How long does it take for an insurance agency to make a profit initially? (2024)

January 6, 2023

The biggest question you have when considering switching from working as a captive agent to working as an independent agent is how much money can you make and how fast can you make it?

Just like your clients, you’re making the switch for the value of the decision. You’ve decided that you can make a lot of money for yourself rather than for insurance businesses. As a business owner, you stand to make more as long as you’re doing more.

As independent agents and insurance brokers, we act as intermediaries between our clients and the big bad insurance carriers. We don’t do it out of the kindness of our heart, though. We’re looking to turn a profit but we don’t do it with price gouging — we do it with versatility, options, and strategy.

All that’s well and good but how long can it take to turn a profit? Days, months, years? All that depends on several factors like your location, your book of business starting out, and what types of insurance coverage you have to sell.

Whether you’re selling life insurance, health insurance, or niche insurance like avalanche coverage, your job as an independent agent is all about maintaining long term relationships with clients and the insurance company of their choice. The more choices you have for them, the more likely you are to attract and retain clients.

How long does it take for an insurance agency to make a profit initially? (1)

So let’s take a look at some of the big points of profitability, the window you should expect to garner profits, and what to do if you’re not seeing the results you want. The more you know about your insurance agency’s expectations of profitability, the easier it will be on you making the switch.

What Profitability Means

Making money isn’t all there is to profitability. Profits are about two things relative to each other:

  • Revenue: This is how much your agency earns from its business writing policies, collecting premiums, and selling insurance products.

Simply put, your profit is your revenue minus your expenses. To increase your agency’s profits you should manage both your earning and your spending.

Now that we’ve covered what profits are, let’s take a look at what profitability actually means. To be profitable and increase your agency’s profitability is all about managing your efficiency and keeping the balance just right between revenue and expenses. Your agency’s profitability determines how much you make as an independent insurance agent.

What factors can impact your agency’s profitability? Let’s take a look at some impactful variables:

Whether you put a lot into your marketing budget or you spend money on a new location, your startup costs are going to impact your profitability and how fast you get there. Before you get to the business of selling insurance, you need to get up and running.

  • Operating Expenses

Rent, staffing, supplies, and the coffee you make in the morning all counts as an operating expense against your profitability. As independent insurance agents, our operating expenses come right out of our pocket instead of being paid by the insurance company like when you were a captive agent.

  • Competition

If you’re clamoring for attention in a crowded market, that’s going to affect your profitability. It means you’re spending a lot more on marketing and sales to make your voice heard. In the insurance industry, setting yourself apart as an agency owner is what makes you profitable.

Once your expenses are under control and you’re earning consistent revenue, that’s when you start seeing profitability. Determining your business’s ideal profit margin is a huge part to maintaining consistency and determining when you have room to grow.

How Long Until My Agency is Profitable?

Starting out, you need to have manageable goals. Before you worry about profitability, strive for breaking even. This is when you’re no longer in the red, your debts are cleared or being paid off with your revenue, and you’re on your way to making a profit.

During your startup process, it’s imperative that you know when approximately your agency will break even. That will let you know when you really need to start panicking if you’re not clearing a profit or on the way by then.

How long does it take for an insurance agency to make a profit initially? (2)

Though there are several factors that can impact your profitability, by common small business metrics there’s a time frame when you can expect a profit. Most businesses don’t make any profit in their first year of operating. It could take anywhere from 18 to 24 months for your insurance sales to actually provide profit.

Don’t feel discouraged. Every small business owner has to clear this hurdle. Be patient, trust your instincts, and stick to the grind. Marketing is key to attracting new clients, expanding your book of business, and reaching profitability to keep it.

Tools to Get Started

nsurance is a profitable, marketable, and sustainable industry. As long as people worry and state insurance laws mandate it, there will be a market for insurance products.

That being said, there’s no guarantee that people will buy it from just any insurance agent. You’ll need a lot of capital and tools early on to set your agency up for success.

Let’s look at the bare minimum you need to set up shop:

  • Licencing

From registration to generating a Tax ID Number, there’s a lot of red tape you need to get through to get started. You’ll need a corporation name to register with your state, a Tax ID Number for filing your business’s taxes, and register with your state insurance commissioner as a relevant business. You’ll need all of these forms and identification numbers to pay taxes, open any bank accounts, and hit the ground running.

  • Startup Funding

This variable is completely dependent on how much you have, how much you want to raise, and how much you think you’ll need. For instance, if you’re starting your agency out of your garage, you’ll need a lot less than someone renting office space or a storefront. Regardless of how much startup funding you anticipate needing, you’ll need some capital to get you going.

  • Insurance

As an insurance agent, you’re not exempt from needing insurance. You’ll know more than anyone, if you have these, you’ll need their corresponding insurance products. Workers’ compensation coverage for your staff, professional liability insurance for your business, commercial property insurance if you’re renting or owning a space outside your residence, and many more.

  • Business Plan

To reach goals, you have to clearly establish them from the beginning. A successful business plan is a huge part of a successful business. Whether looking to secure funding or solidifying relationships with carriers, a plan is the first step to taking yourself seriously and making sure others do, too. Your business plan can include business objectives, list of insurance products you’re offering or seeking, market analysis and strategy, financial projections, and more.

Having manageable expectations and goals is important when starting out. Remember that profitability may be a ways away, so include milestones for success that are outside breaking even and making a profit. An expanding book of business, successful lead generation, and building relationships with insurance carriers are indicators of success early in your agency’s development.

What Not To Do

As you’re not the first captive agent to strike out on your own, there are several that have tried and failed. Every failure, like success, is unique and contingent upon several factors.

However, there are a few mistakes that a lot of success stories avoid. Let’s take a look at some things to avoid.

  • Being Thrifty on the Wrong Things

There are some things you’ll need to spend money on. Just like you tell your clients, if you’re cheaping out in the short term, it may affect you in the long term. Agency management systems, customer relationship management systems, and marketing tools are pivotal to your new business and when you buy inexpensive products, it shows. Be sure, when shopping for these products, that they integrate well with each other and can manage sustainable growth. Constantly updating and replacing software and systems is time and cost intensive.

  • Not Delegating

Your business, especially as it begins, is all about you. Your resources, your instincts, your strategy - as such, you should make sure all your time is spent on driving those initiatives forward. Several agents starting out focus on doing everything themselves to avoid hiring staff, but support staff is key to you being able to perform your job properly.

You’re not an IT technician, you are not a marketing expert, and you can answer a phone but is that how you want to spend your time? If you’re not spending time on insurance and think to yourself you need to hire more agents - consider how you’re spending your time and reorienting your efforts instead.

  • Figure Out Your Billing Mistakes Early

As you grow, your billing, payments, and invoicing mistakes will only become more glaring. Cash flow is just as important as profitability and making sure the trains run on time by getting all the bills paid is crucial to maintaining your business. Be sure your payments storage, tracking, and management systems are all clear and can grow with your business.

  • Doing Too Much

Marketing, sales, and strategy pushes can all seem appealing. Especially if we’re telling you you won’t turn a profit for a year or so - so why not burn through your capital trying to get as many leads as possible? Whether you’re trying to offer too many varieties of insurance at once or focusing on too many separate marketing initiatives, your business can suffer when you try to do too much.

See what your competitors are doing and how it works for them. Think about what you respond to as a consumer. Instead of worrying about all the social media platforms, focus on a few at a time to find out what really works for the clients you want. Invest time and effort into initiatives, determine early what makes them a success or failure, and pivot accordingly.

  • Not Automating

AI isn’t taking over, but it certainly does help a lot. Whether automating your payments, communications, or marketing blasts, automating can save you a lot of time and money. It can also remove a lot of margin of error and alleviate some bugs in the system. If you’re efficient starting out, you can only grow more so.

Profitability Isn’t Instant but Action Is

Starting your own insurance agency is not for the faint of heart. You knew that though. You’ve done your homework, compiled your research, and made spreadsheets until your eyes crossed.

How long does it take for an insurance agency to make a profit initially? (3)

You may not turn a profit in the first year, but you’re playing the long game. You’re switching from captive insurance selling to working for yourself and with all that work, risk, and capital will come its own reward. In time. For now, focus on getting through your agency’s infancy and getting to the breathing easy part of breaking even. Eventually, you’ll reach a profit margin you like (did we hear 7%?) and then have to focus on scalability and growth.

Until then, you need all the help you can get as a new independent insurance agent. Whether you’re looking for networking opportunities, profit-sharing, or mentorship, you can find all that and more at SIAA.

A membership organization like SIAA can help you learn more about what to do, where to start, and (just as importantly) what not to do. Trust on the guidance of other successful insurance agents and learn from their successes and mistakes.

You can expect even more insight, strategy, and expertise in our free ebook.

How long does it take for an insurance agency to make a profit initially? (2024)


How long does it take for an insurance agency to make a profit initially? ›

Most businesses don't make any profit in their first year of operating. It could take anywhere from 18 to 24 months for your insurance sales to actually provide profit. Don't feel discouraged.

Is starting an insurance company profitable? ›

Owning an insurance agency offers unlimited income potential. Your earnings are directly tied to your sales and the performance of your agency. Insurance agencies typically earn commissions and bonuses from insurance carriers for policies sold, which means the more you sell, the more you earn.

What is the average profit margin for an insurance agency? ›

Taking these factors into consideration, most insurance agency owners operate with an average profit margin between 2 percent and 10 percent. Agency owners are advised to consult with an accountant or tax advisor when trying to structure your specific agency.

Is it hard to make money as an insurance agent? ›

It is not easy to make a living in insurance, but it is not as hard as you might think. As with any type of sales, becoming an insurance agent can be one of the best paying hard jobs or a terrible paying easy job. Dedicated agents will become successful at insurance sales, just like at any other job.

How do insurance agency owners make money? ›

How does an agency make money? Most insurance agency revenues come in the form of a paid commission. An agency is paid a percentage of the total cost of the policy offered. The total cost is the premium and the percentage the agency earns is typically called, agency revenue.

What type of insurance is most profitable? ›

Life insurance is the most profitable—and the hardest—type of insurance to sell. With the highest premiums and the longest-running contract, it brings in cash over a long period of time. In the first year, agents make the largest annual sum on a policy, bringing in anywhere from 40–120% of the policy premium.

How do insurance companies make money for dummies? ›

Most insurance companies generate revenue in two ways: Charging premiums in exchange for insurance coverage, then reinvesting those premiums into other interest-generating assets. Like all private businesses, insurance companies try to market effectively and minimize administrative costs.

How much should an insurance agency grow each year? ›

More than a third of respondents (31%) reported that agency earnings grew by more than 10% in the last year, and just under a third (28%) reported earnings growth of between 6% and 10%.

How much do top insurance agency owners make? ›

Insurance Agency Owner Salary in California
Annual SalaryHourly Wage
Top Earners$110,533$53
75th Percentile$96,700$46
25th Percentile$58,200$28

How profitable is an agency? ›

The profitability of advertising agencies can be measured by their net profit margin. According to industry benchmarking data, the average net profit margin for marketing agencies ranges between 6% and 12%. This indicates that there is a considerable opportunity for profitability within the industry.

Can an insurance agent be a millionaire? ›

If you have a great work ethic and are willing to place yourself out there to establish relationships with clients, you will get more opportunities to earn a higher income. Selling insurance may even make you a millionaire.

What are the cons of being an insurance agent? ›

Unpredictable Income

While the insurance industry is stable and the income is lucrative, it can sometimes be hard to plan ahead and know where your next paycheck will come from, since your income may be solely based on sales made. To succeed in this field, you must be a go-getter.

What is the hardest part of being an insurance agent? ›

An agent who is only out to earn a commission, regardless of the needs of the client, is not likely to last long in the business. Agents and brokers who listen carefully to what their clients and prospects say will be able to earn their trust, which is the hardest part of their job.

Why are insurance agents so rich? ›

One of the primary reasons insurance agents can accumulate wealth is their commission-based income structure. Unlike salaried employees, agents earn a percentage of the premiums they sell to clients. As they build a client base and generate more sales, their income potential increases.

Do insurance agents lose money on claims? ›

Do insurance agents lose money if clients make a claim? Generally, insurance agents don't lose money if clients make a claim. The responsibility of determining whether a claim is valid and paying out the benefits falls on the shoulders of the insurance companies.

How much do top Allstate agency owners make? ›

The top 10% earn $800,000 or greater in gross annual revenue. Based on a majority of Allstate Exclusive Agent's gross income earned during 2022, excluding Allstate Exclusive Agents with less than 12 months of affiliation. Individual results will vary.

Is an insurance company a profitable business? ›

An insurance company's profit depends on the number of policies it writes, the premiums it charges, the return on its investments, business costs, and claims. Net profit margin (NPM) can help define a company's overall financial health and measure how much net income is generated as a percentage of revenue.

How profitable are insurance companies? ›

In 2022, UnitedHealth Group made over $20 billion in profit. Cigna made $6.7 billion, Elevance Health made $6 billion and CVS Health made $4.2 billion. All told, America's largest health insurers raked in more than $41 billion of profits in 2022.

Is it difficult to start an insurance company? ›

You can't start an insurance company without a solid understanding of how the industry works. Several years of experience as an insurance professional can help build the necessary expertise to run an insurance business. These can also give you a clear direction of which insurance lines to pursue.

Can you make a lot of money in the insurance industry? ›

Insurance agents earn a mean annual salary of $79,650 or an hourly rate of $37, according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). While starting wages can be significantly lower than this number, industry veterans with an established client network can easily earn a six-figure salary.

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Name: Catherine Tremblay

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Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.