环世界中世纪mod列表(多图预警) - vanilla原版 - 办公设备维修网 (2024)
























Version: 1

Name: 1.3 中世纪 终


- Id: brrainz.harmony_copy

Name: Harmony

- Id: brrainz.visualexceptions

Name: Visual Exceptions

- Id: ludeon.rimworld

Name: 核心

- Id: ludeon.rimworld.royalty

Name: 皇权

- Id: vanillaexpanded.vtexe

Name: Vanilla Textures Expanded

- Id: cucumpear.azrael.varietycoats

Name: Animal Variety Coats

- Id: com.bymarcin.architecticons

Name: Architect Icons

- Id: fluffy.animaltab

Name: Animal Tab

- Id: jecrell.doorsexpanded

Name: Doors Expanded (Dev)

- Id: jangodsoul.castlewalls

Name: '[JDS] Castle Walls'

- Id: unlimitedhugs.hugslib

Name: HugsLib

- Id: unlimitedhugs.allowtool

Name: Allow Tool

- Id: oskarpotocki.vanillafactionsexpanded.core

Name: Vanilla Expanded Framework

- Id: jaxe.rimhud

Name: RimHUD

- Id: vanillaexpanded.vwetb

Name: Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Tribal

- Id: rimfridge.kv.rw

Name: '[KV] RimFridge'

- Id: lwm.deepstorage

Name: LWM's Deep Storage

- Id: qarsoonmeel.dreamersdream

Name: Dreamer's Dreams

- Id: chinesetranslation.dreamersdream

Name: Dreamer's Dreams_zh

- Id: rwzh.chinesepack.deepstorage

Name: LWM's_Deep_Storage_zh

- Id: vanillaexpanded.vplantse

Name: Vanilla Plants Expanded

- Id: legodude17.smartdecon

Name: Smarter Deconstruction and Mining

- Id: oninotamasi.legodude17.smartdecon.zh

Name: Smarter Deconstruction and Mining繁簡漢化

- Id: automatic.recipeicons

Name: Recipe icons

- Id: mlie.realdining

Name: RealDining (Continued)

- Id: vanya.tools.incidentpersonstat

Name: Incident Person Stat

- Id: shavius.vpe.zh

Name: Vanilla Plants Expanded 原版植物扩展 简繁汉化包

- Id: vanillaexpanded.vwe

Name: Vanilla Weapons Expanded

- Id: ludeon.rimworld.ideology

Name: 文化

- Id: fluffy.modmanager_copy

Name: Mod Manager

- Id: roolo.almostthere

Name: Almost There!

- Id: hawnhan.almostthere.zh

Name: Almost There!_zh

- Id: khamenman.armorracks

Name: Armor Racks

- Id: razor2.3.anotherrimworldmod.autocutblight

Name: Auto-Cut Blight

- Id: ben.automaticnightowl

Name: Automatic Night Owl

- Id: falconne.bwm

Name: Better Workbench Management

- Id: uuugggg.buildfrominventory

Name: Build From Inventory

- Id: brrainz.cameraplus

Name: Camera+

- Id: rwzh.chinesepack.cameraplus

Name: Camera+_zh

- Id: dylan.csl

Name: Children, school and learning

- Id: porquenolosdos.colorcodedmoodbar

Name: Color Coded Mood Bar

- Id: avilmask.commonsense

Name: Common Sense

- Id: tammybee.cutplantsbeforebuilding

Name: Cut plants before building

- Id: unlimitedhugs.defensivepositions

Name: Defensive Positions

- Id: dracoix.doormat.r12a

Name: Door Mat

- Id: edb.preparecarefully

Name: EdB Prepare Carefully

- Id: automatic.bionicicons

Name: Bionic icons

- Id: nunahuralshamikh.entosomnia

Name: Entosomnia - Medieval Cryptosleep

- Id: mlie.sdbridges

Name: '[sd] Bridges (Continued)'

- Id: onegative.reworkedtemperatureextremeevents

Name: Reworked Temperature Extreme Events [1.3]

- Id: soulfulpumpkin.tabletoptrove

Name: Tabletop Trove - Additional Joy Objects and Decor

- Id: rwzh.chinesepack.tabletoptrove

Name: Tabletop_Trove_Additional_Joy_Objects_and_Decor_zh

- Id: tammybee.whereismyweapon

Name: Where is my weapon?

- Id: acruid.repairbench

Name: Repair Workbench

- Id: jp.perfectpathing

Name: Perfect Pathfinding

- Id: neceros.reinforcedwalls

Name: Reinforced Walls

- Id: gha.zh.sdbridges

Name: '[sd]Bridges_zh'

- Id: sdknm2.qualityofbuilding

Name: Quality Of Building

- Id: jbloodthorn.nolazydoctors

Name: No Lazy Doctors

- Id: mehni.numbers

Name: Numbers

- Id: mlie.xndnocturnalanimals

Name: '[XND] Nocturnal Animals (Continued)'

- Id: itchyflea.medicaltraining

Name: Medical Training

- Id: leafzxg.masterofcrafting

Name: Master of Crafting

- Id: leafzxg.masterofcooking

Name: Master of Cooking

- Id: falconne.heatmap

Name: Heat Map

- Id: smuffle.harvestorganspostmortem

Name: Harvest Organs Post Mortem

- Id: atomicgu.harvestorganspostmortemzh

Name: Harvest_Organs_Post_Mortem_zh

- Id: gloomy.gloomyfacemk2

Name: Gloomy Face mk2

- Id: gloomy.gloomyhairmk2

Name: Gloomy Hair mk2

- Id: gguake.ai.dsfi

Name: Do Something for Idle

- Id: tikubonn.dontblockdoor

Name: DontBlockDoor

- Id: factioncontrol.kv.rw

Name: '[KV] Faction Control'

- Id: factioncontrol.cnlangpack

Name: '[KV] Faction Control 简中翻译'

- Id: roolo.giddyupcore

Name: Giddy-up! Core

- Id: roolo.giddyupbattlemounts

Name: Giddy-up! Battle Mounts

- Id: oskarpotocki.vfe.vikings

Name: Vanilla Factions Expanded - Vikings

- Id: rwzh.chinesepack.vikings

Name: Vanilla_Factions_Expanded_Vikings_zh

- Id: roolo.giddyupcaravan

Name: Giddy-up! Caravan

- Id: roolo.giddyuprideandroll

Name: Giddy-up! Ride and Roll

- Id: ogliss.thewhitecrayon.quarry

Name: Quarry

- Id: rwzh.chinesepack.giddyup

Name: Giddy-up!_zh_pack

- Id: solaris.furniturebase

Name: GloomyFurniture

- Id: rwzh.chinesepack.furniturebase

Name: GloomyFurniture_zh

- Id: orion.hospitality

Name: Hospitality

- Id: rwzh.chinesepack.hospitality

Name: Hospitality_zh

- Id: taveron.increasedstack

Name: Increased Stack

- Id: jaxe.bubbles

Name: Interaction Bubbles

- Id: codeoptimist.jobsofopportunity

Name: While You're Up / PUAH+

- Id: rwzh.chinesepack.jobsofopportunity

Name: While_You're_U_PUAH+_zh

- Id: dhultgren.keepbedownership

Name: Keep Bed Ownership

- Id: kahdeg.killfeed

Name: Killfeed

- Id: uuugggg.mealsonwheels

Name: Meals On Wheels

- Id: sickboywi.medieval.vanilla

Name: Medieval - Vanilla

- Id: nunahuralshamikh.lightingandheat

Name: Medieval Lighting and Heat

- Id: nunahuralshamikh.medmed

Name: Medieval Medicines

- Id: sugarhshow654.medievalhmusic

Name: Medieval Music

- Id: nunahuralshamikh.medp

Name: Medieval Prosthetics

- Id: mlie.musicalinstruments

Name: Musical Instruments (Continued)

- Id: zephyr.musicalinstrumentszh

Name: Musical Instruments 简繁汉化包

- Id: meltup.nopowercommssimplified

Name: Nopower Comms Simplified

- Id: zephyr.nunahuralshamikhsmedieval

Name: Nunahur Al-Shamikh's Medieval系列简繁汉化包

- Id: fed1splay.pawntargetfix

Name: PawnTargetFix

- Id: mehni.pickupandhaul

Name: Pick Up And Haul

- Id: hatti.qualitybuilder

Name: QualityBuilder

- Id: uuugggg.replacestuff

Name: Replace Stuff

- Id: reiquard.researchinfo

Name: Research Info

- Id: vinalx.researchpalforked

Name: ResearchPal - Forked

- Id: tammybee.restocknotification

Name: Restock Notification

- Id: arandomkiwi.rimsaves

Name: RimSaves

- Id: rwzh.chinesepack.rimsaves

Name: RimSaves_zh

- Id: sandy.rpgstyleinventory.avilmask.revamped

Name: RPG Style Inventory Revamped

- Id: roolo.runandgun

Name: RunAndGun

- Id: trinity.runtimegcupdated

Name: RuntimeGC [1.3]

- Id: roolo.searchanddestroy

Name: Search and Destroy

- Id: targhetti.showdrafteesweapon

Name: Show Draftees Weapon

- Id: dismarzero.vgp.smokedmeat

Name: Smoked meat

- Id: yoann.somemorejobs

Name: Some more jobs

- Id: jpt.speakup

Name: SpeakUp

- Id: zh.speakup

Name: SpeakUp简体中文汉化包

- Id: balistafreak.stopdropandroll

Name: Stop, Drop, And Roll! [BAL]

- Id: void.terraformrimworld

Name: Terraform Rimworld

- Id: pyrce.terrain.zone.select

Name: Terrain Zone Selections

- Id: timmyliang.tradehelper

Name: TradeHelper

- Id: uuugggg.usebedrolls

Name: Use Bedrolls

- Id: oskarpotocki.vanillafactionsexpanded.medievalmodule

Name: Vanilla Factions Expanded - Medieval

- Id: vanillaexpanded.vcef

Name: Vanilla Fishing Expanded

- Id: rwzh.chinesepack.medievalmodule

Name: Vanilla_Factions_Expanded_Medieval_zh

- Id: rwzh.chinesepack.vcef

Name: Vanilla_Fishing_Expanded_zh

- Id: rwzh.chinesepack.vtexe

Name: Vanilla_Textures_Expanded_zh

- Id: com.yayo.yayoani

Name: Yayo's Animation

- Id: com.yayo.caravanvisual

Name: Yayo's Caravan

- Id: com.yayo.combat3

Name: Yayo's Combat 3

- Id: shavius.yayocombat3.zh

Name: Yayo's Combat 3 简繁汉化包

- Id: tangw.medievaldecoration

Name: 【TW】中世纪装饰 Medieval~Decoration~

- Id: fluffy.medicaltab

Name: Medical Tab

- Id: brrainz.justignoremepassing

Name: Just Ignore Me Passing

- Id: vanillaexpanded.varme

Name: Vanilla Armour Expanded

- Id: oblitus.animalslogic

Name: Animals Logic

- Id: chinesetranslation.castlewalls

Name: '[JDS]Castle Walls城墙 简繁汉化'

环世界中世纪mod列表(多图预警) - vanilla原版 - 办公设备维修网 (2024)
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Author: Dan Stracke

Last Updated:

Views: 6428

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (63 voted)

Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.