In The Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks how do you get all the Force Gems? - Answers (2024)


\'-. .-'/ Force Gem #1 [F01]

|\ | /----------------------------------------------------------------------

| \ | /|

| \|/-----------------------------------------------------------------------|

| ' This is one of the two required Force Gems that Link mustget. After |

| traveling to the Ocean Sanctuary, you will find that Carben,the resident |

| Locomo, is not here. Ride back to Papuchia Village and learnthe Song of |

| Birds from the stone statue. Play the song to speak withCarben. |

| Afterwards, successfully take Carben back to the OceanSanctuary. You'll |

| encounter a pirate ship filled with Miniblins and a Big Blinthat try to |

| attack Carben. Protect him to gain your first Force Gem. |


| Earliest Obtained | Spirit Tracks | New Secrets |

| ~ | ~ | ~ |

| Just before the | South of the | - Grass Rabbit #4 in theForest |

| Ocean Temple. | Trading Post in | Realm. |

| | the Forest Realm. | - Access to Warp Gate B, which |

| | | connects to the east end of the |

| | | Snow Realm. |



\'-. .-'/ Force Gem #2 [F02]

|\ | /----------------------------------------------------------------------

| \ | /|

| \|/-----------------------------------------------------------------------|

| ' Speaking to one of the women in Papuchia Village, you'llfind that |

| she is looking for a husband that has a beard, a large nose,and a burly, |

| rugged appearance. Bring the chief of Whittleton to Papuchia|

| Village. After visiting the woman, she is so happy that she'llreward Link |

| with a force gem! |


| Earliest Obtained | Spirit Tracks | New Secrets |

| ~ | ~ | ~ |

| After the Ocean | East of Whittleton| - Grass Rabbits #5 and#6 in the |

| Temple. | Village in the | Forest Realm. |

| | Forest Realm. | |



\'-. .-'/ Force Gem #3 [F03]

|\ | /----------------------------------------------------------------------

| \ | /|

| \|/-----------------------------------------------------------------------|

| ' In Castle Town, enter the building just south of the cuccobuilding. |

| The woman hear says that her rabbit loving husband hasdisappeared! Bring |

| the woman to the Rabbitland Rescue to reunite her with herhusband. She'll |

| be so delighted that she'll give Link a force gem. |


| Earliest Obtained | Spirit Tracks | New Secrets |

| ~ | ~ | ~ |

| After the Ocean | West of Forest | - Grass Rabbits #7 and #8in the |

| Temple. | Sanctuary in the | Forest Realm. |

| | Forest Realm. | |



\'-. .-'/ Force Gem #4 [F04]

|\ | /----------------------------------------------------------------------

| \ | /|

| \|/-----------------------------------------------------------------------|

| ' Speak to the young boy in the village and you'll find thathe dreams |

| of seeing the world from the sky. Ride him over to Beedle'sAir Shop. Once |

| you safely arrive, you'll be rewarded with a force gem. |


| Earliest Obtained | Spirit Tracks | New Secrets |

| ~ | ~ | ~ |

| After the Ocean | West of Castle | - Grass Rabbit #8 in theForest |

| Temple. | Town in the | Realm. |

| | Forest Realm | |



\'-. .-'/ Force Gem #5 [F05]

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| \ | /|

| \|/-----------------------------------------------------------------------|

| ' This is the second of the required Force Gems. At the westend of |

| Anouki Village, there is a fellow standing near the water, butsays that |

| the water has been contaminated thanks to the ChuChu's. Heneeds a place |

| with clean water to make Mega Ice. Escort the to theWellspring Station and |

| the lake found here works just perfectly. So much so, that theAnouki will |

| give Link a force gem! |


| Earliest Obtained | Spirit Tracks | New Secrets |

| ~ | ~ | ~ |

| After the Ocean | East of the | - Access to Warp Gate C, which|

| Temple. | Forest Temple and | connects to the south end of|

| | east of Anouki | the Ocean Realm. |

| | Village. Between | |

| | the Forest and | |

| | Snow Realms. | |



\'-. .-'/ Force Gem #6 [F06]

|\ | /----------------------------------------------------------------------

| \ | /|

| \|/-----------------------------------------------------------------------|

| ' One of the Goron's near the Goron Village train stationwants to |

| visit the Anouki Village. Agree to take him and after safelytransporting |

| him, you'll be rewarded with the force gem. |


| Earliest Obtained | Spirit Tracks | New Secrets |

| ~ | ~ | ~ |

| After getting the | North of | - Snow Rabbits #8 and #9 in the|

| Trusty Freight Car. | Wellspring Station| Snow Realm. |

| | in the Snow Realm.| - Access to Warp Gate D, which |

| | | connects to the east end of the |

| | | Fire Realm. |



\'-. .-'/ Force Gem #7 [F07]

|\ | /----------------------------------------------------------------------

| \ | /|

| \|/-----------------------------------------------------------------------|

| ' If you run around Anouki Village and speak with theresidents, you'll |

| find that one of them wants to visit the Goron Village. Agreeto take the |

| Anouki, and after a safe trip, a force gem will be yourreward. |


| Earliest Obtained | Spirit Tracks | New Secrets |

| ~ | ~ | ~ |

| After getting the | Between the Snow | - Another connectionbetween the |

| Trusty Freight Car. | and Fire Realm. | Snow and Fire Realms.|

| | | |



\'-. .-'/ Force Gem #8 [F08]

|\ | /----------------------------------------------------------------------

| \ | /|

| \|/-----------------------------------------------------------------------|

| ' Even after clearing the lava in Goron Village, you'll seethere is |

| still soem more at the east end of town. Pick up some Mega Icefrom |

| Wellspring Station and head to Goron Village. If you have atleast 10 units |

| of Mega Ice, speak to the Goron at the east end of the villageto clear the |

| lava and be rewarded with a force gem. |


| Earliest Obtained | Spirit Tracks | New Secrets |

| ~ | ~ | ~ |

| After getting the | Another connection| - Desert Rabbit #1 inthe Sand |

| Trusty Freight Car. | between the Fire | Realm. |

| | and Ocean Realms. | |



\'-. .-'/ Force Gem #9 [F09]

|\ | /----------------------------------------------------------------------

| \ | /|

| \|/-----------------------------------------------------------------------|

| ' The lumberjacks over at Whittleton Village need some iron toforge |

| together their new axes. Speak to the Goron merchant in thewest part of |

| Goron Village and purchase some expensive iron. Successfullycarry at least |

| 5 units of iron to Whittleton Village and speak with themerchant here. |

| He'll be so delighted that he will give Link a force gem.|


| Earliest Obtained | Spirit Tracks | New Secrets |

| ~ | ~ | ~ |

| After getting the | Between the Forest| - Another connectionbetween the |

| Trusty Freight Car. | and Snow Realms. | Forest and SnowRealms. |

| | | |



\'-. .-'/ Force Gem #10 [F10]

|\ | /----------------------------------------------------------------------

| \ | /|

| \|/-----------------------------------------------------------------------|

| ' The folks at Anouki Village are still battling to fight offenemy |

| invaders and they need lumber to build a wooden fence aroundthe village. |

| Purchase some lumber from Whittleton and carry it over toAnouki |

| Village. You can use Warp Gate A if you have already unlockedit. Once you |

| arrive, the Anouki will be so happy that Link will get a forcegem. |


| Earliest Obtained | Spirit Tracks | New Secrets |

| ~ | ~ | ~ |

| After getting the | Northwest part of | - Snow Rabbit #10 inthe Snow |

| Trusty Freight Car. | the Snow Realm. | Realm. |

| | | - Gain access to Snowdrift |

| | | Station. |



\'-. .-'/ Force Gem #11 [F11]

|\ | /----------------------------------------------------------------------

| \ | /|

| \|/-----------------------------------------------------------------------|

| ' After bringing the first load of Mega Ice to the GoronVillage, Link |

| should be getting a letter in the mail from Ferrus. Ferrus isstanding |

| around by the tracks just southeast of the Snow Temple. Pickhim up and our |

| goal is to ferry him back all the way to Adoba Village to meetup with |

| Alfonzo. Use Warp Gate A, which is just south of AnoukiVillage to get |

| their quicker. Once you arrive, head over to Alfonzo's house,and Link will |

| be rewarded with a force gem. |


| Earliest Obtained | Spirit Tracks | New Secrets |

| ~ | ~ | ~ |

| After getting the | Between the Forest| - Another connectionbetween the |

| Trusty Freight Car. | and Snow Realms. | Forest and SnowRealms. |

| | | |



\'-. .-'/ Force Gem #12 [F12]

|\ | /----------------------------------------------------------------------

| \ | /|

| \|/-----------------------------------------------------------------------|

| ' There is a female merchant selling fish in Papuchia Village.Speak |

| with her and buy a full load of fish. Haul the fish over toCastle Town and |

| speak to the lady near the fountain in Castle Town. She's beentalking |

| about fish for some time now, so she'll be so happy to see youbrought her |

| some goodies. She'll then give Link the force gem. |


| Earliest Obtained | Spirit Tracks | New Secrets |

| ~ | ~ | ~ |

| After getting the | Between the Forest| - Another connectionbetween the |

| Trusty Freight Car. | and Ocean Realms. | Forest and OceanRealms. |

| | | - Grass Rabbit #10 in the Forest |

| | | Realm and Ocean Rabbit #8 in |

| | | the Ocean Realm. |



\'-. .-'/ Force Gem #13 [F13]

|\ | /----------------------------------------------------------------------

| \ | /|

| \|/-----------------------------------------------------------------------|

| ' Speak with the Cucco merchant at the northwest part ofCastle Town to |

| gather up some cuccos. Remember the man in Adoba Village whowanted to |

| raise some cuccos? Well, he's our destination. After arrivingin Adoba with |

| at least 10 cuccos, the man will be so happy that he willreward Link with |

| a force gem. |


| Earliest Obtained | Spirit Tracks | New Secrets |

| ~ | ~ | ~ |

| After getting the | North of Adoba | - Access to Warp Gate E,which |

| Trusty Freight Car. | Village in the | connects to the centerpart of |

| | Forest Realm. | the Fire Realm. |



\'-. .-'/ Force Gem #14 [F14]

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| \ | /|

| \|/-----------------------------------------------------------------------|

| ' Speak to the wise man in Papuchia and after telling him thatyou are |

| having bad luck, he'll offer to sell you a special vessel for300 rupees. |

| Purchase it and then take it all the way to the Snow Sanctuaryin the Snow |

| Realm. It's quite the distance and Warp Gate A north ofWhittleton makes |

| for a good shortcut. You cannot get hit at all along yourquest, otherwise |

| the vessel will be damaged. Upon arriving, Steem will bewaiting for you at |

| the station and is so happy that he'll award you with a forcegem! |


| Earliest Obtained | Spirit Tracks | New Secrets |

| ~ | ~ | ~ |

| After getting the | North part of the | - Access to SlipperyStation. |

| Trusty Freight Car. | Snow Realm. | |



\'-. .-'/ Force Gem #15 [F15]

|\ | /----------------------------------------------------------------------

| \ | /|

| \|/-----------------------------------------------------------------------|

| ' Speak to the child Goron near the elder's house and you'llfind that |

| he wants to visit Castle Town. Ride him over to Castle Townand the child |

| Goron will give Link a force gem. |


| Earliest Obtained | Spirit Tracks | New Secrets |

| ~ | ~ | ~ |

| After the Fire | Northwest part of | - Mountain Rabbit #9 inthe Fire |

| Temple. | the Fire Realm. | Realm.

| | | - Access to Disorientation |

| | | Station.



\'-. .-'/ Force Gem #16 [F16]

|\ | /----------------------------------------------------------------------

| \ | /|

| \|/-----------------------------------------------------------------------|

| ' The female fish merchant in Papuchia Village is in need ofMega Ice |

| in order to keep her stock of fish fresh. Purchase some MegaIce from the |

| Anouki in Wellspring Station and take it over to Papuchia. 10units of Mega |

| Ice need to last the trip and remember, ice will melt once youleave the |

| Snow Realm. You can use Warp Gate B if you've unlocked it,located just |

| northeast of Wellspring station. Once you arrive at Papuchia,deliver the |

| ice to the merchant and you'll be rewarded with a force gem!|


| Earliest Obtained | Spirit Tracks | New Secrets |

| ~ | ~ | ~ |

| After the Fire | North of Papuchia | - Reveals the PirateHideout. |

| Temple. | Village within | - Access to Heart Container #10.|

| | the Ocean Realm. | - Access to Stamp Station #17. |



\'-. .-'/ Force Gem #17 [F17]

|\ | /----------------------------------------------------------------------

| \ | /|

| \|/-----------------------------------------------------------------------|

| ' After restoring the Spirit Tracks north of Papuchia Village,you'll |

| gain access to the Pirate Hideout. Enter the cave at north andyou'll find |

| a Papuchia Villager held prisoner, and what unfolds issomewhat of a |

| minigame. Use your unlimited supply of arrows to strike theminiblins. Hit |

| miniblins consecutively to multiply your score. After clearinghouse, Link |

| will then appear with the villager in a cart on rails and willneed to take |

| care of more miniblins along his quest. Keep hitting theminiblins with |

| arrows consecutively to increase your score. At the end of thecave, use |

| your arrows to take out the big blin and finally exit thecave. After |

| successfully escaping, take the villager back to PapuchiaVillage and he'll |

| reward Link with a force gem! |


| Earliest Obtained | Spirit Tracks | New Secrets |

| ~ | ~ | ~ |

| After the Fire | North of the | - Shortcuts within the Ocean|

| Temple. | Ocean Sanctuary | Realm. |

| | within the Ocean | - Ocean Rabbit #9 in the Ocean |

| | Realm. | Realm. |

| | | - Access to Warp Gate G, which |

| | | connects to the south part of |

| | | the Forest Realm. |



\'-. .-'/ Force Gem #18 [F18]

|\ | /----------------------------------------------------------------------

| \ | /|

| \|/-----------------------------------------------------------------------|

| ' After completing the Sand Realm, another letter in the mailwill come |

| from Ferrus. He is now located near the northwest segment ofthe Fire |

| Realm, just a bit north of the Goron Target Range. Ride onover and pick up |

| Ferrus and he wants to explore the Ocean Temple. It is reallyquite the |

| distance, but you can cut down that time if you've alreadyrestored Spirit |

| Tracks by gaining the 8th force gem. Ride south from the GoronTarget Game |

| and you can use the Warp Gate F to send you to a location nearthe Ocean |

| Temple. From here, ride into the mouth of the fish to getunderwater. |

| Finish off the drop as you ride to the Ocean Temple, whereFerrus will |

| reward Link with a force gem. |


| Earliest Obtained | Spirit Tracks | New Secrets |

| ~ | ~ | ~ |

| After the Sand | East part of the | - Access to Dark Ore Mine.|

| Temple. | Fire Realm. | |



\'-. .-'/ Force Gem #19 [F19]

|\ | /----------------------------------------------------------------------

| \ | /|

| \|/-----------------------------------------------------------------------|

| ' After acquiring Force Gem #18, head to the new tracks at theeast end |

| of the Fire Realm. Enter the Dark Ore Mine and speak with aGoron to |

| purchase some Dark Ore. Our next destination is the TradingPost back in |

| the Forest Realm. It is quite a long journey, but using WarpGates makes it |

| much easier. Pass through the tunnel to the south, fightingoff a rocktite |

| and some tektites in the cave. You'll need to pass this cavewith at least |

| 9 Dark Ore Units intact, otherwise you won't be able to makeit to the |

| Trading Post. Once you return to the outdoors, head east andgo through |

| Warp Gate H to appear at the west end of the Ocean Realm. Ifyou've gotten |

| Force Gem #17, you'll find that just south of this area WarpGate G is |

| located. After going through, finally get to the trading postwith 5 units |

| of dark ore intact. You'll be rewarded with the force gem!|


| Earliest Obtained | Spirit Tracks | New Secrets |

| ~ | ~ | ~ |

| After the Sand | Access to Lost at | - Ocean Rabbit #10 in theOcean |

| Temple. | Sea Station. | Realm. |



\'-. .-'/ Force Gem #20 [F20]

|\ | /----------------------------------------------------------------------

| \ | /|

| \|/-----------------------------------------------------------------------|

| ' Bring 5 Cuccos from Castle Town to Rael at the SandSanctuary. |


| Earliest Obtained | Spirit Tracks | New Secrets |

| ~ | ~ | ~ |

| After the Sand | Northeast part of | - Access to Ends of theEarth |

| Temple. | the Fire Realm. | Station. |

| | | - Mountain Rabbit #10 in the Fire |

| | | Realm. |

| | | - Access to Heart Container #13. |


In The Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks how do you get all the Force Gems? - Answers (2024)


How many force gems are in spirit tracks? ›

Anjean gives Link one that opens the Spirit Tracks in the Sand Realm. The other 20 of these Force Gems restore tracks that are optional.

Who wants cuccos in spirit tracks? ›

After beating the Sand Temple, Rael, the Guardian at the Sand Sanctuary, requests cuccos. Go to Castle Town and purchase a stock of 5 for 50 rupees from the salesman in the northwest corner.

What is the fastest way to get rupees in spirit tracks? ›

Blow tons of leaves in Whittleton to get the 50 rupee treasures. You can get way more than you'll ever need really quickly. The whip race there is probably the quickest way to make money in the game, when you have the necessary equipment.

How to get treasure spirit tracks? ›

In Spirit Tracks, 16 different kinds of Treasures can be obtained. They can be found inside chests and pots. Common Treasures can also be found by blowing the leaves northeast of Whittleton with the Whirlwind.

What is the max hearts in spirit tracks? ›

Spirit Tracks

Like in Phantom Hourglass, there are no Pieces of Heart, only full Heart Containers. 5 are obtained by defeating bosses and 8 are found elsewhere for a maximum of 16 hearts.

Who is the bad guy in the spirit tracks? ›

Demon King Malladus is the overarching antagonist of the 2009 action-adventure game The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks. He is a tyrannical being who arose following Ganondorf's death and the founding of New Hyrule, seeking to conquer the fledgling kingdom.

Who is the girl in Kakariko Village? ›

Cottla is a young Sheikah girl residing in Kakariko Village with her sister Koko and their father Dorian. Cottla and her sister Koko wake up at 5:00 AM, with Cottla claiming her mother is hiding.

What happened to Zelda in Spirit Tracks? ›

Arriving at the Temple of Spirits, the source of the Spirit Track's power, it is revealed that Cole is a demon serving Malladus. With his companion Byrne, Cole steals Zelda's body, with her spirit fleeing to the castle, and fragments the Tower of Spirits to loosen Malladus' chains.

How long to beat Zelda Spirit Tracks? ›

19 Hours 31 Hours

How do you get the bomb bag in spirit tracks? ›

In Spirit Tracks, Link can obtain three Bomb Bags in any order. They are found at the following locations: Purchased at Beedle's Air Shop for 500 Rupees. Rewarded for beating the current record in the Whip Race Mini-Game in Whittleton.

How hard is Zelda Spirit Tracks? ›

The archery mini game and a maze sidequest. Spirit Tracks is a good deal harder in both puzzles and combat for the main story and stands just a little above your average Zelda. The difficulty in combat is found more in the bosses though. Like Phantom Hourglass, Spirit Tracks difficulty is more in the sidequest area.

How many power gems are in Phantom Hourglass? ›

Getting all 20 quadruples the amount of such power. Hitting a Phantom or Reapling from behind with Oshus's Sword with the Spirit of Power equipped will stun it. Enemies such as Bubbles, Phantom Eyes and Fire Keese can be killed directly with the Swords and no longer need to be stunned first.

How long does it take to complete Spirit Tracks? ›

19 Hours 31 Hours

How many power gems are there? ›

Throughout the Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass there are 20 Power Gems to be collected. Collecting these gems will grant Link a couple of new abilities. With ten Power Gems in his possession Link's sword will double in attack power. With all twenty Link's sword power will be quadrupled.

How many years after Phantom Hourglass is spirit tracks? ›

Set a century after The Wind Waker and its sequel Phantom Hourglass, the storyline follows the current incarnations of Link and Princess Zelda as they explore the land of New Hyrule to prevent the awakening of the Demon King Malladus.

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

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Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.