[PDF] Table of Contents. Candle of the Month: Rain Forest - Free Download PDF (2024)

1 Candle of the Month: Rain Forest Rain Forest: The exotic scent of lush plants... gives you the feeling of being outdoo...

Candle of the Month: Rain Forest

Rain Forest: The exotic scent of lush plants... gives you the feeling of being outdoors on a sunny day.

Table of Contents p.02 Mia Bella + Mikey = FUN for Our... p.03 Why I Chose Scent-Sations! p.04 Newest 10K Leader p.05 Deborah Kemp is on Fire in... p.06 Vegas Regional Helped Lift the... p.08 What An Outstanding Attitude! p.09 Success With the Fast Start Pack! p.09 “I Really Love Candles Now!” p.09 Free Votives Yield 41 Candle... p.10 “What Can I Get for $75?” p.11 This is One of the Biggest Whys! p.12 Top 10 Retailers and Enrollers... p.13 Preparation and Productivity p.15 So What? p.16 Building My Business Offline p.17 “I'm Just Grinning from Ear to... p.18 Some Will, Some Won't... p.21 Parenting Tips for Distributor... p.23 “Facing the Monster!” p.24 “The Bella Balm is My Favorite!!!” p.25 Hand Painted and Baked... p.25 Proof is in the Testing!!! p.26 Best Tax Preparation Ever!!! p.26 Hometown Heroes p.27 Entrepreneurs Think Like... p.30 Great Gift Ideas From Dawn p.31 Mia Bellas Has Been a Financial... p.31 February 2008: Top 10 Retailers p.31 February 2008: Top 10 Sponsors p.32 Last Year's Top 15 Selling... p.32 Distributor of the Month p.35 Next Month's COTM

Mia Bella + Mikey = FUN for Our Customers

One of the greatest things about our business is it's FUN! Our local team has a three year history of making the business fun not only for ourselves but for our customers as well. When people see you having fun it attracts them to you. People love to be around positive, laughing, fun people. A smile or laughter draws people to you and can be a wonderful way to gain a customer or new team member. Over the years we have done many shows with lots of funny stories and tales we can tell. Including the stories of some torrential downpours at outdoor shows during the rainy seasons here. We have been drenched a few times over the years! With that history comes a camaraderie, laughs and team spirit that I'm proud to say is MY TEAM! Since December of 2007 we have had a booth and aisle table at a local flea market. It's a huge place with over 900 vendors. We had high hopes in December for more sales but truthfully found business to be a little slow during the Holidays. We began to realize that so much to see might factor into that scenario. People had so much to see during market hours! We have been partnering in this venture - Henry and Judy Roach and myself. We began to realize we were in competition not only for sales but people's attention. A place with 900 vendors is a big undertaking for a shopper in one day! Often people are rushing through to "see everything" before they run out of money and you have just a small window of opportunity to capture that customer's attention. A few weeks into December (and with a little comic relief) Henry coined those Shoppers On A Mission the "Sniff and Runs". People would hustle by in a rush to see everything, grab a jar, smell it quickly and be off. Often times they were too rushed for us to even explain what Mia Bella was all about.

Kudos to Henry for in late December he came up with a fun way to stop people, get them to relax, make them laugh and take time out from their shopping mission to really enjoy and hear more about a Mia Bella Gourmet Candle. Meet Mikey....the unofficial Mia Bella Distributor who has brought fun to our booth and table! People stop to hear Mikey speak about our products. True Mikey has Henry's voice and presentation but there is just something about a puppet that can put a smile on even the grouchiest of faces. People young and old alike are stopping by our table because of Mikey. They even ask him questions and engage in conversation with him! Combine that with Henry Roach's quick wit and fun sense of humor and we have a recipe for teaching lots of the shoppers at our market more about Mia Bella in a fun way! That Mikey is known to say to passers by "Take time to stop and smell the candles" or "Our great smelling candles were made just for you" and the like. He makes this fun and shoppers want to spend more time watching him (and learning more about Mia Bella in the process). We'd sign Mikey up for the team if we could! His presentation and product knowledge really is that good! But we don't think Corporate would go for a puppet without a social security card. So for now Mikey is an unofficial member of the team and has brought a smile to hundreds of faces at our market while educating people about the benefits of a Mia Bella Candle. I wanted to share this story of how Henry Roach, soon-to-be Diamond, took a situation where business was slow in our estimation and turned it into a fun opportunity to introduce Mia Bella products. It was a great idea and has proven to be a success for us! Rumor has it that Henry and Judy Roach will be attending Summer Fling this year and that Mikey is planning to stow away in their suitcase! I bet he will knowing that crazy Mikey! Want to find out if he shows up? Well then make sure to get your reservations for Fling and you are in for a treat! -Dawn Mathisen, FL $10K Diamond Distributor

Why I Chose Scent-Sations! During an e-mail conversation with Charlie over an ad that I wanted to place, I was asked to write an article, for the March newsletter, about "Why I Choose S-S, Inc." I feel, I did not choose S-S. But, that it was chosen for me! I am a very God centered person, and I feel that God has been leading me and preparing me for this new company experience for the past 24 years.

So, these are my Top 10 reasons for joining S-S, Inc. -

My Sponsor-Sue DeVires and the relaxed methods she uses to recruit new people.


The Integrity of the Company.


The Hometown Heroes and Continued Support of our troops.


Family Values of those involved.


Giving on a regular bases to charities.


Having only 2 lines of products - Gourmet Candles and Personal Care, to concentrate on selling.


The Training and Conference Calls.


The Marketing Plan and, the ease of the, Smell and Sell method of doing business.


The Potential of Helping others.


The Potential for me and my family, (that with some hard work and smart work), that we can have that large payoff while helping others along our path.

-Sue Ashman

Newest 10K Leader Michael & Kelley Snell 10K Diamond Distributor

Hey there!! Number 5 is alive and (finally) made 10 K!!! Pretty exciting. Just a little about us. We are Mike and Kelley Snell. We have been married 27+ years and have two wonderful children, the best daughter in law and of course the greatest grandchild ever born.

We have been with the Scent-Sations family from the beginning, thanks to Shep and Jan Kuester. It really has been great, because of Scent-Sations Michael hasn’t had to work overtime for the past 5 years, it helped pay for both of our children go on two year missions for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and has helped us with many of our financial obligations. Plus, it has been lots of fun. Michael and I had tried other Network Marketing, Direct sales businesses before and they just didn’t work. So, to tell the truth, we joined Scent-Sations with just a little bit of skepticism. At first we just sponsored our first 5 people just to see if it would work!! AND IT HAS!!! We have only worked the business part time and we still made 10 K!! Now we are fired up!! If we can get this far part time, Imagine how far we will get now!! There are no limits.

Deborah Kemp is on Fire in Florida! “On your mark, get set, GO!” We all remember hearing these words as children. Often they were the start of an event such as an Easter egg hunt! That is a little how I liken my experience with Scent-Sations. You may be wondering how? Let me explain! I came to Scent-Sations with a very large basket, ready to be filled! Did I have any eggs in the basket when I came? No eggs, just a very large desire to find them! I had absolutely no experience with MLM, direst sales, marketing a prod uct, etc. See, I was a teacher. (All of you teachers out there say I did have previous experience trying to market a product, right!) We decided that our family needed a change. Often when my husband finally had a day off, I was at school. He had an evening home, I had a meeting to attend. Not to mention those precious babies of ours. They would only be young once. Teaching will always be here, but I realized that my children would only pass through this precious stage one time, and only one time! Having taught various age groups from Elementary to the College level, I kne w that when I became a stay at home mom, I needed something to keep my mind sharp! I decided to take on the task of looking for a home based business that could be a great asset to my family! I wanted to make a difference! I spent many months, like several of you, looking for that legitimate home based business. I had “my list”… and I was determined to find it! I came across Scent-Sations, looked at it briefly, and moved on. Well, then I came back again, and again and again. Each time that I looked elsewhere, I always found my way “home.” After several months of searching, I KNEW without a doubt that Scent-Sations was for me, and the idea of no sales quotas was calling out to this mom! I sure did not want the stress of meeting a quota with the possibility that my family may need me even more! Also, there are not many opportunities out there, if any, that give you the option to earn money three different ways! I recently had a very delightful conversation with Charlie! He mentioned that he believed a company should have two things: a brand name product to market (you know, the product that people want - one they are proud of, and secondly, that the company should be marked with “integrity”. Doesn’t that sum up Scent-Sations? YES!! I have been so humbled and touched by the genuine “family setting” that WE have here. The

way we congratulate, encourage and cheer on each other is absolutely priceless in this industry! My deepest thanks to all of you that have given me the privilege of being your sponsor. I do not take that responsibility lightly. You have often seen another child place an egg or two in a friend’s, or little sister’s basket during the hunt. Well, that is what I want to do. Place some eggs in your baskets as WE go along, encouraging YOU to fill your own! Working with you on a daily basis is one of my greatest joys in this business. Do I have any regrets about joining Scent-Sations? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Well, one I guess, I regret that I did not join Scent-Sations the day the doors opened! To those of you that have no experience, can it be done? ABSOLUTELY! Bring your basket to the race, make sure it is a big one though, and constantly be looking for ways to fill it. I have never seen a child just sit on the grass watching the other children fill their baskets. We cannot either. The child sees a goal, and is determined to accomplish it. Go find the biggest basket you can, and get ready for the most exciting “hunt” of your life! God bless you all in this “race”. I’ll look for you along the way! -Deborah Kemp, FL

Vegas Regional Helped Lift the “Fog”

When Charlie first asked me if I would write an article on "what the Vegas Regional event did for my business", I was not really sure I could capture it. I thought it might help to first give a clearer picture of what I was feeling before I attended the conference ~ As we all know, life sometimes gets moving like a locomotive, happening too fast and we get caught up in the craziness of it all. And somehow, no matter how much we want to make it great, we slip off track, lose our FOCUS and our vision gets blurred. This is exactly what happened to me over the past winter. I was working, working, working my business as HARD as I could and just wasn't "seeing" the results that I had seen in the previous

months. I began to fall into a rut, temporarily forgetting many of the lessons that I had learned in both retailing and recruiting….the most important aspects of my business! I'm not sure if it was the cold, "cabin fever" feel of the Montana winter or the busy life of kids, family and the holidays (OR a combination of it all), but the "fog" was rolling in and I was beginning to feel unmotivated. Once the holidays were over and the New Year began, I decided it was a good time to once again "start fresh", set new and BIGGER goals, re-evaluate my "why" and move forward. And, with the Vegas Regional Conference coming up, I felt it was the perfect opportunity to open myself up and clear my head of self-limiting beliefs. So, before attending the conference, I sat down to do some "personal evaluation", asking myself some important questions such as: What fears am I allowing to stand in the way of growing my business? Am I working as "smart" as I am "hard"? Is my "why" changing and if so, how can I change my business to match it? What do I want to see happen in the next 3-5 years of my business and what action steps will I take to achieve success at the level that I desire? Once I had written out and answered these questions, I was sure that I was ready for the Vegas Regional. My intentions were not only to use the conference as a gentle "reminder" of the true gem we have here, but to learn, grow and build relationships. I wanted to capture and bring back the enthusiasm to share with my team as well as other possibility thinkers. Let me just say… there are some incredibly inspiring and down-to-earth people in this company! Every company event that I have attended, I have felt the warmth of a group of like-minded individuals who are always eager to share, help, teach, coach and recognize. For me, there is great joy and inspiration in listening to and sharing in the successes of others. Since returning home from Vegas, I have recommitted myself to the beliefs that I have known all along. Much of what I am doing are simple things such as journaling, weekly goal setting, reading, listening in on company calls and pruning away the unrealistic expectations. I have also welcomed 4 new team partners within 2 weeks, started a new fundraiser AND sold nearly 3 cases of jars in the past week alone, completely through life styling. I'm not necessarily working harder, just smarter. That is the FREEDOM that this business allows me. Thanks to ALL the speakers in Vegas for doing what they do SO well and inspiring me to get back on track. Thanks also to my amazing team members for continuing to share and turn their visions into reality. And finally, thanks to Scent-Sations for providing us with a product and business opportunity that we can all be proud of! Not only has the fog lifted, but the sun is starting to shine, spring is in the air and I am again so excited to share my passion with others. -Deanna Haley, MT

What An Outstanding Attitude! From Kellene Van Dorn: Carla Braxton is a prospect we have had for a while as she says below, and a brand new distributor, but what a wonderful attitude this lady has! She signed up after a year and was so excited, but then called me to say she hadn’t received her package after a week. What impressed me was that she wasn’t upset. She was laughing and excited about the fact that she didn’t even have product yet and was already selling! She thought it funny that she had to ask her customer if she could smell her orders that had come in so that she could see what they smelled like because she hadn’t received hers yet! She didn’t look at this as a negative, she was totally excited about a product that smelled so good she had sold her first jar candles just from taking a customer’s bella bars around for other’s to smell! Through a couple of phone calls it turned out that her sample pack “had” been delivered and was signed for by a concierge of her building and sure enough that’s where she found it. But the real moral is, that where some might have been upset at what appeared to be a late package, Carla just kept saying to me, “Kellene this is outstanding! I’m selling and haven’t even got my candles yet!” I predict this lady is going to be an OUTSTANDING success in this company, and a DELIGHT to work with! Welcome Carla, you were well worth the wait! -Kellene Van Dorn Carla’s Story About a year ago, while surfing the net I came upon a business opportunity being offered with Kellene Vandorn. I filled out a request form for additional information and was later contacted by Kellene. She mailed me a business opportunity letter and we later talked briefly about the opportunity via telephone. Within my business opportunity letter she had provided me with a scented candle sample. Approximately a year later, I came across that same candle sample within my lingerie drawer and was amazed at how good it still smelled. I decided then that I had procrastinated too long and decided to go onto the website and register as a distributor! I contacted Kellene and told her that I had signed up... finally. With great anticipation and excitement I began to tell some of my co-workers about my website. At this time I still did not have any samples to show, but I did have the website. One of my co-workers ordered some soaps off of the website by site alone and they were quickly delivered to her. When she contacted me, I took this opportunity to smell her soaps I had not received my sample kit and had no idea what some of the fragrances were. I asked her if I could show her soaps to another fellow co-worker and she allowed me to do so. I took her order to another fellow co-worker and shared the fragrances with her. She too ordered from the website. Without having my sample package, I made two sales and now already have two very satisfied customers! -Carla Braxton, VA

Success With the Fast Start Pack! After receiving my product the evening of February 12Th, and the fact that I had to work at my part time job till just after midnight, I had rushed home excited to get a good look at all my samples and the various products from the Fast Start Pack. WOW what a great product! I was so excited I could not even sleep that night as my head was filled with the exciting new business venture I had just entered! I jumped out of bed the next day and again was so pumped up ready to go that I had loaded some of the product in my car, ran out the door and forgot all my pricing and product info. Anyway long story short is that I had spoke to several people through out the day during my full-time job (Just Over Broke) and had no problem selling over 10 candles, two pies, and some body lotion ~ ALL AT FULL RETAIL, no ifs ands or buts!!! No one ever even asked me twice what the price was!!! This is going to be an AWESOME new venture! Be sure to let all those salesman and salesladies at the top know that Jeff Weaver is headed there way and he will be taking names and moving product. Thanks for getting me involved with such a great company and a terrific product! -Jeff Weaver

“I Really Love Candles Now!” I have to tell you this. When I first got the candles (Sweet Orange and Chilli peppers) I did not think I was going to like it at all. But I burned them any way. After about an hour I realized the scent was very soft and it did smell good! Never would have thought those two combos would really be good together. Happy to say, I was wrong! I love the way they burn evenly and there is nothing at the bottom of the votive holder to really have to dig and clean out. It just evaporates. Wow! If I loved candles before, I really love them now! -Pam Sitton

Free Votives Yield 41 Candle Order!!! I took my mother to the eye doctor yesterday so they could dilate her eyes. She couldn't drive after that so she asked me to take her. When we arrived, I took in 2 votives in the boxes to give to the people that worked there. The receptionist was the only person there, so I walked up to her and asked her if she burned scented candles. She said "doesn't everybody?" I said here is a couple of candles for you and another co-worker. She said thanks and returned to answering the phones. About 10 minutes later, another lady comes out to the reception area and asks to speak

to Sam. This caught me by surprise since I wasn't a patient there. I was waiting for another Sam to stand up, but no one did. So I said that's me. She said she loved the candle and asked if I had a catalog. I told her in the car. I would be right back. I gave her the catalog and she left. She came back about 5 minutes later and asked me to put in pricing. I did the prices for her and she disappeared again. She came back about 5 minutes later with a piece of paper. My mom and I started to laugh. My mom said she's back again. She asked me how long it would take to get the candles. I told her I had a nice sized inventory and if I didn't have the candles, it would take about 1 week to get them in. On the piece of paper was an order for 41 candles. I couldn't believe it. As it turned out, there are about 10 women that work in the back of the office that placed orders. The good news is I have them all in stock. I will now take votives with me everywhere I go. I just wanted to share the story with you. -Sam Frazee

“What Can I Get for $75?” I work at a gun manufacturing company that employees 95% men. I figured that I could make some Valentine's Day baskets and put them in the employee cafeteria for the guys to buy for their wifes/girlfriends. I made one basket with for $20 that had (1) jar candle with a candy heart bracelet around the neck of the jar and sprinkled some red tinfoil wrapped heart shaped chocolates throughout. The second basket was for $45 and consisted of (1) jar candles, (1) bella bar (2) votive roses, (2) votive cups, a bath scrunchie and heart shaped chocolates sprinkled throughout. I sold (4) $20 baskets and (1) $45 basket. I was then approached by one of the 2nd shift employees who asked me "What can I get for $75?" I asked him what his wife liked and he answered with the stereotypical answer of "I dunno know, but can you just make up something and write her a love letter too?" So, for $75 I made him a lovely basket with (2) jar candles, (1) plug-in burner with a bag of Mia Melts, (2) votive roses, (2) votive cups, candy sprinkled throughout and a love letter that will make her weep and make him a HERO for the rest of the year! PS - I'm also hand delivering the basket to her door! -Jessica Cotton

This is One of the Biggest Whys!

James Seward lost what could have been a heart-breaking match to Archie Veeravalli 2-6, 7-5, 10-6 in the boys' 16s division. However, James was not done competing; Coach Schoenmakers saw James "playing at his highest level in competition," winning his next match over Aaron Price in a similarly close contest, 6-1, 6-7(3), 10-8. Because of the career I've built in this great industry our son James has this exciting opportunity for his future. Some of you may have met James at Fling last August and he enjoyed playing golf with some of you and is really looking forward to this year's Fling and that golf tournament again!!! We've really seen him come a long way since he started playing for the Austin Tennis Academy in August of 2007. They had to totally re-train him (he's been playing tennis for about five years since he was 10). When he came to the academy they took a piece of clay and have been molding him into something and we are seeing improvement after improvement. He is hanging out with some incredible people and mentors. We always tell him you are who you hang with son. If you hang with losers you will become like them. Hang out with the wrong crowd and you can get into some trouble. We've seen this happen with friends kids. So we are fortunate and so is he. Same thing in our business. You want more success hang out with successful people! I used to hear all the time from my mentors - sponsor up! It's been a tremendous sacrifice for our family to bring him to Austin and be apart from each other for the last six months and the financial strain has been tough. If not for my network marketing career and income he would not have this opportunity. Seeing what's happening with him helps me to realize that all the sacrifice, frustration, financial burden and all I've experienced over the last eleven years to get here has been worth it! It's not happened overnight and it's been frustrating to see him lose match after match.

With each loss and mistake he has learned something about himself and how to improve his game and his mind-set and we as parents have had to be very patient! This is also what Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump teach about business. Network Marketing is pretty much the same. It's a long term process of growing and developing and making mistakes and learning from those mistakes and continuing to go on becoming better and stronger in the process. Donald Trump says his dad told him above all else to never give up, never quit. I've always believed that too. I'm so glad I never did and we are teaching our son the same thing! From The Austin Tennis Academy: http://www.austintennisacademy.com -Sue Seward,Texas

Top 10 Retailers and Enrollers for 2007 Note: The Enroller of the Year Award Given At Fling is From Convention To Convention July 1, 2007 to June 30, 2008 Top 10 Retailers for 2007 1. Joseph Capuozzo

6. Janie Griese

2. Heidi Mason

7. William Mitchell

3. Donna King

8. Carol Jean Johnson

4. Clara Stearns

9. Debra Hogman

5. Karen Deuschle

10. Tracy Goedken

Top 10 Enrollers for 2007 1. Jackie Ulmer

6. Kellene Vandorn

2. Lori Clark

7. Tracey Gilmore

3. Lori Moreno

8. Carol Boor

4. Alethea Anderson

9. Deb Warren

5. Kelly Wissink

10. Cathy Mahady

Preparation and Productivity Congratulations! You are a business owner and the owner of a business that can create more income in a month for you than most people earn in a year. Sounds exciting, right? This is very exciting and in order to accomplish this, it’s going to require a serious commitment and action steps from you! The first step you want to take is to get out your calendar and block off those times that are devoted to your business. That may mean you need to block off every other time commitment first and then find time for your business with what is remaining. Decide how many hours per week you are going to put into your business. Please know that it really does require a minimum of ten hours to really create growth and momentum. Here’s the good news. That time does not have to be in big chunks. Thirty minutes here, one hour there, spread out over seven days will make a huge difference in your business. Now, what are you going to do with that time? Here is where it is very important to note and track the difference between Preparation and Productivity. Obviously, you must be prepared for your business to take you in many different directions. And, you must also spend productive hours to get those results you want. Here are some activities that can be defined as Preparation Activities – ●

Going through your company website and studying the back office.

Getting on Conference Calls.

Going through Training Materials such as the Roadmap to Success and completing the Partnership Agreement.

Making Scent Samples.

Emails pertaining to ANYTHING other than customer or business prospects.

Working on your personal website.

These are all very important activities, and sometimes, it is easy to get so caught up in doing these things that all of one’s time is spent in the preparation mode. But, this will not put cash in your pocket and grow your business. Set aside a block of time right up front to complete what needs to be done and then schedule no more than one to two hours a week after that. While multi-tasking can be very distracting and ultimately a detriment if one isn’t careful, there are some tasks that can be multi-tasked and provide more hours.

An example would be making scent samples while listening in to conference calls. A bad example would be sorting through email while listening to conference calls! Ah, caught you! Yes, I know. Most of us are or have been guilty of this. Let me ask you though, how well can you listen and actually digest what is being said while you also read something of a totally different topic? Do yourself a favor and unless it is something that doesn’t require a lot of brain power, give your full attention to conference calls. Moving on to Productivity, this is where you will want to spend the bulk of your daily and weekly business hours. Activities that fall under the Productivity category include – ●

Making your list of at least 100 names and mailing them the Dear Friends and Family Letter, announcing your business and asking for referrals.

Contacting groups about fundraising.

Attending local networking events and sharing your products and business.

Calling potential Home Party Prospects.

Calling leads from an ad coop or other source.

Follow up phone calls to prospects and customers.

Networking out online and building relationships.

Decide today if your business is a hobby or if you intend to create a major income producing business venture. There is not a right or wrong answer to this. Only what you truly desire. Know the realities of building a successful business. They are – Building a solid, successful organization and income takes time. You should plan on two to five years. Know this going in and don’t get discouraged when your first pay check is not enough to allow you to quit your job. Rome was not built in a day, neither is a strong, solid business. Of any kind! It is possible for the average person to make a well above average income. There has never been a better time to build a successful business. Network Marketing has been written about favorably by major publications such as Forbes, Fortune, Success, Fast Company, USA Today and the Wall Street Journal. Warren Buffet owns a direct sales company and Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki endorse Network Marketing as a great way to create wealth. They even wrote a book! Some people very close to you, including some of your friends and family, will not join you or support you in your business. Be prepared for this and know that you can still be wildly successful! Let go of any bad feelings you may harbor because of this. It will only slow you down and you don’t need them! Some people that tell you "no" in the beginning will eventually join you and build a strong business. You just have to be there when they are ready. Never burn any bridges

and always be positive even when they say no. I promise some of them will partner with you later. Making mistakes is just part of the learning process. The more mistakes you make, the more money you will make over time! (Learn from those mistakes, though!) You are in an industry that promotes amazing personal growth while you build an income working from home. Embrace the possibilities and commit to your own success! Preparation is important and Productivity is essential! Make sure your time is planned out to make the most of your available time. EXPECT Success! -Jackie Ulmer

So What? As a leader in educational reform, I spent several years working with a group of experts from Harvard University. They were all highly intelligent well-read professors, and their powerful vocabularies inspired much reflective thought. Despite their ability to use impressive words, the most powerful phrase I learned to use was, “So what?” When I would describe my latest innovation or improvement strategy, they would always listen attentively, smile warmly, and respond with, “So what?” I would then have to dig deeper to defend why I thought this would improve teaching and learning. Because they cared enough to help me, they would again respond, “So what?” causing further reflection. This exercise always forced me to take an honest look at how my efforts were affecting change. Was I really moving things forward, or was it just an impressive window dressing? As the owner of your own business, you must consistently challenge yourself by asking, “So what?” It’s very easy to look back on the efforts of your day and smile at what appears on the surface to have been a lot of work. Perhaps you researched new business cards, changed the picture on your website banner, and organized your files. So what? What was the impact? Is your business larger and more profitable than it was this morning? Typically, the actions that really drive our businesses forward are put on the back burner because they are slightly out of our comfort zone. So we busy ourselves with other safer tasks. It’s not enough to do something every day, we must do the right things every day. We need to be talking with more people showing them the quality of our products and benefits of our opportunity. You are probably in this business because you want the freedom and financial security that a successful home-business offers. Those rewards are there for anyone willing to earn them. The leaders in this industry possess no secret formulas. They aren’t simply lucky. They know what needs to be done to move themselves and their businesses

forward, and they do it. The question is, “So what are you going to do right now?” -Brad and Deb Warren

Building My Business Offline Editors Note: Cynthia was the #11 sponsor enroller for 2007 with close to 60 personaly sponsored new distributors and she has consistantly been in the top 10 enrollers! I began my journey in network marketing 9 years ago, started with a traditional nutritional company, learned the old school way. Walking and talking, meetings, fliers, handing out business cards, and advertising through small newspapers and business magazines. I built some successful downlines, just using a pen, paper and phone. This is all I knew, coming from a nursing background, I never had any computer training and knew nothing about the internet, what I know now is self taught. When I began in Scent-Sations back in Oct. 2003, I thought should I try the internet, learn about search engines, keywords, meta tags, etc. But I quickly said no, I was going to go right back to what I previously did, getting out my local paper and placing a small ad, and my new journey began. I became a Diamond in one month, and my growth continued. I got out those network marketing books and listened to more and more training calls. Talked to some of my old mentors, and within a short time I was able to quit my job and stay at home. I just started placing more and more ads, talking to more and more people daily. I was finding my leaders and training them to do the same. Just look around your hometown, surrounding areas, ask family and friends, buy papers when you're on vacation, even search the web. Pick up your favorite magazine and check out how much an ad costs. It takes time but well worth it. Now I just pick a city and state, place my ad using a 800 number and my company website, and the calls come in to me. I also tried radio ads, business magazines, womens magazines and fliers in newspapers. It all worked. -Cynthia Montano-Suchowacki RN

“I'm Just Grinning from Ear to Ear!” I just had to email you to give you some updates on what's been going on!! Remember the fundraiser I did in November? Well...wow! I am getting calls and repeat business like i never expected!

Now listen to this! I had a lady call me, who is retired in her 70's. She said she had purchased a candle from one of the kids selling from my fundraiser. She was not too happy about the price and she just did not burn candles, end of story. (A couple weeks ago is when she contacted me and told me the story). She said "Debbie, i just don't burn candles, but these are amazing. I just gotta have them!" So she ordered 3 jars from me. They came in and i took them to her and she and her husband invited me in. Very sweet people! We talked for about 20 minutes or so. She was talking about how nice these would be for friends and family, just to have on hand for gifts. So... ding ding ding. A bell went off :) I told her, that i would be more than happy to give her more information about our Candle of the Month program. She shared what she could purchase the candles for and that she'd be able to order as much as she'd like. She definately was interested! She was so excited about the products. We started talking about some of the others as well. Of course lately, i can't keep enough of the Simmer Pots or Bella Bars in stock. She mentioned dry skin. Ha! Another bell!! So what i offered to do is to drop off a Bella Bar as a gift, for them to try. I figured with her spending over $60 that would be a nice little gift. She called me yesterday. She has the Candle of the Month Application all filled out and is joining!! She absolutely loves the Bella Bar! We will be meeting today or tomorrow morning! My Valuable Lesson Learned: Never assume that someone may not be interested in the opportunity! She is joining mainly for her own brand new love for Candles! To think she would have never known about our products if not for that Fundraiser! So i am very excited about this!! I bowl every Wednesday morning with 36 women. Every single Wednesday morning i bring in a load of products. I used to only bring in scent samples and Jars. I expanded that to some of my latest favorites. Bella Bars, The Scent Simmer Pot, and Mia Melts! This is what i have been doing: Instead of leaving all of the Melts in one package, i want to give everyone an option of variety! So...i have been taking the Melts and opening the bag and i put one melt in it's own little 3 x 4 inch zip bag. I take return address labels and label them. When i store them i put all of one scent into a larger zip bag. So each week when i go bowling i put all of them out and they can mix and match. I sell them for $1 each. Except for February, i have my own little Valentine Special: Buy 9 get one Free! They get so excited to get something for free! Even if it is just one Mia Melt! Charlie, i can't keep everything in stock! As soon as i get in the building, i have the gals hovering around me. It's so funny! I have one lady that has been buying one Simmer Pot weekly from me and her neighbor went to her house and she wanted one. So her neighbor stopped in while i was at bowling so she could shop. This lady also had a gentleman at her home working on something and he asked her if she was baking. Not too mention how great it smelled! Of course she said "No, it's my Simmer Pot." He wanted to know how he could get one. Well she left my business card in her bowling bag at the bowling alley. He said "well that's just great!" So he told her where he works and told her when she has the info to please let him know! Another lady at bowling, has over 40 grandkids and great grand children. She

has walked by me and mentioned that she doesn't burn candles! No problem! We have the Simmer Pots. Now i had her attention!! She is going to be buying some each month when she gets her social security check so she has some nice gifts to give at Christmas time this year! I am just grinning from ear to ear!! Things just keep getting better and better!! Stay tuned! There will be more to come!! Have a wonderful weekend! -Debbie Emery

Some Will, Some Won't... Think Big! In our business, some will, some won't. That's just part of being in business and talking to people For that reason, sometimes people get discouraged. Sometimes they even quit. Mostly they quit because they don't like the word "no". That shouldn't be a surprise. Some people quit jobs. Some people quit marriages. And some people just quit on life. There are always good, relevant reasons for those decisions because jobs and marriages and sometimes life are full of intangibles that you can't quantify. Well, in business --- NUMBERS are important. Numbers never lie. People sometimes lie about numbers but again, numbers never lie. You can quantify numbers unlike life or jobs or marriage. If you understand that -- you'll never have a reason to quit. So here are some numbers for you to look at. These are all REAL NUMBERS. Keep that in mind as you read on. THE NUMBERS - WHAT ARE YOUR ODDS? Some years ago, 20/20 did a feature story on a large networking company. They spent 19 minutes interviewing whiners and complainers - several distributors who had failed showed garages full of products that they couldn't sell. During the last few minutes of the show, an extremely successful distributor was interviewed in front of his palatial home. He was asked, "This business has obviously worked for you. What is your secret?" He replied, "There is no secret. I simply showed the business to 1200 people, 900 said "NO" and only 300 signed up. Out of the 300, only 85 did anything at all - out of those 85 only 35 were serious and out of those 35, 11 helped me become a millionaire."

Jason Boreyko, now president of a networking company, told his story recently. When he was a distributor he signed up 50 people. He heard a lot of no's on the way to those 50. Jason took one man who he knew would be terrific in the business to lunch, told him about the business and the man said "NO". Jason took the man to lunch the next month and gave him the company updates. Once again the man said "NO". That went on for six months. The 7th month something changed for the man, and he said "YES". He helped make Jason over One Million Dollars. Jason just worked through his numbers. According to Richard Poe author of "Wave Three", while starting Amway ---- Rich De Vos and Jay Van Andel, Americas eleventh richest people, recruited 500 people and 495 dropped out. The five that didn't quit built Amway. All $8 Billion of Amway's business was built under those 5 people. Jay and Rich had to work through their numbers. There are many other similar stories. Here is the lesson: Your success is directly related to the degree to which you are willing to work to find others like yourself who are committed to success. Our first example's odds were 1 out of 200. The second example was 11 out of 1200. The third example's odds were 1 out of 50. Would you be willing to go through 200 people to find the one who will make you $50,000 a month? Or go through 200 people to make you a millionaire? Or hear uncounted "NO's" to sign up 50 people to find a million dollar person? I hope you will. It's easier when you know the odds up front. But here is the catch. You have your own set of odds and won't know what they are until AFTER YOU HAVE SUCCEEDED. So if you've gone through 50 or 100 people and haven't found 1 serious person yet, you can either, give up and assume the business doesn't work, or recognize the you are WORKING THROUGH YOUR NUMBERS. You are just finding your odds! I have a personal friend and mentor who is one of the most successful people ever in our industry. Here are his odds from September 2007 which he shared with me. That was the month he decided to take massive action. Interestingly, it wasn't his first month. It was his 50th! That's right. He'd been with the company over four years. He discussed the business with 700 people. 130 signed up. Only 85 did something. 36 were serious and 12 went on to earn over $10,000 a month each. Imagine what your commission would be with those kind of people on your team. Here's what the legendary Tom Wood says in "Build Your Business in

Just 21 Days!" Most successful people I've met built their business in 21 days. It wasn't always the first 21 days, but the moment they decided to get serious it was 21 days of pure focus. Total energy. Massive commitment. You only have to do this once. When you do, you will be rewarded for the rest of your life. You'll tell your grandchildren about those 21 days. As they enjoy an incredible lifestyle in a big beautiful home, you'll reminisce about those three weeks where you decided on your destiny, and put a plan into action. Anyone can do this. The goal is 10 new recruits in 21 days. There are a few commitments you'll need to make to pull this off. 1. Live outside your comfort zone. 2. Eliminate outside distractions. 3. Be totally on purpose. 4. Commit to doing, "What ever it takes." 5. Stay system dependant. 6. AOMA = All Out Massive Action

PART-TIME (15 hours per week) 1. Set a goal of 10 sales in 21 days. 2. Set a goal of 10 new recruits in 21 days. 3. Make 5 calls per day minimum. 4. Have 2-4 guests on each recruiting conference call. 5. Have all associates plug into training calls/events.

FULL-TIME (40 hours per week) 1. Set a Goal of 21 sales in 21 days. 2. Set a Goal of 21 new recruits in 21 days. 3. Make 21 calls per day minimum. 4. Have 5-7 guests on each recruiting conference call. 5. Have all associates plug into training calls/events.

That's all it takes. It's not brain surgery. All it requires is a little courage and a lot of action. Take out your journal, write down what you are committed to doing, and then sign it. Don't worry about making it or not. That's not what's important here. What's important is that you do whatever it takes to make it. I hope you understand the difference, because it's the key to success in anything. I'm telling you, if you set the goal for ten and only find three, you will be FAR AHEAD of the average person who sets the goal for three and only gets one. Thing Big! -Saul Jacobson

Parenting Tips for Distributor Success The time has come! The precious distributor you have been waiting for has arrived through blood, sweat and tears. Either way, it is a blessing and your life will never be the same! How would I help my distributors to be responsible and caring, yet creative, independent and able to compete for themselves in this networking world where conformity is the norm. Below are 7 key steps to help build a deeper relationship with your prospects and distributors and to help them develop the building blocks to be who they are meant to be in the network marketing field. You see good businesses aren't born, they are raised. What you do to shape your distributors in the first 90 days is crucial . 1. Expect Manners. The art of using words like 'please, thank you, and you're welcome' has disappeared over time, yet these magic words open doors of opportunity when used correctly. My husband and I both expect our distributors to be polite, respectful, caring and to use their pleases and thank yous. Why? Because we do it! We model this as well as the vulnerability of saying, 'I'm Sorry,' when we make a mistake. High and consistent relational expectations are key to help your distributor move forward. 2. Model the behavior you want your distributors to display.

If you don't model and explain why you do what you do, your distributors will not see the importance of training, learning or following your lead. Distributors are like clay and need to be molded. You need to take the time to work with them, to get to know them. Then be consistent with your behaviors. Distributors who see their sponsors reading, become readers. Readers become leaders. Distributors who see their sponsors treating others with respect, will in turn feel safe and will model respect and kindness with their down line as well as their future distributors. Making an investment in your distributors in the first 90 days will reap the rewards when they grow their team. 3. Turn off the TV. Turn the TV off! Read a book, write an article, record a podcast or write a blog entry. Turn off the TV and allow your mind to think and imagine. The more you know, the farther you'll go. 4. Look, Listen and Bend. When you speak with your distributors ask them, do you need my eyes or my ears? My 6 year old will grab my face so I am looking at him when he needs to ask me a question. My girls, 8 and 10, will often ask a question while I am making dinner and will let me know if they need my eyes, to have me look at them, or my ears, to keep working but to really listen and respond. Take the time to get eye to eye and nose to nose. How do you feel when you are not being listened to? Take time to listen to your distributors when they are just starting out. Talk with them early and often so when the dips come to their business they ride out the storm. Bend your ears. 5. Allow Distributors to express their feelings within boundaries. First of all, define your boundaries with your team. What do you do when you are angry, frustrated or happy? Whether you like it or not, as a leader, you are being watched. Your distributors are watching and following not only what you do but what you say and how you say it. You see, we all have choices. Distributors have a choice as to how they react as well. If you take the time to talk about positive ways to handle the challenges and truly, laugh more, your distributors will do the same. Allow positives, not negatives. Words like can't, don't, won't and even boring are not allowed in our home or our team. Develop a philosophy of 'no problem is too big for us to handle together', with your team as well. 6. Be Strong, Consistent, and Unified Your business is like a marriage with many children. Some distributors act like children and need to be treated as such. Work hard at your business and you will reap the benefits.

Do nothing, achieve nothing. What is your disappointment gage? As a new distributor, talk to your sponsor or upline before your engine blows. Be strong. You will be disappointed at times. But by all means, stay unified. You are stronger in a group than by yourself. 7. Allow your Distributors to develop their gifts and talents, not those you want them to have. Your distributors may or may not enjoy what you enjoy. They may not have the gifts you possess. You are truly their guide on the side, to provide opportunities and experiences so they can decide for themselves what they enjoy and what they are good at. We hear so much about duplication. Imagine if each team member found their gift to build their team instead of being a clone or mini me. Each distributor has a gift. Have fun watching your distributors become who they are designed to be, to live out their purpose on this earth. Enjoy the process, enjoy your distributors for who they are, and expect only the best! Enjoy this time of your life with the precious gifts with which you have been blessed. -Kelly and Curt Wissink Directors

“Facing the Monster!” From Sr Director, Shep Kuester, Washington: Remember the last of my talk in Vegas where I challenged the reps to Face the Monster? This morning one of the people that decided to accept the challenge reported on her results. Here is her email: ”I thought I would report on my progress thus far. Well to date I have handed out 25 votives with my business cards and a business brochure. As I handed these out I have told the people that I am looking for Business Partners. I am in great need of their help. If they know of anyone who would like to earn some extra income please pass on this information. To date these people have been very receptive to this approach. Results have been: 9 new customers, 2 new partners and a home party scheduled for March. On Tuesday I scheduled an impromptu show at the AFB for this last weekend and earned $689! While there I went to a small hotel nearby, in talking to the manager I mentioned to her that I sold Candles to which her eyes lit up and asked if I had any with me and could she see them. Of course I do and I gave her 2 free votives. She loved them so much that she bought 3 jar candles for her staff. We then asked her if she would be willing to display my business cards and brochures to which she agreed. Of course my main objective is to eventually enroll her in the COTM program. I'm pretty sure I'll win her over. All I can say is WOW what a weekend!” -Janie & Larry Griese

“The Bella Balm is My Favorite!!!” From Megan Urquhart: I just received this email from my upstairs neighbor, she'll be signing up for COTM this spring, in the meantime she's one of my best customers! “The Bella Balm is one of my favorite products! My hands were very chapped especially during the winter months. I have tried every type of cream on the market to help correct this problem but nothing worked until I purchased a tube of Bella Balm. From the first application I knew this cream was different. It wasn't greasy and it didn't have any kind of a perfume smell which is important when you have allergies. It's a very creamy formulation. My hands immediately felt better. Within two days I found a definite improvement in the appearance of my hands. I just love this product and would highly recommend it to anyone.”

Hand Painted and Baked Votive Holders

I use FolkArt Enamels for glass and ceramics. I just follow the instructions on the bottle, that is to put them in a cool oven, heat to 350, bake for 30 minutes, let cool in the oven. Hand wash. I don't recommend them for dishwasher and do not microwave them. That's all there is to it. -Donna France

Proof is in the Testing!!! My son has allergies and I just recieved the product. I lit the candle in my office and when my son entered the area, he mentioned the nice smell. No REACTION whatsoever. I lit one of my other Candles from another company and placed it in the living room. As soon as he entered that room he began sneezing. Now I know for sure that they are Non allergetic. Proof is in Testing. -Sherry Johns

Best Tax Preparation Ever!!! We just finished our taxes and gave the lady who does them a catalog.Well,she and her sister bought 5 jars, 6 Bella Bars, 3 Bella Balms, and 2 Bella hand soaps! They have an additional 5 jars on order. Blew my mind. George Brown, AK

A few weeks ago, a huge box filled with Sweet Orange & Chili Pepper soap arrived here at Camp Arifjan, Kuwait. My sister, and one of your distributors, Dawn Mathisen, submitted my name to you for inclusion in your Hometown Heroes Program. On behalf of the soldiers of the 1st Theater Sustainment Command, I'd like to thank you for your support of the men and women serving their country at the expense of enduring long separations from family and friends. Your gift is a wonderful way of letting Soldiers know that our country stands behind us. Over the next few weeks, I'll be sharing your soap with the members of my unit through our Chaplain's Closet. The Chaplain's Closet is an area in our building where generous donations from companies and individuals like yourself are made available for Soldiers. Additionally, I'll also be sharing it with our Navy-run Warrior Return Unit here at Camp Arifjan. Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines, med-evaced out of Iraq and Afghanistan, are brought here to recover from injury until they are ready to return to duty. It is not unusual for them to arrive with nothing but the uniforms they are wearing.

This is a picture of the Supply Branch, the section of the DMC where I'm assigned. Again, thank you for all you're doing to support the troops. HOOAH!! Respectfully, CW2 Wendy Mathisen I'm sending you this email is response to our hometown hero's. My Husband is indeed My Hero as he has spent 24 years in the military. He served in Afghanistan as well as 18 months in Iraq. Upon his last month in Iraq he was wounded as his Humvee was hit by an IED. He was then sent to Lunstol Germany then on to Ft. Gordan where he was there for 6 months. I went to Georgia from Alabama every weekend to be with him taking our children to see Him. My Husband is healing well, and was then finally sent home. I thought our life was finally getting back to normal as then the Doctors diagnmosed him with PTSD (Post Traumatic disorder) along with TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury). His life as well as our life has totally changed due to his love for people and our country. My Hero has been through many Trials and Tribulations as I know many soldiers serving our country are going through for each and everyone of us. Fighting for us... our freedom. Freedom isn't free, it's a price our soldiers pay dearly. For this, my husband and ALL his brothers and sisters in arms Are Hometown Heroes. A Soldiers Wife, Renee' Hardy, AL

Entrepreneurs Think Like Athletes!!! This weekend Robert and I had the opportunity and pleasure of being vendors at Texas Prime Meet. This was a Gymnastics's Meet that had levels 1 - 10 (I think) girls competing. The gym is owned by Kim Zmeskal-Burdette and Chris Burdette. In the 1992 Olympics, Kim won the Bronze plus has a huge list of other Medals and accomplishments. The gymnasts came from all over, not just Texas. The ages ranged from 8 through 15. The event was Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Friday and Saturday were the top levels competing for placement and a chance to be in Saturday nights "Legendz Classics finals". This was a special opportunity for the girls to compete with the best of the best. The team captains for Saturday nights event were 2 Olympic gold medalists Amanda Borden and Jaycie Phelps, and World Champion Nastia Liukin. It was so incredible to watch these girls. It was almost better then watching the Olympics on TV. We were above the floor so we could see all 4 competitions (Vault, Bars, Beam and Floor). We were able to hear the girls yelling words of encouragement to each other as they were competing. Watching them stretch out before each event and watching them close there eyes and visualize there routine just before they went up to the mat. Also how they interacted with each other on the competition floor as well as off. There was no negative anywhere. Everyone seems so uplifting of each other. Most of these upper level girls go to the same meets nation wide so they get to know one in other and seemed so supportive as each one was recognized for a new medal after each competition was over. During competition, if someone fell off the Beam or off the Bars, they just got right back up and finished the routine as if nothing happened. They would dismount and stand with there heads held high in the final solute. The dedication of these girls is incredible from a very early age. We met several parents and in talking with them learned that most work out 6 days a week with 3 days having 2 sets of work outs (6 - 11am and then 4 hours after school 4 - 8 pm). Most are either Home Schooled or go to private Schools. The costs for participating in this sport blew us away, some spent upwards of 10K annually. The schooling tuition, tuition's for the gym the girls go to, the coaches cost, the private lessons cost, the uniforms, choreographing and then travel costs (hotel, food, flights, gas rental cars). Wow... We had read Kim's response when asked "what kind of sacrifices did she have to make when she was younger and competing". And "did she feel like she missed out on anything". Her answer was much the same as some of the girls we talked to. Kim said most of the sacrifices she made did not feel negative to her. She had a goal and dream!

Sunday night as we were packing up and driving home Robert and I were talking about this weekend. We said "what if". What if we were to treat our business with dedication, belief and commitment as the girls we just, saw did! WOW! Since this is an Olympic Year anyway, our Gold medal could be what ever our goal is to reach by Fling! What needs to be done daily to attain that goal?

Who are our coaches. We are so fortunate in this that we have so many great Coaches in this business to follow. We are also fortunate that we can follow our Champions when we get on Coaching and Training calls. We can actually meet and spend time with our Champions when we attend Seminars. We have the ability to have our own personal "private" coaching with our active up line. And the cost, well, these will be different for each of us but they generally are much less then what these girls families have spent. Training. How many hours do you actively work your business. Schooling. Minimal to FREE (free if you are on Yahoo groups or read the message in your back office). The costs for participating. $39.95 The private lessons cost. FREE, just ask your active upline for help. Uniforms - Mia Bella Wear. Choreographing - Road Map to Success is available to everyone one in your back office. Travel costs (hotel, food, flights, gas rental cars). this is different for each person but is a cost of success in business. You are a Champion! You can do this! If need be take baby steps just to get started, then like every step it up a notch, then another, then another. Athletes do not live in the

Comfort Zone" They are constintly turning it up a notch, pushing them selves a bit more each time. They like us, are not alone. They like us, have a great support groups behind them. Live Your Dream! Reach Your Goal! Make it Happen! -Jen & Robert Phillips

Great Gift Ideas From Dawn

I just wanted to share a couple of my Valentine's Day ideas that worked for me. Actually, you can use these for any occasion... not just Valentine's Day... you can switch up the decor for whatever occasion it is. I made some little baskets or packets with votives in organza bags and added either a picture frame or a candle holder and some bath confetti and wrapped it up all sweet and voilla... an awesome gift appears!!! Also, I placed some votives in an organza bag and attached them to a cute little stuffed pink poodle and look how cute it is for your favorite girl on any special occasion! I call it "Poodleicious" because it smells sooo delicious. You can also do this with any of our products... like I did with the Bear and the Bella balm. I call it "Beary Balmy" Ahhh... another little secret which probably isn't a secret... I carry coffee beans with me wherever I go to help refresh the sense of smell after the person smells a candle... so they can get the true scent of the next candle they smell. I found these adorable little containers at Old World Market for just a few dollars to place the coffee beans in. They are awesome and people really love the fact that I know

what I am doing with these candles by offering them the coffee to smell in between scents!!! -Dawn D. Guidry

Mia Bella's Has Been a Financial Blessing! I started being a caregiver in August of 2001 when my job shut down. I decided to take some classes at the local community college, at the same time my mother’s cancer got worse. I did finish the classes I was taking but never got a chance to use my degree. God had a different plan for me. Here I was taken care of both my mother and father who had his own medical problems. We were struggling financially. I was questioning why I could not find a job. I had graduated with a 4.0. One day while talking to my brother, he said “you have a job the pay just is not good right now.” I still was questioning why. My peace finally came one day when I was lead to the scripture about no greater gift than to lay down your life. I was showed that it did not necessarily mean to die for some one, but to also put your life on hold for someone. That is exactly what I have been doing!! Living in the Panhandle of Florida in 2004, we went through some hurricanes. Not easy with two patients to care for, God took care of us. In June of 2004 my mother passed away and it was just my father and I. It was another bad hurricane season and with less income and prices going up we decided to move back to Alabama. Both my children and granddaughters live here. I knew that the day would come that I would have to support myself. I could not go out to work as there was no one to take care of my father. To hire some one was too expensive. I started looking for away to work from home. It seemed that nothing was working out until I came across Scent-Sations and Mia Bella Candles! Now I have a home based business! I know it will support me! I love the business, the products, the people, the different ways of making money and most of all having fun. -Teresa Denk

February 2008: Top 10 Retailers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

DCI Industries, Inc., FL David E. Pritchard, FL Rhonda High, NC Dee Hall, MT Dawn Renfro, TX

6. Ann Renaud, NH 7. Mellissia Daugherty, PA 8. Kel-C Candles, PA 9. Stacy Stalsitz, PA 10. Tanya White, LA

February 2008: Top 10 Sponsors 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Jackie Ulmer, CA Joseph And Monica Natishak, PA Deb Warren, FL Cheryl Pope, IL Kellene Vandorn, KS

6. Deborah Kemp, FL 7. Gail Wahl, CO 8. Cathy Mahady, MN 9. Denise Johnson, NV 10. Joallyn Cartwright, VA

Last Year's Top 15 Selling Candles in March 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Sweet Orange & Chili Pepper French Vanilla Angel Wings Sex on the Beach Fresh Laundry Chili Vanilli Japanese Pear Lilac

9. Hot Apple Pie 10. Fresh Linen 11. Coconuts & Lime 12. Cucumber Melon 13. Apple Cinnamon 14. Water Lily & Jasmine 15. Sandalwood

Distributor of the Month: Buffy Stiles

When I received the email from Charlie letting me know I had been nominated for March’s Distributor of the Month, I was so excited! “Would you be willing to consider it? He asked me... as if I would say “NO”.. HA HA! Goodness Gracious , “YES”!

It was my privilege to share “my story” in the September 2007 Mia Bella newsletter…. So as I sit down tonight to write, my mind is flooded with so many thoughts……if it’s ok, I would like to share what has helped me grow personally and professionally. I have realized more than ever how mindset can really set the stage for success or failure. If we place limitations on ourselves even before we attempt or start… how successful can we truly be? As I thought about this statement, I realized how much I have limited myself in the past…. But what was I going to do to change that? Goal #1: Getting my mindset right! So 2008 came and it was my personal goal and challenge to keep a mental checklist….. I wanted to remember all the “good” things that have happened or what I had accomplished….whether it be within that hour, that day, week, month, etc~ I needed to remind myself not just of big successes or milestones but also the little ones... Maybe that victory or accomplishment was something as simple as handing out a business card to someone new. I found out I was experiencing a lot more positive when I thought positively. Goal #2: Talk to myself…. Now I know this sounds silly but it really is important… Simple mental motivation….mentally psyching myself up has really proved helpful! I guarantee prior to giving my speech in Vegas I was having some serious mental conversations with myself! LOL…. All joking aside, I was seriously saying in my head…..“ I CAN DO THIS!”….. “I WILL do a good job” etc… Well, Guess What? It worked! My speech went great and I had fun doing it! Simple positive affirmations can help so much! Conversely, can you imagine what might have happened if I had a negative mindset prior to giving my speech? If I was thinking to myself “You are going to mess up” or worse thinking “I didn’t know enough about my topic why would I think I could be helpful to someone else?” That is bad news! I would have been placing limitations on myself even BEFORE I began! What our mindset is can really have an affect on how we perform…. It might just be what makes or breaks on how successful we are! It is OK to talk to yourself….. just keep it positive! Goal #3: Create a Positive environment: As a mom of three kids, we visit all the time about making healthy choices and creating a positive living “environment”. Do we, as adults, follow that same advice? Well I have been putting into action the steps necessary to create a personal and professional environment that is positive. It is amazing how much more one can accomplish with a positive attitude than a negative one! It is also equally amazing how surrounding ourselves with positive role models can help us flourish! I have always been a proactive thinker and strive to be a positive person. It is always amazing to me how the laws of attraction work…. Positive people are drawn to positive people….. Proactive thinkers are drawn to Proactive people. Etc. Since really working on MY mindset and challenging myself to be the best I can be…. Some really great things have happened!! Goal #4: Welcome Success! Are you afraid of success? I have to honestly say that I was afraid of success when I first started selling candles four years ago…. The concept of selling product to others was very frightening to me since I was new to sales and marketing. I was afraid to do well. Thankfully, we have all the tools we need in this

business to be successful… There is no reason to be afraid! Successful people don’t start out with immediate success… There is a lot of hard work and dedication to their business behind the scenes….. The important thing I have learned is to welcome success when you experience it…. Don’t apologize for it. Success doesn’t happen on its own… it is a result of hard work, dedication and persistence. Create your own mindset for success! Create your own success story… “The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand. “ Vince Lombardi I appreciate you letting me share just a few things I have learned over the years. I hope you can create your own goals that help keep your mindset on the positive! Since January when I established my mindset goals, I have experienced professional growth within my team expanding locally and nationally. I am ready to welcome success…… ARE YOU READY? I love the direction we are heading as a company and as a team! 2008 is going to be great! Proceed with purpose and let’s prove our company and products are positively the BEST! -Buffy Stiles, MT PS from Buffy... Cool story that happened in Las Vegas! I was in my motel room at 10pm, just got out of the shower, washed my hair and in my PJ's. I was putting together catalog-business-scent sample packets to mail out to the people that have contacted since the article printed. Anyhow, I ran out of copies of my cover letter so I went to the front desk to ask for copies. I had my hair in a towel still but figured at that hour no one would really care or see me. Anyhow, she and I got to talking and I asked her if she like candles... she said YES! So I offered to bring her out my scent sampler bag since I would be up for at least 2 more hours doing paperwork she could alleviate her boredom and at least have fun smelling the scents. She was so excited! So I went back to my room and grabbed my bag, a catalog and a business card. She finished up my copies and back to the room I went. About an hour or so went by, 11:15pmish and I heard a knock at my door. It was her! I welcomed her into my room and we visited for a good 15 minutes more. She ordered Honeysuckle and Creme Brulee. I gave her some business info as she asked questions about the COTM. She went onto my website already and entered the free drawing so I know she has been looking it over... so we will see! It is so AMAZING to me how law of attraction works... even in MY PJ's with wet hair... I found a candle lover in the big ole' Lewistown at the Super 8 front desk at night! HA HA!

Next Month's COTM

Key Lime Pie

[PDF] Table of Contents. Candle of the Month: Rain Forest - Free Download PDF (2024)
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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.