Pretrial Process and Resources | Northern District of Texas (2024)

At the beginning of a federal criminal case, the principal actors are the U.S. attorney (the prosecutor) and the grand jury. The U.S. attorney represents the United States in most court proceedings, including all criminal prosecutions. The grand jury reviews evidence presented by the U.S. attorney and decides whether there is sufficient evidence to require a defendant to stand trial.

A good step-by-step guide as to thePretrial Services Process can befound in thisflow chart.

After a person is arrested, a pretrial services or probation officer of the court immediately interviews the defendant and conducts an investigation of the defendant's background. The information obtained by the pretrial services or probation office will be used to help a judge decide whether to release the defendant into the community before trial, and whether to impose conditions of release.

The standard of proof in a criminal trial is "beyond a reasonable doubt," which means the evidence must be so strong that there is no reasonable doubt that the defendant committed the crime.

At an initial appearance, a judge advises the defendant of the charges filed, considers whether the defendant should be held in jail until trial, and determines whether there is probable cause to believe that an offense has been committed and the defendant has committed it. Defendants who are unable to afford counsel are advised of their right to a court-appointed attorney. The court may appoint either a federal public defender or a private attorney who has agreed to accept such appointments from the court. In either type of appointment, the attorney will be paid by the court from funds appropriated by Congress. Defendants released into the community before trial may be required to obey certain restrictions, such as home confinement or drug testing, and to make periodic reports to a pretrial services officer to ensure appearance at trial.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Does a Pretrial Services Officer work for the U.S. Attorney’s Office, also known as the "government?"

    No. Pretrial Services Officers work directly for the U.S. Courts, and more specifically for all judges in the Southern District of Ohio. Pretrial Services Officers are neutral, their role is not to prosecute or defend your case. The role of a Pretrial Services Officer is to provide objective, unbiased, verified information to the Court and supervise the defendant in the community. The U.S. Attorney’s office works for the Department of Justice.

  2. What are the types of bond may be set by the Court?
    There are a variety of bond types ordered in the Federal Courts. They include:
    • Personal Recognizance Bond: Defendant is released on his/her written promise to appear at all future court proceedings.
    • Unsecured Bond: Defendant is released on his/her written promise to appear at all future court proceedings AND to pay the Court the full bond amount in the event he/she fails to appear.
    • Secured Bond: Defendant’s release requires cash or collateral (property) be posted with the Court prior to the defendant’s release from custody.
    • Surety Bond: Defendant’s release requires a bondsman, attorney, or similar party to post surety prior to the defendant’s release from custody. All sureties used must be on the Clerk of Court’s listing of approved sureties.
    • Release with Conditions: In addition to the above-mentioned bonds, the Court may order pretrial supervision and reporting as a condition of release with bond. Conditions ordered may include: travel restrictions, electronic monitoring, substance abuse counseling and drug testing, and employment. Additionally, defendants are ordered to not possess any firearm, destructive devices, or other dangerous weapons while on pretrial release.
  3. What is needed to post a property bond?
    The property owner posting the bond must provide the following items to the Court:
    • Copy of the deed to the property;
    • The most recent paid real estate tax receipt;
    • Copy of the insurance policy; and
    • A statement of the balance due on the mortgage.

    The property bond MUST be signed by all parties named on the deed. Anyone posting a property bond with the Court should check with the Clerk of Court for additional requirements.

  4. What happens if the bond is revoked?
    Forfeiture of bond may occur if the defendant fails to appear and bond is revoked. The Judge may issue a bench warrant and declare a revocation of the bail bond or appearance bond.
  5. What does it mean when someone is a third party custodian?
    This is a condition of release that designates an individual who agrees to assume supervision of the defendant and report any violations of release conditions to the Court. The custodian must inform the Court if they believe the defendant will fail to appear, or if the defendant’s behavior becomes a danger to the community.
  6. What are the conditions of release?
    In nearly all cases, the Court will order conditions of release as part of the bond requirements. Pretrial supervision is often ordered as a condition of release. Additionally, no defendant may possess firearms or other dangerous weapons, including ammunition while the case is pending.

    Other conditions may be ordered and could include one or all of the following:

    • Avoid all contact with any victims or potential witnesses
    • Report all contact with law enforcement
    • Surrender passport and obtain no new passport
    • Electronic monitoring or home confinement
    • Curfew
    • Substance abuse testing and/or treatment
    • Mental health evaluation and/or counseling
    • Seek and/or maintain employment or attend school
    • Other conditions as ordered by the Court
  7. What is home confinement?
    Home Confinement is a bond condition which requires people to be confined to their homes and tracked in the community. The person is linked to a monitoring system through an ankle or wrist transmitter or a tracking device worn or carried 24 hours a day. With home confinement, the court determines the extent to which people are restricted case by case, requiring some individuals to remain on 24-hour-a-day lockdown at home and allowing others to leave for preapproved and scheduled absences, such as work, school, medical or mental health treatment, church, attorney appointments, court appearances, or other court ordered obligations.

    Electronic monitoring is a system used to increase effectiveness in supervising defendants who are required to abide by curfew or remain in their home as a condition of pretrial release.

    The home monitoring unit is part of an electronic monitoring system designed to increase the effectiveness of supervising clients who are required to abide by curfew or stay home as part of pretrial release. The home monitoring unit monitors a client to determine whether he/she is at home.

  8. What is required for electronic monitoring in a home?
    Participants must have a residence and a telephone.

    A private telephone line must exist within the home with no party lines. Any custom calling features such as call waiting, caller id, call forwarding, voice mail, etc. must be removed prior to installation of the home monitoring unit. Cordless telephones, answering machines, and computer modems are not permitted.

    An ankle transmitter is worn by the client. The ankle transmitter sends a coded signal that identifies the participant and contains security circuitry that is able to detect tampers or removal, and sends a special signal to the monitoring center when either occurs.

    Electronic monitoring may be imposed for defendants who have violated the terms of previously imposed release.

    Community and familial stability are important given the potential for long term enforced togetherness. Persons residing with the participant must be willing to make sacrifices demanded by the electronic monitoring program.

  9. I have an urgent issue and my officer is not available. What should I do?
    Leave a voice mail message and your officer will return your call upon receipt. If you cannot wait and need immediate assistance, call the main line and ask to speak with a duty officer.
  10. I forgot to call the drug testing color code line last night, what can I do now?
    Call your supervision officer or the main line as soon as possible to check to see if you are scheduled for drug testing today.
  11. I am on drug testing and was just prescribed medication by my doctor. What should I do?
    All prescriptions should be immediately reported to your supervision officer. Defendants are required to bring in documentation to verify all prescriptions for verification purposes. Advise your supervising officer of any new prescriptions you may have and provide documentation.
  12. I am on Pretrial supervision, and I was arrested or cited. What do I do now?
    Notify your officer within one business day if you have been arrested, cited, or questioned by law enforcement for a law violation. This includes notification of any traffic citations.
  13. I was sentenced and have been allowed to self-surrender to a federal institution. Am I still on supervision?
    Yes, all Pretrial defendants ordered released with Pretrial Services supervision remain under supervision until such time that they are placed on Probation or surrender to prison.

A map of the Northern District of Texas is provided here to show the jurisdiction area and limits for anyone with travel restrictions.

Here is the U.S. Bureau of Prisons site information regarding Voluntary Surrender Process and Expectations.

Pretrial Process and Resources | Northern District of Texas (2024)


Can a case be dismissed at pretrial in Texas? ›

Voluntary and Involuntary Dismissal at the Hearing

A case can certainly be dismissed at a pretrial hearing. In terms of case dismissal, there are two types: voluntary and involuntary. If a case is voluntarily dismissed, this means that the dismissal was proposed by the prosecuting counsel.

What happens at a pre-trial hearing in Texas? ›

A pre-trial is a meeting with the state's attorney and the defendant and/or his or her attorney to determine the following: Any motions that the defendant or defendant's attorney wants to file. Motion of discovery (any facts and information about the case) Motion for continuance (to set another trial date)

What are two things that a judge might be concerned with when determining of pretrial release should be offered? ›

In deciding pretrial release, the judicial officer should assign the least restrictive condition(s) of release that will reasonably ensure a defendant's attendance at court proceedings and protect the community, victims, witnesses or any other person.

What is the main purpose of the given stage of the pretrial process? ›

After the arraignment, there's a pretrial period. During this time, the prosecutor and the defendant's lawyer share information (called discovery). There are court dates to try to reach an agreement or make plans for trial. Either side can also ask the judge to make a decision about the case (file a motion).

What is one reason prosecutors may decide to dismiss cases? ›

Because the prosecutor filed the charge, they also have the discretion to dismiss it if they believe the facts and circ*mstances warrant it. Likewise, a judge can dismiss the case if they find no legal basis for the charge, if the defendant's rights have been violated, or if the state has failed to prove its case.

How to get charges dropped before court date in Texas? ›

Reasons for Charges Being Dropped Prior to Court Appearance

If the evidence against you is weak or insufficient, your defense attorney may be able to argue for the charges to be dropped. This could include lack of eyewitness testimony, unreliable or tainted evidence, or violation of your constitutional rights.

What happens during a pre-trial interview? ›

During the interview, the officer talks to the defendant in private if possible, remains objective while interacting with the defendant, and explains that the information will be used to decide whether the defendant will be released or detained.

What is a no answer default Judgement in Texas? ›

Rule 508.3 - Default Judgment (a)Generally. If the defendant does not file an answer to a claim by the answer date or otherwise appear in the case, the judge must promptly render a default judgment upon the plaintiff's proof of the amount of damages.

What is pretrial release in Texas? ›

Texas offers pretrial release options for defendants. These include personal recognizance (PR) bonds, where the defendant is released without paying a bond; conditional release, where the defendant must comply with specific conditions; and pretrial supervision, where a pretrial services agency monitors the defendant.

What are the three most common pretrial motions? ›

Common pre-trial motions include:
  • Motion to Dismiss – an attempt to get the judge to dismiss a charge or the case. ...
  • Motion to Suppress – an attempt to keep certain statements or evidence from being introduced as evidence. ...
  • Motion for Change of Venue – may be made for various reasons including pre-trial publicity.

What are three types of pretrial release? ›

Pretrial Release by the Court. The Penal Code provides four options for pretrial release: release on bail; release on own recognizance (OR); release under supervision; and pretrial diversion.

In which scenario is the accused most likely to be denied pretrial release? ›

Denial of release has been authorized if: Certain charges are alleged and there is a finding that the defendant would present a danger to the community or another person. Certain charges are alleged and a defendant was already on pretrial release for another offense.

What happens in the pre-trial stage? ›

A pre-trial investigation is the first stage of the criminal process. The purpose of the pre-trial investigation is to quickly and fully determine all significant circ*mstances of a crime and identify the person who might have committed that crime.

What are the ways one can be released during the pretrial phase? ›

Pretrial Release
  • release on personal recognizance.
  • payment of cash bail.
  • securing surety or property bonds.
  • a requirement to submit to electronic monitoring.
  • pretrial supervision.

Why is the pretrial process important? ›

One of the primary goals of the pretrial conference is to resolve as many issues as possible before a trial. That is usually done through pretrial motions. A motion is a type of request for a judge to do something.

How many bases are there for a defendant's pretrial motion to dismiss? ›

There are at least eight bases for a defendant's pretrial motion to dismiss.

Which of the following are proper grounds for a motion to dismiss? ›

These include dismissals for: (b)(1) a lack of subject-matter jurisdiction. (b)(2) a lack of personal jurisdiction. (b)(3) improper venue.

Can a defendant file a motion to dismiss in Texas? ›

If, in its totality, the evidence is not enough to prove the charge by satisfying all the elements of the offense, the defense can file a motion to dismiss due to insufficient evidence.

What defendant is least likely to release a pending trial? ›

Defendants were less likely to be released if they had a prior arrest or conviction or an active criminal justice status at the time of arrest (such as those on probation or parole). A history of missed court appearances also reduced the likelihood that a defendant would be released.

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Name: Laurine Ryan

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.