was still able to lift the part of his suit he wanted to use as a sneak attack, to grab the horn flying toward him.

Quickly, it became a struggle of power between Mummy and Pony, as both manipulators pitted their will against each other but honestly, both of them knew the result. Pony was too young to even hope to hold a candle against him.

“Not bad girl, but your skills have no chance to compare to mine, honed in war! Meanwhile, yours were softly trained in a cushioned school. You don’t have the experience I have.”

Mummy said, as Yuga was forced to take a break, his stomach hurt from the prolonged fight. Truly, he was barely holding on there, but he couldn’t leave Pony alone in this mess!

“Maybe but unlike you, we have principles! We shall protect the weak from killers like you!” The French said, raising back on his feet.

Mummy actually laughed at that, and answered with a mad smile: “Because heroes are always on the side of the weak, right? Tell me: how easily do you ignore the violence heroes use when it suits your convenience? How some of us villains, barely fodders are punched, kicked and broken as hard as if they were supervillains by heroes who just want to do a show? So tell me: who saves the weak from the man who saves the weak?”

Pony and Yuga were surprised by that speech, as Mummy continued, holding part of the cement composing the street to form giant fists, holding them with many bandelets. He was now angry, and stared at them:

“Kill or be killed, kids. The Jedah massacre taught me that! When heroes decided to simply ignore if there were civilians, and just smashed everything to the ground, casualties be damned!

Yes, you kids cannot comprehend what it is to grow up in a war zone! War is a cruel parent, but an effective teacher. Its final lesson is carved deep in my psyche: that this world, and all of its people, are diseased, ”Mummy said, as he gloated. He was allowed to. He was going to break them, these children, these pretenders, thinking they were the Good side, “Free will is a myth. Religion is a joke. We are all pawns, controlled by something greater: Memes, the DNA of the soul. They shape our will. They are the culture. They are everything we pass on. The Meme I decided to follow is my chief, my savior. Nine, the ruler of the Strong!”

“Thanks man!” Nine said, for a second, always liking Mummy’s speech. It was a bit crazy but fun to hear every time.

“Expose someone to anger long enough, they will learn to hate. They become a carrier. Envy, greed, despair: all memes, all passed on,” Mummy said, a firm believer that mankind was condemned to violence, unlike Chimera, giving them heated philosophic debate after a few drinks, “You can't fight nature, kids! The wind blows, rain falls, and the strong prey upon the weak.

Your teachers tell you to see your quirk as a "tool": something that saves lives, a means of justice. Now, there's a pretty meme! Exquisite! It will spare you the burden of all the lives you will ruin to satisfy your crave for violence! It will absolve you of guilt when you enjoy it.”

In front of the shaken kids, Mummy closed his eyes, smiling and knowing his speech probably sounded like a deranged man to them. Oh well, with time, they would see the truth of it. They would agree, and they would be broken by his words. Now for the final blow…

“That is until the illusion was broken. Don't be ashamed. It's only nature running its course. You have no choices to make. Nothing to answer for. That’s the truth of mankind.”

Yuga stood silent for a second, thinking despite himself about this before Pony yelled in rage:

“Well consider this: f*ck YOU! Having a bad childhood doesn't give you the right to be an ass! Suffering doesn't give you the right to hurt others! Losing someone doesn't give you the right to kill!

You aren’t a philosopher or a warrior. You are a petty criminal, and we will bring you down.”

The French stood up finally completely, before sparkling, his fighting spirit replenished by a Pony doing her best.

“Elle a raison! While violence is inherent to mankind, and even if you are right about memes… Then the meme I will believe in is justice!”

Then Yuga channeled all of his strength… His enemy should have a limit on how much he could control. If he put everything on the line for one final shot… He should be able to actually strike him.


Mummy actually noticed the shining from the French, and he raised one of his giant fists to punch him.

Laser versus a giant fist of concrete. Both stared at each other, while Pony was still locked, all of her will against Mummy, barely holding on.

Thankfully Yuga forced him to divert his attention, as she was sure couldn’t actually surpass their enemy if he went full power against her.

The shock hurt everyone’s eyes, as the shining light shone brighter than the brightest of sun, when the shadows were covering everything else.


“And I am reality. Sorry kid, it is a bit stronger than ideal.”

Mummy sounded almost apologetic, as he used the second fist to slap Yuga in a wall, avoiding the contest of power between his stone fist’s solidity, versus his burning laser.


“Don’t worry little one. He should have a few broken bones, but nothing this Island cannot fix. Besides, kids like you always will have a cushioned life. Even if you fail here, it won’t stop you from having a good school,” Now, he could divert his full attention against her, as blood began to appear under her nose, “Besides, I am at least a rank A villain. Honestly, the fact you both managed to stay alive is impressive. You can easily go to some university once you're an adult.”

Pony wiped it and stared angrily, and determined.


“Some Ivy university I guess?” Mummy said, with a smug smile, as he had noticed the girl had some fancy clothes betraying her origins.

Then something happened, surprising everyone in the fight. Something hit the ground, at full force, causing a small tremor and making Mummy and Pony fall on their behind. After all, the unknown missile hit the ground between them, and the sight made Pony cry with relief. Everything was going to be alright.


From the dust, a man erupted, and Yuga, barely holding on to consciousness, saw a man as tall as All Might, and probably as large. One who properly proceeded to kick Mummy, sending him flying further from here…

Before adjusting his glasses, somehow intact despite his suits being in tatters.

“FRENCH KID! Thank you for the light! We wouldn’t have seen you without your BEACON OF HOPE! Now… Let me handle this.”

Senator Armstrong crackled his fist as he entered the fight, while Mummy got back up too.


“The strongest quirkless person in the world, asshole.” Armstrong said, before rushing like a football player against the Manipulator, who called back both fists he created to squash Armstrong like a bug. Mummy even allowed himself to smile, despite his previous brief panic, as both stone hands transmitted him the impact.


Then the rock exploded, again. Armstrong resumed his course… before punching with all of his might Mummy in his chest.

Mummy thanked his new alloy, as it took most of the shock, the fist sending him upward. He still felt three ribs cracking under the impact.


The mercenary used his bandelets to stop his fall, above the Senator, who had way too much strength to be a Quirkless. Yes, even accounting for the fact the average Quirkless was stronger than Quirkless people before the Dawn of Quirk. Armstrong was plainly as strong as some of the strongest strength enhancers Mummy knew!


Armstrong smiled, before touching what seemed like a wound on his heart, and his skin was colored black.

“NANOMACHINES, SON! They harden under physical trauma! You are my field test for this! If God created humans and Evolution created Quirks… WELL, SAMUEL COLT AND I MADE EVERYONE EQUAL!”

Senator Armstrong, the most influential and rich Quirkless in the world. Born in a rich family, he went to the University of Texas, determined to be his own man. He played in his American Football School Team and brought them to Nationals. He then went to the Army and was known for his qualities as a leader, knowing how to use his teammates' quirks as another tool, and everyone thinking him quirkless… Well, they were in for a rude awakening.

So, as Samuel Colt did in his time, Armstrong decided to work on Quirkless equality, but by working on it practically, not legally. He used his huge fortune to finance what was the leading tech company for hardware and software, always innovating. His dream was now realized: An artificial heart pumping nanomachine into him. Yes, he asked to be the first test subject for the product, considering a true leader who trusted in his project wouldn’t make others shoulder the risk.

Turned out that being Quirkless was actually really useful for Nanomachine tests: There was no need to fine-tune the machine to a quirk, and considering two quirks, even if they looked similar, needed years of fine-tuning to not blow up… Well, it was very useful to be quirkless. You were the baseline. The fine-tuning only took a few months.

A quirked person, even with a simple emitter quirk, would take years. Mutants were currently totally not compatible.

His trip to I-Island was actually to establish a collaboration with David Shield, as the project was a State secret and David was known for his high confidentiality.

Also, a not-so-hidden secret was the fact that Armstrong adored his niece, Pony, and was ready to throw a hand to protect her. Seeing her on the Island was a huge bonus.

Pony relaxed instantly, before trying to tend to Yuga. Her uncle was here, and he was a Senator, one of the most important in the USA. She knew exactly who would be his bodyguard, especially if there was an opportunity to meet All Might.

Mummy stared haughtily at the Quirkless Senator, “Oh, so the little boy has some toys to fight? You THINK THAT’S ENOUGH TO DEAL WITH ME AND MY BOSS?”

Senator Armstrong smiled, and suddenly, the thunder stopped above them. No more electricity came down as a heavenly bolt to try to strike Serafina, who was by now bleeding from many other wounds, the same as her nephew. Nine, even though he was unscratched, was now pale as he realized what was going on.

“No more thunder, 25 meters around me.”

Everyone stared at the calm woman, who descended from the sky as a goddess, a power of nature… Which was what she was, her frame close to All-Might, and the cape flying in the wind.

Stars and Stripes arrived.

“Now, which one of you wants to go first?” The woman asked, in a cold and intimidating way, while Serafina laughed lightly.

“Finally… Took you some time. Must be funny for you to come to help me.”

Cathleen sighed, as the Amazonian had a point: before the fall of Brazilia, they had requested USA’s help in exchange for various favors. S&S was sent to deal with the situation. To everyone’s surprise, Serafina actually managed to find and exploit some weaknesses in the “New Order” Quirk to avoid losing.

She then negotiated with the USA their retreat, and in exchange, she wouldn’t broadcast to the whole world what she found.

So, yes, having Cathleen save her was quite ironic but a good kind of irony.

Nine contemplated the situation for a second and then decided to use Weather Manipulation.. And create intense wind to blow everyone away.

“Mummy! We retreat!”

“You got it, Boss!”

Mummy was a professional, and he knew he was wounded. Thankfully, he could move despite the wounds thanks to his quirk, while at the top of the highest tower, there was now… A sun? What the hell was going on?

Nine, quickly, pressed his comlink to contact his team and order the retreat.


“Slice here, I am okay! Currently trying to find Chimera, as he was probably beaten by the Green Optional Target!”

“... HOW?!” Nine yelled as Chimera was probably his strongest teammate, especially with Garaki’s gift.

“Optimus Prime. No, I sh*t you not about that.” Nine decided he both liked and hated his cousin.

Nine swore in his mask, as he could hear Armstrong running in a straight line to get them, while Cathleen Bates was using some kind of boots to air walk behind them and rushing to get them. sh*t. That one was hard, as Nine and his crew couldn’t count on Kurogiri to evacuate from the Island. They actually had a submarine but they needed to be fast before Mizunaka went off without them.

“Extraction point, once you have found Chimera! Mummy and I will try to buy some…”

Suddenly, they heard a cough in the vox, a bloody one. Nine turned back to see Mummy actually slowing down… Before turning back. He was grabbing cars with his quirks, creating for himself some kind of mini mecha suit.

“MUMMY? WHAT THE f*ck?” Nine yelled, seeing one of his oldest friends stopping to run.

“... I think I have a lung punctured, boss. A few ribs were broken. We were supposed to have evacuated BEFORE S&S was here… And now she has a teammate. More importantly: All heroes are free from the bots now. How long before the Frenchies are there? Or All-Might?”

“We can…” Nine tried to say something, but Mummy stopped him.

“The only way to save the group is if someone buys time. Slice is needed to save Chimera, who will heal from whatever got him. You are the boss. I am hurt badly, and I know I won’t make it to the extraction point.”

Nine knew Mummy was right, as he sped up to the tower, in hopes to get Slice and Chimera. He was closer to his limits and he would be down for a week even if they reached the submarine.

That’s why he didn’t stop when Mummy did. Because he knew he was right, though it didn’t make the choice easier to make.

Mummy smiled, under his bandelets, as he got ready to attack Armstrong and S&S.

“I told it before, Boss. Meme is the DNA of the soul and my meme… as loyalty is to you and the group.”

A man had to be true to something, no matter what happened. Mummy… Mummy lived through so much with Nine and the others. They were his reason to live in this insane and bloody world.

“Mummy. I will come back for you.”

Mummy nodded, as Nine sped up, the rain pearling from his eyes.

He was a soldier, and he couldn’t cry over the sacrifice.


When Mummy got arrested, he had every bone in his arms and legs broken, only moving thanks to his will and own manipulation. It needed the combined effort of Armstrong, S&S, Godzillo and Serafina who rested enough to join the battle to finally bring him down.

Nine’s crew was nowhere to be seen.


“Now, no more gloves.” Wolfram said, before using his quirk despite the blood coming from his nose. Hu. All For One was apparently right on a thing he liked to say: There was nothing more dangerous than a cornered animal, with no hope of survival.

Well, Wolfram knew he was going to survive, but still. He was under a lot of pressure, and clearly, he made a mistake by underestimating Izuku or going easy on him because he was Hisashi’s son. He forgot for a moment that Izuku was also Seikyo’s grandson, the result of his side project to see what would happen if they bred a child from a former OfA’s holder and one of his own.

The result was a quirk that was either a big class Five or a small class Six. Wolfram, in his current form, was a Five. All For One, New Order and One For All were class Six. Endgame was a bit weaker than them, considering he needed a medium to work and Izuku without cards was effectively Quirkless.

Everyone in the arena stared at each other, before looking at the Crown. Izuku took it immediately, before Wolfram focused his quirk on it, to bring it to him. Fortunately, Tooru was with Izuku and together, they barely managed to prevent the Crown from leaving their hand. However, this wasn’t going to be an easy fight. Izuku still had an idea to win, but they needed help.


Both girls stared at the magician, and Melissa actually felt fear in full force. She was hidden and in safety inside the bubble. Outside, Wolfram was walking in his metal suit toward Izuku and Tooru clearly with the intention of crushing them. She wasn’t meant to fight in the front line!

Mei, on the other hand, got up and smiled madly. Time to test baby #245!

Her shoes had small reactors and springs allowing her to do some mad dashes in one direction: very useful to check as many expositions as possible in the shortest time lapse.

Melissa stared at the pink haired girl, who didn’t seem to understand how dangerous it was, outside the bubble… But there was something beautiful to it. Melissa slapped her face and went up to the only intact station. She was a support, and she was going to do exactly what she was supposed to do: SUPPORT THE HERO.

This meant asking for help from anyone who could hear them.

Wolfram raised a hand, ready to throw some projectiles at Mei, when he saw her coming. Fortunately, Mei had a thing most people thought she lacked: a very good instinct for danger. Hell, her lab was classified as an environmental hazard by Power Loader for a reason. You had to be very insane or with a keen instinct to survive a trip in it.

Mei was both.

Also, she wasn’t dumb: she saw Wolfram trying to not kill Izuku despite reaching an insane power level earlier.

So, she positioned herself behind him, to avoid Wolfram’s powerful strikes behind her… Before giving another deck to Izuku and taking his position of holding the crown. Izuku and Tooru appreciated her well toned muscles, a sign that lifting metal every day gave Mei a hell of a body.


Wolfram said, before ripping a portion of the wall, to act as a sword. He couldn’t exert too much pressure on the crown, to not destroy it. His body craved power and the crown was not that strong… He still needed it to access his full potential, and get away.

Izuku clapped both hands together, knowing what card to summon. It wasn’t the best pokemon, but he should be enough to protect the girl, at least for an instant.


The psychic pokemon, known for his barriers, appeared and quickly created as many layers as he could in front of the girls.


“Your cards are annoying, kid!”

“Thank you sir! Now for my next show…”

Izuku once again burned cards as fast as possible. Now, many of his decks were composed of cards made to be sacrificed, and his decks were arranged by family, game, and theme. Well, that is, for his hero suit. In his civilian clothes, he didn’t have that many powerful cards. Even Optimus Prime was a bit overkill… as a result, Izuku truly didn’t have many useful cards.

He regretted having left his X-Men deck at home, as Magneto would have been extremely useful in this situation.

Still, it didn’t mean he was defenseless. Izuku slapped a card from a deck he found in a flea market, about an old anime. He didn’t know it but he liked the appearance and design, so why not use it?

From nowhere, a tall man with a beard not well shaven appeared. He was clad in a white holy suit, clearly showing he belonged to the old Roman Catholic Church, as he pulled two bayonets from pretty much nowhere, and looked everywhere, not understanding where the f*ck he was.


“What in Bloody heaven…” The Father without a father barely had the time to finish his sentence that Wolfram tried to attack, swiping to the left with his huge metallic arm, “NEVERMIND! BACK TO BUSINESS!”

Father Anderson was a simple man. He liked to pray, take care of children and purge the demons and the heretics from the world. In his book, anyone trying to attack children was most likely a heretic and/or a demon, especially if they wielded weird power like this masked man. Everything about him screamed bad guy.

So, Wolfram tried to swat Anderson aside, except the Catholic Hunter was quite agile, as otherwise, it would have been difficult to kill vampires. Wolfram didn’t like seeing the Vampire hunter on his arm, running, and as a result pushed, even more, his limits, trying to remember the strength given by the Crown.

It felt as if his mind was reaching his DNA, feeling it breaching under the stress and the danger. Because this blond man actually triggered every instinct he had about meeting a crazy killer. Wolfram wasn’t going to go down easily, and he sent away his arm and the catholic priest with it. Now, usually, Anderson would have simply jumped away and killed the bastard.

Except this time, the attack would hit the kid and the strange clown behind him. Anderson gritted his teeth, before using his knife and trying to slow down the attack, with his body if needed. sh*t, that was going to hurt, wasn’t it?

Even with the healing factor, Wolfram was going to kill him, or at least force the priest to regenerate… Izuku being low on cards.

Wolfram actually had a last ace in his pocket, and he grabbed it. He hated to death being forced to do that, especially as he knew he would actually have to thank Garaki’s traitorous ass for his improved Trigger, one refined for high quirk users like him. He took the red pill and ate it, while everyone was recovering from the attack…

Instantly, he felt the corrupting power of the drug taking place inside his body. Wolfram felt the absolute f*cking difference between the Crown and the Drug: One was something that felt good, natural, unlocking things he didn’t know existed about him, guiding him to his full potential. The other was like drinking 20 energy drinks.

Wolfram yelled in pain and suffering, as he summoned the metal around them, all of the bots. He needed strength. He needed to be useful!

“ALL FOR ONE!” Wolfram yelled at the top of his lungs, his undying loyalty to his boss being the only thing making him stay conscious, as the metal from all the robots began to form a giant structure around him, turning him into a giant, a real one.


The voice came from nowhere, and everyone had to stop watching it for a second… Before Wolfram had to raise his giant arms, to protect his body from the hundred of bread striking him almost as fast as a train.

In the sky, a man floated on two pieces of bread, a beret on his head, and wearing a french flag. The hero suit was tacky, and the quirk seemingly dumb. Bread Manipulation.

It was suddenly less dumb when the #1 French hero had bread made according to some old military recipe, making the bread as hard as stone. Combined with the speed, it was pretty much having the ability to shoot a hundred guns at the same time, and directing the shot.


Blood flowed from his nose, and Wolfram knew he was going to be out soon. Even with the Trigger boost. The master of Magnetism closed his eyes, and from the depth of his soul, accumulated as much strength as he could spare, even if the internal cohesion of his Titan was crumbling and pressuring his body, hurting him.

He even felt the steel ripping and wounding his body, as he fell with it a bit.

Wolfram accumulated all the strength he could, as the repeated bread attack continued to try and find a weakness in his armor, while the deranged priest tried to strike down his feet to climb inside the giant…

Then he raised a hand, in the direction of Tooru and Mei. A giant spike, made from half of Optimus’ body, pierced Mime’s protection and the pokemon. Wolfram made a second movement, the spear blooming into a metallic flower, slashing everything around the girl, and forcing them to get out or get cut.

The Crown began to fall.

Wolfram used his hand, as if to grasp it from afar, the flower closing softly on the crown, as everyone yelled in terror. Below him, a deranged Alexander was climbing, spouting some nonsense about purging the heretics. Wolfram closed the metal around them on Alexander, creating a breach in the giant armor he was building around him, his eyes still closed. Ok, he still had it. He was in control.

However, if he died, he would kick Hisashi in the dick, and tell him he should have asked for a vasectomy.

Now, All For One’s right hand asked for the spear to come back. He didn’t have the time to do a precise manipulation, as Captain France would not miss the opportunity to take him out.

Everything for All For One.

Everyone stared, as Wolfram got his arm pierced by his own lance, in the most direct attack they have ever seen… The surprise turned into terror when the teenagers saw the villain putting the Crown on his head.


Trigger and Crown. Wolfram knew he couldn’t capture Izuku in his state, and he would barely manage to get away, to be honest.

Even if All Might hit his time limit around now, he wasn’t the only hero with enough strength to deal with him. A lot of heroes were here and his move with the robots destroyed the distraction that should have occupied them.

Still, he could at least make his exit as grand as him.

The energy rushed again in his body, as he felt it morphing this time… The metal from his arm is mixing with his body. Fear… Anger…

All of that disappeared, in the profit of happiness in his pursuit of loyalty. He could feel his Quirk coursing in his vein, and his cells fusing with it.

The villain, as the power surged through his brain, had a revelation. If the Crown showed him the way, the Trigger gave him the energy to walk it. Now, he was seeing the Door, as his body seemed to absorb the steel to make him stronger, preparing him and his shell for more power, evolving further. Magnetism was him, and he was magnetism. He just had to pay a price for more power.

A price he was more than willing to pay, as he felt some part of his personality being traded away, as his body was being remodelled.

Captain French didn’t have a spider sense or something like that. However, when a villain got an artifact of doom and was glowing, it was always bad news. ESPECIALLY IF HE WAS LAUGHING MANIACALLY.


As his only answer, he got a volley of metallic spears against him, forcing him to fly fast to dodge them… Before noticing they were following him, and getting faster than him. Apparently, the villain just got a significant boost in strength.


Wolfram surged with energy, his quirk altering his body further, his veins turning gray and his eyes black. Yes. YES. THE POWER WAS HERE, IN HIS HANDS.

He actually beamed with power, electricity arcing on his body, steel protuberance fusing with his flesh.

Then Wolfram heard a laugh, coming from above… The French was laughing happily. Why?

“Yes, we can’t beat you… BUT HE CAN!”

Suddenly, Wolfram felt as if a bigger fish was summoned. Something so big it was inhuman and borderline eldritch.

A voice boomed in the air, but the sound was too powerful and too ancient to make sense for any of them.

None of them had noticed, because of the thunder and the storm which made the sky as dark as the black night but something taller than several buildings was standing behind them, as the water dropped from him like a natural waterfall. A stench emanated from the being and he stared everyone down, older than any of them, more profound than they could comprehend. The being formed a fist, made of hundreds of waste rejected in the sea. Freezers, trucks, probably some industrial waste and a ship were inside the fist.

The Old Man, the Living Quirk of Trash Manipulation, was here.

Thanks to his effort to clean the oceans, the trash inside of them has diminished by 60% since the 21st century. This means he was actually standing on the floor of the ocean, right now, as he was *that* tall.

The part everyone was seeing on I-Island? The tip of the iceberg, really. True, he had lost any precise control of his body a long time ago. He also lost a good chunk of his body against the Ashen King, who kept incinerating him during their fight.

He was still a being All For One would avoid fighting, unless he had what he wanted to deal with him.

Wolfram saw the hit, and pushed his newfound strength against the giant hand and to his surprise… He felt he was actually pushing it back. Yes. With the crown, his faith, and the drug, he could do it. If there was enough metal inside the Living Quirk, he could even probably…

If he could achieve his Apotheose, he would become All For One’s ultimate weapon. His Dragon!

“Hey, sir? For my last trick, I will make a Crown disappear!”

Izuku, below him, had a big smile. He was showing a card to everyone at the top of the tower. Disarmament from Yu Gi Oh.

“Son of a bitch.” Wolfram said, before feeling the Crown exploding, and the Door of Power getting further away from him. As a result… The power boost too also faded away. Which meant Wolfram was now very close to a giant fist, coming to make contact with his face.


He got smacked down, K.O. on the floor of the top of the tower.

Wolfram, despite his evolution, was down… Though his skin stayed gray and he was looking more like a heteromorphic mutant than anything else, proof some change would stay with the villain.

Izuku, Tooru, Mei and Melissa yelled with joy, as they managed to apparently save the situation… Well except for Samuel, but honestly, so many things happened they didn’t have the time to think about it until now.

Also, knowing that everything was alright as the situation ended, the teens finally gave up, and let the fatigue take control of their bodies, falling to the ground.


In his lab, Garaki and Emilia opened the champagne.

I-Island was a tremendous success!

Their equipment confirmed Muscular took control of Chimera, if only for a few moments. It clearly had his memory, his soul and even his skills. It meant they had the definitive proof Soul and Quirk were linked…

And more importantly, they properly established that resurrection was possible! That alone was magnificent!

The second thing they proved, thanks to Wolfram…

Transcending to a higher level was possible artificially.

These two findings were the cause of what would be known as the beginning of a new organization, and everyone would know about their name.

The New Humanity was born, and Garaki would be their creator. Now, all he had to do was resurrect their leader, the one who gave him purpose all these years ago.

It was time to begin the project “Burning Ember”.


Did you see the one thing that didn't disappear ?

Chapter 47: I-Island : Aftermath


This is the wrap-up !


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 47: I-Island Crisis: Aftermath.

Yagi was still coughing some blood, as David joined him in the meeting room. Nedzu wanted a debrief of what happened, and everything else. They clearly lacked the time and were on the defense each time All For One launched an attack. This one, especially, had dire consequences: One of their students had been kidnapped. Granted, the kid wasn’t under the school's supervision at that moment, and their responsibility wasn’t on trial, but it was still a direct attack on them.

“So. What the flying f*ck happened?” Nedzu asked while All-Might was the first to volunteer.

“Triple attack, and clearly, considering the timing and what the young Sako said, they worked together on some level.

Thus far, we have confirmed a few groups:

-All For One, with his Noumus and Wolfram.

-The Inhuman Supremacy Party, as their new leader, Terraformars, is confirmed to be the one who kidnapped Monoma.

-Desperados, as their leader, Nine, tried to kill some of our students and Serafina, and we managed to capture Mummy. Chimera was almost detained, but Slice managed to get him out before that.

-The Architect, but considering he actually provided help during the crisis, we can safely assume he wasn’t on their side.”

David nodded at that, having a chill down his spine. What if he hadn’t asked the thief to go with his plan? What would have happened if he accepted Samuel’s idea, back then? He didn’t want to think about that, especially after Samuel got killed, in front of Melissa.

“Very well. How were the losses?”

“We were actually very lucky. We had enough heroes to fight and protect the civilians. Not to mention Star & Stripe and Armstrong's timely arrival.”

The rat nodded on screen, before staring at Yagi, and asked:

“And why didn’t you move during the issue?”

“They put a bomb on civilians during my speech. If I tried to move from the scene, they would blow it up immediately.”

Even All-Might seemed more tired than usual when he said that. He had to explain why he couldn’t do something. It hasn't happened since a long time ago.

“Not only the duration, but One For All itself is becoming weaker. I lost 15% of speed since the last check-up.”

“All according to our graphics. All-Might needs to retire.” David confirmed their worst fears. If they wanted to have All-Might as their ultimate secret weapon against All For One, they needed to make him actually rest. He literally couldn’t continue working as a hero.

“... Now, onto other questions. Who were the targets, and why?” Nedzu wanted to have all of the facts, before devising a new plan.

Both of the men inside the room nodded and showed a few figures on the screen. Melissa, Serafina, Izuku, Monoma and Wolfram, in his new form.

The supervillain was kept highly sedated. Some were actually speaking of cryogenie in fear he would finish his ascension as either someone with an extremely powerful magnetic quirk or worse: a Living Quirk.

“We don’t know why Izuku and Monoma were targeted… Well, rather, we think Izuku was a secondary target because of his father. However, according to all who assisted at the scene, Wolfram tried his best to not harm him. Hence why he actually had a chance, and why Wolfram didn’t just… Well… Kill him.” David explained, not being as close to the kid as Yagi, clearly, but understanding the feeling.

“So, something about Izuku is of particular interest to All For One. David, I want you to run an analysis on his blood. We need to consider everything, even the possibilities such as All For One ran a eugenic program to breed super soldiers.” It was a very likely possibility after all. If you were immortal and with the hobby of collecting interesting/strong quirks, quirk marriage was definitely something you would do.

“This still leaves Monoma. Why was he targeted specifically? The clients confirmed the criminals were only after him, and he alone.” Enji was in the reunion too, as he was officially part of the “Destroy All For One” Alliance now. He had a firepower and an intellect they couldn’t pass up.

“My only bet is the fact Monoma’s quirk is really close to his own, and he doesn’t want it to spread in the wild. I think he actually hunted down any possibilities in the past centuries of any other possible Thief Quirk like him.”

“... And as for Serafina?”

“Well, she disrupted a lot of Balor’s operations lately. Enough to have some echoes about him going to Amazonia to deal with her personally.”

Nedzu didn't know how far All For One’s crime empire stretched, but most of the international law enforcement liked to say that the East belonged to All For One, and the West to Balor. Astonishingly, both were on good terms and probably communicated a lot together. As a result, any attempt to make them fight failed. Everyone knew Serafina was most likely a target to help his… Friend? That was a big word, especially considering their organization actually clashed a few times.

Each time, the casualties could reach double or even triple digits.

“I hope she prepares adequately. As for the Crown, do we have any idea of the reason?”

“You mean, why would All For One want an item that would boost someone’s quirk to the next level?”

“... True. I didn’t think he still had that many resources after All-Might cleaned his empire the first time. His ability to grow a new empire is truly frightening.”

All heroes stayed silent. They knew dealing with All For One wasn’t the only thing they had to do. The aftermath would be a long one too.

“And Melissa?” Nedzu was curious, since until now, the Shield was never on AfO’s radar, “You planned to… You know.”

“I came clean to David about One for All. Melissa too. When I asked her to be my new heir… She tried to accept, but the event of the day traumatized her. I think it might be what All For One was after all along, since, according to all kids, the villains kept saying they didn’t want to kill her, but disable her.”

Everyone stayed silent, as they knew the truth. Even if All For One lost a lot of resources in this fight…

He ultimately won the day, and they still didn’t know what his plan was.


Monoma woke up, after a hand gently reached for him, before shaking him softly. He didn’t know how long he was knocked out, but the blond boy was ready while still sleepy, trying to analyze the place.

He was, according to the lack of windows, either in a cave or inside the heart of a building. Both were bad news. His hands were glowed, most likely to prevent him from stealing a quirk and… And he wasn’t in his normal clothes.

The simple thought made him shudder. He was a teen and of course, he was sensitive about things like that.

Also, it also means they destroyed the set of hairs in his pants. He liked to have some to quickly get a quirk during exercise. Now, it was his main opportunity to escape and he already lost it.

“Kurogiri? Is the boy awake?”

The voice. Monoma didn’t know why, but the voice was deep and mechanical. Probably someone who needed life support or some gear to even breathe.

“He keeps his eyes closed, Sir, but he is clearly awake.”

Kurogiri? Monoma was fairly certain it was the name given to the one guy in the LoV that could make portals. If he could touch him, Monoma could escape easily.

“Bring the boy to me.”

Suddenly, the blond teen was pulled up by the undead bartender. Only his eyes were visible, and they seemed sad about what was happening. Was he under duress?

“Yes, Sir,” and then he added in a whisper to the boy, “Don’t be impertinent, don’t be a smartass and speak only if he asks.”

Neito could feel the concern in the voice, and he nodded quietly. He didn’t know why he was here, and who had the influence to send criminals to capture him, but he highly doubted it was to play chess.

Correction, there was a possibility it was to play chess. There was a set in front of him, and next to it, a man who lacked a face. Hell, he pretty much lacked most of his face and seemed to only breathe thanks to a huge machine modelled as a throne.

“Sit, boy. We shall play.”

Monoma swallowed his saliva back inside his throat. The man had an aura that screamed death and bad news and if Monoma could, he would already be running.

However, he followed Kurogiri’s instruction and didn’t speak, for fear of provoking this monster. However… If he could take off his gloves… He could copy everyone’s quirk and run. Ok, that was his plan. Take off the gloves, steal quirks, and teleport to UA. He could do that.

“Your move, boy.”

… The man could see the board. It meant his vision wasn’t based on his obviously missing eye. Maybe a quirk based on sensing everything around him?

Anyway, Monoma quietly opened the game. It was going to be the most nerve-wracking game of his life, wasn’t it?

“So, young Neito, how is life in UA?” The man asked while moving his own pawn.

Neito quietly nodded his head, “I can’t complain. Very good school, good teachers…”

Apparently, the answer made the monster in front of him chuckle… f*ck, the man was easily as large as All-Might.

“Good, good. I even heard you challenged Midoriya as your rival. What do you think of his quirk?”

“... Isn’t his name Sako, now? I mean, his mom remarried.”

All For One stopped his hand for a second… Then he resumed it.

“Oh right. I keep forgetting. To me, it is still Midoriya. Do you want anything to drink or eat?” He was evil, not rude, after all.

“A co*ke would be nice, sir, and possibly a sandwich?”

“Kurogiri, you heard the young boy.”

The undead stared at them for a second… Before walking through the door. Monoma was alone in the room with the monster.

“So, you didn’t answer my question. What do you think of Izuku’s quirk?”

“Complete bullsh*t and overpowered.” Monoma said honestly, “He slapped me with a goddamn otter.”

This made openly laugh All For One, which was Monoma’s goal. If the monster was laughing, his attention lowered. Monoma was, like Izuku, a huge Compress fan. His own suit was also an homage to the man, and he practiced his sleight of hand too. So, he took his left glove from his hand, leaving it on his knee.

“This is hilarious. Your move, kid.”

Monoma smiled, scared sh*tless nonetheless. When will Kurogiri be back? He needed his quirk. Either way, Monoma looked at the set… and moved his bishop, so he would be in a weak position from All For One’s queen, allowing him to take it with his knight next turn.

The man was greedy and while he knew how to set some traps, he actually had trouble planning too far. Interesting.

“So, you might have some questions, such as who am I, I guess?”

This actually surprised Monoma when they played, but he managed to force himself to speak.

“I am, actually. But I would say you are some kind of hidden overlord of crime or something like that… And you got injured some time ago, forcing you to delegate more.”

Monoma had his brain going overdrive, when analyzing the man, and remembering everything he knew. Everything that happened. It made him even paler than before.

“Oh, god, you are the one behind the ISP’s rise. However, you aren’t a mutant… And you also finance the LoV which is pretty much a vigilante movement.”

All For One groaned at that mention.

“Yes, they were actually supposed to be more unstable, I have to be honest, and be more “Let’s destroy the society to be anarchist” or things like that. Them fighting to establish a better society and targeting bad heroes was a miscalculation from me.”

“... And considering what you just said, I think everything is… A game or something. The only way to complete the board would be to have a third player. The CRC?”

All For One stopped for a second, and clapped his hands, happily.

“My, my! You actually have a good brain, boy! I have reported on you, but they were clearly underestimating you. Well, I better present myself then. All For One, pleased to meet you. I hope you will forgive Terraformars for his methods. The little kid always liked to see the light go in his victim’s eyes. We bonded over that.”

This… Creeped Monoma out. Really. This man, polite and everything, was telling him he taught this mutant how to kill. He followed his orders… Despite being in an organization that put power above everything. How strong was that man?!

“Strong enough to scare All-Might.” All For One said with a smug smile, looking at the young teen who had serious bladder control to not piss himself.

“...Am I that easy to read?”

“Ahahahah! No, I am just good at reading smart people's reactions. Don’t worry, this is a perfect answer, you know? It proves your survival instincts are top-tier. Breathe out, kid. If I wanted to do anything to you, you wouldn’t have woken up at all.”

Monoma swallowed and forced himself to smile.

“Unless… Unless you wanted to give me some false hope I would get out alive, before crushing my dream in front of me? You painted a portrait of yourself appreciating your victim’s pain and suffering.”

All For One smiled even more widely.

“Oh, I like you, boy! I think I will keep you! Let me tell you something. If you win this game, I will not kill you today.”

This made Monoma put his rook somewhere and say immediately: “Check.”

All For One irked a non-existent eyebrow. Though to be fair, he wasn’t that great at chess anyway.


When Kurogiri came back, with some wine, a co*ke bottle and a sandwich, All For One was heavily sighing, as Monoma had just put him in a checkmate.

“Fine, kid. A deal is a deal. You get to live one more day.”

All For One was a man of his word after all when he gave his word outside of one of his schemes. Monoma sighed with happiness, though his ticket to escape was here and now.

Kurogiri lowered his plate of food near Neito, and the young teen took the opportunity to touch his wrist, not covered, from under the plate. Blind angle for the win! If he wanted to have the time to understand Kurogiri's quirk he…

Monoma didn’t feel anything when the contact was made between his hand and Kurogiri’s skin.

“Something wrong, kid?”

All For One had his smug smile again on his face, and looked at him, before exploding in laughter.

“YOU SHOULD SEE YOUR FACE KID! I have to admit I was impressed by your nerves of steel! You actually tried, very well, to copy my Kurogiri’s quirk!” All For One stopped his mad laugh for a second, while Monoma was trying to comprehend what was happening, and why he didn’t feel… Even some of his stocked quirk. He didn’t use everything against Terraformars.

Why couldn’t he feel his quirk?!

“You… Suppressed my quirk?!”

Erasing quirk was extremely rare! Eraser was a huge exception in Japan after all!

All For One stared at him sympathetically.

“Oh, no, nothing so crude. I took your quirk, Monoma. That’s not the same.”

Neito stared at All For One, who asked Kurogiri to come closer, and … He copied his cloud face for a second.

“See? Your quirk. Mine.”

The blond student screamed, when he realized he was being played from the beginning, and remembered… What he said a moment ago.

“Also, you were correct. I do love giving some hope to my victims, before breaking it in front of him.”

All For One appreciated Monoma's breakdown, as he followed his sentence.

“Here is your deal, boy. I keep my word. I won’t kill you, as long as you win against me in the games I choose. I wonder how long you will live?”


“Inko, I need you to tell me right now if Katsuki is fine!”

When Mitsuki learned I-Island was attacked, her first reaction was to call her best friend. She knew Inko, and she had faith in her. However, she was a mother before anything, and she needed to know that her son was fine.

“Katsuki… Is alive.” Inko was extenuated as she was working for more than 24 hours, helping everywhere she could. Help was coming to deal with everything, but until they were organized and there, she was one of the leaders to take care of everyone.

However, she saw how Katsuki was, and she didn’t want to announce the news to Mitsuki. Mitsuki, though, wasn’t an idiot and waited for the rest of her explanation.

“Inko… Tell me what happened.”

“Katsuki lost his right arm during a fight against one of the most dangerous villains. It isn’t possible to reattach it.”

Mainly because the arm was in Moonfish’s mouth when he got pulverized by Godzillo and Yui, but it wasn’t the point.

Mitsuki stayed silent, before speaking: “But he is alive and ready to kick some ass?”

“We had to sedate him so he wouldn't break the suture. He will live, and apparently, some people on the Island want to give him a new arm. Saving people from a mad cannibal tends to make them grateful.”

Mitsuki sighed in relief, but she still was terribly terrified by what was happening. She was almost remembering the time when the Night Nurses were necessary because the villains were rampant.

“I hope we get those who did that, darling. Sorry for your honeymoon too.”

Inko sighed before someone called her. It was time to go back to work. her break was over, and she managed to get some sleep.

“I will call you back later, Mitsuki. Don’t worry, Katsuki will be back. The scientists said they would need, like, a few weeks to make him something.” Though Katsuki would suffer hell through it, Inko knew the teen enough, and he would be angry enough to rehabilitate despite the pain.


Compress was tired as hell too. He was pretty much certain the Knight actually discovered who he was, but kicking butt together created some kind of friendship between them. However, he was worried about the voicemail he received from La Brava and Gentle. He left them for one day, what could have happened to make them break the silence?

Then Compress listened to the voicemail. He listened to it a second time, to be sure he didn’t mishear it and called back right after.


Gentle answer made Compress want to drink a whole bottle of the strongest whisky he could find.


Oh god. Compress felt sick. Everyone knew his identity. UA, All Might, Endeavor, and the HPSC. Well, he had to ask one last thing.

“Do you think we can manage to get a pardon after all of this?”

“That seems more than acceptable. However, I will prepare some backup on my own. However, Gentle, we will talk about everything that needs to be disclosed. You don’t have any other family secrets I need to know?”

“Good. Stay safe, kid.”

Compress was tired, and remembered why he used to work alone. Sometimes, teammates were troubled too.


I-Island, thanks to the Architect’s heist and the insurance, was actually overflowing with money. Besides, most of the Island was mainly intact. As a result, David takes his time, helping the various people clean the top of the Tower… He found a few interesting things, including the one thing he was trying to power up with some cable. He hoped the power source was universal, but he had big hope.

Then the lab power went down, and David yelled against this apparent failure. Now he was in the dark until the power was restored…

Wait, what was that blue light in the room?


“Except for a lack of body.”

Optimus, newly powered, saw in the darkness of David’s smug smile, and indeed… That he lacked a body.

“... Except for a lack of body, indeed.”


So. As I have warned multiple times before...

I am going on a break. I finally got a new job, but it requires me moving to another city.

As a result, i won't be able to write much in the following weeks.

To see Rappa's Bizarre Adventure (first chapter of the Eri's rescue arc), you will have to wait a bit.

Chapter 48: Rappa's Bizarre Adventure


In which Rappa give dating tips, Mr Compress steal something but more importantly...

An otter is there.

Oh and Eri.


I am BACK ! However, while i will try to keep the schedule, i am not sure if i can. My new job is way more draining than the last one.

Chapter Text

Chapter 48 : Rappa’s Bizarre Adventure

“Damn, the people who attacked I-Island truly went crazy.”

Even in the Shie Hassaikai, everyone only spoke about what happened on the Island. The first major villain attack on such a scale in twenty years, it was bound to make a lot of noise. As a result, Rappa was fine with listening to what everyone said about it and learned what theyof the Yakuza disapproved of such a thing. They didn’t work that way: crimes with too much heat would inevitably mean their few remaining operations would be under heavy scrutiny. Which, paradoxically, would be an opportunity for Rappa: He was literally the last person you would ask to negotiate some smuggling deals with some overseas warlord. The Chinese Triad was rebuilding quickly, but they were also incredibly ruthless to not appear weak as a result. Similarly, many of the MAM (Mutated Animal’s Mafia) in Australia considered the Yakuza as a thing of the past.

If you didn’t have the skill for a job, you could easily tank the group reputation faster than Rappa could punch someone. The huge man was an excellent deterrent but currently, his skills were not to be used in a war against another syndicate. They simply didn’t have the resources for that.

However, with the I-Island situation, every villain group in Japan would have an increased pressure on them… Except the Shie Hassaikai, thanks to their loss of reputation. Which meant more and more people would contact them to strike deals with them. As a result, if Overhaul wanted to keep what was in the basem*nt correctly hidden, he would need to call upon Rappa soon.

The Brawler didn’t like the job, being a mole. It wasn’t something honorable in his moral code but it was his deal with the HPSC to be a free man and operate his underground fight club in peace. Which meant more fights with Otsu and honestly, Rappa was waiting for her bloodlust on the ring, ready to tear him apart while he punched her with no tomorrow.

They were an odd couple but that’s how they rolled, how they loved each other.

Anyway, back to the Shie’s situation. They had intel the group was currently trying to produce a new product that could revolutionize the black market. Usually, you get intel like that every day, every week, mainly from groups trying to appear like major players. However, this time, something made Ryo and Miruko worry. The de facto leader, Chisaki Kai, was a former very high profile student from Daruma Ujiko, a quirk specialist very known in many fields.

He also had in his team Chronostasis, who was part of the team that developed the new enhanced version of Trigger, thankfully, it was still impossible to mass-produce it, but the authorities were worried about the situation.

In other words, they clearly had the means to produce a drug that could rival Trigger in the black market and no one wanted that… Well, the HPSC and the heroes didn’t want that for very obvious reasons.

So, Rappa fully assumed his role as dumb muscle in the organization and listened to everything… So far, he has learned a few things.

-Most of the Yakuza didn’t like Overhaul which was something he could relate to. He was a rightful prick and Rappa had to let him win a fight to make him believe he was faithful to him.

-The new drug was apparently a game breaker in Overhaul’s own words. Considering how Chisaki was cold and analytical, it was extremely worrying.

-They depended on a component codenamed Eri, which was stocked in the basem*nt.

Rappa’s role was to infiltrate the organization, collect all the information and when the raid against the Yakuza would happen, he would disable the most worrying defense they had from the inside. Simple and effective.

“Hoy, stupid Rappa! The boss wants to meet your sorry ass!”

The voice came from the walls and Rappa nodded. Irinaka was the best defense of the Yakuza. Punching him during the raid would be a pleasure since the little man was often a dick to him for not being a proper Yakuza. Rappa actually threatened to massacre him a few times as a result.

“I will break your teeth if you continue to insult me. Only strong people have that right.” Rappa said, knowing he wasn’t known for his self-control. Ryo gave him a few pointers for this infiltration. He had to act naturally. Restraining himself was the best idea to show he had hidden motives to join the Yakuza.

“Tell that to Chisaki then.” Mimic answered, thinking Rappa respected or feared the man. It was… not true but not wrong either. Chisaki’s quirk was among the most overpowered he knew and Rappa was among the few select people who knew for a fact All For One wasn’t a legend.

Rappa knew that any fight with Chisaki required to knock him out in one go and to not be touched, otherwise he would simply heal himself and make you explode.

“Overhaul won’t be able to protect you forever.”

It wasn’t a threat but a promise.


“Rappa, you are going into the basem*nt. You are to guard what’s inside.” Overhaul said, as clinical as ever… Even if Rappa noticed something about him. A perfume? Overhaul never did that usually. However, it was true that for a few weeks, Overhaul went out to a mysterious location more and more often.

It was at that place that Overhaul made some breakthrough concerning his mysterious future drug, something Rappa was to discover if possible. However, he and Chisaki weren’t close… Hmm…

“... On a side note, Rappa. I don’t imagine you have experience with women?”

Rappa took back what he just thought and smiled under his mask.

“More than you think. However I don’t think my idea of a date would work with your crush, Overhaul.” Rappa said, with a little laugh in his voice, before sitting down in front of him. It was true that most of the Eight Precepts weren’t people with much experience with women.

“... Do you still have any advice?”

Oh god, a blushing Overhaul wasn’t something Rappa expected… Yet it told him a lot about that mysterious place. He was visiting a female scientist, most likely quirkless, specialized in quirks. Someone he actually trusted, so he had dealt with her before.

Yes, Rappa was more than a big mountain of muscle.

“Flowers. They don’t need to actually like them, they need to know you care about them. Try to do something both of you like. Finally, grow a pair and tell her what you think of her. Unless she is a psychic, which is an actual possibility in this era, she won’t know for sure what you are thinking.”

Overhaul stayed silent for a second, before nodding. He actually asked Rappa in a desperate move and didn’t expect actual sound advice.

“...May I ask what your idea of a date is, though?”

“...Punching her while she tries to rip my throat with her teeth.”

Rappa answered truthfully and Chisaki stared at him. To be fair, Rappa warned and Overhaul should have expected it.

“... Go into the basem*nt. If anything leaves the basem*nt, you will be severely punished,” Overhaul said, the fun times being gone as quick as they came, “Chronostasis will show you the way. He is the leader while I am gone for a few days.”

Rappa nodded quietly. Finally, he was going to learn everything.


Eri was currently locked in her ‘room’. She was told to not bother her new guardian and to only speak to him if he spoke to her.

The little girl stood frightened in the room when the giant muscular man arrived and stared at her, blankly. There was no emotion in his eyes, just as for the others. Well, no, not like the others, as they had fear, disgusts and many other feelings. No feeling was better actually.

She missed the days where her daddy would hug her and tell her she was the most lucky girl in the world.

Eri pinched herself, to make herself suffer. Bad girl. She was the one who killed her father, and the one who pushed her mom to die. She was evil and cursed, just like Overhaul said. She had no right to happy memories and she should just suffer more as it was all what a cursed evil girl deserved.

The giant man stared at Chronostasis, before asking:

“... Where is Eri?”

“I am.”

The little horned child answered quietly, softly. Not making a sound. She was an object, not a living being. That way, she could make up for everything. That’s what everyone said.

Even this new guy seemed to find her repulsive as he clenched his fist. That emotion… Disgust in his eyes. He was like the others after all.

“She is Eri. She is not to be harmed, unless she begins to ask for something that isn’t water. She is fed once a day. Make sure she eats everything.” Chronostasis said, while Eri stayed silent, like a doll.

Rappa, however, was now looking at the clock. He was going to be in trouble with Otsu and the rest, wasn’t he?

“Shouldn’t a little girl like her at least do some exercise? I mean. She is going to rot away, no?”

“No, don’t worry, Overhaul restores her to perfect condition every time he is done draining her.”

… Ok f*ck it. He would totally accept the punishment for what was to come. He looked at the little girl, clenching his fist strong enough to make them white with anger.

Rappa wasn’t a kind man. He wasn’t especially evil, but he killed a few times in a fair fight his opponents as the underground ring was really violent and bloody at times. However, here was the thing. He killed warriors, people fighting with their life on the line and they all knew it. It was a fight, a world of warriors, people who could and would defend themselves to the very end.

Rappa hated people who picked on those who couldn’t defend themselves. Fighting a hero who was trying to arrest him? That was correct in his book. An asshole trying to snatch an old lady’s purse? The thief better run f*cking fast.

Rappa wasn’t a good man. However, he had rules, lines in the sand.

Using a child that couldn’t defend themselves?

It didn’t cross the line. It went so far past it, it wasn’t even visible.

It took every bit of self-control in Rappa to not instantly punch Chronostasis and make a run for it.

Rappa was more than a dumbbell: Alone against the whole Shie Hassaikai, he would lose.

He needed to at least wait for Overhaul to be gone.


Meanwhile, Atsuhiro was sent by Inko to buy some groceries. Inko had strange cravings recently, like strawberry and as a good husband, Atsuhiro knew to respect his wife’s wishes.


Chronostasis didn’t expect Rappa entering the lab, as the giant fighter never looked interested in their drug production.

“Rappa, get out of here, this isn’t…”

“I am taking Eri. You are notified.”

Chronostasis, having seen Overhaul fight against Rappa, thought he had a good estimation about the latter’s speed.

He noticed he was very wrong when the giant fist cracked his skull and destroyed a few lab machines in the process. Before Chronostasis could do anything, Rappa finished the job with a series of punches, sending him exactly where he wanted.

Let’s say Eri was surprised when she saw Rappa, his fist bloodied, opening the door with Chronostasis. Literally.

“Follow me, if you want to leave.” The giant man said. When he saw Eri was actually frozen like a deer when a car threatened to crash on it, he sighed. Soon after, Eri was lifted on Rappa’s impressively large shoulder.

“Hold onto my head. We are getting out.” The most infamous underground fighter cracked his fist. Finally, some good fights were ahead.


Soramitsu was discussing (read, was being yelled at) about his diet by Shin when he noticed something ~~yummi~~ something on Rappa’s shoulders. More specifically, a terrified little girl who was also excited to no end.

“... Rappa? Are you on guard duty?” Shin asked, his quirk still active, as usual.

“Yup” Rappa said, truthfully, not even fighting the quirk. He noticed a weakness in Shin’s quirk after all.

“Did you ask anyone if you have the right to take Eri’s outside of her cell?”

“I notified Chronostasis and he said nothing against it.”

Under his mask, Rappa had a very smug smile. Technically true, the only weakness in Shin’s quirk was that he was over reliant on it, thinking it was impossible for it to fail.

He knew he could take both of them on. However, now that they were above Eri and the lab’s floor, there were cameras everywhere. Mimic would stop him with his quirk and he would have no way to deal with that. Besides, he needed to reach at least the ground floor to push the special signal to the others.

Soramitsu looked at them and shrugged, using that opportunity to run away, making Shin focus on him again.

“Come back here, you f*cker! You ate all the delicatessen again!”

Rappa smiled and he patted Eri’s head when he was sure no one was looking at him. It wasn’t often he had to fight for something else than himself. He was going to free that little one.

People stared at him more than once as he had Eri on his shoulder. However, she played her role perfectly : One of a frightened child. To be fair, the little girl didn’t understand what was going on: masked people were supposed to be Chisaki’s friends! Why was this one telling her everything was going to be okay?

Why was he… Angry? Not at her but at everyone else.

Rappa was only one floor away from the ground when suddenly, the stairs tried to make him slip.

Ah sh*t. Either he didn’t punch Chronostasis hard enough or Mimic checked on him.


The voice in the system being Chronostasis, Rappa grumbled. f*ck, he didn’t punch hard enough. He must have gotten softer with the lack of proper fight and the lack of Otsu.

“No! Mister Rappa, you must bring me back! If you do that…”

“Hey, little one, want to see something cool?”

“... Uh?”

People thought Rappa only knew how to punch things. It was true to be fair but as he often used to say… When all you have is a hammer, every issue begins to look like nails. You simply needed to learn how to hit the right way.

Suddenly, everyone saw Rappa who fell on purpose on his belly and…he climbed the cliff that replaced the stairs, by lifting himself and Eri by punching really fast the wall, climbing in an extremely weird but effective way.

“Mimic! I can’t punch you yet, but wait for me! I will be back!”

When he reached the ground floor, Rappa was greeted by a lot of yakuza, each one who had their knife pulled out.

“Rappa! Give back the child or it will be bloody!”

“Mister! I don’t want you to die!

Rappa answered their and Eri’s yelling, by hitting his belt twice. Signal sent to Ryo and the rest. Then he pulled off his mask, and everyone, except Eri, could see his smile, as happy as a corgi who just found a new toy and was told he could play with it.

“...You know, you shouldn’t threaten someone with a good time.”

Just after that, Rappa punched the two nearest people in their faces. He heard the skulls crack and the meat explode under his hit. Finally, it was time.


Eri screamed and thankfully, Overhaul had forced her to release her quirk recently for some studies and analysis, otherwise the stress would have made her rewind everything.

However, the young girl had to admit this tall and big man… Why was she feeling safe? Why did she want to believe his word that everything was going to be okay?


Rappa grumbled, when he heard the sound behind him, from below. f*ck, the Eight Precepts were actually behind him. Well, more the Seven now that he left, but…

Usually, if he was alone, he would have stayed and punched everyone until he was dead or they were beaten to a pulp. However, he had Eri to protect now.

“... Little one, remember you will owe me one for running away from a fight!”

Rappa said. Before Eri could say anything, she got pulled against Rappa who prepared to run like a rugbyman and the little unicorn was an adorable ball.

To the Yakuzas in front of him, though, it seems as if he was a bowling ball and they were bowling pins. Rappa clearly aimed to do a strike.

However, they were professionals and they feared more Overhaul than Rappa charging at them. So, even if with each swing he was throwing away some of them, the others attacked with quirk and knife, an onslaught he couldn’t avoid..

Eri could clearly smell the blood and the wincing in Rappa’s face.

“Brace yourself, kid!”

The Giant punched through the mansion wall and through the wall in the garden. Rappa smiled. Good news, he was outside. That was a good thing. Bad thing? His right arm was stabbed with a few knives, he had several burns on him too and everyone was on his tail.

His specialty wasn’t speed, it was hitting fast. That was why he was extremely powerful in a ring or in closed space.


Rappa heard the voice and as a reflex, he threw Eri on the other side of the alley. Thankfully, he aimed well or Eri was lucky, as she landed safely several meters from him.


In front of Rappa, there was a barrier. So, apparently Barrier Guy was here and used his brain to cut off Rappa’s exit.

Rappa smiled at her briefly, before facing his enemies head on, the manly way.


Eri was ignorant of the world but she wasn’t an idiot. She knew what was going to happen to Rappa even if she went back to the Yakuza. He was going to die anyway to save her.

Behind her was her only shot at being free, finally. Eri cried while she ran away.

“So, just for a kid Rappa? Now, you are in a situation that can only end in your death, bloody and messy. What do you call that, Rappa?”

Rappa contemplated the fifty Yakuza and Mouth guy, Barrier guy and Tipsy who had appeared. The others must be on negotiation missions. He looked at his right arm, not in a working condition now.

“I am down to one arm, you are a lot and I know the three of you are actually quite strong. Actually, I have a word for that.”


Rappa smiled in pure bliss. He didn’t have to hold back anymore and he had strong opponents. Well, better than the last years it took to become a Precept. His handicap would spice up the things enough.


Mouth guy was the first one in the wave, while Tipsy was drinking his whisky faster than Miruko would eat a carrot.


In Garaki’s lab.


Chronostasis warned Overhaul as soon as he woke up on his personal number. Rappa kidnapped Eri and was trying to get out. In fact, he was probably out by the time he got the message, Garaki’s place having a sh*tty coverage to make it harder to locate.

Emilia and Garaki stared at their friend and comparse, wondering what could make him panic to this extent.

“I can prepare you a Noumu, but he isn’t as fast as Kurogiri. Where do you want to appear?

Overhaul sighed, before activating an app on his phone. Call him paranoid or over prepared, but he actually put a tracker inside Eri. He could trust the others to take care of Rappa. Eri was the number one priority.

“Can you make him warp me as close as possible from this signal?”

“Sure, that one is easy.”

Garaki saw Overhaul panicking and he put his hand on his shoulder, trying to calm down Chisaki.

“Kid. Don’t worry. Everything is going to be okay.”

Chisaki nodded, trying to calm down but even Emilia noted he looked purely murderous, homicidal.

She found that extremely hot.


“Now, get dunked!”

Rappa was bleeding from his side because of a lucky stab from a Yakuza. He answered in kind, throwing him on Barrier guy. He never took the time to remember their name, only their quirk. Not like they were friends to begin with but he had to admit the fight was making the blood rush to his head.

His breakthrough earlier forced him to take a lot of damage and he was slowly losing strength. Police weren't going to come soon because of an old agreement with the Yakuza…

Rappa contemplated the bleeding, applying pressure with his right hand, as it was only good for that… And taking damage.

The five knives became eight and he had trouble having to move it. The left arm? Still working but Rappa had to admit he was tiring more and more as he was approaching his seventh rounds against the assholes who had stopped fighting stupidly. Tipsy was on the lookout to take him out while Barrier still prevented him from running into an alley, where he could fight in a better location.

Mouth guy tried to take a bite at him a few times, before retreating actually faster than Rappa could punch him as he only did that during his quirk cooldown. f*ck.

Rappa panted, his respiration becoming more irregular now as his enemies regrouped again.

“See, this is the difference between us, Rappa. You fight alone and you will die alone while we are strong together!”

“... You are… Just a bunch of thugs trying to hide and hope for the better. As if Overhaul was a messiah or that Yakuza could be a big thing again. BE REAL! You are done!”

Rappa was honestly speaking only to take some breaths.

He only had one regret to be fair. He smirked while thinking about her and her murderous intent. Actually he giggled a bit, thinking about the future.

“Something funny about your death?”

“I was just thinking my girlfriend was going to kill me for dying against a bunch of weaklings.”

Tipsy, seeing Rappa actually having trouble staying stable on his feet, took the shot and jumped on him, his knife shining in the sun.

Rappa tried to raise his fist to punch him but he knew he was most likely going to get stabbed in the collar bone. He wasn’t fast enough.

Then, Tipsy got thrown, mid-air, by something very angry, with a long tail and a musculature on par with Miruko.

“Rappaaaaa, you better have a good explanation for using the SIGNAL!”

The Yakuzas were seeing a strange spectacle: an ecstatic yet slightly frightened Rappa because of a woman, smaller than him by several inches, who was yelling at him. She was a bit hairy and had a long tail behind her, massive and powerful. She also had a tattoo on her arm which was clearly a military insignia.

“Why is a cute otter woman yelling at Rappa?” Barrier asked.

Otsu took a better look at Rappa and the remaining Yakuza and made her neck crack. She was angry and pissed off by Miruko who totaled a car earlier, leaving her to manage the paperwork.

“The name is Otsu and I am this dumbass’ girlfriend.”

This was already a reason to fear her before Rappa added with a smile…

“By the way, our current palmares is 299 wins for me, and 300 for her.”

Now this was highly worrying and Rappa added, to make his girlfriend even angrier, as she slammed her tail on Tipsy hard enough his upper body was left in the ground…

“Otsu? They were torturing a child. That is what Eri is.”

Otsu looked befuddled at Rappa before seeing he was telling the truth. Suddenly, her body hair clearly showed she wasn’t angry anymore but properly murderous. Her teeth were showing and rushed at them on all four. Rappa followed suit behind her, laughing happily.


Atsuhiro Sako was whistling happily when suddenly something bumped into him.


“Sorry Mister!”

What just bumped into him was a little child, with white hair and a little horn. Now, usually, Atsuhiro would have simply smiled and not care, especially with the situation. However, there was two red signal on the situation:

One, the little girl wore only a large piece of tissue as cloth. Sure, it was summer but… No. It wasn’t something a kid should wear, ever.

Two, her eyes were red and it was clear she was crying because of something or someone.

Three, she was frightened as hell.

Four, she was clearly malnourished.

Technically it would count as kidnapping, Compress knew it. However, he wasn’t a doctor but he married a nurse who could check on the kid later. Moreover, considering how fast she was trying to run away… Well she was running away from something.

Atsuhiro patted her softly on the head, making Eri jump in surprise.

“It is going to be okay, kid.”

He marbled the little girl and put her in his pocket, while hoping he was very right on what was going on.

Literally five minutes later, a man with a pest doctor mask appeared on the street before he ran to him.

“Excuse me! Did you see a child nearby, lost?!” Chisaki was frantic, panicking at the idea of losing his best opportunity to destroy the hero's dominance on the Yakuza.

Atsuhiro gave him his best smile, while he let a marble go in his hand by precaution.

“No, sorry, I didn't see anyone here.”

Chisaki stared at the man who was… Well older than him and apparently on a grocery run.

“Sorry to bother you.” Chisaki let go of Atsuhiro, who walked away, quietly.

Once he was out of sight, Atsuhiro ran as fast as he could home. He also pulled out his phone and called La Brava.

“La Brava? I want a report on any kid disappearances around my location! Plus another on any guy with a plague doctor mask around my area. Do it as soon as possible!”

Call it a hunch, but Atsuhiro had a feeling it was going to be a big issue…


When Overhaul went back to the manor, he was surprised to see the members actually beat up to a pulp, bleeding everywhere.


“... Rappa’s Girlfriend is an otter mutant,” Chronostasis, limping from the house, said. He was taking a break, but he was using his quirk a lot to prevent anyone from dying of blood loss.

“Your point being?!”

“Well, apparently Amazonian Otters are f*cking apex predators.”

Overhaul actually made him explode to relax a bit before resurrecting his best friend.


“Shut up! We will need the local cameras to see who the f*ck took Eri! They used a quirk most likely to seal her signal off!”

Chronostasis nodded, knowing as well as Chisaki how much they depended on her.

“Once that is done, what should we do?”

“Tell the CRC I am willing to cut them a deal on the last transaction if they provide some men!”

He trusted them more than the IPS, mainly because their leader, Purifier, actually agreed with him about how society was better without quirk. It was dumb things like that which made people trust each other more.

Overhaul was angry, furious and bloodthirsty. Someone was going to pay for that mess! Rappa would be found and crucified!


A week later, Mirai was staring at a hole in the ground, where previously the Shie Hassaikai HQ, now completely gone. The spectacle was atrocious as many parts of human beings were to be seen all around them.

What the hell happened?


“Inko darling ? Remember when we had a talk about having a kid of our own?”

Atsuhiro didn’t know how to break the news to his wife about him kidnapping a child from the f*cking Yakuzas. He was pretty sure she wasn’t going to kill him or maim him for doing something stupid considering he saved a child.

He was surprised when he saw Inko fidgeting in the living room but she was puzzled by his entrance.


“Well, we are going to have one!” Atsuhiro knew that by being over happy, a weird new thing was always going to be better received than otherwise.

Inko’s reaction was totally unplanned, as her face looked extra-surprised and stared at him.

“How did you know I was pregnant!? I just did the test!”

Atsuhiro got stunned by the news before he pulled a marble and let a sleepy Eri appear on their couch.

“Actually, I was referring to this child I might have kidnapped during the grocery run to save her…” Inko saw Compress inhaling a lot before squealing extremely happily, lifting his wife, “ YOU ARE PREGNANT?!”


“To save her!”


Eri woke up timidly, before seeing the couple in front of her.

“... Hello? Oh no! I have to run! Otherwise Overhaul will… will…”

Inko glared at her husband and he put her back on the ground. Inko, with her maternal love and touch, took Eri’s little hand with her.

“Atsuhiro? Can you go check on Izuku? This little one needs some care.”


Izuku wasn’t at home, as he was at the Mall, seeing his friends. However, Atsuhiro knew his wife was simply asking for some time alone with Eri.

When Inko appeared in their bedroom, she was white of anger. The only time Atsuhiro saw her that murderous was when someone, during their younger years, dared to say Floaty's only interest as a hero was to be a “Dommy Mommy”, before Inko slammed his face against the wall.


“Atsuhiro? Do you still have our dear Rappa’s number? I need to talk to him.”


Ryo was sighing when he read the full report from Rappa and Otsu. They blew up the whole operation and the only lead they had to launch a full raid on the Yakuzas house was gone in the wild.


Rappa sat on the couch, his arm in a cast. The doctor dosed him on painkillers too, explaining how he could actually still walk.

“I have no f*cking regret. I got a little girl out and had a good fight.”

“Otsu? Punch him.”

Otsu whacked Rappa in the desk. She understood Rappa’s reasoning, but Ryo was right. In the long run, Rappa messed up their operation a lot. She was a former military, she knew that doing wrong things helped in the end.

“Sorry, but I am on Rappa’s side for this one.” Miruko said, while eating a carrot, Rappa gave her the thumb up, “I mean. We only needed to find the little girl, no? Then everything will be okay.”

“Except, Miruko, we have no f*cking lead on her and her whereabout. The Yakuzas are probably tracking her to get her back already! Do you think we will receive a magic phone call that will solve all our issues?!”

At this moment, as the narration laws willed it, Rappa’s phone rang in the room. While Miruko, Otsu and Ryo went into a shouting contest, Rappa answered the call.


After a few minutes, Rappa nodded and closed the call.

“Found the little one!”

This silenced everyone, as Rappa stretched himself and got himself a beer.


“Yes, she is at the Night Nurse’s home. She told me I got a free treatment from her for doing the good thing. She also wants Overhaul’s head on a spike.”

Ryo inhaled a lot, while Rappa drank his beer peacefully.

“She wants to see us tomorrow first thing in the morning.”

Chapter 49: War of Hate : Kindling


... This chapter is slightly insane.


Next chapter is Exegol, finally.



The CRC leader there is NOT RIGHT.

He may be slightly better than Terraformars, but he is the kind of guy who drunk every f*cking conspiracy theory there is out there.

He is one of the worst kind of villain : The one who think they are the good people, helping to free and protect the other.

Chapter Text

Chapter 49 : The War of Hate : Kindling

Long after it happened, historians were divided about when the War of Hate happened: Some say it began after the Exegol Crisis and what followed afterward but some said it probably began before as there was some evidence the CRC, the ISP and the LoV began fighting each other before.

However a few historians choose a seemingly insignificant event which in retrospect made sense: the Sako’s household siege as it was the first CRC’s attack on a civilian target. If the small fights showed the war started before, it wasn’t until that moment the War began impacting civilians.


CRC’s Sanctuary.

Purifier seemed unimpressive at first glance: he wasn’t a mass of muscle, he wasn’t with a flashy quirk and his brown hair and eyes made him unexpectedly common. It was actually one of the reasons why police had trouble taking pictures of him: he was simply a really common guy and he actually took great care of that.

However, he didn’t do it to avoid scrutiny but because he liked to stay humble. Unlike Terraformars, while he also respected All For One, he didn’t share his love for dramatic moments. In fact, Purifier wondered if All For One’s heirs didn’t represent one part of himself:

Terraformars was his ruthlessness and appreciation to hurt others and Tomura was his appreciation for a good drama and how he liked to style himself for others.

Purifier was something else.

“So, did you bring him safely?” Purifier asked while he checked his underlings' reports about their protection business and their drugs dealing with the Yakuza like this Overhaul. A nice man, honestly and one of the few people who seemed to understand how Quirk could make their owners evil.

“Yes, we managed to capture him, sire.” Iwani said to his chief, happy to be one of his lieutenants. Under the previous management, the CRC followed the rule of the strong, not unlike the IPS. As a result, someone quirkless such as himself was supposed to be an eternal footsoldier.

However, ever since Purifier took the lead, he began to promote Quirkless people if they had good tactical ideas and senses. Iwani was not someone strong in battle but he was quick on his feets and knew how to drive unlike a lot of members. As a result, he often used the equipment in his truck to make sure deals were going fine and to extract his team if needed. As a result, his team made a lot of money.

This time, though, he was sent on a “Purification mission”. A “Beast” was sighted and harassed and killed homeless people in Tokyo. The heroes were supposedly on the case but the homeless knew better than to trust the government and resigned themselves to their fate. Happily for them, the CRC had a lot of centers made to help them, allowing them to heal and recruit people for the cause.

Iwani and his team had to hunt the rabid mongoose mutant in the sewer. Probably a bad case of Trigger, one with botched quality. Either that or a Carnivorous mutant who let his animal instinct take control of himself. It was more common than what the government said. The doctors' data were all falsified as they were all in the complot to replace the population with mindless beasts, good for handiwork!

If they didn’t act now to wipe out mutants, they would replace Japan’s population and the elites would win!

Iwani believed in his holy crusade and he would dirty himself so others wouldn’t have to.

His men brought the mongoose mutant who was enraged by the restraint; truly more animal than man.

“GRAAAAAA!” The beast said before trying to destroy his chains. Sadly for the mutant, the CRC’s chains were specifically made with Western metallurgy techniques. Unless you were among the top tier of the mutants like Mizunaka or Gang Orca, you had no hope to break them.

“Permission to shoot him, my lord?”

Purifier stared at the man, disapprovingly. It was the old way, not the new way like he wanted to lead the CRC. He was a savior, not a petty thug.

“No. There is a man under this beastly skin and I shall save him.”

Without a fear, as everyone in the main room stared at the spectacle, Purifier walked in front of the rabid beast who tried to maul his face.

The young man was unimpressed by the display of brutality and the sound of the maws trying to eat him.


“No.” Purifier said in a whisper, yet everyone heard him. Purifier hugged the beast with all of his might. Kindness in strength and a total lack of hatred or disgust in his action.

Everyone in the Sanctuary wept at the spectacle: their leader was hugging with love one of their enemies, one they despised with their heart. Yet, their leader’s love for mankind and his credo that even under a beast skin there was a man were strong enough to make the beast back away.

Proof being the Mongoose slowly turning back into a human. A blond human who was naked while the hug continued.

“DIE DIe… Die?”

It was as if a fog was lifted on his mind as he stared at everyone in the room. He felt… Cold. Weak. Sane.

He lifted his hands and saw fingers, actual finger. Not paws, no claws… Fingers he could move.

He was…


Purifier smiled at him with a pure and heartwarming smile as the man discovered his own human body, free from his mutation quirk. He was pure.

“Can someone bring a mirror to this man?” Purifier asked, still holding the man’s wrist.

Quickly, someone brought a full sized mirror. The blond man wept at the sight in the mirror.

“What… What…”

“Calm down. I know this is a shock. The Beast is gone, my friend. This… This is my gift. I can erase any quirk as long as I hold the person. In the case of mutants, it frees them from their mutation.”

The Man was shocked. He kneeled, weeping.

“I was… I was under control of the savagery inside me! I don’t know what happened!”

“What is your name, brother?” Purifier asked with compassion. He knew exactly what happened and the man suffered a lot. He pitied him.

“I think… My name was Serizawa.” Suddenly, he got some flashes of his memory and promptly vomited on the ground, terrorized, “OH GOD, I ATE SOMEONE?!”

“The Beast ate someone,” Purifier corrected, “Not you. You are innocent, Serizawa. Calm down. It is going to be okay.”

The man, on his knee, was weeping as he was seeing what he did during this period where he lost his humanity.

“How can you be so sure?! I am a…”

“You are human. Anyone who denies you deserves to be shot on the spot.” Purifier said, with steel in his voice. Serizawa was staring at him, not believing his ears.

“Please. I don’t want to hurt anyone. I don’t want to be a beast.”

“I know my friend. I promise you. The Beast will never come back again.”

“Ho… How?”

“Inhale. Focus on my voice and only on it. Close your eyes and think about a happy moment in your life… Or maybe a dream?”

“... I remember when I was leading a scientific team to learn more about the radiation and how it makes quirks evolve.”

“Let me guess. Florida?” Purifier was also quite interested in the subject and he remembered reading a thesis by Dr Serizawa.

“Yes. Considering my mutation, I thought I was stronger than what was there.” He cried once again. “I was so wrong…”

“But you were happy.” Purifier redirected his thoughts, “You were with a team, your friends.”

“I met my wife there. She… We had a son. He has her quirk, radiation manipulation: he can heatwave his milk with his hand!”

“Now I want you to focus on your family. How happy you will be to meet them as a human. Imagine, your son hugging you and not some fur…”

“I… I see,” Serizawa was smiling when his neck broke, killing him instantly and painlessly.

“Thank you Sakura.” Purifier said to his Executioner. The young woman with pink hair nodded her head, solemnly. Taking a life was a hard decision, one that must never be easy as Purifier said.

One tear fell on her cheek.

Purifier released his grasp from the dead doctor. His body didn’t turn back into a mutant. He hated killing people he wanted to save. However, his quirk only worked as long as he held people… Unless they died their quirk suppressed. Then, they stayed human. Pure.


Purifier stared at the good doctor and crossed his arms on his chest.

“Dress him and send him back to his family. He deserves to be wept by them.”


Tomura was dramatic. Terraformars was cruelty.

Purifier was conviction.

“Sir! The Shie Hissekai asked for our help resolving an issue!”

Purifier raised a curious eyebrow. He was one of the few people aware of Chisaki’s project to create a permanent anti-quirk drug. Purifier was extremely interested in it as it would allow him to… You know. Save people by actually saving them, not killing them. He was one of his biggest sponsors and trading partners as result.

“... Big issue?”

“Extremely. He said his project would suffer a significant setback if he doesn’t solve it.”

Purifier grumbled as he knew he didn’t have any strike squad ready as of now. His lightning attempt on the LoV recently diminished his ability to attack.

“Do we have an attack team we can spare?”

“I can do it, my lord.” Iwani helpfully said before Purifier shook his head.

“No. You are needed to plan the next attack to kill the LoV.”

Purifier hoped to get Chisaki’s bullets but Sensei’s ability to take quirks was another solution he wanted to explore.

Unlike this f*cking Terraformars, he hated killing and he couldn’t wait for the day he disposes of this beast!

As for Tomura… Well, the man seemed actually like a better person than what he heard initially. He had nothing against him but his death was a necessary sacrifice, one he was willing to make.

“What is the issue exactly?” Purifier asked the messenger while he looked through the message.

“Apparently the “Eri” got stolen, sir.”

Purifier nodded; understanding why Overhaul asked for help. The mutant girl. The necessary abomination and cursed child to save the world. Losing her would be a huge setback, yes.

“Overhaul promises that if the operation is a success, we will get 50 free bullets, sir.”

Purifier smiled as he saw Chisaki knew the rule: You obtained something by asking politely, sure, but you could get even more if you offered something in exchange.

“Tell Cloak and Dagger they are in for an extraction mission. Tell Chisaki we will answer the call. Do we have some leftovers from Purity’s era?”

Purifier smiled as his lieutenant nodded. It was always fun to see some racists get trashed.


“How is holding the little one?” Ryo was a mission first guy, but he wasn’t heartless. Especially as the girl was finally safe and a very important witness for the investigation.

Inko was busy bringing tea for everyone in the room, meaning Ryo, Rappa, Rumi, Compress and herself. Which was quite the firepower in the room. Otsu was staying in Miruko’s gym to protect it, just in case.

Compress would have loved to call the Levellers to help but they were busy at the moment: Gentle was doing his best to show they were active and it was also a good opportunity to see how much Gentle learned under him.

(In the background, the news spoke how Gentle Criminal was busy fighting Wash and Orca live, after he broke into a diet member’s manor and stole things inside of it and what was suspiciously looking like an enamored woman with him.)

“She is getting cuddled by my son. He has summoned a bunch of cute beast to drown her in fluffiness and happiness,” Atsuhiro explained with a smile, “She should be fine and be safe with him.”

“The summon guy, right? I remember his fight against my intern. He isn’t bad.” Rumi mentioned but she preferred Katsuki viciousness in a fight and bloodlust. She was waiting impatiently for his return to train him even harder than before. Yui was definitely training even more as a result.

“I wonder if I can ask him to summon another me to punch me in the face…” Rappa had his priorities and it was a good fight. Compress sighed with Ryo while Inko grumbled.

“So, what can we expect? Yakuzas I guess?”

“If my profile on Overhaul is correct, he probably asked for reinforcement from his client. We have rumors he worked on a product that could destroy quirks. Rappa?” Ryo was clearly the brain in their trio.

“He has a bullet that can suppress your quirk for a few minutes. The definitive version is almost completed from what Chronostasis wrote.” Rappa explained while carefully drinking his tea offered by Inko. He still remembered how angry she was when, in their younger years, he tried to be a macho man in front of her and spilled some tea.

Never again.

“So, they are definitely coming for that girl and then going to hide after killing us all.” Inko wasn’t dumb and she was going to be the one with the girl, most likely.

“Miruko, you will give Izuku the authorization to use his quirk, right?” Compress asked. At this point, he was wondering if his secret identity was still a secret and if he shouldn’t just be a hero full-time.

“Well, we are technically inside your house and he is technically allowed to use it there. But yes, if the big bad guys arrive, I expect the young Izuku to use his quirk to protect everyone in the apartment.”

Compress and Ryo began to think. So… How would they do this?


Tomura and the other members of the LoV were trying to catch their breath in their new hideout.

Toga was laying on the couch, dead tired and not even trying to lick the blood from her face. Too many f*cking insect mutants. Hell, even the burned stench was going to stick if she didn’t find a way to get a shower soon. sh*t, it had been hard to explain to Tamaki twice why she smelled weird when they met up at the mall while spying on their friend’s crush.

They totally didn’t stop following them to do their own activity which was basically trying some food stalls for weird quirk eaters.

Dabi was smoking against the wall. The one time where a porcupine bastard almost shot him through a window was a good enough lesson to never do it again. (“If you do a stakeout, Touya, never light a flame next to a window. You will be a target”).

This angered him even more.

Spinner, meanwhile, was busy freaking out at the situation. Don’t worry Spinner, you will get to make new friends for the cause! It will be an easy mission, you will see! No risk to be involved in a bloody succession war for the right to be the Quirk Thief’s heir! He just wanted to go back to his girlfriend, really.

Loony Toon was currently having the time of her life: she got to kill fools without any kind of limitation. Even Tomura said so: bastards like them didn’t deserve to live, they were the worst and they were weak.

It was always fun to make a portal against the wall, run through it and when the enemy tried to follow her… Stopping the quirk, making them hit the wall hard.

Then, of course, she would smash their head with her new hammer, the Foolkiller. It was fun!

Then all of their break suddenly came to an end when Twice managed to fix the TV in their lounge:

“We are in direct from Musutafu where the Yakuza and some heroes apparently battled out furiously!”

“Boss? Isn’t that the apartment where your totally not cousin lives?” Twice pointed out making Tomura suddenly pay more attention to the TV as he was forced to see that Twice had a point.

So, Tomura did the smart thing.



SmallMight: sh*t, you already know?!


SmallMight: Funnily enough? Not my fault.

Bomberman: Bullsh*t.

SmallMight: No seriously, it was Dad’s fault. He rescued a little girl and brought her home. The Yakuza had an issue with that.

Bomberman: f*ck. That must have been a fun fight.

SmallMight: Miruko said she had a blast.


Munchkin: … You have issues kid.

SmallMight: :stare:

Bomberman: I am perfectly fine!

Munchkin: Still. What the f*ck.

SmallMight: So, basically, the Yakuza came with like 40 people and a few strong quirks. Like their boss, he actually destroyed half of the building in one touch!

Bomberman: Izuku, you live in a 13 floor tall building.

Munchkin: Even I would have trouble doing that. *And I wear limiter.*

SmallMight: Took him like 15 seconds. Mom almost got caught in the slide. Hell, firemen are still looking through the stone.

Bomberman: Fuuuuuu

SmallMight: Thankfully, he wasn’t fully a dick. Either that or he knows that killing indiscriminately people would bring a lot of heat on him. He had a subordinate gather everyone in some kind of bubble with an air way.

Munchkin: Good tactic: heroes and rescue people will focus more on saving the people than chasing after him, if he escapes.

SmallMight: He escaped. However Miruko apparently knows who he is and she is arranging an emergency raid on his place. All-Might’s assistant himself is planning an emergency raid.


Nighteye was sitting in front of a bloody Miruko, the red fluid flowing from her head and from a half broken ear. He was pretty sure only 10% of the blood belonged to her and it was both reassuring and frightening.

“By All-Might, how the f*ck did you mess with MY INVESTIGATION?!”

“Please,” Miruko said, smiling smugly while eating a carrot. She crossed her legs in front of a Nighteye trying to comprehend the report next to her, “MY investigation was a success. I got a mole…”


“... If I told you the reasons, you wouldn’t believe me, virgin four-eyes.”

Miruko got hit by a water bomb launched from outside thanks to an opened window. Mirai actually saw she would be highly infuriating and planned beforehand for stress relief.


“Try me.”

“FINE! Rappa is an old friend, I met Knuckle Duster thanks to him when I was younger. We stayed in contact and I introduced him to his now girlfriend.”

Mirai’s face showed his lack of belief mankind could be saved by that point.


“She is my secretary.”

“... Rappa, the huge brute of the underworld, fell in love with a meek secretary?”

Miruko showed her smartphone to Mirai, presenting a video. In it, Otsu was fighting violently with someone who looked suspiciously like Gang Orca with a fake mustache. She lost the fight but managed to bring the huge mutant to his knee a few times until he had to use his sonic attack.

“I retract the last statement. f*ck. If I had known, I would have asked your agency for help earlier.”

“So… What about the raid on the Yakuza’s remnants?”

“I am planning it. As far as our network can tell us, Overhaul made some panicked calls. Probably calling in huge favors. However, no one seemed to come. He is probably preparing to bunker down for a final stand.”

Mirai knew that Overhaul’s research was cruel, sickening and also utterly brilliant. Given to someone like David Shield, it could help untold people with their quirks. Some would be appealed he was thinking like that but Mirai was among the people who thought the Americans had a point by exfiltrating Nazi scientifics to the U.S.A. post WW2.

Then, the earth shook hard and the windows that weren’t open exploded, the shockwave sending both pro heroes on the ground.

Both of them got back on their feet quickly and both wondered… What? What happened?




Purifier was looking at Cloak and Dagger. Both of them were heavily battered by what happened to them, presenting clear signs of electrocution, fire and various other wounds.

“Cloak. Dagger. Report.”

“Your friend the Yakuza was right about the fact the house was inhabited by heroes,” the huge man who was wearing a cape around him. His power allowed him to generate a warp zone between two surfaces under the shadows and if he had a line of sight. Very useful for ambush and kidnapping.

“However, he failed to indicate the kid was rescued by the kid who went to town with Wolfram on I-Island.” Dagger pointed, groaning, as she slammed her dagger against her arm.

Purifier winced at the sight before seeing the previous wound heal. Dagger’s quirk was f*cking weird: if she hurted you, it would heal. If she tried to heal you, it would hurt you. It was extremely useful for kidnapping too, as it allowed the target to not kill by mistake. Also, knowing she couldn’t hurt with her knife allowed her to put the knife against the jugular without any kind of hesitation and any truth quirk would register her willingness to slash it as hostility and being highly serious about her threat. Win win.

“The kid that can summon things? Damn. What did he summon? Heroes? Giant monsters?”

Both villains starred at themselves, before explaining…


Warper were either long range but slow to charge or short range but you could spam it as long as you had endurance.

Cloak was proud to think he was most likely the best short range warper in Japan and probably in Asia.

They met up with Chisaki before conducting the raid on the apartment. Chisaki was to attract the heroes’ attention with his small army while the two villains conducted a special raid to kidnap fast and clean the little girl.


A few seconds after that, Dagger heard the distinct sound of a cactus being thrown at someone way below. Probably the Yakuza who dared to speak.

The two of them infiltrated the building quite easily actually. They went inside before everything went to hell by teleporting themselves inside a car which went in the underground parking linked to the building. After that, they teleported themselves several times on the top of the building to have a good idea of what was happening outside.

Now, they were chilling on the roof, waiting for the best moment to attack.

“That’s actually impressive, you know? To see Miruko, Rappa and this Hawaiian guy going into the field to fight the Yakuza.” Cloak said while eating some food. He wasn’t going to wait without anything after all.

“Quite. However, I don’t think they are idiots enough to let the kid stay without protection.” Dagger pointed out while pulling out her dagger and Chisaki’s radar. Eri’s signal was below them. Probably a few floors down.

Both of them pulled their CRC masks and robes before getting ready. It was a quick Snatch and Run. What was the worst that could happen?


Inko wasn’t a fighter anymore. She didn’t have a fight in years after all. However, she still had good senses. As a result, she was ready to demonstrate why a frying pan was a powerful tool in the hand of a mama bear. She knew, however, she was like their before-last line of defense if some people passed the heroes. It was a possibility and part of the battle plan after all.

Compress, meanwhile, was busy lying in the shadow with several marbles, ready to unleash them on whoever tried to harm his family.

Atsuhiro had been alone most of his life but now he had a wife, a son and probably an adorable daughter.

So when the first Yakuza emerged from the stairs, exhausted by having to run through the stairs, Atsuhiro didn’t quip for once.

The Yakuza, upon seeing the man’s angry face, knew he probably had better odds with Rappa and Miruko, before hearing his own arms break.

“For today’s show… I will make some assholes disappear.”

Compress said with no fun and pleasantness in his voice, as the Yakuzas began to flow in the stairs.

Truth to be told, Compress wore a mask to hide his expressions when he was working because he was highly expressive. The bad guys were currently seeing a true demon, ready to do what was needed to defend his family.

Soon, people in the building were hearing loud and audible cracking noises, followed by screams.


Izuku Sako, born Midoriya. As of now, if you were to refer to the official UNO’s power chart, he would be a lower Class Six. That information was known only by a few people. Garaki, All For One, All Might, Nedzu and David Shield. The last three decided Izuku deserved to be among the Class Six after discovering Optimus’ head.

A Cybertronian, something that didn’t exist before and now it fully existed in their world. David was busy trying to reverse-engineer the technology but the implications were incredible.

They were also incredibly worried if Izuku were to summon bad creatures, evil things.

However, currently, Izuku Sako was busy making sure Eri was fine. How? Well, by hugging her softly, promising the cute girl that everything was going to be okay. The fact she was relaxing in soft mane was greatly helping.

Also, thanks to his training and UA, Izuku now had nerves of steel. He was hard to surprise. So when two assholes appeared in front of him from some shadow gate, he wasn’t surprised or worried.

“Shush! Don’t make noise, Eri is sleeping.”

Izuku’s big brother side had been triggered by the little girl and he was ready to do a lot of things to protect the little one.

Dagger and Cloak didn’t smile as they took a battle stance while Izuku was busy playing with Eri’s hair.


Suddenly, Dagger was interrupted by a blue blur which sent her flying against the wall. Cloak barely had the time to react before being lassoed and thrown on the opposite wall.

Izuku wasn’t smiling to them as his hands were playing with several decks of cards.

“My name is Izuku Sako. I fought some villains on I-Island a few days ago. I went and won against a class S villain with an emergency deck, something I have when I don’t expect trouble.”

The two CRC’s villains saw what attacked them and didn't believe their eyes.

“We are in my home. In my room. I took off all of my All Might’s goodies because I expected a fight. However, you are literally in the place where I have everything I need.”

Rainbow Dash and Applejack stepped out of the shadow, apparently not happy at all. Curiously, seeing cartoon ponies in the real world made them extremely creepy. The fact they were growling at them was also an intimidating factor.

“Thankfully for you, I wanted to show only cute things to Eri. Otherwise, I would have summoned an Endeavor to torch you.” Izuku said, before letting the ponies beat up the bad guys.

People from the old times created too many card games to be fair.


“You got beaten up by… ponies.” Purifier was wondering if the two were pulling his legs, but they weren’t. At all.

“We only managed to escape because of what Overhaul did afterward.” Dagger explained, while stabbing multiple time Cloak to heal him.


Chisaki was many things but patient wasn’t one of his qualities. Methodical, clinical? Sure. Patient? No. It was the reason why Emilia had better grades than him when they studied under Garaki, as she took her time for her experiments to mature. He would use his quirk to accelerate the procedure, often with… Consequences.

So, when Chisaki saw a blast coming from one apartment, most likely the Sako’s, he knew the CRC’s squad triggered some kind of trap.

In front of him, Miruko, Rappa and the third guy with blue flame and who fought like some kind of Street Fighting Hero were holding down most of his men.

The battle was most likely lost.

Still, Overhaul couldn’t… He WOULDN’T LET THE HEROES WIN.

Chisaki let a roar out of his throat and began to jump in the frey, touching all of his men as he went on and on.

Very quickly, Miruko, Rappa and Ryo were facing a small Kaiju sized Overhaul, who then proceed to f*ck up the building in one hit, causing a massive landslide.



Munchkin: So, wait. The reason about how he managed to destroyed a good chunk of the building was because he went full fusion dance with all the unconscious people on the ground? THE f*ck IS THAT QUIRK?!

SmallMight: The hell if I know. That quirk is op!

Bomberman: … All I got is you let ponies beat up people to protect a little girl. Adorable. Why do you even have such cards?

SmallMight: To protect frightened little girls.

Munchkin: … To my great surprise, I validated that answer.

It still doesn’t tell me how you dealt with that Overhaul f*ck.

SmallMight: With a card.


“MOM!” Izuku didn’t know at that time that Inko and everyone else was fine. Chisaki was mad and panicked but as said before, quite clinical. He knew he would need hostages and trapped civilians to increase his odds of successfully running away.

Izuku was, as a result, legitimately angry and pulled his Yu-Gi-Oh book of cards.


“f*ck YOU ! DE-FUSION!” Izuku yelled, while pulling a certain magic card. As he said before, his room was basically the place where he had the most opportunities to use his quirk and he had now more than a year to accumulate cards.

In addition to that, Momo held up good on her promise to help him find rare cards thanks to her family monopoly on card games… That and the Den of the Drake’s network of neckbeards.

Izuku was proud to be a hero that could manage every situation with all of his tools.

Overhaul didn’t appreciate to re-appear like a dumbass on the ground with a lot of confused people who were wondering why they weren’t an angry monster anymore.

Then, they got smashed by very angry heroes who needed to pacify the place before rescuing the civilians.


“f*ck. Nothing good came from it then.”

“Yeah, about that… Did the Yakuza ever send you a photo from the kid?” Cloak said while being stabbed violently by Dagger.

“Only she was partially mutated and her quirk was highly out of control. Why?”

Cloak explained why. Purifier went pale, whiter than a skull bleached by the sun.

“I need to make a call. Right now.”


“I need your help and I am using my favor.”


“Kurogiri? Open a portal.”


Chisaki was sitting on the ground while his minions prepared a throne-like chair for their visitor.

He hated groveling in front of someone that wasn’t a Yakuza like the Boss but their visitor wasn’t someone you could trifle with.

Chronostasis was with him and obviously the man was sweating. Chisaki could understand why, especially when a shadow cloud appeared out of nowhere and from it emerged Kurogiri and a man with a huge dark mask.

“Aaaah… I haven't gone outside since…”

“Since last week, sir, to stretch your legs.” Kurogiri helpfully provided for his master. All For One nodded and sat on the throne prepared for him. The man had a huge body and everything about him said he was in control. He was powerful and able to kill all of them, even in this disgraced form.

Chisaki stayed silent. His adoptive father told him how an audience with All For One went and how the man didn’t appreciate what he perceived as disrespect. You didn’t speak unless you were asked first. You were respectful. You prepared good wine if possible or the best saké you had if nothing else.

You needed to make the man a king. Only then would he propose a deal to have your soul in exchange for what you needed the most.

“So. You have asked for an audience. I have seen the news. What is your request?”

Chisaki, still prostrated, remembered what Garaki told him: once All For One executed someone for raising their head when they were not expressly told to.

“I humbly request your help to take back what is mine and protect my clan.”

All For One stayed silent for a second. He contemplated the demand before speaking again.

“Do you have a picture of the child?” The Emperor of Evil asked in a warm voice, deceptive as a snake.

Chronostasis helpfully provided a picture. Eri was smiling in the picture, held by her dad.

“The picture is a bit old, however it is the best we have, sir.”

Kurogiri took the picture with his smartphone, allowing his master to see it. The intel was correct.

The mask didn’t help understand All For One’s emotion. He coldly put the picture on the table.

“What happened to the man?”

“He was a victim of the cursed child’s quirk. We believe he was rewinded to nothingness.” Chisaki knew he was telling a lot but All For One could see through lies. Honesty was the only way out.

“I see. Small mercy then,” All For One looked thoughtful as his hand reached his neck to scratch it, “What do I get from this?”

“My erasure bullets once they are done. My quirk too. With my medical knowledge, healing you would be a child's play.”

“Also your men under my command until I deem as you have repaid your debt.” All For One didn’t propose. He stated the obvious.

Chisaki didn’t move. It was easy. He was actually too frightened by All For One’s aura to dare move.

“It is an excellent deal.” All For One said, nodding quietly.

Chronostasis allowed himself a smile. Thank god, they were saved!

“However, I have an issue,” All For One said and immediately black blade emanated from the lord of crime, “Scratch that, I HAVE SEVERAL ISSUES!” He yelled quite angrily, as a shockwave partially destroyed the room and made the yakuza leaders fly against the wall.

Overhaul tried to get back up for the fight, not expecting that reaction as he was highly respectful during the whole thing but…

He got impaled next to Chronostasis faster than he could say anything and his hands were vaporized by a laser quirk from his hands.

Red lasers, while dark sparks runned through the highly diminished man. All For One was clearly going for the kill and destroying all of them, for a perceived slight. Chisaki had to know.

“Wh… Why?! Don’t tell me it is because I experimented on a child!?”

All For One smirked audibly before decapitating Chronostasis.

“f*ck no. I have a teen I torture by forcing to play for his life in my cave. No, the reason is way more simple. The little kid and the green haired one.” All For One wasn’t going to let Chisaki die ignorant of his sins after all.

Chisaki tried to say something as All For One began to glow in a blinding purple light.


“They are my grandchildren. I don’t tolerate when people take my family away from me. As a punishment, I will take everything from you.” All For One said as more and more energy emanated from him. He wasn’t supposed to do things like that. It was highly idiotic in his state.

Seikyo didn’t care at all about that: someone had hurt his family. Someone had hurt his granddaughter, one he would have cared for! One he would have made happy and raised as a princess of crime!

Also, he was pretty certain she could have healed him AGE AGO, FOR f*ck SAKE.

So, All For One decided to combine several quirks as an homage from an anime of the old time. He was probably the last person to remember it. Oh well, it was never too late for a reference.

“OH GOD NO, DON’T!” Chisaki tried to plead but All For One wasn’t known for his mercy.

“I… AM… ATOMIC!” All For One said with a smile, as the energy suddenly went out.

Chisaki could only cry as he saw a blinding light destroy everything he ever loved in a powerful burst of energy, unstoppable and unforgiving.

The only mercy All For One granted that day, was a swift and painless death. The remaining Yakuzas didn’t even know they died.


“Kurogiri? Tell the young Monoma I decided to spare him a whole week. His quirk is going to be way more useful than what I thought.” All For One was already pondering what he could do with Eri’s quirk.

“Very well sire. What about young Purifier?”

“... He provided true information. He was faithful and more importantly, he was useful. I give him Machia.”

Both of them missed the fact Chisaki didn’t leave a skeleton but some kind of sludge behind him.


Garaki’s lab.

Emily’s special project: Noumu Remote Control.

Chisaki cried, screamed his pain when Emilia took from him the remote control helmet. f*ck! The plan was simply to have the Noumu as a body double in case All For One tried to steal his quirk! All For One always found fun people who managed to escape his quirk! That was part of the plan…

Well, until All For One decided to blow the f*ck up the Yakuza.

“CHISAKI KAI. YOU ARE HERE!” Emilia tried to ground him in reality, with a powerful hug. She needed to help him remember he was safe. Not there. Not with all of the dead Yakuzas.

Garaki, hearing the scream, came on his floating chair. He didn’t expect such a scream as he helped Chisaki prepare for the meeting. It should have pleased All For One!

“What’s happening?! All For One killed someone?”

“He…He…” Chisaki was bawling like a child, as he saw the Yakuza, his house. His home. The Boss… “Everyone is dead. He killed them all.” He still felt the blast on his skin, Chronostasis’ head falling beside him.

Garaki opened his mouth before closing it. Chisaki, for the first time in his life, was actively crying, tears streaming on his cheeks as Emilia kept him in her arms, in a warm hug.

His Boss was dead. His Father was dead because of him. Because he asked for All For One’s help. He asked the Devil to save everything he cared for and the Devil took everything.

Chisaki was still sobbing, when he fell asleep, in Emilia and Garaki’s arms.

“... Emilia? Change of plan. I was thinking of sparing All For One for his help, even if he didn’t know he helped.” Garaki said, his voice actually cold. Emilia nodded, as she knew what he was going to say.

“f*ck All For One?”

“f*ck All For One.”

The Kindling of the War of Hate all began because a child was rescued and a Yakuza called for help.

It would have begun anyway but that act of kindness and that act of cruelty was recorded as having amplified what happened during the Cataclysm at the end of the War.

Chapter 50: Exegol : Part 1


In which Izuku does something dumb, a brick joke from one of the first chapters is revealed and also might contain Exodia.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 50: Exegol: Beginning.

Izuku wasn’t happy. Yes, Monoma was an ass. Yes, he enjoyed slapping him with an otter and then beating him with an equivalent quirk to hammer the fact Izuku was superior to him. Still, he didn’t wish for him to be kidnapped by some kind of weird crime lord. How did he know that? Because he heard what happened from people in the restaurant and the fact Atsuhiro wasn’t as stealthy as he thought he was when Nedzu and co-called him at home.

As a result, Izuku had managed to eavesdrop on a few elements, such as the kidnapping thing, the fact it was most likely targeted, and the fact no one had a concrete lead on where the blond dumbass was.

However, Izuku had one lead. One hope to find Monoma.

He opened the door to the Den of the Drake, before sitting in front of Tomura who was shuffling his deck with a lot of thought of his own.



Tomura was frantically panicking when Kurogiri announced the news to the LoV. Yes, he couldn’t help them physically per All For One’s orders. However, he could always drop some intel by mistake to them.

Quickly, all members of the LoV observed their usually calm and collected leader going into full crisis mode, exactly like when Nejire invited him to a surprise date.

Except this time, it was way less funny.

“Indeed, young Tomura. It is because Purifier managed to bring excellent intel to Sensei about some of his family’s whereabouts.”

Tomura managed to calm down a little when Loony kicked him in the jaw to snap him out of his shock, while the various’ spies in the LoV (which meant every member except Loony) took notes of that: All For One had a family and apparently cared for them a lot.

“...Sensei gives boons to people bringing intel on his family?” Tomura was interested because he knew that part of this strange war he suddenly had to wage on the other groups was because he displeased Sensei.

“Only on missing members. As far as I know, there are only two people on that list: His granddaughter, Eri, and his grandson.” Kurogiri explained while pouring for the oldest members of the LoV and Loony a small beer.

“Could bringing one to him persuade him to stop this war?” Tomura knew he couldn’t fight Machia as it was pretty much the ultimate Noumu one could hope to see. Even with Dabi and Twice combo, they would probably only dent him. Hell, if he was right about the reasons why Machia was created, it would be even less effective than trying to punch him with All Might’s quirk.

“Why… Yes, of course,” Kurogiri answered with a smile, “However, you have to be careful. The young Eri is currently protected by a lot of heroes. Even Sensei is carefully planning how to rescue her.”

“And the grandson?” Tomura asked, curious.

“Well, if you can bring the young student hero student “Joker” peacefully, I can safely say Sensei could probably hug you and reinstate your status as an heir and make everyone stop their attack.” Kurogiri knew his Master’s plan. Parts of him were trying to manipulate Tomura both to protect him and also because he knew All For One managed to win because he forced everyone to walk to his beat.

Bringing Izuku early could throw a wrench inside his carefully made machine.

Tomura paled when he heard what Kurogiri said. Izuku. Sensei’s grandson. On the one hand, it made sense. His absurd quirk was probably the result of both the remains of One For All inside their family tree (the Shimura’s) and of a mutation of All For One, the father of all collecting quirk.

Could it be that Endgame was about releasing the collective imaginative strength of Mankind through one of its oldest mediums, cards?

That was Tomura’s current theory but it still didn’t calm his inner turmoil.

Turmoils no one missed in the group. After all, some of them had met Izuku already and knew he was Joker…

“... He would be safe, right?”

“My dear Tomura. Nothing is more important to Sensei than Family.” Kurogiri assured his charge, kindly.

Still, Tomura balanced himself on his chair. Somehow he had a bad feeling about this.


Shouto wasn’t having a good morning and he wasn’t sure his afternoon was going to be stellar either. First off, he actually missed Bakugou’s presence. He was, after all, one of the first true friends he ever got.

He was abrasive and angry and sometimes it turned it on turbo. On the other hand, if you ever needed to speak, he was there to give you his advice (which often could be summarized as “kick the son of a bitch”). If you needed help, he was also there (and it once again could be resumed as “kick the son of a bitch”).

Izuku was nice too, though. They simply bonded less.

No, really, the reason why Shouto was currently extremely lost in his own thoughts was because of the latest fallout he heard between his father and his mother.


“So what, you are planning to run away from your responsibility, again?!” Rei wasn’t happy at all with Enji, as the ice coming out of her was a good hint.

“All I am saying is that literally, the less they see me, the better they would be.” Endeavor said calmly, using his quirk with calm and precision to heat it to the perfect temperature. Perfect.

“If you do that, all that will achieve is cementing you as the bad parent!” Rei pointed out, which made Enji raise an eyebrow.

“... Because I am not?”

“If you don’t try to be a better one…”

“Rei, I have no f*cking clue on how to be a good father. As far as I can tell, the last months of me being away from them made wonders for the kids.” Enji correctly pointed, even if you could detect a hint of sadness in his voice.

Rei, in fact, was worried about the situation. Ever since her discussion with Burnin’, she paid a lot more attention to Enji and noticed worrying signs. He was still determined but he wasn’t burning with energy like before. It was more like the embers you used to cook: hot, durable, but they didn’t shine as hard as they used and you would fear they would die out without anyone noticing.

“So, your solution is to leave me to be the good parent and just… go away?”

“... When weren’t you the good one?” Enji pointed out with a sigh, “I was always the one to yell after them. I was always the one to slap their hand from the hot kettle, remember.”

Some ice almost pulverized the door behind him, as Rei was actually angrier than before.

“Are you saying that I left you with that job?”

Enji tilted his head.

“... Wasn’t that my job from the start? I was the bad one with feeling, and you were the one with empathy.”


“Please, Rei. Literally one of the first things you said to me when we met at the hospital was about my father. We both know you weren’t speaking about Nedzu,” Endeavor pointed out in a way too soft voice. Apparently, he had lost too many hopes during the last months, “You were always the good parent.”

He left unsaid the fact he was always going to be the cursed one. The angry one. The villainous one.

“Even with Touya, I was the one who had to physically stop him from hurting Shouto, remember?”

“I didn’t have the strength…” Rei tried to defend herself but was met with a chuckle.

“Not strong enough? Rei. Don't make me laugh. Had you decided to be in the field, you would probably be among the top 5 heroes in sheer power. I know you began to teach Shouto how to make more precise forms with ice, don’t say you don’t have control on it.”

Rei’s strength had been literally one of the reasons he fell in love with her.

“If you had wanted to stop Touya, even once, when he was younger, you could have. You simply didn’t want to.”

A pin could be heard dropping when Enji said that, and his tea exploded in ice.

“YOU DARE?!” Rei yelled, before she continued, “I was a fool to think you could be someone better than your father!”

“OF COURSE I DARE!” Finally, Enji yelled, in front of her “BECAUSE YOU AND I BOTH KNOW IT IS THE TRUTH! But it was easier to let the son of the devil do the bad work.” Enji said getting up and going to the door.

“Enji that’s not what I…” Rei realizing what she just said to him tried to get back on her word. How did it go from her trying to convince him to have another chance at her actually throwing such things at him?

“That’s what everyone thinks anyway. Literally. Hell, did you know the only chart I get number 1 is for villainous-looking heroes?” Endeavor chuckled at the thought, “I don’t blame you Rei. You should enjoy being a good mom. I will take all the blame because we both know that I deserve it and I was always supposed to do that. Also, thank you. For allowing me to think I could be normal a long time ago.”

Rei stayed silent, wondering what to do. Enji was… Turning bad.


After the Exegol Crisis.

“And you didn’t notice he was actually falling into depression?!” Nedzu was yelling at Gomesu Shinso when he learned about that discussion from a devastated Rei.

“He was excellent at hiding it! How was I supposed to guess what he was telling people in private?! Yes, my quirk allows me to let their true feelings come out… But it is not perfect. Not to mention his previous GODDAMN BRAINWASHING!"

Nedzu growled uncharacteristically from him.

“... But now it is too late to guess or blame anyone.” Nedzu said, as a screen behind him showed the current hero ranking. “Or even ask him.”

Endeavor's name wasn’t on the leaderboard.


Back to the present.

Shouto heard everything because at that moment, he was going to give a report and a coffee to Burnin. It was too late to get out of the way and he simply erased his presence.

It didn’t improve his mood. Especially as he was thinking he was also useless most of the time. Like, if he had accepted to go on I-Island, Katsuki would still have his arm.

So, Shouto did the only thing he could do. He accepted Izuku’s request to be his Bakugou. It should occupy his afternoon quietly.



Both stared at each other and chuckled even with their burdens. It was always fun how synchronized they were.

Tomura nodded in Izuku’s direction, to tell him to go first.

“... I need to ask you for a favor.” Izuku explained and used a card. It was a bubble, which enveloped them and stopped all noise from being heard. Sure, it was Friday afternoon and basically, except the shop owner, no one was there.

Izuku still didn’t want to take any risks.

“... I am listening.” Tomura knew he had a favor to ask Izuku too. One that could put him in danger. It was the very least he could do, to let him ask first for a favor.

“...We both know you are the heir of a bad guy. A kind of a mob boss.”

Ah sh*t. It was true. Izuku analyzed him a few months ago and they had an unspoken agreement to not speak too much about it.

“...Yeees, some kind of mob boss. Why?” It was a f*cking understatement. All For One was the mob boss of the mob bosses.

“I need information on a kidnapped friend and the heroes don’t have a f*cking clue.” So he was taking the investigation in his hands. Izuku fought Class S villains and helped repel other villain attacks recently. He could do this.

Hell, he wasn’t an idiot, and his current decks were packing so much firepower it would probably make the government scared if they knew what he had.

“... I… Might introduce you to him.” Tomura said. Technically, he knew All For One wanted to meet Izuku. So, he could arrange the meeting, let both of them meet quietly and nothing bad would happen. That way, everyone won! Perfect! He loved when something actually went his way.

“... Seriously? You think he might know something?” Izuku was curious but reassured when Tomura nodded his head. His older friend was weird but reliable.

“... I just want you to swear the usual thing. Secrecy, etc…” Tomura said while considering his next steps. Kurogiri was unavailable for today. He was to bring Purifier to Machia and it was in a place where there was no signal to avoid any kind of detection. As a result, he was going to go there… On foot. f*ck.

Izuku nodded frantically.

“Anything I should know?”

“Be extremely polite when you are speaking with him. Sensei is someone who likes to be respected. He is, as far as I know, the oldest Japanese criminal alive. Dawn of quirk old.” Tomura said seriously. He wanted to impress Izuku who actually whistled at the idea. Damn. A longevity quirk, probably?

“Damn. That… He might actually know something.”

Tomura almost wanted to say that as far as he knew, Sensei had the teen Izuku was looking for in his basem*nt.

“I will make the call. Also, Izuku? Don’t worry. No matter what happens… I will make sure you are safe.” Tomura promised, seriously.

Sensei was his adopted family.

Izuku was his actual, biological family. According to Sensei’s own rules, it was his duty to make sure he would be safe, through and through.


“I swear on all KAMIS THAT I KNOW, if this is another SCAM CALL, I WILL DISSECT…”

“Sensei, it’s me. Tomura.”

This calmed All For One enough, despite being interrupted while watching his favorite show. All For One grumbled.

“... I thought I revoked your call privilege unless it was an emergency?”

“I wish to bring Izuku Sako to your house. He wants to meet you. It would be a peaceful lmeeting.”

Tomura had All For One’s irritation but now, he had his interest. Maybe he wasn't useless after all.

“...Seriously? Does he know… Me?”

“He simply knows you are influential, old, and on the other side of the law.”

“...Good enough. I will wait for you at Exegol. You know the house.”

The call ended. Tomura felt relieved as he could feel Sensei’s happiness. So far… So good.

Now, time to plan for a backup.

All For One always had a backup plan.


Both teens arrived in front of the house, after a moment on the train. Izuku whistled when he saw the old individual house, close to a small manor. It was in one of the quietest wards of Japan. Literally one of the places where you would expect less of a crime boss to live… Unless of course, he was old, like this Sensei.

Tomura made sure his clothes were okay and looked at Izuku.

“Remember. You are polite. You don’t speak unless spoken to first. Call him Sensei unless he says otherwise.”

Izuku nodded, nervous by the idea of meeting such a secretive villain, simply thanks to playing card games. Life is strange, sometimes.

Then, the door opened, and a man without a face except a wide smile appeared in its frame. The man was actually quite huge and he beamed with joy.

“Tomura! Izuku! I was waiting for you, kids! Come inside, I have some sodas for you!”

Izuku stared at Tomura, wondering if it was a very elaborate prank but Tomura’s face sold to Izuku; he actually didn’t know what was going on either.

“It is… Sensei?”

“Yes. Yes, he is.”

Both teens entered the house and All For One closed the door, grinning like the happiest grandpa in the world.


“So you are Izuku Sako, right ? Formerly Midoriya? I watched your Sports Festival.” All For One said, sitting on his life support seat once again. He could only get away from it for a few minutes after all.

“Yes, sir… Sensei?” Izuku couldn’t say why but the voice seemed… Familiar. From a very distant past. It had a kindness, a warmth he was sure he knew but didn’t know from where exactly.

“Tomura, please. The drinks.” All For One commanded. He wanted to speak to Izuku, alone. Tomura almost said something but Sensei raised his hand. He was commanding a servant after all. Not a son.

Tomura must have felt that, as he closed his mouth and rose up. He had to obey quietly. He went to the kitchen, silently, leaving a fidgeting Izuku with an immortal, almost all-powerful villain.

“So… Izuku. Tomura told me you wanted to ask me something.” All For One said, wondering how he was going to explain everything to Izuku, quietly.

“Ah, yes, Sensei, I want…”

“Call me, Seikyo, little one. You have that right.” All For One said, wondering if Izuku would remember the name.

“Thanks, mister Seikyo. I am looking for a friend that was kidnapped on I-Island. We don’t even know if he is alive.” Izuku pointed out, while actually trying to look at any escape route.

“Oh, he is definitely alive. Monoma, right?” All For One said, to Izuku’s horror, who understood he was actually speaking to the mastermind of the attack, “He amuses me daily. Do… Do you want him as a gift? I can make him a Noumu specialized to protect you! I wonder if I can let him keep his mind” Seikyo wondered aloud, scratching his chin.

“... Holy f…” Izuku suddenly had a better idea of what kind of monster was in front of him. Affable but evil, loving every second of it.

“Language, young man.” Seikyo said with a smile, as Tomura brought the refreshments. He seemed shaken too.

“... You are the one who kidnapped Monoma… Attacked I-Island…” Izuku was quite impressed, and suddenly, he was thankful for a card he took for this scenario. "Hoshu…"

“My villain name is All For One. Nice to meet you, Izuku. Or should I say…” All For One chuckled, and put his hand on Izuku’s head, who was sweating bullets, same for Tomura, “It has been far too long, my little Rey.”

Izuku blue screened at that moment, as his grandpa patted him kindly.

He looked at the potato man, the evil man because of whom his best friend lost his arm.

“... Grandpa?” Izuku asked, with a trembling voice. His grandpa. The man he and his mom thought was dead long ago. His grandpa was angry at his father for leaving them. The one whose inheritance allowed Inko to not exhaust herself at work.

“Little Rey…” All For One had a warmth in his voice that was real, Tomura couldn’t help to notice. One he never had with him.

All For One pulled in a hug his grandson, happy to be able to. It was so good. So warm. He had waited so long for that. He couldn't see but he could feel.

Seikyo was an evil overlord but he adored having his family close to him.

Izuku was still part frightened, part wondering what the f*ck was happening, and also… part happy. Then he suddenly had a realization that angered him.

“... Grandpa? Is my nickname a reference to Rey Sky…”

“She is a f*cking Palpatine. Also, I love Star Wars.” All For One groaned with the power of a thousand nerd.

Izuku had disbelief in his eyes and wanted to punch him in the face. He was nicknamed after a Mary Sue!

"Oh, you mother…"

“Anyway. I am not kidding. I am willing to give you this Monoma. I already have what I want from him.” All for One explained while he stopped the hug, “Sorry for leaving you and your mom. However, it was necessary to protect you from my activities.”

Izuku sat down while drinking his co*ke and looking at Tomura, who fidgeted a bit about the situation.

“Did you know about that? That he is my grandfather I meant.”

“I had suspicions since a week ago.” Tomura answered truthfully. He stared at All For One, who smiled at him.

“Tomura is one of my possible heirs. However, unlike the others who aren’t truly on my radar, I love him as much as whisky.”

Tomura smiled warmly at his mentor.

“Thank you Sensei. Anything else?”

“Not for now… Oh, right. If you can bring the young Monoma to the Doctor so he can be prepared? Protocole B.”

Protocole A was to simply dispose of the body. B was to free him after turning him into a mole. He wouldn't let such an opportunity go to waste after all.

Tomura nodded and went out, quietly and without a word.

“So… Izuku. Let’s talk a bit. Do you want to know something ?”

Izuku was still sweating when All For One spoke. He was speaking to someone that could launch a terrorist attack to kidnap someone. Wolfram, who was the most powerful villain he knew, with Moonfish, obeyed him.

Wolfram… He was friends with his dad and worked for All For One.

All For One who was his father’s dad.

Izuku remembered his discussion with the master of magnetism.


“I was a good friend of your father. He would have hated it if I hurt you, even for work.”

Izuku noticed something. For the first time in as long as he could remember… This was the nicest thing someone said about his dad. This made him both curious and angry.

“Yes, that’s why he left us when he learned I was quirkless.”

This comeback made Wolfram sneer, nostalgic, “Yes, sure, let’s go with that as the reason he left you and Inko…”


“..Grandpa? Why… Why did my father leave us?”

All For One tensed up. Oh sh*t, he knew he was forgetting something. All For One coughed a bit and Izuku had a big doubt about what happened.

Something that made him suddenly realize that his supposed safety thanks to being family was most likely an illusion.

“Listen, Izuku. Your father was…”

“Wolfram mentioned they were coworkers.” Izuku knew when someone was trying to bullsh*t him and he was calculating in his mind. His own quirk didn’t make sense if you simply followed his mom's line. What about his father’s line?

What was All For One’s quirk?

“...Goddamnit, Wolfram. Always with your nostalgia,” All For one sighed, before joining his hands together, “ Your father worked for me. Then he betrayed me.”

Izuku felt as if he took a gut punch. His father… Didn’t leave because he hated him? It was to run away from his father?

His grandpa ordered a hit on his father?

Izuku looked in horror at his grandpa who was disappointed.

“Izuku. Don’t do something idiotic. Do you know why All-Might’s activity declined for the last five years ?”

Izuku didn’t and All For One explained quietly.

“I am why. I almost killed him. I am strong enough to have ripped one of his lungs and his stomach. He then put me in this seat by sheer luck. He would tell you the same thing if he was honest." All For One inhaled hard in his life support mask… "Izuku. I am All For One. The last SSS class Villain in the world,” All For One touched his life support seat, silently, “I don’t want to hurt you.”

But I will if I am forced to.

Those were the words that went unsaid.

Izuku gulped and touched his sacrifice deck, in his secret pouch in his pants. 40 cards of various power cards. He was… in danger.

“Did my father love me? Or did he try to protect me by messing up my memory?” He had to know. He wanted to know. More than Monoma or anything else. He wanted an answer.

“Izuku… Don’t do something stupid. I am warning you because we are family.” All For One groaned, the tension building up.

“He left us because he feared you would kill us by mistake. Wasn’t it?”

“Hisashi had his faults but he was a loving father.” All For One knew trying to lie would aggravate the situation. He didn’t want that.

Izuku kept his hand from his pants, seemingly calmer..

“... Now why All Might, who is knowingly one of the kindest heroes in the world, tried to kill you? He is one of the few heroes who has a kill count below five.”

…Was Izuku aware of Nana’s relationship with All-Might? All For One sighed.

“I am the biggest bad guy in the world, Izuku. For a hero like All Might, it is basically slaying the demon king. Now, listen to me. I am happy for you, that you want to be a hero. You aren’t the first one in our family. In fact you remind me a lot of my little brother," All For One also learned a lot from Yoichi and knew the Vault was an option only if he cryogenized those inside, "However, I want you to be also by my side. Imagine the greatest trickery: you and me. You would be the new symbol of peace, making sure society is stable. I would be the one reigning on the underground.”

“That peace would be… Smoke and mirrors.” Izuku pointed out, with all the idealism of a teen.

“... It always is. Besides, I have already won Izuku. Literally. Other players don’t know it but we are in my endgame," All For One didn't say it was thanks to Izuku though, "They will either submit, join me or die. I am going to be honest. Most of them are going to die anyway. However, if you join me… I accept to spare some. Your friends. Your class.” All For One had all of his attention on Izuku. Having him willingly by his side would be the most perfect situation.

“What about Tomura?” Izuku asked. He was like a big dumb brother to him after all.

This actually made All For One groan.

“Tomura was a plan to f*ck with All Might. Him fighting All Might, who would potentially maim his mentor’s grandson. I found that poetic. Especially after I made him disintegrate his fam… I am oversharing again, am I?” Izuku nodded as his grandpa groaned.

…Izuku stayed silent and pulled his emergency “The situation is f*cked up, Nedzu is on cocaine and All Might revealed to be a villain” card.

“Grandpa. Tomura is also my cousin. You killed my father. You won’t kill anyone else in my family.”

Izuku dropped in front of a horrified All For One the strongest card he had on him.


Shouto was outside of the building, with a sandwich. Thanks to Endeavor, he actually knew how to tail someone without being seen. He was actually pretty good at it.

His role, according to Izuku’s plan, was to call an adult if the situation became dangerous.

Shouto’s cue that the situation went so far south it went back to the North pole, was when something inconceivable happened.

The peaceful serenity of the traditional bad guy’s house was shattered as the ground shook violently, causing the walls to rattle and the roof to creak. Suddenly, the entire structure lifted off its foundation, as if being uprooted by an unseen force.

As the dust settled, a massive figure could be seen emerging from the ruins of the house. Its scaly skin was dark and rough, and its long tail thrashed about, causing further destruction on the road, not far from Shouto who only barely dodged.

As it stepped forward, its sheer size was breathtaking, towering over the surrounding trees and buildings. Its massive jaws opened wide, revealing rows of sharp teeth and a menacing roar that echoed for miles around.


The people nearby ran in terror, not daring to face the creature that had just emerged from the once peaceful house.

It was none other than the legendary monster, Godzilla, the Primeval Champion, who had been resting in the depths of the earth, only to awaken and wreak havoc on the unsuspecting world once more.

Or he was summoned by a very angry teen to deliver justice on his evil grandpa.

“... I am calling Dad.”

Shouto said as he composed the number as fast as he could.


All For One expected many things from Izuku. His fighting was sadly one of them. Godzilla wasn’t.

Izuku’s angry face also told him everything he needed to know about how serious Izuku was about the whole thing.


The Monster had the weird impulse to obey this weak human… But only once. However, he was all too happy to oblige.

All For One then sighed.

“Oh Izuku… Your quirk is wonderful and it was a good idea. However, you are thinking too small.”

All For One when Tomura told him he was bringing Izuku, activated his plan for if he got hands on Izuku’s quirk.

As a result, his chair/throne/life support had cards in a secret compartment.

All For One activated five of them. Five cards.

One Legendary Monster.

Godzilla stopped his powerful stomp, as every cell of his was suddenly telling him danger was coming.

A sudden gust of wind swept through the area, causing trees to sway and debris to scatter. Then, in a blinding flash of light, a massive figure appeared, standing tall and proud in front of the legendary monster, as a portal opened a rift in reality itself.

It was Exodia, the Forbidden One, its towering form was clad in gold and blue armor, and its eyes glowed with an otherworldly light.

“Exodia, OBLITERATE!” All For One said ecstatically. Yes, one of his childhood dreams was happening in front of him, while Izuku looked in pure fear and stupor as his Grandfather just outclassed him with his own quirk.

As Godzilla looked on in amazement, Exodia raised its mighty arms, summoning forth a dazzling display of magical energy. The air crackled with electricity, and the ground shook with the force of Exodia's power.

And then, with a final burst of energy, Exodia unleashed a devastating attack, striking Godzilla with a bolt of pure energy that sent the monster tumbling to the ground.

As Godzilla struggled to regain its footing, Exodia stood tall and proud, its immense power and wisdom on display. It was clear that, in the face of this ancient and powerful creature, even Godzilla was no match.

The second blast quickly destroyed a quarter of the ward and Godzilla with it.

All For One looked at Izuku, apparently a bit sad.

“You should have accepted my offer, Izuku.”

Then he used some more cards, potions appearing in his hands. All For One drunk them in one go, before opening his new rejuvenated eyes to see his grandson.

"Now, it is time for the Vault."


The Exegol Crisis: the beginning.


I never said Izuku would summon Exodia.

On a side note. I don't know if i will be able to write as much as I want. Recently lost my new job. So...
Yes. Hanging on.

Chapter 51: Exegol Part 2


In which Tomura is actually smart but everyone is still panicking.


The others fics are coming, dont worry. I simply need to edit them a bit to be better ;D

Also ! Here is a small one shot I wrote. I wanted to do some real fun heartwarming crack.


^ It may contain a platypus.

Chapter Text

Chapter 51 : Exegol Part 2

Now let’s go back in time for a few minutes, shall we?

“Tomura, please. The drinks.” All For One commanded. He wanted to speak to Izuku, alone. Tomura almost said something but Sensei raised his hand. He was commanding a servant after all. Not a son.

Tomura must have felt that, as he closed his mouth and rose up. He had to obey quietly. He went to the kitchen, silently, leaving a fidgeting Izuku with an immortal, almost all-powerful villain.

When he arrived at the Kitchen, Tomura chuckled when he saw many post-its on it. All of them had Kurogiri’s writings and mentioned various things on All For One’s tastes. Food tastes. Alcohol taste. One example was “Whisky is an alcohol who looks important but isn’t.” Another said “Don’t use avocado, All For One dislikes it.”

The undead butler probably got away with them because he knew All For One couldn’t see anything. As a result, paper was the best way to communicate sneakily around him.

Tomura had been in this house only once, the first time he met All For One. He never forgot it. It had a feeling inside it. It was homely and warm. The furniture exuded this feeling of luxury that could be only bought with money… But more importantly time.

Then, Tomura noticed one note, written in red, on the fridge. His name was on it. Curious, Tomura took it and read it.

“All For One has the kid your friend search in the basem*nt. He hopes for Izuku to be his heir. Be careful.”

Tomura was aware on some level that Kurogiri was a special kind of Noumu. For starters, he could speak and had a personality. However, the leader of the LoV knew he couldn’t act directly against his master’s order. This writing was probably the best kind of rebellion he could do against All For One.

Tomura gulped, while he took the drinks. He had a feeling about this. Learning Sensei had multiple heirs… The fact that most of his teammates were spies for various persons… Him wanting to fail at the USJ.

It suddenly painted a different world. Kurogiri said All For One would reinstate him as the Heir but wrote the opposite. It meant All For One ordered him to say something like that. Tomura felt his knees becoming weak.

He wasn’t a Bishop after all. He was only a pawn and the King made him think he could become a Queen.

Tomura slapped himself back to his senses. If Loony was there, she would have smacked him with her hammer.

Let’s recap, what he knew while he was bringing back the sodas:

-Kurogiri’s words couldn't be trusted. This included the “AfO didn’t harm his family”.

-The whole thing might be part of AfO’s plan.

-AfO most likely didn’t consider him as valuable. He wouldn’t be surprised if he learned he was adopted for sh*t and giggles.

It meant Izuku was in danger.

Tomura pulled out his phone and sent a text from it. He used a burner phone as Giran and Twice taught him to do. It was a simple message : “B” to Loony.

Thankfully, All For One was a better teacher than he thought. He taught his fake pupil to always have a contingency plan… Even for this occasion.


Loony pulled her phone and saw the text. She looked at the team and pulled some of her black disks.

“Ok, guys. I am gonna lay it out nicely for ya. We know y’all are spies.”

This made the whole members of the LoV stare at each other, shocked by Loony’s words. The “we” hinted Tomura also knew this. Yet, they were still alive.

“However, Tomura doesn't care. Hell, in fact, he trusts you will be doing the right thing. Soooo…”

Toga, Dabi, Twice and Spinner were tense and in fact, ready to jump, fight or everything at once.

“Who wants to f*ck up the biggest baddest crime ring in Japan?”

Spinner smiled and raised thumb up.

“Count me in. For those who want, I also have an extraction plan and a place to hide.”

Spinner was better at spying than most people thought he was. Everyone thought he was only a dumb teen, over his head in this League of Vigilantes. In reality, he had been probing Kurogiri, Tomura and Giran when he came to drink sometimes. He confirmed what Re-Destro hoped:

Everyone was f*cking unaware the MLA still existed and the Radical faction wasn’t open to anyone outside of them.

He heard about this Doctor Garaki but Spinner doubted one scientist could do much damage.


“ATCHAOUM” Garaki sneezed so hard he almost fell off his chair.

“Something happened, Sensei?” Overhaul said, as he was busy as a madman, reworking his second adoptive father’s latest noumus. Hell, they were using the corpse of a certain Hisashi Midoriya as the basis for a little gift for All For One.

“I think someone just thought something very wrong. By the way, Sunday we have a huge meeting to attend. We are going to see some of my other friends and sponsors… Except these ones, unlike All For One, believe fully in my project. They are led by a nice guy, Geten. A bit power crazy but over all, a believer.”

Both of his students nodded, while working on the best power combination to take down All For One.

Truly, nothing could bring two people closer than making plans for a bloody vengeance, Garaki thought as he observed them getting closer thanks to the project.


“Dabi, Toga, Twice? What about you? Are you spying for the old f*cker or…”

“We… Aren’t. In fact we are working against him.” Toga said before Dabi could say anything. He glared at his teammate and sighed.

“We can’t say who our real boss as otherwise… Kaboom.” Dabi lied but in their world it is a believable lie.

“Ok. Just wanted to know that. Now, we have to go to Exegol, mates!” Loony said… Before jumping on each of their shoulder to pat their head.

“Remember. After all the fight we had? We are a pack. We don’t leave anyone behind. Whatever you struggle against, we are here.”

Everyone felt a bit heartwarmed by the cartoon rabbit.

Now it was time to move to …


“... The f*ck?”

No one asked if Tomura was inside this clusterf*ck. They knew his luck.


“I love Tomura as much as whisky!”

All For One didn’t know, but by saying that he alienated Tomura to himself. The blue haired young man decided that, in fact, it was time to leave his mentor and f*ck as much as possible his operations.

However, doing it rashly, like an idiotic manchild brainwashed by hate was a bad idea. Something he could thank Izuku, Loony, Nejire and the others: by going outside, Tomura had grown. Learned how to deal with sh*t going FUBAR.

Learned to wait before striking back.

Tomura went down in the basem*nt, where he found a chained Monoma who was scared witless as he was wondering when All For One was going to be tired of their games together. Not to mention that being alone in a basem*nt wasn’t something nice for his psyche. That and losing his quirk, of course.

So, when he saw Tomura who, despite being less crunchy than from the beginning of the year, still looked villainous, Monoma took a spoon he had been sharpening behind his back and…

“Calm down. I am with Izuku.” Tomura said. Monoma wasn’t bad but Tomura lived with Himiko. She was way better than him at the whole “Hiding knife” than Monoma could hope to be, “And I am going to free you.”

“Why?” Monoma asked, suspicious it was another of All For One’s mind game.

“... All For One compared me to Whisky.”

“Isn’t that the alcohol he considered as just barely second grade?” Monoma picked that up from his antics with Kurogiri.

“Yes. Yes it is.” Tomura said somberly, before decaying the jail, and Monoma’s chains, “Do you still have a quirk or something? Can you run?”

“Respectively no and yes.” Monoma said somberly. Since his defeat against Izuku, he never skipped leg day. He also didn’t have much to do in his cells besides self-training and preparing himself mentally for a death game.

“Good, because we are going to…”


Both were interrupted suddenly by the King of Monster suddenly materializing in their reality.

“Oh sh*t.” Both said at the same time. Monoma wisely decided that considering Godzilla, according to the sound, was in the neighborhood, Tomura was his best opportunity to survive. Besides, it was that or staying here.

Both began to run to the exit.


“Now, let’s see who shall I summon next…” All For One said with a smile, noticing his unmoving Exodia, just standing over a gravely wounded Godzilla who was trying to gather energy to either kickstart his healing factor or to shoot the one who was responsible for his death.

All For One used a quirk he bought for “Quality of Life”: Book summoning. It allowed him to summon any books he had already read in his hand. Simple, useful and he missed using it since he didn’t have eyes for a long time.

“HOW, WHAT?!” Izuku’s brain kinda short circuited seeing the giant monster just undoing his plan in an instant.

“I am basically a huge nerd, Izuku. I had 200 years and a crime empire to accumulate stuff and things to satiate me.” All For One said, while humming quietly, before smiling upon finding a card, “Now, let’s try out the limit of your quirk Izuku. When you test out your quirk, you should seek how far you can go.”

“I was a late bloomer and it could have killed me.” Izuku said with bitterness, understanding where part of his strength most likely came from…

All For One opened his mouth and quickly closed it.

“sh*t. That’s a good reason. I should have killed Inko and this Sako before stealing you there.” Hindsight was a bitch but no one was perfect. Even he had issues.

Then All For One made everyone stare in an amazed form of horror at his latest summoning.

As the skies darkened and the ground trembled, a rift in the fabric of reality tore open before everyone. From within the depths of the void, a colossal figure emerged, its form imposing and otherworldly. It was Ulamog, The Ceaseless Hunger, an eldritch titan whose hunger knew no bounds.

Ulamog's massive, tentacled body stretched out, dwarfing everything in its vicinity. Its eyes, filled with an insatiable hunger, glowed with a sinister light that sent chills down everyone’s spines. The air grew heavy with a malevolent energy as Ulamog's presence permeated the area.

With each step, the ground shook and cracked beneath its weight. The sheer magnitude of Ulamog's presence caused a primal fear to grip anyone watching the news’ hearts, and feel their very existence threatened by its overwhelming power.

“Oh. sh*t.” Izuku said, understandingly panicked as his grandpa basically summoned two elder gods in one ward, “HOW THE f*ck DID YOU SOLVE THE ENERGY COST ISSUE?!”

All For One stared at Izuku, understandably confused.

“The what?”

The difference between Izuku and All For One was simple : All For One was a grown adult who used his quirk(s) on a daily basis. His energy, as a result, had 200 years to grow strong. This was why he seemingly summoned Exodia effortlessly.

However, everyone has their limit.

All For One’s nose suddenly bled and the man… Shut down for a second, on his knees.

Izuku’s old weakness was now All For One’s too: Endgame had a cost in energy. The stronger the card, the more taxating it was to summon it. Summoning them permanently or closer to their “real” counterpart also added on the cost.

The Quirk Thief went above anything reasonable and summoned past his limits…

As quickly as he appeared, Ulamog began to dissolve in the air, though not before lashing out for an instant.

This lashing out caused an earthquake, 6 on the Richter’s scale. A deep and ominous rumbling echoed through the air, as if the very earth itself was groaning in distress. It was a seism, a powerful seismic event measuring 6 on the Richter scale, signifying a significant and potentially damaging tremor.

As the vibrations intensified, buildings swayed and foundations cracked, their structural integrity tested against the force of nature. The trembling ground seemed to swallow our footsteps, making each movement uncertain and unsteady.

The energy unleashed by the seism reverberated through the air, causing objects to tremble and clatter in a cacophony of disarray.

“Izuku, the f*ck is going on?!” Tomura said, with Monoma on his trails.

“All For One used my quirk to summon f*cking gods in our reality! I think it kind of short-circuited him, though.”

Izuku said, slowly getting back on his feets…

Tomura didn’t miss a beat. All For One was down, even if it was briefly. It was the golden opportunity to dispose of the f*cker before everything went bad.

With a speed most people didn’t expect from him, Tomura passed in a flash next to Izuku to grab All For One’s face and decay him. He only avoided murders against heroes after all.

Then, he was stopped by a 6 of Spade thrown by Izuku, who threw Tomura besides Izuku, to the young man’s initial confusion. Then, Tomura understood why Izuku did that and was texting for help.

All For One was a huge asshole and a pain to deal with because he was someone with a working brain, a lot of money and competent minions.

As a result, and since All Might almost killed him that way, he had now a “If my brain shut down” emergency plan.

As a result, from several portals coming from various variants of Johnny, came several High-End Noumus.

The first one materialized with a ground-shaking thud, its massive armored form sending shockwaves through the earth. The air grew heavy with an oppressive aura as its red eyes glowed with an insatiable hunger for destruction.

The second one erupted into being with a fiery explosion, flames licking at its molten body. Its mere presence set the surroundings ablaze, scorching the earth and turning the air into a searing inferno. The crackling heat distorted the very fabric of reality, casting an eerie glow upon its surroundings.

The third one slithered forth from the rift, a serpentine shadow coiled with deadly grace. Whirling winds spiraled around its form, tearing through the landscape and unsettling everything in their path. The air seemed to bend and twist under its influence, causing an unsettling disarray.

The last materialized stealthily, emerging silently from the depths of darkness. Its presence cast a chilling pall over the surroundings as inky tendrils of shadow snaked and writhed around its ethereal form. The very light seemed to be swallowed by its presence, leaving an aura of palpable darkness in its wake.

“Oh f*ck me. That can’t be worse.” Monoma said, tempting fate.

Fate answered with a cordial f*ck you, as several basic noumus also spawned and the monsters all screeched together.


“...Can you repeat that to me, Shouto?”

“Yes, I am in Excel because Izuku needed back-up. However we are quite in a mess. Apparently, Izuku is fighting a guy with white hair and… I think red eyes?”

Endeavor was already bursting out of his agency, his flame burning away the concrete, melting it nearby several of his co-workers who were suddenly very scared for a few reasons.

One, molten concrete is a good reason by itself to be scared.

Second, Endeavor panicking is a very good reason to be already running away in the opposite direction.

“Please tell me he isn’t using Izuku’s quirk!”

“... I shouldn’t tell you about the…” BOOOOOOOM

A deafening explosion stopped Shouto mid-sentence, as Exodia blasted away Godzilla and a good part of Kamino Ward.

Endeavor stared at his phone, before letting the panic and fear for his son overwhelm his reason.

He lost one son already. He wasn’t going to lose another one even if he had to die.


“I am fine, dad.” Shouto was smart after all and chose to quickly move away from where he was. As a result, the blast passed far from him, but he tasted in the air the absurd power deployed.

“So, as I was saying… Yes. Yes, he used Izuku’s quirk. Is it bad?”

“Shouto, listen to me carefully : RUN THE f*ck AWAY. DON’T TRY TO BATTLE THIS VILLAIN. I AM COMING AS FAST AS I CAN.”

Shouto knew the situation was serious because Endeavor made sure Shouto could battle villains up to A-Rank. To tell him he straight up had no chance to win meant it was hopeless as hell.

Then came Umalog and his seism.


All Might was waking up with a good cup of coffee when suddenly his phone rang.

“Oh hello Endea…”


All Might also bursted out of the window. In fact, at the moment the name All For One was dropped, he already buffed up before exploding the window to go faster.

“I AM COMING AS FAST AS I CAN! Wait, Godzilla?”


“Endeavor?” Compress was wondering why the man was calling outside of their regular schedule, as he was currently with Inko to see the doctor in preparation for the baby.


Compress paling out was a signal for Inko.

“Go. Now.”

Compress also broke throught the window, in front of a doctor wondering what the f*ck was going on.


“GENTLE, HOW FAST CAN YOU GET TO KAMINO?” Compress yelled as he was preparing a bike to get there as fast as he could

“Already on my way, boss.” Gentle said, bouncing from platform to another platform. Thanks to Nedzu funding them now, he had boots allowing him to accelerate in the air. He was angry, though, as he was on a date with La Brava.

Whoever interrupted it was going to regret it. Even if it was Godzilla itself.

“Be careful, All For One is there. His presence is confirmed.”

“Don’t worry Boss, I know better than to fight a hopeless fight.” Gentle said, chucking lightly.


After Exegol Crisis

UA’s Medical Ward.

La Brava was waiting for the surgery to end with dread in her chest. Why? Why did Gentle had to do something that… That… So himself…

The little adult woman began to cry alone, as her man was fighting against death in surgery.

Then the light indicating the surgery was undergoing shut down.

The doctor went out, accompanied by Recovery Girl, before speaking.

“Miss Manami? The operation ended. We need to speak about his condition.”

Manami’s heart missed a beat, waiting for the rest.


Back on Tomura, Izuku and Monoma, currently surrounded by various enemies classified at the minimum A-Rank.

Izuku swallowed his fear. For now, All For One was down. They couldn’t finish him and they needed to escape. Seriously, it was at times like that he missed Katsuki.


Izuku yelled, to the surprise of his friends. The noumus began to move and Tomura did to. The first two noumus met his open palm on their face. He knew better than most their weaknesses. Destroying the head. Some might say the exposed brain is a dead give away. However, after the first batch, Garaki managed to make their exposed brain something non-vital. The real brain was somewhere in the space between the nose and the eyes.

Decaying their faces didn’t bring any pleasure to Tomura who was ready to fight for his cousin.

“I have also called reinforcement!”

Izuku, finally having his thoughts catching up to the situation didn’t ask if Tomura was on their side. Considering he freed Monoma and tried to kill All For One, it meant either he was playing a 5D chess to be the new mastermind of crime in Japan or the situation went FUBAR and he was trying to survive with them.

Considering the situation, Izuku hoped for the second option. Meanwhile he checked his card options… Yep. Except for the other final solution card, Izuku didn’t have more things punching in Godzilla’s weight class. He could use it, but he wasn’t sure he had the energy to actually maintain it long enough for it to matter.

Hence why he was only summoning cards like Death Arms, Present Mic and a few heroes to defend all of them while Shouto did his thing.

“On the signal, run throught the opening!” Izuku yelled, as Monoma did his best to avoid some of the monsters rushing them. Fortunately, the four High-End seemed dedicated to protecting All For One and didn’t move toward them.

“What opening?!”

Shouto, meanwhile, was adjusting his stance while heating and freezing in rapid succession his arms.

“Just as Father and Katsuki said. Seek smaller, not bigger. Concentrate the power and unleash it to destroy what needs to be destroyed.”

Shouto felt the air warping around him when he aimed his arms at the giant wave of enemies which threatened to kill his friends.

“Thermodynamic Canon.”

No emotion in his voice. Pure destruction only as reality felt violated for the fourth time in only five minutes. Heat and frost in rapid, powerful succession creating a blast not unlike a laser which emanated from the white and red haired boy.

The Noumus didn’t have the time to register the attack that some of them died instantaneously from such a rift in temperature.

Some but not all.

After all, Emilia and Garaki had the data on the Triceps Corporation Raid and they knew how Muscular died the first time. Of course they thought of beginning to upgrade the Noumus against such an attack, mainly by making their body more resistant against temperature variation.

Still, Tomura and Izuku pulled Monoma by the neck and the three of them began to run as if Hell was after them.

Considering the Noumus following them, it was probably a close second thought.

Then All For One opened his eyes again, after that the High End protected him from the blast. Ok. He was right to have kept a copy of “Regeneration” unknown to Garaki. That way, his regenerative quirk was now healing him up to his rejuvenated state.

Still, Izuku’s quirk was indeed more powerful than he initially thought. Cost, right? When he thought about it, it was logic after all.

He wanted that quirk. Now he was whole. With that quirk, thought? He could theoretically summon a space marine in a controlled environnement, kill him and loot his body, geneseed and armor!

With it, he could summon a monster from Dark Souls and eat their Soul, to improve himself.

With it, All For One could become an actual Demon Lord, not just someone emulating a Demon Lord.

He never understood why people thought his dream of being one was cringe or idiotic. When someone managed to be a Hero because it was his childhood dream, it is wholesome but if you are a villain and manage to be the best at it because it was your childhood dream, it was cringe?!


“IZUKU! GET BACK HERE THIS INSTANT!” Seikyo was done playing.

So, he did the only thing he could do before his copy of Endgame ran out.

All For One pulled several cards. So, Izuku probably did something like burning some mana cards or things like that to summon Godzilla and still being able to run.

However, even with burning some, All For One knew it was a goddamn bad idea to try to summon something like a Phyrexian creature.

No, what he needed now was to trap his future victims.


Let’s try a combination of cards!

The kids suddenly almost felt the ground shaking.

“f*ck, another earthquake?!”

Shouto was running besides them and shook his head.

“There is no giant monster besides the dying Godzilla. I doubt it is… Is it me of the air feel… Cold?”

Monoma and Izuku looked at each other when Shouto said that. Shouto, who had excellent frost resistance, was feeling cold. They felt cold too.

Conclusion: the cold was unnatural.


All For One yelled, as the ground morphed around them and suddenly, they were not in devastated alleys anymore.

They were in a place not unlike All For One’s house, except the wall and the ground were made in stone. The furniture felt old and sinister. The only light piercing the darkness was from weak and barely alight candles.

It was a goddamn haunted castle.

None of them knew any other details, though…..


Haunted Mansion and Castle Sengir from MTG but combined with Castle of Illusion for YGO.

After all, what kind of Demon King didn’t have a goddamn flying castle of doom?

Now in his Throne Room, on his… Well, throne, All For One sat, resting.

He was out of breath and energy after that last stunt but damn if he wasn’t feeling alive right now!

Meanwhile, the Noumus stared at him, waiting for orders. Oh right. They were undeads after all.

“Kill the intruders, except the green haired one. You are authorized to wound him, as long as his life isn’t threatened! The Hunt… Is OPEN!”

Exegol Part 2 : Rise of the Demon King.

Chapter 52: Exegol Part 3


In which it somehow become worse.


So. I have a depression starting, still no job and sometimes i have trouble to write. I try to keep on but that's why Colossus and EPT will come later.


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 52 : Exegol Part 3

Three young men were currently running for their lives in the haunted castle. One of them was technically an emitter but who needed materials to use his quirk and he was almost out of it… Again. Note to self : Ask Mei for an interdimensional storage of cards.

Another teen was Monoma, who was currently quirkless and didn’t appreciate the irony of speaking about weak quirks before ending up with no quirk at all.

Finally, Tomura, the eldest, was wondering how long they were going to have to run before his crew got there and they managed their extraction plan.

“Tomura, I swear to All-Might that if I get out of this alive, I WILL KICK YOUR ASS!” Izuku said, passively angry at his friend, “ATTACKING THE USJ WAS A DICK MOVE!”


“Personally, I liked it. It was a fun new experience. But you are sure you are the Boss?” He said, co*cking his head on a slight angle as he ran. “One of my theories was that it was one of Aizawa’s dead teammates who was turned into a minion by the evil bad guy behind everything.” Shouto sighed before using his fire to eject a Noumu afar from him.


Meanwhile, in the mountains.

“Need a tissue, Kurogiri?” Purifier asked as he pulled one of his pockets and gave it to the Noumu who just sneezed. They had to hike to join Gigantomachia, as AfO made it near impossible to find without knowing where he was.

“I would greatly appreciate it, thank you.” Kurogiri said with a smile under his dark mist. It was always nice to help one of the polite ones.


“No, I am not some kind of undead guy!” Tomura growled.

“No, he is just my goddamn cousin. The one everyone thought to be dead.” Izuku said angrily again, while Tomura looked a bit sheepish. Shouto made a happy gesture, as his face still had some issues with emotions.

“Wait, you know about that?” Monoma asked, curious about the whole thing despite himself.

“All For One told me before I summoned Godzilla. Mom is going to hug you to death but the worst is probably going to be Hana.” Izuku said.

The sentence nonetheless made Tomura miss the turn and he proceeded to faceplant into the wall, hard enough to make spider web cracks in it.

Todoroki said something about a time for dramatic exposure, accompanied by Monoma who found the situation a bit hilarious and after the time in AfO’s basem*nt, he kind of needed to laugh. Even if the situation was technically speaking a deadly one.

Still, while Shouto was busy making layers of ice to slow down the Noumus currently infesting the castle.

“... Guys, we have more pressing issues than Midoriya’s crazy family tree.”

“More than the evil grandpa?” Izuku said as he panted a bit and Tomura was trying to comprehend the bombshell that hit him. That and the wall as he rubbed his nose.

“Related to him. Look at the window.” The blonde pointed out of the larger than life castle windows.

At that moment, all teens could have a clear view of the city underneath with, with Godzilla still groaning in pain way down. Despite the name of his attack, Exodia didn’t obliterate the king of monsters, only grievously hurt him.

“... Fantastic. We are in a f*cking giant evil flying castle.” Monoma said while massaging his temples, “And I guess no rescue is coming.”

“Actually, I called Endeavor before coming. Should be here soon.” Todoroki said, which… Well… That actually reassured Monoma a lot. Endeavor might be scary but you could always rely on him, just expect a few burns.

“Also, my crew is coming. One of them is a short range warper. Combined with another team member we have, they can probably reach us.” Tomura said before grabbing Izuku. “Also. The f*ck. Hana?”

“Alive. She had a quirk that allowed her to survive.” Izuku said with a devilish smile. “But Hey. I am not sure how much back-up we will get.”


At the HPSC HQ

President’s office.

“Stain, Nagant, Hawks? New urgent mission for you.” The head of the Commission stated.

“I am working with you, woman. Not for you.”

“We localized All For One.”

“... Address please.” The man almost held out his hand like he was gonna be handed papers. It was a close thing.

Hinata chuckled as she gave them the address while wondering how the situation would go. She hoped the bastard would be dealt with once and for all.


All For One, on his throne, continued to rest a bit. Slowly, his strength was getting back. The five minutes of quirk use were already passed but the effect lingered on. Seriously, he was going to have his grandson explain how the f*ck his quirk worked as it was confusing.

Then, the Demon Lord stretched his legs. It was time to take a walk and find the kids in his castle.

“Ready or not… Here I come.” The demon king grinned.


Rather than around like idiots in a place like a maze, Izuku and the others decided to rest a bit in a room. Thankfully, it was a room full of comics so probably not guarded very much.

All of them heard All For One speaking. It chilled them to the bones as they knew how powerful that monster was. Yes, he wasn’t even close to his real power but it scared them even more. What if he was truly healed?

Then, Tomura jumped on Izuku, his palm open, ready to decay something.

The young man with his reflex, quickly rolled away before seeing Tomura trying to grab something coming from the shadow. Oh f*ck it was the shadow noumu.

“Go Tomura!” Izuku yips with joy.

Then the High End used his improved strength to kick Tomura powerfully in the rib, making him crash against a library full of comics “The Boys”. He might have decayed some by mistake.

Todoroki quickly joined the battle by carefully using his fire to light the room. The less shadow there was, the weaker their opponent would be right.

Izuku, having recuperated a bit, quickly checked what card he had before finding something old but reliable.

His tarot deck.

Suddenly, the Noumu with no shadow to improve his strength or create form, was against a bulky powerful King, wearing all four symbols, sign Izuku fusionned the four to create one heavy summon.

Tomura, under his second shock of the day, was getting back up. Thankfully, he was the one with the most battle training of all four of them. He was used to pain and he was more than happy to dish it right back out.

As a result, Tomura exhaled all the air he had in his chest before rushing against the Noumu. Between the King and Tomura, the High End suddenly had a big issue in defending from all the different attacks, especially as Tomura kept using open palm techniques to decay him down bit by bit.

“MOUREZ!” The monster against nature’s law said, betraying some french origins. Some spike seemed to grow from him, but suddenly, the monster felt fire scorch his open mouth. Most likely because Shouto had also joined the battle and always the opportunist, his current theory does the Shadow High End digest fire?

Apparently, it was a bit too spicy for them, as the monster was quickly screaming in pain from the third degree burns in its mouth and Shouto wavered for a second, if he really had it in him to kill a being who could speak and feel things.

Tomura cut right past the questions by grabbing the Noumu’s head and activating his quirk at full force. Quickly, the screaming stopped because without a head, it’s kind of hard to make the world know your pain and suffering.

All four of them breathed heavily against that quick surprise battle… Before all deciding they needed to run. They didn’t know if the High End had some kind of telepathy but they didn’t want to stay and discover if it was the case.

So they ran again, and hoped their luck would hold out.

Sadly for them, as Tomura would put it afterwards, they rolled a 1 on stealth.

Meaning they entered a huge circular room, with All For One calmly waiting for them inside it. He was also accompanied by a lot of his abominations and some of them, the “weaker” seemed to have some bony protuberances making them look like some kind of undead warrior.

“... Slow and steady win the race, boys. I don’t need to find you by chasing you. I just need to make you run into my trap.” All For One calmly said before stretching a bit, and looking at the teens in a battle stance, “So… How do you kids want it to play? Me coming to you? You coming at me? All of us in a giant melee?”

You could hear a hairpin drop on the ground before All For One smiled with his toothed grin.

“Nah, I am just going to watch the noumus tear you to pieces!”


All For One kind of wondered who said that before his Danger Sense triggered like a gunshot to the brain. He barely had the time to raise a protective barrier before an extremely powerful ray of fire and heat melted the roof into an orange magma and probably part of the ground underneath him as well.

From the hole came a determined man and a very angry dad.

“...Don’t worry. I will take up from there.” Endeavor said, all of his flames already blaring up for the upcoming fight. “An extraction team is coming. They are half a click South from here. Go.” He ordered the group.

The Noumus, including the High Ends, jumped like a black sea forming a tsunami to engulf the teens and Endeavor at once.

Endeavor seemed to grumble something along the lines of “pathetic” and began punching the air at full speed. Each punch sent a giant fist of fire which ejected the Noumus further ahead of them, giving them some time as the tidal wave of blackened flesh met a wall of fire.

“Oh sweet. You. Before I dispose of you, I need to know. Did you f*ck up my operations on purpose or it was collateral damage?” All For One said, absolutely not threatened by the #2. After all, he was far from his father’s actual power. Hell, according to his reports, the man barely had any mental health left.

“It was intentional.” Enji said, knowing that as long as All For One’s attention was on them, the more time it took for the backup to arrive. “I wanted to be the best hero in the world and what better way to do that than slay the demon king? Also, you are kind of an asshole.” The flame hero explained with a shrug as he let loose a new wave of fire.

This made All For One chuckle at the futility.

“Endeavor…” Shouto said, before his father gave him a meek smile.

“Kids. What part of Run you don’t understand?” He said, before grabbing all of them and powerfully throwing them at an exit in the room. The armored High-End tried to stop the group but suddenly, Endeavor was in front of him, having used his flame to force his body into a jet stream moving at speeds faster than before. There, the armored Noumu barely had the time to dodge the up close and personal Hell Spider. Behind him, Endeavor could hear the sound of the teens running.

With an appeased smile, Endeavor created a wall of fire, refusing to exchange one last stare with his son. He was too afraid of what his eyes looked like. After all, when Endeavor grabbed them to throw them into safety, Shouto automatically adopted a defensive stance, as if fearing his father’s hands.

Scratch as if. He feared him.

“... Congratulations, you finally saved one of your sons… Except you didn’t, Endeavor.” All For One said, frankly annoyed by the situation and the eerie calm Endeavor displayed. Oh well, all he had to do was break him mentally. “What did you hope for? That saving him would make him forgive you? That at the end of the day, you would go back to your home and everyone would be waiting for you with a smile?”

Endeavor calmly walked in front of Death incarnate, just as All For One was beginning to summon new quirks to deal with him. If he was right, he was seeing a salamander mutation, probably a few fire resistance quirk and his arms were dangerously looking like giant crab pincers that could destroy steel.

“That would have been nice.” Endeavor admitted. It was a dream he had a few times in the last week. Him, coming back to his house. Rei was there with a smile. Nao would pout at him. Fuyumi would hug him. Touya was by his side as his apprentice hero and Shouto was an intern with them.

It was a good dream. It made reality even harsher when he woke up.

“But we both know you don’t have anything left waiting for you to go back home.” All For One said with a malicious stare and a devilish smile. “I mean, did you look at your son’s face? He wasn’t happy to see you. He was shocked. How f*cking badly did you do to f*ck up to this extent?”

“Very bad” Endeavor continued to say, as each of All For One’s words cut deep into him and suddenly, an idea emerged. Deep memories he would have preferred to leave buried but… Maybe… Maybe just this time… He could just… let go.

“Admit it, Endeavor, you would have been happier as a monster, not a hero! So, before you die, learn this. You will die, in an unmarked grave, no one crying for you. I am only half hesitating about making your wife a consort of mine.” All For One said before seeing Endeavor finally clenching his fist before opening his palm. “... Wait, did I really succeed in breaking you only by talking? I haven't done that in years! God did I miss it!” A ghost of a true smile is displayed on the demon lord's face.

“You are probably right, All For One. I have nothing left waiting for me, no one will cry for me either…” Endeavor said, closing his eyes for an instant before doing one of the few things he promised himself to never do.

The Noumus all jumped on Endeavor to rip him to pieces.

Suddenly, All For One’s Danger Sense triggered a second time and this time, his instinct made him teleport the Armored Noumu in front of him.

The following instant, everything went blue.

A blue and powerful fire that was burning everything around them. In the center of it was a now almost naked Endeavor as his body emitted a flame he couldn’t contain. Not that he was trying actually. The flame burned his body and as a result grew in intensity tenfold, resulting in the most excruciating pain he has felt in years and a fast destruction of his own body.

“ARE YOU CRAZY?!” All For One yelled in panic and Endeavor nodded with no care in the world.

“Probably!” He shouts with glee “But you do have to be at least a little mad to be a hero!” The #2 said with a smile as his skin was melting clearly from his body, unable to withstand the heat. “MEET MY FATHER’S TECHNIQUES!”


“Well, see, you would have a point if… Well, I actually gave a single f*ck about that.” Endeavor said, stunning All For One. “I have nothing to live for anymore, yet everything to die for and someone I am willing to kill with all of my heart.” Endeavor said as he manipulated the fire around him to intensify it even harder, making all the Noumus who didn’t run away from him fast enough melt. “You are right about one thing over all, I feel great as a monster!” The manic grin on his face only proved that point as more and more blue flames dripped from the man's body.

Suddenly, All For One realized that sometimes, breaking people was not a good idea. Sure, most of the time, they became a catatonic mess and it was fun to hurt them even after they thought they had become numb. But he didn’t expect Endeavor to just go f*ck it and decides to pull up a Vegeta!

“Feel the power I keep caged inside of me! I dont have the control over it like my normal techniques! So run away from me if you can! This ugly beast of a quirk fueled by the unbridled Rage I feel!”

Now the real question was, how ready to die was Endeavor? Also, since when that f*cker had blue fire? Why was he remembering this color? Oh f*ck. He said his Father’s techniques. Nedzu didn’t have a fire quirk.

“From deep within, far beneath skin! Down to my core! I must confess that I have always wanted to do this!” The hero's speech travels past the roar of the flames as they grow increasingly louder.

Oh f*ck, Oh f*ck OH f*ck!!.

“Ashen King Technique. Naraka!” Endeavor said with an actual demoniac smile as suddenly the heat somehow intensified even further. This time, the fire was wholefully uncontrolled as it bursted off of him in every direction, going from blue to white in mere moments. There was no trace left of Endeavor's careful control of his quirk as the flames blocked him from view. He was just letting it run freely, finally consuming the power of his blood as all the things he craved for were left behind.

He didn’t have the ability to run anymore as he was exerting all of his quirk’s might but each of his steps were making the stone turn into lava around him. The white flames scratching into the walls leaving molten rock and iron, at the same time blue flames are carried into and down the halls scorching everything in their path as they slowly cooled, becoming darker as they move from white to cyan to blue to indigo and lastly back to its origin as red flame that jumps to anything flammable just trying to reach farther and consume. Truly it's something that can't be controlled.

The truth was that Endeavor knew all along his potential as an Ember. Hell, his dad knew it before he was even born and was constantly pushing him to use his fire so one day, Endeavor would reach his level and become ascended too.

And like Shouto after him, he refused to his quirk at full power to never be his dad. He didn’t need his dad’s fire to be a hero. The irony made him chuckle, now that he saw it for what it truly was.

He was full of regret, as he felt his skin melting and exposing his flesh. However, his most important regret was probably that he would have liked a family hug before dying. Oh well. Rei was alive and with his resources, would most likely find Touya. Shouto would become an awesome hero on his own.


A part of Endeavor also wondered. Is this what Touya actually felt like, on the mountain top? Alone, in flames of his own undoing?

Second regret. He couldn’t apologize to Touya anymore, he will just have to make this count.


All For One was scared enough to actually almost sh*t on himself. He had felt that only a few times in his life.

When he learned that Yoichi ran away. When his first wife threatened to cut his ball with a knife and she was in the position to do it. When All-Might punched him in the face. When he tried, in a really dumb attempt, to solo the Ashen King before discovering you couldn’t steal the quirk of a Living Quirk considering they didn’t have any biological part.

All For One was still wondering how in the living f*ck the Ashen King reproduced.

Still, as a result, All For One, as his meat shield bravely endured the heat for him, was now summoning his “summon little object” quirk to bring one of his Anti-Ashen King counterplans. One of them was Gigantomachia, who actually had some quirk allowing him to punch fire. It was just in case the Living Fire was still alive. Using a Kaiju seemed like a good idea at the time.

“WHAT’S WRONG ALL FOR ONE, SCARED? DON’T WORRY, IT WON’T BE LONG!” Endeavor said before his hand grabbed the armored noumus, making him melt. It didn’t even have the time to smell the burning of flesh because the heat was too intense and All For One was seeing Endeavor’s burning skull rising to meet his eyes.

All For One decided he was right to keep his “Anti Living Fire” measures. One of them… Was this strange bullet, made of ever changing ice. Seriously, he still wondering how the f*ck Garaki managed to do that one, but even he understood the good doctor when he said that making a quirk bullet was incredibly hard and not something he could reproduce at will.

This bullet was going to be Endeavor’s silver bullet.

“SCARED OF FIRE, LITTLE DEMON KING ?” Endeavor howled, letting everything go as he pushed forward, and was actually accumulating heat inside his body. f*ck it. He would blow up everything in a perfect circle. Let’s see how All For One was going to handle a supernova heat. He had fire resistance quirks, not immunity, considering his face.

“Final Ashen King Technique: END OF NIRVANA!” Endeavor screamed, ready to use the last technique his father actually taught him. A technique the Ashen King could use whenever he wanted because he would regenerate afterward. However, for a mortal man like himself, it was going to spell his end.

But that way, everyone would be safe.

“No. You will die alone in this act.” All For One said, before activating a homing quirk and an accelerating quirk. With a flick of his finger, incredibly strong for what it was, the ice bullet hit Endeavor in his chest, near his now visible beating heart.

“What the…”

Endeavor barely had time to say anything else, before the ice quickly began to cover him, branching out from his heart and using his veins as lay lines to spread. As soon as he saw that, Endeavor tried to intensify his quirk to melt the ice but strangely… All it did was increase further the speed at which ice spread over his body.

“... I don’t know how he did that one, but Garaki found a quirk that can turn heat into ice and made it into a bullet. That’s what I shot you with.” All For One said, trying to get back his breathing. Hard, because Endeavor kind of burned a lot of oxygen.

Desperate, Endeavor tried to at least roar one last time to hit All for One but the Ice covered his angry and furious face before.

All For One… Actually fell on his knee, surprised and tired by the stressful situation.

“Ok. Not going to lie, this one was way closer than I would have liked and I actually was f*cking lucky. The Doctor made a bullet specifically to kill your dad if he came back.” All For One admitted only to a barely conscious Endeavor as he froze over, frost encasing his form. “Seriously. You were this close to killing me. One more second and… Oh god. I am going to throw up. Way too close man. I need to make you pay.” All For One said, before glaring furiously at Enji. “So I am going to turn your son into a f*cking noumu and make him execute his family. I am that angry, Enji. So now, die full of regret, knowing that doing your best didn’t do jack sh*t!”

All For One then walked away, as Enji was fighting desperately to stay conscious in his ice chrysalid tomb.

Then… Endeavor lost the fight as his flames went out for the last time, seeing All For One walking away to destroy everything in his wake, because as always…

Endeavor failed.


Garaki’s lab.

“NOOOOO! f*ckING DAMMIT. ENDEAVOR, YOU WERE THIS CLOSE TO KILL HIM!” Chisaki bellowed out, while Emilia stared at Garaki, curious.

“Sensei? I thought you said the Ashen King was your god. Why did you create a bullet for him?” she said with a slight down pour in her voice.

“Because he actually ordered me to. Now, all I need to do is simple, my dear Emilia.” Garaki said with an elderly smile full of warmth.

“What now?” Chisaki asked, wondering what this man of science would say.

“I need to believe my God is right.”

Both of his students didn’t know what he was talking about but… Somehow, they hoped for the same thing.

Somewhere, a god listened and smiled.

Exegol part 3 : Endeavor’s End.


Yes, you didn't think Endeavor Redemption meant happy ending, right ?

On a side note, as you can see, I tried a new format. Don't forget to tell me if you find it better or not.

Chapter 53: Exegol Part 4


In which there is a Zelda reference, there is a metal gear reference and people are angry.


So. Some small news.

I am still under treatment. It helps me greatly. I have found a new job and I am closer to my family. Yey.

I am beginning to write again, so here is your chapter.

I am also working on a One-Shot on the side.

Have all a cookies !

Chapter Text

Chapter 53: Exegol Part 4

The Big Three Rescue.

“We have to go back and…” Shouto wanted to continue to speak but Tomura grabbed his arm, making sure he lifted his pinkie.

“And ruin what little time your father bought us.” Tomura was not having any of that. All they could hope was that Endeavor either managed to die heroically and took down All For One or that he tired the Evil King enough to buy them time.

The more Tomura thought about it, the more likely it was. If he was right, All For One, even with an immortality quirk, was still old biologically speaking. His quirk factor was insane but not infinite as otherwise, he would have succeeded in his summoning earlier.

Therefore, All For One was going to be a fair bit weaker afterwards. Hell, if they were lucky, Endeavor would have burned all of the Noumus, reducing the threat level a lot.

Shouto was understandably not happy with this and Monoma grabbed the other arm so they could continue running without Shouto doing something dumb.


The loud yell sank their hearts. It was All For One’s voice, though he seemed tired. Compress used to say that yelling people were the ones who knew they were losing track of their prey, hence why you should usually enjoy them.

In this scenario, however, Izuku and the others could hardly feel any joy because it meant that Endeavor failed to stop All For One.

It didn’t help Shouto’s very mixed feelings about it either.

It was Tomura and Monoma who got the other two out of their stupor, pulling them. They needed to run!


Tomura checked his phone quickly and what he saw brought a smile to his face. Finally, they were there. They took their time, though.

“Our way out is here !” Tomura said before typing something on his phone, to make sure they didn’t get caught in the blast.

Very soon after, they saw an explosion of blue fire 25m from them, piercing the wall. The floor was close to be lava.

“Boss! Are you there?!” Dabi yelled as his fire continued to burn around him. Behind the crispy man, Twice and two copies of Loony (and herself of course) were with Toga. As for her, she was ready with her knife while Spinner was nowhere to be seen, but Tomura had faith he was keeping watch.

“Over there Dabi! We have f*cking All For One on our trails! We need to get the f*ck out now!”

Dabi smiled as the maniac he was while cracking his neck. His fire intensified in his hands while his stare went past Tomura, stopped briefly on Shouto, before staring at the endless hall behind them.

“We saw Endeavor on our way here, flying to get here. Can’t I…”

“He is dead. All For One got him first.” Tomura didn’t have time to spare Dabi’s feelings, who received the news… Stunningly. As in “was left frozen in shock” stunned.

“Why the hell would you want to kill my father?” Shouto asked nonetheless, looking at the burned man with an equal fire in his eye. His father was a bad father. However, even with his anger against him, he knew the man tried to do the right thing the last few months.

Endeavor deserved that much respect as a hero.

“Wait what? DAD WAS MY KILL!” Dabi completely ignored his brother while Tomura and Monoma decided now was not the time for another familial reunion. What was next ?! Discovering Loony was related to Roger Rabbit and/or Miruko?!

Loony, meanwhile, was making sure with Twice’s clones that her cartoon tunnels stayed open. She was a close range teleporter after all. So their solution had been to spam the black cartoon portal until they reached their destination.

“GET THE f*ck IN THERE, THE PORTAL IS GOING TO…” The Cartoonish rabbit was yelling at the dumbass humans to move their sorry ass as they were going to be trapped there otherwise. However, something cut her mid-speech.

“Laser + Homing + Drill. Makankosappo!”

Thanks to All For One’s habit of yelling his combination of quirk and the fact that Loony was at heart still a rabbit, her reflex allowed her to jump outside of the beam's initial trajectory. The good news was the laser went into the hole and was lost outside. The bad news was… Well… Without the real Loony supporting the black hole, it collapsed on Twice’s clones. The real one meeped when he saw a white haired man, colossal in stature and clearly not happy.

All teens and young adults realized they were in the same room with All For One, which was not a recommended thing if you wanted to keep on living.

“I… Am tired.” All For One said before making his bones crack. He was too old for this sh*t. Usually, he had goons for things like that! Sadly, even his noumus were mostly dead. As a result, this old man was forced to go on the field, once again.

“Hi Tired! I am DABI!” No points for guessing who said that as he jumped fearlessly to burn All For One who saw the blue flames coming at him. The old Demon Lord was clearly annoyed by this attack, thinking the young adult was a pain in the ass. Endeavor didn’t do a good job raising him!

Oh wait. His daughter was responsible for that one.

“Oh f*ck no! I had enough with Endeavor!” All For One’s body shifted and his left arm turned almost eldritch, becoming bigger and weirder. Apparently, he kept in double the “mouth in hand” quirk he gave to Moonfish.

In this instant, Dabi recognized that jumping at an SSS-class villain without a plan might have been an oversight.

If Toga hadn’t been lightning quick and kicked him out of AFO’s attack, he would have been eaten.

Toga fell on her feet, Dabi in her slender yet powerful arms as they both got ready for the incoming fight.

All For One, his red eyes wide open analyzed the situation, the numbers in front of him… And more importantly, how everyone was standing by Tomura’s side.

Everyone in the room stood still. Then, All For One smiled, kindly, and clapped. He sounded sincere in his endeavor and not ironic, which was to be noted.

“I am actually impressed, Tomura. I never expected you to command such loyalty from your pawns. You do have some leadership abilities, besides being an attack dog. Come back now and I will spare you and your friends.” He was honest. Seikyo would need to corrupt him a bit but now, Tomura proved he had the charisma to be one excellent pawn under his orders. Not an heir, of course, but he could be his number 5.

“I was molded into your pawn, All For One. I had no choice but to take your orders to attack!” Tomura said, before Toga landed near him, with a huge smile and way too many teeth as she pulled her knives. Her boss was him, and he knew her. He knew how she felt and proved it with kindness. Warmth.

“Tomura understood what it was to be locked up in chains! We were fed but our hunger still remained!” She explained , as it was the only time she was properly fed in her life. That and when she met Tamaki when they were spying on Tomura’s dates but that was something else.

Twice stood on Tomura’s other side, making a shield with his body for Izuku, Monoma, and Shouto.

“I couldn’t be content to live this way! Being led blind! So, sir, I think we are going to plan our dispersal and it’s time to leave you behind!”

Dabi, grumbling and having some anger to exteriorize Why was he angry when he saw Shouto? and the fire dancing in his palms, he yelled :


When he said that, a certain lizard man tried to do a decapitation strike by falling from the ceiling onto All For One, while his companions were showing their determination.

Sadly, a barrier seemed to stop the attack and Spinner quickly jumped back by their side.

Loony readied her hammer before smiling like a maniac at her best friend and boss.

“Bear the mark of our scars, All For One. We are done playing your game. We are going to shed blood, likely… But we will survive, somehow!”

All For One’s smile, at seeing their determination, changed. It wasn’t a kind smile anymore. It wasn’t an angry smile either.

Instead, it was the most frightening, deranged, and ecstatic grin a human face could harbor, the darkest desire in his heart fully revealing on his face. His cheeks were inhumanly stretched by his pleasure for what he was about to do and it was the signal to everybody that he had a terrible thing in mind.

So he began to speak.


K who was in a car outside of the blast was listening to the situation, updating the President in real time, and Stain too. The serial killer wanted to know how his protege was doing after all.

Then, All For One said a sentence he should not have known. A sentence that froze K’s blood.

“Amaterasu, Tanuki, Foxtail, would you kindly make me an omelet with your heart?”



When Seijin said she had prepared a gift for her dad in the shape of Tomura’s companions, she wasn’t joking and fed him all of her intel on them. She also gave him the “Password” to override them and force them to act according to his orders.

However, All For One made a little mistake, forgetting one safety measure Seijin told him.

To not use the command on Dabi if he was near a member of his family and if he was unstable emotionally.

Unfortunately for a lot of people.


No one needed to be Nedzu to understand sh*t hit the fans as all of Tomura’s teammates suddenly fell on their knees, visibly suffering. Well, except Loony and Spinner, who were visibly confused.

Toga barely managed to say, weakly, “Run…” Before All For One pointed his finger at his targets and ordered his new hounds back in chains…


Her body moving against her will, Toga was the first to spring into action, her blade almost hitting Tomura. Thankfully, Spinner parried the blow. He was still surprised by the stream of tears flowing from her eyes.

“RUN!” She yelled again, her body already lashing out against Spinner who had a hard time to react: having a katana in close combat made it harder to parry Toga’s fast blows with knives.

Shouto’s, still his eyes on Dabi since he mentioned casually, and without caring about his own question, that he was his long lost brother, managed to react perfectly in time. A wall of ice managed to slam Dabi into the ceiling when his grin turned into a scary face Shouto only seen in some pictures, freezing his blood.

Dabi’s smile was identical to the Ashen King’s and he was staring at him… and more scarily, he was way too happy.

“Shouutooooo ! COME MAKE A HUG TO ME!”

The ice and fire teen suddenly understood why his dad forbade Dabi to use his fire. Endeavor also pulled him into his office, once, and explained why he should never marry a girl who had the ability to strengthen his fire ability. Almost like a quirk marriage but in the other way.

As disgusting as one might think it, if it was to prevent another Ember to be born, Shouto understood, now, perfectly.

The Todoroki’s still had the Ashen King’s ember in their blood… And Dabi was clearly loving each second of it.

All For One was smiling when he saw Twice grabbing Tomura by the sleeve. Good. The man had a weak quirk, unfitting the descendant of…


“NOW WE RUN BOSS!” Twice said, while Loony readied her hammer in front of All For One and tried to smash him with it. He barely registered the bunny on his radar, wondering why Twice didn’t do what he asked.

“YOU COME BACK THIS INSTANT, TOOL! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE BROKEN!” All For One was yelling at this weaker version of a quirk he loved.

“YOU CAN’T BREAK WHAT IS ALREADY SHATTERED!” Twice yelled back, as he directed toward the windows Tomura and the other. If they wanted to attract some heroes, they needed to be seen.

“DABI! Follow them! You can kill your brother but spare the one with the green hair!” All For One said while Dabi got ready to move again, laughing maniacally. All For One wondered what it was about. It shouldn’t be too bad.


Chisaki looked at their screens, wondering why Garaki smiled happily as if Santa had come down to give him the greatest gift.


“TOGA! Get a hold of yourself!” Spinner was doing his best, but Toga was pushing him against the wall. Literally. The fact he was trying to not hurt her was extremely important.

“I… Can’t! Please… Run!” Toga’s crying face wasn’t something Spinner wanted to see. Not now and never again. The lizardman gritted his teeth before trying to swat Toga further. Loony was trying to buy some time against All For One but…


Yeah, Spinner knew it was only a matter of time before All For One actually swatted Loony against the wall, like a fly.

“Loony, can you move?! I could use a hand!” Spinner yelled, hoping the hopping cartoon could move. She was extremely resilient after all.

“Ye… Yeah… f*ck. Someone saw the truck who hit me?”

As a matter of fact, it was indeed a truck that All For One used to free his way. Now, the old man was trying to run behind the teens. However, his lack of exercise was visible. The old Demon Lord may have one of the strongest Quirk Factor of the world, if not the strongest, but being lazy for a few years did a number on his physical stamina.

Toga, meanwhile, managed to strike Spinner… But thankfully, his scales protected him against the knife, making it slide.

She didn’t want to hurt the Lizardman who often made her pizzas with some bloody ingredients… Or gave her pamphlets to let her know that her quirk wasn’t evil.

He was caring. He was nice. Even now, he was trying his best to not hurt him.

Then Loony joined the fight and Toga’s heart broke even more.

The Bunny was usually one of their more bloodthirsty opponents, being an actual animal. However, she also had a pack instinct and she adopted Toga as something like a small sister.

Which is why both of them didn’t try to bash her skull against the wall.

Well, that was what she thought, until she saw Loony making her hammer roll in her hand, switching the side she used to hit people.

“Spinner! Grab her a second!”

The vampire tried to move away but Spinner actually threw himself at her, to prevent her from dodging.

“Sorry, it’s going to hurt a bit, Toga!”

The next thing Toga saw was some stars, spinning around her head. Weirdly, it didn’t hurt as much as she thought it would.

She was simply stunned, her head feeling light suddenly..

Spinner, meanwhile, stared at Loony, who was wiping her hammer.

“I am a cartoon. Of course my weapons have a “funny wound” side! I simply never bother to use it usually.” Loony explained, calmly. She was a beast. A good enemy was a dead one. Not one who would try to come back after them!

“I see. You hope it will do like in some cartoon and that hitting her like in a slapstick joke will make her come back to her senses?” Loony nodded.

Then they got interrupted by Twice, Tomura, Izuku, Shouto, and Monoma suddenly barging into the room, wondering how the hell they got there.

“... We turned twice left and twice right. How the f*ck does it make sense?” Monoma pointed out, as they were trying to understand what happened there.

“My bad! I forgot I ate a quirk from a Yakuza, which allows me to fuse with the grounds and the walls. I did some shifting!”

The next moment, the doors were suddenly replaced by some walls. The room turned circular, while everyone stood once again in a long hall, the windows allowing them to see the sea and the floating lights outside.

All For One, with a rabid Dabi whose mental state was quickly degenerating by his side, began to hum in front of all the scared people in front of him.

“Aaaaah. It’s a beautiful day outside. Buildings are crumbling, people are dying. On days like this, people like… Love to raise some hell!”

The moment he got ready to jump at them, Toga’s cell phone rang. Everyone was surprised including All For One.

The blond woman was wondering what the hell was that about but All For One actually gestured her to answer. He even stood still, as his quirks kept flaring on his body.

“Please, do answer. I am evil, not rude. Besides, it’s not like you can really run anywhere.” The old man explained, stretching his limb a bit. He wasn’t wrong. "I will consider this your last words."

Tomura was getting ready for a fight too, Izuku was already pulling some cards and Twice was making double of Dabis. Not like they had many options there.

Toga pulled out the phone from her pocket and answered…

“He… Hello?”

“Toga?! It’s Tamaki! Where are you?!” There was a panic in his voice, almost as if he cared about her.

Oh right. The slightly older teen. The one who also had weird eating habits. He was often shy and didn’t like to talk but… He was a good listener.

Toga felt internally that All For One was probably going to get all of them as if they were fishes. So, she tried to stop her tears.

“Somewhere bad. I am sorry. You were right. I needed help but I couldn’t…” Damn. She would miss their talks. How much fun they had spying on Tomura and Nejire. She could feel the tears in her throat, gathering up.

“I am coming to save you. Where are you?” Oh. So he truly cared. The least she could do was make sure he wasn’t in the fallout.

“Tamaki, you can’t…” Toga tried to speak, tearfully, when suddenly an angry voice cut her off.


Fortunately, Tamaki yelled strong enough for Izuku to hear and he threw a card at the tainted windows.

All For One hummed happily at the summon. It wasn’t often you could kill an angel. He would grant you that Angewomon was a digimon and as a result far from a real angel. However, he was going to use that opportunity


The Angel Digimon nodded her head and with a series of light rays, destroyed the corrupted glasses, revealing the dark sky outside... and a star not far from them.

The voice on the phone yelled something else and everyone on the hero's side obeyed the command.


All For One almost went to destroy the Angel when his threat detector quirk warned him of an incoming danger. He barely had the time to summon his barrier when he got thrown through the wall because of the impact.

And the one behind it. And the one behind it. And the one behind it. And the one behind it. And the one behind it. And the one behind it. And the one behind it. And the one behind it.

“My back… Goddamnit…”

All For One was slowly getting up when suddenly, in the ceiling of his castle, he saw a smiling blonde face.


“... Hello?”

“I am here to take down criminals like you.”

The next second, All For One had to parry a Mirio who ejected himself from the wall at full speed. Ok. That was new. Why was someone looking like Tintin who decided to go to the gym attacking him?

This actually confused All For One for a second before noticing another warning on his danger sense. OH COME ON! WHO THE f*ck WAS DOING THAT ?!


Outside of the castle, lifted by his feet by Nejire, Tamaki who ate a lot of his emergency stock had a biomechanical arm.

Also, he was quite angry with several people and Nejire looked positively murderous.


Looking at the scene, Izuku poked his cousin’s side before asking him a crucial question.

“Did you ever tell Nejire you were a Vigilante?”

“Nope.” Tomura was feeling Nejire’s glare from afar and knew that if he survived the situation… Well, Nejire was most likely going to kill him. “Also she might have tried to capture me a few times and I always escaped.”

The fact she was literally bursting energy bolts from her was a good way to tell she was angrier at him than Nedzu was when he learned that his favorite tea was temporarily banned from Japan.


Twice put his hand on his boss’ shoulder and lifted his thumb.

“It was nice knowing you.”

“INSTEAD OF TALKING, CAN YOU JUMP?!” Mirio said, being thrown by All For One who was back on his feet and with various veins pulsing on his forehead. Apparently, he was at the end of his patience and every fiber of Mirio’s body was telling him to run to the center of the Earth.


The fact he was once again pulsating from quirk sparks was extremely worrying. The fact he was creating a giant spiky ball was worse.

“Jump? But…” Monoma asked wondering their point. Sure, Izuku could probably summon something to cushion the fall but…

“Trust us, we have a plan!” Mirio said, eyes on All For One.

“Toga, Tenko! Trust us!” Tamaki said before shooting his last big shot. A second beam of light emanated from his cannon arm. His speed was absurd once again and no one could see it.

Such a blow could have maybe hurt All For One if he hadn’t switched his all-purpose barrier for another quirk. The quirk that made most attempts to simply snipe him useless. He called it the Dune Shield quirk.

The ball made of light, energy, and various organic fluids stopped in front of him, its momentum dead. The Dune Shield allowed him to inverse the kinetic energy of any object going too fast at him. It didn’t, for some reason, include whole humans, explaining why All-Might’s punch could affect him.

All For One smiled even more before continuing his combo.

“Ultra Hand.”

All For One began to mold both balls into one while the young people suddenly began to think the big jump in the void below was a better alternative.

“Now, children, it is time for a lesson. You call this a cannon, boy? THIS. IS. MY. BOOMSTICK!”

With a fiendish face, all care about restraining his strength gone, All For One morphed his right arm into a giant cannon, the molded ball being his ammunition.

Twice, Tomura, Izuku, and Spinner grabbed Toga, Monoma, and Shouto, before jumping, putting their faith in their friends.

“Also, I was forgetting! HOMING BALL!”

Seikyo suddenly remembered he needed Izuku so he used a quirk to add targets to his attack, before firing.

First target, the smiling hero who tried to find a safe place on the ground, swimming like a dolphin. The second target was this flying girl and the shooter. Then he would quietly grab the children and be done with this.

Then another silhouette appeared and patted Mirio as the shoot came.

“I am here.”

Then, the man raised his hand in front of him.


Izuku and his friends suddenly wondered what they were bouncing on. It was as if someone created a bunch of invisible… trampolines?


At this point, All For One was seriously not surprised. It was like the 4th time someone interrupted his attempts to kidnap some children. Back in his days, you literally only needed a gray car and some candies.

Now, you have to fight a series of top heroes, apprentices, and now…

“Don’t take it the wrong way, but I have actually no idea of who the f*ck you are.”

Gentle, who had just stopped with one of his own barrier AfO’s attacks before bouncing it back at him, slammed his cane on the ground before revealing it was actually a sword.

“Then you will.”

He sprung against All For One who smiled, raising his arm ready to slam this impertinent unknown creature into the ground. At least, he recognized his opponent knew what “classy” meant.

To his surprise, Gentle bent at an angle which made an attack improbable before feeling something cold slice through his pants and actually leaving a red mark on his left leg.

“You will discover, villain, that I am more dangerous than you think.” Gentle said before getting into a duel stance, his sword limp as he used his quirk on it. As a result, he had a surprise snake sword and Gentle was extremely good with it thanks to endlessly training with it.

He hoped he could buy enough time for the kids to fall safely on the ground.

“My love, can you say it please?” Gentle asked with all of his emotion in his voice before dodging an attack from All For One, some kind of black bladed tree sprouting from his body.

“... Gentle, I love you. So please. Come back.” La Brava replied through his communication device in his ears.

It was good to be loved.

Then Gentle charged at All For One, bouncing as if it was the last time he could do it.


On the ground, Godzilla was mostly dead. But as the lizard opened one eye, someone should always remember :

Mostly dead means also slightly alives.

Chapter 54: Exegol part 5


The end of the Exegol Crisis.


I don't do that often but I recommend to read this chapter with two songs.

1) Kakusei by Superfly. The English cover by Sapphire is good too.
If you have watch "Promare" you will love it.

If you haven't watch that movie, do it.

2) "I did it my way" Frank Sinatra. However, go for the Perfect Cell Cover on YouTube.

Chapter Text

Chapter 54: Exegol part 5

All For One was surprised but this time because of an unknown factor. Izuku turning on him? Sad but predictable. Tomura turning on him too? It was, really, only a matter of time. His brainwashing puppets not being as effective as he hoped? It was initially a bonus, not something he really counted on. Endeavor going full kamikaze on him? His bad, taunting nature often came back to bite him after all.

However, the old Emperor of Crime was being held at bay by this… Person. Gentle Criminal, from what he could gather. A true unpolished gem.

All For One actually had to use a few mutation quirks to be able to follow the dandy’s movement, which was somehow getting faster and faster.

“Elegant Nightingale!”

All For One also made a few more arms grow on his back, to catch him. Then, the gray haired man turned the ceiling soft and with extreme power used it to bounce on the ground.

His pinkish aura was looking a bit silly but All For One had to admit it more than did the trick.

His six arms ready, he took position to block the incoming falling sword. The criminal knew that thanks to the speed, the sword would be straight for an instant. It was his cue to catch the weapon and get Gentle six feet under the ground.

Unless Gentle had inhuman reflexes, All For One would use this opportunity to destroy this impertinent bug.

Already a lopsided smile was on his face.

The cold steel in his hands, the next instant, only made it grow further and further. GOT H…

Where was Gentle?! Why did he release his handle on the sword?!

Following this realization, All For One noticed the ground around him getting more and more incurved. His footing was unsteady.

Then he looked down, seeing Gentle crouching on the ground.

“It is the Elegant Nightingale’s rise you should have been wary of.”

All For One had been punching in the guts a few times. All Might was definitely the hardest. Balor was the second but it hardly counted. Nana Shimura was the third.

Gentle could take pride in being the fourth strong punch in All For One’s guts. Hell, he actually felt a rib break under the impact. Sure, his regeneration quirk was already solving this but…


“I shall teach you how to be polite, old man.”

Gentle said seriously, readying his punch. Why? All For One knew the wall was far from him! So…

Suddenly, All For One felt an invisible trampoline throwing him back at Gentle’s punch.

Two more ribs broke under the impact.

All For One was definitely a bit rusty from the lack of fight, he had to admit. Thankfully, he had a quirk to dull the pain. However, he wasn’t someone to be trifled with.

So, when Gentle came back at him for another attack, Gentle actually pulled an emergency stop, in mid-air as All For One was now floating.

The Demon Lord’s lopsided smile was back, with a vengeance as his blood was boiling once again.

“You know, I think I actually needed that fight. Thank you. I am getting back my battle sense.


Dabi, the only puppet still active and under his control, had been completely forgotten by everyone. However, he was there, patiently hiding for his master to call him.

The burned Todoroki summoned from his hand another blue fireball that he shot at Gentle.

Gentle was not impressed as the ball was quickly bouncing back at Dabi who had to get the hell out of dodge.

All For One was grumbling.

“I know that coming from me, this might sound rich but your quirk is bullsh*t.”

“Well, to be fair, I am also empowered by the only thing stronger than a Demon Lord.” Gentle pointed out, getting ready to bounce back into attack, as he knew the boost wasn’t eternal. He needed to plan his escape once he knew the kids were safe on the ground.

Or for his boss to come. If they teamed up, they could probably do something.

Or at least, Gentle hoped. Despite his demeanor, his hand’s bones were shattered because of the impact. He was really exceding his limit and it was obvious to him that All For One wasn’t killing him yet because he wasn’t at his full capacity.

Maybe the fight against Endeavor and the rest actually tired him? If it was the case, it was Gentle’s duty to weaken him even further, to give Japan a chance to see the old man dead.

“What is your mysterious secret then? Justice?” All For One bite to his bait and Gentle, his aura flaring up enough to make his mustache and his hair rise like a super saiyajin.


He jumped forward again. All For One considered the following and nodded.

“Good answer.”

Finally someone who got it, what it meant to play truly the Game.


Meanwhile, on the ground.

“Holy f*ck. I thought we were going to die!” Monoma said, trying to feel his heartbeats. Above 150 bpm?! New record! His prize was therapy! “Side note: Izuku? f*ck your family.”

“On my father's side only then.” Izuku agreed as he was pulling some cards already to allow them to get the hell from there.

The LoV’s car, which used to come here met her end when she apparently got hit by a rock from the floating castle.

“So, I have a few Pokemons…” Izuku was going to explain when everyone shut up.


Above them, the Castle of Illusion was suddenly divided in two, and they could see All For One using some (or a lot of) telekinetic quirk to throw half a Castle at the kids. As if it was a giant meteor.

“He is bluffing, right? I mean, he needs Izuku, no?” Tomura said, uncertain since Sensei was going more and more bonkers each time they saw him. That man really needed to calm down!

“I don’t think he is bluffing, Tenko.” Mirio pointed out. They… They couldn’t dodge that one. His brain was already calculating the speed and the size of the projectile.

Thanks to his quirk, he could probably survive… But the others?

Yet, Nighteye said that they were vital to save as many people as possible.

Suddenly, the pink sparkling gentleman appeared in front of them, hands raised above his head.

“I am here, kids.”

Then, everyone saw Gentle stop the castle from falling. His barrier, was gigantic and stretched to the utter limit. It was taking all of his energy and concentration. The kids only had to run and…


All For One, in one instant, appeared in front of him and stabbed him with his own sword in the belly.

“UNCLE GENTLE!” Izuku yelled before Nejire tried to shoot All For One with one of her energy balls.

The old criminal casually swatted it aside, before grabbing Tobita by the neck.

“...You were stronger than I thought. You said your name was Gentle Criminal, right?”

“...Yes,” Danjiro said before punching All For One’s jaw. All For One used one of his bonus arms to stop it.

“I will remember you. In fact, to honor you, I will take your quirk.” Seikyo knew about the vestiges after all. He loved to torture the vestiges in his mental world. However, a few of them were treated with respect and dignity: the one who managed to impress him. These ones were allowed to “play” in a part of his mind. It was a form of immortality and respect.

A light shone and the next instant, Danjiro fell from the sky, under the kids' scared eyes. Unconscious and the sword still in him.

Then, as All For One descended as an unholy demon, the shadow of the castle staying in the air by his will, a gust of wind happened.

The silence came as the teens stopped to scream.

Gentle stopped falling because someone caught him and let him on the ground, calmly.

The next instant, All For One’s red eyes meet deep blue ones. A silent message was conveyed through them.

A few words were screamed.


The next instant, propelled by the strength of the strongest man on Earth, the falling fragment got thrown in the direction of the sea.

Both the newcomer and All For One touched the ground at the same time.

“It’s going to be Okay.” The newcomer said but for once, his iconic smile wasn’t here,” BECAUSE. I. AM. HERE.”

“... All Might.” All For One stated simply, letting his joints crack as he redirected his full attention to him. None of the teens had the power needed to stop him after all.

“f*cker.” All Might answered, making his nemesis chuckle. He would miss this kind of banter once he would be the Demon Lord.

“Please, be polite. You wouldn’t want Nana’s heirs to have a mouth as foul as mine, right?” All For One trash-talk wasn’t the product of a quirk but the result of staying a bit too long in France once.

“Kids, run away. This is between him and me.” All Might said as he walked toward his sworn enemy. He was their last line of defense after all.

“Kids, don’t run away. Once I am done with him, you wouldn’t like me to be angry because I had to search for you. Again.” All For One warned before walking towards All Might.

“You are coming at me for once? Not running away?”

“I can’t beat you to death if I don’t come closer.” All For One cheekily answered.

The next moment, Izuku and Co felt the air cry when both Titans’ punches clashed.

Then the kids noticed something scary.

All Might had been slightly pushed back.


Meanwhile, somewhere else.

Pure whiteness? That was… Disappointing, Enji had to admit.

“Surprising, isn’t it?” A voice, a familiar one who haunted his nightmares, echoed in the void.

The next instant, Enji punched the man in the face as hard as he could. Or rather, he tried as he only punched the void. The voice spoke once again behind him.

“Enji. It’s a mental space. It doesn’t work exactly like that here. Think Harry Potter when he died. I am your Dumbledore.”

Then in front of Endeavor, a man made of pure blue fire appeared. He had, strangely, a nice smile on his face.



The Ashen King and Endeavor stared at each other in silence… Before Endeavor sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

“Am I in Hell and you came to greet me?”

“Naaah. I am officially persona non grata there.” The Ashen King said jokingly, before smiling at his son. “Besides, you aren’t dead yet. You are partially hallucinating because of the frost, your blood trying to awaken, and of course the lack of oxygen.”

This seemed more legitimate. Enji was slightly reassured to not have to be in the same afterlife as his dad.

“So… I failed to protect my son.”

“Yeah, I told you All For One was a rat, right? That man loves to have contingency over contingency.”

“You did. Probably the only good advice you ever told me.” Endeavor said bitterly. Seriously, he would have preferred his death without the mental projection of his father with him. Probably because he used his quirk to his fullest even if it was only for a moment.

“... So, what are you going to do?”

“... Father, I am dead. The end of the road. There isn’t much to do after that.”

The Ashen King sighed before taking his son’s hand. Then, he lit it on fire.

“What kind of father would I be if I let you end like that? Enji. I always said you were my heir. Do you know why?”

“You always said I had the potential to be the next you.” Endeavor frowned. What did he mean?

“Good. Now, remember why I never pulled back my hit when I was training you?”

“... Because life and death situations were the best opportunity to grow. Wait, are you telling me that…” Endeavor was realizing, in his last moments, something really important.

He looked at his father’s form. The strongest living quirk to ever grace the Earth.

“The Power was inside you all along. Let me show you.”

Suddenly, a Gate was floating in front of them. On it, esoteric symbols were written on it. All of it could be found either in Abrahamic studies or the Evangelion Opening (to be fair, this is kind of the same.

The Ashen King raised an eyebrow looking at it.

“Son. Did you stop being a Buddhist?” The Ashen King seemed kind of let down by the situation, "Because mine had a lot of Buddhist symbols!"

“Yes. I couldn’t support it even if I knew your form of it was corrupted as hell.” Enji said bitterly. The Ashen King nodded as it was fair actually.

“Very well. This… is the Gate. The symbol of you transcending your condition as a Human being to become…”

“A Living Quirk.” Endeavor said, looking at the giant door without a frame, floating in front of him.

“I prefer the term Ascended.” The Ashen King said, beside his son as suddenly, various pillars appeared all around them. All of them had various pictures of Enji’s life, all associated with various emotions. Feeling.

“... What is this?” Endeavor asked, while his father sat in the air.

“The Price. To open the Door, you need to sacrifice part of yourself. Personally, I burned everything that wasn’t my hate and my joy!” He said happily, making Endeavor sigh. That explained a lot. “The more you burn? The better! As far as I know, the Old Man sacrificed part of his sentience as a human being, the ability to understand the speaking language, and a few other things.”

Enji took a few steps and stood in front of his two biggest pillars. One of them was him, as the UA valedictorian. A picture of him finally receiving the position of #1 (a dream.)

His pride.

The other? It was his family. Rei’s screaming. Natsuo’s disdain. Shouto’s hate. Fuyumi’s sadness.

His regrets.

“What happens if I burn something?”

The Ashen King smiled, before putting his arms around Enji’s neck.

“You still remember that! But you have no feeling. No pain. No suffering.”

Enji inhaled. The Power was at his hand. All he had to do… Was to burn things.

“I have chosen.”

Endeavor put his hand on the pillar in front of him.

“I will burn my…”


Meanwhile, in the real world.

Gentle floated in the air thanks to Izuku’s quirk: he had a Mr. Mime next to him, who was using his psychic power to make the man airborne. This way, they could move him without aggravating his wound. They left the sword inside of his because unless they were willing to try having Shouto cauterize forcefully the wound, it would do worse than good.

Adding to that, Gentle would likely need medical attention and doctors would need to cut him up to operate on him. A cauterization was a bad move.

Meanwhile, everyone was running as if their lives were on the line. To be fair, it was actually the case, considering two demi-gods were fighting in the background, each time their fists met, a small earthquake could be felt.

Then finally, All-Might’s theme rang in the air. Izuku pulled out his phone and Atsuhiro’s voice could be heard by everyone.


Somehow, having his dad yelling at him made Izuku a bit better.

“With pleasure if I survive! Does it also concern cousin Tenko?” Izuku asked while Nejire, Mirio, and Tamaki raised an eyebrow. Wait, cousin?

“Tenko, you said you weren’t…”

Tomura sighed, while keeping up the rhythm while they were among the ruins.

“New development. Izuku is my cousin. My dad and his mom were siblings. Complicated story. On a side note, our grandma was that scary f*cker’s former nemesis. Also All-Might’s mentor.”

The Big Three suddenly felt an emotion too many heroes felt.

They weren’t paid enough for this.

“We will need a f*cking debrief once this end.” Mirio said, as he felt this situation was spiralling so fast out of control, it was close to summon the Gurren Lagann.

“Izuku, tell your friends to get ready. Where are you right now?” Atsuhiro was trying to get the situation back on tracks.


All For One wasn’t about to let his prize run away and while one hand made All Might float in the air, kind of like Darth Vader used to do, his other hand was assembling the metal from the various totaled cars on the ground and suddenly shot them at Izuku and company. Shouto quickly answered to that by creating some ice walls. Considering they could hear the ice cracks, it wasn’t nearly enough.

“We are in the opposite direction from Godzilla, Dad!” Izuku managed to yell.

Meanwhile, All-Might was already panting.

Running there took time. Fighting at his full strength, something he didn’t have to do in years was even more taxing.

Meanwhile, All For One was slowly getting back his old reflexes, while being more than healed. He was having more and more ease at parrying All-Might’s attacks, which made sense.

At his prime, All-Might equaled barely All For One.

Now, he was diminished and his opponent in better health than him.

Still. He had to do it. To protect everyone. End the final threat once and for all.

“This is too bad, All-Might. Alone, you didn’t stand the shadow of a chance. If only you had cooperated with Endeavor, you might have actually won!”

All For One laughed before flying toward the fleeing teens.

When Izuku saw that, he knew he had to make a decision. A strategic decision.

All For One’s win condition was capturing him. Killing everyone else was a bonus.

So, Izuku gritted his teeth, and pulled a card.

Three Revealing Sword of Light.

Instantly, the three swords formed a wall between him and his friends, making All For One pause for an instant. This allowed All Might to catch back him and the fight began anew. Yet everyone was staring at Izuku, wondering what the hell was going on.

“All For One wants me! If I stay here, he won’t be able to divide his attention between you, me and All-Might!”

Tomura tried to punch the wall but Twice stopped him. First, it was more than likely going to be useless. Second, they had no time.

“... Izuku, you better stay alive so I can kill you!” Tomura yelled, as everyone else was literally dragging him toward their extraction point. Izuku’s phone was with them, with a map.

Meanwhile Izuku was already shuffling his deck. Ideas. He needed some…

“Demon Lord’s REIGN!”

The air cracked as suddenly another noise not like any other filled the space.

All Might got smashed near Izuku, who was touching his chest. Time for the final solution, wasn't it? He hoped he had rested enough and that every cards on him were enough as a sacrifice.

“It is the end, All-Might. You can’t beat me!” All For One said, more than happy in the air. Now, he even had dark wings on his back like the king of the edgelords.

All-Might threw up a puddle of blood before noticing something and raised his finger behind All For One. He smiled.

“But he can.”

While All For One actually looked behind him, he missed Izuku taking a card out of his chest sleeve.


Enji’s mental space.

In front of the Ashen King, Enji’s pride was burning. This actually surprised him, as he didn’t expect that one from his son.

“Explain? I am curious.”

Meanwhile, Enji was slowly passing his hands on another pillar. In it, Rei’s smiling at him. Shouto calling him Dad. Natsuo invites him to his wedding.

His dreams and hopes.

The fire was even bigger than his pride, igniting the air.

“I don’t deserve any of this. I need to set everything right as penance for… Everything.” Enji said before arriving at another pillar. Rei in a wedding dress. Nedzu congratulated him for his first perfect score. His happiest memory.

The Ashen King turned solemn as they turned into ashes. Meanwhile, the door was opening more and more. Its light was almost blinding.

“Don’t forget to leave something here, son!”

“I am. I am leaving my regrets. My remorses. My shame.” Endeavor said, as he continued to burn more and more of his happiest thoughts.

He suddenly felt a pull toward the Gate, probably signifying it had eaten enough. Enji then turned once again and put his hand on his father’s shoulder.

“And finally, I am burning you, dad. I am not in your shadow anymore and I don’t want you to do me a Dumbledore again!”

His yell filled the space but nothing happened, to his surprise.

As the Gate was swallowing Enji, he could hear his father laugh.

“Apt choice, son. Remember: “It’s not because it is in your head that this isn’t real!””

Enji, somehow, felt his body becoming more and more hot while his spine froze.

He had a bad feeling about his dad.


The Ashen King, alone in the void between everything summoned a few instruments to pray. After all, as a father, it was the least he could do to help his son:

[Dear reader, please play "Kakusei" by Superfly or the English Cover by Sapphire]

A blackened sky appears

My heartbeat sounds the repeating thunderclaps

Before the storm comes

Tonight I will offer up that magic song


In Enji’s ice sarcophagus, the shell began to crack. The sky above them, finally shining on the #2 was slowly becoming darker and darker. Enji’s heart beat stronger and stronger, awakening him as if it was going to burst from his chest.


The Ashen King continued to sing, using his instruments in rhythm and dancing to honor his son, finally following his footsteps.

Mahari yuware gaaye savanare

Amare dilahi jumagi ganashara

I will bring it back to life

Your heart, my beloved

Shed your body

Now is the time to face your fears


Enji felt every step of the process, as his blood ignited. Each of his cells discovered the power to split themselves, again and again.

The heat allowed his heart to fully come back to life despite the sarcophagus becoming bigger and bigger, covering the former cracks.

Yet, Endeavor’s will still pushed on. He had a job to do. He had to make things right.


Mahari yuware gaaye savanare

Amare dilahi jumagi ganashara

Howl at the heavens, awakening

Close your eyes

Scoop up the wind in your hands

Let your body melt

Let the bells ring out


Enji closed his eyes as he took his last breath. He could feel, as the water turned into oxygen because of him, the last gush of wind he would feel.

Then, he didn’t feel anything anymore.

The sarcophagus exploded, as a broken chrysalid.


Mahari yuware gaaye savanare

Amare dilahi jumagi ganashara

Mahari yuware gaaye savanare

Amare dilahi jumagi ganashara

Howl at the heavens, awakening

The thunder raises its newborn cry over and over

I will sing, fly beyond the darkness

Mahari yuware gaaye savare

Amare dilahi jumagi gashara

Mahari yuware gaaye savanare


From what was left of the Evil Castle, still floating, everyone could now see a spectacle that sent a terrified feeling across the world.

A giant man, in blue fire, was rising from his former shell. From his eyes, flowed a purple fire as if it was tears.

Then he yelled with all of his newfound might, the name of the hatred one. The target of God's wrath.



All For One suddenly wanted to run very, very fast.


Seikyo turned his head toward Izuku. Did he hear right? Then he saw the field changing and All For One knew. He couldn't run anymore.

“... Little Rey, what the f*ck…”

“It’s clear to me you have to end here. I am not letting you run away, grandpa!“ Izuku was standing his ground, despite the fear in his guts.

All For One, this time, stopped smiling. Izuku had gone one step too far. He was truly too much like his asshole of a father!


All Might, smiling at the situation, rose up again. He had a hole in his left shoulder. He could hardly feel anything because his pain nerves were overloading everything. Yet, seeing his nemesis that scared? It was priceless.


Then, All-Might felt something being slapped on his back by Izuku.

The green haired teen smiled, as a flow of blood erupted from his nose. A calculated risk. If he died, his grandpa couldn’t copy his quirk. Monoma’s quirk didn’t work with dead cells according to him.

If he lived… Well, it was most likely because All-Might won and All For One wasn’t a threat anymore.

“It was my final card. I wanted… To get an autograph on it.”

The ground never felt more comfortable as Izuku fell on it, smiling. He had used his ultimate card. His ultimate collectable.

Plus Ultra rarity: All Might, Silver Era.

Another blinding light shone harder than ever while All For One was suddenly stuck between the hammer and the anvil.

Probably because an All-Might, all of his wounds healed was in front of him, clearly angry… And on the other side, a giant Ashen King 2.0 who wanted to kill him was coming. OH COME ON, WHAT WAS NEXT?!


Having rested, the King of the Monster rose once again. Stomping the evil one was, at first, a favor for the green one. However, Godzilla knew perfectly well it was because of him he almost… Died.

All For One, for all of his bravado, was suddenly feeling as if everything spiralled out of his control very fast.

“Not gonna lie, I feel way less bragging right now.”


“Noumu Gate, are the coordinates correct? Good. Chisaki, be gentle. Bring me back this person. I need him. You might knock him out first, though.”

Garaki said with a huge smile. All according to plan. The Gate had been fully opened this time.

His evidence?

The Ashen King’s last flame doubled in size in his shrine.

He was coming back. All Garaki needed was a proper vessel.

“Wait, Doc. You planned for all of this?” Chisaki wanted to know because if it was the case… Damn.

Garaki looked at his students who were waiting for his answer.

“Are you asking if I planned for All For One to fight Godzilla, All Might, and a godlike Endeavor?” Garaki chuckled as his students nodded, wondering if he was a master strategist. “I am not nearly insane enough to plan something like that. Honestly, I planned to get Dabi in our custody through another way. Once my plan was done, I would have asked my God to burn to ash All For One. However, as that bastard once said: Improvisation is a survival skill.”


In a chopper owned by a news channel.

“...I think, dear viewers, that we can call this the fight of the century! We don’t know who is this mysterious villain but apparently, he is now fighting All-Might who seems to have some sort of awakening considering how shining he is! We also see Godzillo getting ready to fight!”

“Ma’am ! We have information: This isn’t Godzillo! The form doesn’t correspond!” The assistant yelled despite them wearing specialized gears to speak. He was pale. “... It’s Godzilla.”

“... Godzilla, Godzilla?”

“SKREEEEEOOOOOOONK!” The King of the Monsters answered the dumb question.

“Also, ma’am, isn’t that…”

… Everyone in the chopper stood in silence as they saw a figure still in everyone's memories thanks to the recordings. The anchorwoman knew what she had to do, despite her dry throat.

“... We have a visual of someone looking like the Ashen King. For some reason, he is apparently on All-Might and Godzilla’s side to beat this unknown man.”

This was… Truly a special situation.


Izuku was still on the ground when he slowly opened his eyes. In front of him, All Might was punching All For One faster than he could see. Izuku was also half sure All-Might’s punches were actually igniting the air.

Meanwhile, Godzilla was slowly building up his own atomic breath while Enji was on fire. Literally.

Izuku wondered if he wasn’t hallucinating, especially as he was seeing his grandpa having more and more trouble handling the fight.


This made Izuku chuckle, weakly. He could hardly move to save his own life. So, when at one point he saw All For One raising his arm in his direction, his face distorted by hatred, the teen regretted he didn’t have the opportunity to hug Tooru more.


However, to everyone’s surprise, something happened. All For One’s arm fell on the ground, cleanly cut by a man who came from nowhere.

His sword glowing in a red light thanks to its scabbard heating it, the Hero Killer pointed his sword at All For One.


“Stain, I would take this as a personal favor if you could…”

All Might didn’t have the opportunity to finish his sentence that Stain already disappeared. Izuku too.

On the ground, only one man was left, with his iconic mask. Two marbles were in his hands, holding Izuku and Stain inside it.

“I am Mr. Compress and I am stealing them, thank you.” The Gentleman Thief said, waving at All For One.

Bleeding, All For One felt the blood reddening even more his eyes. WHY? WHY WAS EVERYTHING AGAINST HIM TODAY?!


“Actually, you did.” Compress said before pulling back his mask, revealing to All For One the face of Atsuhiro Sako. Ooooh. Wasn’t he the childhood friend his son stole the love interest to produce Izuku?

“... Ok, that one is fair.” Even All For One admitted gladly that f*cking over a childhood romance was a dick move.

“Also, it was Oji Harima who stole your brother from its vault.” Compress said with a smug smile before marbling himself.

All For One erupted in anger. “I WILL FLAY YOU ALIVE!”

“No.” All Might stopped his rant by punching him in the face so strongly it actually split the ground below them. Thankfully, because of Exodia, there was nothing else to destroy.

All For One felt his jaw being pulverized before seeing two lights above him. As the breaths of death came at him, All For One closed his eyes, welcoming the heat. All he had to do was one thing.

[Now, please, put the Cell Perfect cover "I did it my way"]

And now the end is here

And so I face that final curtain’

All For One remembered his first stolen quirk. It was a simple strength enhancing one, to defend Yoichi against a bully.

‘My friend I'll make it clear

I'll state my case, of which I'm certain’

Then he remembered his first deals. He wasn’t the master criminal he was now. In fact, he began as a low grunt, hiding his real quirk, as to not get noticed too quickly.

I've lived a life that's full

I traveled each and every highway

He remembered his first wife. She was a beautiful hitwoman. She had been sent to kill him. Instead, they fell in love. She died because of the Second, when he distracted All For One to give Oji Harima the time to steal Yoichi.

And more, much more

I did it, I did it my way’

It was then that he began his reign of darkness. That he really decided to rule the crime. His first execution? The Second’s family. Wife. Children. Even his pet dog.

Regrets, I've had a few

But then again too few to mention’

He remembered Hisashi’s drawing of him and his mom. Maybe he could have been less of a dick and a better father.

‘I did what I had to do

I saw it through without exemption’

Decapitating Nana had been harder than one might think. He actually liked the woman as she was smart, strong, and actually funny. He stole her quirk to let her into his mental world. However, it was the only time no soul was attached to the quirk.

‘I planned each charted course

Each careful step along the byway’

Then, he remembered the dozens of plans he had left. He smiled.

And more, much, much more

I did it, I did it my way

The terror in the eyes of his enemies. He loved it. Terraformars and him bonding over that was a good memory.

Yes, there were times I'm sure you knew

When I bit off more than I could chew’

f*ck you All-Might, Godzilla and Endeavor. f*ck you, Ashen King.

But through it all, when there was doubt

I ate it up and spit it out

He gave back every hit he took, right? Even now, All Might was hurt. Wait. Could he?

‘I faced it all and I stood tall and did it my way

For what is a man, what has he got?’

It was a dick move but he was an evil overlord. He activated a quirk he had never used before and shared his sense with All-Might. If he could have smiled, he would have.

‘If not himself then he has naught

Not to say the things that he truly feels

All-Might could feel that, astonishingly enough, All For One felt at peace in his last moment, despite the excruciating pain of being burned alive.

And not the words of someone who kneels

Let the record show I took all the blows and did it my way’


All For One yelled.

Then All For One died, as he met his end through atomic fire and the pure anger of a father and a hero trying to protect what they hold dear.


Somewhere, a failsafe activated, giving two sets of orders through a computer.

Two names were on it

“Plan Omega”

“One Piece”


Chapter 55: Exegol Aftermath


In which, we try to breath a bit after... all of Exegol.


Just FYI

=> the next few chapters are going to be mainly breathers.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 55 : Exegol Aftermath

Enji felt the metal alloy around him, before he saw a green light. As per his duty now, he let out another flare of energy out of his body, letting the nuclear energy that was circulating through him.

Another flare for the hour, letting his energy power this old Nuclear Fusion Reactor. After all, he was now the solution to the old problem “How do we maintain a star active”.

He was the star and his sorrow was the fuel for Japan’s energy.

It was fitting. It was his punishment. His duty, now that All For One was gone.

No one needed him or was waiting for him, after all.


Nedzu and the Todoroki’s family had a live-stream about Enji’s situation. Thanks to All-Might pleading with the military and the fact that Enji didn’t move from Exegol, it reassured enough the governments across the world to not simply use some positronics orbital cannon to destroy part of the Japanese peninsula to end the potential threat.

Enji’s living quirk state had been televised after all, on a live-stream. There was no hope to contain the information and now that the genie was out of the bottle, there was no way to put it back

Instead, David Shield managed to point out that a benevolent Ashen King was an opportunity like no other. At this point, Endeavor was a small star, self-sufficient. Between studying how he existed and the fact he could be used (and more importantly, contained) in a fusion reactor calmed a lot of people.

The possibility for the government to cut down its dependency on foreign resources for the country’s need of energy was also a net plus.

“...Is he even sentient?” Rei asked Nedzu, who sighed.

“He is. However, he is literally made of guilt of not being good enough. Apparently, he sees his situation as a good way for his eternal penance.” Nedzu explained. He found the situation highly ironic and not in a pleasant way for once.

Right when his family was finally ready to give him a real chance to make-up… The same event that made them feel this way made Enji lose any hope he would even touch them again.


Everything wasn’t perfect either for the Sako household.

Especially as Atsuhiro and Izuku had been expressively summoned by the HPSC President in person. She even sent Hawks and his two acolytes: Lady Tnagan and Spot. Who was totally not Stain in a cybernetic suit to hide his body and a fake mustache on it.

“Dad? They are totally Lady Nagant and Stain, right?” Izuku said, not feeling good about being two highly known Hero Killers.

Compress nodded while Hawks hummed quietly in the car bringing them to the HPSC HQ.

“Yep. They are. I am actually surprised they… work for the HPSC. I mean, Stain. I still remember some of your rants.”

“I don’t work for the HPSC, Atsuhiro.” Stain said, while drinking a pouch of tomato juice. At lease, Izuku hoped it was. “I work for the HPSC President.”

For many, it would be a dumb distinction to do. However, between men like Compress and Stain, it meant a lot.

Stain was a man of conviction. To work under someone else, it meant their conviction actually aligned with him and even impressed him.

Mr. Compress, who spend around 20 years f*cking up with the HPSC to expose corruption rotting the institution, was trying to wrap his head around the idea.

Stain thought the HPSC President worked to clean the Hero Industry.

It seemed almost as unlikely as Nedzu renouncing dominating the world, All-Might being bombastic, Gang Orca being the hero selling the most plushies or Stain having a girlfriend!

As a result, Compress looked at Stain as if he had grown three heads at the same time.

“I am serious. She is a good woman.” Stain said and Compress was terrified to notice actual respect in his voice. “She is even more ruthless than me about what needs to be done.”

Izuku finally understood Hawks’ smile. It meant he was too tired for this and this mad man was actually praising the HPSC President.

“What, did she give you a list with all the corrupt people in the HPSC so you can have fun with them?”

Stain did the most frightening things he could have done. He smiled with all of the pleasure he had about his job.

Nagant looked at Izuku, sympathetically.

“... You are a good kid. Don’t worry, as far as I know, the President doesn't plan anything bad about you. According to our schedule, we must join her at the Heliport. There, we will go to an Island. Don’t worry, she is actually quite nice in person.”

This reassured Izuku and his step-dad greatly.


“SO YOU ARE THE TWO f*ckERS BECAUSE OF WHOM I HAVEN’T BEEN ABLE TO SLEEP FOR 3 f*ckING DAYS?!” Hinata Tobita yelled incredibly angry for a woman her age.

Both Sako were kneeling in apologies in front of her as the V-TOL was speeding up above the ocean.

“Sorry Ma’am… Herm… What do you mean by that?”

Hinata looked at them angrily a bit more… Before sitting and sighing. On her face a lot of worries showed for once.

“... I heard that Danjiro is alive and well. He is simply quirkless. However, the surgery took so long, it made me worry a lot.” Hinata admitted. She knew her nephew and how this idiot was so full of life. Of course he was going to live.

She still worried about him as he was the son she never had.

Atsuhiro and Izuku didn’t know what to say to her, so she continued her speech.

“Then. Instead of worrying quietly, I had to deal with the sudden disappearance of my #2 hero who became the new Ashen King. Helping the government convince the US to not nuke us had been a REALLY FUN MOMENT.”

Both kneeling men in front of her could totally relate to her anger, when she finally smiled as if she was the demon queen and AfO would have approved her smile…

“And then, I had to explain that f*ckING GODZILLA WAS NOW A THING. GODZILLA.”

Hinata didn’t know about Optimus Prime being rebuilt in I-Island and if she knew, she would have probably thrown Izuku into the ocean to calm her nerves.

This time Izuku looked away. From what he gathered, once All For One died, there was a staring contest between All-Might, Godzilla and Enji… Which ended with a handshake between them.

Also, no one had wanted to try to fight Godzilla, even if Enji could have probably won… Because of the sheer collateral damage. Same for All Might who was dead tired once Izuku’s magic card went down. After all, most of his energy went into his Godzilla.

Summoning All-Might in his prime state had been a huge bet and Izuku had been unable to move for two days.

“On a related note, kid, the United Nations officially designated you as a Class 6 quirk. Congratulations. You are now officially a National Human Asset.” The HPSC President said as the V-TOL finally landed on an isolated island. “As a result, you can be commanded by the nation or the UN for various missions. You cannot refuse them. You will be compensated for your work. As of now, if the police arrest you, you simply have to call us and you will be immediately bailed.”

The National Human Asset was a system actually shared across the world. It was a list of people with quirk and ability above everyone else and they were given various privileges and freedom in exchange for their service. Once someone was put on that list, he could be requisitioned for missions only them could accomplish. They were also often seasoned heroes, though some were indeed civilians.

All-Might, as an example, was Japan’s only National Human Asset, but he was very often called on international missions through that system. Star and Stripe was another being on the list. The Old Man too.

As of now, Japan was the only country with three National Human Assets, though only two of them were active.

Izuku was officially the youngest person to ever achieve that title.

This actually scared the sh*t out of the kid and of Atsuhiro.

“Of course, considering your young age, you have been registered under the code name Joker. Your status isn’t public. As a result, we will give you a liaison.” Hinata said, before noticing something from the sea.

She gestured to one of her men in the V-Tol to bring her something. A mallet with one card, perfectly pristine. It had cost a lot of money but the sake of the world depended on it.

As Godzilla emerged from the ocean, he screamed at the Humans who dared to walk on HIS ISLAND while he was searching for his son.

Hinata gave Izuku 80 cards to sacrifice.

“Your first job is to appease Godzilla by summoning his son, definitively.”

Some had thought about nuking Godzilla or using positronic weaponry. Then some otakus pointed out that trying to kill Godzilla with hyper weaponry was the best way to create a bigger and more dangerous kaiju. No one wanted a Destoroyah unleashed on the world.

Izuku swallowed his saliva and touched the cards. They burned so easily now, after his last gambit. He could feel the mana coursing throught his veins, the power of life running inside his body.

He vowed to be way more careful about what cards he would bring to live.

“Also, if we ever find out you summoned things like the Tyranids, Giratina or demons… I will gladly show you where Gentle picked up some of his fighting skills.” Hinata said.

Actually she was bluffing. She had no combat skill whatsoever.

However, what was important was to establish dominance on Compress and Izuku so they would not become pain later on.

After all, she now had a good opportunity to reform the Hero Industry. Especially as she managed to put a warrant on THAT f*ckING BITCH.

In addition to that, Hinata was happy because she managed to f*ck with Nedzu: in exchange of his help over certain matters, she would give him control over the members of the LoV, including the few who had their head messed with by Seijin.

She even managed to get them an actual pardon… In exchange of Izuku’s first task as an Asset.

She loved when she could do good deeds without paying anything.

“You know, Hinata, you would have more allies if you stopped cackling like a mad woman.”

“I am a mad woman, though.”

Suddenly, Compress understood where Gentle’s weirdness came from.

Izuku turned toward Godzilla and pulled the card given by Hinata. Godzilla Junior, MTG edition.

Joker summoned his internal strength, before unleashing it, blinding everyone around them.

When the humans could open their eyes again, all they could see was Godzilla and Junior hugging each other. They were together again. This… warmed both magicians’ heart before Hinata smiled at them.

“Thank you. As a reward, I am officially granted the right to give an amnesty for the LoV for their past crimes… And to Mister Compress too. However, I would recommend him to get a hero license presto if he doesn’t want me to send Hawk after his ass.”


Nedzu was looking at the formerly known League in front of him. For various but very good reasons, they seemed uncomfortable in front of the most powerful rodent in the world.

“So. What am I going to do with all of you?”

Loony was the first to raise her hand. She was probably the only one not scared by Nedzu as she recognized a fellow quirked animal. They tended to instinctively trust each other.

“Can I let my family have fun on the campus?”

“Yes you can, miss Tunes. So. Going back to my question. What am I going to do with you?”

Nedzu was sipping his tea as he enjoyed making the people in front of him squirm and wait for either his mercy or his punishment.

Then, one of them had their posture shifting. It was Tomura who stared at him with determination. Good, good.

“You don’t want to kill us and you don’t want them to go back to the HPSC.” Tomura pointed out very wisely.

“And what about you? You are AfO’s former heir, don’t you remember? Would it be wise to neutralize you?” Nedzu was of course testing Tomura who sighed.

“No. Because you know I am Izuku’s cousin and the grandson of All-Might’s mentor. Killing me isn’t cost effective.” So, he did have a brain.

Nedzu stared at them a bit longer and then clapped his hands, happily. He found some new toys!

“I have decided! I am keeping all of you!”

“Un… Under what condition?” Toga asked meekly. Ever since the control command was given, her head hurt and she was going through something heavily like a withdrawal syndrome. Even blood didn’t seem to calm her enough. As a result she was oscillating between extreme guilt, extreme sadness and fear.

“Miss Toga will have to join the General Course. I will plan a special education plan for her. Tenko, you will have special training under my supervision to join the Hero Course, third year.”

“And what if I…” Tomura, on the pure principle of not liking to be strong armed, wanted to refuse.

“Nejire asked me to tell you that if you were to refuse, you would suffer consequences.” Nedzu pulled his big guns.

“... What if I wanted to thank you for your kind and generous offer?”

“Whipped!/Nice survival instinct!”

“As for you, Twice, I know the perfect job for you and your quirk. You will never get hurt and you will get paid.”

Twice perked his head at this idea, wondering what was Nedzu’s plan for him.


One week later.

Twice was being hugged for the fifth time today by a teacher, who thanked him. It turned out that having an administration guy who can duplicate themselves to handle all of the forms was a God given gift.

According to Toga, some people in the Support course were erecting shrines in his honor as he sped up tremendously the speed of every procedure.

Maybe it was that, pure happiness?


Spinner, meanwhile, was fidgeting. He was nervous as he didn’t expect to be taken to UA with the others. Initially his plan had been to potentially extract the LoV to one of the MLA compounds to recruit them and get them the help they needed.

Hey, he got attached to them too!

So when Nedzu looked at him, Spinner expected a lot… A job? Release him with surveillance? Be the prey in some kind of blood game.

“I have heard you have good driving skills and know how to use a sword. Also, according to Tomura, you are probably affiliated to some kind of crime network.”

Spinner wisely decided to stay silent. As a result, Nedzu followed.

“Considering your appearance, I need to ask. Are you part of any supremacist organization in Japan?”

“No.” Spinner answered immediately, with some disgust in his voice. “f*ck the ISP and the CRC. I mean it. All quirks are equal and those thinking otherwise are dumbass.”

Nedzu sipped his tea, his eyes briefly clouded by nostalgia. Was it that? He needed to investigate Spinner’s hometown. Deika.

Could it be… Could it be that some remnants of his friend’s organization survived? He was incredibly curious.

Still, he wasn’t going to let Spinner know he knew about the MLA first generation and their motto.

If they weren’t MLA and corrupting his old friend’s ideas; Nedzu would have a field day to purge them.

“As for me?” Loony asked, curious about her fate but not scared. Nedzu looked at her and said…

“How about traumatizing students by being a danger hazard during training?”

“You had me when you said ‘traumatizing’.”

Nedzu made a new friend that day.


Monoma was dejected.

I-Island’s doctors confirmed what he knew all along: his quirk had fully disappeared and with it, his dream to be a hero.

Now, he was alone in a white room. What would he do, become a member of the Management course? Maybe he could still help as an analyst but…

Monoma smashed his clenched fist against the bed frame. HE LOST HIS DREAM!

“Hello boy!” A booming voice just entered the room and a man, larger than life and probably a bit more than All For One stood in front of him. “Do you know a thing I hate about hospitals? They forbid me to smoke a cigar.”

The newcomer sat in front of him before crossing one of his leg over his knee.

“So, what are you going to do, boy. Cry about an unfair fate?”


The man smiled before adjusting his glasses. Apparently, his niece had been right about what she told him.

“When you come back to Japan to realize your dream to be a Hero, you will need to thank Pony. She asked me for a favor. A favor that will allow you to be a hero.”

“... How?”

Armstrong smiled before turning his skin black.

“Nanomachine, son!”


La Brava and Gentle were hugging each other. Gentle needed some reeducation before leaving UA’s own hospital.

Still, they were happy and trending on the media. Apparently, part of his fight had been retransmitted live.

Gentle wasn’t able to be a hero, a villain or even a vigilante but he was happy and alive.

No one knew that his destiny was still to unfold.


Izuku was back at school and was happy to find Katsuki who was back too. The blond teen was extremely angry to have missed the fight of the century and clearly yelled about it.

Some teens tried to bully Shouto over his parentage, as Endeavor’s link to the Ashen King was now public.

Tried was the operative word there because the 1-A did the equivalent of pulling out the shotgun but as a group to defend their classmate. The most important to defend him were Katsuki, Izuku and Maki. The last one knew the stigma of having a bad bloodline and he was there to help Shouto.

Tenko had been hunted by several women. Namely, Inko who wanted to see her nephew, Hana who wanted to hug and yell at him and finally Nejire for all of his Boss’ shenanigan.

As a result, Nedzu had now another friend who was using the vents to move around UA. It was quite fun, honestly.

Toga was tutored by Tamaki to be sure she would be okay as a second year General. She cried when she heard she didn’t have to fight anymore and might have stayed more than a few minutes against Tamaki who gave her a light hug.

Basically, everything kind of came back to normal, whatever it meant for everyone.

Then two important events decided to happen.


Seijin cursed mentally her father. If only he had survived before using the goddamn control command! As a result, since only her, the President and K knew the commands, all of the suspicion fell on her!

As a result, she had to leave the HPSC in emergency before unleashing her attack dogs to cause enough mess to not get caught.

Now, she needed to plan for what she needed to do. But what could she do? She was a wanted woman and she had no one who knew her and could help her!

Maybe if she could join of her dad’s disciple, like Purify and Terraformars, she could be hidden?

However, even that plan had issue:

-Where would she find them?

-She would have to choose between a psychopath bug mutant or a delusioned conspiracy theorist.

She was still under a bridge when suddenly, she heard a familiar voice and a dark cloud hand appeared in front of her.

“Ma’am? We have work to do. Your father gave me instruction in case he met an ultimately and not planned demise. Including what to do to ensure your safety.”

Seijin looked at Kurogiri… And cried. Her dad didn't forget her. He had a plan. As always..

“What am I supposed to do?”

“An event, my dear. Your dad wanted to know if you could make a whole country mad.”

The idea made Seijin smile like a child in a candy store.




The Seventh Circle Bar

Balor’s HQ.

The air was moist and the atmosphere was heavy. In the bar, everyone was a criminal of high caliber.

Except Miss MacGee. She was an old woman who was blind and didn’t know they weren’t in her tea salon where she used to meet her friends. However, the old woman was just too kind and everyone in the bar let her have her spot to peacefully drink her tea and ask about how everyone was doing.

One time, a dumb idiot actually stole from her, near the bar. The police refused to confirm the death because they had yet to find the head.

Anyway, everyone was on high alert. They had an intel about a big situation and they prepared for battle.

Suddenly, a spear pierced the roof with the power of a thousand lightning strikes. It killed with the sheer impact as most villains assumed battle positions. Then the voices rose.


Basically, seven top 1 heroes from Europe had assembled to strike at Balor. Seven heroes who could handle their own against SS-villains and beat them. All of them were on their guard and ready to fight.

Then two red lasers emerged from the ruins, bending in angles that didn’t make any sense. They pierced the cloud of dust and something exited it at full speed afterward.

Cuchulain had the time to yell: “INCOMING!” Before feeling a hand behind his skull.

Then he didn’t feel anything anymore.

“So… 6 #1? Damn and I even hoped to get Star and Stripe today! Oh well.”

Balor was there. Or rather, behind the enemy line, wearing the same suit as a Peaky Blinders. The man had an irritating smug smile when all of the heroes rushed at him. He opened his blue wide eyes and suddenly, they turned purple.

Suddenly, all heroes felt sluggish before Balor’s eyes turned red again and his body would suddenly increase in mass. His costume barely contained him and his red hair was floating under his own power.

“NO ONE LOOKS IN HIS EYES!” Captain Baguette yelled. He was the least affected by the curse because he was already using his breadomancy to “see” through his bread. Using any kind of optic against Balor was a bad idea because he had an ability with his eyes to curse his enemy, bless himself or use energy attacks. All of them depended on his eye color during that time. Honestly, his quirk was highly bullsh*t and if the man had been a hero, Star and Stripe or All Might would have had an excellent challenger.

The fight would be hard.


Balor lighted a cigar as he watched Santa Maria, Italy #1, kneeling in front of him. After decapitating Ajax, the villain had his mens getting back up again. In his bar, no one was weak. Michael, as an example, was a good fire user. He went to duel with his sword Captain Baguette.

Ajax, able to move his body even without his head, had to fight Hector, a Greek villain known for his strength.

Very quickly, the fight turned to his favor and the heroes knew it.

In the end, the Italian woman decided to sacrifice herself to allow the others to run to live another day.

Santa Maria was known for her powerful barriers who could even withstand some of All-Might’s lighter attacks. So she was there, praying to keep Balor in a cage, with herself inside of another one.

So, even if she was trapped with him, Santa Maria knew all she had to do was to survive enough for a rescue mission to come and get her.

Balor knew, however, it would still take a toll on her and as a result, everyone was watching her. Or rather, he was watching her. His men wanted to see the match of rugby. They had their own priorities.

Suddenly, despite everyone watching the rugby match between Ireland and the United Kingdom, the program was interrupted. It was a report on a fight that happened in Japan.


“Silence. We listen.” Balor commanded as the news picked his interest. He recognized the people on screen..

In front of them, All For One, mostly healed, was fighting against Godzilla, All-Might and the Ashen King.

Then the end finally came.

Everyone stayed silent, wondering what Balor would say after learning his only equal died. It was notorious that despite their initial fight, both men respected each other and their strength.

To everyone’s surprise, Balor shed tears before turning to everyone.


Balor began to think quickly after that.

He had fun with the European Coalition but he couldn’t afford to lose more time anymore. He was going to have to finish them or break a treaty.

It was time to go to Japan now. It was high time to reunite everything.

“Santa Maria?” He said to the Italian heroine and the religious woman could see on his face actual sorrow. “I am going to let you live. Warn everyone that I am going out of Europe for a while. As a bonus, I will tell you to watch Humarize. They bought a lot of chemicals to make Trigger which doesn’t make much sense.”

“Wh… Why would you tell me that?! Or let me live!?” She asked, not believing her ears. Or her eyes for that matter.

Balor, as he put back his glasses on to not tire himself, sighed.

“I am not in the mood. Not today. Also I am Catholic and killing a nun is… Y’know. Bad bad. Only my dad would do sh*t like that.”

Santa Maria stayed silent… Before cutting her shield.

Balor gestured to her to go away… Which she did, prompto.

Balor then went to the bar and took a glass of whisky.

“Sayonara, old bastard.” The Lord of Western crime said in perfect japanese before downing his drink. “Now, Hestia, my dear. Switch our localization to #34!”

The reason Balor was so hard to track despite having a well-known HQ? It was because of Hestia, the owner of the bar. Hestia could teleport her place to several fixed localizations. She could create a new one with some rituals but it took time.

She was forced into Balor’s debt when the man saved her daughter. She had a quirk that made her fuse with the building when she stayed too long into one… With no safety part allowing her to defuse. Slowly, she would have grown dumb and dumber as she would become a barely sentient house.

Then Balor asked Hestia for her soul and loyalty in exchange for saving her daughter.

Hestia didn’t say a word, before the Bar switched to Poland.

“Ok, boys. We are going to conclude our current works in Europe. Which include leading the police on Humarize, by precaution. Then we will begin to infiltrate Japan.”


As everyone erupted in joy, Balor sighed.

Good bye, old bastard.


Yes. There is a difference between Endeavor's redemption and him having an happy ending.

Chapter 56: Time to Breath 1


In Which... Yeah, really. They all get to catch a break for a moment, happily.

May contain an otter.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 56: Time to Breathe 1

Nedzu loved humans. They were delightedly funny and entertaining. In a universe full of wonders they still managed to create an amazing notion such as boredom. Truly, they were impressive creatures and he loved to raise them, to help them reach greater levels.

As a result, Nedzu loved to listen to them, understanding their issues and designing solutions to the best of his abilities. Sometimes, it needed him to listen to them without being noticed. Sometimes it needed him to aim a weapon of mass destruction in the right direction.

As a result, Nedzu loved to think he could solve any issues.

Tenko Shimura hiding in one of his secret vents wasn’t something he could solve.

“...I am sorry, young Shimura, but… What are you doing here?”

Tenko sighed, as he looked timidly through the shaft if he could get out safely.

“I am currently being hunted by three people,” Tenko explained, shivering. Good lord, he wasn’t that scared when All For One chased after him in Exegol! Did a new threat rise when he wasn’t looking?


“...Well, to start with the lesser evil… Inko Sako.”

Nedzu shot a look at Tenko, his mouth still open, trying to process the fact that Tenko was hiding from Inko.

“I swear, she almost broke three of my ribs with her hugs !” Tenko cried, unused to things like that. He was a lone wolf for years! Also, All For One wasn’t really a hug guy. Same for Kurogiri.

“... Fair enough. Who are the other two?”

“... Did you know I have a sister?” Tenko asked suddenly very still as he seemed to hide his presence.

“... Hana Shimura, yes? Isn’t she dead?”

"The news about her death were greatly exaggerated."


A few hours after the Exegol Crisis, in Gentle’s House.

“TENKO, YOU SON OF A BITCH!” Hana said while pulling out her shotgun with a rubber bullet from her stash.

Tenko often wondered what would happen if his sister somehow came back to life.

Her yelling at him was surprisingly high in his dream.

As a result, the blue-haired man managed to dodge the first shot. Tenko then began to run for his life as he was chased by his angry sister… While the LoV wondered what the hell was happening.

“... Can… Someone explain?” Loony asked, before being answered by Nejire, who was eerily calm.

“Considering the name she used, Tenko, it means she knows him from before he got separated from his family,” Nejire said, still utterly calm while Mirio was helping La Brava giving some first aid to the LoV. La Brava was doing her best to not think about Gentle’s state, hoping for the best.

Loony thought about it for a second, before closing her eyes and sniffing the air for a second.

“Oh. You right. Considering their smell, they are probably brother and sister.”

Nejire seemed to relax for a second before looking at the rabbit.

“You know, I still haven’t forgotten the fact you once made me crash into a wall by making me think it had a hole.”

“Yep! It was hilarious!”

“Not when you destroy a wall with your head.”

Loony, as a result, was cackling madly while Hana Shimura was still chasing her brother across the house.


“And you think your sister might be here?” Nedzu asked while pouring a cup of tea to the scared blue-haired former criminal.

“Well, considering that I saw two Midnight and one of them suddenly pulled out a rope when she saw me…” Tomura explained…” I mean, if she was alone, I was still going to run because I am not into that. But…”

“You fear that your sister might be a master of disguise and still out for your blood?”

“Either that or crushing my poor spine with a hug. Or both. Honestly, I am not sure.” Then, the young man finally drank the cup of tea given by the mysterious animal that was the Principal. “But I’ am not willing to bet on it.”

“You know that delaying the inevitable will not make it better, right?” Nedzu said while Tomura nodded.

“To be honest, it is the third one that scares me the most.”

“... Nejire?” Nedzu was aware of it after all.

“Nejire. She’ is kind of upset that I was the Boss and… Well…”

“Considering she is your girlfriend, she is very angry at you, especially as it almost got you killed by your former boss but also as you kept such a thing secret from her.” Nedzu said while sipping from his cup. “So her anger is born both because of worry about you, disappointment because the whole criminal life was the reason why you never officialized anything with her, and of course the fact she failed to catch you several times.”

Tomura nodded, surprised. “Yes, it is exactly that! … Wait, how do you know that?”

Nedzu smiled at Tomura while he pushed a button, sealing off Tomura’s exit and before the wall exploded. The vent too. As a result, both of them fell into the corridor where an angry and livid Nejire was there.

“Oh, mainly because she explained everything to me and I proposed to help her solve her issue of hunting you.” Nedzu said while sipping his tea. Truly, he loved to solve issues for humans… By making them suffer.

“Meep.” Tenko said as Nejire appeared, a bolt of energy around her body and with as much mercy on her face as during a tournament of “Hero!” The Card Game.

“... Meep indeed, Tenko. We are going to have a loooooong discussion.”

Tomura tried to run but fell flat on his face. He was a former criminal and knew when to run away from death.

“Oh, by the way. I laced the tea with sedatives.” Nedzu said while cackling madly.

“... Doesn’t that mean you are immobilized too?”

“Yes, but I have an Aizawa to move me around.”


It is said that it took three days for Tenko to hear anything again once Nejire finished yelling.

They also officialized their relationship.

On a side note, Inko did crush Tenko’s spine with a bear hug.


Students from the 2-A class were scared. They saw an abomination coming from the depth of hell itself, as they knew their doom was coming. No way they could escape it. All omens announcing the end of the world were reunited and they knew they shared their final hour.

Aizawa was smiling and beaming with energy.

“Good morning students!”

Oh god, they were going to die.

“Today is a great day!”

Probably horribly.

“Let’s start with our first exercise: escape from this labyrinth with these fake civilians on your back.”

The students looked at the deceivingly simple exercise, but they knew better. It was Aizawa “Abandon all Hope” Eraserhead, after all.

“...The civilians have a bomb and we need to find it before we rescue them?”

Aizawa beamed kindly at the student who said that but shook his head.

“Good thinking, but no. They are real fake civilians.”

“... We have a time limit of three minutes and anyone failing to do it has to follow Togata’s training for a month?”

“... I might use that one for another classroom… But no.”

The students were weirded out. Was it… A normal exercise? Then, one girl with an armadillo heteromorphic quirk raised her hand, meekly.

“There is a monster in the labyrinth ready to hunt us?”

“That’s correct!”

Suddenly, from a hole in the floor emerged Loony, who pulled out a chainsaw.

“HI KIDS! I AM AIZAWA’S ASSISTANT!” Loony was happy with her new job. The scared looks of the children in front of her? Priceless. Ok, she had to abandon her vendetta against Miruko… But! Nedzu promised to organize a fight between her and the bunny hero if she tortured enough students! So it was perfect actually. “Pleased to torture you!”

Every student considered the situation, the fact that civilians were across the room and Loony was in between them. Then, they looked at their teacher.

“Do we have a head start?”

“Sure! You have until Loony counts to fifteen.”

Aizawa felt pride for his students as they all began to move before he finished his sentence. They have gotten better now. Meanwhile, Loony was counting on her paws.

“One… Two… Three… Eight…”

“Hey! You skipped a bunch of numbers!” A boy said, unwisely. Someone was going to get a scolding afterward.

Then Aizawa considered Loony who pulled out from the ground her chainsaw and activated it.


Then the horror movie began.

The screams of his students sounded like a symphony played by the highest caliber of musicians to Aizawa. Pure bliss.


“... May I say I hate math!?” Himiko said for the ninth time, as she had to relearn how to do equations. Sadly her teacher didn’t let her catch a break.

Tamaki was surprisingly severe as a teacher and he was tasked by Nedzu to mentor Toga with additional lessons until she had a satisfactory level compared to the rest of the 2-B.

Yes, it was decided to put her with Vlad for a very simple reason: that way she was with a teacher who could correctly understand her quirk and her attraction to blood.

“You can but you won’t get a break until you do these thirty exercises. Then, we will study Japanese.” Tamaki was extremely serious about his role as a teacher for Himiko.

“But I am going to miss P.E.!” Still, the Vampire/Kitsune/Yokai Otter (the Jury was still out on the subject) tried to escape her version of hell.

“Himiko, we both know you can still beat anyone physically speaking.” Because of the HPSC’s training went unsaid.

Thankfully, between a deal made by Nedzu and the President, Himiko had a shot, an opportunity to live. Agent K was also part of the deal and the official liaison between Nedzu and the President. Meaning he often exchanged threats between the two top personalities in the hero industry.

Still, Toga appreciated meeting her former handler once in a while. He never failed to bring her some food and ask how her school life went.

“You know, Tamaki. You would be more popular if you were nicer.” Toga pointed out while scribbling down more numbers on the paper.

“Most people don’t deserve my kindness nor do they need it.” Suneater answered quickly, “And me teaching you is the best I can muster.”

This made Himiko blush a little, while Tamaki, totally professional, stayed near her to make sure she was learning correctly.

“Himiko. IF, and it’s a big if, you do well enough, I will bring you to a restaurant my mentor recommended to me.”

Suddenly, Himiko decides to do thirty exercises… That isn’t too bad of a deal, right?

Besides, while she never teased Tamaki during their sessions, outside of it, it was a free game!

She loved to see him blush when they shared an ice cream.

To be honest, Tamaki also liked to see her smile because of his blushing face.


Not unlike his cousin, Izuku Sako was currently busy trying to run away and hide from three people.

Namely, Tooru, who didn’t appreciate that her boyfriend did something reckless without her by his side to play the enemy. Then again, Shouto did try to defend Izuku’s actions by explaining that their enemy had vision that nullified completely Tooru’s quirk (true) and that she would have been deadweight more than anything.

At the end of his speech, Shouto discovered the meaning of defenestration. Fortunately, they were on ground level and Koda had opened the window beforehand. It was needed because his rabbit asked so.

Then, came the second existential threat to Izuku’s existence. Namely Katsuki.


Unlike Tooru, Izuku could clearly see how Bakugou could have been useful during Exegol and the green bean didn’t have anything to retort.

As a result, Katsuki was still chasing around Izuku and the only reason why Joker wasn’t the third person to reach orbit without mechanical assistance (the first being a quirked African that discovered he could fly without oxygen but discovered he could survive without an atmosphere, the other being a quirked otter famous to teleport across the world and swim in the air), was because Kacchan was still getting used to his new arm.

Being a vital part of I-Island’s defense made Katsuki a VIP for all scientists there. As a result, if their first reaction was to create a mechanical arm, they had to admit they lacked ideas on how to allow it to perform on the same level as his real arm.

So, instead, they took what was left of Moonfish (not much left), some of his DNA, and finally decided to go a bit mad about it.

The final result? A new kind of prosthesis. If the ‘bones’ structure was made from metal, I-Island’s scientists managed to “clone” the meat from Katsuki’s DNA. The result was a new “biomechanical” arm, which could theoretically be stronger than his original arm.

Theoretically. Even now, Katsuki had a lot of readjustment to do. As a result, he went to Nedzu and Aizawa for authorization for a project.

To Izuku’s dismay, Katsuki managed to convince the staff that hunting his friend with his quirk was an excellent therapy.

Hence, an explosive Katsuki was chasing an Izuku who had to hide fast.

However, Tooru and Katsuki were almost normal compared to the third and last person who was chasing him.

So, when Izuku was walking, trying to take his breath on the fourth floor, he didn’t expect what he saw next.

Giant eyes, owned by the one and only Yui Kodai, stared at him terrifyingly.


…Fans could be terrifying, right? The fact that Setsuna was also with her didn’t make it less threatening.


Yagi sighed. One For All was gone. Sure, Izuku’s card gave him the last boost he needed to finish the job… But the familiar presence was gone now that his duty was done.

The old hero passed his hand over his wound, wondering if he did the right thing after Exegol. It had been an idea on the spur of the moment which could have gone badly.

However, it seemed it worked. So, now… All that was left was to announce his retirement, continue to improve as a teacher, and train his replacement.

But before all of that, Yagi had to do something.

See, young Sako had been kind enough to remember a certain card used by All For One during the events that happened.

Then, thanks to his and Nedzu’s wealth, All Might bought several copies of that card.

As of now, he was in front of several “Potions from an old man” and decided to drink them all.

The pain caused by several organs regrowing at once was enough to make him fall on what was left of the red potion, making it as if someone murdered All-Might.

As Fate was a close friend with Irony and probably lover with Karma, the one who opened the door was Gran Torino, to check on his dumbass disciple.

His scream of terror sounded like a lullaby to Yagi’s ears despite the pain. Only then did he allow himself to pass out.


La Brava was with Gentle, near his hospital bed.

While she was busy on her computer, helping UA’s system to be even more foolproof, she poured a cup of tea to her dear fiance and lover.

She wasn’t dumb and knew that Hinata (it was weird to call the HPSC’s President as such) gave them a pardon thanks to her familial relationship with Gentle. Her big dumb idiot.

The doctors explained to her that his recovery was evidence of his incredible vitality. La Brava could only agree, as Gentle was so full of life and joy every time he moved.

The only thing, now, was to wait for him to wake up. She would be there, by his side.

The door to their chamber opened, revealing Hana, who was currently panting. She was still on the hunt for Tenko, but she never missed an opportunity to come by and see her friends. Well, best friends actually, since she continued to live in Gentle’s house.

Hana took her duty to bring food and drink to La Brava very seriously. She took a break from her hunt only to do that, as the small woman was unable to leave Gentle even for one instant.

“Hey, girl. Don’t worry. This man is too dumb to die. Also, he knows that if he died, it would make you sad. The result would be him trying to pass every angel to see you again.”

Hana meant it, as La Brava hugged her tightly.

Still, she wanted to be here when Gentle would finally wake up. La Brava had faith that Gentle would rise again… Better than ever.


Shouto contemplated his locker. Someone had written “Cursed blood,” “Son of a fiend,” and various other unkind things, alongside smearing sh*t all over it.

Around him, people outside of 1-A were partly snickering and partly afraid, looking uneasily at the boy.

Endeavor’s affiliation with the Ashen King was now out in the open. No official statements, but people had connected the dots, considering their forms, quirks, and power. As a result, many people now saw Shouto in a certain way.

Katsuki saw (and smelt) the vandalism, feeling ready to explode until he saw something on Shouto’s face. He was somehow happy to see something he hadn’t seen in a very long time on Shouto’s face.

“WHO… THE f*ck… WROTE THAT?” Shouto asked emotionlessly. Contradictorily, his quirk flared around him, creating fire and ice around him. It coated his hair and eyebrows in a thin layer, similar to Endeavor’s appearance.

No one answered.

Maki put his hand on Shouto’s shoulder. Being the son of an actual villain, thankfully in jail, he knew very well how he felt.

“What? Want me to calm down?” Shouto angrily asked.

“Nah. Just call me if you find out who did this. I would be happy to help.” Maki said in a cold voice and tone that reminded Shouto of himself. Meanwhile, Katsuki made an explosion from his new hand.

“Bitch, please! He’ll call me first! He knows that I’d be more than happy to help!”

“Bakugou! It would be UNMANLY… If Shouto didn’t ask the whole class if we wanted to help.” Kirishima said with a huge smile, flexing his impressive muscles behind Shouto.

Kaminari quickly joined, putting his arms around Shouto’s shoulder. “Whoever hurt my friend hurt me. The hunt will be fun!”

“EVERYONE!” Momo appeared behind them, clearly not approving. “You can't hunt people willy-nilly. There are rules for this!”

Momo, prepared as always, pulled a stack of forms from her bag, handing one form each to the boys. “First, you need to fill out this form. Then, once the teachers or anyone else finds concrete evidence … Well, the hunt will begin!” Momo smiled widely, pulling a rifle from her arms. “Thankfully, Dad made sure I was a good shot.”

Suddenly, some students knew they probably f*cked up. On the other hand, Nedzu called that darwinism: if you were stupid enough to mess with :

  • a member of the 1-A, who was apparently very close to each other.
  • a top student who was friends with several powerhouse students.
  • his grandson, meaning that Nedzu had already approved the forms and checked the feeds to know the culprits…

Well, you deserved to be hunted and purged from his school. On this note, Nedzu activated the speakers.

“Midoriya, while I appreciate you trying to find who annoyed your friends, I would appreciate if you didn’t summon monsters in the school.”

Everyone looked at Midoriya who had several cards with a canine theme to smell whoever did this.

“... Fine. I won’t use dogs.”

“No cards. I know you have frogs, otters and I am half sure you might have some Space Marines cards. Also, I know you have other things than monsters to do your bidding. So, no quirk.”

Izuku grumbled something that sounded like “Not anymore” since they were on his ban list (thanks the HPSC).

Kaminari, then asked something.

“Principal Nedzu? I thought speakers only worked one way. How are you able to hear us?”

“... Sorry, I am going under a tunnel. Bye bye!”

Everyone stared at Shouto.

“My theory is that he has micros everywhere in the building.”

“... This one is less fun than usual. I hoped for aliens or something.” Kirishima said, sighing as everyone was quietly forgetting the issue of the bullying, going back to their daily life.

Well, everyone except Bakugou, Shouto and Momo.

The legendary bullying hunt became a story for the years to come after all.


So. Special information.

Endgame will undergo a sort of rewrite.
I will format, edit and correct the previous 50 chapters.

Yeah. Going to take some times, NGL.

Chapter 57: Time to Breath 2


A small chapter.


Hi people ! Otter here.
Sorry for the slow rythme, but I am changing my current treatment and it impacted a lot my writing.

Still, here is a chapter.

Chapter Text

Chapter 57 : Time to Breath 2

The Todorokis were thoroughly scanned, as they walked an hallway that was recently repaired, clearly.

Thanks to the various wars that happened during the Dawn of Quirk, various projects fell apart. Finding ruins and actually exploring them was a lucrative yet risked activity. You could find a bunker, full of old technology from the peak of pre-Dawn of Quirk era, or you could find one of the deactivated bunkers from the AI uprising of the 90's.

For obvious reasons, this wasn’t a desirable outcome.

Currently, the Todorokis were in such a ruin, discovered and repaired by the State of Japan. It was a prototype for a fusion nuclear reactor. Energy for everyone, with almost no waste. Yet, the technology was never completed and the main component was lost to time. As a result, only the mainframe existed and the place where the reactor and the fusion was supposed to happen was empty.

Until recently.

A lot of scientists were currently watching Enji in his fiery glory bringing energy to the compound. The possibility to study a star in a controlled and safe environment was a boon to most of the scientists there. There was talk about renovating all electricity lines to link the facility to Japan’s power grid.

The head scientist looked at Rei Todoroki before checking his files. He wanted to be sure why they were here and saw their reason: trying to communicate with Enji, see how much of him was left there.

The man, with an actual eraser head, nodded towards them. He wasn’t an idiot and he was part of the team that oversaw Enji’s transfer here. To be honest, everyone’s fear of Enji going rogue was, according to him, groundless. The man was too calm and quiet to do anything. Also, considering the videos and All-Might’s conference about the threat Endeavor helped to destroy… Well, the scientist actually had empathy for his situation.

“We managed to accommodate a room for you to speak with him. As you might have suspected, the conversation will be monitored. Rest assured, I will personally see that nothing goes out to the media.”

The Todorokis acknowledged his warning and appreciated his kindness. They didn’t expect someone that kind with them here.

They actually had to relocate in the aftermath of Exegol. While Natsuo kept his position as Inko’s intern (mainly because she threatened to use anyone trying to do anything against him as a puppet for the muppet show), Fuyumi had to change schools. Surprisingly, the parents weren’t really okay with having the granddaughter of a supervillain teaching their children.

The head scientist lead them to a room that allowed them to see Enji through a special glass, in a safe way. Speaker and everything needed to speak were there too.

Rei and her children sat down before taking up the mic. Her husband currently had his eyes closed, probably sleeping. Could fire sleep? Did he even need to?

“Enji? This is Rei. I am here to talk.”

This prompted Enji to open an eye. With a deep voice that made them remember wood cracking under the heat of a fire in a chimney, the Giant of Fire answered.

“Leave. I have hurt enough people.”

“Sadly, Enji, I don’t care. We will talk. You will listen.”


“So… What’s the point, sir?”

“You mean, aside from basic ethics, human rights and not being an asshole?” The sarcasm was strong in the head scientist's voice as he answered to his intern. Seeing his puzzled face, the scientist followed. “Endeavor’s state is a boon for science, no discussion asked. However, unlike his father, he actually did nothing wrong. Considering what he told us about living quirk and how they have to burn/sacrifice things to become what they are, we need to check if it is possible to make them revert into a weaker state by giving them their emotions and feelings.”

“... Why?”

“State secret. You aren’t high enough in the hierarchy to know.”

The head scientist, though, was cleared to know. Namely, the fact they had Wolfram, a S-Class villain who was kept in stasis in the middle of what looked furiously like an ascension to the rank of living quirk.

Some were advocating to kill him, while others pointed out the issue of being sure to kill him before he finished his ascension. However, if they could revert the process, they could make him human again and solve the issue at once.

The scientist was among the one who simply proposed to encase him in a block of weighted cement and drop him in the middle of the ocean. However, it was still a risked move.

So, for the hope of everyone, Erasu Hedo hoped the Todorokis managed to help Enji.


Eri was happy.

It was a strange and new feeling for her, ever since she was freed from Chisaki. Maminko constantly took care of her, trying to make her smile. Dadhiro was bringing gifts, shiny things that sparkled. She liked them. Finally, there was Brother Zuku, who was always bringing her favorite characters to play with her. She liked it when he once summoned a platypus with a funny hat. He was fun and jumped everywhere.

However, this time, she was even happier: Mister Rappa was here!

The huge muscular man didn’t expect to be declared honorary uncle but even a massive brute like him couldn’t say no to a teary Eri. Especially when there was Inko “I know where you live” Midoriya behind the young girl when she dropped it to you for the day.

So, while they were waiting for Nedzu to finish preparing a kindergarten for super powered young children who needed protection, Rappa was also the honorary nanny for Eri.


As a result of having Eri staying on his shoulder, Rappa had to face his girlfriend Otsu laughing her ass off, her tail violently slamming against the floor. She loved the picture of the big brute being forced to be a caring man.

Granted, part of her was impressed by Rappa actually knowing how to take care of a child. He answered by reminding he was an actual uncle to a student in UA, the ginger girl who lost to Izuku. Right.

“However, my dear Rappa. Are you sure you are authorized to bring her here?” Otsu asked, curious.

Here being Rappa’s underground ring which also worked during the day. Currently, on the ring, fought a man with the ability to summon a frying pan and in front of him a thug who could harden his body.

Of course, teeth and blood flew across the place and…


Eri loved every second. Maybe because the frying pan dude looked a bit like Chisaki and it was satisfying to see him getting punched? Probably.

“She seems fine and happy. Besides, that’s what I did with my niece and look at her. She is a class rep for a hero class in UA!” Rappa said, while headpatting an happy Eri.

Everywhere around them, most thugs had the same thought. They knew Eri for only a few hours but if something happened to her, they would kill everyone involved.

More seriously, they wouldn’t even have the time to do that, because hurting Eri would mean having Rappa, Miruko and Otsu on your trail.

Still, more than a few people missed the fact that some people spied on them.


Purifier read the report with his morning coffee cup. Yep, the girl seemed to be fine. Now, if his scientists could continue to retro-engineer Chisaki’s erasing bullet…


“So… You are the girl dating my baby brother?” Hana asked Nejire, scanning with expertise the young blue haired woman with the aura of an airhead. However, Hana was a top vigilante, an expert in infiltrating places and she knew when someone masked their real personality.

Nejire, with her cute smile, seemed absolutely inoffensive. However, there was something in her eyes… Like a predator who was checking on another one as they were stalking the same prey.

Meanwhile, Tenko was trying to ignore the two women having a staring contest while he was playing cards with a regular of the shop.

Currently, most of the neckbeards stopped freaking out whenever a girl came into the shop. To be fair, because of Tenko/Tomura and Izuku, well…

Some were actual regulars now, so they actually learned how to grow out of their “M’lady” phase too. Not that they even tried to flirt with the girls since they were either Izuku’s girlfriend (top hero student of his year) or Tomura’s (the girl being able to destroy you was also a convincing argument).

“Tenko, your sister is a bit scary. Hell, do you know any woman that isn’t scary?”

“My friend. I fear only three things in this world. Izuku’s mom, my sister and Nejire.” Tenko explained as he was preparing his deck for the upcoming tournament.

Since he got an actual pardon for his past… At least the parts that were known by the government… He could actually enjoy the present a bit.

To not burden the Sako’s household more (since they were still living in a small apartment and having Eri was already taking some space), Tomura was currently living on UA’s ground. That and because it allowed Nedzu to actually monitor him, just in case he was doing an elaborate and convoluted plan to destroy hero society.

“Ok. On a side note, do you know why Nejire is bringing a deck? Isn’t she usually playing with a pre-made one?”

Izuku and Tenko nearly snapped their neck as they saw Nejire pulling out from her bag a deck safely tucked in a small pouch. Her actual and personal deck.

“Oh, that’s simple. I am participating in the tournament. Also, Tenko? I remember you boasting that if you were to lose this tournament despite having a new foolproof strategy, you would agree to be my butler for the rest of the month.” Nejire said with a warm smile… But her eyes said something else entirely, making Hana take a decision.

Namely hugging the girl from behind.

“It’s official. My dumb brother’s side quirk must be luck. I don’t know how else he managed to get a perfect girl like you to be by his side!”

“... Want me to lend your brother for the month?”

“I adopt you.”

Izuku almost laughed at his cousin’s situation, as the two women of his life teamed up against him.

“Izuku? I swear that if I can embarrass you with Tooru, I will.” Tenko said, with venom in his voice.

This made everyone in the shop laugh harder.


Rappa was cleaning the blood from his face, when he saw Otsu, panicked behind him. He just came out of his fight and he had a good time. Also, he was pretty sure she was fighting Crust just before, so she should be good.


… OH sh*t!

Both adults actually rushed out to the bar, where Eri was supposed to stay…

To see her playing with toys and Yui Kodai, Rumi’s insane intern. Bakugou was simply the angry intern, after all. Yui, meanwhile, had an official ban list of items to bring in the ring.

One of them was any kind of sodas.

Meanwhile, Bakugou was showing Eri how to throw a good punch.

This situation made Otsu suddenly realize something. Were they corrupting this sweet girl into becoming one of them, a bloody battle maniac?



Twenty years later.


Eri, laughing while she wore her deadly knuckles jumped in the fight as every time she got hurt, her wound rewinded back in time, making her effectively immortal in a fight.

Thanks to using her quirk so often, she now mastered it perfectly.

As a result, everyone thought her rewinding quirk only affected her and not the others, making her ability to heal any wounds a state secret…

“YOU CAN RUN, YOU CAN TRY TO HIDE… BUT YOU WON'T ESCAPE ME!” Eri said, in a frightening smile reminding people of Rappa.

Truly, she was the heir of the Battle Maniac.


The tournament began and Izuku, Tomura and Nejire were luckily in different branches. They wouldn’t have to fight each other before the semi-final or the final.

Izuku, to his dismay, had to play with a deck specially made by the Yaoyoruzu. Being sponsored allowed him to have a lot of cards as a hero but it also had a cost, sadly.

Tenko knew that and smiled. If Izuku had his true deck, he could have been a threat. Without his deck? He would have to learn and make new strategies on the fly and was as a result more reliant on luck.

Tenko knew that his Villain deck was still as powerful as before. He would have loved to add an All For One card but the company explained they were forbidden by the HPSC to do so.


Hinata was drinking her fifth bottle of coffee. For god’s sake. She has almost finished purging her organization now… BUT SHE HAD TO HIRE A sh*t TON OF OTAKUS TO GO THROUGH ALL CARD GAMES STILL EXISTING.

This goddamn Midoriya was an asset, true, but he increased her workload by ten times.

The banlist kept expanding every goddamn minute. The moment Dark Souls was spotted, it had been instaban.

The moment the Yaoyoruzu’s explained they wanted to do an All For One card and a “Endeavor, Emperor of Fire” variant, Hinata had actually thrown the messenger out of the building. Thankfully, Hawks was on standby and saved the poor sap.


Meanwhile Nejire was crushing her opponents. The first one underestimated her because she was a girl.

The second thought it was a fluke.

The third recognized her as Ryukyu’s apprentice and asked for her autograph.

The fourth was a girl that asked her on a date (Nejire politely refused, as she already had someone).

As a result, by the time she finished her match and was one of the finalists, Izuku and Tenko barely began their own match.

Despite Izuku owning several of the new cards from the company, it wasn’t his main deck. Also, even with his main deck, the blue haired guy often crushed him.

He put up a brave fight but in the end he lost to his cousin. Still, both shook their hands as a sign that all was good and Izuku actually whispered something to his cousin.

“Good luck. You will need it against your girlfriend.”

Tenko stared at Nejire and smiled.

“Thank you. You will need it too. I told Tooru that you needed someone to comfort you after losing and I am pretty sure I saw her in the stands.”

Izuku’s stare of betrayal as Tenko just announced he unleashed a wild invisible predator on his track was perfect.

“Either that or someone with a very powerful telekinetic quirk…”

“That joke was done too many times, Tenko.”


While the final of the card game began, Enji was still listening to his wife, trying to let him remember happy moments the two of them had together.

Things he broke because he was a monster.

“Rei. Just… Stop.”

The Monster said, before seeing a green light in front of him. More energy? He would give it.

Enji raised an arm, which bore no flesh. His blood was pure plasma. His flesh, made of fission. His bone was his grief.

Enji put his arm in the hole open in the wall, almost melting everything inside it. Almost. It was time to provide more energy to the facility and help science. Help the world.

“Dad, you can’t just ignore your problem!” Natsuo yelled through the microphone. Even he was angry when seeing his father in such a desolate state. “You never were the kind of man who ran away!”

“Was I? The way I see it, I ran away from my duty at home by burying myself in my work. I have failed Touya and Shouto, sure… But I have failed you and your sister even more.” Enji was sarcastic at first but then the regret came back. “You were alone, without a mother and without a father that was never home.”

Natsuo… Actually had nothing to say against that as it was his main reason for being angry at his dad. However, he was a bit surprised that Endeavor actually even noticed that f*ck-up.

“I didn’t even congratulate you when you managed to enter the medical university… Or Fuyumi when she became a teacher. I should have.”

Shouto, for now, stayed silent. It was… Strange. Seeing his father, all broken and down. It wasn’t right.

Yet, he couldn’t find any words for him. To comfort or to berate him.

Meanwhile, Fuyumi was also struggling to find more words. However, before she could say anything, someone knocked at the door. It was Dr. Erasu Hedo

“Sorry, but it has been two hours already. For test purpo

ses and according to the protocols…” The good doctor didn’t have to finish his sentence.

“Enji, don’t think it’s over.” Rei shouted at the speaker before having to leave.

Her husband sighed.

“I don’t need to think. I know.”

Chapter 58: Time to Breath 3


The last chapter before we go back to the main plot !


For my birthday, I learned that my job got deleted. Again.

No, no punch line. I am slowly getting tired of this...

Writing help me a bit but it's hard. Hence the short chapter.

Have a cookie all.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 58: Time to breathe 3.

“Butler? I want some grape juice, please.” Nejire asked as she was enjoying the park and the view.

That view included a properly groomed Tomura who had to wear a suit, not unlike a certain bartender he knew.

“Very well, ma’am,” Tomura said politely before rushing to get Nejire what she wanted with a perfect style. Mirio looked at the spectacle and then at his friend.

“What the hell did you do to him?”

“We made a bet, last week, about who would win the tournament. The winner enjoys the ability to command the other for one month.” Nejire explained with a smile as Tomura was buying her what she asked.

“And how did you make him that obedient?”

“I told him that if he refused to follow my orders, I would lend him for the month to his sister.”

Mirio thought about the strange woman who liked to disguise herself as various teachers in U.A. She even managed to pull a Nedzu make-up and no one understood how she did it, especially as she explained it wasn’t her quirk. They got bonus points whenever they managed to detect her. Villains that could impersonate others were a danger after all.

“That’s… Something.” Mirio duly noted before stretching a bit.

“You are going somewhere?”

“Yes! Did you know that Nedzu recently hired a new guy to help improve our performance? Sako. I want to try his training, seeing if I can add a few things to my regimen.” Mirio was after all the most hardworking of the Big Three, to the point that sometimes it worried his friends. It was the reason why they had a regular meeting they weren’t allowed to miss.

“Good luck! From what I have heard, he teaches tricks to escape and some hand-to-hand combat. I am not sure how useful it will be for someone like you but have fun!”

“Ma’am, your grape juice,” Tomura said, appearing next to Nejire making his friends jump in surprise. None of them had heard him approach. For god’s sake, they were happy that Tomura wasn’t a true villian as otherwise, the situation could have gone badly.

“... Tenko, I need to ask. Where the hell did you learn how to be a butler?” Mirio added that to his mental list of things to check about him.

Hell, when he asked Mirai-sensei to check, thanks to a picture taken during the Sports Festival, Tenko’s future, he didn’t expect his mentor to go paler than Death itself. At this point, Mirio only thought that Tenko was the Boss (he was 70% sure, according to the size, the way he moved and the fact that Tenko had a fake identity).

Then he learned the whole sh*t about All-Might and All For One on the route to the disaster.

Tenko, for the first time in a while, seemed sad. The only thing he missed from his life at the bar…

“Kurogiri. The guy who could create warp gates. The whole ‘well-spoken’ persona wasn’t fake. He was the closest thing I had to a dad… And I don’t know why, but he was forced to be subservient to All For One.” Tenko knew that much, thanks to the message in the basem*nt.

Kurogiri didn’t love, like or hold any affection for All For One. However, he was forced to work for him and obey his every word.

Then, Tenko felt something tugging at his suit, making him look downward… before being pulled into a hug by Nejire.

“We will find him, Tenko. Don’t worry. Whatever happened to him… You know we are here to help you, right?”

Mirio nodded, before slapping the back of his friend.

“Us and your little crew.”

Tenko would furiously deny he cried a bit at their support and at the fact that for the first time in a long while…

Tenko wanted to be a hero, to save people. He even remembered some of Izuku’s words. His cousin had a very good point:

Tenko could be a hero for those forgotten. Why did Himiko, Twice and Loony were his friends and so dear to him? Because they were the rejects of the society and he grabbed their hands.

Dabi… Dabi was something else. Tenko wanted to save him too, but… They didn’t find him after the castle fell. Where was he?



“Yes, my dear Chisaki? Do you need tips on your date with Emilia?” Garaki said while he was busy injecting a co*cktail of drugs in a cadaver to noumufy it. Selling one of them was a good way to get some money from the outside world after all.

“First off, f*ck you Sensei,” Chisaki grumbled behind his mask. Did he have a date with his fellow mad scientist? Yes. However, he wouldn’t ask his Sensei for dating tips.

“I thought it was Emilia’s privilege” Garaki was smirking when he said that before seeing his adorable disciple being all nervous and shy about the situation.

“... Sensei, I can turn you into a copy of Doraemon. Don’t push me.”

And as usual, Chisaki hid his uneasiness behind some anger… Though his threat wasn’t fully empty. As far as Garaki knew, Chisaki could do that.

“Fine, fine. What do you want?”

“I finished reconstructing Dabi’s body.” Funnily enough, Chisaki had to do it slowly and steadily to heal every injury that dumbass did on his body. If he was correct, and the former Yakuza Boss was often right, Dabi hurt his body for years before meeting him.

Yes, Overhaul was an overpowered quirk. However, if you wanted to do “fun things” such as turning people into living tires or restoring someone’s body, you needed to know how biologically speaking it worked.

In Dabi’s situation, he had to learn how burnt scars worked and in fact, Chisaki was half tempted to write a book on how to heal deep burns thanks to his work on Dabi. It was enlightening. Also, Chisaki was now studying on how to make skin naturally heat-resistant so he wouldn’t burn again.

“Oh? Excellent! So when will he be awake?”

“When I let him. I put him to sleep as a precaution.” Chisaki didn’t share his mentor’s enthusiasm. After all, Dabi didn’t seem to be the sanest man around. Yes, Chisaki knew he was sharing a basem*nt with two other mad scientists.

Still, he maintained his assessment that Emilia or Garaki was saner than this dumbass.


“Sir. His first action when he woke up, was to try to burn me. Then I paralyzed him, explained the situation and then un-paralyzed him. He tried to burn me, again. So, now, he sleeps.” Overhaul wasn’t paid enough for this sh*t. Hell, considering that All For One was dead, he was helping Garaki since he had nothing else to do. Worst case scenario, Garaki’s plan blew up Japan and people would realize that Quirks are a sickness to be eradicated.

“... That’s a good reason. I mean, we don’t want him to burn the lab.” Garaki sighed, fully feeling his old age all too suddenly. Yes, he couldn’t wait to see the Ashen King again. However, the Ashen King actually appreciated his works on Quirks.

Also, while the Ashen King had a point when he explained that Quirks were the proof souls existed, Garaki couldn’t wait to speak with him about how quirks came to existence.

“On a side note, my dear Chisaki. Emilia explicitly told me she expected at least holding hands for your date.”

“... Holding hands?”

“Chisaki, if your relationship progressed as she wanted to, I would be a grandpa. Again. However she knows you are extremely shy.”

Overhaul contemplated the pros and cons of exploding himself right then and there.


Aizawa was sipping his tea while watching his students honestly showing off their improvements. To be honest, they deserved to do that a bit… Even if some continued to be a pain. Some examples:

“Izuku Sako!” Aizawa called the teen at the end of the day while using the ruler to hit the board behind him, “You are the designated one for cleaning the room!”

Izuku, as he was leaving with Tooru, calmly pulled a card and gave it to Aizawa. Then he activated it.

It was a f*cking Uno reverse Card.

“No. You are.”

Hence Aizawa was forced to actually clean the room while Izuku ran away fast.

Another one?

Well, Shouto was the one who asked for more training.

Usually, Aizawa reserved his training for underground heroes. People like Shouto weren’t cut out for this kind of job.

“What kind of training do you want, Todoroki?”

Nonetheless, Aizawa was curious and flipping off your boss’ grandson was not a great idea. Especially when you were a teacher, with the paycheck that went with it.

“I want to learn how to be as grumpy as you and how to tell people to f*ck off.”

Eraserhead stared straight at Todoroki, wondering if Izuku put him up for a prank or something like that.

The fact that Izuku Sako was truthfully laughing with a surprised face told Aizawa that Izuku wasn’t aware of the situation. However, he was thoroughly enjoying it.

Bakugou looked at Aizawa and nodded.

“Knowing Shouto, he is serious, sir.”

Katsuki had been right and since he refused to teach Shouto… Well, Aizawa could often see Shouto follow him while taking notes.


“Loony, why don’t you hunt this one for me?”

Aizawa, surprisingly, discovered he appreciated speaking with the murderous rabbit. The fact that Thunderbolt once openly laughed about Oboro’s death had absolutely nothing to do with that.

No, seriously, it was traumatizing the students that made them become friends.

“Nah. He bought some food for my family. Food is sacred. Maybe you can turn it into an assignment?”

“An… Assignment?”

“Yeah, make him lose points every time he gets spotted. He will learn things and he will stop bothering you.”

That was a good idea.

Or so he thought.


“Hatsume, I need your help.” Shouto said before putting a huge bag of money on the table. Oddly enough, it had a yen sign on it.

Hatsume stopped working for a second, before pushing a button. Suddenly, various panels proclaiming “Hatsume Industries” appeared and Hatsume went full saleswoman.



It was a good idea until Shouto managed to convince Mei, the Support Problem Child, to make him an invisible suit.

Goddamnit, money.


“So yeah, my students love to see me suffer and the worst thing is they work together for that. What did I do to them?!” Aizawa was almost crying in a bar with some colleagues.

“You threatened them with expulsion the first day, you slept several times during your lessons and you often do “logical ruses” to disturb them,” Atsuhiro said while sipping his drink.

Midnight was divided between the two, as she was friends with Eraser Head but Atsuhiro…Well, Compress was also right. Learning that he was Mr. Compress had been a fun moment in UA.

By fun, understand the whole staff chasing him before Nedzu told them he got amnestied. Before that, Compress had been busy tying Midnight to the ceiling with Aizawa’s scarf.

“Hey! No one ever had anything against how I did things before!” Aizawa grumbled before being slapped in the back of the head by Midnight, Mic and Joke who were also there. “HEY!”

“That was fully deserved. If you continue, I will have you marry me.” Joke said with a smile before hearing a Shouta groaning once again.

Atsuhiro raised an eyebrow. “Wait. I thought you were married. I mean, my son has cards about you two being…”

Shouta closed Sako’s mouth a bit too late before Joke stopped drinking a bit.

“Wait. What? I need an explanation! AIZAWA, EXPLAIN THIS AT ONCE!”


Meanwhile, during a conference between the HPSC President and Nedzu.

“Your damage control skills are truly something else.” Nedzu wasn’t often impressed. However, while he was an excellent strategist, understanding the heart of the masses was an art he had yet to master. Meanwhile, Tobita was obviously a genius at her job.

Sipping through her 5th cup of coffee, Hinata was on the verge of tears. “Your praises are f*cking faints, Nedzu. We lost our two top heroes in one evening. Yes, the fight was awesome enough to be a good closure but… People are already peeking at the HPSC and the hero institution about the Todoroki situation.”

Nedzu sighed knowing exactly what she meant. Learning that one of the Ashen King’s scions became a top hero was bad. The whole world learning that the Ashen King wasn’t a one-time incident? It was worse.

“So, basically, we need a PR stunt and something that will allow the public to still rely on heroes?” Nedzu asked. Having a non antagonistic relationship with Hinata was kind of weird.

“Exactly. Considering the situation… I plan to have as many hero students to get licensed and on the field. Notably, I hope for a few of them to succeed at their License Exam.” Hinata pulled for the conference the files of a few students.

Izuku was there, but considering his status as a National Asset, he technically already had his license.

Shouto, of course, to help rehabilitate the Todoroki’s name.

Katsuki, and Yui.

… Maki? The new student of 1A? Nedzu had an idea of the why but…

“Wait, Maki?” Try to appear clueless Nedzu!

“... f*cking rat, don’t take me for an idiot. I know exactly who he is. Who his mother is. I hope he can be as great a hero as she is a bitch.” sh*t. She was honestly pretty nice now that he was talking to her. “I helped cover a bit of the trail you left. He deserves some peace.”

Nedzu sighed while he read the list.

“Very well. I will warn my staff and the training will begin as soon as possible.”

“Thank you. The exam will happen in a month. Good luck.”


Seijin was busy with Kurogiri as she was currently administering various things. Who knew that a criminal empire also had a lot of paperwork?

She sighed. Sheh ad to make sure the Empire would live for a bit… At the very least, until she could do exactly what her father asked her to do.

She simply needed a bit more time before unleashing a small festival for him.


Reminder : Maki is an OC from Mirrond's fic.

He is the son of the former CRC leader. However, he wants to be genuinely a hero and want to destroy the CRC.

Chapter 59: License to Hero part 1


In which we learn that Aizawa has therapy dogs and the exam begins.


Still not dead ! Since last update...

Well, as I might have said, I lost another job, on my birthday while having COVID.

But I am trying to pull myself together and I will bring this story to an end. I swear.

Chapter Text

Chapter 59: License to Hero Part 1

When Aizawa entered their classroom with a worried face, the situation was weird enough for all the students to stop moving.

“Everyone, sit down, please. We have to talk.” Aizawa’s voice was soft as silk, and it was scaring all of the students. They obeyed immediately without question.

Then, the hobo teacher continued and said some of the most terrifying words to his class they ever heard, including Shouto and Izuku.

“Kids. It’s okay if you fail the event next week. No one will blame you if you surrender. Remember to not get hurt.”

It was the same teacher whose current lessons were throwing his students and an insane rabbit into a labyrinth. Apparently, he liked to watch the records with some popcorn. Aizawa, who had a poster signed by Gran Torino.

Aizawa was worried for them. More than anything, he was considerate of them.

“Sensei?” Maki asked as he was one of their most brave members and one of the few that dared to ask things to Aizawa. “What is happening next week?”

“That’s a good question and something that was imposed on me by my benevolent rat overlord.”

“Thank you, Aizawa,” The overlord said via the comms. Everyone ignored Nedzu spying on them.

“Namely, that you are going to participate in the next provisional license exam. On that note, Izuku, you have a special message from… the HPSC director. She tells you to go.”

To be honest, Izuku was puzzled by that. Since he has a new “status”, he technically had a license. Unless of course, the National Human Asset license allowed him to use his quirk only during missions and not for heroing.

Which was actually pretty legitimate.

“Now that this is done, the only solution I have to make sure most of you don’t die is to train you even harder.”

Aizawa felt proud when his students all rushed out of the windows to escape. That must be what a father feels after all. Then he reached a Talkie and said “Release the hounds.”

Izuku was a nice boy but he was sometimes gullible, such as when Aizawa asked for 20 Houndooms for therapy.

Everyone knew Aizawa was a cat person. However, Hound Dog actually took very good care of them.

Nonetheless, everyone was suddenly insulting Izuku for his mistakes.

“MIDORIYA, WHY DID YOU GIVE SUPER POWERED DOG TO OUR sad*stIC TEACHER?!” Ojirou, one of the only sane members of the class asked.


“DEKU, NO OFFENSE, BUT THIS IS WHY I HAVE A LIMITED TRUST IN YOUR PLANS!” Katsuki thought about what he said and took something back. “Scratch that ! I MEAN OFFENSE!”

“To be fair, your specialty is offense.” Uraraka said, running with everyone. “So seriously what’s the plan?”

Momo beamed happily as she had an idea.


“I dodged a bullet this time. The ponytail girl is smart.” Loony said, while eating a carrot and watching the kids having “fun”.

“Oh? How is she dealing with the dogs?”

“She synthetized sleeping drugs and some steaks. Sometimes, the best solution is the easy one.”

Aizawa admitted she had a point before resting for a bit.

“By the way, nice job ! You scared them with kindness!”

Aizawa stared at his rabbit assistant and sighed powerfully.

“It was only half a joke. They aren’t ready for this. Hell, your former boss… Well, could probably do it, but he would hurt too many people.”

The rabbit nodded her head at the thought and she knew Boss still needed to train his control for his quirk and he had a lot of extra-training after school. Same for Gentle, who had a lot of rehabilitation training with that skeleton man.

“I see your point. And what about me?”

“You are a menace of nature and better here than outside.” Aizawa said with all of the serious he could muster as he drankore coffee.

This made Loony laugh before they continued to watch the classroom running away.

Hearing the class had almost arrived at the safe zone, Aizawa went over there.

“Anyway. I will do my best to train them. I still wonder what Nedzu is planning.”


“You have a bit of blood there, miss Hinata.” Nedzu said, a bit impressed. Yes, he knew she was ruthless but not that ruthless.

“I think Stain is a bit like a cat: he brings me an offering to finish off. I have to admit this is very cathartic.” The HPSC President said with a smile, while cleaning her face. “How is the preparation for your younglings going? I hope they are ready. Although I have nothing to say if the Sako kid fails.”

She still had some hatred against Izuku for the whole “Godzilla is real and we lost a ward because of some children card games”.

Even now, she still had a lot of people trying to check what cards should be authorized and which shouldn’t. Considering some cards were 200 Years olds, she was scared. Thankfully, the whole Exegol thing helped the young man to understand that great power brings great responsibilities.

“Sadly for you, my dear, all of my students are ready.” Nedzu said with a knowing smile.

“All of them?” Hinata wanted to check on what he said because she had some doubts.

Yet, Nedzu kept his smile and the HPSC President didn’t pry further. Fine, he still had his secrets after all.

Now, she only had to plan a few fun trials for the license.


It was with a lot of apprehension that two of UA’s first year classes walked out of the bus. Two classes minus one because Monoma was momentarily disabled. That was his own words and he swore over the phone to punch anyone saying otherwise.

So, while Monoma wasn’t there, there was a truce symbolized by Momo and Itsuka shaking hands.

Aizawa and Vlad for once, had calmed their rivalry to not ruin the moment but both knew it was only the beginning.

Quickly, a few more candidates joined UA’s candidates. Also, no. Everyone knew about how every years everyone felt the need to destroy as fast as they could UA. The reason for that was very simple : They had social networks and some of their friends were in their third years and they had to go throught this gauntlet.



Because Izuku was Tenko’s cousin, he had the privilege to call the woman as such. Nejire, Mirio, and Tamaki smiled and sat Izuku. They had a very good idea about why he was there.

“License exam?”

“Yes. What can we expect from it?”

Once he had his information he could begin to stack the deck in his favor.


“President? I hate you.” Mera said over the phone as he was the one sent to supervise this special license exam. As one of the top members of the Commission but also one of the few that actually worked, he had a few privileges.

Currently, he looked at around 1500 students for the exam.

An important thing to know: Theoretically, every hero school had the right to send their students to get their temporary license here. Hell, it was often seen as the evidence you were top hero material. Pretty much all #100 heroes had their temporary license on their first try.

The issue, however, was that this exam wasn’t free: Each failed candidate cost you a certain amount.

As a result, a lot of small hero schools preferred to seek only the real license or conditioned really soon their student to be pro sidekicks.

An idea that Mera liked came from a city named Deika with “Builder Hero” where they had a hero agency specialized in reconstruction after a villain attack. All of their workers had the license but they were all builders.

Extremely effective and honestly, Mera was planning a visit to discuss more about it with them. They seemed nice people and certainly not as troublesome as this license exam.

Once every student lined up in front of him for the explanation, Mera knew he needed way more coffee. Oh well. He would drink during the exam.

“So, kids, listen up.” Mera began to explain as the board behind him illuminated itself and he continued to explain.

“We will test you in a scenario named “King of the Hill”. We have ten zones. Only 5 people out of 20 will pass to the second trial.”

Everyone began to chatter among themselves, worried. That was significantly harsher than the usual trial, yet U.A. was seen remaining calm and not worried. To be honest. a lot of students were worried about them after the Sports Festival, Hoshu, or even I-Island.

Izuku and Shouto’s roles in Exegol were kept hidden for national security.

“These five people shall be the ones at the top of the hill in the middle of the zone. You are authorized to backstab the other people on the hill.

As for who goes where… Your name will appear behind me with your zone. Pay attention and then go to your assigned area. The test will continue for one hour or until no one can move anymore.”

Mera then stepped out of the podium and let the kids learn of the result.

Izuku waited patiently to see his name being assigned to the zone 1. Now, all he had to do was wait for his teammates to be assigned to him.

He wasn’t dumb. Logically speaking, if you were paying attention to the system, you would have 4 friends with you in this trial. Now, if he had Katsuki, Momo or Shouto, the trial was going to be extremely fun.

Then the list came out and Izuku was soon seen dying of laughter.

In usual situation, Aizawa would have punished him for this. However, when Aizawa saw the team…

“Shouta? Is his team that bad?” Joke asked, a bit worried as her husband did one of the most powerful facepalm he ever saw.

“Joke. Every member of your school losing against them in zone 1 are excused.”

Zone 1, UA Members:

  • Joker
  • Uraravity
  • Plamo
  • Creativity
  • Thermodynamic

“...This is going to be violent, isn’t it?”

“The only way it'll get worse is if Dynamight is on the same team as his girlfriend.”

Joke pointed out the two teens high fiving each other, one with her usual cold face and the other with a face rated M for the terror it would bring you had night.


“Joker, you have all of your cards ready?” Momo asked as they were walking to their zone with the team

“Yep! I even got some of those old Persona Cards. Everyone kept telling me that I was an obvious reference to the hero of the fifth game but I never played them.” Izuku said with a smile. He was a bit sad as the HPSC banned some of the funniest cards, such as the one named Satanael. It would have been really fun to see the actual effect.

“So… So Izuku is the team leader?” Plamo asked, a bit weirded as he was the only member of his class in the zone. Yet, since the two classes often had sessions together, it wasn’t that weird to see them communicating together.

Shouto was calmly igniting his body and icing the other part of him, while every student seemed to step back. Even here, there was a lot of talk, wasn’t it?

He almost missed the giant teen in front of him, blocking his way. Izuku and Momo were on standby if needed, especially as the tall one spoke.


Did they meet? To be honest, Shouto often forgot people before he began to socialize with the class.

Anyway, Shouto nodded. He didn’t like his father. He still… Well, Shouto could say he respected the hero a lot.

The tall teen grabbed his hand and shook it, ignoring the ice.


Inasa didn’t like how Shouto acted during the Entrance exam. However, the teen had, pretty much, lost his father. Being a petty douchebag wasn’t the true hero way and the dude needed to know that not everyone was a dumbass.

His actions actually surprised Shouto who nodded.

“Yes. Yes, he is. Thanks for speaking of him in the present.”


Maki a bit further and with Tsu on his shoulder as she had claimed her place, stared at Inasa… And raise a thumb up to his newfound Endeavor’s fan friend.

Meanwhile, Eraser was drinking coffee with Joke and a few other teachers.

“Not going to lie, I expected more reaction against the young Thermodynamic” Shouta said as everyone was meeting together. It was often nice to see the other colleagues and one of them, someone with a platypus face giggled.

“Oh at first a lot were speaking about how it was their duty to stop him from getting in the field. Then I reminded them that he had friends, he was powerful, and if they were really sure they wanted to get on the sh*t list of someone like him. If they really wanted to be remembered as a “Generic mob that decided to bully someone way too strong for them and can shoot death beams”.”

Shouta giggled a bit at the thought especially as he casually answered:

“Good idea: He actually trained that technique with the kid that did the explosion. Nedzu calls it one of the most beautiful things he has ever seen.”

Every teacher was suddenly happy to have such a chat before arriving at the exam.


When the signal was given in zone 1, everyone began to run while the team UA walked peacefully. The type of exam made people forget about their tradition of putting UA through a gauntlet. Instead, they all wanted to be the king of the hill.

“So, what’s the plan? Because whoever gets in the center now…” Uraraka began to speak before having an answer from Momo.

“Will have to fight everyone and keep the position for the rest of the time.” The rich heiress said. “Izuku had the same opinion as you but he admitted it was more his showmanship speaking than his tactical sense.”

“I can blunder, sometimes,” Izuku said without shame. That's how you got better at planning after all. Also, to be honest, no one could have planned Exegol. No one. Or I-Island.

“So… What’s the plan? Because the moment we enter the arena, everyone will focus on us.” Shouto correctly pointed out. They were safe currently but when they would have to get to the top, they would face a true coalition.

“We would need some kind of tank or something like that…” Kojiro pointed out as everyone looked at the Glue-man with a huge smile.

“Momo? I don’t have the card on me because I initially thought it would be a bit overkill…”

Momo produced the card from her body.


The reason why Aizawa considered that Zone 1 had an automatic win despite his pessimistic attitude was because of this.

Joker’s quirk allowed him to bring more firepower or to solve a vast array of issues with his cards. His only weakness was this, the possibility he lacked the right card.

However, if Momo produced a card owned by her company with her quirk…

Izuku’s quirk acknowledged it as valid. Aizawa knew it, he was there when they tested that. That was how he got the hounds.


“So we stay in ambush until the time is right and we take the spot at the last moment.”

One student from an unknown school was here with his friends and they were used to working together! Sure, the Shiketsu freaks had secured the top spot but at least the UA guys weren’t here to steal the…

“Hey, don’t you guys hear something coming from the woods?” Someone said and everyone turned around.

What they saw made them yell in terror as abominations ripped through the defenses of their base.

The young students looked at each other.

“We are f*cked, aren’t we?”

“Better try next year.”


Meanwhile on the hill with next to no cover, the Shiketsu Students stood on a fort made by their own effort. Yes, it was a mud fort but it was still a fort, something to reckon with and that allowed it to easily defend the chokepoint.

Also, thanks to their quirks, they strengthened their place the best they could.

So they were kind of surprised when the UA dude… Joker… Came out with a huge speaker.


The Shiketsu students smiled and answered:




Izuku smiled somehow, everyone in the vicinity heard him snap his finger. A special snapping practiced by Mr. Compress and his predecessors. You could hear it even from afar.

Then the Shiketsu heard the very typical sound of a projectile coming at you at full speed… Followed by part of the fort being destroyed.

Three other bangs resonated soon after.

A girl among the Shiketsu students said softly.

“Oh f*ck. They have a tank.”

The leader checked and saw she was wrong.



“Should we be worried about Momo and Uraraka having way too much fun using a tank?”

Shouto looked at his glue friend as they were in a defensive position, ready to counter-attack anyone who approached them.

“Well, from what I know, I think the girl who created the fortress has her parents working in a company that is a competitor against Uraraka’s family. Momo just likes explosions.”

Plamo thought about the situation and kept saying nothing as the fort was enduring a barrage of missiles.

“Weirdly enough, I thought Izuku would have made something more flashy.”

Apparently, Joker waited for those words.

He pulled a deck and began to shuffle it, casually burning cards. The energy of the cards surrounded him as he pulled a card from his sleeve. Perfect.


To Shiketsu's credit, their members endured the bombardment well and their fort was still standing. Indeed, their fort could actually take on everyone and their position was their best tactic. Izuku was pretty sure they were actually reinforcing their walls as they spoke.

It was useless.


Izuku threw his card with dexterity in front of him and suddenly… An air of darkness arose from the field and the Shiketsu students wondered if they shouldn’t have yielded when they had the opportunity.

Giant humanoids were pushing a giant battering ram and the head of the ram couldn’t be anything more than a wolf from the deepest pit of hell.

Suddenly, they knew they had to destroy the ram. They didn’t know why but they knew. They knew this thing was meant to break what shouldn’t be broken. It was a creation against creation and a disaster.

However, whenever they were ready to shoot an attack from their defense…

An artillery shoot from the team in the forest arose to stop them.

“Grond. Destroy the gate.”

The students then met the power that broke the gates of Minas Tirith.

Grond hit their castle.

Their fort wasn’t even close to the sturdiness of the White City.

It fell in one hit.

Soon after, as they were still trying to breathe as their fort crumbled on them and they were busy trying to get to the surface, they saw.

The UA Squad, as they were riding on a Leopard III. They didn’t know how to pilot it, hence why they were pulled by an as big tank, that could only be described as the offspring of a tank and an orgy of drill. Useless for long range but excellent for labyrinth or to level the field, literally.

Before the Shiketsu could totally get their mind on track, they got caught up in ice and glue. Shouto and Kojiro had been ready for this and then Uraraka lifted them thanks to her quirk and yeeted them.

She didn’t deactivate her quirk.

Izuku then used once again his speaker:


The forest answered with their silence.

It was cruel to crush their dream but it was them or his team.

Izuku looked at Shouto who nodded at him.

Because Izuku failed him once, Shouto lost his dad.

Izuku was not going to let anyone on his team down.


Mera was looking at a report with fear.

“Run that to me again?”

“Zone 1 was pacified by Izuku thanks to some card, apparently related to Mordor. We added the card to the “Not before you graduate” list.

Also, Zone 5 ended their exam by knocking out every other participant. It is actually impressive considering the amount of people.”

“... Wasn’t it the zone with the explosive boy and the girl with an arsenal?”

“Yes. Yes, it is them. They also had a fungi girl with them and the special kid with the frog girl on his shoulder.”

Mera massaged his eyes. He wasn’t paid enough and the purge signified they lost a lot of manpower.

The fact that Hinata’s Purges were sometimes literal made them even more work! Sometimes he had to clean! Cleaning blood from leather was almost impossible !

“Ok. And what about our guests for the second trial?” Mera asked before having the door open on several individuals.

“Don’t worry! We are always happy to help!” Someone said with a bit of an American accent.

“J’ai besoin de me détendre après le raid de Dublin…”

Everyone stared at the French who spoke in a language hated by the gods.

“Fiiiiiiine. Yes, I am here and ready to torture the students.”

The second trial was going to be wild too apparently.

Chapter 60: License to Hero part 2


In which there is an Undertale reference, otters and AfO.


Small note : I got a new job ! Let's hope this one stick xD

Chapter Text

Chapter 60: License to Hero 2

“Uraravity, what do your elf eyes see ?” Izuku yelled at an Ochako, currently on a floating platform. She was their lookout for the moment.

“Nothing for the moment!” The gravity hero said as she made sure no surprise attack was coming. Izuku used an elf card from a game named “Munchkin" to turn her temporarily into an elf. Hopefully.

Otherwise, she would kick his ass.

Izuku and Momo agreed it was actually worrying. They had no idea of what was going to happen next, after the battle for the hill test. It was calm before the storm and they knew it.

Meanwhile, with the help of Momo and Glue Boy, Izuku was restoring the fort. A Defensive position was the defensive position. Period. Also, he had a feeling that if he used any combination of cards to create an actual flying castle, the HPSC President would kill him.

Meanwhile, Shouto was silent. Wearing his “stealth suit”, Shouto had orders to not speak before asked to or until battle. He was their ace in the hole if sh*t hit the fan and Izuku needed to cheat to win.

Nonetheless, he was worried. What kind of monster would be used against them to prove they deserved this first stamp on their way to being a hero? (Well more like the third stamp but you get the point)


“And that’s why Ananas Pizza is the best pizza in the world.” Captain Celebrity ended his speech in front of Nighteye who put back his glasses on his nose.

“After this, I am filing a restraining order for the whole of Japan against you.”


“Kidding. We are almost ready to make an impact. Is our trump card ready?” Nighteye said with all of the seriousness of the world.

Someone’s eyes shone ominously, giving them their answer. He had been specifically chosen to be their ultimate weapon to this day and Nighteye used very compelling arguments to convince him to join their team.


Mera’s voice filled the air, highly tired in advance of all the future reports to write. He didn’t have enough interns and would need to participate in the torture himself.

“Hello, students. Congratulations on eliminating the hopes and dreams of all your contestants.”

Everyone (except a few like Katsuki, Yui, and Tooru) looked a bit guilty at the announcement as it was partly true and some of them went kind of overkill.

Someone even walked the Mordor to their door, which was a bit overkill and showing off.

“As a result, we choose heroes according to your teams, performance, and quirks to attack you. Try to resist as long as you can.”


“Who do you think we will get, Katsuki?” Yui asked, sitting on a pile of trees instead of unconscious students. They took her throne of bodies! It was mean!

“I hope they are fun and not weakling!” Katsuki answered with a feral smile while their teammates were wondering what they had done to be with a psycho like them.

Then Katsuki got hit by a baguette in the face at Mach 2, sending him flying away before everyone heard the Marseillaise blaring at full power all around them.

“Kids, bringing the white flag is actually acceptable.” The French hero said before observing the red girl going full giant on him. He looked unimpressed as he had seen that before, on I-Island. However, he was more impressed when he saw a man in a Hawaiian T-Shirt high-kick Yui in the belly at full strength, as if propelled by a mighty explosion. An underground hero was recommended by Miruko as she was on another field to attack students with her friend Otsu.

Tokoyami, among their team, wanted to counter-attack when suddenly a scarf grabbed him from behind and Happy Aizawa looked at him with the smile of someone knowing they would be paid for doing what they loved to do.


“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH” Dark Shadow screamed as, truly, it was a face that could give nightmares to eldritch beings such as her.


“Still nothing?”

“Nothing I can see Izuku, unless they are crazy enough to fly very high with oxygen tanks to get the literal drop on us!” Ochako said one second before something pierced and fractured her platform at full speed, leaving her falling for a few seconds before she slammed her hands together

The next few seconds were a bit confusing for pretty much everyone involved.

Uraraka, still flying thanks to her quirk, got hit by a paper stamp on her belly, propelling her toward the ground at high speed.

Kojiro barely had the time to react when he felt a fist meeting his ribcage. Clearly, it wasn’t something that he liked, and in front of him stood a blond man with a shiny smile.

“Captain Celebrity to the rescue!”

Shouto, standing by, aimed at Christopher Skyline and concentrated his quirk for a second to neutralize him with his ice. He barely had the time to react when Sir Nighteye, having touched down the ground at the same time as Captain Celebrity, seemed to ignore his camouflage to throw him against the wall. They did destroy the castle roof to hit them after all.

“Young man, you will have to face a serious threat!” Nighteye said before seeing Shouto pulling out a fruit pouch with an All-Might face on it and drinking it loudly. Nighteye took a second to recognize the item Shouto was currently discarding on the ground.

“... Sorry, I was feeling hungry,” Shouto said, still invisible but hungry.

“... Was that one of the limited fruit pouches only sold two weeks ago?” Nighteye asked, his face devoid of emotions.

“I think so? Grandpa gave it to me.”

Nighteye exhaled and readjusted his glasses. His eyes were colder than hell.

“It was professional but now it’s personal.”


Izuku and Momo would have loved to help his friends but the moment he took his cards, a water stream hited them, destroying them in water.


Izuku yelled, to express his rage and suddenly his and Momo’s opponent expressed his disappointment in Izuku’s language by saying a single word, as he crashed loudly and heavily into the ground.


“... Sorry sir.” Izuku apologized for his language as clearly, the word was reprimanding for his language. Still, he reached for one card in his sleeves and threw it toward the hero. Hey, they were supposed to battle them, right?

Izuku didn’t exactly know what monster he just threw at Wash and Momo wasn’t going to wait either to discover the result. She quickly took a thermite grenade and threw it at Wash. She had been curious ever since she joined Shouto and Izuku’s hero study, as they discussed theories about them.

Wash was actually a contentious point for them: Shouto thought he was a sentient, quirked washing machine. Izuku thought he had a fake washing machine around him to disguise his frame and it was composed of lighted alloy to protect himself. Momo was actually in between: She thought he was wearing an actual washing machine. Now, it was time to check.

Two things happened in quick succession.

The first was the Espeon summoned by Izuku restrained in a bubble. Then, Izuku learned that a certain thing he saw on a forum was true: Someone said Wash could shrink his bubble’s size. His bubble could lift a two-ton truck with ease.

Thankfully, the Espeon was far from being a permanent summon, otherwise, the bubble would have been very red as it crushed it to dust.

The thermite grenade didn’t reach either as Wash caught it in a bubble again and was now rushing at them pretty fast.

“I TOLD YOU IT WASN’T A REAL WASH MACHINE.” No one could be that fast with such a heavy weight without an enhanced body after all, according to Izuku. He barely had the time to raise his arms to brace for impact. The cold powerful impact almost threw him over the edge of the fort and he barely reached it from his fingertips. Thankfully, being trained by a master thief had its perks such as having your stepdad train you for this specific situation.

“It’s way more frequent than you might think, especially in the heroic field.” Atsuhiro had told him once.

Well, it took five seconds for him to pull himself back once his hands caught the solid mud. In the few seconds he had been gone, Wash threw Momo out, inside one of his bubbles, to make sure she didn’t get hurt too much.

Izuku thanked Katsuki for being “needlessly violent” during training fights as he managed to keep the pain under control as Wash turned his soulless yet smiling glare at him.

“Wash wash!”

Izuku grumbled as he didn’t expect to be right about Wash being a quirked washing machine. It was rewriting a lot of things they knew about quirks if even items could possess one.

However, knowing it was truly steel surrounding (or making) Wash gave him ideas. He needed something sturdy and that would not be crushed easily and could fight with magnetism. That excluded summons like Magneto but he had another in mind. Fortunately, while Wash drenched him earlier and destroyed a few cards, Izuku had cards everywhere. He was the first to ascertain this weakness after all: if he had no cards, he was powerless. Therefore he needed cards everywhere. Including under his belt and he threw another card like a Pokeball.


The giant floating robot Pokemon stood between his master and his enemy, stopping the next tackle with ease. Wash looked at it dead in the eyes.



Too late, Wash had already put himself in a bubble, and to Izuku’s surprise, the electricity didn’t go through it.


“Wash wash!” Wash answered as an explanation, making Izuku grit his teeth.

“That… Is actually pure genius.” Using pure water for the bubble and making it a pure isolant? It was crazy yet awesome.

Izuku was facing Wash and understood why someone everyone thought was just “gimmicky” was in the Top 10. Wash was actually smart, strong, and extremely polyvalent. He could tank, restrain, heal, or destroy with ease.

Unless Izuku pulled the big big guns, Wash was going to block pretty much everything he had, wasn’t it? Considering the Joker would-be-hero had orders to not use them he had to be smart. Magnezone wasn’t enough and giving orders too fast would make Wash counterattack faster than he could counter the counter.

The situation was a pure stalemate when something happened. Namely Ochako throwing the paperweight she caught with her ribs from above, like an orbital bombardment.

She then proceeded to throw other floating parts of her platform at the washing hero.


This allowed Izuku to back off a bit and think about what to do next… If he couldn’t face Wash directly, Izuku needed a creature fine in water, able to move through the bubble without having to destroy them necessarily. Thankfully, he actually had a set of creatures especially mischievous and ready for the task.

Also, even if Magnezone couldn’t destroy, tear apart or simply want Wash’s warranty the opposite seemed true too.

Wash, busy with taking on the Pokemon and the projectile from above, was quite surprised when he heard a lot of squealing coming from behind Magnezone and saw Izuku with… A few otters. Mind you, no magic otters like the one at the festival but rather normal otters. Yes, they were blue or wearing clothes but they didn’t seem to be able to steal quirk.

The killing machine sighed and threw his bubble at the various otters and… Surprisingly, they swam through it. Oh, right. Otters. Water creature. Water crowd control was surprisingly less effective against beings like them!

The small critters then rushed at him and… Well, they didn’t manage to scratch the armor. It was steel and they were otters, not raptors.

“Wash wash wash wash wash !” Wash pointed out correctly with a smug tone before noticing Izuku’s smile.

“They aren’t here to scratch your armor! They are here to find your off button!”

Let’s be honest. If Wash was actually a machine, he had an off button or something like that. The critters were smart and with paws that could push buttons.

Only then did Wash panicked. No! He couldn’t let his secret be revealed now!

Izuku was surprised to see Wash throw himself off the castle. Without hesitation, the washing heroes jumped the two floor building to shake off the summons that were biting and pressing everything they could.

Momo, finally free of her own bubble after drilling through it, was surprised to see Wash apparently on his knees, on the ground, unfazed by the falling. To be fair, most humans were sturdier than 200 years ago, and falling from one floor wasn’t as bad as before. Two either, if you were trained. But it was a heavy machine.

Izuku arrived next to her, riding next to a flying otter with a wizard hat. Momo decided it wasn’t even worth asking.

“We need to restrain him now! Magnezone! Trap him now!”

“That… Won’t be necessary.”

Momo and Izuku were surprised by hearing Wash speaking normally when he got up, despite all the otters and the Magnezone piling on him… Before Wash generated a bubble around him and the summoning.

“Ohhhh my. If you flipped my switch, that can only mean one thing.”

Suddenly, Wash was irradiated in light, before they heard and saw an explosion wiping out all of the summonings inside the bubble.

The dust was still up before Wash’s voice resonated again and…

A man with a body type not unlike Jojo's character stepped out with a smile while wearing a dark skin suit.

An explosion from behind them distracted everyone for a second, with a Shouto tired as hell and Nighteye covered in ice. Seeing the future was kind of useless when you had to deal with attacks too wide to be dodged. What could have he done when Shouto created a huge glacier in their room? Dodge it with his gymnastic skill?!


“No, sorry young man. I simply wear the washing machine as a suit because nobody expects it to be real despite providing a lot of protection and giving me a cute appearance for the public. I don’t want to be seen as a hero that makes people scared” Wash explained with a smile and looked at everyone and…

Throw his hands down.

“I won’t fight anymore though. We aren’t supposed to go at full power against you after all. Making me break my suit to defend myself? Congratulations kids. You will go far.” Wash said, proud of the youngster.

The teens were almost going to fall in relief when Wash decided to remind them of a little something.

“You do remember we were three, right? And the last one is arguably…”

Captain Celebrity destroyed what was left of the fort, while throwing Kojiro at his friends.

“The strongest. Good luck kids!”

“LUTRI! GO!” Izuku said, letting an otter from his back slap Wash in the face and run back at him while Shouto bought time with fire against the American hero. Quick quick!

Momo was the second line of defense as she pulled a taser and tried to stop the hero from attacking Izuku. With Shouto he was their heavy hitter after all. It was the tactical choice to let him power up in any useful way.

It bounced on him which made Momo raise an eyebrow. She had created a strong glue on the end of it to make sure it stuck to him. Why did it bounce off?

Then, she got grabbed by a Shouto using his fire to go past Christopher Skyline and avoid her getting punched. Not the right time to say it but Shouto finally picking up Endeavor’s move, especially after Exegol, allowed him to grow leaps and bounds past who he was. More precise and useful move than simply “Get Wrecked”.

“Shouto! Did your fire reach him?” Momo asked and Shouto nodded briefly.

“He had to parry them with a powerful gust of wind!” He was also one of their theoretician for quirks after all. He saw the taser bounce off, he saw his ice barely slowing the American hero… Yet he had to dodge and parry the fire.

His invulnerability had weaknesses. It wasn’t a pure one and more important: Both Shouto and Momo noticed that Christopher’s suit was untouched. His hair was untouched.


Considering that Izuku was barely managing to protect himself from Wash’s bubble. He almost got hit when he spared one for Kojiro, to heal him.

Meanwhile, Christopher Skyline was punching through the bubble to get to Izuku.

Yet, his brain was thinking. Forcefield. On himself.

“I NEED AN OPENING!” Joker yelled at the top of his lungs, knowing that elegant stratagems were long gone.

He blessed his friend's willingness to use deadly power even when he was a possible victim because the next instant, Shouto produced a pillar of flame and Momo threw a canister of gas.

No, he actually wondered what he did wrong for them to resort to crazy tactics like that.

The explosion, however, managed to get him a few seconds to burn more cards on his list. Forcefield. You could create one through various ways. However, call it an idiot hunch but… Well, Captain Celebrity had the same birthdate as his mom. Yes, useless trivia but it made Izuku always theorize some kind of link between him and his mom. The best he managed was that Inko’s friend at work might have been Skyline’s father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate.

Which makes absolutely nothing to each other, to Izuku’s disappointment.

Except for one little thing. One theory Izuku had about Captain Celebrity was a form of telekinesis, powerful but very localized.

So, all he needed was something to dispel his opponent's psychic power to win… If he was right. If he wasn’t, Izuku was going to fly in the sky very soon.

Christopher had to admit that between the glue boy who managed to slow him for a few seconds and the two top students correctly identifying his quirk, he was impressed. He wondered if he could ask for them as interns. Endeavor’s kid and the girl had huge potential. The Joker kid too but Celebrity wasn’t sure he would be the best mentor for him.

“Hydreigon! GO!”

Wait. What?

Christopher was once again bursting through the bubbles, at full strength finally, barely feeling them slowing down. Then came the hydra, flying and covering in a dark aura and Christopher accelerated.


The dragon emitted a dark energy wave as Captain Celebrity hit him and exploded the summon.

Then he felt the pain and the crack as his fist was swollen. He was… Hurt? sh*t, it didn’t happen often! Sometimes, sure. Often? No! Before he could react, the remaining teens stood around him, ready to apprehend him.

Truthfully, Christopher had quick regained his telekinesis but… They did well. Very well.

Control, quick thinking and teamwork. Truly, they were very good for the future.

“... You do know, kids, you were simply supposed to hold out as much as you could, right?”

“Yes, but fighting is funnier,” Shouto said. Bakugou felt a pang of pride, during his own fight.

Wait no, it was a baguette that hit him at full speed. f*ck.


One hour later

All teens seemed to have come back from Vietnam, and less than half of them were still standing.

Mera was drinking his coffee before announcing:

“Congratulations, for those who are still awake to hear me. You proved you were able to take the position, keep it, and hold out long enough for reinforcement to come. You are teenagers. You aren’t our secret weapon or anything. You are our future and we want to preserve you. Remember, you don’t have to take the lead yet.”

Mera sighed but smiled. Truth to be told, the exam had been relatively calm. Imagine, in another universe, there would have been infighting among students and maybe even a villain infiltrating them!

No, instead, they had a hard and harsh test but it proved many students up to their standard and it would allow them for some good PR about the new generation coming that would replace big names like All-Might and Endeavor.

All For One was dead. The HPSC was purged of its corrupt elements. Nedzu and the President had a sort of truce.

Everything was fine and well for the first time in a long time and Mera relaxed as he went back home.

Mera looked at his empty apartment as if the job was demanding. He never had the time to form relationships outside of work as a result and he had come to terms with it.

“Just for your information, I am sorry,” Kurogiri said before strangling him against the wall, while another person stole his phone. Seijin, the old hag as she was smiling.

“Kurogiri, don’t be sorry for him. He will be very useful for our next step! Just make sure he doesn’t bother us, right my dear?”

Kurogiri sighed and looked at a panicked Mera, while Seijin went into another room to do what she had to do.

When she came back, there was no trace of the HPSC member and Kurogiri had finished setting the set for the announcement.

Seijin smiled at what would happen. How would they react?


UA Diner room (Staff)

“And that is why I am now no longer authorized in New Jersey” Nedzu finished his tale while eating his cheese as Shouto and All-Might stared at him. Seriously, what?! “Also in California, Burbank but it’s because of another mouse. The evil one.”

All-Might massaged his eyes for a second for stress relief before putting on the TV. He needed something to relax and seriously, Nedzu’s stories weren’t what he needed. Even the news was more relaxing.

Two seconds later, he was vomiting blood, prompting everyone in the room to watch the TV.


Sako’s Household

“Big bro Izuuuuu! The TV is weird!” Eri said as she was watching TV, her big brother washed the dishes with Tooru, who came to eat that evening. Both of them were a bit lovebirdy but Eri liked it because Tooru was a gentle ghost that made her fly! She was nice too!

Atsuhiro smiled at the spectacle and kissed his wife. He had a life perfecter than anything he could have dreamed of two years ago.

So, of course, he and Inko rushed as fast as they could when they heard a scream.

Izuku’s scream.

On television was a man in a suit with a dark mask. He exhaled power, darkness, and crime. Everyone who knew him was justly afraid.

“Hello everyone. I am All For One, pleased to meet you.”

Chapter 61: How to win as a Demon Lord.


AFO's last f*ck you, the protocol One Piece.


Small update but a very essential one, ain't it ?

Chapter Text

Chapter 61: How to win as a demon lord.

“Hello everyone. I am All For One, pleased to meet you.”

All For One loved tropes, especially American tropes. It was one of the few things that distinguished him from his eldest son. All For One, as a result, and especially after All Might carved his brain out of his skull, began to record a lot of “in case of my ultimate demise, please watch this” tape.

This one was the one for the world.

“You probably don’t know me. That’s normal: I liked the whole eminence in shadow thing. However, for the top heroes and the government knowing me… I am Seikyo Shigaraki, owner of the most powerful quirk in the world, All For One. I own most of the criminal network in the Asian, Australian, and African continent.

Well, I should speak to the past: If you’re watching this, I am dead.

If All-Might killed me: f*ck you. I don’t regret killing your mentor, or your first girlfriend and making you suffer through the American healthcare system. Also, I have contracted Curse Maker so you would be cursed with a scratching nose for all eternity.”

All-Might in his tower, almost scratched it on reflex when he said that. It was extremely… Petty.

“If Nedzu killed me: I hope you at least made it memorable. I will regret our fight through the centuries. Because, yes, Nedzu. I, unlike many, never forgot you.” All For One chuckled and Nedzu seemed suddenly frozen in terror, in front of his adopted family. “After all, in your beginning, we were such good friends. Shame you never saw the point of selling out your brethren.”

Shouto stared at his grandpa who was falling in his seat. The dawn of quirk was… A very wild time.

“If the HPSC managed, somehow, to kill me…” The Demon Lord raised his hands and clapped. “I have no idea how you managed it but you have my respect.”

“If that dumb Endeavor learned my part in kidnapping his son and managed to kill me… You will still die alone and I honestly hope you either turn into ashes or an even bigger monster that needs to be put down.” All For One’s tone turned cold and he threw his hands in genuin anger. “You were the son and heir of one of the most powerful entities in the world and you tried to play family man?! f*ck YOU. Just… f*ck you.

If, by any incredible odds, the Boss, aka Tomura Shigaraki, was the one to kill me because he discovered I was the one behind his family’s death and grooming him to hurt All-Might to the maximum…

First, you have more brains than I have thought, but you are still disappointing and you will pay for it.”

The old criminal looked at the camera and suddenly turned back to serious. No more jokes.

“People of Japan, and the world. I am not broadcasting this to settle petty revenge. I am here to speak about business.

All of my criminal network lies inside my right-hand guy: Kurogiri.”

The undead butler walked in front of the camera and saluted it.

“Kurogiri is a biological construct and cannot betray its owner. After my death… Well…”

All For One put on a table comic book. Captain Justice: Age of the Dark Lord.

“My favorite comic. A special edition was signed for me. I have divided it into four parts. Whoever reunites the four parts, wins.”

An angel passed.

“By that, I mean “win my whole empire”. My criminal empire exists and it is yours for the taking.”


Balor, sitting in his bar with his henchman, currently on a small island, took a sip from his glass. It was his for the taking, not anyone else.


“The four parts will be divided and given to my disciples:

The Boss, leader of the Vigilante group ‘The League of Villains’. As he left the path of darkness for… Friendship and compassion, I shall give him a penalty. Whoever kills him will get 10 Million dollars and 4500 points. Points will be useful, you will see.

My dear Purify. Leader of the CRC. In addition to my last gift to you, I shall reveal to you and Japan a small secret. The government is indeed hiding the fact that mutant people are becoming more and more ferals across Japan. Why? Well… It’s for you to discover!

Terraformars, my favorite psychopath. Leader of the Inhuman Supremacist Party. I was so proud of you when you took over your organization in blood and death. I will give you the information you were looking for. Kurogiri and my testamentary executor will go to you for that.”

All For One sighed and took a huge breath from his machine, to make sure he could finish his video. Truth be told, being away from the machinery drained him quickly and it was his fourth take.

“The fourth part… Will be bought by whoever can reunite 5000 points. How do you get points? Well… Here is a web address, managed by a friend of mine.”

Everyone could see it and… It showed a website where you could upload videos and everyone could watch them afterward. CrimeTube.

“Record every crime you commit. The more violent, the more vile it gets, the more points you get.” All For One was properly giggling in happiness as the authorities in Japan were doing their best to stop the broadcast and failed to do so. “You will get points and reward accordingly.”

To explain that, AfO then pulled out a chart where points could be exchanged for various things. The comic piece, of course, but also information to be purchased to brokers, noumus, the ability to get some mercenaries…

Or even a jail break-out.

“Also, it seems f*cking obvious but anyone can get the 4 comic parts.”

All For One sat back in his seat, almost chuckling at all the chaos it would unleash, and looked at a world he couldn’t see… Before suddenly remembering something. Something very important.

He pulled out a sort of gun with a strange bullet, filled with a weird blue goo.


This time, Garaki, who was watching the news for fun with Overhaul and Emilia, dropped his ramen bowl. Wait. No. NO. It was impossible!

“Also. When I said everything I own will be the winner… I mean it. It also includes my quirk, All For One. The ability to steal, give, use, and combine quirks, freely. Simply inject yourself with this.“ All For One said on Garaki’s giant TV (actually the computer screen but they rewired it for movie sessions and dining.

Overhaul looked at Garaki raising an eyebrow. Emilia too, as she was currently cuddling against Overhaul.

“I thought we destroyed the samples we had. I mean. We didn’t want him to pull a Muscular.”

“Yes, we did!” Garaki said, actually panicking. He wasn’t dumb and he was legitimately scared. They would need to either accelerate their own plan or get involved in the war themselves!

“To Doctor Garaki who is freaking out because he realizes I knew he was a traitor… Yes. You were my top scientist, Garaki. However, I had money. Lots of money. I have several labs working on your designs and correcting them. Improving on them.

Garaki. You are probably the smartest scientist I know. You aren’t the wisest.”

All For One took a glass of wine given by Kurogiri and he smiled at the camera.

“Anyway. The contest starts now. I will call it the “All For One tournament”.”


“Sir, may I ask you what’s the point of this video?” Kurogiri asked, legitimately curious considering how megalomaniac All For One was. Giving away his empire? That was weird coming from him.

“Kurogiri. My greatest dream is to be a demon lord. However, let’s be honest. I am closer to the grave than the cradle. I can’t enjoy life as before and honestly…

All of my plans are either crazy, extremely reliant on luck, or plain desperate. So… I am making sure my dream still comes true.

If any of my plans work, I will become the ultimate demon lord on this Earth. Awesome.

If none works? The world will remember my name. I will have inspired tons and tons of criminals, especially after my biography comes out.

Kurogiri. I will be dead. But I am going to be an interesting and terrifying legend.”

All For One said before letting his undead butler finish to clean up everything.

Now, time to traumatize Monoma…


Garaki looked in terror at his students, as they all realized the same thing. They had no idea if it was their process or if quirk implementation always carried the soul. After all, All For One did a ton of them back in the day and the soul didn’t carry at these times.

“We… Will need to think about this very quick and really fast.” Overhaul said seriously as after all… Garaki’s plan was still proceeding.


Nine’s gang, or rather what was left of them since Mummy was in jail, stared at the website and the “break-out” option.

Chimera was also checking the rules to get points with Slice.

They were going to get their friends back. Nine was never the man to leave someone behind and he promised his friend he would get back.

With his now useless mask (he kept it for the flavor), Nine looked at the two others.

“We will do what is necessary.”


Balor, in his bar, was thinking about the situation. How should he play it out? Because there was an issue. If he revealed himself too quickly, Balor would get to face the full brunt of everyone at the same time.

However… The Irish villain stared at an old picture, showing times long forgotten by everyone else now. His resolve strengthened. If he couldn’t inherit All For One’s empire, nobody would.

It also meant that for once he would get a less proactive role… Even if he had an idea seeing the rules about points.

4000 points if you killed whoever killed All For One ? Excellent. He had a target now. It would require preparation, however, to succeed in his endeavor.


Terraformars was on a throne of skull, peacefully drinking wine, in actual glasses to honor his mentor.

People said he was an unfeeling machine made for carnage. It was false. The co*ckroach mutant felt sadness knowing his friend and mentor, who always understood his passion for suffering, murder, and blood was not here anymore. They couldn’t exchange videos any more.

Terraformars let one tear down his cheeks, wondering what was the information All For One left him.

At that moment, Kurogiri’s portal appeared in the middle of the room. Everyone stood ready to pounce on the newcomer before Terraformars calmed everyone with one hand.

Coming from it was an old lady with red eyes and golden almost white hair. Seeing her and Kurogiri, Terraformar’s eyes widened but he got up and saluted Seijin Noumin.

“I salute Sensei’s daughter.” The mutant said politely. The old lady smiled at him. Maybe she had been too hard on him when she hesitated where to hide.

“Thank you, kid. I am here to honor my father’s will… Also, give you a headstart on the other.”

Terraformars raised an eyebrow and Seijin pulled a set of pictures of a wolf girl, wearing hoodies to stay on the low in a shelter.

“How about you finish what you did and do a little carnage? It’s a place named Deika.”

All around here, bloodthirsty heteromorphs erupted in joy. Carnage? War? Blood?!

The ISP was marching toward their destiny!


Re-Destro sneezed. He must have had a bad cold because it keeps happening nowadays!

Anyway, he had now to prepare his city and the MLA. No, he didn’t want to partake in this crime spree. He was a revolutionary, not a criminal for god’s sake!

Also, he didn’t have the slightest idea of where to find a comic part!

As for the cult, it was hard to lock on to them. Apparently, the identity of their leader, someone named “the professor” was hard. Geten, probably in the cult, proved himself actually secretive for once and Re-Destro feared that killing him right here and now would make their cult even more secretive.

It was an issue. A very, very big issue.


Purify looked at his cult and everyone stared at him before he said the words everyone waited for him to say.


Their holy mission, to save the heteromorphs from themselves and die as humans was the right one! They were saving their souls and the government was hiding the truth, probably because they were doing it!

People would die, sadly. In war, people always die.

All it meant now… Was that their battle royale was official and the Boss was an even bigger target than before?

Not to mention some of the rewards in the point list, such as the kidnapping of anyone you could provide sufficient information on.

Thankfully, the CRC knew exactly where Eri was, even now. Even if Purify didn’t get the Empire and the power it came with, Eri was an excellent plan B.


Purify looked at the gun with the blue liquid, on screen.

The ability to take quirks.

He stared at his hands. The ability to purify permanently, without killing. He could save them all. Save them for good.

“Oh, my friends. In truth, I will tell you this. We are doing the work no one else wants to do because someone needs to do it.

I am proud to stand by such courageous people. We are going to taint our soul so no one else will have to do it!”

Purify raised his hand and everyone erupted.



Tomura was eating in a restaurant with Nejire when the video dropped. Thankfully, Tomura Shigaraki wasn’t a known name as he rarely used it in public. Tenko Shimura was way more known.

Still. It was a name. Some people could do scary things with one name. Also. Giran knew his face.

Tomura was white as a sheet and Nejire understood why. It was a no-brainer. Whoever killed Tomura was going to get half of the comic piece in one go.

However, it also meant they had one part. A small portal dropped the part in front of Tenko, with a note. Coordinates and a message.

“Good luck, Tomura.”

It was Kurogiri’s handwriting and…

Tomura had determination in his eyes. He was going to save his butler goddamnit!


Izuku and his family stared at each other.

“We are going to protect Tenko, right?”

Everyone nodded. Family before everything.

Izuku was going to burn a lot of deck in the coming weeks.

Chapter 62: Deika Disturbing Day I


In which we have a lot of people coming back for a very weird day.

Chapter Text

Chapter 62: Deika Disturbing Day I

Rikiya Yotsubashi was making himself a cup of coffee. Darker than a moonless night, bitter and hotter than hell itself.

“That… is coffee.” The man with a pointed nose said to himself, pleased with himself as the sun shone through the window.

The day was beautiful outside and Re-Destro was happy to have time to think. Mainly because of what All For One had done a few days ago with his f*cking will. In the MLA, many people had “opinions” on the subject. To Re-Destro’s surprise, some actually proposed to exterminate quirkless people for some quick points.

Mind you, Re-Destro didn’t veto the idea out of the goodness in his heart. To be honest, he couldn’t care less about the Quirkless. However, he was pretty sure that purging a class of people was not a great way to get popular support… Especially if it was to follow the will of a demon lord wannabe.

Re-Destro had to punch Geten out of the building, literally, when he heard him asking if they could act upon this to get more resources. The Ice-Master was going to wake up with two black eyes, especially as Geten tried to explain how they could use the mutant shelters they had recently opened as “Point farms”.

“For f*ck sake. I mean. It’s obvious the best way to win at this game is to simply lay low and wait for the right opportunity to strike a deal or something.” Rikiya thought to himself, as he observed his city. His family. “First, I have to secure Deika, in case someone does something dumb.”

As the irony wanted it, the emergency channel opened right behind Rikiya.

“MY LORD!” Skeptic yelled, panicked to the highest point. Ok, it was bad. “We are under attack!”

“...For the love of Destro… By whom?” Re-Destro wasn’t paid enough by this and could feel the stress building up on his back.

“... Everyone?” Skeptic said, almost too weak to be heard.

Re-Destro frowned upon hearing that. Wait, what? But according to Spinner, AFO didn’t know about them! Hell, he wasn’t mentioned in the will!

“Where are they attacking?! The police station? The school?! The HOSPITAL?!”

“... The Shelter for Heteromorphs. I have to admit, I don’t even know why but apparently, there are whole ISP squads over there, a CRC purge team, and… Uh. Apparently, there is a mercenary that I recognize because I almost bought his services for our causes.”

“... All that is missing are heroes or monsters,” Rikiya said before seeing a majestuous white dragon, with blue eyes, begin to actually rampage where the shelter should be. “COME ON!”

“Yeah, I didn’t expect them to get there that fast to be honest.”


One day earlier.

The HPSC President called everyone she knew for the whole war conference. Yes, she openly called it a war at this point because one hour after the video, the first crime wave was detected.

Fortunately, the wave was at a place Miruko was and the bunny hero had a bloody time.

“Everyone, you are called here because of the situation. As you have noticed, AFO left us with a ‘gift’.” Hinata said while Nedzu was mildly panicking. “ If the first ‘spontaneous’ crime wave was stopped thanks to Miruko” The bunny hero was still smiling with the blood of her enemy on her. “The issues were the second, the third, the fourth, and the fifth, happening simultaneously across Japan.

One big issue with AFO’s statement was… Well… The various syndicates don’t work together. They all had their agenda and their own approach. No big plan to guess and stop.”

Nedzu was busy trying to find a pattern that could help predict the attack but to that end he needed raw data. It was a totally new way of f*cking things up and they had none of them.

“In addition to that, they were emboldened by All-Might’s retirement and Endeavor being confined.

Hawk was popular but he didn’t have the “deterrent” aura Endeavor and All-Might had. Not to mention he already had his own mission to finish what was left of Seijin’s network.”

Nighteye looked at the table, considering the participants. Some of the top heroes, himself, Toshinori, Mr Compress, Nedzu, and some of his students, such as the Sako child, Tomura aka Tenko aka The Boss, and a kid that was visibly uneasy to be there. Hawk was among the top heroes currently present with two people by his sides. Clearly Stain and Nagant.

“You honestly think this Seijin is more important to stop than stopping this game?” Nighteye asked, unsure of the President’s priority and because he distrusted the institution as a whole.

“We discovered, after Exegol, that Seijin used to go there and meet the man we know now was All For One,” Hinata said somberly, before providing a picture of the middle-aged lady, smiling to a picture with All For One in his glorious potato face. This picture actually surprised the whole UA team, including Izuku. “And apparently, she was his eldest daughter. If someone is organizing this game…”

Hawk finished the sentence for the President. “It’s most likely her. Also, considering the existence of Seijin but also Hisashi Midoriya and the previous HPSC dentist, we are currently investigating other possible members in AFO’s family.” He stared at Izuku who was sweating bullets as he was a “confirmed” member.

“The heroes are legitimately almost failing to stop the rampage and each day it’s get worse.” Hinata pursued while showing a map of Japan becoming redder and redder. “Also, we have intel from various sources indicating foreign crime syndicates are looking to join in the battle. Rumors are told that Balor himself might take a break from Europe to say hello.”

All-Might nodded. He never met Balor but he had footage of the man of a thousand eyes. He could probably fight him if he was at his prime but Balor liked to be as secret as All For One.

“The longer the situation is left unaddressed, the messier it will be. As a result, I was, once again, granted authority to give the rat an amnesty for his possible collaboration with All For One…”

Nedzu had the decency to actually look ashamed when he said he was young and idiotic at that time.

“But the public is now mistrusting him. For a legitimate reason.
Here come the students from UA. Thankfully, they have a mostly good reputation.” Hinata said, grunting. “They also have a personal stake in this mess. Kids?”

Tomura, to his credit, was the first to rise. All pleasantness was gone from his face as he knew how dire the situation was.

“Tomura Shigaraki, also known as Tenko Shimura or The Boss. Considering that my life is at stake and I have one of the fragments, I have a personal stake.”

Had Tomura not been a friend, Stain would have proposed to execute him on the spot, live, before allowing himself to have some fun in Tartarus. No rule said the crimes couldn’t be inflicted on villains after all. This would have allowed the good side to get two cards out of the four.

Nighteye raised his hand. “Can’t we just destroy the fragment you have then?” It was a valid idea after all.

“I had that idea too.” Tomura wanted to save his butler but Izuku and Nejire made him grow a conscience. f*cking heartwarming NPC he would give his life to protect. “Turns out he actually made them pretty much indestructible, even to my quirk.”

Funnily enough, unknown to them, if All For One had treated the Comics, it wasn’t to make the game ‘safe’. It was simply that he didn't trust Tomura to touch them without his glove and dust the fragment by mistake.

“Ok. So the Boss is basically our “candidate”. I can accept that. The Sako child is an asset of great power and versatility which can also help. I get him too. Who is the last one?”

Maki rose up and plainly said “I am the son of the former CRC leader. Currently staying in UA.”

Hinata elaborated on him. “We thought it would be easier to monitor him if he became a hero as he legitimately wants to become one. Also, he is the best one to explain to us the current change in the CRC.”

Maki sighed before the screen showed Purifier with a smile, an arm around a younger Maki.

“Purifier. I don’t know his real name but honestly, I don't think he has one anymore. He said the name is how you get under contract with the government as a corporation and he refuses to sign.”

The stupidity that was uttered almost made Nedzu’s nose bleed. Oh dear.

“Mind you, he is actually smart. It is simply that he drank every conspiracy theory that I know.” Maki sighed as he continued and explained more. “Unlike most CRC members who joined because they are dumb racists, he joined because he discovered that more and more heteromorphs were becoming ferals over Japan. His theory is it’s the effect of government experimentation to ‘purify’ Japan of its impoverished strata and replace them by cheap labor, mindless.

As far as I know, he wouldn’t have risen much in the CRC ranks if he didn’t have something.”

Stain raised an eyebrow.

“Belief and Charisma. Purifier is utterly convinced that he is basically staining himself to save the world from government corruption.”

Everyone stared at Stain who grumbled. Oh for f*ck sake.

“The end result is… He actually managed to convince people that any mutant that caused issues was a victim. He told me, when he was babysitting me and my brother, that he intended to turn the CRC into the savior Japan needed. I am utterly convinced he is still thinking that.

The second terrifying thing is… He believes the end justifies the means but you should seek the best means.

His quirk allows him to suppress Heteromorph's quirks only when he embraces them or holds them. That’s when he kills them, to allow them to die as “human” as he says. He hates that.

However, if he can get All For One…”

Hawk finished the sentence for Maki. “He would be able to take the quirk and not kill the person. As a result, in his mind, all of his previous crimes would be justified because in the longer run they cause less death.”

Beware a good man going to war. Especially a man with something so close to a hero mindset but firmly rooted in the wrong way.

Yagi sighed as he massaged his eyes.

“If All For One actually taught him, it’s very likely he did it to corrupt someone who could have been a great hero.”

Nighteye nodded. If what they told about Purifier was the truth, he could have been a formidable one. Hell, he might have selected him as an heir for One For All: Close combat quirk, Charisma, Brain… Nighteye was half sure All For One did it to prevent an excellent successor's rise.

“And what about the last heir then? This… Terraformars?”

The SMASH only recently evolved in the IPS after all. Maki actually raised his hand once again.

“Actually, we had a file on him at the CRC. He is a mutant with a co*ckroach quirk. He is also a total psychopath who believes truly in the ‘Might make Right’”

Oh. It was simply a Muscular then. Still bad but… Manageable.


Somewhere Else

Unknown Lab

Terraformars looked at the terrified scientist and Seijin, clenching his fist. He had thought of buying Muscular’s quirk but he was plenty strong and durable enough.

“Sensei forbade to kill the scientist after the procedure, right?”

Seijin giggled but nodded, allowing the scientist to actually relax a bit in front of the monster he helped create.

Jesus Christ, the money was good but all he wanted now was to f*ck off as fast as possible.

500 points: buying an additional quirk. Thank god he had kept the videos he sent to Sensei of him executing all of Beast’s children, including the babies.

“Now, it’s time to finish what I began. Then, I will honor Sensei as he should have been.” Terraformars said. One thing the others didn’t know. The ISP leader, behind his calm face, was still crying Sensei. He loved the man as the father he never had.

“Oh?” Seijin was curious and stared at the mutant.

“I will build him a tomb of skull and blood, as a proper demon king deserves.”


Suto was busying herself around the shelter. Ever since she was there, well… The woman was actually feeling safe, for the first time in her life.

Leaving in the SMASH’s lair, even as the daughter of the boss didn’t mean it was nice, fun, or anything remote to that. The wolf woman was too kind for this environment and as a result, treated as an omega in their pack. Her face had even been partially damaged by an insect mutant who practiced his acid shots and splattered some on her. In the SMASH, either you got your justice yourself, or you sucked up and shut up.

Here? Well… The workers most likely guessed she was abused. To be honest; there aren’t many other reasons a girl of her age, without any documentation and the marks of abuse she had was here in the first place.

So, they took their time to actually make her feel safe. Respecting her space. Slowly involve her by giving small tasks such as moving stuff or helping to cook for everyone. Like a wounded animal, the wolf girl slowly warmed up to the people of Deika who simply didn’t care about her past or her look.

“That’s just how you are, dear.” The first time she heard these words, she actually cried.

Today was a great day, as even the great journalist Chitose Kizuku was there to cover the heteromorph situation in Japan. The blue woman was even interviewing her, and the wolf shyly asked to not have her picture taken. Curious thought it was simply because of the burn on her face.

“So you are saying the Shelter saved you, right?” Curious asked with a smile, as Suto furiously nodded and her ears perked up.

“Yes! For the first time… I feel like I am part of a great family!” Suto said. She almost said pack and Curious smiled at her. The wolf girl would make a perfect recruit for the support branch of the MLA. Re-Destro had a good idea with his plan to recruit more mutants thanks to a better aid program targeting them. It had brought them several good intel, such as when Spinner infiltrated the League of Villains and now was still somehow working with them in U.A.

Curious also supported her boss’s choice to not join the crime war and fight against it. Yes, she was part of a conspiracy that did shady sh*t. However, between doing that and madly killing people, there was a whole world. They wanted to change society, not rule the underworld!

Curious was going to ask for more details when suddenly screams were heard. Laughter too, a way too familiar laughter.

The two women rose up from their seats and Suto’s blood froze as she saw a bunch of insectoid mutants and several predators actually rushing into the shelter.

Slaughter in their hand, smile on their face.

At their front, there was him. The man who haunted Suto’s nightmares even to this day.

Terraformars, busy crushing the head of the security staff officer. A man who had a powerful lightning quirk. Sadly for him, his skull wasn’t impressive and exploded like a paintball under pressure.

“AWOO! COME OUT NOW! IF YOU, BITCH, DON’T… WELL WE ARE GOING TO HAVE SOME FUN!” The criminal said while some of his crew were filming the whole thing.

Curious was not dumb. Also, her company also published manga and she liked to read one from time to time. Having read Terraformars and looking at the man… Well, she quickly deduced his identity.

Ok, so… The main participant of the Crime contest was in front of her and looking for an Awoo. Most likely a girl.

Nonetheless, for once, it wasn’t the time to do a paper on the situation but to protect the civilians. A bonus when you were part of the leadership of the MLA was a special panic button to press and call for help. She really hoped Skeptic wasn’t busy on Genshin Impact for once.

Meanwhile, it was time to actually run. So, Curious did the correct thing to do and grabbed Suto by the hand… Before noticing the woman was too scared to move. As in personally scared sh*tless. Also, Terraformars said ‘Bitch’ didn’t he?

Curious stared at her for a whole second and decided that if Skeptic missed a former member of the SMASH during their background check, she would explode the man’s computer.


“How did you miss her?!” Re-Destro yelled at Skeptic afterward.

“... She isn’t even registered in the national database! Sorry if I can’t find someone who doesn’t legally exist and probably never left her original organization!”

Rikyia was forced to concede.


“Young lady, we must…” Curious was going to tell Suto they needed to move until she saw the wolf-girl crying.

This shelter was her home and it was being destroyed because of her.

The small moment of healing hadn’t been enough to completely erase either the traumas or the time spent in the SMASH, seeing atrocities on a daily basis.

The people around her were innocent. Maybe, just maybe… The world would be better without her in it?

So, with a strength Curious didn’t expect her to have, Suto walked toward the carnage.

“IS THAT REALLY WHAT YOU WANT?!” Curious yelled at the girl, who shivered at her voice. Smiling as the lamb went to the altar, Suto tried to put a face.

The shout had been enough for the carnage to stop for a moment. The shelter wasn’t that big and everyone was already trying to get to the back of the building. Everyone was alive.

“Is that really what you want, to disappear in the night without even trying to fight to live? Letting the one who actually appreciates you behind?” Curious asked pointedly, while also staring at the co*ckroach who smiled at the scene. Freaking bastard. Even his cold wide eyes betrayed his nature.

“To be honest, lady… Even if she tried to fight me, it wouldn’t achieve anything. At best, she can hope I spare the rest of you if she surrenders.” Terraformars cackled a bit.

Curious meanwhile… Was conflicted. Ok, she could technically solve the situation by ordering a mass counter-offensive but it would likely reveal the MLA to the world. She really didn’t want that, even at the cost of her life.

However, it didn’t mean she wanted to die. So, she did the best thing journalists did since the old days.

She was pushing the narrative. At worst, it would make her death quite epic. However, if she managed to buy enough time, maybe she would see Geten be useful for once.

“I didn’t ask you for your opinion, monster.” Curious said. Also, she had another reason for doing this.
She couldn’t help someone who didn’t have the will to be helped.

Suto stared at the woman, the mutants behind her. Their scared looks. But more importantly…

An elder elephant heteromorph suddenly remembering he was in fact big, took a table and shot it at their attacker.

“SHE IS ONE OF US, f*ckERS!” The old man had seen enough in his life, as a mantis mutant cut the table in half.

Then one by one, each adult in the shelter was arming themselves. Suto whispered the words in her lisp.

She was… One of them?

It was a strange thing to see, as the fight began in a flash. Curious, stared at the wolfgirl, ready to die though not so sure suddenly she wanted to die… And Terraformars, waiting for the situation to unfold. Maybe it would actually be fun to toy with them.

“Girl. I am going to say this only once. Do you want to live free? From the fear. From the hate. Truly, free?” Curious reached Suto with a hand and a smile.

The wolfgirl cried.


Terraformars smiled, jumping with all of his might. PERFECT! Killing a broken toy was not fun! Destroying someone’s hope in front of them, though?

Incredibly fun!

What happened next was…

Well, it was weird. It was honestly no one’s plan and only circ*mstances going even weirder than usual.


A few hours after AFO’s will

“Lord Purifier? Where do we strike first?” Iwani asked as he cleaned his rifle. They were hard to come by but damn useful. Especially if you had some friends in America to get some fun ammo. Sure, it cost a hefty but Iwani was a good shot and he was on the field with his subordinate to do the dirty work.

Next to him, a young girl with pink hair going outside of her hood was nodding silently. Sakura had never been a huge speaker after all. Floating aimlessly, she was waiting for orders.

Purifier, on his throne (legacy of Purity), was thinking. They needed to make an announcement. Something strong. Something big…

But also something that would help the people, even if they didn’t know it.

One of Iwani’s minion, with their gas mask on their face to hide their identity, was sipping coffee through it while reading the newspaper.

On it was the announcement of the Detnerat Corporation buying back several corporations in the medical field. The leader of the conglomerate openly said he was using the funds to help his native town to the best of his abilities.

Purifier could only admire such a man, especially as Rikiya Yotsubashi was one of the few people protecting free speech!

“Deika. They opened a shelter there, didn’t they not? We cannot allow this to continue. They don’t know they are allowing bombs in their beautiful city to explode.”

Technically, and as often, Purifier was right but for all the wrong reasons.


Terraformars expected many things that day. Being pulled out backward by a powerful and unknown force being hit by a road roller. Several times. In the face.

Sakura was having her fun, fully enjoying attacking the ISP leader. For once, she could legitimately feel like the good guy. No mercy killing. Only killing criminals and mutants.

Meanwhile, Iwani did a draft with an armored truck and told his boys to suit up for some cleaning. They couldn’t let the IPS get all the crimes, could they?


Balor looked at the situation from a coffee not too far with some of his men and his family. So, he decided to get up and leave. The situation was too chaotic for his taste and honestly, he was only there because the local museum had an exposition on Pharaons and his niece asked him to go see it. He was happy to oblige. He had time to kill after all.

You could be a crime boss and appreciate culture.


Bullets were flying.

A road roller was suddenly thrown at a pink-haired telekinetic with all of Terraformars’ strength.

The IPS Mutants were busy killing on all sides, simply enjoying the carnage.

The CRC was busy killing all mutants because… Well… They needed to purify the place.

The situation could hardly become more chaotic, to be honest.

Curious was stunned for a second before being thrown down on the ground, under Suto’s weight. The girl was bleeding on her and Curious didn’t need to be an expert to recognize a bullet wound.

The little wolf had thrown herself in the way to protect her.

Curious inhaled with all of her might and pulled out a slingshot with some marble.


Sure, her explosions weren’t deadly by themselves. However, a marble propelled by a slingshot could already do a lot of damage. The explosion was only the icing on the cake and at this point, no narrative was salvageable.

Also, where the f*ck was Geten when you needed him?

She wasn’t a fighter. She was an investigator. She was good at discovering things and writing articles to influence people for god’s sake! the fighting was for the others!

The only way it could have been messier was if Re-Destro’s daughter had been there but thankfully she felt too weak to come.

Still, Curious needed to organize her thoughts.

How the bloody hell would she be able to save as many as she could?


Sakura was happy to think she was good at using her quirk. She could fly (though not too fast), break necks, and do a lot of fun things with her quirk. However, she was not someone with an extremely powerful telekinetic quirk.

That’s why she preferred to hit someone with something she manipulated with her mind than directing with psychic might.

Still, she was surprised when after several hit, Terraformars simply didn’t have a single scratch on him.

co*ckroaches can withstand up to 900 times their body weight under compression force. In Terraformars it meant roughly 110 tons, give or take. Sadly, math and biology never were Sakura’s main strengths (not that any other member of the CRC was an expert in that either).

She then discovered another very worrying fact about co*ckroaches the following second.

They can fly.

The CRC executive barely had the time to raise a telekinetic barrier before Terraformars slapped her on the ground, unconscious in one hit.

The ISP leader considered killing her there and being done. Then, he noticed she was not too old and probably quite cute. Probably, because he had never been interested in such things. However, a new toy for his men could be useful.

He would pick her up after the fight.

Iwani meanwhile, was… How to say. A bit preoccupied. His men were strong and they were equipped. However, there was a difference between being equipped to kill some civilians, even if they were strong and fighting an ISP squad specialized for carnage. Mainly because most of them were actually trained to resist firearms, be it with reflex or simply tank hits.

There was a reason why the ISP was the main cause of death for quirkless wannabe vigilantes. Everyone is a gangsta until you meet an ant heteromorph that could tank your gun and rip your head with his bare hands.

Thankfully, he was a professional at his job and he was among the quirkless who lived long enough to actually pick up some tricks to even up the score. Such as Dragon Breath bullets.

However, these rounds were limited and he was currently weighing his options for the operation as it had gone far faster outside of their scope than they expected.

Iwani was just thinking of calling it a loss and f*ck off with the team and Sakura on his back. He was also past any shame about running away because that was how you stayed alive in a whole world of monsters.

It also meant he knew when to pick his fight.

When he saw Terraformars walk back into the shelter, going nearby him, Iwani had technically a perfect shot on the ISP leader.

He had an explosive and an incendiary round.

Iwani didn’t shoot.


Suto was getting back up, hardly. Near her was Curious who was shooting with a slingshot at anyone trying to get close to them.

The homeless mutants were trying their best to protect their newest home and their own. They had managed to build a makeshift barricade and together, they were doing their best to do the one thing they did all of their lives: Survive.

Survive despite the hardship, the odds, and everything.

Spite was an essential force making the world turn round after all.

However, spite wasn’t enough when a giant was punching a hole in your barricade at the best of his strength and visibly pissed as the hit send flying several mutants, including the elephant old man.

Well, Curious guessed he was pissed because Terraformars still looked as cold as usual but this time, his muscles were clenched.

“Give the girl.”

That was a command he was telling with his whole body, emitting such a bloodlust that Curious almost suffocated.

She smiled, with difficulty.

“A good journalist never gives up on a good story. This girl has to tell her own.”

Terraformars hit with all of his strength the journalist. The hit was so powerful that the sound actually hurt Suto’s ears.


“She is fine. Also, never thought I would say that but I finally found a journalist I actually like.”

In front of Terraformars was a man, one finger raised in front of him. This man, with his gas mask, wasn’t there two seconds before. However, Terraformars had felt the air shifting during his move.

The man in front of him could move fast and raise a barrier. He knew him.

“Nine. Are you here to play?”

After all, he was on I-Island too and Terraformars had been sad they didn’t travel together: Nine’s crew had one of his targets after all.

“Actually, no. Additionally, this isn’t my fight.” The mercenary said. He hadn’t been paid for this after all.

Terraformars raised a curious eyebrow before getting hit by a fist equally as strong as the one he used a few moments ago.

Suto saw then a man looking almost like her father if… Well, her father was a beast. The one in front of her was a man. A beastly man but a man who smiled at her.

“Sorry. I know it’s kind of late but.. I’m your uncle. Nice to meet you kiddo. Now, if you please… I have a dumbass brother to avenge.” Chimera said while cranking his fist, Terraformars getting back up.

The two apex mutants were standing one in front of the other ready to fight.

Meanwhile, Nine took a chair and sat down, erecting a barrier protecting him and the mutants behind him.


Izuku Sako was finishing up in his Joker suit, Maki behind him in his templar hero suit, Mirio too, and several other hero students.

“Who wants to be a hero?”

Chapter 63: Deika Disturbing Day II


In which the chaos become even more chaotic and we see more of a character we didn't see for around 40 chapters.


Hello people ! Just to say I am always happy to see your comments and support.

Also, I would like to remind people this fic has a TV Tropes page that is severely outdated :


Best regards, and everyone...

You are all otters who deserve cuddles.

Chapter Text

Chapter 63 : Deika Disturbing Day 2

The wonderful thing about smartphones is it’s impossible to quarantine information fully. That was how everyone learned of Enji’s transformation instantly.

The issue is it’s impossible to quarantine the information, as Skeptic knew fully. You could delay the thing but sooner or later, it would explode if some idiot terrorists attacked somewhere.

For a place like Deika, it was a real issue because it meant choosing between losing assets or risking outing the MLA/the local building of an armed trained force. The best thing they could do is say they were defending themselves but it greatly limited their means to do so.

Geten, as an example, didn’t have a hero license. As a result, his intervention was to be done before any member of the HPSC got there or a hero as otherwise they couldn’t hide his action.

Skeptic was now wondering, as he was trying to make a report for Re-Destro, if Nine’s arrival was a blessing or if it would add up more chaos to the situation.

Fortunately, Curious was handling the situation quite well: barricade and the use of a slingshot. Yes, she used her quirk without a license but no one would seriously try to prosecute her trying to defend people from killers.

Ok. He needed to breathe. What resources could he divert to help them?

Then, Skeptic had both a good and a bad idea at the same time. Skeptic decided to simply, you know. Call the heroes.

It was their job to deal with this after all.


The solution the HPSC managed to reach with the government wasn’t one they liked to be fair. To them, adult situations should be dealt with by adults.

Sending the children was a sign they f*cked up.

Sadly, they didn’t have many other choices, the others being involving the army and that would mean allowing foreign forces in Japan to ‘help’ with the situation, not to mention the international crisis it would bring and the economic one.

Sending the armies would mean martial law and the economy tanking for years to come with a slow and uncertain rebuild. America would really looooove to help, in exchange for making Japan their economic vassal and Marking both Enji and Izuku as their own assets.

So, yeah. They decided to create several mobile strike forces of hero students to alleviate the situation. Mind you, they did it properly: the students needed a provisional license, to be in a set of volunteers, and to be good.

Someone proposed to call the teen squads “Spartoi”. He was promptly kicked to death for this outdated reference while they simply choose to call them “Young Heroes Squads”. It was easy on the tongue and the news would like them.


Terraformars had to admit one thing, as he felt Chimera’s fist slamming into his ribs, cracking a few. There was a world of power, technique, and finesse between the one and only Chimera and his now dead brother Beast. The inferiority complex the former leader of the SMASH had toward his brother made way more sense now that he was facing the mysterious missing brother.

Namely, Chimera knew how to properly strike at someone, where, and also how to use his quirks. Because, apparently, that f*cker also managed to have the quirk enhancement treatment. Did they also spend points already? Not to mention, Muscular’s quirk greatly enhanced the mercenary’s skills.

Unlike what happened on I-Island, Chimera fully controlled both his quirks. As a result, the fibers covered his body at the same time he was summoning the strength of a different animal as if the two quirks were one in the same.

For the first time in what feels like a lifetime, Terraformars felt a certain trait in his mental taking over, kicking his confidence to the side as a sliver of fear takes root. The feeling he might, just ever so slightly might be threatened by someone…something.

Nine was checking his watch during the fight. To him, the result was clear as day and even if something weird was to happen, Nine was confident he could handle it.

The co*ckroach leader was still thinking rationally as he exchanged blows with the inhuman hybrid beast in front of him. The man was truly trying to rip off his arms from his body, huh?

His minions were unable to breach the barrier protecting Suto and the others, to his continued dismay. Heroes were going to arrive sooner rather than later. The CRC added to the chaos and were now successfully retreating but they had brought another level of menace to the situation. Now, they were f*cking off while leaving him to deal with the fallout.

Terraformars wondered if Purifier actually planned this outcome? That he sent a very light yet correct strike force only to bother him and let him have to fight strong opponents while he could watch from afar the situation unfold?

f*ck. Right now he was remembering something Sensei told him.

“My dear Terraformars. You enjoy getting your hands dirty and that’s good because if you need a job done, it’s better to do it yourself. However, you also need to learn one crucial skill. Delegate.” His Sensei’s words struck him at that moment, the echo of teachings he should have listened to.

Sadly he didn't listen, Purifier was way better than him at this particular aspect of villainy… However, to be honest, the ISP structure allowed him to have strong members. A little voice added that killing competent leadership to make sure no one could oppose him was a really dumb move in retrospect.

It was all of these factors that brought Terraformars to send a signal to his opponents through his voice a powerful warcry rattled glass.


Seijin wasn’t far from the fight because, well… She needed to go outside for god’s sake. Terraformars was a nice host but his lair was atrocious. It was… Beastly. Far from her standard, even if he was doing his best to accommodate her.

So, she was currently busy drinking a good coffee when she heard the signal. She sighed before sending the word to Kurogiri.

[Let the beasts out.]

Only then did she get up, pay for her coffee, and walk toward a taxi to get far from there. Kurogiri would pick her up a bit further and later, thank you.

When she got into the taxi, she failed to notice two crucial details.

Her driver had a fake nose and a huge manic smile.


Giran was staring at Compress while they were exchanging cups of tea. No offense to All For One, but Giran was loyal only to money, not a dead man.

True, he was paid for his “role” during the competition. However, he had an agreement with Compress and the others. Removing him would likely trigger more failsafes from All For One and make it way harder to know what everyone was planning.

However, by letting Giran continue to work peacefully, they would have an inkling of what was happening.

Not to mention the fact he was getting paid a second time for his information. Truth be told, getting paid more than one time for the same information was always a good feeling.

Even more so, having Stain promise to not make him “half the man he was” was always nice. He didn’t know this Seijin Noumin, but All For One asked him to create some secured funds. It also meant the information broker could trace it.

The HPSC paid so much for her position that he didn’t even feel bad.


“So, how do we drop on site, Izu-kun?” Tooru asked as she was making sure her gear was ready. Yep. Fully invisible. FUN TIMES. She also made sure Todoroki wore his suit correctly, though his was more expensive: Mei was a mad creator but even she couldn’t make a suit that could withstand Todoroki’s quirk and stay invisible. Once he was attacking, the suit was destroyed almost immediately and under it was his other suit. Couldn’t have a naked hero on the field after all.

Yes, Tooru was deeply aware of the irony.

“Well, I hope everyone likes teleportation,” Izuku said with a smile before pulling a Dragon Ball Z card. Usually, he didn’t use them because he was pretty sure it would risk him to be down instantly. Also, Goku was on the “Banned” list or at least the cards with him as an adult.

That didn’t mean the techniques were forbidden, especially one as useful as the Instant Transmission. Fortunately, they knew someone on-site, that could be an arrival base.


Terraformars smiled as he saw the dark clouds around him were slowly letting several beastly noumus reach the ground.

Chimera growled as he knew it would most likely shift the battle and far from in his favor.


Chimera stared at Joker who stared at him while Terraformars was raising a finger.

“... Wait, you could buy people with points? I don’t remember that being an option.” the Roachman said in a deadpan.

Then, and only then, Terraformars registered a very important thing, namely as an explosion coming from seemingly nowhere hit him in the back and sent him stumbling a few paces.

These weren’t criminals. They were heroes.

The teens almost attacked Chimera because of I-Island when he pointed out one thing.

“I am pretty sure the Noumus are a bigger threat than me.” The wolf said calmly as he was taking this opportunity to breathe a bit. “Also, we aren’t here to kill anyone… Except for the ISP.”

“Murder isn’t cool!” Mirio said behind them before Chimera pointed out Terraformars getting back up.

“He recorded himself killing almost all of my niece and nephews, graphically. He was going to kill my last remaining kin.” Chimera growled out.

Surprisingly or maybe not, a blond spoke up. “Murder is not always cool.” Katsuki corrected and nodded, understanding Chimera, who raised his thumb up to the explosive kid. Also, Izuku stared at the wolfman, an eyebrow raised.

“That’s why you are here? Nothing more?” Joker says skeptically.

“Not a single thing more. just revenge and repentance.”

As everyone took their positions, Joker nodded toward Lemillion. Weirdly enough, I-Island had shown him one thing about Nine’s squad, or at least the two people he met in it. They were truthful about their objective.

Meanwhile, the hero’s main objective was protecting the civilians from the criminals, not attacking the criminals. Especially if two of them were weakening each other.

“I AM GOING TO BREAK YOUR NECK!” The co*ckroach yelled from the rubble as he rose up.

“I can let you deal with him though. I mean. Don’t you have Optimus Prime again, this time?”

Izuku sighed and shook his head as Katsuki was currently testing the noumu’s internal resistance to an explosion. That was a nice shade of red. He brought up a card and in a burst of flames, Chimera was suddenly staring at a dragon. A very large white dragon.

It roared at Terraformars before trying to blast the criminal with a blue fire that could ravage the town.

In another dimension, Kaiba wanted to punch a child for destroying a certain dragon card. He just knew someone hurt a fragment of Blue Eyes, they were connected like that.

“...Not this time. So, more seriously, what am I going to do with you?” Joker said pleasantly, as Chimera was relishing in his opportunity to rest. “I cannot let you go… right?”

“Did you know that I never did anything in Japan and that fact means you can, at best, arrest me for vigilantism?”

Joker stared at the older criminal, betrayed. The man had a canine smug on his face, knowing he was right. “Well sh*t.”

“Yeah, first rule of being a good mercenary. Don’t sh*t where you sleep.” Ok to be honest, that was fair.

“Actually, that’s not even vigilantism, Chimera.”

Both Joker and Chimera, who were at the center of the eye of the storm, jumped in surprise as Nine drank his coffee near them, still just as nonchalant as the start of the fight.

“We are currently hired by the Detnerat Corp as a ‘Special security force’ for the current situation. Hero Joker, is that right?” Nine stared at his ‘cousin’ and produced a card from Lichtenstein. A Temporary Hero License.


Hinata stared at the feed throughout the body cam. Of course, the teens were monitored after all. She looked at Nedzu in shock as the rat was busy checking his memory.

“... They actually issue licenses in exchange for money and a small exam.”

“Don’t we have a treaty that allows us to prosecute them for I-Island?” Hinata asked as she wanted more points for public relations.

“Do you know why so many corporations love I-Island? Extraterritoriality. If that man can actually pull up a contract with the corporation, we can’t do anything.” After all, you could do a lot of fun science when you were in a place with a very special legal status.


Rikiya sighed from above as the call ended. Ok, time to summon the legal team to draft a contract that would work retroactively.

People always thought that his biggest power was his quirk. It was wrong. Re-Destro’s most powerful asset was… Well, his assets.


Terraformars yelled in rage, his cold and calm demeanor totally ruined. “What. The. f*ck. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!”

It was supposed to be a simple hit in a simple city and break a bitch. Nothing more, nothing less.

Instead, even his noumus were currently having issues spreading chaos in the town thanks to the heroes. The mercenaries were also good at pinning his men down and not letting them up.

Also, some-f*cking-how, a literal dragon was trying to eat him, and it wasn’t one he could easily break like Ryukyu! No, it was seemingly a true to form of mythical beast and it was freaking annoying.

So, Terraformars decided to truly f*ck it.

He stopped holding back in a powerful cry of rage that grabbed everyone’s attention.

As the co*ckroach man was between the dragon's teeth, he suddenly asserted his grip on its maws. Then, and only then, he ripped the upper part of the monster’s jaw as if it were cardboard. Mainly because it was:

Izuku was forbidden to make permanent summons above a certain strength/if it was a too powerful monster, after all, especially after Godzilla. Creating a dragon in real life would have brought him huge trouble after all.

In a fevered rage, Terraformars looked at the heroes who were quite confident they could handle this.

Because they were. They had numerical superiority. They had the firepower. His team… Well, it was strong enough to kill a lot of people but not as effective to fight them in a correct way.

It lacked versatility. Scale. Everything.

They had lost their edge by fighting only civilians recently.

The battle was lost. The bitch would live and they didn’t have nearly as many skulls as he wanted for Sensei’s burial. The footage would not cover at all the cost of the attack. Sure, he didn’t use all the noumus Sensei and Seijin gave him. However, Terraformars knew that summoning more of them would be seen as a sign of weakness rather than strength. He was overwhelmed and it was never good. Not to mention that once a Beast Noumu was deployed, it was hard to call it back.

It was time for a retreat. But how?

Terraformars had to admit, he didn’t plan that far ahead and it would be difficult to bring back everyone as of now.

Nine and Izuku were currently choosing how they were going to restrain everyone in the field when the Event happened.

It started weirdly as if something metallic fell on their tongues. The air suddenly shifted as the whole concept of light became distorted in dark miasma and a powerful light speared through several buildings.

It was stopped, only barely by Izuku and Nine combining their efforts: Izuku with a magic card created an Iron Maiden in front of him, melting under the impact and Nine’s own barrier that slowed the spears of light just a bit more.

Chimera saved the two of them by grabbing them and moving them out of the way of the attack.


A few blocks from where they stood, Balor put his glasses back into place as he whistled. He didn’t expect Stain to actually dodge his attack point-blank.

The HPSC agent was missing an arm as he couldn’t totally get out of dodge before the Super Villain attacked… Stain tried to understand why the European crime boss stood between him and his target.

To understand that, you needed to rewind a few minutes before, when Stain was driving Seijin to a secure location to… “interrogate” her.

Seijin understood she was in a bad situation when she heard the doors click, locking her inside a vehicle while the fare meter wasn’t activated.

No Taxi would drive for free after all.

“I think I am going to go off here, thank you” The evil therapist tried to say, to escape. Sadly for her, Stain simply raised the stained glass between the two of them so she wouldn’t try anything dumb like trying to attack him.

Happily for her, though, someone saw her abduction and pointed it out to her uncle.

“Uncle! I think I saw Aunty get into a car and now she seems to be asking for help!”

Her uncle stared at his adorable niece and pinched her cheek. Daw. She was adorable.

“You liked her?” He asked, as he wasn’t very familiar with the Japanese branch of his family. The niece nodded vigorously.

Balor looked at one of his gorillas and told them to protect his niece.


A few seconds later.

Stain saw a man landing in front of him and his eyes glowed red. The next instant, a laser beam emanated from them, cutting the car in half. The heat vision made the steel melt almost instantly as the car divided into two parts, both sliding on a different side of the villain.

Stain rose up immediately and drew with all of his might his sword from its scabbards, using electromagnetism to increase both the speed and power of each of his strikes.

The man typed as caucasian, had his arms naked and covered with eye like tattoos, some closed, some open. Hell, his suit was more reminiscent of an old gangster show, with the suspenders and everything.

Then, as the sword neared Balor, one of the inked closed eyes opened, with a blue iris. Stain felt instantly as if he was moving through peanut butter, his speed crashing down while Balor calmly walked up to Seijin and gave her a hand.

To Stain’s surprise, Seijin seemed as confused as him about the situation.

“... Thank you?” she took his hand as he pulled her onto her feet.

“It’s a pleasure. Especially since our niece asked for it.”

“Our… Niece?” Seijin didn’t like to be confused. Just like her dad, she disliked when she didn’t know how to handle a situation.

Meanwhile, Stain had the genius idea to slow his movement to match the speed he was currently feeling. Weirdly enough, it allowed him to move at a regular speed again.

“Quiet, I think the enemy has a quirk allowing him to reverse kinetic energy around him,” Stain warned, so at least Nagant would know that her bullets would be way less effective.

His partner properly grumbled in the comlink as she was aiming for Balor’s head.

Stain, convinced he had a chance as long as he didn’t move too fast, ran at Balor, sword high in the air.


Stain’s warcry was cut mid-sentence by his own teeth, fusing together and closing his mouth much to his own horror.

Seijin’s eyes widened as she saw the phenomena and recognized the quirk. A few seconds later she got a hug from Hara, her adorable niece. But… She was supposed to be in Dublin?!

“HARA?! But what are you doing here ?!”

“Uncle Bal said he was going to Japan! So I asked if I could come alo-” the girl was interrupted by the man in front of her.

“Actually, she hid in my bar and we noticed her after the teleportation. I had to calm down Hano a lot by phone and make a few promises.” Balor said as another eye opened on his cheeks and his body mutated to accommodate four more arms growing on his back, each reaching around his frame to point at the noseless man.

All of them had opened their eyes to various shapes and colors.

All of them stared at Stain.

To the former vigilante’s credit, he didn’t run away despite his inner instincts telling him to do so.

The only time he had felt that way was when All For One had stared at him during Exegol.

“Now, if you allow me, girls… I shall take out the trash. Remind me, Noseless Man. I think I remember you hurting All For One during his final fight.” Balor said as each pair of arms generated both a blue and a red light, on his right and left respectively, his back bearing the weight of the charged attack. “It means you are worth a lot ~”

Stain couldn’t answer as his own teeth shut down his mouth. However, he answered by defiantly glaring at the villain and trying again to cut him. Balor calmly raised a red lighted hand and back handed the blade, rusting it in mere seconds, all the while the light never wavered though the process.

Stain didn’t need to be a genius to understand what was happening. He suddenly knew why Balor seemed to have a variety of quirks that didn’t make sense and only grew with the years. Why was he so powerful and yet All For One had tolerated him as his western counterpart?

Too bad he couldn’t speak right now. All he could do was fight.

One flick from Balor later, the index coursing with so much power it sparked in the air, Stain was proven he couldn’t even do that.

Balor didn’t gloat as he was fighting, being way less dramatic than All For One and Stain had his full attention as everyone in the street was running away for very good reasons.

Balor’s eyes suddenly switch to another form, bright blue eyes that looked all too familiar to the fallen vigilante, making Stain rethink his previous statement about the ‘non-dramatic’ thing.

“Hey, do you know what happens when you mix red and blue?” An odd grin forming on his face, much too similar to one he has seen in Exegol.

Meanwhile, the twined baseball sized balls of energy, three red and three blue, each molded by his additional arms along with his normal ones, were fused together. First as each side was forced together, becoming more than their parts, now sized to two basketballs held aloft by three hands each.

The force of each orb existing whipped the wind around him into a frenzy as he brought the two together in front of him. Held out at arms length from his shoulders, the two orbs start to give off mist-like threads as they pooled together, red and blue threads pulled into a small white light in between them, like a star being devoured by a black hole twice over as white turns purple and two orbs become one. now the size comparable to a beach ball and glowing with stark near blinding light. Balor took a pose as his youthful appearance participated in the situation, him having a co*cky smile.

“The answer is simple, any elementary school brat can tell you. It's Purple.'' The world went white as raw power was pushed out from the point of origin. not in a cone or a spray, but a fine line of destructive energy.

Hence the spear of light was born.

The only reason Stain didn’t die right then and there was because his Mission Control intervened and moved his body with two feathers, staying far in the sky.

Hawks wasn’t going to fight a man that beat the inhuman cyborg with so much ease and could stop his fastest feathers too, thank you.

Hawks shivered nonetheless as he felt part of Balor’s attention on him, even if he was high in the sky.

Stain, understanding that his survival was in his own hands, especially with the intel he had at that instant, decided to do something he never thought he would do. Or, at least, didn’t like to do it.

He ran away, as fast as he could. He hoped that Balor would choose to stick with his family, to protect them from Hawks or any snipers nearby.

The European supervillain closed his eyes. Stain made the correct assumption about him, not as if it would change anything about his fate.

Instead, he opened several yellow and green eyes on his arms. Several tracking quirks and a few strength enhancement ones, combined in one arm. One of his minions gave him a spear generated from the ground. Another eye opened, as Balor almost forgot to add a “come back to my hand” quirk.

“Gae Bolga” The Irish villain said with a smile, while his henchmen seemed to be desperate because their boss was a weeaboo.

The spear flew high in the sky, while one of his henchmen, with a camera, ran to take the video.

Nagant, being the expert sharpshooter, managed to shoot the spear in the middle. Hawk, meanwhile, was plunging to extract Stain from this situation as soon as possible.

The bullet split the spear into several fragments. All of them accelerated suddenly to strike Stain in the face, before coming back to Balor, covered in blood and with an eyeball.

“Well. It seems I just got 4000 points. Not how I expected to do it but honestly, I am fine with that.” Balor calmly said as he watched Hawk taking Stain’s corpse. He then took the shard with Stain’s eye and ate it in one go. Another one for the collection. Suddenly, Balor had a realization.

Well, was Stain actually dead? Not sure. He looked at one of his men.

“You don’t have any points, sir, if you don’t bring in the body.”

“Dammit. I shouldn’t have eaten the eye?”

“No sir.” Balor strongly facepalmed himself.

Had he been alone, Balor would have pursued Hawk and the others. Oh well. He would still get some points out of the video. Meanwhile, his initial plan to just visit the exposition was gone. So… He could do another thing instead.

Balor stared at Seijin who was slowly coming to a realization.

“Now, little sister. Want to help me steal a museum?”


Re-Destro, learning what Balor did to the city and the fact he actually stole every item in the exposition, was white with anger. It had been the last straw with the massacre by the IPS and the CRC.

In fact, Re-Destro, who had planned initially to simply “skip” the war entirely was now thinking of pulling the nuclear option and fully joining the war.

Thankfully for Japan and a lot of people, his friends convinced him of another way.

In fact, the way they proposed would allow Re-Destro to realize his goal.


Terraformars took advantage of the confusion: He didn’t know what the hell that was, where it was coming from, or anything about it.

All he knew was that it bought him a few seconds of inattention. Not enough for a counterattack but clearly enough for a retreat.


Terraformars was only going to buy time with that order, he knew it. However, he was surprised when he saw the Noumus actually run in separate directions at the same time as if they knew instinctively how to cause the most damage.

Of course, the co*ckroach didn’t wait to draw that conclusion. He was running away, taking with him as many of his men as possible.

As he was as fast as a small car, Terraformars promptly decided to f*ck off.

Chimera wanted to pursue the monster but he got stopped by Nine.

“Chimera. We have a job. Primary objective: protect as many civilians as possible. Hitting the criminals is only a secondary objective.” Nine allowed his friend’s revenge earlier because they had a bit of free time and also because he was his friend.

However, right here and now, the mercenaries had a job. Chimera growled at Nine, before morphing into a more vulpine form, chasing after a Noumu. Nine was the boss and they were professionals. He could let the roach live a bit longer.

The only noumu that didn’t get far was because of Tooru: The invisible woman had taken it upon her to bash as hard as she could the frog noumu in front of her. It reminded her a bit too much of Tsuyu but in a weird way. Like one of the eldritch horror Garfield that sometimes, for reasons unknown, popped on her thread on social media.

It was promptly followed by Maki, in his Templar hero suit, who struck the frog with the force of a thousand men.

“... I have to ask, were you feeling justified because it looked like an evil version of your girlfriend or because it was an abomination against nature?” Tooru asked with a smile as the Templar was a bit caught up in his work of smashing the abomination as hard as he could.

“YES!” Maki said powerfully, before stopping himself for a second, before realizing what he said and to whom. “NO!”

“Too late !”

“Invisible! Justice! Jokes after the mission!” Izuku said a bit angrily. He understood why they were joking, as it certainly helped to stay afloat. It was still very inappropriate in mission after people died.

Izuku rushed to the shelter before summoning several Blissey.

“Blissey! Heal everyone that you can heal!” Joker pulled his best award winning smile as he addressed the scattered people “People, don’t worry, the bad guys are gone!”

In front of him were several scared mutants, including a wolf girl getting comforted by a blue woman who stared angrily at him. Well, not angrily. Disappointed somehow or distrustful.

Thankfully, her stare softened a bit when Izuku’s summon began sharing their magical healing eggs with everyone to begin the healing.

“...Joker, that’s right?”

“I am sorry we didn’t manage to get here faster. We only found a way to teleport from UA a few minutes ago.”

Teleportation? Even Curious would be of bad faith if she criticized a child for not being faster than light.

“...Thank you. As for my quirk usa…” Curious wanted both to test Joker to be sure and also to be done with that part of the law.

“I saw nothing, ma’am,” Izuku said with a smile as big as a Joker. “You and the others defended yourselves as best as you could do in the situation.”

Curious noted Joker’s stance on a relaxed application of the no-quirk law. Some heroes were really stupid about it to preserve their privilege. This kid, no. That was a good thing.

Still, it was time to do her job and write a story about it.


“Young Heroes First Intervention: Success or Failure?”

That was the title in front of Hinata who was starting to smoke heavily since the beginning of the crisis. Curious was one of the most vocal journalists against her decisions. To be perfectly honest, Hinata actually appreciated the woman because she exemplified an important maxim to her :

With great power comes great responsibilities… And with great responsibilities came a need for accountability.

So, Hinata was prepared for anything when she began reading the article. Namely, Curious properly pointed out the delay for the intervention was too long but on another hand, it’s not like they could see the future. However, what greatly pleased Hinata was the fact that Curious managed to find out who was “Justice”, son of the former head of the CRC… And turn his story into a heroic one, determined to prove his former affiliation wrong. Good. Very good.

In the end, the Deika battle was a very mixed bag for her.

On one hand, her hero team suffered no damage and was seen as efficient once arrived. That would allow a better deployment of her force in the long run.

On the other hand, they lost Stain. Well, the man was once again in surgery and this time the doctors were saying it was a coin toss. Hinata was fairly certain the man was too angry to die but it was a difficult situation.

Last but not least… Their intel was wrong: Balor wasn’t going to come here. He already arrived. Thankfully, he didn’t seem to want to fight yet. According to some witnesses, he even saved Seijin only because a little girl asked him to.

Honestly, all she could do for now was hope that Nedzu managed to make a plan that would allow a deep strike into their enemy's base.


Nedzu was drinking his tea in front of Deika’s mayor. The Doofenshmirtz look-a-like stared at U.A.’s principal and said four simple words

“I… Have a proposition.”

Chapter 64: Post-Mortem


Small setup chapter in which Overhaul does a joke (not really) and everyone is trying to plan.


Trigger warning : Transition
A passage in the chapter could be referring to someone transitionning and a psychopath.

I am not saying anything like "Trans people are all psychopath". In that case, it simply a psychopath who didn't have the power to enable his impulse and a fellow psychopath recognizing that.

Nothing more.

Chapter Text

Chapter 64 : Post-Mortem

Heroes weren’t the only ones taking notes of what went right or wrong during the Deika fight.

All in all, if you were thinking about it, the fight was relatively minor. Some gang wars were more bloody than that…

Well aside from Balor deciding to flex his power and make Japan fear for themselves but that’s something else.


At the CRC HQ

“So. Can anyone tell me why Deika was a mess? Aside from the ISP showing up before us of course.” Purifier liked to have inputs from his lieutenants.

Iwani, in a military posture, answered first. To be fair, Sakura was still convalescing in their medical ward. Taking a hit by Terraformars was not something Iwani would recommend if you cared about things like breathing.

“Lack of firepower, sir.” Iwani punted it bluntly and simply. They had the weapons for conventional mutants. They could most likely take the average heroes. Hell, Iwani was fairly certain that with prep time, he could take out a top 20 hero.

However, let’s say he was fighting someone like Gang Orca. Even with his Dragon Breath bullets, Gang Orca would be more impacted by the heat than the bullet in itself because the mutant was much stronger and sturdier.

Or even Crust: the man’s shields were known to have stopped bazookas.

“So, we need more firepower. Noted. Anyone has another idea?”

Incenser, a woman whose hair was permanently burning and diffusing a healing incense, raised her hand.

“How about we use Big Guy there?”

She pointed to the elephant in the room. Or rather, the Machia in the room. Thank goodness they managed to make him wear a loincloth now.

“Machia Strong ! Machia avenge Master !”

Purifier shook his head, before hugging the giant, bringing him to his real size (a more regular 2m40 man, which was still quite tall) with his brain working correctly as Purifier nullified the quirks taking his brain power.

“Allow me to answer that myself, miss Incenser,” Machia said quite eloquently. People were always puzzled when the manchild giant suddenly turned into a well-spoken man when hugged by their leader. “If I am deployed on the field, I will most likely win the battle as we will accomplish the objective. However, there is the issue of the “heat” it will bring to us. I am only one man and I can’t win all of your fights.”

Everyone except Purifier stared at the man who proceeded to drink his coffee with delight. Purifier gained the giant loyalty this way: by allowing him to be himself on a regular basis so he could enjoy human life.

Machia appreciated this and actually recognized, upon AfO’s demise, Purifier as his new master. Also, let’s be honest, Purifier was a way better master. Hell, even the coffee was excellent.

“Firepower, manpower. End of the day: we need better weapons, more men convinced of the good fights, and better fighters overall.” Iwani correctly summed up as his Lord nodded toward him.

“We only have a few Temporary Erasure Bullets on hand.” Inventory was a woman blessed with a very special meta-quirk. She had a mental Excel, making her an excellent logistician. “If we had more or means to produce our own variants, that would easily equalize the field.”

The issue with the standard batch they got from the Yakuza was the lack of penetration power. If the bullet didn’t penetrate, it wouldn’t erase the quirk of a mutant.

Purifier sighed while thinking about it…

“Well, I have an idea to deal with that one. I guess trying to kidnap the little cursed one is too hard?”

“Unless you want to bring the kid who summoned a dragon in Deika, Miruko, Rappa and the otter that maimed most of the Yakuza, I would recommend we don’t.” Iwani pointed out, correctly.

Nonetheless, Purifier nodded. It would have been better but he had a contact thanks to someone. If he used the name of his fallen friend, he could most likely set up a meeting.

“Preacher?” A man in a solemn suit of priesthood perked up at his name, straighter than an IIda family member.

“Yes, my Lord?”

“Considering the recent demise of Humarize, try to see if any of their members want to join us. Otherwise, try to see if we can find more evidence about the government conspiracy to hide the rising beastly mutants.” More people convinced of the truth meant more soldiers after all.

All in all, Purifier was happy that his friends weren’t dumbasses as the CRC was looking to strengthen their number.

Also, he would need to take some more money from the Toga. Old family, part of the CRC. They promised a lot if the CRC managed to take out their cursed daughter. Purifier was divided about this because as far as he knew, they were as equally responsible for her going wrong as her blood was.

Oh well. He could simply torture them discreetly at one point. That would do the trick too.

In the meantime, he had a call to make.



at the ISP’s den.

Saying that Terraformars was furious was a hilarious understatement as he had been pummeling the ground for several hours, showing no sign of tiredness.

None of the current leadership in their group dared to speak up or leave, fearing their superiors would decide to punch them instead.

Ever since Deika’s failure, Terraformars had been even more angry than before. He was a powerhouse. His minions could be powerhouses.

Yet they failed miserably in their last attack. Sure, to be fair, he couldn’t have predicted the heroes would be there or the mercenaries would be there too.

Part of why he was angry was because of how unjust the situation was. When you planned a good ol’ massacre, it should happen and f*ckers should step aside.

“Boss. How about we go out and kill an orphanage or two? I have spotted a few one hour from here, by car.”

The country has a suspicious amount of orphanages nowadays. It was almost as if someone was using them to get infinite manpower or sh*t like that.


Garaki sneezed as Overhaul was answering the call on their “business line”.


Terraformars looked at the crocodile-shaped man who dared to interrupt his angry punching with a cold stare… Before smiling. That was actually a good idea!

“Nice idea. Also, does anyone have any idea on how to improve the group?” Terraformars said that not expecting a real answer, knowing most of the people in the room were dumbass.

“How ’bout you go out and take over some other gangs? That would allow you to have operations that would bring you money and more members.”

Everyone stared at who said that. A very, very human janitor, who was staring at the bloodthirsty mutants around him with the stare of a man who worked 30 years in a sh*tty job. His stare could scare demons and he clearly didn’t give a sh*t about the fact any of them could kill him with a gentle slap.

“... You are?”

“Sei Soin,” The man said, knowing his name pretty much meant his current job. A wolf mutant snickered before getting sprayed by a man with no fear because his life was bleaker than the prospect of a child needing a heart transplant without insurance in the USA.

“Sei Soin, give more of your ideas.”

The janitor didn’t expect that, so he continued to speak while cleaning the floor. Someone had to, after all.

“Ever since Mizunaka retired, his smuggling ring was taken over by some octopus mutant. Beat him up or something. You will get money and members. Then from there, you begin to do crime on the seas: the heroes are way more specialized in rescue in these parts after all. More crime, more blood.”

“...That’s actually a good idea. Why aren’t you a crime member or anything?”

“Because a f*cker stole mine a long time ago and no one believed me. It cost me everything.” The Janitor said, darkly. He had loved his Cannon arm quirk. Suddenly Sei felt Terraformars’ hand on his head and he half expected the sweet release of death.

“When I win this war, I will offer you the quirk of your choice.”

These… weren't the words Sei expected to hear from the co*ckroach. Sei noted everyone else shared the same sentiment actually.

In reality, Terraformars wanted to crush Sei’s head for bringing up an idea he hadn’t thought of. However, the co*ckroach remembered Sensei and his minions. He had support members too and Sensei said they were needed to do the sh*tty task no one thought of, like paying taxes.

“... Even if I ask for Ryukyu’s quirk so I can eat people as a dragon?” Sei said hopefully. Terraformars suddenly decided he liked the man. He was simply born in the wrong body. Terraformars would love to help him transition into a better suited one.

“Not Godzillo?”

“I can’t do my job if I am too tall.”

Yeah, that was a good point. Terraformars nodded his head and brought Sei next to him.

“... Guys? We are planning some reinforcement right now. If any of you know a gang we can take over…”

Turns out a lot of them remembered a gang they could take over. Maybe even with people with a working brain aside from a depressed janitor.

No one would expect the smuggling takeover and its consequences.


“So… How are we getting back the missing pieces ?”

Toshinori had taken a break from Gentle’s rehabilitation for a bit. The man clearly had the will and Toshinori was more than happy to guide him. However, Danjiro was currently busy healing up after injuring his leg during an exercise. Too much strength and the muscle almost ripped apart.

So, he preferred to do something else, namely brainstorming with Nedzu, Izuku, and Tenko.

“I would say commit some crimes to get the locked one but…”

“5000 points would require around 500 murders. More specifically, “killing parents in front of their children kind of murder.” Nedzu said as he was reading All For One’s rules for points. To avoid people spamming murder, he made a rule about decreasing points if you did too many times of the same crime.

That was smart, in its own way. It would force criminals to actually think about what they were doing… Or focus on everyone that brought them to their demise.

Hell, the website published a list of everyone worth the points :







Which was worrying in itself. Thankfully, all of them were either strong enough to protect themselves, in a secure location, or impossible to kill.

“So, no. Letting the Boss commit crimes wouldn’t be effective. The best way would technically be killing Godzilla and then other things…” Nedzu said, making Tenko sigh of relief.

Nejire would have killed him.

“So, the other method would be to disable the competition. Taking down both Terraformars and Purifier. The issue is that after Deika, they aren’t likely going to come out easily.” Tenko wasn’t an idiot and was already busy playing cards with an Izuku who was more than happy to be his partner. The purpose wasn’t playing in itself but allowing the mind to work. Nedzu understood that. He often played Europa Universalis 15 with the Holy Furry mod to plan his own world domination. One day…

Anyway. Now wasn’t the time to dream about this.

“As for Balor…” Joker said, remembering the ray of light…”I think I…” Izuku gasped a bit, while Tenko destroyed his board once again, “I think I am the best option. Let’s be honest: According to what Hawks saw and the footage from the European Hero Force, Balor has way too many quirks to be the result of one only quirk.”

All of them knew what it meant. For a long time, everyone had thought of All For One as someone only bent on world domination or taking back One For All to get back his brother.

Even Nedzu who had worked with him during the Dawn of Quirk (and Destro) wasn’t aware he had children during that time. Or even that he had a wife. Yoichi’s death likely made him extremely protective and secret about his family.

However, now that it was confirmed All For One had a descendant, the possibility that his quirk was inherited by someone else was there. Also why Balor and All For One had such a strange relationship.

It made sense if they were estranged son and father.

Everyone at the table why Izuku was technically their best bet against Balor: He had as big a variety of possibilities as the Irish villain. Hell, the President actually cleared Izuku using a Satoru Gojo card if he met Balor.

However, the HPSC President also worried: Would it mean that Cursed Energy would become real too and everything it would entail?

Could the cards really warp around that much reality ?



David Shield’s secret basem*nt.

Because every good scientist has a secret basem*nt.

“Test #849: Converting Energy to Energon,” David said, while behind a protective glass. Near to him was Optimus, still as a head. In front of them was what any Cybertronian scientist would call an atrocious bastardization of their science.

To be fair, Optimus was a leader, a hero, and a warrior. He wasn’t an engineer. While he knew the basics about the Energon, how to produce it etc… He didn’t know the finer details. It was like asking an adult how a nuclear plant works : He could say something about the splitting of atoms and how it produced energy.

He would have a hard time explaining to you why you needed cooling water for the process or how to do it exactly.

Thankfully, David was richer than ever after the I-Island attack and Senator Armstrong had been really interested in the idea of an energy source that could fuel giant robots… And the Architect was happy to help, through a safe distance.

The man liked robots way too much.

So, with a team of nerds from all around the world, science, money and trials by error, David was determined to recreate Optimus’ body, cybertronian technology and maybe, just maybe, reconstruct the other cybertronian (well, kinda) that he found.

When David pulled the lever for their apparatus to suddenly start working, there was light.

Then the current cut. Again.

“Is it a failure again, my friend?” Optimus asked, tired of being the only of his kind and a head. The scientists were nice people but he had things to do. Like protecting living beings. Fighting injustice. Roll around like a big truck to send youngsters to another world to have very generic adventures somehow involving them having a harem.

“Maybe. Don’t worry, we will…” David didn’t have the time to finish before someone spoke.

“GRIMLOCK AWAKENS FROM HIS SLUMBER!” The Dinobot leader said as his Spark sparked through the artificial Energon made by David Shield. His speech even improved because I-Island had the best technology in the world and they even got the Yaoyorozu to create some Cybernium thanks to their daughter. He even sent a theoretical blueprint for alloys that could generate anti-electrons. Just to see if it was possible.

David was extremely happy to know that he really bought Grimlock’s remains from Hoshu. Part of the robots had faded to ashes following his fight against Moonfish and part of him melted because of the villain’s acid.

But enough was recovered to be fixed a bit for the experimentation.

He was even more happy to know he had managed to create Energon through the knowledge of Optimus.

Now they managed to do that… Well, it was time to break even more physics !

“WAIT. LEADER OPTIMUS?” Grimlock just noticed the Autobot leader and happiness could be heard through his half of a head barely reconstructed.


David had to admit though. Seeing Optimus being able to speak to another cybertronian was heartwarming too.

“Sir? Do we agree that under the physics as we knew it, the experiments shouldn’t have worked, right?” A scientist with an otter head, totally not related to another otter working for Miruko, asked the question that was in everyone’s mind.

“Atty. We have Godzilla living freely in the ocean with his son. By any logic, he shouldn’t be able to walk. At this point, I consider laws more as a recommendation than something eternal and absolute.


Everyone in the lab cheered.


As said before, if the HPSC President had known about Optimus Prime, she would have kicked Izuku to death.

Also, she would have paid to have any item made by Shield earlier.

She would have also asked for Optimus and Grimlock signature as she was also a fangirl.


“So, you prepared a deck for that situation.” Nedzu didn’t ask a question, he said a statement.

Izuku nodded. “I call it the Doomsday Deck. I am still forbidden to summon anything ‘God-ranked’ including pokemons like Palkia or Dialga.” Also, Izuku doubted he could really summon them… Or he would need to sacrifice a lot. Like really a lot.

Toshinori sighed as he didn’t like the idea of a child going on the front lines. It was like History was doomed to repeat itself.

“Rei didn’t manage to convince Enji to get out and deal with it?” The blond man had to ask. They had a god after all, even if he was sad all the time.

“The government pretty much told me to f*ck off as they wouldn’t allow another Ashen King roam unless it was the literal end of the world.” Also, AfO’s revelation hurt Nedzu’s standing a lot, stopping him from pressuring the humans to let him do as he pleased. “Besides… She is still busy trying to even get Enji to talk with her.”

The rat took also a sad look for a second, before getting his usual demeanor. He couldn’t let his own personal feelings take over in this situation.

“Anyway. I am currently working with someone. If everything works as we hope, it should be possible to trap at least AfO’s heirs in one place. Thank god we don’t have…” Nedzu didn’t get to finish his sentence before the three humans jumped on him to stop his sentence. Too late.


Garaki’s lab.

Garaki sneezed as he worked on his quirk amplifier. Sadly, with AfO’s death, the good doctor lost his funding and needed to work with what he had, which meant not a lot. Not a lot by far.

So, Overhaul and Emilia brought to him something that almost made him screech like a cat before a bath.

A business plan.

“Selling noumus? Really?” Garaki grumbled like an old man as Emilia and Overhaul nodded.

“It’s not like you have the monopole anymore. Thanks to the Game, we know criminals can buy upgrades with crimes. However, I think we could make some good money by selling our own modifications.” Overhaul said quietly. He was a yakuza after all. He had ideas about how they could work on that.

“Besides, our process would be faster and better than our concurrents thanks to us,” Emilia said. She was one of the lead scientists at Triceps Corps who did the most work on the subject, Garaki was the world expert on quirk far above David Shield or even Overhaul and Overhaul had his expertise and his quirk.

A therapy that would take weeks for other scientists, they could do it in a day. For money. This would prove to be highly profitable for them as many villains didn’t necessarily have the points to compete but had money.

“Besides, it’s not like I can make more erasing bullets.” Overhaul pointed while Emilia nodded. “I don’t have Eri anymore. Also, your collection lacks an Erasure quirk.”

Garaki grumbled. While Kurogiri was a beauty, he really was unhappy to have got the wrong kid that day.

“Yes, sorry. Erasure quirk isn't common.” Garaki pouted like a child, while he was slowly surrendering to his students’ plan. After all, he tried to speak to Geten about it but apparently, Re-Destro was monitoring their finances. He could hardly move any big stash of cash to Garaki now.

Then, Garaki received a call on his “business line”. Hell, he wasn’t dumb. He reached the same conclusion as them before them.

The videoconference started and suddenly Purifier’s face appeared in full picture. Overhaul almost facepalmed, having forgotten about him, as he had been staying underground for quite a while now.

“PURIFIER!” Overhaul had lost pretty much everything linking back to his previous life as a Yakuza boss after all and Purifier was his favorite client.

“... Overhaul?! I thought you were dead !” Purifier said with a glimpse of happiness in his voice. The Yakuza were ones of the few he could discuss theories on how quirk came to the world. Overhaul’s latest idea that they originated from STDs and rats was a very interesting one.

“The news of my death was greatly exaggerated” Overhaul reassured his friend and suddenly had a very good idea under his mask. Oh. OH, HE HAD SUCH A GREAT IDEA.

“I am happy to know that. I remember you telling me the doctor on this line was an expert on quirk that could help me upgrade mine or others' quirks.”

“Yes. Yes, I can, young lad.” Garaki said with a smile. While he had met with Tomura, the primary heir, he never met the other two. Seeing he was on friendly terms with Overhaul, he was probably someone reasonable.

“Good. I need to strengthen my lieutenants so we can stop the government from making even more heteromorphs go crazy to destroy the common people !”

Emilia sighed before noticing a twitch in her mentor. Meanwhile, Overhaul was nodding and already talking about business with Purifier.

“We can help you with your project but I am warning you, if you want a discount, it’s still going to cost an arm and a leg!” Overhaul said happily.

“Figuratively, right?” The CRC leader said with a smile.

Overhaul stayed silent while everyone in the conversation stared at him. He wasn’t laughing.

“...Right?” Purifier was suddenly very worried by the situation.

“Professor? I am going for a walk. Can I have a freezing container please?”


While Overhaul went to harvest the meat and collect the money, Emilia looked at the professor.

“... Doctor?”

“...You know, sometimes, you want to have a side-project. Nothing important, just something for fun or as a joke, right?”

“Sure, myself I have a few projects like that.” Like the living plushie with Overhaul’s voice. Emilia could see it.

“Well, I often use copious amounts of Trigger when I am working on one of my High End, to improve them. Then I have some unusable waste, purified rage in liquid form.” Garaki explained while looking sheepish.

“... Doc. Are you dumping illegal waste around Japan and the government is forced to hide it because they don’t know it’s you and they think something is wrong with heteromorphs people in Japan?” Emilia asked, not believing her ears.

“Actually All For One knew about that and helped. He said he found the idea hilarious and it was a good way to replace the Villain Factory project sooooooo.”

Emilia looked concerned before speaking again.


Oh thank god. The last time he accidentally blabbed about it, the other person freaked out and Garaki had to turn his own grandson into a noumu.

However, his real family was as amoral as him. Truly, he loved them both very much.

Garaki wondered, however. Why was Overhaul okay with giving a discount to Purifier when money was really important ?


“Temporary Erasing Bullet.” Overhaul said while putting the bullet in front of Garaki and Emilia. “Now that I have a good sample of blood and the ability to make more, we can mass produce this.”

“... What?” Garaki stared at the bullet. Emilia too, but with the same stare as a weapon dealer discovering a native tribe sitting on gold and not knowing what a firearm was.

“It only erases the quirk temporarily, making it easier to stay below the radar. In addition, considering you are supposed to be dead…”

“If we smuggle it to South America, it will allow us to build our own channel. Big profits incoming for a low effort of work.” Overhaul confirmed. While creating a destroying quirk bullet was impossible for now, it would be possible in the long run. He had begun the process he would finish it, dammit.

Now, plans were beginning to form.

Endgame - Monsieur Otter (Grayashura) - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)
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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.