My "How to solo quests with lousy equipment" Journal (2024)

This toon is solo-only for quests, but not for challenges and I think I have to have someone with me to get 5 stars and I want to get the 50 House C favor for guild crafting.

* With a guildie, I did [url=] on Level 4 for the favor. We are still working on the best path for the quest
* I did Kobold Island: Kobold Chaos several times on level 12 to get a feel for the quest and got 3 stars. I basically followed this guide

Dreams of Insanity
* Boss beholders in quest. Also, an Adamantine weapon is helpful and an item that applies constant Featherfall is almost mandatory
* I don't see how I could have done the final room with Hunter of the Dead II
* Resist Fire, Resist Acid, Resist Cold are all useful
* The casters liked to cast Poison, so a Proof Against Poison item is helpful
* Invulnerablility worked fine against most of the mobs. The Ancient Iron Defenders are Piercing, the Ancient Warforged are Bludgeoning
* There is a pre-quest area - Pools of Reflection. Go North from the entrance to a Japanese-looking complex. To complete the optional, destroy all of the contructs. There are more constructs than you need for the optional. There is no shrine in this area so any resources used here won't be available in the main quest. Alternatively, you can just run straight through the middle of the buildings and up to the quest entrance
* I buffed up and went North, hit the Int rune on the right and came to a fight at a T. I could left or right and went right
* I followed the hallway around, killing groups of mobs
* Most battles are are a group with 1-2 Ancient Iron Defenders, a Tharaak Hound, 1+ Ancient Warforged, 2+ Drow. I would target the Tharaak Hound first then target the Drow and the Ancient Warforged, then switch to a +2 Adamantine Khopesh for the Ancient Iron Defenders. The Ancient Iron Defenders have a lot of hp and it takes a while to wear them down
* When I got to South of the entrance, I had a choice of ways to go. I decided to kill the optional Beholder boss. I went South and smashed through the door. Tough fight. No chest in the room, but there was a rune for the optional
* I went North and then went down the other side of the hallway, which is pretty much like the inside of the hallway
* There were no Ancient Iron Defenders on this side of the hallway until there very end
* When I got to the SE corner, there was a door that I smashed through. Big fight there including a Scorrow boss
* I want up the hallway to another door in the NE corner. Another Scorrow boss fight but this time there was a chest
* Done the hallway to another door. I smashed it and there was a boss Beholder fight. Finally, a shrine - I rested
* I did the other side, which was pretty much the same
* I put the two crests in their slots and went North. There was a brief fight before the final room
* When I entered the final room, I killed the mobs there. Then a boss Beholder and a boss Elder Beholder spawned. They were a tough fight
* I hit the rune down at floor level then climbed a ladder on the East side. I went along the ramp and along the roof West to a rune. Then the Super Mario part of the quest started. I jumped on a rafter and jumped over to another rune. I then jumped over to a ladder and climbed up it to another rune. I fell many times doing this part. In the meantime, Thraak Hounds spawn and the occasional Beholder. If I was on a rafter when a Beholder spawned, it would hit me Telekinesis and knock me off
* To get to the last two runes, I had to climb up the ladder, go to the roof on the South side and then jump over to a ladder. Then I had to jump on more rafters to reach the final two runes
* Once I hit all the runes, I Featherfell down, killed the remaining Thraak Hounds and popped the two chests

* Some mobs have DR to Cold Iron and Good, the Thaarak Hounds have Lawful DR, and there are lots of Beholders
* I entered the quest, buffed up and went through the door. I saw a bunch of Kobolds fleeing in terror. I went right and got ambushed
* I continued South and popped the door. A nasty fight with an Elder Beholder, Thaaraks Hounds and other mobs. I think this Elder Beholder was one of the three objectives
* I went West, dived down and got the collectable. I then went South through the door into another nasty fight
* I went back to the big room and went East through the door. More mobs. I turned the corner and went throug the door North. A couple of Beholders and other mobs were waiting for me
* I hopped down and went through the door East. Mobs and then a Beholder fight. A chest could be there, but no luck
* I kept fighting North until I got to the shrine. I went inside and found many Tunnelworm Kobolds apparently hiding
* I went North and turned left at the next intersection. I went forward until I found a firewall. I then retreated back to the main hallway
* I went North and after a couple of battles, I got to the North end that had 4 Beholders. Tough fight
* I went West from there and cleared it out. I then went East. Behind the door was an boss Elder Beholder
* I went back to the shrine and rested. I buffed up and headed back to the entrance, killing mobs as I went
* I went North, cleared some mobs, cleared 3 Beholders on the bridge, continued North and then went East into the toughest fight yet
* I turned the corner and went North to fight the last boss Elder Beholder
* Once he was dead, I got the objective "Slay the demons' commander"
* I went back South and then around to where the firewall was North of the shrine. Final battle wasn't too bad

Mired in Kobolds
* I headed my way East, clearing out a village and then coming to a defensive position with Kobolds on a platform. I went on the backside and jumped up to kill them as well as the boss Kobold
* I destroyed a crystal and continued East. I came across some Kobolds and two more crystals. I killed the kobolds on the ground except for the boss, which was apparently being healed by the Kobolds up high by the crystals. I shot the crystals and they sent the Kobolds flying. I then killed the boss
* I continued East through the root wall. Some more Kobolds and some more explosive crystals
* I then went North and cleared the shrine area. I then went South and followed that valley. Eventually, I came to a Kobold camp. On the backside was two Shamans and a crystal out of my reach. I shot the crystal and the shamans went flying. Shattering the crystal freed a prisoner and a chest. I went back to the shrine and rested
* I continued East and came to a fortification with the crystal on the other side. On the right side of the fortification is a root wall that I broke. I then shot the crystal. I then killed all the Kobolds on the other side
* I continued on and came to a shrine and two crsytals in front of a magic wall. There is some Kobolds behind the magic wall and a baby Dragon
* I smashed the crstyals and then killed the Dragon and the Kobolds. I jumped over and popped the two chests. There were gold piles I could search, but the DM was telling the baby's mom was about to return so I recalled

I brought some my level 8 quests up to Elite:
The Path to Madness ELITE
The Xorian Cipher ELITE
Caverns of Korromar ELITE
The Faithful Departed ELITE
Haunted Library ELITE

Tharashk Arena ELITE
I died three times before completing. All three deaths were to the big Troll boss whose Otto's Dance worked near constantly on me and let him beat me up until I died. For the second time, I used a Summon Monster V scroll that I had found to summon a Medium Earth Elemental. It died in secs and I died shortly thereafter. Third time, I took Larafay Do'rret (Level 15 FvS) with me. She rocked and we blew throw the quest up to the Troll fight. We they came out, I killed the sidekick and while doing so, the main Troll killed Larafay. I died shortly thereafter. Fourth time, I took Quintesia Velassa (level 16 Fighter) and she didn't have any problems with the Otto's Dance. Together, we took down the two boss Trolls without too much trouble.

The Chamber of Raiyum
* There are random elements to this quest, so you want have the same experience as me. Rooms are stacked on top of each other, so the map is close to useless
* I brought the Seal of the Heavens and the Seal of the Soul from prior quests with me
* I entered at an alcove. I buffed up and then smashed through the door
* Beyond the door was the entrance chamber - a large room with a high ceiling. I had to kill all of the Gnolls and Hyenain the entrance chamber. Then a chest on the West side of the room unlocked. I opened it and got the Scorpion Crest. I placed the Scorpion Crest into the opening behind the chest
* Doors to the North and South opened. Some Clay Golems came down from the North side and I killed them. I went North and in the first room was an Eternal Guardian (boss lich) with some mobs
* After I cleared that room, I continued North and grabbed the collectable. There was a lever on the North wall which I threw and it revealed a secret door to the North and two Clay Golems
* I went into the room and up the room. The staircase had a gas trap. After I disarmed that, I threw the lever in the Eastern niche to reveal a passage way West
* I followed that passageway, grabbed the collectable and a bunch of undead mobs spawned. Eventually,another Eternal Guardian showed up. After I killed all of them, a passage West opened up
* I followed that passage West and then took some stairs North. In the next room East was 2 Skeleton Archers. When I moved towards them, the floor collapsed and I fell into the room below. There were several mummies there. Eventually I cleared the mobs, threw the two levers and went back up the same stairs. I killed the two Skeleton Archers and continued East
* Another room, another collapsing floor. This time, the mobs below were Scorpions. I killed them, went back up, killed the Skeletons up there and continued East
* I came to a room with a lever. When I went it, Sand Mephits spawned. I disarmed the trap and threw the lever. Nothing obvious happened
* I headed back West and a new passage opened up by the stairs I came up. I was low on SP and buffs, so I went back to the main hall and rested and then came back here. I went through passage. A bunch of undead spawned. I killed them and then threw a lever in a niche to open a secret door
* I went down yet more passageways, killed some mummies and threw another lever. I went through the now open door, down another passageway, killed yet more mummies, threw another lever, killed two Clay Golems and some Skeletal Archers, disarmed a trap on a staircase, killed a boss Mummy, went through another freshly-opened door and came to a room with the Djinn Mehrdad. I showed him the seal and released him. There was a chest in the room and two collectables
* The Wizard Kiing was in the room beyond. I took him down and a door slide open that revealed the Phlactery and a chest
* I got lucky and found the Wizard King first try instead of one other two bosses. I could have continued on in the quest, killing the other two bosses and eventually getting to the treasure room, but I decided it wasn't worth the time

I brought some my level 8 quests up to Elite:
Thrall of the Necromancer ELITE
The Prisoner ELITE
Stromvauld's Mine ELITE
Stormcleave Outpost ELITE
Spies in the House ELITE
The Temple Outpost: Captives of the Cult ELITE
The Temple Outpost: The Libram of the Six ELITE

Crafting is up to 74-68-78

I finished the Cult of the Six chain on Elite:
The Fane of the Six: Cleansing the Temple ELITE
The Fane of the Six: Fall of the Prelate ELITE
The Sanctum: Quench the Flames ELITE
The Sanctum: Church of the Fury ELITE

I brought the rest of my level 9 quests up to Hard:
Gateway to Khyber HARD
The Jungle of Khyber HARD
Haywire Foundry HARD

I already had the following favor:
Dr. Rushmore's Mansion: Behind the Door - 5
Dr. Rushmore's Mansion: Moving Targets - 2
Kobold Island: Kobold Chaos - 3
Lava Caves: Circles of Power - 3

I then did solo:
Extraplanar Palace: Buying Time - 3

I then came to the conclusion that it was pointless to do Challenges right now. To get to 50 House C favor with just Challenges, I need to average 4.17 stars per Challenge. That isn't going to happen. So to get to 50 House C favor, I need to run the "Secrets of the Artificers" adventure pack, whose quests start at level 19. So there is no point worrying about House C favor until I get to level 19 or 20. I have at least 3 favor on all the Challenges that run up to level 15.

* Mobs include Beholders, Xoriat Hounds (Lawful DR) and Xorian Renders (Byeshk DR)
* I came into an empty tavern. I smashed stuff and then went upstairs to see 4 Beholders at a bar. I talked to the Beholder Quixxellops and he challenged me to a drinking contest. I got up on the right side of the bar and clicked on the glassses of Xorian Cider as quickly as I could. Sometimes, it took several clicks before I could drink it. Eventually, I drank all the Beholders under the table and got a key from the bartender
* I headed towards the Guest Rooms door in the West wall when suddenly I went insane
* I went through the door and I wasn't insane anymore. I went through the first door on the left and rescured someone from Xoriat Hounds (and got two collectables)
* I went to the next door on the left and saved 2 people from a Young Beholder and Xoriat Hounds
* The next door was locked. I continued down and opened the next door. I whacked on a NPC and few times and he left me the key to the Library on the bed
* I went into the Library and killed a Young Beholder and a pack of Xoriat Hounds. I grabbed the collectables and then went over to a key on a table. I went insane and the key started running around the room. I eventually "killed" it and it transformed into a boss Xorian Render. I killed him, go the key and popped the chest
* I left the Library and the door that was previously locked was open with a Young Beholder in it. I killed him and grabbed the collectable
* I went out of the Guest Rooms and down the stairs, killing Xorian Renders as I went
* I went through the Kitchen Door, smashed all the stuff in the Kitchen, grabbed a collectable. I then talked to the Cook. I went insane and Zombies attacked us ("Hambies", which have hams for heads and "Clambies", which have clams for heads). The Cook lost all his life, but that didn't seem to matter
* The Cook gave me the key to the Meat Locker. I went in there and fought a pack of Xoriat Hounds as well as a boss Xoriat Hound. I got a chest and a collectable
* I should have shrined by now, but I was doing OK
* I went through the Basem*nt door and all was quiet. There was a secret door at the foot of the stairs. I went through it, threw the lever and got the chest behind the stairs
* I turned a corner and fought a pack of Xorian Renders. After I killed them, I went back over there and I went insane. A floor tile puzzle popped up. After I did the puzzle, the puzzle pieces attacked me. After I killed them, the door opened
* I went into the next room and killed some Xoriat Hounds and Xoriat Renders. At this point, I should have gone back up to the first floor and used the shrine. Instead, I approached the shrine in this room and went insane
* I went back up to the Guest Rooms and went through the first door on the right. I killed a Xorian Render. I grabbed a collectable, ran through the mirror, then got another collectable and a key. I went down to the first floor and went into a cobweb covered niche North of the shrine. I searched there and found a secret door, behind which was a chest
* I missed a chest. Per DDOWiki, it was "in the stack of boxes in the room before Knizzlenak (only accessible while in madness mode, climb on top to see hole to drop into)"
* Back down to the Basem*nt and the floor puzzle. I did the floor puzzle and then rested at the shrine
* I went through the door and found an empty room. I went further into the room and an Elder Beholder appeared. He didn't cast anti-magic so I kept my buffs. He had a TON of hp. Xorian Renders would occasionally spawn. I eventually killed him
* I popped the chest and finished

I tried The Lords of Dust and died when 2 Khyber Jarilithes. They kept knocking me down and killed me. 17 saved for knock down, 14 failed

A Cry for Help
* This quest has Rakshasas (need Good and Piercing to break DR) and Jariliths (need Good and Cold Iron to break DR)
* There is an optional area that requires a very long swim, so waterbreathing items/potions are a good idea
* It is a bit of hike to the quest with some fighting, but not bad
* I went North fighting up the hallway and then took a right at the T. That lead to room with a chest that had a key. I backtracked to the T and went West. That hallway bent around North
* I got to a small room and fought 3 Jarilths. I kited them and killing 2 of the 3 with my bow. I went back and killed a Rakshasa and open a door to kill another Rakshasa. On the other side of the room was a trapped - I had to go through the trap in order to get to the box
* I continued North into a fight. The floor there collapsed under me and I had to climb out and then continue North to the door. A little to the right of center would have been safe
* I opened the door to a room of melee mobs. I retreated to the ledge across the pit and fought them one at a time
* I continued North the doors and went and the left side of the room to avoid a trap. I continued North through the next set of doors
* That hallway bent East into a fight in a room. There is a narrow part of the hallway and I jumped over that with Feather Fall boots. In the rooms was a chest there with a key. When I returned the narrow part of the hallway, the floor collapsed and a trap went off, but the Feather Fall boots took me past most of it
* I retreated back to the next room and went through the door West. A fight in that room. I opened the door South and there was a pack of Jarilths
* I unlocked the door, disarmed the trap on the threshold and fought down the hallway. I eventually came to a wide spot with a steel floor. TRAP!!!! I went along the left edge and got blown over the trap and close to the trap box. In an earlier attempt, I had worn Featherfall boots and had gotten blown up to the blades in the ceiling and killed
* I opened the door and went the steps to a fight at the shrines. The way South is blocked by two raised bridges. I went through the door West into a tough fight. Once I cleared that, I went through the next door to a room with a switch, which I threw. I then went back to the shrines and rested. Then I did the same thing on the other side
* The lowered bridges revealed two parallel rooms with archers on catwalks. I killed them with my bow. I then jumped into the water and swam down to roughly the center of the room. I searched a found a secret floor tile which moved away to reveal a secret room with a lever. I threw the lever. I then swam West for a very long time and finally came up into a room. I killed a number of mobs, Rakshasas and a Rakshasa boss. I unlocked a chest then I swam back
* I climbed up to the catwalks and threw a lever in the SW corner of the room. A bridge fell and I cleared out the mobs in the new room and threw a lever there. I went to the other side and did the same thing
* I went South, followed the hallway West and then went through the door North. I killed the mobs there and popped the chest for the key. I backtracked to the locked door and went through
* The final battle went pretty easy. I then popped the chest to get loot and the key and unlocked the prisoner
* To not surprise, the prisoner was really a boss Rakshasa, who summoned several Rakshasas to help her. I killed them all and a secret door opened to reveal the final chest

I have enough xp to level, but I think I will continue doing quests for a while

Foundation of Discord
* I buffed up, went fighting down a winding hallway to a door. I disarmed the trap on the door and went through and fought down to another door. I went through the door to a fight in front of a shrine
* I went through the doors on the East side of the room, took the right branch and fought my way to the end where I killed a boss
* I retreated and took the left branch. I fought down to a locked door. I unlocked it and went into a fight in the room. I took a ladder to the top of the room and the South side was a secret door. I went through it to a tough fight. It was tougher than it should have been in that I hadn't noticed my resists ran out and there were a lot of casters cast elemental damage. I popped the chest and grabbed the collectable
* I went back to the shrine and through the West door. I took the right branch, fought a ways, disarmed a trap, fought some more and killed a boss. Back I went then down the left branch, past a funky undisarmable trap to another boss battle. I went back to the shrine and rested
* I buffed up and headed South. I fought along, went through a door into a dining room and killed the mobs there. I went South through the big doors
* In the middle of the room was a Aurum in a blue cube. I went to kill an Aurum and jumped up on the ledge to my right. I turned out to be a great move as 4 Elder Elementals spawned and they couldn't get me up there. I killed them with my bow. More Elementals spawned. I killed them with my bow. More Elementals spawned. I didn't see that was making any progress. I checked DDOWiki and there are 4 gongs in the room that I needed to sound. I killed the Earth and Air Elementals and then started sounding the gongs. Another Earth and Air Elemental spawned. I went up on my ledge, killed them and then did the last gong. Patrick fell down into a hole. I featherfell down to him, killed him and that stopped the Elementals
* I went through the South door, popped the chest, grabbed the colletables and finished

Feast of Famine
* In 30 minutes, the hunting party arrices. I am not sure what happens if you don't kill the final boss by then
* There is a steady stream of Orcs in the hallways
* I entered, buffed and went South. At the T, I went left, killed the mobs there and then went West
* I opened the door, went into the room and after I killed the mobs, disarmed the trap. I followed the snaking hallway, disarming a trap in the middle of the room and then left the room
* I went down a winding hallway to two doors. I went through the door on the right and entered a living area. I popped the doors there and killed mobs. At some point, I got a key. I went back to the other door and went South
* I went down another winding hallway until I eventually go to a door. I kept going straight to get the collectable. I then went back to the door and through it
* I went down the hallway to a tent. Down the ladder to the shrines. I was doing OK so I kept going
* Down the hallway to a locked door on my left. I returned to the shrines and rested, then came back here but ignored the door and kept going West
* Another locked door in front of me and another door to my right. I went through the door on the right and cleared out that living quarters. I eventually got a key. I went back to the locked door and went through it
* I went down the hallway until I got to passages off to the right and left. I cleared out those passages and then headed South again
* Through the last door to the final battle. I killed the boss and his mobs. His chest was in a tent
* I huge out for a few minutes and the hunting party arrived. 20 some Orcs arrived 1-3 at at time and I killed them
* I went way back to the locked door that I ignored. I unlocked it and went through. I fought Orcs all the way down the hallway to a boss Orc at the end. I popped his chest
* I went back to the hallway where the hunting party appeared and exited there. That took me to a special part of the wilderness area. I buffed up, killed the Orcs there and got the chest. I then recalled

I died on "Against the Demon Queen" in the final battle. I am fighting a lot of Evil Outsiders, so I am going to dump Hunter of the Dead II for Knight of the Chalice II. I reset my enhancement to:
Rogue Haste Boost I
Unyielding Sovereignty
Follower of the Sovereign Host
Human Adaptability Strength I
Human Improved Recovery I
Human Versatility I
Human Versatility II
Human Versatility III
Paladin Courage of Good I
Paladin Courage of Good II
Paladin Bulwark of Good I
Paladin Bulwark of Good II
Paladin Resistance of the Good I
Paladin Divine Sacrifice I
Paladin Divine Sacrifice II
Paladin Exalted Smite I
Paladin Exalted Smite II
Paladin Extra Lay on Hands I
Paladin Extra Lay on Hands II
Paladin Extra Smite Evil I
Paladin Extra Smite Evil II
Paladin Extra Smite Evil III
Paladin Extra Smite Evil IV
Paladin Knight of the Chalice I
Paladin Knight of the Chalice II
Racial Toughness I
Racial Toughness II
Paladin Devotion I
Paladin Energy of the Templar I
Paladin Energy of the Templar II
Paladin Charisma I
Paladin Toughness I
Paladin Toughness II
Paladin Divine Might I
Paladin Divine Might II

Stats with quests gear are 26-22-18-14-13-24

The Lords of Dust
* Mobs include Rakshasa (DR/Piercing and Good) and Khyber Jarilith (Gold Iron and/or Good)
* I came into the quest and talked with Inquisitor Gnomon. He says to slaughter everyone in the quest
* We went into the first room. The cultists chat for a bit and then attack us. We killed them and their attack dogs
* We went up stairs, killed some mobs and then Inquisitor Gnomon went through the South door and told me to go explore the other rooms
* I cleared out the next room and then went North through a door. I went West and then South, killing mobs. There was a boss god named Bastion that had a nasty Improved Trip
* I backed tracked a bit and went through the North door. I killed the mobs there and came to a room with an altar, which I purified
* I went back South and went down to a chest, which I popped. I went West and cleared out the mobs there. There was a bookcase that the DM said had marks that it had been moved. I destroyed it and found a switch. I threw the switch and a room with an altar was revealed. I killed the mobs and then purified the altar
* Back to the hallway, South up the stairs and through the door. Gnomon's novice was dying on the floor. I opened the door and killed the mobs that attacked me
* I went into the next room and cleared the mobs there, including a boss spellcaster cultist
* I smashed a bookcase, threw the switch behind it and found a shrine. I didn't need it so I continued downstairs. The hallway had three traps and eventually lead to a door to the next part of the quest. I returned to the shrine and rested
* Through the door and down a hallway. I kill a Cultist and 2 Death Knights
* Through a door, across a hallway, through another door and down some stairs to another fight
* Around the corner and through the door to the last alter. Some cultists, Death Knights and a boss Rakshasa named Tahmael. I purified the altar and popped two chests
* I opened the door East and discovered a shrine. I didn't need it yet and kept going
* I went down a winding hallway, killing mobs and disarming a trap to a door. Another hallway on the other side. I was attacked by 2 Khyber Jarilithes. I retreated to the last doorway. One Khyber Jarilith attacked me, I pertrified him and then killed him. The next one attacked me and I killed him. A Rakshasa Lord attacked me and I killed him. I disarmed and trapped in the hallway and continued on
* I continued on, disarmed a trap and came to a door. I went through. Lots of dialogue, then a bunch of Skeletons spawned and attacked me. After I killed them, the Rakshasa boss attacked me. After I killed him, the boss Drow attacked me and I killed him. I wished that I had had Proof Against Poison for the boss Drow. I popped the chest

Crystal Cove came around and I:
* Upgraded my Dread Admiral's Tricorne to Archmagi and Concentration +15
* Upgraded my Swabby's Kerchief to Natural Armor Bonus +5, Concentration +15 and Haste Aura IV
* Upgraded my Ring of the Buccaneer to Level 16 Tier 3
* Upgraded my Cutthroat's Smallblade to Level 16
* Got a Level 16 Tier 3 Swashbuckler

Trial by Fire
* It was a hike down to the quest but I was able to sneak the whole way easily. No shrine by the quest
* I buffed up and went down a hallway. I killed two Trolls. I continued on and came to a locked door. I backtracked to where I killed the Trolls, went West and came to another door. I unlocked it and went through
* I went down a hallway killing spiders. They have Pierce DR and my pierce weapon sucks so I stayed with my regular weapon
* I came to a ledge that overlooked a big room. I pulled out my bow and shot a spider, but it ran away. I jumped down and killed the spiders in the room
* I went West down a hallway, killed more spiders and came to a dead end
* I went back to the main room and went North. It went East and eventually led to a locked door. I smashed it and killed the Trolls on the other side
* I had a number of choices of where to go from there. I went North, killing Trolls and spiders. I eventually came to a room of Trolls which I cleared out. In a corner of the room behind some furs was a passageway that lead to another door. I opened it and continued on. I came to a big metal locked gate that I couldn't open. I continued on to another door which I unlocked
* I entered a room with a bunch of Trolls, one of which was a boss. I retreated back a bit to where there was a narrow part in the hallway and I killed them
* I left the room and came to a ledge area. I turned right and went into a hallway. I went left into an alcove and killed a general there. I went across the hallway into another alcove and killed the mobs there. I then wandered around the area for a bit until I killed all of the generals
* I went back to the hallway with the two alcoves and continued North. Then let me back to somewhere I had been before. I kept going down until I got to a fiery lake at the bottom and popped the chest there
* Back up I went back to the hallway with the two alcoves off of it and then back to the room where I entered and then back to the big metal locked gate. I unlocked it (took me a 52) and went through to kill a boss spider and get a chest. A pack of spiders attacked me on the way out
* Back to the ledge area and then went up to a lever and a gate. I threw the lever and went through. That just led back to the entrance. I went back down to the ledge area
* I found a hallway West and went down it. I came to a ledge area with a shrine to my left. I went right into a Troll fight. I went up and down a ramp into another Troll fight. I then went back and rested
* I went up and down the ramp again to the last Troll fight. In the Northwest of that room is a crack in the floor. I buffed up and jumped down. I went down a hallway to a room with a bunch of Trolls including the final boss. I fought them in the narrow entrance to the room and killed them. I then popped the chest

The Maze of Madness
* A henchmen is needed for this quest
* It was a hike down to the quest but I was able to sneak the whole way easily. No shrine by the quest
* I buffed up and talked to the giant No-tar. I threw a switch and went through an open gate into a fight with Razor Cats and a Minotaur
* I went on past a gate to a switch. Near the gate is a trap box. I had the hireling throw it as I waited at the gate and then summoned the hireling. A little further down the hallway was a tough fight. Down a little further was a secret door on my left. Behind it was a fight with a boss Minotaur (Agent of Insanity)
* Back to the hallway and down a bit to two switches. The trapbox is to the right once I could see the swtiches. I threw the right switch, when through the open gate and killed another Agent of Insanity. Some Minotaurs spawned behind me that I killed
* Another lever to open a gate, then another pair of levers. I threw the left on and got in to a hallway. I killed a Minotaur and had another pair of levers. Left locked me into the room. I had the hireling throw it and two more gates opened. South led to two levers (trapbox next to the switches) and another lever. East led to a water filled area which had a gate in the bottom. I had the hireling throw the lever that was by itself and I swam through the now open gate
* On the other side was two switches and two gates. I threw the South one and went through the gate. I led to a short hallway and two switches (trapbox next to them). The left switch caused a gate to open in the distance
* Back to the water area and I threw the East switch. I came into a hallway that had a swtich and another switch. Mobs poured steadily into the area. After I killed them, I explored the area ahead. Lots of switches and a secret door in the Southeast corner. On the other side of the door was a fight including the last Agent of Insanity. Killing him produced a clicking sound. I popped the chest there
* I went back to the water and throw the rightmost switch. That opened a hallway that had a shrine behind a gate,some mobs to the North and a set of three switches. The left switch opened the shrine gate. I couldn't open the gate to the North
* I went back to secret room and then hugged the South wall led to two switches (1 trapbox to their left and 2 trapboxes on the pillar to the right of the gate). The right switch opened the gate. That led to a hallway with two switches. I threw the far switch and came to a room with two switches and a ramp up. The left switch opened the gate. I went back to the shrine and rested
* I was blocked by another gate. I had the hireling throw the last switch I threw to gate past the gate. Another pair of switches which I ignored and went up the ramp, across a bridge and killed a Minotaur. Another pair of switches and a gate, which the left one opened. I went along some bridges ignoring the switches along the way to a ramp down just North of the shrine. There was a fight at the end of the ramp. I went North and killed Malian the Mad and then popped his chest
* I backtracked a bit until I saw beneath me a room with a chest. I Featherfell into it, killed the mage there, popped his chest and finished

Against the Demon Queen
* This quest requires a hireling to throw a lever for you. I used Quintesia Velassa
* There is a section that requires a long time under water, so an Underwater Action item is advised
* This room has 6 tunnels that have to be accessed in a specific order. What that order is is somewhat random. See this page for more
* A hike to get to the quest entrance. I killed everything to the entrance, shrined up then entered
* I read a book which gave a riddle. The words in bold were GRASPING, MOCKERY, NIGHT, DEVIOUS, POISONER and HUNGRY. Per the above page, I need to the tunnels in the following order: Octopus, Bat, Scorpion, Snake, Monkey, Wolf
* I buffed up and went up a stair towards 2 Efreet. 2 more Efreet popped up on the way. I killed them all and then continued up the stairs
* I got up to the central platfrom and took the first bridge to my left. I went through the Northeast tunnel into the Octopus area. Down the hallway to some water. I swam East until I got to a room. I swam down on the North edge, swam through a crack and found a lever, which I threw. That opened the gate to the South. I swam in and the gate shut behind me. I swam around looking up and found a lever, which I threw that opened the gate to the East. I swam East and went I entered the room, blade traps started swinging. I swam to on top of the pillar in the center of the room and disarmed the trap box there. I grabbed an Iron Key than swam up and North to a locked door. I opened it, threw the lever, then swam back South. I stopped across from the unopened gate to the West and searched for a secret door in the floor. I found it, went through it and popped a chest. I then swam South through the blade trap room and through the now open gate. I swam down the hallway and eventually came to a room with the demon runes. Two Mindflayers popped up. I killed them, touched the runes and killed the boss Rashaka. Back to the middle
* I went through the Southeast tunnel into the Bat area. Down a hallway, fighting Mephits along the way. The center of rooms had sonic traps. When I got to a larger room, there were traps in the middles with boxes on the side. When I disarmed the traps, Mephits spawned. Down to the last room and touched the demon runes and the boss Rashaka popped up again. Back to the middle
* I went through the Northwest Tunnel into the Scorpion area. I fought down a hallway until I came to a room. I hugged the left wall and the floor collapsed. I shot the scorpions below me for a while and then I went down and killed them. I couldn't figure out how to get to the chest on the far side. A gate opened and I went through it. I went down the hallway to a poison trap with boxes on the other side. When I went to disarm the boxes, scorpions popped up. I killed them and disarmed the traps. A little further was another poison trap with boxes on the other side. I came to a room with the demon runs. When I entered the room, Scrorrow and scorpions popped up. I killed them. I then touched the demons runes and a boss Rashaka popped up. I killed him and returned to the middle
* I went due West to Snake. I killed lots of Trogs and got to the final room. I touched the runes and killed the boss Rashaka. Back to the middle
* I should have gone to Monkey next, but to get max xp I went due Southwest to Wolf. I killed Thaarak Hounds, then Gnolls, then more Thaarak Hounds, then more Gnolls, then a final battle of Gnolls and Thaarak Hounds. I clicked the demon runes there. I was teleported into a room with 3 undead bosses and some undead archers. I killed them, threw a lever and climbed out of the room
* The next area is Monkey and I need the hireling for it, so I went back to the quest entrance and summoned Quintesia. I took the bridge due East to go to Monkey. I went down the hallway and killed some Wildmen. I came to a room and their were Wildman Mystics up on platforms. I hopped up some blocks and went North. I hopped up some more and killed the ones in the North room. I went to the East wall, searched for the secret door, went through it to a chest. I went back to the earlier room and killed the Wildman Mystics up on platforms. I then went back North and then jumped over the to West wall and parked Quintesia there. I clicked on the switch and then went to the South side. I had Quintesia throw the switch. went throw the gate, summoned her and killed yet more Wildman Mystics up on platforms. Again, I parked Quintesia at the switch and her throw it when I was at the next gate. I went it and some Wildmen popped up. I killed them, touched the runes and killed the boss Rashaka. Back to the middle
* I went Southwest to Wolf again. The hallway was empty but the final battle respawned. I touched the runes and killed the boss Rashaka. Back to the middle
* I went South up the stairs and shrined, then buffed. I went through the door, killed some Efreets, then some Cacodemons, some Efreets, some Pyrodemons and then came to the Lailat
* I smashed all the stuff, checked my buffs and talked to Lailat. The mobs around her activated and I killed them easily. She activated and then I had a very tough fight. She kicked knock down a ton of my hp easily but no so much with Quintesia. I fought and healed for a while, but eventually used up all of my LoH and Unyielding Sovereignity. I tried running around and healing, but she was hitting me for more damage than I was healing. She eventually killed me. However, Quintesia eventually took her down
* I had Quintesia grab my soulstone and then I guided her to the rez shrine where I rezzed. We went back to the fight and came to a teleport circle. We teleported over to where the chest was a Lailat respawned. I was smarter this time and let Quintesia fight the whole fight. I just kept her healed. Quintesia took Lailat down and I got the real chest

I swapped out Oversized Two Weapon Fighting for Least Dragonmark of Making. I am close to 90 crafting levels and the 3 level bump would open some nice recipes for me.

I failed Madstone Crater three times and decided to try something else.

Servants of the Overlord
* I buffed up and went down a hallway. A Rakshasa and a Drow Priestess had a little chat while I watched. I killed the Rakshasa and then I killed the Drow Priestess and her summons. I then activated the Silver Flame Ward to drop the barrier
* I went into the next cavern. There was a locked door and a Silver Flame Ward. I hopped across the lava to one lever. I went up from there to get a collectable and the other lever. I Featherfell across the lava to the now open door. There was a shrine there and down aways a chest. Unfortunately, the chest was DC60, which is way above my ability to open. I climbed down the ladder and jumped into the lava. Nothing down there
* I went back out and activated the Silver Flame Ward and entered an alcove. I went up but there was nothing there. I jumped down into the hole and saw a Rakshasa who threw up a magic barrier. He then summoned some Khyber Reavers which I killed. I then killed the Rakshasa and his Khyber Hellhound
* I went down the hallway until it was blocked by a spiderweb. Some spiders popped up and when I had killed them, the spiderweb fell away. Down the hallway were 4 Drow. Further down the hallway was a Drow Priestess and some spiders
* I came to a hole and I dropped down to a shrine and rested. A little further on was another hole. I buffed up and dropped down. A Rakshasa and his Khyber Hellhound were waiting for me. I continued on, activated a Silver Flame Ward and came to a four way intersection - to me right was a door, to my left was a magic barrier with two crest slots and ahead of me was a hallway
* I went straight and came to an area with a narrow path over jagged rocks. I went left (West) and went down a hallway to a spider ambush. I continued on to a hallway filled with lava and the occasinal Khyber Reaver. I grabbed a collectable and eventually came to a Khyber Lavapit Reaver boss. I defeated him and popped his chest. Apparently this fork was an optional. I went back to where I had gone left and went right (North) and found a collectable
* I went back to the four way intersection, opened the door and went through. That led me to another four way intersection. To my left, I could see a Rakshasa in front of a Silver Flame Ward. I killed him and his Khyber Hellhounds and then activated the Silver Flame Ward. Beyond it was a comfortable nook for apparently a Silver Flame priest. I continued down from there and grabbed two collectables. Otherwise, a dead end
* I went back to the second four way intersection and I went North down a hallway. I fought two Khyber Reavers playing in fire pits. That led me to a split where the DM said, "The passageway is eerily quiet". I went left down a hallway and fought a Khyber Hezrou. Beyond him was a Silver Flame Ward. I activated it, climbed up a ladder and got the first crest
* Back to the eerily quite split and I went to the other fork. I jumped down a hole and fought a Khyber Hezrou. Beyond him was a Silver Flame Ward. I activated it and got the second crest
* I went back to the second four way intersection and went West through the archway. Down a hallway was a Page from Brother Aurelius' Journal and a Resurrection shrine
* I went back to the first four way intersection, put the crests in the slot and went on. I came to an archway that jumped to me left and climbed over. There was a switch with some Drow beyond it. Khyber Reavers keep spawning every time I tried to throw the switch. I hit one with a Greater Petrify Runestone and got the switch thrown. A very, very tough fight followed. I ran away, healed up and then fought some more many times. Eventually, I got them all and came back to the nook beyond the switch. There was a chest and nothing more. I guess this was an optional battle
* I continued on and came to hole. Above the hole was a collectable that required jumping up on mushrooms. I jumped down into the hole, hugged the left wall and came to an alcove with shrines. I rested (which I badly needed)
* Beyond that was a spider ambush then another hole. I jumped down into the hole. A Rakshasa and a Khyber Reaver were waiting for me. Further down was another Rakshasa. I grabbed a collectable, threw a switch, grabbed more collectable and then jumped into a hole
* Down the hallway to a Silver Flame Ward. I went a little to the left and was attacked by two Khyber Hellhounds. As I looked around, anothe pair spawned. I killed them and activated the Silver Flame Ward
* I went down the hallway and came to a cavern. A Drow Priestess and two Rakshasas chatted for a bit, then I killed them all. The floor collapsed at some point. I jumped down. There were shrines there. Beyond them was a switch and a barrier. I rested, buffed and then threw the switch
* I entered a large cavern. I talked with a Drow Priestess there. She cast a magic barrier on herself and then waves of mobs started attacking. They were tough, but the Khyber Jarilith Guards hurt me bad. I eventually go to a boss Hezrou and then the boss Drow Priestess
* I went Northwest from there and popped a chest. I talked to Brother Aurelius who told me the backstory for the next quest. I could have entered the next quest but I instead hit Finish

The Spinner of Shadows
* I buffed up and wandered down a cave. I came to a Rakshasa Lord and two Drow arguing. I killed them. I continued down the hall into another fight. I eventually rescued a Silver Flame Guardian. I talked to the Silver Flame Guardian who told me what I needed to do
* I then teleported into a huge cavern. The Spinner of Shadows gave a little speech and then was driven away by the Silver Flame
* To the West is a maze area and to the East is a lava area. Both have blue Flame Eaters running around. I need to kill lots of them and pick up their wards shards. I need 36 total ward shards to reseal the Spinner of Shadows
* I went West and started killing blue Flame Eaters. When the Spinner of Shadows showed up, I ran back to the Silver Flame and fought her that. Eventually she ran away and I went East to kill more Spiders. She appeared again, I ran back to the Silver Flame and fought her there until she ran away
* After that, she summoned a bunch of red spiders to kill the Silver Flame. I killed them. I then went back West to kill more spiders. She showed up and I ran back to the Silver Flame. I was out of healing and she killed me
* My stone appeared outside the barrier next to the shrines. I rezzed and rested. I hung out next to the Silver Flame Guardian until I was fully healed. Then I talked to the Silver Flame Guardian and went back to it
* More of the same. This time, I hung out in the middle of the Silver Flame Guardian. Its constant heals helped tremendously. Spiders would periodically pop up and I killed them. Spinner of Shadows would fight me for a bit, turn blue and run away. I dragged the ward shards to my toolbar to monitor how many I had. When I got close and Spinner was running around blue, I charged off and killed enough Flame Eaters to get enough ward shards to light all the wards. I ignore Spinner and did that
* Cut scene time. The cut scene set up the story for the expansion
* After the cut scene, I was teleported back out of the cavern and popped the two chests

In "The Spinner of Shadows", I got a Templar's Retribution. It is a really nice weapon. I have found only one Cold Iron weapon and I made it into a +3 Holy Code Iron Sickle of Pure Good. So I am thinking of swapping out the Least Dragonmark of Making for Exotic Weapon Bastard Sword.

Acid Wit
* I entered the quest and buffed up. I went down the hallway and fought some bats. Later, I fought Trogs and modified Earth Elementals. Having a high AC seemed to help reduce damage
* I went right at the T and then hugged the right wall. I fought along until I came to a shrine. North of the shrine was a closed door
* I went back to the first T and went West to a door. I popped it and went through. More Trogs and modified Earth Elementals. I eventually got to the end and killed a boss modified Earth Elemental
* I headed back towards the shrine and took a left a little South of the shrine to explore a hallway. More Trogs and modified Earth Elementals. I went North past the shrine to the door and popped it. I tough fight ensued. I went back to the shrine and rested, then buffed up again and headed on
* I fought some bats and eventually I came to a big group of Trogs in front of three doors. I went North to examine the door. I then retreated back to the East door and opened it. I went down to a T and fought some Trogs there. I went right at the T and fought me way to a door. I went through it and came to a shrine. I went through the next door into a Trog fight. I moved upwards and went through another door. More Trogs and finally a lever which I threw
* I went back to the T and then North. I had a fight with more Trogs and one modified Earth Elemental. I continued fighting and came to a door. On the other side was a hatchery. I killed the Trogs and then destroyed the eggs. I take a ramp up up to a door and went through it. Another Trog fight and I threw the lever there
* I went back to the area with three doors and went through the West door. I got to a fight and a T. I went North to a door and went through it. I had to jump over some lava and got to some shrines where I rested. I buffed up and went through a door West. I fought some more Trogs, went up a some rocks to a door and went through it. Another fight and another lever
* I retraced me steps to the last T and went South. There were some acid pools to jump over and acid jets to avoid. I came to another fight and I killed the last Acidstone Elemental. Another door, another Trog fight, another door, another Trog fight and another lever. This area had a chest too
* I went back to the area with 3 doors and went through the now open North door. I rested at the shrine and then buffed up. I came to an overlook of a large cavern with lots of mobs in it. I fought them on the way down and finally confronted the final boss. I couldn't do enough damage to kill him. Instead, I killed all the other mobs in the cavern. Once it was just the final boss, I could slowly hack away at his life and I eventually killed him
* No chest. I threw a lever in front of the door in the North wall and went through. 3 chests were at the end. I started popping them and I heard the sounds of more Trogs coming. I fought 29 more in a tough fight. I couldn't find the last Trog. I searched around and found a collectable in a niche little cave about hallway between the shrines and the cavern floor - I had to jump and pull up to get to it. I eventually gave up and Finished

For a break from new quests, I did my level 10 quests on Hard:
Reclamation HARD
Hiding in Plain Sight HARD
Sykros' Jewel HARD
The Chamber of Rahmat HARD

Tempest's Spine
* I thought I would die quickly but the test run went pretty well
* The quest has an Int 18 rune and 20 Str lever
* The quest has a Beholder and lots of Drow casters who cast Death spells. Deathblock is highly recommended
* The quest starts in a large wilderness area and I need to find the entrance to the tunnels underneath the mountain
* I entered an area with lots of fire elemetnals in the distance. I cast Resist Fire and then moved to my right, following the edge of the lava lake. I went up and then back to get to a pass to the East. I went down from there to another lava lake
* I went along the East side of this lava lake past the second pillar and then I turned right and went up a ramp to a bridge. I killed a Fire Reaver on it. I went East from there to another lava lake and then I went to the right and up to get to one end of a bridge. I crossed the bridge and entered the Main Entrance
* I buffed up a little (Drow cast a lot of debuffs), changed to Fearsome armor and went down a hallway to a fight. I eventually came to a bunch of spinning blads, which I disarmed. I continued on into a very tough fight. That brought me to a T
* I went left and killed a Scorrow. I cast Resist Fire and Cold, put on my Life Shild armor, activated the Int rune and went through the gate. I killed an Iron Golem, then a Fire Reaver, then a Ice Flenser
* I went through the portal and came to the Lair of Fire and Ice. I went down the hallway to a four way intersection. I went straight to the fire area. I came to another four way intersection. Two Fire Giants attacked me. I went straight and came to an area with Fire Mephits and a boss Fire Reaver. I killed all of the Fire Mephits and wounded the boss Fire Reaver. I then left the area, killing some Fire Giants on the way out. I made sure the Fire Reaver was following me. I went back to the four way intersection and headed West to the Cold area. I ran into a Giant Soothsayer, killed him, kept going straight until I saw some Mephits of Rasia. I started killing them and eventually noticed a boss Ice Flenser. I kill him and then quickly killed the boss Fire Reaver (I had 30 seconds to do so). I returned to the four way hallway, resting at the shrine along the way and the barrier was done. I popped the chest and grabbed the rune. I then exited the lair the way I came in
* I can go either North or South at this point. I went North, dropped down a hole and then went outside. I went left to Entrace #2. I cast Resist Fire and went in. I went North, killing Fire Elementals and Fire Mephits. I came to some fire jets, got passed them and then switched to my Fearsome armor
* I came to some Drow and a door. I quickly killed the Drow (the mobs inside will move to the door if I take too long) and popped the door and went into a really tough fight. Lots of Drow casters, Drow fighters and some Scorrow
* After the fight, I popped the chest. On the East end of the cavern was a door and some shrines. Stairs went down from there. I went down the stairs. There was a boss Drow Wizard and a chest. There was a portal there and I went through it to the Flooded Tunnel area
* I came into the area and killed a Scorrow. A little further on I killed a Clay Golem. I hopped up some giant stairs and came to a hallway with another Clay Golem and a Scorrow. I found a chest up there. I hopped back down the stairs
* I search around and found nothing. I jumped into some water and started swimming. I came to a T, swam right, came out of the water, went down a hallway and found a chest. I jumped back into the water, swam to the other side and came out of the water. I killed another Clay Golem. I came to another water hole and jumped in. I came to another T, went left and came out of the water. I eventually came to a large cavern. Below me, I could see Drow and Scorrow. I started shooting with bow. Some started attacking me and others opened two gates. I killed lots of Drow, some Scorrow and 2 Thaarak Hounds
* Once the fight was over, I went left, killed a Clay Golem and popped a chest. I crossed the cavern and fought a Beholder. Once it was dead, a barrier dropped allowing me access to a shrine, chest and a rune. I then swam and ran back to the door I hadn't gone through
* I went through the door, saw a Drow and he turned on poison traps. I disabled them and kept going. I fought another Drow and 2 Scorrow. I came to a lever that had a trap on either side. I disarmed them and threw the lever, opening the gate to Outdoor Exit #3. There wasn't anything to see from that exit. I could have jumped and Featherfell to the right from there, but I went back inside instead. I went pass the lever to a locked door. I unlocked it and went through. I killed a Giant Soothsayer and two Drow. I unlocked the next door and went through. I fought several Drow and Giants. I went left down a hallway to a gate and a lever
* I threw the lever, killed a Fire Giant, then two Scorrow and then a variety of Rust Monsters. There was a shrine here, but I didn't need it. I headed South out of the room and came to a gate with a lever. That goes to the final boss. I kept on to a door that opened to reveal a portal. I went through
* I went down a hallway to a bridge. I disarmed the trap (the box was on the East side of the bridge near the intersection) and threw the levers to drop the other end of the bridge
* I went down a hallway, killed some Drow and some Skeleton Archers, then came to a passageway with 5 closed doors. As I continued on, they opened and I was mobbed by Drow and Scorrows. After I killed them, the gate South opened
* I came went left and found nothing. I went back and then went straight and came to a hole in the floor and a shrine. I went down the hole and defeated an Iron Golem and a Drow. More Drow and Iron Golems. I came to the final room, fought some Giants and then a Marut. The room had a chest and a rune. I back up to the last shrine and rested. I then went to the unopened gate, threw the lever and went through
* I came to a hole, jumped down and killed a Beholder. A portal appeared. I buffed up and went through it
* I was on top of the mountain with a boss Giant and a large puzzle. I did the puzzle counterclockwise (it was easy). Once the puzzle was done, I put the runes into the 3 vases. I then started whacking on the boss Giant. I got his life down pretty low then he hurled me off the mountain. I switched to my Featherfalling boots, came down and went up again
* The boss Giant had his full health. Second round, I tried to stay close to the wall. I noticed that the puzzle wasn't completed and assumed that it didn't matter. I did pretty well for a while, some how got away from the wall, started getting blown off, tried valiantly to make it back to the wall but I kept moving closer to the edge and got blown off. I featherfell downed and went back up
* Third round, I redid the puzzle - it didn't seem to make any difference. I fought again along the wall. I found a really good spot - against the wall where the stairs go down. It makes a tight V that I couldn't be blown out of. I noticed that as I go the boss Giant's life low, I started getting thrown high into the air a lot. I used my bow when the boss Giant went away from me and used my Khopesh when he was close. When he was almost out of life, he climbed the stairs and was just out of my melee range. I gambled, went up the stairs and killed him

I decided to bring all of my level 9 quests up to Elite. I reset my enhancements to get Hunter of the Dead II:
The Church and the Cult ELITE
The Keeper's Sancturay ELITE
Gateway to Khyber ELITE
The Jungle of Khyber ELITE

That took me to 536 xp short of max for this level, so I leveled up

My "How to solo quests with lousy equipment" Journal (2024)
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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.