Tri-Weekly Commonwealth from Frankfort, Kentucky (2024)

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Tri-Weekly Commonwealthi

Frankfort, Kentucky

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iiiiih iii iihiim ii im iwnaiHffiriffrrtm amily Residence for Sale JNTEN DING to tnove to the country will sell my House and Lot adjoining the residence ot Col ouession riven immi'dlately Apply to ob 13 WW EVANS HyYeoman copy THE SEAMLESS CAP NEW ami beautiful style jnit come to band at A March lwAtwtf KBbNON CKUTCHBR'S I HOT AND COLD BATHS TO bhaddaj and nlebt at Peb8W SaMUBL'S BARBER SHOP THE COMMONWEALTH TL AJJ JESjOLT THOMAS GREEN Editor MONDAY 191660 Jj la another column we re publlsh from the Paducah Herald in article bitterly denunciatory of Senator Douglu? in which the editor takes the position that the South is in honor bound to and support another candidate in case the Little Giant is nominated at Charleston and if the South follows the advice of the editor he promises to take the stump and canvass a large portion of Southern Kentucky for their candi date And not only this but if no other indi vidual equally patriotic can be found he will run for Congress in the irst District against the adherents of Douglas Eloquent editor! bilious Noble! What chance could Douglas have in Kentucky with him on the stump? Will the Kentucky candidates for Democratic Elect ors dare to face him? But what if Douglas is nominated and the South do what the editor thinks she is in honor bound to do what will the editor do then? Will he consent to do that which be is in honor bound not to sup port Douglas? We rather think he will or the editor support Cass in 1843 and he laud Douglas after bis proclamation of Squatter Sovereignty in 1854 and 1856? and he defend the doctrine itself as well as the men who advocated It7 and when HumphreyMarshall made his great speech in exposing Squatter Sovereignty after the Presidential elec tion in 1850 and Orr proclaimed that the ques don was rd no practical importance because if there were no laws to protect slavery it could tint exiat and if the people would not pas thoie laws Congress must nor interfere Noble denounce Marshall as a demagogue and say that Orr achieved a complete victory over him? Now why Noble turn a summersault back into his former position? The Southern Demo crats will not if Douglas is nominated but will patch up some excuse for voting fur him The Squatter Sovereignty Democrats Deed not be alarmed at such threats And Noble need not fear that he will be called upon to com ply with his promises His friends will excuse him LT A correspondent of the New York Daily News ay that a few years ago Helper was nn ultra pro slavery man and wrote a book vehement tirades against the North in sane applause of the peculiar institution: and pre dictions of Us early atablhhment in certain parts of Such were his extrava gant praises of the institution that the proprietor of the Southern Quarterly Review refused to pub lh it until they were stricken out It is not unlikely that the assertions of the Xcws uorros pondent arc true In fact we see phenomena of tho same character every day We do not doubt but Chat those who advocate the legaliza tion of the African slave as it is charged that Helper while in the South would soon become ultra Abolition fanatics on removal to the North The converse of the proposition is also true During tue last session of the Leg islature the only man in the House of Repre aentatives who hud the hardihood to say any thing like an endorsem*nt of that detectable traf fic was from a Northern State The transforma tion from a Yankee Abolitionist to a fire eating Southern Locofoco is the easiest thing in the world and without knowing anything of the an tecedents of the petsan tn whom we allude we hnvo our suspicions ilTSome people in the South seem duti nninedto let all rhe world know that they have regard for neither decency or propriety Our remark is applicable to the committees said to be ap pointed in some benighted regions in Arkansas to open such private letters bearing a Northern post mark as they may choose to suspect The Government ought to punish such outrages in the most summary manner We do not believe that the South needs such friends and the soon er they are confined In some Penitentiary the better They do no good but incalculable harm is Invariably the result of their outrages EPresident Buchanan readily embraces the Whig doctrine of protection so far as the Iron of Pennsylvania is concerned but bis Secretary of the Treasury is bitterly opposed to any in reaped duty on that commodity Cobb is a viry inconvenient member of the Cabinet just at this time The only way by which the Democracy can hope to carry the Key Stone State is to give its ironmongers protection but Cobb will notonsent to waive the Democratic doctrine on this subject merely inorder to catch votes He and the President are having a gay time together on this question Glancey Jones promised his constituents that the South would give them pro tection if they voted for the Democracy and we do not doubt but that the ree trade men of South Carolina and the other Southern Statca will swallow the pill Nothing is a test of De mocracy now a days except to vote for the can Jidate Jj In the Senate on Thursday last a bill was passed authorizing the enlargement and con struction of a branch to the Louisville and Port land canal This bus been needed for years and it is to ho hoped will pasi the House with out ditlichlty Wo would rejoice to see canal pOQMrnctod capable of admitting steamers of the largest daw And the odonl Government is the source from which the money should conic The Gbio river conneetiug with the Mississippi and each having hundreds of navigable tributa ries certainly a national stream if ever tberorai une and the measure cannot be esteemed a local one IT The free negro law passed by the late Maryland Legislature prohibits future manu tnhsions unless the slaves be removed from the State and nlsu permits free colured persons to renounce their freedom Another law was also parsed to appoint a board ot cntuiniesioners for the better control and management of the free colored population of St Calvert How arA Kent Baltimore Worcester Caroline Chsulex Somerset Pritroe and Talbot counties It provides that all free negroes shall provide homes for themselves that if thpy can not support themselves they shall be hired out all childi' hall be hired out until they are of age The bill contains a clause which provides that the bill shall be submitted to the people at the next Presidential election Tv the Teachers of Kentucky la the year 1857 many of the Teachers ol Kentucky being deeply impressed with the im portance of more thorough and united action upon the subject of education did in convention assem bled in the citv of Louisville organize themsel res into Kentucky Association of An act of incorporation has been obtained from the Legislature By tho Constitution then adopt ed the members were to hold semi annual meet ings to wit: in the months of July and Decem ber of each year which meetings have been reg ularly held and generally largely The leading objects of the Association are "the advancement of the cause of education in our State and the promoting of the interests of the proftwrina by a closer union among its mem Tlw Educational Montldy a journal under the auspices of the Association with a corps of able editors has been established upon a reliable basis Thi brief bhtoric outline mast suffice Another leading feature is the organization of County Associations hence at the late meeting in Paris the undersigned were appointed a com mittee of General Correspondence with the Teachers throughout the State with reference to organizing In each county where it is at all prac ticable a County Association Being unac quainted with many of the Teacher we seek an interview with them through the public press which Is always friendly to the great cause of ed ucatioQ Thus we would respectfully urge their immediate action Letsometwoor more Teach ers in each county call meeting at fiurno suitu ble time and place and proceed at once to or ganize County Associations by the election of tho usual officers and adapting such coustitu tion and hy laws ns in the judgment of the An soeiiuion may be proper Let this be done in time for the State Association which meets in July next Other States hare their Associations with their county uuxilarios in successful and harmonious operation and why not It Is high time that this old Commonwealth should awake tn her true interest and position in this regard Kentucky with her intelligence and with her social aud civil advantages should not be behind other States Upon her instructors devolves the movement To them is committed the sacred and responsible dutv of this thorough organization Let the Teachers act with prompt ness and decision and our State will be placed on equal footing with other leading States of the Confederacy If each Teacher feels the duty is his and acts at once soon very soon there will be an efficient Association in most of the counties of the State doing its appropriate work and co operating with tho Stale Association in forwarding the great objects contemplated As requested in the resolution will tho Teachers bo so kind as io report their nrgnaiariohM io the central committee at this place Id belmlf of the Kentucky A iveiaiion of Teachers GEO SAVAGE A MURPHEY CaunuitRe ROBERTS Kv March 15 18(31) 9ZTA11 the papers in the State eeculac aud re ligious are respectfully requested to publish this circular (ETTho VV ashingtou Constitution in place of editorial comments on the Homestead bill which is just passed the House copies a column and a half argument against the measure from the report of Mr Secretary of the Inte rior This foreshadows an Executive veto un less the President disagrees with Secretary Thompson nn this question a completely as he does with Secretary Cobb on the Tarifi' When old Buck vetoes it we will give him credit for at least one good act We do not much believe in Executive vetoes but this bill squandering the public lands upon aliens is go flagrantly wrong that it would not be difficult to waive nil abstract objections tn vetoes Tm Laxu Title or the Citv or Sax ran cisco A very impoitant case will come before the United Stataa Supreme Court on the fir Monday April involviug the land title to the whole city of San rancisco The claim is made by a company Unown as the San rancisco Land Company under an alleged Mexican grant to Padre Santillan The main point upon which the case turns will be tho validity of the grant great doubt being entertained ns to its genuine new Attorney General Black aud his assist ant Mr McCalmont will appear for the Gov ernment and Robert Walker Reverdy John son aud St George Campbell will appear for the claimants Huanons or the Coolie The Sew Granadian bark Napoleon lately arrived at Cal lao 88 days from tho Sandwich Islands where she bad touched for supplies on her way from China with a cargo of Chinese slaves or Coolies When she left China she Lad 240 on board of which 131 died on the voyage and 28 were sent to the hospital on their arrival at Callao leav ing only 84 who were mostly too weak for la bor JTlt takes Dr Hull to carry anything by storm It was only the other day that he intro duced to the public his Vegetable Borm Desroy and its fame has already spread like fire in a dry stable The pleasant form of candy in which it is prepared pleasea the children its prompt aud happy cffacts pleases tho mothers and its cheapness pleases the fathers Honob to whom Uoxon The Kcw Albion speaking of the next English Queen says: Site ul' course will be merely atQueen Con sort not a Queen Regnant her present most excellent Majesty has taken care of that It seems to us that Priuce Albert too has had some interest in care of and cer tainly he ought to mentioned in auch a con nection HTDaring tire year ending the 31st of De cember 1 859 the total income of Great Britain was £G6()7t4ti9 and the total expenditures £68090058 Coen Prices Our corresponded at Emi nence sends us the following report of sales of negroes and land belonging to the estate of Tyler which occurred on tho iust: 1 negro man aged 25 sold for $1 G1U 1 do aged 21 SI all: 1 boy aged 18 $1850 1 do aged 13 $1217 1 do aged 10 $959 1 do aged 5 $275 1 woman aged 38 $1009 1 man aged 49 wife 48 and child sold for $1960 head of work horses average $108 1(10 bbls stock corn 90 per bbl 100 bbls bread corn at $2 52 per bbl 2G5 acres land sold at $57 par acre ATew Castle Democrat VM NEWS1TEMS Emigration to The Huuahm 7t graph of the 27th ultimo gays the influx of pet tiers iuto Texa is still very large Every boat from New Orleans is crowded and it is estima ted that not less than twelve to eighteen hundred persona arrive in the State every week bv way of the Gulf Within the week previous fullv five hundred slaves were brought in Onx More John ord a revolutionary soldier died in Bibb county Georgia on the 28th of ebruary In the 105th year of his age lie was married five times His last wife ur vlve4 him and his only child Is 80 years old ine Jack Mr James Carroll oi Har rison county bss sold his fine jack Buena Vista to MrG Bothwell of Vinton county Ohio for the large price of $1600 He must have been a very superior anima! The New York News 18 sorry to learn chat the Hod Clark Cochrane has been compelled to return to the Lunatic Asylum at Utica on ac count of his health We were in hopes that bis disease would have taken a more favorable turn and that he would ere this have boon enabled to return to his duties as member of Congress at Washington We now fear that he will not be able to do so during th? present session If at all Not long since a premium was offered Uy an agricultural society for the best mode of ir rigation and the latter word by mistake of the printer having been changed to a farmer sent his wife to gniu the prize Mr Ed Turner Esq has retired trom the Mourtaiu Democrat Mr Coghlan for merly of Louisville tuiecceda Inin is publisher and editor Delaware is rapidly getting rid of Iwi aUves She had eight thousand at the first censua and but twenty two hundred at the I mt one Their owners find It more profitable to sell them co the South than to keep them Sussex county alone ship! to the South on an average six per week or 212 a year Every census shown a deervae of 10 per cent in the slave population Who Madk the ack is the bugbear with which Southern Locofocos seek on all occasions to frighten children into bed or into their purtv which is worse That our readers may know whose powers of procreation brought into existence we give them the following from a late number of the New York Daily A7wv a staunch oll line Democratic paper: in mi evil Lour rook the ree Soifers to ourbooni and elected Mr Pierce in Wo made a bad bargain This eectiooal frag ment of our party thus warmed into new life permeated the entire government of Mr Pierce so much so that most of our National Democrats bad to leave it So strong indeed did the sec lional slavery principle become by having been taken to the bosom of the Democratic party In 1852 that in 1856 it set up lor Itself denounced those who had warmed it into life after its com plete prortrntion in 150 gathered to iiself all tire Abolitionists aud other opponent uf De mocracy and formed the present Black Republi can DEirnvcuvK irk at Loss i275 000 Last evening's mail from Texas brings accounts of very destructive fire at Houston It broke out as we learn from an extra of the Republic at half paar oh Sat urday last over th? hank romer of Main and Congress Htreets The furnisher the following li of the sufferers: Latliauj x0GU0 1 Mom $4UllUd Bremoud $30000 A Hay $5000 lei hmaii $5000 James II Evans $3000 A Van Alstvne (insured) $5U00 A DMc Gowen $2000 JS Taft $12000 Gre gory $4000 Judge Gray $1000 Telegraph office $500 Robertson $500 Dowling $500 Hudgpeth $200 Philip Harris $2000 Dooley Co $400 bred Erdman $1500 Riordan $5UUO Callagcr A CvAis $6000 Capt Cutter $15000 Peter loeck $10000 Coleman $1000 Deneke Taylor $500 Otto Prester $1000 Bake Jemcrson $300 Burk Conklin (goods damaged) Picayune Grover i Sewing Machine We call the attention of our readers to the adver tisem*nt and certicatH appended uf these Machines now for sale in our city by Mr Bur gin the agent We believe all who have used these Machines are pleTsed with them Sewing Machines are becoming one of the institutions of the land and we would advise all our lady friend to procure them Of course they must select that kind uf Machine which upon fair trial they think the best for their purposes We have no knowledge ourselves practically of any other than Wheeler i and that we like Mr t'rENCEA Harding a distinguished Pur trait Painter has tuken rooms at Dr Hamble Gallery opposite the Capital Hotel His portraits are true to nature and we Lave no doubt that he ran ple vc the taste of all who will favor him with a silting We bespeak for him a liberal patronage from our citizens Hon Lewis Levin died at Philadelphia on Wednesday morning Mr wnaa native of Cbarlcstou lie was a member of the National House of Representatives for six years from Philadelphia Since his retirement from Congress be has been secluded in consequence of the breaking up of his physical and mental powers Godey's Book for April isuu our ta ble It an excellent number Send to Keen un aud Book Store and get a copy ffTGeo Sennot Esq pleading before the Virginia Legislature for tho pardon of Stevens aud Hazlett said: Gentlemen do it for sake! Do it for the credit of our common America! Do it for the honor of this grand old Commonwealth and thank Heaven for the opportunity of cover ing with everlasting confusion those' malignant philanthropists who long for another death that in tverj corner of the civilized world they may exhaust the resources of human language and tire the tongue of the Speaker and blunt the pen of the writer and wear out the pencil of the artist in blackening and cursing th? noble Vir ginia name! Louis XVI said out day ta Maasiliuu alter bearing him preach at Venaillea I bare heard man great orators in this chapel 1 have been highly pleased with them but for you whenever I hear you 1 go away displeased with myself for I ee more of my own This has been considered the finest enconium ever bestowed upon a preacher A We find fillowuR in ilc Evansville Journal Wc learned yesterday that Air Banks Cashier of the Bank of Henderson Kentucky had acknowledged that be had ap propriated some $15000 to $20000 of the funds of that institution to his otvu private use Mr Banks has been ill for some time and although never suspected by the officers of the bank yet his conduct weighed so heavily bis mind that at last he scut for the President of the Bank an confessed the whole matter It seems that tho unfortunate man has been appropriating the funds of the bank to his own uso for several years and yet did it so adroitly as never to ex cite anv suspicion in the minds of the President or Board of Directors After confessing his guilt tMr Banks assigned nil of his property to the officers of the bank to secure them from Whethei his properly would meet all the liabilities by his conduct we did not as certain Mootsrr or John It Thomp son editor of the Southern Literary Meesnger relates the following: onee told me that upon the occa sion of bis lecturing for the first time in London ue saw on loosing over ttte House before going forward to the desk the well known person of Macaulay on the third bench from the front Turning to some friends he said: five pound note to any man who will get Macaulay out of the said he in relating the circ*mstance felt like a fellow with sixpence in his pocket in the banking house of me rxirings AxoTHra Visit Information hating been given to the Vigilance Committee that John Hanson and Parker two of the men ex polled from this county in December last had to Err a the assenibled on Saturday weel ami proceed to that point to in quire of Measr i 11 and their reasons for dis obeying the injunctions given them Upon arri ving at Berea it was found tli tt the birds had Sown and the committee quietly returned to their homes It is to be hoped that the persona ex pellcd will consider the decree of exnulsioti ns meant for ail time and not again place our citizens under the disagreeable necessity of convincing them of Hint tact Richmond Dem ocrat Shake 1 need hardly describe what 1 saw at the stated reception of visi tors I will only mention a very peculiar shake of the hand by the a little shove to the right which seemed to say along as quick as you I could not help feeling a sympathy for the poor old man fastened up as he was for hours to one spot in the reception of homage from a crowd Us the greater part of whom he would more willingly have presented the toe of hit patent leather sloe than the tips of his gloved Cu ers rom a lady's letter from Wankinqton The receipts of the Treasury hist neek were $2 706100 includiug Treasury Noles The drafts paid were over $10000110 The amount of drafts issued were nearly $3753000 The reduction from the amount on hand on the pre vious week whs $1050 huO amount sub ject to drait was $4773001) Stock uf the Kentucky Bank eold in delphis last Thursday at $12(i LTW io io announce Hahrv 1 Toni) ms candidate for ol ranklin counts nt the August election I860 MtlllllEU In Harrisonville Mu ebruary 29th at the residence of Col Mockbee by Rev Joseph Leonard Mr William Hairis formerly of 1 rankiort Ky sou ol the late Commander WS Harris US Navy to Mias Martha Bcxn ot Cass county Mo To Contractors and Builders SKALKU propowb Will be received al Hie ofllce of Hr Kmlman In rankfort up clock April 10 lor the following items of const ruction eml repolr wlihln the walls of the Kentucky Penitentiary: or Hie fuuttoi til It IHkl halatnhrltA aI ra i hup 6r tin of hemp To be bulk of a at tvu UMIKIIVUaim sfkvmv UJ UilC)fflll irul in the clrsu an! lhro Itiiili with Hxuihm tor hat itiir with for re nowlng uvo floors aud rerouting wr i nnt! shop iy u3U by 45 foot Turan additions! Iler vii evil building inrlud i ng a 1 new cells te be built or Mono Ainu raising the walls in)loshti fhn cell re rouilu the entire buildlu" for uiiiargitit' the dinin rofti and bnilditiK it nvw kiicaon lor draining gntdln and paving (with AP GUO square rod yard Bid will he resdved for unyr idllbeabohe ourl Bld buildings In lie iiiadt on viibiiiiUed plana of ihe bidder Mrrch Id lGu wAiwiL TURNPIKE ELECTION A A election for Ivr iiireetursoi the ranklin and A tjwen Turnpike Bond will be bold nt tbu Toll gate on said road on Uro Dt SaturU tn April at 2 tPclock The sloekhoblersuro hereby uollUed LoutUind dutch 16 GILTNER' President ATTENTION LADIES! muil undersigned will be hi rankfort fur i hrt tune with a supply ol Grover Baker's Sewing Machines ills room io in Mw 5 el building on Alain Street opposite John Hak ys Store tor Civilian li BCKGIN iWi VIDlaL TI STl HONiAlb i neve purchased one of Grover Machine which 1 bare now had In almost daily operation iu my fauilly for twelve luonliis and llnd itU thalli was re commended to very simple durable and requiring no adjustment to adapt it to every variety of family Thompson Lrtingth Ky have been now for more than tifieen mouths using une of jour unnvalled a uily Sewing AlaiAlnos and In Jill this time It bu never been out of order I think lithe most easily tonnugod of all the Machines now be fore the Sirs Jliltvifr of Rtr Hill LuuixDiilf Ky 'March le6U 4f VV riNNKLi CnAMBtS INNELL fc I'll AMRS 1 A' I'N 1 7' LA IE Ol It HI dp Hcott bet Thlrl Mreeie COVINOTOX KEXTU('K) 22 IO tf KEENON i CRUTCTIER HIVE INIIIOIH'CEH THE 533 G2J LZtl HATS AND CxlPS March I leud wA twit OR HIRE YOUNG neno woman sixteen years of age a good hoae servant Enquire al the Commonwealth Of fice (B) Jpn 30 1W SETTLE UP! SETTLE PERSONS indebted to the estate of Mrs Margaret Her runsmlthdecd will please call at my ulflee and set tle their account And those having claims against her estate are requested to present them Sept 12 l59 tf CKADPOCK Adm'r WBESH BALTIMORE OYSTERS WE havu vMinwuced roceiviujf rcxb Baltimore Oysters and will continue to receive them during the Oyster season dr TODD TABLE OIL 4 BASKETS whole and half Bottles very superior Table Oil for sale by GKAY 4c TODD EC 0 I A AMILY NECESSITY I he tollnwlug statement tpvaks fur (Eariut) liftiag the kettle from the fire it caught and rnld4 my bauds and poraon very hand almost to a crisp The torture was unbearable Lt was an aw fnl sight The Mustang Liniment uppearod to exrrart the pain almost It healed rabid ly and left an scar of account CuARtrs Trp 20 Broeil Strfct It is truly a wouderful article It will cure any case of Swelling? Sums Stiff Joints Eruptions or Rheumatism or Horses It should never be dispensed with One worth of Mus tang has frequently saved a valuable horae cures Galds Sprains Ringbone Spavin and ounders toareof Imitations Sold in all part uf the habitable Glebe PARK March Hlfidv rofiriftoro Veto ork Ibe Address of Rev JAMES Undeliver ed In the Hall of the House of Representatives cumber 19 I8G9 is for sale at the Bookstore of SAM BULL by the single copy or by the hundred copies ebruary 23 iWd tf DISSOLUTION the nrm of PAGE GAINES PAGE un the 23d of Jaauaiy 1G0 dissolved by mutual fc Page retaining the Dry Goods cud Queens ware Establishment with the nutesand accounts of aaid business will be settled up by said Sdc A H1uet retaining the Hardware and Grocery BoihEstabUshuientswiil bo carried on at the Stands where we will be pleased to serve our old patrons and a many ue one ran make it to Uielr interest to pturoniro a PAUL A GAiNHS liriuiy 1 cornua copy A CARD TO THE SUERING The Rev Wniua osurove while laboring ns a mlMiouury in Japan was cured t'onsuuipliuu when all other moans had tailed by a recipe obtained from a learned physician hlinir in the irreat cilv of Jaddo TUlsro lpe has cured great number who wem suffering from Consumption BronchRh Sore Thront Coughs and Colds and the debility nnd nervous bipw vlon caused by these disorders Desirous of benefiting utUursl will wad itua roine which I have brought with me to all who need It free of cbarsff Address WM uSGKuV W) Baltic Street Jb td tatiU Ltui Brooklyn MILLINERY AND ANCY MBS LYONS CO Saint Clair rankfort Have revolted and opened a full aud large assort ment of I ashlonable all and Winter Millinery Goods 1 tip nOW fitnnL Him Mm 11 UlUl nbhons HemUlrosse jp Ac Acall of the law atyle and fashions Dutpt semi to LuukviHp nj jAtxingion whvti you can gel wlmtyiu nan equally a elegant and tar cnoupor at hom*o Call and co Mr 'J' LYONS Agents for WHKKLEB Vo rivaled Sewing Machin fOc I P59 OVAL RUNTYuAN removed Uh store two doors above bls old etaad Ho wiling his Goods we ore Informed at the lowest p*rnos rare jor wh ovn Give bitu a call Were peal what ws aatd before i all rankfort Nov II WHITTINGHAM NEWSPAPER lu PERIODICAL AREN'T JIAYKQRT KKXTUCK Continue to furnish American and oreign Weeklies Monthlies and Quartcrllon un the bent trtu Advance Shorts received trom twenty four HrcU numtrtV supplied io complete el NovembcrVL Ittd Metcalfe's Vml'ME I PRICE ill nd tho 1 i oliitm Motaalit' Ib putUfcy mad pontage paid ro mi) who ntty wiah it vu re ceipt of $fi a (i HODGES Co Aug 21 Com'th Ojficc rankfort Ky IHI! 1ST IOM HE MU A RAI ER buuud with Muslin Eat ks and SUrt Paper Cm ora can be had utthUoifb aM per copy HODGES JI JMOHX PRUE IT i authorized lu collect all chums due mu tci tbu Count)' of 'ranklln and (4 uf rankfort I haveaho placed In Mr Lauds ni Uiy iiuUM due me Ly person living in and out of the State of Kentucky a KESH SUPPLY OPTHE ABOVE W1 Li KNOWNI Garden Seeds jut received at JWO JACOB SMITH L(: I II MERCHANT Xu rib side Main St bet Jackson and Hanctu'k KY IjEALEK in all kinds of Pino and Poplar Lumber UIV3SPU iioaiuaui tiusvnpiiQii inior ouru Weather Boards and fencing Pim and Poplar Snw and Shaved Shingles ITi'All orders frmn city country filled promptly al Ute lowest prices Mnr OR SALE A TRACT of Laud Of about two hundred tares uutbe Kentucky river 3 miles from rankfort and of a mile from the Owen turnpike inely limbered well watered and the soil excellent Twenty five acres cleared: the Improvements indideruni or particular refertu PHILIP SWIGRT ALBERT BACON ebruary 27 iMSft tf A Rep copy STATE KENTUCKY SS wCouNTv Corm I January Term lcu I ORDERED thur all (hu delinquents iu thia County bo directed to pay their arrears of Ttvxoe on or before the third Monday in March next Ordered that the names of all delinquent who are in arrears at that time will bo publistrod in the newspapers in rankfort A copy attest Jan 27 A IL KNNICK Rockaway for Sale A TWO Seat nocRaway almost sew which will be sold cheap for Coon or good paper Apply to Juno 15)M59 HENSLEY WANTED TO HIRE IroKthe balance of tho year a NEGRO GIRLlSorl6 years old fur a bouse servant March 1 18uU lf ALDRIDGE OR RENT THE two Rooms mndorthe Metropolitan HalL Dee 14 IWtf ORLANDO BROWN Arteiian Well Water A SUPPLY always on band at eb 8 1860 BARBBK SHOP STRENGTHENING CORDIAL AN? BLOOD PURIIER Ki Bcfnrr lakin" Afler IU Cordial distilled trom a Berry known only to myself uud chemically combined with some of the most valcaUs medicinal roots herbs and barks known to the mind of man vU: blood rout black root wild cherry tert yel low dock dandelions sarsaparilla elder Cowers with uthera producing the most infallible remedy tar th location of health ever known IT IS OWN REMEDY Curing diseases by natural iaw When taken iu dom ing influences Is felt coursing through every vein ot body purifying aud accelerating the circalatlou of the blood it ueutniiLzesany billious matter in mn 4iomach and strengthens the whole urgaokativn Strengthening Cordial wlG oahinualif cm rover comptaiLU Dyspepsia Jaundice hro ita or Nervous Debility Dtaeaaeatf Kidneys and all Debilities artalngfroui a Disordered Liver or Aiuhislu Dyapebsia Heartburn tabard Piles Acidity cr ness of Ibe Stomach rultae of Blood to the Bead Duii Pain orSwImmlng In th Head Paluutiuu ol tae Heart bulliiBMor eightln th Stomach Sour Emeta Uods Choking orSutfownlng i eeliog when Iviog down DryncM or yellowueav vf the saiu aud t'yos Nlgm Sweats Inward evers Pain iuthu Small uitiro Bark Cheat or Side Sodden flushes uf heal Duprcsiions ci Spirin rightful Dreams Langur Deqxjndtfucy or fJL Nvrum Dlseawi Soros ur ElMchesou theSklnand ver and Ague bvrCUilk and ever it will also cure disease the Bladder and Womb such us Seminal eaknoM incoutluence of Urine Stranguary Iatan mation Weuknwof the Wornbcr Bladder While IHfiHMSNO M1S1AKE JbK Cordial will never fail to cure any uf ueabv diseases if taken as per direction On each bottle lr Gurnmn iditclhfiand ronrn UVKK HAL A MlLLlux up hop Hat a been auld during tho pau six months and in Infamy hulitalledingivingcuUresMiisiHciiou Who then will eiiffer from weakness or debility vhen Leos' strenfthfninf Cordial will cure you THE LADIES Hujvu whbtobe healthy and rtrvugr Ibro go once and gv some of McLeanM Cordial 1 wlliaUwogth eu aud Invigorate your blood io flow through oven ek and the rich roy bloom of health to mount to vocr cheek Hgnln 1 ry wurrauUM to vv at'Afe tloc OR CHILDREN vrtJAy purenG if your children aro vkMy uuv or atflkied wlthcomplalnLs prevalent among ublldrcn giro them a small quantity of Cordial and It will muke them heulihy' fat and robust Delay rot moment try It rndyou will tuvluveu ISLKUClOOflTO'lAKC Hlh I COVXTR Should not leave Ihotity until ho had proeuroda wi pl Strengthening Cordial It sells rapid ly beenu it always curoi A liberal dhcouM ili be made to thow who buy to ell agat I At Bewan of drugglstaor doaldxe uo ma) try to palm upon you aomt Bitter or Sarsaparilla tra vh which they cun buy cheap by snying Iw Jun us good Avoid aurli men Ask for Strengthening i'af dial and take uotbiug else Ilia the only remedy that ill purify tho blood thoroughly and at the tame Uur strengthen tho system One tableapoonful taken every tuuruing (fMkla a certatu preventive for Cholera Cbllh and 1'on 1 dlrov ever orany prevulent Prh a only Al per ta)Ulenr rx botUefur MeLEAN Sole proprietor of lhe Cordisl Volcanic Oil Liniment in Principal depot on the corner of Third tuni P1iro B(i bl I OUU Mo eale in LuUville bv KAYMOXU A PAT TEN UcLLAVV OLLAMC OIL LiA I KAI liioboj tauineDt In the world for man ur bea Another Remarkable Cure Performed by Volcanic Oil Unknent Kiad for youraelvea: Thomas ord a blacksmith living near Caw avenue on Tenth street bad a horrible running sore on bls taoU He tried various LinlmenU Salves Arc but could do no good He despaired of ever being ablero work al his trade ngaiD because he could not bear any weigh on tils foot and by ouo small bottle of Vol cunicOI! Liniment he isnow perfectly cured Rbeuinntlsm paralysis neuralgia bruise aprataUffncsiu the Joints or mu swelling" sore throat ear ache or tooth ache wounds fresh cuts sores bunu scalds paiua yield io the Influence of tab wonderful Liuimcnt or lloracs and Cattle it Is biiinialllblo temedy' ro ch8fogalDacratelroa cracked heels binicn' in sweeny apllnt flatala brahns aweHlngs wotted raltle aake bites and variousoihor wnfcb aid tuaU are liable to from injuries or accident Every Country Merchaul should obtain a mtolIy ul Volcanic Oil Uulmeu It mq rnpiAh be itaiwaya euros A liberal discount wlllie mud tn munluHM who tai tuveil ugnn JT sale iy McLEAN proptielurj ucuero) Third an i street Si Louis Nlo alro for sate as above pl'ur iald tn rankton by WM tl A EtHLI July I LLCIEK BY MT ILL stand the present season at COTTaUE HILL on the rankfort and Georgetown turnpike 3 miles from the orks of Elkhorn and 7 miles from to Insure a colt and pasturage furnish ed grails to mares coming from a distance Dcscrlptloa aud Pedigree Lucile 4 a black iron grayS years old with newvj white wane and tall 15X bands high and is ahorse eminently calculated to produce stock suited to ever? purpose for which the borsels required Being him self beautiful in appearance of proper site faultlesv iu form mild and gentle in disposition wRh action both for harnossnnd saddle rarely equalled vorv few If in deed any boric In Kentucky of his age to siiow great ertrottiiig epeed iu barnes and it been with great difficulty that he has been restrained from going all tar saddle gaits being sired Ly old Snowstorm who want one gall as naturally st another and all with unparallel ed speed and style and produced were ficeeaadle and harness horses In the rwu scusods be made la Kentucky than any otaer horse known He was of the pure Nor man rencn breed from Canada and his colts arc corn mandlng wherever found extravarant prices dam was a large brown mare: blood unknown was a natural pacer and could without training pace her mile iu 3 uilnuius Jfj'I Invite the attentiuu of breeders total yuunx boriff at bls stand where 1 have a good track and where persons wishing to breed can hate uo opportun ity of witnessing bispeed is IbUU 1 HUU A I i rLr 2V STBAUS Manufacturer and IVholesale Dealer IX ALL KIMIS or URNITURE 1 CHAIRS NO it WEST STREET kBk rv itaft IV AU'S' AND Vlita STRCKTU cnvonvxA rr on to euuatantly on baud a largv Muck Of vvtt tiiudh of all kinds at lb" lowest prices AU orders received through the Post Office will bo prompt ly altcndud to (eb 15 1R6Q ly SCHOOL NOTICE rpllE Second Sesion of Mrs HALLIE ta I ODD'S School win commence on Monday rehruar9 it) Tenua per besslou of 20 Weeks 910 WOOD OR SALE I(LN supply the citizens of rankfort with Wood By sending tbeir orders to my Stable near the Rail roRu Depot they can get a load within one bour at any time Price t'J per Cord or 01 iO fbr a Half Cord load Orders solicited Nov 18 1S59 JOHN HENDERSON.

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Author: Edwin Metz

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Author information

Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.