Types of Trading in India: Strategies & Terms (2024)

Home Learn What are the Different Types of Trading in the Stock Market in India?

Types of Trading in India: Strategies & Terms (1)

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In the fast-paced world of finance, trading stands as a gateway to potential prosperity. It’s a realm where fortunes can be made in the blink of an eye, and where strategies and decisions carry the weight of financial futures. But beneath the overarching term “trading” lies a multifaceted landscape of diverse styles and approaches. Let us explore these types of trading in more detail.

Trading, in all its forms, is a blend of art and science, strategy and psychology. Each type of trading comes with its unique characteristics, risk-reward dynamics, and skill sets.

In this blog, we will be talking about how many types of trading are there in the stock market and what are the pros and cons of all the different types of trade in stock markets. So. whether you’re a seasoned trader seeking to diversify your portfolio or a curious newcomer looking to step into the exciting world of trading, this blog is your passport to understanding the distinct trading styles and strategies that define the financial markets.

But, before we move ahead with the different types of share trading, let’s first understand what trading exactly means.

What is Trading?

Trading in the stock market involves the buying and selling of financial instruments, such as stocks or securities, with the objective of generating a profit. It is a fundamental activity within the realm of finance and investments.

There are several distinct stock market types of trading in India, each characterized by its unique features and strategies. Some of the popular types of online trading or share market trading types in stock market are:

  • Day Trading
  • Swing Trading
  • Scalping
  • Position Trading
  • Trend Trading
  • Options Trading

Now, let’s understand each of the different types of trading in share market in detail. Let’s begin by learning how many types of trading in share market are there.

What are Different Types of Trading in Stock Market in India?

Let us now explore what are the types of trading in the stock market. We will also explore the pros and cons of all type of trading in the stock market:

1. Day Trading

Day trading is a trading style prevalent in financial markets where individuals buy and sell financial instruments, like stocks, currencies, or commodities, within the same trading day. The defining feature of day trading is that traders do not hold positions overnight; instead, they seek to profit from short-term price movements occurring during the trading session.It can be considered one of the most profitable trading methods available to investors.

Distinctive Characteristics of Day Trading

The distinctive characteristics of this type of trading in share market, i.e., day trading are as follows:

  • Swift Decision-Making: Day traders need to make quick decisions based on real-time market data. The ability to analyze information rapidly is crucial.
  • Frequent Trading: Day traders execute numerous trades within a single trading day, aiming to capitalize on multiple opportunities.
  • Closing Positions: All positions are closed before the market closes for the day, minimizing exposure to overnight risks and market gaps.

Pros of Day Trading

Is day trading profitable? Here are some of the advantages of Day Trading are:

  • Potential for Quick Profits: Day traders aim to profit from short-term price fluctuations, potentially generating daily income.
  • No Overnight Risk: Since positions are not held overnight, day traders are shielded from unexpected overnight market developments.
  • High Market Exposure: Day traders have the opportunity to engage with the market frequently, allowing them to hone their skills and capture multiple trading opportunities.

Cons of Day Trading

Some of the cons of day trading:

  • High Stress: The fast-paced nature of day trading can be mentally and emotionally taxing. Traders must manage stress effectively.
  • Substantial Time Commitment: Successful day trading demands a significant time commitment, often involving full-time engagement during market hours.
  • Risk of Losses: Day trading carries inherent risks, and not all trades will be profitable. Traders must be prepared to manage losses.

2. Swing Trading

Swing trading is a trading style that aims to capture short to medium-term price movements in financial instruments such as stocks, currencies, or commodities. Unlike day trading, where positions are opened and closed within the same trading day, swing traders hold their positions for a more extended period, typically ranging from several days to a few weeks.

Distinctive Characteristics of Swing Trading

The key characteristics of swing trading are as follows:

  • Longer Holding Periods: One of the primary characteristics that distinguish swing trading from day trading is the relatively longer duration of any of the types of trades in stock market. Swing traders aim to profit from price movements that unfold over a span of days or weeks.
  • Less Intense Decision-Making: Swing traders do not face the intense pressure of making rapid decisions in real time, as is the case with day trading. This longer timeframe allows for more thoughtful analysis and decision-making.

Pros of Swing Trading

The benefits of swing trading are as follows:

  • Potential for Significant Gains: Swing traders target price movements that have the potential to result in substantial profits. Holding positions for an extended period increases the likelihood of capturing larger price swings.
  • Less Stressful: The less frenetic pace of swing trading can be less emotionally taxing compared to day trading. Traders have more time to assess market conditions and make well-informed decisions.

Cons of Day Trading

The cons of day trading are:

  • Moderate Risk: While swing trading is generally less risky than day trading, it is not devoid of risk. Market conditions can change unexpectedly, leading to losses if positions are not carefully managed.
  • Requires Analysis and Discipline: Successful swing trading demands a thorough analysis of market trends, technical indicators, and fundamental factors. Traders must also exercise discipline in adhering to their trading plan.

3. Scalping

Scalping is a trading strategy centred around generating small profits by exploiting minor price fluctuations in financial instruments such as stocks, currencies, or commodities. Scalpers conduct numerous rapid trades within a single trading day, capitalizing on short-term price movements. It is also one of the most popular choices among the various methods of trading.

Distinctive Characteristics of Scalping

The key characteristics of scalping are:

  • Extremely Brief Holding Periods: Scalping is characterized by exceptionally short holding periods. Scalpers open and close positions within a matter of seconds to minutes, making it one of the most rapid trading styles.
  • High-Frequency Trading: Scalpers execute a high volume of trades during a single trading session, continually scanning for opportunities in the market.

Pros of Scalping

The benefits of scalping are:

  • Abundance of Trading Opportunities: Scalping offers expert traders and otherwise, a multitude of active trading opportunities throughout the day due to its swift nature. This abundance of chances can potentially lead to higher overall profits.
  • Potential for Consistent Gains: Scalpers aim to accumulate frequent small profits, which, when added together, can result in a steady income stream. This consistency can be attractive to active traders.

Cons of Scalping

Some of the cons of scalping are as follows:

  • Requires Precision: Scalping demands precise timing and rapid decision-making. There is minimal margin for error, and trades must be executed accurately to avoid losses.
  • Entails High Transaction Costs: The frequent buying and selling of positions in scalping can result in substantial transaction costs, including spreads, commissions, and fees, which can erode profits.

4. Position Trading

Position trading is a trading style that involves making long-term investments in financial instruments such as stocks, currencies, or commodities. Unlike day trading or swing trading, where positions are held for days or weeks, position traders hold their positions for an extended duration, which can range from several months to even years.

Characteristics of Position Trading

The main characteristics of this type of stock trading, i.e. position trading are:

  • Longer Holding Periods: Position trading is characterized by significantly longer holding periods compared to other trading styles. Various types of traders in stock market aim to capitalize on major price movements that develop over a more extended timeframe.
  • Less Frequent Trading: Position traders do not engage in the frequent buying and selling of assets seen in day or swing trading. They make fewer trades, focusing on capturing long-term trends.

Pros of Position Trading

The advantages of position trading are:

  • Reduced Stress: The longer-term perspective of position trading can be less stressful compared to more short-term trading styles. Traders have more time to assess and react to market developments.
  • Opportunity to Capture Major Trends: Position traders aim to capture significant price trends that can result in substantial profits if correctly identified and timed.

Cons of Position Trading

The cons of position trading are:

  • Lower Trading Frequency: Position trading involves fewer trades, which means fewer opportunities for profit compared to shorter-term trading styles. Traders must be patient and selective.
  • Subject to Market Shifts: Position traders are exposed to market shifts that can impact their long-term positions. Changes in market sentiment, economic conditions, or unexpected events can affect their investments.

5. Trend Trading

Trend trading is a trading strategy aimed at profiting from extended price movements in financial instruments like stocks, currencies, or commodities by identifying and following the prevailing market trends.

Characteristics of Trend Trading

The main characteristics of trend trading are:

  • Focus on Trend Identification: Trend traders concentrate on recognizing and capitalizing on existing market trends. They aim to ride these trends for an extended period.

Pros of Trend Trading

The advantages of trend trading are:

  • Potential for Substantial Gains: Trend trading offers the potential for significant profits during sustained trend periods. Traders can benefit from extended price movements in the direction of the trend.

Cons of Trend Trading

The cons of trend trading are as follows:

  • Requires Skill in Trend Recognition: Successful trend trading demands skill in identifying and confirming trends. Inaccurate trend analysis can lead to losses.
  • May Result in Losses During Trend Reversals: Trend traders are vulnerable to losses when trends reverse or undergo significant corrections. It’s crucial to have strategies in place for managing such situations.

6. Option Trading

Options trading is a financial strategy involving the buying and selling of options contracts, which grant the holder the right to sell today buy tomorrow or buy and sell an underlying asset at a predetermined price before or on a specified expiration date.

Key Characteristics of Option Trading

The key characteristics of options trading are as follow:

  • Use of Options Contracts: Options trading relies on options contracts to speculate on price movements.
  • Versatility: Options can serve various purposes, offering flexibility in trading strategies.
  • Limited Risk: Buying options typically limits potential losses to the premium paid for the contract.

Pros of Options Trading

The advantages of options trading are:

  • Versatility: Options can serve diverse purposes, including hedging, generating income, and speculation.
  • Limited Risk: Buying options typically caps potential losses at the premium paid, making it appealing for risk management.

Cons of Options Trading

The cons of options trading are as follows:

  • Complexity: Option trading can be intricate, necessitating a solid grasp of options strategies and associated risks.
  • Time Sensitivity: Options have expiration dates, and their value can erode swiftly as expiration approaches.

7. Commodity Trading

Commodity trading involves the purchase and sale of physical goods or contracts representing ownership of physical goods like agricultural products, energy resources, or metals.

Characteristics of Commodity Trading

The key characteristics of commodity trading are:

  • Physical or Futures Trading: Commodity trading involves either physical goods exchange or trading futures contracts tied to commodities.
  • Diversification: Commodities have low correlations with traditional assets, making them valuable for portfolio diversification.
  • Inflation Hedge: Certain commodities, like precious metals, can act as hedges against inflation.

Pros of Commodity Trading

The benefits of commodity trading are:

  • Diversification: Commodities can diversify investment portfolios as they often have a low correlation with traditional assets like stocks and bonds.
  • Inflation Hedge: Certain commodities, including precious metals and agricultural products, can act as a hedge against inflation.

Cons of Commodity Trading

The disadvantages of commodity trading are:

  • Volatility: Commodity prices can be highly volatile, leading to significant price swings and potential losses.
  • Storage and Delivery: Physical commodity trading may necessitate storage and transportation facilities, introducing logistical complexities.

Now that we know what are the types of trading in stock markets in India, let us look at a few essential risk management techniques and principles.

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Risk Management in Trading: Safeguarding Your Investments

Trading in financial types of trading markets, regardless of the style or assets involved, is inherently accompanied by risk. From day trading in volatile stocks to position trading in commodities, understanding and implementing effective risk management is paramount. Here, we emphasize the significance of risk management in all types of trading, discuss essential risk management techniques and principles, and offer guidance on effective risk mitigation strategies.

Why does Risk Management Matter?

Here are some of the reasons why risk management is important for you:

  • Preserving Capital: At its core, risk management is about safeguarding your capital. It ensures that even in the face of losses, you have the means to continue trading and potentially recover.
  • Reducing Emotional Stress: Effective risk management helps traders avoid impulsive decisions driven by fear or greed. By having predefined risk limits, you can trade with a clear head.
  • Long-Term Success: Trading isn’t just about making profits today; it’s about sustaining profitability over time. Proper risk management is essential for consistent, long-term success.

Essential Risk Management Techniques and Principles

Here are some of the essential risk management techniques and principles that you should follow:

  • Position Sizing: Determine the size of your positions by considering your risk tolerance and the size of your trading account. A commonly followed guideline is to expose no more than 1-2% of your total trading capital in a single trade.
  • Utilize Stop-Loss Orders: Implement stop-loss orders when initiating a trade. These predefined orders automatically close your position if the market reaches a predetermined price level. This acts as a protective measure, limiting potential losses.
  • Embrace Diversification: Avoid concentrating all your investments in one area. Spread your investment capital across various assets or markets to reduce overall risk. This strategy prevents putting all your financial resources into a single venture.
  • Evaluate Risk-Reward Ratios: Calculate the risk-reward ratio for each trade. Verify that the potential reward justifies the risk assumed. A widely followed ratio is 2:1, where the potential gain is twice the potential loss.
  • Conduct Risk Assessment: Analyze and comprehend the inherent risks linked to the asset or trading strategy you’re employing. Recognize that different assets and methodologies carry distinct levels of risk.
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To Wrap It Up…

The world of trading offers a vast landscape of opportunities, each catering to different preferences, risk tolerances, and investment horizons. Understanding the distinct characteristics and risks associated with all types of trading is crucial to making informed decisions and managing your investments effectively.

Ultimately, successful trading demands more than just selecting a style or asset class; it requires discipline, continuous learning, and a robust risk management strategy. Regardless of your chosen path, remember that trading is a journey, and like any journey, it’s the skills, knowledge, and experiences you accumulate along the way that contribute to your success.


1. How many types of trading in stock market?

There exist numerous different types of stock trading, including day trading, swing trading, position trading, value investing, growth investing, income investing, momentum trading, contrarian investing, algorithmic trading, options trading, and penny stock trading types.

2. What are the types of trade?

“Types of trade” encompass various aspects, including stock trading, forex pros commodities trading, cryptocurrency trading, options trading, margin trading and commodity trading, among others. In a broader context, it can refer to international trade, retail trade, wholesale trade, and e-commerce.

3. Which kind of trading is best?

The “best” trading style hinges on individual financial goals, risk tolerance, and expertise. There is no universal answer. Therefore, choosing the right style requires aligning it with your objectives and thorough education.

4. What are the types of traders?

The top 4 types of traders in India are :
1. Forex Traders
2. Day Traders
3. Option Traders
4. Scalp Traders

5. Which is the best amongst the types of trading?

The optimal trading strategy aligns with one’s goals, risk tolerance, time commitment, and personal preferences.

6. Which type of trading is the best for beginners?

New traders often receive guidance to embrace long-term investment strategies, favoring a buy-and-hold approach. These methods minimize frequent trading, offering a more stable path to consistent profits.

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Types of Trading in India: Strategies & Terms (8)

Shrishti Bhardwaj

A Content Marketer by profession and a memer by heart!

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Types of Trading in India: Strategies & Terms (2024)


What are the 4 types of trading strategies? ›

Different Types Of Trading Strategies
Trading StyleTimeframeTime period of trade
ScalpingShort-termSeconds or minutes
Day tradingShort-term1 day max - do not hold positions overnight
Swing tradingShort/medium-termSeveral days, sometimes weeks
Position tradingLong-termWeeks, months, years

What are the trading strategies in India? ›

The four types of basic trade setups are: Continuation, Reversal, Range-bound, Break-out. These 10 Trading Strategies can be used for both Bullish and Bearish Markets by learning these strategies, investors and traders will be able to hedge and arbitrage their positions/investments in the markets.

How many types of trading are there in India? ›

There exist numerous different types of stock trading, including day trading, swing trading, position trading, value investing, growth investing, income investing, momentum trading, contrarian investing, algorithmic trading, options trading, and penny stock trading types.

Which type of trading is best for beginners in India? ›

Momentum trading is one of the easiest types of trade in the stock market. Traders in this trading strategy must predict a stock's movement to identify the right time to enter or exit. The right time to exit is when a stock is expected to break out. Conversely, the right time to buy a stock is when the price is low.

Which trading technique is best? ›

Best trading strategies
  • Trend trading.
  • Range trading.
  • Breakout trading.
  • Reversal trading.
  • Gap trading.
  • Pairs trading.
  • Arbitrage.
  • Momentum trading.

What is the simplest most profitable trading strategy? ›

One of the simplest and most widely known fundamental strategies is value investing. This strategy involves identifying undervalued assets based on their intrinsic value and holding onto them until the market recognizes their true worth.

Who is the No 1 traders in India? ›

Top Traders in India: Navigating the Market with Skill and Strategy
  • Top 10 Traders in India.
  • Premji and Associates. ...
  • Radhakrishnan Damani. ...
  • Rakesh Jhunjhunwala. ...
  • Raamdeo Agrawal. ...
  • Mukul Agrawal. ...
  • Sunil Singhania. ...
  • Ashish Dhawan.
Jan 19, 2024

Which type of trading is legal in India? ›

It is permissible to trade Forex on Indian exchanges such as the BSE, NSE, and MCX-SX. However, you can hit it big or lose it all in the blink of an eye. You can buy or sell a currency based on whether you think its value will rise or decline.

Which market is best for trading in India? ›

Most of the trading in the Indian stock market takes place in the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and the National Stock Exchange (NSE). As of 2024, India ranked as the fourth largest market in the world. The two dominant Indian market indexes are Sensex and Nifty. Bloomberg.

Which is the No 1 trading platform in India? ›

Groww, Zerodha, Angel One, Kotak Securities, and HDFC Securities are some of the Best Trading Platform in India that could assist novice investors and traders. While Groww has an interactive interface to assist beginner traders, Zerodha has the lowest brokerage fees to charge.

How much money i need to start trading in india? ›

Unlike many misconceptions, there is no strict minimum limit to commence trading or investing in Indian stocks. Your starting point depends on having sufficient funds to purchase stocks based on their current share prices, which can range from Rs. 1 to Rs. 10,000 or more on Indian stock exchanges.

Is trading really profitable in India? ›

Well, the earnings can go up to Rs. 1 lakh a month or even higher if you are skilled enough and your strategies are in place. Does this mean all intraday traders are in profit, or is intraday trading profitable? Not at all. In fact, some studies suggest that 95% of Indian traders lose money in the markets.

What are the 4 options strategies? ›

Here we look at four such strategies: long calls, long puts, covered calls, protective puts, and straddles. Options trading can be complex, so be sure to understand the risks and rewards involved before diving in.

Which trading strategy is most accurate? ›

Trend trading strategy. This strategy describes when a trader uses technical analysis to define a trend, and only enters trades in the direction of the pre-determined trend. The above is a famous trading motto and one of the most accurate in the markets.

Which trading strategy makes the most money? ›

One of the ways beginners can implement the most profitable trading strategies effectively is by embracing the buy-and-hold strategy. This involves researching companies with solid fundamentals and stable earnings, then holding their stocks for a long time without being swayed by short-term market fluctuations.

What are the 4 types of stocks to trade? ›

Here's what you should know about the different types of stocks.
  • Common stock. Common stock is probably what you think of when you are looking to invest in stocks. ...
  • Preferred stock. Preferred stock is more like a bond than it is a stock. ...
  • Large-cap stock. ...
  • Mid-cap stock. ...
  • Small-cap stock. ...
  • Growth stock. ...
  • Value stock. ...
  • Foreign stock.
May 16, 2024

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.